#but it honestly sounds ridiculous
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We better get an explanation for why Armand did the things he did and if anything he said was true in S3. The whole thing better not be abt Lestat's rock star shit. S3 out here sounding like a bad pitch for another lame Disney channel show 🙄.
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raeneism · 6 months
Trying to figure out why i get so attached and feel so much because of fictional characters and situations to the point it’s genuinely overwhelming so i searched it up and. No. you don’t understand I do not imagine myself being friends with characters or being in a relationship with them or merely existing in that world i think about them and their relationships and their gut wrenching world ending trauma obsessively to the point it is unbearable. to the point it is PAINFUL. i don’t want to be them, I don’t WANT them, i simply need to comfort them in a way that is not humanly possible and it pains me i cannot cope with it
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teapetal44 · 1 month
All For One should have stayed on the sidelines as a character after Kamino. His evolvement in everything after that significantly weakens the story. Building up Tomura as his protégé, framing him as the next symbol of evil, and then pulling the rug under everyone’s feet, is the worst writing decision Hori has ever made. In concept, All For One failing at passing the torch to Tomura is good, because it directly  parallels All Might and his mentorship to Izuku. Unlike All For One, Toshinori was aware the younger generation needed to take up the mantle. All For One is a selfish and controlling person, it makes perfect sense for him to be unable to give up his power to someone else. But in execution it falls apart the moment All For One continues to force himself upon the narrative, continues to serve as the big bad. All For One’s inability to pass the torch and Tomura as a main antagonist can co-exist without weakening the themes of the story.  
Like, imagine how cool it would have been if All for One was destroyed by Tomura after he tried taking control over his body and mind. Tomura realizes his master is holding him back from achieving his full potential and his goal, the thing he literally lives and fights for. Triumph over his master would be Tomura’s final step to becoming the new symbol of evil and his self-liberation. Then, he would truly be free of everything holding him back. AFO, the puppeteer, the man always one step ahead of everyone else, would be conquered by the very same person he molded – he planted the seed, but at last, what grows is out of his control. In a sense, he would be punished by the story for failing at passing the torch and Tomura would be cemented as the final antagonist, and his journey would feel satisfying.
All though, I see why Horikoshi didn’t write it like that – cause that would require giving Tomura actual autonomy as a character. Something he actively avoids doing every chance he gets. It’s easier to have a character who is crafted to be evil by one powerful bad man before he was even born, than to portray an abused child failed by a fundamentally corrupt society that values consumerism over actually helping those in need, who ended up in the hands of the powerful bad man because the child slipped through the cracks of said society. MHA conveys to the viewer that there are no bad systems, only bad people within the established systems.
Tomura couldn’t own his conception, nor his heroic goals, not even his abuse. Nothing ever happened to him because of society as a whole or because life is cruel and merciless. It happened because Anime-Satan said so.
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voguewoozi · 1 year
can't believe people are still out here accusing real ass people of queerbaiting. at this point just admit you like forcing people to come out before they're ready because that's what the result of this continues to be. coming out to anyone isn't an obligation for any queer person and people shouldn't have to alter their behavior or personality or presentation just because you personally think they're cishet. that is literally your own personal problem to work on. keep it to yourself
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weathernerdmando · 1 year
I do have on thing to say about the fact that "one of the passengers is a 19 year old" for the Titan.
A 19 year old is still a "teenager" but that is a whole ass adult. That is an adult who has been an adult for a year and acting like he has no self agency to not make the choices he did is just ridiculous and I'm seeing *way* to many people on this site pretty much just infantalize him. 18 is *also* an adult. A new adult, but still an *adult*. If you are seriously in the mindset of "but that's a child still!" You need to step away from Tumblr and just think about how you view the various human stages of development.
19 year olds aren't kids. That man made that choice to go down there.
(also as a trans man who's rights are under attack and that people are using the argument of "kids can't consent" to get their foot in the door and then further take them away from literal adults, some under the argument of "well a lot of y'all are autistic and Don't Really Understand what's happening even though you're adults!!" This shit infuriates me. Stop infantilizing people!!! This may not be about my rights as a trans person but the issue of infantilizing literal adults is still the same!!!)
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peridyke · 4 months
Hope this is not inappropiate but that lapidot nsfw thing reminds me of how I used to feel guilty for being interested in anything slightly suggestive due to religion. Like who cares if I touch myself once every 6 months because is immoral and dirty and evil. Leave me alone I see my body every day?
Yeah, thats something I've noticed too with a lot of the culture on here, especially back in 2017-2019ish. I used to roll my eyes when I saw people call peoples mindsets puritanical considering the type of person I would see saying that, but honestly I think there is truth to the idea that some communities on tumblr and twitter take advantage of peoples good will to install weird guilt about innocuous things that resembles religious guilt, which is crazy to me. Like, the idea that just having sexual feelings towards adult cartoon characters or drawing pornographic art of them is anything comparable to pedophilia just because they're from a kids cartoon is fucking absurd, but if someone wanted to smear someone online who they had one sided beef with then suddenly thats a reasonable accusation. It just installs this completely unreasonable guilt and disgust in people over a natural feeling and desire, and its the kind of thing that will tear people apart and can lead to people developing very ocd-adjacent symptoms. Like, you're seriously gonna make people feel like fucking monsters for, what, drawing the steven universe aliens having loving consensual gay sex? I dunno, I think people need to realize that just because they consider themselves left wing it doesn't mean they're immune to falling into right wing abuse tactics and fear mongering
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my most devastating book to tv character name moment was jaime lannister from got. i read the books first and for me he was jaime pronounced the spanish way (kinda like HAY-meh). yes all the names were anglo. i didn't care. so imagine when i first heard his name on the show and even in the spanish dub he was jay-mee or whatever you pronounce it in english :(
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pebiejeebies · 1 year
Soo about the poll/post I made earlier(LGBT rights vs Alterhuman rights), I have said wrong things. How it isn’t fair I’d compare something that’s being killed and attacked (lgbts) probably every day, with something that most people don’t even know existed! (Alterhumans)
Thank you for your harsh words, even though I hate them, it helped me see my mistake clearly, and I’m grateful you didn’t make this any worse for me, and I speak these words genuinely.
I hope my apology is enough, I never meant harm, but I should’ve known my differences.
I understand if you don’t forgive my mistake, it’s completely fair! This blog is genuinely about expressing and explaining your feelings and opinions to me, whether I was right or wrong, no matter if it was harsh or not. in this case I was COMPLETELY wrong.
Would you shake it off? Not sure, but whatever you want is completely fine! I do mistakes a lot and I forget about them, so when people clear it out for me, not only do I feel grateful, I feel a lot of guilt for what I said. I’m sorry I sounded bigoted, that was never my intention, but thank you for helping me figure out if I was going in the wrong lane. I won’t bore you no longer, have a great day.
(@chocolatespyro - @thelittleprinceconfirmed)
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wreckedhoney · 6 months
"I believe her."
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One of the most amazing things about Supernatural is that the wildest, cheesiest episodes are some of the best.
Like if you told me that the premise of an episode is that Dean drinks a potion to talk to animals - with the side effect of making him act like a dog - and he and Sam bribe dogs at a shelter to solve a murder case, I’d tell you you’re insane and there’s no way that’s an actual episode.
But the pacing, action, dialogue, character development, and humor hits all the same marks as some of the most heart wrenching episodes in the show. Even when the story gets ridiculous, the writers still tackle it with serious thought and effort. And that’s why spn is my favorite tv show.
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eddis-not-eeddis · 6 months
WHY do I always think I'm two years older than I am? WHY?
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literatureisdying · 30 days
need to develop a crush on someone but everyone at my school is either straight or not masc </3
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tolerateit · 1 year
i'd love to just put out there that selling and making friendship bracelets has helped me with anxiety, panic attacks, making friends, sharing bracelets with others around the world, and finances when i cannot work and have to apply for disability as well as a lot of other things. so people who talk down on that... i don't really get it. stay in your lane ?????????????????????????????
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cloudbends · 5 days
Also I'm beginning to regret getting a job
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killerandhealerqueen · 10 months
Got my word/microsoft 365 activated today so writing and updates can commence! God bless (and god bless my mom for already having a subscription plan that she could share with me)
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everything-just-peachy · 10 months
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No matter how much my taste in media changes 12 year old me would be happy to know that Given is still an incredibly important part of my life.
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