#i promise you im not a hater i love the zelda series
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lightmothx · 2 days ago
Hot take that's not that much of a hot take - but, Zelda should've honestly been the Protagonist of TOTK. That's what makes the Role Swap aus so good. Tears gave us a world we're already familiar with, flops it on its side with the Upheaval plotline. I think we should've let the Sheikah technology stay Link's thing for the sake of BOTW, and then have TOTK's Zonai stuff be Zelda's thing. Zelda was a huge history buff in BOTW, so having her figure out all the Zonai lore and whatnot would've been perfect.
Not only that, but her exploring Hyrule and seeing the good Link has done for the people would've been awesome. I would've settled for a DLC even where we get to play as Zelda during her plot in Old Hyrule with Rauru and Sonia, but we got nothing. That's not fair at all. Wild Era Zelda had more character than ANY previous Zelda we've ever seen and they sideline her at every turn, reducing her once more to a damsel that needs saving, when we've seen she's more than capable of holding her own (in Age of Calamity).
I liked the whole Light Dragon plot, but they made it a point over and over again that "becoming an immortal dragon is irreversible" only for us to magically turn her back with The Power of Friendship™. It would've been more interesting to get that ending as a 100% competition benefit, but even then, Zelda shouldn't have been completely fine if you know what I'm saying. Like you're telling me Link slept for 100yrs and forgot nearly everything about his life, but Zelda slept as a Dragon for Hylia knows how long, and she's just okay?!
This is why a lot of people complained that TOTK felt a little lackluster compared to Breath of the Wild, and I completely agree. What was the point of having the Champions and their descendants be such a huge thing in BOTW, just to create an entirely new plot with The Sages in TOTK? What was the point of introducing the Light Dragon, Demon Dragon and Sacred Stones if we got NO information about the Dragons that were already in BOTW? (Dinraal, Naydra, Farosh). People can ramble on and on about theories and whatnot but I would've loved CONFIRMATION or even a SIDE QUEST. We got a lotta useless new lore to try and erase perfectly good lore bits we had.
And I hate to be the dork wearing rose colored glasses or whatever the saying is, but this is why I prefer older Zelda games, because sure -- Nintendo didn't confirm everything, but they confirmed enough for people to properly string lore themselves. Nowadays I feel like Zelda content creators are just grasping at straws to try and patch plotholes that Nintendo just shrugged off. And then for them to be like "We came up with TOTK because we had SO many DLC ideas for BOTW", just to release a half-ass game and be like "We did everything we wanted to do with this era ☺️" WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL OF THOSE IDEAS?! I really hope this isnt a continuous thing because I'm getting too old to wait YEARS for a new game to confirm absolutely nothing about the previous one.
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