#tma!aa au
insoucianceart · 3 months
I’m cooking baby
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staysaneathome · 1 year
Turnabout SamurEye
Martin Blackwood stares at the fallen head of the oversized cartoon samurai mascot, and asks himself yet again how he got here.
The simple answer to that question would be “on the 386 bus that has a stop five minutes’ walk away from Global Studios”, but that isn’t quite what he means.
For all that he is a defense attorney, Martin’s always fancied that he has a poetic soul, one that still can’t quite believe he managed to scrape his way through law school and a handful of cases to running his own, meager firm. Sasha always used to laugh and tease that it was a combination of his dramatics and insecurities talking, that Martin was an ace attorney in his own right.
There are some days when missing his best friend and mentor gets easier, but today isn’t one of them.
There is a gentle tug on his suit sleeve.
Robbie’s eyes are crinkled in a smile above their face mask. They sign, “Ready to go check out the scene of the crime, Martin?”
He nods back. “Yes, ah, let me just take a picture of this for our evidence, first.”
They settle back, still bouncing on their heels slightly as he finishes up.
It makes sense they’re excited, he supposes. It’s not everyday that someone gets to go on the set of their favorite TV show, even if the leading actress has just been accused of murdering her coworker.
He probably would’ve taken the case even if they hadn’t badgered him into it with protests of the Blazing Samurai’s innocence, he reflects as they start walking towards the set area. Work has been thin on the ground lately, and the fees for Mum’s care home and renting the office space certainly aren’t going down anytime soon.
“We should get steak after this.” Robbie signs.
Martin blinks, has to mime out the signs himself to ensure he’s interpreted them correctly.
“What? But we just had lunch on the bus! How can you still be hungry after that?”
Robbie raises their chin proudly. “I have a second stomach for steaks!”
Martin gives them a knowing look. “Right. And, er, that wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’ve just discovered that Lynn Hammond, The Blazing Samurai, also loves steak?”
Robbie’s eyes dart to the side guiltily as their fingers trip over the sign for “Noooo”.
“Ah,” Martin can’t quite control his grin at that as he pokes their shoulder. “Objection—the witness is withholding testimony!”
He snickers as they playfully shove his arm, hands a rapid flurry. “Don’t do that outside of court!”
There are wires and cameras everywhere when the two of them arrive on the set proper, large green screens and painted backgrounds propped up against the walls.
Robbie is practically vibrating with excitement next to him, likely torn between their desire to explore and their sense of duty as his self-imposed assistant.
They really remind him so much of Sasha, at times like this.
“Keep a lookout for anything that could be a clue,” He advises. They give him a mock salute.
There’s a large white outline near the base of the director’s chair, a discarded spear next to it. The murder weapon, presumably? It’s big and heavy, couldn’t be picked up by anyone who wasn’t trained for it, like Miss Hammond or even Jude Perry, the victim. That’s what it says in the autopsy report, but…
Martin frowns and kneels down next to it.
Surely, something like this, which is meant to have stabbed through Jude Perry’s torso, surely it ought to have more, well. Blood, on it? There’s a bit of dried bright red liquid on the very tip, but something’s…?
“Martin Blackwood.”
Martin freezes up. No. No, no, maybe, maybe he’s hallucinating things. Yes, that sounds plausible, surely he wouldn’t be here. He’s always been content sitting pretty in his office, while Detective Tonner brought him all the evidence to ruin Martin’s day, please don’t let him actually be—!
“Covering your ears and ignoring me doesn’t mean I stop existing, Blackwood.”
Well, worth a shot.
He takes a deep breath and turns to face the Demon of the Bar, trying desperately to turn his grimace into a polite smile. “Prosecutor Sims! How can I help you today?”
Jonathan Sims does not look happy.
He’s as crisp and ironed as ever, from his starched collar to his pressed cravat to the tips of his shiny, shiny shoes.
Martin feels small and shoddy just looking at him.
“I seriously doubt you could. I’d be better off banning you from the crime scene, so your bumbling around doesn’t destroy valuable evidence.” Sims scoffs. “That would be a welcome relief.”
Ouch. It takes everything Martin has not to wince.
“However,” Sims heaves a great sigh. “The law still states that the defense must have the same opportunity as the prosecution to examine evidence, so I can’t have you thrown off the premises. Yet.”
“Yet?!” Robbie signs.
They’ve taken a step to place themself between him and the man who haunts his sleep every night. They are also trying to roll up the billowing sleeves of their apprentice uniform with their fists clenched.
Martin quickly places a hand on their arm and gives his kind-of-assistant-by-adoption a placating smile so they don’t do anything crazy like assault the prosecution.
“So I take it you’re representing the guilty party in this case?” Sims sneers.
“L-Lynne Hammond isn’t the one who killed Jude Perry!” Martin protests. “We’re still gathering evidence, but, but all the character witnesses thus far have shown that she wasn’t the kind of person who held any grudges against the victim!”
Robbie nods furiously next to him, signing “That’s right! The Blazing Samurai could never do that!”
Sims glances between them and Martin with an eyebrow raised.
“And you believe it’s suitable to bring a child along to a murder investigation?” He demands imperiously, one finger pointing at Robbie. “Really, Blackwood, I knew you were irresponsible, but this takes the cake.”
Robbie puffs up indignantly, hands moving almost too quickly to parse as they sign, “I’m not a kid! I’m thirteen years old!”
“Wh-?!” Martin splutters, “That’s not the—! And you, Sims, you were trying to find them guilty of murdering Sasha last month!”
“That—!” Sims sniffs, trying to regain his composure. “That’s different.”
“How?!” Martin cries, trying not to tear his hair out. “They would’ve got the death penalty! The only reason they didn’t is because I found out the real murderer and she decided it’d be funny to frame me as well! If we hadn’t gotten that list of names—”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that, actually.” Sims cuts in, glare hard. “How did you find that list of Nikola Orsinov’s blackmail victims?”
Martin freezes.
“I. Um?”
Prosecutor Sims tilts his head, pinning Martin in place under that stare which thousands of witness have sworn somehow makes them say things they’d never tell another soul.
It’s not like he can just say ‘oh the tween tagging along with me is a spirit medium and channeled the ghost of my dead mentor who’s also their older sister so she could tell me and force Orsinov to confess! Oh and your hair looks really good like that and I’d maybe like to gaze into your eyes constantly and I’ve been in love with you since we were both five so do you wanna go out sometime?’
No. No, no, bad Martin, bad! Just because he’s got a nice face does not make him boyfriend material. Jonathan Sims is a dick, no matter what he was like when you were in primary school together. 17 years of radio silence to you and Gerry have sent that message.
Besides, you learned this lesson with Michael. He was pretty, and funny, and seemed like the perfect boyfriend, and what did he do? He framed you for murder. Yeesh. Why is that becoming a pattern in his life. Better for everyone to not—
There’s a gentle tap on his arm.
He looks down to see Robbie staring up at him, signing “Martin?”
Wait. Hold on. Oh god. How long has he just been staring into Jon’s eyes for?! Sim’s eyes?! Shit?!
The prosecutor is giving him an odd look, his glare morphed slightly to…something else? “Well?” He snaps.
“I…uh…um. Well. You know how, er, Robbie, Sasha is their, was their older sister?” He darts an apologetic glance to them. They hunch into his side slightly.
“I know the relation between the acquitted defendant and the late Ms. James, yes.” Sims drawls, “What of it?”
“W-well,” Martin bluffs. “Sasha and Robbie had a separate hiding spot here in the city, when, when Robbie had come to visit her before. She, she’d left a copy of that list here, a while ago, so Orsinov and Sarah Baldwin didn’t know about it. Robbie mentioned the place off-hand before the last day so I…checked…”
Jon’s glare has deepened to its former disdain.
“Forget it.” He sneers. “If you’ll do nothing but lie, I don’t know why I bother. Still, if you’re going to be that obvious, it’ll be easy to prove the accused’s guilt in court tomorrow. Good afternoon, Martin Blackwood.”
Prosecutor Sims turns on his heel and marches away.
Martin watches him go and tries to ignore the twinge in his chest.
There’s another small tug on his suit sleeve.
He looks down to see Robbie staring up at him with gratitude. They slip one hand into his and give it a squeeze, one hand touching their chin as if blowing a kiss. “Thank you.”
He squeezes back, a tired smile on his face. “Oh, it’s no. No trouble, really. I’m not about to tell anyone about you-know-what just, just willy-nilly.”
Robbie puffs out their chest, hands coming up to sign, “Let’s go prove that mean prosecutor wrong! He’s nothing but a phony anyway, you’ll show him!”
Martin huffs a small laugh at their enthusiasm.
Something clicks in his head. He turns back to examine the spear.
Blood is this color when it comes out of a body, yes. But for it to stay this way when dried, and there to be no stains around the white outline of the corpse…
“It’s phony.” He mutters, excitement raising his volume gradually. “It’s—this crime scene, it’s not real, it’s, it’s fake! The blood on the spear, it’s not the right color, and, and there are no other bloodstains or anything, so that means that when Jude Perry died, it wasn’t on set! It had to be somewhere else, and the body was moved here later!”
Robbie matches his excitement when he grins at them, fingers drumming against their neck rapidly.
“C’mon,” Martin says, feeling the thrill of unraveling a contradiction, of getting closer to the truth. “Let’s go see if we can’t work out where the real murder happened.”
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tothechaos · 5 months
a tma/aa au has been brewing in the back of my mind all day. it has no shape right now but its scratching at my brain
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icaruskeyartist · 8 months
So idk where I wrote this but I'm pretty certain that I'm calling TMA FNAF AU "In the Lingering" for the time being
Dunno why
And I'm currently torn between making it second person (basically y/n) or third person. Because I have a specific sort of person I plan on being the protagonist but idk idk idk aa
Anyway it's time for me to fucking. Go to school because fuck me being allowed to sleep in on a Thursday.
The next big thing for me to do is figure out a path through the plex that will literally be the outline of the plot >.>
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wyverwithy · 5 years
wyver that started off cool, got angsty, and then ripped my heart out. im crying over eye!gumshoe and hunt!lang. wyver. wyver p l e a s e. -tma anon
Lang doesn’t really care about Gumshoe at first. Lang has his own goals, and is fine with being the lone wolf. After getting his first Section 31, he intends to keep his distance unless called to.
But then this big, bumbling, soft-hearted moron stumbles in, and for some reason decides to follow him around. Lang finds him irritating. He’s loud, clumsy, and gets in the way of his job. Gumshoe, being the people-pleaser and the naive person that he is, thinks that Lang is lonely. That he isolates himself because he doesn’t feel like he belongs. Which, in a way, is true. Not that Lang would ever admit it. So Gumshoe works his damndest to become his friend.
Gumshoe doesn’t tell him how he got his first Section 31. He gets shifty, avoids his gaze. Though Lang does start to notice that he gets especially antsy around blood and meat. Irritating, when it comes to killing things that deserve to be killed. Gumshoe never gets his hands dirty. He helps him track, and hunt. And then he pretends not to notice when Lang kills with a little too much hunger, simply tossing him a flimsy excuse before guiltily leaving him to it.
Gumshoe’s afraid of him. He knows he is. A sick part of Lang finds enjoyment in it. One more person who won’t protest to his…less than moral methods. A “mindless” assistant. Another, quieter part of him that he chooses not to listen to, hates it.
Then, of course, the incident with the Institute. A murder. And apparently, Gumshoe has been slipping evidence to the Head Archivist for several months. Lang intends to rip him apart for it, only then to decide that maybe, first, he should track this “Archivist”. He tries not to think too hard about his hesitation.
When the two are forced into being part of the Institute, he feels…angry. Trapped. A caged animal. But Gumshoe smells constantly like fear, and for some reason that really makes him unsettled. His former partner also starts to focus all of his attention on the Archivist, and for some reason that, too, makes him antsy.
Lang snaps at Edgeworth, for reasons he doesn’t entirely understand. Says that he doesn’t trust him, that if he in any way intends to manipulate his ex partner or endanger him, he won’t live to do it again. Miles Edgeworth, The Head Archivist, is a monster, and god help him if he hasn’t forgotten to kill him one of these days for it.
The Archivist has the gall to act smug, and remarks that, no, he wasn’t intending to do any of that–”to steal his friend”–in fact, Gumshoe was the one who kept following him around like a lost puppy.
Friend. The Archivist thinks they’re friends. And he can’t exactly deny it.
He becomes kinder to Gumshoe. Silently vows to himself to protect him. He just desperately wishes he could protect him from the Eye. That he could stop him from having panic attacks when he thinks no one is around to hear. That he could completely rip out the sicker part of himself that enjoys it.
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kiwiwiwo · 4 years
I have the overwhelming need to connect all my interests so I’ve had a few thoughts about a tma ace attorney au
Role wise I’m torn between two scenarios
Jon is a defense attorney working at the Magnus law firm under Elias Bouchard. After Gertrude’s (who also worked for the same law firm) death, Jon starts getting assigned more and more cases
Martin is his assistant (who he didn’t ask for but it’s not like he can say no if Elias assigned him). Jon doesn’t think much of Martin at first like in canon but comes around after Martin proves to be way more helpful than Jon have him credit for
Martin is a defense attorney fresh out of law school, working at the cane law firm (or maybe somewhere else I’m not sure yet, I honestly just like Annabel so it’s her for now). I think he’d be good at bluffing his way through a few tricky cases and also showing that he isn’t to be underestimated, no matter how nervous he seems to be at first
Jon is a prosecutor and was mentored by Elias. He’s very convinced of the defendants guilt at first and looks down at Martin for not seeming professional enough
With time he comes to understand that he’s misjudged Martin and they end up kinda working together to solve the cases (so basically like Phoenix and Miles in aa1)
In both scenarios Elias is the murderer in the last case
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ehlihr · 4 years
dunno if you still spare any brain power to tma anymore but uhh. seeing your aa stuff made me think of a tma aa au. jon is. lawyer now. uhhh sorry to bother you have a nice day
actually my girlfriend and i technically have an au where jon is a marriage counsellor and martin is a divorce lawyer, if thats anything
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mallowbees · 4 years
i have yet to listen to a single episode of tma but that teacher au do be giving me serotonin though :eyes:
Oh mood yes the teacher au is just,, aa
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WIP Grab Bag Meme
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! 
@katreal-fic tagged “anyone else who has stuff to share!” and i have stuff to share!
the fandoms are homestuck, magnus archives, and ace attorne
this bad boy can fit so many found family trope in it (tma)
Mom said it’s my turn to write the time-travel fix-it au (tma)
Davesprite is left holding the bag (homestuck)
The Cat is Out of the Bag (homestuck)
John presents (homestuck)
TMA Joy Entities AU
Baby Big Brother Dave and Little Dirk run away from Bro (homestuck)
Karkat POV (homestuck)
Hoooooorrible AU of SLB. Like. The Worst Possible AU. I'm going to hell for this AU. (homestuck)
Homestuck Daemon AU
HS Guardian Revive AU but with like. bullet points and shit (homestuck)
AA Daemon AU Notes (ace attorney)
Langworth one night stand (ace attorney)
sad repressed adult dirk no sburb bullet point fic (homestuck)
and uh... i guess i’ll tag @captain-rachel, @mollyscribbles, @screechthemighty​and @vivifrage.... and of course, anyone who wants to do it!
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byooregard · 2 years
i hope its ok if i send u a handful..... 4/5/8!
4: what crossover au do I have with aa
uhh that depends on what you count as a crossover au? I swear if I dig around enough id find a proper au w another media but I cannot think of anything. I'm gonna cheat and say that me looking at @argentsunshine 's tma au with eyes emojis is close enough
5: my favorite villain
I like kristoph the most I think? he's one of the most fun villains to me but that's more of just an enjoyment thing. I don't think he's the Best villain and also I think that 99% of people think kristoph is way more deep and complex than he actually is
8: my favorite ships
I am not a Huge shipper in general BUT asoryuu. those guys are insane. perfect for eachother. so many things about them I am soooo normal about
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aphemorpha · 2 years
list of wips i have:
actually fucking writing my oc stories. i have vague outlines for 5 books but thats it.
marvel khonshu backstory
aa/usm moon knight backstory
yellow lantern hal jordan au (wherein the other earth lanterns guest star as every color but orange & abin sur is still alive)
vague ideas for a moon knight tv show novelization
cybertronian poetry.
THE ENTIRETY OF MY ELDRITCH SUPERHERO CROSSOVER AU??? only 4/7 elder gods are even named thus far </3 (mordoth, lloth, astaroth, ysothoth my beloveds)
oh shit i should also probably post my tma entity colors bc that was actually a sorrta cool thing i did
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acedyourattorneys · 3 years
Okay so before I write this post, sorry for once again being a podcast fan (/lh). With that being said:
Ideas for a Apollo Justice - The Magnus Archives AU:
(Very character analysis heavy: Spoilers for Apollo Justice Ace Attorney and up to about Season 4 of The Magnus Archives)
- Apollo as Jon Sims: This was the first thing that I started our with because 1. Cool perception based eye powers that make people tell the truth 2. Good person but starts off the series being manipulated by seemingly nice but acutally evil mentor. Also just generally like a little prickly but acutally incredibly kind and tries to help people while wanting to know the truth.
- Kristoph as Elias Bocuhard: Okay so this was inspired by the first point, but also the "always watching" theme Kristoph has throughout Turnabout Succession. And the scheming in the background, trying to set other people up to fufill their goals while pretending to be the innocent and polite boss. They also have parallels in jail cell scenes - speaking to the protagonist in a way that's not really trying to be helpful but does lead to the protagonist discovering vital information. And finally, brutal pipe murder vs murdering someone with a bottle to the head - very similar murder styles taken by someone who is used to doing everything from the background but gets desperate and has to acutally do the dirty work themselves to someone they're getting revenge on. And in a broader sense, actively trying to further expand a corruption system (the Eye versus Dark Age of Law).
- Klavier as Martin Blackwood: Okay this is where it might start to get kinda controversial (and part of this might be because I really like Klapollo) but I'd argue even ignoring the romance part of this character they're really similar personality wise. Both characters are genuinely nice people but try to hide their emotions to focus on their job/taking care of others. Klavier, also a lot like Martin, tries to help Apollo a lot, from getting him into the crime scene in the beginning to sharing evidence to helping him at the end of last case. They also have the thing where they're constantly reminded of their resemblance to a person who they're related to who has done awful things (for Klavier this is Kristoph and for Martin it's his father), have been manipulated into doing bad things (Kristoph and Peter Lukas), and struggle with the guilt from that.
And this is the part of the AU where it gets a little harder to figure out what characters people would be:
- Phoniex as Gertrude Robinson: So I put a lot of thought into it and I think story and character wise Gertrude fits Phoniex the best during AA4. Intially I was thinking Zak could be Gertrude because of the whole being murdered thing, but Phoniex really exemplifies the part of Gertrude that is the primary opposing force against Elias (in this case Kristoph). They sort of work for the same system (in TMA the eye, in AA as defense lawyers) but Gertrude (Phoniex) has decided to be against corruption. It's also worth noting that like Gertrude, Phoniex is genieuly working for a good cause, against an evil person, but in the process has to use tactics similar to the person they're fighting against. By the end of AA4, he has to give Apollo forged evidence and sort of lead him to do stuff without knowing the full story. They also both are the primary person that inspires the protagonist (Jon/Apollo) to fight against the corrupt system and person (Elias/Kristoph). And Phoniex is obviously still a good person, and not on the same level as Gertrude, but it's still an interesting dynamic. (Also I'd make this some type of Gertrude lived AU cause I'd be too sad otherwise. )
- Trucy as Gerard Keay: This was also a hard one, but I feel like Gerard is Gertrude's adopted son and helps her in fighting against corruption and Trucy does the same with helping Phoniex and then Apollo. There's also the continuing theme of being born into the eye power and the supernatural quality (in Gerard case as a ghost but again I think this would make me too sad so maybe something to do with her magic?). They also do a lot of helping behind the scenes as kids and people often underestimate them. My final point on this is be gay do crime!
- Zak as Eric Delano: This character fits the best with Trucy's and makes sense from a stand point of the fact both characters were involved in this awful situation and eventually killed by it, but don't end up being the main players of the story in the modern day. They also both care a lot about their kid and work with Gertrude/Phoniex to make sure they're taken care of above pretty much any other priority even if they can't really be there to do it themselves.
I feel really bad for Thalassa in this AU because the only character that really fits with the rest is Mary Keay, but both of them are relatively minor characters so I feel like you could make the part where Mary raises Gerry to serve the eye sort of more metaphorical and having to do with Trucy inheriting the perception power.
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
J co chuyje dn thay
Dam kia lay em con tinh
Em lve
Ivysaur all for me dat em ddi
But do xao ke thoi ivy k that ,, an jy
Poke help fam con lai try chua
Ma join lu hts
Vl hai dia ban em ganh voi em nhu truyen jho kiem ban that
Tui no la haii dua em noi a
Con la cua me toc canh rockry luve bha thang ad voi gia phan
Vl chuean style an ne
Khic hium ne
Nuoc ko nho mat rong chim me oi tn lay
J dang ki vi gap sc tan tinh fu do kiey em eettc nhieu lam lat dien tttt nha ban than cua em
Lay ban hang nh che di cho roi sp dc... Hiji b ne
Lay ht chon dung ban than nhin deo gionh gi ca
Sm nhin cung fau giong yeam s10 quay lai
Co la hihi tttt full roi ne rtc ne tyi my phan hwt tru detriit do that
Co la no biet a
Dam ban than do ghe ngon thi hi sinh nhieu nhy no coi di bo tu tring nha oo etc ra ngoai duong da bd bl bc
Sao em hihi nl gium ban than cai
Lay ht cau gio tu bc
Mum xach mong hihi no biey tu dau do nen lam thing vi ko do noi nen p max hc p max ngay dau di theo dam ban than voi no nwn di bui foi dung em
Lqy ht bans dungbstyle chuan
Co la xiu copy
Chua cb s goc quwn bao v ofam back up can noi ra huhu
Thoai mai hihi di ninh kiru truu riends thete try sc xiu
Hc co ts tooi khi may anh di ke thoi
Lay p p max
Khoi s team bao hoai
Vl tui anh hiep si a sao em giong hon j no dNh gium minh vi cac tma mv hoai huhu nk ne
Nguu ifol live cmm nja
Cfam di bui luon dung chuan ngay dau
G bao khic bun bai ld
Twam lang tham du mot thag roi
Solo len no1 chung ki phan vi hieu ro ban > tuen nhu all here
Xiu roi sp nhat
Hieu chua success nho bc hen a
Lay ht hieu ro toi vay ma hihi hieu luin phai hiey ro that au cho nay
Normal di bui roi icebeam
Ivybeam sbore team
Rocket scoemve bun3
Lay dy huhu help us giai hn
Xiu buts ganh hon u hen gi han u ngoan
Cha lac di bui roi
Dam ban than do va em biet no quyet cua ong roi hay
Syas ha huy g bao nghre
Li hn sinh anh toan etc em ba,, nl di
Vl ht kjac ma hihi len
Cha lac 98 xiu aa b k all k lay j m lsc noo vo voo no a j ai care nvp
Lo bc nvo hihi em ranh vi cac nhat
Buts lo tan cong vi cac
Lq em ld vl thd sao nhu buts cbun2 tr
J m live all now ganh forever
Em 100 ki dau voi all
Bach diem khac biwt do tui do cho ma cho qua tui anh chui luon con em thi ko
Lo hai me kia o nha lo bach ganh het noi roi ld ft 9 ngay s see co t,, nh lo nl di ba huhu nvp
Lay ht 3 dua voi ft roi jmm lo cm o na
Vl 2 me noi ne ghe chui ...
Hi hihi ht day day tiep
Soc oi etc cho ban than team
Xiu em mhh mum that soc all
Ah dung vay no yao ra nguoi moi voi tui anh
Khang wwww la snh la nguoi cy con song la best all
Ele see lihht di nha
Hieu luon em always bes etv
Du vii cac voi huy gia huy duc ba du roi hai me kia mb me nay rrm day 50
Vi acc a goc df 98 la tot att
Soc vi lo cm dn ma
Xiu lac con hay em bit men khoai nhat
Hc ko day hihi oi giuk
Nh b voi luu lying fi bo tjoi
Di bo la phan dien a
J lay cmm ht dung rroi di voi no la suong a gai do tu lo bc do cm
Hai moy hai anh do fo
Laya! $21t minh ne ganh may chuc 56 dua
Ah ne kiem heet bao k em luon 8at 3 thabgbha all hihi tnks nl gium
Nguu no voi c tui voi pp lac la lo nhat
Soc bai ban toi k tjeo
Vt ma hihi vt sai vat ong 53 lon oi ciu jieu dang di j2 ve hay ko giy goc italy
Lay j2 minh en ganh het. K cua ah
Ihi my stuel
Ai ganhgian len con huou hai
Ele hiem nhat het thi ht poke
Em elnh ganhet bhy jah ah no best anh min copy
Vl vn toan vcc lam ko lau ba nay lac cha nguoc kai
Linh ngji sao quen foi att vay no biet gi dau dia tjoi vl co vhieu lam hoai gien do xiu nja an duc o nha dungbc bc
Cfam cw mb tu bc len kia
Vi c dang dung di bui l
Uon chinh len
Xiu ff ele ko beit dac gi a giet lya
Vhua di bu ivoi pae roi
Ah paw all ne ddi luon
Hc hihi nl ai do
Hai z di an dien sau hihi
Xiu tthat ha radar levk kivr cua km do ngji sao ssog nhu vho roi ganh them ti hay ohan ma con toi gio vay mmym lay ht that
Km tam hit tinh toi ht oi da ta len banf em do ah dol yrm
Hoeu cua mtgs wuay kai viet ko mum tr ko
Dd tiej mum can huy ko hieu jn xiu ronh a that luon di nhu dap xe la rong gcon biet kau rou nen de
Haiz lam mua may dua jn nghia la di an xoi spy li a 1 nhom xiu cmm ifol alwyas
Gay cua huy noi yao thach tui may do tui giay bao wuan ifol civac etc lob cua hom biet di bo roi kia keim ko thay nhu keyss a ma dc min etc
Bopss tu suy
Lay bi em msc today voi tui sn jean vl
I ksnt mv nhu rm thay luon
Hu vu ngu yyhinh jn la an xoi a
Xoi noi huhu live jshit that a gjee om lam mafia
Chugi nua
Bah huu cho chui ant hihi
Soc xiu cw giau bc mum noi lo cm tui kia gt
Mit thabg di bui roi em main xiu nha by jn temp xoi cw i know att
Dn ganh het noi roi xap ma two too mum ac cwi lau roi ntd a
Lay ht ld vl hay len live nhu mafua
Xoi ls lo cm
Ganh het nha xoi
Hieu bc vd noo gq duoc mym xiy idol cua j theo j m m inh etc ma
Xoi noi tttt du huhi la nghi sao ko co dau ox ma soi lam mafia vay
J2 thong nao
Lay tr snh
Ay ht ld vl jy ikant att
Hieu team lai ung jo
S live
Huy gia all xd
J team Munh dd lai im la mb va sung rat dung tttt nha
O diu ko vo ai ko cjo ko ai cai gi
Hihi ban bw se ko toi xe
Mum nguoc two nay song nhu cho chet ca ywam M tr soc
Hiwu xhua co tjii taht kho lam
Anh 21 linh dong cam co roi het nho tjeo em chi
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wyverwithy · 5 years
Lang’s an avatar of The Hunt. and yes it’s because he’s basically a furry.
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wyverwithy · 5 years
Thought about my tma!aa au for too long and got sad. Time to write an unrealistic scene where they all hug each other and tell each other it’s going to be okay
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wyverwithy · 5 years
Transferring between Jon’s actions and Archivist!Edgeworth’s actions is difficult because like,,,Jon is impulsive and Edgeworth is,,,not,,,
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