#but i think fizz is gonna be on his side still
fzrticv · 5 months
.no matter what with next ep i so gonna be more in Blitz corner, pf
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moonstruckme · 1 year
poly!marauders all eating out fem!reader at the same time. i cant vision how it would work but say sirius has your hole, james has your clit and remus is at your thighs. thank you my love if you choose to write this!🫶
Hi, thanks so much for requesting! I couldn't quite figure out how their heads would all fit so I hope this is alright?
cw: smut mdni (praise, oral fem receiving)
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 480 words
James is laughing at you. Laughing, as you writhe and gasp in his arms. You'd never have taken him for a sadist, but here you are.
"You're okay, angel," he chuckles, moving his hand from around your waist up to your chest to keep your back pressed against his front, and indulging in palming one of your breasts while he's there.
"I—" you gasp, scarcely able to think, much less speak, after the two orgasms you've already had in the past hour.
Sirius takes his lips from your clit with a lewd popping sound, and you cry out. "She's gonna crush Moony's head if she doesn't keep 'er legs open," he complains.
Remus only mumbles, and you can't decipher whether it's in agreement or denial as the reverberations of his rumbling voice in your hole make your head swim. Your trembling thighs press against the long-fingered hands keeping them spread apart on either side of his head.
"I've got it," James supplies, securing you against him with the hand on your chest while using his other to bring your knee upwards, freeing Remus on the one side. "Don't listen to him sweetheart, you're being good for us, aren't you?"
Sirius snickers at your blubbering, nonsensical response, going back to sucking your clit with renewed vigor. A moment later, Remus swirls his tongue inside you, and the coil in your core that's been tightening, slowly but surely, shatters completely. Sirius raises his head from between your legs, crooning at the sounds you make as James smooths a soothing path up the inside of your thigh and Remus works you through your orgasm with his blessed tongue.
James lowers your leg back over the edge of the bed once your breathing starts to steady again, and Remus pats the one he's been holding affectionately, making you jump. "You did so well, love," he says. An embarrasing little frission goes through you at the praise.
James hums in agreement, letting his finger drag over the sweat-slicked skin of your underboob. "So well," he repeats, and his voice is all sweetness, almost making you forget his amusement at your torment a minute before. "Our good girl."
"Thanks," you manage, brain still fizzing like a shaken soda bottle. "Thank you."
"Aw, you're welcome, baby. What do you think?" Sirius' grin is all teeth. "Another?"
At first, you assume you must have misheard him. You raise your head from James' shoulder, every muscle in your body seeming to tremble from being held at attention so long, but before you can ask Sirius to repeat himself, James says, "Yeah, I think she can handle another, can't you angel?" He kisses at the slope of your neck coaxingly, and when he reaches down to tug playfully at Remus' hair, his knuckles brushing your sensitive cunt, you let out a whimper. "Moons, get up here. I want another turn."
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Dress Up Part 4 - Second Preview
Second preview for you lovelies! Warning for mentions of sex and innuendos!
"Pheromones?" you repeated, "umm, not much honestly. Why do you ask?"
Fizz shot you an excited smirk. “Well, the long and short of it is that they work extremely well when you’re looking to boost attraction,” he said, emphasizing his seductive tone on the last word. “Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t doubt that you and the King have the raging hots for each other! But Ozzie and I came up with a little something to…maximize the experience!”
“That’s putting it mildly,” Asmodeus chimed in.
Fizz rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay, yeah, there are a few little quirks with it, I'll admit it."
"Such as?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
Fizz skillfully flipped and landed his backflip back onto Oz's lap and crossed his arms. "You know, I used to think there was no such thing as too much overstimulation, but uhh..." The jester looked up at Oz, "you wanna take this one, big guy?"
Oz cleared his throat. "Y-yeah, like Fizz said, it's extremely powerful. You don't even have to touch your partner for the effects to start take hold, they just have to be in the general vicinity of you. It's gonna take almost nothing to get them going. So, do you think that's something you're willing to try with your prince charming?"
Oz's explanation was intriguing to be sure, but a question still lingered. "You're selling it well, Oz. But what is it exactly?"
With a snap of his fingers, a small and skinny lavender colored vile appeared in Oz's hand. It was no bigger than your pinky finger. "There are very few things are more enticing to the senses than a good perfume."
"It seems...a little small," you joked.
"Oh, trust me, Your Highness," Fizz laughed, "that is way more than enough. One tiny spritz and you're in for a loooonnnggg night!"
Oz tossed the vile to you and you caught it with ease. You examined the bottle. The blue flames from Oz's fire pit reflected beautifully off of the pristine crystal container, almost as if it was sparkling. You couldn't help but wonder how powerful this substance really was, especially considering the King of Lust himself was skeptical. You turned the bottle around and found the warning label on the side. It had things like 'Increase in stamina' and 'Increase in sensitivity' listed, but one sentence had jumped out to you in particular.
" 'Lack of a refractory period.' " you read out loud. "Does...that mean what I think it means?"
Fizz chuckled at your reaction. "It sure does! You two will definitely have loads and loads of fun.~" The jester's innuendo was definitely not lost on you, and you could feel the heat rise to your face once again. "Don't stress, it doesn't last that long. Well, I guess it depends on whether or not you consider an hour a long time!"
Oz playfully squinted at the imp in his lap who stuck out his tongue in return. "Normally, I wouldn't give away a product that hasn't been sold publicly, but I'm more than confident you and the King will use it wisely. Hell, you might even be able to handle it better than most!"
"Thank you, Oz," you smiled. "How much do I owe you?"
Oz waved his arms in dismissal. "Oh honey, don't worry about it! Consider it an anniversary gift. Although, I do ask for one favor." You raised an eyebrow. "After your session, I'd love to know how it worked for you. It'll be another test run, for lack of a better term, and I need all the info I can get before we start marketing."
"Oh, yeah, n-no problem!" you managed to squeak out. “Thank you for everything. I should be getting back now, though. Knowing Lucifer, he’s probably on the verge of sending out a search party for me.” You stood up and snapped your fingers, creating a portal behind you that lead to your home. Becoming the Queen of Hell had its perks, and Lucifer was a fantastic teacher when it came to your newfound abilities.
“Before you go, I have one last thing for you,” Ozzie called out. With another snap of his fingers, rope with a shining light blue glow appeared in your empty hand.
“Blessed rope?” you questioned.
“It’ll come in handy, trust me,” Oz winked. “Use it as you please! Although, I don’t know how well it’ll fair against an angel like him.”
“Thanks again, Oz,” you smiled shyly as you stepped through the portal. “I’ll see you two soon!”
The couple waved back as the portal closed “Let me know how long it takes ya to learn how to walk again!” Fizz called out before disappearing from sight.
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3minsover · 1 year
AUgust Day 30:
steve tries to employ his ‘act like you don’t care’ method when he realizes he has a crush on eddie.
it’s about a month or so after vecna, and the party are more inseparable than they’ve ever been, older teens included, and eddie’s settled in like he’s been one of the gang since day one.
the moment steve realizes that old familiar fluttering in his stomach, the telltale thrum of blood rushing to his cheeks as eddie plucks out nameless tunes on his acoustic or asks steve if he wants to come over to get high or watch a movie, steve knows exactly what’s happening. it doesn’t scare him as much as he thought it would, falling for one of his best friends, especially not one who’s a guy. he doesn’t really know the protocol for a situation such as this, but some habits die hard, and something in steve’s brain is still hardwired to receive that hit of endorphins and return to the routines of old.
thing is, steve’s never put on this show when there’s another guy involved. with girls, he can be cool and suave and just the right side of dismissive until he has them begging to be even offered a palm to eat out of.
but eddie’s different. both in that he’s a guy, and steve’s pretty sure this same move isn’t going to work on him, but also, eddie’s different. eddie’s something special. something that feels like the first splash of rainfall after a drought. eddie has him yearning in a way he’d never thought himself even capable. and as fiercely as he longs to just grab eddie by the face and kiss the mischievous grin from his lips in the hopes it makes his insides smile too, steve brushes eddie off just as much. he waves quick, flippant ‘hey’s (but he longs to furl eddie up in a hug, bury his face in the collar of his leather jacket), he blinks away eddie’s jokes with just the practiced hint of a smirk (though he wishes he’d just let himself laugh), he offers backhanded compliments (when he’s desperate to tell eddie he has the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen, and that he wants them to be the first thing he sees in the morning until the day he dies).
eddie shrugs it all off for a couple weeks with only a twitching narrow of his eyes, a deliberate, searching stare.
steve thinks maybe, just maybe, this has worked.
until eddie confronts him about it.
“hey, did i do something?”
“did i- you’ve been- you got a problem with me?”
“why would you- what? no!” steve tries to protest, but eddie barrels on, sounds just so demoralised it’s hard to listen to.
“look, if you don’t like me being around or whatever, just say it, man. i can’t take all this cold shoulder shit anymore.”
steve blinks hard, dumbfounded, with the sinking realization that his trademark move hadn’t worked - if anything, it’d done the exact opposite of what he hoped. steve had felt that electricity with every glance at eddie, but he now fears he’s crossed some wires somewhere, and it was the spark of faulty cables, rather than the fizz of something mutual. and if steve’s plan has backfired, the only thing left for him to do is come clean.
“i don’t have a problem with you. i mean, i guess i kinda do have a problem with you, but- but!” steve preempts eddie’s inevitable crestfallen sigh with the raise of his pointer fingers, both staying and apologetic all at once. “but it’s not a problem you caused. it kinda is but it’s also not. shit i used to be so good at this. i have a problem with you because i don’t know what to do with you. i don’t know how to be around you without- without- you’re always so- so alive and fun and sweet and just looking at you makes me want to scream into my pillow, but in like, a good way? and my heart gets all- and your eyes are just- so. i guess i got a problem with you, because i… want you to be my problem. i want you- uh. yeah.”
eddie is silent for a long moment, and steve can almost see each of his words slotting into place behind eddie’s eyes. “steve. i… i’m not gonna do us both the disservice of pretending i understood all of what you just said, but i think i got the highlights?”
steve rakes a minutely trembling hand through his hair, finding anything to break up the sudden stillness.
“you did? cause even i feel like I’ve talked myself round in circles here.”
“i think so. let me get this straight. you… think i’m fun?”
“looking at me makes you want to-”
“scream into my pillow, yeah.”
“oh- oh okay. noted. and um, you,” eddie starts slowly, seems to be feeding the words out carefully like it’ll spook steve to hear them from another mouth but his own. “you want me to be your problem.” steve swallows, inhales deep, and nods.
“yeah. cause, i guess to me it wouldn’t really be a problem. it would- that would be something i wanted. you’re- something i wanted- want. god, this is harder than i thought.” steve chuckles nervously and eddie just stares, mouth hanging just a little open.
“but you…” eddie starts, brows knitting in confusion, “you don’t like me. you barely talk to me even though i wanna talk to you whenever you’re around, even when i’m trying to make you laugh you hardly even smile, and i try to make you laugh like, all the time- oh.” something flashes in eddie’s eyes as he stops himself dead in the middle of his sentence. “oh my god. you- you were- shit, dustin talked my ear off about this; act like, uh, like you don’t care, huh?”
steve’s already burning cheeks threaten to start giving off smoke, and he’s about ready to hotfoot it out the door and disappear forever, but then eddie smiles, and it’s one of those devilish, smirky, sparkling smiles that steve loves.
“you got me, harrington,” eddie admits on an exhale. “you got me good with that. got me hooked.”
steve winces a little, tries to smile back.
“i did?”
“shit, yeah. you’re better than i thought.” eddie chuckles giddily; it makes steve smile for real.
“so, i can admit that i actually do like you now? that i’ve been crushing on you for like, months?”
taking a step closer and placing his palms flat against steve’s chest, eddie drops his voice low, “yeah, yeah you can. because then i can say i like you back.”
turns out steve’s plan had worked, just not in the way he expected. but nothing with eddie ends up how steve expected, and that’s just one addition to the list of things he loves about him. that list will grow longer as the years pass, a never-ending record of things to love.
steve’ll apologize for the whole mind game thing later, but for now, he simply rests his hands over eddie’s, and tips his head forward until their foreheads touch. he whispers, “hey, eddie. i really like you. let me take you on a date sometime?”
and eddie whispers back, “hey, stevie. i like you a hell of a lot too. and yeah, obviously - thanks for finally asking.”
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nano-na · 7 months
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Love is a gentle thing..
your's is sicker then velvet ring.
After what seemed like years vox came out of his office looking quiet frustrated "the fuck is up your ass?" you spoke Valentino's jacket dragging on the floor , the moth was fast asleep in his bedroom leaving you basically alone. "Just- it's work just everything is being stressful these days." Vox sighed walking towards you.
"well Tino is still asleep wanna go down and get some breakfast?" You smiled making vox's heart squeeze. Ever since he met you he's been infatuated never wanting to leave your side making sure you were safe. He cared about you so much it was strange in a way.
The two of you made you way to the massive dinning room taking a seat across from each other , a fizz-bot came in holding a tray of waffles and bacon "so you and val had a long night I suppose" vox asked drinking a cup of coffee (he really needed to cut down of his coffee usage) you flushed seeing vox's eyes darting to your neck were a bunch of bites and hickeys layed.
it's nothing just a few kisses and then he knocked out he drank a lot at the club. Vox nodded giving a half smile. Ever since vox introduced you to Valentino you both have been suck together like two peas in a pod , "don't tell me your jealous voxy" you whispered with a sly smile he rolled his eyes his smile seeming more genuine.
The door open reveling the tall moth man "sugar you left me~" val whined walking pass you and kissing you cheek he eyes vox giving a grin before sitting next to you. Right vox and Valentino were on a break again..
"so I was thinking you and me and go to my office and I teach you some stuff" vox said putting a hand on top of yours "-sorry vox I already offered to go mall shopping were gonna spend so much~" val said pulling you to his side.
"well you took her out yesterday it's my turn." Vox said with a stern voice val rolled his eyes sighing "fine I need to shot a video anyway with angel maybe I can play a part with him~" val snickered knowing that vox held a lot of jealousy for the porn star vox shot up walking to the door before giving you the eye to follow him.
You got up waving goodbye to val before jogging to vox. The two of you walked towards the lift in silence."you know val loves you right?.." you mumbled glancing at vox for a reaction a shrug was given as the lift doors opened.
"vox I know it's truff but why don't you say anything, step in , talk to him , Something?" You question your eyebrows crossing in confusion. A sigh left vox as the door opened , the two made your way to the big blue door with golden patterns , it swinged opened and you planted yourself on the fluffy blue sofa, vox was clearing his desk his tv head twitching slightly.
He turned to you as the you patted the spot next to you."you don't get it , if val doesn't love me what's the point.." oh shit. Well vox didn't meant to let that's slip. You stared up with wide eyes your mouth opening and closing. "vox-" "no because think of it what is my purpose listen him val would rather fuck a porn star then me. ME." Vox rambled on and on.
"vox.." he starts buffering while gipping his screen. "Vox listen you more then what that moth pimp says you are and listen I could go on live tv and ask if anyone would wanna fuck you and I swear to Lucifer that I would have over a thousand calls coming in. You vox are the most smartest, coolest , fucking sexy man I've ever met."
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding "is that enough for you vox ?" You asked with a gentle voice "is my love enough for you?" He stared at you then looked away. "Yea...it is"
He was lying and you knew it but for now it'll do.
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bimobuddy · 1 year
Fizzarolli x Asmodeus TK Headcanons
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I love these two so much!! If you haven't seen S2 - E6, I highly suggest you go do that right now.
These might contain spoilers, but nothing too big, I don't think
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He's a giggler!
While he usually wakes up first, on the rare days he doesn't, Ozzie will tickle him awake. Partly because he thinks the sleepy giggles are adorable, but also partly out of revenge for the air horns (it's not gonna stop Fizz from using them though)
With anyone else, he'll fight back, but with Ozzie, he enjoys it and finds it fun. He'll even go as far as to try and provoke him sometimes.
Worst spots are his sides and tail, he'll probably start flailing. If you're unfamiliar with how he reacts, it's easy for you to accidentally get swatted, but Oz knows him and knows just how to avoid the swinging limbs or wagging tail
The tip or 'blade' of his tail REALLY gets him kicking
Tummy gets him curling up and giggling, tail thumping against the floor happily
He even gets flustered and giggly when Oz starts kissing on his cheeks and forehead. Not the most ticklish place, but just enough to get him giggly and smiley
Back when they were kids, Fizz used to go after Blitz all the time. He'd usually win most of their tickle fights
Now, his main target is Ozzie, even if he isn't able to get him most of the time, as Oz usually just turns the tables on him
With his extendable limbs, it's pretty easy for him to wrap up his victim and still get at their sides or tummy
This is usually how he gets Ozzie, the rare moments his attacks actually work
Has chased Ozzie around their room a couple times during a chaotic ler mood (Poor rooster is just such a big guy though, it's hard for him to get away)
Has only ever gotten Blitz once since they've made up, but Blitz is an assassin now and was very quick to escape and turn it back around on him
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Usually isn't much of a lee, as Fizz is really the only one able to get close enough or catch him off guard
And even then, it only works if he's in the mood or if Fizz sneaks up on him
Fizz absolutely adores his voice, especially when he laughs
He knows he could easily overpower the little imp, but why in Hell would he risk hurting his Fizzy or ruining his fun? He'd much rather sacrifice his sensitivity to Fizz to see him happy
If you get him good, he'll accidentally crow. This has only ever happened one time when Fizz snuck up on him and grabbed his hips. However it didnt last long because he IMMEDIATELY wrecked the imp afterward
Sometimes Fizz starts kissing (or even scritching under the chins of) the other two heads in Oz's fluff. It's not exactly super ticklish, but it has gotten a chuckle or two from the Prince, as it felt weird, and he'll usually gently pull Fizz away with a soft "stooop"
Worst spot is his hips
oh boy
This man can be absolutely ruthless
It's easy for him to scoop Fizz up in one hand and tickle him with the other
If he's feeling evil, he'll go after Fizz's tail and hips
But he's also such a sweetheart though, the SECOND he hears Fizz so much as even start the word 'stop,' he stops. He'd feel so bad if he overwhelmed his little clown
When they're alone, he'll start peppering Fizz's face with little kisses, while his other two heads do the same to his neck (in a sfw way) and it gets him super flustered and giggly
Big fan of teases. He'll go for the cliché 'tickle tickle tickle,' and stuff, but he'll also make kissy noises, make that clawing hand motion right over Fizz's tummy, or make him ask for it. ("I don't understand what you want, Fizzy, you're going to have to ask")
He's got feathers, he's basically a demonic chicken man. Sometimes he molts (sheds) his feathers too. (see where I'm going with this?)
When he loses his feathers, all he's gotta say is, "You know, Fizzy, it's molting season," and the imp is either immediately running away or hopping up into his lap for the gentle tickles.
Just like Fizz, he gets chaotic Ler moods too. He can and WILL chase or hunt down his partner, which is sometimes a challenge. Yes, he might be bigger, but Fizz is also very good at outmaneuvering him
But jokes on Fizz, this just makes the attack worse when Ozzie finally catches him
On mornings when they don't have to work, when Fizz goes to get up and out of bed, Ozzie will just hold him close to his chest, not letting him up, and give morning tickles
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thatstonedwriter · 11 months
⋆。˚ 「More than Enough」⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; comforting their s/o, who struggles with their self-worth
◉ feat; M&M, Fizzarolli, Striker
◉ A/n- kinda been in my feelings for a few days, but it's alright. Also haven't written for Striker in a hot minute so I'm deciding to give it a try
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Moxxie and Millie also struggle with self-esteem and self-worth, so when you're feeling down, they have a good idea of what might be able to cheer you up.
Moxxie, ever the thespian, writes you a ton- and I mean a ton- of little notes, poems, and even songs- all declaring his unconditional, undying love for you and Millie. It's not generic love songs either- what Moxxie writes are the most heartfelt, sincere declarations of love you'll ever hear
Dude will also follow you around all day like a sidekick- actually. This guy takes the Hype Man position very seriously. Whenever you're talking, he stands to your side, hip jutted out and arms crossed. He's so sassy for no reason
Millie actually takes a more lowkey approach- don't get me wrong, she and Moxxie absolutely smother you with love- but Millie's lowkey nature helps balance out Moxxie's grand gestures.
Millie is pretty observant, so she's able to pick up on your subtle mood changes and habits fast. Wrapping your arms around your stomach? Millie beats you to it and has her arm around your waist. nervous fidgeting? Millie holds your hand, and gives you a reassuring smile.
Of course, they each have their own off days- sometimes y'all take a collective self-care day which is just code for you sitting on the couch, ordering food delivery and watching dumb shows; no matter the circumstance, Moxxie and Millie will always love and support you unconditionally.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Fizzarolli knows exactly how it feels to think you're not living up to everyone's (or even your own) expectations. While Fizz knows there's no such thing as completely "getting rid of" these feelings, he will always do everything he can to reassure you.
Distractions are Fizz's specialty, so if you're feeling down, expect lots of jokes and random stories- its just his way of helping you get out of a negative mindset, even temporarily
Fizz is also the kind of partner to perform impromptu stand-up comedy acts when you're feeling down. Sit your ass on the couch with some snacks, because for the next thirty minutes, you're gonna watch Fizz attempt comedy while using a wooden spoon as a microphone.
It's funny to think Fizz knows a little bit of a bunch of different languages; wanna know what that results in? Him attempting to flirt with you in Italian or French but really just saying a bunch of random bullshit. It's the thought that counts, right?
Don't let the robotic limbs fool you- Fizz is very touchy-feely (unless you're uncomfortable with it). If you happen to be insecure about your physical apperance, Fizz is there to assure you, there's nothing to be insecure about. You're literally the most amazing being in his eyes
Fizzarolli knows how hard it can be to wrestle with your inner-critic, and that it takes a long time to unlearn the instinct of being self-critical. That's why he takes every moment he can to tell you everything you have to be proud of.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Striker isn't one for self-doubt or insecurity. There's not much room for it in his life, so it's harder for him to empathize with what you're going through.
when Striker does take the time to understand what you're going through, he's still confused. He's more pragmatic, so when you list your insecurities, all he can think is how wrong you are
It's a bit harsh, but hey, so is he. Though, he does understand there's a lot about relationships he has yet to learn- like how to be a bit more sensitive when dealing with feelings of self-worth
at first, Striker's solution is to tell you "prove yourself wrong," but when he sees it's not the most.. effective solution, he opts to just listening, and doing his best to be a pillar of support.
Rather than rushing to fix things or immediately tell you you're wrong, Striker sits and will listen to you for hours. He won't offer unwarranted advice or try to invalidate your feelings- he just listens.
And at the end of the day, Striker knows what there is to love about you. He may not express it as openly, but Striker cares about you, and hates seeing you beat yourself up. He hopes one day, you can see yourself the way he does- perfect as you are.
___‎˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘___
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bleucaesura · 6 months
Blitzø sat in bed staring up at the ceiling when he heard a knock at the door. It opened a crack and Fizzarolli poked his head inside.
“Fizz!” Blitzø beamed at Fizzarolli.
“Hey,” Fizzarolli looked around the room. “Is this an ok time?”
“Of course,” Blitzø waved him over. “I sent Loony home to get a proper night’s rest. And Stolas… Actually. I don’t know where Stolas is.” He shrugged.
Fizzarolli closed the door behind him and pulled up a chair by the bed.
“Oz caught him in the hall.” Fizzarolli sat down and made himself comfortable. “Said he had something to discuss with him.”
Blitzø raised an eyebrow.
Fizz waved it off.
“Doesn’t matter. Nothing you need to worry about.”
They sat in awkward silence for a time.
Blitzø cleared his throat.
“You look good, Fizz.” He smiled warmly at him.
“You’ve definitely looked better.”
“What? You’re not digging the pharaoh mummy look?” Blitzø pantomimed tossing back voluminous tresses over his shoulders. “Not into head bandages?”
Fizzarolli averted his gaze.
“Not a fan of hospitals.”
Blitzø cringed. “F*ck… I’m sorry… I didn’t me-“
Fizzarolli waved him off. “Really not a fan of seeing people I love, hurt.” He looked down at his hands in his lap.
Blitzø reached his hand out as far as his IV would allow, trying to reach out to Fizz.
Fizzarolli noticed and looked up to meet Blitzø’s gaze.
“Thank you for being here, Fizz.”
Fizzarolli smiled sadly and took Blitzø’s out-stretched hand. “I wasn’t gonna let anyone keep us apart this time.”
Blitzø grinned and fought back tears.
They sat in comfortable silence for a time, holding hands, enjoying this moment. One that had been long overdue.
Blitzø tried to fight it, but a yawn managed to escape.
“You’re tired. I’ll let you rest.”
Fizzarolli went to stand but Blitzø gripped his hand tighter.
Please don’t go…
“Would you stay?” He looked at Fizz, pleading. “Like when we were kids?”
Fizzarolli thought for a moment, then he slid his hand out from Blitzø’s.
“Oh… Right..” Blitzø’s heart clenched, tears welled up in his eyes and he looked away. “You’ve got to get home…”
A moment later the lights in the room turned off, and Blitzø looked back to see Fizz standing by his bed.
“You’re going to have to move over if we’re both going to fit.”
I f*cking hope he can’t see me crying in the dark…
Blitzø scooted as far over as he could and Fizz climbed under the covers on the other side of the bed.
They both shifted until they lay on their sides facing each other.
They chuckled awkwardly.
“Well. Haven’t done this in a hot minute.”
Fizzarolli snickered. “Nope.”
Blitzø noticed Fizz was still wearing his jester hat.
“Aren’t you going to take that off?” He asked off-handedly.
Fizzarolli froze and buried his face in his hands.
Blitzø’s heart jumped into his throat.
Fizzarolli looked at Blitzø, silent tears streaming down his face.
“Fizz?! What is it?” Blitzø could feel something was very wrong.
“Blitzø…” Fizzarolli shuddered a sigh.
“Whatever it is…” Blitzø reached out to take his hand.
Fizzarolli covered his face with one hand, shook his head and held up a finger - telling Blitzø to hold on.
“You’re f*cking scaring me, Fizz…”
Fizzarolli sat up. Blitzø propped himself up on an elbow.
“I’ve only ever let Asmodeus see me without this,” Fizzarolli touched his hat.
Blitzø raised an eyebrow.
“But it’s a part of who I am,” he swallowed hard. “And I think I need to be ok letting others get close enough to see… EVERY broken part of me.”
“You’re not broken, Fizz,” Blitzø reached out to him, but Fizzarolli shook his head.
“I know I’m not,” he took a deep breath. “But I’ve still got broken pieces…”
Fizzarolli pulled his hat off and clutched it to his chest in anguish. He couldn’t bear to look at Blitzø.
Blitzø shot upright.
This is MY fault…
“F*ck.. Fizz… I’m so f*cking sorry…”
Fizzarolli started to cry all over again. He tried to hide his face and put his hat back on, but Blitzø grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.
“You’re f*cking amazing, Fizz.” Blitzø clutched him tightly. “And don’t worry… Your horns will ALWAYS be bigger than mine.”
The two cried themselves to sleep that night in the same position they’d always slept in as little kids: curled up, touching foreheads and holding hands.
Stolas and Asmodeus stood in the doorway to Blitzø’s room and watched Fizzarolli and Blitzø sleep.
“Is this something I need to be worried about?” Stolas whispered to Asmodeus.
Asmodeus smirked and shook his head. “I ain’t.” He looked at Fizzarolli with such love and adoration, Stolas couldn’t help feeling like he was invading their privacy somehow.
Asmodeus looked at Stolas and squeezed his shoulder in encouragement. “I get your reticence. It’ll take time for you two to figure each other out. But I know my Fizzy.” He looked over at the boys and smiled.
“And the fact that Fizzy let Blitzø see him like this” Asmodeus cocked his head so Stolas would look where he was looking - at Fizzarolli’s exposed horns. “Means he’s trusting people again. Trusting Blitzø again. Opening himself up to the idea of family again”
Stolas’s heart ached. He wanted that kind of closeness with Blitzø. He wanted Blitzø to let him in like that.
“And if my Fizzy trusts him with that kind of vulnerability? I know you can too.” Asmodeus smiled warmly at Stolas. “Hell. I trust the idiot with Fizzy’s life. That’s gotta say something, don’t it?”
Stolas smiled meekly back at Asmodeus. “It does.”
“Good.” Asmodeus clapped him on the back, catching him off guard. Stolas tried not to squawk in surprise.
Asmodeus chuckled.
Stolas shot him a glare.
Asmodeus snorted, tried to cover his laugh, and turned into the hallway. “Let’s go. Give those two some more time to rest. They need it.”
“Yes.” Stolas followed, looking longingly over his shoulder at Blitzø, and how peaceful and content he looked sleeping there, next to Fizzarolli.
If only I could make him feel that safe…
“I suppose you’re right.”
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flower-boi16 · 4 months
I find Blitz unbearable sometimes. I know it's only two seasons but throughtout the series he learned so many things yet everything still sets back to zero and he never changed from day one. This miserable man drowned in his past for so long that he can never grow. His trauma is his character. It's so boring man the same shit happened over and over with him crying about his exes, friends and family. I know about his current relasionship with Fizz now but I want this dude to change too not just Fizz.
Personally I dont really hate Blitz as a character. Of all the characters in HB he’s the one that season 2 hasn’t completely ruined. He is actually fairly interesting as a character, but some other people have already talked about the depths of his character so I won’t go into it here.
That being said, I really think the issue with Blitz is less about the character himself and more how the show seems to treat him, mainly in regards to Stolitz. Season 1 directly paints Stolas as the one abusing Blitz in the relationship (as it should), making it seem like the show is taking Blitz’s side here, that he has a right to be mad at Stolas and cut him out.
But then season 2 comes along and suddenly the victim and abuser roles are SWAPPED. Now the show is painting Blitz as the one in the wrong for “not loving Stolas” even though he has every reason to hate him, while Stolas is portrayed as nothing but an UwU soft boy. I’ve talked about this before but the show demonizes all the people that Stolas has hurt in some way, and it does this as an artificial way to make him look more sympathetic but painting the characters calling him out on his shit as in the wrong.
Blitz next to Octavia gets the worst of this, both in the show and the fandom. The Circus directly tries to frame Blitz as in the wrong because he apparently was the one who gave Stolas the wrong idea of the relationship, but that fails because that doesn’t somehow change the fact that Stolas is coercing Blitz into sleeping with him, and Stolas should be the one to accept that his delusions of Blitz loving him aren’t gonna be true.
Plus the line with Stolas saying that Blitz was his “first ever friend” feels like a major case of the writing guilt tripping Blitz into having sex with him for Stolas’s pleasure. Oops then tries further to paint Blitz as in the wrong by gaslighting him by having Fizz say “oh, you just hate him for being a prince”, and by then trying to make Blitz look like an asshole for not loving Stolas because Stolas did “so many nice things for him”…of screen, and “he cares for him!!”
This ALSO fails because just because Stolas did some nice things for Blitz OFF-SCREEN and cares about him doesn't somehow mean that Blitz has no reason to get mad at Stolas for once again, sexually abusing him. And yes, that is what Stolas is doing. Plus, none of these "nice things" lined up with any of their interactions in season 1 COMBINED with them happening off-screen, and it makes it feel like a retcon. They can victimize and UwUify Stolas all they want and portay Blitz as a big meanie UwU but it won't change anything.
Nothing will ever change the fact that Stolas is sexually abusing Blitzo, and Blitz has EVERY REASON to dislike him for doing that, NOT TO MENTION him BELLITTLING Blitz in season 1 constantly. YET the show demonizes him. And guess what? The demonization is only gonna get WORSE based on the trailer, where we litteraly have Stolas singing in front of a sign that says "Blitzo sucks", and the line "do ever feel any kind of remorse for what you do" which is said by Stolas.
It's so funny to me how fans will call US media illiterate for not understanding the "nuances" and "complexities" of this reletionship, yet they demonize Blitz and coddle Stolas, ignoring the things Stolas actually did to Blitz like the fact that he....ya know...constantly bellittles and is sexually abusing him, and getting mad at Blitz for "hurting Stolas' feelings". Meanwhile, we're actually the ones taking note of these things and rightfully pointing out that OBJECTIVELY, Stolas is the abuser here, nothing the show can do can change that and I am SICK of the fandom having this braindead idea that Blitz is somehow in the wrong for not loving Stolas. Because he's not. He's REALLY not. No amount of mental gymnastics can somehow change that.
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sadhornydemons · 5 months
Rapid-Spoiler-Season-Speculation: Full Moon Edition
Following the lead, but hopefully not completely on the coattails of many great theories, I'll throw my ideas into the wind and hopefully only end up half wrong.
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Stolas's bed curtains can be seen, this appears to be his magic displaying the day's info.
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Stolas still has his bandaged arm. Cue panic, then duet song.
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Afterwards, IMP returns from a mission, Loona has the book.
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Time is 10 minutes until 6pm, clock out time! At least for Blitz who has removed his jacket.
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Get in bitch, we're going shopping at the Asmodues private reserve safe, emphasis on privates.
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(Fizz, unless Stolas is in full demon mode, that thing will murder his cloaca and not in a good way)
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Meanwhile, waiting, worrying.
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(Blitz, isn't not gonna fit!)
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"Stolas, you don't have to turn on that red light." ♪
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And as everyone and their second cousin predicted, Blitz freaks out. As to how long the talk went, or what exactly was stated, we'll have to wait and see. But we get a taste of Blitz cursing Stolas out.
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Stolas is roughly still in the same place, as the earlier scene, as he gives what seems to be a closing goodbye. Although dialogue can easily be mixed in a trailer.
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And at some point we get this moment of Blitz, with a sad expression(?), seemingly reaching for Stolas in what appears to be inside.
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Then being teleported outside (by magic)?
Also referenced in a fantasy sequence here:
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Did Blitz say some very terrible things to Stolas before the full details of the Asmodean crystal and Stola's intentions for their relationship were made clear to him? And then regretfully try to make amends? That's full speculation on my part, but considering what we get in what appears to be a follow up scene between these two:
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The most common theory I've seen and can still believe myself is that this scene will take place in the Apology Tour, but I think it's actually taking place in Full Moon. This entire episode will probably be focused on these two and the preceded scenes (even with missing parts) aren't enough to fill a full (and heavily anticipated) one.
On a commentary note, and not to pick sides, but Blitzø Buckzo, what DID you do?! That bird didn't balk when you were torching his beloved Loo Loo Land to the ground and now he looks like he's 2 seconds away from releasing the hellhounds on your ass.
But on a positive note, he's at least outside, drinking wine and reading a romance novel. Not knocking down absinthe with the houseplants or burning all of Blitz's horse drawings in effigy. It's more of the 'My lovelife is in the shitter, Gabriella' vs 'He'll never love me and I'll die alone next the ice cubes' mood of earlier. But either way, dude looks PISSED.
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A mocking angry bow. Blitz has a smile, but maybe it's just because they're talking instead of Stolas ignoring him.
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(book is still in hand) "Do you have any kind of remorse for what you do?" matches the mouth movements. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is directed at Blitz. Unless Stella happened to drop by at a bad time to pick up her mail (what happened?!!)
Judging by the sky, it now appears to be morning.
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(note the roof and curtains behind Stolas, they're now under/inside a fancy canopied tent) Owl is still angry.
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Blitz has kicked back his feet, making himself at home. Stolas's pose is familiar but possibly still mocking, based on his earlier expression. Does Blitz want to solve their problem the usual way and Stolas may not bite this time?
End of my speculated/confirmed sceencaps from this episode, save maybe for this:
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Granted, this could be a scene from any of the Blitzø-Conga-Line-Trauma-Storyarc of this season, but I'm thinking it may end this particular one. Leaving Stoltiz in a not great, but possibly getting things out into the open place.
Leading into the Apology Tour!
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slimeylee · 8 months
fic prompt in the replies of this post !
first helluva boss fic . ive been very fixated on it recently :3
also inspired by season 2 episode 6 !
* swear warning , tickling .. idk what else
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switch ! fizzarolli (he / him ) , switch ! blitzø ( he / him )
Fizzarolli enjoyed the fresh morning smell of fire in Hell as he zoomed through the town on his Heelys. He leaned back and relaxed as he was dragged quickly down the sidewalk by his dogs, on his way to his concert rehearsal with Mammon.
Suddenly, the silence was interrupted.
"LOOK, LADY, IT'S NOT MY FAULT IF YOU ONLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE COFFEE THAT TASTES LIKE PISS!" Blitzø yelled, getting thrown out of a coffee shop. He sat up on the sidewalk.
Fizzarolli's eyes widened as he grew near to running Blitzø over, calling out a whistle.
"Woah, woah, woah, woah, WOAH-" Blitzø yelped, bringing up his arm as Fizz and his dogs screeched to a stop.
He looked down at the group of dogs, and Fizz stood with a smirk. "Oh, wow, lookie who it is!" Blitzø's facial expression immediately changed once Fizzarolli began.
"Oh, fuuck.. you again." Blitzø groaned in annoyance, adjusting his sitting position on the sidewalk. "Stalkin' me now, huh?" Fizz grinned widely.
Blitzo stood up from the ground, crossing his arms. "Oh, don't fuckin' flatter yourself, clown. I have my own life, you know; WITHOUT you in it." He stepped closer to Fizz.
"And gee whiz! We've been in each others relative vicinity TWICE in the last FIFTEEN YEARS, that would make me THE SHITTIEST STALKER IN HISTORY!" Blitzø announced, putting his hands on his hips. Fizzarolli had gotten down on the ground, petting one of his dogs.
"Uh-huh! Sure... Blitzo." Fizz teased, crossing his arms now. Blitzø grit his teeth. "The O is silent now, bitch." He poked Fizz in the shoulder, which he then brushed off.
"Twice," Fizz said, slowly raising from the ground and stepping closer to Blitzø. "is already way too much." He said with a large grin, pushing Blitzø out of the way.
"Yeah, well at least I'm still actually working for my shit, and not getting everything handed to me like some pampered attention whore!" Blitzø gestured as he spoke, Fizz walking away while he stepped along.
Blitzø begun walking away as Fizzarolli snarled, but then he looked down at his hand. He then remembered Ozzie, and what he was on his way to do.
"Yeah, well, guess that's what resilience and talent gets ya," Fizz chuckled, turning around. "Plus, my horns were always bigger than yours,"
"Weren't they?"
He picked up his sunglasses, glaring at Blitzø with a smirk. Fizz turned around again to leave, but he was caught off guard when he heard Blitzø running up behind him.
"WhaAAA-" Fizz yelped as Blitzø tackled him to the ground. "You fucking bitch!" Blitzø growled, wrestling Fizzarolli on the ground as the clown attempted to get up. "Get the fuck off me!" Fizz yelled, pushing at Blitzø's wrists.
The two of them suddenly flipped over and Fizz struggled to get Blitzø to the ground. Admist the chaos, Fizz accidentally poked his side. He, and even Blitzø was surprised to hear the squawk that he had let out.
"...What the fuck was that?" Fizz smirked. "Nothing!" Blitzø immediately went back to shoving at Fizz, to which he fought back by poking Blitzø's side again.
"Are you ticklish, Blitzo? What a discovery. I would've thought you'd grown out of this by now." Fizz teased with a large grin. "Oh, fuck no, don't you dare, you fuckin' dipshiIIIIT-!" Blitzø jumped with a squeal as Fizz quickly scribbled his fingers into his side for a few seconds. "Ohohoho! I did think we were gonna fight, but this is even better!" Fizz exclaimed.
"Get the FUCK off of MEHEE!" Blitzø squealed as Fizz tased his sides again. "Stohop doing that, dipshit!" Blitzø said, bringing up his arms from their place on the ground and fighting Fizz back with a squeeze to his side.
"OH, FUCK-" Fizz jumped, nearly totally caught off guard by that. Blitzø sat up, jumping at Fizz and scribbling between his ribs. "SHIHIT!-" Fizz cackled. "Oh wow, Fizz, thought you would've grown out of this by noHOHOW-" Blitzø had taken the opportunity to tease back, laughing out suddenly as Fizz poked him in the side. "Yohou think you're a funny guy, huh?" Blitzø asked him, a small smirk on his face.
"Ihi doHOO- FUHAHACK!" Fizz squealed as Blitzø scribbled into his stomach, squeezing his side a few times inbetween as he cackled. "Yeah, tickle tickle, fuckin' bitch." Blitzø said with sarcasm, a wide grin on his face as he moved back up to Fizz's ribs.
Fizz suddenly came up with an idea. He extended his left arm out and behind Blitzø.
"What are you-" He began, stopping and looking behind him. He jumped with a yelp as Fizz's right hand wiggled into his side. "FuHUHUCK-" Blitzo cackled. He reached out for Fizz's stomach, but Fizz used his left hand to grab Blitzø's.
"You're a fuhuhucking cheheater!" Blitzø yelped, reaching out his other hand. Fizz curled away from Blitzø, smirking. "Oh, no, you don't!" Fizz suddenly moved both of his hands to attack Blitzø, wiggling his fingers into his stomach and sides.
"SHIHIT!" Blitzo cackled, grabbing Fizz's wrists and lunging toward him. "Yohohou're going fucking dohown, bitch!" He exclaimed, his fingers drilled into Fizz's hips as he bounced up with a shriek. "NOHOHO!" The two continued their fighting for a little bit.
Fizzarolli scribbled into Blitzø's sides and Blitzø scratched into Fizz's hips. The two sat up, continuing their tickle quarrel.
They both had let out surprised gasps as they suddenly were lassoed, and flung upwards into a random building.
They were slammed against a wall and heard the word, "Hired," before looking up. It was Striker, and Moxxie's dad.
Well, shit... Now they were in trouble.
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nebula-blitzar · 8 months
Just kinda in the mood to post this so like
There’s a lot of rumors and speculations on how Fizz and Oz met and when so I thought I would share my personal theory.
I think when the incident first occurred, Mam freaked the fuck out because he had just signed a contract, had been doing work for him on the side, and made him lots of money. So Mam calls up Oz and asks him for prosthetics for cheap. They were decent quality (especially for the price,) and Oz had written instructions and stuck them to the prosthetics so Mam would see them. Mam, being the lazy ass he is, threw them away and just gave Fizz the prosthetics, with no guidance on how to use them.
Now Fizz was further indebted to Mammon, so he couldn’t really leave. He worked full time for him, and was still paid as much as he needed to get by (decent apartment, food). At some point along this timeline, Mam also had Asmodeus make the Fizz-bots, which lightened the load. But Fizz’s performances became more intense, and further put stress on him.
I do want to note I have a theory that imps with irises (all the time) have chronic anxiety or other problems. Since other imps’ irises only appear when they’re upset in some way, shape, or form. So that would be Barb, Blitzø, and Fizz. Cash didn’t have irises, but Tilla did, and since she was sick and shit, it kinda makes sense.
So with all of this stuff happening to Fizz and around Fizz with no one to help him, he had worsened anxiety. But he kept performing since he felt so indebted to Mammon. Around the four and a quarter year mark, Fizz started to feel some pain where his limbs were attached to his body. So he asked Mammon. Mam, being the asshole he is, said no, obviously, so he just kinda..kept performing through the pain.
Since the pain was persistent enough to get in the way of Fizz’s performances, he kept asking Mammon. Finally, Mam let him go do it so he would shut up about it. So Fizz and Oz finally got to meet in person, and they learned the problem was basically some pretty severe friction burns from not wearing them properly (y’know since Mam threw the instructions away) and so Oz was pissed about Mammon not listening to him (as always) and wanted to call him to give him a piece of his mind.
Fizz stops him, saying it’s a bad idea, and that Fizz will get in more trouble, so he doesn’t call Mam.
Then Fizz leaves, and Oz goes back to work, but not without texting Bee asking if they can meet up (if you don’t hc Bee and Ozzie as friends we can’t be friends/j) sometime soon. Bee is obviously like totes dude and a few days later, they meet up.
Oz asked to hang out to consult Bee on the fact he kinda had a crush on Fizz, Bee is super excited (duh) and is like tell me everything they talk more and come to the conclusion Oz has a genuine crush, and him and Fizz should talk more.
Oz doesn’t want to be awkward and text Fizz just to talk, but lucky for him, a few weeks later, Fizz applies for a job application at Ozzie’s, cause he wants to be able to afford some luxuries, and for that he needs more money, and Mammons not gonna give him a pay raise. Since Fizz actually is a really good fit for the job, he gets it.
Anyway the pair get really close both business wise and friend wise, and Fizz does more shifts at Ozzie’s. Mam isn’t actually that mad since he has the Fizz-Bots to perform, advertise and sell.
At some point near the five year mark, the pair kiss, and while both sides enjoy it, it keeps both of them up late. So the next day after Ozzie’s closes they talk it out and end up accidentally confessing their feeling to each other.
So yeah that’s first meeting, how they got together, and why they got to know each other. I am writing a fanfic about this in more detail, and this is probably not the last time I mention this theory, so stay tuned!
Ps thanks for reading this long ass rant lol
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moonstruckme · 7 months
I was thinking about James (or poly!marauders I’m not picky) during the readers first time but she’s tense so it hurts when they put anything in:3
Thanks for requesting!
cw: smut mdni, inexperienced reader, p in v, pain from sex
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 845 words
“Sweetheart,” James’ lips ghost over your collarbone, “you’ve gotta breathe.” 
“I’m trying,” you say, but the tension in your voice is audible. You let some air out of your lungs, and it’s a manual effort. 
“We don’t have to go through with this,” he reminds you. His fingers are sticky where he holds your side, lifting his head to see your face. “But if you want to, you’re gonna have to relax.” 
You take another deep breath, nodding. Try to make your muscles go lax and moldable. James sweeps his thumb over your ribs encouragingly. 
“Okay,” you say, “I’m ready.” 
He’s gentle as he sets about kissing your shoulder again, hand a weighty reassurance on your side, but when his length prods at your entrance again, you clench instinctively. His little sigh is so soft you know you’re not meant to hear it. 
“Just keep going,” you tell him. 
“Angel, I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“It’s fine.” You bolster yourself, doing your best to loosen up despite the fizzing anxiety in your gut. “I think it’ll be easier once it’s over with. Like, easier for me not to worry.” 
James raises his face from your shoulder, looking at you steadily. You try to appear sure of yourself. James has already worked two orgasms out of you, getting you sopping and open and ready, and it’s not that you feel you need to give him anything in return for those efforts—he’s made it more than clear he’d happily fuck you with his fingers forever—but you want it to have built to something. You’ve wanted to feel him inside of you since the very first time you saw all of him, and now that he’s got you worked open there shouldn’t be anything more holding you back. It’s down to a mental block. 
James seems to find whatever he’s looking for in your expression. 
“We’re going to start slow,” he says, and there’s a firmness to his voice that, admittedly, helps. Your cunt pulses. “You’re going to tell me if it’s too much, okay?” 
You nod, wrapping your fingers more tightly around the bedsheets and breathing in and out. James leans down close again, and you set your other hand on his shoulder as he begins suckling at your neck. You try to keep breathing when you feel him lining up, but it’s still a shock when he pushes in. 
You make a small sound, more pleasure mixed in with the pain than you were anticipating. Your nails bite into his shoulder. 
“You’ve got it,” James murmurs, pressing wet, soothing kisses up the side of your neck to your jaw. He’s speaking nearly into your ear. “You did it, angel. Did so well.” 
“Sorry.” You retract your nails from his shoulder, pressing your fingertips over the indentations and kissing at what you can reach—his hair. He moves closer obligingly, letting you at his lips. “Sorry, baby,” you say between pecks. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
“Eh.” You feel his lips curve against yours, and you kiss the corner desperately, suddenly overwhelmed by nerves and relief and caring. “Eye for an eye.” 
A laugh bubbles out of you, and James’ smile broadens as you pull away, shaking your head. “Hardly fair,” you point out. “I asked for mine.” 
“How’s it feel?” he asks. Something you love about James is how you can always see what he’s really saying in his eyes. He’s so wide open and honest, it’s like he never learned another way to be. Now, even though he’s smiling, there’s not a lick of humor or flirting in the rich brown of his eyes. He’s totally sincere. “Want to just stay like this for a bit, get used to it?” 
You shift your hips experimentally, adjusting to the feel of him inside you. It’s a substantial intrusion, but you find you want more. If only to see what it’s like. 
“Can you keep going?” you ask, taking the hand that’s planted by your head and intertwining his fingers with yours. 
“You sure?” 
That’s always the magic word where James is concerned. He sinks into you slowly, covering your mouth with his to swallow your little sounds and pushing you into the mattress. You feel a new kind of stretch in your walls, something even James’ thick fingers hadn’t been able to prepare you for, but it’s not unpleasant. You squeeze his hand encouragingly.
James gets bolder, free hand migrating from your side to grope at your tit. He pushes and pinches at it while sucking lazily on your bottom lip, and the heat in your core, brought down to a simmer by your nerves, revives. You kiss up at him eagerly, devouring the low, pleased humming sound he makes into your mouth. 
“Doing better?” 
You nod urgently, breaths coming quick and desperate as he squeezes your tit in his big hand. You look into his eyes, and the love is clear as day. 
“Good,” he murmurs, kissing underneath your eye. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart. I’ll get you there, just stay with me.”
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narrycherries · 2 years
living in a daydream (part1)
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Harry was willing to wait as long as necessary, but you always felt so guilty when you had to leave him.
word count: 6.3k
warnings/tags: harry x reader, implied smut, fluff, mature situations, cheating/affairs, short series
As he laid on top of you, his lips peppering kisses across your face, you felt weightless and relaxed. The intense bubbling you felt moments ago in your stomach was fizzing out. Your legs finally released their tension and you let them fall against the mattress. Your hands had stopped shaking, now they were resting on his shoulder blades. You felt complete with his release deep inside of you, filling you up.
“I love you.” He whispered softly in your ear, kissing your skin.
“I love you.” You slid a hand down to the small of his back, his skin covered in a thin layer of sweat.
“Mm, are you stayin’ tonight?”
“Yeah.. Gonna stay a few days.” You pressed your lips to his jaw as he moved his head.
“Good. I’ll be out of town next week.. so I wanna spend as much time with you as possible.”
You grabbed his face gently with one hand and guided his head so you could see his face. He gave you a faint smirk before dropping his forehead against yours.
“How long?”
He hummed for a moment. “Just three days.”
“Three.” You whined.
“It was going to be a whole week.. but I decided I couldn’t go that long without seeing you.” He moved his lips onto yours, just softly pecking your mouth.
“Don’t forget.. the week after next.. he’ll be gone all week.”
He licked his lips. “I haven’t forgot. You’re spending every second with me.”
You grinned. “I better.”
“You definitely better.”
Your hand fell down from his face and you let out a deep sigh. “Cuddle me.”
He knew exactly what you wanted, so he fell down on the mattress beside you and grabbed your waist. He pulled you over onto your side and draped his arm over your body, his other sliding under your neck so he could play with your hair. There was a small space between you, but he knew you needed just a little distance. You liked to be able to catch your breath and cool off before you curled up next to him to sleep.
The sheet was the only thing covering you both. It was pulled up to your hips, hardly shielding your body. He never looked away from your face. He always admired how blissful and perfect you looked after he filled you. He kept thinking about your body and your touch, your skin against his. He bit the inside of his cheek as he remembered just minutes ago how you sunk your nails into his back and pulled your hands all the way down to his butt - marking him as yours.
You didn’t realize your eyes were closed until he mumbled something.
“Don’t go to sleep on me, baby.”
You smiled, laughing softly. “M’not.”
“Hmm?” You looked into his eyes, noticing how soft his expression was. He just looked comfortable and content like you were.
“Does.. does he still make love to you?” His voice was deep as he muttered the words out, partially afraid to know the answer.
You gulped as the thought filled your mind. Harry usually didn’t ask you specific details about your husband, only because he knew everything he needed to know. Your husband was a piece of shit when it came to being a husband. All he does is work. He doesn’t take you out, doesn’t buy you nice things, doesn’t spend time with you, doesn’t acknowledge you half the time.. Harry knew your sex life was limited with your husband, but even after all these months, he’s not really brought it up before.
“You.. you mean like..” You paused, not certain on how to say it.
“Like we do.. Do you have that kind of sex with him?”
“No.. not at all.” You mumbled. “I’ve told you that before.”
He bit down on his lip for a second. “He just fucks you, yeah?”
You let a small laugh slip out. “He doesn’t even do that.”
When Harry’s brows furrowed, you figured you’d explain. All you had ever really told him was that you don’t get taken care of in bed.
“He.. doesn’t, like, do any kind of.. foreplay.. or.. really touch me with his hands.”
“Does he go down on you?”
You shook your head. “No.. he doesn’t even look at me.. makes me sit on my hands and knees.. He told me once that.. he doesn’t like looking at me while he gets rid of his hard on.”
Harry tensed up at your words. He knew who your husband was. He’s unfortunately had to speak to him at formal events because they worked in the same field. Your husband had money, but Harry had more. That wasn’t why you were with either of them. Harry spent time talking to you one night at an event and one thing led to another in a storage room.. You’ve been unable to cut ties with him since, and had no desire to let him go. He gave you everything you wanted and needed - everything your husband didn’t do.
“I’ve told you.. you’re the only person who’s ever.. done any of that stuff to me.. He doesn’t care about how I feel.. he just wants to get off. We haven’t even done anything in, like two months, so.”
“He’s fucking stupid.” Harry smacked his lips. “If you were mine, I’d never stop fuckin’ touchin’ you.”
You sat your hand on his elbow. “I am yours, baby.”
He sighed. “You know what I mean…” He looked down at your hand that just so happened to be the one with the ring on it. You usually take it off, but you must’ve forgot.
You huffed. “I only love you, you know that.”
“I never said you didn’t, baby.” He gave you a frown. “M’just saying that.. if I were him.. I’d never stop loving on you.”
“You’re not him.. you’re my bubby.” You mumbled, scooting closer to him to hide your face against his chest.
He chuckled, arms wrapping around you. “You’re my peach, yeah? My pretty little kitten.”
You blushed heavily, certain pet names always made you tingle. “M’yours.”
“I know, you’re my baby.”
It was your last morning with Harry and you felt extremely sad. The days you spend with him were always filled with so much happiness and fun and love. Real, pure love. You hated going back home. You hated the nights when you slept basically alone. Your husband didn’t hold you the way Harry did. He didn’t cuddle you and whisper sweet nothings until you fell asleep. He didn’t do anything Harry did.
Your chest was aching as you laid on the bed, the cool air in the room nipping at your bare skin. Harry went to make you some coffee. He had been gone about ten minutes, so you expected him to return soon.
You sat up on the big bed and stretched your arms high. When your feet hit the hardwood floor you shuddered. You yawned, feeling very tired after your morning session. You gently pressed your hand against the big window.
Harry had sold his former home and was currently looking at other places in the area. For now, he was staying at an extremely nice condo. You didn’t care where he stayed as long as you could be with him. It worked out better this way, though. Whenever you were with him you would tell your husband that you were with your sister. She lived near this area.
You could hear footsteps behind you, but you didn’t move away from the window. You were admiring the view and the morning sky. Harry sat the coffee down on the nightstand and walked over to you.
His big, warm hands slid onto your waist, one continuing until he splayed it across your tummy. You were always a little hesitant about your stomach, but unlike your husband, Harry never made you feel worthless or hideous.
“Come lay down with me.” He whispered, kissing behind your ear.
“I will.” You place your hand over his, the feeling of his skin against yours caused sparks in your heart. “I.. I don’t wanna leave.”
“You don’t have to.”
You sighed heavily. “You know I have to go to that stupid thing.”
“At least we get to see each other tonight.” He licked his lips, but refrained from latching his mouth onto your skin.
He had already marked you up plenty of times since you got here, and he knew he shouldn’t put anymore. You’ll have to cover them with makeup tonight since you know your husband will want you in a dress so other people can believe you’re being treated properly - which, by your husbands definition, would be by buying expensive clothes only to wear out.
“But we can’t.. actually talk.”
He grunted. “We can talk.”
“I don’t wanna talk about this right now.” You gently whined.
“Okay, m’sorry, baby.”
You pushed his hands down and walked away from him and the window. You were extremely upset, more now than before he came back, and you wanted to cry. But you held yourself together and decided to just avoid the conversation altogether.
As you got under the thick devut, Harry grabbed a pair of underwear out of his drawer. You both went to bed naked last night, for obvious reasons, and never got dressed this morning. When he laid down behind you, you didn’t reject him as he put both arms around you, guiding you back against him.
“Are you mad at me?”
“No.” You quickly answered.
A huff came out of you and Harry instantly regretted saying anything. “Harry.”
He didn’t say anything, just started pecking your shoulder to make up for it. You also didn’t say anything else. You wanted to appreciate every moment you had left with him. You would soon be going home to your husband and preparing for a banquet. Harry would be attending it as well, but you couldn’t engage with him at all. You knew that if any suspicions came about you would be screwed.
Harry wants you to leave your husband, and you want to leave him. But things are tricky. The legal battle would be extremely exhausting and you were unsure of what you would be able to leave with, if anything. You were afraid of upsetting your husband because he can be violent at times. It’s always just yelling and him throwing things but you fear that he would hurt you. Harry knew the dangers and risks of leaving your husband, so he’s understanding of why you’re being hesitant. You were going to eventually but it would take time. Harry already assured you he’d wait forever if he had to.
“What time do you have to go?” He asked in a soft voice.
“Around 12.” You mumbled. “He told me.. the nail tech will be there at 1. He wants to make sure I look.. rich.”
Harry grunted. “M’ready to get you a fuckin’ lawyer.. m’tired of him taking you away from me.”
You smiled gently at his words, knowing that he’d do it in a heartbeat if you approved. Harry was breathing hard behind you now, annoyed at just the mention of your husband’s existence.
“If only he’d cheat on me.. I could file with no problems.”
“You can file now… I told you money isn’t the issue, baby. I can have everything covered.”
You huffed again, Harry was pressing on your buttons. “Harry, if I do.. he’ll take everything.”
“You don’t need anything from him. I’ve already got you closets full of clothes here. I can replace anything he takes.”
“I don’t want to talk about this right now.” You felt tears brimming in your eyes, so you wanted to avoid breaking down.
“Okay, okay.” He started to massage your hip, just trying to comfort you instead of annoying you.
The conversation was over now. You both hated to argument with each other and you knew that if you kept on, a fight would break out. Fighting with Harry was your least favorite thing ever. You feared that a fight would result in you losing him forever. He could easily leave and never have a thing to do with you again. He would never do that, but the possibility scared the hell out of you.
The banquet was quite boring for you to be at. This sort of thing wasn’t your cup of tea. Your husband knew that, but you were forced to come along anyways. He couldn’t attend these things without his wife on his arm, even if you literally weren’t even holding his hand. He didn’t like public displays of affection, or even private ones. As long as people saw that his wife was there to support him, then that’s all he cared about.
You were standing with a small crowd, he was talking to some men about something business related. You were technically standing behind him, not really involved with the group of people or the conversation at all. Your eyes were roaming around the large ballroom, just curiously looking at all the people.
After a few minutes of being bored out of your mind, you decided to pull out your phone and send a certain someone a text. Your husband was not aware of the phone you were using. He assumed it was just the one he bought you, but in fact it isn’t. It’s the one Harry got you so that you could talk to him without your husband finding out. He can’t legally check any phone records since he doesn’t pay the bills for the phone, so you always made sure to use this one when you went out in case you wanted to talk to Harry.
To Harry: are you here? I haven’t seen you :(
Once you sent the text, you looked up from the screen and just set your eyes on your husband’s shoulder. He was still talking on and on about the stupid investment he wanted to go in on with his colleague.
You were distracted by the faint pattern on his blazer. You didn’t even realize that a few other people had come up to your husband’s small group. You cleared your throat casually and looked down at your phone, hoping to see something from Harry. Thankfully, you did.
From Harry: I’m here darling. I see you ;)
From Harry: you look absolutely stunning baby
Immediately a heavy blush rose to your cheeks. You bit the inside of your cheek, a tingling sensation began forming in your stomach. You had just spent three entire days with him, but you still missed him so, so much. It was extremely hard to control your emotions right now, but you kept yourself content in case your husband noticed.
“I wouldn’t advise going all in on that investment, David.”
Your head shot up as an all too familiar voice filled the space. There he was, standing across from your husband in the circle of people. You were staring at him now, waiting for him to look at you. He was focused on the man beside him now, listening to his reply in the conversation.
“I appreciate your advice, gentlemen, but i know what I’m doing.” The moment your husband began to talk, everyone looked his way - including Harry.
He glanced at you, but knew he couldn’t stare at you. It would be too obvious. He looked so good in his black blazer and trousers, a soft purple colored shirt, and his curls falling perfectly on his head. He looked perfect. Your husband began talking directly to the man beside him, allowing you the opportunity to fully stare at Harry. Nobody was paying you any mind. You carefully stepped over, revealing yourself entirely to his gaze.
Harry winked at you, then let his eyes fall down your body slowly, rising up in the same pace. You felt your face flushing again. You didn’t even care if anyone saw how red you were.
“Styles, what would you say? Is fifteen percent enough equity or should I shoot for more?” When your husband directly spoke to Harry your stomach fell and twisted into knots.
They knew each other, but they didn’t work together or spend any leisure time together. They just knew of each other and spoke whenever they were in public. There was no sort of friendship or anything like that. It made you weak in the knees to hear him talk to Harry so friendly, and then to hear Harry reply just as politely was making you dizzy.
You instinctively grabbed onto his elbow, just trying to keep your balance. He looked over at you and furrowed his brows, not actually concerned about your well being. When you didn’t say anything, he looked back to Harry and the other men. Harry was talking about whatever the conversation was about, but you ignored the actual words that he was saying and just watched his face.
Once he was finished, he pulled his phone out and stepped back to silently type on the screen. You gulped gently as you witnessed him typing up what seemed to be a paragraph. Within seconds, your phone began to vibrate in your hand. You clutched it tight and held your breath, knowing you needed to wait a few minutes before checking it just in case anyone was paying you any mind. Harry rejoined the conversation.
You let go of David’s arm and decided to slip away from the crowd. A waiter was standing close by with a tray of champagne so you gladly took one and guzzled half of the glass in one sip. You finished it off in a second drink and sat the empty cup back on the tray. Finally, you felt that it was a good time to check your phone.
From Harry: are you alright darling? You looked like you were going to faint.
From Harry: I want to be with you so bad right now. Just miss your little hands all over me.
From Harry: i know a damn good divorce lawyer, doll. ;)
A smile was planted on your lips as you began to type back to his texts. Part of you wanted to speak to him in person, but it would be too odd to do so. Harry only ever spoke to you in these settings if he knew your husband was no where to be found, or if he greeted you while speaking to your husband. But, those two options weren’t available right now.
To Harry: I didn’t see you walk up.. made me nervous when i heard you
To Harry: and I miss you more, trust me.. I’m so bored. I just want to disappear.
You saw an empty table and decided to take advantage of it. A sigh of relief came from you as you sat down, pressure finally taken off your feet. They were currently trapped in tight heels.
From Harry: we can disappear, baby doll. The second floor has plenty of storage closets.
From Harry: i hate that I’m leaving in a few days. I know i can’t see you before then.. I’m going to miss you so much xx
You were well aware that your husband didn’t care what you did while you were here, as long as you were here. So, you decided to stand up from the table and walk towards the elevator. You just wanted to get away for a little while. You were already on the second floor when you took your phone out again and decided to call Harry instead of texting him.
You walked down the familiar hallway. This place was somewhere you came to often for these sorts of gatherings. You also knew that Harry co-owned the building with some other wealthy investor. That meant that you didn’t have to worry about any security camera footage ever being used against you. Harry made sure to always get rid of any evidence that happened in this building.
“Where’d you run off to?”
You sighed. “You aren’t still by him.. are you?”
He chuckled into the phone. “Silly girl. I left as soon as you did.. I figured you needed me.”
“I do. I just.. want to see you.” You closed your eyes and leaned against the wall. Your eyes were staring down at the patterned rug over the hard wood floor. “Don’t even have to kiss me.. just wanna see you.”
“Oh, I’ll kiss you, baby doll.” He said, the smirk evident in his voice. “Where are you, baby?”
“I’m by the room.” You mumbled out, knowing he’d understand what that referred to.
“Hm, okay.” He breathed out. “I’m on my way.”
It only took about two minutes for Harry to finally get to you. He immediately opened the door to the usual room you always end up being with him in and pulled you inside. You grunted when he pushed you against the door and started kissing you like he’d been gone for months. Your hands got lost in his hair and you were scratching at his scalp, trying to keep him as close as you could.
His big hands slid around your body to grasp your thick ass. He groaned as his hands kneaded your flesh through the fabric of your dress. There wasn’t any previous talk of hooking up, but you realized soon that you couldn’t resist him if it went that far.
“Baby, slow down.” You breathed out as you broke away from his lips.
You were both breathing heavily, sweat beading on his forehead. His body always got so warm when he was horny, and he easily broke out in a sweat. You sat your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb over his not red, swollen bottom lip.
“Fuck, I just.. miss you.” He huffed, still trying to catch his breath.
Your finger slipped between his lips, gently skimming across his front teeth. “Calm down.. m’not going anywhere.”
“Yeah, not yet.”
“Shhh, relax.”
He shook his head. “No, I.. I can’t hold back anymore. I.. i almost snatched you away from him down there.”
You smiled as he furrowed his brows, his eyes still squeezed shut as if it would all vanish if he opened them. You didn’t want to stress him out or anything, you just wanted to relax him. You pressed both hands against his chest, letting one slip up to his neck. Having you touch him there was one of his favorite things. You curled your fingers around his nape.
“We can’t be too rough with each other.. I can’t wrinkle my dress or mess up my hair.”
He grunted at you. “Fuck.”
“Just relax with me, okay? Take a minute and just breathe.. m’right here, baby.”
“I know, baby. I.. I know you’re here. That’s how i want it.. always want you with me.” He was being very sweet and you knew that he was having one of his clingy moments. You dind’t mind. “Love you so much.”
“I’m all yours while we’re in this room, Harry. Don’t worry.”
A groan came from his mouth. “I want you to always be mine, babe.”
“Please, don’t ruin this for me.. don’t.. don’t talk about this right now.” You found yourself whining back, not wanting this night to be any worse than it already had been.
“I.. I want you to go with me.. when i look at houses next weekend.” His eyes opened and met yours instantly.
“Why?” You lifted a brow.
He licked his lips, his head falling forward so his face could get lost in your curls. He was careful not to mess them up, he just wanted to smell your shampoo and feel your warmth.
“Because.. I want you to like the place I get. I want you to.. to have your own space and.. and any accommodations that you desire. I want you to love it.. because you’re going to be there a lot, and you need to enjoy it.” He explained, both hands tightly squeezing your waist.
“You.. you do?” You gently laughed, sort of surprised about that.
He smiled. “Of course, babe.”
“Okay. I can go.. next weekend.. after you come back?”
“Mhm. Saturday.”
You could feel his skin getting hotter by the second, even through the fabric of his shirt. You let a sigh and gently grabbed the lapels of his blazer, silently insisting he take it off by sight by pulling them back.
“Take this off before you sweat through your shirt.” You furrowed your brows as you looked down at his chest.
He knew just as well as you did that he always got so hot when he was horny. He didn’t need to look soaking wet when he returned to the ballroom. He grunted, but let you go so he could shake the coat off. You watched as he draped it over a random box and walked back to you, hands held out to grab you again.
You slipped your hand up his waist and under his arm, feeling the slightly damp fabric. “Relax, okay, baby?”
“M’trying.” He grumbled out, rolling his lips in as he leaned further into you, one hand falling down to squeeze your butt.
“I just don’t want you to look absolutely wrecked.” The small giggle you let out didn’t make him smile, which concerned you.
“You just look.. so fuckin’ hot in this dress.. and I want it off of you.”
“We can’t.. not this soon.”
He huffed. “After dinner? Before you go?”
When his eyes met yours, you couldn’t help but notice how blown his pupils were. He was definitely horny. The bulge in his pants you could feel against your body further proved that.
“Yeah, we can do that.” You rubbed your hand down his chest, then back up to sooth him.
He shook his head. “I.. I can’t make it three days without you.”
You curled your lips. “Baby, we’ve been apart for longer before.”
“I know but.. it’s different now. We always spend so many days at a time together.” He let out a deep breath. “I don’t wanna leave you.”
Your heart was aching as you heard the disappointment in his tone. “It’ll be okay, baby.”
“I’ll miss you so much, angel.”
You pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I’ll miss you more, pumpkin.”
“Don’t call me that.. makes me wanna kiss every inch of you.” He grunted. “You’re such a sweet thing.”
“Patience, Harry.” You mumbled back, pecking over his dimple. “Let’s just talk for now.”
He gulped loud enough for you to hear, but you didn’t think you should be worried about anything. “I.. okay. About what?”
“I love this color on you. Makes your eyes sparkle.” You said, touching his chest.
“No.. they jsut do that when I’m with you.” His lips turned to a smile.
“You’re cute, hm.” You giggled. “You do look handsome.”
“I don’t look as good as you do.” He leaned back just so he could look down your body. “Blue always looks so damn good on you.”
“I know you like it.. that’s why I wore this color.” You licked your lips when his eyes darted back to yours.
“Yeah? Tryna be a little tease, hm?”
A blush rose to your cheeks. “Maybe.”
“I can’t wait til we get that whole week together.” Harry sighed heavily, trying to keep his composure. “I swear to god I’m never taking my hands off you.”
“Baby, um.. I have a question.” You sucked on your cheek for a moment.
“What is it?”
You grabbed his wrist and moved his hand further up your waist. He decided to drag you closer by sliding his arm around your back, pushing your chest against him. His face dropped to your neck and he started kissing under your ear.
“I.. I have two..” You said hesitantly. “Um.. while he’s gone.. can we do more things like.. out?”
Harry hummed for a second. “You mean like.. eating out, shopping?”
“Mhm.. just wanna.. do normal things with you.” You let out a shaky breath, already nervous about the possibility of being in public with Harry. “I love every moment with you and everything we do.. but it would be nice to not.. hide for once.”
Harry’s hand was being very possessive with your butt, which wasn’t helping his horny mood. He was listening though, despite his distraction.
“Of course. We can do whatever you want.” He held his lips against your ear lobe for a long moment. “Anything at all.”
“Okay.. good.” You felt relieved on that part.
You loved Harry, truly did, and spending time with him was always a very special and important thing for you. The time you got was limited and he always made sure you both made the best of it. So, doing different things with like eating out for dinner or going on a shopping trip, or even a walk to a coffee shop.. those were going to be extremely special to you both. He knew it was hard for you to cope with the secretary because you simply wanted to love him and let everyone know he was yours. But, things were complicated.
“What’s the other question?”
Suddenly, almost as if you lost all courage you had while thinking of the question, you became silent. Harry was letting you take a few seconds to get your words ready, but he didn’t expect you to take that long. When a minute passed, he let his other hand fall to the small of your back where he pressed hard against your body, knowing that comforted you.
“Baby doll.” He whispered against your skin, still covering it with soft kisses. He didn’t want to leave any marks or obvious red skin, just in case your husband decided to pay attention to you.
You let out a little grunt. Part of you was ready to ask and just get it over with, while the other half was clamming up - not wanting to say a peep. It was definitely something you and Harry hadn’t discussed before. Or anything you’ve talked about with anyone before. It was regarding sex. You had only ever had basic, barely worthy of being called sex, sex with your husband. You had a few hookups before then, but nothing serious. Harry was the first and only person that had ever shown you how good sex could be, how intense and passionate and romantic it could be. You were afraid of jeparodizing that by asking your question. What if it offended him? What if he didn’t want to do what you wanted to, what if it turned him off? The only way you’d know was if you asked.
“Baby.. m’not trying to rush you.. but we don’t have forever in this room. We eventually have to return downstairs.” Harry kept his face buried in your hair, but his lips were just brushing your skin now as he waited.
“I.. It’s just.. awkward.” You finally spoke.
“Nothing is awkward between us, lovey. Just ask me whatever’s on your pretty mind.”
You knew Harry would be considerate of anything you had to ask him, but that didn’t help you become any less anxious. You feared being made fun of or being ridiculed for asking such a thing. It was sometimes hard for you to realize that Harry was absolutely nothing like your husband - he wouldn’t shame you, brush you off, or mock you for anything you said or wanted to do.
You trusted him more than any other human. There was no reason to be afraid, no reason to fear because you knew nothing would actually go wrong. If anything, he’d just disagree and you could move on from it as if it never happened. So, with courage finally bubbling in your stomach again, you spoke.
“I.. I was.. wondering if.. not all the time, but like.. maybe.. sometimes.. we can.. try.. different things.”
Your eyes immediately bolted shut and you felt Harry lean up, his eyes on your blush covered face. He was slightly unsure of what you meant exactly, but he didn’t say anything rude to you. He saw how tight you were squeezing your eyes, and he knew that you were nervous.
“What do you mean by that, angel?”
You swallowed harshly, your hands shaking against his chest and hip. “I.. like..”
He reached down to his own hip and gently picked up your hand. He gave it a squeeze and held onto it, hoping to calm you down some because you were obviously upset. He figured that if you were this nervous it had to be something serious, or something that made you slightly uncomfortable. So, he used his common sense and what he knew about you and how you felt about certain things.. and finally finished your sentence for you.
“In bed?”
A nervous breath slipped past your lips and you nodded extremely softly. You let your forehead fall against his shoulder, your eyes never opening. You were trying to hold back tears and if you looked at him, you would definitely get overwhelmed and cry.
“Hey, it’s alright, sugar.” He whispered, his hand still holding onto yours. “We can try whatever you want, whenever you want.”
“It’s.. not-not.. anything.. weird.. just.. just..”
“Don’t be nervous about anything. If you want to try something we can.” He assured you again, moving your hand back onto his hip so he could grip your waist again.
You snaked both arms around his torso, wishing you could just fade into him and disappear. “What if.. you think it’s weird?”
He licked his lips, refraining from pushing his hand into your hair. “I won’t think anything is weird, honey. If you’re genuinely curious about something.. then I’m not going to make fun of you or think it’s weird. And.. you can tell me, baby. Tell me what you wanna try.”
It was hard for you to keep calm, but as the seconds passed, you were starting to feel less embarrassed. Harry was always up for anything you wanted to do outside of the bedroom. He lets you paint his nails when you’re bored, he’ll read books to you when you’re too tired to do it yourself, he’ll try any weird foods you want to cook, anything. He’s the most considerate, understanding, and supportive person you’ve ever met.
“Just.. like.. maybe.. r-rougher sometimes.. Just.. not-“ You paused, unable to express what you wanted to say.
Harry thankfully took over for you. “So.. want me to go faster? Maybe.. harder sometimes?”
You nodded instantly, glad that he was speaking and you weren’t. He bit his cheek fo a moment, but decided he had to show you he was open to anything, so he kept throwing out ideas.
“We can do whatever. I can.. be a little more mean.. or.. talk dirtier. Is that what you’re wanting to do?”
“Mhm.. and.. maybe just.. maybe.. um.. not hurt me, but.. just put your hand on my throat.. and.. just.. like you said.. dirtier.”
He was slightly taken back by how absolutely nervous you were. Sometimes you stammer over your words, but never like this. He felt really bad for you, because it was evident someone had shamed you before - or made you feel like your desires weren’t valid or serious. He felt like he owed you everything everyone else never gave you - because he loved you.
“Darling, I don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t tell me something, especially like this. If you want to do new things, then we definitely can.” He wanted to be sure you knew he was okay with it.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.” He hugged you tight, feeling like he could’ve said more to you, but he didn’t want to overwhelm you with the conversation. “How long do you think we can stay in here?”
You pulled back to reach into his pocket, knowing his phone was there. You checked the time and let out a deep sigh. He didn’t like the sound of that. When your eyes met his, you both frowned.
“We should probably go back.. they’re serving dinner in twenty minutes.”
He grunted. “Do you think he’ll stay after dinner, so we can.. come back?”
You nodded. “He already told me he’s staying ‘til nine. That gives us an hour.”
“Okay. I’ll wait a bit before I go back down.” He carefully pressed his hand on your jaw, not wanting to mess up your makeup. “I love you, baby.”
His lips feel against yours and they stayed in sync for a few moments. It felt so short, but yet so long. You whined when he tore his mouth away. His hands fell from your body and he stepped back to get his blazer.
“I love you.” You sighed out, grabbing the door knob. “Do I look okay?”
He looked you up and down yet again tonight. “You look perfect. Not a hair out of place.”
You smiled sweetly, deciding not to say anything back as you opened the door and stepped into the hall. It broke your heart to leave him in that room - to leave him at all. You knew it had to be this way until you could legally solve everything. Harry was willing to wait as long as necessary, but you always felt so guilty when you had to leave him.
He treated you like a queen, like you hung the moon and stars. He was everything anyone would want in a man, in a lover - in a soulmate. You adored him, loved him. It hurt you terribly to be away from him. It hurt even more to know he was in the same building as you, but you could hardly see him.
a/n: there wasn’t a good place to stop, so I basically included 2 parts. Anyways, let me know what you think! Sorry there’s no smut, there will be in future updates! (Also, I had a oc-name in this but I removed it, ignore it if I accidentally missed it!)
taglist: @theroosterswife24 @victoriasigaard @ariiscringe @harrystylesrealwifeong @harlowsgirl @lomllover @haniaaa04
-> Comment a pink heart 💗 to be added to the taglist for this series only. See my masterlist for more links to my taglists! (Any requests prior to 12:05CST 3/2/23 will be added to the list w/out having to recomment!)
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katyawriteswhump · 3 months
The freak in the penthouse part 4.1
E-rated (for sexual content), accidental millionaire eddie/sex-worker steve.
On tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 or search #thefreakinthepenthouse
On AO3
4.1 Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen
After they got out of the plunge pool, Eddie ordered champagne. It arrived mega fast. Steve grabbed the ice-bucket and said, “Balcony?”
He was gone before Eddie could answer. Eddie sheathed himself in his bathrobe as a surrogate comfort blanket. He braced himself to follow Steve somewhere he’d not been for several weeks.
The not-so-great outdoors.
Still, it wasn’t like Eddie was moseying into a packed mall. He took a drag of the stellar-quality Gamja Dustin had sent over and shuffled out. Steve handed him champagne, and he took a nerve-steadying sip.
“Holy shit!” shouted Eddie. “Check out that sunset.” 
“It’s wild. This place pisses all over the Carlton Ritz.” Steve levelled at Eddie’s side, leaning with his elbows on the balustrade. He wore only his tiny hotpants, which nearly distracted Eddie from a renewed fizz of unease:
“You get around, don’t ya, big boy? Worked in all the best hotels?”
Steve shrugged, fixing on the shimmering Hollywood Hills.
“Want a joint?” asked Eddie.
“I’ll pass.” Instead, Steve grabbed a strawberry from a bowl he’d dumped on a nearby sunbed. He tossed it in the air, catching it in his mouth.
Eddie grinned like an idiot. “I totally didn’t order those.”
“They come with the champagne.” Steve dabbed a red juicy smudge from his chin. “They bring out the flavor. Try it.”
He pressed a strawberry to Eddie’s lips, and Eddie wasn’t gonna refuse entry. He bit the strawberry and washed it down with champagne. Steve hadn’t lied—the flavor partied, sweet and sour and fizzy on his tongue. With a smirk, Steve popped another strawberry in his own mouth, then leaned forward for Eddie to bite it.
The kiss was inevitable. Eddie ditched his wine and even his joint, wrapped his arms around Steve, and clung. Steve aced the kiss, clinging too, fingers hooking so tight in Eddie’s hair they tangled and tugged.
Yup, he’s fantastic at making you believe he wants you.
Steve was also making Eddie forget himself, which was cool, cool, cool. They wound up having a dumbass strawberry fight, spattering them across the balcony, smearing them all over Steve’s torso and both their faces. Then they ate the taste out of each other’s mouths while dry rutting on a sunbed. With Steve gyrating on top of him, Eddie soon had a blockbuster erection again… and Steve?
His mask slipped a little when they broke for air. He actually shuddered, and that’s when Eddie felt the goosebumps as he stroked at Steve’s nape.
“You cold?” asked Eddie.
“No way,” said Steve. “It’s only September.”
Liar, liar, pants on fire, thought Eddie. At least it hadn’t been an involuntary shudder of revulsion.
A cool breeze cleaved between them, and Steve shuddered again.
“Wanna go back inside?” asked Eddie. “There’s a pigeon after the strawberries and I swear it’s hexing me with its manic pink eyes.”
Eddie led the way. Steve had already followed before Eddie realised that he’d gone in a different door from the one they came out through. The door that led to the room that he often avoided. The one where he piled the crap he didn’t want to think about, and the one with—
“You’re shitting me, man,” said Steve. “You’ve got a baby grand?”
“I didn’t even realise there was another room here.”
“Tell me about it. Seems I still get lost in my own penthouse. This is kinda my dump room.” 
Eddie started gathering up his notes from his game design and the probably-fake Hendrix guitar, which lay on the floor. He was considering reacquainting himself with his joint, when a neat chord sounded from the piano. Steve started to sing:
“It's a little bit funny 
This feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money, but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live—"
Steve’s voice cracked and he coughed briefly into his hand. “Shit! I broke your no music rule.”
Eddie snapped his gaping mouth shut. “No sweat.”
“Elton John not your poison?”
Eddie was still reeling. “I got every respect for the Rocket Man. ‘Your Song’ isn’t quite my kinda song, but… Shit, dude, it’s fine and you’re amazing. You can really belt it out—I’m envious—and where did you learn to tickle the ivories like that?”
“Learned as a kid.” Steve’s laugh was odd, brittle. “I sucked at reading music. Not much good when your parents want you classically trained.”
“They were uncool about it?”
Steve shook his head, slid across the piano stool to make room for Eddie. “They were always super-supportive. Always. They could never find a tutor who’d stick with their loser son.”
Steve sniffed, staring at the piano keys. Eddie was torn between feeling sorry for Steve and a smoldering curiosity to learn what happened to Steve’s “super-supportive” parents.
Only rich kids learned piano, right? Yet here Steve was…
Steve looked up sharply. “Let’s talk about you. Tonight’s all about you, Eddie-babes. Wanna share your rock-and-roll story? You finally gonna spill?”
“You gotta be in a band.” Steve nodded at the guitar. “Let me guess. Had a fall-out with your bandmates? Artistic differences?” Eddie started grinding his teeth, and his knees jittered. “Or some other kind of musician? I mean, you got a piano here, dude… though I suppose it comes with the suite… Um, yeah, you don’t have to answer. I’ll zip it.”
Eddie realized he must be looking as pissed as he felt. Which Steve didn’t deserve. Eddie puffed out his cheeks:
“I was in a band. Corroded Coffin. We never hit the big time and I made my big bucks elsewhere—down to two other kids’ Einstein-like eggheads, and nothing to do with music or even lil’ ol’ me, really. No, I don’t play piano. I can mess around with a few chords, hit Middle C. That’s about it.”
“You’re pretty good at hitting my G… spot.” Steve’s hand slithered underneath Eddie’s bathrobe, zeroing in between his tense thighs. “I owe you a blowjob, man.”
Eddie lost his shit laughing. Steve’s dud-tastic smooth talking had totally melted the tension. Steve was stupid levels of nice as well as sexy af, and that was all that mattered. 
“From one loser to another,” said Eddie, blood shooting south, “I’m not gonna fight ya.”
part 4.2 or search #thefreakinthepenthouse
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On tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2
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nonnieapple · 1 year
⛈ ★ Watermelon Face ★ ⛈
• (Marshall Lee x g/n reader)  • r a t i n g: t e e n  &  u p  • 7 1 4  w o r d s  •  p o s t e d 13.07.2023    🌧  navigation • s u m m a r y: marshall and reader are hanging out at the beach, and marshall is being his usual annoying self. 
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 It was sunny and unbearably hot in Aaa. Dang, even Marshall was hot.  Not like that.  You sat under a weirdly colored umbrella, dressed in light clothes, relishing in the cool the ocean wind and shade provided. Candy citizens splashed in the water far from your secluded spot on the rocky beach, surrounded by half-submerged vehicles and objects you couldn't even name.  You adjusted your large sun hat and sipped a cold drink. You didn't need the hat, you were wearing it in solidarity with... an annoying vampire that was levitating on your right, under the umbrella, dawning a hat, gloves, the whole anti-sun fit.  He floated down and you frowned. He hadn't said a word yet, but you anticipated something dumb. It was right on the edge of his forked tongue.  "What's that?" His pleasant and casual baritone rang out by your ear, and you felt yourself shiver at his cold-ass hands on your shoulders.  You flinched and moved away. You gave him a side-eye.  "Mojito with watermelon eyeballs," You stated with no interest, sipping with displeasure. The breeze blew by, and a drop of condensation hit your leg.  "So are they... eyes? Or watermelon?" Marshall tilted his head, raising a brow, pointing at the glass.  The eyes bobbed up and down in liquid between chunks of ice. You grimaced, chewing through one and swallowing thickly.    "I don't know, but the texture is terrible. Worst mistake ever." You shuddered as the chewed up chunks of the fruit and or organ slid down your throat, finally out of your mouth. You took a gulp of the fizz. You stared out into the ocean. Gentle lapis waves rolled and crashed onto the golden shore. The sun still burned, and cream clouds floated along the horizon; a march into oblivion.  You inhaled fresh air, chunks of ice stinging your mouth and teeth. In a good way. "Eating the ice?"  And there, your moment of serenity was quickly interrupted. Or obscured, more like. By Marshall.  Your brows lowered and you crunched loudly. "Yea, is crunchy," You said with a full mouth.  Marshall laughed at your expression, putting his long arms behind his head, lounging mid air. Was it bothering you? Kind of. Did you have enough energy to bicker with him?  Your frown deepened.  No. That was your Glob-damned off day!  Marshall clicked his tongue, gestured with his hand, and closed his eyes.  "I prefer to crunch on the bones of my enemies," He quipped as he opened his eyes and hissed out the "s", his scleras black and his irises and pupils a bright red. You suppressed a smile.  "You know what else is cold and hard?" He said in an aloof, teasing tone.  Marshall smirked.  Your smile and frown fell, replaced by thinly concealed horror. "What." It was less of a question and more of a panicked stammer.   Double take wasn’t enough. Not even triple take. You nearly choked on your drink. You stared at his cold hands and forced your eyes to stare into his demonic crimson eyes. You hoped dearly that he couldn't read minds.  "The beds in the Ice Kingdom! I stayed over at Simona's last night and my back still hurts," He explained calmly, looking away. When his eyes fell on you, he burst out into a cackle, spinning and clutching his stomach as his hat nearly fell off.  "What did you think I was gonna say?!" He threw back his head, fangs brandished and eyes watching you.  "... Well.... you know..."  The words died in your throat with your dignity. You felt your face heat up as you pressed yourself into your chair. "What?" He smirked, drawling, unable to contain his amusement at your suffering. "Nothing." You looked down, metaphorical tail between your legs. You were definitely red with how much your face burned. When condensation dripped on your leg again, you flinched.  Thoughts? Ninety miles per hour. Face? One billion degrees.  He floated closer to you. He wouldn't flippin’ dare. His hands extended to your face.  "Wow, hey there watermelon fa-"  You cut him off by chucking a handful of ice at his face. He caught it with his maw. He crunched loudly, arms folded. He looked into nowhere for a bit.  He smiled, still chewing. "Oh, it is crunchy!"
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