#Honestly had no idea what to do with the coloring
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naranjapetrificada · 3 days ago
Specifically about the racefakery:
I'm primarily seeing the conversation around All This focus on plagiarism (which makes sense) but I wanted to say some things as one of the handful of Black people I'm aware of that hang out around here:
1. Discord makes my brain itch and I've been afraid to go to OFMD bluesky after how bad OFMD twitter was, so I'm often one of so few Black people on here that you can count us one hand. I wasn't especially close with Atticus but I did like knowing that someone else was gonna be loud about racist Ed takes from a "position of authority" as it were. That knowledge made shit feel a lot less lonely over here and this motherfucker took that from me. That's what I feel betrayed about. That's what pisses me off about the racefaking in particular. Things are now unequivocally going to be harder for me around here than they were before and I hate that he was able to put me in this position.
2. I'm not aware of if he plagiarized any of my fics because they're mostly 100% canon compliant or in one case, too weird to effectively copy, but I'll never know because 100+ middling fics is too many to check through. I'm okay not knowing because the stilted way he wrote about Ed's hair and Ed's race are not things I wish to subject myself to anymore. But for the record, his fics are one of the places where the racefakery shows the most imo because writing makes you tell on yourself in unanticipated ways.
3. Maybe this next point will get me blocked by even more white people in this fandom but here we go anyway. I've struggled to come up with a more diplomatic way of saying "white people are too polite/conflict averse" but like, white people are too polite/conflict averse. This has literally come up in this exact fandom before, around a less fraught issue but still. It had ugly fallout then and it's had ugly fallout now, and while I understand not wanting to come at somebody you perceive as a person of color where everyone could see it, I do wish we had an environment where people who did have suspicions about him could have come forward. The amount of harm he was able to do is directly proportional to the amount of time and space he had to do it, and even before you start talking about the racefaking he was up to shady shit that I certainly had no idea was going on. Which leads to my next point.
4. I can recall a couple times where my race-related spidey senses tingled, but any unease I had was easily lost in the constant din of race-related shit that comes with my existence both in and out of fan spaces. To borrow from scarrletmoon (I miss having you here!) it's like background radiation. Also, there was always the "maybe it's just bad writing" excuse, or the "it's not my place to say but the way he writes about Judaism isn't quite like the way Jews I know talk about it" excuse. There was my (continued) inability to imagine why some white person would bother, because no amount of clout is worth what it's like to be Black on the internet. There was also probably some kind of aversion I had to the idea of losing "one of us" on here, which honestly might be something he was preying on but it's not productive for me to try to get inside the mind of someone who would do what he's done.
And if I was falling into those particular traps (around the racefaking in particular) myself, there's no way the rest of y'all could have known anything was up. Certainly not in isolation. Now I can't help but wonder if being seen interacting with me gave him some kind of legitimacy in any of your eyes, which is lowkey horrifying if true.
Anyway, those are the things I have to say now, after processing for a bit. It's still not worth my sanity to spend more than 30 seconds at a time looking at Discord, where I know a lot of this sort of thing gets discussed, but I can't help but wish I'd known about this sooner.
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holyblonded · 2 days ago
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harper days | always sunny in australia
pairings: harper gorry x sister!reader, mini gorry x teen!reader
summary: you babysit harper, a master manipulator, for the day
warnings: lost children
notes: i had no idea how much i needed harper and chickie written together
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“Are you sure I’m the right person for this?” You shifted awkwardly, glancing at Mini with uncertainty. “I mean, if it’s about the cost of a regular babysitter, I’d be happy to chip in and help you pay—”
“Chickie,” Mini interrupted with a small smile, resting a hand on your arm. “Harper loves you. She specifically requested you today and refused anybody else. Please do me a solid?”
You sighed, still not entirely convinced. But before you could come up with another excuse, a small body crashed into your legs, tiny arms wrapping tightly around you.
“Chick! I missed you!” Harper’s voice was filled with excitement, and when you looked down, you were met with her beaming face as she hugged you with all the strength her little body could muster.
You couldn’t help but smile as you ruffled her hair. “I missed you too, Harps.”
Mini folded her arms, raising an eyebrow. “Still think you’re not the right person for this?”
You hesitated for a moment, but Harper was already clinging to you like you were her favorite person in the world, and the thought of letting her down made your stomach twist.
“You really think I can handle it?” you asked, still a little unsure.
Mini nodded firmly. “Absolutely. You’re great with her. And, honestly, she’s probably going to be the one taking care of you by the end of the day.”
Harper nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, Chick, I got this!”
You laughed, finally relenting. “Alright, alright. You win. We’ll have the best day ever.”
Mini sighed in relief. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this helps me.” She crouched down to Harper’s level. “Be good for Chickie, okay?”
Harper gave her mom an exaggerated thumbs-up. “Always!”
Mini shot you a knowing look. “That’s a lie, but good luck.”
After a few more instructions and an over-the-shoulder “Text me if you need anything!”, Mini finally headed out, leaving you alone with Harper, who was already bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“So, Harps, what do you wanna do today?”
Her eyes lit up instantly. “Play at the playground! And play football! And have a picnic!”
You chuckled. “That’s quite a list. But you know what?” You crouched down to her level, grinning. “We’re gonna do all of it.”
Harper let out an excited squeal, grabbing your hand and tugging you toward the door. “Let’s go, Chick! We have so much to do!”
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The grocery store was buzzing with people, but you and Harper were on a mission. With a small shopping cart that was definitely not meant to be used as a race car (despite Harper’s best attempts), the two of you navigated the aisles, picking out sandwiches, fruit, juice boxes, and enough snacks to last the entire afternoon.
“Ooh! Chick, can we get the star cookies?” Harper pointed excitedly at a package, eyes wide with hope.
You pretended to think about it, tapping your chin. “Hmm… what’s the magic word?”
Harper beamed. “Please?”
You grabbed the cookies and tossed them in the cart. “That’s my girl.”
After loading up on picnic essentials, you found yourself in the sports section, eyes scanning the shelves for a kiddie football. It didn’t take long before something caught your attention, an Arsenal-branded football, perfectly sized for Harper.
“Harps, check this out!” You held up the ball, and her face lit up.
“IT’S RED!” she cheered.
“Just like our team,” you said, kneeling down in front of her. “Wanna make it official?”
Harper nodded rapidly, so you pulled out your phone and hit record.
“Alright, Harps,” you said, holding the ball up, “who’s your favorite team?”
“ARSENAL!” she shouted.
“And what color is London?”
“And who’s your favorite player?”
Harper giggled before launching herself at you, wrapping her arms around your neck. “You!”
Your heart practically melted, but you still had one more thing to teach her. “Alright, repeat after me—North…”
You stopped recording and grinned. “Perfect. You’re officially one of us.”
Harper clutched the ball like it was her most prized possession, and you ruffled her hair before steering the cart toward the checkout line.
As you placed your items on the conveyor belt, Harper stood beside you, still bouncing with excitement. You were just about to grab your wallet when she gasped dramatically.
“Chick! Look! It’s Kyra and Charli!”
Your eyes snapped up, but before you could register where exactly she saw them, Harper had already wandered off, her tiny legs carrying her toward the chaos that was Kyra Cooney-Cross and Charli Grant in a store.
By the time you finished paying and looked down, Harper was gone.
Panic surged through you instantly. Your chest tightened, and the air around you suddenly felt too thick.
“Harper?” Your voice wavered as you frantically scanned the store. “Harper?”
Your breathing picked up as worst-case scenarios flooded your mind.
Then, a familiar voice cut through the noise. “Chickie?”
You turned to see Steph standing nearby, a concerned look on her face. She had a basket in one hand, but her focus was entirely on you.
“I—I can’t find Harper,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Steph immediately stepped closer, placing a firm but gentle hand on your shoulder. “Hey, breathe. She’s probably with Kyra and Charli, yeah? Let’s go find them.”
You took a shaky breath, nodding. Steph was right. Harper had said she saw them. And if she was with them, she was safe.
The two of you moved quickly through the aisles, scanning for any sign of Kyra’s unmistakable energy or Charli’s bright blonde hair.
Finally, near the home goods section, you spotted them and sure enough, there was Harper, hoisted up in Kyra’s arms as Charli tried to steady her.
“You got it, Harps?” Kyra asked as the little girl stretched toward a stuffed koala on the highest shelf.
Almost immediately, relief crashed over you. “Harper!”
The three of them froze, turning to face you. Harper beamed. “Chick! Look, I found a koala!”
Kyra and Charli, meanwhile, both looked equally confused.
“Wait,” Charli frowned, looking between you and Harper, “she’s your kid for today?”
Kyra blinked. “How did she even get here?”
Steph crossed her arms. “That’s what we’d all like to know.”
You wasted no time in striding forward and pulling Harper into a tight hug. “You scared me, Harps.”
Harper hugged you back, small arms wrapping around your neck. “Sorry, Chick… I just saw Kyra and Charli and wanted to say hi.”
You sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Next time, you tell me first, okay?”
Harper nodded, and you pulled back to give her a soft smile.
Kyra, however, nudged Charli and muttered, “Look at our little Chickie. All grown up.”
You shot her a glare. “Kyra, I swear—”
Steph clapped her hands together. “Alright, enough of that. Harper’s safe, Chickie’s no longer panicking, and Kyra and Charli are somehow still standing after whatever this was.” She looked at you. “Let’s get back to our actual plans, yeah?”
You nodded, taking Harper’s hand. “Yeah. Let’s go have our picnic.”
Harper grinned. “And play football!”
Kyra smirked. “Don’t let her nutmeg you, Chick.”
“Oh, piss off Cooney-Cross,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “I taught her.”
With Harper’s hand in yours, you led her back toward the front of the store, your heart finally settling after that brief moment of sheer panic. But one thing was for sure, Harper was going to be glued to your side for the rest of the day.
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The park was quiet except for the occasional sounds of kids playing and the rhythmic thud of a football being passed between you and Harper. She was full of energy, her little legs moving as fast as they could to keep up with you. Every time she managed to get the ball past you, she would let out a triumphant cheer, arms raised above her head like she had just won the World Cup.
“You’re getting too good, Harps,” you teased, tapping the ball back toward her. “Might have to start calling you the next Sam Kerr.”
Harper gasped dramatically. “No! I wanna be like you!”
That made you pause, warmth spreading through your chest. “Oh yeah?”
Harper nodded eagerly. “You teach me cool tricks! And you’re the best!”
You laughed, shaking your head as you knelt down. “Alright then, little legend. Let’s learn a new trick.”
For the next thirty minutes, you showed her how to pull off a simple step-over. At first, she kept tripping over her own feet, but after some exaggerated demonstrations (and a few dramatic tumbles on your end just to make her laugh), she finally got it. The moment she successfully pulled it off, she shrieked with joy and immediately demanded you record her doing it so she could show Mini.
After wearing yourselves out, you packed up and headed back to your and Sam’s place, where the second you sat down on the couch, Harper immediately climbed into your lap, demanding Bluey.
Not that you were going to say no.
So there you were, curled up on the couch, Harper tucked into your side as the two of you watched episode after episode. Harper giggled at the show, occasionally quoting lines before they even happened, while you felt yourself slowly sinking deeper into relaxation.
That’s how Mini found you when she came to get Harper.
“Alright, Miss Harper,” Mini sighed, hands on her hips. “Time to get ready for bed.”
Harper clung to you tighter, her little arms wrapping around your torso. “Noooo, I wanna stay with Chick!”
Mini groaned. “Harper…”
You glanced down at the little girl, who was now nuzzling into your hoodie, clearly refusing to budge. With a small chuckle, you looked up at Mini. “I can keep her for the night, if you want.”
Mini exhaled in relief. “If you’re sure? She’s all yours.”
Harper perked up, eyes shining. “YAY!”
Mini shook her head, muttering something about you spoiling her daughter before leaving you and Harper snuggled up once more. At some point, exhaustion won out, and the two of you dozed off.
Sam, who had just come home from rehab, paused at the doorway, a slow smile spreading across her face. You and Harper were curled up in the exact same position, mouths slightly open, Harper’s tiny body cradled in your arms like she belonged there.
Shaking her head in amusement, Sam pulled out her phone, snapped a picture, and immediately sent it to the Matildas group chat.
Found Chickadee and her mini-me. Pretty sure I’m being replaced.
Before she could even put her phone away, replies flooded in.
I literally tried to take her off Chickie but she refused
My heart. This is too cute.
They even sleep the same????
Sam rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help the fond chuckle that escaped her. She grabbed a blanket and gently draped it over the both of you before ruffling your hair lightly.
“Goodnight, ya little chook,” she murmured before heading to bed.
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car-o-line · 2 days ago
Oh boy uhm. Really nervous to ask this
First of all, I've recently started following you and I just have to say, I love your work. Everytime I read your posts it has me giggling and kicking my goofy little feet in the air./pos /gen
I was wondering if you could write about what if Doey and his 3 consciousness would do with a blind player /w broken glasses (Their vision is shit and can only make out things if they're REALLY close to their face 💔)
It's completely fine if you don't want to do this or don't have the time, just dropping down a small request :3
AHJBHEJFGWQKJBHKFER, ahem, thank you omg ur so sweet- and also this came to me at the right time because my vision is also ass but I refuse to wear glasses so shhh🤫🤫🤫 AND DO NOT BE NERVOUS ABOUT REQUESTING I DON’T BITE, PINKY SWEAR😤
Doey with a reader whose vision is bad bad 👓🤏😐
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You honestly had no idea how you’ve made it this far-
From using your grab pack to grab handles that seem just like a glowing color, to reaching for batteries that seem like a speck of dust, and even not knowing that you killed monsters(you didn’t even realize Catnap died until Poppy told you herself)
Speaking of Miss Wendy’s head, she also has no clue how you came such a long way. But she figured that if you could manage to do all of this without good vision, the things you could do with perfect vision would be unimaginable in a place like this.
Either way you survived and you did the job, that’s all that counted.
After escaping..uhm, a rainbow lion or whatever. You quickly came across a green dinosaur that somehow made piano noises, though for the 15 seconds that you first saw him, the next 15 seconds were how he died. You couldn’t tell what killed him until the something crawled out of the darkness and came straight up towards you.
“Hiya there pallll, don’t worry! I won’t eat you. Ahahah..”
You recognized who that something was, Doey. You were a pass employee after all, but he was hard to see. And hard to understand where he was at during the whole encounter. Was he spying on you when you couldn’t see? Who knows?
The mascot told you to follow him as he managed to squeeze his way through the holes in the brick walls, which made everything wayyyyy more confusing than it had to be.
Appalled, you literally just didn’t know where to go to follow him, you looked up, down, left, right, but all you could see was a blur.
Doey, eventually realized that you weren’t following him, so when be went back to where you first were, he was meant with you trying to grab the handle above(you found out how to follow him eventually) and missing each time miserably.
“Do you need help with that bud?”
(he scared you to death)
You sheepishly told him that you could not see a single thing unless it was real close to you. That’s why you’re missing so much.
He was a bit dumbfounded because if you were “Poppy’s friend,” wouldn’t she had chosen someone who would be the least at risk when it came to this sort of things. He imagined that if he grabbing a handle was a hassle for you, then everything else you’ve done must have been horribly troublesome for you.
Because Poppy wouldn’t let someone who’s basically BLIND do all her dirty work..right?
He decided to deal with that problem later, for now he wants to guide you personally to Save Haven. Somewhere where you can be safe until it’s not, or until he figures out what to do with you.
His way of transporting you was simple, just for you to piggy-back ride him til the area was reached(Jack just wanted a way to kind of actually touch someone without doing it randomly🎀)
Once at Safe Haven he had the Medic check up on you in case you got injured in anyway while he had a “chat” with Poppy.
“You let someone who can barely see go out and do all of the things someone in top-notch shape should be doing?”
“Listen Doey, who else is going to be down here and help us. Who else is capable to do the things they’re doing!?”
“Not them.”
“I know you want this to happen as fast as possible Poppy. But using Y/n isn’t the right option, it’s a miracle they’ve survived for this long. And if they would’ve died, it would’ve caused the Prototypes attention much more then if Y/n hadn’t came here to begin with.”
“You don’t get it, Y/n has potential- you’ve seen what they’ve done!”
“And it’s great, but they’ve done enough. They will stay here until the Prototype is dead, end of discussion Poppy.”
And he means to keep his word until he physically cannot do so anymore.
Matthew is definitely the most concerned about your predicament. When he’s in control he’ll kind of be like a butler or a guidance for you. He makes sure that the other toys in Safe Haven know about your vision so that if they play or you’re helping them do whatever, that they know to either play gentle or not ask too much from you when you’re around.
Kevin did not give two craps at first I’m so so sorry😭 He’s so inconsiderate ain’t he beginning like, they don’t have glasses? Are they poor? When he’s first met you he purposefully hid your items from you just so you get annoyed. But when you got closer with his personality, he yells at anyone who bothers you or hides things from you. A hypocrite at his finest.
Jack used your vision as an opportunity to bond with you. Even if he wasn’t purposely doing it he sometimes uses your lack of sight to his advantage for entertainment. If you need something but can’t see it(it’s literally on your sleeping bag and you’re IN the tent) he makes a game out of it like if he finds it first you have to give him a hug or a high-five. He also wonders about it most too, so you literally just cannot see? Interesting…he said he’d cry if that happened to him. Okay Jack. Okay.
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skullchicken · 3 days ago
Today I had a conversation with a guy publishing a free RPG magazine. The magazine was written by humans but had AI pictures. Since he had gotten pushback for it and I am an artist, he asked me what I thought he should do.
"everyone criticizes but when I ask them what to do instead, they get silent."
I suggest he print it without pictures. He didn't like that answer. After all, you can't just make a magazine without pictures (you can, of course). I said he would not expect the printer to print it for free either, right?
"but we offer it for free! The printed version costs as much as it costs us to print, we don't make any money from it."
Okay. It needs pictures. And artists are too pricey. I suggested pixabay or any other repository of free pictures. I also said that you can license illustrations instead of commissioning them for much cheaper. But he considered that still too pricey with how many pictures he wanted in his free magazine.
He suggested offering exposure for the work an illustrator does, that they would put an exposé of an artist into the magazine who provided the illustrations. I said that exposure doesn't help much because you are unlikely to get commissions from that and that artists in fantasy and sci-fi get paid peanuts to begin with, but that it was a nice idea regardless, it could work.
Finally I landed on "you are writing for free. There are many artists in the ttrpg community. There might be some willing to support you if they like your stuff. Don't view them as if they are outside of your community. Maybe just find them and make them part of your team." (I even showed him one such magazine I had worked on where the Illustrator was a volunteer. Of course that was "only" like 5 black and white illustrations, not the 20 high gloss colorful pictures he was looking for.)
He thanked me for my input.
And I'm still sitting here with a pit in my stomach because honestly? It felt like I had to justify my existence. How am I supposed to compete with zero cost? Is suggesting using stock illustrations even better? Yes every party consented to it but illustrators are still competing with zero cost.
I think what it came down for me is not even the price/compensation (because it is a free magazine, they are never going to be a client), it's how... anti social it all is. How the art isn't valued. I almost wanted to ask him "why stop there? Why are your words so precious? Don't they take too long to write as well for a free magazine? Why not generate them, too?"
They might not get money, but they get attention, they get social capital if they get successful. They get to be authors of their words.
I think the reason it felt so degrading to me is because it's a question of whose work is "allowed" to be replaced.
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renguro · 19 hours ago
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Now that S2 is almost over, I wanted to finally get out that post talking about all of the insights and things I did, learned, or other fun stuff about the countdown pieces I made. I still have something in mind for the S2 finale, so maybe if you read (or skip) to the end I'll have a preview for you?
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Oh god here we go One day I was coming home from work and decided to check how many days there were until the new season released and I found it was 7 days. So I did all of these in 7 days. Literally everyone was worried about me because I did nothing but draw for those 7 days.
... Except for when I went back to work. I worked I came home and then drew until I literally couldn't anymore lmao. I remember being dazed and exhausted after the Clock Keepers and my dad came up to my room literally right as I finished and asked, "Have you gone to sleep?" And I said, "NOPE! :D" I was living on energy drinks
I'm also 90% sure this started the "ren you're doing too much you need to chill the hell out" thing with me and my friends now
When I was doing these, I had only read the first ten volumes of Hanako-kun at the time, so I was stopped right in the middle of Picture Perfect. I had the second box set, but I just hadn't gotten the time to read it since I got it for Christmas. That means I didn't know Shijima's full deal, and I didn't even know Hakubo's name, so I was winging it hard.
All of the full pieces are linked by clicking their names :)
You can tell from the speedpaint I was struggling hard with the pose lmao. I honestly felt like the one I chose was a cop-out and didn't feel energetic enough, but the time crunch got me. At this point, I was also really unsure about how I wanted to treat the colors, because I'd only just started dipping into seriously studying how Aida does it. So many references. And him wearing basically all black didn't help I wanted to scream. I was TRYING to keep everything as solid colors without falling back on overlay and multiply layers, but I got desperate. Still looks pretty good I think.
My favorite part was probably the hakujoudai and the detailing on his collar/shoulders! If I were to edit anything, I think I'd put more on the bottom half of the background because it feels a touch empty. kinda killed it on this pant leg and his hat tho
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Like I said, I had no idea who Hakubo was. For the first half of things, I couldn't even find his name, I was just calling him "Shinigami-sama..." I wasn't going to go trampling into spoilers just for references either, so I was freaking out on what to do for the background. All I knew was that there was something to do with lotuses or bugs, and already having an idea of where I'd take Tsuchigomori, I took the lotus route. I uh also hope I didn't make his face too feminine. I don't know why but when drawing male characters who are larger or more built (even if it didn't turn out obvious in this piece) I somehow keep making them look like butches.
Shading his hair was the most fun part out of all of this, I usually never draw characters with hair as short as his, so it was a fun challenge! I'm also just a sucker for kimonos and flowy clothes. He was probably one of the most fun ones for me, even if he was so early on. I LOVE the texture I got on the skull. (even if it's technically too small.)
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Tsuchigomori onwards ALL used this sticky note full of thumbnails I drew at work for reference. Yes that is a note next to him that says + cuntier. He was also drawn on the same day that I did Hakubo, so I managed to buy myself some extra time.
I was so excited for this one because I could see it so well in my mind's eye, until I realized how many hands I'd need to draw. And then I sucked it up and locked in because I love Tsuchigomori. I'm so pleased with how I worked in more of the blues into the shading and his hair. It was at this point that I think I was understanding how I wanted to take the colors for all of these pieces! I enjoyed doing the fun trick I learned with the weave on his sweater and the spiderwebs where I drew a thick like and then erased the middle. Nearly forgot the markings on his forehead too lmao.
I wonder whose black book he's reading?
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Oh Shijima. I truly had zero real clue about her, and I managed to dodge spoilers about Mei even when I was looking up references. That's why she's painting using her paintbrush clone haha. It's still cute though, so I'm keeping it. Her hair kept giving me trouble because it's the kind of hair you draw and don't really realize just how big you're drawing it until you have to fix it. Actually, I'm having that exact issue on what I'm working on right now, and I'll fix it after I take a break.
I dug up a comment I made while I was working on it and I still stand by this.
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There's also something a little odd about the positioning of her chin that I was too exhausted to fix, and I SUPER fudged the coloring on her hair. Also I really didn't know what to put in the background OTHER than the atelier, but I can't really draw buildings! So uh! The exhaustion was beginning to set in after 3 days of this. (Since Hakubo and Tsuchigomori were done on the same day. I didn't keep that time advantage for long though.)
think i fudged it okay, though.
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I was struggling on Mitsuba some because that thing where you see/read something and then forget about it only for it to arise as something you think you did happened. That pose I thumbnailed on the sticky note was WAY too close to the official Hell of Mirrors standee/art. Luckily I contain extreme Mitsuba bias (shocker) and I was able to figure it out. I had a ton of problems shading his coat just like I did with Hanako. It's so hard to keep things from melding together when you've mostly got them wearing black.
It's an odd thing to be proud about, but I feel I did the best on the.. Legs of his pants, the chains and lockets, and the eyes and teeth on his jacket. That and the ribcage scarf. I'm really disappointed in myself for the background and his hair, if I'm being honest. I wanna fix his eyes. I STILL haven't figured out his hair either too. Which makes me even more surprised that my friends said, ren, your bias is showing on this one because I was like IS IT??? ARE YOU CERTAIN?
his hand turned out nice too and did i mention i had fun on the ribcage
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I sketched the first initial draft for Yako on the same day I drew Hakubo and Tsuchigomori, but when it finally came time to sit down and draw her? I realized there would be so much empty space where I couldn't have fun with colors and it'd just be the white back of her kimono, so I turned her around and scrapped the idea of her fox form curling around her. I couldn't fit fox Yako in, and I'm STILL kind of bummed about that.
The flow of her hair was so much fun to figure out, as well as the patterns on her kimono. I'm really happy with the background, combining the aspects of the Misaki Stairs' original version and the one after she's been removed from her seat with the spider lilies. The lilies themselves are a little fudged if you look too close, so... Don't look too close? :3
loved the kimono. every bit. can't believe i had her turned around.
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Uh okay some good things to say about this one... The colors were a ton of fun to figure out how to place, and I think I at least did a good job on that part. Shading gold things is always really fun! And at least Akane's ponytail was fun to make flow, I was riding the high from Yako's hair here. I think I got a lot of that fun flowy movement in here, which I'm pleased about. This was another one that my friends say turned out the best, again that I'm ??? about.
these cogs are my everything
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All of the kanji's colorings for their numbers were taken directly from the anime! I don't really wanna get rid of that fun reference even if in like, Tsuchigomori's case the colors are REALLY different from the main piece.
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Most of the first day was spent on, Hanako of course, and then setting up the frames for everyone else to go into. I spent money to get the patterns to go on the colored part, actually. Constraining everyone to the frames helped a LOT in terms of balancing myself and made it fun to choose what elements would stick outside of them. If I pushed for entire full backgrounds, then I would have been doing even worse.
I was on the ropes at the end. I was half dead and drawing like I was possessed. And the catharsis of it being done and it all looking acceptable just. Ough. I don't know if I'll ever have a high like that again. There's an evil, evil part of me that says, ren! redraw all of them for s3 under the exact same constraints! And shit I might but I'll complain about it. I think it's more likely though that I go back and doctor them up some so I can print them as standees. Probably just for myself, but I do want to build a stock for artist alleys.
I had so, so much fun overall even if it was so much it really could have put my already bad health in more danger. I learned so much about coloring, lineart, framing things, and I really attribute my gauntlet to the explosion in my art progress. That, and my sheer adoration for this series. Am I rambling? I just love TBHK. It's only been 5 months since I first discovered it and it's done so, so much for me.
Even if you went and scrolled through all of this nonsense, which I don't blame you for, here's a little preview of what I'm trying to finish by next week for the finale.
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I can't believe we're on the final episode! It's so close now, and it keeps flooring me how little time has really passed. I'll try and push to get SOMETHING else done before then, but we'll see. I've got so much I want and have to get done.
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lightmothx · 2 days ago
Hot take that's not that much of a hot take - but, Zelda should've honestly been the Protagonist of TOTK. That's what makes the Role Swap aus so good. Tears gave us a world we're already familiar with, flops it on its side with the Upheaval plotline. I think we should've let the Sheikah technology stay Link's thing for the sake of BOTW, and then have TOTK's Zonai stuff be Zelda's thing. Zelda was a huge history buff in BOTW, so having her figure out all the Zonai lore and whatnot would've been perfect.
Not only that, but her exploring Hyrule and seeing the good Link has done for the people would've been awesome. I would've settled for a DLC even where we get to play as Zelda during her plot in Old Hyrule with Rauru and Sonia, but we got nothing. That's not fair at all. Wild Era Zelda had more character than ANY previous Zelda we've ever seen and they sideline her at every turn, reducing her once more to a damsel that needs saving, when we've seen she's more than capable of holding her own (in Age of Calamity).
I liked the whole Light Dragon plot, but they made it a point over and over again that "becoming an immortal dragon is irreversible" only for us to magically turn her back with The Power of Friendship™. It would've been more interesting to get that ending as a 100% competition benefit, but even then, Zelda shouldn't have been completely fine if you know what I'm saying. Like you're telling me Link slept for 100yrs and forgot nearly everything about his life, but Zelda slept as a Dragon for Hylia knows how long, and she's just okay?!
This is why a lot of people complained that TOTK felt a little lackluster compared to Breath of the Wild, and I completely agree. What was the point of having the Champions and their descendants be such a huge thing in BOTW, just to create an entirely new plot with The Sages in TOTK? What was the point of introducing the Light Dragon, Demon Dragon and Sacred Stones if we got NO information about the Dragons that were already in BOTW? (Dinraal, Naydra, Farosh). People can ramble on and on about theories and whatnot but I would've loved CONFIRMATION or even a SIDE QUEST. We got a lotta useless new lore to try and erase perfectly good lore bits we had.
And I hate to be the dork wearing rose colored glasses or whatever the saying is, but this is why I prefer older Zelda games, because sure -- Nintendo didn't confirm everything, but they confirmed enough for people to properly string lore themselves. Nowadays I feel like Zelda content creators are just grasping at straws to try and patch plotholes that Nintendo just shrugged off. And then for them to be like "We came up with TOTK because we had SO many DLC ideas for BOTW", just to release a half-ass game and be like "We did everything we wanted to do with this era ☺️" WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL OF THOSE IDEAS?! I really hope this isnt a continuous thing because I'm getting too old to wait YEARS for a new game to confirm absolutely nothing about the previous one.
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softonstyles · 2 days ago
Part Six
Part Five
A/N: part six is here! i can't wait for everything i have planned to unfold for you all :) thank you so much for reading - as always, i love to hear from you, so feel free to reach out with your thoughts and ideas <3
Word Count: 2.3K
The restaurant was just as Charlotte had described — refined, intimate, and undeniably alluring.
Soft candle light flickered on every table, casting warm golden hues over polished wood and plush velvet seating. In the far corner, a live band played Cumbia; the rhythmic beat of the percussion weaving seamlessly with the low murmur of conversation. The music pulled at something deep in Aurora’s chest, pulling her back to vibrant childhood summers in Cartagena.
Aurora’s parents hadn’t been able to afford childcare during school breaks, so she and her brother were sent to the northern coast of Colombia to stay with their grandparents. Those summers were etched into her memory — the thick coastal air, the sun-drenched streets bursting with color, the unshakable sense of belonging she felt there. 
Something she could never quite guarantee in the States.
The host led them to a corner table tucked near the back of the dining room. He pulled out Charlotte’s chair, while Harry, ever the gentleman, did the same for Aurora. She murmured a quiet thank you, her voice barely audible beneath the gentle hum of the restaurant, before taking a seat.
Aurora and Charlotte sat next to one another, and Harry directly across from them.
Or rather, directly across from Aurora.
“Camarones al ajillo,” Harry read aloud, his tone thoughtful. “I know camarones are shrimp, but what’s ajillo?”
“Right?” Charlotte added. “Some of these don’t have descriptions. What if I end up ordering something I don’t like?”
Aurora lifted her gaze from the menu. “Ajillo means garlic. It’s shrimp cooked in a garlic sauce, usually served with rice or plantains.” She turned to Charlotte, voice softening. “Need help with anything else on the menu?”
Charlotte shook her head, but Harry’s attention stayed on Aurora. “Do you speak Spanish?”
“I do,” she nodded. “My family’s from Colombia.”
“Cool, right?” Charlotte beamed.
“Very,” Harry agreed. “Colombia is beautiful. Do you visit often?”
“Not as much as I’d like,” Aurora admitted. “But I spent every summer there as a kid.”
Harry leaned back slightly, as if picturing it. The weight of his gaze made Aurora reach for her glass of water, an unspoken need to break the moment.
The waiter arrived then, ready for their drink orders. Charlotte chose the house sangria, while Aurora ordered an Aperol Spritz.
“And for you, sir?” the waiter asked Harry.
“I’ll have what she’s having,” Harry responded without hesitation, his eyes never leaving Aurora’s.
A simple gesture, yet it resonated deeply with Aurora — a feeling that Harry had given her something just for them, a private connection in the midst of all the noise. She could have been reading too much into it, but the way his eyes had been following her all night made Aurora think otherwise.
“So,” Harry began, “Charlotte tells me you’re starting a doctorate program.”
“I am,” Aurora nodded. “I start on Monday, the same day as Charlotte.”
“A doctorate,” Harry echoed, clearly impressed. “That’s incredible. You should be proud.”
A blush warmed Aurora’s cheeks. “Thank you, but it’s nothing big — just in physical therapy, which isn’t, like, medical school or anything.”
“Oh, stop,” Charlotte interjected with a dramatic wave of her hand. “She’s going to be a doctor of osteotherapy. Don’t let her fool you, Dad — Aurora’s insanely smart.”
“She hasn’t fooled me. I can see that.”
Aurora let out a small laugh, shaking her head. “You’re both being too nice. Honestly, anyone could have gotten into the program.”
“Anyone isn’t you, Aurora.” 
Before she could respond to his firm statement, the waiter returned with their drinks. “To Aurora,” Harry said, lifting his glass, “for starting her doctorate.”
Then he turned to Charlotte, a look of adoration on his face. “And to my darling Charlotte, for starting her MBA. I’m proud of you both.”
Charlotte clinked her glass against theirs, her smile wide and full of life. “Cheers to us!”
They raised their glasses and took a sip — Charlotte’s head back toward the ceiling, Aurora’s eyes shifting toward Harry, and Harry’s staying firmly on hers.
————— ୨୧ —————
An hour later, their plates were nearly clean, only crumbs and smears of sauce marking the remnants of meals that had been savored. Aurora reclined in her chair, a pleasant warmth flowing through her body — a mixture of expertly made cocktails and the surprising ease of the evening. The night had turned out far better than she had expected sitting across from Harry, and the tension from earlier now seemed almost laughable.
But the truth was, with Harry, relaxation never came easily. There was something about him — an unspoken authority, a calm confidence that made every moment more intense. His presence made her second-guess everything, each thought measured, every word scrutinized. And when she finally did speak, a nagging doubt would remain, wondering if her words had been wrong or misplaced. It was frustrating, the way his opinion held such weight. 
Yet, every time they conversed, her nerves unraveled beneath the weight of his sincerity. His composure wasn’t just natural; it was paired with an attentiveness that made every exchange feel significant. There was no escaping its weight, and the worst part? He probably had no idea how much it affected her.
The cocktails certainly helped smooth the edges of that awareness.
Aurora swirled the last sip of Aperol Spritz in her glass, its citrusy aroma mingling with the muted symphony of voices drifting through the room. Beside her, Charlotte’s chair pushed back from the table as she stood, voice light with tipsiness.
“Bathroom break,” she announced. “Don’t talk about anything fun while I’m gone!”
As Charlotte disappeared into the crowd, silence settled between Aurora and Harry. Awareness sharpened. For the first time all evening, they were alone.
“How was dinner?” The question came in that relaxed, steady way of his.
Aurora finished the last bite of rice and reached for a napkin before answering. “The chicken stew was incredible. Easily one of the best I’ve had in years.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” Harry said, a pleased smile on his face.
“What about yours?” She nodded toward his plate. “The shrimp looked delicious.”
“It was,” he answered. Then, without hesitation, he leaned forward, offering a piece on his fork. “Want to try?”
She felt a brief flare of nerves, but the heat of her second drink helped Aurora relax and let go.
Why not?
Leaning in, Aurora’s lips brushed the edge of the fork as she took a bite. Tender shrimp, buttery and rich with garlic, melted on her tongue. Across the table, Harry’s movements stilled.
“Mm,” she murmured, savoring the flavor. “You were right. Delicious.”
A decision settled in her mind at that moment.
If Harry wanted to play, she was game.
He parted his lips as if to reply, but no words came. For the first time, it felt like she had caught him off guard, just as he so often did to her. 
The realization was tantalizing.
With deliberate care, Aurora reached for a napkin, dabbing at her lips. “Sorry,” she said lightly, allowing the moment to linger. “That was a little messy.” To punctuate her point, she retrieved a lipstick and compact mirror from her purse. The case clicked open, and she took her time, reapplying with slow, precise strokes. 
Aurora didn’t need to look up to know Harry was watching.
Before the moment could stretch any further, Charlotte returned, her voice bright and bubbling with excitement. “Ugh, I love this beat!” She grabbed Aurora’s hand, practically bouncing in place. “C’mon, let’s dance.”
Charlotte tugged Aurora toward the small dance floor near the live band, laughter spilling from them as the lively rhythm of Cumbia filled the space. The music was a time machine, transporting Aurora back to childhood nights spent at family parties, where older relatives had taught her everything from salsa to merengue. Muscle memory took over, the steps returning with ease.
Taking the lead, she guided Charlotte through the steps, her movements fluid, effortless. Charlotte, always quick on her feet, followed with surprising grace. They spun, twirled, their laughter blending with the music until nothing else existed but the beat beneath their feet.
It had been so long since Aurora had let herself enjoy a moment like this. The past two years had been a blur of long hours and sacrifice, every spare dollar funneled into her doctorate program. Nights out had been rare, indulgence kept at arm’s length. But here, under the glow of candlelight, surrounded by music and the easy joy of movement, she felt something stir — something that had been buried beneath responsibility and restraint.
This wasn’t just a night out. It was a glimpse of the person she used to be. Someone who danced. Someone who laughed. Someone who allowed herself to simply feel.
The shift happened so quickly, she barely had time to register it. One moment, she was spinning Charlotte, their laughter cutting through the din of the restaurant. The next, Charlotte was whisked away by a stranger bold enough to step in.
Instinct sent Aurora’s gaze to her friend, searching for any sign of discomfort, but Charlotte was already flashing a mischievous grin — equal parts approval and amusement — before turning her attention to the newcomer. Aurora smirked, rolling her eyes as she drifted toward the edge of the floor, still moving with the beat.
The band transitioned into a vibrant salsa, one of her favorites. The music took hold, guiding her movements, hips swaying with flowing rhythm. Each step was fluid, curls bouncing as she spun, lost in the pure exhilaration of it all. But on one particular turn, her gaze landed on their table.
Harry was watching.
The expression on his face wasn’t just appreciative — it was transfixed. Admiration flickered behind his gaze, but beneath it lay something deeper, something that sent a slow wave of heat coursing through her. The soft pull of a smile at the corner of his mouth was enough to make her breath hitch, but it was the way his green eyes held her — sharp, intent — that truly unraveled Aurora.
So she leaned into it.
The next turn came with deliberate precision, hips moving with a touch more purpose, hands grazing the curve of her waist before sliding up into the wild mess of curls. It was playful, teasing — meant for no one but herself.
And if Harry happened to enjoy the view?
Well, that was just a fortunate side effect.
The song ended, and Charlotte was back at Aurora’s side before she could catch her breath. “Wasn’t that fun?”
A little too much, but Aurora only smiled. “Very.”
“Guess what? That guy asked for my number.”
Aurora laughed, tilting her head. “And?”
“Did you see his face?” Charlotte wiggled her brows.
A knowing look passed between them before Aurora arched hers. “And what about Ben? I thought you liked him.”
“I do, I do!” Charlotte insisted. “But it’s not official. At least not yet. Besides, this guy works nearby.”
“Charlotte!” Aurora gasped, feigning scandal. “Don’t be a cad. You have a good thing going with Ben.”
“Don’t start.” Charlotte stuck out her tongue.
As they reached the table, Harry looked up, eyes flickering between them. “You two seemed to be having a good time out there.”
Charlotte grinned, brushing a stray hair from her face. “That was nothing compared to our college days. Aurora can be a total party animal when she lets loose —”
“Charlotte,” Aurora warned. “That’s not true. She’s exaggerating.”
“Am I?” Charlotte teased, lifting her empty glass and frowning. “Shoot. I need another drink.”
Before she could flag the waiter, Harry cut in smoothly. “I think you’ve had enough fun for tonight,” he said, then turned to Aurora with a pointed look. “Both of you.”
The car ride back to the apartment was quieter, yet the tension between them remained in the air. Aurora rested her head against the cool window, glancing over at Harry each time he shifted in his seat. His profile was captivating — impossibly handsome, with a calm steadiness in the way his hands gripped the wheel. The soft glow from the dashboard lights highlighted his sharp features, and she found herself wondering what it would feel like to reach out and trace her fingers along his jaw.
She didn’t bother hiding the way she watched him; two drinks in, her inhibitions had all but vanished.
When they arrived at their apartment, Charlotte practically jumped out of the car, mumbling something about needing the bathroom again. Aurora lingered behind, struggling to unfasten her seat belt.
“Thank you for dinner, Mr. Styles,” Aurora said softly, her voice carrying a feeling she hoped wasn’t too noticeable.
“I’m glad you came,” Harry turned slightly, meeting her gaze. “Did you have fun?”
“I did,” Aurora replied, a slow smile spreading across her face. “A lot.”
She tried again to unbuckle her seat belt, but the latch refused to cooperate. Aurora kept her eyes on Harry as she laughed nervously. “Is this seat belt always this tricky?”
Harry leaned over, his arm brushing against hers as he easily released the buckle. The warm, woodsy scent of his cologne filled the space between them, and her breath caught. Their eyes locked, the distance between them suddenly both too small and yet impossibly large.
“There you go,” he said, voice low and almost teasing.
His gaze stilled, and for a beat, it felt like time itself had slowed. 
“Come on, Aurora!” Charlotte’s voice broke the spell, and Aurora blinked, reluctantly pulling her eyes away as she reached for the door handle.
“Drive safe,” she murmured, heart still racing.
Harry smiled faintly. “Have a good night, Aurora.”
As she stepped out of the car, the fresh night air hit her, but it did little to cool the heat pooling in her chest. She glanced back one last time, meeting Harry’s curious green eyes through the window.
Aurora was, without a doubt, in way over her head. 
And heart.
————— ୨୧ —————
Tag List: (thank you all for tuning in - please let me know if you would like to be added/removed from this list): @fangirl509east @saraxoxo12567 @kyle-xian @mellamolayla @gem1712 @br3akfestattiffanys @amazinglystyles @harryyloverrr @batmanwoman8 @cherrywinerare @hannah9921 @xoxmatilda @femalestyles @boom-shaka-la @mrswidowjohansson @gigglingstyles @tobegoodisgood
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evilbookworm · 16 hours ago
Hii, im a mileven who doesn't get byler even if i try 😭.
I mean, Mike and Elevens relationship has been presented and established since s1 and they clearly love eachother. Mike acts that way because he is a child with trauma and a lot of insecurities, even Finn said it, he sees himself as a very nerdy and weird kid. I mean, if he was protecting the "it's not my fault you don't like girls" thing, then he is probs gay, but he has shown signs of attraction towards El even when she presented feminine, them taking down the relationship that the whole GA knows for a ship (I get where yall are coming from btw).
Idk I guess after the monologue it solodified mileven but idk
Oh, hi!!! First of all, I’d like to thank you for coming in respectfully and not just being like “milevens better” then leave one, very unstable piece of evidence. So props to you!!! And feel free to send more asks if there’s any certain points you want to touch on again!
Also putting it under the cut cause this is gonna get long lolll
As for your thoughts on mileven, I can see why it seems to be that they love each other romantically, but they really don’t. There was so much encouragement in season 1 from different people that influenced a lot on Mike’s behavior with El during their time together. Season two is honestly the byler season, you can’t deny it. Mike literally tells Will being his friend was the best thing he’d ever done. Season 3 is not good for mileven at all, showing them to have an unhealthy codependency on each other, and it’s so bad that other people like Hopper and Max start to notice. El dumps Mike. They get back together. They kiss. This is Mike’s reaction:
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You cannot say that face isn’t off. It doesn’t look like someone who just had their girlfriend tell them they love them, that’s for sure.
The closet door is also literally open behind him.
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It’s open during their kiss too. Where Mike also isn’t kissing back. At all.
Comparing this to the scene he had with Will:
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It doesn’t look good for mileven. At all.
Then there’s s4. This is gonna be a long one. Gonna mention im gonna be gaming about milevens flaws here, so I won’t necessarily bring up Byler unless I’m comparing or it’s relevant.
First, the airport scene. The mileven kiss here ks the only one they share for the entire season. And it’s not a very good shot.
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There is literally someone covering the camera. The only kiss they have this season and it’s blocked? Not to mention by the time the guy passes the kiss is over.
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Then there’s the whole 70/30 yellow and purple thing Mike mentions with the flowers, 70 being yellow and 30 being purple. And what color is Will associated with? Yellow.
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Then there’s rink-o-mania, where El is actively lying to Mike about everything, which is not good. Even Will calls her out, which isn’t something he’d usually do.
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And then there’s the scene after El hits Angela, where Mike is directly parallel to Brenner. Like, El flashes back to him in the show. I’m saying this because a lot of milevens have dismissed it and have said that we’re overreacting. But it’s right here:
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And then there’s the whole thing with Mike saying “It didn’t look like she was fine.” Why would you say that? How is that a good idea? It was hurtful to El, and Mike didn’t even look up when she left.
Then there was the fight the next day, where Mike couldn’t say I love you. And what other couple couldn’t do that? Stancy. It wasn’t pretty.
Now we can flash forward to the van scene. Which I wanna mention because this is where Mike specifically says that meeting El was just “simple dumb luck” and describes her as Superman.
Which…why? Why would you mention that? Why did he say this then lie during the monologue?
Then there’s these shots during the reunion:
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Hello? Rovickie/byler parallel?
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Then we have these scenes of micro expressions from Mike right here: you can’t say this doesn’t mean something.
And can we please mention the fact that Will is literally in the shot where Mike says I love you?
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That’s literally so obvious.
Then there’s the fact that Mike and El don’t even talk after everything. No, Mike and Will talk. They have a heart to heart, as they’ve been having for the past few episodes. I haven’t seen mileven ever do that.
Then of course there’s these shots:
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El holding the flowers Mike gave her at the beginning of the season, now dead? El standing on her own? Mike and Will framed together between the two other couples? Uh-huh, yeah ok.
And if this hasn’t been enough to convince you, then I propose this:
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The Duffers went and made a show about a gay kid who’s been abused, gone through hell, forgotten, mistreated by his best friend, while in love with said best friend, uses his feelings and art to try and fix said best friend’s relationship with his girlfriend, and in the end doesn’t even get the boy.
Fucked up, isn’t it?
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 2 days ago
OC Tag Game
saw @dragonologist-phd do this and put out an open tag so I figured I'd introduce the sad mushroom lady that I talk way too much about!
I'll tag @nuclearanomaly, @vargonautic, @urdnotgrunt, @dovahgarbage, @girlwonderers, @themilokin, @star-graze, @starlightsylph, @blujayonthewing, @parad0xymoron, @merrigelblogs, @ramblerogue, @msnoblesix, @ghilegab and anyone else who wants to do this! I literally only picked like the top folks I see in my activity feed but y'all know I love a good OC chat. Please feel free to join!
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(art by @/ryuichifoxe, design by @/arlohawthorne)
Name: Elowyn "Wyn" Bannon
Alias: Wyn is her nickname, but it's also what she chooses to introduce herself as. Elowyn is just too long!
Gender: Cis(ish) woman. I think she's probably got some gnc fuckery going on somewhere but honestly she's got a job (surviving Barovia) so she doesn't really care about that rn
Age: 31
Spoken Language: Common, Elvish, Infernal
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Formerly? Wandering cleric of the grave, offeror of last rites, funeral planner and overall aid to the living left behind. Now? Barovia tour guide to a bunch of idiots that she unfortunately has gotten to care a lot about. (And the rogue.)
Colour: Dark green or dark blue! Ideal is that phtalo green color honestly
Entertainment: One of Wyn's guilty pleasures wrt her station is that she actually really loves professional live music. She isn't much of a theater person, but she has a singular love for orchestra or ballet performances, and absolutely has invited wannabe suitors out to see a show strictly as an excuse to make the trip. (And if she genuinely likes them? Well, those boxes ARE pretty dark...)
Pastime: Hiking, especially when it takes her out to scenic locales that she can paint. Painting was always her preferred excuse for carving out some time alone, and she much preferred the effort of getting OUT somewhere over hiding away in her studio. It was always too easy for someone to interrupt her at the family house.
Food: Poached pears, especially over yogurt or some kind of vanilla custard. Sprinkle some cinnamon granola over them and Wyn is in heaven.
Drink: A strong roasted oolong tea, or coffee. She's fine with alcohol when the situation calls for it - and admittedly, there have been MANY situations lately that have called for it - but she still mostly prefers the company of a drink with a different kind of bite.
Passed University: Technically no, but Wyn did get something close to a university education. Her parents were insistent that she be well-schooled, even if they wouldn't let her follow her brother to one of the actual colleges.
Had Sex: Enthusiastically, yes.
Had Sex in Public: Not really. Wyn has gotten a little handsy in public, sure, but she still requires a closed door when clothes start coming off.
Got Tattoos: Not yet, but she's not opposed to the idea.
Got Piercings: Quite a few ear piercings, but that's it. So far, anyway.
Got Scarred: Yes! Wyn has a nasty one where her neck joins her shoulder from a fight with one of the Viscountesses that got out of hand.
Had a Broken Heart: Oh, big time. Wyn learned early how to spot potential suitors who were only trying to use her as a status upgrade, or were just interested in a turn with the local devilspawn, but there was one lad who showed a genuine attraction to her, and Wyn began spending a lot of time with him. Unfortunately, he was also deeply ashamed of that attraction, and put a lot of effort into hiding their courtship from, uh, everyone that he could. Wyn dropped him the moment she found out, but her affection for him had been genuine too, and she spent a good long while afterwards nursing her hurt feelings.
A Cuddler: More than she would ever admit. Wyn holds herself at a certain distance from most people unless she has petitioned them for an evening, but given time to cultivate some trust, she is extremely physically affectionate. She likes to be the big spoon. :>
Scared Easily: Of certain things, yes. Wyn is easily put off by wanton violence, and people that are capable of it tend to scare her pretty badly, but things like ghosts? Monsters? Death? It takes quite a lot of effort for things like THAT to get to her.
Jealous Easily: Not unless she has been given due cause to believe that something truly does belong to her. She tends not to covet items or skills very much, and she doesn't really lay claim to people often enough to be called easily jealous, but she WILL defend whatever has been deemed unequivocally hers.
Trustworthy: M...mostly... Wyn doesn't often choose to break covenant with people, but she might go into a bargain with the intention of betrayal. That is NOT outside of the realm of possibility. Usually, though, she's true to her word.
Siblings: Her late brother, Atticus. He was her favorite person in the whole wide world, and she tried to move heaven and earth to bring him back.
Parents: Her mother and father, Analyn and Maxim Bannon, who Wyn has a...strained relationship with. She's pretty sure they're not looking for her.
Children: Actively not something Wyn is trying to pursue. She's already been told that she's going to die early, and even if she wanted children, she wouldn't subject them to that.
Pets: Never something that was allowed in the Bannon household. I don't know if Wyn would have even asked. She does hold a special reserve of fondness for the party wizard's familiar, a raven aptly named Lenore, which is probably as close as Wyn will ever get to a proper pet.
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demigod-shenanigans · 3 days ago
I did also make Isabella a bunch of little outfits back when I did Olympia and Finley but I made myself anxious despite the fact that you told me taking some creative liberties was fine and so I kind of just never posted them. Which is stupid so here they are
Kind of imagining this as her go-to outfit:
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Tank top + flannel tied around her waist, like you mentioned. Also gave her closed shoes since that seemed reasonable for a forge and a little watch. Maybe it’s got some fancy buttons like the one Tyson made Percy that turned into a shield. I could see Leo making something like that for his kid.
Also not entirely sure why I gave her glasses, I just kind of liked the vibes, plus it’s a fun little Jason-parallel I guess?
I think you said she grows up in New Rome so I’m not sure she actually has a CHB necklace but I did give her one just in case
Formal outfit:
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Not super fancy or anything since you said she doesn’t dress up a ton despite liking it, but this felt like it fit the color scheme nicely and I just felt like she’d probably like it
Sports outfit:
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Using the flannel and the watch again, plus what might be one of Leo’s old camp shirts if you use your imagination a little
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For some reason my brain read hand-me-downs from her dads and just ran with it LOL. Anyway that’s absolutely one of Jason’s old sweaters of a pair of leggings. It’s huge and cozy and I feel like Isabella especially likes sleeping in it when she feels kind of homesick on quests because she’s had it literally forever and it’s got a New Rome logo stamped on somewhere.
Also, hair down for her sleep outfit for comfort
Party outfit:
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This is the one outfit I gave her that actually feels like she’s dressing up. I feel like this dress just sits around in the closet unused for much of the year but she loves getting it out for special events. I love that it’s kind of sunset colored.
Summer outfit:
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Honestly, I just liked the vibes of this shirt a lot. Both because it looks like it’s post some sort of monster attack and because it looks like she’s wearing a layer of purple shirt underneath an orange shirt and considering she’s being raised by a Roman and a Greek demigod together that just felt kind of perfect to me
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Fairly practical, probably also more for quest related swimming than for fun day off at the swimming pool (realistically, how many of those do demigods get?). Also fit the color scheme nicely, and I put her hair down again for practical reasons
And finally, winter outfit:
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This might be Isabella’s own sweater, but I’m also very amused by the thought that it’s one of Jason’s (maybe an NRU one) that Leo accidentally shrunk by washing it at the wrong temperature, so it’s now Isabella-sized instead of Jason-sized. (Listen. Leo can fix the washing machine when it breaks, but he’s got no idea what is supposed to go in there at which temperatures. Too many different settings and different fabrics to remember. Leo does lots of things around the house, but there’s a reason Jason is the one who usually handles the laundry, LOL)
Sorry if this is kind of a random question but re: the fankids, what color/style of clothing do they prefer to wear? (I’m garbage at art but I have maybe been playing around with the Sims character creator a little bit)
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- Finley wears quite oversized, relaxed-fit clothes that are comfortable and don’t hug his figure. He does look AMAZING in a suit, though. He usually wears something black to conceal his curves and layers something lighter-coloured on top. His colour palettes are quite light and summery, but with cooler tones of blues and greens. Idk if this is relevant but he wears some vintage Naomi Solace merch at some point on the quest.
- Olympia is almost always pictured in her CHB t-shirt or her armour or both (as much as she tries to break from the shadow of her parents, she can’t seem to shake it) but her colour palette usually consists of blues, greys, and bronzes. I associate her with deep ocean colours where Percy is more beachy. Her palette is darker to differentiate her from Finley who also wears blues.
- Isabella likes fashion but rarely dresses up. She mostly just wears hand-me-downs from her dads. I picture her in warm tones- reds and oranges and browns- but usually wears quite muted colours. In the forges she wears tank tops and short-sleeves shirts (she doesn’t have her papa’s fireproofiness) but almost always has some sort of flannel tied round her waist. She’s wears quite practical clothes. She’s the only one I haven’t fully figured out the appearance of yet so feel free take some artistic liberties it might inspire me to come up with a design. I know she has dark hair that she wears in messy updos and has dark eyes.
Above is some basic colour palettes I came up with and below are some that I found on Pinterest:
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kidokear · 3 months ago
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Imagen how entertaining it would be if these 2 interact. And I'm a fan of possessive/jealous/protective Stolas (Which I don't see enough of <(_ _)>)
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itsmuffiiee · 8 days ago
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Happy Birthday Muffin!
Here's a mini cupcake for you, vanilla with a fresh strawberry filling (trust me it's in there). There's also a couple of marshmallows and some dark chocolates with fancy screened on details!
I hope you had a faz-errific day!
@lurking-loaf remember when I said I had wips saved up in my folders and they are complete— I just don’t post them?
Well erm, anyway !! TY FOR THE CUPCAKE IT WAS ADORABLE ❤️💛💚💙
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
More matador!Fernando! Ferrari this time :D (I can't help myself.....)
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- facial hair
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+ closeups
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I really wanted the vibe of this Nando pic, I think I did pretty well??
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#GUYS THE BULL DO YOU NOTICE WHAT BULL DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE SUBTEXT DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY IMPLICATION#lmao tho i mostly put it there cause i saw this rly cool pic w the shadow of a bull on a matador's cape#i dont understand how i ended up making this one more intensive and detailed than the other#but im not mad cause i really like it aaahhhhhh#but i think this one took more than 6 hours and the other one was 5½?#and both i ended up working until an absolutely horrible time. dont ask me what time i wrote this post#okay btw i didnt draw that embroidery. thank you medibang pattern brush now beloved 🙏#i think it suits him!!!! i was thinking of doing stars anyways so I'm glad it worked out#two people id like to blame:#thank you 005 for accidentally reminding me of the sword!! im glad his other hand is not just idle :)#and thank you suzuki-ecstar for asking me at some point if id ever draw facial hair on nando#^ particularly the 3 Musketeers look. so thanks. i suddenly remembered and i had to draw it 😭#it kept shocking me how baby faced i drew him every time i took that layer off#also every time i worked on the suit red genuinely ceased being an actual color to me#its bright red right?? like very fluorescent?? but my brain kept going: is this too orange?? this isnt red right????#anyways happy with this!!!!! there were a lot more roadblocks than the other but it all worked out#but wow wish i had this level of diligence for yknow. schoolwork.#i can spend 6+ hours on a drawing straight but school? nah i give up every 20 mins or less fjfkkfl#also not abandoning my other aus or anything but i have a lot more ideas for this honestly#i think the ref pics are a lot easier and more interesting to find than for my other AUs#<- cause its so much more modern lmao. so i have a lot more inspo than trying to find ultra specific 18th century paintings#i wanna draw 3 things rn:#nando w the ceremonial cape. seb in a matador suit. and of course some silly vett//onso in this AU#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#matador au
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synthshenanigans · 1 year ago
Jashtober Day 7- Entropy
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Very very lightly based on Dream (Outro from Calamity)
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raydianbluesandhues · 2 years ago
YAYY and also speaking of anything abut dr. von blot? hes becoming one of my fav inkys so
lil scientist guy? i have a few Hcs about him --
I never played the DS version but I DID watch a 4 hour 100% walkthrough of it. i am mentally ill
So I originally thought that the scientist Inky that talks to Blob before the mutant Inky boss fight was just a random one that was interested in studying Blob. rightfully so because I would want to research him too if I was on the losing side of the war. like tell me your secrets magic man
But they're the same person
Mutated Ink was Von's lil project that he was working on for,, quite a bit of time really. he wanted to impress Comrade, his superior, with something that could change the war forever
Of course, this meant holing himself up in his lab as he worked, making him miss the entirety of the first war and therefore missing his chance to show Comrade the fruits of his labor. he had no knowledge of anything that was happening until Blob fucking jumpscared him by falling into his lab Undertale style
I think surviving that rocket is a miracle in and of itself, I would imagine that the mutated ink that caused him to turn into de Blot probably came off in the explosion and he turned back to normal
something something the explosion had color energy in it and with him already being in a weakened state the mutated ink came off
the one difference between him and Comrade is the fact that Von lost due to his temper, and Comrade lost due to his arrogance. Von started this wanting to impress someone who was off doing something else entirely and had no knowledge of anything happening in Chroma
speaking of what was happening in Prisma I think Von went over there asap after hearing about what was going on
he was so caught up with his research and being "de Blot" that he had no knowledge of Comrade's shenanigans in Prisma
he was involved in the creation of the Spikeys and the updated versions of the Elites, and I think that would've gotten him a bit more attention from Comrade, which is WHAT HE WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE
like, imagine being noticed by your idol after like. what. 5 years?
i think he'd try again with the mutated ink because it was successful in its own right and he, again, thought that it would help them out in the war
with it being so close to the end of the war though, and with the Raydians starting to revolt, I would like to think he gave up on it again and discarded it
i like to think that the mutant Inky was a product of this. with him discarding the batch of mutated ink he was working on perhaps some inkies thought that it was a misplaced shipment of ink that needed to be put in the factory
and then boom! confused ink monster fucking up everything
now obviously Blob and co. dont recognize Von because he's not a blob anymore (outside of Pinky)
but von CLEARLY remembers them and of course, hates their fucking guts
SOMETHING ELSE I THOUGHT OF. very quickly before i end the post
he def had something to do with the Blancs. if I remember correctly regular ink will kill anything it touches, including Raydians (no so fun fact: if you roll over a raydian while you are inked, the raydian dies), but in the DS game the mayor gets hit with a glob of what I'm guessing is mutated ink, and he was just annoyed
mutated ink is still ink, but i guess it's not as corrosive as regular ink is? after all, it is mutated ink, it explains why the Blancs look the way they do. they've mutated into something.. unholy
i think comrade would've told him about his plans. his plans to take over Prisma and the world, and bring the raydians to their knees. Von would just look at him and be like "yeah you know how that ended for you last time. it's not like they're gonna listen to you. unless you brainwash them of course"
an idea was born that day
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punkrockisafulltimejob · 1 year ago
I have half a tattoo!
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