#but it’s only 2 eps so I think I’ll be alright
leaffsheep · 1 year
Honestly praise the lord for the fact that Ofmd is releasing eps at the same time as Loki, cause I don’t think I could handle getting queerbaited and then having nothing actually gay to watch after
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐈𝐈: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐀 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬?—𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐣𝐚𝐬/𝐑𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐬
a/n: by this part, it’s been a few weeks after Y/N and Warren met on the yacht. a little snippet of how karen and y/n met bc they’re platonic soulmates and they’re both badass
timeline: ep. 3 (band is still in hiatus)
here’s the good stuff y’all signed up for :p
Part 1   
This chapter: Part 2   
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 (in the works!)
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
warnings (of this chapter): sexual tension, warren being horny, reader being horny, smoking, angst, cursing, drinking. 
summary (of this chapter): weeks has passed and Warren still found himself pinning over a stranger, and Y/N, realizing the cost of fame, found herself bound to be lonely for as long she succeeds under the limelight. Will she take a chance at love? Or is her career too much of a blessing that she can’t risk ruining over anything?
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────• 
Interviewer: So how did you and Y/N meet?
Karen: Uh, *chuckling* it was all thanks to a shitty driver that just...had to drop me off in the middle of nowhere.
I was supposedly, on my way to the boys’ house for the first time. I had no clue where I was, nor did I have people to ask around for help. It was literally in the middle of nowhere. Just sand, and drought. 
But if it weren’t him, I would’ve never gotten a ride from that woman in a purple polka-dotted bikini who had clearly just gone out of the water from a nearby beach.
*her eyes widen playfully at the camera* If it weren’t for that arse driver, I would’ve never met my best mate.
Interviewer: What was your relationship like afterwards?
Karen: *grinning* How’d she describe it?
Interviewer: *slight chuckling* She said “like two schoolgirls who never grew up.”
Karen: *nodding* Sounds about right. *she chuckles*
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
“He’s been drooling about you every damn day, Y/N!” Karen whisper-shouted into the telephone. “This is witchcraft you placed on this man. Never seen him so quiet and...smiley.”
Y/N imagined her friend to be on her bed with the telephone. The conversation was about Warren, who Y/N found out was Karen’s bandmate that, she quotes, “uses his dick as a compass.” Whenever they talked about Warren, with Y/N’s obnoxious pleadings, Karen would take the telephone to her bedroom, where Warren and the boys can’t hear.
Karen flipped on her back. “I think you’re a maniacal genius, love, but isn’t this too far? A crime of some sort?”
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked with a mouthful of chips. After swallowing, possibly too fast, she coughs out. “My name is Flora, though.”
“Are you alright?” Karen chuckled at her friend, who goes on to have a coughing fit on the other end of the telephone.
She continues anyways. “Y/N, love, ... he’s going to get hurt.”
“What happened to his dick being his compass?” Y/N, teary eyed from the coughs, drags herself out of bed to her kitchen to get a glass of water. She takes a long drink before getting herself back to the phone. “Honestly, I think he’ll just throw a tantrum, get drunk, and his dick will reactivate. There’s more of me he can find and fuck. No biggie.”
“No biggie?” Karen repeated, disbelief sending her to sit up. “He’s been looking everywhere for you! Pestering me about some Flora that worked for Y/N L/N—Also! Took me a while to piece it all together, y’know! You’re a pain in the arse for this!”  
“Calm down, hun.” Y/N giggled. “I thought it was fun.”
“He’ll think otherwise, Y/N!” Karen scolded. “You don’t know the effect you have on this man.”
“Oh, I do.” She reassured. “I still think it’s funny.”
Y/N took her friend’s frustrated groans as a way to explain herself. “Don’t worry, Kiki,” she insisted with a laugh. “I’ll have enough designing to do that I’ll be stuck in my condo for months. He won’t see me anywhere in parties any time soon either. By the end of this season, he’ll forget all about me.” 
There was only silence now, Y/N could only picture her friend on the other end constructing a plan on how she could possibly restrain her for being so reckless.
“I’m gonna go surf till I come out like a pruny grandma,” she informed her. “Wanna come over?”
“I’ll come over after lunch.” Karen yawned. “You’ll be pruny enough then, yes?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Alright, until then, I’ve got some errands to run for my three sons.”
The friends said their good-byes and love-yous before ending their call. 
The beach was right outside her condo, ready for Y/N to surf in and relax, but she didn’t head out immediately after the call.
One thing Y/N knew too well about, was how hard it was to be noticed.
Sure she had the fame, the money, the success, the perfect condo with the beach for her backyard. But in the height of her success, Y/N is lonely, and no one notices. 
Her designs and her fame so easily drowned her in the background. Because it wasn’t her who mattered to them, at least, not who she really was as a person. Her art were an extension of herself, but the fans don’t see that. Not really. Her private life was empty, filled with no one to celebrate her successes with.
So maybe that’s why she depends so much on her fame—it’s all she really has.
Her family is all the way in France. And while they loved each other, Y/N would much rather die than ask them to accompany her, or for her to go back home just for their company.
Because she can’t admit she’s lonely. She can’t admit how miserable she really feels, even to her friends. The guilt of asking them for their company feels like desperation to Y/N.
Maybe she regrets putting off a love life. How long did she expect to be working like this, anyways?
So then she goes to her vinyl player to play something. The Six album, to be precise, and she pays attention to nothing else but the drums in the background, who were also easily drowned out.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
 •─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Interviewer: While Karen visited Y/N that day, what were you doing?
Warren: *chuckling and shaking his head* Karen never visited her that day.
Interviewer: ...What do you mean?...
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Warren paces around the porch of the blue beach house with a folded piece of paper to fidget with.
He unfolds the piece of paper to reread the address written.
It was her address. Flora’s. Long-awaited, that was for sure, and Karen just figured out her address for him as if she knew it all along.
The neighborhood was nice, and from examining the cars and the people coming in and out of the houses, it was a rich neighborhood. It looks very unlikely for someone who just works for a fashion designer to be living in something like this. 
Suddenly, he hears clicking inside, like a locked doorknob trying to be opened. When it stops, he hears a sliding door open and close promptly. 
Then, nearing barefoot footsteps. “Sorry you had to wait!” There was giggling behind this door, and Warren watches the doorknob turn, and ultimately the door opened to a soaked and rosy-cheeked Flora in a white, two piece bikini.
Warren took note of the wide smile she had on when she opened the door, but it seemed to disappear once she saw who was behind it.
“Hey, Flora.” He managed to say, breathlessly. He does everything in his power not to stare too long at her dripping body, not missing the thin, golden chains with charms of stars around her waist, and how that bikini hugged her body the right wa— 
Y/N closed her agape mouth and forced a small smile. “Um, hey!” She greeted awkwardly. 
Silence filled them both. The wind breezed at them and at the palm trees around the neighborhood, accompanied by a gray sky.
Y/N’s body shuddered in response, and Warren couldn’t help but laugh at her body’s reaction.
She laughs along with him. “I’m sorry, do you want to come in? It looks like it’s gonna rain in a bit.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” He accepted the invitation, maybe a little too eagerly. 
“I’ll mop the floors in a bit, just watch your step.”
Warren obliged, making his way to the living room where Y/N motioned him to. 
“I have so many questions,” Y/N snorted. “How’d you find me in the first place?”
“A friend of mine...” Warren sat down carefully, examining his surroundings. “Karen.”
She nods, scoffing like she should’ve seen it coming. 
There were enough evidence for Warren to conclude that a fashion designer owned this place. The rich neighborhood, the rolls of cloth against almost all four walls, the two sewing machines, the bits and cuts of cloth scattered on the table in front of him.
Warren looked up to meet Y/N, who was not at all ashamed for hiding her true identity.
“Surprise!…” She drawled out, carefully because she’s aware of the embarrassment she caused him, but also with no shame that she’s led him on like this.
He shook his head with a small smile, taking into his hand the nearest piece of cloth. “I assumed you were her when you left.” He said, his voice low. “I asked around.”
“Should’ve done that in the first place,” she giggled with her back turned to him as she looks for beer in her fridge. “Now you’re stuck in this mess.”
Warren shrugged, taking the beer from her hands. “You make it sound like it’s the worst thing on the planet.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her glistening legs.
Y/N laughed out. “Drink your beer, Warren. I’ll go shower and we can have a proper conversation like two civilized civilians.”
“Who said we have to be civil?” He insisted further, leaning back on the comfortable couch. “Who said we have to talk at all, I mea—“
“Drink the beer, Warren!” She yelled from down the hallway.
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Warren: She’s got that charm, y’know? I mean, as embarrassing as it was, I was hooked. I didn’t even mind she lied to me at all. Piecing it together and realizing the good friend Karen gushes on so much about, the fashion designer taking over the world with her talents, and Flora, were the Y/N L/N, you couldn’t blame me.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
“How upsetting would it be if I told you the storm is going to last the whole night?” She slumped down beside him on the sofa.
Warren, with a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, could only praise God silently for this disastrous weather.
“What makes you think it’s going to last the whole night?”
Y/N squinted her eyes at him sarcastically as the sound of the thunder roared loudly, even inside.
“Noted,” Warren rolled his eyes at her. She was clearly drunk, but Warren can’t help but tease her just for the sassy remarks.
“So, anyways, I was thinking I might get a dog or two.” Y/N brushed the ends of her hair in thought, laying the side of her head on his shoulder. “I’ve wanted dogs for so long, I’m taking you coming here as a sign.”
“I’m flattered.” Warren laughs out.
“You’re very welcome.” She sniffed. 
“Can I ask why?” He chuckled, stubbing out the cigarette to talk to her face to face without blowing smoke at her face. “I’m kind of scared to ask, not gonna lie.”
What he didn’t expect was for her to place her hand atop his head, patting down his hair. “You’re hair.” She smiled sleepily. “I’ve noticed it the first time we met.”
Warren could only laugh at her drooping eyelids. “You tired?”
“No, I’m not tired,” she crossed her arms, turning her body away from him. “I’m wide awake.”
“Baby, you’ve been falling asleep in the middle of your sentences for a while now.” He cooed. “C’mon, I’ll carry you to bed like a man servant.”
“I am not tired,” she insisted.
He tucks a rebellious strands of hair behind her ear. “If you fall asleep here, I’m sleeping on your bed.”
“Don’t you dare,” she drawled out. “My bed is reserved for me only. The only thing you can do it...the only thing you can do to it,” she giggled, “is fluff my pillows. Like a man servant.”
He laughs, with her strands of hair still in his hands. He twirls it around his own fingers gently, careful not to cause her pain. He’s closer than before now, and without her moving her head so much he noticed the constellation of freckles across her cheeks.
When Y/N starts stirring into her first few minutes of sleep, Warren attempts to move his hands beneath her to carry her, only for her to open her eyes again.
“Damn it, Y/N.” He scolded her.
She smiled blissfully, closing her eyes again. “I want you to fuck me.”
Warren stills. For the first time, his first instinct was to move away rather than accept.
He was too scared to move. Did he give her the wrong impression? Not that he didn’t want to fuck her at all, but it’s not right to do so when she’s drunk.
Y/N opens her eyes to find him flushed. “Isn’t that what you wanted in the first place?” She snorted.
“You’re drunk, Y/N.”
She threw her hands up in surrender. “I give you full consent.” 
“It doesn’t matter, you’re not thinking straight.” He goes to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“So...you’re saying you don’t want to fuck me?”
How could someone not? Warren thought miserably to himself. Even in her long, white cardigan that could pass off as a grandmother’s cardigan and black silk sleep dress that revealed most of her soft skin, Warren was ready to take all of her in.
When she’s sober, he convinced himself. If she even feels the same when she is.
Warren’s next move was to wait until she falls asleep and to deny, deny, deny, but Y/N grabbed him by his chin to face her. 
Despite her droopy eyelids, Y/N forced herself to look up at him. His breaths fanning her face were like rescue breaths to her.
She couldn’t help but nudge his beautiful nose against hers, while Warren continued to have an internal battle.
Y/N understood her own rules well, and didn’t fail to acknowledge his respect for her current state.
So all she did was bring him closer by the chin and kissed him deeply. She feels Warren respond obligingly, though, still cautious.
It was a kiss that Y/N could need for the rest of her life, the way his lips reached into hers desperately like how she always wished a man would reach for her. The way his hand cupped the back of her head like how she always wanted to be supported and cared for.
The sudden adrenaline of hope that Warren felt was too much to handle. He never felt the so conflicted over something he’s wanted, but he knew he couldn’t have.
He didn’t want himself holding her back. She has too much potential and talent, he would just make a fool out of himself.
Y/N ended the intimate kiss with a peck on his nose. “For now,” she smiled against his jawline, before she could feel herself tire completely on his shoulder.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
few more parts to come!!
taglist (aka beautiful people): @pinkdaiisies​ @mlwriting5 @teletubbysteroids​ @linatells @stanzie @arsonkween @rexorangecouny​ @lisbeth122605​ @cultsanrio @thatoneawesomechicka​ @magicalmiserybore​
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
Reason’s why I gradually started to hate Stolas from Helluva Boss
So some time ago there was a friend that asked me why I hated Stolas so much. At that time, I couldn’t think of a valid reason, mostly because it was just very few reasons. To them, those reasons weren’t valid enough. This was back when episode 2 season 1 was uploaded, but now that we’re already in season two and we’re about to get our 4th episode, HB has now given me PLENTY of reasons to despise Stolas and call him a bad character. So allow me to make a list. I can go from the first to the latest episode;
EP 1 S1, Murder Family
-- Stolas was watching Blitzo in a scuffle through his bath bubbles, which means he knew Blitzo was in danger, but still decided on calling him at the worst time! “Oh, when isn’t it a bad time, Blitzy~~~?” Umm, I dunno.... Maybe when some crazy psychopath is NOT chasing him with a gun!!! Did he even consider that he would’ve gotten Blitzo killed, and all just to make some stupid deal???  And besides, from what I’ve seen in episode 6 (which I’ll get into later) Stolas was so upset that Blitzo and the rest of IMP got caught by humans, he dropped an f-bomb. And now looking back in ep 1, he doesn’t even seem to care when Blitzo is chased by humans. If getting in trouble on earth like that is such a big deal, why couldn’t Stolas just wait to talk with Blitzo until after his job was done? 
-- Speaking of said deal, Stolas agreed that he would let Blitzo keep the book in exchange for taking it back to take care of whatever was necessary and agreeing to spend one night each month having sex with him.
Alright, there are two things wrong with this. So, first off... Stolas decided on making a deal like this while seemingly knowing fully well Blitzo didn’t want anything to do with him. He knows how uncomfortable Blitzo is around him, about how disgusted and disturbed he is by his flirting but will still make Blitzo agree to this deal because he’s just that horny for him, regardless of how creeped out Blitzo’s is. And he knows Blitzo didn’t have much of a choice in that moment because, well he’s stuck in a predicament while on the phone with Stolas. I guess he might as well just go ahead and make it a deal so he could get the call over with (Or just frikin hang up on him). And also because Blitzo really needs the book to make it to the living world to finish his job.
.....And we’re supposed to believe Stolas actually “cares” for Blitzo?
And here’s the second problem; Looking back on it, this deal is completely pointless now!!! As it turns out, the grimoire isn’t the only access to the living world. In episode 1 of season 2, it’s revealed that there are magical crystals that demons could use to appear on earth anytime and any place they want. So in a way, Blitzo DID have a choice. He could’ve used those Asmodean crystals to go to the living world to continue his business. And sure, maybe it wouldn’t be that easy for him to get his hands on one. But even if that were the case, why not hire someone who does have Asmodean crystals?? Like - I dunno... a succubi perhaps???
Heh! No wonder Verosika and her peers we’re able to travel to earth so easily. Asmodean crystals are willingly given to succubi, which means that they also can go to Earth anytime they want with no issue. Blitzo could’ve at least just hired a succubus or something to help him have access to the living world. Why not do that, instead of having to agree to this deal where you have to have to continuously give the book back and get laid on the same night with a horned-up demon prince, especially when you don’t want to, which would only make your job harder than easier???
(And before some of you bring this up if you’re gonna, I know Blitzo has no room to feel uncomfortable with Stolas making advances towards him since that was kinda his fault. HE was the one that came onto him and decided to go through with sleeping with him outta pity. Even if it was to just to distract him so he could steal the book and leave, he still did it. And now that it happened, he has Stolas continuously flirting with him. I only brought up that Blitzo was feeling uncomfortable about it because that’s what the show made it seem like to us at that time. It wasn’t even hinted that Blitzo was the first to make a move. They just totally retconned that fact. I’m only just stating these based off of how I saw it at the time the episodes were aired.)
My whole point about this is, Stolas is pretty much taking advantage of Blitzo, manipulating him into agreeing to this deal, knowing full well that Blitzo (kinda) doesn’t have any choice in the matter since it would cost him to keep his business going and Stolas could drop this deal and never let Blitzo keep the book. 
 -- Calling Blitzo “My little Imp”. It’s not cute...
-- Him describing how he’ll screw Blitzo (eg. every time his words are bleeped out). This was supposed to be comedic, and while I did smile slightly the first time it happened, all it did was make me feel awkward and disturbed. Those were just the start of my disdain for Stolas. Believe me, it doesn’t end there. So, moving on....
EP 2 S1, Loo Loo Land
-- “I can not believe you slept with an imp! IN OUR F*CKING BED!!!”
“It was unexpected! I didn’t have time to book for a motel.”
Dude - what do you mean it was unexpected? That makes no sense, especially now that we learned you invited Blitzo into your room instead of having him kicked out. Even when he tried to make advances toward you, you still could’ve prevented that from happening. You had the full authority to make him stop and kick him out. I don’t care how drunk you were when it happen. And you didn’t have time for a motel?? More like you weren’t planning on it!! And besides, you’re a demon prince!! I’m pretty sure you could’ve opened up a portal to teleport into another location when you wanted.  All this man is doing making excuses to cover his feathers and they’re not even valid!!
-- Stolas, as I may have established more than a few times already, is a terrible father!! There are a few reasons for this, but one of them being that he doesn’t listen to his daughter. And it’s almost sad, because he’s actually trying to bond with her (sorta). He suggested that he and Octavia go to Loo Loo Land because she liked it when she was a kid. But she’s 17 and doesn’t really care for that anymore, so she tells him no. But he still insists on taking her there, not even hearing her out!
“Let’s go to Loo Loo Land!”
“I’d rather kill myself.”
“That’s the spirit, anything better than staying in this house. Let’s go!”
It’s like he completely brushed off what she was telling him!! I don’t know if this was just for comedic effect or not, but this would count as a good example of Stolas being a bad father as he doesn’t listen to his daughter and is inconsiderate of her feelings.
-- Notices that his imp butler is injured (due to Stella’s rage) and doesn’t even bat an eye at it. Once again, probably for comedic effect, but this just goes to show how non-caring Stolas is of the imp race. The only reason why Blitzo is an exception is because he’s good at sex.
-- Didn’t Stolas just say, “Why don’t we go to Loo Loo Land? Just the TWO OF US?” Which would only imply that he intended to spend some time only with his daughter and nobody else?? Well, he just lied straight to her face!
-- The so-called Demon Prince wants to arrange for security for him and his daughter. He knows damn well he don’t need no security, but Blitzo is the one he decides to call for this arrangement. I think we all know why he really called him specifically.
-- “We’re rich and our hot.”
Referring to your 17-year-old daughter as “hot”. Can’t leave that outta my Stolas sh*t list. Not really something you should say in front of her. Or especially about her.
-- “I’m going to call the only man who can f*ck me.” 
“Hello my big-d*cked Blitzy~~”
Again, not something you should say in front of your daughter!!!
-- Y’all I can’t stress this enough, but this is one of his main issues. The whole time he’s supposed to be spending time with Octavia and putting his attention on her, he’s flirting with Blitzo. Making sexual remarks at him, touching him, trying to get his attention while he’s working, “Blitzy” this, “Blitzy” that, “Blitzy” blah blah blah. Not only is he hardly paying attention to her, he’s doing all of this IN FRONT OF HER!! Not even noticing her grudging reactions or bitter behavior! It’s like he thinks she’s totally okay with her father being a flirt in public, especially with the man he cheated with on her mother.
-- Stolas can’t tell the difference between tears of joy and tears of terror with his daughter’s reaction to Robo Fizz.
-- Is saved by Moxxie and Millie, even though he didn’t need to be, and expects to be body-guarded like he’s a damsel in distress.
-- “Where’s Blitzy? He’s my night and shining armor! Not you... little-o ones!”
Bro-? Shut up and go find your daughter!
-- Doesn’t realize Octavia is feeling bad until she’s crying about it.
-- Makes excuses for his actions, but the show is gonna go ahead and make Octavia forgive him and just be worried about him leaving her so we could be okay with his actions and move on.
-- Decides now he wants to go ahead to turn somebody into stone even though he could’ve done it with a flick of a wrist tons of times before. I know he invited Blitzo to be his bodyguard and he was already doing most of the work, but he only invited him just to have him around and be a flirt like he always is. He really didn’t care about Blitzo protecting him. So yeah, he still could’ve protected himself and his daughter at least once before now.
Ep 5 S1, Harvest Moon Festival
-- Father of the Year here is gonna go right back to continuing his affair with Blitzo!!! That whole conversation between him and his daughter was just in one ear and out the other because the writers are just so desperate to want this ship to happen. And we just HAVE to have fanservice.
-- “My Grimoire shouldn’t be lent out to itty bitty imps, like yourself.”
Then maybe you could... I dunno... Drop the deal and stop exchanging the book????
He mentions that his grimoire is oh so important as if it shouldn’t be in the hands of just anyone, but has no problem willingly giving it Blitzo because he’s just that down and dirty. What does he even need that book for anyway??? We rarely see him use it!! When he does have it, he’s mostly just holding it... and that’s it. And we only see him use it for magic that one time at the festival. He doesn’t read it or even study it. If this book is so valuable to you sir, then ACT LIKE IT!! He could’ve used it as a study guide for Octavia, who’s supposed to be the next heir to the throne. If he’s not even gonna use it for himself, he could teach his daughter how to use it or cast spells with it. And no - a stupid Instagram post is NOT gonna cut it (especially when it’s not even canon).
-- Uses Blitzo’s horns to put out a cigar.... not cool.
-- Stolas invites Blitzo to the harvest moon festival for no reason other than to see him there and flirt with him. He says that it will be fun, as if the last time he invited Blitzo somewhere with him was a blast, but nobody was having fun but him. And the whole idea was for him to spend time with his frikin daughter!!
-- The whole time Stolas is talking to Blitzo, it doesn’t even seem like he’s flirting or being cute with him. He’s more or less just mocking him. (eg. pinching his cheeks and using his horns to put out a cigar.) Seriously, why does everyone act like this character is such a saint and is just as sweet as Charlie from hazbin?? He’s frikin awful!! He doesn’t care in the slightest about imps! He’s not even nice to Moxxie or Millie and he hires imps as his servants/slaves.
-- Don’t get me wrong, if y’all wanna love Stolas, then by all means, frikin ADORE HIM!! I don’t want to offend or insult anybody who does like him. But there is no way you can look passed all the bullsh*t he pulls and just act like he’s so sweet. Viv says that Stolas is flawed and is trying to get better and that’s how we’re supposed to see it. But all I see is a character being a selfish douche and staying a selfish douche while acting like the victim of a heinous crime and trying too hard to make us feel bad for him simply by “caring” about his daughter even though he neglects her and pretending he genuinely loved Blitzo all along and simply wants love from him too, even when he doesn’t deserve it because all he ever did was manipulate him and take advantage of him, seeing him as a sex toy and not a person with feelings! And what pisses me off about this is that he rarely gets reprimanded for his actions. When he does, he’ll start crying while feeling bad for himself and the show tries to make us feel bad for him. What’s worse about this is that he never learns either!! For real though, no matter how bad Stolas’s character is, most people in the fandom won’t even take the time to realize it or will probably look past it, as long as Stolas gets his happy ending with Blitzo. Like I said, I don’t wanna offend anyone, but if y’all think the relationship is anything along the lines of healthy or innocent, then your definition of love must be twisted.
-- “I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor.”
I’m not gonna hear this from a dude who uses his imp servant as a stress ball.
-- Lol! Bro just keeps stealing the microphone from Wally and interrupting him.
-- He reads a book about how to f*ck imps at dinner while his daughter is still at the table. And no, it doesn’t matter if she didn’t notice, it’s still not very appropriate.
Ep 6 S1, Truth Seekers
-- Stolas only had like less than a few seconds of screen time. He might as well not even show up.
-- Jumps in to save Blitzo and the others. That’s good, but then he adds on “My Impish little plaything” Reminding us that he sees Blitzo as a sex toy.
-- “Are you little creatures not being careful. If you get in trouble, then I get in trouble! We don’t want that, do we?”
Then maybe you shouldn’t have waited until the last minute to save them???? I mean - we all know you we’re watching Blitzo the entire time like a damn stalker. And besides, YOU’RE the one who agreed to lend them the book. If you’re so worried about them getting in trouble, then you could just FORGET about the deal so they could figure out another way to travel to earth, they could get in trouble on their own, and it wouldn’t be your problem anymore! And if you were just gonna get that irritable about it, why didn’t you jump in to try and save Blitzo the first time he almost got killed on earth.
-- Why doesn’t he go ahead and kill the agents?? Why would he let them live?? Since you don’t want to get in trouble so badly, wouldn’t it be necessary for you to kill them. I didn’t think that DEMON PRINCE would be this big of a softie.
-- Bro uses his hands to open up a portal..... (why does he need his book again?)
-- Expected a “thank you” from Blitzo for saving him. This dude’s life was in jeopardy just now, and you’re asking for sex? Very appropriate of you sir. And why is Blitzo reciprocating this lust for him all of a sudden??? The entire season, all he’s ever done was reject Stolas, back-talking him, and showing him attitude. He responded to his constant flirtatious remarks with disgust. He didn’t even like him and was uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping with him just to keep the book. And now he’s suddenly getting turned on??
Obviously, this scene was only written in this episode by Viv as an excuse for more Stolitz fanservice. 
EP 7 S1, Ozzies
-- Stolas is feeling all sad and lonely, watching some corny soap opera while relating to the fact that the guy he has feelings doesn’t love him back...... Honey, ask me if I care. Blitzo would always tell you to f*ck off and you would respond with giggles and mockery. You should already know how uncomfortable he feels about you and most of the time, you don’t even care. What’s with the sudden depression??
-- Speaking of that, why does he suddenly have genuine feelings for Blitzo anyway?? You can’t tell me that he’s just now starting to love him out of the blue. You can’t even tell me he loved him at all this entire time!! The only emotion he’s ever had about Blitzo was nothing but pure lust!! He simply just wanted his d*ck. Not to mention he would look down on him like he does all the other imps.
-- The whole time during their date, Stolas is trying to converse with Blitzo, which is honestly surprising since the only time he ever talks to him is when he’s being a flirt and harassing him. You’d think I’d actually applaud him for that, except I can’t. Cuz, once again, where did this come from??? We didn’t get to see no type of development with Stolas at all. We didn’t get any episode of him slowly progressing to fall in love with Blitzo. Just more lust talk getting turned on.
-- How did Stolas not realize Asmodeus owned Ozzie’s? I think the title on it’s own should’ve implied as much. And besides, he should know that Asmodeus is a demon that represents lust and they’re in the lust ring.
-- Stolas sees Blitzo is pretty much getting laughed at and humiliated during the whole musical number and does nothing about it. Well, Blitzo kinda had it coming for not keeping his mouth shut and also spying on Moxxie and Millie, but I’m just proving a point that Stolas doesn’t even care about Blitzo like we’re supposed to think. He even hides behind his menu after getting called out by Asmodeus.  We are supposed to feel bad for him here right?? Because the writers are just showing me he doesn’t deserve it.
-- While we’re on that subject, why is he hiding behind his menu? Why is he feeling embarrassed about being seen with Blitzo and Ozzie telling everyone his business about it?? This was NOT the only time he was seen in public with Blitzo!! There was episode 2 at Loo Loo Land and episode 5 at the festival, and he openly flirted with Blitzo in public in BOTH of those episodes!!! Hell, he was holding Blitzo’s hand in front of that guard and the other demons waiting in line!! He was sitting at a table in the open where one or two people could’ve taken a glance at him talking to Blitzo!!! He has NO RIGHT to feel humiliated about getting laid with him! 
-- Trying his best to comfort Blitzo by holding his hand, talking to him, and inviting him in his home. He thinks that now would be the best time to cuddle with him after he tried to hide away from being seen with Blitzo. I don’t care what none of the fans say, Blitzo had every right to turn down Stolas and call him out on his bullsh*t. Most fans would say something like “NOO BLITZO!! DON’T BE LIKE THAT!!! STOLAS DOES CARE!! HE DOES LOVE YOU!!” Where the hell was this “love” you speak of the first few episodes these two were seen together??? No amount of cute nicknames, flirtatious remarks, and nightstands are ever going to sell the fact Stolas loved Blitzo.
-- He sits on his porch and starts to cry. We’re meant to feel bad and pity him, but all I’m doing is rolling my eyes.
EP 1 S2, The Circus
-- I don’t care how cute, uwu, or innocent they try to make little Stolas. Nothing in the world is ever going to make me change how I feel about him. He could be under three years old. Viv is pretty much just trying to force cutesy wutsey stuff onto the audience so we could side with Stolas and feel bad for him. All the writers are trying to do at this point is make excuses for his actions and use this whole episode to say Stolas had every right to cheat on Stella and that he actually really loved Blitzo when he really didn’t.
-- It makes no sense that Blitzo and Stolas are around the same age anyway. I don’t fully understand how the whole age and birth thing works with demons in hell, but first off, Blitzo was initially supposed to be in his twenties, meanwhile, Stolas has lived for a LONG A** TIME. Like he was probably born in 4000 BC. He still would’ve been an adult even before the time Blitzo was born. But now they retconned it to Stolas being the same age as Blitzo and them meeting as children just so Viv could force this ship to happen.
--  No way in hell he fell in love with Blitzo at first sight. Viv and writers are really trying too hard to make this childhood friendship cute.
-- Goes along with Blitzo’s game to steal everything in the mansion and completely falls for his trick (did he ever get grounded for that?). 
-- Instead of having Blitzo kicked out because he should be nothing but a stranger to him at this point, he instead invites him to his room so the two can... catch up. Did Stolas ever find out about what Blitzo did when they were children?? If so, then why are you even being nice to this guy?? You cannot be that down and dirty for him.
-- It has been frikin TWENTY-FIVE YEARS since the last time these two have seen each other. Why’re they talkin’ like they’re old friends? They had that one playdate and never saw each other ever again. If anything, I don’t even think they should remember each other.
-- “I know it’s been a long time, but I have a very good memory.”
“What are you doing? I don’t even remember you’re name.”
“Wait, didn’t your name end in an “O”? I remember...”
-- We jump into this softcore scene way too fast. Kinda goes to show you how rushed this show is.
-- For a demon so powerful with standards, he seems to have no problem being submissive and letting Blitzo seduce him. Stolas is shown to be uncomfortable, continuously walking away from Blitzo when he's pursued and I'm sitting here like....you could just...stop him. Why do you keep running away from him when you can throw him out the window?? He's acting like some shy teenage girl who's about to have sex for the first time but secretly craves it and I couldn't help but cringe!! And the first time he did it was with his wife, which apparently wasn't as good. Like I said, I really don't care how drunk he was at that time. He is such an idiot.
-- These two haven’t seen or talked to each other in over twenty years, but suddenly this kinky owl is all for sleeping with him because he’s drunk and got bit in the neck. 
-- “It means so much that the one who wants me is my first-ever friend~~~”
First off, ew.... Second off, you two were never friends. You met him once, had that one playdate, and never saw each other again until now in your thirties.
-- Back in the second episode of the first season, when Stella found out about the affair, she confronted him about it and he tried to appease her and being submissive, saying that what happened with Blitzo was unexpected and making excuses, all the while being a little nervous at her rage. But in THIS episode, Stolas has the balls to rub it in Stella’s face and laugh, marking the affair as the first action of the divorce.
-- Even though he brought up said divorce, for some reason, these two are still living in the same house. Not even divorced yet!! What was the point in you laughing at her face like that if you weren’t even gonna go along with it??
-- He should’ve known that his book was stolen by the time Blitzo left! This means he should’ve realized that Blitzo only slept the night with him to take it and leave. Why are you even catching feelings for this dude?? He manipulated you twice!!!
-- Literally, screw this musical number....
-- Sings, “Was what we had all a comfortable lie?” or something like that. Basically, he’s saying, “Was your love for me all a lie?” Was it all a lie??? He certainly wasn’t playing hard-to-get, dumbass!! Blitzo was shown multiple times to be disgusted with you! He didn’t love you at all, and I’m sure you knew that!
-- Reads about Asmodean crystals. Possibly planning to give it to Blitzo so he could drop the deal. But he never does.
-- “The only reason why I put up with your constant cruelty was for that girl (Octavia) to live a normal life.”
Says the guy who had an affair and continues the affair, making the drama in his family much worse than it already was. What was the point in you two keeping up an image for Via? You already fight in front of her and that was bad enough. It should’ve been obvious to her from the get-go that you to hated each other. It doesn’t even seem like she cares at all about the divorce after this episode, so this could’ve been done a long time ago.
-- Decides NOW he wants a divorce even though it should’ve been done already.
EP 2 S2, Seeing Stars (are they even trying with these titles)
-- Makes a promise about something to his daughter and breaks it.
-- Doesn’t take the time to listen to Octavia when she’s trying to talk to him and instead wants to continue bickering with Stella over the phone like they’re a couple of middle-school ex-lovers. I mean, he could just hang up on her. He probably never even wanted to talk to her anyway.
-- “Via, can we talk about this later? Your mother is being a real B-I-T-C-H.”
-- Didn’t realize Octavia was gone until he was called about it and even somewhat blamed IMP for her taking the book and leaving instead of taking responsibility since he is the father and wasn’t paying attention to her. If I had to assume, he was probably still on the phone with Stella at the time and only decided to hang up because Blitzo was calling him, not when his daughter is trying to grab his attention.
-- Has the ability to turn into a human, but is useless without his book when it comes to other magic which sounds like total bullsh*t. He can turn people into stone, make portals, use telekinesis, fly, and turn into a giant bird demon. All WITHOUT a grimoire. He even says he can’t remember a spell for turning other demons into a human, but didn’t he say “I have a very good memory.” back in episode 6? Stolas is only useless when the plot wants him to be.
-- The entire episode, he spends more time with Blitzo and helping him with his issues instead of trying to look for his daughter. She had the possibility of getting into danger, but he’s more concerned with his friend with benefits and what he got going on? Some father.....
-- Is back... to flirting... with Blitzo. Clearly, he didn’t learn a damn thing in the last season. What exactly was he even singing about in the last episode?? They didn’t even talk anything out after the whole Ozzie’s incident!! And of course, the writers are gonna have Blitzo get all flustered and gain feelings for Stolas because they and the fans want this ship to happen soo badly.
-- When Blitzo is in danger, what’s the one thing the powerful demon prince does to save him?
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-- Decides NOW to continue looking for Octavia?? Literally, f*ck off!
-- Octavia is forced to forgive Stolas despite his selfish behavior for the second time. Because neglecting your daughter, whether it be for your ex-lover or your walking booty call, is just very forgiving.
-- Screw this happy a** ending...
That’s pretty much the gist of why I think Stolas is a terrible character and why I hate him. I haven’t forgotten the recent episode that was just uploaded a couple of days ago. Believe me, that will be saved for another post I’ll be making soon.
So yeah, Stolas is a terrible character, a terrible person, and a terrible father. I don’t care how innocent or pitiful Viv or Adam make him out to be. At this point, all they’re doing is making excuses for his actions, making every other character around him terrible to make him look good, and forcing the Stolitz ship to happen without any progress or build-up. And God forbid Stolas is ever reprimanded for his actions! If he does, the writers will just butcher that in a way where Stolas is the victim and making him feel all bad for himself while not taking responsibility. Is this enough for you, anon???? I hope so, cuz at this point, it’s enough said.
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imagionationstation · 7 months
HI i’m shy but i found your page yesterday and i think your fanfiction and analysis’ are so cool and intriguing!! I mean i read your fanfiction before but i didn’t know you were active here too 🥹 I have 2 questions!!
What are your thoughts on the Creeping Doom episode? Personally I love the episode for the concept and fun moments they gave us but I wish there was more to it somehow? Or that it was more consistent.. I’m not good with words but I’m curious to hear what you think!
I also noticed on one of your posts you said Raph only calls Donnie/Mikey little brother. I never heard him call Donnie that though :( I was wondering if you remember the clip or episode that happened in? That’d make my heart so happy to see hehehe
Thank you for your time bro 🫶🫶🫶
Thank you!! My fanfics and my analysis are my pride and joy so that really means a lot to hear!
I try to drop reminders that I exist in other places whenever I can but (just like with answering asks) I’m really bad at it. Love when people can make connections between my accounts. I do my best to boost 2012tmnt content with every click of a key and get a rush of dopamine when someone can access everything I have to offer!
What are my thoughts on the Creeping Doom ep? Do you have time for an essay or two? Cauuussseee-
Alright. Alright. I’ll keep this… relatively short.
I’m an episode skipper for shows I have little interest in. I don’t normally care about watching them from first season to final season. I just like tasting the random content and putting puzzle pieces of plot together. It makes it more interesting.
So, I know I watched a couple of episodes of 2012TMNT before I watched The Creeping Doom, but it was the first episode that really stood out to me. It essentially made me go, “Omgee, he’s such a sweet, bright little guy- I must learn everything about him.”
Everything about this episode is a wonderful mix of painfully cringe, strangely adorable, and very thought provoking. YEAH. You heard me. It makes me feel things AND have wise thoughts.
It’s the little things that get me. This episode spoke volumes and still does after my many, many rewatches.
FOR EXAMPLE: The brothers always immediately supporting him/assisting him/leading him around like a lost puppy?
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(Mikey throwing him is the highlight of his part in this episode, ngl.)
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Even BEFORE they know that something is definitely wrong with his brain, they’re supporting him through his off behavior/headache.
Also him pausing to catch Leo and then keeping his unsteady brother upright later on is some prime brotherly content <3<3
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You can FEEL how tense he is at the beginning of this ep. He’s been carrying this tension- this weight- all season. So much is on his shoulders and he knows he’s running out of time. When he snaps at Mikey, he offers unheeded in vocal hints of I’m busy plz stop being distracting by adding in comment like, “Don’t mess with that! I’m trying to figure out how to reverse engineer this brain worm.”
He’s not even telling him to get out! He’s slightly open to conversation. He’s just trying to communicate that he’s really distracting, but the message isn’t getting across. (And it’s so relatable. He’s not TRYING to be a jerk. He’s trying to stay cool. And I don’t know how many of the show’s audience have little siblings, but when you’re struggling and they’re loud, that only makes things worse. You love them but can’t they let you think?!)
He STRESSED. And rightfully so.
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The second that the memory loss kicks in and he forgets everything scary/daunting/concerning happening around him- he’s such a happy and carefree teen. Zero problems. Zero concerns.
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NOTHING that he’s doing comes off as weird or abnormal to him. He finds joy in fire and french fries and tinkling vials and ‘squirrels’ and naming things and rediscovering his brothers. He loves doing random things to get his older brother’s attention, anything from shoving metal objects in his mouth to stealing their masks. This is probably the most joy we see for a LONG time and it’s all so PURE.
And he GENUINELY does NOT understand why his brothers are calling him out for being odd. He’s just vibing all ep.
He can’t remember why they left him behind, so, OBVIOUSLY, he needs to go find them- and that random spotlight in the alleyway was NEAT and he found REAL above-ground fires and squirrels. Didn’t they want the ShellRaiser to stop anyway?
He was helping! What’s the big deal? Silly brothers.
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And on the same card, there’s a subtle sort of angst. Watching Donnie slowly descends into a dependent child without truly understanding what’s happening to him. Every time that he remembers that he forgot something, a confused fear entered his tone. He knows it’s wrong but he can’t understand why.
His head hurts and his hand itches and he thinks he might be spacey but how is any of that connected and since when did Creep get free and what are they all doing on the surface anyway, and, wait, are they fighting- is that the Creep how did he get free?!
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And that fact that he keeps asking the same questions gets me every time. He’s so oblivious and that’s terrifying. He’s used to knowing everything but every thought is slipping through his fingers.
Then we reach the point where he can’t even muster the curiosity to wonder if his brother repeatedly saying something’s wrong with him is weird. He’s just going with it. Any chance they may have had to figure this out is now long gone.
And the multiple references to the fact that they can’t do much without Donnie make me wish this realization would have gone somewhere. The potential of Donnie giggling and playing while his brothers watch their world crash down would have been PERFECT.
It would be SUCH A CONTRAST to Good Genes! Instead of losing him to an angry, vengeful beast that is nothing like him, they’re essentially losing Donnie to himself. This is their brother, no question about it, and they have to watch him deteriorate before their eyes.
Holy Chalupa, I can TASTE that angst. It’s drilling at my soul.
But, sadly, I’ll just have to take what I can get. This type of scenario will simply live rent free in my brain. Along with other ones like this definitely canon scene that’s definitely scripted definitely.
Uh. There was another thing.
I don’t know what episode it’s from. I went looking for the quote in my favorites but didn’t find it. Don’t really have enough hours to scan every season. Of course, I would have sworn that Mikey has never said “Don” in the 2012 series a few months ago, and he totally surprised me by saying it in Newtralized. So.
I could be wrong. I can hear his voice saying it clearly in my head like many quotes, but I’m a writer, so that could just be my brain playing tricks on me.
I believe that I am right, but if proven otherwise, I will concede to my incorrect assumptions. Silly trickster brain O’mine.
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sophaeros · 5 days
love your blog, if possible could I get an Albert and Jules lore dump? I read your other post but I am hungry for more context (and sources)
omg hii glad u like it here !! 😋 umm ok i can try to do like a rough little timeline w notable moments maybe? whatever comes to mind lol
in err 1991 i believe when julian was 13 he got sent to that one swiss boarding school to curb his alcoholism (did not work clearly) and a while later 11 year-old albert also arrived. julian stayed for two years and albert stayed for six months. julian had this to say about their meeting SNIFFLES. theyre never beating the soulmate allegations i fear
How did you become friends at first? Julian: Two of us arrived in a private school in Switzerland. I felt I had nothing in common with the others. They were so different from people I knew in New York, they were obsessed by clothes Haut Couture. I missed New York so much, it’s really a part of my soul. Meeting Albert was a relief. At last, someone with whom I could talk. There was immediately something, a feeling of complementarity. We talked a lot of music, of our band plans. We gave ourselves 2 years to create a band or to bury this dream. After 2 years, we gave ourselves 2 more years, (laugh).
— the strokes for les inrockuptibles, march 2002 (x)
after albert moved back to la he and julian lost touch until 1998 when albert moved to new york at 18 to go to film school and find himself or whatever. and of course they have the most red string of fate ass second meeting oh my god it makes my stomach hurt. I COULD LITERALLY SEE HIM FROM MY WINDOW. why arent they in a stupid hallmark movie romcom COME ON
“When I first came to New York,” marvels Hammond, resplendent in red and black winklepickers, “the way things happened to me, it was like there was someone… doing it. I moved into my apartment, it was directly across the street from where Julian worked. Like, what are the odds? I could literally see him from my window.”
— albert hammond jr for q magazine, april 2002 (x)
and so albert becomes the final member of the band, completing the set ❤️ (the talk, 2013)
Albert, did you have to try out to be in The Strokes? Yeah. I remember when I met everyone. I met Julian first, then Nikolai, got really drunk one night, and then I went to go try out, even though Julian told me later that in his mind I was already in the band. How come? I was an okay player, I could play chords and stuff, but I looked awesome. (Laughs) I just looked like there was only one thing I could do: be in a band.
albert and julian lived together for seven years from 1998 to 2005 when julian got married, they had two apartments together and the first one is the most well known, it's the dumbbell shaped one. idk about the layout of the second unforch
ehhh scrubbing ahead a bit. julian wasn't there for albert's intervention in 2009 because he was on his solo tour
but happily in 2013 we get albert releasing his comeback ep through julian's label cult records (and then he leaves cult records in 2015. c'est la vie.) (nme september 2013)
“I’d been talking to Julian about wanting to release something on his label since he started it,” Hammond Jr explains. “He was like, ‘Let’s put out a song’. So I went, ‘Alright, I’ll start working with Gus [Oberg] and maybe after we do a few songs there’ll be one that’s fun in there.’ I sent him the first, ‘Cooker Ship’, and he was floored. I got an email back with a million ‘yes’-es on it!”
speaking of which. i've posted this before but SIGHHHH (the talk 2013) that song is for his fucking then-gf justyna. (well, most likely. i dont think hes ever outright stated who he wrote it for but the mv is pretty domestic (for the most part......) and theres a bit where theyre kinda dancing in the living room which is one of the things albert told an interviewer he and justyna did a lot → vice june 2015 but of course i suppose you never know)
Kind of like The Strokes’ song “You Only Live Once”… Julian wrote that. I’m in the band, but I still take his lyrics like a fan would. You always relate lyrics to yourself, and I even do that with him even though he is one of my friends and we lived together when he was writing it. God knows what they were truly about. But it came full circle when he was over listening to “St. Justice” from my new solo EP. It was really cute, he was like, “Is this lyric about me?” And I was like, “…no, man.” It really wasn’t, but it was a good circle because I’ve felt that way about so many of his lyrics. When we got in the band, Julian had such a vision, he was just a strong writer, so the first three records are all his.
and then there's. whatever the fuck is up with one way trigger. i'll make a post about that swear
ending this post here i think bc otherwise i'm never gonna post this SORRY. i'll try to think of more but the tragedy of julian/albert is that it's actually really hard to find fuel for them. unlike milex where they're apparently physically incapable of not being all over and waxing poetic about each other. but then what you Do get is kinda crazy. such is life
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ivory-lamps · 2 months
A08: ep. 2 What you have
Characters: Yodaka Location: Hama Summary: Yodaka feels a “certain way” about his trifling everyday life while closing up the bar. Proofreader: Shay
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍 Location: Ten Nights’ Dream Bar – flashback
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Yodaka: I wonder if the rain has stopped yet.
Yun Yun: Oh~ Yeah, I wonder if it has.
Yodaka: There’s no way to tell when there are no windows.
Chou un: According to the weather report, it should stop raining in about 30 minutes.
Yodaka: That’s amazing, Chou un. I didn’t know you could do that.
Chou un: I can, Yodaka-dono.
Yun Yun: What’re you talking about? Chou un is a state-of-the-art pet robot. You’re the only one who’s using Chou un as a music player, Yodaka-san.
Yodaka: I’ll also ask Chou un about the weather next time.
Chou un: …As you wish.
Yun Yun: But… oh. So that’s why there aren’t that many customers today.
Yodaka: Let’s close up for the day. Could you turn off the signboard outside?
Yun Yun: Gotcha.
Chou un: Yodaka-dono. What should I do about the music?
Yodaka: Could you leave it playing in the background?
Chou un: As you wish.
Yun Yun: Alright, time to wrap things up for the day… Oh, right! I forgot the wallpaper in the bathroom was peeling.
Yodaka: I’ll place an order with the supplier tomorrow morning.
Yun Yun: Thanks. Oh, there’s this too… The freezer’s falling apart so don’t you think it’s time we got a new one? It’s been here since you’ve bought the place so it’s life has come to an end~
Yodaka: I see, that’s unfortunate. I was rather fond of it but I should get a new one before it hinders our work.
Yun Yun: Yaay~! Actually, I knew this was gonna happen so I checked out a few commercial freezers beforehand. Boy, aren’t I great at my job~♪
Yodaka: Right. Well done.
Yun Yun: Here, look at this! There’s this one and that one. There are freezers which come with a function to make pure ice, too! Isn’t that amazing!? We can make ice cubes without having to order them!
Yodaka: Hmm.
Yun Yun: Oh, you’re looking at the prices and hesitating, aren’t you?
Yodaka: Well, yes, I suppose.
Yun Yun: Do you remember the conversation from the other day? What happened to it?
Yodaka: Hm? What conversation?
Yun Yun: I’m talking about the hotshot beauty president’s offer~
Yodaka: Oh… that.
Yun Yun: She really took a liking to you and the bar, and she was really enthusiastic about turning it into a franchise!
You’d be getting quite a lot of capital if you partnered up with a president of that calibre~ Where will the second Ten Nights’ Dream be built!?
Yodaka: It won’t be built anywhere. I turned her down, of course.
Yun Yun: Huh!? Are you for real?
Yodaka: Of course.
Yun Yun: Heeeeeey, you can’t be serious!? Well, I guess I did see this coming!
Oh, my God, what a waste~! That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~!
Yodaka: ……
Yun Yun: And that lady was a real beauty, too. She had hearts in her eyes everytime she looked at you.
She definitely fancied you! You could’ve ended up as a golddigger, you know?
Yodaka: Golddigger?
Yun Yun: Yeah, someone who marries into wealth and power~! It’s my dream~
Yodaka: This is the first I’ve heard of it.
Yun Yun; Geez… If we became a franchise, then there will be more stores, we could hire more skilled ladies and then maybe one day things might get nice and cozy~…
Between me and her, of course.
Yodaka: Haha. I know.
Yun Yun: Then I’d be in harem heaven. And there would be no doubt you’d be rich, too~
I was this close to living a totally happy life…! Geez, why did you have to turn her down, Yodaka-san, you big idiot!
Yodaka: ……
“To be content with what you have.”
Yun Yun: Content? Like the contents of a book?
Yodaka: It’s a wise saying by Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, one of the three religions of China.
Yun Yun: Oh… Never heard of him.
Yodaka: “A contented mind is a perpetual feast.” It means that those who have experienced contentment always feel enriched and happy.
The key is to be content without being too greedy. I think that proverb is completely true.
Yun Yun: Maan, there’s no point in preaching that to this generation like some old grandpa~
Having a lot of money is definitely gonna make you happy, and having a girlfriend is way better than being single.
So how about it? Am I wrong?
Yodaka: Putting dating aside… That director mentioned that having all the money in the world doesn’t make you happy.
Yun Yun: What!?
Yodaka: I’ve met a lot of directors through this bar and we do dine together at times, but all of them share more or less the same opinion.
It was great at the halfway point. But once their annual income surpassed a certain amount, they realised they couldn’t find happiness with their total assets – their many worries that stem from how effectively those assets are managed weigh heavily on them.
Yun Yun: Huh~ Now that’s a concern a commoner would never have.
So you’re saying it’s better to stop at a moderate amount of annual income?
And it’s your ulterior motive to brainwash me into thinking I should do the same!?
Yodaka: Haha, no, that’s not what I meant. I’ll buy a new freezer but let’s continue ordering our ice cubes from our usual supplier.
Yun Yun: Alright…
Well, I knew you had a taste for the subdued ever since you chose this store.
Yodaka: ……
Speaking of which, are you happy right now?
Yun Yun: What?
Yodaka: Closing up the bar. Time that flows slowly. A bar that’s riddled with peeling wallpaper and worn-out equipment.
A quiet night. The moon goes out to greet the sun.
Famous jazz recordings playing in the background. …Chatting with an amiable friend.
Yun Yun: ……
Yodaka: This small bar and the days I spent peacefully working alongside you are my greatest happiness but… how about you?
Yun Yun: Well… I guess.
Aren’t you cheating by putting it that way~?
…I guess I am, if you’re asking.
Yodaka: Thank goodness. I’m relieved you feel the same way.
Yun Yun: Sigh… Geez, you and your natural seduction…
Chou un: …Yodaka-dono. Are you sure you don’t want me to be of more use to you?
If you installed the latest update and added the parts from the expansion package, I would become human sized and would be able to serve customers. Are you happy with my current version?
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Yodaka: Yeah. You’re more than enough – thank you.
Yun Yun: Human sized would be pretty scary…
Yodaka: Let’s update tomorrow’s playlist.
Chou un: As you wish. Yodaka-dono, what tracks would you prefer?
Yodaka: Tomorrow… let’s see.
Create a playlist that can make a worrywart bartender feel incredibly happy.
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stitchdfox · 1 year
Eddie is on tour pt 2
“I haven’t even thought about him once this week,” Eddie lies as he stacks their home designed shirts on the table.
Jeff rolls his eyes. “I know you, Munson. Let’s recap. You’ve talked to this guy once, haven’t even text him because you’re in your head, and you’ve been agonizing over calling him again since the second you hung up the phone nights ago.”
Eddie lets out a low snarl.
“That means I’m right.” A smug grin peeks at the corner of Jeff’s lips. “You’ve not stopped thinking about him.”
Whatever. Maybe Jeff was right. Eddie didn’t know the rules with something like this. Should he text? Should he call? If he calls, what time would be okay to call? It’s not like he could guess when he’d be free. Plus, time lost all meaning on tour. It had been 5 days and almost 500 miles on the road between shows.
Tonight Eddie was on merch duty. He is the most engaging one out of the guys. They usually put him there because he brought in the most profit. It was easy for him to talk. He chats with a girl who was terribly interested in how the band started.
“We did a talent show together in middle school. We didn’t win but we did a blood bond ritual that night so we are stuck together forever.” He shoots her a devilish grin and she gives a nervous chuckle. “Only kidding. These guys—“ his phone lights up. It’s Steve.
“Excuse me,” he nods at his phone as he picks it up. He takes a deep breath before he answers. “Hello?”
“Hey Eddie!” Steve sounds excited he picked up. “I am so sorry I didn’t call sooner. “
Eddie smiles “it’s okay.”
“I swear I wanted to call—“
“Steve, it’s okay!” Eddie takes the cash from the girl as she walks off with a copy of their EP.
“Okay.” He gives a soft chuckle.
“Hope it wasn’t a beautiful girl who kept you away.” Eddie teases, causing his heart to drop into his stomach. Sure it had been on his mind since they first talked but—
“Nah, man. I was at camp this week with the kids and we had negative amounts of service. I wanted to call. I did!”
“And Robin kept giving me shit about it and—“
“Maybe she was right—“
Steve goes quiet. “Yeah?”
“I’m glad you called.”
“Cool. Alright. Yeah.”
Steve sighs.
“Couple questions though.” Eddie grins.
“You have kids?” His voice catches in his throat.
“Ah. No. It’s kind of complicated.” Steve sounds more relaxed so Eddie urges him on.
“Do tell.”
“I used to babysit them. I know, weird. They are all wonderful little brats, as much as I’d like to strangle them. They’re growing up too fast and this is our last summer together before they head off to college.”
“That’s… not what I expected.” Eddie says more to himself than anyone else. He’s startled as the next band starts up, loudly presenting their set.
“Shit. You’re still at the show!” Steve hollers through the phone.
“Time zones, man. I can call you back—“ Eddie is cut off as Jeff joins him at the table. He makes a lewd gesture at Eddie, knowing full well he’s on a call with Steve.
Eddie waves him off as Steve’s call drops. He sighs, a bit defeated. Jeff pokes at his shoulder making kissy noises. He ignores him and pushes him away as his phone vibrates in his hand.
Steve: call me tonight if you want. I’ll be up late. :)
Jeff peers over Eddie’s shoulder and reads the text. “Eddie and Steve, sitting in a treeee.”
Eddie elbows him in the stomach.
“Shut it, man. I don’t even know if he’s into guys! He mentioned a girl named Robin. Could be his girlfriend.”
“I’m not convinced.” Jeff shrugs. “He called you tonight. That text has a smiley face on it. He doesn’t have a girlfriend. And if he does, and he’s doing that,” he points to Eddie’s phone. “Then you don’t want any part of it.”
Eddie has to agree with him there. Before his thoughts run away from him he spots another patron eyeing their table and waves to her.
Jeff leans in, “guess that’s for future Eddie to worry about, huh?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and readies for his performance.
“Fair maiden. Can I interest you in our wares?” Eddie sweeps his hands in front of him to present their small selection of merch. She steps forward and smiles as she points to a hand designed shirt.
He makes mental notes of the things he wanted to ask Steve. Need to figure out who this guy was and how did he have such a hold over him already? All Eddie knew was that he was completely taken with him.
Cross posting from my Twitter fandom account.
Part 1 here.
Part 3 soon. You can catch up on Twitter if you don’t wanna wait!
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xerith-42 · 9 months
yo yo could i perhaps have a crumb of your rewritten storyline for s2 ep 95? luv ur stuff
I always love people describing art in a fandom as crumbs. Makes me think I'm sitting on a park bench throwing out crumbs and bird feed to the local crows but instead of food I'm just tossing out pieces of paper with my inane ramblings about block people on them.
This is a segment of my rewrite of Season 2 Episode 95, titled Fool of a Muse. Said rewrite is the one with my oc Haven in it, so she's there because she's one of Laurance's emotional pillars, and I change Aph's name to Irena because I like fucking with her. I actually re-rewrote this scene a few weeks back to include some of the original dialogue to prove that aspects of the scene could work given the right context.
Fool of a Muse
Laurance tried to keep his head straight, but it simply wasn’t possible. Not there. Not while hearing her speak of secrets of the deceased. The voices of the calling were always louder when reminded of death, and staying in a tomb was practically asking them to start acting up. He left in order to get some space to clear his head, walking towards the beaches, hoping the ocean waves would drown out the sound.
Instead he found the opposite of what he wanted. Standing on the sands was Irena, a hand over her stomach, who turned at the sound of Laurance approaching. Clutched in her other hand was Aaron’s bandanna. The voices only got louder at the reminder and the sight of their target.
“Laurance? Is everything alright?” She asked softly. Laurance stepped back, which only worsened her concern.
“I-I’m fine,” He lied. Irena simply laughed, turning around to admire the sunset again.
“You don’t have to lie to me Laurance, I know that look.”
“You needn’t worry about my well being.” Laurance finally stepped closer to her, standing at her side and hesitating at the urge to try and hold one of her hands. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m doing… alright.”
“Now who’s lying?” Irena chuckled a little bit, and Irene help him if that wasn’t one of the most assuring sounds Laurance had heard. Even if it was shaky, she could still laugh.
“What makes you say that?”
“Dante told Garroth about what happened to you the other day. And Garroth couldn’t help but tell me.” Irena sighed, tucking the bandanna into her pocket.
“I told him to keep that between us. It was just an imp playing a trick on me.”
“Why are you trying to hide from me?”
“I’m not—”
“Yes you are.”
“I just don’t want to talk about it. Not while the wound is still fresh.”
“You know that Dante told Garroth because he’s your guard, and that’s why Garroth told me. It’s our sworn duty to take care of and protect you. We can’t do that if you refuse to tell us what’s happening.”
“I wasn’t going to keep it from you for long. This is a security issue on our island that would be brought to light in due time. I just… I needed time to process what I saw.”
“You mean who you saw.” Irena let out a sigh.
“Why did you run?” Laurance turned away.
“You know why.”
“I want to hear it from you.”
“Irena, I… I couldn’t be around you like that. The calling never ends, not in my waking hours. If I had seen the way you were immediately after his passing, I don’t know if I would have been able to hold myself back.”
“Are you sure that’s what this is?” Laurance finally looked to his side and saw Irena’s pitiful expression. They were alone. She was weak. He could just do it now.
“I told you, I’m not your problem to worry about.”
“I'm going to worry regardless. I know you aren’t proud of it, but you are prone to jealousy. I just want to ensure that’s not what this is.” Laurance looked away as his hands clenched into fists. Why was she pushing this?
“And what if it was?” Irena went silent. “Look, I’ll never pretend I understood Aaron, or why he did any of what he did. And I didn’t trust him entirely either, not after he hid he was the Lord of Falcon Claw from us.”
“Laurance, it’s not that simple—”
“What I want to know is why you cared so deeply for him. What made him so special he was worthy of your love?”
“I-I don’t want to talk about that.”
“Well I do.”
“Laurance, regardless of my feelings, he proved himself trustworthy to us. Remember when you turned? He saved my life without killing you.” Laurance held back rapidly growing tears.
“And I’m ashamed he had to do such a thing. But you’re avoiding the question.”
“Maybe it’s a question I don’t want to answer.” Irena’s continued refusal had Laurance already losing his patience. The voices had enough too.
“Why not?!”
“Laurance!” Garroth suddenly snapped. “That’s enough.”
“Stay out of this!” Laurance suddenly roared, his head jerking so he could snarl at the intervening guard. Irena moved back when she saw the flash of red in his eyes.
“It’s not our place to question her on personal matters.”
“Don’t pretend like you aren’t upset over this too.”
“I’m only upset I couldn’t protect my lord adequately. You should be grateful you have the opportunity, not throwing it away over your jealousy.”
“You weren’t here, Garroth! You didn’t see the way he acted around her!”
“I only wish I could have been. He made the ultimate sacrifice for her, and in turn did the same for me. You should understand that. You were lucky enough to come back from it.” Too far and Garroth knew it, but there was nothing he could do now. Anger flowed through Laurance faster than he could keep up with, the voices of the calling louder than his own thoughts. Garroth was right, he was taking this too far, he knew that, but he couldn’t stop himself.
“Don’t speak as if you understand the hell I’ve been through! The hell I went through just to get back to her! I’m here now so why care about him?!” Laurance’s eyes flashed back to their normal state, but by the time regret came to his expression, the damage was already done.
With those words, Haven finally moved from where she’d been watching the conversation, racing forward until she was a step away from Laurance, before slapping him across the face. Irena groaned, nearly falling over which made Garroth rush to her side while Laurance stood there in shock. When he finally could hear his own thoughts over the voices, he saw the tears building up in Havens eyes.
“Would you listen to yourself?!” Haven nearly screamed. “Would you think of saying the same thing if I had followed through?! If I had used my own life to break the realm barrier either of the two times I almost did it, would you be stupid enough to be enraged with someone for grieving over me?!”
“Y-You’re different–” Laurance couldn’t even fully remember what he said.
“Am I?! Aaron loved Irena the same way you love me! Would you accept someone yelling at you for mourning my death?!” Laurance opened his mouth, but closed it after a second. Then he noticed Haven’s hand on the handle of her sword, her sheath undone. “Whether you realize it or not, your selfish words have begun to harm Lord Irena. If you continue to do harm to my lord, I will not hesitate to strike you down.”
“Irena, you need some rest,” Garroth insisted as she groaned again. She just nodded, letting Garroth half pick her up and carry her over to her home.
“Will you stand down, or are you finally going to fight me?” Haven could see the battle in Laurance’s features. Streaks of red flashed through his eyes, and his pupils had begun to shake. There was a clear conflict about what the hell to feel and how to act on it. It went against his nature to wish harm on Haven, let alone Irena, but the calling was almost jumping at this chance. The voices in his head started to demand it.
But he couldn’t. Laurance’s shoulders slumped, and he stepped away from Haven, his humanity clearly winning. Haven still didn’t remove her hand from the handle of her sword, not until Laurance finally fell to his knee, tossing his sword aside, and hanging his head in shame.
“If you see it fit to punish me, do it now,” He insisted. “I have acted shamelessly, and allowed my emotions to cloud my judgment. Only a fool would ask for forgiveness, yet I throw myself at your feet to beg for it.” Haven sighed, finally buttoning up her sheath and taking her hands off of her sword.
“I will grant you what you ask, but in exchange you must promise me something.”
“I need you to promise me that you won’t keep running away from how the calling making you feel.”
“Haven, I didn’t run today, and look what happened.”
“And look at how Irena didn’t even have the strength to yell at you to leave. Your Lord is in frail condition, both emotionally and physically.”
“The calling will tempt me.”
“And if you ran from it, she could die without you there to protect her.” Laurance groaned at the thought of it, something that clearly ran through his mind every day he was away from them, and Haven knew it. She knew Laurance frustratingly well. “And if Irena were to fall, not only would the grief of losing her begin to take hold of your mind, the calling would latch onto me next. Would you really risk that happening?”
“I would fall on my own sword before I ever considered hurting you.”
“Well you’re no good to me dead.” Haven glanced down at him. “Pick your head up.” Laurance raised his head to look at Haven, and she saw nothing but love and oh-so-human fear in those beautiful eyes of his. “I want you to promise me you won’t run from this. And if you do, know that I will follow after you.”
“I didn’t before, remember?”
“And I told you–”
“I don’t care what you told me! Laurance–” Haven rolled her eyes and groaned as she tried to formulate the best way to word this to him. “Look, I know you guards struggle to understand this, but the people you’re protecting care about you. Even if you’re willing to go to ridiculous lengths to protect us, we’re willing to go to the same lengths to ensure you don’t die in the process.”
“Seems like an exhausting thing to do.”
“It is! If I were able to, I’d just stop caring about you sacrificial idiots! Unfortunately–” Haven looked down at that frustratingly charming smile of Laurance’s. He loved seeing Haven riled up and frustrated, and he was clearly enjoying the way she kept pausing to try and get through to him. They were both furiously stubborn, and he loved it. “Unfortunately, if I were in the Shadow Abyss that day, I would have thrown myself into whatever danger I had to in order to save your life.” Laurance froze for a moment, a chill going down his body.
“Haven, don’t say stuff like that.”
“What I’m trying to say is that you aren’t going to get away with this again. You can’t just keep running from the consequences. You wanna run off into danger, try to satiate yourself with isolation so you don’t want to kill somebody?! Too bad, cause I’ll be right behind you!”
“But I don’t want you to be!”
“But that’s not how the story goes.” Haven smiled as she knelt down in front of Laurance. “The poet will travel to hell and back just to get another glimpse at their muse.” Laurance sighed, finally relenting, taking his hand off of his knee and holding it out to Haven, who took it tenderly.
“And their muse will always follow, in hopes of hearing just one more note of their song.”
“So, darling muse, will you make this poet into a soldier who fights the fates for you?” Laurance looked up into Haven’s eyes, before pulling her hand closer and placing a kiss against it.
“My fabled poet, you need not do such a thing. They already fear you.” Haven giggled, before pulling Laurance into a kiss. It was slow, not about feeling particularly good, rather just about cementing in that promise. And the fact that Haven was easily the more stubborn of the two.
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ashes-in-a-meadow · 2 years
okay so i have another take for y’all but this time it’s about louis and lestat’s relationship as a whole so obviously SPOILERS
alright so i don’t feel like typing it all out again so i’ll post my ss from what i said on tiktok
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like i said in the ss, lestat sees the struggle black people go through but as a white man he doesn’t understand. to me it feels like lestat tries to show and tell louis that he doesn’t care what race he is but it comes off as “i’m color blind” and being racially color blind when you’re dating someone from a marginalized group doesn’t help your partner at all, if anything it can worsen your relationship.
lestat genuinely loves louis, we know that, but he doesn’t understand what loving louis’s blackness is.
no being black isn’t louis’s entire character but his blackness plays a major role in his character and the things that his character faces is stuff only he goes through because of his race.
lestat has seen this first hand and yet still doesn’t understand the depth that race has in louis’s life and in the way people will treat him.
lestat sees louis but he doesn’t see him wholly and that’s like louis said at the end of ep 3, why they can’t ever work together. he sees the acts louis has done(pulling the knife on his brother and killing mr.fenwick) and sees it as coming from darkness or being immoral but it was coming from the fact that black men can’t/won’t be seen as weak so louis has to prove himself to everyone around him.
in the beginning of ep 2 when louis came into the room with daniel he apologized for his “outburst” and promised it wouldn’t happen again and many people were confused as to what louis was referring to, he was referring to when he started crying at the end of ep 1. so we can see that even in 2022 louis still feels that he can’t show weakness to anyone. and in ep 3 when daniel tries to get louis to understand that the total 180 his view of lestat took from 1973 - 2022 louis gets defensive and starts demanding that he is not a victim, that he was not abused and to me it speaks volumes.
speaking of that, that’s part of the reason i felt like lestat was so very wrong for how he reacted when louis asked “aren’t i enough?” because that was one of the rare moments louis “i can’t be weak in front of anyone” du lac was trying to show his true feelings and then…he got laughed at…by the same man who told him “be all the beautiful things you are, and be them without apology”, the same man who professed his love to him in a church and whom he started to let himself love back had just laughed in his face as he was trying to figure out why lestat felt he wasn’t enough for him anymore. and then he says “don’t laugh” twice and the second time he said it his voice cracked and he sounded so hurt and embarrassed and probably felt as if he was being whiny and “girly” for even asking about antoinette in the first place. louis for the rest of the ep never voiced how he specifically felt about lestat and antoinette together and i think it’s simply because he was embarrassed by his supposed “companion in immortality” laughing in his face the second he let himself show true emotion.
so to complete this, i feel that lestat not seeing louis’s blackness as a part of him but as just something that only affected him as a human is going to be one of the major problems that lead to their downfall.
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multishipper-baby · 8 months
heyyyss !! dont know if youve talked about this before but i know you have an interest in eakoweddy and/or eakowededdy and i was wondering...
what is your vision of freddeak? (i dunno what theyre called.. sorry) i mean. i can imagine fredeak and eakwynn dynamics but i have some trouble thinking of a dynamic for freddy and eak so i wonder what YOU think of them. im really curious !!
-Vibrates- YES I can absolutely tell you about my freddeak dynamic! I have a lot of thoughts about them, both as a duo and as part of my OT3/4 madness, so I’ll try to explain all that a little. Warning: this is very long and rambly. I'm sorry if you wanted a short answer lmao.
How the ship happens
With this ship, we have a few interesting narrative points we can explore:
Eak is currently working with Owynn in his quest to find shadows, so he’s an antagonistic figure in Freddy’s life.
Eak doesn’t know Freddy has a shadow yet, and Freddy doesn’t know anything about the villains' plans, which means neither of them are aware of their antagonistic relationship yet.
Eak doesn’t actually want to work for Owynn or hurt anyone, but instead is doing it out of a desire to help Cami. This means he’s very likely to betray Owynn if given the opportunity.
So, what can we do with all this? I think it would be very interesting to explore the possibility of Freddy ultimately being the reason Eak decides to leave Owynn’s side, outing the whole plan and leading up to a victory for our heroes. It would be very poetic, I think, for Owynn to lose because someone from his team chose Freddy over him.
But how would we get there? It’s simple- like I’ve mentioned before, we know that Owynn is looking for shadows. Cami is the one who has the magic violin and her ability to control people, but in Ep. 4 Season 2, Owynn asks Eak how the search is going, which leads me to believe that he’s supposed to be doing something offscreen related to finding the shadows. As far as we know, though, Eak doesn’t have any special abilities, so… What is he doing? I like to think he’s the one keeping an eye out for rumors, trying to figure out who could have a shadow through the grapevine- looking for people who talk to themselves, or have odd mood changes, or seem to act differently depending on the day. And because of all this, it’d be easy for him to figure out something could be going on with Freddy, and decide to take a closer look. Especially if he knows Owynn has a special interest in him. So, now we have a reason for the two of them to interact. How would their dynamic work?
I think it would make sense for them to form a very casual friendship, at first- nothing exceptional, just classroom friends. Someone you hang out with at school and like alright, but aren’t close enough to actually invite to your house on the weekends or something. Eak wants to figure out what’s going on with Freddy, but he’s obviously going to look suspicious if he immediately jumps into trying to be best friends after not talking to the guy during most of their school year(s). And with their time together, there’s a chance for things to slowly take a turn.
Eak isn’t evil. He’s willing to do some evil things for the sake of the plan, but it’s clear that he isn't having fun with it the way Owynn is. The only reason he’s even helping with the plan is because he cares so much about Cami, and later, because he’s worried that things going wrong will lead to Towntrap getting hurt. He’s obviously a very loyal guy and, if he even got close to Freddy, I can imagine his loyalty would start getting in the way. So he’d be the perfect character to finally get the animatronics on the loop of what’s actually going on, hoping that they’ll be able to help him (and Cami, and Towntrap) get away from Owynn. I don’t even think Freddy would feel betrayed (although maybe he’d be a bit hurt) by Eak lying to him at first, given how understandable his situation is. I mean, who wouldn’t lie if it’s to save their friends from death? So, they can work together to defeat Owynn and have their little happily ever after.
The dynamic
Okay cool, we have a way for the characters to get close. But how would they actually interact? What kind of relationship would they have?
For starters, I think they would have a good start in the relationship, given the fact that Eak would probably know about Fred from the start- and wouldn't find that all too surprising. Eak is already informed of the shadow world, and of magic in general, so I think he'd be able to help Freddy navigate that part of himself more easily than someone who isn't as aware of it like the animatronics. Not to mention that Eak already knowing who Fred is and what he is means that there's no need for Freddy to hide or feel nervous about him, so that would be a pretty big weight off his shoulders (especially since I think Fred and Eak would get along. I ship them too, after all).
Plus I feel like Freddy deserves someone who's a little too devoted, someone fully ride or die. The animatronics are good and I like all their friendships, but Freddy is always getting dragged into weird shadow stuff and has a villain gunning for him- he needs the guy who would risk his life just to help a friend.
On Eak's side of the whole thing, I think he'd be glad to have someone a little more on his wavelength. Cami and Towntrap are polar opposites in every way- one who's very serious and another that never seems to fully grasp the seriousness of the situation. One who's cold and unfeeling and another who feels things too much. One that's smart and cunning and another who somehow fucks everything up. He loves them, but they're kind of A Lot. Having a partner who's more relaxed, more down to earth could do wonders for him. Someone needs to keep him from going insane, and Owynn definitely isn't going to do that lol.
A thing worth mentioning is how much Freddy teases Fred in Season 2, once their relationship is more friendly, and how much Eak does the same to Towntrap. They would love poking fun at each other and you can't convince me otherwise. They can be a little mean, as a treat <3
Also I have the headcanon that Freddy is touch starved and Eak is canonically very touchy. Freddy who's too shy to say he wants affection x Eak who is so comfortable holding his hand and putting his arm around his shoulders and sitting close enough to touch that he does it constantly. I want good things for Freddy, what can I say?
A tangent about my AU
If you’re not aware, I have an AU called “FHS: Farewell Despair Highschool”, which is a crossover AU with the characters of FHS inserted into the plot of Danganronpa. I’m mentioning this here because working on this AU is actually what really sold me on the ship, so I’d thought it made sense to mention how their relationship works in it. Be warned though that if you haven't played Danganronpa this part might be confusing.
Since the AU takes most of its elements from Danganronpa, I thought it'd be interesting to think about what an actual full game for the AU would be like. Because the entire thing would be completely from Freddy's point of view, all the characters will be filtered through his eyes and they'll need to interact with him for plot and character progression. So, I had to think about how Freddy's relationship would be with all the characters, and how each of those connections would develop as the game progresses and more people die.
During murder investigations, Eak and Freddy end up working together quite often- with Eak being the one that watches over the scene of the crime and examines the corpse most often due to being one of the less squeamish students, while Freddy is the main detective that ends up solving all the cases. Due to this, Eak ends up being on Freddy's side when there's conflict amongst the class, becoming somewhat loyal to him. In his eyes, despite Freddy's flaws, he's still the one that's pushing them all forward by solving the mysteries so far- which means they'd all be dead without him. This becomes especially true given that Freddy's biggest rival is Meg, someone Eak doesn't get along with.
So, our anxiety ridden and zero self-esteem Freddy now has someone on his corner. Eak isn't the only one who's supported him, of course, but by Chapter 4 most of his friends are dead, leaving only Eak and Usagi as his main companions. He feels more confident in his reasoning abilities, given that he's been able to solve everything the game throws at him so far, but emotionally he's breaking down more and more as their numbers drop. He's in need of this small support system he's made for himself more than ever before…
…and then Eak becomes one of the killers. Not to save himself, mind you, but to get rid of all of them. Eak wants them all to die, for a reason he won't specify, but that he assures him is very important. He needs to kill them all for their own good, because he cares about them so much. They need to trust him and choose death. And Freddy doesn't get it, can't understand it, so he lets Eak die to save the rest.
Except he later finds out that Eak was very much telling the truth: he tried to kill them to keep a secret so horrible, so despairing, so awful that it threatens to destroy all of the survivors mentally. But together, they manage to pull through, and find out that everything that's happened to them was only part of a simulation. Which means that they have the chance to reunite with all of the dead students… Eak included.
Now, this AU isn't about freddeak. Not only is it not canon, but it's not even the main relationship Freddy builds in it- that would probably be Freddy and Usagi, or Freddy and Chica, or Freddy and Meg. But I thought the dynamic between these two was very interesting as I examined it more deeply, and I couldn't help but enjoy it a lot. I love the idea of them becoming friends. I love the idea of Eak defending Freddy when he's too unconfident to defend himself. I love the idea of Eak's betrayal, and how it's not actually a betrayal, but an act of love towards his classmates. I love how later learning the truth about what happened reframes it almost like it was Freddy who betrayed him, by not believing in him while Eak always believed in Freddy. I love the idea of them reuniting and working through their awful trauma together. It's very detached from anything canon, but it certainly won me over.
I actually have thought more about their reunion and the “post game” storyline and all that other stuff but that also has a lot to do with a larger group dynamic and both their relationships to Owynn so we'll leave it here for now. But since I mentioned Owynn, how about we transition to…
The larger OT3 dynamic
Okay last section I promise. Now, we'll be talking about my idea for freddeak in the context of eakoweddy (Fred is there too but won't be discussed much because he's got other stuff going on and this is already getting long).
So obviously I like eakwynn and oweddy- just following me for a while will make this abundantly clear. I like a lot of Owynn ships. However, I don't think a lot of Owynn ships would be necessarily healthy. He's the villain, he looks down at others, he's willing to hurt basically every character we've met so far for his own ends… he's just not a good dude. This isn't really a problem for me, as an enjoyer of complicated and toxic relationship dynamics, but it does leave me wondering: if we wanted a ship that could redeem and help Owynn become a better person, what would that look like?
I think Freddy, on his own, would have a good shot at it… but he'd definitely struggle. Freddy, for all he tries, isn't very good at being assertive with anyone that isn't Fred. He's often pushed around or ignored by others, and Owynn is very much used to doing these things. Owynn has also shown so far that he's likely to hide away his true intentions and personality with the heroes, so we don't know how willing he is to show Freddy his true colors. Not to mention the whole “Owynn blames Freddy for some unmentioned transgression and seems weirdly obsessive about his revenge” thing. Very gay, but not very healthy.
On the other hand, there's Eak. He already knows all the worst parts about Owynn, knows all of his flaws and bad intentions. That's one of the main appeals of eakwynn for me, the idea of falling in love with someone after already seeing them at their worst. And Eak is a headstrong guy, who isn't afraid to speak his mind, even when what he wants to say is rude. If Owynn wasn't holding Cami and Towntrap over his head, Eak would definitely call him out whenever he crosses a line. However, I don't think Eak would necessarily be able to really “redeem” Owynn. I always imagined their dynamic as a more mutual thing; Eak makes Owynn a bit of a better person, but Owynn also makes Eak a little worse. See, I think Eak being a very loyal person has the chance of making him a bit of an enabler, too willing to look past the bad behavior of someone he loves and too willing to defend them when he shouldn't. He can call out Owynn when it's necessary… but he might not want to do that.
But the two of them together? I think they would balance out each other's weaknesses. Freddy keeps Eak from forgetting his morality too much. Eak makes sure Freddy is heard and not brushed aside. Freddy shows Eak the best in Owynn, and Eak helps him brace himself for the worst of Owynn. They compliment each other wonderfully.
And they can also work as each other's emotional support. Because of course not everyone is going to accept that they want to date someone that hurt them both. I imagine the animatronics, Cami and Towntrap would be far from thrilled to learn about the relationship. But with both of them dating Owynn, they can talk about him without worrying about judgment from others. They get that part of each other. Bonding over mutual bad taste in guys.
It's nice to have a crazy guy to smooch, but sometimes you want to also smooch someone less crazy. They're each other's less crazy <3 and I think that's gay.
Conclusion: Eak and Freddy should kiss.
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sidecharactersdomatter · 10 months
Thoughts I had during TGCF S1 Ep 7
-Previously on TGCF…
-Xie Lian: I didn’t mean San Lang. Ruoye: Really? Ok! *lets go of him* (Sorry I just love coming up with dialogue for Ruoye, and you’ll see more of this later in Season 2!)
-Oooh the sudden chirping during the Sandstorm music, sounded similar to the noise Gale makes in Frozen 2
-He got him!
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is shorter than San Lang people! 
-It’s like they’re fondly embracing each other…
-Don’t be sorry Xie Lian, you’re doing amazing sweetie
-Hi Fu Yao and Nan Feng!  XD
-Xie Lian: Listen better!  You’re a bad band!  Ruoye: Sorry…
-Time to wrap up this rescue!  Pun count: 7
-There’s that wind chirping noise again
-I’ve heard of a close knit unit but this is just insane!  Eyyy (I’ve been waiting to use this one in another of my fave S1 episodes). Pun count: 8
-He doesn’t have any other options Nan Feng
-A cliff!
-Well it’s good to keep everyone together
-Is that Rock Plateau also similar to the Si Won Rock the Gaang found in the same desert episode? (Another good reference, and I hope there aren’t any buzzard wasps/circle birds and weird gross cave honey)
-I wonder who’s watching out for them anyway?
-Oooh a light spell from The Owl House (It’s official, TGCF has been helping me cope with the end of The Owl House people)
-I love NF and FY’s banter so much
-Aw he was concerned for Xie Lian
-Yeah how does he know so much about the perceptors?
-Oh really…
-It is really dark
-Well that ain’t great
-There’s so many people
-There’s pissed off Nan Feng
-I almost the uncle’s name was Jeong (like Jeong Jeong from the avatar) but it’s actually Jiang
-Diplomacy wins again
-Oooh now San Lang’s skeptic
-Why does the Guide Zhao also have red eyeliner?
-Man the only kid in the caravan
-The Sandstorm hasn’t let up
-He sat on a tombstone!
-The writings in Hanzi and not Arabic
-So savage Fu Yao
-I’m learning Mandarin and even I don’t know what it says
-They’re reading together folks
-And now Tian Sheng’s curious too
-The soldiers look similar to the army in Disney’s Mulan
-Yes that is so complicated right now
-Ooooohhh That poor poor general
-Fu Yao has experience of being on the battlefield
-Aww Tian Sheng
-Tripping on your shoe laces is not how anyone would want to go out oooohhh
-Yep it’s just comical picturing that final moment
-And then they all bow to it to respect the general it’s both funny and endearing!
Yep still can’t read it
-San Lang totally said that to trick them
-Oh and the way Xie Lian called San Lang a ‘Prankster’ *Fangirls like crazy!*
-He caught the tail fwoo!
-That’s an animal that would totally fit in the Last Airbender world (I wasn’t kidding when I said this is for the Adult Last Airbender fans)
-San Lang using the cobra as a jump rope has added at least 10 years or more to my lifespan!  XD
-Thank you Fu Yao and Nan Feng
-The Sandstorm is over
-No the kind merchant uncle!!!
-He got stung!
-Oooh that’s how you stop the venom from spreading
-Oh no and 4’s an unlucky number in China
-That’s good reason alright
-No telepathic communication out in the desert
-Oh no another cobra!
-He saved San Lang!
-Oh no now Xie Lian got stung!
-Oooh San Lang ordered Ruoye to become a bandage
-(Another spell that inspires my TOH AU, including the venom sucking for healing magic!)
-He is sucking the venom out like a G!  Get yourself a man like San Lang people!
-This moment between XL and SL is so freaking sincere
-I could do an essay on why Hualian is the superior ship than Stolitz is right now, but I might end up pissing off fans that watch and defend HB’s problems, so it’ll never happen
-Xie Lian’s so brave during the venom sucking
-You know we’re all thinking what Xie Lian’s thinking about how he’s going to clean San Lang’s bloodied lips (I’ll let you share your answers in the comment section)
-And San Lang makes the snake explode like a boss
-Aw Tian Sheng’s concerned
-He’s so selfless
-And Fu Yao’s stuck with merchant sitting
-Oooh a travel montage
-Really lovely desert travel music!
-And then Fu Yao gets pissed off while the merchants sneak away!  XD
-They made it to the ruins
-Yeah he does know an awful lot
-It’s those women again
-Oooh foreshadowing with that banter
-Uh oh the woman in the black cloak spotted them
-Another cliffhanger people
I know episode 6 in Season 2 came out today, but I’m finishing my reaction compilation of Season 1 before I get to the next season ok?
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booasaur · 2 years
Hi idk if you saw but the The Nevers got moved over to Tubi and they are releasing all episodes like over the span of next week "live" lol whatever that means for tubi but they are playing the episodes that never got released!!
Kind of exciting no? Like I know the show is dead but it would be fun to watch that team one last time
What are your thoughts? Oh I also think all the episodes will be available on Roku in the future too like summer.
And another anon:
Boo, did you see that were finally getting new eps for The Nevers?!?!? New episodes will start on Tuesday feb 14 on Tubi but it sounds like they can only be watched when they’re being “streamed live” and if you don’t catch it the first time around you gotta wait until it’s “aired” again?????
What?? I mean. Wait. Lol, okay, so it's returning, yay. So soon? I'm not prepared! And it's gonna air live on a streamer??? Over a week??
Okay, Monday, THIS Monday, the 13th, it'll just start? Where's the buildup...
All right, so Monday, the 13th, it'll air the first five eps, which all already have aired:
12:39 pm ET The Nevers Ep 101 “Pilot” TV-MA
1:48 pm The Nevers Ep 102 “Exposure” TV-MA
2:53 pm The Nevers Ep 103 “Ignition” TV-MA
3:52 pm The Nevers Ep 104 “Undertaking” TV-MA
4:52 pm The Nevers Ep 105 “Hanged” TV-MA
Then on Tuesday, the 14th, great timing for this show with no promo:
1:28 pm ET The Nevers Ep 106 “True” TV-MA
2:38 pm The Nevers Ep 107 “It’s a Good Day” TV-MA
3:46 pm The Nevers Ep 108 “I Don’t Know Enough About You” TV-MA
4:47 pm The Nevers Ep 109 “Fever” TV-MA
Ep 6 also already having aired so the new eps really start at 2:38pm on Tuesday.
And then on Wednesday, the 15th, rounding off the last eps:
2:40 pm The Nevers Ep 110 “Alright, Okay, You Win” TV-MA
3:45 pm The Nevers Ep 111 “Ain’t We Got Fun” TV-MA
4:50 pm The Nevers Ep 112 “I’ll Be Seeing You” TV-MA
And if you don't catch it during these times, in the middle of the day, you'll have to wait until the next live airing? I mean... I have work. I hope someone rips them.
But no, I am grateful that they're airing at all, considering. Plus, I guess I shouldn't be too negative about Tubi, they're also putting up Genera+ion and Raised by Wolves and other stuff, better to have some home at all than lose the results of all this effort.
Oh, and thanks for letting me know, anons! I guess I gotta get ready for Pen and True!
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chuuuvi · 7 months
Chuang Asia Thailand Ep 2
More notes, more spoilers, and an updated personal top nine. Welcome to the watch-along!
•The singing battle was wild. I feel like these shows tend to have more dancers than singers but the vocal power on this show is crazy. I really liked how they each have such a different style. Mamcú deserved the win though. She brought so much soul into her performance. Blew poor Yean out of the water I’m afraid.
•Okay Ruan time! Finally! I liked the song and they performed it well. Top t-t-t-t-top killer!
•DAMN the dreamy ladies live up to their name. I’m not immune to tall intimidatingly beautiful actress women.
•What is going on?? Why are they performing a soap opera now where Mike Angelo is cheating on his wife AND girlfriend with Jackson Wang?? And another acting exercise?? AND THIS ONE ENDS UP GAY TOO? Okay they’re doing a third scene now. Is this just what the show is now? Lol the last one didn’t end up gay but Nene breaking into an emotional song as they did a dramatic slow-mo scene was pretty funny.
•Alright we got CSR! I love their music! I don’t know the members well though so I won’t give any of them particular preference. They performed Pop?Pop! and I think they were good! The show is being harsh on them though!
•Oh I was so hype when Tegan picked her own musical partner and best friend Kaylen to battle. Like yes thats good reality tv right there! I really really love Tegan’s voice too.
•Dorm time is always fun even though it’s filler. You really get to see the personalities of everybody.
•Rinka and Shye moving up to B!! Also not surprised about Mamcú and Tegan moving all the way down to F. I like them both but they’ve got work to do with dancing. Omg MINGMING! Getting from F to A on her birthday!!
•I had already seen them perform the theme song but anyway it’s fun. I like the song and the dance. Looking forward to getting into the actual competition now!
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I don’t usually think of my top nine as curating an actual group btw. Its just who I’m currently voting for :)
I won’t reintroduce the girls that were on my ranking last time but I’ll do new additions
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2. Ruan - I loved her on Girls Planet 999! I really think she’s going to debut in this show and I’m happy for her. She just got that star factor!
8. Yuan Ke - Her extra performance song was so lovely and emotional sounding which makes sense since she’s a musical theatre actor. She’s also really cute and I’m a sucker for cute.
9. Zoi - She killed it!! I was drawn to her in her group performance and then her extra performance was amazing! I think that she’s the only representative of India so it was cool to see her show her culture too.
Honorable Mentions:
Liliana Li - I’m intrigued but her cool girl vibe and her singing voice. She seems fun.
Seoyeon - out of the csr girlies I’m most interested in her. She’s so cute and I really liked how she went out of her way to help the other contestants with the theme song dance.
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aswho1estuff · 2 years
Plot overview: Who’d think my fun night of slightly illegal activity would put me right on the track to participate and against the infamous Nakamoto Yuta himself titled king of the street’s.
Ep 2. Party Dress Overview: yuta meets Betty again but outside the track.
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Yuta pov:
“Right this way please” the owner of the shop instructs us into a room “I’ll have someone in right with you” we thank her as she leaves.
I’ve been dragged along on a dress shop mission for Denise Taeyongs girlfriend which would’ve been okay if Lilly and I weren’t partnered up.
Honestly she’s weird towards Denise, me and Taeyong have talk about it with her but she says Lilly doesn’t mean it the whole experience was very emotional I felt bad, but I still think she should drop her.
“Hello I’ll be helping you today names Bethany” …..damn, it’s the girl from yesterday Betty boop.
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Bethany how fitting and always in red..don’t be jealous? cute, I’m sure jealous of that-.. “ they allow you to wear that ..shirt” Lilly exclaimed I srunch my brows laughing, she took that phrase personally “ how could anyone not be jealous when the sun gets to bask in you every day” I say leaning over the arm rest toward her I can feel taeyong and Denise laugh at me.
“Thank you” she reply’s concisely noding making her braids move with her they look adorable. “Alright let’s get started what’s the event, theme if any, and style preferences” the girls and taeyongs chatter fills the room with replies.
Bethany pov:
“What do y’all think?” Denise asks she was in the piece I’d hope she’d pick it’s dusty pink with a ballerina skirt she looked beautiful.
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“Like a fairytale, so beautiful” taeyong breaks the silence making her smile “a fairy” yuta adds in i look over to her Friend scowling that’s not happening I go behind her picking up a dress.
“Well I just think it-” turning quick I make sure to accidentally hit her with it “oh my god I’m so sorry” I usher out “ I just wanted to let you see this dress” leaning over I whisper a lil loud so yuta hears “yuta said it would look pretty on you” she snatch’s it from my hands running over to yuta yanking him with her as he sends help signals, gotcha bitch.
“Idk if I’m gonna get it” Denise reply’s walking back into the dressing room i guess she knew the answer even if that girl didn’t say it, time to bring out the big guns. “Give ‘em to her” I tell taeyong giving him the shoe box “thank you” he responds I nod.
I hope she wears em I’ve been eyeing them for month but in this moment nothing felt better than possible helping her out even if it’s just shoes.
Taeyong pov:
“Can I come in?” hearing the door unlock i open it putting the box down to hug her rubbing her back. “Denise-” “I know, i do, it’s just hard we’ve been friends for so long I feel guilty” she adds “sometimes you gotta let go of people, longevity doesn’t equal connection if it’s only one person working” I finish wiping her tears.
“What’s in the box?” she’s asks smiling now I pick them up handing them to her opening the box she gasped i peer over..wow “ they’re perfect” she exclaims jumping around “she’s got a good eye, you’ll look beautiful ” I reply hugging her again.
Yuta pov:
Finally escaping Lilly I take a stroll around the store looking for Betty boop. Turning the corner there she was raising up to fix the dress pulling her shirt showing her back ….and back dimple piercings interesting.
“They’re pretty” making her turn fast with a confused face “oh hello, yeah these are some of the prettiest dresses in the store” “I have some too” I say peering over her back “oh” she laughs out looking me over “you wanna see them?” I ask lips curling and with a usher from her hand I lift my shirt above my belly button.
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“They’re real pretty” hearing the amusement in her voice I look up to find her face plastered with a smile seemingly stoping herself from reaching over, that’s no good.
“You can-” I start before I’m cut off with a fake cough from taeyong “can I talk to her privately please?” Denise finishes laughing I move over waving to Betty and following taeyong out.
Bethany pov:
Thank gosh somebody stoped me cause I was close to jumping off the deep end ..real close.
“Me and taeyong thank you so much, and I was hoping you’d accept this invatation” that’s so sweet but I shouldn’t. Looking up from the piece of paper to meet her eyes “I-” “just think about it please, please” she responds pleading “alright I’ll think about it” I finish smiling she nods and thanks me leaving.
Well a lil party wouldn’t be that bad, it cant hurt anybody.
<— Ep. 1 wheels or wigs
Ep. 3 ->
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weirdlyfitting · 1 year
Alright we’re 3 eps in and i had my thots on secret invasion so far (spoiler alert for the new ep tho)
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I think i have to rewatch the whole stuff (from ep 1) all over again???? i feel a bit weird with nick fury in here ngl, since the first ep he looked so “out of character”. maria was right like he’d be hundreds step ahead from his enemies, he’s that guy who always knew what to do when the situation is hopeless or really tight, but he’s not that guy anymore. and i mean these are all understandable because the whole blip ptsd effect thingy.
He’s not ready but it seems that he felt like he is in which made himself lying about it, it’s the whole “action speaks louder than words”. Maria noticed this fortunately and that’s why we got the heart to heart talk between them, BUT unfortunately fury was “too late” and resulting maria being dead. ps : i hate gravik so fucking much in that scene it gave me abby from tlou vibes lmao
then came ep 2 where fury continues to lost and lost so much more, not only he lost maria but also talos and rhodey (even if rhodey would later get proven as a skrull still i feel like it’s going to be just the same as our rhodes? like that’s what he’d say too but idk), anyway yeah he lost literally 3 dear friends and the only allies he had so far, oh carol??? where the fuck is she huh?? but by looking at shang chi’s post credit scene?? and nick said it himself it’s HIS war so....yeah i don’t think she’ll be able to help him atm but hey who knows. So thing is nick is all alone, and yes it is truly heartbreaking to see this man kept on loosing trust and even getting fired like tf 😭😭😭😭😭
anyway in the end of the ep he went into his-surpriseeee-wife and yep i was shocked lmao but i must admit the dancing scene is not my favorite, i think it kinda killed the whole episode? this is similar to the farmhouse scene when it’s revealed that clint already had a wife and family tho lmao, but comparing to this it’s FELT SO DIFFERENT. The way nick was so chill and happy is.....weird....
it’s like as if the horrible stuff that happened to him just...didn’t happen at all. and it made me feel “itchy”, until in ep 3 there is a heart to heart talk on how disappointed his wife has been when nick disappeared tho. I’m glad that it doesn’t feel like it’s EVERYTHING IS FINE.
THENNN, comes talos in ep 3, when he attacked gravik with the frickin knife like right in the hand til it bleeds?? this made me genuinely disappointed with nick’s character treatment because goddamnit that scene alone made me care so much more to talos than nick himself 😭
what i meant is that this is a nick fury centered story, talos is more of a second lead but he’s the one that stole the show for me so far and this is not good arrghsgdhsgd
But because this is still a halfway through the whole series i feel like nick is already planned some things out it’s just the result isn’t happening now. This is also prob had to do with the slow burn pacing which i’m not very into for a story. In the end i’ll still watch it tho but yeah
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rewatching the bastard son/half bad
Ep. 2
I wanted to add pictures this time, but my screenshots turn out black and I cannot be bothered to find a way around it right now. Oh well, I’ll add the gifs I can find. 
Poor Nathan, he was just stabbed and only the next day a group of people beat him up while his sister watches. And to think that the violence in the show is toned down compared to the books. 
I did read the books like a decade ago, and if you had asked me before I watched the show, what I could remember from the books I would have said:
* Boy being locked in a dog cage outdoors
* Boy falling in love with another boy
* My heart hurting, I might have cried
Honestly, I didn’t even remember that there was magic. 
Back to the episode. 
So we see Jessica training, and she is not the best, but she’ll be fine because she’s the most evil. She doesn’t need to hit all of the targets because she’ll get into peoples heads instead.  And I mean, Hazel is a bitch, and in some ways I can appreciate Jessica’s way of getting back on her in the locker room - but when Hazel is being killed and Jessica decides to take the opportunity to fuck with her one last time, I’m pretty much reminded that this girl is disturbed. 
Meanwhile, Celia is training Nathan, with just as much success. I’m still a bit confused about her showing up in the dark while he’s running, to tell him that he looks like his father. I get that they want her to say it so that we’ll hear her back story about seeing the killings, and that her back story explains why she is being a hardass towards Nathan, but the whole showing up in the forest is a bit weird to me. It is strange how we can see her being so rough on him and still kinda like her. She’s no mother figure, that’s for sure. I mean, give the kid a new outfit at least, he almost bled out in this one a month ago. 
I think it is great to see Annalise’s giving ceremony. It is such a stark contrast to Jessica’s. She gets fancy gifts, she has lots of high status guests and even a cake. Her father pricks his finger to give her blood, instead of cutting into his wrist like Nathan’s gran did. There is no doubt that there is an elite of witches and that when Jessica tells Kieran that she had to work a lot harder than him to become a recruit, she probably wasn’t exaggerating. 
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Annalise and David. I’m kinda happy for her that she tried to move on from Nathan. I don’t think he looks weird. I still like her and her jokes. I hate him for grabbing her thigh and think it is an interesting way of introducing her powers. Trauma from the start. Oh how much easier it would be to be able to make animals talk. Personally I would have loved to have that skill. So would Annalise, she has no one else to talk to apparently, especially not about Nathan. Rats are smart though, you could probably teach them to use tiny buttons, whataboutbunny style. 
Soul... Showing his true colours. He doesn’t care that Hazel is dead at all, no reaction. He is scared that he’s about to be killed, I get that, but he kept the dark magic book for a reason. He wants to use it. He is ready to kill for the opportunity to use it. My first time viewing this, I didn’t understand what he was up to, so I didn’t quite understand yet how unhinged he already was at this point, but oh boy. More like he waited for the last of the ten to die so that he would get his chance. 
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Or did you move your son to Nathan’s school to see what would happen? 
I’m still confused about the timeline though - it seems they just skipped winter?? Or was the halloween party not a halloween party?
Alright, another episode I enjoyed a lot. I could write loads more, but I’d rather keep watching.
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