#but i tried ok
pharawee · 9 months
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"Khun Yai, what makes you like plumeria? They're quite an unpopular flower, aren't they? Because the Thai name means misery, which sounds quite inauspicious."
"So try smelling them. Their gentle scent makes me feel liberated, and they're also enchanting. I think they smell like you, Jom."
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hmm characters you say? i'll always ask for a little iskall :3
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not coming to a cinema near you: iskall and the magical vault crystal!
(requests are still open for a little bit)
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sheawritesstuff · 5 months
Telepathic Return
[James x Gender Neutral Spouse]
[Fluff - 928 words]
Switching channels as fast as their fingers would let them was surprisingly unfulfilling. They laid on the couch, splayed out and desperately tried to curb their boredom. There was never anything good on. Nothing worth watching. Nothing to distract them from the constant emptiness of James’s absence.
But then they heard something.
There was a quiet whisper in the back of their mind, just barely there. Frantically looking around their living room revealed no source of the sound. They relaxed back down in their spot, deciding they must have imagined it when it came again - barely louder this time. The voice was still too quiet to make out any words but it was becoming clearer by the second. Sitting up in their spot, they switched off the TV and listened closely. 
“Hello, hello? Anybody there? Mic check one two, one two.”
“James?”  There was a pause as the realization sunk in. “James, is that you?” 
“There you are,” he replied. The smile in his voice was palpable, even through their link, “God I missed your voice.” 
They jumped up and practically ripped the curtains off the rod as they peered out at the street. “Are you here? Are you finally home? Where are you??” They rattled off questions in their mind as they craned their neck searching for any sign of his arrival.
“Not yet, love,” he cut their thoughts short. “I am, however, quickly approaching my destination.”
They pulled away from the window as the fact of the matter seeped into their brain. James is coming home. He’s almost here. My husband is finally coming back to me. He’ll be here any minute.
 “Oh shit.” 
“Hmm?” James hummed a question as his spouse looked down at their clothes and panicked. They rushed to the bedroom and flung the other clothes out of the way in a desperate search for something better. They had so long to prepare for this moment but here they were, digging through their closet trying to find the right outfit right before their husband gets home after being gone for So. Long. God where did they put that shirt? Their belt has got to be somewhere around here. The nice pants should be-
“Whatcha lookin for, honey?” James voice cut through their panic, causing them to pause for just a moment. 
“Nothin’... Don’t worry about it,” they lied through their metaphorical teeth. They grabbed at a piece of red shiny fabric and pulled it off the hanger, deeming it good enough. 
“Light of my life, your thoughts are running a mile a minute. You’re clearly freaking out about something. Breathe, love.” His voice was soft and gentle in their mind. They stopped for a moment, pulling their hands up to their chest and taking a long, deep breath. 
“Better. How much longer? ‘Til you get here, I mean.” They continued their search for appropriately dressy clothing for the occasion as they waited for his answer. 
“I’m not sure. A few more minutes, I’d guess.”
“Oh, good. Good…” They pulled at the nicest clothes they could find and hurriedly put them on. They fastened the belt tightly around their waist and haphazardly pulled on a pair of socks. They were sorting through their collection of shoes when James’s voice rang through their head again, the loudest it’s been since he left.
“I can see the house now. I’m almost there my love.”
They pulled on the closest pair of boots, hoisted themself up, and ran out into the living room again. They stood in front of the door and smoothed out their clothes, fixing up the little details. Their hands played at their hair, moving strands into place as they listened for the car outside. 
They heard it as the car pulled to a stop right outside. 
“James, is that you?” They asked again as footsteps approached their door. The jingling of keys was their only answer before the door opened, revealing their husband standing on the other side. 
“I’m home,” he said with the brightest smile they’d seen since their wedding day. Opened arms wrapped tightly around his spouse as they ran into him. They stood in the doorway for a long moment, just holding each other and reveling in the fact they were finally together again. When they pulled away, matching tears fell down both their cheeks. James’s gentle hands wiped away his lover’s tears and pulled their face against his for a delicately intimate kiss. God they missed this, missed each other. They pulled away after a long moment and just stared at each other. It felt surreal after all this time. 
“So,” James started, “you got all dressed up for me?” It was in that moment his spouse realized they were wearing an outfit made of a not insignificant amount of silk and leather, while their beloved donned sweatpants and a t-shirt after his flight. Their face burned with embarrassment, as they realized how much unnecessary stress they’d put themself through. They couldn’t help but giggle at the ridiculousness of it. All the rushing and searching and panic… just to stay in their own house. 
They laughed together in the doorway, arms wrapping around each other to keep themselves from falling over. It was a beautiful sound. A sound of joy and of love. It was perfect.
This was perfect. They pulled themselves together after a long moment and dragged James’s luggage inside. There was no rush to unpack it now. There was no rush to do anything in that moment. He was home, and that’s all that mattered.
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countergank · 1 year
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broxah! ^^
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ferniliciousness · 5 months
I just finished watching Hazbin Hotel, and let me tell you, I'm in love. So in love in fact that I felt inspired to actually draw something lol.she does not have a name, but I love her.
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roppiepop · 5 months
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Who’s coming to the cookout?
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isjasz · 3 months
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(happy eclipse day yesterday🎆🎆🎆)
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ayo-edebiri · 1 month
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#I think Buck deserves Bobby to call him his son in front of him (insp by this gifset)
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kaleidoscore · 1 month
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Hey there! Welcome to Indigo Park! My name's Rambley - Rambley the Raccoon!
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hyolks · 5 months
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al's the kinda guy to wear sweater vests and oxfords <3
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inafallsaway · 8 months
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Drawing time!
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squea · 7 days
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CRUNCH - a hairstyle
i learnt how to mesh hair yesterday and this is the result! i tried my best :o) based on a hair i saw on pinterest and named after a typo.
for all frames / all lods / hat chops / 8.7k polys / 360 under cut
i know its far from perfect. but im proud of what ive learnt and for actually finishing it ok. i also hand drew some of the textures!
download (gdrive)
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athanmis · 2 months
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ITS ETHO DAY YIPPEE!!!! etho day!!!!! (redstone break)
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sparticus2000art · 20 days
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Here’s my entry into @junipers-insects dtiys!
They said to try re-doing dreams design, and I thought it would be fun to mess around with a few ideas, so here’s also some alternate costumes I tried out for him!
It was a pretty fun process!
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vault81 · 4 months
I've finished my Fallout OC Character Sheet! this is my first time making something like this, but I like how it turned out!
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PSD below cut!
Compressed Version!
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juicedaloe · 1 month
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me and my gf :3 (she is made of water)
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