#but if you really Can Not or Will Not eat dairy you're best cooking for yourself or doing very careful restaurant research
brakingpoint · 1 year
you went to the london eprix last year right? how did monaco compare?
WELL my faves did better so on that level alone i had a better time :)
anyway - the big downside of both eprix is that the fan village is just... not great. it was slightly bigger in london due to the venue (and the entertainment was better, stan gracey) but in monaco it was just a packed bit of astroturf along the harbour with like, three food stalls, some charging points that did not work, and a small store. at one point between quali & the race they did a q&a with jev that, no joke, i would generously estimate to have lasted about 3 minutes
of course the good thing about monaco is you have basically the entire country to explore instead if you get bored at the fan village, whereas you can't really leave the excel arena once you're in (and the area around it is a big load of nothing anyway). however you do have to be prepared for a LOT of walking on race day because half the country is, well. the track. so there's a lot of detours in place. so getting between my grandstand at tabac and the fan village, which at my fast walking pace was probably a 5-10 min walk the rest of my stay, became a half hour trek. i didn't mind this because i like walking (except stairs as rach will tell you from my incessant moaning all trip) and it killed the time but if you're thinking of ever going to monaco i'd say that is THE thing to be aware of. also a lot of shops around the circuit are closed & the restaurants are all packed with reservations so be prepared to eat at stalls by your grandstand or bring snacks yourself!!
another random thing was at least in my grandstand (K1) i was pretty far from a screen. i could see the action just fine but i had no hope of following the timings or lap count - during quali i got around this by having the live timings up on my phone while watching but when the grandstands filled up for the race my wifi & 4G both tapped out entirely so i just got a lot of fun surprises re: the order every single time the cars came back round hahaha
in terms of the overall experience i'd say i preferred monaco outside of the fan village being worse - the track is obviously so iconic and it's a lot nicer to be in monaco than a convention centre in east london, and i think the racing was a lot more exciting this time round at least - but i had a great time at both and i'm really looking forward to going back to london in the summer :)
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applejuic33 · 3 months
Osamu miya moodboard and headcanons !
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Whenever you go to his restaurant and there's a rush, he gives you cute little notes along with your order and you have a dairy where you stick all the notes. Even when you guys were in school, he'd give you such notes right before a class where you wouldn't be able to see him. You still keep all of them <3
Whenever you're busy with work, he readies the bathtub, lights up candles and decorates it with rose petals, and it's just so relaxing because your work is super stressful.
He hides his face with his hand whenever you give him compliments or tell him anything romantic.
You're the type of person who can quite literally sleep anywhere so he gives you his arm to use as a cushion and doesn't move till you wake up.
Dating him is like having your own personal chef, honestly LIKE EVERYTHING HE COOKS JUST TASTES SO GOOD.
Whenever he's cooking in the kitchen, you like to go behind him and hug him. The first time you did that, he panicked and dropped the knife but now he's used to it.
He likes to feed you like for example, if you had gotten your nails done but didn't want to use your hand to eat because it would ruin the nail art, he fed you and he also makes sure your hair doesn't get in your face.
Breakfast in bed is really common for you guys now. He tends to wake up really early so he makes you the best healthy breakfast ever and everything is according to what you like. He even remembers all your food preferences.
He compliments you usually on text because he gets too nervous to say it in real life, one time you dared him to say it to your face and this guy began breathing so heavily, it was concerning.
He'll get in any weird positions to take pictures where you look good. But sometimes he takes the worst pics of you and posts it when it's your birthday and you threatened him so he'd delete it and post something else.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
simple skincare tips!
🌼eat the foods that love you back. your skin is a direct mirror of your internal situation. if your digestive system is being bombarded often by foods that create a lot of wastes and residues, that does more harm than good. and so, the struggle to eliminate them will be reflected in your skin. your diet constitutes the vast majority of your skin health. change your meals to be whole food plant based (still delicious, satisfying, and exciting) & watch your skin glow and your skincare routine simplify.
🌼be conscious of what's going on your skin. the skin layers can be over-cleansed, imbalanced, and aggravated when the skin microbiome and pH are disrupted. if you wipe out the beneficial bacterial populations with harshly formulated products, you may find that you break out (i.e. harmful bacterial populations begin to thrive). use gentle, simple skin formulas such as castile soaps, natural oils & butters (i recommend jojoba oil for mostly everyone), natural soap bars, and clays. most commercial skin care products disturb the skin cells (introduce too much foreign material to the body, unsuitable pH ranges, imbalance the microbiome, etc). they sell because it's convention to buy them, the brands are well-known, and their sales pitches are enticing. but really, no cream or serum will ever be the magic potion your skin was asking for. it will only be a band-aid, at best. truly healthy skin comes from diet, and the products are just for any other necessary maintenance. if you get a pimple, you should look first to why the pimple emerged, not what treatment will remove it.
🌼keep your lymph flowing. simple ways to do this are through good lifestyle habits. things like doing exercise & sports you find fun, breathwork, dry brushing, eating lots of fruit, avoiding wearing bras & other tight clothing items, lymphatic massage/gua sha can all be helpful.
🌼focus on hydration via fresh fruits and veggies. the water within plant foods is more useable to your cells, and your skin will cease being overly oily or dry overtime (especially if you reduce/eliminate your salt & oil intake). it will also help to encourage lymphatic flow, so you can see problems like blemishes, cellulite, old scars diminish after great consistency.
🌼allow your skin to breathe. this is especially good if you spend time in stuffy (poorly ventilated) indoor environments, like offices, hospitals, planes, etc. one great way is via herbal facial steaming (i recommend it 3x a week or so). make a hot infusion of an aromatic tea, cover it and allow it to cool a few minutes, and, with closed eyes, allow the pores to open and receive the herbal medicine (this is a great time to meditate, manifest, and just feel pampered). getting more fresh air, working up a sweat, and going to a sauna are also ways to allow your skin to breathe.
🌼avoid steroid prescriptions creams at all costs. they are very deleterious to health in the long term, and they can be very painful to come off of. it's not a real fix. it's not worth hurting your kidneys & adrenals for. evaluate your diet instead. do you eat dairy? choose plant-based dairy options instead (they're simple to make yourself too). do you eat a lot of fats? try oil-free cooking methods instead (opt for sautéing with a bit of water, baking, steaming, air frying, etc). avoiding eating out as much.
🌼be aware of what you're putting in your hair as well. your shampoos, conditioner, leave-ins, gels, moisturizers, oils, serums, etc all tend to touch your face too, when your hair touches your face. if they wouldn't be good enough to put on your face, don't put them in your hair. a lot of the best skin cleansers are also suitable as shampoos. a lot of oils and butters can be used for both. plant-based gels like aloe vera or flax seed are simple to DIY, and are dual-use once again. basically, this will simplify your life.
🌼understand the water that runs through your pipes. if your shower and tap water are like most people's around the world, they aren't optimal for our skin. for example, they contain added chemicals to sanitize the water but that can prevent the proper microbiomes from developing on your skin. a weak skin microbiome is prone to skin issues. so, try to use distilled water on your face (if you're not able to get a water filter, a gallon jug at a store is affordable. they're about $1.30 USD in my area).
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hindahoney · 11 months
Do you have any specific tips on learning to keep kosher? Advice like what dairy substitutes work best or a reliable place to get recipes would be great. I grew up in a house that mixes dairy and meat for most meals so any help would be greatly appreciated. If you've already answered this, could you give a link to the post? I couldn't find one, but that might be because tumblr's search function doesn't work.
Sure! Here is a post I made about keeping kosher. Substitutes are your best friend. If a recipe calls for butter, using vegetable oil instead could be better if you're eating it with a meat meal. Margarine is also a great substitute when making baked goods. Mixing lemon juice with a nut milk gives you buttermilk.
In brownies, using orange juice instead of milk makes the flavor really pop. I love doing this on shabbat so I can have a dessert after a meat meal. You could also just use any other nut milk, or oat milk (just make sure it has a pareve symbol on it, I've seen some oat milks that are still OU D because it's sometimes manufactured in dairy machines or factories). Pareve chocolate is a miracle to be appreciated. Using egg noodles or zucchini noodles are great when you want to have a meat-based dish, and pareve bread for meat-based sandwiches.
I love using vegan or vegetarian plant-based meats in my dishes.* For example, I use vegan ground beef in my lasagna, so I can still use regular noodles and cheese. Plant-based chicken is also great for skillets or pasta. You could also just use fish instead, as it's considered pareve. I don't like the taste of vegan cheese, so I'd much rather use real cheese and vegan meat, but it's always an option. If you don't have meat but still want a filling meal, using grains such as quinoa, or starches like potatoes, can help with that.
As for finding recipes, there are a few kosher cooking blogs online. To find things I usually just search whatever food I want followed by "kosher" and it's usually there. If I can't find a recipe for it, I use a regular recipe with the above substitutes to make it kosher. Buying kosher cookbooks is also a good idea. I don't recommend just searching for "jewish cookbooks" because sometimes those include non-kosher dishes, so search specifically for kosher cookbooks.
*Some Jews have customs that don't allow them to eat vegan meats due to abiding by the spirit of the law, and the fact that the appearance of eating something not kosher could mislead others. It is best to discuss this with your rabbi if you think this may be an issue.
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strawberrystepmom · 9 months
Gm kendalll!! What’s your favorite recipe? Like what do you think defines you as a person?
my sweet sorin this is truly one of the most thoughtful questions i've ever been asked so thank you so much for taking the time to do so. i had to sit down and really think about it for a bit but to me, the only answer is caldo verde.
caldo verde (literally green soup) is something i ate almost weekly growing up - a deceptively simple soup made from potatoes, sausage of some kind, and a mountain of beautiful green kale. it's hearty and soothing, something that my grandfather ate often growing up on a dairy farm.
when my papa was still with us, he made big pots of it and we'd go over to their house and have fresh bread and our soup no matter the season and it was a time i recall as being really important because it taught me the value of just listening and being together. we would all talk over each other, ten convos going on at once, yet i dont think i've ever felt more heard in my life than i did during those dinners.
now everyone has their recipe. my papa had his that i now have, his sisters have and had their own, fuck i think my sister has her own but it's deceptively simple. you can use chourico, that is not my recommendation, i use linguica and recommend you get it if you can find it because it adds a lot of smoky flavor to the soup itself. it makes your home smell so warm and inviting, too. im not sure where in the world you're at, but i highly recommend taking the time this fall to do the following:
procure one pound of linguica. cut it into medallions or half moons, whichever you prefer, and set it aside. chop up 4-6 potatoes in bite sized cubes. chop a yellow onion (or two if you're serving a lot of people as i tend to do) and i am insane and use four to six gloves of garlic. i grate mine with a microplane but you can rough chop, use a press, use pre minced, etc. whatever is easiest for you!
heat good olive oil in a soup pot and saute your onion and garlic until your kitchen starts smelling really good. i stress good because a lot of the flavor basis comes from the oil you use here. once the onion and garlic are good, add your potatoes and sautee them for a few minutes just to let them start softening. at this point, i add my linguica. i let it fry for usually a good 8 or so minutes to really infuse the olive oil and veggies with the spices in it and then i remove it so that it doesn't get tough and hard to eat while everything else stews.
add about 6 qts of water and chicken bouillon powder to your potatoes, onions, and garlic (we are a knorr household but use whatever you have - boxed broth is also a great option here). crank up the heat and let it come to a simmer for about 25-30 minutes. at this point you will have a really beautiful soup and certain people will remove the potatoes from the stock and use a food processor/immersion blender to make them smooth and like a thickener but i dont, i prefer the more rustic experience and leave them whole. add your linguica back and let it simmer for a few more minutes then dump in the largest handfuls of kale you possibly can. i use like a pound per four servings bc im an insane person and love it lmao this will wilt really quickly and all you have to do is stir it until it all looks cooked through.
best when shared with people you love with a fresh loaf of bread from your favorite bakery.
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
Rating food of the countries I've been to, from West to East:
Disclaimer: it's veeery subjective
Spain🇪🇸 : 7/10. It's okay. I expected their fish and seafood to be better, tho. A LOT of relatively cheap fresh juices, 10/10 for health. They also make surprisingly amazing pasta and surprisingly average paella.
France🇫🇷: 9/10. Never visited cafes or restaurants there, but Carrefour has an incredible variety of good meat. I love their pineapple pie, too. There are a lot of products for vegetarians, Muslims, and, in general, different people who have different eating styles. There's a lot to see. And omg, their bazaar days are something worth attending: I still regret that I never tried clams with white wine.
UK🇬🇧 : 6/10. Not impressed. Something tells me that they deliberately make fish-n-chips that terrible. But I absolutely loved the strawberries under hot chocolate, which was sold by two cheerful Polish girls near Madam Tussaud museum.
Switzerland 🇨🇭: 6/10. Migros has nice buns with spinach and those Japanese "sandwiches", overall, your whole salary is gonna be spent on food. (Lithuania core lol😭) McDonald's there SUCKS.
Norway🇳🇴: 4/10. I expected a lot for some reason. Prices gonna cause you a heart attack, the quality is gonna give you a second heart attack. Also!!! THERE WAS NO FISH IN THE SHOPS EXCEPT THE CANNED!!! I was deeply injured. Norwegian salmon is super popular in Ukraine, how can they not have any normal fish in the big supermarkets...
Germany🇩🇪: 1/10. I may be just unlucky, but every time I visit Germany and pick a random cafe with lots of people(!), it has the worst food I've ever tasted in my life. It's like that scene from Desperate Housewives: "Really? A woman who orders Chinese food for Christmas dinner cooked a pineapple pie?" I understand now why Ukrainian women often marry Germans. My heart bleeds when I see what exactly you eat. I want to cover you with a blanket and cook you a normal soup.
Czech Republic 🇨🇿: 7/10. The soup was nice, ставлю вподобайку👍
Poland🇵🇱 : 8/10. Soup in bread, my beloved. Doughnuts were some kind of overcooked in oil, tho.
Montenegro🇲🇪: 10/10. I love you. I love your salads, your seafood, and I LOVE YOUR LEMON ICECREAM!!!!!
Slovakia🇸🇰: 7/10. I don't really remember what I ate, I am sorry. But I was really impressed with your supermarkets for some reason. Gotta visit it again.
Hungary🇭🇺: 6/10. It was my first time I've ever tried street food, and I liked it. You guys know how to cook meat.
Greece🇬🇷: 7/10. One day, I'll find the guy who can cook Karavidopsiha and beg them to cook it once again. Nice fish!!! I remember your arbutus honey as old women remember their best lovers. But. One time, a man served my family with unpeeled shrimps in batter. :/ What the hell was that? Is that some kind of a national dish I'm not aware of? Minus three points for such bullying.
Cyprus 🇨🇾: 7/10. I shouldn't be obsessed with your carob tree pastille that much.
Lithuania🇱🇹: 10/10. I love you. Although, I'd love to spend less money on food too. I love your Maxima and Rimi and Iki. I love your cafes. I love your bakery, I love your cocktails, I looooooove your soups, and I love your Asian food too. It's very easy to become an alcoholic with such delicious wines and tinctures.
Latvia🇱🇻: 11/10. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm on my knees. Your cream chanterelle soup and Lidl croissants and marinated onion and šašlyk and fish and dairy products🛐🛐🛐. You guys know how to serve. I've never seen such pretty food designs anywhere. And of course, Lido. It brings me in tears of joy and makes me remember Puzata Hata. No, for real, is there any dish you don't know how to cook?
Finland🇫🇮: 7/10. That's okay. Nice street food.
Belarus ⚪️🔴⚪️: 9/10. Oh my dear Belarus, you're gonna be the best chef in Europe once you're free from russia. I wish I ate more machanka and drank your pine tincture when I had the chance. I love your chicory, it's a bit greyish, but it's much more delicious than an average chicory. Delicious meat in the shops. Other food is soviet-like, which makes me nauseous.
Ukraine 🇺🇦: ♾️/10. Вітчизно моя! Ти як здоров'я, наскільки ти цінна, тільки той знає, хто тебе втратив. I don't know if my favourite shops still work. I loved every single cafe I've been to, yes, even that shitty prorussian Mafia and Eurasia. I loved Puzata Hata. I loved Khlibna Kava, and its amazing cherry cupcakes. I loved Moloko Vid Fermera. I loved little kiosks with fresh Makadamia nuts and huge variety of vegetables and fruits. I loved Flagman and Silpo, Lvivśki croissants, and chocolate shops. I loved my seafood store. I loved giant frappes in Shevchenko Park. I loved my Continent with its old classical French background songs. I love my Japanese food stores. There are so many places I love. I used to find my bazaar so ugly and dirty, but I would give everything to buy the sea ​​buckthorn jam from the cheerful old lady. But it's not gonna happen. My bazaar was shelled by russians to the ground.
Turkey🇹🇷: 9/10. Your Katmer, seafood soup and baked shrimps(?) are something 🛐.
Jordan🇯🇴: 7/10. Nice! You cook paella better than Spain, be proud of yourself. Although, I'd love to not be scared for my life as a woman all the time. Your bazaar seemed very interesting, but unfortunately, I don't speak Arabic. And I am a woman, which also sucks, I guess. I was totally covered in black, except for the face and hair, and people still stared at me like on a zoo exponate. McDonald's kinda sucks too, but not as much as in Switzerland.
Egypt🇪🇬: 7/10. It's okay. I've tasted only hotel food.
Sakartvelo🇬🇪 : 10/10. Our guide forgot about our existence, and we had to find any source of food to not die from hunger, so we went to your local bazaar and asked to fry some cheap fish. It had lots of bones, and I hate fish with bones, but I ate it all, and it tasted amazing.
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦: 6/10. Most of the week, I just cooked some simple spiceless products like pasta and eggs from the small store. You are far from the level of grocery stores in Turkey. Although, your cold orange juice bottle saved my life from dying in the middle of the desert.
Qazaqstan 🇰🇿: 7/10. I don't really remember your supermarkets, I guess they were okay. But your bazaars are definitely something worth attending. Millions of varieties of honey with millions of tastes and very salty hard cheese Kurt.
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ramshacklefey · 2 years
Something I've rarely seen addressed in discussions about food insecurity is the importance of education about nutrition. And by that I don't mean moralizing food choices, but giving people access to information about what their bodies' basic nutritional needs are and how to fulfill them even when living with food insecurity. In fact, doing this should mean less moralizing about food choices, because getting your basic nutritional needs met doesn't require eating expensive, "natural," or even fresh food.
And this information may also help people who have broad food aversions.
Some examples:
Your basic loaf of cheap-ass white bread is fortified with vitamins.
Any food that says "enriched" or "fortified" has probably had vitamins added. That includes most bread, milk, quick cook rice, and many other inexpensive foods. This trend started specifically as a way to help low-income families get a more healthy diet.
If you have little money for food, buy some fucking peanut butter if you can eat it.
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is incredibly good in terms of providing necessary nutriment.
Canned veggies are just as good for you as fresh ones, just don't toss the water from the can! A lot of the vitamins from the veggies end up in the water.
Mixing a can of beans (I use a combination of fat free refried & black beans) with some salsa and eating it with corn chips is actually pretty damn ok.
Anything pickled has prebiotics, tasty food for your gut flora! I have been known to drink pickle juice you would not believe how good it tastes when you've been doing yardwork in the heat.
If you're going to splurge on anything in your food budget, I cannot recommend sugar-free or unsweetened foods enough. Artificial sweeteners are not the demons we've been led to believe (that's a whole other post), and once you get used to them, unsweetened foods are really yummy! We're all just used to things being astoundingly over-sweetened.
If you can't eat a particular thing (gluten, dairy, peanuts, etc), you don't need to pay for fancy alternatives like gluten free bread, plant-based milk, or whatever. There is no single food you can't live without.
If all else fails, buy some vitamins. I recommend a B-vitamin complex that includes B-12 specifically and a basic Vitamin D capsule. But your regular multivitamin, like a generic brand of Centrum, is gonna be great. My roomie has a ton of food aversions and gets by pretty well on Taco Bell and vitamin pills.
(if you have Medicaid try asking your doctor to prescribe vitamins, Medicaid will cover them in most states if you have a prescription)
Those are just things I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting. When people don't have access to this kind of information, they aren't able to leverage the choices that are available to them. And while we work for everyone to have better choices, we need to be able to make the best of what we have.
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hawkeyedflame · 1 year
I won’t lie your constant exposure to carnivore diet and other things you talked about have intrigued me but I’m currently a poor uni student with no job rn. Do you have any small tips for me on a low budget? I know I should be more specific about the advise but I’m asking as a catch all I guess. Sorry if I’m being a bother
(Sorry for the ramble I get sidetracked easily)
You're not bothering me. To some degree my advice will depend on whether you're a man or woman and what animal products you're willing to include/exclude. The "purest" form of carnivore is only red meat (meat from ruminant animals such as beef, lamb, elk, venison, goat, etc) with no dairy and no eggs. If that's not your style then include whatever you like. HOWEVER. I strongly recommend making fatty red meat the primary food, as well as eggs and butter if you like them and have no allergies. A lot of people think that the trick to keto/carnivore is that it's a low carb and high protein diet, but in fact the key to carnivore is that it is a high fat diet. Fat is the body and brain's optimal fuel source, so make sure you eat a lot of it. Lean meats like poultry and lean beef/pork cuts will not produce good results. If you're a woman, you will likely find that a caloric ratio of about 80% fat to 20% protein will feel the best. It is unclear exactly why women seem to benefit so much from this while men don't see much difference, but this means that women seeking this so-called "high fat carnivore" will have to supplement their meat with extra fat sources such as butter or fat trimmings. Personally, I get beef fat trimmings from a local butcher and cook them with each meal. If you're not a woman you can still do this, but it may not give much benefit over just eating meat normally (although there are male athletes who report that high fat is better for them, so for men it may come down to activity level). My theory for why women thrive more on a higher fat ratio is that large megafauna, most of which are now extinct, likely had a fat-to-muscle ratio that was closer to what the female body needs to support optimal hormonal and reproductive health. In the evolutionary timeline, these animals have not been gone for long and there's no reason to assume our biological processes would have evolved to be fully adapted to their absence yet. That's just my speculation though.
Anyway, for affordability, I think the most obvious answer is to shop the sales on everything and learn to work with cheap cuts of meat. I personally buy my beef by the animal, so I end up with a small handful of the prized cuts such as ribeyes and strip loins, and a whole lot of roasts, ribs, and ground beef. as a university student you do not have the financial bandwidth to do this, so you are stuck searching for the cheaper cuts like chuck, shank, top/bottom round, sirloin tip, as well as ground beef. all of these cuts can make delicious meals, especially if you opt to continue using seasonings (i personally do not, but neither do i begrudge those who are unwilling to give them up). these cuts are leaner, but if you add extra fat (trimmings or butter) then you can still get a good caloric ratio out of it.
if you or anyone you know has a Costco (or equivalent store) membership, you can also buy wholesale primal cuts. upfront cost is a bit high, but the price per pound is significantly cheaper than grocery stores. you can get brisket for like $2/lb at Costco
chicken is generally pretty cheap, especially if you buy the cheaper cuts like drumsticks and thighs. but again, it's very lean so be mindful of that. same goes for pork. also salmon is a really good and fatty option if you like fish.
i also save the melted fat which comes off when I cook beef fat, and reuse that whenever i need cooking oil for a different meal, so i don't burn through store bought tallow/lard or butter.
one of the biggest factors in determining your cost will be whether or not you are fussy about conventional vs pasture raised meat. if you are happy to eat conventional, then your costs will be significantly lower than if you insist on pastured products. as far as the impact on your health, there isn't much information about the difference between the two, i know people who eat conventional and others who eat pastured, they all feel good. for myself, and many people who choose pastured products, it's an ethical decision more than anything.
lastly, again i don't know your financial situation but if you have some wiggle room, you can look into an online butcher such as butcherbox, moink, betterfed, and others. the meat is a bit more wholesale so the price per pound tends to come out much cheaper than buying from a grocery store, however this again, like Costco, has a higher upfront cost.
i hope this information is helpful! let me know if you have any other questions and i'll do my best to answer them (hopefully with less rambling next time).
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acti-veg · 1 year
hello! I'd like to ask, do you have any tips on how to perform harm reduction and be vegan in a very unsupportive/toxic house? my parents would berate and insult me for being vegetarian so while I live with them this is not really an option... I try to avoid animal products as much as I can but since my parents buy the groceries and pretty much everything else I don't know what to do
every time I tried telling them to at least buy things vegetarian for me if they're too lazy to search for vegan options, they'd come back saying "well we don't know what to buy for you! we don't have anything else in the house that you can eat, shame that you have to eat meat right? 🤭" so for them I should be starving instead of eating (at the very least) something different from meat and fish, nevermind the fact that I could eat only potatoes, mushrooms and spicy hummus and be happy like that
I'm sorry to hear you're in a difficult position at home, this is something a lot of us deal with early in our veganism, so you're definitely not alone in it.
As much as they should be making an effort for you, it's clear that they're not, so it's is up to you then, to make your transition to veganism as effortless for them as you possibly can. You could volunteer to cook your own meals if you don’t already, you could shop for/pay for your own food if that’s a possibility, you could accompany them to the supermarket to point out good vegan options, or you could make a list if that would be easier for them. Go to the supermarket with them or go by yourself if you can, make a list of options (including which aisle they're in) and they really have no reason to refuse you at that point.
Faux meats are not difficult to find in a supermarket and you cook the same way you do meat. The advantage of that is that you can eat the same meals as them, you'd just subsistute the meat part for faux meats, and remove any dairy/eggs. Failing that, they can definitely find most of the common vegan staples, like pasta, noodles, rice, canned chickpeas/lentils, beans etc. That's really all you actually need. We eat the same things they do, just without the meat.
Just showing them the kind of meals you can make and how simple the food can be can sometimes be enough, because many people just can’t conceive of what a meal without animal products even looks like, and they object because they are picturing themselves having to buy expensive ingredients and cook from scratch because none of the meals they cook for you now are vegan. This isn’t the case of course, but it will take some time for them to realise how simple and straightforward cooking and eating vegan can be.
In terms of dealing with them serving you meat now, how you do that will depend on how safe your household is for you. Most parents are realistically not going to let their kid's starve, and if it's safe to do so then you absolutely should put your foot down here and refuse to eat animal products when they're served for you. In my experience, people who are not supportive will only respect boundaries if they're insisted upon - if they know you'll eat meat when it's served to you, they'll keep serving it. Sometimes boundaries can only be put in place by insisting on them, and enduring that initial battle of wills.
That only applies if it's safe for you to insist and be stubborn on this, if it's not, then all you can do is the best you're able to in your situation. Eat plant-based when you can, and buy vegan products whenever it is your choice to do so, until you're in a position where you can shop for yourself, or preferably, get the hell out of there. Good luck with it either way anon, and remember that my inbox is always open if you need advice or resources.
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repentarium · 2 years
the truth is i've been dreaming of this tired tranquil place tag 1/?
When Steve Harrington was ten his parents stopped paying for the babysitter.
Mary was, in his tiny kid mind, about a thousand years old, and she made the best food he'd ever eaten. She would cook with him every time they were together, not FOR him, but teaching his small hands how to make soups and bake breads and make omelettes and mac and cheese.
Mary was unceremoniously told she wouldn't be coming back. Steve of course didn't know any of this until he called his parents sobbing that he was alone and Mary never showed up only to hear 'oh darling didn't we tell you? You're old enough to look after yourself! There are tv dinners in the freezer and money for takeout in the end table, we'll see you next week!' When she was let go, Mary immediately made plans to go into the big bookstore in Indianapolis and buy cookbooks for Steve.
She left the three of them at his doorstep: the Joy of Cooking, the Betty Crocker Cookbook, and and the Better Homes New Junior Cookbook. That last one continued his cooking experiments, and even though it started out basic (English muffin pizzas, toasted sandwiches, grilled cheese) it and the knowledge Mary left him with kept him from starving or eating only junk. In no time he was biking to the store with his takeout money and buying his own groceries.
All of this to say, by the time he's a grown up he is not only prepared to fend for himself in the emptiness of the Harrington Residence, he's fully capable of feeding all of the little gremlins, and even the teens. If he'd gone to therapy about it he'd be able to voice that it's a way of caring for people in a way he didn't have himself from his parents in a way he's very capable of. He didn't have therapy, though, just cookbooks. And time.
Another thing about Steve is that he's just never been good at sleeping, not really. Even as a baby he cried through the night and kept his parents up (don't worry, they told him about it constantly).
After the stuff with Vecna in the upside down, after everyone got out safe and semi-sound, he thought he'd finally be tired enough to average more than four hours of sleep a night.
Unfortunately the exact opposite happened; he's taken to cat naps in the middle of the day when he can, because night time isn't exactly conducive to sleeping at all anymore.
What it IS conducive to is baking. Sure, cooking too, but he gets a little sad cooking meals for just himself. He can put on a record and bake a few trays of muffins or cookies or scones, and it's not as weird because he gives them to his friends and the little family they've cultivated.
He doesn't tell them they're made at four in the morning, but they don't usually ask, they're just grateful for a tasty breakfast or lunch or after school snack when he's driving them around.
He thinks Dustin has a gluten sensitivity, so he learns the ins and outs of almond flour, and Robin doesn't do dairy so much anymore but loves the halva recipe he found in a cookbook at the library. He's perfected a killer flourless double chocolate cookie recipe that everyone loves, and even Hopper can't tell it's gluten- and dairy-free.
When Eddie lets it slip that he's not really using the night time to sleep either, Steve ropes him into it. He makes a big fuss and says he needs help and someone to taste this recipe because he's doing to actually hurl if he eats another cookie, but they're snickerdoodles (which are Eddie's favorite) and Eddie spends most of the time in awe of the space and the gadgets and taste testing bites of basically everything and DEFINITELY not getting flour everywhere. Steve knows sometimes getting your mind out of the darkness is nice, and if they can help each other out AND add another snack to the menu, two birds one stone.
They totally don't dare each other to eat weird configurations of fancy condiments or spoonfuls of cinnamon and it's all very serious and professional. It's not *every* night, but after the first few months it's more often than not.
One night Steve ends up covered in flour somehow, and while he's washing up Eddie finds a little note card tucked into the middle of the Joy of Cooking from someone named Mary who seems to care a lot about 'Stevie'.
It's got a fancy-sounding but easy enough recipe for something called Jetson Casserole, all hand-scrawled and with tiny doodles, and Eddie sneaks it into his pocket.
He goes to the fancier grocery store a town away and picks up everything he needs for what is basically a beef stroganoff with a ton of added vegetables: fancy carrots with the green tops, multicolored gemstones of tomatoes, the brightest and leafiest spinach, and heavy cream (which is way more expensive than He realized, holy shit). He even very bravely asks the butcher for the kind of beef he'll need. He very carefully follows the instructions and tastes everything along the way and makes Wayne eat a bowl as he's packing it into an old crockpot with a faulty wire that only works when you wrap it under everything just so. Wayne isn't a particularly verbose guy, but he's pretty excited about it, so Eddie loads it up into the van and drives across town and knocks on the door.
Steve yells at him to let himself in, and when he does he's already covered in flour or sugar and mixing Something up in a big mixing bowl. He eyes the crockpot suspiciously as Eddie plugs it in and jostles the cord just so to make sure it stays warm.
'What's this?' he asks, wiping his hands off on the towel on his shoulder and coming over to poke around.
'I brought dinner. Well. I made it. It's real food, not just sugar.' He's trying to tease, put on the usual kind of jab-voice. He's just a friend who made some food, it wasn't even really that fancy, but.
He's inexplicably so nervous, and he's worried this was the wrong thing to do, he stole something from Steve after all even if he brought it back and it's in his pocket right now, and sure they were friends and they *talk* but he knows he's talked a lot more than Steve has about all his drama and what if this was something that would upset him? What if Mary was like. A terrible ancient hag of a grandmother? What if Steve was allergic to the whole thing?
Steve gives him a confused little smile and lifts up the lid and it's like Eddie can watch his face change as he smells the noodles, rich and warm and creamy. Steve's just become the most wobbly and wet-looking thing he's ever seen (and the man fought actual demons in literal hell and carried his mostly-dead body back through, not to mention driving teenagers around all day just like for fun).
'Is this. Is this Jetson Casserole.' It's barely a question, like Steve knows already. 'This is like all I ate for dinner as a kid.'
Eddie feels his stomach flipping around, pulls the recipe card out of his pocket, says 'I really hope you don't mind, I just wanted to cook something for you.' But it's also more than that, he knows, Steve is always giving all of himself in these scones and cupcakes and fucking croissants like 'eat of my body and be whole' martyrdom, and it's like Eddie was compelled by spirits to make sure Steve knows that he's appreciated and cared for too, even if it comes in a shitty shorty crockpot and the sauce has probably totally broken.
Steve starts actually crying and Eddie has to pull him into a hug because What the Fuck is happening? Has no one ever made this idiot dinner before?
Later, he finds out, it was pretty much only Mary. And now Eddie.
He finds out Jetson Casserole got its name because little Stevie went through a phase where he wasn't really eating like a growing boy should but he sure did love the Jetsons.
'And this stuff,' Steve says, his mouth full and his eyes still red and puffy as he leans against the counter, 'lasts forever, and it freezes, and it reheats easy in the fancy microwave.'
It all makes a lot of sense, actually, Eddie thinks as he eats around the mushrooms and sits on the counter next to Steve, the one with the least amount of flour on the surface (but definitely still getting powder all over his jeans).
'I wanna fistfight your dad, Harrington.' It shocks a laugh out of Steve, but Eddie's kind of serious. 'Have you looked Mary up? I bet she'd love a dozen snickerdoodles.'
'You just want to eat the ugly ones again.'
'Only because you won't let me have the pretty ones!'
'We can make as many as you want. I think we're onto something. With the recipe.'
If Eddie thinks about it all again while he's putting leftover noodles into one of the fancy Tupperware containers (he grabs them from the top left cabinet, doesn't even have to ask anymore) he knows it's more than just about letting Steve know he's cared for in general because oh God he thinks he personally actually really cares for him like a lot, and he should NOT develop crushes on high school royalty anymore he should absolutely be over that.
But it's also like PAST high school, so maybe it doesn't count, and maybe Steve was throwing raw pizza dough at him for a solid twenty minutes earlier as he ran around the kitchen and it didn't at all feel like bullying.
Mary, it turns out, is only 68 years old now; she loves the snickerdoodles, is so proud when Eddie says Steve made the recipe (even though Steve blushes redder than anything and says he only modified an existing recipe actually), and finds the boys so charming. She's delighted that Steve has kept cooking, laughs at all of his misadventures in baking, and is ridiculously charmed by Eddie's dramatics.
She sends Steve and Eddie away with a little spiral bound recipe book, put together 'by the church' and 'full of good family recipes', and Jetson Casserole is right on page 9. Isn't that something.
She lives a little closer to Indy, these days, and she tells the boys over and over that they can visit anytime and they need to get out of that horseshit town, it's hell. She's got a spare room, and they can stay as long as they like if they don't mind sharing a bed.
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beantothemax · 11 months
Note: I did do my math. The prices of food are based on danish prices converted to leaves.
50 leaves = 1 DKK
325 leaves = 1 USD
Osvald had been crashing at Partitio's home for some weeks. Him, Throné, Castti and Temenos had nowhere else to go. Might as well stay as a group a while longer.
When Elena's memories returned, she joined this strange living arrangement, though Osvald did finally start looking for a home. No one minded her being there. She was an adorable little kid and they were all curious to meet her after listening to Osvald go on and on about how perfect she was.
While they all ate breakfast, Elena sat with a notebook and pencil. She didn't even touch her food as she furiously scribbled.
"What's that?" Osvald asked.
"Gimme a second," Elena muttered.
Partitio and Throné laughed at that. It was shocking how similar Elena was to her father, even after five years apart.
They all watched as Elena finished her math.
"Can I cook tonight?" she asked.
Everyone looked at Partitio.
"Just don't burn down the-" but realizing what he was saying, he coughed and started over, "just don't make a mess and it's alright."
"Thank you mister Partitio!" she smiled and looked to her father, "I checked all the ingredients we'd need for goulash. It's only about twenty-five-hundred leaves for everything."
Osvald couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"You can check my math," she handed him the notebook.
"No, it's not that, your math is fine. It's because you're making goulash," Osvald said as he still chuckled.
"What? I don't get it?" she said.
"You loved it when you were five, is that all you've eaten since?"
"What? No, of course not. Harvey only let me have it if I helped with his experiments."
Elena said it so nonchalantly, as though Harvey hadn't ruined and permanently changed her. The table fell silent at the mention of him. What were they to respond with?
"You can have goulash as often as you want," Osvald finally said though his voice was quiet and solemn.
It certainly wasn't healthy if he let her eat it often, but she deserved to be spoiled, even if this was the best he could do.
"Really? That's awesome!" Elena smiled.
"Sooo," Partitio desperately wanted to change the subject, "d'ya need help findin' the ingredients?"
Elena glanced up at him and shook her head, "no, I think papa and I will be fine."
They finished the now slightly awkward breakfast and went along with their days. In the afternoon, Osvald and Elena headed to the market for ingredients. All they were missing was spinach, tomatoes and cheese.
Tomatoes and spinach were easy enough to find. The local farmer had fresh vegetables, picked just that morning.
Cheese was quite a bit more difficult. They needed mozzarella, which was only made in the Harborlands. Few people in the Wildlands had cows, so their neighboring country was the best option.
Looking around town, the dairy vendor wasn't there. He was usually there for two days a time, before going to Crackridge, then back to the Harborlands to stock up. When they asked around, people said he had left a day early on personal business.
"Aw rats, now what?" Elena said.
As Osvald thought, he realized their only option was likely to accept defeat.
"Partitio probably knows a guy."
And Partitio did, in fact, know a guy.
"Yeah, good ol' neighbor Sam has some cows," Partitio said, "I'll get some cheese from him. Won't be Harborian mozzarella, but it's the best we've got."
Elena thanked Partitio at least million times as he walked out the door.
She got to work on the food. As she chopped the vegetables, Osvald could only watch in fear. What if she cut herself or got onion juice in her eyes?
"Are you positively, absolutely, a hundred percent sure you do not need my help?" Osvald asked for the hundredth time.
"No, I'll be fine. Harvey's neighbor sometimes looked after me and she taught me to cook!" Elena said proudly.
It was strange what Elena would randomly say about her time with Harvey. She seemed to despise him and everything to do with him, but she loved the people of Montwise as though they were family. A librarian let her stay after hours, the tavern owner gave her free juice, a guard played pretend with her and so on.
Even when she was with Harvey, the kindness of strangers (who would soon become beloved mentors or babysitters) kept her going. She cherished each and every moment spent exploring Montwise and talking to new people.
"We should go back one and make food for her as a thank you," Elena mentioned.
"I suppose we could do that. You seem to like Montwise," Osvald muttered.
He watched Elena a while longer before deciding she knew what she was doing and joined Temenos in the drawing room. He quickly forgot about Elena and his anxiety with her cooking when Temenos started a rather annoying debate on a half millenia old question.
Temenos stopped himself mid sentence.
"Elena's cooking smells nice," he said.
"Right, I should check on her," Osvald replied.
Walking to the kitchen, the oh so familiar smell of Rita's goulash recipe became stronger.
For a moment, he had just returned home from a conference and was ready to kiss and hug his wife and daughter and ask about the goulash they made. But as he entered the kitchen, only Elena was there. She had a serious look on her face, as though deep in thought.
"Ah, papa! Come here, I can't figure out why it doesn't taste like mama's goulash," she said.
Osvald took a spoon and tasted it. A feeling of pride grew in him as he thought of the flavor. Elena was an excellent cook. But she was right, it needed just one more thing to be like Rita's...
"Oh, it's cumin," he said aloud.
"Right! The cumin!" Elena agreed.
Osvald rummaged through the cabinets for several seconds before finding a container of cumin in the back.
Elena swiped it from his hands before pouring a bit in. She eagerly stirred it before having another taste.
"It's perfect," she announced.
Osvald had a taste too. He wanted to cheer and cry and tell her he was proud but all that would be far too much.
"It's lovely, I'm very proud of you," he smiled, "I'll set the table."
Harvey never said such nice things to her. The compliment seemed to have struck her heart as she teared up. Osvald heard her weak cries and ran to her, holding her as carefully as he could.
"What's wrong, Elena?" he questioned.
"YousaidyouwereproudofmeandHarveyneversaidstufflikethat," she took a deep breath in, "andandIhaventbeencomplimentedinsolongandyouresoniceandIforgotparentssaytheyreproudoftheirandkidsImissedyou"
She spoke far too quickly for Osvald to catch any of it.
"...Could you repeat that?" he asked.
"You said you're proud of me but Harvey never said that, he said I was annoying and useless," she sobbed.
"Harvey's a stupid man, anyone would be proud to call you their daughter," Osvald said.
He hugged her as tight as he could, slowly rocking back and forth till she calmed down.
"Let's eat," he said.
Elena nodded. She helped him finish setting the table.
By the time she put the pot on the table, she had forgotten everything about how much Osvald saying he was proud of her meant to her. She wanted only to show off her cooking. And with good reason, it was delicious.
Everyone sat at the table and Elena served them with a smile. Mostly, she had been neutral, sad or just a bit happy since coming. They were all surprised to see her so excited over a dish.
"My daughter's a cooking prodigy instead of a master scholar," Osvald jokingly sighed.
"But to be this good at cooking at this age is just as impressive, she should go to a culinary school," Castti said.
"Only if she wants to," Osvald smiled.
"I can do magic too!" Elena said.
Before anyone could reply, she said an incantation, "thunder, I summon thee!"
A weak lighting struck her plate and made her food smell of smoke. They all stared at her in dumbfounded silence.
"Where did you learn that!?" Osvald asked.
"The Montwise librarian taught me!" Elena giggled.
"What didn't you learn in Montwise?" Temenos asked.
"I dunno," Elena laughed.
She ate her food with a smile. Osvald couldn't help but feel sad the entire meal. Seeing your child's first spell was a once in a lifetime experience to treasure, and he missed it. Yet another experience Harvey stole from him.
Oh well. There was nothing to do about it now, and at least he could go directly to advanced magic.
Assuming she hadn't learned that too.
the amount of ‘guys’ Partitio knows is uncountable. you ask him for literally anything and he says that he knows a guy. his connections are vast and uncountable
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pie thank you this really was just a big fic of elena being silly and I love it
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lonita · 17 years
I used to have this as a randomly loading thing, where each time you loaded it you'd get a different item from the list below. I decided to ditch it from the front of my site and make way for something else. But, since I can't bear to throw anything away, here it is.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?: - Something dark and green with a tint of blue, a nice spruce perhaps.
Have you ever dyed your hair?: - Yes, once; I was trying for auburn, but it went orange. Oh such a fine copper.
What were your favourite toys as a kid?: - Lego! Still love Lego.
What is your favourite, Fall or Spring? - I'm an autumn girl; temperate weather, nice colours, no bugs.
What is on the floor of your closet? - Stuff I haven't seen in years, because I keep piling more stuff on top of it.
My super power would be… - Eidetic memory and universal translator.
Are you a country mouse or a city mouse? - City mouse.
If I had a time machine, I'd… - Go back in time and not do what I did.
What's your favourite kids' cereal? - I don't eat cereal.
Fame or Fortune? - Fortune. All the way. I don't crave the public eye. And, if I did somehow want it, enough fortune could buy it for me.
I've always wanted… - 20/20 vision.
My friends would shocked if they knew… - I don't think there's a single thing I've done or would do, that would shock anyone I know. As one friend once put it, even when I do something surprising, he's not surprised by it because of the kind of person I am.
Five star hotel or a tent in the woods? - The five-star, but only because I despise camping in tent fashion.
The best things in life are… - The simple, ephemeral things.
What's your earliest memory? - Sitting on the knee of my uncle's father on the day my aunt married him (the uncle, not the father), when I was about a year old.
I could really live without… - My poor eyesight.
If you were famous, what would you be famous for? - Probably for something ridiculous like hitting myself in the face with a spoon.
What advice would you give your younger self? - Never turn away from any sort of education or learning. Take it all in, notice everything, shun nothing as potentially useful.
I will never tell anyone… - That they're stupid.
When the aliens arrive, I hope they bring… - Milk for my tea.
What's the first frivolous thing you'll buy when you're rich and famous? - There was this handbag at Harrod's that was all sparklies and such, that looked like a Dairy Milk chocolate bar wrapper. I want that.
Are you more likely to watch a sunset or the sunrise? - I will watch both with equal appreciation, but tend to prefer the colour of sunset, and the mood of sunrise.
What's the last thing that made you scream? - I've never screamed.
Can you cook? - Frankly, not particularly well, no. I keep myself from starving, but I'm no chef, nor do I care to be.
Favorite vegetable? - Peas and carrots.
What zodiac sign are you? - Virgo.
Worst Habit? - Procrastination.
One weird fact about you: - I still have a pencil lead mark under my knee where Linda G. stuck a pencil in grade five.
Do you think clowns are funny or scary? - Neither, they're creepy, like perverts. I loathe them.
Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? - Both.
What color eyes do you have? - Blue.
Do you swear a lot? - Sometimes. I can be very creative about it, too.
Biggest pet peeve? - Poor spelling and grammar in situations that don't warrant it and from people that should know better.
In one word, how would you describe yourself? - Unfulfilled.
I wish my parents had named me… - I'm happy with my name. I'm just glad they didn't name me Elizabeth. Because if I'd taken the last name Taylor, Elizabeth was an option.
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? - Tea, more tea, and perhaps a little more tea.
Favourite place to be? - Home.
Favourite colour? - Green.
Would you like to be a pirate? - Only if I can be the sort that doesn't swab decks or wear peg legs. I want the parrot.
Describe the last time you were injured? - I had too much beer and the sidewalk came up and bit my finger.
What is the wallpaper of your mobile phone? - Cape Breton tartan,
What's your favourite fruit? - Navel oranges, seedless grapes.
What curse word do you use the most? - Fuck. What else is there?
What movie do you know every line to? - There's more than one, sadly (or not). The Princess Bride, Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club, Star Trek IV, to name a few.
If you ran a store, what would you sell/have? - Stuff'n'nonsense, and lots of it.
What was the first single you ever bought? - It was either Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall or the B-52s' Rock Lobster.
Have you any allergies? - No, but I do have chemical sensitivity, which culminates in my being really sensitive to certain smells.
What is your favourite poem? - Robert Frost The Road Not Taken.
Quote a film. - "Of course it hurts; but the trick is not minding that it does."
What is your favourite smell? - Lemon.
What is your favourite book? - Oxford English Dictionary
What's your favourite Christmas song? - O Holy Night
Two truths: - There are three sides to every story; your side, my side, and the truth. There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
Do you have a favourite type of pen? - Sanford Uni-ball Onyx Micro, in black.
A million bucks.. what would you do with it? - Spend it. Duh.
What is your worst fear? - Being mocked or belittled (in serious fashion) by someone in whom I've placed my trust.
What foods do you dislike? - Liver, yam, kiwi, breakfast cereals, brussel sprouts.
Where were you born? - Sydney, Cape Breton
Favourite Day of the week? - Friday; maybe I'm jaded, because I was born on a Friday.
Favourite Flower? - Gladiolus, tiger lily, tulip.
What errand/chore do you despise? - I loathe doing laundry. It's such a timesuck.
What do you do when you can't fall asleep? - Watch movies and/or play around on the 'net and/or clean house and/or go for a walk and/or make things of an artistic or crafty nature.
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? - Hearing.
Favourite/lucky number? - Pi, 3.
Do you smile often? - No, I'm actually rather expressionless, which leads a lot of people to always assume something's wrong, when nothing's amiss at all.
Do you do things you know you shouldn't? - Good heavens; isn't that most of the point at times?
What are you dependent on? - Caffeine, in the form of a nice, hot cuppa. I get right some cranky without me tay. Also, air. Dirty habit, but what the hell. I'm entitled to at least one vice.
Do you enjoy acting like a little kid? - When the time is right for it, I adore doing so.
Have you ever shoplifted, and if so did you get caught? - Yes, and no. I was eight, and I stole a pack of gum from the grocery store. I felt so guilty about it, that I left the pack of gum on the store's windowsill, and never stole again.
Do you still believe in Santa Claus? - No, but I won't let my grandmother stop writing "From Santa" on my presents.
What's your favourite time of the day? - Evening, because it is the truest hour of anticipation.
What's your happiest childhood memory? - Oh, I don't know that I could pick just the one; but, I do remember my grandfather waking me up in the middle of the night in winter to take me driving around to look at Christmas lights.
What are your initials? - LAF: I always thought was funny; no pun intended.
If you were invisible, where would you go? - The documents rooms at the Vatican and the Pentagon. Wouldn't you like to know what they're hiding?
If there is a hell, where is it? - Someone once said, and I think it's true, that hell is other people.
What language would you like to master? - Well, it's more a family of languages than one specific tongue: Goidelic languages; which includes forms of Gaelic, Manx, et cetera.
What is the saddest movie you have ever seen? - A Taste of Honey. It was so frustratingly affecting, so tragic, that I have not been able to watch it since the first time I saw it.
My comfort food is… - Split pea soup.
If you saw wet cement, what word would you write in it? - Pi symbol, the year, my initials, a leaf.
What was the best advice you ever received? - Don't sweat the small stuff.
When I want to be alone, I… - Go out for a walk, or sit in silence.
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thebrokenscalecooking · 4 months
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ikaria2024 · 11 months
Great Advice To Help You Lose The Excess Weight
Whatever fitted yesterday, may not fit you today. That is a simple problem that many people face in our modern world, causing them to turn to weight loss plans. We all take a different approach to weight loss. The article below will discuss some of them and provide you with some useful tips on your endeavor.
A really useful tip to help you lose weight is to eat before going to the movie theater or to bring a healthy snack with you. Movie theaters are notorious for their unhealthy popcorn and all the candy that's readily available. By bringing your own snack, you won't give in to temptation.
If you want to lose weight, a great thing to do is find substitutes for foods you already enjoy. For instance, if you love ice cream but are on a diet, try frozen yogurt or even regular yogurt. Instead of drinking cream in your coffee, try a non-dairy creamer. This will give you the feeling that you are still enjoying food; just in a healthier way.
Do not forget to consult your doctor before going on any weight loss plan. Your doctor needs to confirm that there are no underlying causes for your weight gain. He can review your weight loss plan and verify that it is appropriate for you. The most important thing is that you must be healthy.
To stay away from fast food, you need to find an alternative. Fast food attracts you because it tastes good and is easily available. Make sure your fridge stays filled with healthy food to discourage you from going out to eat. Try cooking burgers yourself without adding any extra cheese.
Losing weight can be more fun if you do it with a partner. Try getting together with a group of friends and becoming workout buddies. Exercise together and talk about obstacles that arise. Working with a partner to lose weight can make you feel like you aren't alone, as well as making you accountable to someone else for keeping up.
If you are trying to lose weight, a great tip is to keep red pepper flakes in your home. Red pepper flakes can help you feel satisfied for a longer period of time. Therefore, if you eat these earlier in the day, red pepper flakes can lower your cravings later in the day.
Joining a gym is an excellent way to lose weight. Being in a community of people who are trying to be healthy will give you inspiration to do the same. You will also have access to an abundance of fitness equipment, so if you get bored with one exercise, you will always find something else to do.
Choosing green tea as a method to lose weight is a good strategy in addition, to being delicious. Green tea's extract is substituted for caffeine and salicin, which is a chemical closely related to aspirin that speeds up the metabolism that aids in burning calories. The best part of drinking green tea is that it works to burn fat whether you are resting or exercising.
If you're trying to lose weight, avoid the traditional idea of having three meals per day. Instead, have a light breakfast, a healthy snack in between, then a light lunch, another snack, then a light dinner. Having five small meals every day will keep your you from mindlessly snacking as a result of your decreased overall calorie intake.
Next time you eat out, try asking for half your meal in a to go box before it's even served. Most restaurants have portion sizes that are more appropriate for two or three people, and by eating half of your meal and getting the other half in a to go box, not only will you be cutting your calories in half, but lunch for the next day is already taken care of!
Diets that use drugs to help you shed pounds may actually work, but they tend to do more harm to your body than good. Instead of losing fat, a lot of these drugs have you losing essential water and muscle, which can produce harmful effects on your organs.
When you are eating a meal, avoid certain kinds of toppings that could add a lot of calories. Salt is one of these toppings that is not only bad for your body if consumed in bulk, but can slow your functionality and make you feel haggard during the day. Avoid sodium and salt in the foods that you eat when dieting.
Cut most of the liquid calories from your diet by eliminating things like sodas, juices, and other sweetened beverages. Try drinking things like unsweetened tea, or sparkling water if you miss the carbonation of soda. Beverages generally don't make you feel very full, so you can easily consume far more calories than you intend if you regularly drink sugary drinks.
If you do not find yourself getting full after eating a particularly large salad you can cut the portion of salad and eat it inside of a whole wheat pita bread. The bred will make you feel much fuller for a much longer amount of time and you can avoid cheating out of hunger.
Fit into your clothes by sticking to a proper weight loss plan. You can take a do-it-yourself approach by simply following some of the tips in this article. If you strive to use the tips, you will likely see yourself losing some weight within the first few weeks. Losing those pounds takes time, but it also builds your self confidence.
Q1: What is the key to successful weight loss? A1: The key to successful weight loss is a combination of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits.
Q2: How can portion control contribute to weight loss? A2: Portion control helps prevent overeating and reduces calorie intake, which is essential for weight loss.
Q3: Why is staying hydrated important for weight loss? A3: Staying hydrated supports metabolism, helps control appetite, and can prevent mistaking thirst for hunger.
Q4: What role does exercise play in weight loss? A4: Regular exercise increases calorie expenditure, builds lean muscle, and enhances overall metabolism, contributing to weight loss.
Q5: How does quality sleep impact weight loss efforts? A5: Quality sleep supports hormonal balance, appetite control, and energy levels, all of which are crucial for effective weight loss.
Q6: How can stress affect weight loss progress? A6: Chronic stress can lead to emotional eating and hinder weight loss progress by disrupting hormone balance.
Q7: What is the significance of setting realistic goals for weight loss? A7: Setting realistic goals ensures a sustainable and achievable approach, preventing discouragement and promoting long-term success.
Q8: How can mindfulness contribute to weight loss? A8: Mindful eating helps individuals become more attuned to hunger and fullness cues, leading to healthier food choices and portion control.
Q9: Why is seeking professional guidance important during weight loss? A9: Professional guidance from healthcare experts or dietitians provides personalized advice, ensuring safe and effective weight loss strategies.
Q10: What should individuals focus on to maintain a positive mindset during their weight loss journey? A10: Maintaining a positive mindset involves celebrating non-scale victories, learning from setbacks, and embracing gradual progress toward a healthier lifestyle.
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aava9099 · 1 year
How long does butter last?
Margarine has a long timeframe of realistic usability contrasted with other dairy items because of its high fat substance. However, as other dairy items, margarine accompanies a termination date as well. In any case, being past the printed date doesn't generally imply that the spread is awful.
How long does butter last?You can utilize margarine past the printed date given that you have put away it appropriately. You can utilize unopened spread inside 2-3 months past the date on the bundling and 1-2 months assuming you have previously opened it.
Keep perusing to figure out how to store spread appropriately, how long it endures, what the indications of terrible margarine, and happens when you eat terminated margarine.
Does Spread Turn sour? Spread is one of the most regularly utilized dairy items. We as a whole know food varieties that contain dairy are profoundly transitory. Margarine, in any case, has a seriously lengthy timeframe of realistic usability.
The purpose for the more extended timeframe of realistic usability of margarine contrasted with other dairy items is that it contains less lactose.
The high measure of lactose causes most dairy items, like milk and creams, to turn sour rapidly. To this end without lactose milk has a more drawn out time span of usability contrasted with customary milk.
Spread is for the most part fat. Also, fat doesn't turn sour without any problem. It goes through oxidation, which in the long run makes the spread go rank. As a matter of fact, oxidation is more normal to run into with margarine than bacterial development, which makes most food turn sour.
Regardless of the okay of bacterial tainting and its long timeframe of realistic usability, spread will turn sour rather rapidly assuming that you neglect to appropriately store it.
Regardless of the dates imprinted on the spread bundling, the capacity conditions at last choose its timeframe of realistic usability.
So assuming you're consistently constant about enclosing your spread by foil and it's just been half a month since the lapse date passed, you ought to be great to get that margarine blade and get to eating.
Does Shower Spread Lapse? Shower margarine, as other cooking splashes, accompanies a termination date also. It is prescribed to utilize shower margarine in no less than a year for the best quality.
Cooking splashes might remain great longer assuming that you store them appropriately, for example in a dull and cool spot.
As the splash begins to disintegrate, you will begin seeing flavor, smell, and consistency changes. You ought to likewise dispose of the shower spread on the off chance that the splash can is releasing, corroded, or has gouges.
The protruding of the can is one more sign advising you to dispose of the splash spread right away.
Instructions to Store Margarine The most ideal way to store margarine is in the cooler. Margarine ordinarily comes in foil bundling that shields it from light and air. Margarine wrapped firmly in its unique foil bundling is likewise all around safeguarded against smells.
On the off chance that the first bundling is harmed, make a point to utilize additional foil to wrap the margarine. You can keep a little block of spread in a margarine dish for helpful use.
A significant point is that you ought to store margarine on the cooler retires instead of on the entryway.
A great many people keep margarine on the cooler entryway, as it is little and fits there just impeccably. Nonetheless, putting away margarine at the furthest finish of the cooler for temperature stability is suggested.
You clearly open the cooler on various occasions a day. Furthermore, when you don't have the foggiest idea what to eat, you might try and keep the entryway open for a brief period.
This causes temperature variances, which make items put away on the refrigerator entryway break down faster.
Might You at any point Store Spread in the Cooler? Putting away spread in the cooler is really smart, as margarine freezes well as well as simple to defrost and utilize.
To freeze margarine, wrap it firmly in a layer of aluminum foil. For additional security against cooler consume and engrossing scents, put the foil-enveloped margarine by a hard core zipper sack. You can likewise utilize stick wrap to wrap it.
Whenever you really want to utilize the frozen margarine, move it from the cooler into the ice chest. The spread will defrost in 7 hours or less.
On the off chance that you want to mellow the spread rapidly, you can either lower the plastic-enveloped margarine by water or microwave it for a couple of moments to get it delicate in a split second.
An incredible method for managing frozen spread, particularly for the end goal of cooking, is to grind it utilizing a cheddar grater.
Does Margarine Turn sour in the event that You Don't Refrigerate It? One of the most irritating things for each cook is the point at which they go to heat however the margarine is hard.
In such cases, you either need to remove it from the ice chest ahead of time to allow it to mellow or invest energy relaxing it utilizing elective techniques, for example, a tepid water shower.
To try not to manage excessively hard margarine, many individuals decide to leave it at room temperature. Furthermore, margarine gets along admirably at room temperature as well.
This isn't is business as usual, as industrially fabricated margarine is 80% fat and just 15% water.
While putting away margarine at room temperature, the following are a couple of basic standards to observe:
Keep a modest quantity of spread at room temperature and store the rest in the cooler. Keep the spread in a hermetically sealed compartment. The less reach it has with air the better it will keep. Keeping the margarine in a dim holder or a kitchen cabinet is great. Store margarine away from heat sources and direct daylight. Try not to store margarine at room temperature in the event that it is too hot where you reside. It isn't prescribed to store spread on the counter on the off chance that the temperature is above 77°F.
Salted margarine holds surprisingly better at room temperature as the salt brings down the water content in spread and further forestalls bacterial development.
How Long Does Spread Endure? As per USDA, the time span of usability of margarine put away in the cooler is 1-3 months regardless of whether it has been opened.
In any case, awesome by date imprinted on the bundling of various food varieties is the assembling's assessment of how long the item will keep up with its best flavor and surface characteristics.
Spread put away in the cooler before the printed date will save well for something like 4 months. Assuming the temperature in the cooler is steady, the spread will save well for longer.
Notwithstanding, as it sits in the cooler, its quality will begin to crumble. Margarine will continuously lose its newness and flavor.
Concerning spread forgot about on the counter, it ought to be consumed inside 1-2 days, as hotter temperatures make the margarine go rotten rather rapidly. The more salt there is, the more extended the spread will remain new at room temperature.
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theshoediaries · 1 year
Scientific and healthy weight loss, bid farewell to fat and thin
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Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about how to lose weight healthily, let us say goodbye to fat and have a fit body. Nowadays, the pace of life is fast and the work pressure is high. Many people are facing the trouble of losing weight. So, how can we lose weight healthily? Below, I will share with you some simple and easy methods.
reasonable diet The first step in losing weight is to control your diet. Stay away from high-sugar, high-fat, high-salt, high-calorie foods, such as candy, potato chips, cakes and other snacks, as well as fried foods and highly processed foods. Choose fresh, natural ingredients, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meat, fish, etc., to maintain a balanced nutritional intake. In addition, control food intake reasonably, avoid overeating, and avoid excessive intake of calories.
drink more water, less beverages Water is the best drink. Drinking more water can not only help eliminate waste and toxins in the body, but also increase satiety and reduce appetite. Beverages usually contain high sugar and calories, which can easily lead to excessive calorie intake and increase the risk of obesity. Therefore, try to drink less sugary drinks, but choose healthy drinks such as plain water, tea, and low-fat milk.
movement is key Losing weight is inseparable from exercise. Exercise can help speed up metabolism, burn excess fat, enhance the body's muscle mass, and improve the body's fitness level. Choose an exercise method that suits you, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, yoga, etc., and insist on aerobic exercise for more than 30 minutes every day to effectively lose weight. At the same time, you can also try to add some strength training to help shape your body lines.
enough rest Getting enough sleep is equally important for weight loss. Lack of sleep will slow down metabolism, affect the balance of hormones, and easily lead to loss of appetite, thus affecting weight loss. Therefore, you should maintain 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep every night. Adjust work and rest time, maintain regular work and rest habits, avoid staying up late and excessive fatigue, so that the body can get sufficient rest and recovery, which is conducive to healthy weight loss.
Eat less snacks and takeout Snacks and takeaways usually contain high-sugar, high-salt, and high-fat ingredients. Ingesting these foods will add unnecessary calories, which is not conducive to weight loss. Therefore, try to eat less snacks and takeaways, try to cook simple healthy meals by yourself, master the control of ingredients and seasonings, and reduce the intake of fat and sugar.
Control snacks before and after meals Many people are used to eating some snacks before or after meals, which will make us take in too many calories without knowing it. Therefore, it is necessary to control snacks before and after meals, and avoid eating too many high-sugar, high-salt, and high-fat snacks. If you really want to snack, you can choose some healthy fruits, nuts or low-fat dairy products as an alternative.
Pay attention to mood and stress management Emotions and stress also play a role in weight loss. When you're depressed, you tend to overeat, and chronic stress can also cause hormonal imbalances that affect your metabolism. Therefore, pay attention to the management of emotions and stress, and take positive ways to relieve stress, such as exercise, rest, meditation, chatting with friends, etc., and avoid overeating behaviors caused by emotions.
Log food and exercise Recording diet and exercise can help us better understand our intake and consumption, so as to adjust diet and exercise plans. You can use the mobile app or paper diary to record your daily diet and exercise, compare your goals with the actual situation, find room for improvement, and make weight loss more planned and controllable.
Don't blindly pursue quick weight loss methods There are many ways to lose weight quickly, such as extreme diets, weight loss drugs, etc., but these methods are usually unsustainable and may have negative health effects. Therefore, don't blindly pursue quick-acting weight loss methods, but choose scientific, healthy and sustainable weight loss methods.
develop good living habits Healthy weight loss is not just about changing your diet and exercise habits, but also about developing good living habits. For example, quit smoking and limit alcohol, reduce high-sugar, high-salt, high-fat diet, maintain a happy mood, participate in more outdoor activities, and reduce sedentary time. These lifestyle habits have a positive impact on weight loss and maintenance of health.
seek professional help If you're having trouble losing weight, consider seeking professional help. Nutritionists, fitness trainers and other professionals can formulate reasonable diet and exercise plans for you, and provide guidance and support according to your individual conditions. In the meantime, if you have a medical condition or are on medication, you should seek your doctor's advice to make sure the weight loss process is safe for your health.
persistence and patience Healthy weight loss is a long-term process that requires patience and perseverance. Don't expect to lose weight in a short period of time, but set reasonable goals, stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan, maintain a positive attitude, and don't give up easily. Remember, healthy weight loss is a lasting lifestyle change, not a temporary measure.
In short, healthy weight loss requires reasonable diet arrangements, scientific exercise plans, good living habits and a positive attitude. By eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, managing your emotions and stress, and avoiding quick fixes, you'll be able to achieve healthy weight loss goals and improve your overall health in the process. Remember that everyone's body and situation are different, and it is best to seek professional advice during the weight loss process to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the weight loss process. I wish you success in achieving healthy weight loss!
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