#but i stay silly about it. or i at least try!
The fight was ugly. The first fight that you and Eddie had turned from a quiet disagreement to a full blown yelling match.
Truthfully you couldn't remember what the fight was actually about. Something silly, something miniscule that turned into a big thing.
A big argument with some horrible things said; you still couldn't get Eddie's words out of your head.
"Why would this mean anything? It's just sex isn't it?" Eddie snapped and your heart broke into a million tiny pieces. Just sex. Right. Of course that's what you two were.
Truthfully you were a mess and you should have just gone straight back home after storming out of the trailer.
Eddie has tried to go after you but you were faster and ran before he could catch up with you.
Instead you bumped into a few of your friends and hitched a ride to some party that one of Jason Carver's friends were throwing. Robin noticed your tear streaked cheeks and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
She was the only one of your friends who knew about Eddie; maybe Steve as well as him and Robin were as thick as thieves. Like platonic soulmates or something.
You and Eddie got together two months ago, passing off the hook ups as just mind-blowing sex and that worked at first. That's until you begun to get to know Eddie better and the two of you spent more time together.
Eddie was easy to fall in love with. His reputation portrayed him as mean and scary, satan obsessed and someone people should stay away from.
He was none of those things, he was kind and fiercely loyal to his friends and uncle, he was passionate and badass and really it was no surprise that you fell in love with him.
At least now you know that he doesn't feel the same way, at least you found out now before it was too late and you were even more in love with him than you are now.
Maybe you could just hang with your friends and forget the words that had broken your heart tonight.
At least you hoped that was possible.
Fuck, you really should have went home. Your head was pounding, the two beers you had made you even more anxious and upset. To make matters worse Tyler Harvey wouldn't leave you alone, he had zeroed in on you from the second you had walked through the door.
As much as you tried to avoid him, he followed you around and it was beginning to give you the creeps.
He manages to corner you when you're trying to get up to the bathroom with Robin. He stinks of beer, smoke and sweat and it turns your stomach a little bit.
Leather, smoke and the hints of woods and musk were your favourite scents in the world right now and that had to do with the man you were trying not to think about.
You cringe away from Tyler but he's so drunk that he doesn't seem to notice, he moves closer to you and you instinctively step back.
"Can you move please? Robin and I need to go upstairs" you ask him but he doesn't appear to be listening.
"Aww why don't you come upstairs with me? I'll take care of you" Tyler smirks but you don't like the look in his eyes and immediately step away from him. Yeah...no thanks. Robin is at your side at once and glares at Tyler.
"Take the hint asshole. She's not interested" Robin gently guides you away but Tyler grabs your arm at the same time and you stumble, landing hard on the floor. It knocks the wind out of you and your body throbs from the contact with the floor.
Tyler scrapers from the scene without even checking to see if you're alright. Robin is cursing out Tyler and helps you up. You're sore, annoyed and just want to go home.
Steve appears out of nowhere and Robin mentions that she called Steve when you mentioned you were getting a migraine. Relief fills you, at least you could go to Steve's for a little while and try and salvage some of the night with him and Robin.
There's a tiny voice inside of you that is aching for Eddie and it's growing stronger. You dismiss the idea, you're sure that Eddie was glad to be rid of you. That thought caused a new throbbing ache in your chest and you hurried outside with Steve and Robin determined not to think about Eddie and his big brown eyes.
As soon as you're at Steve's he puts in a movie and you settle up on the couch with Robin while Steve makes snacks. Being here is soothing and you rest your head on Robin's
Steve's landline ringing breaks you out of your sleep, Steve hurries to answer it and your heart skips a beat when you realise it's Eddie.
"Yeah, yeah dude she's with me and Robin. Some shit went down at a party we were at... Oh that asshole friend of Jason was being a prick. Yeah Tyler is it? Woah calm down man, she's fine. She's just tired"
You get up which is a little tricky as the sudden movement makes your migraine feel ten times worse but you really want to speak to Eddie.
Steve passes the phone over to you and you smile a tiny bit as Eddie is still ranting about what he wants to do to Tyler.
"Eddie, I'm okay" you murmur and he stops his rant and breathes a sigh of relief.
"Sweetheart. Fuck, I've been so worried princess. I went to your house, then Family Video. I even dropped around Wheeler's house which was a shock for Mama Wheeler to see if you were there. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I was a butthead"
The ache in your chest subsides a little bit and you relax. "I'm sorry too. I'm really sorry" tears spill down your cheeks and it's cathartic to finally let them out.
"I'm going to come and pick you up Kay? I'm not going to relax until I see that you're okay. I'll see you in about ten minutes okay?"
The tension you're feeling begins to disappear and you wait for Eddie to arrive, thanking Robin and Steve for being so amazing tonight.
True to his word Eddie arrives as quickly as he says he would and gives Steve and Robin a quick nod in greeting, he immediately pulls you close to him.
His lips press against hair and he briefly talks to Steve before guiding you out the door and into his van.
You're so exhausted from the nights escapades that you're asleep instantly.
When you wake up you're in Eddie's bed, Eddie is laying beside you and reading Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers. When he realises you're awake he presses his lips to your forehead and he tucks the covers around you, cuddles up at your side and holds you close.
"I'm sorry I was such a dickhead. You have no idea how much you mean to me, you mean everything to me and I was so scared to tell you. So I lashed out and said stupid shit. Things I didn't mean"
There's something unspoken hanging in the air, a familiar tension that's been playing the two of you for a little while now.
"I thought that you were sick of me and that's why you said those things" you confess and play with a start thread on his plaid shirt.
Eddie's jaw drops and he's silent for a moment, "Princess how could you even think that? You're...shit, I've never felt this way about anyone and it's terrifying trying to think of the right words, wondering if you feel the same way" he pauses as he lets the words sink in.
He's blushing, restless and anxious as his eyes meet yours; You sit up and cup Eddie's cheek with your hand.
"How do you feel about me Eddie?" It feels pretty certain now but you'd like to make sure. You'd like to hear him say it.
"I'm in love with you princess. How can you not see that? I guess I was just scared to tell you because I'm not exactly the perfect guy am I?" He scoffs as he says this and you scowl at the way his eyes turn sad.
"I don't care about that Eddie. Who wants perfect? I don't. I think you're amazing and handsome, you're sweet and kind, a gentleman. You make my heart skip a beat when you look at me and I feel at ease and content when I'm with you" his fingers entwined with yours and he sighs.
"You know so many people think I'm a freak, normally I don't give a fuck but I do care what others think about you" you soften and press gentle kisses over his cheek, the action causes him to smile shyly and his tense body relaxes.
"Eddie I don't give a shit what anyone says or thinks. Are you going to give us up just because of some idiots who don't matter? The only people that matter in this relationship are you and me. I love you Eddie, I'm so in love with you"
He looks up at you stunned and then he kisses you fiercely, "No I'm not giving us up. I love you sweetheart so much. You're my girl and I'm not letting you go because of some dumb assholes opinion"
The two of you spend the rest of the night making up and when you're tucked up in Eddie's arms as he falls asleep, you're left with the gentle feeling of this being where you're meant to be.
This trailer, Eddie's room, his arms around you as his soft snores fill the air. The sound of the wind blowing against the windows as you're lulled to sleep.
This felt like home.
I get to love you
It's the best thing that I'll ever do
I get to love you
It's a promise I'm making to you
Whatever may come, your heart I will choose
Forever I'm yours, forever I do
I get to love you, I get to love you.
I Get To Love You- Ruelle
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For the bad Sanses, if their SO would want to grow old and die, would they respect that?
Agh... well. Short answer? No. Long answer? No, absolutely not.
Horror, I think, would come the closest to actually respecting your decision. He has Papyrus to support him so he wouldn't have to go through it completely alone. He's experienced a lot of loss, and he knows the pain of seeing people you love hang around long after they should've gone, deteriorating into someone you hardly recognise. But also... he's just really not in the right frame of mind to let you go. Horror does not love in halves and the thought of losing you is like a point-blank shot to the Soul. If you bring it up, best reaction you'll get is him being confused and then pretending you didn't even talk about it, and the worst is a full smashing-things-flipping-tables-throwing-chairs meltdown. You might get a better response from Papyrus. He'll try to mediate. Perhaps give it a few years, once he's had time to ease.
If you press Dust about it, he will give you an ultimatum. If you really, really want to grow old and die, the relationship is over. You can die, if you like. But don't expect him to watch. He knows that when you go, part of him goes too, and at least this way his time feeling warm and whole again ends on his terms. He can sink back into the dark by choice. You get your wish, but you'll never see him again. He'll be pretty sour grapes about it (and about you) if you do end up choosing to die. As far as he's concerned you chose your mortality over him. He doesn't respect it or understand why. He feels abandoned and betrayed... and he refuses to reminisce positively on something that hurts so much to think about. Someone bringing up your name is enough to start a brawl.
Killer doesn't understand. You want to die? You want to leave him behind? You want him to be alone again - how could you say that? You don't mean that. If you hold your ground and tell him you really mean it, he'll tell you he's fine with it, but he's a bald-faced liar. Whilst Dust is bitter, Killer is shattered; he really thought he found someone who would stay by his side no matter what. The rug has gone out from under him. Now he's facing the prospect of being utterly alone again, surrounded only by the voices that still taunt him even now. He fully retreats into his own head... he acts like he's silly and fine, but his Soul has never been more red. You'll never see his white eyelights again.
Nightmare... uh, no. Sorry. He laughs it off like you're a kid telling him you want to eat a billion cookies. He thinks he knows better than you, in this regard, you don't really want to die, you'll understand in a few hundred years. He's a reasonable lover in most aspects but this is one of few things he doesn't budge on. Part and parcel of being a God's beloved, I'm afraid. D'aw, you want to grow old and die? Sure he'll let you. Aren't you cute. Just don't pay attention to how wrinkles never form on your skin. I'm sure it's nothing.
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hush-writes-preg · 22 hours
Spring baby fever indeed, got me thinking about going into labor in all kinds of nice outdoorsy places, some chosen others because maybe I decided going for a hike would be fine this close to my due date. Or working in the garden wasn't too much for me to handle, trying to ignore contractions as just Braxton Hicks that have been going on for weeks. Going camping in a forest and not realizing im farther along than i thought.
Yeeeah, I'm a little behind on these. Please forgive me. At least baby fever shouldn't be bound to a single season, right?
I think it's admirable that you'd want to get out and stay active even when you're waddling around with a large, taut belly. Labor is such a dramatic event, so a few little cramps can hardly mean anything, right?
So get out there in the woods and hike or camp to your heart's content. Enjoy the quiet peace of a secluded woodland sanctuary. Don't be afraid of a little exertion. Or get down on your knees in the garden to pull up some weeds or plant some flowers, since you certainly won't have time for any of these things after the baby gets here. If those silly Braxton Hicks contractions feel a little strong, just breathe through them and don't pay them any mind.
I'm sure you'll be just fine.
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Soft skin and soft lips
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Pairing: Emily Prentiss x non-bau fem!reader
Category: Fluff
Summary: Emily coming home from a case late at night, finding your stubborn form still awake (but not for long).
TWs: none
A/N: wrote this last week to cure my writer’s block (safe to say it did wonders). anyway! here’s my first fluff fic. enjoy <3
Word count: 1.5K
The sound of keys rustling into the door got you out from the half-asleep daydreaming state you were in after eliminating every possible distraction from boredom you had - a random TV show, scrolling endlessly on your phone, even cleaning the apartment. Normally, you would’ve gone to bed by now, but it was a Friday night and your girlfriend was coming home from a case, and you knew she would be exhausted after six days of tracking down another criminal. The least you could do is be awake when she gets home, though she always insisted that you didn’t need to do that.
But one thing was for sure - your stubbornness could almost compete with hers.
So here you were at almost one-thirty in the morning on your couch with a blanket over your legs, waiting for that magical sound. And as soon as you heard it, it felt like you’ve slept all day - you were wide awake, with a stupid smile on your face as you got up and went to greet Emily.
’’Hey, you”, came along with a long embrace as soon as she closed the front door behind her. 
You immediately noticed the corner of her lips moving upwards, her exhaustion temporarily fading when she got you back in her arms.
”Hey, I thought you'd be asleep by now”, she murmured, not really letting go, but pulling back enough to look at your face. That beautiful face of yours, those eyes that always made her heart skip a beat because of the look of pure adoration that engulfed them every time you saw her.
”And miss the opportunity of going to bed with my girlfriend tonight?”
The way you say that word, the way it lingers perfectly from the tip of your tongue, it’s almost embarrassing how you perfectly know how to tease her - she still gets flutters from it. She’s already sure by now that she will never get tired of hearing it, always making her feel like a lovesick teenager instead of a very capable FBI agent, for God’s sake.
”I missed you”, she whispers, her voice hinting the vulnerability she was feeling in that moment.
And that’s when you knew - the case was a lot tougher than usual. You didn’t need to ask questions, didn’t need any profiling skills to read the look in her eyes - the love, the worry, the exhaustion, the relief of your presence. It was all there.
That’s why you’ve always loved her eyes.
You smile affectionately, cupping her cheeks and planting a kiss on her forehead. And then you felt the urge to do more, continuing your kisses on both her soft cheeks to the tip of her nose, your own heart fluttering in your chest when she scrunched it adorably in response.
“I missed you too, love. Now how about a nice cup of tea while you go change, hm?”
Emily nods reluctantly, hating the thought of letting go of you in this perfect moment, but she knows that she can’t stay glued to you forever - though she would happily do it if she could. So the next best thing was a hot shower and a fresh pair of pajamas, knowing that you were waiting for her in the bedroom afterwards.
Her hands linger on your back for a moment before she forces herself to move away, but not before stealing a kiss, her lips tender against yours. 
“You missed that spot”, she teasingly whispered before heading towards the bathroom.
You couldn’t help the silly grin that emerged on your face, the flutters in your heart only increasing with her gesture. The way her lips are perfection, always in unison when they meet yours, the way she slightly squeezes her hands on your sides in a comforting way, the way her breath feels against your face-
‘God, get a grip on yourself’, you shook your head as you made your way to the kitchen, trying to do the impossible task of not falling in love even more as you made that cup of tea.
Searching through the top cabinet, you grabbed the only box there was, analyzing it for a moment. Berries, raspberries, strawberries - this should do it. You got one tea bag out, moving automatically around the kitchen with a comfortable familiarity as you gathered the rest of the supplies needed. And as you were waiting for the water to warm up, you inspected the mug with another stupid smile tugging at your lips.
“I ❤ my girlfriend” , was written with black font on a white background - you and Emily got a matching set after Garcia subtly suggested it at a girls’ night, rambling non-stop about how adorable it would be. And though you never thought you were that type of person, the idea immediately grew on you once you spotted Emily’s proud grin as she looked at you the whole time Penelope was talking.
Needless to say, those mugs were the most used ones in your apartment at the moment.
Fifteen minutes later, you were sitting on your side of the bed, Emily’s mug waiting patiently for her on the nightstand while you were not so patiently waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. You leaned against the headboard and sipped from your own matching mug, but soon put it back down when you felt your eyelids grow heavy. This was not the moment to fall asleep.
But maybe five minutes wouldn’t hurt, right? You will definitely hear when she gets out, or when she joins you in bed. So you closed your eyes and melted back down on the soft mattress, sighing tiredly before unconsciously succumbing to sleep in record time.
Emily was humming a gentle melody as she got out of the bathroom, feeling much more refreshed and excited to see you again. She was already dreaming of that cup of tea and the thought of finally sleeping in the same bed as you instead of an uncomfortable hotel room without your presence.
”Dar-“, she stopped talking as soon as she saw you fast asleep, adorably gripping the blanket, your hair laying messily all over the pillow. She swore her heart just melted on the spot.
Carefully, she tiptoed to her side of the bed, trying to make as little noise as possible to avoid waking you up, and picked up her mug, another smile creeping on her face as her eyes landed on the words on it. Yes, this was indeed her favorite one. 
Well, everything that included you was automatically her favorite. 
A few sips later, she placed it back down on the nightstand, turned off the lights and compensated with her nightstand lamp, and slowly got into bed, rolling on her side to gaze at your sleeping form. Then, almost subconsciously, her fingers gently started tracing all the lines and features in sight, your slightly parted lips, your cheekbones, nose and eyebrows, taking in your peaceful expression. It’s almost unfair how beautiful you look even when you’re sleeping. 
“How did I get so damn lucky?”
With an even gentler motion, she snuggles up next to you under the blanket, letting her arm loosely around your waist while she buried her face in the crook of your neck, the familiar scent of your shampoo filling her nostrils. She lets out a long sigh, leaving all the stress and tension behind with it and setting herself present in this moment. With you here next to her, in your shared apartment, feeling your skin against hers and listening to the sound of your breathing, Emily finally feels the familiar sense of comfort and contentment - finally feels at home.
And God, how she missed this - she sometimes wished she could stay like this forever.
So, even if she can already feel herself starting to drift off, she forces herself to stay awake for a few more minutes, just savoring the moment of being close to you.
”I missed you”, she repeats against your chest. “I love you so much, it sometimes becomes scary, you know? When I’m away for more than usual, I dream of you…every single night. And somehow I wake up with my heart aching more for you”, she kept rambling in a whisper, taking advantage that you can’t hear her. “It’s like it can feel your absence in every place I go without you. And now I’m home and everything feels right again. Because you are here…thank you for being here”, her voice slightly trembled at the end.
And a few minutes later, after her breathing became deep and regular, signaling her asleep state, you let the smile finally break onto your face. You were definitely going to bug her about it in the morning.
”I love you too”, you said it back with the softest voice, placing one final kiss to her temple.
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i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
maybe experience something creative and ava related (read something, view art, etc.) if you're burnt out. it's probably important for your mental health/creative drive
augh i know but i'm hugely picky about fan-stuff.......................... it drives me nuts but unfortunately I Do Not Control The Immense Pickiness
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swordmaid · 4 months
i am wide awake thinking about that post canon jb au again when I should be sleeping …!!! such is the nature of the jbrainrot…
#the whole setting is jb hanging out in the rock post war#and tyrion became lord of the westerlands / the rock is his but he’s off doing stuff in kingslanding and jaime is just filling in for him#atm . but after tyrion comes back his original plan WAS he’ll get married to brienne right away and they can move back to tarth or be#travelling hedge knights together or whatever brienne wants to do he’s down for it. but the important thing is that he wants to stay with#her .. so he’s using the time they have together currently to court her bc she deserves that at least !!#so jaime goes off trying to court and woo brienne but she just thinks they’re hanging out bc they got relatively close in the war#so jaime being touchy feely isn’t anything new. jaime making innuendos and being kinda flirty isn’t anything new either#but this time he means it LOL he’s like I want to kiss you SO badly and brienne will be like lol silly jaime (:#I was also thinking they’d help rebuild lannisport just bc it’s a time for healing now and it would be good for the people to get to know#jaime and the lannisters in general bc of how they would just used to sit high above the rock looking down on everyone#but now jaime is like. actively helping and being known and being with the people rather than just being that absent distant lord#also he’s thinking he might as well try and foster some relationship with the commoners to his house bc it’s for tyrion anyway#so he’s off doing that and brienne is tagging along bc she does not want to go home yet#she wants to stay with him and she’s helping out as an excuse to stay a little longer but she doesn’t exactly want to leave him#but how do you tell someone that and ignore the big glaring part that she’s actually in love with him and the fact that they both survived#the war is getting her hopeful???? u want her to admit that?? like a normal person??? no..!!#so she’s just staying and helping out bc a) it’s the sensible thing to do b) so she can bask on the sun that is Jaime Lannister#for like a few more days. weeks. maybe a month bc the weather is soooo bad in the stormlands rn 🙄😳#anyway jb hanging out! and everything is going well and good but jaime is now getting popular w the people and he’s also looking quite#rugged and handsome post war now that he’s thirty flirty and thriving and he also has a new scar across his lip that makes his#smirks even more ! rogueish … ! and he looks quite nice with the greying hair 👀 so now there’s gossips around him#not to mention he’s single too and I think if you were one of the heroes who helped win the war they’ll forget the kingslaying#man with no honor business so lo and behold brienne eavesdrops a group of ladies bc she’s a chismosa at heart and they’re talking about a#potential marriage for a lord lannister (!!!) and there’s going to be a big tourney held in Kingslanding for it (!!!)#and brienne remembers jaime mentioning the ought to go to Kingslanding in the next few weeks (!!!) and now she’s remembering jaime IS a#lord though not theee lord of the westerlands STILL a lord from one of the seven houses and he’s single and very eligible for marriage rn#and now she’s realising everything is returning back the way it was before the war where society rules matters and she has her own role as#now the evenstar bc rip selwyn and jaime has his own role too and the court is a whole different battlefield#one that she isn’t equipped in and even though she had found some new confidence in herself bc killing a bunch of ice invisible zombies#with your own magic sword will do that for you she doesn’t think (and she’s being objective not negative) she stands a chance in THAT
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kiwibirb1 · 7 months
I'm so fucking scared about KOSA please people don't let this pass dont let these things be censored don't block us from our safe spaces please please please stop KOSA if I had links I would give them do everything you can it will save lives
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sysig · 3 months
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By the skin of your teeth (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#DAX#ZEX#Pyramid Head#The Captain#Blood#The cuts themselves are just black and white because I'm controlling myself lol - clearly not That much with the rest but hey!#Still it is a very nasty cut for how nonchalantly I've drawn them all haha - ZEX's back too he's just facing forward#I also momentarily forgot that he was in his uniform it's fine don't worry about it lol#All these speculations on where and how about the injuries and then just - What Uniform That I Am Enamoured By? Haha#I've done the same thing with DAX I keep forgetting about his poor ankle and then it comes up and I'm like ''Oh yeah haha I knew that''#How are some details so sticky and others so smoke-like! Some stay in my brain and others - pffbtl how silly#All the same it's still the Funnest Fun <3#There's something so Extra delightful to have Seen a setpiece - an object - an idea - and then get to interact with it <3 <3#Hitting Pyramid Head with Zelnick's frying pan! Forget PH I can't believe we had the budget for the skillet's appearance fee ♪♫ Hehehe#No but honestly Pyramid Head was incredible ✨ Wonderfully scary and distressing and tense and full of fallout! Terrible things!! ♪♫#I've never drawn him before so it was interesting! :0 His appearance in SH2 looks all squished#Like his belly is jutting out across from a broken spine! Quite spooky#I don't think I fully managed to capture that - kinda just looks like his hip bones are very prominent hehe - but maybe some other time :)#I hope they don't run into him again - for their sake tho haha ♪#DAX continually pulling ZEX behind him to try and protect him (and failing) was something I really Had to put to paper <3#As well as snuggles!! Even before they got Really hurt I was like Oh everyone needs hugs so bad :'0 And they do!! They need so many hugs!#Maybe especially Zelnick poor Captain :'0 Give this boy a break#The injuries are more of a self-guide hehe I'm not sure how accurate they are - they Feel accurate based on handedness et al#I was the least sure for Zelnick since he got tossed (poor thing!) but at least bruises are always fun to draw hehe#The return of my rainbow bruises lol - I only use three colours they're just so vibrant!#DAX trying so~ hard not to be taken in hehe what could these feelings be! Familiarly repressed? No surely not ♪#Be nice ♫
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hii so i know that a lot of systems follow me and i kinda just wanna like. get my experience out there. i guess this is like the journals i used to write on this blog. this is mostly as a vent but i guess i also want to see if other systems feel the same as me?
i guess im dealing with a lot of imposter syndrome. well i kinda always have ever since i came out as plural. but like. i don’t feel like separate people ya know? and that might just be because i likely have osdd-1b rather than the more distinct DID. so walls between us just seem more like very hazy, barely there barriers. like a border that isn’t clearly defined and it’s up for debate what stuff is on which side of the line.
idk but. its like. we mostly only noticed that we might be plural because every day, we feel disconnected to a name we identified strongly with the day before. sometimes its the same with pronouns. or often it involves aesthetics. fenn used to identify so much with red foxes. and they were a huge boygirl. i say “was” because im pretty sure they integrated with addison, who identified hugely with pinks and reds and hearts and pantsuits. she was a Girlboss.
i guess writing all that out makes it seem clearer that im a system. but then i actually go about my day to day life and i dont feel like a different me than yesterday. i just like different things. i like a different name. and i like a little creamer in my coffee today when i took my coffee black yesterday. and i like green dresses today when i liked black skinny jeans yesterday.
i dont know. im just always questioning what category i fit into. trying to understand myself when i might be beyond my own understanding. maybe i should just keep my focus outside of my own head and focus on what makes me happy. but then i get asked my name and singlets dont have to explain that this name feels like me today but itll be different tomorrow. but in a few days this name will be back and so will the green dresses and the creamer in my coffee.
that being said i have no idea what name makes me happy today.
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sisterdivinium · 5 months
A reminder, since I only mentioned this in tags: I plan to be much more active on my Dreamwidth journal during the period between April 25th and May 15th, for the Three Weeks for Dreamwidth event.
I'm as of yet undecided as to what I'll post, exactly, apart from some TLK icons and perhaps the WN episode 1x02 icon batch if I manage to finish it in time (it's unlikely, truth be told), but you're more than welcome to drop by and hang out :)
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ectoplasmer · 7 months
need him to call me pretty and have him fawn over me a little bit like i do him
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matamisin · 1 year
Against my own will, I haven't seen the afternoon in a week
#I CANT KICK THIS JET LAG AUGSHSKDBX#it was so easy adjusting when i was at the philippines like two days max i was already good#HERE THO??? I AM A SLEEPY GIRL#once the clock strikes 2 PM i blink and suddenly im all swaddled up in bed and its fucking 10 PM AAJSJDHDJ#i wont lie i only like it bc that means i get to see sunrises 🤭🤭🤭#BUT I CANST STAY LIKE THIS#EVERYONE ELSE HAS ADJUSTED LIKE NORMAL AND IM OVER HERE BEING A NIGHT OWL LOL#im gonna try to draw tonight ehehehe might as well#the only thing about being the only one up at night is im trying to vibe downstairs by myself right??#and its a vibe dont get me wrong#however i am what the young people call extremely paranoid#so i carry an emotional support knife around as i watch my silly modern families and scroll and tikkytok#if i at least had my 3 big akitas with me id feel a little bit less ummmm like i need to be on guard#but they go up to bed with my parents every night 😞😞🥲#i tried drawing last night and i doodled a genya but that was all i could muster :(#so maybe DS isnt the best thing for my art block right now 🤔🤔#but idk if im feeling SDV 😩#once i fall for 2 ✌️ sibling-like characters that would die for each other and are like a gold mine for angst i am GONE from everything else#its funny cause ive liked DS for about 3 years but when i first got into it i just COULD NOT get into making fanart#and even tho i loved the charas i was like nahhh none of them are hiting the right chord for me to full on hyperfixate and build my own aus#but i got back into it a bit ago cause i was like alright if the world insists i read the manga thru for the 4th time WHO AM I TO SAY NO LOL#AND SUDDENLY THE SHINAZUGAWAS CAPTURED MY HEART AND THEYVE BEEN ON MY MIND EVER SINCE#HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND TILL MY 4TH REREAD#🤔🤔 hmm maybe its cause we finally got to see genya in action with the 3rd season#they did him so right bros i LOVE HIM HE IS MY SON#anyways thats all for now#gonna go get comfy and make my nest on the couch to try to draw again >:)
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li-esonthefloor · 1 year
[expressing a dislike cw]
for someone who is not a big fan of pov switching i sure seem to rely on it a lot
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[thinking about writing a fic] 'ok but whose pov do i write from' 'well this part would be good for x. oh but. this part. should be from y. oh and this should be from x. and this... from y.........' '...dammit'
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silhouettecrow · 9 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 341
Adjective: Dangerous
Noun: Finger
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Dangerous: able or likely to cause harm or injury; likely to cause problems or to have adverse consequences
Finger: each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb is included); a part of a glove intended to cover a finger; a measure of liquor in a glass, based on the breadth of a finger; an object that has roughly the long, narrow shape of a finger
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sysig · 4 months
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Chill, Sub-Commander (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#DAX#ZEX#Teisel#The Captain#Haha yeah good luck with that one#This scenario is basically tailor-made for exactly Zero VUX to be chill about - ZEX included he just has no chill in the other direction lol#The set up of DAX near-missing ZEX because they didn't recognize each other yet has some fun comedy hijinks about it hehe#Literally in the same room! ZEX doesn't know he's there and DAX doesn't know who to look for! Or if ZEX is there yet either to be fair haha#I love ZEX's asides of ''Got Teisel .D Very helpful very useful'' and then - lol#It was kinda like that in his first run as well tho :') Too many disappearances! Weh#But he has DAX now ♪ And Zelnick!! :DD#Which DAX is just ecstatic about lol no hard feelings there at all hahaha#Don't be rude DAX#Zelnick is so sweet honestly hehe <3 Willing to put up with all sorts of VUX silliness hehe#Really gets - well not the full VUX spectrum DAX isn't /disgusted/ by him (at least not visually lol he Is very angry haha)#But still a good range of reactions! Pursuit and not-that to be sure hehehe#Everyone's dynamic is so fuuunnnn ahh <3 ZEX nad DAX sweet and trusting - ZEX and Zelnick heated and adorable#And DAX and Zelnick! What will they be what will they do :3c#Hehe I loved his little bit of anger that he swallowed to keep the peace so measured Captain ♪#Meanwhile DAX is not at all trying to be subtle about how mad he is lol#He's all DX< about it hahaha#Certainly this situation and these circumstances won't affect him at all and he'll stay just as annoyed and aloof from the Captain as always#I'm sure that'll be the case :) Hehehehehe
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momochiiee-reblogs · 9 months
Welp, since I'm being rendered jobless starting this following weekend, and some issues at home happened I am now taking on all cleaning duties home
The bright side is, I will probably clean more often my room precisely cuz if I'm cleaning all other areas, it takes no extra effort once I'm set in motion, by force of I don't want to disappoint anyone else even less than what I usually disappoint myself when struggling with starting tasks ahdshfhdhfhjf
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