#but it's fine. phoenix is there and is forcing them into a group hug and that's all that matters
alumi-san · 2 months
Wrightworth family au
- Phoenix and Miles started dating between AATaT and AAI.
- Edgeworth non officially adopted Kay and Sebastian after the events of AAI2.
- They moved into his apartment for better or worse>:)
- Sebastian and Miles accidentally called each other "father" and "son". It started happening more often so they decided "screw this!" and got use to it.
- Similar thing happened with him and Kay but without this much embarrassment.
- Phoenix met Apollo when he asked him to defend his teacher.
P: Well, not the first time a kid has asked me to defend someone.
- Afterwards, Phoenix adopted Apollo when he was 15 (not sure how it happened since we don't know his life between moving back to Japanfornia and becoming a lawyer)
- He is technically a dad to Pearl and took care of Maya so he knows what he's doing... right?
- When Phoenix analyzed Apollo's adoption papers he noticed something...
P: You're a girl?!
A: No, I'm a man!
P: Oh, then we need to change your documents later.
Apollo cried after that because it was the first time someone accepted him as male in a long time.
- Nick brought Apollo to the court with him on the day when MM-4 happened. He was very insistent on this since he wanted to see his idol in action (he didn't mention the idol thing because it's embarrassing now when it's his dad) but instead Phoenix suggested Pollo stay with Trucy. He was pissed at him but quickly got along with her pretty well.
A: I only know Trucy for 5 minutes. But if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself!
- Apollo perfectly knows what she's going through since he was also abandoned by his father.
- Trucy was adopted 2 months later after Apollo.
- Phoenix thinks he disappointed his son despite him saying that he knows it's not his fault.
- After Phoenix's disbarment he wanted to break up with Edgeworth since he was a burden now with two kids and no job. Miles didn't want to hear any of it saying, that he cared about him and the children and would help with anything he could. He's not letting Wright give up so easily.
- Edgeworth visited the Wright family as much as he could and called them every day (with Kay and Seb of course)
- Kay created a chat group called "Wrights & Edgeworth's" plus "Team Task" just for the gang.
- When Apollo turned 18 and graduated from school he thought of finding a job since it wasn't right that only Phoenix and Trucy bring money and even that was not enough to pay for the office (they would starve without Miles). But Phoenix reassured him that everything was fine and he should focus on his law studies instead.
P: Especially studying Japanese, good lord I had problems with it in my days.
A: 半分日本人じゃないの? (Aren't you half Japanese?)
P: ...
P: Since when do you know Japanese?
A: Since... always?
- Trucy doesn't force Apollo to be her assistant! He's doing this willingly.
- After "Turnabout Succession," Phoenix, Apollo, and Trucy hugged each other, crying that this was finally over. And then they all celebrated it.
- Phoenix did tell Apollo that he hired Athena because f*ck miss communication! Apollo of course was like "WTF Dad?! She's 18!" In which Phoenix replied "Pollo, your auntie became a prosecutor at 13"
- Also Athena is now a part of the family.
- Between AADD and AASoJ Miles and Phoenix finally got married and moved in with each other and they're kids.
- Kay renamed chats into "Wrighworth's" and "Team Taask"
And that's all for now! Be free to ask questions about this au.
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wyverwithy · 5 years
Thought about my tma!aa au for too long and got sad. Time to write an unrealistic scene where they all hug each other and tell each other it’s going to be okay
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messers-moony · 3 years
Hope 2 | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Wife!Potter!Reader
Summary: Life is unfair in numerous ways but it seems like it’s out to get the Potters in every way shape and form.
The huge eight-foot man who introduced himself as Hagrid was bringing Harry around London. It was amusing to see Hagrid turn his cousin - Dudley - butt into a pigtail after trying to eat his birthday cake. It was the first birthday Y/n, and Remus hadn’t shown up. Harry didn’t blame them. Of course, to be fair, they didn’t know where Harry was. 
“Um, excuse me, Hagrid?” 
“Yes, ‘Arry?”
“Where- Where are we going?” Harry questioned hesitantly, and Hagrids lips curled into a smile, “‘Er gon’ meet with som’ of yer folks.” Hagrid answered. 
Harry wanted to jump with joy, “Moony and Y/n?”
Hagrid nodded, and Harry smiled brightly. It took a couple of minutes and walking of a couple more blocks. But eventually, they were coming up on an old-looking building made of black stone bricks. In front of the door was a familiar sandy-haired male with green eyes. He was accompanied by his wife with h/c hair and gleaming e/c eyes. 
“Y/n! Remus!” 
Y/n turned to see her little nephew running up to hug her tightly, “Hey Harry.” 
Remus ruffled his hair while Harry hugged his aunt, “Hey there, mini Prongs.”
“I missed you.”
“Awe, I missed you too, Harry.” Y/n replied, pulling apart from Harry, “I’m sorry we didn’t show up right away. But we’re here now. I hope that’s okay. We wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world, okay?”
He nodded, “I know. I can always count on you.” 
“Good.” Remus stated, “Now c’mon mini prongs. Gotta get your school supplies.”
Walking into the Leaky Cauldron with Hagrid, they were greeted by multiple people. Many people were flabbergasted by meeting the famous Harry Potter and were welcoming to see Y/n Potter. In the back of the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid tapped his wand against the brick wall, causing it to open into Diagon Alley. Harry’s mouth was agape at this new form of Magic. 
It was astonishing. The narrow alleyway was packed with people. Clusters of them walking in groups. Some were carrying animals, or brown-wrapped items Harry could suppose were books. Y/n smiled and intertwined her hand with Remus’. She could remember the first time she stepped into Diagon Alley. James was acting like such a prat. 
“Woah!” James gasped, “Look at all the cool stuff!” 
Fleamont chuckled, “Yeah. Isn’t it cool, sweetheart?”
Y/n nodded, completely entranced in the stonework in the alleyway. It was littered with different shops, and the roads were an uneven stone. Euphemia and Fleamont shared a look of pure glee. Their children were magical born, and they were finally experiencing it first hand. Of course, they had their incidents where Y/n would make lights flicker or James blowing plates. 
As they began walking, James began to run off, bumping into people left and right, “James! Get back here!” Fleamont scolded, but he was out of sight. 
Euphemia sighed, “He’s gonna be a handful.”
“Definitely.” Fleamont agreed, running a hand through his dark brunet hair, “Perhaps he’ll be even worse than me.”
His wife glared at him. Despite James disappearing, they took Y/n into Flourish and Blotts to get their books. They needed books such as The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), A History of Magic, Magical Theory, A Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and finally, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection. 
They didn’t find James until they reached Quality Quidditch Supplies. He was already eyeing the new broom on display. His mouth seemed to be salivating at it. Y/n rolled her eyes at James, drooling over a piece of wood. Euphemia chuckled and motioned Fleamont to reel him back in. It seemed that Euphemia would never get a break, and her heart would be in a constant attack of worry. They had a mischief Quidditch player on their hands. 
“C’mon Harry,” Y/n beckoned, “Lots of stuff to get.”
His smile faltered just a tad, “But I don’t- I don’t have any money.”
Harry’s embarrassment made the tips of his ears red, “That ain’t true. ‘Course ye got money.” Hagrid replied bluntly, making Y/n nudge him harshly, “Hagrid!”
“What?” Hagrid queried, confused, “‘S not like ‘m lyin’.” 
“Yes, but you don’t just say that.” Y/n scolded, laughing lightly. 
Harry looked up at his flustered aunt, “Come on, Harry. We’re going to Gringotts.”  
They began walking to the bank of wizardry. The goblin at the front allowed them to the vault, where Harry was able to pocket a couple of handfuls of galleons, sickles, and knuts. Hagrid made a separate trip for Dumbledore as the other three waited patiently. When they exited Gringotts, Harry began to buy all his supplies. 
Their first stop was getting him a wand at Ollivander’s. Harry pushed the door open, and it sounded a bell off, but no one appeared the be in the shop. Remus and Y/n stood behind him as he let out a hesitant, “Hello.”
It took a minute, but then an older male appeared with hair as white as snow and wispy as whiskers. Ollivander smiled brightly at the familiar people in his shop and at the little boy who resembled the older female greatly. 
“Ah, Y/n Potter.” Ollivander said, “James broken his wand again?”
Y/n released a shaky breath, “No, not this time.” 
“We’re here actually for Harry here.” Remus motioned to Harry, “He’s getting his first wand. He starts at Hogwarts this year.”
Ollivander's lips quirked, “He yours?”
“No, sir.” Y/n shook her head, “He’s James and Lily’s son.”
“Where are they? I’d love to see them, you know.”
Remus shifted awkwardly, “You haven’t heard?”
Ollivander shook his head, “My parents are dead.” Harry informed, “Someone killed them.”
Everything clicked into place in Ollivanders mind. How stupid could old age make him? He had just sounded terribly insensitive, “‘M so sorry. Pardon me and my old age. I didn’t mean-“
“It’s perfectly fine, Ollivander.” Y/n smiled reassuringly.
The older man smiled and began giving Harry wands. The first one was horrid. It made wands on the shelf fall onto the ground, making a vast clatter noise. The boy smiled sheepishly and placed it back in the box. The next wand caused a shatter of a vase which Harry cringed at. It took a couple of minutes until Ollivander came out with the following wand. It was 11 inches long, made of holly, and possessed a phoenix feather core. 
Harry waved the wand, and nothing disastrous happened. Remus and Y/n smiled with joy. Ollivander charged him seven galleons for it, and Harry placed down the golden coins with glee. Ollivander could remember the way James had done the same while Y/n beside him. Their identical toothy grins as Fleamont paid the man.
“My wands cooler than yours!”
“No way!” 
James nodded in triumph, “You’re just lame.”
“And you’re boring!”
“No way!” James gasped, “I am far from boring!”
Y/n crossed her arms, “And I’m not lame.”
Euphemia chuckled, redirecting her children to look at the counter while the two parents stood behind them, “Ignore them. They like to try and be better than the other.”
Ollivander grinned, “Ah, siblings. What amazing pairs they make.”
Fleamont scoffed, “Yeah, try having two at the same time. Felt like the crucio curse.” 
“What do you say?” Euphemia beckoned, and both twins turned to Ollivander, smiling gleefully, “Thank you!” 
“They’ll be a handful.” Ollivander informed Euphemia and Fleamont, “But they’ll change the world, and they’ll do it together.” 
The older man smiled at Remus and Y/n as Harry went outside to see Hagrid carrying a giant golden cage with a beautiful snowy owl inside, “That boy is something else.”
Remus chuckled, “We know. Little mischief-maker, just like James.”
“Perhaps he is,” Ollivander replied, “But he’ll change the world.”
The rest of the day went by blissfully. After getting all his school supplies, they retreated into the Leaky Cauldron to eat dinner. The tavern was practically empty as they sat at a long narrow table. Hagrid at the head, Harry to his left, Remus across, and Y/n beside Remus on the other side. They were eating in silence before Harry spoke up. 
“What happened to my parents?” Harry questioned, and before anyone could answer, he continued, “Truthfully. No lies.”
Hagrid and Remus turned to the female at the table who swallowed thickly, “Something horrid, Harry.”
“How horrid?”
“Harry-“ Remus began. 
“A death I wouldn’t wish upon anyone, even my worse enemy.” Y/n answered, staring at the soup in front of her, “The way they died doesn’t matter.”
Harry crossed his arms, “I believe it does.”
“In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t.” Y/n replied, taking deep breaths in and out, trying to stay calm, “It doesn’t matter how they died. They’re dead, and they aren’t coming back.”
Tears collected in her eyes when she muttered, “No matter how badly I want them to.”
Hastily Y/n wiped her face and placed her napkin on the table. She sniffled before standing and pushing her chair in. Y/n leaned down to kiss Harry on the forehead before retreating to the room they got upstairs. Harry sighed and stared at his bowl of soup that remained steaming hot. Remus rubbed his face with his palms. 
“Harry,” Remus called, and Harry’s green eyes met similar ones, “Your parents died at the hands of a very evil Wizard. He went as dark as one could go.”
Harry looked intrigued, and Remus continued despite his throat beginning to constrict, “His name was Voldemort, but most people call him ‘You-Know-Who.”
Hagrid flinched at the actual name being said, “James risked everything to try and save you and your mother. When he died, Lily tried to save you. In the end, it all worked out because you were saved. You didn’t die like you were supposed to.”
“Why did aunt Y/n leave the table?”
“Talking about this is still hard for her.” Remus replied, and Harry could see the tears in his eyes too, “It’s hard for me too, but- but you need to know.”
“What were they to you?” 
“James and Lily were everything to me, Harry. Everything and so much more. Your mother saw the good in people when they didn’t see it themselves. Your father? Well-“ He chuckled, “He was a trip and a prat. But he cared for those around him. Treated me like family and took care of me like a brother.”
Harry fiddled with the sleeve of his sweater, “James was a mischief-maker that one.” Hagrid said, “Always up to no good.”
“Him and that Sirius boy.” Hagrid chuckled, “Dynamic duo those two.”
Remus let out a tearful chuckle, “Yeah, that was Padfoot and Prongs.”
“Always up to no good.” Remus whispered. 
The following day Remus had waken up to what he swore was the most perfect sight. Y/n was still sleeping beside him. Her head was nestled under his chin, drinking in his body heat. Her hair was laid against the fluffy white pillow. Their legs were intertwined together. Gently Remus kissed her forehead before seeing the clock read about nine o’clock. 
Remus took five more minutes to admire her before waking her up. He began to kiss all over her face, and Y/n scrunched her nose, waking up as his lips kept attaching to a new place on her face. He smiled as she opened her eyes to meet his green ones. 
“Mornin’ love.” 
His Welsh accent was to die for, “Morning, Rem.”
“You ready to take Harry to Platform Nine and Three Quarters?”
Y/n shook her head, “No. Not really.”
“Hey,” Remus said softly, stroking her hair, “You’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”
“There are so many memories there, Rem.” Y/n replied, “Like- Like meeting Sirius for the first time.”
“Or seeing you come back after fourth year with an entirely new style.” Remus chuckled, “Or- Or seeing James almost fall out of the train. 
Remus caressed her cheek with his thumb, “We’ll make it through, love. Harry needs us today.”
“Yeah.” She replied breathily, “He does.”
They both ventured out of bed into the cool air of London. Remus, Y/n, and Hagrid walked Harry to Kings Cross. When they arrived, Hagrid had departed from them to do something for Dumbledore. Harry was bluntly confused when his ticket read Platform Nine and Three Quarters. Last he checked, that wasn’t a platform. 
As they reached the main floor of the train station, Remus and Y/n recognized the Weasleys almost instantly. Molly had embraced them tightly as they all went through the platform. Harry gave his trunks to the man at the end of the train and turned to the only family he had left. His eyes glistened with tears, and he tried to hold them back but failed. 
“Harry,” Y/n knelt to his level, “You’re gonna be okay. I promise. James and I made lots of friends at Hogwarts.”
He smiled at the mention of his father, “Do you think… Do you think he’d be proud of me?”
“They’d be beyond proud, Harry.” Remus replied, smiling, “You’re everything they wanted you to be.”
Harry turned back to Y/n and hugged her tightly, “Please make sure you write to us.” 
“‘Course, Auntie.” Harry replied as they pulled apart, “Love you guys.” 
Y/n stood beside Remus, “We love you too, sweetheart.” 
Harry smiled and wiped his cheeks before hopping on the train. He found a compartment alone and watched out the window as the train began moving. Y/n and Remus watched as the train hauled by. Kids who started waving their last goodbyes to their parents. 
“Mum, dad!” James exclaimed from inside the compartment, “We love you!”
Euphemia and Fleamont chuckled tearfully, “We love you guys too!” 
Truthfully James never wanted to leave his parents. They were his entire world. When Kings Cross was no longer in sight, he plopped down in the seat beside Y/n, who put her head on his shoulder. His left arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her tightly to his side. 
“We got this, sis.” James assured, “We always have each other.”
It didn’t take long for Harry to get in trouble. As a matter of fact, it made Y/n laugh that within the first month, he had already managed a detention. She had settled for a letter rather than a Howler. Remus had made sure to tell him his fair of scolding words (“Say hi to Minnie for me!”). Harry smiled when the letter arrived in the morning. 
Harry definitely made sure to say hi to “Minnie,” which made McGonagall smile like an idiot despite her usual strict nature. She could see and hear James saying the name when she gave them detention or Sirius’ pouty face begging her to have some form of mercy on them, for they had just turned the Slytherin robes red. Ever the dramatics that Black. 
When he arrived back at the Platform, he nuzzled into Y/n and Remus’ arms before departing to the Dursleys. But all was good because in just a month he’d see them again for his birthday, which he did. They took him to Diagon Alley to get his second-year stuff along with some ice cream to celebrate his twelfth birthday. 
He spent a week of his summer with them in their little house in London. It was far better than Privet Drive, and he felt a lot safer. But after the week was up, he was forced to return to the Dursleys. Within a week of being back, he’d managed to screw everything up. A thing named Dobby had quite literally dumped puddling all over one of the Dursley’s guests, and that got him trapped in his room. 
Thankfully, Ronald Weasley, who had become his close friend, had saved him. Harry went to the Burrow for the first time and met everyone else. Molly had notified Remus and Y/n of his entrance. Sadly, they couldn’t make it to the Platform for reasons. Molly wouldn’t tell Harry, but he was okay with it. 
Until Ron and he smashed into the brick wall, making them late for the train. It was then Ron had a brilliant thought of taking the flying car to Hogwarts. It did work until they got stuck in the Whomping Willow and then got caught by Severus Snape. A letter was sent home to Y/n and Molly. Both of which made two very different Howlers to their children. 
Molly’s howler was scolding them, and it made Ron’s ears turn pink. Y/n and Remus’ howler was a different story. The moment it opened, laughter rang through the Great Hall. Familiar laughter of Remus and Y/n. It made McGonagall furious and happy at the same time. 
“Merlin Harry!” Remus’ voice rang out, “You’re brilliant, aren’t you!” 
“Remus, we’re supposed to be scolding him!” Y/n retorted jokingly, “I’m scolding myself for never thinking of it!” Remus replied. 
Y/n chuckled, “Obviously, you shouldn't have done that, Harry; however, as long as you’re not harmed, we aren’t mad. Just be more careful next time.”
Remus was still dying of laughter, “Remus is still dying of laughter. We love you, Harry. Stay safe.”
Ron looked appalled with the coolness of the howler, “Bloody hell, you have a cool family.”
“They’re pretty cool.” Harry shrugged, smiling. 
Y/n and Remus would be lying if the whole petrifying thing didn’t scare them. They were worried for Harry’s safety but weren’t surprised when Harry ended up saving them all like last year. When they were on the Platform, Remus began getting on the train with him after kissing Y/n goodbye. 
He was grunting and groaning at every movement. The bags beneath his eyes looked more prominent than usual. Remus moved sluggishly, which was very unlike him. But Harry didn’t question it until he began to get on the train at Harry’s side. 
“Uncle Moony?”
“Yes, Harry?” Remus replied after sitting in a compartment, his cloak covering most of his body. 
“Why’re you on the train?”
He chuckled, “I’m your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.”
Harry smiled, and Remus fell into a dreamless sleep after a rough full moon the night prior. Hermione and Ron joined them not too long after as Harry began telling them about Sirius Black. The year went by as eventful as usual. Harry found out the accurate way his parents died along with Remus and Y/n. Peter Pettigrew being the culprit and then leaving before someone could catch him. 
Afterward, Sirius had been staying in the guest bedroom at Y/n and Remus’. He didn’t want to go back to Grimmauld Place. That was the last place he wanted to go. So despite not wanting to be a burden, he took the position that Y/n offered him. Ever so kind, just like James. When he walked through those doors, Y/n had hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. 
“It’s good to have you back, older brother.”
Sirius could’ve cried on the spot, “It’s nice to see you again, little sis.”
The next couple of years were a trip. Fourth-year Harry had managed to get his name pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, leading to a new adventure of challenges. After finishing his fourth year, Cedric Diggory had died, marking the return of Voldemort, which had traumatized Harry in more than one way. That summer, he decided to stay with Y/n, Remus, and Sirius. They were all fantastic help throughout the entire thing. Through his nightmares, Y/n would make him hot chocolate and sit on the couch with him as he talked. 
Fifth-year was dreadful. Delores Umbridge had come into the office as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, and the Order of the Phoenix reformed. Her detentions were terrible and horrid, especially for the first years. They were just kids, for Merlin’s sake. It made Y/n fume when she saw the back of Harry’s hand. The night they ventured to the Department of Mysteries was almost the worst night Harry could have dreamed of. 
Sirius had almost died if Y/n wasn’t as quick as she was. Bellatrix was stunned to see her spell deflected but kept firing nonetheless. When they got home, it was silent. Remus had made tea for himself and Sirius while making hot chocolate for the other two. Harry had laid his head on Y/n’s shoulder and fallen asleep. 
Truth be told, sixth year wasn’t any better. Dumbledore had died, and Harry was left to find the rest of the Horcruxes. It was then Sirius learned the actual death of his brother, making him mourn him all over again. Seventh year Harry, Ron, and Hermione ventured out to find the rest of them. 
When Harry returned to Hogwarts through the passageway to the Room of Requirement with Snape as headmaster, the war had officially started. In the end, everything had fallen into place. When Harry used the resurrection stone, he saw them. He saw James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius. Harry almost wanted to laugh at seeing them all together. They looked so happy. 
“Where- Where’s Y/n?”
Remus gave a solemn smile, “She made it. She’s still out there. Waiting for you.”
“Does that mean…”
“Turns out my sister is a tougher cookie than I thought.” James stated, and Harry turned to him, “She misses you.”
James chuckled, “As I do her.”
Harry turned back to Remus, “Does she know?”
“She was there when it happened.” Remus replied, “I had to give her one last ‘I love you’ and kiss goodbye, right?”
A noise rumbled from a distance, “It’s time, sweetie.” Lily stated. 
Harry released a shaky breath before dropping the stone on the ground. He had to do this for Y/n, for Ron, for Hermione, for everyone. He was ready. When he stepped in front of Voldemort to die, all he could think about was his Aunt's eyes. The way they glittered with tears when she let him go for the first time. The way they creased when she smiled at his first Christmas. The way they gleamed with mischief when she gave the Weasley twins new prank material. 
His last words would be ones he’d never regret, “Thank you, aunt Y/n, for everything.”
Because through everything, she was the only constant. She was the only one to hold him through anything. Through every nightmare, every battle, every tear, every smile. She was there with her radiant smile and caring nature. 
When Harry defeated Voldemort, the world stopped. It was done. It was over. But the pain wasn’t gone. The trauma wasn’t bypassed. This was more than a war. Harry walked into the Great Hall to see crying parents, kids, and siblings mourning their dead loved ones. His eyes zoomed on Y/n sitting crisscross beside her husband, holding his hand tightly. 
Wordlessly Harry sat beside her and leaned his head against her shoulder. Y/n tilted her head onto his. No tears fell from her eyes despite everything she had gone through, two wars, friends dead, parents dead, brother dead, and now husband dead. 
“His last words were- they were,” She choked, and Harry rubbed her shoulder, “I love you more than Moony loves the moon.”
Harry smiled, “Dad said you were a tough cookie.”
Y/n chuckled, and Harry relished in the sound, “He said that if anyone could get through this, it’s you.”
“Damn it, James.” She said to no one, still holding Remus’ hand. 
“We’ll get through this.” Harry said, “And we’ll do it together.”
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punprincess321 · 2 years
So this was inspired by Certified Weirdo on Twitter with an AMV they made for ace attorney; what if Maya's family could channel a spirit accidentally? Like the spirit is trying to get into the land of the living and the Feys are just so vulnerable due to how good they are at channeling that they can be taken over. So why do I mention this idea? Well allow me to explain.
Athena and Trucy are working at the office, Athena asks Trucy where Phoenix is, Trucy shrugs says Phoenix wasn't at home when she woke up. Athena gets worried and contacts Larry and Edgeworth, asking if they've seen Phoenix, Larry of course freaks out being so extra. This leads to a mini investigation with Miles going with Trucy to her house and searching for clues having to do with Phoenix's disappearance, when they get to his room and turn on the light, the room is in disarray, the window was opened and broken, and there's even blood on the floor. Miles and Trucy immediately call the police.
Gumshoe arrives and they look around, they end up finding Shelly Da Killers calling card and with it a note which says "Given that I remember Mr. Wright's talent and help in keeping my vow all those years ago, I do not plan to harm him, however my clients will not be pleased with this news. I recommend you find me before I have to kill such a fine man." Miles and Trucy are horrified but glad that Da Killer is giving them a chance to save Phoenix.
Now who are Da Killers clients? Kristoph and Daliha of course. Daliha possessed a random medium from the Fey family and when she learned about Kristoph, she decided they had a common goal: Phoenix Wright must die. She went to the detention center and met with him, with a little work, she broke him out and they came up with the plan to get rid of Phoenix. They actually called just to gloat and Kristoph threatened Trucy saying she was next after helping to get him arrested.
News gets out that famed attorney Phoenix Wright has been abducted and everyone close to him, Apollo, Klavier, Miles, Trucy, Athena, Larry, Maya, Pearl, and even Franziska all gather and wait in worry, trying to find something that'd give them a clue when Miles remembers something, he rushes to the bookshelf in Phoenix's office and finds the cases Mia did on Dahlia all those years ago and is glad that Phoenix never threw them away, he then remembers Iris and has her brought to the city.
Using the old case files and pieces of info from Iris and Klavier about their siblings, the group manages to find a place they would be hiding, as for Da Killer and Phoenix... still no luck there but Da Killer does give them hints and even lets them talk to Phoenix who is actually having tea with Da Killer but his leg is chained to a pole and he's not allowed to remove his blindfold.
The police locate Dahlia and Kristoph, Maya and Pearl use their power to drive dahlia out of their random family member and Kristoph is sent back to jail where they force him to call off Da Killer and have Phoenix freed.
Soon Phoenix is dropped off at the office unharmed, except for a bloody nose, and everyone is hugging him tightly, even Franziska is bawling relieved he's okay.
Phoenix and Maya joke a little bit now that they both escaped Shelly Da Killer and lived to tell the tale.
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24-guy · 4 years
More *clap* headcanons *clap*
God... This has no limit. Warning, angst for some, fluff for others. And, usual disclaimer, this is just the characters.
Quackity visits kinoko kingdom as often as he can, but due to Las Nevadas he hasn't been a lot. The next time he goes, Karl barely remembers him and all he does is hold Quackity's face, searching for something, anything. He eventually finds it and starts crying, not putting a name to the face but it doesn't matter because he just holds his fiance tightly, frightened over what will happen/what he'll forget the next time Quackity visits.
The reason Karl remembers is because Quackity starts humming a stupid song that the three of them had sung together on karaoke nights. This brings Sapnap into the room, who is met with Karl in tears and Quackity realising what's happening and also holding back on tears as they hold each other. Sapnap makes it a group hug and they just stand holding each other.
Puffy wishes she could give therapy to everyone, but she needs to fix herself first. She understands that you can't help anyone else if you aren't fine yourself. She, of course, helps the children first. Then she goes and visits her "duckling". It hurts to admit, but he's too far gone. She knows, however, that it would be inhumane to leave him alone, and that would make him worse. So she visits once a month at the least. Dream appreciates it. (Not a dream apologist, he's morally a shit character. The character development, though, is amazing. And as a writer I love his character. Not enough to dismiss his actions. Because those are irrademable.)
Tommy is very clingy, we know this, but especially to Sam nook. When he feels a little left out, he'll leave and go to Sam nook, putting time and effort into a re-claimed hotel because jack is off doing something (planning murder). So tommy and Sam nook fix up the hotel and improve upon it greatly because Tommy enjoys the monotony of it and the almost complete undivided attention of Sam Nook. Sam Nook still reports to Sam. And because I like awesamdad and it's dead in canon, Sam knows this is the one way he can directly make sure Tommy is still doing okay.
Sometimes Sam doesn't believe that Tommy's revival is real, which is why he still looks at Sam Nook's feeds.
Chat takes place in different forms for different people. For most, they're non-existent. In tubbo, they're his conscience, his decision making, his sense of right and wrong. He doesn't always listen to it, doing things on the fly, but a lot of the time he does. He hears them more when he's alone.
Phil has murders of Crows that surround him. He has crows that lurk and say nothing, perching close and just enjoying the company, he has crows that are loud and give him trinkets and jewels.
Techno has the voices, clearly. But he can chose to tune into them or not. They're mostly background noise, but he hears them mostly in war, where they scream and overpower the sound of explosions and fire with their chanting.
Foolish, though he has said fish, I still like the thought of him having small phoenixes that circle his head and talk to him. They give him ideas to build, but he can easily get them away or will them away by forcing them to erupt to flame. He is the god of death and undying, of course. The phoenixes also often get involved in rom-com esque drama in that they can be left alone for five minutes and some will be married, some will be devorced, some will be pregnant, getting adopted, having adoptions, the occasional funeral. Foolish is often very confused. They like speculating about the fellow inhabitants of the server and the futures they hold.
Michael never dies. He's like Techno, but better because people like him and everyone can agree on that. If they disagree, then they have over half the server to fight.
The mansion never gets burned down. Purely because Michael lives inside. That man has solid plot armour stronger than Ranboo and Tommy combined and he's not even a playable character. Anything that Michael has that's his? Nah. You can't touch purely because if you did then you have an incredibly unstable half enderman and a man who doesn't fear death who holds nukes against you.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Give You Up
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Summary: Another invitation to a wedding brings you back into everyone’s life.
Pairing: ??? x Reader, former Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter, Tony Stark x Pepper Potts
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Clint Barton
Warnings: angst, mentions of infidelity/break-up, past unrequited love, language, strong reader, Sharon is still a bitch (sorry), fluff, reunion
Sequel to: Memories
Divider by @writeyourmindaway
A/N: This story got inspired by Dido’s song: Give you up. It matched the story I wanted to create. Lyrics are taken from the song.
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Two years later…New York
Steve would never admit it but even after two years, he takes a detour when he goes for a run to clear his mind – or rather to get away from his wife for a few silent moments.
Steve always runs along the streets leading to your home. For a few moments, he just stares up to your window, wishing he could ring and tell you all the things he never said.
It’s too late, he knows it is, but he wishes he would catch you look out of the window or at least see your shadow. Sadly, every time he passes your building your light is never on.
Darkness greets him and he sighs, every time before he turns to run back to the woman, to the life he chose over you. He doesn’t know you moved out of the apartment a few days after you got out of the hospital. 
Steve doesn’t know anything about you, your dreams, or life anymore. He lost his place in your heart and now that you moved on from him there will never be a place for him in your life …
I'm not sitting with my head in my hands right now
I don't care where you've been
No, I ain't watching the clock or getting my phone out
I won't drink myself to sleep
Oh, oh
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“A wonderful engagement party, Pepper,” you smiled wildly, hugging your friend. “I’m glad Tony finally manned up and ask you, Pep.” 
“Careful, kiddo,” Tony smirks, wrapping his arm around you. “We all missed you kid. I can’t tell you how often Wanda and Natasha argued who can use my secured communication system to call you first.”
“I’m sorry for causing trouble, Sir,” giggling you hug him back, not missing the way he holds you tight enough to take your breath away. “I promise to not become invisible again. Tons, I had to take my time, lick my wounds to come back stronger than before.”
“That’s my girl,” Natasha squeals, running toward you. You always wondered how the assassin manages to run in ten-inch high heels. “I knew you would hit the party.”
“How could I miss Tony Stark's defeat? Pepper Potts made him an honest man,” you tease, hugging your friend. Acting as if you didn’t see Natasha on a regular base you hug laugh when she whispers ‘missed you’.
It pains you that anyone believed you left the country to get better. Truth is after you burned every trace, every single piece that was left of Steve in your life you rose like a phoenix out of the ashes of your relationship.
Natasha was the one helping you to find a safe place, not giving away she knows where you went to. “I’ve missed our best girl too, Romanoff,” Sam smirks, tugging at Natasha's shoulder. “Let me hug the pretty rogue lady.”
“Sam Wilson, the eternal charmer,” you hug Sam, holding him tight. “I’ve missed my wingman too, Wilson. I never thought watching awful movies without you would bring me to tears.”
“Next weekend, Y/L/N. You, me and the gang will watch a marathon of movies I will choose,” Sam smirks, letting you hold him a bit longer.
“Don’t you forget an important date?” Tony clears his throat. “Next weekend, a wedding. Tony Stark marries?”
“Damn, Stark. Do not ruin our plans,” Natasha teases, giving Sam a wink for the great prank. “We will of course come to your wedding, Tony. Now our girl is back she will have to bear movie nights every month.”
Looking around the small round, seeing all their happy faces you feel a pull in your chest. It almost feels like back then, when you and Steve were still a thing and the team cheered for you.
“Doll,” Bucky waltzes toward you, flashing you a smile. “I must admit, you stole my heart the moment you entered the building,” you giggle, wrapping yourself around Bucky, Steve’s eldest friend. 
“Barnes stop worming your way into Y/N’s heart,” Clint smirks when Bucky won’t let go of you. “Fine, I’ll have her back in that case.”
Sandwiched between Clint and Bucky you don’t see another pair of eyes watching you reunite with your friends, your family.
You can’t see the way Steve’s eyes roam your body, admiring the dress you wear. It’s a red dress, backless, with a large slit, revealing your right leg. While you wear light make-up your red lips and the black heels Natasha helped you to pick scream ‘sexy bitch’.
“I think Wanda is missing. Where is she?” Wanda waves at you, pointing toward Vision who awkwardly tugs at his suit. “Vision hates suits, huh?”
“Don’t ask, Y/N. I had to beg and plead to get him into a suit,” Tony sighs, waving at Wanda to join your reunion. You smile at Wanda, but your eyes drift toward Steve who tries to maintain eye contact but looks away when you refuse to look away.
You don't, you don't get under my skin no more
No, it's gone, it's gone
I ain't thinking 'bout you no more
All your friends talk about the things happening over the last two years. Laughter fills the room when Bruce and Thor along with Loki finally join your group. Peter is awkwardly glancing around the room, not feeling in his element at all.
“You adopted another one,” you tease, holding out your hand to greet the shy boy. “I’m honored to finally meet you, Peter Parker.”
“Same, ma’am,” of course Peter heard about you, the woman who was the glue to the Avengers, the one who almost caused a rift between the team and Steve.
“Don’t flatter me, Peter. I only was someone’s girlfriend until he found someone new. I was just…”
“Family,” Tony jumps in. 
“A friend,” Clint adds.
“The one keeping us together,” Bucky slings one arm around your waist to peck your cheek. The way he holds you close to his body, his hand on your hip, and the fact he glares at Steve whenever he dares to look at you tell Tony one thing…you moved on and Steve won’t like it.
“I was just me, guys, okay. You were the ones taking me in, giving me a home and task,” you sniffle squeezing the hand Tony holds out. “I had to go to not cause a deeper rift. If I could’ve done it differently…”
“We get it, Y/N. Steve is still Captain America, douche or not,” Peter’s words make you chuckle. You never thought the boy had it in him. “He broke your heart, and the Avengers were on your side. What you did was heroic. I admire you for giving your friends and family up for the greater good.”
“Tony keep that fine young man,” you hug Peter, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Peter.”
“You’re welcome, ma’am. I admire Captain America, but Steve Rogers did the wrong thing back then,” Bucky nods, watching his friend finally walk over to you.
Tony expects you to stiffen or to see a flash of emotions in your eyes but oddly, there is nothing. No reacting. No hurting. Not even a nervous huff.
I found a way to let you go
So you don't have to stay now
A broken mind, I came close
But you can't rip my heart out
I'm giving up, I'm giving up, I'll give you up
I found a way to let you go
It's gonna rip your heart out
When you step away from Peter to grasp for Bucky’s hand Tony nods silently, a smug grin on his lips.
Until now you wore elbow gloves but when your eyes hold Steve’s gaze you slowly roll the gloves down your arms, taking the left one off first.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you,” Steve’s voice trembles when you do not hug him or at least recognize his presence until you stripped your hand gloves off.
Two years ago you wouldn’t have been able to face the man breaking your heart but now – you are stronger.
Got your picture covering up the cracks on the wall
But the lines won't fade
Didn't think that I would be missing you at all
Maybe that was my mistake
Oh, oh
You don't, you don't, get under my skin no more
No, it's gone, it's gone
I ain't thinking 'bout you no more
“Steven, a pleasant evening to meet again,” your voice strong you hold out your hand, letting Steve shake it. He frowns feeling a ring poke his hand.
His eyes flicker for a moment when they drop to your hand to find an engagement ring on your ring finger. There is no hint of the vulnerable girl he left two years ago when you meet his eyes again.
“You’re engaged,” he chokes out now, hand trembling. Steve is too engrossed in staring at you that he barely recognizes Sharon stepped toward your group, a grin on her pink lips.
“I…I guess it’s on me to congratulate you and your soon-to-be husband. Maybe you can bring him next time too?” You smile, holding Sharon’s gaze. Face stoic you hold out your hand and Steve swears his heart stopped beating for a moment.
“I don’t think we will need to wait until next time, Sharon,” you spat her name, feeling Bucky interlace his fingers with yours. “We wanted to announce our engagement after Tony and Pepper's wedding, but the cat is out, I guess.”
Steve’s face falls when Bucky wraps his arm around your waist, holding you flush to his body to kiss you passionately. “When did you happen? I mean…” Sharon stammers, seeing her husband’s face turn pale.
I found a way to let you go
So you don't have to stay now
A broken mind, I came close
But you can't rip my heart out
I'm giving up, I'm giving up, I'll give you up
I found a way to let you go
It's gonna rip your heart out
“I don’t know when it started to become more than friendship,” you look at Bucky who looks at you as if you are the sun and moon. You smile, gently cupping Bucky’s cheek to stroke his skin. “I moved out of the apartment with Natasha’s help. I tried to hide to not, well, destroy the Avengers by forcing them to choose.” Sharon snorts, glaring at you.
“As if the Avengers would’ve chosen you over Captain America, my husband,” she spats, grasping for Steve’s hand. You can see the struggle on Steve’s face whilst his wife tries to convince herself she is holding Steve’s heart.
“We would’ve chosen Y/N over him anytime, Agent Carter,” Tony grits out. “Steve is a good fighter, a loyal friend and colleague but, what he did to be with you crossed more than one line.”
“That’s what I tried to avoid so I hid, pretending I’m out of the country,” you give Tony an apologetic smile. “Sorry, but I had to do it, Tons. I wanted to move on and started to write again. At first poems, later short stories. I wrote at a park, had my own bench. That’s how I met Bucky.”
“Around four months after she moved out I saw her at the park. She looked so cute but lost at the same time,” Bucky smiles at the memory. You ran toward him, hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go. “I know that moment I will never let her go again. I must admit, I always loved Y/N. Steve just asked her out before I got the chance to do so.”
“As a good friend Bucky wanted Steve to keep his luck,” you huff, looking at Sharon. “Honestly, I’m glad you stole Steve. I never was happier than I’m now, with the right man by my side.”
Another stab to Steve’s heart makes him visibly flinch. You never thought it would be you being the one moving on from your past with Steve.
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The party is almost over. Most of the guests left but you are still slow dancing with Bucky. You don’t care Steve watches you. Arms crossed over his chest, jaw set his blue eyes follow your every step.
“We should head home, Stevie,” Sharon swallows thickly when you lift your head from Bucky’s shoulder to meet her eyes. For the first time you see uncertainty in her eyes, and it brings a wicked grin on your lips. 
“That’s the result of stealing someone else’s man, Sharon,” Pepper smirks, watching Bucky sway you gently. “Whilst you believed Steve is finally yours, Y/N moved on. Unlike his ex-fiancé, your husband still clings to his past. Must be hard to compare with Peggy Carter and the great Y/N Y/L/N, good luck.” Tony chuckles when Pepper grasps for his hand to have one last dance.
“You’re evil, Pep. One of the reasons I love you so much,” Tony swoons, leading his fiancé toward the dance floor.
Steve closes his eyes, remembering the first and last time you danced like this. A single tear rolls down his cheek when he realizes he should’ve cherished the dance as you will never be in his arms again…
Nothing you say will change my mind
You couldn't wait to leave me behind
Nothing you say will change my mind
You couldn't wait to leave me behind
Nothing you say will change my mind
You couldn't wait to leave me behind
I found a way to let you go
So you don't have to stay now
A broken mind, I came close
But you can't rip my heart out
I'm giving up, I'm giving up, I'll give you up
I found a way to let you go
It's gonna rip your heart out
Part 3
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
broken crown | xiv.
You closed your eyes, well, for the first time - people will see the wrath of Merlin.
Word Count:  2,116
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Harry looked at you as you stood next to him, he was trying to find Hermione and Ron, it seems like you were more preoccupied in your own thoughts to even answer where your best friends were. He grabs you by the hand and pulls you along to see if Hermione and Ron were further down, however, Harry stopped when Voldemort started to speak.
You looked at him concerned, as you placed both your hands against his upper arm to hold him still. Harry was overwhelmed with people protecting him from Pansy who wanted to give him into the dark lord. You smiled at him squeezing his hand reassuringly, as students started to leave, Harry continues to walk towards the Weasleys, asking them if they had found the two but was interrupted by Mad-Eye.
“We’ve only got half an hour until midnight, so we need to act fast! A battle plan hasn’t been agreed on, but Lupin might have a better idea on it.”
Eyes shifted towards to you and your dad, Harry nudged you as you cleared your throat, scratching the back of your neck.
“Well, first things first, I can only imagine the defence shield already put up and the statues are in place, professor?” You looked at your head of house, who nodded, “May I asked Professor Flitwick, Sprout, and McGonagall to go take groups of fighters up to the three highest towers — Ravenclaw, Astronomy, and Gryffindor — where they’ll have a good overview, excellent positions from which to work spells.”
You looked around the group of the Order of the Phoenix, as your eyes landed on your dad.
“Dad, Sirius, Arthur, Kingsley and perhaps Mad-Eye take groups into the grounds. We’ll need somebody to organise defences of the entrances of the passageways into the school —” 
“Sounds like a job for us,” called Fred, indicating himself and George, and you smiled and nod your approval, “And lastly, someone needs to take care of the rickety bridge off to the side. Other than that, leaders up there and we’ll divide up the troops!”
As McGonagall was saying stuff to Harry, he turns to you as you smile. Kissing his forehead.
“I’ll find you, Harry, you’re wearing the bracelet,” You reassured him, “Go, I have stuff to do, but you need to find the horcrux.”
“Alright,” Harry nodded, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Harry ran off as you turned around, seeing leaders waiting for you. You sighed as you joined the rest of the adults. You felt so odd in a group of people who have been fighting for so long with such skills. They turned to look at you, hoping you had a plan in your head, they should stop expecting things from you but admittedly, you did have a somewhat an idea of what you wanted for battle. 
It seems like after five minutes of debating battle plans and who will go where, the leaders seem to disperse, calling their troops. You cringed thinking that your peers, students your age are now soldiers. 
“You wear a broken crown,” McGonagall says next to you as you looked at everyone shouting and moving people along.
“A crown is supposed to worn with pride, by kings and queens of royalty. Not someone like me.”
“That is why it’s broken,” Your professor says, “You are forced to step up to a responsibility that you had no choice to.”
“Hm,” You sigh, watching McGonagall walk to usher people to the right area.
Remus turns around before going to the grounds, to look at you standing straight where Dumbledore once stood, looking at all the soldiers moving out of the hall. Your arms crossed tightly over your chest whilst holding your wand in your dominate hand. Remus could tell you look slightly peeved off.
You stood thinking before shiver was sent down your spine as you felt like you could hear a voice whispering to you. 
“Merlin-” You breathed out as the feeling washed away, before angrily muttering to yourself, “I’m going to turn my hair grey at this point.”
Remus watch you start tensing your shoulder before weaving yourself with the crowd of students before disappearing. You looked to see Neville and Professor Sprout arming themselves, the feeling wasn’t fully away as you went outside to the grounds, you see how the shield slowly went down. You gripped your wand tighter, you thought you had much more time, but you could see at any given moment that the shield will collapse.
You breathed, seeing where your dad was as well as Sirius.
You closed your eyes, well, for the first time - people will see the wrath of Merlin.
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“Over my dead body,” You growled, you had been fighting viciously with death eaters.
You snapped your head towards your dad who seemed like he was struggling to keep up with Dolohov, you took a step as all the death eaters nearby that was fighting you were blasted back. 
Remus was getting out of breath, he tried to look for you, but he could only see Sirius, who was also getting his ass handed to him. Remus trips back and landing badly on some fallen debris, and here he thinks - this is where he dies, he won’t be able to be a father again, he fails to watch his son grow up and grow old with Tonks. 
Just as Dolohov was going to take the killing blow, someone stood before him. 
“Kill him, I dare you,” your voice travelled, and it was threatening.
Remus was able to stand up to see you pointing your wand towards Dolohov., he had noticed that you had a protective shield in front between you and the death eater. But, alongside the shield, you had Dolohov choking. A spell had gripped his throat, lifting him up. 
“No one touches my father,” the tone sent a shiver down Remus’ spine as your wrist flicked left, snapping the death eater’s neck, dropping him as well as the shield.
Your shoulders relax as the shield drops as well, you swivel on your heel. Remus looks up at your offering hand to see a sweet smile on your face, As you hoist him up, he continues to fall through to squeeze you into a hug - you let out a small chuckle.
“You okay?”
“Are you?” Remus asked, almost desperate like as you nodded, “You’re...”
“Terrifying?” You finished for him as Remus gives you a tight-lipped smile.
“Guys-!” Sirius frantically screams as you parted the hug from your dad to see Sirius getting ganged up, you sighed as your eyes trained on the death eaters before flinging them away by the flicker of your eyes, “You couldn’t have done that sooner?”
You looked at him with a sheepish smile, “Sorry, Sirius.”
He places a heavy hand on your shoulder, “It’s okay kid, you get going, alright? Your dad and I will be careful this time.”
You narrowed your eyes, “Best do, because if you die - I’ll figure out a spell to conjure you two back to kill you myself.”
The two grown adults nodded as you walked away, the two watches how you held yourself, you weren’t flinching at the coming spells as you manage to block them with a shield. 
“He’s bloody terrifying,” Sirius murmured as Remus patted him on the shoulder.
“You could say that again.”
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“Tonks!” You growled almost as she snaps her head towards you and seeing fury in your eyes, “What in the bloody hell are you doing here?”
“I’m looking for your dad!” She says as you gripped her upper arm, to make sure she wouldn’t run off, “You wouldn’t happen to see him right?”
“Dora, what about Teddy?”
“He sleeps like his father, (Y/n), he’ll be fine, it’s your dad who needs me.”
You sighed, knowing that Tonks is stubborn as all hell, “Last time I saw him was in the courtyard, please try to avoid being seen - I know Bellatrix is going after you.”
She nods, patting your cheek before running away from you, you sighed hoping you could go find Harry and help him out, as you were just running about, tackling any death eater that got in your way, you could see Fred and Percy trying to avoid conflict. It seems like Fred was injured badly. 
“Fred! Percy!” You called out, they looked at you, “Have you seen Harry?”
“Heard they were about to go to the boathouse for Snape,” Fred shouted back, you looked at him concerned, “Don’t mind me, Merlin, go after him - I’ll live.”
You hesitated for a second as he waves you off, you rush off in the direction that Harry and your two best friends might be. 
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Remus was concerned, whilst he now know that you’re fully capable of taking care of yourself, but whilst he found Tonks in the midst of fighting and Sirius by his side - he couldn’t find you anywhere during the hour armistice. He sees the Weasley reunited together, alive. 
Kingsley and Mad-Eye discussing more battle plans, for anything that could possibly happen in the next hours of the war. McGonagall was checking up on students before there was a signal of people leaving the school to see what is happening in the entrance. Remus had looked around to see almost everyone in the school fighting watch as Hagrid carried a lifeless body.
“No!” A voice screeched as everyone snapped to see (Y/n) Lupin getting pulled back by Ron and Hermione, equally distraught as him, “HARRY-!”
Remus could breathe a little better, to see that his son was still alive, though there was a sickening feeling in him to see his best friend’s son dead. Remus could feel Sirius shuffle close to him as Tonks tightens her grip on his arm.
You were held tightly by Ron, your best friend was strong - you often forget that, but, what’s surprising is Hermione’s grip, it could be for the fact that you’re being held back or the fact she needed support from breaking down. At least she still has two best friends alive. 
You look at your boyfriend’s lifeless body, you blocked out whatever Voldemort was speaking. You hated yourself, the charm bracelet was supposed to help you alert you when Harry was in danger, but there was a comforting feeling that perhaps there was something more to Harry.
You were brought back to reality when you see a shield cast out of nowhere between Voldemort and Neville, people started to run back into the grounds of Hogwarts - you were let go by Ron and Hermione as you frantically scream for Harry - noticing how Hagrid no longer is holding him. 
You were crushed and pushed by an influx of new arrivals such as Charlie Weasley, friends and families of students that stayed behind to fight as well as shopkeepers and homeowners in Hogsmeade. You even found the chance to see centaurs marching into the fight, pride on their shoulders.
You were too preoccupied with looking for Harry that you had been hit with a severing charm more known for cutting dressed. You hissed before waving your wand with ease - squeezing the death eater so tight, he loses air. 
Preoccupied with strong death eaters, you were getting too tired for your own spells. How you’ve been using a lot of your conserved energy to perform high dark magic. The fact that at the end of your duel, you could feel blood dripping from your forehead, your dominate arm cut up and scuffed up with dirt and dust.
You managed to get the end tail of witnessing Molly Weasley absolutely decimating Bellatrix, and Harry reveals himself to be alive. You felt like you could breathe again. You could spot Tonks in the crowd with her hair, next to her is Sirius and your dad, you could rest easy knowing that the people you cared for is still alive. 
You could take a nap.
“(Y/n)...” There was a whisper in your ear, you were curious as you started to walk in the direction of the voice that was calling your name before it tells you to use your compass. As you take it out, it spun several times before stopping in a direction.
You might have missed out on the oncoming defeat of Voldemort, but you stand in the portrait of Merlin, looking down at you.
“I’d think you’d be more smartly presented when you come to me,” Merlin’s voice says to you as you raised an eyebrow.
“For that, you’re coming with me,” You swished your wand and levitated the portrait, you don’t know where you were going but there was a talk that you needed with Merlin.
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@carefulthatsharassment-sir​​ @lanlanlan020202​ @hanniejji​ @dumbssbtch​ @lea-the-foxe​ @stan-joonies​ @littertortilla @purpleshusbandd​ @svnfiwer
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Hey! I'd like to request a Harry x Gryffindor!reader where y/n is a member of the Golden trio (well now quartet) and is basically about her friendship with them and how her and harry eventually fall in love and end up together, like is a slow burn (it can be either a oneshot or headcanons, it's your choice) thank you! 💕
Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Muggleborn!Reader
Summary: You and Harry have been friends since first year, so how will you tell him that you have deeper feelings for him than just friendship?
Word Count: 6665
Warnings: mentions of scars, umbridge (which is a warning for obvious reasons), hints of depression, doing badly in school
Ok I know that this was supposed to be a small headcannon, but I kinda went overboard so now this is 6k... oops!
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so you both met on the train to hogwarts in first year
you physically ran into harry when you were trying to find a spot to sit before the train started moving
you kinda squashed him because, let’s admit it, harry was probably abnormally skinny for an eleven year old and could be pinned down by an aggravated squirrel
but it caused the two of you to have an inside joke and become friends, even before you got to hogwarts
you also became friends with ron weasley on the train ride
he was also a scrawny little twerp, and you felt like a mother looking after two idiotic children
there was also hermione granger, who immediately rubbed you the wrong way
she was bossy and seemed to be a know it all
at the sorting ceremony, harry, ron, and hermione had all gone before you
so you were kinda just chilling in the group of kids that you didn’t talk to on the train, secretly sending all your hopes into getting into gryffindor
thank godric that you did
you all sat together and ate
you also met ron’s brothers: fred, george, and percy, and apparently he had two more, bill and charlie, and a younger sister, ginny
wow his mother made a bold choice
but they were all kind
though fred and george seemed a bit too mischievous for their own good
and percy was kinda snarky
but everyone has their own flaws, and you should look past them
and you and hermione were roommates
(oh my god they were roommates)
so you tried to deal with hermione’s nagging and obsession with success
it’s firmly believed by all the girls in that dorm that if she wasn’t in gryffindor, she probably would have been in slytherin because she was so ambitious 
but school was fun
you all had classes together
because you’re first years and didn’t have electives yet
hermione, of course, was amazing at just about everything
ron and harry were decent at most things, of course they had to learn but they caught on quick
the only class you liked was the flying lessons, but it only happened once  every week
and astronomy
you just liked going out at night and staring at the stars
but who wouldn’t
so hermione tried to help you in class, but she talked far too fast and already knew everything
she was smart, but she wasn’t a good teacher
so you went to harry, because he was doing good in classes and wasn’t psycho-smart
he actually helped a ton more
you were actually passing your classes now
the both of you bonded over quidditch, as he became seeker and you longed to be a chaser for gryffindor
so you went to all his games and cheered him on
(you also tried out in second year and made it, to the shock of most people)
through your first year, things were relatively normal, right up until you discovered the locked room that housed a large, three headed dog
then harry decided it would be a grand idea for you all to go into a trap door underneath the dog
but of course you followed
as you entered, you got past the dog with relative ease, then hermione helped you all out of the devil’s snare
then you got on the broom and caught the key needed to get through the next door
then ron aided in beating the killer chess board
hermione had to carry him back to the main hallway, and up to madam pince
but you went with harry to find the sorcerer's stone
and when you walked into the room, you stopped at the top of the stairs, seeing quirrel
after a few moments of talking, when the fighting broke out, you were hit with a jinx that sent you flying across the room
which knocked you out
so when you woke up in the hospital wing with a few bruises
ron to your left, still asleep
harry to your right, also asleep
you could say that you were a bit confused at the goings-on of the night before
hermione showed up only a few moments later and explained everything from what she knew
when you all left after first year, it’s safe to say a tear may or may not have fallen at the idea of not seeing your friends for a whole three months
but that summer, you were invited to the burrow at the end of summer
and you went
after begging your parents for the entire month prior
but you got there
and you went along with, ron, fred, and george in their dad’s car to go rescue harry
and you almost fell out of the car while trying to pull him inside, away from his porky looking uncle
but you guys were fine
and when you got back to the house
mrs. weasley chewed you all out
except harry
but she gave you quite the talking to because you’d been there for the past few weeks and she was comfortable treating you like her own
which included a good scolding
but it was all ok
because you were all back together
at least you and the boys
but you would see hermione very soon
when you went to diagon alley
but there was a small hiccup in the day
when you ran into the malfoys
you slammed into draco’s back
very hard
and he fell over
and you fell on top of him
and his dad saw it all
and screamed at you in front of everyone in the bookshop
“you filthy, vile, little mudblood!”
he had his wand pulled in your face and everything
draco was smirking behind him
it was humiliating
the weasleys had your back
the twins came to help you stand up and were glaring at the malfoys
arthur began yelling at lucius
though you were embarrassed, you felt loved all the same
all the girls were obsessing over some gildy-guy
you didn’t find him all that appealing
he seemed too full of himself
but hogwarts was going good that year
besides the little thing with you, ron, and harry stealing a flying car and crashing it into the whomping willow
though it did give you all a bit of street cred given that...
ya know, three 12 year olds stole a flying car and drove it to hogwarts
as mentioned before, you made it onto the gryffindor quidditch team as chaser
you were also benched for half a game for trying to knock malfoy off his broom when he called hermione and you mudbloods while trying to smack talk harry
which didn’t make sense because the slytherins cheat every game and you try to assault one kid and suddenly you're benched
though malfoy doesn’t really say much to your group when your around now
you also got closer to the twins, helping them with pranks and diversions
after the malfoy/bookstore incident, they felt more protective of you
you became like an older sister to ginny
and she always felt like she could open up to you
but she had a weird little book she wouldn’t let you see
as she got worse through the year, you told hermione
but she suggested that you shouldn’t tell her brothers
because maybe she didn’t want anyone knowing
when it was revealed that harry was a parseltongue, you most definitely yelled at people who badmouthed him
you also punched one kid, but you didn’t get a detention for it because the kid was too scared to tell anyone
you and harry were even closer than before
between quidditch and you staying close to him everywhere because you were scared of being petrified
and when hermione got petrified you broke down in the middle of the common room
harry hugged you, a little awkwardly, but he was trying
then ginny got taken down to the chamber
and you felt more numb than anything
so when you, ron, and harry ventured down to the chamber of secrets to find ginny
with lockhart
who wasn’t much help
but ron and lockhart were stuck behind fallen rocks so you and harry went on
and you found ginny
and young voldemort
...or his ghost
either way
it was voldemort
and though you would never tell another soul, he was a lot more handsome when he had his face in tact and looked, well, human
but besides that, he was trying to kill you, harry, and ginny, so his appeal was pushed to the side when you considered that little factor
but as the basilisk chased harry around the chamber, tom riddle had you in a headlock
you were on your knees
and he was basically just forcing you to watch harry be chased by a killer snake
ginny was still passed out after harry defeated the basilisk with the sword of gryffindor, brought by the phoenix, fawkes
you still couldn’t catch your breath after tom riddle had let you go, given that he had been choking you slowly
you hugged harry and were gripping onto the backs of his robes as tight as possible, still feeling light headed and grateful that you actually survived
but you helped harry carry ginny out as quick as possible
ron and lockhart had cleared away most of the rubble, well mostly ron, lockhart was still crazy
when the end of the year came and hermione, among others, were no longer petrified, you enveloped her in the biggest hug imaginable
the train ride back was, once again, a bit sad, but you promised to come over to the burrow during the summer
you went to the leaky cauldron with hermione and her family, since yours didn’t exactly like that you were a witch
they loved you, but all this stuff was to dangerous for their taste
but you and hermione went to the leaky cauldron for a few nights
met the weasleys there for a day of shopping and such
also met harry there, since he was brought by the minister of magic for using magic underaged outside of school
which was kind of a stupid rule
but whatever
you got to spend more time with your friends
because the weasleys were in egypt visiting bill, ron’s older brother,
but you got your little (well, large, really) family back
you and harry talked about everything that the dursley’s had done to him, how he blew up his aunt, and how he was sick and tired of feeling alone during summers
you told him about how your parents were complaining about you leaving for most of the year and, all around, didn’t like magic, like his aunt and uncle
you also talked about how ron’s rat and hermione’s cat were going to kill each other, which meant that ron and hermione would end up killing each other
you never really realized how much you talked to harry until you didn’t get to everyday
on the train ride to hogwarts, you sat with the twins and their friend, lee jordan, and a few of the girls from the quidditch team that you’d known before
you were planning a big prank for the start of the year
harry, ron, and hermione, however, were stuck with an old, sleepy man in their compartment
harry was also moping because you were spending time with the twins
he missed you more than he thought he would and wanted to spend time with you, but he couldn’t just say that
they were your friends too
then the dementors came onto the train, which woke up the old man in their compartment and he was able to fend them off
and harry passed out
and then he woke up a few moments later
with chocolate being shoved in his face
(not a bad way to be woken up)
but the first thing he did was try and get up to look for you
which hermione offered to do so he could rest
in your compartment, you had fallen over, not passed out, but your knees had gone weak and you blacked out for a moment, still awake though
fred and george were on either side of you on the floor
they both had an arm over your shoulder, trying to warm you up
angelina johnson was giving you kind words
and then hermione walked in
your head shot up
“are you all alright?”
“harry passed out,”
there was a chuckle heard from outside the compartment
“potter passed out? some brave gryffindor he is!”
everyone just kinda rolled their eyes and continued to ignore him
“is harry ok?”
“should be, there was a man in there, i assume he was a teacher or something, he had it handled”
“you’re sure he’s alright?”
“yes, he’s perfectly ok, y/n,”
hermione definitely knew about your crush on harry now
she had her suspicions before
but it was just obvious now
hermione left, probably going back to harry and ron
“you wanna go see him?” one of the twins asked from your right in a concerned but also suggestive voice
you shook your head
“i’ll see him at dinner, fred,”
both the twins gasped, along with the others in the compartment
“you can tell us apart?” george asked
yes, that’s right, you had learned the difference between the twins and could tell them apart, something their best friend, lee, couldn’t even do
you were quite proud of yourself
“of course, what do you take me for? your mother?” you chuckled
both the twins knew, at that moment, they’d hit the jackpot
they knew you had a great sense for attention to detail in pranks, but this just showed how much you knew
“how do you know which is which?”
“fred has more freckles, george slouches more when he walks, fred also has a little scar right at the top of his hairline that you can just barely see, but it’s usually how i can tell. also you have sides when you go places together, george is left and fred is right, though i’m sure you’ll change it up from now on to trip me up,”
“ahhh, little y/n, you are a good best friend,” -fred
“lee, take notes,” -george
“fuck all of  you,” -lee
the rest of the ride was not as eventful after that, though the twins were still trying to make you slip up
they left to put their uniforms and asked you to guess who was who, you were correct, they were crybabies about it
when hermione went back to harry, he was a little sad to hear that fred and george were comforting you so closely
lupin kinda smirked because it reminded him of how james would get mad when lily was with other boys
then he wasn’t smirking because he was all sad
when the train got back to hogwarts, you met up with ron and hermione and harry
they told you all about cool professor lupin
third year was great
professor lupin was your favorite professor, which was a similar theme around school
you pranked more people with fred and george
you played quidditch, getting better at your skills when practicing with angelina and katie
lupin grew to love your little quartet
because you were like his friends
hermione reminded him of himself because of her good morals and need to excel in classes, even though she still had her own dark side
ron was like peter, one of the funniest, kindest friends he’d ever seen, while also being underspoken, letting his friends speak first in most situations
james and harry were practically the same person, with their entire personas mirroring the others, though harry was much more modest than james had ever been, but also seemed to have his mischievous side much more hidden than his father, who would boast about his accomplishments and pranks
you reminded him of sirius, with how you always found a way to make others laugh, and your chameleon-like personality that could fit in with multiple groups, you never seemed to be alone, along with the way that you could never seem to wear your uniform correctly: always choosing a t-shirt instead of the button down or regular trainers over the uncomfortable uniform shoes
he made sure to pay extra attention to harry and his friends through the year
you became more popular as you hug out with fred and george more
hermione and ron seemed to bicker more and more like an old married couple
harry was stressing over sirius black constantly, especially after finding out that he was his godfather
you and harry went to see lupin together to discuss what he knew of sirius black, along with just getting your minds cleared
he accepted you both into his office and you all chatted for hours
he also offered to teach you how to cast a patronus, like he had been doing with harry
you gleefully accepted
harry had been at his wits end with malfoy at this point, sick of the taunts and jokes tossed his way
so you and fred and george pranked him
turned his hair red and glittery
only lasted until you washed it out but it was very funny to see him freak out
as patronus practice went on with harry and lupin, you got closer and closer to casting a full patronus, only after your second lesson
during the third time you went, your patronus was cast fully, a mighty lioness that roared loudly as you, harry, and lupin laughed in pure delight at the sight of the mighty beast
you told fred and george what your patronus was and they were jealous, because you got the house mascot and they couldn’t even produce the charm
when the day came that you, harry, ron, and hermione all went down to hagrid’s for buckbeaks’ execution
then scabbers was pulled away by a large black dog
and you all went into the whomping willow
and found sirius black
who was being quite dramatic for a wanted killer
or maybe that was just how killers were
just murdering people but with ✨pizzazz✨
but when lupin turned up, and explained the situation, then ron’s rat turns into peter pettigrew, who was supposed to be dead, then snape showed up
god this was a really long night
once you had everything taken care of (ron was going to be taken to the hospital wing for his leg injury, peter pettigrew was in restraints, it was acknowledged that sirius was framed, and everyone knew lupin was a werewolf) you walked back up to the opening of the whomping willow
then the moon came out
lupin began transforming, everyone backed away slightly, but you were stunned to your spot
sirius and snape were protecting harry ron and hermione
but you were just standing there, watching
peter got away by transforming into a rat, again
lupin was now in full wolf form though, so that was the bigger problem
sirius approached him slowly before lupin turned around quickly, scratching your arm and hand as he ran off, sirius chasing after him in his dog form
but you were scratched by a werewolf
and it hurt
snape had to be a crutch for ron because his leg was messed up
and you were wobbling as you walked from the pain
but you both made it to the hospital wing
pomfrey attended to you first, and she explained, while she worked, that since it was only a scratch, you shouldn’t suffer any detrimental side effects aside from the scarring, which would never go away
it wasn’t too bad after she gave you a few medicines
you worried about hermione and harry, and while ron was being tended to, you glanced out of the windows looking for a peak at your friends
they ended up coming up to the hospital wing after seeing the dementors try to kill sirius, but then they disappeared again, leaving you and ron confused when, just seconds later, they walked through the doors into the hospital wing
but they told you that they saved sirius and buckbeak
school was pretty calm after that
you and harry went to see lupin when you heard that he was quitting
he explained that word got out about him being a werewolf
by snape
the bitch
and that he hurt a student
but he wasn’t aware of that part
until he saw your arm wrapped up
and asked what happened
and he looked like he was going to cry
but you assured him that it didn’t hurt
of course it hurt but you weren’t going to tell him that
for some reason you felt bad that he hurt you
because he was kind and gentle and didn’t deserve the prejudice he got
the scar was healing, but it was from your elbow to the back of your hand, and it was about an inch wide, so there wasn’t much hope of you covering it up or saying it was no big deal
lupin was worried though
how were you going to explain this to your parents?
they were muggles, wouldn’t they pull you out of school?
apparently not, because when, that summer, you were invited to the quidditch world cup with the weasleys and hermione and harry, they let you go
which was very out of character but you didn’t really mind
the quidditch cup was… interesting
you and hermione were pretty spooked afterwards because of the death eater symbol that hung over the crowd
along with the fact that you were muggleborn
but the beginning of the school year was sure to take your mind off of it
the triwizard tournament seemed interesting enough for the older teens to compete in
you couldn’t play quidditch but this was fine
it was a relaxing year to just chill
because you got two months of relative peace until harry’s name was pulled out of the cup and most of the school turned on him
you were still staying close to harry because you trusted him
and you knew that ron wasn’t so much mad at his friend as much as he was a mix of jealous and worried for harry’s safety
you also helped harry train for the first task once you found out what it was
fuckin dragons
you brought him out to the quidditch pitch a few days a week and made him run drills so that he’d be quicker on his feet
ya know
running from a dragon
and you made sure that he knew basic spells
you made hermione research dragons and common ways to get past them
after a little conversation with moody, you also practiced the summoning charm so he could get his broom
you still made sure he was doing running drills because he could always fall
but you included some flying practice
“i don’t care if you're the youngest seeker in a century, harry, this is a dragon!!!! it breathes fire!!!”
because you were helping harry so much
you kinda began slipping in class
just a little
ok maybe a lot
but you were also practicing spells with harry so you were learning like 6/7th year charms
though your teachers didn’t see it that way
so you had to ditch harry a few times due to detentions
mostly with mcgonnangal because she pitied you and how you were worried about your friend dying, which you prioritized over lessons
though snape was getting fed up with you
he was yelling at you more
but you were used to it at this point
the day of the first task you had been with harry in the tent for as long as you could stay there, worried for his safety
to be honest he was getting more nervous because of you
he wanted you to calm down
and you wanted him to live
so it was quite the stressful situation
especially when, while you were sitting on one of the hospital beds moved down there (for precaution) you rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and rita skeeter snapped a quick picture
but she got told off by krum
which was kinda refreshing
he was quiet, but he would stand up for what was right
you liked that about him
it reminded you of harry
harry did really well in the task, getting really high marks for his agility and skill on a broom
you gleamed with pride
a few days later, at breakfast, ron had a parcel delivered to him
dress robes
that were beyond hideous
then you heard all about the yule ball
where you had to dress up and converse with the other schools and such
it didn’t sound all that appealing to you
you loved hanging out with friends and such
but you weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea of dressing up for hours on christmas, the day of relaxation
and becuase you didn’t really think that you were gonna go, you gave ron the money your parents sent you for a dress so he could buy new, nice dress robes
he thanked you a million times
you were also helping harry with the egg
let's say that cedric found out about the egg and told harry a bit sooner
so you were trying to get him to swim in the black lake
he wasn’t pleased
but he needed to be quick in the water
he was mad at you for pushing him in one day
but he got over it
hermione was losing her mind because you and harry were basically flirting 
and touching one another with looks of affection
but harry wouldn’t man up and ask you out
and you didn’t believe he would actually like you
hermione about slapped you when you said that
you also told her that you didn’t really want to go because of the elegant air that wasn’t your style
so she made it her personal mission to get you and harry together
she wasn’t subtle
was she ever?
but nothing happene
one day at breakfast, while the boys were complaining about not having dates
fred, who was sitting next to you, asks angelina to the dance to show ron and harry that it was that easy
ron made some snarky comment about how hermione and you wouldn’t have dates
and hermione was mildly offended by ron and stormed off
but you knew he was right
nobody had even asked you
you thought about asking harry
multiple times
but you just knew he wouldn’t want to go with you
especially when he had practically every girl in hogwarts to choose from
so that night, in the common room, you asked george if he had a date
he didn’t
so you went as friends
because you thought of the twins as family
and didn’t like them that way
but you knew that they were a good option, and with george you would be able to joke all night and have a good time
you bought a cheap-ish, but nice, dress from money you’d already had in your trunk
harry was pissed
he knew you liked one of the twins
and he was mad at himself more than anything
but he went with one of the patil twins, ron taking the other
but when you came downstairs to george, looking more gorgeous than ever
with the help of hermione
you wore a dress with short sleeves, which made you slightly insecure because you still had the scar from professor lupin that was a few shades off from your normal skin tone
but hermione, fred, george, and angelina assured you that you were still beautiful
he couldn't take his eyes off you
“potter seems to be staring at you,” george teased
you rolled your eyes and didn’t bother to look back because you didn’t want to be disappointed
the ball was fun
you caught up with the twins since you hadn’t spent much time with them since you were helping harry
the next weeks you were still training with harry
he was still reluctant about getting in the black lake
but he lived
and when, the night before the task, you and hermione disappeared when he had a question, he felt more helpless than ever
he felt even more helpless when, during the task, he could make out your figure at the bottom of the lake, in between hermione and a little blonde girl
after he helped you and the little blonde girl, who turned out to be fleur’s little sister, you and harry were huddled together…. 
“warming up”
he got high marks again for rescuing both you and gabrielle, even though he took a long time to finish
he was tied for first place
you jumped up and hugged him so tight he could barely breathe
you loosened your grip and stared him in the eyes
your faces were so close together you could feel the other’s breath
then ron came up and grabbed harry
it was awkward between you and harry for about a day and a half until you were in the common room together and were joking like old times
after that, you waited until the month before the final task, when you found out it was a maze with creatures and spells
you made harry start running again
he said he was going to curse you
you laughed
but when the task came up, you felt a little weird about everything
things just seemed off
and when harry reappeared with a dead cedric and the triwizard cup and there was a deafning silence between everyone
cedric's father was screaming
you were trying to shove your way down the stands to harry
because he looked numb yet also going through so many emotions
when you finally got to harry he was pulled away by dumbledore, who told you to go back to your friends
you wanted to hit him
but you talked to harry the next day
well, you didn’t talk much
he collapsed, crying the tears he was holding in since the end of the third task
you held him, letting him sob
you started whispering kind words to him when his sobbing became slower and his breathing was more regular
“you don’t need to be, you shouldn’t be sorry, it’s nothing you did, i promise,”
over the summer, not very much happened
until, while you were at the weasleys, harry was attacked by dementors and was being put on trial for using magic outside of school
he came to sirius’ parents old house before his trial, then, after he was free to go back to school, spent the rest of the summer with you, ron, and hermione
you spent a good bit of time over the summer working on prank products with the twins
you got a lot of progress made on the extendable ears and a few of the skiving snackboxes products were almost perfect
while on your way back to school, while ron and hermione were at the prefects carriage, you caught up with harry and what you had been doing over the summer, talking about whatever you didn’t say while at grimmauld place
they talk about how harry is sick of the pity stares he's getting, and that’s just from getting on the train and sitting down
you talk about your adventures with the twins over the summer, how they tried to do side-by-side apparition with you and you puked
the rest of the train ride was mediocre at best, but the real fun started at the end of the first dinner
namely, a woman called delores umbridge, who was the defense teacher
nobody found her likeable, especially after she interrupted dumbledore
nobody interrupts dumbledore
but you wanted to give her a chance
that chance didn’t get you too far
you and the twins were planning to prank her by day 3
she yelled at harry and gave him a torture quill for his punishmet
nasty bitch
but by the end of the fourth day at school, her cat portraits had been let out around the school, milling around in other paintings and it took her a few days to finally put them all back
the best pranks are ones that linger, driving the person mad
she didn't know it was you three, of course she didn’t, she had only been there four days
but she started to catch on when you and the twins were seen whispering in the great hall, writing on a piece of paper that was shoved under a desk and whispering stopped as she walked by
she knew for a fact that it was you three when you had all used the same annoying phrase in class, multiple times, just to drive her mad
your first detention this year, though it was with fred and george, went unknown by your friends
you didn’t want them to worry, since you couldn’t get your hand to stop bleeding when you would stretch or scratch the healing skin, but you had no intentions of stopping your pursuit of pranking
it wasn’t until dumbledore’s army was having their first practice that harry noticed the scabbed writing on your hand, which was written over your werewolf-scratch scar from third year
‘i must respect my superiors’
he got kinda really mad at you when you’d told him that it was from the last 7 detentions with umbridge, though he didn’t know you even had one
quidditch practice was awkward, harry wouldn’t talk to you, unless it was to critique your playing, and the twins weren’t really there to mediate, since they had to practice too
though the awkwardness didn’t last for too long
umbridge had kicked you, harry, fred, and george off the team indefinitely
dumbledore’s army meetings were the only thing to look forward to
though, when you were working on patronus charms, yours was no longer the mighty lion, but a doe that pranced around with grace
hermione pointed out that harry’s was a stag, and yours was a doe, and then she wiggled her eyebrows
you were #confused
you continued getting detentions with umbridge, for speaking out in class or not doing the work
you finally understand a class but it's everything you already knew from first year… but easier
so you just don’t do it
grades can’t get worse
fred and george leave, so you don’t have many people to talk to, besides hermione
harry’s still a bit aggravated with you
but you're starting to get mad at him as well, he keeps talking to cho
and the worst part is that you completely understood
she was pretty and nice and going through something only harry understood at the moment
you talked to hermione about it
she said to confess your feelings
and you were
really you were
until harry came back and told you the good news
he kissed cho
congrats to you
you just avoided him
until he claimed that sirius black was being tortured by voldemort and you, along with select dumbledore’s army members, had to go save him
you were intercepted by the umbridge prats
you punched draco malfoy so hard his nose bled all over his face and robes
which felt like a win, even though you were still caught and brought to her office in a headlock by malfoy
though you all escaped and went off to the ministry of magic, where sirius was
except he wasn’t
but you know who was?
death eaters
totally not the same thing
but you all made it to this room with a huge archway, where you were then put back in a headlock, by a malfoy…. again
you were sick of this family
the order members showed up soon, however, and sirius was actually here this time
and he was standing next to you in front of the arch, fighting
until he was hit by a curse by bellatrix, which caused him to collapse into the veil
you heard harry scream, and he started to sprint towards the veil, but you collided with his body, pushing him away and wrapping your arms around him
you didn’t know what the veil thing was but you didn't think that it was something you came back from
harry was trying to get out of your arms to the veil
he was stronger than he looked, and you ended up pushing him to the floor so he would stop trying to run
the whole battle was a mess, harry had gotten possessed by voldemort, which entailed a lot of screaming and a creepy deep voice coming from harry
as you were all brought back to hogwarts, you were dragging harry’s body over yours, and he was heavier than he looked
but you knew he was tired and out of it, so you bared with it
that summer was the longest of all
harry and you didn’t talk much
neither would make the first move to send a letter
everyone knew voldemort was back
and harry was transported to the burrow by dumbledore
and even though you had been at the burrow most of the summer, including when harry was there the next morning
he still wouldn’t even look at you
you really didn’t know what you did
he was the one who flirted and kissed cho
sure you didn’t tell him about detentions and were kind of the reason that he didn’t chase after sirius to his death
but that didn’t seem like something he should be mad about
not for this long
fred and george opened their shop
and you were proud of them
so so proud because you helped with half the products there
but you couldn’t use the extent of your happiness because harry still wasn’t talking to you
and you felt like death
all the time
that year went relatively quick
you were studying a lot more, mostly to ignore harry, but also because you didn’t have fred and george to occupy your time and had nothing else to do
by the time christmas came around, you hadn’t talked to harry much
maybe a few times in classes that you were in together
but you weren’t in any newt classes with them
oh well i guess
you didn’t make other friends either
you just kinda closed off
didn’t sleep much because you kept thinking about harry
thinking about kissing him
thinking about holding his hand
about joking with him like you used to
about how he must be feeling about everything going on
about how you can’t lose him now
he can’t die because of some no-nose-supremacist
and you looked exactly how you felt, you were sluggish and lethargic, it took you awhile to react when people spoke to you, and your usual charisma wasn’t as prominent
during christmas, fred and george noticed your lack of energy
they tried to cheer you up but you just wanted harry to talk to you
so they did what they did best
smacked some sense into harry
hit him in the head and told him to talk to you
you both sat on the couch awkwardly, neither feeling the air of comfort that you used to have
it took about five minutes of silence before george opened the door and screamed at you both
not any words, just screamed
then shut the door
neither of you could hold in the snorts of laughter from the unsolicited screaming
you turned to face one another at last
“i’m sorry i ignored you”
“me too, i was worried about you and i felt like i couldn’t talk to you but i should have just written you a letter or something because i miss you so much, you don’t even know. after the twins left hogwarts, i always felt lonely and i wasn’t speaking to you for whatever reason and i’ve been doing really dreadful in class so i've been studying but i never retain anything or understand anything and--”
harry grabbed your hands and moved closer to you
“i think i’m in love with you”
“you’re kidding?”
“i think i love you too?”
“yeah, i have been for a while, then we fought, and i didn’t know how to talk to you anymore--”
beforehe could have another word, you crashed your lips to his
it was amazing
you’ve been waiting for this for literal years
the past few months were torture
but everything was alright
things were getting worse out there, with voldemort rising to power, but you could die happy because of this moment
because harry wasn’t just someone who was in love with you, he was your best friend in the world and the only person who made you feel comfortable in any situation
and he loved you back
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Mon Amour - Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Request: ‘Hello, love! Could you please write a oneshot in which reader and Sirius have been in relationship for years. Reader has been sent for a solo mission for order and was taken away and tortured for information. She (or they) somehow escaped and reached headquarters. The reader is treated and she lives (after a coma or something) and yeah. I adore reading your fanfics. Thank you!’ @kashishwrites
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of torture, mentions of death
Words: 2045
Disclaimer: I think I kind of messed around with the timeline!! None of these gifs belong to me!
A/N: Thanks for the request lovely @kashishwrites​, I hope this is okay! The name Lyra is a constellation by the way, I wanted to keep the theme running and I played around with the headcanon that Sirius is fluent in French! I hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think! I love you all! xxx
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Mon Amour - My love
Smiling, you wrapped your arms around your husband from behind, listening to him singing in French to your three month old daughter, Lyra before he kissed her forehead and placed her back in her little cot. He turned around and wrapped you up in his arms tightly and you spoke, your voice muffled against his hard chest.
“I’m sorry that you have to stay here again,” Sirius’ childhood home – which he had loathed – had become the new Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix.
Sirius smiled as he pulled back slightly and kissed you, “don’t worry about me, not when I’m so worried about you. I so wish that you weren’t going on this mission alone, if anything happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do. I can’t live without you Y/N.”
You had tried to ease his worries in the days leading up to your solo mission but your attempts had been futile, it hurt your heart to see him so anxious. You brought his hands up to your lips and scattered kisses along his knuckles which made him blush.
“I’ll be fine, trust me. And, you’ve got Lily, James, Remus and Peter staying with you so I bet that you’ll hardly notice I’m gone. Lyra will be keeping you busy;” you giggled before growing serious, “James and Lily will be safe here won’t they?” James and Lily were expecting a baby in the next six months or so and they had also been marked for death by Voldemort. You were worried for them.
“Of course they’ll be safe,” Sirius grinned as he arched an eyebrow, “I’m their Secret Keeper remember? And trust me, no matter how busy I am, I will always make time to worry about you. I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too,” you smiled.
Somewhere in the house, a grandfather clock chimed and you knew it was time to go, by the forlorn look on Sirius’ face, he knew it too, “promise me, mon amour, that you’ll come back to me, alive and well?”
“I promise.”
With your promise he kissed you so passionately that you nearly cried you memorized his face just in case this was the last time that you’d ever seen him. You kissed your daughter’s forehead, hugged your best friends and took off into the night. You should have heeded your husband’s words, you should have tried harder to keep your promise, you had put up an excellent fight – you were a real fighter – but it just wasn’t good enough. That was made perfectly clear when you were captured by a group of Death Eaters.
It had seemed like hours, maybe days but all that you knew for sure was that you were exhausted and weak, so weak that you didn’t even feel scared anymore, you no longer flinched when your captors raised their wands. Unfortunately, you still felt the full force of the searing pain from the torture charm, in that dank, dark basement. You couldn’t think of anything else apart from Sirius and Lyra, you desperately wanted to see them again.
The chains bit into your wrists and ankles painfully as Bellatrix – Sirius’ cousin – raised her wand and spoke in a sneering, impatient tone, “now for the last time, where are the Potters?”
You were rather surprised that she’d restrained herself and she’d managed not to kill you. Yet. You stayed silent, even if you could tell her, you wouldn’t have, you wouldn’t betray your best friends.
“Crucio!” Bellatrix spat and you cried out in agony as it felt like your insides were on fire, she kept the curse going for what felt like hours. When she lowered her wand you sucked in a breath of air, gasping as you did so.
“Maybe she’s not the Secret Keeper,” Bellatrix’s companion said in a gruff voice.
“No!” the cruel woman hissed, “she was best friends with the mudblood in school,” you felt a white hot flash of anger as Bellatrix used the slur, “it has to be her.”
Suddenly, there came a crash from a room above which made your captors jump, “oh what is that now?!” Bellatrix snarled before striding from the room, her companion hot on her heels. You were left alone. Completely alone.
You were alone in that basement for mere moments until someone strode in and immediately released you from your chains, it was too dark for you to see the face of your rescuer, “I’m so sorry that I didn’t come down sooner,” he rubbed the bruises that the chains left on your wrists, “are you okay?”
You recognised that voice, it sounded like Sirius’ but it was more soft and quiet, it was Regulus. Sirius’ younger brother had been missing since he had left Hogwarts, you all thought he was dead, “Regulus,” you whispered, your voice too weak to speak any louder.
Regulus chewed his lip and helped you into the hallway, lowering his own voice to a whisper, “are you strong enough to apparate?”
You nodded, looking up at the young man who was risking his life to save you and your heart twisted, “come with me,” you begged, grabbing his hand, “Sirius would love to see you, I know he would.”
Regulus sighed and looked at you, sadness laced in his dark eyes and he shook his head, dragging a hand through his hair, “I can’t, I really wish I could but I have to hold them off so you can get away. Good luck,” he kissed your forehead and strode down the hallway, turning to look back at you, “go now, and give my love to my brother.”
You felt tears sting at your eyes and you managed to apparate back to Headquarters, you smiled when you realised that you’d made it into the hallway. But you felt so weak; you had to shut your eyes for just a second. That was when everything went black.
Sirius gripped Y/N’s hand gently, two months; she’d been in a coma for two months. It had been two months since she’d been found in the hallway after her solo mission. She had been gone for about twelve hours. Sirius was beside himself, he just didn’t know what he would do if he lost her, he couldn’t lose her. The healer was checking her over to see if she had improved and he turned back to look at Sirius in surprise.
“She’s pregnant, about 10 weeks along. There’s no way of knowing if the baby is still alive, I’d advise you to let them both go.”
Sirius sucked in a deep breath as a lump formed in his throat and bitter tears stung at his eyes, he looked down at his daughter who was fast asleep in his arms. He was happy that Y/N was pregnant but a second part was sad and angry. He was angry at himself for not convincing her to stay at home but she was stubborn.
“I’m not going to give up on them, my wife and my unborn child are fighters,” he believed that with all of his heart.
A couple of hours later James and Lily came to see how Sirius was doing, James’ hand was protectively resting on Lily’s round stomach, they were having a boy. Sirius was so happy for them, “you look like crap mate, how about you go to bed and we’ll watch over her?” James suggested.
“Hey, that’s my husband you’re talking to, Potter,” an extremely weak voice spoke.
Sirius’ heart flipped when he turned around to see that the love of his life was awake, she looked very weak but she was alive, “oh Y/N!” he hugged her ever so gently and sobbed into her hair, he was happier than words could ever say, “I thought that I was going to lose you, mon amour. I love you so much!”
Y/N chuckled weakly as she stroked his hair, “hey, you’re not getting rid of me that easily. I love you too baby, now let me tell you what happened.”
Sirius shook his head as he cupped her cold cheeks, “when you’re stronger, mon amour,” Y/N smiled gratefully as she wiped the tears from Sirius’ eyes and kissed him gently.
It had been about a week but Y/N was definitely getting stronger, she was eating properly, her skin didn’t have that grey tinge anymore and the usual sparkle was back in her beautiful eyes. And what was also amazing was that the healer informed both Sirius and Y/N that their unborn child was doing just fine. Y/N was delighted to find that she was pregnant again. After another week she felt strong and brave enough to speak about what she had experienced.
Sirius’ heart broke when she talked about how she was captured and tortured for information about James and Lily. The Potter’s were very apologetic about everything that had been done to Y/N in their name, but everyone knew it wasn’t their fault. It wasn’t their fault that they had been marked for death.
“How did you get away alive?” Remus asked with much interest and Y/N grew sad as she looked at Sirius and squeezed his hand.
“It was Regulus, he was there. He saved my life, he held them off and distracted them so I managed to escape, I tried to bring him back with me Sirius, but he wouldn’t hear of it.”
Sirius chewed his lip, he’d never really seen eye to eye with his brother but he loved him and he was extremely grateful that Regulus had saved Y/N, “well, I should thank him next time I should see him,” Sirius chuckled but his laugh lacked humour.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” Dumbledore said in a grave voice, Sirius hadn’t seen him enter the room, Dumbledore’s usual twinkling eyes were dull, “your brother’s body has been found. He is dead.”
Sirius felt like all the air had been sucked out of his lungs, he didn’t expect it to hurt this much, his little brother was dead. Regulus had been his best friend until their mother had pitted them against each other. Y/N whimpered and tears were falling from her eyes as she sniffled.
“This is my fault, it’s because he saved me, and it’s my fault that he’s dead!”
Sirius wrapped her in his arms, “it’s not your fault my darling, it’s not your fault. Regulus knew what he was doing; all we can do now is remember him and his sacrifice. You need to live your life to the fullest so his sacrifice wasn’t in vain,” Sirius’ voice broke and he attempted to swallow the lump in his throat.
You grinned as you hugged your daughter Lyra goodbye and she caught up with her friends and boarded the Hogwarts Express, it was her second year at Hogwarts, she was growing up so fast. You wished that you were going back to school this year too, you missed the hustle and bustle of it all and you’d be lonely with your two children both at Hogwarts. You felt the edge bottom of your jumper being pulled and you chuckled, turning around to look at your son, he looked very nervous.
“I wish dad was here, I wish I could be braver,” Reggie chewed his lip and you smiled. Though, Reggie was only little when Sirius went to Azkaban, your son still missed him terribly, you smiled and knelt down to his level and cupped his cheek. You also wished that Sirius could have been here to wave off his children.
“It’s okay to be scared, it’s your first year at Hogwarts after all but you’re descended from brave men, mon amour, both your father and your uncle, Reg. You will be fine, I promise you,” you kissed his forehead and there was a final whistle, “you’d better get on the train sweetie, you don’t want to be late. I love you.”
“I love you too mum, “Reggie hugged you tight before he went running off with his suitcase. He waved at you until the train rounded the corner. You felt strangely hollow as you stood alone on the platform, you knew that your children would have such a good time at school but you did hate to see them go.
@kashishwrites​ @smiithys​
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ewgoals · 4 years
Phoenix (1)
Chapter one- 1985
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Word count- 7,621 
Trigger warnings- Drug Use, Cursing, Racist slurs,smoking,underage drinking,fighting, underage sex mentioned, cult themes.
A/N: This is Chapter one of Phoenix, please let me know how you are feelings about this. I am very excited for this, also did you catch the reference or am I too old haha. This isn’t how Harry lost his virginity it’s how the person this book is based off did.
Tatianna Deluca was born on September 24th,1968; She was the fifth child born to Agina and Benito Deluca. Agina and Benito were both immigrants coming to America when they met. Agina Chernyshevsky was born on January 15th, 1942; in Moscow, Russia, she was the only girl born into three boys. Agina’s parents sent her and her brothers to America in 1958, wanting to make sure their children had the best life they could, Agina lived with an aunt for a little while until she met Benito Deluca. Benito Deluca was born on July 18th, 1940, in Venice, Italy. 
Benito was the youngest boy of six boys; the family left Italy when Benito was 16. Benito worked various jobs through New York until he finally settled on a restaurant in Brooklyn, New York. Agina and Benito met in 1958 when Agina went into the restaurant wanting to try a New York pizza for the first time, Benito loved the thick Russian accent that the short young woman had plus Agina had a beauty like no other with her bright blonde and stunning green eyes and olive skin. Benito was hooked; what he didn’t know was that Agina had pretty similar feelings towards the man as well. Agina could feel herself falling in love with his bright blue eyes and dark hair; he kind of reminded her of old blue eyes himself, Frank Sinatra. Benito finally got the courage to get to ask Agina onto a date after she came into the restaurant for the sixth time that week, Agina agreed with no looking back. Benito and Agina were married on July 15th,1959. 
Agina and Benito went on to have their first child a few months later, on May 6th, 1960. Agina and Benito both weren’t very fluid with English, so they often talked to their children in either Russian or Italian, depending on which parent they were speaking with, often relying on American music and American Television to teach their children English. All of the children quickly picked up the third language and found almost comfort in music, which led the oldest five to take up an instrument. 
Tatianna growing up was a devout catholic just like her family, they would wake up at 6 am just to make it to mass at 7 am. Tatianna would often spend her time in church making fun of her brother’s in the tuxes they would wear, but they would often make fun of the dress their sister would be forced to wear. The kid’s parents would often slap them behind the head to make them stop talking. As Tatianna became more involved in church life, the woman began singing for the choir. She would often be given the parts, where she was hitting high notes and long notes. The young girl was 15 when a record executive saw her singing in the choir and asked her parents if she could join the small girl group he wanted to create, the parents knew that their daughter wanted to be a singer, so they quickly agreed. 
May, 1985
Tatianna was moved to Los Angeles, California. When she was 17 after her parents gave her older brother Illya temporary custody of the young woman, Tatianna wasn’t really into the music, the girl group which now went by the name “through thick and thin”  she hated it. They were a typical pop group whose songs were written by other people and had no real heart behind them. Tatianna would often tell her brother about it, but she didn’t want to bother him too much, so she would often keep it inside her. 
Tatianna was sitting in the studio as the girls were recording their new album. She was getting sick of listening to this girl Ashley sing the same line repeatedly because she was often flat with her delivery of the line. “I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back in like an hour,” the producer just nodded as the woman grabbed a pack of cigarettes and left. She was walking around sunset blvd; she was like a kid in a candy store. The woman loved all of the stories coming out of this strip, and the bands that played here we what she wanted to be, Tatianna shook her head as she lit another cigarette standing across the street from the famous Troubadour. 
Tatianna remembered reading a magazine a few years back where the Rolling Stones called in one of the world’s best rock clubs; she was taken out of her thoughts by something hitting her. The woman gasped as she felt the front of her being covered in liquid “what the fuck” the woman’s thick New York accent mixed heavily with a Russian one, especially when she was angry. “I’m so sorry,” an English accent spoke before Tatianna sighed a little as she helped the young boy up “it’s fine, I guess I was to blame too. I wasn’t paying attention” the boy nodded as he said “where are you from because that doesn’t sound like anything I’ve ever heard” the woman just smiled as she spoke, “I’m from Brooklyn, but my mother is from Russia, so it comes out more when I am yelling I am Tatianna by the way.” 
The boy nodded as she finished, “Oh, sorry. I’m Harry” The woman just smiled a little curly-haired boy in front of her as she laughed a little “well, Harry, I wish I could say it was nice to meet you. Still, you kinda ruined my shirt” Harry laughed a little as he looked down at the woman’s outfit, she was wearing a pair of high waisted leather pants that she paired with a crop top of the musician Elton John before Harry quickly dug into his pockets and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill. He handed it to the woman. “Here that should replace it,” the woman shook her hand as she pushed his hand backNo,o. you are a baby, keep your money. I’ll just make my brother give me his” Harry raised an eyebrow as he quickly came back with, “I’m not a baby. I am fifteen.” 
Tatianna laughed as she smiled “you are a baby. I have a little brother just your age.” the man shook his head as he said, “I’m not arguing this. You are wrong” Harry said stubbornly before Tatianna just laughed “here how about this I have to go back to the studio to record some stupid ass songs that I can’t stand why don’t you pay me back by keeping me company because my brother even bailed on me today.” 
Harry smiled as he nodded ‘Just let me call my mom and tell her” as soon as the word’s left his mouth, Tatianna laughed “see a baby” Harry looked down as he shouted “okay you win that” Tatianna laughed as she lit another cigarette and motioned with her head “come on little boy” Harry just laughed as the walked back to the studio, Harry asked about Tatianna’s large family and Tatianna asked about Harry’s career.
When they finally arrived at the studio, they walked into a shit show to say the less, Ashley was screaming in the face of the other bandmate Aquanette, better known as Aqua to everyone she cared for. Tatianna was about to leave when she heard Ashley say “I am the only talent in the band, I am stuck with Jungle bunny and a Nazi oh wait I’m sorry she’s also a Guido” The thick southern accent of the woman finished as Tatianna finally pushed Ashley back out of Aqua’s face “you better back the fuck up before you end up on the floor” Ashley quickly got into Tatianna’s face “Suka, luchshe vernis', prezhde chem ya pozvonyu dyade.” 
(Bitch better back up before I call my uncle.)
The woman spoke between her teeth as Ashley said, “Hitler needs to calm down” Tatianna rolled her eyes as she said, “I’m Russian, you dumb cunt. I helped stop Hitler, you dumbass hick” Tatianna stayed in the face of the woman as she felt a familiar hand grab her elbow as Harry almost looked scared “Why don’t we leave.” the thick English accent spoke as Tatianna nodded before she left the woman quickly punched the other woman in the face as she grabbed her purse and her leather jacket. Harry smiled sweetly at the woman as they left the building Tatianna grabbed another cigarette lighting it and taking a deep drag as she closed her eyes “That was pretty cool, I wasn’t expecting that left hook” the woman laughed shaking her head “I have four older brothers I need a good left hook to survive” Harry laughed as looked over at her just smiling as he did so. 
Tatianna was about to make a joke before she heard her brother Ilya deep voice yell, “what the fuck. I left you alone for a day, and you hit one of them” Tatianna’s New York accent came out as she said, “Fuck You! That racist ass bitch got what was coming. She called me a nazi, but that’s not why I punched her. She called Aqua a jungle bunny” Ilya just shook his head. “Uncle John would be proud” Tianna shook her head before pointing at Harry “this is my friend. He spilled coffee on my shirt, but he’s still my friend,” she joked. The curly-haired boy next to her laughed a little and stuck out his hand “Harry Styles it’s nice to meet you” the man said, Ilya stuck out his hand and shook the other man’s hand “so where to next?” 
Tatianna smiled as she said, “let’s get curly over here a fake ID, and let’s go see this new band Guns n roses” Harry smiled before saying, “you can do that?” Tatianna nodded as she smiled “Oh, you poor sheltered boy. Yes, we can do that” Harry nodded as he smiled “yeah let’s do that” Ilya smiled as he said “let’s go find a payphone and get you an ID” The three made their way to the apartment that the studio pays for after getting the face of ID for Harry. They wait a few hours before leaving for the Troubadour. 
Once they arrived, Tatianna felt an arm wrap around her waist before she had time to react. “I knew you would come,” Tatianna squealed as she turned around and hugged the man tightly. “Axl!” the older man laughed as he hugged her back, rubbing her back. “Oh let me see what you are wearing” the man joked as he pulled away as the woman did a little turn, he looked her up and down seeing that she changed into a high waisted black skirt, that she pulled up too much to make it into a mini skirt. She paired it a white crop top with the logo from the band Guns n roses “I know my boobs aren’t that impressive, but hey once I get the money they will be done” Axl laughed as he smiled “you look gorgeous” the man hugged her again and kissed her cheek as he squeezed her ass which made her gasp as she laughed. 
Harry saw the situation and couldn’t help but get a little jealous of the situation; the man didn’t want to admit it because he barely knew the girl, but he couldn’t help himself. The young boy walked away from the two very familiar friends and went over to the bar and handed the bartender his fake ID and ordered a random drink; the man was on his second drink before Tatianna saw him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder’s “Hey there you are baby. I thought a lost you” Harry smiled as he looked down, “yeah, I felt awkward.” 
Tatianna smiled as she ordered herself a drink before she said, “Oh, honey. That’s a good friend of mine. I met him while I was trying to sneak into a concert. If I’m honest, he took my virginity but don’t tell my mom” Harry looked over at the woman as he nodded “My mom made a tent in the back yard and gave me condoms” he joked looking at her as Tatianna smiled before pouting “You aren’t a virgin? Damn, I wanted to take it” the woman joked as she winked at the man finishing her drink before she ordered another one “I haven’t been a virgin since I was four” Tatianna looked at him confused “what?” 
Harry looked down as he said, “my first sexual experience was when he was aged four. Living in Venezuela with his peripatetic family – who were subscribed to the Children of God kids were coerced into performing sexual acts with parents and other children. But I’ve blocked it out. I was completely celibate from ten to 14. I haven’t really had sex with many people. So, I decided to lose my ‘second virginity,’ you know, because he lost my first when I was four. So, I decided to drop it to this older girl I knew, and strangely enough, I asked my parents for permission. Instead of just saying yes, my parents put a tent in the backyard for me to get it on in, and they ‘decorated it to enhance the mood.” Tatianna just looked at him, shocked. 
Tatianna went to speak, but Ilya said, “Hey, take this. I’m going to this girl’s place. Tell Axl to take you home after” Tatianna took the vile from the man and nodded as she turned back to Harry. “Listen, that’s fucked up. I thought the catholic religion was bad, but wow. I’m sorry that happened” Harry shook his head, “what’s in the vile?” Tatianna shook her head “nothing you need to get your hands on, let’s enjoy the show” Tatianna ordered a couple more drinks as she smiled “come on” the woman pulled him into the crowd as she got closer to the stage, she felt Harry be pressed up against her. The woman smiled as she reached behind and pulled him closer, keeping his arm wrapped around her waist as they looked up at stage “see, I can protect you.” 
Harry smiled at his hand around the woman’s waist before looking up as he smiled gently, the woman finished into her drink as she placed it on the floor and leaned down putting the vile her brother gave her into her nose and took a deep breath in snorting a small amount of the powder into her nose. She threw her head back before running her finger over her teeth. “Fuck” Harry was confused, but he didn’t question it too much, they enjoyed themselves during the concert quickly leaving afterward. Harry was drunk, but Tatianna was utterly shit faced, she was high as well as drunk. 
When the two teenagers arrived back at her apartment, Tatianna grabbed Harry’s shirt, “Nope. You are staying with me. I’m not letting mommy yell at me because her baby is drunk” Harry laughed as he followed her up to the apartment, as soon as she was in her own house she quickly pulled off her shirt “Thank god” she said as Harry smiled at the woman “I’ll sleep on the couch, get some rest” Tatianna shook her head “you’ve been dancing with me all night and feeling up on me too. You can sleep with me” Harry nodded as he followed her into the bedroom. “If you are more comfortable,” Tatianna admitted as Harry smiled “No. I’m excellent.” 
The duo fell asleep shortly after; they were cuddled up when they woke up the next morning Tatianna just smiled at Harry cuddled up to her as she slowly sat up and stretched her back out. The woman looked down and took a deep breath as she saw herself in her PJs, “thank god,” she whispered as Harry spoke, “don’t seem so disappointed” Tatianna laughed as she said, “Maybe when you are older Harry.” 
The two friends remained close ever since then, they would always hang out, and when they couldn’t, they would call the other on the home phone in their house. Tatianna just looked at Harry as a friend, but it was evident that Harry felt different, the man would always find a reason to compliment Tatianna or tell her that she was the most talented girl in the world. Tatianna would always tell him that he was good for her ego, but she never really let him take it farther than that. 
June 1985
Tatianna was shocked when Harry invited her to the set of Stand By me; she was also completely taken back when she saw her curly-haired boy with a clean-shaven head, it took the woman a few minutes to even recognize the boy she cared about so much. The woman couldn’t believe that he cut his hair, she already missed the curls of the man, she just shook her head at the shock “Hey beautiful boy” was all she said as he hugged her “Hey Titi” the woman smiled at the nickname her family gave her “come on show me around please.” the man nodded as he took her hand and led her into the closed set. 
Tatianna gripped Harry’s hand as she felt eyes staring at her, the woman tried to calm herself down by telling herself that they were just trying to figure out who the woman. Tatianna kept telling herself until she heard a female voice said, “That’s the girl who attacked her bandmate” Tatianna just looked down, trying not to cry as she gripped Harry’s hand tighter “Harry, I should go” was all she whispered. Still, he turned back “Hey, you just got here” Tatianna just shook her head as whispered “Harry, these people hate me because of what happened with Ashley” Harry just hugged the woman tightly as he ran his hand down her back “come on, let’s go to my trailer” the woman wiped her eyes as Harry led her back to his trailer. 
As soon as the door closed in the trailer, the woman broke down. Tatianna felt like she couldn’t stop the tears as she tried to catch her breath, she wasn’t one to cry about some words that were said about her but more than anything the situation frustrated her which caused the tears to fall. Harry was quick to be by her side as she put her face in his lap, he rubbed her back and ran his fingers through her dark locks as he whispered “You did the right thing with Ashley” The woman shook her head as she sat up “clearly I didn’t I’m being called unprofessional and reckless. She called Aqua, a jungle monkey. I mean, yes, it could’ve been worst, but it’s still racist as fuck” Harry nodded as the woman spoke through her tears.
“I know that beautiful girl; you did what any good human would’ve done” Tatianna looked up at the man, as he wiped her tears away “I will protect you from them, please stay” Tatianna nodded as Harry placed his hand on her cheek, she relaxed into his palm as she closed her eyes “Thank you sweet boy” Harry smiled as he leaned forward and kissed the woman’s forehead. Tatianna stood up, and Harry wasn’t far behind her as she grabbed his hand “Ashley is a stupid whore” Harry shook his head as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I’ll always have my girl’s back,” Tatianna laughed as she wrapped her arm around his waist “I’ll be your girl when you can grow a beard” “shit” The duo laughed. 
Tatianna was sitting in Harry’s chair as they went through the scene they were filming, Tatianna closed her eyes as she listened to the various lines that Harry was speaking. Harry’s English accent was completely gone and replaced with an American one; this caused Tatianna to open her eyes and watch the man in front of the camera. He grabbed her attention; he almost demanded her attention much different from his shy self that Tatianna loved so much. When the director called cut, the woman shook her head as he smiled at her boy, walking towards her. 
“What did you think?” Tatianna couldn’t help but smile as she spoke, “You were beyond amazing already. I can’t wait to see it completely.” the woman went to talk as she heard someone fake cough as they said “Whore” Tatianna to roll her eyes as she turned around looking at the woman who just fake coughed, Tatianna just smirked as she fake coughed as well “Cunt” the woman cleared her throat as she spoke “Sorry I had something in my throat before I called you a cunt” Harry tried not to laugh as she took her hand walking away from the pathetic woman. 
Harry and Tatianna finally finished at the studio that day, as they were leaving Tatianna made sure to flip the woman off once more as she wrapped her arm tightly around Harry’s waist. When the inseparable duo finally made their way outside, the woman let go of Harry’s waist as she ran her hand over his short hair “please tell me it’s a joke” Harry laughed as he shook his head “Sorry beautiful, it’s all real, but my hair grows back super quick, so I’m not worried.” Tatianna, as she smiled, “well, if anyone can pull it off, it’s you.” Harry smiled as he said, “and you said that I’m good for your ego” Harry laughed as Tatianna smiled as she looked over at him and smiled, “what to go out again?” Harry smiled as he looked down at his wallet to make sure he had this fake ID “Sure. if they will still take this” 
Tatianna couldn't help but smile “okay, I’ll meet you at the whiskey in like two hours” Harry nodded as he kissed her cheek as Tatianna just smiled as he walked back into the movie studio, Harry couldn’t wait until he was done he missed hanging out with Tatianna due to both of them having such a busy schedule. Harry was finally back on the set, looking around for his co-star, finally settling on Corey Feldman. “Hey man,” the quirky kid just smiled as Harry put his hand on his shoulder. “Did you see her?” Corey laughed as he smiled at the other boy. “Yes, Harry, we all saw the brunette with blue eyes and legs that go on, and the ass that won’t quit” Harry lightly slapped the boy’s head “Shut up. I’m going to convince her to be mine today.” 
Corey laughed as he shook his head “No you aren’t she is a rock girl, she wants the sex, drugs and rock n roll. You will never be that guy. She looks at you like a little brother. If you keep on this trail, you will just make yourself sad. Why don’t you ask that one girl who keeps calling you?” Harry looked a little disappointed that Corey was more than likely right about his situation with Tatianna, but Harry nodded, “Yeah, Martha is a nice girl. I guess I should just ask her out already” Corey nodded as he placed his hand on Harry’s shoulder “Maybe one day you’ll get your rockstar girl but no way in hell you’ll be able to get her with your baby face” Harry rolled his eyes as he pushed the other boy’s hand away “Yeah Yeah Yeah I know. She’s too pretty for me.” 
Corey shook his head as he said, “quite the opposite you are both beautiful people, she is just in a different mindset. You are looking forever, which is rare in a fifteen-year-old, and she’s looking for right now and how much fun she can have.” Harry nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at Corey “I don’t know why that helped me a lot, but you did.” Corey smiled as he pointed at his head “I’m pretty smart, but I act like I’m stupid, so people don’t expect my smartness” Harry smiled sweetly at the other kid “You are beyond smart. You should show it more often.” 
Harry went over to The Whiskey A GO GO as he planned with Tatianna a few hours earlier, the man looked around trying to find his friend. When he finally saw his friend she was on the dance floor with a guy dancing behind her, the woman was wearing a pink bra that made her boobs look amazing. She paired it with a black fishnet crop top, the woman’s slim stomach was out, she had a white pair of shorts and a black pair of boots. He could see her long socks, poking out the boots. Harry couldn’t take his eyes away from the way the woman swung her hips as she moved them against the man’s groin, Harry saw the man’s arms wrap around Tatianna’s stomach and the other around her neck pushing her closer to him. 
Harry looked at the two on the dance floor recognizing the tattoo on the man’s arm; Harry knew it was Axl Rose. The young man just sighed as he went to leave; he couldn’t deal with it. He knew that he just had what people would call a schoolboy crush on Tatianna, but he felt like it was more than that, it had only been two months, but he knew that he wanted her. He wanted all of her. He wanted the woman who stood up when others were scared too; he wanted the woman who demanded anyone’s attention and often would never let another person interrupt her. Harry finally walked out of the bar with tears in his eyes, maybe Corey was right. Perhaps he should call Martha. 
July 1985
When July came around, Tatianna noticed that Harry wasn’t talking to her as much, she would often avoid her calls, and when she would show up to his house, he would make an excuse for why he was busy. Tatianna was beginning to have her feelings hurt. Still, she really couldn’t let it affect her, seeing as she was leaving for a tour. The woman would begin a year-long tour around America, and it would start in Alabama of all places or as Tatianna’s brother so nicely put it, cousin fucker state. Tatianna was leaving the next day making sure she said goodbye to Axl and the few friends she made from knowing Axl, the woman was going to force Harry to at least spend an hour with her if anything just to say goodbye. 
Ilya told her this plan was stupid, but she did it anyway; Tatianna decided that she was going to get all dressed up, and maybe that would convince Harry well at least his teenage boy hormones to want to hang out with her. Tatianna found a tight pair of white jeans that hugged her body in every perfect way it could; she went with a long cut tank top that she stuffed into the pants. Tatianna did her makeup just like she did the night. Harry told her that she had the most beautiful eyes making sure to make them pop more. Once she finished with her hair, she left for Harry’s house he shared with his family. Tatianna knocked as Harry opened the door the younger man looked almost nervous. 
Tatianna raised an eyebrow as she said, “Hey, love, I’m leaving tomorrow. I was kinda hoping we could hang out?” Harry looked back behind the half-opened door. “Umm. Tatianna now is not a good time” the woman tried to cover the hurt in her eyes as much as she could when she heard Harry say her full name “Oh, um sorry. I guess I’ll see you next year,” the woman said, smiling as best as she could. When she went  to walk away, she heard a very unfamiliar female voice said “Harry, where did I leave my shirt” this caused the woman to turn around as a young blonde walked out of Harry’s house and said, “Okay, I’ll see you sometime tomorrow.”
 The young girl who looked to be just about Harry’s age walked back Tatianna not giving her a second glance, the older of the three people just laughed “that’s why you have been busy?” the New York accent running through Harry’s ears as he tried to cover his embarrassment “My goodness! I thought you hated me! You never came to the whiskey that night, so I thought people convinced you that they were right about me. Harry, you can tell me you have a girlfriend.” Harry smiled as Tatianna found the perfect excuse for him without having to admit his feelings. 
Tatianna smiled as she reached out, “can you please come to hang out with me?” Harry took the woman’s hand as he closed the door behind him, the woman smiled wide “Okay, I’ll hang out with you.” the man joked as Tatianna intertwined their fingers “come on I found this cute little restaurant” Harry raised an eyebrow “I’m Vegan Titi” the woman smiled at her nickname as she said. “I know that Harry, I made sure that you can eat” the man shook his head “No, I’m taking you somewhere to make up for me getting all weird” The woman silently agreed as they began walking in the opposite direction. 
Tatianna was honestly going to give up on this whole thing until Harry brought her to a private beach. It honestly looked like nobody was ever here. Harry broke the silence as he said, “I found this the night I stood you up at the whiskey” Tatianna shook her head “It’s all good. You stood me up, but I don’t mind. I mean, it hurt my feelings, but you were with a girl it’s fine” the young boy shook his head “No I wasn’t. I saw you dancing with Axl, and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I left” Tatianna looked at Harry, confused as she said “Yeah we were dancing? Why didn’t you come to say Hi? Axl loves you. He says you are a little brother he’s always wanted.” 
Harry rolled his eyes as he spoke, “because he was all over you, you said you lost your virginity to him so I assumed you were going to leave together why get in the way?” Tatianna did her best to find the perfect words as she said “Harry, I think Axl is a great man. He’s talented and smart but he’s not the guy I would sleep with more than once well I guess twice. He’s my best friend and we were dancing like that because these guys kept groping me” Harry looked down at the floor as she kept speaking “I was excited to spend some time with you but instead you came to a beach alone” Harry nodded as he said “I had to think about some stuff. About our friendship” 
Tatianna looked visibly hurt as she just laughed “great they got to you too” the woman said turning around shaking her head “you are big boy walk home by yourself” Harry quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him, they were face to face “let me go, Harry. I want to go home” the man shook his head “No, listen to me nobody got to me I was thinking about our friendship because it’s so much more to me Titi” Tatianna was confused until Harry leaned and kissed her softly, the woman didn’t react at first before she kissed him back. The woman felt his arms wrap around her waist, Tatianna placed her hand on his arm as she pulled away resting her forehead against Harry’s as she whispered “Harry” The boy shook his head as he whispered back “No, I don’t want to hear you are like a brother to me or that I’m too young.” 
Tatianna smiled sweetly as the boy in front of her as she whispered “How about while I’m gone you think about your feelings and when you turn 18 if they are the same we can talk about it” The boy shook his head as he said “I will always feel this way for you so what’s the point in waiting” the woman cupped his cheek as she spoke softly “so that you are completely sure and so that you don’t break that little blondes heart” Harry sighed softly as he pulled her close hugging her tightly putting his face in her neck almost inhaling her scent once more, Tatianna hugged him back tightly rubbing his back “I’m looking for forever and you are looking for fun” the woman chuckled a little as she rubbed his back once more “kinda my precious boy.” 
The woman pulled away as she said “I’ll write to you every day I’m on tour. I’m begging you please think with your heart and not your head and find what’s in there please” the girl said kissing the side of his head as she pulled away slowly and made him look at her “I love you Harry and I don’t want to lose you because my heart doesn’t feel this way for you right now” the boy nodded as she kissed his forehead “come on let me walk you home.” 
December 1985 
Tatianna wrote a letter to Harry every night just like she said she would, the women would try their hardest to avoid telling him about the various horrible things that Ashley would say about Aqua or herself. Tatianna didn’t really care about what Ashley said about her if she’s honest, she just cared that Ashley was able to say horrible and negative things about Aqua and her race because of the fact that this so-called manager agreed with Ashley’s racist ass. Tatianna made sure to always sign her letters with the quote “lots of love and always thinking of you” Harry kept every letter in a small box, they made him feel special, it made him feel even more special when he ran into Axl one night on sunset and the older man asked Harry if he had heard from Tatianna. 
It was clear that she was really only writing the letters to him, this sent his heart on fire. He knew that he didn’t need a few more years to think about whether or not Tatianna was the one for him. He knew that she was the one he was meant to be, now he just needed to convince the woman of this as well. He understood why she didn’t want to get with Harry, he was only fifteen what does he know about love but all the boy talked about Tatianna. She was all that was on his mind, she consumed most of his thoughts. She was an addiction and Harry had no plans on kickin it. 
Harry decided that he was going to tell her all of his feelings about her when she came back to Los Angeles for her next concert. He felt it was the perfect option, if she said no then he could have six months to get over the heartbreak before he would see her again. Harry made sure to get himself all dressed up for her concert, he was wearing a pair of khaki skinny jeans that he put a black shirt on but quickly covered it up with an orange sweater. Harry felt it was perfect, nothing too fancy but also something casual so she didn’t get any ideas in case he changed his mind. 
Tatianna was sitting in her dressing room, which she happily shared with Aqua. The woman was finishing her makeup as Aqua spoke “Did you hear that Ashley is trying to go solo?” Tatianna laughed as she began putting away her makeup “I would like to see that. Please don’t get my hopes up”  the other woman laughed as she looked at Tatianna “girl you need to get out of this band. You are way too talented to be here” Tatianna shook her head “No, I’m not leaving you so unless you agree I’m staying right here with you” Aqua just shook her head “when you leave I will too. I’ll work in your parent’s restaurant” 
Tatianna laughed as she lit her cigarette and took a drag before saying “I’ll hold you to that. I’ve decided if she says anything tonight she’s getting knocked out on stage” Aqua laughed as she shook her head “Please. I’m begging you to just do it at the end of the set” Tatianna smiled as the devil herself walked into the room “Michael Jackson is in the crowd tonight, you two better not try to show me up” The southern accent rang through the room “Shut up. If you speak to me again you will get fucking hit” Tatianna said standing up “Okay little boy, talk to me when you grow some boobs” Aqua quickly grabbed Tatianna as Ashley turned around and slammed the door. 
Tatianna rolled her eyes as she went to her bag and grabbed her outfit for the night, Tatianna put on a pair of high waist black spandex shorts that showed her ass perfectly. The woman put on a red button-up shirt, she tied up to show off her torso “I’m going to kill her tonight” Aqua changed into her stage outfit as Tatianna looked over at her and smiled softly “promise to leave with me” Aqua smiled as she nodded “Yes, You and me” the girl winked. Tatianna walked out of the dressing room and saw Ashley having Harry almost pinned against the wall as she was leaning into Harry. 
Tatianna quickly walked over and pulled the woman away from Harry, the woman put Harry behind her as she said “Ashley, go-to side stage now” Ashley just rolled her eyes as she looked at Harry who looked very nervous “call me” Ashley winked as Tatianna turned around looking at Harry “Are you okay?” the man nodded “Yeah, I was trying to give you these flowers and she kinda attacked me” Tatianna looked down completely heartbroken that she put him in this situation, the woman quickly hugged Harry as he hugged her back he buried his face in her neck again for the first time in a month. Tatianna pulled away as Harry handed her a bouquet of blue tulips as she smiled softly “Oh my goodness thank you.” 
Tatianna took a deep breath of flowers as she kissed Harry’s head-hugging him tightly afterward, the woman closed her eyes for a moment as she took the man’s hand leading him and Aqua towards the side stage. Tatianna pulled Harry close almost making him wrap his arm around her waist “you smell good” Tatianna smiled a little as she heard Harry’s voice next to her ear “well thank you, sweet boy.'' The woman said as she placed her hand on his arm that was wrapped around her torso, the woman handed him her flowers “Stay here and be safe” she said kissing his cheek. 
Tatianna took a breath trying to control her emotions, the woman walked on the dark stage standing where she was supposed to as she took the microphone. Tatianna closed her eyes hearing the first note of the song, the woman hated dancing but she was taught the dance moves so she did them. When Ashley finished her small number, Tatianna finally sang the words “We keep behind closed doors Every time I see you, I die a little more Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls It'll never be enough It's obvious you're meant for me Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep But I'll never show it on my face But we know this, we got a love that is homeless” Aqua and Tatianna  took over the next lines singing with perfectness. “Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that. Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours” 
Ashley looked angry as Aqua and Tatianna’s voice blended perfectly together, Tatianna wasn’t really paying attention to Ashley she was more forced on the boy on the side stage. Tatianna didn’t want to admit that the boy with a little crush on her was causing her a lot of feelings, she knew that she couldn’t be with not until he was older. When he knew that she was what he wanted, she couldn’t be the reason he didn’t find true love. 
Tatianna was taken out of her thoughts by Aqua singing her part “When you're with him, do you call his name Like you do when you're with me, does it feel the same? Would you leave if I was ready to settle down? Or would you play it safe and stay? Girl you know this, we got a love that is hopeless” 
Tatianna went to start singing as she walked to the other side of the stage, where she was tripped by Ashley. The dark haired fell and hit her face on the stage which caused her to bust open her lip, Ashley gasped trying to play the good guy. Tatianna couldn’t take it anymore; she managed to spit some of her own blood out of her mouth and quickly tackled Ashley onto the floor of the stage. Tatianna had the racist ass bitch pinned down as she threw shot after shot. The women didn’t realize what was happening until she felt familiar hands wrap around her waist and pull her off quickly, Harry lightly shoved Tatianna towards the side stage as medics rushed out to help Ashley. 
Aqua and Harry managed to get Tatianna back into her dressing room, once she was there she began to clean up her own lip “I’m fucking done! I’m going back to New York! I’m going to work in my parents restaurant for the rest of my life and if I see that bitch in New York i’m calling my uncle and I’m going to have him get that bitch” Harry looked a little confused seeing as he’s never heard the woman speak like that and he’s never heard of his restaurant. Tatianna was taken out of her screaming as her older brother walked in “Ты тупая сука. Как мы будем теперь есть?” (You stupid bitch. How are we going to eat now?) 
Tatianna looked down as she closed her eyes trying to avoid them filling with tears, the woman didn’t really even think about her brother in this situation. She was more worried about the fact this woman have the guts to trip her and bust her lip on stage, the woman looked up at her brother with tears in her eyes as she spoke back “Мы можем просто пойти домой, пожалуйста” (Can we please just go home)  
Illya went to argue but sighed softly “Yeah, give me a few minutes.” Aqua followed her brother out of the room, which left Harry and Tatianna “so you are really going back to New York” Tatianna sighed as he spoke before nodding “don’t really have a choice. I don’t have that much money, I’ll go home to my parents and forget this music dream” Harry shook his head “You can’t do that, you are beyond talented. Your voice makes me believe in angels” Tatianna shook her head as she smiled “Thank you but I can’t do this anymore, I need a break from all of this” Harry nodded as he looked down sadly. 
“I’m in love with you” was all the english accent said as Tatianna sighed softly looking down at her vanity desk “Harry, you are fifteen. You don’t know what being in love is” Harry shook his head “yes I do. I know that you are all I think about and when I see you I get this overwhelming feeling in my chest. I know that you feel something too or you would’ve told me to drop it and not wait until i’m eighteen or write only me letters” Tatianna looked up at him as she stood up and walked over to him as she took his hands “Harry, I’m your first real crush. That’s what it is. The girl you lost second virginity too was a girl that you could have sex with.” 
Tatianna kissed his hands before she said “Harry, you are the most amazing kid. Maybe later down the line it will be good for us, right now I don’t even know what is going to happen with my career or my life and how can I get into a relationship with someone who needs to learn more about himself as well as what love is? I need to focus on me. I need to fix myself. I can’t help you find you as well” The woman said as she finally met Harry’s eyes that were filled with tears. Tatianna felt like an asshole but she knew that she was right but he was also right. She did feel something but not enough to ruin what was going on for him. The older woman wrapped her arms tightly around Harry, he did what he always did when they hugged, burying his face in her neck. The two stayed for what felt like hours, in some sick way they both knew this was goodbye. 
Tatianna and her brother Illya packed up the apartment they shared, and took a bus back to New York. California was always going to be in Tatianna’s heart, it was the place she found the purest man and almost gave her heart to him. 
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jabbajambler · 4 years
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x f!OC
Word Count: 2,109
*GIF by @lyrawills​*
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         The armorer worked diligently on melting down the beskar armor, the pieces that the Mandalorians had worked their whole lives to receive. It turned to liquid like it was nothing. The stories and battles it had seen were forgotten, never to be heard of again.
         "Show me the one whose safety deemed such destruction." She inquired as she shifted her attention towards us.
         Din shuffled closer to the droid that held the child in a pack on its chest. His legs were still weak from the hit, but he was recovering faster than normal with the bacta.
         "This is the one." He said, gesturing towards the green child.
         "This is the one that you hunted, then saved?" She spoke with a joking tone.
         "Yes. The one that saved me as well."
         "From the mudhorn?" Her voice lifted with curiosity.
         He looked from me to the child then back to the armorer. "Yes."
         "It looks helpless."
         I squeezed past Din to face the armorer, standing tall despite how little I felt. "It's a bit tired right now, but it is far from helpless. It- It has the Force." I whispered the final part. Such power was a sensitive topic amongst the Mandalorians despite me having a connection with both of them.
         "Ah... So, it is like you." She directed her attention back to the melting pot of metal.
         "How do you know about that?" Din took a small step forward, his head tilted in confusion as he questioned whether everyone knew about such things.
         "The songs of eons past tell of battles between Mandalore The Great and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers... Like Myrah here."
         "Jedi..." He whispered faintly. "So they are enemies?"
         "No." She sort of chuckled and shook her head. "Their kind were enemies, but they are not."
         "What is it?" He asked about the baby.
         She neared a large cabinet, opening it with the touch of a button. "It is a foundling. By Creed, it is in your care."
         He scoffed. "You wish me to train this thing?"
         "It is too weak. It would die. Unless Myrah deems herself capable of training it, you must reunite it with its own kind."
         "This, you must determine."
         I huffed out a laugh and crossed my arms over my chest. "You expect him to go out and search the entire galaxy for another one of these things? Din can't go anywhere near them without being a threat."
         "This is the Way." She answered simply. "Isn't that a code that you once followed, Myrah Koor?"
         "Hey." Cara came towards us after exploring the small cave. "These tunnels will be lousy with Imps in a matter of minutes. We should at least discuss an escape plan."
         "If you follow the descending tunnel, it will lead you to the underground river. It flows downstream toward the lava flats."
         "I think we should go." Greef proposed.
         "I'm staying." Din stated firmly.
         My head snapped towards him, both of my hands immediately grasping his. "What are you thinking?"
         "I need to help her and I need to heal."
         "You must go." She must have been growing tired of our bickering. "A foundling is in your care. By Creed, until it is of age or reunited with its own kind, you are as its father." She paused as we looked towards the cooing baby. "This is the Way."
         She turned towards us, holding a crafted piece of metal in front of her. "You have earned your signet." With careful precision, she welded on the mudhorn symbol onto his pauldron. "You are a clan of two-" She stopped and glanced over to me. "Or three."
         "Thank you." Din's voice was sincere. "I will wear this with honor."
         A muffled explosion and smoke rose from around the corner. They were coming.
         "IG, please guard the outer hallway." The armorer demanded. "A scouting party draws near... I have one more gift for your journey. Have you trained in the Rising Phoenix?"
         Din nodded. "When I was a boy. Yes."
         "Then this will make you complete." She turned, holding a jetpack in her hands.
         "Thank you." He said again.
         I whistled and leaned against the central table. "You in a jetpack? That's sexy."
         "Myrah." Both Din and the armorer snapped, scolding me for my less than subtle words. It was like being a child all over again.
         "When you have healed," she continued, trying to move past my comment, "you will begin your drills. Until you know it, it will not listen to your commands."
         "I understand."
         Blaster fire echoed through the tunnels, followed by the bright red light of the guns. We reached for our blasters during the moment of silence that fell over, but they were lowered as soon as IG came back into our line of sight.
         "You are protected." It declared.
         "More will come. You must go."
         "Come with us." Din offered again.
         "My place is here. Restock your munitions." Din took off towards the table while she stalked towards the droid. "IG, carry this for Din Djarin until he is well enough to wear it. Now, go. Down to the river and across the plains."
          Cara, Greef, and the IG left the room while Din and I lingered a bit behind. "Be safe on your journey." She spoke to him. He said a final thank you and grabbed his blaster before following the others. "Myrah... You be careful. You know how-"
         "I know. I'll play it safe... But you have to as well." I smiled and nudged her with my elbow in a playful manner.
         "No. I wanted to check on this." She gestured towards the heavy hilt on my hip.
         I grabbed the weapon carefully, my fingers brushing over the gentle engravings and hovering over the small button. With two small clicks to the button, a light orange light grew from both ends, similar to its alternative staff form. I could feel my lips twitch into a smile just by gazing at it.
         "Do they know?"
         "Sort of. It's fine for now, though." I tucked the handle into my belt before forcing her into a quick hug. "Thank you for everything." I whispered and caught up to the group. I knew the sincerity went both ways.
         "This is the lava river." Greef pointed out as we emerged from the drab hall.
         The river was long and the heat that radiated from it brought beads of sweat to my face. I could see the steam that rose from the magma. The fiery orange flow of the river was threatening but inviting. It was beautiful and dangerous, the worst combination of them all.
         "The ferry droid is fried."
         "Yeah, but if we push the boat out, we can get it to float downstream."
         I shrugged and glanced over at Cara. "Why don't we just shoot at it?"
         "That'll never work." Greef brushed me off. "Come on." He insisted.
         "Looks old." Din seemed questionable of his idea. "Will it take the heat?"
         "You got a better idea?"
         He sighed. "Guess not."
         Greef and Din struggled against the boat, working to push it away from the dock. He kicked it in frustration, stomping away from it. I had to hide the snort that came up from their failed attempt.
         "Come on! What're you doing?" Greef groaned.
         "Let's try this." Din grabbed a long, metal pole and tried to use it to carve away at the crusted edge.
         Cara sighed and pulled her gun over her shoulder. "You guys mind getting out of the way?" They stepped back as she fired along the edge, breaking the boat away from the platform.
         As Greef and Cara loaded into the boat, I grabbed Din's arm and pulled him over. My finger landed hard against his chest plate, making a small clink as it hit.
         "Don't underestimate my ideas."
         His hand wrapped around my own, his thumb moving tenderly over my hand. "Trust me, I won't."
         "Get in, lovebirds. We don't have time to lollygag." Cara joked with a smile as she looked back at us. I laughed and hopped into the small boat with the others.
         "Watch your feet." The IG advised. "It's molten lava."
         "No kidding." Cara huffed.
         There was a soft beeping and whirring that frightened us. We all spun with blasters raised towards the sound. The ferry droid pulled itself from the cracks and stood, holding its paddle in its mechanical hands.
         "I don't suppose anybody here speaks droid?" Din asked.
         I looked to him with a blank expression and a head tilt that said 'you've got to be kidding me.' Especially when there was a droid standing right next to us. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not at this point.
         "I believe he is asking where we would like to go." IG pointed out.
         "Down river." Greef nodded. "To the lava flat."
         The droid chirped and began rowing that way. It was quite a long ride, lava rivers always seem to have a slow current. After a while, we could finally see a soft, white light at the end; the exit. We were home free.
         "That's it. We're free!" Greef cheered.
         "No." Din's voice was soft and disappointed. "No, we're not. Stormtroopers. They're flanking the mouth of the tunnel. It looks like an entire platoon. They must know we're coming."
         "Stop the boat." Cara demanded, but the droid kept rowing. "Hey, Droid, I said stop the boat. Hey! I'm talking to you. I said stop!" Her anger grew as she blasted the head of the droid off.
         Greef glanced around anxiously. "We're still moving."
         "Looks like we fight." Cara's anger softened into fear.
         "We can't fight them. We're outnumbered. By a lot." I growled.
         "Well, then what do you suggest? 'Cause I can't surrender."
         "They will not be satisfied with anything less than the child." The IG spoke up from its spot. "This is unacceptable. I will eliminate the enemy and you will escape."
         Din chuckled softly. "You don't have that kind of firepower, pal. You wouldn't even get to daylight."
         "That is not my objective." It spoke, receiving a quick turn of heads from all of us.
         "We're getting close." Cara warned. "Saddle up."
         "Cara, we can't." I hissed.
         "I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs are compromised, I must self-destruct."
         "What're you talking about?" Din spoke with a harsh whisper.
         "I am not permitted to be captured. I must be destroyed."
         Greef was growing more irritated by the second. "Are we gonna keep talking, or get out of here?"
         "I can no longer carry this for you." The droid spoke and rested the jetpack down on the boat. "Nor can I watch over the child." It passed the packed away child to Din, setting him in his arms.
         "Wait. You can't self-destruct. Your base command is to watch the child.  That supersedes your manufacturer's protocol, right?" He paused. "Right?"
         "This is correct."
         "Good. Now, grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out." He demanded.
         "Victory through combat is impossible. We will be captured. The child will be lost. Sadly, there is no scenario where the child is saved, in which I survive."
         Din's tone softened. "Listen, you're not going anywhere. We need you. Let's just come up with a-"
         "Please tell me the child will be safe in your care. If you do so, I can default to my secondary command."
         "But you'll be destroyed."
         "And you will live, and I will have served my purpose."
         "No. We need you." Din spoke in a saddened, pained whisper.
         "There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive."
         "I'm not...sad."
         "Yes you are. I'm a nurse droid. I've analyzed your voice."
         It gently pet the child's ear and stepped into the burning lava. It marched through faster than the boat was moving, reaching the exit to the tunnel where the stormtroopers gathered.
         Din grasped my hand tightly, threading his fingers between mine and squeezing it as though it would be the last time.
         "It's going to be alright. IG is giving us a chance to escape." I mumbled and raised our joined hands to my lips, placing a soft kiss against the leather.
         "I know."
         We could faintly hear the droid's final words before he self-destructed. Din's grip tightened as the light reflected off his helm. Without speaking a single word, I knew what he was thinking.
         IG's sacrifice would not be in vain.
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griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
This is my response to the @hoodpane Drabble challenge. It’s dialogue is “I’ve got you. Everything will be okay, just hold my hand.” It’s ship is my OC Phoenix, who you can look up on my blog as I have a snip introducing him with a tailored aesthetic for him from the talented @hereliesdeedee.
~ As a warning: This will have some mentions of past emotional and mental abusive behavior and violent reactions towards the perpetrator from the victim. Also contains cuddles fluff and comfort.  
Phoenix felt’s trapped and like he couldn’t breathe. No matter where he went Arie was there. Phoenix couldn’t seem to escape his presence and it was wearing on him. The only place he could go if he wished to hide was his room. Even then it was only ever a brief respite as he still had to eventually leave for class, training, or to eat and spend time with Ben. All the walls felt as if they were getting closer and closer. Water suddenly closing in and drowning him as he couldn’t push back and swim up held tight in the dark deep. 
Sleep was rare these days, his dreams were always a nightmare of old poisonous words and demands that he be a good boy and keep his head down with his mouth shut unless spoken to. Every night he sees how all the others he knew look away and sneer when they see him or joke on how he’d just do as they please. He doesn’t eat. He didn’t eat much to begin with given he was immortal but even they would eat, but now his appetite was gone. He couldn’t put up the front to seem less abnormal to the other students. 
He was scared to be around his friends worried Arie may seek them out just to hurt him by using them. Either by distancing him from them or by turning them against him or even hurting them in some way. He couldn’t deal with the stress without just spending his free time exhausting his powers. So though the flora on and around the campus was looking more astounding than ever before he was struggling to contain his urge to scream and lash out like a cornered animal. 
“Phoenix, can we talk?” Ben asks as Phoenix is tending to some of the royal garden. Phoenix had frozen, and looked away from some white roses he was coaxing to grow up a lattice. He nods smiling though can feel how brittle it must look. He stays silent unable to say anything seeing how worried Ben looks. His behavior had shifted so totally it must be strange, or at least worrying for Ben. He was too kind and soft. He was most likely worried he’d done something wrong. He had to convince Ben he was fine; that nothing was wrong.
They walked back towards the dorms and Phoenix pales as they enter the courtyard and go towards a table of the whole group. Mal’s crew and Uma’s were there, he had forgotten to pay attention to them for too long hadn’t he, he has completely destroyed any chance of not involving these other kids in his own issues he felt the walls tighten and locked up. He can’t move forward, but running away would have Mal chasing him down. He meets Ben’s eyes when those warm hazel pools seek out his. Ben offers his hand and smiles. Phoenix hesitates his throat silent no words escaping he tries to speak but the vice around his neck is strangling him. 
“Phoenix!” Mal calls waving him over and the others are calling now and waving smiling or grinning depending on who they are and Phoenix bows his head and feels himself start to shake. He can’t face them and admit he is terrified of someone he could wipe away like dust. It wouldn’t make sense; it doesn’t make sense. He sees the gravel path blur as tears start to cloud his vision and fall.
“Phoenix, love, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Ben sounds scared and Phoenix looks up with wide eyes realizing he’s starting to break down and the instinct to run and hide hits him like he’s run into a mountain but he’s frozen by the look on Ben’s face. It’s pleading and worried. 
“I... No.” He answers unable to elaborate he shakes his head trying to breathe. Ben isn’t sure what’s happening but Carlos and Harry can both see the panic attack Phoenix is spiraling towards like a train without breaks. Harry is up and walking without a thought.
“Lad, ye want this to happin’ elsewhere?” He asks stopping next to Ben and Phoenix takes a deep breath and thinks on it he nods trying to keep his breathing calm. Harry looks at Ben.
“Mayhap we should move this t’ yer room lad. Tis, the biggest aft’r all.” Harry says waving with his hook as he pivots to share the change in plan. Ben wraps an arm around Phoenix who curls his arms around his chest and keeps his eyes down as they walk away towards the dorms. 
Phoenix tries listens to Ben as the other starts to talk but he can’t manage to actually hear what the other is saying he’s too focused on maintaining the barest hint that he was okay. They enter Ben’s room and Phoenix finally looks up becuase Ben gently lifts his face enough they can look at each other. 
“Phoenix, please, talk to me.” He says gently and that’s when it cracks finally letting the water start to leak out of the walls.
“I feel like I’m drowning.” He says it’s the only thing he can say that’ll make sense. Not that Ben knows he’d nearly drowned once and without Triton he’d have been the closest to death a God could be unless killed by the right means. It had been terrifying and he’d had no control and had only ever felt this way twice and now he was facing the only single person to place him in such a predicament. Ben looks at him and his expression bleeds concern and worry. He hugs Phoenix lightly worried he might crowd the immortal. Phoenix just lets his head drop to his boyfriend’s shoulder. 
He doesn’t know what to do to cope anymore. He’s scared to even speak now, he feels like he’s only a second away from crying and collapsing. He moves his arms pulling Ben close as he hides in the other’s neck a soft sob cuing the dam shattering. Ben tightened the hug as he heard it. eyes widening as Phoenix shakes and he can feel the tears against his neck and he moves a hand up to rub at the back of Phoenix’s neck while he rubs his back and waits it out whispering to Phoenix that it was going to be okay. They were going to help. They were here for him.
“Okay everyone’s here... Oh no, Phoenix, what’s wrong?” Evie is instantly by him her hand Joining Ben’s in petting his back. Phoenix lifts his head and forces his breathing under control old habits kicking into play hard.
“I... I’m fine.” He lies and looks away trying to force something close to normal. Uma isn’t going to have it.
“Sit down, and tell us who needs to die.” Phoenix can’t help but start laughing and he pulls away from Ben. He covers his face as he sits down and tries to sort out the chaos he’s feeling. Harry leans on the wall next to where Phoenix was sitting on a couch and Ben perched next him as everyone finds spots to be in the room. Phoenix is back to shaking and struggles to try and stop. Ben holds out his hand again. Phoenix stares a moment then slowly straightens up and laced their fingers holding Ben’s hand tight as he looks at everyone and has to look down. Some look impatient but he can see genuine worry there all the same.
“I’ve got you. Everything will be okay, just hold my hand.” Ben says and Phoenix can believe he means it. He takes a deep breath before letting it out slow as he starts to explain as he keeps his eyes down. He and Arie dated in the past. Arie was extremely abusive both mentality and emotionally and Phoenix knows the bastard would be petty enough to try and get back at him for dumping him. The group listens as he explains and he feels less like he’s packed into a water tank.
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
the next chapter
No, I don’t have a name for this chapter. Yes, this is a wedding. Yes, this kind of serves as an “epilogue” to 09/01/1998. If you haven’t read those yet, please do so before reading this!
This wedding occurred on 09/03/1998, two days after the events of the last story.
Part 1 || Part 2
“Just one last touch of glitter over here,” Chiara murmured, waving the can of hairspray once more over Clara’s hair as Badeea and Tulip secured the bun on the top of her head. “And done!”
The three girls stepped back to admire the bride in the mirror, and it was a sight to behold. Donned in a red dress that embraced both vintage and oriental styles, corset shimmering like a ruby and skirt wrapped in silk and layers of tulle, she looked like a phoenix rising through a furious flame, a crimson rose fresh in full bloom--a beauty descended from the early sunrise. Her glasses were removed for the special occasion; she wore her contact lenses from her days at the Task Force in their place. Dark grey eye shadow with red and gold accents highlighted her brown eyes, and with a hint of crimson blush and a coat of magenta lipstick, what once was a warrior was turned into an elegant princess.
“Andre did a brilliant job with the dress,” Tulip said in awe. “I mean, he did a brilliant job with everyone’s clothes--and in such a short span of time, too!”
“And the choice of makeup he put on you as well--it looks stunning!” Badeea added with a nod. “Then again, he was the Style Wizard of Hogwarts. He could use his trendsetting talents anywhere.”
“I’m so lucky to be a bridesmaid for this wedding, at least,” Chiara remarked, twirling around slowly to admire the cream-coloured full-length dress Andre made for all the girls. “I never thought that I’d see the day when my closest friend ties the knot with her loved one.”
“Hey, we’re all here together, and that’s what matters!” Tulip reassured her with a huge smile. “And I’m laying off the pranks today, too. I promise I took off Dennis’ Dungbomb for the occasion.”
“Careful we don’t ruin the flower crowns little Em made for us,” Badeea warned, straightening the wreaths of daisies and sunflowers on their heads and fixing her own as well over her hijab. “Here’s hoping the others get the wedding pavilion set up on time.”
Just then, in came little Em with several bouquets of fresh flowers in hand--and she, too, was wearing a cream-coloured dress, the hem already beginning to gather grass and dirt stains from working in the garden.
“Everything’s just about set,” little Em announced with a broad grin as she handed the bunches to the girls in the changing tent. “The boys did a great job with the marquee--I had dad bring in some bamboo shoots for the pedestal for the minister, and the whole place is decorated with flowers and branches from the Wiggentrees. The Bowtruckles weren’t too happy about that, so I had to bribe them with a bunch of woodlice so they wouldn’t disturb the wedding. And everyone’s in their seats as well--they’re all waiting for you.”
“Is dad coming by as well?” Clara asked, turning around from the mirror.
“Yup--both mum and dad just arrived not too long ago,” little Em confirmed. “Dad said he had to make sure the Screechsnaps and the Fanged Geraniums had enough dragon dung to keep them satiated. And the Bouncing Bulbs he recently potted were a rather exciting bunch.”
“Ah, I remember those days in the greenhouses,” Chiara reminisced with a laugh. “Well, at least your parents are here, Clara.”
“And another man named Cecil Lee has come around too. He introduced himself as Barnaby’s uncle,” little Em added. “I’m actually kind of glad Barnaby has some decent family.”
“Indeed.” Clara nodded, marvelling at how smart the response sounded--maybe Barnaby was right after all. Everything did sound more intelligent with the word “indeed”.
Tulip then turned to Clara and gave her a hug. “We’ll be outside waiting for you, alright?”
“Can’t wait.” Clara nodded as she hugged Tulip back, and the three girls exited the changing tent. Little Em then walked over to Clara and looked at their reflections in the mirror, a frown settling over her face as she twirled the bouquet in her hands.
“So...how are you feeling?” little Em finally asked her sister. “You know, since the bonfire and all. I know you’ve been trying to keep busy with the wedding plans, but…”
She trailed off, unsure of how she could phrase the question without coming off insensitive.
“I still miss them,” Clara admitted with a wistful sigh. “There’s never a day when I don’t think about them, and even now with the ritual done I still think about them. But I know they’re happy. They lived a fulfilling life, each and every one. And we honoured them well with the lanterns and everything--I know that they’ll always be watching us from afar now.”
“Even if you didn’t like them at the start?” little Em inquired now.
“Merula...Merula I can forgive,” Clara reassured her with a laugh. “Besides, she died defying her parents in the war. I call that seriously brave. Reckless, maybe, but brave. And Talbott at least managed to take down the murderer who took his parents’ lives in cold blood. Ben...he took down so many Death Eaters on his own, too. Tonks even went to the battle to support her husband. So many things we do out of love, even if...some of us didn’t know it.”
“At least what you did, you did out of love, too.” Little Em smiled and squeezed Clara’s hand. “Just like you’ve always done, what with the danger of the Cursed Vaults and Rakepick and R and the Japanese dark forces. You have so much love in your heart, and I’m sure everyone else you know knows it too. Never forget that as you walk down the aisle and seal your union with Barnaby. What you do, and all that you do, you do out of love.”
For a moment, Clara nodded, her face pensive as she let the words sink in. Then she smirked playfully at her sister. “Remind me to give you the same lecture when you get married to Diego.”
“Oi! I don’t like him like that!” little Em protested now, scrunching her nose in disbelief. “We only kissed once before the battle but that’s it!”
“It’s still something!” Clara remarked. “Alright, fine, I’ll stop teasing if it makes you feel better.”
“Clara? Little Em? You in there?”
Jacob finally arrived into the changing tent, accompanied by their father wearing a matching black tux with his eldest son.
“It’s time, isn’t it?” little Em asked.
“Everything is in order, and the minister has arrived,” Jacob said with a nod. “It’s time.”
Clara’s father, Sueh-Yen, gave her eldest daughter a quick glance-over and smiled, the edges bringing up the wrinkles near his eyes. “You look wonderful, little star--so grown up.”
“I’ll always be your little girl, dad,” Clara reassured him. “Now come on. We can’t keep everyone waiting.”
And with a chuckle, she took her father’s arm and walked out of the tent, Jacob and little Em following close behind.
“Nervous, Barnaby?”
Charlie glanced over at the groom with a worried look in his eyes, reaching over to help him straighten the gold dragon lapel in Barnaby’s dark green suit.
“Very,” Barnaby nodded. “I just hope that this wasn’t a mistake. It’s been almost 5 years since we got engaged, and now...I can’t believe this is happening.”
“You don’t need me to pinch you to know it’s real, Barnaby. And besides, I’m sure Clara would love this more than anything,” Charlie said with a gentle pat on his shoulder. “Your love withstood almost three years across the globe. If that doesn’t say something, I don’t know what does.”
“I guess you’re right.” Barnaby exhaled and nodded at his best friend. “Thanks for being my best man, by the way. I really owe it to you.”
“Of course.” Charlie smiled and nodded at Barnaby’s confidence.
From the other side of the altar, Penny smiled at the two--she was Clara’s maid of honour, after all, ensuring that all the other bridesmaids were in line. “Barnaby, you and Clara have always been the cutest couple at school, and you’ve been together through so much. I can see there’s nothing you won’t do for each other. Just hold on to that for all that life is worth.”
“Shh!” Jae whispered now. “Here she comes!”
Everyone turned around now to see Clara enter the wedding marquee with her father, taking careful steps as Badeea conducted a small group of girls in a wedding chorus. Her eyes immediately locked on Barnaby at the end of the aisle, and it took everything in her not to run towards him and embrace him. All the memories from their time at Hogwarts and beyond flooded her mind, and in that very moment she had never felt more love for this man than she ever had. They withstood so much together and apart, it was a miracle that at the end of the day they haven’t cracked from all the pressure.
Jacob and Em eventually took their seats with their mother, and once Clara reached the altar, her father passed her off with a teary smile. She then passed the bouquet to Penny and took Barnaby’s hands, facing her soon-to-be husband with a small smile of her own. Perhaps it was the fact that she had her glasses off for the occasion, or that she was so close to crying again, because then Barnaby lifted a hand and gently touched her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her face.
“My star,” he managed to whisper, emerald eyes gleaming with happiness and love as he looked at her.
Clara couldn’t help but grin at the compliment, heat blooming in her cheeks like they always had with every compliment. “My hero,” she whispered back.
Soon, the chorus ended, the entire vicinity fell quiet, and the minister officiating the wedding at the altar cleared his throat. Clara couldn’t help but notice that it was the same man who spoke at Dumbledore’s funeral--the only time she had returned to the UK in her time at the Chinese Wizarding Task Force.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered today to celebrate the union of two very faithful souls…” the wizard commenced, nodding at Clara and Barnaby whose smiles were so wide they felt they could literally radiate with light.
How quickly time had flown, Clara thought, leaning against Barnaby’s hand still against her cheek. The intolerance she once felt for him had long since dissipated when he jumped in front of her to block her from Ismelda’s curse...and now here they stood, clad in not only glamour but in warmth and love. She felt Barnaby’s thumb rub over her knuckles, and she squeezed his hand in response.
All they had lived for came down to this very moment now.
“Do you, Barnaby Lee, take this woman, Clara Xing-Hui Lin, to be your wife for as long as you both shall live?” the wizard finally asked Barnaby.
“I do,” Barnaby responded almost immediately, a gentle smile on his face as he faced his wife-to-be.
“And do you, Clara Xing-Hui Lin, take this man--”
“Yes!” Clara blurted out before the minister could finish. “Um, I mean, I do, yes, sorry--”
Barnaby only chuckled and leaned forward, their foreheads touching. The simple gesture was enough to calm her, and she quietly breathed out a sigh of relief, her face relaxing in a smile.
“Then I declare you both bonded for life.”
The minister clapped his hands and raised his wand--a shower of silver stars descended upon the couple still holding hands. Barnaby gently locked his fingers under Clara’s chin, and pulled her into a kiss, the moment so warm and sweet it felt like they were suspended in time.
And soon the reception went underway as family and friends both greeted the new couple and wished them well. Food and drink were served, the Weird Sisters struck up a tune, and everyone danced the night away.
As the night slowly wound down from the whirlwind that preceded it, Clara couldn’t help but let out a tired, grateful smile. Tonight was about more than just a union--tonight was about penning the last chapter and starting a new one. Together, everyone came to terms with the losses they suffered. And together, they all came to see the new chapter unfold.
Together, they would make new marks in the enigma of time.
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lazywolfwiccan · 4 years
Tumblr media
Co-written with @thirst-n-bullshit
Tag squad @swifteforeverandalways @drspencerreidloveshalloween @baronsbelleevangeline @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness​ @the-iridescent-phoenix​ @bandomsnob​
Summary: Finn Balor didn't want to move to New York with his little sister to yet another foster home, yet at his new high school he feels drawn to resident grunge bad boy Seth Rollins and his trouble maker of a girlfriend Violet Giliath
Chapter Text
"Maybe this time will be different" Becky said, hugging closer to her older brother Finn. "You say that every time" Finn replied, though he did try and smile at her. Seventeen years of this. Moving from foster home to foster home, leaving behind friends Becky made, leaving behind a boyfriend in Texas at one point. You see, Finn and Becky were often forced to leave, whether they'd refuse to leave each other behind or Finn being blamed for stealing because he had a shoplifting strike in his records.
Life hated them.
"It will be different this time" Beth Phoenix, their long time social worker, said. "I went out of my way to find a foster family that would take both of you. Trish and Lita will be better than the last one" ---- "Did you hear? Lita and Trish are getting two more kids" Violet told her boyfriend as they sat on the roof of their apartment building
"Hope they aren't losers" Seth replied taking a swig of the beer he'd stolen from his fridge."Like your brother?" Violet quipped, taking a drag of a cigarette. "You're so mean yet so right" Seth cackled, kissing her, the scent of beer and cigarettes normal to them.
"You're still in trouble for stealing?" Violet asked. "Beyond it" Seth rolled his eyes. "I could give less of a shit, they aren't my real parents"
"What if they kick you out?"
"Please, they would never. They loooove me," Seth drawls sarcastically "They just want what's best for me" Seth mocked his adopted mother's words from that morning when he'd gotten busted stealing his phone out of her purse.
"Your such an asshole, babe" Violet laughed
"Eh you love me anyway" Seth replied kissing her again
"Guilty as charged" Violet kissed him deeply, the two quickly becoming heated, laying under the stars. --- "This place is huge!" Becky jumped out of the car and tripped, giggling. "Calm down" Finn helped her up. "Easy for you to say grandma" Becky stuck her tongue out as a beautiful blonde woman exited out of the house, looking (for a lack of another word) very motherly. "You must be Finn and Becky. I'm Trish" Becky immediately hugged her.
"Hi!" Becky said excitedly "Thank you for taking us"
"Yeah thanks," Finn muttered from beside her, still wary of yet another set of foster parents that would probably treat them like shit, no matter how nice that they seemed at first.
Trish laughed. "Not a problem" she turned to Beth and said "Lita took the boys and Sonya out to give these two some time by themselves, just so they can get adjusted"
Beth nodded, and took Finn over. "I promise this will be better. If you need anything, you have my number ok?" Finn found himself hugging Beth tightly, only letting go when Becky grabbed his hand.
"I hope neither of you two mind sharing a room?" Trish asked. "Our oldest son needs our guest room to study so you'll have to share with our other son and daughter"
Finn shook his head. "That's fair" Trish relaxed, smiling. "I always wanted a sister" Becky jumped next to him.
- The next day -
"This is the part I dont like...another new school" Becky murmured to Finn as they neared the doors of Brooklyn Academy "A private one this time" Finn whispered back
"Just stay away from Rollins, Violet and his disciples and you'll be fine" Sonya told them "See them there? Sonya pointed to a group hanging out in the quad, A boy with long, dark hair, clad in a leather jacket and skinny jeans seemed to be holding court with 2 other boy and a girl.
"Disiples? Who does he think he is?" Finn asked. "Pretentious asshole. His brothers and sisters are pretty much the only reason I go over to their place" Sonya growled.
The blonde by Rollins' side caught Finn's gaze and sarcastically blew a kiss. "Bitch" Sonya spat out before turning to Becky. "Since you're a sophomore, I can't give you a tour but my friend Bayley can"
Not even a second after Sonya said that, a young girl with a side ponytail walked up waving. Becky squeezed her brothers hand and said "Good luck"
Finn only nodded, watching Bayley hug Becky and the two run off. "She'll be fine" Sonya tried to assure him. Finn took a breath and tried to relax, being shoved out of the way by a redhead.
"Move it" he said with a thick Australian accent. "Fuck off Murphy" Sonya growled. Murphy laughed and ran off, being followed by a brunette boy who ignored them, the blonde from earlier, Violet, Finn guessed, and Rollins: who put out a cigarette on the wall.
"You're all lucky you haven't gotten expelled!" Sonya yelled, Violet flipping her off while walking away. "They're...crazy" Finn could only say. "Seth was a good guy before his ex-boyfriend cheated on him, he basically lost it" Sonya shrugged. "C'mon, Raul and Joaquin wanna give you a proper hello"
Raul Mendoza, Finn and Becky didn't get enough time to talk to him, as he'd immediately ran downstairs with a armful of heavy books. ("Honors classes" Trish explained) Joaquin Wilde on the other hand had connected with Becky, apparently sensing that Finn didn't want to talk to him ("Wants to be a dj. We told him he needed to graduate first" Trish's wife Lita had sighed)
Sure enough, Joaquin was on his laptop and Raul was taking notes. "Yo brothers" Sonya sat down. "Hey Sonya. Hey Finn" Joaquin smiled. Sonya smiled back, Finn sitting down next to her. "How long have you guys been here?" he asked. Raul held up five fingers, not even looking up.
"We'll help you" Sonya smiled. ---- "Did you see the new guy?" Violet asked Seth as they sat down to lunch
"I saw you blowing kisses at him, because of course you had to flirt" Seth responded slinging his arm across her back as they waited for Murphy and Austin
"I wasn't flirting, he was staring at us, the least I could do is make it worth it for him"
"New guy is Finn Balor," Austin says dropping into a seat at their normal table in the back corner of the cafeteria "He and his little sister are Lita and Trish's new brats"
"What do we know about him?" Violet asked
"Not much," Murphy chimed in "He's very Irish, plays football, as in soccer, and is in Honors Math and History so he's not an idiot" Violet made a face and looked at the table where Finn was sitting with Sonya. "What can we do to show him we run this piece of shit?" she muttered. "We can't do anything physical or we'll get suspended"
"Throw his shit in the trash?" Murphy said, Austin giving him a look. "What are you a ninth grader?" "Mess with his sister?" "No, we'll definitely get expelled....the best plans take the longest to figure out" Violet shrugged. "By the way, Mark and Michelle are leaving for Florida so you guys can stay at my place"
"I'm still grounded remember?" Seth snorts
"Since when do you actually listen to your parents?" Murphy
"Since they threatened to take me on vacation with them instead of leaving me home like I want, I gotta tow the line for a bit or I'm going to end up stuck sharing a room with both my brothers for a week"
"I can stay with you if you want?" Violet offered, "As much as I want that, Roman would tell them and I would be in more trouble than I already am" Violet nodded and held his hand. "If Irish doesn't stop looking" Murphy muttered, the other three turning around to see that Finn Bálor kept glancing at them, the bell signaling that lunch was over.
Murphy and Austin walked out, Seth stopping by the table Finn was sitting at. "Take a picture, it'll last longer"
Finn scowled at the other boy's remark "Who does this tosser think he is"
"Like I said after Drew McIntyre broke his heart he got mean. He used to be really sweet, the whole situation fucked with his head. Best thing to do is just stay out of his way, though it may be too late for that. You're on his radar now"
"I'll fight him" Joaquin said, Raul hitting him with a math book. "No, you won't, I am not going going to be your back up!" ---- "You don't mind walking home yourself right? Raul has a study group, Joaquin has basketball practice and I promised your sister that I'd be there for her soccer tryout, so you'll be by yourself with Lita" Sonya asked. "I'll be fine" Finn said. Sonya smiled and walked away.
"You're even more adorable up close"
Finn jumped, seeing Violet standing behind him, smoking and having a evil look in her eyes. "Don't you have a boyfriend? What are you doing chasing after me." Finn says "Hasn't he had his heart broken once already?"
"You have no idea what your talking about. Don't presume you do. Seth knows I'm his, Don't you dare compare me to McIntyre." Violet spat at him as she crushed her cigarette under a high heeled combat boot. "I would never cheat on mon petit chaton, he's my soulmate"
"Then don't bother me or my sister, I've been hell just trying to protect her from people like you, so unless you want me to break your boyfriend's nose, stay away from me" Finn growled.
Violet looked at hiim for a couple of seconds before grinning. "You do have a bite, I'll keep you in my thoughts Finn Bálor" she brushed her hair back and walked away
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chiseler · 4 years
Kazan, Covid, Etc. -- Another Amazing Letter from Composer David Amram
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Dear Daniel:
Thank for this nice message, to help fill the first day of the New Year with some POSITIVE ENERGY!
I'm so happy that you could see The Arrangement.
It was based on Elia Kazan's book of his own life story, describing  his struggles in reconciling his Old World/New World identities.
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If someone could interview me, I can rap out a whole article in 35 minutes TOPS (in sentences and paragraphs) as I have told the stories to friends numerous times since 1969  about all the adventures getting the mistrustful but GREAT traditional musicians  from Greece, Turkey, Egypt and  Morocco into the recording studio with symphony players and even having to have the musicians ask Kazan for his driver’s licence o prove it was really him since they couldn't believe he would come to the Egyptian Gardens on 8th Ave with me to hear them. And how he prepared a banquet of Middle Eastern food and bottles of Retzina wine at the recording studio before we played a note and paid them in fresh 100 dollar bills BEFORE we began recording.
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He explained to me hat he understood how they felt because as a child he had come here with his family as immigrants and remembered the mistrust that every one just off the boat felt!
I am so swamped and such a slow typist, it would take me a week to write it all up, and…. I am  swamped, working on my fourth book, a new commission and over 200 e-mails to answer and re-scheduling 20+ concerts which were postponed during to Covid
BUT….You know how much I love Chiseler and all you do so let's find a way to do it!
I can speak on my cell or on ZOOM
The past few months have been a crash course in dealing with the unknown and finding a way to survive and appreciate being alive when so many friends aren't that fortunate. Being forced off the merry-go-round makes us all think and re-think about what we are doing in our lives and why we are doing it. I have had a chance the last few months to have enough time to realize that we are all just like a group of good natured moths floating around a great outdoor lamp, hoping not  to get stuck on any nearby  flypaper as we circle about, hoping to get some of that holy light to shine on us.
i finally realized that  the only way to deal with this addiction is to develop your OWN inner light, become your own version of that  lamp yourself, and shine it on all our other fellow moths so that they can do the same for all their friends and family.
Last March,  I was really  psyched up up  to hear my latest piece Global Suite for Winds, Brass and Percussion, where its world premiere  was scheduled to take place in December of 2020 at Harvard. The university had commissioned me to compose it and had invited me to be  there for  the premiere, which was a kick=off  for a whole week-long series of events in Boston, all to celebrate my BIG 90th .
Since I couldn't even get into Harvard when I applied in 1948, it was a real thrill to be commissioned by them to compose this piece.
I was in the home stretch of completing the final movement last March (three  months ahead of my deadline for the  first rehearsal) when I heard the news that Cyrus the Virus was taking over the world and that all concerts and public events were either being cancelled or postponed for EVERYBODY!. Suddenly all 13  events scheduled to take place over the USA and overseas  celebrating my upcoming 90th were either postponed, rescheduled or were in limbo!!
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When people asked me how I felt about  that, I reminded them that when Miles Davis created his masterful 1959 album Kind of Blue, he  named one of his great songs So What.                                                                              
I also mentioned that Robert Frost said, at the end of his life that he finally understood what life was all about . He said…."In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
And as my favorite Scottish 18th Century jazz poet Robert Burns said "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry "
So we have to count and share our blessings and remember the old prayer veahavta lereacha kamocha  (from from Levitcus 19:1819:18), which tells us to love your neighbor  as you love yourself (as well as your own family and friends.).
Every major religion in the world has a form of this prayer as a fundamental for how we should behave towards  one another….. and it's FREE advice!!!!
Because this way of living has no price tag,  that doesn't mean that this advise is worthless
Like most ancient forms of wisdom which have survived for 1000s of years because they WORK, this simple prayer  is PRICELESS!!
So you don't need a badge, a secret handshake, a Guru with a limo, a psychiatrist or a dope dealer to feel good!
This prayer is the basis for what we call The Golden Rule.
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Recently I spoke to Sonny Rollins  on the phone.We have known one another since 1955 when I was playing with Mingus and are the same age. I asked him if he was o.k. up in Woodstock, since he can't play anymore and is housebound
He said he was fine, but that all of us were so fixated on the Virus that we forgot about the Golden Rule and that we should devote ourselves to following it each day as our number one priority!! "That's all I think about" he said."We are all just here for a while and then turn to dust. But the spirit lasts forever"
So we all have to all find a way to use this time in a constructive way rather than freaking out with desires of returning to the old AB-NORMAL. The rallying cry of Full Greed Ahead is now on hold, and we are all now forced to slow down a little.
In spite of all the current craziness, the new year of 2021 will be a NEW BEGINNING, just like Phoenix rising from the ashes!!
Cyrus the Virus will soon be in the same solitary basement broom closet along with our now FORMER EX=Shyster-in-Chief.
We can soon all celebrate that they can both finally be ignored as has-beens, stored in  the back of the broom closet of  the Museum of the Deservedly Forgotten
We can all take a deep breath and on New Years Eve sing a verse of Woody Guthrie's classic farewell song "So long it's been good to know ya'
I told my daughter Adira that since I couldn't get a MacArthur Grant in order  to be able to sit at home and compose music day and night, I now am the recipient of the highly coveted Cyrus the Virus Composer's Grant and can sit at home and write music day and night . And I didn't even need to apply for this. So  if we stay the course….in 200 years …..EVERYTHING WILL BE COOL!!!
In the meantime, let's enjoy every precious second of life.
Our best days are yet to come!!!!
With big hugs (properly social distancing, I send you and your wife, Ratso and his wife and the great Natalia and all her friends wishes for  fun celebrating of ALL of the Holidays…….. (Hannukka, Christmas, Kwanza,  Ramadan, New Years, Martin Luther King Day, Chinese New Year,  Puerto Rico Emancipation Day, Lincoln's Birthday.St Patrick's Day, Armenian International Womens Day, and Billy Holiday herself!)
Until our paths cross again,
Naches and Nachos
David (STILL a promising young composer,
in spite of my speedometer assigning me
to becoming a Nonagenarian) ...
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jilyyall · 4 years
Animal Magnetism - Ch.1
Edward Cullen was not a normal teenager; of that I was certain. But knowing that did nothing to stop the pull I felt towards him. And if what he was saying was any indication, he felt some strange pull towards me, too. It was like we were magnets struggling against hope to stay apart. I only wondered what would happen when we inevitably collided.
Chapter 1. Shiny New Girl. Fanfiction.net / AO3 Intro/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/
I sat up in bed and looked around my new-old room, the white comforter bunched up around my waist. Once upon a time, this had been my nursery. Of course the walls, painted a light lilac color, were dark in the dingy grey light streaming through the window. No surprise, it was raining outside.
I had been in this city for all of two days and already more rain had fallen than I had seen in my entire time down in Phoenix. Rain wasn't a bad thing in small, reasonable doses. But nonstop it was suffocating. I just had to remind myself to take deep breaths and everything would be fine. I closed my eyes and let the cool air fill my lungs before I forcefully blew it back out.
"Bella, honey, you have to come down soon or you'll be late for school!" Renee's voice drifted in through my locked bedroom door and I flopped back down against my pillow, and threw my arm over my eyes in an attempt to ignore her. "Bella, get up."
I forced a cough just loud enough for her to hear me through the door. "I'm not feeling too well. I think the climate here doesn't really agree with me. Maybe I should just move back to Phoenix. You and Dad are more than welcome to stay here, though."
Renee was silent for a moment and I could just imagine her guilty expression. She knew how I felt about this move and for the past few days, I had been playing heavily on her guilty conscience. It wasn't my normal go-to, but I figured if there was a chance it might work, then it was worth trying.
Suddenly, my door swung open – I guessed Charlie had a key to every door in this house laying around somewhere – and Renee was standing there, her expression no longer guilty; now she was annoyed.
"Get out of bed right now," Renee exclaimed, standing there in the doorway. I could feel my eyes widen in surprise as she yelled at me. "I have spent the past sixteen years of my life alone and I am just trying to fix some of my biggest mistakes. I am sorry that you had to leave your friends behind, but I am tired of doing everything by myself. The least you can do – really, honestly, the bare minimum – is get up and get dressed for school!"
I didn't think it was particularly fair of her to imply that she had been working alone all this time. She had my help, and we were always such a good team.
"I am happy that you and Dad are back together," I said in a very small voice. "But Forks? Why couldn't Dad move in with us? Mom, don't you miss the sun?"
God, I missed the sun.
"Bella, I am sorry that we had to uproot you from Phoenix, but your father has an established career here. He's the Police Chief, for God's sake! He couldn't just walk away from that and start over somewhere else. He needs to be here." Renee's voice softened as she spoke and tenderness filled her eyes as she sat on the edge of my bed. "And we need to be here with him. I'm sorry, honey, but you're going to school here."
"Maybe you need to be here with him, but I don't," I grumbled. Renee's face tightened and some of the tenderness left her as she guessed what my next statement would be. "Why can't I just stay with one of my friends? Madison already offered, and I'll come back for vacations…"
Renee stood from the bed, bringing my grumbling to an abrupt halt. The annoyance re-entered her expression. "If you aren't out of that bed and getting ready for school in five minutes, Isabella Swan, I swear you will regret it."
Less than an hour later, I found myself in the front seat of Renee's car, my arms crossed over my chest as I glared out at the school in front of me. I didn't understand why there were so many buildings when there were only a couple hundred students in attendance, all of whom seemed to be crowded under the awning right outside my window gawking at me.
"Oh, Bella, stop pouting," Renee pleaded, but I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the car without responding and slammed the door behind me as I hitched my bag more firmly over my shoulder and trudged through the rain towards the office, praying I wouldn't slip and fall.
I managed to reach the building without humiliating myself and, trying my hardest to ignore the curious looks I was getting from my new peers, pulled open the door to the office and walked up to the front desk. The receptionist, a portly woman with a stiff red bob was on the phone and signaled for me to wait a minute, so I stood there patiently, drumming my fingers on the desk in front of me. I looked around, trying to gain my bearings and immediately regretted it as I locked eyes with more than one curious student milling around under the cover of the large awning that extended from the office towards the small courtyard; I supposed if not for my arrival, it would have been your typical morning here.
I started to turn away in avoidance of all this unwanted attention, but something caught my eye and held my attention outside of the office. There were five… people – students, I guessed, though I would have thought that impossible were it not for the book bags each of them was carrying – standing in the far corner, closest to edge of the awning. They all stood out from the rest of students around them.
Their skin was pale, paler than anyone else's in this sunless hell-hole. They were all devastatingly beautiful and I let my eyes wander over each of them. The first one my gaze was drawn to was huge, a giant of a man. He looked more like a professional football player than a student. His curly hair was a dark brown. I'd never thought the word beautiful could possibly apply to a man so large and brawny, but he certainly was.
Standing next to him in a clearly possessive fashion was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her thick blond hair cascaded down her shoulders, curling inward at the ends. She stood only an inch or so shorter than her football player counterpart. One word came to mind as I studied her: confidence. She was the type of woman who knew how gorgeous she was, and owned it.
Next was a tall blond-haired man. He was muscular, but nowhere near as built as the first guy, and taller. He looked like the most reserved of the group, eyes angled downward, sort of like he was nervous, but it seemed every muscle in his boy was tense, anticipating. Something about him just screamed danger, like at any given minute he may spring into action and lay waste to us all. He, of all his companions, seemed to want least to be here.
Next to him was a cute miniature person. Her hair was black as midnight, cropped short; it just reached her collarbone and spiked out in every direction. Out of all of them, she looked most comfortable standing there as she turned her head to speak to the blond boy, her lips moving so quickly I was sure I wouldn't have caught a word she'd said if I were standing right next to her. The boy she spoke to didn't even glance at her, but shook his head in response to whatever she said and I got the impression that he was rather bothered by her words. She watched him for a moment before turning to walk away from the group, her gait smooth and graceful and every bit the way a ballerina might move across a stage, until she suddenly froze, her gaze going blank as she stared ahead of her.
The blond boy moved quickly to her and placed a hand beneath her elbow to steer her back toward the group as the other couple continued to stare away from her, looking totally uninterested in whatever was going on with their friend. None of the other students milling around seemed to notice anything that these five were doing and they seemed to like it that way.
It seemed that whatever had happened was over already. Her lips were moving quickly again. None of her companions were looking at her, but I had the distinct impression they were all listening carefully. Confused, I turned to the fifth member of the strange group, surprised when my eyes met his dark ones. His bronze hair was disheveled, almost falling into his eyes, but it was too short to obscure them. He was tall and lanky, just barely taller than the blond boy, and much thinner, but it seemed to me that he was still very strong, just less obviously so than the other two boys. His tan sweater hugged his chest and biceps, straining just enough to hint at the musculature beneath. I forced my eyes back up to study his face more closely and was struck by the realization that he was absolutely stunning. All of the five were startlingly beautiful, but this boy's good looks far surpassed the rest. Even the perfect blond girl was less stunning than he.
Suddenly, I realized that the eyes of each and every one of them were on me and I blushed, and dropped my gaze to the floor as I turned quickly to look at the receptionist, who had just hung up the phone.
"Can I help you, dear?" she asked, looking at me expectantly. I cleared my throat, still embarrassed to be caught staring, and nodded.
"Yes. I'm new here. I just need to get my schedule," I said softly.
"Ah. You must be Isabella Swan," the receptionist said. She picked up a piece of paper on her desk and studied it briefly.
"Bella. Yes," I said, trying to reign in the flash of annoyance at the sound of my full name.
"Bella Swan," she corrected herself, holding the paper out to me. "Here you go. This is your class scheduled and a map of the school. You should be able to find your way around, but if you need help, I'm sure any of your peers would be thrilled to show you around. I hope you have a good first day here at Forks High."
I took the paper from her with a murmured thanks and a forced smile before I turned around. I immediately noticed that the mysterious group was still there, but only two of them were looking at me still: the beautiful boy with the bronze hair and the small, waif-like girl.
She looked apprehensive as she watched me push the door open and the boy looked frustrated, confused… and a bit pained. Though they looked casual, and all were staring off in different directions, I did notice that each of his companions had moved, surrounding him almost protectively. The two muscular boys were on either side of him, their backs to me, and the blond girl was standing directly in front of him, angled sideways with her shoulder almost touching his chest. Only the small pixie-like creature who was also watching me hadn't moved from where she stood behind him. It almost looked like they were blocking him in, not protecting him, I realized. Protecting everyone else? From him? But that didn't make any sense. He was just a boy. What could he possibly do?
I furrowed my eyebrows and forced myself to look away and almost ran right into an eager-looking boy with blond, spiky hair who was grinning down at me.
"Oh… hi," I said, wondering why this boy was standing so near me.
"I'm Mike Newton. Are you new here?" he asked, sticking his hand in the limited space between our bodies as if for a handshake.
"Yes," I said tersely, and just barely managed to avoid rolling my eyes. Of course I was new here. There were maybe four hundred students here across all four grades. Everyone probably already knew each other and, if they weren't personal acquaintances they had to at least know of each other. "I'm Bella."
As reluctant as I was to make a place for myself here, I couldn't bring myself to be outright mean to anyone. I sighed and looked down at my schedule. English with Mr. Mason in building three. At least I wasn't starting out with a terrible class.
"Can I help you find your first class?" Mike offered.
I stared at him for half a second, tempted to refuse – something in his eagerness made me uneasy and even if I wasn't after making friends here, I had a feeling I wouldn't want to encourage him. I did not, however, feel much like wandering, lost, in search of building three. It wasn't a large school – nothing here was large except for the expansive forest and water on either edge of town – and I could read a map as well as the average person, but it seemed overall easier to accept this one small offer of assistance.
"Sure," I said, making myself smile at him, a quick upward turn of my lips before I handed him my schedule. "Thanks."
"No problem!" My new companion said cheerfully, taking the paper from me. "Okay, so building three is over this way!"
Frowning, I tried to listen to him as he rambled endlessly, but I couldn't concentrate, frustrated as I was with myself. How was it that I had managed to get myself stuck with a guy who was basically an over-eager puppy dog leading me through the gloom of drizzle and soaking grass. Something told me I wasn't going to find it very easy to avoid him as he turned his head to beam at me, still speaking, telling me about his own schedule. We had Government, Biology II, and Gym together, apparently.
"I could swing by after American History," Mike offered as he opened the door to a building with a large numeric three painted in the corner. "Walk you to Government so you don't get lost."
"Oh, that's okay. I think I can find it. You don't need to go to the trouble," I said, but his smile never faltered as he stopped in front of a classroom. Looking past him, I saw that the room number matched what was on my schedule, and the walls were plastered with literary quotes. It eased my worries, the familiarity of it all. Even here in small town, middle of rainy nowhere, an English class was still an English class.
"No worries!" Mike said, already backing away. I realized he was probably going to be late to his own class if he didn't hurry, else he likely would have stuck around. "I'll meet you outside."
Before I could speak again, tell him I really didn't think it was necessary, he turned and moved through the light trickle of students who hadn't yet made it to class. I huffed out a breath and walked into class just as the second bell rang. Every single eye turned to me, then, all twelve – could classes here really be that small? – students, and the teacher.
"You must be Isabella," said the teacher, a tall, thin man with a rapidly receding hairline. The nameplate on his desk identified him as Mr. Mason.
"Bella," I said softly, but nodded. He handed me a class syllabus, and smiled at me, trying to make me feel comfortable, probably, but I could see the curiosity in his gaze. Here I was Chief Swan's mysterious daughter, not just any new student. Although, I couldn't imagine Forks High regularly saw many new students.
When he ushered me to an empty desk in the back of the class without making me introduce myself, I felt the knot of anxiety, heavy in the pit of my stomach, loosen exponentially. Safe for an hour.
I studied the syllabus as Mr. Mason called the class's attention to him and started to recap the last lesson: Bronte, Shakespeare, Faulkner, Chaucer… I had already read some of the titles listed and didn't see anything I wasn't already familiar with, at least on a basic level. The knot loosened a bit more. Maybe… just maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
When the bell rang and everyone began gathering their books, I took my time, flattening my slightly rumpled class schedule and comparing it to the small, blurry school map I hadn't had much time to study. Mike said he would meet me outside, but I didn't want to rely on anyone overmuch. I walked slowly to the door, trailing behind the last couple of students.
"You're Isabella, right? Chief Swan's daughter?"
Looking up, I saw yet another helpful face, and almost grimaced. Two boys trying to help the poor distressed damsel in one hour? Maybe everyone here was just that friendly, I thought doubtfully.
"Bella," I corrected.
"Bella," he repeated, almost obediently. "I'm Eric. Eric Yorkie. Can I help you find your next class?"
"Um…" He looked nice enough – glasses, skin problems, hair nearly as dark as the girl with the spiky hair and graceful gait I had seen earlier. His limbs were long, too long for his body, as if he were still growing in quick, sporadic bursts, and he had a cheerful, helpful smile. He looked nothing like Mike Newton who was almost Nordic with his blond hair, blue eyes, and boyish features, but something in his smile reminded me of my first tour guide. "I don't want to put you out, but you could point me in the right direction, I guess."
He took my schedule from my hands, the paper slipping through my fingers quickly as he drank in the words. Maybe it was just my imagination, but he looked almost disappointed when he said that he was headed toward building four, but would be happy to show me the way to building six.
"Hey, Bella!"
Turning, I saw Mike rushing toward us. I tried to keep my face neutral when I saw the annoyed, almost dismayed look on Eric's face when he saw Mike, but dread coursed through me.
"Hi," I said when he caught up.
"What's up, Mike?" Eric sounded almost dejected and I wondered if he thought Mike might have some sort of moronic claim on me now.
"Hey, man," Mike said in a way that made me think that, while they may not be particularly close, these two boys were friends. He turned to me quickly, flashing that smile that only made me want to run away. "What's up, Bella? I thought we were walking to Government together."
"Oh, yeah, well… Eric was just pointing the way," I said, internally cringing at the awkward moment.
"We have English together," Eric said, almost boasting, immediately cheered by my less than enthusiastic reception of Mike.
"Building four is the other way," Mike reminded Eric, who glared at him.
Oh yeah, these two were definitely some type of friends… perhaps friendly rivals… if Mike knew Eric's schedule well enough to be able to helpfully point out that he, Mike, could help me out much more conveniently.
I was at a loss for what to say as they continued to stare at each other. So, instead of saying anything, I just turned in the direction Eric had started to lead me, and walked away.
"Bye, Bella!" Eric called. "I'll see you at lunch!"
Frowning, my back to him, I nodded. I heard Mike rushing to catch up to me, and found myself tuning him out as he started talking the moment he fell into step with me.
"Anyway, Eric's nice and all, but he's kind of weird, if you know what I mean," Mike was saying as he led me into our Government class.
I had never been so eager to meet my teacher. I all but ran from Mike's side and up to the sturdy desk in the front of the room to collect my syllabus from Mr. Jefferson. Once again, I wasn't forced to introduce myself to the class, though Mr. Jefferson did loudly suggest I get someone's notes so that I would be caught up for the test on Thursday. Immediately, Mike waved at me.
Once again, the only open desk was in the back of the classroom, several seats away from Mike Newton. With a sigh of relief, I angled my body away from him and began to doodle on my syllabus. When the bell rang at the end of the period, I was shocked – I had hardly noticed the passage of time, but my mindless art had shifted from mere doodles to a shockingly detailed, breathtakingly handsome face. I was no artist, really, not like Renee who made a living teaching, critiquing and occasionally creating art, but there was no mistaking the strong jaw, the messy hair, the intense gaze staring up at me.
Flustered, I hid the page away and shoved it to the bottom of my bookbag as I hurried to the door. How had I managed to draw him in such detail? I hadn't spoken to him, hadn't even seen him up close, but I knew, somehow, that down to the slight cleft of the chin, I had gotten every detail of the beautiful, bronze-haired boy I had seen for the briefest moment this morning.
This time, when Mike led me the short distance from building four to building five for my Trigonometry class, I was grateful for his incessant talking. It allowed me to ponder how, exactly, I had drawn him so clearly, and why. Mike left me at the door to the classroom, looking slightly put out. Apparently, he had noticed that I wasn't paying attention to him. Feeling guilty, I smiled and thanked him for showing me the way. He perked up immediately and brushed off my thanks with a promise to see me at lunch.
"I'm headed back to building one, so I won't be able to walk you to Spanish," he said apologetically. "But it's in building seven, right on the other side of the Government building."
"Thanks, Mike," I said again, waving as I headed into my class. "See you."
Mr. Varner, the Trigonometry teacher, was not as kind as the rest of my teachers. He made me wait next to his desk until everyone arrived, then had me introduce myself to the class. Only once I had stammered my name did he show me to an empty desk, again in the back of the room.
I slid shakily into the chair and rested my overheated face in my shaky palms.
"Hey… Bella?" I lifted my face to see the girl next to me smiling at me not unkindly. She had wildly curly brown hair and the most obviously fake spray tan I had ever seen. Her teeth were straight, and bright white. "Don't worry. Varner's sadistic. He made us all go around the room and introduce ourselves on the first day. As if we don't already know each other."
I smiled tentatively. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but Mr. Varner called on her to solve a problem on the board. She frowned, and then gave me a look that clearly said, See? Sadist, and walked confidently to the front of the class.
The knot in the pit of my stomach had tightened and about doubled in size, it felt, and had me trembling all over, but when my friendly neighbor smiled at me as she headed back to her seat, I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down. It was just high school. No big deal.
She turned to me as soon as the bell rang. "I'm Jessica Stanley," she said as we both shoved our books in our bags. "What's your next class?"
"Spanish," I said without consulting my schedule. I had it memorized by now. "Building seven with Mrs. Goff."
"Hey, me too. We can walk together," Jessica offered.
This, at least, wasn't as uncomfortable as walking next to Mike or Eric. At least it was less likely that Jessica might try to make a pass at me. She talked incessantly as we walked, and so quickly that I almost didn't catch everything she said.
"Mike was talking about you nonstop in American History earlier," Jessica said so nonchalantly that it was clearly anything but an off-the-cuff remark. "I swear Lee wanted to strangle him."
Jessica liked Mike. It was obvious in the way she forced a nervous chuckle and rolled her eyes, then watched carefully for my reaction. Hopeful, like she wanted me to reassure her that I didn't have any interest in Mike. Wary, like she was worried I would start raving about the boy she wanted.
I just frowned and shook my head. "Boys."
"Boys," she agreed, rolling her eyes.
Spanish was uneventful. Mrs. Goff didn't make me introduce myself, just handed me a class syllabus like all my other teachers, and assured me that she would answer any questions I had. I sat, once again in the back of the room, and wiled away the hour doodling. This time, when the hour was up, my doodles were nothing but messy lines outlining the page.
"You should sit with me at lunch," Jessica offered. "I can introduce you to all my friends."
It could have been just my imagination, but when she said 'introduce you' it almost sounded like 'show you off.' Still, I accepted her offer and followed her to the cafeteria, where we stood in line to get our food.
As we walked through the crowded cafeteria with our trays, I noticed them again: the five strikingly attractive people I had seen through the window while I'd been getting my schedule. We were going to walk right past their table. Though I couldn't help but feel somewhat giddy at the idea of being so near him, I tried not to look at any of them; I'd been caught watching them once already, I didn't need it to happen again. Even trying my hardest to stare straight ahead I saw, unmistakably, how he stiffened when we walked past. The boy with the bronze hair sat ramrod straight in his seat, his hands clenched into fists on the table in front of him. When he turned his head, ever so slowly, to glare at me with intense unadulterated hatred, all four of his companions looked at me as well. His eyes were pitch black and surrounded by dark circles, his lips set in a hard scowl.
I froze in my tracks, terror coursing through every inch of my body, before a sudden wave of determination washed over me. I had to get the hell away from them, from him. I was still terrified, but I rushed to catch up with Jessica, who hadn't noticed me pause, and was still talking about the Girls' Choice dance later in the year, and how she thought she might ask Mike to go with her.
When we stopped at a nearly full table near the middle of the room, Jessica smiled brightly and gestured for me to sit next to her.
"Hey, guys! This is Bella!" she announced, excitement dripping in her voice. It was clear she thought it was some sort of accomplishment that she was the one to bring me to the table. She ran through introductions so quickly that I wouldn't have been able to keep up even if I hadn't just had the life scared out of me.
Several minutes later, when the table was full of female chatter, I worked up the courage to look over my shoulder. He was still glaring at me. None of his friends were looking at me, but the big one had an arm slung over the younger one's shoulder in a way that would have looked casually affectionate if not for the way he was watching me. I had the distinct impression that the big one was putting in great effort to hold his friend in place.
I looked away and concentrated on playing with my food rather than eating it. Suddenly, I wasn't hungry. A while later, when I guessed the bell was about to ring to signal the end of lunch, I turned to Jessica in what I hoped was a casual manner.
"Who are they?" I asked, pointing over my shoulder without looking.
"Who?" Jessica asked, looking over my shoulder, but it was clear from the tone of her voice that she had already guessed whom I was talking about. She smiled wryly and leaned in close to me, lowering her voice to a hushed whisper. "Oh, those are the Cullens."
"The Cullens?" I asked.
"Yeah, they're Dr. Cullen's adopted kids," she said. "They're all related. I mean, sort of. The two blonds? They're twins, Jasper and Rosalie Hale. I think the doctor and his wife only adopted them a few years ago, not long before they moved here. The brunettes are Emmett and Alice Cullen. They're brother and sister. Technically, they're Dr. Cullen's niece and nephew, but his brother and sister and their spouses died like five or six years ago, I think? And he legally adopted them, so they're his kids, too."
"Oh." I frowned. That was only four. There were definitely five of them. I didn't want to ask, though, and show too much interest.
"Yeah," she shrugged. "They're kind of weird, honestly. Like, perfectly polite and all, I guess, but weird."
"Weird how?" I asked. I wanted to ask if coal-black eyes and unprovoked murderous glares were the norm for that group, but she had said they were always polite and the way he had looked at me was anything but.
"They keep to themselves a lot," she explained. "I don't think any of them have any friends except for each other. And they're all together."
She gave me a significant look, like I was supposed to think something of that. When I didn't react, she went on. "Rosalie's with Emmett, the big burly guy. And Alice – the little one? – is with Jasper, who always looks at least a little bit in pain. It's weird, right? That they all live together, and they're all dating?"
"I mean, if they're not actually related, I don't see why it's anyone's business," I said with a shrug, but I couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't said anything about the fifth one – the boy with so much hate in his eyes.
"Huh, I wonder where Edward went," she whispered then, and I watched her face as she scanned her gaze across the cafeteria. "He's Emmett and Alice's cousin, another one of Dr. Cullen's nephew-sons. He's totally gorgeous, but for some reason, he won't date anyone. Not even Lauren, and she tried really hard to get him to notice her when they first transferred here."
She lowered her voice and leaned in even closer so that she was all but breathing the words in my ear, obviously not wanting her friend, Lauren to overhear. I glanced around the table, trying to remember which one was Lauren. My gaze fell on the blond girl across the table talking to one of the boys a table over, a flirtatious smile on her pretty face.
"Hey, Bella!" someone said happily and I heard a quick scrape as someone pulled a chair out to sit in the empty seat on Jessica's other side.
"Hey, Mike!" Jessica exclaimed, leaning away from me and towards him. I looked up and nodded at him, happy to let Jessica attempt to distract him.
When I was sure neither Jessica nor Mike was looking at me, I risked one last glance over my shoulder. Sure enough, there were only four now, sitting at the table. The one who had looked like he hated me – Edward – was no longer there. The little one, Alice, turned her head suddenly to stare at me, and her sharp gaze went blank and unfocused again. Her boyfriend leaned close to her and wrapped an arm around her as he continued to look around the room as if nothing was out of the norm. Suddenly, her eyes came into focus again, and she beamed at me before turning to speak to her table quickly. Then, she got up and all but danced out of the room. After a brief pause in which all three of them looked slightly stunned, Jasper followed her.
When the lunch bell rang a few seconds later, I followed Mike to Biology, where Mr. Banner pointed me to the only empty table in the room. Mike came to sit next to me. A little annoyed, I turned to him with one raised eyebrow.
"Do you sit here?" I asked. Mike wasn't so bad, really, if you had someone to share his attention. It just seemed like being one-on-one with him might begin to wear on me.
"Nah, I sit over there by Tyler," Mike said, gesturing toward an empty seat a few tables away, next to a tall, lean, good-looking boy with short brown hair. "But maybe Cullen will switch with me."
My heart stopped. "Who?"
"Edward Cullen. This is his spot. He's the only one smart enough to do all the labs on his own, so Mr. Banner has always let him sit alone." Mike looked around the room as if expecting Edward Cullen to suddenly appear. "I wonder where he is. He was in American History this morning."
"Maybe he's just running late," I said weakly.
Maybe he's avoiding me, said a small, scared, sad voice in my head.
"Maybe," Mike allowed. But when the second bell rang and Mr. Banner told Mike to go back to his own seat, Edward Cullen still hadn't arrived. I was relieved – I didn't particularly want to spend an entire hour mere inches from a boy who seemed to hate me on sight.
Gym last period was horrible. It was Mike's last class of the day as well, so he walked me there, talking excitedly about getting to play basketball today. Apparently, Monday was basketball day at Forks High.
"You can be on my team," Mike reassured me, sensing my trepidation.
"Trust me, you don't want that," I told him, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Fifteen minutes later, I had been delegated to the sidelines after accidentally hitting three people – one of them Mike – in the head with the basketball.
"Wow, Bella," Mike said, still rubbing the back of his head as we walked towards the parking lot after Gym. "No offense, but you really can't play basketball."
"I really can't do anything involving coordination or physicality," I said weakly, hitching my bag higher on my shoulder and twirling the adjustable strap between my fingers absently as I scanned the parking lot for Renee's car. "And I did warn you that you didn't want me on your team."
"Hey, it's no big deal. And don't worry, I'll still be on your team," Mike said as he stood next to me under the awning. "Do you need a ride home? I usually ride with Lee, but I'm sure he'd be happy to make an extra stop."
I shook my head immediately. Aside from finding it odd and a bit rude to offer to have his friend drive me home without consulting him, I also didn't want to give Mike any reason to think I might like him. Honestly, I didn't really dislike him; he seemed like he might not be the worst friend to have. He was certainly kind enough to take the literal hit of having me for a teammate. I just didn't see myself liking him the way that I thought he might want me to like him.
"My mom will be here soon," I said.
"Okay!" Mike said brightly. "But, hey. If you get tired of having your mom drive you around, you know where to find me."
"Thanks, Mike," I said, stepping up to the curb when I saw Renee pull into the lot. "I'll see you tomorrow."
I thought I heard him respond, but I had already pulled the hood of my jacket up against the slight drizzle and all I could really make out was the taptaptap of water against the slick material.
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