#but it's super fun to see stuff about about
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@way-down-aevistown yeah. honestly i headcanon that the temple thing happens in canonverse anyway, but it definitely happens in this au. And Wu Ming is obvious about it. Fengqing's temples are canonically near each other cause of their rivalry, so it's really like a two for one deal for him. He goes to burn/desecrate one of their temple and look! just across the street is a temple for the other one! How can he not get that one too?
Mu Qing and Feng Xin would try to team up in their fights with him because they're both weaker and know it and their only hope of winning(landing a hit) would be to work together, but... It doesn't last long. They would devolve into fighting each other mid fight because they would be arguing on their own anyway, but Wu Ming's yelling out stuff that just brings up old memories and grudges cause that's what the three do when they fight. So, it ends up alternating between fengqing working together to fight Wu Ming, then a three-way battle, then fengqing deciding to work together again for a bit, then back to a three-way battle in a cycle again and again. Sometimes Wu Ming will even stand back and watch them beat each other bloody and hurl insults at each other having completely forgotten that they were also fighting Wu Ming and not just each other. By the time they remember that fact, their faces are bruised and swollen from each other and Wu Ming is watching them with a smirk, maybe even snacking on something. If his enemies want to waste their strength beating each other up, he's not about to stop them. The three then all go back to fighting.
And, oh yes, Mu Qing finds out about the bead so much sooner. And he is pissed. In fact, Wu Ming will purposefully make sure that the braid with the bead is styled in his hair and visible when he knows he's gonna be seeing Mu Qing. And then he'll start playing with it and twirling it around because it just pisses Mu Qing off more. He spent so long looking for that earring and this entire time with was with this motherfucker. He wants to scream and pull his hair out he's so mad about it and the fact that Wu Ming is rubbing it in. Because of this they of course know he's the kid from the parade. This brings up a whole other slew of things to yell at each other. They're bringing up all the grudges and grievances. Mu Qing and Feng Xin yell that Xie Lian should have just let him fall and Wu Ming yells back that they're just jealous because only His Highness was capable of saving him. They bring up the burning of the Xie Lian's palace on the Summit of the Crown Prince the day after the parade which then brings up his bad luck. (The gods can't believe that Wu Ming used to have the worst of luck since he's so incredibly lucky now.) Wu Ming brings up Mu Qing having him kicked out of the army, who brings up Wu Ming stalking Xie Lian when the royal capital still stood. Feng Xin brings up Beizi Hill which then leads Mu Qing to shout out in shock "You were only 13/14! You should be thanking me for having you kicked out of the army! You weren't even old enough to actually join!" The gods are learning so much about these three, and are having a field day with it all. The only thing the three ever agree on is their feelings for Qi Rong. All three have had very unpleasant experiences with Qi Rong, so when Feng Xin and Mu Qing hear that Wu Ming went to beat up Qi Rong or something, they're like "Yeah, that's justified." because even if they hate Wu Ming, they still remember what Qi Rong did to him as a little kid and still find it just as horrifying even all these centuries later.
They eventually bring up the temple scene and the "Live for me!" speech Xie Lian did, and the gods want to curse Xie Lian so badly for that leaving them this nuisance to deal with while he's who-knows-where but are too terrified to actually do that because they know what happens to you when you disrespect Wu Ming's god. They're just left thinking "What were you thinking!?!?" towards Xie Lian because look what happened! Wu Ming will sometimes twirl his red umbrella around when it rests on his shoulder because it draws attention to it and reminds them that Xie Lian is his god and has accepted Wu Ming as his apostle.
I've still been thinking about Mei Nianqing and I still run up against the same wall. If Mei Nianqing and Wu Ming met, eventually, Mei Nianqing would tell Wu Ming the Truth about their history and White No-Face. And if that happened, Wu Ming would absolutely destroy Jun Wu before Xie Lian even ascended for the third time which would then throw everything I've already written above off. There is just no world in which Hua Cheng, if he knew White No-Face still existed, wouldn't hunt him down and take care of everything before he had a chance to mess with Xie Lian again. idk. If anyone has ideas for that part let me know cause if not then Mei Nianqing can't be in it until after Xie Lian ascends and then we'd miss out on Wu Ming trying to get Mei Nianqing out of the Gambler's Den before he ends up gambling his immortal life to some scum slave trader there. Or Mei Nianqing being horrified at Wu Ming's handwriting and asking how Wu Ming thinks he could possibly be fit to serve His Royal Highness with handwriting like that. They would have a very funny dynamic, so someone please think up a solution.
Au where Hua Cheng stays as Wu Ming. All the canon stuff during the first banishment happens, but when he goes to Mount Tonglu, he stays as Wu Ming instead of becoming Hua Cheng. He decides to keep the name Wu Ming bc that’s the name His Highness gave him. He keeps wearing the black robes and Xianle soldier uniform/armor. He makes it clear that he was a soldier in the Xianle army, that he still considers Xie Lian his god, and he wants to serve and protect his god for the rest of his existence just as he wanted in life. He still becomes the calamity and founds Ghost City and challenges the gods, but he does it as Wu Ming. Instead of Crimson Rain Sought Flower, he becomes Crimson-Teared Smiling Ghost (or maybe Crimson-Teared Smiling Soldier?) bc when he’s standing in the blood rain, it slides down his smiling mask making it look like he’s crying tears of blood.
The Heavens know that he’s looking for Xie Lian, and when the Mount Yujun mission happens and Xie Lian’s asking about the young man who controls silver butterflies, they’re like “ah, yes, Wu Ming... Of course he was there since you were…” And Xie Lian is balking learning that Wu Ming is still here and has been looking for him and is still openly worshiping him after all that happened. Xie Lian finds out where to find Wu Ming and hurries down to Ghost City and finds Wu Ming.
This could either be a speed run for their relationship (more than it already was in canon) because Wu Ming’s devotion makes it kinda clear of how much he loves Xie Lian and Xie Lian figures out that he’s Wu Ming’s beloved that Wu Ming wanted revenge for—and, while Xie Lian’s not sure he deserves this love after all that happened—is touched deeply and falls in love with Wu Ming as they spend time together. Or it makes it drag out so much bc they both feel guilty about the past and inadequate to stand next to the other. Xie Lian not feeling worthy of Wu Ming’s steadfast devotion, and Wu Ming feeling he’s failed his god since he left Xie Lian to fight White No-Face alone and is only just now finding him. Either way, like hell Xie Lian’s leaving Wu Ming’s side after their parting 800 years ago and is 100% on Wu Ming’s side in everything. The Heavens have some sort of critique about Wu Ming or warning to Xie Lian about him? In one ear and out the other along with a pointed reminder that Wu Ming is his ghost and his follower. Do not speak I’ll of him again :) Wu Ming’s poor heart is pounding and his face is flaming at how steadfast his god, his love, his everything is defending him and fanboying so hard about it to He Xuan and Yin Yu.
I think at first Xie Lian would move into one of the shrines or temples that Wu Ming built in Ghost City, but then after a little move into Paradise Manor properly.
Also, while Wu Ming openly worships Xie Lian, he doesn’t make any of the denizens of Ghost City worship him. However, bc their beloved Chengzu is worshipping this god, they want to as well and learn about this god that their Chengzu loves. Because of this Xie Lian has a lot of temples and shrines in Ghost City. This number increases after Xie Lian moves there and actually starts answering their prayers, helping where he can, becoming just as beloved as their Chengzhu to them in his own right.
Since Xie Lian has all these temples and shrines, when he has his initial debt, he actually has merits streaming in that Ling Wen is plucking from Xie Lian before he even gets them to start repaying the debt. He still needs to do the Mount Yujun mission though because it is a big debt. And Wu Ming has no intention of purposefully giving more offerings to Xie Lian to help him pay the debt that way cause he doesn’t think Xie Lian should have been billed in the first place. And, since the gods know that any merits from Xie Lian would be coming from Wu Ming and Ghost City, they’re actually scared to take the merits since they think it would piss Wu Ming off (they’re right, of course). So they’re more than happy when they learn about the Mount Yujun arrangement, saying they only want merits if it comes from that mission. (Some still decide to just wave the owed merits all together just to be safe.)
Most of the gods in Heaven still avoid Xie Lian like he’s the plague because of his past but also because (and as the leading reason) because they don’t want to piss Wu Ming off accidentally if they say something offensive to Xie Lian by mistake. After Wu Ming challenged the gods and it came out that he worshipped Xie Lian, the incident of the 33 gods kicking Xie Lian off the mountain came out and so people are scared they’ll be next if they make a wrong move around Xie Lian. They don’t know Xie Lian very well, so they don’t know what he would consider offensive.
Feng Xin and Mu Qing know Exactly why Wu Ming’s pissed at them and can’t even blame him for it after learning of Wu Ming’s devotion. I think their interactions would be really funny. The three of them dragging up old, petty grievances, and hurling Xianle insults at each other. Wu Ming and Mu Qing are winning this because their memories are so good that they remember a lot while Feng Xin is wondering how these two remember so fucking much and so many fucking details. He’s doing pretty good with the insults, though. Those he remembers just fine. Pretty much all of Heaven has learned insults and swears from the Xianle dynasty and dialect and they actually use it. (Xie Lian is pretty shook after ascending again and hearing his native dialect used so casually after it being out of use for centuries.)
The gods eat up Wu Ming, Feng Xin, and Mu Qing’s beef because they know it’s personal instead of left wondering why he’s so against the two and are enjoying watching the matches, arguments, and fall out with them all just like they did with just Feng Xin and Mu Qing in canon.
While Wu Ming does have a lot of fake skins, he still always wears the smiling mask when he’s going up against the gods or in any Official business as Crimson-Teared Smile Ghost/Soldier(?) as a matter of trademark and principal. If he’s not wearing it over his face, he might slide it to the side of his head or have it hang from his waist. When he’s in a human disguise in the Mortal Realm, he keeps it tucked away out of sight, but still on him and easy to grab to put on. He might also just have a technique for making and shattering them for when he needs them. Like how his butterflies come out of his vambraces.
I really like the idea of his title starting out as “Crimson Teared Smiling” because it’s so beautifully tragic. The blood rain falling down makes him look like he’s crying tears of blood, and horrible type of grieving for his his god who went through so much. He wears his smiling mask, though, and is makes it look like he’s smiling because his god was kind and smiled kindly to all, offering shelter and a helping hand. Xie Lian’s duality is reflected here, the pain and suffering he went through with the bloody tears, but also the kind smile he kept and still offers despite it all. We also can’t forget White No-Face’s cry-smiling mask. That just feels like the cherry on top of hidden meanings.
As for whether it ends in “Ghost” or “Soldier” I keep wib-wobbling back and forth on because they’re both so good. “Ghost” is good because that’s what Wu Ming is. He is a nameless ghost. He was nobody until his god gave him purpose. He was ready to die and felt dead because of his shitty life and luck before he remade himself for his god. Even when he was alive, he was always told he’d be better dead and that he’d not live to 18. He was always surrounded by death and tragedy. A ghost is a very good descriptor of what he is even before he died. In volume 1, Chapter 6 it says:
Many believe that, as the God of Misfortune, any paintings or writings of the Prince of Xianle have the powers of a curse. If placed on the back of a person, or on the main entrance of a household, then the cursed person or household will run into all sorts of bad luck… …It was hard to tell whether this was a description of a god or a ghost.
With Honghong-er's luck, even as alive, I would not be surprised if this was true for him also. So, "Ghost" is a very good word to describe him and has a lot of meaning to it.
However, "Soldier" also has a good meaning to it. Wu Ming was a soldier in the Xianle army. He took up arms to defend the capital, but mostly his god, Xie Lian. In the first battle after Xie Lian desended, Mu Qing notes that Wu Ming(still a nameless soldier) was fighting really closely to Xie Lian the entire battle, trying to keep enemies away from Xie Lian. Later, as the ghost Wu Ming in actuality, he was a soldier once again, serving Xie Lian directly, working as his blade and tool. He made himself into a solder for Xie Lian. He did that. That was his choice. He pushed away his fate and became what he wanted. A soldier. A protecter. All for his god. He still wears the armor and attire of a Xianle soldier because that's what he is in this au. He is a champion of Xie Lian, the Crown Prince of Xianle, his weapon, tool, protector. He is a soldier and he wears that honor proudly. Xie Lian is the one who told him he would be suited for a saber and gave him tips. He pledged himself to Xie Lian many times, and Xie Lian accepted that pledge. He is Xie Lian's soldier. His champion. Everything Wu Ming built was towards that end of protecting Xie Lian. The fact that Wu Ming made himself this, is so very in line with canon that it would be so beautiful for his title to reflect this just as the "Sought Flower" does in his canon title.
"Ghost" is a good descriptor of him, but holds tones of his past and what was given to him.
"Soldier" is what he made himself despite it all.
Both are so good, and I'm not sure which would be better. Maybe it's something they change? In canon, there are multiple titles used for people. Just Qi Rong is called both "Night Touring Green Lantern" and also "Green Ghost." So, idk.
I thought up this idea about a week ago and was like "I should write that. That's such a good idea and would be so much fun." but then I remembered that I have so many other fics I need to finish and that this idea would be a big one because there's no way that this could be a oneshot or anything even in the realm of short. I would think 50k at least, but the way my writing goes, it would probably end up closer to 100k. So, i decided to release this idea to the wind and see if any of you got inspiration from it. If anyone writes this or has ideas, let me know because I really do love this idea and want to see stuff about it.
#i still have way too much stuff to work on to actually write this right now#but it's super fun to see stuff about about#again: if someone does something with this please let me know#I really wanna see it🥺#tgcf#tian guan ci fu#heaven official's blessing#xie lian#hua cheng#hualian#feng xin#mu qing#wu ming#jun wu#mei nianqing#tgcf fanfic prompt#tgcf fanfiction prompt#do with this what you will
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Info dump your fave Logan things and concepts SFW and NSFW so one of us can write you a banging indulgent fanfic? Lemme spoil u bbygrl. ( Nonny bc Idk if this is chill or if I'm weird for this. 😭 )

I could go on FOR HOURS about my fav logan things omg, so i'll try to keep this down to my FAV favorites <3 (SFW and NSFW ahead!)(i might make another similar post w a whole bunch more bc this got me thiiiinkiiin)
Logan listening to hyperfixations, STRAIGHT UP. He may sit silently, and do other stuff while you rant, but he LISTENS so good. makes comments and reassures that hes still listening
Soft, gentle touches. Him putting his hand on your lower back when leading you through a crowd, scratching your back or arm while cuddling (God im such a slut for that)
LAUGHING TOGETHER. I wanna see that man GIGGLE. I wanna see him GUFFAWING. he's laughing so hard he's crying.
Logan likes to sit outside during his downtime I think. I think he likes being able to breathe fresh air (and probs smoke freely without anyone jumping his ass over it lmao). Imagine sitting on the porch on his lap during a spring thunderstorm. His big arms wrapped around you protectively. bonus points if you're on a porch swing (altho w how heavy logan is COULD he sit on a porch swing w/o breaking it???)
butterfly kissess butterfly kisses
we talk a lot about his deep passionate kisses and believe me I LOVE THAT. but Lately i just been obsseseed with him giving fluttery lil kisses all over your face
also nose nuzzles. ive been including those a lot in my fics lmao
God i love his beard so much, wanna scratch it and pet it. I like to think he'd would teasingly rub it all over your face
early morning snuggles
yknow those super passionate kisses and dips those old hollywood movies do? yeah that with Logan
His. Stamina. God i want this man going at it with me for HOURS.
TBH Im so indecisive about what Logans fav position would be. I feel like mating press would drive him INSANE. You're bent and half and logan just SLAMMING his shit into you. so hard and fast the BED FRAME BREAKS
I LOVE the idea of Logan being this tough guy loner who could have anyone he wanted, but he becomes completely OBSESSED with you. Everything you do turns him on. You could put him smack in the middle of a strip club and he'll still be thinking about you
his shaky thighs when you suck him off and make him completely undone
him being so much bigger than you that you're pretty much swallowed by him. hes onto of you, between your legs and there's a significant STRETCH in how far you have to spread your legs for him to fit with his hips flush against yours
turning into a puddle underneath him as he fucks you sooooo good your speechless and in a whole another world, and he's just sweet talking and cooing at you how pretty you are and what a good girl you are and mmmmmph yes
manhandling. god i just want him to be forcing me into different positions and picking me up and carrying me all over the place. also just throwing me over his shoulder is fun
dominant but sweet orders. "Give me a kiss", "go on, take a seat." "get those pretty lips on my cock sweetheart" teehee
i'm a slut for creampies honestly almost everyone of my smut fics has a creampie lmao. logan DEF loves a good creampie
#logan howlett#wolverine#logan howlett x reader#wolverine x reader#logan howlett smut#van rambles#vans daydreams#nonny
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Summary: Surprise shawtyyyy! It's Terry's birthday!
Pairing: Terry Richmond x Black!OC (Patrice Ellis)
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: None
"A little to the left, Phee. A little more. Okay, back to the right. Perfect!"
Napheese breathed a sigh of relief as she released her hold on a Terry-sized cutout of his favorite super arachnid something-or-another around Diedra's living room. Patrice couldn't remember if it was Peter, Miles, or one of the others – all she knew was Terry loved the blue and red masked crusader. Whatever Terry loved, she vowed to bring to him in abundance.
As party guests doubled as set-up crew members and buzzed about the Richmond family home, Patrice played project manager, wrangling pockets of confusion until they came together to produce the vision she'd had in her mind since Valentine's Day. In the backyard, Ken managed the tedious task of stringing up a paper-mache Spider-Man while Terry's old teammates carried folding tables to and fro under Zorah and Zanah's watchful eyes.
Marvin and Leon stood at the grill, unloading freshly cooked meats and roasted veggies into aluminum pans, dancing along to Corey and June's partnered DJ set as they tested their speakers.
Napheesa's husband, Aaron, and Victoria's fiancee, Jonathan, manned a makeshift bar area, trying to find the right liquor-to-mixer algorithm for cocktail recipes Patrice had found online. From her spot at the kitchen table, Patrice could see them grimace and toss yet another drink over their shoulders to start fresh.
Indoors, Patrice and her trusted set of ladies turned Terry's childhood living room into a blue and red wonderland, complete with decor rivaling any party planner's best day on the job. Comic books with a cartoon version of his adult form sat next to masks, noisemakers, and shot glasses to mix the childlike with a little adult fun. Streamers hung from the ceiling. Confetti decorated themed table cloths. Games sat waiting for the perfect time to pop them open and unleash all of the arguing that came with friendly competition.
Huffing, puffing, and aching, Patrice had done her job. She'd deal with the soreness creeping up her legs and resting at the base of her spine once clean-up was wrapped, and Terry was grinning from ear to ear.
Diedra looked up from stuffing colored cellophane treat bags meant to appeal to the inner child of 30-somethings. She smiled at her daughter-in-law and the swell of her growing belly showing beneath her sweatshirt. "You've done a good job, Patrice. Take your rest, sister girl."
Rest was a foreign concept to an expectant mother hellbent on scaling a four-year-old's birthday party to something fit for a grown man. He couldn't quite put his finger on what had Patrice protecting her phone screen when he was around and hadn't gathered any details outside of the Publix order she tasked him to deliver for the month's supposed Sister Circle meeting. She'd sent him over 30 minutes away for a fruit platter and wings she swore up and down the closest supermarket could fulfill. He was off the trail for now. Just long enough to usher his closest family and friends into his parent's living room to sit in excited silence, anticipating the opportunity to wish him well in his next year of life.
"Your brother's at the store, wondering which beer Terry likes most," Rosalyn relayed with the phone unnecessarily close to her face as she marched into the room from the backyard. "And those boys are tearing up all that liquor out there. I don't know if y'all are gonna have any left."
"I'm sorry, Ms. Ros. They always tearing something up. Can't take 'em nowhere," Victoria mumbled as she finished tying ribbons on her stash of treat bags, earning a hum in agreeance from Napheesa.
Patrice nonchalantly waved them off as she used one hand to stuff a piece of chocolate into her mouth and the other to rub her stomach. "Tell Junior it's alright. He won't drink anyway. He says he's sober until further notice. Just make sure he brings enough ice."
"Terry won't have a beer on his birthday? He's been doing that since he was 18. You really are a magician, Little Richmond." Dee's compliment came in a sweet voice that sharply contrasted her expert precision in plucking Patrice's third bite-sized Snickers from between her fingers before tossing it in a nearby wastebasket. She ignored the small whimper and continued. "You know you're the only one that can surprise him, right? We've been trying since he was a boy, and he always sniffs out the plan. With you, he follows directions blindly. I wouldn't have ever been able to get him 'cross town for this long."
"Did you ever try threatening him? That's usually what I do," Patrice added.
Napheesa chuckled. "Girl, he listens because you also got something his mama ain't got."
"Ain't that the truth. The vagina does amazing things, ladies. There's power between those thighs. Come to the real Sister Circle meeting next week, and we'll talk all about it!" Diedra agreed.
"I know that's right, Auntie," Victoria exclaimed.
Patrice sat with a satisfied grin on her face, wanting to take exception to her mother's not-so-subtle assertion but knowing that the truth was simply the truth. She chose a joke as her rebuttal: "Y'all don't know what we're doing when we're alone."
"Baby, we know. We can see you. Ain't no shame."
All in the room laughed at Rosalyn's joke, compelling Patrice to join in, even at her expense. She ran her hand across her belly, dreaming of what her baby might think of all this fanfare unfolding mere inches from their safe space.
She sighed and looked around, tears pricking her eyes. "Everything looks so good y'all. Thank you for helping me. Even if you did take all my snacks. I owe y'all first dibs on newborn photos."
"As if I won't be in that house helping you the second you get home," Vick scoffed. She reached over to grab Patrice's hand for a quick squeeze. "We got you girl. Anything for you and that man of yours."
"One day, you're gonna have to get over the breakup, Victoria," Napheesa laughed.
Vick rolled her eyes. "Patrice forgives. The Lord is still working on me. Sometimes, I have flashbacks and just wanna…" Her voice trailed as she made a strangling motion and shook her hands. When she stopped, she looked over at Diedra, laughing at her animated movements. "No offense, Mrs. DeeDee."
"Sometimes little traces of his daddy jump out, child. Blame it on that fiery, light-eyed Richmond blood. Lord knows I love it and hate it all the same damn time."
Wisdom and frustrations shared between generations of women connected through one man filled the room, pushing Patrice into a fit of giggles as she listened along and tried to quell the unfamiliar fluttering in her abdomen. Buzzing in the front pocket of her working overalls paused her participation in the conversation. It brought her attention to Terry's teenage face filling the screen.
She lifted her hand to get the group's attention. "Sshh sshh, y'all. This is Terry. Let me put him on speaker." Talking ceased, and breathing stilled as they rushed to sit perfectly quiet and eavesdrop. Patrice put on her sweetest voice to answer. "Hey, Birthday Man. Everything okay?"
On the interstate, Terry slowly switched lanes, growing frustrated by the unfathomable traffic on Saturday afternoon. He grimaced at the nickname. "Baby, I'm in my 30s. Birthday Man makes it sound like I never moved out of my mama's basement."
"Excuse me for wanting to celebrate you. Guess I'll cancel the reservation too, then," Patrice sassed, earning stifled laughter around her.
"I'm sorry, Piggy. Call me whatever you want. Don't cancel our time together. I'm excited." The genuine smile in his voice brought heat to Patrice's cheeks and a quiet swooning to the group.
She smiled, though he couldn't see her. "I'm excited, too," she gushed. "You on the way back to me for a little while?"
"Yeah, I should be there in fifteen minutes. You stayin' off your feet over there? I won't hear about you on no ladders, will I?" Terry knew the answer. He always knew the answer to whether his busy body of a wife had finally committed to following her doctor's orders.
"Duh, TJ. I know how to sit down," Patrice answered.
Terry chuckled. "You know how to lie, too. At least sit down until I get back. Corey says he's running late anyway."
"Alright. I love you. We love you." Patrice's voice carried an innocent lilt mushy enough to make Zorah quietly roll her eyes in the background. She padded into the room.
"I love y'all, too. See you in a bit, baby."
Air kisses shared from a distance, growing shorter by the second, capped off a nauseatingly sweet conversation so covered in newlywed confections that it was nearly responsible for new cavities in everyone's mouths.
Patrice gave Terry's photo a final smile before looking up at the face carrying varying mixes of disbelief and shock. She rolled her eyes. "God forbid a girl is nice to her husband. Stop looking at me, and let's get this show on the road. My baby will be here soon!"
Prison warden sensibilities helped corral a group of adults into Marvin and Dierdra's living room with enough time to spare for Patrice to toddle down the front porch steps like a damsel in distress and look for her "missing" cell phone charger.
T.I.'s 'U Don't Know Me' rattled car windows lining the street as he barrelled down the quiet residential street. Terry's arm hung comfortably out of the window, allowing the rays of a blazing sun sitting high in the sky to ping off of his wedding ring once he raised his hand to wave at his first love. Patrice put on an unassuming smile and closed her back passenger side door to wait for him to follow his usual routine.
The truck's engine shut off with an easy twist of Terry's wrist once he found a spot in front of the house, taking Urban Legend's bass-heavy third track with it. Bags rustled, and soft grunts of effort left newly moisturized lips. A heavy door slammed as a mountain of a man stepped out of his chariot and took long strides toward a woman dancing from foot to foot to welcome him in.
"What you doin' out here," Terry asked as he approached. He gently placed the lightest bag in Patrice's outstretched hand before leaning down to peck her puckered lips. "Who let you come out here by yourself?"
She shrugged, unwilling to place blame on anyone in particular. "The meeting hadn't started yet, and I thought I had left my charger in the car, so I came to grab it. But I guess it's in my bag? I don't know. This momnesia stuff is real."
"Mhmm. How's your back?" A large hand came up to place light pressure in the spot she'd recently complained about, hoping to ease the pain.
"It's better." For his sake, a lie slid off Patrice's tongue with minimal effort. "Dee's grabbing me a heating pad, and I get the good chair. Wish she'd let me have another chocolate instead, but whatever. Perks of getting disgusting in that hotel room, I guess."
"I really hope you don't say that in front of these old ladies. Is that who all these cars belong to? You think they gon' eat all this food?" Terry questioned, taking stock of the unfamiliar vehicles.
Patrice sighed in exasperation. "Oh hell, Terry, are you helping me or interrogating me? Come on and get this stuff in the house so I can talk about you behind your back in peace."
Terry's chuckle and the audible pop of palm on her denim-covered backside rang out behind Patrice as he followed her into the house. Blissful ignorance carried him in the house. He blissfully smelt her perfume wafting in the wind, blissfully watched her spreading hips switch in front of him, blissfully listened to the sweet alto of her voice call out his presence as they rounded the corner—blissfully unaware.
Bliss abruptly took a back seat to the reflex to shield Patrice from danger. The hair on Terry's arms stood attention, looking for the threat, and wild eyes surveyed the room. His father's smile disarmed him first. Then his mother, Corey, with his phone up to capture the moment, his sisters giving him identical middle fingers, and the hulking Spider-Man cutout masquerading like a member of his extended family, calmed him further. Confusion came for him next – a fleeting emotion but one that rocked him with so much force that he considered walking out of the house altogether. If not for Patrice grasping his arm to keep him in place, Terry would've hightailed it back to his truck and disappeared into the wind.
But, as his fight or flight response dissipated and realization knocked the wind from his lungs, tears pricked the corner of his eyes.
Spider-Man. The birthday party he never received. The superhero he spent hours dreaming of becoming in his boyhood. The character that kept him excited for something in his darkest times. His favorite interest to share with his father and the one he hoped to pass on to his child one day soon. A sea of red and blue engulfed him, sparking up more gratitude than his body knew how to filter into productive words or sounds.
"Say hello to your people, baby. They came to see you!"
Patrice's voice pulled Terry back into reality and broke him down, all in the same breath. He slowly set the fruit tray on the floor before pulling her into a hug packed with a heady amalgamation of wish fulfillment and unspeakable gratitude. A chorus of 'awws' rolled across the room in a murmur from people not used to a vulnerable Terry willing to cry in front of a crowd.
Patrice ran her nails across his shoulder blades as she rocked them side to side. "Happy Birthday, Pookie Bear! We're all so proud of you and the man you are."
"Thank you," Terry whispered against Patrice's neck. "I love you so much."
"I know. I love you 3000." A short laugh sent warm hair fanning across Patrice's skin before Terry pulled back to look at her face with amused confusion. She smiled. "See, I pay attention sometimes!"
Whispered declarations of love and short kisses kept at bay with the strength of Christ himself produced more big feelings and bigger tears until the soft clearing of a throat nearby reminded Terry that not only was he at a birthday party, he was at his birthday party.
"Shit," he whispered to himself before quickly swiping moisture from his cheeks. Terry scanned the room for faces once more, taking in the full scope of all his wife had achieved. "My baby sisters are here. They never come home," he laughed through more tears. "Ken is here! Mike, Tim…what is goin' on here? Oh my God!"
Corey hollered back behind his phone. "We here to party, man! We had to cut the guest list. Everybody and they mama was trynna get in here for you, boy!"
"And the catfish. Mostly you, but definitely the catfish," Zanah added to scattered laughter.
Terry's smile stretched from ear to ear as he reached out to snag two plastic Spider-Man masks from a nearby table. With careful precision, he slid one onto Patrice's face, adjusted it, and then did the same for himself. Childish whimsy compelled him to try shooting imaginary webs from his wrists.
Patrice gave him a quizzical look. "Does that mean we're good to go, Spidey?"
They were more than good. Like fresh champagne uncorked and sprayed to celebrate a championship win, Terry's imaginary webslinging cracked the seal on the afternoon. Adults ran around, stuffing their faces and dancing like children dropped off at a classmate's birthday party. Terry got the first crack at his pinata and hit it so hard dead center that Peter Parker nearly disintegrated into a heap of cheap paper and cardboard. Relay races stretched muscles, many of which hadn't been used in ions. Pictionary on the back deck quickly turned into a game of watching Ken flex how many things he could turn into awful stick figures. They presented the man of the evening with sentimental and gag gifts in equal measure and showered him in praise.
"Okay, babe," Patrice exclaimed as she presented Terry with a slender box wrapped in red paper. "While you open that, I have to give a speech because you always have one for me. Terrence is nothing short of amazing. I've never met anyone so dedicated to serving his family and his community. You're a mentor, a dutiful son, an amazing big brother, and the only husband I want. I'm so happy to get a front-row seat to your next evolution as Daddy. I love you, Pookie Bear. Hopefully, this shows how much I look at you as a superhero. Our Friendly Neighborhood Terry, if you will!"
A little online digging and a sketchy, at best, Etsy shop brought Terry's wildest dreams to life. He held a detailed figurine of his face and body contorted into a signature hero's pose. Thanks came in deep kisses, and a grown man showcased his new toy to all his friends as if he was transported directly back to age six.
By sunset, more libations and a deck of cards procured from thin air, turning innocent fun into a heated competition between teammates seeing each other for the first time in years and couples looking to put a hurting on each other's pockets.
Terry existed in a permanent state of laughter. His shoulders shook with each chuckle, his abs flexed and relaxed underneath his shirt from every joke and story taking him on a trip down memory lane, and his cheeks burned from smiling with the full force of his facial muscles.
As much as Patrice wanted to remain with the group and listen to a spirited retelling of Terry's infamous in-game trash talk and a nasty reaction to his taunting, she needed to listen to her little one's demand for an empty bladder.
Terry watched her disappear into the house and half-listened to Tim's story, which was littered with exaggerations, for a few minutes before pushing back from the table and excusing himself. He slipped into the quiet, empty house and flipped on the kitchen lights in search of his mother's good cake knives. Methodical cuts produced a small sliver of contraband for someone special.
Loud whooshing from the hallway powder room and the sink shutting on and off produced goosebumps pebbling across Terry's skin. Anticipation coursed through his veins. His smile grew as she came around the corner, rubbing her fluttering stomach.
"Oh, hey," she greeted, exhaustion evident in her tired smile. Once they were within arms' length of each other, she reached out to caress his cheek with her thumb. He leaned into her touch, kissing her palm. "Having fun, baby?"
He nodded. "Mhmm. I got something for you?"
"Baby, this is your day. You don't need to get me anything," Patrice whined.
"Shhhh," Terry answered, shaking his head. "Just let it happen. Close your eyes."
She did so reluctantly, expecting a silly kiss or something inappropriate until the soft embrace of fluffy buttercream and soft vanilla cake pushed past her lips into her mouth. Patrice hummed and chewed, savoring every morsel before opening her eyes. "God, I love you."
"Not nearly as much as I love you," he answered while feeding her another, bigger bite she readily accepted. "I owe you the moon next month, okay? Name it, and you got it."
"A BMW. All white. Peanut butter insides."
Terry scoffed and wiped the corner of Patrice's mouth free of debris. "Easy. I'm literally Spider-Man. Give me a challenge, Treecey."
"Ooooh, I see you. Shut my mouth," she exclaimed, her laughter inviting Terry to join in. "Let's see, superhero. How about…"
Mention of fantastical things like trips to the moon and a purse made from rare stars fell from Patrice's lips in jest as Terry carefully balanced feeding and active listening. What she considered a silly little game was anything but for a man wholly invested in her happiness. If he had to fight crime by night to bring Patrice the desires of her heart, he'd do it with a smile under his mask.
Superhero. He'd waited a long time to finally earn the moniker and party to boot. And he'd wait for 100 more, fight a never-ending list of villains, and jump across the multiverse just to love like this again.
Reply if you'd like to be tagged in future work!
TAGS: @planetblaque @wvsspoppin @thatone-girly @avoidthings @slutsareteacherstoo @eilujion @amyhennessyhouse @yaachtynoboat711 @jenlovey @pinkpantheris @blowmymbackout @onherereading @becauseimswagman1 @thiccc-c @hrlzy @urfavblackbimbo @blackburnbook @ashanti-notthesinger @xo-goldengirl @ariiijestertheklown @blyffe @tvchi @wabi-sabi1090 @blackmoonchilee @flydotty @aldrigmer444 @ash-ketchumzzz @nayaesworld @ms-mosley-ifunastyyy @writingsbytee @teddybeerz @trippyscotch @theogbadbitch @ghostfacekill-monger @nyifly22 @kaylalb
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Heyy I loved your Lando story:)
Can you maybe write one where his girlfriend is not famous and a little bit shy. They have been together for some time but are very private. So maybe during the video from Angry Ginge training like Lando Norris for a day she is also there and they are being super cute and she also does the exercises.
Of course if you don’t want to write it that’s totally fine:)

You've been dating Lando for a moment, and things were going pretty smoothly. Of course, things could be hard when he was going to other countries for his career, but other than that your relationship was great.
Despite his fame, you weren't that known by people, particularly by his fans. Although you weren't secret about your relationship, you weren't exposing it either. You weren't holding back to post pictures of the two of you together, instead just making your account private so people would try to find information about you. As for Lando, he wasn't posting many pictures of you with him. It was really rare, and he would always ask if you were okay with it. He wouldn't mind showing you sometimes, but he also knew it was making you uneasy.
That night, as you were at Lando's place, you were chilling together in his bed. Just cuddling together while scrolling on your phones, sometimes showing each other the stuff you're seeing that could make you laugh, or just that you found interesting. It was something you enjoyed doing to relax. Sometimes, it was just him playing on his PC, with you close to him while doing your stuff. You weren't always talking, the presence of each other being enough.
Eventually, Lando put his phone aside, correctly wrapping his arms around you. Feeling his change of position, you knew something was about to happen. So you stopped looking at your phone to look up at him. Lando pecked your lips at first, but you could see on his face that he was thinking about something.
"Okay, just tell me what you want to tell me," you said, putting your phone aside as well.
"You know… about tomorrow…" he started, his eyes trying to gauge your reaction. "The video… you thought about it and if you wanted to join?" he then continued, his tone a bit hesitant.
He talked to you about the video he was about to film with his friends, and since it was taking place in his place he had to see if you were okay with being in the video. If you were saying no, he'd have to film the video carefully so you wouldn't appear. Of course, it'd be easier if you were accepting since you'd just be part of the video, but once again he knew you enjoyed the discretion of this relationship.
"I thought about it, yeah," you first answered, nodding your head. "And I think… I wouldn't mind joining. I guess it could be fun… it's just a silly video, it won't hurt me?" you then added, a smile on your lips.
Lando smiled back at you, just nodding his head. He actually was really happy about it. Including you in the things he loved doing was always making him happy and excited. It meant spending moments with you, but also sharing his passions.
"Great! I can't wait!" he only said despite the actual excitement he now felt for this video.
A few kisses on the lips, you were still able to tell he was smiling, and then he took back his phone just like you so you couldn't continue whatever you were doing, while he was warning his friends you'd join them.
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Waking up early on a day off wasn't the greatest thing in the whole world. You were supposed to just chill in front of the TV and enjoy your day off. But you were reassuring yourself by thinking about how it would be fun to participate in this concept. Plus, it was making Lando very happy so it was automatically making you happy.
You knew it would also be hard though. You saw Lando training before, and a Formula 1 driver training wasn't the easiest thing ever. It was always impressive to think Lando, as well as the other drivers of course, was doing such things. And today, it was your time to actually live what he was going through to do his job.
Okay, maybe you stayed a bit in bed before really getting up and getting ready. And maybe Lando had to poke you to make you move and not fall back asleep right after you opened your eyes.
"Come on… you'll be late…" he whispered to your ear, pecking your cheek before leaving the room.
A little whine, a roll on the bed and a foot tangled in the bedcover later, you were finally up and all dressed up. Even if you were happy to join the video, a part of you was stressed out. You weren't really extroverted and comfortable on cameras, let alone when thinking about it'll be posted on YouTube and watched by millions of people.
"Hey… it's gonna be okay…" Lando reassured you, obviously noticing how you were looking stressed out. "Don't forget: if you change your mind, just tell me about it and we'll find a way to edit you out," he added, pecking your forehead.
And somehow, his words and his kiss was partly reassuring you and calming you down, although a part of you was still apprehensive about it.
Eventually, it was time! The filming started when AngryGinge and Fifakill arrived. And while Lando opened the door, you were just standing there, not really knowing what you were supposed to do. It wasn't even really the fact his friends were there, you've talked to them before and, even if you didn't know them really well, you could still have a little discussion with them. It was just you realising it was real and you'd have to be entertaining somehow.
The awkward position lasted for a moment, while the three others were already having their funny moment. A smile was still noticeable on your lips, genuinely amused by the situation but just not daring to laugh like you normally would.
But at least things eventually moved to start each moment of the day by starting with breakfast. Standing beside Lando, slightly hidden from the camera, you were quietly enjoying the breakfast. It wasn't the first time you were sharing meals with Lando, so you weren't surprised.
"Do you like it?" Lando asked you with a smile, wanting to help you talking but also curious to know about your thoughts.
"Mh, it's good," you answered, your voice a bit low but still loud enough to be heard by everybody.
Lando smiled just a bit more, happy to hear you talk. A part of him was also a bit amused to see you eating like you were some food critic. They continued with talking and joking around, while you were slowly starting to get at ease in front of the camera.
"What time do you go to bed?" was the question asked by Fifakill after discussing Lando's sleeping habits.
"Depends," Lando answered seriously, initially wanting to give some information. The seriousness wasn't kept by AngryGinge after it was asked on what it depends.
"Who's got around, you dirty bastard," he said, gaining some laughs.
They shot glances at you as the answer made you stop moving for a second with the spoon in your mouth. Though the joke was funny, it made you embarrassed as the words were targeted at you. Lando kept a smile as he looked at you, gently poking your side.
The filming continued, with Lando explaining the programs before the training actually started. It obviously was the interesting part, and the part that made everybody curious. You were aware of the difficulty, but actually taking part would be different.
Starting with pushups, things were not that hard. It was funny to watch the others do it, and you were smiling a bit more than before though you were still not talking by yourself.
Continuing with a one minute plank, the three of you aligned, things were getting a tiny bit harder. Well, it was mostly tiring. Lando was on the side, watching if you were all doing the exercise correctly and correcting you if needed. He sat next to you, gently putting his hand on your lower back to lower you butt.
"Oh!" was the only thing he said as smiled, his hand slipping under you to press on your shirt to hide the things hiding there. "Shirt's a bit too large," he said, making you smile and disturbing you a little but you quickly focused again.
When the minute was finally reached, you immediately laid down and turned around on your back, your hands on your stomach. Lando looked down at you, his eyes soft though amused. As fun as it was to see his friends doing the exercises, he just loved seeing you do them even more. Well, he actually loved anything you were doing, anyway.
With more training passing by, you let out a little noise of apprehension that made them look at you with a smile at a certain exercise. You've seen Lando do that neck training before, and it got you wondering how human beings can do such a thing without problems.
Just by watching AngryGinge and Fifakill, you knew you'd struggle. You were already aware of the difficulty, but it was even more clear while watching them do the exercise. It then was your turn. You sat down, holding onto the edge of the weight bench. Lando then gently put the harness linked to the elastic band on your head.
"It's… it's folding my ears," you pointed out while Lando was about to start.
Lando came back to you to adjust it carefully, while you were looking in front of you. He checked everything was correct before stepping back.
"Ready?" he asked you, starting to pull when you were ready.
You closed your eyes while trying not to make your head, but it obviously was hard even though Lando wasn't putting much force into the pulling. You couldn't hold back your smiling through the probably weird faces you were doing when hearing them laugh.
Lando slowly stopped to make you change positions to pull from a different spot, and once again it was hard not to move.
"Shit…" you mumbled as you almost fell back from the hard pulling, making Lando snicker a bit louder.
When it was done, Lando took off the harness and put it aside on the weight bench. You turned around to face him, his hand going onto your shoulder.
"Are you okay?" he asked you gently, checking if it wasn't too much as he knew it was hard.
"Yeah, I've almost lost my head I think…" you answered while nodding your head.
"He doesn't ask us…" AngryGinge said while turning around, just teasing the bitch of you.
Lando chuckled as his hand went to your head, his fingers just running through your hair once. He held back the whole time since the filming started and it was destroying him inside, so this time he didn't hold back; he just quickly pecked your forehead. He wasn't sure it would make it to the final edit of the video, but he just had to do it.
Things continued, and with every second passing by, you were getting a bit less shy. You still wouldn't jump around and crack jokes, though. But it was good enough for a first time.
Later, it was time for the simulator. It probably was the funniest part. You've tried it once and it has been fun. And now, you were back at it. Lando was leaning against the chair, encouraging you and praising you with every single thing you were doing.
"It's okay, you're doing great," he said as you went over the track limits, keeping his voice soft. "Look at you go!" he continued in a cheerful tone as you were doing a pretty great time.
When you were done, you looked up at him while he was already looking down at you. He then grabbed your hand to help you get off the chair, his other hand resting on your waist in a gentle way. You surprisingly did good in the simulator.
At the end of the day, while you were back in bed, you were cuddling together. He held you in his arms, kissing your lips a few times.
"I had fun today…" you admitted, a smile on your lips.
"I saw that. And you did really good, I'm proud of you," he answered, his lips going once again on yours.
It has been a fun day, you've laughed and, despite your shyness, you weren't too much in the back or hiding. You definitely didn't regret accepting Lando's request.
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Thanks for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed it! If you see any mistakes, please tell me in the comments!
#lando norris#lando norris x reader#lando norris x y/n#fem!reader#formula 1#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 fanfic#f1#f1 x reader
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If one piece had Disney in their universe then what would be the strawhats favorite disney songs?
(I bet luffy would enjoy the song "hakuna matata" or zoro with love the song, "I'll make a man out of you" he would probably listen to that song during his workouts? I can imagine Sanji singing be our guest? 😅)
LUFFY - I Just Can’t Wait to be King OR Go The Distance OR How Far I’ll Go
ZORO - I’ll Make a Man Out of You OR Zero to Hero
NAMI - Almost There
ROBIN - Reflection OR Let it Go OR Surface Pressure
USOPP - Friend Like Me
FRANKY - You’re Welcome
BROOK - When Will My Life Begin OR Grim Grinning Ghosts OR any narration song (see below)
JIMBEI - Into the Unknown OR You’ve Got a Friend in Me
ASL BROTHERS - Hakuna Matata OR I Always Wanted a Brother
ACE - Go The Distance
See rambling/explanations below cut!
Now I’m tempted to do a broadway/musical movie list. I’ll have you all know that I’m unfortunately a multifaceted nerd, meaning I was also a huge theatre kid.
AAAH Okay this one is fun! So, I’ve been trying to think about this. Going off of yours, I’d say Zoro’s is for sure I’ll Make A Man Out of You. It’s just perfect for him. I think he’d also appreciate the vibes of Zero to Hero. For training purposes. Obviously.
I feel like the ASL brother’s anthem is Hakuna Matata or the unfortunate bop that is “I Always Wanted A Brother”, but Luffy’s is either “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” or “Go the Distance” (though I can see Go The Distance for Ace, too.) Honestly, Luffy would also probably just like all of the ballads that include the main character going on a journey. “How Far I’ll Go” would definitely be another contender.
Sanji is GREAT for Be Our Guest, just imagine him humming it while he cooks awjkenfawklejnfawkejfn. But I think baby Sanji stuck with Judge would have a “Waiting on a Miracle” moment. Which would make me cry actual tears.
Nami could have an “Almost There” moment with how she almost had enough money to pay back Arlong, which of course didn’t end up mattering, same for Tiana. She understands that plight.
Robin is a fun one that I can’t quite pinpoint. “Reflection” feels a little too sad, I want something more badass for her. “Let It Go” maybe? I haven’t quite decided, but I crave a power ballad for her. “Surface Pressure” might also appeal to her. She’s had to have this tough persona her whole life to protect herself, but really she’s as vulnerable and scared as anyone else. Been through a lotta trauma. Might be a good song to cry to.
Usopp would be “Friend Like Me” ALL THE WAY. Every single claim would be a boldface lie, but that’s why we love him. He’d also just rock it I’m sorry I need an artist on this IMMEDIATELY. He’d LOVE TO SING THIS SONG AND BRAG.
Franky is “You’re Welcome” ALL THE WAY. Usopp and Franky are the two I’m most confident on. I can see Franky flexing his super cyborg muscles during the rap, and “DON’T MESS WITH FRANKY WHEN HE’S ON A BREAK AWAY” i’m sorry I’m actually frothing at the idea.
Brook is difficult. I would love to disney princess him into “When Will My Life Begin” because of his time in isolation, it’s very Rapunzel. But I also want to give him something funky because - ya know. Soul King, baby. “Down In New Orleans” would just be fun to hear him sing, but obviously that wouldn’t match him unless we all agree he can be an omniscient narrator. In that case, just give him all the gospel truth songs too (with Usopp and Franky helping as other muses, of course.) OH AND OF COURSE GRIM GRINNING GHOSTS OKAY. HE’D JUST LIKE THE JAZZY STUFF.
Jimbei is TOUGH. Okay, because obviously I want to give him something mentor-y. The man mentored Luffy straight out of depression. Ugh, it’s such low hanging fruit to give him “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” if I’m allowed to include pixar. Umm..maybe he’d also like “Into the Unknown.” When you think about it, he’s had to take a lot of big leaps of faith in his life, leaving behind the world he’s known not once, not twice, but at least three times. He’d probably appreciate the themes behind the song.
#one piece#ramble#one piece ramble#disney#one piece disney#honestly should just tag this personal#franky one piece#franky#usopp#god usopp#black leg sanji#vinsmoke sanji#roronoa zoro#zoro#pirate hunter zoro#cat burglar nami#nami#nami one piece#robin#nico robin#luffy#monkey d luffy#jimbei#first son of the sea jinbe#jinbe#brook#brook one piece#soul king brook#portgas d ace#one piece hc
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About the pulpier and deadlier comment. Do you think it ever did apply to the campaign we got to see? And if you do, why do you think that Matt ended up dropping it?
I think it sort of fit until like...frankly, all the moon stuff popped off fully. Jrusar, Heartmoor, and Bassuras were pretty pulpy, and the first Otohan fight was deadly; honestly, as someone who felt it was poorly sprung on the cast at the time the fact that they'd been given instructions of "pulpier and deadlier" mitigates that somewhat.
I do not know why Matt dropped it, but the following two things stand out to me.
First: I think, again, Campaign 3 struggled from trying to be way too many things at once: "pulpier and deadlier" (led to a start that was frankly pretty strong but ended up making the main plot come in at a weird time); the moon plot with all of those implications; a culmination of past campaigns not just in the sense of the moon plot but also in terms of bringing in past characters; and a story centering Bells Hells. I really think pulpy and deadly was like, not the vibe for the moon plot, or rather, it could have been with a party that was decisive from the start (either to fight the Vanguard or to side with them) but really, the cast needed to be briefed on "there is going to be a very central plot element and we might not focus a ton on your character's backstory."
Second: again I don't know why he dropped it but in discussing the post that I think prompted this I and some others realized that we had Super Deadly Villain with Anti-Resurrection Poison as a MAJOR PLOT POINT during the resurrection-fucking-up solstice kill a character whose actor was like "I think it would be fun if this character dies" and then they were resurrected by divine magic on the Divinity Can't Touch This Moon in the "deadlier" campaign like...that's indefensible. I mean I had a fun time with Chet still being around but what the fuck, actually.
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Bucky Barnes X Reader - Road Trip Head canons!
Y'all I'm having too much fun with this and it's my SECOND POST. I guess it's better to live in delusions together 🤷♀️
So this is like, what I imagine would happen if you were to go on a road trip together!! It's been so sunny out lately and I'm really excited for spring/summer time. I've even been listening to my Girly Summer Vibes playlist.
Based off the fictional character created by Stan Lee & Marvel, I do not own the rights to it. The ideas though, they are mine!
Word count: 820
Warnings: MAJOR fluff hehehehehe🫡
Enjoy my darlings
First off, him just ASKING you to go on a road trip would be a whole process, he's just a little guy after all
He would do so much research to find the perfect place to go to. Eventually he would land on this beautiful national park that's just a little over a days drive away (he planned that obviously)
He finally builds up the courage to ask you and obviously you say yes! You guys start to plan together when you will leave, where you will stay and of course, what snacks to bring, that sorta thing.
You pack your bag for a week (As this road trip has turned into more of a week getaway). You've both decided to leave around noon the first day, stay the night in a motel, then leave early in the morning to continue the drive. Then, you spend a solid 2 full days at the park, and do the same on the way down, drive then motel and then more driving.
Bucky tells you that the hotel in the park has a pool so you bring along a couple bathing suits. He also tells you that he's made an itinerary of what you can do each day (By itinerary, he means that he's only planned a couple things to do per day, which means loads of time to explore or relax). These things include dinner, a hike and other things.
You leave that day with butterflies in your stomach and a coffee in your hand. Ready to traverse the country with your favourite super soldier. He's got coffee too and eventually he reluctantly gave you the aux cord.
You play your favourite road trip tunes and have the sun roof open the whole time. Eventually you force Bucky to stop for slushies, one of you gets red, the other blue (somehow your mouths get purple?😉)
You guys chat about everything and anything. You learn about Bucky's past and in exchange for his trust, you tell him about yours. There's a sense of understanding and comfort in the air as you two confide in each other.
You force Bucky to stop when the sun starts to set so you can get a good photo, he reluctantly pulls over (he loves how passionate you are about it) and watches as you climb out the sun roof to get a photo of the beautiful colours in the sky. He thinks it's adorable!
You finally arrive at the motel around 6pm ish. You check into the room and surprise surprise there's only one bed (Bucky definitely didn't tell them they only needed one)
You get ready for bed and Bucky insists you take the bed and he'll take the couch. But you argue back that you don't mind. (Both of you are idiots and need to communicate. You both clearly want to share the bed)
Eventually Bucky 'reluctantly' shares the bed with you.
You wake up wrapped in Bucky's arms and decide that you don't want to leave yet and fall back asleep (He was awake and didn't want to get up from this heaven either)
Around 10am (much later than you originally intended) you both get up and leave the motel.
The rest of the drive flies by with more stories being told and songs being sung.
Once you get to the park hotel, you immediately want to drop your stuff off in the room and Bucky obliges. Then you both go explore.
After seeing the park, you head back to the hotel for the first of Bucky's plans. Dinner.
After a very romantic dinner, you both head back up to your room and put on a movie. (But did you actually end up watching it? Who knows.)
Even though this hotel room has two beds, you both end up in the same one each night, yearning for closeness.
The next day, you go on the hike Bucky had planned for you. The sights of this park are amazing and you stop almost every 5 minutes to get some pictures (You even forced Bucky to be in a couple of them because you "didn't want it to look like you were the only one here" (But in all honesty, you just wanted photos of the man you love)
You have a wonderful time.
On the last night, you and Bucky go stargazing. It's the most amazing and romantic date you've ever been on. The sights were breathtaking (even though Bucky spent most of the night looking at you gazing up at the sky)
Unfortunately, your getaway finally comes to an end. You make the trip back home and when you finally return to the compound, you and Bucky are closer than ever. You even start to spend nights in each others' rooms (beds more like it)
You immediately start planning your next road trip but Bucky doesn't know if his bank account can take it.
#bucky imagine#female!reader bucky#male!reader x bucky#bucky#bucky angst#bucky fanfic#bucky fluff#bucky smut#bucky x female reader#bucky x male reader#the avengers#marvel cinematic universe#marvel x reader#mcu fandom#mcu#marvel headcanons#marvel imagine#marvel#tumblr fyp#trending#bucky headcanon#hell is a teenage girl#hot as hell#nocturnalthoughts
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ranking breaking bad/better call saul characters by bangability
this is based purely on my own personal taste and headcanons. reply/rb with your own rankings! :3
16. chuck mcgill
starting out, we have chuck. i’m sorry to all the chuck fans out there, (because i adore you) but he is likely the last character in the brba universe that i’d bang. he reminds me of a wet paper towel, and we would not be sexually compatible in any way. i'd better not fuck chuck
15. walter white
oh, walt… you stupid son of a bitch. i would never bang him, he doesn’t deserve it. he is a greedy lover that only cares about getting himself off. once he's finished, the sex is over. i feel bad for skyler (or, jesse, if you subscribe to that) knowing she’s never been satisfied.. more on that later.
14. hank schrader
hank seems like the type to only want to do doggystyle, idk why i’m getting this vibe. i wouldn’t bang him because i can see him being very inattentive. aftercare? who’s she?
13. marie schrader
marie is a beautiful lady, but we’d likely be very incompatible. she seems very traditional. i can see her in a cute nurse outfit and appreciate, tho.
12. todd alquist
i don’t want to bang todd, but if i did, i know he’d be on some cbt freakshit. he definitely wants to be stepped on and i think we’d at least have a little fun if we banged.
11. tuco salamanca
tuco is fucking crazy but i would give him a chance if it was my last day alive. i know he lays psychotic pipe and has probably strangled people to death while creaming them.
10. gus fring
he's really pretty, but he seems like he'd be very controlling and emotionless. also seems like the type to have a crazy fetish that he must incorporate every time you have sex. anyway, the short, brooding type isn't mine, but i know he'd be thorough, so that counts for something.
9. howard hamlin
i think he's a handsome guy, but imo he'd be pretty stale in bed. he gives pillow prince vibes though and i feel like i could get down with it.
8. skyler white
mommy. i would treat her right, just saying. she's gorgeous and i like that she's tall. even though we might not be into the same stuff, i'd still hit.
7. mike ehrmantraut
i like mike's attitude and overall personality, and he's a handsome dude. the only problem is his age. i know i'd have to be doing tricks on it for this old guy. would it be worth it? honestly i don't know. why is he so high up on the list? uh... finger
6. lalo salamanca
i’d fuck lalo because i know he knows how to fuck. dude’s obviously a pro who i’ve got nothing on. i’d let him take the wheel and do whatever he thinks is best.
5. lydia rodarte-quayle
she literally wouldn't like me, and i'd kind of be into it. i may or may not want to worship her feet and legs. i'm with todd on this one.
4. nacho varga
sooo i know i said i didn't take my men short and brooding, but i need to motorboat him. nacho is super cute, and even though he'd probably be too quiet for my taste, he'd make up for it in physical strength. i know he'd be a beast on top. he could take some anger out on me fr..
3. kim wexler
the things i would do for her aren't even funny. if she said jump, i'd do a backflip for the first time in my life right there on the spot. honestly, her confidence would make me very nervous, so i don't know how well i'd perform, but if she gave me a chance, i'd be on my knees for her in a heartbeat. she could enslave me. it's encouraged, actually.
2. jesse pinkman
i would do him right if it was the last thing i did. i’d give him my all. our souls would mesh and shit. i’d be helplessly in love with him afterwards and there’d be nothing i could do. he is beautiful like a siren’s call and to that i say ahoy matey. i would drown
1. jimmy mcgill/saul goodman
and in first place: JIMMY!!!!!!!!!!! i’d fuck this guy sideways, on the ceiling, day in day out like it was my job. clocking in for the dick. i think i’d enjoy sex with jimmy no matter how well he performed. saul on the other hand might feel a little grimy but i can see him being more skilled. either way, if i got to bang him, i'd die happy. thanks for reading!
#breaking bad#better call saul#brbabcs#brba#bcs#walter white#jesse pinkman#skyler white#saul goodman#jimmy mcgill#kim wexler#nacho varga#lalo salamanca#chuck mcgill#howard hamlin#mike ehrmantraut#hank schrader#marie schrader#gus fring#lydia rodarte quayle#todd alquist#tuco salamanca#hc#hcs
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It will be really cool to see bunny snap and like go dark, like something in her switched and she turned cold, mean and gets like a bloodlust.
Much to the enjoyment of her girls, who are shocked but encourage her to lean into it. Especially shauna
Went on such a tangent with this one icl
Noooo it’s gonna be so intense
She 100% snaps when all the stuff with Ben happens although I don’t think she’d get too mean or anything yet, just super protective
Like she’ll still never want to actively hurt anyone for no reason
Like she’s not gonna be like Shauna, hurting people for the fun of it, or Lottie who’s hurting Travis bunny and akilah through trying to use them for her own good
She’ll only be aggressive or harmful when absolutely necessary, but even her ability to do that is a shock to the girls
After being forced to cut bens foot she’s so protective of him, spending every waking minute she’s allowed to, by his side (which Lottie makes sure is at least an hour or two a day, seeing how you seek comfort in him and no longer seeing him as a threat in his state because what is he gonna do??)
If any of the other girls try to properly talk to him or go near him she turns into a bit of a rabid dog, terrified one of them will hurt him again or take him away from her
When Natalie actually kills him bunny is destroyed
Deep down she knows it was for the best but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t sob and cry like an insane person when the last person that was truly on her side, is gone
Especially when she fully blames herself, being the one that brought the girls to him, and the one that cut him (even if Shauna literally forced her to with the threat of killing him)
It doesn’t help that Bunny believes all of lotties wilderness stuff, so finding out her way home is gone, and because of her own doing, takes her to her breaking point, coming to a realisation that she’ll never get home (which is ofc not true)
She becomes a lot more unhinged at this point (especially with whatever’s gonna go on with the hikers)
However at this point, I think she’s gonna get more depressed than she is agressive
Not having many reasons to act out against the others without Ben to protect
She’ll definitely be more comfortable with getting bloody and dark with the other girls if necessary now, something which Shauna will take advantage of
However I think that mentally this idea of it being her fault that their bridge is dead and they’re never getting home will make her basically give up on any sort of hopes of returning to normalcy like she had before and lean into the idea of staying in the wilderness for the rest of her life, even thinking it was her purpose or destiny
Which also makes it so easy for her to completely submit herself to Nat Shauna and Lottie again, having Lottie whispering in her ear constantly that it’s her purpose to serve them
Why else would the bridge have been killed?? So that you could stay there with them
For her big snap, that will definitely be after they get rescued
It’ll probs take a while for her to recover (although they all never fully will) and she clings to trying to return back to normal as instantly as possible
At first she allows the other survivors to keep contact with her, basically a case of Stockholm syndrome even though she’s still lowkey scared of them
She’s scared to let them go and seeks out some sort of twisted toxic comfort from them and the idea of returning to the wilderness
However eventually she cuts off contact pretty harshly, a couple years into being back and once she’s had her first baby (Shauna having basically caused the cut off for all of them)
Her son and seeing how territorial Shauna was becoming over Jack was her breaking point, and now she’s cut them all out of her life she tells her husband about everything that happened and gets a lot better from separating from them
Benjamin helps her realise how bad their relationships were (bunny having been somewhat aware but also not at the same time??) and is a big help in her recovery and getting better after not only the wilderness, but their relationships too
She turns into a very different person from the bunny they all knew, and when they all meet again in the adult time line the girls are shocked at how different she is
She’s extremely protective of her family above all else and she’s not scared of the girls anymore, and she certainly isn’t gonna start letting them control her and take over her life she’s worked sooo hard to look after
Slight spoiler for where her story is going
(she kills someone ok girlboss 😋)
But her and Benjamin are so in charge
They’re such a girlboss family honestly
Like they’re not afraid to get their hands dirty and bunny is definitely not getting herself incriminated in a bunch of Shauna’s bullshit
They’re so in control of their shit that van asks if they got their money from being in the mafia?? (Such a van thing to ask)
At the end of the day they’re all just sooooo shocked that sweet little bunny is capable of now
But more surprisingly that she’s not willing to do anything lottie, Shauna and Nat say now, something they struggle to come to terms with
#yellowjackets#yellowjackets x reader#yellowjackets x you#yellowjackets spoiler#natalie scatorccio#shauna shipman#nat scatorccio x reader#natalie scatorccio x reader#lottie mathews x reader#adult lottie#lottie#lottienat#lottie matthews#bunny shepherd#bunny williams#dumb bunny#bunny#elizabeth williams#elizabeth shepherd#shauna shipman thoughts 💭#shaunanat x reader#shauna shipman x you#shauna shipman x reader#vanessa palmer#van palmer#natalie scatorccio x you#natalie scatorccio x y/n#natalie scatorccio headcanon#nat scatorccio#yellowjackets nat
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Someone whose Agent Phoenix is practically inspired by Filipino history and expectations of the time period at this point here.
I'm just practically vibrating at the rich history of the Philippines in the lens of espionage and expectations given by the society at the time. And I feel a kind of pride? fuzzies? whenever I see a Filipino Phoenix. It's just...
The subtext and the implications of the worldbuilding of that is so good. Sorry for rambling in your asks but I just wanna say that seeing a Filipino Phoenix scratches an itch I didn't know I wanted to be scratched in the first place.
I just wanna thank you for that.
aww my gosh, thank you so much for the kind words!! ;u; I'm so glad you think so, especially when I'm just really being self-indulgent with my phoenix interp ADSFKJHSDF AND YESSS pinoy phoenix for the win!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
I'LL be perfectly clear though. I haven't been doing much research as I should be when it comes to 1960's Philippines and its relation to international espionage.. !! or whatever the Agency's up to. I mean I also have to look into fil immigrant experiences more since my Phoenix is one but I'm not LOL I think the nature of IEYTD's worldbuilding opens up a lot of questions that are waiting to be answered , politics wise especially. I'd be interested in exploring them myself but I've just been a little busy with other stuff these days. sad !!! But yes it has been super neat otherwise. Always such a fun time to see the Philippines get mentioned even just in passing...when I saw Chancellor Magpantay's surname the first time I almost leapt out of my seat SDKJFHDS
Well I ended up rambling about other things but. bottom line is, thank you so so much!! this means a whole lot to me even though I Personally feel like I haven't done enough to properly represent the historical accuracy that I could fully give to my Phoenix ;u; but we're frolicking in the fields together. ok. Maraming salamat <33
#gene answers#anonymous#also aggh i wanna draw our phoenixes together...if you want KSDJFH#this might sound self-deprecating. maybe it is. but i Do admit i havent put a lot of thought in this.. for now#phoenix is an immigrant because roughly around this time in history#the PH was in some dire straits#and it was a time of hugee political unrest#though i havent done much dev in that because. I JUST. WONDER#HOW would the world leaders handle this shit. especially since the asian WL IS filipino. like um.!#my brain's mush rn but yea my phoenix is proudly filipino. becaues im proudly filipino#ieytd#agent phoenix
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but if you think about it, he’s done a bunch of nice things too! like one time when i was super drunk (i was embarrassing when i was younger….) he saw these guys trying to take me into their car and stopped them!! well…cause sam asked him to…but still! :3 that was really sweet! see, it’s better to see the good in people rather than the bad <3
kai likes the eyes but i can’t bring myself to try them…they’re too gooey!! >w< but tummies are good too! i like playing with all the fun stuff inside….
hahaha! Mel’s pretty easy to get along with, yeah? i think ev just gets overwhelmed cause Mel always wants to hug and kiss and cuddle people….and when she says no, mel thinks she’s stingy. who knows! maybe if you both go together, she’ll touch up on you instead and it’ll make them get along more! …that sounded weird. but y’know what i’m saying. ;3
I think your boyfriend's seeing things Lucian, I mean, he doesn't sleep right..so..that wouldn't be like totally far off.
Even if I did eat people, I'm not going to kill and eat Mel, and I know you both do too soo you better both keep it between you!! 🩵 -💞
you’re right, kai is a really bad sleeper unless i put him to bed. how’d you know that? :3 but no, he wasn’t imagining things, silly. i think you and i both know that. you know, i think you’re really pretty, but i dunno if you’re all that sweet…mel’s girlfriends usually aren’t. and what kind of friend would i be if i didn’t worry and look out for her?
…i mean, i don't really care that you go out and do what you do, i just wanted to make sure you weren’t the type to go off and do it to a girl like mel. she’s very sweet. i’m sure you know that by now, though. and if you do anything to her…well, that won’t happen. i trust it won’t. you said it wouldn’t. :3
it’s nice talking to you for the first time! even though it’s kinda awkward, haha…if you stick around long enough, maybe you could go into me and Mel’s scrapbook! that would be cute! you guys are a pretty couple! :3
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the brainrot won
#GUY S i know i haven't posted anything in a while and thats because im working on a big cool project that i really want to finish without-#distractions. but uh. as you can see. ive been distracted 😔. still working on it tho!!!! and im very happy with it turns out its just-#super time and energy consuming so ive tried to limit my intake of other media to not make myself want to draw other stuff#i also haven't read the last two (two already?????) chapters of RnS and im very sad about it and i want to read it but you know that if i-#read it ill want to make fanart and then ill never finish my project :(#SO. sorrey for the lack of art itll be coming when im free to draw!!!!!!!#but also. yes ive watched new life because i dont want to go insane with nothing but this project on my mind and umm. had to take a little-#break to do a couple designs for fun... and to switch it up a bit because for real im going insane i think#ALSO. friend got me into zelda botw and i haven't played a whole lot yet (because project) but ive tried to take some inspiration for-#designs from there. at least for joel and scott. everyone else not so much...#WELL ANYWAYS this is getting long. i should really stop rambling in the tags and just make separate posts for all this but i dont want to#umm. tags.#new life smp#smallishbeans#mythical sausage#geminitay#pearlescentmoon#smajor1995#inthelittlewood#my art#sketch
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hope you feel better soon!
I am riddled with ailments, but I stay silly!
#ask#non mdzs#My health journey has been: Hernia -> acid reflux -> Vocal pain due to aforementioned reflux -> chest infection.#I'm terrified to know what's about to hit me next. Please let it be something kind. PLEASE.#The consequence of living with linguists is that you'll wake up with a wacked up voice -#suddenly you're sitting you down in front of a program called something like Praat having your shimmer and jitter levels calibrated.#They gave me a GRBAS of 33012. I have a fun thing called a pitch break where a whole octave just does not exist.#My vocal pain was bad enough I ended up seeing a speech pathologist and that whole experience was super neat!#I learnt a lot about voice - to be honest I might make a little comic on it after some more research. Fascinating stuff.#For example; your mental perception of our voice modulates the muscles of the vocal folds and larynx.#meaning that when you do have changes (inflammation = more mass = lower frequency)#your brain automatically attempts to correct it to what it 'should sound like'. Leading to a lot more vocal strain and damage!#And it gets really interesting for trans voice care as well - because the mental perception of one's voice isn't based on an existing sampl#So a good chunk of trans voice training is also done with the idea of finding one's voice and retraining the brain to accept it. Neat!#Parkinsonial Voice also has this perception to musculature link! The perception is that they are talking at a loud/normal volume#but the actual voice is quite breathy and weak. So vocal training works on practicing putting more effort into the voice#and retraining the brain to accept the 'loud' voice as 'normal'.#Isn't the human body fascinating?#Anyhow; Now I have vocal exercises and strategies to reduce strain and promote healing.#Which is a lot better than my previous strategy of yelling AAAH in my car until my 'voice smoothed out'.#You can imagine the horror on the speech path's face. I am an informed creature now.#I'm my own little lab rat now. I love learning and researching. Welcome to my tag lab. Class is dismissed.#I'll be back later with a few more answered asks </3 despite everything I'm still going to work and I need the extra sleep.#Thank you for the well wishes! And if you read all of that info dump; thank you for that as well!
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would love to see your take on Maple from the Oracle games please ^^ good luck with your quest!
I had never actually seen her character art before today so this is completely off but her!
and thank you so much, I will do my absolute best! 💪
#ask#I'm not very good at character design stuff so throwing something together fast was super tough but also super fun!#I always saw her as like very smug and with lots of patterns and flowing fabrics so I don't think I quite got it but in the fun way!#like I wanna revisit it !!#I never get to see her much in game actually I'm so scared of her stealing my stuff I run off...#I wish I'd made the evil red bag of theft more important but I straight up forgot about it#her actual game design is so cute though maybe she gets her green hair back next time...#I'M SO HAPPY I FINISHED SOMETHING THANK YOU <333 and thank you to everyone else too I'm excited to get to more stuff tomorrow! ;v; <3#oracle of seasons#oracle of ages#idk idk#maple
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mods r asleep post humanized 4x
finished catching up on tpot it was peakkkkkk but i am so scared of one. also working on little clay and felt dolls of 4 x and 2
#bfb#battle for bfdi#tpot#4x#bfb 4x#bfb fourx#four bfb#4 bfb#bfb 4#bfb four#guys do u put bfb before or after the character#x bfb#bfb x#four tpot#4 tpot#x tpot#four in tpot12 saying “nope .... see ya” was so high pitched and quiet WHAT was going on with him. the eye was so funny tho giggled#x with freckles bc of his interest in gardening. 4 with blue patches bc he was the desert and i want to note that#i love the designs i made for them theyre so cute 2 me#4s hair is so hard to draw tho. i cant make it look right#wait ive literally been thinking so much about character comparisons i have to mention it#4 is so obviously alien. he acts so super odd and he appears so unnerving. i feel like he always has wider eyes/smaller pupils#hes always so STARING at things. he is so obviously alien (bc he literally is in this world i think)#2 is also an alien. its in his name AlgebrALIEN. but he is so much more human im obsessed with him#like he laughs so much more he has much closer friendships with the contestants he even makes huge efforts to assist in fixing interpersona#problems and stuff. he is so kind and compassionate and can be super comforting. he is so incredibly human despite being an alien#THTA IS SOOO INTERESITNG AND FUN 2 ME !!!!!!!!!! 4 has loved bfdi and the idea of hosting for years and his goal is to Host but 2s is more#in line with making a point he is what he is bc he wants to be like that. hes a host bc he decided to be not bc someone else told him to#also the recent robot flower arc and the parallels im drawing between her and bot (iii).#bots “i will never be who you want me to be/who you built me as” vs robo flowers “i have to be who you want me to be/who you built me as”
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This is your sign to be unhinged about your own characters and stories
I am giving you permission to make yourself whatever you want. set yourself free.
Make relationship charts.





Form headcanons of your own characters, write yourself fanfic, dream up theories!
If it's fun, do it! DO IT!!!
You and your characters deserve to live!!!
It's enrichment!!! do it!!! Be alive and breathe life into your work! let it live!
#Youtube#the youtube tag was automatically added? anyways.#enrichment#my art#uhhh..#memes#time and time again#webtoon#ttawebcomic#I'm being so so so so so genuinely serious about this by the way#it's genuinely so good for me and my mind#IDK if it discourages other people from making stuff at all?#I would be super doubtful that it would lol#but if it does then... if nothing else#it makes it so people have something a little more to enjoy than just my comic#but most of all.#its fun for ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1#THE MOST IMPORTANT MEMBER OF MY AUDIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I do also absolutely write myself fanfics#but no one gets to see that lol...#oh yeah#long post#sorry I always forget that one
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