#but it just sounds like the series has been trying hard to Achieve Positive Feelings
girlbob-boypants · 2 months
One of my friends keeps talking about how much they love DT and how silly goofy it is and the entire time I just think about how we went from genuine and earnestly serious storytelling to near disrespectful levels of jokes at the expense of the content itself.
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obeymematches · 4 months
♡How to keep Satan obsessed♡
Yall been liking my posts from 2021 and it reminded me that i started doing this series-
● Okay the worst thing you can do is try to control him. Tell him what to do and how to do it and that's the last straw before he loses interest. Yes he is very independent and he loves his freedom. Telling him to "text/call when you get there" is also more negative than positive.
● Regarding independence, he also prefers you being your own person, not really depending on him. See you don't have to be a houseowner, you don't have to ask him for permission to spend time together, that's not what I mean, but if you center your life around him he is going to feel overwhelmed.
● He also has a hard time tolerating jealousy. Aren't you grown? Don't you trust him? Why do you have to make a fuss? You are supposed to know him better than this. He would never cheat on you even if his hands are forced to. He doesn't like anyone so if he likes you; you are supposed to feel special & not attack him with things that didn't even happen. Peak stupidity in his eyes.
● Pretending to listen to him but not actually paying attention; instead of that just tell him you don't care, something else is occupying your mind right now and he is being too much. That sounds rude but it is still better than him wasting his breath. He gladly comforts you if you are actually upset; or if you just genuinely don't care it's better that he knows.
● Keep your interactions with people he dislikes to the bare minimum. It might be better for his soul to heal and make peace in the long run - but you are not supposed to force him! You have nothing to do with his beef in any of the cases. Let him be his own man in his own pace. He might never forgive someone and that's also ok! Don't try to change him; but if he needs it be there to support him!
● With him you'll need good communication skills. Being passive aggressive turns him off quickly. Don't even think of the silent treatment. He'll just break up then and there. If you are upset with him/anything and need to be left alone to think for a while, just tell him exactly that! Good communication also includes telling him with your own words that you love and appreciate him! Makes him feel confident! Reassurance is always a good point!
● He definitely enjoys well-thought-of surprises. It could be a handmade gift, doesn't have to be anything extravagant. Just spoil him from time to time, it really does make him feel appreciated!
● idk how to put this but i think he doesn't like horoscopes and crystals as he is trying to be the most rational person to ever exist, so he doesn't like topics like these at all. Personality types are on thin ice also. It's not a total turn-off for him but if you base your entire life around these things he is not going to be interested for long.
● I think it is obvious but he likes his partner to have opinion on lots of things. Hold a proper conversation about intellectual stuff. You don't have to have ambitions or things to achieve in life but if you usually reply "i dunno about that", "never-ever heard of it", that's not gonna end well.
●Yes he is introverted but that doesn't mean he sits at home 24/7 - sometimes he loves going to places, doing and experiencing life, and if he constantly has to nag you to go on a date he is going to get bored fast. It's OK if sometimes you'd rather stay in, don't get me wrong, but literally never going anywhere/only going if he argues about it, is a red flag.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Currently on the road back home having a good time (hopefully bc i sure need it) -Danny Words: 1,952 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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III: I Use The Power of Friendship (Goes Wrong)
Ara's glad to be left alone with the girls. Reyna is an old friend and Annabeth... well, she's like a sister.
As they leave the dining area, Ara remembers what a fun little girl Reyna used to be. Maybe they can find a way to build something, an alliance that will satisfy both sides. She must be careful, though, the last time Ara tried to be the voice of reason, it didn't end well, which brings her back to Nico. 
Gods, she really hopes Lily doesn't know about his disappearance, she's got too much on her plate already.
"Come," Reyna gestures at the girls. "Walk with me."
Ara spent many years telling Nico that Camp Half-Blood was the best place for them, and technically, this place is for Romans, not Greeks, but still... Now she understands why Nico started to disobey her months into her leadership, he'd found New Rome, and he knew Ara was clueless.
How many times had she thought of Lily that way? Lily was too wary, and Ara was all about going big or going home. She'd forced her to participate in flashy plans just because they were easier. Now, standing in the middle of New Rome, witnessing what could be achieved with patience and careful planning, Ara couldn't blame Lily for being exasperated by Ara's approach.
"The harpy Ella..." Reyna says, bringing Ara back from her brooding. "It was a prophecy she spoke. We all know that, don't we?"
"It sounded like a prophecy," Annabeth agrees. "But I've never met Ella before today, and I've never heard those lines exactly."
"I have," Reyna sighs. "At least some of them—"
Argentum, Reyna's automaton dog, starts barking when some kids gather around to play with it. Leo hasn't seen Reyna's dogs yet, but Ara wants to take them onto the ship so he can take a look.
"You have a beautiful life," Ara says. "And you built it with hard work, I respect that."
"When we met, you were just an Aphrodite," Reyna smiles a little. "You don't sound like one now, but it shows."
"You should see her when she's with Leo," Annabeth quips.
Reyna turns to her with a raised eyebrow. "The scrawny boy with the curly hair?"
Ara knows what Reyna thinks because it's what most people think. It's what Lily said when she found out: Really? Him? Ara clears her throat. "Anyway..."
"We should move on," Reyna walks forward, and Ara appreciates it.
"We've also met before," Annabeth points out. "You were younger, right?"
"Very good. Percy didn't remember me. Of course you spoke mostly with my older sister Hylla, who is now queen of the Amazons. She left just this morning, before you arrived. At any rate, when we last met, I was a mere handmaiden in the house of Circe."
"We played tag," Ara tilts her head, trying to remember. "You said my teddy bag was cute and I gave you the bag of gummy bears I kept in it. You thought it was funny that I kept gummy bears inside my bear bag."
Reyna smiles openly and Ara feels comforted by it. This teenager had been like her once, a little girl with not much to offer, and her rank had sharpened her edges. Now, Ara is on her way to becoming Reyna, and she doesn't hate what she's seeing.
"Wait," Ara blinks, finally processing what the older girl said. "Your sister is the queen of what?"
Reyna chuckles. "You're a lot like Percy."
This catches Ara off guard. No one ever says that about her—not in a positive way, at least. 
"This is my favorite spot," Reyna announces. "The Garden of Bacchus."
When Ara sees Baccus's statue she lets out a laugh. "You guys got a great involuntary sense of humor..." 
Reyna hums. After a moment, she continues. "I wanted to hear it from you."
"Hear what?" Annabeth asks.
"The truth. Convince me that I'm not making a mistake by trusting you. Tell me about yourself. Tell me about Camp Half-Blood. Your friend Piper has sorcery in her words. I spent enough time with Circe to know charmspeak when I hear it. I can't trust what she says. And Jason... well, he has changed. He seems distant, no longer quite Roman."
Reyna raises a hand to stop Ara before she can argue.
"My dogs determined you're a reliable person, charmspeak and all. You have an honest heart, like your brother, but I brought you here and not him, because you probably know Camp Half-Blood way better than Percy nowadays."
If Ara weren't dating Leo, she'd be crushing on Reyna by now. If the girl keeps complimenting her, Ara's going to apply for Roman citizenship. 
"Well," the girl shares a look with Annabeth. "Where do we start?"
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"Guess what!" Nico bounces on his feet. "Something cool happened this morning!"
"You got to ride a pegasus?"
"You convinced Percy to play Mythomagic?"
I look around, and that's when I realize my brother isn't by the fountain. He waits there for Annabeth and I before breakfast, even if we don't sit together. Now that our friend is missing, I'm expecting to see him staring at his reflection in the water, sulking or something, but he's not there.
I notice his cabin's door is wide open and my stomach drops. "Where is Percy?"
The young boy smirks. "I helped him sneak out so he could follow Bianca!"
I'm not very strong, but I pull Nico by the neck of his shirt until we're face to face. The sudden action causes him to yelp. 
"Why didn't you wake me?" I whisper in panic.
"H-He told me not to! 'You look after my sister, I look after yours'—I thought it was fair!"
Percy calling me his sister even when I'm not around makes me giddy, but I'm also upset that he's decided to leave me behind without saying a word. It's the first time that he goes on a quest without me, and it stings.
Nico removes himself from my grip, looking guilty. "I wanted to go too, but Percy said I had to stay with you."
I realize I'm not Nico's mentor. I'm just an older version of Nico. We've been left behind by our siblings because they didn't think we were strong enough to keep up with them.
"Does Chiron know?"
"I won't tell on Percy," Nico stands proudly. "I promised I wouldn't."
His devotion to my brother confirms we're the same, so I wrap an arm around his shoulders and guide him to the Athena cabin.
"Alright," I sigh. "It's you and me... That isn't so bad! We'll be a great team. Come on, let's get Lily." 
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"If you go to the ancient lands, especially Rome itself, there is something you should know about your mother," Reyna mentions.
Annabeth steps back. "My—my mother?"
"When I lived on Circe's island, we had many visitors. Once, perhaps a year before you and Percy arrived, a young man washed ashore. He was half mad from thirst and heat. He'd been drifting at sea for days. His words didn't make much sense, but he said he was a son of Athena."
"What happened to this demigod?"
"Circe turned him into a guinea pig, of course. He made quite a crazy little rodent. But before that, he kept raving about his failed quest. He claimed that he'd gone to Rome, following the Mark of Athena."
Ara stares at her friend. Annabeth used to confide in her, and now they're both keeping their hands behind their backs, waiting for the other to give the first step. It feels wrong.
"Yes," Reyna continues. "He kept muttering about wisdom's child, the Mark of Athena, and the giants' bane standing pale and gold. The same lines Ella was just reciting. But you say that you've never heard them before today?"
"Not—not the way Ella said them." Annabeth's voice quivers. "Did this demigod—did he explain his quest?"
"At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about. Much later, when I became praetor of Camp Jupiter, I began to suspect."
"Suspect... what?" 
Something explodes behind them, interrupting their conversation. 
"Giants?" Annabeth looks around frantically. "I thought their army was defeated!"
"It isn't the giants," Reyna says tensely. "You've betrayed our trust."
"What? No!"
"Annabeth," Ara turns her around. "The ship!"
The girls run fast to reach the commotion. Ara searches in her pocket and seizes Almighty but she doesn't turn it into a sword yet, she has to try and de-escalate the situation first.
Jason and Piper are fighting side by side. Percy, Frank, and Hazel are all together. Only one person is missing.
"Leo!" Ara hurries to the Argo II. A group of demigods approaches her menacingly, and she uses charmspeak. "Drop your weapons!" 
They obey her at once. Percy shouts her name, so Ara elbows the soldiers out of her way. She arrives at the same time as Annabeth.
"Girls!" Her brother scowls. "What—?"
"I don't know!" Annabeth exclaims mortified.
"I'll tell you what!" Octavian climbs down the rope ladder. "The Greeks have fired on us! Your boy Leo has trained his weapons on Rome!"
Ara rushes past the crowd again, dodging attacks from pretty much all around her. 
"I was just there!" Octavian continues. "I saw it with my own eyes!"
The girl reaches the ladder and jumps, kicking Octavian out of her way. She climbs fast, yelling Leo's name hoping he'll answer. She finds him near the ballista, and he is shooting. 
"Leo, stop!"
The girl doesn't use charmspeak at first, she never uses it on her loved ones, not since Nico. Besides, Leo usually stops when Ara tells him to, but not this time.
"Enough!" Ara grabs him and the boy stumbles back. She cups his face. "Leónidas!"
In his eyes, she sees a flash of something that reminds her of Luke. She moves away from him as soon as it happens. Ara decides to take the ammunition out from the ballista, and that's when the boy reacts. He yanks her back by the cloak, tossing her against the railing.
"Get out of the way," he says numbly.
Ara's on the ground when Percy and Annabeth reach the deck. Percy doesn't hesitate before attacking Leo, tackling him to the ground. Annabeth helps her up. 
"What's wrong with him?"
"I don't know!" Ara gulps, her left side is pulsing. "He's acting weird!"
A dragon lands on deck and drops an unconscious Jason and a stressed-out Piper, then turns into Frank Zhang. Percy drags Leo away. "Girls, get us out of here!"
"Can you stand?" Annabeth asks worryingly.
"'Course I can..." Ara groans, struggling to reach the control board and typing away, then pulling the throttle steadily to glide higher.
The crew stumbles back thanks to the change in speed. Ara tells Annabeth to get her dino bag and then orders Percy to tie Leo to the main mast. She has to know what's going on with him before she can let him walk around freely.
"Thanks," she tells her brother once he's done. "Check on Jason, see if you can help Piper with him."
Percy frowns. "I'm not leaving you alone with—"
"That's an order, Percy!" Ara urges him, still pushing buttons and flipping switches.
She doesn't want to be rude, but if Leo wakes up and sees Percy's glare on him again, he's gonna freak out and it's going to make things harder for her. Annabeth returns with the T-Rex and Percy leaves, though he asks Frank and Annabeth to keep an eye on Leo.
Once she stabilizes the ship, Ara grabs her bag and pulls out her bottle of nectar. She crouches in front of Leo and tilts up his face to pour the liquid down his throat. Leo bends forward coughing and she pushes him back against the mast.
"Easy," she speaks gently. "Easy, Leo... what happened?"
"I... I was having a..." His eyes glide across the deck and realization hits him like a ton of bricks. It wasn't a nightmare.
"Leo," Annabeth crouches next to Ara, but she sounds way less chummy. "What is the last thing you remember?"
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Next Chapter ->
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reidscanehand · 2 years
Can I please request 33 from the kiss prompt list with hotch?
Someone to Steady Me
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x BAUfem!Reader Category: Hurt/Comfort/Fluff TW: Reader is going through it after a particularly difficult case, so mentions of typical CM case content, anxiety, depression, disordered eating habits (really just avoidance of food), exhaustion, burnout, a small mention of slight head injury on a case
I have been going through it recently and I need something like this - it won't happen - so I have to write it. This is also, lowkey, based on another moment from Bridgerton season 2. No spoilers really, unless you've seen the series (in which case, enjoy the moment I stole from it). Anyway, enjoy! xx
Aaron Hotchner has worked very hard to achieve the positions he holds in life. He worked hard to become a federal prosecutor and then even harder to transition to behavioral profiler in the FBI, and even harder to become unit chief. He works hard to be a good team leader, a good father, and as good a human being as he can be. He's earned his place in life. Strictly speaking, it is difficult to make him feel uncomfortable.
And yet, standing outside your door, he's not sure he's ever felt so uncomfortable in his entire life. Especially when he has to knock on your door yet again - the third time he's done so. 
"Y/N," he calls, feeling - still - incredibly foolish. It’s not too astonishing - at least, not to him (and probably not to the rest of the team either, if he’s honest with himself) that you are able to disarm him so completely. The case the team had just completed in Rochester had been exhausting as usual and had taken a toll on everyone, but especially you. While chasing down the unsub, he’d gone up, climbing a ladder to an attic and slamming the door on top of your head knocking you out and back down the ladder. It was a miracle, frankly that your only injury was your head injury. He’d been embarrassingly attentive at the hospital, only for you to refuse to stay any longer than you absolutely had to, voting instead to go home. And now, three days into the bureau-mandated week’s long leave for the team, you’d not been answering phone calls or text messages from anyone. Penelope finally broke and went to check on you to at least make sure you were alive. You’d told her you were fine through the door, but she was still worried and relayed her worries to Aaron, who has been worried about it since the moment you left the hospital. 
"Yes?" your small voice replies, clearly just on the other side of the door. He barely quashes the sigh of relief he emits at hearing your voice. 
"It's, um, it's Hotch," he states rather awkwardly, shifting his weight between his feet, flexing his hold on the handle of the brown paper grocery bag he's carrying. "I was just-"
"Do you need something?" you ask quietly. It's not quite rude, but...strained and sad. Tense.
"Um," Aaron presses his hand against the door, hoping you can't hear the desperation in his voice, "I just, uh, you're unwell and-"
"I'm fine, Hotch," you say softly, your voice still strained and sad.
"That isn't a judgment, just a fact. You got hurt, Y/N," he corrects you sweetly. "And I...I know you are stubborn, but...you live alone. I just couldn't...will you please let me in?"
You don't respond and he sighs deeply.
"Please?" he asks again. He hears the hitch of your breath and nearly apologizes, but is cut off by the sound of the lock clicking open. The door opens and he takes in the sight, trying not to look too shocked.
You don't look...well. You're gorgeous - you always are - but you look so exhausted that Aaron can hardly bear to see it. The circles under your eyes are darker than he's ever seen them, your hair is in slight disarray, and even your clothes look too worn in - as though you haven't changed in days.
He should've come sooner, is all he can think, trying to avoid thinking about the three days since the team was put on a mandatory week's leave following the difficult case in New York the week prior.
"Y/N," he gasps, immediately regretting it as you practically wither under his gaze.
"See?" you ask, your voice growing smaller and tighter. "I'm fine. Just tired and...and feeling sorry for myself o-over nothing-"
"Getting hit in the head," Aaron interrupts you gently, stepping forward slightly into the doorframe, "and knocked out by the unsub on a case as difficult as the one in Rochester was is hardly nothing, Y/N."
You stare up at him, lips parting slightly. It's these moments, the quiet ones between you two - the ones where little but the two of you breathing can be heard- that Aaron begins to wonder if you might possibly feel the same for him as he does for you.
Because he cares for you deeply.
"Soup," he states ineptly, cutting off his own wayward thoughts. "I brought you soup."
"Oh," you reply, stepping back after another awkward moment of silence. He enters the apartment, schooling his expression as he takes in the view. Profiling is hard to turn off, especially as a seasoned professional and, to put it simply: you're clearly not okay.
Your apartment isn't filthy, but he knows you and he knows that you would never have let him in with it in its current state had he not insisted on coming in. There are mugs everywhere. Mugs of broth, mugs of tea (if the abandoned tea bags, their end tabs fluttering like surrendering soldiers in a battle were anything to go on), mugs of coffee, and glasses of water sit on almost every flat surface. He grimaces at the lack of real food, wishing he’d brought you something more than soup. The case was tough, but he knows that’s not the issue here. This is plain, old-fashioned, but just as terrifying as ever burn out. He doesn’t realize he hasn’t spoken until your quiet voice pipes up again.
“Sorry for the mess,” you nearly whisper.
“Oh, Y/N,” he sighs sweetly, putting his bags down on the counter and rushing over to you, only just stopping himself from pulling you into his arms. He stops himself because he’d never touch you without your permission, but also because you take a huge step back, still not quite looking at him.
“Please don’t pity me, Aaron,” you rasp, clearly trying not to cry.
“I’m not pitying you, Y/N, I’m-”
“It’s already humiliating enough,” you continue as though he hadn’t spoken. You open your mouth to speak again, but a small, choked sob of your own cuts you off. 
“What is?” Aaron asks quietly, a little afraid of your answer.
“Being so needy,” you manage to answer. “Being too much and yet...yet still not enough.” 
He can’t take it anymore, though, because you’re crying too much. He steps forward and tentatively wraps his arms around you. You freeze for half a second before allowing yourself to be comforted by his embrace. You wrap your arms around him as well. The two of you stand in silence, wrapped in each other’s arms for a good, long while. Finally, as your breathing returns to normal, signalling that you’ve stopped crying, Aaron clears his throat gently. 
“You’re not needy,” Aaron tells you. “You’re not too much. And you are more than enough, Y/N...do you, do you realize how much you mean to people? To me?”
You say nothing, but your arms tighten around Aaron and he reciprocates by pulling you impossibly closer. 
And as the two of you stand in the afternoon light of your apartment, Aaron hopes you realize just how much he means what he’s saying, but also that you don’t realize just how much he cares for you. 
When the week off is over, the team returns to the office, thankful that they haven’t been called away for another case, but ever at the ready in case they get called in. Aaron had spent that afternoon with you at your apartment, cleaning your dishes while you ate soup. The next afternoon he’d convinced you to go on a walk through the park with himself and Jack. The day after that, the two of you had taken Jack to the movies. And the day after that, he’d taken you to dinner just the two of you. It had felt date-like, but Aaron didn’t want to push it. He would never push and he’s, frankly, thrilled for whatever time you’re willing to spend with him. And he hopes...he hopes more than anything that your time spent together has made you recognize that you aren’t a burden. You aren’t too needy. You aren’t too much. You’re...you’re you and that is beyond enough. 
When you walk through the glass doors with a smile on your face, he knows you can feel the surprise from the rest of the team. Other than assuring Penelope that you were alive, well, and getting some form of Vitamin D (Penelope sent Aaron some delighted emojis that he didn’t fully understand, but he knows that she knows how he feels about you), you’d not responded to any of the group chats. In fact, other than Aaron and a few texts with Penelope, you’ve haven’t really spoken to anyone else. So your smiling face entering the bullpen is a complete, but entirely delightful, surprise. 
“Good morning, Hotch,” you greet when he stops in front of you. Your smile doesn’t fade, if anything, it deepens, making his own smile impossible to control. 
“Good morning, Y/L/N,” he responds, feeling the rest of the team’s eyes focusing on the two of you. “How was your break?”
“It was...delighful,” you answer shyly. “I learned a lot.”
“Learned a lot?” Aaron asks, cocking his head to one side, barely resisting the desire to wrap his hands around your waist and pull you closer to him. 
“Yes,” you giggle, “I learned that it’s...alright to need people sometimes. Especially after a head injury.”
Aaron narrows his eyes jokingly and steps closer to you, holding up three fingers in front of your face, “How many?”
“Three,” you grin up at him proudly. But Aaron flips his hand around adding his pinky and clicking his teeth.
“Ah, too bad,” he teases. 
You chuckle delightfully, still smiling up at him, “Guess I still need someone to steady me.”
“Could I...offer myself up for that job?” Aaron asks quietly, feeling a blush rise in his cheeks. A blush that only grows stronger as you reach up and press your lips to his. 
Pulling away, you grin up at his surprised expression, “I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else.”
Aaron stands speechless for a moment and your adorable confidence fades slightly at his lack of response. 
“I’m sorry,” you say quickly, “was that too-”
But, ever ready to steady your nerves, Aaron cuts you off with another kiss. 
Feel free to send kiss prompts from this list! xx
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cazimagines · 3 years
Perfectly Exasperating - Chapter 3
Synopsis: While you have been unknowingly kidnapped Zemo is determined to make the time he spends with you the best that he can
Word count: 5.4k
Author’s note: Hey all! This is sorta a one-month celebration of my account and for all the love you guys have shown this series and my other series 'A Freudian Slip' I can't thank you enough! My editing program decided to screw me over though so if you can see a difference grammatically in the first half and the second half that's why
(Please check out my master list to see what I will be writing next and if requests are open or closed)
Cross-posted to ao3 under the same username
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Your eyes slowly flutter open as the warmth from the sun shining through the curtains touching your skin waking you up. Yawning and stretching, feeling the soft duvet move on top of you, you sighed in content, closing your eyes again as you embraced the happiness which had been foreign to you for so long. You reach out to seize the end of the duvet and gradually slide out of the bed; you feel the slight chill of the morning breeze brush against your exposed legs. Crossing over to the wardrobe your hand reaches out to flick through the many dresses, shirts, trousers that hung in there, all belonging to shops such as Gucci, Prada, Valentino. There were clothes appropriate for any event, but today you choose comfortably as you pull out a maroon knitted sweater and dark blue jeans. Though appearing to be rather cheap clothes, you knew Zemo would never have spent less than $100 on them.
When Zemo said he would take care of you, he meant it in every aspect. It was a culture shock going from the relatively poor life you lived, surviving off the small amount of money they paid you for being an Avenger to being treated like royalty by Zemo. Not that you were complaining. It was a guilty pleasure of yours enjoying this luxury, a part of you hoping it would never end. If you had told yourself just a few weeks ago, you would have enjoyed living with Zemo you would have laughed in your face but that man had certainly turned on the charm and you couldn’t help but feel the slightest big thankful for him for everything he has done for you.
You finally leave the confines of your room, something you had only been allowed to do a few times until today. You convinced Zemo yesterday that you weren’t concussed from when John had hit you with the shield and that you would be fine getting up and walking around. He was still hesitant but knew he couldn’t keep you confined in your bed forever.
You close your eyes as you inhale the sweet smell of cooking pancakes, making your stomach grumble greedily. Following the scent, you work your way down through the interior design living room into the lavish kitchen where Zemo currently had his back turned to you as he attempted to flip the pancake he had in the frying pan. His purple turtleneck sleeves were pulled up, exposing his forearms as they tensed, trying to get the timing right to flip the pancake. He does so with perfect accuracy, the golden brownness of the pancake soaring up into the air and landing back down in the frying pan, sizzling.
Zemo giggles to himself, celebrating his minor achievement as he waves the frying pan, his body swaying along slightly with it.
“That smells heavenly,”
Zemo whips around at hearing your voice pierce the air. “Ah y/n! Please, take a seat while I make breakfast,”
His eyes follow you as you take a seat down at the table he had prepared for this morning, then focus back on the breakfast at hand. You pour out some orange juice Zemo had left on the table, then your gaze flickers back to him as he finishes cooking. He stacks the pancakes onto two plates and grabs some sugar, maple syrup, and lemons out of the shelves, giving you a choice of toppings.
You scoff as he turns around, seeing on the apron he had tied around himself the words ‘kiss the chef’ on it.
“Really?” you ask, raising the glass to your lips as you watch him glance down to his apron and then back up to you offended.
“You don’t like?”
“It’s embarrassing to look at!” you exclaim as he places the plates down on the table and sits down opposite you.
Zemo’s eyebrows twitch as he scoffs back at you, “I think it suits me, plus a kiss is expected after I worked so hard on breakfast” he says, tapping his cheek with his finger.
You raise an eyebrow, letting a breath out as you laugh, “Yeah, in your dreams,”
You two settle into a comfortable silence as you readily eat the breakfast he made. The pancakes were soft but delicious, sickeningly sweet but you have always had a sweet tooth and so it seems, does Zemo.
“I thought you would have one of your staff make breakfast, you never struck me as the person to do something yourself when you can make others do it,” you say breaking the silence as you finish the last of your pancakes.
Zemo glances up to you, tilting his head, “Why do you think that? Because I grew up rich?”
You nod, not attempting to make yourself sound nicer, “Yes. It’s common knowledge the rich are always spoilt”
His lips twitch up into a smile at your bluntness. He sighs, leaning back in his chair, crossing his legs as he addresses you.
“You’re right. Even though Sokovia was a rather small country, I grew up with more riches than most people could dream of. But at least I acknowledge my privilege. That counts for something, doesn’t it?”
“Depending on what you use your privilege for. Blowing up the UN isn’t exactly putting it to good use now stop avoiding my original question,”
Zemo bites the inside of his mouth as you see through his attempts at trying to dodge the question. His admiration for you however outweighed any annoyance he might have felt at being called out for it. Leaning forward again to rest his arms on the table he says,
“It’s only me, you and my Butler who occasionally comes in. After I was arrested, there was no work for my staff so they all left and I can’t exactly hire anyone else,”
You nod, satisfied, then dab the napkin that Zemo has set out beside you, on your lips to get rid of any leftover sugar. You place your hands on the table and push yourself up from it.
“Well, thank you for breakfast, and thank you for looking after me this last week… that was nice of you, but I better be going. Do you know where my phone is?”
Zemo’s eyes furrow and he immediately stands up as you walk away from the table. He rushes past you, stepping in front of you to stop you from walking.
“You can’t leave y/n,”
Your head jilts back in confusion, “Why not?”
“We ruined Karli’s plans, so she is trying to find us. That’s why Sam and James are out hiding and why we must remain here,”
“I can handle Karli,” you tell Zemo, trying to step past him, but his hand reaches out and grasps your arm firmly.
“Not a super-soldier y/n. It’s too dangerous, especially after your recovery. James and Sam will reach out to me once it is clear to leave, but for now, we stay.”
You huff in frustration, shaking Zemo’s hand off your arm as you cross them. “Well, at least get me a phone so I can keep in contact with them too,”
“I’m afraid I can’t get you a phone currently, but you are welcomed to use mine. Alas, James and Sam have my number but I don’t have theirs’s so unless you remember their numbers we have to wait till they message first to reach out to them,”
You let out a melodramatic sigh, rolling your head looking to the side of the room then back to Zemo.
“So what the hell am I to do to keep occupied?”
Zemo tilts his head, his eyes flicker to the side in thought as he opens his mouth wordlessly and his eyes move back to yours, his eyebrows raising as he frowns thinking over the idea that has just entered his head.
With his fingers, Zemo, gazing at you eagerly, beckoned you down the corridor, towards a giant door that was at the end.
“I’m not a dog Zemo” you complain as you follow him
“Have you ever heard of dramatic effect?”
Zemo had taken off his apron and replaced it with that coat he loved to wear so much. You firmly believed it gave him a power complex. He strutted to the end of the hallway and placed his hands on the door. His face turns to you smirking, enjoying this dramatic pause as you roll your eyes at him. He pushes the door open and stands to the side, sweeping his arm across the space to let you in.
You walk past him and your eyes widen in amazement as you walk into the most magnificent library you had ever seen. The room itself stretched out almost further than you could see, seeming to go on and on. The shelves looked like they reached up to the sky, each one stacked with thousands of beautiful hardback books. The design of it looked like you had just stepped into heaven, with white and gold being the main colour scheme. On the ceiling was a painted sky with the gods on, looking down at you. On the pillars separating the shelves were little cherubs, their bows positioned to pierce your heart. Everything about this library was beautiful. It felt like a library that should belong to a museum not kept in this private mansion.
“You see why the dramatic effect was necessary?” Zemo says stepping up beside you, looking out at the shelves before you.
“Zemo this is… this is beautiful,”
His eyes flicker to you then back to the library, a smile appearing on his lips, “Yes, I suppose it is. When I was younger, I had always taken things like this for granted, but after my time in prison I believe it’s made me more humble,”
You walk over to the nearest bookshelf, letting your fingers brush over the colourful hardbacks. You pull one book out, stroking the golden platted side. “You must have every practically every book in existence here”
“I have more books than I could ever get round to reading. You can find anything you want to read here,”
After ten minutes you had gathered a rather sizable book pile you were determined to read, full of fictional and non-fictional books, some of your favorites and some you had never read before.
Zemo chuckled as you tried to hold all of them in your grasp. As you picked one up, the book on the very top of your pile slipped and fell to the floor. Panic surged in you, worried you would damage something so expensive, but Zemo’s hand appears and catches it before it could hit the ground.
Straightening up, he gave you an amused smile, “Maybe you should let me help carry them”
Accepting his help, he takes half the book pile off you and guides you over to a place deep in the library where you two could read. There were two light green armchairs facing each other, with a fireplace just behind them. To the side of the chairs were small tables which contained bookmarks, a goblet, and an ashtray, and to the side of one chair was a globe which could be opened, and inside it held a decanter full of whiskey.
Zemo places the books in his arms on the table then walks over to one shelf, browsing till he finally finds the book he was looking for. He returns to find you getting comfortable in your chair, opening the first book.
“Whisky?” he asks, opening up the globe beside him.
A few days ago you would have said ‘no, no way,’ but today you smile and nod your head, reaching out with the glass beside you to gracefully accept the drink.
The next couple of days were spent similarly with you and Zemo spending much of your time reading in the library together. Occasionally you two would even read to each other as he had first done with you when you had woken up here. Though you would never admit it to him, his smokey voice made you very comfortable. If he tried, he could lull you to sleep with that accent of his.
You couldn’t help but try to separate the Zemo you know now as the one you used to hate. Yes, he had torn apart your family, but he had all the reason for what happened to Sokovia, what happened to his family. Plus, this Zemo seemed to try hard to make it up to you. Almost too hard. He was trying everything to keep you entertained while you were stuck here, make your life as comfortable as he could. It was nice.
You strolled into the kitchen hearing the quiet buzz of the radio playing the latest top hits and the sound of someone humming along to the music. In there you find Zemo by the counter, fixated on the bowl he held in his arm and the spoon in his hand as he delicately tries to put the mixture into the cupcake trays before him. You had offered to make food, feeling like he always did too much for you but every day he insisted he would, even on days where it Butler would come around.
“Need help?” you ask, walking over to stand beside him.
He glances at you, then back to the tray he has laid out before him. “I’ve got a handle on this,” he replies just as he spills some mixtures onto the counter, making him swear under his breath.
“Uh-huh, sure,” you say, looking down at the spilled mixture. You turn to face him, letting out a chuff as you place a hand on his arm, “Zemo stop being so prideful and let me help”
As soon as your hand comes in contact with his arm, he freezes. He glances down at the ground, swallowing then his eyes flicker to yours and he smiles gently, his usual arrogance disappearing. “Okay,”
You grab a spoon from the draw and help Zemo scrap off what he puts into his spoon into the cake tray with accuracy. You two stand together, your shoulders brushing up against each other till you finish and put it into the oven.
“We have 30 minutes until we need to get them out. Why don’t you read for a bit while I clean up,”
“I can help clean up,” You tell him already going over to the sink to turn the water on, “You’re not my servant Zemo,”
“Helmut” he suddenly says
You turn back to look at him, confused at the seriousness of his face, “Please y/n, call me Helmut,”
Your mouth moves wordlessly for a moment, then you say, “Helmut,” trying the name out on your tongue. You were so used to calling him Zemo, you had forgotten that that wasn’t his first name.
“Thank you” he whispers, glancing away from you bashfully.
He takes a towel off the side of the rail and dries up everything you washed as you two settled into a peculiar silence.
Attempting to liven the atmosphere again, you put a cup just at the right angle of the running tap that the water splashed into Zemo’s coat. He steps back shocked, glancing down at his coat then back to you. He lets out a laugh, his mouth open in surprise that you would do that. “Oh, if that is how it is”
Zemo quickly grabs a mug, running it under the following water. Realizing what he was going to do you let out a squeal and rush for the door but you don’t get far enough till you feel the water hit your back, soaking your t-shirt.
“Helmut!” you gasp as he chuckles at you. You run forward to grab the nearest thing in front of you to chuck it at him, a piece of bread in this case but he ducks as it flies over him. He fills the cup up again and runs towards you but you get to the table and hide on the other side till you were both poised opposite each other waiting for one of you to make the first move.
“This isn’t fair!” you whine, feeling the coldness of your t-shirt cling to your back. “Who said anything about fairness!” Zemo shouted back, grinning at you.
Eventually, you two called a truce when the oven chimes letting you two know the cupcakes were finished baking. After that day, Zemo always asked if you wanted to help him make meals.
“Is the popcorn ready?” you shout as you jump up from the floor where you were placing the DVD into the DVD player.
“Almost done” Zemo calls out.
While waiting, you settle yourself down on the middle of the red sofa, twisting your back to get that perfect spot as you stared up at the giant screen in front of you.
Zemo emerges from the kitchen holding the popcorn and places the bowl onto the table in front of you. He settles down beside you, instantly positioning his arms on the top of the sofa, resting behind your head.
He leans forward to pick up some of the popcorn, tossing it in his mouth as he asks you what you have chosen to watch tonight.
“Beauty and the Beast,” you say excitingly and Zemo coughs, leaning forward as he accidentally inhaled the popcorn in his mouth.
He wipes the tear from his eye as he leans back and you give him a confused look, “Do you not like the film?”
“No-no, it’s not that. W-why do you want to watch the film?”
“It’s my favorite Disney film,”
He nods his head slightly looking down at the popcorn, “I see…” he then glances back to you, looking you in the eyes, “Why is it your favorite Disney film?”
You lean back sighing as you think the movie over, “Well, I’ve loved it since I was a kid. I always wanted to be like Bell and I found the beast so sweet and gentle”
“Even though he imprisoned her?”
“He let her go in the end, and she came back to him”
Zemo opened his mouth wanting to say more, but you sushed him as the movie started, wanting to concentrate only on it.
Zemo turned down the lights to make the experience feel as cinematic as he could of you. Grabbing the bowel he offered you some of the popcorn and you smiled at him in thanks. He tried to enjoy the movie, but his eyes kept wandering back to you, watching your expressions as you watched the movie. His heart skipped a beat every time you laughed at it when that gorgeous smile would grace your face, even in the sad moments where it looked like you were about to cry. He loved seeing how you reacted to everything. There were so many things he had taken for granted, and it felt like he was discovering them all over again with you. It fascinated him to find out the beauty and the beast was your favorite film. It was almost ironic given your current situation, one of which you remained painfully unaware of. He knew he couldn’t keep you in the dark forever. Sam and James were bound to discover where you two were eventually, which is why he wanted to enjoy every moment he had with you to the fullest before it was over.
As the movie went on, Zemo could feel your body moving closer and closer to him. The heat that radiated from your body made him want to wrap his arms around you, but he didn’t know if that would go too far. Roughly by the end of the movie, your head rested against his chest, moving slightly up and down as he breathed. He could tell by your shallow breathing you had entered the realm of dreams.
Looking down at you, he couldn’t help but admire how peaceful you looked. When on the mission with Sam and James you had always appeared tense, prepared to fight your way out of a situation as soon as possible, but at this moment you were relaxed and it made his heart flutter. He could look at you forever like this and never tire of it.
He had found himself in the past comparing you to his wife. He felt conflicted feeling this way about another woman, but how he felt about you differed from how he felt about his wife. It was new, exciting, addicting. Slowly raising his hand, he brushes a piece of hair that had fallen over your face while you slept. Your skin was smooth against his fingers and so soft. His fingers lingered on your skin before finally, he let his arm rest around your body, holding you close as you slept against his chest.
Your arms were raised, feeling the walls on either side of you as you tried to figure out if you were going and if you were about to bump into anything while Zemo’s hands were clasped around your eyes tightly.
“Don’t you trust me y/n” he whispers in your year, snickering.
“Do you want a pleasant lie or the harsh truth?” you ask, turning your head slightly but Zemo tuts and moves your head back with his hands
“Not long now, just a few more steps,”
“Till what!” you whine
“Be patient y/n!”
Zemo lifts one hand of your eyes telling you to keep them close and you hear the creak of a door open ahead of you. His hand returns to your face and with slightly pushing his body against yours, he urges you forward into this new room.
“Can I finally look now?”
Zemo removes his hands and steps back from you, “Okay y/n, open your eyes”
Opening them you gasped in shock seeing what was before you. On a stand was a replica of Belle’s dress in Beauty and the Beast. Its honey yellow colour shone out, the top of it tightly clung to the mannequin it was on while the bottom poofed out, it hung with no shoulder straps and came with yellow gloves. Everything about it was perfect.
“Helmut I- I’m, stunned,”
“You like it?” he asks anxiously
You turn to him grinning, “Of course I do!”
You hug him tightly, ecstatic, then rushed over to the dress, brushing your fingers along it. “It’s beautiful” you whisper.
“I think I got the sizes right,” Zemo says coming up beside you, a pink tinge to his cheeks, “There’s only one way to know for you,” he adds on, turning to you giving you a gentle smile
He helps you take the dress off and chuckles as he watches you rush off with it to get changed, then leaves to get changed himself.
The dress fitted perfectly on you. Everything from the bust down to the waist. Even the gloves fitted perfectly. When you entered the bathroom, you found Zemo had even found some make-up in case you wanted to use any. He thought of everything.
Finally looking at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. You truly felt like a Disney princess. Slowly you walked back down the stairs and enter the room Zemo had to lead you in, to begin with. As you walked in, let out a merry laugh as you saw Zemo, dressed up in a blue jacket, embroidered with yellow roses on the sleeves, just like the beast. He was standing by a record player, putting a disk in as you walked in. He turns to look at you, his mouth opening in wonder.
“Y/n… you look glorious,”
His sincere comment makes your cheeks heat up and you hold your arms out to him, squeezing your hands letting him know you want to hold his hands.
He turns the record on and your favorite song from Beauty and the Beast floats out, making your cells light up with excitement.
“Helmut” you start to say as he walks over to you, holding his hand out, “Why are you doing this?”
He gently takes your gloved hand, bending over to kiss it. “I know it isn’t easy being stuck in here all the time and you said you loved ‘Beauty and the Beast’ so I thought it would make a pleasant treat,”
His arms hesitantly touch your waist as he looks into your eyes as if asking it was okay. You nod and step closer to him, taking his hand in yours holding it up. Getting into the waltz position you two start to move along the dance floor, swaying to the music.
You two slide along the ballroom floor, picking up speed. As you look up to him, he breathes out smiling back down at you happily. His hand on his waist spins your around as your dress flutters out. You squeal in delight as you grasp back onto his hand as you felt dizzy.
You two turn around the floor looking each other deep in the eyes. You could feel his breath on your face as you two were barely inches apart from each other. Zemo pulls you in even closer as your arm goes around his neck, your body pulled into his. He dips you as you cling to him tightly for dear life as the music fades.
He holds you into that position, panting as he looks at you, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. You could feel that pull towards him, your eyes starting to flutter shut. He leans towards you but suddenly you feel your fingers slip and you almost let go of him. His other hand quickly wraps around making sure you don’t fall to the floor.
He helps you back on your feet and you two steps apart. You look away feeling your cheeks burn up again.
“Helmut, thank you. Thank you so much” you tell him earnestly
He looks deep into your eyes, smiling in bliss, “Anything for you y/n”
“Y/n, are you awake?”
You groan as you hear Zemo whisper beside you, waking you from your sleep.
“Ugh, Helmut what time is it,” you moan turning over with your eyes are closed.
“It’s 8, time to wake up”
“Nooooo” you whine screwing up your eyelids.
You hear him chuckle and then you feel something push against your lips. You open your eyes confused to see Zemo beside you, holding a strawberry to your lips.
You smile and take a bite out of it, moaning in delight as you taste its sweetness as you sit up. He sits up beside you and holds out some melted chocolate for you to dip the strawberry in.
“Helmut, you spoil me”
“Not enough,” he whispers back as he puts the chocolate-covered strawberry to your lips letting you take another bite.
“I’m not even surprised anymore to see you in my bed when I wake up,” you tell him
“Technically this is my bed”
“You know what I mean!”
He chuckles as he pushes his head back into the headboard, “I thought it would be a nice way for you to wake up,”
“Consider me impressed,” you tell him, looking over at him smiling. He glances back to you, his lips twitching up. You lean into his side, not caring at the moment you were in a simple nightdress. You close your eyes inhaling his cologne and picking up a strawberry to feed to him.
“I could get used to this,” you whisper to him
You scan the piano music book before looking back down to the notes before you. It had been a while since you had last played so you thought you might as well pick it up while you were stuck in Zemo’s mansion.
You press the notes but every time you tried to play one of the chords you always missed one. You were trying to play your favorite song 'Comptine d'un autre été' but to no avail.
“You need to flow with the music and not worry about hitting the right notes”
You turn around and smile as you see Zemo approach you from behind. “Isn’t the whole point of music to play the right notes?” you say sarcastically
Zemo lets out a huff chuckling, “Well yes but you’ll hit the notes when you stop trying so hard. Now try again”
You turn back around and attempt the music again but hit the wrong notes making you slam the piano in annoyance.
“Don’t damage the piano”
“I’m sorry,” you mutter, “I should give up,”
“No don’t do that” Zemo says, brushing his fingers over your waist, “Here let me help you”
He puts his hands on top of yours guiding them, “Let’s try again,”
You look to the music then back down to your hands which had Zemo’s resting on and attempt to start playing again. His hands moved in time with yours as they guided along with the piano, pressing down on your fingers when you needed to. You got every note. Well, Zemo got every note.
“See, easy,” he says as he pulls back from you. “Now try again”
You attempt to play again but feeling his eyes stare into your back you couldn’t concentrate and messed up the notes again.
“We just went through this!”
“It’s hard to concentrate with you staring at me!” you exclaim turning around to him. Your eyes widen as what you just said as he tilts his head, a smug smile appearing on his lips.
“Oh, I make it hard for you to concentrate do I?”
You groan at his cockiness, looking away from him so he doesn’t see your glistening red cheeks.
He walks up behind you again, his fingers grazing your jawline, stopping at your chin as he raises your head to look up at him. Seeing him look down at you made a knot in your stomach tighten.
“You are awfully red y/n”
“Shut up”
He chuckles and leans down, placing a kiss on your forehead, “I like it when you blush”
The breath gets caught in your lungs as you feel his lips on your forehead, their softness cooling your burning skin.
For the first time in your life, you were rendered speechless, by Helmut Zemo no less.
His teeth flash in his smile as he looks down at you, “Come let’s practice this again” he says, leaning over as his back pressed into yours, putting his hands back on top of yours.
“Zemo do you mind if I borrow your phone briefly to see if that new video has been released?” you call out picking up Zemo’s phone that he had left on your seat.
“Go ahead! Just don’t check anything else on there” he yells back
“Worried I will find your nudes?” you call out as you unlock the phone. Pressing onto the youtube app you sigh in annoyance seeing no new video and so you were about to put the phone back down when a message appeared from a contact simply labeled ‘S’
It read, ‘S: Look just tell us where you have taken her. Whatever you are doing with her it isn’t worth it”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion at what the hell could that message mean. You click onto the message stream just to see a ton of messages from this ‘S’ contact but with no reply from Zemo.
You hesitate for a moment, knowing Zemo wouldn’t want you to do what you were about to do, but your curiosity got the best of you and you pressed the call button.
It rang for a few seconds and then the line picked up.
“Zemo” Sam’s voice rang out through the phone
“Sam?” you ask back
“W-what, YN/!? Are you okay? Where are you?”
“Woah Woah Sam, calm down, I’m fine! I’m with Helmut-Sam what is going on?”
“What has he done to you?”
“What do you mean he's done nothing, Sam I thought me and Helmut were hiding out here till Karli was done with her plan?”
You hear a sigh down the phone and then the muffled voices of what you could make out as Bucky and Sharon down the line.
Sam picked the phone back up and spoke directly, “Y/n you need to get out of there now. Zemo, he's kidnapped you”
The phone slips from your hand and lands on the floor with a loud crash.
Tag list: @sinister-sleep @cable-kenobi @faustlyaccused @chipster-21 @icarusinstatic @yallgotkik @montypythonsholysnail @bunniwritesx @checkurwindow @huntheimpossible @jayxkelsi @avgravy @prestigious-tea @aloyssiac @hannahbal-the-fannibal @alainabooks143 @jokerprettyprincess @plumsandkiwis @latenightartist-author @e-barba @flutterskies @loonylunalovegood77 @lieutenantn @wonderwoman292 @there-goes-thefighter @multiyfandomgirl40 @freyjasamael @ineffablebean @arianalilyblack @mandowhatnow @scullys-alienpussy @felicityofbakerstreet @babayaga67 @spookycereal-s
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Hi! I guess I mainly write for fun, so this doesn’t *super* matter, but I would still like help!
So I’ve been writing a fantasy series with a cast of characters. The plot is essentially a prince gets dethroned and locked away. At the start of the first book he gets let free. Eventually, he takes back his throne. Anyway, said prince, is um struggling to say the least.
The first book is mainly getting the prince back to his homeland undercover. It’s about him being ok with having friends, even if it’s just two. There’s also another plot-point with another MC, who is trying to save her brother and has to befriend said prince and spy on him to save her brother from execution.
I guess, I’m struggling for the second book. At this point the brother is saved and the prince is back in his homeland, albeit undercover. There’s still some loose plot points like prince doesn’t know he’s being spied on (though, the girl who spies on him is somewhat of a self-formed double agent, and is trying to protect him by crafting the information to his advantage). The girl still needs to spy on him and she’s adjusting to an upper caste life with her family. The prince is gaining more confidence and trying to heal from his trauma. At the end, I think I want to put the prince in a position where he has to decide to take the throne back or just continue to live his life.
I guess my question is: is this a real plot? I feel like it’s mainly my characters forming deeper relationships with each other and healing, and then at the end having to make hard decisions. The time span is about 2-2.5 years. Do you have any tips for writing more character development oriented stories, so it doesn’t feel like a string of short stories slapped together?
Fantasy with Lots of Character Development
Most stories these days have both an external and internal conflict, with one driving the story a bit more than the other, and that's mostly the case with your story.
The spy's story is driven more by the external conflict (having to serve as a double agent in order to save her brother while protecting the prince she's supposed to spy on,) and less by the internal conflict (adjusting to upper caste life, lying to the prince, weight of risk to
The problem is, it sounds like it's the other way around for the prince. Although there is an external conflict (being in hiding, needing to win back the throne), it sounds like those are secondary to his internal conflict (healing from trauma/learning to accept friendship.)
This opposing dynamic seems to throw the story and the characters off-balance.
Throwing things even more off-balance is the fact that an external conflict doesn't do much good if the character doesn't have an external goal that relates to resolving that conflict.
Theoretically, the spy and the prince share a built-in ultimate goal, which is to dethrone the usurper and get the prince back on the throne. Not only would that resolve the prince's external conflict (winning back the throne, meaning no more hiding), but it would resolve the spy's internal conflict (no longer having to serve as double-agent, brother is no longer in danger, prince no longer needs protection.) So, ultimately, you have to refine that ultimate goal into individual external goals for each character. What, specifically, does the spy need to accomplish in order to help dethrone the usurper and get the prince back on the throne? What, specifically, does the prince need to accomplish in order to dethrone the usurper and get himself back on the throne?
Once you understand what, specifically, these characters need to achieve, you can start to look at what smaller tasks they need to accomplish in order to achieve these goals. And you can look at how these tasks are complicated by their external and internal conflicts, and by obstacles throne into their paths by the usurper/antagonist, as well as by their internal conflicts.
Because... when you have a prince who's struggling to accept friendship, what better conflict/tension/obstacle could you have than learning his primary friend is spying on him? This creates a whole new set of obstacles (in addition to any they face from the antagonist) because this rupture could jeopardize their mission, and now on top of everything else she's trying to accomplish, the spy has to win back the prince's friendship--or at least convince him to continue working together toward their shared ultimate goal.
Really, what you've set up gives you a lot to work with. You just have to figure out what events need to take place so that everything plays out in a unified thread of events instead of in a bunch of disparate mini-stories.
This is where I strongly recommend looking at story structure as guidance. For example, Save the Cat! Writes a Novel is a good one, but there are many others. While you should never feel obligated to use any particular story structure as a template or follow it exactly, they can be a great way to help you figure out what events fit where, and how they fit into other story events. I talk about some different story structure methods in my post Creating a Detailed Story Outline.
I hope that helps!
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whosscruffylooking · 4 years
Promotion (Aaron Hotchner x Reader)
oh geez...this is my first time ever publishing my writing, especially a reader insert. a little cheat sheet: any time the writing is in bold and is italicized, it’s the readers inner monologue (aka my thought process while writing 🤪)
Warnings: None. Angst? Maybe? And then some fluff at the end.
Words: 1.4k
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“Although Freud said happiness is composed of love and work, reality often forces us to choose love or work.” -Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Perhaps it was the speed at which his heel was tapping against the floor of his office, the pale color of his knuckles as his grip tightened around his pen, or the way he anxiously kept running his hands through his hair.
God, I'd love to run my hands through his hair. Now is not the time.
For the past twenty minutes, you've found yourself captivated by your boss's troubled appearance. Aaron Hotchner is notorious for being stoic and virtually unreadable. He once stared down the barrel of George Foyet's gun and boasted that he wasn't afraid of him. But here he was, visibly distraught, and all you want to is run to his aid. That's all you've wanted to do for the past three years that you've been a profiler with the BAU.
In all fairness, Aaron was a very closed-off man. He rarely brought his work home with him and never brought his home life to work. Somehow though, you've managed to break that barrier. Even if only slightly. You'd been there for him in his darkest hours, refusing to let him push you away because you knew that if you'd allowed that, he'd suppress himself to death.
Much to your surprise, he didn't put up much of a fight. Instead, he opened himself and his home up to you. He let himself be vulnerable, and he let you help him explore the dark inner workings of his mind. You did so without trepidation, and slowly, you found yourself falling in love with him. You knew the feelings weren't reciprocated, though. At least, you told yourself that. In some twisted way, you'd reasoned that if you refused to acknowledge that he may feel the same, it would make it easier to deny yourself the ability to love your superior. It's wrong. Unprofessional. It could only end in disaster.
Yet, here you are, timidly knocking on the door to his office. Your heart is beating out of your chest, your hands clammy, your teeth drawing blood from your bottom lip.
"Come in," his husky voice mumbles.
Opening the door, you make your way to the chair across from him at his desk. You cross your legs and anxiously pick at the skin around your nails. He looks up from his paperwork, his bloodshot eyes meeting yours, "Can I help you?"
You swallow the lump in your throat, "I can tell somethings wrong, Hotch. You finished your reports an hour ago, and for the past twenty minutes, you've been staring at the same piece of paper, agonizing over it. I haven't seen you like this since-"
Since the divorce papers.
You shake your head, choosing to gloss over that thought, "Is everything okay?"
Silence pierces the air. A pit forms in your stomach. A glossy haze clouds Aaron's eyes, and a small gasp escapes your lips as you notice it.
"Aaron? Aaron, what's the matter? What's on the paper?"
"It's my letter of recommendation for you. You've been chosen as a candidate for the Counterintelligence Division."
You freeze and stare at him with wide eyes. Unable to gather your thoughts or formulate the right words, or any comments for that matter, you sit in silence with him.
Wait. His eyes were watering. Why would he be tearing up?
He's the Unit Chief; his job is to lead his team and hopefully mentor them into a position where they can advance when fit. In fact, he told you after your first year with the unit that he could see you achieving the goal of progressing to Counterintelligence and eventually to FITF.
Is he not happy for me? Proud of me? Of course, he is. He's always wanted me to succeed. This couldn't possibly be because...oh. Me too, Aaron. Me too.
You take a deep breath. Someone has to break the silence...again.
"When would I find out whether or not I got the promotion?"
"First, you would go through a series of interviews and tests before solidifying your position. My recommendation is merely to give my stamp of approval for your transfer."
You let out a stumbled scoff, "Right. You are just giving me your permission to leave. And that's what you want? For me to leave?"
He furrows his brow, "That's not what I meant. You know that."
"Do I, Aaron?"
The honorable and upright team leader reluctantly turns the piece of paper around, pointing out the empty signature line.
"This is what I've been agonizing over. I'm torn y/n because, on the one hand, all I want is for you to live your life with no regrets. To achieve all that you've worked so hard for. And on the other hand, all I want is for you to stay here with me..." he stutters, "With us. The team."
Did SSA Aaron Hotchner just say he wants me to stay with him?
A pink hue paints his cheeks, and you feel yours heat up to match his. You're in disbelief. In one night, it's as if all of the things you've ever wanted have come to fruition, and yet you realize that you can't successfully have them all. Being in Counterintelligence would take you away from your home, your family, the man you're in love with. But if you stay with the BAU, you can only imagine the repression of dating your supervisor; Strauss would not make your life and job easy. You need to make a choice.
Tears sting your eyes, and you can feel your heart yearn for the man sitting across from you.
"Aaron, can I do something wholly unprofessional and beyond all sound reason?"
Aaron narrows his eyes, trying to read exactly what your motives are; his posture straightens as he recognizes your shared longing. He quickly nods and stands up. You mirror his actions and meet him halfway.
Whoa. He's tall. Very tall. And his face is very close to mine.
With bated breath, you gaze into each other's eyes as if asking for permission one last time. It's now or never. As if in complete synchronization, you both lean into one another, claiming each other's lips. He gasps softly, earning a slight chuckle from you. Your entire body tingles, and his hands find their way around your waist, squeezing your hips softy.
He's good at this. Too good. I'm not complaining though.
It's as if his lips are a paintbrush and yours are his canvas. You should pull away, but you're being held captive by his touch. It's as if you both have been starved for year's and your hunger is finally being satisfied. Nothing could taint this moment.
Except...lungs. Stupid, lungs gasping for air.
Forced to separate yourself from him, you touch your forehead to his, determined not to break all contact.
His smile glistens as a small laugh escapes his lips, "You have terrible timing. I had finally convinced myself to sign the document."
You adamantly shake your head, "No. No, I don't want you to sign it. I want to stay. Stay here with the team. I want to stay here with you."
He clears his throat, his voice hoarse, "This job opportunity is too good to pass up y/n."
"No, Aaron Hotchner, you are too good to pass up," you say, pressing your palms to his chest and peering into his beautiful chestnut eyes.
"Well then," he pushes a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, "Looks like I get to boss you around for a little while longer." A devilish smirk spreads across his face.
"Not too fast. I do have an idea of something else you could sign for me."
"And what's that?"
"A check for a raise?"
A hearty laugh echoes from his chest through his office, "I'm gonna kiss you again instead."
"Oh yeah?" You smile, lacing your fingers around his neck.
"Oh yeah." He encloses his lips on yours once more.
It's in that moment when his scent is filling your lungs, his touch imprinting on your skin, and his lips leaving you addicted and craving more that you realize you made the right choice.
No job or promotion could ever give you the feeling you have right now in Aaron's arms. You have never felt more alive than you do exploring your love for Aaron. The best promotion is going from being on the outside of his life to being the one that fills his heart.
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blueskiestarot · 3 years
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Hey, y'all! I hope everyone had a good weekend! So, this is a Pick A Pile reading. I haven't done these types of readings a whole lot but I thought I would try something new. Just choose what pile you feel drawn to. You can even pick more than one pile if you feel called to do so. Then, just scroll down for your pile! Let me know if you all like these types of readings or if you like the readings based on astrological sign better or if you have any suggestions of readings you would like to see from me. Thank you! I hope you enjoy your reading and please feel free to leave some feedback of what you thought of your pile and if it resonated with you!
Love, Tara
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Welcome, Pile 1! You all chose the pile with what I believe is the Agate. You may have been drawn to this pile because you need to release some blockages in your life. The Agate is a very grounding stone and it helps balance your energy while connecting you to the Earth's energy. It has a very gentle, soothing nature. So, maybe you are in need of some gentle guidance and that is why you picked this pile!
Let's start with the Fool Reversed. This card can be seen in two ways. You may be holding yourself back by being too cautious or you may not be focusing on the right things and you are heading down a path that is not for your highest good. So, now is the time to stop and take a breather. Just take a moment to pause and look around at where you are right now. Is this the path that you truly want to be on and is it the best for you? Is this what will lead to true happiness in the future? The Fool is all about taking chances and choosing the path that feels joyous and happy. Don't allow yourself to be led down a path that does not feel right for you.
The next card I pulled for you is the Queen of Pentacles Reversed. So, right now, I think that you have a very "all work and no play" sort of attitude. You are very focused on working hard and making money. You don't really put your focus into much else. You may feel that by staying focused on your work life will help you feel successful but honestly, I feel like it's a coping mechanism and a way to feel safe and secure. Focusing on your work life keeps your mind busy and keeps it from straying to things that feel a little less safe. You may also be choosing careers that feel safe and secure instead of choosing a career that you really love. So, it's time to really reassess your priorities and remember that the universe will give you both passion and security as long as you don't doubt yourself and your ability to succeed.
Lastly, the 7 of Cups is about choosing what the next move will be. This is a card of choices. So, there is a very important choice coming to you within the next couple of weeks. I'm really getting career vibes from this pile but it could be something else as well. I just feel like some of you may be getting a career opportunities or multiple opportunities soon that you will have to choose from. It's important to figure out what choice is best for you. Make sure that you are focusing on what will make you the happiest. You don't want to be stuck with something that does not allow you to grow and evolve. Don't choose something that will make you miserable. Instead, focus on joy and passion when you make this choice.
Well, that concludes your pile! I hope you found this advice to be helpful. Please let me know what you thought of your pile and if this guidance resonated with you. Also, if you have any suggestions for future Pick A Pile readings, let me know!
Love, Tara
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Pile number 2, you all chose the Rhodochrosite crystal! This is a crystal of unconditional love. This crystal connects to the heart chakra. So, you may have a blockage in your heart chakra or you may be having some difficulties with love, self-love, or relationships in your life and that is why you picked this pile.
So, I will start this off by saying that I do see someone new coming into your life. However, I don't think they are someone you expect or someone that is your "type". I just feel like this person is very different from anyone you have been interested in the past and you may feel like you never thought you would be interested in a person like this. I feel like with the Hierophant Reversed and the 4 of Pentacles, you are a kind of traditional and conservative person, especially in terms of relationships. You like to stick to the tried and true types of relationships. You have a very traditional view on relationships and there's nothing wrong with that. However, I do think that the universe and your spirit guides are trying to get you to be open to new things and new ways of thinking. Relationships are supposed to help us grow and evolve into the best possible version of ourselves. By sticking to the same type of person and the same type of relationships, you are never going to get that growth and healing that comes from a truly healthy relationship.
So, just prepare yourself for someone to enter your life that will challenge everything you have ever believed about love! While it may sound kind of scary, I think it's a very good thing. Rest assured that this is someone who is very committed to you and very loyal. However, I think they may challenge you to step forward and take the lead in the relationship sometimes. They will help you be more vocal about your wants and needs instead of just always trying to please others because they are so opinionated and they will challenge you to stand up to them when you want something. In return, you will help them be more compassionate and calm when it comes to helping other people. I'm getting a lot of Aries or Aquarius energy from this person.
Overall, I think this will be a very positive, healthy relationship once it gets going. They may just make you very nervous and unsure at first. So, just give it time and don't dismiss them too quickly because they aren't your usual type. I hope that guidance is helpful! Please let me know if this resonated with you and if you have any suggestions for future Pick A Pile topics.
Love, Tara
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Pile 3, you chose my favorite crystal of all time, Larimar! So, this is a very soothing and calming stone. It is a crystal that soothes anxious minds and calms your soul. It helps you relax and find serenity. So, you may have chosen this pile if you have been worrying a lot lately and feeling very anxious.
The 9 of Swords Reversed does reflect those anxious thoughts. While you do still have anxiety and worries that you are dealing with, I feel that you have made a lot of progress lately in terms of coping. I feel that some of you have started therapy or counseling lately. For others, you may have started to talk to someone close to you like a friend or family member about these worries and that has helped you deal with and release them. Whatever it may be that you have been doing to help cope with these anxious thoughts, know that your spirit guides are right beside you cheering you on. I don't know why but I get the urge to tell you how proud your guides are. You have come such a long way and they have been by your side through it all. They see how strong you have become and you've done it all by yourself. All this progress you have made is because of your own strength and perseverance and that is something you should always take credit for. You are truly stronger than you realize and they don't want you to forget that.
The Devil Reversed suggests that you have let go of a lot of negative forces and toxic ties in your life. You have become aware of what causes negativity and what is causing your anxiety to become worse. With this knowledge, you have allowed yourself to let go of things that are not in your highest good and because of this, you are in a much better place now. While you still have things that you are dealing with and things that you are working on in regard to your mental health, you should take a second to stop and be proud of how far you have come. The Star suggests that it is safe for you to hope and dream. I feel that you are so close to achieving something that you have been hoping for or dreaming of. So, keep fighting and don't lose hope. Be proud of how far you have come and how much work that you have put into coping with your struggles. You are strong and you can handle anything life throws your way.
I really hope that you found this guidance helpful! Let me know if this pile resonated for you and if you have any suggestions for future Pick A Pile readings.
Love, Tara
For people who chose Pile 4, you chose the Ocean Jasper!
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For people who chose Pile 4, you chose the Ocean Jasper! Ocean Jasper is a very supportive crystal. It helps you find peace after a particularly trying period in your life. So, if you have been going through some obstacles and challenges a lot lately, this is most definitely the pile for you and hopefully the following guidance will help you as you move forward.
So, for this pile, I'm getting two different messages - a love message and a career message. We'll start with the love message and then move on to the career message. Feel free to read both or just read the message you feel you need the most right now.
Love: For those who are experiencing a lot of obstacles in the love life right now, you are being urged to not give up on love just yet. I feel like a lot of you are close to giving up. You have been through relationship after relationship and they just haven't worked out. These could have been a series of f*ckboys or it could have been relationships that just didn't work out for whatever reason. Whatever the case may be, I do feel that you have been feeling very down about your love life and wondering if there is someone out there for you. Rest assured that there is!
I feel like you have recently come out of a difficult relationship or connection. Your spirit guides want you to know that this is the last difficult connection you will go through before you meet the person that is meant for you. Know that your person is right around the corner and you just needed one more challenge to teach you something valuable about yourself before you were ready to meet them. So, keep your head up and don't give up yet! They are coming. It's just a little bit longer. I feel that they are coming in quick. They will most likely come into your life when you least expect it or in a way that you don't expect. I just get an element of surprise here, like you won't see them coming. I feel that they are very passionate and outgoing. I definitely think they will be the one to make the first move and they won't be shy about letting you know that they are interested in you.
Career: For those who are starting to lose hope in their career, I do feel that you are right on the verge of an awesome opportunity. This is most likely a shot at your dream job or an opportunity to do something that you didn't expect but will end up absolutely loving. A lot of you have been on a rollercoaster lately when it comes to your career. It's been a lot of ups and downs and you have started to feel a little weary and tired of the drama, disappointment, and the setbacks. Know that all of that is coming to an end. You are coming out of a very challenging period and going into a much smoother, much more positive energy in your career. Your spirit guides want you to stay strong and persevere. You are so close to manifesting your dream opportunity. Keep focused on your passions, your goals, and what makes you feel happy and inspired. That will lead you on your correct path. Don't let the obstacles and the setbacks get you down. You are so close to the finish line, don't give up yet!
I truly hope that you can find some peace in this guidance and that this advice can help you as you move forward. Please let me know if this pile resonated with you and if you have any ideas for future Pick A Pile readings.
Love, Tara
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mimisempai · 3 years
I made a wish and you came true
Sylvie asks to see what the prince of Loki looks like. When he shows her she laughs at him. Count on Professor Loki to give her a lecture about his Prince.
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
1731 words - Rating G
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In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
In the apple garden stands the maiden fair and sings,
"When will you come home?"
Loki had to stop, overwhelmed by emotion.
Sylvie, her eyes devoid of all mockery, said softly, "So there is a would-be-princess somewhere..."
Loki chuckled sadly before replying, "I like metaphors you know, in this instance, it's not a princess, it's a prince, and I don't know if he's waiting for me or hoping to see me again, it's not even really my home, but..."
"...but you'd like to believe it, right?"
Loki could only nod.
"Show me your prince."
"No way," Loki replied, shaking his head.
"Come on, please Loki!" she paused before continuing, "If you show it to me I'll tell you in detail how I enchant people!
Loki couldn't resist, so he turned his hand and there appeared a mini hologram of Mobius.
Sylvie approached and looked at him closely before sitting down again.
Loki made Mobius disappear.
"Don't tell me that that little man with no stature, no class is YOUR prince?!"
Loki wished he had his brother's hammer to blast her with lightning bolts.
"Yes this is my prince! And your impudence has earned you a lecture on the definition of Prince Charming by Professor Loki!"
Sylvie snorted and told the passing maid to bring her a glass of champagne, because finally she was going to need it.
"First of all, you should know that the charming prince doesn't exist only in fairy tales.
In real life, he is not perfect but he has many qualities that are essential to be wonderful. Is Mobius my Prince Charming?" He didn't wait for an answer.
"To find out, I'll show you point by point that he meets all the criteria that make him a prince for me."
Sylvie settled back in her chair to enjoy the show.
"First, the Prince Charming is generous. He is generous in every sense of the word. He doesn't hesitate to invite you to an excellent restaurant and to offer you a gift you've been dreaming of. Ok, ok, I agree, I didn't have time to fully test that point. But that's not all! He is also generous in giving you all the time you need. He is also able to have an attention that will brighten your day. And Mobius devoted an enormous amount of time to me, when nothing required him to."
Loki thought back to the time Mobius had spent with him just before they left for the mission. He had taken the time to show Loki that he wasn't the villain he thought he was. Nothing forced him to.It wasn't necessary for the mission. In a place where everything was about time, Mobius hadn't hesitated to give him time.
Sylvie simply nodded and waved her hand impatiently for Loki to continue his «  lecture."
He took a sip, cleared his throat and continued.
"Second, the Prince Charming committed. He knows what he wants. He gets up every morning knowing exactly where he is going and what he wants to do. He is also resolute, he has goals in life and intends to achieve them. What is touching is that he is not bragging. Humility is his middle name. Quite my Mobius."
Sylvie noted, fondly, the possessive pronoun, but said nothing.
"Even though he pisses me off, because he is narrow-minded about the TVA,  what he thinks is real. Nevertheless, he still manages to impress me because he believes that what he does is his reality and that he does it for a better world, he does it with all his heart. And when he talks about it there is so much candor that even I have a hard time getting him to see the reality of things."
Loki remembered their discussion in the cafeteria.
Loki had asked him completely sincerely, because he wanted to know what made Mobius go on, "I mean, you really believe in all this stuff, don't you?"
Mobius had replied simply, "I don't get hung up on, 'Believe, not believe.' I just accept what is."
Loki had tried to show him the absurdity of a world ruled by the 3 time keepers and Mobius had replied by telling him that his story, Asgard, mystical realm, beyond the stars, Frost Giants was the same thing.
He remembered Mobius' words perfectly, "Actually it's exactly the same thing. Because if you think too hard about where any of us came from, who we truly are, it sounds kinda ridiculous. Existence is chaos. Nothing makes any sense, so we try to make some sense of it. And I'm just lucky that the chaos I emerged into gave me all this... My own glorious purpose."
Loki had chuckled, to hide the fact that he was disturbed by the accuracy of Mobius' argument.
Mobius concluded by saying, determined, "Cause the TVA is my life. And it's real because I believe it's real."
Committed, yes, his prince was. Loki realized that he missed their discussion. Rarely had he met someone who could resist him intellectually.
"Hey! Loki! Are you there? "Sylvie was waving her hand, seeing that he was lost in his thoughts.
Loki regained his composure and moved on to his next point.
"Third, the Prince Charming for me must be smart but not pretentious, yes because there can only be one pretentious and that is me of course. Who wouldn't want a smart, educated man? Mobius is extremely smart! Can you believe that he knows hundreds of languages more than I do because he has been working in the multiverse for so long! And best of all, when I tried to manipulate him on my first consulting assignment, he figured me out. He almost knew right away that I was trying to play for my own side. Okay, it's a little humiliating. But that's the charm of him."
If Loki was honest, that was when he started to fall under Mobius' spell.
He had been so sure that he could get what he wanted from him. He was sure he had hooked the fish and then Mobius had blurted out, "He's lying. Just playing games. There's no one out there."
Loki blushed slightly as he thought about how he had been found out by Mobius at that moment. That's when his interest had been piqued, because Loki couldn't resist a challenge.
"You know Loki, it's almost cute how you have it bad."
"There's nothing funny about that." retorted Loki before resuming, "Fourth, my prince is someone I can lean on. He is a pillar on which you can rest. Imagine, Sylvie, we were working at the same desk and I fell asleep. And on top of that he let me sleep. You know he has this quiet strength. That thing that makes me know that with him I don't have to pretend anymore. But anyway, I was talking about Mobius, not me."
Sylvie moved closer to Loki and said with a smile, "From my point of view it's the same thing."
"Nothing, go on."
Loki looked at her strangely before continuing.
"Fifth, my prince is listening. You know I talk a lot and three quarters of the time to say nothing important. But Mobius, even if I tell him something stupid, he listens to me as if it were the most important thing in the world. And most importantly, he really hears me. He can read between my lines and my metaphors, which he also loves. He's much better at getting people to talk than I am. He was able to see and make me say things about myself that no one had heard before. Sometimes I feel like he's the only one who knows who I really am."
Loki had to stop because the scene was still so present in his mind.
"I can't go back, can I? Back to my timeline. I don't enjoy hurting people. I... I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to, because I've had to."
Mobius' tone, his look, his whole being turned toward Loki when he had said just that, "Okay, explain that to me.
Then Loki told him that he knew he was a villain.
Mobius' simple but straightforward answer was, "That's not how I see it."
"Hey Loki? You okay?" Sylvie had put her hand on his arm, looking concerned.
Loki pulled himself together.
"Yeah I'm fine."
He coughed and continued, "My Prince Mobius has an incredible number of qualities but I've summarized them for you because we don't have enough time. So I'm going to conclude this lesson by telling you that the quality that attracts me most to him is that he's surprising. He surprises me all the time. Which is paradoxical after all, I am supposed to be chaos and he is supposed to be order. But he surprises me. Where everyone else hates me, he is there and sees qualities in me that even I don't see. When everyone wants me gone, he doesn't hesitate to put his own head on the line so that I don't get erased. Mobius is not perfect, but he is perfect for me. Because precisely, he doesn't put me on a pedestal but he doesn't make me feel inferior either. He treats me as an equal."
"Okay, okay, okay, it's fine he's a Prince. But the mustache though..."
Loki looked mischievously at her and leaning in close to her ear, he said softly, "His moustache is very nice when he kisses me."
"Loki!" she moved back and flicked him on the forehead.
He took a sip of champagne and they remained silent for a few moments.
"And you told him all this, well not in so many words of course?"
Loki's smile disappeared.
"Because of you, I didn't have the time. And I hope that all of this won't have ruined this beginning of a relationship.Anyway, I'll tell him when we meet again, or at least I'll try to, as long as he wants to listen to me..."
Sylvie smiled softly, clinked her glass against Loki's and said softly, "You're insufferable to the core, but I sincerely wish you'd have the chance to talk to him. "
Loki nodded, this time he was determined to fight, because for the first time it was his own happiness that depended on it.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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crystaljins · 4 years
Finding Christmas again
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Characters: Taehyung x Reader
Word count: 21K
Synopsis:  After a lifetime’s worth of turbulent and miserable Christmases with your family, you finally make the executive decision to spend this year’s Christmas alone. 
However, when you take home a box of old Christmas decorations from your friend’s shop, it seems that this Christmas is set to be different from the others.  
ChristmasScarecrow!Tae x human!Reader
Notes: Here it is!!! My contibution to the @thebtswritersclub​ secret santa (and also their monthly holiday prompt, Holiday/festival)!!!  And my secret santa is.... *drum roll*....
Hi @pars-ley​​, Merry Christmas!!!!! I hope you enjoy your secret santa!! 
Anyway, I know the premise sounds weird but bear with me!!!! It’s kinda cute, I promise!!
Rating: PG13
Genre: Fluff, angst
Warnings: Mentions of divorce, fighting, alcoholism, depression, mean step-siblings (OC’s family). Mentions of house break-ins, some kissing and some ANGST, santa is real, really poorly explained world mechanics that are kind of glossed over because I’m lazy LOL
For you, the start of the Christmas season is always marked by Seokjin unboxing the stock for his December-long Christmas sales. Any stock from the previous year that didn’t get sold gets lined up along the shelves along with a few new trinkets here and there. He pulls out a series of dusty cardboard boxes, soft and collapsing from age and within are numerous fraying, gaudy Christmas decorations he likes to string around the shop to give off a bit of a “festive” atmosphere. Of course, an overstocked, tacky dollar store can only be so “festive” but Seokjin never seems deterred. 
This year, however, marks a change. You sit amidst towering, overflowing shelves whileJin beams at you over the counter of his tacky dollar store and slides the first of the decrepit and infamous cardboard boxes towards you. 
“If you’re being stubborn and insisting on spending Christmas alone this year, at least put up some decorations.” He insists. Hesitantly, you peer inside- the tinsel has lost some of its magnificent sparkly mane, but it’s still passable and there’s a few tangled lights that you know from experience may have a bulb or two blown but are still somewhat useable. 
“I guess I could,” you reluctantly agree. Your small apartment could definitely do with a little apartment sprucing. “You’re not going to decorate this year?” You question. Jin shakes his head and beams, gesturing to a series of brand new cardboard boxes, freshly shipped. They’re crisp and upright in a way that makes the old boxes look even more soggy and pathetic.
“I’ve done a little bit of online shopping this year and thought it would be nice to freshen up my decorations. And I know you could use some decorations so I knew my babies would be going to a good home.” He announces, positively giddy with delight. Christmas always leaves Jin on the edge of manic. Starting the month off with his birthday and then finishing it off with the entire world decked out in festivities is like giving him a month-long sugar rush. Nothing says festive season like the terrifying sparkle to his gaze.
“Well... thank you, I guess.” You say. You’re hesitant but grateful. You’re not the kind of person who hates Christmas or thinks the grinch was a victim, but it’s always been a season that didn’t ring as joyful for you as it seemed to for everyone else. After all, for you, Christmas had consisted of you hiding upstairs while your parents had screaming matches while they were still together, and then it had been a mix of being picked on by your step-siblings the years you were stuck with your father, and nursing your mother after she’d get drunk over eggnog and cry over her broken family when you spent it with your mother. Perhaps this is your chance to reclaim the season. “I can load these up in my car and then we can get started hanging up your new decorations?” You suggest, as Jin finishes balancing the till. 
Jin nods absently, counting under his breath, before leaning against the counter with a smile. 
“That would be absolutely fantastic. Your santa hat is in my office- don’t forget it!” He reminds you. You groan. 
“Do we have to do this every year? It’s demeaning.” You complain. Jin nods and then ignores your grimacing, returning to counting the day’s takings. 
With a heavy sigh, you take your time loading the boxes into your car, parked out the back of the shop, before ducking into his office. Sure enough, two embroidered Santa’s hats sit haphazardly on Jin’s desk. You tug one over your head and grab the other for him. 
You’re not sure when this tradition of helping Seokjin set up his shop for Christmas began. If you’re being honest, you’re not even sure when you started being friends with him, but this has been a yearly tradition since he started the shop, and the closest you’ve ever gotten to Christmas cheer. Your job is to string out the decorations in the least gaudy manner possible while Jin arranges his Christmas stock on his already overflowing shelves.
Back in the shop, Jin has just finished locking up when you come down the stairs at the back. He turns to you and beams, before gesturing to the boxes filled with new decorations. 
“Time to put that interior decorator eye to good use, (Y/N)!” He cries, clapping his hands enthusiastically together. You wince- it would take a lot more than some Christmas lights to fix the mess that is Seokjin’s shop. Even a professional interior decorator couldn’t fix this chaotic mess. His shop is ten years past a clearance sale.
Still, you walk over and begin to open up the boxes, sorting through the decorations until you come across an older box. You thought you’d loaded them all, but it looks like you’ve missed one. 
“What’s this box, Jin?” You ask, peeling back the lid to find a series of old, musty decorations. Jin pauses in his detangling of some dangling star lights to look over your shoulder. 
“Those are the decorations I put up for sale every year that never seem to go. Even the words “clearance” isn’t enough for people to want them.” He sighs, and he’s surprisingly melancholy as he looks upon the unwanted decorations. You’ve never had much to do with the things he chooses to sell- frankly you’re a little afraid with the things you may find should you venture into the labyrinth of his dollar store. Curious, you peel back the cardboard flap and peer inside at the myriad of unwanted decorations. 
Oddly, it makes your heart twinge a little, to see the stock that has been stuck gatherinf dust for eleven months. As dramatic as it sounds, you know a thing or two about being unwanted. 
Not that your parents ever implied you were unwanted! It’s just hard not to feel that way when you’re born to a couple who want nothing to do with each other. The constant back and forth between your two feuding parents had constantly made you feel more like a “pass-the-parcel” package than a human being.
And when your dad had remarried, he’d always insisted that you were welcome, but it’s not difficult to see how happy he is in his new family. How his stepchildren’s achievements made him smile or how he’d finally achieved the noisy, warm household he’d always dreamed of. The household he never had with you. And now even your mother is trying new things- she’d asked you to come with her to meet the family of her new boyfriend, but you couldn’t bring yourself to suffer through the awkwardness. 
That’s why you’d chosen to spend this Christmas alone- because you can’t seem to shake the feeling that you’re an afterthought when it comes to a holiday that involves spending time with your family. You exist, and you share their blood, but they have plans with people they actually chose to be in their lives. You’re welcome along, but not really wanted. 
Jin watches the expression on your face with mild interest. 
“Do you... want any of them?” He questions tentatively. “They’re a bit gaudy, but you could give them a home?”
You grimace at the ugly decorations- it’s not hard to see why no one wanted them. Tacky, corny baubles and cheap little mantle ornaments that a even a seventy year old grandmother would turn her nose up at.
But despite your general distaste, a tuft of red wool at the corner of the box catches your attention. You reach forward and tug it free.
A Christmas-themed scarecrow toy smiles back at you. Tufts of red, woollen hair peak out beneath his little santa’s hat, and two sewed on black buttons make up his eyes. His mouth is a simple stitched black line, a little upwards curve, and a little paint on upside down triangle makes his nose. He’s dress in a flannel shirt and overalls, but the overalls have a little christmas tree embroidered on the front and his flannel shirt has fluffy cuffs like the ends of a santa shirt. He’s sort of charming, if a little strange- why a christmas scarecrow? What an oddly specific decoration. 
“I can kind of see why no one would want these.” You snort, though you don’t put him back. Jin nods sympathetically. 
“This little guy has been with me for years. All the other decorations I bought with him eventually got sold but this guy is still unwanted.” He admits, taking the scarecrow from your hands to examine it fondly. “I even tried giving him away for free once but they didn’t want him.”
You bite your lip at that. The two button eyes stare up at you longingly, and for some reason you feel a sense of camaraderie with this stupid, gaudy christmas scarecrow. 
If you’re taking a bunch of decorations, why not this guy? He clashes with every instinct you have in terms of decoration, but the thought of him sitting on a shelf, unwanted for a month only to go back in this dusty old box at the end of the year is too depressing for you to handle. With a sigh, you take him back from Jin. 
“Might as well, since you dumped all your other old decorations on me.” You sigh.
And you miss the way Jin winks at the little scarecrow when you’re facing away from it. 
You actually forget about the decorations for the next few days. They sit in your car, unpacked. You’re busy with work as they rush to wrap up the end of year projects before their deadlines. And it’s not like putting up decorations has a deadline, right? You put them up some time before Christmas and hopefully remember to take them down before February hits. 
It’s when Autumn finally draws to a close and the first of December hits that you’re finally motivated to put them up. You’re in a deep clean kind of mood and when you duck out to your car to chuck out the various wrappers and old papers you’ve built up over autumn, you recall the boxes in your boot. 
The little Christmas Scarecrow is the first thing you pull out once the boxes are unloaded into your home. The little button eyes gaze up at you mournfully, as if scolding you for leaving him unattended in your car for so long. 
“Sorry little guy.” You sigh, straightening and setting him atop your mantle. He looks a little out of place with your decor but it feels right to place him there for some reason. This way he’s in full view of any guests that walk in. “Here. This can be your spot. Front and centre.” You tell him, and from this spot his button eyes look a little less mournful. With a smile, you begin puzzling out how to assemble Jin’s ratty old Christmas tree. 
You’re in the middle of a youtube tutorial on how to make your tree appear fuller when your phone lights up with your mother’s contact image. 
It takes you a few moments to steal yourself to answer her.
You aren’t on bad terms with your mother or anything. It’s just... for a few years after the divorce, when you probably needed her most, she just wasn’t your mother. And she’s done really well and gotten a lot of help and she’s in a really good place right now, but it’s still hard. It’s hard to talk to either of your parents, really. 
“Hey mum.” You finally say as you answer the phone. You can guess what she’s going to ask- every since she found out you wouldn’t be going home for Christmas, she’s been doing her best to convince you otherwise. 
“I was just at the store this morning,” she greets you. “And I saw all the ingredients for that christmas cake we used to make when you were small. Do you remember? And we always made it snowman-shaped and you’d cry when we’d eat it.”
You smile at the memory- it’s one of the very few fond ones you have on Christmas. When you were a very young child, before whatever your parents had between them went sour. Before life transitioned into hiding upstairs and trying to block out the sounds of shouting and being bounced back and forth between opposite sides of the country because your mother and father couldn’t even handle being in the same city together. 
“I do remember.” You say.
“We could make it!” Your mother urges. “Just think- wouldn’t it be so fun? John has a daughter your age, and she loves to bake! She’s so eager to meet you too- we could-“
“Maybe next year, mum.” You say. “I’m just absolutely slammed at work this year. Besides, I’ll be down for your birthday soon. I’d just rather spend Christmas at home, this year.”
Your mother is silent for a moment. You know she didn’t miss the implications of your statement. When you had first moved out for studying, returning to your parent’s place had been “going home”. Even you’re not sure when avoiding your family for the holidays had morphed into “staying home.”
“I... I’m sorry. I know I keep bringing it up, but I heard from your father that you weren’t going to spend it with him either and I... I don’t like the thought of you alone for Christmas.” She finally says. “I know I’ve failed you in a lot of ways, but I don’t want this to be one of them. John’s wonderful and his family would love to have you. We could make room for you.”
You go quiet for a moment. Your mum is trying her very best. You know that- you know that so well and yet you can’t. You just can’t do it. You don’t have it in you to brave through Christmas with either of your parents and play happy families and pretend that the years of misery didn’t happen. You don’t want a Christmas where people are “making room” for you. You want to have a place that is just inherently yours.
“Next year.” You promise. Next year you’ll have steeled yourself. Next year you’ll have it together. Next year you can try again. Next year you’ll be a little stronger and more resilient and then you can face the mess of your broken family.
Your mother sighs on the other end, in a sad, disappointed sort of way. 
“Next year.” She finally says, and there’s a promise in her words. Next year she’ll be better too. She’ll keep trying. 
You stay on the phone a little longer, and when you hang up you just spend a moment in your empty apartment. Boxes are sitting, strewn around you and currently the only decoration is your little Christmas Scarecrow. 
Oddly, he almost looks judgemental as he peers at you through the buttons. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” You sigh, getting to your feet and beginning the process of organising the Christmas decorations. “It’s complicated. You don’t know my mum and I know she loves me and I know she’s trying... but it’s... it’s just complicated, ok?”
You continue to ramble as you finish up your decorations. It’s quite therapeutic, talking to an inanimate object. It almost feels like he’s listening- there’s something warm in the little stitched mouth and button eyes. You and your scarecrow, both unwanted on Christmas day. You tell him about your parent’s divorce, about your past Christmases. About Jin and your friendship with him. About your decision to be alone for Christmas this year because neither of your parent’s offers seemed particularly appealing. 
By the time you’ve finish, your apartment actually looks decent. The Christmas tree sits in the corner, decorated with baubles covered in chipped paint and balding tinsel. There’s lights strung across the ceiling and across your mantle and maybe there’s one or two missing spots, and maybe it’s just a little tacky, but it’s warm. It’s home. You’ve carved out a little home for yourself in this apartment, and maybe it’s not perfect, but you like it. 
When you fall asleep on the couch, exhausted, you dream of ringing sleigh bells and cheerful Christmas tunes. 
You awaken suddenly. Your heart is in your throat. 
There’s someone in your apartment. You can hear them rummaging around in the kitchen. You don’t know how they got there, but terror fills you. 
The first thing you do is discreetly reach for your phone. You want to call the emergency number but you don’t want the intruder to know you’re awake in case they retaliate. Instead, you shoot a text to Jin. 
There’s someone in my house. You text. The response is almost immediate. 
I’m on my way. He responds. You resist the urge to groan. You’d told him so that he could call the police, not so that he could play hero. 
You roll off the couch and sneak closely to the wall. A metal bat rests there- a housewarming gift from Namjoon when he first learnt you’d be living alone. You never thought you’d have to use it. You never forget to lock your doors and surely no one has the guts to scale a building and come in through your balcony, right?
Still, you’re grateful for it now as you grip the handle tightly between both fists. 
Hesitantly and quietly, you inch towards the kitchen. The light is on and you can make out a figure bustling inside. 
With a cry, you rush forward, swing the back in a downwards arc. 
Only for your terrified intruder to whip around and catch the bat with the palms of his hands. Ignoring the fact that he just caught the full swing of a metal bat without flinching, you try and pull your bat back to tru for another swing. 
But he merely tightens his grip on the bat and this gives you time to take in his appearance. 
There’s a lot of striking things about the man’s appearance. Bright, brilliantly red hair, the colour of Christmas ribbons and raspberries, a straight, prominent nose. A sharp, well-defined jawline and two warm, dark eyes, almost familiar in their dark shade. 
It’s hard to know what to take in first. His startlingly handsome face, his brightly coloured hair, or his outlandish outfit. You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone look cute in tacky, Christmas themed overalls or a flannel shirt that’s an odd mix of a Santa’s hat and a farmer’s uniform. Complete with the Santa’s hat and the bright red hair, the man could almost be twins with your Christmas Scarecrow. 
“Who are you?” You demand. You attempt another futile tug on your bat, but the man’s grip is firm. 
“Don’t panic, (Y/N)!” He urges. His voice is deep and velvety but edged with a little terror. Your eyes widen. 
“How do you know my name?” You demand. If you weren’t afraid before, you are now. 
“Seokjin said it! In the store, a few days ago!” He cries, still pressing firmly against your metal bat. Despite you pressing your whole weight into it, it doesn’t budge a centimetre closer towards him. 
“So you’re a stalker?” You cry. 
“No!” He counters. “It’s me, (Y/N)! The scarecrow!”
That startles you enough to relax your grip on the metal bat. He senses the lapse in your grip and tugs the metal bat free. He holds it away from you and approaches you slowly, cautiously. 
“I was just making you some hot chocolate.” He says slowly. “You seemed sad after your phone call with your mum and I wanted to comfort you.”
He’s crazy- a crazy guy has broken into your house and has been listening to your conversations for who knows how long, and has been stalking you before that. 
“How long have you been stalking me for, you psycho?” You demand. His eyes widen in horror. 
“I’m not a stalker!” He insists. “I’m your scarecrow- turn around and I can prove it!” 
“What? So that you can stab me while my back is turned?” You demand. You make a grab for the bat. “Get out of my house!”
He manages to throw the bat backwards and grab both your shoulders as you lunge for him. With impressive strength he presses on your shoulders and spins you around. In the same motion, he shoves you forward a few steps and you stumble to re-gain your balance. 
Enraged and terrified, you whip around, ready to retaliate.
Only, he’s gone. Where a weird red-haired man previously stood, your kitchen is now empty. 
The counters are scattered with objects- your milk is out, and an open tin of cocoa, a few of your spice jars are laid neatly next to the pile of pots. 
And, sitting neatly where the man had been not a moment before, is your little Christmas Scarecrow. He smiles up at you, button eyes gleaming like he knows something you don’t. 
You can’t help it- you crumble before it. The post-adrenaline crash hits hard and you stare dumbly at the embroidered smile for a moment. 
“It’s a dream.” You finally conclude to yourself. “This is some messed-up nightmare and tomorrrow this haunted scarecrow can go right back to Jin’s store.” 
You grab it and hold it at a distance, your arms outstretched like it smells bad. 
“This is fine.” You assert. “It’s a dream. Just. Just go back here. And I’ll go... run into a wall or something. And this will all be some sort of fever dream.”
You settle the Christmas Scarecrow back into its rightful spot on your mantle, before turning around. You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself to run full speed at the wall just opposite. 
“‘Haunted’ is a little much, don’t you think?” The same velvety voice from earlier asks, and you turn to find the very same intruder leaping off your mantle onto the ground. “I’m not a ghost, or anything.”
He comes to stand in front of you, arms folded and lips pulled into a frown. Looking upon him now, you see the similarities to the Christmas Scarecrow- even the loose thread in the embroidered tree of his overall pockets is identical. It... it really is your Christmas Scarecrow, standing before you in human form. 
You nod to yourself, a peaceful wave of acceptance washing over you and- 
No wait, never mind. That wave is nausea- you’re blacking out.
When you come to, you’re arranged neatly on your couch with your scarecrow hovering over you. You almost want to faint again, but you hold strong. 
“You’re awake!” He cheers, waving a damp towel around. He’s been dipping it in a bowl of cool water and pressing it against your forehead and you flinch as his actions send icy drops over water scattering across your face. 
“And you used to be a scarecrow.” You grumble, sitting up. You squint and lean in closely, taking in every detail. Each mark on his skin, each strand of bright red hair, the smooth curve of his smile... it’s so human. Probably the most ethereal and beautiful human to walk the planet, but still human. One of his eyelids is a monolid and the other is a double lid and one of his front teeth is just slightly longer than the other and yet the effect is that he’s just so charming. Far too beautiful to be sitting in your tacky, poorly decorated apartment and far too beautiful to be spending most of his time as a cringe-y christmas-themed scarecrow that Jin probably fished out of the bottom of a clearance basket at a thrift shop and thought he could get away with re-selling. “You have maybe thirty seconds to explain before I call the police. Or an exorcist. Or both.”
He holds up his both his hands in surrender.
“Wait. Please.” He pleads. The desperate way he says the words makes you pause. Honestly, the sane thing to do would be to kick him out. Leave the weird, haunted scarecrow out on the street to fend for himself and go about your days as if this particular little supernatural incident never occurred. 
You sigh. 
“Just... please tell me what’s going on.” You finally say. “I won’t do anything drastic, but at least explain.”
Relied and gratefulness shines in his eyes and he clasps your hands gratefully between his own. Your attention is momentarily caught by the way his large hands dwarf your own. The bony prominences of his knuckles catch your attention- they shift and glide beneath his skin as his grip around your hand tightens. For some reason, the tiny action seems huge. You lift your gaze slowly to meet his eyes, which are round and warm. 
“My name is Taehyung.” He explains. “And I’m a Christmas Spirit.”
“Christmas Spirit?” You echo in bewilderment. Taehyung nods eagerly and sits forward. He pulls his legs together so that he can sit cross-legged and wraps his hands around his ankles. 
“Yup!” He says, and he’s surprisingly nonchalant despite the supernatural implications of his statement. “We’re beings that come about from the magic of the season. And our job is to spread Christmas cheer to whoever welcomes us into their home.”
As if that’s just a normal thing that someone can spring on you and not expect you to panic! Yet he announces it like he’s a five year old excited to explain the drawing he made of you in school that day. All you can really manage is to nod mutely for a moment. Despite the absurdity of his words, it certainly sounds like what you had done- taken a tacky, unwanted Christmas decoration and welcomed it into your home. 
“And that’s you, (Y/N).” He says warmly, and the way he says your name is so fond. Like you’re his oldest, most valued friend. It startles you- you don’t think you’ve ever had the syllables of your name pronounced with such care, like they are a precious gift. “You are the first human to ever welcome me into your home. All my friends eventually found people to take them, and I’m the last one to remain. I’ve never gotten to fulfil my duty, not even once.”
“Why not?” You croak out. Why was there a random little christmas ornament in Seokjin’s store that held this kind of power? Why did it end up with you? Who was this mysterious man in your house, gazing at you like you’re the best thing to ever happen to him?
“Well, it’s probably not hard to tell.” He admits, rubbing awkwardly at the back of his neck and then adjusting the santa’s hat atop his head. “Not many people want a Christmas-themed Scarecrow for a decoration. At least not around here.” He sighs. But then he turns to you and his gaze is bright. It’s a little blinding, his mega-watt smile, and it’s certainly overwhelming to have the full force of it directed at you. “But you gave me a chance! You took me home!”
“So... you spread Christmas cheer for me? What does that even mean? What happens when you finish?” You say, leaning back just a little to give yourself room to breath. His scent fills your nostrils and it’s overwhelming. A pleasant mix of christmas scents- gingerbread, cinammon, peppermint. It sits thick in the back of your throat like the pleasant burn of a hot, sweet drink. 
He looks surprised at the line of questioning and a frown replaces the warm, glowing look he’d borne just moments earlier. 
“Well, I’m not sure. I suppose when I finish then you put me away for a year or you pass me on to someone else.” He admits. “This is my first time, so I’m still learning the ropes.” He’s a little sheepish as he admits it. But then his gaze lights up again and he pulls himself up onto the couch so that he can sit shoulder-to-shoulder with you. “But spreading Christmas cheer is just helping you enjoy the season! You haven’t had a great experience with Christmas, right? I can help!”
You stiffen as you recall earlier that day; you had essentially aired all your dirty laundry to what you’d thought was an inanimate object. Taehyung now knew more about you than even some of your closest friends did. You’d unintentionally opened up and made yourself vulnerable to some guy you hardly knew. The thought has you recoiling. You’re not against the idea of opening up- certainly when people ask the right questions, you’ll answer honestly. But people rarely ask and you’ve never volunteered. No one has has access to every dirty detail like Taehyung now does. 
And for some reason that thought has you terrified.
“I’m... I don’t mean to burst your bubble, Taehyung.” You volunteer quietly. Taehyung stiffens at the tone of your voice. “You seem like a nice enough guy. Or spirit. Or scarecrow. Whatever you are. And I hope that one day you’ll find someone you can give lots of Christmas cheer to. But I didn’t sign up for this. I don’t want any of it- the “Christmas cheer” or the festivities, or anything. I’m just...” you inhale deeply. “I’m just trying to make the most of what I have.” 
You get to your feet, your back facing him. 
“You can stay the night, but I’ll take you back to Jin in the morning. I’ll see if I can convince any of my friends to take you, if you like.”
A slight tug on the sleeve of your jumper stops you from leaving. You glance down at your wrist. Taehyung has just the tip of your sleeve, pinched between his fingers. It’s not enough pressure to stop you from leaving. The slightest tug would liberate you from his grasp and you’d be free to go back to your room. 
“No one else will.” He admits quietly. There’s a sort of heart-aching tone to his voice that makes that tiny grip feel like he’s handcuffed to you. “I waited for five years in that store. I’d sit in a box for eleven months of the year, and hope that this year would be the one someone chose me and every day of December that passed I’d watch people walk right past me. And before that, I was passed around from store to store. People would keep me in the store until they realised I’d never sell and then they’d palm me off to someone else. They didn’t even have the guts to get rid of me. And I’d watch as the objects around me got chosen. They got sent to good homes. But never me. I have waited twenty five christmases for someone to let me in. You’re the first.” He quietly admits. He hasn’t changed or adjusted his grip on your sleeve. Just that tenuous, fragile grip, that little bit of hope that can be snapped at any moment keeps you in place. “Please.” He breathes. 
You stare at his fingers, at the tacky cuffs of his sleeve, at his hopeful, pleading expression. 
You don’t have to do this. He’s asking you, but he won’t force you. You can say no and have the bleary, lonely Christmas you’d originally planned. You can keep pushing everyone away and forever allow Christmastime to be a holiday of heartbreak for you. 
Or you could let this random Christmas Scarecrow and his sparkly, bright eyes into your home.
“Ok.” You finally say. “My work hasn’t shut down yet so I’m gonna be super busy for the next few weeks. But in between you can give it a go.”
The answering smile he gives you in turn has your heart fluttering in anticipation. 
Maybe Christmas won’t be so bad this year.
Although you had had every intention of welcoming Taehyung into your home and applying yourself to the festivities as best you could, your workplace dials everything up to eleven over the next few days, just as predicted. Taehyung, to his credit, doesn’t whine or complain. He spends most of the day while you are at work in his scarecrow-form or binging netflix on your account and he spends his evenings stretched on the couch, or beaming at you over dinner. It’s kind of like having a loyal golden retriever to come home to, but maybe with better manners.
It’s actually kind of pleasant. You occasionally catch him humming Christmas tunes and he keeps leaving his Santa hat in strange places but otherwise he’s a rather nonintrusive roommate. He even makes you dinner on occasion and he’s not a terrible cook.
 It’s only as the weekend approaches and you’re contemplating how to spend it that it occurs to you that Taehyung hasn’t left the house once. It’s not like he can just wonder down the street in his scarecrow outfit- it’s not exactly designed to withstand subzero temperature. And you’ve been so slammed at work that it never occurred to you that you’d essentially let the poor guy stay with you and then left him to the equivalent of house arrest.
“Do you do much during the week?” You ask Taehyung across dinner that night. You had quickly learned that he does need to eat and shower and sleep like every human but he can stave it off by staying in his scarecrow form, and so dinner time had just become a shared meal most evenings. He had even waited in his scarecrow form for you to get back on the days you had finished late that week. He pauses through a mouthful of pasta and looks up, cheeks bulging. 
“Not much.” He confesses, after a noisy swallow. “I don’t really have anywhere to go.” He reminds you. 
Guilt churns in your stomach and sours your dinner. You had promised him you’d give him a chance, and yet here you were a week later, making him fend for himself in an unfamiliar and empty apartment with nothing to do but watch netflix and raid your pathetic excuse of a pantry.
“Right.” You sigh, thoroughly chastened. “I... forgot. I’m sorry- work just hit me really hard.”
“It’s fine.” Taehyung dismisses. “It’s my job to entertain you, not the other way round!”
You stir awkwardly at your food, still unable to dispel the guilt.
“Even so... we could go somewhere tomorrow, if you want? I have the weekend off.” You offer as nonchalantly as you can. “If you’re here for the rest of the month, you’ll need clothes. And proper bedding. We can pick that stuff up and then do some other things.” 
He positively beams at your offer and it’s jarring. You aren’t used to such joy at such simple things. It’s so easy to win a smile from him, but rather than make his smiles seem meaningless, it just seems to make them brighter. You’re not used to earning such easy affection for so little and it leaves you unsure what to do with yourself.
“Really?” He questions eagerly. “The whole day?”
You duck your head slightly to disguise your fluster. You’re not even sure why your heart seems to race at his smile. Perhaps because you’ve never seen such a beautiful person smile quite like that. 
“The whole day.” You reassure him. “I can make up for this week- I really didn’t mean to ignore you like this.”
Taehyung shakes his head. 
“Don’t be silly!” He scolds you. “You told me that work would be busy. It just means we have to make your weekend even more enjoyable to make up for a missed week.”
He gets abruptly to his feet, wiping pasta sauce from the corner of his mouth. 
“Oh, I have so much to plan! Can I borrow your laptop? I have to plan our day!” He asks. A little startled, you merely nod at him in bewilderment and he grins determinedly to himself. “Ok! My first day on the job. Here I go.”
He storms off and then performs a quick u-turn. 
“After I clean up my dishes.” He recalls sheepishly. 
The next morning you shuffle into your kitchen a bit bleary-eyed and still in your pyjamas. Taehyung never seems to be tired or grumpy no matter what time of day it is, and so it’s not surprise that he’s up and humming to himself as he cooks breakfast for the two of you. 
He hears you shuffle in the kitchen and glances over his shoulder to smile at you and it catches you off-guard for some reason. You’ve gotten used to him cooking meals, to his singing, even to just his general presence, but you can’t seem to get used to the way he seems to just smile so easily. Something about the way the wintery sun streams in through the windows and catches the tips of his hair and gilding the sharp edges of his handsome face is just ethereal. You can believe he’s not a human in that moment- he’s too gorgeous to be one.
“You’re up!” He cheers. You shake your head to try and rid yourself of your strange thoughts and shuffle forward to scrutinise the breakfast he’s preparing. 
“I’m making a Christmas classic.” He informs you when he notices you attempting to peer over his shoulders. “At least, according to her.” He gestures to your ipad on the counter, where he has one of those food blogs run by stay-at-home mums that write essays on their blogs instead of the actual recipes. This one seems to have a picture of tacky santas made from pancakes and whipped cream. 
Looking at Taehyung’s progress so far, it actually looks fairly similar to the picture, but that’s not saying that much considering the quality of the picture. 
“Isn’t that like cannabalism for you? Isn’t eating Santa basically eating your coworker?” You point out. Taehyung laughs, a full-bodied laugh that makes his eyes curl up into little crescent moons. 
“He’s actually my boss more than my coworker. But he loves Santa-themed decorations. He says it makes him feel jolly.” He tells you. 
There’s a lot to unpack there and so you choose to ignore it by occupying yourself with the cleanup. 
“So I was thinking that we can get some clothes for you today and maybe some other necessities if you’re going to be staying here all month.” You inform him. Taehyung nods distractedly, gently nudging one of the santa pancakes onto a plate. He reaches for a bowl of blueberries, arranging them into eyes and then spraying whipped cream in the shape of a beard. It kind of seems like he’s not very interested in your schedule for the day.
“Tadaa!” He exclaims, showing off his creation. He then reaches for a blueberry and pops it in his mouth. “They’re not bad for frozen fruits.” 
“Looks great.” You praise him. “But the plan for today-“
“(Y/N).” Taehyung cuts you off. He looks a little stern, but there’s still a warmth to his expression that softens the harsh edges. “I told you I’d plan today. It’s my job to make your Christmas season enjoyable. I’m not here for you to babysit- got it?”
Chastened and surprised, you nod meekly. He grins. 
“Good. Now open up.” He says, brandishing a blueberry menacingly between his fingertips at you. Your eyes widen.
“But Tae-“ you protest, and he’s shoved the blueberry into your mouth before you can finish your counterargument. This time, when he smiles, it’s a little smug.
“No “buts”.” He sighs. “Just sit down and enjoy breakfast and trust me. We can pick up some
clothes since the Christmas overalls are a bit weird, but after that, then I take over. Ok?” He demands, and you chew through the blueberry, a little disconcerted.
“Ok.” You finally agree reluctantly. 
Breakfast is a peaceful affair, with the two of you enjoying the pancakes. Cleaning up with Taehyung is almost domestic- there’s something pleasant about having him stand shoulder to shoulder with you, drying the dishes as you wash them. 
Outside is a frigid affair- it hasn’t quite hit the point where it’s snowing outside, but temperatures are definitely creeping lower and lower and Taehyung nearly glows blue in the short sprint to your car. You fix it by blasting the heater the second the two of you are safely secured in the vehicle. 
“So, if you’re planning the agenda for today, what are we doing after we grab you some clothes?” You ask conversationally. Taehyung pauses from where he’s flicking through your phone, scrutinising your spotify playlist like he’s studying it for an exam. He looks up, his eyebrows still furrowed in concentration. 
“Well, I called in a favour from an old friend and booked us a free Christmas bauble painting workshop.” He announces, looking pleased with him. You squint at him and grimace just a little. 
“I don’t know if you know this, Taehyung, but I am terrible at drawing. I’m so bad that in highschool all these kids signed a petition to ban me from it.” You say, completely serious. He stares at you, bewildered for a moment. 
“Surely it can’t be that bad?” He wonders aloud. You just shake your head grimly at him.
One shopping trip later, Taehyung discovers that it is, in fact, that bad. 
“What did Rudolph ever do to deserve this?” He questions in abject horror. You feel your cheeks heat as you curl your hands protectively over your glass bauble. 
“It’s not that bad!” You insist. And then you hesitate. “Is it?”
Taehyung pries your fingers back to expose your masterpiece- splotchy brown paint, sparkles, and a lovely dollop of red paint in the centre. 
“(Y/N).” He says seriously. “It looks like someone walks into Santa’s stable, massacred all the reindeer and then scattered glitter over the scene of the crime.”
You squint at your painting, and, depressingly enough, his description is more accurate than what it’s meant to be. It was meant to be Rudolph, smiling happily through the glass of the bauble. 
“Forget it.” You snap, setting the glass bauble down and moving to get up. “This is stupid, anyway- we still have to pick up a mattress protector for your bed.”
“Wait!” He laughs, grabbing at your sleeve before you can make a hasty retreat. A firm tug from his has you landing back in your seat, face to face with the awful paint spill you call a painting. “I’m sorry! Just relax, ok? This is supposed to be fun.”
“I’m not having fun.” You sniff. “I told you I wasn’t good at painting and now you’re laughing at me.”
Taehyung winces. 
“Well... it’s not totally unsalvageable.” He finally compromises. He picks up the bauble, examining it for a moment. And then he picks up the paintbrush, and with quick, precise strokes of his paintbrush, he morphs the brown splotch formally known as Rudolph into a sort of sleigh-shape, and the red-splotch is rounded into the curve of Santa’s belly. “There.” He says, satisfied. You blink in wonder at the new creation. It’s still a little ugly and a little streaky, but it definitely doesn’t look like someone went on a Christmas-killing spree. “How’s that? Now you just have to decorate the sleigh an add sparkles. Surely you can’t mess that up.”
“You underestimate me.” You deadpan at him, and to your surprise, he snorts with laughter. A couple of the other people painting baubles glare at you, and Taehyung merely offers them a merry grin. 
“There used to be an elf like you at Santa’s workshop. No matter what he did, he’s somehow always mess up painting the toys.” Taehyung recalls, shaking his head fondly. “The two of you would get along.”
It’s the second time he’s mentioned it, and this time you can’t keep your curiosity at bay. 
“So... does that mean you’ve met with Santa? The Northpole and all that is a thing?” You ask. Taehyung nods. 
“It sure is! It’s where all Christmas Spirits grow up. We get raised there and taught about the best ways to spread Christmas cheer and then we get sent out to spread the cheer.” He sighs warmly. “I was top of my class.”
You grimace as you picture it. Dozens of Christmas Scarecrows, sitting at tables, studying books on how to paint the perfect Christmas bauble. 
“And so you just... get kicked out after a certain age? They raise you and send you out to sit on a shelf for eleven months of the year and then follow silly Christmas traditions for the last one?” You question him, and for a moment you’re horrified by the loneliness of such an existence. “Wouldn’t you... just get sick of Christmas? Spending your life only ever being in Christmas mode?”
“I wouldn’t know.” Taeyung reminds you as he sprinkles glitter over his painting of a snowman. He doesn’t seem particularly bothered by the idea, but you feel like he’s slapped you. “This is my first official Christmas on the job, remember? I haven’t had a chance to get sick of it yet.”
That makes you go silent. 
Taehyung seems to pick up on the way the mood has shifted. He stops detailing the buttons of his snowman painting and glances at you. Your eyes are wide and slightly misty.
He’s never felt particularly sorry for himself. Sure, the many years he’s spent gathering dust on a shelf have been lonely. He missed his friends, and all he could ever dream of was getting to sit on a mantle as he watched a family enjoy Christmas. That would be the closest he’d ever get, and that’s been his dream for so long. 
But for some reason, with you looking at him like that, the ache that he’s sought so hard to push down resurfaces. It’s like a damn breaking; it’s soothing. To have someone look at him and actually be acknowledging how hard and lonely and painful what he went through was. 
“I’m ok now.” He reassures you, though his voice is a little hoarse. The sheen to his eyes is a little less brilliant, and your heart aches for him as you process the twenty-five year wait that Taehyung has endured. “After all, someone welcomed me into their home, right?”
You blink- that someone is you. You’ve welcomed Taehyung into your home. Christmas is perhaps even lonelier for Taehyung than it is for you, and yet all he seems to want to do is make it enjoyable for you. 
You duck your head, distracting yourself by stirring the tip of your paintbrush in the bright red paint. 
“I guess so.” You finally say. You offer him a tentative smile. “I guess I have a responsibility to make this your best Christmas ever, then.” You resolve. 
Taehyung is silent for such a prolonged moment that you’re forced to face him again to ensure he hasn’t died. When you do, what you find is him gaping at you like a Christmas tree just sprouted from between your eyebrows. 
“What?” You question, a little defensively. It’s hard to interpret the look on his face. 
He shakes himself, coming back to his senses. 
“Nothing.” He reassures you. “I just realised that you’re a bit rare to smile, is all.”
Something about the look in his eyes has you feeling flustered- your fingers tremble enough that you knock over the glitter and it spills across Taehyung’s newly bought trousers. You get up quickly, horrified, but he laughs it off. 
“I think we’ve done enough damage to these baubles.” He says with a warm smile. “We still have things to buy, right?”
The rest of the day passes in a blur. Taehyung drags you from store to store, excited by the smallest things. He stares at a Christmas-themed hot chocolate for so long that you end up having to buy it for him. The look of gratefulness in his eyes is unparalleled and almost makes up for the fact that you literally have to plead with him to buy actual clothes and not just ridiculous Christmas Sweaters. In the evening, you wonder the shopping district, appreciating the lights that line the main street in brilliant arrays. 
When you slump down on your couch beside Taehyung that night, showered and ready for bed, you’re exhausted to the bones. Oddly, it’s not the same kind of tiredness you feel after a long week at work or after you’ve had a long argument with your mother. Instead, it’s a satisfying fatigue- like you’ll drift off quickly and dream of christmas lights and children’s laughter. 
“How did I do for my first day?” Taehyung yawns from where he is sprawled on the couch in a similar position to you. 
“Good.” You say, turning your head to glance at him. The dim light of your living room softens the slope of his nose, and his dark eyes catch flashes of the light that makes it seem like his irises are tiny little galaxies. There’s something so inherently peaceful about the warmth of his presence beside yours .
“I’m glad.” He says, though his lashes flutter and you too find yourself fighting off the comforting waves of sleep. He shifts and turns his head so that his cheek rests against the couch and he gazes at you. “Hey (Y/N)?” He calls gently. 
Your eyes are closed by this state. 
“Hmm?” You hum, in acknowledgement of his statement. He’s quiet for a moment before he ask.
“Why did you want to spend Christmas alone?” He asks. You blink open your eyes and look back at him. His gaze is steady and unwavering. But it’s not scolding or judgemental- instead he just seems curious. 
“You told me about your parent’s divorce and all their fighting on Christmas... but I heard the way you spoke to your mother on the phone too. You want to spend Christmas with her, don’t you? You just... can’t?” He asks. “You said you didn’t want the Christmas cheer... but you still took me home and decorated for Christmas. You painted the baubles and drank the hot cocoa and did the Christmas shopping... why do you pretend to hate it all?”
If it were anyone else, you would probably stop the conversation there. You have no interest in delving into your long, complex family history only to be met with looks of confusion, or worse, pity. 
But somehow, in the short space of a mere week, Taehyung has become someone you feel safe opening up to. Perhaps it’s because he’s already heard your whole story already. Or maybe because of the way he genuinely just wants to see you smile despite there being no substantial gain for him other than job satisfaction. Or because he’s proven himself trustworthy in the little ways he’s slotted himself into your life, like sharing meals. Whatever the reason, you don’t clam up like you usually do. 
“I don’t pretend to hate it.” You tell him softly. “I just got sick of trying to love it.”
Taehyung is silent for a long period of time. For a moment, it’s just the two of you, exhausted and sleepy. The weight of your confession hangs in the air, and the moment is strangely intimate. 
Then he smiles. 
“Then I’ll keep trying for you.” He promises. 
The two of you don’t manage to stay awake for much longer. Eventually the long day catches up to you- you drift off first, with one of those rare but peaceful smiles on your face, and Taehyung follows suit soon after.
The week that follows is one of the worst you’ve had in a while. You’re putting in ridiculous amounts of overtime and everyone is a little on edge from sheer exhaustion and the mounting stress of deadlines. 
And in that time, Taehyung is honestly a lifesaver. It’s remarkable, being able to come home from another hellish day at work to find him with dinner ready and a crappy Christmas movie set up. You spend your evenings laughing and unwinding. It’s not like you don’t have friends who will come rushing if you tell them you’ve had a bad day, but there’s something special about the way Taehyung does it. With bright smiles and easy laughs and an infectious joy that seems to chase the fatigue that plagues you away. 
It’s towards the end of the week that you hit your limit. You’re not really the type to cry much. You’ve always been fiercely independent, and your upbringing meant that you were the kind of child to retire to your room and work things out for yourself when you felt the need to cry. It’s not like crying ever really achieved anything. Maybe the occasional sad scene in a movie would get you, but usually you’re the kind to feel sad internally.
But after this particular day, you’re close to tears. Your boss had yelled at you, one of the major projects you had been working on just hit a major snag, and you found out your favourite coworker was leaving. 
All you can thing about as you walk in the door is spending another peaceful evening with Taehyung. You’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time to expand his taste past cheesy Christmas movies and had even made a list of films he may like during his lunch break. You swing open the door to your home, eagerly rushing in and calling out to Taehyung so that he knows you’re home. 
And that’s when your phone goes off. 
It’s your father, probably the last person you want to talk to right now. 
Unlike your mother, who at least was trying to make up for the ways she’s screwed up in your upbringing, your father has never acknowledged his part in their divorce. It was always what your mother did wrong, how she let him down, how it was because she changed and wanted different things. He was the kind of man who always wanted a big family, and he had adored your mother at first. But her pregnancy with you had been difficult and you had, admittedly, been a sickly child. She’s never outright said the words, but you suspect postpartum depression might have played a part in her downward spiral. Either way, she had resolved to have no further children after you, something your father was heavily against. 
You suppose it can’t have been easy- your father had been in love and the two of them had agreed on the kind of future they wanted together- the kind filled with children, a quiet suburban life not far from either of their parents. And for your mother to change so suddenly and drastically would have been devastating and incomprehensible to your father. 
Still, you can’t help the resentment and hurt you feel towards him. Why did you have to get caught in the crossfire of his heartbreak? And then the icing on the cake was his remarriage. 
His wife is a lovely woman. Coming into the marriage with three children of her own, she had treated you with the same love and kindness she expected of your father towards her children. Her children, however, were not bound to such conduct, and made it their personal mission to make your life a living hell. Perhaps they felt insecure over the fact that your father was related to you by blood and they weren’t.
Either way, it put him in a difficult position- perhaps he felt he couldn’t tell them to back off without it coming across as favouritism. But he could have done something- spoken to his wife, or chosen you before the family he married into. But he didn’t. He ignored it and turned a blind eye and to this day he continues to pretend that things are normal. Especially after the birth of your half-sibling.
“Hi.” You say, as you answer the phone. Taehyung has stepped into the entryway with you, watching curiously as you answer the phone. 
“Hi sweetheart!” Your dad calls on the other side of the line. You wince at the unwelcome nickname.
“To... to what do I owe the pleasure?” You ask. You can hear a loud racket in the background. Its probably your half-sister. She’s always been on the louder side, even as a baby. 
“Nothing! I was just thinking it’s been a while since we last chatted. You haven’t been returning my calls.” You have no doubt the sadness in his voice is genuine, yet somehow it feels insincere. 
“I’ve just been really busy at work.” You lie, rather than admit you had seen the missed calls from him and not even bothered to listen to the messages he left. “I haven’t had a chance to call you back.”
“Right... right. No, that’s fine. I’m sure your very busy.” He rushes to reassure you. “I was just calling because your mother contacted me. She was hoping I could convince you to spend Christmas with us.”
You stiffen at the familiar topic. You had thought it had been a little too quiet on her end. Perhaps she had thought that if she couldn’t convince you to come home, maybe your father could. She’s always had this idea in her head that maybe you aren’t close to her because you prefer your father, and it’s not like she can handle having a long enough conversation with him to find out she’s wrong. It’s surprising she even managed to let him know your plans for Christmas. 
“It’s fine. Like I told mum, I’d really much rather spend it here this year. Besides, I thought you all were going away for Christmas this year? We already spent Christmas together last year.” You say, pointedly trying to remind him that Christmas isn’t even a yearly thing with him. He does the contractual every-second-year with you, and then plans fun events with his family on the years he isn’t stuck babysitting. 
“That’s true. But that’s why I’m calling! It took a bit of convincing, but there’s a spot on this trip with your name on it, if you want it.” He tells you. He almost sounds excited, like he’s really done something thoughtful and kind. Not just made some last-minute attempts to shoehorn you in. The invite hadn’t been there to start with, after all. It’s only as an afterthought that he’s made any attempt to add you in- a chance to pretend like things are good. Like the two of you aren’t on rocky terms the rest of the year. Like you’re close enough to go on holidays with your stepfamily. 
“I think I’m fine dad.” You finally say. Taehyung is watching the expressions play across your face with mild curiosity. He probably can’t hear your father’s voice on the other line, but he can see the anger on your face, and hear the wobble to your tone. “You have fun on your trip. I’ll make do here.”
There’s a beat of silence and you hear your father sigh. You grimace- that’s his pre-scolding sigh. The sigh he gives before any lecture he thinks you’ve earned. As if he has any parental claim to scolding you. 
“(Y/N),” your father begins. “It’s Christmas. Don’t be like this- you should be spending time with your family-“
“I did.” You cut him off, and you surprise yourself with the way tears fill your eyes. You squint, trying to keep them at bay. Taehyung watches with alarm as he registers the way you are on the verge of crying. “I spent every year. With you and mum. And then you and then mum and then you and then mum. I tried for so. damn. long. to do the family Christmas thing, but all it ever ended in was the two of you letting me down. Mum was too drunk or you were too busy. And yeah, maybe you guys were going through your own stuff. But don’t you dare try and tell me that Christmas is about family because if that’s what family is, I don’t want it. At least if I spend Christmas alone, neither of you can let me down.” You snarl into the phone line. 
Your father is silent after your outburst. Taehyung watches you, waiting for your response. 
And the tears finally spill forth, rolling down your cheeks. 
“Well, if that’s how you feel, then I won’t stop you.” Your father finally says. He sounds hurt, as if you’re the one who’s hurt him. “I guess we’ll see you in the new year. Your sister’s birthday is coming up and Rachel wants to have a big party since she’s ten this year.” 
“I’ll see you then.” You say, your throat raspy and your voice small. 
You’ve barely hung up the call before two strong arms have wrapped around your figure. You go stiff in Taehyung’s arms. This is probably the first time he’s hugged you, and it isn’t unpleasant. Instead, the scent of gingerbread and peppermint fills your nose and it’s strangely soothing. You shift and turn your head just slightly so that your face is buried into the soft cream of his jumper, one of the fresh purchases from the other day. 
“You can cry if you like.” He tells you, and you feel the words rumble from deep in his chest. “I won’t look.” He promises. “That was painful for me to hear, and it’s not even my dad- if you want to cry, then cry.” His voice cracks on the end of his sentence, and you abruptly realise that Taehyung is crying. He’s known you for just a short couple of weeks, and the only nice thing you’ve done for him is not drop a tacky Christmas Scarecrow back into a box of junk, and yet he’s crying just from hearing your half of a painful phone call. 
Perhaps it’s the permission you need. For all of the long, lonely years you were stuck in the middle of feuding exes, you never gave yourself permission to cry. Instead, you’d retire to your room, pressing a pillow to your ears to drown out the sounds of screaming. 
For a long time, you just stand there, sobbing into Taehyung’s arms. He runs his hands soothingly over the back of your hair, and eventually the steady rise and fall of his breathing lulls you into a sense of peace. 
Taehyung is quick to act from there- before long, you are forcefully seated on your couch with a mug of hot chocolate and a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Taehyung crouches before you, swiping at the tear trails on your cheeks with his thumbs. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks cautiously. You grimace and shake your head. 
“It’s just the same old stuff.” You reassure him. “Long day at work; daddy issues; the usual standard.”
Taehyung smiles and settles himself beside you on the couch, tugging the blanket from your hands so that he can curl under it. 
“Good thing your personal Christmas Spirit is here to save the season.” He whispers conspiratorially. He leans forward towards the coffee table and grabs your iPad, before pulling it into the safe cocoon of your blanket. “I’ve been researching all day! Tomorrow’s your day off, so it’s week 2 of spreading Christmas cheer.” He announces, unlocking the iPad and scrolling through the internet page he has open. 
You nearly choke on your hot chocolate. 
“Taehyung,” you rasp. Your oesophagus is probably blistering as you speak. “That’s a page for date ideas. This stuff is all for couples.”
“We are a couple.” Taehyung answers, confused. He points to himself and then to you. “A couple of people.” And then he grins at you and you realise he was teasing. 
You snort and can’t hold back your laugh. Taehyung’s smile softens and he leans into your personal space. 
“There it is.” He remarks. Wonder fills his tone. “That lovely smile.” He taps the tip of your nose fondly. 
The smile slips off your face at his words. Lovely? Your smile? He thinks your smile is lovely?
A weird, electric feeling fills you at the thought, and you lean away from him quickly before your stupid heart can get any funny ideas. He didn’t mean anything by that compliment. He’s a Christmas Spirit- it’s literally his job to make you smile. You won’t overthink it and ruin this strange but precious arrangement you have going on. 
Taehyung, to his credit, doesn’t look hurt or uncomfortable at the way you’d blatantly pulled away from him. Instead, his smile widens. 
“Good idea. You gotta rest up those smiling muscles for tomorrow or you’ll get a cramp.” He tells you. He then gets up and and stretches, letting out a tremendous yawn. He glances over his shoulder at you with a wink. “Prepare yourself for the best day ever.”
Said “best day ever” begins with you staring listlessly up at your ceiling. Taehyung had talked big the night before, promising you a day of fun and enjoyment. 
But you just can’t picture it. You’ve spoken to coworkers and friends before, about the excitement of Christmas. How they see lights or hear carols or even smelling gingerbread triggers this warm, nostalgic and joyful feeling deep in their hearts. But you’ve always felt nothing. Christmas has always been just another day, to you. 
With a sigh, you roll out of bed. 
Out in your living room, Taehyung is fidgeting with your smart tv, trying to get it to play what looks like Mariah Carey’s rendition of “All I want for Christmas is you”. He’s mumbling to himself, and his santa’s hat droops lower and lower on his head. The little white pompom at the end brushes his nose, and the bright red strands of hair that peak out from beneath the cap stick out in every direction. 
Apart from the santa’s hat, he’s dressed remarkably stylishly. That had been a big surprise on your little outing the week before- his impeccable fashion taste. Today he’s wearing a soft, fuzzy red cardigan over a large white t-shirt and tan trousers. 
“The volume’s off.” You inform him. He starts, glancing at you in surprise, before confirming that he has accidentally managed to turn the volume all the way down. “You operate technology like a grandpa.”
Taehyung grins as you take the remote from him, adjusting the volume and selecting the song so that the familiar opening begins to chime through your speakers. 
“You say that like I didn’t catch you yelling at your printer two nights ago.” He chuckles. “Are you ready for our ultimate Christmas adventure?”
He must catch the way your guard goes up, because his smile softens from something amused into something more gentle and comforting.
“Nervous?” He asks. You hesitate, just a moment, before offering a terse nod. 
“Sorry.” You finally settle on. “I just... I’ve tried the “christmas cheer” thing. And it didn’t work Tae. I just feel like... Christmas is just another day.”
“That’s because it is just another day.” He reminds you. “But if you give it a chance, it can be more.”
 You bite your lip hesitantly, and he shakes his head. 
“What if you didn’t think about it like Christmas?” He asks. “How about, today is a day for me to cheer you up after a long week. We’re gonna do fun things and enjoy ourself because we want to. Does that sound doable?”
It does. It’s strangely reassuring and low pressure, and something about his words and the patient, warm light to his eyes puts you at ease. You don’t know why you feel so much pressure about enjoying Christmas but maybe it’s because you don’t want to let Taehyung down. He has so much riding on this Christmas and you don’t want to be the person who ruins Christmas for him. Who makes its a tedious, miserable event like your parents did for you. 
And maybe a small part of you wants to enjoy the season for you. To claim back the years lost to misery and fighting and to share in the merriment that everyone else holds.
“Ok.” You finally agree. “Lead the way.”
Taehyung beams in response. 
First on the agenda seems to be in the park in the centre of your city. Not every year in this place has a white Christmas- some Christmases are just cold and muddy, with a thin layer of ice over dirty pavements. This particular Christmas has been quite frosty, and quite early on- the first snowfall had been earlier that week and now a thick layer of snow coats the ground and clings to thick winter coats. 
“Tadaa!” Taehyung proclaims, waving a hand out towards your first activity of the day. An open carriage, decked out in sleigh bells, and two gorgeous white horses, standing tall and sleek in their crystalline surroundings. 
You creep closer, and their handler spots you. He’s a cheerful man in a formal suit, offset by the bright red santa hat atop his head. He matches Taehyung, who seems reluctant to part with his beloved accessory no matter the time of day.
“You must be (Y/N),” the old man cheers, crowding closer. His horses snort and stamp their feet at his excitement, but he pays them no mind, instead skittering forward to greet you. “Taehyung has told me all about you! Come, get yourself seated and we’ll begin the tour.”
You glance at Taehyung, who merely shoos you encouragingly towards the carriage. 
“How did you afford this?” You hiss at him. He shrugs and smiles. 
“Christmas spirits have connections.” He whispers, before placing a hand on either side of your waist. You smother a yelp as you feel him practically lift you up the first step, and it doesn’t take you much encouragement to scramble onto your seat from there. It’s a vain attempt to distract yourself from the feeling of his large hands encircling your waist. 
“All seated?” Your guide questions. Taehyung nods as he scoots in close to you and that’s really all the warning you get before the carriage lurches forward. 
You steady yourself with a yelp, and an arm around you from Taehyung keeps you upright. You glance at him in surprise and are momentarily caught off-guard by his profile. A thin, delicate smattering of snowflakes has been caught on the breeze and they catch on his hair and lashes. The tip of his nose has gone endearingly red in the cold. 
He turns his gaze when he feels your stare and he grins. 
“Enjoying the sights?” He wonders innocently. You grimace and look away. He merely laughs. “Let me explain to you the logic behind our first activity of the day. First of all, it came as a package with the activity my friend got me for free. Secondly, I thought that it might help you see how little perspective can make the things you see every day so much more special.” He finishes his explanation by pointing an arm across you to gesture at the scenery of the park. He’s right; you’ve seen this scenery hundreds of times, across all seasons, but there’s something special about it in the moment. The warmth of families, covered in thick, puffy jackets, the flutter of chilly snowflakes against your skin, the sheen of frost over the pond on the far end of the park. It’s all familiar and yet in that moment, surrounded by the glimmering sound of sleigh-bells and the stead thud of horse shoes against the pavement, the park you’ve known since moving to this city is different, magical. 
The carriage pulls to a stop beside a crowded pavillion. On the other side, you can glimpse people taking advantage of the outdoor figure skating rink thats set up in the park over winter. 
“Is this our second stop?” You ask Taehyung, as he helps you alight from the carriage. Oddly, though he grasps your hand as he helps you down, he doesn’t release it once you’re on solid ground. Instead, he keeps his fingers wrapped around yours as he waves farewell to the carriage driver. 
“You guessed it!” He congratulates you. “Stop number two; appreciating the fun of winter! Nothing screams winter wonderland like a figure skating rink.”
“Can you skate?” You ask him as he leads you to the skate rental counter. 
“No?” He asks. “But how hard can it be, right? It looked really easy on all the videos I watched in preparation.”
A short while later, you get to bear witness to Taehyung learning just how hard figure skating can be. 
“It’s just like walking.” You attempt to soothe him, all the while wincing at the vice-like grip he has on your hands. “Just keep standing upright.”
“Have I always been this tall?” Taehyung breathes. He’s gone deathly pale, and you don’t think the cold is the reason behind it. “Why is the ground so far away?”
“You can do it.” You urge, still allowing him to cling onto your forearms like he’s about to plummet off a cliff edge and you are the only thing keeping him from certain death. “Come on, Tae.” 
He shoots up straight, eyes widening at the sudden nickname. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong move, because he topples forward, and the only thing keeping him from lying face-down on the ice is you. You’re toppling backwards before you can stop yourself. 
Taehyung yelps and you brace yourself for your head to impact against the hard ice, but it never comes. Instead your head lands in the firm cushion of Taehyung’s palm. Somehow, in the chaos of slipping, he’s landed on top of you but managed to stop you from banging your head. 
You blink open your eyes and for a moment, your senses are overwhelmed with the scent of peppermint and the warm brown of his eyes. He looks just as startled as you are. You feel your face heat and his breath puffs warm against your cheeks, contrasting the chill of the air.
“Maybe figure skating isn’t for me.” He volunteers sheepishly. 
You can’t help but offer a crooked smile. He’s so silly but it’s strangely endearing. He looks surprised at your smile, and it seems that’s the moment he abruptly realises the position you’re in. Quickly, he scrambles off you and helps you into a sitting position. 
“Sorry.” He says glumly. “I thought it would be fun, but clearly I overestimated myself.”
You get to your feet and offer a hand to help him get up. He looks nervously at your outstretched hand. 
“It is fun.” You reassure him. “And it can still be fun. Just hold on to me, and trust me ok?”
Something in his gaze softens and he accepts your outstretched hand. It takes a bit, but with an arm around his chest, you manage to stabilise him between yourself and the wall of the ice-skating rink. 
He peeks up at you through his bright red fringe. His santa’s hat sits lopsided on his head. The smile he gives you this time is different from all the other ones. It’s not as ecstatic or joy-filled. This one is more reserved, almost shy; you feel a bit like you’ve been punched in the chest for some reason when you see it. 
You stretch out your hands again, your hands flat and palms extended skywards, and he place one hand into each of your palms. Even through your thick gloves, your skin feels oddly warm when he holds you. 
Gently, you take slow, gliding steps backwards, while he follows with much smaller, much more jilted steps. 
“It’s just like walking, but smoother.” You explain, and the words are forced through a tight throat. Perhaps the cold is getting to you- that’s the only explanation you can think of for why you suddenly feel so short of breath. 
Taehyung nods, focussing hard on the ice. He gives a big exhale that releases in a huge, cloudy breath, and presses one foot forward. And then the other. It’s not long before he’s gliding along before you. 
“That’s it!” You cheer. “I’m going to let go of one hand now, ok? I can’t keep skating backwards or I’ll crash into someone.”
Taehyung looks a bit fearful, but then he nods with determination lighting his eyes. Slowly, you release one hand and spin so that you’re standing shoulder to shoulder with him. He still maintains a death grip on the hand that’s still grasping his, but he manages to stay upright and not go tipping forward. 
“Ok, here we go.” You say, and you take one step forward, followed by a second, and then a third and before you know it, you and Taehyung are drifting across the ice, albeit slowly and with lots of breaks to allow Taehyung to steady himself on the wall. 
It’s actually quite fun, and relaxing, gliding across the ice like this. Music crackles through the speakers, and the people around you are all enjoying themselves. Surrounded by the bright flurry of December snow, it’s easy to smile and let loose and enjoy the season. 
Eventually, the cold does manage to catch up with you, but Taehyung’s quick to press on to the next scheduled activity before you can feel too sad that the ice skating is over. 
He crowds you off the ice, eagerly urging you forward with a hand planted on either shoulder.
“Hurry! We’re going to be late!!” He informs you. You deliberately slow down at that and he gets so huffy and impatient at your silliness that you find yourself laughing. 
After warming yourselves up with a hot chocolate and some lunch in the warmth of a well-heated cafe, it’s starting to get a bit dark by the time Taehyung leads you to your final activity. He refuses to say what it is- instead he leads you in an increasingly convoluted route on public transport. He gets more and more amused the more unfamiliar with your destination you become, and by the time you step off the bus on the snowy outskirts of the city, you’re starting to think the whole Christmas Spirit thing was an act designed to murder you in a forest somewhere.
Particularly when he claps a hand over each eye, obscuring your vision. 
“Taehyung,” you sigh. “If this is how you’re going to murder me, can’t you at least let me see the knife coming?”
“I’m not going to murder you.” He scoffs, though with gentle pressure, he leads you forward, his chest pressed protectively to your back. “I just want to surprise you.”
“I’m very easily surprised.” You remind him. “I don’t need to be blind in a forest to be surprised. Just give me a box of chocolates after a long day of work or something.”
“Hush.” He shushes you. “Just walk, and trust me.”
You take a deep, inhaling breath and your lungs fill with what has become the calming, warm scent of peppermint and cinnamon. It’s Taehyung, you remind yourself. He’s had plenty of opportunity to hurt you or scam you or even kill you but instead all he’s done is wait eagerly for you to return home and watch tacky Christmas movies with you. 
“Ok.” He says, against your ear, and you shiver at the heat of his mouth tickling the cold tips of your ears. “Are you ready?”
Words fail you for some mysterious reason, so you settle for nodding mutely. 
Taehyung drops his hands from your eyes and it takes you a few blinks to adjust to the sudden onslaught of light. 
What lies before you is a long, brightly lit pathway. Market stalls line the paths, with vendors brandishing their wares. Fairly lights string across the stalls, in various tones ranging from warm-toned white lights to festive blues, greens, reds. Overhead, brilliant archways decorated with marvellous, intricate arrays of Christmas lights mark the path.
“What... what is this, Tae?” You breathe. Your chest hurts a little and this time you’re willing to admit that it has nothing to do with the cold. 
“This is the Annual Christmas Markets.” He announces proudly. “Brought to you by your local council and sponsored by Subway (sandwiches not included).”
You take hesitant, wondering steps forward. You don’t really have any words for the strange, ballooning feeling in your chest. Like your heart is so full it’s about to burst. You feel on the verge of tears yet at the same time you feel free and light and happy. 
“It’s so... pretty.” You say. Taehyung beams and steps in close so that he’s shoulder to shoulder with you. 
“Pretty magical, huh?” He asks you. “I found it on google! Did you know the city throws this event every year?”  
You shake your head wonderingly. 
“I had no idea.” You admit. He tilts his head towards the festivities.
“Then let’s explore!” He cries, tugging you forward with a hand wrapped around yours.
There’s lots to do around the markets. There’s christmas light sculptures scattered around, like a scavenger hunt of sorts. Taehyung’s favourite is the one of a santa formed from wires twisted together, skiing across the snow on a sleigh, two reindeers are standing tall. Your favourite is probably a tunnel of lights, tightly woven together to create an archway as people weave through it- you like the way it turns Taehyung’s bright red hair into brilliant licks of flames, and how his eyes look like they hold the entire night sky within their depths. 
There’s a mulled wine stall, although Taehyung pulls a face at the taste and you have to buy him a hot chocolate to get him to forgive you. 
“I just don’t understand how anyone can dislike Christmas carols!” Taehyung protests across his hot chocolate as the night progresses. You’re nearing the edge of the market stalls, which open up onto a big open space, paved with asphalt and with the snow scraped off it where various families and groups of people are starting to gather. Most of them are in parked vehicles, all facing towards a central stage that hasn’t been lit up yet. 
“If you talk to anyone who works in retail, they just get repetitive after a while.” You explain. “I mean, “Last Christmas” is a good song in theory, but not after the six repeats that played before your lunch break.” 
Taehyung “tsk”’s and shakes his head. 
“I think you just have the wrong associations with the songs.” He sighs. “If you associate it with work and bad things, of course you won’t like it! You have to make positive memories and think of those when you hear the songs.”
The stage lights up ahead of you and a small band starts to take the stage. You gaze at the performers as they prepare.
“Any suggestions?” You ask softly. You surprise yourself, and when you look at Taehyung, he looks a little stunned to. “To make positive memories. What should I think of instead, when I hear those songs?”
He searches your gaze for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth quirks in a little half smile. 
“Follow me.” He urges, leading you across the asphalt towards the stage. You have to duck between parked cars where people have makeshift little dens to enjoy the show from. He brings you to a stop where there’s a bit of a space just before the stage. A few couples have already taken advantage of what is essentially a dance floor. He spins around and pulls you in close. You stumble a little, not expecting the movement, but it seems he was expecting that. He steadies you with a hand against your waist and tugs one of your free arms up to rest on his shoulder. “When you hear this song... you can think about today.” He tells you with a smile. “And about all the fun we had!”
He begins to sway you back and forth in a slow turn. You wonder why his weird Christmas Spirit school taught him how to slow dance. Up on the stage, the singer begins to croon the opening notes of “have yourself a merry little christmas”. You tell yourself its the cold that urges you to shuffle in closer to Taehyung as he sways you from side to side. He’s so warm, and solid. Unbidden, your heart starts to beat a little faster, and when you raise your eyes to meet his, something about the warmth in those dazzling depths has you feeling light-headed. 
“What do you think about when you hear them?” You ask him, changing the subject in an attempt to overcome the strange, overwhelming emotion you suddenly feel weighted with. He spins you out in a twirl, before tugging you back in. 
“Hmm...” he contemplates. “I think about hot chocolates, and snowball fights, and the smell of Christmas trees. And Christmas lights and Christmas bells.” He lists, his gaze hazy as he thinks through his list. It’s a bit of a scary thought, but you could honestly stay here forever, watching Taehyung list the things he loves, being swayed gently in his arms. And then he glances down at you and there’s something so warm and fond in his expression that you feel your face heat. “And I think about your smile.”
A funny thing happens in that moment, after his confession. Your heart goes on strike for a moment- even she seems shocked at the sudden turn of events. And then suddenly the air is electric, and all your senses are just filled with Taehyung. His smell, his eyes, his hair, his warmth... his lips.
It’s a sudden revelation, like being struck by lightening. The look in his eyes seems to thread into your veins, leaving burning trails in its wake. His scent washes into the very bottom of your lungs. You like him. In a very short amount of time, he’s wiggled past all your defences and now here you are, standing in his arms, and you realise you want to stay there. You want to keep seeing his smile and keep spending time with him and you don’t want this Christmas to end. 
The songs draws to a close and you step away from his embrace. He seems to sense your sudden change in mood. 
“Is everything ok?” He asks you and you nod, smiling in a way you hope is reassuring. 
“Yeah. I just noticed how cold it’s getting, is all. Shall we head back home?” You ask. Taehyung blinks and glances around as if he’s just now realising how cold it is. He shivers and steps in close to you. 
“Yeah, you’re right.” He admits. “Let’s head home.” He wraps his arms around you, rubbing his hands up and down your biceps to try and warm you up. “Did you have fun, though?” He asks eagerly. 
“Yeah.” You say, and this time the smile isn’t forced. “Yeah, I did.”
A week later, you’re stressed and bustling around the kitchen like a madwoman. 
“Is it golden brown yet or is it just the oven light?” Taehyung wonders, attempting to peer into your oven without opening the door. “Are you sure we shouldn’t just check now?”
Your realisation of your feelings hadn’t changed too much around the apartment. As work for the year finally drew to a close this week, you hadn’t really had a chance to overthink it, and then you’d been busy planning a pre-Christmas dinner upon learning that Taehyung has always wanted to try a family Christmas dinner. You’d insisted upon throwing one despite his protests that he was the Christmas Spirit, not you. Finally, he had relented, and you were keen to return all the memories he had given you tenfold. 
Only a couple of your friends had still been without plans, this late into December. Jin always manages to make time where food is involved, and Dahyun had had to cancel flights back home for the year. She’s also dragging along an old friend of hers, Jungkook, and then Nayeon had invited Namjoon and Jihyo. They’re all good friends of yours, but there’s something about organising a home-cooked Christmas meal that is just inherently stressful.
“The recipe says another ten minutes.” You remind Taehyung in between your attempts to both whip the cream for dessert and finish placing all the appetisers into sufficiently aesthetic containers. 
Taehyung frowns, and straightens. He watches you dance around in a frazzled manner for a few minutes, before catching you by the shoulders. 
“Hey.” He scolds. “I know I said I wanted a Christmas dinner, but not at the expense of your sanity. I don’t appreciate you undoing all my hard work of making you enjoy Christmas.”
You stiffen at the warmth of his palms against your shoulders before taking a deep breath. 
“You’re right.” You finally say. “I’m sorry. I just... I want you to have a good time. I’ve had so much fun these past few weeks and I want you to feel what I feel. I never thought I could ever look forward to something like Christmas, and yet here I am, throwing an entire Christmas dinner.”
“Seeing you enjoy Christmas and smiling like this makes me feel happier than you can imagine, (Y/N),” Taehyung reassures you. “This dinner is just a bonus. I’m grateful for it, but what would make me feel the best is if you’re having a good time.”
There he goes again. He’s remarkably smooth for a strange mystical being that was raised in the North Pole. He’s just so good at making your stomach feel like it’s filled with butterflies and making your heart forget to beat. With a deep, resigned sigh, you nod to him. 
“Ok. I’ll chill out.” You promise, before returning to your preparations in a far more mellow manner. 
Guests start trickling in. Jin just barely manages to avoid a throttling when you see him, after his stunt where he didn’t show up when there was an intruder in your home. It all worked out fine, but it’s always offensive to learn that your friend would leave you to die because he had “an oven emergency”. Jungkook and Dahyun come in bickering over the intricacies over some meme they’d seen, and Jihyo drags in far too much alcohol for the night. 
The night settles into a comfortable sort of atmosphere- people scatter across the living space of your apartment, catching up and just generally enjoying the vibe. Taehyung gets a few probing questions into the nature of your relationship and Jin seems to develop some sort of facial tic with all the eyebrow wagging he’s doing, but otherwise things go smoothly.
At least until it becomes apparent that Jin had taken the liberty of doing some decorating of his own while you were setting up for dinner. 
Namjoon and Jihyo are the first of the victims to the numerous mistletoes Jin has concealed around your home. Luckily, they are dating and so it’s just a quick peck between them to the sounds of laughter and hooting. 
At least until the other attendees realise that if Jin has hidden multiple mistletoes around your home, at any moment they could fall victim to a dreaded mistletoe kiss, with a completely undesired partner. 
From there, things devolve into a terrified, suspicious sort of scavenger hunt. Jin thinks it’s hilarious, watching you all scour the place like sniffer dogs, comfortably reclined on the couch as he shouts out hints that could be true or could be total lies. It’s always hard to tell with him. 
Of course Taehyung, poor, sweet naive Taehyung, had missed the dramatic revelation of Jin’s prank. He had been in the kitchen, dutifully monitoring dessert as it slowly cooked in the oven, and he had only stepped out to check with you when you thought it would be done. 
You feel him tap your shoulder in the middle of combing through your mantle, making sure Jin hadn’t hidden anything amidst the photo frames and decorations that sat there. You jump, surprised, and turn to face him. 
Only for Jin’s screeching laughter to reach you. 
“Victims number 2!” He calls triumphantly. Taehyung looks confused, and you grimace as you finally spot the offending object. A small bit of mistletoe twisted in amongst the tinsel lining your ceiling. You’re not even sure how the madman actually got it there without anyone noticing. 
“Mistletoe!” Dahyun chants, from where she’d been pressed into a corner and snarling at anyone who dared walk close enough to her lest she too fall victim to the mistletoe. “Mistletoe. Mistletoe. Mistletoe.” Slowly everyone joins the chant until your apartment sounds a bit like a cult. 
“Let’s not be hasty!” You plead. “Think about it. If you let me off, then we can all ignore this silly tradition.”
Taehyung, interestingly, has gone very still upon realising the two of you stand beneath a mistletoe. 
“(Y/N).” he calls, audible only to you beneath the chanting. “We can’t leave. It’s a mistletoe- I have to.”
You squint at him. 
“What do you mean? It’s just a silly tradition, why would you have to-“ you begin, before trailing away as it occurs to your that Taehyung is actually not a human. This isn’t two friends caught beneath a mistletoe and talking their way out of a silly tradition. Taehyung is a Christmas Spirit and thus bound to different rules to you. “Oh.” You breathe. “So I have to... do that?”
With a deep blush that nearly rivals the brilliant red of his hair, Taehyung nods. You wince and let your gaze drop. His mouth is a soft pink- one of the first things you’d bought on that first shopping trip had been lip balm after he’d seen you applying your own. He applies it meticulously and his lips are always faintly glossy and soft looking. This close you can count the tiny moles that sit against his skin like little stars, and you feel a little bit like your heart is in danger when you finally draw your gaze back up to meet his. 
His expression is a little hard to interpret, but you don’t let yourself overthink it. You slide your palms up around the back of his neck and tug his mouth down to press against yours. 
Taehyung makes a little surprised noise when you do, and it makes you blush. The smell of peppermint and cinammon is strong but captivating, and you wish you could stay there. You wish you could keep kissing him, but you know it’s wrong.
With a sigh, you pull back. Taehyung’s eyes are round and mystified and the blush sits high on his cheeks. His tongue darts out to swipe his lips and he clears his throat awkwardly. 
“I...” his gaze flickers down and then he averts his gaze quickly. Around you, your friends let out a few wolf whistles before returning to the panicked search for any other offending items. Taehyung’s breathing seems a little faster and you can’t say you’re in much better state. “I just came out to ask you about the dessert.” He finally manages, though his voice comes out a little raspy. You nod, hoping he doesn’t think much of the way you mirror his fierce blush. 
“Right...” you say awkwardly. “I’ll just... go and check on it.”
You dart around him, heading straight for the kitchen. 
When you are there, you take advantage of the lack of other party guests and bury your face in your hands. It was just a mistletoe kiss, it didn’t mean anything and yet your traitorous heart is rioting in your chest, threatening to go on strike. Your mind can’t help replaying the moment- his lips on yours, his familiar, striking scent, the scratch of his ugly Christmas jumper beneath your fingers. The size of this stupid crush is embarrassingly enormous. 
It takes a few moments, but you manage to regain your composure enough to discover that the dessert is very slightly undercooked, which you know Jin will bitch and moan about, but everyone else won’t mind. It’s nothing copious amounts of ice cream or custard won’t cover up. 
When you step out into your living room, it seems the panic over the mistletoes has settled. Jungkook had smothered Jin until he caved and gave up all the locations and now your living room has devolved into a ridiculous Christmas dance party- Jin and Dahyun belt out the lyrics to Last Christmas with absurd amounts of drama and gravitas, and Jihyo and Namjoon are curled up on the couch, murmuring to each other softly. Jungkook has gotten ahold of Taehyung and is currently trying to teach him ridiculous tiktok dances, and all-in-all it’s kind of a dream vibe for a Christmas party. No pain, or fighting, or tears. Just warmth and laughter, and a shared camraderie of the season. 
You find yourself smiling as you finally admit to yourself that maybe Taehyung was right. 
Christmas isn’t so bad after all. 
After everyone goes home, you and Taehyung are left to the cleanup. 
It’s a bit awkward, standing shoulder to shoulder after the kiss. His movements are slow and hesitant, like if you move too quickly he’ll get frightened and bolt. But gradually you settle into a kind of rhythm, tidying things up together and you can’t resist asking him about the party. It had been for his sake, after all.
“Did you have fun?” You ask. Taehyung jumps from where he’d been gently working the sponge into a lather and a clang rings through the kitchen. The silence seems more pressing after the loudness of your party. 
“Um... it was good.” He says, though his voice is a little high and squeaky. “I had a lot of fun- your friends seem nice.”
“It’s not really a family dinner.” You admit sheepishly. He pauses and offers you a smile, and the pleasant expression on his face seems to thaw through the lingering ice in the room. 
“No, don’t be silly.” He tells you. “It was everything I could have hoped for. Except for Jin’s interpretative dance to Santa baby. I feel like I could have gone without that.”
You laugh and shake your head, stepping in close to pluck plates off the drying rack and drying them off. 
“This was nothing. Wait till lizzo comes on and then you’ll see peak Seokjin.” You sigh. But then your expression changes and you offer Taehyung a smile. His eyes drop for just a fraction of a second, so quick you think you’ve imagined it, before raising quickly back to your eyes. “I’m glad you had a good time.”
He nods, and hums, still making his way through the pile of dirty dishes. 
“What about you?” He asks. “Did you enjoy yourself?”
You pause to think about it. The laughter of your friends, the silly Christmas carols, the snap of Christmas bonbons.... you did. You really, truly enjoyed yourself in a way you didn’t think you could and it’s thanks to the man before you. The man who patiently waited for you to come home each evening to eat dinner with you, and who dragged you across the city to places he thought you’d enjoy... he’s truly a magical person. 
“I really did. It’s gotten me so excited for the rest of the year, to be honest. Are there any other Christmas traditions we can do? Christmas is almost here, but what about New Year’s? We could do something fun then too.” You suggest. Suddenly the season seems so bright and exciting, and the fact that there’s a whole week and a half left to December leaves you unbelievably excited. 
Taehyung pauses from where he scrapes at a stubborn crumb on your baking tray. 
“What?” He asks, and his voice goes strangely soft, and tentative. You blink- something about his tone makes you uneasy. 
“For after Christmas.” You clarify. “You’ve already got Christmas planned out for us, right? So I can plan something for New Year’s. Return the favour.”
By now, Taehyung has completely stopped cleaning. He doesn’t look at you, and stares straight ahead. 
“There... there isn’t an “after Christmas”, (Y/N).” He confesses. Your heart drops into your stomach. He turns to face you, and for once, his eyes aren’t bright, and filled with joy. They’re dark and miserable. 
“What?” You breathe, trying to speak past the sudden shattering sensation in your chest. “Why... why not?”
“I’m a Christmas Spirit.” He reminds you. “I bring Christmas Cheer and then I go back in a box for the rest of the year.”
You blink- you feel like you aren’t hearing him right, or just not comprehending things. 
“Why? I can just not put you away. Why can’t there be an “after Christmas”?” You urge. You step in close, fighting past the sudden panic in your chest. “How could I just put you back in a box for the rest of the year? That’s crazy! Just, don’t go in the box.”
“It’s not that simple.” He protests. “There are rules, (Y/N). I can’t just ignore them. My job is to make you happy during Christmas and then that’s it. That’s what I was born and raised to do. That’s what I spent 25 years waiting for.”
Your eyes widen.
“But surely there’s another way? Surely you don’t want to be in the box.” You cry. You step in close and grab his hand, pulling it towards you pleadingly. 
“It doesn’t matter what I want.” He says, and there’s a resigned note of finality to his tone. “After Christmas, that’s it. I lose the strength to turn into a human. You can keep my out of the box, but it doesn’t make a difference. It ends on Christmas night.”
That makes you fall silent as you finally learn the full truth. You’d been so busy having fun that you hadn’t thought about what comes next. You’d stupidly let yourself believe that you could just keep having fun with Taehyung. You hadn’t thought about the logistics or the long term of it. You feel like you’ve been slapped. 
Christmas has an end date. 
Taehyung spots the tears forming in the corners of your eyes before you do, and his expression softens at the sight. 
“It’s not fair.” You rasp. Somehow, he manages to pull a smile from somewhere, though it’s tinged with a deep sadness that makes more tears spill forth. He steps in close and pulls your face into his chest. 
“I know.” He soothes. “It is. It’s unfair. I want to... I want to stay. But I can’t.” 
You can’t keep your composure after that, and the sobs come in in full force. 
“I wanted to keep having fun with you.” You bawl, and he just shushes you with a tighter hug. 
“I did too.” He confesses. “But it just means we have to have even more fun until Christmas. Can you do that for me, (Y/N)?” He breaks the hug so that he can gaze into your eyes, smoothing the tears from your cheeks. “Please.” He begs. And you see the way his own eyes are red and moist. 
You want to tell him you absolutely cannot. That if he’s going to make Christmas fun and then leave you at the end, he can leave right now. Before you fall even harder. Before it’s too hard to say goodbye. 
But you’re a fool. A masochistic, lovestruck, weak fool. You can’t look into his eyes and tell him no. Not when you know what this means to him; you can’t take away his first Christmas for selfish reason. 
“Ok.” You finally rasp. “I’ll do it.”
You’re walking off a cliff face with your eyes wide open.
For once Taehyung’s smile isn’t enough to comfort you.
Christmas day dawns cold and subdued. The days following dinner had been warm, but quiet. Reserved. Like you both knew a goodbye was coming and didn’t want to acknowledge it. You spend one night curled up in your car at an outdoor theatre, laughing along to some silly Christmas comedy, and another day is spent going bobsledding. You both go through the motions of merriment, but it’s clear that neither of your hearts are in it. It’s hard to be enthusiastic and merry when each precious moment that passes is one step closer to when he turns back into a scarecrow. 
When you step out in the kitchen, Taehyung is making breakfast already. He sees you and smiles. 
“Good morning.” He calls. “Merry Christmas.”
It triggers a pang in your chest as his words confirm that this is truly your last day with him. 
“Merry Christmas.” You yawn, attempting to conceal the way your heart aches by settling into a chair at your table. 
Taehyung scurries over, a plate in each hand. 
“Breakfast is ready.” He declares. He’s gotten quite creative in his cooking- he can now manage a fairly decent semi-scrambled omelette and his bacon is surprisingly crispy. You’re eager to see what he has prepared for Christmas Day.
When he sets it down in front of you, however, you glimpse the Santa pancakes he made that first day. Your face falls. Two familiar blueberry eyes stare dolefully up at you and even the banana smile seems less curved and cheerful. It’s clear Taehyung had been a little distracted making them, because they’re not as carefully put together as that first meal. But the sentiment behind them still stands; that Taehyung cooks for you. He likes seeing you smile and he goes to absurd lengths to get you to enjoy yourself and he has for the entire month of December. He’s come to mean so much to you in such a short span of time- somehow he’s made a season that previously only meant cold and misery become a time of warmth and laughter. And now you have to say goodbye, before you’ve even started. There’s so many adventures the two of you could go on together, and yet you don’t get to. It’s so cruel. You’re alarmed when the tears come, unbidden. 
Taehyung watches the expressions play out across your face, before wordlessly reaching out with the sleeve of his sweater to wipe the tears that fall away. His touch is gentle and his expression somber. He hasn’t even donned his usual Santa’s hat.
“I’m sorry.” You say, in a small voice. “I know I said I wouldn’t cry.”
He shakes his head and smiles, pulling his chair up so that it’s seated as close as possible to you. 
“It’s ok. Just means I have to work a little harder. I wanna see that pretty smile, before I go.” He reassures you. You sniff and scrub at your eyes before staring determinedly at your pancakes. 
“Ok.” You say. “Let’s do this, then.”
Taehyung searches your expression, and you’re not sure what he sees there, but it seems to satisfy him. You feel that the last few days, his smiles had been duller and decidedly less genuine, but this time he hits you with the full force of his dazzling smile.
“First things first, we have to open presents!” He cheers. You frown. 
“But I don’t have any presents-“ you protest, but Taehyung cuts you off with a sharp rush of air through his teeth. 
“Then what’s that?” He questions innocently, gesturing to your ratty Christmas tree. 
And sure enough, beneath it is laden with presents. You stare at it for a long time. 
“I didn’t get you anything.” You finally admit. Taehyung laughs. 
“You enjoying my gifts is the present.” He says dismissively, before crowding you towards the tree. “Anyway, it’s a universal Christmas tradition to open your presents after breakfast, and I have failed you as a Christmas Spirit if we don’t do that.”
He slides the first gift towards you and eyes you coyly. “Open this one first.” He urges you. 
They’re all small gifts, relatively inexpensive. You’re not expecting Swarovski crystals from Taehyung considering he’s an unemployed Christmas Spirit. But each gift is thoughtful and sweet and bought specifically with you and your tastes in mind. By the time you open the last of the presents, you’re fighting off tears again.
“I didn’t get you anything.” You lament, sniffling slightly as you set the last gift aside. Taehyung’s eyebrows wrinkle together and his mouth pulls into a pout. 
“I already told you. Just being here is a gift for me.” He insists. “Besides, it’s not like I can use anything you give me for eleven months.”
That causes you to fall silent. You bite your lip as you look away. You had been determined not to acknowledge the elephant in the room, but you can’t do it. You can’t spend the day pretending you’re not on the verge of tears.
“I know I said I wouldn’t. But I can’t keep pretending this isn’t going to happen, Tae.” You say, and when he looks at you, you know it’s the first chink in his armour. He’s held it together considerably better than you, and you’d thought maybe it just didn’t bother him. After all, you were the one with feelings, not him. “At least... you can answer questions, right? If I know more, maybe it will hurt less.”
But looking at him now, you realise that he’s been fighting to stay composed to. 
“What do you want to know?” He finally says, and he’s quiet. Defeated. So unlike the optimistic, cheerful being you’d come to adore. 
“Are you trapped? Will it be be uncomfortable?” You question. “Can you still hear me? Will you... will you be lonely?”
“Not exactly.” He reassures you. “I look like a human but I’m also a glorified Christmas ornament. Time and events are different when I’m a scarecrow. It’s hard to explain.... but it’s not so bad. It’s just... how I am. I’m waiting, but I’m not trapped.” He explains vaguely. “I can hear and see what’s going on, but I just process things differently. Time just... feels different.”
You nod, a little comforted that at least you’re not sending your friend to be trapped in a prison of his own body for eleven months.  
“Am I meant to pass you on to someone else?” You ask. “Or do I keep you here?”
“I guess...” He looks uncertain, and tentative. “I guess it depends how your year goes. Eleven months...” his voice cracks and he clears it awkwardly to hide it. “It’s a long time. You can keep me here, and I’ll see you next December, if you need a little extra help enjoying the season... or you can pass me on to someone else if you don’t need me anymore.”
He’s right. Eleven months is such a long time. Long enough to forget Taehyung and his bright smile and cheery disposition. Long enough to spend next Christmas with your family and pretend like things are ok between you. Long enough... long enough to forget just how much your heart aches today, and fool yourself into doing the exact same thing next year. 
“What do you want?” You finally settle on. It’s the last question of the interrogation. After this, you can pretend everything is ok. You can go on like nothing’s wrong. 
Taehyung’s eyes go wide. He points at himself, bewildered by your question. 
“What do... I want?” He echoes, as if he’s never heard the words before. You nod. 
“I want you to spend Christmas happy.” You confess. “So where do you want to be, next Christmas?”
He’s quiet for so long you’re worried that his brain has stopped functioning or that his weird Christmas Spirit voodoo has kicked in. But when he finally looks at you again, his eyes shine with so much emotion that your heart aches in your chest at the sight. 
“I want to be here.” He finally says. “I want to spend Christmas with you again. There’s so many things we still didn’t get to try, and I want to do them all.”
Your throat goes tight, because yet again, you’re signing yourself up for heartbreak. If you do this, you’re the only one who will be hurt. Pining alone for most of the year for a season you used to hate. The irony of the situation is not lost on you.
But you’re helpless to him, to his smile and his sweetness and his warmth, and you can’t say goodbye. 
“Ok.” You agree. “Then you’ll stay with me. Now let’s have some fun.”
The day must inevitably draw to a close. Though you and Taehyung linger at every activity, attempting to draw out each moment, the point in the day comes where the two of you are back at the apartment, with the time drawing closer and closer to midnight.
You unlock your apartment door with trembling fingers and inhale a shaking breath. You glance over your shoulder at Taehyung. He’s a broad-shouldered person, tall and imposing were it not for the warmth of his eyes and his puppy-like demeanour and normally he just seems larger than life. But in that moment, he’s so small and uncertain. 
There’s so much you could say. You could plead with him; try and see if there’s a way to bargain out of the inevitable goodbye. Or you could thank him, from the bottom of your heart, for the first enjoyable Christmas you’ve had in your entire life. Crying feels like a viable option too, or getting angry. Your heart can’t seem to settle on a response and so instead it’s settled on numbness. Like it’s cold, lifeless hunk of metal rattling around in your ribcage.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” Is what you finally settle on. He stares searching at your expression, before nodding to himself and squaring his shoulders
“Yeah. That sounds fun. I’ll make us some hot chocolate as well.” He says, stepping past you into the foyer. 
You eventually settle on watching the Polar Express. When you sit on the couch, Taehyung sits far too close and tugs a blanket over both your laps. He hands you a mug of hot chocolate and the two of you settle into a peaceful quiet, opposite from the laughter and activity of the daytime. The evening melancholy seems to have settled in. The whole movie, you don’t really pay attention, instead trying not to think about the way the clock on the wall seems to be moving quickly. 
“(Y/N).” You’re startled when Taehyung calls your name. It’s out of the blue, and you hadn’t noticed the way he’s steadily edged closer until the words are said almost directly into your ear. You’d been watching the clock instead of the movie, and you think for a moment that he intends to reprimand you. You turn to look at him and the proximity startles the breath out of you. “It’s almost midnight.” He tells you, as if you haven’t been glaring the clock down for most of the night. 
It’s true, though- the minute hand is edging closer and closer to the dreaded twelve. It makes you realise that he’s been eyeing the clock as well. 
“So it is.” You acknowledge, and he’s so close that his breath skates against the skin of your cheeks, staring at you with an intensity you don’t understand.
“Did I... Did I do a good job?” He asks you. You press your lips together; in a way he did. You think you may have smiled in this month alone more than you have the entire year. But you also know that the rest of the year will now pale in comparison; the rest of winter will leech by, depressingly dreary, and summer will come and go in muddy heat. The year will both inch and speed by and that whole time you will have the special month of December in mind. The times you spent with Taehyung. 
“You did.” You finally say. “I... Christmas was always so lonely and miserable to me. Where we tried to pretend that things were ok and merry and it would just dissolve into screaming matches. But with you, it wasn’t. You helped me make it into something warm, and beautiful. And even though...” your voice cracks, and it takes you a moment to reclaim your composure. “Even though the ending will be lonely and sad, you gave me all these wonderful memories. I’ll hear a Christmas carol and think of you from now on, Taehyung.” 
When you finally gain the courage to meet his gaze, you’re startled to find tears pouring down his cheeks. He’s been sad and a little misty-eyed ever since he admitted he wouldn’t be around after Christmas, but he’s also been frustratingly composed. 
But in that moment, he’s anything but. He looks devastated as he brings his hands up to press into his eyes in a vain attempt to stem the flow of tears.
“I’m sorry.” He gasps. “I tried so hard but... I never imagined Christmas would be like this. I was only supposed to make you smile and then go back to being a scarecrow and that should have been enough but it’s not.”
He’s full on sobbing now, and you can only stare in bewilderment as tears form in your own eyes. 
“I want to spend New Year’s Eve with you, and start the New Year together. I want to see you on your birthday. I want to see you on happy days and sad days. I want to...” he rubs his eyes clear and stares straight at you. “I want to make you smile the whole year.” He confesses. 
And that’s when your phone goes off. You’d set an alarm, earlier in the morning, so that you’d know the exact moment midnight hit. You glance away, for just a moment, dread hitting you full force like a sledgehammer. 
And when you turn back, it’s too late. The familiar little scarecrow stares up at you from the couch, where Taehyung had been seated just moments before. 
And you finally let yourself break down at the sight of the familiar button eyes.
And just like that, Christmas is over. 
“Why does your apartment smell like someone’s been dumped?” Jin sniffs as he steps through the threshold of your home, uninvited as usual. You’re not sure how he got in, but he probably had a copy of your key made somehow without you noticing. He’s prone to doing invasive things like that.
“Being dumped doesn’t have a smell.” You snap, from where you had been curled up on the couch under a mound of blankets. 
“Yes it does.” He insists. “It smells like...” he pauses to take one long, obnoxious sniff to the air before wrinkling his nose. “B.O. and cheetos.” He recites. 
You sigh, still not bothering to shift from your blanket nest. You’d been expecting his visit, to be honest. It’s the day before New Year’s Eve and you haven’t responded to his annual New Year’s Eve Bash invite. He’s very intense about RSVPs.
“What do you want, Jin?” You ask. He picks his way delicately towards you, navigating his way through your semi-dissembled Christmas tree before settling before you in a crouch. You’d made it part-way through the post-Christmas clean up before you’d been too upset to continue.
“Well, you aren’t answering my texts or calls. Zero activity on social media, no RSVP to my party... So I thought I’d make sure you hadn’t choked on a piece of tinsel.” He looks around your apartment with distaste. “I’m actually not sure if I’m relieved that you’re ok if this is what “ok” looks like.”
You ignore him, choosing to focus your attention back to Netflix. His expression softens, just a fraction.
“Tell me what’s going on, (Y/N). And where’s.. where’s Taehyung?” He questions tentatively. 
You’re unable to conceal the way your shoulders stiffen, just slightly, at the mention of his name. You’ve been doing your best in the five days since Christmas to bounce back and return to normal life, but you can’t seem to. It’s easier to lounge around on the couch than to muster up the emotional energy to pretend you’re ok. You’ve spent too long pretending you’re ok. There isn’t a single drop of you left that can even try to do so. 
“He had to go.” You say, hating the way your voice goes abruptly raw with tears. Jin’s eyes widen just slightly, and he shuffles closer. 
“What do you mean he had to go? He’s-“ As he said the words, his eyes had been darting wildly around the apartment, but he abruptly cuts himself off when he spots the scarecrow on your mantle. “Why is Taehyung...” he begins, before his gaze flickers to you. 
“Oh.” He exclaims simply, understanding dawning in his eyes. “Oh, (Y/N).” He says, his voice filled with sympathy and sadness on your behalf.
You’re surprised when Jin engulfs you in a hug. You’ve never had that sort of friendship- he prefers to show his love by nagging you. But it’s weirdly comforting and you melt into his embrace. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t RSVP.” You say glumly. “I didn’t feel like celebrating.”
Jin pulls away and scrutinises your expression. 
“Forgive me if it seems probing, but I don’t understand what happened. You guys seemed like you were going great at dinner the other night.” He says. “Why... why didn’t you use his wish?”
You pull back and blink at him in confusion. 
“His... wish?” You echo. Jin nods. 
“All Christmas Spirit receive one wish for their entire career. It was instituted recently, though, maybe only in the last twenty years or so, so maybe Taehyung didn’t know about it?” Jin wonders. 
Your eyes widen. 
“Christmas Spirit?” You splutter. “You mean you knew?”
For someone who’s dropping a bombshell, Jin looks remarkably deadpan. 
“Of course I knew. You think I wouldn’t notice a Christmas Spirit living in my store for five years?” He questions you with exasperation. 
You stare at him incredulously. 
“And you never thought, just once, that it would be a good idea to tell me what I was bringing home?” You demand. He rolls his eyes. 
“Oh please. Like you would have believed me.” He says dismissively. “Little Miss Grinch, hates Christmas, told her weird Christmas Scarecrow is actually a special Christmas Spirit? I’m a simple man, (Y/N). I see an opportunity for a great Hallmark movie, I take it.”
You stare at him in rage, and then something occurs to you. 
“That’s why you never came when I texted you that night! You knew it was Taehyung!” You realise in horror. “What if you had been wrong?”
At least he has enough sense of propriety to look sheepish. 
“Taehyung would have helped you if I was wrong.” He offers meekly. The change in pace of conversation has you deflating. 
“If you knew... why did you let him go home with me? I could have spent Christmas at home, alone, and not be dealing with any of this.” You confess, and Jin softens just a little bit. 
“Well, because I didn’t want you to spend Christmas alone.” He admits. “Every year, you’re so miserable. And I thought Taehyung could change that. And honestly, I didn’t think it would end up like this and even if I did, I thought Taehyung would use his wish.”
“What wish?” You ask. Jin shrugs. 
“Every Christmas Spirit gets one wish throughout their career. Usually it ends up being that they become human, but I know of some who have wished for other things.” He admits. You brows knit together as you gaze at your friend. Where is all this knowledge coming from?
“Jin... just who are you?” You ask hesitantly. He smiles awkwardly and rubs at the back of his neck.
“I’m Jin. The same Jin you’ve known for years. But before that, I was a little Christmas bear who spent years trying to make people happy on Christmas day.” He admits. “And one year... I’d had enough. So I wished that I could be human. And here I am today.” He smiles at you. “And it’s not too late. Taehyung can still do the same.” He glances over at your mantle, where the motionless Christmas Scarecrow sits. “Anyway, I have to get going. I was just coming to make sure you were alive.” He gets up and dusts off his pants. “Maybe give the apartment a clean, and then you can sit down and have a nice, long chat with that scarecrow over there.” 
He makes to leave, but can’t resist tossing one last comment over his shoulder. 
“I’m just going to assume you’re bringing a plus one. I’ll change your response to “going” on the fb invite.” 
One clean apartment later, you stand before your mantle, gazing into the button eyes of the scarecrow. It’s weird to know that behind them, Taehyung watches you. What is he thinking? Is he sad? Lonely? Trapped? Is he listening? 
You’re strangely nervous. Taehyung had told you that he’d wanted to spend the rest of the year with you, but maybe he changed his mind. Maybe watching you lounge around your apartment the past five days made him realise how lame you are. And if he only gets one wish in his entire career, why would he waste it now? He’s only had one Christmas to live out his purpose as a Christmas Spirit- maybe he’s not ready to give it up yet. Maybe you’re asking too much of him. It’s only been a month; to ask him to become human and face the horrors of the human world is maybe the cruelest thing you could do.
But your heart yearns, and ultimately that it what gives you the courage to begin speaking. 
“I... don’t know how much you heard of what Jin said earlier.” You admit. “He pretty loud so you probably heard at least some of it. But the basic gist... is that you get a wish. Only one wish, so once you use it, that’s it. So, you have to use it wisely.”
You look away and squeeze your eyes shut. 
“And, I understand if you want to save it. You’ve only just started out and maybe you want more time. But I was thinking... if all that stuff you said before is true... Maybe you can use it now. To be a human.” You inhale shakily. The offer is out in the open now. 
The scarecrow doesn’t move. 
“I mean, maybe you didn’t. That’s ok. I’ll be ok if you don’t actually want to spend the rest of the year with me. It’s a lot to ask when it’s only been a month. But I want to.” You squint and you feel the hot prick of tears forming at the corner of your eyes. “This has been the best Christmas I’ve ever had. I’ve never smiled so much before, and so easily. Something about you makes it so easy. And I was never brave enough to say it, but I like your smile too. I like it so much. It’s ridiculous that you can say my smile is lovely when you can look in the mirror and see what your smile looks like. And I... I don’t want to only get to see it on Christmas. I don’t want to spend eleven months waiting for you but the ridiculous part is that I will.” You admit. “I’ll just keep comparing things to the time I spent with you. I’ll spend eleven months of the year waiting for you’re smile. And that’s because... I really like you, Tae. So much- no, too much. I like you too much.” You’re full on crying at this point. “So please. Spend it on me. Wish to be a human. Wish to be here the rest of the year.”
You fall silent, and still, the scarecrow stares at you. Unmoving, unchanging. 
You smile helplessly, before scrubbing at your eyes. He doesn’t want to use his wish. That’s ok. He doesn’t have to. It was stupid of you to think that he would.
You sniffle and open your eyes.
Only to be engulfed by two arms around your body.  
“I like you too much as well.” Taehyung gasps. It takes you a moment to process- your face is smushed into his chest and his arms hold you securely. “I didn’t know about the wish. But... I want to keep spending time with you. I’d have spent it on you a hundred times over if I’d known.”
You go to pull away so that you can see his face, but he doesn’t give you the chance to because his lips are meeting yours. 
It’s a sweet kiss but also a little clumsy and eager. Like he’s worried time is running out. 
Gradually, the urgency fades and he pulls away. At this proximity, you can see the way his lashes frame his bright eyes, and the way his eyes crinkle into little tiny half moons. It’s a little surreal, being able to gaze upon him so freely when just last week you’d been prepared for a goodbye. 
“So... you’re a human now? You get to stay?” You ask. He pulls back and squints at himself. 
“I guess so. I can’t seem to turn back into a scarecrow so I guess... that I’m human now.” He says.
You kiss him again, after that. It’s soft and sweet and perfect. When you pull away, his eyes are hazy and his expression is unfocused. He looks adorably dishevelled and distracted, and then he offers you that smile, the one that makes your heart feel like it’s about to burst. His fingers come up to delicately trail over the paths of your face, like he’s trying to memorise what you look like. 
“You’re smiling.” He breathes, his tone filled with wonder. His thumb comes up to reverently trace the curve of your lips. “It was your smile.” He confesses. You blink up at him in confusion and he chuckles in response. “It threw me off guard. At the ornament store. Up until that point I’d been so nervous whether I was in over my head with the whole Christmas spirit thing. And then you smiled at me and it wasn’t even because of anything I’d even done and suddenly I wanted to keep that smile on your face.” 
You flush, a bit flustered by his admission, but he isn’t finished, apparently. 
“It’s so pretty. You’re pretty.” He insists. “When you kissed me under the mistletoe I thought my heart was going to burst and then I remembered what I was. That I’m a Christmas Spirit and that I don’t get to do this. I get your smile at Christmas and then that’s it.” He smiles self-deprecatingly at himself before it shifts into something warmer, and fonder. “But now... now...” he trails away, too emotional to continue and he settles for pulling you into another tight embrace, tucking his face into the crook of your neck. All you can smell is that comforting scent of peppermint and cinnamon, and you melt. “Now I get your smiles the rest of the year too. I can’t wait to spend the rest of the year with you.” He confesses, a soft, whispered confession into the warm crook of your neck. 
And there’s lots to do, and things you need to work out now that Taehyung is by your side as a human. Your relationship with your parents isn’t fixed, and he doesn’t have a job or a source of income, and there’s still some remaining Christmas decorations that need to be placed in storage. 
But that’s ok. You’ll both work all that out together eventually. After all, you have the rest of the year to do so.
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
(7) Bucky and The Bed
Chapter 6
Bucky and The Bed Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x (cis)fem!reader
Words: 4000+
Summary: You and Bucky are stranded in the middle of a snowy nowhere when there is an 'electronic blackout' during your mission. With no back ups or any way to contact your team, you take refuge from the worsening weather in the only cabin you find  in miles. Not to mention, with no power, Bucky has become your personal heater and there's only one bed.
Chapter type: Soft smut. Fluff. Teasing.
Chapter/Trigger warning: Smut. 18+ only please. Language.
A/N: Thank you for continuing to read this series. Hope you like this part!
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Laying on your side, as consciousness slowly sipped into you, you noticed a few things around you before you could open your eyes. A heavy arm laid on your middle, not exactly clutching you in its grasp, but rather just holding you close, safe and sound in its hold. A warmth, fulfilling and rich, cocooned your body. Low and soft, broken moans and grunts poured right into your ears from behind as short gusts of warm breath tickled your cartilage.
Most prominent of them all though, was the hard length nestled bare in between the soft skin of your butt cheeks. The gentle rutting of Bucky's cock on your ass ignited a desire to flow through you. Although half asleep, the feel of it all was too overwhelming to ignore. Half, incomplete moans in your ears in his morning gravely voice were much more delicious than ever.
Somewhere in the back of your head, you could sense that he wasn't awake, grooving his member against you in his sleep. That somehow made it that much more intimate, to know that even when unconscious, he sought for you and your warmth. That even when unconscious, in his most vulnerable state, he trusted you with every part of himself.
You couldn't help but buck your hips against Bucky, relishing in the way the grunts behind you sounded heavier with much more feels. It only caused your core to tighten, a heat to pool between your thighs. Even though you weren't fully awake yet, your brain still unconscious enough to not remember much in clear details, your sleep laced mind knew who it was behind you. Holding you closely, giving you a sense of security,  making a wave a pleasure course through you and he pleasured himself. Almost as if thinking of anyone else but him in that moment would feel wrong.
"Bucky," you moaned as he humped harder against you. Hearing your sweet voice calling out his name sinfully, something propelled him to clutch his arm tighter around you and bring your behind closer to his. As his length pressed more firmly against you, telling you just how hard he was, you unintendedly moaned louder. 
His name leaving your lips in such an erotic manner gradually roused him from his sleep. As the haziness cleared from his mind, Bucky immediately stopped what he was doing, quite ashamed of himself for taking advantage of you like that, wondering what he started doing it in the first place. 
Bucky noticed the feel of your smooth skin bare under his touch. He couldn't help but drag his curious hands across your torso but stopped when his fingers touched the underside of your breasts. He blushed quite hard too. Despite the blankets covering your forms, he could see your bare shoulders peeking from underneath. 
He blushed even harder as he realised neither you nor him had any layers on beneath the blankets. It didn't help his case when he realised his member was settled quite snugly between your ass cheeks.
Bucky wrecked his mind to remember why the pair of you were in such a state of undress, until the last night came back to him. The confessions, the moans, the words, everything came rushing to him, to remind him how lucky of a man you had made him by accepting to be his girl. In an instant he was overjoyed. Overjoyed to know that all of it was real, to know that none of it was a dream. 
"Y/N," he said, bending down to place a trail of soft loving kisses on your shoulder and along the curve of your neck. 
Now nearly awake, you tilted your head to give him more space and gingerly brought his arm from underneath your breasts to upon it. Taking the hint, he kneaded and softly squeezed your boobs. You bucked your hips against his again, but his hands stopped you from taking anything further.
He let out a sigh before turned you on your back and looked deeply into your eyes. For some reason, his eyes looked regretful to you, "I am sorry, Y/N. I didn't know I was doing it in my sleep. I don't want you to think that I was taking your advantage or anything. You have to know I'd never do anything like that-"
Smushing his face between your palms, you quickly cut him off with a kiss. Bucky was taken aback for a second, but he took a hold of his bearings and kissed you back passionately. A hand looped around your waist and he rubbed your back which led him to palm your ass fondly.
You pulled back and leaned on your elbows to look at him in the eyes. How much more perfect could a man be? Caressing his cheek, you tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear, "I was enjoying it, Bucky. And I know you'd never do anything of the sort. Why do you always forget that I told you," you leaned forward and pecked him on the lips slowly, "I trust you."
Bucky smiled widely in between short kisses, thanking his stars for finally letting him have someone as precious as you. You kept kissing each other for a while, drunk on the newfound love between you two. Hands roamed the other's body slowly, sensually, appreciatively.
Bucky had never been as close to heaven as he had been in that moment. His warm body bare against yours, not separated by any nonsensical thing; you in his arms, taking comfort in his hold while giving him some too. Kissing you, touching you, loving you. Really, this was no less than heaven for him.
You trying to rub your thigh against his erection was a wonderful bonus.
Putting you back on your back, Bucky slightly leaned over you as he laid on his side. You swore you could see stars alone from the way his plump lips kissed you, his tongue caressing your inside your mouth.
"Can I touch you this way?" You asked, carefully laying a hand on his shaft under the blankets. 
Bucky drew in a sharp breath at the touch, a bit surprised but loving it nonetheless. "Trust me, it’s more than okay," he said. He was about to ask you something too, but you beat him to it.
"You can touch me anywhere anyway you want to, really. I'm comfortable with it as long as you are." 
You delicately wrapped your palm around him and started pumping him slowly. His member throbbed under your touch, making you feel immensely good for having such an effect on him. Gently sweeping your thumb over his head, you used the little beads of precum to lubricate his shaft. Bucky hid his face in the crook of your neck as you did so, a lewd Ah escaping his lips.
He soon brought his fingers downward to your sex. Running them through your slit and finding it wet, he seductively whispered in your ear, "All of this for me, doll?" 
"Everything, for you." You whispered back. He collected your on his fingers before taking them up to your clit, stroking it tenderly, making you only wetter by the second. You bit your lips as a new wave of desire coursed through you. 
You focused on pleasuring Bucky as good as he pleasured you. Holding his member a little more tightly, you flicked your wrists with every up and down movement as much as your cramped up position allowed. Your thumb caressed his head every so often, making him moan obscenely every time you did that.
And his moans, oh god his moans.
If you thought his morning voice was sexy, his moans and grunts were another level entirely. Listening to his gruff, gravely voice repeat your name  with Ohs and Ahs - uncontrolled, purely on instinct, just for your ears, was a new high for you.
Your need to see him was just as bad as your need to hear him. Gripping the blankets with your free hand, you pushed them away from yourselves as your legs worked on kicking them off. Cool chilly air hit your exposed heated skin when Bucky wasn't covering you in a much more merciless manner than you had anticipated. But one look down your body to glance at his member being stimulated by you; to glance at the drops of precum escaping his slit as you worked on him was worth it.
It didn't last though. You couldn't help closing your eyes and tipping your head back in pleasure as Bucky stepped up his game. Switching between massaging your sensitive nub in various invisible patterns, he had already increased his pace as he put just the right amount of pressure. When you pushed the blankets off of you though, it was a different story. 
He raised his head from your neck to glimpse down where you stroked him and he did to you. Realising that you liked watching it as you played with his shaft, that you loved to see his thick throbbing member let slip precum under your touch, it did something to him, igniting something raw and carnal inside him. 
In an instant he worked his fingers harder and faster on your sensitive clit. Increasing his pace further, he put all of himself into stimulating you, bringing you closer to the edge. The world, the surroundings, nothing mattered to him. It was you and only you on his mind. Being ravished under his fingers, seeking him and his touch to achieve that ultimate goal. 
Closing your eyes, you relished in the feels Bucky was giving you. The scent of your arousal lingered heavily in the air. His full lips attached to your neck, lightly nibbling and sucking the most sensitive of parts. Overwhelmed with all the sensations being bestowed upon your body, you desperately needed to clutch onto something, to keep yourself anchored to the real world. With nothing else to hold onto, you bunched up the sheets in your hand.
Bucky noticed the pace of your hands on his cock faltering for a few moments as your moans rose in volume. He didn't mind it though. It must mean he was doing something right. He was quite proud of it.
"Bucky- ah - it feels so good," you said with your eyes shut tight, desperately trying to focus on pumping Bucky but his fingers worked so well on your pearl that it was hard to concentrate on anything else.
"You are so good," Bucky mumbled in your ear before littering your neck with hot wet kisses, his warm breath pounding your neck. He loved listening to the gorans and mewls falling out of your lips, loved knowing that he was the reason behind them.
The coil in your belly was tightening more and more, yearning to finally be able to let go. You arced your back as he played with your clit, massaging it with expert roll of his fingers. It was dizzying, the rush of feels which followed soon after. 
Moaning helplessly, you let the tension in your abdomen uncoil as you came in Bucky's fingers under his ministrations. Pleasure coursed through your veins hot and fast as you withered next to him.
Your hand unintentionally gripped Bucky's cock harder. Bucky groaned, unbelieving how good it felt. His fingers rubbed you some more, determined to prolong your orgasm. You mewled as his fingers kept teasing you, stretching your orgasm.
You stroked him faster, driven to get him to orgasm as well, deploying all the tricks you could think of. You whispered sweet nothings into his ear, telling him how good he had made you fell, how good you planned to make him feel. 
Reaching the edge himself, Bucky bucked his hips into your hand, desperately awaiting to climax, your touch bringing nothing but delight to him. A few strokes later, Bucky too let himself go, finally tipping over the edge, groaning obscenely. Hot thick ropes of his cum landed on your torso in short bursts, painting your skin with his release.
Panting heavily, you both tried to calm yourselves down from your high. You turned to look at Bucky. Smiling candidly, wide and bright, his expression mirrored your own. Despite your cum-stained selves, the moment felt so raw, so pure, it was heartwarming to say the least. If it were possible, you had already lost yourself in his eyes.
None of you had to say anything to know how wonderful it had been for the other. Your gazes showed everything there was to be known. Holding your hand in his, he interlaced your fingers with his before bringing them close his lips and softly kissing your knuckles. 
Something tugged at your heart from the way he looked at you, his gaze looking deep into your soul with all the love he held for you. Only you. As if you'd hung the moon and the stars, as if you'd bring them to him if he asked you to. Glancing into his gentle blue orbs, you realised you just might. 
Overwhelmed once again with the intensity of his gaze, your chest rose and fell and breaths quickened. And here you thought you were calming yourself down. But how could you, when he was looking at you so lovingly? You knew you were in love with this man. 
But now you knew you were deeply and irrevocably in love with this man.
You couldn't, however, tell him that. Not outright, anyway. While you wanted more, so much more, things needed to be escalated at his pace. His comfort was just as important as yours. If he wanted your relationship to go slow, it'd go slow. Moreover, you were much too afraid to lose something as precious as your and his bond.
Afraid you'd do something, or rather say something you'd regret later, you attempted to divert his attention from your face. Swiping his cum from your skin on your finger, you lewdly licked his cum off your finger, all the while holding his gaze, appreciating the tangy yet sweet taste of him in your moan. 
Watching you, Bucky groaned, "You're going to be the death of me," Cupping your face, he smashed his lips against yours. The kiss was rather hard, hot and heated, and you loved every second of it.
Pulling back, gleeful, bashful smiles once again took a hold of his handsome face. You couldn’t help but let them take their hold on you too. 
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You were happy. You were very happy, in fact. But the universe was set on making you feel anything but that.
The near empty cupboards in the kitchen stared back at you, as if mocking and teasing you, challanging  you to somehow improve their state. From the scarce number of jars and cans there were, at least half of them were already expired or not at all edible. What little food was left, it was just that. Little. 
Since day one you and Bucky tried to ration what was left, but even then the daily rations were too small. Normally, the lack of food wouldn’t have bothered you much. Though it wasn’t ideal, you could’ve hunted wild animals to survive. However, where you were stuck seemed to have little to no fauna. You only consoled yourself by reminding your panic stricken mind that if FRIDAY's calculations were true, you'd only have to for half a week more to get back home. 
You didn't doubt Tony's creation, god you didn't at all. But your brain only conjured the worst case scenarios every time you thought about getting out of your predicament. 
You were soon put out of your misery as a pair of strong familiar hands closed around your waist from behind. The wall of Bucky's body pressed firmly against your back. His head dipped to place soft comforting kisses on the curve of your neck, his long locks ticking your skin as he did so. Leaning back against him, encompassing your arms around his own, bending your neck, you greedily took the calm and comfort his presence provided you. 
Oh what a pleasure it was for Bucky! To be able to hold you, cherish you in his arms as and when he desired too. He didn't need to restrain his a-little-too-friendly touches anymore, fearing you'd deem him too forward. He could kiss you sweetly and passionately to his heart's content - and receive the same from you.
A heaven, really.
Resting his head in the hollow of your shoulder, Bucky tightened his arms around you some more. He didn't like the thick heavy layers which were separating you from him. He much preferred feeling your skin against his, your warmth pressed into him without any barriers. If you needed anything thick and heavy, it should've been him covering your body like in the between the sheets that morning, or the night before.
Shaking his head mentally to clear off the creeping ideas, Bucky wondered since when he had become so possessive and territorial. But you were in his arms, safe and sound. It was all that mattered.
"Hey there, is something wrong?" he asked, remembering you seemed distressed a few seconds ago.
"It's-" you started, but stopped yourself before you could continue. Maybe you were worrying for nothing. Maybe all would turn out well and fine as FRIDAY had said. You didn't want to worry Bucky too with your panic laced thoughts. "It's nothing."
Even you could tell how unconvincing that sounded. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, his voice taking a serious note, "You know you can talk to me, right, doll? You can tell me if something's worrying you."
You leaned into him more, thankful for his comforting presence behind you. "It's probably nothing, but…" And you proceeded to tell him all about all your worries.
Bucky turned you around, keeping his hands on the small of your back. Cradling your face in his metal palm, he said, "It's gonna be alright. Don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be fine."
You were about to say something, but he continued, "Even if things don't turn out as they're supposed to, we'll find another way. We'll work something out. We always do." Looking softly into your eyes, he added in a gentle voice, "I'll take care of you."
Smiling, you circled your arms around his torso and laid your head on his chest, "I know, me too." 
Bucky kissed your head before tucking your head under his chin, "I know you will."
Snuggling closer to the warmth he offered, you said, "It's just so fucking cold." 
"Well, I know of a few things that we could do to keep ourselves warm." 
Pulling back a little, you tilted your head up towards him, your mind thinking of one thing only to keep yourselves 'warm', "You are one insatiable man, Bucky. And I'm loving it."
Bucky looked at you amusingly, his sugary sweet smile replaced by a smug one. Bucky lowly spoke in your ear, "As much as I'd like to undress you and take you apart by my fingers right here, right now, again," Your cheeks flushed as you remembered the fun you'd had that morning right after your supposed breakfast, "I didn't mean that." 
Looking at your confused face, totally not admiring how cute you looked, he continued, "I meant we could spar. It's been a while, you know?"
Cheeks still tinged with your blush for taking his words in a completely different way, you nodded your agreement and moved to the living room. The couch was already moved towards the fireplace, leaving which there really wasn't much furniture to move around to get some open space in the middle. Shrugging off a few layers, you stretched - Bucky totally didn't ogle at your ass while you did so, and started sparring with him.
The atmosphere was light and fun like it had always been with the two of you. Kicks and punches were thrown and dodged, different techniques were applied and rendered useless as each tried to out do the other. The offences were serious though, just enough to tease and enjoy the physical back and forth. After a while of dancing around each other with hits and jabs, it finally looked like one had attained the top hand.
Bucky had your head in a lock with an arm circled around your neck and another across your waist, keeping you immobilised. Though it didn't sound bad. On the contrary, you very much liked the position he had trapped you in.
"What're you gonna do now, Y/N?"
If only he knew. 
Biting your lips, you started wiggling your hips in front of his crotch, pushing your behind back and lightly twerking your hips as best as you could. Bucky wasn't hard then, but you knew if you continued like this it wouldn't take much time.
Catching onto your play, Bucky chuckled, "Oh, that's playing unfair, doll."
"Are you telling me you don't like it?" You asked with a smug smile.
"Quite far from it, baby. I love what you're doing to me." He quickly turned you around without letting you leave his grasp and swiped your leg from under you, letting you fall on the rug below - but gently, of course. "But I won't let you win because of that." He trapped you underneath him by sitting atop your torso, his weight managed on his legs while one arm pinned both your wrists above your head.
Just what you had been waiting for. Jerking your wrists and breaking your hands out of his hold, you grabbed his collar before using his weight against him, throwing him to his side. It didn't take you long to mount him just as he had mounted you before. You didn't pin his hands though, opting to lean forward and run a finger down the side of his face instead, "You sure about that, Mister?"
Flipping you on your back again, quite easily since you didn't restrain him - not that you were trying to, he took the upper hand again and fixed you under his weight. "Quite sure about that."
"Oh, just come here," Smiling unabashedly, you pulled yourself up to sit  on your hips. Your arms curled around his neck as you kissed his full lips lovingly. Though short lived, Bucky enjoyed the kiss thoroughly before he stood up, pulling you up along with him. 
Bucky was walking backwards, you hand clasped in his, dragging you to the couch for an afternoon of cuddling. When his leg hit the corner of the couch at an awfully bad angle, he realised too late he had miscalculated the distance to the couch as he tumbled to the ground with a thump and groan, his eyes contracting in pain.
"Bucky," you shrieked, eyes widening as you saw his descent. Rushing to him, you quickly knelt by his side and raised his head to your lap. "Shit, you alright?" You stroked head gently, looking for any injuries. You'd admit later you were a little too worried.
"Yeah, I'm okay," Buck muttered, "Just didn't expect that."
Suddenly he heard laughter from his side. Peeking open his eyes, he looked at you laughing hysterically. Confusion crept on his face, unsure whether you were trying to take care of him or make fun of him.
"What? What is it?"
In between laughs, you panted as you said, "The Winter Soldier, the White Wolf, one of the most skilled men to walk on this planet, undefeated by an Avenger but defeated by a rusty old couch."
As Bucky heard the irony roll off your tongue, he couldn't help but chuckle alongside too. That, however, wasn't long lived as he was once again enraptured by your beauty. The grin stayed on his lips, but for a different reason then.
Your eyes crinkled beautifully in mirth as the harmonious sound of your laugh filled the air. You were clearly enjoying yourself, while he was enjoying watching you being happy his heart thumping wildly. Looking at you in that moment, Bucky knew he'd do anything humanly possible to keep that radiant smile on your face.
Man, he really had fallen hard for you.
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The divider is made by @writeyourmindaway​ 
Chapter 8 
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hopekiedokie · 4 years
Mall is Life | Episode 1 : Skip for Seven Flags
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Summary: Your dad thinks it's best for you to pay off the credit card that you just maxed out. Meaning, it’s time for you to finally get your very first job...at the mall. As a true blue spoiled daughter from a very rich family, what could possibly happen? Form a labour union and overthrow the oppressive government with 7 other underpaid and overworked guys??? Or maybe just form a bond with them and have the best time of your life?
Pairing: bts x reader
Genre: mall!au, lowkey a sitcom, fluff, eventual angst, and a whole lot of pure crack
Word count: 13.9k+
Episode summary: Some of the boys go to hell and back just to try and sneak you out of work while Namjoon slowly loses it.
Notes:  The way I write this is so out of order. That explains why it’s such a wack but that’s alright! It’s all part of the chaotic energy this fic stands for lol. I hope everyone's doing better than I am and I hope you enjoy this cause I did while writing it. Writing this series has been a literal escape from reality.
Posted on: 29th of Jan, 2021
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Jimin is late.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓲𝓷 𝓲𝓼 𝓱𝓔𝓛𝓛𝓐 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮 ™ ♥
Tbh we been knew that this was what's gonna happen when he offered to carpool to work with you.
At least, all the guys did.
He could set an alarm five hours before the actual time for him to wake up and he would still find a way to end up late.
They didn’t say a word cause it sounded like a “you” problem
Which sounds really mean but there is no "better" option for you.
You couldn’t really ask to go with Taehyung, your best friend, since he now lives on the other side of the city with all the, for a lack of a better word, ⁿᵒⁿ ʳⁱᶜʰ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ.
On top of that, your dad thought to revoke your rights to drive your car!
(Which, to be fair, he did buy for you.)
He thought it’d be sensible for you to jUst catCH a bUs.
Like he’d ever take one.
Now, back to Jimin...
Let’s just say that he’s been quite the mystery.
You never knew that you’d actually get to use the deducting skills you’ve learned in your critical thinking class.
At this point, you might as well get a trench coat, a matching fedora, and some magnifying glasses!
Nancy Drew? Shaking.
Miss Marple? Never heard of her.
Detective Conan? Who is he?
Sherlock Holmes? Might be out of job soon.
What are we talking about?
Well, you see...
In the last few weeks of knowing each other, Jimin has unknowingly made you go on this wild goose chase.
It’s because of the fact that you’ve developed a speculation that maybe
Jimin, is in fact…
*** 𝘟-𝘍𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘴 ***
Don’t believe me?
Then buckle up because I’m about to lay down some hard   hitting evidence.
𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺'𝘴 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘑𝘪𝘯𝘏𝘪𝘵 𝘌𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵'𝘴 B̷a̷n̷g̷t̷a̷n̷ ̷U̷n̷s̷o̷l̷v̷e̷d̷ 👽✌
𝘐𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦, 𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩.
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵, 𝘭𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦.
🎀Exhibit  A🎀
𝘏𝘦 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘰.
(𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺, 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘴𝘢: "𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘰" 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳.) 
((........𝘋𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 "𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴" 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦?))
(((𝘖𝘮𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦??? 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰? 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘰? 𝘖𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘧- *𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱*)))
((((𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴! 𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮…))))
𝘏𝘦 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘦 "𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭."
𝘐𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘶𝘱𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘰 "𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨".
𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘯𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭.
𝘜𝘯𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘭𝘺.
𝘏𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘉𝘜𝘛
𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘶𝘱𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦
𝘜𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦...
🎀Exhibit B🎀
𝘏𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘳.
𝘈 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺.
𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵.
𝘐 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯, 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦 
𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩, 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯'𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘗𝘙𝘌𝘛𝘛𝘠 𝘌𝘟𝘗𝘌𝘕𝘚𝘐𝘝𝘌.
𝘏𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘭 𝘕𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘰!
𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦? 𝘌𝘭𝘭𝘦 𝘞𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴??
𝘚𝘶𝘳𝘦, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘶𝘥𝘪 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵𝘚 𝘗𝘙𝘐𝘊𝘌 𝘐𝘚 𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘓𝘓 𝘜𝘗 𝘛𝘏𝘌𝘙𝘌.
🎀Exhibit C🎀
𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘦𝘥𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺.
𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦, 𝘈𝘕𝘠 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺.
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘪𝘯 𝘠𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘪 (𝘢𝘬𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘯) 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘪𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯 (𝘢𝘬𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘺) 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦.
𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮.
𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘸𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵
𝘋𝘶𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘩 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘴 24/7.
𝘏𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵, 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘴𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥, 𝘢 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘵...
𝘠𝘦𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵.
𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 140 𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘯𝘦.
𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘬𝘯𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
(𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘯𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘭 37 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘥'𝘴 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦. 𝘍𝘺𝘪 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘺𝘴𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘸. 𝘞𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘵?)
𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘱 3 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬.
𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘑𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘮?
𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴...
𝙐 𝙣 𝙨 𝙤 𝙡 𝙫 𝙚 𝙙.
𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥, 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯, 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘦𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺: 𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒌𝒊𝒆𝒅𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒆
---𝘌𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮---
“Late again.” Namjoon slowly shakes his head to you.
Yeah, and whose fault is that???
“But it’s only been 15 minutes! No one ever comes to ICEA this early on a monday.”
He holds his hand up to your face and you shut up.
You already know how this will go.
You’ve seen this play out a handful of times now to the point that you’re sure Namjoon has turned into a broken record.
“Oh, if that’s the case then why don’t we all just take the morning off since the first customer on a monday usually comes around lunchtime?”
Yep. Just as expected. 
Now, he’ll nag about giving you the position.
“Y/n, I didn’t put in a good word to the manager for you if this is how you’ll be—“
“Yes, I know and I’m truly very sorry about this but you see, Jimin—“ You interject in between Namjoon’s nagging but he also interrupts you before you explain your side.
“Do you really want this job?” He asks you firmly.
Not really
WHY on earth would you???
You could think of a million other things you’d rather do than to slave away for other people here.
But like, you do need it badly so
“...Yes.” You meekly answer.
“Then stop making excuses and stop slacking. I have never met a more irresponsible person in my entire life and that's saying a lot cause I know Kim Seokjin! I mean, look at this fake apple!"
Namjoon takes the prop from a display and waves it in front of your face.
"It has a better grasp of life than you! At least it knows it's fake and isn't gonna get eaten!"
That did not make any sense but just bear in my mind that Namjoon has reached his peak with you.
"Let's get this clear. Do your job or I’ll fire you myself, okay?!”
Namjoon walks away, slightly seething and you just stand there completely stunned.
No one and I MEAN NO ONE has ever raised their voice at you like that.
Okay, you know you’re not the easiest person to deal with but you’ve never given anyone a reason to get mad at you like that.
You must really be doing such an awful job here
(That or Namjoon rEAlly is just that uptight.)
Either way, you feel really really REALLY bad.
You want to run away and maybe cry in a stall.
It’s like high school all over again!
But then you remind yourself that there’s no point in crying because at the end of the day, you’d still be here.
And also, what are you? 13 years old?
With a heavy heart and slightly teary eyes, you go to the stock room and (try) to do inventory.
Maybe Namjoon went a tad bit too hard on you.
Indeed, he didn't do this for nothing, he really did wanted to help you b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ h̶e̶ t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶s̶ y̶o̶u̶'r̶e̶ c̶u̶t̶e̶.
He'll admit that your skills are lacking but you did graduate with honours so that must mean something.
As a (consistent) honour student, himself, he knows the capability one possesses in order to achieve such a thing.
So, he's sure you’re not that bad like how Taehyung had described you about actual work stuff.
Boy, was he wrong.
He regrets getting you hired.
He regrets this more than anything in his life.
YES, even more than that time he went streaking across campus on the eve of his graduation.
(That's a story to be unpacked for some other time.)
Namjoon just wants to know how someone can have such an awful sense of responsibility???
Like, for example
Hell hath no fury like a Saturday afternoon in ICEA.
Literally, all hands on deck are needed during these times.
It’s all or nothing if an employee wants to get through the day without losing a limb or two
(Or their minds)
So anyone can imagine how Namjoon reacted when you sat on this chair he was pointing at, that a customer wanted to buy, and had the audacity to thank him and say you’ve been wanting to sit the entire afternoon cause you’re feet are killing you wHEN yOu HAVen’T EVeN liFTEd a sINgLe fINgEr ALL DAY.
Not only that!
Oh bOy! Get ready cause Namjoon’s got a whole ass list.
The amount of times he’s caught you sitting pretty somewhere is astronomical,
You keep spending at least 10 minutes on checking yourself out whenever you pass by a mirror,
Your phone is always glued to your hand,
Somehow, you always find a way to just end up gossiping with the customers about stupid things,
You even criticise their choice in furnishings and recommend other “more tasteful” furniture places,
Same goes for the food here,
You can never remember the store sections DESPITE BEING HERE FOR THREE WEEKS NOW and just end up asking another employee
You ALWAYS end up asking help from another employee instead of doing things yourself 
What the fricking frick frickity frack is the point of being hired IF OTHER PEOPLE ARE JUST GONNA DO THINGS FOR YOU???
He 👏 swears 👏 to 👏 the 👏 ICEA 👏 gods 👏
Namjoon is about to pop a vein out
Which only means one thing…
He’s due for a “Me time” in the lift.
He means his essential time to scream out into the void and release all his pent up anger and quite possibly murderous thoughts.
It’s usually about Michael
Or some very picky customer
Or a very malevolent child
Or Seokjin and Taehyung being a tag team from hell
This time, he screams and curses your name out.
(To emphasise, not in a sexual way. You detty pig)
He knows that you’re a really nice person.
A kind one too
You’re kind of a surprise to the rest of the guys tbh.
Yeah, you can’t help being a spoiled rich kid but for the most part, you’re very very tolerable and dare say, nice to be around
At work though?
Like that Rihanna song, Namjoon needs to put in work work work work work.
Especially since he’s trying his best to get promoted noticed by his boss.
He’s been busting his ass off in this place for three years now and has been employee of the month consistently ever since.
But because he’s younger and inexperienced
While Michael, their current Assistant Manager, is a lot older and has been in this ICEA for almost a decade now, 
Michael is the one who got the Assistant Manager position and is constantly the subject of attention around here
When all he does is boss people around!
What a cOMpleTe BULL
Michael gets to stand around, doing the bare minimum, and still gets all the nice compliments.
Whereas Namjoon gets things like, “Can you help me find a MILF?”
(And by Milf, the customer means a lamp. Not the other one, you detty detty pig.)
With you around because of him, he just might take 7 more years for his hard work to get notice…
( ŏ﹏ŏ)
With that thought in mind, Namjoon enters back into the lift just as he steps out.
(Not forgetting to politely apologise to a customer who’s about to enter. Honestly, who do you think he is?)
"So…..how bad is it?" Hoseok asks a mentally, physically, and spiritually drained Taehyung who is now getting a head massage from Jimin.
Taehyung momentarily lifts his head from Jimin's lap to look at the older guy straight in his eyes.
"All I see is a long, long, long, long, long ass dark tunnel. Oh, wait! What's that I see? Light! It's the end of the tunnel! I must run to it! Oh, will you look at that? It leads to a cliff where there is no other way than to jump to my death."
Hoseok and Jimin stare at Taehyung, looking like a bunch of scared kids that've been told that they can no longer use a night light.
Taehyung drops his head back and Jimin resumes massaging almost immediately.
Poor Tae.
He needs all the love and comfort right now and Jimin is here to provide it for him!
"What's going on here?" Yoongi arrives at what has now been their designated food court booth and sits beside Jimin.
"Can't afford a massage so you've manipulated Jimin?"
Jimin momentarily looks hurt at the thought of Tae using him.
But then again,
He's fine with it since he'd be able to help his friend out!
Taehyung throws Yoongi this used napkin that has been lying on their table since the three of them arrived.
“Shut up. I’ll never manipulate Jimin. I know I’m evil but even I have limits, okay?”
Like everyone else, Yoongi likes to believe Taehyung's evil ways have no limit whatsoever.
I mean, just look at that face.
But then he looks at the soft boy carefully massaging Tae with a huge grin that makes his eyes vanish.
How disgusting.
But also
"But it can't be that bad! I'm sure there's some silver lining to your work, Tae." Jimin tries to uplift Taehyung's spirits even more.
Let's see.
Taehyung scrunches his face and thinks hard.
Hoseok, Jimin, and even Yoongi who's caught on to the topic patiently anticipate his answer.
Approximately 15 seconds pass.
Taehyung unscrunches his face
"Nope, I've got nothing."
Ugh. All that built up anticipation for nothing. How disappointing!
Well, it is true.
What sort of silver lining is there if you work at a McWendi's takeaway booth at this dingy corner at the back of the mall?
When Taehyung got hired, he thought he'd work at the same branch that he applied for. 
But no! The manager took one look at Taehyung's handsome face and had the brilliant idea to put him at that specific booth cause it really needs some reviving.
Taehyung's got a little tip for them: next time, maybe open up a booth near where there's a lot of people.
So now, not only is he a cashier, he also cooks and prepares meals, AND cleans up.
He works with these twins called Taylor and Tyler but Taehyung can't even bear to look at them with their atrocious matching gold griLLZ.
Who cares if they're real gold?
It’s like he’s a reverse Cinderella.
"There's always the option to quit."
Taehyung scoffs at Yoongi's suggestion.
"First of all, I am Kim Taehyung. I don't quit, it's not in my vocabulary. I don't back down. People back down from me. Second, I can't afford to spend any more time looking for another job. I'm in dire need of money right now. I mean, they just released the new Kucci shoes and I'm reminded that I cannot afford it! Third-"
Yoongi stares at the potted plant beside them.
All he said was "quit".
He didn't ask for a whole ass novel about it.
Just say you can't quit and go!
But then again,
Tell him more about your trainwreck of a life!
He loves that shit so he can validate his equally shit of a life.
"So! As you can see, I can't quit. It's not an option AT ALL." 
"Bro, have you ever considered being a talk show host?" Hoseok muses.
"That's all you can say from everything I've said??"
Hoseok shrugs.
He does care for his friend's wellbeing… But it's not like he can do much about it.
"How about you Yoongi hyung? How's work?"
Oh, what a lovely question!
How's work? 
How is work???
"Oh it's fine. Everything's fine. Just, really really fine. ToTaLLY FINE. Completely fine." Yoongi tells them oh so casually with a tight lip smile.
The other boys can just see the anger slowly seething from his ears.
Which is a rare thing because Yoongi never shows any emotions outwardly.
It must be THAt bad.
He's turned into a ticking bomb that's about to explode!
So Taehyung and Hoseok nudge Jimin to make Yoongi talk about it more.
Maybe, just maybe, he'll be a lot less aggressive if he asks.
"Uhm, hyung, that's good to hear!" Jimin stops massaging Tae's head, much to the sassy boy's dismay, and gives Yoongi a few pats on his arm.
"Yep aha ha." Yoongi mutters
"You finally have the job of your dreams!"
"Uh huh."
"To think that you've been chasing this for so long and now you have it! It's such a wonderful thing! You-"
"NO. IT'S NOT. I LIED." Yoongi places his head on Jimin's shoulder.
The three boys flinch at the volume of Yoongi's voice.
There it is.
“I don’t think I can handle another day being assigned to the musical section. I do rap and hip hop for fuck’s sake. This is blasphemous!”
At this point, one of Jimin’s hands is now stroking Yoongi’s head while the other one is still massaging Tae’s.
(Omg nOt iN a SExuaL wAy you detty detty detty pig!)
“If I hear anyone talk about that abominable Cats movie one more time, I SWEAR! I'll smash those records against their head AND eat the broken pieces right in front of their unconscious bodies!"
As if it couldn't get worse from Taehyung's previous "tunnel" analogy, Hoseok and Jimin are just purely and utterly disturbed by Yoongi's colourful explanation.
"Wow. Just… Wow."
Hoseok has no words.
Could it really be that bad that these two are wanting to end things in a very violent way??
He wonders how you're doing at work.
Namjoon mentioned something about you the other day but Hoseok was too preoccupied thinking what the 98% is if it only says 2% milk in the label.
He passed by the grocery that morning and saw a 2% milk so guess who was thinking about it the entire day??
Fun fact: Hoseok was never good at science.
He thinks you're doing okay. I mean, come on! You're training under Namjoon so it's only right that you're smashing things.
Right? RIGHT???
"Guys, I can't with work anymore!" You arrive slightly in tears.
Well shit, he thought wrong.
"Welcome to the club, princess." Yoongi welcomes you as you sit beside Hoseok.
"Namjoon wants me dead. I just know it!”
The guys give you a puzzled look and you retell to them the events of your morning.
“Wow, Namjoon snapped!” 
You give Hoseok a pained expression 
Why does he look quite pleased at Namjoon’s morning outburst????
“...I mean in a bad way! That really sucks, man. ” He gives you reassuring pats on your arm.
“Namjoon hyung can be pretty controlling and apprehensive but it doesn’t sound like him to say hurtful things like that.” Jimin says.
“Can he even fire you?” Taehyung asks to which you reply with a solid no.
In the few weeks you’ve known the guys, you’ve learned that they like to refer to Namjoon as ICEA’s Assistant-Assistant Manager because he’s Michael’s favourite to boss around. But in actuality, he’s just in customer relations.
“You must’ve really pushed him to his limits. What did you do?”
Or more importantly, what did you NOT do?
“I don’t know, okay?”
Honestly, you don’t fail to realise just how much of a slacker you have been.
Deep down, you know that you’re not really trying...
But you still like to think that all of this is not a reality. That maybe one of these days, your dad will come to his senses and not let his one and only princess do hard work anymore.
Ladies and gents, and everyone in between, I present to all of you a literal clown.
Man, you really do need to do something and pick up your weight.
From across the food court, Jungkook appears.
People’s heads (especially the ladies and all the guy lovers) snap to his direction.
Jimin’s not the only one who has fans, okay? The difference between them is that Jimin has an actual fan club while Jungkook doesn’t. 
Just like that, it seems like a distress code has been dropped and people are scrambling.
This is not a drill. I repeat, THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
The resident cutie and boy next door has landed.
To your stations ladies and gents and every Jungkook lover out there.
Fix that hair,
Powder your nose,
Gloss your lips,
Jungkook starts making his way to your group’s booth.
As he passes by the other booths, all the “Jungkook Lovers” call out to him and give them a wave, albeit shamelessly.
He reluctantly waves back at them rather shyly which makes them coo at him even more.
The permanent blush on his face is the icing on the cake.
How cuteeee.
These smiles and waves slowly disappear as they take in what he’s wearing.
Is that??
That can’t be!
He’s working there?¿
Jungkook leaves a trail of baffled faces in his wake and soon enough, he’s standing in front of your group.
“Oh, hi there, dude.” Hoseok nonchalantly says, giving him a fast glance then points his attention back to you.
Wait a dang second…
Is Jungkook wearing a…???
Hoseok looks at him again.
Then looks away.
Then looks at him again for confirmation.
He’s seeing real things and not imagining stuff!
Jungkook is..
* record scratch sound *
Everyone, including you, opens their eyes and mouths dramatically wide open.
Oh no, it’s real.
Jungkook is wearing a black shirt that has the name “Perpetually21” printed on it.
"Kook, what have you done?" A very disgusted Taehyung slowly asks.
“You guys told me to get a job.” He innocently mutters.
“Yeah but not...this!”
(That’s rich for someone working at McWendi’s and is required to wear a hat that has braids attached to it, tbh.)
“Tae, calm down. Let’s hear Jungkook out, alright?” 
Yoongi faces a nervous Jungkook.
ⁱˢ ʰᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇˡᵉ??
༼  ಥ_ಥ ༽
Yoongi is like (  一_一)
Jeez, this kid needs to chill.
“Jungkook.” Yoongi starts like a disappointed dad, “we’re not mad.” 
༼  ಥ‿ಥ ༽ 
PHew what a relief!
Oh no, he IS in trouble.
༼  ಥ_ಥ ༽
“Okay, kid, don’t cry!” Yoongi rushes in panic. “We just want to know how this came to be, sheesh!”
“Yeah, Kook. What happened? We thought you wanted to work at that Smoke Gaming Store?”
Jungkook sniffs a little and starts to explain things, “I don’t know what happened. I thought they’d hire me because I instantly hit it off with the guy that interviewed me. We discussed about Joel’s death from The Last of Us-”
I’m sorry but who?
“It went really well! At least I think it did.”
“Well, then that’s weird… What else did he ask you?” Jimin asks (still stroking Yoongi’s head and massaging Tae, that little angel)
Jungkook thinks real hard, back to his interview.
Hmmmm……let’s see…..
“We talked about my hobbies and work experiences.”
Yoongi snorts, “Which you don’t have. So, what else?”
“Uhm.... He asked me about my worst qualities.”
This does not smell good.
“And? What did you answer?”
Jungkook is sweating at how intense all of you are looking at him.
He is nOT made for this kind of attention.
Also, he feels like he did the wrong thing.
“Uh… ᵃᵐ ⁱ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒˢᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ˡⁱᵉ?”
Oof that does not sound well.
Yoongi sits up straight and gives the younger boy a smile. An eerie smile.
“Jungkook. Tell us. How many did you tell them?” 
“JUNGKOOK! WHat the hell??”
“I don’t want to lie! It makes me feel really bad.”
Oh this sweet innocent little boy.
Hoseok puts an arm around Jungkook and ruffles his hair.
“You’re not supposed to lie, bro. You just need to tell them shit like ‘you work too hard’ or ‘you don’t know when to stop working’. Ya know? Chessy and suck up things like that.” 
Why didn’t they brief him beforehand?
If they did then he wouldn’t have had to deal with the sheer panic of finding out that he didn’t get the only job he wants. Then he wouldn’t have felt pressured to get hired cause it’s been 3 whole weeks and everyone has had a job, even you (no offense), while he still haSN’T GOT ONE. ThEN maybe he wouldn’t have jumped the gun when this girl at Perpetually21 grabbed him and told him they’re hiring and will hire him on the spot if he wants!
“...So… How’s working at Perpetualy21?” You break the tense silence.
A single tear drops down Jungkook’s face and he instantly engulfs Hoseok in a tight hug.
Well then
We’ll take that as a dud.
With Jungkook silently crying on one of Hoseok’s shoulders, Taehyung embraces Jimin’s torso and starts weeping as well.
All this crying makes you tear up too. So in a few seconds, you lean on Hoseok’s other shoulder and start crying.
You think he’s gonna cry too???
You are absolutely correct.
He leans back on Jimin’s shoulder and he lets exactly 5 tears slip from his eyes because that’s as much emotion he’s gonna let himself feel.
Jimin and Hoseok look at each other helplessly.
WHAT on earth are they supposed to do now?????
Well they are in luck.
Because the lord and saviour, himself, is on his way to your booth.
He is in such a good mood today!
New job, new possibilities, baby.
Not to mention, he landed a killer one!
He’s working at Seven Flags, the mall’s indoor amusement park.
Nothing can bring him down!
That thought lasted about a hot minute because then, he sees your crying faces and…
What the hell??
Did someone die?
Someone’s missing. Is someone missing?
1 2 3 4 5 6 and he’s the seventh.
Nope! Seven’s the magic number so they’re all here.
They have you now.
Silly him!
So someone IS missing…
Oh Namjoon!
Did he…
Seokjin drops to his knees and starts wailing.
All six of you get startled by him… Bad day at work too?
O-okay…. Awful day at work then!
“WhY? WHY???? He was too young!!!”
You all share a dumbfounded look… Did someone die? Are you guys missing something here?
“Namjoon! No! Why must you leave us!!!”
“What are you on about?!” Yoongi yells at him.
Seokjin raises his head from the ground and surprisingly, he has actually shed real tears.
What the duck. He actually thought Namjoon is d-word??
“I… I just thought that…”
“That? That Namjoon hyung is… ᵈᵉᵃᵈ?? How could you?” Jimin says, starting to tear up as well!
Mayday! Another man down!
“Hey, all of you are crying. EVEN YOONGI and he never cries! Then I thought Namjoon isn’t here so I thought that maybe he’s… Ya know…”
“DEAD?!” You unbelievably ask which breaks the dam for Jimin.
Great! Jimin is crying! 
Now, Yoongi feels obligated to kick Seokjin’s ass.
“So… Namjoon isn’t--” Seokjin starts but gets cut off by all of you
Okay wooooo
That’s a HUGE relief.
Seokjin isn’t ready for that sort of thing…
Namjoon also owes him 6 bucks so he better not die before he gets to pay him.
Seokjin gets up, dusts himself, brushes his tears away, throws a wink and some finger guns at the females that are staring at his scandalous self, and then casually sits at your booth like he did not just scare the entire food court.
“So then,”
You all look at him, tired. (From work and also from his crackhead self)
“Did someone’s pet die, then?”
“Okay, okay! Alright! It’s just that, it looks like someone died. If only you could see yourselves.”
As if on cue, all five of you sniff in chorus.
“Then what the hell is going on?”
Who knew the day would come where Seokjin is the one who’s in triumph while the rest of his friends are in agony?
But like I’ve mentioned a while ago, never fear cause the saviour is here!
As much as he relishes in his friends anguish, he’s still not that cruel.
Oh and he loves the idea of saving everyone….
Especially if one of them is the daughter of a loaded CEO.
“Peasants...and my sweetheart, Y/n,” Seokjin begins in which Taehyung resoundingly scoffs to, “I just might have the solution to your worries. Well, temporarily.”
You know what, as unreliable as Seokjin is, a temporary escape from reality sounds too enticing. 
So you guys end up biting the bullet with Seokjin and he explains that he can most definitely sneak you all into Seven Flags.
“You’re working at Seven Flags?? Dope!” Hoseok voices out.
“I know right!” They give each other high fives.
In the few weeks you’ve known this group, you’ve realised that Seokjin seems to be on the same wavelength with Hoseok the most. At first it was questionable but now, it’s turning out to be quite cute in an unexplainable way.
“Are you sure you want to risk sneaking all of us in? We don’t want to get you in trouble-” Jimin shuts his mouth as Taehyung shushes him.
“He’ll only get in trouble if he gets caught. If he wants to sneak us in then let’s not stop him!” Taehyung remarks, obviously completely on board with Seokjin’s plan.
“He’s got a point.” You can’t help but agree with Taehyung.
Confession time: You’ve never had a group of friends. It’s always been just Taehyung. But also, you’ve never been to an amusement park. Yep, that’s right. You’re parents don’t think it's safe and worth the while so they’ve never let you. 
This is really exciting!! It’s like you’re a kid again!
“So, you guys are up to call in a sick day for work?”
“YES!” You try to contain your joy so the guys wouldn’t think of you as lame but it seems like they’re all also very much as excited as you are.
“Then it’s an official plan!”
“Uh, what is?”
Namjoon arrives at the scene, holding his Ryan lunch box.
He catches sight of you and instantly becomes uncomfortable.
Ugh, this boy is starting to get on your nerves.
But you need to contain your emotions since you are the one’s at fault here. Well, for the most part.
“Namjoon! We’re having a “skip work” day and we’ll be heading off to Seven Flags courtesy of Seokjin!” Hoseok happily fills him in.
Skip? Work?? Day???
Uh ha ha ha no. Not in Namjoon’s household.
“You can afford tickets for all of us? Since when?”
Seokjin scoffs at Namjoon’s clear distrust of him. “You’re looking at a newly hired employee of Seven Flags!”
Seokjin makes it sound like he’s a big timer at the amusement park but he’s actually just a maintenance guy.
(The narrator would like to point out that being a maintenance worker is a HIGHLY, HIGHLY important job and any establishment wouldn’t run without them)
“Even if you own the place, it wouldn’t matter because I’m not skipping an essential day of working! There are lots to do at ICEA and I cannot afford to be fooling around.” He says that while giving you side glances.
Oh, he’s totally jabbing at you… and it’s working.
“Namjoon hyung, come on! Don’t be a party pooper! You’re too tied down to your work. Live a little, would ya?” Taehyung states.
“Ugh. I’ll have you know that we’re not getting paid to muck about. I’d prefer to be a productive member of the society.” 
That was a bit too harsh of him to say tbh but you know he’s only really talking to you.
Big oof.
It’s fine. You’re fine. You’re toTALLy not hurt at all.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to go.” Namjoon takes a couple of strides but comes back and looks at you. “Oh by the way, your break ended 7 minutes ago.”
With that, he saunters away feeling all cool and shit with his bright yellow Ryan lunch box.
Dude, that made you feel even worse than before.
Suddenly, you feel obligated to not go to Seven Flags.
Taehyung, being your one and only bestie, knows that look on your face.
He knows that that’s the look you put on when you let someone get the better of you and frankly, he’s feeling triggered by it.
“Y/n. don’t listen to him. He’s just being a little shit.” The other guys agree with him, no offense to Namjoon.
You don’t though.
“No. He’s right.” You finally concede to the harsh reality of your life. “I’m supposed to be trying to earn a living! I need to wake up and get a grip.”
The guys are like oh no we’re losing her.
“It’s high time I actually take responsibility for once! I’m sorry guys but I can’t come with you.” Although it pains you to say that, you have no choice.
Truly, it’s a proud sentiment BUT at the wrong time! 
The guys try hard to rope you back into this fun filled plan but they’ve completely lost you.
You leave them with a much heavier heart and march back to ICEA.
Well, that wasn’t much of a success now, was it?
“Oh, hey!” Seokjin points at Jungkook (who hasn’t uttered a single thing through all of that btw), “you’re working at Perpetually21?”
Jungkook just might spontaneously combust anytime now.
Two days pass by with the guys repeatedly trying to convince you to come with them and you repeatedly turning them down. After that, they left you alone…. or so you thought.
Namjoon keeps ignoring you to the point that you don’t even see him that much in ICEA, during break times, or even off work. 
Speaking of work, you’ve actually been trying hard.
Like, actually doing labour and being very hands on with the customers.
It’s been pretty draining to say the least.
You’re still always late since you can’t change Jimin for who he is but still!
You’re doing a really good job!
Which is super annoying because Namjoon isn’t even around to see you changing your ways!
You tried to hunt him down once to talk about your last heavy conversation (aka Namjoon’s outburst) but he snapped at you, thinking that you’re just going to talk him into coming to Seven Flags.
As if you’re actually going to Seven Flags!
“By the way, we’re going to Seven Flags tomorrow.”
Jimin casually states as you step out of his car.
“So make up some excuse to have your day off.”
And you thought they’ve given up on making you come.
“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not going!” You groan loudly.
“Y/n this could be good for you! You’ve been really tense lately and I think this is a good way to blow off some steam.”
Are you hearing Jimin right? Is this the nice and innocent Jimin that you know?
“You know what, Jimin? Out of everyone, I did not expect you to be the one to suggest for me to lie.”
Jimin stops at his tracks and absorbs what you just said.
L i e ?
But the rest of the guys said it’s for the good of everyone! Yoongi even told him that if they go, some murder will be prevented so really, this is an ethical thing to do.
And besides, you guys are going to have fun! So Jimin doesn’t really see anything wrong here.
“I really don’t wanna hear anymore of it, Chim. I’m really sorry but I need to do good at work! I can’t afford to mess up anymore. I need to impress Namjoon.”
Jimin doesn’t really understand why you are so set on impressing Namjoon when he isn’t even remotely close to being your boss.
But then again, Namjoon is a very respectable man so he guess earning his respect is an honourable thing.
Which is why he doesn’t question you further. 
He’s not happy about you skipping your first ever bonding experience and would prefer to have you there but he’s not one to argue and force you.
The others though…
For your sake, let’s hope they give it up as well.
- The next day -
“Uh.....Are we waiting for something?” 
Yoongi is growing impatient.
The plan was to meet up at the food court at 11am but it’s been 45 minutes and they’re still just sitting there.
“Yeah, we’re waiting for Y/n.” Taehyung answers.
“You mean to say that we’ve been wasting time here, staring at each other, because we’re waiting on the princess wHO clearly stated that she’s not coming??”
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Deep breaths for Yoongi, deep breaths.
“Okay…….Nice……..Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.”
Deep breaths for Yoongi, deep breaths. Deep fuCKing breaths.
His ass fell asleep 20 minutes ago for what?? He could've been having the time of his life now, screaming his head off on a roller coaster but noooOOOOooooOoOoOooOOOo!
He hAs tO WAiT fOR yOU!
“So what you’re telling me is…” He starts with that conniving face that the boys are all too familiar with.
Uh oh…
The boys start to sweat and to feel slightly nervous.
“That we’ll be staying here until little miss Y/n comes?”
Even Taehyung isn’t sure anymore if this is a good idea. 
“Oh. Okay.”
Yoongi stays silent after that…
The other guys don’t know if they should take that as a good thing or if Yoongi’s just gathering enough strength to rage.
Honestly, he's had it with you.
Ever since you came to the scene, the peace and quiet he doesn’t have seems to have become even MORE unattainable.
All he wants is to drop everything and to get away from the stress that is called “life”. Just for one day!! Is that too much to ask? 
Does he really have to put matters into his own hands here???
The sound of Hoseok’s phone halts Yoongi’s impending temper tantrum.
“Where are you guys?! I’ve been guarding the employee’s entrance for almost half an hour now!” Seokjin’s voice booms through Hoseok’s phone so loud that he had to hold it away from his ear.
“Dude, sorry! It’s Y/n. I think she’s really not coming…”
No, no, no.
This can’t be!
Seokjin did this to impress YOU specifically. 
Yeah, he wants to uplift his friends’ spirits as well but more importantly, he has his eyes set on the money bag.
He still has that fantasy of living the high life. Sue him!
“She can’t not come! This is awful! We need to do something!”
“I know man! Y/n seems to have lost her grip from the big adventure that is life and have succumbed to the negative side of our society.”
...Was that...a…
Was that a completely articulate comment made by Jung Hoseok???
Yoongi snatches Hoseok’s phone.
“Give us an hour, hyung. She’ll be here.”
The four guys look at Yoongi with raised eyebrows.
“Ok, fine. But an hour is all I can give you! The other employees are starting to give me weird looks for being here for so long now.”
With that, Seokjin hangs up and goes back to his work.
“Hyung, so you’re okay with waiting for Y/n?” Jimin asks Yoongi nicely.
Uhhhh what?
Yoongi stands and looks at the other boys.
“If all of you won’t go to Seven Flags without her highness, then we’re gonna get her.”
The day hasn’t even really begun and yet Yoongi is already so done with it.
He swears, you’re hitting all of his wrong nerves and you leave him no choice....
He needs to meddle.
Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggggggg…….. Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggggggg
Yoongi can feel his heart beat harshly
Please let the mall gods be on his side! Please oh please oh please!
Someone picks up on the other line and Yoongi thinks he might flatline right then and there.
“Good day, this is ICEA wherein you can have a finer and effortless life! How may I help you?” Michael picks up in a very rehearsed sunny tone.
Yoongi immediately changes his voice and slips into some 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑦 accent. 
“May I please speak to Y/N Y/L/N?” He says, making his voice sound like he’s crying.
“I’m sorry sir, but this is not a personal phone line. If you wish to speak with her, then I suggest you call her on her own phone after work hours.”
“But THIS is an emergency!! This is his brother… Steve and uhm..” Yoongi involuntarily pauses for a second to cringe at himself. He’s winging all of this, okay???
Ugh * shudders *
“Yes, sir?” Michael presses him to continue, obviously very wary of him.
Teahyung slaps his arm for him to get it together.
Yoongi clears his throat. “ Uh, I’m sorry. I just need a moment to collect myself for this tragic news…”  He wittily saves his ass.
“This sounds serious. Is everything alright at home-- wait a minute... I’m sure I recall Y/n mentioning that she’s an only child during her interview!”
Quick! Think of something, Yoongi!
“Well… Uhm, I, uh, suffer from a very serious… Chronic anxiety! She, uh, doesn’t mention me because any exposure triggers an extreme emotional distress from me…”
Michael seems to buy it because he mutters an uncomfortable “oh” and apologises to him.
That’s another save for Yoongi.
“You see, our Uncle... Si Hyuk got in a grave accident and lost his memories! We really need Y/n to rush to the hospital right now. He * sobs * keeps calling out to our dear Y/n, completely afraid for his life!”
“Oh my! How tragic. I’ll get her right away…”
Michael puts the phone down and is about to call out for you but he hesitates for a second after a logical realisation pops in his mind. 
He picks the receiver up again and says, “Hang on… If he lost his memories then how come he’s calling out for Y/n, huh?”
Again, fUck.
“It’s… A…….. Medical mystery! The doctors are very baffled by it but they think it’s because he’s deeply attached to Y/n which is why she’s the only one he can remember. It’s all so very very sad, sir!”
Cue in the overly dramatic sounds of crying.
Michael stays silent for a few seconds and Yoongi thinks he’s probably out done his cries.
But then Michael mutters, “I’ll get her right away.”
Who knew Yoongi could be such an amazing method actor?
If his music career doesn’t pan out well, maybe acting is the way to go. I mean, most people from the music industry do that anyway when their career isn’t boding too well.
Unfortunately, you are positioned too far from where the telephone is so it took a while to find you.
You are too invested helping out this very indecisive kid pick out which unicorn loft bed is better. The pink one or the light pink one? What a crucial dilemma! 
“Y/n! Come quick, you’re brother Steve is on the phone and says your Uncle Si Hyuk has had a terrible accident!” Some employee alerts you
“Who and what now?”
Brother Steve and… Uncle Si Hyuk?
Is there some sort of mistake?
Although you are very confused, you excuse yourself from the customers and follow your coworker to where Michael is holding the phone for you.
Eyes filled with worry, he hands the phone to you and places what appears to be a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“...Hello?” You tentatively ask through the receiver.
“It’s me and I’m getting you out of there.” You immediately recognise that low and cold voice.
“Uh…” You turn around from Michael’s prying eyes and whisper, “Yoongi?”
From the other line, Yoongi rolls his eyes so hard, he thinks he caught sight of his big fat genius of a brain.
“No, it’s Steve and Uncle Si Hyuk needs you out of that store now!” He sarcastically snaps at you.
He knows you won’t say no to him.
You’re scared of him and he holds power to that, baby.
“I…” You take a peek at Michael and his brow is raised. This is really not a good idea.
You fear your debts to your father more than you fear Yoongi’s wrath…
At least you think so...
“I appreciate your guy’s concern but for the last time, I’m not going anywhere!” You try your best to sound dead serious while keeping your volume super low.
“Ugh, you need this skip day more than you think you do. You’re turning into Namjoon and it’s a totally alarming predicament!” 
You scoff out loud and slam the phone down much to the surprise of Michael.
( ʘ‿ʘ)  
Hung up…
On Yoongi.
The actual aUDaciTy!
“She hung up on you.” Taehyung states Yoongi's thoughts, completely stunned. “What has Namjoon hyung turned my bestie into??”
Yoongi stares at the phone booth for approximately 3 seconds.
Oh well!
He shrugs and begins to walk away but Taehyung yanks him back.
“Where are you going?” The younger boy asks him.
“To Seven Flags. Where else?” Yoongi states (what he thinks is) the obvious. 
He believes he's done enough here.
He’s proven that he’s a genius,
We’ve discovered his potential acting career,
And to top it all off!
He spent 60 cents to make that phone call, an extra 40 cents for the connection charge, AND another 10 cents to keep the line going after 20 minutes had passed!
That’s more fucks he’s given to last him through the week. Maybe even the month!
“But we can’t just give up!” Taehyung determinedly declares. “I have a plan b!”
Yoongi stands his ground, not wanting to give in, and Tae does the same.
The two of them go into a stare down for a couple of seconds before Yoongi finally concedes.
Let’s not forget
At the end of the day, Yoongi loves some good drama just like the teenage girl that he actually is.
“Alright then. What’s plan b?”
Taehyung runs to you at full speed and practically crashes into you.
The force of it makes you drop the hangers you are holding and they make a loud crash as they hit the floor, catching the attention of everyone within a 15 meter radius.
You give him a baffled look but he instantly wails and clutches you HARD, upping that 15 meter radius to a solid 30.
What the heck is this guy on now???
“Oh, y/n!” He wails like that for a couple of times— wAIT ARE THOSE TEARS???
Just wow.
“Tae, what are you doing?!” You half whisper as you desperately pry him off of you.
“You need to come, now! Uncle Si Hyuk needs you!” He dramatically cries out in some weird accent he remembers Yoongi had on the phone. 
He then lets out a bellowing wail and you swear, you feel the entire store shake.
This drama queen.
“I swear, Tae. You need to get out. NOW.” 
This is sooooooo embarrassing
Taehyung is causing such a scene. If your incapability to function like a proper employee won’t get you fired, then this will definitely do!
You try to push him away to the nearest exit while excusing yourself from the watchful eyes of the customers.
But alas,
He is much bigger and stronger than you.
“Tae, for the last time. I’m NOT GOING-- hmpf!” Tae buries your face to his chest as he sees Michael, so you won’t be able to ruin his plan.
He saunters to Michael, sobbing and clutching to you.
Oh, this is it.
You’re gonna get fired.
You can see it now. You’ll end up just like Seokjin. You’ll be known as the rich girl with no capabilities whatsoever. Your awful reputation will spread throughout the entire mall uNIVERSE. No one's gonna want to hire you anymore. You'll end up jobless, then homeless, and you'll ultimately end up living under some bridge with all 7 of the stray cats that you've adopted even though you're financially incapacitated to do so!
“What is all this?” You hear Michael’s voice and you forcibly yank your head from Taehyung’s iron grip.
He’s ruining your cute dutch braids with that tight hold! Does he know how long and how many tries it took you to do that??
“Are you the manager here, kind sir?” Taehyung innocently asks even though you can clearly see an “ᴀꜱꜱɪꜱᴛᴀɴᴛ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇʀ” nametag on his chest aND he knows perfectly well who he is.
Michael hesitates but answers anyway.
“Uh, no I’m not, sir. But I am the assistant manager. What seems to be the problem?” He eyes you both suspiciously.
Hasn’t he seen this wailing guy from somewhere before???
He looks awfully familiar.
“Yes sir, I’m the one who called a while ago about Y/n’s Uncle!” Tae continues his act complete with the funky accent.
“Oh, the one with the terrible, terrible accident! Are you here to pick Y/n up?”
You interject, “No! This is a complete-- hmpf! Shtp et!” You try but fail to mumble out coherent words as Tae pulls you back in a bone crushing hug with your face pressed tightly against his surprisingly hard pecs- I MEAN CHEST.
��Oh, kind sir! You don’t understand how much our little Y/n is putting up such a brave front! She doesn’t even wanna leave work to see our poor dying Uncle Sejin!”
That doesn’t sound right…
Oh shit wrong name!
“...Si Hyuk!” Tae hastily adds before going back to his acting in an increased volume to assert dominance over Michael.
“We need her, Uncle SI HYUK needs her!” He emphasises on the correct name. “We need her strength more than ever.”
A few customers around start to mutter things like “How noble of this girl” or “What courage!” or “Go to the hospital!”
Michael, completely moved by Taehyung’s Oscar worthy of a nomination scene, sniffs and blinks away the tears threatening to fall. “You better go and see your Uncle, Y/n. He might not have much time left.”
You discreetly pinch HARD on Taehyung’s arm and he lets go of you with a little “Oww”.
“No I’m not coming with him!” You manage to say before two paramedics arrive and make a beeline towards you three.
Is that…
“See, sir? It’s much more desperate than you might think!” Taehyung wails again and you don’t even know how to react anymore.
Is this an actual thing that is happening right now?
Like, these guys are really something.
“Mr. Steve Y/L/N? We really need to get you and your sister to the hospital right now.” Yoongi, disguised in blond hair that makes you even more tongue tied ngl, mutters in a completely different accent than before.
“Yes, of course. Thank you for assisting us Mr. Derek Shepherd and Mr… Doctor Steᵖʰᵉⁿ ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉ…?” Taehyung’s voice gets less and less audible as he reads Hoseok's nameplate.
* Big and long sigh *
Of course.
We expect nothing less from Hoseok.
WHERE is Seokjin when you need him??
Michael doesn’t seem to have caught that little oopsie as he is now wide eyed and shocked at everything.
“I’M NOT GOING ANYWHERE. All of this isn’t real!” You attempt to convince Michael, your arms flailing around.
“SHE’S IN DENIAL!” Hoseok points at you and Tae wails even more.
“We need to get her out of here, stat!” 
With that, paramedics Derek Shepherd and Doctor Stephen Strange grab hold of you.
Well, try to as you keep thrashing and slapping and pushing them.
“We might need to sedate this one.” Doctor Stephen Strange muses before getting hit in the face.
"Take as much time as you need. Family is our priority here at ICEA. Some things are even more important than work.”
Doctor Stephen Strange holds you from your under arms while Derek Shepherd grabs hold of the back of your knees.
"You don't understand! They're making all of this up. I don't have an Uncle Si Hyuk! Yoongi, Hoseok, let go of me! Noooooo!"
They run out the store with you as fast as they can before you manage to blow their covers.
"She's completely lost it, that poor girl." Tae miserably says then turns to face Michael. "Uncle Si Hyuk has got you to thank for fulfilling what might be his dying wish."
Michael can't help but have his eyes water again.
"These poor people." He thinks as he stares at Taehyung…
"WAIt a second! Don't you work at McWendi's??"
Tae freezes and is for once lost on what to do.
"Uh, I…"
GOtta bLaST!!!
Michael shakes his head as Taehyung leaves, still not having any suspicious thoughts.
If anything, he daydreams about being a paramedic.
How "hip" it would be to come and sweep people off and save them.
Oh what an ideal world.
Just then, the phone rings again.
"Good day, this is ICEA wherein you can have a finer and effortless life! How may I assist you?"
"Uh, yes. This is Mr. Y/L/N, Y/n's father. You know? The rich CEO. I'm calling because I'm afraid our family dog of 17 years has unfortunately died and we need her to come home right now."
Michael feels his right eye twitch as he slowly squints both of them.
"Ohhhhh…. I see…... Don't you worry, Mr. Y/L/N. I'll come and send her home right away."
Seokjin misses the way Michael's tone dips and peaks in sarcasm.
"Thank you, gentleman!"
Seokjin hangs up the phone.
That was easy.
"Seokjin, you have done it again." He praises himself, not knowing what chaos he had brought upon themselves.
Michael fumes at the deception you have just managed to pull.
You lying little bitch.
He bets Namjoon planned this out.
There's no way your spoiled air head could manage such an elaborate plan!
It also just so happens to be Namjoon's breaktime.
Oh, he's dead.
Michael calls out a random employee and tells them he'd be back in half an hour.
Good thing he overheard Namjoon mentioning Seven Flags to you yesterday.
He knows exactly where to look for you.
You try your best to escape out of Jungkook’s hold as he parades you around on his shoulders.
You hate it. It makes you feel like either a misbehaving child or a damsel in distress.
You absolutely hate it! Yes, even the lovely view of his tush.... 
How'd you get in this situation?
Well, let's just say that Yoongi and Hoseok got what was coming for them when they decided to grab you against your will.
And by that I mean their mini mes aren't doing too well so now they don't want anything to do with you anymore and instantly passed you to Jungkook the moment they saw him.
You thought you could square up with Jungkook but surprisingly he is strong. Like, Hulk strong! 
Who knew that innocent looking dear is hiding this kind of superpowers underneath? It really is always the quiet ones huh?
“Y/n stop fighting it!” Taehyung scolds you. “Can’t you see that we just want you to relax?”
“You don’t understand! If I get caught--”
“You won’t get caught! Now, can you just relax??” With Yoongi yelling at you, you finally shut up and contemplate your situation.
Maybe they are right? Maybe you should trust them more that you guys aren’t gonna get caught. You are in dire need of some loosening up since last week, anyway.
“Fine, I’ll relax but I’m telling you! If I end up losing my job, you guys are going to have to pay for life support!”
Unfortunately for you, Namjoon spots you guys walking past even through the thick crowd of people.
What the duck are you...Oh, Seven Flags. Right.
How many times are you going to deviate from him??
He follows you guys as best as he could, forgetting his breaktime and his need to eat.
“WELCOME TO MY DOMAIN, PEASANTS AND Y/N!” Seokjin not so subtly greets you guys (to which Taehyung still scoffs to)
“I’m so glad that you could make it, sweetheart! I thought you wouldn’t--hey! Namjoon, you’re here too?”
You whip your head back and true enough, Namjoon is approaching your group.
“Uh, Namjoon-” 
“Save it.” Namjoon talks over you right away.
Taehyung steps in front of you protectively.
“Hyung, seriously. You’re completely overacting. If anyone needs to chill here, it’s you!”
The other guys voice out their own opinion of Namjoon’s apprehensive ways.
Ugh. They wouldn’t understand him. 
They wouldn’t know responsibility even if they get hit in the face with it.
He’s about to argue against all of you but then he hears Seokjin whisper to Taehyung, “It’s most probably why he’s never dated anyone.”
This is giving Namjoon flashbacks to the eve of his graduation! This is the exact same scenario wherein the guys convince him to do something stupid just to prove to them that he can also lose control and “have fun”.
He’s feeling really triggered riGHT NOW!
Don’t do it, Namjoon. Don’t! You’re better and stronger than this.
“He’s probably gonna end up like Michael and not have any relationships even until his late forties.” 
Okay, that’s it. Taehyung’s added dig is what pushes him!
“You guys think I really can’t have fun??”
You feel quite scared of Namjoon. And it’s not because of your current predicament! He just looks completely unstable.
Yoongi adds on to the fire, “Oh, we know you can’t. What are you gonna do about it?”
Namjoon pushes past everyone all the way to the front of the group then looks back at all of you.
“Well?” He asks expectantly. “I thought we’re gonna have a “skip work” day? What are you all just standing there for?”
Oh, hell yes.
They’ve cracked him once again.
Now it’s time to have some fun!
(This is the part of the show where a montage of the main characters having fun is shown while an indie “coming of age” type of song plays in the background.)
(You know, stuff like you guys trying to go on every roller coaster but then one of you *ʰᵒˢᵉᵒᵏ* throws up just after the second one)
(Then you guys run off to the games booths. Seokjin and Taehyung complain about the rigged games while Namjoon surprisingly wins a blue stuffed koala from the basketball hoops)
(You guys then crash through the souvenirs. You take so long going through each item as if any one of you can buy something) 
(Just all around, full of laughs and happy memories)
Through it all, Namjoon loosens up while you take it all in since this is the first time you’ve done anything fun with a large group of “friends” :’)
"You know what, I'm glad I skipped work today. It is good to be irresponsible every once in a while!” Namjoon loudly muses with a candy floss on one hand and the koala plushie on the other.
You all voice out various replies of agreement while you all munch on your respective hotdog or candy floss.
“We’re just humans. We can’t constantly have it all together and that’s fine! I mean, even machines break down and need some taking care of from time to time.”
Again, you all agreed with what he’s saying. This is slowly turning into something really empowering and moving, not gonna lie.
“Sometimes, you just need to step back and drop everything. As Miss Eleanor Roosevelt once said, ‘The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost.’ My friends, if forever ends tomorrow, how would you wish to have spent your last day?”
At this point, half of you guys are tearing up because of this moving declamation. Even Hoseok and Seokjin are clapping their hands.
“There’s no harm in letting yourself indulge in selfish acts from time to time!”
Okay, maybe there is some harm in that especially if you’re not careful with your actions but none of you wanted to ruin his moment so once again, all of you just agreed.
Damn, all of you are really full on goading Namjoon and it’s a really nice gesture.
What’s not nice is that Michael finally found your group.
“You know who needs to be more chill?” A completely innocent Namjoon that’s about to get absolutely wrecked asks your group.
You guys most definitely shouldn’t have encouraged him further to save his ass but fair play to all of you, y'all didn’t see Michael coming.
The subject of your discussion stops walking for a second at the sound of his name. 
𝙃𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙡? 
𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙟𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩 𝙝𝙞𝙢? 𝙇𝙚𝙩’𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙚...
“Man, that guy is so uptight! Even for my own standards, which is saying a lot!” Namjoon continues to rant.
“Yeah, you’re tighter than my butthol—“ Yoongi elbows Seokjin so he won’t finish his disgusting analogy.
Luckily, Namjoon is too engrossed with his speech to catch what Seokjin just said.
“Like, it's just a stupid store!”
Namjoon has only said one bad thing about ICEA but Michael hAs HaD enOuGh! No one ridicules the holy name of ICEA, especially not in front of him.
So he determinedly continues to walk up to your group all the while you guys egg on Namjoon’s passionate moment of awakening of living life to the fullest.
It’s quite emotional. 
You guys are so proud of him.
In the middle of his burning speech, the rest of you finally sees Michael walking behind Namjoon.
Oh shit.
You guys need to stop Namjoon from further making a fool of himself so you made your own subtle ways of telling him to shut up.
“If one employee in that monstrous ICEA doesn’t do their job properly for like say, a small amount of time— Uh, are you guys okay? Why do half of you look constipated?”
You all tried your best to play it cool and warn him as Michael is just a few feet away but Namjoon’s IQ 148 of a brain might not be that useful after all.
“Anyways…” He completely brushes all of you off. “The store’s like, not gonna burn down if he— Honestly, why are you all looking at me like that? What are you guys--oh…..Ohhhhh……..”
Fina-FREAKING-ly, Namjoon takes a hint!
“Uh, I mean… I guess it’s uhm, quite noble and admiring for uh… For wanting to be such a model employee- err, BOSS! Yeah, uh I can’t blame him for being such an amazing- no, outstanding representative of ICEA and I dEFINITELY SHOULD take hints from him…”
This is painful to watch. All seven of you could just pretty much do that coffin dance meme right now with Namjoon inside of it.
Namjoon realises that his really awful way of trying to save himself isn’t believable enough and for the first time in his life…
H̑̈ȇ̈ q̑̈ȗ̈its̑̈
Namjoon sighs heavily. “He’s not buying any of this bull, huh?” 
“Nope, not at all.” Michael finally says something and Namjoon faces him with his head bowed.
“You and you!” He points to you and Namjoon. “Back to ICEA! NOW!”
That concludes your first (and quite possibly the last) “skip work“ day.
Rip Namjoon’s rebellious phase. It was unfortunately short lived but it will still be missed by everyone, nonetheless.
Michael didn’t spare the two of you on your way back to ICEA. 
He’s mad-MAD.
“I cannot believe you would let something like this happen! I thought you’re better than that!” 
He pops off with a capital P on Namjoon which is confusing because uh, hello? You’re also here??
“And those things you said? DISGRACEFUL. Completely dishonourable! I should get you fired--”
“Sir, if I may?” You interrupt him.
You’re definitely going to lose your job after this. But it’s fine if it means clearing Namjoon’s name.
“I don’t think you should punish Namjoon. He did nothing wrong. I was the one behind all of this.”
Namjoon tries to intervene but you ignore him.
“He didn’t want to go AT ALL. He even warned me against it but… I didn’t listen. In fact, I never listen to him. I give him too much shi--PROBLEMS! Yeah, I keep ignoring all his professional help. All this time, he’s been trying hard to keep me on track. Like, I’ve never met anyone so responsible and patient in my entire life! So really, if there’s anyone you should punish, it’s me.”
The entire time, you kept looking at Namjoon, hoping that he gets the message that you’re apologising to him.
If it weren’t obvious, Namjoon is utterly moved by what you just said. He’s never heard anyone compliment him like that for so long! It’s everything he’s ever wanted to hear.
“Well…” Michael thinks for a moment.
He wants to go all ape on Namjoon because his perfect record really pisses him off… But his moral compass is preventing him from doing so.
“Even if you’re behind all of this, Namjoon still said some unacceptable comments and I can’t brush over that.”
He looks the two of you hard.
Yep, the two of you are screwed.
You’re gonna have to find another place to pay your dad. Ugh.
For some reason, Michael can’t really bring himself to rat you out to your boss.
(Spoiler alert: It’s actually because he knows he needs Namjoon more than he lets on and that you seem to be attracting a lot of rich ladies lately)
So he decides to let you go BUT NOT ENTIRELY!
“Fine, I won’t tell our boss about this.”
HUGE exhale!
“BUT! I expect you both to work harder and overtime for the next month.”
Aha wat.
Alright, alright! That’s better than getting fired… It’s fine! You’re sure you’ll manage! Right?
Little did you know, Michael will make your lives a living hell in the next few weeks.
Especially Namjoon.
Namjoon thinks he’s super uptight?? Oh, he’s seen nothing yet! 
He dismisses you both as you get to ICEA and you guys walk away from him as if nothing happened.
“Wait!” Namjoon scratches the back of his head when you look back to him. “Uh…”
Why does he look like he’s in physical pain? Should you be concerned??
“Are you okay?”
“YES, I’m fine! Uhm, I mean yeah, yeah I’m good.... I just- I really want to uh…” He clears his throat. WHY IS HE BEING SO AWKWARD?!
He raises the blue koala he won a while ago to you and you stare at it, confused.
“Take it.”
What is this?
“I owe you an apology. I was too harsh on you. More than I need to be!” He chokes out, looking everywhere but you.
This was unexpected. A pleasant and unexpected turn of events. But you can’t let him bear all the shame here.
“You have every right to be. I understand where you’re coming from, trust me! I was a complete pain in your bum and I was potentially sabotaging your career too… So, really, I should be the one asking for your apology in the first place.”
Your soft tone and the equally soft look you have melts Namjoon’s heart even more.
Maaaaaan! He’s an idiot. How could anyone ever say mean things to you???
“No, it was totally unacceptable and I’m really, really sorry about everything I’ve said! I hope you accept my apology. Besides, I heard you’ve been hogging all the customers lately. You must be doing a pretty banging job then!”
You perk up at that and your face lights up, much to Namjoon’s pleasure.
“Of course! What? You think I was completely ignoring you all this time?”
You sheepishly nod your head in which Namjoon chuckles to.
Wait a damn second… Holy smokes, were those- Does Namjoon HAVE DIMPLES???
He takes your hands and you feel your heart rate start to pick up.
He’s holding your hands what is this what is going on what is life his hands are big and warm oof
“Here, take this.” He gives you the koala then lets go of your hands immediately.
Sad reacs to that, bros
“Let this be a symbol that I will no longer be pushy towards you.” 
“And that I will try my best to no longer be a royal pain to you!” You chime in.
He smiles at that.
Dimples are your weakness.
Why have you only fully realised this fact about him??
Oh sweet baby Jesus, take the wheel.
“So are we good now?” He asks.
Are you guys good? ARE YOU GUYS GOOD??
You forgave him the second you caught sight of his immaculate dimples.
“Yeah, all good.”
*** In a vague British wildlife commentator accent ***
𝑨𝒉 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌! 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆, 𝒘𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒕.
𝑳𝒆𝒕'𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉𝒚 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔.
𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒏, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒕 𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒓.
𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒔 "𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐" 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒃𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌,
𝑾𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒏,
𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂 𝒉𝒖𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆,
𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒎𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆.
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒆𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒅 𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆.
𝑶𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒐𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒅𝒐𝒎.
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔.
𝑻𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝒘𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒎 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒆𝒓. 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆.
𝑨 𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒖𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒚.
𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒖𝒔𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝒆𝒚𝒆.
𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒏𝒐𝒘, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒚?
𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒇 𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉𝒚 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔.
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒆𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒅 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈.
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒕, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒂 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏-𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑱𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏.
“Wow, you’re early today.”
Jimin looks up from his phone and smiles at you brightly as if him being here, this early, without a car is normal.
“Well, I thought, ‘why not do something different today?’ Namjoon hyung had his eye opening experience the other day so maybe we should have one too, don’t you think?”
You eye him warily at this sudden weirdness. 
“Uh, yeah. Sure… Whatever you say.”
With that, he extends his arm out like a gentleman and expects for you to link yours with. 
What is this? Why does it feel like he’s planning on something?? Where is his car???
He senses your hesitation so he steps even closer to you and his smile turns softer.
“Y/n, do you trust me?” He simply asks, his piercing gaze burning you.
If any of his army of fangirls and fanboys see this, you will be burned at the stake instead.
Oh, what a way to start the day.
But is all this weirding you out? Absolutely. 
Nonetheless, did you link arms with him without any further questions? Absolutely. 
Come on. It’s Jimin. What’s he gonna do? Bring you somewhere dangerous??
Your blood will turn gold first before that happens.
You must admit, walking down the street whilst linking arms with Jimin is a pleasant feeling.
A very pleasant feeling.
So much so that questioning him why you guys are seemingly taking a morning stroll instead of going to work slips your mind.
But not enough for you to forget to take note of the fact that he really does seem familiar with your surroundings, bearing in mind that you guys drive through a different route to work.
Jimin distracts you from the present with his charming smiles and warm stories of his first day of work.
His dad was supposed to drive him but he ended up taking the bus instead, much to his displeasure.
He’s not used to taking public transportation, perhaps? He’s also rich and slightly spoiled, perhaps?
His explanation, though, falls short of your expectation.
Apparently, he is slightly claustrophobic.
Well, that does make sense but still! This investigation is beginning to get colder than the frozen french toast you had for breakfast this morning.
Yes, you bought frozen french toast because even that simple meal is something you don’t know how to make.
You eventually share your current troubles with your dad. Jimin’s well aware of your car-less situation but you’ve never fully ranted to him about it.
To say the least, you are fully immersed in your discussion. You are so in the zone as if you are talking about something you are extremely passionate about.
People would think you are going on about something big like climate change, with how serious you are.
You also didn’t question why the two of you stopped by this bizarre looking pergola for a few minutes before entering a bus.
You did not even bat an eye when his arm tightened around yours after he realised the crowd inside the bus.
His anxiety was starting to kick in, okay??
Little by little, the bus gets even more crowded. 
What are we expecting here? It’s literally the morning rush hour.
It’s not that bad for any normal person. But for a claustrophobic Jimin and an inexperienced bus traveller Y/n, it’s BAD.
Jimin focuses on you what you are talking about but his heartbeat still spikes with each passing bus stop. 
It didn’t help that you guys were just standing.
Curse public transportations.
He should be in the comforts of his baby, Herbie, right now. Yes, he named his car. You got a problem with that? Cause you can take it up to Yoongi or Taehyung!
“This is for Y/n.” He repeats to himself countless times. 
Even though it’s clear that this experience is not only for you but for him as well. You’re not the only one trying something new here as he is also getting over his own fears.
“How could he just throw his one and only daughter-- hEY watch the Valenciagas, would you?” You unintentionally raise your voice to this guy who accidentally stepped on your left foot.
The guy barely said anything and just gave you a scoff. 
To be fair, you shouldn't really wear expensive shoes to work.
Why do you even consider wearing your best shoes when you could literally pass as a minion with the rest of your ICEA uniform.
You make a mental note to wear your "normie" sneakers the next time you take the bus.
What were you thinking wearing these today as you take the bus??
The. Bus….
Wait a dang second…
(• ◡•)
"JIMIN!!" Your voice booms throughout the small confines of the crowded bus.
If this was a cartoon show, we'd be looking at a shaking bus right now.
Your fellow passengers all give you various looks of disapproval.
On the other hand, Jimin leaps a tiny bit at how startling your voice was.
Bless the poor lad. He is quite on edge right now and you aren't helping him at all.
"Don't give me puppy eyes. You distracted me! I can't believe it. To think that we were just talking about how awful public transportations are!"
He did not drop his puppy eyes. 
"I'm sorry but we have no choice! I don't have Herbie with me today."
You groaned. "I bet you did that on purpose, didn't you? That's why you were going on about trying something new a while ago!"
Wow. Just wow. 
You can't believe Jimin could do something so devious and sneaky. Maybe he's not so nice and innocent after all.
You try to take your arm away from his hold but he tightens it even more.
"Come on, Y/n! Don’t be mad at me. I’m really sorry but this’ll be a big help!”
You want to stay mad at him so badly. But his face is just too cUTE!!
Gosh dammit JIMIN!
You can’t really do anything now since you guys are already inside the bus.
So you held on tighter to a frightened Jimin to comfort his slightly claustrophobic ass. (Which he welcomes oh so willingly, might I point out)
You need to stop being selfish since he’s clearly having a much harder time than you!
It’s not that bad! I mean, look. You’ve already passed by 6 stops. Apparently the mall is just 4 stops away.
You can do this it’s not that bad it’s really easy peasy lemon squeezy Jimin is really cuddly 
Jimin is really cuddly.
When the bus finally arrives at The Centre, you and Jimin yeet yourselves out of the bus faster than anyone can. How’d you manage to elbow through all the people is beyond anyone. 
In an instant, you see the six good looking men you’ve come accustomed to in the past few weeks, waiting by the same weird pergola you and Jimin stopped by a while ago (which you eventually find out is a bus stop)
The small “CONGRATULATIONS” banner did not go unnoticed especially since a totally unamused Yoongi is holding it.
Somehow, you find the colourful banner decorated in flowers and happy faces juxtaposed with his stern face very very cute.
Would you look at that?
You never thought that's a word you'd openly associate with Yoongi.
Better not let him know cause that's, without a doubt, going to be your death.
“Welcome, newly rebirthed people!!” Hoseok immediately walks up to the two of you and gives you a massive hug.
“Dude, don’t make this weird.” Seokjin slaps Hoseok away and in return, gives you a massive hug. “I’m so proud of you, children! I knew you two are capable of living amongst the normal people.”
Ohhhhh, they're in on this. Of course they'd be. There is NO way Jimin would've done all of this on his own.
The guys took turns in congratulating and giving you two hugs. It was quite a weird sight to behold this early outside the mall but hey, any achievement is important! So to everyone passing by, STOP BEING A KILLJOY AND LET OTHER PEOPLE ENJOY THEIR LIFE THE WAY THEY SEE FIT.
(Wow that got intense real quick and the narrator wishes to apologise.)
Behind all of them, Yoongi stands with the banner still in his hands.
You know what’s something else that he still also has?
His signature unamused and annoyed look.
Everyone looks at him, expecting him to give in to the ongoing mini celebration.
Wow, do his friends really not know him at all?
“What? You expect me to give hugs for something a grade schooler can do? Yeah, right! Get to work, people.” 
Yoongi rolls his eyes and walks away towards the mall entrance. (Still holding the banner.)
Even after a few weeks of knowing these people, you still can’t get used to him.
“He really doesn’t like me at all, huh?” You whisper quietly to Taehyung as you all follow along the grumpy man inside to get to your own respective jobs.
“Yoongi hyung? Nah. If he doesn’t like you, he wouldn’t even acknowledge your shadow.”
“I feel like that’s what he’s already doing though.”
You firmly believe that you’ve done something to this guy in your past life and somehow, he remembers it.
Tae chuckles. “He’s just not the most welcoming and affectionate type of person. Trust me, you don’t have to worry about him!”
That still doesn't make you feel reassured at all.
“I don’t know… Being cold is one thing, but this? He hasn’t even said anything remotely nice to me since knowing him!”
Taehyung stops in his tracks and holds both of your shoulders so you could look at him directly. “It was his idea to wait for you and Jimin at the bus stop.”
* insert surprised pikachu face *
“Yep, that’s right. I’m telling you, Y/n, he does like you. He just has a weird way of showing it. He's like that to all of us." Oh, and don’t tell him you know it’s his idea. He’s gonna have a cow or something.”
Oh, okay then…
You’ve been wanting to get reassured that he doesn’t have some personal vendetta against you. But now that you have it, you just. Don’t. Know. How. To. React…???
You kinda thought you’d rejoice about knowing he doesn’t have it out to get you but now it just seems…. Normal.
Like not a big deal anymore.
Maybe you have gotten used to his cold ways.
So it was his idea to greet you and Jimin at the bus stop, huh?
If he’s totally cool with you, then does this mean you can tease him about it???
Oh, things are finally getting quite comfortable for you.
To conclude things:
You’re starting to think that maybe being an adult isn’t so awful of a thing to be.
You and Namjoon are finally off to a good friendship after a vERY rocky start.
Michael is actually the devil in disguise.
Jimin may or may not be rich, we’ll get back to that in the future.
Hoseok STILL doesn’t know what the 98% is of a 2% milk.
Jungkook is secretly the Hulk.
Seokjin is currently finding his next job.
Taehyung has grown a huge distaste for braids.
Him and Yoongi might have a future career in acting.
You apparently owe Yoongi a total of 1.10 dollars.
Oh, and he also isn’t totally disgusted by you after all :’)
All in all, you’re starting to actually like this rowdy group of guys.
(If you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know!)
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dani-of-the-cosmos · 4 years
*how the signs are acting during quarantine*
~with a touch of unsolicited advice: my venus in cancer’s specialty~
<3 pick your sun, moon, rising, mars, mercury, venus, or dominant sign <3
overall, restless. the day seems to drag on and on, and they cope with it by playing video games and snapchatting someone every 20 seconds. self-hatred lingers in the back of their mind, because of all the time they have to analyze themselves. at random times (usually at night), they may be hit with big waves of profound emotions, where they just need to cry it out and acknowledge how lost they feel. may wonder what their purpose is, or where they fit in in the big scheme of the world. gets philosophical, but not in that condescendingly vague, optimistic way--they truly want answers, because the nothingness is just getting to be too much.
is actually doing pretty okay. is reading a lot about how they can improve themselves, and probably have a few google docs open with plans on how to upgrade their life. they’ve probably started a garden of some sort, or bought some plants to take care of. the day may seem to pass by quickly for them. they fill their time with watching movies and discovering new recipes to cook. has started getting more sleep, which makes their alluring eyes even more beautiful. the downside is that they may feel a bit groggy, or their head feels heavy, because even the most security-loving, routine-oriented zodiac sign needs some variety. 
getting really excited about all these new methods for self-improvement: exercise, mental health, new projects, clearing their skin, etc. is consistent with these newfound activities for a few days, then gets annoyed when they don’t have 45 inch hips, a 22 inch waist and graceful, 11-shaped abs after less than a week of the chloe ting hourglass program. talks on the phone as they sit on the toilet. watches youtube videos about how to achieve the glow-up that they crave, but can never commit to a single video’s advice. wants something exciting to happen in their life, so they lean into their big emotions and taboo curiosities to compensate for the lack of stimulation. on their phone a LOT.   
has gotten even more beautiful since the quarantine started. loves the simplicity they’re getting accustomed to, but also constantly worries if they’re “making the most” of all this free time. probably will scold themselves after all this is over for not being more disciplined during self-isolation. goes on walks outside a lot, and finds that connecting with nature significantly boosts their mood. observes the quiet beauty around them as a way to cope with the universal chaos of our world. since cancer tends to be a very empathetic sign, they may feel like a sponge for fatigue and suffering whenever they read the news. being aware of the world is great and necessary, but take care of yourself, cancer. know when to take a break from the news.
is really excited about reinventing themselves--they want it all! new clothes, improved mindset, cleaner room, a kinder social circle, new hair--the works. they want to bust out of quarantine looking even more striking than before, with a wardrobe reflecting their new style. probably has either already done something drastic to their hair (like dying it, or the dreaded 2 am impulsive bangs cut), or is at least seriously considering it. really wants to get out of their house and camp out on the beach or something--they miss seeing their friends face-to-face, and try to make up for it by calling them to hear their voices. is irritated that they happened to be born at a time where the pivotal years of their life are being wasted by such an awful series of world events.
has upgraded their bedroom to look as aesthetically pleasing and soothing as possible. their social life has most likely downsized to 2-3 super close and genuine friends that they call, text, and/or facetime with daily. since virgo is a mutable sign, they’ve probably done a great job adjusting to their surroundings and are helping their family with domestic tasks. however, they may feel anxious, and unsatisfied with their current mindset and resources, so they feel the urge to expand their horizons and feed their genius mind as much as possible! it may be hard to find motivation, virgo, but the world needs a physical manifestation of your potential right now. if you have an idea you want to pursue but are too scared to, take the plunge. this sounds cheesy and cliche but, this is your sign to start!
reminisces a lot about the past. thinks about how they would have handled past situations differently, and mentally shames themselves for it. is probably doing a lot of self-reflection, which is good for their sweet hearts and furthers the progress of their mental health, but also depresses them, as libra energy tends to be highly critical of itself. sleeping in too late and talking aloud to themselves at ungodly hours of the night. finds their mind going on the philosophical route more often than usual. might be posting passive-aggressive mood quotes on instagram
is actually exercising pretty consistently like they said they would. their body has been getting curvalicious and toned, and to that i say WOOHOO GO SCORPIO! however, they’ve probably completely messed up their entire sleep schedule, and may be practically nocturnal some days. probably feels really emotional at the moment, and is overwhelmed with the amount of pain in the world that they wish they could singlehandedly stop. may be pretty loner-ish at the moment, and is probably not very active on their social media, because they’re realizing who their truest friends are. scorpio does well with transformation (they’re ruled by pluto, the planet of regeneration) so rest assured, they will emerge from quarantine new and improved! 
is eating too much junk food. sagittarius, if you’re reading this right now, PUT DOWN THE CHIPS BUDDY BOY. is probably finding ways to hang out with their friends in person, like yelling across the sidewalk to them while wearing a mask. has been super active on social media regarding current social justice issues. feels enormous compassion for the oppressed and has been signing petitions at the speed of light. probably getting in fights with their family and being a little feistier than usual. i can’t blame them though...sagittarius is a sign that needs entertainment, so they’re gonna be a little punchy in this stagnant yet catastrophic time. 
has established a daily routine that keeps them feeling grounded and stable. they may realize how little they’ve actually prioritized their own joy in the past, and they’re using quarantine as a way to get to know themselves again. purchases luxury pajamas and is most likely drinking a hot beverage in a mug right now. probably on a health kick. is getting even closer with their closest friends, and basically forgets about acquaintances. cuddling their pets a lot (or fantasizing about adopting a pet if they don’t have one). misses putting on mascara and stepping into that cute skirt, because that sPeCiAL pErSoN isn’t there to see it lol
thinking about ways they can make money. getting bursts of hyper inspiration to flip their life around and start working super hard for their dream life. is masking hopelessness, and finds themselves pondering the fragility of human life. may experience thoughts of nihilism that they don’t act on, and is increasingly worried about the state of their environment. is stuck between feeling motivated and believing in their ability to positively transform, and getting depressed and detached from their earthly obligations. 
probably painting their nails a lot. is finding ways to put a little spice of excitement in their life--like making a nice breakfast (at 4 pm, which is like an hour after they wake up lately), giving their pet a concert of them, naked, singing ski mask the slump god songs into a hairbrush they’re pretending is a microphone. stares at themselves in the mirror for too long, letting their insecurities get the best of them. has probably gotten in touch with their grandparents (or any other relatives they usually don’t keep in close touch with) over the phone. may be dealing with worsened anxiety and feelings of depression at this time, and sleeps a lot to try to escape it. their room might be pretty messy at the moment as well, which they’re overly hard on themselves for. pisces: you are such a uniquely sweet and tender soul. take it one day at a time and never underestimate the power of reaching out to someone <3
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whosscruffylooking · 4 years
The Purest Things-A New Home
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
a/n: this is a repost considering it didn’t show up in any of the tags yesterday. have i mentioned how much i despise tumblr sometimes :) again, i want to give a special shoutout to @avengersbau for giving me a second set of eyes on this one.
word count: 2k
warnings: canon-typical violence and descriptions of injury.
The Purest Things Masterlist
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gif is not mine! credit goes to @hqtchner
au! october 2007
Bookend: “It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
"I am SSA Hotchner. Welcome to the team Agent Y/L/N," his voice reminds you of the transatlantic accents of Hollywood stars of old. The kind you used to hear in the old black and white movies you would watch as a child.
"It's an honor to be here sir," you stare directly into his brown, soulfully deep eyes.
"J.J., get us started, please," SSA Hotchner suggests.
Sitting down, you look to the screen that displays the frightful footage of bombs detonating in various locations.
"Yesterday, an 81-year-old woman was severely injured when a bomb exploded in the toilet of a women's restroom," J.J. informs.
"Interesting spot to hide a bomb," Agent Prentiss sneers.
Jennifer flips through the slides and shows another bombsight located in a subway station, "Last year a similar bomb that had been attached to a phone box detonated. No outstanding injuries were reported. However, the bombs' similar makeup alerted detectives to dig into other bombings throughout the years. They have positively identified attacks over the past twelve years as perpetrated by the same bomber."
Spencer adds, "His M.O. is similar to George Peter Metesky, better known as the Mad Bomber. He terrorized New York City over a period of 16 years. He planted bombs in theaters, subway stations, libraries, and offices. They were left in phone booths, storage lockers and restrooms."
"Do you think we are looking at a copycat?" Derek questions.
"If we are, we need to stop him soon," declared David.
"He's escalating-becoming bolder and more vicious," you say, scanning the report.
"Tell Boston we can be there by 9:30," Hotch notifies J.J...
"It seems like he's a textbook paranoid schizophrenic. People suffering from this disorder may think that other people are regulating them or plotting against them. They tend to be reclusive, antisocial, and obsessed Hwith hatred for their presumed enemies," you twist a loose string from your shirt around your finger, unwind it, then repeat the process.
It's a nervous tick you developed over the years that has worn down numerous tops before achieving their intended lifespan. You glance at Agent Hotchner, seeking a sign of approval. His eyes meet yours, and he poignantly nods.
Did I say too much? No. Don’t overthink this. They can probably smell fear.
"In his letters left at the bombsights, he uses words like 'broad' and 'chick' to signify women," Dr. Reid chimes in.
"Do you think the unsub is motivated by hostility towards women? "
"It's possible," he continues, "These speech patterns age him significantly, however. Phrases such as these were mainly used in the 30's, 40's, and 50's."
Agent Hotchner begins to delegate tasks before the jet lands, "Morgan and Reid, I want you to head to the bombsights and see if you can't work out the motive. J.J. and Prentiss talk to the victim's families, determine our victimology. Y/L/N, Rossi, and I will head to the precinct and familiarize ourselves with the lay of the land and see if we can't formulate a geographical profile."
At the precinct, you observe Agent Hotchner's ability to singlehandedly transition an entire police force's obligation to under his jurisdiction.
"Captain Moreno, this is SSA David Rossi and SSA Y/F/N Y/L/N," the Unit Chief introduces you.
The captain tilts his head at you, "Aren't you a little young to be in the FBI? How old are you anyway?"
You nail him with a you're-full-of-crap look. 
Everyone gets to be young once; your turn is over, old man.
Choosing to take the high road, you say, "I'd like to get my hands on the bombers handwritten notes. There has to be something in those letters that can give us a clue into the who, what, when, and where of this case."
Skeptical of your request, he narrows his eyes and looks to David and Agent Hotchner.
"You hear her," Dave exclaims, "Lead the way!"
Your enigmatic smirk no doubt gives away the great pleasure Dave's gibe brings you.
"Agent Hotchner," you hand him your preliminary geographical profile. With his arms crossed, he intimidatingly peers into your research.
Don't burn a hole in my paperwork; I worked hard on that.
He is impressed by your work, taking in your comprehensive outline of proof that details the unsubs point of origin. For someone so young, your attention to detail puts even his most observant profilers to shame. "How did you come to this conclusion?"
"My family is from Chicago. When I was little, I used to read through my grandfather's old newspapers that he collected throughout the 1950's. On the jet, I knew some of the phrasings that Dr. Reid was using sounded familiar, so I cross-referenced it with some of the particular articles I remember from my childhood and found his wording to be exact iterations of the Chicago Crier."
Without taking his eyes off of the paperwork, he commends you, "Impressive use of your prior knowledge. Often, the information drilled into us through education is lackluster compared to that of real-world experience."
You turn to walk back to your makeshift desk when he calls out to you, "And Y/L/N, call me Hotch."
Your shoulders relax from the tension you hadn't even realized you'd been clinging onto, "Alright. Hotch."
You immediately regretted your decision. In pursuit of the unsub, you had wandered off down an abandoned subway tunnel and cornered him.
"Harold Watts, FBI. Gently place the remote detonator on the ground," You shout. Grappling to keep your gun from slipping between your clammy palms, you grip the weapon tighter.
Ordinary people's first days of work are uneventful; they're given a series of mundane tasks at most. Me? Of course, my first day involves being secluded in a subway tunnel facing down a man decked from head to toe in explosives and wires.
"D-don't come any closer. I have my finger on the trigger! I'm not afraid to die, and I will not hesitate to take you up in flames with me," he stammers.
The stampede of footsteps, no doubt from your colleagues and half of the Boston police force, resonate through the echo chamber you're standing in. Watts spooks and loses his balance. You begin shouting for the people behind you to stand down.
"The tracks are live, one wrong step, and we all blow up. I repeat, stand down!"
Turning your attention back to Watts, you attempt to soothe his irrationality. You slowly return your gun to its holster, raising your hands up in surrender. Hotch yells something unintelligible from behind you, but your focus is on the unsub and trying to prevent any more casualties.
"Harold, let's just talk this through for a couple of minutes. My men behind me will leave us alone. It's you and me now. Before this, you never wanted to hurt yourself. You wanted to be heard. All of your life you felt like you were forced into the shadows, and you began to fester there in your pain and rage."
He tenses up; you have his attention now.
"Those girls who teased you and ripped your masculinity from you needed to be taught a lesson. But you didn't just stop there; you decided to do all women a favor and demonstrate to them the kind of pain they could cause, hoping to prevent them from making the same mistakes. In fact, you helped me to see what I can do better. I never want to make someone feel the way you did."
"Y-you learned that...f-from me?" Harold quietly sobs.
You nod, "Yes! Yes, Harold. And you can still be heard, but not if you die today. I could be your greatest advocate. If we walk out of here right now, think of how famous you could be. Harold, you will never be stuck in the shadows again."
It is crucial to your survival and your teams that you are brave just long enough to analyze the situation and keep your self-control. Panic won't do anyone any good right now.
Your mouth dries as you await Harold's next move. Suddenly, he hunches over, extending the hand gripping the detonator. Pausing for a moment to be sure he isn't making any drastic moves, you promptly hurry to his side and gently pull it from his clutch.
As the police officers and your colleagues rush to your aid, Harold looks up at you with hopeful eyes.
"Make me famous," he murmurs with a grin that churns your stomach.
Hotch ushers you away from the unsub, backing you up against the wall of the tunnel, "You actively defied my orders."
Searching every inch of his face for an accurate reading of his emotions, you are unsure of how to respond.
"I'd like to think it won't happen again," his eyes studying you just as intently.
You swallow hard, aware of the lump in your throat and take a deep breath, "You have my word, Agent Hotchner."
"Good," he affirms, eventually freeing his hold on your arm.
You let out a shaky sigh of relief and relax your spinning head against the wall.
Opening your eyes, you observe your new team tieing up all loose ends. They're safe. You are safe. Despite this first day not being as mundane as others, you wouldn't have it any other way. This feeling is what you signed up for, and it's already fulfilling you in ways you couldn't fathom before stepping inside the BAU office this morning.
Aboard the jet, you tuck your legs underneath you and open up a book to read.
A cup of steaming hot coffee appears on the table in front of you.
Hotch sits across from you with a similar cup and offers you a subtle smile, "Impressive work out there today. I'm sorry your first day of work couldn't be more eventful."
A joke? I didn't take him as the joking kind.
Rolling your eyes, you put on a disappointed tone, "God...if you guys drag your feet like this every day, I might have to consider a transfer."
In a more serious nature, he asks, "How are you feeling?"
"Alright, I guess. You were right, you know, no amount of studying or lectures can truly prepare you for what it's like when you're staring into the eyes of a killer. I've learned the negotiation techniques and memorized the textbook 'put the gun down' speech, but all of that flies out the window when you're in the moment."
"You will find that improvisation at times is the key to success in this job. Just know that this team is a family. You will never face this alone or be at a loss for anything. Your career is in its infancy, but I can tell you have a long and triumphant journey ahead of you. We will do whatever we can to ensure that you are at home here and can use this team as an opportunity to refine your abilities. All I ask in return is that you work with us, not against us. You have nothing to prove. They see your resourcefulness. So do I. You are one of us now."
Some gazes are the promise of protection; his is all that and more. The words "at home" resonate in your mind. You've spent your whole life searching for a home, and here it is, its doors being opened to you. After a lifetime of running from place to place, perhaps this is where you can finally settle down.
"Get some rest," Hotch whispers to you. And with that, you lean your head against the chilled window and shut your eyes.
Tag List 🏷
@chellybear98​ @destiny-tsukino​ @wanniiieeee​ @sweetiecake180 @vampiracontessa @weexinling​ @spaghetti-dad187 @hothskies @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @mac99martin​ @clairedragonessbaker @cecemariee7302​ @halloweenwithreid @megans-txmblr @theoldestguard @purpledragonturtles​ @chazubagi @frogrrylovebot @agentaaronhotass​ @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @mcntsee @ssagube @softhetixx @kenzies-mr-j @peachyotps @cat11-2 @prettylittlemoonlight @ravenmoore14 @gubs-boobs @spencerreidsoulmate @totalmess191 @hopelesslylosttheway @britishspidey @kyliesalvatore
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
new tu and xiyao fan from earlier. i searched ao3 as per your suggestion and there's only 500 or so fics for them. :( however, i do have a legit question - what are the differences between mdzs and tu (i've never read the latter). and if you want expand on nieyao (or xiyao) please feel free! i love reading meta! one of the few reasons i miss old school fandom spaces lol. thank you!! :D
Hmmm, I see about eight hundred if I limit to English? But I take your point! But that was just as a way to start; once you do find an author you like, you can look at their bookmarks, for example. (Also I'm not sure if you're familiar with the AO3, but if not, sorting by kudos when doing a general search is a way to get stuff that at least lots of people thought was good. I'm not saying it's perfect, but when you're starting in a fandom it can be better than the default by-date-updated.)
Also I'll take the opportunity to plug my absolute favourite xiyao author, roquen. I didn't mention them last time because they haven't I believe written a post-canon fixit, and you should know that they're mostly sticking to MDZS instead of CQL canon, although with some sprinkling of CQL elements and characterization. Some particular favourites of mine include their AtLA AU and their Sunshot/on the run fics (both series with a couple of short fics), their what you might call a mid-temple hopeful fix-it (divergence where LWJ strikes to kill and LXC takes the blow), the baby LXC fic ("Lan Xichen reverts to being a fifteen-year-old junior, and immediately gets an epic crush on Lianfang-zun"; disclaimer that I was fairly involved with the creation of this one but it's GREAT) and, of course, above all, their gigantic canon fix-it verse, it's worth it every time. It's SO GOOD and the characterization is fantastic and the prose is excellent and UGH. It's so good!!!!! Disclaimer that the second fic in the series, which is the main work, is still WIP, but roquen updates regularly and there are only a couple of chapters left; if you're still wary of WIPs, I'd at least recommend the first fic, which stands alone and is brilliant in its own right.
As to the differences between MDZS and CQL…ho boy. There are quite a few, both major and minor, and I'm by no means familar with all of them—especially the ones that don't involve 3zun, lol. I tried to google around but unfortunately the ones I found tended to be either short or, if more in-depth, contain inaccuracies about JGY/LXC—I think people tend to be more interested in the Wangxian, and then this stuff goes by the wayside. The wiki can be a good source for differences for specific incidents, and although I think it's not always accurate it /does/ usually cite chapter or episode, which can be pretty helpful. 
This, by hualiann, looks like a good overview, though I'd add that JYL, WQ and WN didn't study at Cloud Recesses in the novel and that more generally MDZS has a lot of actual undead.
In general my advice is to take things people say about the novel with a large grain of salt, myself included. And about CQL, too! I have no idea if this is you but when I joined the fandom, if people asserted stuff about CQL I tended to just kind of take it as fact—oh, I thought, I must have misremembered! My memory is pretty terrible, and honestly there was absolutely stuff I did misremember. But also sometimes other people misremember, or fanon gets taken as canon, and then there's stuff like—I mean, I'm certainly not going to blame people for not realizing that "JGY conspired with XY at the Unclean Realm" is a lot more uncertain than you might guess at first, especially if they're more Wangxian focused which most people in the fandom are, but I'm still not going to present it as straight-up fact. (veliseraptor has a recent post examining this here which I would very much recommend).
Honestly I think I'd recommend reading the MDZS NMJ Empathy flashback—chapters 48, 49, and the beginning of 50. That gets you a lot of the JGY, LXC and NMJ backstory, and then you can compare for yourself! I'm also going to recommend Mercy's thread, here, listing common fanons about MDZS (I will add to the list, since it's a bugbear of mine, the idea that LXC recognized NMJ's fierce corpse by his abs).
Okay with all that out of the way, and in no particular order, Sun's extremely idiosyncratic and particularly- aka mostly JGY-focused differences list:
-In MDZS, LXC doesn't become Sect Leader until the burning of Cloud Recesses by the Wen, when his father is injured and then succumbs to his wounds. In CQL, he's Sect Leader from the beginning of the show, his father having apparently died not too long before the show started.
-In MDZS, MY wasn't working for the Nie at all before the beginning of Sunshot; he joined the Nie forces just after Sunshot began. NMJ didn't instantly promote him to be his deputy when he's telling at the Nie men for bad-mouthing him; it takes a few more encounters and/or battles with the Wen (after which MY clears the battlefield and helps the commoners).
-In MDZS, xiyao's first meeting happens when LXC is on the run with the Lan books after the burning of Cloud Recesses. We don't see it happen on the page, and we don't know any details of that time beyond, like, MY helped LXC.
-NMJ willingly sends MY away from the Nie, with a letter of recommendation for JGS, after, uh, an extended overhearing of a conversation between MY and LXC wherein MY's desire to be recognized by his father and gain a proper place in the Jin, the opportunity offered for that by JGS recruiting talent at Langya, and the possible difficulty of obtaining permission from NMJ are all established. 
-NMJ sees MY stabbing a /Jin/ captain, at Langya, after he goes looking for MY. Rather than taking a blow for NMJ, MY stabs himself, faking suicide, then immobilizes NMJ (who's trying to save his life) and flees. This is because NMJ wants MY to go turn himself in for killing the captain; MY thinks they'll kill him, while NMJ says that if the captain has actually been mistreating MY as MY said, MY won't be killed. Personally I think that all the evidence suggests that MY is right, and NMJ is blind to the effects of his position to the extent it's a not insignificant moral failure.
-Okay, so, you know how in CQL MY stabs WRH while he's distracted with WWX, outside on the steps with the Sunshot alliance right outside? In /MDZS/, they're in the Sun Palace, WWX isn't anywhere near the place, he does it to save NMJ's life, and then he starts lugging NMJ's unconscious body out of the palace. And then NMJ comes to consciousness amd demands his sabre and tries to kill him. He likely only survives because of NMJ's wounds, and if LXC hadn't shown up (responding to a message MY sent for aid for NMJ) NMJ might easily have killed him. If you want a more in-depth analysis, I take a close look here in my response to someone's, er, imaginative interpretation of NMJ and JGY's relationship in MDZS.
-In CQL, NMJ's qi deviation happens at the stairs incident. In MDZS, it happens later, when he overhears JGY being upset to LXC about how NMJ treated him at the stairs, and, overcome with rage that JGY would dare (arguably in combination with being polite and pleasant to NMJ's face, although the last time he was confrontational to NMJ's face NMJ kicked him down the stairs and tried to kill him so), he kicks open the door and tries to kill him. He also kills several people as he's qi deviating (seeing them as JGY—while in CQL he also sees several JGYs they seem to be just illusions), and injures NHS.
-In MDZS, NMJ sets fire to all of NHS' nice things. I don't think we're told either way in CQL, although it's worth noting that in MDZS this happens after the stairs (and before JGY starts playing for him again). (I think they do something in FJ?? But I don't take FJ as canon for CQL; see confusion-and-more's post here).
-In CQL, JGY suggests to NMJ that he's always played the corrupted Clarity for him (though granted this is in Empathy, so it's hard to say for sure if this is what he actually said, but in any case it's the only version we're given). In MDZS, it's strongly indicated that JGY only started playing Turmoil for NMJ /after/ the stairs—there's a variety of evidence, but I think the most objective is that WWX, who in MDZS Empathy can literally feel NMJ's anger, actually observes it working beforehand:
Since [JGY started playing for NMJ], Jin GuangYao would travel from Lanling to Qinghe every few days, playing Sound of Lucidity to help quell Nie MingJue rage. He tried his hardest, without speaking even a single word of complaint. Sound of Lucidity was indeed effective. Wei WuXian could clearly feel that the hostile energy within Nie MingJue was being suppressed.
(Exiled Rebels translation, ch. 49)
And then the next scene is the stairs incident, so.
-In general, the degree to which JGY's position is completely awful is played down in CQL. confusion-and-more talks about it a bit here; I'd also note that some of JGY's dialogue defending himself is removed ( “Some trivial achievements?” He spoke in a shaking voice, “…What do you mean, some trivial achievements? ChiFeng-Zun, do you know how much work I put into such trivial achievements? How much I suffered? Glory? Without the handful of glory I have nothing!”, for example), we don't hear about his mother at the guqin scene, the temple flashback where his mother is dragged naked outside by a client and he's kicked down the brothel stairs is eliminated, etc etc.
-There is absolutely no second flutist in MDZS; also JGY tells us in the temple that QS was already pregnant before he found out about the incest. I think even in CQL it's questionable whether he actually intended to kill Zixuan (see this whole conversation), and significant unveiling or no CQL never actually says QS wasn't pregnant before their marriage so I tend to go with that too, but certainly it's easy to walk away with the impression that he definitely did both deliberately, especially if you aren't familiar with the novel.
-(In general, I think CQL JGY is a lot more sympathetic than most people think once you look closely, but he's also very much set up to look upon a more casual watching as Villain, so.)
-In CQL it's All A-Yao All The Time but in MDZS we see LXC calling him san-di after the sworn brotherhood, and then it's back to A-Yao in the present day (see my last addition on this chain here).
-In MDZS, JGY doesn't shove JL out of the way of the incoming attack.
-The LXC lifting JGY out of his bow thing is from CQL
-The watchtowers! Oh /man/ the watchtowers. God the watchtowers are so much. Uh, confusion-and-more has a post about how much they're mentioned in MDZS vs CQL here, and see my last addition to this thread for an argument that the watchtowers were indeed a force for good. God. Twelve hundred watchtowers. He must have saved so many lives...
-confusion-and-more's watchtower post also reminds me that CQL has the Guanyin temple giving out medicine, while MDZS does not
-The episode 23 scene where Sect Leaders Jin, Nie, and Lan agree to spare some of the Wen doesn't exist in MDZS (though I'll take the opportunity to observe that I disagree with popular interpretations of that scene, see point three here).
-In MDZS NMJ's fierce corpse is literally trying to kill JGY, there's no saber spirit. And like, it's been trying to kill JGY for a long damn time, that's why JGY dismembered him.
-The XY plotline—in MDZS, JGY recommends a young XY (who at thay point has a reputation but is not known to have committed any massacres) as a Jin cultivator, as part of an effort by JGS to recreate the Yin Tiger Seal. JGS has multiple people trying, but most of them aren't getting anywhere and XY is getting furthest. It's during this time that XY kills the Chang clan, and is discovered as guilty by XXC, who brings up the evidence at a conference happening in Lanling; the Jin are stalling, MMJ gets angry and shows up, he almost kills XY on the spot and gives JGS a lecture such that he's forced to relent and sentence XY to death (and incidentally scares JGY, imho quite seriously, while he's at it). Then JGS turns it into life imprisonment once NMJ has left, and then NMJ is extremely angry and attacks JGY at the stairs. (Ch. 30 and 118)
-I mentioned before but I'll add it here too: in CQL JGY asks LXC to stay and die with him, and LXC agrees.
-The CQL ending in general is...hmmm. Despite having most of the elements which complicate MDZS' ending (JL is in a terrible position!), it kind of presents as...happy ending all is fixed now? In MDZS I think it's presented as—more complicated, even though Wangxian do very much get their happy ending.
-Also LWJ is a lot less. uh. Okay, so in CQL he's more Mr Morality, and in MDZS it's much more Wei Ying Right Or Wrong. Also, he doesn't become Chief Cultivator in MDZS! I think that's my least favourite change, because it's like...LWJ hates politics, hates compromise, and never attends the cultivation conferences. At least one of 'this is going to be a major diisaster' and 'LWJ is going to have to go through some significant shifts in his worldview and approach' are going to have to happen, but that's not the vibe CQL gives off at all, and I think it really works against some of the major themes of the text :/
-OH RIGHT I knew I was forgetting something—in MDZS MXY's revenge is focused solely on the Mo; JGY is not part of the curse.
Okay I don't want to go too much on about xiyao or nieyao, because this is already quite long and I don't want you to be waiting forever, but broadly although I certainly think NMJ cares about JGY a great deal it seems to be about his competence and potential; he doesn't really seem to, like, actually like who he is as a person. JGY, meanwhile, is at first very grateful to and then increasingly exasperated by and very much fucking terrified of NMJ, but...well, he doesn't seem to be into him or interested in spending time with him for the sake of it or etc etc.
On the other hand—xiyao. Man, xiyao!!!! They just—they get each other so fast, they're /partners/, they work together so well, they like and they respect each other, they're both like—LXC and MS are on their own tier for JGY, LWJ and JGY are on their own tier for LXC, they're for each other in a way neither is for anyone else, they care a lot about the same things—it's not perfect overlap, obviously, but it's more overlap I think than either has with anyone else, they—invest, they're builders, JGY was planning the watchtowers project from way back and although I have no doubt he was driving it LXC was with him and!!!! ugh!!!!! xiyao are REALLY GREAT, okay.
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seabiscuit15 · 4 years
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Like all of us, Eric Dier won’t forget 2020 in a hurry.
After a tough 2019, where he struggled to nail down a place in the team as he fought against illness and injury, he’s changed position, become a key figure in central defence and earned an England recall after 18 months out of the national squad. He signed a new deal in July, has started 14 of our 15 matches in the Premier League so far this term, captained the team, reached 250 appearances for the Club and is getting back to the consistent level that so impressed following his arrival at Spurs back in 2014.
Eric, who will turn 27 in January, also made the most of lockdown, telling us: “I came out of lockdown with a new perspective on a lot of things.”
In his own words, here is Eric’s 2020, and his hope for 2021 - all in 20 questions as he spoke to us after training on New Year’s Eve.
Eric: "2020. In one word, COVID. A lot of challenges in many ways for everyone. The challenges we’ve faced have been very difficult, so it’s crazy to think about the challenges that people have faced over this period, it’s difficult to even comprehend a lot of it."
Lockdown in March
Eric: "I was very naïve. I thought, ‘this will only be a couple of weeks’, we all were. We were due to have a game two days later!"
Finding myself
Eric: "I spoke about this recently. I was listening to Dave Chappelle (US comedian) on Joe Rogan’s (US comedian, MMA commentator) podcast, he said something interesting, that during lockdown, everyone had to sit down with their choices for the first time. What he meant was... when you are living day to day, doing your job, going there, doing this, you are constant, never really sitting down in your house, within your relationship, so you sit down and confront those things like you’ve never done before. Hopefully, that will be something positive and that people have reflected in the right way and changed what they realise they needed to. I definitely did that. I came out of lockdown with a new perspective on a lot of things.”
Eric: "Lockdown gave me the time to really strip back everything. Over time, you get bogged down with lots of things. Lockdown gave me the chance to take the things I felt were important and leave the parts I felt weren’t. That was very important for me."
Green fingers
Eric: "I built a garden in lockdown, and I've carried on working on it since. I’ve spent more time just 'doing things'. That sounds silly, but, for me, building and working in the garden was like a form of meditation. Going deeper here... I think Gandhi once said that the best form of meditation is to do something and, for me, that was being out in the garden. It’s difficult to be fully self-sufficient, but I'd like to try. I’d like to experience that."
Eric: "The Club did a fantastic job getting equipment to us, keeping us fit, maintaining that interaction. The manager was calling us, messaging us, we did the Zoom sessions every day, and that was really good. For me personally, it was so nice to have a block of training. I treated it like a pre-season. It really made a difference."
Back together again
Eric: "These are the good things to come out of lockdown, when we did get back together and trained together again, the excitement and the happiness to be back doing what we all love, all back together, you want to keep hold of that feeling for as long as possible."
We are family
Eric: "It’s crazy, people like Dele and Harry Kane, everything I’ve been through in football, I’ve been with them, and I say those two because of England as well. Every moment I’ve had, Harry’s been there, and vice-versa. That’s cool, having those experiences. Together, our focus is to win a trophy for this Club and our determination to do so has never been higher."
Project restart
Eric: "It was great to be back out there, great to play after so long, and a great game to come back to against United. We all enjoyed that."
Last nine, last season
Eric: "Those nine games set the foundations for this season and we’ve been building since then, building something that I believe is really exciting."
New role
Eric: "People make a lot of it when you change position, and some are very negative. For instance, if you make a mistake, the slightest thing, it’s, ‘that’s because he’s a midfielder’. For me, it’s been important putting that to rest, I have very clear objectives I want to achieve in this position, and I’m working hard to do that. The positive thing is that I know I can do better."
Eric: "That was a real goal of mine, to get back into the England set up. For the 14 months or so I was out (June, 2019 to September, 2020) those international breaks were so hard. It hurts a lot. International breaks without going away were difficult for me having experienced it for so long. To be back in that set up meant a lot to me."
Eric: "When a team isn’t doing so well, the goalkeeper usually stands out well, and Hugo certainly rose to the challenge at the start of the year. He’s been unreal."
Eric: "He’s been a fantastic addition on and off the pitch. Off the pitch, I like people who set the standard by the way they act. Pierre is very professional, looks after himself very well, works very hard every day. The more players like that, the better."
Harry and Sonny
Eric: "The dynamic duo! It’s something I’ve spoken to Harry about quite a bit, and I think the manager deserves a lot of credit for how their relationship has blossomed. He’s demanded different things from both of them, and that has made that relationship click. Obviously, when you have two players of that quality and, on top of that, you get them to do things that express those qualities in the best way, you get what we’re seeing at the moment."
New Year’s Eve
Eric: "I’ll be with my brothers, Patrick and Eddie - they live with me - we’ll light the fire in the garden, they’ll probably have a few drinks and I’ll have a mint tea with honey!"
Eric: "I can’t wait for this one. I’m really excited to play them. The way they play is great, they’ve been a breath of fresh air. Marcelo Bielsa is a manager who has a lot of influence in football, including here, I guess, through Mauricio Pochettino."
League Cup semi-final
Eric: "Yes, it's really exciting. I remember the semi-final in 2015 against Sheffield United, the second leg at their place in the snow. Great memories. I’m really looking forward to that, a huge game against a great team in Brentford. We want to be playing these games. It’s where we want to be, challenging."
My best of 2020
Eric: "I’m reading my favourite book for a second time. It’s called Shantaram. It’s about an Australian guy who escapes prison and gets all the way to India, where he embeds himself in life in a slum, and becomes a figure in Bombay. It’s an incredible book, based on a true story, written by Gregory David Roberts. I think reading is so good for you, it takes your mind away from everything. My favourite podcast is still The Joe Rogan Experience. Jan Vertonghen recommended a TV series Operation Odessa on Netflix, that was incredible. Undoing was my TV show of the year and for apps, it’s got to be Spotlas, of course!"
Hopes for 2021
Eric: "To stay healthy, to keep enjoying my football and to continue feeling how we all felt on the first day back from lockdown and, my biggest hope, that we can all beat this virus and return to some normality. I can’t wait to see a full stadium again, that will be fantastic. It will be great to have the fans back."
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