#but i decide to be neutral about this
flowermodd · 1 month
Yui's parents
Yui's mother
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•She probabily came form a traditional household.
•Her nationality is Japanese.
•Her personality is almost close to Yui's. And also Yui got her mother's eyes color.
•She had a forbidden relationship with Yui's father, which for her family was a shame and disgrace.
•But when she was preagnant, her family disowned her, but months later, they haunted her and Yui's father.
Yui's father
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•He was a vampire hunter and close friend to Seiji Komori.
•His nationality is Romanian
•He as platinum blonde hair, which is Yui inherited his hair color.
•He was in relationship with Yui's mother, not knowing about her family.
•When she got preagnant with his child, they ran away.
•Unfortunatly, he was killed alongside with his lover.
•Seiji decide to raise Yui in memory of her biological father.
(Note: I used picrew app)
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syn0vial · 10 months
my gun-loving, car guy, "i'm the straightest man i know" brother who just finished baldur's gate 3 talking about astarion:
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ignitesthestxrs · 10 months
there's something about the way people talk about john gaius (incl the way the author writes him) that is like. so absent of any connection to te ao māori that it's really discomforting. like even in posts that acknowledge him as not being white, they still talk about him like a white, american leftist guy in a way that makes it clear people just AREN'T perceiving him as a māori man from aotearoa.
and it's just really serves to hammer home how powerful and pervasive whiteness and american hegemony is. because TLT is probably the single most Kiwi series in years to explode on the global stage, and all the things i find fraught about it as a pākehā woman reading a series by a pākehā author are illegible to a greater fandom of americans discoursing about whether or not memes are a valid way of portraying queer love.
idk the part of my brain that lights up every time i see a capital Z printed somewhere because of the New Zealand Mentioned??? instinct will always be proud of these books and muir. but i find myself caught in this midpoint of excitement and validation over my culture finding a place on the global stage, frustration at how kiwi humour and means of conveying emotion is misinterpreted or declared facile by an international audience, frustrated also by how that international audience runs the characters in this book through a filter of american whiteness before it bothers to interpret them, and ESPECIALLY frustrated by how muir has done a pretty middling job of portraying te ao māori and the māoriness of her characters, but tht conversation doesn't circulate in the same way* because a big part of the audience doesn't even realise the conversation is there to be had.
which is not to say that muir has done a huge glaring racism that non-kiwis haven't noticed or anything, but rather that there are very definitely things that she has done well, things that she has done poorly, things that she didn't think about in the first book that she has tacked on or expanded upon in the later books, that are all worthy of discussion and critique that can't happen when the popular posts that float past my dash are about how this indigenous man is 'guy who won't shut up about having gone to oxford'
*to be clear here, i'm not saying these conversations have never happened, just that in terms of like, ambient posts that float round my very dykey dash, the discussions and meta that circulate on this the lesbian social media, are overwhelmingly stripped of any connection to aotearoa in general, let alone te ao māori in specific. and because of the nature of american internet hegemony this just,,,isn't noticed, because how does a fish know it's in the ocean u know? i have seen discussions along these lines come up, and it's there if i specifically go looking for it, but it's not present in the bulk of tlt content that has its own circulatory life and i jut find that grim and a part of why the fandom is difficult to engage with.
#tlt#the locked tomb#i don't really have an answer lmao this is more#an expression of frustration and discomfort#over the way posts about john gaius seem to have very little connection to the background muir actually gave him#like you cant describe him as an educated leftist bisexual man#without INCLUDING that he is māori#that has an impact! that has weight and importance!#that is a background to every decision he makes#from the meat wall to the nuke to his relationship with the earth#and it also has weight and importance in the decisions that muir makes in writing him#it is not a neutral decision that he's known as john gaius lmao#it's not a neutral decision that the empire is explicitly of roman/latin extraction#it's not even neutral that this is a book about necromancy#it's certainly not a neutral fucking decision that john was at one point a māori man living in the bush#when the nz govt decided to send cops in#like that is a thing that happens here! that is a reference to nz cultural and political events that informs john's character and actions#and with the nature of who john is in the story#informs the narrative as a whole#and i think the tiresome part of this experience is that#in general#americans are not well positioned to understand that something might be being written from outside their experience as a default#like obviously many many americans in online leftist & queer spaces are willing to learn and take on new information#but so much of the conversation starts from a place of having to explain that forests exist to fish
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dawnthefluffyduck · 1 month
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feeling of being watched
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devilevlls · 4 months
"In the depths of my soul, you reside."
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3,259 words - Minors do not interact
TW 📌: "Satanic" rituals, abuse, explicit language, pornographic content, mentions of sexual abuse, hateful language directed at religious groups, blasphemy, corruption kink, demons being demons, unprotected sex, creampie, gay sex, MC is the bottom, MC trusts him to consume a piece of their soul.
MC is AMAB, I use they/them pronouns to refer to them because that's the way I feel comfortable in describing the character. They are called "boy, young man, son" and so. If you are uncomfortable with any of the warnings, please, do not read. Sumary:
After the former priest was removed due to accusations of sexual abuse, the authority place had to be filled by someone else and Lucifer, who owed a favor to his friend Simeon, took the spot, ministering that Saturday to fulfill his obligation.
He ends up finding a new motivation when he encounters MC, who is in conflict with themselves about their dark thoughts. Their desires and duty are fighting to see who would take the young human and the demon would like to help, with a price.
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The sound of the chapel's heavy doors echoed, interrupting the stillness of the afternoon, as the man dressed entirely in black entered, moving with determination and agility, casting furtive glances around to ensure he was not being followed. His long, purposeful steps led him until he stopped in front of a cowering, sobbing, fearful figure.
The young human was kneeling before the bench, hands clasped in prayer, tears flowing freely.
"Why are you crying, son?" The newcomer's hoarse voice cuts through the silence, his imposing red eyes penetrating deep into the boy's soul.
They were startled, interrupting their prayer to look at the one who was getting in the way of their sacred moment.
"Forgive me, sir." They bowed gently, voice trembling.
The elder gentleman stood majestically, dressed in the attire befitting his vocation, exuding an aura of divine elegance. 
With a subtle clearing of the throat, they signaled their intention to speak further. “I believe you are the new priest responsible for our humble chapel this saturday. I am your assistant, aspiring priest, a... Deacon.” The human struggle with their words.
"It's nice to meet you, MC." The older man's husky voice delivered a playful tone.
"How do you know my name? I haven't introduced myself yet," MC replied, somewhat intrigued.
"Do not worry. I know everything," the man replied, his enigmatic smile seeming to widen even further. "My name is Lucifer." He took a few steps towards MC, his confident posture and penetrating gaze causing slight discomfort.
A frightening shiver ran down MC's spine, but they forced themselves to maintain composure, standing up and trying to appear receptive, although the nervousness was still evident.
"That's a pretty unusual name for a priest," MC commented, their voice a little shaky as the younger one tried to hide the fear that was beginning to settle inside.
"Do not be scared. I will only stay here while the other priest is being investigated for the rape of the young people in this chapel.”
The mention of the accusation made the boy take a step back, feeling their stomach twist with tension.
"Oh... yes."
"Did he touch you?", Lucifer asked, taking a step forward and reaching for MC's chin, forcing them to maintain eye contact, his imposing presence dominating the surrounding space.
"No, sir. Father Kahleus has always been very kind to me," MC responded quickly, feeling uncomfortable with the unexpected physical contact.
"Humans are so hypocritical, don't you think?", Lucifer continued, his voice filled with cynicism, as he watched MC's reaction with interest.
MC gave a nervous laugh, confused by the direction the conversation was going. "Humans...?", he began, before being interrupted by the tall demon.
"Please, refrain yourself from acting like you don't understand," Lucifer said, his gaze making them uneasy.
Swallowing hard, they turned away from Lucifer, looking down at the ground for a moment before taking a deep breath and gathering the courage to respond.
"Sir, we shouldn't make that kind of analogy in a sacred place like this. Would you like to accompany me, so I can show you your private room next to the tabernacle?"
"Show me the way," Lucifer replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes, watching as MC chose to ignore the reality unfolding before them.
— * 
Once inside the room, MC presented all the important documents, financial notes and accessories for the masses that would begin the next day.
"Do you have any questions, sir?" The human asked, briefly meeting Lucifer's gaze before looking away again, feeling uncomfortable under the intensity of those piercing eyes.
"Why were you crying earlier?", Lucifer asked suddenly, breaking the brief silence that hung in the room.
A shiver ran down MC's spine before he could respond. "Father Kahleus was never like that. I feel like the devil tempted him," MC confessed, voice thick with worry and confusion.
Lucifer held back an ironic laugh and sighed, shaking his head. "Are you that naive? People are bad and blaming the devil doesn't make them better," he replied with disarming directness.
"Don't you understand? We have oaths. We all do, and I'm sure you did too," MC insisted, struggling to comprehend the complexity of the situation.
"Many centuries ago, when my wings were still white as snow and my mind corrupted by the ideals of a cowardly creator," Lucifer murmured, a trace of melancholy passing through his eyes.
MC sighed, feeling scared and confused, taking a step back and inadvertently bumping into the coffee table.
"Don't be scared, but I must admit that the more time we spend together, the hungrier I get," Lucifer said, voice filled with a strange sadistic energy, he enjoyed watching his prey connecting the dots and becoming alarmed.
"You... You did this to him?", MC asked, voice cracking at the terrifying possibility.
“Ah… Now you have become aware of who I really am.” He smiled slightly and concentrated for a moment, making his demonic form apparent. “No, I didn’t do anything.”
MC tried to scream, but before they could make any sound, their mouth was immediately silenced by Lucifer's firm, gloved touch, which covered their lips with firm pressure. The demon's gaze conveyed a silent warning, a contained threat that echoed beyond the simple physical gesture. The air around them felt heavy, thick with palpable tension between the two, as MC fought the panic that threatened to wash over. The young human’s eyes widened in despair, but the words were suffocated before they could even come out.
“Let's not make a fuss, okay? You're safer with me than you were with that creep. Unlike him, I know how to keep my dick in my pants instead of molesting innocent young boys and girls.”
MC's eyes widened at Lucifer's explicit language, feeling uncomfortable with the description and lack of shame.
Stopping for a moment, Lucifer was truly stunning, almost mesmerizing, and he was so close already... It made the human's heart race.
The demon sighed and removed his hand from the boy's mouth, looking around before moving away, breaking the physical contact that had left MC so tense. “You don’t look very old, how old are you? Why are you so naive?” “I’m 23 and not a child to be naive.” MC hisses a little offended “I’m aware of what happened, but I can’t believe he would do such a thing.” “Then you are just stupid, young man," He says agressively before changing the subject. "Well, I believe your work is finished for today. I'll see you at mass tomorrow", Lucifer declared, his voice filled with indifference, as if the previous meeting had never happened.
"Why...", MC started to ask, before being interrupted by Lucifer.
"Why, you say? I'm just following orders, nothing more," Lucifer explained as he settled into the office chair, crossing his long legs with an air of nonchalance. "Please leave. You're making me agitated with all this excitement between your legs." Lucifer's final remark made MC feel heat flush their cheeks. “I’m not excited!” They complained.
“I can see your erection from here.” The demon states dismissively, opening one of the reports to analyze.
MC quickly walked away and left the room without saying another word, feeling embarrassed. The encounter with Lucifer left them shaken and confused, questioning how all this could happen in such a sacred environment.
Why didn't the demon attack him or do terrible things to them? These questions echoed in their mind as the panicked figure hurriedly walked to the quarters.
Once there, MC threw themselves on the floor and closed their eyes, trying to banish the disturbing thoughts. The human wondered if it was all just a nightmare or a bad joke, but the firm feeling of Lucifer's hand still hovered over their skin, making them feel indecently warm.
"I wonder if he's really going to minister tomorrow…", MC muttered to themselves, voice filled with uncertainty and apprehension.
They feared what the next day might bring.
The other day, in the morning as promised, MC entered the private room before mass to organize all the accessories, but was surprised to find Lucifer dressed for the celebration, his attire highlighting his magnetic beauty even more. So handsome... So tempting.
"What...?", MC began, their shaky voice reflecting the confusion at seeing the demon there.
Lucifer turned and sighed, recognizing the human's presence. "You again…", he murmured.
"I'm your assistant. I-I mean... I'm the substitute priest's assistant!", MC hurried to explain, reeling in their own troubled thoughts as they watched the demon button his shirt and put on his chasuble with a disconcerting naturalness.
"So nervous early on. This way you won't make it through the rest of the day," Lucifer teased, approaching the young man with an intimidating presence. "Can we go or are you going to keep devouring me with your eyes? I thought you had a vow of chastity to keep."
MC stepped back looking away to avoid the temptations Lucifer offered. "We may proceed. The faithful are arriving," they replied quickly, trying to maintain the composure.
It was truly surprising to watch Lucifer lead the mass. He delivered speeches and read bible verses as if had memorized them in his mind centuries ago. Well, in a way, he actually had them. After all, he was once an angel before becoming that.... Thing.
MC found themselves staring at him as he continued with the ministration, unable to look away. Lucifer's beauty was mesmerizing, every movement elegant, every word spoken with authority. Even though they knew who he really was, MC couldn't help but admire, getting lost in the details of his sculpted body and magnetic aura.
They tried to push away the conflicting thoughts, focusing on the church service that was taking place in front of them. But despite the efforts, the demon's presence continued to exert an undeniable fascination over them.
After concluding the morning mass, they both retreated to the private room once more, where Lucifer intended to change.
"And with that, I'm free from this stupidity," Lucifer remarked with disdain.
"But there's still Sunday mass," the other replied.
"I couldn't care less. Saturday was my agreement, and I've fulfilled my part," Lucifer retorted coldly.
"Please, I don't know how I'll find another priest!" they pleaded, their voice tinged with desperation before clearing their throat. "Not that you're truly a priest, but..."
"Perhaps I could assist... for a price," Lucifer interjected.
The human sighed disapprovingly. "And what do you want, demon?"
"Fear not, nothing of a carnal nature unless that's what you desire. Just a small sampling of your soul. It won't be painful..." Lucifer's voice dripped with mockery, knowing full well it would inflict torment.
"Okay... but..." They fidgeted nervously. "What if I desire... to explore something more?" The young man struggled to articulate their thoughts, aware that the words might inadvertently reveal the weight of something deeply personal. Despite the embarrassment that lingered, they saw this moment as an opportunity to confront a long-standing question that had lingered since their teenage years: exploring intimacy with someone of the same sex.
"More...? Pray, enlighten me," Lucifer responded, already aware of the human's desires but relishing in their embarrassment nonetheless.
"What if I desire... to be intimate with you?" they whispered, their cheeks flushing crimson.
"Ah, you are a naughty one," Lucifer chuckled, crossing his arms. "Very well, then. You've piqued my interest enough to indulge your curiosity."
Lucifer drew nearer, enveloping them in his embrace, arms around their waist, and swiftly initiated a fervent kiss, his tongue forcing the other to yield while they squirm, their kisses growing sloppy.
"Ngh..." the human moaned softly.
"Hush," Lucifer whispered, pulling them closer until their backs met the desk, eliciting a startled squeak. "We wouldn't want anyone overhearing, would we?"
The boy felt his heart thundering as they attempted to match Lucifer's fervor, but this was, indeed, their first kiss. Delicate hands roamed frantically over the demon's back, grasping at his clothes, while their legs trembled, on the verge of collapsing.
Observing the human's struggle, the avatar of pride seized their waist and gently positioned them on the table, slipping his hands beneath the fabric of the shirt to caress the delicate skin underneath.
The young assistant was already swept up in excitement, their cheeks ablaze as they breathed heavily. Their eyes darkened with lust, body craving more with every heartbeat. There was a slight twitching inside their pants and Lucifer noticed right away, brushing his long finger on top of it.
Lucifer leaned in closer, their lips grazing the human's ear as they whispered in a low, sultry tone, "You're quite eager, aren't you?"
They shivered at the sensation, their whole body tingling with anticipation. "I... I want..." stuttered the assistant, their voice barely a whisper as desire flooded their senses.
With a smirk, the demon gently lifted their chin, his gaze locking with the assistant's as he whispered, "Tell me exactly what you want." Swallowing hard, their heart race in their chest. "I want... I want to feel you," they confessed, voice trembling with a mix of nerves and longing.
A predatory gleam sparked in Lucifer's eyes as he leaned in, capturing the assistant's lips in a searing kiss. They melted into each other again, the heat of their desire igniting a flame that consumed them both.
The demon quickly starts undressing, taking off his clothes and tossing around before doing the same with them, until they are only with their underwear. Feeling both exposed and exhilarated, the human experienced a rush of courage as they reached out, their finger tracing along Lucifer's firm chest and abdomen. His physique wasn't overly sculpted, but it was undeniably defined in a way that stirred desire within them. It was fucking sexy.
Biting their lip, they chastised themselves for entertaining such thoughts about him. Yet, with every movement, their mind spun with vivid imaginings of what lay beneath his clothing, igniting a wild frenzy of desire that threatened to consume them completely.
“Now let's begin…” Lucifer cast a spell, conjuring a bright red light that momentarily dazzled the priest assistant. As their vision cleared, they blinked in surprise to find Lucifer holding a bottle of lube in his hand.
MC's cheeks flushed crimson with a mixture of arousal and astonishment. "What... what did you just do?" they stammered, their voice betraying a blend of curiosity and anticipation.
“I just got something to assist you.” He spreads some of the liquid on his hand and comes closer, sliding their underwear down. “Now, be a good boy and spread your legs for me.” As they opened their legs, Lucifer adjusts himself in between, sliding the underwear off his body, making the hardened shaft plop against his abs. The human widened their eyes, admiring how thick and perfect it looked. It was way better than they could ever imagine. Taking a deep breath to steady themselves for what would come next, they fix their gaze on Lucifer as he spread the lube over himself with deliberate care.
Anticipation coiled in the air between them as he stepped closer, now caressing their thighs. “Hold into me and enjoy your ride.” His low voice echos into their mind.
As Lucifer aligned himself and pushed into their entrance, MC gave a sharp intake of breath, instinctively clinging to the demon as a wave of intense pain surged through them. Tears welled in their eyes, and a soft sob escaped their lips, the sensation overwhelming and unexpected.
"Oh, do not cry," Lucifer murmured with a smirk, his voice a blend of amusement and a hint of something more complex. Despite his earlier taunt, there was a surprising gentleness in his actions as he continued to push himself deeper,the movements careful and deliberate, attuned to the human's sensations.“I almost feel pity of you.”
As the older man's hips pressed against theirs, the human's moans and pants grew louder, caught in a mix of pain and pleasure unlike anything they had ever experienced before. 
With each thrust, MC's member pulsed with desire, coating their belly with slick pre-cum, a testament to the overwhelming arousal that coursed through them both. 
"L-Lucifer... I..."
“Already?” Lucifer teases, moving faster and pushing forcefully inside them. They didn’t answer, only digging their nails into Lucifer’s back, nodding while moaning desperately.
Seeing the opportunity, the demon smiles sadistically and turns into his demon form, dark wings spread, growling like a wild animal. His tone was demonic, it had something almost disturbing in it. Without a word, he sinks his fangs into the boy's shoulder, the sudden surge of pain and pleasure caused the boy to gasp and squirm uncontrollably, their body convulsing with ecstasy as they release their load, splattering a mess across both of them in a wild climax of desire and darkness. As Lucifer indulged in consuming the ecstatic piece of soul, relishing its delectable taste, he exercised restraint, ensuring not to take too much.
It was a corruption that came so natural, so enticing, it only fueled his insatiable hunger further. With each taste, he felt himself sinking deeper into them, reveling in the delicious sensation of it all.
He couldn’t hold himself anymore.
He grips into their hips, his nails digging into their skin as he thrust himself deeper with a primal ferocity, ignoring the human's pleas for respite as they get overstimulated, he moved with an unrestrained urgency, becoming increasingly feral as he relentlessly massaged their prostate with his tip. With a primal roar of release, the avatar of pride surrendered to the overwhelming intensity, emptying his pent-up load deep inside them. Groaning and trembling from the sheer magnitude of the moment, he gasped desperately, seeking solace in the warmth of the human's neck as he nuzzled against it. That was the most vulnerable moment of Lucifer, the afterglow. Holding their body tightly, Lucifer ensured they couldn't escape from his corruption, his embrace a mixture of possessiveness and longing, binding them together in the aftermath of their shared descent into darkness. "Hells..." he murmured, his voice heavy with satisfaction. He threatens backing away but gets pulled back into the embrace.
"Please... Don't go yet," the human pleaded, their breath still coming in ragged pants as they hugged him back.
"Listen... I'm just here because I was in debt with a friend of mine, so I had to hold a stupid mass, now that I'm done with it, I will go back to Devildom. I'm just catching my breath," Lucifer explained matter-of-factly.
"Oh... So I'm not going to see you again?" There was a slight hint of sadness in their tone.
"What? Are you switching sides now? Want me to take you to hell with me?" Lucifer smirked, nuzzling against the MC's neck once more, inhaling their sweet scent mingled with salty sweat.
"No! Of course not. How could I...?" they replied, their tone falsely offended.
"Don't deny me like we didn't just... you know, fucked" Lucifer teased, his smirk widening as the human blushed and caressed the back of his neck.
“D-Don’t say such a thing.”
"Since you are so inspired… Maybe I could indulge you in a second round, but I don't think your human body will handle me again," Lucifer suggested, his voice laced with amusement.
"Please... Again," they whispered eagerly, desire evident in their eyes.
"Guess I will visit you more, human," Lucifer agreed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
With smiles exchanged between them, they resumed their passionate embrace, forgetting the world outside the private room as they risked getting caught in the most sinful act they could ever do.
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Ok, this took me too long... I really really really hope you guys liked it. >﹏< AO3 version OH! And thanks for the 300 followers! You guys are amazing, thanks for the support, for rebloging my stuff and interacting in the posts, I'm loving every part of it.
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avatar-saiki · 1 year
Eye of the Tiger
Mammon/AFAB reader (you/your pronouns) 5.7k words
CW: NSFW, mating kink, overstimulation, squirting
Summary: Mammon borrows a headband from Levi as part of a costume to party with you up in the human realm, but things go awry when the headband is revealed to curse the user to be a kemonomimi for 12 hours.
Why did his luck always turn to shit when he was close to getting something great? It was supposed to be a fun night, just him and his human in the human world… partying it up all night long only to have them all to himself once the partying was done.
But instead…
“Check again,” he muttered under his breath, D.D.D. held close to his cheek while he paced. “There’s gotta be a way to fix me.”
“Dude.” Levi’s voice crackled through the speaker; inter-dimensional reception was always a bit spotty. “You asked me to look up how to dispel a curse. If you want me to figure out how to fix you that’s a whole other—"
“Shaddup you know what I meant!”
“I don’t think I like that attitude much. Maybe you should figure it out yourself.”
He tsked, catching a glimpse of himself reflected in the window. Still lookin’ sharp as always, but the little flutter atop his head was definitely not appreciated.
“You’re the one lendin’ me defective goods,” he snapped, “I thought otakus were supposed to take pride in gettin’ the good shit.”
Levi’s gasp crackled while he scowled at himself in the window.
“Oh excuse me? You’re lucky I even let you take anything when I caught you digging around my closet! Just for that I’m adding ten percent on top the finder’s fee for getting you out of this mess.”
“What?!” He glared at the screen. “Who’s the greedy one here? You or me?”
“Oh piss off.” Clattering computer keys accentuating his brother’s sass. “If I didn’t charge you for my assistance, I’d never get even a fraction of what you owe me back.”
“Ow, that hurts,” he said with a dramatic sigh, leaning against the window. “You’re my little brother, aren’t you supposed to wanna help me?”
He checked the screen again to make sure the call didn’t drop, but the timer continued to tick away.
“… Levi?”
He clenched the D.D.D. tighter.
“Levi, if you hung up I swear I’m gonna—”
“ROFL did you really think that’d work? Your charms suck.”
“O-Oi!” He growled, “This ain’t funny! Quit actin' like me and tell me how to get them off already!” “Oh don’t think I’m trying to flatter you, I’m dead serious.”
A notification chirped in his ear and he swiped to check it.
“Authorize the transfer and I’ll tell you what I found.”
“6… 16,000 Grimm?! Are you crazy?!”
Levi’s laughter crackled again. “Well it’s either that or you’re on your own.”
He grit his teeth. “You tryin’ to extort me? You’re my little brother!”
“LOL as if you wouldn’t do the same if the roles were reversed.”
He opened his mouth to retort, but shut it instead.
“See? You can’t even lie and say you wouldn’t.”
“I never—”
The faint squeak of a turning faucet caught his attention, one of the ears atop his head tilting instinctively.
“So I take it you’re not interested then? If so I’ll be logging off. I have other things to take care of and you’re really eating into my grinding time to level up my latest gacha babes.”
It hurt. 
It hurt so much.
16,000 Grimm…
He didn’t even know what to think of what Levi just said.
He couldn’t look.
He squeezed his eyes nearly shut and held the D.D.D. as far away from him as possible, holding his breath to type in the pin code and hit confirm. After a few seconds the confirmation chimed crystal clear and he felt himself die just a bit inside.
“Oh wow! You actually paid. LOL you must be desperate.” Ugh, he was not in the mood for this anymore. “Just tell me how to break the damn curse already!”
“Simple. You can’t.”
“What?! What do you mean I—” The faucet squeaked again and the gentle rain of the shower faded.
Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.
He turned to face the window again, tucking the D.D.D. close and lowering his voice in a harsh whisper. 
“Listen, Levi. You better not be tellin’ me you just made me pay for nothin’ or so help me—“
“Oh come off it, you owe me way more than 16K. You should be thanking me for only taking that much!”
“You didn’t even tell me how to fix it!”
Levi laughed. “Because you can’t, there’s nothing to fix!”
“Nothing to- Levi I have a fucking tail!”
“So? So do I. Sometimes.”
Another laugh. “Look, relax. It’s a feature for cosplay. The headband’ll reappear and you’ll be able to take it off when the curse is done.” “R… Really?” He hated how relieved he sounded, but if it was just a feature… “Oh,” he sighed, “Okay, I can work with that. How long does it last?”
“Um… let me check…”
Mammon leaned forward again, inspecting his reflection while Levi’s keyboard clacked away, and reached up to pinch one of the ears to give it a tug, wincing.
Functional and attached all right. These stupid things were as real as his own two ears.
“Oh you’re in luck! The effect only last twelve hours.” “Oh that’s not so- twelve hours?!”
“Mhm~ what’d you pick again? A tiger? Apparently some lesser demons can get a little too into character when they wear these… better be careful to not lose control and eat our human now.”
He scoffed, “Like some stupid little curse is gonna make me—“
“I’ll tell Lucifer just in case. It might be smart to come home until the curse wears off.”
Wait! No—
“Levi don’t you dare—“
“Well that phone call sounded intense.”
He whirled around, startled to see them— his human— standing just outside the bathroom door, dressed in nothing but a white hotel robe.
“Everything okay?” You asked, tilting your head a bit to finish towel drying your hair.
“H-How much did you hear?”
“Mm… something about a curse. I know you were talking to Levi…” You turned back and tossed the towel onto the bathroom counter. “Was it about the ears?”
He reached up to cover his head, smacking himself with his D.D.D. in the process. 
Why’d you have to smile like that.
He averted his gaze, sulking. “That damn otaku gave me some defective costume. He said I’ll be stuck like this for the rest of the night.”
“Aw… that’s too bad,” you said with a grin. “The whole night?”
“Y…Yeah…” He muttered and looked away. If the headband didn’t reappear again by morning, Levi better make damn sure he wasn’t home.
Who was he kidding though?
He wouldn’t do anything.
Actually he could probably do something.
Maybe figure out whatever the latest stupid collectible he was eyeing and snap up the last one before it—
“Could I…”
Your gentle voice nearly startled him out of his skin and he yelped. “W-When’d you get so close?”
You blinked, looking up at him in confusion. “Mammon, you have two sets of ears now. How did you not hear me coming?”
“I-I wasn’t paying attention!” He protested and you laughed, oh how you laughed. Was your laugh always so… exhilarating? His tail swished excitedly. It made his heart feel all light and funny.
“You’re so cute, Mamms,” you murmured, eyes sparkling with affection. “Can I pet you?”
He was already bowing his head, “Sure, anything you—“
Wait a minute.
He stood up straighter. “Wait- no! I ain’t some house cat!”
You giggled and reached up, wiggling your fingers, “Aw c’mon, please? You’ve let me before why can’t I now?”
He caught your wrists, about to tell you no again, but… the warmth of your skin…
Lesser demons can get a little… too into character.
But that didn’t mean him, right? He wasn’t some lesser demon, he was the Great Mammon, Avatar of Greed. One of the seven rulers of the Devildom. Surely he could resist some stupid little curse like this; he’d survived worse more times than he could count. 
Even if… 
“…Mammon?” You tilted your head, wrists relaxing in his grip. Always so trusting… so comfortable in his presence…
And your soul looked…
“Mammon? Are you okay?”
He let go and stepped back, covering his mouth. 
Better be careful to not lose control and eat our human now.
He inhaled deeply, your scent so light and intoxicating when he breathed in. Had it always been so… alluring? When had it become so… tempting? It was almost like the first time he saw your soul… that sparkle that drew him in like the brightest of gems. He’d never… thought he’d have trouble resisting your pull, but right now…
A gentle touch on his arm sparked a reaction, and he’d only realized what happened by the sound of your startled gasp, only to find you beneath him on the bed, robe askew and eyes gazing up at him in surprise.
“I-I—” He sat up on his knees with his hands up. “I didn’t mean to do that.”
Surprise became temptation captured in your smile, eyes sparkling with desire. “Isn’t that part of why we’re here?” You shifted on the bed, letting the robe open further to expose more of your chest, one of your legs lifting to caress his inner thigh. “It is just us here~”
Heat rushed to his face. “I-I want too, but…” He glanced away again, swallowing thickly. “I’m not sure if I… the curse might make me…” He couldn’t even say it, his tail curling around his legs while his ears tucked in his hair.
This sucked.
He was gonna borrow money from Levi twice as hard now to make up for this! After he’d worked his ass off for a month to get Lucifer to approve this private trip up and save up enough to pay for it all, now he had to spend the night as some stupid cat?!
You sat up, question soft. “Is it the curse?”
He glanced at you, then looked away again without a word, only a nod.
“Do you feel sick?”
“Oh, well that’s good.” Your sincerity made his heart flutter, but when he turned to look at you again it clenched.
You’d scooted further back up the bed, robe falling off your shoulder while you stretched to grab the remote.
“Why don’t we watch a movie instead?”
Your offer was so nonchalant and calm, it snapped him back to reality if only a little more. “Y-Yeah, sure…” he said, starting to crawl into bed, but you held up a hand to stop him with a laugh.
“Mammon, you’ve still got your shoes on. Why not get comfy first?”
“Oh, right…” He turned his back to you and sat down on the edge, face heating further. 
This was going to be a long night.
“Did you want to shower before bed?” you asked while he leaned down to take off his shoes.
“Nah,” he sat up again and tossed his gloves on the floor, then shrugged off his vest. “I’ll just shower in the morning. I don’t wanna…” he trailed off, and you tugged his tail.
“Don’t wanna get your fur wet?”
“Hey!” He turned to retaliate, but fuck why did you have to look so tasty? He looked away again, stripping down to his boxers while your giggles tickled at his back.
He could do this. It wasn’t like this was the first time he’d been tempted by you before.
He climbed into bed and leaned back into the pile of pillows next to you, the plushness helping him relax. Yeah… Yeah just another comfy movie night, no biggie. Just him and you, no one else to barge in or try and get in the way. He could still salvage some of—
“Wh-What’re you doing?” He asked, tensing when you crawled over his legs and sat yourself between them, then scooted back and laid against his chest.
“Mm…” You nestled closer, tilting your head back to look up at him. “I thought this would be more comfy. Is this okay?”
Heat rushed to his face and much much lower.
“S-Sure—” he breathed, clenching his fists at his sides. “But ah… you should know the curse might make me…”
You shifted a bit, stealing a shaky breath from his lips.
“Don’t do that.”
“Why? Did I hurt you?”
“No, but you might make me wanna—” He bit his lip and tilted his head back, groaning under his breath when you snuggled closer.
“Mm… you’re always so cozy, Mammon.” You cooed, reaching out to rest your hands on his thighs, tracing your fingertips in light, nonsensical trails. “So… warm~”
“Y-Yeah….” He swallowed, feeling… trapped. His tail skittered against the bed, thumping in an effort to exercise his need.
“Does the curse make you want to hurt me?” you asked, touches gliding higher along his outer thighs.
He could hear the smile in your voice, smell the scent of your skin usually so faint but now it clouded all other sense. 
“You wanna eat me?”
His fists clutched the sheets.
“Mm…” You shifted a bit, purposely backing your ass up against his groin. “You sure?”
He swallowed again.
You laughed and leaned back, ceasing your touches. “Damn… that’s too bad.”
“Y…yeah…” he breathed out, stealing a glance down at you. Even without the glow of the TV screen he could make out your figure perfectly, settled comfortably between his thighs. Your eyes were bright, nothing but happiness sparkling in your soul.
You shifted again, just a little, making yourself comfortable with your head resting on his chest. He wasn’t familiar with any of the shows you were flipping through, but he was trying to pay attention to what flickered on screen. It wasn’t fair. Your body was so… warm… so… soft… he just wanted…
He froze, realizing he’d been nuzzling just above your ear, and breathed out a low laugh. “Y-Yeah?”
“Are you… hungry?”
“What? For like… room service? You wanna order something?”
You laughed softly and placed your hands on his thighs. “Maybe in a bit… I don’t want someone… interrupting us.”
He swallowed, tensing when your palms drifted higher. “I-Interruptin’ what?”
You tilted your head back with a small pout. “You know I can feel it, right?”
Heat rushed to his face and he looked away, your laugh only making him feel even hotter.
“Why’re you acting so shy? It’s just me~”
He tucked his ears back and clutched at the sheets. “Be… Because I want you…”
“You have me~”
“Y-Yeah but—”
You reached over to touch his hand, “Mammon, relax. You’re going to rip the sheets.”
“I… sorry,” He loosened his grip and bowed his head, breathing in your scent. “I’m… not… I won’t… eat ya…”
“I know,” you hummed, lacing your fingers with his. “Even with fangs and claws, you’re as gentle as a kitten aren’t you?”
He growled, tail swishing on the bed when you laughed again.
“Do you think you’ll lose control?”
He winced, feeling the question sting in his chest.
“You sure?” You teased, lifting up his hand and holding it between both of yours. With the curse his nails had sharpened slightly, not enough to be considered claws, but if he wasn’t careful he could easily hurt you. You slouched and lifted his hand up, tracing your thumb along the edges of one nail, feeling its razor-sharp point. “Does the curse make you… want to?”
He shook his head and tried to snatch his hand back, but you held it firm.
“Your nails are so sharp…” you chuckled, “too bad there’s no clippers in the bathroom, huh?”
You leaned to the side and glanced back at him with a coy grin. “You wanna have a little fun?”
He sucked in a breath. “I- we can’t tonight, I--”
Your grin turned mischievous, and you placed his hand on your chest. “Just don’t squeeze too hard~”
His chest felt tight as flutters stirred below, the softness of your breast so—
“I-I can’t,” he whispered, wanting to let go but your pleased sigh kept him still. “I could hurt ya…”
“You could always do that,” you mused, closing your eyes and reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck.
“Yeah, but—” He squeezed, nails pricking your skin and stealing a soft moan from your lips. Don’t do that. “I-It’s different! Tonight I might actually do it!”
You chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair, feeling for his new ears and rubbing them with your thumbs. “I don’t know if you could… even if you wanted to.”
“I don’t want to!” He insisted, tail fluttering as he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you closer. “That’s the problem!”
“Is it?” Your breathing changed and you rubbed your thighs together, moaning softly while his heart pounded at your back.
Don’t do that.
Your scent was changing… becoming… heavier…
He tipped his head down again, brushing his bottom lip against the curve of your ear.
You giggled softly, letting one arm fall to rest over his. “See? You still say please~ doesn’t sound like it’s a problem to me.”
He groaned quietly, nipping your ear while kneading your chest until he felt your nipple begin to firm under his palm. Careful. Had to be careful. If he squeezed too hard he could cut you…had to be—
“Ah~ Mammon,” you breathed out happily, subtly pushing his other hand lower as you spread your legs. “Touch me more~”
“D… don’t do that,” he whined, closing his eyes and nuzzling closer. Every whimper, every shift in his lap, every waft of your scent tickling his nose was making him—
Your hand touched his, guiding his fingers down lower to touch wet.
“Won’t you help me?” you whispered, using his fingers to stroke yourself. “Just a little?”
He swallowed thickly, body tensing and fingers splaying out. “I… can’t…”
“Please, Mammon?” you whined, reaching a finger down between his to touch yourself, letting him feel the strokes as you pushed further in. “It’s so much better when you do it.”
He growled, tail swishing again while he felt you fuck yourself between his fingers. No. He couldn’t. No matter how much he wanted it. No matter how good you felt against him. No matter how good you smelled. How good it’d feel. How soft and warm you felt pressed up against him… your little tremors rubbing your backside against his—
“Wh- Mamm—” 
You squealed in surprise at the sudden flip, but he didn’t give you much time to adjust. He grabbed your hips and pulled them up flush against his pelvis while his chest held you down.
“Ya gotta stop…” he whispered, his face pressed into the pillows beside yours. “I… I can’t…” He rubbed himself against the soft, wanting more. 
“Oh… Mammon…” you breathed, reaching between your legs and feeling for him, palming his balls. “Yes you can…”
Don’t do that.
He bit his lip, groaning under his breath while he rubbed himself against your ass. It wasn’t much… wasn’t enough. He needed more.
“I could hurt ya…” 
“You won’t~” you whispered back, giving his balls a gentle squeeze and making him groan. “I know you won’t.”
“G-Give me an order,” he said, “Make me stay back. Sleep on the couch, I dunno.”
“Is that what you want?” Your thumb stroked his sack and he loathed the cloth that dulled the sensation.
He clenched his fists, tail swishing side to side while he humped into your palm.
“Tell me what you want, Mammon,” you whispered and he almost laughed. If this had been any other moment, it would’ve been the easiest request you could ever give him. But right now?
You rolled your hips back, using your ass to stroke his cock and shattering what little resolve he still clung to.
“If you really don’t want to… I can order you… but you have to tell me it’s what you want,” you said softly, “because… I want…”
Another roll and he—
You squeaked when he pressed his pelvis flush, knocked you into the pillows.
“I want you,” he murmured huskily, brushing his lips across the back of your neck. “I need you.”
“You can have me whenever you want me,” you whispered, pressing back against him, your slick beginning to soak through his boxers. “I’m always ready for you~”
He cursed under his breath, feeling you blindly attempting to pull him out. “I want ya so bad…”
You withdrew your hand, tucking your arms under your chest and letting your hips sway side to side to tease him. “I want you too, Mammon~ won’t you please give it to me?”
“Fuck.” It took everything in him to lift himself up on his knees, and everything more not to pounce again once he caught sight of your cunt spread before him, glistening with arousal. “Why’re you so wet already?”
You laughed, swaying your hips again. “What can I say? I’m needy.”
He could work with that.
He closed his eyes and breathed out slowly. If he could just take care of you, you’d be satisfied enough to fall asleep and then he could try and find some way to calm down. Yeah.
Yeah that made sense.
He tapped his nails together.
Except he couldn’t…
Well, he could…
“Okay, hold on,” he murmured, lowering himself down to the bed and ducking his head between your thighs. Your surprise made him smile, and he laid on his back, looping an arm around your leg. “C’mere.”
“Oh hell yeah,” you whispered, spreading your legs and lowering yourself down. “You’re such a good boy.”
He chuckled, lifting his head to kiss you the moment you were within reach and moaning as the scent overloaded his brain. More. His tongue glided up your slit, making your thighs clench around his head.
“Fuck,” you hissed, sitting up and rolling over his tongue. “Good boy.”
You’re damn right he was. 
He let his eyes close, savoring the soft velvet feel on his tongue while he looped his arms around your legs, holding you steady. Soon your fingers found purchase in his hair, keeping him close. He moaned shamelessly when your ruts smothered him, making it hard to breathe… to think…
Only want…
“M-Mammon—” you stuttered, thighs tensing when his tongue circled over your entrance, taunting you with more. “Mammon, please—”
He let out a purr, resonating low in his chest, soothing his mate to let you know he’d heard. His tongue pushed inside and you let out a needy whimper, sinking your hips lower as if you could make him penetrate even deeper.
“Good boy,” you breathed, touching your clit and reaching up to squeeze your chest. “Don’t stop—”
He let his eyes open, gaze hazy and lustful. Your face was flush, fingers greedily massaging your clit while you gazed down at him, fucking yourself on his tongue.
“Don’t stop,” you whispered again, pinching your nipple and gasping under your breath. “Please… I’m close…”
He purred again and closed his eyes, tilting his chin up to lick up your slit and latch over your clit, suckling himself around you, fingers and all. You squealed and squeezed his head so hard it might’ve been deafening if it weren’t for the ears sitting atop his head.
“O-Oh, fuck, Mammon—” you keened, clutching his hair tight while your hips rut of their own accord. “Please-” you panted, “Please-please-ple—”
He moaned with you, feeling the twitch of your thighs tensing when a small wave of pleasure rocked through your core, satisfaction rising in his soul. That’s it… no one could make his mate feel this way~
“Oh… Mammon,” you breathed out, leaning forward to rest against the headboard. “That was— whoa!”
He tossed you aside as he sat up, licking his lips while you fumbled about. “You keep callin’ me a ‘good boy’,” he growled, stripping off his boxers and reaching for your legs before you could get too far away. “How many times do I gotta tell ya I ain’t a dog?”
Your eyes went straight to his cock, a soft gasp escaping your throat when he spread your legs. “Oh fuck…”
“Yeah,” he smirked, hooking your legs up around his hips while his tail swished smugly behind him. “Oh fuck.”
“M-Mammon, wait just a sec— you’re—”
He whisked you closer, pressing his cock into your heat with a low growl. “If you want me off, you’ll have to order me.”
You gasped again, reaching down to touch his lower abdomen. “N-No! I don’t— Just—fuck-!” Your last words came out in more of a moan, the thickness of his cock against your slit making you realize just what sort of predicament you were in.
“Ju…just go… slow…” you whispered, looking up at him with flushed cheeks. “Please?”
He tilted his head slightly, feigning consideration to tease you while he rolled his hips back, letting the head catch at your entrance. 
“Go slow?” he repeated, sinking his hips down and watching as your lips parted in a silent cry. “But didn’t you say you were… needy?”
“O-Oh shit—” you whined, reaching for his wrists and clinging tight. “M-Mammon you’re— it’s too—”
Lust gripped his soul when your nails bit into his skin.
“You can take it,” he purred, leaning forward and pushing further in, watching your eyes roll back with a silent keen. “I know ya can.”
Your pathetic whines were always so precious; poor human struggling to take his cock~ He stopped himself, resting a hand on the bed and waiting for your breathing to steady before sinking further in, making your back arch and breath stilt yet again.
“You’re so tense… you gotta relax for me, treasure.”
“I’m trying,” you whined around a moan, shivers rolling through your body. “You’re so big.”
He laughed under his breath and eased his hips back, leaving just the tip inside. “Fine… I’ll let ya have a little break.”
Your grip tensed briefly, then relaxed off his arms, little indents left on his skin. “Good… good boy…” you whispered, and he chuckled again.
“You like praisin’ me, don’t ya?”
You breathed in deep, arms laying across your stomach as you gazed up at him with desire.
“Good boys… should be praised…”
His eyes lidded and he leaned forward on his hands, tail swishing side to side.
“You kept teasing me.”
Your hand reached up to clutch your breast, his hips sinking just a breath.
“That ain’t nice you know,” he said, smiling more when your head tilted back. “You know what you do to me.”
“I know…” you breathed, gazing up at him with want. “… More…”
He pushed in further until your breathing hitched and your hands clung to him, tensing beneath him.
“You gotta relax, treasure~”
“I know,” you whined, hooking one of your legs around his hip. “Just… go slow…”
Still wanting more already?
“You’re greedy,” he murmured, pulling back only to rock back in, shallowly using his cock to stretch you while you whined beneath him.
“Needy,” you pouted, groaning when a soft clench squeezed around him. “Mmm-Mammon…”
“Needy,” he repeated, working you in gentle thrusts, your cunt so tight he could only fit himself halfway in. “Is that why you mess with me?”
You whined again and clung to his arm, lifting your hips to give him a better angle - or maybe it was more for yourself with the way you whimpered for him.
“It ain’t fair ya know,” he murmured, rocking faster when your walls became slick, tremors fluttering around his cock. “I didn’t wanna… risk losin’ control…”
“M-Mammon…” You breathed out, keening low as a soft ripple of pleasure radiated from within your core, making you even wetter.
He leaned forward, pushing himself in deeper and watching your eyes roll, nails biting his arms. 
“I can’t even take my time to do all the things I wanna do to ya…” he whispered, grinning as you wordlessly tried to say his name. “Look at what ya do to me~”
He thrust in full, groaning under his breath when the shock made you tense around him again, your whines music to his ears while you squirmed.
“Too… too… big…”
“Well if you would’ve waited till the curse was over I could’ve taken my time,” he said, easing his hips back only to thrust in full again, making you whine so deliciously~
You moaned when he sank in, clinging to his arms desperately.
“I can’t even use my hands,” he said, digging his nails into the sheets while his balls slapped against your ass. “Y’know how much it drives me crazy waiting for you to be ready for me?”
Your eyes were hazy, gazing up at him with a lustful glow.
“Fuck… me…”
His heart soared at that… your face so…
“What do you think I’m doing?” he asked, starting to thrust himself in deeper, steady strokes. Your fingers pinched his arms again, legs moving up to wrap around his hips.
“Was I goin’ too slow for you?”
Your brows furrowed, breath held in your throat.
“You asked me to, y’know~”
“You can pinch me all you want~ but I’m still gonna make you cum.”
Your walls began to quiver again, deeper this time with his full length thrusting inside. Ugh, your cunt was getting so wet. He closed his eyes and focused on that feeling, where it was contracting, squeezing…
His name left your lips in a sharp keen, body clinging to him as you clenched tight around him, smearing his balls with your cum while he thrust in deep to give you something to really squeeze.
“That’s it…” he purred low in his throat, reveling in just how much tighter you could be when you came. “That’s what I was lookin’ for~”
“I… I….” You breathed out, unable to think or say anything more.
He slowly drew his hips back, reveling in the way you whimpered and squirmed again.
“N-No- don’t… mhhh…”
“What? Don’t move?” He thrust in, shivering as your cunt tensed in response. “After I warmed you up so nice?”
Your eyes drifted up to his, a hand rising up to touch your lips.
“Mam… Mammon…”
“You wanted me to fuck you, didn’t ya?” he purred, leaning more of his weight on his hands. “Show ya just how much I want ya?”
“Please…” you whispered, closing your eyes.
“That’s my treasure,” he whispered back, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “You’re my treasure.”
You groaned, hands flying to his arms again to cling when he started to move, already so tense and stimulated. He hadn’t even made you cum as hard as he wanted yet, poor thing~ he needed more from you.
“M-Mammon…” you stuttered out a low whine, only goading him on with your desperate keens. It didn’t take long for your walls to begin closing in again, tremors rippling down his length with every stroke.
And it was so wet.
“There ya go,” he whispered, thrusting faster. “You’re doin’ so good.”
“Mammon, please—”
He groaned under his breath, fucking into the wet heat with his own desire. Your whimpers, your pleas, your desperate graspings only added fuel to his fire.
“M-Mamm- I can’t,” you cried, “I’m gonna—”
He growled, clutching the sheets tight.
You cried out in a broken sob, cumming hard on his cock. A possessive sense of pride swelled in his soul as your cunt squirted and squeezed, clamping around him so tight.
“There ya go,” he moaned, dropping onto his elbows and letting his pelvis slap with deep thrusts, your whimpers music to his ears.
“Mam- I can’t—” you panted, clutching at him. “I cah--”
Your walls quaked, threatening to collapse again.
“There ya go,” he growled, chasing that feeling and letting the pressure rise. Just a little more…
“M-Mamm—” you keened a desperate breath, eyes rolling back.
He moaned, feeling so close but he needed just a little more.
“M-Mah—” you panted, hands weakly clinging to him as other wave rolled through, legs shaking as tears formed in the corners of your eyes.
“Fuck,” he groaned, the tight just what he needed to—
“Khck—” you keened, squeezing around him while he came hot inside, a thick throbbing roll emptying his load deep within your core.
Relief flooded his head, making thoughts light and dizzy. He moaned, nuzzling you lovingly while another pulse made your oversensitive walls twitch.
“That’s my treasure,” he murmured, a low purr resonating in his chest. Finally satisfied. “You did so good~”
Sweat clung to your brow, your chest heaving in deep breaths beneath him. 
He chuckled, leaning in to nip at your ear. “You okay?”
“Hh… hold me…” you managed, arms loosely finding their way around his neck.
He smiled and slid his arms under your shoulders, nuzzling closer.
He laid with you until your heart no longer raced in your chest, and your breathing eventually slowed. Until your embrace became more, and you began to stroke his hair. He stayed with you nestled beneath him, blissed out and full of his scent, his cum.
He laid with you…
“Mm… Mammon?”
He lifted his head, gazing down at you with a slight tilt. “What is it?”
You smiled dazedly and cupped his cheek, drawing him in for a kiss.
“Love you~”
He felt himself start to blush, the curse’s effects still making him feel…
“Love you too,” he whispered, kissing you again. “But ah, careful with that. Don’t get me too excited.”
You laughed breathlessly. “Oh don’t tell me you could go again.”
He smirked, “I might~”
“Ugh, please no I’ll die.”
He laughed, nuzzling his nose to yours. 
“No more tonight, promise.”
“Good,” you mumbled, hugging around his neck. “M’tired.”
“Wh… well you can’t sleep now, we gotta clean up.”
“Mm… in a minute…”
“But you’re… we’re all…”
You nuzzled into his neck, breath so soft and light.
“Later… ‘sides I… kinda like it…”
His face burned even hotter, and his tail swished side to side.
“Dammit…” he cursed, making you giggle. “Why you always gotta say what I wanna hear?”
“‘Cause I’m your treasure~” you teased, nuzzling yourself closer still. “Take care of me.”
He swallowed his skipping heart, suddenly finding it harder to resist wanting more.
“I promise,” he murmured, turning in to kiss your temple. “For as long as you’ll have me.”
“Does forever count?”
He chuckled fondly and closed his eyes, curling himself around you.
“Yeah, forever counts.”
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tuesdayisfordancing · 8 months
Fully believe that Jamie’s feelings about his mum’s boyfriend/husband Simon went from “I’ll kill you” to “I’d kill for you” with zero intermediate steps, and also that he didn’t actually say anything about it when his attitude changed, leaving his mum and Simon to observe his behavior and go “He… seems okay with you now? He hasn’t tried to murder you with his eyes in a while and he offered to clean up the kitchen after you baked…” Obviously his mum knows him pretty well and would quickly realize, but it’s still a wild moment of adjustment.
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marlynnofmany · 5 months
If you're curious what Tumblr looked like over a decade ago
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I just found this screenshot from September 24, 2013.
We used to have our notifications show up in the middle of the dashboard, between the posts. Great for newbies like me who were excited when anything got attention, but as soon as something got just a little bit popular, uh, stuff got weird.
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I don't get why people hate the timeline so much, its not like you can't pretty much completely ignore it when you play the games. The only time it even approaches mattering to the story is when there is an explicit sequel like botw and totk or zelda and zelda 2
Hey sorry your ask got lost in the sauce of my broken tumblr, but: yeah!
I mean, I get why in some sense. It's been a heated point of debate and I think some people understandably resent the space it has taken not only in fandom discourse, but in how people began to understand the game and its narrative aesthetic choices. There is such a thing as over-rationalizing everything to hard logic, and sometimes it's just not the fandom for that --especially when you begin to forget it's all just fan theory and start to forget what the games are supposed to be like and evoke beyond just strict facts displayed in a linear way.
What I think bugs me with TotK in particular is that it both evokes and relies on continuity and the idea of a timeline, of archeology, of history itself, while being so loose and vacant with it that it both is doing Timeline Shit while also completely failing to understand why some parts of the fandom were invested in Timeline Shit to begin with.
But that's just my two cents of course!
#asks#tloz#timeline#totk critical#thanks for the ask!#I do... feel two ways about that myself#I think pure evocation is genuinely one of zelda's greatest storytelling strengths#that mood is sufficient and enough in itself and doesn't always need justification#it is the way the games center story --and that's genuinely wonderful and a strong take on narrative in games#as something freeflowing and accompanying gameplay rather than the opposite#and to ignore that and focus on hard facts all of the time kind of misses the point of the games' stories to a degree#BUT#I also get quite annoyed at the weird condescencion towards fans that do decide to engage with the stories more factually#especially since this is either revelatory regarding some of nintendo's choices#(that the aesthetics of evil are so tied to The Desert TM while taking so many inspirations from european fairy tales for example)#(it's not neutral even if we ignore ingame “lore”)#or just a great fodder for creativity and narrative play#and it is a part of the IP too!! just as much as dungeons and items and musics and curiosity-driven exploration!!#I do have beef with people not resonating with that aspect thinking others that do so are just stupid or childish#and that you can only have an enlightened relationship with zelda if you like it “the right way”#(which is somehow always mechanics/logic-driven which is. interesting to me.)#(or in a completely passively aesthetic way as in “I like fairies they're pretty”)#but you know it's the weird Triforce Shirt Dude stigma thing#that notion that you can (and must!) Love Zelda Deeply and Defensively#but you cannot be *passionate* about Zelda#then it's weird and immature#I don't know I feel like there's a lot to analyze in that arbitrary dychotomy#anyway sorry for the mega novel in the tags!!
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Husk was canonically born around 1910, give or take a few years and that would make him around 23-26 in 1935
Assuming Alastor was in his 30s when he originally died that would mean there an about 10 year age gap between them
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crispyliza · 3 months
Whenever a fanfic featured original characters I always assumed that they were a beloved creation of the author or something, but while writing my own fic I decided to throw an OC into the story to keep the plot going and some of my readers seem genuinely invested in them so now I have to actually develop them when I used to not give a fuck 😭
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deadqueernoldor · 4 months
Thinking thoughts about those from Cuivienen and how they later treated the Valar, especially after Cuivienen was destroyed.
I imagine a foundation of sorrow and a layer of betrayal and pettiness. They had promised safety. And how did it turn out? Kin of Tata and Tatie their first leaders, slain in Valinor by the Dark Hunter from which the Valar promised protection in Valinor.
And then, the War of Wrath comes and with it the destruction of Cuivienen.
If any of those were re-embodied in Aman, I wonder if they make it a point to always turn their back to Valar and Maiar. I wonder if they only speak in the tongue they had first devised all those millennia ago and spoke in Cuivienen before time and different kindreds changed the tongue, not Sindarin or Quenya from the Great Journey's time or later. I wonder if they sing songs in their ancient tongue, songs about the beauty and unsullied health of Cuivienen every time any of the Ainur are near.
I wonder if the Valar feel any shame when those who they once looked upon in wonder and love gaze back at them with indifference or disgust.
#i am so normal about the elves of cuivienen feeling the betrayal worse than anyone in aman including feanor and co#they PROMISED safety from Morgoth and orcs. they PROMISED beautiful lands without sorrow. they PROMISED all that and down the line#decided Mogoth had played pretend well enough to warrant him probation during which he immediately killed again#returns to the east and sullies what beauty had been left. and then even from afar he manages to hurt those from cuivienen with the WoW#dont get me wrong i think the cuivienen elves knew there had to be war against Morgoth for him to be defeated. but the fact that the valar#decided not to only abandon those of beleriand for over 5 centuries before that AND once the war is won also abandon#those of cuivienen to watch their beloved lands drown without as much a warning must sting.#i want there to be a concious decision of 'you abandoned your promise to us twice why should we ever trust you again even in your own lands'#a 'you promised our people who folowed you safety. you didnt deliver. you promised us freedom from morgoth. you didnt deliver. in fact your#inadequacy and decision to let him loose made everything worse for us in the east. why should we ever listen to anything you say'#and thus a concious effort to shed association with Aman as the Valar govern it. they cant leave. the way is shut. but they can establish#a sticking to their own tongue and traditions without the interference of the Ainur. they've done enough. not enough and yet quite enough.#the avari are welcome should some be reborn.#i never know if i want those of cuivienen to be reborn in aman or fade into unexistence entirely both have merit and sexy hcs#but if any were reborn i think they would get along fairly alright with the exiles. kinslaying exiles? 50/50 depending on repentance#but anyone who does not believe the valar's words and respects their decision to not ever be associated with them is welcomed neutral-warmly#they teach them songs about cuivienen. the sweet waters. beautiful meadows. the birdsong that sounds extra cheerful. fish in abundance#and in turn they get taught songs about beleriand. bewitched forests. victorious battles. wild rivers. frothy shores.#it is seen as an honour to be taught a song about Cuivienen by the people who sat by its shores once. in their language/dialect/whatever#instead of in sindarin or quenya. some millenia into the 4th age tou have a surge of ppl speaking cuivienen dialect#it becomes a clear distinction of who still has fondness left for the valar and who would feel indifferent if they vanished suddenly.#this tag essay has gotten way too long again. sorry besties it will happen again.#tag essay longer than the fucking post???? help#tolkien headcanons
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omgnoabsolutelynot · 8 months
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"You deleted it, you don't know why, and all you can show me is this old hologram as an "explanation?" […] Don't be sorry - maybe you had a good reason, or were trying to protect someone."
"Do what you can, T3 - if they don't make it back, then I need you to come back, find help."
T3-M4 is such a good little guy and must be protected. I gave him white chrysanthenums for loyalty and a black rose for confidentiality (as a black rose hung over a table signifies that everything said there is secret). Finding quotes explaining my reasoning for this little guy wasn't easy, though.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Small victory in body image: actually depicting myself in a game or anything like it without idealizing things I decided weren't good enough 🪩🪩
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witchyvixie · 1 year
I love stories about 'bad' people who still love and are loved. people who don't care if the people they love are bad. I love when the point isn't to say "you're not actually bad" but "even if you are, you still deserve love in your life"
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whimsiboy · 4 months
just scrolling and seeing art, i see frank skinny-ified way too often. i dont like it, let big guys in media be big guys in media!
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i will defend big chubby men with my life watch me compare him to a couple of his peers 🫶
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and look, i know i used two relatively small characters in that example, but it's not my fault that only really short/skinny or really tall/fat characters are always having those details pointed out so it's easier for me to gather evidence there! and even look at this, from annabeth's wiki page, and she's a more average height/size than frank, leo, and hazel
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