#but it's 12:56 AM and i exhausted myself thinking which way should it go
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ryllen · 1 year ago
Hi! I hope that you are doing well🥰💗💕 I really adore your art!! Your Yuu really wins me over to the very heart!💘💘💘
I wear lightning-shaped earrings and they really remind me of Sebek!⚡ I would like your girl to put them on and draw this🥺💓
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But I also really love her black earrings that she wears when she's a teenager and green ones when she's an adult! It's really cute💕💕
And! I would be interested to know if Sebek notices when Yuu puts on other earrings or doesn't wear them at all if she doesn't want to?👉👈💗
Have a nice day!🥰❣️❣️❣️
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decide ur ending, which feels more in character
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drxwsyni · 5 years ago
Petrified (pt.4)
Yandere Erasermic x f!Reader
a/n: oooooh boy this took a hot minute to write, but i finally forced myself to finish it. and we reached 600 followers recently too!!!! i can’t believe there’s so many of you guys like holy heck. i hope you continue to enjoy what i have to offer :)
4.8k words
Warnings: reader experiences mild anxiety
As much as every ounce of your being begged to escape the confines of your small apartment and return to work, there were certain...motivators, holding you back.
For one, you presumed it’d be safest to heed the words of a medical professional―at least for the time being. Your condition had greatly improved since Friday, disregarding some lingering head pain, and now your self-preservation and common sense seemed to be functioning properly at the moment. In that regard, resting was likely the better idea.
As for the other thing keeping you home...perhaps it would be healthier not to think about it.
You felt ashamed, having been so undeniably intimidated by a couple of men who were simply being kind enough to drive you home last night. However the sensation didn’t come as a shock once you had taken the time to think the ordeal over.
It’s just what came naturally―your brain internalizing experiences, shaping them into something that should scare you.
Any rational person would laugh at your behaviour.
They’re heroes. Clearly what happened was just them expressing harmless concern.
And yet the more you tried to convince yourself of their innocent intentions, the harder it became to ignore the gut feeling that still lingered the morning after.
However, you knew how your brain could be sometimes―refusing to move on from initial impressions despite having rationalized the topic as a whole.
Hizashi was just naturally drawn to affection as a way of showing distress. There was no other meaning behind his lingering touches or endearing nicknames―just concern.
As for Shouta, well he always seemed to be a stern man. It was likely that it just manifests a bit more when he’s worried, it’s just the professionalism in him.
There was no need to stay so fixated on the subject when you could be using your time to catch up on hobbies that you’d greatly neglected as a result of your occupation. Having no reason for doing anything else, a little self-indulgence was practically your only choice.
It was still early, at least for your standards―knowing full well that your lifestyle kept you in bed longer than the average human.
You kept searching for things to do here and there, never staying on one task for too long. First it was cleaning the kitchen, then attempting to read a long abandoned novel. You tried finding something on t.v to watch, but everything only offered you the same empty feeling of boredom. Nothing could pique your interest long enough to hold you to one pastime―and for good reason.
There was a message from Hizashi that remained unopened on your phone since you woke up.
It felt ridiculous, being so hesitant to look at the damned message. Even after telling yourself that there was nothing to worry about, you couldn’t bring yourself to read it. So when you heard the familiar ping not once, but twice in succession while organizing your magazine collection, the feeling of your heart sinking into your stomach did not come as a surprise.
The device was still on your nightstand where you disregarded it last night, and subsequently neglected it this morning. Even through the walls of your bedroom you could still hear the notifications go off.
Inwardly cursing, you had a faint idea that continuing to block out the intrusion would likely lead to more issues between you and the two men. Not that it should, everyone forgets to answer their phone here and there. But you weren’t an idiot―even if it was just paranoia, the consequences of ignoring the messages weren’t something you particularly wanted to think about given the recent behaviour of the heroes.
As expected, the screen was lit up in wait for your return.
From: Hizashi
morning sunshine! just checking up on ya, how r u feeling?
9:17 am
ya doing okay? didn’t pass out again i hope ;)
12:53 pm
if ya keep leaving me hangin i’m gonna get worried songbird…
12:54 pm
Ah yes, you thought, he’s as coddling as normal it seems.
You figured it’d be wise to send a reply before he bust down your door to make sure you were still alive in person.
I’m alright! Just slept in a little :)
12: 54 pm
The response that came instantly was almost a little inhumanly fast.
From: Hizashi
oh thank god, don’t need a repeat of last friday
12:54 pm
Yeah, definitely not. Thanks for checking up on me though!
12:56 pm
From: Hizashi
lemme know if ya need anything picked up, probably not a good idea for you to be going out rn
12:56 pm
Naturally, you wouldn’t let him do that even if you did need anything. God knows how much trouble you’ve been so far―no need to cause more.
Sounds good, I’ll let you know if I do.
I’m actually in the middle of cleaning right now so how bout we talk later :)
12:57 pm
The more you conversed with him, the harder it became to think about anything other than the embarrassing experiences you had with the man. It was probably best if you gave up the conversation, knowing you’d have more than enough time to chat when you regrettably were forced to eat dinner with him and his partner.
Thankfully, he seemed to be okay with the proposition as well.
From: Hizashi
aww alright, don’t work urself too hard sunshine!
12:58 pm
Too bothered to give a proper farewell, you turned your phone off, leaving it on do not disturb to avoid further distress.
You’d spent the rest of the day tidying up here and there. It turns out focusing solely on going to work only to come home for rest had left your apartment shamefully messy. Every now and again your thoughts would drift back to the two intrusions in your life as of lately. It was invasive―not being able to leave well enough alone. You weren’t physically near them they still plagued you with anxiety, even if it was just barely recognizable.
Dinnertime came soon enough, and you’d spent it mindlessly scrolling through social media. The feeling of wanting to chuck your phone across the room was fleeting―but present―as you momentarily laid eyes on a post having to do with Present Mic and his radio show. It would seem not even in your perceived distraction could you distance yourself from the thoughts and feelings related to him and his somber counterpart.
The night went on, slowly but surely. For better or for worse you let yourself get lost in the endless play-through of television. Some shows you’d seen before, others you hadn’t. It didn’t really matter when the only purpose they served was to keep your mind on something that didn’t have your hair falling out from stress.
Eventually you felt your mind become foggy with exhaustion once again―and you couldn’t be more thankful.
Wednesday was spent doing many of the same things as the day before. Cleaning―so much cleaning. Turns out you’d missed a lot yesterday, and the lighting of the somewhat early morning sun was more than enough to highlight all the dirt and grime that had yet to be scrubbed away.
So you got to work, feeling rejuvenated with a good night’s sleep.
By the time you made it to six o’clock you felt thoroughly beat, and in the best way. You spent your time eating thinking about the work day you would have tomorrow. Sure, you were aware that it’d only bring the all too familiar sluggishness to your body. But you were a people pleaser, so really that sensation didn’t matter at the end of the day. What mattered was the motivation you felt that spurred you to work―both the verbal and nonverbal praise those who purchased the fruits of your labour gave.
Expectedly, when you woke up Thursday morning, although it was closer to the afternoon at that point, there was a spring in your step as you readied yourself for the day.
As always the comforting smell of fresh greenery in the air was much appreciated as you stepped into the floral boutique. Your coworker greeted you with open arms, regarding your seemingly healthy recovery. It was nearing the end of their shift, and therefore soon to be the beginning of yours, so you headed to the employee designated portion of the building to make the few preparations for the start of your night.
Naturally, you were quickly subjected to the whims and demands of customers when you took your place at the front counter. Given the monotonous time you spent away from any meaningful stimulation, the activity was appreciated.
You were assorting foliage left right and center, the company you worked for obtaining quite the substantial amount of earnings in the process. The time went by steadily, you working diligently alongside of it. Request after request was met, not even the few unsavoury interactions phased you all the much amidst the bustling atmosphere. A few familiar faces entered the shop, to which you greeted with a comforting warmth only good service could provide.
It felt good to be caught up in routine, making the nearing end of it only the more bitter. But it still came, and you were going through the motions of tending to the final arrangement with somewhat slowed movements as a result of your quirk usage.
The awaiting customer hastily took the finished product before paying and exiting the establishment. People tended to be in a bit of a rush at this hour, likely due to the lateness of the night. You disregarded the occurrence and settled for cleaning up for the rest of your shift.
There was sweeping and disinfecting to be done, along with tidying up the assembly station and checking on the greenery room one last time. You went through the tasks absentmindedly, having done them countless times before. The routine was like second nature, allowing your thoughts to go over the events of the workday.
You were giving a final once over of the plant life when the high pitched jingle of the front door bell rang out through the shop.
Really? At this hour you’re trying to buy flowers even though it’s literally closing time?
Giving a sigh of frustration you stepped out of the room and headed to the front. But low and behold, it was not in fact an incompetent customer waiting to be served.
“Did you even consider staying home for the whole week?” The erasure hero was leaning against the front counter when you entered the room. He was smirking ever so slightly, almost as if he knew that both of you were aware that you wouldn’t stay away from work. His tone was even teasing, making your frustrations go away only to be replaced by a slight feeling of flusteredness under his intense gaze. You didn’t know whether you preferred this side of him or the side that made you want to curl into a ball after being berated by unyielding lecturing mixed with interrogation.
“Hello to you too. I’m sorry if you're here for flowers cause it’s pretty much closing time.”
Just then Hizashi walked out from behind a display stand, making his way next to Shouta. “Not quite listener! Just wanted to make sure you were still up for that repayment we talked about.”
Ah yes, like you could forget that any time soon.
“Of course. Still not sure how it makes up for things but since you insist...who am I to say no?” You were behind the counter, taking stock of today's earnings as Shouta continued.
“I suppose it’s not really a traditional form of repayment, but we promise you’ll enjoy it. To be honest we don’t have company over often, so it’ll be a nice change of pace for us too.”
It was a relief to see that their behaviour wasn’t nearly as hostile as it was a few nights ago. Frankly, you just barely got out of that situation without breaking down from your highly anxious nerves.
“Ya finishing up there songbird? We’ll give you a ride home.” Joyous as ever, Hizashi was all too eager to put you further in debt.
Expectedly, his partner was quick to agree to the proposition. “That’s not a bad idea. Not to sound patronizing, but it really is dangerous to be out by yourself at this hour.”
You wrapped up the assessment of the register’s contents, closing the drawer and locking it up. “Thanks for the offer, but I refuse to impose on you two anymore. Besides, walking home can be kinda therapeutic―at least when I’m not tired out of my mind.” You gave a slight chuckle at the end of your statement, having long gotten used to that recurring condition at the end of the day.
“We weren’t asking, (y/n). You're still recovering, even though you probably won’t admit it. And I won’t beat around the bush―you’re too vulnerable in this state.”
It would seem Shouta’s previous attitude was just for show. Does he ever get tired of being so serious all the time?
It was like second nature at this point―direct confrontation leading to an initially mild panic that would soon snowball into a full blown breakdown if the occurrence persists.
You kept up the friendly appearance nonetheless.“I just think I’d prefer―”
“It’s no problem, sweetheart. You know we don’t mind helpin’ ya out. Besides we still gotta work out when you’re comin over, yeah?” The blond’s smile did little to calm the growing apprehension you felt.
Just be a little more stubborn. Some people need that extra reminder.
“It’s fine, really. I’ll just message you for the details and―”
“(Y/n).” It made your stomach churn―the lowness in the erasure hero's voice. He wasn’t having it. For a moment you pondered whether he’d ever really care about what you had to say.
“Just finish closing up, ‘kay hun? We’ll wait right here until you’re done.” Hizashi kept his eyes on you in wait for a response, or even an action that would show you’d comprehended what they said. And of course you had―you just desperately wished they’d never said it in the first place.
You felt ashamed, and it was becoming an all too familiar feeling when you were around the two men. But it was just who you were, met with compassion but only getting dejected by it. You were uncomfortable, there was no denying that. Backed into a corner that shouldn’t exist, but does because you didn’t have the will to change the situation into your favour.
Despite your distress, the part of you that put others before yourself prevailed.
“Okay, I guess. Just―um...gimme a few minutes please.” You wondered if they could even hear your reply, given that even to yourself it sounded almost non existent. It didn’t matter. You were fleeing to the employee room without bothering to find out.
You stood in front of your locker, hands shaking in the slightest as you got changed―apron off, jacket on, backpack slung over your shoulder. The coolness of the thin metal offered some relief, you keeping your hands atop the closed door for a moment to calm your rapidly beating heart.
At least you’d get home quickly, you thought.
As they promised, the two were waiting in the seating area at the front of the shop, quietly making conversation with each other. The sound of your footsteps alerted them to your presence.
“Ready to rock and roll?” Hizashi stood up from his seat, his partner following suit.
You gave the room a quick once over, making sure everything was where it needed to be. “I think so.” A quiet ride back home was what you hoped for, but there was more to be discussed, much to your dismay.
Shouta held the door open for the two of you, letting you pause to lock up when you had all exited. “How was work today?”
The closeness of his voice as you turned the lock into place made you jump slightly, but you did your best to ignore the temporary fear. “Fine, I suppose. Like any other Thursday night…” You tried to hide the underlying anxiety with a smile, but you couldn’t tell whether or not it did the trick. Giving the front door an experimental tug to make sure it was locked, you turned back to let the two lead you to their car.
You felt a hand settle on the small of your back―Shouta’s hand―as he walked with you while Hizashi remained on your other side, slightly ahead of you. “How’s your head doing, is the medication working?”
The two walked at a casual pace, but to you it felt unbearably slow―what you wouldn’t give to just walk home without the admittedly unwelcomed company. “It still hurts a bit every now and then, but the pills keep the pain at bay for the most part.”
By now you were approaching their car which was parked on the side of the road, the blond opening it for you to step in. Shouta took up the responsibility of driving once again, Hizashi in the passenger's seat.
“Ya gettin’ enough sleep?” You were sitting behind the driver's seat, letting Hizashi have the opportunity to comfortably look back at you while he talked.
“Probably more than enough.”
You heard Shouta start the car before he responded. “That’s good to hear. It’s unfortunate that your work keeps you out so late though.” The car started forward, and you were thankful that at this rate it’d only take a few minutes to reach your apartment. You kept your eyes trained on the passing scenery to avoid any awkward eye contact.
“So when do ya think would be a good day to come over. I’ve got my radio show on Fridays and weekdays don’t always sit too well with teaching ‘n stuff.”
“Yeah...Fridays definitely won’t work for me either. Honestly I don’t really get much time for myself outside of work.” Not that you weren’t used to this reality by now, but every so often you wished your life allowed for just a little more free time. If anything, the horrid state you found your apartment to be in when you were forced to stay home would surely attest to that.
It would seem that Shouta agreed with his partner’s statement, “How about this Saturday? I can come pick you up at around 5:30.”
You contemplated whether it was even worth arguing over letting him give you a ride to their place. And then you remembered exactly what landed you in their car in the present.
You probably wouldn’t get very far with that fight.
“That should be fine.” It was only in your nature to want to offer some form of compensation. You knew that this whole ordeal was meant to be you repaying them, so you should at least try to cater to that reality. “I can make something to bring so you guys don’t have to do all the work. Cooking isn’t really my strong suit but I’m a pretty decent baker―maybe I could put something together for dessert?”
“Nah don’t bother with that babe. We’re supposed to be treating you, remember?”
“Exactly, and I doubt any of us will have room for desert. Another time maybe.”
“Yep! Besides, you being there’s all the sweetness we need.” You didn’t have to look at Hizashi to know the grin he had on his face as he threw around careless sentiments like his literal partner wasn’t sitting right next to him.
The car was pulling into the parking lot of your apartment complex. To be honest you didn’t know how to respond to the nonchalant compliment, “Ah...yeah. Just let me know if there’s any change in plan I guess.” The vehicle came to a stop, you pulling your backpack into your lap while unbuckling the seatbelt.
“Don’t stay up too late, okay?” This time you didn’t make the mistake of looking at Shouta as he talked, for fear that his glare would burn holes through your skull. Instead you pretended to fiddle with something on your bag while responding.
“Yeah, thanks for the ride.”
The car door unlocked, letting you step outside into the brisk fresh air. Before you could close the door you heard Hizashi calling out to you, hand placed behind the headrest of his partner’s seat as he turned to speak to you. “We can give you a ride home tomorrow after work if ya’d like. Shouta’s got nothin’ going on―it’d be no trouble.”
“No,” that was definitely not something you needed, “I’ve got something I need to do after work actually, but thanks for the offer.” There was nothing to attend to after your shift, but they didn’t need to know that. Lying was never something you were the best at, and you hoped the shakiness in your voice didn’t give too much away.
“Alrighty then songbird, just thought I’d ask.”
“Have a good night (y/n).”
You smiled at the blond facing you, “Thanks, you too.” Before they could get another word out, as at this point you felt they would take up more of your time if possible, you shut the car door. Once again giving a small wave before you entered the building, you found it all too hard to contemplate how you’d politely weasel your way out of this newly developed relationship after the ensuing Saturday night.
Friday came and went as expected. Waking up with the familiar sluggishness plaguing your body, moving past the sensation to go about your duties―everything falling into place as routine. Meeting the demands of love-stricken individuals was as taxing as normal, but it was all you had to make you feel like you were contributing something valuable to society. At the end of the day it was worth doing questionable things to your health.
The slightly less honourable motivation in the form of decent tips was always an added bonus. Your co-workers mentioned a few times that somehow you always ended up with a higher profit than the rest of them. It made you feel slightly guilty, but the usage of your quirk was likely the reasoning behind the occurrence.
Nights like these always ended with more earnings than normal―given the sheer volume of customers compared to the typical weekday traffic. Right now you took solace in the reward as you usually do at the end of your shift, thumbing through the few generous bills you received.
Satisfied with the haul, you completed your mental checklist that you’d formed over time to ensure that all tasks were completed by the end of the day. Your keys felt heavy in your wearied hands as you locked up, turning on the heels of your feet in the direction of your awaiting apartment.
You’d be lying if you said you were surprised to see that the two mildly invasive heroes hadn’t checked in to see that you were actually busy after work. Not that you wanted them to―having to lie once again wasn’t in your best interest. Still, the phenomenon that was their recurring presence had not gone unnoticed. More often than not you found your thoughts drifting to past experiences with them, and therefore regrettably resurfacing some unpleasant feelings.
For now however, you did your best to fixate on other, less mentally damaging things. In light of recent events you chose to take the long way home, inwardly shuddering as you passed the alleyway which you ever so carelessly ventured into exactly a week ago.
Maybe you were just hyperaware due to some lingering paranoia, but you could’ve sworn you could make out rustling in certain places around you―places that shouldn’t exactly be making that much noise.
Behind you. No...above you? Or was it both―the sounds distinct but lacking just enough to throw off your comprehension to make a full analysis of their origin.
Forget about it for God’s sake. You’re tired. It’s been a long day and you’re anxious because you got jumped just seven days ago in the same area.
But you could hear it.
Shifting in the shadows. Muffled but there all the same.
The possibility had your heart rate growing faster by the second.
Not footsteps, just your mind playing tricks on you. You’re okay.
Unconsciously, your pace grew quicker, the patter of your shoes hitting the pavement sounding off below you. In the midst of your panic riddled thoughts you failed to register that you’d reached your destination.
An audible sigh escaped your lips as you observed the towering building with gratitude.
You kept up the hastened strides, reaching your apartment in good time. The time between stepping through the threshold of the abode and when your head hit your pillow was a blur―but really those monotonous details weren’t all that imperative.
As much as you wanted to get a good night's sleep, your subconscious had other plans. You reached the state of deep slumber that you desired, but it was riddled with offending nightmares.
Dark looming figures in the corner of your eyes, disappearing when you tried to get a good look at them. Running from something that placed a deep set fear into your very being, despite not having even seen what the atrocity was.
It left you to wake in a cold, sticky feeling sweat. Disheveled and disoriented, the time didn’t quite matter―wanting only for the feeling of trepidation to dissipate so you can return to a hopefully more peaceful sleep.
Keys clattered loudly on the glass countertop of the side table in the entryway as Shouta haphazardly emptied his pocket’s contents. The sound of a running shower could be heard on the floor above him, making the presence of his boisterous partner known. He removed the heavy combat boots of his hero costume and lazily sauntered to the shared bedroom.
By the time he got there the shower had turned off, and he occupied himself with changing out of his attire for something less restricting in wait for the blond to make an appearance.
He’d just finished getting settled when Hizashi exited the attached washroom to their bedroom, hair still damp and lightly soaking the t-shirt he’d thrown on. “Well, don’t keep me waiting’”
The voice hero leaned against the headboard of their bed, “She didn’t have any plans, I watched her walk straight home after her shift and she never left the apartment either.”
Hizashi’s usually persistently bright smile faltered, “Ah...she probably forgot about them or something.”
“Do you really believe that?”
The disappointment was evident in the blond’s face, “Would she really just lie to us like that, even though we’re tryin’ to help her?”
The erasure hero sighed, “She’s self-destructive, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen her put herself in danger without second thought.”
“God, Shou’―and she’s always shakin’ like a leaf. I don’t even think the poor thing realizes she’s doin’ it either.”
Shouta looked to the ceiling for a moment as if searching for an answer that would please his partner, “We can try and bring it up with her―see if there’s a reason behind all this.”
“And what if she lies to us again, huh? I can’t keep watching her hurt herself babe.”
At that the erasure hero stood up from his position on the bed, making his way over to the washroom in hopes of a shower relaxing his nerves. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Let’s just see how dinner goes first, okay?”
“But what if she never tells us what’s goin’ on? I mean she’s already avoiding us for christ’s sake, what’s to stop her from―”
“If anything happens we’ll deal with it ‘Zashi. I don’t want to hear anything more of it until after we sit down with her, got it?” He paused at the doorway as emphasis, waiting for his partner's agreement on the matter.
“Yeah okay, sorry.”
“Don’t be, I care about her too, remember?” With that he closed the door before his partner could add to the conversation.
When you did finally wake up from that hellish night, almost entirely riddled with disturbing dreams, you were left with a lingering feeling of dread. A pit in your stomach that remained persistent no matter how much you tried to think of something other than the incomprehensible yet sickening scenarios that unwillingly played out inside your head.
Looking at your phone didn’t help you settle into a more agreeable state either.
It was just past midday―giving you roughly five hours until you had to pull yourself together to sit through what was hopefully the last encounter with the two heroes.
For now however, you listened to the sound of the birds chirping outside your window―it was always easier to get lost in your surroundings than actively trying to solve your own issues.
Maybe by the time you had to leave you’d feel better. But even if you didn’t, the dull ache of ailment was always persistent in your life in one way or another―so what was one more problem?
End of Part 4
taglist: @roseloverofpastels @shinsous-eye-bags @tjhonoluluprezstitch626 @pekusofixus @riarora @glitterypinkkitty
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whiskynottea · 6 years ago
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56
Thank you @theministerskat​ for your beta! ❤️
                                   – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 
Chapter 57. Juggling and Swimming
People skilled enough to throw three, four, five balls into the air, and with swift and precise maneuvers of their hands, keep them flying over their head. Easily. While smiling.
I remember watching them as a child, open-mouthed, mesmerized. I always kept my eyes on the fast-moving balls, as if studying their hands would steal the magic away. As a consequence, I never tried juggling myself. I was sure that I would drop the little balls -- or lemons, I had seen a guy juggling at the side of the road using the yellowest lemons once -- even before throwing them up in the first place.
Maybe if I had tried to juggle before, my life at university would be easier. Because it felt like juggling. I often found myself lying on my bed after midnight with my eyes closed, not because I sought sleep, but because I was trying to imagine how I would manage to keep all the tasks I had undertaken -- my very own lemons -- successfully flying around me and not send them crashing to the ground.
If I finish this essay on Tuesday night, and then start with the presentation for Dr. Raymond after Wednesday’s practical…
If I first work on the presentation, on Monday…
Shit. We have the ‘Dissection Drinks’ on Monday night. I can’t miss it again.
No matter how I tried to schedule my tasks, my lemons were one too many.
Jenny had called me twice that week, and both times I had texted back, explaining that I was in the middle of a lecture and I would call her later. Texts had never been Jenny’s preferred means of communication. Which was more than odd, since she had to be the only Gen Z-er who hated texts. With practicals after my lecture and heading to the library to prepare for the tutorials after that, later had become tomorrow, and tomorrow became the day after. 
Don’t forget to call Jenny, I would think to myself at the most irrelevant and inconvenient times. Tomorrow morning. I will call her tomorrow. Before she comes down to Oxford herself and I have to justify the radio silence to Jenny face-to-face.
With Joe things were different. He demanded pictures from my college, my dorm, and my textbooks, so we could compare our respective medical schools and start bickering about whose university was better. It was utterly ridiculous and we both knew it -- since mine was the Oxford University and there was no real competition, to begin with. Not that Joe would ever agree with that notion. We usually texted when I was in the library and ended up writing in caps, our conversation nothing more than ludicrous arguments. I had choked more than once in my desperate attempt to swallow my laughter, but it was more difficult to pretend that I wasn’t aware of the irritated glances shot at me from my fellow students who were trying to study in silence. To Gail’s utter despair, Joe kept arguing with me even when they were together, and on top of that, he tried to pull her into the debate. When Gail grabbed his phone and started talking New York bagels and pancakes, I knew the conversation was over.
Apart from feeling totally overwhelmed by the workload, life at Oxford was good. More than good. Mary and I got along fine, and when we weren’t deep in the library researching for the essays we had to prepare for Dr. Hildegard’s or Dr. Raymond’s tutorials, we had late nights together with Malva and Davie, drinking beers and discussing professors and medics from other colleges. Davie had proposed we call ourselves the very humble ‘Lifesavers’, while I was inclined more towards Malva’s ‘Where’s the Finish’. We settled for ‘Four Angry Pencils’ and we were very proud of our little team.
Texting with Jamie was a constant. He was becoming more and more stressed as his meet in New Jersey approached, and I pulled out all my feel good moves to calm him down. Silly, sweet gifs in the middle of the day, ridiculous voice messages, goofy selfies... We stopped calling in the morning because he was literally running to the pool the moment he woke, and we kept our conversations short at night because he was usually exhausted and needed sleep. No matter how much I smiled or played the fool, he was getting more distant as the days passed by.
“Ye don’t understand, Claire,” he would say, again and again, even though I insisted that I did understand. “It’s very important to do well in this meet.”
I would spend the rest of the call reassuring him that I knew how much the meet meant to him and that he would do great, until at last, he would mumble that I was right and he shouldn’t be so nervous, but that he couldn’t help it. By the time we would say goodnight, he would become my sweat Scot again, sure of himself and his abilities. Until the next morning. 
The Wolverines departed for New Jersey on a rainy Tuesday -- or at least it was drizzling in Oxford. When he was with his teammates, Jamie fell back into being much closer to his old self. He was sending pictures of himself and John making silly faces or smiling like loons, and when he called, his voice sounded aloof, unconcerned. I wasn’t sure whether he strived to maintain a cool facade in front of the others or if he really relaxed around them. I could see that the strain back on his face, however, a frown establishing itself between his eyebrows, the moment he was alone.
“No matter what happens tomorrow, know that we are very proud of you and that won’t change,” I told him the night before the competition and saw him heaving a deep sigh, his chest deflating. 
“What if I fail, Claire? What if I’m not as good as they thought I would be? I can’t continue here without the scholarship and I don’t want to go back to Scotland like that.”
I looked him in the eye and put on my most serious face. “Jamie,” I intoned, trying to keep my voice harsh on purpose. “Stop doing that. It’s not fair! You’re doing a disservice to yourself, can’t you see that?”
“What if --”
“There are no what-ifs. I’ll have none of that,” I announced as if I was his mother and he was asking for another scoop of ice-cream. “You will go out there, and you will swim. Remember what I had written on your birthday cake last year?” 
I could still see the dark blue buttercream letters if I closed my eyes. Not my most beautiful work, but it had served its purpose.
“Just keep swimming,” Jamie replied, and I could swear I saw a smile crack on his lips.
“Just keep swimming, Jamie. I’ve seen you swim, I’ve been there. You swim because you love to. And you’re good at it because when you’re in the pool, you feel free. Don’t be afraid, you stupid Scot! Live it! Go out there and enjoy yourself!”
He rubbed his face with his palms, then ran a hand through his hair. “Ye’re right, I guess.”
“I am. I always am,” I amended. “You should know it by now.”
Jamie snorted, but didn’t disagree. He was smiling now. A wide, toothy smile. “I will think of you the entire time,” I said, softly. “You won’t be alone, I promise.”
Jamie nodded but didn’t speak. 
“I won’t be in the bleachers but I will be thinking of you,” I said again and felt the guilt painfully squeezing my heart. Jamie needed me and I had chosen to stay in Oxford. Not that it had been the wrong decision. It just hadn’t been the right one, either.
“I ken, babe. ‘Tis irrational, this worry.” The camera lost focus as Jamie moved to lie in bed. When his beautiful blue eyes were back on mine, I gave him my biggest smile.
“It is. Don’t let it eat at you. But first, you need to get some rest, and I need to go to bed because we have Hildegard’s tutorial tomorrow and it’s a pain in the arse.”
We ended the call and I returned to my room, my heavy steps the only sound in the corridors. Speaking with Jamie before he went to bed had made me Oxford’s resident nocturnal animal. I fell asleep the moment my head sank oin to the pillow and dreamed of swimming pools, wet auburn curls, and finishing times.
Jamie was more cheerful the following day, but I could tell he still wasn’t completely himself. I went on with my pep talk as I had prepared it, trying to boost his confidence in a break between two practicals, and promised again that I would be thinking of him. Before hanging up I risked sending him a ridiculously loud kiss while wishing no one was around to hear it. I returned to the class keeping my head low, in case anyone would identify me as the silly girl kissing a screen. 
I hadn’t wished Jamie good luck, because I planned on calling him again right before his race. It was our little tradition since we had been in Scotland. He would say “I will imagine that I’m swimming towards you, Sassenach,” and I would reply, “Come find me, then, ridiculous Scot.”
It was cheesier than I could usually handle, but Jamie insisted that he loved the way I blushed every time before I said my part. And that was the reason he demanded we hold onto our own version of ‘good luck’.
I spent a good part of the practical checking the time, counting down the hours to Jamie’s race. It was two hours later when Mary stood in front of me, asking if I was ready for Hildegard’s tutorial. I was ready to nod when I checked my bag and realized I had forgotten the USB drive with our presentations back in the dorm. And like that, we found ourselves running in the rain, boots splashing through puddles and breaths hitching in our throats, frantic to get the flash drive and be back before the tutorial started. 
We made it. We entered the class with our cheeks red, our hair matted on our faces and coats soaked in water, but we made it on time. Dr. Hildegard crooked an eyebrow but gestured towards two empty seats without any verbal comment, and I felt immensely grateful towards the taciturn professor. 
The tutorial was amazing. Dr. Hildegard was so serious and collected, that she kept making jokes we only got when it was too late. She managed to stop Mary’s stuttering while she was a few slides in her presentation by subtly praising her work, and after mentioning a few points I should have addressed differently in mine, she concluded that it was one of the best presentations she had seen from a fresher. I beamed and nodded repeatedly my thanks before I found my voice to properly thank her.
When we left the tutorial, I realized that I had missed the time window for Jamie’s ‘good luck call’. 
I had six unanswered calls and two texts on my phone.
Scot: We left the room and we’re heading to the pool.
Scot: Oh god, there are so many people here. I think the backstroke race is in fifteen minutes or so.
Scot: Sassenach?
Scot: A few minutes left, babe.
Scot: Where are you?
Scot: Claire? Where are you?
Scot: I’m going.
I wanted the earth to open beneath my feet and swallow me up. I had promised I would think of him during his race and instead I had been thinking of… physiology.
Not listening to what Mary was saying about our next tutorial, I called Jamie. It was an hour since I had received his last text and the race must be over now. He didn’t answer.
I called again. And again. 
Feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks, I texted him. 
Sassenach: How did it go?
It wasn’t enough. 
Sassenach: I’m sorry I didn’t call.
Sassenach: I’m so, so, so sorry Jamie. 
Sassenach: I was in Hildegard’s tutorial, and got carried away. 
I waited for a minute after that, then called him again. Nothing. The initial plan was to leave the class at some point to call Jamie, but with presenting my work and then listening to the others... I had forgotten. 
Sassenach: Jamie, please pick up your phone.
It wasn’t that terrible, was it? I didn’t say good luck before a race. A single race. I had talked to him that morning and every day before that. He knew that I would think of him… 
I paused on this thought. I had said that I would think of him, but I didn’t. I wasn’t thinking of him at the time of the race. I had promised.
Pulling my hood over my head I walked back to the dorm, my eyes fixed on my phone. 
Sassenach: I’m sorry. 
Jamie needed me and I had disappointed him. And even though calling him for one last time didn’t seem that important to me, it obviously was important for him. I had messed up. Royally. 
I entered my room and changed out of my clothes, but didn’t dare take a shower. He might reply at any moment. Maybe he hadn’t seen his phone yet. Maybe he was with the rest of the team, celebrating his victory. It wasn’t the end of the world.
As if there was a chance Jamie wouldn’t reply to my texts, no matter where he was.
It was irrational. He was irrational. I repeated that thought to myself, trying to smother the burning feeling that kept eating at my heart. 
Jamie needed me and I hadn’t been there.  
I wore an old t-shirt I had stolen from him when I visited Michigan and buried myself under the blankets. I unlocked my phone and kept looking at my screensaver. He was hugging me tight and we were both smiling at the camera. 
It was just a call, it couldn’t be that bad. I had always been there. People make mistakes.
I looked at Jamie’s eyes in the picture, so slanted from his smile that I could barely see the blue in them. I called him again. 
One more time. 
And again.
Two hours had passed. I saw the lemons I had flying over my head, falling, crashing down.
I set my jaw, tried not to cry, and sent yet another text. 
Sassenach: Call me. Please?
Chapter 58
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optimizche · 6 years ago
One And Only You (Park Jinyoung/Reader)
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That was the only way to describe how your day was going.
Allow you to list the reasons.
Firstly, you hadn't had more than a grand total of two hours of sleep last night, as a result of which, you were exhausted beyond belief. And the only thing that seemed to help was consuming coffee like your life depended on it.
Secondly, you had recieved your grades for your latest assignment. And you had failed. Miserably. Resulting in your professor summoning you to his office and personally giving you an earful about how you needed to up your grades or else you were going to end up failing the semester.
And thirdly, you had just realized that you had another report due. Tomorrow. And you had only managed to finish half of the first draft.
Stressed out of your mind for all the aforementioned reasons, you sat in the library, your head in your hands, your tired, bloodshot eyes staring at your laptop. Listlessly reading through the half draft you had managed to write up.
Come on, you encouraged yourself. You can do this.
There was one, solitary silver lining to your day: tonight you were going to have a night in with your roommate. Park Jinyoung.
Now, Jinyoung and you. You two shared an equation that was equal parts easy and complicated.
Sure, he was your roommate, and had been for the past six months. And you both were great friends. You never fought, cooked together, cleaned together, paid for the utilities together. It was a running joke among your mutual friend circle that you and Nyoung (your nickname for him), lived less like roommates and more like a married couple. That is how well the two of you got along.
Which led you to the more complicated part of your relationship with Jinyoung. The obvious and ever growing sexual tension between you two. It sprung out of nowhere, in even the most innocuous situations.
He'd be going laundry and you'd walk into the laundry room with a basket full of your own clothes, only to stop in your tracks and drool over how peachy his ass looked in his sweatpants as he bent over, loading the machine with clothes. Or when you'd be getting out of the bathroom, freshly showered, a towel wrapped around your body and you'd catch him pausing to gawk at you while you made your way to your room. Or when you both would be having one of your epic Netflix marathons and you'd turn to grab a handful of cheese popcorn from your shared bucket, only to find him looking at you. And then his gaze would flit to your lips for a second, before catching your eyes. And you'd find yourself doing the same, silently admiring how plump and rosy his lips looked and how they'd feel against yours...
Neither of you had acted upon your desires. Yet.
Perhaps neither of you wanted to ruin the friendship that you had with the other.
Or perhaps he wasn't as interested in you as you thought. Perhaps you were overthinking. Misreading the signs.
Whatever it was, your friendship with Park Jinyoung remained just that. A friendship. Nothing more, nothing less.
And for the time-being, you were perfectly okay with it.
Thinking about him so much prompted you to reach out into the pocket of your jeans and pull out your cellphone.
You quickly typed out a text for him.
You (14:09): Hey, Nyoung! I'll be back by 6. You want me to pick up some jajangmyeon for you on the way back?
You knew that the black bean noodles from the deli round the block were his favourite. He could never say no to them.
He replied right back, your phone buzzing as the notification popped up. And your lips turned up into a grin. Yep, he couldn't say no to some jajangmyeon.
But when you picked up your phone and began to read his actual message, your smile vanished.
Nyoung (14:10): About tonight... I'm so sorry, princess. I won't be able to make it. I've gotta go to Jaebum's. Group assignment to complete.
Your heart fell upon reading the text and your eyes began to fill up with frustrated tears as you stared at his words.
Granted, crying over a cancelled night in was an overreaction on your part. But considering how crappy your day had been going so far, you had really been looking forward to a chilled night at home with Jinyoung.
You swallowed the sudden lump in your throat and began to type out a reply to Jinyoung, but your phone buzzed with the reception of another text.
It wasn't from Jinyoung.
Mark (14:12): Don't look so glum, pretty girl!
Your head shot up and you found Mark, sitting two tables away from you, his eyes on you.
When your gaze found his, he smiled.
A wave of warmth filled you up and you began to type a response to him instead.
You (14:13): Its been a shitty day, M.
He replied immediately.
Mark (14:13): I know, babe. I know. Anything I can do to make you feel better?
You smiled at your phone, reading his words. Mark Tuan was a classmate of yours. And he had the infamous reputation of being a fuckboy. But despite his notoriety, you knew him to be a really, really nice guy. And the fact that he had noticed your sadness, even from two tables away in this deathly silent library, it meant that he cared for you on some level.
Another text came from him.
Mark (14:15): You free tonight? Maybe we could go out and grab some drinks?
You replied immediately, jumping at the opportunity for hanging out with someone who could distract you from your worries. Especially after Jinyoung had bailed out on you.
You (14:16): I'm in. Name the time and place.
Looking up, you saw Mark read your message, a grin spreading across his own lips.
Mark (14:17): Perfect! I'll meet you outside the uni main gate at 7?
You quickly replied in the affirmative, your heart swelling with happiness. Perhaps tonight wasn't going to be a waste after all.
You were just about to keep your phone aside and return to your assignment when your phone vibrated again.
This time it was Jinyoung.
Nyoung (14:18): I'm really sorry, princess. Reply to me, please? You want me to pick up some chocolate ice-cream from Ben and Jerry's for you when I get back? Maybe we could have a late night movie session?
You knew that Jinyoung was genuinely feeling bad and was trying to compensate for cancelling on your night. But you really couldn't help the frustration that had been bubbling up inside you ever since he texted you to cancel.
You (14:19): Don't bother. I'm going out with Mark.
Your reply to him was curt. Clipped.
That should do it, you thought. That will show him.
And sure enough your phone began to buzz as texts from him began to pour in successively. You knew Jinyoung did not like Mark. But you liked him well enough. And you weren't going to let Jinyoung's dislike for Mark ruin tonight for you.
No sir.
You quickly silenced your phone and shoved it back into your pocket.
Taking in a deep breath and another long sip of your iced coffee, you returned to your class work.
The day hadn't turned out to be as bad as you had been expecting.
By the time 7 pm rolled around, you had finished typing out your essay and emailed it to your professor for submission.
And when you met Mark at the uni gate, your night became instantly better.
Mark had brought along Jackson and Bambam. And your quartet had decided to paint the town red.
You accompanied the boys to their favourite bar, proceeding to get completely sloshed. It was a riot. Lots of laughter and jokes. And the drinks kept flowing. The four of you bought rounds upon rounds and you didn't even remember how many glasses of tequila pineapple rum punch you had drunk.
Losing track of time with the boys was easy. And when all of you finally boarded an Uber, wasted beyond belief, you glanced at the little clock on the cab's dash.
2:56 am.
"Holy shit," you mumbled to yourself before turning to the guys.
"Guys, can you drop me home?" you asked and they all groaned.
"Nooo, ___________," Jackson said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Don't go yet! We've gotta go to that diner, remember? The waffles and burgers are to die for!"
While the idea of some good and greasy food, especially after drinking so much, felt tempting, you wanted to go home. To the comfort of your own bed.
"I'm sorry guys," you said, apologetically, leaning into Mark as the car took a turn around the corner. "I've gotta go..."
It was around thirty minutes later that you finally reached home.
Turning the key in your front door lock, you opened it and entered, before quietly shutting the door behind you. You didn't want to wake Jinyoung.
You kicked off your heels. The balls of your feet were in pain after being in heels all night. Just as you turned to walk into the kitchen to grab a bottle of cold water, you heard a low voice.
"So. You're finally back," came Jinyoung's voice and you jumped in surprise.
You let out a starled squeak and turned around. "You scared me!" you said, placing a hand on your chest to steady your hammering heartbeat. "Why are to still up?"
He walked toward you and you noticed, in the dim light of the living room, that he was wearing only his sweatpants, that hung low on hips, and a deep frown set between his brows. He looked fucking delicious. But you pushed away that thought.
"I couldn't sleep. I was worried about you," he said.
You rolled your eyes at that. "I can take care of myself," you replied.
Side-stepping him, you were about to head into the kitchen for some water. But his hand around your wrist stopped you.
He whirled you around and pushed you against the nearest wall, eyes suddenly filled with an anger that you hadn't ever seen before.
"What the fuck, Nyoung?"
"That's what you wore tonight?" he asked, voice dropping an octave as he eyed your tight, low-necked top. "Were you trying to impress Mark? Lure him into your bed?"
You didn't know where this sudden possessiveness was coming from. And in your drunken state, your defiance rose tenfold.
"So what if I was?" you replied spitefully. "You didn't want to spend time with me. I'm not going to sit at home waiting for you. You're not my boyfrien-"
You were never able to finish your tirade because his lips came crashing down upon yours, silencing you effectively.
The pressure of his lips upon yours was fierce and possessive. And when his tongue coaxed your lips apart to lick into your mouth, you could taste vodka on him.
He was drunk too.
Your hands threaded into his hair and you pulled him to yourself your mind screaming at you all the while.
It is happening,the voice inside your head roared in triumph. It was finally happening.
Eager to give as much as you got, you kissed him back, reciprocating his ardour. Tongue lashing against his, lips moving together with his, teeth biting down on his plush bottom lip.
When it became absolutely necessary to breathe, you broke away from him and he seized the opportunity to grasp your head by the roots, tilting your head back to press open-mouthed kisses into your exposed neck.
You clung to his shoulders, your knees weakening steadily.
"Fucking hell... I need you..." Jinyoung groaned against your skin.
"My bed?" you asked, and he nodded, grasping your hand and pulling you along.
Once you were in your bedroom, you both turned to each other, hands frantically working to undress the other between kisses.
He practically tore away your clothes, an urgency in his motions that mimicked your own.
Once you both were finally bare before each other, Jinyoung pushed you down on your bed, where you landed with a huff.
He ran a hand through his hair, eyes hungrily raking over your body. Appraising you.
"How are you so beautiful, princess?" he said, crawling up the length of your body, settling on his knees between your legs.
"You're not quite bad yourself, Mr. Park," you replied, eyeing his broad shoulders. His strong arms. His sculpted abs. His muscular thighs. And his-
Oh god, he was magnificent.
Between his legs, his length stood erect, rigid with arousal. Tip flushed a deep red, oozing precum.
Raising a hand, you took him into your palm, stroking him leisurely. All the way from base to tip.
"Princess..." he groaned, teeth biting on his lip. "Don't. I want to be inside you."
You knew exactly what he felt. Because you felt it too. Your need for him was apparent in the wetness soaking you, dripping onto the sheets beneath you.
Both of you had wanted this for so long that right now, you just wanted to get to it.
Languid explorations of each other's bodies could wait.
Right now, you just needed each other.
"Fuck me, Jinyoung," you said to him, spreading your legs on either side of his hips. Showing him how turned on you were for him. How wet you were for him.
Wasting no time, he delved in with two fingers, making you hiss in delight while he explored you. He was testing you, seeing if you were indeed prepared to receive him.
Whether it was the effect of the alcohol, or the effect of him, or both, you were drenched. And his fingers slid into you with minimal resistance, your slickness granting him an almost effortess access while he breached you with two fingers.
"Jinyoung," you whined, unable to keep your restlessness reined in. While his fingers felt good inside you, it was his cock you were after. "Get inside me. Now."
He chuckled at the needy inflection of your voice, but withdrew his fingers immediately. He didn't want to tease you very much right now either, wanting to be inside you as well.
With one hand, he grasped the base of his length, aligning himself with you, his other hand holding you in place, resting on your hip.
When he sank into you, you both let out an wordless sound of absolute relief. After pining for each other for months, here you were, finally one.
There was the slightest sliver of pain, while your walls became accustomed to his size, but by the time he completely bottomed out, you were in heaven.
"Fuck..." you breathed, letting your head fall back onto your pillow. The feeling of him, hot and throbbing, nestled snugly within your sheath, it was already too much. "Move, Nyoung..."
He let out an airy laugh, and began to chastise you condescendingly. "Patience is a virtue, princess-ah!"
You never allowed him to finish his sentence, clenching hard around him, causing him to choke on his words.
"So that's how you want to play, you brat?" he asked you, withdrawing from you, almost all the way until the tip. Before surging back in.
"Yes..." you moaned, when his hips snapped into yours, a sudden burst of pleasure erupting within you.
Jinyoung had a dark, determined look on his face and he did seized your wrists, pinning them down on either side of your head while he hovered above you, his thrusts rough and deep. Hitting all the right places within you.
"Yes, just like that!" you cried in pleasure, relishing in the vigorous friction that his cock created against your velvety walls with every thrust.
Your walls sucked at his girth with an eagerness that made his breath hitch. "Shit, princess. You're so tight. Fuck."
The sounds of wet flesh slapping and smacking on each other filled the room, accompanied by your moans and his groans.
He could feel his restraint slipping away with the way you clenched around him and with a deep growl, he released your wrists, falling atop you.
"I won't be able to last long," he groaned into your neck, burying his face into your hair. "Tell me you're close, princess."
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, nails digging into his skin. "I am. I am," you sighed.
It took a total of four more thrusts for him to finish, and he shot his load inside you, moaning your name over and over again.
The moment his sticky, hot seed spilled within you, you felt yourself let go as well, your walls spasming around him, milking him for every last drop he could give.
For a long while, you both laid there, intertwined in each other's arms, thinking about what you had just done. Panting. Gasping.
Eventually, he pulled away from you, lying down beside you.
His eyes never left your face.
"Do you regret it?" he asked.
You shook your head, reaching out to cup his cheek. "I've wanted this for so long."
He grinned widely upon hearing your admission. "Me too."
Leaning in, you pressed your lips against his for a chaste kiss, before pulling away. "I'm tired."
He smiled fondly, stroking your sweat-dampened hair away from your face.
"Go to sleep, princess," he whispered. "When you wake up tomorrow, I'm not going to let you leave this bed. I'm going to take my time with you."
You placed a kiss on his cheek as an affirmation. There was no other place you wanted to be.
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dibs4ever · 6 years ago
Dick Grayson Fatherhood
Dick loved being a father, honestly, he never put much thought or fantasy into being a dad one day but here he was an actual father for real and he loved it. It scared him. He worried constantly that somehow some baddie would figure out Nightwing had a kid and hold him against him. Or perhaps a criminal would want to kidnap Bruce Wayne/Commissioner Gordon’s Grandson And he acting as Nightwing will have to jump into action without leading on that they had his kid.
He’d have to hold back from killing someone if they as much of harmed his son.
His favorite thing to do with Nathan was to see how bendy he was. It sounded weird but it was the truth. At almost 8 months old Nathan was probably going to take his first steps any day. The doctor said he was advanced and that his keen balance skills might have spurred from his acrobatic genes. He loved seeing bits of himself in his son, he also loved seeing bits of Barbara, like the way he crinkled up his nose when he was concentrating. Or how quickly he picked up on baby sign language. He was also super attached to Barbara, which everyone joked he got from Dick.
Barbara. She was an amazing mother. He couldn’t have asked for someone better to be the mother of his child. He never imagined she’d be so attentive but she was. In fact, he almost got in a fight with Roy last week after he made a remark about how Barbara was “almost a hippy” mom. He knew he meant it as a joke but it still aggravated him.
“Batman says to go to 46th and 10th” Barbara pulled him out of his thoughts
He looked toward the bat-clad girl, he loved her so much. He wanted to be with her so badly, but he needed to respect her and her wishes to keep their co-parenting platonic.
Currently, they were on patrol together for the first time in over a year. Before he faked his death, before he returned to find her with his 6-week old son, before he bought an apartment for them to live in.
They had tried not to patrol together, wanting one of them to be with their son at all times. But tonight called for it. Joker had apparently set multiple hidden bombs off around Gotham set to go off at 1 am. Nightwing and Batgirl has to deactivate one on the West Side Village Apartment building. One of the largest in Gotham. Now they just needed to locate it and deactivate it.
“Why don’t you check the basement and I’ll check the lobby?” Batgirl suggested
Dick glanced at the clock “BG it’s 12:30”
Barbara nodded “I know Hunk Wonder, of we don’t find anything we meet back at the 3rd floor at 12:45.”
Nightwing smiled at her nickname “Right, don’t wanna cause a rage of panic unless we absolutely have to. “
Barbara nodded and they both jumped into separate directions
Dick searched and searched in hopes of finding the bomb but had no luck. He heard Batgirls communicator buzz in
“Hey Wing”
“Hey Red, I hope you’re calling to tell me you deactivated a bomb. Really don’t want to deal with panic stricken civilians”
“Unfortunately not”
Dick sighed glancing at the time-12:40 “Looks like we’re evacuating a building. Meet you in 5” he signed off before running to the stairs.
They opted to pull the fire alarm pinning it as the best way to get people out as quickly as possible. That didn’t mean they still didn’t have to convince some people to leave. Dick was aiding an elderly woman he had just spent the last 5 minutes convincing to leave. (She has only agreed when he told her he’d help her with carrying her cats out.) He passed Barbara as she was walking back into the building.
“Where are you going?” He asked
Barbara looked at him “Back in, doing a last go around”
Dick shook his head “It’s 12:55, get out of the building “
Barbara shook her head “No you “
Dick sighed “Babs I’ll do the last walk through” he handed the woman her cats and pushed her gently out
Barbara looked at him “Dick please one of us has to go out and make sure they are safe. For well you know who.”
Dick nodded “Which is why I’m telling you to get out now Barbara Please I’m begging you. He needs you more than me”
Barbara shook her head “I’m not leaving you”
“And I’m not leaving here till I know the building is empty” Dick said
Barbara looked at the time 12:56 “Well I guess that makes two of us” she thought perhaps he would agree to come out with her if she stood her ground. This had been her plan all along. She knew he’d want to keep going back and forth into the building. Testing his limits with time. She didn’t want to take a chance of losing him again. But he was walking back up the stairs again. She followed behind
Dick looked at her “Babs please”
She shook her head “No”
Dick bit his lip, “Damn it” he mumbled
Before she knew it he had scooped her up and was running with her out the door. He set her down “Stay” he growled before running back in. Which surprised her. She thought she had him.
She attempted to run back in but was stopped when the building exploded “No!” She screamed falling to her knees where she began sobbing. Then through the rubble, Dick walked back out. In his arms was a cat. The same old lady he had helped out last rushed forward he was able to hand it to her before falling to his knees. Barbara rushed over to him
“I promised-I’d save all her cats if she got out” he whispered
Barbara held his face in her hands, whipping off the soot that covered his cheeks “Oh Grayson” she whispered
“I don’t break promises” he started to chuckle but then began coughing
Barbara stood pulling his arm over her shoulders and helping him up “Let’s get you home so I can give you a check up”
Barbara did just as she promised after he showered she was ready to patch him up and give him a breathing treatment to help clear his lungs after some other treatments she ordered him to go to bed, which he wasn’t complaining about since he was honestly exhausted. He was awakened when his bedroom door creaked open. Although the room was dark he knew who it was. She waited till she crawled into the bed beside him to speak “Checking in on me?” He grinned
Barbara didn’t say anything for a while “You scared me today”
Dick was quiet for a moment “I’m sorry”
She took a deep breath “I thought I’d lost you again”
“Babs I get into this mode when I’m Nightwing and I don’t even know what I’m doing. I think about that now and think how careless it was so no need to lecture me.”
She nodded “I just-all these thoughts flashed before my eyes”
“When I saw the clock hit 1 it did for me too.”
Barbara looked at him “Like?”
Dick looked down at her “Like you moving on, marring some normal guy, and Nathan calling him daddy”
Barbara shook her head “That would never happen”
“Yeah your right, I already told Jason if anything happened to me he should marry you and raise my son“
Barbara grimaced at the thought “Did you really?”
Dick chuckled “No I didn’t Babs. But still the thought of another man raising him hurt”
Barbara hugged his waist resting her chin on his shoulder “That wouldn’t ever happen, Dick. Your an amazing Father to him. I can't even stand the thought of another man acting as his dad.”
Dick looked at her “Oh yeah? You don’t ever want to be with another man again? You just want to be single the rest of your life?”
Barbara scrunched up her nose confused at first but then realized what he was saying “I-I never thought of it like that”
Dick smiled “If its any conciliation I can’t see myself ever finding anyone to be a sizable mother to how amazing you are”
Barbara smiled
Dick smiled “So if we don’t want to be with anyone else, we’re both living together and we both have a baby together than why don’t we-“
Barbara shook her head “Dick”
Dick shifted “Come on Babs think about it”
She sighed
He shifted so that they were facing each other “The fact that you and I both don’t want to date anyone else. The fact that our son is so well adjusted with us together. We’re already living together-very happily I might add. We’re basically a couple who doesn’t show any affection toward each other.”
Barbara looked up in thought “But Dick, what would people assume.”
Dick shook his head “Who gives a flying leap about what people would assume. I love you and I know you still love me. We don’t want to be with other people so what’s the use in us being miserable and lonely when we can both just stop being stubborn and be together” he whispered pressing their foreheads together “If it helps we can keep the whole thing under wraps till we’re ready to tell people”
Barbara laughed lightly “Yeah cause keeping it under wraps from my dad worked so well last time. After you came back we kept from my dad that you were Nate’s father for what? A week?”
Dick chuckled “A week and 3 days thank you very much” he booped her nose then fell back to his back and thought back on the day “Grayson why do you keep calling my grandson Chavo? He said”
Barbara smiled and began playing with his hand “Well Commissioner, you see its Romani my father used to call me that” Barbara spoke the line Dick had said
Dick ran his free hand through Barbara’s hair “Oh really what does it mean?” He continued the story
She shook her head “Then you had to come out and say ‘Son’”
Dick nodded “And it all clicked”
Barbara rolled so she was resting on top of him “He wasn’t mad but he wasn’t happy he said, ‘What? When did this happen, I thought you two were just friends “
Dick laughed “You can yell at me all you want for slipping up with the son thing but at least I’m not the one who responded to that with ‘Seriously Dad, I thought you were the detective. We haven’t kept our hands off each other in years”
Barbara laughed “Hey its the truth” she ran a hand through his hair “He still loves all three of us though regardless. Unlike my grandmother” she rolled off him and lied beside him again.
Dick shifted “I really wish you’d make up with her. She’s the only Great Grandparent Nay Nay has.”
Barbara shook her head “Dick when we took him to the retirement home to meet her 5 months ago she took one look at you and before she even met you all she saw was your skin tone. Then when she figured out her great-grandson was half Romani all she did was ridicule us”
Dick was quiet “It’s just the generations she grew up in. Your dad stood up for us” he pointed
“She was wrong though. Everywhere I go people tell me how beautiful he is. I felt so bad the other day Artemis and I went to the park with the kids and this couple kept commenting on how cute Nathan was. How much they loved his eyes and his tan skin, how his smile was so beautiful. Meanwhile Arty was sitting there with the twins. Her and Wally’s kids are really cute too” Barbara made sure to address
Dick nodded “Yeah they are” he leaned forward “But you and I-we really did make a beautiful child together didn’t we?” She hadn’t retracted so he nuzzled her neck. And when she didn’t retract to that he began planted soft kisses in the crook of her neck
Barbara sighed “Okay”
He lifted his head up “Okay?”
“Let’s give us a go again. If not for us let’s do it for Nate. He deserves to have his parents together. The least we can do is tell him we at least tried to be together” she reached up running her fingers through his hair. A giddy smile growing on Dick’s face before he leaned forward placing a passionate kiss on her lips
“Does this mean I get to move into the master bedroom with you?” He asked pulling away slightly
Barbara grinned “We’ll see Lover, just keep kissing me” she said before pulling him back to her.
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wildfangz · 6 years ago
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@liliithvatore tagged me in that simself thing thats been goin around DAYS ago but here it finally is! also thank you for the tag this was fun :-]
I tag @slythersim @thelurgoyf @seoulchii @weicyn @solitasims @daisydezem @raha-plays-the-sims if they want to do it & anyone that just wants to do it in general! message me and I’ll even @ u directly if u want. 
anyway lets DO THIS shitload of questions under the cut u’ve been warned!!!
1. what is your name?
2. what is your nickname?
jewel, jules
3. birthday?
oct 26th
4. what is your favorite book series?
percy jackson and the olympians will probably always own my heart & soul
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
yes & yes. tho i do think a lot of alien sightings and conspiracy theories and what not are bullshit
6. who is your favorite author?
maggie stiefvater probably? also cornelia funke but its been years since ive read anything by her so i cant be sure BUT i loved inkheart & the thief lord so much
7. what is your favorite radio station?
ummm when i listen to the radio at all i kinda just switch between two rock stations and our popular music station.
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything?
blue raspberry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tasty and i love a blue tongue
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful?
cool. or bitchin’.  i play it simple
10. what is your current favorite song?
hands like houses - revive
11. what is your favorite word?
roulette and inhibition which i never get to use either as much as i want !
12. what was the last song you listened to?
emarosa - givin’ up ! its a bop!
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
the new she-ra on netflix its so good. and gay
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
moana. its also like the only movie i dont have trouble getting thru despite how many times ive already seen it
15. do you play video games?
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16. what is your biggest fear?
idk... being inherently unlovable i guess n ending up alone? also spiders !
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion?
im fairly open-minded and laid back. Unless someones being like, purposely nasty or something I generally don’t get defensive or aggressive. also a lot of little quirks that piss others off dont bother me im very u do u as long as its not actually harming anyone and ive had people tell me this makes it easier to open up to me so thats probably my best quality....
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion?
....at the same time though i do get very sensitive when faced w/ criticism even if its of the fair variety when its not phrased really gently for various reasons and i dont like that. especially since I have a tendency to not even talk to people about it. I’ll just immediately start distancing myself. also other than that i think overall I have a really high tolerance lvl but if you cross that line I hold a grudge like a motherfucker
9. do you like cats or dogs better?
cats! dogs are good too but cats are a lot easier for me to handle...and quieter generally but even when they’re loud cat sounds dont get to me quite as much as barks do
20. what is your favorite season?
autumn but im starting to really like summer for some reason? wack :/
21. are you in a relationship?
22. what is something you miss from your childhood?
the lack of responsibility, probably. that sounds real bad lmao but for me its like...I know I’ve grown in various ways over the years but I also feel like so many of my experiences, my trauma, my mental health has held me back and I don’t think I’m mentally where I should be for my age. so all the responsibility of adulthood is just..really overwhelming for me sometimes, even though ive been given a pass from certain aspects of it and the rest is pretty simple its the idea!!!!
23. who is your best friend?
my ex
24. what is your eye color?
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25. what is your hair color?
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26. who is someone you love?
my mom
27. who is someone you trust?
not really anyone rn unfortunately...would like 2 work on that
28. who is someone you think about often?
are my OCs a fair answer because i am always thinking about my babies.....
29. are you currently excited about/for something?
my favorite webcomic (that also has two of my all time favorite characters in it) just came back!! the artist disappeared back in 2015 like the day after I binge-read the whole fucking thing & i was so disappointed but its BACK and 2018 has been redeemed
30. what is your biggest obsession?
sims probably! i could talk about anything relating to it for hours
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child?
there were so damn many its hard to even think and figure out the most notable ones...i really, really liked teen titans though?
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?
my ex, again
33. are you superstitious?
not terribly so but somewhat. I take certain things as signs and I mean I do believe in astrology & such to a degree
34. do you have any unusual phobias?
i used to be afraid of mirrors but thats all i can think of and its not even a thing anymore...the only other thing is tornadoes but i dont think its unusual. but it definitely sucks for me ‘cause i live in tornado alley!
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
behind it....like taking pretty pictures and dont like ppl capturing my image 2 film
36. what is your favorite hobby?
sims.....also singing!!! and drawing!!!! video editing!!!!!!!!! the works
37. what was the last book you read?
The Dream Thieves....havent finished it though because last time i went to read it a spider was lying in wait and im traumatized
38. what was the last movie you watched?
coco i think???
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any?
drums, various other percussion instruments, and violin mainly
40. what is your favorite animal?
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow?
uhhhhh @bratsims @liliithvatore @cabsim @wildlyminiaturesandwich @keysims pls dont feel bad if i didnt include u these were just the first to pop into my head and ive been following some of them since I first made my blog!! and have kept up with their stories completely and enjoy them etc check them OUT !
42. what superpower do you wish you had?
shapeshifting!!! dysphoria? gone. ugliness? gone. want to morph into a fucked up clown and scare people when they realize all the classic clown features are a real actual part of my face? possible!
43. when and where do you feel most at peace?
chillin’ at the pool in summer during the part of the day when no ones there.... swimming is always relaxing 2 me then i love just resting under the sun and drying off afterwards especially since we have a little pond nearby and i can hear the water! its nice
44. what makes you smile?
always and without fail? interacting with anyone i have a crush on. i’ll look like a dope the whole time
45. what sports do you play, if any?
i used 2 play basketball a lot. Like not seriously but it was a thing
46. what is your favorite drink?
dr pepper and monster energy (original flavor) pumps through my veins at this point. we love a carbonated beverage
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
two years ago for my ex and I’s first year anniversary... I never got it mailed but I did at least take a picture of it (with included caption because my handwriting is atrocious). i was very up front about being a romantic and see heres the PROOF
48. are you afraid of heights?
nope! very excited by them actually
49. what is your biggest pet peeve?
i cant stand passive aggressive behavior. my stance is either get over it or quit acting like a bitch because otherwise im just going to ignore you thats the scorpio way (in all seriousness I really, really do recommend not putting up with it and ignoring it until they decide to be up front with you. it can be exhausting constantly reading into conversations and its not healthy for you or them. if they have something to say they need to learn to talk about it properly, and that lack of social skills is not ever on you)
50. have you ever been to a concert?
yep! i think about....six or so? i love them...which is really funny im autistic and EVERYTHING about them should freak me out and they do in other circumstances but at a show i just live for it
51. are you vegan/vegetarian?
nope! ive thought before id like to go vegetarian...but i couldnt do it with my health problems. also i love shrimp too much
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
ive always wanted to do something creative! when i was rlly young I thought a lot about singing and acting and writing in particular...all things im still interested in.... also i wanted to be a dictator ages 4-7 because i told my mom i wanted to be president of the world and make people do what i say and she said “honey thats a dictator not a president”. i then made that known at school and that turned into a situation!
53. what fictional world would you like to live in?
pokemon universe or bust. 
54. what is something you worry about?
never being able to do things i want to do or catching up with others because of my disabilities
55. are you scared of the dark?
yes but a reasonable amount i think
56. do you like to sing?
yes :]
57. have you ever skipped school?
yes i used to play sick a LOT and as my parents caught onto it id even go all out to convince them. i was good at school but i hated it so much
58. what is your favorite place on the planet?
dunno! malls maybe i love shopping and looking at material objects i wish to own
59. where would you like to live?
oregon! portland in particular thats been my dream for a few years now
60. do you have any pets?
a cat! he lives with my dad & grandma though...hes grown up there and likes going outside so I felt bad about taking him with me when i moved out but anyway this is him hes fat and stupid and i love him his name is coffee
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61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl because my rhythm is all fucked up but in my heart....an early bird...if i get a good nights sleep i’ll be up early yacking your ear off and so excited for the day
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
sunsets are prettier...but sunrises feel more refreshing
63. do you know how to drive?
nope ! im gay !
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
headphones. better sound quality also discourages people from talking to me slightly more
65. have you ever had braces?
nope! but i need them
66. what is your favorite genre of music?
post-hardcore maybe?
67. who is your hero?
every trans person living their truth and being open and loud about who they are past present & future. the worlds not particularly kind to us and our existence alone is considered a radical act, so its always given me hope to see others refusing to pretend to be someone they’re not in this environment and I’ll always have mad respect for that
68. do you read comic books?
i read manga and webcomics...ive always wanted to get into superhero comics but the amount of issues and different versions is ridiculous and makes it inaccessible 2 me 
69. what makes you the most angry?
i mean its hard to pinpoint what makes me angry the MOST...but a contender is definitely how some people feel free to treat others with cruelty and think its their god given right to deny or attack someones existence in some way, & how acts of kindness, even the most basic are branded as liberal bullshit or whatever....it goes against everything i was taught growing up
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
real book! electronic device can be easier but....rough on the eyes after a while and nothing beats the real thing for me
71. what was your favorite subject in school?
language arts...at least when we did creative writing stuff
72. do you have any siblings?
two older sisters & an older brother that passed away years ago but. still my brother u kno
73. what was the last thing you bought?
mocha frappe baby!!!!!
74. how tall are you?
75. can you cook?
a little bit....not as much as id like to though but im learning
76. what are three things that you love?
storms, cheesy breadsticks, and cat purrs
77. what are three things that you hate?
unnecessary rudeness, being talked down to or generally treated like im stupid, grapefruit which is the worst thing on this list
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends?
female i think?
79. what is your sexual orientation?
im the big bad promiscuous bisexual your parents warned you about
80. where do you currently live?
oklahoma. gofundme campaign to get me out
81. who was the last person you texted?
my friend jojo! just Now!
82. when was the last time you cried?
yesterday afternoon but im a changed man now thats behind me. i will cry about different things soon
83. who is your favorite youtuber?
the mcelroy brothers. also super best friends play. matt, pat & woolie are all great tbh
84. do you like to take selfies?
depends on whether i feel ugly or terribly dysphoric that day or not
85. what is your favorite app?
ummmm....love live school idol festival ive been playin for years its an addiction
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
dad = bad mom = okay. theres some issues that strain it but its not too bad
87. what is your favorite foreign accent?
i have no idea what the fuck australians are talking about half the time but i dig it anyway 
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
Italy, Greece, Germany, Japan, Mexico, various other states (ive only been out of state three times. twice to texas and then once to kansas. for five minutes)
89. what is your favorite number?
6!! 26 also
90. can you juggle?
ive always wanted to but alas.... :-[
91. are you religious?
i suppose...but im rlly not into organized religion
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
space probably theres so fucking much of it man!
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
not to brag but sometimes i eat my mcdonalds hamburgers cold from the fridge so you can figure that one out yourself B)
94. are you allergic to anything?
pecans. not deathly allergic though so catch me eating turtle pie anyway! 
95. can you curl your tongue?
nope :[
96. can you wiggle your ears?
nope :[
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
usually as soon as i realize....unless someones being real smug and annoying then i might be stubborn about it
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach?
ive never been to the beach but i love her!!!
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
probably that you have to look at your accomplishments differently when you’re disabled or just struggling, to not be so down on yourself because its a fact that what might be a mole hill to someone else is a mountain to you and you have to judge yourself accordingly. Like maybe you weren’t able to clean the whole house, but washing the dishes and tidying your desk doesn’t usually get done but you did it. That that should be celebrated because while it would also feel good if you did more, you still did something and thats great all things considered.
100. are you a good liar?
sometimes, really depends what im lying about and if im like....into it at all. If my guts against it for whatever reason I’ll have trouble
101. what is your hogwarts house?
i always get slytherin or hufflepuff! usually with like 1 point difference
102. do you talk to yourself?
i am talking to myself right now as i fill this out
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert?
extrovert mainly! i used to think i was more introverted but now i think a lot of exhaustion when theres any comes from me just going the extra mile and actively trying to read people and pick up on social ques.... if I just chill im fine
104. do you keep a journal/diary?
nope...ive tried but i just cant keep up with it so i do the next best thing. shouting into the void on the internet to a bunch of strangers
105. do you believe in second chances?
depends on what you did the first time. Some people just don’t deserve taking that risk imo...but i can be a little guarded so maybe thats a bit too harsh
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?
turn it in, unless there was no identifying things in it & it was found somewhere kinda random. Then I’d maybe hold onto it unless my gut challenged that
107. do you believe that people are capable of change?
absolutely. i mean thats all we do throughout our lives is change and evolve...that being said I think extremely drastic changes are maybe not entirely impossible, but extremely rare, and the residue of the former self usually sticks around in some form
108. are you ticklish?
yes, dangerously so
109. have you ever been on a plane?
110. do you have any piercings?
one day hopefully!
111. what fictional character do you wish was real?
asra from the arcana.....even if he wasn’t my boyfriend thats just a dude u could chill and eat some pomegranates with u know. Before I downloaded the app my friends kept telling me he was made for me and he really was he ticks like everything on my Favorite Characters Feature List except villain but he has that particular allure & attitude i like so much in villains so thats not a single point off hes perfect
112. do you have any tattoos?
nope...one day! hopefully!
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
accepting my genderqueerness and bisexuality definitely. Self Love hasn’t been perfected just yet but that was such a huge step in the right direction
114. do you believe in karma?
yes! she doesn’t get shit done as much as id like however
115. do you wear glasses or contacts?
glasses. not contacts yet because my eye doctor is a bitch
116. do you want children?
I do....just not sure if id be a good parent. Its really important to me if I had a child itd be for the right reason and I could raise them well in a healthy environment & be able to take care of all their needs yknow
117. who is the smartest person you know?
probably my friend jojo
118. what is your most embarrassing memory?
one time i looked outside and the sunset was really pretty and i wanted to get a photo of it so i walked out.....and stood like right by the street so there weren’t trees in my way...and then i realized mid-pic 1) i am not wearing pants & my shirt is full of holes 2) id been depressed for days so my hair was a tangled mess. I tailed it back inside so i didnt even get a nice pic it was blurry!
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
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120. what colour are most of you clothes?
black i didnt even have to think about that one
121. do you like adventures?
they are pretty swell
122. have you ever been on tv?
a few times when i was little. always photobombing the news reporters 4 what i thought would eventually lead 2 fame & fortune
123. how old are you?
124. what is your favorite movie quote?
this is technically lyrics to that lil song in moana at the end but
“ They have stolen the heart from inside you. But this does not define you.”
hits me hard every time! emotional impact? i know her
125. sweet or savory?
sweet!!!!!!!! gotta balance out my bitter somehow
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minimoll7 · 6 years ago
do all that ask stuff bonch ;)
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?I’ve never smoked once in my life and I never will
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?Single (tho lets be real here, I’m always confused. I never know what’s going on)
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?I’d probably be really flattered fhdugf
I answered questions 4-6 in my last post lol
7: Do you want to be single?Nah. I’d love to get a boyfriend someday and get married
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?*Hacker voice* I’m always in
9: How late did you stay up last night?I think I feel asleep at midnight?? Idk I just sort of fell asleep out of no where lol
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?I was in 8th grade, so like 2011 lol
11: Last three things you had to drink?Water, water and some water
12: Have you pretended to like someone?Unfortunately. Dumbest and most stupidest decisions I’ve ever made. I know I did it because I didn’t want to make someone feel bad but it was still a dumb decision in the end of it
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?I’m assuming this means love in general, not like specifically romantic love because yes. I’ve said it to my dad like over a decade ago when I never meant it at all
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?No lol well, I’ve seen myself but I don’t think that counts fgydsgfd
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?Yeah, I have a hard time letting go
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?Bitch I’ve always been single fhydsgf
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?Its like 12:29 right now fhydgsdf I’m answering questions ;)
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?No but I wanna
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?Never had alcohol, never will
20: What would you name your future daughter?Idk Robin maybe?? I love that name
21: Do you miss anyone?A lot of people :(
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?Haha bold of you to assume I kiss people
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?BOLD OF YOU TO ASSUME I KISS PEOPLE
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?Depends on the situation and what I’m hiding. In some cases I can in others I can’t to save my life lol
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?I cry easily from emotions so yeah I have. Most of the time tho its something related to my dad
26: Who did you last see in person?My parents ha
27: Are you listening to music right now?I sure heckin am my dudes!! Listening to the Hyrule Temple theme from Smash Melee
28: What is something you currently want right now?A break from stress lol also pizza
29: What is the last thing you said out lot?I’m assuming lot is supposed to be loud lol “Sorry that you can’t handle the truth” that or “puppy!” can’t remember which happened first fhydsgdf
30: How is your heart lately?Fine I think? Not a 100% sure what this is specifically asking for lol
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?Only if I really need it
32: Are you wearing socks?Nah my feet are naked af
33: What do people call you?They call me the Great Apocalypse
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?Considering I don’t like anyone romantically, no. But I do like my friends platonically, so yeah I will ;)
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?M a n y so many my dudes
36: Who did you last share a bed with?Myself ;) I’m crazy I know
37: Did you do something bad today?I ate junk food
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?That’s a good question, bold of you to assume I have a brain to remember stuff with
39: Do you get stressed out easily?Heckin yeah. I get stressed out so easily its ridiculous lol
40: Will you sing today?WILL I??? The world may never know!!
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?Oof yeah all the time. Most of the time its simple stuff but I get anxiety or embarrassed so then I keep quiet. Sometimes the convo changes direction completely and its no longer relevant or important enough to bring up
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?I go to like, most of my friends. There isn’t really just one person because I try to make sure I give my friends breaks from venting/negativity if I notice I go to them to frequently
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?Nope!!
44: What are you listening to right now?The Title theme from Night in the Woods. I love it so much, its such a cool theme
45: What is wrong with you right now?Do you want a list. I can give you a list
46: What is on your wrists right now?My skin, maybe some hair who knows
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re weaW e a. My momma got my Zelda shirt from RedBubble lol
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?Hot chocolate I like it h o t
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?Nah, I don’t believe in wishes lol
50: Are you a good artist?Sure am!! Someday I’ll get really heckin good to!!!
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?It certainly can be, yeah!
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?Not really lol not much changed, still hella stressed
53: Ever been on a golf cart?I don’t think so :0c
54: Do you have trust issues?Not usually lol
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?I could never do that. I mean, I can stay up all night, my insomnia lets me do that no problem. But I’d get to tired, exhausted and really irritated if I was on the phone with someone the whole time
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?I think one of my Zelda shirts is from Hot Topic. But I got it YEARS ago so I’m not sure
57: Do you use chap stick?Sadly I do lol
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?In a gentle, joking way, yes I have
59: Do you have a little sister?I am the little sister fdydfsgfg
60: Have you ever been to New York?Briefly, just on my way to Pennsylvania and then back on my way home. But I was a little kid so I don’t remember much
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?Of course! :D
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?Yeah I hugged my momma!
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?Pissing and then falling asleep
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?BOLD. OF. YOU. TO. ASSUME. I. KISS. PEOPLE. fhydsgdfgfdsgf
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?I have a few actually, but yeah!! :D You’re one of them, Zanky ;)
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?Do I need to shoot your knees
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?I’m going to shoot your knees
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?I’m used to sleeping alone so I think I prefer it. But having people sleep even in just the same room with me does bring me comfort
69: Will next Friday be a good one?I think so, it should be
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corgisocks · 7 years ago
85 questions
tagged by @ribenaflip 💞💕💖💗
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
EDIT: as of 2019, this tag is like 20% irrelevant to what i’m like now....did it in 2017 so
— what was your last…
1. drink: water
2. phone call: it was me calling jojo’s phone so they could find it
3. text message: “I am having a major crisis”
4. song you listened to: coffee & tv by blur
5. you cried: that’s tmi but also saying it’s tmi is tmi and all of this is tmi so what am i DOING
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nooo
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes i kissed a piece of toast and it got crumbs all over my face
8. been cheated on: if i have been that’d be concerning seeing as i’ve never not been single
9. lost someone special: not recently.
10. been depressed: 24 hours 7 days a week m8
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: what is an alcohol? (no)
— fave colours
12. vermilion 13. cerulean 14. very very dark grey
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: YEET (shoutout to the gc)
16. fallen out of love: i WISH (lmao it’s been 2 years please end me)
17. laughed until you cried: yea obvs
18. found out someone was talking about you: many times. many many many times.
19. met someone who has positively changed you: YES. my bestest buddy has and not in a bad way. i’m definitely a better and happier person because i met him
20. found out who your friends are: i never think about friendships in that kind of way. and if i did i probs wouldn’t care to be like ‘they were a shitty friend’ instead it’d just be like they were someone in my life and it sucks that they’re not/don’t want to be in a good way anymore but shit happens. and i don’t take it personally
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what is a face book because if it’s like a book of faces i kissed myself in the picture of my group of friends that is in my yearbook
— general
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: again…what is a face book
23. do you have any pets: YEET
24. do you want to change your name: i mean idk i think i’d be cool with just usin a nickname for now i’ll figure the legal stuff out later
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to my friend’s birthday party. spent almost all of it looking for one of the people who was invited with two of my bros. then i saw wonder woman, went to a reallyreally good korean bakery, and then went to the empire state building. and last but not least, the next day, my friends came over and we played clue and mariokart. all in all it was a 10/10 birthday tbh! (it was an anomaly though ngl my birthday this year is going to be infinitely more depressing)
26. what time did you wake up today: 5:30 am cos my school starts too fuckin early ;(
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: taking a shower
28. what is something you can’t wait for: plake’s upcoming single (it’s my fav and i’ve been wanting it in my library for m o n t h s so i’m 110% ready for it
30. what are you listening to right now: the sound of people talking
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i was at an improv comedy show and of all people i was picked to volunteer and when i was on stage my shoe fell off and one of the comedians who was called tom was like 'your foot has been borne to the audience’
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: my own exhaustion!
33. most visited website: my school’s online gradebook 😬
34. hair colour: really dark brown (some people think it’s black but NO)
35. long or short hair: short...it will never be long again i assure you
36. do you have a crush on someone: yes ;(((
37a. what do you like about yourself: i may be an awful person atm but at least i can understand why i am the way i am and know how to improve
37b. what’s something you don’t like about yourself: too many things. rn though i don’t like how i come off as like a 'show-off’ when i’m trying to help people cos me trying to get them to like actually understand what they’re learning always sets em off even though it’d be worse to just do things my own confusing way and leave em in the dust. i also hate how i get frustrated with them (and myself tbh) when that happens
38. want any piercings: hecc no
39. blood type: i legit have no clue
40. nicknames: lou, coco
41. relationship status: what is a relation ship
42. sign: gemini
43. pronouns: he/they i GUESS
44. fave tv show: peppa pig tbh
45. tattoos: hecc no!
46. right or left handed: BOTH
47: ever had surgery: nope 😬
48. piercings: once again HECC NO
49. sport: used to do tennis and track. now i kind of just do a lil bit of everything for fun and i love biking and running
50. vacation: yes please. i need a vacation from LIFE
51. trainers: i’ve had the same old black nikes for three years and the same flip flops for five ;( (and i also have some black converse high-tops that i never wear unless i need to look 'nice’ whoops)
— more general
52. eating: i prefer raw foods to pretty much everything so poke bowls are my jam. i’m also a vegetarian who doesn’t eat fruit because what is self-care??
53. drinking: water. it’s important to stay hydrated
54. i’m about to watch: my surroundings that aren’t my phone
55. waiting for: this tag to be over. yikes
56. want: to pass english for ONE GODDAMN MARKING PERIOD before i graduate cos i haven’t since mp1 of ninth grade during which i got a 99 (now i have a 15 look how far i’ve come!!)
57. get married: i mean…
58. career: ah yes i’ll probably have one of those
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: y'all mean in relationships? no pref. generally speaking though i almost always hate both
60. lips or eyes: no pref
61. shorter or taller: no pref…
62. older or younger: i don’t think about any of this shit i am so confused!!
63. nice arms or stomach: what constitutes an arm or stomach being nice?
64. hookup or relationships: labels ew neither is good
65. troublemaker or hesitant: somehow i’m both. like i’m loud as fuck and kind of obnoxious and audacious but i also have 9.9/10 self-control. so like i would be cool with either type of person
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: i hope not
67. drank hard liquor: hecc no
68. turned someone down: i thought i was gonna have to but that never happened WHEW
69. sex on first date: what is this “sex” you speak of? what is a “date”?
70: broken someone’s heart: i hope not! except hearts are kinda squishy so like i probably haven’t
71. had your heart broken: no although my heart rate’s so high i fear it will explode one of these days
72. been arrested: so far, no
73. cried when someone died: :((( chris cornell. i was lookin up soundgarden on google to find tour dates near where my uncle lives and then i saw it and i was like 'no. nononono. nonononononononono.’ then i let one tear escape from the ducts in my eyes before going into denial river. (aren’t i so fuckin clever 😤😤😤)
i also cried during a tribute to chester bennington at a muse concert if that counts
74. fallen for a friend: once again ew labels but y'all should know by now that i HAVE and i’m STILL falling ;(
— do you believe in
75. yourself: i have no concept of anything in existence and this tag has made me realise that. whoops
76. miracles: i could ramble about this one but i don’t have the time
77. love at first sight: dunno, but i will say that when i met my best friend i knew i was going to love him from how he acted and what his sense of humour is like. he’s so unique really like you can TELL he’s his own person and he owns it without trying to
78. santa claus: yes but only cos i’m tryin to stay off the naughty list
79. angels: what is an angels
— misc
80. eye colour: this is a subject that has been widely debated so for now i’ll just say they’re either grey or green or both
81. best friend’s name: zeke
82. favourite movie: i have no concept of having a favorite movie unless it’s based on who it’s by so i’ll say my favorite pixar movie is wall-e for the sake of having something down for this question. otherwise it’s probs either memento or the imitation game.
83. favourite actor: myself 🤔
84. favourite cartoon: oh shit that’s too hard. my favs as a young child were tom and jerry and the first season of the pokémon anime and i guess my fav one that’s more 'mature’ is bojack horseman (although i’ve only seen half the first season lol)
85. favourite teacher’s name: my favorite is either nicole, hyungmin, rebecca, eileen, hayley, matt, kevin, or robert, but like…i hate picking cos that’s just unfair. so idrk
can’t tag rn but do this if you want to i guess
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alien-bodies · 7 years ago
Oversharing Time!!!
(i just made that title up that’s not the official title I’m just Like That)
Ok so @frogyell​ tagged my main account (I am BLEST) but that’s for Refined Star Trek Content and this one’s for excellent moodboard content and garbage so here’s the garbage!!! I’m putting it under a cut bc it manipulates your brain to want to read through 85 fuckin facts about me more wow I love science
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. last drink: Water! off to a great start
2. last phone call: my local Hot Topic. I feel like I should also mention I work there. But if you don’t know that and steal my phone you’ll see I have a contact named Hot Topic
3. last text message: Google sent me a verification code, but the last one I sent was to my brother it says “k”
4. last song you listened to: It’s called The Horror Of Your Love by Ludo, if I had to delete all but one song on my 121-song Best Enemies playlist I’d keep this one it’s Peak and kinda has vore but it’s metaphorical. metavoreical, if you will
5. time you cried: during my latest EMDR sesh! I was in Wales and everything it was a Lot I got ice cream after
6. dated someone twice? Big No
7. kissed someone and regretted it? Not really?
8. been cheated on? my ex had 16 anime dating sims downloaded at one point while we were dating does that count
9. lost someone special? yea
10. been depressed? hella
11. gotten drunk and thrown up? I’ve been drunk 1 time and it was when I was playing English handbells at my dad’s church’s wassail night but I did not throw up no
fave colors
12. Black
13. Lavendar
14. Light blue
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends? Hell Yell!!
16. fallen out of love? k i n d a ? ?
17. laughed until you cried? oh absolutely
18. found out someone was talking about you? OH BOY YUP YUP
19. met someone who changed you? yes! she managed to physically alter my hippocampus without touching it how fuckign whack is that
20. found out who your friends are? It’s always the same miraculous group chat
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list? sure have
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? I keep it nice and refined so all of them. My old account is another story
23. do you have any pets? one beautiful and talented cat named Moriarty. A good description is she’s got puppy software on cat hardware.
24. do you want to change your name? listen I’ve been through 4.5 of these fuckers, I like Nate, I’m Quite Finished
25. what did you do for your last birthday? invited 2 pals over, I remember one of them suddenly whipped out I Am The Doctor and the Dr Who theme on the piano out of fuckin nowhere and I was like “Daniel what the hell you’re so talented” and then I hardcore dissociated the rest of the day
26. what time did you wake up today? 10:00
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? chatting w @houseofoakdown​ and also editing my monstrosity of a fanfiction
28. what is something you cant wait for? Going back to school! then I can graduate in my pajamas and eat creamed corn in celebration
30. what are you listening to right now? the same goddamn playlist, this one’s called Battle Cry by The Family Crest, i cri erytiem
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom? probably???
32. something thats getting on your nerves? my brother vaping in the bathroom with the fan on at 12:30am
33. most visited website: tungle dot hell
34. hair color: I started out blonde af now I’m less blonde but still blonde.
35. long or short hair: short
36. do you have a crush on someone: :[] yes
37. what do you like about yourself: i’m hella smart, my moodboards are bangin, my writing is cool af, I’m well-hydrated at all times
38. want any piercings? Big No
39. blood type: A+!!!!! thats me!!!!!
40. nicknames: my brother calls me a goon sometimes
41. relationship status: im married to my laptop
42. zodiac: I was born on the last day of Taurus so I’m a definite Taurus/Gemini power combo
43. pronouns: they/them, tho in some places I use he/him bc The Dysphoria got hog wild enough I decided to pretend to be a trans guy so ppl would take me seriously, but I’m moving more towards they/them everywhere now. 
44. fave tv shows: Dr Fuck, Sherlock (I’m armed with a pitchfork and an arsenal of beefed up tv & film knowledge come on fight me), DOWNTON ABBEY
45. tattoos: in August I will get a bee on my right arm and probably a Secret Word in Gallifreyan on my left it’ll say fuck
46. right or left handed: one time I was bored in grade 10 and tried to make myself ambidextrous but that was a hassle so I’m firmly right handed. Except in archery.
47. ever had surgery: got all 4 wisom teeth out not long ago! I still need to squirt water in my gum holes so I get all the mushy food out :{
48. piercings: I used to have my ears pierced but they’re grown tf over now!
49. sport: first of all what the hell is this question looking for second of all I have a red belt (which is 2 below black belt) in Taekwondo. I really need to do that again hhhhhh
50. vacation: i went to England and France in the summer with my family as a “””grad trip”””, it was lots of fun but my collection of sensory issues extended to chomping and I dissociated so intensely in The Louvre my mom told me to go back outside so I wrote fanfiction while listening to 21 Pilots and chatting w my imaginary friends and it took me like 18 hours to process I’d seen The Mona Lisa with mine own 2 eyes. Also the plane was delayed twice bc we used Air Canada for some godforsaken reason and I had 0 hours of sleep when I went to the Sherlock Holmes museum and I started talkin to this bust of Sherlock Holmes and then I hadn’t eaten enough and we were walking to this bookstore and I said “I need food!” and my dad said “We’ll get it AFTER” then I shouted “I’M GONNA DIE” so I got a BLT from Tesco. 
51. trainers: h
more general
52. eating: the last thing I ate was chocolate chips straight out of the bag
53. drinking: I got another cup of water
54. im about to watch: my entire fanfiction to take 3000 notes on consistency. and by watch I mean read
55. waiting for: my brother (not vaping) to get out of the bathroom so I can PEE
56. want: Orphan Black to be on Netflix so I can actually binge watch it then call my grandma about it
57. get married: idk I didn’t think I was a get married person but since realizing I’m a lesbian it seems like a good idea!
58. career: nurse and a writer. I might just move to London and work double time to write enough scripts I have some street cred then pitch a TV adaptation of Faction Paradox to the BBC and win
which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs bc it means my friends are in my vicinity not Toronto
60. lips or eyes: uh. eyes???????????
61. shorter or taller: i’m 5′3″ and I would love a tol partner
62. older or younger: i don’t think I care
63. nice arms or stomach: what fresh hell does this mean. I’d like a nice stomach free of gastrointestinal issues and acid reflux. not that I have either of those but just in case
64. hookup or relationship: I have 300 many self-esteem issues so imma say relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: AU where I don’t have anxiety and I’m a trouble maker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: noop
67. drank hard liquor: I PUT RUM IN THE WASSAIL HELL YEAH also once someone bought me a shot at a queer dance thing bc it was payday and my friend told me to gulp the WHOLE SHOT and then the lemonade so I don’t barf and I was like “brah this is too high-stakes” so I poured the vodka in the lemonade and took sips and everyone stared at me
68. lost glasses: in grade 6 and then my mom threatened to make me wear one of those granny glasses chains so I never lost them again
69. turned someone down: ya this kid Cyrus used to chase me around in grade 5 and I’d run away always he was weird af one time he made out with a folder right in front of me in the middle of class
70. sex on first date: probs not at this point but I’m not opposed to the general idea when I’m less w h a c k e d  u p
71. broken someones heart: Not that I know of?
72. had your heart broken: c o n s i s t e n t l y in the most fricked up ways god
73. been arrested: no but once I booed at the police bc the local nazis (yeah) were gonna have a rally so we had a counter-rally and I dropped in but there were no nazis except one old dude in a MAGA hat showed up 2 hours late lmao
74. cried when someone died: oui
75. fallen for a friend: Big Lesbian Mood
do you believe in
76. yourself: YA BB
77. miracles: not as such
78. love at first sight: nah
79. santa claus: I wasn’t allowed to believe in Santa as a child bc he was “too much like God” sad
80. kiss on a first date: ye!
81. angels: big no
82. best friend’s name: I don’t exactly have a proper best friend but I’m goin with Liam
83. eye colour: blue/grey
84. fave movie: either The Force Awakens (bc I love bb8 and I’m gay 4 Rey) or Interstellar shut up
85. fave actor: uh idk let’s go with my brother
WOW THAT WAS LONG JEE🅱️US. I’m tagging @houseofoakdown @spoonietimelordy @gemvictorfromtheponyverse @spockswhales @raesand and that exhausts the ppl I know but you’re all worth quadruple in my heart 💖
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fagkit · 7 years ago
200 thru 1 :3c
bet you didn’t think I’d do it @chqwder @ephraim-o-rama​
200: My crush’s name is: killu @bpdzoldyck I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH!!!!!! 199: I was born in: ontario198: I am really: affectionate, loving, supportive, jealous, drained197: My cellphone company is: freedom196: My eye color is: brown195: My shoe size is: 9194: My ring size is: no idea193: My height is: 5′11′’192: I am allergic to: nothing that I know of191: My 1st car was: none, I hate driving190: My 1st job was: peer tutoring through my college189: Last book you read: I can’t remember, but probably a science fiction book for one of the classes I took in college188: My bed is: comfortable and unmade and covered in clothes187: My pet: a precious calico kitty cat named reese uwu 186: My best friend: aria @god-mutt aaaaaahhh god I love my best friend so much like holy gosh damn like I love her with all my heart she’s the best friend ever to exist!!!!! 185: My favorite shampoo is: head and shoulders is all I use184: Xbox or ps3: neither?? I’m a pc gamer… ps3 if I had to choose183: Piggy banks are: kinda helpful I guess182: In my pockets: nothing lmao181: On my calendar: my friends’ birthdays uwu180: Marriage is: I dunno, nothing special to me179: Spongebob can: quench that extreme thirst178: My mom: loves memes177: The last three songs I bought were? all on krewella’s new world album, the first time I’ve bought music in years actually176: Last YouTube video watched: sro playing camille175: How many cousins do you have? fuck there’s a lot of them but I don’t know most of them, my family tree is huge.. I’m close to like three of my cousins174: Do you have any siblings? I have a younger sister173: Are your parents divorced? nope172: Are you taller than your mom? yeah, by a little171: Do you play an instrument? not at all170: What did you do yesterday? I worked and then had a pizza and relaxed[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: not a chance168: Luck: as much as I like to blame luck when things go bad, or say I got lucky when things go well, not really… shit just happens167: Fate: same as before, shit just happens, but fate can be nice to think about sometimes166: Yourself: kinda, I can be a big fuck up sometimes but I’m still alive and kicking165: Aliens: not your traditional aliens out of fiction, but I believe there is other forms of life in the universe164: Heaven: nah, not really, but it’s nice to think about163: Hell: as often as I’ll say I’m going to hell, in particular with my best friend to chill after death, it’s not really something I think is real162: God: no, I don’t really think about it either, nor do I care to think about it161: Horoscopes: they’re fun, but I don’t think they’re real or accurate or hold any value160: Soul mates: it’s a comforting thing to believe in, but it’s probably not real159: Ghosts: not really, it’s possible but I don’t really care either way158: Gay Marriage: of course!!!!! unfollow me if you don’t157: War: war is very much real lmao do I think it should it happen??? it would be nice if it didn’t… but in the world we live in I think it’s always bound to happen156: Orbs: what does this even mean????155: Magic: nope but this is the closest to magic I’ve ever seen[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs153: Drunk or High: high152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: black hair150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunette149: Hot or cold: hot148: Summer or winter: summer147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: straight142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdicks141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: pc139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor137: Coke or Pepsi: coke136: Hillary or Obama: obama I guess, I’m not american so my opinion is limited135: Burried or cremated: I want to be cremated134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: lmao I don’t care132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who???131: Small town or Big city: small town130: Wal-Mart or Target: wal-mart, target got shit on in canada for good reasons too129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: adam sandler I guess, only because my favourite movie ever is 50 first dates128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure probably so I can show it off127: East Coast or West Coast: I don’t know??? what does this even mean??126: Your Birthday or Christmas: my birthday125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: never been to either and never will123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither, I don’t care about sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: depends on what’s being fought over, human rights is one of the only reasons it should need to happen121: George Bush: I’m not american and I don’t really care120: Gay Marriage: there shouldn’t need to be laws for gay marriage to be legal and accepted119: The presidential election: a losing choice either way118: Abortion: pro-choice, your body your life your choice117: MySpace: dead and gone116: Reality TV: can be fun sometimes115: Parents: my parents are great!!!! others?? not so much… really common to hear about shitty parents114: Back stabbers: shitty people, drop them when you get the chance113: Ebay: pretty useful but I don’t really use it112: Facebook: waste of time and poorly designed and too much data mining111: Work: I’m underpaid, retail is hell, it’s basically adult babysitting110: My Neighbors: don’t talk to them but they smoke a lot of weed109: Gas Prices: inflated and bullshit but luckily I don’t drive108: Designer Clothes: not a necessity but to each their own107: College: unfairly out of reach for most people, should be free106: Sports: boring and exhausting and not fun to me105: My family: I love my family, I don’t really have any complaints104: The future: probably pretty shitty with how things in the world have been lately, gonna enjoy the present while I can[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: a week ago102: Last time you ate: a couple hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: a while? :3c100: Cried in front of someone: a few days ago on voice chat with my best friend99: Went to a movie theater: around a year at this point98: Took a vacation: around april was the last time I had a week off work97: Swam in a pool: over a year, last summer I think96: Changed a diaper: never95: Got my nails done: never94: Went to a wedding: not since I was a baby93: Broke a bone: never, the closest was a fractured wrist when I was around 1292: Got a peircing: never91: Broke the law: I have no idea, probably the last time I ripped a song from youtube which was almost a year ago90: Texted: less than a minute ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: aria88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: aria87: The last movie I saw: something with aria I can’t remember the name of, it was a bunch of shorts on short stories (she has informed me it was called XX)86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: coming home from work and calling with aria85: The thing im not looking forward to: going back to work84: People call me: loving, supportive, a brother83: The most difficult thing to do is: accept change82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never81: My zodiac sign is: libra80: The first person i talked to today was: grizz @chqwder79: First time you had a crush: when I was around 1078: The one person who i can’t hide things from: aria77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: probably aria76: Right now I am talking to: voice calling with aria 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be best friends with aria74: I have/will get a job: I am a unofficially a manager at a hardware store (I do all the work of one), but only get paid as a supervisor73: Tomorrow: THIS IS SO VAGUE but I’m going to be working and then hanging out with aria72: Today: I streamed with grizz @chqwder and joshy @ephraim-o-rama and voice called with aria @god-mutt while I did this before bed71: Next Summer: I have no idea probably hanging out with aria??70: Next Weekend: hanging out with aria69: I have these pets: a cat that I mentioned earlier68: The worst sound in the world: forks scraping on a plate67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself66: People that make you happy: aria makes me the happiest65: Last time I cried: like a week ago on call with aria64: My friends are: amazing and wonderful and I love them63: My computer is: a beast62: My School: I’m not in school anymore61: My Car: is non-existent, like my license60: I lose all respect for people who: lie and break my trust, cheat, lots of other reasons that are pretty standard and obvious for people not deserving respect59: The movie I cried at was: I can’t remember right now but I cry really easily at movies58: Your hair color is: brown57: TV shows you watch: hunter x hunter and a bunch of other anime, rupauls drag race, and mostly just youtube videos… I don’t have cable to watch tv56: Favorite web site: tumblr and youtube55: Your dream vacation: I hate travel but if I get a chance to meet aria that would be the best54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I scalded my hand with boiling water a couple years ago53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium-rare52: My room is: kinda messy51: My favorite celebrity is: I really love adore delano50: Where would you like to be: hanging out with aria and looking at stars or watching movies and having a sleepover49: Do you want children: kinda, as long as I can skip the baby phase48: Ever been in love: yes, and then heartbroken but I’m over it now whatever romantic love sucks miss me with that shit47: Who’s your best friend: aria!!!!46: More guy friends or girl friends: guy friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: spending time with aria44: One person that you wish you could see right now: aria43: Do you have a 5 year plan: not die??? even that’s kinda iffy???42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: meet aria41: Have you pre-named your children: nope40: Last person I got mad at: a friend I ended up blocking39: I would like to move to: nowhere, I like where I live38: I wish I was a professional: programmer[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: peanut butter m&ms36: Vehicle: I don’t really care enough to have one35: President: don’t care enough to have one34: State visited: I’ve only been to two states, buffalo (to take a plane to chicago), and illinois. between the two, definitely not buffalo33: Cellphone provider: I’m with freedom and the service is meh but it’s affordable32: Athlete: don’t care31: Actor: don’t care enough to have one30: Actress: don’t care enough29: Singer: adore delano28: Band: krewella27: Clothing store: h&m??? I don’t really clothing shop often26: Grocery store: fortinos25: TV show: excluding anime, it would be rupauls drag race24: Movie: 50 first dates23: Website: tumblr and youtube22: Animal: foxes and fennecs21: Theme park: never been to one20: Holiday: halloween19: Sport to watch: none, they’re all boring18: Sport to play: none, they’re all boring17: Magazine: I don’t read any16: Book: warrior cats ;3 I don’t read… never have the time15: Day of the week: thursday, it’s my day off14: Beach: a beach 3 hours away on lake huron13: Concert attended: three days grace12: Thing to cook: mac and cheese11: Food: pizza and mac and cheese10: Restaurant: a sushi place that closed down almost three years ago9: Radio station: I don’t really listen to the radio on my own, not sure8: Yankee candle scent: I dunno probably something with vanilla??7: Perfume: I don’t know vanilla scents I guess??6: Flower: snapdragons and bleeding hearts!!!!!!!!5: Color: true blue4: Talk show host: I don’t watch talk shows3: Comedian: I have no idea2: Dog breed: german shepherd, husky, border collie1: Did you answer all these truthfully? yep
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-x Day 24 x-
I slept till 1 today which i absolutely hate about today but my body was super weak yesterday so meh..
From maghrib time today i have been outside running in the heat constantly moving around. At first i walked all the way to the computer market then went to a mosque nearby to pray isha cz all shops are closed during ramadaan from maghrib to isha and then prayed 4 rakah tarawi and went out to buy a router and cable so i can bring the internet from downstairs to my house. Why ? because this is the 4th time this month my internet gave up on me and im honestly sick of calling up STC and complaining at this point. Anyways so my body still hurts a lot and that is why i am blogging so late today. After i bought everything which btw was amazing i mean the price i got for the items Alhamdulillah so i came home and set everything up internet was working fine Alhamdulillah for a while and then all of sudden it just goes off and im sitting here wondering uh-oh now dad will kill me and never let me take a line from others ever again. Cz he was against the idea as usual but i wanted to show him the difference between fibre and normal line. So i can convince him to keep this one but as you can already tell not a good start so far. So im not entirely sure what went wrong im assuming someone from downstairs unplugged my wire by mistake anyways have to check that but they are not at home atm so im waiting and its 12:56 am now. Seems like my plan of sleeping early and waking up early and going out for a walk to work out isn't starting tomorrow either. *sigh*.
Have to talk about two things first is referring to my last blog before leaving riyadh for Makkah about why i get so broken and dead inside before going to Makkah. well theres a couple of reasons actually
1) There are two events that took place in my life which i think shaped my personality a lot, and both of these events just happen to be about a trip to Makkah. First one was way back when i was tiny. I think i was only 3 years old or maybe even younger not sure, when my parents decided, well more like my Dad decided, to leave me at his relatives house and go for Hajj. Yes, they left, a 3 year old who probably just learned that people other than his parents exist in this world, in a completely new house that this kid has never been in before. I don't remember much about the experience but i remember few things like the fact that i didn't eat or drink anything for two days because i was confused and angry at my mom as to why she would leave me like this. Anyways that without a doubt messed up my mind a lot especially during that age when my brain was supposed to develop and my personality was just starting to take shape.
2) Another event was a couple of years ago actually when i was in Grade 7 or 8 maybe not entirely sure. Before stating this i should probably state a few facts about me. I never lived alone on my own never in my life. I always had my mom with me wherever i went never had to stay away from her in my life until this even happened... So my Dad ( haha surprise surprise its him again ) yeah so he decided that his son who never lived alone in his life before can now automatically learn to live without his mom and not only that but he can also adjust to a completely new environment for 5 days straight without his mom. Basically what he did was he sent mom to BD without me. First night itself was hell for me i remember talking to mom before she took off and then just couldnt hold back my tears i cried all night that day alone in my room. Anyways morning rolled up and instantly got busy playing and stuff so it wasn't so bad until ( surprise surprise its him again ) my Dad told me that he wants to go pray 40 salahs with the first takbeer in Makkah and he wants me to go with him. I mean i was very little and i didn't really care much or understood what i was getting myself into at that point. So yeah 5 Days from Zuhr to Isha after tarawi ( yeah this was during ramadaan ) i had to be in the mosque with him sitting at one place because if we leave he won't be able to get the next salah with the first takbeer. There was no internet no nothing which meant all i could think off was mom at that point and no i wasn't even given a chance to talk to my mom. I specifically remember him telling me once when i just couldn't take it anymore and i burst out crying to him saying i miss mom, he replied by arguing and saying why do you miss her ? she is enjoying herself in bd she isn't thinking about you stop thinking about her so much... Anyways so from Zuhr till tarawi no food no chance to keep my brain busy so i don't miss mom so much. This went for 5 days straight so just imagine what my developing brain was going through at this point. Anyways 5 days are over and now its time to go to Madinah where he wants to spend two days before heading back to riyadh. This is when i fell awefully sick and he had to leave the next day back to riyadh. Because for him 'mental health' is a myth. Only when you are physically ill is when you need to take action.
3) This one has a lot to do with her. The time span of my life during which i met her was a crucial part of me 'growing up'. When i met her i fell for her instantly and surrendered myself completely to her and handed her my heart completely. She became a part of everything in my life. Eating, Drinking, sleeping, everything... She was 'home' for me. Everytime i am away from her i would feel homesick. I would feel aweful like im missing a big part of me. And what i mean by 'away from her' is basically going away from doing something that i do regularly on a daily basis, because like i said... she was home. So that means whenever i would do something out of ordinary it would kill me to not have her beside me doing whatever im doing, with me. My mind had become set to the fact that as long as she was with me nothing in this world could scare me, but if she isn't there with me, i become empty... homeless. So whenever i travel away from home i get all those feelings always.
So yeah all three of those reasons combined would be the cause of me falling into a pitfall of depression whenever the time comes for me to go to Makkah, or anywhere away from home.
I was supposed to blog about my trip to Makkah but i am exhausted already after typing all these >_<
Its 2:00am already ugh no sleep today i guess. I'll watch the rest of Re:Zero now in bed and fall asleep if i feel really sleepy. Self reminder : Still have to pray witr so make sure you pray Tahajjud today.
Just wanted to mention the fact that Alhamdulillah i am up to date with reading the Quran and trying to finish it during Ramdaan. I am actually proud of myself for once that so far i have manged to stay on course. I fixed a rule that i am going to read 5 pages after every salah NO MATTER WHAT. So i made sure i did that and mashaAllah i managed to keep it consistent so far. I just made sure i dont give into ANY whispers at all from shaytaan while im reading it. 'lets leave these 2 pages for the next salah' or 'lets leave this 1 page only for next salah its okay its just one' or even 'lets leave these 5 ayats onlyyy' NOPE not giving into you shaytaan not this time. I know how your tricks work. Start by something slow and then get to something big later. N-O-P-E .
May Allah protect us all and give us strength to ignore shaytaan's whispers.
PS: i really do want to a lot more than just reading the Quran. I really need to read tafseer. Its actually quite interesting.
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my-relatable-hotchpotch · 8 years ago
92 Truths about me
I was tagged by the lovely @magicmadiplier
Rules: tell 92 truths about you then tag 25 people.
[1] drink: A latte 
[2] phone call: My dad, no idea why.
[3] text message: Actually, to @ceciliawinchester2016 
[4] song you listened to: 2B A Master by Natewantstobattle (I know, it’s a Pokémon Go song, but god I love it so much)
[5] Time you cried: When I watched Chappie last week
[6] time you dated someone twice: Never
[7] time you’ve been cheating on: Luckily, never 
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: Nope, don’t do things like that without thinking about it 200 times
[9] lost someone special: Yes, my grandfather, about two years ago (probably longer, but it feels like last month).
[10] been depressed: Currently struggling, but I’m working on it.
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve actually never been drunk? I have 0 tolerance, so that’ll probably happen very easily welp
List three favorite colors:
[12] Black
[13] Blue
[14] Red
In the Last Year Have You…
[15] made a friend: Yes! Met a lot of people on here.
[16] fallen out of love: Trying to at least, I get very emotionally attached to people, letting go is hard.
[17] laughed until you cried: I don’t think so, actually.
[18] found out someone was talking about you: It probably happened, but I haven’t found out.
[19] met someone who changed you: I’m not sure if it was this year, but I met a man who I’ll probably remember for the rest of my life.
[20] found out who your real friends are: Yes, that started last year and is kind of still going, it’s very exhausting to be honest.
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: I don’t have facebook
[22] how many facebook friends do you know in real life: who even is on facebook besides my mom
[23] how many pets do you have: None, but I’d love to get one!
[24] do you want to change your name: No, don’t see why.
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: I was sick actually, so I didn’t do a lot :’D
[26] what time did you wake up today: 7:30 AM
[27] what were you doing last night at midnight: Trying to sleep (I couldn’t read anymore, but couldn’t sleep either. *sigh*)
[28] something you can’t wait for: Graduation (It’s like two and a half months away. I don’t know if I should feel incredibly stressed or relieved.)
[29] last time you saw your mother: Three hours ago. I still live with my parents, so I see her every day.
[30] something you wish you could change in your life: Not being able to hang out with the people I care about. I want them to know that I care too.
[31] listening to right now: Black or White by Michael Jackson
[32] ever talked to someone named tom: Last year, I think?
[33] something getting on my nerves: How crazy tired I am
[34] most visited website: YouTube and Tumblr
[35] elementary: I don’t live in America, so our education system is a little different. But finished something similar to elementary school four and a half years ago.
[36] high school: About to finish secondary school!
[37] college: I really, really hope I can start next year.
[38] hair color: Brown
[39] long or short hair: Long
[40] do you have a crush: Nope!
[41] what do you like about yourself: The way I can empathize with people
[42] nickname: Lies
[43] piercings: None, but I’d love to get my ears pierced!
[44] blood type: I really should know this, but I have no idea.
[45] relationship status: Single!
[46] zodiac sign: Libra
[47] pronouns: She/Her
[48] fav tv show: The 100 (and Stranger Things)(And if you count anime, it goes on for a bit longer.)
[49] tattoos: None as of now, but I already have ideas for when I can.
[50] left or right handed: Right handed
[51] piercing: Don’t have any!
[52] surgery: I got my tonsils removed when I was 8, I think.
[53] best friend: I am lucky enough to say I have more than one best friend. I love them all to death!
[54] sport: Basketball (Yes. Tall jokes. Hilarious.)
[55] vacation: My first “big” one, was to Spain during Summer Break when I was 3.
[56] pair of trainers: The shoes? I have no idea?
Right Now…
[57] eating: A cup cake my sister bought for me (come on, can’t refuse that).
[58] drinking: Water
[59] about to do: Listen to some music, watch some YouTube. I’m trying to keep myself awake.
[60] waiting for: Dinner, I think?
[61] listen to: A Spotify ad (why)
[62] want: Sleep (or a Nintendo, both would be great)
[63] get married: Not right now, but maybe some day, who knows.
[64] career: I’m still in school, so working on it?
Which Is Better...
[65] hugs or kisses: Hugs! I love giving and receiving hugs (it takes a while before I’m comfortable enough with someone, though)
[66] lips or eyes: Eyes, definitely!
[67] taller or shorter: I don’t really care, but then again, not a lot of people are taller than I am, right ;)
[68] older or younger: Don’t care!
[69] spontaneous or romantic: This ones tough, but I think spontaneous. I need somebody who can pull me out of my comfort zone and go on adventures with me.
[70] nice arms or stomach: Again, don’t care. Being physically attractive or not really doesn’t matter to me.
[71] sensitive or loud: Sensitive
[72] hook up or relationship: Relationship, it’ll take a while, but when I commit, I’m serious.
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: Probably troublemaker, because I need someone a little more confident than I am (I’m hesitant about everything)
Have You Ever…
[74] kissed a stranger: Nope!
[75] drank hard liquor: Nope!
[76] lost glasses/contacts: Well, not to the where I couldn’t find them. But I’ve had glasses for 8 years now (holy shit) so jup, definitely freaked out and walked around like a mole.
[77] turned someone down: Yes, I don’t want to lie to anyone.
[78] sex on first date: No, and it’ll probably never happen (I’m definitely not planning on it)
[79] had your heart broken: Yes
[80] broken someone’s heart: Now that I think about it, it’s probably inevitable. I never intend to, that’s for sure.
[81] been arrested: Nope! (My parents would lock me into a tower if it ever happened)
[82] cried when someone died: In real life, that’s not so strange, I think. But I cry at movies and books when that happens too. (I’m a crybaby in general. I watched Finding Dory for the first time recently, I cried so much, dear Lord.)
[83] fallen for a friend: * ahem *
Do You Believe In…
[84] yourself: Not yet
[85] miracles: I don’t think so? I think things either have an explanation or are a coincidence
[86] love at first sight: Not for me, at least. Of course, I can see somebody and go: “Hey! That person looks lovely!” but I can’t fall in love with them, just because I think they look nice. That’s not what it’s about for me.
[87] Santa Claus: Nope, my parents never told me he was real in the first place.
[88] kiss on the first date: Nope
[89] angels, like winged angels: I don’t think so. (Religion is a hard topic for me, because of my background. I’m just very confused at the moment.)
[90] name of best friend: Again, I’m lucky enough to have multiple!
[91] eye color: Blue/grey
[92] favourite movie: Can’t choose! But I watched The Thing today (the original one) and I loved it! (It was creepy and gross of course, but that’s what makes it fun, right?)
I you see this and want to do it, please feel free!
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azuregold · 8 years ago
YOU'RE TURN avoid all the questions you like, I still enjoy reading indirect answers ( •⌄• )
Yep, I was expecting this. XD This was pretty fun even if there are way too many “I don’t know”s for my liking ^^; .
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
Old enough to have had more than one cat. :P
3. What is your birthday?
May 27th.
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
I don’t really have one, so I just kind of default to seven. X’D
7. Do you have any pets?
Three cats! *snuggles them* And 14 chickens, but they only sort of count as pets.
8. Where are you from?
I was born in New York City, but I’ve lived in Western Washington most of my life. Ethnically, mainly Scottish and Welsh.
9. How tall are you?
5'6"? 5'7"? IDK, it’s been forever since I was properly measured.
10. What shoe size are you?
Varies by brand and whether I’m getting men’s or women’s shoes (I have wide feet and most ladies’ shoes are too narrow, so I buy men’s a lot). Generally, somewhere around 9 – 10W?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
That I actually wear regularly—three, counting my slippers. I have a few more that are either seasonal or old but still usable if I need them for something.
12. What was your last dream about?
My mom got me a dog. It was some kind of teacup Chihuahua-type, which is about the furthest thing possible from what I would want in a dog. So I was stressing about it (“Do I have to keep it? Is there a way I can find it a new home without hurting Mom’s feelings, or am I stuck with it?”) while I had the dog on the counter and was feeding it. All I had to feed it were these flat round dog biscuits that were almost as big as the dog’s head, so I needed to break them into pieces for it. It was sitting on the counter, trembling and snuffling and eating these biscuits, and occasionally trying to eat a bigger one and choking, and I was looking at it and sort of feeling sorry for it but also wanting to cry because I was stuck with this dog I didn’t want. ^^;
13. What talents do you have?
Nothing really? I can write and draw a little, but I consider those skills, not talents, so.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I don’t know? I mean, I get feelings about things sometimes, but they’re not consistently accurate enough to say it’s more than luck, so.
15. Favorite song?
I don’t have a single favorite. These three are pretty much tied for first:
Unravel by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure
Share the World by TVXQ
Ideal White by Mashiro Ayano
And this one is such a close second that when I’m in the mood for it it’s basically tied as well, so it deserves a mention:
Revive by Kuraki Mai
These are totally spoilers for the “10 Days of Anime Openings” thing I’m doing right now, ahaha.
16. Favorite movie?
You expect me to pick one? (In all seriousness, I could spend multiple hours reminding myself which movies I really love, then trying to narrow it down, and still probably not be able to settle on one favorite, so I’ll pass. X’D)
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who I can trust, who won’t leave once the “honeymoon period” is over; someone who can demonstrate that I matter to them (remembering things I say, getting/making/showing me things I might like, basically anything that shows they were thinking about me); preferably someone who’s a least a little more outgoing than I am, with a sense of humor that works with mine, and who likes animals and anime/manga.
18. Do you want children?
Hell no.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Not really.
20. Are you religious?
Not especially.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Nope, aside from when I was born.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
No. I’ve been in the car with my mom a couple times when she got pulled over for things like a light being out, but that’s all.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I’ve met a lot of people involved in anime/manga and related fields. :P Also a few authors (Jim Butcher, Rick Riordan, Kevin Hearne). As far as major “almost everyone knows who this person is” celebrities, Bill Clinton came to my town once and I got to shake his hand.
24. Baths or showers?
Showers for getting clean; baths for relaxing (if the tub is big enough).
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Blue and gray wool socks.
26. Have you ever been famous?
Not really.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Not big big, but it’d be kind of nice to be an author and/or artist who’s successful enough that I don’t need a day job, so…a bit famous would be good.
28. What type of music do you like?
I can enjoy most music, but my favorite is probably pop/rock (especially Japanese/Asian), and soundtracks (yes, I know soundtracks can cover a lot of different genres, but most of them have a sort of feeling in common to me, like you can tell they’re part of a story? Does that make sense? IDK, I like a lot of instrumental music).
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my stomach or my side.
32. How big is your house?
Not minuscule, but not that big, either. We really need to move, though.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Either a protein shake or toast/rice cakes with cheese. Sometimes eggs if my mom wants some when I’m ready to eat.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
I don’t know. I like a lot of words. ^^
37. Favorite swear word?
Shorter ones, I guess? I think I say (or type) stuff like damn, hell, shit, crap, etc. the most.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Hmm…about a day and a half, I think? I was up all day, then took an overnight bus and wasn’t able to fall asleep during the ride. I had also just gotten a cold, so I was exhausted and pretty miserable.
39. Do you have any scars?
A couple faint ones. One on my hand from I-have-no-idea, and one on my forearm from losing my balance and falling on top of my cats while they were play-fighting. ^^;
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I know of?
41. Are you a good liar?
If I know I’m going to be lying, I’ve planned what to say, and the other person’s response doesn’t go beyond what I’m prepared for, I’m okay. Lying on the spot? Or having to come up with additional explanations if they ask something I wasn’t expecting? I’m terrible.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
No idea.
43. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Not well/accurately, especially if it’s more than a few words. And I’m too shy to do them in front of other people 99% of the time. I occasionally talk to my cats in an accent when we’re alone, though.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think so?
45. What is your favorite accent?
IDK, I like a lot of accents. c:
46. What is your personality type?
I don’t know? If this means MBTI, I’ve read several descriptions and taken multiple quizzes and I still don’t have a definitive answer. Except for the “I”. I’m sure about that part. X’D
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Hmm…probably my jacket? It’s pretty worn now, but still perfectly usable, and I’ve had it for years. I don’t remember how much it was, but I know I was kind of apprehensive about spending so much on one thing, even though 1) I really needed a jacket, 2) It was part of a clearance sale, and 3) I wasn’t the one paying for it.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
Technically I’m mixed-handed, but if you’re just going by writing/drawing hand, then left.
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Not really. I don’t want them touching me or crawling on my desk or anything, and sudden!spider where I wasn’t expecting it will make me jump a bit, but I’m not actually afraid of them.
52. Favorite food?
How could anyone be expected to answer a question like this??
53. Favorite foreign food?
See above answer. :P
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I’m a messy person who wishes they were clean. ^^;
55. Most used phrase?
I’m not sure? Maybe “You’re so cute!” I say that to Shinichi at least half a dozen times a day. XD
56. Most used word?
No idea.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
If I’m only doing the things I actually need to do to be ready (bathroom, get dressed, eat, feed cats) and I don’t need to shower…probably between 30 minutes and an hour? But I like to relax with tea, check stuff online, cuddle Shinichi, etc. before I go anywhere, so if I have time to do all that…at least 2 hours. :P
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I tend to both feel like I’m worthless and like I should have the best of everything at the same time, so…I don’t know where that leaves me, haha. OTL
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Suck. Sometimes bite when it gets down to the end.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes. Or to my cats.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Yep! Especially if a song I know the words to is stuck in my head (I’ve been low-key singing Unravel to myself all day X’D).
62. Are you a good singer?
I don’t think I’m horrible, but I don’t think I’m much good, either.
63. Biggest Fear?
Being abandoned or hated, having a permanent disability, being in an unstable living situation, talking to people.
64. Are you a gossip?
I like to hear it (depending on the subject), but I don’t really do much gossiping myself.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
I don’t know. ^^;
66. Do you like long or short hair?
Long! ♥
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Probably, if I’m not being timed and I can write them down.
68. Favorite school subject?
English and history.
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
A lot of things.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Not that much, but sometimes I get a little nervous, especially if I’m outside.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
In my head, constantly. To their face, rarely. Depends on who it is and how important it is for the mistake to be corrected.
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
I don’t think so?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
I guess babysitting counts?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Yes, with my mom.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
Probably this boy named Will who I went to school with until halfway through second grade. He took me to a Disney movie once (just the two of us, no adults).
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
Kind of?
82. How fast can you type?
Not that fast.
83. How fast can you run?
Even slower than I type.
84. What color is your hair?
Brown. When it’s freshly washed it has hints of red and gold in it, but mostly it’s just a medium brown.
85. What color are your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
87. Do you keep a journal?
Not a proper one, like talking about what happened to me that day or whatever. I have a rant journal where I can be salty and unreasonable or depressed and full of self-hatred without bothering anyone.
88. What do your parents do?
My dad was an actor. My mom’s done a bunch of stuff—gardening, sewing, caregiving, cooking.
89. Do you like your age?
Hell no. I can’t relate to people my age very well. Since I was ten or so, almost all my friends have been younger than me, and the older I get, the bigger the age gap gets. It’d be great if I could de-age myself a bit every few years. ^^;
90. What makes you angry?
A lot. But I hate confrontation so I mostly just keep it to myself.
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Well, I’ve had some names in mind for future animals for years, if that counts.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Can I have another cat instead? Or a dog. Or a goat. Or a horse. Or a…
94. What are your strengths?
??? Beats me.
95. What are your weaknesses?
A lot.
96. How did you get your name?
I don’t know for sure. I think my mom liked it? It shows up a few times on my dad’s side of the family, though, so maybe that influenced the decision a bit, who knows?
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Well, according to Wikipedia, my clan is descended from an ancient royal house, but it doesn’t give any specifics, so who knows? :P
98. Do you have any scars?
Someone took a wrong turn at question 39.
99. Color of your bedspread?
I’m using a sleeping bag right now, which is black. Though I also have an old Inuyasha fleece throw that I use on colder nights (and which Shinichi has been sleeping on for the past week or so).
100. Color of your room?
A pretty ugly bluish gray. We always planned to paint it, but never got around to it.
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roadkillevokingemotion · 8 years ago
Get to know me uncomfortably well
Heeey I filled out one of those Myspace Survey things for the first time in like, forever~
1. What is you middle name? Pffff
2. How old are you? over 230000 hours :O
3. What is your birthday? Jan. 13
4. What is your zodiac sign? Capricorn~
5. What is your favorite color? black
6. What's your lucky number? seven
7. Do you have any pets? yeees
8. Where are you from? THE INTERNET
9. How tall are you? short
10. What shoe size are you? same as my girlfriend half the time
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many
12. What was your last dream about? I don't quite recall, probably like, wandering in/around a school/town. Not alone though :D
13. What talents do you have? Art'n'smarts
14. Are you psychic in any way? I don't know, and I don't know if I believe in traditional psychic phenomena
15. Favorite song? At the moment, Run Away With Me by Chaos Chaos
16. Favorite movie? Hmmm Silence of the Lambs is up there.
17. Who would be your ideal partner? A gopher in a ball gown.
18. Do you want children? Not yet.
19. Do you want a church wedding? Fuck nooooo
20. Are you religious? Not really, no
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yap
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nyap
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Not really X3
24. Baths or showers? Yes. Both.
25. What color socks are you wearing? Not any. But probably grey ones, when my feet get cold. Right about now.
26. Have you ever been famous? No, and I'd rather avoid it thanks <3
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? OMG MAYBE I AM PSYCHIC
28. What type of music do you like? Too many kinds to list :o
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yas :D I love it
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Like 6-8
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my side/back
32. How big is your house? It's not "my" house but my home is 1900 sq ft? Biggest home I've lived in :O
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Coffee~
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yas!
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yas :D I have a 25 lb recurve bow
36. Favorite clean word? cremains
37. Favorite swear word? fuck / cunt / slit wizard
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? pushin' 32, my kung fu is weak
39. Do you have any scars? o yah
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? lol I don't know, they were a secret
41. Are you a good liar? So/so.
42. Are you a good judge of character? Yeah, but people are always a puzzle.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Haha, kind of, not really :D
44. Do you have a strong accent? Not that I know of, but I can't tell XD
45. What is your favorite accent? I don't particularly have one :D I do love accents and language though
46. What is your personality type? "quirky"
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? :O I dunno! probably my strap on, when the kit's all together, hurhur
48. Can you curl your tongue? ayuh
49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie
50. Left or right handed? roight
51. Are you scared of spiders? not generally but I've been known to startle easy, spiders or no
52. Favorite food? mmmm yes. coffee. I don't know. fried food.
53. Favorite foreign food? Sushi, when I can eat it, I can't have soy! Or a nice curry, I love Thai~
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Half way in between :D I've gotten so much tidier as an adult, but it still gets away from me if I don't focus on it
55. Most used phrase? WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB. (No, idk. Probably "But what do I know?")
56. Most used word? "but"
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes.
58. Do you have much of an ego? Fuck that's a hard question, 'cause even if I say "nah, not like I used to," is that not my ego speaking anyway? Ha
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Bit of both, more bitey I guess
60. Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes!
61. Do you sing to yourself? Oh yeah.
62. Are you a good singer? I'm okay :D
63. Biggest Fear? Losing my loved ones, losing my hope <3
64. Are you a gossip? A bit! "I'm extremely judgemental, I just don't hold it against anyone."
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? Ooh, dang. Uhh. Silence of the Lambs? lol
66. Do you like long or short hair? All :D
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Yes! Will I? No!
68. Favorite school subject? Creative Writing :D
69. Extrovert or Introvert? I guess I'm that stupid "ambivert" middle ground thing. Being around people only recharges me if it's stimulating, which is rare. Otherwise, it exhausts me and I have to spend a lot of time alone recharging and realigning myself.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Noooo that sounds so cool though!
71. What makes you nervous? Being unable to find/understand another person's motivations.
72. Are you scared of the dark? Nah :) Not anymore.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Sometimes :) Generally only if they've asked me to.
74. Are you ticklish? >:( NO AND DON'T TRY IT
75. Have you ever started a rumor? Haha, not intentionally XD
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Sort of :) Assistant manager under an incompetent boss meant carrying their job.
77. Have you ever drank underage? O yah.
78. Have you ever done drugs? *looks up from doing drugs, coughs* ...what?
79. Who was your first real crush? First REAL crush was whatshisface. I had that for a long time.
80. How many piercings do you have? Hmmmm, technically eight, but one has closed up. Two in each ear lobe, one in each nipple, septum, and closed vertical labret. I could probably open it again if I tried.
81. Can you roll your Rs? If my mouth isn't too dry XD
82. How fast can you type? Roughly 100 wpm.
83. How fast can you run? Not very fast 8D
84. What color is your hair? Currently, kinda blonde brown. Gonna dye it black soon.
85. What color is your eyes? Hazel-y.
86. What are you allergic to? Not allergic, but digestively intolerant to soy and cow's milk.
87. Do you keep a journal? Nah, but maybe I should.
88. What do your parents do? One of them is not alive and the other one is homeless afaik?
89. Do you like your age? 27? It's pretty cool. I like the 7 part. It's just occurred to me that I'm almost 30, but that's not really bothersome, just weird.
90. What makes you angry? The weirdest things. When I'm hungry/tired, EVERYTHING. Otherwise, cat food science, bad coffee, and whiners.
91. Do you like your own name? The one I gave myself, yes. The one I was born with is weird and can go away.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? I think Anton is a really pretty boy's name. And I had a great grandmother named Celestine.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? It doesn't matter to me :)
94. What are you strengths? I'm really resilient, and have hard lines for how I'm treated by others. I'm funny and fun to be around.
95. What are your weaknesses? I'm not always strong on my boundaries when I care about others, and can give too much of my energy caring about them without focusing on myself. Sometimes I can be moody or cold when I'm realigning my priorities.
96. How did you get your name? I named myself Cat because I am such a cat. Not in a weird otherkin way, just that calling myself Cat allows me to embrace the parts of myself that I once considered hard to love: my finickyness, my occasional resistence to physical touch, and my random bursts of creative excitement about playing with dead things. My last name, Waisenkind, roughly means "orphan" in German. It's a sad word, but I like how it sounds like "wise and kind," which are attributes I strive to embody.
97. Were your ancestors royalty? Haha, who knows? Who cares? Inbred strangers!
98. Do you have any scars? Quite a few :)
99. Color of your bedspread? I have more blankets than pillows. Maroon/gold/grey/purple?
100. Color of your room? The walls are white, but the curtains/headboard are maroon :)
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gertlouw · 5 years ago
Click here to watch video “15 yrs in the life of an over-40 bodybuilder”
Every few years I reflect on where I am today against the day I started and the path I followed, all the ups and downs in an effort to help me be real about where I came from, where I am now and where I am heading. But also, for you to realize that even though us high profile fitness guys might look invincible, we are facing life in the same way as you and have to fight the same battles, sometimes even more so.
But, even with all life is throwing at you, it is possible to keep rising after every fall. No matter how far the fall, the key is getting up and continue with the good fight harder than ever before. The moment you stop fighting to better yourself and just accept the flow of life, that is the moment that the spark of life slowly starts burning dimmer and dimmer. Be all you can be, ALWAYS!
Burn as bright as you can!
  My journey
Well as my followers would know, I officially started my real journey at 40. Yeah big bummer year for me. If you want to know what happened, CLICK HERE.
Before 40
Before 40, well I’ve been working out since my late 20’s. But I simply had no idea what I was doing. And off course if you don’t know what you are doing, nothing happens! How do they say, “young, dumb and full of cum”, sadly that was I. Like most youngsters I thought I knew everything, and no one could teach me anything, ok I am exaggerating a bit, but you get my drift.
Married fairly early at 23. This is me back then (with my beautiful wife). I was a mere 64kg lightweight with very little muscle (1.75m).
Hitting age 40
Then at age 40 I was forced to get my act together, like literally my life was depending on it.
At 42, our one and only baby boy arrived and well, that gave my life some serious meaning. My whole concept of love changed with my son. But, having a small kid is definitely making a body transformation more challenging.
The kid becomes more important than everything else and it is easy to shift gym into the “not important” shelve. Many guys fall completely flat here. Having my backroom gym at my house definitely made it easier during the small child period to stick to my workout routine. If the little one cried, I was there to help. And sometimes he even “trained” with me.
Only round about age 45 to 46 did I really reached great shape for the first time. Apart from my health, which was like a handbrake on my transformation efforts, I also had a lot of serious catching up to do in terms of knowledge and the science of it all, especially for the older body. I wanted to create my system as a blueprint recipe for the older guy. So slowly, as I educated myself, my body started responding in kind.
Hitting age 47
At 47 my arms and shoulders was probably at its biggest ever but I was not really in the best aesthetic balanced shape. That only came later as I further educated myself and started developing my ADVANCED SYSTEM II, the focused transformation system for the older guy.
Hitting age 50
Hitting age 50 was big for me and I made a big effort to drop body fat to my lowest level ever. At the lowest point the nutritionist measured me at just over 6%.
By then I really knew what I was doing and even had some medical doctors referring patients to me regarding specific fitness issues.
But the whole time my health stayed a big concern because some damage from age 40 was permanent, like my kidneys that only functions 50%.
However here, wisdom and knowledge triumphed (with the grace of God) as I continue to better my health and kept increasing my aesthetic look.
Hitting age 52
At 52 I was my all-time best with my balanced aesthetic shape. Everything well symmetrical and correctly proportioned. My muscle size was big enough but small enough still for a great look and not to place unwanted strain on my kidneys. I was really getting excited to think I could hit 60 looking like this!
Off course up to this point there were many challenges along the way, knee operation, various flu and bronchitis fallbacks and even a month or two of complete fallback and off course tendon issues like all older athletes.
Hitting age 53
But the happy train was not meant to last. January 2017 (round age 53) my 2nd very close call with death, like in very close, arrived in a bang!
Want to see what happened, CLICK HERE.
A full 12 months of no training followed. Like in NO training. I was not even allowed to walk short distances. Just chewing my food exhausted me. I must admit it was highly depressing see your hard work of the previous 12 years disappearing month after month until you cannot recognize the body you once had anymore. So yeah, that was a BIG bummer!
But once that year was past and I got clearance to slowly start getting active again, I started with a vengeance and systematic approach to build up the body again, back onto the ADVANCED SYSTEM II.
Hitting age 55
Now it is nearly 3 years later and I am going onto 56. Right now, I am the heaviest I’ve ever been, 91kg, and this compared to that scrawny 64kg, 30 y/o back then.
My bodyfat for the past 3 years remained fairly high 10-16% in an effort to build muscle easier. So, this year I plan to cut down the bodyfat to below 10%. Time to bring out a bit more shape. Although I am close to my all-time best, I still have not reached the point I had at 52 just before the big dip. It will be interesting to see the road ahead, given my age. Knowledge and skill are my weapons, but will it be enough?
Beyond age 55
This 55 y/o is definitely ready for battle. If it is God’s will, I am forging ahead continuing to reach for the stars.
It was so much easier to do the 2nd transformation at age 53-55 than the one at 40, simply because I had the tools and the system in place. Now guys, this is meant to inspire you to continue and get up after you fall down, no matter how hard you fall. There is ALWAYS a way to keep training and redesigning that body.
As I said before…I aim to be the best 80 y/o body ever on internet – lol…let the games continue!
  Then some good news guys…
Got a special deal for all my followers from FNX supplements. One of the more decent supplement companies out there. If you order online (but ONLY through the following special link for my followers) you will get 15% off everything on their site, forever (!): https://fnx.grsm.io/gertlouw9953
IMPORTANT: The 15% discount only works on the above special link, not when you order via their main site FNXFIT.COM
With the way the prices of supplements are these days, 15% accounts to a lot of money. As always guys I am very outspoken about some worthless supplements, so choose your products carefully. I particularly like their REFUEL – protein blend for after training but there is a couple of other interesting supps, even some nice training clothes.
They ship internationally so your location should not be a problem.
Definitely going to try and get more deals for you guys coming.
  Then off course for those that want to sign-up for my ADVANCED SYSTEM II blueprint coaching system for the older guy, just follow this link: https://gertlouw.com/my-transformation-secrets/
So, guys when life throw you one step back, force your way two steps forward. NEVER, EVER GIVE UP!
One of my clients is an over 40 husband and father with 3 young children. His wife is very sick from cancer (praise God she is on the mend) and he has to look after her and the kids and still work for an income for the family, but through all these trials and tribulations he MADE his transformation happen. As they say, “what is your excuse?”
Gert Louw
15 yrs in the life of an over-40 bodybuilder Click here to watch video "15 yrs in the life of an over-40 bodybuilder" Every few years I reflect on where I am today against the day I started and the path I followed, all the ups and downs in an effort to help me be real about where I came from, where I am now and where I am heading.
0 notes
kindredconfectionery · 7 years ago
This is the conversation that John managed through his jury-rigged ritual summoning-prayer to his brother. With @judgenexecutioner​.
Set Tuesday 05 December 2017
[12:19 PM] kindredconfectionery: > You didn't find anything referencing summoning your brother. You found some strange references to prayer and something that sounds like his judge position. You decide to perform a mish mash of the two and see what happens. You make a single circle with sigils of focus, protection, binding and that pesky piercing the veil one. Additionally, you put down the oldest representative symbol for him and yours to match. This is mostly done with paint, but you throw a bit of your blood in as a power up. You take a seat near the center of the circle, meditating to focus before you begin. The chant is cobbled together from summonings and prayers and translated into your first language, seeking your brother to come if he may in whatever form he is able. You don't know if you truly believe this will work, but you miss him enough to try and find out.
[12:30 PM] judgenexecutioner: > You're exhausted, but even if your Heavenly Father is gone, that doesn't mean that you can shirk off on your duties, even if it means taking up someone else's duties in their absence. You take pride in your work, in not making the souls of the departed wait too long to travel go their next destination in their existence. Still, you must truly be exhausted, because it takes you a while to notice that you are being prayed to. It probably doesn't help that it's been ages since anyone has invoked your name in prayer. You've almost forgotten how to respond, because even when prayer to you was more common, you rarely answered them directly. But the pull of this call tugs achingly familiar. You settle in quiet on Paradise and reach back through this new connection. How in blue blazes did you figure out how to do this, brother mine?
[12:55 PM] kindredconfectionery: > You feel a vibration along... something. You're not sure what at first, and when a golden glow seems to flare up around you, you crack an eyelid open briefly to verify it. Well, that's something. But is it good? You get the answer moments later when you get an answer from your brother. You shriek his name internally before calming yourself enough to form words at him again. i made a summoning circle, bled in it and used a few obscure references to contacting the sorter of souls to intercede on someone's behalf that i found in old books.
[12:58 PM] judgenexecutioner: > The shriek reverberates in your head, it's an odd combination of your modern name and a soft echo of your true name. You shiver off the odd feeling, grinning at the obvious excitement coming from the other end of this bond. John. I'm so glad to hear from you. But i take of you don't actually want to intercede on behalf of a departed soul? > There's obvious amusement in your tone.
[1:29 PM] kindredconfectionery: > You think a huff in his direction. He's laughing at you. i don't even know of anyone who died recently, so no. i got tired of missing you, and frustrated because i couldn't even pass a simple hi through miss bella with any certainty it would reach you. so i went research diving and cobbled this together and hoped it wouldn't stab me in the anywhere.
[1:45 PM] judgenexecutioner: I've missed you, too. You have no idea! Maybe you do... I have not seen hide nor hair of ms. bella in an age! Her absence has been keeping me right busy... Still, i cannot believe you found this old, dusty prayer!
[2:23 PM] kindredconfectionery: i wanted to believe it, but i didn't know. > There's a warm sense of relief coming from you. so much has been going on keeping me busy with everything. i finally told them all to shove off for a bit after the last thing went awry. i can't believe it even exists. i guess i just got lucky.
[2:31 PM] judgenexecutioner: I keep telling myself that if i just do another batch, i can take a break and visit you. But it's not as easy as souls being brought to me for judgement. I have to go to seek them out, and i cannot, in all good conscience, leave the souls of the departed lingering after their deaths for so long. > You can feel his relief and you answer with all the love you can muster. The who what now? What are you saying?
[2:49 PM] kindredconfectionery: it's all right. i understand. it's important you take care of them. i'm still not going anywhere. or not anywhere far anyway. > You let the feeling wash over you, soaking it up like it's the last time it'll happen. You don't feel that way, but you needed it that much. the family. some friends. mostly the family. i'm not sorry i want a little time to myself after having a chunk ripped out of my middle because i let them talk me into their bad idea.
[2:52 PM] judgenexecutioner: It's important that i spend time with you, too... > Your voice is a little sulky, but you know you have no one to blame but yourself. Wait... WHAT?! > And now it was time for your own... voice to echo loudly on his end. Who ripped a chunk out of your middle?!
[3:47 PM] kindredconfectionery: stop pouting, baby brother. the last few months have been a crazy mess anyway. > You wince. Now you feel a bit bad about your original shriek. john's husband. i was better in like an hour or two.
[3:51 PM] judgenexecutioner: Don't tell me what to do, big brother. > Your tone is light and teasing again. And then it's not. Your little demon strumpet? He had a husband? You were his bit on the side?! Did you know about this? And at least the asshole who hurt you is dead.
[3:57 PM] kindredconfectionery: you really want to have a row about demon strumpets right now? we weren't together like that. and john is an incubus. i'm sure he has plenty of bits on the side. of course i knew he was the consort to his lust. which means he's far from dead.
[4:01 PM] judgenexecutioner: It's not a row! It's what it is. It's what he is. Because he's not more than that. I suppose you have a point about John's nature. I'm sure you're quite a fine feed for him. Wait... the consort of the Lust? The ruler of his sin? And... and what? He sought out retribution?
[4:13 PM] kindredconfectionery: it sure sounds like one. he's a good person, but you don't have to like him any more than me with dirk. > You want to snap at Jake, to tell him to fuck off, but you manage to get yourself under control, your temper calm again when you answer the rest of what he said. maybe. i'm not sure. it might just have been a test. he hates me, as he's right to, but he didn't come looking for me just to put his tail through my middle.
[4:24 PM] judgenexecutioner: > now you're feeling angry, you hadn't before. Especially that he brought up Dirk. Dirk and i were starting to get close before you returned into my life. He's hardly someone i just wanted to have a bit of fun with, though maybe that's all he wanted from me. And i haven't seen dirk in longer than i've last seen you. because the very thought of my presence filled him with fear. I'm sure he's long since moved on from me. But thank you for the reminder of those lovely memories. A test? To test what? His stupidity?
[4:56 PM] kindredconfectionery: > You feel it, fixing your expression into a smile so wide it's painful. They say that's supposed to help how you feel. It's rubbish, at least this time. john is my friend. just because we're not romantically inclined to one another doesn't mean all i wanted from him was a bit of fun. i am genuinely sorry for you that he disappeared on such a sour note. more like his arrogance. he seems to be under the delusion the Mark won't affect him as much and that it's going to lose power over time, especially now that God is dead.(edited)
[5:02 PM] judgenexecutioner: > It is pure rubbish, because all that feels like is a slim veneer of dishonesty over the whole mess. Maybe i should treat my friends more like you do. He didn't disappear. I'm sure he's still around. All he did wax flatter me and put off plans of ever seeing me again. You don't know that the mark won't kill him. It obviously affects him, but i'm sure john would have told you if he had died. And maybe the mark will weaken with time. Maybe all of existence will slowly unravel. This is all unprecedented...
[5:43 PM] kindredconfectionery: what's that supposed to mean. i haven't seen or heard of him any more than you have, so that counts as disappearing to me. i didn't say he was dead. just not around either of us. he stabbed a hook tailed through my stomach, and it ripped some chunks of flesh with it on the way back out. that repercussion is hardly going to be a fatal wound for someone of that level. maybe it will. i don't know that it won't, but going around trying to say that he'll be completely fine if he annihilates me is ridiculous.
[5:48 PM] judgenexecutioner: Nothing, brother. It doesn't mean anything. I see... > the shrug can be felt through the connection. You don't know that he can't, either. And i'm sure the comment of the curse weakening was him trying to make you doubt the forces you have in your arsenal. Maybe he won't be fine, but maybe he'll survive and  make his way back to fine. He is not from our world and who knows whose rules apply to whom when you mix and match your special armors.
[6:07 PM] kindredconfectionery: that's not the sort of nothing that means nothing, but if you really don't want to talk about it, we don't have to right now. he doesn't make me doubt a single thing. i know it affects him just fine now, so it's his funeral if he wants to try for worse.
[6:44 PM] judgenexecutioner: I don't wish to talk about it, because i don't want you to feel like i want you to change. Anymore than you want me to feel like you want me to change. It was a rude comment that i didn't mean. How about you don't antagonize your friend's husband?
[7:13 PM] kindredconfectionery: you did mean it, but it's all right. i deserve it. > You know you should be better than you are, but it's easier to just keep doing what you've always done than to dwell on being lonely. he started it.
[7:23 PM] judgenexecutioner: We are the way we are. We're both too old to change so quickly, or at all if we do not wish to... > The sigh is a very much audible thing. John...
[7:36 PM] kindredconfectionery: > You could make a thousand excuses for yourself, but all you know right now is that it upsets Jake, and you feel like shit about it. i'm sorry. > You sound very childish when you protest. what? he did. i accidentally summoned john because i didn't know the bullshit name i picked was his true demon name. bro came charging in after him and started in on me.
[7:38 PM] judgenexecutioner: You do not have to be, brother. I've done things that you wished i didn't, too. Like attempting anything with Dirk... > You can't help it, you laugh. You do have the most wretched luck. I bet you whisked John away from right under his husband's very nose. I bet if the situation were reversed, you'd be a might be miffed, too.
[7:52 PM] kindredconfectionery: i'm sorry i brought that up. it was out of line. > You just didn't like the way he was attacking John, so you pulled up the closest thing you could think of to match it, which just so happened to be Dirk. probably. he came in naked. but he also came in demonic, so that might not be related. i'm not saying i wouldn't be miffed if someone managed to summon you while we were in bed together or whatever they were doing, but i understand the concept of a mistake and diplomacy. i'm not sure he does either. or maybe it's just me.
[7:56 PM] judgenexecutioner: It was... but i forgive you. > You don't think it's at all the same. You had cared for Dirk, you still do. You have no doubt your brother cares for his demon alternate, but attempting a relationship and having a friend with benefits is hardly the same thing. You doubt your brother would be pleased if you attempted the same thing with any of your friends. You never were attacking John in the first place. A strumpet to you is a promiscuous person, and that is what the incubus is, even if it's by nature. You honestly think it's a cute name for someone of that nature. And much nicer than what others would use. It probably doesn't help that you two have a history that isn't 100% pleasant.
[8:03 PM] kindredconfectionery: thank you. you have to do that way too often. > The reason you deemed it the closest was because they're both incubi. And you misinterpreted his choice in word, because strumpet has taken on negative connotations which his semi-antiquated vocabulary probably hasn't caught up with. A shame it happened, but at least you worked through it. probably not. that's why i said maybe it's just me. either way, john kept us from trying to actually have a go at one another. and no one else present was hurt, so i'd say it was a success.
[8:10 PM] judgenexecutioner: We're human... are we're still holding on to our human condition regardless of what we are. We make mistakes and hope that we'll be forgiven for them. > Apparently there's still plenty of misunderstanding there, but you're both moved passed it. John sounds like a nice bloke. I'm glad it wasn't worse than it was.
[8:12 PM] kindredconfectionery: i still don't know how to make small ones. > You chuckle, the amusement tricking over. At least they're mostly not catastrophic as they used to be. he is. i really think you'd like him if you got to meet him. he's a good kid.
[8:15 PM] judgenexecutioner: > You snicker softly yourself. You do like to show off in all things that you do. Maybe i will someday
[8:24 PM] kindredconfectionery: hey, what's the point of having cool powers if you don't use them? > Even if one of your powers is hecking up spectacularly. maybe. so have you been or done anything interesting on your great soul round up?
[8:26 PM] judgenexecutioner: You mean like my power to come back from the dead no matter what happens to me or how poorly i take care of myself? > Now you're just not being fair. I found a lost soul and had to exorcise it. That was... interesting. But mostly it has been tedious work. You?
[8:37 PM] kindredconfectionery: jake... > He's not. But you don't complain more than the way you said his name. sounds interesting. i picked up a couple new additions to the family, neither entirely by choice. we've been trying to figure them both out. i've made friends with a lot of people who are bad at taking care of themselves. a few have even stayed with me for a while, but not for long. oh! and i fought the legion of another world. not john's world. another other world.
[8:40 PM] judgenexecutioner: Yes, big brother? > Look at you being a shit with your way too innocent tone. Now that sounds like a very interesting time! And you continue to grow your family of little misfits. I don't mean that as an insult, either. You just... like taking care of others... Wait... what? Brother, are you actually trying to kill yourself?!
[8:44 PM] kindredconfectionery: i am rolling my eyes at you, you little shit. > He's terrible. You love him. i do. i prefer they don't get sent to me though. why did you say it like that? with all the hesitation? no. i was tired of them messing with me and threatening a good friend. it didn't end up amounting to much, since we got stopped by a virtue that destroyed their central park.
[8:50 PM] judgenexecutioner: Yes, i can feel the force of it all the way over here. It is nostalgic. > You hum a bit. Sent to you? Who sent them to you? I  hesitated, because it just reminded me of when we were truly young and i would bring home all sorts of lost beasts to care for. I thought of bringing up the comparison, but then realized you might not like it. Comparing your kindred and family to the wild beasts i'd bring home to take care of and raise. .... That's still so very dangerous!
[9:09 PM] kindredconfectionery: an... old friend. ex-friend. was going by the name of violet the last i knew her, but i'm sure she's changed it more than once since then. the other was sent by angel u.p.s. no, it's fine. i know what you mean. they were like your little family at the time. and i'm still so very fine! i didn't even get seriously injured from it either.
[9:11 PM] judgenexecutioner: An ex-friend... and why would she send someone to you? Are  you worried it might all be subterfuge? ... Angel u.p.s.? What? Are you taking care of an angel? I'm glad, they meant a lot to me, and I know your family means a lot to you. Fine, but you can't complain now if and when i do anything reckless.
[9:18 PM] kindredconfectionery: more like an ex-wife, okay? but we had a very nasty falling out that was my fault. i'm not worried it's subterfuge unless she's managed to figure out a way to use a forcibly turned, mute teenage girl with severe ptsd against me. not that i'm aware. it appears to just be a human infant sent to me from paradise. i'm having cecilia tend to him for now until he's old enough for me to not screw up taking care of him. i can do anything i like. because you're not going to stop fretting about me either.
[9:21 PM] judgenexecutioner: Oh... I... I  can't say that i understand  it. Why she did it, what it means, why she hurt this girl and then sent her to you. But i would be wary, big brother. ... A human infant... Why would they send you a human infant? I haven't heard anything of this when i visit paradise. And yet i am letting the subject drop now.
[9:26 PM] kindredconfectionery: that's what we're trying to figure out. for both of them, honestly. she hurt her to let me know she hasn't forgotten. what i don't know is why this girl. violet's not stupid. she means something somehow. i just don't know how. and we're very wary. i don't know. there wasn't a return address on the package, and casey said the delivery angel was less than helpful. the only thing i have on him is a couple of people have noted he looks a bit like me. but what can you really tell at three months of age? deal.
[9:29 PM] judgenexecutioner: What is it that she's reminding you of with this girl? What has not been forgotten? I thought my life before reuniting with you was perilous, but there have been no attempts on my life by bitter clans. Unless there have been and you're taking care of it without my knowledge. ... He looks like you? Do you think he looks like you? Unfortunately, you are the elder brother, so i cannot say i would be able to pinpoint it for sure if i were to see this child.
[9:42 PM] kindredconfectionery: i murdered someone very close to her. someone who was like a little brother to her. because i thought... i thought he'd killed you. he didn't. but i didn't find that out until later. i didn't care. i just attacked. i'm glad you're all right. i don't know if he does or not. he's darker than me with black hair and blue eyes. it doesn't exactly scream identical twins. and for the record, i was like a year and a half or so when you were born, so i wouldn't know what you looked like either. which by the way, happy birthday. ish. it's somewhere around this time of year. i know that much.
[9:45 PM] judgenexecutioner: .... There's a chance he might have. You know... my inability to stay dead. But... chances are just as well that he didn't. So... all this time later, she sends this girl to you... to send a message, but you're not sure what. I am fine, i promise you. Darker than you are now? Or darker than you were then? That i might be able to answer for you. ... Huh, by gum, you're right! Thank you.
[10:03 PM] kindredconfectionery: no. he didn't. i know because i saw the body later. it was still pretty dead and definitely not you. it's most likely a warning. i'm good at going underground. hiding. as i'm sure you well know. but i've gotten complacent, easy enough to find. it's the girl that's bugging me. yes, they dolled her up to look like my quote-unquote type, but why her? why not take someone who already looked that way? she's important too. but i don't even know who she is. i'm sorry. now i'm ranting... darker than i am now. not as dark as i used to be, i don't think. i know i'm right. i never forgot. you're welcome!
[10:07 PM] judgenexecutioner: Oh, i see.That's... unfortunate... And yes, i know all too well how good you are at hide and seek. Unfortunately, you were mainly hiding from me, and since you stopped doing that, i'm not surprised others have found you. You're type? What is your type, brother dear? Did this formerly Violet make this poor girl look like she once did? No, it's alright. If it helps you think, rant away. Darker than me? You are a ridiculous man.
[10:15 PM] kindredconfectionery: i'm not either, and it's my own stupid fault for it, because i'm not the one in the most danger. green eyes. black hair. kind of tan. in that order. kind and cheerful. so... you, basically. you're my type. violet looks nothing like that. she isn't much like that either. never was. darker than you. how does that make me ridiculous?
[10:19 PM] judgenexecutioner: Who is? Oh... i... >  You wonder if he can feel that you're blushing. But something drew you to her. You wouldn't marry someone just for the sake of relieving loneliness, would you? Hmm... that's interesting. But clearly paradise wanted to give you a child that looked like they could be biologically yours. Have you had them tested? In the same way it makes me ridiculous. Remembering such at thing for someone who you had not seen for the vast majority of your lifetime.
[10:29 PM] kindredconfectionery: anyone and everyone in my family. > You can and it makes you laugh. Jake is adorable. having a type doesn't mean no one else will do. she was tough and smart and isolated, and i was alone, on the run and needed help. she didn't turn me away or try very hard to kill me even after i told her i'd been stalking her for a while and liked her. it sort of took off from there. great. how about they try asking next time, so i can tell them to let it bake a little while longer if they absolutely think i should have one. tested how? he seems perfectly healthy to all of us. it's not ridiculous when they were the most important person in your life.
[10:32 PM] judgenexecutioner: > He's laughing at you.  You huff. Yes, i suppose that does make sense. > Like his brother being his type, but he had had various different crushes over the years. Nothing that sounded as sad as what John just described, though. Paradise usually doesn't ask when they give you gifts. And i mean a blood test. Though now i wonder if you can be given blood tests, given your nature and your condition.
[10:41 PM] kindredconfectionery: > That just makes you laugh more. You can't help it. they can kindly fuck off then. you mean like a dna test? that never even occurred to me. hmm. i'll have to ask and see if anyone knows about that, because i sure don't.
[10:43 PM] judgenexecutioner: Stop that,  you lout! Don't say it like that, brother. Didn't you want a family? I know you have one, but this is just one more. One more that could possibly carry your blood. Yes, that is a thing humans have had for a little while now. If you can't do it, perhaps i can offer my services. Since i can have blood drawn and i am your brother, our dna should be similar enough to find a genetic relation.
[5:51 AM] kindredconfectionery: > You try to stop laughing, but you can't quite manage it right away, even managing to slip a 'make me' into it before you can calm down enough to talk again. at one point, yes i could have wanted this. but that was a very long time ago. blood isn't that important to me anymore. he says, realizing the extreme irony of the claim. i'm aware of that. thank you very much. i think we would have the same problem with the testing if any were to arise at that stage. the awkward phase would be if they tried to take it from me, and i don't think most places let you just send in your own blood willy nilly.
[7:53 AM] judgenexecutioner: I will if i have to! > You're probably not helping at all in stopping his laughter. so if you found out he was your son, it wouldn't mean anymore to you than if he was just one of your kindred? Perhaps i have the idea all wrong, but i also thought they could extract dna from things like saliva? Also, i'm sure with your vast amounts of unnecessary wealth, you could pay someone not to care if you sent your own blood willy nilly.
[8:04 AM] kindredconfectionery: > Not really. no. why should it? hey, you were the one who said blood test. i was just going down that road specific like. while you make reasonable points, i'm not finding it that important to prove people wrong. i don't know how often you've been around infants, but people always look for features in the baby to match up to what they want to see, and so far there's really only the one thing versus me, which is a pretty weak argument. black hair is literally everywhere. if you still want to do it that badly though, i'll pay for it for you, but i'm not bothering.
[8:37 AM] judgenexecutioner: I'm not sure. It matters to some people. > Like maybe you, a little bit. You're right, but i didn't remember right away that dna could be extracted from most places, even skin cells, i think. And why would you do if to prove people wrong? Are you saying you hope it isn't true? That you want to prove them wrong? I... is it so bad that i wish to know if i have a nephew?
[8:48 AM] kindredconfectionery: it doesn't to me. > You wouldn't necessarily judge him for feeling that way, but you're not going to prioritize some random kid over the rest of your 'children’ who make up your family just because he shares your blood. maybe i am saying i don't want it to be true. it's not bad for you to want to know, but why are you wishing for something for me you told me you didn't want for you?(edited)
[8:53 AM] judgenexecutioner: > You instantly feel bad for this small child. It was one thing to say that you didn't want to make them more important than your family of choice, and another to say you hoped it wasn't yours at all. Because i remember when it was important to you. > But then, it had been just as important to you back then, too. And gifts from Paradise are never chosen at random, even if they seem that way. For all we know, they have decided that the next savior for humanity should be left in your care.
[9:58 AM] kindredconfectionery: pot, kettle, and have a mirror just for good measure. > You aren't going down nostalgia lane without a fight. now that is the most inadvisable thing i've heard in ages. why?
[10:00 AM] judgenexecutioner: Alright, fine. Be a stubborn, old goat! > You honestly don't blame him. I don't know, big brother. I know less about this than you do. But i'd still like to meet my potential nephew.
[10:46 AM] kindredconfectionery: baaaaaa you're welcome to see him anytime you like. i would go get him now, but three months is not a particularly pious or intelligible age, so i don't think it would be worth the effort.(edited)
[10:55 AM] judgenexecutioner: ... Are you really saying that you're not spending time with him because he's not smart enough?
[11:09 AM] kindredconfectionery: oh my god. no, jake. i'm saying i'm not going to put him on this call or whatever it is. > You're clearly laughing again.
[11:20 AM] judgenexecutioner: Oh! That's... not usually how this works, anyway. I'll try to make some time to visit soon.
[11:25 AM] kindredconfectionery: i have no idea how this usually works. i'm just too stubborn to be thwarted by your schedule and a lack of wings. whenever you do you're always welcome, even if you don't forewarn us. and we can discuss the test thing again once you've seen him for yourself.
[11:29 AM] judgenexecutioner: That does sound very much like you, big brother. I'm glad to hear from you. And to know that if you ever want to talk now, no amount of distance can stop you. I don't even know where you're staying right now, much less where you're keeping little... did you say moro?
[11:30 AM] kindredconfectionery: damn straight. i'm at the manor. like i was when you left. he's here too, under cecilia's care.
[11:40 AM] judgenexecutioner: Alright. How does tomorrow sound?
[11:47 AM] kindredconfectionery: it sounds great. why did you think i might be elsewhere?
[11:50 AM] judgenexecutioner: Because you travel sometime, that's all.
[11:51 AM] kindredconfectionery: all right. that's fair.
[11:54 AM] judgenexecutioner: You were once known as the wanderer, after all.
[12:03 PM] kindredconfectionery: that wasn't a choice, you know.
[12:04 PM] judgenexecutioner: I know... bit old habits died hard, and you admitted to feeling on edge over a vague threat from an old lover. I would blame you if you felt like wandering after that.
[12:11 PM] kindredconfectionery: of course i'm on edge from that. who wouldn't be? wandering is the last thing i want to do after that though. that's what i was trying to do when i found streak. if she sent her message when i was alone, i'm not taking the chance something worse will happen if i leave again.
[1:53 PM] judgenexecutioner: Like something to your family? Is her name really streak?
[2:11 PM] kindredconfectionery: yes. that's the next logical step. no, but i don't know what it is, and she's never said.
[2:12 PM] judgenexecutioner: Oh, i see. And she's never attempted to write it out or anything?
[2:13 PM] kindredconfectionery: nope. i don't know exactly why. she might not even know it anymore.
[2:14 PM] judgenexecutioner: The poor dear... I almost wrote down door. I might be getting a little distracted.
[2:16 PM] kindredconfectionery: if you need to go, it's all right.
[2:17 PM] judgenexecutioner: But i want to talk to you.
[2:28 PM] kindredconfectionery: i don't know what you have to do, but i'll be around. all doors will remain closed with me inside them.
[2:28 PM] judgenexecutioner: Shouldn't the door remain open if we want to keep a line of communication?
[2:31 PM] kindredconfectionery: but if we leave the door open, i might wander away. the skylight is what stays open.
[2:32 PM] judgenexecutioner: .... What?
[2:51 PM] kindredconfectionery: the doors exist in my house. the skylight is a metaphor for this connection. it made more sense before i sent it to you.
[2:52 PM] judgenexecutioner: ... I'm sure it did, big brother. I'm sure it did.
[3:07 PM] kindredconfectionery: shush. but that brings up an interesting question. can you do this in reverse?
[3:07 PM] judgenexecutioner: Can i reach out to you?
[3:12 PM] kindredconfectionery: yes.
[3:14 PM] judgenexecutioner: No, that's not how this works, either, i'm afraid.
[3:19 PM] kindredconfectionery: i thought not, but it seemed worth asking.
[3:20 PM] judgenexecutioner: I'm sorry. If it had been a method, i would have used it long before now. Possibly. It's been so long, I honestly forgot about it
[3:52 PM] kindredconfectionery: it's not your fault. i'm not an extradimensional supernatural being. there wouldn't be any functional rituals for me, forgotten or otherwise.
[3:55 PM] judgenexecutioner: But if i had remembered mine, i could have told you about it sooner.
[4:03 PM] kindredconfectionery: don't fret about it. really. if it's as old and disued as we both think, then i'm not surprised you forgot and can hardly be upset by that.
[4:04 PM] judgenexecutioner: I suppose your right. Though dang it all of that does shit all to make me want to kick myself right now.
[4:14 PM] kindredconfectionery: no kicking yourself. i forbid it.
[4:16 PM] judgenexecutioner: Well now i just have to do it.
[4:17 PM] kindredconfectionery: or you could listen to the wisdom of your big brother and not do it.
[4:20 PM] judgenexecutioner: Pffff!
[4:27 PM] kindredconfectionery: wow. how rude.
[4:27 PM] judgenexecutioner: That is i. A simple and rude little ranch hand.
[4:30 PM] kindredconfectionery: at least you're cute.
[5:19 PM] judgenexecutioner: good genes.
[5:27 PM] kindredconfectionery: they were the best ones available.
[5:28 PM] judgenexecutioner: Snrk! Not that you would be biased on the matter or anything.
[5:43 PM] kindredconfectionery: me? biased? about your parents? never!
[6:00 PM] judgenexecutioner: That's what i thought. Alright, if i want to be available to visit you tomorrow, then i should get down to work right now.
[6:01 PM] kindredconfectionery: all right. go ahead and get your keister back to what it's supposed to be doing instead of goofing off with me then.
[6:03 PM] judgenexecutioner: For the record, my keister misses you, too. *double pistols and a wink*
[6:03 PM] kindredconfectionery: oh my god. shoo already!
[6:07 PM] judgenexecutioner: Oh fine.
[6:08 PM] kindredconfectionery: good boy. i love you. i'll see you tomorrow, hopefully.
[6:14 PM] judgenexecutioner: I love you, too. I'll see you tomorrow!
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