#but it's clear from the get go that she's open to romance she just hasn't found that Someone yet
stardustinthesky · 25 days
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Everybody's looking for you.
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aphrmoosun · 3 months
What can we expect from the upcoming apes movies??
The success of the new Planet of the Apes movie is obvious, it far exceeds what was expected at the box office and the critics are very positive. The only thing missing is the official confirmation of the fifth installment of the saga but seeing the numbers it has done, we should trust that we are going to have apes for a while.
So we can create our own ideas of what we think will come in the future of the saga.
Noa's first film in the saga opens up endless possibilities, we can also follow the clues given during the Caesar triology. And it is obvious that the new saga is not only inspired by the original saga from the 70s but also presents stories and ideas that were made known to us in those films. It was Cornelius himself who told us the story about Caesar who at that time called Aldo. So it is unreasonable for us to expect that, as happened in the Caesar films, the main ideas that were implemented in the films of the 70s will continue.
In the films of the 2010s we were already introduced to the idea of astronauts and although I think that the second film would be too hasty to present them, I do think that they could appear at the end of this film or in a kind of post-credits for the third film of Noah. Travels in the time? World's End? Humans destroying the planet? These are arguments that I still see as feasible in the movies. If the casting team is looking for an actor to be human in the next film, it gives me to understand that he could be the villain of the second film. And not Mae as many theorize.
It is true that she was the first human that is introduced to us in the new story and that her ideals direct her to be an antagonist. I don't doubt that that could be the case, but that Mae is a gray character is clear from the final scene of the movie. At one point Mae is going to lose her way and will surely find herself against Noa, but she is a character who screams to redeem herself. Noa and Mae are going to work together in the future, as an ape and a human.
Noa and Mae are clearly the same. They follow the same path: Noa does not know what the Echos are until Raka tells him about them. And Mae? She probably hasn't met an ape before either. Ignorance is mostly what separates us from ideals. And they both take the same path of getting to know each other. But just because they understood that, doesn't mean that everyone does. We already saw Proximus Caesar in the first film, who represents an ideal contrary to what Caesar represented. And very likely in the next movie we will see the humans in the bunkers who can take two arguments. The war against the apes or the search for a cure or becoming immune to the ape virus.
That's why we can theorize about the second movie. It has already been made clear to us that Noa and Mae are the protagonists of this story, and so far we have seen a lot of Noa and very little of Mae. If we come to any conclusion with the end of the movie, it is that Noa wants to follow Caesar's ideal and the one that Raka taught him when he hands the necklace to Mae. Because Raka gives him the necklace so that Noa remembers in the worst moments what was important. And now it's time for Mae to understand it too. I know that the next movie will be difficult for her and that she will also have to make difficult decisions, and that is the reason why Noa gives her the necklace.
I would especially like to mention Tim Burton's film from the 2000s. It is the film with the worst reviews in the saga and yet I see a lot of similarity between that film and the new one from 2024. I don't think they dare as much as in that film or that have some creative freedom to do some of the things they did in that one. And I'm talking about the romance within the movie. In the 2024 movie it is not very important and presents us with relationships that go beyond that interest but the relationship between Ari and Leo in that movie has been highly criticized by the general public and that could affect any attempt at a human/ape relationship that they would like to experience. So I don't see intermediate points, either they give us a story of enemies to lovers between Noa and Mae or I don't think it is very important for the story, because if they end up putting Noa and Soona together (which I doubt) it will not be important in the plot.
I don't want to make it longer so at another time I will develop it because I think they have thrown the stone into the river of a possible relationship between Noa and Mae hoping to see the public's reaction and because I think it would be a good idea to continue developing it.
To summarize, I think that the next movie will introduce us to a human villain and it will be the first time that Noa has to face one.
Human culture and how they have been living until now is also important and the reason why Mae lives isolated and away from humans. If she is immune but can still infect humans, no one will want to get close to her unless she is immune too. How does Noa and Mae's story continue to develop? Noa's clan taking a more leading role and getting to know Anaya and Soona more deeply. etc
I'm excited to see how it continues.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 8 months
It's been a while, hasn't it?
The office door creaks open
"Heya Pom! Brought back the paper i asked you yesterday?" Jax sounded so cheery. So happy while you just sat there on the chair like a drunkard... Well he's not a romance guy, of course he would be happy on his own. Damn rabbit.
"Not a word? What, still miss Sir Dentures?" He chuckles. He doesn't stop chuckling. What a clown... Thinks the jester. Ironic.
His smile fades into a sincere frown.
"Look here, Pom... It was necessary. He's free, paid for restoring us, we're all good now. No more murder and i got my nice charming scarf back and my favorite brushes, i'm the cool art teacher again!"
"So turn the dumb frown upside down aaaand please give me the paper i asked you? Please and thank you?"
"You're not a romance guy, of course you're fine. [___]hole..."
"Oh for the love of- the censor is still here?! God darn it, i wanna say the f word for once! I loved doing that!"
You grip onto the table until it began to crack at the memory of him. Him, him, him. That stupid fucking human.
"Pom you may wanna lay off the grip there, i paid a lot for tha-"
A chunk is crushed. Like paper.
Pomni lets go, revealing the chokehold put on the table left a permanent mark.
"Did ya dissociate again? I spoke well 'n clear, i paid a lot for that one!"
"Suck me, rabbit, you can get your s[__]t yourself" Pomni gets up and storms off from the office with no more words.
"Eh... Christ she's not okay..." Jax sighs
"Wonder if things coulda been better?"
Nobody helps at all.
Gangle offered to distract her, have a play, but Pomni wasn't in the mood.
Zooble offered a smoke but she didn't wanna try that kind of stuff.
Bubble is too much of an agent of chaos to give a shit, offered to commit "one (1) arson".
Kinger is just too far gone in his dementia, lucid when it was fucking funny and nothing more...
Nobody helps.
He knew how to help...
Only he knew...
The door to Ragatha's room creaks open
"Oh hey Pomni! How's your day go... Oh..." Ragatha notices Pomni is not any form of happy, if anything she looks like she's empty inside and wants to die...
"Oh you're not alright... Would you like to talk over tea..?"
"Mm... Will you let me vent properly?" Pomni groaned, still doubting that she won't pull out the whole everything is fine bullshit
"Oh- u-uhm- yes of- of course! Of course, i- i apologize for my past behavior, i really wasn't in my... B- best moments, at the time..." Ragatha stuttered. Don't stutter, you pretentious... ... Anyhow.
"Okay... Do you remember... Caine?" Ragatha already caught wind of the situation...
"The human with the dentures head? Yes, i remember him just fine, he restored us..."
"He was a good man, although didn't have the best manners he was alright nonetheless, knew how to make some laugh..." Ragatha and Pomni chuckled at the memory of Caine's wacky way with words. Jumping jellybeans? Seriously? That's a man right there!
A good dude...
"..." Pomni's pupils turned into black scribbles at the thought of him. The chuckling had faded as soon as it started, replaced by...
"I loved that human, if i'm being honest... He knew how to cheer me up, how to make the situation seem less bigger than it actually is... He knew how to kiss, god did he know..." Ragatha let out an "oh my" after hearing Caine kissed her, what else did they do..?!
"He... He was... He's amazing. Just that, amazing..." Pomni sighed, sipping on the tea she's given... "I loved him..." She began to sniff, putting down her cup.
"Oh dearie, come here-" Ragatha put down her cup and welcomed Pomni with open arms, knowing full well she needed to let it out of her system.
And that she did. Pomni got up and hugged Ragatha as tight as she could, and began to sob her lonely heart away, "He loved you too, Pomni, that cannot be denied..." Ragatha spoke as she held Pomni close. The poor jester, so alone...
How ironic.
She has friends, and yet she's lonely.
Caine had filled up a hole nobody could fill, and now that he's gotten out of the game after restoring everyone to their better conditions... That hole is empty once more, a gaping void and nothing to fill it.
How lonely this jester must be...
But it was necessary. He's free now.
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afewproblems · 1 year
62 &/or 71 for platonic stobin perhaps?
62: It's okay to cry & 71: You are the single best thing to happen to me.
Thank you very much for this, I love these prompts and got real carried away with this! I hope you enjoy!
If you had asked Robin Buckley to describe her relationship with Steve Harrington back in her freshman year, she'd laugh in your face. 
Why on earth would King-Steve be caught talking to her, let alone do it enough to constitute a relationship?
He was a popular jock, and Robin was a freshie with a trumpet.
It wasn't how things worked.
Steve operated on the outside of her periphery. She had an awareness of him, his actions in the popular crowd. Like any minor celebrity, the gossip mill ran rampant with tales of King-Steve.
"Harrington scored the winning shot at last night's game! Not many Juniors get opportunities like that!"
"King-Steve told Tommy to leave Harvey alone cuz he's just a freshie, saved him from a swirlie -swear to God man".
“Yeah well, I heard he broke Byer’s camera the other day, so--”
"Have you seen his hair, ugh he's so dreamy!"
To which Robin thought, 'I've seen him leave half a bagel of crumbs all over his English notes, how dreamy can he be?'
And to top it all off, Tammy Thompson wouldn't stop staring at him, twirling her long blond hair around her pink varnished nails while reading sonnets from Romeo and Juliet loudly at her cafeteria table, trying valiantly to catch his eye --peak romance right there.
But Robin wasn't quite ready to think about how much she wished Tammy would bat those long lashes at her, nah, hating Steve Harrington was easier. 
Besides, he had no idea she existed, right? 
Robin grabs a can of Coke from the fridge, reaching into her pocket for change before joining her mother at the till.
The corner store was all the way out on Main Street, but still closer to home than Mevalds or the grocer on Parsons so Mrs Buckley had stopped for a few things on their way back from Robin's band practice. 
She slides the change onto the counter and pops the tab before throwing a thumb over her shoulder, "I'll go wait by the car mum". 
Mrs.Buckley nods distractedly, waving her hand with a smile and she hunts through her purse for her checkbook.
Robin makes her way down the aisle to the entrance, the little bell above the door jingles lightly. She steps over the threshold into cool November air and shrugs her jacket collar up against the chill. 
She sighs as she looks back through the window, her mom seems to be taking her sweet time, chatting with the clerk now and going through her checkbook with a smile. 
A muffled groan catches her attention from across the lot, she tilts her head towards the sound and startles when she spots Steve Harrington, the bane of her existence, leaning against a car with a can of soda pressed to his beaten bloody face. 
He hasn't seen her, his eyes are trained at a point just ahead of him as he rolls the can over his split cheek. 
What the hell?
Robin leans away, keeping herself behind her mom's station wagon and out of his sight line. 
Who would have kicked the shit out of old King-Steve? And where were his two cronies Hagan and Perkins? She had so many questions and--
Steve sniffs once, pushing the heel of his free hand into his eye as he drops the hand holding the can.
Robin suddenly feels as though she's intruding on something private. Watching this boy she's never talked to, who she saw last Monday walking with the rest of the basketball team into the cafeteria, Nancy Wheeler hanging off his arm with an affectionate roll of her eyes and the biggest grin plastered all over his dumb face.
But this Steve is hurt and alone and smaller than she's ever seen him before.
It's bizarre.
Suddenly he's moving, throwing the can to the gravel and stepping off the car before sliding his arm across his face in one motion, he clears his throat and throws open the driver's side door.
The engine of his beemer roars to life just as Robin's mother exits the store, she frowns as Steve peels out of the parking lot, brakes squealing.
"Honestly, why they give teenagers licenses, I'll never know," Mrs.Buckley mutters under her breath as she unlocks the car and hands Robin the paper bag, "do you know that boy?"
Robin watches as the tail lights of Steve's car disappear around the corner, the image of his hunched shoulders and black eye branded in her mind's eye. 
Robin shrugs once as she opens the passenger door, "Not really".  
It's not until two years later that Robin crosses paths with Steve again, slinging ice cream with the former King down at the new mall.
Her first job and it’s at some horrible sailor themed ice cream shop of all places and to top it all off, she’s stuck with Steve Harrington.
Sure, she'd seen him in passing at school, watching as he slowly fell away from the popular crowd. While it was somewhat satisfying to see Tammy pretend she had never really been interested in the former King of Hawkins High, she couldn't help but remember the way Steve looked that day, face bloody, holding a cold can of pop to the worst of the bruises.
Robin can't help but wonder just what had suddenly turned Harrington's life completely on its head that day. She'd heard it was Jonathan that had beaten him up, but given how weirdly close he, Nancy, and Steve got after that cold November day, she didn't really believe it. 
Wasn't he rich too? He drove a BMW to work for chrissakes. So why was he here?
And then there’s the kids. 
They follow him around like ducklings, begging for rides during his spare time and free samples of ice cream on the days he’s working.
It would be endearing with anyone else, but it’s Steve Harrington. 
They've been working with one another for about two weeks before it happens again.
Robin idly sprays the glass display case with the spray bottle from the back. Whatever green liquid is in the unlabeled bottle smells absolutely foul but it's the only thing in the store powerful enough to get rid of all the finger and face prints on the glass from kids standing on their tiptoes to see the flavors.
They end up having to clean the customer side of the window far more often than their employee side and normally she and Steve will flip a coin for it.
Neither of them enjoy being out from behind the counter, the shorts and the socks are reason enough for this, but it also has the negative effect of piquing enough customer interest to interrupt their down time, like the movement and streak free glass shine draws their eyes.
But, nine times out of ten Steve would ‘lose’ and pick up the spray bottle without complaint. 
Robin had started to wonder if he was doing it on purpose, but why the hell would Harrington do something like that? 
She wrinkles her freckled nose and starts wiping the glass, clearing away the smudges and dirt before spraying again to get at the more stubborn fingerprints.
Steve is late today, which is weird. 
Another surprise from Hawkins golden-boy, Robin would have expected Steve to waltz in twenty minutes late to every shift, with a scowl on his face and a refusal to pull his weight. 
But it was the opposite. 
Steve would get there early, he would review the cleaning list for the day, check the inventory to see what ice creams would need to be restocked and what the special was for the day. 
The only thing Steve had ever asked her to do, was to write out the specials on the board. 
When Robin had scoffed and asked why he couldn't do it himself, Steve had gotten very quiet, chewed his lip for a beat and said, "I don't want to mess it up, or have you have to redo it for me". 
Steve shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets, "sometimes the letters are weird when I read and then it makes it harder to write them out”.
He sighs but it comes out more like a scoff, “there’s a reason I’m still here Buckley”.
Oh…so the golden boy of Hawkins High would not be leaving for college in the fall then. 
He looked at her, his big eyes traced over her face as though he were looking for any hint of a laugh.
And what else could she do in the moment but pick up the dry erase marker and shoulder him out of the way of the board with a, ‘you owe me dingus’. 
She turned her face away at the small smile Steve gave her, ignoring the twinge in her chest at his tiny confession. 
God Dammit, he was not endearing, he wasn’t!
Robin balls up the rag she used to wipe down the glass and looks up to the wall clock on the far side of the food court. 
It’s nearly eleven in the morning and Steve is still not here, she’s tempted to use the phone in the back to call his house when she remembers she has no clue what his phone number is or if it would even be listed.
She’s sure he’s scheduled with her today; it’s Tuesday, they always work Tuesdays together. 
Robin looks around the food court, scoping out the entrances and nearby tables. There’s no sign of him, no obnoxious hair, no big goofy grin, or big hazel eyes to be found. 
She huffs and makes her way to the back room, pushing the swing door open hard enough that it makes a satisfying bang against the wall. 
She freezes at the sudden yelp from the back corner. 
Steve whirls away from her, his face tipped into his open locker, his shoulders are a tense hunched line. It's a horribly familiar pose and once again Robin can’t help but feel like she’s witnessing something she shouldn’t.
“Steve?” she says softly, taking another step into the room, “whats--”
“I know I’m late,” he mumbles, the words are tight but there’s no waiver to them, “sorry”.
Robin wishes she were better at this sort of thing --her mom always seemed to know what to do and what to say when people were upset. That skill definitely skipped a generation in her case. 
He turns to face her, slowly, one hand on his nose, the other holding his wrist against his chest.
There’s an ugly, rapidly purpling bruise running down his arm where it’s cradled. The shape is strange, almost as if someone had grabbed him - it runs around the entire circumference of his forearm and--
Steve eyes her challengingly but there’s no real heat in it, his eyes slightly shiny in the awful humming fluorescent lights.
“Actually,” Robin swallows roughly after nearly a full minute, clearing her throat as she leans back on her heels, “Uh, Marcus said we only needed one person on today, it’s slow as shit so,” she shrugs and tilts her head to the employee entrance, “you could go home if you want”.
Steve stares at her, his eyes raking over her face the same way he did after the white board incident, before he sniffs once and shakes his head, muttering under his breath that he’d rather get hit by a bus and Robin stiffens at the implication.
“You’re a terrible liar Buckley,” he says eventually, closing his locker and running a slightly shaky hand through his hair before walking towards her and the storefront, “but thanks,” Steve says softly as he passes. 
“Does that mean I can go home?” Robin calls after him, immediately wincing but pleased at the startled laugh she hears from the counter.
She follows him out front, slowly, suddenly feeling with absolute certainty that she really doesn’t know Steve Harrington at all.
Robin never thought she would be here. 
Not once did she think she would have ever come out to someone while she was still in highschool, let alone the former King of Hawkins high who would in turn become her best friend, her platonic soul-mate if you would. 
After the debacle that was their official last shift with Scoops Ahoy and the Russian Spy Alternate dimension bullshit where Steve risked his damn life to save her and the kids --who all knew about this monster filled Upside Down just by the by. 
So many things suddenly made so much sense, Steve and his injuries over the years, his weird relationship with Nancy and Jonathan, even the sudden personality 180.
And through the truth serum, the torture, the fire, and running down another car driven by a maniac from California, Steve was there to hold her hand, and Robin is infinitely grateful for it.
They take a job together at Family Video, attached at the hip ever since the mall burned down in July; the video store is one of the few places still hiring that summer that pays a dollar above minimum wage. 
It’s not exactly glamorous, it’s mostly restocking the shelves and rewinding tapes but it’s easy and the hours are good. 
She and Steve are able to get their shifts together most of the time, they both know this is so Keith can avoid working with Steve directly -a bonus if there ever was one. 
Things have been quiet ever since Billy’s death and the Mind Flayer’s obliteration from their world, but it’s been especially quiet since the Byer’s packed up and moved to California. 
Most of that seems to be influenced by the cloud of sadness that has draped itself over the rest of the kids and Nancy -who has been coming by more and more lately, stopping in at Family Video and lingering in the evenings, chatting with Steve while Robin shelves the returns. 
It wouldn’t even have made a blip on Robin’s radar if not for the way Steve would shut down for the rest of their close after Nancy left. 
He refuses to speak more than one word answers, refuses to engage with Robin’s one sided bantering as she balances the till and shuts down the neon Open sign.
It’s nothing like after she saw the bruises at Scoops, nothing like the quiet acknowledgement that the Harrington house wasn’t all money and sunshine the way she thought it was. 
And Robin doesn’t know what to do about it.
It’s been going on for weeks now, and she’ll be starting school again soon. She won't be able to take the same number of shifts as she could over the summer months, and Robin has no idea what will happen when she’s not there as a buffer anymore.
It’s the last week of August when she brings it up to him.
“Steve?” she says as she hands him another copy of The Terminator tape for him to rewind; it’s nearly nine at night and Nancy hasn’t been by at all today. Robin’s stomach has been in knots watching Steve watch the windows for her all night. 
He tilts his head and quirks an eyebrow at her as Robin breathes in deeply through her nose, her heart suddenly in her throat. 
“Just,” she bites her lip, “what is going on with you and Nancy?” 
Oh, perfect, real subtle.
All at once Steve’s face shutters.  
“No, come on, don’t do that,” Robin wheedles, stepping in front of him, “Steve, just talk to me--”
“There’s nothing to talk about, just drop it Robin,” he bites out as he steps around her to grab the returns cart and wheel it over to the New Release shelf.
“No, nope,” she huffs, walking quickly to the other side of the cart and grab the handles, “this is against all the laws of best-friendom”.
“That's not a word,” he mumbles tiredly, reaching up to pinch his nose and close his eyes. 
Ah shit. 
“Dingus, Steve,” Robin says softly as she lets go of the handles and steps closer into his space, “talk to me?”
Steve hesitates, seeming to chew the words or the inside of his cheek - she can’t quite tell at this point, before he blinks once, twice, his eyes rapidly becoming shinier by the second.
Oh double shit.
He shakes his head and turns away from her sharply and Robin doesn’t know what to do with her hands as Steve takes a deep wobbly breath. 
“It’s okay you know,” she finds herself saying softly as she takes a step closer, “to cry?”
Steve barks out a wet laugh and shakes his head again, still not looking at her.
“I don’t know what to do, like literally,” Robin whispers in a panicked voice, “can I, I mean, do you want a hug?”
He nods but doesn’t move as Robin steps even closer to wrap her arms loosely around his waist, he’s stiff in her embrace but slowly begins to relax the longer they stand there - as though he’s not used to something like this.
“You don’t have to tell me anything, but I am here if you want to talk, or if you even just want to vent - man I want to vent,” Robin says, pulling back slightly to look Steve in the eyes, “don’t take this the wrong way, but what the hell is Nancy doing?”
Steve stills in her arms but she keeps going, “honestly, aren’t she and Jonathan still dating?” 
“Like I get that he’s all the way in California but why is she coming in here, and don’t tell me it's about the movies --she never asks me to help find anything, just you, and half the time she doesn't even end up renting anything?”
Robin stops as Steve’s breath hitches once, “it's not fair to you,” she finishes lamely, her voice petering out as Steve nods and sighs, finally bringing his own arms around Robin’s shoulders to draw her closer and bury his face in her hair.
“Thank you,” he whispers in her ear as he squeezes her tight enough to leave her nearly breathless.
“You’re the only person I can actually talk to that won’t think less of me about, about everything,” he whispers into her hair, Robin’s hands twitch as she fists his work vest between her fingers. 
“I think, you are the single best thing to have happened to me in the last like, two years Robs,” the words are constricted, as though he has to drag them out, “and…I need to tell you something”.
Robin nods as he pulls away this time to look at her, his red rimmed eyes trace over her face, just like they had at Scoops all those months ago.
“I,” he swallows and drops his gaze to the floor, “I don’t…feel that way about Nancy anymore,” Steve says quietly. 
“But you seem so upset whenever she leaves, you were looking for her today?” Robin says, confusion painting her words. 
Steve sighs and tips his head back this time, looking at the ceiling as though the answer is hidden among the ceiling tiles and water stains. 
“It's complicated, I…” his mouth opens and closes for a beat, “I am sad for her that Jonathan is gone - he was a better fit for Nancy, way better than me,” he mutters and looks at Robin once more. 
“And I know what she's doing, coming in here all the time, she’s lonely, but that's not why I’m upset Birdy”.
Robin frowns, “then what--”
“There’s this guy,” Steve blurts out, speaking over her in a rush.
Robin feels herself stop breathing, what?
His chest begins to rise and fall rapidly as he continues, “I-I’ve never told anyone this before”.
“Okay, okay,” Robin whispers, rubbing soothing circles into his back as he moves even closer and drops his head to her shoulder. 
“I don’t know what to do,” he murmurs into her vest and hair, his breath warm and wet as his chest stutters and heaves. 
“It’s okay,” she says again, repeating the words she’s told herself the last three years, “you’re okay”.
“Loving Nancy is easy, but I…” he sniffs and breathes out, Robin feels a gathering wetness on her shoulder but it only makes her hug him harder.
“But you don’t,” she says softly, finishing his sentence for him.
Steve nods and lets out another shaky breath, finally lifting his face from her shoulder.
He’s a mess, face red and blotchy, tear tracks and snot shine in the streetlights from outside the video store window. Steve’s eyes are red and puffy and his mouth has stretched into an uncharacteristic frown that makes Robin’s chest ache. 
Now Robin’s mother may have been an expert on making people feel better no matter the occasion, but Robin was an expert on putting her foot in her mouth and making Steve laugh.
And the latter felt much more appropriate at this moment. 
“I mean, you’ve come to the right person at any rate,” she says sagely, reaching up to wipe a loose tear from his nose, he snorts and bats her hand away.
“I’m serious, if anyone is an expert in gay pining, it’s me, I’ve seen it all, if you want pointers in watching from afar and daydreaming about your illegal wedding, I’m your lady”.
Steve laughs and steps back to wipe his face roughly with both hands, it does nothing to sooth the puffy skin beneath his eyes but at least the last trace of tears are gone. 
“I’m also an expert,” she chews her lip for a moment, considering carefully how to put it into words, “on how all of this feels, and how new and scary it can be,” she says softly, “trust me, I’ve been there”. 
Steve nods, his eyes shining all over again as he tugs Robin closer into another bone crushing hug.
Just in time for the bell above the door to chime. 
Well shit.
They step away from one another, glad for the distance from the front door to the counter, knowing exactly how that might have looked to the average customer so late into the evening.
“Hey man,” Robin calls out as Steve turns away from the door to hide his face, “just letting you know we close in five so…”
The man nods, he looks familiar, Robin’s fairly certain she’s seen him at school but she can’t remember the name. 
His wild curly hair and jean vest decked out in patches and pins scream, ‘Metal-Head’, as does the ever present cloud of tobacco and weed smell that follows him and around the shelves. He makes a beeline for the small horror section at the back and grabs a tape before making his way to the counter. 
“No worries Buckley, knew exactly what I wanted, I won’t hold you and Harrington up --hey man,” he says brightly, two dimples bloom as he smiles in Steve's direction who flinches at being addressed. 
Steve slowly turns and tries for a smile, “hey Eddie,” he mumbles.
Eddie’s smile drops as his eyes trace over Steve’s face, “woah, what happened sweet-uh,” he looks at Robin once before moving back to Steve, “dude, uh, sweet dude?”
Oh no fucking way.
Steve clears his throat, his cheeks slowly getting pinker the longer Eddie and Robin stare at him, “nothing, I promise, um are you still okay to take Dustin to Indy tomorrow to the hobby shop?”
Eddie nods and smiles, though there’s still a hint of worry in his eyes as he slides the tape over the counter, “wouldn’t miss it, gotta get that kid ready for Hellfire initiation after all,” he says with a wink.
“I figured if you didn’t have anything after we could watch this at mine,” Eddie continues nervously this time, gesturing to the tape Steve scans through. 
For the third time since she’s known Steve, Robin feels as though she’s witnessing something she shouldn’t, only this time it doesn’t fill her with anxiety or uncertainty, and she’s never felt more invisible.
“I’d like that,” Steve says softly as Eddie beams at him, wrapping his knuckles against the counter as he hands Steve three one dollar bills.
“Sounds like a plan my liege,” Eddie hums as he bows with a flourish, coaxing a laugh out of Steve who is smiling like a loon beside Robin, “you bring the popcorn, I’ll take care of everything else,” he calls over his shoulder as he walks backwards towards the entrance before tipping an imaginary hat in farewell as he disappears out the door.
“That is not pining!” Robin shrieks as she whirls around on Steve the moment they see Eddie get into his van, “that was full blown flirting, how long has this been going on??”
“I’m sorry--”
“Nuh uh, you’ve been getting kissy with him, and you didn’t tell me? You got to have your first kiss before me??”
“We haven’t kissed Robin, christ we haven’t done anything--”
“Life is so fucking unfair, you had to be a ‘ladies’ and a ‘man’s’ man, huh?” She scoffs as she walks to the front of the store and switches off the sign and bolts the door for good measure.
Robin turns around only to find Steve staring at her, a nervous expression warps his normally handsome face.
She rolls her eyes and sighs, “I am still so proud of you for telling me, but you have to admit this is unjust,” she mutters in what she hopes is a reassuring voice.
“You think he likes me then?” Steve wonders aloud as he looks from Robin to the door that Eddie left through with a small smile.
Robin drops her face into her hands, this is the man she’s chosen for her platonic soul-mate?
“You are literally going on a date tomorrow,” she grumbles irritatedly, “I watched him ask you out, not even ten seconds ago Steve”.
The smile he sends her way is blinding, and once again Robin is reminded just how much she loves this doofus, how she never would have imagined herself here as a freshman with a trumpet.
“You are calling me after,” she demands as Steve pops the till to begin cashing out while Robin hops up to sit on the counter and fill out the paperwork, “if I can’t teach you about pining then you damn well owe me a class about dating”.
Steve laughs brightly as he lays down the bills and change, giving Robin a soft grin which she returns, finally feeling as though she knows Steve Harrington much better than most.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 8 months
Prominence [A.1]
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Social Media AU ; Idol AU ; Added Unit AU CW/TW: Language Genre: Comedy, Romance Pairing: NCT x Idol!Reader, Yangyang x Reader Y/N Pronouns: Female (She/Her) Word Count: 5.5K
(1/?) [NCT Masterlist] | [Other Groups Masterlist] | [Prominence S1 Masterlist] | [Prominence S2 Masterlist]
Notes: AKA me wanting to write an alternate season where all of us second-male-lead-syndrome bitches won. Also, rq, should go without saying but this is completely separate from S2 and will not be referenced in S3, I just like being delusional. Also this is a direct branch from s1, it's an alternate season soooo yah Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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28th December 2021
You were a mess.
And, really, he didn't blame you. Back-to-back scandals leaving everything on the line, if he were in your shoes he'd have isolated himself too. Maybe he wouldn't have shut everyone out, but, then again, he hasn't exactly been in this situation before, feeling like everything could have been gone in the blink of an eye. He's never felt so... hopeless.
Not when you forgot his name. Not when you didn't do so much as spare him a glance. Not when you didn't remember him when you were grouped into NCThree. Not when you announced that you were dating who was, most likely, one of the most eligible bachelors in the 4th gen.
And not now, he wouldn't let himself. Look at you, he'd never seen you like this, and he never thought he would too.
And then the fantasy ended. Leaving you here with him, two soju bottles in and a third being opened. And a secret tossed into the open when it should have been kept locked away.
'(Y/N) you have to promise me that nothing will change after this, okay?' He said that and you swore to him that nothing would. But he knew, he knew this was a bad idea, so why did he want to keep going with it so bad?
“(Y/N). You’re my best friend,” saying it out loud really puts more into perspective, “[and I love you].” Those three words carried so much weight that as soon as he said it, he felt his shoulders become lighter. You only nodded.
“Yangyang, you’re my best friend, and I love you too,” you laughed. You didn’t get it. “That’s not really a secret, buddy. I’d take a bullet for you,” you continued. Yangyang shook his head. He expected this much, but now that he has to spell it out, it feels even more awkward.
“No, (Y/N), you don’t get it,” he puts his hand on your shoulder now. “You’re my best friend. And I love you.” He said it again, and still the weight carried. It felt wrong to tell you this now.
“I… oh,” realization was clear in your eyes. Your lips fell slightly ajar as the cogs turned in your mind. They closed and you looked away for a moment. Yangyang pulled away from you and folded his hands together instead, looking off while you processed. You were quiet for a while, both of you were, your hands were playing with the cap of the soju bottle in front of you while your expression changed only slightly, and it got Yangyang wondering just what you were thinking in your head.
But you were still quiet, you have been quiet. Just what were you thinking about? There was always this pride you both held in being able to understand what the other was thinking but, for the first time, he couldn't read you at all.
"(Y/N)?" He's testing the waters now. You promised.
"I think... we should head back now," you pushed the bottle away. Yangyang turned away from you and straightened in his seat.
"Yeah, let's go," he nodded his head and waited for you to step off the stool first before following you.
"Auntie, we're leaving now," you said without looking back.
And that was the first time, in a very long time, that Yangyang had felt hopeless.
"She didn't say anything?" Dejun was at the edge of his seat, and so were the rest of WayV, Renjun, and, of course, Mark. Yangyang had just finished recounting the [details from just a few hours] earlier to this grouping of curious members, and, to say the least, their expressions were grim or near unreadable. Some listened intently, while others seemed to be distracted.
"Nothing... just... 'oh' and that was it, that was the end of the conversation," Yangyang's eyes glance to some corner of his room. Not a good time, he knows he should have waited, it was too rash on his part.
"What did she say on the way back? Or when you got back?" Mark probes.
"Nothing," Yangyang had this despair in his eyes. "I... I think I really ruined things between us," he shakes his head.
"No, don't say that," Kun comforts him. "She's probably just processing everything right now, you know it wasn't really the best time to drop this on her."
"I know!"
"Then why did you do it?" Renjun sighs.
"Hey, don't be like that, you're the one who encouraged me to tell her the truth."
"Well not right now, Yangyang," he groans.
"But... she really didn't say anything? This is (Y/N), right? No smart quips, no badly timed jokes, nothing?" Mark hugs the plush to his chest.
"That's what's got me so worried," Yangyang rubbed the back of his head harshly. "She promised nothing would change, though."
"Seriously, Yangyang?" Ten groans. "Everything will change."
"Dude, not now, I know I shouldn't have dropped this on her now," he runs a tired hand down his face. "I know... I know it was selfish of me to have even said anything, but part of me felt like it would've been more unfair to keep it a secret from her, especially when there are just so many secrets around her right now," he mutters.
"No, you're right... but I think I'm gonna go check on her," Mark stands up, handing the stuffed animal to Renjun on the way. "She's... she's my best friend too, I feel bad about lying to her," he shakes his head and leaves the room.
"I fucked up," Yangyang shakes his head. He should have waited. "I don't even know how I'm going to fix it."
"Maybe don't," Kun offers, "I can't speak for her, but everything seems to be out of her control for now, wait for her to get back to you on this."
"Yeah, I get what you mean," Yangyang nods, "but I can't just... pretend that it didn't happen."
"No, definitely don't do that," Xiaojun shakes his head. Ten nods.
"Don't pretend, but don't push either," Ten hums, "and, most important of all, don't ignore her," he shoots him a pointed glare. "She needs friends right now, and her best friend even more. Don't be Yangyang the doomed second male lead, be Yangyang her best friend," Ten crosses one leg over the other.
"Easier said than done, I don't think we'll ever look at each other the same way again," he runs a frustrated hand through his hair.
"Well, she promised that nothing would change, right?" Renjun leans forward, "I don't know (Y/N) as well as you do, but I do know that she keeps her promises. Just give her time, and maybe support her while her career hangs on by a thread," Renjun sighs.
"Yeah, you're all right," Yangyang leans back on his palms. But he couldn't swallow down the guilt.
You sat in your room, hugging your pillow to your chest all the while.
Wow... talk about timing.
You sighed into the pillow and reached for your phone, your thumb hovering over Seonghwa's contact name, and so much more guilt building inside of you. So much shit was going on right now, you were thrown into scandal after scandal and now you had... this to deal with. Most of ATEEZ had always been concerned about your friendship with Yangyang, some louder about it than others, but never did you think that they were right. Maybe the fact that enough of them brought it up should have been a concern to you.
But you didn't want to believe them. You just wanted to hold on to this image you had of your best friend that he was just that. And now so many of his actions have become clouded to you, so many of his intentions have been brought to question, hell, even your friendship with him is in the air now too. Even your future was something you were unsure of now. You couldn't just stop talking to him, that would be impossible considering NCThree. Then again, you were in very real danger of losing your job now so it wasn't impossible.
This is nothing, though, compared to the bigger conflict. You're still in a relationship, a very happy one, or at least you think it is.
So why didn't you give him an answer then? You should have flat-out told him 'no.' You should have rejected him right then and there and had the both of you move on and continue like it hadn't happened, but, no. You didn't give him an answer. And if it was eating you up like this you could only imagine him. How long had he felt this way about you?
If he was a year earlier, maybe things would have been different.
You shook the thought out of your head. You're in a relationship. And one that you were willing to fight for, one that you had been fighting for.
Then, a knock at your door interrupted your thoughts.
"It's open," you took a deep breath as Mark entered, closing the door behind him. He pulled your desk chair aside and sat down, hands in his hoodie's pockets and shoulders relaxed.
"Hey, I... uh... I just wanted to check up on you," he says. You nodded your head and, if possible, you sank further into that pillow you were holding.
"You talked to Yangyang, huh?"
"Yeah," Mark nodded, "but you're my best friend too, and to be honest, don't tell him, if I had to pick a side I'd always choose you first," he says quietly.
"Why would we need to pick sides?" You glanced at your phone again. "It's okay, Mark, you don't have to worry about anything, but if he's looking for an answer..." you trailed off, "I can't give him one."
"If you don't mind, can I ask why?" You're silent for a while.
"Well, I don't want to just heartlessly reject him, he's still my best friend too," you nodded, "I need to come up with a... better way to turn him down without ruining his ego forever," you added with a short laugh, "plus... I can't really think about what he said right now," you muttered.
"I get it, I get it," Mark hums, "but... uh..."
"I know, I promised nothing would change but... Mark, you understand where I'm coming from, right?"
"Of course, I do," Mark sits up a little now, "will... will the three of us change?" His voice was quiet and you couldn't answer him.
"I don't know, I think I'm going to wait for all this to blow over then he and I can figure it out," you said.
"Yeah," Mark answers but he doesn't sound convinced, "if you need anything, though, (Y/N), let me know."
"Can you silence all the rumors?" You asked jokingly.
"Eh, I can probably pull a few strings," Mark tilts his head left and right with a small smile, "you said it yourself, everyone loves me," he tries to lighten the mood and you cracked a small smile.
"Exactly, Mark," you tipped the pillow toward him, "but, seriously, thanks for checking up on me," you nuzzled your head into the pillow.
"Yeah, of course," he says. "I should probably head back now, get some sleep, (Y/N)."
"I will, good night," you watched him get up and head to your door.
"Night," he closes it behind him and you're left on your own again. You laid down in bed, going over your mental checklist of things to do tomorrow, the first thing, naturally, would be to call Seonghwa and tell him about everything that's going on, then you'd have to talk to your managers and sort everything out too, and maybe some damage control wouldn't hurt either. Then, as you closed your eyes, your phone rang on the nightstand next to you and you picked it up quickly, immediately recognizing the ringtone.
"Seonghwa?" Your voice was tired.
"Hey, could you meet me outside really quick?" And so was his. You stood up and walked over to your window. The sidewalks were anything but busy at this time of night.
"Yeah, I'll be down there," you hung up first while pulling on a hoodie and heading out of your room. The dorms were just as quiet as the outside likely was and you moved around carefully so as not to awaken anyone on accident. But, moving to the main room, you saw the small sliver of light coming from the WayV dorms and part of you felt a little sad about it. You turned away and left the dorms, the elevator ride down being unbearably longer than usual.
When you'd finally left the building, there Seonghwa was. His phone was still in his hand and Mars in the other.
"Hi," you looked either way before hugging him. He held you back, his head nuzzling against yours.
But something about it felt... off.
And when you separated, that feeling only grew.
"It's a bit late for a walk, don't you think?" You pet Mars gently with a smile.
"Yeah," he seemed distant. "I need to talk to you about something important," he says. You nodded.
"Anything, did you want to come inside? It's cold out here," you pointed behind you, but he shook his head. "Did something happen?" You asked him. He looked off for a moment before nodding.
"(Y/N)," he says your name, but it felt like it was being held down by a heavyweight, "I've been doing a lot of thinking," he says.
"Mmhmm," you nodded your head slightly, "me too," you answered. And you weren't wrong, there is so much that you both had to talk about in terms of this relationship and in lieu of all the scandals that suddenly appeared.
"Then you know," he says.
"Yeah," you nodded, "it'll take a lot of work, but I'm sure we'll be able to fight our way out of this, just like before, right?" You shot him a tired smile. He didn't return it. "Seonghwa?" You said his name carefully, but he shakes his head.
"I think..." he looks away for a moment, then he turns back to you and hands you Mars' leash. "You should watch him for a while, he's always trying to escape our place," he says. You nodded and Mars walked over to your side.
"Yeah, I'm always happy to take this rascal in," you scratched behind his ears. "But, I can tell that that's not what you're here for, huh?" You tried to look him in his eyes, but he averted from your gaze every time. And, slowly, you felt this pit form in your chest. "Is... are you okay?" You changed your question. He shakes his head and you took a step toward him, and he took a step back.
"I think we should go our separate ways, (Y/N)."
You're silent.
"I don't think now's a good time for either of us to be..." he didn't finish his sentence. And still, you were silent. Mars whimpered next to you, and still you didn't move. You kept looking at him.
"You're breaking up with me?" You asked him with a shaky voice. He looked at you with a gentle gaze. "Why?" Did you even need to ask?
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he says.
"Is it the rumors?"
"Did I do something?"
"It's not that-"
"If it's because of Yang-"
"(Y/N), just wait, please," he says. You stop talking. "(Y/N), I just think... With everything going on right now, it might be best if we walk on our own for a while, let everything settle down," he says. You didn't respond. "And you're getting busy, so am I, we just won't have time to spend with one another," he continues. You looked down at the ground. "Say something, (Y/N), anything," he says. You looked to Mars, who's ears were down.
"What... what do you want me to say to that?" You looked at him and shook your head. "If I say 'no' then I'm selfish, and if I say 'yes' then everything we've been through together... was for nothing?" You swallowed harshly.
"It wasn't for nothing."
"Then why even break up in the first place?"
"I told you why," Seonghwa shook his head.
"That's not fair, Seonghwa, you know everything happening isn't my fault," your voice wavered. "That's not fair, you can't pin these on me," a noticeable whimper rose in your throat.
"It's not about the rumors, (Y/N), of course I know they're not true!" Seonghwa rarely ever raised his voice, and he knew he made a mistake when you sealed your lips shut. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), I don't think I can continue on with this anymore," he says. You clutched the leash tighter.
"You... that... that's not fair..." you muttered. "We've made it work before."
"I don't think we should give up now."
"I... I can't, anymore."
"Why not?"
"I just can't!"
"That's not an answer, Seonghwa, we've been together for more than a year, you can do better than I can't!" Your voice rose and Seonghwa groaned in frustration.
"It's for me and for you," he says.
"Don't you dare make that decision for me," whatever disbelief you had was slowly being replaced with anger, "you..." you took a deep breath. It wouldn't be fair to him for you to refuse, and you just couldn't look him in the eye. "Fine," you whispered.
"(Y/N), I don't want us to end on a bad note."
"We're not," you shook your head, "but it's not on a good one either. Take however long you need, as long as you tell me eventually the real reason why you wanted to throw away a whole year," you shut your eyes tight, as if locking the tears away. Seonghwa reached out to you and you let him, and he held you close to him for a while, but you couldn't find it in you to hold him back.
"I'm sorry, it's for the best," he says. You shook your head. You couldn't say anything to him, it would've been selfish of you to hold him back when he didn't want to continue on and you could just tell that there was something else, something bigger, that he was keeping from you and if this was how he wanted to play it, without you, then that's his choice. He didn't ask for a break, he didn't leave hope to continue, he just chose to end it all.
"You..." you pushed away from him, "are horrible," you shook your head and you turned to leave. But Mars stood still, grabbing onto the leash between his jaws as if to pull you back. "Come on, Mars, let's go," you pulled on the leash gently, but he stayed put with a small whimper. You sighed and dropped the leash. "Then stay with him," you hugged your arms to your chest and you walked back into the building, taking one last look back. Seonghwa watched you with a distant look in his eyes, and you waited for a few moments, hoping for something, anything really. Was it too much for you to hope that he'd follow you in? Take it all back? Why was he just standing there? You shook your head, he did nothing, and you pushed the button for the elevator, and when it took too long you turned to the side and took the stairs instead. And with each step you looked at your phone, waiting and hoping to get a sudden call or text from him to come back down or to... do something, but, instead, all you saw was the time. 3:45am.
You walked back into the dorms, the main room was empty, dark, maybe a little messy but that was normal for this home. Most of all, it was quiet, everyone, you think, was still asleep or about to be. You felt like you were on autopilot since taking the stairs. Then, right as you turned to walk over to the ANiMA side, that door opened and Jihyun, headset around her neck, spotted you and smiled.
"Hey, you're up... what happened?" Her smile dropped and she walked over to you quickly to wipe the tears off your face with her hoodie's sleeve. You sniffled loudly and you held onto her hands.
"I... he... I..." you swallowed harshly, feeling your words get caught in your throat and turn into short gasps until you finally gave up and hugged her and she hugged you back, wrapping her arms securely around you while your sniffles turned into sobs, and you cried into her shoulder.
"Oh, it's okay, shh," she comforts you, rubbing the back of your head softly. "It's okay, (Y/N)." But you couldn't respond, your voice was being swallowed down. You let go of her first, but she kept her hand on your shoulder. "I know you must be under a lot of pressure right now, (Y/N)," she says. You nodded, but you still couldn't speak, you just pointed to the dorms and you walked off toward it, Jihyun following you as soon as she grabbed a cup of water for you, but when she entered your room, you weren't there. "(Y/N)?" She looks around until she sees the line of light under the bathroom door. "Oh... (Y/N)..." she leans on the wall against it.
You, meanwhile, lay on the ground. You came in here fully intending to just wash your face but, at one point, you were sitting on the floor, then you were on the ground staring at the wall.
What the hell?
What the hell was that?!
It's better for you and him?
What was better? How could this be better? Your whole fucking life is falling apart. You thought that if there was just one thing you had in control it was your relationship but apparently fucking not considering he just broke up with you with some bullshit excuse and... this sucks. Even your dog didn't want to go with you. How badly did you fuck up for him to think that it would've been good to... break up? You sighed and blinked the tears away, but it wasn't long before they were replaced. And so you covered your eyes with your hands instead.
That next morning, the NCT dorms were in chaos. Early morning schedules mixed with personal schedules had everyone up early and without the varying doses of caffeine those same people were cranky.
Such as this one. Jeno banged on the bathroom door.
"Jaemin, stop flexing in the mirror, I have to take a shit," he grumbles. There's no response. "Jaem, I'm serious!" He knocks on the door again and Saeron opens it, holding her shower caddy and blowdryer.
"Thanks for letting me use the bathroom, Jaemin! Sorry, Jen, I just had to take a quick shower," she pats his face and walks off. Jeno covers his mouth and gasps.
"Oh, fuck," his cheeks flush red with embarrassment.
"Who the hell is taking so long in the bathroom?!" Doyoung shouts. The other eight members of 127 looked among themselves and shrugged.
"Ay, wait in line! I'm next," Johnny tightens the towel around his waist and Jungwoo pulls out his toothbrush from his mouth.
"Mm whm ahm," Jungwoo says, mouth full of toothpaste. Finally, the door opens and Yeseul walks out.
"Thanks for letting me borrow your hellhole bathroom," she dries her hair with a towel and walks off, Doyoung's jaw dropping in the process.
"Em? Why were you using our bathroom?" Mark asks.
"Ours is quarantined," Yeseul shrugs.
"Oh, well, if (Y/N) needs to use it she can," he says.
"That's nice, I'll tell her once she leaves our bathroom," she walks out of the dorms.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Mark follows her out.
"Damn! You live like this?!" Jihyun's voice seemed to echo in the WayV dorms. She throws the door open, holding various skin products in hand. "There are no labels!" She has a wild look in her eyes.
"Yeah, there are!" Hendery argues.
"Guanheng! This literally says "Xiaojun's Thing" that's not a label!"
"Well, it's Xiaojun's so it's none of my concern," Hendery rests a hand on his hip and Yangyang opens his door.
"Jie? What are you doing here?"
"(Y/N) has been in the bathroom since 3 am and she's not coming out, and we all have schedules, but we love her, so we're letting her have her time by taking from yours," Jihyun explains, shoving the mystery skin products into Hendery's hands on her way out. Yangyang quickly follows her.
"Since 3 am?! Is she okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, she just needs a couple hours," Jihyun explains. When both walk into the ANiMA dorms, they see the crowd outside of the bathroom.
"(Y/N)?" Seojoon knocks on the bathroom door. "How long has she been in there?" He asks.
"Five hours now," Jihyun looks at the clock.
"(Y/N), we got schedules, I'm sure you look fine," Seojoon says. There's no answer. Saeron sighs and knocks on the door.
"(Y/N)? Honey, is everything okay?" She asks. Jihyun's lips downturn.
"She went out last night, around 3 am, I ran into her on her way in and she was crying," Jihyun explains and Saeron's shoulders dropped.
"(Y/N), we're worried about you, what happened?" Saeron asks. Again, no response.
"At least give us a sign you're alive," Yeseul leans against the door and a loud thud resounds against it. "She's fine," Yeseul nods. "Who am I beating up?" She asks. No response. Then her phone rings with your caller ID on it, and it wasn't long before she answered. "(Y/N)?"
"Sorry..." your voice was tired and scratchy from crying. Yeseul put it on speaker and the girls crowded around the phone, barely leaving enough space for Mark and Yangyang.
"What happened? It's not like you to hole up in there," Saeron asks.
"I... I have to skip schedules today," you say. The girls look at Seojoon.
"Are you sure, (Y/N)? I thought you said you wanted to keep working," he says. Saeron nudges him harshly and he looks at her as if to say 'What?' She only rolls her eyes at this.
"Yeah, I wanna stay home," your voice drops into a murmur.
"That's okay, kiddo, but we're all worried about you, at least let us know what's wrong and how we can help," she says.
"I don't think you guys can help with this..." you answered. "Unless you can find a way to put my relationship back together," your sentence turned into a sob.
The girls looked at each other.
"Honey... did... did Seonghwa break up with you?" Saeron asks carefully. She is responded by a loud cry that she could hear from inside the bathroom.
"I don't even know what I did wrong! Sure the rumors flying around about me are shit as fuck but he knows none of them are true! I just don't understand why he'd end things now! He told me it was better for him and better for me but I've been thinking all damn night about how on earth this would be better for me I'm about to be jobless, for god's sake, and now I'm jobless and alone! And, sure, yeah, both of us are getting busy but not that busy it's not like we haven't been this busy before, I don't understand how that's a good enough excuse to throw away an entire fucking year!" You ranted, occasionally interrupted by hiccups and sometimes sobs, and the whole time everyone just listened. "Was it me? Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no, hon, you didn't do anything wrong," Saeron says.
"Fucking asshole," Yeseul curses under her breath. "I love you, (Y/N), I've always thought he was an asshole," she says into the speaker and you cried louder.
"She can't go out," Saeron looks at Seojoon who only nods.
"I wouldn't want her to either, I'll explain everything to the producers," Seojoon pulled his phone out and dialed them, leaving the group behind. Saeron looks at the boys and nudges her head toward the door.
"What?" Yangyang whispers.
"Say something!" Saeron whispers back.
"Oh, trust, Yangyang should not say anything," Mark shakes his head quickly.
"Dude," Yangyang half whispers.
"What? Why not? If anything he should be the only one talking," Saeron shakes her head in confusion.
"Uh, I, um," Yangyang stammers and Mark shakes his head, he was the first to knock on the door.
"Hey... (Y/N)," he says, "let's talk about it, you shouldn't be alone right now," he says. Yeseul hands her phone to him.
"Do you think he broke up with me because I have a lot of... guy friends?" You asked quietly.
"If he did he's a piece of shit," Yeseul says.
"Emily, be a bit more comforting," Saeron says.
"I know! But... fuck, he really chose now to break up with her?" Yeseul is, rightfully, angry, and when she heard you cry in the bathroom behind her she only got angrier. "Call your cousin here right now so I can beat his ass to oblivion," she looks at Saeron with an unmeasurable rage in her eyes.
"Although I'm sure you would win in a fight against San, violence isn't the answer here," Saeron says. She sighs. "Who doesn't have schedules today?" She asks. "All of ANiMA is booked."
"I can't right now," Yangyang mumbles. Mark shakes his head. Everyone looks at Yangyang, who sighs in response.
"Yeah, I'll check in on her first," Mark says, "I'll let you know if anything comes up," Mark knocks on the door. No response.
"Thanks, Mark, we're lucky that you're not busy right now," Saeron says. "We'll be back in the evening. Mark, text me if anything happens," Saeron says.
"And text me if he-who-shall-not-be-named pulls up," Yeseul rubs her hair harshly.
"Yeah, I will," Mark watches them leave and only Yangyang stays behind. "Dude, do you really not want to go in there?"
"Of course, I do, she's my best friend before anything else," Yangyang says. "But after last night, I don't think it's a good idea if I comfort her about this right now." Mark could only nod.
"Just... no, yeah, you're right. It might be rubbing salt in the wound if you go in there," Mark looks at the door.
"If she even opens it," Yangyang sighs. He puts his hand on the door and twists the knob, opening the door slightly. "Oh."
"Well, I got it from here," Mark sighs. Yangyang watches him go inside, catching a quick glimpse of you on the floor before the door shut.
You were staring at particularly nothing, awake, but staring at the wall. Mark closed the door behind him and sat on the ground next to you and, when there was no response, he laid down too.
"Hey... uh... (Y/N)... why are you on the floor?" Mark asks. You blinked. Huh, you didn't even realize he came in.
"Why are you on the floor?" You shot a question back at him.
"Figured it'd be easier to talk to you this way," he nods.
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Well..." your lips pressed in a straight line before turning into a frown, "I..." you sniffled.
"Take all the time you need."
"You know that feeling when you don't want to cry but the more you talk the more you feel like crying?" You asked him, your voice getting slowly replaced by sobs, Mark just nods. "Yeah, um, my life is shit right now," you cried. You rolled on your back and sighed. Mark didn't know what to say to that, there was no silver lining right now, just... shit, you know? Well, you would know but he wouldn't say that. "I must have been a really bad girlfriend, huh? I wonder what he saw that... confirmed that for him."
"Hey, don't say that, you were a great girlfriend to him," Mark shakes his head. “I mean, you always tried to sync your schedules with his, you always spent your days off together, and, I dunno, you were always thinking of him and we thought he did the same for you,” Mark rolls on his back too, both of you lying on the bathroom floor and staring at the ceiling. “Jihyun noona says you’ve been here for a while.”
“Is the sun up?”
“Damn…” you closed your eyes, “I’m sorry, Mark,” you mumbled.
"Don't apologize to me, I don't think you're doing anything wrong," he folded his hands over his stomach and you sniffled. "But, you know, lying down on the bathroom floor probably isn't the best way to cope with things," he says.
"Yeah... I know..." you muttered. "I'll be out in a minute," you said. Mark sat up.
"Alright, I'll wait for you outside." When Mark shut the door behind him, Yangyang was nowhere to be seen. Mark shook off the worry, he couldn’t think about the future when you were behind him needing all the support you could have. Support, huh? He wondered if there was even anything he could do to help aside from what he was doing now.
Needless to say, you didn't leave the bathroom in a minute, or in hours for that matter. And when the ANiMA girls walked in Mark knew you weren't coming out for a while. Mark gestured toward the bathroom and Saeron walked in next with a glass of water and small snacks. He took a deep breath and shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He just didn't get it. Sure, he didn't know Seonghwa that well, but he knew Yangyang well. Just what exactly happened last night for even him to avoid you?
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Just want to get my thoughts out for those who could be hurt or annoyed at the "sisters" comment from Laudna. Hopefully they can have a soothing effect because I'm really not shocked at the comment, and it doesn't change any of my thoughts on their current dynamic or the possibility of them becoming romantic in the future. It actually feeds into my theories on Laudna's complicated feelings toward romance in general and her potential complicated feelings toward Imogen (that pause was looong and deliberate lol, and there's been other similar moments when others have poked her about her relationship with Imogen).
Also, ignore all the a**holes who use things like this to stoke their hate, make use of your mute and block buttons and ship and theorize what you want.
I'll put my thoughts under a read more because this might get long.
Ok... so, to start with the obvious, Imogen's feelings are pretty clear at this point, and a number of the Bell's Hells have clocked them.
It's Laudna that is super complicated when it comes to viewing herself as romanceable to anyone, which is interesting because out of everyone in the group she tends to think the most romantically as long as it's not about her. Even letting out some more crass horniness through Pate. She projects a lot, on Pate and also on Imogen. She wants to ensure Imogen reaches her potential and finds fulfillment in her life, everything that was brutally cut short in her own.
I've always got the vibe that Laudna views her life as over/stagnant even though she's technically alive. She's stuck in an undead form, unaging and having to be very careful amongst the general populace, hoping to not draw out their pitchforks. I think she envisions building a life and growing old with a romantic partner as an impossibility, hence shutting down any thought of romance for herself. As Laudna has said, she hasn't accessed that part of her brain in a long time. I think that vault has only been opened recently after Dusk asked her out, and unfortunately, those brief thoughts on romance pertaining to herself with another got twisted with Dusk's betrayal coming shortly after.
Dusk was this unassuming, "normal" being who Laudna would have been parsing having romantic intentions towards her when suddenly it's revealed that they're actually a fey of the Unseelie Court and their intentions weren't true. I think this sent Laudna into a tailspin after freshly opening her brain to romance again. This person who treated her nicely and seemed to have romantic intentions is revealed to have been a lie. That's gotta sting and flare up her insecurities surrounding something she locked away in the first place. I don't think it's a coincidence that she started acting extra flirty and interested in the Nightmare King right after that. I get the feeling that after romance was put at the forefront of her mind, she couldn't close it off again, but with the deceit and betrayal being born from it she only thinks someone more 'monstrous' could ever be interested in her: "an undead nightmare". Hence, the weird Ira moments following Yu's reveal. At least, those are the feelings I have on all that happened.
I don't think a possible romance between Imogen and Laudna is anywhere near off the table. Yes, even after the most recent comment. It's not some automatic dismissal of something ever happening. Unfortunately, it just means waiting longer to find out if it will happen.
Personally, I get the feeling that Laudna is repressing herself and compartmentalizing like she always does. There's been too many weird pauses from Laudna whenever anyone has pressed about the dynamic between her and Imogen. I just don't know when the dam is going to break to get her to face that, and anyone who has been hoping for a kiss or confession really soon probably needs to lower those expectations. I don't get the feeling they're both there yet. I think Laudna needs to realize her own worth, understand the projecting she's been doing, and put the pedestal she has Imogen on away so she can view them on equal footing before she can even start to grasp at any romance there. I get the feeling she doesn't even view Imogen as an option because she views herself as undesirable in that way, especially to someone she views as highly as Imogen.
On the bright side, Imogen is pretty easy to read on the feelings front. We're just going to have to wait and see. In the meantime, don't let anyone rain on your parade and ship to your hearts content. People can try all they want, but this ship is not shut down from happening until the campaign ends.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Nga Yawne Lu Oer
Title: Nga Yawne Lu Oer
Genre: Fluff, Slow-Burn, Unrequited love, Love-Triangle/Square?, Angst, SFW, NSFW (like one chapter later on, MDI), Romance.
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: Depictions of battles, blood/weapons, NSFW (later on) and it’s NOT incest. (That will also be revealed, much later on) Also, all the characters are AGED-UP (Neteyam and Ao’nung are the eldest being 18 etc…..)
Parings: Neteyam X Reader, Lo’ak X Reader, Ao’nung X Reader
Summary: Y/N, the twin sister of Tsireya and eldest daughter of Ronal and Tonowari is faced with new challenges and obstacles as the Sully’s arrive to Awa'atlu. Y/N cant help but be amazed by the new Na’vi, who intrigue her as well as raise a sense of connection within them. What will she do when lives are in danger? When the RDA attack? Or more Importantly, when her heart is torn between the two brothers who steal her breathe away upon first contact?
Word count: 3.1k
Chapter Five: Breathing Exercises
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~Third Person's POV~
"I love her already!!" Tuk squeals in delight at the baby Iiu. She chirped happily leaning into the girls touches. Y/N giggles petting the baby as they decide on feeding her one more fish. It wasn't every day you'd meet a baby Iiu.
Neteyam stood a few feet away, his eyes trailing over to the duo. He caught himself staring at the H/C girl. He caught himself doing that lot actually. She had peaked his interest the moment he laid his eyes in her , for what reason he didn't quite understand.
Was is curiosity? Was he trying to be extra cautious? Was he worried she would turn out to be like the other Metkayina, who hated them. They're stares alone spoke volumes.
He knew his duty was to his family, protect them and keep him safe. Was he just feeling uncomfortable with how close she's gotten to his family? How easily she accepted them? She welcomed them with open arms, is that even normal?
His gaze remained on the girl who seemed to be having fun with his baby sister. He couldn't help but smile at the scene, Tuk seemed to have started to enjoy her time here. It was good that she hasn't caught the lingering unwelcomed glances from time to time from the villagers. Watching her smile is what made him want to get the hang of daily life here, maybe gain the respect of the villagers so they wouldn't feel like outsiders.
"Pretty cute, isn't she?" Tsireya pipes up from behind Neteyam. "Yes" Neteyam replies automatically, in a daze. As soon as he realizes what he had said and where Tsireya was looking at he clears his throat awkwardly.
"I-I uh, I j-just meant-" he begins to say, stuttering miserably. Tsireya laughs, covering her mouth. "Relax, I meant the Iiu" she says in a teasing tone. Neteyam feels his body relax, deciding to simply nod. Not trusting his voice. They were standing in the shallows waiting for the girls to finish feeding the Iiu.
"Tuk!" They hear someone call from the beach, Turning over the brothers tense up to see Neytiri waving at her youngest daughter.
It is at this moment they realize how late it has gotten. The sun seems to have started to set. 'How was it that late already? We've barley even started' Neteyam frowns.
"Come to me, my dear!" She calls out. Y/N nods towards Tuk, helping the girl towards shore. Lo'ak swims up to Neteyam and Tsireya, standing beside them. Watching his sister run in to their mothers arms. Y/N turns towards the rocks, she didn't seem to come towards them as the stood in the shallows.
"Are we going as well?" Lo'ak asks timidly, he didn't want to leave yet. He was beginning to get the hang of riding his Iiu, and for once he wanted to try harder on succeeding. Neteyam silently agreed with his baby brother, it felt too early to call it a day.
"Not yet, Y/N, Roxto and I wanted to try some breathing exercises. If you're not tired?" Tsireya asks as Kiri and Roxto joins them. Neteyam quickly shakes his head, "No! We'll definitely join!" He says looking towards shore.
He sees Y/N waving towards them, jumping up and down to get their attention. Kiri chuckles at her childish antics.
Once Y/N  has caught everyone's attention she points towards a  rocky part of the shore. A perfect place to sit and practice in her opinion.
Getting the memo Tsireya looks to the group gesturing them to follow, as they swim towards the rocks.
Once they reach the rocks and they climb up, only to see  Y/N already sitting down, crossed legged. She was humming a tune quietly to herself but stops when she hears them come up from behind her. Looking up she smirks at the group.
"Took you long enough, slowpokes"  she teases as Kiri takes a seat next to Y/N. Kiri couldn't explain it, but everything about Y/N made her feel at ease. She couldn't seem to stay away. It was a comfort she only found within her family and Spider. It felt so homey, comfortable, and she felt protected.
Y/N smiles softly at Kiri, acknowledging her presence. Neteyam's eyes wonder to the other spot next to Y/N, putting more effort into the climb, he  manages to snag the seat. Much to Lo'ak's dismay.
As Neteyam sits down beside her, Y/N turns to him.
"Hi" she says softly, her smile reaching her eyes. Neteyam couldn't help but stare, almost forgetting to respond.
Y/N looks around seeing Roxto sit beside Kiri, Lo'ak and Tsireya being the slowest amongst them. "How was the Iiu lessons? I heard you did great" Y/N asks leaning her head back to get a better view of Neteyam. He lets out a throaty chuckle. "It was great, they are magnificent creatures. I'll need more practice but I've learned a lot today. Thanks to your brother and sister" he explains,  making Y/N nod.
He didn't want to give Ao'nung any credit, but wanting to prove him wrong was what motivated him to succeed. "Tsireya is a great teacher, you'll be learning from the best! She teaches all of the young due to her patient nature. Ao'nung is also very good at teaching , a little rough around the edges but once he gets to know you,  he'll do his best to help you out" Y/N praises her siblings.
She was so proud of Tsireya, and happy that Ao'nung tried to make an effort today. So much improvement in one day,  tomorrow could be only be better! A part of her wished she could have been there to help, but she was glad in a different sense being she seemed to have bonded with Kiri in replacement of that.
Neteyam watches her eyes soften at the mention of her siblings. He could see how much she loved and cared for her family. It was the same feeling he felt towards his. This made his stomach flip in happiness. They seemed to share a lot of similarities.
"How about you? Are you a good teacher?" Neteyam asks unknowingly leaning in towards her. He desperately wanted her to be at the lesson today. But he was kind of thankful she wasn't there, he didn't want her to see the few times he did loose his footing and looked ridiculous.
When Y/N looks up she holds back a gasp at how close he has gotten to her. They were a mere inches away. She could feel his breath against her lips, and he could smell her lovely scent at this close proximity. It filled and dulled his senses. The scent seemed to put him in a trance like state, it was overwhelming.
"I still haven't learned anything about the finger-talk-" Neteyam mummers, getting lost in her eyes. Y/N laughs softly, maintaining the eye contact. "It's called Metkayinan sign language, and that I can definitely teach" she says.
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She watches how he licks his lips slowly, his eyes taking in every part of her being. She felt hot all over, like his gaze alone was searing through her.  She even caught how his eyes glanced down to her lips, an action that was surprising but not unwelcome.
"I would like some lessons as well!" A voice pipes up, rather loudly. The sudden intrusion caused the two to jolt away from each other.
Y/n flushes bright purple, she was embarrassed to have forgotten about her audience. Neteyam clears his throat, his eyes catching those of Lo'ak's.
Everyone else had either a smirk or a small smile. Lo'ak was the only one slightly frowning, seeming agitated. "Don't fret, Y/N is the best at sign language. She'll teach everyone" Tsireya assures Lo’ak softly. Y/N nods, avoiding eye contact with Neteyam.
'What was that about?!?' The H/C  girl internally screams to her self as Tsireya begins the exercise.
Everyone turns to look at Tsireya as she focuses, looking at Roxto and Y/N for there aid in the lesson. "Firstly, Breathe in-" she says demonstrating a deep breath in. Roxto also follows suit, using his hands to show the deep breath he is taking in. The group collectively following.
"-breathe out" she instructs looking at everyone to see them breathe out. Y/N notices the boys breathing weavers a bit, she looks at Tsireya making her know who was struggling. Kiri already seems to have it down.
"Imagine flickering a flame" she says softly, "You must slow down your heartbeat" Y/N adds softly as they take another collective deep breath in, breathing out after holding for a few seconds. Noticing that Kiri was doing fine Y/N focuses on the boys, especially to the boy closest to her. Tsireya nods at her, indicating for Y/N to take care of Neteyam as she takes care of Lo'ak who was beside her.
Tsireya leans towards Lo'ak first, he seems startled when her hands touch his body. He feels nervous, his eyes glancing towards her. She smiles reassuringly "breathe in" she instructs, Lo'ak follows taking a deep breath in. Tsireya's hand slides down to his stomach "-breathe from down here, breath out slowly-" she instructs. Lo'ak does so, slightly mesmerized at how she looked up close.
'Both sisters are just so....beautiful. They must have great genes' he marvels staring at her. Hearing silent laughter around him, he looks up, seeing Roxto and Neteyam share a knowing look. He tries to keep his eyes from rolling in annoyance.
He then turns to Y/N. A childish grin adorned her features. She seemed to be suppressing in laughter as well much to his dismay. When their eyes meet she giggles softly making the younger boy's heart soar. She looked adorable, and sounded to sweet.
"Lo'ak-" Tsireya calls, grabbing the boys attention back to her, her hand on his chest. "-you're heartbeat is fast."  she says peering up at him. Feeling flustered by getting caught he mutters a quick "sorry". Tsireya nods in understanding, continuing.
"Try to focus" she states, making Lo'ak nod. He looks forward, ignoring how the laughter had increased due to this. He tries to focus on the water behind them, to calm down. "Breath in. And breath out, let your mind go clear" she says softly noticing his heart beat relax a bit.
Neteyam glances at Roxto as they share silent laughter. As soon as Y/N recovers she turns to Neteyam, gaining the males attention. His ears twitch nervously, his tail swishing from side to side.  "Now that you're done laughing at your brother, let's see if you've understood it?" She says with a chuckle.
Neteyam feels the pressure build noticing everyone looking his way. Even Tsireya and Lo'ak who have finished their lesson to observe him "Why don't you check on Kiri first?" He suggests, his voice hoarse. He was feeling more nervous with her this close to him. How was he supposed to focus?
Y/N shakes her head, her hair moves along with her movements. "Nope, Kiri is doing fine. She is doing great, better then you guys!" She praises, sending Kiri a wink. Kiri smiles back at the girl, then turns her gaze to Neteyam, sticking out her tongue mockingly.
Feeling a spark of competitiveness Neteyam let's out a sigh. "Fine" he grumbles looking forward. From the corner of his eye he can see Y/N lean closer to him. "Ok, take a deep breath in and focus on holding it" she whispers next to him. His ears twitch towards her direction.
Neteyam chooses to close his eyes. Not trusting himself to get distracted. He takes a deep breath in and lets it out. But even he realized his mistake, he realized the moment his breath hitched and wavered. When he felt a smaller, delicate warm hand touch his chest.
Snapping his eyes wide open he glances down to see Y/N's hand on his chest. She looks at him encouragingly, "Take a deep breath with me?" She asks, slightly tilting her head. Neteyam gulps, and nods back a reply.
Placing another hand on his stomach she takes in a deep breath with Neteyam. He looks at her watching how her chest moves along with her breaths, trying to copy it.
"Neteyam, your heartbeat of beating wildly" Y/N whispers worriedly.
Even through Y/N tried being quiet, everyone was able to hear it, as they were equally invested in the current training. Lo'ak scoffs at the scene, looking away. "Are you nervous?" Y/N adds sitting back down, her hands leaving his body.
A part of Neteyam wanted to snatch her hands back, hold them against his chest to feel her warmth. Another irrational part of him wanted to feel how it would be to touch her, her stomach as she took a deep breath in. Her skin looked so smooth and inviting. he cursed himself for having these kind of thoughts.
And the only rational part of his brain wished that he could get this over with, so he couldn't make a fool of himself.
"Neteyam?" Kiri calls, as he hasn't responded for a while. His eyes widening as he looks around, realizing he hasn't answered Y/N's question. "Y-yes. I'm kind of nervous" he says quietly.
The girls look at him sympathetic, waiting for him to continue. "It's just that, it's been a lot. And I'm worried I cannot learn everything I want to at the pace I would like it to be" he lies, well more like half-lies.
Yes this was a main concern for the male Na'vi. Everything they've tried to learn today was a just another reminder how much harder life will be like. How much harder it'll be to adjust to this new way of life, the way of water.
But that wasn't what had distracted him from his thoughts just now. He really didn't want to admit that having Y/N that close, touching him, teaching him. Was doing things to him he couldn't quite explain. Tsireya nods sadly, "I'm sorry, it's a lot to take in. We should take it easy so you'll be able to take in everything. There is no need to rush" she says looking at the Sully's smiling warmly.
They smile back, seeming relieved.
All of a sudden Y/N stands up, gasping loudly. "Y-Y/N???" Tsireya calls concerned. She felt a pang of fear watching her sisters face contort from worry to fear and anxiety. 'Could it be? A vision?' She wonders fearful. Where was Ao'nung when you needed him??!
Seeing the distress on her expression Neteyam is the first to stand, the others following. He gently grabs one of her shoulder, trying to get a better look at her face. "Y/N? Are you alright?!" He asks worriedly, he looks around seeing everyone equally worried.
He catches the look on Kiri's face. She looked horrified. As if this was something she had witnessed? She looked at her in a different way. Remembering to question her about it later,  Neteyam turns back to Y/N.
"T-Tsakarem" she whispers looking around.
"What??" Lo'ak asks confused. "I missed my Tsakarem training!!" She gasps in fear. Kiri let's out a breath she had been holding, Neteyam and Lo'ak feel their tense shoulders relax. Letting go of her shoulder, Neteyam chuckles. "You've missed your Tsahik training? That's what you're worried about?" Lo'ak asks slightly teasing to lighten up the mood.
Y/N looks at Lo'ak, her expression not changing. "You don't understand, mother will be furious!!" She whines slapping her forehead in anguish. Tsireya gulps in fear. "I-it can't be that bad. Are you sure mother was in charge of your training today?" Tsireya asks stepping forward towards her sister.
Y/N looks at her, letting out a sigh. "It wasn't a lesson today...it is; in her words 'a test day'....." Y/N explains sheepishly. Maybe she was freaking out over nothing? It was a simple test really, she had to show what she had learned to mother. That's all...right?
Tsireya accidentally lets out a gasp, making everyone turn to her. She too held a fearful expression. "Y/N-" she calls making her older sister look at her. "I'll pray to Ewya for you" she says apologetically.
"C'mon. It isn't going to be that bad, you're freaking her out!" Lo'ak cuts in seeing Tsireya shake her head. "You've seen mother, met her. Now imagine that, but towards her own kids. Who she has disciplined in ways unimaginable" Tsireya explains making Y/N groan.
"That's it, I'm gone" Y/N exclaims, getting ready to leave, she stops midway to turn towards the Sully's "Tsireya, wrap things up. And I'll see you guys soon-" she says hurriedly, lastly making eye contact with Neteyam. "-I'll let you know when we can start the sign lessons" she says before she scurries away in a panic.
"Hopefully Ronal is in a good mood?" Roxto offers trying to lighten up the tense atmosphere. Tsireya shakes her head, "I highly doubt it. She been in a sour mood since yesterday" she says softly. The Sully's frown, that basically meant she has been sour since their arrival.
Shaking her head, not to worry to much Tsireya turns to the Sully's. "Let's call it a day! It's getting late and soon we should be preparing for dinner. I'll come by tomorrow around the same time!" She informs.
As they all bid farewell, Neteyam looks back to where the girl had run off too. He still didn't get to thank her, and now he is worried that their presence would cause unintentional aggression from Ronal towards Y/N. he couldn't help but frown, he needed to hurry and learn everything fast. If Ronal accepted them, maybe that would make life that much easier.
________________________________ The timeline will be a bit different. It's going to follow the movie but at a slower pace, and with all the side stories it will also make it seem like the movie is being stretched our for the sake of this fan faction. So please bare with me!! Thank you. - Author
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kookicat · 1 year
Hair Braids and Bloody Bandages
Hair Braids and Bloody Bandages
They're worried, and it's making him uneasy under their gaze. Nate is the best at hiding it; head buried deep in Rucker's file, legs crossed, with one foot resting casually on his other knee. It'd fool the best, if that foot didn't keep twitching in a way that screams nervous energy. Eliot counts five twitches, feels his heart rate ramp up with each one and has to look away before number six, because there's already a coating of cool sweat starting to form on the curve of his spine. He downs the last of his beer, thinks about grabbing another and decides against it. He's already on his third, and the next day is going to suck enough without a hangover too. 
Parker is busy picking the locks on a pair of battered wooden chests; Eliot isn't sure how or if they're relevant to the case, and he's not about to ask, because while she's busy with them, she's leaving him alone. She probably understands the best, because out of all of them, she's the only other one who regularly puts herself in physical danger to get the job done. The only one who relies on her body just as much as her mind. Her hands are steady, but there's a nasty little crease between her eyebrows that he doesn't like one bit. One chest clicks open, and she glances at him. 
Eliot nods, tips his empty bottle at her, and forces a reassuring smile that he doesn't really feel. But even then, it's not like this. Not going in knowing she'll be bruised and bloody when she gets out, he thinks. Not knowing there's a damn fine line she has to walk, between selling the con and getting beaten to shit. 
Sophie passes, neatly taking the empty beer bottle out of his hands and replacing it with a bottle of water that he doesn't really want, heading back to the couch she's claimed. She gets the same smile as Parker, the one that's carefully cultivated to hide the buzz of adrenaline dancing through him. 
Sophie's the most anxious; her dislike of the sport clear and well stated, along with her opinion on Rucker. He opens the water, and she nods, once, before returning to the trashy romance novel she's pretending to read, though she hasn't turned a page in minutes. He's pretty sure she picked the book up at the airport on one of their jobs, and this is the first time she's even cracked the cover. The pages dance under her hands, and he realises that she's shaking. It makes him swallow hard, a sudden flare of nerves stealing his breath for a second before he gets his body back firmly under control. 
Hardison is packing the ring bag with the same meticulous care he does everything, and something about the sight sends a quiver of nervous resignation through Eliot's gut. It’s the same feeling he used to get before deploying somewhere without a name, just a problem his squad needed to eliminate, on some foreign soil that's already soaked and stinking with blood. 
Damn it, he thinks, and swipes his hands on his jeans. Not the first time I've taken a beating. Hell, it's not even the first time I've taken a dive, he thinks, but the nervous energy is only building. He glances at the clock, and knows the gym will be empty, because it's getting late. 
"I'm going to the gym," he says and eases to his feet, almost flinching when they turn to look at him as one. 
They're all talking at once, words mingling, but he catches their meaning easily. It’s touching, makes something deep in his chest go dangerously soft and tender and that’s the last thing he can afford to be, because the battle that’s coming can’t be won with kindness or compassion, just the penance of blood and bone-deep bruises. They know it as well as him, will be paying, even if the cost isn’t coming directly from their flesh. 
"No, I'm fine," he says and makes himself smile. "I'll be back in a bit, don't worry." He wants to growl the words, but he can't do it, not while they're all looking at him like he's going to his execution in the morning. Like this might be the last time they see him. 
Their eyes bore into his back all the way out of the door. He closes it quietly behind himself and tries not to sigh too loudly in relief. Love can be a burden as well as a blessing, and right now he’s feeling the weight heavy on his shoulders. Thank you, he thinks, sending it out to a God he’s not sure he still believes in, not after all the bad shit he’s seen and done. Still, he’s paying for that, a debt he’ll never repay in full, not that it’ll stop him from trying. Blood and sweat and pain are fine currencies, and ones he’s well versed in paying. Time to pay some more, he thinks, and heads towards the dark, rainy parking lot, and the gym beyond.
He doesn't bother flipping the main lights on in the gym; the moon is full and low, throwing enough light to illuminate the space as he moves through the jumble of equipment towards the changing room. The gym smells like sweat and effort, cut with the tang of leather and rosin. It's a familiar, comforting scent, loosens the tension in his shoulders, and by the time he reaches the changing room, he's feeling much steadier, the armour he spent years building firmly back in place. Like it or not, him and violence have an unbreakable and undeniable link, and he's been spending and receiving that particular coin for more of his life than not. 
Putting himself on the line isn't anything new; he's been doing that since he was nine years old and big enough to get between his Pop's fist and his Mother's face. And yet, it is different, because he knows they're all blaming themselves for not finding a different way and that's the bit he's not used to, not used to people caring for him, past the skills he brings to the job and how capable of applying them he is at the right time. It’s disconcerting to realise they care for him as a person, that his wellbeing matters. He shakes his head, dismisses the thoughts, because they're the opposite of helpful and to pull this off, to keep the balance right and not walk away too broken, he needs all the focus he can get. 
He strips off his hoodie and hangs it neatly, bending to take off his shoes. He's only sparring, so he doesn't feel the need to tape his feet, and he wants to feel the mat under them, get his bearings on any soft or slippery spots. Hair tangles around his fingers as he scrapes it back and he pauses, letting it fall as he digs in his bag for the tiny elastics that he keeps there. 
He can't remember, exactly, when the braids started, just knows it was post Moreau, back when he didn't like himself very much and when connecting with something clean from his family history felt just like another way of hiding how far he'd fallen. There's still a bit of the shake in his fingers when he parts the hair, smoothing it under his fingers before he starts to braid. It's a soothing, methodical process and he makes quick work of the first, securing it with an elastic from between his teeth before he moves to the other side and starts again. Once it’s done, he pulls the rest of his hair back from his face in a messy half ponytail, and stands, rolling his shoulders to loosen them as he heads towards the ring. 
The floor shifts and settles under his weight as he makes a quick lap around the enclosed space, and he bounces a little, listening to the ring creak. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to collapse, so he shrugs and stoops to pick up his gloves, slipping them on and flexing his hands against the mild constriction. It’s been a while since he wore gloves and they feel strange against his skin until he starts moving, gets his blood pumping. He starts off slow, gives his muscles the chance to warm up, which is a luxury he doesn’t often get, not when he’s punching bad guys to keep his people safe.  
The moves are familiar, soothing and he gives himself over to the routine of them, letting them build the walls he uses to protect the soft parts of himself high and wide and thick, knowing he's going consenting to the sacrifice. A better man, or a worse one, would see the nobility in that, but he's right in the sweet spot where the blood on his hands weighs heavily enough that there's no grace in this act. It's simple, and terribly complicated all at once, brings to mind a Spanish proverb he'd read once, in a book with pages so brittle they crumbled under his fingertips; take what you want, God says, as long as you pay for it. He's not sure exactly how much want played into what he'd taken, but need certainly had, and he's paying the cost still. Isn't sure if he'll ever clear his slate, isn't sure if he even wants to, because the things he'd done feel like they should never be repaid. 
The door creaks, and he tips his head, wondering which one of them it'll be. He's a betting man, and his money is on Sophie, so when her perfume wafts through the gym, he can't help but crack a smile. He expects her to speak, but she doesn't, not right away, just finds a comfortable spot next to the ring and watches him. He's vain enough to want to show off a little, display the skills he'd spent a lifetime building in a way he usually doesn't get to, because he's too busy using them to keep everyone safe. 
He starts slow, running through a simple routine of punches and feints and dodges, can feel her eyes on him as he moves around the ring, one bit of his mind tracking changes in the floor even as he trades punches with his imaginary opponent, finishing with a one-two combination that would put even the toughest fighter down. He lets his hands drop, rolling his shoulders to ease the mild lactic burn in his muscles, and walks over to the edge of the ring. 
She offers him a water bottle. "Don't worry, I brought it from the hotel," she says dryly. 
"Thanks," he says and swallows a few mouthfuls. It's cold and sweet, and goes down easy. 
"Eliot-" Sophie starts, and he's been around her long enough to know that they're about to have a Conversation, so he leans against the ropes and waits for her opening gambit. 
The fight is awful; brutal in a way she doesn't expect. There's blood on Eliot's face, and bruises already blooming on his shoulders and arms. He takes a punch he would have usually blocked, the sickening crack-crunch of knuckles hitting unprotected flesh making her stomach turn. Another punch smacks into his cheek, snapping his head back hard enough to splatter blood on the ropes and send him reeling backwards until he catches his balance, shaking his head like he’s trying to clear the stars from his eyes. 
Parker, beside her, is pale, sleeves pulled down over her hands as they watch Eliot get pummelled. It doesn't hide how tightly her fists are clenched or the way she keeps swallowing, like there’s something foul lodged in her mouth that she can’t force down. 
The fight flips in an instant, the man they're more used to seeing breaking free and taking Tank down, hard, in a flurry of moves that have some of the hardcore wrestling fans cheering in awe. Tank goes limp under Eliot’s hands and the dark haired man looks up, eyes distant and dazed until he blinks, shaking his head as Hardison and Nate gather him up like a load of dirty laundry. 
None of them relax until Hardison gets his hands on Eliot, nodding once as he cups the back of Eliot's neck, because it's the only place without blooming bruises. 
"You good?" the hacker asks, and Eliot nods once, wearily, swiping a gloved hand over his bleeding lip. There's a shake in his fingers he can't quite control, and he shivers, heated muscles quickly going cold and stiff in the chilly gym air. 
Hardison hands over a tshirt and hoodie- zip through, because he thinks of everything, and Eliot pulls them on, carefully, because he's battered enough that he's already hurting. Knows that once the endorphins and adrenaline wears off, he’s in for a bad time, but the thought of swallowing any meds makes his already dicey stomach churn even more. 
"You good?" Hardison asks again, shoulders tight with concern. His fingers play over the strap of his bag, eyes running over Eliot. 
Eliot isn’t sure what he’s looking for, but the other man seems to find it, because his chin dips in a tiny nod, but he doesn’t move away. 
"Go," Eliot says, voice hoarse, and offers a hand for their usual handshake. The contact hurts, because even with the gloves, Eliot’s hands feel bruised and battered. 
It's enough. It has to be, because Hardison is needed elsewhere, if they're going to pull any sort of success out of this mess. He claps Eliot once, on his shoulder and steps away, making room for the doc. 
Eliot submits to the exam quietly and that's enough to set alarm bells ringing in Sophie's head. She threads through the crowd, one of her biggest, softest scarves in her hand. He's still sitting, elbows on his knees, hands clasped around the back of his neck like he has a monster headache. There’s blood on his knees, and she can’t tell where it’s from, hopes it isn’t his, until he shifts, looking up and she spots the cut through his eyebrow that’s steadily dripping. Even with the hoodie draped over his legs, he looks chilled and all Sophie wants, suddenly, is to go back in time a few hours and find a way to stop this fight from happening.
Parker is digging through their bags by the side of the ring. It’s not her usual, methodical search, but a semi-frantic hunt as she drops things on the floor next to her. She looks up, eyes flicking to Eliot, and Sophie nods, but keeps going, knowing Parker will catch up. 
"Here," Parker says, and presses a bottle of ibuprofen into Sophie's free hand as they cross the ring. "We left the prescription stuff in the hotel room," she adds softly. 
"He looks like he needs it," Sophie says, quietly, and Parker nods. 
The doctor steps away, touching Sophie's arm as he passes. She glances at Eliot, wordlessly handing over the scarf with a quick nod, then turns her attention to the doctor. "What's the verdict, doc?" she asks. 
"Concussion, for sure. Some cracked ribs, maybe a busted cheekbone, though it's impossible to tell without an x-ray and he's refusing that…" the Doc pauses, lips pressing together before he shakes his head and moves on. "He's going to be sore as hell in the morning, but I'm guessing he's been through that once or twice before. Damn fool thing he did, but damn brave, too." He shakes his head again, pats her arm and slips away to check on Tank. 
Parker has claimed the closest seat, so Sophie sits down on the other side of Eliot, nails digging into her palms as she surveys the damage. He's halfway into the hoodie, face carefully blank as he tries to get his left arm in the sleeve. Parker reaches around, tugging the sleeve into place, neatly evading his hands as she fastens the zip, and sits back. 
"What do you need?" Sophie asks, simply and he blinks at her like he was expecting a different question. She holds up the bottle of ibuprofen, and he shakes his head, mouth twisting, because he’s pretty sure the pills wouldn’t stay down.
There's blood in his mouth, tasting like old copper pennies and he swallows hard, touching the cut in his lip with the tip of his tongue. The fierce pounding in his head makes it hard to think, and his stomach is churning in a way that screams concussion. He's cold, despite the hoodie and the silk scarf that's magically spread itself over his legs. 
"Can we get the hell out of here?" he asks at last, and the team - minus Nate, who is still tying up loose ends - gather around him like swirling leaves, gathering him up so that he's on his feet and heading towards the cool, dark parking lot before he has chance to think. 
The gym door slams closed behind them and he closes his eyes, lets out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. 
It's done, he thinks and pushes the gnawing ache in his bones to the back of his mind as he starts walking. Each step jars through him, like he has ground glass filling his joints, and the gatorade he’d swallowed churns uneasily in his stomach like it’s not quite sure if it wants to stay put. Just thinking about it makes the nausea worse, and he has to stop, pulling in slow breaths through his nose until the sensation passes. 
A warm hand lands on his back, rubbing circles that are more soothing than he thinks he deserves. “Okay?” Sophie says, and he’s not quite sure if it’s an order or a question. Decides it’s an order, because he’s never been able to disobey one, and right now, he needs all the help he can get.
The hotel lights shine through the night like a sanctuary, and he fixes his blurring vision on them, nods once and starts walking.
The hotel is only a short walk away, but he's sweating and seriously uncomfortable by the time he gets there. Parker walks one one side, Sophie on the other, and it should bug him, but he's stiff and sore enough to almost welcome the mothering. The phantom warmth of Sophie’s hand on his back is a comfort he’d never admit to needing, but it helps, because it means she cares, and he’s battered enough for the affection to slink through the chinks in his armour. Knows how dangerous that is, to allow the softness in, but after what he just did, the small bit of grace feels hard earned.
Parker unlocks the suite door and he shuffles in, feeling three times his age. Hardison squeezes past them, heading for the bathroom to get the tub running while Sophie pulls out meds and ice packs. Parker digs in his duffle for the soft, worn sweats he only wears on really bad days and something about the entire, rehearsed routine makes him want to run back out into the damp night. Sends something like panic clawing at the back of his throat, because in his line of work, getting too close is dangerous, and he’s fallen for that trap once already, can’t forget the dark path it sent him down, or the things he’d done because of the attachment. They’re not like… him, he thinks, knows it for a fact, just like he knows his eyes are blue or water is wet or that the glinting silver edge of a knife can cut you deep without you feeling it. Still, he can’t help glancing back at the door, wonders if he could find another room and hunker down until the worst of the pain eases, slink back to the team like a stray when he’s feeling more himself. Not let them get so close, even though in the deepest part of himself they've already wormed so far into his heart he'd have to cut it out to be rid of them. 
He blows out a harsh breath instead of retreating, limping over to the recliner so he can toe his sneakers off. Halfway down, he realises that sitting isn't his best idea; it's been a while since he wrestled and his muscles are protesting the abuse in a way that tells him standing back up is going to be about as much fun as a root canal, sans lidocaine. His ribs hurt, a bright flare of pain, and he presses his elbow to them as he sits down. The overhead light stabs into his brain like an ice pick, and he closes his eyes, waits for the throbbing to ease. 
“Sorry, man,” Hardison says, and clicks the main light off, leaving the bathroom light on so the room is filled with a soft glow that's much easier to handle. “Better?” he asks, and Eliot peels his eyes open, blinking in relief. 
“Yeah,” he says, hoarsely, and takes the wrapped ice pack Sophie offers him, pressing it against the gnawing ache in his cheek. 
Hardison sets a bottle of lemon-lime gatorade down next to him. It's not his favourite, exactly, but it's the flavour he finds the least objectionable and that bit of thoughtfulness makes his chest ache for a whole new reason. 
Parker is pawing through his duffle for the pouch of meds he keeps in there, stocked with painkillers, anti sickness drugs, and the allergy pills he uses to help him sleep on the really bad days. He fishes through his options, weighing up, because he knows a couple of the options will knock him out and he's hurting enough for that to sound appealing. 
He settles for a well used combination of muscle relaxant and painkiller, swallowing the pills with a gulp of yellow flavoured gatorade. Lemon-lime, my ass, he thinks, because it's easier than looking up and facing his team. He shifts, biting the inside of his lip, holding his breath until the flare of pain passes. 
"Do you want the bath?" Hardison asks. 
Eliot knows the hot water will help, but the thought of moving makes his stomach roll. He's not exactly comfortable as he is, but everything has faded to a background ache and he knows that'll change as soon as he stands. He's itchy, through, sweat and blood dried in his skin in an irritating film. "Yeah," he says and eases his feet down, breath hissing in between his teeth. 
Fuck, he thinks as he stands, joints popping as he gets upright. It's ten steps to the bathroom and every one of them jars him. 
The tub is full and steaming softly, scenting the air with the herbal Epsom salts mix he uses. Three faces stare at him from the doorway, and while he’s never been shy, the thought of stripping down to his birthday suit in front of them isn’t exactly appealing. 
“I don’t need an audience,” he rasps, trying for his usual gruffness, but he knows he’s not quite getting there. Not with the touch memory of them taking care of him still lingering on his skin. 
They glance at each other. Sophie breaks first, wagging a finger at him. “Fine,” she says, and turns, towing Parker with her. “But I’m sending Hardison in to check on you in half an hour.”
She closes the door softly behind her, leaving him alone in the steam filled room. The bath is big and deep, the water steaming gently, and he suddenly can’t wait to sink into it. There’s a big mirror on the wall above the sink, and he rests his aching hands on the cold porcelain as he leans close, taking a look at the damage. 
One eye is already starting to swell closed, bruising spreading from his cheekbone right up to his hairline. He presses his fingers to his cheek, a vague memory of a heel contacting with his face rising up. The inside of his cheek is raw and bloody, bitten even with the mouthguard. He grabs one of the paper cups and fills it, sloshing cold water around his mouth with a wince. It’s pink when he spits it back into the sink.
Let’s see the rest of the damage, he thinks, and unzips the hoodie, sliding his good arm out first before working it down his left. He’s sweating, breath straining through his teeth by the time it’s off, and he leans against the cool tiles, letting his pounding heart settle. The drops to the floor and he glances down, thinks about picking it up, but the long muscles down his spine are already starting to stiffen and he’s not sure he can bend that much. 
He lifts the hem of the t-shirt and stops as the motion pulls on every abused bit of his torso. Thinks about the small silver nail scissors Sophie keeps in her washbag, but he’s pretty sure it’s in the other bathroom. Any of them would be glad to help - except maybe Nate, who tends to leave the Eliot wrangling to the others- but the idea of asking and letting them undress him like a toddler… I’d rather gnaw my way out of the fucking thing, he thinks and sits down on the closed toilet seat. By the time he has the t-shirt off, he’s sweating bullets. Black spots swarm the edge of his sight, and he bends carefully, leaning his forehead on the cool edge of the sink until they stop. 
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, he thinks, and closes his eyes, just breathing until everything feels a little less awful. The soft joggers come off easy  and he stands, glancing down at his body in appraisal. He’s had worse, he’s sure, but that doesn’t make the blooming bruises any less ugly. Or painful, he thinks, pressing the flat of his hand to a livid purple welt across his ribs. 
Despite the steam, he’s chilly, goosebumps rising on his bare skin until he sits on the side of the bath to carefully lower himself in. The hot water envelops him in a soothing cocoon, and he sighs in relief, tipping his head back and letting his eyes close. 
He's not sure how long he stays like that, in a doze too light to be considered real sleep. Knows at some point that one of them has been in to top up the hot water, because when he rouses himself, the water is still warm rather than cold like he'd expected. Parker, probably, he thinks, damn women is like a cat. It should unnerve him that she came and went without disturbing him, but it doesn't, and he's too tired and sick and sore to figure out why. 
There's a neat stack of fluffy blue towels and his softest joggers in the vanity, a small, thoughtful touch that makes something dangerously fond bloom in his chest. Getting attached is asking for trouble in their line of work. Too late for that, he thinks, because he might lie to other people, but he never does to himself. 
Standing hurts enough that he almost gives in. Not the first time I've slept in the tub, he thinks, and probably not the last. He's hungry, in a vaguely sick sort of way, so he keeps going until he's up, clinging white-knuckled to the handy grab rail until he's sure his knees aren't going to give out on him. 
The water is vaguely pink around his feet, darker drops hitting the surface. He lifts a shaky hand, feeling the cut through his eyebrow. Needs a stitch, he thinks, and sighs, because being poked and prodded is the last thing he wants. 
"Eliot?" Sophie calls through the door, and he startles hard enough to make his breath catch. 
"Yeah?" he croaks, then swallows hard and tries again. "Yeah?"
"We're ordering food - do you want anything?" There's a thread of concern in her voice and it makes him feel warm and trapped at the same time. 
"Baked potato?" he asks, because the thought of chewing anything isn't appealing. 
"Got it," she says, and he can practically feel her worry through the door. 
"I'll be out in a minute," he says, trying for gruff, and failing, because he just doesn't have the energy. Instead, his voice comes out flat and a little hoarse, a clear sign of exactly how exhausted he is. 
He holds his breath until she moves away from the door, setting the shower running before he lets out the heartfelt groan. Hair clings to his face and he tips his head back, carefully, letting the warm water sluice over him. It feels damn good, soothing out of all proportion, and he’d stay under it longer if his legs weren’t already shaking with the strain. Even with the painkillers, he aches, ribs and face and knees and wrists all throbbing like a bad tooth. 
If this wash wasn’t as symbolic as it was practical, he’d step out of the shower, come back later, when everything didn’t feel so raw, so terrible, but there’s a need in him, deep inside, to wash off this latest bit of violence and so he clings stubbornly to the grab rail. He’s not naive or stupid enough to think washing away the physical signs can remove the cost of what he’s done, knows there’s not enough soap and water in the world to do that, but just like the hair braids, somewhere along the line bathing became just another way to lock away the bad shit in the vault in his head, separate himself as a man from the acts he commits. Somehow, somewhere, it became a ritual, and it’s one he can’t think about too hard or the whole thing will unravel. 
There's shampoo in easy reach, and he picks it up, fumbling one handed, because his left shoulder doesn't want to bend. He lifts it, gets his elbow to shoulder height and stops with a pained hiss, closing his eyes until the streaks of red fade from his sight. Fuck, he thinks, and blinks, trying to remember if he packed a sling for this little jaunt. Rubs the faint scar that runs from his collarbone to his armpit, breathing through the rush of phantom pain until the clock in his head nags him into moving. Because if they come in here and see you like this, the little cautious voice in his head thinks, and he lets his hand drop, grabbing the shampoo and getting to work.
It stings in a dozen little scrapes and cuts he didn’t know he had until they start screaming at him, and he grits his teeth, doing the best he can one-handed. Any of them - minus Nate, because he tends to dodge anything too personal - would have helped him, but the thought of asking - no. It skates too close to too many things he can't let himself think about. 
He rinses, giving himself thirty seconds to just stand under the hot spray, letting it soothe what it can, before he shuts the water off and steps carefully out of the tub, grabbing a towel because the steam-filled bathroom is chilly after the hot water. The clothes- soft as they are- feel like armour as he slips them on, draping a towel around his neck to catch the water running from his hair. The braids are still there, and he touches one, grounding himself before he swings the door open and shuffles out into the hotel room, shoulders a little hunched, like he’s expecting an ambush.
It doesn’t come- Parker, Hardison and Nate are all missing, leaving Sophie alone, in the same spot as earlier, the same book in her hands. If he had a gun to his head, he’d say she hasn’t read a single page.
“Where’s-” he starts, limping over to the recliner and easing down. Sitting feels good, takes some of the strain off his bruised and battered legs. 
“Small town.” Sophie shrugs, keeping her voice carefully bland. “Only one delivery driver, and he’s off sick, so they’ve gone to collect.” 
It’s a neat bit of thoughtfulness, slickly arranged, and he can’t help but smile because of it. “Thanks, Soph,” he says, and picks up the new bottle of Gatorade sitting on the table by the recliner. 
The movement pulls at everything that hurts, and he feels his face go blank as he breathes through the pain. Knows he’s not fooling Sophie, but it’s an old trick and one he can’t quite shed, back from the bad old days. 
She activates an instant ice pack and wraps it in a hand towel before passing it over, picking up his med bag on the way. 
“Here,” she says, and he takes the pack, blinking down at it for a long second while he tries to figure out which throbbing bit needs it the most. Settles on pressing it to his cheek, breathing out a shaky sigh as the pain radiating through his head eases. 
“Eliot-” she starts, and he shifts, tipping his head back against the slowly warming leather. Taps the button to lift the foot rest, because his lower back is killing him in his current position. 
“Yeah?” he rasps, because this feels like another Conversation and he’s not sure he’s up to it. 
“How do you do it?” There’s genuine concern in her voice that stops his impulsive sarcastic remark in its tracks. 
Do what? he almost asks instead, but he knows what she’s asking. Just doesn’t have a good answer for her. Shifts the ice pack while he thinks, breath catching when the movement jostles his ribs. 
“Because it’s the right thing to do,” he says at last, biting his lip when a shiver runs through him. The hotel room is chilly and the ice pack isn’t helping. Exhaustion drags at him like a sail that wants to haul him away. He yawns, tasting blood as the cut in his lip opens again. Can’t keep his eyes open, so gives in, letting them close, letting the darkness soothe the ache in his head.
“As simple as that?” she asks, and draws the blanket over his legs. 
“Has to be,” he murmurs. “I take the punishment. It’s what I do.” There’s none of his earlier bravado in his voice, none of the cocky, well earned confidence, which somehow makes his words hit her all the harder. It’s soft with exhaustion, burred with sleep. 
Eyes closed, bruised and bloody, curled carefully around his broken ribs, he looks a totally different man. The duality strikes her, brings tears to her eyes for reasons she can’t quite name. He shivers again, and she takes the ice pack, carefully, setting it down on the table and pulling the blanket up over his shoulders. 
“You take the punishment,” she says, softly, “and we’ll be here to pick up the pieces. Always.” 
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nescaveckwriter · 9 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞 - Part 12
Dean x Fem/Reader
Part 12🥰🐞
A/N: Dean saved her, or did he? This is a tear jerker, trust me. 🥹 Side Note: thank you all so much for the support. Much love, my bugsies 🥰🐞
Warnings: hospital scenes, trigger warnings, sadness, 🥹
Running through the door, while she's in his arms, barely breathing, his face over written with fear, shouting, asking for help, the doctors placing her on the bed, sharing concerned looks, looking over seeing Bobby also in bad shape makes him want to kill the damn, bastard all over again.
If only he'd figured out it sooner, if only he'd never left her side, if only he'd...
Dean! Sam's voice filled with urgency and concern, damnit Dean, man! Sam hit's Dean's arm!
"What? Dean's voice filled with anger but not towards Sam!
Listen man, your bleeding the doctor, needs to check you out.
Dean's face puzzled, he's voice more distant, no, I'm fine, its not that bad, pulling his shirt a little to the side, exposing the muscular chest, with the blood seeping through the torn open stitches.
Sam, gives him a look that say's he needs to sit down, while saying come on, let them stitch you up real quick,!
Dean not looking away from where she's laying, I don't want to leave her, saying underneath his breath.
Okay man, I get it but you need to look after yourself so that you can take care of her, when she wakes up, she's going to need you. Sam says, gesturing to the open bed.
Dean just nods, knowing there's a long road ahead of them, but he's willing to do anything to help her get through this, sitting down on the bed, taking off his shirt, not taking he's eyes off of her, waiting for the doctor to stitch him up, he just recalls every memory everything, he could have done differently.
Its been four days, and she still hasn't woken up, Dr Stone, what is going on,? the sadness in Caroline's eyes and voice is just a bit to much for the doctor.
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She's exhausted, her body is fighting the sepsis, we have her on great antibiotics , but its going to take a while, for her, she suffered a great trauma, and her body was malnourished when she, came in, so her body is trying to restore antibodies to fight. The good news is her vitals looks really well. Caroline, don't you worry, your daughter is fighter, Dr Stone says with a reassuring smile.
Thank you Doctor, I really appreciate all your doing for her, a little smile tugging at her lips, the sadness and worry visible on her face.
Hey! Mom, Joe said with a smile and a gigantic teddy bear.
"Son what in the world is that,? laughing a little.
"Mom, you know how sis always said she wanted a big damn bear, well I found one, and I know she's going to love it, as soon as she wakes up, she'll want to hold it!
"All Caroline can do is just shake her head and smile, while looking at her very handsome son, with his bright blue eyes, dark hair, and viking beard, come here she says, pulling him into a hug. I love you son.
"I love you too mom, he says with his deep, low voice, glancing over to his sister, laying there, the bruises on her face, have discoloured a bit, its more purplish-yellow than the dark blue it was before, but it's still like someone has taken a knife and twisted it in his heart, over and over again.
"He is just so mad, so mad at the scum who took her, so mad at Dean Winchester, for breaking her heart, even though he cleared everything up, by telling them what happened, so mad at himself, for not being there when she needed him, just so damn mad all the time, but he knows he, has to be strong for his parents , they need him now!
Walking through the doors, he came to know so well, everyday hoping, praying for his daughter to just be okay, be that little girl, who looked at the world, wide-eyed with so much kindness, so much love, and so much hope. Why did life, had to beat up his little girl? Why did this damn world had to be so cruel? She didn't deserve any of this!
Clenching his fist's, whispering, I had one job, and that's to protect my daughter, and what did I do? Damn nothing, what could I do? Driving up and down, searching everywhere and nowhere,for days, barely getting any sleep, replaying everything over and over, he catches a glimpse of his own reflection in the stainless steel, that's on the doors he passes, walking to his daughter's room, his eyes tired, every line across his face defining his age, became more prominent, knowing this week and a half made him older than what he should be.
Before entering the room, taking a deep breath, in his nostrils, making his chest rise and fall down, so that he can sort of gain courage, so that his beloved wife and son can lean on him, whenever this get to much.
A little smile tugging at his lips, when he sees Caroline and Joe hugging eachother, knowing even though, there sitting in this hospital room, waiting for his daughter to wake up, day in and day out, night after night, taking turns with Dean, he is stil a very blessed man, his family is together again.
In the distance, in the corner, there's balloons, with the words imprinted, stating, "get well soon" , There's flowers different, colours and shapes, something that looks like postcards, with pictures ranging from bears to hearts, and then chairs, underneath the big window, with two figures just sitting, heads resting on the not so comfortable, backdrop of the chairs, and then, a hand holding her hand loosely.
Your eyelids still heavy but your just taking everything in, your in the hospital, how did you get here? Looking towards the big window, it must be late at night, just before dawn, because its so dark!
Trying to push yourself up on your arms, just to collapse back , to your previous position.
Trying to figure out why you feel so damn weak and exhausted, your thoughts get interrupted by a soft, kind voice, saying "hi honey, sweetie"
Mom? Confusing clear in your voice...
"Yes sweetie it's me mommy, her voice breaking, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Mom, it's really you, your voice sounds sweeter than normal, your here, I'm here, its going to be alright now, isn't it, a silent tear escaping your eyelid."
Yes sweetie, your safe, we've got you. Caroline's voice filled with so much love.
"Joe waking Bill up, saying she's awake"
The two men come walking closer...
Your eyes big and wet, with tears you're trying to fight back. Daddy, Joe, your voice Breaking.
Joe speaks first, a smile on his lips, hey sis, I know you like your naps, but goodness, did you need so long, he says mockingly.
"A little laugh escapes over your busted lips, sorry I was just probably having a good dream.
Bill's deep voice breaks the lightheartedness shared between the siblings. Sweetheart, look at you, my brave girl, daddy is so happy your awake.
"Daddy, I'm so happy too see you, all of you, a little sniffle and silent tears rolling over your cheeks.
The three of them just standing there, eyes filled with hope and tears they hug you tightly. It hurts everywhere but damn it feels good, you think.
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The black coffee, going down smoothly over his lips, not taking the punch it used too, I guess that's what you get, by the 10th cup, he says to no one really, the hallway lighting is dim, as its early morning, looking down at his watch, 3'o clock, hearing Sammy's voice in his head, "Dean you can't just sit here waiting for her to wake up, you need some sleep man, just take care of yourself too."
He does do the basic shit, taking a shower, eating now and then, living on coffee, because whiskey is not appropriate in the hospital, he says with a scoff. I'm not leaving her sight, now way in hell. The only reason I'm sitting in the hallway is when her family stays the night, he can't help feel like he's intruding. He sees the way Joe looks at him, not even to talk about Bill, like he's the bastard in this horrific story.
Wishing he could just tell them how badly, how guilty he feels about every damn thing that happened.
I need damn refill, he says getting up, walking past the room, he knows so well, something catches his eye.
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Just standing in the door, trying to slow his fast beating heart. She's sitting upright, talking, she's awake, what the hell. Walking closer, the low light, illuminating the beauty in her eyes, her hair hanging over her shoulders, framing her face, his voice sounds, lower and more gruffy than normal when he says baby.
"Caroline gesturing to Bill and Joe they should leave the two of them alone, as they walk out"
Her eyes wide, the surprised look on her face, letting him know, that they haven't told her, he's alive. Bobby said what happened, what Luke told them.
Hearing her sweet voice say his name. "Dean, is, is that really you, she stutters"
Coming closer the side of her bed, yes, sweetheart its really me, I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere, he says in a firm but loving voice.
The tears streaming down her beautiful face, she's frantically sobbing now, when she says I love you.
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Dean smiling at her, I love you too, he's big calloused hands cups her face, searching her eyes, if it's okay, he leans in, his lips crashing against hers, tasting the saltiness, of the tears on her lips, knowing he loves this woman more than life itself, thinking I will stand by you, I will help you through, I will dry your eyes, I will hold you tight, I won't let you go..
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I dunno the specifics about that place, if not saying what you think/feels pushed them further away from the center was the gimmick. they could've done that with ruby and one of the other girls so that way she /has/ to speak her mind about everything and what she feels since she got conveniently interrupted with the caterpillar. though they probably would've messed it up anyways.
Beyond the fact that this situation takes away the girls' chance to confess on their own terms (and though I know homophobia hasn't been depicted in RWBY - beyond May experiencing transphobia - as a fellow queer person it felt icky to watch a, "Confess or else" situation for anyone, let alone a same-gendered couple), yeah... once again the girls' romance sits awkwardly in the rest of the story. I mean, it's potentially bad enough that Blake and Yang are more concerned with their love life than any of the other problems plaguing the team (it's another tone problem for the whole of Volume 9: the girls are consistently concerned with minor, personal issues and have now TWICE dismissed Ruby's, 'Uh... are we going to talk about the world ending??' anxiety), but why are they the only ones who need to work through something? As you say, Ruby should be the one whisked away to talk it out, and I thought she was going to be based on the evil!Ruby on the bridge in the opening. But she, Weiss, and Jaune just play the exposition game some more, seeing reflections of their problems in the water, but not doing anything to work through it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad the girls were confirmed. I want to continually make clear that this is not me intentionally complaining about getting the thing I've wanted for years. However, within that we should admit that it's a little weird that the story goes, "Ruby is having a breakdown, Weiss helped destroy her Kingdom, Jaune has spent the last 20+ years alone in a frankly horrifying fairy tale land... but what the magic storm really needs to focus on is letting Yang tell Blake that she thinks her ears are cute." This Volume does not have a proper focus and it really, really shows.
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
Me coming to your inbox to ask about your horror comics like
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ok pov you see me, in need of some good sustenance during the tmagp hiatus, in a unbecoming fit of nostalgia, i redownload webtoon.
webtoon reminds me of the days when things were simpler, when i didn't know what arc sin was let alone the fact that i would have to be able to draw it one day. but i've changed since then, the cutesy romances i was super into don't interest me as much anymore so what do i do? i start in the horror/thriller section.
ok so there are 3 that have gripped my brain and refuse to let go
(major spoilers obvs, tw for mentions of rape, sexual assault, violence, mental health issues, mental hospitals)
Silent Screams:
oh my GOD
this was nothing like i thought this would be
like the description thingy was giving finding a way out of being kidnapped vibes
but in reality it was SO MUCH DEEPER THAN THAT
i didn't realise it would be set in like the 19th century, so that was another cool thing as well
basically there's this guy named theo
he has really bad anger issues and he's super attached to his mum (✨mommy issues✨)
we find out that his mum got raped when she was 14 and had theo as a result, so they spent most of their lives struggling to get by
on top of that, the mum has some kind of chronic illness
theo is insanely protective of his mum and suspicious of men, he regularly gets into fights, especially with his mum's best friend who he doesn't trust
then his mum meets and falls in love with a doctor, who seems to be quite sweet, little bit nervous, like his feelings for her are genuine
but it's clear that my bro has other stuff going on, he's got an assistant guy who keeps reminding him to "stay on task" etc etc
(it feels very manipulative, like the line between master and assistant has been blurred, the doctor thinks he's in charge and calling the shots but the assistant is subtly manipulating him to do what he wants while letting the doctor think he is still in charge)
but yeah, they get married and theo and his mum is shipped off to a wonderful new wealthy lifestyle
but theo hates this guy, he knows that he's making his mum happy for now but he just doesn't trust it, especially the fact that he's also the mum's doctor, he already has a lot of power over her
also the doctor makes it clear that theo's attitude must be improved, to fit into their new high society life
so we open with the day before theo's 19th birthday
he's scared away yet another tutor due to his bad attitude (even though he technically is getting high marks)
and his step dad (who he is forced to call father) is not happy with him
it's clear from the get go that the doctor HATES theo, this is very much not a good relationship and theo hates the doctor as well
the doctor thinks theo's attitude is hurting the mum, theo thinks the doctor is putting too much pressure on him and is causing a rift between him and his mum (again, mommy issues)
anyway, the doctor tells theo that the mum had gone to town for a day, which theo finds highly suspicious cause like 1. she's ill how would she do that by herself and 2. she wouldn't leave the day before theo's birthday
the next day, the mum still hasn't returned, theo is obviously devastated
the maid attempts to cheer him up, which sort of works before she goes to the doctor's study to clean
what does she find in the doctor's study? a secret passage way.
what happens to her directly after she finds said secret passage way? she is hit over the head with a lamp and killed
theo comes running to find the maid dead and also (say it with me folks) gets hit over the head with a lamp
but not killed
he wakes up chained to like a prison cell in the basement
he is not doing well
but at least he was right! the doctor was evil!
so theo finds out that his mum is dead and the doctor has something to do with that death
but also that the doctor blames theo for the mum's death
(we find out later that the doctor accidentally gives the mum the wrong dose of medicine, so she passes out and hits her head, bleeding to death. the assistant encourages him to blame theo cause theo and the doctor had had an argument beforehand, which must've caused him to be distracted right)
then, theo wakes up to find his vocal chords have been cut - he cannot scream or make any noise
he is terrified, but he realises that the doctor sort of does have some weird freudian attachment to him because theo looks so much like the mum
so every night he whistles the tune that his mum used to play and the doctor sits in front of the cage and listens
one day he goes to wake up theo but can't so he panics and does what?
kisses him
HUH??? i hear you say. WHAT? and i agree
he then nearly sexually assaults him, until he flashes back to his own dad sexually assaulting him and is like OH WHAT THE FUCK WAS I ABOUT TO DO
(freud would have a FIELD DAY)
and then the assistant is like bro what about our work stop being weird about ur stepson
and then he's like oh yeah
so he sedates theo and then gives him a lobotomy
however, theo wakes up midway through the surgery, so it doesn't work
it turns out they wanted to make a human puppet that they could experiment on for medical reasons
as it happens, theo is normal for some of the time, but other times turns into a mindless puppet
the doctor is very annoyed and goes back to blaming him for the mum's death
and thus, ships him off to a mental hospital.
and that's where i got up to so far
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shanesbluechicken · 2 years
Hi <3!
If you're not busy can you do a vampire headcanon with Penny? I just love her! First bachelorette I plan to marry <3
Thanks! Take care!
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The farmer is a vampire (Penny, Harvey)
Look at all the Penny-love!
TW: mentions of blood, heavy language
Gender: neutral
So you know the spot under the tree where she is always chilling at? You don't know it's hers and it gives you great protection against the sun light so you find yourself hanging out there during your free time.
I mean, you can't just isolate yourself from the other town members even though the sun might burn you alive. They'd get suspicious of you and you wanna build trust.
One afternoon after you did all your work at the farm you find yourself sitting under that tree again, feeling the nice spring breeze on your face and listening to the chirping of birds. Penny, with a book held close to her chest, walks up to that exact same spot and turns away almost immediately as soon as she sees you there.
"Hey, wait! There is no need to leave! I can go away if you want me to. I didn't realize this is yours."
"No, no, please. I wouldn't want you to get up just for me. I can still read."
Her voice is so quiet and soft that you nearly didn't understand a word she said.
Penny finds it a bit strange that you're always completely covered in clothes. Even your face is barely recognizable with the huge straw hat and the sun glasses.
But no matter how curious she is she never asks you about it, afraid that you could take offense. The other residents did ask you a lot of stuff in the beginning though so she heard it all from them.
"Have you lived with your health condition since you were born?"
She nearly gave you a heart attack, but not because of her question. The two of you usually sit in silence under this tree and you sometimes forget that she's even there.
"I'm sorry for invading your personal life like that. Forget I asked."
"No, it's fine. And no, it hasn't always been like this, but it did start many years ago."
She finds herself feeling more and more comfortable in your presence and even brings snacks. Much to her disappointment you decline them.
"Are you allergic?"
"Uuuhhh yeah."
Every lie you tell her makes you feel a little bit worse, because she's just the sweetest woman you've ever met. You can see on her face that she has tons of questions for you, but she simply can't bring herself to ask them.
It's difficult since of course it's convenient that she doesn't ask many questions, but at the same time you're dying to tell her every single one of your secrets. You're slowly, but surely falling for her.
Little do you know that's the case for her as well.
She opens up more and more to a point where is even starts to rant about the latest books that she's reading. You love how passionate she gets with the small library in town and it's as clear as the sky that she adores teaching Jas and Vincent.
You find yourself walking her home one night and it's killing you to see her beautiful smile disappear upon seeing the dark trailer. Her mother is at the saloon again as it seem.
"Do you wanna stay at my place? There's something I've been meaning to tell you anyways."
Yes! The moment of truth!
You have no idea how she will react. The only information you have of her opinion about the supernatural is this one romance book she once read where the main love interest is a vampire. Though, you know better than to mix fiction with reality.
When you break it down to her and tell her that you're far from human she...wants to leave.
"Please don't get me wrong, I'm not scared or anything, but it is a lot to digest. I'd like to be by myself for now...if that's alright with you."
It takes her around two days until she shows up at your doorstep in the morning. The sun hasn't even come up yet and you still look like you just woke up from the dead.
Immediately you get a thousand apologies thrown at you for visiting you in this early hour, but it's your Penny. The door is open for her at any time of the day. Or night.
Something heavy seems to fall off your shoulders when she tells you that she'd love to continue where you guys left of.
But in return you have to answer all her previous questions where you lied about your health conditions and allergies.
And she's taking it surprisingly well? Wow? But she has seen her fair share of life.
Nothing really changes between you two and why should it? Only difference is the bond between you and the kind woman that grew stronger than ever after your confession.
You stopped hiding your peculiar eye color behind those dark glasses and Penny even found a particularly thick umbrella between her old stuff that could protect you more than your simple hat.
Late night walks are a daily ritual now, because that's the only time she can SEE you.
Your cold body temperature I very welcome in summer and during particularly hot days she tends to cling onto you, but winter. You could chase her.
Out of all town members he's the biggest problem. Obviously it's going to be pretty hard to hide your not so human identity from a doctor.
When you introduce yourself to him he of course suggests to give you a check-up some time of your first week here. You're a new patient and he wants to see your condition. Another solution would be that you give him the name and address of your old doctor so he could request your medical file.
Little does he know that you haven't been to a doctor ever since you turned into a vampire. Why would you need one after all? You're immortal! So how the fuck will you get out of this mess now?
After this you kinda try to avoid him. Not in an obvious way where you run the other direction as soon as you see him. It's more of an awkward attempt to escape conversations with him when he starts one.
He's not stupid. He notices it after a couple times.
"Hey, listen. Did I do something to upset you? If I'm being too pushy with the appointment then please tell me."
The fact that he lowkey has a crush on you isn't helping his sad state either.
You quickly explain to him that you're just scared of doctor's appointments and clinics which is kinda the truth.
That's a huge relief for him  because he was afraid that you might not like him.
Now he's a grown man and knows how to deal with a crush, but he's still so nervous around you. It's your good looks that intimidate him so much and there's something weirdly enchanting about you as if you're not from this world.
Harvey still gets his shit together and asks you out for a drink in the saloon just to find out that you "have a sensitive stomach and have to be careful with consuming drinks and food".
Quickly you add that you'd love to go out with him anyways! Just not into the saloon.
So our hot doctor organizes a cute date night at the beach with candles and a blanket.
This dating thing you guys got is going extremely well so far until one day you're nor feeling like yourself.
The blood that was donated to you ran out and its difficult to stock up here. Back in the city there was a special clinic just for vampires where people who knew about them donated their blood. The times where your kind hunt others down to feed on them are long over.
One thing leads to another and eventually you end up at Harvey's clinic. He enters the room with the most terrified look you've ever seen on anyone and as soon as his eyes lock onto you all color leaves his face.
"But- but you're dead!"
"Harvey, listen. I can explain-"
"You were dead when they brought you in!"
"I still am. Kinda."
He's checking your pulse, your heart beat, everything. You're right. There is nothing. You're dead. Or should be at least, but here you are sitting infront of him, talking as if nothing ever happened.
You have no choice, but to explain your current situation and much to your surprise he takes out a notepad and starts writing.
"Is there a way I can contact this clinic? We can't have you pass out like this again. You could get seriously hurt."
It warms your heart to see how Harvey still supports you 100%.
In the beginning he was a bit hurt by the fact that you've been lying to him the entire time, but it didn't take long for him to realize how complicated your situation and position was. He wouldn't have told you either.
That man backs you up and makes sure you're being fed properly and regularly.
No joke the best husband you could have gotten.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Picture This
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This beautiful commission is from the lovely @/artbyainna on Instagram. Once again, she is just magnificent.
Book:                   Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:                Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee)
Rating:                 Teen +
Warning: A little frisky at the end, but nothing crazy at all.
Category:            Fluff
Summary:   Ethan and Kaycee are off to take engagement photos, but Ethan's reluctance is putting a damper on the mood.
Words: 976
A/N: Ethan & Kaycee became engaged in This Christmas. It was an impromptu proposal, and Ethan gave her a temporary ring (that Kaycee will always cherish more than any ring to follow). I don't see either of them as wrapped up in traditional/commercial ideas of romance. The love they share together is what matters most to them. So, while he's anxious to take her ring shopping, their busy schedules have made it difficult, and it just hasn't been a priority. There was one aborted attempt when pushy salespeople had Kaycee close to saying, "No ring!" That brings us to this fic where a well-intentioned gift from their best man stirs a little something... I hope you enjoy it!
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“This is preposterous.”
Kaycee glanced impishly across the table at her finance. Eventually, biting her lip to keep her giggles at bay. Perhaps it wasn’t polite or even kind, but watching Ethan Ramsey get so incredibly flustered was now one of her favorite pastimes. Particularly when it was over nothing at all.
“Ethan,” she said, gently stroking his arm. “You’re making entirely too much of this. What’s so horrible about walking around Boston and taking some pictures together? Unless you’re embarrassed to be seen with me?”
His head flung in her direction, unable to believe what he had heard.
“Embar… Embarrassed? To be seen with you? Please tell me you’re joking, Kaycee.” 
And that was it… she could have bitten her lip until it bled, but it wouldn’t have been able to hold her back now. He wanted to be angry at her, at least annoyed, but with eyes shut tight, face turned cherry-red, and clenching her from giggling so hard… he would be miffed if she wasn’t so damn adorable. When she finally came up for air, she wasn’t greeted with a scowl but a delightful smirk, and Ethan could only think of two words: she wins.
“Ethan,” Kaycee gasped for air. “You’re just too easy, dear. Why are you getting so upset over taking some pictures.”
“Because there is no need to do them today.”
“Yes, there is. Because Tobias’s brother is in town today, and your best man to be offered his services to us. It’s not every day we have a world-renowned photographer at our service… for free!”
“So we’re clear, I have plenty of money. If you want me to hire a photographer on another day, I can.”
“I’m aware of the size of your impressive… net worth,” she coughed. “But really, this is getting out of hand. Why are you making so much of this? Do you not like Jordan?”
“I like Jordan just fine. If we’re being honest, he’s the least annoying of the Carrick brothers.”
“Then why are you being such a grump!”
Ethan took Kaycee’s hand and pulled her onto his lap, releasing a deep sigh of surrender.
“I know I’m acting like a child….”
“Nooooooo!” Kaycee interrupted.
“Can I finish?”
After a quick peck on the cheek, Kaycee nodded. “Of course, my love.”
“I just don’t feel like we should be taking engagement photos today.”
“Why?” Kaycee gasped in mock horror. “Please tell me you’re not having second thoughts.”
“No…NO! You know I’m not.”
“Yeah, who else would put up with you,” she grinned. “But seriously, we’re engaged… why shouldn’t we take engagement photos?”
“Because…. Because I haven’t gotten your ring yet.”
Kaycee pulled Ethan’s signet ring, which she wore on a chain around her neck, from underneath her sweater.
“Uh… this little guy here begs to differ. It’s a ring, is it not?”
“It’s a temporary ring until we get your real one. And since we haven’t been able to go shopping yet… wouldn’t you like to have a big diamond on your hand in these photos?”
“Oh, Ethan,” she said with sincerity. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Some people get married and never even get an engagement ring? It’s not really necessary.”
“Well, not my fiance!”
“I’d marry you without a ring… that’s not important to me. I don’t need a big rock on my finger for these pictures to be perfect. All I need is this big hunk on my arm.”
Ethan’s face softened, and he began to caress her cheek.
“I am sort of a hunk, aren’t I?” he teased.
“The HOTTEST hunk in all of Boston!”
“Only Boston?”
“New England!” She countered, only to receive a raised brow. “The East Coast!”
“I was aiming for the world, but I’ll take it.”
“Hey,” she laughed, pulling her face closer to hers. “You’re the only hunk in the world for me. And can’t wait to see how beautiful these pictures will be. I assure you, no one will need a ring to see how in love we are.”
“So, I should call Jordan and tell him to disregard the message I left canceling today?”
Kaycee hit Ethan’s shoulder a little harder than she intended. “Ethan Ramsey! You did not!”
“No, I didn’t,” he laughed. “And you say I’m too easy?”
Kaycee clutched the front of his sweater with two fists and straddled her legs over his hips. 
“Oh, you are pushing it today, buster. Don’t make me rethink saying yes to you.”
Ethan’s hands found her hips, holding them firmly in place as he playfully rubbed up against her. She tried to keep her cool as an electric charge shot through her, but Ethan could tell she was already withering.
“Sure about that MacClennan?”
“Ah, you know you’ve got me. I’m pathetic. A simp, really. I’m all yours, and you know it.”
“And you’re the woman who has me parading around Boston like a schoolboy today….”
“School boys don’t have engagement shoots….”
“May I finish?”
“Of course…”
“You’re the one who gets me to do things I never would have imagined, and I’m overjoyed when I do them. Even if I huff like a petulant child before giving in. Do you know that?”
“I do,” she beamed as he reached up and kissed her lips.
“I do,” he whispered. “I love the sound of that.”
I HC that after this, they met Jordan and had a wonderful day. Ethan enjoyed it as much, if not more than Kaycee, but he’d only admit that to her. When the photos arrived, Dr. Ramsey was most moved by them, and this one sat on his desk for the rest of his days. Every so often, Kaycee would come in and admire it. 
“A beautiful shot,” he’d smile.  “It is,” she’d reply with a wink. “If only I had my ring.
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@choices-february2023 Day 18 Romance
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missjoolee · 1 year
Guessing Game Juke AU
Try and guess the source i mashed with jatp before I reveal it about 3/4 of the way through this. lololol
enjoy 😊😊😊
Rose was a rock goddess that left the world, and her family, too soon. but she had quite the legacy left behind that went solely to her family. Julie wanted to follow in her mom's footsteps but she's trying to figure out what the best route is for her and not just bank on her mom's name to get there.
one of those attempts is to go to a less known club's open mic night, where she meets the lead singer of one of the bands and they get to talking about each other's music/lyrics and just really connect (so much so they forget to introduce themselves)
a seedy talent scout approaches her when she steps away to use the restroom but quickly makes it clear what he expects from her if she wants to move upward in the business. Before anything too terrible happens, the guy steps in "that's enough, you should know that's not how the scouts are expected to conduct themselves at Eats and Beats." or soemthing along those lines and the scout growls back "stop butting your head into my business, Patterson. I will blacklist your little band from ever getting signed"
but THEN
Julie can't let that stand. She is offended on how she was treated but she couldn't let scum like this man threaten those who try to help like that so she comes clean.
"what label did you say you were from, again? Jasmine Records? Let your boss know that your CEO Sandra will be hearing from the Petal Pushers management about the decorum of their talent scouts and their treatment of musicians including the daughter of Rose Sanchez"
and luke is there like whoa whoa whoa, i just wanted to help the wrecking ball of talent and beauty, this is ROSE SANCHEZ'S daughter?! Holy shit
and then julie has to go home and face her dad
and aunt
from here, their lives go on separately, but luke can't get her out of his head and he knows the best way to get another chance to even talk to her.  SC needs to get signed so they go looking anywhere, follow any lead (not that they weren't already before) to try and get a record deal and move up into the world of those who've made it
and Julie's dad is well meaning but doesn't understand why she went to such a seedy part of town alone and refuses to use the resources left to her if she wants to follow in her mom's footsteps
and then Caleb enters the story
he's been talking to Ray for awhile, trying to convince him  that  Rose's songs should be managed by a label, his label. Why leave the day to day management to the family when they have other things to worry about?
Ray hasn't known what to do but he realizes that he doesn't know what he's doing and he needs to be there for Julie and mentions what happened to Caleb one day during one of their talks and Caleb offers her a contract right then.
"it's the least i could do for dear Rose and sweet Julie"
Julie is put in a strange position, not wanting to turn down such an opportunity but its also not sitting right with her
meanwhile SC get wind of a real exclusive club and manage to get booked there. It has a strange deal, you impress the owner, you get a contract right then, and it's worth looking into
they show up to the HGC and a man with piercing eyes looks down from a VIP balcony
they do it!
they get the deal
it's like a wish come true
life changes for them overnight
skip a bit forward, they are at the recording studio and while taking a break and wandering the halls, luke walks into Julie again. It's obvious that she doesn't recognize him (but unbeknownst to him, thats more because she is preoccupied by everything going on in her world, her dad had dropped the idea of giving a label management of her mom's songs) but they hit it off again
swirling romance?
Caleb tricks Ray into signing something that basically is a contract for Julie and all of Rose's solo songs
because she is still barely a minor she's "locked" in
and the guys discover that there is a downside to signing the first contract you get on the whims of a club owner, aka HGC owns all songs produced by SC and there is a fashion clause that they were unaware of
they have to help each other out but to break free of the contracts, they have to be willing to risk their music careers,
ultimately, the guys believe in being true to themselves and helping julie out
so SC and Julie expose caleb's underhandedness
Caleb sues SC for defamation and they get shut up real quick. also, Sunset Curve will never make music again
Caleb tries to do something similar to Julie but it comes out that he actually did some real illegal shit regarding her contract, and since she was a minor, it all got nullified and void and so she gets off fairly unscathed
But it's as all this is coming to a close and being more familiar with legalese, julie notices something interesting about the settlement with SC
they can't do anything about the songs already recorded and released by Caleb's label, but when told they wouldn't make music again, the word choice was something along the lines of "the band known as Sunset Curve will cease all current and future creations" but it never names the guys by name.
SO they make Julie and the Phantoms
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a-x-ce · 2 months
Keep rereading that romance in OP post 'cause honestly it has me thinking about the current options for endgame partnerships.
I put Kaya and Usopp as the most obvious 'cause it literally is. I mean hell we just saw Kaya and a panel of Usopp's 3 veggie friends with them literally pointing out how lucky he is to have a woman like her waiting for him to come home and heal any of his wounds...like please. I miss the days when it was shown how often he thought about her too, making snow statues of her, drawing her, stuff like that.
It's also been heavily implied there WILL be more between Sanji and Pudding. I don't know to what degree Oda will go with them but at some point she has to return his memory of her kissing him, and his reaction to that 'cause hello, that's the first woman to fully and completely return his affection. I know Viola seemed close but I just don't think they got enough in Dressrosa to go further and not much else to imply they'll have more chances to see each other. Pudding has so much set-up to stay a part of Sanji's story past everything that happened in WCI, I firmly believe he'll be the one to save her once the Straw Hat's finally face the Blackbeard pirates.
Less certain but there's also Hiyori and Zoro. I'm not sold on it just yet 'cause Zoro did not care when they parted. I know a lot of people see him and Tashigi and like...eh. All Zoro sees when he's forced to interact with her is Kuina, and Zoro wasn't in love with Kuina, she's his rival and his ''goal''. In order for Tashigi and Zoro to work even remotely that would have to be addressed in full. Semi-likely he ends the series with no partnership though.
I think Chopper's only option is Milky LOL (reindeer mink from Zou) 'cause like...yeah, he can't and doesn't find any appeal in human women, and he's been thoroughly and completely rejected by actual reindeer. He's not even physically or mentally compatible with full animal reindeer anymore thanks to his DF. He could talk with them sure, but would he find a life of a common animal fulfilling if he were try and return to it for partnership? Highly doubtful. Otherwise, Chopper endgame has no love interest, 'cause he's baby (I know he's canonically 16 but shut up I can't accept it).
Two characters in the SHs that are obviously not getting any endgame relationships are Brook and Jinbe, one's literally dead and the other is already well into his adult life having had no prior showcases of being in or pursuing a partnership. It'd be kinda weird to shove one in for Jinbe at this stage in the series or going forward when we're in the final saga with few arcs left.
Luffy remains our aroace king and I hope he stays that way but IF Oda were to pull a Dragon Ball on us then he's done enough work for Hancock to make her the most obvious choice. She loves him, and he at least respects her, which isn't love but who knows. Luffy is not incapable of deep love as clearly shown in this series, it's just not been of the romantic kind and he feels no sexual attraction toward anyone. But honesty if Luffy ends the series with no clear partner I'll cry tears of joy he avoided the shounen curse of getting a bad haircut before being married off with kids for the inevitable sequel.
Nami is a lesbian hasn't been presented with a clear partnership either. So many people ship her with 1 or more men of the crew but aside from that she hasn't interacted enough with any characters that make it clear if she has an endgame partnership. However, there is still time I think...'cause we still don't have all of Nami's backstory. We still know nothing about Oykot and Bellemere finding Nojiko and Nami in those ruins, the fact she was smiling/laughing through the despair (very D. coded) and so that leaves it open for more story for her, where a potential love interest could still be introduced. Otherwise, she may also end the series not paired up.
I'd also throw Robin and Franky in the group of 'no ending partnerships' but for different reasons. Franky because he, like Jinbe, has gone most of his life not being presented as pursuing or caring about that. Franky already has a family, the Franky family, consisting of all his brothers and sisters. He's content with his ragtag-found family back in Water 7, he's always been happy with that dynamic since he was raised that same way by Tom with Kokoro (who were not a couple, just business partners/friends) and Iceburg. If Franky having a love interest was something Oda cared about he'd have sprinkled in any kind of element of interest in his backstory, or showcased him having any type of reaction in the current story from his introduction. But there's nothing, the only reaction of excitement Franky ever showcases is toward cool-ass tech and Vegapunk LOL
Robin because she's only just now fully coming into her own thanks directly to the Straw Hats. Robin's been isolated and burned by people her whole life, it took the events of Enies Lobby for her to FINALLY accept that her crew loves her unconditionally. For her to go from only accepting and loving them thanks to a lot of work to falling for some other person she's met or yet to meet would be interesting to say the least. She'd have to have a good relationship with that person already to some degree to open up to them. Which is why there are people who are open to the idea of her being with Law (they also have several similarities akin to Pudding and Sanji, plus all the time he was with them through multiple arcs has made the crew comfortable with him, including scenes with them specifically). But otherwise, I don't see her in a relationship either in the end of the series.
I guess in conclusion I can only really see 3, maybe 4 out of the 10 current SHs being in a relationship by the time OP ends. I can also see an ending where none of them are ever officially paired off but instead it's left open on where everyone went after completing their dreams/goals and parting ways as the Straw Hats. I'll be interested in seeing what Oda does with them compared to how he left Roger's crew.
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six-magnitude-girl · 1 year
Summary: Deeply, madly, truly in the moment when boy meets girl.      Tags: Harry Potter AU, clandestine, meet-cute, hurt no comfort, unresolved, coming of age, depression, regression, negative arc, TW unintentional self harm, TW suicidal thoughts, open ending, Eren just wants to practice Quidditch, Mikasa taking suffering in silence to the next level, no beta I die in this hill, please excuse my limited HP knowledge, editing escaped me A/N: This is for @EreMikaAUWeeks Day 1, Tier 2: Clandestine Romance Note: Italics are inner thoughts or flashback
"Why do we hide from people?" Mikasa asks one night when her parents tucked her in for bed.  "...Are you unhappy?" there's insecurity and hurt in her mother's eyes. Mikasa has always been quick to pick up on things so she sees it although her mother tried her hardest to hide it.  Truth be told, Mikasa didn't know the answer to it herself. She just wanted to understand what her parents are so afraid of and why they needed to move away so often.  "Because the world is a cruel place." her father finally answered with a tone of bitterness she rarely hears as his father always seemed so happy.  Her mother glared at his father's slip of tongue but he ignored it and kissed his daughter's forehead instead, an apology for scaring her.  They knew the thunder scares Mikasa so they indulgently left the candle still lit.  Mikasa stared at the candlelight when a gust of wind blew the candle on her bedside. She covers her head with her blanket when thunder roars but she couldn't continue to do so as she gets too hot to sleep.  Light. She wanted light. She stared at the candle wishing for light at least. She almost fell out of her bed when she jumped in surprise to see it suddenly light back up!  She grabbed the candle to quickly show it to her parents.  However, when she opened her bedroom door, her long-time question was finally answered in the form of three robed men holding sticks and her parents' mangled form.  Mikasa Ackerman was eleven years old when she found out that all it takes is for something worse to happen to realize that the life she had was happiness all along.  And the worst part is that in life, she knew it would happen again and again.  *** Mikasa sneakily opens the carriage door while it's moving towards the bumpy parts of the road.  Once she saw a bush, she jumped and toppled down. She immediately started running and hasn't stopped after getting up to her feet.  Being dolled up the instant Levi departed for a trip should have been Mikasa's first clue that her uncle Kenny is up to no good. Her older cousin has always been protective of her and reiterated to their uncle that she's too young.   It's either fourteen years of age is old enough or her uncle just took advantage that Levi's going to be gone long enough for him to be able to sell her off to the highest bidder.  The white bonnet with a scarily amount of frills was the first one to go. She removed everything that was pinning her hair up as it pulls on her scalp, giving her a headache. 
Leaning on a tree trunk to support herself, she removed everything she deemed unnecessary: Fichu, gloves, panniers, and false rump. Removing everything by herself without the help of a maid tired her up a bit. 
She walked deeper inside the forest until she found a clearing. Although it's unlikely, she wished for a lake to bathe in. 
The remains of a broken or deteriorating column are overrun by climbing vines. 
A crumbling mossy stairs that lead to nowhere. (Maybe it leads people to the sun to burn whenever someone decides they are ready to die or to pluck some stars to make wishes.)
The flower field distracted Mikasa from her thoughts and she ran towards it. 
Mikasa found herself spinning slowly to survey her surroundings. There are bits and pieces of brick walls in random places on the field.
It's like some giant made this stonework its meal and stopped halfway through with how some parts are missing in this ruin that must have once been an archeological masterpiece; now reclaimed by nature. 
It's the most beautiful place Mikasa has ever been. 
Maybe it's because she has a soft spot for broken but beautiful things or maybe she just really likes flowers.  
Standing in the middle of the field, she was overcome by this cool sensation. 
It's taking over her again. She knows she shouldn't but she just loves the surge of power, that spark on her fingertips that she feels whenever things bend for her at least inside her head because she's pretty sure she's mad. 
If she wills a bird to sing, it sings on her fingertips. If she wills for warmth, there would be fire. So she wills for wind and sure enough, there is wind. 
Sound mind and reality faded away from her as the flower petals spun because of the wind. 
Eren Yeager isn't having a good day as he suffered yet another matchmaking attempt by her mother over the summer. 
Zeke is the one who has Veela blood in his veins but he can use his attractiveness and charm to his advantage rather than being inconvenienced like him. 
His older brother's popularity has had people giving him a wide berth aside from the usual deferential treatment. 
Whilst Eren has to be very very careful of what he eats because of a regular occurrence of girls attempting to drug him with Amortentia or at least a pitiful attempt on what is supposed to be the strongest love potion. 
"I can see the rose thorns sticking out." he deadpanned when some chit tried to give him some muffins. 
"What are you doing?!" his Slytherin housemates revealed themselves eavesdropping after the girl ran away humiliated. 
"That girl's an upperclassman! She could have shown you something!" they wiggled their eyebrows, giving him suggestive looks. 
"The only thing she can show me is how to fail at potions." 
Eren has had enough of the girls at Hogwarts and just wanted to be left alone so when he heard a gaggle of girls on his way to the tea room, he took his broom and bolted out of the Yeager estate without a word. 
That being said, he doesn't know where to go. 
Armin is away with his parents, helping out to hunt some magical creature. 
His Slytherin housemates are just as if not more insufferable than his mother… 
Eren decided to just fly and go wherever the winds take him or better yet, maybe he'll practice some Quidditch. It's never too early to practice and secure the cup. The Slytherin's win streak won't end with him. 
He looked for a place to practice and landed on a ruin.  
Eren surveyed his surroundings to check where exactly he was. He was taken aback to see some of the petals of the flowers in front of him lift. 
He follows the flower petals and sees a girl in the middle of the flower field. She looks foreign and has the shiniest black hair Eren has ever seen. 
Looking at her impressive white gown, Eren wondered where her companions are as it was dangerous for a lady like her to be alone in the middle of nowhere. 
A strong gust of wind slightly pushed Eren closer to the girl who was now in the middle of a whirlwind of flowers. 
The petals danced around her and she looks ethereal with the afternoon sunlight reflected upon her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. 
"It's not safe for you to do that." he finally said. 
"What?" Mikasa could count on one finger how many times she interacted with people her age. She remembered that she once wished for friends her own age but it felt so long ago. She felt apprehensive that someone was watching her but manners are ingrained in her so she couldn't just walk away like she wanted to do. 
"Some muggles might see you." She looks delicate and sheltered in his eyes. He looked around to check if anyone saw the girl. Not all muggles are bad but magic tends to scare them so it's better to be safe than sorry. 
"Where's your wand?" he asked genuinely curious. 
Mikasa is confused. Something about his strange broom and his whole demeanor reminded her of something unpleasant. 
"Wand." Eren pulled it out from his holster and showed it to her who visibly paled at the sight of it. 
Eren walked closer to the girl but stopped when he saw her taking a step back seemingly suddenly afraid of him. 
"I'm Eren Yeager." He put his wand back and talked in the gentlest voice he could. He waited for her to recognize his family name and be at ease but she didn't.
He repeated his name thinking she didn't hear him clearly but the girl continued to look skittish. 
Eren felt pompous and embarrassed for thinking that she would know him or at least have heard of his family.  
"What school do you go to? Mahoutokoro? Or maybe Beauxbatons?" he asked, changing the topic.
"I don't… I was educated at home by my governess." 
"How is that-" 
"What was that stick?" Mikasa interrupted him. 
"A wand." Eren was just as confused. 
"Like a magic wand from fairytales?" She looked at him like he was crazy. 
Eren now fully grasped what was happening.  
He ignored how scared she looked again and took out his wand to show her. 
"Ventus" he murmured loud enough for her to hear him cast the spell. A strong spiraling wind came out at the tip of his wand 
Eren walked closer to her and slightly flicked his wand to recreate what she did earlier. 
The flower petals spun around them, encasing the two of them. 
Eren showed her some more basic spells and Mikasa showed him that she can do it too albeit non-verbal and wandless. 
"... I thought I was touched," she confessed touching her forehead trying to soothe a headache. 
Eren thought about how he couldn't possibly live without magic and there was this rage that grew inside of him with the thought of the girl in front of him thinking that something was wrong with her just because she can do magic. 
"You're a witch." his green orbs darkened when her silver ones met his. 
They moved to a nearby tree and sat there for shade. 
Through Eren’s stories, Mikasa found out that there’s a whole new world that she’s supposedly part of and missed out on. 
Eren told her stories about his life in Hogwarts.
“Of course, Slytherin is the best house,” he boasted. “But if you got sorted to another house… it would be okay, I guess.” 
Mikasa appreciated his acceptance but didn’t understand the gesture itself since to her understanding even if she got placed by a talking hat in a different house, they’ll still attend the same school, right? So why does it matter what color of necktie she wears? 
To be honest, she couldn’t imagine the magical world that Eren is describing. It doesn’t help that his stories are all over the place but Mikasa listened and hanged on his every word. She liked the way he looked so happy to give her a preview of what it could be like. 
“Is it normal for girls over there to pursue higher education?”
Eren nodded at her question. It's a fair question but she's not a muggle, she's meant for something more. 
Despite not knowing much about how muggles live their life, it looked and sounded so restrictive in Eren’s eyes. 
Is it possible that her parents hid her Hogwarts letter from her and rejected it on her behalf? Is that why she didn’t even know? No one has any right to deny anyone of their magical heritage, their destiny.
Even though they talked earlier in great detail about how it’s highly unusual to do non-verbal wandless magic, he doesn’t think the girl in front of him really understands the weight of what that means. She’s a prodigy, one of a kind. She shouldn’t be here in the middle of nowhere thinking she’s crazy. 
"Can I see your wand?" Eren obliged, relieved that she was no longer afraid of him as she has no reason to be. He would never hurt her.  
He couldn’t help but also stare at his wand, Aspen wood with a dragon heartstring core.  
“Can I touch it?” Eren's ears turned pink at her request. He doesn't think she realizes just how intimate her request is but then again, he let her.
“You can’t use mine since wands are more of a personal use but it won’t hurt you,” he reassured her after seeing her hesitant to take his wand. 
Eren didn’t pressure Mikasa, he waited patiently for her to overcome her emotional hurdle. 
The moment she touched his wand, it felt like it purred against her touch. 
Taking a deep breath and letting it settle on her, she turned to Eren who was giving her a proud smile. And she couldn't help but return his smile. 
"Wingardium Leviosa" Mikasa repeated for the second time. She has no problem lifting something without a wand or incantation but for some reason, she's having a hard time with a wand. She felt oddly embarrassed saying the incantation out loud 
"My wand isn't the problem. Stop hesitating and say it like you mean it." He smirked at her, hiding his amusement that his wand accepted her. 
Mikasa blushed and took a deep breath before trying again. 
The goading is all she needed to get over her hesitation. 
"Wingardium Leviosa" She flicked his wand and successfully levitated a Purple lilac and dropped it on top of Eren's head which amused them both. 
Being successful with the basic charm he taught her, reality dawned on Eren. Being the one who discovered her magical heritage, he couldn’t help but feel responsible for her, especially with how strong her magic is. 
He discovered her magical ability by pure chance and didn’t want to think what would have happened if it was some muggle who saw her in the flower field.  
"You shouldn't openly show your magic," he cautioned.
She stopped trying to levitate a Pink carnation and turned her attention to him, wide-eyed. 
He didn't want to distress her but this is for her safety so she should know. "Recently, there's been… hunts for witches." 
It greatly pleased him that she nodded and agreed without any protest. 
Mikasa didn't hear of anything like that happening but then again she doesn’t have any friends and she was always cooped up in the manor with her governess or with Traute. She hugged her knees in anxiety as she realizes how clueless and naive she's always been. She wished her parents were still alive to give her answers but they aren't. Levi isn't home and she doesn't know what Kenny would do to her once he finds out that she’s a witch. 
“Hey,” he called out to her and put a tentative hand on her shoulder as a show of support. 
When she didn’t swat his hand away from her, he continued, “I am here. Nothing bad would happen.” 
Something horrible already did, a bitter voice inside Mikasa whispered.
There’s something so glaringly obvious but Mikasa couldn’t figure out what it is.
"Do all… wands look different?" she suddenly asked after a moment of silence. 
The girl was clueless about the magical world but it intrigued him that she was afraid of him earlier because of his wand. Is it her instincts? He decided to ask her. 
As he thought, there is something. He gave her as much time as she needed to answer. 
Finally, "I saw men waving a wand in the past but didn't know what they were back then." 
Eren felt the hairs on his neck standing up, “Did those people hurt you?" 
Mikasa is the one who lays a hand on his shoulder this time to soothe him, "Not me…” she shakes her head, “My parents." she choked out. 
Three years have passed since her parents died that stormy night but there seemed to be more questions rather than answers. Why?  
"What happened?" 
Eren adjusted his position so he was directly facing her and somehow that grounded her enough to be able to recount what happened.  
Mikasa never really had the chance to tell people what happened in detail. 
When she was questioned by the authorities, Levi quickly led her away when she mentioned three men in cloaks holding sticks and Kenny took over for her. 
Her parents' death is concluded as a robbery gone wrong. 
"You will be safe in Hogwarts." Eren finally said. He has theories about why her muggle parents were killed by wizards but he kept his comments to himself. At the very least, for now, his priority is for her to be safe. 
"Would they even accept me? I'm not even sure my guardian would allow me to lea-"
“You can stay with me.” It was meant to be reassurance but it came out as dedication. 
They both looked away from each other at the same time.  
Scratching his neck, “There’s no way Hogwarts won’t admit you.” he reassured, “and in the slim chance that they don’t, you can stay in my house.” He didn’t look away from her this time to show her that he meant every word. 
Mikasa was touched and felt warm inside because of his kindness. The boy doesn't even know her but he's willing to go above and beyond for her. It moved her and felt that it changed her on the inside. 
With a pretty flush on her face as if her heart physically jumped up and down, she relented and hummed in agreement. That's the only response she could muster because of how bashful she feels. 
Throughout their whole interaction, she was shy and hesitant so her agreement surprised him as much as it delighted him. He was almost disappointed that she quickly agreed because he was ready to convince and argue with her until the sun explode. 
Eren Yeager doesn’t believe in divination. The whole concept of fate and destiny offends him 
But maybe… just maybe, he was at the right place at the right time. Maybe he was meant to meet her because if there’s anyone in the whole wide world that deserves the privilege to be in the wizarding world, it would be her. He has never met anyone who has this raw magical talent like her.
Whilst she appreciated his gesture, she couldn’t possibly impose on him and his family. “How do you even get admitted to… Hogwarts?” 
“The four founders of Hogwarts placed two magical artifacts called The Book of Admittance and The Quill of Acceptance in this tower in Hogwarts where no student goes. Any child born with magical ability gets their name written down in the Hogwarts acceptance book. Both the book and quill are enchanted to detect and sense this.”
Mikasa was highly amused with the thought of inanimate objects being alive and moving on their own. 
“Wait until you meet portraits and ghosts.” He's more excited for her to experience everything. There's nothing more he would like to see than her reaction. 
She gave him an exasperated look when he saw his mischievous smile. 
There is still one thing that's bothering Eren, “Do you and your parents live far from here? Out of the country perhaps?”
“No,” Mikasa explained that they move quite often but not out of the country as far as she knows. 
“Then that is strange because, with magic like yours, I can’t imagine your name not being included in the Hogwarts acceptance book.” No one could cheat admittance in Hogwarts, similarly, no one could block someone's admittance in it. 
“What happens if you get accepted?”
“You receive your acceptance letter when you turn eleven years old.” 
Eren's first memory is flying. With that, there wasn't any doubt about Eren's admittance to Hogwarts. 
Everyone who knew him as a child all said that he was practically born on a broom. He chuckled remembering how scared Carla is whenever she sees him flying around the manor. His mother hated flying, that's why she rarely watches his Quidditch matches whenever it's close to the full moon unless he wants to be subjected to her temper. 
“Maybe I didn’t receive mine because my parents are… muggles?”
“A faculty member will personally deliver the letters to explain everything to the muggleborn student and their family,” he explained.
“We move a lot so maybe that’s why I didn’t get my letter.” It was a stretch but it was the most probable conclusion in Mikasa's mind. 
Eren shook his head, “If your name is in the book, your location would be there so no matter how many times you move residence or even if you go on a vacation, the officials would know where you are to deliver your letter.” 
Eren felt Mikasa turn rigid and see the silent horror etched on her face. "What's wrong?" he asked but she didn't respond. 
Her eyes looked dead and it distressed Eren so much. 
His grip on her shoulders along with his worried inquiries about her well-being doesn't register with her. 
"...it can't be," she muttered, lost in her thoughts. 
When she started clutching her chest and dry heaving, that's when the panic and fear set in with Eren. 
He doesn't know what's happening to her. He has never encountered something like this before. He cursed himself because he doesn't know any healing spells. 
"Breathe." he laid her down. 
"Breathe," he begged her.
Eren has never felt so helpless in his whole life. He wants to help her so badly. He wants to stop her pain. 
He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if anything happens to her so he decided to take her to St. Mungo's. 
This isn't the first flying experience he wanted for her and mentally noted that as long as she's safe, he'll be able to show her. Hopefully, this won't ruin flying for her. 
Eren scooped her up when he remembered a first aid kit in his satchel that his mother insists that he carries. There could be a Calming Draught or Draught of Peace there! 
With that in mind, he laid her down again and Accio'd his kit. 
The moment he touched a vial in the kit, he felt a sharp jerk and the last thing he saw was her laying motionless on the ground before getting sucked and shoved in a tube of some sort before reappearing midair, falling and body slamming the floor. 
"Eren!" Carla was thinking of the worst when the protean charm informed her that Eren opened the first aid kit she gave him. Thankfully, she stuffed a portkey as a precaution. She knows that there's no way he would ever open or use it unless he's badly hurt. 
Eren immediately stands up looking around while clutching his head as it hit the floor earlier when he landed on the Yeager manor's foyer. 
After realizing what happened, he was mortified that he left her in such a  vulnerable state. He ignored his mother and Accio-d another broom to go back.
Eren didn’t let anyone stop him from coming back for her. To appease Carla, Zeke decided to tag along. Eren didn’t care even if the whole Quidditch team came as long as he got her the help she needed. Something was terribly wrong, she was hurting so much.
The girl wasn’t there anymore when Eren returned. His broom and satchel are still there but she was nowhere to be found.  
The sun had long set and Mikasa didn't know or remember how she managed to go back. 
Parts of her white dress are singed and her hair is a mess. But what terrified the people that looked at her was her pale face and dead eyes that looked like it's glowing. 
Mikasa wants answers and she's going to get it. She doesn't stop for anyone, she even ignored Traute's inquiries about where she had been. She went straight to the study where she saw Kenny staring at the fireplace. 
"What really happened to my parents?" 
Kenny looked at her state and only raised an eyebrow. He poured himself some scotch and made himself comfortable on his leather sofa. 
"The men who killed my parents… they are wizards." 
Mikasa looked at his eyes, trying to find something in there. 
"Sit down." 
Mikasa crossed her arms and didn't move an inch. She’s going to get her answers one way or another. 
"So bullheaded," he muttered. 
Kenny gestured to Traute who gave her a look but nodded at them and closed the door. 
It's been 11 hours and 26 minutes since her uncle enlightened her. She's laying on the bed, unable to sleep or eat or do anything. Why does she always find herself in situations where she couldn't live or die either? 
The Ackermans were once a proud wizarding clan with a long history of fighting muggles during the early stages of building the wizarding world. 
The Ackermans possess strong magic so they were relied upon but the other wizarding families are scared and jealous of us. 
The Code of Wand Use happened; no non-human creature is permitted to carry or use a wand. 
That was the beginning of the end for the Ackermans because it turns out, we descended from fae. Yes, faes are powerful. Dementors are fae but so are the house elves and their masters always abuse them because they are lesser beings, they aren’t humans, and apparently in their eyes, so are the Ackermans. 
To them, the Ackermans are less deserving than mudbloods. 
They seized our properties and wands and if that wasn’t enough, they hunted and experimented on us. With the experiments, the Ackermans became highly magic resistant and that scared them even more which resorted to them killing us on the spot in fear of retribution. 
The explanation rang in Mikasa's mind again and again until it took everything in her to not start screaming. 
There’s this sudden coldness that hits Mikasa at her core that she couldn’t move or breathe. 
Everything felt like spinning and dizzying like nothing is ever real and she’ll wake up from a bad dream and when she wakes up, her parents would still be there and scold her for waking up late. 
Mikasa scrunched up her eyes and suffocated herself in her pillow to maybe help her to fall asleep then it wouldn’t be her fault that her parents died. 
Your parents were happy. They held out as long as they could considering the situation at the time… They were able to protect you.  
Kenny’s attempt at comforting her made her feel worse, it ripped her apart even more.
Shame filled her as she couldn’t even own up to what she did and confess to her uncle that his younger brother died because of her. She put a target on their backs and it didn’t matter where they hid because they’ll always know where they are because of her.  
She doesn’t know what to do or where to go from here. She lost her will to live but thought that she isn’t even deserving of the peace that death grants. 
Mourning clothes are the only thing she has worn since that day. If she was grateful that nobody said anything about her clothing preference, she didn't say, she barely speaks nowadays. 
One day, Eren showed up at their doorstep posing as a muggle official of some sort trying to inquire about her. 
If Mikasa’s being honest, she had forgotten about him after everything that happened. He doesn’t even know her name but he cared about her. 
Mikasa was hiding behind a wall, eavesdropping… She listened as he described her physical attribute to Traute who looked at him with a neutral expression.  
Before she could even have the courage to show herself to him and at the very least thank him and maybe apologize… “There’s no such girl in here. I don’t think I’ve seen any girl with black hair in this town.” 
As always she couldn't speak or move. She wanted to run to him and show herself to him but she couldn't. One thing Eren would be pleased by is that she's definitely not a Gryffindor with her always lacking bravery. 
If you fail long enough and it becomes a pattern in your life, you start to justify those failures so that's exactly what she did. She reasoned with herself that even if she can trust Eren not to turn her in to the wizarding authorities, Traute already lied to him… She can’t take the risk of getting her family killed again. 
Mikasa's trying to make herself feel better for not having enough courage to face him and see the disappointment in his eyes when she inevitably tells him she can't come with him as she's not welcome in his world. But she felt even worse because those don't sound like excuses at all. They are all true. The weight of the truth felt so heavy on her shoulders. 
Crouching down, she peeked and witnessed Eren looking forlorn and walking away. Tempting fate, she looked at him the entire time he looked around the house as if some parts of him knew she was in there. She hated that she was disappointed he didn’t discover her but a voice whispered in her head that this is all for the best. 
"What are you doing?" It wasn't like Mikasa to skip her lessons.
Mikasa didn't know how long she sat there on the ground even after Eren disappeared from her view. It's like she's hiding from reality that Eren's gone forever just like most people in her life. 
The aging governess shook her head at her student who has her whole life ahead of her with her youth and beauty… and yet continues to insist on wearing somber clothing and staring into the air as if her life has ended. 
She plucked a Lily of the valley and gave it to Mikasa who remained unperturbed. "Do you know what this is?" 
"Lily of the valley." 
"It means happiness will come." The governess gave her student a meaningful look. 
"Now, get up. Ladies don't sit on the ground." Mikasa only looked at the woman. 
Mikasa made tea out of the flower which made her sick and bedridden for a whole moon.
Despite the maids dressing Mikasa as warmly as possible, she still felt cold. It's almost Autumn but the chill in her bones never went away after getting herself sick the past month. 
Kenny looked at Mikasa for confirmation when a woman in her garish frock passed them. 
At her affirmative answer, Kenny's grin grew predatory. 
That woman was tried as a witch and was burned at a stake along with her immediate family. 
The screaming never ceased in Mikasa's head even when the woman and her family are nothing but ashes now. It continued on and on until her ears started ringing. 
Someone in a similar black cloak stood beside Mikasa, he removed his bloodied gloves and changed them into a clean one. "It's us or them... If you didn't do that something horrible would happen." 
"Something already did." Mikasa stared at the burning bodies, the fire reflected on her glassy eyes.
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