#but i actually find the way they're changing things up super fascinating
isthatacalzone · 8 days
me: *seeing people yell about how they did Glintshore & Percy's death in the show*
also me: ..................anyway
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kedreeva · 4 months
Thank you for your time, whether or not you entertain my questions. I really appreciate it!
1.) Do you have to be careful about things like aerosols around the birds?
2.) How would you determine body condition in a bird without a keel? Or a small one?
3.) Where is a bird’s center of gravity? Around their hips?
4.) Do birds in general have stiff spinal columns?
1) yes they have very delicate respiratory systems. They have a super weird respiratory system actually. It is looped and goes one way. If you don't know about this I highly recommend looking it up, it's fascinating how they make use of air sacs to just. always have inflated lungs.
2) a small one is the same, as long as they have a keel, you just have to be more delicate about it. As for ones without a keel, I've never kept ratites, so I can't give you an actual answer, but my assumption would be by leg condition (even in flighted birds you can look at legs and tell when they're losing weight- there's not a lot of meat on their legs but it can still change shape when it's bad) and still by chest/rib palpitation. But you'd have to talk to someone that does ratites to know for sure.
3) my guess is that it depends on the bird. A penguin's center of gravity will be different from a sparrow's. Birds don't really have the same kind of hips you think of when you think of hips. This is a drawing so you can see better:
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There are a bunch of fused bones there, and it takes up a huge portion of their body just like the keel. The center of gravity for peafowl is about where the blue mark is.
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I want to point out that birds may not share this hip bone structure with dinos, even the ones that are bird shaped, so it may not translate. A dino with a heavy tail would probably balance more over the hips, as they have more weight on the back end. You're generally looking for where the midpoints laterally and dorsally meet up, not necessarily a structure like "hips."
4) I can't answer about birds in general, but peafowl in general do not have spinal columns. Or any other bone.
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In seriousness, I guess it really depends on what you mean by spinal column, and how much neck they have. The length of spine over the keel is pretty stiff for obvious reasons, but overall peafowl are pretty bendy and loose limbed. I think some folks who animate large birds tend to animate them more stiffly than they actually are. I don't know if dinosaurs would lean more toward that or toward lizards, and if skin type makes a difference- birds generally have pretty thin skin on their bodies, until you get up to the ratites, so it moves very easily. I know people CAN make leather from fowl legs but. also why. That's so much work for so little. But, anyway dinos would likely have thicker skin than most birds and larger dinos might have stiffer necks than peafowl or other birds like them do. Depending on the size you want you may need to find a ratite keeper to ask.
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toffeebrew · 4 months
Any errink headcanons? :D
Tumblr hates me so I had to rewrite this, anyway... [Note: all my hcs ofc nothing is canon but some may be based of canon information! Sometimes I may refer to non-canon past rps :P]
Error and ink do dumb rps with his puppets together, they've made a super dramatic soap opera plot.
I think Ink realizes Error would never change and he's content with that (sigh as much as I would love to say he would).
Ink finds error's six tongues fascinating, rather than gross. In a similar way, error is fascinated by ink's star eyes (I wonder what that hc came from).
If they ever kissed it would be the most disgusting revoltingly thing ever because error doesn't know how to kiss at all and he also has 6 tongues.
If you asked them how they became friends they would just look at you and shrug. Not even they know how to happened. All they can say is they "get eachother." Error deep down has always wanted a friend and Ink gives him that. Ink is willing to deal with error's bs and error is willing to deal with ink's. Ink can feel a little lonely in his own role and among a world that is fake and Error being an outcode like hin understands him a way others wouldn't. Not even mentioning their story parallels but I gotta stop my self before I start rambling. They're some of the only people who know some of other's deep insecurities.
Ink found Error's crashes funny before he knew how absolutely painful they were. Although not sure if he would ever trigger them on purpose even before he knew ngl.
more yapping under the cut
I would define them as whatever happens when you cross a friend an enemy and a partner.
Ink loves all of his shipkids and error... feels very conflicted about all of them.
They also think the other is a freaky than them when in reality they're both freaks.
Error still thinks about when Ink proposed to him at loveball, ink doesn't think about it at all. Ink also proposed to him with a ring pop that he found in the candy bowl in my head LOL.
Ink doesn't mention his dads to him .. maybe out of fear
Other people still make fun of Ink for proposing to error at loveball and ink always goes "IT WAS ONE TIME!"
Error and Ink are both quite short, Error is only a few inches taller than Ink.
Due to loveball, Error is always scared (in a playful way) when Ink starts drinking.
Error does feel guilty for the time he left ink in the antivoid. Not all of the time, but at times when hes sitting with Ink in the anti-void he can't help but reflect on it. If he would ever admit it? Probably not.
Error and ink's dancing at loveball was a beautiful disaster. Ink is actually an okay dancer but because Error was really nervous it threw him off and it was so off beat. It was really cute though, regardless.
Ink finds errorink ship art very amusing and he shows it to error just to freak him out sometimes.
Error always kills ink first in among us. Error also always blames ink as the imposter even if he isn't.
They have a "close but not too close" rule just close enough to feel the warmth of the other person but not enough to touch. (do skeletons give off warmth?). They do hold pinkies though fr fr. Also Error does lay his head in Ink's lap sometimes, typically when they're watching something. Ink may also give Error forehead or hand kisses.
I like to think Error runs quite hot, because he crashes all the time, so hes warm like a computer LOL. Ink who in my hc has a lessen sense of touch and runs sorta cold due to be soulless lovess sitting around him because of it.
Crack headcanon, when error's eyes glitch up or hes about to crash if you really listen you can hear the sound of computer fans going ham.
Ink will often just... walk up to error and put him a different outfit. Something about his being "too basic" and "his outfit has an ugly color palette".
If you know my pinkie sense ink hc Error doesn't know HOW it works but he fully believes him every single time. Even when ink is trolling, LOL!
Error and Ink call eachother "Ruru" and "Kiki" but only to annoy the other. Specifically if ink is pleading for something he'll do it to annoy him "please ruru :(" They also call eachother glitch and squid in a movking as well LOL.
They have friendship rings? platonic rings? idk if those are a thing made from blue string.
In my own error design, he has a big tooth. Because of it ink calls him a "big kitty" to make fun of him.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Trey Clover - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Trey: It's pretty fascinating how all these anecdotes that I grew up with are displayed on all these paintings.
Trey: Just as I'd expect from an art museum that's reaching it's 100th year.
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Trey: Oh hey, this painting… It has some card soldiers on it. Heh, I feel like I can understand these guys a little bit.
???: Oh, right, all you Heartslabyul guys do the same kind of thing, don't you?
Leona: What's even the point of painting the roses a different color? As someone who cares not an ounce about flowers, I don't get it at all.
Trey: Hey now, Leona, don't say that. It's not done for any specific reason, it's just one of the laws of our dorm.
Trey: Also, I don't really think the card soldiers changed the colors of the roses just for a change of scenery, though.
Trey: They say that the Queen they served loved red roses. They were probably just trying to please her, right?
Trey: But still… painting the roses, huh. I remember there was a bit of trouble with that when I first enrolled here.
Leona: Oho? What kind of trouble could the super pacifist Trey Clover possibly cause?
Trey: It wasn't any big deal. When we were first years, Cater and I were responsible for painting the roses, you see…
Trey: And we mistakenly painted some roses white when they were supposed to be red. That's really it.
Trey: Well, to be fair, the mistake wasn't really our fault, but the fault of our upperclassmen who told us the wrong thing.
Trey: But when the mistake was discovered and the Housewarden at the time asked who caused it… Those upperclassmen placed the blame squarely on our shoulders.
Trey: As punishment, Cater and I were made to leave the dorm for a whole day. That really grinded my gears.
Leona: You say that, but you got some stupid grin on your face. You don't look too angry about it.
Trey: Well, yeah… That'd be because Cater and I put together a plan to get them back.
Leona: So you two schemed something up, huh. You might look gentle and mild-mannered, but I guess there's a reason the Dark Mirror called you.
Trey: We didn't do anything that crazy. I just changed the flavor of those upperclassmen's cake to something a little more invigorating at the next dorm party.
Trey: See, it wasn't anything more than just a silly kid's prank, right? …Well, I had a bit of a hard time after that, though.
Leona: Hahah, how terrifying.
Leona: Well, Cater is one thing… But I see that even someone like you, who's stuck always pacifying that hot-headed Riddle, had an incident like that.
Trey: I mean, isn't that how all the new first years here are like? They're all mischief-makers and rambunctious.
Trey: Even our current first years are way too excitable and are always causing problems, so I sure wasn't an exception.
Trey: Eventually, they'll get used to this school and their dorm, get underclassmen of their own, and even find rivals in other dormitories…
Trey: And step by step, they'll mature into good card soldiers. At least, our Heartslabyul students will.
Trey: Just like we all did.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Trey: This painting is, let's see… a depiction of "the fairies gifting magic in celebration of the birth of a princess in a certain country."
Trey: The princess herself isn't drawn, but I'm sure she's in the bed that these ladies are peering into.
Trey: But is this actually the scene where they are gifting their presents…? It just looks to me like they're chattering away aimlessly…
Leona: Maybe it's just as you say? They look to me like a bunch of carefree types.
Trey: I'd refute that, but… Well, it's hard to know what actually is true in the stories passed down, I guess.
Trey: Speaking of birthday celebrations and fairies…
Trey: Have you ever heard of the saying that "fairies are born from the laughter of children," Leona?
Leona: Sounds like a tall tale for kids. Never heard of that in my country.
Trey: It's actually a pretty popular myth in the Queendom of Roses.
Trey: Back home, whenever a child is born, that family would bake cakes and gift them to everyone they knew.
Trey: The cupcakes made then are called "fairy cakes," as a nod to that tale.
Leona: Fairy cakes, huh. I can taste the sickly-sweet flavor on my tongue just from the name alone.
Trey: Hahaha… Shoulda known you of all people wouldn't say there was a bit of romanticism in that.
Trey: But that takes me back. I remember when my sister was born, I helped my parents bake a cake, too.
Trey: I was only 4 years old, and didn't really know how to make anything yet, but I did what I could to help.
Trey: We set out the finished cake on a table in our yard, and ate it with family and our neighbors…
Trey: That cake we ate then under the blue sky tasted even better than any other cake I'd ever had.
Trey: And on top of that, all the adults were praising me, saying how "amazing" and "well done" my cake was…
Leona: Can't think there'd be any adult who'd tell a 4-year-old that the cake they made was terrible, though.
Trey: Yeah, absolutely. In fact, when I went back and looked at the pictures of the cake I made back then, it was actually pretty terrible.
Trey: But I took those compliments to heart.
Trey: Because yeah, after that day, I would join them in the kitchen to help bake cakes.
Trey: But truthfully, I would make a mess of the flour just trying to make one layer of the sponge for the cakes, or snag a taste of a few of the cut fruits here and there...
Trey: I'm sure I was a huge bother for my parents, who were trying to work.
Leona: How adorable. You got all excited just from a little flattery. Sounds completely different than the way you are now.
Trey: Please, kids are all like that. Especially me, I was the type that would even climb trees just from the slightest dare.
Trey: I'm really not any different now, either. I'm completely different from you, Leona. I'm just a plain and simple guy.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Leona: Seems like this is a painting of when the Sorcerer of the Sands got a hold of the magic lamp.
Trey: So, this is the legendary magic lamp, hm. It's a lot smaller than I was expecting… It looks like a teapot made for only one person.
Leona: You know… That kind of response really only shows how shallow your thoughts are. Is that all that comes to mind when you look at a painting showing a scene from that very famous tale?
Leona: This was the lamp that he went through so much and finally got his hands on. Even someone like him, who embodied the spirit of deliberation, might be drowning in absolute elation in this very moment―
Leona: …Or whatever. Anyway, you should read more from this painting than just the size of the lamp, is all.
Trey: Ahaha… I'm just no good at interpreting the actual story behind the art, just from looking at the painting.
Trey: But, based on what you just said, it makes it sound like even someone as great as him, who's left his mark on history, has a human side, huh.
Leona: Even the greats were just people… Although from I remember, he wasn't a human in the end, but a genie.
Trey: That's right, he became a genie in order to overcome the limitation and weakness of a human body. He certainly dreamed big.
Trey: Overcoming weaknesses, huh… If only I could have done that, just as the Sorcerer of the Sands did.
Leona: Huh? Why're you just gazing off into the distance all a sudden?
Trey: Oh, I was just thinking back to how I've recently been running myself ragged trying to overcome this one food I dislike.
Leona: If you don't like it, then just don't eat it. Is it really anything to really overcome?
Trey: Of course it is. Like see, you know how all of the sandwiches and meat dishes in the cafeteria come already covered in that one condiment?
Trey: …I'm talking about mustard. It's tedious for both me and the chef when I have to ask each time for them to remove it, you know?
Trey: Sure, there's a lot of different ways to hide the taste, but I feel it's rude to the chef to change the flavor of something they so painstakingly made.
Trey: That's why I tried so many different ways to overcome my dislike of it, hoping that it would solve everything.
Trey: Every time I made my own dinner in my dorm, I'd add mustard to every dish…
Trey: For about one week or so, I made sure to eat at least one dish each day with mustard in it.
Leona: Well, you sure created a strange, new cake there. So, was it even edible?
Trey: I didn't eat it, so I don't know. My dormmates stopped me, so I wasn't able to actually add it to the cake.
Trey: And so, when they stopped me there, I finally came to a realization.
Trey: If I still can't eat it after all this effort, I should just give up. It isn't something that's going to have a huge impact on my life, after all.
Leona: Hah, took you a while.
Trey: Hahaha… I thought so too.
Trey: Seems like I'm the type where once I start something, I get a little wrapped up in it… This incident really got me reflecting on that habit.
Trey: But hey, thanks to all of that, I can at least eat mustard if it's just there for a bit of flavoring.
Leona: Well, good for you, then. All that continuous mustard eating turned out to be not completely pointless.
Leona: Anyway… All that talk made me thirsty. I'm takin' a break from all this. Bye.
Trey: Okay, see you. …Never thought I'd see the day that Leona would even hold a conversation with me like this. I wonder if it'll rain candy tomorrow or something.
Trey: Alright, next I think I'll go check out one of the paintings of the Great Seven I haven't seen yet… Ooh wait, this one―
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Trey: Whenever I see this painting, I always think of "that guy." He's got the same kind of hard-to-read expression on his face.
Trey: I remember back in the day where I'd play along with his pranks and we'd cause a little bit of mischief for people who asked us for directions on the street.
Trey: "Which way ought you go from here? Well, that depends a good deal on where you want to get to!" ―And the like.  
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Requested by Anonymous.
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sixth-light · 1 year
ok ok slightly feral post as promised.
first, some context setting: I think it's really interesting to analyse texts in terms of both what the author was trying to do (and whether they succeeded) and what they ended up doing (intentionally or not) and I think their cultural/historical context is vital if you want to do this. I'm not interested in whether Robert Jordan or the Wheel of Time are, like, morally correct in their politics or whatever. I'm interested in what the art is trying to do.
and the thing about Jordan, see, is that he projected this image during his lifetime of a Genial Older Man (see: beard and pipe) but he...wasn't actually that old! He was 42 when EoTW was published. He died at 58. He was a Baby Boomer publishing books at a time when Baby Boomers were the hip young generation taking over from stodgy WWII veterans (Gen Z: It Will Happen To You Too).
What this means is that he was a child and adolescent during the Civil Rights movement, in a then-majority Black city in the Jim Crow South*. He would have gone to segregated schools. The tertiary institutions he attended had only started to desegregate a year or two before he attended each of them. I think his war trauma in Vietnam gets a lot of attention because he did talk about it and also because that's a narrative we understand for white men, but I think we...skim over the impact on white men of growing up at this time because? Civil Rights only happened to Black Americans I guess? but it's his context too. Similarly, he was an adolescent and young man at the time the (white) feminist movement was really kicking off in the US. he was in his mid-20s when banks were first legally *required* to allow women to open accounts and have credit cards in their own names. he went on to marry a woman a decade older than him, who had left her husband to raise her son as a single mother while continuing a professional career in the early 70s; these were issues that must have been incredibly relevant for her.
and what we see in his writing is attempts to grapple with gender and race that are self-evidently of mixed success, but I think have to be contextualised in light of this period of immense change he grew up in. Think about the predominance of women as merchants and bankers in WoT, in the context of how recent their rights to even control their own money were in the US. The...everything...he was trying to do with the Seanchan, making them extra-canonically Southern American-coded. The Whitecloaks as the KKK (among other things, of course).
As an example, I think there's also something probably unintentional but fascinating in the way he presents the pre-Breaking Aiel: bluntly, they are a distinct ethnic group in hereditary servitude (always thinking about how that ancestor of Rand's in the Rhuidean sequence had to get permission from Mierin Sedai to switch to someone else's service so he could marry his girlfriend, this is...uh...super cognate to issues enslaved Black people faced). They're associated with agriculture through the Song sequence. And they're pretty much the ideal of what slave-owning Southern American culture WANTED enslaved Black people to be: completely happy to serve. Then, as the post-breaking Aiel, they become feared as a source of violence, which resonates with the way that enslaved people were feared by their slavers.
I don't think for a second that the intention here was to depict the AoL as a Secret Slavery Dystopia, I think we're meant to take the Rhuidean flashback sections pretty much as they read on the page. But I also think putting Jordan in his historical and cultural context does pose the comparison. Similarly, I find it really interesting that he positions Seanchan as riven by constant revolts and uprisings (because it's a fascist slaver regime) but he never ever goes so far as to link enslaved people in Seanchan (damane and da'covale) to those revolts and uprisings, even though that is fundamentally the deep fear *for real and obvious reasons* of all slavery-based societies.
Or then there's the changes to the Two Rivers in the books - like, both then and now I think it's actually pretty radical to present an influx of Muslim-coded refugees of colour as a thing that enriches the Two Rivers both socially and economically. Various characters are wistful that it's changed, but they don't think it's bad. The text here is really clear that welcoming the Domani and Almoth Plain refugees is both morally right and beneficial. And this is in a book being written and published shortly after the first Gulf War.
There's so many more things like this where I just have no real idea what he was trying to do on purpose and what was accidental and what was fun for him in fiction but did not necessarily link at all to his real-world political beliefs. but gosh it's interesting to turn over and poke at.
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avelera · 7 months
Oh GOD you, too, are an online lectures geek pls consider this your invitation to talk about favs--ones that stuck with you, current obsessions--the more the better! In trade, I'll tell you the two things I'm currently adoring: Yale's Open Course podcast on The Civil War to Reconstruction done by David Blight (man forgot more than ten other civil war historians know even if he mumbles *constantly*) and A History of Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch (so! worth the Prime BBC free trial <3)
Hiya! Don't mind if I do!
So 99% of the lectures I've watched lately are on the Great Courses Plus which was recently and stupidly renamed "Wondrium", which I find profoundly stupid because instead of just saying, "Hey, check out the Great Courses, yeah you can kinda guess what the streaming service offers," I have to instead explain what this nonsense term "Wondrium" means, ANYWAY, they've got lectures about basically everything.
Essentially, it's Netflix but for college lectures. YouTube has become so unreliable as far as what's actual information and what's completely made up or even racist conspiracy theory BS that I find it completely untrustworthy. Also, most documentaries are trying to prove something new, or offer a new angle on something, OR they're SO rudimentary and 101 that even for topics I know less about in history I tend to already know everything they're going to say.
So I pivoted to college lectures because 1) it's a whole series so like, dozens of hours I can just throw on in the background while doing something mindless and 2) I know it's going to be trustworthy, reliable, and provide me a baseline on a topic instead of some "new controversial spin" on it. Like, goddammit, sometimes I just want to better understand the history of Ancient Egypt, not your stupid theory about how they were secretly all space aliens or that we've got the carbon dating all wrong or whatever made up nonsense.
So, here's a list of some of my favorites!
Hannibal: The Military Genius Who Almost Conquered Rome - I consider myself about as near an expert as a non-academic can get on Rome and this lecture actually taught me some things, which is rare, so I recommend it as a fantastic deep dive!
How the Crusades Changed History is a pretty good short version that I recommend to anyone who enjoyed The Old Guard's Nicky and Joe BUT, for the best Crusades lecture, I'd recommend this History of the Crusades podcast. Sharyn Eastaugh is not just insanely informative, but her dry wit made me laugh out loud at least once an episode at the sheer hapless ineptitude of the Crusaders.
In the Wake of the Plague is a fantastic new lecture by Wondrium, the lecturer is amazing and it provides a lot of objective insights into how humans react to plagues that is VERY relevant to current events, BUT their lecture on **The Black Death in general is the one that got me obsessed with their lecture series. I watched it in the first week of Covid lockdown and let me tell you, having this super in-depth, objective look into how people behaved during the Black Death was incredibly valuable (and chilling) going into those years because it all played out with astonishing similarity. Also, anything by that lecturer, Dorsey Armstrong, is awesome. She's a Medievalist of the highest order. I also recommend her lecture on King Arthur.
**The Birth of the Modern Mind: The Intellectual History of the 17th and 18th Centuries - this one wins the award for "Lecture I thought most likely to bore me to tears that ended up being the single most fascinating I've heard in YEARS." Seriously, the way it explores the evolution of how we think in the modern era, through the philosophers who first conceived of these ideas, was jaw-droppingly fascinating. I also recommend it to writers of historical fiction and fantasy for a crash course, by proxy, of how to write people who think differently than you.
The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World - I once had beef with a post here on Tumblr that claimed that academic Classicists don't care about slaves or normal people during the Roman Empire, which is just profoundly absurd. I pointed out this lecture to them if they actually wanted to learn more about the subject instead of complaining that an art history professor may not have been prepped for a lecture about the lives of enslaved people in Ancient Rome. If that is a subject of interest, this lecture is great.
The Real History of Pirates - a must-listen for OFMD fans who want to get an introduction to historical pirates and the history of pirates in literature, which "Our Flag Means Death" owes as much if not more to than the historical figures.
**Turning Points in Middle Eastern History - One of the first lectures I listened to and still one of my enduring favorites. It's the first one I picked up for writing my Old Guard fic, Lights Out, when I wanted to write Joe from a more informed angle and I learned so much.
Understanding Japan: A Cultural History - One of my favorite lectures based on format, the lecturer picks a literary work or cultural concept as the entry point to explore the timeline of Japanese history. It's a fantastic way to give a wider and more holistic look at each era, pairing it with a cultural touchstone.
Shout-out to "The Mysterious Etruscans" because I just think they're neat. The lecturer is also very good and I highly recommend his lecture on ancient cities as well which taught me a lot that I didn't know.
Also a shout out to, "Warriors, Queens, and Intellectuals: 36 Great Women before 1400" for its subject and the lecturer who is great and she also has a really fascinating talk about the history of Spain.
Ok, I THINK that's some of the top ones! ;D
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Dp x bnha headcanons part 2! Or just weirdly specific things I see happening, idk just my thoughts on stuff.
Tsuyu gets super sleepy around Danny because of his ice powers and almost always struggles with being directly next to him, unlike Todoroki he doesn't have a warm side she can stick to.
Iida almost breaks down when Danny refused to listen to his rules by clicking on his aids (suppression for his sensitive hearing) Bakugou on the other hand finds it hilarious and takes to turning his own aids off when he no longer wants to listen.
Sato invites Danny to his weekly “sugar time” to teach him how to bake as a favour, Danny is surprisingly good at it and eventually him and Sato work together to include ectoplasm into their baking (without it coming to life) so Danny could top up his energy.
^^Bakugou refuses to let Danny near him when he cooks because of that very reason, he'd seen what his ectoplasm can do to food, he does still cook for him on occasion because he's never seen anyone savour his food the way Danny does! It most definitely goes to his head. Danny savours the food because 1. His parents can't cook to save their life. 2. Bakugous food is so much better than any type of take out and 3. He never knows when his next proper meal will be back home and is taking full advantage.
Danny goes to Hatsume for help with making a Fenton thermos (just in case) and she falls in love with the blueprints because what in the world was that layout, it's a mess that she finds thrilling to decipher it. Actually talking to Danny she realizes that no its not a mess he just has ADHD and can't write it down in a way anyone but him understood. (Danny is a genius and you can't convince me otherwise, he just has untreated ADHD 😭)
When Toga drinks Danny's blood her body has trouble with picking what form she changes into and they merge together, eyes changing and flashing in between green and blue and her hair being a mix of black and white. Her face almost looks exactly like Danny but something is off, his eyes are a little too big, his ears are a mix of pointed and normal and his skin has blotches of tan skin and deathly pale. She is fascinated with his green blood though and really wants to taste it, when she finally does get to it burns her tongue and throat and leaves her craving more. (If she separated the ectoplasm from the blood, which is virtually impossible, she'd be able to use the blood for Fenton and ectoplasm for Phantom. Because its the same DNA her quirk registers it as one person when mixed together and that's what causes them to blend)
Stain on the other hand would hate the taste and then finds out his quirk doesn't actually work on him properly, it makes his body heavy and very hard to move but it doesn't paralyze him completely because of the ectoplasm. He also definitely sees the potential Danny has.
Danny info dumps about space to everyone and everything at any chance he can, someone asks a question that shows they have a mild interest in the subject and he's off like a rocket. Izuku joins in with his own info dumping about heroes and their quirks, it somehow merges together and they start talking about space quirks and space themed heros.
Uraraka brings up sending him to space with her quirk halfway through a disagreement and Danny straight up drops it and asks her is she would. "Don't worry I can survive if I'm in my ghost form, it's for science! Hey- No wait don't walk away!" He ends up moping around for a whole week after and when Aizawa asked why he loses 5 years off his life. "Please don't ask your classmates to try and kill you." "But sir I'm already dea-" "get out!"
He duplicates himself so he can hold both of Eris hands to swing her, Eri loves to try and figure out which one is the original and she's surprisingly good at it.
Todoroki uses his fire side to help with Danny's chronic pain, after a while it becomes a habit to hold hands and all their spare time they're glued to eachother, neither of them are complaining.
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gregorygerwitz · 6 months
eddie cannot live with marisol but the second buck mentions he cannot afford his place anymore and has to move out eddie offers for him to crash at his place until he finds a new apartment (and they were roommates)
Okay, okay, okay, I have so many thoughts about this. In two different contexts! (also I love the theory/idea/whatever we're calling it that Buck is struggling financially because it makes a weird amount of sense and I'm fascinated by it)
(hi, nonny, you've activated my trap card, I'm so sorry)
First of all, the obvious: friends to lovers roommates AU
Because yeah, it would start with Buck staying on the couch (because it's just temporary, until he can find a place he can actually afford, and then he'll be out of their hair and not a bother anymore), and yeah, his back hurts and it makes his bad leg act up more often, but it's nothing he can't deal with. It won't be for more than like a month, tops, right?
But then he has a bad pain day, and Eddie offers to let him use his bed for a night or two so he's not in constant pain for the rest of his life, and yeah, Buck takes the offer because he has a few apartments he likes and he's going to apply to, so it'll only be a few nights. He won't be there forever. He won't always be in the way.
And then a few nights in the bed becomes a week, and Eddie points out that there's more than enough room for the two of them (he knows this from when Christopher used to get nightmares and take up more than half the bed, Eddie can absolutely adapt to another body, even Buck's) and then they just...
idk, I love the cliche of them waking up spooning and not wanting to move because they're warm and comfortable and why would they want to change that???
Option 2: platonic Buddie my beloved
As an aroace person, who lives with my platonic partner, and our dog...
Buck and Eddie coparenting and moving around each other while living parallel lives and carpooling to work (Buck already helps Chris make cookies for his school events, that is canon), and existing together in this super strong relationship that's not inherently romantic or sexual.
It's just this unbreakable bond, and they share responsibilities, and they're each other's emergency contacts, and Buck is on the list of people allowed to pick up Christopher from school and, and, and!
Just... the more intense focus on their friendship and how important they are to each other outside the idea of a romantic ship? 10/10, it's my favorite thing in the whole world.
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isat-script-project · 24 days
resident sasasap fan here to request more sasasap things! sasasap bathroom dialogue (particularly what happens the subsequent time you leave, does siffrin react the way they did to "the shoulder touch"? or does it not happen?) i've also seen a fellow sasasap fan mention a secret hunt in sasasap here: https://www.tumblr.com/naswoop/714405841373118464/isat-discord-squad-started-hunting-for-a-line-of i'm very curious about it (is it even real? how mysterious...) i hope the link doesn't kill the ask ;-; thanks for reading! and also thanks for doing the sasasap dialogues! i like that game :)
hyperlink for the curious
right on, reporting back! Looking at the post you linked and its tags, "#Group bonding activity: Playing tag with the ghost Sifs in the prologue", whatever group hunt was going on back when (despite being an og sasasap fan, i didnt join the discord until after isat's release), this does refer to the ghosts!
in which case, there is (if i count right), one ghost you can catch up to, and it does have multiple lines of dialogue! this is from the ghost in the same hallway as prologue claude:
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as you may or may not be able to read, what the ghost changes by how often you catch it!
First time caught: (I hope that one day...)
Second time caught: (Isn't that true happiness?)
Third time caught: (I hope you get to rest soon.)
Fourth time caught: (Do you remember?)
Fifth time onwards: (Hahaha...)
Below the cut: conspiratorial rambling
This is SUPER interesting because the head housemaiden does NOT appear in sasasap at all, so this quote is actually referring to the third comic! The "something's breaking, something's failing, rotting" is a fascinating fragment as it is copied word for word from the third comic to isat. So like, how does this Siffrin know this.... Prologue Frin has never heard it before.... We see how prologue frin sees the ghosts through the third Sadness death
(Sometimes, when you loop back here....) (In the corner of your eye, you can sometimes see someone that looks just like you.) (Is it a you from another loop? Remnants of your past failures?) (Are you going crazy?) (May they succeed where you cannot.)
But.... Seeing as prologue frin has never heard that, i wonder if this means the ghosts represent comic siffrin instead? All of the ghosts in isat don't have text, you can't catch them, but i do wonder if they're meant to represent prologue siffrin instead,,,, that all of them are different siffrins appearing to one another as they become more alike...
notably, isat siffrin does actually think differently of them!
Loop (hm1): ...An image of yourself, walking around the House... Loop (lol4): Maybe they're... Reflections? Remnants of your past loops? I wouldn't know. ("Remnants"?) (Odile uses the same word to describe the Sadnesses...) Siffrin (hide1): "Could it be a Sadness?" Loop (lol5): Ha! You see a copy of you walking around, and you assume it's a Sadness? Loop (happy1): Are you sad, stardust? Loop (hm1): I'm gonna go ahead and say they're linked to your loops. Loop (teehee1): If they are, you might see them more and more as you loop through time...
Loop still calls them remnants, and Siffrin is just. Saying that's a Sadness. This is pretty obvious foreshadowing to MDP with the steel chair in act 5, but you gotta wonder....
The "remnants of your past failures" works out well considering that the sasasap ghosts only start showing up after you've getting a normal ending, meaning the minimum where the game can be sure that you've seen siffrin die before.
I also do find it notable that the ghosts just start laughing at you if you catch them more than five times. By that time, they know you're here to stay, another ghost, just like them <3
anyways. yeah! that's the sasasap ghosts! unused dialogue is pretty hard to actually identify as unused (i didnt figure out one king convo in isat is unused until like, last month) because the main way you figure out that they are is by knowing their conditions are impossible to achieve or by finding them in a place that's inaccessible.
this applies to the raisins convo, as that is on a test page! you'll never see raisins in game, and it's also unfinished because it doesnt have any character portraits. otherwise it really is just "okay so switch 192 that enables this conversation actually never gets flipped in the whole game so you will never see this"
thanks to Issue on discord i do have an actual list of unused switches and variables now (it's impossible to get this data from just rpgmaker itself lmao) so that should occur. less frequently? otherwise i kinda just go by my insane game knowledge to figure out where switches get flipped by hand. that's why i have spreadsheets for this shit.
what am i talking about. um
i hope this answers your question?
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"... In that moment, you, and Taylor, and Nick all realize that there is no fixing this. That this is as good as it's going to get. That you are all stuck with each other in the forms that you are now. You see daddy magic—that same daddy magic that exited Ron and Terry's body, emanate from their bodies like a fine mist, coalesce into the air, and then zip into the jar and fill it up a little bit more because that's what your relationship is."
The Close Family and Closure: An Analysis and Breakdown of Taylor's Issues in Hell or High Father
...and the way he addresses and, in Taylor fashion, downplays the problem, and denies its lack of solution.
(I have transcribed the majority of this scene, and below the cut is my line-by-line breakdown and analysis, as well as some other tid-bits.)
hello! ever since i got into dndads, taylor has been my favourite. i found his extreme escapism and dumb confidence fascinating, and as you may know, i love finding scenarios for him to break. it's, like, at least half of my fics at this point.
this episode is my favourite episode, it broke me, and it pieced me back together but Wrong in all the right ways.
this analysis is focusing on the taylor of it all. the motivation behind his words and the changes in his cadence and the denial that still, despite everything, refuses to fade.
i've never written an analysis post structured like this, so do let me know if you like it. i just... i really love taylor.
okay, let's go!
1. "Well...''
Nicky: … I didn't see a lot of Taylor's growing up and that was—that was fi—like we're cool now right, Taylor? Taylor: Fuck yeah dawg— Nicky: See?
to start off, taylor's instinctive answer is to agree with nicky. because well, yeah, they're chill now, that's true, so of course the first thing he does is agree. and i gotta say that i was expecting taylor to leave it at that, because he's not one to dig deeper when he doesn't need to, and even when he does.
Taylor: Well…
taylor says this immediately after his first answer and oh ny god i got SO excited. but this ain't about me. anyway. taylor finally admitting that they're actually not 100% cool is such a big fucking step argh i am so proud of him forever and also so sad for him forever...
Nicky: What? Look, I'm back now, and I'm super tight, and we hang out, and we can do samurai shit together, and we're fuckin'—we're tight as fuck.
this part makes me so sad because nicky is so ignorant to how his absence has affected taylor despite his frustrations at glenn for not being there. and also, this sort of reasoning would have worked on convincing taylor back in early season two. in fact, it did!
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[Season 2 Episode 10: Dad Me To Hell]
taylor is completely satisfied with this reason because it feeds into his main character syndrome. his dad left to protect him. what better reason is there? and now he's back and there and able to do cool shit with him, so everything is perfect, right?
but the next thing taylor says is so fucking heartbreaking:
Taylor: If I'm gonna be honest, Dad, I've kinda been hoping and keeping an eye out for time travel magic so that we could go back in time, and you could be there for me.
the way he trails off as he says it, and he loses his confidence in his words... it shows an unfamiliar shyness. we've never seen taylor be this vulnerable before. and to think that he'd been holding out hope for time travel magic to fix his childhood? that perfectly aligns with the idea that taylor is so stuck in his anime escapist fantasy that he can't accept what's real. and magic is real, so therefore he must be able to fix his past, right? it's not impossible for there to be time travel (see. end of season 1 + see. attack on titanic.) but taylor doesn't realize that this is something that can't be fixed so easily, even if that magic were available. he doesn't believe that this can't be fixed. more on this later.
Nicky: [grunts and falls] Uh… um… I didn't know you felt that way. Taylor: Yeah, you know, it's just, when I was practicing my jutsus I could have used some pointers. Nicky: Yeah, but like— Taylor: As a result, I've developed a number of very bad habits that I'm told are very hard to break. And, you know, just watching YouTube videos is not the same as having a dad who can fight.
in the past, taylor has used anime to cope with his absent father, and he relied on the fictional characters to bring him the same comfort a father might bring (this was mentioned by freddie in one of the teen talks and while i've been relistening i've yet to find it. do forgive me as i am merely mortal) while this isn't directly referring to that, i still feel it's worth mentioning, as taylor is confronting his own unhealthy coping mechanism and acknowledging that no, youtube videos aren't a replacement for a dad. he couldn't fill the absence of a father with anything else in his life no matter how hard he tried.
also, taylor is smart. he knows that he has unhealthy coping mechanisms or "bad habits" that he can't break and he knows that they're caused by nicky's absence. i just wonder how long he's been stewing over that, you know?
as shown earlier, when taylor first met nicky and found out why he wasn't there, he accepted it immediately, knowing it was the coolest reason for a father to be absent and only fueled his protagonism.
but now, taylor's confronting his own issues surrounding nicky, and explicitly addressing them to nicky.
*wipes a tear*
i'm so proud of him.
Nicky: Wha—I mean, if it's training you want, we can train you, and like, you see your grandpa there— Taylor: [sighs] It's too late. I needed to start when I was three to five years old like true ninja warriors.
there is something so cutting about the way taylor says it's too late. he's talking about training to be a ninja warrior on the surface, yes, but that's not it.
it's too late. it's too late for nicky to witness his upbringing. it's too late for taylor to grow up with a loving father figure. it's too late.
and taylor knows that, and he's saying it, but he's still masking it with it being about training to become a ninja when in reality it's so much more.
this is just one example of the way he downplays the issue. he zeroes in on just one aspect of his life that nicky wasn't a part of, and speaks as if it's the main issue, when really it's only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.
Nicky: Oh, well, I mean— Taylor: So I'm already trying to play catch-up a little bit, but you know, I guess it's water under the bridge. But you know, if there is time travel magic, then you know, maybe, or if you find it, you could maybe… pick me up on the way back… to the past, and you know maybe we could do childhood all over again.
taylor is playing catch-up with training, but he's also playing catch-up with having a father in his life.
and again, he downplays it, says it's water under the bridge, when it's so very clear how deeply this has been affecting him his entire life.
and to top it all off, he brings up time travel again. and the way he says this is so un-taylorlike it's jarring. the uncertainty of the maybes, the trailing off, the voice so quiet you almost can't hear it...
he thinks there's still a chance to redo it and fix things, but i feel that deep down he knows it's impossible, that it doesn't work like that, and yet he's still grasping at straws to try and make things better.
it's... it's really sad. i feel really sad for him.
and the way he says he wants to redo childhood. as opposed to only talking about training, here he actually says he wants to do childhood all over again, and it's so, so quiet. and taylor is never shy. it's so clear how badly he's hurting over this.
god. okay.
2. "I didn't even know where you were."
Glenn: So we're cool. Nicky: So, we're cool. Glenn: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nicky: We're just three cool guys. Taylor: Well…
i love how taylor isn't backing down on the fact that nicky fucked him up. like the gates are open and they can't close back up that easily. he's not accepting them just being three cool guys.
Taylor: Well, I'm just saying—you know, I could have, y'know—not to put too fine a point on it, but Dad, I would have appreciated if, you know… I didn't even know where you were. I 23&me-d my ass, and they sent me a picture of fire, and the cops showed up! There was a white van parked outside of our house for three years!
again, i really notice the change in the way taylor speaks, he's more unsure, quieter, and uses more filler words (such as "y'know"), and it feels as if he feels bad about making nicky confront his faults as a father but he's pushing through it anyway, because he has to.
and i absolutely love the throwback to episode ONE with the 23&me test! like this had been brewing from the start! i just think it's fantastic for it all to build up to this. like yeah. taylor didn't know WHO nicky was or WHERE nicky was and trying to figure it out only led to more danger for him.
Nicky: [gets on one knee and puts his hand on Taylor's shoulder] I guess I never got to properly apologize to you, did I?
Taylor: Well, an apology won't really turn back time, and I don't know how I feel—I would rather have the time travel magic.
this is so cutting. like, yeah, an apology won't cut it, and taylor immediately circles back to time travel magic, as if it could fix what's broken when it really, really can't.
i also find the trend of time when it comes to the close boys to be very fascinating. glenn got locked up in time prison, nicky's childhood was split into two timelines, and taylor thinks time travel can fix his broken relationship with his father?
god damn.
Nicky: Well, I didn't even get to explain—I was in Hell. I was worried that these fuckers [pointing at the other kiddads]— Taylor: Yeah, those fuckers. Nicky: —would have chased after me if I'd gotten out of hell. Taylor: So you're telling me that these fuckers kept you away from me all these years? Nicky: Yeah, you know what? It was these motherfuckers! They are the reason I didn't get to spend time with you because they betrayed me! Taylor: That makes sense; I just saw the memory! Yeah, yeah!
thinking about how taylor immediately agrees with nicky in blaming the others for his absence, because, well, yeah, shit's complicated and they are definitely part of the reason, but the fact that taylor is so on board of whole heartedly blaming them after chewing into his dad about not being there is just so sad. like yeah, of course he doesn't want to be upset at nicky. and it hurts so much that he is.
oh my god.
okay, now, i didn't transcribe the entirety of taylor's memory, i actually summarized it and quoted some key aspects of it, so here:
Taylor's first belt ceremony. He's performing, and he finishes, and he bows, and he looks up. His mom is there. He's sniffling a bit and Cass asks him if he's okay and comments on how he moved all the way up to green belt, and he says he knows. He looks over to the kid who was supposed to get green belt but didn't because of him. The kid is whining, and then his dad comes in and gives him a big hug and—
"It's okay son, I saw how hard you worked, and in my eyes, you're a black belt. Come on, let's get ice cream."
The kid says thanks and they hug and then they leave and Taylor watches them leaving through the window and sees the child and father and mother smiling together. Taylor looks down at and then throws away his green belt.
"I think I'm done with karate."
Taylor gets kicked out.
that line that the father said to his child really hit me, because taylor never heard nicky say that to him. ever. and that was all that he wanted, really. like, "i saw how hard you worked," as in, i was there, watching you, practicing with you, supporting you, i saw you, i see you, i'm here, i'm here with you. and "in my eyes, you're a black belt," in my eyes, you've worked so hard, in my eyes, you deserve more than what you got, in my eyes, you're strong, in my eyes, you're capable.
things nicky never saw, and things nicky never told him.
and then, well, taylor quits.
a memory defining taylor's relationship with nicky. a memory where he wasn't there. a memory where he didn't see taylor's growth. a memory where taylor gave up on an ambition. a memory of absence.
Nicky: I'm really sorry— Taylor: I'm kind of sensing a pattern here to be honest. Nicky: Yeah, I'm thinking that maybe the things that your granddad did, I do now. I'm thinking maybe I fucked up in the exact same way… Taylor: [lays a hand on Nicky] I think you fucked up in the same way too. Nicky: Okay. Well that's good. That's good for us.
god. oh my god. the fuckign pattern. i'm so sorry this part makes me lose my coherency all i can think of is how sad it makes me idk idk guys im sorry. you get it. taylor saying yeah you fucked up in the same way and nicky learning that and accepting it. oh my fucking god. like. i dont know theres something about the acceptance of it that really gets me. at the start of the conversation nicky denied it, and here he is, after seeing a memory of taylor doing something he wasn't there for, and now he's like yeah, yeah. i did fuck up royally.
3. "...there is no fixing this."
Glenn: What if we started over? What if we tried to kinda give it a little bit of a reset, and try and make some new memories together, as this sort of team of three? What do you think about that? Is it stupid? I dunno.
Nicky: What kinda memories are you talking about?
Glenn: Well I was thinking we all go to Disneyland, the happiest place on earth, and start everything off on the right foot! It's been so long since I've been to Disneyland, and, I dunno, let me show you all the secrets. Let me show you all the hidden Mickeys. I never got to show Taylor how to get over nine-hundred-thousand points on the Buzz Lightyear ride. And you! Nick, I never showed you the secret entrance into Club 33 that only I know about, and it requires you to go through the sewers a little bit.
I mean, what do you say? Maybe we can do something about this whole fucked up Close family. Maybe we could bring it on back a little bit. What do you guys think?
Nicky: Yeah, sure, yeah I mean, I like Disneyland as much as the next guy. What do you think Taylor?
Taylor: What's Disneyland? I don't understand, what's Disneyland?
now listen, i know that taylor not knowing what disneyland is was just because of the whole doodlerized world thing, but i feel like it also really highlights the disconnect here. like, glenn wasn't around much in nick's life but they knew each other and yes glenn went to disneyland without nick a lot and yes nick liked universal better and if i got into their relationship it would take far too long and i don't feel particularly equipped to tackle that which is why i'm focusing on taylor, but i think that taylor asking what disneyland is highlights the disconnect between him and nicky. nicky and glenn are talking about something that taylor is completely lost on, and to me it really shows the disconnect between all of them. first off, nicky likes universal studios better than disney, second of all, taylor doesn't even know what disneyland is. they grew up in different realms, and they grew up around different people, and nicky was never there, which means there's so much taylor knows that nicky doesn't, and so much nicky knows that taylor doesn't and so much of that knowledge and those experiences can never or will never be shared.
Nicky: Oh yeah, good point, I guess it's on a previously Doodlerized world now with a bunch of really fucked up shit in it.
Glenn: I'm just saying that like—give me a chance. Give me a chance to try and make up for all the—well—you know what? No, no, no, no, no, I can't make up for any of that stuff.
it's true. this solution is like putting icing on top of an overdone cupcake. temporarily sweet but it's still bitter and burnt. (i'm sorry if that doesn't make sense, i don't bake.) but like when you burn something you can't just. un-burn it. sure you can put icing and sprinkles and all the fun stuff and maybe you can wash out the taste but that doesn't change the state of what's underneath.
that's their relationship to me.
Anthony: As you're saying this, without even wanting it to, tears are rolling down your cheeks, and in that moment, you, and Taylor, and Nick all realize that there is no fixing this. That this is as good as it's going to get. That you are all stuck with each other in the forms that you are now. You see daddy magic—that same daddy magic that exited Ron and Terry's body, emanate from their bodies like a fine mist, coalesce into the air, and then zip into the jar and fill it up a little bit more because that's what your relationship is.
ah yes, finally, we reach the end.
this is what their relationship is. it's comprised of missing connections and missed experiences and misplaced memories and absences and longing and searching and finding one another only for it to be too late. it is comprised of absence as opposed to love or hate or anything in between. the nothingness that is absence is their relationship
how depressing.
if i'm honest, i think nicky still has a chance. obviously he can't fix anything with taylor, but i really do hope that he tries to be proactive in taking part in taylor's life from here on out, that is, if taylor even survives this next episode, oooh scary.... hahaha anyways.
i hope everyone enjoyed this essay! i started writing it the day the episode came out but schoolwork kinda took over me.
i wanted to get it out before this episode's teen talk so that's why i finished it tonight, but i may reblog with more thoughts, who knows! we'll see! :3c
i do also encourage you guys to check out my art for this episode specifically inspired by that last anthony quote there.
and of course my thoughts are not the objective truth, i am a mere university student, ignoring my school essays to write one for tumblr <3
bye-bye! <3 :3c
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
DC Palentines(Tim Drake and Summer Kent)lore dump.This is a familial/platonic selfship!
They met during Superpunk 1990/Robin 1993 and are 3 years apart
Summer beefed with Tim for 'replacing' Jason and Tim hated Summer out of still not unlearned self-righteousness
But thanks to Tim's girlfriend and Summer's little brother i.e Stephanie and Kon being Summer's best friend and Tim's best friend,they're in the same place or connected so often they have no choice but to interact often
So that leads to them actually getting to know eachother and working together in superheroics.And least to say,they couldn't believe they ever hated eachother out of their own Pride & Prejudice(I'm sorry i had to lmao)
........The Pride & Prejudice they hated eachother over is Jason actually.LMFAO
Tim sees Summer as yet another cool older sister figure he can rely on(Babs,Cass AND Helena damn okay go off king)and Summer sees Tim as an add-on to his younger siblings collection(ALL the Superkids that have appeared in the comics are canon to this verse,plus Match getting adopted by Clois and @mayameanderings ' s/i Cindy.Summer has major Eldest Daughter Syndrome and Troubled But Good Kid Trauma so that includes taking in every kid he meets that needs it)
Summer radicalized Tim and provided him shelter when Jack died and he couldn't bear to stay with Bruce at the time due to the extreme turbalance of their relathionship.Afterwards Tim was constantly insistant on paying Summer back to the point it borderlined on self-destructive but Summer had enough experience with that situation to put a stop to it before he could hurt himself irreversably
Tim got Summer into tagging and graffiti/street art and they go around to throw some tags up or do some analysis of street art they take interest in.Summer uses his kryptonian/human hybrid superheight and kryptofang(kryptonian dragon,his specific species)wings to help Tim throw up pieces in hard to reach places
He also introduces him to his favorite books/texts he normally can't nerd out with other people.The philosophical stuff like Art of War,Diogenes and Camus(Jason is also into that but Tim refuses to spend enough time with him solo to find that out)
And shows him his favorite super niche nerd stuff too-Like architecture in Gotham and how it interacts with and changes the ways the newer Bats traverse with the city,or the history of the undercity and how it affects the actual crime and even everyday life of Gothamites!They have a lot of fun discussing it and for strategy for Summer's hero work as well
Summer is afrolatina squared(black biracial with dominican birth parents and adopted by Clark and Lois,who are black mexican and black dominican and both monoracial).He's literally kryptonian Starfire and not just because he was mentored by her and Dick as a sidekick but as Sparks,he was a rowdy and loud goth tomboy with a huge mean and bitter streak as trauma coping and a defense mechanism in addition to a hodgepodge neurodivergent disorders.All the other Robins had Batgirl but Jason had Sparks
Tim is cherokee on Janet's side and Jack wasn't malicious but he was extremely white and rich so he had a strong cultural disconnect.Tim was a trans freakish kid that ran around on the street for the majority of his Gotham nightlife out of audhd.The running around alleys and on rooftops sparked a natural love and fascination for the art that covers the city's landscape
They love sitting on ledges together that Summer lifts them up to in Gotham and Metropolis equally,discussing the things they've discovered and how to traverse them and the differences yet similarities between them(the cities and themselves too)
Summer is a huge gastronomer so he taught Tim the culinary arts and focused on african and latino cuisine and their historical significance and meaning which leads to uncovering Tim's cherokee roots together with deep dive research and doing cultural fusion.This includes but is not nearly limited to them taking care of eachother's hair and being allowed to touch it whenever and wherever they want(Standard hairstyles are natural i.e Big floof and straight for Summer and Tim respectively but Summer loves braiding Tim's hair in all kinds of looks and running his hands through it and massaging his scalp as a pressure stim and Tim is fascinated and awed by Summer's kinky hair and thinks it's the best kind of hair and their favorite styles are sisterlocks,pufftails and goddess braids and he makes haircare products for him since he wants to keep improving his diy skills as long as he can)
They also both dye their hair.Summer has his baby pink bangs and Tim has red dip tips.Summer started his as part of his start as a solo hero,Ember,and Tim did his job on his own in manic panic until Summer showed up and helped him do it right and since he was in-need of a redye himself,he let him do his and they watched movies as the bleach and dye dry process happened
They're both huge energy drink enjoyers as true alts and can be found hanging out at marts and at food trucks owned by poc too obvs.They order eachother's cultural foods as a tradition for platonic soul sharing
Summer is solarpunk so Tim had to be too.He dragged himself along and was equally dragged along into it.Summer teaches Tim all about decolonization and activism and Tim obviously feels a connection to it as a cherokee person as a Summer does a black person.They have beach days that double as fun times like ice cream and swimming and sandplaying and eco-cleansing kryptonianly and humanly by hand as a team and Tim uses his voice as the son of Bruce Wayne to speak out and Summer is Metropolis' anarchy poster child and the face of black/latina Metropolitan women.Tim adopts the fashion and includes diy taught to him by Summ and they look like a walking goth x pastel meme but with brown and black slay instead of white gentrification of the punk aesthetic.Gorgeous long pure black straight hair and homemade hunting boots and edgy ahh tops with either meme refs or pro native messages for Tim and unreastrained huge natural blackity black hair with handmade fancy beads and showy pastel tops and long ass self-designed skirts and they're both covered in piercings
Summer is a huge nerd himself so he got Tim into animanga and nintendo games and girlypop media and black/latino cult classics and Tim returned the favor by getting him to participate in the appropriate for non-natives cherokee traditions and norms.Tim taught Summer normie teen speak before he freaked it and Summer taught Tim kryptonian techniques.They even have matching Tamagotchis-Summer has Angel Uni and Tim has Monster Uni,Summer offered to share with Jason but he said no to look cool so Summer shrugged it off and asked Tim so Jason tried to take it back and Summer told him to he should've manned up and not played on his nonexistent coolness.Tim burst out laughing at that but was touched anway and accepted.Jason and Tim are the only non-Supers(Lois is an honorary one)who know how to do Summer's makeup perfectly for him with no critisism
Summer convinced Tim to physically transition because his internalized trans.phobia was stopping him out of fear of 'ruining' his body but Summer told him it's not his body if he dosen't love as much as Summer loves him and as much as Tim loves Tim.He shared his own experiences with harrasment to transition and degendering against his will to reassure him and got him his surgeries done by Taliacorp doctors so he could have hawk wing shaped top surgeries scars and took him to Dairy Super afterwards in a sports bra and his baggiest cargo pants to show solidarity as a no t or op genderfluid and bigender transmasc
They play Animal Crossing and Time Management games together religiously,Tim turned Summer into a Skater Girl and Summer saved Tim from poser punk.Sunflower4Rose.Summer is a tank at 7' and a beefcake(fat AND muscle but itty bitty tiddies)and Tim is an average height twink.They are best friends,siblings,mom friend and problem child and a secret fourth thing(platonic soulmates against faith)
Summer became half Kryptofang because Lex injected him with the dna of the last surviving one and the ghost of it he shares a headspace with is named Fantasma.This gives Summer DID symptoms the way Speedforce gives Flashes audhd symptoms and Tim has narcolepsy and chronic pain so disabled solidarity
Summer is summer,sunshine and optimism and the sea and sugary sweetness and bubblicity and open boisterous femininity.Tim is autumn,mellow and melancholic and the earth and sour flavoring and a hardcore but welcoming kind of darkness
SORRY THEY MAKE ME SO SAPPY Tim makes it known how much he hates Jason but dosen't hold it against Summer and blames him entierly for corrupting him into joining The Outlaws and never liked him beforehand.They're on good terms now but it's more for Summer's sake than any progression and it makes Summer sad sometimes but he's accepted it,especially since at least they like eachother now.Jason loves using it against Tim he's dating Summer to piss him off but Summer never let him get away with actual cruelty to him back when he wanted to do it.He encourages Tim to be mean to Jason though
"Summ is LITERALLY the cooler Jason.On every level including the bonus'.I'd say i can't wait until he dumps his ass but they're mated for life or some dragon shit so that's never happening" "NIGGA I'M RIGHT HERE" "I know.I was talking to your wife.And you needed to hear it." "I actually already tell him stuff like this daily but he needs to hear it more." "See?" "This is elder abuse," "I'm older than you by 5 months and technically an ancient kryptonian being because of Fantasma.No,it's not."
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
re: childfree people hating kids
my controversial take is that it's fine to not like kids, actually. i agree that the vitriolic hatred in CF spaces that is so often coupled with misogyny and dehumanizing language is gross, but i think it's also just perfectly fine to really, truly dislike kids, and it is possible (and necessary, if you're a decent human being) to do so without actually treating a child badly if you're in a situation where you have to interact with one.
i got yelled at for this the last time i talked about it because i was trying to articulate why i never want another person to try handing me their infant because no i do not think they're cute at all and they make me very uncomfortable, ironically by the same person who would later grill me like a hamburger when i said i didn't want to be a parent, but whatever maternal instinct the sight of a "cute" little kid is supposed to activate in me just never got installed. i have it in spades for animals, especially cats, but human babies are not furry and they also don't purr and where i find kitties crying the most adorable thing human kids crying feels like nails on the chalkboard. i just was never cut out for raising a tiny human until it becomes a bigger human that i can reason with! and i really do not wanna gamble on the remotest possibility that my parents were right and 'when you have your kid in your arms the switch just flips' bc if it doesn't then i'd be saddled with this human life i really do NOT want and that would just breed resentment that it would be deeply unfair of me to settle on anyone else's shoulders, especially the kid that didn't ask to be born.
(also, that 'switch' allegedly flipping for my father when i was born didn't keep him from resenting my existence and abusing me because neither he nor my mother should ever have been parents. not a risk i'd wanna take.)
it's just that like. i understand that all the things that irritate me about children aren't their fault! but i also know that i can't like, shut off the feelings of irritation they stir in me rather than literally any other instinct. i can't make myself 'like' kids just because the things i don't like about them are totally normal parts of their early developmental stages and they'll eventually grow up and out of them. hence my decision to not be a parent (something i think more people should consider before having kids, it'd lead to fewer deeply unhappy families). i worked retail for so long that my first instinct when i hear a child crying in public is still "oh my god i want to tear my face off" because i have visceral memories being stuck behind a counter on black friday while a child screamed herself hoarse and my headache turned into a migraine. it isn't the kid's fault, probably isn't really even the parents', but i can't change the way it makes me feel when i can't escape it, either.
luckily, people don't usually bring their young children into bars so it's a lot easier for me to avoid having to interact with kids these days.
It's fascinating to me how many people are responding and meaning super little kids you cannot reason with. I don't like babies. I do like children who are old enough to be verbal. I mean, no, not when they're screaming in my ear, but other times.
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hello-nichya-here · 5 months
Some Peter Pan 2003 edits, enjoy.
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(Nichya, do you agree with me by thinking this movie is the few examples of a live action Disney remake being as good if not better than the original?)
I agree and there's a very good reason why that is the case: it wasn't made by Disney, but by Universal, who wanted to be more loyal to the original story - and like Jason Isaac's himself said, that was the thing that made this movie so different from most adaptations of it.
I'm gonna be real, I used to hate basically every version of Peter Pan, mainly because of the Disney cartoon being my introduction to the story. I just never understood why Wendy liked him, or why he liked her, or how Neverland was in anyway special/different from any generic "Magic place", or why I should care if any of these characters leave it behind or stay. And keep in mind, this was coming from a child that was all about the Disney formulas. Peter Pan, as a concept, just REALLY felt hollow to little me.
... And then I watched this movie.
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Let me tell you, 6-year-old Nichya was OBSESSED with this movie (and with Jason Isaac as Hook). 24-year-old Nichya too, even more so actually, because EVERYTHING ABOUT IT is perfect - including the thing that aged "poorly", aka the special effects.
Neverland doesn't really look real and that's good. The dated effects, the epic music and the very colorful lighting make it look like a place that could only exist in dreams, so when Wendy and her brothers are in awe of it, I totally get it. Today's tendency of films in which every scene look super dark and/dull makes me appreciate it even more.
The lighting also does wonders for the storytelling, showing Peter's magical connection with Neverland as it changes based on his emotional state, or in moments like Wendy seeing Hook for the first time, with the extra focus on his eyes - you can practically hear the book quote of Wendy being fascinated instead of frightened.
Speaking of the book, the fact that this adaptation had the guts to go with THE thing that could end making it far too corny and silly, aka the "kiss" Wendy has on her lips and that shows she's starting to grow up and become interested in romance is SUCH an important plot-point and key aspect of her character arc, and is delightful to see an adaptation that goes "We already have a magical land, fairies, mermaids, and a boy that stays a kid forever. How is the 'kiss' going to make it less realistic? It's fantasy already!"
And I love, love, love how they make sure we know who Wendy is outside of romance (a storyteller that wants adventure, a child that is both really mature and responsible, but also activelly trying to escape that role, someone who is very motherly but has a ton of anxiety about the prospect of eventually being the adult in charge) - but without ever downplaying how much her romance with Peter means to her.
He was the boy that was giving her everything she was looking for at the moment: friendship, adventure, excitement, and, more importantly, a way to escape any responsibility she didn't want - forever. He really is the hero she had been waiting for, and that, as a consequence, makes her realize that growing up and eventually having a family is not that scary after all, as long as she finds the right person, someone who understands her and that she trusts.
Obviously, she doesn't want to get married and have a ton of kids NOW, but she wants the promise that this will happen - when they're ready for it, when they're older. But Peter Pan is no ordinary boy. It's not just that he's too immature to fully embrace his feelings for Wendy right now, and could truly allow himself to love her later. He is NEVER going to reach that point, he's far too afraid to allow himself the chance to even try. And that breaks Wendy's heart.
And it breaks Peter's heart too, because he WANTS to be loved, and he already cares for Wendy in a way he never cared about anyone else. But because of who he is, she, and everyone else, will inevitably leave him. Because ALL children grow up. He is the only one who was blessed, and cursed, to be the exception.
He'll never be a husband and father. He will never be someone's child or sibling. He's the true lost boy, out of reach forever. He is truly free from everything and everyone, but the price is the knowledge that, sooner or later, he will find himself completely alone time and time again. And Wendy, the girl he loves, will one day either forget him or grow old and die - after having lived a full life with someone else, because Peter couldn't, and wouldn't, grow old with her.
He's doomed to be lonely forever... just like Hook. But unlike Hook, when he is immature and selfish (like when he closes the window at Wendy's house in the hopes that she'll believe her parents stopped waiting for her and her siblings), he does it out of pure desperation, because he's a child that genuinely doesn't know any better.
Hook however, is coming from a place of malice. When he "pursues" Wendy, he does out of jealousy that Peter managed to find true love, while he will never have that. He does it to steal that from him, to hurt him, to make him endure the pain of knowing that, of all people that could have replaced him in Wendy's heart, he was the one who did it.
And, of course, while he never really does anything to Wendy, the constant implication that, at any second, he might, looms large. Their dynamic is inherently predatory, with Hook exploiting the fact that Wendy is mature enough to want a romantic connection, but is still too naive to understand all the implications behind it, and, more importantly, that no adult that wants to be with her like that could possibly be someone she's safe with it.
He is an intriguing, tragic figure like Peter and thus can "seduce" her rather easily too (the fact that Jason Isaacs is really fucking hot doesn't hurt either), but he is doing it through constant manipulation, reminding her that she can never have the boy she actually wants and exploiting her childish need to have some form of petty revenge against him for it, by "befriending" the person he hates the most in the whole world.
But there's another thing that brings her closer to Hook: the fact that, despite being the complete opposite of her father, he still LOOKS like him, is the real adult authority figure around, and he is offering her advice and comfort when she experiences her first heartbreak. He represents both her adolescent impulse to rebel, to proove she's grown already, and her childlike instinct to just run to the arms of her parent and let him call the shots because she's afraid of making mistakes and wants someone who can tell her what to do, how she's supposed to act.
There is a recurring theme through the movie of Wendy's mostly innocent fantasies being read through an adult lenses (see the teacher's concern and offense at the drawing of Peter above her in bed - because he's FLYING, not touching her in anyway). Much like when she was the "mother" of the Lost Boys, when she is by Hook's side, Wendy is a child playing pretend. But the threat Hook poses is very real and his intentions are downright evil. Because Wendy ran away from the flawed, but well-meaning adults she could trust, she walked right into the trap of a very dangerous man that is taking advantage of her need for a protector, a mentor.
And that's why the kiss scene is the perfect climax for the movie, as it concludes three character arcs at once. It shows us Wendy choosing true love, however fleeting, instead of Hook's lies, and indulging in one last childhood fantasy before growing up. It gives Peter the only form of closure he could ever have, knowing that even if he can't be with Wendy, he will always be "the one" for her and won't ever be forgotten, just like he won't ever forget her, because they mean too much to each other. And Hook is forced to accept that, because he can't connect with anyone without manipulation, which could never last, his life truly is void in a way even Peter's never would be.
So yeah, it's a great movie with serious guts, and everyone else can just quit trying to make a new adaptation, reboot, sequel, prequel or whatever because they're never getting anywhere near this level of quality.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
I didn't know mc was popular among devildom especially having the whole devildom wanting to sleep with them because of their pure soul or something like that. I like the fact that physical appearance doesn't count It also shows that demons angels and other creatures are actually wise ok compared to humans they are wise but still.
Well, first of all, anon, I think you may be giving the angels & demons too much credit. They may not care about MC's appearance, but they're suuuuuper dumb about a lot of other things lol.
Anyway, yes, I'm fairly certain it's canon that MC is quite popular in the Devildom. It's kinda nice because they can't really make a self insert game where everybody wants to date you and also include weird appearance related judgement stuff, you know? So there just isn't a lot of that. In fact, it mostly manifests in other characters (lookin at you Asmo).
That means that no matter what you look like, all the demons and angels are into you, think you're hot, and want to date you.
I don't know how much the pure soul is related to that... I was kinda under the impression that the soul thing makes demons want to eat you (and not eat you out lol). But that's something they talked about at the beginning of OG but then hasn't really been brought up much again (that I can recall).
The reality is, physical appearance shouldn't count anyway. And it really only does initially. Because if you see someone super hot you're usually just attracted to them right away. But then if you find out that person also kicks puppies, suddenly you're not as attracted to them anymore, know what I'm saying?
I sometimes go back and forth in how I headcanon this particular thing. Sometimes I like to headcanon that all demons and angels are just naturally beautiful and its the uniqueness of humans that makes MC so attractive. But I also like to headcanon that the demons and angels have more varied body types and appearances than how they're depicted.
Either way, they don't age the same, so I like the idea that they'd be fascinated by the way MC's appearance changes over time.
UH anyway, I got a little rambly there, but yes MC is popular no matter how they look!
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kitkatopinions · 9 months
Does Whitley have potential or is he an extra Schnee?
I think Whitley had and has a lot of potential, actually!
One of the most interesting things about Weiss is her connection to her family, which I think deserves more focus and exploring, and Whitley is obviously a big part of that. I find it fascinating how the environment Weiss and Whitley were raised in made them react in completely different ways - Whitley with putting up a mask of casual indifference (airing on cheeriness) and leaning into what was expected of him while clearly showing in volume eight that it isn't just how he naturally is, and Weiss with anger and mimicking Winter and desperately trying to get away from it. I think exploring both Weiss and Whitley as abuse victims would really speak to the fact that reactions to abuse takes all sorts of forms and are no less sympathetic.
Exploring Weiss's dynamic with Winter and Whitley more, I think, would help to expand on Weiss's character and give her a stronger arc (since she hasn't seemed to have a personal arc in volumes and even in V7 seemed to not get the attention she deserved.) Going into V10 (if we get a V10) the Schnees are going to be all of a sudden pretty much penniless, with no home, in a kingdom that should by all rights be very hesitant to accept them. If Weiss isn't concerned with helping specifically Whitley (not because he's more important to Weiss or to the narrative than Winter but because he's an auraless untrained teenage civilian) than it'd seem like a bit of a blow against her character tbh. And it could lead to some great conflicts not only surrounding Weiss and Whitley making an effort to understand each other better and get to know each other more after years of icing each other out, but might also create conflicts with the rest of Weiss's team who might perceive Weiss focusing more on her family than on important issues.
On top of that, Whitley could serve very effectively as a demonstration that not everyone needs to be a Hunter or fighter or have a semblance in order to be helpful and good. In V8, Whitley proofed to be smart, kind, and brave. He could be the sort of person to be doing things on computers while talking to Team RWBY and co over comms in their ears. Whitley could be incredibly useful in that way, and it would be so much fun to see the team acclimatizing to a new person more or less being brought in, into a new role they're not used to having around. It'd be a nice change, also something that RWBY could use.
And on top of on top of that is the fact that Oscar and Ruby both having this new friend that's more their age and is super different from both of them but could get along with both of them (and could be shipped with either of them) is a good thing too that could be good and worth exploring. And also on top of both of those things, the classic 'villains use a loved one to threaten their enemies' thing can't be easily done in this show where everybody is basically a superhero, but auraless teenage civilian Whitley provides an excellent opportunity for that.
Basically, Whitley has tons of potential as a character going forward from here, and I do hope that he stays involved and even gets more involved (so long as there's also plenty of proper focus given to the mains obviously.) Do I think that any of this potential will actually be realized? No. I think Whitley will pretty much just be treated like an extra Schnee, and the most we'll see of him if we ever get more RWBY is like two very bit parts of scenes where Willow has like a hand on his shoulder or something and that's it. The show can't have make the mains reach a quarter of their full potential, so there's very little hope for my baby boy Whitley. But I think he could be a great, amazing, involved character.
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hwnglx · 2 months
Tbh, Kim Mingyu has this tall soft baby clumsy persona on the internet, but I wonder why does every reader say something nasty abt this man.. like a cheater even. Maybe sometime when you’re not super busy, you can make Real Kim Mingyu Personality Traits (like behind the scenes) idk i just trust ur readings so much, i know energies change but I just wanna hear the opinion/insights of the best reader here 😌 anyway i love reading your posts!! Lovelots bebe ❣️🫰🏻
just found this in my inbox, you're very sweet anon ᰔᩚ actually, i was pretty intrigued to read on mingyu's actual personality in contrast to how idols perceive him, since that can obviously differ in a variety of ways, and more often than not does not reflect someone's true colors. funnily enough, i've read for mingyu more briefly once before, and i remember his energy being surprisingly mature and not necessarily "nasty" (of course these things also depend on personal perception) what i can't deny is that he does seem to enjoy sleeping and flirting around women a lot. but can't lie, at this point it's more surprising for me to read on a male idol who doesn't lmao.
the way in which we view people very often has more to do with us than it has to do with them. in my reputation readings, i can often tell that it's common for (especially male) idols to be incredibly insecure.. a lot of comparisons being made (the environment they're in kinda sets them up for that unfortunately..) so they feel easily threatened by idols they identify as someone they aspire to be. this rings true in mingyu's case too, but i remember it was fiercely similar in wonyoung's reading, as well as a reading for sakura's reputation i did recently. so much bitterness, hurt egos and jealousy taints the way idols tend to look at each other. which as a result, for sure made me curious to know how much of my reputation readings corresponds with the idols' true colors. what others see of us is obviously very surface, and definitely not a direct reflection of our inner heart and soul.
i'm sure i'll come around to read more on mingyu too. personality readings are probably my favorite, just because i find human beings to be so multi-layered and fascinating.
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