#but maybe he shouldn't have memory wiped all his brother's friends
mildarka · 4 months
For the art request I'd like to ask for reverted AU Night in Killer's big jacket missing the boys and Dream trying to comfort him?
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Dream's trying his best
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max-nico · 9 months
Sonic noticed Tails glaring at him a few minutes ago. He hasn't called it out or said anything, after about a year of being with the kid he's learned it's better to let Tails come to him first. Though he will say his patience has been wearing thin, it's been a week of nonstop staring and cutting eyes.
Sonic glances at Tails with an eyebrow raise making the fox flush in embarrassment. For another few minutes Tails sits with his namesakes on his lap and his head buried in their fluff. Sonic gives him privacy and looks the other way, hoping not to embarrass him any further, he'd really prefer not to prompt the kid more than he has to.
"I uhm- I have a question. If that's okay." Sonic shrugs, reaching down to dig in his bag, but he's not reallt looking for anything. "Oh, if you're looking for the cans of chili we put them in my bag, remember?"
Sonic plays it off as if that's what he was looking for, it's basically dinner time anyway so it's not a waste to start cooking.
"Right uhm- anyway, what makes you different?" Tails asks.
Sonic raises an eyebrow again, asking him to elaborate.
"I just... We're friends right-" Sonic nods without hesitation- "okay good. It's just that the people back at Westside didn't like me much, so... So why do you?"
Sonic gives another shrug. Is he supposed to have a reason for liking him? It just came naturally. He had a good heart, big ambitions, and an even bigger brain. Is there a reason he shouldn't like the fox?
"Is there a reason I shouldn't like you?" Sonic signs.
Tails' snout wrinkles a little, "Obviously."
The hedgehog gestures for Tails to keep talking.
"I'm weird, and I can't brush my fur by myself yet, I talk too much, I take half a portion of your food, I slow you down I-"
"It's our food, and you don't slow me down," Sonic huffs. "Those things don't matter. Why would they make me not like you?"
Tails frowns, gripping his Tails between his fingers, seeming unsure of the answer himself. His mouth opens and closes as he tries to gather his thoughts into a neat sentence, and Sonic continues food prep. An anticipatory silence sits between them.
It's not until Sonic's almost done with the first chilidog that Tails speaks again. His voice is a quiet murmur under cracking fire and a few distant flickies, but Sonic still catches his voice and it's little sniffles in the wind.
"I can't understand how someone so cool can like something that wasn't even tolerated by its parents..."
And isn't that heartbreaking? Sonic could join Tails crying after hearing that. What's he even supposed to say? Is there anything he can say?
Sonic places a hand on Tails' shoulder to get his attention, making the fox wipe his tears away.
"Your parents were dumb."
"But they were the smartest people in the village! My dad was the head research-"
Sonic places a hand over Tails' muzzle to quiet him.
"Being the smartest dumb person in a room full of dumb people isn't the win you think it is."
Tails looks away from Sonic with a sniffle and huff, wiping his eyes again.
If Sonic could take it all away he would. Unfortunately, he doesn't have memory altering magic, at least as far as he knows.
"How about I become your new family. I can be your brother or something." He says on a whim, looking for something to make the kid feel better. Maybe offering a replacement family would be better than claiming the old one.
And for just a moment Tails looks starstruck. His already teary eyes grow large and seem to well up even more before he tilts his face down, his eyes glistening in the ever brighter glow of the campfire.
Sonic swears he didn't do anything wrong, but those tears make him feel like the scum of the earth.
"You're just trying to make me feel better... You wouldn't actually want that. No one in their right mind would."
Sonic crouches down in front of Tails, waiting for him to turn and look him in the eyes. It feels like an eternity before the fox actually looks at him, and Sonic grasps desperately at the patience he's never had, but is determined to find.
Tails' face fur is wet and sticks up awkwardly, and the eye contact he gives is minimal at best but Sonic will take that over nothing.
Gently, Sonic bumps his fist to Tails chest, right above where his heart is. "We're brothers!" He says, in a voice that's just as foreign to the fox as it is to him. The re in the word we're doesn't quite come across, neither does the br in brothers making the word sound like buzzers, but Tails seems to understand him anyway.
Sonic can't tell if the fox is surprised by him standing his ground or by him talking, but it's probably a healthy mix of both. He repeats himself, pushing just a little harder on Tails chest to get the point across.
Tightly, Tails squeezes his eyes shut. Heaving out a sob, dropping his head down to stare at the log he's sitting on.
"Okay." The fox mumbles, "Let's be brothers."
Yooooo guess who finally wrote something !!! (Hint, it's me !!!) After receiving some of the most devastating news of my life, I decided to write some hurt comfort !!! Welcome back unbreakable bond fans, I'm glad I could keep us all fed this winter's night !!! I have so many unfinished drafts but take this, and thanks for reading !!!
This is NOT ship content. I am under the same name on AO3, and will post this there soon ! Come hit up my DMs or my askbox for now !! Toodles !!
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wiedzmacienia · 11 months
an anon asked: if you could bring back one person who would it be? and why? (tum.blr ate the ask so i'm pretty sure this was to the effect of what the ask had said.)
sea hues reflect against the low light of the house, green with flecks of blue staring at the flames in the fire place as she smooths the hair on a child's sleeping head. octavia had fallen asleep awhile before, henry sitting in the living room of the rarely used house in connecticut while sarah was off on a mission. despite henry tallmadge's incessant need to protect his wife sarah, the two had made the decision that when they would do missions for division they'd rarely be on the same ones. katarzyna knew it was hard for them considering their line of work but it had been an important choice her great (times many) grandson had decided to make when his daughter was born. it was a decision katarzyna supported for it ensured octavia would always have a parent should something happen as henry refused to heed her plea for him to abstain from joining the order. she'd only wanted to protect him. she'd lost so much over the years, outlived children and grandchildren and seen wars take them and henry had been one of the few left of the family she'd once made so long ago. and she could see ben (@honorhearted) in him, even all these generations down the line. henry had had ben's stubbornness too.
henry's question is one which brings her gaze back toward him, her mind wondering what prompted such a question. maybe it was the house. it was so rarely used and so filled with things that exuded history and memory. they'd only come there because octavia had wanted to see the horses and while many times katarzyna had attempted to keep a distance lest her own darkness touch them, she'd found such a thing harder once henry had made his choice to join division. and then sarah and octavia had become factors too. his question is a loaded one and katarzyna thinks it would have had a different answer depending upon the time of her life she thinks on as flashes of memory cross her mind.
had she been asked such a thing in the days or even years after her she'd been brought back to life from burnt ash she thinks the answer would have been an easy one. her parents. so desperate was she for some form of guidance. for the embrace of loving parents in a harsh world. they had given themselves (and many others) to bring her and kasper (@everythingheard) back. and all the girl of fifteen who had feld the destruction of her village with her twin brother with nothing but the clothes on their backs had wanted was her parents. but they wouldn't have been happy if only one had been brought back and not the other. for they were each other's heart. and.. if her parents had been brought back then her and kasper would be no more. there was always balance to spells. her parents gave themselves for them. to bring them back would be to cancel the sacrifice they'd made. that hadn't stopped a blonde child from asking god for them back in those moments she'd awake in the night from nightmares of fire longing for the embrace of a parent to chase the bad dreams away.
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katarzyna thinks if she had been asked after she'd joined the order-- once she'd truly bonded with zalan that was-- she'd have said rozina. for she could see the pain he held over the death of his daughter. the sadness and the longing to have her back. his grief was like her own though perhaps worse. yes, she knew now that it was worse. a parent shouldn't outlive their child. and katarzyna had come to see zalan as a father and him her as a daughter. if she had been able to give rozina back to him, she thinks she would have even if it would have meant so much of her story with him would have been wiped away. and what would have happened then? without his training and the experiences they'd shared she held no doubt she would not have seen the centuries following.
it would be easy too to name the friends who had died over the years. the friends who had been taken in the war and in battles. beth who had been lost to the british and who's death still lingered in matthew's eyes made so much worse by the state of her spirit even now. the loyal officer john (@myersbprd) that had served her cause during the revolution. even his wife davina (@legaciestold) their children taken in by her after their deaths and forever entwined in the story of her family, of the ancestors of henry too. yet as much pain as their losses had brought, no pain was like the loss of the single soul which was the true answer to henry's question. the soul which sat within her heart and would forever live there until her dying breath. a soul which had never truly lived and yet was real and pure and loved by her. for katarzyna had given her husband two beautiful children, samantha and george, twins like her and her brother. and they had raised so many children as their own in the orphanage they had built. children like georgia, oliver, and grace, john and davina's children who had brought about the idea of the orphanage when their parents had died.
it was the child who she had failed which caused her soul to ache. the child which her body had been unable to carry to life because of the darkness of which had brought her back to life so long ago. nature had let her have the twins but had refused her body anymore. two had been brought back from ash and two would be brought forth to her. no more. no less. and her body had been unable to handle another pregnancy to the end no matter how badly she had wanted it. no matter how hard she pleaded to god for it once she had dared to hope. they hadn't planned any of the children but why had fate given her another just to take them away? why had god? there was no loss like that of a child. no pain quite like carrying a child nearly to term and giving birth to one who had no cries. and if katarzyna could bring back one soul it would be that child that she and ben had lost. that nature hadn't let her give life to.
katarzyna looks away from henry and down to the child laying with her head across her lap, dreaming peacefully. so unaware of the dangers of the world around them. (of the dangers that would soon take octavia's parents from her and bring back ben to katarzyna in the same breath just to attempt to take him too in just a few short years.) "there's no loss like that of losing a child. it's something i promise you will never know." perhaps it's not quite a true answer to his question but she thinks from the way she feels his gaze on her he understands in some measure. it's the only answer he was going to get from her on such a topic and, it was honest.
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blueparadis · 2 years
━━━━━━━ ❝Rock n’ Roll ❞ ━━━━ ft. Mitsuya Takashi
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言 content & warnings — afab-reader, enemies to lovers, college au, mature language, fluff, humour, mention of Draken, Yuzuha,Hakkai; usage of alcohol, f-oral, f-receiving, branding, semi-public smut, exhibitionism, dom Mitsuya, basketball player Mitsuya, cheerleader reader, subish reader, non-explicit smut, slowburn ; precis— an encounter, a prank, a misunderstanding — a rebel love. wc ~2.5 k
言 notes: this is a part of ‘Go fuck yourself’ hosted by @spookydiluc & ‘mitsuya collab ’ hosted by @arlertslove
言 tagging my lovelies <3: @zoraedits @etheralyonn @1900-aria @haitaniapologist
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The low buzz of your phone faded as soon as you reached the entrance of the university. You exhaled out deeply before entering the campus, hoping for the warmest memories to take with you at the end of the semester. How naive were you to think that life is all about roses and rays of sunshine; it's full of thorns and grey skies.
The first day often revolves around assigning yourself to clubs, getting to know the professors, making friends, and maybe in the process you'd catch someone's eye; you did but it wasn't as you expected it to be. To the very least, it was the most embarrassing memory you ever had.
“Don’t you know you shouldn't be here without your proper uniform, I mean in skirts and short tees?”, a low husky voice echoed throughout the playing court as you stood motionless for a while.
“I’m looking for the cheerleaders club”, you meekly mumble turning around and finding a guy with bleached hair, a dragon tattoo on his skull, skin glistening in sweat.
He wipes off his face with his black jersey exposing his muscular body frame. “and it's proper to have a tattoo and come in practice?”, you tartly spoke gaining his congested eyebrows and eager eyes. He scoffs to which you roll your eyes and walks into the adjacent clubroom. No one was there but as soon as you went outside through the backdoor, you saw a girl distributing pamphlets. Her batch read: Vice-president Yuzuha Shiba.
“Hello, I would like to—
“we would love to have you
— as a cheerleader, I'm here to sign up in the cheerleaders’ crew”, you prompt to which she pouts a little looking up to the boy standing behind him. Hakkai Shiba read his batch. As you waited outside for a while Yuzuha went inside the clubroom to fetch a form. She conveyed that you'll be notified the next day since the group is already full. She probably hoped for a helping hand since he hates to work with his brother and Mitsuya is an absolute ass.
A week later, you entered the club room again wearing a matching pair of skirts and tee, hair tied in a ponytail. Even though you were recruited, something has been bothering you; Yuzuha was nice and kind, she said that there are no chances of a vacancy but a member wouldn't hurt the team spirit. You were humming a tune merrily thinking about your lucky approval being unaware of a quick-paced set of footsteps.
“Welcome y/n”, a big roar that almost made you gasp startling you to the core. “Ohh Thank you! Glad to be here”, you added as you relaxed your muscles, heartbeat slowing down and as you turned around you saw a guy dressed in a proper uniform. You tilted up your head and your eyes flashed. “Fuck!”, you muttered. A cheeky grin smothered his face and you immediately realized that he is the president and also the other guy with whom you already started a cold war.
Days passed silently which isn't a good thing because silent days bring more chaos in the future and that's exactly what happened. “Hey y/n, pass me the water bottle.”, Draken said extending his hand breathing heavily googly eyes blinking as he waited. “Say please!”, you slipped to which he just snatches the water bottle from your hand with a “hmph” You chuckled at him. You knew Draken before you came here for academics. But you didn't know he was one of his closest pals of Takashi and it shattered you knowing that his annoying shadow lurks over you.
Mitsuya had no intention of harming any of you two but seeing you all giddy & warm around Draken made him uncomfortable. He never felt that before. He was never swept away by petty things like jealousy, or envy. Besides, why would he? He had all the attention, so why does it bother him when your eyes don't stay on him while others never avert from him?
“Want some help?”, Mitsuya utters knocking on the door as you were busy helping Yuzuha and Hakkai. Hakkai merrily walks up to his senior conveying how a star like him shouldn't soil their reputation with such chores. “Ughhh...how annoying!”, Yuzuha rolls her eyes walking towards the locker room. As you followed her you tilted your head towards them; not sure what made you do so but you shouldn't have. Your eyes met his. It was briefer than a twinkling star yet it made your heart reverberate like a blood drum.
“Has Hakkai been always like this?”, you ask stacking the boxes. “Always!”, Yuzuha scoffs making you chuckle. “Is he— you try to speak but hesitate. Yuzuha swiftly picks up the cue continuing your thought, “single?” “of course he is. No one's gonna date someone that mean!”, she supplied. Although you weren't going for his relationship status she answered what you needed to know. ‘He has got a bad attitude’, you ponder as you walk out through the back exit.
It was almost a month since you were adjusting yourself to this new town but no one could be prepared for everything. Checking your phone as you walked out of the campus, you saw Draken and Mitsuya. “Are you gonna be there for freshers?”, Mitsuya asked sipping the beer.
“I don't know. Probably I'll. If she comes, I've too”, Draken replies as makes himself comfortable on his bike ignoring Mitsuya’s presence. And that's what exactly he hates most. It wouldn't be bothering if you had shot him a look or smiled at him like others do as most girls do.
“This...your girl?”, his lips slip the oddest as he keeps his eyes on his friend not you while you simply wrap your arms around Draken's torso. And that was his cue; Draken checked his watch laughing at Mitsuya’s query leaving him baffled. “I need to drop her home. Catch up with you later.”, he remarks before fading from his periphery of vision.
You didn't know what you just did. How could you? Nothing is more important than a freshly released album by your favorite artist. You hum the tune keeping the song on a loop enjoying the cold gush of wind. “Y/N are you listening?”, Draken asks as he halts before your house. He plugs out your earphone exclaiming with irritation, “Are you gonna attend the fresher's party?” You thought back for a while and since you didn't get to enjoy much lately you thought it'd be a good shot to make friends.
The party was amazing. Everyone was swelling with serotonin and madness. What else you could do except stealing the show? It's been so long that you haven't had fun for a while and nights like these unfurls you from your cocooned heart. Yuzuha was with you the whole time; she has never seen you like this and hence it was certainly a massive gain to recruit you to her club.
Your eyes searched for Ken and fixed on a bottle of beer. You picked it up and walked into the main room. Popping up the cap with your teeth you entered a room full of guys and Wallah! You spotted him. He looked handsome as ever, laughing and busy with his friends. You noticed your grumpy captain by his side and for once he failed to notice you.
“Hey Ken!”, you yelled as you walked towards him. “Woahhh. Watch out dear!”, he rasps as you trip. Your eyes search for a seat yet indeed the disappointment flashed onto your face. “No No Noh!” and you always loved to rebel; tonight wasn't an exception. You sat onto his lap taking his arms around yours seeking something, anything for support to lean in. Everyone in the room let out a thrilling cheer but Mitsuya didn't.
Mitsuya noticed how drunk you were. Draken's hand wraps around your body, to keep you in place. You're so drunk that you could barely notice anything properly. And soon you dozed off. But Mitsuya didn't fail to notice how you were asleep in his arms. You looked so peaceful. His breath hitched as he saw Draken's toned muscular arms grazing your boobs. “Oh God damn! Why the fuck does she drinks so much!”, Draken yells in irritation.
“Relax. Let me help”, Mitsuya exclaims with a warm chuckle. And as he takes you against his side, pressing you against his arms so that your head rests on his shoulder, he realized he did some terrible. He started to harbor feelings for you that day; totally born from young lust. It felt wrong. It felt exhilarating too.
When you woke up your heavy eyelids trying to skim through the hazy vision saw a black jersey. “Hey, babe! Didn't know you had it in you!”, a husky voice wrecked your senses.
“wha-art?”, you buzzed.
“Yeah! I mean you really lasted long. How starved were you y/n?”
Nah! Draken doesn't sound like that. Your head aches as you sit upright and couldn't recognize the room. “What the fuck? What did you do?”
“Ha! Me? It was all you honey!”, Mitsuya prompts as you stand up, wearing an oversized white jacket. Chest heaving with fear, eyes bubbling with brood as agony perforated into your soul. You quickly walked out of the room finding Yuzuha. “Yuzu, what happened last night?”
“Look at you, looking so sexy in his jacket!”, she coos making you all the more nervous.
“Yuzu focus. What happened last night?”
“You put up a real treat for us! ”
“Just tell me God damn it.”
Yuzuha rolls her eyes exclaiming adorably how much of a headache you were while she changed your clothes. She also added how you ended up in Mitsuya’s room while the twin dragons slept in the other. Your volcanic senses were calm now yet anger was still lurking in your heart. “Yuzuha, why did you spoil the fun—
Mitsuya couldn't continue anymore. You glared at him and it was enough to shut him up. You exhaled a deep breath before speaking: “I see! So all wanted is just some attention”. Mitsuya swears his heart never raced faster like this before. “But you’ve plenty.”, you added as you noticed Draken approaching with a toothbrush in his mouth. “What happened?”, he asked as you vanished out of the sight.
Mitsuya opens his mouth and hesitates to speak but eventually, he did. “I was being an absolute ass”, he gulped as he paused.
“As usual!”, Yuzuha adds to which Hakkai slips, “Taka-Chan don't mind her. She was in this too!”, Draken looked at both of them with shock in his eyes and yelled, “Fucccckkkkk”
A week passed yet you still carried Mitsuya’s white jacket in your bag, every day. It was hard to find him. You didn't see him much and you wanted to apologize for acting so rudely. After all, if it weren't for him, you'd have probably ended up in someone else's house. Sure, Draken was there but he had your traits: a bad drunk.
Finding the locker room was empty you decided to keep his jersey in his box. As you were about to close the metal shaft, a voice emerges. You curse yourself for being so right and having such a stroke of ill luck. “Draken’s not here.”, Mitsuya mumbles walking up to you.
“I came to return this.”
“is it dry cleaned?”, he asked meekly.
“of course. Had a whole week!”, you huff.
Mitsuya’s heart drops again. He was avoiding you because he didn't want to lose the last thread between you and him. It just snapped right in front of him. You were on the other side of the metal membrane he was standing on. Taking quick steps, cursing yourself about how pathetic you were for not apologizing a firm grab halted you.
“I’m sorry!”, Mitsuya spoke face tainted with guilt while letting go of his grip. You're not sure about what part he's apologizing for. From day one, he has been an absolute ass to you.
“Yeah, sorry. I didn't think — didn't think it would get to you— so badly. I'm sorry.”
There's nothing to say. You still couldn't forget the feeling, the humiliation. You nodded. Before you leave his sight, he asks, “Is Draken your boyfriend?”
“Would a yes make you lose interest in me? Then yes”, you tartly replied and without getting any response you turned around only to find an empty locker room again.
Does a heart feel lonely before falling in love?
Another week passed. You stopped going to practice. You decided to quit. Seeing him every day all happy and giddy amongst his girl fans burnt your heart. It did back then too but it didn't turn your heart pitch-black, unlike this time.
Flipping through the pages of the library, mind going haywire for that particular book unaware of your surroundings you clashed with tumbling all the books on the floor the person was carrying.
“I’m so sorry...I’ll help. Here. ”, and as you were about to keep the book you saw Mitsuya. He had the same look in his, burning in sadness. “All done!”, you replied and walked passed by him, hoping for him to make you stop, hoping for a miracle. It didn't happen and why would it? He didn't have time to look at you anymore.
As you were out of the campus you couldn't find Draken in his usual spot. Draken usually waits for you to drop you hope but today he wasn't there. Your heart sank, not because he was absent but instead Mitsuya was there with his bike eyes busy on phone. If you were to go home you had to pass by him and since he was busy you took the wildest chance. “Draken’s not coming today. He told me—
“So, you do listen to others!”
Mitsuya scoffs and steps out of the bike. He's had enough of your pesky attitude. He walks towards you and grabs your biceps firmly exclaiming, “Listen I hate you as much as you do. So, just go straight home so that your sweet caring boyfriend doesn't get worried.”
Even though your senses stopped, your heart rebelled. “He is not my boyfriend and please back away.” Mitsuya realizes his anger seeped through his palms and imprinted on your skin. He parts his lips and you relaxed as he stepped back. It wouldn't have been fifteen minutes since you were in the lonely juncture of the turn the sound of a motorbike kept ringing in your ear.
You turned around but you could only feel cold hands cupping your face sucking your lips meticulously. Everything happened so fast that you could barely revolt. Mitsuya pulled out for a brief moment as he looks into your eyes mumbling, “Not sorry for this!”
He's so close that you could feel his heated cheeks. He presses your hands above your head kissing you again. This time you weren't a rebel, not anymore. His legs nudge against your feminity as he groans feeling your teeth over his lips yet he still doesn't stop. Your toes curl as he sucks your bottom lip followed by a bite.
He swiftly shifts you onto his bike shoving his hand into your underwear, his lips still sucking yours. You could hear his smirk as he rubs your wet folds. Your hands wrapped around his nape melting under his touch. He breaks the kiss letting you breathe. Your head rested against his chest, heartbeats synced, raced against each other as he pulls out his fingers. It's slick wet with your juices.
Mitsuya licks his fingers clean. “Hey...”, he coos , palm skimming through your hair making you shut your eyes. All you could do was hum, “hmmm?” He kissed your cheeks, “wanna see you in that jacket once more!”, boldly whispering into your ears making a gush of warmth flow through your cheeks as kissed your pulse point; rough enough to mark you, to make you his.
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aine-ayase · 3 years
hello everyone!! It's my birthday:DD so i wrote up a little something something as a treat. Albedo is a full on oneshot while the others are just birthday wishes they might say aside from their voice lines, i hope you guys enjoy it :]]]
a/n; idk if they have fridges or parchment paper in teyvat but I'm pretty sure they just put cakes in cold places or something
Warnings: kissing, mention of slapping a child, fluff, slight angst like literally the size of a raindrop,no proofread might be cringe and wrong grammar sorry, and more fluff.
"Happy birthday. The staff had prepared a feast later this evening for your celebration, I hope it is to your liking."
"Happy birthday. Mortal life is always short, I hope to make more memories with you for the rest of your life."
"Happy birthday, today is a joyous occasion. Would you like to hear the haiku I made for you?"
You woke up at your shared bed expecting your lover to still be asleep next to you but when you felt no presence beside you, You immediately started looking around the room. Really, you expected him to be at home today. Maybe he was in the kitchen? Yeah that could be it.
You quickly get ready for your day and go down stairs. "Ah! Big sibling (Y/N), Happy birthday!" Klee greeted you with a big smile that you couldn't help but reciprocate. "Good morning Klee, Thank you. Have you had lunch yet?" Klee shakes her head no as you pat her head. "That's alright, go ahead and take a seat. I'll make lunch for both of us."
You frown when you see no sign of pale blonde hair walking around in your shared apartment. You sigh, finishing the dish and presenting it to Klee who jumps up and down in excitement making you laugh at her cute actions. "Have you seen Albedo?" You asked as you both started eating.
"Klee heard big brother Albedo going out of the house really reallyyy early this morning!" Klee exclaims.
"Hm?" Albedo halted his movements when he heard faint shuffling, turning his head towards the noise he saw his sister Klee in her nightgown you bought for her, clutching Dodoco on one hand and rubbing her eyes on the other.
"Big brother Albedo?" Klee called out to him. Albedo kneeled and patted her stray hairs down, "I'm sorry did I wake you?" Klee nods, letting out a big yawn. "Let's get you back to bed alright?" He carried her back to her room and tucked her in.
"Big brother Albedo, Where were you going?" Klee asks half asleep, Albedo opens his mouth to respond but she was already too sleepy to comprehend what he was saying.
"Is that so?" You frown a little before fixing your smile back, "Do you like the food?" Klee nods as a peaceful silence envelopes the house.
That's weird, Albedo told me he requested a day off today.There's no way he would forget your birthday would he? You bit your lip, There's actually a chance he would though… Ugh, you love that man very much and admire his passion for his work but sometimes, just sometimes, you wish he would take a break and breathe a little.
You fight back the tears threatening to escape and wipe them off swiftly when Klee wasn't looking.
"Do you want to go play with Diona today?" You ask the little girl a bit surprised when she shakes her head no.
"Nope! It's big sibling's birthday! Big sibling shouldn't be alone on their birthday, that'll be lonely! Klee is always with the knights of Favonius so Klee is never lonely but Big sibling like to be alone so they don't have many friends!" You get a bit offended at the last sentence but maintain your cool. "That's why Klee is going to be with Big sibling all day today!"
The negative thoughts started disappearing when Klee said those words to you, a bright smile matching her own stretches your face. "Thank you Klee, Do you want to bake a cake with me?" She nods happily and stretches her arms up to you, getting a clue of what she wants, you carried her to the kitchen and helped her put on an apron.
"I'm home." Albedo announced his presence as a loud THUD echoed in the kitchen. Quickly running towards there he finds Klee covered in flour and you frantically searching for a wash cloth. He relaxed once he knew both of you were safe and helped you clean the mess.
"Ah, Big brother Albedo, Welcome home!"
"Welcome home, my love."
Both of you greet him as he pats Klee's head and kisses your cheek. A familiar warmth pooling in his chest as you cleaned Klee's face with a wet towel with a small smile on your face, It almost looks like you were a parent looking after their child– wait, parent? Flustered by his thoughts, Albedo coughs and starts sweeping the flour off the floor.
"What were you two doing?" Albedo asked as he finished sweeping the floor. "We were making a cake for Big sibling's birthday!" You bite your lip looking at Albedo's reaction, hoping he didn't forget. Albedo smiled, "I see, would you like another pair of helping hands?" You nod, preparing the other ingredients for easier access.
"Where did you go this morning?" You ask as you crack the eggs into the bowl. "I had some errands to run." Albedo lied, noticing your distressed face he added, "Don't worry, I didn't go to the workshop." You huffed and started folding the batter. "You know me so well, don't you?" Albedo hummed and kissed your cheek "Of course. It would be shameful for me as your boyfriend if I didn't."
"Klee finished washing the bowl!" You crouch down at her level as she awaits for her next task. Chuckling, you hand her the baking mold and some parchment paper. "Okay, The next task you're going to do is really important alright?" Klee nods, buzzing with excitement. "You're gonna have to cut the paper lengthwise then trace the mold to the paper so the cake wouldn't get burnt."
"Okay! Klee is great at tracing and cutting, Klee did that when Master Jean put me in solitary confinement!" Klee proudly states as she begins tracing the paper.
"You really know how to keep her calm huh." Albedo says as he wraps his arms around your waist as you move around the kitchen, "What can I say, I'm great with kids." Albedo raised an eyebrow at your sentence and hums, "Last I remember you said 'That piece of $*!* I'm gonna slap a child if he keeps doing that!" You repeatedly slap his arm as he chuckles at your actions.
"That was because he kept stepping on the sweet flowers that was commissioned to me!" He shakes his head and kisses your nape, trying to calm you down.
<fast forward bc I need to order cake for my own bday>
"And there, the cake is done." You presented it after taking it out of the fridge. Klee awed as Albedo took a picture of the three of you on the Kamera.
"It's so pretty!" You laughed as you placed the cake down on the table. "Isn't it? Your decorating skills are very nice." You pat Klee's head as she preens on your praise and Albedo lit the candle on the cake while Klee hurriedly closed off all the lights.
A big smile adoring your face as the siblings sang happy birthday. You were truly lucky to have both of them part of your life.
"Happy birthday (Y/N)~" They finished singing as you closed your eyes to make a wish.
Albedo watched you, trying to remember the lighting and the expression you're making to paint it all later. He smiled as you opened your eyes, blowing out the candle as Klee cheers and hugs your torso. He opened the lights again and sat down beside you.
He kissed your knuckles as you laughed at his actions. "For the longest time, Love was a... difficult emotion to decipher for me, But ever since meeting you. I have now fully grasped the meaning of love. Thank you for teaching me that, Happy birthday my beloved."
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thedaredevilsgirl · 3 years
Dear Teacher - Part 2
warnings: teacher and student relationship (The reader is between 19 and 25 years old and please don't get involved with your teachers) angst,fluff, smut (fingering, unprotected sex -Please use a condom- dirty talk)
Word count: 3342 (surely the most I have ever written)
N/A: Hey, many people were asking, so I brought you part two of dear teacher, I hope you like it.I am creating a taglist, message me if you want to be added 💖💖
Part 1
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When Tom woke up on Saturday morning he was disappointed to realize that you were no longer there, for a moment he thought that maybe it had all been a dream or just his imagination playing with him, but something inside him knew that no, that the incident had really happened.
"Incident" was how Tom was referring to the whole of Friday night. It had been a bad idea, he knew, meeting you at that bar, inviting you to sit with him, kissing you, taking you to his apartment, and everything that happened after that. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it.
 Tom was nervous. It was the first time he had seen her since Friday and he still didn't know how to handle it.
You walked into the auditorium that morning and it seemed that fate loved to play with you as the two of your gazes met almost instantly, he swallows dryly and you blush before quickly looking away and running to your seat at the back of the room.
 "Good morning everyone" He says starting his class, everyone in the room answers him quickly.
 "Good morning Mr. Holland" Cindy, one of your students, says cheerfully "Looks like you had a great weekend" she points to a small purple spot on your neck, all the students start laughing as soon as she notices it. You sink into your chair, wanting to hide, mortified with embarrassment, remembering very well that you made that mark on Tom who was blushing in front of everyone's eyes.
"Anyway" he huffs loudly taking the students' attention back to class "I've corrected your Brontë sisters' papers, I'm happy to say that we got very good grades, but only one got a top grade, I'll give it back to you Wednesday" he says before continuing his lesson. 
The class passes slowly, like torture for both of them, they just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. They needed to talk about what they had done, but they were more than happy not to do that today.
"That's all for today, remember to turn in your next paper on Monday and get ready for the debate next month, see you all on Wednesday" he says to everyone as his class ends. Slowly the room starts to empty, but you can't get out as a hand grabs your wrist making you turn to see who it was.
"Y/N" Mike, the boy who had missed your date on Friday was standing there holding your hand "I just wanted to apologize again for not coming on Friday, I didn't mean to ruin your weekend kitten" he apologizes.
"It's okay, really, you didn't ruin my weekend" you answer politely.
"If you want" he says getting closer to you "We can reschedule, I promise I won't cancel this time" he gives you a conquering smile.
Tom settles back in his chair, moving his hands nervously across his lap. He didn't want to hear your conversation, but as soon as he heard no names being called he started to pay attention, he had no right to be jealous, you weren't his girl, but he hoped you wouldn't accept it, you deserved much better than that boy in front of you.
"Mike, I'm sorry, but I can't accept it" You say, trying to be polite and pulling away from him a little.
"Just a date kitten" Tom rolls his eyes from where he was sitting, did he not understand what no was?
"We better just be friends" you dismiss yourself before leaving the room.
"Girls" the idiot says before leaving the room.
Thomas only saw you once that day, talking to your friends in the hallways.
He felt your gaze on him, which made his heart beat faster, and when he returned your gaze you looked away, blushing at having been caught in the act.
As he lay in his bed that night, the memories came back, he was beginning to hate it. Avoidance and being avoided, the two of them should talk about what happened instead of pretending not to and acting like children.
You were pacing back and forth in the hallway, debating with yourself, trying to decide whether or not to go into that office.
This morning, as Tom walked around the room handing out corrected papers to his students, he left his paper on your desk whispering a congratulations before moving on to the next student. You saw the top grade written on the first page and a little yellow post-it note placed there saying "Meet me in my office at 18:00, please".
It was still 17:50, you could still get away from there and that conversation, but you didn't want to, as nervous as you were you knew what you needed to do. You knock on the door and open it just as you hear a "come in" coming from inside.
"You came" he says getting up from his chair and gives you a shy smile.
"You asked..."
"I didn't think you would actually come."
"I think we really should talk Mr. Holland" you says nervously looking down at her own feet so she doesn't have to face him.
"Mister Holland?" He asks "I thought i asked to call me Tom"
"I can't do that"
"I understand" His voice, there was something different in it, hurt perhaps.
A silence fills the room for a few minutes before he begins to speak.
"I'm sorry about Friday."
"Why are you apologizing?" You asks without understanding.
"I just...thought you..." He sighs walking over to stand in front of your desk, only a few steps away from you.
"I don't regret what we did" You speak as soon as you realize where your speech was going.
"No?" He finally looks directly at you.
"No, my God, I loved every part of that night" a small smile appears on his lips which fades soon after as you continue to speak "But that doesn't mean it wasn't wrong, we shouldn't have let it get to that point".
"I know it wasn't, I know...it was so wrong"
For some reason it was painful to be in that room without being able to touch him again.
"I really wish I wasn't your teacher" he walks towards you "To have met you at another time, maybe then I could have had you to myself, take you out without fear of anyone seeing us, hold your hand, kiss you" His hand caresses your face and you close your eyes leaning in to feel his touch more "I wanted so much Y/N, I wanted to make you my girl...I really like you"
"Thomas, I like you too..." You sigh, your heart aching with every word spoken "But sometimes liking isn't enough for two people to stay together."
"I know, and that's the part that hurts the most" He forehead rests against yours, both of you with your eyes closed, in-between sloshed breaths that were already mingling, Tom felt a tear run down his cheek, your mouths so close "Y/N..."
"Tom man, we are late, your brothers will kill us if we are late again" Someone says opening the door suddenly just as you and he are about to kiss. The two of you quickly walk away panting for breath trying to recover from the moment, Tom quickly wipes the tear from his face. A tall blond man that you had seen other times in the halls together with Tom looks at you not understanding anything.
"Am I interrupting something?" the blond man asks suspiciously.
"No" the two of you answer quickly.
"Harrison, this is my student, Y/N" Tom introduces the two of you, perhaps as a way to change the subject "Y/N, this is Harrison Osterfield, professor in the physics department and my best friend".
"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/N" He extends his hand to greet her " I have heard Tom compliment you several times, always saying that you are the best student in your class".
"My pleasure Mr. Osterfield" you shake his hand "I think he is just exaggerating a lot, anyway, I better go, I don't want to get in the way anymore, bye" you take your things and leave the room leaving the two men alone there.
"Wait a moment" He say to Harrison before coming after you.
He holds your wrist and makes you look at him, honestly he almost didn't care anymore that the two of you were standing in the middle of the empty university hallway.
"Y/N please" he says.
"Please what?" you say hurt "Do you want me to stay here? To fight for a passion that is doomed to fail? Something that could end my life at this university or end your career?
"Don't talk like that, we can make it work" he says hurt.
"I wish I was brave enough to try, I swear I do" you let go of his hand "But I'm not, it was just one night stand sex and as much as I like you I know that the sooner we get over it and move on the better, for both of us" you turn and walk away, leaving Tom standing there alone in the hallway with his hurt.
Your heart was still hurting. Last night you collapsed on your knees as soon as you got to your dorm room and let the tears finally fall, you were lucky you didn't have a roommate so you could cry all day long without having to answer questions about why you were so bad. And you cried until your eyes hurt, screamed against your pillow until your throat burned, let the sadness leave your body until you finally gave in to tiredness and went to sleep.
Tom was no better off than you, he spent the whole dinner with your family quiet while everyone else at the table talked, he wished so much that he wasn't in love with you, he wished it really had only been one-night stands, maybe then he wouldn't feel like he could die at any moment if he didn't have you by his side.
In different places, but sharing the same pain.
Tom looked across the room at you, his eyes red and his expression sad, it looked like you had been crying all night, and you really had, he wanted to go over there and hug you and tell you that everything would be okay, but he couldn't.
If they had thought Monday's class had been torture, this was something worse. Tom gave his class trying to avoid looking in your direction, while you couldn't pay attention to anything that was being said, you just wanted to go back to your room and cry some more. It was the last class of the day so you ran to your room as soon as it was over.
Tom was tapping his pen frantically on his desk, he should have been correcting his students' work but his mind was elsewhere and his head hurt like it was going to explode at any moment.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Harrison asks, he was with Tom in his office and was starting to get irritated with his best friend.
"What?" Tom asks waking up from his thoughts.
"Tom you've been acting weird all fucking week, you spent the entire Wednesday dinner quiet a thing you don't often do."
"I don't know what you are talking about" he pretends to be paying attention to the papers in front of him.
"Does it have anything to do with that girl who was here?" he asks curious, Tom doesn't answer which only confirms Harrison's thoughts "Oh my god, it has everything to do with her doesn't it?".
"I really don't want to talk about it"
"You like her, that's why you're all emotional, because you can't be with her" Harrison speaks and Tom wonders when did his best friend get so good at unraveling his feelings.
"I had sex with her on Friday" Tom admits at once, his friend had already figured out pretty much everything so there was no reason to keep secrets anymore.
"WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT?" he practically shouts.
"Can you keep it down please, you're acting like a teenager, we passed that stage a long time ago and I don't want the whole campus to find out."
"I'm not the one acting like a teenager, you are, getting all angry and quiet over something that can easily be resolved" Harrison rolls his eyes as he states the obvious.
"She doesn't want me Harrison, she likes me, but she doesn't want me, she's scared and I can't judge her because I am too, this could destroy my teaching career and end her reputation here"
"Tom, isn't she one of the students graduating this year?" Harrison asked even though he already knew the answer.
"Dude, she's graduating in less than 5 months and you're telling me that the two of you can't keep this relationship a secret for 5 months?"
"I..." Tom hadn't stopped to think about it.
"I'm sure you two can make it work."
"What if she's not willing to try?"
"You should at least try, Holland, go out there and fight for your girl" He encourages his friend.
"I think you are right, I will do it".
"Of course I'm right" He smiles smugly "Anyway, I don't want to have to put up with your sadness any longer" He says laughing.
It was almost midnight when you hear someone knocking on your dormitory door, you get out of bed and go to open the door.
"Thomas what are you doing here?" You ask as you see him standing outside, he walks into your dorm still without giving any explanation, you close the door and turn to see him "What kind of idiotic idea is this to come to my dorm, someone could see you here, how would we explain this?" You ask in an agitated manner.
Tom doesn't answer at first, he just looks at you, the baggy sweatshirt too big for your body, the hair tied back with a few strands falling in front of your face and the glasses on the end of your nose, and he can't resist. He walks toward you and kisses you, holding your face between his hands, his hands against your chest as you respond to his kiss, his heart beating hard in his chest and the sense of relief that he is kissing you again after what seems like the longest week of his life.
"I'm sorry" he says pulling away "I didn't come to do this, I just wanted to talk and..."
"It's okay" he fixes his glasses on his face.
"Y/N, I really like you, this is so stupid, I just... I want to try this, it's only five months until you graduate, we can make it...
"Tom" you try to interrupt him but he keeps talking non-stop.
"...to do this, I'm sure it wouldn't be easy at first and it's not the kind of relationship that's ideal or the relationship that someone like you deserves..."
"Tom" calls him again.
"But I'm willing to try, for you, for us, I want to try..." You kiss him again making him stop talking.
"I'm willing to try Tom" you say between kisses and he smiles "For us"
"I didn't think you would accept, I was already preparing myself for a no" you both laugh.
He sits down on your bed and pulls you to sit on his lap with each leg on one side of your body, he takes the glasses off your face and places them on your desk before kissing you.
"Damn, I missed that" he sighs between the kiss.
"It's literally only been a week" you say smiling.
"Really? It's felt like forever" he kisses you more intensely this time, his hands gripping your hips tightly making you move over his lap, the kisses slide down your face to your neck, you throw your head back.
"Tom" you say his name as a plea, his hands slide up your thigh squeezing you firmly.
"What do you want princess?" He asks with his head in the curve of your neck before leaving a small bite in that region.
"You, Thomas, I need you" you slowly roll over in his lap feeling his already hard length under you "please".
He smiles smugly at your response. Your sweatshirt is removed leaving you in just your panties and Tom lays you down on your bed placing his body on top of yours .
"This has been the most torturous week of my life" he removes the rest of his clothes and throws them on the floor "I couldn't get you out of my mind" he leaves a kiss on her neck exactly where he had "I thought about how I wanted to feel you again" the kisses descend to the top of her breasts and one of his hands grab her thigh wrapping her leg around his waist while the other goes down to her intimacy pulling her panties apart just enough for two fingers to touch them "That pussy is so wet, all this for me honey? "
"Yes, all for you Tom" he smiles at her answer before penetrating her with his fingers causing a quiet moan to come from her lips.
"Good girl."
"Your girl" you sigh ecstatic with pleasure.
"Fuck" Tom kisses you again, your words making him even harder than he already was "Say that again " he thrusts his fingers inside you reaching that wonderful spot inside you.
"My girl."
He had barely started and you were already so close, but he doesn't let you get there, teases you to the edge before stopping and doing it all over again.
"Please stop teasing me, I'm so close" you beg.
"No princess, I want you to cum around my dick" He says pulling his fingers out of you and removing your panties before turning you both over on the bed making you stand on top, he sits against the headboard as you rest your hands on his shoulders "now ride me like the good girl I know you are".
You sit on his member feeling him fill you completely, you both moan the moment you are finally together, standing still for a moment to get used to his size. Moving slowly until you finally get into a rhythm.
"So so good" he moans, his hand gripping her throat the way he remembered he had made her go crazy last time "So beautiful riding my dick" his other hand leaves a slap on her ass making her moan his name out loud as she throws her head, back rolling over in his lap .
"Tom I'm so close" you say as he gives you a push with his hips making his cock hit your G-spot, his hand making circular motions against your clit this time.
"Come to me then baby" he says and with a few more movements you are enjoying his wrist making you come next, your head falls on his shoulder and he spreads kisses down your neck as you recover from your recent orgasm.
You were wearing your shirt now, your head lying on his chest as he stroked your hair.
"You'll still be here when I wake up, right?
"Well this is my dorm so I can't leave" you say as a joke.
"I'm serious Y/N" he says laughing.
"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere" you smile fondly returning to lie on his chest closing your eyes almost falling asleep with his affection.
"Good, I don't want you to leave, I want you forever" he kisses the top of your head before falling asleep with you in his arms, no goodbyes this time.
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Slip Up
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Gif credit by me.
Requested by anon. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the request.
"Nate, can you please clean up your shit". You yell from the bathroom, his clothes were slung everywhere but the clothes basket where they're supposed to be. "I dont understand why you cant go three inches to the left and put them in the basket". You grumble.
"What's going on"? Nate yawned as he leaned on the door frame.
"Clothes! They go here not on the floor or on the sink. Here". You pick up the basket and shove it to him.
"Alright. Calm down. It's just clothes". Nate scoffed as he leaned down to pick them up.
"Nick, I've had". The look on Nates face made you clamp your hand over your mouth. Whoops.
"What did you just fucking call me"? Nate growled, dropping his clothes back on the floor.
"I'm sorry. It just slipped. Nick and I use to argue all the time. I guess it just brought back memories. I'm so sorry, Nathan".
"You just called me your ex's name that happens to be my brother. Maybe it was a bad idea for us to get together". Nate huffed and left the room.
How could you let yourself slip? You and Nick only went out for a short period and you mean short, you broke up and thought it was just better as friends. But you and Nate were different, you've been together for two and a half years. You loved Nate more than anything. He was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. But this slip up could cost you everything.
"Nate"? You whispered as you came into the bedroom. Nate was sitting on the edge of the bed, playing with his hat.
"Yeah"? Nate cleared his throat.
"I'm really sorry. It'll never happen again. I promise. Can you forgive me"? You wiped away a tear as you got on your knees in front of him. Your hands rested on his knees.
"I know you didnt mean it. Slip ups happen. I just, I wish that I would've gotten the chance to meet you before my brother did. Cause I dont want to second to him". Nate wiped his nose.
"Second? Nate, you are my first everything. There are no seconds or thirds. Just you, no one else matters. Cause if that was the case I would be fiftieth on Nick's list and what hundredth on yours"? You laugh jokingly.
"Nah, you're my first. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't make a big deal out of it. I know you're with me and you and Nick are just friends. But I feel like maybe you still love him if he's still in your memory".
"Babe, the only memory that was brought up was him and I arguing. That says a lot about our short lived romance. What you and I have is real. I love you and I would do anything to make you see that".
"I love you too, what happened when you two argued"?
"I left and he cleaned. I guess he figured it would make me better".
"We're going to be different. After every fight, argument or disagreement. No one leaves mad, we solve it and make up. Alright? I dont want to stay mad at each other".
"Sounds good to me. Now since we had our argument and we solved it now how do we make up"? You crossed your arms over Nates knees and laid your chin down, looking up at him.
"I got an idea". He grabbed your face and smashed his lips to yours.
"I like this kind of making up". You mumbled against his lips as you stood up. You straddled his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, never breaking the kiss.
Nates hands settled on your hips, guiding then as you grinded on his lap.
You pushed Nate back onto the bed and raked your fingernails down his clothed chest. "This needs to go". You pushed up his shirt, over his arms and threw it somewhere in the room. You kissed down his chest and playfully bit his nipple with a giggle.
Nate slapped your clothed ass, making you squeal and continue down his chest, leaving butterfly kissed to his warm skin.
Getting up from his lap you stood between his legs and un buckled his belt, unzipped his pants and snaked your hand down his underwear.
"Someone else is loving this making up too". You moan, pulling him from his underwear.
"Fuck". Nate grunted, as your mouth engulfed his tip, your tongue swirling around the very tip.
Your head bobbed up and down as you took him down your throat inch by inch. Your hand working his shaft.
"So fucking sexy". Nate bit his lip as he looked down at you. He loved when you sucked him off, you on your knees made him weak in his.
"Mmmmm, Nathan. You taste so good". You pant as you release his cock from your mouth. Taking your tongue you flicked your way up and down his length.
"Get your ass up here". Nate ordered, he couldnt take it anymore and need to get inside you.
"Yes, sir". You climb up his body and kiss Nate sloppy. Your tongues dancing as Nate squeezed your ass. He flipped you over on your back, now it was his turn. He was going to make sure you knew his name. You'd be screaming all night.
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visd3stele · 3 years
The beauty and his beast - wolfstar fic
summary: two different nights, years passed, some things changes, but some never do
TW: nightmares, PTSD, trauma, non depictive child abuse, themes of suicidal thoughts
A/N: I loved writing this, but I am so nervous about it. What do you think?
requests ; masterlist
fanart credit picture down below: @lunopal
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Ragged voices licked his ears. Three different ones overlapped in a cacophony of hissed whispers and dooming laughs. From where he stood in the middle of his cell, Sirius could see a silhouette standing in the open door. Open, because there was no way he could escape. Three Dementors floated in a circle around him, so fast he could barely tell them apart. Black smoke, a burning smell and shadows whirled under low hoods, bringing him to his knees.
The man in the door curled his lips in a terrible grin. The Dementors were his and with each mind they broke, with each soul they ate, the wizard gained a sense of pride and morbid joy.
Sirius knew it. He knew the man, back in his school years - how far they seemed now! But Sirius also knew he was delusional. The Dementors bow to no one. They have no law, no caretaker, no master. Only their purpose.
Continuing to swirl around his frail body, sinked in to a third of what it used to be, bony edges poking out through dirty thin layers of clothing, the Dementors closed in on Sirius. Flashes of memories flew before the Animagus' eyes. James' empty ones, still open in a silent plea for his sacrifice to be enough to save his family, his brown hair dipped in his own blood, body angled in an unnatural position with his hand stretched forward above his head as if reaching for his best friend. Lily's tears, yet to dry and evaporates, stained her too pale face, the red of her hair sprayed around too lively; no blood pools formed around her lifeless body, laid on its belly as it fell onward, as if leaping away from her son, so the baby won't have to see it. And finally Harry, his godson, crying in his crib, a brown-red crust shaped like a lightning forming on his forehead; his green, small eyes, swollen, puffy and trimmed with red followed his godfather as the man turned his back on him and ran outside.
Sirius cursed loudly, beginning to shackle the chains trapping him in place in case he tried to escape the daily visit of the Prison Warrant and his guards. But the now twenty five years old has stopped trying to run a long time ago. What good would it be? There was nothing - no one - waiting from him out in the world. No, Sirius trashing around the cold, dirty dais, snapping the metal biting in his wrists, bruising his effervescent skin and almost cracking his bones as well was his attempt to run from his own mind. If he could just wipe the haunting memories away with a shook of his head, a twist of his back or punching and kicking the thick walls.
Fragments of thoughts he wasn't sure belonged to him invaded his mind. "Your fault. Traitor. Another Black." And, worst of all, one pained howl, a desperate scream in the night. Sirius wasn't sure if he heard it, or the dark creatures around toyed with him, but Remus' wild, feral yell of pure hurt reverberated inside the bars of his mind. The young wizard shut his eyes closed tightly, hoping to brush away the sound, the voices. Failing to do so, he released a scream of his own, only a hint of Padfoot, the big, black dog, his alter ego, printed in it.
The thirty four years old man yanked up. The bed sheets were soaked in his sweat, the blanket throwed on the floor. Sirius passed a shacking hand over his face, feeling the hot air leaving his mouth in short breaths, than big inhales with no exhale, the burning of tears on his warm red cheeks and the running nose. His lips felt sewed together all of a sudden, as chill after chill entered his body, cooling off his face too quickly.
It was just a nightmare, he knew. He escaped Azkaban, has been a free man from over a week already. But Sirius Black couldn't let the twelve years in prison go. The things he saw there, what the Dementors showed him day after day, carved their way in his brain, refusing to leave. Yes, he may have been wrong: his family and living friend welcomed him back. Harry was warming up to hid godfather, Nymphadora Tonks was eager to know her uncle, Andromeda even reached out, sending letter after letter and Remus - well, Remus hugged him tight and apologized for believing that filthy rat's lies. The werewolf spent his days, from first ray of sunshine until the last drop of sunlight. But the nights he went home. The nights when ghosts came to play, wounds teared open and pain leaked like blood from Sirius' heart, Remus was gone.
He tried to remember a time they didn't share a bed - before Azkaban, of course. Not in a sexual way, though it came to that in the late years of Hogwarts too. But simply for the comfort they each found in the other. It started in the second year, Sirius recalled.
Four twelve years old boys in a room seemed like a receipt for disaster. In a way, it was. After finding out their friend's secret, James, Sirius and Peter decided to sneak in the herbology cabinet, get Mandrake leaves and become Animagus. Seeing as they got away with it, the four created their enchanted map and become the Marauders, messers Prongs, Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail, waltzing their merry way through Hogwarts.
Not everything was merry and joyful, though. And despite their reputation, the wizards could be grave and serious when need be. Like one night, when Sirius woke them all up with his cries. The grey eyed boy stood on top of his bed covers, knees drawn to his chest, hands tangled in his shoulder length hair. He leaned back and forth, trembling. Front teeth bit in his lower lip to prevent him from making more noises as silent tears rolled down his face.
The other three boys thought Sirius saw a mean spirit, the haunted glassy look in his eyes only proving their theory further. But no danger threatened in the shadows of their room. No monster lurked in the darkness.
James was the first to get up and surf his way to the pure blood. Remus followed closely behind while Peter watched everything from the safety of his bed. Sirius' episode truly spooked him.
"Padfoot, mate, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. 'm sorry. Go back to sleep."
James and Remus changed worried looks at the sourness of Sirius' voice. Their friend would usually be the epitome of confidence, yet now he seemed to desperately try to shrink and disappear. But it was late and they were tired, so the boys decided with a swift nod that they'd pick up the subject in the morning and climbed back under their covers.
Remus jolted awake. Two out of his three best friends were sound asleep. Sirius still stared at the wall in front of him, breathing jerky. Due to his fine, superior hearing, the werewolf discerned the Black boy's muffled whimpers, sounds that kept him from sleeping.
"Sirius, why are you so afraid?" Remus whispered.
" 'm not afraid, Moony. Sleep."
"Can't. Werewolf remember? I hear you trying to not cry. You can cry, you know."
"I know." Sirius said in a tone that clearly showed he doesn't. With a sigh, Remus threw away his blanket, slipped his feet in his shoes and trailed his legs over the dorm's brick daises until he reached his friend's bed. The brown haired boy signed Sirius to scoop over, which he did, to both wizards surprise.
Later, when talking about that night, Padfoot admitted he was too tired, too shocked and too lost in his mind to think and only acted on auto pilot.
Remus brought the blankets to cover them both, still seated as they were. "Do you need a hug?" Sirius hesitated before answering, but eventually he nodded twice, a quick movement as if the boy was ashamed to admit it and wanted to pass unnoticed.
But Remus smiled softly and wrapped his hands around him. Sirius clinged onto his friend. The warmth of the gesture, the cozy closeness of a settled, stable body, a person that cared deeply about him and only him as a being, set the restrained tears free. Remus held Sirius until his body stilled and he could feel no more tears soaking his pajamas.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Sirius swallowed, but the words demanded to be spoken. "Yes."
"Alright. I'm gonna ask you questions and you can answer with yes or no. It's your choice if you want to elaborate. Sounds good?"
"Yes." Sirius said and for a moment his usual, ironic self showed up.
"Was it a nightmare?"
"About your family?"
With a shudder, the grey eyed boy forced out another "yes."
"Your brother?"
"Your parents, then. Did they - did they do something to you?"
"Yes." Remus' arms tighten around him and he clunged harder to his friend as well. In the safety of the Gryffindor dorm, shared with his most trusted peers, comforted by the scarred boy he became an Animagus for, Sirius stumbled over his thoughts. The dream weighted heavy on his mind, but he didn't know how to let free of those horrible images that haunted him. Not images, memories. Sirius feared that if he said anything they'll become real. Not that they weren't, but they happened in the past. Talking about them, invoking them, would feel like living through them again.
And yet, part of him wanted to talk. He needed someone to know. Sirius couldn't be sure why. Maybe to hear that it was nothing, that it was ok and he shouldn't be such a weak ship. Or maybe to hear it was normal and he wasn't alone. That is how parents love and his didn't hate him after all. Or just to show someone how broken he were, hoping to be picked un and patched.
So, speaking slowly, but evenly, Sirius retailed his nightmare to Remus. In his sleep, the twelve years old boy was hanging some muggle posters in his room: bands, promo for concerts, normal things a boy his age would own. He smiled broadly, music turned on quite loud, muggle music, when his parents bursts in. Walburga and Orion both yell, but Sirius can’t understand what they’re saying. It’s pretty clear they are very upset with him, though. And the reason couldn’t be more obvious. 
“Sirius Orion Black!” his mother shrieked. “Ungrateful, worthless child! You are a stain on the family’s name.”
“You should be ashamed of you. As much as I am for being your father. Well, say something. Look how upset you made your mother!”
“Sorry,” he’d try to say, but his voice would break, too small to be heard by the angry adults. Which only worsened their state. Sirius watched frozen in terror as Walburga took her wand. Only his head seemed to be able to move, and he was shacking it vigorously, wiping his cheeks with it. The young wizard tasted tears on his tongue as he repeated the same words over and over again “no, please, ‘m sorry!” It did nothing to help. 
Remus stayed in his bed that night.
The moon shone mockingly on the window. Last night has been a full moon and Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail failed to properly contain Moony. It happened quite a lot in their first days as Animagus. As normal, they got better over the years, the four boys falling in rhythm like an oiled machine. By the time they reached excellency, though, mistakes happened. James, Peter and Sirius thought less of it, but Remus took it badly. 
As he laid in the dark, blanket drawn to cover his head as he hugged his knees on the side, the young werewolf tried to remember what happened last night. What if he killed someone? What if he will next time the boys won’t be able to restrain him? Is it worth living like this, a danger to himself and the ones around? What if he hurts his friends? 
“I can hear your mind working from over here y’know?”
Remus straighten up in shock. “Padfoot?”
“Well, it’s not the Fat Lady. What’s on your mind?”
Remus shrugged, but Sirius wouldn’t stop pestering him until he poured his deepest fears and doubts. 
“You won’t”
“How do you know this?”
“You won’t, Moony,” Sirius said more firmly this time.
“Alright.” Remus clearly didn’t believe him and his worries still troubled him as he turned to lay back down. He heard footsteps, then felt the mattress shifting as another body climbed over his bed covers. “I know because I am Sirius Black and you are my friend.” Less than an hour later, both boys were sound asleep.
Sirius slept in his bed that night.
It became a tradition. At first, they'd wait until one of them woke frozen in pain and panic, then they'd stay together and talk silently until they could sleep again. Later, Sirius and Remus would wait until James and Peter were out to decide who's bed to sleep in, knowing one of them - or both - ought to need the comfort.
The man kept trembling. His sobs caught in hiccups, leaving him out of breath. He did it. He left Harry for revenge. He practically made the choice for James and Lily, selecting Peter as secret keeper. His brother died and instead of mourning him, Sirius rejoiced bitterly in his cell - until he found out how he betrayed the Dark Lord.
He was just another Black. An evil presence in the world, despite his efforts. Gryffindor or Slytherin, it mattered not when his genes crafted him. Sirius tried so hard to be good, brave, loyal and the only thing he managed was to disappoint everyone. He was a nuisance and a burden and the a stain on the world. It'd be better if his sorry, useless existence would be wiped off the surface of the Earth.
Such thoughts clouded Sirius' mind when a light knock pulled him out of his head. "May I come in, Padfoot?"
The man almost broke at the nickname. Only one single person now would know to call him that. The weight of the realization hit him and another wave of tears carried the air from his lungs.
Receiving no answer, Remus kicked the door open, worry written all over him. The werewolf was panting and sweating from running, eyes wide close to terror. "Padfoot!" Seeing his oldest friend's state, he rushed to his side and hesitated only a moment before drawing him in for a hug.
"Yes. They-" Sirius gulped, shame tightening up in his throat. He was a thirty four man, for Godric's sake! And yet he cries like a baby. But the path he and Remus trailed off to, simple questions, any type of answer, so familiar and soothing he couldn't stop. "They tortured me. Showing me their - James and Lily's - death over and over. I left Harry, Moony. I stepped inside the house, saw that beautiful, brave child, suffering and I took off after bloody Pettigrew!" Before Remus could say a thing, Sirius continued, teeth so barred that words barely spitted out. "I heard you screaming too. I don't think that was real, but it sounded so broken, Moony. Twelve years, over twenty four full moons alone. 'm so sorry. It's all my fault."
Remus inhaled sharply, pulling Sirius even closer to him. He rubbed circles on his back, leaning to whisper in his ear "It was not, Padfoot. I should have trusted you more, star. If anything, it's my fault for spending so much time alone. So much, in fact, that it seems I neglected you, our agreement."
“It was my fault.” Sirius insisted.
“No,” and not letting him time to argue, Remus added “I know so, Sirius, because I am Remus Lupin and you are my... friend.”
Sirius pulled away only to find a reluctant smile playing on Remus' face. His body reacted before his mind could process its moving. He moved on the right side of the bed, still avoiding the other wizard's eyes. "Why are you here, Remus?"
"I couldn't sleep either. Thought to check on you as well. And good thing I did. You looked..." The professor didn't know how to finish that sentenced. Hollow. Empty. Dead. Scaringly close to death, in fact.
"Merlin! Thank you, Moony. You don't look bad yourself."
Remus chuckled. "Are you feeling any better?"
"No. You?"
Both men laughed. A bitter sweet sound passing through silence, taking with it any sign of discomfort that existed.
"I'm glad you came."
"Me too."
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 17
Request: Yes or No
For anyone curious and if I did my math correctly y/ns dad had him when he was 35. This one feels short and I hate ittt but I tried making it feel longer. The chunks are just thicc
"So, why are we going to Belgium?" Natasha asked, setting the course. You looked at her, taking a seat beside her.
"Cause.. I have family there.. She might be family, I don't now." You answered, feeling the jet move forward before it took off into the sky.
"Family? Like, blood related? Who?" Natasha asked, glancing at you. You licked your lips, staring forward.
"My aunt." Natasha's brows raised, looking over at you. You sighed, nodding.
"What if she turns me away?" You asked softly.
"Well.. You're probably her only remaining family. I wouldn't want to turn away a family member." Natasha licked her lips, looking forward at the passing clouds.
"What do I even say? Hey, I'm (Y/N) and I have superpowers?"
"Well, you can introduce yourself and ask about her brother." Natasha gave a small smile. You nodded.
"How's Clint?" Natasha asked, rested her head on her fist. Her hair was long and her natural red locks were returning. It made her hair look a little weird but she was going through a lot of things.
"Who fucking knows." You frowned, arms crossing. Clint had fucked off to god knows where, leaving you to deal with your grief alone. Natashas' brows furrowed.
"Clint has decided not to return home in what feels like weeks. Maybe even months, I haven't been paying attention." You shrugged lightly. Natasha frowned, leaning back in the seat. Definitely didn't sound like Clint but grief could make people do crazy things.
"I've been trying to keep up with the house but I'm just one guy handling everything Clint decided to build and add on." You licked your lips, shaking your head and letting out a heavy sigh.
"I'm sorry." Natasha said softly, giving your arm a squeeze. "I'll talk to him if you want."
"Let him do whatever the hell he wants to do. He's a grown man." You replied, feeling bitter and resentful. Natasha silently nodded. The rest of the ride was silent until the jet reached Belgium.
"We're here." You stepped out of the jet, feeling a small breeze go by. You felt your stomach doing flips, heartbeat quickening. You took in a deep breath, glancing at Natasha. She placed a gentle hand on your back, offering a small smile.
"Are you sure you don't want me to get in touch with Clint?" She asked, head tilting. You shook your head.
"It could make things more complicated." You said, looking around. The house across the street matched with the address Tony had given you. It was more on the outskirts of town, surrounded by trees. You could hear some horses behind the house. You took in a deep breath, trying to ease your nerves as you walked towards the house, crossing the road. Natasha followed, studying the area.
"Seems like gardening might run in the family." Natasha said, motioning to the flower garden.
"Yeah.." You chuckled softly. You stepped onto the porch, noticing some plotted flowers on the windowsill. You raised your hand, pressing the doorbell. You waited a few minutes about to press it again before the door opened. A scowl appeared on Florines' face. She was shorter than you had imagined. Her hair was a bit messy and tied back into a low ponytail.
"Wat wil je?" She asked, gaze flickering over to Natasha. You swallowed, fiddling with your fingers.
"Are you Florine De Meyers?" You asked, watching her narrow her eyes.
"Who's asking?"
"(Y/N).. I think I might be the son of your brother." You said quietly. Florine stared at you, lips parting. Her features softened for a second before the frown returned. She opened the door wider, letting you and Natasha inside. The inside of the house smelled like black tea, earthy and floral. It felt straight out of a country movie.
"I've got some tea and speculoos." Florine called as she entered the kitchen. You looked at the pictures she had up. Most were pictures of horses or her at events with friends. You didn't see any pictures that seemed family related. You took a seat on the floral patterned couch, gazing dropping onto the unbothered elderly sheepdog. It made no attempt to move and simply rolled onto its side to face away from you.
"That's Gerdie. Old girl used to be a good guard dog but now she's more of a house cat." Florine said, sitting down and placing a tray on the coffee table. Natasha reached forward, taking one of the biscuits. Florine reached under the table, looking through the books she had before pulling out what looked like a photo book.
"The reason I didn't slam the door in your face is because Michael had told me he was gonna have a kid named (Y/N)." Florine said, hand wiping away the dust in the book. She scooted forward, placing the book on the table.
"Michael?" You repeated, looking at her. She nodded, opening the book. She flipped to the second page, pointing to a picture of a young boy by a fireplace opening presents.
"Michael, my half brother and your father." Your brows raised, leaning in to take a better look. The photo was old but you could see his face clearly. Natasha leaned in as well, smiling gently.
"You have his smile." She pointed out.
"Michael and his father moved here from America when he was about five. He met my mother and they got married. They had me when Michael was nine. He was a good brother. He held no resentment towards me or my mom. Michael was as stubborn as a mule and he could never keep his mouth shut. He'd let you know if he didn't agree with you." Florine chuckled, shaking her head. You watched the nostalgic look pass over her eyes.
"What happened to him?" You asked softly. Florine let out a heavy sigh, leaning back in her chair. She reached down, giving Gerdie some pats on the head.
"He disappeared for some time." She answered, gaze becoming distant.
"He wrote letters occasionally. Said he was working for a government in another country.. He might've been some sort of spy, my memory's a little fuzzy on the subject. He spent a long time working but.. He came back eventually. He never talked about it but he was good ole Michael." Florine leaned forward again, flipping to another page of a more grown up Michael. You did notice some similar features between him and you.
"By then, our father had passed from cancer and my mother needed all the help she could get. Michael built this house with some friends of his and gave it to my mother. Oh, my mother was so happy. She got the farm she had always wanted and got to garden whenever she could." Florine pointed to a a couple in the photobook.
"This is your grandmother, Sylvie. You would've loved her. She made the best cakes in town. This is your grandfather, Jonathan. He was always up to no good. He loved pulled helping the kids in town with pranks." Florine spoke of them fondly. Her childhood seemed to have been good with Jonathon and Sylvie.
"You have powers, right?" Florine asked, looking at you. You nodded, reaching out to the plant on the coffee table and watching it grow taller.
"She passed on her powers to you." Florine leaned back, clearing her throat. You glanced at Natasha, noticing her eating another biscuit.
"She? Who's she?" You asked, looking back at Florine.
"Your witch of a mother." She answered bitterly. You raised your brows at the hate and disgust in her tone.
"I shouldn't speak ill of her. Even if she deserves it." Florine muttered, standing up with a heavy sigh.
"C'mon." She motioned for you to follow. You turned towards Natasha. Natasha picked up another biscuit, making eye contact with you. You raised your brows.
"What? These are delicious!" Natasha huffed. You chuckled, standing up and following her out the backdoor. You noticed the stables with the horses walking around their fenced area. Florine had a vegetable garden and a greenhouse out back as well.
"Those pretty babies are Ernie, Kuma, and Goldie." Florine said, motioning to the horses. They approached the fence when she walked over to them. You smiled softly as she petted them, cooing in Dutch.
"They won't bite. Well, Ernie might but he's just a playful old man." Florine chuckled, turning back in the original direction. You followed her down a dirt path and into a wooded area. You blinked, seeing what looked like a moss covered statue of a woman. Her eyes were closed though her head was pointed downwards, looking at anyone who walked down the path.
"She was a charming little witch, I'll give her that." Florine crossed her arms, staring up at the statue. You tilted your head, licking your lips.
"Did he make this for her?" You asked, turning to look at her. Florine shook her head, looking down at the ground.
"Gaia, or better known as Mother Nature, is your mother. She took a human form in an attempt to convince humans to cherish what she had given them. When that proved useless, she spread plagues as punishment. What Gaia truly wanted.. Was a child. Animals, humans, and all those things were creations.. Projects she could ignore if she got bored. She met your father and he fell for her." Florine told you, another breeze blowing by. You reached your hand forward, gently touching a flower that rested by the statue. It felt full of life.
"Your mother fell pregnant with you and Michael was thrilled. Gaia had started realizing that human life wasn't for her. She was slowly becoming human herself. She disappeared with Michael and returned without him or you. She explained she couldn't stay and left her human body here."
"She abandonded me for no reason?" You stared up at the statue, features hardening.
"In some sense, she didn't. She's all around us so.. Your mother never truly left you." Florine said, turning to look at you. You scoffed.
"I have a mother. Her name is Laura Barton and she's not here anymore because of Thanos." You looked at Florine, blinking away tears.
"I don't blame you for being angry. I never found out where she took you or if you were even alive. If you want to keep in touch, I don't mind. Lord knows I could use the company." Florine looked forward again. You let out a soft sigh, shoulders slumping.
"And.. And dad? What happened to him?" You asked hesitantly, almost afraid of finding out he had done the same as Gaia. Florine stayed silent for a moment.
"He.. They never told me how it happened but.. He was murdered." Florine revealed, staring at the ground with a small frown. You stared at him, brows furrowing.
"What? By- By who?"
"You might've heard of him. People around town were talking about him a two or three years back. The infamous Winter Soldier."
Tags: @geek-and-proud @wolfelocksley @babyvisionisamenace
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fangirlsmood · 3 years
Kyojuro Rengoku x reader x Tomioka Giyuu - Another love
_Warnings : spoiler about mugen train
Synopsis : After the death of your husband you slowly take back a taste for life ... with another man
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_ Senjuro ? Where are you going like this ?
_ Ah (Y/n)! I am going to take a walk in the village, to sell the wood that I collected this morning!
_ Oh Senjuro... You don’t have to do this.
_ I want to ! It won't bring in a lot of money, but you can buy yourself a new kimono or a pretty brooch. 
Knowing that he was as stubborn as his elder brother, you sighed :
_ Fine. But don't get too tired and get home quickly.
He embraced you tenderly before leaving, promising to be careful. Senjuro had always loved you very much, but it was only since his big brother was no longer there that he got into the habit of hugging you tight before each departure. You didn't know if he was doing this because Kyojuro asked him to take care of you or because he was afraid of losing you. 
Since your husband's death everything had changed. You would wake up every morning in a cold bed, the smell of your loved one was gone over time, and getting up was a struggle. Even though the pain was sharp you had no choice: you had to stay strong for Senjuro and Shinjuro. Although you had some money aside without Rengoku's salary, you had to accumulate the jobs while running the house. Senjuro was doing his best to help you, like this morning when he went to sell wood. He too had changed. He was even more determined to become like his brother, a demon slayer. You didn't agree, the idea of ​​losing Senjuro like you had lost Kyojuro made you sick and you had become a little overprotective with the child who for some time had ceased to be one. Shinjuro hadn't spoken about the death of his son. You acted like the perfect daughter-in-law and you took care of him the best you could. Sometimes you resented him for not having been more present for his sons, for never having told them that he was proud of them but now you understood why the passion that had inhabited this man for so long was extinguished and had given way to bitterness. 
You and Senjuro supported each other, he allowed you to face life one more day. He had become your reason for living. Him and ... Tomioka Giyuu to be honest.
The sun set slowly and you were worried to death. Senjuro had not returned. You were going out to get him when there was a knock on the door. You rushed in hoping it was him. 
_ (Y/n)! Look who I found on my way !
Tomioka stood beside him with a straight face. You laugh inwardly imagining your little Rengoku forcibly taking him to your home, you visualize very well Giyuu unable to say no to this child full of passion. Tomioka nodded polietly his head to greet you and you invited both to enter. 
You served dinner for the two boys. Giyuu wanted to help you but you declined. You brought his meal to Shinjuro who was eating alone in his room as always and when you returned Senjuro and your guest was in the middle of a conversation. Giyuu seemed to be telling a story and you were surprised at how attentive Senjuro was. Usually he was too talkative to listen to anyone, getting into long stories, unless it was his father or his brother. His eyes were shining, you didn't want to interrupt them so you took a seat discreetly. Giyuu continued his story :
_ The demons were not that strong but they were clever and numerous. The civilians were terrified but he told them "Don't be afraid, everything will be fine, there will be no deaths or injuries"...
You choked. He told of his first mission as a pillar, a mission carried out with Kyojuro. You knew it because your husband had enthusiastically told you about it in detail. Giyuu stopped the two boys looked at you worried :
_ Oh ... sorry, maybe I shouldn't...
_ No it's me ! I shouldn't have asked you to tell me about a big brother ... Sorry (Y/n) I didn't think ...
You drank a mouthful of water before smiling, reassuring them quickly :
_ No it's good, everything is fine. I was just surprised but keep going, i want to hear the rest.
Giyuu hesitated a bit but ended up continuing his story. His voice was very monotonous but he recounted the events with precision for your viewing pleasure. Senjuro let out little noises, sometimes of admiration, sometimes of surprise. It had been a long time since he had been so passionate and you were really happy to see him gesticulate all over the place and ask for more. Contrary to what you might think, hearing about your late husband didn't break your heart. On the contrary, it was like talking about good memories. This impression left you perplexed. Did you have the right to think so? Not crying anymore when hearing about him ?
At the end of the meal Senjuro went to bed, claiming that the day had been exhausting. You accompanied him to his room to tuck him in as if he were a fragile little baby. Being mothering like this embarrassed him but he didn't say anything knowing that this kind of thing would reassure you, so you knew he was sleeping peacefully and safe. When you returned to the kitchen Giyuu had cleared the table and was doing the dishes.
_ It is not for the guests to take care of this kind of thing, you said playfully taking from his hands the plate he was washing.
He then grabbed a tea towel and wiped up what he had already washed :
_ I want to. 
You knew him long before you got married but since the death of Kyojuro, you and Giyuu had become closer. He came to visit you regularly, to make sure you were okay. You even cry on his shoulder more than once. When you felt overwhelmed by your responsibilities his visits were a great support. With him you felt less alone and stronger, enough to face another day. 
You lost yourself in your thoughts for a moment and found yourself staring at him. You tell yourself that he was more than beautiful. You really wanted to put a hand on his cheek, just to feel the warmth of his skin. Suddenly you realized what you were thinking and your face flushed with shame. Noticing your change of attitude Giyuu broke the pleasant silence that reigned :
_ You should go to bed if you're not feeling well. I take care of the rest.
You told him where he could spend the night before leaving. This night you had a lot of trouble falling asleep. You rolled around, crying silently. You were falling in love with another man than Kyojuro. You felt terribly guilty, you felt like you were betraying him. You never thought about being with anyone other than Kyojuro, you never thought he would actually die before you. Now you didn't know how to shut up those emerging feelings and it was gnawing at you, you thought you must really be a horrible person. 
Giyuu didn't get much sleep either. He thought of you. When you first met, how beautiful he found you. Would things have been different if he had told you ? He  remembered your wedding, Tengen had said that you and Rengoku were "both flamboyant" and he had agreed. He had silenced his feelings but now he couldn't. Each time he told himself he wouldn't visit you but each time he couldn't help it. He had to be sure you were okay, he had to take care of you. He felt guilty for loving you, you who would never be his. You were Kyojuro’s and you will always be. He was so ashamed. Wasn't that disrespectful to his deceased comrade ? It wasn't the first time he thought of you before sleeping. Many times, before and after you were married, he had found himself imagining his life with you, but he always ended up telling himself that it was impossible. He wasn't as strong, sociable or funny as Rengoku. He wasn't as good as him and clearly he wasn't good enough for you.
You were awakened by noises coming from the inner courtyard. Going to see you discovered Giyuu and Senjuro training. The child tried to touch him with a wooden katana but Giyuu still dodged. You sat down and stared at them. Senjuro was really happy to be training with another person especially with a hashira. Someone took a seat by your side.
_ He's improving.
_ You should tell him to his face, Shinjuro.
_ The one with him... It’s Tomioka Giyuu ? The water hashira ?
_ Yes. How did you guess ?
_ Senjuro talk to me. He mentionned him many times recently. 
It was really unusual for Shinjuro to come talk to you, usually you just went through the formalities.
_ Can I help you ? You need something ?
He ignored your question. 
_ He seems to be a good men. Senjuro told me that he helped you a lot. 
You were a little uncomfortable.
_ Yes... He’s a really good person.
_ And a strong one. A good model for a boy, someone you can count on. 
_ What do you mean ?
It was really unusual for him to talk to you so much. Did he know your feelings ? His gaze fell on your hand :
_ You still wear it.
He talk about your wedding ring. You have been playing with it nervously since the start of your conversation. You didn't know what to say. The atmosphere was heavy. He went on :
_ Kyojuro isn’t here. We didn't talk much to each other but I know there were only three things that mattered for him. Become a pillar, the happiness of Senjuro and your happiness. He wants ... He wants you to be happy. Alone, with him or with... someone else.
You looked at him with wet eyes. It was as if Kyojuro, through his father, gave you permission to love someone else. You had the right to be in love with Giyuu, it was not a crime. You didn't have to fight your feelings, to blame yourself anymore, you thought you were going to cry in relief.
_ Senjuro is very observant. He told me that you and Giyuu were maybe more than friends or at least you could be. You look at this man like you looked at my son. You are lucky. I've never met someone like Ruka, if it had been things might have been different. I would have been a better father, a better man.
Your lip had started to tremble. You wanted to talk. To say what ? That you didn't know what to think anymore, that you were afraid to love another man ? Seeing that you were about to crack, Shinjuro tells you what you needed to hear :
_ You loved my son, you love him and you will always love him but now it's this man you are in love with and you have the right to.
You burst into tears. Shinjuro ran a comforting hand along your back. 
_ (Y/n) ?! Something’s wrong ?
Senjuro noticed that you were crying and he and Giyuu were running towards you. You tried to dry your tears but you couldn't control anything. He hugged you, his father left you and Giyuu stepped aside. It took you a while but you slowly regained your composure even though you were still crying :
_ It's okay now, don't worry. 
You offered him a big smile to support your point. In the evening, Giyuu's crow had come to warn him that he had to leave in the morning. 
Before sleeping you looked at your hand for a long time. You had a thought for Kyojuro before removing your wedding ring. It was strange not to feel the weight of the ring around your finger. Nonetheless you fell asleep peacefully.
You woke up at dawn. Giyuu was just getting ready to leave.
_ Giyuu ! Wait !
He stopped, he noticed that you no longer had your alliance which left him confused but he said nothing.
_ There is a festival in town next weekend. There will be a lantern throw ... If your mission is finished, would you like to go together? 
You thought it sounded a bit too much like a date so you pressed to add  :
_ Erm... We could take Senjuro and propose to Shinjuro even though I'm sure he'd rather not go out ...
He looked surprised but a small smile quickly lit his face :
_ My mission will be finished.
_ See you next Sunday then. Be carefull.
_ See you next Sunday.
You watched him go and when you no longer saw him Shinjuro appeared beside you. He had obviously heard everything. He looked at you smiling
_ What makes you smile ?
_ Nothing, I'm happy that's all. And I also tell myself that big brother is very happy at the moment.
And he was right. Kyojuro was happy knowing that you loved and was loved by a good men like Giyuu.
author notes : After seeing the film this one shot had been running through my head for a while. I hesitated for a long time to write it, I even thought of making the reader pregnant but finally i like the result. I really hope Rengoku fans move on (with Giyuu maybe). Falling in love again after her husband's death is a sensitive topic, but I see Rengoku the type who wants his wife to be happy, alone or with someone else. Maybe i am wrong. There was no romatic interaction in this one-shots and I regret it a bit. Maybe I should do part two, now that I say so I could write about the festival ...
Thanks for reading, every time I see someone liked my story my heart melts. I take any criticism (positive or negative). And if you see a grammar or spelling error, please let me know (English is not my first language so I don't always realize it), I will correct it.
Have a nice day / evening / night ♥
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thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years
Love And Marriage
Spnquotebingo @spnquotebingo
Quote: You don't save a marriage by sleeping with other people.–Lucifer
Mostly Memory: slant/bold. Quote:small/bold
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"What the hell, Anthony!" She yelled scaring both brunettes in the bed she shared with him. The women who looked half her age scrambled off the bed in a rush and ran out of the room getting dressed as she ran out the tower. This time she was throwing objects at the genius screaming and swearing every word under the sun. And yes this wasn't the first time, but its sure as hell will be the last. "How could you do this to me!? Time and time again I forgive and you do it again!!" She tried taking control of her emotions, but they over took her and laid everything out on the table.
Tony slipped on his clothes yelling back and forth with his wife. It was a screaming match that all of New York could hear. "Maybe if you weren't such a controlling bitch I wouldn't need to rush into the arms of a women that would get off my back!" He yelled back and she was stunned into silence. Tony continued talking. "Ever since we been together you've been trying to change who I am and I got sick of it, but you were America's golden girl I couldn't dump you. You just couldn't take the hint ,sweetheart." He finished his intoxicated words got the better of him, but drunk words were sober thoughts and maybe this is exactly how he felt after all these years.
"I want a divorce." She said her voice shaking not wanting to cry in front of the man she loved and she thought loved her back. "What?!" He turned on his heels and stared at her the shouting didn't sober him up, but those four words did. "What did you say?" He asked as if he didn't hear her. "I'm through, Tony. I'm tired of this back and forth. You said it yourself your not willing to change your partying playboy ways so I'm through." She said as she went to get her phone to call her brother. "I want a divorce." Those were the final words uttered to him before she stopped talking to him all together taking off the ring made from the metal of his original reactor the diamond glowing the same blue that lulled her to sleep. Y/n twirled the ring in-between her fingers a nervous habit after the years.
Steve got to the tower from his apartment along with Bucky and Sam. His two friends walked into her bedroom to hear Tony shouting and pleading for her to listen to him. Steve went to his sister as his friends pulled the thrashing man out of the room and to a different part of the building so he could cool off. Tony in the end didn't calm down and was getting violent to the point they had to knock him out and by then Y/n was getting packed with the help of Steve
The suitcase was harshly zipped up as she rushed closing it. Tears flowed freely down her face as she packed all her things well all the things she bought herself. She wasn't running, running was for cowards she was escaping before she drowned herself in whatever kind of love she once had with her husband. Y/n breathed in through her nose as her body convulsed with another fit of silent sobs. Trying to calm down she wanted to get think clear. Did she really want to leave? No, but he didn't give her much of a choice. The light tan line on her finger just further proved she wasn't turning back...not this time. Not even for him. Y/n needed time to think without the threat of the end of the world and out from under her now ex's crushing ego.
She was shacking with anger and in grief it happened again and she was done with it all. Tony fucking Stark her husband, lover, best friend cheated on her again for the third time that she knew of. Y/n saw it she was always there at the wrong time almost like he wanted her to see how pleased he was with another. Steve came out of the bathroom with more hygiene products. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?" He asked for what feels like the hundredth time. Steve knew Y/n wasn't okay he could see it and the sight made him want to rip Stark a new one. With a deep inhale she looked up at him with s slight smile as real as she could make it. "I'm okay I just need to get out of here. Fresh air. New scenery if possible." She said as she looked longingly at a picture on the nightstand not noticing that her brother left with her bags while she stared off. The picture was of her fifth date with Tony after being together as boyfriend and girlfriend for two years, a light festival their first openly public date for cameras to capture them together making it official. America's Sweetheart with a Playboy billionaire...that headline alone should have been the first of many red flags.
The memory played vividly in her mind. Her eyes shined like stars as she dragged him behind her. It was still light outside and the small park was crowded. "Come on, Tones!" She said excitedly as she dragged him along. Many people looked at them and whispered, but they didn't care. They spent the night talking about any and everything it felt so natural. Y/n stared into the sky on their picnic blanket having already painted her lantern with a good amount of wet paint still on her hands. "We've been on what feels like a million dates and this seems like the perfect one to ask you. Will you marry me?" Tony said holding a black velvet box with a f/c diamond ring. "I thought you'll never ask!" She pulled him into a kiss paint covering his cheeks as lanterns where released. He kissed back hands resting on her hips. "Let's go home Mrs.Stark-Rogers." Tony said with a smile. "Well come on then Mr.Rogers-Stark." He was once again dragged away. "No no no my name first Steve will not hold that over me!" Y/n giggled as the memory faded into a much older one.
The twelve year old girl was getting her hair brushed by her mother. "Mama what's love like. I know you love daddy so what's it like?" She asked it's been two years since her father died ,but her mother always said she stilled loves him. "Love is a amazing feeling that doesn't happen often and sometimes it can hurt." The blonde women said to her daughter she couldn't tell her wanting love cost more then giving it. "Why will it hurt?" The young h/c girl asked turning around. "You're to young to know right now, but at some point you will." By the time Y/n turned fifteen she learned that loving someone can hurt after she stood next to her brother and best friend looking at the slab of stone that marked their mother's grave.
The first time it happened she was pissed, but not at the right person at the time. The second red flag.. Screams are what filled the house as Y/n threw clothes at the tramp that was in bed with her drunk husband. She was so anger, but that just hid the pain she was feeling three years for him to cheat. After shutting the half clothes harlot out on the front porch of the Malibu home she stormed back to Tony. He stayed in his boxers on the bed looking dazed he was drunk. "Why?" Is all she could ask as tears fell down her cheeks. The billionaire stood up and walked toward her he wiped her tears. "I'll change. I promise." He kissed her head. She believed him she had faith that he couldn't change for them. After all Y/n did the same she gave up being a hero along side her brother because he told her he already worries about getting home to her as Ironman no need to add the stress of not knowing if she'll get home. So she hung up her red, white, and blue catsuit for him.
After a year Y/n sat in her art studio wear she sold her and other rising artist artwork after Tony said she shouldn't paint in the tower,she painted with her brother laughing messing with colors. She was thankful she put down plastic tarp beforehand a giggle rang out when Natasha walked through the door. Without saying anything she drops a magazine on the table of brushes next to Y/n. On the cover was Tony kissing some red head though a window tears welled in her eyes as she wiped her hands he eyes not leaving the cover till it was picked up off the table. Natasha comforted her as Steve took the magazine and paced. " Am I stupid for trusting him? Thinking he would change?" She asked as the waterworks flowed. "No ,if anyone is stupid its him. Ever since he came out as Ironman he thought he was untouchable. God imma kill him!" The red head said while Steve was flexing his hand not wanting to hit any of the stored art pieces. The third red flag for all to see.
The bus rocked back and forth as she looked over at her brother sleeping next to her. They were heading to the airport and he was going to see her off before possibly killing Tony. Speaking of she looked down at her phone and saw dozens of missed calls and hundreds of unread text. She felt that the world was so much bigger after leaving, after getting away from the place that no longer felt like a home. Turning back to the window a memory came to surface as a teenage girl sat on the bus watching old Brooklyn go by. She thought life was so slow she wanted to grow up faster and experience life. Y/n wanted to find love like her parents had. "What are you thinking about doll?" She turned and in Steve's place was Bucky her adoptive big brother. "Nothing important, James." She said with a sigh as the old modeled cares turned back to modern vehicles and yellow taxi's.
Tony woke up and ran around the tower while calling and texting his wife. "Friday track Y/n' s phone. He said as he went to the lab to get in his suit. "She's as NYC airline." The irish voice answered as he stepped into the suit letting it close around him. Before the hatch could open completely he was flying out of the tower to the airport. "Any idea which flight?" He asked wanting to get there before it's to late. "No boss, but the next flight leaving is heading for U.K and boarding in fifteen minutes." Time was running out he needed ever second he could spare. "We'll make it in ten." That night Ironman flew to save whatever he had left.
Y/n held her ticket in her shaking hands her breath uneven. Steve left after the bus dropped her off they said their goodbyes not making the separation hurt any less. Her thoughts came back to Tony all the good times made her smile, but the dark clouds took them over soon after. It felt so right to be in his arms thinking about the future they had with each other within seconds that became a distant memory. What's sad is she wants to go back wondering if she held on to those moments longer they'll last forever. The ring she slipped back on her finger weighed a ton. Y/n didn't have the strength to take it off not for good at least and this made her feel weak. Pain was heavy in her heart from the constant ache, but the little voice kept saying maybe if we tried harder he would have loved us the way we love him, maybe rushing into a relationship wasn't the best idea, maybe he's happier without us ,maybe not telling him about the positive test was the best option ,maybe...maybe.
A hand resting on her stomach she wanted to laugh, but that would have brought on a fresh wave of tears. She started off the day without Tony in bed and sicker then she's been since her pre-serum years. Y/n went to the doctor completely covered form any prying eyes and the test were clear she couldn't believe it she took about ten test in her studio bathroom before heading back to the tower. Howard warned her and Steve that the serum might sterilize them, but at the time both of them were to small and sickly and she knew getting pregnant might kill her anyways so they both agreed to it. Y/n wished she could hug the man today he made her better and let her have a gift she never thought was possible. A baby was growing inside her. Tony never really talked about kids and neither did she since that wasn't a possibility before, but the moment she held five of the clearer test she wanted to rush into his arms and have him be the first to know. That quickly fell apart that evening and now she's here.
The suit landed out side the airport and Tony immediately ran out of it into the building looking through his tented shades he followed the path Friday set for him rushing through security. "Now boarding flight A145 to United Kingdom. Ahora aborda—" The intercom rang out. He was running out of time. There he saw h/c hair one of a couple dozen in line due to the oddly timed flight. "Y/N!!" Many heads turned at the shout while so gasped and whispers started. She looked at him and froze. His eyes looked bloodshot and he wore baggy sweats and a AC/DC shirt. Turning back around she tried to get on the plane quicker, but a hand grabbed her arm. "Please listen to me. I'm so so sorry! I'm a fucking moron okay? I know I just keep screwing up between us and I know you're tired of me saying I'll change, but if it means I keep you in my life I'll do damn near anything." Tony's voice shook as his eyes welled with tears people crowed to see the Starks some seemed to clued in on the subject while others were lost. "You can't fix this Tony. There's nothing to fix between us you said your piece and actions speak louder then words there is no saving this." Y/n whimpered holding her hand in her own.
"I can save us, N/n! Please just give me a chance too. You and me against the world right?" She shook her head no as she looked into his brown eyes with her glassy e/c ones. "Wrong. You just don't get it do you? You don't save a marriage by sleeping with other people. And I gave you more then enough chances to change because God I changed so much for you!! I gave up saving people, gave up painting in the tower, stopped helping Pepper with business, stopped going to briefings, and so much more. All for you and you couldn't do one thing for me." With quivering hands she gently brushed the tears from his cheeks letting her hands go from his shoulders to his hands. "I loved you, Anthony. I always will have a special place in my heart for you, but clearly the same doesn't go for you." Y/n now held one of his hands bringing his knuckles to her lips giving them a chaste kiss.
She let go of his hand as she stepped back from him many of the passengers having already boarded the plane. "Don't say goodbye." He said voice small and weak. "...don't think of this as a goodbye. We just met at the wrong time in the wrong place. Maybe I'll come back to you and just maybe we can start again from the beginning, but until then this is a see you later." She turned and went on board as he stood their feet glued the the floor. Looking down at the hand she held the ring sat in his palm she left him with a piece of his heart while she took the rest with her. What is a marriage without love
A/n this is the second to last one before the full masterlist is posted. Fyi I wrote a happy ending and if it's really wanted I'll make a short one-shot of it but angst ending for now.
Next quote is a free space and I'm going ham!!!!
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 1.8k
taglist: @serendipitysung (again, thank u for beta reading this chap) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @fluffi @gyeraniee @miffythoughts
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In a family of four, the grand manor is typically too massive of a place to frolic about considering the children are, now more than ever, entering the wobbly world of adulthood. Lady Park isn't at all saddened, not even the slightest, of the lack of silly beings bouncing around the halls. Her three blissful children are more than enough to fulfill the abundance needed to fill up these wide walls of comfort.
With wild banters resonating from the top floors to the angry cries of frustration and bullets being fired in the grassy yard, boisterous laughters even in the parlour and magnificent tunes from the pianoforte in the lobby, who would've thought the widowed lady only has three creatures in the solace of her household?
But of course, despite the few kiddos giddily leaping around and about the toughly cemented abode, the house never once lacked a single servant happily offering their services to the ever most humble aristocratic family. They rather consider it as the greatest honor to have even worked in this clan as they, amongst the fewer fews, have exuded nothing but kindness, generosity, and upholding of such exquisite manners despite their highly-acclaimed titles and places in Northumberland’s high-class society.
It’d be a blessing to be affiliated with the three children and whoever be so lucky to earn such fortune is very favored in life indeed. One would say they and the Yang family have always been the highly influential clans even of late and who wouldn't dare say? The two rich families have been one of the greatest friends of the city. Even their children could almost pass as siblings due to the tight-knit bond they shared over the years. Kindred spirits, I dare say.
This season will duly prepare the fine and charming jewel of the family, Lady Y/n, as the debutante’s ball is coming up briefly. A day well spent in the modiste is a woman's dainty bliss as the perfectly sewn dress is finally ready for appealing suitors and the royalty herself, the Queen.
“You look nothing more than gorgeous, sister. Madame Fleur has outdone herself again with another splendid piece.” Jay, the eldest of the family, pinches the silky fabric while gently pulling it upwards to gain better access to the dress’ features.
“Thank you, Jay. Although I admit, the measurements in the waist are a bit funny.”
“I wouldn't doubt that. It is Mother’s liking to keep your corset tight and deadly.” The eldest rubs his chin in contemplation. “Rest assured if you need any assistance in loosening that wretched piece of torture, Niki and I will be of help at the ball.”
“Again, brother, thank you. And speaking of help, where's Niki? He was supposed to help me with my waltz today.”
"I have no idea. Last I saw him he was with Daniel. Shouldn't he be home by now?"
Without any warning, the youngest comes dashing into the parlour like a carefree prince who just had the best slumber of his life.
“I’m right here. Forgive me, dear sister, for my unannounced absence in today's dance practice. I shall have you know, the Duke’s son sent us an invitation this morning. One that Daniel and I,” the two eldest eye him suspiciously, awaiting a usual remark whenever the topic is about the marquess. “refused to reject… surprisingly.” Niki clicks his tongue before proceeding to join his siblings on the cushioned couch.
“Shocker. Tell me, brother, was your day positively horrific?” Jay sarcastically huffed. “Oh, you don't have the slightest idea.” The two boys joined together for a rather boisterous laugh that made the only lass cross her arms as she sits between the two brothers.
“How’s life treating Park?” Jay questions. “Oh, you know. The usual. Living in luxury as well as wasting it away. He seemed more ashen lately.” Niki downs a glass of water that was resting on the coffee table.
After a few more barbs and laughs against the Duke’s only son, Y/n decides to butt in as time’s a wastin. “Apologies for the intrusion, but it’s necessary for me to rehearse for the dances I might have in two days' time, unlike you two who are accustomed to sweeping girls off the dance floor. Come, Niki, before mother sees me to bed.”
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In the middle of an exhausting rehearsal with his sister, Niki sits down on the edge of Y/n’s bed with both hands leaning on the mattress. “You could've asked Jay.” he mutters under his breath.
It's not that the boy was complaining to teach waltz, it was more of trying to keep himself away from social interactions for the time being as he felt the need to mope again after a long while.
“True, I could have. But I haven't seen you wandering about the house today. Except this morning when I was awakened by your harsh firing in the garden.” Y/n looks over her shoulders to give a playful glare at the nearly knackered, blonde-haired lad. “How was your day, Riki?”
“Don’t call me that.” He hisses.
“Must I remind you that I was the one who wiped your tushy when you were a tiny bum and I also-”
“Oh you must, mustn't you?” Niki throws his hands in the air in vexation. But his sister could only smile at him in a manner that he couldn't argue any further. “Fine. We did fencing today, with the Duke’s trophy of a son.”
“You know, I never understood your hatred towards that man. I envy Jay, honestly. He gets to listen to your burdens about the marquess and console you."
“Soon, sister. The story’s very… profound.” Niki lazily plops his body back on the fluffy mattress with both hands at the back of his head.
“You mean the feelings behind that story?”
“You're too keen on unearthing this from me, aren't you? You clever bean.” Niki smirks at his sister’s antics.
“Anything to have my little brother confess. I am your most favorite sibling after all, am I not?” Y/n intertwines her fingers with her brother’s and seals it with a comforting kiss right on his thumb.
“Whatever it is, no matter how inexpressible or profound it may be...”
“Thank you, Y/n. I’m going to miss these melodramatic moments with you.” The lass scoffs at Niki’s almost sweet words. “It's not like I’m guaranteed marriage this season.”
“Oh but mother will do anything to try and get you married. That's guaranteed right there. Although Jay will be meddling at most in choosing a husband who's fit enough for you. But whoever that lucky chap may be, as long as he makes you happy, he already has my blessing.”
“Do you think Jungwon will ask someone's hand this season?” Y/n joins her brother on the bed as they both stare at the ceiling in deep ponder. Niki gulps at the very sudden question from his sister, but he shrugs it away as he recalls a distant memory of her and Jungwon frequently fighting over twigs and branches when they were nothing but ten.
“Jay can only answer that for you. Why don’t you ask Sunoo? He never misses an opportunity to spill details about his brother to you.”
“But that would be too much, wouldn't it?” Y/n sighs in exhaustion. “I can never get that man to look in my direction.”
“He’d be damned to even try to, especially when Jay’s around. He may be his best pal but Jay has always been very protective about you.”
“Whoever’s the pretty lady to be asked by Jungwon will definitely be the luckiest girl, I bet.”
The boy has all the means to help his sister as he is deeply affiliated with Jungwon’s brother, Daniel. But Niki could only look at her in pity thinking of all the years Y/n has set her heart on the oblivious boy next door, only the latter seems to care less in bearing the lady’s genuine sentiments.
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"Yang Jungwon!" A stern voice from a woman in her fifties resonates throughout the lad's powder room.
"Mother." He monotonously mumbled.
"Did I hear it correctly? You're not to dance with anyone at the ball?" With two hands on her waist, the young lord could almost see his mother's vein popping out on her wrinkled forehead.
"I suppose brother spilled the tea, huh? And yes, mother, you heard it correctly."
"Madness! If it weren't for Sunoo's knowledge of this I wouldn't have known. God knows what's going on inside of that brain of yours!"
"Mother, I am not fond of-"
"Nonsense! Not even the daughter of our dearest friend, Lady Park?"
"Most especially not her." Jungwon mutters under his breath.
"Do you even hear the absurdity of your words?"
"Certainly, I do, mother."
"Oh god, oh dear. You're giving me a headache right now." She rubs her temple in utter anxiety followed by a frustrated exhale. Lady Yang fumbles the surface of her dress until she got a handful of its fabric, gripping it upwards to free her steps from the hindrances while turning back from her son to leave him be. Until the eldest shows up from his supposedly brief reading schedule in the pantry.
“Ah! There you are. Talk some sense into your brother will you, dear? I might collapse if I bother to argue even more about his foolishness.” And Lady Yang leaves the two swiftly before they can even utter a word.
“What is it that you've done to mother now?” Sunoo, the eldest, walks slumpily towards Jungwon’s side while half-slamming the book on the marble counter.
“Shouldn't I be asking you that?” Jungwon side-eye him with a sneer.
“She was interrogating me with her unconquerable motherly vexes if you must know. Sincerely, brother, I'm not one to lie. Though, I did try my best.” The younger boy could only scoff at the sassy rebuttal from his brother.
“You could've tried harder. Or maybe, you could've just silenced yourself. Marvelous idea, isn't it?”
“Or maybe, you can put on a little effort to satisfy mother’s hopes even for one night. Brilliant, isn't it?”
Jungwon hisses as he unbotton his puff sleeves one by one with Sunoo looking at him in an almost scorn, pitying his brother for being a complete idiot, not to mention a coward too.
“I’m not a coward if that's what you're thinking. Let’s hear it, what would you have me do, brother?” The younger one looks at his brother’s reflection through the mirror like a brazen knight ready to be thrown into war. With both hands resting on the shiny countertop, he bites his bottom lip with a foreseeable answer in mind.
Sunoo taps the boy’s shoulder before heading to the door to leave him in his fickling decisions.
“Lady Y/n Park. Two dances, brother, then you can pray to spend the rest of your nights in peace.”
Jungwon gulps down followed by a deep sigh the moment Sunoo left the room, like an exhale he’s been trying to hold underwater for over a minute.
He could only hope that those two dances will be the last of it, or he could kiss his peaceful nights goodbye… forever.
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Hiccup by Valley
Summary: After encountering a road block in your relationship, what path will you take to wind up your broken heart with Iwaizumi?
Pairings: Hajime Iwaizumi x fem!reader
Genre/Warning: angst, cursing
Word count: 6k
A/N: i promise myself i was going to write some bokuto fluff but this song keeps bringing me back to iwa😣 also pls listen to this song<3
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You call out to him, knees to the floor clutching tightly on your shirt, droplets to the wooden surface. Oikawa harshly closes his eyes, unable to let his eyes rest on your weakened state. He takes a deep breath when he hears your mournful sob. He hears how you took in rough gasps of air so he drops the box from his hands as he rushes to you, his knee scraping from sliding to the floor as he takes you in his chest as you sobbed even more. Oikawa allowing his own tears to fall on your clothes.
He consistently caresses your hair, as your sniffles and cries of pain covered the eary atmosphere of your apartment.
"Tooru." You call out again, he closes his eyes as he leans his head on yours. He dreaded every second that passed knowing he shouldn't be the one to comfort you, but he knew your savior wasn't going to rescue you this time.
"Do you think he'll miss me?"
"I know he will, darling." He assures you, and you wipe your eyes gasping for air once again before speaking again. He lets his hand slide down to your back, patting it every now and then.
"But there's someone better huh?"
Oikawa bites his lip, and you take this silence as an answer you'd never forget. Your lips tug upwards, grinning at how it stung when it came from Oikawa. To Tooru, no one could replace you. He couldn't envision someone to love his brother the way you did and no amount of pain can top how much you cherished each other but he couldn't answer because he was unsure of the motives of the past ace.
"Thank you for staying." You whisper and he pulled you closer as he sighs, glancing at the apartment that appeared in their late night video calls. The same room where he saw the brightest smile that was painted on Iwaizumi, the eyes that carried passion whenever you'd pop up. Visiting the apartment for the first time, he didn't expect how- lifeless it felt.
You stretched as you rolled over to the side, used to the ghost of him. You shouldn't be used to it, he should be there to occupy it everyday but every morning you were just greeted by the chilliness he brought you.
The sun sneakily shined upon your eyes as you immediately turn away, expecting the memories to strike your heart like it does whenever the sun flaunted its rays.
"You're mesmerizing." He whispers, his pointer finger inched its way down to your cheek, smiling to himself. You hummed in response, shuffling in the sheets as his heart pounders at the sight of your shoulder peeking through the thin material, with the sunlight decorating your skin with its beauty.
You opened your eyes only to be surprised by how bright the sun was making you close them immediately, giggling to yourself. Who knew his heart could melt even more? Once you've slowly opened your eyes again, you gaze at your Hajime placing a hand on his cheek. With his hand on your chin, he slowly lifts it so your lips meet with his as you smile, running your hand from his cheek to his hair, while closing your eyes at the
He pulls away as butterflies swarmed inside him, pushing back the string of hair that landed in your eyes.
"I love you."
"And ever after."
You curse at the usual memory that would pass you every morning. It annoyed you how there wasn't a day where you weren't starting the morning this pissed off. Realistically speaking, you adored how your memories would bring life to your body once in a while but when love appears, pain tags along- making it hard to enjoy the only things that could take away the emptiness.
Without him, you could never bring yourself to close the curtains. A habit you've devastatingly brought upon yourself.
Whenever the sun rose and it's light surrounded your room, it was the closest embrace you could ever have from him.
You let your fingers graze over the longing sensation on your lips. Incapable of forgetting how every kiss from his plush lips made you high. Intoxicated with his devotion to you. Each having it's own unique way of bringing you stories from the way it synced with yours.
Do you ever think about coming back to kiss my mouth? You ask yourself, sadly letting go of your lips before stepping into the bathroom.
I miss the taste of you and it's always been you. Iwaizumi thinks to himself as he feels the tingle of coldness from his lips. Like you, he adored the way his mornings were blessings but his room looked like a grave for his emotions.
Curtains closed, not allowing to let the sun peak through since the light in his world wasn't there to bring back the life in his soulless apartment.
He steps out of bed entering his bathroom, brushing his teeth as he rubs his eyes with his free hand.
"S-shush! Baby- baby stop talking!" He says chuckling before placing the toothbrush in your mouth. You two were superbly drunk and it seems like even if Iwaizumi was drunk to the gods, he was still the responsible one in the relationship. You were already about to pass out but his loud laughter kept you awake.
"But Hajime- let me sleep already, you're so noisy bub." You pout but he chuckles again. You turn behind you try and sit on top of the counter but you slid off when you jumped. Iwaizumi shakes his head with a grin as he places his hand on your waist before effortlessly lifting you and placing you on the bathroom sink.
You continue to brush your teeth as he watches how your eyes would droop every second. You spit out the toothpaste before taking in some water and spitting it out as well. You wiped your mouth before bringing your arms outward. "Am I okay now babe? Hajime- honey I wanna sleep." You beg as he rolls his eyes taking you in his arms, like a bride.
"And what about you mister? Did you brush your teeth?" You teased, taking in the aroma of alcohol he had. He bit his lips trying not to laugh but he shakes his head, answering your question. You let out a gasp of betrayal as you hopped out of his arms grabbing the toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it, but you hear his cackle making you laugh as well, addicted to how it made you join him in an instant.
"Princess, at least put it on the actual brush. Not the other end you dumbie." He states making you look down on your failure of an attempt. You let out an "Oh." and this brought tears to both of your eyes from laughing endlessly.
He gazes at his reflection through the mirror as he takes a deep breath. It felt like if he'd utter a word, his voice would already crack at the resurfaced moment. He scolds himself for having minimal change in a span of two years. He told himself that he shouldn't wallow in the grief but he endured it for days.
There wasn't a clear way for him to move on, especially when you drained him from all functions of his mind. The only thing that interests him to be happy was that he held on to the probability of meeting you again. Even if the chances were slim to none, he'd take anything that there is left just to see you again.
Though it seems like, he'd have to suffer longer just for it to happen.
Maybe I'd understand the things that you'd do. You whisper as you take another gulp of alcohol. It was Saturday, your supposed late night sessions with Iwaizumi but instead you were solo for today, and maybe for the rest of the years. You bitterly chuckle to yourself as you didn't bother to answer Oikawas call. Your phone kept going off, receiving dozens of messages and missed calls from the setter. He deeply hated Saturdays, or at least your version of it.
Whether you chose to bottle down every beer you had, or scream and get smothered in mascara stains from crying, or even worse, both. Sometimes you'd even mistaken Oikawa for Iwaizumi, and Oikawa allows it knowing it's a way for you to cope. He hated how far away he was but he strictly told you that if you were ever to pursue yourself to go to the club, he'd drop everything and book a ticket to you immediate, of course this was enough for you to listen especially when you'd feel guilty for wasting his time.
Oikawa knew better than to ask for Iwaizumis help. He remained a bridge for the two of you, knowing he'd encounter to different sides. Iwaizumi had him pick up his belongings in your apartment, denying to step foot in your room. In which brought Oikawa to tears at sight of his best friends past lover in such a disaster of a state. So granting Iwaizumis wish, he stayed.
"Why can't you do it? It's your apartment." Oikawa argued making Iwaizumi grunt in pain as he secretly wipes away the tears in his eyes. He sighs before facing the setter.
"She hates me, Oikawa." He says, staring directly at the boy. Oikawa scoffs but stares at the ground, hands to his side formed in a fist.
Is it that bad? He questions.
"Iwa- what happened?" He asks nervously but Iwaizumi only closes his eyes as he tries to get rid of the screams from the previous night.
"I'll tell you soon. When you see her, maybe you'll understand why I can't do this, why I can't face her. Just please do me one favor." The tone in his voice slowly lessens with the last sentence, making Oikawas heart ache for the two of you. Looking at Iwaizumis eyes, Oikawa could see the way he was holding back, but from what? There was a certain change in his usual stare- he looked lost.
Oikawa sits on the couch as he lets his hand gesture for Iwaizumi to speak. He couldn't say anything else but he hoped that Iwaizumi would take his silence as an answer already. Oikawa would do anything for Iwa, and if he was your other half, and Oikawa will do the same to you.
"Save her."
"From what, Iwa?"
"From what I've done."
Oikawa was impatiently waiting for your response but it seems you've decided to push him aside again. Although he was home, the distance from him to you was troublesome so he insisted to call you instead.
He assumed that last year you've gotten better since you spent you Saturday sleeping instead of drinking, but it progressively got worse.
"I mean, one drink wouldn't hurt right?"
He was dumbfounded when one drink turned into hundreds. He knew it was difficult to continue especially when you and Iwaizumi were having the time of your lives everytime. Whether you were extremely drunk, he knew that you two acted the complete same when you were sober. There wasn't a difference, meaning that's just how love worked between you two.
"Tooru- honey!" You shout as Iwaizumi pouts. It was your 4th anniversary and Oikawa decided to call to greet the lovely couple another successful year of your relationship.
"It's shittykawa to you, babe." Iwaizumi teases making Oikawa rolls his eyes. Through the camera, he sees you above Iwaizumi with arms wrapped around his neck without your chin resting on the boys head as he smiles, content to see that 4 years and love didn't change, not even a bit.
"Disgusting lovebirds, happy anniversary to you both!" Oikawa cheers as you giggle, blowing a kiss to him for greeting you two.
"Thank you Tooru-" your words were cut off by a gasp of realization as you shake Iwaizumi. Hajime takes in your excitement as he shakes his head at your actions.
"Hajime! There's no way you're not making Tooru as your best man- anyway! Tooru! This my official invitation for you to be his best man at our wedding!" Oikawa laughs as he raises his eyebrow to Iwaizumi who had a smirk on his lips.
"Well, I will be overly disappointed if I wasn't chosen. If Iwa-chan declines, I'll be your best man instead Y/N, or if you take my offer, I'll be the groom." He winks to you as you laugh before taking another sip of your drink. Iwaizumi flips off Oikawa and the setter only returns this by poking his tongue out to his best friend.
"So is that right, Iwa-chan? Will you finally bend the knee for the lovely lady?" With Oikawas question, you turn to Iwaizumi as if you were nervous. You bit your lip looking at your boyfriend before he pecks your lips catching you off guard as he looks at you with a smirk.
"I'd be a fool not to." He says making you squeal, as you immediately cover your face in your hands, embarassed by how red you got. Oikawa rolls his eyes, envious at the love you shared. Although, he is joyous that you've made Iwaizumi the happiest man he can be, even if you two weren't married yet, to Oikawa it looks like your relationship will only lead to the altar.
There wasn't a single doubt to that.
"Y/N! I thought you've forgotten how to pick up the phone again." He scolds you but his anger washes away when he sees you with red eyes and sniffling uncontrollably.
"Hajime." She calls out, as Oikawa sighs into his pillow realizing it's another night of him acting as Iwaizumi. He's already heard all the things you wanted to say to the missing boy and he accepted the fact that you'll never have the heart to say it to Iwaizumi himself.
"Why do I miss you, now that you're out of my life?" You cried. Oikawa only rests his chin on the palm of his hand as you continued to pour your sadness upon him. You swing the bottle in your hands before downing another wave of liquor.
"I wanna know what you're doing tonight." You whisper as you take your phone, clicking on Iwaizumis contact but before you could, Oikawa spoke, knowing your next intentions.
"No, not again Y/N." He says but you shake your head your finger threatening to press it already.
"Y/N listen to me, Iwa would have contacted you right now but this isn't the time!" He argued but you scoffed, angry tears brimming in your eyes.
"No! Then when will that time come then! I've been waiting for so fucking long already! It's never gonna happen 'cause he's forgotten me- Fuck!" You shouted, taking Oikawa by surprise as you collapse to the floor once again, Oikawa coming back to the sight of you he wanted to forget.
"Y/N- babe I'm sorry-"
"Enough, Oikawa. If you could've been honest that Hajime's found another, then-then maybe I-" your voice cracks as you stressfully runs your fingers through your hair, gripping it tight in your hands as you let out another doleful sob, breaking Toorus heart.
"I don't know what do anymore." You whispered, your heart shattering in to even more finer pieces. You couldn't even put into words how you've been in torment for years.
It finally dawned on you that you weren't headed to the altar, you were headed in a different path.
Without him.
"Y/N- listen- Iwaizumi-" you ended the call leaving Oikawa stunned as he drops the phone in his hands in frustration and in regret. He decided to visit Iwaizumi, knowing it'd be hard to ever communicate with you again, especially that you've been struck by a wrong thought.
And no one else could handle you the way Hajime would.
"Oikawa? What is it?"
"I fucked up, I'm sorry."
Iwaizumi held his breath as Oikawa explained what happened. He couldn't wrap his head around the unintentional pain Oikawa has given you.
"Iwa, I'm so sorry." Tooru says, making Iwaizumi close his eyes visioning your features crushing at the idea of him having somebody by his side.
Hajimes eyes would never betray you. The only reflection that stayed in his eyes, was the future that was thrown away.
"Oikawa, hey it's okay, I understand." Iwaizumi says with a soft tone to assure Oikawa. Tooru would never intentionally hurt you, he was there to save you. Even if Iwaizumi didn't ask him to take care of you, Oikawa would do everything to bring a smile on your lips. As much love you have to Hajime, its the same amount you have to Oikawa.
"Leaving isn't bad because you're gonna come back with something even better and that's the best version of yourself."
It's your words that he counted on. He believed that he wasn't being selfish, or prideful. You made him believe that finding himself was enough to get him all the medals, the passion, and everything he wanted. So he'd want nothing more than to give thanks to you.
Oikawa breaks the silence. Iwaizumi looks at him while biting down on his fingers, his heart beating too loudly at the thought of you.
"Why didn't you call her- not even giving her a proper goodbye." Tooru asks with masked anger in his tone. How could he help Hajime when he's blocking him from the truth?
"Iwaizumi. Answer me. For once." Oikawa begs, but once he's met with the silence, he's never been more eager to give in to anger.
"I just- I can't let it happen again, Oikawa. Not to her, not to us."
"Baby, what movie do you want to watch on Saturday? I've seen so many good ones lately." Iwaizumi turns to you with an exhausted expression. You were arranging the condiments in the cabinet, waiting for his response.
"Can't we- reschedule? I-I have something to go to-"
"You can't blow me off for the third time this week, Iwa." You spat, sick of the excuses. Has it really been three times? Iwaizumi questions as he leans on the couch, letting out a sigh. To which is a response you didn't expect to receive.
"I've been busy." He lied, he may not feel it, but there wasn't a single hesitation when he spoke. You memorize his schedules, his after meetings, the excused he's mentioned didn't even bother to make sense. It hurt how he was able to come up so easily, not even thinking about you'd be able to piece them all together.
"Or are you just tired, Iwaizumi?"
You asked rudely. He looks at you before rolling his eyes, covering your heart in bitterness at his pride.
"So what if I am?"
He talked back, hitting you with a bigger wave of emotions. You slammed the door of the cabinet, marching to him each step mixed with rage and pain.
"You're tired? Imagine what I've been feeling, Hajime!" You shout, volume picking up on your tone as this makes Iwaizumi stand up from the couch, not backing down at the power of your voice.
"Clingy? Needy? Pathetic? Tell me, does that sound any different to you?" He said it with so much disgust, strong enough to make you doubt everything you've fought for.
"So you don't give a fuck? Is that what you're so proud of, Iwaizumi? That you're so fucking insensitive?" He felt a tug on his heart when you called him that. It's been so long since he's heard you say it so- normal. As odd as it is, he couldn't hear his name the same again, especially when it came from you.
"Exactly! God I- Y/N. This is why-"
"This why I'm so fucking tired of you!" He shouted, not only did it create a barrier in your apartment, it brought up your past barrier that he broke down but now he's the cause of it to return.
"You're just- can you even make it on your own without me? It's like if I leave you'd- lose your shit! We need space!" He was fuming with confused anger as you feel your throat give out. You were shaking, your heart was too fast and unsteady, you weren't the same.
"But space is what you've been giving me! Coming home so late? Standing me up? You don't even fucking realize how many dates we missed!" He scoffs before running his fingers through his raven hair. Taking a step towards you, making you stand your ground as you tilt your head to meet with his empty eyes.
This isn't the man who could love you forever and ever after.
"So what! I've got so many things to do apart from dealing with your shit!" You stare back at him, weakened at how your heart couldn't handle it anymore.
You looked down, feeling the sting in your hands when your nails digged into the skin of your palm. He sits down on the couch, drained from the war full of shouting and the damage his heart was in.
Surprisingly, you sat beside him but there was such an intense distance between you.
He turns to you but chills ran up his spine when he sees how you look like you've agreed to everything he's said, making his eyes widen at the foreign feeling.
This is what he was scared of. Failing to find interest in the same routine, to find the energy to continue like he used to. Being worn out by how repetitive things were even when the love you both had was nowhere near boring.
In fact, it was exhilarating. You were both curious to try things together, that's what led you to even owning an apartment together, planning a future, even planning your marriage that was now a blur.
He trembled. Regret, anxiousness, exhaustion. He didn't expect himself to feel this way, especially to you, who he loved completely but felt a certain drift in his heart. He looks away from you as his eyes trail on the picture of you two. He couldn't hold it in his hands to look at how happy he looked, because he isn't the same anymore.
He's lost his way.
"D-did I..lack something?" She asks quietly. He gulps at her question. It was so heavy to him. How you asked him, questioning yourself in this relationship. With anxious hands, he wanted to reach out for you but his efforts were surpassed when he felt a wall between you and him.
"Am I worth.. to keep?"
Please, baby. He begs in his mind for you to stop. He couldn't register how he couldn't make himself speak. He was holding back too much, terrified that he was going to break you more and more with every word he'd toss to you.
"Then this is pointless isn't it?"
You both look at each other, both met with different expressions in your eyes. Iwaizumi could see how tired you were, how he knew you wouldn't be able to look at him the same way before, since he gave up first. While you can see how there wasn't a single lie in his eyes, the downfall was upon you.
No matter the space you give him, there can never be a spark to bring him back.
He bit his lip, facing the truth. Even he knew there isn't any other way.
"I know what you're gonna say, Hajime."
"Princess.. I'm sorry"
"Just go." It was impossible for him to follow your orders when all he wishes is to stay but then again, he's run out of reasons to.
"You gave up, Iwa!" Oikawa shouts, standing up to the boy. Iwaizumi lets his eyes wonder on the floor because he said nothing but the truth.
"There isn't anything I can-"
He's heard enough. You've asked Oikawa many heartbreaking questions. They were all unanswerable, and it pained him he couldn't give you at least one. He was in pain as much as you were. He hated how stupid Iwaizumi was for leaving you and choosing to cower away. He hated how you blamed yourself and slashing your heart because of Iwaizumi.
The tension has set fire to Oikawa and with years of loyalty between the two, Oikawa throws a heavy punch to Iwaizumi, disgusted of his actions.
Iwaizumi, completely at shocked at Oikawas punch, steps back a few times before his blood dropped on his fingers. Oikawa walks straight to Iwaizumi capturing his collar and pulling the boy upwards, nothing but rage consuming the setter.
"Did you love her then? Don't tell me this bullshit that you can't go back to her. Do you even wanna know what she asks me?" Iwaizumi removes Oikawas hands from his shirt, crumpling it in the process. Oikawa lets out a sarcastic laugh as he looks at Hajime.
"Ah, so you know how much shit you put her through? Then maybe you are an asshole but god- Iwa she loves you so much. If that isn't a good enough reason for you to talk to her, then I'll find somebody else for her." Oikawa threatens as Iwaizumi lets out a sob, nothing but regret that he hurt two of the most important people on his life.
"But what if it happens again?"
Iwaizumi asks, it was the only thing that held him back for returning into your arms. He isn't stable enough to return when the fear lingers in his head. What if he falls out of love? What if he gets tired again? Then you'll never want his presence again. He couldn't master up the courage because he too was scared of it.
He will not go through dozens of years just to be apart from you. He's already lost his mind to see you and Oikawa face the tragedy that he left you with. He felt nauseated with himself. How can he promise you forever when it was out of his grasp?
"Why don't you find out?"
It was a simple sentence that left Oikawas lips yet it brought Hajime to tears. It would've been that easy. If he didn't stay with his demons, then maybe you were here to offset his heart. After 2 years, isn't it too late to realize that he's never really ran out of love? It strengthened, but he was so afraid of battling with you like you did, hating how he was the man who shattered your overall being.
"Thank you, Oikawa."
He whispers as Oikawa takes a seat beside him, smiling that he brought the boy to realize the amount of time he's wasted by being surrounded by doubt. Oikawa pats the boys shoulder, sighing in relief that Iwaizumi was back.
You swore to avoid your phone the entire day. As much as you wanted to apologize to Oikawa for the outburst, you just wanted a day of silence since your thoughts never give you the chance. Not only did you promise to avoid technology, you decided to avoid people as well, promising to yourself you'd rather stay inside in order to avoid the envy you had for other couples.
So here you are, tucked in your jacket, wrapped in your blanket waking up from a 4 hour nap. You yawned before squinting when you open your phone. It's 8pm and your stomach was nowhere near happy. Slowly standing up, you make your way to the kitchen opening the fridge seeing absolutely no hope to make a meal. Sighing lazily, you decided it'd be best to just buy some food.
After getting ready, you step out of your apartment as you drive to the place where you usually order. You admired how the moon lit your way. Opening your windows you smile when the cold whiff of air instantly surrounded your car. You loved the way your hair flew in the wind while you listened to the song playing.
Once you've finished your bought dinner, you decided to take a turn in your path. Now that it was late at night, you couldn't resist to visit a place you've been missing.
You take in a deep breath as you leaned on the metal bar, loving the way the view still took your breath away. You were face to face with the nightlights and the busy town below you. Not only was it stunning but it was a place to recall some of your favorite moments with him now that you were out of your comfortless of an apartment.
"Sorry for being late, Oikawa was an ass." Iwaizumi excuses himself as he stood beside you leaning on the rod, smiling once he takes in the lights. He turns to you before removing his jacket and placing it on your shoulders, a sweet gesture that had you blushing every time.
You couldn't refuse knowing he would've scolded you. Instead, you stood closer to him before leaning your head on his arm. With his hand, he interlaced his fingers with yours, as your heart flutters. He takes in your hand, placing a gentle kiss on it as you did the same with his hand making him twirl you in satisfaction. You giggle before landing on his chest as he leans down and places his warm hands to your cheeks as he leans in to take your lips with his.
You immediately wrap your arms around his neck, reciprocating his kiss. He's given you hundreds of kisses before, how is this any different than the rest?
He pulls away, as your foreheads touch as you both painted a smile on your lips, feeling a slight tickle to it with how flustered you both were.
"I love you so much." He whispers, the first time he's ever let the three words slip from his mouth. Your hands make their way his hair, grabbing it lightly before nodding happily.
"I love you more, my Hajime."
Who knew that just by saying those three words, it was enough for you to believe in an ever after with him? Maybe you were wrong to fall for it even though he gave you a fragment of your so called forever.
You glanced beside you to see a vacant spot and you let out a disappointed sigh. You take in the sight of your fingers, missing the way it perfectly fit in his and how he held it with so much care, giving you an idea that he'd never let you go. Unfortunately he broke this bond but you still longed for his skin to be at contact with yours again.
You sat down placing your hand on the bench as you close your eyes leaning your back on it. You felt a shift of weight beside you, someone finally accompanying you in this lonely night but you've caught on the familiar scent of the stranger and you let the name slid off your tongue.
He turns to you in shock that you knew it was him but you open your eyes, turning your head to be faced with the man you've been longing to see in two years. He looked the same, the same face who clouded your dreams. He was certainly your Hajime, the pretty boy you've adored since you were in high school.
Happy anniversary. You silently greet each other. How bittersweet, isn't it? What was meant to be your 6th year, turned into 2 years of avoiding each other.
And as you took in Iwaizumis appearance, he did the same with you. Loving the way your features clicked in his memory instantly. Was it even possible for you to be even more beautiful? To Iwaizumi, it was. He absolutely missed you, but why was his heart nervous?
What do I do? He asks himself. Small talk isn't what you deserved. God- you deserve so much more. Endless hours of talking, his embrace, his love, that's what you missed. He was willing to love you with everything he's got, now knowing he'll never run out of it because he isn't scared anymore.
"This isn't a dream is it?" You asked as you turn back to the sky counting the stars that was above you. He was glad you broke the silence, and he appreciated how there wasn't the same tension before. It felt so- serene and unique. Something he wishes it'd be a good sign for the both of you.
"I can't believe it either." He exclaims making you smile. You couldn't ask him how he's doing, not wanting to drag on a conversation you've waited years for to happen, you couldn't let it be bland and meaningless.
"We were something weren't we?" You asked with a soft smile. Iwaizumi chuckles beside you, as he sits closer to you. The cold air swirling around you two as well as the car noised filling in the comforting silence.
"God, I miss what that's like." Iwaizumi answers as you look at him. You looked down on the floor with tears appearing again, the same as Iwaizumi. You were both craving to hold each other but it didn't sit right to just rush into each other knowing there's so much to unpack.
Maybe it was a bit unexpected that you'd face him this way. Echoing through your ears was the conversation between you and Tooru about how the time never came. Now, you weren't even close to being prepared. You both imagined a proper conversation wherein you two would agree to meet up and talk things out. Yet subconsciously, you came to the same place at the same time not even knowing you'd meet. You lacked strength to bundle the words that you've always wanted to say to him and he felt the same way.
The last time you sat next to each other, that was when you parted. Now, back in the same position, it felt overwhelming. Seeing each other for the first time, both had you shocked and careful of your words. You wanted to scream how much you loved him, and he wanted to hold you in his arms to wash away the bleeding of your heart.
You loved how the universe made you two meet. It was quite painful that it had to be the place where you've shared so many memories with him. You didn't know if this was a blessing in disguise but you couldn't complain when the love of your life was here, beside you.
When he saw you, he felt like the sun shined above him like it did every morning. Where he had an angel to wake up next to, when he couldn't spot a single imperfection in your skin when the sun danced in your beauty.
And you've finally remembered the way his touch would bring you the assurance without words. His unexpected kisses, his sweet embrace, his smile that makes your heart run a marathon.
You're finally here. You both think, your hearts synced in how you've waited for this moment.
With your hand on the bench, he places his hand on top of yours, feeling like it was too fragile to hold but you didn't pull away. He takes in your features in the moonlight as his heart picks up the pace at the feeling that washes over him.
There isn't a barrier anymore.
Having the chance to hold your hand like this, he'll never take this for granted again. His everything, back in his touch, god how lucky he was. Remembering Oikawas words, one thing was clear to Iwaizumi, and that was the fact that he couldn't afford to have another hiccup in your relationship.
"We really fucked up this time." Iwaizumi comments making the both of you chuckle as he intertwines your hands with his, smiles on either your faces now that you've finally found the path to each other.
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kuronanox · 4 years
Your Knight - Leopold Vermillion
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"Leo." (Your Name) calls waiting down the hill for him waving her hands as the wind blows through the air, and the autumn leaves fly around them as he runs towards her with excitement, his smile ear to ear.
"I'm running away from my brother!" He tells her as they grab each other hands and run to the field where they would play together. "Princess and Knight?" Leopold asks her as she nods her head with a smile.
It was a cute little game they played often where the usual the knight saved the princess and there was a happy ending. "Wow your magic is so strong!" She says with sparkles in her eyes as he shot a baby fire out into the sky.
"You should see my brothers it's way better." He says as it explodes and they looked up to the sky to mesmerize it.
"You won't get in trouble being out here?" (Your Name) asks as she picked at the green grass and threw it into the air.
"Not if I don't get caught!" He chuckles as he slightly pushes her and she runs after him. "Hey that's not fair! I'm not fast." She pouts chasing after him.
"Huh?! Lame Leopold I didn't know you were one to play with commoners!" Solid shouts from afar with a smug smile on his face. (Your Name) gasps as she hid behind Leopold and watched Solid walk towards them.
"Come here little girl!" He says snatching her roughly away from the youngest Vermillion and threw her onto the floor. "Commoners like you don't get to have the luxury to hang out with us royals, got it!" He sneers kicking dirt on her dress as she looks down and lands hard on the floor.
"Leave her alone!" Leopold yells and threaten to use his magic on Solid but the older boy just scoffs and places his hands on his hips and chuckles.
"It's okay Leo, he's right. Commoners shouldn't speak to royals." (Your name) says trying to get up from the floor. Her voice was soft and shaking as if she was about to break down in tears.
"Shut up peasant! Who told you to talk!" Solid yells kicking her back to the ground as Leopold punched him in the face.
"What's little 8 year old Leopold going to do? Go snitch on me?" Solid taught as he laughs and dodges the punch before swinging his own fist hitting Leopold right on his cheek as the younger boy fell on the floor across from (Your Name). The two children look at each other with sadness written in their eyes.
"That's enough!" They heard a deep voice yell from behind as 22 year old Fuegoleon was watching with furious eyes and his mana flaring, carefully he picks up (Your Name) from the ground and looks towards Solids direction.
"Go home now!" He sternly says to Solid as the boy grew in fear and ran back to the Silva estates.
Fuegoloen holds (Your Name) as she starts to cry and wipe her tears as she says "I'm sorry Lord Fuegoleon I won't play with Leo no more."
Leopold runs besides them and sits on the ground next to them feeling ashamed he couldn't protect her from Solid and he didn't try his best to prevent it from happening.
"What is your name?" Fuegoleon asks kindly as he kneed down eyes to eye with her.
"It's (Your Name)." She sniffles as Leopold takes a hold of her shaken hand.
"It's a very pretty name, don't let anyone tell you who you can be friends or not friends with. We are all the same. I am thankful you let Leopold comes home everyday safely." He tells her with a smile as she looks up to him and nods with determination.
"Leo is my best friend I would never let him get hurt!"
"And I am thankful for that. You did take on a powerful kick."
Leopold squeezes her hand as she squeezes it back.
"Let's get you home now." Fuegoleon says carrying both Leopold and her in his arms.
"Aniue! I'm 8 years old I can walk myself!" The boy pouts as his older brother drops him and continues walking with (Your Name) on his back.
Once they reached her home she gave Leo a hug and Fuegoleon a shy smile before saying a farewell.
"Leo, I'll teach you have to defend yourself. How will you be her knight if you can't even protect yourself." He lectures as Leopold looks down ashamed, he kicks the ground and clench his fist with frustration. "Imagine if your sister was here."
"How do you know about that?" Leopold grimly says playing with his feet avoiding eye contact from his older brother.
"Don't think I don't know where you run off to everyday." Fuegoleon scolds as they walked back home together.
Now 8 years later Leopold was becoming a grown man and learning his full potential. He hadn't seen (Your Name) in a few years since she moved to the country side. He achieved so much after the fight with the elves and preparing for the fight with Spade Kingdom he was proud to say he was 100x stronger than he was years ago.
There were times he missed her dearly, someone he could run to and talk to about his royal problems or how training went but she was gone and all those feelings were kept hidden in his heart.
Although he was a happy kid he did have times where he fell into the dark. Like sometimes being the shadows of both his siblings.
"I miss her." He says sitting on the open field where they use to play, starring into the scenery and slightly cringing at himself. They were both children with imaginations never did he think he would ever be anyone's Knight but he was thankful it was to (Your Name).
Knitting his brows he wondered if she was doing alright, he remembered a time where he ate dinner at her house. Her parents were poor and they ate soups most night but he never had ill thoughts towards there life style.
Leopold remembers his younger self sitting next to (Your Name) as they ate potato soup and bread. The last of the bread her family could get. They offered him the biggest piece but he refused and let them have all the pieces. He finally realized how good of a life he was born into. As he drank the soup he remembers a feeling of warmth go down his stomach.
He realizes it was made with hard work and dedication, her family poured their heart and soul to support a roof on their heads. That night before he left home he hugged her tightly for a few moments longer as she questioned what was wrong with him. "I promise you won't have to suffer when we get older." he says seriously to her as she just laugh.
"Don't worry Leo, we were just born into different classes, some people have it worse than me."
Leopold smiles to himself as he made that silly promise that he wish to make come true, maybe in another lifetime it was worth trying. He couldn't even find out where she was at now.
"Leo let's go." Fuegoleon says from behind the younger boy, recently he would find him at the field whenever he had bad days or if he wanted to get out of the city. Fuegoleon wouldn't say much but take him home every night.
(Your Name) had returned to Clover Kingdom after a few years away, her parents making enough from farming to move back to the city. The place was still the same, nothing changed much besides some rebuilding from the damage that the elves had left behind.
"I wonder if I can see Leopold again?"  She wondered looking at the capitol before going back into her family business.
"Why don't you go visit him?" Her mother said to her that night as she got ready for bed but she shook her head and remembered the brief memory of solid telling her they don't belong together.
"We are on a different level with royals, I was just a kid."
"Still, you guys were inseparable."
Walking into her bedroom she closed it slightly and laid in bed. Would Leopold still be the same boy he was years ago. People change and out grow sometimes. For all she knew he could have turned out snobby but that was not likely.
One early morning Leopold ran after a thief that he caught early as he was heading towards the fields. "Stop right there!" He yelled chasing the hooded figure as civilians were pushed onto the ground and caused a commotion around the city.
(Your Name) turned her head to find the hooded figure running towards her and the basket of bakery goods fell on the floor as she gasp and tried to get out of the grasp of the thief. "Let me go!" She shouted as she was lifted into the air with a rope around her neck.
"Let her go!" Leopold shouts from below with his fire spilling out of his hands, his face filled with anger.
"Leopold!" She yelled surprised to see him. He was tall, his hair more spiked and his tooth was growing out.
"(Your Name)?" He says confused, he didn't recognize her. She was a women now. "How many years has it been?"
The thief pulled the rope around her neck as she tried to get out of the grasp only to be dragged around as it choked her. "Help her!" Someone yelled from behind Leopold as he froze in place.
He trained for this, he had to show her how much of a man he became. He wasn't the little boy back then that couldn't fight back. Her cough echoed in his ears as tears fell from her face from not getting enough oxygen. "Fuck it."
Charging towards the hooded thief he threw a row of swirling fire as it went down a few yards and the place was fired up to where everyone had to evacuate.
The ropes burned off her neck as he grabbed her hand to safely. Only to grab the hooded figure and punched him onto the floor. Sitting over the thief he punched him one after another till his knuckle was bloody and bruised.
"Leopold stop! Your going to kill him!" (Your Name) echoed, pleading him to stop.
Focused on punishing the thief he was blacked out but was awake in his own world.
"You tried to kill (Your Name)."
"This thief tried to kill her."
"He tried to take her away!"
The thief was on the floor not moving as she touched his hand only to flinch back. Leopold body was burning with heat. He was angry. His eyes had murder written on them as she pulled his body back not caring how hot it was burning her.
"Leo!" She screamed as he looked back up to her.
"(Your Name)?" He says as she looked down at him with fear, glancing at the man on the floor not responding he lifted his fists to see them marked with red and purple.
"Stop, that's enough." She tells him as he looks around them. The place was covered in smoke and ashes. "You saved me it's enough."
Embarrassed he couldn't control his anger he yelled into his hands as she led him back to her place a few streets down.
After he settled down a bit, Leopold couldn't look into her eyes. "You must think lowly of me." He says with a whisper as she shakes her head. "No I don't, it's just scary how violent you got."
"It's only cause he was going to kill you! I had to protect you! Don't you know how it works here! The weak die unless they are strong enough and I wasn't going to lose you again!" He yelled as her eyes widen, Leopold had never yelled at her before.
(Your Name) had to understand they were older now, they weren't kids in a daydream anymore.
"I'm sorry." She says as he felt his stomach drop. Walking towards her he pulls her into a hug and dropped his head on her shoulder.
"I can't lose you again. You don't know what it's like to be the shadow of both my sibling and carrying the burden of the Crimson Lions when my brother was in a coma and when I had to fight the elves and train for the upcoming war with the Spade kingdom, it's just so much going on. I didn't have anyone to tell or go to."
(Your Name) wrapped her arms around his body and embraced him lovingly. He had grown up so much over the years she couldn't believe it.
"Leopold, I'm not scared of you, just shocked. I know you would never hurt anyone with out a reason. And I'm here now. I'm not leaving again." She rubbed his back as he hid his face by her neck. Like a baby cub he was yearning for warmth with the only place he found comfort. In her company.
"I'm no princess but I'm glad my knight showed up." She chuckled as he slightly smiled and embraced her tighter.
"I'll always be your knight and shining armor." Leopold says with a smile on his face.
(Author note: Leopold looks so good with the skip time! My baby ;-;)
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liibrii · 4 years
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Chapter 1: Still the same
Ojiro Aran x fem!reader
Synopsis: In Aran's eyes you've always been someone he could lean onto. Before you lost touch after graduating that was. Now that you've found a way back into his life, cracking under the weight of the world, he's determined to be there for you as you were for him. It really is only the question of time before he falls in love with you again but he soon starts to realise he might not know you all that well to begin with...
Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, slow burn, friends to lovers
Warnings: timeskip spoilers, internalised guilt and shame, intrusive thoughts, self doubt, depression, anxiety, swearing, use of alcohol
wc: 3.1k
a/n: if you wanna be tagged lemme know. as always feedback is greatly appreciated!  a big thanks to @rosecaffelatte​ for the help with header and dividers!
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“I dig the new look. But why just the beard, why not grow some nice moustache too? You could twirl them during matches. Like some super volleyball villain.��
Aran's coffee goes down the wrong pipe. “Is that how ya see me?” he asks during coughs.
Years later and your laughter still sounds the same. Warmth spreading through him is still the same. It's been a few months since you moved to Tokyo to finish your degree. “Better late than never, right?“ you told him the first time you got coffee together. An unfamiliar bitterness laced your voice then.
“Me? No. But the opponent might.“ You add some sugar to your cup before making a sip. Aran remembers seeing your favourite drink on the menu and wonders why you ordered something else. Maybe you just don't like it anymore. It has been some time since he last saw you.
Almost four years to be exact. Has it really been that long? He remembers the reunion as if it happened yesterday and graduation only a day before.
“We're graduating in a few days so I made you all a little something.“ You pulled neatly wrapped gifts from your bag. “Don't look so suspicious.“Seeing team's faces made you scrunch up your nose. “It's just a framed picture.“
You made one for everyone, even the first years who were merely bench warmers. It's the picture of the entire team taken after you returned from your last nationals. Aran remembers vividly how insistent you were on hanging team banner in the background. 'We don't need memories.' “But I sure do,“ you joked.
There's a hand written message on the back side. A different note for every single member.
“Take that 'Tsumu!“ shouted Osamu back then and pushed his frame under Atsumu's nose, “Look here, 'Don't tell 'Tsumu but yer my favourite twin!'“
Atsumu sneered at his brother: “What're ya talkin' about? 'Tsum-Tsum yer on the way of becomin' the best setter the world has ever known. And don't tell 'Samu but yer my favourite twin!' Take that ya pig!“
Aran laughed with the rest of the team. How typical that you would play twins against each other to create chaos. 'Aran,' his note read, 'don't forget to stretch properly after practice! And please, never sprain your ankle during matches. World doesn't have to know all your socks have holes in them.'
The first time he noticed your absence in his life was only months after graduating. The volleyball club manager who yelled at the cheering squad in front of the entire gymnasium for making a first year cry during a practice match. Fearless.
You were there when he needed someone to lean onto. With a snack and a sports drink, staying late just to make sure he didn't go overboard with practice. A light slap on his shoulders when he was wallowing in self doubt. On the days it got especially bad you pulled a pack of ritz crackers from your secret stash of snacks and bought him a drink on the way home. Sometimes you'd sit on the stone fence by the crossroad where your path home diverged, gossiping for hours about your classmates and teachers. Aran found it so easy to tell you all the trouble weighing on his mind. Be it about school or volleyball, you listened. Even when he knew he was talking nonsense, even when he knew his worries were just unfounded doubts you listened.
“Better to try and fail than to never try at all,“ you once told him.
Aran's lips curved into a small smile. “Where did ya read that? Some ancient philosopher?“
“No, it's a song.“ You pulled out your phone from the pocket and offered him a headphone. “Wanna listen to it?“
It really was no surprise he fell in love with you.
But he never spoke of how his breath caught in his throat, how his heart pounded whenever you were around. How could he when he had always known that look of pure love and adoration in your eyes would never be meant for him?
How could it be when you were so obviously in love with Kita?
No matter how much his heart ached for you he had to admit you and Kita were a match made in heaven. Years later and he still remembers the pictures in your room, you and Kita aged five or so holding hands, bruised knees and dirty cheeks, you and Kita on your first day of elementary school, you and Kita graduating Middle school. You and Kita joining volleyball club together. You and Kita locking pinkies on the way home. You and Kita. Always you and Kita.
He was so jealous back then. It drained so much of his energy trying to prevent the sneering beast from taking over. So much suppressed emotions trying to protect the friendship he to this day holds so dear. But no matter what he did he couldn't prevent his insides clenching every time you took Kita's hand. Well, why did he even expect you'd chose anyone but him? You've known him your entire life. Kita was your best friend from before either of you even knew what that meant. He understood you better than anyone. Why would you ever choose anyone but him?
For years you were happy and for years Aran believed he had moved on. Once in passing Kita even bashfully mentioned marriage. Aran congratulated his friend, even looked at engagement rings with him. That night he cam home and collapsed on the bed dazed from emotions erupting back to the surface. In his lonely, empty apartment he cried his eyes out. Never before had he been so angry at himself. He believed he was over you. And with one single sentence from Kita vines carrying your name sprouted thorns and pierced his heart.
He was a terrible friend, wasn't he? Perhaps this was his punishment for wishing you were in his arms instead. You are happy, right? So why can't that be enough? Even if it's with someone else, if he really loved you then knowing you are happy should be all that matters, right?
You were happy. Until you weren't. Aran was never glad to learn you and Kita broke up. But he wasn't sad either.
“I always thought ya and Shinsuke were gonna be it.“
Warm sunlight dances over your face. You stare out the window, the gaze of your eyes sorrowful. Aran doesn't remember ever seeing you sad. You've always been the happy one, the one capable of lifting others' spirits no matter how bad it was.
You stir your drink. “I thought so too.“ When you lean back your eyes still search for something in the street. “But that's how it goes you know, sooner or later you realise you've been wrong. One way or another.“
You're trying to sound carefree and Aran's heart cracks a little. Why are you trying so hard to conceal the pain? Don't you trust him?
You are still his friend. He's starting to think that maybe... Maybe he isn't yours anymore. He shouldn't have brought up Kita. Idiot.
“Our semi-final match is next week. Ya comin'?“
Before you answer a small voice chimes in. “Uhm, excuse me? Ojiro-san?“ The boy's eyes sparkle with excitement as he asks for an autograph and a picture and Aran's more than happy to oblige. Two other kids show up and then their parents and some of the guests who had been throwing glances at your table for some time. Aran takes his time taking pictures and exchanging pleasantries. Meeting fans is the one aspect of being a renown athlete he likes.
When he turns back at you there's a fond smile on your face. “Remember those times when you thought you had no future in volleyball because you didn't get invited to youth training camp?“ Your voice softens. “Look at you now. Ojiro Aran, outside hitter of Japan's National Team.“
The light trace of pride in your voice makes his face heat up. “I was lucky to have friends who believed in me.“
“True. I better get going, my shift stars in an hour.“ You stand up and collect your things. “Talk to you later!“
What little of time you spent together always seemed to fly past too rapidly. Aran watches through the window as you hurry down the street. His coffee has gotten cold.
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His spike wins them the semi-finals. In the eruption of cheering he can't hear your voice but he does see you bouncing on your heels right beside his family. You're wearing his jersey. Not a replica, it's the same jersey he wore the last season. You jumped from happiness when you opened the present. One more for your small collection of former teammates' jerseys.
Aran beams and waves in your direction. If he could he'd run over to hug and spin you around just like he used to do back in high school but he's called away. By the time interviews are over you're long gone. A part of him really hoped you would wait for him. Just like you did back in high school. All there is is a message telling him he was amazing and you're proud of him. His heart swells and for the rest of the day nothing can wipe the wide grin off of his face.
At the after party alcohol runs in rivers. Since there's no practice scheduled for tomorrow his teammates go wild. Aran downs his fifth or sixth shot having lost count a while ago. He's warm and giddy, from the victory, the alcohol, the girl on his lap running her hands up and down his chest. What was her name again? She pulls him to the dance floor, her hair is the same colour as yours and her body feels so nice against his... She looks at him funny when he calls her your name. He gets lost in the blasting music and dim lights, the haze of all the drinks and the arm around his waist.
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The sound of the alarm clock might as well be a sack of rocks someone dumped on his head. Even still half asleep the blunt throbbing in his head is becoming unbearable. He wraps himself tighter with the thin blanket. Futon beneath shifts as someone climbs over him.
Or perhaps he's just dreaming.
When the second alarm rings Aran's eyes begrudgingly flutter open. He struggles to pick up the phone trying to hit that snooze button. He rubs the sleep off his eyes. That's not his phone.
The alarm is still ringing. Oh, he's going to have one hell of a headache today. His fingers shake when he finally finds the 'stop' button. For a few moments he lies motionless though the pounding of his heart rings in his ears. Last night is a haze of disconnected voices and pictures. The futon beneath him is too small to be his and he doesn't recognise the pattern of the sheets either. He probably slept with some girl from the party. Better get up and get the awkward 'morning after' conversation over with.
Sitting up he discovers all his clothes are still on. The room doesn't look familiar, yet the smell... There's something homey and intoxicating about it.
Standing up is a feat on its own. He's dizzy from the sleep and the alcohol and has to grab the edge of the desk to steady himself. He closes his eyes and waits for dizziness to pass. In the weak morning sunlight sipping through the window he notices books and pencils strewn all over. There's a framed picture on the window ledge. It takes a moment for him to recognise it.
Last year of high school, the last trip to the beach you made together. Akagi is giving you a piggy-back ride, Omimi holds both of your popsicles with a fond look on his face. Aran stands beside him, carrying the inflatable ring you guys later accidentally popped on a rock, and on the edge of the group is Kita. His face is covered with a post-it note.
Sudden sickness twists his stomach and it's not just too much alcohol to blame. He slides open the door and looks around before walking down a short hallway to the kitchen. You're just packing your bag. “Look who woke up from his beauty sleep. Want some breakfast?“
“Bathroom,“ is all he manages to utter.
“Last door on the right.“
He finds it not a moment too early. How embarrassing, to be throwing up at your place. He feels your hands rub soothing circles on his back as he leans over the toilet. Once his stomach settles down you hand him a glass of water and some headache medicine. His head is spinning. When he finally collects himself enough to stand up on his own you hand him a new toothbrush. “I gotta go in a few minutes. Professor doesn't like us being late.“
“What happened?“ His voice is hoarse.
“You had a drink too much Mr. Lightweight,“ you say with a loop sided grin. “A girl form the party called me in the middle of the night asking for someone to pick you up. It's a good thing she did cause everyone was so drunk they couldn't stand straight. You guys really did take celebrating to a whole new level. I did take you to your place but when we got there your keys were gone. So might want to look into that. Also I'm pretty sure I strained a muscle dragging you up the stairs.“ You glimpse over to the clock on the wall. “Listen, I really have to go. My roommate'll be home all day so you can stay if you want. And when you get hungry just take something from the fridge. You gonna be alright?“
Aran nods. Fuck, even that hurts. “Need to sleep it off,“ he mumbles.
You give him one more pat on the back before you leave. He struggles for a while trying to unscrew the tube of toothpaste. Never before has brushing teeth posed such a challenge. He washes his face with ice cold water that does nothing to improve the headache or his mood.
He collapses back on your futon. So, this is your room then. It's nothing like the one he remembers from back home. The Vabo-chan plushie team gifted you for your birthday lies on the pillow. It still holds the ball Omimi made at the last moment, not that he was the one given this task in the first place. It was meant as a joke yet you brought it with you to Tokyo. Aran snuggles it, noticing how pale and worn out it's becoming. He drifts back to sleep, thinking he should tell the others you still have it. They'll be glad to hear it.
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No matter how hard Aran tries to pay you back the money for the taxi ride from the party you refuse. The only payment you're prepared to accept is a trip to the seaside. The moment you see the endless blue water you run closer, discarding your shoes on the beach. Seeing you splash around in the shallow water makes him laugh.
He lays out the blanket and watches over you. It's good seeing the exhaustion on your face being washed away. Even if you didn't complain at all and said nothing he could tell balancing college and work is taking its toll. Despite smiling and appearing as carefree as always you seem tired. Aran is starting to fear you'll break under the weight of whatever it is you refuse to tell him.
He lays back on his bag, basking in the warm sun. Soon he dozes off. Once he wakes up you're laying beside him and scribbling in the margins of an article you have to read for an upcoming lecture. He lets you work and simply enjoys your presence. He missed hanging out with you, even if you don't do anything special he's just glad to have you around.  
As evening falls he draps his jacket on your shoulders. You always loved stealing – not stealing he corrects himself, borrowing- you always loved borrowing jackets and hoodies.
“Hey Aran? Can... Can I tell you something?“ You hide your face beneath the hood of his jacket.  
“'Course ya can.“
“Remember the old maple tree by the crossroad?“
Aran thinks for a moment. “Ya mean the one Suna dared ya to climb and ya fell down from?“
“That one yeah.“ A shadow of a smile flies over your lips at the memory.
“Everyone thought Oomi-sensei would throw ya outta the club. Shouldda seen the second year's faces when they thought we'll lose our precious manager.“
“A few months ago I walked past it. Thought about climbing it.“
“Lemme guess, ya couldn't? College life sucked all the strength from yer arms? Told ya ya should exercise more.“
“I was scared.“ You take a deep breath. “I climbed that tree a thousand times before. And now I'm too scared to even touch the lowest branch.“ You fidget with the hem of his jacket. “It scared me so much you know, not noticing how much I've changed.“
“Ya haven't changed that much.“
You look at him. “Haven't I?“
“No.“ Lies. A part of him knows it's lies. “Yer still the same. Our precious manager.“ He playfully pokes your shoulder. Yeah, you're still the same. You're still the you he remembers. “Yer my friend. Fearless. Always there to kick some sense into me.“ You're still the same girl he fell in love with all those years ago. “Yer one of my best friends. Nothin's gonna change that. Besides-“
“I hated you.“
Seagulls' calls. Waves crashing on the shore. People chatting in the distance. “Well, hate might be a bit too strong...“ You pull your knees to your chest and hug them, your eyes fixed on the waning light on the horizon. “I was so envious of you, you know? Of all of you... You, Akagi, Omiren,... You all knew what you wanted, you going pro, them going to college, and Shin... Even back in school I was the odd one out. I couldn't admit to myself that I envied you. Now I know it was wrong. So fucking childish. But that's how I felt.“ You can't bear to look him in the eye. “Sometimes I still feel like the one who has no idea what to do with her life...“
A lump forms in Aran's throat. He had no idea. Too blinded by your light, too engrossed in his own feelings to notice what was happening underneath your carefree facade.
“Knowing that tell me,“ you glance at him and tears in your eyes glimmer in the last beams of the setting sun, “can really nothing change our friendship?“
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Ch. 2: Tattered
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madhare0512 · 3 years
I got an angsty prompt if it’s no trouble! It’s good having you back and I’m glad you’re feeling better <3 Tiv is on a mission now as an adult, and something sends him right back to when he was almost attacked as a child. He follows his immediate instincts and hides. His partner finds him.
never any trouble friend! *stretched out arms and fingers* let's see what we can do with this prompt!
content warning: amnesia, police, gunshots, violence, panic attacks
Tiv Setter was a smart man. He wanted to protect people with the intelligence, choosing to go into law enforcement instead of academics like his parents had wanted him to. He'd joined a private investigation service after accepting an internship there while he was still in school.
He was partnered almost immediately with a woman by name of Ves.
Ves was also very smart, dry and witty like Tiv was. Ves introduced him to several of the friends he bow considered closest to him. Through Ves, he met Cord, Trouble, and Sav. He got close enough to the three of them that he eventually told them about his memories issues and how they stemmed from something that happened in his childhood that he just couldn't remember.
Ves was far kinder to him than he had any right to ask. She reminded him almost too much of his sister, Jet. It was comforting in a way it maybe shouldn't have been, but Tiv had never cared what the world thought of him or his relationships with those he cared about. He wouldn't be starting now.
The point of this small mind-rant was to say that Tiv cared a lot about Ves. Enough to allow her presence to calm him. He didn't usually let people close enough to do that, not since he was young. And as he presses himself closer to the boxes while fear races up his spine, he hopes that Ves got out safe. He doesn't know what sent the panic racing through his body to swoop low in his belly, maybe the flash of muzzle or one of the shots fired at him. He does know that he'd practically disappeared once the shots where coming towards him, leaving Ves all by herself.
He hasn't done this in years, hidden away by wedging himself into the tightest space he can, but when he's spent a long time listening to instincts that kept him alive while he was investigating things.
"Tiv?" calls Ves as she looks for him in the warehouse. He'd disappeared when the bullets started flying and Ves wasn't sure if he was okay.
She hopes it doesn't have anything to do with the event in his childhood, but deep down she knows it does. Ves has known Tiv since he first started working for the company, back when he was just an intern with a higher pitched voice that most people found annoying. She loves him like a brother, even when all he does is tease and annoying her.
She races through the warehouse in attempt to find her partner. If she doesn't find him soon, she's afraid she may start crying.
It's twenty minutes before she hears it. The sniffles that she knows don't belong to her or the people who'd shot at them. She follows the sounds to their source behind two boxes.
"Tiv?" she calls softly, kneeling next to the boxes. She peaks between the cracks and her heart aches for this man she loves.
He's curled up tight, his usual glasses settled in his hair put of the way. His shoulders shake as he cries. He looks up, eyes red rimmed and scared, "Ves?"
"Hey, Tiv." Ves holds out a hand. She already knows she won't be reporting this to their bosses. "Let's get out of here, okay?"
And maybe it shows how much Tiv trusts her that he wipes away his tears and nods. "Okay," he says and takes her hand with his own trembling one.
They leave the warehouse together, Ves keeping tight hold on her partner.
It would be too much to ask Tiv to leave the horrors he'd faced in his mind behind as well, but that is a story for another day.
thank you so much! I'm so happy to be back!
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