#but it’d be nice to have something consistent to do on weekends and there’s a certain bond retail coworkers form
averagemrfox · 2 months
Big news I went to the supermarket today. Everybody clap
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scaredshadowsswap · 1 year
Hey y’all, I’m cancer-free now, so I’m gonna try to get back into writing random headcanons again. Today, it’s SCP Personnel and the hobbies I think they’d have.
Clef seems like he’d be an annoyingly fast learner, which means his hobbies switch fast. One week he might be cooking, but as soon as he gets good at it, he’s gonna learn blindfolded axe throwing or something else until he gets good at that. He has a very wide skill set, especially in combat, but he can’t really stick with anything for very long. The only hobby he consistently has is movies. He watches movies and references them all the time, and hopefully you’ve seen the movie because the references convey important information. He’s also really well-read, and will make references to well known classics as well, but he usually saves those references for people he thinks are stupid and won’t understand them.
Kondraki is determined. Once he gets good at something, he wants to stick with it more and get better. Besides photography, he composes music. He played cello in high school, but doesn’t really play anything anymore and instead just writes music that he thinks would sound good. He also, on occasion, goes birdwatching. If anyone gives him shit about it, he will bash their skull in, but he finds birdwatching to be a nice thing to do, especially on a cold morning as the sun is just coming up and almost everyone is still asleep. He’ll take a cup of coffee with him and just watch the sky for a little bit before he has to go to work.
What hobbies can an immortal have? All of them! Shaw speaks almost 50 languages, plays 11 instruments, and studied astronomy for a good 20 years. However, most of their hobbies are from earlier, when being immortal still seemed cool. Nowadays, Shaw is just majorly depressed and doesn’t have the mental energy to keep doing new stuff. Thinking all the time like that gets exhausting. One thing they still like doing, though, is hosting parties. They invite whoever they damn well please on the given day, and it never gets old. Shaw knows that these people are good friends, and someday they’ll be dead, so Shaw wants as many memories with them as he can get.
Glass sometimes feels like the Foundation Staff’s punching bag, and it sucks. His way of managing his feelings is through golf. He golfs, and he is really damn good at it too. Probably could’ve won some local competitions, if he was allowed to participate. He finds it relaxing to be outside in the fresh air, and therapeutic to swing a golf club. Unfortunately, it’s hard to get permission to leave the Site and go golfing during his weekends and off-days, so he jogs when he can. He’s said he’d like to pick up tennis, but you need an opponent, and it’d be weird to play your therapist in a game of tennis.
Iceberg’s hobby is explosives, but I think he likes baking. The warm oven offsets how cold he feels, so he used to just have the oven running whenever he was home. He likes sweets and desserts, so he decided that he might as well learn how to make cookies, and it took off from there. He’s good at it, but he’s also insecure about being perceived as “doing girly stuff”, so he doesn’t usually share the things he makes with people. He’ll usually drop off a birthday cake for people on their birthdays, but he’ll say he bought it at a local bakery or something.
Gears was always fascinated by calligraphy, but it took him a really long time to get good at it. He doesn’t have time to practice hobbies like that when he’s busy running the largest Site the Foundation has. He also likes cooking, and unlike his assistant, he’s very open to sharing food. He doesn’t really express contentment through words or expressions, but he will occasionally give food he made to the people he trusts. He’d be really good at baking if he tried due to his excellent precision, but he doesn’t like things that are too sweet, so he sticks to cooking.
Strelnikov likes climbing trees and seeing if anyone notices him. To him, it’s a measure of stealth, and he likes to play a game and see how much he can learn about a person from at the top of a tree. People find this very creepy. He also can play the acoustic guitar, but he doesn’t know anything about music theory, he just kinda knows how the song is supposed to sound.
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Hi Quil! I just had a really nice weekend and I hope you enjoyed your weekend too.
Recently, I’ve been working on some of my longer story ideas, but I also had some concepts for oneshot and shorter stories to write, which I might try out. I know you have written both oneshots and longer stories, so I was curious what your thoughts were on different kinds of stories and if you had any advice for either type, especially for longer-form stories. 
Thank you!
- Amethyst
Hi Amethyst! I’ve been rather busy lately, but really soon my weekends and weeks should be very free and enjoyable! I’m about to have a summer break for the first time in four years and I’m not quite sure what to do with all that time!
I can share advice, but just keep in mind this is my experience and what works for me; if it doesn’t work for you, don’t give up, that just means what works for me doesn’t work for you. I’ve also shared general writing advice before, like here and here and here. I’m sure there’s more on my blog, the tagging system just sucks at finding things.
No one form (long or short) is better than the other; its about adequately representing and doing justice the concept. Sometimes you have a really complex idea and it would be best explored over a really long story with lots of depth and side plots, and sometimes you want to really highlight one aspect of something (of a society, a relationship, an idea, etc) and you want it to be shorter, more focused, eliminating background noise. it’s also wise to take into account what you can realistically do and how much time you have. If you’ve never written before in your life, for example, it’d probably be best to start with smaller projects.
Focusing on long-form stories, I think a huge thing is patience and consistency. The gratification and pay off for these comes much further down the line and requires a considerable amount of effort. Going into it knowing there’s a very long road ahead helps get you through the times where it feels like you’ll never get there and nothing’s happening. Things are happening, they just take time to write. There’s a lot of words and even the most prolific writer can’t knock it out all at once. It’s more reliable to write smaller amounts consistently than large amounts sporadically, in my experience.
A big one for me personally is also to have an end goal in mind. Know, at least generally, where you’re going. Long form tend to have subplots and side things happening, so keeping in mind where the story should be heading alongside that makes it more cohesive and, in my experience, you’re more likely to actually get there. When I’ve tried to write long form stories without a decided direction, I got completely off track and had to start over. Something vague like “at the end they’re going to have a fight with this person” is enough, nothing fancy, you have something to keep in mind to head towards.
Oh here’s another thing! Don’t worry about editing your first time through. Editing and revision comes later. If you’re focused on making things good and perfect before moving on, you’re going to massively hinder yourself. Writing the story through (or your chapter through), and then go back and make changes. Having the whole thing in front of you makes it easier to adjust where needed because you can see how everything interacts with each other. Sometimes the inspiration for a change you make in chapter 2 comes from something you write in chapter 20. So discard these quality standards; the point of the first draft is to get something down, that’s its only purpose; even if its the shittiest writing in the world, its better than an empty page. you can make it better later.
I’m sure I could think of more, but since I just threw multiple long linked posts at you I’ll stop here for now! If you have more specific questions I’d be happy to help however I can, though again, these are just my thoughts and experiences. At the end of it all remember why you’re writing! For fun? To express something about yourself? To reflect on something? Try to keep that in mind so you don’t make yourself hate writing when you get stuck (which is pretty much inevitable. we all run into problems at some point)
I hope this helps!
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excerptofrie · 1 year
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I had my own private studio for 3ish months but I had to cancel the contract because it was too expensive and too far a drive.
I really wanted to try doing something for myself. I wanted to have a space where I can play my drums freely without having to worry about neighbors complaining. A space to dive deeper into my creativity, no bounds. I was happy and had all these plans to make music and art in here but I had to face facts and cancel. I’m sad because I’ve never been able to have a setup where I can play my drums like this.
It’s so hard being a drummer if you don’t have the means to play everyday on an actual drumset. A whole decade of playing on and off. Sometimes I think about how much better I could’ve been if I was more consistent but I digress.
Did I mention that I had to drive 30-1hr just to get here? After a long day at work or on the weekends super early… having to make sure I was back in time to spend quality time with the wife and pets. Balance.
I had to consider the possibility that it’s just not my time right now. I’m trying my hardest to be patient but waiting 10 years is a long fucking time, and I’m not getting any younger. And it’d be nice to fulfill my needs. This is a need.
I’m less stressed out now that I don’t have to cough up the rent every month for this place and I don’t have to drive so long and far just to get to my things but it’s still hard to accept that it’s not in the cards for me (right now). Maybe it’ll happen for me someday. I’ll keep paying attention to the opportunities that come my way. I’ll keep trying to figure it out for myself. Play the game.
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daydreaameeer · 1 year
It’s been awhile since I’ve written here & I honestly couldn’t tell you if it’s a good or bad thing. I mean I’m living it up right now. I shouldn’t have anything to complain about but today has been something else. I don’t know if it’s an accumulation of everything I’ve been bottling up or what but there’s just a lot on my mind for no reason. I think the root problem of it all is that I have no space to call my own. To be completely myself & in my own. I mean I have a room but I feel like to an extent that not everything I do is private. I’m not use to it & it’s annoying. But I also know today has been the Mondayest Monday in the history of Monday’s. I was not at all ready for today & it honestly pushed me over the edge. I had a slight mental breakdown and it’s my fault. I need to use my time more wisely and stop procrastinating. But also I don’t get paid enough for all the shit I have to do, ya know. That’s also annoying. But at this point, it is what it is. I also am in a weird place with how I feel about my relationship status. I am at a point where I am tired of being single, but clearly I’m not doing anything to change that. I mean I kind of am, but not really. It’s really the idea of thinking I could be that’s probably dampening my mood. I recently slid into someone dm’s the other day not thinking too much about it and assuming it’d only last for half a day. But the attention and consistency I have received over the weekend was so filling. But I’m also conflicted that I might be breaking girl code? Like how long does girl code stay in effect? Forever? Or like 5-10 years? Lol. But then I also think that if I’m conflicted, my conscious knows that I’m in the wrong.. idk. But some insight is that we know each other, more so of each other at this point. One of my biggest insecurities is talking to ppl not knowing they don’t really know what they’re getting themselves into with my appearance. & I know. That should be the least of my problems but honestly it’s the harsh reality of the world we live in today. But it’s nice knowing that he knows me. I just wish I knew more about him in terms of whether or not we’re related. Another reason why it’s so hard to date. But idk. There’s just so much I want to talk about with someone and I feel like I can’t. But also it’s too soon to talk about so like I should chill. For some reason, I want this to work out. I want the odds to be in my favor. I feel like I’m ready to experience this part of my life. I want to experience this and dive deep whole heartedly honestly. I want this to be the beginning of something beautiful. Like is that so hard? I’m scared, I’m nervous, but I’m willing to take the chance. I have nothing to lose.
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britesparc · 1 year
Weekend Top Ten #584
Top Ten Star Trek Starships
After a week of MCU melancholy and a week of desperately trying to think of coronation scenes that weren’t “bad comedy”, today we’re going to be more optimistic, turning our gaze ever skyward beyond the farthest horizon. Today we’re going… to space!
So, Star Trek. It’s very good. It might not quite have the bombastic majesty of the other Star franchise; and despite the best efforts of some B-tier programmes and some C-tier movies, the other Star franchise probably remains a little bit cooler (you should have been here in the nineties, man; the difference back then was stark). However, Trek arguably has the gravitas and the smarts and a sense of scientific, humanistic optimism. Yeah, okay, quality has fluctuated dramatically over the years – but what long-running franchise can claim otherwise? At its core, though, Star Trek remains a really compelling vision of a future where we really do all work together with the best interests of each other at heart. When that vision is compromised or threatened, someone (quite often a bald man) comes along and gives a speech about why we should really be a little bit better, and everyone goes home happy.
I’m not really talking about that today though. Today I’m talking about spaceships.
Okay, starships, to give them their proper in-universe term of reference. I guess this differentiates them from the smaller shuttles and the like, because generally speaking these girls are huge; vast capital ships, often bristling with armaments, designed to be deep-space explorers, or the last line of defence, or just really frickin’ badass. And Star Trek, to its credit, has always had a unique and very specific sense of design; it’s really disappointing if a Trek ship ever looks like it could come from another franchise. They have distinct and easily-recognisable lines and shapes, and if something ventures outside that universal design template – like the Borg cube, say – it sticks out as being strange and uncanny. And it’s really impressive that in the sixty-year history of the franchise, they’ve consistently done a good job of keeping the ships looking great whilst sticking to the style guide. You could argue that in the post Next Gen era – and here I’m talking about things like Voyager and even the TNG movies, not just Discovery onwards – that there’s a similarity of thought that creeps in, making it harder to differentiate one ship from the next in the way that the Enterprise-D was distinct from the Enterprise-A. But on the whole they’ve kept refining and designing and coming up with new ships that look the business, whether it’s the future or the past, whether it’s Starfleet or some other nefarious space race.
So that’s what we’re celebrating here – the bestest ships in the fleet. Engage.
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Enterprise-D (Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1987): I can’t deny that in my heart of hearts I remain a Next Gen man, and this is clearly the best Enterprise. The sleek curving lines, the contours, the gorgeously round saucer section, the pleasingly chunky nacelles; it’s got everything. The best bridge, being bold and bright, with a fabulous arching console behind the comfy-looking captain’s chair. Even the walls look nice, soft and inviting, like they’re made of leather. Yeah, okay, the colour scheme is maybe a bit dated; it does have a touch of the eighties department store to it. But even before we discuss the technical capabilities, or the holodeck, or the fact the saucer section can come off, or that time the ship had a baby, or that they literally have dolphin on board… before all of that, it’d just the business.
Enterprise (Star Trek, 1966): I umm’d and ah’d for a long time over which version of, for want of a better phrase, “Kirk’s Enterprise” to include. When I think of it, really I think of the Enterprise-A, as that’s the one they receive at the end of Wrath of Khan and use throughout The Undiscovered Country; the “movie Enterprise”, if you will. But I think the bridge from the series, with its lashings of military grey and spots of primary colour, is prettier. Likewise I prefer the round nacelles and retro curves of the hull. It’s iconic, is what it is. Also, I’ve made the decision – having referenced Kirk’s ship and Picard’s – to stop listing Enterprises, otherwise the list would be half-full at least of ships bearing the number 1701.
Borg Cube (Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1988): the Borg cube is so far outside the realms of what we expect as to be deeply uncanny and scary. It’s just a great big cube in space, basically; no visible means of propulsion, no visible entrances or bridges or even weapons. Just a weird box of gubbins, lit from within by spooky Disney Villain Green. It feels alien, the way Klingon and Romulan ships don’t, really; something utterly strange and possibly dangerous. And inside it��s a warren of tiny dark corridors, sleeping drones attached to the walls, ready to come to life like the cocooned folk in Aliens and scare the bejesus out of you.
The Bounty (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, 1984): where possible here I’m going for particular, individual ships, but when we talk about the bad guys that’s often not really possible as we just see “a ship” pop up in one episode. Here, though, we can be clever, because the first appearance of a Klingon Bird of Prey is in Search for Spock; but it’s also the ship commandeered by Kirk and co. to travel back to the past in The Voyage Home. So Birds of Prey: I love their predatory design, the high wings and neck jutting out like the head of a bird. They’re sleek and fearsome but they also look fast, raptor-ish. They exemplify everything you need to know about Klingons, including their dark, utilitarian bridge. And they have a cloaking device. Refitted by Kirk’s crew, the Bounty becomes more comfortable for humans and even has space to hold two bloody big whales. What’s not to love?
Defiant (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 1994): most of these ships so far have been huge cities of the sky, but the Defiant is more Starbug than Red Dwarf. Sure, it’s fairly big – big enough for crew compartments and the like – but it’s a closer, tighter, more intimate ship, more of a souped-up shuttle. It’s got a really interesting design, with its shuttle-like nose and the typical Starfleet saucer incorporated into the body of the ship. And that’s before we get into how tough it is, a veritable battleship, and the only Federation craft with a Warp Drive. I think it is the Starbug-y nature of it that appeals to me, letting the crew go off on close-knit missions together away from their huge regular base.
Warbird (Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1988): back to the baddies for the Romulan Warbird – which, I’m reliably informed, is actually the D’deridex class of ship. It’s a huge green winged monster, dwarfing the Enterprise-D. Viewed from above, it has a rather funky bird-like silhouette, wings rising from its tail to meet its neck. However, from the side – or front – we see the swooping arches of its wings and, prominently, a huge curved face, like the art deco wall of some immense space skyscraper gracing the front of the ship. Sure, it’s got loads of badass weaponry and a cloaking device and all that jazz; but you can’t deny the Romulans knew how to make a sexy ship. Pity their sense of style didn’t spread to their tailoring.
Excelsior (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, 1984): the Enterprise, I feel, is most recognisable because of its thin sweeping neck and the struts connecting the nacelles; it feels spaced out (no pun intended), and rather elegant and swan-like. The Excelsior is a squatter, tighter ship, but no worse for it. The body is lovingly curved, but with a more-or-less flat top; and everything feels tucked together just so. For some reason its this design of ship that feels most like the movies to me, despite the core crew dicking about on two versions of the Enterprise and a Klingon ship for most of the films. Gets extra points for being captained by Sulu and having Tuvok as a bridge officer.
Reliant (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, 1982): this one’s quite simple, really. Most of the Federation ships follow a similar design to the Enterprise and Excelsior – with the saucer section sitting above the ship’s body, and the nacelles protruding upwards from the body. The Reliant kinda inverts that, with the nacelles sloping downwards from a central column above the saucer. I believe this all came about because the film required the Reliant to do battle with the Enterprise and they wanted the two ships to be easily recognisable in space; regardless, it results in a very different style of ship. Perhaps not quite as iconic as the Enterprise but still really cool, and somewhat echoed in the Cerritos from Lower Decks.
Discovery (Star Trek: Discovery, 2017): oooh, a new one. Disco is probably the only large ship from the newer series to have anything iconic about its design (sorry, Titan). It is inspired in part by some prototype Enterprise designs, and the angular look of its body – as well as the separated ring around its saucer section – really makes it stand out against other Federation ships. And that’s before we get onto its USP: the trippy spore drive, that allows to blink in and out of existence like a 750 metre-long Nightcrawler. This is coupled with a great visual effect, as the ring around the saucer spins round. It’s cool and funky and I like it, even if the whole “mycelial network” thing doesn’t make a lick of sense.
Voyager (Star Trek: Voyager, 1998): I was torn between this and the “prequel” Enterprise from the show Enterprise (the “NX-01”); I do have a fondness for those old pre-Federation designs, with the bronzed finish and everything being kinda knobbly and retro. But I plumped for Voyager, because it’s another attempt to make a Starfleet ship look a bit different. It’s flatter and longer, the “saucer” elongated into more of an egg shape. And its nacelles lift up and down as it flies, which is the closest Star Trek will ever get to being “lock S-foils into attack position” levels of cool.
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i really really appreciate my med prescriber but sometimes she does stuff where im just like. girl maybe Don’t LOL
like ok milk is really what i drink. juice and water give me heartburn and while i’m looking to fix that anyways, i also just like milk
i was drinking whole milk before and while i have switched to lowfat (and it’s not as thick lol like i do like it, i didn’t switch to smtn i don’t like), i think she wanted me to move away from milk for the most part bc it has sugar
she’s also mentioned how bad yogurt is, minus unflavored yogurt, bc of the sugar and i’m like.
girl this hasn’t made me switch to smtn “healthier,” this has just taken out a source of calories for me--someone who STILL can’t make meals consistently bc of adhd
like, yes i can make meals sometimes if i have something in mind but what abt weekends/days i don’t take adderall? what abt days i do take adderall and aren’t full enough for full meals but still need to eat smtn? what happens when i inevitably want a snack and know i struggle w really bad cravings/eating a lot of snacks?
like if i want to move towards a healthier lifestyle, not only is my main focus not leading a sedentary lifestyle/overcoming both the remnants of agoraphobia and executive dysfunction rather than my sugar intake through yogurt and milk, i’d rather want a snack and have fruit yogurt!
like making the swap of ice cream for fruity yogurt some of the time is better than forgoing fruit yogurt, eating the ice cream every time, and still not getting needed calories through milk and yogurt as opposed to just snacks
having fruit yogurt (and i also like having granola bars on hand for this purpose) around for a snack is a million times better than having like. cake and ice cream every time i want a snack. like yes i will also make time for cake and ice cream but i know what my cravings are like and if i can eat other things i also want, it’d be nice to do that!
she did make an offhand comment abt only needing 1500 calories a day and i’m like. 1 not only can u not make blanket statements abt that shit bc ppl just have so many different lifestyles and needs but like ??? 2 that is literally not my concern, rn or ever 3 i am not calorie counting bc i will have anxiety over it and/or make it some sort of game not to eat 4 it’s fucking based on if i feel i need more fucking energy during the day. if i’m hungry, i’m eating. even if it’s cravings based, i’d just sometimes swap one item for another, not even every time, bc i don’t feel able to sate it with anything but eating
plus unflavored yogurt literally tastes like puke and yeah i’ve been using it in baked goods to get the protein but like i am not eating that shit plain or cutting up my own fruit to put in it--something i don’t have the energy for anyways
like girl my concern is becoming more active, not policing my milk and yogurt intake lol
plus i just had a yogurt and went “that was nice!” like ??? i want that shit around the house stat. like again i wanna reiterate that i’m not going to not allow myself ice cream but it’d be nice to not rely on certain kinds of snacks all the time + becoming active is the most important thing
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inmoonliight · 2 years
I Love the Real You
This game has me in a chokehold, and it yanked me out of my writers block and caused me to actually write a fanfic omfg
If you haven’t please go play Error143, it’s so good!!!
Allison found herself repeatedly tapping her nails on her keyboard without actually pressing any of the buttons as she stared at the stream summary that was on one of her monitors. It’d only been about three hours since her stream had ended, but she had already wiped off the makeup she had been wearing, and also made something to eat really quickly before going into editing mode, and started getting stuff ready to posted as clips on tiktok, as well as a highlight video of the stream.
The notification noise of the messenger app was the only thing that drew her eyes away from all the analytics on the monitor that was the farthest to her right, and to the one that was farthest to her left. It was Micah. Again. He had sent her a few messages once her stream had ended, and while she talked to him for a little bit while cooking food she had gotten distracted and forgotten to reply at one point.
Micah Yujin: 
You should make a compilation of all the times you died LMAO   10:57 pm
Cause you know  10:57 pm You died A LOT  10:57 pm
Angel?  11:20 pm
You okay? 11:25 pm
A curse fell from her mouth as she quickly moved to reply to him, and a small feeling of guilt began to gnaw at her. Of course as soon as she started editing her ADD meds had been wearing off, which caused her to lose track of what she was doing. The redhead had gotten so hyper focused on editing she ended up just ignoring Micah, and she hated ignoring him. She had gotten into the habit of telling him when she was going to start editing or something so he wouldn’t start thinking she was straight up ignoring him since she had been in that position before in past relationships, and the overthinking part had driven her crazy. 
Yes! Sorry I got into editing mode ;-;  11:26 pm
My meds finally wore off  11:26 pm
Allison leaned back in her pink gaming chair as she grabbed the small pink stuffie that he had brought her when he first visited, and hugged it close. She knew he probably understood that she was focused on editing things. Micah had reassured her that it was okay, and that he wasn’t gonna take it personally, but she couldn’t help but worry. It was something she knew she needed to work on even though she had already been working on it for years. 
Micah Yujin: 
It’s okay!  11:27 pm
Did you eat enough? And did you get some water?  11:27 pm
Micah always was making sure she ate enough, and drank water after finishing any streams no matter how long they were. Even if it was for only 30 minutes. Allison couldn’t deny the tiny butterflies that it created whenever he showed her that he cared about her wellbeing. It was nice to have someone who actually cared about you after consistently having guys be utter dicks in past relationships.
She scooted her chair closer to her desk so she could still hold the stuffie she had appropriately named Relnado. It was a Friday night, so she had been planning on staying up later than usual, so she could spend the rest of the weekend relaxing. But she knew that she’d probably end up with Micah telling her to go to bed early since she had been streaming for a majority of the day.
Yes I did!  11:27 pm
And yes I’ve got my water bottle next to me  11:28 pm
Do I need to video call you to show you? :3 11:28 pm
Micah Yujin: 
Yes  11:28pm Yes you do  11:29 pm Because who knows maybe my Angel would be lying about drinking water  11:29 pm
Hey  11:29 pm
I know I’m a brat  11:29 pm
But I’m not that much of a brat 11:29 pm
A small smile crept onto Allison’s face, and she shook her head at the thought of lying to Micah. The only time she could probably lie to the man was about a present, or some form of surprise. And even then she probably would’ve been bad at it. She moved the mouse cursor over to his icon, clicking on it to start the video call. It wasn’t even 2 seconds later, and Micah had already appeared on her screen grinning at her with his usual dork grin. 
“Well hello there Angeellllll~” He said happily as he propped up his chin on the palm of his hand. 
“Hi Micahhhhh” She cooed, smiling at him while waving at him with one of Renaldo’s little arms. “Did you enjoy the stream?” She asked curiously knowing he had been watching, but had chosen to lurk since he had been working on some things while watching.
“Of course I did! When don’t I enjoy your streams?” He tilted his head. 
Allison rolled her eyes, but was still smiling. “Okay you’ve got a point.” she hummed before leaning over to grab another stuffie off her desk.
She grabbed a small Nessie stuffie from the game Apex Legends. One of the few games she streamed consistently, and did info dump onto Micah about which he happily listened to. He had even bought other versions of nessie stuffie that existed all of which sat farther on her desk, but the one she had grabbed had a special place in her heart since it had been the first piece of merch she had gotten for the game.
“Fredrick says hi,” She giggled holding up the stuffie to her webcam so Fredrick was taking up most of the camera.
“Fredrick! Hello good sir! How is the fanciest nessie doing?” Micah asked, doing a small bow, and pretending to take off a top hat and put it back on. “Hopefully well. Your presence was most welcome on stream! I do hope you got many boops, and headpats.” He smiled. 
Allison couldn’t help but giggle at the way he was talking to the small stuffie. “Many, many boops for the nessie. They are required.” She set the nessie on her head, glancing at her own reflection in the call for a moment to make sure he was centered and wasn’t going to fall off her head. “Although I was sure to get many sacrifices in Ranked for him as well,” She laughed softly.
Micah just smiled, and watched her put the small stuffie on her head. He could name so many things she did just in general that he’d always find adorable that she had no idea he thought was cute. He loved how open she was with him, after having talked about how her past relationships had gone and how she kept finding herself trying to just be what the other person wanted rather than be herself. The change in her personality wasn’t a bad thing, and seeing her get excited over things she was passionate about, and then tell him all about it was cute. 
She had started rambling about how she had felt about the ranked matches she had been in during the stream, and about how she felt like she could’ve done some things differently during the match after she had died or after they had lost at the very end. At some point though during her ramble she caught the way Micah was looking at her with lovey dovey eyes, and she just melted at it. The amount of love he was looking at her with made all the random stuff that had annoyed her during her matches on stream suddenly worth it. 
She smiled slightly having stopped her ramble before resting her chin on the top of Ranaldo looking at him with the same lovey dovey eyes. “Micah?” she said softly.
“Yes Angel?” The man in question tilted his head slightly wondering what she was wanting to say to him. 
“I love you,” she hummed still smiling. “To the moon, and back.” She studied him and grinned a little bit at the small blush that colored his cheeks.
“I love you too Angel,” He said returning the smile while still blushing. Although once he said it back Allison was blushing just as much as he was. “More than anything in the world.” 
Allison was quick to question that. “Even more then Skrunkly??” She raised an eyebrow at him, surprised that the adorable cat was not tied with her because she could not deny how cute the cat was. 
“Okay not more than Skrunkly. You’re tied with her on my love.” He chuckled at her pointing it out.
Allison grinned sitting up in her chair. “Then I’ll just have to fight Skrunkly for your love!” She grabbed the small model of Wraith’s Kunai off her desk, and held it up as if she was pretending to be the legend. “Tell her to 1v1 me on Apex,” She giggled. 
Micah laughed and Allison couldn’t help but think about how grateful she was for choosing to hack his PC in the past. Life seemed like it would’ve been much more dull if she hadn’t.
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Morning Challenge
Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut, Language.
Word Count: 1,682
A/N: This is the second time I’ve reposted this. I cannot get the format right lolz.
“Do you need a hand, baby?”
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“Five more minutes?” You begged.
“Baby, I’ve got to go.” Remus replied.
“Please?” You pressed on.
“I can’t, sweetheart.”
He looked down at your pouting face, his heart melting at the way your lower lip stuck out ever so slightly as you looked back at him through pleading eyes. It was early in the morning, around 6:00 or so. Remus usually didn’t get his day started until around 7:30, but today he had some things he wanted to get a head start on.
And you weren’t happy about it.
“Remus,” You whined; “I want you to stay.”
You refused to let him out of your death cling, which consisted of you wrapping yourself around him in a way that meant he’d have to quite literally peel you off of him. He had to admit, you were making it awfully hard to get up and go to work.
“You have work too, you know.” Remus pointed out.
“Never this early. The sun hasn’t even come up yet.” You argued back, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“It’ll start to in a few minutes.” He announced.
You grumbled, your fingers dancing along his exposed core.
“Can’t you put your grading off for at least today? Isn’t a weekend called a weekend for a reason?” You questioned.
A chuckle escaped his chest, as he peppered kisses along your neck.
“Yeah, something like that,” Remus answered; “I’ve been waiting for a special occasion to take a free Saturday.”
“Today’s a special occasion.” You claimed, shifting a little under the feeling of Remus’ facial hair scratching at your skin.
“Is it?” He acquired.
His lips nipped at certain areas on your neck, smirking at the sounds of your giggles and squirms.
“How often do we get mornings alone together where we don’t really have to be in a hurry to get anywhere?” You wondered.
“Not often. You’re not wrong about that,” Remus replied; “Are you saying I should take today off?”
You shrugged.
“It’d be nice. You and I could stay here all day...” You whispered out, taking your turn kissing his neck and jawline.
He was hesitant to give you a promise if he couldn’t afford a day off from work, even if it WAS a Saturday. Although, staying in bed all day really was tempting. You moved to crawl over on top of him, straddling his waist and continuing to layer him with kisses. Your hips grinded down against his crotch, eliciting a groan from the man. Your fingers wrapped around the waistband on his boxers, yanking them down his legs.
“Angel...don’t start something you can’t finish.” He warned, arousal beginning to flush over him as you removed your shirt from your body exposing your fully naked body to him.
You hummed out seductively, grinning at how he had gotten so hot and bothered by just a few kisses and showing your nakedness to him.
“How about this...” You purred, glancing over out the window and then looking back to Remus being sprawled out underneath you; “If I can make you cum before the sun fully comes up, then you have to take the day off.”
Remus’ hands gripped your waist to keep you from going anywhere, his brown eyes blown with lust.
“You’ve got a deal.” He murmured.
The sun had just started to peek over the horizon, so you didn’t have long before it was fully risen. You rocked your hips, dragging your sex over his dick and teasing your clit with his tip to build up your own arousal. It usually took some foreplay to get you wet and ready for him, but now you were having to put in a little effort to get where you needed to be.
You had to admit, Remus usually had your walls slick and cunt dripping with arousal within no time at all. It had been quite some time since you had to do it yourself. He watched in amusement, your desperate whimpers made his heart flutter as you tried your hardest to get yourself turned on. You were a bit out of practice when it came to self-satisfaction.
“Do you need a hand, baby?” He smirked, a snicker bubbling out of his throat.
You nodded vigorously, your hip rocking beginning to slow.
“Please.” You whined.
He obliged, wasting no time finding your clit with his fingers. You almost jolted off of him in waves of shocking pleasure if it hadn’t been for his hand holding you down. He cycled between different speeds and motions that he knew would have you pooling within only a few seconds. Your eyelashes batted as you rocked into his fingers, his deep voice sounding out.
“Such a pretty girl...” He groaned; “I’m not helping you after this, doll. If you want me to take my day off, you’re going to have to earn it.”
His words resonated with you that the goal was for you to get him to cum. Not the other way around. Although, you had a feeling you might get as lucky. You pulled his hand away just as the ecstasy fog began to cloud your head, letting you know you were good to go.
You lined yourself up and sank down onto him, drawing moans out of both of you. You had fucked him enough that you never really needed to adjust to him, but you always started out rather slow. You rolled pelvis in a slow ride, soaking his cock with your hot arousal and slickness. Remus’ head fell back onto the pillows, his hands trailing over your warm skin. He kneaded and your breasts, playing with your stimulated nipples in a way that sent sparks down your spine.
He reveled in the feeling of you slow riding him. It was secretly his favorite way to have you, despite popular belief. There was a time and place for rough, hard sex. Whereas something more sensual and slower like this was always in order. While he usually enjoyed a long, glacial fuck at the END of the day, he was preferring something a little faster to get the BEGINNING of his day started off right.
“Darling...” He implored, his tone letting you know that he wanted you to speed it up; “You’re not gonna get what you want if you keep that up.”
You nodded, shifting your movements into more of a bounce, and your speed increasing. He stretched and filled your walls perfectly, his tip hitting your g-spot every time you slammed back down onto his lap. The room was getting brighter as the sun crept higher and higher. Your skin was glowing in the warm colors of the sunrise, making you look so beautiful that it almost looked fake. He somewhat kept his original statement, keeping one hand above his head and one strictly on your waist to avoid giving you any assistance.
That didn’t stop him from verbally praising you.
“So fucking good, baby,” He mewled; “You’re such a good girl.”
Your brain couldn’t even string together a coherent sentence. The only noises coming out of you were breathy pitches and moans each time you bounced back down onto him. You were totally focused, having one goal in mind.
You were going to give him the best orgasm of his life.
He was using all of his body force to keep his hips planted on the mattress. He was fighting the urge to fuck up into you with rutted, hard thrusts. You wanted to do this on your own, and by God he was going to let you. He LOVED the feeling of being buried deep inside of you when you sank onto him. He adored filling you and making noises that he didn’t even know were possible come out of you. He didn’t think it was possible, but you started moving even faster, sending blood rushing to his head.
“You’re going to be the death of me, [Y/N].” He said, his voice strained.
“I love you so much,” You huffed, your lungs breathless; “I want to spend every morning like this...”
Remus grunted in agreement, his mind too thick with fog to verbally respond. Truth be told, Remus was trying his hardest not to cum, putting off his release until after your goal time. It wasn’t that he DIDN’T want to cum, but he thought he could tantalize you from work if he caused you to fail at your challenge.
But the way you were rocking, rotating, and wonderfully fucking him, he realized he couldn’t help himself.
His dick twitched inside your throbbing cunt, signaling that he was only a few more moments away from spilling inside of you. A throaty groan erupted from his chest as he came inside of you, filling you with every drop of his release.
Your climax hit you in a flash of white, a strangled cry falling from your lips. You came around him, your movements coming to a stop as your body went limp. You placed your hands on his lower abdomen to steady yourself, your legs trembling from the strenuous movement.
His grip on your waist loosened, and now both of his hands were caressing  softly. You took a few moments to regain yourself, before Remus’ gentle laugh brought you back to reality. You followed his gaze outside the window to see that the sun had just fully appeared above the skyline.
Perfect timing.
“A promise is a promise.” Remus grinned, his chest still heaving.
Your smile was blinding as you popped off of him, falling next to him on the mattress. You had worked him rather hard, and you were sure to give him some loving care. You littered his chest and face with kisses, happy that he was staying in with you today.
“Since you’ll be here all day, we could do that again...and again and again.” You hinted.
Remus’ dark eyes were trained on you, his cheeks flushed at the thought.
“Promise?” He asked.
You caught his lips in a searing kiss before spending all day wrapped up in his presence.
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takemealivelh · 3 years
midnight city || gang!luke
gang!luke, rival gangs, mentions of drugs, alcohol and violence. smut. 2k. part 1.
feedback is appreciated
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he wiped the blood off his knuckles. the feeling of beating the shit out of someone is a rush of adrenaline. it’s like getting high on coke, but he doesn’t deal with that shit. he’s known many people who do hard drugs and then end up in trouble, or dead. he appreciates his life so much. luke likes being the leader of the diamond forsaken. a mafia that dedicates its time to drug transactions and occasionally prostitution. luke doesn’t fuck with that either, at least not recently. he met this girl in a bar and he’s been thinking about her for over a month. they’ve been on a few dates, and the sex has been great. she has a great sense of humor and he can tell she’s got street smarts, which he likes. he couldn’t fathom the idea of being with someone who gets scared about his job.
“you good, bro?” ashton, luke’s right-hand man, looks over at the bruises and leans against the sink of the bathroom, lighting a joint. their day is done and it’s time to go party. luke beat the shit out of a dude who didn’t give them their money and he threatened to go to the police. there was no way they would let him leave the storage unit without a warning. luke choked the man and broke a few ribs. he’s used to the job. it’s not like he was always like this. he used to have big dreams about forming a band and become a good musician. but he fell into the wrong crowds, and now here he is. dealing drugs and other sketchy businesses. everyone in la who knows about their mafia, knows not to fuck with them. they would end up dead. the police don’t do anything, they know how dangerous they are.
luke dries his hands with a paper towel and runs his fingers through his golden locks. “yeah,” he says. he’s never walked out of a fight with anything more than a few bruises. he does boxing on his free time, so he knows how to throw a lethal punch, and knows how to avoid poor kicks.
“i heard the grey lilies will be there tonight. i swear to fucking god those girls... i would bang every single one of them, but... you know...”
the grey lilies were a girl gang. they dealt drugs, too. that’s why they were a rival to the diamond forsaken. they never got into a physical fight, but there were many times they were about to. having the best clients was a problem for the male gang, but at least they had more people wanting their goods. but still, luke was pissed that they had a quality over quantity problem. he’d grown accustomed to the luxurious lifestyle. a good place to live, the most delicious takeout, and fancy cars. 
“for real?” luke looks over at his friend. he hides his excitement. sure, the grey lilies were trouble. but their top dealer, jackie, was the most fascinating creature he’d ever seen. their dates had been fun, exciting, thrilling. the idea of a secret hookup with their enemy was another rush of adrenaline. one that he actually preferred, if he was being honest.
it’d all started at one of the parties. luke knew jackie, or at least he knew her face and what she did for a living. he was jealous she did so good with clients. she was charming as fuck. they didn’t mean to show up at the same place at the same time, but sometimes the gangs coincided. “did you get the dresnners?” she’d asked him as she took a seat on the stool next to him. her caramel-colored hair was in a ponytail and her eyeshadow was pastel blue. she wore ripped jeans, an oversized white t shirt, and high-heeled boots. the look suited her. she looked like the vocalist of an 80s inspired punk band.
luke scoffed. he knew what she meant. they had been fighting over the dressners for weeks and they decided to go with the grey lilies. that night, the diamond forsaken got blackout drunk. “no, but you did.” he finally said, looking down at the glass of vodka in his hand. 
“yeah,” she chuckled and ordered a beer. luke had always thought jackie was pretty interesting, but they’d never talked. not much, at least. just a few words here and there, mostly passive-aggressive shit. but the bickering was also part of the job. that night, though, that night neither felt like fighting. they were already buzzed. jackie took a swig of her beer and looked at him. “you wanna go outside? i got a joint. it’s legit shit, this.” she smiled.
it’s not like he frowned, but something among those lines happened. but fuck it, he thought. “sure. lead the way.”
they went to the terrace of the bar and lit up the joint. luke coughed a little and she laughed.  “i told you it was legit.”
luke and ashton walk into the club like the kings they are. everyone stops to look at them. but shortly, they resume their activities. which mostly consists of getting drunk and high. the two men make their way towards their usual booth. michael and calum are already there. calum’s with his girl. a black beauty who gives incredible head, his words. luke takes a seat and drinks the beer in front of him, swiftly drifting off the conversation to look around. he hasn’t seen the grey lilies, but he hopes they get here soon. bathroom sex sounds good right now.
“how was the guy?” michael asks as he throws a couple of fries into his mouth. ashton tells him that luke did a good job in silencing the motherfucker. “three ribs? man, that’s dark. but cool.” he laughs.
everyone seems to stop talking again, and luke shifts his gaze towards the door. the grey lilies have arrived. they look like a grunge band. their leader, lea, wears combat boots and net tights. but his eyes are focused on the girl whose moans keeps him up at night.  she looks gorgeous in that oversized that jacket that seems to swallow her whole, but still barely covers her ass. he wonders if he looks okay, sexy. he didn’t have time to change, and he hasn’t shaved in a few days. his motorcycle jacket has a few stains, but at least they’re not blood.
jackie finds him staring and she puts on a smirk. she pats the pocket of her jacket to let him know that she’s got weed on her. they rarely ever not get high together. that makes her wonder if this, this between luke and her, is just a side effect of the drug. but she doubts it. she actually likes him, even if she despises his friends. they all seem idiotic to her. luke notices the action of her hand and he immediately looks down at his drink. “imma go to the bathroom.” he announces, even though no one is hearing. they’re too into the story about the miami trip calum and his girl took last weekend.
luke stands up from the booth and snakes through the crowd. he catches a glimpse of jackie, who’s making her way towards her regular booth. “meet me outside in five,” he texts her. he watches her check her phone and smile down at the screen. 
“they’re gonna kill us if they see us together,” jackie says as she pulls out the joint from her pocket. she knows the grey lilies hate the diamond forsaken. they think the other gang are all egocentric assholes. she used to think that, too. but she met luke. and he’s actually a sweet guy. he’s really smart, too. the strategy they use to get more clients astounds her. but it’s nice to know that the grey lilies have the better clients.
luke watches her light up the joint and he leans against the wall outside of the club. it’s dark outside and the air is cold. there aren’t many people in the terrace, but he doubts anyone will say anything about them being together. getting high together. “then we’re just gonna have to keep it a secret.” his smile is shy, and jackie thinks he’s the most adorable man. even if he has bruises on his knuckles from probably beating up some shady guy. she passes the joint and luke takes a drag. “you wanna come to my place later? i got some cds i wanna show you.” they’re both big music nerds, and he loves that. they sit on the floor of his room, high out of their minds, and they listen to oasis, jane’s addiction and red hot chili peppers. 
“i don’t know. lea wants to do some kind of after party tonight. and i kinda want to be there.”
luke nods his head, he’s sort of disappointed, but it is what it is. he knows the gangs come first. it’s all about loyalty. that’s why he’d be fucked if anyone of the diamond forsaken members came out right now. but he knows they don’t smoke, except for calum occasionally -rarely, actually. so he’s not worried. 
“come here,” jackie smiles as she plays with the zipper of his jacket. they’re incredibly close and she can feel the smoke coming out from luke’s mouth. she kisses him softly, licking his bottom lip. with eyes closed, luke feels stars bursting inside his lungs. he really likes her. “give me that,” she orders and he hands her the joint.
they keep smoking until there’s nothing left and they stare into each other’s eyes. jackie isn’t one to maintain eye contact, but she feels safe with luke. even if he’s forbidden fruit.
the men's bathroom is empty. they had to sneak in so the others couldn’t see them. luke made an excuse about going to the bar to get more drinks even if the counter was crammed. jackie said she was going out for a smoke. it’s all hands and sloppy kisses as they lock the door of one of the stalls. luke bites his lower lip as his back is pressed to the white door and jackie drops to her knees. “you gonna make me feel good?”
“imma make you feel so good, baby,” she grins and unzips his pants. he’s already hard from all the making out in the terrace. so it’s not surprise that his cock springs up as soon as his briefs are pulled down to his thighs. jackie licks the tip and he shudders. he’s gotten a fair amount of blowjobs in his life. the first one from one girl that attended his school and she thought he was going to be a musician one day. but nothing compares to jackie’s mouth. her tongue slides down his length and he closes his eyes, letting out a shaky breath. she’s ecstatic that she can make him squirm in front of her. she likes being in control, even if it doesn’t always happen. luke can be pretty dominant in the bedroom. taking her from behind roughly and choking her. jackie puts his cock in her mouth and she starts bobbing her head to the rhythm of the loud bass coming from the other side of the bathroom door. luke appreciates the little detail. his senses are heightened and it feels like she’s one more instrument adding to the song.
“fuck,” he curses under his breath as he feels the tip of his dick hit her throat. she takes him in so good. she’s an angel. luke looks down and he sees her eyes staring up at him, a subtle smirk on her lips. “you’re- you’re-” he’s trying to say something but his brain doesn’t work. the pleasure is too intense. he hits his head against the door and closes his eyes once again. he’s about to cum. exactly at the same time he hears someone come into the bathroom. fuck. “stop, stop,” he whispers to jackie and cups her face to get her off his dick. she looks through the slit of the door and sees someone she recognizes washing their hands.
“shit,” she mouths. “michael.”
if you wanna be added to my tag list pls let me know!
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Hey it’s me again 😂, I’m here to say I’m a firm believer that bakugo is passive aggressive and jealous when he likes someone, so if they were to go on a date with someone other than him (even tho it’s just to test the water with said person they don’t actually like them) you know damn well he’s getting the bakusquad the follow you around and making sure you don’t have a good time which of course would piss you off and he’d just yell at you that you don’t deserve such a loser like that guy.
Thank you for always putting up with my random spews of crazed bakugo Ideas
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pls im so sorry it took me so long to answer this, but ur so right,,, also, ahahaha tumblr put a contENT ADVISORY WARNING over that gif for me and i thought that was sO funny . hope u enjoy @kits-mania
- he 100% is passive aggressive about it. like, he’ll ask you something along the lines of “what’re you even doing this weekend, dumbass? bet it’s something stupid.” bc he’s annoying.
-then u’ll like “no. actually. i have a date, thank you very much. asshole.” 
- and after that it’s nothing but sass from him. just constant commentary the second you talk about anything even remotely related to your date. bc he’s immature and jealous obvi
-when the weekend finally arrives and you actually go on your date, bakugou makes a plan. a stupid plan that consists of him and his friends going to the mall at exactly the same time you and your date were. 
-pls n the way he has to defend his actions to his friends is unbelievably funny. kiri’ll be like “you’re asking me? us? to hang out with you? finally, dude! this is gonna be so great! i always knew you’d come around!” so ofc bakugou cringes and just “god, shut the fuck up shitty hair. i’m not doing this garbage for you or me so keep your nose out of it and just do what I say.” after that bakugou realizes how big of a corner he’d backed himself into with that comment bc then denki catches the conversation and just needles relentlessly like “oh? not for us or you? who’s it for? huh, kacchan?” 
(pray for denki. that’s it. that’s the only thing that can help him.)
- so, the day of, bakugou doesn’t yell at any of his friends to be quiet like he normally would. pls, denki n mina are carrying on about clothes together, loudly making a happy scene about accessories, n he just stands there. smirks when you and your date walk in and immediately notice the two of them
-ofc u then walk over and say hi, bc you’re polite. and bc u couldn’t miss those two loud people even if u tried,, n by that point bakugou’s already won
-kiri and sero see you, say hi, and probably then introduce themselves to your date. n they’re such nice guys ofc ur date likes them and feels comfortable. when they invite you and your date to hang out with them nobody says no. bc they’re sweethearts n it’d be like kicking a puppy
-ofc this was bakugou’s plan all along. he knew his friends would want to make a new friend and somehow rope you and your date into hanging out with them. he knows be he was the first victim of the bakusquad’s charisma. after all, bakugou’s an asshole, but he’s a tactical asshole and he knows how to manipulate a situation damn near perfectly
-so then the rest of your date is spent laughing and hanging out with the bakusquad. 
- pls at some point you start to realize it, probably around the time where bakugou keeps challenging your date to arcade games and sending him/her off to get drinks when they inevitably lose. so u look at him like “what the hell? stop? i want them to like me?”
- n by that point he’s fed up. he’s glad he interrupted your date but also tired of seeing somebody make googly-eyes over you
- so that’s when he goes “they’re a fuckin’ loser Y/N. i mean it. it’s true- they lost to  me like 4 times today already. that shit’s pathetic. you should date a winner.” 
-u better figure out what he means by that bc that’s all he’ll say. that’s the closest to a confession you’ll ever get lmao
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the-black-birb · 4 years
ahh hi ! congrats on 600 omg, that’s such an amazing milestone !! do u think I could get some first time nsfw hcs for kuroo, oiwawa and kageyama? like it’s their s/o’s first time aha, I think I worded that kinda weird I’m sorry alsklssn
Mmm i love first time stories bc they can be dorky and cute!! Nsfw warning <3 also sorry these are very long
Kuroo Tetsurou
Before your relationship, Kuroo has had one other serious partner so he kind of knows the drill
When you to started getting really heated with your make outs and you told him you were a virgin he was completely cool with that! He wanted to make sure the two of you took your time so you'd never feel uncomfortable
You two do plenty of things before sex. You give him handjobs, he eats you out, you help each other get relief
But you haven't gone all the way yet, until the night after a comp
You didn't know if it was the adrenaline rush of winning that had him pumped, or the way he looked playing that had you shifting in your seat, but you two were all over each other
Nekoma was staying at a hotel, the boys were rooming in groups of three. Somehow kuroo convinced yaku and kai to stay with the 2nd years so you and him could have alone time (he has to take them for ramen to make up for it)
Neither of you expected it to escalate. You were all over each other, you straddling his waist and his hands flush over your skin, pushing your shirt up
But you were certain this would just end when you got too nervous about the boys one room away from you
Wrong. Absolutely wrong.
You were grinding against him hard, breaths shallow, getting lost in the heat of the moment
"I-" you choked out in between breaths. "I want you inside me."
Kuroo stopped to stare at you. "Are you sure? Y'know the guys are right there-"
"We'll just be quiet then," you cut him off with a kiss.
Kuroo wasted no time in shedding his clothes, you followed suit
It was only then you realized you'd never seen him fully naked before. You'd gotten him off, but usally his pants stayed on (or at least his shirt did)
Kuroo in his naked glory. Wooh. That was a lot to take in. And the way his eyes looked at you, drinking you up, you felt heat pooling in your core
Ever the gentleman, Kuroo wanted to prep you first (he was impressive). He uses his fingers, making sure to stretch you out nicely
Probably makes you orgasm just on his fingers so he can tease you about it later
And the whole time he's doing it you've got your hands clamped tightly over your mouth, trying to keep quiet. Kuroo delighted in the way your chest heaved and your neck tensed as you swallowed back moans
Once your prepped, he asks you one more time if you're certain you want to lose your virginity at a hotel in the middle of nowhere with his teammates on the other side.
You do, and he wastes no time in entering you (he had condoms with him just in case something like this happened)
He enters you slowly, giving you time to adjust
He likes sex rough and fast, but he knows right know is about you. Once he bottoms out and knows your good, he rocks himself back and forth slowly and gently
His cock is long, so even his little motions have you convulsing with pleasure
But as soon as you adjust, Kuroo starts to speed up. He can't help it, his patience and self control is thin
He's bucking into you fast when you come, but he's focused on riding out his own orgasm
There isn't much he can do for aftercare without the two of you being found out, so he just texts Yaku asking if they'd be able to stay in the 2nd years room for longer than planned
Yaku is like "yeah we can all tell you were going at it please shut up"
No one questions why you're limping the next day
Oikawa Tooru
I don't think Oikawa sleeps around, but he's definitely had a fuck buddy or two, as well as exclusive relationships
Safe to say, he's far more experienced out of the two of you
You're a little intimidated by it, but he assures you he wants nothing more than to treat you right
So with Oikawa you have to tell him when you're ready to have sex
When you do, he plans everything out. Gets his parents out of the house, sets the mood with candles and incense and everything and spoils you silly
Oikawa is a switch, but he likes to be a whiney sub. That being said, you need him right now and he intends to show you how much he can help
Is absolutely a giver. Worships your body, doesn't leave a single inch of skin un-kissed
His lips are all over you, your neck and breasts and stomach and thighs- everywhere
He doesn't leave marks (yet) because he wants to be loving and caring and for you to remeber your first time sweetly
When he finally sees you starting to relax under his touch and loosen up, he starts pressing kisses closer and closer to your core
Eats you out, and he is damn good at it. Eats you out like your pussy is the last meal he'll get to eat and, damn, he is trying to savor it
When you've come for the second time and you're whiney and needy, cheeks wet with tears, only then will he finally fuck you
Probably has flavored condoms, idk why i just need to include that
Oikawa has incredible self control, so he takes his pace incredibly slow. He's pushing into you slowly, and when he's finally all the way in his thrusts are long
The feeling of him inside you lingers, even as he backs away, and has you gasping for more
But even as you're cumming around his cock and squeezing him so damn well he doesn't waver
He keeps his pace slow and consistent, so much so you're going crazy
Praises you as he does it. "You're taking me so well, baby." "You feel so good, love." His words fill you with just as much pleasure as his actions
Doesn't make much noise until he finally comes, at which point he just lets out a low grumble. Frankly, it's uncharacteristic of him but he's doing all he can to keep the attention on you
King of aftercare. Runs you a bath, massages your muslces, and keeps asking you if you're alright
"Was that okay? Are you tired?" He's so insistent you're rolling your eyes
"I dunno, Tooru, I think we'll have to try again to make sure," you say lazily, still tired out from the multiple orgasms he ripped from you
Oikawa just smiles, running an arm up and down your side. "Let's rest for now, love. We can go again in the morning."
You hold him to his word.
Kageyama Tobio
Listen if you havent had sex yet, Kageyama definitely hasn't either
So you're both virgins, you're both clueless, and it ends up being kind of funny
Unlike Oikawa and Kuroo who both know to have a conversation before sex you and Kags are both flustered and confused
It was a pretty typical weekend, your parents weren't home so Kags came over to watch a movie. The two of you got into a heated makeout (again, fairly typical at this point) and as you were adjusting how you were sitting, kags hands tight around your waist and yours flush over his neck, you accidentally push onto his crotch
And Kageyama groans. Loudly. As in, he throws his headback and lets out a noise from the bottom of his chest
You freeze. He's never done that before. Soon, you notice the growing erection in his pants and you, very much a virgin, have no idea what to do
So the two of you sit there in silence, staring at each other, neither of you sure how to talk about this
"Should we-" "Did you-"
"I mean-" "we could-"
Finally you've had enough and you burst, going "are we about to have sex?"
And Kageyama is sitting there, straining against his pants like, "um, if you want?" bc he doesn't know how to explain exactly how eager he is although it's certainly almost obvious
"D-do you have condoms?"
Of course not. Neither of you were prepared for this. But if there's a day to lose your virginity, you'd much rather it be a weekend that your parents are out and you can take all the time you want
So you rush to the newest corner store to pick up condoms (but you're embarassed so you buy a bunch of snacks and sneak them in) and leave Kageyama sitting in your bed, with an erection
And Kags is there sitting there thinking "just wait for her to come back, she'll be back soon. Just distract yourself" and he tries to put the movie back on or think about volleyball or anything to calm his raging boner but then he thinks about you again and it all comes crashing back down
By the time you get back to your house, he's red and sweating all over and damn his pants are straining around his cock (he's a grower)
And you'd like to do everything you can to help him, really, but you're still absolutely confident so you walk into the room and go "uh, I've got condoms?"
And Kags is trying not to touch himself before you got there but as soon as he sees you he's feral
"Fuck [Y/N] come here-" and he's pulling you on top of him and ravishing you with his lips
As much as Kags wants to dominate you, he's feeling awfully needy right now so you end up doing all the work, stripping both of you of your clothes while Kageyama admires you and lays kisses all over your collarbone and chest
Finally you get to the underwear and you look at him one last time, settled between his thighs with your face dangerously close to his crotch and go "are you sure, Tobio?" with your big doe eyes
Kageyama thought he was about to cream himself in his boxers right there
He didn't, though, instead insisting you just get on with it and you did, popping out his cock (wincing, slightly, because you've never been this close to a penis and damn they're kinda...ugly...) and rolling a condom onto it
The first condom tore bc you didn't know what you were doing but fortunately you had a whole box to spare
And finally (Kags cannot stress this enough: finally) the both of you are ready (you haven't done much foreplay bc neither of you realized that's an option)
You end up riding him bc Kageyama just wants relief and he's gotten choked up with how hard he's gotten
And while it'd be magnificent to say the penetration was euphoric and you felt yourself fill up so well, it's also unrealistic
You just feel weird with something lodged between your legs. You're not really sure how it's supposed to feel so you just start moving
As it starts to feel good, Kags is bucking up into you at the same time and, fuck, it's just starting to get good-
And Kags cums. It's over way too fast and you've barely even gotten any pleasure but what did you expect?
Kageyama wants to apologize for not being better (even as he's sweating, hair plastered to his forehead and breath shallow and fuck thats hot) but you're just rubbing soothing circles over his shoulders
"It's fine, baby, we'll just have to practice more."
Well, he won't mind that
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adachicuto · 3 years
last of summer with ptg
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a/n: you and ptg enjoying the last of summer and getting ready for fall. used ‘cute’ too many times but it’s impossible not to.
warnings: food mentions
- [jinho]: so sweet. nice little talks in the morning while brushing your teeth together. you’d take turns making breakfast each day and you’d be so excited to see what he’d make. would definitely put his love into his cooking and breakfast would be one of the many highlights of your day.i’d like to think that he’d have a reading list of a few books that he’d want to read during the summer. so, lots of reading on the back patio together but you wouldn’t be able to read all that much bc the focused look on his face would be too cute.
- [hui]: very exciting. he’d sing to wake you up and tell you what he’d have planned for the day. you’d be the couple that goes to amusement parks and would be more excited that the actual kids but it’s okay. and even though you’d expect to wait a long time in line, all hui would have to do is show his beautiful smile and you’d be at the front of the line. he’d insist on trying all of the food and would feed you and remind you to drink water. once the weather would start to change, he’d always fix you tea during the day and right before bed and he’d make sure you’d get enough of rest.
- [hongseok]: chill and sweet. sipping iced coffee and occasionally trying each other’s drinks but his americano would be too bitter for you. he’d probably sneak a photo of your reaction to add to his camera roll which would be 80% pictures of you. lots of goofy singing and dancing around the kitchen when you’d cook together and he’d always ask you to taste test something. a few gym dates here and there but they’d just consist of you keeping your jaw off the floor. going shopping for warmer clothes. resting in a hammock together and he’d absentmindedly kiss your cheeks as you’d both enjoy the finally cool breeze.
- [shinwon]: cute and easygoing. coming up with any and every excuse to take naps but neither of you would complain since the heat would leave you both feeling drained. going grocery shopping together and he’d get a little pouty if it’d take a while to get your things but would get so excited when he’d realize the ingredients would be for his favorite meal. concerts every night before bed and they’d start out a little wild but he’d attempt to sing you to sleep but he’d knock out before you. so, you’d whisper sweet things and place kisses all over his face as he’d sleepily pull you closer to him.
- [changgu/yeo one]: soothing and so sweet. lots of picnics at the park or the beach. even on the floor in your living room if it’s too hot to go out and it would be the cutest, most relaxing picnic ever. giggling like little kids when it rains and you’d both think about going out to play in it but then he’d realize that you could get sick. he’d make up for it by getting your favorite snacks and cuddling on the sofa with you while you’d talk about any and everything as the rain would continue to fall.would help you pack away your summer clothes to get ready for fall. he’d definitely give you a few (a lot) of his sweaters and hoodies to wear once it’d get cooler.
- [yanan]: he’d wake up and check the time in the morning with the intention of starting the day early but you’d pull him back to bed and he’d happily cuddle you. if he’d have enough time off, he’d like to take you to china and would show you all of his favorite places growing up and he’d get a little shy a few times. helping changgu set up for brunch on the weekends to catch up with everyone and hear all of their funny stories. as the days would get colder, he’d make sure that you’d be warm enough by getting you scarves and beanies. the change in weather would also mean that he could hold you closer at night, a sweet shy smile on his face.
- [yuto]: cute cute. he’d also like going to the park whenever the weather was okay and he’d have a little fan club of cute little kids that he’d play baseball with. they’d even wait for the two of you sometimes and it’d be so cute how excited they’d be to see him. he’d plan cute little breakfast or lunch dates whenever he’d have time and you’d both enjoy yourselves. sleeping in on the weekends and meeting up at changgu’s for brunch with the others. whenever he’s working, he’d always call and remind you to stay hydrated and you’d do the same for him and you’d hear the other boys teasing him in the background about him blushing.
- [hyunggu/kino]: busy but fun. he’d love to go to dance workshops with you even if you aren’t that much of a dancer. it would just be nice to spend more time with you when he wouldn’t be so focused on his schedule. unfortunately, he’d still have to get work done but he’d make it fun and would bring you with him every chance he got but only if you were okay with it. coming to a mutual agreement that going to the beach when it’s slightly cloudy is the way to go bc less heat. resting your head on his lap and you both listen to the crashing of the waves. just enjoying each other’s company and the last of summer.
- [wooseok]: so cute and domestic. only going out unless it’s necessary and when you do he’d make sure you’d have spf on and a bottle of water. staying up all night to watch anime and play video games. cooking together with the ac and fans blasting. he’d probably have to place you on the counter so he wouldn’t step on you as he’d run around the kitchen and you’d add things to the dish. he’d lean over every once in a while to kiss you and he’d probably forget about the food for a minute. watching the sunset everyday from your apartment balcony with his arms around your waist.
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pontevoix · 2 years
mitsuki & katsuki bakugo
family relationship: a familified version of this post  sent by @ignicraft​
how does cooking meals work for them?
it doesn’t. jk lmao okay so food is pretty important within the bakugou household. it’s an easier priority to maintain than mealtime itself since schedules are pretty hectic, but —- they can all cook. mitsuki claimed herself as head chef immediately on moving in with masaru —- she used to work in a restaurant, & she enjoys cooking. being able to do something consistent in the kitchen made her feel like she could do something in the home that makes it home. mitsuki cooks most nights, masaru takes two nights or so a week, & they make large batches so they can pack the remnants for lunch. cooking takes time, & so they’ll be damned if they don’t make the food last.
that said, mitsuki & katsuki’s cooking has gone through . . . evolutions.
of course, when katsuki was young, he either was (supposed to be) in her eyesight or in the kitchen with her, stealing pieces of diced tomato or eventually cutting vegetables. she wanted him to be involved in the cooking process —- this is one of the few things she felt pretty confidently passionate about when it came to setting up a routine for her child. she wanted to be his parent, to provide for him by cooking . . . but to have him learn the responsibility & attention that goes into food. they exchange recipes periodically as he gets older —- via text or whatever. she let him try new spices in the foods they made.
katsuki got older. he sometimes helps with food preparation, but he likes independence too much — periodically he says that it’d be easier if he just made the whole damn meal. mitsuki lets him & gets distracted by her work. she doesn’t notice when this becomes a little more ritual. even so, she thinks it’s probably good for him. mitsuki usually tries to make cooking more of a scheduled chore for katsuki when it’s a weekend or holiday. that aside - when it’s her birthday or masaru’s or an anniversary, katsuki cooks & he almost pretends it’s coincidence —-
katsuki got older. he stayed in the u.a. dorms. when he comes home, she refuses to let him cook. she needs to keep being his mother in some way, & there is something nice about having someone cook for you. even so . . . she still gets him to help with meal prep.
who spams the other with memes?
lmao neither katsuki would rather not be in a deep dive texting exchange with his mother, & in turn ? mitsuki isn’t much of a texter. she usually calls him & leaves voicemails if she needs to. katsuki keeps his phone on vibrate most of the time, so it works out. that being said, if katsuki does find a meme that applied to their relationship, he’ll show it to her in person. otherwise, he doesn’t show it to her at all unless he is feeling particularly nostalgic. mitsuki usually opts to show memes in person, but she does text them when he lives away.
that being said, neither of them texts memes about things that they like. they just text memes that are “quiet” digs at the other.
how does tidying the house work in their family?
out of any of them, masaru enjoys tidying the most —- even so, he tidies out of habit & katsuki joins him. granted, masaru cleans like he’s meditating ( he listens to an audiobook while he cleans ), & katsuki cleans like he’s on a mission to do it all. mitsuki does clean, but she does more of the chores that accumulate over time —- laundry, closets, bookshelves, the bathroom, the kitchen. she deepcleans biweekly with a fervor & sheds in the meantime.
mitsuki thinks as she moves — she drops her jacket at the first available chair, her purse at the kitchen counter, & her keys in the bedroom. elements of her carry from room to room. traces of her are unavoidable in the bakugou household. when masaru & katsuki tidy, they pick up after her. she picks up after them with deepcleaning & sometimes laughing conversations about how
i’ve never seen you wear this shirt. we should toss it. i knew it was ugly when _____ gave it to you.
who plays pranks?
honestly, mitsuki “pranks” her son when she dooms him to doing things with her or when she subjects him to watching acts of affection with his father. nothing drastic, but in the first case — she’ll tell him she needs him to go to a networking event or or meet with ____ in the morning . . . but then she won’t push it or make it happen. she has no problem lying to make excuses for her son if she needs to. that being said, it’s a “type” of prank to bid your son to help you do things like…paint the walls every now and then too.
as for the last bit, again — it’s nothing drastic. if she needs to have a conversation with masaru about something katsuki doesn’t need to overhear, she’ll kiss her husband or lean on him or hold his hand so obviously that katsuki will call them gross &
leave them alone. very predictable, mitsuki thinks.
what is their relationship to living in the same space? who asks to live with the other at any given point?
mitsuki gave the vehement okay for him to leave, to go to the dorms at u.a. ( for a lot of reasons ) —- but she asked katsuki to stay at home for a while once he graduated. she phrased it as though it were conditioned on his figuring out the job he had lined up & where it was, but it’s an odd thing ( in retrospect ) to lose a part of your son’s childhood —-
not that all of the u.a. experience could be called childhood. but dorming there was the safer choice, & she gave him permission to live that life but it feels
different to give the okay on your child’s being an adult. she wants him home when she can manage it discreetly. she doesn’t think he’ll choose to be there long otherwise. unless he does ?
in the midst of mitsuki’s motherhood & masaru’s fatherhood, they refused to discuss any duty katsuki has to them as they age. especially in the midst of his hero career, it’s unlikely that they’ll live with him again. it seems impractical to imagine, but
mitsuki worries more than masaru how she will live when she is older, if she is not as strong as she would like.
who is in charge of the music during a car ride?
for once, katsuki has full control. mitsuki drives when they are in the car ( without negotiation ), but they have an aux chord & katsuki commandeers it. he plays his music loud & proud in the car of family that already knows what he listens to. granted, mitsuki interjects often with making a face that essentially says you’re making me listen to this song again? or ‘ no. shit no —- skip this one ‘ or i’m tolerating this one. as your mother. or ‘ wait, wait. play that song by ____ next. i like that one. ‘ every now & again she tries to tell katsuki to play a certain song, which is a bit of a frustrating experience because mitsuki never remembers the correct name of the song. this results in a lot of trial and error.
they don’t sing along in the car together. nothing like that. but they do listen together, & katsuki chooses the songs.
who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?
that stopped when katsuki was four. they sometimes wind up poking fingers into the other’s ribs to make a point / to nudge the other out of the way / to bicker. but they aren’t ticklish, & in their terms - ‘ they don’t do that shit. ‘
how do they feel about scary movies?
mitsuki is unimpressed. when he is younger, katsuki goes through phases where he likes horror movies & then doesn’t & then mostly just gets stuck in this place where ( he wouldn’t admit it ) he gets a little hopeful at the prospect of a move being scary enough to be fun but that he can show off being able to stomach with ease. katsuki gets older, & he’s not as much a stranger to fear. he starts to be unimpressed by horror movies. they aren’t scary, but . . . katsuki & mitsuki will still watch them together sometimes because katsuki complains about some of the movies his mother watches —- for some reason, she gets really into suspenseful dramas. legal dramas are a big favorite, & mitsuki can’t explain why. or she’ll like movies about fictional cold cases or whatever.
for all of his protesting, mitsuki thinks that her son prefers simpler movies — action, superhero films, blockbusters with fight scenes he can laugh at. she’ll watch these movies with him, & she’ll get a little bored, but she’s there.
who has to help the other when it comes to technology?
okay, it’s not so much that mitsuki needs help with technology. neither does masaru, for that matter — they’re both very fluent in the softwares they need for work, the world of email, the world of platforms like slack. they can do the whole technology thing. & they know a little about social media - it’s imperative for some publicity, so they’ve got a shared instagram whose content is mostly work related. neither mitsuki or masaru really post any personal information or pictures —- it’s not their type of thing. but occasionally a landscape or cityscape picture might wind up being posted if they’re seeing something neat.
meanwhile, mitsuki knows very little about her son’s relationship to social media & actually ? she trusts him not to do anything too stupid on social media . . . partially because she knows he’s a private person. but with that being said, she also really may be able to navigate social media a bit easier than her son. whether this applies to other technologies ? unknown !
but what’s the point of aging if you can’t shout at your son from across the house to come help her on the computer ? & by help . . . she means that katsuki can update her computer for her &/or upload some pictures because she doesn’t really want to do it. she knows how to, but . . .
do they have conflicts in public or inappropriate settings?
so I put this question in here to shout out that one scene; but I don’t think that either of them goes into a public setting & expects to start throwing verbal hands & I also think the one scene in the bakugou home is probably not representative — mostly because it was after a traumatic situation, it was inside the home, & it was with teachers. that whole scene requires a whole lot of breakdown that goes past the scope of this post, but i wanted to mention it as a disclaimer before i say that
at social gatherings or a restaurants, it’s a mixed bag.
they get caught in loud whispered conversations in a corner where mitsuki tries to tell off katsuki for looking like someone dumped cold water on him & katsuki tries to tell off mitsuki for (if it’s a social gathering) being a bit fake or (at a family thing) commandeering the conversation. they heckle each other & cast disrespects that leave them both in a sour mood —- & if either mitsuki or katsuki are in a rough mood, it kinda . . . radiates from them. company can tell.
sometimes they start telling each other off, & somehow they wind up amusing other rather than taking offense. blowing steam at one another bizarrely makes the social gathering a little more bearable, & she concludes their faux argument with a light swat upside the head & the comment, ‘ don’t be cheeky. ‘
they’re literally fine. they’re used to each other, they’re not feral, they’re not incensed about every time the other breathes — they can handle doing things. that’s life.
who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?
when katsuki was younger (very young), he was that kid that woke up before the crack of chicken dawn & if he was awake? you had to be awake. mitsuki & coffee got along together very well in his early childhood; she & masaru scrambled through adrenaline-infused exhaustion to try to get katsuki’s breakfast together, to get him down from the counter, to try & listen to the news, & to keep him entertained. he got a little older & figured he could be sneaky if he were the only one awake, so that was a trickster phase.
when he started school, masaru would usually see him off in the morning — mitsuki slept in a little later. she has trouble with sleep sometimes & stays up later & she works better if she sleeps in just an hour or so after the rest of her family gets up. this ritual is a little different on weekends, but
typically katsuki wakes up first. he doesn’t wake her up unless he needs her to do something or to make a call or something. likewise, if she’s up & katsuki isn’t . . . she lets him sleep unless it’s late & it’s time to get cracking!
who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?
katsuki has maybe negative pictures of his parents unless it’s a family picture that came out a little awkwardly. mitsuki isn’t a helicopter mother & she doesn’t take terrifying amounts of pictures on random occasions. she did when he was little because people do that, but as he gets older? she takes pictures of him at events - & she doesn’t make him pose or anything because he just ends up scowling, so she has more sneaky pictures of him at events. she’ll also take pictures of him if she’s feeling proud of him as he’s doing something or if they’re doing something together.
if a particular picture of him in the news stands out to him, she’ll save it - but she doesn’t like paparazzi photos & she doesn’t read paparazzi articles about him.
who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?
it’s not so much that katsuki forgets his wallet, but there isn’t the expectation that katsuki should pay for household fees or meals when he’s with mitsuki or masaru. katsuki’s gotta earn money to buy specific things that he wants — he doesn’t get spoiled with material goods willynilly. when he starts earning a salary though, he does try to pay for his parents to go to a restaurant or something once in a while.
what is nighttime like in their household?
mitsuki goes through bouts where she thinks better & calmer at night. she sometimes has a hard time sleeping, & she sometimes spends latenight hours at a desk with her head in hand —- she’s got a paperwork at ready or spreadsheets open & she likes to have either a cup of tea or a glass of wine &
other times, she does laundry at night &
other times, she sits on the couch & does . . . something ?
before katsuki withdrew into himself / when he was young, if he had issues sleeping - he might choose to sit in the same space as his mother while she works or does nothing. in the office, in the living room. they don’t talk at that time; it’s probably the most peaceful form of coexisting they have.
it gets harder for him to do as he gets older. sitting with her on late nights when he can’t sleep feels too much like an admission, & that’s a hard thing to give.
who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?
katsuki is miles better at video games than mitsuki. she’ll play him sometimes, & he’ll say something competitive like ‘ it’s not even satisfying, you made it too easy! ‘ but somehow masaru will win by luck which flabbergasts everyone ? but they don’t play together often at all. mitsuki & masaru only really play if she feels like annoying katsuki —
also, they have done really bizarrely terse board games nights sporadically if they feel like they’re not communicating well as a family so that they can be in the same space & not force conversation. it’s usually masaru’s idea, & mitsuki always wins. somehow. it’s her magic power.
is there a bathroom hog amidst them?
Lol yes mitsuki has a very vehement regime for herself because she’s got some mixed feelings about aging even though she ages really well w her quirk which is a whole conversation in itself. but that being said . . . they live in a big ass house. they don’t have to share bathrooms.
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fitgothgirl · 3 years
I feel like I need a social media break but also am conflicted about it including tumblr. Tumblr can be a massive time-waster like any other site and can also get me riled up if I see mean people, but I also love this fitblr community and seeing updates from my favorite peeps... There are so many supportive, real people I follow and it’s definitely a positive thing. But I don’t know if it’d work if I tried to come here to just write and check out specific blogs without ending up just scrolling on my dash.
But I know I’m online too much lately and I feel myself getting too wrapped up in things and getting angrier and angrier. I took a 5-6 week total social media (and news) break last summer and it was so nice. I even kept my social media usage really minimal after that break, until I basically had a “relapse” and suddenly was on it hours and hours a day again lol. But before I relapsed, I was so much more peaceful and just concerned with my own life, etc.
(At this point in writing, I got distracted and was scrolling on reddit for 30 minutes... LOL how telling).
BTW, weed control is going well. The kSafe has been great, and I’m still not smoking during work even though I have so much downtime and it’d be nice. I also more recently decided to switch to a pipe instead of my bong to cut down on quantity and help my tolerance. I’ve set the kSafe on just a couple weekend days too, but haven’t been consistent with that. I just haven’t made the official decision to not smoke on weekend mornings/early afternoons yet, so I just gotta make a defined rule. I do like these small baby steps though; I’ve gotten to the point where it’s not really hard to not smoke during the day (as long as it’s locked in the kSafe, that is). So now I feel like I can start incorporating maybe one sober day per week or something.
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backalley-requests · 4 years
The Proposal | Chapter Two
The Proposal Masterlist
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Summary: The Proposal™ au, where Ivar gets swept away in a lie about a fake engagement to stay in the country and needs to convince everyone (including his family) that he’s genuinely engaged to a woman he works with
Warnings: Mild swearing, dickish behavior
Word Count: 2,085
That’s how you found yourself sitting down for a meeting next to your boss, pretending the two of you were in love and set to get married. You were more outwardly nervous than him and your leg was bouncing. It made a quiet but consistant tap on the floor.
“Will you cut that out,” Ivar snapped.
You stopped bouncing your foot and glared at him. “I’m nervous.” It wasn’t a voluntary action but it helped with the nerves. Your head tilted up to the ceiling. The office was small and the two of you sat in chairs next to each other. Across from you was an empty desk. The case worker wasn’t here yet. Was this normal? It was 10 am but felt much earlier, and the silence was so loud. The two of you never had normal conversations.
“Don’t be, it’s annoying.”
Did he expect you to remain a calm worker under these conditions? It wasn’t like he could fire you. Both of you risked losing if you didn’t stick around. It felt like a sick game of chicken. “How can I not be? We’re here because you—“
The conversation was cut short by the metal door opening. It felt like a prison, as if the two of you were being detained and Ivar didn’t even want to discuss a game plan. He had actually rolled his eyes when you asked for one.
The man was dressed in a black suit and tie, his hair was short and his face shaven. “Shall we begin?” He lacked pleasantries and it only added to your growing paranoia. There was no handshake or introduction. The man jumped into it. Immediately you felt yourself zoning in and out. Half the time you were thinking too much to listen and the other half was spent committing it to memory.
Ivar nodded confidently, evening out to a neutral. How were you supposed to project that same level of confidence? He appeared so unbothered and you stuck out like a sore thumb. The interviewer took notice. “Step one will be a scheduled interview and I’ll ask you every little question a real couple would know about each other.”
That was easy. You already knew way too much about the man. He shoved off too much personal responsibilities onto you that he didn’t want to do. You even wrote his Christmas cards at this point.
“Step two, I dig deeper, I look at your phone records, I talk to your neighbors, interview your coworker.”
The two of you didn’t have a story. The two of you communicated often for work but they weren’t out to anyone. Well— technically the two of you didn’t have a relationship to be out about. You glance over at Ivar who didn’t bother to look back at you. He seemed so eerily calm while all you could do was panic.
You were pretty sure you missed something important by the time you glanced back to the interviewer. Did you miss his name? Did he even offer one? Your leg began to bounce again.
“If your answers don’t match up at every point. You will be deported indefinitely,” he looked at Ivar, “and you will have committed a felony. Punishable by a fine of 250,000 dollars and a stay of 5 years in federal prison.” His gaze turned to you and you froze.
The sound of your heart beating drowned out whatever the man said next. It didn’t take long for both men to notice. You were in too deep. You couldn’t do this! Why did you even bother agreeing?
“Y/N?” The interviewer asked.
You couldn’t handle prison. You never even got into a fight before in your life. You’ve seen prison shows, they’re always fighting. They’d eat you alive.
“Y/N, do you want to talk to me?”
Ivar elbowed you harsh but discreetly. His blue eyes were intense and it brought you back to your reality. You had already spent three years working for him. Another two at the company. Being fired wasn’t an option and you’ve been dying to get promoted since you came there. If you could pull it off... what’s three years on paper? You blinked and nodded your head.
“You do?”
“Wait no— I mean I don’t.” You took a deep breath and held it. This man had to see right through it from the moment he walked in.
“The truth is…” you glanced at Ivar, “we’re just two people who weren’t meant to fall in love. But we did. Six months ago. We weren’t going to come out to our coworkers, not until we didn’t think they’d judge us,” your face was red and you found yourself staring down into your lap as you played with your fingers. “Especially with my promotion coming up.”
You paused, trying to see if what you said convinced him at all. “So, have either of you told your parents about your… secret love?” The interviewer wrote down notes onto a notepad.
“Oh, um, impossible. My parents are dead,” you admitted casually with an awkward laugh. “No brothers or sisters either. You can check if you want—“
“I will.”
The silence was deafening.
“What about you, Ivar? Are yours dead?”
Ivar scoffed at the mention of his family. It was clear to you that on some level he truly thought he was above being here. How could he be so casual?
You decided to cut in, “no. We were going to tell them this weekend. It’s his father’s birthday. The whole family is coming together. We thought it’d be a nice surprise.”
Once the lies began it was hard to stop them. But the event was true but Ivar’s attendance wasn’t. He had you tell them he wasn’t going. But as you spoke you got more confident.
“And where exactly is this going to take place?” The man was quizzing you.
“Aalborg, Denmark. It’s located along Kattegat Bay,” you replied. Ivar’s face twitched in surprise that you knew it at all. Your face never quite calmed down and kept a pinkish hue.
The interviewer stared intently at you, searching for signs.
“That’s right,” Ivar cut in, trying to save you.
“Isn’t Denmark a little far?”
“Well it’s not like I have a visa to lose at this point,” Ivar rolled his eyes.
The interviewer shrugged. “Next Friday at 10am, I expect you both to be here for the scheduled interviews.”
“What was your fucking problem? You may as well have worn a sign that we’re trying to commit a felony?”
You were floored. Did he actually want to start things off like this. “Like you were much better? You looked pissed off and detached! If you wanted better results maybe you should’ve interjected more.”
“It was fun to watch you flounder until I realized your actions have consequences,” he shrugged casually. What was wrong with him? “And now Mr. Harold Millington is going to be lurking through my family.” Oh that’s what the man’s name was. Had it shared that? Did you actually miss it?
“Just tell your family then. Have them lie.” If they were anything like Ivar then being manipulative should be in their nature.
Ivar rubbed the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. “They wouldn’t agree to it.” It meant they had to go. That created the new fact that you had sentenced the both of them on a trip to Denmark. It was that or he gets sent home forever and you’re in federal prison. “How did you even know that?”
“Know what?”
“About my father’s birthday.”
“You had me send them condolences,” you crossed your arms over your chest and rolled your eyes. “I actually know a ton of things about you. It’s you who has a week to learn everything about me.”
He stood before you in his bitterness. He didn’t deny your statement. It was one thing to have marriage papers and never speak of it again for three years and another to pretend to his family that he was in an actual relationship. His mor had wanted it forever now. “Book the flights, since you’re so used to doing everything for me.”
You had a laundry list of people to contact and he expected you to book flights? Your gut instinct was to tell everyone the truth and convince them to lie to the authorities, but that seemed a little much to ask. “It’s your home, why don’t you book them?”
The two of you continued to bicker when the interviewer from earlier stepped out of the building. The two of you immediately silenced as Millington walked by, “remember. Deportation and federal prison. It’s not too late to come clean.”
The smug look on his face pissed you off. You watched the man walk further away and down the block. “I may not like you, Ivar, but I like you more than that guy,” you said bitterly as your eyes remained trained on the agent in the distance.
“At least we agree on that.”
“I want him to feel like a moron.”
“So then let’s do that,” Ivar’s words caught your attention as you glanced back to him. “He knows the truth but if we make it rock solid he’ll have no choice. It’ll drive him insane.”
You laughed, “I probably should’ve guessed your favorite pass time was belittling people and making them regret their life choices.”
“I liked you better when you just delivered coffee,” Ivar responded. The same anger from earlier was gone but that didn’t stop Ivar from starting to walk away from you. You were left standing, irrationally angry at that decision. Civilities were out the window. He had nothing over you anymore. Neither could pull the plug. And he’s been on your nerves for a while. How did you ever find that man attractive?
“Goodbye to you too, asshole!”
“I’m coming back for the week,” Ivar held the phone to his ear, waiting for his mother’s response. If he was being honest he was actually a little nervous about it. He actually loved his mother. The rest of them were hit or miss. But he hadn’t been back home in a long time.
The excitement in her voice got to him, not that he’d confess it. “I was going to introduce my girlfriend to you guys.” He hated lying.
“You have a girlfriend?” He hadn’t even mentioned the idea of one to her in forever. Not since he left Denmark for the last time. She’d been pestering forever. “Since when did you get a girlfriend?”
“Mor—“ he took a deep breath and sighed, “she works for me.”
“Oh— so it’s one of those situations.”
Was she judging him already? “Just be prepared for her.” He noticed the dip in her voice and he bit hard on his bottom lip.
“Your father is going to be so happy to have you home.” Aslaug started to talk more about it. He was surprised she wasn’t fuming at the mention of his old man. It occurred to him then that maybe his family missed him more than he realized. She was already making plans, doting on him for finding someone and talking about how relieved she is that her son found someone. “Hey Ivar— is she beautiful?” He was brought out of his thoughts by the question.
Were you? He already knew the answer. You were. It wasn’t a crazy thought. Ivar always thought you were beautiful. From the moment you walked into his office the first day holding a cup of his favorite coffee— how you ever found out before meeting him he’ll never know. It’s what told him you were beyond him. There was a hint of too much perfection that he had immediately felt anger. That anger eventually settled to annoyance.
But if he actually hated you he probably would’ve fired you by now. The issue is that you’d never genuinely go for him. He had his own love life of sorts, money speaks for itself, he could get laid. What he couldn’t get was more, who would genuinely date him? It was easier to resent than pine.
Aslaug laughed on the other end, “you took a little long there to respond, Ivar.”
“Sorry— she is, mor, I’m just busy with some work. I’ll call you before the plane leaves.”
“Please do. Oh, and Ivar, dear. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Taglist** @youbloodymadgenius
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