#but i also think the SECOND tommy sees how much of a family buck eddie and CHRISTOPHER are he will back out politely with no hard feelings
mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
Buck-and-Eddie roommates s8 where Buck has to cancel a date with Tommy to go step in for Eddie at a Parent-Teacher conference because Eddie can't make it.
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bekolxeram · 4 months
I'm late to the party I know, but I need to learn how to make gifs first. I actually find the Bucktommy dinner scene a bit awkward, but not because they "lack chemistry" or the "flirting is problematic". It's not supposed to be just a cute bonus scene, it's engineered to stuff as much information as possible into mere 55 seconds. Here is my read on it:
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The good old always at the hospital joke, probably just Tommy trying to lighten the mood after such a hectic day for the 118, but mainly a set up for the next part.
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Buck does not see the humor in it, he seems upset.
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Tommy has apparently gotten to know Buck enough at the stage to immediately clock it, and under all the dark humor and sarcasm, he does actually care about Buck's feelings.
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The scene of Buck and Eddie in the hospital room with Bobby ends up on the cutting room floor, we've only got that one shot of teary eyed Buck when he breaks the news to Eddie at his house, so this is the first time in the episode Buck gets to express his fear of losing Bobby, his father figure.
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And here we are, controversial moment number 1. There isn't much context attached to this line, so viewers interpret it differently. I'm in the minority camp that thinks Tommy is being serious here, Lou's delivery makes it seem like Tommy says this out of concern. I believe it's a call back to this line from the medal ceremony:
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Here Buck is talking about Phillip the same way Tommy and Chimney (possibly Hen too) talk about Gerrard: like he's dead. Tommy is probably wondering if Phillip is another Gerrard situation, and he invites Buck to talk about it if he wishes to.
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Buck gives a humorous but one word answer, so Tommy gets that he doesn't want to get too deep into it.
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From this line on, it's a set up for the Gerrard reign of terror in S8. Tommy reiterates the jealousy he mentioned in 7x04, that he wants to become a part of the 118 family, which he only had a little taste of before he left to become a pilot.
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Tommy backstory crumb. Buck and Phillip at least see each other at family functions, Tommy doesn't have a relationship with his dad at all. Judging by the medal ceremony, he doesn't seem to have any family left.
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It confirms Gerrard as the anti-Christ anti-Bobby. Buck becomes the person he is because of Bobby, while Tommy behaved the way he did in the 3 begin episodes because of Gerrard. It acknowledges Tommy's toxic ways back in the days, but as we can see by the time Bobby became captain of the 118, Tommy was already on friendly terms with Chimney and Hen, we might have a chance to see the transformation in between next season. I've heard that season 7 is supposed to be a soft relaunch of the entire series, so maybe Gerrard is a good plot device to make new viewers understand the positive influence Bobby has on the firefam.
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Classic deadpan humor from Tommy, Buck gets the message that he wants to keep the conversation lighthearted.
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Now Buck has the power to decide which direction he's leading the conversation into, and he gives us controversial moment number 2, he brings up daddy issues and makes it horny. Look at his smirky face, he's definitely not trying to have a serious chat about father complex. He's the one who starts flirting, not Tommy, and it shows us unlike the nervous fumbling at the beginning of their relationship, Buck is now comfortable enough to initiate flirting.
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Tommy can't say no to that face, so he flirts back, but it can also be interpreted as him being in denial of his obvious daddy issues. More conflict and angst for S8?
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More flirting. Boy's got rizz towards all genders. He basically admits he might have "daddy issues" in a sexual connotation.
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Now comes THE controversial moment of the scene, if not the episode. I've seen people online bashing Tommy for "making it sexual" (Buck did), "interrupting a meaningful conversation to satisfy his daddy kink" (no one is actually talking about any kink), or even "exploiting Buck's trauma to put him in an inferior role in a dom/sub relationship" (What? That's not what d/s is about).
I raise you the point that the word "daddy" is no longer some kind of kink exclusive lingo. This word has entered the popular zeitgeist the last couple years, and now it basically just means a sexy older man. I bet the daddy kink thing doesn't even cross the mind of most of the GA, they just take it as Tommy hoping Buck find this older man sexy. I think we might have collectively read too many smutty fanfics, that's why we all immediately jumped to the very extreme of the kinkiness spectrum when it comes to this scene.
Conclusion, the dialog in this scene may not sound natural, but that's not the point. This scene is in fact, an infodump. Kudos to the actors for making it cute.
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stvrpst · 3 months
It’s still crazy to me how some people really think Buck actually wanted Tommy’s attention and not Eddies when Buck literally came out of his mouth and admitted to trying to gets Eddies attention before he even lied straight through his teeth claiming he was trying to get Tommy’s.
And then people are like “He wanted both” ??? Look, I’m not gonna even sit here and say that Buck didn’t at least have an ounce of interest in Tommy, because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have showed up to see Tommy in the first place.
However, it's pretty clear that Buck only ever tried to get close to Eddie during that entire episode. There was not a single instance where Buck attempted to get Tommy's attention. Had he genuinely desired both, he would have exerted himself to get them both, but he did not.
That's the the exact reason why tommy goes "my attention?" At the end of 7x04 because Buck literally was only pursuing for Eddies and even Tommy clocked that himself.
Like, the whole reason why the situation bothered Buck so much was because Tommy had gotten so close and left an impression in Eddie and Christopher’s lives in such a short span of time. So Buck felt fucking threatened because he has never seen anyone be as close to Eddie and Chris besides himself.
And that’s the exact reason why in 7x04, when he goes to vent to Maddie, he is seen grilling the fuck out of Tommy instead of showing genuine interest. If you have a genuine crush, I guarantee you, you don’t go and talk shit about them to your sister💀
“Eddie just met the guy like, two weeks ago, and Christopher thinks he’s so cool”
“try telling Christopher that, he likes Tommy because he does the controls. I was like Chris, it’s not a video game”
“Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think you lie to a child just to ingratiate yourself.”
“Well Chris wouldn’t stop talking about him.”
It amazes me how many people watch that scene and still think Buck really likes Tommy.
I also wanted to bring up the prospect that Tommy may not genuinely be interested in Buck, as evidenced by his lack of interest in him while they are together. If he was, he would have taken action from the start. Tommy did not demonstrate any desire in liking buck or initiating a relationship with Buck at any point in the show but towards the end after Buck claimed he wanted Tommys attention. Which by the way, is a weird way to go about things.
If he wanted to, he would have. Tommy is a pretty confident guy, as the show has already shown, so asking out buck is light work for him, yet he made no attempt to ask Buck out. And take note of the fact that until Buck claimed he was attempting to catch Tommy's attention, Tommy never expressed a liking for Buck or made any moves.
Another thing I've noticed is that Tommy has stated his jealousy and envy of the 118s dynamics at least 2-3 times. If anything, Tommy started something with Buck because being with someone from the 118 would allow him to experience some of the family dynamics there, but I digress.
Returning to my original argument, this conversation between Buck and Maddie reveals in astounding detail why Maddie was taken aback when she learned that Buck was going on a date with Tommy. Maddie surmised that Buck was envious of Tommy rather than the other way around because his entire earlier outburst simply demonstrated his desire for Eddie. That's the reason she goes
"Eddies friend?!" Like, oh. You went on a date with Eddies friend and not Eddie?? you went on a date with the person you were so obviously bothered and threatened by because they were getting too close with Eddie?
Which gets me to my second point: when Maddie says, "Okay. I don't think you are a fraud. I just think you aren't sure about your own feelings yet, and if there's anything you need to tell Eddie, you will, in your own time." I reckon many people failed to take a step back and ask themselves why Buck felt like a fraud. Because, of course, we'd all think of the obvious reasons like 'oh, it's because he acted like an idiot' or 'oh, it's because he lied,' but this is Eddie we're talking about.
Because, in all honesty, Buck is aware that Eddie has no issues with queer people in general. He even had a brief friendship with Josh, who is gay, and is close to Hen, a lesbian. Though a little hesitant, Buck also had no trouble confessing that he liked a guy with Maddie; in fact, after making out with Tommy, he even strolled his ass into a room full of people with soot on his face.
In reality, Buck wasn't really "afraid" of people finding out. But with Eddie, things were very different. When it came to Eddie, he felt like a phony. Tommy was hardly acknowledged at all, and Tommy's feelings over his impetuous response were not even taken into account. Only Eddies.
People will say we "missed the plot" or that we’re "delusional", like no girl, this is the plot😭 The plot is that Buck clearly has feelings for Eddie, and the writers demonstrated this in 7x04 by using Buck's jealousy to highlight it, but buck being buck, he ends up mistaking these feelings for someone else.
They lead us on purpose, but not without providing a few hints for those with media literacy. There's a reason Buck and Tommy's entire buildup revolved around Eddie.
The plot isn't 'well, Buck was envious throughout 7x04, but we didn't know who he was jealous of; turns out he liked Tommy! That's a plot twist! No, Buck was jealous in 7x04, and we know exactly who he was jealous of, but the show purposefully led us astray and had him end up with the opposite person because they're doing the 'I'm in love with my best friend but don't know it' trope for Buck and possibly 'unrequited love but not actually unrequited love' for Eddie in season 8.
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inawickedlittletown · 5 months
I’m kinda a little obsessed with how we begin at the end of the dinner portion of the date. Buck and Tommy have gone through this whole dinner…they’re on their second pitcher of beer and already have the check. And after all that it’s only when they come to the end that Tommy points out that Buck is a bit tense.
Is it that they’re at the end of dinner and Buck is suddenly aware of the world around them again…because Tommy would have probably mentioned something before right? Is it that Tommy paying has suddenly made Buck aware they are actually on a date? But we can sort of assume that until that point maybe there had been some nervous energy but it had been going well. And now he feels like there are people watching him. It's just so interesting how they decided to write this.
Buck's word salad...his confusion is just so Buck, but Tommy doesn't know him well enough to realize that. It's literally Buck processing and if Eddie hadn't walked in as a literal representation of Buck being perceived, Tommy and Buck probably would have had a productive conversation.
And I'm glad that it didn't all go well. That Tommy got to see that Buck is really still struggling through his discovery of who he is...like yeah he throws that dig at Buck about closets, but also Tommy does understand where Buck is and maybe he's seeing a bit of what Tommy himself went through.
The thing that this does allow is Buck to have some time. Tommy's right, Buck isn't ready. He's freaking out...not about Tommy, but about his very identity. What Buck is, is honest. He's not someone that hides anything from his friends and family. It's hard for him to lie to Eddie and we see that immediately when he goes to talk to Maddie because that's the type of thing that matters to Buck. He's also kinda going crazy thinking about Tommy.
They're handling Buck's story so well. And I love that Tommy cuts their date short without putting any blame on Buck, and that he leaves it to Buck to reach out. His interest is known...he doesn't leave Buck before telling him he's adorable and that he'll see him and we the audience are left waiting for Tommy to come back within the scope of this episode.
And I can't help but think about how if Tommy only allowed himself to be himself after he left the 118, he's only been out about as long as the show has been on and six years going on seven isn't a long time in the scheme of things. It also does this amazing thing to show the contrast between Tommy and Buck because Tommy knew he liked guys long before he acted on it/admitted it. Buck had no clue. Tommy hid it, he lied. Buck can't do that, it's not in him to be dishonest, and it's a true struggle for him.
Buck talking to Eddie about it and coming out to him...it's so beautiful. I love that scene but in the context of Buck and Tommy there's so much in Eddie's support of them and his push for Buck to reach out to Tommy. Eddie has Buck's back no matter what and it's exactly what Buck needed. Not just the support of his best friend, but the truth telling. It's a weight lifted off his shoulders, and not just that but he has advice on how to move forward too.
I would have loved to see Buck trying to figure out what to say to Tommy when he calls him, but what I love is that Tommy is willing to see Buck. There's something so careful about the way that Tommy acts when he arrives at the coffee date. Obviously he's showing up because he's interested in Buck...but he also probably had no idea what was going to happen. He certainly did not expect Buck to ask him to be his date at the wedding. And then Buck places his hand over Tommy's and Tommy puts his hand over Buck's and Buck doesn't care if anyone sees.
I love this show. I love the care being put into this story.
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eddiewithcat · 5 months
losing my mind a bit, and need to try and get my thoughts in order BUT!
there is just.. something to be said with this season, and how they constantly like to reaffirm for us buck’s place in christopher’s life.
literally starting off the season with eddie opening up to buck about chris and him dating multiple girls at once, asking buck to talk to him (instead of simply asking him for advice to handle the situation, or even asking his girlfriend who- is a girl and would probably be better in that department! but anyway!).
and then showing us buck’s jealousy of chris thinking tommy is “so cool” (we all know now where that stemmed from, but i am still convinced he was confusing a bunch of feelings at once- and even oliver has said buck had no idea what / who he was jealous about!), and when tommy goes over to talk to buck about the basketball court incident- tommy tells him just how much christopher “can’t shut up” about him. and not to forget buck’s face when he says that and how it lasted a few seconds longer than it probably should have
…. and now; whatever the fuck is going on with helen and ramon coming to visit. my money is on abuela getting / feeling sick after the wedding (hence why eddie is still in the same shirt he wore to the hospital wedding in that still of him and chris that we got- also looks like he possibly could’ve been crying)
i am not super sure what the heck is going on there but i have a silly theory that my friend and i kind of came up with! we do not have strong evidence supporting it btw- this simply just based on what we have seen thus far and how the season has been playing out!
but since eddie will most likely be busy being by his abuela’s side- he would want someone to watch after chris for him. our best guess? buck, of course! it would also explain why he seems to be filming the same time as everyone else involved- and plus it could be the perfect opportunity to bring the ‘will of it all’ into play.
i could see two things going on with this; helena says something in a spur of a moment out burst along the lines of like, “you cannot keep leaving your son with a stranger” and eddie can say something like “he’s not a stranger, he’s family” and that can somehow lead into the will reveal! (because i do see helena being the problem here- people have pointed out many times now that ramon is the only one it seems to be putting in any effort into having a relationship with his son, where as it’s crickets from helena! also she was the first one to be defensive about shannon but anyway!)
and just a heads up: this is not me bashing tommy at all, i actually do enjoy his character and love what he has done / is doing for buck! this is simply speculation and also just a bit of fun!! no harm in silly theorizing!
i could see tommy perhaps noticing how often buck is watching after chris, and maybe he just brings up something about like, oh hey i thought eddie’s parents were in town… are they not able to watch after him? (in a nice way!! idk how the hell to word things but i do not think he would be a dick about it 😭 like he would just genuinely be asking!) and then somehow that conversation leads to the will and how eddie trusts buck more than anyone etc …
needless to say i just think there is. Something. There. and i have sooooo much hope in the will being brought up. based on how many times they brought it up in interviews, and sort of alluded to in the show as well (“you don’t seem to have trouble committing to certain things” you all know where your mind went!)
anyway that is all. thanks for reading this mess if ya did <3
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
So they’re really pushing the communication aspect of all the relationships we’re seeing this season aren’t they -
Athena and Bobby - not communicating until they have to, then communicating well and them being stronger than before.
Maddie and chimney doing pretty well at communicating but things getting a bit lost in translation occasionally but even then they still end up on the same page and the strength of their relationship is evident. And they tell each other everything and that tendency is healthy and helpful
The subtle communication between Hen and Karen (that I’m sure were going to come into play much more as the season goes on) that speaks of how much work they’ve put into their relationship and how well they know one another
The fact we’re now seeing Maddie and Hen communicating after their chat last season - how much growth there has been there when before it was non existent - how Hen is trusting of Maddie because of Chim.
Some interesting tension in Hen and Chims friendship - the evidence that they normally communicate well but didn’t this time - which is pretty jarring when compared with the Jonah arc that showed their friendship off so amazingly. So this not communicating this time is setting off a mini siren and I think it’s being done e to set up some bachelor party shenanigans
The fact that Chris is prepared to be open and communicate with Buck - building on what we’ve seen in previous seasons - that Chris has this safe space he can be open in.
Then we have literally all of the calls and people on the boat - showing poor communication for the most part - rocket couple just sniping at each other, hot tub couple not being fully honest/keeping information from each other, car crash dude being incapable of communicating properly but also unwilling to. Lola and Norman not communicating so their marriage has become broken, the comma line on the ship being taken out by the pirates, the family all talking over one another and missing their sim who doesn’t communicate and is in his own world. The various other characters such as casino chips guy - communicating loudly over everyone else and drowning them out.
Tommy faking communication issues from the chopper.
The only ones we see communicating well are the captain and her second in command.
And then we have Buck and Eddie’s communication being all over the place. We have them talking and communicating well when talking about Chris, and they’re more in sync with each other on callls etc than we’ve ever seen them. But then we get this juxtaposition with other aspects of their lives - girlfriends and relationships. Even the Shannon aspect isn’t something we see them discuss - Eddie overhears it.
And that’s the crux of things really isn’t it - this inability to communicate with one another around relationships - because it’s the only thing they’re not talking about with one another. (We could argue that they’ve not talked about their trauma as well but the trauma is so very connected into their respective relationships that it feels like it’s one and the same)
I’m not sure exactly where I’m going with this beyond it clearly being a season set up around communication (even Maddie and Chim exchanging vows is them communicating) and that the show has loudly been setting up a failure to communicate for Buck and Eddie in this specific area is pretty telling given if you ask me- it’s the elephant in the room for them and it feels like we’re about to finally hit critical mass with it
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strangestofthings12 · 5 months
This is going to be a very rambling and venty post cause im tired and annoyed and honestly am just using this to vent my anger/hurt. there is going to be stuff that can maybe be seen as anti tommy/bucktommy (please dont tell me a ship name to put i dont care about if they do have an agreed upon ship name right now) so if you dont want that please just move on. i dont want to fight i just want to yell into the void on a stupid throw away account so i dont bring my negativity stew and come out on my main blog where i just want to enjoy my stuff and just keep happy energy. I dont normally post and try and just find someone who explains it better because im not great and getting what im saying across or understood the way i want, so please bear with me. With that said i will move on to what i want to say
Okay so i have been watching 9-1-1 for years and i love and adore it. Its characters and dynamics and i have always loved found family. Now i will admit that i started watching it thinking that Buck and Eddie were a couple and had a son so i was kinda watching for it. Do i think if i didn't start watching thinking that i would ship them still yes 100%. I have always loved their relationship and i have loved watching both Buck and Eddie grow and start to be happy while also having each others back even at the worst times. Sometimes if i think to hard about Eddie and start crying cause I'm very normal about this show and it characters. Now Eddie is my favorite character in the show and at least in my top five overall favorite characters. I love him and his development and i adore seeing how much he does to just do right by Chris even when he messes up you can tell how much he adores that boy and how badly he wants to give Chris the best life possible. I could write essays about Eddie Diaz trying to explain how much i love him and why and i think words would run out before i could finish making people understand. Buddie is my favorite ship (sometimes second depending on my mood. i would say sorry but Henren and Madney will always be amazing ships and sometimes i just cant stop think about them)(Sorry Bathena i love you too i swear i just cant decide if i wanna kiss athena or be adopted by bobby and athena:( Its confusing) and has been for quite awhile and is one of my overall favorites and its one of my comfort ships.
With that context when bi Buck happened i was so insanely happy and i wouldnt shut up about it. it made me sick. i was so happy for Buck and while i think a part of me will always be a little sad Eddie wasnt his first kiss with a guy i dont think either of them are ready for that. i also understand that it wouldnt make sense for how the story is going right now. Now i have nothing against bucktommy in the show. I have watched the kiss scene and sobbed to much to pretend like i hate them or even dislike them. However I genuinely dont care about Tommy. Hes kinda bland and i forget about him half the time and before they brought him back i completely forgot his name. in my mind he was the one that wasnt as much of an asshole to chim and hen as the other two assholes which wasnt saying a lot. Now I dont dislike tommy nor am i going to act like hes irredeemable because neither Chim nor Hen seem to think hes still that guy and while they dont seem super close they seem to get along so clearly, he's not like that anymore. I have nothing that makes me dislike him nor do I like him. He's just there. He's just the guy buck kissed. Thats all he means to me. I would give up his screen time for Ravi or May or Karen in a heartbeat. because i love them cause they mean something to me. I don't think i thought about the fact that people might actually like him especially not more than EDDIE.
This is where the context matters cause i am to my core a one ship per person girly. I might see a ship and people who like it and even think thats not a terrible ship but i will still only look at content for my ship for that person (ie. i ship Destiel (dont say anything bad about them ill cry<3) but i can see the way someone would also ship Dean and Benny or crowley or Cas and Crowley or Mick but i will ignore the ship and move on and look at more Dean and Cas). normally i will just ignore the ship and move on because im not who its for. If it gets annoying in my tag or anything like that ill block it or whoever is annoying me cause its not a them problem that i dont want to see it. When i start to have a problem is when multiple people arent tagging right for whatever reason or people who are being rude about the ship i like because of their ship. When I started seeing Bucktommy stuff more and more in the 9-1-1 tag i went to the buddie tag cause i dont want to see them. my problem is that when im reading on AO3 and click on a fic tagged Buddie where bucktommy get married. it was literally just hurting Eddie. There was stuff before like id be scrolling though the buddie tag here and see someone saying that Tommy is a better character then Eddie and saying that they hope bucktommy is endgame. Whatever block and move on. Just like always but then people who have shipped buddie for years who ive seen talk about them are suddenly saying that they like bucktommy better. People who started watching because of bucktommy saying they dont like Eddie. People are going to have different opinions but it still bugged me. and then i read that and i was just hurt because it was tagged happy ending and i cannot fathom ever thinking Eddie hurting and pining is a happy ending. So i started to get more annoyed and i hate when that happens especially with a show i love and a character i dont dislike so i tried to just move on but more and more people are taking about it then i saw someone saying that they wanted eddie to die so buck and tommy can have Chris.
I just hate that so many people are jumping on the bucktommy train and saying that they like it better than buddie something that is so good and sweet or saying that they like Tommy more than Eddie. I just dont get it cause Tommy is boring. like yeah we now some about him and he flies a helicopter but hes forgettable he could be a completely different person and next to nothing would have to change. We have seen Eddie at his worst and claw his way back up and hes finally letting himself be open and honest and soft. Eddie couldnt be replaced. Now im not saying Tommy can't be an interesting character but as he is right now?? He just isnt. Hes just as bland as every women (minus Taylor and Shannon) Buck and Eddie have dated and been hated on for no reason!!! Like i get that Tommy is a guy and we got canon Bi Buck and people are happy but those same people turn around and shit on Marisol from what ive seen(I could be wrong cause again i have done my best to avoid). Buddie fans arent safe from that either, cause we all know that Buddie fans do that but so many of those people who hated on them and said they didnt want them with anyone else suddenly decided that they were okay if Buck ended up with any guy. I dont know its just weird and i hate how many people are acting like Eddie isnt always going to be better then Tommy. Part of me wanted Tommy to stick around and help Buck and Eddie figure it all out but now?? i honestly just cant wait for him to be gone cause I want to have fun and read fics for my comfort ship and just chill where i can see all of my ships in the show without buck and tommy being everywhere or people saying crap about Eddie.
I have more to say but most of its about how gratifying waiting and seeing where this whole thing goes(Buddie season 8 PLEASE!!) and this is already why to long and i think im just going in circles and none of this makes sense so ima shut up for now and hopefully this will help it not fester and drive me insane and become a tommy hater
Edit: but i also hate that Tommy calls Buck Evan so he already had some stuff against him rip
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kinardscake · 4 months
My speculations and predictions about the 2 upcoming episodes
Gerrard. I think it’d actually be a great way to show Tommy’s vulnerability. He’s grown a lot over the years, overcoming his cap’s influence but old scars still hurt sometimes.
I think Chimney, Hen and Tommy will interact with him. (Because I want more scenes with these three, pretty please) And Buck will see the tension. Tommy and Buck will talk about his years at the 118, how it wasn’t a good place until Chimney showed up and shook things up for Tommy. (Hoping they’ll grow even closer to each other, and a public kiss in front of Gerrard would be a cherry on top of all bucktommy scenes)
Hopefully this talk will make Buck think about how lucky he was to end up working under Bobby’s leadership which will lead to the nice Bobby Buck moment.
Bobby. It could go two ways: he’ll either relapse or hurt himself in some way. Based on the hospital info, I’m leaning towards the second thought. Athena asks for help, Chimney will say it’s not the first time he’s been acting this way. None of their plans to help Bobby will be successful. But there’s a fire coming, if someone from the team gets hurt, Bobby will jump in with no hesitation (and no gear) to save them. He succeeds but ends up in a hospital (and it probably won’t look good because if Peter was filming ep8, he’s probably not featured much in eps9,10). Also if he’s in the burn unit, it’ll explain Amir’s presence on the show.
Eddie. Ryan said Eddie will feel isolated from everyone. Buck will find out about Kim, a big blowout incoming. Not just with Buck, but with his family probably too. (Because families are messy and they will always find things to fight about)
He hasn’t talked much to Hen or Chimney about his personal problems as I recall. The only person he’s always confided in was Bobby. (Like when Shannon died and Bobby showed up at the hospital, that was the first moment he let himself feel the pain that day). With Bobby in the hospital, in critical condition, and with Buck not speaking to him, he doesn’t really have anyone else in his life. And if Kim and Marisol find out about each other, his life will blow up in even more ways, which will create a path for a pretty great arc for him in S8.
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lovingeddiediaz · 4 months
9-1-1 rant. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this season and a lot of them aren’t good. Love this show, I’ve been watching live since season 3 but yikes that finale was a mess imo definitely one of my least favorites for sure. Very underwhelming. The whole season in general was wacky.
I’ve been feeling this way for at least 2 seasons now. I feel like 911 has been trying to fit these LARGE stories that they don’t have time for or are failing to make time for in these episodes. I get that this season was shortened, but if they can’t properly flush out a story in time, they should figure something else out instead of simplifying it and cutting out so many parts that it loses the build up and the emotion and captivation.
So much happens off screen that I feel like should be SHOWN. like we didn’t get to see Chris upset in the moment when he saw the Shannon lookalike, the scene cut out after he said mom. All we see is just him in his bed telling Eddie to go away later. We didn’t see the confrontation with Marisol and Eddie and her leaving, just an offhand comment of her not coming back later. We didn’t see the phone call that had Buck rushing over. We didnt get to see Eddie at his house alone after Chris leaves, just him leaving with his grandparents and boom, cut scene. We didn’t get to see hen or Chim at Bobby’s bedside.
We don’t get to see the aftermath of ANYTHING. The show keeps cutting the scenes just short and it has been pissing me off so much. They’re missing out on so much depth bc they’re doing too goddamn much at once and too quick.
All action, no build up or payoff. Just one thing after another. You don’t even have time to let your emotions settle and follow the characters bc it’s over so soon. You don’t get to worry and grieve alongside the characters. Bobby almost died and then boom he’s fine again like nothing happened. Like what am I supposed to be emotional over? He almost died in the desert just a couple episodes before that and then he was fine, no mention of it again.
Idk it seems like this show has been doing a lot of telling instead of showing when it comes to what are supposed to be emotionally charged scenes, like Buck saying how he was worried he was gonna lose Bobby but we didn’t really see that. All we got was a teary eye when Buck told Eddie he was in the hospital. Didn’t get to see the team actually save bathena in the beginning, so seeing them get the medals held no weight, like cool we’re told they saved them but we didn’t see shit. We didn’t get to see any of the madney wedding buildup like picking flower arrangements and a venue and dress/tuxedo shopping or anything like that, just assume off screen obviously XD
Buck’s sexuality arc being reduced to background noise also sucks. He kissed a man and then they said ok cool good enough moving on now. Not even bothering to deepen/develop his relationship with Tommy (are they even together or are they still going on dates?? No fuckin clue lmao), instead of a meaningful conversation between them in the finale it’s turned into a sexual joke like come ON, besides the first kiss and the second kiss that Buck initiates, their scenes are meaningless imo and that’s sad bc I was so excited for this storyline in the beginning but again, there’s nothing there. No substance.
And don’t even get me started on henren’s storyline. How many times are they gonna recycle the ‘person gets in the way of henren expanding their family’ bullshit before they finally get creative and think of something new? What is that, 3 times now? It’s just annoying at this point lmao I’m over it.
Why is Tim so against happy storylines? I know he said something along the lines of people wouldn’t watch if the characters were happy, but I think that’s bullshit. If you can’t captivate an audience with positive stories then I think you have a skill issue. Big drama and angst doesn’t equal good story telling and writing. Couldn’t even give madney a nice wedding like wtf.
Idk. I hope next season is thought out better.
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diazfox · 5 months
How do you imagine a more complex sexual awakening for Buck? Cause I also thought Buck's coming out went surprisingly smoothly. For one, I specifically missed how Buck never questioned if his strange conduct in that ep was only about Tommy and not at all about Eddie, and most importantly, no experiences of his have been addressed other than checking out a hot guy's ass
hey anon! i'm coming from a purely storytelling perspective, not pro/anti buddie/bucktommy so yall better not come for me!
i think this trajectory is very on brand for buck. a complex coming out arc is dearly reserved for eddie in my head, i always imagined buck's coming out to be pretty smooth and i think season 7 writers have done a really good job at that!
for all his acting before thinking tendencies, i think there's also a comfort zone buck has built around himself that he doesnt feel the need to step out of.
for starters, i definitely see comphet elements to buck. he stops at mere appreciation (checking out hot guys asses) because he doesnt feel the need to think too deeply about it given that he's very comfortable in his attraction to women already. he attributes these sorts of questionable moments to his strong allyship instead and prides (🏳️‍🌈?) himself in it. this would explain why he never dwells on moments of doubt because he set those criteria for himself and never revisited them because loving women was satisfying enough.
which is why i think spontaneity is the driving force for his sexual awakening rather than a surface level attraction. tommy kissing him is what allows him to see past his comfort zone and realise that he could expand his options if he wanted to. the eddie vs tommy conflict is never addressed in his head because tommy becomes instantaneously and willingly available and there's no need for him to think or look further.
speaking of, a second example of the comfort zone he has built is with eddie. in comparison to his past relationships and having to overcompensate for others' shortcomings, his relationship with eddie is perfect. he doesn't give room for any other interpretation or extrapolation of this friendship because for once he feels this mutual trust and security he never felt before with others, not even family. it's the fact that even when they do have a conflict, the writers made buck be the one to apologise for not caring enough. this further cements just how entrenched eddie is in their friendship, something buck has been guilty of doing in the past and getting hurt by repeatedly. hence buck doesnt give room for questionable moments to penetrate the platonic boundaries he's set for his and eddie's relationship and instead finds answers within the confines of friendship. he maps his confusion around eddie to guilt about lying to his best friend.
given these interpretations plus the fact that he's often the source of comedic relief, it's understandable why his coming out arc is less complex and more romcom-esque. this is especially important if they are planning a coming out arc for eddie as well, because his is going to be a trainwreck and they would want to cover different bases instead of repeating similar stories.
looking at recent directional choices though, i think there's still room to build complexity through bucktommy. especially since all of tommy's scenes since he's been established as a LI serve no other purpose than to further buck's bisexuality journey (building confidence, publicly coming out). there was no need for him to be written off the bachelor party if they wanted us to properly root for him. he wouldn't have disappointed buck for not dressing up and not being there for the search party, which are perfect opportunities to build an emotional connection between them. i'm especially intrigued by this knowing tim minear through lone star, because you can tell how much he values significant others being there for each other in the most random times (carlos literally follows tk everywhere he goes). if this direction keeps being intentionally pursued, their relationship might end with a purpose too, and perhaps this could turn buck's world upside down?
all i'm desperately hoping for is that this doesn't end in another person abandoning buck... because he's had enough. and I'VE had enough
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Lady Whistledown.. Gossip Girl. Yep, we have been talking about the same people!! I honestly was just coming to say the same thing. The BT HQ is on fire. I saw you said you were getting shade about if we were all real. Today is the best example of yes we are. GG is the cool one, but I'm clearly the dramatic one. If anyone goes back, they will see that I mentioned multiple times what they wanted that Henren scene to be. Basically, Hen tells the audience shhhhh, we like this guy. If I'm being really honest, it would have been more kind if they never aired because it was one of the last ideas they had...
So let's step into Narnia.. They ended the season thinking BT were each other's people, they finally found safe space, they were comfort. Then Lou ditches them, Oliver ignores them, and that little hope they had for Hen, giving her mother Hen approval is snatched. They are battling back and forth with having to acknowledge this relationship is completely undefined. Every opportunity they had at the medal ceremony to somehow make Tommy a part of the family is gone. They had Maddie and Athena there, nothing. They wanted Tommy at the table with Chris and Eddie, nothing. (Dont let them fool you they wanted Chris and him to interact to show dad vibes). Now they really have to settle into the fact that at best they are fuck buddies and Tommy can't keep up with Buck. Expect them to romanticize or make the idea cool BT content.
Now we leave Narnia
Also, expect some shade is brewing for Hen. Apparently, she wasn't supporting her queer elder. Did you fall over when you felt my eye roll? Its honestlybaffling to me how quick they are to turn on an OG character for this man. It's like Stockholm Syndrome was invented for this moment.
Lastly, weird thing. They aren't sure what to do with Ryan's workout story. This may seem weird, but they kind of cling to Tommy is husky, and Buck is just as "husky." So there is a weird gumbo of where they are trying to land on how they view their bodies. Like they don't want Oliver working out with Ryan and them pulling the S Sex (6) interview scene, you know. I can't tell if they are going to land on body shaming yet. Maybe they are just terrified both will bulk up for a shirtless scene like we expected that season. Also the fact they think it makes Tommy seem older.
Anyways... It's definitely a dumpster fire over there.
Hello my love.
This is... Damn. Honestly, yeah, this scene is a nail in the coffin. It makes him somehow even less likable. It doesn't do Tommy, or bt for that matter, any favors. The relationship is not that serious, Tommy does not care for approval, Hen clearly does not trust him. It crushed so many narratives in 36 seconds it's kinda impressive.
There's so much going on here I don't even know where to start. Considering how they are treating real life wlw people, I have been fully ready for them to turn on Hen and even Aisha since I saw the clip, so I'm already expecting that.
The Ryan thing tho. The obsession with Ryan makes me want to fistfight people. If bt is so perfect and real and endgame, then why the fuck does anything Ryan does matter? And bodyshame the dude? Have they seen him? The dude looks like he stepped out from a catalog. I feel like my brain is melting. The mental gymnastics involved here, man. Crazy. I am happy it's a dumpster fire tho. I feel vindicated.
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buddiebeginz · 3 months
But how is Tommy good for Buck right now? All he does that we’ve seen is belittle Buck any chance he gets.
I assume this is in reference to this ask that I reblogged? Just because I reblog something doesn't mean I agree with every single part of it particularly when it comes to asks often I'm reblogging for the responses.
Personally I don't like T*mmy as a character and even if Eddie didn't exist I still wouldn't like him with Buck. Him and Buck just don't work as a couple. In the first place Oliver and Lou just don't have that natural chemistry needed to pull off a believable romantic couple and it's certainly nothing compared to Oliver and Ryan who have magical chemistry just standing in the same scene together.
Second T*mmy and Buck just seem too different. Buck gets hyper fixated on things and is easily excitable and he especially (given his family history) often needs a little extra support and validation. Buck is also a little younger and newer to figuring out his sexuality. T*mmy is older with more life experience and also just generally has a more mellow personality than Buck. Which I know people might say opposites attract but in this case I think they're just too different.
T*mmy seems to have less patience and on multiple occasions it's felt like he was easily annoyed by Buck. On the first date when Buck was nervous T*mmy seemed annoyed in part probably because he's been out for a while and didn't want to deal with someone who is still figuring things out. You can't tell me that it didn't play some part when T*mmy literally left Buck right after he got nervous and told Eddie they were going to pick up some chicks. T*mmy could have said to Buck let's skip the movie and go back to your place and talk. Instead he just left. And going back to what I said about Buck needing extra emotional support I can only imagine how he felt his first time going out with a guy and being that vulnerable to just be left standing on the curb not fully understanding why.
Then there was the bachelor party. T*mmy seemed annoyed when Buck made a big deal about him not dressing up. T*mmy also didn't seem to notice or care that planning the bachelor party was important Buck. You could argue that T*mmy didn't know it was that important or that he didn't dress up because he had to work but when Buck expressed his feelings about it instead of T*mmy apologizing he was dismissive.
T*mmy was also dismissive when Buck was excited about receiving his first award telling him to "enjoy it while it lasts." And we know how important receiving that award was to Buck because apart from everything else he told Eddie back in s3 how much getting one would mean to him. Yet when he finally does instead of celebrating him the guy he's seeing acts like it's no big deal.
Then of course there was the daddy kink joke. Which the main issue was never that T*mmy was talking about something sexual it was that he chose to make a joke like that when Buck was being vulnerable and talking about his father figure almost dying.
I don't like T*mmy and I think Buck deserves so much better for a partner, that said everyone is entitled to ship who they want. I have nothing against the person in that post I reblogged who says they like B/T right now. My problem is mainly the militant part of that fandom that has decided even disliking T*mmy or not shipping B/T is homophobic. Or that somehow canon is superior to fanon. That celebrating Eddie as a queer character is somehow problematic now when it never was before.
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deluweil · 5 months
To be honest the way part of the fandom has treated this Tommy character as a god makes me dislike him more. Unfortunately the Buck bi arc was tainted for me because it all feels force. Also what doesn't help is that Eddie was to much involved in that storyline.
The way people are acting like it's a perfect relationship and yet we barely saw them together feels just weird.
Also I don't like how some literally push Eddie away for this new white man.
This is Taylor Kelly all over again. The sad part is that the season is short and people wAnt to to spend their time giving more to the new guy.
I hope him and Marisol are gone, but I'm afraid. These two characters took the joy out of the Buck and Eddie storyline for me.
The fandom, I think, in this case, is definitely the problem here,
Lou is completely unassuming and enjoying the process and being a buddie shipper just like us - if one actually bothers to read the interviews and not just pick and choose what to talk about.
That is what makes me like Lou.
The fandom has somehow glorified Tommy's character after a couple of episodes and yeah it rubs the wrong way, because, what about the story we had so far?
Is season 7 a reset to 911? and everything that came before that doesn't count? Why not just make it 911 abc pilot then?
I don't think that's the case, but I think the last minute switch between Buck and Eddie kind of ruined it for the Tim because, yes, in a way it feels forced and out of left field.
Supposed that Buck was indeed vying for Tommy's attention, why do it like that? and why involve Eddie in the first place?
I have a lot of questions and my main problem here is not that Buck is experimenting with Tommy, it's the way they practically propelled this ship off the cliff into a dangerous spin, they went from zero to 200 in a second. - That is not how you build a relationship.
You don't try to figure out what you want, mess up the first date, then invite said date to an apology coffee and then invite him to family wedding on the way. It just doesn't work that way.
I may be straight, but I have gay and bi and lesbian friends, neither one of them has ever brought a second or even a third date to so much as a friends get together before they were sure that this is something that would last, before they brought the intended victim to be judged by friends and family.
And people who talk about Tommy as being established in the 118 family, that is not true. He has a connection with Chimney in that that he owes him his life and an acquaintance with Hen, who is clearly not very fond of him, because of obvious past she had with him and their old house before Bobby came into the picture. - Remember - Chimney was her ONLY lifeline in that house.
Tommy was not a liked character before.
Arguably Buck had more history with Taylor than he did with Tommy (which is none at all) - But Taylor is a strong opinionated and often self-serving woman (not unlike Buck mind you), emphasis on woman. - That is the only reason she never stood a chance. Because the writers could have made her and Buck the greatest love story this show has seen, but they continuously managed to ruin any fondness for any female LI to ever grace that set.
And this season is short, to bring in a new LI kinda defeats the purpose of re-establishing the team and this show, because it does feel the same as any of Buck's old relationships that were being pushed for the benefit of 'god forbid Buck actually learns how to be alone and healthy and happy' - the only thing that changed in Buck this season is his sexuality and nothing else, and that vexes me.
My problem is not with Tommy, it's the perpetuation of 'poor baby Buck' society. - I love Oliver and I love Buck - I am tired of the ever repeating pattern of forgiveness for his self serving ways without any accountability that we keep seeing.
I don't think Buck's or even Eddie's firsts or you know what? even seconds should be each other, I am more than happy to make this journey with them, but let it be a marathon not a sprint to the finish line - they knew they would get renewed for another season, they could have written and built it better than what we got - because the moment they switched gears after the second episode, the story became written in the same messy last minute way both S4 and most of S5 were written.
There is no grand plan, at this point they are merely winging it and see where the wind takes them. - And that is idiotic, they had SO MUCH TIME to make this a well written story with the strike and long break after that, to write as they film is lazy and stupid and mostly childish.
And yes this is Taylor all over again, not in that they are the same type of people, but that Buck is jumping head first into a relationship without actually knowing how he got there. - Bobby said that himself - and it is the same, because who in their right mind invite a second (kinda) date to a family event? Like dude have you ever dated before? Do you how this works?
It is a LOT of pressure and not even for Buck himself - because he brought this on himself - but rather for Tommy (aka the intended victim) to be first introduced to the family after a couple of dates when he himself has no idea where he and Buck are standing.
Marisol, has indeed sucked the joy out of the Eddie's story, I don't get why do either of the boys had to be in a relationship starting this season to begin with. Like, she is literally a handbag, the token hetero symbol, so to speak, what she is doing there? is beyond me.
The catholic guilt of her being a nun is bullshit, and as Bobby said himself, Eddie has no problem committing to certain people/things. She serves no purpose this season other than a seat warmer/ glorified babysitter since Buck is otherwise engaged.
They could have gone for Eddie finding his way in the department, Eddie dealing with his mommy issues, Eddie trying to figure out what and who he wants in his life, Eddie trying to navigate Chris' terrible teenage years.
They could have explored the fact that a guy going with his supposed gf/wife in the golf course checking Eddie's hot ass (6X17) - Oh wait, they were going to... the ground for Eddie's coming out was all laid out and they took a sharp turn to left field in the second episode of S7 and made it all about Buck again, because the Natalia actress couldn't come?? what kind of a weak ass reason is that?
And yes, the cliche of receiving the odd white man out (who played a controversial role in early seasons) rather than the regular casted poc male or the guest starring woman, for that matter, better is all kind of f-ed up, but no one would talk about that, of course. 👀
Anyway, I am hoping that whatever is coming next will be worthy of our time and attention because so far we got about more of the same as far as Buck and Eddie are concerned - except that Buck has just broaden his variety and has a bigger pallet of mate choosing at his disposal.
I have two very close bi friends, so I know how their minds work, because God knows they share with me more than I ever wanted to know lol. And one of them is watching 911 with me and she is happy for the rep as well, but unhappy with how it was developed too.
At the moment, I have decided to put any Buck and Eddie topics aside and just want to get the LONG AWAITED Madney wedding, if anyone deserve a happy ending, it's them. ❤️
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stagefoureddiediaz · 9 days
I still think Tommy won’t be shown much at all. There really is no need. Eddie can express his jealously with little bitchy comments and facial expressions.
I’m not sure. I don’t think we’ll get a huge amount of Tommy but I do think we’ll see him fairly often - for a couple of reasons - yes you can do a fair amount of the work via exposition (such as buck telling Eddie he’s not free because he has a date with Tommy etc etc) but you do also need to establish things visually.
We need to be shown Tommy visually present to heighten the distance - to show him coming between buck and Eddie and interrupting their dynamic. You can’t build drama and tension if you don’t show it. It’s far more powerful if we’re shown Eddie alone while buck is with Tommy rather than it just being talked about.
The other aspect of this is the fact Tommy is Eddie lite and the viewer needs to be shown more of that - it was a key part of the bi buck storyline - his confused feelings - buck misunderstanding the assignment. Showing Tommy with buck allows the viewer to also be shown Eddie and buck which allows the differences in their dynamics to be made explicit.
The show spent all of s7 putting buck front and centre in Eddie and Christopher’s life - paralleling him with Shannon and baking it perfectly clear the three of them have a family dynamic going on. S7 also spent a lot of time putting Eddie into the middle of the buck and Tommy narrative - he’s literally always there even when he’s not. Showing buck and Tommy interacting allows that second aspect especially to be developed further - Eddie always being there even when he’s not is something you can’t establish if Tommy isn’t seen with buck. And that creates tension in the relationship that you can only achieve by giving him some screen time.
Personally I think there are lots of red flags that the show has deliberately had Tommy waving around and I expect those to be developed further. I think he’s manipulative and controlling and I think we’ll see that coercive control explored a bit because it is in part something Gerrard does as well and Tommy was under Gerrards captaincy for a good period of time. Buck struggling under Gerrard as captain plays into this as well and the show likes to use mirrors and juxtapositions - buck has become the buck he is today under the guiding influence of bobby - his captain (and dad) and paralleling Tommy becoming who he is today because he was under Gerrard makes sense and established the ultimate incompatibility of buck and Tommy - because Buck struggling with Gerrard and the way he behaves and treats people means he will struggle with Tommy too because those behaviours are also in Tommy. There’s a reason why we’ve had next to zero accountability from Tommy for his past behaviours - which would’ve been super easy to do without taking up much screen time. It’s because it’s still relevant and important to Tommys arc as a plot device. This arc for buck is seemingly about nature v nurture and how nurture is more important than nature. buck is who he is because of Maddie and then bobby (and hen and Chim and Eddie as well but they’re not his main influences) and they’re nurturing of him, not because of nature - of his parents (this is a very nuanced thing and broad stroking it here). Tommy has stated he had a less than stellar father and was then nurtured by Gerrard and that has made him who he is. Whilst being under bobby for a bit and whomever he’s been captained by since will have in theory developed him further and lessened those influences of G and his father (and likely his superior officers in the military as well who were probably of the Gerrard ilk), it’s not going to have undone it completely.
I’m not saying we’ll be seeing him every episode in 8a or anything, but I do expect him to get several minutes of screen time over multiple scenes when he is in episodes because it’s important for bucks storyline and development - and that is what we have to remember and prepare for.
I did not mean to end up with an essay about Tommy and his red flags but here we are!! Hope it makes sense and is interesting
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emilybahu · 5 months
I love 9-1-1 so much!
I have fallen in love with tv shows before, watching episodes religiously as they aired weekly. 9-1-1 has been different for me though, it’s become more like an obsession. In some ways that’s bad, it’s consuming my mind a lot of times and it’s distracting me from other things I need to get done. However, really getting into the fandom of this show has also been wonderful for me, it’s made me so happy, actually getting involved with other fans and talking to people the last couple months has been so fun! You all are amazing, funny, talented people and I’m truly grateful that I’ve been able to interact with you!
Now, I’ve heard about some toxicity within the fandom, Buddie and BuckTommy shippers turning against each other and fighting about what’s best for the characters. (Which btw, isn’t really up to us anyway)
I personally haven’t seen a lot of that, who knows, maybe I’m just ignoring it because I don’t want to see it. Either way I always try to keep a very open and and neutral stance when it comes to shipping. I let myself enjoy the stories, the edits, the fan art, and the speculation. However, I also try to stay grounded in the reality of what’s happening in the movie/book/tv show.
When it comes to 9-1-1 right now, between Buddie and BuckTommy I’m not picking sides. I like both ships the same, and I don’t think that’s gonna change any time soon. I really, really enjoy both ships! (Plus the fan fiction for both are amazing, so I’m LIVING)
Buddie is part of the reason that I started watching in the first place, Buck and Eddie are my favorite characters. I love them both to death, and regardless of their relationship status they have something special, no one can deny that! Their friendship is beautiful and deep, they do truly love each other, they’re family, they will always be there for each other whether or not they end up in a romantic relationship. I’m honestly just happy to see them together in any capacity. And yes, I will happy, overjoyed even, if they decide to make Buddie cannon, but I’ll also be happy if their relationship remains as it is.
As far as Buck and Tommy go I was surprised when the kiss happened, but OH MY GOD… I was totally there for it! I’m actually really happy with this storyline so far, (even if the second hand embarrassment nearly killed me during the first date)I think that they’ll be great together, I really can’t wait to see them getting to know each other more! Wherever this goes, I’m here for it! I’m excited to see Buck explore his bisexuality with Tommy, and learn about himself through this relationship. I’m also excited to learn more about Tommy! And if they don’t end up being very long term, I really hope that they stay friends.
I’m really enjoying being into a ship that’s canon for once, it makes me really happy. I don’t think there’s ever been a ship (apart from these ones) that I’ve been into that have even had a remote chance of becoming cannon (Stucky… my first love!)
Anyway, I digress, the writers and the actors KNOW these characters, we know that if something felt off it the story, they’d want to do right by the characters. We know for a fact how much Oliver and Ryan love Buck and Eddie, and if it feels right and true to them Buddie will happen. If it doesn’t feel right to put them in a romantic relationship, to me, it’s fine because regardless we have these two men with an absolutely beautiful and meaningful friendship, and I’m always here for that!
All of this to say, all this fighting about “who’s right for who” isn’t doing anyone any good. I mean we’re all in this fandom because we love this show RIGHT!? Being on platforms like this is meant to bring us TOGETHER!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions after all… so yeah, share your opinion, just don’t be rude about it. Putting someone down because they disagree with you doesn’t make you right… it just makes you mean. It scares people away, maybe makes them feel like they’re not safe in this community. I’ve seen it a couple times too, with myself and others, being afraid to make a post because of the possibility of hate.
In my experience you’re meant to feel safe in a fandom, in a community because you’re sharing your love for something with others who love it just as much as you do! We should love each other like we love these characters!
To conclude, all I need is for our boys to be happy, that’s really all we should care about here anyway. It shouldn’t necessarily matter who’s dating who, as long as they’re HAPPY! I’m really just along for the ride, I’m here for whatever they decide to do with Buddie and/or BuckTommy in the future. Buck and Eddie are my loves, and we barely know Tommy, but I’m starting to like him already, as long as they’re happy, I am too!
Thank you for reading my TedTalk…
Sorry if it doesn’t sound completely coherent, stringing words together isn’t always my strong suit…🫠
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littlerocks · 5 months
9-1-1 - 7x06
Before we start, if it initially looked like the theory of chim kidnapped/lost due to drunken eddie buck who lost it, we can say that in the past few weeks we have been falsely accusing them that they were to blame for the chim scomaprsa HAHAHAHHA
A buck in his era of organizing and supervising the party
Typical attitude of a mom, when she scolds her son not to eat until all the guests come
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Buck being like: So you chose death
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Buck is already muscular in his own right, but here Tommy surrounds him, so cute.
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In my opinion here, both Buck and Tommy were sad that they couldn't be together, when Tommy says “I'll do my best to come to the wedding” and buck says “yes of course,” tommy kind of makes that face to say “I know you're sad that I have to go, I don't want to do it but I have to
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That “be safe” Buck's, AAAHH scream, he's worrying about Tommy and then that hug with the back rub as if to make the contact stay in at, I LOVE THEM TOO much
Buck's face, it's like “nothing my plan to be with tommy and have fun shattered in seconds”
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Literally Buck and Eddie are dangerous together both sober and drunk
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The hangover vibes with buck and eddie be like:
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Literally this image is: eddie kind of grounded with a chamomile tea in his hand to sober up and meanwhile he thinks about all the mistakes in his life AHAHHA
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Maddie and Chim how much I love them together, they are a beautiful couple and a beautiful family.
They will always be there for each other, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
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They really found each other, they break me together AHAAHH
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Buck is a little happy to be able to see Tommy, and he arrives all dirty just to be present at the wedding without even changing, just to see Buck after a long and tiring shift at work and not even bothering to change for fear of arriving later.
Tommy apologizing for being late by saying the incendo was a beast and Buck saying tommy is too, that's proper flirting
Then that kiss, literally I felt it all the way here in Italy, literally charged with the attraction between them and that “mhh” of tommy, in my opinion surprised by this kiss that buck gives him, charged with emotion, madò it shocked me but in a good way, then buck kissing him with that power and then also putting his hand on his neck, my god I scream
I read some comments saying that buck and tommy have a chemistry just on the attraction they feel but not a mental/romantic type of chemistry, unlike eddie and buck who have like a mental chemistry, even just in speaking, whereas if they just talk just tommy and buck quietly, you can feel some awkwardness as if they are so different from each other.
I have to say that I agree with that, but partly because I think that between the two of them an acquaintance came about because they are physically attracted to each other, but that should not be seen as a bad thing, because I think it's normal that relationships can come about first from a physical attraction and then also from a mental attraction and vice versa, and also we don't know what Tommy is like outside of work, what he usually does, what a typical day of his is like outside of work, and I hope that in the next episodes we will have like buck and tommy deciding to enjoy a day of relaxation isnieme, to get to know each other better and so we will also get to know a side of tommy that we have never seen
Buck with that toothy grin, all happy and content, not caring that he "coming out", then tommy in my opinion still stunned from the kiss earlier, knocked him out more than the fire AHAHAHA
I like too much that buck feels so free, and I'm happy that he's not even ashamed to show up like this and kiss tommy in a hospital where everyone can see them, I'm too happy for him that he found someone who makes him feel good.
Unlike the first date, when he was so nervous about being seen as a date or finding people who know him, now he highly cares and enjoys himsel
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The look on eddie's face is beautiful, like he's proud of buck being well, happy and free to be himself without being ashamed or judged
I just hope the parents don't come out later with some homophobic attitude/words, also because if that happens they will have the charge of all 118, tommy, maddie, his parents Bobby and Athena against them to defend buck.
I don't know, because from this frame (kind of guessing) it looks to me more like the mother shocked, while the father either didn't cite or doesn't care that buck is dating a man, he seems to have a calm look on his face. The options are many: either the parents are happy (which for meimpossible, they will tell him something for sure), or they didn't accept it, or the father is happy for buck but the mother is the one not accepting. Honestly I hope the parents are happy for buck and know that the important thing is that he is happy no matter who he is with
Hen and Karen sneering knowing it would happen sooner or later ahhaahaha
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