#ty for the request! :D
mildarka · 1 month
For the art request I'd like to ask for reverted AU Night in Killer's big jacket missing the boys and Dream trying to comfort him?
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Dream's trying his best
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kkoct-ik · 1 year
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anon request from the other day for the :)
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boopboops22 · 3 months
Art requeesstt (if you still need them) :D
Maybe some Snufkin enjoying the spring? Just sitting near some water, or looking at some plants, or whatever you like :D
(I'm a huge spring enjoyer)
He do a little fishing :-)
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
Hello, If your taking requests still, maybe sonic acting affectionate to a tails plush to make him jealous (like how people do that to dogs).
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local 8-year old outraged by small bootleg plush of himself
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ariespetal · 10 months
may i humbly request a chihiro in these trying times?
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absolutely you may
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pixel-moss167 · 6 months
I see an rhg enjoyer?
May we request a One and Tco interaction?
Pretty please? :]
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wyrm-with-a-why · 25 days
If you take requests then~~~~
Exasperated Megatron, you choose the reason and context. :]
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In honour of my tf one hype
When your fuckass boyfriend roommate keeps doing stupid shit that almost gets you both killed again
“Please let this be a normal field trip” “with orion??? No way!”
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gillipopmoji · 2 months
Wing flaps for moth tail wagging for fox and deer maybe?
i don't think ive actually made full body character emojis before so it was a bit intimidating to start (that's why this took so long lmao)
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i don't actually know anything about moths so i just picked some colors at random looking at fanart of moth pearl other people had made. mif you want me to do like. a specific species lmk.
the colored lineart is something ill probably only be doing for character emojis unless requested btw. tried doing these with black lineart and it looked wrong
ill probably make some with different expressions later but mobile 10 image limit yk
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laawlesss · 2 years
;; Envy of the Empress ..
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— ;; minific monday !! a oneshot (almost) every monday, usually under 5k words.. (..usually..)
>> in which a certain empress is jealous of you.
; words ? ; 2.6k.
; warnings ? ; none.
; genre ? ; fluff/comfort.
; request ? ; yes! ( @nani-nani-nani )
; pairing ? ; monkey d. luffy x reader.
; notes ; really happy w characterization in this fic !! y/n used, they/them pronouns also used. this was fun to write, i think i got luffy pretty okay in this one :3 tysm for the request, i hope u like!! crossposted on ao3 :3
    You had heard tales of the stunning Amazon Lily, an island inhabited by the Kuja tribe, overflowing with majesty. You had even heard tales of the shichibukai who made her home there, the fierce and terrifying Boa Hancock. The rumors said she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and with her standing in front of you, she really was an intimidating kind of ethereal. 
    Her long black hair tumbled down her back, and her figure was a perfect hourglass. Her limbs were long and slender, her pearly skin smooth, and her eyes round and soft. She was the kind of woman who caught the eye of everyone who managed to grace her presence. Now, as she stood ahead of you with all the poise of a goddess, you couldn’t help but to feel subpar. 
    “And… What exactly are you?” Boa sneered, rearing her head back and staring down her nose at you. Her elegant arms were crossed over her large chest, her eyes narrowed at you as you stood alone, waiting for your captain to climb off his ship that docked nearby. You suddenly felt plain in the outfit you wore, although you’d been so happy with it when you had picked it earlier that morning. Her extravagant clothing seemed to outshine yours in every way, with bright colors and expensive fabrics that put you to shame. 
    You were about to open your mouth and retort, before you felt a familiar weight settle over your shoulders. Your captain had leapt off of the Thousand Sunny and made a beeline for your side, a wide grin on his face. “Hiya, Hammock!” Luffy greeted the warlord, his tone bright and playful. Your tense muscles relaxed and you felt your heart soar at the presence of your partner. 
    “Luffy my darling! Oh, it’s so good to see you again my love!” The warlord’s demeanor had switched within an instant, and she held her hands to her face with a bright blush now present on her lovely face. She had an expression of shy bliss, swaying side to side as she fell into her own imagination. You tilted your head slightly in confusion, what was she talking about? Was she crazy, or did she and Luffy actually have something going on that you didn’t know about?
    You shrugged it off, sure that it was nothing. You leaned your head on Luffy’s shoulder, and your captain turned his head slightly to give you a smile. Heart a flutter, you relaxed, any doubts leaving your mind instantly. His fluffy hair tickled your cheek, causing you to giggle softly, and the sound of your glee knocked Hancock out of her stupor. 
    “Who are you, pitiful creature?” She sneered, her face twisted into an expression of envy. Hancock looked disgusted, offended that you had the audacity to stand in the mere vicinity of her love. 
    “They’re my smanibican other!” Luffy cheered, smushing his cheek against yours. You raised a brow and smiled in amusement. He lifted your spirits immensely, his happy-go-lucky and sunshine-y nature ended up being addictive. 
    “Significant, Lu. We still gotta work on that.” You hummed, and Luffy just laughed wildly. He wrapped his arm around yours, all the while Hancock looked as though you just puked on her shoes. She practically snarled at you, her eyes fierce and intimidating. Her massive snake weapon, Salome, had coiled up behind her and was baring her fangs at you, something that had you nervous. 
    Luffy didn’t seem bothered by Hancock or her snake at all, reaching down to hold onto your hand happily. He swung your connected hands, his signature grin on his face. “So where’s the food, Hammock? I’m starving!” Luffy drew the warlord’s gaze, and she melted again in an instant. The bright blush returned to her cheeks and she clasped her hands together with a schoolgirlish giggle. 
    “I’ve prepared only the finest feast for you, my beloved! Meat, fruits, cuisine of all types just for you, Luffy darling~!” She sighed happily, and held her face in her hands. Her long hair swayed behind her in her excitement as she imagined some false scenario in her mind. When your stomach growled, causing Luffy to laugh, she dropped her sweet demeanor again, glaring at you. “You are not welcome, harlot. Only Luffy may dine at my table.” Hancock scoffed, crossing her arms and turning her head away. 
    “Hey, why not?!” Luffy huffed, his brows furrowing and a sharp frown crossing his face. “I dunno what a hutlet is, but Y/N is not one of them!!!” He clutched harder onto your hand, and it took you letting out a sigh and laying your head on his shoulder to get him to calm down. Your captain only quieted his words, his angered expression remained in place. 
    Hancock looked torn, her heart shattered, before she recovered and turned her back to you. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she huffed. “…Very well.” She sent a glance at you, one so full of venom that you couldn’t help but shudder and slide closer to your boyfriend. The rumors that stated that she was as terrifying as she was beautiful were correct in every way. 
    Luffy cheered, letting go of any anger he felt and wrapping his arms and legs around you in a hug. “You hear that? We can both go eat together!” You smiled, and wrapped your arms around him in return. 
    “Yeah, we can. Do you wanna go get the others?” You suggested, looking around for your crewmates. The entirety of the Straw Hat crew had decided to stop on Amazon Lily as they passed through the area, most everyone excited to meet the Kuja warriors. Sanji, of course, was practically losing his mind even before you reached the island, and Usopp seemed genuinely terrified to step foot near Amazon Lily at all. 
    Luffy’s eyes widened, and he shot off with a wild yell, using his arms to swing back towards the ship docked further down the island. You felt a sense of contentment wash over you, watching your captain go so happily. In the meantime, you figured you’d take a stroll around and take in the sights of the beautiful island. 
    The forests were still but not silent in the least, teeming with wildlife that cooed and hummed. You had been told that Amazon Lily never saw a storm due to its location in the Calm Belt, and you figured Nami would get a kick out of the meteorology of the island. All around you vivid colors sprouted, wide leaves of trees and plants soaked up the sun, and brightly colored birds sang a chorus of songs. The island was as beautiful as its empress, filled with an incredible kind of majesty that had you floored. 
    Your hand lightly grazed over the bark of one of the taller trees in the jungle, your thoughts wandering as you wondered if Robin knew any secrets of the island that she’d be willing to share with you. It was perfectly peaceful, and you let yourself get lost in the forest until it was time for the banquet. 
    The dining room in Hancock’s palace was extravagant, lined with gorgeous fabrics in every hue, glimmering jewels and gems lining every cup and plate. The elegant aroma of delicious food wafted over the long table, and you had to keep a firm grip on Luffy’s arm to prevent him from leaping out of his seat and scarfing down the nearest entree. After fervently insisting that the rest of his nakama be allowed on the island, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Franky, and Brook were allowed to attend the banquet, although Sanji did get punched and kicked a few times by a few Kuja warriors who he got a bit too close to. 
    You sat on one side of Luffy, while Hancock sat on the other side at the head of the table. Your crewmates were scattered about in the other seats, eager to begin the banquet. Although you sent a grateful smile to Hancock, she returned it with a sharp glare and a sneer, her hands itching to use her devil fruit powers on you. The only thing holding her back was Luffy, braced between you two, and his arm around your shoulders. 
    “Let’s eat! I’m starving!” Luffy whined, practically drooling as he stared at the onslaught of perfectly cooked meals for him and his crew to enjoy. Chopper sat on the other side of you, a few pillows stacked on his seat so that he could reach the table. He cheered in unison with Luffy, and you laughed. The atmosphere with the crew around had lifted, and you felt at home and safe once again. Who cared about what that warlord thought? Just because she was intimidatingly pretty she thought she could ruin your day? Your found family and your boyfriend were secure around you, and you couldn’t have been happier if you tried. 
    Soon you couldn’t hold Luffy back any longer, and he began to scarf down anything within reach. You could only laugh at his wild nature, and did your best to avoid his rampage while you ate. It was a bit of a task, dodging Luffy’s arms as he swiped food from other people, but made sure that you still had enough of the things you wanted to eat. You discreetly slid Chopper some of the fruit from your plate after Luffy had stolen his, only for your beloved captain to take notice and fall into a fit of laughter. 
    Throughout the meal, Hancock glared at you with fire in her eyes. When you took Luffy’s hand and leaned in to place an affectionate kiss on his cheek while he snacked on something, it seemed to be her last straw. She abruptly stood and slammed her hands down on the table, her face twisted into an expression of rage. The silence that fell over the table was the perfect backdrop for her speech. 
    “Get your disgusting mouth off of my betrothed! You don’t even deserve to be in my palace, I allowed you here out of my admiration for my Luffy. Now you dare to disrespect me by kissing my beloved?” Her voice was filled with venom and hatred, her eyes seething as her snake rose up behind her. “You are worth less than dirt, you don’t even deserve my spit.” Hancock hissed, entirely fuming. 
    You could hear Usopp whisper something to Franky, “I thought they were dating? Don’t people who date usually kiss their partners?” Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Franky nod, but you were too taken aback to move. You didn’t realize just how obsessed Hancock was with your captain, and you didn’t know how to respond. 
    “That’s no way to speak to them!” Nami stood up, matching the anger on Hancock’s face. Your heart swelled when you saw your crewmates coming to your defense, even Chopper, as timid as he was, leapt onto the table to agree with the navigator. 
    “Now, now, let’s all settle down—“ Brook said nervously, clasping his bony hands together. His head swiveled around between the irked warlord and the crewmates coming to your defense, and all you could do was shrink in your seat beside Luffy. 
    “You think Luffy would love someone like you? When he could have me?” Hancock spat, her furious gaze never leaving you. “I am better than you in every possible way, worm, you don’t even deserve to be in his presence!” Her voice trailed off into a screech, Zoro giving a short whistle as if to say, ‘damn, this chick is crazy’. Nami was about to say something, before Robin held up a hand, ever the picture of elegance. 
    “How about we let Luffy decide who he likes most?” She spoke with a calm voice, sending you a comforting smile. The entire time, Luffy had been chewing on a piece of meat, his eyes shadowed by his signature straw hat. Your heart started to pound, what if he chose Hancock? She wasn’t halfway wrong when she said that she was better than you, she was a warlord after all. Strong, beautiful, and empress of her own empire. Luffy had every reason to choose her over you. 
    Hancock crossed her arms and a confident grin sparked on her lips. “He’ll choose me, obviously—“ Her words trailed off as she watched Luffy yank his hat off of his head and drop it onto yours. WIthout a word, he swallowed his food and planted a kiss on your cheek, his arm firmly around your waist. When he looked up, he had danger in his eyes, returning Hancock’s glare with one of his own. It was obvious what his choice was. 
    “Quit talking about them like that.” His tone was slow but menacing, his eyes wide as he stared the warlord down. She was taken aback, a slight gasp leaving her. Relief washed over you, and you leaned into Luffy’s side, smiling softly to yourself. Was it bad that you felt proud? Either way, you had won over the pirate empress. 
    Luffy wrapped his arm around your waist, and tugged you closer, never once breaking his stare down with Hancock. The rest of the crew felt the dangerous aura that their captain gave off and tensed as though they were about to witness a fight. Chopper clung to your other arm, and Usopp hid behind Franky. 
    Without another word, Luffy stood up, pulling you with him. The rest of the crew followed suit, following behind him as he stomped back to the ship. You felt a little embarrassed, because of your actions the banquet was apparently canceled, and though you felt a strong disinclination towards Hancock, it twisted your heart to see her on the verge of tears as Luffy left her behind. 
    The crew didn’t seem to mind, Nami was raving about what a psycho the warlord was while Robin sent you a conspiratorial wink. Usopp was claiming that he could’ve beaten her if they went head to head, Zoro didn’t seem to care, and Sanji was lighting up a brand new cigarette. Everyone seemed nonchalant, but it had made you feel so cared for when they stood up for you. 
    Everyone seemed to be back to normal when you boarded the Thousand Sunny again, except Luffy. He still seemed to be carrying something, and you turned to him to ask him what was wrong. 
    “I didn’t like how she was talkin’ about you. You’re not a worm, you’re strong! That’s why you’re a part of my crew!” He looked to you and sent you a big grin, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you flush to his side. You still wore his hat, and he gently flicked the brim upwards so that he could see your eyes. His boyish expression sent a shock through you that had your head spinning. “And you’re my sanipigcant other! Of course I’m gonna pick you!” He pressed his cheek against yours, before giving you an affectionate kiss on your forehead. 
    You fought back a blush as you smiled, leaning into him as your found family made small talk around you. “Significant, Luffy.” You corrected him softly, to which he just laughed. You placed his hat back onto his head and his grin widened, looking at you like you were his whole world. 
    As the crew began to ship out from Amazon Lily after their very short excursion, you didn’t stray much from Luffy’s side, and he eventually pulled you up to sit on the lion figurehead with him as night fell. Your heart swelled with love for your captain and partner, and your affections only grew every time he sent you his excitable grin. Pressing a kiss to his nose that made him giggle, the two of you spent the evening watching the stars fade into view. 
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snekverse · 8 months
characters to make ship art of??? *trips and falls down the stairs* um uh dante and travis 🥺
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just a couple a' guys bein dudes
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rainofthetwilight · 5 months
my baby Lloyd from s9 😭 (only if u want 2)
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''Why am I the chosen one? Why am I the broken down?"
"I lost my entire family, I killed them."
"Why am I the chosen one, O first one of them all?!" (fsm)
"My entire family, I was the one that killed them!"
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lipid · 5 months
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Lelouch's hair changes a lot depending on who's drawing him and in what stage of his life he's in, but i love all of them 💜
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wraith-caller · 3 months
would you be so kind to do 10b rogier and 10h d, as well as 1f fia, all in either volcano or hewwo palettes?
here they are!!
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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clothe those beasts !!
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
For drawing requests uhhh anything with Bryce? I just super adore the way u draw his limbs idk what it is about it !!! I'm just like 0-0 like a cat at him every time
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here he is!!!!! thank u :D!!!!!!!!!!
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pixel-moss167 · 5 months
I see you're an rhg appreciator!
Maybe try animating one of your top favorite rhgs? - 🦀
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tried to do it like soapy's animation style-
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