#excels...? i dont remember the spelling
cloudbends · 4 days
Also I'm beginning to regret getting a job
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witchy woman - rowan laslow
requested: yes! requests: open! hii can u make a rowan x witch fem!reader fic about him feelings inscure being her bf because the reader is a popular girl in nevermore. thanks before head!
A/N: i dont know a lot about witchcraft, so please let me know if i got anything wrong! i love rowan though, so i wanted to write it still :) thank you for requesting and i hope you like it <3
wordcount: 2,905 warnings: incorrect witch information, rowan doesn't go insane, insecure rowan </3, she/her pronouns, mean character, might be ooc, cursewords
When Rowan overhears some conversations and gossip, he gets insecure about your intentions.
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You had said goodbye to Rowan, heading into the woods to clear your head and collect some small plants and other greens to use in your spell bottles. Sure, you could have gone to Jericho to try and find what you needed, but finding it in the woods was more fulfilling. You believed that being in the open air not only helps you to find yourself but also the ingredients that you need.
Rowan decided to stay in the Quad, working on some of his homework while waiting for you to return. It is still early, and some classes are still going as small groups of students walk through the Quad, sitting down to enjoy lunch or also do breakfast.
None of them sit with Rowan though.
Rowan has always been the outcast of outcasts. He didn't really excel in anything. Fencing wasn't his strongest suit, and though he did get good grades for other classes, but it wasn't like Bianca at Botany. No one really hung out with them, especially because they think he is going insane.
Word had spread about his mother that attended Nevermore years ago. Telekinesis had driven her insane as she destroyed her own dorm, luckily being stopped before she could do any more damage. But the word had already reached the others.
"Rowan!" You cheer, running up to the table he is sitting at.
He looks up from his laptop, a smile on his face.
You are unlike the others. Though you are extremely popular amongst the students and teachers, you never treated him any differently. Not in a bad way, that is. You had been paired up with him once for a project, and ever since then you never left his side. No matter how many times he insisted that it might have been better for you and your reputation if you just distanced yourself from him.
"You will not believe what I just found," you open your tote bag, pulling out a small fabric package.
In it are different flowers and other herbs, most of them unfamiliar to him. He has seen some of them before, but the names are hard to remember.
Even if he does not understand anything, he is still happy to see what you find. You can talk to him about any kind of spell or potion you made, and he will listen with all his attention. He would drop anything for you, just like you would do for him.
"Now I only need to buy some small bottles, candles, rosemary," you nod. "What are you working on, Rowan?"
"Nothing big," he awkwardly laughs. "Just some homework."
You smile at him, watching him as your head rests on your palms. He is so mesmerizing to you. The way his glasses slide off of his nose, the freckle underneath his eye, his face when he looks focused. You could go on for hours.
"I might join you," you pull the journal out of your bag, "I don't have too much homework left, but I will stay here. We can maybe even get some drinks at the Weathervane afterward?"
The journal is one of your prized possessions. It is filled with spells you have done or want to do, some important ingredients for spell jars, and sigils that have been drawn.
After making homework in the Quad, the two of you decide to just get some dinner before just hanging out in Rowan's dorm. He would often allow you to mix up all sorts of potions or try out new spells as he would watch or read.
Two hours had passed of the two of you just messing around, taking some small breaks in between to drink, eat, or kiss. A knock on the door before Xavier comes into the room, dressed in his workout clothing.
"Hey Rowan, hey Y/N."
You greet him back before closing your journal, placing everything in your bag before standing up.
"Hey, Xavier," you smile as you turn to Rowan. "I will see you tomorrow?"
Rowan nods with a big smile on his head, pushing his glasses back on his nose. You look at him for a second before taking hold of his cheek, pressing a soft kiss on his lips.
"Good night, Rowan."
"Good night, my love."
Rowan is so head over heels for you. Even if you have been dating for close to a year, he often still can't believe that you are his girlfriend. He tends to get a little bit insecure, especially during the beginning of your relationship. He would think that you weren't serious when you said you liked him, or when you thought he was attractive. He had been told otherwise his entire life.
You were sitting next to him in class, your left hand on the table as Rowan scribbled some random shapes on it. He would often feel a bit nervous, and the drawing distracts him. Plus, it gives the two of you a reason to hold hands.
"Oh, Rowan," you suddenly remember. "I have to show a new kid around."
Not that you were looking forward to it too much. Normally, Enid would be the one to introduce everyone, but as she had classes longer than you today, you have been tasked with showing the new Nevermore student around. You were popular among the rest of the students, so Principal Weems found you the obvious choice.
"That's okay," Rowan smiles, still focused on the small scribbles on your hand. "I can wait for you in the Quad when you're done?"
"That would actually be perfect!"
The bell rings, a signal for you to go to the Principals office, and a signal for Rowan that his day has ended. A quick kiss on his cheek and a 'goodbye'.
Classes have ended for him, but that did not mean that he didn't have any plans. He asked Xavier to let him use his bike to go to Jericho so he could pick you up some small gifts. The boy would often buy you small presents; you could say it is his love language.
Though he wouldn't admit it, he keeps a list on his phone with all the things you ever said you liked, wanted, or needed. He would carefully pick some items to buy you, even if you insisted that he didn't need to spend any money on you. But he wanted to.
"Where is the rosemary?" He mumbles, a shopping basket in his hand which is already filled with different items.
Snacks and drinks, but also some objects that he has seen you use for spell jars. Cinnamon, matches, bay leaves, and a bouquet of roses. A smile is on his face just thinking about giving you everything.
Finally, the rosemary has been located. After paying for everything at the register, he puts it in his backpack before leaving for Uriah's Heap. It was the only place in Jericho that sold... strange items. He only needed some incense and thin candles, but it was the perfect place for it.
Once back at Nevermore, he packaged each and every little thing, making sure to put a little note in it as well. He always felt too nervous or scared to say things out loud, and a note was a perfect way for him to express how he was feeling. You never blamed him for it though, you love him exactly for how he is. He is deeply grateful for it; you have never pushed him out of his comfort zone, and instead helped guide him to what he wanted himself.
"And this is the Quad!" You smile.
"Wow," George laughs. "And everyone is some type of outcast?"
You nod, leading him around the Quad to walk past the different tables.
"There's werewolves, vampires, sirens," you count on your fingers. "We also have gorgons, faceless people, telekinesis, visions, spells. You name it, and Nevermore probably has it!"
The tall boy nods, leaning against one of the pillars as he looks down at you with a smile.
"And you?"
"Oh," you didn't expect him to ask that. "I do witchcraft. Spells, crystals, candles. All that stuff."
George hums, it's different than his power. He doesn't fully control it just yet, but from what he knows, he can control water. He had told you at the beginning of the tour, but never thought to ask you about what you did.
"Does everyone usually stay grouped together? Based on skills, I mean."
"Sometimes," you admit. "Bianca Barcley is one of the most popular girls. She is a Siren and most of her friends are as well. A few exceptions, including me and Yoko. Mostly, people stick together. There are some smaller groups with different powers, but it's not like the Normie schools. No nerds versus popular people."
He lets out a laugh.
"Good to know. I was actually popular at my old school," he grins. "Where do you fall? Popular, or not so much?"
He surely knows how to ask awkward questions.
"At Normie school? Not that much. But here it's a bit more to the popular side, I guess," you shrug. "I just try to get along with everyone. That's it."
George pushes himself off of the pillar, looking around the Quad again. Something about him feels off. It almost seems like he is looking around for prey. Someone to pick on.
"So, a popular girl then?"
Then, his eyes fall on one person in particular.
"I thought you said there were no nerds here at Nevermore," he snickers, sneakily pointing to something across of the Quad.
You frown, looking at where he was pointing. Through one of the gates walks Rowan, a goofy yet nervous smile on his face as he holds a small basket in his hands.
"Who layers a checkered button-up underneath a zip-up hoodie?"
If looks could kill, then George would have now been dead and buried. He should really watch what he is saying.
"And the glasses- He knows contacts exist, right?"
Rowan gets closer and closer, slowly picking up more from the one-sided conversation.
"I know you are more of a popular kid here, but I didn't think Nevermore would stoop this low. I have seen the website, and I thought they only let special people in."
"George, I swear-"
Your tone gets a bit more aggressive every time you have to say his name. Rowan thickly swallows, looking from you to the taller guy. George, as you called him, might be right.
"I don't think studying for eight hours a day is a superpower. Makes you more of a freak-"
"Stop it, George. I'm serious."
Rowan is standing too close to you already, if he turned around now, it would only make him seem weirder. He taps your shoulder softly as your murderous gaze changes into a soft, loving one when you see him up close.
With an awkward smile he holds out the package to you, his hands shaking as he tries to avoid George's gaze.
"I uh- Is this a bad time? I have something-"
George suddenly stands behind you, hovering over you as he looks at Rowan, a smirk on his face. He is only a few centimeters taller than him, yet Rowan feels intimidated. It's not like he talked shit about the poor guy earlier.
"I don't think you should talk to her, man," he raises an eyebrow. "You don't seem like the type for a popular girl-"
Your face morphs back into a hateful one as you aggressively throw your elbow back into George's chest. He stumbles back, clutching his chest as he looks up at you with a shocked look on his face.
"What the fuck?!"
You grab his collar, pulling him down to you as you glare at him, your eyes almost on fire. The tables close to you look at you in shock. They have never seen you this aggressive.
"You better watch out," you grit your teeth. "Say one more word about Rowan, and I will make sure you leave here with more broken bones and curses than you can count."
The second you let go of his shirt, he stumbles to the ground. You turn back to Rowan, who is staring at the ground, now shaking more than before.
"Hey, are you okay?" you whisper, stepping closer to him before placing your hands on his upper arms. "Rowan, come on. Let's go."
The two of you walk away to your dorm, leaving behind a confused George and a surprised Quad. Xavier lets out a laugh as he walks past the guy on the floor.
"That was a bad move, man."
"I will make sure he has a horrible time at Nevermore," you groan, rummaging through your drawers to find ingredients for a new spell jar. "I am serious, Rowan, if he says one more word about you I will actually kill him."
You turn around to face your boyfriend, but he hasn't moved an inch. He still sits on the edge of your bed, staring at his hands as the small package is placed next to him. Your shoulders slump as you immediately place everything you were holding onto your desk, sitting down next to Rowan.
It is silent for a second before the boy finally speaks up.
"Do you think he was right?"
You turn your head to face him, your eyebrows creased. His voice was shaking and his eyes are full of tears.
"Maybe he is," Rowan whispers to himself. "I-I... What if I am not really your type? George could be- He is taller and more popular-"
"Hey," you look at him, your heart sinking into your stomach. "Rowan, that is not true at all."
He slowly looks up at you, his lip trembling as he blinks to try to keep the tears at bay. What if George was right?
"You are the most loving, the most caring, the most beautiful, and the most perfect person I have ever met," you smile. "You are the only one that I ever want to spend my life with. I don't want anyone like that asshole."
You press a kiss on his forehead before wiping away some of his stray tears.
"I want a boy with telekinesis who just so happens to look extremely good. Especially with glasses."
A small laugh escapes his lips as he nods.
"Okay," he whispers, nodding before looking at you. "I love you."
You pull him close, pressing a soft kiss on his neck before running your hands up and down his back.
"I love you too, Rowan."
He slowly untangles himself from your grip before placing the small package on your lap. The insecurity had gotten to him, totally forgetting that he was going to give you the gift.
"I uh- I got it for you," he sniffles, though a smile is on his face. "I knew you wouldn't have any time to go to Jericho this week, so..."
Your eyes grow big as you slowly unpack the items.
"What?" You exclaim excitedly, gasping as you look up at your boyfriend. "Rowan, I can't believe this!"
You jump up with the small basket in your hands. Everything you were planning to get, was now in your hands. Small bottles, candles, incense, even roses! You retrieve the small note which sits at the bottom. Rowan would often write you notes or letters, and you kept each and every one of them. Some of them were stuck in your journal, others were placed on the whiteboard in your room, and there were even some you kept in your wallet.
"I have the best boyfriend ever!"
After trying out some new spells, you had finally fallen asleep. The incense had to wait for later; you knew Rowan was quite sensitive to it. You didn't want to risk anything happening to him.
It was time for breakfast, which means that most of the Nevermore students collect in the Quad. A knock on the door catches your attention and as you open it, you are faced with a smiling Rowan. He would pick you up from your dorm so you could get breakfast together in the mornings.
"Good morning," you give him a kiss before fixing his tie.
"Good morning," he replies before taking your hand.
After a long talk yesterday, he finally felt a bit more relieved. You assured him that he had no reason to be insecure, but that you did understand him. You aren't going to laugh at him for being insecure, not at all.
Rowan and you sat down with Xavier and you couldn't help but let out a laugh. Next to the fountain sat George, all on his own.
"So much for being a popular kid, huh," you giggle as Rowan looks over.
"Watch this," he whispers back, quickly moving his hand.
The movement makes George fly off of the bench and into the water. Your hand flies to your mouth as you try to hide your laughing, letting your head fall onto Rowan's shoulder, hearing George scream in the background.
And though Rowan does sometimes feel insecure, he does have something he can hold onto. Your hands, your words, your reassurance. You are his as he is yours. Besides, if anyone else ever talked bad about him, you were quick to react. Be it by a spell, or by your fist.
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bnasheee · 1 year
I keep seeing people say that Edgin didnt cast any spells but i do not think thats true at all. You need to remember that hes a bard, a lot of bard spells are subtlety woven into words. I feel like folks just dont understand how bards work because he is actually an excellent example of what a bard would actually be like.
Yall expect all bards to be showy and flashy and flirty but i think Edgin is a perfect example of what a bard is actually about. Hes great at talking and great at persuasion. Hes charming even when people are mad at him.
You cannot tell me that man wasnt using suggestion, one of the most quintessential bard spells out there.
Just because he wasnt making things explode doesn't mean he wasnt casting spells. Bard spells just aren't usually visual.
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musubiki · 6 months
do other black canvases think mochi is hot?? i want mochi to have people crushing on her lime needs to be humbled a wee bit 🙏
AN EXCELLENT QUESTION: YES THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and its such a shock to mochi!!!!!!!!!!!! shes so used to essentially being ignored and completely forgets that it has no effect on them!!!!!
i have an episode idea where post-timeskip, mochi goes and visits the main headquarters building of the m-34th (location name pending) under the guise of "Lime left his sword thing at home/forgot his lunch/something" in order to investigate and scope out the area!!! no witch has had any excuse to do this ever!! and at that point the m-34th dont know who tf she is, only that she shows up to the front gate with one of their weapons saying "Uh...is Lime here? He forgot this thing this morning and I thought it might be important so I came to drop it off..."
and the front guards just look her up and down for a second (with an expression mochi doesnt recognize) and gets on the comm to be like "Hey uhh is Goldwood in the building? There's a cute girl out here with his sword." and gives her a little wink, personally escorts her in, gives her a lot of "Hey, you know...that Goldwood is kind of a casanova. You shouldn't get too involved with him." and "You know if you're not doing anything later...maybe wanna grab a bite to eat? My treat?" and the whole time shes FLUSTERED she doesnt know how to react to these things... just "Oh no hes not like that!" and "Oh- uh- maybe!"
after that incident lime doesnt hear the end of it...NUMEROUS other officers being like "Hey are you actually going out with that girl?" and "Have you guys broken up yet? I want first dibs." and lime is absolutely sick every time they bring it up
(very funny though when she goes, some of them really take a long look at her before finally going "Ah! I remember where I've seen you. You're the girl Goldwood has pictures of in his locker--" and limes like "OKAY LETS GO TALK OUTSIDE MOCH OKAY BYE GUYS GOTTA GO--")
(also remember that grand capitol ball episode? where mochi uses the mob spell so she blends into the party and doesnt stand out? she has a straight up cinderella moment where shes walking down the corridor and at least half the m-34th guards are just staring at her...pretty lady)
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rosewoodconch · 24 days
RWCH Readathon 2024: Day 4
Underciver Princess - Chapter 9
Im on a train so his is literally my thoughts as i listen to the audiobook instead of reading a physical book
I really love the visual of Ani and Ellie painting each others nails... stay tuned for something about that tomorrow? ;)
Ellie tidied the room! I really adore that Ellies messiness isnt necessarily gone, but you can try that Ellie has really tried to sort it out
We were too casual about this
Also you can wear a bra or tank top to dye your hair trust me i do it every month
This is the gayest thing I've ever read and I've been on ao3 since i was 12
The velvet underground is excellent, and i think you should all go listen to them
Their lil apologies and the "Mr Truffles." Im dying i love them
Baby gender funky
Ellie is legit the reason i figured out i maybe was gender funky so shoutout to ellie wolf the most gender ever
Even though ellie did get to choose Rosewood that easily, i like that she can still kind of relate to lottie in that it wasn't the easiest thing to get there, even though they have different circumstances
I like that ellie really genuinely is in awe of ellie and shes trying to say that
But honestly yeah some of the others probably wont apprciate it as much as them both because they almost couldnt go here
"Ill gladly beat them up for you" cut to Edmunds nose...
"I'm perfectly capable of beating up my own enemies" well... not yet, but you'll get there
Honestly yeah. Dying hair is a true bonding experience. I remember my gf dying my hair for the first time and its one of the... most non romantic non sexual but intimate things
Maybe Charles boyle from b99 had a point about the shampoo...
The kitchen sounds like heaven
"Like she'd found a little home with her" GUYS IM CRYING ON A TRAIN I CANT DO THIS
Right onto the "Bad Thing"
Thats the most scary way she could've phrased that
Poor lottie she just wanted to please
Adina devine once again could punch me and I'd thank her
I love Ellie so much, shes such a little actress
Prof devine is so chaotic good i adore her
I feel like theres not enough fan art of their pajamas!??!?!? Ellie likes star wars and we dont talk about that enough
I love their lil blossoming friendship, the way they cant stay mad or cross and just burst out laughing theyre so sweet
William tufty!!! What a man
I have such a perfect image of this room in my mind, but a glass table is no where in it that feels so wrong
I dont like the term loveseat
I think that this scene and the interaction between prof and devine proves that she knows ellies identity. We never get confirmation of it, but like... someone must have her actual legal documents right? For exams and stuff?
"The fates have placed you together" UGH I NEED A SOULMATE AU RIGHT NOW
All of devines speech at the end of this bit feels like its got so much power behind it, like shes casting a spell.
She understands these girls so intensely that I wonder if she had a similar experience when she was a student. Did she go to Rosewood?
"We can achieve amazing things when we uplift one another"
Reminds me so much of "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent" from YOU GUESSED IT Barbie Princess Charm School
I promise I'll have a different comparison eventually
Theyre a little sanctuary 😭😭😭
Finally, the ominous little bit about the rumour, growing like weeds in the grounds of rosewood is so poetic and so full of suspense i love it so much
It really sets up quite how dangerous the rumour could and will be
It also comes back to the whole thing about Lottie being somehow tied to the roses and garden. And the rumour and things stirring as weeds, here to disrupt her perfect life at Rosewood
And we're so back. This is the chapter that lowkey gave me faith again. The way the settings are described and the character motivations are softly shown and they feel like real moving characters.
I really appreciate this humanising Devine too, while also making her seem otherworldly at the same time. It's like a heightened version of Binahs almost omniscience.
All in all, this chapter makes me really happy and i need fan art of all of it please @ Rosewood artists
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the-one-who-lambs · 11 months
do you have any advice for a first time writer? I have a lot in my head but I dont know where to start in trying to make something coherent
Oh, do I ever!
If you have a lot in your head but nothing coherent yet, write down every tidbit of information you want to include in a braindump! It doesn't have to be coherent, it's just a place to put your ideas. If it doesn't come out just as you want, that's fine. You can add to it later. Don't trust the ideas you have now to stay in your head-- put them somewhere you can come back to later!
Have an idea of what you want to achieve and where you want to go with your story. With that said, there will be some details you will figure out along the way. That's fine. You may also deviate from where you think you're going to go. That's also fine. But, have a structure that gives you a sense of direction. What this means to you will likely be different from what helps me.
Learn the "rules" of writing/grammar/syntax before you start to break them. Discovering your own style is important, but you want it to be readable too. Start each sentence with a capital letter. Check your spelling. Review punctuation rules (No, really, make sure you understand the semicolon before you use it). Use paragraphs and remember TiP ToP: whenever the narrative shifts to a new time, person, topic, or place, create a new paragraph. Yes, this includes dialogue!
Less is more. If you have a long-form story to tell, a 50,000-word fic is going to be a hell of a lot more impactful than a 150,000-word fic that achieves the same goals. Many, many stories that have the potential to be excellent can and do get derailed with details that do nothing to advance the story, or do the same thing already accomplished somewhere else in the story. Every sentence should do something to advance the narrative and/or characterization in some way. "If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter." -Mark Twain, allegedly.
On a related note: if you're a beginner, trying many ideas and getting more practice will help you improve rapidly. But, once you find a rhythm, don't be afraid to slow down.
When you're finished with your first draft, leave it alone for a few hours or even a day or two before you come back to it. Then go back to edit. You'll always catch something.
Speaking of editing, have someone else look at your draft so they can offer you feedback. If you're doing this for the first time, it will feel vulnerable and scary. It's also a necessary part of improvement.
Finally, be kind to yourself. You're still inexperienced so don't expect yourself to write like your favorite authors right away, or a year from now, or a decade from now. Someone will always enjoy your work. Until you get a readership, it's okay if only one person enjoys it, and it's okay if that one person is you for a while. You'll get there.
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jambamthepaperman · 1 year
So I’ve been reading and obsessing over @ariaste ‘s essay(the magic trick you didn’t see) for two days now and you can completely call me out if I’m wrong however if I remember correctly, after all the flashbacks, we focus on aziraphale. As if Azi is having the flashbacks himself, not as background shown outside of the present story for growth in their relationship.
So… maybe the Metatron is only editing the book for Aziraphale’s perspective. If he needs Aziraphale’s ‘talents’ then why bother editing Crowley, why would you not focus on the one you need for your plan to work, why focus all your attention and manipulation on someone that plays no significant role in your production.
Which would make sense right? Crowley, in present, is himself. His personality and behavior is how it always would be. Aziraphale is his other half, the only one who sees, truly sees him for who he is and he would do anything for him. Anything. Azi is the one the Metatron needs for his big plan to work, not Crowley. He only has to manipulate one of them. His subtle control wouldn’t work on Crowley because Crowley would see right through it. Crowley knows not to trust heaven, no matter what they may offer him.
But Aziraphale. Aziraphale still believes in heaven, in good, as an objective truth. He is an easy target, as one would say, to the subtle techniques of manipulation the Metatron excels at. And if @ariaste ’s theory is correct, by using Aziraphale’s memories as a way to slightly alter the totality of connection and trust between him and Crowley, making him doubt not what’s in the present, but in the past, it makes it easier to pull him away from Crowley. Because separating them is the goal. He knows if they’re together his plan will fail. So he targets one, causes them to break off from one another, then takes Azi away. And Crowley can’t do anything about it.
Last bit, dont know if it relates, but it has bothered me since I first saw the scene. The apology dance. Now that in and of itself is not what bothers me. It’s the behavior Aziraphale exhibits when Crowley comes in. He has done far worse than what Crowley did to him, simply walking out, and yet he still demands the apology dance? Feels off although it could just be nothing.
Final thought(I swear this is it), is Maggie a demon? In episode 5 Crowley expresses that spelling is not a demons strong point and in episode 1 we see that Maggie spelled urgency wrong(ugrency). I feel like there might be something going on there, and even if she isn’t a demon, perhaps she isn’t human.
Feel free to leave your thoughts on the matter, im going down a rabbit hole :)
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boozois · 1 year
Hi again I was wondering what happened to the post about the different Borzois? I'm making a little series and I was thinking of making one of some of them (I just made a post about it you can go to my posts and see what I'm talking about and if you don't want me to make your Borzois I'm fine with that I don't mind🫀)
hi sorry it took a while for me to answer this! hang on, it'll be a very long post. the world of borzois has expanded so much since that post! and, of course you can draw them or do whatever!
i think i know what you're talking about, was it the Borzoi Files i had as my pinned for a small bit? well, i ended up deleting the post as i was having some trouble keeping up with the characters. but i do remember roughly what they were! i cant really remember any of the names so take these ones with a grain of salt. there are a few names i actually know, like Tendo and We.
there's Tendo, who you can find pictures of on any image i've edited that has purple text. they are a shapeshifting Borzoi creature! i can't remember their background, but they are very friendly and like to travel.
one i cant remember the name of, but her posts always have red text, usually in the fancy header font. nowadays, i often use that lettering format because it looks good on my posts but theres no reason it couldnt be her! she is the most divine of the Borzoi creatures. she can shapeshift into any form, and can also cast spells or curses on other creatures/people/whathaveyou. i do remember that she has a feisty personality but a heart of gold.
there's Graffiti Dog, i call them that because 1. they live in a backrooms-style world, except it's never ending abandoned buildings and graffiti. 2. they like the graffiti! i think i only have one post of them but i should probably make another one. they are very sweet, and intelligent. they gaurd the people who get lost.
there's Ick, who lives with Graffiti Dog, and is not so nice. they eat people. Ick and graffiti dog dont get along at all, because ick is always scaring people. i do believe there's only one post of Ick, which has green text.
then theres Train Dog, who, you guessed it, lives in an infinite world of train yards, train tracks, train stations, all abandoned but somehow the trains still work. people who get lost there attempt to use the trains but it's dangerous because... Train Dog is the biggest of all the Borzoi creatures. and they also eat people. even tho they're the largest, they aren't the smartest, and have a limited understanding of language.
We is another Borzoi creature i do remember the name of, since it's so simple and it was one of my top posts. We's posts usually are captioned in the cursive header font, in black. one of the heads is blind, and also their smelling is extremely impaired. however, their hearing is better than the average dogs. the other head has one excellent eye and an above standard sniffer, but is deaf. this is due to the way they consumed eachother in the womb, they kinda absorbed each others powers. they are more like a dog than other Borzoi creatures, who can commune with humans more efficiently. they have no understanding of language beyong dog language of course!
Hose Goat was the first dog that ever got posted to this account, not to be confused with the Hose Goat Strain post which is actually just one of Tendo's forms. they are a borzoi creature that's very tall and skinny with goat horns. i don't remember much else about them tho...
these are only the first Borzoi characters i came up with! since then, we've had a lot more show up in this universe, such as,
Maxine, who is the star of my ARG. to be honest, no one really knows what she is. she might be a manifestation of god, or satan. she might just have been a normal dog who was the victim of an animal abuser. she might be a telepathic alien who can communicate with people through brainwaves. nobody really knows! but she sure is something..
Max, who is an abnormally giant Borzoi. he made friends with Maxine when he too got lost in the cornfield. Max is also the dog from the picture where the neighbor forgot to let their dog back in.
The Dog from the Urban Exploration Series: now this pupper uses the same format as the divine borzoi, but is not the same entity. The Dog is a creature made by scientists, a 20 foot borzoi that has 6 six legs. it's much like snake with legs in the way it's built. it can manuever around pretty much anywhere, flattening it's body like a rodent. it mainly stays in the pipe systems in the ceiling to stay warm, but comes out of hiding if threatened.
Sunny Pup Daycare's Borzoi: this is the dog from the "closing shift" image, which you can find in my top posts. they are just a giant borzoi, who doesn't have an owner and doesn't leave the daycare. they don't appear at daytime. it's sort of like a fnaf thing, where there's a security guard to watch them at night. only, it's just a daycare worker! and oh, yeah, the Daycare Borzoi doesn't kill anybody. unless it gives you a heart attack when it runs by you too quickly..
Storage Unit's Borzoi: this lil guy is something else. he's a brown borzoi. he's camouflaged in the boxes. and he's got an extendable neck, which can reach up to 8 feet. his head may be small, but the teeth are razor sharp, and his eyes are specialized in night vision. if you have a flashlight, you might blind him. bring food with you if you don't wanna get eaten..
and there's probably plenty others i'm not thinking of, but that's all for now! have fun with your little series, im looking forward to it :D
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let’s Talk Whump No.2
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump. 
I’m Malice from @whumpers-inc and I’ll be your host. Today I’m talking to an awesome mutual of mine, @whumpy-daydreams also known as Harri! I’ve admired her writing from a distance for a while now so it was so good to be able to interview her today!
Let’s talk about you! Tell us something about yourself :) My name's Harri, I'm 21 and in my last year of uni. I love worldbuilding and have been creating a world for the last 6 years with stories spanning hundreds of years in it. I also love medical related things and have a passion for surgery
What does “whump” mean to you? For me it's a way to process pain and a chance to see characters overcome hard things. It's also just fun though!
You’re a familiar face in the whump community. How did you find it and what made you want to join? I can't remember how I found the whump community, but I've liked whump ever since I can remember. I joined the community because I wanted a place to reach and share whump, which I hadn't found anywhere else
Do you have a favourite(s) whump trope? Defiant whumpees are the love of my life. Its so cathartic to see a character keep fighting even when they're trapped and to try so desperately to keep going. I also love dangerous/morally grey whumpees because it makes the whumper so much scarier. On the topic of whumpers, whumpers who make jokes and are sarcastic/taunting are also great. Also lab whump, mainly for the sterile environment and aesthetic.
Defiant whumpees, my beloved! They’re so good. Speaking of favourite pieces, tell us one that you’ve written? Probably 'smile for the camera' or 'countdown to freedom'  because I think the writing flows nicely and has a more imaginative writing style. Also in countdown to freedom, I really like the use of the cowntdowns in different ways.
“Smile for the Camera” is so good. I love filmed whump, it’s on another level! Is there anything new you’re working on at the moment? I constantly have works in progress, my main whump one (land of liars) is something I update when I have inspiration for it. At the moment I'm trying to work on a fantasy wip that I'd like to publish someday, but it's still mainly in the planning and plotting stage
Sounds like you’re pretty busy! What does your writing routine usually look like? Definitely more of a night writer, but then again I am basically nocturnal. I dont often have food or drinks because I'll forget about them when I'm writing (I have ADHD). Sometimes I'll have a few days where I'll write loads but it's usually just when inspiration strikes and then I'll write a couple of pages in one go.
We could be writing schedule twins, honestly. You really can’t control when the inspiration will strike… Do you find your writing ability varies from piece to piece? Especially with writing whump, I struggle with being too repetitive, and also I use a lot of dialogue. In my head, it's like I'm watching a film and just copying down what happens so it often flows easily but I'll have to replay things in my head or rewrite a part a lot to get it to make sense.
Do you have any words of wisdom or writing advice for us? Read things and find writing techniques you like! Maybe there's a way someone describes smells that you like, and another person mixes dialogue and action. Try out different ways of writing and experiment sometimes. Another tip is to read your writing out loud once you’re done. This helps find places where it's unclear or doesn't make sense (or spelling/grammar errors)
We’re hyping everyone up here. Are there any whump blogs you’d like to shout-out? @whumblr 's writing is just incredible, I remember reading 'home is where the hurt is' in about 2 days because I just had to know what was going to happen next. Also @straight-to-the-pain has excellent whump and is part of the British medical whump gang. Plus all of the amazing whumpy gif makers! They're all incredible and provide such good inspiration.
So good to have you here. Thanks so much for joining us today, @whumpy-daydreams!
To everyone reading, have a whump-derful day!
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quintiliusheartripper · 4 months
For that profession ask meme, as many of all the general and all the profession-specific questions you feel like doing for any OC of your choosing (because the only ones with names I can remember off the top of my head are Quint and Uriah (I think u have a Uriah??), but I don’t remember which professions they are 😅 Necro and engi, maybe?).
(Doing what i havent done yet)
4. Quint would consider himself an expert. Maybe theres other necromancers who can do other spells better but when it comes to blood magic he is a master.
5. Only thing atypical would be using it for torture? Honestly that feels normal. Maybe its more his combat style that is more odd. He uses his magic to enhance his close combat fighting. Hes a charr who has had to adapt to a blood legion frontline. A lot of his magic uses self harming blood magic because of this.
6. I honestly dont know how others feel about him. I feel he doesnt care either way.
What matters more is how others view him and at one point would have been more about the way he is regarded by blood legion soldiers and the use of magic. The kodan are another thing entirely… he tries to hide it. (I see the kodans form of necromancy being more spirit based- more like the ritualists) and his mates dont like to see the gashes that come from his magic. He mostly works like a warrior who can go into a reaper shroud within kodan society.
1. Uriah did not exactly choose his profession but he was good at building things with scrap so when he started to grow into more masculine visual traits (he is intersex) his flame legion shaman of a shitty father pulled some strings to get him apprenticing under a engineer. Kytt did not want to be embarrassed by his cub doing womens work and while looking masculine but uriah has no magical ability.
2. Uriah did have a teacher! An engineer who taught him how to weld. He was a good teacher who took pity on the boy. Uriah would have a bit of a secret crush on him lol.
3. Uriah hasnt dabbled with other professions. Hes happy just being a pact welder.
4. I would say hes quite the expert in the way that uriah can take something and make it into something functional. However some may find him a novice for not knowing common stuff that your average iron legion engineer would know. He can macguiver a prosthetic arm or make a suit of armour to wear mecha style but he may do it in a way that others would normally stay away from.
5. The most atypical thing uriah would have done would be construct the steel cages for the flame legions to use on effigies.
6. Uriah is regarded as a weird little welder who seems scared of other charr engineers.
7. His first invention was taking left over scraps from the flame legion trash and making his mother arms. He continues to improve them- they currently are hollow and attune to her magic so she can move the fingers and wrists.
8. Excellent at being without his gadgets. He was born a fledgling engineer with trash and he can make do with anything. Its how he survived being in the first fleet to maguuma.
9. his engineering style tilts more to magitech. Its stuff that attunes to the users own magic. However he is planning to turn his eyes towards flame legion magic again and to using the kralk and aurene crystals as a energy source for his newest items.
10. Uriah is pretty conservative . He works as a pact welder helping keep up bases and his own personal pet projects are done with the utmost detail. Maybe burns and shocks at most. Minor stuff. His biggest regret and “mistake” would be when he was forced to make flame effigies, cages, chains, and other iron devices for gaharon to use.
He is a revenant but ill also talk about his former profession as a gaurdian
1. He became a gaurdian because his mother was one and he also loves to help. He had a talent for it. He can boost peoples moral and he can protect you. He can teleport and be a key point that can turn the tide in pirate battles. He didnt not choose to become a revenant. He was reawoken with no memories of how he became one- just that he was now. (He died by his recently risen mother and was pulled back by a necromancer crewmate)
2. His mother was his teacher for being a gaurdian. She was always kind and proud of what she did, away from the legions and in love with the human she shared a deep bond with. He had no teacher for being a revenant. He had to learn that himself
3. Technically yea considering him going from gaurdian to revenant. However i dont imagine that he lost his former skills and still knows and uses some gaurdian skills.
4. Who is to say if he is a novice or a expert. What matters is he can save lives as a gaurdian and use his massive body to win his fights. Id say he was in the middle and close to being an expert just from experience for fighting. As a revenant he has enough of a grasp that with a massive draining of magic he can teleport his ship into the mists and back. His best skills are teleportations as a revenant and probably fairly novice with some exceptions.
5. His uses to transport his entire crew theough the mists to escape or to ravage and steal from the mist wars (wvw) that he thinks are pathetic capitalist excuses. (Says the pirate who steals something and makes a profit even if he sells the goods for cheaper than market pricing to people in need. He did give it away for free sometimes)
6. To be honest i dont know but he was well respected enough as a gaurdian.
Gaurdian questions:
7. To protect and to help the down trodden was his main conviction.
8. Protecting and healing his enemies and teleportation aspects of gaurdian were his main things. He has a big fuck you hammer and his 10ft and fat body to crush people with.
9. He wont be as quick and slippery but he will be competent without his magic just because of his charr body being a weapon in its own right.
10. Tryphon has a aggressive fighting style but can quickly switch to supportive with a flick of a teleportation spell.
Revenant questions:
7. He can channel the legends alright. Theres one that he knew personally in the past that haunts him and i imagine he has lost control but not in a rampage way and more in a drinking yourself unconscious kind of way. However with him being retired in his mainline story they are more harder to tamper down when he eyes something shiny.
8. All tryphons legends are not in game. They are famous pirates and mariners of the past. Like pirate dalvis in pvp, sykox steamshroud, cobiah a made up legendary skritt pirate, anyone you would hear about in lions arch history really. Along with one person he personally knew that haunts him but is it actually the mists or is it ptsd manifesting itself? Who knows
9. For tryphon the mists is a tool but also a place to plunder and explore. Sometimes he gets the urge to get himself back up and pirating to feel the mists energy in his fur but his spinal injury stops him from truely being like that again. He sometimes helps the pact because of his one husband (@velakthetraveller) is a medic that works in the mists.
10. Most of his relationships are cooperative. He is a jovial man who can easily make friends even if things have twisted a little to adversarial when he has to be a good charr and not steal anything not nailed down in the black citadel. Hes struggling to deal with the figure from his past
Lady Muisi:
1. muisi is a small 5ft chubby shroom sylvari who became a warrior to fight back against bullies and kidnappers haha
2. No teacher other than i guess what the tree gave her in knowledge upon awakening in the 2nd generation.
3. No dabbling but it does feel like spell breakers are in a way dabbling in something in its own way haha.
4. Some would probably consider her a novice since she doesn’t have a strong grasp on a lot of weapons but what she can use shes a expert. Daggers, axes. Her fists.
5. Her use of her profession isnt that abnormal i think.
6. Classic warriors from the norn and charr cultural perspective probably see her as weird. shes this small chubby priory sylvari who doesnt look like a warrior until she picks your ass up and throws you. Not as strange as it would be from an asura but she looks like she wont hurt a fly from the outside world.
7. Muisi incorporates a lot of magic and its how shes as strong as she is. Not only is she a spell breaker but shes also uses magic to give her that warrior super strength. She can pick up and throw a norn without a sweat.
8. Muisis weapon collection is small. Now if we talk about her book collection….
9. For casters and long ranged enemies she has counter magic and also throwing things. Eat a chair loser. Also she now has a pistol from her lover uriah so. Gun.
10. muisis raw physical strength without magic is… eh. She can lift heavy books and does some general normal stuff. Depending on what and how shes lifting shes stronger with some muscles than others. Now if you add that sweet sweet magic into her muscles she can pick up her 11ft charr lover Farren and chunky 6ft Uriah.
Might come back and add more. Maybe as a reblog or as a seperate post. I want to do the older generation’s: vytt, kytt, cruciata, and octavos as well as the next generation like quints cubs, muisis ans uriahs cubs, and tryphons cubs.
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fictionfixations · 4 months
angry ranting time
(i curse. a lot.)
hi. heres my reveal that i play magic awakened
about the story. can we talk about the fact that for some reason NO ONE BLINKS AN EYE at the use of the memory removal charm whatever the fuck??? like i havent been in this fandom for so long so i forgot a lot, but is it legal to just remove memories from people?? (lets not even talk about muggles…) like. okay. so the grandma removed the memory from her grandkid (traumatic memory). but she was so shit at it (she 'rushed' it so then ivy(? I FORGOT THE NAMES) had memory issues all the time and didnt even remember her SISTER??? HELLO?) like okay even if its 'legal' id have to assume youd need some sort of permit or whatever the fuck to be allowed to use it, and to be skilled at it too to not mess someone up. because memories are such an important part of you that taking them away has to be a crime!? (AND ITS NOT?? you can just ruin someones life and be like '…it was rushed' AND NO ONE BATS AN EYE? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!)
if ivy didn't actually disappear her sister (and it was the sister who disappeared herself by accident which made ivy think she did it) how the fuck did the quibbler end up talking about it? howd they even hear of it?? usually i support the quibbler and hate the daily prophet but like. seriously…? (if they learned it from law enforcement didnt the grandma explain that the sister did it to herself?! YOU FUCKING INCOMPETENT--) "Local Girl Make Sister Disappear to Keep Her Out of Hogwarts" HELLO? YOUR INFORMATION IS WRONG. YOU MF. HOW DARE YOU YOU DISAPPOINTMENT. (im. so pissed off.)
i forgot how much the fandom makes me so angry though because everyone in the storys kind of an idiot and huifsheiuf???? i want to SCREAM. (tldr; adults are still shit)
i thought ivy was kinda something like neville but it isnt that shes just forgetful, shes forgetful because her gRANDMA decided it was a good idea to MEMORY WIPE her. like. guys… the magic world needs like fucking therapists or some shit to talk this through instead of using super powerful spells to do whatever the fuck. (WHO thought it was a good idea to teach children [AT MAXIMUM AT 11 YEARS OLD. because Ivy's sister knew it BEFORE Ivy got her hogwarts letter.] the vanishing spell oh my god. oh wait. the grandma. BITCH.)
LIKe. SERIOUSLY??? it baffles me how things like this can just happen
ALSO there are still like dark wizards
and i mean yeah people are still gonna be evil but now theres ANOTHER evil oh my god (i know theres meant to be something to make the story interesting but im sobbing where the fuck are the adults to deal with this shit)
theres this thing called NOTME (wow. excellent naming skills.) that wants to reveal magic to the muggles by doing illegal things (okay well illegal things can be vague because just revealing it is illegal. but more like. think magical things in front of a crowd. ..which is very likely to lead to just utter panic because its so many.)
idk i didnt really pay attention because im just. tired at this point (harry potter has a way of doing that to me).
also one sad moment that gets an honorable mention. so you know george weasley? i think thats the twin that survived (i am SO bad with names)
we encounter him and he talks about pranking umbridge with his twin
and hes just saying 'we' and im thinking 'wait is he alive??' but no hes just. saying it (even if technically we probably dont know about his twins death so we might be confused) and it just
makes me sad. :(
also i forgot what i was meant to do here so im just kind of waiting for my doods to finish it since idk what im supposed to do
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(it passed onto 13 minutes and then something happened and i won?? IDFK i got so confused. ive gone to the bird but nothing happens and my attacks dont affect it so idk)
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maraschinotopped · 4 years
gamers ive somehow gotten a working towards in ict even though we’ve been doing nothing but excel spreadsheets for like 3 months???
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hello! I dont know if you still do requests, but ill ask just in case.
Can I ask for a tokyo revengers x gn! Reader? (pLEASE MAKE IT PLATONIC)
So basically, reader is this fearless, calm person. Reader isnt particularly strong or sporty nor are they good academically(is thag how u spell it)
Prompt : Reader is Mikey's and Baji's childhood friend.
Reader meets them again in coincidence and tries to cactch up and feels inferior due to their somewhat success? And then reader meets the other members.
Also bonus if mikey and baji is lowkey scared of reader
Thank you :]]
Of course I can do this!! I love the idea!
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy the end product! Also, I'm so sorry for how long it's taken me to get this out! 😭❤️
Mikey, Baji with childhood friend!reader (ft. Toman Captains, Vice Captains)
TW: mentions of feeling inferior, friendly violence (boys getting kicked)
There had always been a third. Every great group consisted of a trio, mainly two boys and a girl. And this was no exception.
When Mikey and Baji were young, learning at the Sano Dojo together, they had met a girl. This girl was decent at karate but not on their level. What had started out as teasing the small girl had quickly developed into a friendship. You were the one needed to reign these two boys back in.
You were not known for being strong like Mikey and Baji, and you weren't particularly academically smart. In fact, a word that would best describe you was average. You didn't excel in any area except maybe some people would call you cute. But you feared nothing, not even a fight against someone twice your size. You faced every challenge in your life with a calm mind and calmer attitude.
All throughout your childhood, you would follow the two boys around and cause chaos that only children could get away with. But eventually, you had stopped attending the Dojo. Next thing you knew, you were in middle school and had lost contact with the duo. It was heartbreaking when you thought about it. You were all so close but time had taken its toll on that friendship.
Years had passed since you had seen the two boys. In no time, you were a 3rd year at Mizo Middle and deciding what you wanted for your future. It was too early to come to a decision in your mind but your parents had insisted that the earlier you decided, the better.
School had ended and you were already planning on hanging out at the riverbank to clear your mind. After all, it was a Friday and your homework could wait for now. The walk to the destination was calm enough, having parted from your friends half way due to differing destinations.
Once you had reached the grassy bank, you threw your bag and settled yourself besides it, paying little to no attention to what was happening around you. If you were, you may have noticed a familiar pair of boys relaxing a little way from where you flopped down.
Mikey had noticed you first, asking his friend if he thought you looked familiar. Sure, it had been a couple years but you hadn't changed that much. Your hair was still the same except a little longer, your eyes still held that childlike wonder in them although it had been dulled, and the way your body positioned itself was the exact same. Baji looked over as well and almost instantly knew it was you. The missing part of their trio.
"Hey! Y/N!" Why was someone calling your name? Feeling a. little irritated that your peace was being disturbed, you glared over in the direction of where the voice had come from. However, once you caught sight of two familiar boys, the glare softened and a small smile tugged at your lips. It was them.
Baji and Mikey stood to their feet and made their way over to where you sat, grins pulling at both of their faces. All of you spoke about what had happened over the years. How you were attending Mizo Middle and knew of Takamichi and his small group of friends. Baji explained how he had been held back a year due to his grades but had met a boy named Chifuyu through it. And Mikey explained how he created Toman, a biker gang that consisted of 50 loyal members.
You couldn't help but feel inferior while you listen to the boys explain their lives. They were spending their youth as it should be, having fun and surrounded by people they care about. While you were simply floating through life, taking everything as it comes.
The boys expressed their desire for you to meet the rest of Toman, wanting to introduce you back into their lives. After all, it would be good to have the trio together again.
Mikey had decided to meet everyone at the park the next day. He had taken your number at the river bank so he simply text you the details along with everyone else. Thank God it was a Saturday so you had no obligations to school and the like.
Since you were meeting new people, you decided to at least dress up a bit. So a pair of jeans, a nice t-shirt and sneakers was your go to. Casual yet didn't look like you just rolled out of bed. Once ready, you checked the message again to confirm the location and time within your own mind.
It didn't take you long to reach the park. In fact, you were 10 minutes early so you decided to play a game on your phone to pass the time.
"Waiting long, Y/N?" The familiar voice of Mikey snatched your attention away from the mobile game. Shutting the game and shoving the device back into your pocket, you looked up to find a small group of boys with Mikey and Baji front and center. Once they reached you, the introductions began.
As the day went on, you all decided to sit in the field to properly talk. You sat besides Baji and a boy you now knew as Chifuyu. It was all going great, the conversation was flowing with very little awkward moments. That was until Mikey and Baji had brought up on thing.
"I remember when Y/N couldn't even land a kick properly!" Baji laughed, memories of his childhood friendship coming to light to the group. Mikey chuckled, seeming to also remember.
You couldn't believe that the boys had just said that in front of their friends. Sure, you had a time where you couldn't kick properly but you were new to Karate and hadn't spent as much time as them two practicing. Your gaze turned to the culprits, face calm yet eyes giving a warning that they ignored.
"You want to see how well I can kick now, huh?"
Mikey and Baji couldn't help to feel scared of your calm words. They had forgotten how scary you could get when provoked, obviously omitting that from their fond memories of you. Their facial expressions changed from amused to fearful as their own gazes moved to your face.
In no time, you were chasing the pair as they ran away from you, threats about how you would 'give them firsthand experience at how good you could kick'. Mikey and Baji, although scared of you, couldn't stop the laughter as memories from the past filled their minds. It would always end up like this.
The rest of Toman couldn't believe how scared their leader and First Division Captain was of you. Mikey, the boy who would take on anyone, was scared of a girl that wasn't even part of the gang life? And Baji as well? Chifuyu was the first one to laugh, followed quickly by the rest.
Having proved your point finally, the trio joined back with the group. Draken and the others had taken to teasing the boys over being scared of a kick but they didn't know just how hard it was. Baji and Mikey were wary of what they said from that point on.
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Welcome, Father...
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"Tell us, demon scum." The male agent grabbed the light from the female agent, shoving it in his face, "Who do you work for? Satan?"
"How did you get to our world from the afterlife?"
"Why are youse killing humans?"
"When did you show up here?"
The damned agents finally stoped passing the lights about, giving him a moment to adjust to the situation.
"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there, bitch." He snapped at the humans, "First of all, we just woke up from a very nasty shock and I'm still feeling fuckin' woozy, so I'm gonna request you fetch us some coffee before we get into this. I mean, everyone gets coffees in shitty movies with scenes like this, am I right? I want something iced, bitch." Looking over his shoulder, he asked his employee, "Mox?"
Raising his nose, Moxxie began, "I'll have a Neopolitan cappuccino, more cappu than cino, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup they always put "Foxy" or "Roxy", I hate that."
"If you can't handle that, I'll have a Venti traditional Misto. Please use soy milk with two blond shots Affogato and Ristretto. I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom. Then, add the coffee after, then-"
"Enough!" The male agent snapped, "We aren't getting youse coffee!"
"Wow, I was getting massive douche chills just there, Mox." He told him proudly, "Congrats!"
"If we have to, we are willing to resort to torture methods to get answers out of you nasty hell beasts!" The female agent failed to sound threatening.
"When you say "tortured", do you mean physical or psychological?" Moxxie asked in his typical know-it-all tone, "Physical seems counterproductive; we would likely tell you anything if it meant an end to the pain, and you have no way of knowing what was true." He spouted at the humans.
"Or we might like it too much." He but in, "And then you got a whole new thing to deal with."
The male agent leaned down, raising a bore "What do you mean by that?"
"Oh, you're stupid, huh? I can work with stupid. Daddy Likey Dummy!" Blitzø taunted the agent.
"Good one sir, Daddy likey-" Moxxie sputtered, squirming in his chair.
"You better stop laughin' at us." The female agent threatened.
"Yeah! You're the ones at our mercy!" The male agent yelled at him, grabbing his collar
"It's hard to resist, I'm really sorry. I mean, considering your approach thus far, you've had us tied up here for what, hours?" Mox cut in, "And you haven’t even had us confirm what exactly we are!" Moxxie mocked the agents like the nerd he was.
"What are you?" The female agent asked, a curious tone coming to the females voice.
"I'm a Virgo." Moxxie told her, smugness dripping from his voice.
Both Imps burst into laughter, the agents only getting more frustrated.
Just as the male agent was gonna snap at them, the door to the room suddenly swung open.
An unnatural amount 9f light poured into the room, blinding them all for a brief moment. Once there eyes adjust, they found a silhouette standing in the doorway.
They were dressed in black, looking up a distinct shine came from his eyes, the figure wearing glasses.
Walking into the room, the figure spoke, "The question isn't what they are? The question is why there here?" He spoke cryptically.
Stepping closer the male agent came to meet the stranger halfway, "Who da Hell ah' you and how'd you get in here?" The male agent demanded.
Raising his gaze the stranger wore a smile.
The agent noticeably reacted. Stumbling back "F-f-f-father Cain... W-what are you's doin here?" He sputtered.
This 'father' just smile at him, "My associates informed me you acquired two new specimens." He looked at him, "I've come to process them." He spoke menacingly.
Father cain looked over the agents shoulder, gazing at him and Moxxie. "Excellent job My child. I always knew my faith was well placed." The father told the agent, patting his shoulder.
The agent seemed taken aback, "Th-thank you Sir." He spoke, a lone tear sliding down his cheek.
"Father Cain?" The female agent asked, walking up to 'father' Cain. "Last I heard you were down at some beach on Spring break."
Smiling at the pair, father cain raised a finger, "Ive no time for such hedonistic pleasures. Not while the Lords work is to be done" He said happily.
"Now" He began cheerfully "I need a table if I am to do my work." He spoke firmly, raising a medium sized doctors bag, that seemed to appear from nowhere.
The male agent snapped to attention, quickly running about before rushing into the back room.
Walking forwards, Father Cain removed his glasses, staring down at him. "My, my, my, they certainly did a good job. Quite a pair of specimens you have here." He spoke to himself.
Raising a brow, Blitzø wore a little grin. "Oh yeah? You should see my junk, now thats a specimen." He spoke in his usual cocky tone.
'Father' Cain just smiled, slowly walking around to Moxxie inspecting him as well. "And unharmed, very impressive." The 'Father' told the female agent.
A moment later, the male agent returned, awkwardly dragging in a large wooden table. Dropping it down, he gave a few deep puffs, "There ya go 'Fatha', will this do?"
'Father' Cain smiled told him, gratefully telling him "That will do perfectly, thank you my child."
Walking over, the 'Father' placed his bag down before opening it and pulling out a myriad of odd and strange objects.
There was a series of shiny items and tools. Although a small wooden case caught his attention, the Imp couldn't help but think it didn't belong.
"Hey, uh, you guys seem pretty chummy and we'd hate to be a third wheel, so we'd be happy to leave you to it." He cut in smugly, hoping to get a rise from one of them.
And that he did, the male agent trying to snap at him, only to be tempered by this 'Father' Cain
Calming down, the male agent asked, "What did you mean, when you came in Sit. That it's not "What they are, it's why there here?'"
Smiling, Father Cain patted his shoulder, "I'm glad you caught that, I always knew you were sharp."
He smoke warmly, "I said that because, simply put. I know what they are. They are Imps." He said it simply.
That actually surprised him, even Moxxie reacted, releasing the slightest gasp.
Looking over the father just had a eerie smile, clearly happy with there reaction.
Both agents looked confused, "Imps?" They asked each other.
The father released a deep sigh, "Yes, Imps. Imps are the very lowest of the low in hell, as well as the lowest of the Hellbornes, or Hellspawn, I can never seem to remember which is the proper term."
Walking over, Father Cain placed a finger under his chin, raising his head to meet his gaze. "Your responsible for the death of a two hundred and sixty three humans." He told him coldly.
"Yeah, but I wanna know is why?" The female agent asked, "If they were just killing humans for shits and giggles, why not just kill wherever and whenever?" She asked.
Nodding his head, "Because..." Father Cain stood up, "They do serve a higher demon, but not Satan."
Standing up, the 'Father' walked to his bag, pulling a yellow folder out. "They've killed hundreds, and the only thing that connects them...? Death."
There was another pause, before he spoke again, "But not there deaths. Each person they've killed has had someone directly related to there lives die in the past decade."
Walking over to the Imps, the 'Father' showed them a series of pictures. Blitzø recognised them... they were targets they'd killed.
"There not killing them for a demon lord, there killing them for other human souls. I imagine with a the ability to travel to the human world, you've turned revenge into a buisness." He said simply, tossing the pictures to the side.
Crouching down, the 'Father' stared at him coldly before asking "Who's book did you use to get here, Demon?"
Blitzø stared back at him, the Imp doing his best to keep calm. But he could tell this human was clearly more dangerous than the other two idiot 'demon hunters'.
Standing up, 'Father' Cain told the other agents coldly, "Leave us. Remove any cameras. I dont want any sort of witness."
"What?" The female agent asked aghast, "We caught these 'Imps' there our score and we'll be interrogating them." She snapped at the 'Father', only for the the father to calmly stare at her.
Before he could speak, the male agent grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her out of the room he spoke hastily "P-please forgive her, Sir. She doesn't fully understand the importance of your work."
The female agent put a fight, but was quickly pulled out of the room, slamming it behind him.
Now with just the three of them, 'Father' Cain removed his glasses before placing them on the table.
Stretching his neck, he removed the white collar piece at the front of his shirt, placing it in his coat pocket.
"Now" he began coldly "shall we begin the fun?"
Turning around, Blitzø decided now was a good time to speak up. "Fun, aye? What kinda fun we talkin. Shots, blow, maybe a good old fashioned threesome?" He asked, hoping to get under this 'Father' Cain's skin.
He was surprised, however, when the 'Father' just laughed, glancing over his shoulder at him.
"Your tricks won't work on me demon. I'm used to your tricks by now." He spoke happily, grabbing a small gun like object. Placing that down, he inspected a series of bottles.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Blitzø spoke up. "You clearly know more us then those dumbass agent dickwads did, so... what's your game?" He asked, trying to be serious.
The human stopped for a moment, looking over his shoulder, he spoke up, "I know much about you. For instance, your the other Imps boss, hence he calls you Sir." He spoke coyly, still inspecting the myriad of items he'd brought.
"I also know you've killed people on three different continants, although I wonder how many you came up to kill specifically and how many were collateral." He spoke again.
Turning around he held a small bottle, walking forwards he leaned over Blitzø "I also know you can only get to the living world if your a succubus, a demon lord, or... you have a Grimoire."
Blitzø chuckled, "What is that some kinda fish?" He asked, trying to play dumb.
The 'Father' chuckled, shaking his head, "Besides how do you know I'm not a succubus, I can hold my own in the sack." He spoke smugly.
The 'Father' stared at him, an eerie smile crossing his lips.
"You want to know how i know what you are?" He asked coldly, cold eyes sending a shiver down his spine and not in the good way.
Before he could ask what I was, the father reach forwards, ripping a hole in his pants leg. "What the fuck?!" He yelled at him, "These are my good pants!"
Not minding him, the 'Father' removed a second bottle. "This" He showed him a small blue bottle, "Is poisen to Succubus." He said simply, opening the bottle and revealing an eye dropper, dropping two little droplets on his leg.
Nothing happened, the cool liquid sliding down and observing into his pant leg. Putting the bottle away He showed the original brown bottle, "This... is for Imps." He said simply.
Opening the bottle, it revealed another eye drop, holding it over his thigh, he dropped a single drop on his leg.
This time his whole body reacted, he pulled against his bindings as he released a blood curdling screech.
It felt like someone was jamming a molten hot poker into his thigh. It went on for minutes, the Imp whining in pain. "What the fuck do you want you sick fuck?!" Blitzø yelled at him.
A small smile crossed the 'Father's' lips before he stood up and told him "I want to show you something."
Walking over to the table, he grabbed that wooden case before bringing it over to the Imps.
Crouching down besides the both of them, he told the both of them "These are my most prized possessions." He spoke warmly, running his hand across the wooden case.
"What'cha got there? Ya dildo collection?" He tried to sound smug, though the Imp was still writhing in pain.
He heard moxxie tried to laugh, but it died in his throat, the smaller Imp still terrified by his boss's earlier reaction.
Opening the case, he revealed several colourful arrow heads, each one varying in size, shape and colour.
It took a long time, the imp looking over the arrow heads before he realised, 'Those aren't arrow heads... there demon tails.'
"Fuck..." Blitzø gasped, he heard Moxxie sputter out a similar cuss, just as scared behind him.
The 'Father' on the other hand, seemed quite proud, gently trailing his fingers across the tail heads.
"These are my life's work" He spoke calmly, "I've dedicated my life to hunting demons like you." He trailed his fingers across the tails, "Most of these are from Succubus. They can come and go from my world to yours the easiest, so most of the demons we find are Succubus."
He pointed to two crimson tail tips, "But these two... these two are special."
Leaning in, he spoke gently "These two... are from Imps." The revelation seemed to bring bile into the back of Blitzøs throat.
"Jesus..." moxxie said shakily, turning his head and throwing up.
Blitzø took a deep breath, doing his best not to throw up. Looking back at the human he found him holding up a tail head.
"This one" he told him, twirling it between his fingers, "I got at a little beach city. The city getting my attention after a giant demonic fish had popped up. Sound familiar." He asked with a smirk.
"Unfortunately most of them had used there demonic charm to escaped the police before I arrived... key word being, 'most'." He told him, turning his attention back on the tail head.
"I got this one from a succubus. She hid herself as a chubby little black woman. She played dumb, just like you, and much like you she was cocky and ignorant." Placing the tail tip into the container, he said coldly, "But now..."
He left the question open, clearly trying get in there heads. The problem being... it was working.
Standing up the human didn't speak for several long moments, before he placed the case on Blitzøs lap, gently telling him "Hold this"
Blitzø's whole body froze up, a deep sickness growing in his stomach as he felt the cool wooden case on his lap.
The human walked over to the mirror Blitzø only just noticed. The human stared at it for a long moment, the silence in the room becoming palpable.
Until the silence was dashed when the 'Father' smashed his arm through the mirror, before throwing his body back smashing the male agent through the mirror and slamming him into the wall.
Looking at his slumped form, 'Father Cain turned back to the now broken mirror, finding the terrified female agent standing there.
Releasing a deep sigh, the 'father' began climbing in through the now broken double sided mirror.
"It was your doing, wasn't it?" He asked, "I said I needed no witnesses, but you always did hold him back. What a waste of potential." The 'Father' told her, before grabbing her and dragging her through the window.
Bringing her to her knees, he grasped the sides of her head.
The woman desperately clawing at his arms. The female agent releasing a desperate cry for mercy as he began crushing her head.
Blood began trailing from her eyes and nose, crying out until her head splattered between his hands, sending a splatter of bone and brain matter across his face.
Dropping her now destroyed head, he realised it, the now sludge like head hit the ground with a wet splat.
Before the 'Father' flicked his hands, looked back at the Imps, "What the fuck are you?!" Blitzø yelled at him.
The human only smiled, walking over, he gently grabbed the wooden case before walking back over and placing it on the table.
Walking over to the now collapsed male agent, he placed his foot on the side of his head. "I... am alpha and Omega." He said coldly, staring him right in the eyes before crushing the other agents head beneath his foot.
Walking back to the table, he grabbed a red cloth, wiping his face before placing on his glasses he turned to the two Imps.
"Oh Satan... Oh, Satan please, please help me" Moxxie begged, clearly losing his shit. "Please just let me see Millie one last time, I don't want to die."
Before Blitzø could snap at his limp dick employee for showing weakness, the roof began to rumble, bit suddenly gave way, Millie falling through carrying a battle axe.
"MILLIE!!!" Moxxie practically cried, tears of joy beading in his eyes.
"MOX!" Millie cried back, rushing over and getting them out of ther bindings.
Just after that Loona broke through the door, Blitzø taking a moment to tell her how proud he was to see her in the field.
Now all free and together they turned to the 'Father', finding him still very much cool and collected, the sight sending a bone chilling shiver down his spine.
"Just in time" The human spoke, seemingly happy at the outcome "Its so good to see a family reunited."
"Now I imagine one of you have my Grimoire?" He asked inspecting his fingers. "Give it to me and I'll let you leave."
Now it was Blitzøs turn to chuckle, "Nah, I don't think so." He spoke cockily, reaching into his emergency pack for a gun.
The 'Father' just chuckled again, standing up straight he snapped his finger. And like it were choreographed, dozens of suit wearing humans burst into the room.
"Gentlemen!" He addressed them "These demonic scum have killed your commanders. And they shall do it again and again and again, until you send them back to hell." He told them, stepping into the back room.
The fight after that was one of the best Blitzø had ever had, although it would have been even better if he didn't have this injured leg.
Regardless, the whole thing was so bad ass and everyone was working together so well. He even got to see his Loony kick some ass.
Firing a missle, from his over sized launcher, he cleared what was left of the agents.
He'd though that was it, there weren't anybody left to stop them.
He was wrong.
The lights to switch to red, an alarm start blaring through the facility.
They all made for the door, only for a series of doors to slam in there face, locking them in the room.
His Loony tried desperately to read the book, but couldn't see anything in the crimson light that filled the room
It was then he heard a slow clapping, all of them turning to find the 'Father' giving them a condescending clap.
"Well done, Hellspawn, Well done. You've killed all the witnesses, depleted your ammunition and now I know you can't read the Grimoire in crimson light. Well done."
Standing before them, even outnumbered and unharmed, the 'Father' seemed to hold total control of the situation.
Before he could think of something any, all the air seemed to such out of the room, demonic whispers filling the room like shadows.
"You dare threaten my Impish little plaything~" the whispers spoke.
He knew this voice, but like his friends and family, he chose not to speak, too caught up in the moment.
Screens flew off the wall, avian footprints trailed across the floor. The bodies of the dead agents rose to there feet, eyes black as they began the intricate process of drawing some demonic symbol from there own blood.
Stepping back the 'Fther' looked about, before smiling, "Finally" He whispered, pulling out a flask and began chugging it.
Shadows seemed to slither like a million black snakes crawled across the floor, disappearing at the 'Fathers' feet.
There was a long pause before the human bent over and violently projectile vomited, throwing up what seemed like gallons of black liquid from his mouth.
The vomiting stopped, the human standing back up.
The back liquid slowly pulled itself to gathering, slowly morphing into a figure.
The black tar slowly formed into feathers, limbs and fingers, a set of crimson eyes appearing in the black goo.
The figure appeared to be Stolas. But this was not the elegant demon lord of hell.
This being was a wretched, wounded animal, covered in filth.
The 'Father' just wiped his mouth, that cold gaze returning to his eyes. Stepping forwards he grabbed Stolas by the filthy collar, staring him down.
The owl demon was a sputtering mess, coughing up black liquids as he tried to breathproperly.
The owl looked up at him.
And for the very first time in wjat was likely a millennia of existence, Stolas looked Terrified.
Not scared.
Grabbing at the arms of the human, the Prince of Hell sputtered out, "W-what are you?"
The human stopped, looking down at the owl, leaning down and whispered, "I am the beginning... and i am the end..."
The owl just stared up at him in horror, the humans hand coming to wrap around his throat, the demon feebly attempting to break free from his grasp.
There was a long moment where the only sound in the room was the prince's pitiful wheezing, frail little cries coming from the owl as the life was squeezed out of him.
The sounds were seemingly corked by a wet smack ringing out.
Blitzø had taken one of the agents weapons, a large knife and had impaled the 'Human' through the lower stomach.
There was a long moment of silence, before the 'human' slowly turned to look at him with that same cold gaze.
Without releasing Stolas, he pulled his arm back and smacked Blitzø, sending him sliding back to his friends.
Reaching down, he grabbed the knife, yanking it out of his back without hesitation.
Nothing came from his wound, and when pulling the knife out, no blood stained it's blade.
With knife in hand, he released the owl, letting his pathetic form hit the ground, the owl desperately gasping for breath.
Leaning down, you grasped Stolas' wrist, the owl releasing a pathetic little gasp of pain, followed by a frail little whimper as the 'Human' slid the blade across his wrist.
But what came next left them all shocked.
Bringing his wrist to his mouth, he pressed his mouth down before greedily suckling the foul blood straight from his veins.
He drank down the demons fowl blood, not making a sound cept the muscles of his throat contracting to push the fowl liquid down his throat.
The demons black blood flowed down his throat. Every demon in the room just watched, to shocked to think and to fearful to do anything as you had your way with the Prince.
After a few minutes of the 'Father' drinking the demons blood, he finally released the demons wrist. The owl quickly clutching his wrist to his chest as he desperately clawing to get away from the 'human'.
The 'Father' stood there, panting as a demons black blood stained his lips.
When he finally opened his eyes, they held a Unholy glint to them.
Wiping his lips he walked forwards, calmly packing what few items had survived the fighting into his bag before Putting on his glasses and placing the small white band into his shirt collar.
Walking past the now cowering demon Prince, he leaned over and pressed one of the buttons on the dashboard, instantly the lights returned to normal.
Stepping before the group they awaited some sort of attack, or threat, what they got instead was a single phrase "Excuse me."
He said it so simply, each hellborne took a moment to make sure they'd heard correctly.
Each of them just stared for a moment before Millie spoke up, "What?"
The human raised a brow, lowering his glasses he asked again, this time his voice cold, threateningly cold, "Excuse me."
The demons awkwardly stepped to the side, giving him a clear path to walk.
Walking past them he gave them a slight nod, "Thank you."
The demons were all in shock, silently watching the 'human' walk away from them.
"That's it?" Blitzø asked before he could stop himself, quickly slamming his hands to his mouth.
The 'Father' stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder, he smiled, "Kill you later." He told them playfully, lowering his glasses and giving them a wink.
He walked away, the eerie sound of his shoes on cold tile floors permanently burned into there memory.
Hey Hey, I hope you enjoyed. I really wanted to try something a bit different. I had the idea for this in my head since episode 6 came out and I just really like the idea of an unknown entity showing up with either motive or intentions clear to anyone.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, I really wanna start writing more of my own original ideas, so expect more content in the future. Bye Bye.
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enchantedblackrose · 3 years
All the Pieces Pt 3
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Gif not mine. Full credit to the owner. Taken from Google Images
All the Pieces
Sirius Black/Fem Reader
Warnings: unedited, mild language, alcohol consumption, brief mentions of underage drinking, small mention of bullying. Lengthy author's notes at the end. Also this was a huge PIA to write so hopefully it doesn't read too disconnected
Part 1|| Part 2|| Part 4|| Part 5
Part 3 of ?
When you touch me gently I remember how you know And the sun shines rings around your smile And I'm here laughing like a child -Pieces, Dan Powell
If it was any other person on your doorstep, you'd probably berate them for inducing that almost heart attack you just experienced. Instead you grab the familiar face by the sleeve of his worn jacket, pulling him into your living room.
"I could deck you, Remus John Lupin. I thought someone came for him. Ugh. Come here." Your arms wrap  around him for a tight hug, which he returns. "He's here, Remus. He's safe." You feel Remus let out a deep sigh of relief. Pulling away, you look at him with gentle scrutiny, knowing what a toll last night took on him. "You look awful. Did you walk far? You should've told me you were coming. I could have met you."
Remus shakes his head. "I caught a train and apparated most of the way."
"Stop fussing over him, y/n. Let the poor man get past the door."  Sirius's teasing voice calls out from behind you; no doubt his canine ears allowed him to hear the familiar voice even through the closed bedroom door and knew it was safe to come down.
The two men embrace; this encounter being much more relaxed than their last. No Peter, no warranted need for revenge, no threat of execution.
As you all stand in your living room, a haunting thought hits you: you three are it, the last of your true friends. Peter is the traitor. You suppress a shudder, swearing to make the most of this moment.
"You know," you say with a grin, "I happen to have a large bottle of firewhisky. Fancy a drink, boys?" Sirius's grin mirrors your own. Remus has a small tentative smile, but it's all the encouragement you need to send you to the kitchen to fetch the bottle.
The small, quaint kitchen appears even smaller with the disregarded dishes from breakfast still sitting out on your table. The sight causes a small frown to appear on your face. All the rest of the morning and most of your afternoon had been lost to the unplanned nap with Sirius. You fill your sink with soap and hot water. A few flicks of your wand and your dirty dishes are submerged in the water, scrubbed, and rinsed. The process begins again as now clean plates make their way to the drying rack, which is concerning because you dont believe you cast a spell for that. Confused, you turn to see Remus in the kitchen. He winks and wordlessly reaches your top cabinet without so much of a stretch to retrieve the bottle of firewhisky. You follow him back to the livingroom, toting three glasses.
"Cheers to freedom," you say once everyone has a full glass, "and to being reunited with old friends."
"You hear that, Remus? She thinks we're old." You roll your eyes good naturedly. Remus rests a hand on Sirius's shoulder, giving it a brotherly pat. "We are old," he says simply, before all three of you raise your glasses to your lips, sipping at the burning liquid. You each settle comfortably in your living room. Remus sits in the armchair, leaving the overstuffed couch for Sirius and you. You sit at an end, while he opts for the middle seat, but in a respectable distance of your space. The bottle of alcohol sits in arms reached on the coffee table.
"I thought you swore off this stuff y/n." Remus says with a twinkle in his eye as he takes another drink from his glass. "You know, considering your history with it.." You groan and Sirius throws his head back in laughter.
"I almost forgot," Sirius says breathlessly from laughing. "Was that seventh year?"
"Sixth. Just before we got together. I suppose I was trying to impress you," you tell him.
"You matched me drink for drink that night."
"Which was mad seeing how I never had a drink before. I spent all next morning and afternoon in bed, throwing up. It was awful."
"You're forgetting the best part," Remus interjects.
"Dancing on top of that old table in the Shrieking Shack, singing the chorus of "Rock and Roll all Nite" at the top of my lungs was far from the best part. I only wish I could forget it."
"That wasn't singing, love. More like cats dying," Sirius quips while he and Remus laugh. You say nothing, well aware how accurate the description fits. You take a long drink from your glass.
"Yes, well as, uh, entertaining as that moment was, I wasn't referring to it," says Remus. You look at him questioningly. "Have you forgotten sneaking into the Slytherin boys' dorm, stealing all their robes, turning them hot pink, changing the crest to a mountain troll, and then returning them to the dorm?"
"Oh,  Merlin. That was the same night wasn't it? James had never been so keen on lending me his invisibility cloak until I concocted that plan!" The two men laugh and you join in.
"You know most of my other friends thought I was strange for being into muggle music." You say as the laughter dies down.
"Lily shouldn't have?" Sirius asks after he swallows his drink.
"No. You're forgetting Lily and I weren't friends first. We didn't really talk or hang out until she and James started dating."
"That's right. I forgot. I remember the two of you constantly together."
"Because we bonded over you two idiots. Prior to that, she never came out and said it, but I think she thought I was daft hanging around you lot most of the time. The other girls were more forgiving, but they had crushes on you all." You give a careless shrug. It was no secret how sought after the boys had been in their schooldays.
"I never quite understood how you became friends with us," Remus says.
"It was easy with you. You were so nice, calm, dependable, and not obnoxious. Peter…" you pause, choosing words carefully, not wanting present feelings to influence memories. "He was quiet and lonely. Pretty much agreeable. Again, easy. James and Sirius? I was determined to never speak to either after that boat ride our first night."
"We saved your life that night!" Sirius interjects.
"You two were the reason it needed saving! Standing up in a fucking boat because you two saw whatever in the lake. James knocking me overboard in the process."
"It was a giant squid and we rescued you."
You roll your eyes. "I was drenched, freezing and completely mortified. And as apologetic as James was, he kept calling me the wrong name." You all laugh. 
"It wasn't until second year that I thought they might be okay. We had already become friends," you say looking at Remus. "I missed about a week of classes due to acute bronchitis. You spent time with me afterwards, helping me catch up. When you missed later that month, I was ready to return the favor."
Remus nods, remembering the time fondly. "You were an excellent note taker. Much better than the other three."
"Did you even take notes?" You ask with a playful glance to Sirius.
"In second year? Probably not." He grins ever so cheekily. You shake your head, but are smiling.
"So we became friends and you befriended James and Sirius by default?" Remus muses.
Sirius feigns hurt. "Are you implying we were some sort of consolation prize?"
"Actually," you interject, "They saved me once again. A group of four older boys were harassing me, just dumb taunts and knocking my books out from my hands. They came right over, not caring about being outnumbered. Got the gits to leave me alone. James finally learned my name and I realized Potter and Black weren't so awful after all."
"Those guys were jerks. It didn't sit well with us to see anyone bullied like that."
"Unless of course it was Snape," you counter.
"That was different," Sirius's free hand clenches into a fist as he takes a hard drink.
Remus is quick to change the subject. "Do you still have that remembrall?"
"The one we enchanted to go red only for James? Mhm! It's at my flat in the city."
"Do you mean our flat?" Sirius asks.
Your smile falters. "No. Sirius. I got a different place. After…everything. It was too hard."
A deafening silence falls. Each of you taking long sips from your glasses.
"Oh!" You jump up suddenly, which given your somewhat inebriated state is not the brightest idea. You stumble slightly, but Sirius steadies you, grabbing you by your hips. His fingers linger and your eyes meet. You lose yourself; for a moment you're sixteen again and his touch is more intoxicating than the alcohol. His gaze tells you he feels the same.
Remus clears his throat loudly before taking a drink from his glass.
"Thanks," you mumble, setting your glass on the table.
Sirius releases you from his grasp, though you still feel the ghost of his touch. "'Tis no trouble, darling." You sense his eyes on you as you disappear from the room, heading upstairs. Your head is buzzing, but you blame that on the alcohol…
You return downstairs to the living room, the fetched item tucked securely out of sight under your arm, and find the boys, men talking with easy smiles. It makes you so happy to witness and spend this time together. Your presence has their full attention.
"Follow me, please." You fill your glass with more firewhisky. Sirius mimics the gesture and offers Remus a refill, but he just shakes his head no and silently indicates to the liquid still in his glass. You grab your wand and lead your little group outside to the backyard. The sun sits low in the west, the sky becoming more plum and black than pink and gold. Buckbeak sits on the ground near your shed, one wing tucked over its head.
You hand Sirius your wand and then produce his prisoner robes. He laughs and even Remus looks as if he approves. Sirius waves your wand and the dingy, tattered garment is set ablaze. 
After a while, you all make your way back inside. You prepare a light dinner and the eating and drinking continue with more laughs and shared memories. Hours pass. The contents of the bottle nearly drained signal the night coming to an end.
"I'm one drink away from dancing on tabletops and singing, or, screeching some A-ha, or something equally as embarrassing." you laugh. "I'm going to bed. Remus, I offered Sirius your room, but you're welcome to the couch. There are blankets and pillows in the hall closet." 
"Thank you, y/n. But I should be going."
"What? No. Stay. I insist. I need to see your bemused face sipping tea when I come downstairs with a bloody hangover and you're just fine."
Remus grins. "I hate depriving you both of such a moment, but I have an appointment tomorrow morning. I've already rented a room." You frown but don't press the issue any more. "Though if you don't mind, I thought I'd travel by floo."
"Of course. Help yourself. Powder is on the mantle." You hug him close and kiss his cheek. You excuse yourself, giving the other two time to say goodbye.
As you head for the bathroom, you pause hearing their low voices.
"I'm so sorry, old friend, for believing you... betrayed them. I should have known better. I-"
"There's nothing to forgive. I doubted you, too. The war made us all fear the worst.."
Mentally, you chastise yourself for eavesdropping and begin washing your face.
Sirius has made his way upstairs. In passing his room, you say goodnight. You're about to close the door to your bedroom when he calls your name and you turn to see him stepping towards you. Without warning his lips crash down on yours. Your fingers intertwine in his dark curls at the nape of his neck as you let the kiss deepen. His hands grip your waist and he hoists you up off your feet with little effort just as he did many times all those years ago. Your legs wrap themselves around his waist as he carries you to your bed. He drops you gently and only breaks the kiss to look at you. Still hovering over you, his gray eyes search your face for the answer to an unasked question. You nod in response, but he continues to gaze at you longing to hear you say it.
"I want you."
A slow breath of relief leaves him and his mouth finds its way back to yours. 
The night ends with two former lovers once again completely losing themselves in a perfect moment.
There's an unspoken understanding that the night you and Sirius shared together was more than a drunken hookup after a long night of reminiscing. But you don't repeat the night, though you share your bed with him. Nights are hard for him. Sleep doesn't always come easy and he often wakes in the middle of the night screaming, or panicked with sweat pouring off his body. But your presence brings him a comfort he can't otherwise achieve. And so, you spend your night together in your bed. Sleeping.
As days turn into weeks, a comfortable routine has set. Remus visits about once a week. Surprisingly, Sirius has taken to caring for your garden. You go into town as needed and you and Sirius cook dinner together most nights. Buckbeak, now known as Witherwings per a letter from Hagrid that reached Sirius, roams your yard freely, occasionally taking flight in the safety of the countryside night skies, always returning by daybreak. As precautions for the hippogriff and Sirius you casted Protego totalum over the cottage and yards. 
During this time together, Sirius learns how you took over your parents' shop*, how you've taken on a promising young woman who mostly looks after it, leaving you to spend more time here at the cottage, which also belonged to your parents. With tears in your eyes, you told him how they died months apart just over two years ago. He comforted you, remembering them both fondly and told you they'd be proud of you.
The day is still young when you tell him you have to go to the shop to take inventory. Before you leave you call out to him.
"Since it looks like rain, can you please go through some of your things in the attic?"
"Yes, dear," he uses the term mockingly and you playfully glare back at him.
"Try not to burn the place down while I'm gone." With that, you close the door behind you.
It's late afternoon when you return home. Sirius is waiting for you. A midnight blue box in his hand.
"Will you marry me, y/n?"
*a/n: I kept this vague so you can imagine a shop that fits your personality/likes/whatever. I'll only specify this later if needed for storylines. I wanted something where you could be allotted time off easily. Personally I imagine maybe an apothecary? Or maybe an antique shop. What about you?
2: I'm thinking of writing a prequel? More like blurbs, highlighting moments between you and Sirius. But I need to know what you want to read. First engagement? First kiss? When Sirius realizes he's in love? Time at Hogwarts? Post Hogwarts but pre Azkaban?
Taglist <3:  @oingo233 @marimorena06 @medalloway-blog
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life is fleeting and i realize i may never be able to share the stories i want to as fully fleshed out fiction. but thats ok cause im fine with essay length rambling text posts. so how about some belala lore indulgence :-)
part 1 of ???
some background: belalas spent like, basically her whole life studying to be a chirurgeon. while she excelled in the medical side of the field, her ability to weave healing spells left something to be desired. after learning everything she possibly could at whatever far flung outpost she'd been at, its guildmaster realized the help she needed was simply beyond what he could offer. so he sends her off to where he originally learned his craft, gridania
upon arriving and meeting with e-sumi-yan she immediately gets tasked with the tall order of assisting with the cleansing of the recently-ish-unearthed ruins of amdapor. of course, she wasnt to do it alone, as the guild leader had the foresight to seek help from a band of "incredibly trustworthy adventurers". three guesses at their identities.
sasabe had been approached by the serpent commander i-forgot-his-name while doing business at the adders' nest, asking if she was interested in assisting a newly arrived conjurer with some great arduous task. she accepts, and invites bonana and oranje to help too
so a black mage, a dark knight and a samurai walk into the stillglade fane. this happens during late stormblood, by the way. bonana, upon realizing who theyre helping, is just 100% completely absolutely stunned. to make it worse, she doesnt seem to recognize him (remember, she hasnt seen him since he was still a kid), so he decides to play the cool and stoic act and leave the talking to the other two while he internally panics
its a long, awkward trip down to the south shroud. belala did happen to recognize sasabe as "the girl at the tea shop" that befriended her sister. it prompted her to share quite a few embarrassing stories about said sister, that perhaps he didnt want sas to know about. just as well, belala also spent some time poking and prodding at him a bit, wondering why he seemed to regard her so strangely. but before he caved in to her pouting, they arrived at the entrance to the lost city.
there, they meet a serpent officer casually leaned against the wall, a mighty weird lance upon his back, his collar so high you could fit a number of puppies in it. he proclaims he was sent by brother e-sumi-yan to oversee them to their task, and guide them if need be. a dungeon, basically, theyre doing a dungeon. not lost city though. lets call it ummmmm....the dreamer's assay. sure
the first part is underground where ancient aqueducts flow into a cistern. but after decades upon centuries of being clogged, the areas grown stagnant with mold and decay, the creatures that roam it just as rancid. immediately belala is overwhelmed by the assault on her senses, while the others dont seem nearly as bothered. after assuring shes ok bonana charges ahead, but not too fast cause hes not quite certain of her capabilities yet.
at the end of their path they find an enormous croc infected with all manner of fungi and parasites. not a regular crocodile mind, one of those fucked up hairy ones with the face that splits open
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after an intense boss fight the beast is laid to rest, and belala senses a change in the area. grabbing at that feeling, she channels aether through her staff and cleanses the stagnant waters of its taint. as it flowed freely again, she swears she saw someone standing at the other side, leading them onwards
the second part...i havent actually solidified. all ive got is its like a bunch of spiderwebs over a chasm, with a big ol' spider boss at the end. belala cleanses the wind, and she sees the ghost again, taking them even further downwards.
the THIRD area is some kind of sanctum, clearly somewhere important back in its glory days. however, it appeared to have a growing voidsent problem, the fiends forcing themselves to manifest within the power-laden statues adorning the place. after dealing with the infestation, the group comes across a very large, very important and imposing-looking statue, in similar appearance to kuribu. but instead of a faceted red jewel imbedded in its chest, this one was a smooth, pure white.
the serpent officer steps forward, shoving belala out of the way to reveal his ulterior motives. for he was never a real officer, but a black mage of ancient mhach...whose corpse had been roused into undeath by a rather ambitious voidsent. her plans laid bare, she makes her move to inhabit the statue just as it began to stir.
however, she couldnt possess it completely, becoming instead an abomination of marbled stone and twisted flesh, its wings breaking and giving way to a mass of writhing tendrils. the point is its very scary and gross and belala is 100% freaking out cause she has never seen anything like this before. queue final boss music
belala manages to gather herself as the other three make quick work of the fiend. everything goes fairly smooth, until the field is obscured in a cloud of darkness, the voidsent catching all of them unaware in the grasp of her tentacles. with quick thinking bonana shields his sister from the brunt of the attack as theyre grabbed together, afterwards wiggling one his arms loose to protect her with a powerful barrier (blackest night babyyy).
suddenly the conjurer finds herself all alone, that horrible creature gloating as it loomed over her. digging deep to find the courage within herself, she raises her staff and calls out to the stone still clinging on, and the white crystal resonated with her pleas. the statue collapses in on itself, crushing the voidsent within, as a wave of white, holy light bursts out, utterly destroying whatever remnants of it were left.
with victory secured, she rushes to aid the others recovery. none worse for the wear, sasabe starts looking through the rubble of the once-glorious statue. within it she finds the selfsame stone that had been embedded in its chest, completely smooth, save for a single symbol carved into its surface. the soul of a white mage.
she hands it off to belala and upon holding it, she sees the same small ghostly figure clad in white and crimson. this time, however, they take off the hood...revealing a face eerily similar to her own. holding up a finger in a hushing motion, the phantom dissipates, leaving the band to make their way back to gridania.
upon returning belala shows the soul crystal to the guildmaster, and he smiles and congratulates her, revealing the journey had been a deliberate test. it turns out the padjal had already known about its resting place as the ruins were explored, but was asked by the elementals not to disturb it. he was told to wait for the right moment in which a rightful successor would step forward and claim it. reluctantly she accepts, still feeling as if she hadnt quite earned it.
but before she can ruminate on it bonana asks to talk with her alone outside, except its not really a talk he just kind of awkwardly takes off his helmet to reveal his identity. belala is rightfully shocked, wondering why he didnt say so sooner. as it turns out, he didnt because he believed she'd been in cahoots with their mother, as he had seen letter written between them, and knew that she was the one who'd been pressing for him to leave home and study medicine just like she did (the thing that drove him to run away)
belala tries to assuage him and explains the reason she did that was because she knew how unhappy he was at home, and there wasnt much else she could do, being so far away, with no way to talk directly to him without their parents knowing (yet she admits there was an aspect of just wanting to see him again to it as well). but this only irritates him further as he sharply points out hes not a little kid that needed saving, and he definitely didnt need his goody-goody sister being around for others to compare and ask why he cant be more like her
ultimately their little "reunion" ends with him storming off, leaving belala alone to contemplate about just how much time has passed between them.
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