#but how can you manage to talk shit for a 15 seconds speech
persephoneflouwers · 1 year
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
how was garfield costume
it was WONDERFUL, thank you for asking, and hoo boy do i have a story for all of you
i walk into my history class and sit down. my teacher comes up, gives me a quick once over, and says that he likes where this is going. whatever, we’re vibing, having fun.
he goes around and asks everyone who dressed up who their historical figure is. he gets to me, i say james garfield, he laughs a little, moves on. again, whatever.
then he starts asking everyone for their papers. queue an oh fuck moment.
now, in order to get the extra credit, we had to write half a page on why our person was historically relevant to the united states- and i thought we would have class time! but it was HOMEWORK!!
he gets to me, asks, “okay, [NAME], is your paper online or on paper?”, looking expectantly at me while i’m staring at him like 😀
i say “uhhhhhhh,,,,,,, i don’t have it written, but i have it up here…?” and tap my head to say essentially like- i know what i wouldve said and can write it right now.
he looks at me for a second, thinking.
“could you talk about him for two minutes?”
i tell him, essentially, that i’ve talked about him for 15 minutes straight before (true), hell yes i could talk for two minutes straight.
he sets a timer.
he tells me that if i can talk about garfield for two full minutes, i can get the extra credit.
he starts the timer.
in front of my entire class, i start talking.
i talk about his childhood, how he was the last of the log cabin presidents, how he worked to provide for his family. i talk about his work in the civil war, raising money for ohio to fight with the union. i talk about his political career, how he never wanted to be in the house of representatives but lincoln persuaded him because he was just that good, how he didn’t even run but was elected as the republican candidate because of his excellent speech in support of another candidate. i talk about his advocacy for civil rights and agricultural development while in office, i talk about guiteau shooting him for being denied the position of ambassador to france, and, finally, i talked about the impact of his death on the nation- how people lined up shoulder to shoulder for two miles along the train track that was taking his body from its viewing place to its final resting place, how queen victoria sent a wreath for his casket, and how he was a great president because of how he managed to unite the nation, even after death, in the post civil war era.
the timer goes off.
i still have shit left to say.
i go on for about 10 more seconds, then stop, and wait.
i would like to inform you that while my description may sound eloquent, i was NOT. i am in no way a public speaker, and spent those two minutes frantically recalling all my favorite facts about him (and i missed some of my real favorites too, because they weren’t relevant enough D:), while uncontrollably bobbing my leg and refusing to make eye contact with anyone, instead choosing to stare at my teacher’s shoulders because that’s close enough to his face, right?
he looks out at the rest of the class.
“so, do you guys think she should get the extra credit?”
summed up, the response was pretty much just “YES WTF???”
afterwards, my friend looked at me and just went, “but like… why? why do you know all that?”
and i just shrugged and said “why not?”
anyways. i got the extra credit LMAO
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godzexperiment · 1 year
sampling of radio station nix chaos/just modern verse thoughts
"I am not an car enthusiast- not an car hater like they serve purposes. I hate them though, like there is no reason I should know how to jump on the hood and scramble back off the car so well." Nix studied the tally marks of the days encounters on his hand. Wasn't even that many listeners at the moment. So he really was kind of just talking to himself while delaying an ad read. "Which sounds so weird like oh this guy is so used to motorized vehicles seeming to personally magnetize towards him; he's like the frog in frogger embodied." Eyes glancing at the time; setting up his next set of songs and trying to locate his energy drink can. ----------- He was perched on the back of the chair; wings stretched out before tucking close. Deciding to fall backwards, hooking his legs so just dangled upside down. It was almost time to pack up and head home. Took him an second to realize what song he'd accidentally added into the program. Entirely falling off, fumbling to shut it off- turning the mic on as he cursed himself out in multiple languages. Had accidentally added one of his songs into the program by accident. Not the worst thing in the world. But it wasn't like meant to be shared with whoever was listening to the radio at this hour. Playing something else as scoured, deleted any others that might have accidentally made it in. Realizing the mic was on and sighing. "So uh, tired mistakes only human mistakes here folks. That song was far too slow paced and not meant to be in the list."
"So most people ignore me; that's how I like it and even some of the most up in your face buy what I'm selling avoid me." Spinning his knife around on his pointer finger while talking. "Anyways that means it takes like really determined souls with extra irritability to bother me generally." Nix had gone prompted into the topic by somebody that reminded him of it. Calling in with what had been quite some nonsense. "I'm just trying to get where I am headed, on time as this guy spots me and I guess decided I needed the speech right? I'm just like okay what speech is this guy seeking to give me." Eyes rolling as he recounted the situation. "Started with the ole are you religious- into that I should really think about seeking Heaven out." Another twirl of the knife on his finger before tossing it up with his finger; catching it. "I'm like ah okay it's this flavor of encounter; guess I was extra tired and I just was like you're sort of in the way of that endeavor." ---------- All he had wanted to do- was stay home; yet managed to drag himself out anyways. Empty building, only the noises of the electricity and other environmental noise. Normally so welcome but he just brought the can out of the backpack- he hated them but he'd needed an way to carry shit. Sipping at it as settled into the room; immediately collapsing into the chair. "Allfuckingrighty." Scowling at his reflection in an monitor. Bag dropped to mostly under the desk. He could do this, had to do it and it might also slightly help curb the whirlwind eating at him. Turning the mic on, off the idle tunes and automatic ad reads. "So I just got in and how do we feel about 15 minute multi parted folk punk songs?" Joking, though he so was sorely tempted to put the idea in his mind on. Be an little kind to any souls that might be bothering to listen however. "We're actually starting off with some rock; to counter balance the music that was playing before I got here but just saying if anybody is down I can oblige." Clicking play on the music so far sorted out after muting. Down went some of the energy drink. Trying to ignore the annoying tastes that were only part of the product thanks to stupid angelic taste buds. ---------- Music was blaring; echoing in every room both second floor and not. Every little project abandoned for the moment. As Nix's fingers brushed along tops of bottles- hovering over the whole space in general thoughtfully. Didn't take long to pluck one that seemed tempting. Open, long testing sip- was the moments pick of fitting the energy. Swaying as moved away from the spot. Beginning to move along with the music, let it fill up the space inside as well. Not long before was drinking and bouncing along in only the way he could. Twirling around with precise, stupid would have dizzied anybody else type of speed. And when the bottle was empty- it got tossed gently into the nearby bin for cleaning to recycle later. While he let his wings out, spread then tucked close as he spun. Eventually the songs playing stopped and so did he. Moving to turn some more on- while he did something more constructive like read about history. ---------- It was so incredibly stupid and bit of an waste of supplies. Yet that person, only one he'd really known for ages was put onto the paper. And then once finished- he took one of his lighters to it. Watching it being eaten up. Not in fear of the heat or being burnt; watching before dropping it into the nearby metal bin. Petulant middle fingers skyward at the ceiling, floor above his head and full awareness the action was to empty nothingness. Flicking the lighter an few times before pocketing it. Okay, okay maybe he needed to get away from the building. Before got eaten up by his insides. And he found his phone- hit one of his few contacts. Sending an text inquiring if they would be interested in late night ice cream. The yes had him quickly grabbing the nearest jacket. Rushing out into the night as texted where to meet him. Felt an bit cruel using their sunshine personality to warm up his abyss.
He was going to pay for the ice cream though. Be very present and attentive. Didn't light up- he chewed some gum instead while walking along. Ruffling up his hair as gave an little glance into an window he passed. Checking the time and his phone to respond to he of course didn't mind how they were dressed. After had been an I'll be coming from an party text.
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thegirthquaker · 2 years
On one hand, no one really uses Tumblr anymore for anything meaningful. On the other hand, it’s still a digital space...
Anyways, this year has been the worst struggle thus far.
I stopped being able to maintain art and uploads by February 4, 2022. I lost my father and struggled to balance college and wanting to give up on life. I’m tired of carrying regrets, and I thought family was supposed to be supportive, but I learned the exact opposite, just recently at that.
I managed to get through classes for my second semester... then comes the summer, which I used to do little. I had to put up with an annoying dog problem. That was resolved when a bitch living here finally listened to being told to give up her pets; she’s my “brother”‘(idiot’s) “wife” or some crap. For a couple “not together”, they have a husky they can’t handle as a result of another retarded couple. The idiot decided to not talk to anyone and bring home a husky.
Problem? He isn’t watching it, AND he has a 4 year old kid he didn’t even raise. It’s a collective effort between Brother 1, Mother, and me. I’ve woken up to idiot having arguments with his wench as well as the dog crying. A husky shouldn’t be crying for attention when left alone. No dog should be that reliant on attention.
The lack of sleep has hurt. Mentally, physically. I’ve felt a major slowdown in how my brain processes, and my speech isn’t so great either. I’ve made it a choice to plan an escape from this mental purgatory. i had remained peacefully because I had to help my mom through so much. The idiot is such a man that he makes his mother watch his kid, but can’t stand up for her when the bitch causes problems. She’s effectively known as “miss mommy complex” because she actually caused drama over not being called mommy. Living with a Karen had made me want to kill myself repeatedly. Then, that thought flipped. Then, I grabbed a knife. Then I stopped myself.
Extended family had to be involved to begin with for change, but... they think it’s a one-and done, and as women, they decide that feelings are the problem. Oh, we just need to talk. it’s all about talking. No, you morons. You’ve been told this repeatedly. The idiot is here because my father didn’t want to kick him out for so long, despite actually wanting to due to the excessive drama.
You think I can lie or exaggerate when every other day’s hell? Do I have to record a week? Every fucking time, women trample on men by thinking “oh, it’s because it’s a family of boys”. Stop gendering a cry for help, stop gendering a plea. Why would you treat a knife as a metaphor for something? Are you that fucking stupid? You sexist pieces of shit, it’s because no one wants to do anything. This family is full of lazy retards. I’ve needed glasses for much of my life, no one wanted to take me to get them. I ended up getting them pretty damn late in my life by walking with my mom. Yeah, that’s how sad it is. I had to walk to a nearby place to get glasses. It took moving into a new house after 10 or so years. What the actual hell? Really?
That moron is now 34. He’s a 34 year old wanna-be alpha male who makes his mommy do everything for him. I know his personality and how he fails at arguments. I’ve had to listen to arguments for 5 years prior. I’ve had a room next to them for 5 years, and ended up in a new room due Brother 2 having moved out.
I’m the only one who had written much about my dad. At his funeral, I gave a speech that I was reluctant to because I didn’t want to confront those feelings. My brothers couldn’t say much, if anything. I do so much housework and put a pause on my life to keep my mother from dying of stress and overwork because of that moron’s kid.
I was the only one who had a long speech, next to my aunt, because he was her brother, one she’d rely on because she had no one else with her. But, you know what? Apparently, I’m also part of the problem. We’re not 15 anymore, right? Well, if you knew the shit he did when he was 15 and how he hadn’t changed, then you wouldn’t say the dumb crap you did. But, you’re not willing to listen to reality.
Family? What’s that? You think it was a threat that he’s pushing my mental limits badly? The one thing that stopped me from slicing his throat was the fact that in the future, I’d have to answer to his daughter. “Why’d you do it?” I wish I were mentally a bit weaker.
That’s pretty much what’s been going on in my life.
I’m using school for financial aid and planning my future. Though, the rest of this year, I’ll be taking it slower. I have to carry the burden of memory, something I’ve grown to hate... I can remember so much of my life with my dad that I hate living. I’m tired of it. No one else will care. I’ve seen my mom shedding a tear when looking at my dad’s picture. My brothers live ignorantly, they don’t need to see her have her moments.
I’m just so tired. I was on the path to getting my life in order, but it was halted repeatedly because of the retard and that bitch... i was even on the path to driving... and then my passenger, the car’s owner, stopped existing. I don’t even want to drive, between my deteriorating eye sight and my want to drive into a wall, I shouldn’t try.
Turn to drugs? Yeah, and have the memory that I’m such a fucking weak ass sissy that I need to run away from reality? Americans are notorious for doing that. Oh, it harms no one. Meanwhile, people have found those shitheads being unproductive, causing more work for others. Even online, explain it to me like I’m a toddler because I can’t understand because I ran away from reality.
Mothers are amazing people who put up with so much... and I hate the idea of leaving mine behind. I have the luxury of a decent mother, and without my dad around, there’s no one else around her. Her kids are all morons, and I used to think I was the worst offender, but then... I’m not forcing retarded shit onto my family. I had a strained relationship because I have mental problems because of this moron. And now? I can’t even fix them. I was on the way to reconciliation... and then he left. I still have so much to say about that moron. They weren’t together when we went to the hospital, yet she was there. My uncle wasn’t with us. Why? Because he wasn’t man enough to tell her to stay put. He “didn’t want to deal with it”. Like EVERY OTHER PROBLEM. It’s aligned with how he acts with arguments.
People make fun of people who like their moms because they’re unloved, that’s a fact. I’ve seen people try so many unoriginal mother jokes these days, it’s just not funny. You dumbfucks don’t realize, your “funny” has been around for more than 40 years. It’s time is over.
Anyways, one step at a time... Even on a ledge, one has to move one step at a time. I still have reasons to not fall off the ledge, so I’ll scuttle slowly until I find a foothold and climb up.
I have to.
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eartht137 · 3 years
Hello and greetings to anyone that gets to read this. It is my first story. I wanted to try and see how this was received before continuing so please feel free to let me know how you like it. Please be easy on me it is my first one I am new to this, but I hope you like it. Its a bit slow right now but I swear the chapters will get going as we go along on this ride together. Okay *curvies* love ya! Enjoy!
Dark Clark Kent x (Black)!Plus Size Reader
SUMMARY: (I suck at them but here goes) After working miserable unfulfilling jobs, you decide to go back to school to pursue your dream in writing. You get the very handsome, very smart Mr. Kent as your English/Literature Professor. You've always stayed to yourself preferring to have your alone time and focus on your writing. Mr. Kent comes in to shake that way of thinking up and its all with your best interest at heart (well his best interest at heart){Cheesy, am I right?}
"For the weekend's assignment. Something very simple, almost high school level. Don't complicate it." Mr. Kent said dragging his feet to tell you all what the stupid assignment was.
"Get to the point." You thought out loud as you rested your head in your hand. He glared at you for moment before continuing. You felt your face flush, because-'no way he heard me' you thought.
"I want you all to write me a paper on...one thing you like about yourself and why." He rushed out. "I want you all to be as genuine as possible, if you're going to be journalists you have to capture your audience. If you can sell yourself, then you can sell a story. If you're a snooze fest......I honestly don't know what to tell you" He chuckled
Everyone groaned because why???
"Due next Monday on the dot. NO EXCEPTIONS!" He belted. "If you don't have your paper on Monday, you will stand up and give a 5 minute speech on said topic."
'What kind of teenage topic is this?' You thought.
"Don't give me lip guys, you signed up for this. I didn't make you do anything." He said pointing at all of you. "No complaining. Monday! Class dismissed." He announced causing everyone to scatter. You were just about out the door when he stopped you.
"Y/n, can you stay back for bit?"
"Yeah sure." You immediately got nervous. You weren't used to being singled out, you always managed to stay below the radar. You'd figured out ways to stay out of sight out of mind after always being criticized by your family, so getting asked to stay back wasn't a normal thing. You braced yourself for the "you can do better speech" and hoped it wouldn't take too long. You watched as the room emptied and he gathered his stuff.
"Come on, lets step into my office." He said leading the way with his hands full. "Have a seat." he said motioning to the chair in front of his desk. you sat feeling butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Literally everyone would've given anything to be where you were. Mr. Kent was almost mythical. You didn't know a day where you didn't think 'DAMN that man know he fine!' And you knew he knew it.
"Bet you think I'm gonna talk about your grades." he chuckled. "While I do require your improvement,"
'Require?' you thought hoping your face didn't covey your attitude.
"I wanted to talk about something else."
"I've notice, you're very um...to yourself, is everything-"
'Oh there it is.'
"Mr. Kent, please don't analyze me. I am a whole different breed of human. I don't do people."
"I'm sorry?" he asked tilting his head.
"I just value my alone time. You can't have that with people."
"You can still have space with other people in your life." he said shaking his head at you.
"I didn't say space, I said alone time, and that's not the same. That's still with people. Like, no." you said crossing you arms.
He stared at your for a second, the he began to laugh, and rub his eyes. "You really are something."
"Mm-hmm its true."
"I'm just saying its healthy to get out and socialize every once and awhile, not all the time, I mean-don't you get lonely sometimes?
"No, not really. I mean don't give me wrong I'm human. I get the urge to hang out, then I do, then I remember why I didn't want to do it in the first place." you said realizing you were almost ranting. He eyed you as if he didn't believe you.
"I tell you what, I know you say you're fine, but for my sanity, can we be friends? You know just someone to check on you, make sure you're okay? If-if you hate it by the end of the week then I'll let it go."
"Mr. Kent, no offense, but why do you care? I mean, you have your own life, I'm sure you got a nice family you should be there for, so like....I'm gonna need a it all to make sense."
"Its mean, don't get me wrong I enjoy solitude too, and its not because I don't like people," he chuckled, "but I know what its like to sometimes need someone I could just talk to when I really needed it most and not having it. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Its funny because it would always lead me home."
"Well that's the difference between you and me, there is no going back." you sighed. You contemplated it 'It couldn't hurt could it?' "Okay."
"We can be friends." you resigned.
"Great!" he said clapping his hands together.
"Only til the end of the week." You said standing stretching. "So we good? Can I go?"
"Actually, what are you doing tonight? I mean, my ma is cooking dinner and-"
"Okay anything food related, I'm down." You cut him off.
"Good, well I'll pick you up at 6?"
"Yeah sure." You said trying to get away.
"Uh, Y/n?"
"Yes?" You asked sweetly.
"I'm going to need your address." He said knowing you knew he needed it.
You gave you your information and booked it out of there. You immediately went home and took a nap. The whole ordeal was a bit draining for you.
It was your phones constant vibrating that woke you out of a deep sleep. You let it ring a few more times before picking it up.
"What?" You groaned into the phone.
"Y/n are ready? I'm like 15 minutes away." Mr. Kent asked.
"Ready for what?"
"Food? Food! Oh shit!" You said jumping up remembering dinner plans. "I'll be ready when you get here." You said quickly hanging up and rushing to get ready. By the time you felt you looked decent enough, he called and told he was there. When you walked out to meet him, you saw his girlfriend was with him and you put on a small smile. 'Of course he has a girlfriend, why wouldn't he. Still a bummer though, oh well.' you thought to yourself as you walked toward them.
"Y/n this is Lois, Lois this is Y/n. Lois is one of the top editors at the Daily Planet." He bragged, and you immediately got nervous. You'd read her work and you'd give to be as good, even better at writing.
"It really is nice to meet you, Clark speaks very highly of you and your writing." she said smiling.
"Really? I mean writing is my passion, I'm aspiring to get at least in the door. I'm not an editor or professor, but I think I'm okay." You said realizing you were babbling on because of your anxiety.
"Be confident in your work. It shows when you really mean what you're writing about. It also shows when you're doubting yourself." She said smiling at you. You immediately liked her and hoped to get to know her for advice sometime. You all got in and they fell into easy chatter along the way. Every now and again they'd touch on a topic you'd find interesting or be excited about, and you'd really get into it, smiling and being expressive. You'd catch Clark staring at you, a bit shocked at how much you had to say after months of being so quiet, and you'd retreat like a turtle back into your shell. You tried to not enjoy being around them, but every now and again, you liked talking to people on your level. Every now and again, you'd get lost in the breeze of the night air. You'd look out and get lost looking at the stars and the moon out of the open window of the moving car. You get so lost you forgot the other two people in the car and you'd miss the glances Clark took at you through the rearview mirror. When you all arrived at his moms farm you practically gawked at all the land around. You driven by open field and corn fields, you'd never actually gotten to see it up close.
As you all got out, his mom stepped out and waved at you.
"Well, looks like we got extra family tonight." she said smiling. You immediately felt a bit awkward. "Oh dear don't be shy, any friend of Clark is family." She said pulling you into a big hug.
"Thank you for having me Mrs. Kent." You said smiling.
"No go on now you just call me Martha." she said smiling and leading you inside. "You two come along, you know the routine." She said waving Lois and Clark inside. Dinner was great, you even found yourself laughing out loud. It exhilarated you and scared you to have such a good time around other people. You almost, ALMOST, didn't want the night to end, but you missed your bed. As if reading your mind, Clark announced it was time to leave.
"Looks like someone is ready for bed." He chuckled.
"Yep, I miss my solitude." You said stretching. Clark shook his head at you.
"What?" You asked innocently.
You said your final farewells and got in the car heading home. The ride home was peaceful, there was a calm silence between you three and you smiled watching the love exchanges between the two. You could see how much he loved her and you could understand why, Lois was beautiful woman. Your mind jumped from reasons you weren't in a relationship, to the assignment Clark had given you for the weekend. One thing you like about yourself? That topic was always hard for you and you couldn't even begin to find the words to start. Over the years you'd tried hard to accept yourself, love yourself, and be who you were unapologetically, but the moment you got to the threshold of truly giving yourself a chance, all of the criticism, judgment, and years of being invalidated filled you with fear and dread and you'd go back to your shell and do what you did best. Stay in your own bubble. Tears stung your eyes as you tried to stomp down the voices of doubt and resentment, 'It's okay, I'm good, I do what I have to and I'm happy with it. I'm at peace.' you thought to yourself over and over.
"You okay?" Clarks deep voice full of concerned pulled you from your thoughts and you shook you head to bring yourself back to reality.
"Yeah, just trying to stay awake." you said avoiding his gaze. The ride continued in silence and you couldn't help but drift off. One moment you were letting the ride soothe you to sleep and the next you heard a voice cooing you to sleep.
"Shh shh shh it's okay" Clark whispered. You couldn't help but cover your eyes. You were in Clark's arms as he carried you to the apartment.
"Woah," you said trying to get out of his arms. He gently placed you on your feet like a flower.
"Hey, its okay, calm down." He said gently rubbing your arms.
"S-sorry, I've just never-"
"Had anyone carry you before." He said finishing your sentence. You shifted feeling a bit awkward.
"Well, thanks for dinner. Thanks Lois!" You waved at her before going to your door. "Goodnight." you said one last time as you got inside. During the weekend you were extremely restless and was finding it hard to concentrate long enough to work on your assignment. Even when you sat waiting for words to form in your mind you eventually got busy doing something different. The night before class, you had an idea pop in your head, and you decided to go for it. You just hoped it would all make sense, it was the only think your mind focused on.
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kitsu-katsu · 3 years
Why c!Wilbur blowing stuff up for shits and giggles as a child makes no sense for his character (and why that would reflect a lot more badly on c!Phil anyways if that were the case):
Warning: c!Phil critical ahead, if you don't like that, skip this post
Now, to those of you that decide to read this: Strap in folks! We've got a lot of ground to cover this from and a ton of quotes ahead!
1) Wilbur’s a pacifist through and through. He always preached words over weapons, only fought when attacked first, wanted to ignore a war until it went away, considered giving up his nation many times, etc. A few examples of quotes to show this thinking:
“Basically, we have such a lower opportunity here that we probably just need to accept the conditions of surrender, just so we can save any more bloodshed, any more destruction on our land. They’ve entrapped our land, they’ve set up bombs on our land, they’ve destroyed all our homes. To stop any more bloodshed, I feel I would be a bad general if I didn’t look for conditions of surrender.” - (Wilbur’s The Revolution is Coming: 30:32, 2nd Aug)
“Tommy, we need you alive. Tommy, this isn’t worth it. Tommy, your life is worth more than the revolution.” - (Wilbur’s The Revolution is Coming: 34:57:, 2nd Aug)
“What has made you do everything you’ve done up to this point?” (Quackity)
“That’s a- That’s a big question. Um. I guess it’s just protection for my people. I mean, I- I- I just want to see them thrive, and I want to see them safe.” (Alivebur)
- (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:03:02, 12th Apr)
“Look, do you know how long and how much blood was shed to get L’Manberg to the point it was at? You know what would happen if we manage to get L’Manberg back again? More blood would be shed, and we would be the illegitimate rulers of a nation.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 18:52)
“We don’t win wars with battles and with armour. We win wars with our words, Tommy. We’re starting a revolution, not a war.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 4:54, 29th July)
“I’m not a fighter, I’m a writer.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 1:48:31, 29th July)
“Fighting is not necessary right now, Tommy.” - (Wilbur’s the election results: 43:42, 22nd Sep)
“Tommy, control yourself. Tommy, control yourself, it’s not worth it. Tommy, do not take your shot! He disrespected me, yes! But we’ve talked about this, Tommy…!” - (Wilbur’s techno and wilbur make cave better: 59:36, 23rd Sep)
2) The reason his thoughts about blowing it all up in Pogtopia even hit as hard, the reason all his allies were so shocked about him going through with it IS his pacifism first mindset (which has only been put second when he’s been attacked first and put in the defensive or in the case of his speech to Quackity after the political debate he genuinely thought, by the previous failure of his philosophy and the war trauma spurred on mainly by the FCR and Eret’s betrayal, that the only way to truly win respect and make a change in the world was through fighting and killing, which he was convinced of but was ultimately always too soft to actually go through with (note how he doesn’t kill anyone in the L’manburg explosion and how in the times during Pogtopia in which he declared he wanted people dead, he got second thoughts, regrets, retracted his statement or protected people with his actions):
“If you want to really help people, you’re gonna need power, Quackity. You can make a movement, you can make a resistance, right, you can go out and you can come back, and they’ll give you a ticker tape parade. They’ll cheer for you in the streets, but you will change nothing.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:05:42, 12th Apr)
“If you have a revolution, everyone will hate you, you will sacrifice everything, and you will lose everything you’ve ever had, but you’ll come back and everything will be changed.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:05:59, 12th Apr)
“And power isn’t gaining from diplomacy, and bureaucracy, and giant courthouses suspended in the sky, blah blah blah. It’s gained from swords, Quackity. It’s gained from blades, it’s gained from steel, iron.” - (Quackity’s Killing My Enemies: 1:06:19, 12th Apr)
“We blow up the entire fucking place to kingdom come. I want no survivors. God help whoever’s caught in the fucking crossfire.” - (Wilbur’s video, Am I The Villain?: 17:52)
“And, I know you’re scared, Tommy, I understand you’re scared. And it’s scary, it’s scary, Tommy, but do you know what? You know what? In a time like this, when a man has nothing to lose, do you know what that means? It means we can do what we want. We have a man on our side who literally rigged our nation with TNT. We can do the same to them. We can rig this festival with TNT. We can kill them all, Tommy. ” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:15:52, 8th Oct)
“Anyone caught in the crossfire is caught in the crossfire. That’s how it goes, you know? - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:41:22, 8th Oct)
“Chat, do I wanna- Chat, do I wanna, do I wanna do it? I’m having second thoughts about the TNT. Chat, I’m having second thoughts about the TNT. Do I wanna kill these people? Seeing that they’re my friends.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 34:09, 16th Oct)
“Tommy, I’m getting second thoughts. These are my friends, I don’t- Do I- I don’t know if I wanna [inaudible].” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 36:17, 16th Oct)
“Just, if you’re gonna kill anyone else, kill me. Don’t kill anyone else here.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:10:53, 16th Oct)
“You sounded like you were gonna murder another person. You sounded like you were gonna go for Niki.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:12:34, 16th Oct)
“Oh, yes, sorry, Niki, you missed that part. I was gonna blow up Manberg, I was gonna completely destroy it in a huge fireball. Look, Niki, come to Pogtopia, you’re safer here. You’re not gonna be hurt by anyone.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:17:59, 16th Oct)
“No you two can escape, I’ll be the… I’ll- I’ll- I’ll be… I’ll be trapped in here…” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 27:27, 17th Oct)
“I don’t, I don’t, I don’t want to kill you two. I don’t want you two to die.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 28:53, 17th Oct)
3) He was inspired by Dream blowing up L’manburg first with Eret’s betrayal during the first revolution. He knew Dream wanted L’manburg out of the picture and had tried it before. It’s why he knew to immediately ask him for TNT, because either way, Dream would benefit from both side’s mutually assured destruction:
“Here’s the plan, right, Dream. Dream is on our side, Dream has TNT, Dream has everything, right. I say we talk to Dream, and we ask him very nicely, very kindly, ‘Dream, give us all the TNT you have’. ” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:12:22, 8th Oct)
“Remember, how he rigged L’Manberg, like ages ago, during the War? And then he detonated the TNT and destroyed the entire thing? We do that again, everyone, we blow up the entire fucking place to kingdom come.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:12:36, 8th Oct)
“The only reason that Dream is working with us, is because of the fact that we are the enemies of his enemies! That’s it! That’s all that joins this!” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:14:35, 8th Oct)
“Dream, let me be your vassal. Dream, I understand you have a lot of TNT, a lot of the ol’ trinitrotoluene in your possession, don’t you? You do! Dream, I want to be your vassal, I want to set this up, I want to rig the city.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:33:27, 8th Oct)
4) Wilbur hesitated a LOT with the detonation, wanted to be stopped, told people his plan in detail and was overall in a deep internal conflict about the whole thing (and didn’t blow it up once to not kill Tommy and Quackity too, this is also the moment in which his suicidal tendencies are the most clear in his lines before the 16th). Ultimately he decided to do it because he was suicidal and deeply suffering from mental health issues, believed himself to be the root of all bad in the server and by extension, L’manburg was too, and by that point his original view for L’manburg had been so twisted by Schlatt anyway that in his POV it’d only be used to hurt more people anyway:
“I- Look, rigging L’Manberg is not gonna help us get it back, I’m aware of that. But sometimes in order to feel comfortable and safe you have to be ready to give up the things that you’re worried you might lose. And in this case, I think I might lose it already.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:17:57, 8th Oct)
“I know there’s a lot of people, Tommy! … I’m not telling you where the button is, man. … Tommy, it’s over that hill, it’s over that hill, right there!” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 28:30, 16th Oct)
“Chat, do I wanna- Chat, do I wanna, do I wanna do it? I’m having second thoughts about the TNT. Chat, I’m having second thoughts about the TNT. Do I wanna kill these people? Seeing that they’re my friends.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 34:09, 16th Oct)
“Tommy, I’m getting second thoughts. These are my friends, I don’t- Do I- I don’t know if I wanna [inaudible].” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 36:17, 16th Oct)
“But this is the opportunity- this is the opportunity. If I don’t blow it up now, when am I gonna blow it up?! When am I gonna blow it up, Tommy? But when do- when do we do-” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 36:30, 16th Oct)
“If I don’t do it now, what happens if this is the only chance I get. Everyone’s in this close situation, I can do some proper damage. Look, this isn’t a- He needs a consequence for his actions, Schlatt does, he can’t just keep being handsome and powerful and strong all the time. He needs, he needs to be put down a peg.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 37:07, 16th Oct)
“I can still call off this whole detonating at the end of the speech, dude. I can call it off.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 38:24, 16th Oct)
“Should I show you where the TNT’s laced? ‘Cause in a, in a last ditch effort, we may need to destroy it by hand, okay? So, under the chair, where Schlatt sits, there’s about twenty pieces, right? And then going under, under the main area here, following this red line, there is TNT all the way, and then it jut- and then it- … It darts up here, and over to the dance floor, but it doesn’t touch the water.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 38:29, 16th Oct)
“I have to light it, I’ve got to light it, I’ve got to light it.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:08:17, 16th Oct)
“Yesterday I had the perfect opportunity to blow everything up and finally end it, you know. I had the perfect opportunity to finally blow up everything and end it and just completely save everyone, right, from the tyranny of Schlatt and the tyranny of the existence of Manberg and L’Manberg, right.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 25:17, 17th Oct)
“Explain it to me! Give me a reason! Give me a reason!” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 26:50, 17th Oct)
“Who else is it gonna hurt?! It’s gonna hurt Schlatt, Manberg, and-” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 26:55, 17th Oct)
“Why did I bring- I should have just done it. I’m such a fucking showman. I should have just done it.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 27:18, 17th Oct)
“No you two can escape, I’ll be the… I’ll- I’ll- I’ll be… I’ll be trapped in here…” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 27:27, 17th Oct)
“I just- I just want to f… I just wanna end it, I wanna end it. I wanna press that button, man.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 28:08, 17th Oct)
“I don’t, I don’t, I don’t want to kill you two. I don’t want you two to die.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 28:53, 17th Oct)
“Ohh, fuck you! Fuck you, man! Why do you make it so hard?! I should have just- I’m such a fucking showman.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 29:29, 17th Oct)
“Tommy, we’ve tried my ideas. I’m willing to listen to you. I’m gonna follow you, Tommy. Whatever you think is gonna be the best way of taking down Schlatt, we’ll do it. We’ve tried my ideas.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 32:01, 17th Oct)
“My L’Manberg. My L’Manberg. As long- As long as I know the button is here… as long as I know. As long as I know the button is here. It’s just not today. I just need to know that it’s there for a fall-back. I need to know it’s there.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 33:46, 17th Oct)
“I’ve been hasty. But the fact that I know it’s there, and I can just stroke my right mouse button, that’s all I need. As long as I know it’s there.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 34:27, 17th Oct)
“You’ve convinced me, I don’t wanna go straight to Plan B, if Plan A fails.” - (Wilbur’s Speedy Stream Festival What festival: 39:02, 17th Oct)
“Look, Tommy, at the end of the day, if this doesn’t go well, I’m gonna blow the place to smithereens. The place will be gone, I’m gonna detonate it and blow it to smithereens, right, if this doesn’t go well. But it will go well…! … ‘Cause it’s literally- there’s no one on Schlatt’s side.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 21:00, 16th Nov)
“But none of them have the same anticipatory love of what they’re doing, unlike us. Everyone on our side is fighting for something we’ve loved, and had for ages, right. That’s why we’re gonna win, and that’s why you shouldn’t be afraid. And yes, the whole place is rigged.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 21:38, 16th Nov)
“I could, I really could, that’s the thing. That’s the bit that I like. It’s the bit that makes me smile the most is the fact that I definitely could.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 26:28, 16th Nov)
“Chekhov’s Gun. Chekhov’s Gun. I’ll be honest with you, chat, I’ve been wondering this whole time if it still works. I’ve been thinking to myself does it still- ‘Cause I fixed it up for today.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 1:11:36, 16th Nov)
“Phil, I’m always so close to pressing this button, Phil! I have been here, like seven or eight times I have been here… Seven or eight times” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 1:14:56, 16th Nov)
“Phil, I’ve been here here so many times.” - (Wilbur’s smithereens: 1:15:13, 16th Nov)
“I don’t even know if it works anymore, Phil. I don’t even know if the button works. I could, I could… press it, and it might-” (Wilbur’s smithereens: 1:15:29, 16th Nov)
5) The one time anything about Wilbur using TNT while young (and here the age isn't as clearly implied as in Phil's thing, this could very well be more of teen Wilbur than kid Wilbur) is mentioned in the actual text is this one maybe-canon-maybe-not-so-canon-anymore line:
“Tommy, have you heard of TNT duplication? The flying machines that dup TNT? Phil taught me about them. He taught me about them- I’m sure he wouldn’t have taught me them if he knew what I was gonna do with them. But, he did teach me about them. … They were very useful, in this.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 11:30, 16th Oct)
Now let’s pretend that headcanon makes any sense and that yeah, Wilbur totally just enjoyed building shit to detonate and said tendency encouraged in childhood just up and carried into adulthood and manifested as him internally going “I must blow up this thing I made because that’s what I do” and let’s pretend that he didn’t have a big ass internal conflict about it.
Ok, so Phil said that Wilbur blew stuff up when little, so he’d have connected it to the button room. Now think for a moment: How does that reflect on Phil as a parent? Let’s forget about everything else for this one moment (and believe me, I’ve got no shortage of stuff to critique c!Phil on in regards to his relation with c!Wilbur) and just focus on this one action. A man freely lets his son use TNT to blow up some random stuff presumably made out of toys. Just a little kid playing with TNT, yup, that’s his boy. And it was to such a degree that the same man just went “Oh yeah! It’s totally the blowing shit up thing!” in a fraction of a second after seeing the button… And then yeah, saw all of the hesitation, the breakdown, the struggle, the wishes to die and impaled him with a sword, but we can go deeper into those aspects in another post
Then Phil tried to make it better by saying to chat that all kids just break stuff apart, more implying that little Wilbur wasn’t actually using explosives which… makes the whole thing even dumber, ngl, because at that point c!Phil is just saying “Oh yeah, he knocked over his lego houses when he was four, so when I saw that button I immediately went ‘Oh, of course! He rigged the place! What an obvious connection!’”. You see what I’m getting at?
TLDR: It doesn’t fit with canon and even if we shove it in with its implications, then c!Phil is just an idiot, whether it be from letting his kid freely play with TNT to such a degree that he deduces where his most drastic measure resulting from trauma and breakdowns is going just by seeing the button OR whether it be from him connecting dots where there are none if he tries to save his skin as a father and just say “Oh yeah, no, who didn’t knock over stuff as a kid, what do you mean?” not realizing that… exactly… who didn’t…. so it wouldn’t connect with the button room at all
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Their Doll 15
B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: Tony throws a party, bucky returns
Warnings: kissing, swearing
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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It's been nearly six months since I escaped HYDRA a second time, and since then all me and Steve have done is have sex. It's glorious, the freedom (and the pleasure) that comes with being with Steve, and I love him more and more every day. He told me he loved me about a months ago, over a candle-lit dinner and a bunch of roses. It was so sweet, but I am yet to say the words back to him. Well, not that I've been talking much, per say.
My voice was slowly returning, yet I still couldn't string together more than two words and my voice was far from being strong or sounding like it used to.
Bruce had miraculous found some medication that helped, and abashedly admitted that if the sex was helping me make any noise, it should continue.
One of the main issues, is that almost everyone except my dad had been walking on eggshells around me for months. And in new exactly why. It's because they're yet to bring him the soldier.
And if I'm being a hundred percent honest, I'm slightly happy they haven't yet. After all, I don't know if I could bury my feelings towards him and that wouldn't be fair to Steve. And yet in being fair to Steve, I was being cruel to the soldier. After all, to make Steve comfortable, I'm mentally condemning the soldier to continue the horrid and violent lifestyle that comes with HYDRA.
I shake the overcrowding thoughts off, resetting my stance before landing a pinch to the bag.
"Good." Steve praises, stood beside the swinging bag with his arms crossed over his chest. I continue to punch it hard, focusing more on the strength than the technique as I try and will away the flurries thoughts in my mind. "Why don't we try that thing you always get wrong?" Steve asks, almost mockingly. I shoot him a glare. He chuckled, unwrapping my fists for my before bringing me over to the table where our water sat. I took a big pull of the refreshing liquid, barely paying attention as Steve readies the targets.
When I saunter over, he hands me a set of small, but agile, blades before stepping away. I clear my throat, putting myself into the correct stance before giving my boyfriend a nod. Steve nods back, pressing the button before the human-shaped targets begin to move. They're staggered, the last one so far back I can never seem to hit the bullseye. No matter how many times a I try - which is at least once a day - I can never hit it.
The aim is to hit the targets in order of closest to furthest, burying the blade in the mannequins' chests where the red dots it. I take a deep breath, letting my wrist fall loose. I release the blade of my exhale, watching with narrowed eyes as it sinks itself into the black dummy's chest. I let out a breath I was holding, moving onto the next one. Bullseye. Bullseye. Bullseye. Onto the last target, my vision focused, my mind centred on the farther and the target only.
Inhale. Focus. Exhale. Throw.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, before my hand quickly flys to my mouth, slapping over my lips in shock. It was almost cartoonish, the way Steve's eyes widened like a deer in headlights before the brightest, wolfish grin became his lips.
The knife had wizzed through the air, breezing past the other targets before the tip was piercing smoothly through the little red dot at its heart. Bullseye.
"Holy shit." I repeat, a smile pulling the corners of my mouth up. Steve rushed forward, engulfing my knees a bone-crushing hug before lifting me from the ground and spinning around with me in his arms.
"You spoke!" He rejoiced.
"I can talk! My voice - it's back!" I was starstruck, completely and utterly speechless. I can talk.
"Holy shit indeed." A voice came from behind us.
"Tony." Steve greeted as he let me down, my feet already carrying me across the room until I was enveloped in my dad's arms too.
"We should celebrate. I'm throwing you a party." Tony decided, placing a kiss to my hair. "Tonight. Wear something nice, both of you." He pulled away, looking pointedly at me and Steve before retreating with a smile.
I stood before my mirror, hands smoothing over the dark blue fabric laying over my hips. I breathed deeply, head tilting to the side as I studied myself. I wore a silky blue dress that cling to my waist and fell elegantly down from my hips, hitting my ankles and presenting a thigh-high slit on one side. The dress barely had a back, the front showing just enough cleavage to be considered teasing. Around my neck I wore a necklace steve had given me the night he told me he loved me, and I couldn't help but breath out a laugh at the small silver Captain America shield charm hanging from it. I wore some shoes I new I'd regret - trainers. Plain, white canvas shoes that totally ruined the look. But I'd never worn heels before, and I didn't feel like embarrassing myself at my own party.
My hair fell over my shoulders in loose curls, make up simple as I never tended to wear any anyway.
I took a deep breath, opening my room door to be greeted by Steve. He was dashing, clad in a navy blue suit and tie, his hair slightly messy bit in a hot way, and his blue eyes gleaming.
"You look breathtaking, doll." He commented, eyes scanning over my body, clearly lingering on the slit in my dress. I smirked slightly, looping my arm with his outstretched one.
"You look rather handsome yourself." I smiled sweetly, not missing the way steve held back a laugh when he finally noticed my choice of footwear. "Hey!" I laughed, slapping his arm playfully.
"I'm sorry, doll. I just didn't quite expect it." He sniggered, making me scoff and roll my eyes.
"And what did you expect? Three foot tall, strappy heels? When have you even seen me in anything besides trainers or tactical boots, Rogers?" I asked pointedly, shutting Steve up. When we reached the main room when my part was already in full swing, Steve pulled my close to him, coaxing a gasp from my lips.
"And where would you be hiding your knives tonight?" Steve murmured in my ear, nibbling on the lob as his arm kept me firmly pressed against him. It was a little joke we'd formed, as every time I was out in public steve managed to find a knife on me somewhere - in a pocket, down my bra, tucked into the waistband of whatever I was wearing, you name it. To anyone else, we simple looked to be having a normal conversation like any couple would've, but it was much more than that. I assumed in his question Steve was referring to my backless dress that hung so low there's no way I'd even find a way to wear underwear with it. So I went without.
"If tonight goes how I'm planning, you'll have plenty of time to find out for yourself." I whispered against his neck, smirking when his adam's apple bobbed. I sauntered away slowly, making sure my hips swayed as I walked.
The party flew by, people I could hardly remember greeting me and telling me how much they'd missed me as if they'd been some kind of surrogate mother or something to me.
That's where I currently found myself, a fake smile so big it was probably obvious plastered over my face as I nodded along whenever May said something. Peter stood beside her, champagne flute that I just new was filled with appletiser clutched in his hand, smirk hidden behind the rim of the glass at my pained expression.
"So how long have you been home?" May asked, smile so genuine it was embarrassing how fake my own was.
"Only about six months." I smiled back, eyes darting around the room nervously looking for an escape.
"Six months?! You should've met up with Peter sooner! You would've hung out with her, right Peter?" May exclaimed, turning to her nephew who was clearly trying to hold back a snigger as he answered with a quick 'of course'. I sent him a glare that briskly morphed back into a smile the second May was turned my way again.
The smile turned much more real the second I saw my dad climb up onto the table across the room, glass and spoon in his hands. May and Peter spun to look at him along with everyone else in the room when the captivating sound of the metal clanging gracefully against the champagne flue echoed in the room.
"Thank you, thank you, everyone!" Tony called, chatter diminishing in the crowd at his voice. A smile - an actual smile - graced my lips when I realised he was making a speech about me being home. "I'm just here tonight, talking to you all, about my daughter!" Tony began, a small applause following as many pairs of eyes sought for me in the crown.
"You know, the day I found you laying on my doorstep," he stated, taking a swig of his drink, "I thought: how the hell am I gonna raise this stupid ass kid that's been dumped on my like some sort of...animal." I gasped, tears bubbling in my eyes. I thought we were past this- this hate. "This fucking bastard that's come from the filthy streets."
"Tony, that's enough." Nat says from where she stood beside the table, tugging the man's ankle in an attempt to get him down.
"You're drunk." Steve stated from beside him, anger written over his usually perfect features.
"It's all you! It's you, y/n!" He shouted.
"Dad.." I mumbled through my tears, every head in the room locked on my as my bottom lips wobbled aggressively.
"You killed me the day you showed up, and ever day I see you I realise how much I regret taking you in, raising you as my own." He spat with a venom I'd never heard in my dad's voice before.
"Tony!" Steve shouted, but he merely pushed the super soldier's words aside.
"You're not special, y/n! And you never were! Just a Thorne in my side," he explained, climbing down from the table with a slight drunken wobble. "That's why I picked Peter. Smart, agile, unique." He rambled on, making his was through the sea of people that parted instantly for him until he was right in front of me, Peter and May. "So why don't you make this easy, and don't make me chose between you a second time." Tony claimed.
"What? Because you'd chose him?" I sobbed, hand covering my mouth as I bit back the tears.
"Tony, don't!" Steve snapped, now at my side and holding his hands on my hips possessively.
"If you chose him over you're own daughter, Tony...I swear to god somebody better hide you in the time it takes me to find a gun." Nat glared, standing to my side with a wicked look in her eyes.
"Y/n is your daughter." Bruce tried to reason, flinching away when Tony shot him a look that could kill.
"Yeah, I'd chose him." Tony finally settles, silence ensuing after the piercing shatter of a glass broke the room. May stood there, broken glass at her feet and mouth open so wide her jaw must've physically hurt.
"Y/n, I- I am so sorry.." Peter barely whispered from beside May, his own face red from a mixture of threatening tears and embarrassment. I have Tony a dirty look, leaning forward slightly and spitting at the ground in front of him.
"Fuck you." I bit like a viper, spinning harshly on my heel and storming from the room, trying so hard to hide my tears until I was out of sight.
Once I'd reached the stairs, I was kicking my heels off and springing up the steps, two at a time. Reaching the top, I clutched the railing for a second as if to ground myself as a sob ripped through me, my palm covering my mouth again as if it could stop the sounds. I padded quickly across the carpeted floor, fumbling with the handle of my door before pushing it open blindly, stumbling inside.
A sharp gasp was stolen from me when I walked in, more tears clouding my eyes. I hastily swiped them away with my palms, desperate to get a good look of the man before me. His cerulean eyes, long and thick dark hair, his undeniably visible metal arm...
Then his lips met mine. Not desperate or hard like usual, but gentle and slow, as if I would shatter to a thousand pieces if he even held my soft face with too much pressure. "Y/n." he said seriously, but a small smile still glistening in his deep blue eyes. "Soldier." I responded, reflecting his playful seriousness. He pulled me in for another passionate kiss, my whole body relishing in its tenderness. The soldier bought his mouth next to my ear, leaning over me and holding my waist carefully. My thoughts raced one another over and over, but there was always a clear winner: I had him back.
His compassionate whisper floated past my ear, dancing around the loose curls of hair that were tucked messily behind my ear, a whirlwind of emotions tunnelling through me, allowing the butterflies to roam free as he murmured "It's Bucky, by the way."
"We're done."
A frown settled across my face, my head snapping the the side to see Steve stood gobsmacked and clearly hurt in the door. He must've followed me, to make sure I was alright and now he's seen this, and - how long had he been standing there?
"Steve, it's not what it looks like." Bucky tried, now also looking at the Super Soldier.
"So it's not my best friend kissing my girl? Hm?" Steve almost whimpered, as if the words physically hurt him to say.
"Well, yes, but-"
"No. No buts. I don't give a shit what you have to say." Steve interjected me, the harshness of his voice cutting through me like a knife. "Have a nice fucking life." He spat, before turning and retreating out of the door. I started wistfully after him, before glancing back to Bucky and opening my mouth to speak.
"Go. I'll talk to you later." He answered for me, a reassuring glint in his blue-grey eyes. I gave him a small nod and a grateful smile before instantly running after Steve.
"Steve! Steve, wait!" I called after him, but the man's strides were so damn long I couldn't catch up to him even whilst running. "Please, let me explain!" He turned around at that, my body colliding with the wall of muscle that was his torso.
"What's there to explain, y/n?" He said, defeated.
"I- I don't really know. I just don't want to lose you." I murmured, placing my hands of his chest and looking up at the man through my lashes. He wrapped his hands around my wrists before yanking them away from his chest, tears stinging in my eyes. "I love you, Steve." I whispered, for the first time. Steve averted his gaze with a frustrated sigh.
"It's a little too late for that. You can tell Bucky he won't be hearing from me either." Steve spoke, dropping my wrists and turning to leave again. I didn't follow him this time, I didn't call after him, I just sunk to my knees, head in my hands, and cried.
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 3 years
Midnight Magic
A/N: Wrote a smutty part 2 to accompany you lovely folks! 🥰🥰
Henry Cavill x Reader
Also, if I keep tagging you and you’re not interested or want to be tagged; please let know!
Word Count: 1855k 
Warnings: MUCH PROMISED FLUFF, dirty talk, implied smut, foreplay, kissing, language, teasing
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Y/N wasn’t someone to demand attention but tonight was a different story entirely. Whether it be the holiday magic in the air or the sheer happiness exuding from her beaming smile, they’d never know for sure.  She glazed into the fireplace awaiting the arrival of her midnight kiss to show up. The embers flickered uncontrollably creating a spellbinding illusion of comfort. The cerulean blue hue of her dress was majestically magnificent, custom designed to perfection leaving little to the imagination. Paired with a sexy high slit revealed the majority of her right leg; just enough access.
This New Year’s Eve Henry had the peculiar notion to get dressed up as if they were enjoying the evening out. Y/N almost died of happiness then and there seeing the childish reflection in her husband’s hypnotic orbs. 2020 was one helluva year and though it brought them closer than ever as a couple, Y/N wasn’t blind to the hardships occurring throughout the world.  
His loins stirred excitedly as lust glazed over his features growing semi-hard. The only barrier holding them from going at it like teenagers. He licked his lips in anticipation eager to have his wife all to himself. No lavish parties or parades of people to entertain this year, just the lot of them, alone and horny. He continued admiring her from afar pouring two flutes of champagne for the pair.
“You look positively scrumptious this evening, Mrs. Cavill.”
Henry silently crept from behind sneaking up unsuspectingly slow. Goosebumps riddled her gorgeous skin rippling in masses. His breath ticked the tiny, delicate hair adorning her neck shooting a pleasurable surge to her limbs. Both endlessly love drunk on one another. His sensational touch alone kicked every sense into overdrive, heightened every emotion he emitted. Y/N reached back entangling her fingers with his newly deemed ‘quarantine curls’ she’d loved to tug on. Small bites traced down her neck leaving small marks in his wake of destruction.
“May I add how delectable you are in a tuxedo, Hen? My god, my poor ovaries must be working overtime.”
A salacious smirk broke out on his lips eyeing her lustfully.
“You haven’t the finest clue what I want to do to you right now, my love.”
Her hips grinded back on their on accord knocking the air from his lungs. All his remaining blood rushed to the tip of his cock as his belly stirred in playful chaos. They swayed back and forth to the melody playing in the background both reflecting on their last year together.
Henry lined himself up with the shell of her ear wrapping his bulky arm firmly around her waist drawing her as close as possible.
“I’m truly astounded this is our 12th year celebrating as a couple.”
Y/N smiled thinking back when they first met. The year was 2008, Henry was a newly promoted regular to a Showtime series called The Tudors. Y/N was a brilliant writer, the brains behind the complex operation. Henry considered her the beauty and brains; Y/N hated when he talked down about himself saying she’d never once doubted the man who became a wonderful husband and even better daddy.
One unparticular day he’d spotted her struggling to balance a pretty hefty pile of scripts and tumbled right into him. Luckily, his super-size and strength kicked in just in time catching the eye of the attractive stranger. In that moment, Henry knew there was something about this woman he craved to figure out. He was just the lucky bastard on the reciprocating end.
“And thank god your parents volunteered to take the kiddos for the evening. Some private adult time is just what the doctor ordered. We owe them BIG time.”
Y/N winked leading him to decipher the meaning behind her blanket statements. She stepped from his grasp breaking his hold on her. He whined at the loss causing Y/N to eye him curiously.
Oh, you little tease.
Henry’s frisky nature broke through lighting the atmosphere around them. Due to the ongoing pandemic and what not, Henry and Y/N found themselves in wintry London at their main hub of a home. Henry’s roots were deep-rooted and his plea so passionate as she agreed to move across the world with him. Their lives halted for the better allowing the family to spend more time than usual as a unit. Though initially hectic and overwhelming, they were secretly thankful for these little moments with their four children. It was a time they so dearly valued at their imaginative ages.
“Oh, I bet my pops could sense the sexual tension oozing off you, darling. You smell mouthwatering.”
“Hush! Besides it is completely natural to pursue a sexual relationship with my husband outside of our children. Gotta keep you coming back for more…”
“Oh sweets, you have no earthly idea how bad I want to fuck you every day of my existence. You are absolutely divine and somehow all mine.”
“I can’t take all the credit. Nobody’s ever made me cum the way you managed to figure out. You play me like a damn instrument.”
“With pleasure.”
“Ugh, you’re insatiable.”
“Oh, come on. Your sex drive is just as insane as mine. Admit it!”
Y/N bit the inside of her lip collecting her thoughts. Henry pried and teased her ribs forcing her to his whims.
“Fine, fine, you win! I’m a ravenous feign when it comes to you. You’d think having kids would cool my jets but then I see these gorgeous faces I birthed and it’s like I reset. Poof, just like that.”
“Well you’re a phenomenal Mum and quite the MILF too.”
Henry inhaled her perfumed scent taking a long sip of bubbly; anything to keep him from combusting.
“Let’s toast, love. We must.”
“My my, how time flies when you’re having fun.”
Her manicured fingers reached for the chilled glass looking up at Henry and his three-month-old beard. She rose her glass slightly higher in preparation for his speech. Her eyes gleamed with pride as she admired her husband.
“Thank you for loving me, Henry. Seriously, you changed my life in so many profound ways.”
The sap in him was beginning to show as his eyes watered with unshed tears; “My love, it is I who should be thanking for you the unending shower of love and affection. You are the beautiful mother of our four wonderous kids who are the absolute lights of my life because of you. You’re a woman worthy of many praises than my silly ramblings. Cheers to you and for another adventure of a year!”
She swatted his chest immediately shutting him up; “Don’t say that! I am just as equally lucky to have found someone who gets me for …me. It’s a wonderful feeling to have you by my side even if I did have to kiss a few frogs.”
“No doubt I the best possible selection.”
Y/N played along jesting back; “I wouldn’t go that far, maybe the easiest?”
Gob smacked Henry’s wit was rapid fire; “If memory serves, you were there too. And just as ravenous.”
“I was about to get nailed by an insanely hot British man. Can you blame me?”
“One look from you and I was a bloody puddle. I had to recite rugby players to keep from losing my shit.”
No matter life’s challenges the past years of their lives, their resolution to stay equals and lovers was stronger than ever. A sinful glow overcame Y/N as she stared directly up at him; “Cheers to you fucking me stupid then?”
“As you wish.”
She refused to glance away maintaining his smoldering gaze; her Y/C eyes screamed sex. His pupils dilated just as his heart speed up voraciously. Both subconsciously tilted their heads oppositely neither daring to move first, unwilling to yield. Y/N challenged his masculinity testing him. Many words could be used to describe Y/N but priss wasn’t one of them.  
“Oi, you are a true keeper.”  
Y/N checked the matching wrist watch completing her outfit; “T-minus 15 seconds until 2021 is here.”
Still unbreaking of her gaze, Henry stayed silent taking in the beauty of his wife. He could stare at her for the rest of his god given days and die a spectacularly happy man.
“Oh Hen, another marvelous journey with you. Can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for us.”
She stared down at his inviting pout unable to look away nor did she truly want to.
“Maybe thinking about another baby?”
Her eyes bulged from her skull as shock illuminated from her pores.
“You’re joshing me?”
His lack of response was more than confirmation enough.
“There’s something so ridiculously sexy about you being pregnant. I always knew I wanted kids but with you, oh with you I want to have as many as humanly possible. Our very own football team.”
Confusion stamped her features at his terminology. Sometimes Henry forgot they were from different countries.
“Football as in soccer. You know the game with the checkered ba—”
Y/N cut him off; “Jeez baby, save your mansplaining. I’ve been on this side of the pond long enough to understand your oh so clever references.”
The pros and cons bounced around in her head, doubt never far behind but the mischievous joy coming off him was tantalizing; “Let’s do it.”
Cheers rang ecstatically from the television as fireworks commanded their attention but they only had eyes for one another. Henry closed the gap kissing her feverishly. He was forever seared into her brain ruined for all other men. Lost in the moment, Y/N barely had time to set her glass down untrusting of her own balance anymore. Henry followed shortly behind. Now with her newfound freedom, Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck locking him in place. His questioning tone was almost cause for concern before his façade shattered.
“Really? I do so enjoy seeing you round with my babe. So, fucking irresistible.”
Henry’s jacket was long removed strewn over the couch. That left him standing only in his tight button up and trousers. Y/N merely leaned back his direction bringing his attention towards the zipper aligning her spine. Henry chuckled undoing her dress too easily watching the zipper flair apart. He couldn’t resist admiring the flex of her muscles and how striking she was. Tugging the material over the curvy hips, Y/N noticed Henry was far too overdressed.
“Take off your clothes, now.”
“You bossin me round, babe?”
His muscular tush ignited in minimal pain as her hand connected with his ass whipping rather harshly. A small red welt appeared instantly. Henry stood shocked as Y/N’s smug smile decorated her face.
“You really shouldn’t push me. I don’t like my authority questioned.”
Henry’s mood shifted at her use of roleplay knowing he was in for a well and good night. Henry stripped removing his boxer briefs last. Y/N strutted towards her bedside dresser pulling out a pair of metal handcuffs. Dangling them in front of him, she grinned bashfully; “You’re going to sit your ass on that bed and I’m going to tie you up now. Got it?”
Tags:  @thedeadhearted @giveusbackourbucky @henry-cavill-obsessed  @onlyhenrys @omgkatinka @thereisa8ella @threeminutesoflife @homewreckingwreck @gemini0410 @maan14@bluegalaxyprime @sofiebstar @whyyykitkat @encounterthepast  @readermia @ly-canthropewrites @scorpionchild81 @henrythickcavill @snowbellexx @stephartrave @agniavateira  @cap-barnes​ @henryfanfics101  @mary-ann84 @westcoast-nightowl @poledancingdinos​  @justaboringadult @peakygroupie  @nalathefirefly​ @vikingsbifrost​ @bloodyinspiredfuck​ @moderapoppins​ @cooldiva1234​ @icedcoffeeismythang​ @titty-teetee​ @summersong69​ @kaatelyyynn​ @missursulacalmet​ @michelehansel​ @iloveyouyen​ @shyshu​ @star017​ @raynosaurus-rex @radkesgirl83​ @starrynite7114​  @wheretheriversrunintothesea​ @i-love-scott-mccall​  @darkbooksarwin​ @ellieseymour70​ @designerwriterchic​ @studywithrosie01​ @dangerouslovefanfic​ @lebguardians​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @hen-cavill​  @cavill-sass​ @oh-for-fic-sake​ @icedbottles​ @buckysgoldenheart​ @brexrif​ @gryffindorwriter​ @laketaj24​ @foxyjwls007​ @lawsofthejungle​ @henrycavillfanpage​ @kaboogie21​ @fangirl199812​ @gothicninibalor​ @qualitynightkoala​ @strictlybuckybarnes​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​@hersilencescreams-blog​ @viking-raider​ @sesamepancakes​  @madbaddic7ed​ @fuckoffbard​ @funfickgirl22​ @inlovewithhisblueeyes​ @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ @hoeforhenry​ @henrycavills-babe​ @abschaffer2​ @loving-this​ @one-of-those-fanfiction-blogs​ @lovelycavills​
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
I'm very much open to requests right now! I'm writing for Peter Parker / Tom Holland at the moment. And since I just got a little influx of followers here's my old dialogue prompt list so you can request! You can do so in the comments or my ask box. You can request as many as you want at once :)
1. "I told you not to read that."
2. "Sir, this is for children only."
3. "Are you kidding me? We're not 'fine'!"
4. "Whatever you're going to ask, the answer is no!"
5. "Hey... what's wrong with your face?"
6. "You look a lot different from your profile picture."
7. "Are you going to keep walking by my house, or are you going to come in?"
8. "Dude, it's three in the morning."
9. "I can't believe I use to think he was attractive."
10. "Actually, you *are* speaking to the manager."
11. "This isn't going to be a typical best man's speech."
12. "According to this, you owe them eighty thousand dollars."
13. "That's the worst reason I've ever heard to have a baby."
14. "I didn't even recognize you!"
15. "You're Satan." Costume party
16. "I need a place to stay."
17. "It's six o'clock in the morning, you're not having vodka."
18. "Safety first. What are you? FIVE?"
19. "This is girl talk, so leave."
20. "You're bleeding all over my carpet."
21. "Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now."
22. "Hold still."
23. "You're not interested, are you?"
24. "Oh honey, I'd never be jealous of you."
25. "I'm telling you, I'm haunted."
26. "Touch her again and I'll break your wrist."
27. "Don't look behind you, but that guy is checking you out."
28. "I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend."
29. "Quick! Kiss me!"
30. "Just shut up and kiss me."
31. Ihate high school reunions."
32. "I think I picked up your coffee by mistake."
33. "I've never felt this way before... and it scares the shit out of me."
34. "Wait a second, are you jealous?"
35. "This is by far the stupidest plan you've ever had. Of course I'm in."
36. "You never told me you had a fucking twin."
37. "Am I suppose to be scared of you?" Skeleton dick costume
38. "You're hiding something from me." Ethan proposes
39. "A wedding?"
40. "Where would someone hide in a town like this?"
41. "H-how long have you been standing there?"
42. "Is this skirt suppose to be this short?"
43. "Oh fuck off."
44. "When did you take that?"
45. "I hid it."
46. "Stop trying to look cool in paparazzi pictures, you look like a dumbass."
47. "Can you stop laughing?"
48. "You look like a reptile from this angle."
49. "You have a dirty mind."
50. "You guys are lame."
51. "I don't know. Resurrection maybe?"
52. "This is a safe space." "What the hell are you talking about?" "SAFE SPACE!"
53. "Just stab him."
54. "I'm in dire need of assistance."
55. "I'm gonna die in an elevator full of idiots."
56. "Shoot me."
57. "I feel like you know."
58. "You're making me dizzy."
59. "I don't want any excuses, they must have the hottest date ever."
60. "Are you with him because it's easy?"
61. "Dibs!"
62. "If we die, I'm going to kill you."
63. "Do you think you could just go *one* day without pissing me off?"
64. "Your hands are really soft."
65. "We've become the clingy newlyweds you've always complained about."
66. "Pregnant?"
67. "We are SO much cuter than them."
68. "Wanna go for a drive?"
69. "Is there a reason you're blushing like that?"
70. "Sleep over? Please?"
71. "Are we on a date right now?"
72. "Am I your lockscreen?" "You weren't suppose to see that."
73. "Well I think you're beautiful."
74. "Your feet are so cold!"
75. "You come here often?" "Well I work here, so I'll have to say yes."
76. "You met me yesterday though?" "Yes, and I would die for you in one second. Next question."
77. "I can't stop smiling."
78. "Did you see it?"
79. "Don't leave me alone."
80. "Have you ever kissed anyone before?"
81. "You didn't tell me your friend was cute! Now what am I gonna do?"
82. "How can you drink that stuff?"
83. "Stop apologizing for other people! You aren't the shitty one!"
84. "I just wanna be swept off my feet. Is that so much to ask?"
85. "Oh, my ankle! It must be broken!" *wink wink*
86. "These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaing about your tie you whine ass."
87. "I don't want to ruin your party."
88. "Could you just come get me?"
89. "Now I have to start counting all over again!"
90. "Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?"
91. "You are very endearing while you are half-asleep."
92. "But I want to hear you sing!"
93. "No- Mom- don't tell him I said that. Wait!"
94. "And you wonder why you are still single."
95. "Somebodys cranky." "Somebody needs to shut up."
96. "She's hot. But she's evil."
97. "Pinky promise!"
98. "I'd rather jump out that window. But thanks."
99. "Hello, sunshine."
100. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Prompts based on things my best friend has said (changed a little bit for context)
1. Man, I hope this ice melts soon
2. Holy SHIT the Disney World parking lot is packed.
3. Those tree lights are burning my retinas
4. "These are fun to work with." "Not to eat." "No!"
5. "I mean, I could hit a kid with a car."
6. "You up? I need to call you! It's not bad it's just kinda funny!"
7. "Wow I can't imagine being that rich! How old are the kids, maybe I can date one!"
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perksofhs · 4 years
‘So... the weather?’
This is a little AU piece that was requested! The prompt: Hey could you do a one shot where harry and famous reader are in a talk show and he has a crush on her. Maybe he accidentally hurts her while playing a game and he feels awful about it orrr maybe the host put a video where harry says that the reader is his crush and he gets nervous and embarrassed.
Promoting a movie was all but glamourous. It was a constant string of 14 hour days, 5am wake up calls and repetitive questions about working with this person or that person with very little time spent discussing the actual plot of the film. The savior of press tours was any interview where you werent alone, whether it was a joint interview with cast mates or a full couch talk show.
You’d been on the Late Late Show once in the past and you had to be honest, it was so much fun. Your first appearance included a 7 minute long musical medley involving fifteen quick changes and you very nearly faceplanting the floor.
By this point you were sitting in the dressing room, your hair being tugged one way or another by David your hairdresser, with your make up artist Cam working his magic on your noticabley exhausted face. “Who am I on with tonight Maggie?” you ask your manager, realising no one had actually told you. Maggie looked up from her laptop, a smirk on her lips. “James told me not to tell you so you’ll have to wait!” she said smugly. You rolled your eyes, “Of course he said that, that man has to stop trying to set me up”. James was a good friend, the two of you having met a number of times through industry parties award shows. He’d always try and find the mosyty eligible bachelor in the room and push you towards them just to shit you. Suffice to say none of them worked out.
Once your hair and makeup were done and you were dressed in a cute but entirely impractical and kind of uncortable outfit, a crew member came to get you and walk you down to the stage. “Ok so once we get to the stage, you’ll hear James announce your name, walk down the steps through the audience, wave or high five whatever you feel like. Then greet James and take a seat, then he’ll then announce the next guest”. You nodded along politely, already knowing the drill. “By chance, do you know who the other guest is?” you say shooting Maggie a smug look. “Yeah its Harry Styles” with that your heart skipped a beat, you’d always found him attractive and incredibly charming which is something you had stupidly mentioned to James once or twice. “That bastard” you say under your breath, you didnt have much time to think about it though because not even 30 seconds later you rounded a corner and there he was.
He was a gorgeous as ever, wearing what you could only assume with a gucci knitted jumper with a delicate lacy collared shirt beneath it, his signature pearls hanging perfectly around his neck, and a pair of cream flared pants. The outfit was quintessentially Harry. He was chatting to another random crew member who seemed to be giving him the same speech. You could hear James wrapping up whatever he was talking about, you were too distracted to follow it, you couldnt look away from the man 8 feet away from you. “You good?” Maggie says, pulls you from your bewildered state, Maggie’s words also caught the attention of Harry who finally looked in your direction.
Harry’s eyes landed on you and unbeknownst to you he was just as taken by the sight of you. Realising his gaze was lingering, Harry snapped himself out of it “Hey i’m Harry, nice to meet you” he said, taking a few steps towards you, his hand awkwardly out for a hand shake, something Harry was already kicking himself for doing. You took his ring clad hand in yours briefly “Hey I’m-” before you could finish you could hear James announce your name, you let out a laugh “that’s my queue”. It was probably a good thing that James has inadvertently introduced you, who knows whether you could have actually remebered your own name in that moment.
You descend the stairs, meeting James at the bottom with a friendly hug before taking your place on the couch. “Can you also put your hands together for the incredible Harry Styles!” James proclaims, the audience erupting once more, you watch Harry interact with the audience effortlessly as he makes his way down the stairs, having a bromance moment with James before he plops down next to you, sitting closer than you had expected him to. “So have you guys met before?” James says, knowing full well the answer is “No we haven’t, we met briefly backstage” Harry says. He couldnt stop thinking about how awkward he’d made the initial encounter but he couldnt help it.
Throughout the interview it was all too clear that sparks were flying bewteen the two of you. Harry had talked about his new music, you’d talked about your new film, an anecdote or two thrown in from the both of you. all was going smoothly until about 15 minutes in when James began to look very smug. “Now Harry, I know you two hadn’t met before but from what I hear you have quite the crush huh?” Harry’s cheek went bright red knowing exactly what was about to happen. You on the other hand had zero idea what was going on. “And how would you know that James?” Harry says trying to pretend he has no clue what James was referring to. “Funny you should ask my friend, this clip might just answer that for you!”
Your eyes darted to the nearest screen as the clip rolled, it was an interview from the press tour of the movie Harry had been in last year. The interviewer had asked the cast who they’d love to work with on future projects and to your surprise, Harry’s pick was you. The interviewer then asked why you were his choice, Harry’s response was “she’s just so talented, every time I watch her in something I’m just profoundly captivated. Her on screen presence is incredible.” One of his castmates laughed, playfully poking Harry in the shoulder adding "If it wasn’t already obvious he’s got quite the crush! He made us watch like 4 of her films during our set downtime” before the clip ended.
Harry dramtically buried his head in his hands out of sheer embarrassment as the audience let out a series of ‘oooohs’ and whistles and James burst out laughing. You let out an laugh as you awkwardly fiddled with your fingers, not entirely sure what you were menat to say or do in that moment. "Well then Harold, go on, ask her out. Nows your chance!” James goaded. Harry was utterly mortified but wasnt the least bit surprised. “So... the weather?” the audience laughed at Harry’s miserable attempt at changing the subject. “Alright alright i’l drop it but you can’t say I didnt try! Just remember this moment when you get married ok?” James said, throwing his hands up in defeat as he got in one last playful jab.
The rest of the interview went awkwardly by, although you were a little distracted. Did he really have a crush on you? How could he have a crush on you? You’re the one who had the crush on him, surely he didn’t feel the same?  James wrapped up the interview and once the cameras had cut both you and Harry made your way backstage.
“Well that was sufficiently awkward and I apologise for how uncomfortable I’m sure that made you. I’m honestly gonna fucking kill James for that” Harry said, you could only giggle in response. “He has no idea what’s coming the next time we catch up. In all fairness, despite how uncomfortable that whole ordeal was, it was lovely to meet you” the two of you smiled at each other. “It was lovely meeting you too Harry, no need to apologise, I bloody knew he was up to something. anyway, I have to head back to my dressing room, I’ll see you around” you say before starting to walk away. You only make it a few steps before Harry stops you “Hey wait! What are you doing this afternoon? This was my last interview for the day and I was gonna head from here to get some food. Wanna come along?” You pause for a moment to think about what the rest your day looked like before smiling back at him “Well, I had planned to go home and eat some left over chinese in front of a film... but I like your idea better. Swing by my dressing room on your way out?” Harry could conseal his happiness with your response, a giddy grin now plastered on his face “It’s a date, but we have to make a deal that neither of us tell James ok? You know how smug he’d be. Deal?” Harry said with a wink, reaching his hand out to seal the deal. You laughed as you shook his hand once more, this time a little less awkard than the first encounter. “My lips are sealed. Now you better not take too long, I’m starving!” you say as you walk away with a smirk and as they say, the rest was history.
Hey lovelies, I hope you enjoyed this one! And I hope the anon who requested it thinks I did an ok job! I havent done many request pieces. Also I know its not super long but I still think its pretty adorable.  Requests are open, just shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do! xx
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rosaliestark01 · 4 years
Like Father, Like Daughter
Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader & Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Requested by @ritiizzxxx : Hey I have a request can u do it where reader is Tony Stark's daughter and he has kept her a secret n when she was 15 and graduated from MIT and started creating her own tech then Tony decided to let the world know about her daughter. and also can u add some scenes where she's being sassy and sarcastic my father with all the Avengers.
Warnings: Swearing (maybe more than usual), fluff (kinda), and a bit of violence.
A/N: I’m not 100% sure if this was what you wanted, but I really hope you like it. As usual, I don’t own any GIFs and credit for the GIFs go to owner.
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“Tony Stark, is it true that you have a daughter?”
“Is it Y/N?”
“Is Y/N Vulpine?”
Tony should have known that sending you to college at a young age would have major repercussions. You were already an intern at Stark Industries and after graduating at the top of your class at MIT at only fifteen year years old, he should have know that people would start to suspect something.
You majored in Physics and Engineering, just like him, but you also had a Masters degree in Business and Finance. Obviously, people would make the connections between you and him, but he never expected people to make the connection between you being Vulpine.
“What are you working on?” You looked up from your work station to see your dad walking up to you. 
“Just something that analyzes an opponents fighting style and predicts their next moves and what their weaknesses are,” you say. You knew that you dad had created something similar, but not to exactly like this. 
This automatically analyzes the way an opponent fights and tells you the best way to beat them in any area of combat. It would alert you if their form was ever off and would tell you the best way to use their weaknesses to your advantage.
Yep, you were definitely his daughter.
“I’m planning on installing it into mine and Peter’s suits so that we don’t repeat what happened in Symkaria.”
“What happened in Symkaria?” You freeze, suddenly realizing what you let slip. Your dad wasn’t supposed to know about Symkaria. You and Peter had agreed not to tell anyone about it because they’d probably never send you on a mission to a foreign country again.
“It was a disaster and you don’t want to know.” Your dad seemed to accept that before clearing his throat.
“So, listen. I am so proud of everything you’ve achieved,” he says. “You’re tough, smart, amazing, and-”
“What did you do?” You eyed him suspiciously. He tended to go overboard on compliments whenever he wanted something or did something he wasn’t supposed to. 
“What? Nothing. I was just going to ask how you felt about the public finding out who you really are.”
You thought about it for a second. You were ready to let the world know that you were Y/N Stark, but at the same time, it could cause major problems. Just like how Peter’s made up name is Spider-Man, your is Vulpine. Vulpine was meant to be mysterious, mischievous, and somebody nobody knew anything about. 
It made thing a lot easier when nobody knew who Vulpine was. You didn’t have to worry about people coming after you or your friends. Not that you couldn’t handle it, but the last time somebody found out who you were was a disaster.
“I’m not really sure how I feel about it,” You say thoughtfully.  “I’m nervous that if they find out I’m your daughter that they might find out about me being Vulpine.”
“I know.” You knew that he understood where you were coming from. He had stopped trusting telling people that you were his daughter after someone had tried to use you against him. “I’m nervous about that too.”
“Y/N, the download is complete,” you AI says in a gravelly voice. 
“What was that?” Your dad asks. “Did you make your own AI?” 
“Yes, I did and his name is Cas,” you giggle, knowing that that your dad would know what you were talking about. Modeled the voice exactly like it sounded on TV.
“Like that guy on TV?”
“Yep.” You become serious again, because you needed to turn the topic back to the serious conversation you were having with your dad. “Anyway, before to tell the world that I’m your daughter, we need to figure out how to keep my Avenger identity a secret. People can’t know that Vulpine and I are the same person.”
Your dad had ended up setting up a meeting will all of the available Avengers. That included Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Peter. 
“We could say that Vulpine went on a vacation?” Clint suggests. He earns a few looks from people around the table for suggesting something so out of character for Vulpine to do.
“Why would Vulpine go on a vacation?” Peter speaks up. Out of everyone in the room, Peter knew the most about you and Vulpine. You were partners after all. Besides, Vulpine definitely didn’t seem like the vacation type. 
“I don’t know?”Clint said as he looked at you nervously. “Even mischievous superheros need breaks.”
“Right, because that wouldn’t be suspicious at all,” you say. Around the table you see Nat, Steve, Sam, and Bucky nodding their heads in agreement with you. Under the table, Peter gently squeezes your hand.
“I thought it was a good idea,” Clint pouts.
“What about a look alike?” Peter asks. “While Mr.Stark introduces you as his daughter, we could have a look alike do something on the other side of the city.”
“That could work if we find someone who looks like me”, you say, nodding your head thoughtfully. “Wait a second!”
“Peter, remember when we went to that Fleetwood Mac concert in California?” You ask. Peter smiles as he remembers the time the two of you spent in California. It was good timing because there weren’t any looming threats, Peter’s school was on break, and crime in New York had been pretty nonexistent while you were gone.
Excuse me, but when was this?” your dad asked. You really need to be better at keeping these things from your dad.
“Yeah, and we made clones of ourselves so that nobody would notice we were gone for a whole week!” Peter, ignoring your dad, says excitedly. You couldn’t blame him. You and Peter had a really great week.
“You made clones of yourselves?” Steve finally pipes up.
“They’re more like interactive holograms that we downloaded our daily routine and personalities into.”
“Definitely her father’s daughter.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” you smile. 
“Normally, I would ground both of you for running off for a week” Your dad starts.  “but I’m impressed so I’ll let it slide.”
“Peter and I will probably have to go digging through my lab to find them first, but I’m sure we could get them ready.” You look at Peter, making sure he was okay with that.
“Great. You two do that. I’ll go schedule a press meeting.” The meeting pretty much broke up the second your dad left the room. You and Peter walked hand in hand to your lab that was right across from your room. You usually kept it pretty neat and tidy... except for the storage room. 
It took about twenty minutes longer than you expected and Peter had to do most of the heavy lifting, not that you minded.
“I just realized how useful these could be,” you say as you and Peter begin to set up the ones modeled after yourselves. “Just think of all the prank we could pull everyone.”
“They could also be useful on missions. Like decoys,” Peter tells you. You may have graduated college when you were fifteen, but sometimes you wondered who the actual genius in this relationship was.
“Pete, your a genius!”
“Says the girl who graduated from MIT when she was fifteen,” Peter blushes. 
“Says the boy who is way smarter than he let’s on,” you say back to him. Sometimes it was like he didn’t know how smart he really was. You knew for a fact that he is probably smarter than all of his teachers combined.
“Enough flirting! Just find your freaking clones!” Sam yells as he walks past your room. 
“After what happened in Symkaria, I can flirt with whoever I want!” You yell back. Yeah, Symkaria ended up being a disaster, but at least it was the push you and Peter needed to confess your feelings for one another.
“But just me, right?” Peter asks.
“Just you.” You plant a soft kiss on his cheek before the two of you get back to work. 
The next morning, you and Peter sent your “clones” to Brooklyn while you and Peter went to the press conference that your dad had set up. You couldn’t believe how crazy these reporters were asking. It was a lot of one talking right over the other so you couldn’t understand a single thing any of them were saying. Finally, your dad had somehow managed to shut them all up
“You all ask if Y/N is my daughter, and it’s easy to see why.” Your dad gets started on the speech that Pepper had made for him, but then he puts the cards down, planning to talk for himself. “She is gifted, talented, probably smarter than me, and an overall amazing person. She has created tech that I have never even thought of and she’s been an intern at Stark Industries since she was only eight years only. Y/N Stark is my daughter.”
“Is Y/N Vulpine?” a blonde reporter asks. That causes the other reporters to stark buzzing out questions too before your dad quiets them again.
“Y/N is not-” Before he could finish, you spot an all too familiar looking face. Freaking Symkaria.
“Fucking shit!” You say, letting your frustration out before the Symkarian guard pulls out a sword and approached you and your dad with it. Peter tries to stand protectively in front of you (you’re pretty sure he just wants to get back at the guard for what he did) but you push Peter away. He doesn’t have his web shooters or his suit.
Luckily, you were trained by both Nat and Bucky. Each time the guard swung the sword at you, you were able to dodge it with ease. Working around the guard as he kept swinging at you, you sneakily removed his belt. After you had it, you wrapped it around his hand that he held the sword with, effectively causing him to drop his weapon. 
“You will never get away with what you did.” The guard hisses out at you with his German-like accent. “Prince Adonis will have his revenge.”
“Seriously?”You dad asks looking amused. “Whatever happened to ‘the world must never know’”
“That was before I was attacked,” you shrugged. There was no way in hell that people would believe that you and Vulpine were two separate people now. You literally just disarmed a Symkarian guard on live TV. “Would you like to do the honors?” you ask you dad, giving him permission to tell the world.
“The truth is...” he begins but you decided, for dramatic effect, to interrupt him.
“I am Vulpine.”
A/N: Again, I’m still not sure if this was what you wanted, @ritiizzxxx​ , but I hope you still like it.
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tosikoarts · 3 years
GK modern AU HC [Shiraishi, Tsurumi, Usami]
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Well, there are a lot of them so I decided to go with three random characters for that one. If you want to read about anyone else, feel free to send in a request. Enjoy, anon ♡  You can check tosikowrites tag for more.
Moved to Sapporo a few years ago to escape people he owes too much money including some of his now ex-friends and tight-fisted yakuza. He has used different names in the past so now Shiraishi has a 2-second pause before introducing himself to choose the name for the new person. Real one? Fake one? New one? In the reality, Shiraishi gets in more trouble when he confused made-up names and messes up in front of the cut-throat. 
Either way sleeps in a small capsule inn with dirty mint-colored towels or right there, in the genkan, among the shoes in Sugimoto’s apartment. Shiraishi doesn’t have a red cent most of the time but all of the girls in Susukino know him. Especially one resentful cutie that he stole his embroidered bomber from. She managed to give the police a very detailed portrait for the facial composite. Put so much thought and love into it. 
You would describe Shiraishi as the sketchy guy that drinks too much beer and hunts for women out of his league while being permanently unemployed with a crazy high number of hours in CS:GO. It’s worth to mention he plays exclusively on Sugimoto’s laptop so you can imagine how much time he spends there. Saichi is still wondering how the hell Shiraishi gets inside. At the same time, Sugimoto is in no hurry to give him a spare key (why would he?): he wants to find out how Shiraishi pulls this trick off first.
Hangs out with Sugimoto, Tanigaki, Kiroranke, and (occasionally) Ogata in tiny ramen-shops where they occupy the entire bar counter and speak on abstract topics, no, they are mostly gossiping and brazenly discussing Tanigaki’s personal life or how good-looking he is. Either way, Tanigaki leaves their meet-ups red from head to toe.
Slick devil from the huge-ass company that keeps his subordinates in their offices by a single meaningful look of dark slanted eyes. His costumes are from well-known brand stores as well as inconspicuous neckties that are so neatly tucked in the jacket cut. Tsurumi has long adopted a Western demeanor, although he is easily fit into Japanese society. Has a collection of quality leather gloves. Definitely has strong ties with the yakuza. 
Pretty big overall? It’s not uncommon to see his name in a newspaper or hear it on TV. Even people who have nothing to do with Tsurumi say his name with special respect, although, he is not particularly worried about the respect shown from those close to him. Of course, in an official setting, everything remains as it is but outside the white-collar pool, Tsurumi without problems switches to more frivolous speech, e.g. with Tsukishima or Koito. 
Pulled off a scheme stealing a ton of money from under Hijikata’s nose and now sits on a cleverly woven web of deception, patiently waiting for other unwary victims. His work is his essence since it’s the only place Tsurumi can use his talents in full force. Nobody knows a thing of a man behind the corporate mask, nobody knows if there is anything at all. 
Obviously part of yakuza, to be precise, of Yamaguchi clan’s branch in Hokkaido. Not a big shit, just a common dekata (kind of a common gangster who does the deeds) or a shatei (higher rank than dekata but still like low rank commander) in a gang. He has all the chances to grow up big but at the same time, his unhinged nature doesn’t contribute to fast climbing in the hierarchy. Anyway, Usami enjoys his role, his body covered in traditional tattoos, and his ability to do something to the detriment of the world.
If we talk about relationships, Usami has a favorite police officer to bully on a regular basis. Kadokura doesn’t really know about Usami’s affiliation (because who is oblivious? Kadokura is oblivious) and writes off everything as an inevitable downfall of the modern generation. Oh, before I forget, Usami actually passed his entrance exam to the National Police Academy. However, after few months he got extremely bored and annoyed and dropped off without any hesitation.
Likes to mess with people online. Bet he has at least one account where he posts cryptic messages and links to weird-ass videos as if Usami is a part of Cicada 3301 puzzles. It doesn’t stop him from running another blog where he thirsts over celebrities or anyone, really. Stalks dozen of people too and can find information on anyone in less than 15 minutes down to the name of person’s second cousin grandmother’s cat.
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lofitojii · 4 years
ONE SHOT: Being A Hero
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Summary: (POV Hawks) He thought it was going to be like any other day, punching a few bad guys here, locking a few up there, maybe getting a little deeper into an investigation. He didn’t think it would lead into you (Y/N) being put in the middle of it all.
Word Count: 2.9k
Content: fluff 
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It is hard leaving you every morning, especially when you’re sprawled out like that, drooling on the pillowcase when I get up for work. You always look so beautiful, sleeping so peacefully on both mine and your side. Almost every day do I regret not spending just 10 extra minutes with you, holding you, snuggling up to stay warm. At least I always have something to look forward to when I get home. 
Alright, since you all know I have a soft spot now. And yes, it is because of my beautiful partner. 
To be honest, not a lot of people know about us, and the main purpose being that I want to protect you and keep you safe. Being a hero is great and all but when it comes to the more personal side of things, villains will do almost anything to break down every bit of you. And that ‘every bit’ of me, is you, Y/N. 
“Wait, baby?” You cooed, sleep ridden in both your face and voice as you called out to me. You propped yourself on your elbow, giving me a weak smile, eyes barely open. “I love you.” I felt my cheeks warm up, my heart bursting at how cute you looked laying there, in my shirt may I add. 
“I love you, baby.” I walked over, dipping my head in to steal a kiss. I could feel you lean into the kiss, a smile slowly forming. “Keep acting like that and I’ll have to take the day off.” 
“Don’t tempt me, you know I’ll do it.” I love how cheeky you are, always testing me. I knew that if I lingered any longer, you would’ve succeeded and I would be in trouble. I mean, I’m my own boss but I do have a name to live up to. This is my job after all. “Be safe out there, please.” You always said the same thing, every day. 
“I’ll come home safely but can’t promise about coming home in one piece,” I replied, like I always did. You hated that comment, shaking your head with that little indent forming in your brows. God you’re so adorable, the way your hair does that thing and when my shirt dips off your shoulder? Not to mention how lovely your gross morning breath is, and the drooling? That shit is so hot. 
“Are you going to leave?” You asked, weakly throwing the pillow you had been cuddling all morning towards me. We both stared at the pillow, then up at each other, your face getting bright red at how weak your throw was. I couldn’t help but shake my head, a smile forming. It’s not a laugh babe, I’m just smirking. “Stop laughing!” God I know you so well. 
“Sorry! I wasn’t laughing but I was staring at you and that’s why I haven’t left.” This caused your cheeks to flare, knowing I hit your flustered button. “Okay I’m actually leaving. Goodbye beautiful.” I hate this part of the day, leaving you alone every morning. I know you know how to keep yourself busy but I just wish I could do it with you. 
If I’m going to be honest with myself, I love being a hero. I love saving people, the fame, the name of the game, the whole rodeo! But as time goes on and as I get to spend my free time with you, I keep falling more and more for you. I didn’t really think that was possible, but here I am, admitting it to myself I guess. You are something else, something truly special.
Like, you’re weird, for starters. The way you make those weird noises when you’re gaming or when you cry at any animal video ever but will cuss out the 15 year old who called you a name over game chat. You’re also extremely loving, sensitive, emotional, funny, a great cook, hardworking. I fall more in love everyday and every day I question whether or not I want to be a hero or if I’m ready to start my own family and give up on this hero work. I could pass my agency down or even take myself out of the field and let someone else be the face of my agency.
Not yet, I can’t let myself give up yet. I know we talked about a family and you were the one who told me that we can wait, but I don’t know if I want to wait. Okay, yes I do. Being a dad sounds very scary right now. But what if they had my wings? A little me flying around? And if they end up being quirkless, like you, then even better. I know we have the potential of raising a wonderful family and one hell of a cool kid. 
“Excuse me. Hawks, sir?” Tokoyami blinked at me, noticing how spacey I was being. This isn’t too irregular of me but I will admit, I’m thinking about you a bit more today than normal. 
“Sorry, what’s up kid?” He placed a packet of papers in my hands, letting me flip through it as he gave me the rundown of what was going on with the investigation I had sent him on. 
“Seems to be a new name in the face of criminals. 15 abdutions, 23 dead, the only lead we have on him is that he is extremely unreadable, attacking at random. He knows the heroes know about him, his quirk also undetermined.” Only been spotted twice, once in the middle of an attack and the second, we had prevented from happening. No wonder, he’s probably done his own investigation on us, that’s why it’s so hard to find him right now. 
“I guess we better patrol the area he was last in,” I told Tokoyami who responded with his aggressive ‘yes sir!’ like he always did. I really like Tokoyami and I know you think it’s probably because he’s a bird but I promise you, it’s more than that. Not only does he have a bad ass quirk and a lot of spirit for this field, he’s hard working and quite quick on his feet. Not to mention, he has been helpful in the plan doing and the more technical side of things.
Patrolling was one of those tasks that are either mundane and boring, just walking around for hours, being stopped by the occasional fan. Or it could be fucking wild, villians bursting at the seems of the city with every turned corner. I sent Tokoyami out by himself for the day, tagging up with the other sidekicks in hopes to find something on this unnamed villain.  
A cold blooded killer, almost like Stain except this guy was keeping quiet. No drawn out speech, no motive, at least none that we are aware of because this guy has kept his lips shut. I have this uneasy feeling that he could be planning something bigger and we are in no way, shape, or form, ready for that. Not yet at least. 
Where could this guy be? I mean the last place he was seen was in an alleyway, a couple blocks away from one of the main train stations. It looks to me that my sidekick, along with the others, are posted up along the major stops which contained the most traffic for people. So where is this guy hiding? Does he have a shadow quirk? Maybe a morphing one?
“Hawks! Sir we need you down here now! He’s appeared and we have him surrounded but he’s asking for you specifically!” What the fuck? Asking for me? I know nothing of this guy, never seen him, never crossed paths. The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I became, wondering what this man wanted. 
“On my way! Keep him restrained.” As I flew towards the location, I really didn’t know what to expect. I mean, it was very rare that this type of thing happens, ever since the League of Villains disappeared. One day, they just relocated and it had been several years since we had seen anything from them. Those were the only people I knew that would know me by name. Come to think of it, I hadn’t really thought that. What if it were the league we were dealing with? 
When I arrived, he was surrounded like Tokoyami had said, only no one was able to get close enough to him without being impaled by a solid morphed body part he could manipulate and hardern. I slowly stepped towards the man, hidden by a black cloak. He had been restrained with industrial cuffs so why hadn’t the team sent him away? “Why didn’t you guys just lock him up? I could’ve just talked to him there.” 
“Because sir,” Tokoyami pointed down at his feet that looked to be molded in with the ground. “We tried to remove it but every time, he would seep more into the floor or manipulate his body into spikes, too sharp for anyone to touch. The only way we could get him to cooperate was to get you down here.” A morphing and hardening quirk, how typical of a villain. 
“Alright, well you have me! What do you want?” I ripped the hood off of his head, revealing a man I have never seen before. I mean I deal with people all day, I talk to hundreds of people a week. What could this random man have to do with me? “Mute huh? How lame. And to think I thought you were interesting-” 
“Number 2 hero,” he growled, his voice deep and raspy, cutting me off. “What an honor it is to meet the man who had successfully tracked me down. You know that the heroes in America and Europe are having a hard time linking my cases together?” 
“I don’t care for your story,” I spat, trying my best to make sure I didn’t lose my shit at this guy. “I want to know why you wanted me here.” 
“That little… thing of yours,” he started, waving his cuffs in the air, like he was conducting some sort of crowd. “You hold so close to you, so precious. Not to mention they smell wonderful and have very soft hair.” 
“What were they wearing today? A black top? The sweet smell a musky vanilla?” 
He’s not talking about you, is he? 
“It was the Pokemon backpack though, that part was adorable.” I didn’t think, I just moved. His shirt was clenched in my fist, the other hand stopping me from hitting him against the wall too hard, trying not to break the train station pillars. 
“What the fuck did you do?” I feel like I lost myself, the anger fully taking over my entire thought process. It’s as if I blacked out, like every precaution I was ever taught went right out the window. 
“You’re too late, hero. They’re already gone by now! What are you going to do?” The man began to melt in my hands, leaving a wet substance in place of where his body was. He even managed to slip through his cuffs, leaving them in a puddle on the broken cement. He completely disappeared before appearing above a sewer cap located in the middle of the train tracks. This time, it wasn’t the man you had cuffed. It wasn’t even a man at all.
“Toga…” her name slipped from my mouth, almost as if I was deceiving myself. There was no doubt that it was her, her skin tight suit making it easy for her to slip away. 
“Better hurry. Not sure how much time they have left, big guy.” She was quick to jump into the sewer, causing multiple sidekicks to jump in after her. But I was frozen, almost like my own body had melted into the cement under my feet. 
Did she mean you Y/N? Everything she said sounded exactly like you, down to the heavy vanilla scent. There’s no way she got to you right? 
“Hawks, go. We’ll be okay here and the Pro’s are on their way. Go.” I didn’t even say thank you but to be honest, I don’t know what’s happening right now. It’s like waves of black flooding into my line of vission, making it hard to stay focused on my flying. I’m all over the place right now, running into signs and stop lights. I clipped my jacket on something too but the adrenaline was kicking in. I didn’t even notice that I had cut my leg on something. 
“Y/N!!!” I bursted through the door being met with a wave of fear and…. Loss? It felt so empty in our apartment, so cold. The fire wasn’t going, the teapot in the same spot I left it in this morning. Did you not make tea this morning? Did you eat? 
My heart is aching, Y/N. I can physically feel it tearing at the seams that you had put together for me. All I want to do right now is scream, my heart being torn apart with every empty room I checked in our apartment. The bed wasn’t even made, you always made sure to make it before you left. 
I lost. I have lost you, haven’t I? Now here I am, on my knees, sobbing into my hands. I don’t remember the last time I cried like this, nor do I remember the last time I felt this type of pain in my chest. I can’t breathe. I don’t know how to regulate my breathing, not without you Y/N. 
“Keigo?” I lifted my head from my hands, glasses falling onto the floor with my movement. There you were, standing there with plastic bags in your hands from the grocery store. You still had my shirt on, your hair still messy from this morning. “Baby… What’s wrong?” You dropped the bags, ignoring the fragile products inside as you rushed towards me. I was quick to pull you into my arms, burying my head into the crook of your neck as I sobbed harder. And you just sat there, letting me hold you like that for as long as I needed, not once pulling away. You were warm, your touch gentle as you tried to soothe me.
I lifted myself from you, propping you on my lap so you could sit more comfortably. You lifted your hand, wiping a tear from my cheek. I could feel my stuffy nose run, my eyes stung from the raw areas due to my crying. Yet, you were so gentle, your touch comforting, welcoming, loving. 
“Can we get you into some sort of training course? Like self defense? Maybe even come work at my agency so I can keep an eye on you?” I didn’t want to force you to do anything you didn’t want to, but I could feel myself beggin in my plea. It was the only thing that would give me a peace of mind about being with you, because no matter how hard this job was, I could never let you go. 
“I’ll sign up for self defense yes but the agency?” You raised an eyebrow at my offer, knowing I wanted to keep you a secret for as long as I could and only the people at my agency knew of us. I guess that makes the League now too.
“Please,” I pressed our foreheads together, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to control the high emotion I was feeling. I couldn’t stop crying, knowing that you were unsafe while I wasn’t around. 
You exhaled, taking my hand into yours as you rubbed small circles across my knuckles. This didn’t stop you from smiling though, even though I know you’re worried about why I’m doing this. But you agreed anyways. “If that will make you feel like I’m safe, then I will do it.” I’m so lucky to have someone like you. You knew what it meant to be dating someone like me, yet you have never let that get in the way of us. You were aware of it but it was the mutual trust we had in each other that convinced you to listen to me. 
To be honest, I do want more of a life with you. But until that day comes where that seems doable, all I want is for you to keep loving me. I want to come home everyday and hear about all the things you experienced while we were apart. I want to tell you how I beat some villains ass or have you hold me if I had a bad day. I’m so soft for you Y/N, you have opened something inside of me that I didn’t think was possible. 
“God damn it Keigo!!! Your LEG!!” You began to panic, ripping my pant leg to get a better look at my fresh wound that was dripping onto the hardwood floor. “Oh my god, oh my GOD!!” You got up from your spot, rushing to the bathroom to grab any sort of first aid we had. I just shook my head, the wound being my last priority. 
I just stared, like I always did when you weren’t looking. I let you patch me up, knowing it would make you feel better. Well as good as you can be, you turn into a concerned mother when stuff like this happens. It’s adorable, honeslty. 
You keep me safe, more than I realize sometimes. And today, it opened my eyes a bit more, how safe I feel with you. 
And in return, I promise, I will protect you.   
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Nov 16 Stream Timestamps
Timestamps from Technoblade’s “THE REVOLUTION (dream SMP)”
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Link to my youtube comment with all of the timestamps x
Timestamps with hyperlinks below
02:13  “This is a surprise tool which will help us later” / thumbnail isn’t foreshadowing / video thumbnails have to be big / stream thumbnails can be detailed 05:17  “The traitor is actually Jschlatt” / firework crafting 09:50  “The ratio is impeccable” 13:23  “Dream’s in the game! My audience retention rate” / vc with Tubbo & Quackity / traitor Jschlatt theory / “Are you high?” “A little” 14:47  “You’re a bit of a wildcard” “I am the most consistent character on the entire server” / “What’s this about getting into power” / “We’ll burn this bridge when we get to it” 15:54  “You really are such an English major” / “You’re an idiom” / malaphor / “I’m actually speaking twice as much English as you guys” 18:07  “I think Thunder is overcompensating in the chat” / “Where can you see me” “In my heart” (Karl & Quackity) / Karl not leaving vc 20:33  vc with Niki / “Did Tubbo just leave me? I spaced out for 2 seconds” / “You can’t call everyone the traitor” “I can & will” 22:45  “You know it’s an event when Skeppy’s here” / “You know it’s a big deal when Georgenotfound wakes up” / “Everyone leaves me” 23:31  explaining the traitor thing to Niki / “Maybe I’m a sleeper agent” / had to kill Tubbo 25:03  nothing happened with that creeper / Fundy interrogating Niki / “Why did I train her for MCC” 25:54  “Even YOU’RE leaving me” / sad music / “I’m sitting here with 203k viewers & it’s not enough for any of these streamers to bear talking to me for more than 60 seconds” / Skeppy joins vc to immediately leave 28:50  Karl has a gift for Techno / Karl is just here for the animatic 32:21  “At least the chat won’t leave me” / pays for his music 35:01  “I’m going to destroy the government so bad” / “I hate all of the farming updates on skyblock” 37:45  joining a vc / “I just got stood up in like 4...conversations in rapid succession” / “My new years resolution was to make friends & it’s november & I’ve made zero headway” / Eret switches sides 41:53  Ender chest setup / worried about hotbar management / potions > shields   43:13  vc with allies / “Karl you are literally the biggest third wheel I have ever seen” 45:03  angering the dogs / trident combo 47:13  “D!ck with one ball” (Tubbo) 50:25  “Let’s hope Wil overslept like [George]” 53:09  recruiting Eret / “If you fight on our side we’ll make you the King of Burger King” / “He’ll be an executive citizen” / “I’m surrounded by idiots” 54:58  putting Schlatt on the allies list / “Schlatt is an alcoholic high on protein power” (Fundy) 56:47  can’t trust Eret / “I hate it when you’re right” (Tubbo) / Wilbur joins vc 59:50  having a moment with Hubert / “Not even the mobs like me” / sad music / “I just gained 8k subscribers the sadness is gone” / cow pit exp farm 1:02:57  vc with Niki / “I’m going to join the other vc AHHHHH” 1:05:02  “Once everyone meets up...I have something prepared” / “Technoblade when are you not ready?” “When I joined the server” 1:09:38  “Who do you take me for? Of course I’ve read the Art of War. It’s written by Mozart” / battle planning 1:12:18  “This is the betrayal...happening very slowly” 1:13:35  Pan1 / “This revolution is so doomed” 1:15:29  Dream attack / Quackity dies 1:18:07  “Agree Retweet” / “Violence is the only universal language” / “i have a supply” / “Why do you talk in upwards inflections constantly?” 1:19:57  Techno not getting to talk / “He took it all by force didn’t he” / “Fear into Ear” 1:23:50  Techno telling everyone he has a stash twice / distributing blue / mushroom the fox 1:26:49  Tommy talking over Techno again / “Stop going off on your tangents” “We have food at home” 1:29:30  vault reveal / Tubbo stealing emeralds / secret chest 1:32:40  “Shut up bro you are green as shit” (Tommy) / “Everyone give me back my stuff you don’t deserve it” 1:34:41  no netherite swords / “Who’s the traitor” “Promise we won’t be mad” 1:36:31  battle / Technoblade trident maneuvering / giving rocket launchers to Tubbo & Tommy 1:40:27  killing Karl / Dream bringing out the end crystals / fighting invis Dream / purpled switches sides 1:43:57  Dream wants to talk / 309k / group photos 1:46:08  vc with Dream / “But only if my enemy insists” / in the van with Schlatt / “What are you doing in my drug van? It better not be drugs” / Tommy preparing to shoot Schlatt 1:54:42  “We won” / “We killed an old man with heart problems! It only took 20 of us!” / President Innit / subscribe to Technoblade sign 1:55:57  Dream & Techno talk in chat / Tommy speech / “It was meant to be” / “I don’t think anyone is bowing to Tommyinnit” / “Karl don’t be weird” / Skeppy has a disc 1:59:06  Techno being apprehensive on mute / Tommy makes Wilbur President / “I’ll be the president” “I’m gonna veto that” / “Techno...you’ve taught me that government is not the way to go” / Wilbur makes Tubbo president 2:03:20  “I’m not sure I like where this is going x2” / “I’m not sure this is a good ending” / “Team chaos” “Perhaps” 2:06:20  Techno shoots Tubbo / Philza joins / “You think Schlatt was the cause of your problems? No. It was government” / speech gets interrupted / “The government ends here, I’ll kill it myself!” 2:09:23  Phil kills Wilbur / techno yelling for silence / “Tommy you just did a coup...& instilled yourself as president” 2:12:11  “If you want to be a hero THAN DIE LIKE ONE” / wither spawning / killing his former allies 2:15:09  post fight talks / “There will be no new government today. It will be over my dead body” / “Techno was not the traitor” 2:18:50  “I need to increase the crater that is L’Manberg so that no country can rise in its place” / “Mom says it’s my turn on the flame bow” 2:23:51  “What I’m doing right now is small scale. This is the work of an individual. This is nothing compared to the cruelty governments all around the world [inflict]...systematically” / “Llamas are the primary victims of war” / “I just wanna be apart of the explosion” (George) 2:27:06  Techno joins vc / connor joins the server / “I hope you’re proud of yourself Techno” “I kinda am” / Jack Manifold (Thunder) being broke / netherite armor 2:32:30  “Beach episode” / Techno accidentally joins the L’Manberg vc 2:35:16  the base is compromised / “There’s no way Technoblade would put a clock there if it didn’t mean anything” / got robbed 2:37:37  “If you’re going to ask me how I got all these emerald & arrows that’s a story for another day” / explaining the bedrock / “I can give everyone stuff & it’ll be such a flex” 2:40:24  Greek mythology 2:41:45  The Golden Apple / “They didn’t use discord back then they used skype, so can’t invite Eris” / “Zeus the god of feminism” 2:46:02  Eret recruiting Techno to kill George / joining vc / “Let’s stop him before he gets land” / Awesamdude proposing a fight 2:49:08  “No one can kill me I’m invincible” (logs out) / Dream literally names the turtle potions Sam thinks he hasn’t heard of / “I’m at soup” / “It’s not smack talk he just has that many items” 2:53:06  “Stab him Dream, I’ll shout encouraging words” / Techno fighting Bad & Ant 2:56:23  Dream wins / “I think there was this Dream guy attacking you with some sort of weapon” 3:00:11  turtle potions / Dream hyping up Techno about fighting BBH / Badlands negotiating with George 3:04:34  vc with Philza 3:07:00  spider farm afk’ing / lagging Quackity’s computer 3:09:06  smp earth / Phil only logged on to back Techno up 3:10:32  killing George / “I’m gonna drop his armor off don’t jump me” / not fighting Dream 3:13:00  vc with Karl & Phil / Karl definitely not starting a government / “Chat that was the boring part, don’t leave” / 320k / “Why do we keep scheduling these on Monday?” 3:16:18  “I don’t even want to think about how famous Tommy will be in the future” / “I get a tad bitter” / covid is good for youtubers but obviously bad / “I’m so good at socially distancing” 3:19:51  “Aren’t you tired of being nice Philza? Don’t you just wanna go crazy” / “You should be wary of the old in a profession where people die young” / vc with Eret 3:21:47  “What if you built a slightly larger throne next to it?” /  “How are they paranoid of a mole but the guy with a track record of being a traitor gets no questions asked” 3:25:47  “I’m gonna place a block at the bottom & kill you instantly” / reverse mlg /  emerald rich even with Tubbo’s theft 3:27:57  “I’ll allow it” / upstairs chests robbed / Eret disconnects with the book 3:32:04  armor sabotage bc he thought it’d be 1v5 / crystals are mutually assured destruction / Wilbur afraid of tnt getting blown up early 3:34:11  the diary was actually Eret’s / “He’s gonna tell everyone who I have a crush on. Nooo” / reading the 100 page book / “Can I not win here?” “No” 3:40:14  “This stream has released more serotonin in my brain than the last 6 months combined” / revolution was overcrowded / could improve the crater 2:43:09  “Awkward ten minute period where I’m just sitting there watching them set up a new government but I can’t kill them yet” / Carl is missing 3:44:34  “The one time Technoblade is gonna roleplay & they talk over him” / “CARL” / “As long as Sapnap isn’t the one that took him there’ll still be hope” 3:46:10  “Once you start using end crystals it’s the only pvp that matters & end crystal pvp is so lame” / Webtoons 3:49:10  “What’s going to happen to you & WIlbur now?” “I don’t know, I think I’m chill with Wilbur” / “The only thing that changed is my voice. Zero personal growth” / lines from the first speech that got interrupted / “King George is trending booo” 3:52:00  1 million twitter followers / “O god it’s been four hours...I am not built for this” / did a 13 hour stream once / sub growth goals 3:56:30  “What the heck is Phil watching”
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hoodedwing · 3 years
Loyalty Killed Me
Summary: The Joker could finally do what he wanted to do, traumatize Nightwing
Characters: Nightwing. Harley Quinn. Joker. Mentions of Red Hood
Warnings: Just really sick ways of stitching people up. Blood. Depressive. Major character/s death mentions. Batman. Doctor Leslie Thompkins
Additional Notes: I know Joker cannot traumatize Grayson canon-wise? Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Word Count: 2,242 words
Time doesn't stop.
Time knows, in its hands. It plays around with the seconds. These seconds matter, someone dying, someone on the communicator whispering, ____ come get me. come get me, I can't go back.
Time doesn't freeze. Time does not have a cloak drapes around it in a timeless manner. Time does not walk in a regal manner and stroke your gaping wounds to cauterize them. Apply pressure because really, when did Time wait for you to stop the damned arterial spray? Have you seen first hand how much blood can spew, almost like a fountain from that serrated dagger?
Time has caught up with Dick Grayson, the Wonder Boy. The Nightwing Blüdhaven didn't deserve. The loving boyfriend/husband of Barbara Gordon. The first son of Bruce Wayne, Batman.
Batman. He doesn't know who's Batman. Not anymore.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Remember, inhale slowly, inflate lungs. Let it circulate through. Let. Let it work.
Richard. That's your name. Your mother was beautiful and your father was handsome. You are a Grayson. You have brothers and sisters.
Pain is relative. If you fuck with pain long enough, it won't fuck back with you. Pain spreads through him and he inhales deep, bigger breaths. Trying to drown out the searing ache. He succeeds, deceives his brain.
Dick Grayson is such a liar.
He knows how to lie, how to smile widely at the Blüdhaven precinct when shit goes down or still tell a joke or two when Damian is there.
Dick Grayson is such a liar.
He's a good man. Honest to goodness. He's fooled himself into thinking his left leg didn't feel on fire, he's successfully managed to stop gasping against the rattle of his chest, a rub or two might be the cause. Who knows?
Mistah J checks his watch and smiles, his crooked smile stares back at Richard.
Dick only looks away as the Joker's cold fingers run his slimy, skinny fingers along his body. He used to shiver under his touch in a bad way, he would gulp and squeeze his eyes shut, hunting for memories to dive into.
When he got Zitka. When his mother named him her Robin. When he went on patrol for the first time with the all mighty Batman. When he first met Jason. Then Tim. Then Damian. Then the nights they spent healing wounds, fighting together or just sleeping or Netflix.
Dick doesn't move, doesn't say a word. He doesn't even let out a humourless laugh or a quip. Dick clings onto a hope.
Batman. Come get me.
He doesn't care. The glorious speech does not make him flinch. He looks at the window, one thought crosses his cloudy vision.
Bruce (Dad), come get me.
Its always target practice. He would lie there and watch Harley swing her mallet here and there, sometimes too close to Dick and she would talk to him, so sweetly.
Aww, you wanna play too? Let's play together, shall we?
His face will clench up, his head will scream and suddenly everything is loud as Harley fires guns at targets and maybe shoot some arrows at Dick.
On lucky days, he's used as her gymnast prop.
I want to fly again. Batman I'm falling, please I'd like to fly again. My wings are clipping and I will rip. -
He falls asleep.
You can't call it sleeping. Dozing in and out of consciousness, he was neither awake or sleeping. A grey haze flittered across his vision. No sign of clarity. He still heard the rattle of his breath, the fire in his leg. The now warm abdomen.
He feels someone at his leg.
Harley Quinn was there, a sly smile as he feels a needle go in and out.
In and out. In and out.
In and out, in and out. You need to breathe Dick. In and out. In and out.
When he hears the door shut and a ricocheting silence, he peeks at his leg.
A sick suturing of his leg stabs with dental floss, a handiwork Harley was sure to boast later on. He doesn't care if it gets infected. What's the big deal? Batman will take care of it.
He turns over on his side to his communicator lay. The Nightwing emblem was shattered beyond measure. No matter, I can get a new one. The communication mattered.
He presses the distress signal again, again. Again. Bruce better get that flashing orange light and he should feel his bipolar touch in no time.
He tries to talk, voice hoarse from decreased usage and a rough sandpaper-like quality stuck to it.
"H..hello? Bruce. Dad. Please get me. I'm.. I'm waiting. Please."
He turns back in his side, curled up like an invited animal.
The rain pours, shadows keep coming in and out but none belong to his dad.
The boy asks the moon if Batman had lost his way. Asked if the moon could shine the light brighter at him so Dad can find him faster. He'll be okay, he'll be okay. Bruce might be lost, after all. There's a lot of streets and time isn't on anyone's side.
Two weeks go by.
Dick still finds himself bound by the ties and definitely no sign of the caped crusader.
Batman is surely coming.
That thought fades slowly, over the weeks. He's gotten more used to the Joker and the crowbar.
Is this how Jason felt, when he was in Hell?
Dick cannot remember. Dick only knows how the sound of metal and bones work, how the bullet will hit skin, pierce it through with frightening velocity and dull ache afterwards. The pool of blood will remind him that yes, I was shot.
A sick game of Russian Roulette. Instead of one bullet, there's multiple. A .44 magnum shouldn't hurt anymore. The revolver keeps spinning in his mind where acrobats should be. Where's Bruce. Where's dad. Am I forgotten?
Dick tried to remember how to breathe. Is it that hard? Just pulling in oxygen and letting the respiration mechanism do its work?
Distract thine self.
He tries to remember. Tries. He's trying. Nightwing has to do this. You need to at least remember your name. Your mother, your father. Dick. Dick.
Richard. That's your name. Your mother was beautiful but I don't know what her hair colour is, sometimes it's blonde or chestnut and your father was handsome.  You are a Grayson. You have brothers and sisters. Are they Jason? Tim? Da- I don't remember, I don't remember the tiny one. Is he even real? Your sisters too. Stephanie, Stephanie. I have one more, the sneaky one. She's fast but I don't know her name. I'd like to know her well too. Pity I. I don't know her name. I hope she knows my name. That way I can hear her voice and maybe figure out who is the charming one. I know she does ballet. I know she made brownies once with.. Who? I don't remember his name. The old man with cheery wrinkles and deep eyes. I don't know who he is too. Oh. Oh oh. Dick.
I'm begging someone, please. It doesn't have to be Bruce. Get the ballet girl to help me please, she fast and maybe I can ask her name while she gets me out of here.
Bruce never gives up.
You know that too, do you? He's spent 3 weeks finding his son. His beloved child.
Do you ever think how much Bruce's heart breaks over and over everyday?
Bruce flips from the Batcomputer and grabs everything. A blind haste, he's never dressed so fast. His son. Oh my god, his son.
Jason is down there getting the Batmobile to rev up and they speed.
They speed.
Are they fast?
I guess. If you call 290 in 85 fast.
They run, Jason dashing first and his breath catches in his throat. A cold draught erupts inside of him. He snarls, Bruce turns as he digs through the alleyways. He finds what he knows lurks.
"The sick fucker is going to end Dick in the same fucking warehouse he ended me in. That big bitch.
Bruce puts one hand on his shoulder and squeezes. No time to panic, Dick is the one. is the unsaid message as Jason crashes through the window.
And even him, Red Hood. The one who sees and commits murder everyday, stops and hot anger sears through him.
Dick lies, barely 15 feet away, bound up and covered in his own blood, the ripped Nightwing suit from his recon mission. Bruce picks him up while Jason gladly punched (and secretly plugged a bullet) the fuck out of Mistah J and Harley.
They lie on unconscious, Jason evaluates the scenes, trying to suppress his screams at what they've done to Grayson.
Bruce picks up Dick like he's glass, he hurries to the Batmobile with Jason telling to prepare the Medbay.
"The Medbay.. I.. I don't think. Leslie. Leslie can."
Is all Bruce says and Jason revs up, driving the Batmobile way beyond the legal limit. Bruce doesn't give a flying banana about it. He'll pay the fine later.
Bruce looks down at his son, hoping he hasn't fallen asleep yet. Finally, finally Dick is in the arms of the crusader. Half his domino mask is ripped and Bruce tries to not break at the baby blues staring without any light-hearted gaze.
His heart still beats (A reminder he's alive and could've been more alive. Bruce failed him)
Jason screeches across and marching in, earning angry stares  from the other patients but it turns into gasps and horror when they see Batman carry a limp Nightwing barely clad in spandex anymore. Everyone bows out, knowing they were priority.
Something inside Dick broke.
He doesn't know what it is.
He'll live with it.
"Bruce, he's fallen into a coma."
Leslie says, solemn. Angry tears form in Jason's eye and he was about to fight Bruce, give him the tirade. Compare him to Nightwing.
The unspoken message rings loudly in Bruce's mind. He doesn't need Jason to say it.
You failed him too.
Jason is seething, anger. Sadness a d everything is violating him from inside.
If you were a minute later, he would've died. We would've been carrying his body to the grave. The Joker would still live. You see the problem? DO YOU NOT SEE THE FUCKING PROBLEM?
Bruce sits beside Dick, his pulse like a fluttering butterfly. He grasps his hand in Duck's fragile one and prays.
Prays that he wakes up.
Dick is on a life support machine now.
I guess the ventilator couldn't keep him up. All good boys do die. If not, maybe a part of them broke.
Dick is no exception.
Alfred squeezes Bruce's hand. Jason sits so quietly beside him alongside the rest of the family.
Its April 27th. Jason was taken this day.
They don't say a word, neither does Red Hood, he just wants the baby blue eyes to open again.
He cries.
Five months have gone by and he stirs slowly.
He's barely moving and Jason shoots up and looks, squeezes Dick's hand again.
Baby blues meet emerald green.
Jason dashes for Leslie. She comes and shoos everyone out.
Jason is fucking glad. Dick is alive.
Bruce is disappointed.
He cannot bring himself to meet Dick who's currently in the ward under observation. He's failed Dick. He knows it.
He enters, heavy hearted. Dick is smiling at everyone but Bruce can see it, the hard lines. The sunshine doesn't reach the baby blues. He thinks they've turned into aquamarine, a shade tad too dark. I guess, that's what trauma does to people.
Dick smiles at Bruce, he feels the tension and Dick pats the chair beside him where Jason was sleeping. Bruce softly sits, he has no heart to wake Jason up.
Dick is alive. Dick is alive.
Bruce places one hand on Grayson's one, it feels much more warmer and his pulse is beating normally.
And he breaks.
He cries, tears steaming down his cheeks. An ugly sound escapes his throat. Bruce gasps in air and exhales shakily. Dick watches, silent.
Is this how you felt when I was in Hell?
Dick doesn't touch Bruce, doesn't say its okay and I'm alive. He stares dead into Bruce.
I cannot forgive.
Dick sits quietly, he doesn't have to say it. Loyalty does kill you in the end if you step on all the wrong pieces of glass.
That's when you find yourself falling from the trapeze line, you find yourself swirling again in the memories you wish you could lock.
Loyalty in the end, is your demise.
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dimitribelikov · 3 years
The Belikov Chronicles: The Tasha Conundrum Pt.2
✶ This one got pretty long. I even ended it quicker than planned, so hopefully it’s not too overwhelming. Admittedly, this installment deals less with Tasha, and more about Dimitri’s feelings towards Adrian. **There will be a Pt.3 and probably a Pt.4. ✶ notes : All dialogue is straight from Frostbite, chapter 15. The rest is mine, based on characters written by Richelle Mead. ✶ warnings : some language ✶ ships : romitri ✶ Part 1 can be found here  |  more one-shots featuring my version of Dimitri can be found here
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       My argument with Rose the day before had left me in such a darkened state, that I had completely forgotten about my original mission to check in with the guardians and find out more news on the Strigoi attacks. It was just as well, though. I knew there wasn’t going to be any big revelations unless someone where to come get me. I ended up spending the evening in Tasha’s company. Over dinner, she went on and on about her radical ideas for reforming the Moroi’s views on defense. Usually I ate her passion up with fascination, but I couldn’t help but find myself distracted. I mean, Adrian? Really?
Yet as soon as the vampiric morning came, I had only one thought on my mind as I left my room: to find Janine Hathaway to go over the tragedy that had happened and the ensuing arguments that had unfolded in the Moroi meeting. Janine was someone that I had always looked up to, and she seemed a bit more forthcoming with information than others. Surely with her, I could get a better grip on what was going on in our world. I knew that I could also provide some insight for the guardians into the Moroi side of things via Tasha’s conversation at dinner.
I was a one tracked mind, striding through the hotel’s hallways with no other worry in my head, let alone the fight with Rose. Until I heard her very voice from an open door. Damnit. Even in the wake of such important matters, her voice was able to bring me to a screeching halt, curiosity replacing my earlier determination.
I paused, wondering what she was doing in this wing of the resort. Almost immediately I realized that the open door belonged to none other than Adrian. Again?! Thoughts of her staying the night danced through my mind, but I pushed them out right away. 
“I just want to know what’s going on here,” she demanded of her audience.
Sure enough, when I stood just behind her and was able to take in the scene of Adrian’s room, it looked as though Rose had just arrived. Further puzzling was the appearance of Lissa there. Surely Adrian couldn’t be that much of a scoundrel, I thought. Then again, with the stories I’d heard, I wouldn’t put it past him. “Me too,” I said, announcing myself. I could hear the short tone in my voice, but was careful to keep my expression neutral as I studied every detail of the room.
Rose had turned to regard me with a surprised look, and though I loved the victory of catching her guard, I couldn’t help but notice the cloud fo perfume that surrounded her. Had she actually gotten dolled up for the Ivashkov loser?
My annoyance deepened at the thought and I invited myself in, clinging to the one weapon I had: my authority. “Male and female students aren’t supposed to be in each other’s room.” I’m pretty sure a younger me just rolled his eyes and made a gagging sound at the lame “adult speech”.
“How do you keep doing this?” Rose demanded of Adrian, ignoring my recitation of the rules.
“Do what?” he replied. Ugh, that fucking grin. I wanted nothing more than to smack it off his face!
“Keep making us look bad!”
“You guys are the ones who came here.”
Adrian’s reply snapped me back into the argument. The two, innocent, young girls were visiting his room unescorted? I was beginning to sound like my old headmaster, but I didn’t care. “You shouldn’t have let them in. I’m sure you know the rules at St. Vladimir’s.”
“Yeah, but I don’t have to follow any school’s stupid rules,” Adrian replied. I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to actually argue this. In that moment, the girls might have well not even existed. All I cared about what putting the rich brat in his place. Somewhere in my head, a logical voice was reminding me that the Moroi were above me. They come first. I shouldn’t be so harsh in my judgement of him, but I just couldn’t help it.
“Perhaps not. But I would have thought you’d still respect those rules.” Gross. Now I definitely sounded like my old headmaster. Before I could worry about that too much, though, Adrian fired back. And he hit below the belt.
“I’m kind of surprised to find you lecturing about underage girls,” he said cooly.
I froze, feeling anger grow at the audacity with which the Moroi spoke back to me. Under that anger, though, there was fear. What had he’d heard? Clearly that had to be a dig about me and Rose, but I’d been so careful. Surely no one else knew a thing. Right?
“Besides, nothing sordid was going on,” he continued. “We were just hanging out.”
Yeah. Hanging out. Alone in his room. Nothing sordid about that, I thought sarcastically. “If you want to ‘hang out’ with young girls,” I replied, taking another small step towards him. “Do it at one of the public areas.”
My anger was unexpectedly side tracked when Adrian laughed. There was something about that laugh that didn’t sit right with me. My suspicions were confirmed when he went off, rambling about the oddest things. It wasn’t a normal way to win an argument, that was for sure. My head tilted as I studied him, wondering if he was actually as unhinged as he sounded. Just how dangerous is this guy?
Finally he wrapped up the odd soliloquy by actually agreeing me. Though hearing Adrian admit that he was a bad influence didn’t earn much sympathy from me, I was grateful that the discussion was over. It had taken a turn into dangerous territory with a near accusation about me and rose–– and then whatever that was.
Lissa, Rose, and I took our exit into the hallway, starting the walk back into the lobby. “One’s marked with life, and one’s marked with death,” he had said. It was lunacy and I shouldn’t put too much thought into it, but I couldn’t help but feel a strange sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.
“That was . . . strange,” Rose had said.
I couldn’t even be mad anymore. The odd turn in Adrian’s demeanor had cast a sobering spell over us all. “Very,” was all I could manage.
Stepping out into the hustle and bustle of the lobby woke me up from my tumultuous thoughts. I knew I couldn’t let Rose simply leave without trying to warn her. Whether I was jealous or not (and I adamantly promised myself that I wasn’t), I was her mentor. It was my job to steer her clear of danger and this situation was no different. “Rose. Can I talk to you?”
I saw her exchange a look with Lissa, but mercifully, the princess left us to our privacy. We moved to the side of a room, avoiding the groups of Moroi who were hurriedly checking out in the wake of the new attacks. Alone with Rose, I could feel my emotions begin to spike again. The jealousy of seeing her with Adrian, the protectiveness of needing to be a good mentor for her–– and now the scent of whatever perfume she’d gotten her hands on. She’d never worn any in the time I knew her, but the crisp, sweet fragrance toyed with my imagination.
Quickly pushing such thoughts away, I tried to figure out how best to tell her what was on my mind. I was still mad about her accusations the previous day, but this wasn’t about me. This was about her. “That was Adrian Ivashkov,” I said, trying and failing to keep the disapproval from my voice.
“Yeah, I know,” she replied quickly. I wonder just how much she knew about him. 
“This is the second time I’ve seen you with him.”
I was sure I could detect annoyance in her eyes, and knew I was losing her attention. “Yeah. We hang out sometimes.”
My stomach dropped as my eyebrow arched. That was the second time I heard that phrase used. I wasn’t oblivious to Rose’s reputation at the Academy, but I also felt that I knew her better than that. Sure, I’d caught her in a very compromising position with the Zeklos kid once, but she’d seemed to have learned from that. Or at least taken the lesson to heart in a mature way. Yet I wasn’t sure that there existed a world in which “hanging out with Adrian Ivashkov” could be anything innocent. “You hang out in his room a lot?” I asked, sounding more accusing than anything else.
I knew Rose too well, though. She wasn’t one to simply take a lecture and peacefully leave. If she felt backed into a corner, she fought. While that was usually something I admired in her, in this moment, I was worried about what rebuttal would come. 
Apparently, even my worst guesses weren’t nearly as bad as what she actually came up with. “What happens between him and me is none of your business.” It wasn’t lost  on me that she did a near perfect impersonation of myself the previous day. Shit, she’s good. Logically I knew that she was just trying to get back at me for the Tasha thing, but I couldn’t help the sudden assault of mental images of Rose and Adrian that bombarded my mind. Thanks to my guardian training, I was able to keep it all hidden from my expression.
“Actually,” I retorted, not missing a beat in my scramble to gain the upper hand. “As long as you’re at the Academy, what you do is my business.” Checkmate!
Rather than ending the argument there, however, it only ramped up, each of us firing back in quick succession. We were a good match for each other in the ring, and clearly that sparring spilled out into other areas of our life.
“Not my personal life. You don’t have any say in that.”
“You’re not an adult yet.”
“I’m close enough. Besides, it’s not like I’ll magically become an adult on my eighteenth birthday.”
“That’s not what I mean.” Was she actually blushing at that? “I meant––”
“I know what you meant,” I cut her off, not wanting to travel down that road right now. Adrian’s borderline accusations still bothered me. “And the technicalities don’t matter right now. You’re an Academy student. I’m your instructor. It’s my job to help you and to keep you safe.” I idly wondered who I was trying to convince more, her or me. “Being in the bedroom of someone like him . . . well, that’s not safe.” 
I hoped she understood what I was trying to convey. I didn’t want to fight. Our argument the previous day killed me, but I wasn’t going to let her self-sabotage herself, either. Rose had the potential to be great. Perhaps even one of the best. I wasn’t going to let a spoiled, rich, royal ruin that for her.
“I can handle Adrian Ivashkov,” she muttered. The sudden mental image of those two in a sparring ring did much to lighten my mood, but not enough to derail me from on the topic at hand. “He’s weird–– really weird, apparently–– but harmless.”
Well that was hardly true. Adrian might not be a killer or anything, but he certainly one of the least harmless guys I knew. What happened to Mason? Why wasn’t she with him? I actually like that guy.
A thought occurred to me just then. This whole time I’d justified myself not being jealous because I was okay with her being with Mason. Yet Mason was absolutely harmless. He was safe. It was obvious to anyone in the same room as those two that he was completely head over heels for Rose, but I never saw the same passion for him in her eyes. Her being with him never seemed like a threat–– ignoring the fact that I had nothing to be threatened with since I’m not even in the equation. I can’t be. It wouldn’t be right. But throw someone like Adrian in? Hell yeah I was suddenly threatened. Rose deserved better than him, but I knew how easy it was for him to get his way with that cocky grin.
Fuck. I really am jealous.
“Speaking of personal lives,” Rose said, mercifully cutting off my traitorous train of thought. At least, I thought it was a mercy until I heard what she was getting at. “I suppose you were off visiting Tasha, huh?”
My own personal revelation weighed too heavily to allow me a quippy, or even scathing, retort. “Actually, I was visiting your mother.”
“You going to hook up with her, too?” At least one of us was on their argumentative A-game.
My mind was too much of a mess to truly react to it, though I had to admit, it was a pretty good line. “No, we were looking over some new data in the Drozdov attack.” After that, any signs of jealousy or mentions of Tasha and Adrian were forgotten as we spoke about the Strigoi problem. Though the heaviness of the situation pressed in on us, I was glad that Rose could set aside our pettiness and take the real problems to heart. I kept calling her a young girl to Adrian, but she truly is mature beyond her years. That didn’t counter the fact that she’s underaged and shouldn’t be anywhere near that jackhole, but it reminded me that she’s more than just a student. One day soon, we’d be working side by side, and I looked forward to that. I may be assigned as her mentor for now, but as we spoke about the Strigoi threat and Moroi politics, I knew that Rose is more than that. She’s my equal. It felt right to divulge the guardian’s knowledge of the Strigoi’s whereabouts to her.
“Why’d you tell me this, anyway?” she asked eventually. “This is guardian stuff. Not the kind of thing you let novices in on.”
I paused, turning over the words in my head. Our heated emotions were gone, and in the wake that followed, I thought back to the way I had been treating her lately. I thought of her as my equal, but I didn’t treat her that way. I wanted to change that. “I’ve said some things . . .  the other day and today . . . that I shouldn’t have. Things that insulted your age. You’re seventeen . . . but you’re capable of handling and processing the same things those much older than you do.”
“Really?” she asked. The look of hope that kindled in her eyes melted my heart then and there. This was how I liked her best, full optimism and void of the anger that always seem to follow her.
I nodded, feeling the hint of a smile on my lips. “You’re still really young in a lot of ways–– and act young–– but the only way to really change that is to treat you like an adult. I need to do that more. I know you’ll take this information and understand how important it is and keep it to yourself.” I was man enough to admit when I was wrong, and my recent treatment of her had been just that. Surely it wasn’t too late to set things right–– and hopefully steer her away from certain disaster.
A moment passed between us. Looking into Rose’s eyes, I could swear that I could hear her thoughts. She wanted to be the kind of person that I wanted to treat her as. I think on some level, we both understood the burden that our futures carried as the last Dragomir princess’s guardians, but we were also both looking forward to carrying it out together.
That moment of peace was short lived, however, when a familiar voice greeted me. “Dimka!” With those two syllables spoken by Tasha Ozera, I felt the mood instantly shift between me and Rose.
to be continued . . .
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