#saved the cupcake for a bad day and today is the day
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itsmuffiiee · 9 days ago
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Happy Birthday Muffin!
Here's a mini cupcake for you, vanilla with a fresh strawberry filling (trust me it's in there). There's also a couple of marshmallows and some dark chocolates with fancy screened on details!
I hope you had a faz-errific day!
@lurking-loaf remember when I said I had wips saved up in my folders and they are complete— I just don’t post them?
Well erm, anyway !! TY FOR THE CUPCAKE IT WAS ADORABLE ❤️💛💚💙
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year ago
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Joel Miller x F!Reader
{ Main Masterlist }
Rating: None
Summary: What if Joel doesn't forget to buy himself a cake for his birthday? But by the time he remembers, all the bakeries in his neighbourhood are closed - except yours.
Warnings: No outbreak AU, pure fluff, mentions of baking and food, meet cute, some sexual tension but very mild stuff compared to my other fics, single dad!Joel being a sexy menace, reader has a nickname related to her job, reader has an accent similar to Joel, very lightly edited, not my best work, but I'm in my writing for fun era 💁🏻‍♀️
Word count: 3.6k
Notes: It's here! This was an exercise in speed writing, and just putting words to paper without overthinking anything. I really enjoyed writing this sweet little piece, this is dedicated to @psychedelic-ink who has been the biggest cheerleader for this idea since day one. Happy birthday to our favourite single dad who never lived through a cordyceps outbreak ❤️
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September 26, 2003 was supposed to be a good day.
It’s Friday, after all. Not that the weekend is relevant to you anymore, with Saturdays and Sundays being the busiest days for business. But you have a date for once tonight, and you’re determined to enjoy it.
If you can get the goddamn security shutter to close, that is.
Standing on your tiptoes, you pull futilely at the bottom of the metal shutter with both hands, but it refuses to budge. You lament the sweat seeping through the fabric of the nice dress you changed into, the hem reaching almost indecent heights on the back of your thighs where it’s climbed up. And you don’t have to look at your reflection to know that stress has already smudged the edges of the eyeliner you hurriedly painted on as soon as you got the last customer out the door.
You can be forgiven for not noticing the wash of yellow headlights over the windows of the shop front and the sound of rolling tyres as a truck pulls up on the curb outside the bakery, until a gravelly voice pipes up behind you alongside hurried footsteps.
‘Ma’am, please tell me you’re still open.’
You tap on the ‘Closed’ sign through the window without turning around, determined to wrangle the shutter into submission. ��Bad luck buddy, come back tomorrow. We open at nine sharp.’
‘No I can’t, I’m so sorry, but I need a cake now.’
Curiosity turns your head, and over your shoulder, you find a broad-shouldered man in a dark tshirt and casual jeans standing a respectful four paces away. Under eyebrows sloping downwards in a pleading angle that matches the slant of his moustache, his warm and imploring eyes are on you.
‘I’m sorry, sir, but I really need to go,’ you say. ‘Can you give me a hand?’
‘Look, I’ll do you one better. I’ll fix the shutter for you for free - if you sell me a cake.’
You purse your lips, the prospect of saving on what looks like an inevitable repair bill tempting. ‘You can fix it?’
‘I’m a contractor,’ he replies, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a battered looking wallet. ‘Here’s my card, if you think I’m bluffin’.’
Miller & Associates is printed in bold across the top, and underneath, is presumably his name and cell number. Glancing up at him, you say, ‘Look, Mr. Miller, I really want to help, but I’m late for a date, and I’m all sold out of cakes today -’
‘I’ll take anything you got. Cupcakes, cookies, whatever you have left,’ he cuts in, then apologises in quick succession, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. ‘I’m sorry to be so pushy - I’m not, usually - but I promised my daughter I’d bring something home, and by the time I remembered, this is the only place I could think of. Please.’
You feel the exact moment your resolve crack, and then fold like a goddamn lawn chair. What can you say, this contractor really knows how to work those puppy eyes, and you can never say no to a man who refuses to let their kid down. 
Especially when the man looks like this.
Shooting off a text to your date to push back your dinner plans, you nod towards the door. ‘Alright. C’mon in, Mr. Miller.’
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‘Nice place you got here,’ he remarks politely, hovering by the entrance as the fluorescent lights flicker on, his manners impeccably southern. 
‘You don’t have to flatter me, I’ve already let you in,’ you joke, lips quirking at the way he flusters. ‘But I appreciate it. You been here before?’
When he smiles, you notice the corners of his eyes crinkle charmingly. ‘No, but I know I’ll be comin’ back.’
‘I wasn’t lying when I said I was out of ready-made cakes,’ you tell him, holding the door open to the kitchen so he can come in after you. ‘But I have some cake layers in the fridge so I can put together something fairly quickly.’
He ducks his head in a manner that tells you he’s not used to demanding things, and protests, ‘I don’t want to put you out. I meant it, if you just have some cupcakes or somethin’ -’
‘Listen, you promised your daughter a cake, didn’t you?’ you interrupt.
He shrugs. ‘Well, yeah I did -’
‘I’m guessin’ it’s for a birthday?’
He nods sheepishly. ‘It is.’
‘Well, as a baker, ‘mfraid I can’t let a cakeless birthday happen on my watch, Mr. Miller,’ you insist, opening the fridge door with a flourish. ‘Let’s see what we have here. Cake for three, I assume?’
‘Two, actually.’
Hopefully you’re as discreet as you think you are when your eyes drop to his left hand - his fourth finger is conspicuously ringless.
You hum, considering the mismatched options in your inventory. ‘It’s gonna be a bit of a Frankenstein’s monster of a cake, if you don’t mind. How does chocolate and vanilla layers with cookies and cream frosting sound?’
‘Sounds perfect,’ he answers without skipping a beat. ‘Thank you, ma’am.’
You shake your head, hands full of cake rounds wrapped in cling film as you nudge the fridge close. ‘Please, call me Bri, Mr. Miller.’
‘And you can call me Joel,’ he says in return. ‘Is Bri short for somethin’?’
Laying the cakes on the work surface, you reply, ‘Yeah, Bri for brioche, like the bread. It's a silly nickname.’
The single dad surprises you with a low whistle. ‘Can’t say I saw that comin’.’
You grin. ‘You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Joel.’
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You don’t often have an audience while baking, and you find yourself talking Joel through the steps while you prep everything for assembly.
Swirling a spatula through the tub of buttercream you made earlier that day, you explain, ‘I just need to whip up some of this frosting so that it’s nice and soft for putting the cake together. You wanna help me break up some Oreos so we can make it cookies and cream?’
‘I’m all yours, chef,’ he says, one corner of his mouth curling into a teasing smile that has no business warming the apples of your cheek as it does. ‘Just tell me what to do.’
While your Kitchenaid whirrs to life, whipping air into the buttercream, Joel wields a rolling pin, smashing a generous helping of Oreos into crumbs in a Ziplock bag. The almost exaggerated care with which he moves speaks to inexperience in the kitchen, and you muse that either his kid makes up for it in that department, or they live off takeout.
Eventually, he picks up the bag and looks at you in a question. ‘I think I’m done?’
You smile and tap the lip of the mixing bowl. ‘That’s perfect. Why don’t you tip in the crumbs straight in here?’
Before you can step back to allow him space, Joel’s taken two strides towards you, and his arm brushes your shoulder when he lifts the bag and tilts the contents into the frosting. He’s warm and solid, and damnit, he smells good - like sawdust and sweat.
The thought comes to you unbidden - what a man.
There’s a lull, and only when you feel the weight of eyes on you do you realise that you missed his question.
‘Did you say somethin'?’ you squeak, embarrassed.
‘I said, is this ok?’ he repeats, nodding at the mixing bowl.
You nearly stumble over your words. ‘Yes, yes it’s perfect.’
He watches you closely, a touch of concern in his brown eyes. ‘You ok there, honey?’
‘Yup,’ you chirp, far too cheerfully. ‘Just need to mix it all up now -’
If you had your wits about you, you would stir in the crumbs first and set the machine on low. But this man somehow stole said wits by sheer proximity to you, and you accidentally start the Kitchenaid on high, an indignant yelp escaping you when Oreo dust flies aggressively out of the bowl along with a splatter of white buttercream that lands squarely on the front of your dark knit dress.
‘Oh shit!’ you cry out, frantically turning off the mixer. ‘Shit shit shit!’
Over your panicked mantra, Joel is calmness itself. ‘Hang on, honey, I gotcha.’
He makes a beeline towards the sink, grabbing a tea towel and wets it under the tap with a bit of dishwashing liquid. It all screams competent single dad, and you find yourself staring at his unfairly large hand, mapped with thick veins, holding out the damp towel for you to take.
‘Thanks,’ you stutter self-consciously, the tips of your ears hot while swiping at the stain. ‘That was a rookie mistake. I promise I’m actually a good baker.’
He gives you a wink to put you at ease. ‘Don’t worry, I believe you.’
Starting over, the mixer hums as it gently incorporates the Oreos until the buttercream is a speckled grey and doubled in volume. ‘Looks like it’s ready. You wanna taste, Joel?’
‘Sure,’ he says. ‘D’ya have a spoon or somethin’ for me?’
‘You can use your fingers,’ you reply, and it's too late to take it back.
You feel the back of your neck heating up when he shoots you a meaningful look, just a touch of mischief in the tilt of his lips. 
‘Can I, now?’ he teases.
You try a nonchalant shrug that probably comes off as painfully awkward. ‘This batch is just for you, I won’t tell the health inspector if you don’t.’
Joel chuckles, his strong shoulders quaking. And so you watch, shamelessly, as he raises his right hand, index and middle fingers at the ready, before diving into the metal bowl, scooping up a generous dollop of buttercream. There’s a peek of his pink tongue when his plush lips part, and then he sucks his fingers into his mouth with a gratuitously loud moan, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows.
When he turns to you with a pained expression on his face, maintaining eye contact all the while licking an errant streak of frosting off the side of his middle finger, you gape at him for a whole five seconds before you manage to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth.
‘Good?’ you barely manage to squeak.
‘You betcha, honey,’ he declares, then adds, ‘Mind if I double dip?’
He doesn’t mean anything by it, you know it, but a hot flush runs through your body and you swallow thickly. ‘You can do whatever you want, cowboy.’
You don’t think you’re imagining the wicked glint in his answering stare - you’re getting yourself into trouble, and don’t you know it. 
Clearing your throat, you attempt to thwart your mind's dangerous descent into the gutter by changing the subject. ‘So, I can do somethin’ really snazzy that I think your daughter would like - do you know what a piñata cake is?’
He shakes his head. ‘Sounds dangerous.’
‘Hardly,’ you chuckle. ‘It’s a cake filled with sprinkles, so when you cut into it, it’s a sprinkles surprise!’
He lets out a playful sigh of relief. ‘As long as there’s no whackin’ involved, it’s good by me.’
You gesture at him to follow you across the room. ‘And here’s the fun part - you get to choose the sprinkles.’
Joel whistles at the reveal of your compulsively organised sprinkles cabinet, each shelf sorted by colour, shape and size. He quips, ‘Is this what the inside of your brain looks like, honey?’
You grin. ‘Pretty much. What’s your daughter’s name?’
‘What colour does Sarah like?’
‘Any and all shades of pink.’
‘I can work with that.’
Now that everything is ready and waiting on the work surface, you pull out a lazy Susan and plonk a cake board on top of it, dusting your hands dramatically. ‘Alright, Joel. Ready for the magic to happen?’
Making himself comfortable next to you, he leans on his elbows, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the way his tshirt stretches and strains over his back. ‘Go ahead, I’m ready to be impressed, honey.’
Filling a piping bag full of the cookies and cream buttercream, you ask, ‘You wanna get your hands dirty?’
He raises his palms in surrender. ‘I’ll leave it to you, I don’t want to make you any more late for your date.’
You’re used to working with much bigger cakes, so this one doesn’t take you long. With a cookie cutter, you carve out a small circle from each cake round, then you stack and fill the layers with buttercream. After loading the shaft in the middle with all manner of pink sprinkles, you stopper the top with the cake cut-outs.
‘How old is Sarah turning today?’ you ask conversationally while you spin the cake around, smoothing on the crumb coat.
Joel looks up, surprised. ‘Oh, it’s my birthday today, not hers. ‘
‘Wait, what?’ you cry, throwing your hands up. ‘I made this cake with Sarah in mind - it will literally be vomiting pink sprinkles!’
‘I’m a girl dad. I like pink,’ shrugs Joel easily.
You huff, using an icing smoother to make sure the buttercream is even all over the cake. ‘I would pop the cake into the freezer to firm up before adding a final layer of frosting if I had the time, but this will have to do.’
‘It looks great,’ Joel assures you as you put the finishing touches to the cake, with buttercream swirls all around the top and a final baptism of sprinkles.
‘There, all done. Lemme box it up for you and this bad boy is ready to go.’
‘Amazin’, thank you so much,’ he grins. ‘Please, lemme do the washin’ up while you’re at it.’
‘Oh, Joel, you can’t,’ you protest, but he’s already grabbed the mixing bowl and all the bits and bobs stained with buttercream. ‘You’re the birthday boy!’
‘Least I can do,’ he shoots back over his shoulder, already halfway to the sink.
‘Well no, you promised to fix the security shutter for me, remember?’ you call after him.
‘Damn, I was hopin’ you’d forgotten about that.’
Joel cleans up with a practised air, humming under his breath as he waits for the water to heat up and the soap to lather. You watch him from the corner of your eye while you secure the cake inside the box, throwing in a birthday candle for good measure. You’ve just tied a nice ribbon around the cardboard box when he puts away everything in the drying rack and wipes his hands dry.
‘Didn’t expect you to be good at that,’ you tease, moving towards the door.
‘Sexist much?’ he jokes, no real bite in his retort. Then by way of explanation, he tells you, ‘I work late, so Sarah usually cooks and I wash up afterwards.’
‘Sounds like you guys make a good team.’
Joel helps with the lights and locks the door, and you stand to one side when he grabs the security shutter and forces it into submission by brute force. You can’t help but stare when the bottom of his tshirt rides up, revealing a soft sliver of belly underneath, his biceps bulging and back rippling as the shutter is finally forced shut in a metallic ripple.
You give him a smile. ‘Well, happy birthday, Joel.’
‘Thanks again for the cake.’ He looks around, as if looking for your car, but the sidewalk is empty except for his truck. ‘How are you gettin’ to your date?’
‘I was just gonna call a taxi.’
‘No, you ain’t,’ he nods towards his ride. ‘C’mon, I’ll give you a lift.’
‘Oh, no, it’s late, and you should be getting back to Sarah -’
‘I spoiled your date, so please, let me,’ he insists, holding the door open on the passenger side. Hop in.’
Joel takes the cake off your hands and puts it in the backseat carefully, putting the seat belt over it while you climb in. Glancing over your shoulder, you see toolboxes and newspapers on the floor, and it smells like paint and wood dust.
‘Sorry it’s a bit messy, occupational hazard,’ he apologises as he straps himself in. ‘So, where are we goin’?’
‘Do you know the steakhouse on Third Street?’
‘Vaguely,’ he replies, pulling smoothly away from the curb. ‘It sounds fancy.’
‘You been?’
‘Nope, I barely have time to go anywhere nowadays. It seems like I’m only ever in bed, or at work, or in my truck.’
You turn to smile at him, admiring the way his his thick fingers around the top of the steering wheel, making it look so small. ‘I feel you. Small business owner, am I right?’
‘I hear ya,’ he shoots you a smile. ‘So - what’s the deal with tonight? First date?’
‘Fourth, actually.’
He wriggles his eyebrows suggestively. ‘Fourth date? You know what happens on a fourth date, honey.’
‘I don’t, actually. Tell me, what happens on a fourth date?’
He blows out his cheeks, and admits, ‘Honestly, I can’t tell ya. I haven’t been on a fourth date since 1991.’
You burst into laughter at his unexpected answer. ‘You’re such a dork, Joel Miller.’
When the truck rumbles to a stop outside the steakhouse ten minutes later, he looks at his watch and announces, ‘Here we are, only fifteen minutes late.’ Squinting through the windshield, he points at a man smoking outside, an impatient frown on his face. ‘That him?’
‘Yeah, that’s him,’ you nod, but you stay put in your seat, in no hurry to make a move.
Joel nods, tapping his tidily trimmed nails on the steering wheel. ‘So I’ll swing ‘round tomorrow after work with my toolbelt? ‘Round six thirty?’
‘A toolbelt? What a sight to look forward to,’ you rib, slowly reaching for the seatbelt and unbuckling it.
‘Hell yeah, it’s got a special clip for my Nokia and all,’ he adds mischievously.
'You must fend off the ladies by the dozen,' you tease.
'Daily,' he answers without skipping a beat.
You probably shouldn’t have, especially not with the guy who you’re supposed to be on a date with glaring daggers at you through the windshield. But there’s something cackling in the air between you and this man you just met not an hour ago, and the way the streetlight filters through the window, backlighting his messy curls and scraggly beard, that has you throwing caution to the proverbial wind.
Impulsively, you lean across the gear shift, your left hand finding purchase on his knee before pressing your lips to the side of his whiskered jaw, your kiss fitting right into that little heart-shaped patch on his beard. 
You’re not sure who’s more taken aback, but you don’t have time to find out. 
‘Happy birthday, Joel Miller.’
He smiles after you as you hop out of his truck.
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You’ve just sold your last cupcake of the day when the bell over the bakery door rings. And sure enough, it’s Joel Miller crossing the threshold, right on the dot at six thirty.
‘Hey, Bri,’ he waves, hovering half-in and half-out of the shop, a slight awkwardness having set in overnight.
But it's ok, you're happy to pick up where you left off. Putting your hands on your waist and a cheeky grin, you quip, ‘Wow, you weren’t kidding about that toolbelt, huh?’
Your chest swells as you watch him thaw with an easy smile, and he banters back, ‘I’m a man of my word, honey. You ok with me gettin’ to work now?’
‘Yes, thank you. I’ll be cleanin’ up back in the kitchen, I’ll join you when I’m done.’
Joel shoots you a thumbs up. ‘Great. I’ll grab the ladder and get right to it.’
When you emerge fifteen minutes later, he’s on the fourth rung of the ladder, tinkering the rolling mechanism with a screwdriver and a studious frown on his brow. He looks like he’s wearing the same thing as yesterday - you can believe that he’s a man who buys the same tshirt in bulk - and he smiles at you when you duck out of the shop.
‘Did Sarah like the cake?’ you ask in casual conversation.
‘She went nuts over the piñata surprise,’ he replies. ‘And the cake was delicious, there were hardly any crumbs left when we were done with it. She says we’re definitely ordering a cake from you for her birthday.’
‘I like the sound of that.’
‘How was your evening?’ he asks, glancing down at you from his perch. ‘Did you find out what happens on a fourth date?’
You let out a dry laugh. ‘Yeah, I did, actually. He dumped me.’
Joel freezes, a scowl darkening his countenance. ‘Oh shit, what? Why?’
You shrug, leaning your weight on the ladder as you look at the ground. ‘I mean, I did show up an hour late in some other guy’s truck. And I guess probably shouldn’t have kissed you on the cheek right in front of him.’
You startle when Joel’s fingers slip under your chin, tilting your head up towards him. ‘It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry.’
‘Honestly, you don’t look that sorry, Joel Miller,’ you joke.
He cocks his head to one side. ‘Well, I can't lie, I think you deserve better than him.’
‘Do you now?’ you prompt. ‘Who do you have in mind?’
Joel peers at you from under long lashes with a half-smile that's almost shy. He dodges your question, and says instead, ‘I didn't mean to ruin your night, let me make it up to you, honey.’
Deftly, he climbs down the ladder, landing squarely on two booted feet, his presence comforting as he looms over you, his eyes warm. ‘Can I buy you dinner?’
‘Like - a date kind of dinner?’
‘Yeah, like a date,’ he nods.
You can’t help the dig. ‘And you were just sayin' you haven’t been on a date since...?’
He flashes you a smirk, and you shiver when his hand brushes your waist. ‘Since 1991. Tough sell, I know - but I thought I’d give it a shot.’
Running a finger along his sharp jawline, softened by the endearingly untidy beard, you have to bite your bottom lip to keep yourself from giving away too wide a grin. ‘Why, I think I have a good feelin’ about you, Joel Miller.’
Catching your wrist in his fingers, he presses a sweet kiss to your knuckles, the rough graze of his stubble chasing goosebumps across your skin as his eyes smile at you. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow then, honey.’
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More notes: I hope you enjoyed this sweet little oneshot 🥰 I really leaned into the fluff and I have no regrets. Comments/reblogs/asks are much appreciated as always! I don't have plans for a second part right now, but a smutty follow-up is always a possibility...
The adorable dividers are by @firefly-graphics 👩🏻‍🍳
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boybandbaby · 2 months ago
The Sweet Escape Part II
911 AU (Prince!Evan Buckley x Fem!Baker!Reader)
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previous part | series masterlist
word count: 3228
warnings/tags: toxic parents, forced/arranged marriage, classism, bullying?, shit-talking, cussing, eventual non-friend (wouldn’t say enemies) to friends to lovers, reader has a grandma, as always please lmk if i missed any
note: this is what I picture the reader wearing (does not indicate a specific hair color, skin color, or body size, I just really like this outfit!)
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
The Buckley's cordially invite you to a Royal Ball at the Palace
Please join us this Saturday the 5th at 7pm
Your fingers graze the invitation, white with gold writing, raised and shiny. You groan, throwing the invitation onto the desk in your room. You toss yourself back onto the bed and grab a pillow to let out a frustrated scream.
“Don’t be so dramatic, y/n.” Your grandma states from your doorway. “If you don’t go, I’ll just have you work with Ravi at the ball.”
“Then I guess I’ll be working.” You pull the pillow into your lap after having smothered your screams into it.
“So, why is the prince coming to our bakery to hand deliver an invitation to my granddaughter? Is there something I should know about?” She raises an eyebrow.
“No! He’s been bugging me almost everyday since I started delivering.” You groan. “He does this stuff to get under my skin.”
“Or because he likes you.” She suggests.
“Maybe in your time, the whole ‘boys bother girls because they like them’ thing was considered romantic but not today.”
“My time?” She scoffs.
“Come on grandma, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No, I get it. The old lady isn’t hip to your new customs and slang.” She shakes her head. “I’m just saying, he seems sweet. Give him a shot.”
“He doesn’t even like me and I don’t like him! We’re not even friends.”
“Okay, well don’t be so mean next time. It’s bad for business.” She smiles. “I love you. Goodnight.”
“Love you too, grandma. Goodnight.” You lean into her forehead kiss before shutting off your lamp.
Buck doesn’t come down to the kitchen the next few deliveries and you’re wondering if you’ve actually upset him. You decide it’s better to go to the ball as a worker just in case he doesn’t actually want you there anymore.
You listen as Ravi tells you about his college classes. He’s a few years younger than you and works at the bakery on his days off for school. While his family comes from some wealth, he’s humble enough to work a regular job while also going to school.
You’re both tidying up the table you’re standing at, replenishing treats as people come and go.
“You came?” Buck asks, surprised. You jump at the sound of his rushed voice.
“Mhm. My grandma wasn’t too happy with my behavior the other day, said I might've hurt your feelings.” You turn to him.
He looks really good. He’s wearing a navy blue suit with a baby blue tie, some embellishments on the shoulders and a white sash across his broad chest.
“I wouldn’t say you hurt my feelings.” He smirks, having watched your eyes travel over his figure.
“No? Just bruised your ego?” You smile back, your usual bite and attitude gone.
“Just a tiny bit, yeah.” He watches as you set a cupcake onto a tiered marble display. “I didn’t invite you here to work.”
“Well, your mother had different plans.” You shrug.
“Promise me you’ll save a dance for me tonight?” He tries to meet your eyes. “I mean you kind of owe me.”
“Is that so?” You tilt your head.
“Yeah, since you bruised my ego.” He smiles, “Okay, so what’s the best flavor?”
“Here, try this one. It’s a vanilla cupcake with a caramel center, cinnamon sugar buttercream on top.” You hand him the gold foil wrapped cupcake.
You snicker behind your hand as he dives in. He’s a sloppy eater and gets frosting on the tip of his nose.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” He says, mouthful of cupcake.
“Yes, you’re so messy!” You giggle.
“Where? Here?” Buck puts the cupcake to his cheek, frosting stuck to his skin. You shake your head, laughing. “Here?” He touches the frosting to his chin, cream cakes in his stubble. “Did I get it?”
“You’re such a dork, Buckley.” You grab a napkin and usher him forward. Buck leans over the table, cheeks warming when your left hand comes to hold his face as your right hand wipes the frosting away. “There.”
Bucks eyes flick to your lips as you say it. “All clean?”
“All clean.” You nod, pulling your hand from his face. Buck's eyes meet yours for a moment before he stands up straight.
The interaction is interrupted by an aggravating voice. “Evan, you don’t need to be eating sweets, you need to be out there mingling.”
“Mom-" She snatches the cupcake from his hand and tosses it into a trash bin.
“Evan.” She raises a brow at him. He sighs before saying goodbye to you with very sorry eyes. When he passes behind her, he mouths “one dance” with his pointer finger up as a reminder. You watch as he swerves through the crowd, heading into Eddie’s direction.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a cough. You meet the Queen’s eyes. “Good evening your majesty.” You bow to her and then swivel on your feet to bow to Maddie, who approaches for a cookie.
“The bread has been a little dry lately.” She states to you.
“Mom!” Maddie chokes on her bite of a snickerdoodle cookie.
“Oh hush,” she waves her hand at Maddie. “I hope tomorrow’s batch will be fixed?”
“Yes ma’am.” You gulp. You’re normally one to argue but know there’s no good in fighting with the Queen. Plus, your bakery is known for how fluffy, moist, and airy your baked good are.
She makes you feel so small and the sinking feeling in your chest drops to your stomach. She reminds you that you don’t belong in this world, his world, and the realization that you’ll never have Evan Buckley, hits you hard. The Queen nods once before moving into the direction of her husband.
“I’m sorry about her.” She grabs a napkin from the table. “She can be a lot. I mean, can you believe she’s put on this whole thing just for Buck to get a wife?”
“What?” You startle.
“You don’t know? They want Buck to find a wife by the end of the night. That’s why there’s so many girls here. It’s kind of an unspoken thing.” She chuckles. “Buck isn’t very happy about it.”
“Oh… I wasn’t aware.” You mumble. You start to feel sick to your stomach. Is this why he invited you here? Does he possibly feel the same? Or is he trying to use you to get back at his parents?
You excuse yourself, Ravi stating he can handle the table while you’re gone. Your corset feels like it’s getting tighter around your belly and chest. You start to feel yourself losing control of your breathing. You rush into the bathroom, passing the powder area, then locking yourself into a stall.
You won’t let yourself cry here and not for these people. Just as you’re ready to exit the stall, you hear a voice.
“Did you see him with that baker girl?” The voice is shrilly as she sprays perfume onto her gown.
“I did! She was touching his face, basically, draping herself all over him and sticking to his side like a Velcro dog. I mean come on, his parents would never let him date let alone marry trash like her.” Another girls voice states, lips smacking to smear her newly applied lip gloss.
“You think she’s sleeping with him?” The first voice states. “He was pretty flirty with her.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me, I mean Evan slept with me on our first date but then again look at me. I definitely don’t think he would hook up with her, just look at her.” Lip gloss girl laughs.
“And did you see her dress? God, it just screams poor.” Perfume girl chokes out another laugh.
“You’re right, Evan has standards. I mean she could never give him what he needs.” Lip gloss girl puckers her lips and blows herself a kiss in the mirror.
“And you can?” Another spray of perfume.
“I already have.” She slips the gloss into her bag. They both laugh before slamming the bathroom door shut behind them.
You’d fought with yourself on whether you should leave after finding out this whole thing is for him to find a wife but after hearing those girls say those things about you, you’re ready to bolt. You can feel tears blurring your eyes and a tight ball in your chest.
Why do you care so much about what those wenches think? You’ve never cared about girls like that and their opinions but after dealing with The Queens micro-aggressions towards you, you wonder if Buck feels the same. Maybe he thinks you're an easy lay or someone he can walk all over.
You run to the sink to splash water on your face before going back to the table. Your grandma would be upset with you if you left the ball and you’d be mad at yourself for letting these uppity assholes get to you. Also, you’d never leave Ravi alone to deal with everything.
With a deep breath, you check your face for any signs that you've been crying and smooth down your skirt. Just as you exit into the hallway, Buck turns the corner and stumbles into you.
“Whoa! Hey! I was looking for you. I’m cashing in my coupon for a dance.” His fingers inch toward your sleeves, feeling at the fabric.
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea. Your parents won’t be pleased.”
“Nonsense. One dance.” He hand grips your arm, not tight enough to bruise but firm enough to have your head reeling.
“Is that an order?” You attempt to smile, he doesn’t seem to notice that it’s forced.
“Only if you keep rejecting me.” He winks. When you don’t come up with a quick response like you normally would, he grins and holds his other hand out.
You hesitate, hand lingering at your sides. He wiggles his fingers and you forget for a moment that something between you two could never happen. You let yourself go and wonder if this would be the only and last time you’d be able to interact with him like this.
After tonight, he’ll be an engaged man. He’ll soon have a wife and then be a ruler and maybe a father. You hardly know him! Does he even want children? His duties will force him to produce an heir but you wonder if he wants kids himself. You think he’ll be a great father one day and hopefully a great king.
As he pulls you onto the dance floor, a wordless, piano ballad echoes in the room. He wraps an arm around your back, hand placed respectfully at the center, as his other hand holds your own. You place your empty hand on his chest.
“I think this is the closest you’ve ever let me get to touching you.” He points out.
“This is least annoying you’ve ever been.” You joke. He laughs, it’s boyish and loud. There's a moment of brief silence. “So, you’re really going to be king soon?”
“Sounds like it.” He sighs.
“And that’s why you invited me tonight? To be an option in your pool of potential suitors?”
“Not an option. More like my number one choice.” He flirts, though there’s sadness laced in his words.
You laugh incredulously. “You’re a piece of work, Buckley. So, what’s your deadline for picking a wife?”
“By the end of the night.”
“By the end of the night? Have you even really gotten to know anyone here?” You look around.
“No, that’s kind of why I was hoping you’d agree to be my wife.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You roll your eyes. “What makes you think I would agree to something like that?”
“I know it was a long shot but I also know you have a soft spot for me. You try to act like you hate me but deep down I know you don’t.”
“Agreeing to an arranged marriage with you sounds like torture.”
“So, you really don’t like me, huh?”
“I mean the whole idea is just… wrong and I know you don’t have much choice so I’m sorry for that. But I know who ever you choose will be lucky. You can be really annoying some days but I also know you have a big heart and mean well. Just don’t give your heart to someone who’s not in it for the right reasons.”
“I’ll take that as you do like me.”
“Shut up, Buckley.” You push his shoulder. “Let’s say I do agree to be your wife. What’s in it for me?”
“I know you’ve been telling Bobby that you need a new stand mixer. I could maybe buy you that?” He offers.
“You’re serious?”
“Dead serious. I know a stand mixer isn’t equivalent to marriage but that’ll just be the start. Then maybe we can get those renovations you’ve been dreaming of.”
“You remember when I talked about those?” You gasp. “That was like 2 years ago.
“2 years and 3 months. Plus, I remember everything you say.” He bites his lip.
It’s unlike you to agree to something so crazy, so permanent, but Evan Buckley has a way of getting to you. His blue eyes and his sweet smile, the way his eyes crinkle shut when he’s so happy, his birthmark, so unique and beautiful. It’s all the initial reasons you fell for him before you got to know him. That part you’ve tried to shove deep down comes up as you look at him and you find yourself agreeing to marry him.
It’s probably the most unromantic proposal: “Will you be my arranged marriage wife?” He whispers in your ear, both arms wrapped around your waist.
You laugh before nodding. “This is crazy, Buck.”
“You’re a life saver. I’ll never be able to thank you for doing this.” He rests his cheek against your head.
Buck has pulled his parents, Maddie and Chim aside. They stand in the King's office.
“So, who have you chosen son?” The King asks.
In comes a forced laughed then a strict “no.”
“But I chose someone like you asked and I’m happy with my choice.” Buck begins to get worked up.
“Evan, we said someone who would fit the role of future queen. She is a baker. I mean, running a bakery is not like running a kingdom.”
“She’ll learn. I’ll help her.” He pleads.
“No, you’ll choose someone else.” He commands.
“How about June? Her family owns the shopping plaza, they make good money and we would be able to maintain a strong network with them.” His mom chimes in.
“Please, I never ask for anything. I’m asking you to let me choose this one thing. Please.” Buck nearly cries. Maddie steps forward to run a hand over his back.
“Y/n, she’s a… nice person but she’s not right for you.” His mom cringes at her words.
“She’s perfect for me.” Buck looks to Maddie for help then to Chimney on Maddie’s other side.
“Evan, she’s… she’s just not good for the family.”
“What does that even mean?!”
“It means she’s not good enough. She doesn’t come from wealth, she’s a villager. Don’t you have higher standards for yourself?”
“That’s ridiculous. You don’t even know her.”
“And you do? You see her when she delivers the bread every morning. Bread delivery! You could have any woman in town and you’re going for the lowest of the low. You know just as much about her as we do. You’re living in fantasyland, Evan.”
“It’s not a fantasy.” Maddie interrupts. “Buck is smart, he wouldn’t be choosing her if he thought it would be bad for the family.”
“This is not up for debate anymore. I’ll choose your bride and we’ll be done with it. Get your head out of the clouds Evan, you’ll never be a good king if you don’t shape up.”
They exit the room. From your position in the hallway, you crouch down behind a large vase with a bush of flowers. You’ve heard everything and it’s cemented in your mind that you and Evan could never be.
With tears streaming down your cheeks for a second time tonight, you wait until their footsteps and conversation can no longer be heard. When it’s all clear, you make your way down to the kitchen where you hope no one is there to see you. You’ll collect all of your items and make your way back home on your bike. Ravi has since left so you will have to go alone.
You’re almost fully free, just the few steps that lead you up to the back door where your bike rests.
“Don’t leave!” Buck cries, pulling you back by your arm, not too hard. “I’m so sorry you had to hear that.”
“It’s fine.” You turn away, not wanting him to see you like this. “Look, maybe your parents are right. Plus, if we were to marry, I would have to leave my grandma and the bakery and I just can’t do that.” You justify.
“You wouldn’t have to, I’d make sure of that. Please just stay so we can talk about this.” Buck intertwined your fingers. “I’ll persuade them to change their mind.”
“Buck, let’s be real. It’ll never work between us. We come from different worlds. We’re too different. I’m sorry.” You rush out. “I’m sorry I couldn't help you out. I hope you find someone who treats you right.”
“Don’t go. Please.” He sobs. “Look, I know we’ve never been friends, you’ve made that clear but I feel like we’re getting somewhere. I wouldn’t want to go back on the small progress we’ve made.”
“Consider us friends then. I’m sorry. I wish you the best, Buck but I have to go.” You pull your fingers from him before making your way out.
Buck feels the wind knocked out of him when the door shuts with a slam. He stumbles on the stairs and holds onto the brick wall as he descends into the kitchen. He feels lightheaded and nauseated.
The night’s events have gotten you worked up and burnt out. You don’t even bother undressing when you get home and your grandma has been asleep for hours. You have a restless night, tossing and turning, replaying the words and actions of everyone in Buck’s social circle. You can’t get the image of Buck’s cloudy blue eyes, the sounds of sticky lip gloss smacking or the scent of floral perfume out of your head.
When you finally get to sleep, it feels like minutes later that you have to be up for your daily delivery.
In bold print, fresh off the printer, is the morning paper sitting beside your apron.
Attached below is a photo of Buck, hand in hand with a woman you’ve never seen before. Below reads:
Phillip and Margaret Buckley are pleased to announce the engagement of their son Evan Buckley to June Samuels, daughter or Ronald and Antoinette Samuels. Plans are currently underway for the big day. The palace workers are working their hardest to ensure the Buckley’s vision comes to life. The Buckley’s are overseeing every detail to celebrate the special occasion. Announcements will soon be sent to a carefully chosen guest list. We congratulate the beautiful couple and wish them the best in their future endeavors.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
next part
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holylulusworld · 2 years ago
Soft Spot
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Summary: He has a soft spot for you.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Librarian!Reader
Warnings: fluff, implied smut, mentions of his business
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“Doll, you shouldn’t be here. I told you this place is not for you,” Bucky mumbles as you button up his shirt. You’re sitting on his lap, your legs crossed behind his back.
You’re wearing nothing but one of his spare button-ups and a pair of panties as Bucky impatiently ripped your blouse open. He even ruined your skirt.
After work, you decided to visit your man and bring him dinner. Bucky had other plans. Before you could unpack the food you bought on your way to the club, he had you bare in no time to take you apart again.
“You’re my man and I want to share every aspect of your life. It’s a strip club, not hell,” you softly say. You know Bucky means well, but you’re not a child. It didn’t take you long to learn about his business's nature. “I’m not a child.”
“I didn’t mean it that way, baby doll,” he cups your chin with his metal hand. He slides his thumb over your lower lip, humming when you open your mouth to stick your tongue out and lick the tip of his finger. “I want to keep you safe and out of my business.”
“It’s too late for that.”
Bucky sighs deeply at your words. Of course, it’s too late. He dragged you into his world. There is no going back to your old life.
Not a year and a half ago you were a shy librarian, minding your own business. Suddenly, the cocky mobster stepped into your life and stole your heart.
“Do you regret getting involved with me?” he whispers while running his flesh hand over your back.
“No. This would mean regretting falling in love with you. I could never regret loving you, Bucky,” you answer honestly. “If you want me to be your girlfriend, you must accept that I need to know everything about you.”
“Baby doll, my business is-“ he shakes his head. “I’m not a good man, Y/N. I killed people. I got so much blood on my hands that I’ll never be able to wash them clean.”
“You’re a good man. For me…to me,” you wrap your hand around his wrist to bring it to your lips. “This hand is made of metal because you saved someone’s life, Bucky. I know the story.”
“What? How?”
"That punk," he chuckles. “I knew he couldn't keep a secret. I should kill him.”
“You won’t because you love him like a brother,” you tease and move his metal hand to your throat. “If you are a bad man, kill me. Squeeze my throat and end my life.”
“What? NO! Baby doll, what are you talking about?”
“See,” you guide his hand to your heart, “this belongs to you. It’s yours.”
“I see how people look at me,” Bucky says. “The last time I came to the library they were about to freak out. I think they believed I wanted to kidnap you.”
You gently cup his face and look into his eyes. “I quit today. No one has the right to make you feel less than perfect. You are perfect for me, Bucky. I know you did bad things but I don’t care.”
“You quit? Why?” Bucky asks. He tries to hide his excitement. Bucky hated that you still worked in the library. He saw enemies lurking in the dusty hallways, even though no one was around.
“I heard them talk about you the other day,” you whisper while leaning closer to press your lips to his. “No one talks like that about the man I love.”
“What do you want to do now?”
“I thought about opening my own business, or maybe I’ll let you pay for all the cupcakes I baked for you,” you giggle when he moves his hands to your ass to roughly grope it.
He grins. “Maybe I’ll just offer you a position in my organization.”
“What position, Mr. Barnes?”
“How about my queen?”
>> Part 2
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1u11ablues · 10 months ago
0 Days Since [Part 1] (Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader)
WC: 872
Warning: Self-harm, angst, slight miscommunication
Reader overheard something that sets them spiralling.
A drag of metal, the brief sting silencing the screams in your brain to a mocking hush; this day wasn't supposed to end this way.
You watch the bead of blood enlarging on the inflicted line. The ghost of its ancestors pale in the background. 
No, you were doing so well. 
To your left, a smashed cupcake, icing smeared on the linen of your bed. 
One year.
You had been clean of your bad coping mechanisms for almost one year today, and it was supposed to be a day for you and Ghost to celebrate.
He'd been so patient with you, because he'd been through the same self-loathing you were in back when you'd just met. Helped you as you pulled yourself out of it. Provided the rope and taught you the best way to climb up and out.
Maybe these past few weeks, you weren't at your best. A mission not going to plan tends to lead to that.
Lives lost, haunting screams; the face of a woman clawing at your arms, begging you to save her from the fatal gunshots all over her frail body.
It was too much too fast, and you might have spiraled a bit too hard.
Just drinking. Not the cutting.
Today, you were determined to shed all of the harmful coping mechanisms you'd learned to lean on since you were a teenager.
No more drinking. No more smoking. No more cutting.
For him. 
Because you wanted to have a long enough life—barring mission fatalities—to spend with him.
The cupcake in hand, you took light steps towards the mess hall so you could tell him of the news—that you were one year clean.
He was talking to Soap. So you paused, not wanting to bother them.
Eavesdropping. Or not. They were talking in a communal space. 
"How's she?" Soap asked him as he shoveled food into his mouth. 
The area was busy, but not noisy enough that you couldn't make out what they were talking about. 
"She's okay. Surviving."
You smile. It's all thanks to him. This cupcake, it's for him, a little symbol of victory; both in your lives and relationship.
"Good lad," you heard Soap gave Simon a good hard pat on his back. Decided to give them time to talk as you sat at the bench just outside the mess hall.
Then, a sigh.
"It's too hard sometimes, Johnny. Feels like I'm pulling them out with an oil-slicked rope. Tried and tried only to-"
The cupcake cradled in your hands tilted. Almost falling off your thighs. What Simon said next, you couldn't hear, the ringing in your ears overtaking your senses.
Were you that hard to deal with? Too needy? Too much?
You loved Simon, and of course, you would always need him in your life. It just never crossed your mind that you might be needing him more than he does you, that you're a parasitic vine choking him off the nutrients he needed to flourish.
"It's how it always is, L.T., you love them, you gotta try."
"Wish it weren't so damn fucking hard," Simon answered, "sometimes I think to myself if it's all worth it."
A painful sob threatened to tear its way out of you.
You ran, swift, away from foot traffic, away from the mess hall, from the realisation that you were a burden to the last person you want to be one to. 
"Lean on me, darling," he'd told you. Said that he'll take care of all your problems while you just focus on living, on finding yourself again. Your reluctance was swayed off bit by bit because of his words and actions—their unwavering persistence a testament to his care. 
He said he loved you. Three months ago. 
Is he going to take it back?
Was that even true, or just a pacifier, your carrot on a stick to help you crawl out of your hole?
0 days since your last incident. 
One line, two. Was trying to get better even worth it when the ruby liquid sang lullabies with every drop you granted freedom to? You could focus on the way they beaded, the gentle flow, the fall in slow motion before the floor below you was dirtied by red.
It was either of the two that your body had always resorted to, tears or blood. When you cry, your insides feel like they're shredded to millions of different pieces, but that was normally the healthier of the two. But you're not going to cry while your fellow soldiers were still awake and could hear you at any moment.
This, this silenced not only your thoughts, but the way you released it too. Hurting yourself never fails to make you numb, hazy. It's a feeling you seek a lot, thus your habit. Simon told you it's better to cry. To do it on his shoulder.
A burden.
Three, four. New ones welcomed by the old , a ritual of pain dancing around the fire of emptiness. If you truly wanted to get better, you'd already have your razors thrown away, and perhaps this was what Simon meant by too much.
And then there were tears, anyway.
You will never get better, will you?
Part 2
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irellia · 1 year ago
vi is so fucking fascinating to me, I am studying her like a bug in a jar
she was a CHILD putting on her father's gauntlets in spite of the fear gathered in her little body, in spite of just witnessing someone she's known all her life die in a HORRIFIC way (benzo), still she rises, still she says I HAVE TO DO THIS still she takes on men three times her size and fucks them up so bad that silco has to send his shimmered up fucked up monster to try to stop her and STILL she persists, indifferent to the worst happening because she’s survived the worst already. furious and unstoppable and determined to do whatever she has to survive and ensure those she loves survive, no matter the cost.
vi under all that debris, bruised, bleeding, screaming, watching her family die, staring at the monkey head in shock and crying because this can't be happening, they were so close...
sobbing in pain until her father saves her just to watch helpless as he dies protecting her. they were so SO CLOSE to surviving, so close to escaping and everything gets ripped away in a second
vi trapped in that prison cell for years and years on end with the ghosts of her family and her guilt for company, drowning in guilt, wondering if her sister's still alive, no doubt thinking about how she LET her slip right through her fingers
the last thing vander said to her was "take care of powder"
she's let the man who's her FATHER and loves more than anything down.
"whatever happens is on you" / "protect the family" / "take care of powder" .... but she can't, not anymore, she's fucked it up and let everyone down (re "I should have been there for you, for everyone") all she can do is sit in that shitty prison cell, on that freezing floor, hungry, bloody, counting the hours until she can somehow rescue powder
Vi is piercings and tats that no doubt got infected, she's a child becoming a woman too fast, she is a danger-zone high-risk disaster area and won't back down, won't give up.
Vi is soft!! self-sacrificing, protective, supportive. ("You wanna talk about today?", "We've all had bad days, but we learn, and we stick together") brave, SMART, witty. she's got a tongue sharp as her fists and a barbed, delicious sense of humour. she gives people nicknames (cupcake, pow pow, pretty boy) and fights with everything that she's got to protect what she loves!!!! she is her father's daughter!!!
she is idealistic and expects the world to see her reason, look at things through her eyes and wanna make a change ( "This is how things are, how they've always been. I was so stupid to think it could change. / "oil and water that's all there is" )
and yes! vi is not flawless. she's obsessive (re sevika. to her eyes she is the last thing standing between her and silco/getting to silco and saving jinx) and complicated, morally ambivalent because she makes mistakes, flies off the handle like a comet crashing through everything in her way, makes reckless choices because she has to. she is selfish when it comes to jinx and would do anything to keep her safe.
look at the way she hugs the people she cares about!!!
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piko-rose · 5 months ago
Being a Sonamy fan is hard (and just being an Amy Rose fan in general)
*quick note, I have only seen a few leaks regarding Sonic X Shadow Generations so take this post with a grain of salt and please add in some stuff about the game that I should be aware of because I have a feeling that this post might be incorrect about a lot of things*
*contains possible Sonic X Shadow Generations spoilers*
Being in love with Sonic isn't Amy's only trait. She is something more. She's a baker, a tarot card user, she's got a strong heart of gold, and is just a passionate and cheerful cute little weird girl.
As a Sonamy fan, these "changes" are nothing special or big, it's still just Amy being Amy, but this time more than just wanting to be with Sonic. I am aware of that one edit where Amy was trying to give Sonic cupcakes. It's really cute, but it's not the same without the hand over her face. Am I complaining? Yes, and no, it's hard to describe. (I don't have the image with me atm but in the future I'll edited in on this post)
I'm not complaining because we are seeing Amy just doing more than just, loving over Sonic. She still is in that cutscene, and most of the game as far as I'm concerned (I haven't seen all of the leaks), but in a more calmer fashion.
But at the same time, I am complaining because, and I highly doubt SEGA is doing this, at least on purpose, but Amy's crush on Sonic feels like is getting buried in a way.
I kind of worry that a newer generation of Sonic fans will never find out about Amy's crush for Sonic, or just how wonderful their dynamic in general is if this keeps going on.
I know it won't, but still, we haven't been seeing that a lot. But at least if you want to introduce new fans Sonic and Amy's dynamic, platonically or romantically, make sure to not bring up Heroes or a couple of X episodes please LMAO
(But that one episode where Amy and Sam talk about her relationship with Sonic, yeah, bring that one up. OH. and the last episode of Season 2, don't forget about that one.)
Look, we're all high on Son/adow right now, and it feels good, but what about Sonamy? Sonamy and Son/adow have a lot in common and are both really good with angst potential and lots of great character interactions. At least in my opinion anyway. (Topic for another day, if I'm brave enough)
I love them both equally, so I want to see an equal amount of hedgehog dorks being together. Or better yet, Sonamyshad. 😎
But I'm getting slight off-topic...
I don't want Amy's crush to be forgotten. You don't even have to like Sonamy to understand why and how Amy's feelings for him is actually really important for her character. (Again, topic for another day)
I mean, of course, some reasons as of why relate to my personal headcanons, but there are other good in-canon reasons, too!
Hell, even Sonic and Amy's friendship is just as important. They don't have to be a couple, but that doesn't mean we have to pretend that Amy never fell in love with the hedgehog who saved her life in more ways than one.
I also don't want how much Sonic and Amy's relationship improved throughout the years to be forgotten, either. This is why I'd rather have the shot of Sonic's covering her face with his hand, because he wouldn't do this today, and that's the point of all this...
They both started off as goofy, little kids, one wanting to share her love like wildfire, and the other always running off, not understanding the concept of love, and, of course, not loving her back.
Amy was much more loud and expressive about her love, and Sonic, while he knows there is good in Amy, does not want to be part of a relationship, and doesn't know how to talk things out about it, even with Amy not taking "no" for an answer. The solution? Just run away lol
Yeah, there are times where he called her a "pain" and thought of her as "annoying," but those times he was either in a hurry, or in a bad mood. Remember: They were both younger at the time, so it's in-character for Sonic at that age.
Sonic and Amy don't have a lot of moments where they're just, together. And not just for a "date." Sonic doesn't know a lot about Amy other than her love for him. ...Okay, some things he does know, but not a lot.
Their relationship was beginning to shift after the events of Lost World and especially after Forces, which I would explain, but I'm gonna put a link here because I don't want this post to be too long.
But if you have read it, then the next couple of texts would have some context lol
Anyways, after all that, Sonic and Amy's relationship was a lot different now. Amy was more calm but still cheerful, just not showing a lot of her love for Sonic because she's fully aware that none of that is important, and Sonic was more gentle around her because he wanted to be better than how he acted towards her for a while.
They both just want to hang out and start over as proper friends, but eventually, Sonic would find out what Amy was going through mentally, and how long she kept this from him.
Perhaps after that, Sonic wouldn't mind being closer to Amy, but he still has a world to look after. But hey, maybe slowing down and letting Amy catch up with him won't be so bad. Besides, he's finally seeing her happy with just him for the first time in a while, and he never realized just how much he missed it until now.
Buuuuut, those are just my headcanons, like I mentioned earlier. We all have our reasons why we love or dislike a ship (as long as it's not gross), and I have my own.
These two, just like son/adow, hold a special place in my heart because of what I went through myself, and how much they both have grown, and I truly hope that their relationship and friendship won't be forgotten.
I know it won't happen, but I still have that feeling... Probably because no body cares about their dynamic as much anymore.
Because of the past and people misinterpreting the ship, and Amy's character as a whole, the fandom seemed to care less about it. I mean, I don't blame them, but... it's still pretty messed up.
It's fine if you don't like sonamy, but I really hope you dislike it for a genuine reason, and not just because of some fans getting some things, or worse, everything about Amy and/or the ship wrong.
Amy's character arcs through the games, and her and Sonic's dynamic through the years have been overlooked as far as I'm concerned. Not like heavily overlooked, it's just that it's been a while since I've seen people give a damn about Amy Rose, especially SEGA.
I know we got The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, but I feel like that's not enough.
What's going on with Sonic X Shadow Generations is pretty strange, but first of all, it's not Ian's fault god dammit, and second, I don't see it as a big deal. I haven't seen most of the leaks, but as far as I'm concerned, it's not that bad.
(But I have heard about that one cutscene with Knuckles and Classic Sonic and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off over it XD)
But with how the game is handling Amy, please be aware that this isn't the first time this happened, and it's not even that bad either. I mean, yeah I did mention how I'm worried about it, but I was over it once, I'll get over it again lol
There have been discussions about this since the Fast Friends Forever bio thing that happened last year, and I'm getting kind of tired of the arguments by now.
Amy stopped chasing Sonic not because she doesn't love him anymore, but because she doesn't need too. She is part of the team and has been closer with Sonic for a long time now. She doesn't need to follow them around when she already have proven herself to be useful and a fighter.
I'm really happy Amy is being recognized as something more than having a crush on Sonic, but having a crush is the heart of Amy's character.
Looking up to Sonic and wanting to be like him is what made Amy Rose... well, Amy Rose. She pushed herself and fought hard to be the person she wanted to be, and it's all thanks to Sonic.
He inspired a lot of people around him, especially Amy, so it's no wonder why she loves him so much. Plus, her tarot cards told her that he would be the love of her life, but I feel like even if the cards are wrong (not saying they are lol), she still loves him.
I want Amy's feelings for Sonic, and their friendship and their potential relationship to be remembered for a long time. I don't want them to be pushed to the side forever.
I don't want people to believe that her crush is her only trait, even though it's so important to her character.
I don't want Amy to change too much. Friends or not, I don't want her to give up on Sonic entirely.
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I don't want this fandom to forget about Amy Rose.
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luvyeni · 2 years ago
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PAIRINGS. highfae!felix x human!reader
WC. 6.2k
WARNINGS. reader is a dumbass, oral (m&f receiving, unprotected sex, little bit of boob play, fingering
SYNOPSIS. when you accidentally cross the line between the human realm and the faerie realm, you are attacked by a scary creature, but you are saved and nursed back to health by felix of day court. when it's time for you to leave, he can't help the pain in his heart.
TAGLIST. @kosmoreads @hipsdofangirl @imhyvnjin @lovemepie67 @chvnnie @hgema @candiecans @my-name-is-namename @yourhwngness @midsoulz @jessyrdn @cutielittlepie @intomysoul-555 @cxentrxcks @yurippiefelix @missrobyn81 @stayinthemirohwoo @3retcha @lifeissteph @skzfelixlove @reiheis @chereshnyya @levantea @why-am-i-sad @blankdyean @kunstistliebchen @userbangchan @fairywriter-oracle @elmi-chan @compersian @mal-lunar-28 @n4tiii @ddazed-lhs @felixcharmerera @ch4nniebang @hyunibinnie @fairyyeo @reddesert-healourblues @fxckedupbitch @icouldntcareless22 @pessimist-sky @jeonnyread
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You awoke the next morning before anyone , hoping this would work, i mean your grandmother wasn't a unreasonable women , she wouldn't mind if you took one day off , but you still felt bad leaving her and your sister all alone with all these chores , so you decided to get up early to do them , before asking
you and your little sister lived with your grandmother all your lives , helping her run the shop that kept you guys stay fed throughout the seasons. you grandmother was a elderly women, so you took on most of the work , your routine mostly consisted of work , chores and that's pretty much it , not really having much time for your friends , but your friends begged you to take the day off with them , and join them in the fields for a picnic , and you didn't want to let them down , so here you are , scrubbing the floors early in the morning , cooking breakfast for your family.
"what's all this , have you been cleaning?" your grandmother sat down at the small table. "yes , and i cooked breakfast." you wipe your hands on your dress , before serving the food.
"i told you i would do the chores today , you stress yourself out too much." she nagged , you sat down. "i don't want you to stress." you served her your food. "yeah well , you're young , you need to live your life , have some fun with your friends , meet a nice boy , doesn't that seem nice?" you thought about telling her , but she got to it before you did. "go on the picnic with your friends.
"how did you know?" you said. "yeji's grandmother came into the bakery for cupcakes , and she asked me about it , much to my surprise i had no clue about the picnic." your ears were red. "m'sorry , i didn't want to burden you , i know you have to run the shop , and there was so many chores." your grandmother waved you off. "m'dear , you've worked too hard all these years , letting your sister walk around here doing nothing , you're a young women now , you should be out and about , let her do it now , it's about time she stepped up.
your sister sat down, disbelief written on her face. "why do i have to suffer?" she whined. "because you've lived on this earth for 18 years and have done nothing , time to put you to work." you laughed at your grandmother. "what's so funny." she turned to you with a sour face. "nothing , i can just imagine you with flour all in your hair." she gasped , her hair was her favorite thing in the world.
"grandmother." the older woman shushed the girl. "oh hush , it's not that bad." she turned to you. "now, you go have fun with your friends , we'll hold down the fort here until you return." you squealed with joy, jumping up to hug her. "thank you so much, i can't, im gonna go get dressed." you ran back to your room , jumping with joy.
"she won't come." soobin said for the 5th, yeji rolled her eyes. "her grandma told my grandma she would , give her some time." she said. "how many times has sh- hey!" you ran over to your friends. "wow you actually showes up this time." you rolled your eyes. "i love you too soobs." he mocked you , making you laugh. "you ready?" yeji held the basket in her hand.
"of course , lets go!"
as you guys made your way to the fields, you noticed that you guys were getting closer and closer to the forbidden forest. "uh ,, yeji? don't you think this is close enough." you pointed to the forest that was now in site. "oh c'mon _ , there hasn't been a faerie or any kind of creature sighting around here in almost a month , you would know that if you came out more." you tsk , sitting down. "i guess you're right , im just not used to it i guess." you said. "yeah me and yeji come out here all the time , you're fine." soobin have you more reassurance. "okay." you smiled , helping set out the food.
as the picnic went on , you couldn't help but keep looking over at the forest, you heard your friends , but you couldn't help but feel a little unsettled by it. "are you seriously that scared." yeji laughed. "no , why would i be scared?" you scoffed. "oh really?" soobins eyebrow quirked up. "really." you said.
"then let's go." you and yeji turned to each other , "where?" soobin pointed , "let's go inside the forest , and i mean all the way in." he said. "all right , your on." yeji put the extra food away , standing up. "i..i don't know." you said.
"scared?" you sighed , standing up. "fine , let's go." you just wanted to prove to them that you weren't scared , even if you were a tad bit. all three of you made your way to the forest , stopping right outside of it. "you ready?" yeji said , you nodded and the three of you stepped into the forest.
"see it's not that bad." soobin said. "should we go in further?" you shook your head , "no we- come on." yeji grabbed your hand , pulling you along. "alright guys , i think that's enough." you said realizing the light that was coming from the outside of the forest was becoming dimmer and dimmer, "let's stop." you said. "yeah , we've gone a bit far , let's head back out to the fields." soobin said , and you turned around to leave.
you guys were almost out , you could see the light becoming brighter and brighter again. "see _? there was noth- you mortals really are dumb like the tales say." a deep voice made all three of you freeze. "didn't your parents ever tell you not to come in here." you could hear the scales slide across the ground. "all the dangerous creatures that could be lurking in the shadows." your grandmother would tell you all about this creature , that they enjoy torturing and eating humans. "it's not safe you know." the voice teased.
a naga , a dark faerie with human like body , with serpentine like features. "run!" you all screamed beelining it out of the forest , the hideous creature knew he could easily catch you guys , he just enjoyed watching you scramble out in fear , it would make tearing you limb from limb much more rewarding.
the light was right there , safety was right there , you could almost taste it , the three of you ran for your lives , yeji making it out first , soobin second. you were within a toes reach , but before you could reach the outside , you felt the scales of the creatures tail tightening around your ankle , sending falling to the ground with a scream. "gotcha!" you heard your friends scream, as he dragged you further into the forest , the light descending.
"oh little human , i don't think they're coming back in here ; unless they want to meet the same fate you are." the creature continued to drag your screaming figure deep into the forest , the light no where insight anymore , just darkness.
"please let me go." you struggled as you finally came to a stop , but it just held you don't like nothing with one hand. "why would i do that , you crossed the line , you entered the forest, whose fault is that?" before you could even scream again , you felt the pain of its long black talon , piercing your skin ; you let out a ear piercing scream as you feel the naga rip through your flesh.
you could feel the blood pouring out of your body , your body becoming cold , and still — and then suddenly , you don't feel the claws anymore , then a bright light , before everything went dark.
"all that , an entire courting pary , just for his mate to be his bestfriend." felix scoffed in disbelief. "jisung is really a character." he laughed. "yeah , well as long as he's happy." mrs.yoon sat in front of him. "well now we wait for a wedding inv..." his words trailed off , upon hearing a scream. "is someone being attack?" he said , listening for it again , "i think someone is being attacked." he said.
"sir , we really should go then , there has been a surge of naga- it could be a faerie of day court , i will not have someone of our court be viciously attacked like that , so stop the carriage now." he commanded , it came to a stop. "get to safety now , the castle isn't that far away." he said. "i can winnow there , you guys don't need to be here." he sent them off , taking off , following the screams.
he came up on the naga , he couldn't see who he was attacking , but it didn't look like he have a second to lose , jumping in front of whoever it was , his body bright as the sun , before the naga let out a shrill , before disappearing.
"okay , shit." he turned around , the body was covered in so much blood , he couldn't even tell who it was , but he wasn't gonna sit there and guess, picking up the body , it was still breathing , but limp in his arms. "you're still breathing, i just have to get you back to the castle." he said , quickly winnowing to his destination.
once back at the castle , he wasted no time. "keep them alive , just until i can get jisung here." he quickly went to make the call , as everyone rushed to save the stranger , currently bleeding out on their dinning table.
jisung didn't waste much time either , quickly coming to the his friends aid to help out. "they aren't healing fast enough." he said. "what do you mean." felix said. "faeries are able to heal within seconds, this isn't a faerie." felix stepped back , getting a good look at you- you didn't have the pointed ears , no wings so you weren't from any other courts— you were a human. "humans won't fully heal with this magic , i can only do so much."
"then do what you can." felix said.
jisung was able to get you to a point where you'd survive , but you'd have to heal on your own , his staff , covering your wounds. "mrs.yoon , prepare a room for her , be careful of her wounds." he said , turning to jisung , who was in despite need of a explanation. "how the hell did you find her?" he said.
"she was screaming." felix said. "i'm surprised she managed to stay alive , that naga did a real number on her, not many faeries survive naga attacks , humans never do." jisung said. "thanks you man , i know you have a lot on your plate , i appreciate it." jisung patted his friends back. "not everyday you find out your mate is your bestfriend , and save a humans life, i count this as the most intresting day of my life."
"jisung you became high lord today." "oh yeah." "thank jisung again , but please go back to dawn court."
felix waited a while , hoping you would get up , then he could talk to you , but curiosity got the best of him , and he found himself at door of the room they put you in. "my lord , it's pretty late , shouldn't you be in bed?" mrs.yoon said. "just wanted to see if she was okay." he said , hovering over your sleeping body. "she's sleeping for now , they'll keep an eye during the night , in case anything changes , and a nurse will be in to change the badages." he nodded. "thank you , you may go for the night." mrs.yoon bowed , exiting the room leaving just you both.
he scanned your unconscious body , the way your eyelashes fluttered , light snores exited your parted lips , you were pretty. "hmm , now why were you even in forest in the first place?" he talked mostly to himself , but you had pained whined , making him step back a bit , but you had stayed asleep.
he pulled up a seat next to your bed , he was only gonna stay here for a few , just to make sure were okay , but before he knew it , he was dozing off , and sleep was taking over his body.
"m..my lord?" his eyes slowly opened to mrs.yoon and a nurse standing over him , his bones a little stiff from sleeping in the chair , making him groan. "my lord , have you been in here all night?" the nurse asked , he groaned , sitting up to stretch.
"i guess so , it was only thing supposed to be a moment." he said. "the nurse is here to change her bandages." before he could say something , you let out a gasp , then a scream.
"oh little human." your body was being dragged throughout the forest. "you crossed the line." the naga was ripping through your body , "please!" you screamed. "no one can hear you little human , your friends aren't coming for you." the creature hissed in your ear , then a light.
your eyes shot open with a gasp , making a eye contact with a woman... a faerie — you let out a scream. "whoa , calm down." a male faerie came into your view , you tried to move , to sit up , but your a pain shot all throughout your body , you let out another scream , this time in pain. "p..please , don't hurt me." you cried , tears falling down your face.
"please." "wait calm down , we aren't gonna hurt you , we saved you." he said , your eyes scanned his face in fear. "she can risk hurting herself if she keeps it up." the nurse said. "don't move , let them change your bandage , please don't move." he spoke with such softness. "o..okay." he smiled , turning to the nurse. "go a head , i'll wait outside." you watched him exit the room.
"we won't hurt you mrs. we promise." the nurse held the supplies in her hand , coming close to you. "we promise." you allowed her to change the bandages , your body ached , so she made sure to be gentle when cleaning them. "see there's nothing to be scared of." the other faerie woman stood next to the nurse.
felix waited outside the door , the nurse and mrs.yoon finally exiting the room. "she's all patched up , it's best if she doesn't move though." he nodded. "she's a little scared , so tread lightly when going in there, i will have them bring her some breakfast." mrs.yoon said.
"thank you mrs.yoon."
felix knocked on the door , opening the door slowly , letting his presence be known. "it's just me." he walked in , you were now sitting up against the headboar , your eyes scanning him as he slowly made his way over to you , sitting in the same seat from before. "i'm not going to hurt you , i promise." he said.
"now do you want to tell me your name?"
you stared at him before speaking. "_." he nodded , "well _ , im felix." he held his hands out for you to shake , but you flinched back , he smiled still. "can you tell me why you were in the forest , did you come alone?" you face fell. "my friends and i were having a picnic , and then we decided to go in just for fun , but then as we were leaving the naga caught us , they managed to get out though , oh i hope they're all right." you explained.
"it's some dangerous creatures in that forest , it's barely safe for faeries , let alone a human , you're lucky i was driving by." he said. "did you really save me." he nodded. "brought you back here myself, my friend jisung healed you the best way he could , you're a human so it's different." he said. "when can i go home?" you said.
"i don't think it's best for you to leave right now , you should heal first." you shook your head no. "i can't , i have to help my grandmother , she'll have to do all the work alone." you said. "i don't think you'll be even able to work in this condition , do you think you'll be any use to your grandmother in this condition?" you sighed.
"listen , just stay , you'll get the best care here , once you've fully healed , you may leave , i will take you back myself." he said. "i won't hurt you , i promise." you saw the look in his eyes , they were soft , and trusting. "okay." you said, he nodded. "okay."
he stayed with you , both of you sitting in silence , you stared at the wall , thinking of your grandmother , how would she manage the bakery? were soobin and yeji okay? you felt the tears in your eyes filling your eyes again , falling down your face.
felix noticed you crying , sitting up in his seat "hey." he softly reached for your hand , taking it into his soft hand. "hey , you're okay , alright?" he wiped the tears from your cheek out of reflex , his eyes widening , realizing how close he was. "im- breakfast." the servant came in. "im not hungry." you said. "try and eat something , okay?" felix stood up , you grabbed his wrist. "w..where are you going?" you didn't know him well , but you also didn't want to be left alone.
"i'll be back , i'll go get dressed for the day , and i will return." he reassured. "promise?" he smiled, "i promise." you let him go. "eat." he said , walking out to the room.
felix fulfilled his promise , getting dress , and returning back to your room as quick as he could. "my lord , you're back." mrs.yoon stood at the bed next to you. "yes , i am , is everything alright." he said. "i was just coming to check on mrs. _ , have you eaten breakfast?" he nodded. "i stopped by to greet the kitchen staff this morning , i grabbed it then." the older women nodded. "well i'll leave you too it." she said leaving the room.
"you're the high lord?" he nodded , sitting down. "you're pretty young." you said. "my parents wanted to retire young , so i stepped up , became high lord at only 17." he explained. "wow , that was brave of you." "what about you , what do your parents do." you shrugged , frowning. "i don't know them , they abounded me and my sister with my grandmother when i was really young , i don't remember them." you said. "i've helped my grandmother raise my sister and keep her bakery open ever since." he nodded.
"now i understand why you must want to go back so much." you silently agreed. "well , as soon as you get better , i will take you back." you smiled , it brought a warm feel to his heart.
"thank you." he stayed with you all day , getting to know you , you guys talked all day , before he or you noticed , the sun was starting to set , and a nurse had come in. "it's about time you lie down and get some rest , you've been sitting up all day." she said , felix looked outside , back to you. "wow , we really did talk all day." he said , you laughed. "i guess we did."
he stood up , "well , i guess i'll let you get some rest , i'll be back in the morning." he said. "you will?" you and the nurse both said. "is that a problem?" his eyesbrow raised. "no." you said. "good , i'll see you in the morning." you smiled. "see you in the morning." he left out the room.
"let's get you ready for bed."
he came to your room the next day and stayed with you the whole day , and then he next and then for the rest of the week — everyday with a different activity for you to do while you were bed ridden.
"aren't you busy? high lords should be busy." you said as he helped you lay down one night. "don't worry about that , worry about getting better , i have people that can take care of things out there , while i help take care of you." that made your heart flutter.
"thank you felix , for everything." he pulled the blanket over your body , fixing the extra pillows. "it's time for bed." he said , turning on the light beside of the nightstand. "maybe soon , we can get you a wheelchair or something , and i can show you around the palace and day court." you stared up at him. "really?" your eyes shined , it made him smile. "sure." he said , and you yawned. "now get some rest." you nodded , closing your eyes.
he watched for a few more minutes , just to make sure you were sleep for sure, before he slowly crept out of the room , turning the main light off , closing the door.
"how is she?" mrs.yoon asked. "she's alright , i told her maybe we can get her a wheelchair or something , so she won't have to sit in bed all day." mrs.yoon nodded. "i will tell them , this is good , she will soon be able to return home with her family." he frowned , he'd been having such a good week with you , he'd forgotten all about that.
"felix." mrs.yoon saw the look in his eyes , the sadness. "she has to return home , she has a family that misses her dearly." he nodded , "of course she does, i know." he sighed , "good night mrs.yoon." he made his way to his room , closing the door , sitting down on his bed , running his hands through his hair.
he knew you'd have to back eventually , but it really made him said , he really enjoyed your company, maybe a little too much.
by the next week you were feeling better than before , you could move a little more , sit up by yourself , even though felix would still help you , but you didn't mind it though , at all.
"good morning." felix open the door to your room , this time rolling a wheelchair in. "what is this?" you said. "i told you , i'd get it for you no?" he said. "does that mean we can take a ride around day court today?" he smiled , nodding. "are you excited?" he asked , sitting in the same seat right next to your bed. "of course , i can't wait to get out this bed." you exclaimed
"great , eat your breakfast , and then will get you all ready." he said , you smiled taking a bite of the custard filled bread. "so messy." he took his thumb , running it along your lip , collecting the cream from it , your body heated up , you looked away flustered , he did that all the time , and it never failed to get the same reaction everytime.
"you okay?" you quickly nodded. "perfect, i don't want anything to ruin this day for you." he said. "eat up."
after your breakfast , a nurse came in to change badages. "you know , i think this is the last week you'll probably have to wear these." she said. "really?" you were excited , they were annoying. "yup, that means you're one step closer to going home , i bet you you're excited." you frowned , you are happy to be getting better , you missed your grandmother , but you were really enjoying spending time with felix. "everything okay?" she asked. "i'm fine." you said.
she helped you into the wheelchair , felix entered the room shortly after , "you ready?" you nodded. "are you sure , you look a little sad." you shook your head. "im fine , im just really excited to get out of this room finally." he hummed , grabbing the back of the chair "well then let's going."
he showed all around the beautiful castle , showing you different paintings and other pretty things. you even got to see how he interacted with the staff , he was so nice to everyone , he treated everyone like family , made sure to put their well being first , it made you smile , he was like a dream.
he then showed you the outside , you hummed when the sun hit your face for the first time in a while , "it feels nice." he smiled , you looked so pretty, the way the sun hit your face. "you look so pretty like that , like a pretty picture." he said , moving a piece of hair from your face, your heart skipped a bit.
"t..thank you." his eyes flickered to your lip , then back to your eyes. "i really want to kiss you." he said , your eyes widened. "you do?" he nodded. "was i too forward?" you shook your head. "i want to kiss you too." he grabbed your face softly, caressing your cheek , bending down , his lips ghosting over yours , before he closes the gap , his lips were soft against yours. he pulled away , looking into your eyes. "did you like it?" you nodded , "i did."
you guys spent the rest of the day outside , watching the sunset together , before making your way back inside the castle. "i had a good day felix." you said , he helped you into the bed. "i did too." he smiled , his smile turns to a frown , he knew it was selfish, he did but he didn't want to see you go back home. "what's wrong?" you grabbed his hand. "you're getting so much better , that means i'll have to say goodbye to you soon." he whispered , it was your turn to frown. "i know , the nurse told me after this week i'll be able to take the badages off." you sighed. before he could say something a nurse came in.
"bed time , let's get those bandages changed." he looked at you with sad eyes , but with a smile. "i'll see you in the morning." he whispered. "good night." you watched him leave , you really wanted him to stay , you desperately did.
felix lied awake that night thinking of you , not being to contain himself , he got up , making his way into your room. you were sleeping as he made his way to the seat , about to sit down , when you started to whimper in your sleep , your brows furrowed. "yah." he tapped your sleeping body.
"please , let me go." you said , tears coming down your face , you were having a nightmare. "please." your breathing started to pick up , before you shot up , gasping for air with a sob. felix quickly shot into action , grabbing your shaking body , hugging you. "hey i'm right here , okay, i won't let it hurt you again , i promise." he stroked your hair.
your sobs slowly came to a stop , and you started to drift off back to sleep , still holding onto him. he moved to lay you back down , but you stopped him. "please stay, please." he shushed you back to sleep , laying down next to your body , careful not to hurt you. "i won't leave you, i promise." he held you in his arms , kissing the top of your head.
"i promise."
from that night on , you and felix didn't hide your growing feelings for each other , anybody in castle could see that the faerie fell for the human he saved , but they also knew that you were getting better , the previous week you had gotten the bandages taken of and you were now walking around , that means it was time for you to return home to your family.
"one more week." felix begged. "my lord , it's been 3 weeks , her family has probably already lost hope, and you still have duties as high lord." hwas ready to get on his knees and beg. "please one more week, just let me spend one more week with her." mrs.yoon saw the desperation in the boys eyes ,sighing. "fine , one more week , then she has to go back." he sighed. "thank you." he ran back to your room , where you were waiting.
"what did she say?" he hugged you tightly , your body no longer ached , so he was free to do so. "one more week , you can stay one more week." you smiled grabbing his face. "it isn't enough." he frowned. "then let's make it enough." you caressed his face. "let's not think about it , let's just be together for one more week." his forehead was pressed against yours. "okay?" you said.
you two spent the next week glued to the hip , doing everything you wanted to do. the days seem like they were flying by. soon you were at the night before your departure, he held you close in his arms.
"i don't want you to go." he whispered into your hair. "i know , but i have to." you played with his fingers. "i know , i just want to freeze time." he said , you heard a sniffle , and you looked up, tears were coming from his eyes. "p..please don't cry." you said , tears forming in your eyes.
he pressed his lips against yours , it wasn't like all the other ones , this felt like a goodbye , he pulled away , allowing you to breath for a second before kissing you again , this time more passionately. "felix." you said into the kiss. "please." he shushed you , hovering over your body. "please just let me have you, please." he kissed your jaw. "please for one more night." he kissed down your neck. "will you? will you let me have you." he nuzzled his nose into your neck , you sighed. "yes , please." your voice was airy , as he kissed down your neck.
he sat you up , slowly undoing the zipper to the night gown he bought for you. "so pretty." he left little kisses on your shoulder , letting the straps fall down. "f..felix." you moaned , he was so gentle, finally letting the top of the dress fall to your waist , your boobs on display , the cold hitting your nipples.
he grabbed one of them , squeezing it in his hand. "does that feel good?" his voice deep in your ear , sending a shiver down your spine. "y..yes." he pinched your nipple, you mewled out. "f..felix, please i need you." he kissed your shoulder once more , before laying your body down , treating you like a delicate piece of glass.
"i got you." he kissed your boobs , wrapping his lips around the nipples , before kissing down your stomach , you squirmed , he grabbed your hips, halting your movements. "don't worry my love , it's all about you , no need to rush." he pulled the rest of the night gown down , tossing it , leaving you in your underwear. "can i?" you nodded. "god please." he smiled , pulling your panties down.
he was right up close where you needed him to be. "such a pretty pussy." he kissed in between your thighs , "may i taste you?" he kissed your clit , making you jolt. "p..please , please." you begged, he gave your clit a few more licks , before licking a stripe up your aching heat.
"fuck, felix!" you moaned , he took that a sign to dive right in , messily making out with your pussy, you grabbed his hair , tugging at his roots. "f..felix , i need more." his hand came up to slowly rub figure 8s around your clit , as he came up. "fuck , you taste so good." he teased your finger up and down your folds. "i want to taste that forever." he slowly slid his finger in. "fuck you're clenching around my finger" he groaned , his cock straining against his pants. "im gonna add another one ,okay?" he slowly pushed in another finger.
"you're so tight." he kissed your clit once more , bring his mouth around it , you felt the pressure build up in your core as he fingered you. "f..felix- felix im gonna cum." you whined. "are you? you're gonna cum for me? be a good girl and cum for me." he hit that one spot , kitty licking your clit , and the knot in your stomach snapped. "i'm cumming!" you screamed, he sped up his movements, bringing you over the edge. "there we go , cum on my fingers." he helped you ride out your high, removing his hands once you started to twitch in overstimulation, grabbing at his wrist , stopping him.
"im done princess, im done." he sat on his knees, his hard cock pressed against your heat. "f..felix , i want you inside me, please." you begged. "i don't want to overwhelm you , you're pussy is still twitching." you moaned , grinding against him. "fuck , baby." he groaned. "please , i want it inside, please, i want to feel you for one night." you begged.
"okay baby , you can have me." he stood up, taking his pants off , his cock hitting his stomach as he made his way back in between your legs. "i'm gonna be gentle , i promise , gonna fuck you real slow." he grabbed the base of his cock , groaning as he placed it your wet entrance. "want...you...to..feel." he slowly slid into you. "all of me." you moaned , his cock dragging along your walls.
he finally pushed all the way into you , his body connecting with you. "fuck you're so wet." he pulled out, slowly fucking into you again. "f..felix, m'so full." you said as he slowly fucked himself in and out of your hole, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he rolled your clit around with his fingers.
"p..please speed up." you mewled. "you want it faster?" you nodded. "please." he caged your head in between his arms, forehead pressed against yours as he sped up his movements. "you -fuck- you feel me love , your pussy is clenching so much around me , i might not last." he groaned , using one of his hands to support, the other going where your bodies connected, rubbing your clit. "s..shit , felix im cumming." he kissed your lips, swallowing up your moans as you came around his cock.
his emotions where on a 10 , he could feel himself getting upset again, tears wielding in his eyes as he fucked you well past your orgasm, now chasing his own. "fuck, i..i love you, i love you much." his hips snapping against yours. "p..please say you love me back please." you nodded.
"i..i love you too."
that's all he needed for the knot in his stomach to snap, and he came inside you, his thrust slowing down as he came deep inside you. "f..fuck." his cock softened inside you. he lowered his head into your neck , you felt the tears wet your neck. "felix?" you ran your fingers through his hair.
"please stay with me." he cried. "f..felix , you know i can't." you bit your lip , as he cried into your neck. "let's just stay like this okay?" you let him cry , you cried too until the sun was starting to rise , and you both were to tired to cry anymore , and you eventually fell asleep.
you guys didn't sleep for long though because you had to get cleaned up before it was time for you to go , eating breakfast one last time before mrs.yoon told you both it was time to go.
"it was a pleasure to meet you mrs._." you smiled. "you too mrs.yoon." felix held your hand tightly. "i'll be back shortly." he said , mrs.yoon nodded. "come right back , you have much work to be caught up on." he nodded , turning to you , his eyes full of sadness. "you ready?" you frowned. "yes." he wanted to ride in a carriage , just to be with you longer , but then he decided to just rip the bandage off and winnow you both there.
"hold on." you closed your eyes, holding onto him , tightly. "open your eyes love." he whispered into your ear. you opened your eyes , standing outside of your cottage. "no one is home right now." you said. "i know." he said. "y..you could come in." he smiled. "if i go in , i don't think i'll ever leave." he kissed your forehead. "please go in , i don't want you to see me like this." his voice cracked. "i love you." he smiled.
"i love you too." you opened the door to your house , he watched you turn back waving, before you closed the door , the tears falling down his face , as he made his way back to his empty castle.
your grandmother and sister eventually returned back to the cottage where you waited ,dinner ready and the cottage clean , you shed tears with your grandmother as she held you in her arms like she did when you were a kid , she had looked like she aged so much , it must've been so stressful for her. you quickly returned to your daily routine , even meeting up with yeji and soobin , who both cried with you , begging you to forgive for even making you go in there, of course you forgave them.
you never stopped thinking of felix , you thought of him everyday , for the next month, you were never truly happy , and your grandmother could see that , sitting you down one day. "everything okay." she said. "im fine." you said. "m'dear , i raised you since you were in diapers , you're practically my child , i can tell when something is wrong." you sighed , you needed to let this out.
you told her everything , tears streaming down your face as you told her everything from the naga attack to meeting felix.
"do you love him?" you nodded. "i do." she smiled.
"m'dear, i can never began to understand what you went through in that horrible forest , but it seems like you found happiness with this felix faerie , and what kind of grandmother would i be if i denied you that happiness." you grabbed your hand. "i'll be fine knowing you found happiness in your life." she said , hugging you.
"i don't think i can go back through that forest." you frowned. "well if he loves you, then he'll come to you." she said , just as there was a knock on your door. "go answer that , i'll set the table for dinner." you wiped your tears , getting up to answer the door.
"mrs.yoon?" the elder woman stood in the doorway of your house. "may i come in?" you stepped to the side, letting her in. "what's wrong , how did you even find me?" you said. "i've been searching for you since the day you left." she sat down. "what's wrong?" you gave her a glass of water. "it's felix." she said.
"is he okay?" you said. "no not really , he hardly comes out his room , he gives orders and that's it; he's barely eating , it's starting to effect everyone." she said. "i know it's too much to ask , but he needs you , i've never seen him like this before" she said. "please reconsider coming back." she said.
you looked to your grandmother. "this is your decision m'dear , i will support you regardless." you nodded. "i would like to come back." the older woman smiled. "thank you so much , i will wait here , and allow you to get all your affairs in order, we must return to the castle soon before they ask for me." you nodded.
it wasn't easy explaining everything to your friends , or saying goodbye to your grandmother and sister , and it was tearful , but eventually it was time for you to leave. "please take care of grandmother, don't let her do too much." you told your sister. "yah, i got this, go live your life." she said. "look at you all grown up."
"yeah whatever , don't forget to write." she wiped the tears from her face. "you ready?" mrs.yoon said.
"yes im ready."
felix felt like a shell of a person , the last month had been nothing sort of painful for him , he missed you dearly , your scent had long disappeared from the bed where you once laid , but felix could bring himself to stop laying there every single night , thinking of you , much like he was doing at that moment , when the door open , closing.
"mrs.yoon , i told you im not hungry, i'll eat later." he heard the light footsteps , getting closer to the bed, then a dip in the bed- then, arms wrap around him , he closed his eyes taking in the familiar scent. "i guess i've lost it officially." he said to himself.
"have you?" his eyes shot opened , turning to face you. "_?" he grabbed your face to make sure you were real , before pulling you into bone crushing hug. "oh my, you're real!" he said , you laughed.
"how did you get here , you didn't go through the forest did you?" he had so many questions , but right now he didn't even want to ask , he just wanted to hold you. "mrs.yoon came and brought me back." you play with the nape of his hair. "i've missed you."
he kissed you , much like that night. "i've missed you too." he whispered. "i've missed you so much." he kissed you again , and again , each one more passionate than the last. "f..felix , slow down , shouldn't we get you something to eat first , i heard you haven't been eating." you breathed.
"i can eat later , please just let me be with you." he said , staring deeply into your eyes. "o..okay, let me.. take care..of you first then." you said through the kisses. "please." you said , grabbing his face. "o..okay." he sat up against the headboard , you made your way in between his legs , squeezing his thighs , he groaned.
"please don't tease me , i don't think i could take it." you nodded , unbuckling his pants , he lifted his legs up just enough for you to be able to pull his pants and underwear down , his cock standing against his stomach , precum leaking from the tip. "please do something." he hissed as the air hit it.
you grabbed the base , stroking it up and down , gathering spit , letting the it fall straight on his cock. "fuck , put it in your mouth please." he groaned , you brought the tip of his cock to your mouth , sucking on it , before taking him fully into your mouth , "s..shit , your mouth feels so good." he moaned.
you looked up at felix through your lashes. his hands created a makeshift ponytail , guiding your mouth up and down on his cock. "that's it baby -shit- suck my cock" he let out a different types of moans and groans , along with some curse words.
you two created a rhythm, bobbing your head, every vein running along your tongue , he bucked up into your mouth, making you gag a bit. "s..shit , im gonna cum , baby if you don't want to cum in your mouth , please get off of me." he said trying to hold on , instead of getting off , you took him further down your throat , your nose touching his pubic bone.
"fu..fuck!" his cum shot to the back of your throat, filling up your mouth , his legs twitch , as you slowly took his cock out your mouth , swallowing his cum. "fuck , i love you so much." he pulled you into his lap. "i want you to ride me , can you do that baby, can you ride my cock?" he bucked up into your clothed heat. "please." you moaned.
he pulled your panties to the side , you took his cock , slowly guiding it inside of you. "fuck." you sighed as he stretched you out, taking all of him. "baby , please move." he whined , you began move your hips , slowly bouncing on his cock. "you feel so warm , i missed this cunt." he squeezed your boobs through your top.
"y..you're mine , okay? -shit- im never gonna let you go again." you whimpered , "f..felix please." he nodded , wrapping his arms around your waist. "i got you pretty." he planted his feet. "let me take over." he began to fuck up into you.
"shit!" you squealed at the sudden rough pace from the boy. "you're clenching around me , gonna cum?" you nodded. "y..es, please let me cum." he kissed you. "you can cum whenever you want princess." you shook in his lap as you came. "fuck , creaming my cock, im gonna cum love." his was tucked between his teeth as he chased his high.
"shit , p..princess , tell me you love me." he groaned. "i..i love you." much like last time , that was all he needed before he was filling you up with his seed. "fuck, i love you too." he kissed you. "i love you so much."
you went to climb off off him , but he held you. "fe- let's just stay like this, just for a bit." you nodded. "okay, but then we seriously have to get you up and get you some food , alright?" you played with the nape of his hair, placing gently kisses all over his face.
"i have eternity to eat, right now i just want to be with you."
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mindyco · 3 months ago
ARC 1: 07 ⚠︎
📢❗🚨 CONTENT WARNING: this chapter contains some gore and gross talk!
She stepped back, wiping her hands on her apron, and tilted her head as she observed the contrast. The dark, grimy alleyway and the weathered dumpster stood in stark contrast to the bright pink goodie bag. The sight made her laugh softly.
"There was no way in hell he would miss it."
The week had passed with an almost surreal sense of normalcy for her. After placing the goodie bag on the dumpster, she'd rushed to the alley the next morning, heart racing with anticipation as though it were Christmas morning.
When she saw the pink package gone, she danced around like a middle school play—he'd taken it!
(AU: someone else could've taken it bbygurl "( – ⌓ – )=3).
Business, however, remained slow.
She spent most of her days surrounded by silence, the hum of her phone playing the news.
Her eyes would drift toward the screen, scrolling through stories about mysterious gang takedowns happening across the city. Every report made her heart skip with excitement. It's him. It's gotta be him.
The streets outside were dark, save for the occasional flicker of passing headlights. Y/N stood at the workbench, dusting her hands with flour as she prepared dough to rise overnight. The rhythmic motions of kneading were soothing, her mind drifting as she worked.
A strand of hair fell into her face, tickling her cheek. She huffed, blowing it away, only for it to settle back in the same spot.
"You've got to be kidding me," she muttered, as she used the back of her wrist to nudge the loose hair behind her ear, careful to keep the flour on her hands away from her hair.
The bell above the door chimed.
Her head snapped up, heart leaping. A customer? This late? She quickly grabbed the bag of flour she'd been using, her rolling pin wedged into the top, and rushed to the front.
She placed the flour bag and rolling pin on the counter behind the register without thinking, turning toward the door with a wide, eager smile.
Her smile faltered.
Four men lounged lazily at the counter, dragon tattoos winding up their arms.
The Purple Dragons.
Their presence felt like an oil spill on clean water.
Y/N stiffened, her fingers twitching at her sides. She could feel their eyes on her—gross and invasive, crawling over her like ants.
She forced a smile, her voice a little too bright to cover her unease. "Welcome! What can I get for you today?"
The men glanced at each other, smirking like they shared an inside joke. One of them stepped forward, leaning against the counter with a predatory grin. "What ya' got here?" he asked mockingly, his eyes scanning the run down bakery.
Her shoulders tensed. "I...I've got cupcakes," she said, her voice steady, though her hands trembled slightly as she gripped the edge of her apron. "They're not exactly fresh, but they're still good..."
One of the men chuckled, the sound low and predatory. "Cupcakes, huh?" he said, dragging the word out like he was tasting it on his tongue.
He leaned against the counter, smirking. "Nah, sweetheart, we ain't here for cupcakes. We're here to talk business." His grin widened, a dangerous glint in his eye that made her stomach churn.
Her stomach twisted in fear. "...Business?"
"Yeah," he sneered. "You see, my boys and I protect this area now. And protection ain't cheap. So from now on, ya' gonna start payin' us a lil' tax. Keep the bad guys away, ya' know?"
She swallowed hard. "I... I don't have any money," she stammered. "No one's been coming in—there's nothing to pay you with."
The thug's expression darkened. He pulled a knife from his pocket, flicking it open with a menacing grin. "Wrong answer."
She instinctively took a step back, her pulse racing as panic began to set in. "Wait—please! I'm telling the truth. There's no money here. The register's empty!" She gestured toward the old, battered cash register as proof.
He took a step forward, eyes glinting with malice. "Then we'll just have to take somethin' else, won't we?"
She backed up, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps. Her back hit the counter, fingers fumbling behind her, searching for anything she could use to defend herself.
The Purple Dragon thug advanced on her, his cocky smirk widening with every step. Her fingers tightened around the rolling pin hidden in the bag of flour behind her.
She had one plan: swing the rolling pin and knock him out.
Simple. Effective. Foolproof.
Or so she thought.
As he leaned closer, his knife glinting ominously under the warm lights, Y/N clenched her eyes shut.
She swung her arm.
The sound rang through the bakery like a firecracker. The air went still, heavy with disbelief. Y/N's palm tingled, and she froze, confused.
She cautiously opened one eye, expecting to see the thug retaliating after slapping her. Instead, she saw him holding his face, his jaw slack in sheer disbelief.
His eyes were wide, his fingers pressing against the growing red imprint, outlined in white flour, of her hand on his cheek.
Y/N blinked, her mind blank for a moment.
...I guess that works?
The other Purple Dragons stood frozen, their expressions a mix of confusion and horror as if they couldn't process what had just happened.
"Uh... okay then," she muttered under her breath, raising the rolling pin in her other hand. With all the force she could muster, she brought it down on his head.
"I—You—" he stammered, swaying on his feet like a drunkard. But somehow—somehow—he stayed standing.
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Sir, what...?!
The thug's head jerked up, his face twisted in pure hatred. Blood dripped down from the gash on his forehead, running over his nose and down to his chin. His eyes gleamed with such intensity that Y/N could swear her soul left her body for a moment.
It felt like she was in the middle of a horror movie, and he was the monster.
Her hands went slack, and the rolling pin slipped from her fingers, clattering to the floor.
Her feet skidded slightly on the flour-dusted tiles as she sprinted for her gosh darn life. She reached the back door and twisted the handle, desperately trying to open it.
But before she could escape, a sharp yank pulled her backward. Her head snapped back as the thug's bloody hand gripped a fistful of her hair. "Ack—! My hair!" Y/N wailed, tears springing to her eyes from the pain.
"Let go, damn it! I'm about to go bald!"
He dragged her back toward the front of the bakery, her heels scraping against the floor as she flailed uselessly, her cries of protest falling on deaf ears.
Through teary eyes and blurry vision, she caught glimpses of the chaos around her. Her bakery—the small space she had poured her everything into—was in ruins. The display case was shattered, shards of glass glinting under the flickering lights. Chairs lay broken, their legs snapped like twigs, and her cupcakes made just that morning were crushed beneath heavy boots.
The other Purple Dragons paid her no mind. They were too busy tearing the place apart, swinging their bats and fists at anything that remained intact. Bags of flour were ripped open, coating the air with a white haze.
The bakery was unrecognizable.
He knelt down in front of her, his large hand still gripping the back of her head, forcing her to look up at him. His face inched closer, their proximity so unnervingly intimate that, to an outsider, it might have looked like a tender moment—a hot man gently holding his partner, leaning in to whisper sweet nothings.
But there was no romance here, neither was a hot man.
In Y/N's eyes, he looked like a demon dragged straight from the depths of hell.
"You think you can get away with that, huh?" he hissed, his voice low and menacing. His breath, reeking of cigarettes, hit her face, making her gag. "I'm gonna make you regret—"
Blood dripped from the gash on his forehead, down to his chin, before splattering onto her cheek.
"Mmph..." She flinched, trying to turn her face away. Her stomach twisted in revulsion as the warm, sticky drop slid down her neck.
"Don't you fucking turn away from me!" he snapped, his voice rising in anger. His free hand shot out, gripping her chin roughly and yanking her face back toward him.
His blood-slicked fingers dug into her skin, smearing streaks across her cheeks. The iron scent mixed with the stench of his breath made her eyes water.
I'm gonna be sick...
The lights flickered.
Y/N's breath caught. The thug paused, his head snapping up as he looked around. The other Purple Dragons stiffened, their smug expressions wavering. The room plunged into complete darkness, save for the faint glow of streetlights filtering in through the windows.
"What the hell is going on?!" the thug barked, his grip on Y/N tightening.
A soft sound cut through the darkness—barely a whisper of movement. Then came the sickening thud of something heavy hitting the ground, followed by a muffled groan.
"Boss?" one of the gang members called out, his voice trembling. "What's going—?"
Another thud. Another groan. The sound of bodies collapsing filled the room, one after another.
The thug holding Y/N froze, his fingers trembling slightly as he pulled her closer like a human shield. "Who's there?!" he shouted into the void.
Before she could even register what was happening, the thug was ripped away from her like a ragdoll. His hand tore free of her hair, leaving her stumbling backward against the counter. The cold edge of it pressed into her back as she clutched the counter for support.
A sharp cry of pain split the air, quickly followed by a heavy thud.
She didn't dare move, frozen in place as the violence seemed to swirl around her in the darkness. Her scalp throbbed where the thug had grabbed her, the warmth of his blood still slick on her skin.
She could hear the sickening crack of bones breaking—sharp and violent, like twigs snapping underfoot.
And then... silence.
The bakery was eerily quiet now, save for the soft, labored breathing of someone else in the room.
She blinked, trying to adjust her eyes to the faint light. She could barely make out the shape of a figure standing above the thugs. One of them stirred, groaning as he tried to get back up, but the figure moved swiftly—his foot pressing down hard on the thug's chest, pinning him to the ground effortlessly.
"It's over now," came the low, soothing voice, deep and steady, calming her frantic heartbeat. His eyes, though she couldn't see them clearly, were on her the entire time.
Her heart raced even faster. That voice... She knew that voice. Her mind whirled, memories of the alleyway flashing before her—the man she'd spoken to, hidden in the shadows. It was him.
Thugs: Teehee, we've come to extort you!
Y/N: (◔_◔)💅 Guess you don't know who my manz is...
୨ Any constructive criticism? Please comment below! ˘ᗜ˘ ৎ
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cookieswithay · 1 year ago
"The happy feelings club!"
🧡Ichigo x Orihime🧡 Ichihime fic
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💝Episode 2: Yasutora Sado! (More like Chad!) Ep. 1🧡
• Orihime's pov!
• Beep! Beep! Beep!
• ...Huh?
• I opened my eyes and rubbed them a bit. What time is it?
• Beep! Beep! Beep!
• Better yet...what day is it? I grabbed my phone and pressed the power button.
• "Thursday."
• Thursday...a school day! Ah! I gotta get ready! I (almost) fell out of my bed and scrambled around my room. There's so much to do! Breakfast, clothes, my hair! Oh! And where's my bow!? I can't leave without it, Sora bought for me! And it's so pretty-
• 💭Orihime.
• I stopped in my tracks. My brain was suddenly full of moving pictures from yesterday...that guy. ...Ichigo. Ichigo Kurosaki. I get to see him again today. I wonder...if he wants to see me too. Did I make a good first impression? Or...was I too much again..?
• My door suddenly opened.
• "Orihime! Are you awake?"
• "I made breakfast alre-"
• Eep! I jumped and covered my chest.
• "Sora! I'm getting dressed!"
• "Leave!"
• My brother covered his eyes and shut the door. That...was scary and a close one. I should really lock my door more often. Or ask Sora to knock more. But, he usually does-
• 💭Meow.
• Oh yeah, the kitty! I hope Mr. Shunshi found it a good home. Or maybe it's living at his house.
• Wait...
• The guy who saved the kitty...
• He was really tall and reminded me of that one cupcake I ate.
• ...
• I wonder who he is.
              🧡🏵🌼🍊(Intro song)🧃☄🧩🧸🧡
• "Morning, Orihime!"
• "Morning, Mrs. Suzuki!"
• Everyone always is so nice in the mornings. The street rules are followed. The dogs are lively. And the birds actually let me take pictures of them! Hopefully, I have enough memory in my camera this time.
• "Orihime!"
• I turned around. It was Tatsuki! I waved back.
• "Hiiii!"
• She caught up to me and pinched my cheek. And that really hurt!
• "Why didn't you wait for me?"
• "I told you I was gonna be late."
• Oh yeah. She did, didn't she? I blinked back tears.
• "I was waiting! But then, I saw a pigeon and I followed it!"
• Tatsuki sighed and let me go. I rubbed my cheek. ...Was that bad? She pushed her hair back. She always does that.
• "Oh well."
• "I caught up to you now."
• She slung her arm over my shoulders.
• "Now show me that pigeon you took a picture of."
• Oh yeah! The pigeon!
• Ichigo's POV!
• This desk is making my face really cold, but it's better than interacting with my class. Haha, they think I'm sick. (And, trouble. Cause my hair) Although, I'm sure I can't keep up this flimsy facade, at least it'll hold me for awhile. Maybe I'll even trick Keigo and Muzuiro. ...Probably just Keigo.
• Wait a second...
• I can hear myself breathe. Why's it so quiet all of a sudden. I raised my head.
• Hey...
• "Is this class 2-B?"
• (I had to guess the class, the internet was useless!)
• It's that guy again. The one who saved the cat the other day. He goes here? Everyone looked too scared to say anything, so I stood up. Losers.
• "Yeah, you got the right place."
• He looked at me.
• "Thank you."
• He said. Everyone freaked even more when he fully walked in. A few one 'em looked like they might even pass out. And this guy is completely oblivious. I "coughed" and pointed to the empty seat next to me. I hope this guy gets the hint. He strikes me as someone's who slow on the uptake- Oh, nevermind. He's coming.
• ...Goddamn, he's tall. The moment this guy sat down, I was...intimidated? No, not intimidated...overwhelmed. He's HUGE. His hair covers his eyes and he's tan. He's probably not from here. And if I get crap for just my hair, this guy probably has loads of problems.
• ...
• Do I wanna be friends with this guy-?
• "Ichigo!"
• I looked through the door. It's Orihime! Kensei won't be back for a hot second... Maybe I can just say hi. (Keigo said it too, but I drowned him out.)
• Orihime's POV!
• I tried not to laugh as Ichigo "walked" towards me.
• (He tripped over someone's backpack and his friend was tugging on him🤭)
• He eventually got out of the classroom and leaned on the door.
• "Good morning, Orihime."
• I smiled and bowed down. All my hair falling with it.
• "Good morning, Ichigo."
• He cleared his throat and looked off. ...Do I have breakfast on my face?
• "Do you want something or are you just saying hi?"
• That's...a good question. I...don't have a reason. I just spotted his orange tuft of hair and spoke to him before I could even think about it.
• So, I shrugged. And that made Ichigo laugh.
• "Ah-em."
• Oh yeah...Tatsuki's still here. How embarrassing.
• "Since when do you two know each other?"
• Wait, Tatsuki's knows Ichigo? Since when? Did she always know him or did they become pals here?
• "I'm the new member of the 'happy feelings club'."
• Oh, he's gonna explain.
• "I'm sure Orihime told you all about the cat situation."
• Tatsuki sighed.
• "She sure did. She called me the moment she got home."
• As they talked, I looked through the window of class 2-B. Huh? Most of the girls in this class are the ones that say they'll come to the HP club, but don't. ...It's the kitty saver again!
• That gives me an idea..!
• Ichigo's POV!
• "Ichigo, be more careful, you moron."
• Tatsuki sighed, crossing her arms.
• "You would've died, if Orihime didn't come along."
• "I know."
• I already got the 'be safe' careful speech from Yuzu yesterday. (Mr. Shunsui gave my old man a call about what happened.)
• "Ichigo! Ichigo!"
• I looked down. Orihime's on my arm. She's making the "lean down" motion too. So I did.
• "Can you do me a favor?"
• She "whispered." I nodded.
• "Sure, what is it?"
• She looked back at my classroom.
• "Can you ask him to join our club?"
• Huh? I looked up.
• "Who?"
• The ginger pointed at the new guy who's sitting next to me now. Mm...that might be tough. Not only did I only say 2 words to 'im, I don't know if we can trust him yet. He seems quiet, but I've been duped before.
• "Are you sure?"
• Orihime nodded.
• "He's a good person, I sure of it.
• Okay...um...
• "I'll have a answer for you after school, okay?"
• She smiled. Whew, it's okay.
• "Well, the bell's gonna ring soon so..."
• Orihime let go of my arm and stood next to Tatsuki again.
• "Bye, Ichigo. I'll see you later!"
• I chuckled and waved. Tatsuki nodded to me too. I watched them off, thinking.
• ...
• How the hell am I convince that guy to join the happy feelings club!?
• Sometime later...
• Chad's POV!
• I think Ichigo wants to be friends with me. (I saw his name on his folder earlier.) All day, he's been asking questions and just staring. I don't mind, I guess. I think he might be doing it for his girlfriend though. I saw them chatting in the hallway earlier. And right now, Ichigo's following me. Or is he grabbing the volley balls too?
• ...
• This is getting awkward.
• "Uh, Ichigo."
• He looked up.
• "Do you need something?"
• He looked away. ...I thought so.
• "Y'know, you don't have to hang around me out of pity."
• "I have friends that don't go to this school."
• I hope I didn't come of as rude but... This isn't the first time this has happened. I just want to end it before he does.
• ...
• I don't hear anymore footsteps. Guess I got my point across.
• "Hey."
• I turned around.
• "I'm not talking to you out of pity."
• ...
• "I genuinely want to be your friend."
• He walked past me and grabbed a ball.
• "Whether you want to be friends with me is your choice."
• "But just know,"
• Ichigo held the ball up to me.
• "I'm choosing you to be on my team for the game."
• I didn't say anything, but I nodded. I'm...I'm okay with this.
• Orihime's POV!
• "Alright, Orihime! You're up to bat!"
• Tatsuki shouted. We girls have baseball for p.e. today! West girls against East girls! (Our school is split into two. It has a interesting reason but, I can't remember.)
• I gripped the bat tightly. Loly's pitching. If I don't hit the ball at the right time, it'll hit my breast! Or my throat, or stomach, or somewhere else painful. But, me and Tatsuki have been practicing. I'll...be okay.
• "You got this Orihime!"
• (Chizuru cheered.)
• "Good luck!"
• (Michina)
• "Hit the winning point!"
• (Machana)
• My friends are cheering me on. I can't miss the ball now. I took a breath and stared in Loly's pink eyes.
• I can do this.
• The ball flew.
• I swung.
• And..!
• "Oof!"
• A volleyball hit me in the face instead? I fell one my butt, a little dazed.
• "Orihime!"
• Is my nose bleeding? Or is that...it's probably blood. Someone pulled me up to my feet.
• "Who the hell did that!?"
• "I'll give the most painful and slow death ever!"
• It was Tatsuki. (And the other bit was Chizuru.)
• I was leaned against her shoulder. My nose doesn't hurt anymore. So, I should probably save whoever's facing Tatsuki's wrath. I stood up straight.
• "Tatsuki, it's okay. I'm fine-"
• Ichigo's POV!
• Shit!
• I moved Tatsuki out of the way. And stretched forward. I won't forgive myself if Orihime falls!
• I missed her by a second.
• Dammit!
• Whoosh!
• I saw Chad's hand grab hers.
• (So, I named the guy cause I don't know what's on his birth certificate. Sue me.)
• "Sorry about the ball."
• He said, oddly calm. He always is, but this was a serious adrenaline rush. My chest actually hurts. Orihime looked down. I nearly saw spirals in her eyes.
• "I'm...a-okay!"
• Whew, at least she sounds okay. Hold on-
• "Whoa, you're nose is bleeding."
• Like ALOT. Damn, how hard did I spike the ball? (...Really hard. Ikaku kept taunting me.)
• She stood up and wiped her nose.
• "Ah. No, Orihime. You'll get blood on your arm."
• I said, using my own shirt to wipe nose.
• "What's going on over here?"
• Dammit, it's Coach Zaraki. All the girls (except Tatsuki) hid behind Chad. I swallowed hard. Guess I'll explain.
• "We, uh, accidentally hit Inoue here with our volleyball."
• "So, we're just apologizing."
• Zaraki narrowed his eyes at me and then looked at Orihime. And he cupped her face with one hand. I flinched. That's not hurting her, is it?
• "Hmm..."
• The blood trickled on his hand.
• "You're fine, child. Just get some napkins and get back to baseball when you're done."
• "Got it?"
• Orihime nodded. And he turned around. FINALLY, he's leaving-
• I felt a big hand on my shoulder. Dammit, I spoke too soon!
• "You can go with her, but in exchange,"
• "You're coming to the ring tomorrow."
• Orihime's POV!
• Uhh...Ichigo looks scared! Is Coach Zaraki telling him something scary!?
• I felt a tap.
• I looked back. The cupcake guy wanted something. Oh, and he has a tissue. I took it and blew.
• "You're Orihime, right?"
• I nodded. I am but...how does he know? We just met now.
• "I saw your flyer and Ichigo brought you up."
• He did?
• "Was it nice things?"
• I did NOT mean to say that outloud.
• "Uh-huh."
• No details. Okay then...
• "Ichigo told me you need new members."
• "Do I have to bring something to the table?"
• I gasped and almost cheered! But, I covered my mouth and took a deep breath.
• "Just bring anything that makes you happy."
• He remained quiet and nodded. I think I saw a little smile though! (And a brown eye too!) He picked up the ball and walked away.
• ...
• Aw, bean sprouts! I forgot to ask his name! Ichigo popped back up next time me.
• "Okay, I grabbed a hell ton of napkins and-"
• "Oh, you already got one."
• He looked around.
• "Chad went back?"
• I nodded. (That's his name?)
• We walked to the fence and I used a few more napkins.
• "Did...he say anything to you?"
• I smiled.
• "Yeah! I think we got a new member of the club!"
• "High five!"
• Ichigo chuckled and put his hand on mine. (It wasn't hard like a normal high five though.)
• I sighed. A new friend and a new member.
• "Bye, Orihime. See you tomorrow."
• "Bye, Michina!"
• I gotta round up my things quickly. Sora's picking me up today. And I have to babysit Nel. Plus, I'm getting really really hungry, since I lost my lunch earlier. I picked up my satchel and zipped out if my classroom.
• (Not before leaving my finished assignment on Mr. Jushiro's desk. And a candy bar too. Can't let his blood sugar go down.)
• "Excuse me!"
• I dashed through the hallway. Once I get in the car, I'll test Tatsuki that I'm getting home safely-
• Once again, I slammed into something. But, this time it was a back. A tall-ish one.
• "I'm sorry. I should've been more careful!"
• I saw GLASSES next me. Oh my goodness, I bump them hard!
• The person (turns out a boy) picked up the glasses and put them back on. Huh? He has band aids on his fingers.
• "Be more careful next time."
• And he walked away. Hm. I stood up and dusted my skirt off. Sora's probably waiting-
• Hold on a sec. I bent down.
• It was a keychain. With a beautiful little doll on it. I looked at the bustling hallway. Was this the glasses boy's doll?
(Tag list time: @elyonholic, @o0o0thorn0o0o, @ichihimelover1503, @ichinoue, @takibikaen, @usoppsstar)
This accidentally longer than the first episode, but I hope everyone enjoyed this! And the intro music. I...wish I fleshed this episode out more, but I have good plans for the next episode! So please, stay tuned and warm😎)
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firefly--bright · 2 years ago
Hii, can I ask for a painting date with Jeanbo X reader on his birthday please??
jean kirstein x gender neutral!reader
summary : two artists being each other's muses.
warnings : maybe writing inconsistencies (?) not proofread.
a/n: thank you so much for this request!!! i loved writing it <3 soft jean supremacy i love this man (he's lines on a screen). ofcourse i made a playlist for this. this is nothing but pure pure fluff and alot of smiley jean :)
tagging : @mrsnobodynobody , @holding-ishu-and-a-book
✿ enter my taglist! ✿ masterlist is linked in pinned post! ✿ fic playlist ✿
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art creds : @/koidezuu on twt!
you exhaled nervously, checking the front camera of your phone to make sure that you looked just as you wanted to, putting all of your faith in your other hand to clutch both the bouquet of flowers, and the actual gift you had made for jean - a bracelet strung with a charm he had eyed at a thrift store, and some pretty beads.
seeing that everything was set, you knocked on his front door and waited for him to answer.
April 7th, your beloved's birthday. you only hoped that your birthday gift to him made him feel just as special as he made you feel everyday. he deserved to be pampered too, especially on this day.
you had called him as midnight struck last night, pouring all your love into the biggest snd brightest "happy birthday, jean!" you could muster, which turned out to be loud enough to wake up your roomate. it was worth it, though, because his laugh lit up the entire screen despite it's pre-set brightness. the two of you talked till about 2 a.m., and you informed him to be ready the next day for a special date.
you had everything prepared : booking an art studio - which you had saved plenty for - a month in advance, making sure everything was all set up; the canvases, the paints, aprons, and charcoals (jean's favourite medium to work with.) you decorated it aptly with the help of sasha, who stole some of the cupcakes you had also made for jean as compensation. after this elaborate date, you'd drive him home, where he'd be greeted with the rest of his friends for a surprise birthday party, which you had also planned.
he deserved this. he deserved so much more than this, but for now, this would have to do. jean kirstein, resident asshole up until a couple years ago, somehow softened over time, and somehow also fell in love with you as you did with him not long before.
you hoped everything would go according to plan. jean took his lovesickness in pride, never missing out on an opportunity to spoil you, and you wanted to return the favour tenfold.
you knocked on the door, adjusting the objects in your hands, shaking your head to rid all the anxious thoughts.
a terrible effort, because jean rid them for you as soon as he opened the door.
your heart could burst out of your chest, and you could barely control the expression on your face as you broke into a wide smile.
he was dressed in his best colour; sage green. the hoodie fell just above his belly button, and it was clear that he cropped it himself. impulsively, as he did most things, but it somehow came out not as bad as you'd think. the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and there was a small embroidered star on the right side of his chest. he wore a hat that you had given him, yet another impulsive buy. the matching hat of the two currently hung behind your door. his fingers were adorned with metal bands, some plain and some with a pop of blue in them that matched the colour of his jeans.
the best part was his smile.
he wore the same smile he always did when he saw you, except today, his eyes had an extra glint.
"hi, love." he said.
"hi." you say, clearing your throat, "happy birthday, jean."
the statement came out as more of a whisper than an exclamation, and maybe that made it better because it was only something he was supposed to hear.
you presented him the bouquet of orchids you had bought. his smile widened, if that was even possible.
"i bought these for you."
he chuckled. "why are you nervous, babe?" he said, taking the flowers from your hands. you rolled your eyes as he did, as if the answer was obvious.
"i wanted to impress you, dumbass."
there was a beat of silence.
"m-me?" jean says, surprised. you nod.
"i mean, it is your birthday, so."
another beat passes. you look into his eyes, catching a glimpse of his reddening cheeks.
almost six months of dating and you couldn't believe you still had that effect on him. you breath out a smile and pull him closer by the front of his shirt.
placing your lips on his cheek, you trail kisses till the path of his lips, meeting there and waiting, patiently, for him to push forward and give you a kiss himself.
jean delivers. when he kisses you, you can feel the smile against your lips and smell his fragrance he wore especially for this occasion. his hair brushes against your forehead, and his trimmed stubble tickles your chin. you smile too, and now it's barely even a kiss; more just two pairs of smiling lips closely aligned, but you still pull away just as breathless.
the blush on Jean's cheek had nothing but deepend and you swallow a laugh at that. he always complained about how easily he could blush, but it was always something you liked about him.
"what's that?" he asks, eyes pointing to the box in your hands.
"patience, babe. all in good time." you say, "come on, i have a whole day planned for you."
jean smiled, brushing his hand through his hair. "can't wait."
the car ride there was mostly filled with you and jean screaming Jean's favourite songs out till your heart's content. his favourite songs had quickly became your favourite too, and vice versa. jean couldn't sing if your weren't singing with him, so you happily accompanied him in the act. after half of the playlist had finished, you reached your destination.
it was an art studio that you had found out on the internet, and people in the comments were raving about the space and view that struck them with inspiration. and sure enough, it was beautiful.
located in a large garage-looking loft on one of the far secluded corners of the beach, the letters "Raven's Studios" were plastered on the big doors in a bold red font. jean took in the place with surprise written all over his features, not knowing that out of all places, this would be the one you were driving to.
the inside was spacious, the windows streched over the expanse of the wall, overlooking the blue waters with boats cruising on it. there were two canvases placed near the windows, both facing each other. all the other materials were placed carefully (and double checked) on a wooden table that had old paint splattered on it's surface, on the far left, along with the remainder chocolate cupcakes and an empty vase waiting to be filled up with the orchids you bought for jean.
you gauged Jean's reaction, who stood near the doorway. his mouth was slightly hung open, eyes scanning over each carefully thought out detail. his left hand still gripped the bouquet, his right holding his phone and his hat.
you bit the inside of your lip in anticipation as he walked further inside.
jean let out a low whistle. "holy shit." was all he could muster up, and the tone his voice helped you relax a little.
"do you like it? i didn't know which medium you wanted to draw with, but you told me about how you really wantsd to have an art date, and i figured why not, you know?" your nervous voice bounced around the four walls. jean stood near the large windows now, hands on his hips. you continued, filling in the space with your rambling, "and some cupcakes, i got the recipie from your mom....she had to take it from the bakery you told me about, the one that sold those cheescakes you really liked near your old house.... but sasha ate some of them, of course-"
"it's perfect." jean said. he had turned towards you now, walking to where you were standing, still lingering near the doorway.
you didn't notice when he had placed all his belongings on the space on the table, and his hands now cupped your cheeks gently, his thumb rubbing ticklish circles on your cheekbones.
his smile was radiant, the corners of his eyes crinkling. there was a sparkle in them, his smile showing his teeth, his exhale blowing a puff of air over your face.
"thank you," he said, kissing your cheek, then the tip of your nose - which immediately scrunched up under his lips - and then finally a fleeting kiss on your smiling lips.
"don't thank me. it's my pleasure, birthday boy."
his face scrunched with that comment. "please dont call me that. it makes me feel like I'm...ten years old or something."
you tilt your head, his hands still on your face, with a teasing smirk. "jean-boy, then?"
he rolled his eyes. "you just love ruining the moment, don't you?"
"you love me." you said.
his expression softened. "that I do."
the playlist you made specially for this occasion flowed through the room beautifully, and the brilliantly blue sky gave off a blue hue to the inside of the white room. the wind ruffled Jean's hair, and the waves crashing into the shore made it all the more beautiful to look at him.
he had opted for the charcoals, as you had guessed, grabbing one of the papers and making himself comfortable on the ground near the window. you sat behind him, choosing a canvas and some acrylic paints in all the different blues you could get your hands on, along with some colours to paint jean.
your view - the one you had decided to paint - included the bright blue skies, littered with clouds, the calm sea, the rim of half of the window, and Jean's side profile. mapping your painting on your canvas, you tried not to notice Jean's skittish glances towards your face.
jean definitely had your face memorized by now. if someone asked him to, he'd be able to give them a vivid description of you without even having to close his eyes. he could probably name all of the parts of your body that he loved, and he'd seen the back of your hand more than he had seen his own by now. thank god you hadn't seen the sketchbook he kept hidden from you, which was filled with drawings of you doing absolutely nothing but breathing.
yes, jean definitely had your face memorized by now. but he was looking at you because he knew you were painting him, because there was so much care and comfort held in your eyes as you got the silohette of his side profile just right, because you saw him as your muse. as if today hadn't been special enough, he swore all his dreams came true the moment your hands began to sketch the scenery out.
Jean's mind couldn't focus on the art he was supposed to be making, not like this. which was ironic, because given the conditions, it shoudlve been more than enough for him to find inspiration in this beauty. but he couldn't help it; his muse was sitting there, blinking and breathing and creating, painting him. he couldn't help but do what his muscles grew familiar to now - draw you.
jean tried not to move as he sketched out your face, then your body, and your hands that were moving over your own canvas.
" can I go, where you go?
can we always be this close? "
jean heard you hum to the song that everyone came to associate with the two of you. all of his friends, who were your friends too, thought that this song was the most fitting for you, and jean couldn't agree more. jean wanted to stick by your side, do all the mundane things that life brought to him every day of the year, and do all the special things too, like the one he was currently doing. jean smiled, joining your hums, and he knew you had the same smile etched in your face as the one he was recreating on his rough paper.
his hands stained with charcoal, he drew flowers all around you, messily adding petals in a way that he knew would still make sense.
he snuck another glance at your form. you were so pretty it made his heart physically hurt.
his birthday was something he slightly dreaded throughout the year. when he was younger, he didn't have many people except his mother to celebrate the day with. it stayed that way, the same traditions up until highschool, where he met marco, when he began to look forward to his birthday a little. then came sasha and Connie, and soon the rest of his friends made the day as special as they could. every year would be somewhat the same, but it was comfortable, and jean didn't feel consumed by the lingering lonliness that he usually felt as a kid. he desperately wished to be someone special to another someone special as he blew out his birthday candles every year.
and then he met you, and all that he had been wishing for made sense. he became someone special to someone remarkable; to you. the thought enough made him want to climb onto the tallest roof of the world and scream out your names together, so that the clouds could hear him and make sure their rains would bring nothing but pleasant memories of your first kiss together.
jean bit back a giddy smile. being with you, spending the day, this day, together with you made him feel like he was standing on top of the same clouds now.
he glanced at the table, mind whirring as to what he could make next. there was no question in his mind that all he was able to draw was you, but he wanted to experiment with different colours and mediums.
getting up, he brushed his hands on the apron that you had left out for him, making his way over to the table. he heard your soft dissapointed sigh at his sudden movement, and he tried not to smirk, failing miserably.
"you should take a picture, love, it'll last longer." he says, back to you.
he could almost feel the glare you shot his back, but didn't have a response to follow. jean picked up the box of pastel colours from the table, turning his head towards where you sat, and suddenly the lack of a response from you made sense.
you had picked up your phone, thumb clicking Jean's numerous pictures. even though your phone was somewhat covering your face, jean could still see you smiling from behind the screen, biting your bottom lip to contain it with futile efforts.
jean smiled softly, "what happened to not wanting to 'boost my ego' ?" he asked, recalling the time you refused to admit how good he looked on your last date.
he heard you snicker, your phone still held up to sheild your face, still clicking pictures. jean was pretty sure your phone would run out of space to store those pictures soon, but you didn't seem to care, making jean smile even wider.
"i mean, if you want me to stop-" you started, but jean cut you off with a "i never said that."
he striked a pose, smouldering comically, running a hand through his hair.
you laughed, Jean's stomach swirling at the sound. he'd strike a hundred poses if it kept you laughing.
"you're such a goof, kirstein."
"dont let the others look at this, they'll never shut up about it."
"well...." you said, stretching the word out teasingly, putting your phone down now. "i make no promises." you say, shrugging.
"i knew it. you like betraying me, don't you?" jean walks over to you, box of pastels in hand.
"was that not obvious enough?"
he crouches, left knee hitting the ground, the heel of his other foot planted solidly. his elbow rested on his kneecap, the sleeves of his cropped hoodie still rolled up.
"nope," he says with a smile.
"sorry, I promise I'll do better next time." you match his smile.
he hums lowly, refusing to take his eyes off of yours. shivers run down your spine, and the change in music barely registers in your mind.
the teasing smirk returns to your face.
"are you gonna kiss me or just keep looking at me like that?"
but jean remains motionless, glancing down at your painting instead. his eyes glint with the sun from the window, which was now tilting slowly towards the horizon, threatening to dip into the sea. it remained bright, though, and you couldn't help but think that it's shine was just for the two of you. Jean's side glowed softly with the light, his hair almost shining.
"say please," he says, and it reminds you of all the times he had joked about kissing you before you were together.
you rolled your eyes again, but your smile refused to move. "please kiss me, jean, you're the only thing that's keeping me afloat in this abyss of darkn-"
he kissed you mid-sentence, and he tasted like the chocolate cupcakes you had made.
his hands rested on the base of your neck, the warmth of which made your heart race. his hands still had smudged charcoal on them, but you didn't care. you'd let him taint you with the most hideous colour he could mix together, and you'd still wear it proudly.
pulling away, he rested his forehead against your own. you grew to realise that he liked that; he liked your noses almost brushing, lips only inches away from each other. his eyes reminded close but his eyelashes fluttered, tickling your cheek.
"thank you," he whispered.
you shook your head slightly, opening your mouth to answer him, but he silenced you once again with his own sentence. "i know you don't want me to thank you, but thank you. not just for today but for...everything, honestly." he pulled away a bit, eyes opening to look into yours with so much intensity and warmth, your simmering love could've boiled over.
"i love you," you said, hand reaching out to rest on his jaw.
painting long forgotten, jean smiled again. "i love you too."
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iyanayukihime · 7 days ago
Chapter 3: Video call, gone wrong or right?
I really should set up deadlines for myself but at least this didn't take a whole week to finish lmao, I hope ya'll enjoy reading this as this has to be the most chaotic chapter yet LMAO.
Enjoy, sit back, have a drink and snacks. Let's read~
Last Chapters: Chapter 0: The Beginning of Chaos, Chapter 1: Homesick already, Zander?, Chapter 2: HISSSS at the Intruders, Chapter 3: Video call, gone wrong or right?,
Reminder: Please be known that I'm only writing about the Persona and not the person affiliated with the Model. This is also just fictional work so please don't take this too seriously.
Disclaimer: Might be OCC, might have spelling and grammar mistakes as English isn't really my first language ehe.
Summary: Video call with Zander Netherbrand, going to the beach with Ryzar and his cupcakes as well as another escape attempt!? Netherlings.. calm the fuck down fr.
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It was Zander's third day in Japan and this was the day the important meeting was gonna be held with the higher ups of FSP.
But unfortunately, he didn't wake up at an early enough time that they all discussed so.
So the rest of Avallum decided to.. take matters into their own hands, and that ended up with Gale holding a mic while the rest of the boys held pots and pans.
Hence why, we got to a point where all of them (Especially Gale) had visible red marks on one and each of their cheeks. The incubus did not hold back indeed.
"Today's a lovely morning isn't it gentlemen?" Zander asked as he brewed himself a cup of coffee.
The boys groaned and didn't answer his question as when they talked, the pain in the rash would get worse. But it wasn't fair! Gale was the one at fault and planned it.
After sometime, they finally left the airbnb and drove to headquarters. The meeting was long and a little boring to Zander as he kept thinking back to how his netherlings were doing.
Well no matter, today was the day he could finally video call with the netherlings (With Ryzar watching as supervision) so his really excited to see and talk to his netherlings again after awhile. (Its only been three days.).
The meeting was over after two hours, and they were all planning to eat out for lunch, however. Zander decided to just cook lunch back at their airbnb as he wanted to call the netherlings already and couldn't wait. (Not like he told the boys that part tho lmao).
"You sure you don't wanna come with us Zanny?" The pirate asked as he watched the incubus get out of the car.
"I'm sure, have fun you lot." Zander waved goodbye to the rest of Avallum and he quickly prepared to cook his lunch, which was just a simple fried rice with some leftover meat from their dinner yesterday.
It was a good thing the airbnb had the ingredients he needed as he didn't wanna make a trip to the grocery store.
After he finished cooking his meal, he settled down and held his phone in his other hand. He pressed the video call button and waited for the dinoboi to respond.
. . . . . . . . .
"Netherlings. No! That is NOT food!" Currently, the poor ginger was protecting the netherlings from dying caused by poison. (He doesn't know that they can't die hehe).
About an hour ago, he decided to take the netherlings to the beach as he felt bad that they were cooped up inside the club all day everyday, of course he made sure that it was very safe for the netherlings to go and he made sure to bring the ryzarws along too!
However, when they got to the beach.. he had thought that the netherlings would be fine if he took his eyes off of them for a bit to tend to his ryzarws for a little while and whole and behold!
A netherling was almost kidnapped.
But when Ryzar fought off the kidnapper, he then saw a netherling being carried away by the waves and after saving that said netherling he saw three other netherlings trying to eat sea urchins and so on, so on, so on.... It was chaotic and a disaster.
With all the disasters happening and Ryzar trying to make sure that each netherling stays alive. (Bless his soul, someone tell him).
A netherling who was surprisedly sane was under the shade of a umbrella that Ryzar set up for all of them, the netherling watched the chaos unfold while munching the chopped fruits Ryzar prepared.
"?" The netherling looked under the dinoboi's pants to see his phone ringing, the caller ID said 'Incubussy' so that made the netherling curious.
With its tiny paws, the netherling pressed the accept button and what flawed the phone screen was Zander's surprised face.
The netherling mewled in happiness and started licking the phones screen while Zander looked at his phone screen in shock.
He had a lot of questions running inside his brain right now like: Why does a netherling have Ryzar's phone? The background looks nothing like club netherbrand's but rather the beach.. why were they there?
And the last question/thought.. Where in the fuck was Ryzar Blazenfang?
Zander took a sip of the totally not alcohol drink he had prepared and looked seriously at the netherling who was blushing.
"Darling, take me to Ryzar please." The netherling holding the phone didn't waste anytime as the incubus sounded like he was upset and the sweet netherling didn't want its incubus to be upset, no-no...
So the netherling walked over to Ryzar, who was holding three netherlings by the tails as he scolds them about not eating too much ice cream. (Hence why there was also a angry ice cream owner who was waiting for Ryzar to pay him back the money he owns in behalf of the netherlings).
The netherling squeaked and Ryzar looked down at it, only to see Zander's not so happy expression first hand... Ohh boy, he was in for a long discussion with the incubus for sure.
He first decided to end the video call with Zander and messaged him that he'll call him once they get home, with Zander just seen-ing the message. (He really is in trouble).
When they finally arrived at club netherbrand, Ryzar entrusted the Ryzawrs to help the netherlings clean up and to also make sure that they don't cause any harm.
He sighs and opened his chat with the incubus and pressed the video call button, and not even a millie second later, the call was accepted with a serious Zander Netherbrand greeting a Ryzar Blazenfang who wore a weary expression.
Ryzar inhaled and exhaled before explaining what had happened in the last few hours and it didn't take long for Zander to just laugh at his story instead of actually getting upset, even If it seemed that that was the outcome a few seconds ago.
"Thats my netherlings for you.. always causing trouble." He said smiling happily. Ryzar smiled and was happy that he wasn't in that much trouble.
"But don't think I forgot about how you didn't ask me for permission and also almost getting one of my netherlings kidnapped." The incubus said with a smile present on his face.
Ryzar sweat dropped and quickly decided to change the subject. "Do-Do you wanna see how the netherlings are?" He asked.
Obviously, the incubus agreed and Ryzar pointed the camera to what was in front of the bar.
The netherlings were happily just doing their own things while the ryzawrs just stay beside each murder of netherlings to make sure that no mischief happens.
"Put the phone down near the netherlings and let me talk to them Ryzar." Zander ordered and the ginger made the phone stand on a table with the help of a wine bottle.
The netherlings quickly made their way to the phone and all of them happily squeaked, each trying to lick the phones screen but stopped when Ryzar almost took the phone away.
"Netherlings! How are my lovely sweethearts, darlings doing? I hope that you lot are behaving properly for your poor dino babysitter~" Zander spoke in a soft yet ended with a teasing tone towards Ryzar.
The netherlings started whining and complaining, stating that Ryzar's been awful to them. (Ya'll mean af).
"Whatever they're saying Zanny, do not trust them. I've been treating them nicely." Ryzar said while the netherlings still whined and complained at Zander, whom, laughed at the gingers demise.
"Alright my sweet netherlings, enough bullying the dinosaur." Zander chuckled as the netherlings all giggled and looked mischievously at Ryzar who really didn't want to deal with a legion of netherlings probably wanting revenge-
"Netherlings, it won't be long before you lot are back inside my arms again so hang tight till then my netherlings." Zander looked at his netherlings with sadness present in his eyes.
The netherlings all walked closer to the phone and sheep piled the phone, all the while purring.
Zander almost cries at the actions the netherlings did but held it all in as he didn't want to cry in front of his netherlings, so instead. He told the netherlings to give the phone back to Ryzar who watched the interaction unfold before him.
Zander asked Ryzar to go outside the club for now so that they could have a serious chat for a minute.
"What's up Zanny?" Ryzar saw how detached his friend looks but Zander quickly calms down, his usual suave behavior coming back.
"Thank you for putting up with my netherlings' behavior. Told you that they can be a handful." He saids, chuckling a bit at the situation that had happened earlier.
Ryzar chuckles with Zander as well and they both talked more about the netherlings. (Society will call them, close friends, roommates-).
The netherlings that were all left alone inside the club were trying to climb the clubs kitchen window as they all thought that Ryzar was gonna get their incubus.
The ryzawrs, meanwhile, were all panicking and didn't know what to do besides let out panic roars and they all tried to pry the netherlings away from the kitchens window.
. . . . . . . . .
"Alright netherlings, come say goodbye to Zanny- hm? Netherlings?"
"Ryzar.. what's happened?"
Ryzar walks to the opened kitchen door and immediately drops his phone on the ground without even ending the video chat with Zander who seems the whole situation happening in the background.
He let out panicked, demonic screeches as Ryzar makes sure that none of the netherlings accidentally fall out of the window.
"Zanny we're home! We brought you some cake." The captain walks to the airbnb's kitchen to put the cake on the kitchens counter.
"Gale, did you see my-"
The rest of Avallum have found Zander Kvoir Netherbrand.. passed out on the floor of the kitchen floor.
Zander Netherbrand's exe. stopped working.
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FINALLY FINISHED UGH, this took me so long to finish idk why tbh, if I got Zanny's middle name wrong tell me and I'll edit it lmao.
Also this was pretty shorts this chap was more of a prompt than a actual chap I thought off but its good.
Hope ya'll enjoyed reading this far and see ya'll on my next post~!
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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sweethoneyrose83 · 6 months ago
Harley Quinn dialogue prompts
"Ya know, I never really wanted to be normal. Normal’s boring! What’s the fun in that?"
"Oops! Did I do that? My bad… or maybe not!" (with a mischievous grin)
"They say the world’s gone mad. I say it’s just catching up with me!"
"Aw, puddin’, you really thought I was gonna play nice? Silly, silly!"
"Life’s a joke, and guess what? I’m the punchline!"
"Why so serious? Oh wait, wrong villain. My bad!"
"It’s not that I don’t care. It’s that I care… in my own special way!" (sweetly but with menace)
"Tick-tock, sweetie! Time’s runnin’ out, and I’ve got chaos to create!"
"I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way. Oh wait, I am bad. Never mind!"
"You think I'm crazy? Pfft, honey, I'm a masterpiece!"
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1. Sarcastic Comeback
"Oh, I’m sorry, did I roll my eyes out loud? Must’ve slipped!"
2. Playful Threat
"Mess with me again, and I’ll introduce ya to Mr. Bat— not the caped one, the swingy, smashy one!"
3. Chaotic Charm
"Ya know, they say laughter’s the best medicine. Too bad for you, I ain’t here to heal!"
4. Rebellious Confidence
"Rules? Pfft, those are for people who don’t have style like me!"
5. Defiant Monologue
"I’ve been called crazy, but let’s be real—crazy’s just code for ‘doesn’t fit in your boring little box!’"
6. Flirty Mischief
"Hey, handsome! How 'bout I steal your heart…and your wallet while I'm at it?"
7. Mocking Heroics
"Aww, you’re gonna save the day? How cute. Lemme know how that goes…from the ER!"
8. Villainous Glee
"There’s just something so satisfying about watching it all burn, ain’t it?"
9. Unhinged Confidence
"I don’t need superpowers, sweetie, I got a PhD in making people scream!"
10. Taunting a Hero
"What’s wrong, Bats? Still brooding? Didn’t they tell ya, I’m the fun kind of crazy!"
11. Joker Reference
"Puddin’s got his plans, but me? I like a little improvisation in my mayhem!"
12. Dark Humor
"Death’s the easy part, sugar. It’s livin’ in this twisted world that’s the real joke!"
13. Facing a Challenge
"You think I’m scared? Pfft. I eat danger for breakfast. And for lunch? A nice side of insanity!"
14. Cheerfully Violent
"Oopsie! My bat slipped! Honest! But boy, that thud was satisfying."
15. Philosophical Chaos
"Ya see, sanity’s overrated. I prefer to live life with a little madness sprinkled on top!"
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Playful and Mischievous
"Hey, puddin'! You miss me? 'Cause I sure missed me!"
"Chaos? Sweetheart, I am the definition of chaos!"
"You think I'm crazy? Oh honey, you ain't seen nothin' yet!"
"Smile, sunshine! It makes it harder for 'em to figure out what you're up to."
"Oopsie! I didn’t mean to blow that up… okay, maybe I did!"
Sassy and Sarcastic
"What’s the matter? Scared of a little fun?"
"I may be twisted, but at least I’m not boring!"
"Aren’t you just adorable? Too bad you’re in my way."
"You think you can handle me? Darling, you’re in for a wild ride!"
"Oh please, as if you’ve never wanted to smash something pretty before."
Dark and Twisted
"You hear that? That's the sound of my patience snapping like a twig!"
"Don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll make sure this hurts… a lot!"
"Sometimes, love isn’t about flowers. It’s about who’s left standing when the smoke clears."
"Oh, don’t cry. It’s not like I’m gonna kill you… today."
"They say love hurts. Guess I’m a little too good at it."
Confident and Bold
"Let me guess, you think you’re the hero in this story? Newsflash: You ain’t!"
"I’m not crazy. I’m just differently sane."
"Out of my way, cupcake! I’ve got mayhem to spread."
"Rules? Who needs rules when you're this much fun?"
"Being good is overrated. Chaos, now that’s where the real fun begins."
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mammondrivesamazdamiata · 2 years ago
Obey Me! Boys as Baristas in a coffee shop
I myself am a barista and so I feel qualified enough to make assumptions :P Enjoy
(includes foul language lol)
- The opening manager
- Clean freak
- Always has a rag tucked into the pocket of his apron
- Arrives fifteen minutes early every morning and complains about it
- Keeps everyone on task during rushes
- Will passive aggressively argue with customers
"I want a medium cappuccino. Don't make it a latte. I don't want milk to the top, I want about two inches of foam."
"Ma'am, please do not speak to me like I don't know what I'm doing. I'm aware of what a cappuccino is and how to make it. Unless you'd like to come behind the counter and make it yourself?"
- Will snap at his crew when he's stressed and apologize for it later
- Freaks out when nothing is stocked
- Strictly an order taker on most days
- Can not remember recipes to save his life
- Constantly gets into these long, drawn out conversations with customers and has to be reeled back in
- Honestly great at customer service, but totally fake
"Bye, guys! Have a good one!" *Turns around* "Holy shit they were fucking annoying."
- Has a crush on every good-looking person that comes in
- Pretty good at memorizing regular customer orders and tries to have their order saved into the POS system before they arrive
- LOVES making pup cups. He considers it the best part of his job. Will argue with Satan over who gets to hand it out
- Always gets stuck mopping the floors because no one else wants to do it
- Will straight up eat espresso beans
- Actually a very good barista
- Memorizes recipes and measurements really fast
- Can be seen carrying multiple drinks in his arms during a rush
"I've got the entire first and second tickets, so don't worry about those."
- So bad at customer service. So awkward. Not allowed to take orders unless he knows the person
- Will start dancing on the line when he thinks he's alone. Runs to the back and hides when he realizes a customer was standing at the counter watching him
- Eats a single croissant on his break
- Puts 6 shots of espresso in his drink every day. Lucifer is deeply considering cutting him off
- Won't take a bathroom break until it's an emergency
- The baker
- Usually opens with Lucifer to catch up on baking. He hates this and ignores Lucifer the whole morning
- Loves to decorate cupcakes and sugar cookies for the holidays/seasons. Always gets compliments on them
- Him and Asmodeus always come up with the specialty drinks every month
- Fights with Diavolo every day about making the coffee shop a cat cafe instead
- Would rather make food orders than coffee orders
- Gets stuck prepping everything
- In charge of inventory orders. Won't even ask anyone to help him because he doesn't trust them to do it right
- Gets so frustrated during rushes
- Will slam things until he's forced to step outside to take a breather
- Will argue with customers if they catch him on a bad day
"Jeez, seven dollars for a latte? Are you kidding me?"
"Well, yeah, it's a dollar-fifty up-charger for oat milk."
"That seems ridiculous!"
"Listen, I don't make the prices, lady, now are you going to give me your money or not?"
- Employee of the month
- Literally so good at customer service
- Everyone loves working with him because he's constantly getting tipped
- Addresses regulars by name and compliments them
"Liz, did you change your hair? It looks so good!"
*Gasps* "I love your nails! Where do you get them done?"
"Good morning, Ron, are we just doing your small French roast today?"
- Is also confident in his ability to take orders
"Wow, I really am just a delight to talk to."
- Always leaves milk on the counter or forgets to close the fridges after making something
- Keeps forgetting to empty the espresso pucks after pulling. Pisses off Levi to no end
- Likes making cold drinks over hot drinks
- Doesn't even like coffee. Drinks chai lattes almost exclusively
- Flirts with customers
- Refuses to count registers
"Nah, I'm too cute for math 😊"
- Closing shift manager
- Keeps getting in trouble for sneaking bites of food between orders
Lucifer: "Beel, you cannot keep eating pickles out of the container when you're not wearing gloves that's cross contamination."
"Try and stop me."
- Every customer's barista crush. He's completely clueless to all advances
- gets hangry and snaps at his coworkers
- eats some pasta salad and is perfectly fine afterwards
- Closing shift always calls on him for customer complaints because he's such a large individual and can be really intimidating
- Will procrastinate the closing list all day and haul ass for the entire last hour to get it done on time
- Holds a lot of grudges against his coworkers but doesn't say anything to avoid conflict
- Will be fine all day but blows up at the slightest inconvenience
- Likes to take the trash out so he can decompress in peace behind the dumpsters
- Hates his job
- Only works there because Beel convinced him to apply
- So clumsy
- Always spills drinks
- Won't argue with customers but glares at them from across the counter
- Counts registers at the end of the night
- Complains about everything
- Wants to start the closing list five hours before the cafe even closes
- Will purposefully mess up drinks for customers he doesn't like
"One Soy latte. You're all set." *Under his breath* "Joke's on you, bitch, that was 2%."
- Talks about putting in his two weeks every month but never actually does it
- Always forgets to write dates on items he opens
- The owner, obviously
- Has no idea how to do anything, so he leaves the brunt of cafe work to Lucifer and Barb
- Tried to make coffee for a customer once and forgot to put espresso in it
- Hands things out to the wrong customers, so the boys have to remake orders constantly when Diavolo's working with them
- Has to be restrained from making terrible business decisions
Diavolo: "Hey, what if we did a Bloody Mary bar on the weekends?"
Lucifer: "Not happening."
Diavolo: "Well, it's a good thing I'm the owner and can do whatever I want 😝"
Diavolo: "Oh... How do you get one of those?"
- Goes on a cruise every month and leaves the cafe to be run by his employees
- Exhausted
- Handles all finances
- Sees a mouse one time and loses his mind
- Clean, clean, cleanCLEANCLEANCLEAN
- Quietly cries while he signs paychecks
- Has a nervous breakdown every time the health inspector stops by
- Stops Diavolo from making OSHA violations
Undateables as customers! (bonus)
- Kind of a dick
- Leaves 50 cent tips
- Always complains that his black coffee is too cold
- Will not drink it unless it's 200+ degrees
- Always asks for a sleeve even though he's been told multiple times that it's already built into the cup
- Gets a really complicated drink but all the baristas love him so it's okay
- Large iced dirty chai with 2 shots of espresso and oat milk, light ice
- Usually leaves a tip that's more than his drink
- Gossips with everyone that works there
- Super patient no matter how long it takes them to get his order out
- Diavolo keeps trying to give him a job, but Simeon is smart enough to kindly refuse
- Brings his work and sits in the lobby for hours
- Orders a hot chocolate (frozen or hot depending on the time of year) with whip cream and rainbow sprinkles
- One time he burned his tongue so bad that Lucifer gave him free drinks for a week
- Luke would just put the amount the drink cost into the tip jar instead because he felt bad
"You could pour hot coffee in my lap and I'd probably apologize to you."
- Asked for a job once. Mammon convinced Barb not to hire him on grounds of "he's so annoying."
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eventinelysplayground · 6 months ago
Bad Luck
This is my week late fic that I wrote for Yves birthday. I just had a bit of a tough time this week but I'm doing much better now so here it is. Yves receives some specialy made treats for his upcoming birthday. Pure fluff and cuteness, WC approx 605.
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Yves and Licht sat in the garden enjoying a much needed break after a long day.
“I bet you're excited Emma's coming home tonight.”
“Of course I am!.”
“Good timing too since your birthday's in two days.”
Yves nodded and placed his teacup down.
“I had so been hoping she would be back in time, I'm glad her father has recovered too.”
Licht nodded his agreement then looked at the table in front of them.
“Something's missing.”
Yves sighed then pouted.
“They wouldn't let me into the kitchen.”
“I don’t know, they didn't tell me.”Licht blinked at Yves.“But you're the King?”
“Yes well…”
“I didn't want to push them ok! The maids stopped me in the hall though and said I wasn't allowed in and then they asked me nicely to leave so I did.”
“You're too nice Yves.”
Yves was about to argue with his brother when they heard a voice calling out to them.
“Daddy, Uncle Licht!”
The little girl was carefully walking towards them with a very heavy looking tray and Licht quickly got up to grab it for her and carry it the rest of the way.
“Thank you Uncle Licht. I'm sorry I'm late but it was really heavy!”
“What is all this Yvette?”
Licht sat the tray down on the table and him and Yves stared at the cookies and cupcakes.
“They're sweets, I made them all by myself for you Daddy because it's your birthday soon. I wanted to surprise you with them at tea but…”
Yvette's head dropped her golden hair falling over her face.
“You weren't late late, you were fashionably late and there's a big difference between the two trust me.”
Yves spoke with so much confidence as he smiled at his daughter and she smiled back at him. She then went over and took a cookie and cupcake from the tray and held them out to her father. Yves picked up the cupcake and then she passed the cookie to Licht. Both men took a bite at the same time from their treats.
“You said you made these all by yourself?”
“Uh huh, nobody helped me at all! Nanny had been watching me for a bit then Uncle Clavis came in and wanted to help but I wanted to do it myself so I had nanny take him away. How are they, Daddy?”
“Well they're certainly… very special.”
Licht nodded furiously in agreement and both men plastered smiles on their faces. Yvette excitedly clapped her hands together before twirling.
“Yay! I have to go find nanny and Uncle Clavis now so they can try them. Make sure to save them each one, oh but you can have the rest!”
Yvette took of running towards the castle. As soon as she was gone Yves leaned over and put the cupcake back on the tray while Licht spit his food into a napkin and made a face.
“I can't believe I'm saying this but I think Clavis' help would have made them better.”
Yves nodded in agreement.
“I need to make more time to teach her how to bake properly.”
“What do we do about these in the meantime?”
Both men stared at the tray for a moment before Yves stood up and began walking off further into the gardens with it.
“Where are you going?”
“Earlier today didn't you say that you thought you saw a pit trap near the gazebo?”
“Then we're going to the gazebo to finish our lovely desserts, now grab the tea.”
Had Yves looked back at Licht he would have seen the faintest smile on his face.
Tag List, if I forgot you let me know still getting used to this: @nightghoul381, @queengiuliettafirstlady
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normal-person-i-promise · 1 year ago
bad sansuary day 7: go all out
In which you pamper Sans for his birthday.
prompt list here
horrortale belongs to sour apple studios
You don't get up when you wake up and instead continue cuddling Sans in bed — it is his birthday, and he deserves something nice.
You end up actually getting out of bed at around 3 PM.
"Sans. Hey. Hey. Sans,"
you pester him as he brushes his teeth, hearing him hum in response, looking at you.
You've been planning and saving for months, and, today, it will all finally come to fruition.
"Wanna see what I got for you?"
You ask, excitedly. You'd blown your whole paycheck and then some.
Sans spits out his toothpaste, washing his mouth out with water.
"let me shower first, muffin."
He kisses your forehead before pushing you out of the bathroom, closing and locking the door.
Since you'd already showered and ordered cake (which, fortunately, had been delivered in time), you sit down at the dining table and wait for Sans to come out. You answer the door when the doorbell is rung and get the things you usually get for Sans: a bouquet of roses and box of chocolates. On all his previous birthdays, you'd get him something special and expensive. Last year, the special gift was Japanese cooking knives.
This year, well... Let's just say it's a lot more out of your budget than usual.
You're placing candles on the cake when Sans opens the door and emerges from the bedroom, his red eye lighting up when he sees the cake.
He sits down at the table, kissing and thanking you as he spoons mouthfuls of cake into his gaping maw. His plate is clean when he's done, and he takes yours to "clean it", which just means that he'll lick the icing off the plate.
You drop the plates in the sink and begin washing them as he calls to you over your shoulder.
"c'mon, cupcake. what's the thing you got for me?"
You grin to yourself, excited.
"Let me finish with the dishes first."
Sans rolls his red eye, smiling as he twirls a finger in the air and makes the sponge and plates levitate — and after a few moments, the dishes are clean, sitting comfortably on the drying rack.
He makes a fist out of his hand, your SOUL turning blue and being yanked towards him — along with your body.
"now can you tell me?"
You sigh as his grin widens.
"Fine, fine, okay. Let me go get it."
The blue fades from your form, and you go to your bedroom. You go to the hiding place and take out the tickets for that luxurious dinner cruise, smiling to yourself.
He's going to love it.
You walk out, the tickets held behind your back.
You dramatically reveal them with a flourish of your hand and a small "tada" as his whole face goes blue, his red eye going wide.
"you... how...?"
He stares, dumbfounded and dusted blue, as you walk up to him and give him a kiss.
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