#but look how comfortable he is with Blitzø!
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lost-romantique · 3 months ago
The Evolution of Blitzø’s Character Growth- Stolitz (Season 2.5)
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Blitz starts off "When I See Him" not wanting to think about the complexities of his and Stolas' relationship, so he decides to focus on the one thing he does know: sex.
In "When I See Him" Stolas and Blitz are meant to be never on the same page, even going as far as to have Blitz only sing-talk as opposed to Stolas' Disney-esque style of singing.
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He goes out of his way, excitedly looking forward to the sex they'll have afterwards. He's only thinking about the sex.
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Full Moon happens and Blitz is hurt and betrayed, as he genuinely has no idea how to process the confession.
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Beginning of Apology Tour Blitz attempts to win Stolas back, only for it to end horribly as he self-sabotages the fuck out of everything he has, refusing to let go of the mask he wears.
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Later on...
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Blitz is heartbroken to hear Stolas sing, and his admission, "I don't think you meant to hurt me because I don't think it meant a thing at all" destroys him.
He tries to make it right with Stolas (who is drunk), apologizes to him, lets go of the mask he wears, only to end up ultimately giving up and letting Stolas go in the end.
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A month passes and Blitz has essentially given up on life, driving his business to the freaking ground...
One thing is for sure, he feels a lot of regret for what happened with Stolas, and has essentially given up on being with him.
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A lot of shit happens to Blitz in Ghostfuckers as the trauma that he's kept buried for fifteen years is forcefully pried open with a wrench.
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Only for Millie to be the one to save Blitz in the end...
Episode ends with major character development for Blitz as his mask falls off, and he promises to butt out of the M&M relationship, and as he subtly admits and acknowledges his feelings for Stolas....
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What's beautiful about the Stolitz Duet in Mastermind is that it perfectly shows Blitzø’s character growth...
How Blitz went from initially thinking only about sex in regards to his relationship with Stolas....
How Blitz was never once was on the same page with Stolas in their first duet together...
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Only to now be able to perfectly harmonize with Stolas in regards to their deep feelings for one another...
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Stolas admitting that he sees Blitz as his shining light that taught him to be his own person...
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To Blitz admitting that he sees Stolas as the key to his heart that he's kept locked up for years...
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For them to finally sing in perfect harmony as they admit their genuine undying love for each other.
And when the fear of losing Stolas permanently, hits Blitz like a motherfucking truck...
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He's finally... finally able to let go of his mask around Stolas as he does what he can to comfort him after he lost everything.
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Showing the small bits of romantic intimacy that he couldn't reciprocate back in Apology Tour.
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Blitzø Buckzo, you make me fucking sick... how dare you be this fucking soft and cute and tender and loving. This man is fully aware that Stolas is still angry at him, but he doesn't care, he's just happy to have his birb back.
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omniuravity · 3 months ago
Helluverse During Rut/Mating Season Headcanons
Tags: @bloodypeachblog , @hazelfoureyes , @pinkhimecat , @je-suis-eternel-jennie, @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered
TW: Sex (obviously), animalistic behavior, way too much research, creature cocks (kind of), mention of pregnancy
Thank you guys for the overwhelming positivity from the last one! Here's another one!
Angel Dust:
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Angel doesn't really talk about mating season much, unless it's for his films. Val, of course, finds it sexy and makes Angel work anyway.
Like most male spiders, Angel tends to mate with multiple partners during mating season unless he's in a relationship.
Angel loves dancing with you during this time of year. He finds it brings himself closer to you.
Angel tries to make sure you don't feel pressured to have sex with him during his mating season. He wants you to feel comfortable and loved.
Angel is pretty submissive in bed despite him being the one wanting to mate with you, though expect him to want it a bit more rough.
"Come on, baby. I'll be gentle at first, then we can get to the kinky stuff~"
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An angel's rut or heat isn't nearly as intense as a demon's, unless you're as sexual as Adam.
Adam is normally very possessive, but he gets extra possessive of you when it's mating season. Another man can't even look at you without him blowing up.
Adam likes to help make a little nest for the two of you. Adam also likes to bring you shiny things for the nest.
Adam likes to play his guitar for you as a way to remind you how much he loves you.
Adam is normally pretty rough in bed, while he's rutting it's so much harder and deeper.
"Chill out, I'm gonna take really good care of you, babe~"
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Blitzø's heat is pretty intense. If he somehow has a partner you are not leaving his apartment.
He tries to cook for you, but unfortunately isn't very good. He always insists on cooking for you since he does most of the work in bed (or so he says).
Surprisingly, enough he does enjoy those gentle moments after sex with you. He'll never admit it though.
Speaking of gentle moments, he loves to cuddle. He will cuddle you like a teddy bear. If he starts to cry gently rub his back and hold him.
Blitzø is a VERY kinky motherfucker. He's open to trying every kink once. Any kink you can think of, he's tried it. Yep, even that one.
"Get down, it's time for some quality time with daddy~"
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Stolas' rut is very different than most Goetias. He doesn't get as violent as other bird-like demons, but he's still very defensive of his partner.
He brings you all the shiny things for the nest you two share. He also doesn't mind being presented with shiny things.
Speaking of the nest, it consists of blankets, the shiny things, and his feathers.
He also enjoys cooking for you. He is much better than Blitzø, of course.
He's going to bottom. There is no question about it. He's also really loud when the two of you have sex
"I want to take this slow for you. I love you and want you to feel as loved as I do."
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Verosika's heat is very intense due to her being a succubus. Though she doesn't let that change her demeanor in the bedroom.
She does have to stop performing for the public while she deals with her heat.
Even though she doesn't perform in public during her heat, she does sing for you.
She loves leaving marks on your body. Scratch marks, kisses, and bite marks will litter your body for days.
Verosika always tops, period. She takes good care of her submissives, though.
"You're so pretty, well not as pretty as me, but I'm still gonna take care of you, baby~"
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anothergameofwickedgrace · 1 year ago
I just wanted to share something I found when combing through Helluva Boss for screenshots.
In "Truth Seekers", at the end of the episode, Blitzø offers to fuck Stolas.
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To which Stolas accepts before leaning in to kiss him. But look at Blitzø's expression when he notices him doing that.
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His expression turns soft. Genuine emotion slips through, only for a moment.
It's only a few frames and lasts around a second. It's blink and you miss it before he goes back to being sexual. But I just thought it was such a sweet detail.
[Expanding on this since it's gotten popular]
I think this reaction ties well into the message of this episode.
I feel like it shows Blitzø's want for intimacy, but also how disconnected he is from it.
You can see the surprise on his face. The soft look. He desires affection.
But Blitzø is very quick to turn it back sexual because that falls within his comfort zone. Because he doesn't know how to handle the intimacy he craves.
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Helluva Boss Characters Reacting to You Asking for a Hug
Tbh this series is just for my own enjoyment at this point lmao
I’m so normal about them, I swear.
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Honestly, it depends on what type of relationship you have with him
Familial relationship? Best BELIEVE he’s coddling the shit outta you rn
^ def a cheek pincher
“Hey sweetie? Do you need me ta fuck someone up for ya?”
But if y’all are platonic, or SATAN FORBID
R O M A N T I C ?
Ur not getting Shit
Well, until you start crying
“You’re a fuckin’ baby, you know that?”
Very casual hugs
Always sits his chin on you
Will complain the entire time
But you both know he loves you
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“Oh shit, you good?”
She’s blunt, not heartless
Honestly pretty touched that you asked for a hug instead of just going for one
Like her adoptive dad, very casual hugs
Usually just slings an arm over your shoulders
Won’t talk to you about it
Y’all just sit in comforting silence
Don’t let anyone point out that she’s letting you touch her
Will get v flustered
Depending on how you both feel - may let you play with her hair to self regulate
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“Sure thing, hun!”
Doesn’t matter who you are, or why you need a hug, she’ll take it
Physical affection is her top love language idc
Squeezes super super tight
Like, you can barely breathe
Gushes over how sweet you are
Will probs pepper your face in kisses too (doesn’t matter what ur relationship with her is)
((Millie is a strong believer in non-romantic kisses, she told me herself))
Will probs ask Moxxie to bring y’all a drink
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“Uhh, you sure you want a hug from me?”
Yes babe I’m sure
Doesn’t think he’s the best one to be comforting you - will palm you off to Millie if he can
But will be offended if anyone else says he can’t look after you
^^ Gets all huffy about it
Distraction is his new best friend
Will tell you a mixture of stories and fun facts to try and make you feel better
Will also make you a hot drink
If you want to, will talk out your feelings with you
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Babes just blinks for a hot minute as your words register with him
Has the softest smile
“Of course, dearest. Come here.”
A hug isn’t enough for him, you’re in for a full blown cuddle sesh now
Likes the feeling of having you fully wrapped up in his arms
Forehead kisses. Forehead Kisses.
Will sometimes swaddle you in blankets like a literal baby
Hums softly for you
Tries to ask what’s wrong, will def push the subject
He just wants to fix it, okay?
Will just,,, smother you in affection until you’re okay
And then some
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Judgemental eyebrow raise.
Judgy, judgy girl
Y’all gotta be CLOSE for her to hug
((But not really, she’s so touch starved its not funny, but we don’t talk about that-))
Long, comforting hugs
If u end up crying, will fix your makeup for you
Don’t mention it though
Like, literally don’t mention it or it won’t happen again
She probs just breathes a sigh of relief when y’all hugs
Holds on a little too tight, for a little too long
If you ask first, she’ll start coming to you for hugs now too
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Baby. Baby, baby man.
Will wrap his arms around you several times over
Another really tight hugger
You had shit to do?
Sike, not anymore
Now you’re spending all day with Fizz
Your fault, you started it by asking for a hug
Is super worried about you, but tries to play it down
Will do stupid shit just to see you laugh
Will ALSO flirt with you until you can’t stand it anymore
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Immediately concerned, does not try to hide it
Much like his bf, cancels all plans for today
Y’all are gonna be chilling in bed and cuddling now
Just kinda,,, scoops you up?
Definitely plays with your hair
Gives a SOLID head massage
So so gentle and sweet
Just lays you on his chest
Draws pictures on your back and makes you guess what he’s drawing
^^ he does this to help ground you
Tbh he’ll probably drag Fizz to bed too, so know they’re both looking after you
Mans isn’t gonna let anyone get left out
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mintaikkcorpse · 9 months ago
Thinking about this moment
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Blitzø's first instinct was to comfort Stolas.
Throughout their entire relationship, Blitzø has always bit back at Stolas and wasn't afraid to tell him when he was being weird or over the top, and Stolas never reacted.
But this- this is genuine rage, heartbreak, and anger. Blitzø basically told Stolas that he's a rich asshole who never cared about him, who treated him like he was disposable and purposely played with his feelings because he didn't see him as important. He told Stolas that he thought he was a terrible person who did all this because he didn't think he was important. Yeah, that's going to fucking hurt when it's from someone you care so much about.
And Stolas's line from "Oops." When Ozzie said that Fizz hates Blitzø Stolas was shocked and said, "But why?" He genuinely couldn't think of a reason that anyone could hate Blitzø. But Blitzø can have a whole list of reasons why he can hate Stolas.
And I just fucking realized this. Their miscommunication runs so deep that Stolas genuinely believes that Blitzø hates him.
I've already talked about Blitzø's perspective, so I'm gonna talk about this scene more. Despite everything in his life and how Blitzø treats people, he is genuinely a caring and loving person. Look at the way he treats Fizz and Loona. Look how he goes out of his way to protect his employees. In Truthseekers, Blitzø's first instinct was to grab Moxxie and get Millie and Loona to safety. In the same episode, he stood in front of all of IMP when Dhorks held their guns to them. He gave up the only room in his apartment so Loona could have a comfortable place to sleep. He's just a very caring and loving person. In Seeing Stars, he saw how worried Stolas was about Via and immediately came up with a plan to help calm him down.
And despite his anger right now, of course he's going to try and comfort Stolas when he's crying. Because he's a caring and loving person who hates to see the people he loves get hurt.
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daffodils-and-viscera · 2 months ago
we all agree how much these two interactions mirror each other in ozzie’s and sinsmas, with the reaching out and the moving away and these 2 idiots will learn how to hold hands one day they just love subconsciously pulling away too much
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but i would like to submit to the court this similar scene from apology tour:
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and say that there is so much evidence of blitzø's emotional growth between apology tour and sinsmas based exclusively on those two scenes
like. oh my god it's beautiful i love him so much
in apology tour stolas is so sad and blitzø wants to offer comfort but he doesn't know how!!! he's stuck in self-loathing mode and he doesn't know how to cheer stolas up and it's heartbreaking to watch!!!
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and then some asshole who is BETTER THAN BLITZO jumps in and asks stolas to dance. blitzø lets him go- if he can't make stolas happy, clearly someone better is the answer.
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and the worst part is that it works.
stolas (visibly at least) is so happy!! he's dancing and twirling and smiling and kissing and that guy is so obviously better than blitzø if he can accomplish that.
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like.. look at that smile we love this birb so much 🥺
blitzø has done some work on himself and it shows soooo much in everything about how he treats stolas, but specifically the scene at the end is the perfect showcase.
stolas is sad, and it's an impossible situation but blitzø is able to offer comfort the way he wasn't in apology tour, opening up about barb but not making it about himself
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there is nobody who would be better than blitzo right now, because blitzø has grown enough to be exactly what stolas needs in this moment. they have a bit of a talk, but remember what made stolas cheer up last time he was sad like this????? dancing
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we know that stolas still isn't happy per se, but just the fact that blitzø could see him and be there for him in this moment shows us just how far he's come
and then stolas does his lil laugh and smile
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and it's not as big or shiny or intense as that glimpse of him in apology tour, but it means so much more because we know it's real
stolas just lost all contact with his daughter for 100 years! of course he's not happy! but there are moments like this that can bring him joy and blitzø is just so wonderful in this moment entire episode
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sloppy making out is not what is called for in this moment, and blitzø reads the situation so well and he's such a good support system for stolas
there's a profound point to be made here along the lines of 'blitzø IS better than blitzo' but i can't get there in words lol just imagine i ended this post really cohesively ❤️
they’ve come so far! i can’t wait until they learn how to not flinch away from each other’s hands!
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carto0ncritter · 3 months ago
"Stolas left in a rush because Blitzø could die in any second, he was scared and not thinking clearly"
Okay... he initially didn't think about Octavia and what would happen to her because he didn't want his fuck buddy to die. All that was on his mind was the guy he had successfully manipulated into a coercive relationship. Okay.
But then, Stolas doesn't even think about Via in the courtroom, before or during or after his song. She doesn't seem to be on his mind, not even as he thinks he's going to be beheaded. Stolas doesn't cry on his knees and plead to be set free for a few minutes so he could say goodbye to Via/spend his last moments with her. The only time Stolas remembers he has a daughter is when he (temporarily) loses everything.
He really has the nerve to say how he'd rather die than live without Blitzø (and how he is his "light"), his obsession and the victim of his abuse & emotional manipulation, and not even THINK about what would happen to his daughter without him, since Stella was apparently abusive from birth.
My guy Stolas doesn't try to reach Via and apologize for everything IN PERSON like he SHOULD HAVE, he doesn't desperately try to get to her to comfort her. Nope, he just sulks all the way to his victim's house and lets his victim take care of him, then looks hurt when he sees how Blitzø and Loona have a better father-daughter relationship. No shit? Blitzø hasn't ever neglected his daughter or made her feel invisible and/or an afterthought.
Just... fuck Stolas, man. He's a shit dad and a shit person.
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akirathedramaqueen · 9 months ago
Some thoughts on the Western Energy trainwreck
Soo, I've come across that post, and... it made me thinking.
Stolas spent there the whole time, not knowing Blitzø *did*, in fact, send help. He assumed he was all alone, although still had some resemblance of hope, a fragile straw he hang on to piss off Striker, allowing to tear up only when one didn't look at him.
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And... hell, I used to see many comments about how Blitzø let him down there... But did he?
Oh course, some think he did, and he surely thinks he did, too. But, although the whole sequence with him and Loona trying to get that S.H.O.T. was a fucking circus and looked like a joke compared to suffers Stolas had to endure and barely survive...
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To be honest, these scenes being put together on surface do, in fact, make it think that the whole Stolas being on the verge of death ordeal is a joke to Blitzø and he would rather spend time running around with big needles and stuff.
If to get back to the phone convo between them at the beginning of the episode, Blitzø mentions that it took him 5 years to book that appointment, and it means a lot for him to not miss it. Missing out on that shot meant to put Loona in potential danger, his daughter, and, although we don't know what kind of shots they were talking about, we know for sure what does missing out on a vaccine schedule could mean in the real world - we tend to forget how dangerous polio, for instance, is, as most of us have access to the vaccine and don't get to experience it not even themselves, but in close vicinity as well. For us, vaccines might seem to be some kind of stupid routine, something we got comfortable with in a privileged world, something which surely could be skipped for a day, right? But in Blitzø's one they are luxury.
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Despite all of that, I also want to put your attention to the fact that he wasn't going to ignore it. He is speeding up, and I think (although it's not expressed explicitly, but not everything should be, right?), that he already made up his mind that Stolas is a priority.
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You are not thinking it's about shots, right? He wasn't that reckless in driving before *that* call.
And! He wasn't even the initiator of Millie and Moxxie going instead of him. *M&M's* were.
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And Blitzø trusts them, because why not? They are his employees, they are skilled and capable, and they are his friends as well, they know that shit is important to him (although he isn't willing to admit it himself).
We see also, how Stolas was admitted to the hospital immediately, which already gives a hint on how different their stance in the world is. I wonder sometimes how it would've turned out if Stolas proposed to Blitzø to use the royal influence to get another appointment shortly after Blitzø saves him, but we know he didn't get much time to even think about that. He wasn't even able to finish the sentence before Striker took his phone off him.
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To be honest, I don't think the outcome itself would have been much different. I don't think Blitzø would've done a better job at saving Stolas, but, maybe, only maybe, he would've felt better because he was, at least, there for him.
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Because you know that shit is going to haunt him till the day he dies. Because it only reassured him that he isn't capable of sticking around for his people.
Because, you know... happened once already.
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No wonder he left Stolas's message on "read". Knowing all things before and after, it's not a surprise that he, tending to take all of responsibility for all the wrongs on himself more than he should to, couldn't face the consequence of what he thinks he failed in. He, speaking figuratively, left Fizz on "read" for 15 years, and he kinda sorted it out only because he couldn't run anymore and had to face the trauma as circumstances didn't give him a chance to chicken out.
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I wonder what he was trying to tell Stolas. But I don't think we will ever get to learn that.
Aw, crap, I am done here, I am going to go and cry for a little bit. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, see ya in like 5 minutes to experience some Full Moon trauma again, because I can't get over these two. XD
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aryaqua-reh2o · 5 months ago
What is going on with Stolas??
Something is off, it has been clear since The Full Moon and I have a theory about it.
There are a few moments in TFM but mostly in Apology Tour that rub me off the wrong way, as if Stolas himself is going subtly out of canon in his behaviour. Considering that Helluva Boss is an animated show and there is nothing not intentional in an animated show, I bet my two cents that the main reason for this vibe resides in this frame
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Stolas ran out of his happy pills (the equivalent of antidepressant I assume) in the beginning of The Full Moon and for what we know he might still be off his medication by the time Apology Tour happens a few days (?) later. Back then I thought that missing a medication once wouldn’t be so impactful, but after reading a little about how antidepressant works I now believe that the disastrous ending of The Full Moon was at least in part caused by that. Stolas had a vision of how the night should have gone and once Blitzø doesn’t behave the way Stolas hoped, he just shuts down completely, failing to notice that Blitzø was, indeed, desperately trying to fight to stay with him. In a very wrong way, but Blitzø at this point still has no idea of the years of yelling and abuse Stolas had to endure, so he couldn’t know his anger would have triggered the other.
Another concerning sign is Stolas covering up all the portraits leaving only Octavia visible. Where is she by the way? The palace seems completely empty if not for Pringles the butler that we see for a second in the beginning. The palace is empty and dark.
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The signs that something is off with Stolas become even more obvious in Apology Tour. Stolas doesn’t really miss the fact that Blitzø is somehow desperately trying to spend time with him and make up for what happened in TFM, in fact he teases him [Oh yes, very boring (relationships), what are you doing here then?] but he is not in the right mindspace to accept it or to listen to him and read between the lines. In Just Look My Way Stolas clearly sees how Blitzø is hiding to protect himself from the world that doesn’t comprehend him, but in Apology Tour that awareness is completely gone and all is left is resentment. Then Stolas snaps at Blitzø calling him out for not bothering to come and save him from Striker, but when we think about the end of Western Energy we see that Stolas is not angry or disappointed about Blitzø not coming to his rescue, he is only sad because he realises that his feelings for the imp are probably one-sided.
I haven’t seen anyone pointing this out but I noticed something sticking out like a sore thumb. Stolas is a prince and he was born and raised in luxury, so I can’t really place this behaviour that happens twice.
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He arrives at the party and he grabs an abandoned red cup, empties it and drinks from it. This was his first drink for the night, or at least he seems very much sober there, but he deliberately uses a dirty cup to pour himself a drink. Later he straight up steals a drink from a succubus that was passing by, ok he is drunk, but still… it feels so off.
At this point Stolas is completely intoxicated and the conversation with Blitzø turns into a double monologue. It still tells a lot seeing how the two of them interact and protect each other and are utterly comfortable being together (do they even realise? I don’t think so), but still they end up with Blitzø being direct and honest for the first time while Stolas does three things: He doesn’t listen to what Blitzø is saying, he answers back but it’s all very generic and he keeps forgetting Blitzø is there at all.
Blitzø: Stolas, you are better off without me. Kay? You deserve so much… I don’t even know why you would want to be with me.
Stolas: You wanna know what I want? I want to know what it’s like to not be alone. I want to be someone’s someone. […]
Maybe at this point Stolas is too hurt to address Blitzø directly, it seems like he just gave up on him already, he decided Blitzø doesn’t want or love him so he keeps talking about a generic someone. Then he rants about how he needs for this someone to hold him and look at him and… he forgets again that Blitzø is right there. -You! Why are you here? I don’t want you here, go home please! Let me not feel so sad!
And then the Better than Blitzo Guy arrives and… I really don’t want to go down that rabbit hole because it hurts a lot. But here I am so I’ll go down there shortly. While I am perfectly ok (I’m truly not) with Stolas exploring new relationships and finally having fun and feel seen and wanted, I can still see how hooking up at a party while you are going through the worst breakup of your life is as maladaptive as a coping mechanism as it is to drink themselves to oblivion. Regardless of the Better than Blitzo Guy’s intentions with Stolas, it’s still a self-destructive behaviour. And again, Stolas is having fun dancing and making out with the Better Than Blitzo Guy and forgets Blitzø was even there.
That hurts man.
So this is it. This is the rant. I am so worried for my birdie babe Stolas!
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lost-romantique · 4 months ago
Avoidance vs. Vulnerability
I love how so much of Blitzø’s character development is rooted in his body language.
Lets examine:
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"IT WAS NOT A BREAKUP! You need a relationship for one of those and we never had that... and we never will."
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Blitz, after yelling at Millie's face clarifying to her that it wasn't a Breakup, only to immediately turn his head the other direction because he doesn't want to see her face.
This is Blitz being avoidant and trying his damndest to keep up that facade he always puts on.
Despite the fact, that his voice breaks when he says the words "... and we never will," Blitz is making sure Millie does not see his face. Showing to us the audience that Blitz still has his walls up around Millie.
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Millie makes a joke to Blitz about "trying to not be our third anymore," fully expecting Blitz to make his usual spastic joke, deflecting the situation as he always does...
But the thing is, Blitz doesn't make a joke to avoid the question, he simply states very seriously, "No, not anymore."
Millie is confused and shocked, almost with a sad expression on her face. Millie has never seen Blitz act so seriously before and it shows.
However, with the complete obliteration of his walls caused by the trauma he suffered by Rolando, Blitz now feels comfortable enough to let Millie see the real him.
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Millie states the elephant in the room, "The bird got you that bad, huh?"
Or in other words...
Wow, you really have feelings for this guy...
And Blitz simply states the words, "I guess." Showing to us, in the most simple, bare bones way that yeah, he does have feelings for him.
I love how Blitz looks straight at the camera when asked this question, he doesn't make an effort to look at Millie and he still averts his eyes the other direction showing to us how uncomfortable he is with being vulnerable.
But the biggest thing Blitz does in his body language is the fact that he doesn't try to purposely hide his face away from Millie, he just dejectingly looks off into the distance, because even though he's accepted and acknowledged his feelings for Stolas, he's still aware of the fucks up he made in Apology Tour.
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Millie makes one last good-natured joke towards Blitz to lighten the mood, and Blitz simply averts his gaze Millie's direction with a grateful smile, almost giving her thanks for not dwelling on the conversation for too long.
(Stolas I get it, I am also down bad for this man. JFC if you don't want him, can I please have him?)
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Blitz with relaxed eyes, simply plays into her joke, "Well you know, your husband is still a little fuckable."
I love how Blitz doesn't fully play into Millie's joke, he makes sure to add that little there to NOT downplay his feelings for Stolas.
Ghostfuckers is my new favorite episode of Helluva Boss, and one of the reasons why has to be the amazing character development Blitz and Millie went through this season.
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oscillation-onthe-brain · 1 year ago
Theory that Blitzø has a type...
He falls in love with the authentic good-hearted/good-natured type.
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Couldn't help but notice the similarities between Stolas and Fizz! They both oddly–in hells case-stand out for being empathetic. I would categorize them as empaths (think of it in the sense that they take after Charlie instead of Lucifer).
They are genuine in their acts of kindness and don't harbor ill will for others even when they have been severely hurt by them. In Lucifers hell, this is unspeakable. But it's definitely an attractor to Blitz. I think they help keep his demons in check. As he is by nature prone to violence and all things bloody.
I can see why he swoons! It's like meeting angels in hell!
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All this, makes me really curious to see how Verosika is like outside of the context of being an ex who is hurt. What went wrong? From the look of things, they met after the tragic fire incident. Probably when Blitzø was at his lowest.
We know for certain that Blitz manipulated Verosika. Which he is not above doing even when he likes someone. This in turn makes me believe that the gravity of what he did to Verosika (stealing from her, not reciprocating, breaking her heart) was due to 2 reasons:
1. He had hit rock bottom and Verosika offered temporary comfort he took advantage of.
2. The damage that was done is likely due to him never being in love with her like he was with Fizz and is with Stolas.
Verosika doesn't strike me as the wide-eyed type like the boys. No offense to Fizz and Stolas! But Verosika has her head on straight. She meets Blitzø head on and challenges him.
It's possible they didn't work out because they were too similar, thereby too toxic for each other.
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Eitherway, it would make Verosika the only one that Blitz has hurt on purpose. No accident. No misunderstandings. Just a straight knife to the back! And if so I think he needs to answer for it.
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girlboypersonthingy · 1 year ago
Hey! I saw you were starting to write for Blitzø so I’d love to request something! Could you do Blitzø x fem or gn reader in which reader comforts him after he has a very bad day and reassures him about his insecurities? That man needs to let himself cry in front of someone and also needs a hug! I love him sm I need more works where we can comfort him!! 🫶🏻
Notes: imp!reader, gn!reader, not an established relationship but mutual crushing and pining, reader works at IMP, angst to fluffy comfort
Blitzø x reader- Bad Day 💔
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Blitz had the shittiest shit day ever and was ready to fall asleep and stay asleep forever. Between feeling excluded and lonely after seeing Millie and Moxxie’s displays of affection during dinner at Ozzie’s, then Fizz and Verosika giving him shit in front of the entire restaurant and Stolas being disgustingly clingy as always, Blitz felt himself breaking down, deteriorating from the inside out. It really stuck with him when he heard a restaurant patron shout, “YOU’RE SLEEPIN’ WITH AN IMP?” when referring to him and Stolas. What an embarrassment for both of them. He already has a very low self-esteem and that comment just solidified all his intrusive thoughts- no matter who he’s with, how successful he becomes, how much money he has, he’ll always be just an imp.
Blitzø stumbled through the front door of his apartment, rapidly proceeding to Loona’s room with a small smile. His precious girl always cheers him up, even when she’s in a bad mood…which is always. At the exact moment he sees the note on her door saying that she is out at a party, his smile drops to a disappointed frown. With the upper half of his body hunched over, his arms dangling limply by his sides, he trudges over to the couch and collapses on it with a huff.
This feeling was way too overwhelming- he felt suffocated by his clothes, pushed around and beaten by his own mind. He felt defeated and had no idea how to get himself out of this state of mind. He pulls out his phone to scroll through some pictures, maintaining his lonely frown the whole time. Blitz rolls his eyes at an old pic of him and Verosika. Then, he finds himself looking at a photo of his mom, sister and him, so happy, so close. After only seconds of looking into the picture, all his feelings unexpectedly erupt from him. The tears forced their way to the surface, gushing down his red and white cheeks. His chest felt like it was gonna cave in any second now, his lungs forgetting how to breath calmly.
“Fuck…” He chokes out while tossing his phone aside and sprawling out over the couch. He couldn’t hold it in anymore. He couldn’t stop the tears from welling up and overflowing, he couldn’t slow his breaths, he couldn’t even open his eyes they felt so swollen already. He had never felt so alone before. Laying on his stomach with his wet, snotty face in the pillows, he completely lets loose. A guttural, miserable, shaky moan leaves him as he weeps, his fists clenching around nothing in particular.
Just as he sucks in a quivering gasp of air, the sound of the front door opening caused him to hold his breath and stay completely still. “Blitz?” Fuck…of all people to walk in on him during his pathetic mental breakdown, why you? He’s literally praying that you’ll just go away but he knows you won’t, you’ll keep looking until you find him. He knows this, but he stays hidden and silent on the couch until you finally walk around and see him.
“Blitz? Whats wrong? What happened?” Stepping over to him quickly then kneeling on your knees beside him, he seems to retreat even further away. Blitz scoots into the couch more, turning his head away from you as he exhales then inhales and then holds it again. “Are you okay?” Obviously, he’s not okay but he nods his head anyways. “You can talk to me, Blitz.” Finally, he lets out all the air he was holding in. “I don’t wanna fucking talk right now.” He manages to mutter out between hiccups and sniffles. “Oh…okay.” Your voice a soft whisper now, Blitz again finds his hands balled up into tight fists, his fingers digging deeply into his palms. Dammit…he did mean to snap at you.
But instead of abandoning him, you shimmy your way onto the couch next to him, one arm coming to wrap around his torso as you lay your head against his back. You can hear everything with your ear to his back- his shaky breathing, his soft whimpers he’s trying so hard to hold back. “We don’t have to talk. We can just…lay here. I’m with you, okay?” You pull him closer, his back up against your stomach as you give him a gentle squeeze.
He tried so fucking hard to conceal it, to play it off in front of you, he really did but he lost it again, crumbling apart right in your arms. After hearing the sweet words of reassurance you offered him and the way your hand was now rubbing slowly across his heaving chest and the way you didn’t leave him…he can’t help but let it all out. Blitz softly shakes against you, making your heart ache for him. You’ve seen him in so many different moods and different situations, in so many silly costumes and you’ve heard some pretty vile things leave his mouth but you’ve never seen him like this. He was an absolute mess.
Slowly and carefully, you scoot closer, fitting your knees perfectly in the back of his. With a slight hum and one hand still rubbing his chest, you close your eyes as you rest against his back still. “Is there anything I can do for you?” Softly, you speak as Blitz exhales deeply once again. “Anything you need, just say the word.” Your hand stops the rubbing of his chest as you take a moment to squeeze him again.
“Don’t leave me…” With a crack in his voice, Blitz finally responds before curling in on himself even more. “I’m not going anywhere, promise.” As you nuzzle your cheek against his back. Your reply calms him, allowing his body to finally soften into your embrace. Together, you lay like this for a while, finding comfort in the sound of each other’s breathing.
Eventually, Blitz weakly turns himself around to reveal his somewhat improved mood. His eyes are puffy and glossy but the tears had stopped. His frown is a nasty one, one of the worst you’ve ever seen him wear but his eyes show a hint of something more positive as well- a look of hope? admiration? appreciation? Now facing you and looking at your face right there in front of him, hope, admiration and appreciation all swelled within him. He felt so lucky to have you, as an employee, as a friend… and maybe you two would be more one day. Maybe more…today? Right now?
“Do you think I’m… just a stupid imp? That I’ll always be seen as just an imp?” He can’t bring himself to look at you now, eyes scanning the ceiling instead. “Do you think I’m just a stupid imp? Is that all you see me as?” You immediately reply, watching as he starts to over analyze the situation. “No, no, of course not. You’re…fucking awesome.” His eyes land on your face for a second before they shift back to the ceiling. “So are you, boss.” Blitz scoffs lightly at your words, giving you a disapproving glare. “No! Really! I mean it, Blitz.” A soft sigh comes from him and he’s having a hard time believing your words.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You say with a light hearted tone and a small smile. Gently, teasingly you reach up to his face and use your thumbs to pull the corners of his mouth up into a smile. “Awww! There he is, there’s my guy!” As you pull your hands away, a smile finds your face as you notice his smile doesn’t fall, he’s smiling for real now. It’s not a big smile, honestly it’s barely a smile at all but it’s something. It’s better than the horrible frown he had on earlier.
“You sure you don’t wanna talk about it?” You ask cautiously, not wanting to upset him anymore. “I’m sure.” His reply is immediate and short, making you stay quiet after. Instead of using your voice, you go back to comforting him physically. With one hand on his cheek again, cupping his face this time, Blitz leans forward to rest his forehead against yours. Simultaneously, you both close your eyes and let out a deep breath.
As you let your thumb trace back and forth over the skin of his cheek, Blitz opens his eyes again and takes this chance to just stare down at you, at your eyelashes, at your skin and any little scars or blemishes that decorate it, at your lips as they part momentarily to suck in a breath. Without thinking it over, he kisses you. It’s quick, not necessarily soft because he came in kind of fast but it wasn’t hard or sloppy or anything like that. It was sort of a test of the waters for Blitz. He wanted much more than a measly peck from you but he didn’t want go all in on you and scare you off or weird you out.
To his surprise, before he can get a good look at your reaction, you’re chasing his face as he pulls away. As you lean forward, a shocked ‘mmm’ rumbles from Blitzø’s throat when your lips meet his again. This time, the kiss lasts longer. It remains sweet and simple, there’s no tongue, no spit or even much movement from your mouths at all. After locking lips for a few seconds, you part to finally look at each other. Your smiles mock each other’s, both growing bigger and bigger.
This isn’t at all how either of you imagined your first kiss together. Blitz had something more rough and dirty in mind but he’s beyond grateful that you still respect him after seeing him in such a lowly position. You’re not sure what comes over him as he stares at your lips but he confidently yanks you back into him, kissing you again.
With his mouth still covering most of your own, he mumbles, “Earlier, you said anything I need and now I need you.” The kiss is deepened by Blitz carefully moving his lips against yours, both your heads tilting to find the perfect position. His hands roam up and down your back at an extremely slow pace as his mouth follows along, moving in tandem with yours.
“Yes, sir.”
And the rest of the evening is spent gently coddling and lovingly appreciating each other at such a close range. The kissing lasts so long, that eventually you’re both just lazily pecking each other on the lips over and over and over again with closed eyes and relaxed limbs. It’s nice, it’s simple yet romantic and Blitz has never felt more safe or comfortable in his entire existence.
“And if you tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you.”
“No, you won’t.”
“You’re right, I won’t. But please don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
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noemilivv · 1 year ago
Hello! how is it going? I’m so happy to see your requests are back open and that you also write for Helluva Boss now, so I wanted to request something for that! One of my favorite works of yours are the Hazbin Hotel things of reader finding the characters crying and comforting them, so I was thinking I’d love to request the same thing but for Helluva Boss characters. Maybe Blitzø, Stolas, Fizz and Moxxie x gn reader (either platonic or romantic is fine) where reader find them crying and comforts them? ❤️
also sorry if I messed up my english, it’s not my first language :)
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𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧�� 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳ø, 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬, 𝐦𝐨𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐳𝐳 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
a/n: MY FIRST HELLUVA REQUEST LETS GOOO. my first few requests for helluva might be a bit ooc due to the fact that i’m much more of a hazbin girly lol. i literally almost started crying writing blitzø’s part so PLSPLSPLSPLS enjoy that one esp 😋 i think this is one of the longest things i’ve ever wrote tbh LOL but okay enough of my yapping, enjoy
warnings: possible angst(?), platonic!moxxie, profanity, mentions of sex in blitzø and fizzarolli’s part, use of yn in moxxie’s part, ooc writing in all 4 parts😭
proofread: yessir 😎
tags: helluva boss, stolas, fanfic, blitzø, moxxie, fizzarolli, hb, x reader
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…always felt so trapped, despite the fact that maybe, just maybe, it was because of his own doing. and deep down, he knew that, whether he said it aloud or not.
he never thought the voices in his head could sound so real, he never thought his closest loved ones could seem so far, he never thought that his spirits could be so low, especially when those around him thought that they were so high.
when his daughter, his precious, his world, slammed her bedroom door in his face before screaming, “i fucking hate you!” against the clash of things being thrown from the other side of the door, he couldn’t stop his eyes from filling with tears.
blitzø didn’t know what in all of hell was up with him today, something mentally, that’s for sure.
he couldn’t help but feel a curl in his stomach watching millie and moxxie be all lovey throughout their shared shift, and not a good kind of ‘curl’, he couldn’t scroll through sinsta for three minutes without seeing a verosika-related post, either by her, or one of her sex deprived fans, and he had just gotten home from a meeting with stolas for their…monthly activities — and he couldn’t help but feeling like a shit boyfriend to the one he loved most, and fuck, even his loonie is mad at him now too??
the imp sluggishly moved across to the other side of his apartment and slumped onto the couch, his face being taken in by the warmth of the rough pillow, with his phone in his hands, he felt it vibrate.
if he got lucky, it might be an apology call from loona, as she was probably already out bitching with her friends at those stupid hound parties, thanks to vortex.
but no, it was a call, from you, normally he loved your late night conversations you both had with one another, but tonight? eh… it really wasn’t the time.
he stared at his screen for a moment, his eyes fixating on your contact info, the name displaying ‘babe’ with a red heart emoji, and the picture was a selfie you guys took together.
in the miniature version of the photo, it showed blitzø in a band t-shirt, sticking his tongue out with a ‘v’ to his lips, as you grinned at the camera, as you cuddled into his horns, it was the morning after your first time together, your bed head looked adorable, it could kill him.
he sighed softly, before pressing the ‘call’ button, putting the phone to his ear. “hey, babe!” you spoke from the other side, your voice slightly muffled from the quality of the mic in your phone.
that alone caused him to start sobbing all over again, ‘fuck fuck fuck fuck shit fuck fuck.’ he thought to himself, but that wasn’t what mattered now. you just sounded so happy, when he felt so shit, that’s one of the many things he loved about you, you were so strong, always saw the light.
“hey hey, shhh, blitzø, what happened??” you cooed through the phone, your heart ached for him, you rolled over onto your side while you laid in bed, curling up to the blankets, as you would to your boyfriend, if he were there with you.
all you got as a response were whimpers from the other line, a few hiccups here and there. “i need words, love.” you said, softly.
blitzø sniffled, “bad day..” his voice cracked as he spoke, although he did so, so softly, well obviously you’d seen him upset before, but never like this.
“wanna talk about it?” you asked, more than hesitant to do so, you knew blitzø was by no means good with his feelings, and you were lucky you got this far with him, considering some failed attempts from the past of you trying to ease him into opening up, but you had to try, it just felt right.
on the other hand, blitzø was just as nervous as you were, if not more, he had been through it all before, and for him, it had never ended pretty, but he loved you more than anything, and he knew he had to do this.
you listened to every word he said, for hours, 9pm turned to 11pm, 11pm turned to 2am, and 2am turned to kicking down his apartment door at 3:19am to cuddle him to sleep on the couch.
and as tired as she was, as well as annoyed, loona couldn’t stay mad at her father after seeing him snuggled up next to you on the couch asleep.
especially when she snapped a picture and posted it all over sinsta…
guess who’s mad now, bitch?
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…never felt like he had gotten home so exhausted before. he didn’t even have the energy to sling himself across the palace to get to his bed quicker
he wanted to see you, he wanted to be with you, he wanted to be against you and your nice warm body, with your beautiful smile…
after walking up a few flights of stairs, taking an elevator here and there, walking down a hallway that was way too long to be one to begin with, he reached your shared room. he was home.
“hi, baby!” you exclaimed, happy to see your partner at last, pausing your show that was displayed on the big screen T.V in your room, hoping out of bed to peck your boyfriend on his cheek. “i missed you!”
he managed a tired smile, “i missed you too, sweetie.” fizz paused for a moment, looking away from your gaze before asking, “can i hug you?”
fizz had a lazy, but goofy grin on his face, extending his arms out to you, doing grabby hands. you give a pouty smile, your partner was so cute you couldn’t deal with it, “of courseee, froggyyy.” you said, babying your tone, pulling him in by the waist.
“you don’t gotta ask, y’know, we’ve been together too long to do that.” you joke with a chuckle, fizz laughs along with you, softer than yours, but still, he sinks into your arms before replying, “mammon’s business, despite its stressors, has taught me the importance of consent, and not just when it comes to sex”
fizz chuckled, his tired but soft tone still remained, as he pulled away from you just slightly to peck your nose, “i’d never wanna hurt you, honey, it’s better to ask, then to be sorry, y’know?”
you blink momentarily, you were not expecting that response out of him, you recover quickly, however, smiling at him, “you are just the sweetest.” you say, pulling him in for another hug, placing a peck to his neck, snuggling your face in it as you do so.
before you can even get another word out, fizz starts crying, attempting to sniffle back the tears.
you pull away instantly, “froggy? are you okay?” scanning him for any signs of harm or discomfort.
your boyfriend nods, makeup dripping down his face, “y-yes…” his lips trembling softly as he spoke. “did something happen at work today?”
fizz shook his head, “not really” he sniffled again, “just missed you.”
“awww fizzie, cmon!” you take his hand, pulling him the bathroom,
“let’s take a nice, warm bath, and then we can do skincare and watch that one show you like, and then we can go to bed, does that sound nice?”
“that sounds really nice… thank you…”
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…was your good friend since your early childhood years, his father had a business connection with your parents, which led to you both being babysat together a lot.
both of you were grown adults now, he was married to your gal-pal from your high school days, and you were engaged to one of the kids from your friend group back when you were in college, well, before dropping out.
other than your separate significant others, you were eachothers ride-or-dies, your for-lifers. you both went to eachother for practically everything.
so when moxxie knocks on your door while your spouse is out with friends, asking for help, you don’t hesitate to let him in.
you sit him down asking him what was the matter, and he gets fidgety immediately, stuttering out an attempted response before the tears start flowing, he starts crying about how he got into an argument with millie, and how scared he was that this might ruin their marriage.
instantly, as it was second nature to you, you scoot closer to him the couch, rubbing his back as he sobbed, still venting to you about the argument and how much he misses millie.
“look, mox, here’s what ya gotta do. just call her, and tell her everything you’ve told me, i’ve known millie since we were just freshies, she’s bound to understand!”
“i guess so.. thanks, yn.”
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...was distraught, and even that was an understatement. his beloved octavia was lost, in los angeles, in the human realm.
you, stolas, and blitzø searched around what felt like all of fucking earth to find her, while millie and moxxie were off doing eachother who knows what.
stolas sighed, running a hand through his now human hair, his breath beginning to get noticeably more shaky, with blitzø walking ahead of the two of you.
“hey.” you say, putting a hand on his arm, “it’s gonna be okay.”
“but what if it’s not though? what she’s not okay? what if she’s in danger? or worse, what if someone took her?” his voice trembled more and more at the thought.
“no.” you start, turning stolas around to face you. “she’ll be okay.” you say, putting a hand onto his chest, “she’s smarter than you may think, she’s seventeen now! she’ll know what to do.”
“but what if something happens? and i’m not there to protect her?” stolas says, his movements going to a halt, blitzø looked at the two of you, before mouthing that he’ll meet up with the both of you later.
before you know it, tears well up in his eyes, without even thinking, he pulls you into a tight hug. “i just need to know my girl is okay…”
“she’ll be okay, sweetie.” you say, pecking his cheek, you pull back slightly, lovingly looking into his eyes, “and so will you..”
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i do not permit for my work to be reposted, translated, or stolen. all rights go to signedmio. characters are not mine, unless stated, and belong to their rightful creators.
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mintaikkcorpse · 10 months ago
Headcanon that Blitzø is a lot more romantic and clingy than he comes across as.
Just- look at him and how he treats the people he loves. I've already talked about it before, but he litterally ALWAYS calls Loona Nicknames, gives her gifts, likes giving her affection, loves making her food, etc, etc.
Makes sense though since that's his daughter, but it also shows his love language. His love language is LOUD. If he cares about someone and feels comfortable enough, he will make sure EVERYONE knows.
Smh, he probably gonna climb on Stolas in public and tackle his face with kisses. He's probably gonna give him dumb pet names. He probably gonna give him random gifts, like mice or cool space charms. He's probably always gonna wanna hold hands in public. He's probably gonna shower him with compliments. You know how much of a bitch he's gonna be on valentine's day? He's gonna be such a clingy and loving bitch yall.
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daffodils-and-viscera · 3 months ago
i've seen a lot of posts comparing mastermind to truth seekers but hear me out: ozzie's
SO this may be long buckle in. these episodes kinda have the same plot?
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blitzø has found himself in a bit of a sitch, as it were...
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our beloved dramatic gay owl is at home watching gabriela pine over alejandro, when suddenly... blitzy is in trouble! omg let's get cunty and go save the day!!
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however, despite showing up and saving lives (he may have literally saved blitzø's life in mastermind but that outfit from ozzie's changed all our lives forever soo...) blitzø isn't necessarily ((outwardly)) happy to see stolas (((we all know he does not mind stolas' ass in his face but stay with me here)))
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stolas' privilege allows him to be immediately heard and not punished by the people who would never listen to blitzø's side of things, and stolas gets to be his dramatic lil bitch self and we love to see it
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in ozzie's, blitzø has his past come back to haunt him in so many ways, he is put in the spotlight and he is decidedly not comfortable there, being called out for all the shit he's done to fizz and verosika and even m&m - HOWEVER! as we all now know, all of those people actually care about blitzø and he was just being his lil destructive self. he is given the chance to defend himself but it's overwhelming and he kinda freezes up
in mastermind, blitzø is being outright blamed for things he didn't do but like.. he actually didn't do any of that ! and yet he can't defend himself because nobody would listen to him even if he wasn't gagged.
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the difference between these 2 episodes is in stolas' behaviour when HE is put in the spotlight- at ozzie's he is freshly separated from stella and probably hasn’t done anything social for a long ass time and he’s not used to being in public. and here’s this thing that he thinks is gonna be fun and will help blitzø but he is not able to express himself so he hides and the result of that is blitzø pushing him away, literally doesn’t want to touch him
in MASTERMIND our birdy babe is singing his lil heart out with no regard for what anyone else thinks of him or what might happen to him, which is so beautiful (but also stolas pls try not to inhale the water).... when he doesn't hide his feelings from blitzø we see how perfect it could be when their inner worlds merge and they are finally on the same page, and blitzø does the furthest thing possible from pushing stolas away !!!
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(he did however still neglect to consider octavia's feelings when he decided to drop everything for blitzø... with devastating implications in mastermind) sorry to bring the mood down but this needs to be pointed out
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in ozzie's, stolas tries to invite blitzø to his place (and we all remember how well that went)........ blitzø goes home alone and loona is not there, he is all alone and sad curled up on the couch on his phone looking at all the people he believes he's let down and it's heartbreaking
when stolas goes to blitzø's place in mastermind, stolas gets all the love and support blitzø has to offer and loona is there too and blitzø curls up on the couch on his phone looking at all these people who love and support him!!! and then he makes the couch all comfy for stolas and he’s not alone?? like they’re both so not alone that it hurts my heart to think about. these 2 have so much love for each other and yeah there's gonna be tough times ahead but they are not alone! !!!!
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basically both eps end the same? but also everything is better now? because blitz was loved before he just couldn’t see it through all his nonsense
and stolas is still in a messed up situation and he's still kinda problematic and he couldn’t see it before through all his nonsense but now he’s more self aware?
the real difference is they have each other now! they are so not alone it makes them look stupid!!
anyway this is the longest post i've ever made sorry if it's rambly i have adhd and a lot of feelings about these two
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spotlightlowlife · 3 months ago
status is superficial
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Ozzie and Bee "enjoy slumming it with the low class plebs" according to Mammon what was there defence? 'Wanna fight' and 'ew you, nobody wants you'.
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Where exactly is the lie?
They didn't even dispute the claim because it's true and that's not a testiment to how humble they are when their mixing with the poor places them at the top, since amungst their peers they are powerless and obligated to conform even though there seems no leadership.
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It's sort of more decent that dispite being upfront about not caring, exploitation and making an example of those who step out of line, Mammon sat happily by a pair of void of personality robots and would try to pursue an equal and Satan has a literal angel on his shoulder.
Bee and Ozzie however, like their relationships with their partners, their relationship with the public is a transactional power imbalance where everybody has themed superficial perceived fun, these practical gods hang out and show off and nobody is really comfortable.
They are no different to Stolas, where's the proof otherwise?
Things aren't looking good for him either. The same episode had Stolas loose his status and the public instantly turn on him
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and not just the general public who watched the trial, a janitor who was working at the time jumped at the chance to give Stolas a piece of his mind
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not to forget that we saw many random imps willing to take out Stolas right at the start when we hardly knew him
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and his regular hunter Striker has issue with the power structure in general
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Stolas fetished Blitzø, pilot and main series, season 2 was intent to make him more sympathetic but showed us that he cornered Blitzø when he could do with feeling better about himself. He has property that Blitzø's business hinged on and Blitzø so Blitzø agreed to their transactionship. What exactly Stolas was famous or infamous for is unknown however the mighty has fallen.
Yet Bee holds high position, she is a leader of a ring of hell. She is hellhound like and throws parties for the helhounds, she dates a hellhound who gets to unwind at parties with his 'own kind', who he invites, after a days labour for yet another higher rank of demon.
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If Bee were to loose her status like Stolas, would hellhounds being bottom of the pack, the low paid jobs and the orphanage/prison/dogpound suddenly be an issue?
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We saw someone who resorted to threats and intimidation quickly, can we really say that this person is genuinely liked?
How about Ozzie who may be just as responsible for Fizz's branding as Mammon? The timeline continues to make no sense, when did Fizz first enter the pagents, before or after the accident? He seems a teen when they were announced yet has been winning for the last 10 years yet is way into his 30s? It's clear that Ozzie supplies the physically disabled imp with robotic limbs, seems nice but then remember they're a couple, when did their pairing happen and how? What was agreed upon before they met where the sexbots, Fizzbots are manufactured by Ozzie who makes a range of adult toys.
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Fizz served two masters who are equals but Ozzie doesn't like Mammon, Fizz makes a big scene as he leaves behind a sociopath boss to go full time with his other boss, lover who he lives with and shares a bed with, acts as a PA to, works with and has the same interests as. Fizz is seen as cute by Ozzie, the lust guy, which is nice but this cuteness is shown by him being babied and carried around like "a purse dog" while others like him must know their place.
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A lot of business hinges on Ozzie and what he distributes, who is he without if stripped of all of this?
Though it's probably never going to be the case, there's every reason to believe that these characters aren't liked at all but are intimidating, manipulative grifters who have capitalized on 'dating down' and it just so happens that their partners directly boost there supply.
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