#but i dont really have a choice in the matter
bhaalble · 2 days
My thing is I'm broadly neutral on the limited choice thing. Like it is disappointing but its not a make or break issue for me in that after the dev cycle this has had I kind of get wanting to keep this one a bit on the linear side. Again its another part of the DA2 2 vibe they seem to be going for let's keep this a little more self-contained. But I do so so sincerely wish they'd just own up to "after the development from hell we decided rather than wade through three games of continuity we'd focus on some big set pieces and new characters" instead of. WHATEVER the pr line has been lately
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brekkie-e · 3 days
So, I am in no way a fan of finding out only three choices matter. Let me get that out of the way.
But. I do keep seeing folks say all the choices are Solavellan centric, and this game only cares about female Lavellan Inquisitors- which I don't agree with. The only decision that relates directly to Solas is the "save or kill" one. And here's the thing. As much as I can understand why that appears Solavellan leaning, that is actually a really important distinction for any Inquisitor.
If the Inquisitor is going to be as important to the plot as they've implied, they need to do it better than they did Hawke. Hawke was impossible to get right because they were just a blank slate every man character. By defining the Inquisitor's goal before they even show up, they can (in theory) write them differently from the jump. If you played a Cadash who romances Sera and vows to kill Solas at the end of Trespasser- your character would not in any way feel accurate if they show up and start talking about how they wish they could change their friends mind. But vice versa, a Trevelyan mage who befriended him would feel off if they showed up saying they can't wait to kill him if you didn't go that route.
Most characters in a story will revolve around their goals, and actually defining the Inquisitor's is important here. I dont think it’s just relevant to a romanced Solas run.
By clarifying this difference, an Inquisitor who hates Solas can show up to Varric's injured bedside and rage about how they want to kill him for what he's done. An Inquisitor who still cares about him can show up to the same scene and have an emotional melt down because now they are doubting, and did their faith in Solas get Varric hurt? These are distinctions that I feel would really make the Inquisitor feel like a realized character regardless of romance.
So, all in all, I don't think the choices are proof that this game only cares about Solavellan. That doesnt mean I'm not annoyed and stressed about them as well though. Like. Im sorry Keiran and the Well of Sorrows what's up with that?
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lxmelle · 2 days
Preliminary thoughts… the end of jjk: Chapter 271 - spoilers under cut.
Edit: I guess to summarise, it’s a long piece on some parallels, my interpretations of the end, satosugu-centric as always, general thoughts on Sukuna’s end, Gojo & Geto’s death, the processing of death, how we live on in the fragments of memories carried by others, etc.
Written based off these translations: https://x.com/kaidanatta/status/1839426420352983516?s=46&t=fRFF_o0I99NKUvzHwQHykA
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I liked how it openly depicted Gojo describing having the confidence he never had before.
It seems to me that he was peacefully accepting whatever came. He would do his best as he always did, but he had a vision to create a world that didn’t need “just one strong guy” - he vowed never to leave anyone alone again. I think it was both alone like him and alone like Geto.
Paths were meant to be trodden on together. And this vision was going to come true whether he survived or not. He would win either way.
Honestly, as sad and as much as things could have been better (for every single character, I might add), I’d rather someone die on their terms. Whatever happened to their bodies, regardless of how they died. If they were at peace with it themselves, having given their lives their all, then it is dignified. Better that’, than grovelling like Mahito, or resigned and regretful like Sukuna (although he did seem to be more at peace after leaving with Uraume - who, out of love, chose to die with him). And Sukuna, I think, at least realised he was partly human after all, and could look towards a “next time”. The monster did open up his heart in the afterlife - having lived one life in the only way he knew how.
Speaking of the afterlife...
And I wrote before about how I believe he didn’t die with any regret. And that Sukuna actively chose his own path, giving it his all - going by all that he knew - by rejecting love/humanity. Strongest. Until he wasn’t. Then (in the afterlife) he was free to choose. If there is a next time. It has a parallel to Gojo in that sense who was also shackled to his title and “blessings” as the one with six-eyes and limitless.
Link to some of my thoughts on Sukuna: https://www.tumblr.com/lxmelle/760769700430069760/sukunas-choice-i-was-truly-struck-by-his
Link to some of my thoughts on how Gojo didn’t die with regret: https://www.tumblr.com/lxmelle/757478555697512448/i-dont-think-gojo-died-dissatisfied-or-with-any even if he said he wasn’t completely satisfied, he actually did see Geto. And his smirk indicated he received Sukuna’s affirmation which was also important to him that he reached him in some way (and that his students would carry the torch).
Sukuna doesn't know if there will be another time. And assuming it’s Yorozu and Uraume he was thinking of… he knew love was an option in his life. No, it was not Gojo.
But, with him being a soul and after all that happened; in what he can do in the present, he is/was choosing to bring Uraume along. For someone who upheld that people and love didn’t matter, his actions and words are now depicting something else.
It’s nice character development. As Gege said, the only real evil was Mahito. And he didn’t want to fall in the trap of making people, “oh they’re good after all”. Sukuna did die like a villain but he may choose something else next time. Leaving it open to interpretation.
Speaking of confidence again… skip or skim this part if you don’t want to read too much about satosugu. It’s a bit repetitive but I think it’s part of putting all the pieces together.
So, confidence he never had? I think we are aware that Gojo knew he’d win either way: even if he lost. He was never really too attached to himself, just like how Geto wasn’t. His death, was on his terms, and his will would live on in a new world that was in the process of being created. Through the efforts of both Geto and Gojo - who were the strongest in the modern era - they had both vowed to change the jujutsu world.
Gojo lived with the humanity he opened his eyes to through Geto. This was the core of what I elaborated on in the KFC breakup.
Link here: https://www.tumblr.com/lxmelle/758154996699283456/the-kfc-breakup-was-about-friendship-more-than
Geto believed in Gojo...
....but Gojo didn’t believe in him at the time of the KFC breakup. That’s why they fought, with Geto retaliating (you could do it but you tell me I can’t?) when he saw that Gojo didn’t/couldn’t regard him as an equal human being with potential. He saw it as Gojo bullying the weak. The weak should keep the strong in check (not abuse their power). Because Gojo was strong, he, who could fulfil Geto’s dream, told Geto that it as impossible and pointless. How arrogant. How condescending.
Geto, who believed in and tried to nurture Gojo to develop his humanity. To not scare his juniors. To respect the elders. To fit in. To not be lonely, to love and be loved. That there was more than being strong for the sake of being strong.
Geto always believed in Gojo. Even if Gojo didn’t believe in himself. He always just followed the path laid before him. He never needed to question it...
And I think it was this that shook Gojo. He took their friendship for granted. The one thing he wanted, he couldn’t have. He couldn’t stop Geto.
He didn’t have the confidence to kill Geto. He didn’t see the point. It would hurt him. Gojo had become too human. He loved Geto. And… He didn’t have the confidence to follow Geto. It would also hurt him. He knew he would be rejected. He wasn’t strong enough to convince him. Protect him. Them.
It wasnt enough to be strong. It wasn’t enough to be Gojo Satoru the way he was.
He needed to have something he could be confident in too. And therefore Gojo changed.
Gojo was gifted and could never understand what it was to be human or to strive for something beyond what was laid out for him. He never thought he would need to treasure anything. When he saw someone he could relate to - someone he loved - seemingly throw everything away - including him the strongest, who could be the key to his success… his world collapsed.
It didn’t make sense.
Geto was going to chase his dream despite not being strong enough.
How did he get that confidence? Why do such a pointless thing?
I think this is one of the things Gojo was left wondering.
He felt left behind; how did Geto have that resolve? Why wasn’t he able to follow him? What was he afraid of? Was he afraid?
Geto admitted it was foolish, but he was going to give it his all, in spite of its pointlessness and his own lack of strength. Even if he wasn’t strong enough, was meaning and reason enough to fight for such an impossible dream?
And what more, he believed in Gojo. You could do it, Satoru. That Gojo could achieve what he wanted to do, in his own way. Who are you? What will you choose to do?
Yes, of course we know Geto knew that he himself had abused his power, and that he deserved to be killed by Gojo. That’s why the draft of ch78 was instrumental in understanding Geto’s true meaning and the meaning that Gojo derived from it. I think that love and confidence moved Gojo. It was what he was searching for, and chasing... Geto and what he represented to him.
You know, we can see from the surface that Geto was a “villain” for his methods. But, Gojo was not innocent either. They were more similar than people want to realise.
They made (and were willing to make) sacrifices for the sake of the future.
Geto, in more directly “sinful” / harmful ways - killing and getting his hands dirty to rid the world of the source of curses - unevolved humans. He was trying to raise a world of sorcerers who could exist in peace without curses with him being the sacrifice (his source of energy would cease as well, if he won).
Gojo, in more indirectly “sinful” ways that resulted in mass casualties- his hands were relatively clean - even if he did take the higher-ups’ lives in his own hands. He was trying to raise a world of sorcerers that would not rely on him with him being the sacrifice (his role as the strongest would end as well if he succeeded in being replaced).
It’s fitting too, isn’t it? Geto’s CT is to absorb. Gojo’s CT to repel. Dark, light. Yin, Yang.
On a side note: I had also hoped for a scene with his resting place or something like that to depict a final satosugu moment. And this as echoed in the X community. Some people were really hurt, sharing their dissatisfaction.
My thoughts on this… well… maybe an unpopular opinion, but I’ll share it anyway.
One of the reasons why Gojo wasn’t openly mourned is... I speculate, perhaps because he was viewed as part of the cause of what happened. The other teachers who didn’t have the weight of responsibility (that power and status bring) could afford to be cogs in the system. Changing things was always going to be difficult. Someone had to do it. Just depends on how… Right?
Gojo was just depicted as a difficult character within the series amongst the adults. He did things his way, didn’t communicate well, appeared to throw his strength around, talked down to people even if he didn’t mean to - and this shitstorm also happened because he took (what they/others thought were) unnecessary risks by saving Yuta and Yuji. And keeping Geto’s body by not cremating it.
This is their shortsighted view - because they probably did not know of his massive dream to shake up the jujutsu world. Again, Gojo is not a great communicator. What can ichiji (the only one we see him telling this dream to) do to assist Gojo with this revolution?
From their perspective, after all that stress with the real risk of more chaos occurring, the raging war, the casualties, the mess in the aftermath with barriers, etc. that all needs to be rebuilt… yeah - they aren’t going to have the time to think fondly of the guy who could be held accountable for it.
It sucks, but please understand- there is truth in their perspective too. Gojo probably was processed and buried in the end. Gege could only fit in a small exchange and I daresay it was really precious between what he and Yuji shared. I’m so happy he was at peace with things and felt the satisfaction of being a part of his students’ lives.
This was the world Geto and he had dreamed of. Allies working together. Strong allies. People who would not be forced to leave one another behind.
But to get there… Sacrifices did need to be made.
It just has to be accepted as what it was / is. They aren’t going to say thank you. But we as the reader can appreciate the whole picture for what it is.
Gojo was part of the problem as he was the solution,(that handpicked allies which also came with risk). Geto was part of the problem as he was the solution (that changed Gojo Satoru who could’ve been a monster). And the kids like Yuji were also part of the problem as they were the solution. That’s. Just... what it is.
If we are looking to pin the blame on something... well, just where do we begin? The jujutsu system is inherently the thing that “caused it all”. Maybe even right back to the days where tengen spread Buddhism around and Kenjaku and Sukuna were all kind of a part of it. We just don’t know where it all started. It worked once upon a time, until things change. Things will always change. But the higher-ups were greedy and wanted things to remain hierarchical as they were without the need for change. So when change came to their door step through a series of things, it was radical. Needed.
Anyway, it could be that they see it as him taking responsibility for the trouble he caused. This was his role as the strongest and he wanted that battle. He did what he could with what he had. And the children he saved were part of the solution at the end. Their own sins - like Maki’s massacre of the clan, etc. would all probably have a line drawn under it as part of this “revolution” that Gojo shouldered.
The dream began and ended. Gojo took responsibility. And I think, just as he wanted, they’ll now create something new from the rubble left behind.
He gave his life his all… achieved what he wanted (confidence, revolution, and left his will) and now in his afterlife, he has caught up to his best friend.
His one and only complex. His one and only best friend.
I may have more to add later on, but for now... thank you Gege Akutami. I look forward to your next work.
And thank you for drawing Geto with Gojo in the colour spread! 🫶
Thank you for reading if you made to the end! Sorry for rambling.
Thoughts? Feel free to comment! Happy to hear from others and engage 🫶
Edit: Yuji smiles like Gojo does now... not only does he remember his sensei, he is living out the dream. This is how live on - in the hearts of others. This is Gojo’s (and Geto’s) legacy. Yuji’s strength, different from Gojo, but similar in idealism, is that he is like everyone’s brother - and he will build strength with all allies.
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That’s my theory... it’s a fitting end and beginning of a new generation. Not limited to Yuji alone too. It’s really….. remarkable.
Second edit:
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still processing it all and hurts my heart to see the last Geto & Gojo that Gege is likely to draw 😫 I’m glad he is closest to Gojo and they even share the same colour (lol). It’s cute that he’s doing the peace ✌🏼 sign that Gojo has been seen to do (maybe more in the anime). And Gojo appears to have gestures that Geto’s patted him on the back. In the afterlife, I’m sure there’ll be the exchange of 「お疲れ様でした、悟。」
You did well, Satoru. You both did...
And in the top corner... white: Kashimo? And cropped jacket: Haibara?
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hi yes back with another submission for the september challenge
May from & Juliet! (nobody is surprised im sure)
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May is a non binary character. they genuinely mean the world to me. theyre fun, theyre happy, thryre colourful and bright but most importantly? complex. (well, as complex as you can get as one of 8 main characters in a 2 hour musical)
from their first scene, you might think they're just another gay best friend stereotype. but the amazing thing is is that theyre NOT!
May has their own story. they get a solo song about their experience with being trans, being non binary, and it's so beautiful.
theyre Juliet's best friend. theyre one of the first two main characters we see Juliet interact with and the love there is so CLEAR. they love each other so much, they love her so much!!
some actors do little things to show that theyre also close with Angelique which is just so cute to me, i love them all sooo much 💙💙
Reggie's Obligatory Actor Section: the actor ive selected for this is Jesse Dutlow! they were the May principal actor in the australian tour, and theyre a huge fan of the show too! (theyre travelling to GERMANY to see it, and im pretty sure they dont speak german)
Jesse's May is super confident, not particularly shy, very outgoing, and i love that! (although i ALSO love a shy May, i just love May)
Jesse has some FANTASTIC vocals. with May's love interest, one of their lines is really special, and i love the way Jesse says it!
the line is "you know im not a girl, right? because if thats what you think-" and Jesse says it in a way thats clearly like, nervous. and considering that ive mentioned that their May ISN'T really nervous, i feel like it shows their vulnerability in that moment. (and the love interest responds great, saying that it doesnt matter to him and that he just likes them)
sorry for the Jesse ramble, theyre a super good May actor and i love their portrayal of them a lot
like i said, May is a 'gay best friend' who gets a STORY. they get to be so much more than just that. they get to fall in love and fight for what they want and they get to sing about their life and i love them! i love that they get to do this!! (also ive met Jesse before and theyre like, literally one of the most lovely people on the planet)
i think ive rambled on long enough so here's some pictures of other Black May actors that i didn't talk about!
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this isn't all of them but theyre all fantastic, genuinely Jaz Terry (the third one) is so amazing and one of her vocal choices for May's solo always has me screaming cause shes just so GOOD
tl:dr, i love May i love Jesse i love all May actors and i also love & Juliet
You sure do love it lol. That's good though. I'm happy to see that so many important roles, especially around Juliet, are other Black people. That outfit on the top right though!! I'm also glad to hear they're not another gay best friend stereotype. I feel like Black men specifically (ik this person is nonbinary) get tossed into that role in a way to... to make them more "acceptable"? I've mentioned it before that it feels like many people try to go the "feminine twink" route to make Black men less threatening and "more relatable" (without saying that), which really reveals how they feel about Black men as a whole. It's like they want the Sassy Black Bestie, but toss in some mode of queerness to sound "inclusive". So to hear that there's an actual nonbinary bestie played by an actual nonbinary actor whose identity isn't a token for story and cushion or laughingstock for viewers is a relief.
Hot Chocolate: The nonbinary best friend actually gets their own time to shine and character depth??? Hell yeah 🙌🏾🙌🏾. I'm sure we're all tired of that trope in general, but it also annoys me because it often leans into the magical Negro trope. We have lives, concerns, and personalities- we shouldn't have to remind y'all of that. Anyway to see the character get treated with such respect and genuine love is all we ask for. It's not that hard and I'm glad this musical achieves that 🔥🔥
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soaps-mohawk · 2 days
heeeyyy just seen your post about crcb?? (idk what it is) I'm totally fine with the whole whenever you're inspired thing but PLEASE PLEEASEEEE dont post like chapters every like month or something crcb is like the only thing I really look forward to any more.
I'm sorry if this is putting pressure on you but it's your fic your choice don't listen to the haters no matter how hard it is
P. S. excited for Kyletober! and kinktober
I can't promise it won't be a chapter a month for a while. After October it's just going to be when I have the time and energy and inspiration to write. That might be once a month it might be twice a month, it might mean I don't update until January. It all just depends on life and the real world and my job because we get very, very busy this time of year so long hours and not a lot of time to do much else.
So yeah. No guarantees. Unfortunately I do have a life outside of the fic and this time of year is kind of the worst for me.
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guppybibi · 12 hours
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Just a Teenage Dirtbag, Like You
aahh this took me a while ToT, not proofread idk
content: smoking, i dont listen to weezer im sorry, don't bother with the timelines tbh i gave up
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Teenage!König who used to go hang out at abandoned places, ranging from hospitals, schools, malls, to even churches. He doesn't necessarily do anything there, just chills around in his own bubble.
Though sometimes he comes across groups of teenagers, some his age, some older and younger. Doesn't really matter though, they don't mind, and he certainly doesn't so it doesn't cause them any trouble.
Doesn't really do anything people his age would consider fun there..no booze, no cigarettes, he simply just sits at a corner, avoids the growing black mold on the damp wall and thinks. God, the amount of people he unintentionally spooked by pulling this can barely be counted on his fingers.
Most of the time, he moves from one abandoned place to another, not much different from a criminal that was on the run. Though this particular spot at an abandoned store was perfect for him, pretty hidden, not much people around, it was like it was meant to be. So König does the closest thing he could to mark his territory there, set up a shabby corner for himself there. Sure it may look like a homeless person is staying there but you gotta do what you gotta do.
It's always just been König and himself, well for the first few months at least. The first time he heard it was basically a month ago, some swishing and rustling here and there but it could've easily been nature's work. Who knows what the birds and the bees were up to?
Over the days though, König was more than sure someone else was there with him, the fact that he could clearly hear whispers and bustling made him positive about it. Not that it was a bad thing, he could really care less if a whole family moved into this place, he could just be that guy staying (not so) secretly in their attic or basement..Plus it's not like he's the righteous owner, so it doesn't matter.
It's like having a roommate you don't know about. (And they were roommates?!?)
So that's how it went for months on end, acknowledging each other's presence (Well that's what König thinks at least, he's not sure if you're aware of him being here with you.) yet never interacting.
And König's completely fine with that, not the littlest bit disturbed about it. The two of you meeting is bound to be inevitable but he'll let time do it's magic and wait, König is used to waiting after all. Waiting to get picked during group projects, only to be chosen last since didn't really have a choice. Waiting for his turn because he was constantly the last in line. Waiting and waiting and waiting, he's used to it. So it's fine with him.
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The presence of the mystery person you're here with is incredibly noticeable, not that you've seen them directly. But you could imagine that the way they carried themselves would be this strong & dominant figure, it's best not to mess with whoever they are. It's like they're purposely making their presence known by the way they stomp around the place. (Little did you know it was just König walking:c he didn't mean to be so loud) You're simply just here for some peace and quiet, not to cause trouble.
Getting away from society's norms were exceptionally hard as little miss perfect, more difficult than any exams you've went through. So you found solitude in this forsaken space, the freedom you have here is beyond what you can taste in the outside world. And you're grateful for it.
It's really not much if you're being honest, a picnic mat laid down on the dusty concrete floor with some fairy lights stringed around that occasionally flickered when the battery was running low.
You didn't want to do this, but not all wants are met aren't they?
Today was a particularly bad one, everyone succeeding in getting under your skin like it was a challenge everyone agreed on. Heated stomps were placed on the cracked surface beneath you, unable to contain your temper any longer, you throw your school bag against the ground on your slightly secluded spot and let out a huff. Sitting down, you pull out a pack of cigarettes from your pocket, not so little miss perfect now huh?
Blowing out a puffy cloud of smoke, you sighed in relief. Heaven knows how much you needed that pick me up. Unbeknownst to you, the smoke was spreading out that even König who's practically at the other side of the building, could smell it.
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König wasn't too bothered with the smoke's odor, having grown up in a raggedy-ass neighborhood, at the end of the day cigarette smoke was unavoidable. Though this day wasn't the best for König, as he had yet another awkward social interaction to add to the list. He simply went here to clear his head but if it's filled with a bunch of cloudy smoke, he's certainly bothered by it.
Unsurely, he believes that the scent could be coming from outside, not from you. But it doesn't hurt to tell you about how it bothers him right? Plus, he thinks that he should introduce himself now as you two have basically been roommates for months now. So he'll do it, he'll be the bigger person and communicate.
Standing up reluctantly, König went over to what he believed was your spot in this forgotten place. To his surprise, he sees you. Well, the actual you, not the figure of you he made up in his brain. You were the polar opposite of what he thought you'd be like, expecting to see a troublesome teenager living the life of a teenage dirtbag, not a teenage girl who looks like she's the top of her class. But you were smoking a cig right now, not..what he'd exactly expect coming from a person looking like you. He doesn't judge though..most of the time so he approaches you nonetheless.
"Um..excuse me?" He calls out, hoping to get your attention as quick as possible to avoid embarrassingly repeating his words again. Luckily for him you're in no need for hearing aids just yet, instantly turning over once you heard his voice. "Yeah?" You ask, bobbing your head to the side while you blow out a cloud of smoke, lightly tapping your cigarette.
"Sorry to bother but do you think you could smoke outside?" He asks, watching you intently when you toss the cigarette aside. "Oh? No it's totally fine, I'll stop. I just needed a little shot in the arm, that was enough." You answer, scratching the back of your neck. This was..awkward to say the least. This was your first ever conversation despite technically knowing each other for months now.
König's eyes ineptly darted around the place as he mentally decided if he should try to take this conversation further or just scurry away, but oh! Look at that, a Weezer poster plastered on the wall! The perfect conversation starter!
"You like Weezer?" He asks, making himself comfortable as he sits right beside you. König notices the way your eyes spark up like fireworks on New Year's day. "I do! I'm like their #1 fan, ya like Weezer too?" You were gladly met with him nodding his head, happily pulling out your CD player so you two can jam along to their songs.
Chucking in a random CD from your..let's say extensive collection, "No One Else" starts playing. You soon learn that his name was König likewise, he learned about your name too. He learned more than that actually, the things you liked and didn't, your pet peeves, and the fact that maybe love at first sight was real.
Oh God König felt like an absolute idiot, why did falling for you feel like tumbling down a flight of stairs? König never really bothered with 'crushes' and all that, his confidence lowered down from all the bullying he receives daily.
Now though, perhaps he has a chance, he hopes. Maybe he should give love a try again.
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Things between the two of you seem to progress into something better, something more than just two best friends. König couldn't believe it, how could his heart let his guard down and actually let you in? The so-called infatuation should only last about 2 weeks max, not months! He wants to individually torture each and every butterfly in his stomach to get rid of this unfamiliar feeling, love.
There's no doubt about it anymore, it really was that hideous thing called love. And König did not like it one bit, he had always felt like he doesn't deserve anything close to love. Don't even get me started on commitment, actually confessing to you? He'd rather crawl into a cave and never leave than do that! Commitment is a big thing to ask from König, it's just something so foreign to him, the only thing he's committed to in his life was his education and future career.
The future in question may be approaching soon, a little too soon. When König found out that you could already volunteer at the military this time of year, he was torn apart on what to do. This could've been the future career he had always thought about as a kid, already imagining himself as a recon sniper. Then there was you who randomly came into his life and instantly stuck to him like super glue, he was doomed.
He needs to choose, like..now if possible.
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It's been weeks since you've heard from König, the band posters on the walls of his spot replaced with imaginary missing posters with his face plastered on it. All of his things in his spot was wiped clean, well as clean as the abandoned building could get but you know what I mean. He wasn't responding to your calls and texts either, you were so close to calling the authorities because he could've been left in a garage freezer by some serial killer! There was little you could do besides wait, wait like a clingy puppy by the doorstep.
When König had gone, you went to the abandoned place less often, internally hoping that the things you left there weren't raided or stolen. But you had another particularly rough day, wanting to reminisce and clear your mind, you make your way back.
Unexpectedly, you find a crumpled up note on your spot. Last time you checked, nothing like it was there. You hesitantly grabbed it, debating if you should open and see. But curiosity takes over you as you open it, it was a lengthy letter, obviously from König based off the rusty penmanship.
It was a random string of words about König signing up for the military, all of the words flying out and through your head to protect the state of your already fragile heart. The words "Goodbye, I love you." go in your line of sight.
He just left for the military, left this note and nothing else, he abandoned you like a shipwreck, abandoned you like the place you two first met.
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melonpopped · 1 day
datv prev game spoilers ig
so are we gonna talk about how none of the choices matter for their poster child cameo character, apparently? like i dont know how the fuck youre gonna slap morrigan in the big trailer of your game and not have ANYTHING that's happened to her previously matter
how she conceived keiran doesnt matter?? if she was ROMANCED doesnt matter?? even if the warden is dead due to the calling??? IF THEY DIED TO THE ARCHDEMON DOESNT MATTER???? if she drank from the well of sorrows doesnt FUCKING MATTER???
like youre shitting me that the only choices that matter are if the inquisitions still standing/who you romanced in inquisition/if you sided with solas it just feels so narrow minded to only make THOSE choices matter when there are so many that directly impact how people would act towards the world that are just getting ignored and shafted. its just so fucking strange to me. its JUST SO WEIRD.
it just kinda sucks that something that bioware was really well liked for is being taken away, since i think a lot of people consider bioware's whole thing being that the choices you make matter and having that taken away to such a degree just feels kinda fucking bad
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hikakuriyyu · 2 days
Tension. (the last part)
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⁎ warnings: romantic slasher ? mentions of a knife, mentions of AND !murder!, mentions of blood, manipulation, angst, female!reader.
⁎ summary: you fell for him. hard. the murders started, and you knew it was him. billy lured you into his dark and twisted intentions. it was so wrong. but it doesn't feel wrong... there was something stopping you. or someone.
⁎ author note: here's the last part for yall :). im planning to write like a few headcanons abt scream and then move on to something else. if you have any requests, dont be afraid to ask :) ill keep it anonymous. thanks !
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You thought it was over. After you and Billy moved in together, you really believed the killing was behind you, that you could finally just be together without all the blood and chaos. But you should've known better. Billy always had a way of pulling you back in, no matter how much you wanted out.
When he asked you to do it again, you felt your stomach drop. You dreaded it. Every part of you screamed that this wasn't what you signed up for—this wasn't the life you imagined when you ran away with him. But then he looked at you, that look that always made you weak, and you realized you'd never be able to say no. You still loved him, no matter what.
So here you were. Scared, but ready. You'd do anything for him. As always.
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Your hands were trembling as you stood in front of the mirror, staring at your reflection. You already hurt too many people, already crossed too many lines. The thought of doing it again, of killing Gale, stealing money... You took deep breaths, trying to steady yourself.
Billy came into the room, his face calm, completely unfazed. He was just focused on the plan. "You ready ?" he asked, barely looking at you, focused more on the task of killing Gale and getting the money than on you. You shook your head, your voice merely a whisper. "No…" you sniffled. He turned to you with a frown on his face, stepping closer. "Hey," he said softly, his tone shifting. "You've done this before. You're fine. We've come far. We can't stop now." he said. "This is it, okay ? You finish this, and you're done. No more running, no more hiding. Just us."
You bit your lip, tearing up. You didn't wanna do this again, you didn't want to be that person anymore. But when Billy looked at you like that, all soft and content, it made it harder to say no. "You love me, right ?" he asked in a whisper, his eyes gazing into yours. You nodded, unable to say anything, your heart beating faster and faster every second. "Then trust me." he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "We've got this. Just one more time."
His words got to you again. Your heart was pounding as you got ready to go outside, the fear evident in your body language. But no matter how scared you were, you couldn’t back out now. You loved him. You'd always do whatever it took to prove it.
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After he had reassured you that everything was going to be okay, you were ready to go out and do the job. ''It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be over soon.'' you told yourself before grabbing your bag and put your mask, knife and costume in it. ''Remember, bring the money to me after you took it, okay ?'' Billy told you, leaning on a wall. You looked at him before nodding. ''I will... I love you.'' you told him, just in case. The end of his lips curved upwards as he looked at you. ''Love you too. Be safe.'' he said.
You stepped outside and started walking towards Gale's home. You already knew where she lived. Unfortunately this time, you wish you didn't. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but your heart wouldn’t stop racing. This was it. You didn’t have a choice anymore. You reached over, grabbing the mask and slipping it over your face, the familiar cold feeling settling in as the fabric clung to your skin. It was suffocating. But this was who you had to be tonight. Just for him.
You snuck past the gate, walking to the back of her house. You quietly took out a hairpin and picked the lock before the backdoor opened with a small creak. You knew didn't know if Gale was home or not, but you knew that she was very alert. So you quietly tiptoed inside her house making sure she didn't hear you. Then, you pulled the knife out, your hand trembling as you gripped it tight, hiding in the kitchen closet. You waited and waited until you heard some motion.
You hear a few footsteps coming downstairs, bracing yourself for what's about to happen next. As you hear the footsteps stop right infront of you, the closet door opens and it reveals Gale. You quickly act and stab her stomach before she could react. She yelped in pain as she put her hand on the place she got stabbed. You stabbed her chest continuously until she went completely limp and eventually, dead. You panted as you watched her take her last breath. You quickly snapped out of it and look around for any trace of cash or money. You run upstairs, desperate to find the money.
You eventually find her bedroom and went in. you yanked open the closet doors, digging through shoes, boxes, anything that could hide what you were looking for. And then you saw it, a small lockbox shoved into the corner. You grabbed it, fumbling with the lock, cursing under your breath when it didn't open right away. You weren't thinking straight, hands trembling as you tried to focus. Finally, the lock clicked open, and there it was—the money. Stacks of cash, just sitting there like it was waiting for you.
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You quickly grabbed all the stacks of cash and put them in your backpack, wanting to leave this place as quick as you could. You finished taking the money and ran downstairs towards the back door, but... it was locked ? You pulled on the door handle, trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge. You hear a few footsteps behind you. You slowly turn around to see Billy, standing in the middle of the living room, knife in hand. You didn't even hear him come in. ''Wow. You really did it. Not that it was unexpected...'' he said with the sly smirk that always lured you into his tricks. You take off the mask before showing the frown you had on your face. What was he doing here ? ''Billy... w-what are you doing here ?'' you asked with confusion. Billy took a few slow steps towards you, toying with the knife in his hand.
''Oh... just came to check on you babe. Good job.'' he said with a nod, looking back at Gale's lifeless body on the floor. You backed up till your back hit the wall, intimidated by his body language. ''You were always so good to me. And i appreciate that. Honestly, without you, i wouldn't be where i am right now. You helped me.'' he said, his eyes narrowing as he got closer, now inches away from you. Your breath hitched, barely containing eye contact. You were just so confused... ''But... I'm afraid all good things come to an end.'' he said before you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen. You look down to see some blood dripping down the floor. You didn't realize what he did until Billy smirked at you, hand hovering over your cheek. A tear rolled down your cheek. You felt betrayal, pain, anger, sadness all in one. You couldn't believe it. All this time, you were just bait. All the ''I love you's'' he said to you, were all fake. All of it was fake.
''Hey... it's okay.'' he said softly, removing the knife from your stomach. You let out a whimper, holding onto his shoulder, trying to look for any sympathy in his eyes. But there was none. ''The police are on their way. If you're lucky enough, maybe you've already stopped breathing before they found you...'' he said, smirking softly. He then stabbed you twice more, no remorse in his actions at all. You let out a sob as you slowly felt your heartbeat slow down. ''Why...?'' you managed to choke out. Billy looked at you and tilted his head softly. ''This isn't a fairytale. Like i told you, I don't believe in love.'' he said coldly before you dropped to the floor, holding your stomach as you coughed up some blood, seeing your life flash before your eyes. Billy took the backpack full of money, looking at you one last time. ''Thank you for everything.'' he said before leaving the house, leaving you for dead.
The last thing you saw before your vision went black were the police sirens, the loud siren echoing in your ears. The thing that disgusted you the most is, no matter what he did, no matter how cruel he was;
You'd always love him.
The End.
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slavhew · 3 months
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i reread this scene and i could just. picture it. so vividly.
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sqlmn · 6 months
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Lightning, water, and fire! Like forever before the plot starts. By the time the plot starts, the lightning and fire deities have been subjected to punishment by the two gods that picked them.
Oh (the fire deity) is first to be punished. They basically decide that since they're going to live for a long time, gotta set some long time goals! And they opt to be the wrath of the gods since most of the other deities are too 'soft' in their opinion. So Oh just. Smites humans. This isn't really a /good/ thing and in their defense mentally, they do it to help Ymber since he's the softest of them all. So their punishment by the gods is to be split in two, effectively halving the power of one into two. (Now they are in a male and a female body and use both male and female pronouns apart since they together make they but apart it feels weird to be they. But prior to the split they use they/them. Also the split bodies go by the names Ohiwe and Ohime.)
Fulj is the second to be punished. She falls in love with a mortal woman and that is a crime according to the gods. Mortals and immortals are not to be together and it will only bring suffering to both sides. So her punishment is her memories of the woman are stripped and her body basically broken to the point she can't remain physical all the time.
Ymber, unfortunately, is the one who blames himself for the discoveries and punishments. If he had only tried to restrain Oh more then maybe they would have chilled out and stopped before being punished. If he had only tried to persuade Fulj to not continue seeing the mortal woman so often perhaps she wouldn't have been punished. So he's just increasing the guilt on his shoulders every day that he remains unpunished since the elder gods have both laid down to rest. They can't enforce their laws anymore and none of the deities are keen on harming one another at this point. They just want to continue existing in peace.
#the daily life of a deity sucks#and then ymber falls in love with a human and is like welp this sucks and i understand fulj now#i also would have accepted the punishment for this#and fulj doesnt even remember the woman she was punished for and doesnt remember how she was before#so she is like hey ymber please just go and kiss the weird human i dont even like him but youre being mean by not kissing him#and ymber is just having the worst time of his life being encouraged by someone who used to be so happy#who he also encouraged to be happy once upon a time#also ohiwe and ohime pop up in the water city to bully ymber sometimes but its still in the way of#dude we like you please grow a spine its been a thousand years please grow a backbone and tell us to piss off#and he never tells them to piss off#also fulj has a long braid here but you cant really see it#and she loves to braid ymbers hair and he gets to braid hers when shes giggling and chatting about love#and a short while after the punishment fulj chops the braid off and ymber is like welp my friend is officially gone#and then he cuts his own hair and leaves to go develop his city alone in seclusion#and he sometimes just cuts it really short because hes still sad and soggy and thinks of fulj braiding his hair#and then she shows up one day when hes debating how long its getting and she smiles#and tells him he looks good with longer hair#so he kinda keeps it a messy short then it gets to be medium and he decides he can survive with medium but he couldnt do long again#but once again fulj is the reason for his life choices (and guilt)#also before anyone asks yes all the deities have a collar#its very important actually that they are collared its lore information thanks#and for what it matters - after oh is split both forms are just as tall#theres just two of them at half power but they are both tall
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crabbunch · 1 year
ethubs to me is like. tfw you kill and die for someone so many times that you can't even grow tired of it. it's mundane, sure, but in the way that loving someone is mundane. blood becomes like waking up to them every morning- an expected but beautiful nonetheless way of things being. it doesnt matter if they're killing each other or their enemies or pretending to do one and actually doing the other to them it is an act of devotion. and not the dramatic kind. tfw you die and kill for someone so often that instead of loosing meaning it gains sentiment. this is not a tragedy anymore!!! they are ripping it apart with their hands and laughing!!! is there anymore power to an actor than that? than turning the story to a comedy? they're sooo sitcom core. of course they love violence- there's no reason to be afraid of dying when it's not the end. they'll have another go at it, and another and another and another and another. the grief is real, sure, as real as the bloodlust- it's just not the thing that lasts
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They're gonna do the Inquisitor as dirty in Veilguard as they did Hawke in Inquisition, huh?
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flythesail · 8 days
I'm probably overthinking Qimir's backstory because this far in I want it to be somewhat shocking/worth the wait, BUT... I believe the "tragedy" of it should come from simplicity
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genekies · 3 months
tag vent
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#i have to move back to my hometown due to a mistake. a misunderstanding. and being too trusting in others ideas#and my boyfriend is moving an hour away as well. neither of us have been able to get a car or license yet due to money and i dont know when#we can see eachother again after we both move. since we started dating weve been sleeping in the same bed because we were/are roommates#just being gone for the weekend in my hometown is hard because i cant stand to be here but its worse because hes not in my bed every night#ive grown so used to falling alseep in his arms that i dont know what to do at night. i dont feel safe without his arms holding me#ive never felt safe where ive lived before. ive never felt safe in a relationship. ive never felt loved for who i am. that was until him.#now i feel safe in our home. i feel safe in our relationship. i feel loved for who i am. and now we have to be so far apart.#ive done long distance before but this is going to hurt so much my cat loves him she is super cautious and scared around new people but#she loved him since the start. not to mention shes my esa so that really mattered to me. he wants to move with me but it isnt happening#he got definite housing an hour away for super cheap in a town where he knows everyone and i have possible in a town where im surrounded by#people i know but am terrified of. im scared to move back here but have no choice. unless i make that terrifying choice of going with him.#the apartment he is getting is a two bedroom. id only have a studio. hes offered for me to come but im scared to move that far away again#i want to be with him but im scared to move to a whole new town with him. i know hes an amazing guy but we'd be moving away from my friends#and family. i already have to move away from all my friends if i go back to my hometown but this would be a different story.#moving to a whole new town with a guy that i only started dating 2 months ago? like yes. i lived with him previously and knew him for longer#than we dated but im still scared. i think rightfully so. but still.#but there are some pros to moving with him. hometown has no music scene and his town does and thats really important to me.#we'd also be close to his family. but farther from mine. hed be around friends and id have none no matter where i go.#idk im just rambling but i really needed to vent. i lost my best friend recently to the point of them siding with strangers almost and they#helped them break and enter into the house to intimidate me and bf and then a few days later came with cops after saying repeatedly that#they were an anarchist and acab but only when they dont use them apparently. because i guess morals/values only matter when its convenient#im so tired though but i cant sleep so i might write some cringe poetry and try to chill out before going on a late night/early morning walk#tag vent#vent in tags
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boycannibal · 2 months
the real question is how many artistic liberties can i take with a religious painting until my parents dont allow me to hang it anywhere that isnt my room
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bunnihearted · 3 months
sometimes i truly do feel so isolated and alienated because even if people on here are lonely and sad they still have friends and partners and they're capable of having jobs and getting educations ... and im like ok wow im like actually the only one who doesn't just "feel" those things but also is completely worthless and insignificant. cool 👍
#and it's why i cant feel connected to anyone even if some ppl are nice to me#bc ok yeah but at the end of the day i still AM a loser while u have a life and ppl who care abt u........#nobody gets me. like for real...... ☹️#having avpd is fucked up and a curse tbh#idk rn im also in an avpd moment where i cant even reply to anyone at all#im like ok wow.... i both feel like im only worthless and stupid and awkward anyway why even bother trying#plus im genuinely like tired...... i just wanna be the most important to ONE person and be chosen by them over everyone else#never having experienced that just makes everything else pale away in comparison like i cant even find it in me to feel anythinf#anything*#im just feeling so fucking sad and im realizing how fkn alone i an#AM* god trying so hard not to cut myself since i cant even type properly#and since i have avpd that only makes me isolate myself more which makes me more miserable#but also the thing is... my only choice IS to isolate myself bc i dont have anybody#having short shallow social exchanges w ppl who i only exist a little bit to is making me feel more empty#i so badly need deep strong emotional connections#but actually i dont even care abt that... really truly all i want is to be no 1 to one person#so.... i dont know i dont fkn know all i know is that im so lonely#and even if shallow impersonal things can sustain me sometimes im in an avpd mood rn where i feel so fuckinf#fucking***** broken and worthless and all i want is to further isolate myself#bc when i try to talk to ppl im reminded of how stupid i am#bc they mean sm more to me than i do to them#bc they have real lives with real ppl that matter to them!!!#it's not what my soul needs so i just cant bring myself to.....#idk i also feel like an asshole bc i truly appreciate nice messages#idk i just wanna cry tbh and kms bc i will always have avpd and be broken 🩷
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