#but he’s always been chill with me calling him my brother and his mom ‘mom’ and stuff
just-rogi · 1 year
#ok y’all I’m not gonna cry over this#but#I’ve known my baby brother since he was two and I was seven#he doesn’t know a life without me and honestly I never want him to#the family also made it really clear from a young age that I was family and it wasn’t questioned#like his mom would introduce us as her kids to friends or strangers#or say ‘oh these are my kids’ whenever we were on vacation or at school#and when he was little he used to call me his sister and I liked it#but the kids ar school started asking questions and eventually he stopped because technically I’m not#but he’s always been chill with me calling him my brother and his mom ‘mom’ and stuff#but he’s also 16 and it’s lame to talk about your older siblings#well#the other night I mentioned that I have the keychain he gave me in 2013 on my keychain and haven’t let it go since he got it for me#and that i think of him often#and i didn’t think anything of it#until today when he casually referred to me as his sister for the first time since he was like ten#and I’m sitting here on the train trying to hold it together#oh my god i love this boy so much I’m so proud I got to watch him grow up#I love being there for him whenever he needs me#I love him riding shotgun with me to pick up pizza for dinner and I love helping with homework#I love that when he’s afraid of everything he can come to me and know I’ve got his back I love that I’m the only one he came out to#I love telling him that he’s loved and showing him how to live and bringing him to his first pride and buying him lunch and teaching#him to ride the t and feel like ten and he is six and I’m holding his hand crossing the street#this is so stupid lmao I just haven’t heard him call me his sister in years and I love him so much#also I’m so sorry to everyone who doesn’t have a good relationship with their siblings LMAO
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crazyk-imagine · 6 months
Hi, I was thinking Jacob Black x Reader. Where Jacob was waiting for Reader to come out of school till he heard commotion in front of the school and saw Reader fighting a bully who is a guy. She has a bruised lip and bleeding nose. Jacob hurriedly pick up Reader and take her to Emily’s so she can chill out and so Emily can patch her up. The pack saw her and they started asking questions till Emily started lecturing her.
Jealousy and Pack Scolding's
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Uley!reader
Characters: Jacob Black, Uley!reader, Paul Lahote, Jared Cameron, Embry Call, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Quil Ateara V, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Paul being an idiot, Sam not liking the imprinting, this was actually kind of cute, I think I made Jake a likable character (for me), Emily is an angel, Sam and Emily are my fav, reader has avoided making eye contact with Jake bc she has a crush, Sam knows whats up, Embry just wants his imprint, Paul is such a big brother here, love writing for the wolfpack, it's so much fun, reader knows about imprints
Word Count: 2,431
A/N: Ask and you shall receive... this was fun and totally not inspired by Jake fics where he's a little jealous shit
I've aged probably everyone sooo, Sam is 26, Emily is 25. Leah is 23. Jared and Paul are 19 (in a nearby community college) and just one semester from graduating. Jake, Reader and Embry are 18. Quil, Seth, Brody are 17. Cam and Seth are 16
He kicks his bike stand up, so it stays upright while he waits for you to exit the school. He crosses his arms, not wanting anyone to talk to him, hoping he looks “menacing” enough for his classmates to get the hint and steer clear of him.
He knows Quil and Embry made their way back to Emily's since Sam wants them to do their patrol shift as soon as they can once they finished with their last class.
He couldn't complain much considering he was able to go home and change before heading back to pick you up so he could successfully switch shifts with Embry, which annoys him since Sam basically ordered him to pick you up.
He’d be more okay with it if you two were friends- or even talking; he doesn’t know why he was put to the job since you two aren’t close- or at least, compared to Jared and Paul.
Jake did recently find out (after complaining to the guys when their alpha wasn’t around) you’re Sam's niece and Emily has taken a light to you, thinking of you as her own daughter.
And the only reason he thinks that is because of how she treats you; it always reminds him of the way his mom took care of him and his sisters when they were younger.
Don't get him wrong, he has no problem with that or the way she treats you, he's more curious than anything since you haven't been talking to him.
It kind of bugs him that you talk to Paul and Jared more than him and isn't sure why. He gets the two shifted before everyone, but you've started talking to Embry and Quil so why not him too? Hell, you’ve even started making small talk with the newest shifters Brady and Collin.
He thinks this is why Sam sent him here, so he'll stop moping around about you and not just because the pack is tired of hearing how sad he is with you not talking to him.
The chanting, "fight, fight, fight," overtakes his sense in waiting for you and he steps closer.
He stops behind the wall of people, checking on who's fighting, curious as to who's stupid enough to fight on school property.
The fist flies to your face and he starts fighting his way to get past the people blocking him from getting to you.
You spit, not wanting the copper taste to remain in your mouth. You turn your head back to David, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of feeling like he won.
You kick his upper thigh, right above his knee and knock him down before pulling your arm back and drive your fist as hard as you can into his cheek.
He falls and cups his cheek, whining about the pain and the fact that he's bleeding.
"Talk about my family again and you'll be bleeding more."
Jacob finally breaks through the crowd and pushes David's friend away before the guy could grab you. "Back off," he growls.
The friend raises his hands in defense and backs away, noticing how buff he'd gotten and knows better to not fight Jacob.
He turns to you, smelling blood on you and cups your face, searching to find the damage, ignoring your eyes as the blood from your lip drips further down your chin. "Come on."
He puts you on the back of his bike and starts it before kicking the kickstand.
You unwrap your arms and get off the bike, trying to put distance between you, Jacob, and your home.
He grabs your wrist, "where do you think you're going?"
"Just because you want to hide your face from Emily and Sam, doesn't mean you can run away."
"I can still try." You tug on his arm. "Let me go."
"No, you need to go in there and face them."
You stop fighting and he lets go of you, trusting that you won't leave. "I don't want Sam to be disappointed."
"Did you pick a fight with David on purpose?"
You shake your head, "of course not."
"Then he won't be disappointed... as long as you talk to him."
"Says the guy who fights him every chance he gets."
That earns a chuckle from Jake. "Says the mousy niece."
You scoff, shoving his arm. "Hey, I'm not mousy."
"This is the longest conversation we've ever had."
"That's your fault, you're always mopey."
"I am not."
"Are so."
"Am"- You walk through the door.
Emily's voice interrupts yours and everyone else's conversations. "I'm happy to see the two of you are talking." She smiles with a twinkle shining in her eye that quickly dies as soon as she catches sight of your face.
"Oh my- what the hell happened to you?" She grabs your chin, tilting so she can look at your face. "Who did this?"
Paul tenses, Jared tries to see over her shoulder.
Embry and Quil walk through the back door and glance at one another with concern evident on their faces once they realize what’s happened.
"Don't tell, Sam," you reply, staring into her eyes, practically begging her not to tell him.
"Don't tell me what?"
You grimace and then wince because your adrenaline has worn off and the pain has surfaced. "How much I love you?" You say without turning.
"I don't buy it." He wraps an arm around Emily, pecking her cheek. "Did you cut your finger again?" He asks with the scent of blood wafting through the room.
"Uh-" She catches your eye as she glances down at her hands. "Maybe, I don't know."
You attempt to sneak away while he's distracted and fail.
"Turn around."
You pout, keeping your head low as you turn.
"Lift your head."
"I like staring at my shoes while they're clean."
He grumbles your name under his breath.
You lift your head and sigh. "I may have gotten into an altercation at school."
"What the hell happened?"
"That's what I was asking before you got here?" Emily chimes in. "And I was avoiding it then."
"What did you do?"
You scoff, "I didn't do anything, you dick."
"That is no way to talk to your uncle," she tells you.
You stare at her, "I'm going to give him the same respect he gives me," and turn to him. "Which is none."
You exit the room when you realize none of you are going to be able to have a proper conversation and make your way to your room, slamming the door behind you.
"What happened while you were waiting for her?" Sam towers over Jacob, attempting to search through his mind to figure out what could have happened.
"I don't- I don't know. I was waiting and then I heard the other kids chanting, fight and then I saw her get hit and then take down David-"
"Wait- she was fighting David?" Jared chimes in with a smile.
"He deserves it," Paul adds.
"Guys a grade A asshole," Embry says before snacking on a muffin.
"So, this fight was valid?" Sam asks, wanting to understand everything he's learned within the last five minutes.
"No, it wasn't valid because fighting isn't the solution, is it boys?" Emily turns to the boys at the table.
"No," everyone answers.
"Good," she smiles.
"But this hasn't happened before? What's happened? This David- or whoever clearly said something for her to act out."
"He was talking about my family," you tell them, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed.
"That doesn't give you enough reason to fight," she tells you.
"It does when they start making fun of your dead parents and uncle who's running a cult."
They purse their lips.
"How do you feel?"
You shrug, "my fist and face are aching, so I'd say I did something right."
She sighs. "Fighting isn't the answer."
"I know that!"
"Then why did you do it?"
Your emotions cause you to snap. "I was tired of him thinking he could still bully me!"
She takes a few steps closer to you. "This has been going on for a while now. Why didn't you tell us?"
"I didn't want either of you to walk into the principal's office thinking you could stop it when it'd only make things worse," you grumble.
"We could have found another way to stop him from making comments."
"I took care of it the only way I could."
"There's always more than one way-"
"I know," you run your fingers through your hair in a frustrated manner. "I wasn't thinking but he wouldn't shut up. He waited a few months, giving me a grievance period but then he started talking shit again and today he wouldn't leave me alone."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jared asks.
"Yeah," you scoff, "because I wanted you guys to help when the hothead is one fight away from being expelled. Everyone still thinks those two," you point to Embry and Quil. "Are weird because they suddenly got buff and had a haircut. Don't even mention the fact that Jake along with Brody and Cam are the new talk of the pack."
Sam sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "Just, go clean the blood off as best you can, and Emily will wrap your wounds."
"I already did."
"Then go get the first aid kit and bring it in here."
You walk back into the bathroom throwing everything you’d laid out on the counter back into the bag and aim for the kitchen. "Heal me with your magical powers, Em."
She smiles and wraps an arm around your shoulders as she guides you to the island so she can use the natural light to check over you. "Does this hurt?"
"Not yet."
"Okay, let me know when it-"
You suck in a deep breath through your teeth.
"Hurts. You okay?"
"Peachy, Em."
"I know you had to defend yourself today, but fighting isn't always the answer."
"Yeah, I know," you reply with an attitude.
"I'm just reminding you, so you don't continue hurting yourself. You're not like the others, and I don't like seeing you get hurt."
"Thanks, Emily," you wrap your arms around her and pull her in for a long hug.
She smiles, returning the hug. "Don't go getting into fights again or else I'm going to bubble wrap you."
You chuckle. "As long as you save me from a Sam lecture."
"Deal." She slides the plate with muffins, closer to you. "Eat something first."
The guys shake their heads at your behavior.
"Does this mean I can hang out with you guys?"
"You hang out with us already," Jacob points out.
"Cliff diving." You unwrap your muffin.
"Absolutely not," your uncle tells you.
"Come on."
"No,” Sam shakes his head.
"Guys," you beg, turning around to look at the others.
"We're not getting involved in that," Paul raises his hands, heading towards the couch.
- Extra -
"I'm with Paul," Embry tells you, pulling Quil with him as they sit beside Jared.
You turn to face your knight in shining armor. “Jake-”
He turns away from the others and glances back at you, the humor falling from his face.
“Oh, shit,” Jared mutters.
“Are you serious?” Embry whines.
You owlishly blink trying to figure out what’s happened when he falls to his knees. You set your muffin down and push yourself off the stool to stand in front of him. You poke his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“It’s you,” he mutters.
You raise your head and face the others with a scared and confused expression. “Guys, what the hell just happened?”
Paul smirks and looks away.
Jared buries his face with a muffin.
Embry and Quil face the tv, not wanting to see how things plays out.
Brady and Collin walk through the door.
“Holy shit,” the former says.
“Congrats, Jake. You finally got your imprint,” the latter adds.
“What?” You spin around to face Emily. “Imprint? That’s what just happened?”
Sam rubs a hand over his face. This was the last thing they needed.
“Did we- did you not know?” Brady asks you.
“Does this look like the face of someone who’s in the know? Does it. Brady?”
Collin pulls his buddy away before you can rip their heads off.
“I think we need to talk,” Sam says, pulling Jacob off the ground. “Outside.”
You three stand on the porch, trying to wrap your heads around the whole situation.
“I don’t know what this means,” you tell them.
“This means, no being alone in your room. No sneaking out after curfew. No-”
“Sam, we’re not dating. This doesn’t apply to us.”
“It could,” he says, finally snapping out of his mind.
“It- the imprint bond doesn’t happen by accident, it’s the joining of when two soulmates find each other.”
“So, we’re soulmates?”
He nods.
“I thought you were in love with Bella?”
“I was.”
“And now you’re not? You couldn’t have moved on that fast just because of this bond.”
He sighs, “I know this is going to be a lot of work, but I want to get to know you whether we go out or not… even though dating you-”
The clearing of someone’s throat cuts him off.
He sheepishly smiles, rubbing the back of his head. “We’ll talk more later.”
You can’t help but giggle and wince soon after.
He’s kneeling in front of you in seconds, searching for any sign of pain. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. My lip is going to be the kill joy of my existence for a few days but I’m fine.” You place a hand on his shoulder, “thanks for pulling me out of there when you did.”
He shakes his head, “it was nothing.”
“It was more than you know, and I know you were only there because Uncle Sam made you, but I still wanted to thank you.”
He can’t help the wide smile that stretches across his lips. “I’ll always be there for you.”
Sam throws you over his shoulder. “Babe, where’s the extra wood I keep for the winter?”
“Back room, why?” She asks, watching as you beat on his back.
“I’m locking some doors.”
“Sam, no!” You screech. “Boys, help me.”
“He’s the alpha, what he says go,” Paul tells you.
“You suck, Lahote.”
“You’re gonna be swallowing, princess.”
Paul has never shifted and ran out of his alpha’s place as quickly as he did today.
The others lose their minds as he runs all around, nearly bumping into the clearwater siblings as they head towards the place.
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@kmc1989 @gilbertgirl13
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joelalorian · 2 months
Fall Into Me - Epilogue
dbf!joel x f!reader | WC: 3.7k | E 18+ mdni
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Series Summary: Joel is hanging on by a thread as a single father to a tenacious 10-year-old Sarah. Feeling like he's drowning, like the world is about to spit him out, he needs some help before he breaks in half. At your dad's insistence, you show up in his life and change everything.
Chapter Tags/Warnings: Explicit, under 18 take a hike. No outbreak AU. A wedding, father/daughter dance, tears, laughter, unprotected p in v (reader's on birth control and they're married now so...), Sarah calls reader Mom, mention of Ellie...
A/N: This is the end, folks! They are a real family now. I'm not crying, you're crying. As we all know by now, this fic was inspired by the song Fall Into Me. Another song dear to me inspired a particular scene in this chapter - Butterfly Kisses. Check it out if you'd like. **it always makes me cry, so beware** This story is dear to my hear and I'm grateful for all the love it has received. Thank you for joining me on this journey!
Moodboard by the lovely @mrsmando. Dividers by the wonderful @saradika-graphics
Chapter Eleven | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The autumn sun began its descent, painting the sky in beautiful shades of orange and red as it approached the horizon. Joel stared out the double-paned glass, too focused on calming his nerves to enjoy the rolling landscape of the vineyard below. Palms sweaty and heart thumping heavily in his chest, he tugged at the collar of his dress shirt, popping the top two buttons open to help him breathe.
“Cold feet, son?” JB questioned from the doorway before slipping fully into the room. Tommy followed behind him, anxious to see why Joel was taking so long.
Their presence startled Joel and he grimaced. “Not me,” he grunted, still struggling to inhale deep, full breathes as his heart raced.
“You sure about that, brother?”
Joel directed a scowl in Tommy’s direction. “I don’t have cold feet, but I’m terrified she does,” he admitted gruffly. He couldn’t meet the other men’s eyes, feeling vulnerable.
“I promise you, son. Spud does not have cold feet,” JB soothed. “In fact, she has much the same worry about you.”
“A match made in heaven, I’d say,” Tommy chimed in with a grin, bumping his shoulder against Joel’s.
“Come on, now. Get your asses down to the vineyard before Maria comes looking for ya. She’s on a war path, that girl a’ yours,” JB directed with a wink to Tommy. “I gotta get back to Spud, make sure she doesn’t run off to find you before it’s time. Meet again at the altar, fellas.”
The brothers watched your dad leave. Throwing an arm around Joel’s shoulder, Tommy led him toward the door. “The ol’ bastard was telling the truth, ya know. She’s terrified of you getting cold feet. Emily and Sarah have been calming her down for an hour now, insisting that you can’t wait to marry her. That girl loves you more than anything, brother.”
Joel beamed, eyes softening at the thought of you walking towards him in a flowing white dress, wildflowers clutched in your hand, and eyes brimming with tears of absolute joy. The mental image soothed his nerves more than any words could and he finally let Tommy lead him from the room.
Fresh air with the slightest chill met them as they exited the building. The soft hum of a string quartet filled the air while guests arrived and took their seats. A charming wooden arbor adorned with colorful flowers, delicate greenery, and a white sash served as the altar at which the two of you would become husband and wife.
Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Joel walked down the aisle, nodding at some of the guests as he took his place in front of the arbor. He stood tall, looking undeniably handsome in a slate gray suit sans tie, the top few buttons of the ruby colored dress shirt left open offering a glimpse of his tanned chest and a sprinkle of hair. Thick curls were swept back from his face, facial hair trimmed to perfection with that little heart-shaped bare patch visible.
Stepping up to his left side, Tommy smiled broadly at the small crowd. His longer curls were tied back neatly, and he tucked a few stray locks behind his ears and sent a cheeky wink to his woman sitting in the front row. Maria rolled her eyes playfully. Tommy watched Joel’s hand flex, fingers bouncing against thigh in a nervous tick he had since childhood and braced a hand on his shoulder. “You got this, big brother.”
Before Joel could respond, the string quartet began to play Pachelbel’s Canon and he stood taller, eyes locked down the aisle in anticipation of seeing you. Tommy rushed off to the side to take his place in the processional.
Sarah appeared from behind a row of lush, thick vines, looking like an angel in a white dress with a ribbon of material matching Joel’s shirt tied around her waist. The little girl insisted that her dress match yours, not understanding that, traditionally, only the bride wore white. But you didn’t give a hoot about tradition, helping Sarah to find the perfect white dress, adding the sash as something unique. The recollection of the joy on Sarah’s face when she tried on the dress for the first time made Joel’s heart melt.
Sarah danced down the aisle; face lit up with glee as she scattered rose petals along the way from a small wicker basket clutched in one hand. When she reached the end of the aisle, she spun in a circle, allowing her dress to flutter around her, and tossed the last of the rose petals into the air, much to the delight of the guests and her father.
“Hi Daddy!” Sarah called, bouncing over to the place she was told to stand the evening before. Joel melted at the happiness on his daughter’s face, and he beamed back at her proudly. The little girl’s antics drew a soft rumble of laughter from the guests before all attention turned back down the aisle.
Tommy and Emily stepped past the vines next, looking resplendent in their formal wear, the shade of Emily’s dress reminiscent of a glass of finest pinot noir, matching the hue of Tommy’s dress shirt. Joel nodded at them as they approached, lips quirked in a half smile. His hand clenched at his side as he fought back the nerves again.
Moments later, the rest of the world fell away when you appeared, one hand clasped around your dad’s arm. The charming colors of the setting sun were no match for your beauty. Joel had never seen anyone or anything so perfect in his entire life. A crown of vibrant flower blossoms secured in your hair, the breeze rustled a few locks and the short train of your simple white gown.
Joel couldn’t take his eyes off you – not as you walked down the aisle to him, or when JB shook his hand in that ceremonial way of giving you to him, and certainly not as the officiant rambled through the ceremony. To put it simply, you mesmerized him.
He would almost regret it later, but the entire ceremony was a blur. The only parts he remembered included your face smiling broadly at him, the love in your glistening eyes as you repeated the vows you chose together, and the kiss after being declared man and wife.
“You’re stuck with me forever now, darlin’,” Joel’s gravelly voice rumbled in your ear after the sweet kiss.
Your tinkling laughter carried in air, spreading merriment throughout the vineyard. “Oh no, whatever will I do,” you whispered back.
“Can we go dance now?” Eager to get on with the fun part, Sarah interrupted your little moment.
“Of course, nugget. Let’s go dance!”
The little girl squeezed her way in between the two of you and having tossed her empty flower basket aside without care, slipping her hand in yours and the other in Joel’s to tug you both back down the aisle.
“Someone’s eager to get the party started,” Joel chuckled, lips spread in a jaw-aching grin as his little family made their way to the reception area. Your eyes sparkled back at him, full of happiness and love.
The winery boasted a lodge with an oversized deck suitable for your small celebration and enough rooms for the guest to stay the night. The path from the ceremonial area back to the lodge weaved through thickets of grape vines, plump fruit nearly ripe for the picking as the three of you ducked under and around the vines.
The vineyard was charming, a lucky find in your search for the perfect wedding venue. It was the only compromise Joel willingly made on a venue – he longed for a quiet, backyard wedding, but you insisted on something slightly grander in scale.
Maria and Tommy did a great job of recreating the ambiance of that night long ago in Joel’s backyard for the reception. Fairy lights were strung high across the deck, music playing softly as the guests mingled with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres in hand. High top tables were scattered about, centerpieces full of colorful hydrangeas.
It was perfect.
Wanting to save money, you kept the guest list to less than thirty people, mostly family and close friends, and opted for a bulk purchase of disposable cameras rather than springing for the cost of a wedding photographer. In addition, you insisted on a tier of cupcakes over an actual wedding cake, the icing matching the ruby red color of wine. Sarah and JB offered to put together an eclectic playlist for the winery to play through their sound system rather than put forth the cost of a band or DJ. All in all, it was an entirely family run affair that didn’t break the bank and you couldn’t be happier for it.
You and Joel mingled with the guests for a while before it was time for your first dance. Staying on theme, Joel had one request regarding your wedding song – it had to be Fall Into Me. You could hardly deny that one request, especially as the song meant so much to the both of you, practically telling the story of how you came together. Just like that night in his yard, Joel sang the words in a soft, quiet voice meant only for you, your bodies swaying side to side across the floor like you were the only two there.
None too soon, your dad led Sarah onto the dance floor, letting her stand on his feet as he danced around, just like he used to do when you were little. Maria and Tommy soon joined them, along with Emily and her husband. Before long, the party was in full swing.
You fought back tears during the father-daughter dance. Just as Sarah insisted on her dress matching yours, she wanted to dance with Joel during the traditional time. You were more than happy to have them join you. The battle against the tears was lost during the first chorus of Butterfly Kisses.
JB held you tighter as the first tear fell, brushing it away with a calloused thumb. “Feels like just yesterday when you would dance around on my feet like that,” he said, voice rough and quiet with the choke of tears in his throat. “Now here you are, grown up and married, with a family all your own. You’re not my little Spud anymore.”
Thank fuck for waterproof mascara, you thought as a sob escaped. “Dad,” you drew out the word in a sob, tears flooding your eyes, falling faster. You could barely get out the next words, throat aching and vision blurry. “I’ll always be your little Spud, no matter how old I am.”
Joel danced closer to you, checking in with a concerned look as you cried. “Darlin’, you alright?” His eyes darted between you and JB, the shimmer in the older man’s eyes matching his own. Dark eyes softened into molten chocolate, and he gestured to your dad to switch partners.
JB let you go after a bone crushing hug and a kiss to your forehead. “Take care of my girl, ya hear?”
Nodding solemnly, Joel shook JB’s hand. “Always.” He ushered Sarah into JB’s arms, letting them dance for the rest of the song as he pulled you close. Joel pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. “I told you this song would make you cry, darlin’.  Let me wipe those tears away.”
Sniffling, your lips tilted up in a watery smile as he dabbed gently at your face. “I know, it always does. But it’s so beautiful, I had to include it.”
“Almost as beautiful as you,” Joel murmured, head nuzzled against yours. “Sarah already told me she’ll have this song at her wedding, too. I just know I’ll be crying like a god damned baby during the dance.”
That earned a laugh from you, the tears finally easing as the song ended. “Has she started planning her dream wedding already?” Joel nodded, a chuckle rumbling softly in your ear.
The evening carried on, dancing and drinking and laughing with everyone in celebration of you and Joel. You never really imagined your wedding as a kid, more concerned with being a tomboy and other, more important things. But you think now that if you had it likely would have imagined something exactly like this.
“Come on, Mrs. Miller,” Joel said when the lights finally dimmed, and the notes of the final song faded into the night. “It’s time to say goodnight to our guests.”
“Congrats, brother!” Tommy called cheerfully when you and Joel approached. His eyes large and glassy, a slight slur to his words providing evidence of a thoroughly enjoyable evening. “You two throw a great party. Do you need us to watch Sarah for the night so you can—”
“Alright you,” Maria jumped in, cutting the younger, drunker Miller brother off. “I doubt they want your drunk ass watching Sarah. Do you have someone lined up?”
“Oh, yeah, we’re good there. My dad is hosting a sleepover now that he is officially a grandpa. He’s insisting on being called Poppy just like I called my grandad.” You laughed at the memory of that conversation. JB was so excited to have a new nickname just for Sarah.
“Great! I would have been more than happy to help out but I’m going to have my hands full with this one,” Maria said with a gesture to Tommy where he swayed on his feet with a cheesy grin plastered on his face.
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“Alone at last,” Joel whispered, carrying you through the threshold of the wedding suite. “You look beautiful in this dress, but I can’t wait to get you out of it.”
Any exhaustion you felt from the long, exciting day vanished at the smoldering look in your husband’s eyes. Your husband. Holy hell. Suddenly nervous, you slowly slipped the dress from your shoulders. Though you and Joel had been together more times than you could count, this would be the first time you had sex as a married couple.
Would his expectations be different? Should they be? Were you expecting something different? Should you? Fuck, why didn’t you think to ask Emily about this earlier?
You glanced up to see Joel’s brows furrowed, realizing that you zoned out with your dress still around your hips. Warmth spread through your cheeks in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Joel. I’m… I’m a little nervous for some reason and got in my head about it.”
His lips tilted upwards as he stepped closer to help ease the dress down your body with gentle movements, knowing exactly what you needed to hear. “There’s no need to be nervous, sweetheart. It’s just you and me, like it always has been. We just have rings on our fingers now.”
And just like that, all worries fled your mind.
Once your dress was out of the way, Joel helped remove your bra and panties, leaving behind a trail of kisses on your dewy skin. His calloused hands, large but gentle, caressed every inch of bare skin before him, trousers growing tight as his body reacted to the sight of you.
His pupils dilated before your eyes and you pressed your lips to his, tongue teasing into his mouth to tangle with his in a searing kiss. He tasted of whiskey and chocolate and something so uniquely Joel, and you drank in the taste like a starving woman.
Still wearing far too much clothing for your liking, you ripped open his dress shirt, sending the buttons flying across the room. Oops. Manicured nails scratched down his bare chest, along his belly, until your fingers met the confining layer of his pants. After watching you fumble with his belt for too long – which, in reality, was only like two seconds, you swear – Joel brushed your hands aside and, without breaking the kiss, yanked the belt open and practically ripped his pants open to free his aching cock.
“What a lucky wife I am,” you purred, breaking the kiss, as your hand grasped his length. Your thumb traced over the bulbous head, smearing the precum pooling there, before bringing it back to your mouth for a little taste. “I get to experience this for the rest of my life.”
“Don’t tease, darlin’,” he growled low in his throat. “Besides, I’m the lucky one. I have the sexiest wife.”
Pants and boxer briefs shoved to the floor, Joel ripped off his socks and swept you right off your feet. Your legs automatically wrapped around his hips as he walked to the large bed. Kneeling on the mattress, he never let go as he settled you on your back.
Already dripping for him, and too anxious to have him inside you already, you didn’t need any foreplay to be ready. His cock slid, with torturous slowness, inside your warm walls with the slightest nudge of his hips. “Fuck, darlin’, you’re so tight,” he breathed against your neck, teeth scraping against the sensitive skin as he fucked into you.
A pleasurable burn spread through you, his cock splitting you open. “Mmm, so good. Fuck me, dear husband. Fuck me like you mean it.”
“As my wife wishes.”
Hips snapping, Joel set the perfect pace to bring you to the edge, heels digging into his ass with each powerful thrust. Fingernails scratched down his back, piercing the skin as he brought you to the peak, the orgasm causing your back to arch and muscles to spasm.
“Fuck, baby, you’re squeezing my cock like a fuckin’ vise. Gonna make me come too soon.”
The orgasm seemed to last forever, pleasure washing over you in waves until you trembled beneath Joel. “It’s never too soon. Come for me, babe,” you gasped when the ability to speak finally returned.
Joel’s thrusts became sloppy near the tail end of your climax, and he spilled inside you as soon as the words left your mouth. His ragged breaths tickled your ear, sending gooseflesh down your body from neck to toes. Your name fell like a prayer from his lips, praising you for how good you made him feel.
“I love you, Mr. Miller,” you said, peppering his handsome face with kisses when he slipped from you and fell to the side with a heaving chest.
“And I love you, Mrs. Miller.”
You don’t know where either of you found the energy, but you made love twice more that night and once again in the morning. After each time, you admired the sparkle of the rings adorning your left hands, the jewelry a tangible symbol of your commitment to each other in this life and the next.
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“Mom?” Sarah asked from where she sat doing homework at the breakfast bar while you made dinner. Joel would be home any minute.
“Yeah, nugget?” You grinned, heart swelling every time she called you that. You lost count in the year since the wedding, but Sarah calling you mom would never get old. It was a treasure you never thought you’d experience before you met Joel.
“Do you and Daddy want more kids?” At twelve years old now, Sarah’s voice lost that babyish tone you used to love. She looked and sounded more grown up each day, but she was still her Daddy’s little nugget.
“I don’t know, sweetheart. We’ve talked about the fact that I don’t want to have a baby and he doesn’t want one either. But I wouldn’t be opposed to adopting a child in need, if he wanted to. I’d have to talk to your dad about it though.”
Sarah went quiet while you stirred the pasta and checked the sauce. It was nearly ready, just another minute or two.
“Why do you ask, kiddo?”
Sarah looked up from her work to meet your gaze and shrugged her shoulders in a way that told you she was searching for words to explain herself.
“I dunno. I guess I always thought it would be cool to have a sibling, but then all my friends that have one or more always complain about them.”
Tilting your head to the side, you dug a little more. “So, you’re just curious?”
Dark puppy eyes gazed up at you again. “Yeah… well, no. There’s…” She paused as the timer went off and you drained the pasta and mixed it into the sauce.
“There’s what?” you questioned, placing the large bowl of pasta on the table along with a plate of warm garlic bread, hearing Joel’s truck pull into the driveway. “Come sit and tell me.”
Before Sarah could begin, Joel walked in and kissed you both hello. He washed his hands at the kitchen sink before joining you at the table and you both listened with rapt attention as Sarah explained her friend’s situation.
“You know my friend, Ellie?” she asked, to which you both nodded.
“The snarky one in the grade below yours? Yeah, I like that one,” Joel replied around a mouthful of food. “What about her?”
Sarah grimaced at her father’s poor table manners, earning a smile from you before she continued. “Well, she’s in foster care but her foster parents are awful. They drink a lot and don’t care about her. She ends up hiding out in the detached garage all the time, even staying there overnight just to get away from them.”
“That’s awful, nugget. I’ll look into her file on Monday, see if there’s anything I can do,” you replied. You didn’t realize she was in foster care. As a fifth grader, you haven’t had her in class yet.
Joel looked at you with big cow eyes, brows arched in question. You could practically hear him thinking – he hated the thought of a child suffering in any way. Before either of you could say anything, Sarah spoke up again.
“Well, I was hoping maybe we could adopt her, and she could live with us,” she said hopefully. “You know, since you don’t want a baby and I still want a sibling. It’s like a compromise or whatever.”
Turning to Joel, you could see the same hopefulness in his dark eyes, and your heart thudded in your chest. “Why don’t you invite her over for a sleepover this weekend so we can get to know her a little more. And in the meantime, we’ll look into what we’d need to do.”
Dinner forgotten, Sarah bounced in her seat and asked for your phone to call Ellie. “You guys are gonna love her, I promise!” Bounding away from the table to call her friend, Sarah stopped short at the edge of the room. “Oh, Ellie loves dogs. Do you think we could adopt one of those, too?”
Taglist: @mellymbee @untamedheart81 @anoverwhelmingdin @runningmom94 @leilanixx
@pedropascalfan221 @lovelyjess69 @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @tammythr
@lulawantmula @islacharlotte @allyourfavesinoneblog @lover-of-books-and-tea @pedropascalsbbg
@ashleyfilm @brittmb115 @lilmizmoz @loveisacowboyyy @shotgun-shelby
@deninoe @casssiopeia @caitlynsixxx @skysmiller @missladym1981
@marirxse @lizzie-cakes @tynakub @subconsciouscollapse @babygabe
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thebetawolfgirl · 10 months
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We’re Just Friends
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: Umm… Friends to lovers? Smut!
A/N: New Fic!
We’re Just Friends
Timothée and y/n had been friends since they were 10 years old. They knew nothing else but each other, they could spot each other from opposite ends of the school yard.
She could find him in a room full of people.
The point is they were close. Closer than siblings, except when they argued it wasn’t like siblings would argue, and it never lasted very long.
Y/n and her friends were getting ready for a party at her apartment, she was trying on dresses in her walk in wardrobe while one of her friends, Daisy was telling her about this guy she had met at one of her mom’s dinner parties.
‘He has a younger brother y/n, I could set you up?’
‘Y/n doesn’t go for the business type, they bore her to death.’
She heard Timmy step into her bedroom and smiled knowing her friends would be rolling their eyes.
‘Timmy, come and help me with this dress please? The zip is stuck again!’
Timmy sighed and opened the doors to the walk in and saw the dress she was wearing, the one with zip on the front ‘Why are you wearing this dress? You know the zip always catches?’
‘Because it’s a nice dress and it’s sparkly.’ She smiles at him as he slides down the zip slowly trying not to catch it again.
She stripped herself of the dress and hung it up before walking over to get something else.
She was walking around in her underwear in front of Timmy and though they were used to their odd behaviour this was new.
Y/n never stripped in front of anyone let alone walking around in her underwear. She didn’t even get undressed in front of her own mother, but here she was walking around half naked in front of her only guy friend.
‘Okay I need to go. As much as I would love to stay for your fashion show I have to get ready.’
Y/n frowned ‘Where you going?’
‘I’m going to be at that party tonight. My sister was invited so I’m going with her.’
Y/n smiled widely and jumped into his arms hugging him tightly, ‘YOURE GOING TOO????’
He chuckled wrapping his arms around her waist tightly and nodded. ‘Yes I’m going too. So I will see you there.’
She let him go, smiling and kissed his cheek before he buried his face in her neck swaying with her before letting her go ‘Get dressed before you catch a chill.’
She turned and squealed as he slapped her ass and turned round to smack his chest scolding him ‘Timmy. Go!’
He smirked as she clicked her tongue and walked out the door while her friends were whispering to each other glancing at them.
‘Y/n why haven’t you and Timmy gotten together?’
‘We’re just friends, and he’s with Stephanie now.’
‘Timmy doesn’t act like that with Stephanie.’ Daisy said raising her eyebrow.
‘In fact I don’t think he’s even touched her in that way.’
Y/n’s head snapped up looking over at her friend ‘What do you mean by that?’
‘I mean Stephanie has been complaining that Timmy still hasn’t slept with her. They’ve been going out for weeks!’
‘That’s impossible.’ Y/n shook her head and went into the bathroom to begin her makeup.
Later after her friends left to get ready themselves y/n heard the door open and close and footsteps come toward her room
‘Timmy?’ She called from the bathroom ‘Is that you?’
‘Yeah, sorry. I know I said we’d meet at the party but can I just arrive with you?’ He came into the bathroom and leaned against the door watching her as she nodded in confirmation.
‘Of course. What’s wrong?’ She asked buttoning her dress jeans and walking over to him.
‘Stephanie found out I’m going to the party after I told her I wasn’t going. Now she wants to go with me, but I already said I was escorting my sister. But Pauline is going with someone else so she doesn’t need me to escort her.’
‘Now Stephanie is pissed because you won’t take her.’ Timmy nodded resting his hands on her hips and pulling her closer. She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back as he lay his head against her neck as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist.
‘Why haven’t you slept with Stephanie yet?’ Y/n asked against his shoulder.
‘It doesn’t seem like the right time.’
He mumbled back, his voice muffled against her skin. ‘You smell good.’
She smiled playing with the curls at his neck.
‘Thank you, it’s cinnamon scented lotion.’
He moved his head, sliding his hand to hold the back of her neck and bit down sucking hard.
‘Ow! Not edible lotion you freak!’ She shoved him playfully, letting him hit the wall as she looked at her neck in the mirror and glared back at his smirking face ‘Im telling everyone you’re a vampire and you tried to eat me!’
He continued to smirk as she grabbed her jacket and bag walking out with him. ‘Come on.’
He followed obediently and walked down to the cab she had ordered in advance and told him to get in with her ignoring his insistence he could walk ‘Timmy get in, you’re not walking anywhere, it’s New York and it’s freezing.’
‘Fine!’ He slid in beside her and they made their way to the party together.
Halfway there she grabbed his phone and got some pics together in the cab and even got a cheeky one of her grabbing his face and kissing his cheek.
He posted one to his social media captioning it “Party time with bestie” and tagged her.
When they reached their destination they paid the driver and quickly got inside when it began to rain. Neither of them considered Stephanie would be attending so Timmy stayed by y/n’s side during the party.
Some of the older guests assumed they were a couple but they always denied it saying they were just friends and they grew up together.
Stephanie arrived an hour after them and sought out Timmy and found him getting cosy with y/n with his arm around her waist nuzzling her neck.
Y/n saw her entering the party and nudged Timmy pointing to his girlfriend and y/n heard him sigh against her neck and she patted his back ‘Go. Now.’ He left with a peck on her neck and she sighed as he approached Stephanie and watched the way he held her and kissed her in greeting.
Her friends were right, Timmy was completely different with Stephanie than he was with her. It was as if he was touching something nasty, y/n knew from just watching them he didn’t like touching her. Wether they were like this in private, she didn’t know. But this interaction was painful to watch.
She watched as they left the room to go out into the garden so y/n decided to subtly follow them when she was stopped by Daisy and some guy.
‘Y/n this is Tanner, Andy’s younger brother who I was telling you about.’
‘Oh hello, it’s not a good time right now. We’ll catch up later Daisy.’
She walked off sighing. She knew she had just been rude but she had to check on Timmy.
Y/n walked out into the garden and heard someone arguing as if they were trying to keep their voices down.
‘I just don’t get it, Timothée. We’ve been together for weeks and we still haven’t even had sex yet.’
‘I’m just not ready yet Stephanie. I’ve told you that!’ She heard him sigh, and took a peak around the corner and saw him sitting on a stone bench while Stephanie stood over him her arms folded across her chest looking upset.
‘But you won’t even touch me. Whenever I try an kiss you you turn your head away and right now when I tried to sit on your lap you pushed me off.’
‘Because you’re obsessed with sex! I’ve never met anyone so obsessed with fucking the way you are!’
‘I’m not obsessed with sex, I just want to have sex with you.’ She shouted.
Y/n had heard enough she came out of the shadow of her hiding place saying Timothée’s name ‘Timmy. Pauline is looking for you. Hello Stephanie, you look lovely as always.’ Y/n smiled nodding her head slightly in acknowledgment. Stephanie was glaring at y/n until she complimented her and she returned her smile in thank you.
Timmy stood up and followed y/n inside leaving Stephanie standing alone with her thoughts.
‘Thank you for rescuing me.’ Timmy whispered walking with y/n indoors.
‘You’re welcome, I saw you walking out with her and knew she would start something with you.’ He nodded grabbing a glass of champagne from a tray being passed around and took a sip before pulling y/n to his side by her waist and kissed her exposed shoulder, lightly nipping the skin making her turn her head towards him and wrapped her arm over his shoulder, when she saw the guy Daisy brought over make his way through the crowd towards them and sighed ‘Daisy isn’t gonna let this go until I give this guy a moment of my time.’
Timmy looked over and smirked ‘Very business type.’ He sniggered but y/n whispered his ear. ‘If you don’t come and get me in 15 minutes no more cuddles.’ He choked on his last chuckle and went pale at the very serious threat and nodded as the guy approached with a million dollar smile and y/n had to stop herself from gagging in disgust.
‘Hi, I’m-‘
‘Tanner, yes I remember. Nice to meet you.’ She held out her hand which he took and kissed her knuckles.
Oh so he was this type of guy, goodie. She could feel Timmy coming closer to her in a protective manner and smirked.
‘Would you care to dance?’
‘Sure, why not.’
He guided her to the dance floor as Timmy looked on burning a hole into the guy’s skull and walked over to Daisy pointing to his best friend’s dance partner ‘Who the fuck invited James Bond?’
‘I did, i wanted y/n to meet him.’
‘Why? He’s not her type.’
‘I thought he was handsome and cultured.’
‘He’s a shmuck and slobbering all over someone’s hand doesn’t make you cultured. It makes you look like a baby with no teeth.’
Daisy glared and stalked off while Timmy looked on counting down to 15 minutes when he could drag her away from this moron.
He didn’t know why he was acting so jealous, but he knew this guy was not y/n’s type. She liked the goofy type of guy who she could boss around but who could equally take charge when called for.
And he knew this because she ordered him around like a puppy. This guy was the type of guy that would order her food for her at a restaurant, who would feel threatened by her independence and her strength.
He looked at his watch and saw it had been 15minutes and walked over to where they were standing at the bar and was close enough to hear their conversation and knew it was not going well, for him. The guy was trying to order for her at the bar, and she was telling the bartender that she didn’t want that. He was also insisting that he would like to buy drink for her but y/n had already handed the guy her money paying for her own drink.
‘I pay my own way, I don’t need anyone’s charity.’
Timmy smiled approaching hearing the guy huffing exasperated ‘It’s not charity, it’s called being gentlemanly. A lady should never pay for her own drink at a party. Especially if a gentleman is offering to pay.’
She turned seeing Timmy approaching and tilted her head asking him ‘Timmy am I a lady?’ Timmy scoffed shaking his head ‘No. Absolutely not.’
‘And do I always pay my own way?’
‘You paid the cab ride over here.’
‘Exactly. So let this chivalrous crap go. I’m not into it. It’s more Daisy’s thing than mine.’
The guy shook his head disapprovingly and left as Timmy and y/n smiled at each other.
‘So do i still get my cuddles?’
He asked taking a sip of the very unlady like beer she had ordered for herself.
‘Yes of course you do.’ She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and he hugged her back holding her tight against him before sitting on the bar stool pulling her back against him by her waist and watched the party going on around them. The music was louder now as the older guests had retired earlier and only the guests their age remained.
He wrapped his arm tighter around her waist and played with the waistband of her jeans, touching her skin there. She lay her hand over his and entwined their fingers together as he leaned forward and nipped her shoulder. She leaned into him and nudged his nose with hers and kissed his cheek.
‘Is there somewhere we can go?’
He whispered against her neck and she took his hand getting up and dragged him out of the door and up a set of stairs looking for a room.
Every time she stopped to open a door he would grab her hips and nip and kiss her neck until they found a bedroom and she dragged him in behind her as he ran his hands up and grabbed fistfuls of her breasts through her waistcoat, she kicked the door shut and he slammed her against it and began sucking on her neck while turning the key in the lock behind her as she tugged on his hair trying to get him closer to her as possible. She pushed her knee between his legs and pressed against his groin causing him to bite down on her neck hard.
He grabbed her waist picking her up and tosses her on the four poster king size bed crawling on top of her when she pulled his shirt over his head as he tore the buttons off her waistcoat and wrapped his hand around her throat squeezing gently making her gasp.
She grabbed him by his head and slammed her mouth against his in a hungry kiss. He kissed back with equal hunger sliding his hands down her body before sliding her jeans down her legs, breaking the kiss he removed his own jeans before climbing back over to her, he made quick work of their underwear and he slid into her slowly, taking his time as y/n reached up and placed small kisses along his shoulders before he began thrusting into her at a steady pace as she held onto his shoulders.
Y/n gripped onto his shoulders digging her nails into his skin as he began to slam into her harder making her gasp and drag her nails halfway down his arms.
He groaned and collapsed on top of her pinning her beneath him and rammed into her wrapping her legs higher around his waist causing her to moan and jerk higher up the mattress and the bed frame to rock.
She flipped them onto his back and began to ride him and felt his hands run up her torso and grab her breasts roughly. She slammed her hips down on his making him grunt and rut his hips upwards to meet hers causing him to go deeper inside her.
He rolled them to the other side of the bed pinning her down on the mattress and slammed into her as her head hung over the side of the bed and carved his hips into hers going deep again making her groan.
He pulled her up by her neck and kissing her roughly as they came together in a sweaty panting mess as they fell back landing at the bottom of the bed tangled in the sheets.
He kissed and nipped along her collarbone and throat before burying his face against her neck clinging to her and breathing shakily.
Y/n caught her breath and ran her fingers through his hair wiping his damp curls from his face.
She listened and realised the music had stopped downstairs and everyone had left.
‘It’s gone quiet downstairs. I think everyone is gone.’
She felt him move against her neck and wrap his arm tighter around her waist cuddling into her.
‘I’m not moving. We’ll leave first thing in the morning.’
She nodded and lifted his head placing an open kiss against his lips and turned onto her stomach letting Timmy kiss her back and shoulder before laying his head on her mid back closing his eyes as they drifted off to sleep!
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rebouks · 7 months
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Previous // Next
Hi Alex!
I don’t think it’s stupid or cheesy to miss someone, I miss you too! Going back to normal after being on holiday is always horrible, especially after this one, and especially having to go back to school, I’m not a big fan! Do you go to school too? I wanted to ask if you did but I couldn’t… it’s nothing personal, by the way, sometimes I just can’t speak to people and I don’t really know why. I thought it was my decision if I did or didn’t before I met you but maybe not. My parents n’ the teachers at school call it selective mutism but I won’t bore you with all that crap.
I can’t see your new teeth but they grow fast so maybe next time! If they don’t maybe you could get some gold one’s like your dad has, unless you don’t wanna look like a pirate lol.. my littlest sister has four teeth now, and I have all my big teeth! I haven’t counted the twins though cos they’d probably bite me if I tried haha!!
Ava is the tiny one with the blonde pigtails! She’s cute but she still sleeps and poops a lot haha, she’s sorta chill though and definitely doesn’t cry as much as Wren and Byrd used to (have you noticed we’re all named after birds yet? I guess my parents thought it was cute since our last name is Finch) Wren’s the ginger one with plaits! She’s pretty funny but she’s super grumpy sometimes and likes to bite and kick (not me though, she loves me) I think it’s cos she’s tired a lot cos she never sleeps at night, kinda like dad.. they’re twins but Byrd is way different, I couldn’t get a picture of him cos he kept running off, he’s crazy like that but he’s super snuggly and loves playing doctor! He likes to pretend to break my legs so I can’t go anywhere then fix them for me haha. Brothers and sisters are fun but they can be a pain in the butt sometimes! We have a cat called Lou too, his full name is Toulouse and he likes to bring us leaves from the garden and scream about ‘em, and he loves stealing food when you’re not looking.
Dad’s been teaching mom how to cook cos she sucks at it (don’t tell her I said that though cos I always pretend it’s not THAT bad) she’s sorta getting better though so I suppose the whole practice makes perfect thing pays off eventually. I got a school project to make a lame volcano that I didn’t wanna do as well, but my parents made me do it anyway.. we all know that real volcanoes aren’t full of baking powder and vinegar though so I dunno if there was much point to it but they seemed to think it was important so I did it anyway, at least I got a picture of it “going off” I guess. No one likes homework, even if it’s supposed to be fun, right?!
It’s cool you set Amber free!! I’m sure she’s happier wherever she is now so I guess you could just think of that when you miss her? The rocks are way cooler anyway! My aunt Aspen has loads of crystals too, sometimes she even charges them in the sun or the full moon.. I keep forgetting to ask her why but I’ll try and remember so I can tell you next time!
Hahaa your poor dad with those birds! I’ll definitely keep the picture cos it’s hilarious, Wren found it the funniest but don’t worry, I’ll keep the picture safe from her sticky hands! I have a hiding spot in the attic for all the stuff I don’t want them touching. I guess birdwatching is sorta fun sometimes but you’ve gotta be quiet (easy for me I guess.. hah!) I’m not sure there’s any other birds round here other than seagulls since we live right next to the sea, those are the ones you can hear the most anyway cos they never shut up! My dad jokes that he used to be a seagull in a past life cos he’s loud and greedy like they are lol.. he’s been building me a treehouse too, I bet that’d be good for birdwatching!! It’ll be super cool once he’s finished but it’s taking ages cos he mostly does it all by himself, I try n’ help sometimes but I’m still too small to carry or lift most things.. I wanna be as strong as him one day, he can build and fix almost anything (he swears a lot during it though haha!) Do you ever think about what you wanna be when you grow up? I don’t really think about that sorta stuff cos working sounds boring, especially if it’s as lame as school!!
I’m ten, by the way! How old are you and when’s your birthday? Mine’s February 22nd. I don’t think I have a favourite food, anything my dad makes is amazing cos he’s a good cook and my mom makes the BEST pancakes! We’re always stuffed after dinner but dad says (lies) that pudding goes in a different part of your stomach so there’s always room for cake haha.. I think I like it best when he makes spicy food but Wren and Byrd hate it so he doesn’t make stuff like that too often. It’s fun to see how much you can eat before your mouth feels like it’s on fire and I’ve decided I’m gonna beat him one day so he better watch out!!!
I didn’t know what to write at first but I guess I sorta ended up writing quite a lot since I had some catching up to do! Are you and your dad on holiday in the tower or are you living there for now? It sorta sounded like you’ve been there a long time, where do you usually live? What kinda stuff does your dad dig up for work? It’d be cool if he dug up dinosaur bones!! I watched something like that recently and they were HUGE!
It’s hard to think of questions on the spot but you can talk about anything you want too! I probably owe you a million answers as well so you can ask anything you want too! I had fun reading your letter and I’m glad we can be pen-pals even if we don’t get to see each other! Maybe next time we meet in person I’ll be able to say something, but writing would still be fun too so I guess it doesn’t really matter, right?
Love Robin c:
ps. I’m keeping the funny photo of you yelling at your dad and there’s nothing you can do about it!!
pps!! I don’t have a way to print out photos yet otherwise I’d have sent some new ones. Dad gave me an old polaroid ages ago but it’s still broken, his friend said he might be able to fix it though so hopefully I can use that next time. Mom said you can have some of our old ones and the ones from her disposable camera whilst we were on holiday for now though so I’ll send those to you as soon as they come back!
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hart269 · 4 months
Slithering Hearts
Chapter 8
Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem! reader
Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother.
A/N : The Altair and Vega lore deepens.
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Masterlist / Series Masterlist
The chill that ran down your spine stopped once you entered the owlery, nose crinkling as the musty smell of birds attacked you. You silently waved your wand to a cleaning spell. Clutching the letters you searched among the rows of owls for your beloved Altair. A frown perched upon your face not finding him in his designated place. You didn't remember sending anything. You wondered if James used your owl.
You gave out a call, "Altair". Hearing a loud hoot from the east corner, you turned to see your beloved with his beloved, Vega. You gently picked him up, nuzzling his chin, "Shoul'dve known, you can't live without your girlfriend can you?". The owl hooted in response. Handing him the letters, you chuckled. That's when your eye caught something strange.
You moved cautiosly, remembering the symptoms from the 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them' and general owl behaviour. As Vega moved towards you, your thoughts were only confirmed the more you stared. Well, that was unexpected.
Returning back, you plopped down on the sofa, "Hey Reg, how do feel about kids"
Barty snickered, "As he feels about his mother"
Regulus rolled his eyes, "They're fine as long as they don't annoy me".
You hummed, raising your brows.
"Wait, you're not adopting another cat are you"
Barty looked confused, "Don't you have like two already?"
You let out an offended gasp hitting his shoulder "Hey, you're just jealous cats love me"
Regulus smirked, "Sure they do". You scoffed, "Atleast beetlejuice does"
His voice was laced with confusion, "You named it Beetlejuice?"
"It is a mighty fine name, it took a long time to figure it out" you were going on about the names, before realising that it was going off track. "The point is you are gonna be a parent and I am ready to pay child support"
Barty almost whiplashed turning between you two, "When did that happen?"
"What, did you.... did you hit your head?" he speculated, turning your head after pushing Barty off the sofa.
You shook it out of his grasp, "Noo, Vega is gonna lay eggs"
"What?" he asked, processing the unexpected news.
"Yes" you admitted, "Altair is the father"
He drawled, "So, like who's gonna keep the kid"
Your brow furrowed, "Shouldn't the mother keep it?"
"She should" He nodded, he knew so but he was rightfully worried about taking it back to Black manor. Raising another owl there, he'd have to careful with that.
"I'll help you for sure, I mean it was my Altair because of which...this happened, but you shall not worry, it'll be a nice owlette" your rambling halted, noticing the melting gaze on you.
"Then if I'll have if you with me, I guess we raise a damn good owlette" His hand laid on top of yours, you squeezed it gleefully. "But I am not letting you name it"
You pouted, "I'll give it a good name". He rolled his eyes, "We'll see about that". He suddenly stood up, closing his books.
You looked up, "Where are you going?". He lend out his hand, you grabbed on it as he pulled you up. "To the owlery, to check on Vega"
"It's cold and I just came back" you groaned. He smirked, "You said you will take responsibilty right?". He chuckled at your unenthusiastic nod, dragging you with him.
Barty just went grumbling to Rosier, "They always disappear together, don't they."
Regulus checked Vega while you watched from the side. He turned to meet your gaze, "She really has been for some time". He would have noticed sooner, if sending or receiving letters to family had been a regular thing.
You seemed to realize the same time as him of your closed proximity. His nose was tinged red, cheeks flushed, eyes shining as his did when he looked at the stars. You wanted to stay frozen in this moment, until you were over the exhilaration though you doubted any amount of moments would be enough.
But you needed to move, it was not a right thing. To look at him that way, to feel that way about him, but you couldn't force your legs to move. You subconsciously moved foward, you think he did too because your breath mingled.
"Do you know why I named my owl Vega?"
"Why?" you asked, wondering why he chose to bring that up now.
"Vega was the godess of the sky who fell in love with Altair, a mortal. She promised to bring him to heaven, but it angered her father. Though he granted her wish, he separated them by the Celestial River. Yet each year, a bridge of magpies forms across the river. And then they meet." he paused, taking a breath, "So that day when I heard you had named your owl Altair, I could think of nothing but Vega, I hadn't even named her at that time but then no other name seemed perfect."
"It is perfect Reg" you muttered, grinning from ears to ears. You moved a strand of stray curl from his cheek, you were so full of the things you wanted to say to him, it was on the verge of overflowing. "Reg, I-".
"It's cold isn't it, we should return" he interrupted your chain of words.
Your face warmed up and you nodded, stepping back. "Yes, of course".
The walk back to the castle was awfully silent, yet you didn't wish to fill it. It remained such so for quite a while. Neither of you brought it up, and you assumed there was nothing up to bring. You were the one with terribly high hopes, and it had been wrong of you to assume he had felt the same. Still you couldn't shake the image of him up so close, but you guessed you could live with this thing inside of you rather than live without him.
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The black and white motion picture across the page of The Daily Prophet led to quiet murmurs of distress and apprehension. A skull of shadows loomed pver the sky, a shadow snake protuding out of its mouth. The article "TERROR RISES AS THE DARK LORD DOES", showed another story of muggles and wizards being attacked. Houses set ablazed in flames, while humans, and animals eiyher ran or lay dead on the ground.
You teared the article trimming its edges, sticking it into your collection. With the whisperings of the upcoming war, you saved all of whatever information you could find of him. Voldemort as called by his lovely death deaters and those who feared him simply referred to him as He who must not be named.
His morphed face either raised deep terror in the hearts of the people or resentment or in some both. You however resented him, just for the sake of power, he had killed innumerable innocents. The thing you didn't get was the amount of lust he had for power. He was already probably midway through his life, what will he do with such power. He had no heirs either. Though you had heard some claims, all turned out to be false. But then his mannerisms were similar to Grindelwald, however Voldy did have a penchance for show off.
You were determined, to find out what you could about the supposed lord. Though you knew if you were to fight in the war, you not only had to defend yourself against the dark arts but learn them too. You glanced at the hidden copy of "Magick Moste Evil" on your nightstand that you had "borrowed" for a while. It was time to begin studying. It was better to think about this rather than what happened at the owlery.
To say Regulus didn't regret moving away would be an understatement. He did, but he thought he would have regretted giving in more, you were already in the deep mess as it goes, to pull you in deeper in the trenches of his life, he doubted he would be able to forgive himself. He knew, he knew for sure you would never side with his family, you hated them with a passion, he did too. Yet, he was a part of it. The house he was forced to call home was the place he could return to, and he had to, not like he had a choice.
It was way past midnight a small black cat could be seen slithering in the shadows of the darkened hallway, heading towards the doors of the library. There it slid past the books to the back of the library, sliding past the robes it reached the section it needed to be, the forbidden section.
It then transformed into a human, its dark curls merging with the shadows. A whisper of lumos, then a hand skimmed delicately through the titles of the books, before stopping and picking up one.
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Taglist : @shycreationdreamland @mp-littlebit @girlbooklover555 @godofstory @misacc08 @starchaser-lily @moonywastakenn @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @skepvids @venomsvl @hecateschildren
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restinslices · 9 months
Lin Kuei Sibling Headcanons
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I gotta stop using the same gifs over and over again. Anywho, just random headcanons about them when they were younger. A few of these is what my siblings and I did but listen-. No sad shit this time around, but next time issa wrap no bun (word to CoryXKenshin)
When they were younger Bi-Han realized someone was drinking his shit, so he started spitting in it
He also loudly announces that he did so and that whoever drank his shit was drinking his germs 
Kuai Liang responded by saying “well we both share the same DNA”
Revolting. Yuck. 
Tomas smiles when he's nervous so people always think he's lying. 
“Did you drink my slushy?” “No” “Yes you did. You're smiling” “YOU'RE MAKING ME NERVOUS”
D if you ever see this, I did not drink that fucking slushy years ago and getting mom involved was actually so foul. “Put that on my dead granny”, WHY WOULD I LIE ON GRANDMA? I SHOULD'VE drank it. Should've took a big ass gulp 
Moving on- 
Like I said in my last post, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang have definitely jumped Tomas before 
They call it play fighting, Tomas calls it attempted murder 
Bi-Han is the “come here” brother and Tomas is the “you're gonna hit me” brother 
Bi-Han is also the “you want a cookie?” and Tomas is the “what'd you do to it?”
Speaking of those two, the real reason Bi-Han doesn't like Tomas is because Tomas would stand in his doorway and when Bi-Han would tell him to get out, Tomas would say “I'm not in your room”
Kuai Liang would put his finger close to Bi-Han but say he's not touching him 
That's the real reason he betrayed them. It's true. I asked him. 
Idk which one them does it but one of these mfs puts the cereal box in front of them to ignore the brother they're mad at 
Tomas is “your dad is pissing me off”, Kuai Liang is “lmao what happened?”
Bi-Han’s room is the chill out spot against his will
Kuai Liang has accidentally set someone on fire 100% and they never let him live it down (my siblings did that on purpose but scooting right along) (no one died😃)
Tomas is the victim of white jokes. He'll say smth and here comes Bi-Han “why are you?? speaking?? to me?? as a white person?? go eat salt??”
Kuai Liang is “hey can I have a bite?” and Bi-Han says “sure” then licks all over whatever he has. 
“Tuesday is my day with the TV” “you're adopted. shut up”
Bi-Han has gotten the other two into several fights ‘cause he has a bad temper and his siblings ride for him 
This one time my sister yelled at a teacher for yelling at me and that's Bi-Han. Like yeah, he's not the nicest as an adult but as a kid? The only mf that's allowed to yell at his brothers is HIM. 
They've all gotten whooped because none of them snitch on each other. This is a ride or die brotherhood (for now) (not me tho. My mom got a heavy ass hand. You're on your own)
“Tell your brother to do those damn dishes” “you want me to say it like that? with the curse word?” “go ahead”
Whoever it is goes to their brother and- “dad said get your big nasty ass up and clean those motherfucking dishes before he whoops your skinny long neck ass”
I cannot pinpoint who exactly would do this and risk the whooping so imma just say they've all been guilty
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are those annoying ass kids asking you to play bloody knuckles. If you don't get the fuck away from me-
Tomas played with Kuai Liang once and quit immediately
Kuai Liang is the “I only had a cup” when the juice is all gone. Yeah, you had a big ass cup you get from Super America. The Minute Maid is gone because of you 
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang, “Say Fuck, I'm not gonna tell dad”. Tomas says “no” and the day he does say it now he's being blackmailed 
Kuai Liang would help Bi-Han look for shit he knows he took. Y'all may think Kuai Liang would never do such a thing. He's so sweet. THAT'S HOW HE GOT AWAY WITH IT!
When they accidentally really hurt the other and hear their parents, they have different reactions. Bi-Han is the “tell them. I don't care. Actually, I'll tell them for you” brother. Kuai Liang is the “wait wait wait, calm down. Stop crying. Look, you can hit me back. You want candy?” brother. Tomas is the “that was actually an accident. My bad” brother. 
Tomas actually learned all that smoke… magic… uhh… shit so he could defend himself cause he was getting ragdolled in that house 
Kuai Liang is actually really nice to Tomas now cause he looks back and thinks “wow, I was kinda an asshole”
For example, Tomas was living his life and here comes these maniacs grabbing him and putting his bare feet in the snow 
Idk, I just really think Tomas was fighting for his life in that house 
It was all in love but now he jumps when they move a little too fast
Tomas tells his brothers he loves them a lot because he wasn't able to tell his birth family before they were killed. He wants them to always know and whenever their time does come, he wants it to be the last thing they hear from him or the last thing he says before he dies. 
Kuai Liang usually says it back or says something else comforting. His way of saying “I love you” can be something as simple as a hand on the shoulder. Sometimes instead of saying “I love you”, he says “I care about you”. Personal preference 
Bi-Han used to say “I love you” back but as time passed, he stopped. He's someone who gets kinda uncomfortable when it comes to vulnerable emotions. His way of saying “I love you” is “are you hurt?”. It's usually only used after a form of combat but combat can make you realize that your life is on a time limit. We saw in game and by intro dialogues that he was hurt by Kuai Liang not sticking by him. The idea that he doesn't care for his family AT ALL I think is false. I think he cares but he cares about his own goals more. 
That's all I got for fluffy shit rn
I’m actually someone who enjoys angst way more than fluff but thinking about them and angst makes my heart fall into my ass … imma write some later tho
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obsidianbaby · 4 months
Don't Love Me Like A Brother - Prologue
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Brothers Best Friend Series - PROLOGUE
series synopsis - ronnie's younger brother, tyler, is a famous youtuber & influencer and is best friends with the sturniolos. This series will be following ronnie's life as she befriends the triplets and catches herself developing feelings for a certain someone...
**series will contain smut as it develops but warnings will be added to those specific chapters
**found myself writing a few flashback chapters before present day just to build up the established friendships bc I'm impatient and don't want the slow burn to drain anyone 😭
warnings/notes - no smut in this as it's just the prologue to introduce y'all to the story.
a/n - starting this series and im very exciteddddddd i hope y'all fuck with a slow burn, friends to lovers best friends brother type beat. Buckle up mfs it's gonna be an angsty ride
a/n pt 2 - im not gonna share who ronnie develops feelings for just yet I want y'all to be on edge okok enjoy MWAH xx
ronnies pov
having a brother who's famous on social media is humbling to say the least.
The amount of fan girls who have followed my accounts just because they're obsessed with him makes me question many people's sanity (including my own).
But tyler is one of my best friends. And thank god for my dad, who from the jump, did not tolerate any misogynistic bullshit from my brother.
Raising two kids as a single dad after my mom passed away (before ty and I were older than the age of 5) was tough for him and he embraced the times when he needed support (like when i first got my period, bless his heart he bought almost every type of menstrual product off the shelf).
His values were the perfect structure for us to grow up following; respect, open communication, giving our best efforts to everything (even if the only effort we could offer up was a 60% instead of a 100%)
My childhood friends would always whine about how "chill" my dad was. And it's not cause he didn't care, (he probably cares too much) but he didn't want to shield us either, knowing we need to learn how to exist in the world without him constantly up our asses.
"As long as we can talk about shit at the end of the day then we're good" one of his favorite mantras he would spew to me and ty when we would get caught doing something you might call a "right of passage" as a teenager.
And since it was just the three of us, we've always leaned on each other a lot. Sunday family dinners at nans' every week, taking turns helping my dad at his shop after school (he's a car mechanic), movie nights every thursday night where my dad would close up shop early, setting up the projector in the shop garage and ordering us pizza. My brother has been a best friend to me since I held him in my arms at the age of 3 when he was born.
And of course, we have the usual chaotic fights to the death like most siblings do, him pranking me in the most annoying ways, me making fun of his dumbass, him eating all of my food, me stealing his cool clothes, him begging me to uber him around everywhere, etc.
But we also just really enjoy each other's company too; going on late night walks around town, sitting in bed staying up talking all night, playing mario cart for hours (id always kick his ass), going adventuring together to forests or beaches, hanging out at the skate park together (me laughing at him eating shit and him chasing me around trying to whack me with his board), us both ditching our friends to stay at home and yap to each other instead, us having campfires in the backyard with both of our friend groups together, working on restoring mom's 1967 ford mustang together that she left us when she passed.
So when he came to me a few years back, during the pandemic, asking my thoughts on him posting on youtube, I was in full support (after teasing him that no one would find him, an 18 year old lanky white boy about to graduate high school funny or interesting. I have to keep him humble ya know?)
But his first few videos on youtube went viral and his following kept growing daily, especially when he started posting on tiktok too.
He's had me (and even my dad) featured in his videos which i don't mind at all (since im the one that's editing them)
I can see why the internet loves him (i did help raise him of course).
But since he's hit over 3 million on youtube last year, he's been doing a shit ton of collabs with other influencers and youtubers; the sturniolo triplets, larray, emma chamberlain, jake webster, tarayummy, vinnie hacker, carrington, etc.
And these days I try to stay behind the scenes as much as possible, trying to enjoy my solitude away from the opinions of crazy fans. (why do they care so much about what im doing anyways?)
Yet he understands (thank god) and he's always inviting me to come hangout with the friends he's made through social media, and i can't lie and say i don't enjoy being in the company of such dope (and attractive) people.
a/n - hellooooo i have a few more parts already written for this but im gonna wait to see how this post goes first (because i have a dire need for validation and praise) anywaysssss thank you for reading mwah xx
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Summer of Stancest: Love is Blind
“You think we’re going to need to set out camp soon?” Stan asked.
Ford looked up at the sky, the stars unfamiliar and distant. He licked his thumb and lifted it up to determine the direction of the wind.
“Well, we’re still heading East.”
“That didn't answer my question.”
Ford turned to him. Stan had been using a walking stick to guide him, but he had been surprisingly adept given his current circumstances. 
“We’ll need to go a few more meters. We’re going to go to the top of the hill, and then I can get ready to make my observations. 
“It's a pity I won't be able to help you.” Stan grumbled.
“Nonsense.” Ford declared, as he reached over, grabbing Stan’s hand tightly in his. “If there's anyone I could be with right now, at this moment, it's here with you.”
Stan sniffed, letting go and wiping his face with his arm. “My allergies are actin’ up. When did you say we’d be there?”
“The total eclipse will be visible from this point, and we’ll be away from the onlookers.” Ford replied. He gave a soft chuckle. “You know Stanley, you'd love it. They have a rock a few kilometers from us that's shaped like Winston Churchill, someone installed a pipe on it to make it look more ‘convincing,’ it's a veritable tourist trap.”
“Does it look like him?” Stan asked.
“Not really.”
Stan shrugged. “Eh, I think I'll be fine. Though I think it wouldn't be able to compete with the Sascrotch.” 
Ford sighed. “No, Stanley, I doubt anything could.”
They made their way up to the designated point and stood in silence. The sky was beginning to darken as there was a chill in their air. Ford grabbed his brothers hand as they felt an eerie peace descend upon them.
“So these doodads, they only show up at eclipses?”
“Total eclipses, and they aren't called doodads, but you know what? That's ok. I don't think it's necessary to explain…”
“No, tell me about them, Sixer.”
“I talked enough about them on the boat.” Ford replied. 
The darkness crept in as Ford reached for his bag and searched for the special UV goggles McGucket designed for him. Yes! He pulled them out, placing them over his glasses. Sure enough, there it was. The elusive Eclipse Moth, Ectopatria Luna. It was a curious species that only resurfaced from their cocoons on special conditions. Their iridescent, milky white wings almost made them impossible to see with the human eye, without the use of modern technology, or in the past, magic. As he turned the goggles on, he watched as swarms of blue violet wings floated through the sky in ribbons in a dark black expanse. 
“Their flight patterns were once considered omens, you know.” Ford said, mostly as an anecdote.
“Hmph.” Stan replied, holding onto his hand with a rough grip. “Could you interpret them?”
Ford shook his head, then remembered. “Doubtful.” He replied. “And I'm not going to make something up like Mom did.”
“That's a shame. Would have been nice to be able to look ahead for once.” Stan joked. 
“Stanley, do you trust me?” Ford asked. He wanted to take notes in his journal, but didn't want to let go just yet. Maybe he could remember for later. 
“You will get better, we will find a way to bring back your eyesight. And when we do, you will be able to see all of our adventures and more.” Ford reassured him.
“I don't care about any of that, Sixer.” Stan replied. “I just miss that I can't see your face anymore.”
Ford let go of Stan’s hand, and Ford could sense his brother tense up in uncertainty. Ford placed the goggles back in his bag, then turned to face Stan, both his hands on Stan’s face. 
“Stan, can you feel me?” Ford asked.
“Of course.” He replied, miffed. “Where are you going with this?
Ford leaned over, his face touching Stan, their noses pressed against each other. “You might not be able to see me right now, but I'm going to make up the difference where I can.” He leaned over to kiss him, and in those last few seconds of the eclipse, they were both in darkness together. 
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winchester-girl67 · 11 months
Wild Hearts (Part 1)
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Summary: Y/N tags along to a bonfire on the beach with her brother and his friends. She tries to fit in with them, but winds up finding more of a connection to the guy crashing the party. 
Pairing: AU!Dean x reader 
Square: Age gap @spnfluffbingo Meet cute @spnaubingo “Are you stupid or stupid?” 
Word Count: 3,374 
Warnings: underage, age gap (reader is 16, Dean is 20 but closer to 21), underage drinking, mostly implied physical abuse, past injury (bruising/scars), language, slow burn, a little angst, arguing, maybe a little gaslighting, mutual pining, a kiss to the forehead, fluff 
A/N: Also written for @spnfluffbingo and @spnaubingo. 
A/N #2: Masterlist summary and warnings have been updated. Please review before reading. 
Your brother grabbed your arm and roughly yanked you back towards the party going on down the beach. "Stop being such a bitc-" 
"Ow! Quit it, jerk." You tried to shake your arm from his grasp but his fingers dug in, "You're hurting me." 
"Don't be such a baby," he growled, stopping far enough away from the bonfire so the crowd of his friends wouldn't overhear. There was a chill in the air and his friends were gathered closer around the flames now. "I told you, if you wanted to tag along you can't just wander off by yourself. Mom would have my ass if something happened to you on my watch." 
"Screw you, I'm not a baby. Let. Go." 
He finally did. 
"They're all ignoring me. I wanna go home." You said, pointing to the mean girls a ways away. 
"Well, I'm not taking you. I'm not ready to leave yet." He said, crossing his arms over his chest with a glare. 
You knew it was a mistake taking a ride from him in the first place, but you didn't have your own car. And you failed your driver's test over the last weekend. Fun way to spend your sixteenth birthday, with your brother mocking you the whole way home. 
"Then I'll walk or call mom to come get me." 
"No, you won't. Unless you want her to know that I was right and you are a baby." He stared you down, "Just have a drink and relax for a bit, maybe it'll loosen you up and people will want to talk to you." He glanced back at the busty blonde he'd been eyeing all night; the girl you knew he came here for. He'd only been following her around like a lost puppy all summer. She waved and gave him a little wink. "Stop being so selfish, Y/N, and maybe we'll get along for once." 
"I'm selfish?!" You scoffed, you'd only sat around watching the sunset and shuffling your feet in the sand for the past couple hours while he chatted up said blonde. His friends weren't the only ones excluding you. Not that you wanted to be in on that conversation, but you thought the night was going to go a little different. You thought it would be like the old days when things between you weren't so tense all the time. "Just leave me alone and go drool already."
"And you wonder why I never wanna hang out with you anymore." He snapped and stalked away, throwing his arm over the blonde's shoulders when he reached her. Her eyes gleamed in the firelight and you heard her giggle echo along the shoreline when he tickled her sides. 
Everyone liked your brother and you tried to be just like him when you were younger. You were only a year apart but it made a world of difference. You didn't even mind wearing his hand-me-downs until you got to high school and got made fun of for it. But you made your peace with it now, you'd always be more of a tomboy and you couldn't be anyone but yourself. Graphic tees, jeans and sneakers were the epitome of comfort and that's what you wore now while the mean girls had skimpy dresses and tank tops that did nothing against the cold breeze that wafted in from over the open water. 
But a drink might help. 
The beer cooler was up the beach from the horny seventeen and eighteen-year-olds, but you didn't have to pass them to fish one out from melted ice. You cracked it open and took a sip, souring your face instantly and spitting it out onto the sand. 
You heard someone chuckle and whipped around. A tall guy with shadows cast on his face stood a few feet away, watching you. You glanced down to the bottle in your hand, then back at him. He followed your eyes, his expression turning stoic before you could read him. 
"What?" You asked. 
"It's kind of an acquired taste." He nodded towards the bottle in your hand and you took another sip, choking it down to prove him wrong. He wasn't wrong. Beer was gross. "Are you okay?" 
"Why wouldn't I be okay?" 
He cocked his head towards your brother who was now chasing the blonde down towards the shoreline. You didn't think they'd go in, since it was nearly winter and the water was freezing this time of year. But he teased her and grabbed her like he was going to drag her out into the icy depths. 
"Oh. Yeah, he's just an asshole is all and I needed a drink." You explained, raising the beer to your lips for a third sip. 
You wanted him to leave already so you could dump the rest out in the bushes. 
"Same," he nodded and chugged the rest of his own beer. "He shouldn't treat you like that, though." 
You didn't think he overheard but he'd certainly seen the two of you, "He's my brother, that's what brothers do." 
You toyed with the label on your beer, peeling it back from the glass. 
"No, it's not." 
He stepped forward, setting his empty bottle in the bin next to the cooler. The light of the bonfire catching his features enough for you to finally see him. The first thing you noticed was that he was not a friend of your brother's. He was older, too, though you couldn't tell by how much. 
He was a party crasher. Probably here for the free beer. 
"Whatever. It's not like he hits me, he just gets mad and pushes me around a little." You said, stepping back a foot when the guy took another step towards you. 
"He shouldn't. That's called abuse." 
"Not when I do the same to him. Then it's called sibling rivalry." 
"I know abuse when I see it." His voice lowered as he shoved his hands in his pockets. His words held a story he wasn't telling and you didn't ask. 
You eyed him again. Between the full moon and the light of the fire you noted a few details that jumped out at you. He wasn't bad looking, actually kind of cute. His eyes held a world's worth of emotion as if he vaulted it up inside himself and swallowed the key. Days old bruising covered the left side of his face, particularly around his jaw, cheekbone, and eye. And he intermittently sucked on the split in his bottom lip that had reopened, probably from when he first smiled at you. 
"Well, your story isn't mine." You said, having had enough of this stranger who thinks he knows your life at a glance. He sighed and looked away, steeling his jaw and rubbing the back of his neck. Your eyes cast down to his stomach when his shirt lifted and your heart sank at the sight. A thick scar stretched up his torso from his hip and disappeared beneath the dark fabric of his shirt, peeking back out around his collarbone where the neck hole had been worn loose. Someone had hurt him, badly; you thought that must've been why he was so conscious towards abuse. "Sorry, I didn't know-" 
"Do you wanna go for a walk?" He asked, meeting your eyes and taking another step forward. 
You didn't back away this time, though he was still a good five feet away at least. 
"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, taking off with some judgy guy I just met and wandering down a dark secluded beach alone with him. Real smart. Maybe wait until I've had a couple drinks first, then try again." You rolled your eyes making him laugh silently. 
"I don't hurt women. Ever." He said as if it was a law of his own. 
"What about men?" 
"Depends," he shrugged. 
"I've never started a fight in my life." He said, answering a question you didn't ask rather than the one you did. 
"Somehow I don't believe you." You squinted up at him, trying to read him. 
"Then why haven't you walked away yet?" He looked at the party continuing around the bonfire and then back at you. "You don't wanna be here any more than I do, so let me show you something."
"I swear if that something is your-" 
He raised his hands from his pockets and smiled, "I promise it's not. You'll like this." 
"You get five minutes and I'm counting. Also, I'm a black belt so don't even think about trying anything." You lied, although he didn't strike you as the violent type despite the evidence on his face and stomach. 
You scanned the beach for your brother, spotting him still engrossed with the blonde, so you knew he wouldn't notice any time soon if you'd left without causing a scene. You dumped your nearly full beer out onto the sand and set it in the bin with the other empty bottles. Ignoring the knowing smirk from the party crasher as you did so. 
"Beer is kind of gross." 
"Yeah, it is." He chuckled, "but it's cheap and gets the job done." 
"I don't see the appeal," you said, following in stride with him down the beach. The sand beneath your sneakers making it hard to keep up with his long legs. "Can you walk slower?" 
"Sorry," he slowed his pace and you easily caught up. "Drink a bit more than a couple of sips next time and you will." 
"I'd rather waste the calories on chocolate, thank you." 
He laughed silently again and sucked the split in his lip, "What's your name?" 
"Uh, Y/N, you?" 
"Dean." He smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets again. "So, how come I haven't seen you around here before, Y/N?" 
"We just moved here," you said, not wanting to explain how you didn't exactly get out much and explore the town over the summer. 
"Then you haven't been to the pier?" He asked, cocking his head towards the end of the beach where you were headed. 
It wasn't so much a pier as it was a small row of shops and a parking lot. Some storefronts were still lit up against the darkened sky and a lighthouse sat on the rocks near the shore. The light at the top swung around and around over the jagged rocks reaching into the water. 
"Seriously? You wanted to show me a lighthouse? That's not exactly special. Lighthouses are a dime a dozen around here, if you haven't noticed." You said a little disappointed and glancing back at the party. 
The bonfire merely a speck amongst the stars along the beach now. If you accounted for the walk back it would definitely stretch over the five minutes you'd promised him and you stopped walking. 
Dean noticed when you fell behind and turned to you. He laughed a little and smiled, "That's not where we're going." 
He reached out to you and grabbed your hand, tugging you gently until you laughed and skipped a step. He was troubled, that was for sure, but you didn't have a reason not to trust him. Not that trust should be given easily without question; but still, you welcomed the warmth of his hand wrapped around yours as he led you across the parking lot and up to one of the shops. 
"Ice cream," you stared up at the sign before Dean pulled you into the store. 
"Mhm," he licked his lips, guiding you up to the display of tubs sitting in the freezer and separating you from the older blonde woman behind the counter. 
She nodded to Dean like she knew him and he smiled back, "Hey, Donna." She didn't react at all to the bruises on his face and your mind started to wander. 
"I was starting to think I wasn't gonna see ya before closing," she said, retying her pink apron as if she was getting ready to close up for the night. 
"You know me better than that," he feigned hurt and wrapped an arm over your shoulders, tugging you into his side. 
You scanned over the flavours, some so bright you wondered if it was possible to taste a colour. "Isn't it kinda cold for ice cream?"
"Never," Dean shook his head like you'd said something foolish. "These shops are seasonal and it's the last night they're open until they close for the winter. You'll have to wait at least four months before you get this again. And trust me, once you try it, winter will feel like an eternity for your tastebuds." 
You smiled, you couldn't argue with that logic, "What flavour should I get?" You asked, assuming he'd probably have tried them all by the looks of it. 
"My favourite is the mocha with all the little chocolate pieces. It's basic, I know, but classic." He pointed to a tub filled with dark brown speckled ice cream. 
"Two mochas, please." You said. 
"Sure thing," Donna said and scooped you out a couple of cups. 
Dean gave your shoulder a squeeze before giving you some space to enjoy your ice cream.  
He kept eyeing you as you took your first bite, then your second, "And?"
"Okay, you're right. It's fudging amazing! Can we get more?" You asked, glancing back at the shop from where you sat outside on a bench under a streetlamp. 
"You still have a whole cup.” He barked out a laugh and you shovelled a few spoonfuls into your mouth. 
A chilled throb wracked through your brain and you paused mid-bite to squeeze your eyes shut and fan at your frozen mouth. You pressed your tongue against the roof of your mouth and just as the feeling started to ebb away you felt hot, sticky lips lay flush against your forehead. Dean’s hand held the back of your head and you blinked open your eyes, feeling warm and fuzzy. 
"Better? My mom used to do that for me when I was a kid. Always seemed to help." He said and tilted his head to the side. 
You weren't sure if it was what he did or the shock of the unexpectedness of it, but it dulled the pain. He hadn't backed up an inch and you could see the gold flecks in his green eyes under the streetlamp. Framed by the yellow edges and purple patches of the bruising next to his left eye. His hair was sandy brown and short but still fell over his forehead and brushed the tips of his ears. And freckles speckled across the bridge of his nose on pale skin. He was pretty cute and different from most of the boys you usually met. 
You nodded and blushed, sneaking another spoonful of mocha ice cream between your lips. He laughed silently and leaned back, picking back up his own cup of ice cream from the bench next to him and digging in. 
"You're strange and kinda wonderful." You said around a bite full, pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth when the brain-freeze threatened to come back. 
"That's oddly the nicest thing someone's said to me in a very long time." He took a bite and licked his spoon clean. 
"That makes me sad." 
"Makes me happy," he mumbled and smiled. 
"Like I said, strange." 
"Because you're so cool and composed, right?" He's teased, pointing with his spoon. 
"I'm a delight and you know it. That's why you just had to get me away from all those other guys down on the beach. Before they had the chance to notice too, of course." You joked, brushing your hair back when the breeze carried it away. 
"You caught me, I'm a sucker for a girl who tries to bite my head off with one wrong look." 
"You make me sound like a praying mantis." 
"In that case, I guess I'm safe as long as we don't have sex." You both frowned. "Sorry, that was awkward, I swear it sounded funnier in my head. Because you know they only eat their mate after-uh-mating..." He stuck his spoon in his ice cream and stirred until it was smooth like soup, "What?"
"You're blushing," you said, "it's cute." You liked being able to do that to him. "But you should know I'm sixteen." 
"Wait. What?" He looked like you'd just punched him in the gut. "But you were drinking." 
"When did you have your first beer?" 
He thought to himself for a moment, clearly he had been younger than you; then he abandoned his ice cream on the bench beside him. “What about your friends?” 
"Some are eighteen. But most are seventeen, same as my brother, they're his friends." You explained. "Don't ask me how they got the beer." You attempted to lighten the mood but he just stared down at his hands, rubbing at the cuts in his knuckles. "How old are you?" 
“Too old for you,” he shook his head and picked at one of the scabs. “Twenty-one in January.” 
So essentially there was a five year age gap between you. It wouldn’t be a big deal, if only you were older; but for now it didn’t mean you couldn’t be friends. Your gut twisted at the thought of never seeing him again and you could use a friend; and it looked like he could, too. 
Your cell rang and you fished it from your back pocket. Your brother's name sprawled over the screen. 
You sighed and rolled your eyes, then answered, "What do you want?"
"Are you stupid or stupid? Where the fuck did you go?!" He shouted and you were sure Dean could hear, so you turned down the volume on your phone. 
"For a walk." 
"We're leaving." 
That meant the blonde was tagging along, either hitching a ride home with you or your brother was just going to drop you off at home before taking her to park somewhere and... -You didn't want to think about it. Your brother, like that. Gross. 
"Maybe I don't wanna leave yet. I made a friend." Dean mirrored your smile. 
"Find your own way home then..." he grumbled a few choice words and hung up. Asshole.
"Any chance you have a car?" You asked, silencing your phone and shoving it back into your pocket. "I need a ride." 
"Uh- no. But I know where we can get one." Dean said as he checked the time on his wrist. You fingered your ice cream and booped him on the nose. "What was that for?" He laughed and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. 
You shrugged, "Just trying to lighten the mood. You look so sad," you raised his chin with your fingers, "Chin up, Dean." 
"Did you mean that?" He asked. 
You lowered your hand to rest on the bench between you, "Mean what?"
"That we're friends," he asked, chewing on the split in his lip. At this rate you didn't think it would ever heal over. "I mean, that we can be friends." 
"Uh-huh, unless you don't wanna be my friend." You nodded and searched his eyes, some kind of hurt flashing through them. 
"I think that's all we can be. At least, until you have a couple more birthdays." 
Your typical luck, the one guy you could see yourself interested in and he's too old. It was only nearly five years, sure, but you were only sixteen and he'd probably had a lot more experience that you couldn't compare to. But he was cute. 
Window shopping couldn't hurt right, until you had the means to buy. 
"I can wait," you teased and laughed. "But you look like you could use a friend. And I got your back, since I kind of owe you one for introducing me to this ice cream." 
"You don't owe me anything, Y/N." 
You shivered when the ice cream was gone and Dean stripped out of his hoodie, draping it over your shoulders as you walked along the side of the road towards his house. He apparently didn't live far away and if his father was home, he could 'borrow' his car to give you a ride. He actually used air quotes when he said borrow though, so you were a little skeptical. 
Part 2
_________________________ Dean: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891 @leigh70 @globetrotter28
SPN: @hobby27
Wild Hearts: @justrealizedimmascifygurl @evieluvsjamie @kimberkingrivers @globetrotter28
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oneread · 5 months
Deeply cursed Ace AU where early on the Spade Pirates stumble across the Buggy Pirates and of course kick their ass bc Buggy is still a blowhard who caves under a significant threat at this point and in his flailing “wait don’t kill me” he accidentally convinces Ace that Buggy can help him build an Image and Brand. Since Aces goal when he sets out is to be a famous and infamous pirate so that people see him for him and not his dad he accepts.
Buggy tells people Ace is his apprentice, Ace tells people Buggy is his assistant. Buggy’s always trying to get the Spades to incorporate more of a harlequin card deck joker circus design. Ace tries to develop a flame-flame fruit move based on the Buggy Balls and is perma-banned from doing or saying it ever again. Their slightly different brands of fake-it-til-you-make-it self confidence to hide self loathing mesh surprisingly well.
It finally comes out one day that Ace is Roger’s kid and he’s ready for Buggy to kill him or whatever and Buggy’s like “THAT SON OF A BITCH HAUNTING ME FROM HIS FUCKING GRAVE” but once he calms down he’s like lol same sort of, also ur mom was way out of his league and they are super chill after that.
He wakes up the next morning and is like “Ace this is a sign I’m meant to train you to pass on the great legacy he passed to me.” He’s constantly workshopping a “grand reveal” for when Ace is strong enough to take advantage of the name. Ace shoots him down every time.
Idk if Ace would still join Whitebeard in this AU but I feel like yes, somehow. When he goes after Teach he calls “Uncle Buggy” up to help.
One day Buggy meets up with Ace like omgggg this stupid upstart in the east blue was so mean to me Aaaaace you won’t stand someone to treat ur family like this!! Ace takes one look at the wanted poster and is like lmao you lost to my crybaby little brother that’s on u!!!
Idk alternate Marineford where Shanks and Buggy come face to face and realize they each chose a brother to inherit Roger’s legacy and now it’s a matter of pride. They get drunk and brag about how their son choice is going to be the King of the Pirates while Luffy and Ace cry and hug and smack each other for getting into danger in the background. Ace and Luffy give each other absolute shit for their choice in mentor bc Ace has been hearing about how stupid Shanks is for years and Luffy thinks Buggy is a loser
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jellazticious · 1 year
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Meet this chucklefuck
His name is Pascal Short for Giuseppe Pascallis Jaleppino Edvard Stefano Dimitri Jaloro Pepperman-Spaghetti
That's right, you read the surnames correctly. He is a Pepperino fankid
ramble and more drawings under the cut if you managed to survive the first part
If I had a nickel for everytime I made fankids, I would have two. Which isn't a lot but it is weird that it happened twice.
And brother? I'm happy about it jsrgksrb
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Pascal is a jaloro pepper and since his parents are so shit at naming him, they straight up put his pepper type as a name. but yes, they're a real thing and they're so cute. Jaloros are just yellow jalapenos
I also tried to make him simultaneously look like a pepper and a mango to complement how Pepperman looks like an apple. but also while drawing the sprite mock ups, I realized that at a certain pose he sorta looks like a pizza slice. I win either way bfsjbgksjr
He does not want to be an artist or a chef but he does have the inherited naturality of both which landed him a job as a barista. and of course, he could only work for one place which is the Noisette Cafe. It kinda gave him a little trouble getting hired cuz 1.) Peppino does not like how his son is about to work for his rival's girlfriend and 2.) Noisette is fucking terrified of Pepperman. You think she's gonna let his son who is one foot taller work for her 😭
But still, Noisette is way too kind that Peppino forgets why he has a problem with her and Pascal is way softer than both his dads surprisingly. It's ironic how Peppino and Pepperman are these barbarians of people and their kid ended up being the forestcore aestethic. He is never beating the allegations lmao, he's gonna be THAT softboy
But don't get me wrong, he can be a combination brutal and berserk when pissed off. He still has the same strength as his dads, mind you. Mostly Pepperman's brute and Peppino's street smarts
And their patience too.
People expect him to be as manly lol but like nahh he just wanna chill and be a nerd dork
And if anyone's wondering, it was obviously Pepperman who spawned him. In the human au tho? I have a perfect answer for that lmao. ahem
My Pepperman has and always been intersex lmao. That is it, that is all you need to know how Pascal can theoretically be made
Plants being plants man, they're really weird. Pepper is simultaneously mom, dad, uncle, and aunt lmao. Tho Pas calls him both mom and dad because it would be so fucking funny and he calls Peppino papi
He's very tender mostly cuz he did not inherit Pepperman's narcissism but he did inherit that kindness that Pepperman tries so hard to hide. And of course, Peppino's anxiety and impulses.
As a kid, Peppino is the brooding hen between him and Phil. He'd be the one who double checks triple checks if it's safe to let baby Pascal do his thing.
Pepperman on the other hand, he holds baby Pas like a rubber ball. Peppino tries not to get his kid killed because of how his wife holds it 😭
Oh also in a few of em, you can see little interactions with @beefy-the-stronk's Jude. They're simultaneously cousins and siblings. Also don't question it. Just imagine there's two Peppermans gbsjbgrksj
Also Gustavo is the godfather. I only had Pascal for three days but I would die for him
Anyway, if you made it this far, I thank you but alas. That is all for now bgjsbgjksr
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abeautylives · 6 months
Times I Remember Well
(and Some That I Don’t)
Part 1
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author’s note: I’m really excited to have something to share with you guys. It’s written from a diff POV than I usually do, but my main character girly pop has a lot of personality 😘 Big big big thank you to bff @samkiszkasfacialhair for all the help, the ideas, and the motivation 🤍
pairing: female!OCxkiszkas (just read it, you’ll figure it out)
time frame: 2010-2014
word count: 5.7k this part
warnings: language, illicit substance use, rampant teenage emotions and delulu, kissing, josh 🥺
I don’t actually remember the day I met Sam Kiszka.
Not the date, or even the day of the week. I do know what year it was, because it was the year my mom moved us to this quaint (read: weird) little town. Charming, but weird. And boring.
Boring, until I met Sam.
Eleven-year-old Sam was a menace, but twelve-year-old me was bored. So obviously, we became the best of friends. He taught me how to light a firecracker, I had an endless supply of Barbies to blow up. He showed me how to slip out of my bedroom window without making a sound, I told him how to impress girls without grossing them out. In our early teenage years, he introduced me to drugs and I taught him how to unclasp a bra. Chill out, it was weed, and I wasn’t even wearing the bra.
My mom just loved that I’d made such a great friend.
The first time I was allowed to play at his house I met his sister, who was closer to my age, but it was too late. Sam and I were already attached at the hip, though mine sat an inch or two higher than his for a couple of years, until a growth spurt and puberty eventually left him with the height advantage.
That was when he stopped calling me by my name, and started calling me Tiny. Like I said, a menace.
“You’re the coolest girl I know, even if you’re vertically challenged.”
Please note: the first time he said this to me, he had finally just surpassed me in height by half an inch.
Then of course, there were the twins. You’d think the eldest siblings would not have become a big part of my life, but they were just always around, and actually liked hanging out with their baby brother. Close knit family and all that. It’s weird, right? At the wise and worldly age of twelve, the two fourteen-year-olds terrified me. Josh and Jake were both scary in their own way to a pubescent girl on the cusp of teenager-dom. Jake was pretty quiet, but his ego was not. He was hot, okay? In like, a Justin Bieber-y way but also kind of a jock-y way, but a jock with a guitar. Whatever, I’m only human.
Josh was… well, Josh was Josh. Unlike anyone else I’d ever met, and not necessarily in a good way. He was loud, like, all the time. He never seemed to stop talking and ended most of his sentences at an eardrum-piercing decibel level. Fortunately, or not, he didn’t get hot until I was old enough to obsess over it.
I’m sure I didn’t speak a coherent word to either of them the entire first year of my friendship with Sam.
I have a million memories of the time I spent with Sam and his family, but I have no recollection of the day I fell in love with Josh Kiszka.
But once I did, it was a deep, obsessive kind of love that only a teenager can achieve. One day he was my best friend’s eccentric older brother and the next…
Well, the next he was a rockstar.
I mentioned the whole jock with a guitar thing that Jake had going on, and that really hadn’t changed, but somewhere along the way Josh had transformed from a loud, annoying theater kid to a genuine, full blown vocalist. I mean, for a while he was both.
When they first started playing together, I only gave a shit because they’d roped Sam into it too and it took up way too much of his time. I’d watch them play, and they weren’t… bad? They weren’t good either. My time could have been better spent watching R rated movies (scandalous) or, I don’t know, doing my homework. But nope! We were in a band now.
They practiced, a lot. It felt like all they did was practice, for at least a couple years. And I just watched dutifully, every weekend of every month of every year. They did get better.
But here’s the thing. I was there for all of it. I was there the day Jake ran into the living room and snatched Sam up by the back of his shirt. Come on Sammy boy, we need you on bass. I was there the day their buddy Kyle sat down at the drum kit and completed the ensemble. (I was also there the day he got replaced.) And of course, I was there the day Josh pushed his voice past the instruments and the amps, and went from a weak imitation of a rock singer to something else all together. Something totally and completely him.
That’s not the day I fell in love with him (I would’ve remembered), but it was the first time he had ever… impressed me. And not that I cared, but Jake was impressed too. I saw it on his face.
It was cute. In like, a sweet, brotherly way.
Okay, anyway! The combination of Jake’s skill and Josh’s raw talent got them noticed. (Sammy’s talent would develop over time, I didn’t forget about him. Sam, you’re the most talented one in the band.) And then they were playing actual gigs. I wasn’t allowed to go to most of those early ones, because for some reason these dive bars were permitting these pint sized, teenage Zeppelin wannabes to perform at them. Old people like our parents loved that shit. The locals went crazy for it.
They played Fischer Hall a couple times, right there in town, but around their third or fourth gig there, Josh had unbuttoned the flowy, floral, women’s blouse he was wearing and took to the stage with it hanging open, beaded necklaces draped down his bare chest and curly hair wild.
Why was he sort of… ripped? How had I never noticed? Were his pants always so tight? And low cut? I was sweating. I didn’t even know he was literally cosplaying Robert Plant.
Did I fall in love with him that night? Of course not, I already told you I don’t remember the day that happened.
The Saturday after my sixteenth birthday, I left my house around 8:30 to head to Sam’s. To my mom, this was an average Saturday night - I spent nearly all of them at Sam’s house, where his parents were always home. Ya know, or so mine thought. Whether the Kiszkas were actually home or not, we hung out in the garage.
That’s not as weird as it sounds, it was a really cool garage. With furniture and everything. And their instruments, a lot of them. I don’t know how every one of these guys knew how to play every instrument packed into that room, but they did. And by the time I was sixteen, they were really almost good at it.
(Jake was good. Very good… I told you he was hot.)
This particular Saturday though, this was going to be the Saturday that changed my life. And I wanted to dress the part.
In hindsight, I wore something I’d probably worn a hundred times. Then why had it taken me so long to get ready? I changed my jeans twice, my shirt at least ten times, added a sweater, threw it back on my bed, added a flannel, tossed that to the floor. Picked it back up and shoved my arms in, made sure it hung off my shoulder just so. Shoulders are sexy, right? Do guys like shoulders? Oh shit, what do guys even like?
Anyway, I left the house looking exactly as I always did.
I rode my bike slowly that night, already hyper aware of the sweat under my arms.
So I slowed my pedaling even further. When the house came into view, I hopped off the bike and walked it up the drive before tossing it to the grass outside the garage.
Okay, knock twice and just go in.
That’s what everyone always did, what I always did. Just knock twice then lift the door. Everyone was always welcome, come on in!
So go in, idiot.
Look, I did it eventually. Just like always, knock knock, lift the door enough to slip underneath, let it close behind me. Except when it rolled back to the ground, I lost my nerve and stood frozen there for a few seconds too long.
Sam called me out, because he’s a menace.
“The hell are you doing, Tiny? We started without you.”
I moved farther into the space, eyes bouncing between my options through the soft haze of pungent smoke that already hung over the room. There was my usual spot - on the floor, next to the spot where Sam sat cross-legged, his long frame folded and bent, his sharp elbows resting on his knees as he waited for the joint to make its way back to him.
Not tonight, I’m on a mission.
Jake sat to his left, in a well-worn, floral print wingback chair. It was comfortable enough for one person, decades of weight softening the strength of the cushion’s springs before it ever came to live in this particular garage. Jake’s body was slung over it, legs thrown haphazardly over an arm while his own were wrapped around an acoustic guitar. Typical. He tipped his chin at me from under the brim of a bucket hat, then nodded towards the floor beside him. Holy shit, does he want me to sit by him?! I think my fingers lifted in a barely-there wave but I’m not really sure they were functioning correctly.
Okay focus, he did not. Does not. Not in this lifetime.
Still without his next hit, Sam glanced up at me over his shoulder and patted the threadbare throw rug next to him. “Sit down weirdo, you’re making me paranoid.”
Nerves that I’d never, never, felt before in this room fluttered through my stomach, I let my gaze meet Sam’s before continuing the search for a place to plant myself.
There was really only one option left - the couch - and both ends were already occupied. Our friend Danny (Kyle’s replacement, sorry Kyle) was in the process of melting into the corner closest to Jake, his eyes glassy and already tinged pink when he looked up at me. Only his eyebrows lifted in greeting before he mirrored Sam’s offer to sit next to him, tapping the cushion beside him.
This is fine, totally normal! Danny was Sam’s other half. Well, his other male half. I guess we were in thirds. A trio.
I accepted the offering, stepping around the coffee table, scarred with years worth of “art” - drawings and carvings, a few discreet dirty words etched into the surface in between - to drop to the middle of the couch. One of Sam’s brows tipped up when I met his eyes again, his expression asking, “Dude, what gives?”
“Hey, you’re here!” He noticed me, finally. Silvery smoke crept from between his lips as he grinned, and I watched transfixed when they pursed together and he blew a cloud toward the ceiling. My stare was broken when he leaned across the table and passed the joint to an impatient Sam, but to the delight of the butterflies going nuts in the pit of my stomach, he leaned back into the cushions and threw an arm over the back of the couch behind me. EEEEP!
“Hey-“ It was a humiliating and unsexy croak, and I quickly cleared my throat and tried again. “Hey, Josh. Hi.”
His long hair was pulled back, his entire face available for my viewing pleasure. Things were going perfectly.
I joined the rotation, the weed easing the flutters caused by sitting so close to Josh, but amplifying the feeling that the other three were watching and wondering why I was acting so strange.
They were not. They were high.
Aside from the stray curious eyebrow from my BFF across the table, they actually acted like nothing was abnormal about my seating choice, even when I started to scooch imperceptibly to my left every time I adjusted the way I was sitting.
Pulled my legs up under me? Scooch.
Dropped them down so my sneakers met the cement? Scooch.
Crossed my left ankle over my right knee? Scooch.
It was totally subtle.
“I’m gonna grab a pop, you guys want anything?” Sam startled me out of a pleasant reverie as he jumped up from the floor, but my freaking knee was touching Josh’s knee! No I don’t want anything, I have everything I need right here!
It turned out Sam was a huge knee blocker. He gripped me by an elbow and peeled me from the couch as the others murmured at our retreating backs about needing Doritos. He pushed me out the side door and towards the house and had me in the kitchen before I could even tell him he was ruining everything!
Even through bleary, hooded eyes, his death glare was brutal.
“Saaammmmm, what are you doing?!” “What the hell do you think you’re doing, T?”
More glaring. He broke the glare-off first, jerking his head to the side to flick his hair out of his eyes and turning to open the refrigerator, but once his face was inside it, he called me out again.
“Why are you being so weird with Josh?”
I love him, I need him!
“Whaaa.. I don’t know what you mean. You’re just super high.” Yeah, I really thought that would work. Sue me!
Straightening to his full height (seriously, like two inches taller than me… maybe three), he spun to face me again. He actually looked down his nose at me.
“Do you like, like him? What the fuck, Tiny?” He whispered that last part, as if his parents were lurking around the corner waiting to bust him for cussing.
“Look, you wouldn’t understand Sam. I’m much older than y-“
“You’re not even an entire year older than me.”
“Eleven months is basically an entire ye-“
“That’s not the point!” That part was like whisper yelling. I swear it looked like he was yelling, but it sounded like he was whispering.
“Okay!” Yeah, I whisper yelled back. “Sammy, I like him… I’m sorry! I don’t even know when it happened but I woke up one day and I realized that he’s perfect! He’s funny and nice and he’s so… so… cute! Okay? He’s so cute I wanna die and I love him!”
Sam’s eyes were wide, as wide as they could be under the circumstances, and he stared at me like I’d grown another head. With a horn coming out of it.
“You love him. You realize how dumb you sound right now?”
Dumb? No no, this was serious. I pleaded with my best friend for forgiveness. And his help. “Sam… please. Don’t be mad at me, I- I don’t know, I can’t help it! That’s just how I feel, and I want him to like me back!” That’s when it hit me, I needed a wingman for this plan.
“Can you help me get him to like me back?” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes, bottom lip stuck out and everything. As if that had ever worked in the four years we’d known each other so far.
“Fuck no.” His eyes moved side to side, looking for sneaky parents again I guessed. “Definitely not. Why do you have to like my brother, dude? That’s sick, it’s like incest or something!” He stomped his feet a little, and I couldn't help but think it made him look like a child. He was a child! This was serious, grown-up shit and I didn’t have time to play games.
“Ugh, if you’re not gonna help me then at least get out of my way.” I pushed past him and headed back out of the house and into the garage. Not much had changed when I got there, but Danny must have left while Sam and I were gone. The entire couch was empty aside from Josh, still sitting cross-legged in one corner. Damn it!
I flopped into the spot that Danny had vacated, just as Sam hustled back in through the side door, arms full of sodas and bags of chips. My cheeks were warm when I looked up at him, and then they burst into flames.
“Scoot over T, I like the corner spot.”
He’s helping me! Oh shit, he’s helping me. Move your ass!!
Fumbling for a grip on reality, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Sam’s. He lifted his brows and tilted his head in Josh’s direction. I suddenly remembered why I wasted all my days with this kid - he’s my ride or die. And now I owed him, big.
As soon as I stood to shift to the center of the couch, Sam’s elbow snuck out and made contact with my shoulder. My feet tangled with each other and, balance lost, I tumbled. Right into the arms of my beloved.
Okay okay, that’s a reach. But I did land on him. Sam had nudged me just hard enough to send me toward the opposite end of the couch and I landed ass-first on Josh’s leg, still folded and crossed under the other.
Through the mortification, I heard Sam’s distinct snickering as he placed himself gently on the other cushion. Then, through the popping of soda tabs and crinkling of chip bags, I heard the sweetest, most beautiful sound ever.
“If you wanted to sit next to me so bad, you could’ve just done it, T.”
I quite literally had to extract myself from his lap, but Josh just giggled as I clumsily moved off of him. To my extreme delight and disbelief, I didn’t make it too far. He slung an arm over my shoulders and kept me at his side. We are sharing a cushion. ALERT ALERT - OUR THIGHS ARE TOUCHING.
His hand wrapped around the ball of my shoulder and squeezed. Not once, but twice. I felt like I was gonna puke, but I risked turning my head and meeting his eyes. And he. Fucking. Smiled.
“You good, Tiny?” I should’ve laughed. We were the same exact height, I could be calling him tiny. But this wasn’t funny, because he was still smiling at me and he’d lowered his voice to speak directly to me and I felt it all the way to my toes. Somehow I managed to smile back.
“I’m good.” I was soooooo good. Even when Sam shoved a bag of Doritos at me, I was good. Because Josh reached into it and pulled a few out for himself. He reached into my lap! For chips!
Risking a sideways glance at Sam, I found him eyeballing Josh’s hand that was still resting lightly over my shoulder. I gave him my best “holy shit holy shit holy shit” expression, to which he rolled his eyes and shrugged. Before turning my attention back to the love of my life, my gaze drifted past Sam and landed on Jake. Oh, he was still here? Hadn’t noticed.
Except I was noticing. And he didn’t look pleased. He locked in and held eye contact, absolutely scowling. He was pissed. At me?! I must not have hidden my surprise well, because after a few more tense seconds of the longest eye contact we’d ever held, he blinked away and flung the guitar he’d been cradling all night over the arm of the chair.
Look, he didn’t throw it or anything. The stand was right there and the guitar landed safely, if not a little roughly, in its place. But then he tossed the open bag of Lay’s to the table, swung his legs around and stood. He caught my eye again, his hair doing that flippy thing over his eyebrows as he shook his head.
“Whatever. Night, guys.”
Just like that, he was gone. Two down, one to go. GTFO Sam!!
The next hour or so passed in a blur. Sam kept hitting the joint long after Josh and I had turned it down, and by the time he’d deposited the roach in the ashtray he could barely keep his eyes open. I watched his head fall back into the cushion and pounced on my opportunity.
Leaning away from Josh’s loving embrace (shut up, I was in heaven okay?), I slapped Sam’s chest with the back of my hand.
“Sammy… Sam!” He snorted as his head whipped up, swiped a hand over his mouth and looked at me. I was still leaning toward him, my back to Josh, and I spoke to him telepathically. Or with my eyebrows.
Get out of here right now or so help me God.
He answered verbally, like he couldn't even read my mind. “Huh?”
I withheld growling at him like an animal. “Why don’t you go to bed, man? You’re toast.” Go. NOW.
His eyes tried to focus on me, they really did, before he shook his head and tried again. “Shit. Yeah, okay. Are you… do you wanna stay on the couch tonight?”
Yes. This couch. Allll night long.
“Yeah yeah, I will, but I’m not tired yet. I’m just gonna, um, chill here for a little bit longer?” At that, I turned my head and risked a glance at Josh. Thank God I did, because he was already looking at me, and he grinned. EEEEEEEP!
“I’m not tired yet either, we can listen to some music.” I doubted I could hear music at that point, not over the blood rushing in my ears. But then, oh then, he looked up at Sam and said, “I’ll make sure she makes it to bed, I mean, the couch. Downstairs, I’ll make sure she makes it downstairs.”
“Fine, whatever.” See? He’s my ride or die. “See you in the morning, T.” And then he was gone.
We were alone.
Sure, I’d been alone with Josh before. I’d been hanging around his house nearly every day for four years, we’d definitely been left in a room together at some point. But not while his arm was draped loosely over my shoulders, not while our legs were touching, not while my heart was about to beat out of my chest.
But now that we were alone, I had no effing clue what to do. Then Josh stood up. My heart dropped into my stomach, but he walked over to the stacked milk crates that housed a small part of their family’s record collection and crouched to skim through them. He found something he liked and set it on the turntable, the needle bringing the crackling beginnings of a song to life.
When he turned back to face me, I thought for sure he’d sit in that ugly wingback chair. Or at the other end of the couch. Instead, he circled the coffee table and sat on the opposite side of me than he had been all night. And now his other thigh was touching mine!
I’m pretty sure my throat closed up because I had to clear it rather unattractively to speak. “What, uhh, ha, um, who is this?”
Sexy, right?
Didn’t matter, his smile took shape right in front of my eyes and all I could see was the little barely-there gap between his front teeth. I wanted to know what it felt like on my tongue. Would I be able to tell? If I kissed him right now, would I be able to feel that little discrepancy in the perfection of his teeth? I lifted my eyes to meet his and realized he’d spoken, and I’d missed it.
“Sorry, uhh… what?”
His head tilted and his eyes searched my face for… something. “Wilson Pickett. Sammy hasn’t played this for you?”
Sammy? Who is Sammy? Ohhh right, best friend.
“Um, no, I don’t think so. But maybe? There’s always music on, he’s probably played this.”
He just nodded, at first in response to my rambling and then in time with the song. When it ended, he just… looked at me, for what felt like forever but was probably only a few seconds. I was once again hyper aware of my underarms. Sweating. So I slipped the flannel off of my shoulders, keeping my forearms in the sleeves but giving me some airflow to the pits. Josh’s eyes dropped from mine and landed on the now exposed skin. Yes! Guys like shoulders!
The realization slapped me in the face, so I grabbed it and ran. I slid my arms out of the sleeves and tossed the flannel past Josh and onto the chair, thanking God that I’d worn a tank top. He gulped. Like a full-blown gulp.
Omg I’m making him nervous!!
Confidence boosted, I shifted even closer to him, until our bodies were tucked tight against each other. I’d never been this close to him, aside from that one time we’d been crammed in the back seat of his mom’s car with Sam and Jake, their sister sitting pretty in the front seat. But then I had been a scrawny kid, only thirteen (and a half) and he had been a really weird fifteen year old, not yet having grown into his features. I hadn’t wanted any part of his stinky, sweaty, farty body near me and I’d squeezed myself so close to Sam I was practically in his lap.
But on this night? This Saturday after my sixteenth birthday, I was no longer a kid. And he was no longer weird. He was beautiful, and my face was really close to his face. I could feel it when he whispered, his breath actually touched my lips.
“Wha- what are you doing, T?”
He was looking at my lips, waiting for my answer. I licked them because I was freaking parched, but he watched. And I watched him gulp, again! My tongue slipped out and wet my bottom lip a second time.
“Josh?” Whispering is sexy, it’s seductive. I was sure of it. He did it back, just my name - my actual name - lilting at the end in question.
“Do you.. wanna… kiss me?” I leaned over him, placed my left hand on his chest and felt his collar bone under my fingertips through his t-shirt. Holy shit holy shit holy shit.
I saw the panic widen his eyes, then they darted around me, looking at anything but me. It was really so cute how nervous he was. He was eighteen, for Christ sake! And I was making him nervous!
“Kiss me, Josh.” His eyes snapped back to mine, slipped down to my mouth again and then back.
And then. He. Freaking. KISSED. ME.
In a split second that felt like hours, I watched his eyes close and perfect lips pucker. My eyes stayed open at first, I didn’t want to miss this.
Leaning further into him, I settled my lips against his and slid the hand on his chest up the side of his neck (his pulse was out of control, by the way), and then cradled his jaw. My fingertips were in his hair right behind his ear. I pulled his face closer and ramped up the pressure of our lips pushed together.
He put his hands on me. I swear to God, he really did! One reached for my hip and the other came up to rest against my cheek. My eyes fluttered closed and my body took over. Not a coherent thought left in my pretty little head. Especially when our mouths separated, and then he pushed them back together.
With a mind of its own, my other hand came up and gripped his shoulder. Then my leg swung over his lap and I. Was. Straddling. Him.
It wasn’t my fault. My brain had gone haywire, my body moving on instinct. I’d quite literally never done this before. I’d kissed plenty, I even kissed Sam once (barf), but this felt different. This felt mature. Probably a little more mature than I was ready for but like I said, it was not my fault.
A lot of blame fell on Josh, a whole mountain of it, when the hand on my cheek dropped to my other hip and gripped hard, pulled me flush against him. And his lips coerced my mouth open. And the tip of his tongue swept out and touched mine.
Oh, I was in way over my head. But this was Josh, the boy I loved, and he was loving me back!
A sound I’d never made before crept up my throat. Instant embarrassment heated my already toasty cheeks and climbed up my neck, but then. Ohh then. The same freaking sound came from somewhere below me. Josh groaned. Because of me.
My animal brain completely took over. My tongue was already sliding against his, and my hips decided to follow suit. With zero finesse, they rocked into his. Just once.
He broke the kiss and dropped his head back to the cushion.
No no noooooo, you like this! You love it!
I could feel the proof that he loved it. I was sitting on it. I could see it, his chest heaving.
So I leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his throat.
“Stop, T.” His hands fell limp and landed on my thighs. My brain scrambled to catch up. Stop? Go! His fingers spread across the denim on my legs. Go go go!
But then he pushed. I leaned back to see his face, find an explanation, but his eyes were still closed as he pushed me off of his lap. Helped me swing my leg back over. Kept his hands on my thighs until they were planted back on the couch and closed. Firmly. Then they left me, and I felt their absence like a knife to the heart.
“I… wow, okay.” It’s the best I could manage to formulate, but my brain was running in overdrive.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let that happen.” He rubbed his palms, the ones that were just holding me, over his knees then leaned forward and dropped his forehead into them.
Okay, maybe he just thinks we were moving too fast!
“Josh, it’s okay. I want this! We can just kiss, I’ll stay over here and you stay there and-“
It was so quiet, but it stopped my words on my tongue and slammed my lips shut.
“I can’t.”
Okay. Okay. Okay.
It’s because Sam’s my best friend.
It’s because I’m too young.
He thinks I’m still a kid.
Like his kid sister.
Anger rolled through me. “Why? Is it Sam?”
He scrubbed his hands over his face and turned to me. Looked at me, finally.
“No, I-“
“Am I too young for you? You’re not that much older, Josh and we’ve known eachother forever, it’s not that big of a de-“
“It’s not that, Tiny.” His eyes closed again.
“Don’t call me that!” He’d offended me, I was o-ffen-ded. “I’m not a little fucking kid!” Okay, I was pissed! I was a grown ass woman!
(I wasn’t.)
Both of his hands reached forward and he pulled mine towards him. Held them there. Opened his eyes. Was he gonna cry? Why are his eyes wet?! Shit, am I crying?
“It’s not you, T. It’s me.” Oh please. “I- well, I um, I like someone else.”
Back to angry! “What?! Then why the hell were you kissing me?!” What a scoundrel, what a snake, what an asshole!
“It’s not like that-“
“What the fuck is it like?!” I didn’t normally curse much at that age, but when I tell you I was mad? Hurt? Embarrassed? I couldn’t stop it from happening.
Shit, his eyes were definitely wet.
“It’s a guy.”
He whispered it, and it wasn’t sexy, it wasn’t seductive. It was sad. Scared. Defeated. I snatched my hands out of his.
There was a long silence. Uncomfortable. He stared at his empty hands and we processed.
“What did you say?” His posture shrank, like he was trying to disappear. “Josh, it’s okay. Talk to me.” It was my turn to take his hands. I held them in mine and squeezed once.
“I’m so sorry, I- I just don’t like you. Like that.” His eyes found their way back to my face, “I really like him.” They went wide and I’m pretty sure mine did too. He seemed shocked that he’d said it out loud, right before panic spread across his features again.
“Please don’t say anything, T. I haven’t- no one knows that. No one. Please.”
“No, I would never Josh, I swear. I just… why were you, ya know, kissing me?” Touching me, pulling me in. He pulled his hands away from me this time.
“I just wanted to feel normal. I wanted them to think I was normal.”
I couldn’t help it. I threw my arms around him and held on tight.
“You are.” Normal and beautiful and perfect. And not mine. A heavy sigh slipped from between my lips. “There’s nothing wrong with you.”
He stayed silent, so I did too. I kept my arms around him for a few minutes before finally letting them slip free, rubbing a palm between his shoulder blades.
“I guess I should go… Are you okay?” Look, I was not okay, but it didn’t seem like that was important anymore.
“Aren’t you gonna stay downstairs tonight?”
Definitely not. “No, I think I should go home…” Probably won’t show my face over here for a goooood long time.
“Let me walk with you.”
I did. He walked on the other side of my bike while I walked it by the handlebars. When we reached my driveway, I left the bike propped against the side of the garage and turned to him. And just like in my dreams, he moved close and pecked a kiss into my cheek. Then he pulled me into his arms.
“I’m really sorry… I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, ya know?” His voice was soft and low, his breath tickling my ear. It should’ve been a literal dream come true.
A half step back and I rubbed my hands up and down his arms. “It’s really fine. I’m sorry for…” Humiliating us both? “Everything.”
“You don’t have to apologize. I mean it,” he emphasized when I shook my head. “Just… please don’t say anything. Even to Sam. Especially to Sam. I’m gonna tell them all when I’m ready, I think.”
Huge, massive sigh. “I won’t. I promise.”
And I never did. Not really.
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bellaireland1981 · 2 years
Starting Over | 1
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Summary: You come home to work to find your husband of three years in bed with your supposed best friend. It’s the wake up call you finally needed to take your two year old daughter and get the hell out of Texas. With nowhere to go you head to your big brother in San Diego. The sagger squad takes you under their wings, and shows you what having a family means. You get a fresh start... will you find your happily ever after?
Characters:  Jake “hangman” Seresin x Sister! Reader, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Seresin! Reader (Eventually), Hangman x Phoenix (eventually) , Adorable OC Gracie!   The Dagger squad
Word Count: 9457 ( I have zero chill)
Warnings: Angst, cheating husband, emotional abuse, eventual fluff, smut in later chapters, Sweet uncle Jake, Adorable Rooster with a toddler... if I miss any please let me know.
A/N: This will be another series. I don’t own the characters or storyline for Top Gun Maverick. All OC’s are mine. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR ANYONE TO COPY OR REPOST MY WORK TO ANY OTHER PLATFORM! DON’T STEAL! Reblogs, likes and comments ALWAYS welcomed. THANK YOU @waywardodysseys​ as always for reading over my work and helping me flush out ideas!! 
Taglist is open!
Your marriage was over. You’d come home early from work to find that your husband of three years had been cheating on you with the person you thought was your best friend. They didn’t even try to defend themselves, or cover up what they’d done. No excuses were made. Without even stopping to think, or to call anyone you’d simply walked out of the room, headed to your daughter’s room and an autopilot started shoving clothes and other necessities into a bag. While you packed your husband managed to pull his pants up long enough to come into your daughter’s room and make sure to let you know every way in which the affair was your fault, not his. He made sure to drill it home that you were inadequate and had you been enough he wouldn’t have had to step out. You paused to stare at him blankly. His words sinking in.
“Well then, I’ll make it easy for you, you piece of shit.” You said, firmly, finally finding your voice, “Consider the marriage over.You are now free to fuck whatever whore you want to. Not that being married actually meant anything to you. You won’t have to worry about being a father either, not that you were much of one anyway. Gracie and I will be just fine on our own.”
“You know I never wanted a kid anyway, Y/N.” He spat, “Only knocked you up to shut you up.”
“Thank you for making this so much easier.” You said. You hurried to grab the rest of what you thought Gracie would need. Your sweet little girl was at the sitter’s, blissfully unaware that her whole world was about to explode. At two you knew she wouldn’t remember any of this when she got bigger. You would do whatever you had to do in the divorce to ensure you got full and sole custody of your child. You wouldn’t allow her to be tainted by your soon to be ex husband.
Not even caring about any of your own belongings, nothing seeming important enough to go back into your shared bedroom, you gathered your purse and Gracie’s belongings, and slammed out of the house. After throwing everything into the trunk of your late model Toyota Camry you jumped into the driver’s side and backed out of the drive. You knew it would all hit you once the numbness wore off and that you’d probably be an emotional mess but all you prayed it wouldn’t be until you were as far from your hometown as possible.
You knew your parents would be of no help or comfort. Your dad was an asshole and your mom drank to numb the pain of being married to said asshole. Your only other family was your big brother, who was currently stationed in San Diego at Top Gun. With no other options or ideas, you knew that once you’d picked up Gracie, that’s where the two of you would head.
It was the middle of the night the next day by the time you pulled into your brother’s driveway. You hadn’t called to let him know you were coming, simply wanting to keep driving, putting as much distance between you and your hometown and broken marriage as you could. The further you got from Texas the lighter you felt, the easier you could breathe. Gracie had been  amazing on the trip, seeming to know that her momma needed to get them to a better place.
Turning off the car, you quietly unbuckled and got out, stretching your stiff muscles. Knowing your brother it was a distinct possibility he had company spending the night, and you hoped he wouldn’t be mad by the sudden appearance of his little sister and niece on his doorstep. The two of you had always been close growing up, just you against the world. It sucked when he’d left for the Academy and then flight school, but he’d made sure to always make sure you had a way to contact him and he was there whenever he could be.
You carefully got Gracie out of the car, cradling her sleeping form as you made your way up the steps to the door. Juggling her in your arms to free a hand, you knocked as loudly as you dared so as not to wake the sleeping toddler.
The front porch light flipped on and you could hear the lock click before the front door opened and your brother was in front of you, hair disheveled from sleep, eyes squinting against the light of the porch.
“Y/N?” He said, voice rough from sleep, “Tulip, what are you doin’ here? Is everything ok? Is Gracie ok?”
“Jakey…” You choked out, all of the emotions from the last 24 hours bubbling over, tears starting to spill down your cheeks.
Jake carefully pulled you and Gracie into his arms, embracing you carefully, concern etched on his face. He didn’t know what had caused his baby sister to show up on his doorstep, but he knew whatever it was, wasn’t good.
He gently pulled you into the house, closing the door quietly behind you, locking it once more and shutting off the porch light.
“Here, let me take Gracie” He said gently, “I’ll lay her in the guest room and put pillows between her and the floor. Grab a drink or whatever you need or want from the kitchen and I’ll be right back.”
You blindly walked to the kitchen pulling out a bottle of water from the fridge for yourself and one for Jake, not knowing if he’d be thirsty. You walked back to the living room and melted down onto the couch, pulling your knees up and resting your head on them, your arms wrapped around yourself. You heard Jake come back into the living room shortly after, carefully sitting down on the couch next to you and pulling you close so you were resting against his side.
“What happened, Sweetheart?” he asked, “Where’s Trent?”
“I wasn’t sure where else to go…” You whispered, “I’m sorry for just showing up on your doorstep in the middle of the night.”
“Tulip, you can show up on my doorstep anytime, day or night.” Jake said, pulling you tighter against him. “But I’m not going to lie, you’ve got me pretty worried right now.”
“I’m sorry, Jakey.” You said, tears running down your cheeks again, unable to keep them in check.
“Sweetheart, stop apologizing.” He said, gently. “Talk to me. What happened?”
“I came home from work early yesterday… “ You started, staring straight ahead at the wall. “Trent had apparently also gotten done with work early as he was already home… in bed… with Stephanie.”
“Fuck.” Jake said, “I’m so sorry, Tulip.” He wasn’t sure what else to say, if there was anything to say. He knew that you knew he’d never liked Trent. Didn’t think he was good enough for his baby sister. Not many would be considered good enough…if anyone at all. “What happened when you found him?”
“They didn’t even try to hide it or apologize or offer any fake excuses.” You said, numbly adding  “Trent said it’s my fault… I wasn’t enough to keep him happy. He said he never even wanted Gracie and that he just got me pregnant to shut me up.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.” Jake said coldly, “He doesn’t deserve you or Gracie. I’ll make sure he never sees either of you again. Nobody hurts my girls.”  
“I didn’t figure mom or dad would be of any help.” You whispered, all energy and fight completely drained from you. You were with your big brother and knew you were safe to fall apart. “Can Gracie and I stay with you until I get on my feet again? I can’t go back. There’s nothing left there for us.”
“You don’t even have to ask, Sweetheart.” He replied, “You both have a home with me whenever you need it, however long you need it and wherever I am. Go on up and crawl in with Gracie. Get some sleep. We will sort everything out in the morning. I can run out and get whatever we need.”
“I only grabbed stuff for Gracie.” You admitted, “I couldn’t bring myself to step foot into my bedroom with her  still in my bed. In hindsight, leaving all of my clothes was probably stupid.”
“Nope.” He replied, “Gives me all the more reason to spoil my baby sister. I’ve got tomorrow off anyway. I’ll call in some help and we’ll get it sorted.”
Jake stood up and pulled you up, leading you to the room he’d put Gracie to bed in and hugged you goodnight. He made mental notes of everything you’d need and decided he’d need to enlist some help tomorrow as he made his way back to his own room and fell back into bed. One thing he knew for certain, he’d do whatever he could to make sure nobody hurt his baby sister or sweet niece ever again.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of coffee and food wafting into the room, and the sound of your daughter giggling. You smiled, rubbing your eyes. Every opportunity Jake had over the last two years he’d spent with you and Gracie either visiting in Texas or flying you both out to see him. Gracie thought Uncle Jake hung the moon and stars and had him wrapped around her tiny pinky. You knew he’d already hatched a plan to start spoiling your daughter.
You quickly used the bathroom next to the guest room, before heading to the kitchen. Jake had Gracie sitting on the counter playing with measuring cups while he made breakfast. There was a plate of pancakes already made and he had moved onto eggs and bacon.
“Morning Tulip.” He greeted you with a bright smile, his dimples on full display. “Coffee is in the pot. There’s creamer and sugar if you want it. Breakfast is almost ready. My favorite little princess here has been keeping me company.”
“Hi Mommy!” Gracie beamed, happy and oblivious to the upheaval.
“I see that. Hi Baby Girl!” You replied, kissing her head before pulling a mug out of the cupboard and heading to the coffee pot. Jake had given you one of his old Navy shirts and a pair of cotton shorts to wear to sleep in. You had to roll the waistband over several times in order to make them fit without falling to your knees. Clothes and essentials were your top priority today.  “Thank you, Jakey.”
“Sweetheart you’ve got to stop thanking me.” He replied, “We’re family. As far as I’m concerned you and Princess Gracie are the only real family I’ve got. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you two.”
You offered him a small smile, returning your attention to making your coffee. When he’d finished making breakfast he made a plate of food and pulled Gracie from the counter to sit on his lap and eat breakfast with him, sharing his food with the toddler.
“She can sit with me, Jake.” You offered, “You cooked, you should get to enjoy your breakfast.”
“I am enjoying my breakfast.” He answered, blowing a raspberry on Gracie’s cheek and making her erupt in belly giggles. “The circumstances for y’all being here suck, but I’ve missed my two favorite girls. I’m really happy you’re here.”
“Despite everything that’s happened, I’m happy we’re too, Bubs.” You replied, offering him the first real smile since arriving. “We’ve missed you too, haven’t we Gracie Girl?”
“Wuv Unko Jakey!” Gracie exclaimed, squirming around to plan a very sticky kiss on her favorite uncle’s cheek. You laughed, getting up to grab a wet napkin so he could wipe the syrup from his face.
“Unko Jakey loves you too Princess G!” Jake replied not minding the sticky kiss from his favorite little girl.
As you finished breakfast, you cleared the table. You got Gracie occupied playing with some clean pots on the floor while you tackle the dishes and kitchen clean up. You sent Jake off to the shower, not letting him argue about who got clean up duties.
Once the kitchen was set to rights again, and all the dishes were done, you scooped up Gracie and headed to the guestroom to dig through the bag Jake had already brought in and got her changed. You dreaded putting on the dirty clothes from traveling but it was literally all you had.  
Jake, finished in the shower, and fully dressed, reclaimed Gracie from you, telling you to jump in the shower and get ready. He’d snuck your clothes to the wash last night after sending you to bed and got up to put them in the dryer earlier that morning. You had never been more grateful for being blessed with an amazing brother.
When you emerged from the bathroom, showered, hair down and clean clothes on, you almost felt like a new person.
“It’s amazing what a shower can do for someone’s spirit and mental well being.” You said, walking into the living room.  
Jake had Gracie on the couch with him watching cartoons while he’d been on his phone texting his adopted family, the Daggers, for reinforcements. He knew the two of you would need help getting furniture and supplies, getting everything set up, and supervising a very active toddler. Rooster had surprisingly been the first to reply, saying he’d be there in twenty minutes. Mav replied back saying to let him know when you need help with getting stuff set up and he’d come over. Phoenix immediately had offered babysitting duties, saying the other guys couldn’t be trusted. Coyote and Payback replied they’d be over to help assemble and move stuff and would bring pizza and beer for everyone.  
You and Gracie were his only blood family, but he had secured a spot in a bigger family that he knew would always have his back. Despite the rocky start, he hoped they knew he’d always have their back too.
“I’m glad you’re energized again, Tulip!” Jake replied, “Because we’ve got our work cut out for us today. I’ve called in help.”
As if on cue, there was a knock at the door, and two more car doors slamming. Jake jumped up to open the door.
“Thanks for coming.” Jake said, opening the door wide to allow his friends into the house.
“Of course, man.” A very tall, attractive man with a mustache replied, stepping in. He smiled at Gracie who was now peaking over the side of the couch, curious about the new people. Her green eyes that matched your and Jake’s watchful eyes.  “You must be Princess Gracie.”
“The one and only!” Jake confirms, beaming like the proud uncle he is. “Gracie, this is my friend Rooster. Can you come say hi?”
Gracie, who was normally very shy, carefully crawled down off the couch and walked over to her uncle. She peaked her head around his leg, staring up at Rooster.
He crouched down closer to your daughter’s level, giving her time to warm up to him.
“Hi, Sweetheart.” He said, gently, a warm smile on his face. “I’m Bradley, or Rooster, you pick. Can I help you and your Uncle Jake set you up a princess room?
“Hi Woosta” Gracie greeted him, a smile on her face. “Pwincess Woom Pwease.”
“You got it, sweetheart!” He promised, winking at her before standing back up.
“Rooster, this is my baby sister Y/N” Jake said making the introductions, “Tulip, this is Bradley Bradshaw, or Rooster.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N” Bradley said, “I feel like we all already know you though from the amount Jake talks about you.”
“Uh oh.” You replied, cringing, “Maybe don’t believe everything he says. It’s nice to meet you too, Bradley.”
“Hey, I only ever talk about how amazingly wonderful my baby sister is.” Jake argues in mock indignation. “And how adorable and smart my little Princess G is!”
“He’s telling the truth.” A new, female voice added, stepping into the house. Followed by another man.
“Phoenix” Jake said, smiling brightly at her, “You’re a lifesaver, Darlin’”
“Hey! I made it over here first, am I just chopped liver now?” Bradley pouted, playfully. You could already see you’d like these people a lot. Something in the way your brother looked and talked to Phoenix intrigued you too. His whole demeanor changed when she’d walked in…he became lighter…almost brighter as soon as she’d stepped foot inside the house. It was making sense now too why she was the only one you’d ever heard a lot about from your brother. You made a mental note to investigate that further later.
“We all know this mission would be a disaster if you two are in charge.” Phoenix laughed, then turned towards you “I’m Natasha Trace, or Phoenix.”
“Nice to meet you, Natasha.” You replied, smiling, “I’ve actually heard a lot about you too.”  Pink creeped over Jake’s ears and cheeks when you busted him out.
“And this is Bob.” Jake said, diverting attention, “He’s Phoenix’s backseater, and generally the one that keeps the rest of us out of too much trouble.”
“Well that’s got to be a full time job, Bob.” You laughed, “Just keeping Jake out of trouble would be a lot of work.”
“They have their moments.” Bob laughed, “It’s nice to meet you, Y.N.”
Gracie tugged at Jake’s pant leg, looking up at her uncle. Jake swung her up into his arms, holding her close. Gracie leaned into whisper loudly, in his ear.
“She pwetty, Unco Jakey.” She said, peaking at Phoenix from under her very long lashes.
Jake smiled widely, turning his face to whisper back in Gracie’s ear, “She sure is, Princess G.”
Phoenix smiled at your daughter, blushing at the interaction. She didn’t quite know how to handle Jake’s response.
“Ok, so we need a game plan.” Bob said, “We’ve got a room to make over, furniture to buy, and let’s be honest, we probably need to childproof this house.”
“And Y/N needs a new wardrobe.” Jake added, “And my Princess G probably needs some clothes too.”
“Jake.” You piped up, “You're not remodeling or making over your house to accommodate us. We just need a few things. Gracie and I are fine sharing a bed.”
“Nope. I said what I said.” He replied stubbornly, “The small room next to the guest room acting as an office right now is getting moved to the garage. Princess G will get that as her princess room. You can change, add to, or take out anything from the guest room to make it your own. We need a high chair, or booster at least, I need an extra car seat for my truck, we need a stroller…preferably a jogger so my favorite girl can go running with me… what am I missing?”
“TOYS!” Bradley said looking around at the room, “Princess Gracie needs toys!”
“Yes!” Jake said, smacking his head, “We need toys.”
“Jacob!” You said, eyes wide, exasperated with your brother.
“Y/N!” He tossed back, eyes stubbornly locking on your own before softening, “Tulip, y’all have been through hell. You’re getting a fresh start here. I wasn’t there when it all went to hell. Let me do this.”
“Fine.” You relented, shoulders sagging, “You win.”
“OK! So…a plan.” Phoenix said, “How about Y/N and I take Gracie and go get clothes and all of that kinda stuff. Then we can take Gracie to my apartment to nap  while you all go get paint and furniture and that kind of stuff and start the room makeover.”
“You ok with that, Tulip?” Jake asked, making sure you were comfortable.
“Yeah, as long as you’re all ok with giving up your day off for us?” You replied, glancing at your brother’s friends.
“Absolutely” Bradley assured, his warm smile and honey gaze making warmth rush over you. “We take family pretty seriously in this squad, Y/N.”
“Rooster’s right.” Phoenix replied, stepping closer Gracie in Jake’s arms, tapping her playfully on her button nose and making her giggle, “and this cutie just inherited a whole lot of uncles and an aunt to spoil her rotten.”
Tears burned behind your eyes, suddenly overcome with emotions. The last three years of your marriage the only friend that your douchebag husband had allowed you to have was Stephanie, isolating you from everyone else. You now understood how she had made the cut. He’d even tried to drive you apart from your brother but was satisfied in just knowing he was stationed away from you so wasn’t a threat. Looking back, you should have seen the red flags, realized what his plan had been. Hindsight really was a bitch.
Phoenix sensed you were on the verge of breaking down. She turned, taking Gracie from Jake’s arms, your daughter going straight to her.
“Let’s go shopping and get you and Mommy some new princess clothes ok?” She said, “Uncle Jake will get your room all pretty for you and find you some new toys!”
“Yay! Toys!” Gracie cheered, “Mommy! We go bye bye!”
You laughed, blinking back the tears, choking down the emotions and memories.
“Ok, Baby Girl.” You said, “Let’s go bye bye.”
“Bye bye Unco Jakey, Woosta, and BOB” Gracie said, waving.
“Bye Princess G!” Jake said, blowing her a kiss. “Be good for Mommy and Nix ok”?
“Ok!” She agreed, “Wuv you!”
“Love you too!” He smiled at her, “Have fun, Tulip. No worries today, ok? We’ll work it all out.”
“Thank you.” You said, “All of you. Jakey please don’t go overboard, I love you.”
“Love you too, Tulip.” He replied, not promising to not go overboard.
“Let’s go get supplies and call in the rest of the Daggers.” Bradley suggested, “We’re gonna needs all hands on deck to get this done today.”
You opted to take your car since the car seat was already in the back. You quickly buckled Gracie in before getting into the driver’s side. Phoenix gave you directions to the nearest mall that would have the best options for clothing and stuff for Gracie. You’d hit up a Target on the way back to get the rest of the stuff you’d need.
Once at the mall, you rented one of the strollers since you’d left Gracie’s back in Texas. You were actually surprised your phone hadn’t been blowing up with calls or texts from Trent since you’d been gone almost 48 hours by this point. You knew it was only a matter of time.
“Let’s start with finding stuff for you.” Phoenix suggested. “I think you deserve a bit of a pick me up, Y/N/”
“It’s been one hell of a couple of days.” You acknowledged. “Shit, I no called no showed at work… won’t be getting a positive referral from them I suppose.”
“I’m sure we can find you something here without any reference from them.” She replied “and besides, most would be understanding under the circumstances.”
“Probably.” You agreed. “So… are you and Jake close? He’s talked briefly about the team, but really has talked about you the most.”
“We’re… complicated.” She replied, “I’ve known him since the Academy. We’ve always been competitive with one another. He pushes me to be the best pilot I can be… I’ve seen a few sides to Hangman, but I honestly can’t figure out which is the real him.”
“My brother is complicated.” You agreed, “He’s always been guarded with people…we kinda had to be growing up in our house.  He is fiercely loyal to those who make it past the outer shell. I know my brother can be… a lot. He can be cocky and sometimes comes across as arrogant. I imagine that’s more in line with the “Hangman” you guys tend to see. Inside though… Jake…. He’s the guy you saw at the house today. He’s an amazing Uncle, protector, and fun loving guy. He is the best brother I could have ever asked for. He’s the guy who would do anything for his family…for his friends. He’s the one that would disobey orders and fly off a carrier to save his friends. He’s the Jake that lit up as soon as you walked into the house today. Happy that you came, happy that you were there.”
“The more I see of Jake… outside of work… and when he drops the front of Hangman…the more I genuinely like him.” She admitted, “Your brother is beyond good looking…more good looking that he has a right to be… he’s got lots of women turning their heads for him when we’re at the Hard Deck, Y/N, women a whole lot prettier than me…I don’t think he’d ever see me like that.”
“I thought you had to have pretty decent vision to be an aviator” You asked.
“I mean, mostly, yes… glasses are allowed… why?” She replied, confused.
“I just didn’t realize they let you fly if you were clearly blind.” You shrugged, smirking at her. “Because, you, Natasha… are blind.”
She laughed, ducking her head, before looking back up, “Let’s get you outfitted with some new clothes.”
Several stores and more money than you’d spent on clothing in probably your lifetime later, you had enough clothes to get you started. Phoenix had talked you into a few cute sundresses, saying you never knew when you’d need them. You’d also gotten several pairs of jeans and shorts, tops, bras, panties, a swimsuit and shoes. With your wardrobe squared away, you’d moved onto finding a few more outfits for Gracie and sandals before leaving the mall.
You decided to stop for a quick lunch before heading to Target to get toiletries, diapers, booster seat, new car seat, stroller and toys. Jake had texted while you were out telling you not to buy a bed for Gracie because he’d already found one.
Gracie ended up passing out in the car seat while you drove to Phoenix’s apartment. Thankfully hers was on the first floor so no carrying a sleeping toddler up stairs. She unlocked her door and led you to the bedroom where you laid your daughter on the bed, placing pillows around her in case she rolled.
After getting Gracie settled the two of you sat down on the couch with glasses of iced tea. Your phone dinged with an incoming message. Assuming it was Jake you pulled your phone out, opening your message.
Trent: You’ve had your tantrum. Get your ass home.
You had to fight down the bile rising in your throat while reading the text.
“Everything ok, Y/N?” Phoenix asked, seeing all the color drain from your face.
“It’s Trent.” You admitted.
“You don’t have to respond to him until you’re ready.” She said, “Hell you can ignore his ass completely and direct all communication through lawyers.”
“I can’t afford a lawyer, Nat.” You whispered, tears springing to your eyes. “What am I going to do?”
“Hey,” She said gently, grasping your hand in comfort, “Between all of us, we’ll get it figured out. There are lots of options. In the meantime, don’t engage with him… save any and all texts and voicemails.”
“Can I tell you something I haven’t admitted to anyone else?” You asked, knowing you could trust her.
“Of course, Y/N.” She assured you, “You can talk to me about anything. Whatever it is will stay between us.”
“It’s pathetic that after everything else that happened the last three years, it was him cheating with someone I thought was my best friend that woke me up and fueled me to leave.” You said, “But in reality it should have been the times he called me worthless, told me that I was lucky he felt sorry for me and married me because nobody else would want me…. Told me I was useless as a wife and mother. Isolated me from all my friends… made me dependent upon him. Convinced me on some level that Jake left because he didn’t want to be bothered with me…that he was lucky to be away from me.”
“Fuck.” She said, blowing out a breath. “There’s a lot to unpack there… Most importantly though, he was wrong. So. Fucking. Wrong… about all of it. You cannot blame yourself for anything he did or said. I know it’s harder said than done. If nothing else, you owe it to Gracie to show her that her mom is a badass, strong woman who knows her worth. Trent.. That his name? He is a spineless worthless piece of crap who doesn’t deserve to lick the dirt from your boots…if you had any… and he sure as shit doesn't deserve to be a dad to that sweet girl in there.”
“Thank you, Nat.” You said, tears streaming down your face. It felt really good to confide in someone. You knew if you told Jake he’d probably fly his f-18 to Texas and kill Trent. You also knew though that you would have to talk to your brother at some point because you had a feeling the divorce would be ugly.  “I guess maybe I’m just meant to be single… I kinda suck at choosing the right man.”
“How about this…” She said, “When the time comes, you’re ready to get back out there and date… you let me and maybe Jake weed out the losers and help you find a good one.”
“If it were up to Jake, I’d remain single for life.” You said, chuckling. “He’s always been a little overprotective… I actually didn’t get to really date or get serious with a guy until he’d left for the Academy… hence Trent.”
“Let’s not tell him that.” Phoenix said, “One thing I do know about your brother is that he takes on guilt very easily when he shouldn’t. Blames himself for stuff that is absolutely not in his control.”
“Yeah…” You agree, he definitely did blame himself for things he had no blame in.
Your phone dinged again, several times in succession.
Trent: Grow the fuck up, Y/N. Bring the brat and your ass home.
Trent: You will regret running off. I’ll make sure you and the brat don’t see your precious brother again.
Trent: Are you fucking someone else? Did you run off to whore yourself to someone stupid enough to take you in?
Having not gotten a response, your phone suddenly started ringing. Seeing it was Trent you immediately sent it to voicemail.
“Jesus” Phoenix said, “I’m going to text Jake and tell him to text or call me if they need anything. Turn your phone off, Y/N. You don’t need that stress.”
Knowing she was probably right you went ahead and turned off your phone and tucked it into your back pocket. You sighed, head falling back against the couch in utter defeat. Everything was catching up to you, and you were exhausted. Deciding to take a breather while you could, you closed your eyes, telling yourself it was just for a moment.  Your body took advantage of you letting your guard down and you drifted off to sleep.
Phoenix called Jake, getting up to move to the kitchen where she hopefully wouldn’t wake you up.
“Hey, Nix” Jake said, “You ladies have fun shopping?”
“Yeah” She replied, “Gracie and Y/N are actually sleeping right now. Gracie passed out in the car and Y/N just fell asleep on the couch… Jake, I had her turn her phone off. You might want to take her and get her added to your plan and change her number. That douchebag sent her a lot of nasty texts then started calling her. She got really pale and had a broken look in her eyes.”
“FUCK!” He yelled, “I swear, I’m gonna kill that guy, Nix. I’ve always fucking hated him but I love my sister more and didn’t want to lose her.”
“She’s scared she doesn’t have options.” She said, “I told her we’d figure it out together. I’ll start searching for lawyers and stuff while she is sleeping. We will head back that way when they wake up.”
“I won’t let anything else happen to them.” Jake promised, “Did she say if he physically hurt her or Gracie?”
“I know your sister enough just in the little time I’ve spent with her to know that had he laid a finger on Gracie Y/N would have killed him.” Phoenix said, “I don’t know if he got physical with her though. Talk to her… she’s gonna need you.”
“She’ll always have me, Nix.” He said, “My sister and Gracie have always and will always come first.”
“You’re a good guy, Jake.” Phoenix admitted. “We should be back soon. Do we need to get food or drinks or anything on the way?”
“No, Coyote and Payback are bringing pizzas and beer. I already have juice and milk for Gracie, and sodas for everyone too.” Jake said.
“OK. See you soon.” She said.
“Thanks Nix.” He said before hanging up.
Phoenix grabbed her laptop and started to look for lawyers in the area that specialize in family law.
Jake’s POV
He had to take several deep breaths after hanging up with Phoenix to get himself back in check. It really was taking everything in him not to fly back to Texas and beat the living tar out of Trent. The fact that his sister and niece needed him was the only thing keeping him there.
“Everything ok, man?” Bradley asked, see how upset Jake was. “Did something happen while the girls were shopping?”
“Phoenix said Trent started sending harassing texts and calls to Y/N.” Jake replied, “Said she was visibly shaken by them. I swear to God if I ever find out he laid a finger on my sister I will make him wish he’d never been born.”
“What’s important now is that Y/N and Gracie are here, Jake.” Bradley said, “They’ve got you… and all of us to protect them now. He can’t touch them again.”
“I never liked him. He was too smarmy. Too smooth.” Jake said, “Y/N just said I was being overprotective when I told her I didn’t think he was good for her. I should have pushed harder… tried harder to protect her.”
“Jake.” Bradley said, putting his hand on Jake’s shoulder, “Had you pushed harder you might have pushed her away completely and then she wouldn’t have had you to come to now. You can’t change or fix the past. You can be there for her now and help her get back on her feet…. Help her to feel like she’s in control again.”
“Thanks Rooster.” Jake said, sighing. He knew his friend was right. All he could do now was help his sister get her footing back. “You’re right… My sister is stubborn as hell. She’s also the strongest woman I’ve ever known. She just needs help remembering she’s a badass Seresin.”
“There ya go.” Bradley laughed, “Now, come on… let’s finish Princess G’s room. Mav and Penny are on their way with the decor. Paint should be dry with all the fans we have going, and Bob said that the rest of the reinforcements just showed up to help assemble some furniture.”
“I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you all for this.” Jake said, “Seriously, this means the world to me…to my sister.”
“Hangman…we’re a family now, Man, remember?” Bradley asked, “It’s what we do.”
“Alright!” Bob said, coming back into the house, trailed by the rest of the team “Reinforcements. Operation Build a Princess room is a go!”
With Bob taking over, directing everyone, they managed to get all of the bedroom furniture assembled for Gracie, complete with the canopy bed Jake found at the local furniture store, in no time. They just finished moving it all into the room and setting it up when Mav and Penny arrived with the bedding, curtains, a few wall hangings and a princess lamp.
“Wow.” Jake said taking in everything they picked up, “You guys were thorough.”
“Amelia went through a princess stage when she was little so I’ve had practice.” Penny said, “It was nice shopping for a little girl again. It’s been awhile.”
“I was just along to carry bags and keep her company.” Mav admitted laughing, “Everything going ok? I can get you a few more days off if you need them, Jake.”
“Thanks Mav.” He replied, “I might need a couple of days to help her get the divorce going…and get her a new fucking phone number.”
“Consider it done.” Mav replied, “And let us know if there is anything we can do to help.”
“You’ve all already done so much.” Jake replied, “I’m really grateful for all of you.”
“Go get the living room cleared of the boxes and tools.” Penny said, “I’ll finish this room for Gracie.”
Your POV
After waking up on Phoenix’s couch you apologized for falling asleep. She quickly reassured you it was completely fine. Not long after, Gracie woke from her nap too. You changed her diaper before you filled a sippy cup with watered down juice, handing it to her as you put her shoes back on.
“I called Jake while you were sleeping and just let him know your phone was off and why. I didn’t share anything else with him though.” Phoenix assured you. “I told him we’d come back as soon as you and Gracie woke up.”
“Thanks, Nat.” You smiled, “I promise, as soon as I have a chance, I’ll talk to Jake. I don’t want you to have to keep secrets. It’s not fair to you. I haven’t been able to have friends for awhile and apparently the one I did have wasn’t really a friend… I could really use a friend.”
“You’ve got one.” She promised, hugging you tightly.
“Thank you” You said, hugging her back. “We should probably go make sure they’re not going completely overboard.”
“I’m gonna go ahead and guess it’s already too late for that.” She replied, laughing, “None of the guys on the squad are known for restraint… it usually takes Bob and me both to keep them in line.”
“Great.” You said, rolling your eyes. “Let’s go see your new kingdom, Princess Gracie.”
“Yay!” She replied, only understanding you were going bye bye again.
When you pulled back up at Jake’s there were considerably more cars than before. Thankfully though, they’d left the spot open next to Jake’s truck. You pulled in and turned the car off. The front door opened and Jake, Bradley and someone you’d not yet met came out.
“Princess G!” Jake said, making grabby hands towards you when you pulled her out of the car seat. There were bags piled in the backseat and in the trunk from your shopping spree.
“Unco Jakey!” Gracie squealed, reaching for Jake.
“I missed you my beautiful Princess!” He said, “Uncle Jake has a surprise for you!”
“Pwise?” She asked, eyes growing wide. Jake winked at you before carrying your daughter into the house.
“Here let us help Y/N” Bradley said, stepping towards you, smiling. His smile was starting to do things to you.
“I can get these bags, if you guys want to grab the bigger stuff in the trunk?” You said, returning his smile.
“We’re on it, Sweetheart.” He replied, walking around to the trunk and starting to pull out everything you’d gotten for Gracie.
Once inside, you took the bags to the bedroom to be sorted, while the guys stacked all of the bigger purchases in the living room.
You went to the room next to the guest room that had been designated as the princess room and peaked your head in the door.
“Mommy!” Gracie squealed, happily. “Pwincess Woom!”
“Yes, Gracie” You smiled in amazement, walking into the room. “You do have a princess room. Did you tell everyone thank you?”
‘Fank You!” She parroted, running over to hug Jake.
“You’re very welcome, Princess G.” Jake said, picking up the toddler. “What do you think, Tulip?”
“It’s amazing, Jake.” You said, once more overcome with emotion. “You did not have to do all of this.”
“Oh, we definitely did.” He assured you, “Come on, let me introduce you to the rest of the crew. “
You followed him out to the other room where there was an assembly line happening with some on setting up the food and the rest unboxing toys, the stroller, and the booster seat.
“Gracie girl! Wanna see your new toys?” Bradley asked, pulling one of the baby dolls from a box.
“Woosta!” She said, squirming until Jake put her down, running as fast as her little leg would carry her to Bradley. “Toys pwease!”
“Here you go, Sweetpea.” He said, handing her the doll. To his shock and delight, Gracie crawled into his lap and sat happily playing with her new doll. You melted at the sight of this sweet man being so good to your daughter. All of the men here had already treated her better and shown her more love than her own father had in her entire life.
To keep from breaking down in tears, for what felt like the millionth time in two days, you hurried over to help get plates and drinks ready for everyone so they could eat.
“Y/N, this is Penny” Phoenix said introducing you, “She came in clutch with the decor! Couldn’t leave that to the men. She also owns the Hard Deck, where we seem to congregate when we’re not in the skies or on missions.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” You replied, smiling, “Thank you so much for making my daughter’s room so beautiful. It means so much to us.”
“Of course!” She replied, “I’ve got a soft spot for Jake. I’ve also done the single parent thing with a deadbeat ex. I get it. If you need anything, I am just a phone call away.”
“Thank you” You said again, taking a deep breath. “You’ve all been amazing… I can never repay the kindness.”
“That’s the beauty of family, Y/N.” Phoenix said, “Repayment isn’t expected. We take care of each other.”
“I’m starting to see that.” You replied.
“Hey Tulip,” Jake said, coming up behind you, his arm dropping over your shoulder. He dropped a kiss on top of your head, “You doing ok? Did you get everything you needed for you?”
“I’m ok, Jakey” You replied, “I think I got everything I needed.”
“Good.” He replied, “Mav said he’d help me get the next couple of days off too so we’ll tackle the other problems then ok? Try to relax and just enjoy tonight.”
“Jake.” You replied, “I feel bad enough for crashing your bachelor pad, interrupting your life… I don’t want to interfere with your career too!”
“His career is just fine,” A new, gentle voice added. “He’s earned a few days off… we normally have to force him to take some R&R anyway.”
“Y/N, this is Captain Pete Mitchell, or Maverick.” Jake said introducing you. Jake had a lot of respect for Maverick. He often talked about him when the two of you caught up. He’d become more than just a commanding officer to Jake, he was his mentor and almost a father-figure.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Sir.” You replied, “Jake has told me a lot about you. It’s nice to have a face to go with the stories.”
“No need for formality, Y/N” He laughed, “Pete or Maverick is fine. It’s nice to meet you too. Your brother is quite proud of his little sister and niece. He’s talked about the two of you as well.”
“We’re pretty damn proud of him too.” You said, smiling lovingly at your big brother.
“Mommy, I hungwy” Gracie said, tugging at your shorts. “I eat pwease.”
“Of course, Baby Girl!” you said picking her up, “Let’s get you some dinner.”
Later that night once everyone had cleared out and Gracie was bathed and sound asleep in your new room, you sat down on the couch with Jake.
“Starting over is exhausting.” You sighed, “Thank you, Jakey. I know you told me to stop thanking you, but I can’t. You are quite literally saving us. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’ll never have to find out, Tulip.” He said, wrapping his arm around you and tucking you into his side. “It’s you and me against the world, remember?”
“We seem to have picked up a few more people since we were kids, hiding in the treehouse out back.” You replied, “You’ve found a great group, Jakey. A great family.”
“Yeah they are.” He agreed, “Getting called back to Top Gun for that mission… The Daggers forming… is probably the best thing that’s happened to me. I found a purpose finally. I don’t feel the need to always have to prove myself…I don’t always have to be Hangman, I can just be… Jake.”
“You should let them see Jake more often.” You replied, nudging him.  “I know a certain female pilot that would probably love to see the softer Jake more often.”
“Staaaahhp” He groaned, “I already have Coyote and Rooster up my ass about Phoenix. It’s… complicated, Tulip.”
“The best things in life usually are.” You pointed out.
“Anyway… “ He said, his green eyes playfully glaring at you, “First thing tomorrow we’ll go get you a new phone number and I’ll add you to my line. Actually… it’s better if we get you a whole new phone and number… then we can keep this one and keep saving texts and voicemails.”
“I don’t even want to know how many messages have come through since I turned it off.” You groaned, “Jakey, this is all becoming too much. You shouldn’t have to add me to your line or be spending so much money. I don’t want to be a burden.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Seresin.” He growled, “I am your big brother. I will always be here to catch you when you need it. I don’t give a flying fuck about money, in fact, I like getting to spoil my baby sister and niece. You and Gracie will never be a burden to me. Do you understand? You. Are. My. Family. Now, hand over the phone, Tulip. I want to see what we’re dealing with.”
“I want to be a Seresin again.” You replied quietly, you hated that you carried that asshole’s name. You’d actually never wanted to take his name, but he’d insisted. “I want Gracie to be a Seresin too.”
“Then we’ll make it happen, Sweetheart.” He smiled gently, then held his hand out, making ‘gimme’ fingers. “Phone.”
You reached into your back pocket and pulled out the phone, handing it over to him. Jake turned it on, and waited for it to power up. Not surprisingly your phone started to ding with notifications in rapid succession. You felt your stomach knot instantly.
“I don’t suppose you know any amazing lawyers that would work for next to nothing do you?” You asked, “All of my money went to the joint account… and I don’t have access to it.”
“What do you mean you don’t have access?” Jake asked,“Like…you left the debit card back in Texas?”
“Trent took care of all of the bills and said I didn’t need to have access. I gave up fighting with him about it. He gave me cash to go get groceries and stuff that Gracie needed.” You replied, ducking your head, unable to make eye contact with your brother.
“Tulip.” He said gently, tucking his hand under your chin to pull your head back up. “Baby girl, why didn’t you tell me things weren’t good? I would have gotten you out of there… long before this.”
“I don’t know.” You whispered. You knew now was probably the time to tell him everything you’d told Phoenix earlier. “I guess I felt stupid. I let myself get backed into a corner and was too helpless to get out of it.”
“You are not stupid, Y/N.” Jake said firmly, “You aren’t helpless either. Anyone can find themselves backed into a corner, Tulip. In the end, you did leave. You got yourself and Gracie out. I need to know, Y/N… I need you to be honest with me.. Did he hurt you? Did he put hands on you? On Gracie? Judging from some of these texts I’ve read, I wouldn’t put it past him. It’s taking everything in me not to fly to Texas tonight.”
“No…never physically hurt me.” You confirmed, “And I’d have killed him had he laid hands on Gracie.”
“That’s one less crime against him I guess.” Jake said, his eyes an eerie cold green. You knew his anger wasn’t directed at you, but it was slightly intimidating nonetheless. “I’m guessing the same isn’t true about emotionally hurting you…”
And there was your opening. You unloaded the three years of emotional pain and turmoil right there on your brother. You told him about everything Trent had done and said, every negative belief he’d tried to engrain in you, the feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, hopelessness. By the time you finished, Jake’s fists were clenched so hard his knuckles were completely white. Anger rolled off of him in waves. You’d never seen Jake this upset before…this angry. You knew that vast majority of the anger was solely placed at Trent’s feet. But you knew your brother too… you knew he was now blaming himself. Which, honestly, was why you’d never told him what was happening.
“Jakey.” You said, putting your hand on his clenched fist, pulling him from his head. “I can read the thoughts rolling over in your head. I need you to hear me right now… are you listening?”
He looked up at you, his eyes finding your own. You could still see the anger, but you caught a glimpse of pure anguish in his eyes. It nearly broke you.
“I’m listening, Tulip.” He acknowledged, his voice thick with emotion.
“I need you to really hear me.” You repeated, “You. Are. Not. in any way shape or form to blame for anything that has happened in my life. NOTHING has ever been your fault Jake. You protected me and took care of me when our parents didn’t. You were my biggest cheerleader, giving me the courage to try new things. You had every right to go live your dreams, to escape what would have been a dead end life in Texas. You are not allowed to regret that. I am SO proud of you. You turned into an incredible man, Jake… DESPITE the example set for you from our father. You  rose above all that and are such a sweet and caring soul. I am responsible for the choices I made and kept making. Trent is responsible for being a horrible human being and a piece of shit husband and father. YOU were here to catch me, Jake. Do you understand me? Please… do not place the blame for any of this anywhere but on Trent and me.”
“Tulip.” Jake said, his voice rough, tears falling down his cheeks. “I hear you… But, I’m your big brother. It’s always been my responsibility to keep you safe and protect you. I feel like I failed miserably at that job. I didn’t see through a situation I should have seen through. I should have picked up on the warning signs. I can’t promise to not blame myself for not getting you out sooner. I can promise to place the blame for the situation 100 percent at that rat bastard’s feet though. YOU, my sweet baby sister are not to blame either… Do you hear me? You are a victim here. Gracie is a victim. I will promise you though, and promise on my life… I will do everything in my power to get you and Gracie free from him. And no matter where I get sent in the future, I will always make sure you’re taken care of and have a safe place to land whenever you need it.”
“I love you Jake.” You said, tears falling down your own cheeks now. “I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you as my big brother.”
“I love you too, Y/N.” Jake said, pulling you over into a tight hug. “I’m the lucky one, Tulip.”
“I didn’t have being a divorced, jobless, single mom at 26 on my BINGO card.” You remarked dryly.
“Nothing wrong with being divorced,” Jake said, “Our lives would have been better had our parents split. The rest is easy enough to fix. We find you a job you like, get you set up with a bank account and as for being a single mom… you’re young, Tulip. You will meet someone great that loves you and Gracie. I’ll be vetting them this time… sorry, not sorry.”
“I don’t think that’ll be a problem, Jakey.” You replied, “I think I’m just going to focus on being a mom to Gracie and providing a great life for her. I’m a little gun shy with relationships. Not the best track record…”
“Give it time, Sweetheart.” He cautioned, “Don’t be too quick to slam doors. One step at a time though. I’m gonna wade through these messages. You go get some sleep.”
“Don’t engage with him though Jake.” You pleaded.
“Not planning on replying to anything, Tulip.” He said, “I promise.”
“Ok. Goodnight, Jakey.” You said getting up. You turned and dropped a kiss on his head, “I love you.”
“Love you too, Sweetheart.” He smiled, “Sweet Dreams.”
After you went towards your room, Jake spent a half hour going through all the messages, forwarding them to his own phone as back up. The more he read, the angrier he became. He got up to grab a beer from the fridge to take the edge off. Since he had the next day off, he didn’t feel guilty drinking.
Sitting back down on the couch, he pulled out his own phone and called Bradley.
“Everything alright?” Bradley asked as soon as he’d answered.
“I’ve been looking at the texts and listening to messages that Y/N’s soon to be EX husband is sending her and I’m so beyond angry, I just needed to be talked down.” Jake replied, “I sent her off to bed to get some sleep.”
“I don’t know how good I’ll be at talking you down from that man,” Bradley admitted, “Just spending the little time with her today that I did, I’d be right behind you in line to beat the shit of out of him.”
“Well shit, man, we can’t both end up in jail.” Jake laughed, “I just feel like I should have picked up on this much sooner and gotten her the fuck out.”
“You know it’s not your fault, Jake.” Bradley said, “The only person to blame in the entire scenario is that piece of shit.”
“That’s what Y/N said too” Jake admitted, “But I’m her big brother and have always been her protector.”
“She’s a smart woman. You should listen to her.” Bradley replied, “She also seems to be pretty damn tough so don’t discredit that. It sucks when you can’t protect the people you love from life. I get it. But you’re here now, you can protect them now. Plus you have a whole squad ready to throw down.”
“Thanks, Rooster,” Jake said. “She is tough… sometimes too tough. I’ll definitely make sure they’re protected at all costs now.”
“Your niece is probably the cutest kid I’ve ever met.” Bradley said, “Did she love her Princess room?”
“She is so perfect.” Jake gushed, “She went right to sleep, all snuggled into the blankets.”
“You should take her to the zoo while you’re off.” Bradley suggested, “I bet she’d absolutely adore that.”
“Good idea, man.” He said, “She would love it. So would Y/N. She’s always been crazy about animals. Would take her mind off things too.”
“No doubt about that.” Bradley agreed. “You good now?”
“Yeah.” Jake said, “Thank you. I might bring the girls by the base tomorrow, show them around.”
“Sounds good.” Bradley said, “Call me if you do, I’ll make sure everyone is available and we can show them all the planes.”
“Perfect. Goodnight Rooster.” Jake said.
“Goodnight, Hangman.” Bradley replied before hanging up.
Jake quickly finished his beer then headed to bed. He wanted to get as much accomplished tomorrow as possible and now he needed to plan a zoo trip.
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neiptune · 2 years
call it what you want
part 2 of dazzling haze, mysterious way
(eren x female reader) college au, enemies to lovers
wc: 8k+ lmao
warnings: cursing, alcohol, suggestive
Sure, you've babysitted his little sister for one afternoon, but Eren doesn't expect you to actually show up at the nye party he's impulsively invited you to. Not one thing about that night he was able to predict
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“Didn’t you say this was going to be a low-profile thing?”
Connie snorts, taking a step back to admire the order of the bottles placed on the kitchen counter for a second, only to disrupt it and rearrange them completely.
“You always force me to lie” is his casual reply. Armin sighs, irritated.
“I just wanted to keep it chill for once. And, ideally, not wake up in a puddle of your vomit”
Jean chuckles at that and lands a not so gentle pat on his friend’s back.
“Cheer up, ‘Min. I’ll take care of that for once”
“And who’ll take care of you?”
“Our lover boy, of course” Jean sneaks behind one of his best friends, who’s sitting on the counter right next to the bottles, feet dangling nervously and phone in his hand.
“The fuck—” Eren gasps when two hands painfully squeeze his shoulders and not so gently shake him twice.
“Are you gonna tell us? ‘Cause if you keep staring at that screen, you’re gonna burn a hole in it”
“There’s nothing to tell, get off me” he slaps Jean’s hands away with a glare that only makes his friend laugh harder.
“Can’t remember the last time you had a crush” Connie grins, finally satisfied with the order of the bottles and ready to engage in the next activity that requires his undivided attention: annoying the shit outta Eren.
“I don’t have a crush”
“So you just wanna fuck her?”
“I’m sorry, when did I give you the impression that this was any of your business?”
Jean hums solemnly. “He’s getting defensive. Definitely a crush”
“Y’know, I heard Mikasa may come tonight” Armin casually takes another sip from the cup of tea he’s holding in his hands. Jean’s reaction is immediate, eyes like saucers as he runs to him and what, how do you know, where did you hear roll off his tongue in rapid succession. Eren shoots Armin a grateful look and seizes the opportunity to get off the counter and out of the kitchen. The guest bathroom is the only place where no one, not even Connie and his narrowed gaze will follow, and he needs a second to collect his thoughts.
He remembers the day Connie’s mom had ordered the pink microfiber toiled lid cover he now sits on, because he was there that afternoon and she had specifically asked for his opinion about it. As he unlocks his phone and taps on the cracked screen to open his instagram directs again, teeth mercilessly dig into his lower lip when he reads the same thing he’s been reading over and over again under the only message he has sent you.
Seen 18h ago.
To be absolutely fair, you never promised anything and he had barely mustered the courage to do something as trivial as following you on social media the day after christmas. It took you eight hours to follow him back but still, you did. He liked the story showcasing your brother unwrapping his gift but you didn’t like his story back, the one displaying Gabi carrying around her brand new speaker while blasting love story by Taylor Swift at full volume around the living room.
He shouldn’t expect a reply, after all. His message merely consists of Connie’s address followed by a just in case you change your mind. Still, as Eren leans back and rests his head against the cold, marble tiles, he can’t help but close his eyes and replay the stupid scene in his head once more. How your name had slipped past his lips for the second time that day, the casual question and the puzzled look on your face. Your I’ll stay home with my family, I don’t love parties. The pathetic disappointment crawling all the way up to his stomach as he mumbled a fair enough. Goodnight, then.
“This is fucking ridiculous” he mutters to himself, lightly bumping his head on the tiles behind him. So what if you don’t reply, if you don’t come? You don’t even like him, don’t even bother hiding the fact that you find him unpleasant to be around. He remembers how tense you were in his car, the way you could barely bring yourself to look at him, always facing the other way, a look so flat as you grumbled you seem like the type of person to do that, get away with things.
Eren conveniently erases everything else from his memory. Your smile, the jokes, an airy laugh, you’re good with kids and at drawing too, hardly held back giggles as he handed back his finished drawing, how your hands looked while slicing up ingredients and you seemed to belong in his kitchen, on his couch, at his table. The way he had shortly wondered how it would feel to lift you up on the same marble counter you were working on, jeans pulled all the way down to your ankles, legs looped over his shoulders as he crouched down, never breaking eye contact, fingers tangling in his hair tugging tugging tugging against the strands hard enough to make him groan-
“Okay, no” he grumbles, shutting his eyes again. The issue here is clearly coming from his groin, Connie and his bet be damned. It’s not that there’s anything special about you or wrong with him for caring so much about a stupid text, it’s just plain, ordinary sexual frustration. You’re a stuck-up tutor girl who accidentally happens to also be oddly attractive and nice to kids, s’all. It’s not like he doesn’t have any other options.
Eren unlocks his phone again, this time tapping on Wildcats, his basketball team group chat. A few seniors are part of the team as well, which always comes in handy when throwing parties.
(Eren, 3:56 pm) who’s coming tonight? Connie’s, 9pm
(Erwin, 3:57 pm) hard pass, I can only have him throw up on me so many times
(Niccolo, 3:58 pm) lmao
(Niccolo, 3:58 pm) I feel brave, I’ll come and bring food
(Bert, 3:58 pm) Reiner has to pick annie up so we might be late
(Eren, 3:59 pm) just be here before everyone’s too wasted to open the door
(Marco, 3:59 pm) @Eren can jean give me a ride?
(Eren, 4:01 pm) he will if you lie and tell him mikasa is coming with you
(Colt, 4:02 pm) holy shit, he’s still on that?
(Floch, 4:04 pm) sorry guys, already made plans
(Porco, 4:04 pm) I’ll be there just fucking stop spamming this chat
(Niccolo, 4:04 pm) @Floch you finally getting laid?
(Eren, 4:05 pm) be useful for once in your life and bring pieck @Porco
(Porco, 4:06 pm) eat shit yeager, stop sticking it in my sister
(Eren, 4:06 pm) she didn’t mind last time I checked
(Niccolo, 4:07 pm) king shit
(Porco, 4:07 pm) @Eren you’re repulsive
(Eren, 4:07 pm) don’t be late buddy
Eren smirks as he gets up and slips his phone, promptly put on silent, in the back pocket of his black jeans. He feels better, definitely closer to getting his shit together, your features slowly blurring out in the corners of his mind. As if.
“Are you taking a shit in there, man? I swear if you’re sending nudes from my goddamn bathroom—” Connie’s brutal knocks make him jump and he’s quick to open the door only to be met with a killer glare.
“Can’t even jerk off in peace” Eren mutters, theatrically wiping one of his hands on his jeans as he passes his horrified friend by.
As he gets back in the kitchen and hops on the counter, he’s finally more present and actually updates his friends on the new guests he had just invited, much to Armin’s annoyance. They’ll spend the afternoon playing call of duty, filling out bowls with snacks and then they’ll order enough pizza for an army as soon as the first guests start showing up.
Armin suspiciously eyes his best friend as he throws his head back in laughter at Connie’s expression when Jean voices his predictions on how many people will get drunk enough to jump naked in the jacuzzi sitting outside in the garden. Something has shifted and it’s too early for him to tell if it’s for better or for worse, still, he hopes it’s not one of those times when Eren screws everything up for himself without even realizing it.
Armin’s the only person who knows about you and the afternoon spent at his house, the fact that he had invited you to the party and has been nervously waiting for a response for an entire day. By now he’s known Eren for enough years to sense that nothing good would come from the sudden spike in energy he’s witnessing. Especially because all at once he seems too focused on Connie and Jean jokingly wrestling by the sink to notice how the screen of his phone, now sitting on the counter right next to his thigh, lights up.
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You shuffle nervously in the backseat for the nth time and there’s no need to peer at the designated driver to guess that she’s rolling her eyes once more.
“You okay?” Christa turns to look at you from the passenger seat, worried frown barely twisting her delicate features.
“She’s fine” Ymir mutters under her breath, making your eyebrow twitch.
“I’ve been better” you grumble between gritted teeth and she huffs out a laugh.
“Better? As in wearing sweatpants and watching it’s a wonderful life with your dad while choking down jumbo blueberry pop tarts better?”
“Remind me why we’re even going to this stupid party?” you conveniently ignore the mean words directed your way and keep doing what you do best: pout and complain until Ymir is so exhausted she has to drop the mean act and actually feel bad for what she’s putting you through.
“Because we had no other plans, one of our new year’s resolutions was to try new things and you look hot in that dress”
You narrow your eyes as Mikasa, sitting next to you, chuckles.
“Do not lie to my face, you’re just happy you get to drink for free”
She shrugs and you groan.
“Maybe we’re gonna have fun” Mikasa timidly suggests and you direct a skeptical look her way.
“I’m just happy I get to spend the night with my best friends” she adds, gently nudging you with her shoulder.
“Oh don’t mind her, she’s just annoyed Eren Yeager turns her on” Ymir’s comment earns her the lightest slap on her leg from her girlfriend.
“I think I just barfed in my mouth a bit” your nose scrunches up in fake disgust.
Liar, Mikasa mouths and your knee bumps aganinst hers. Shut up, you mouth back.
When you had first told them the Eren Yeager had invited you to a party, their eyes had nearly popped out of their heads. You had to go through the entire day spent at his house, patiently explain that nothing had nor could’ve happened, carefully leave out any reference to the warmth of his chest pressing on your back whilst making dinner or the goosebumps you got from the feeling of his fingers under the collar of your jacket.
He’s hot and you’re a woman, no need to make a fuss about it. You’re allowed to admit how attractive he is, even if you can’t stand him. Even if you couldn’t believe he had actually followed you on instagram, the notification popping on your screen nearly giving you a heart attack. He has over 8k followers, barely any pictures (most recent one is from six months ago, depicts who you can only guess is one of his friends from behind, sitting on the hood of a car and wearing a black hoodie with a white writing that says get off my dick), but shares stories regularly and reposts stupid videos downloaded from tiktok.
Your friends had forced you to get out of your white sweatpants, wear the damn black sequin dress jacket and actually get out of your comfort zone for once. You’re not going for him, you’re going for yourself. You want to indulge in some fun, do something different, let go for once. It’s not going to be that bad, right? It doesn’t mean anything, that he’s invited you to the party. It doesn’t mean anything, that you’re going. Besides, Armin is probably going to be there, a prospect that soothes you.
As you get out of the car ever so carefully (it’s been a minute since you’ve last worn 6 inch heels), you watch as your friends do the same, Mikasa and Christa holding the paper bags with the wine bottles you have brought as a gift. Ymir pulls out her key fob from the pocket of her coat and the familiar chirp of her car’s locking mechanism echoes in a night that would be quiet if it weren’t for the loud, banging music coming from the villa at the end of the driveway.
Ymir casually throws an arm around your shoulders and lightly squeezes you against her for a second.
“If you feel uncomfortable at any moment tell me and I’ll kick ass” she whispers in your ear, managing to make you smile. They all look so nice. Mikasa with her black jumpsuit, Christa with her navy lace dress, Ymir absolutely rocking that burgundy flare pant suit.
It’s gonna be alright, you decide, as you all walk up to Connie’s front door and gingerly ring the doorbell. The door swings open in a second, making you slightly wince, and you recognize one of Eren’s friends right away.
“Hi, Jean” Mikasa smiles and the tips of his ears become pink.
Right, you remember, they know each other. They were assigned to the same group project last semester and they had hit it off, something you really don’t understand because every time you’ve seen Jean around campus he’s always been quite loud, obnoxiously jumping on Eren’s back or lying on the grass with one hand behind his head, eyes closed with Armin unsuccessfully trying to wake him up by slamming a notebook on his forehead. But when Mikasa is around he becomes quiet, almost shy, attentive with words and gestures. She finds it adorable and you do too: must be nice having someone who turns into the best version of themselves just for you.
“Mikasa! I’m so happy you made it! I mean— that you all made it” his gaze flickers to you for a second, then he steps aside, allowing you to get in.
Christa has to turn her head to hide her smile as he offers to take off Mikasa’s coat and is then forced to collect everyone else’s as well. Arms full, Jean leads the way to the living room, where everyone is, and indicates the kitchen with a struggled motion of a hand.
“Help yourselves to anything, I’ll be right back!” he smiles to Mikasa one last time before quickly leaving the room, headed upstairs.
You nervously look around, relieved as you take note that almost no one has noticed your arrival. However, Connie Springer, the host himself, comes out of the kitchen and instantly opens his arms in a welcoming gesture as he approaches your little group.
“Girls, hello! What can I get ya?” his smile is wide and genuine so you can’t help but mirror it.
“Thanks for inviting us. We brought these” Christa gently offers the paper bag in her hand and Mikasa does the same. Connie promptly accepts them with a small bow.
“Ah, you didn’t need to. I’m sure we’ve seen each other around campus but it’s nice to officially meet y’all, I’m Connie!” his grin is so infectious even Ymir cracks a small smile. As introductions are made, she asks if mixology is allowed and his eyes glow with genuine excitement as he asks her to follow him to the kitchen. She looks at Christa to silently ask if she’d be alright and she squeezes her hand twice with a smile and a small nod.
“Ohmygosh, hi!” you stumble as you suddenly find yourself wrapped in an tight embrace, with a high pitched voice ringing in your ears. You pull back just enough to be met with a pair of big, familiar and currently quite clouded eyes.
“Sasha!” you smile and hug her back, as an attempt to both reciprocate her affection and keep her steady on her feet.
“I didn’t know you knew these maniacs! M’so happy you’re here!” she kisses you on the cheeks and you giggle, catiously untangling yourself from her arms as Mikasa’s hands ghost over her shoulders, just in case.
“Girls, this is Sasha, we have the same major. Hey, are you okay? Do you need some wat—” Sasha literally throws herself over to your friends, hugging them both at the same time and chanting about how delighted she is to meet such beautiful women on such a fine night. You’re still laughing when your gaze casually meets a familiar one that has your insides twisting. There’s a girl sitting on the couch next to him, so close her thigh is basically flush against his, and some guy with blond hair is talking to him. But Eren Yeager is looking at you, eyes boring into yours as he slowly gets up and leaves the beer bottle he was holding on the coffee table. The dark haired girl looks displeased by her leg being left suddenly cold.
It’s embarrassing, really, how fast your heart is beating as he makes his way through his other friends to approach you, sage eyes never leaving yours, as if he can’t quite believe you’re actually standing there. You can’t quite believe it yourself, to be honest.
“You came” the blunt, almost breathed out observation serves as a greeting and you give him a coy smile, one that, paired with the outfit you’re wearing, is almost enough to shatter all the progress he feels like he’s made throughout the afternoon.
“My friends insisted and I thought it might be fun after all” your shoulders shrug out of a weird, awkward rigidity.
“So, polemic and skeptical” he can’t help but crack a smile.
It’s infuriating, really, how good he looks in just a pair of black jeans, a white shirt and some consumed dr martens. His hair is left down for a change and you feel the sudden urge to tuck the strands framing his face behind his ears.
“Can I get you anything?” Eren clears his throat and you blink as you realize you’ve been staring, letting the silence stretch way past a reasonable interval. Damn it.
“Uh, sure. Yeah. A beer?” he has to fight back another smile at your quizzical tone.
“You got it”
But the opportunity to get you a drink is taken from him as a heavy hand lands on his back, the blond guy with an undercut from before materializing next to him and offering you his hand.
“Hey, I don’t believe we met. I’m Porco” he smiles as his grey eyes light up. Uncertain, you smile back and introduce yourself, squeezing his hand. He turns to Eren, who is glaring at him in a way that makes you think he’s trying to burn a whole in his forehead.
“You can’t keep all the pretty ones to yourself, man. My sister’s waiting for you, remember?” Porco grins and squeezes his shoulder one last time before looking back at you. “We’re missing some players for beer pong. You girls wanna join in?”
“Yes!”, Sasha hollers and you turn around to find her squeezed between your friends, who are doing their best to keep her from collapsing on the floor.
“You’ve played enough, Sash” Christa chuckles at her pout. She offers to sit with her and cheer for your team in case you want to play and a newfound confidence warms your chest as you turn back to look at Porco. He’s good looking, seems nice and you’re there to have fun. To experiment. He doesn’t look like a bad place to start experimenting from and, most importantly, no one’s sister’s waiting for him.
“Me and Mikasa will play. Get yourself a good team” you smile and the pleased laugh he lets out heats up your cheeks. Eren, who hasn’t looked away from you once, wishes he still had that beer bottle tucked between his fingers to hold onto.
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Letting go is fun, you decide.
You, Mikasa, Jean and Annie, some girl you had hit it off with right away, ended up winning against Porco’s beer pong team and they were all forced to pass around a cup filled with scotch whisky (singleton of dufftown, 54 year old, single malt) to honor the bet you had previously agreed to.
Throughout the entire night, both you and your friends have easily warmed up to the other guests. Ymir’s drinks became an instant success and she is happy to sit down and discuss different mixology methods with Annie, Connie and Jean, although you suspect the latter is just joining the conversation because he gets to sit next to Mikasa. Sasha’s had some water and a slice of pizza, so by now she’s feeling good enough to excitedly guide Christa and some guy named Niccolo through the best things she got to eat over the holidays and the topic she’s thinking of centering her senior thesis presentation around. You’ve been mostly standing in the kitchen, because it’s fairly quieter than the dining room, comfortably leaning against the wooden table to chat with Armin, Porco and some nice guy named Marco.
You’ve had two beers so far, not enough to get you drunk but a decent help nonetheless. You’re relaxed enough to have a friendly, far from awkward conversation with guys you have barely just met, laid back enough not to remove one of their arms from around your waist as you ask Armin about the new students he’s offered to tutor for the new semester, unbothered enough not to replay the scene of Eren Yeager sitting in a corner of the dining room lazily making out with couch girl in your head. It’s perfectly normal, it’s what he does. And it doesn’t faze you, the fact that he hasn’t talked to you all night. He’s invited you to a party only to ignore your very presence at said party. Normal. What he does. Again, not fazing you.
When Marco and Porco excuse themselves to take a short smoke break, the latter gently squeezing your hip before leaving the room, Armin clears his throat in a way he hopes sounds natural enough.
“So” he casually swings his cup filled with jungle juice, the orangy liquid dangerously swooshing around the red plastic “you babysit, huh?”
Oh no.
“Not often” is your cautious reply.
His blue eyes bore into yours. “I heard you’re great”
You hum, pensive, leaning against the table a little more. “I try. Most of the time s'just an excuse to watch disney movies”
He slightly pushes his lower lip forward, giving his cup another swing. “Heard you’re also good at cooking”
With a sigh, you surrender. “Armin, just get to the p—”
“I think he likes you”
Trying your best not to choke on your own spit, you blankly stare at him waiting for a hah, you totally fell for that. But it never comes. Armin just keeps staring back at you.
“You’re drunk” you state matter-of-factly, to which he finally cracks a smile.
“This is my first drink of the evening”
“I see. You’re just insane, then”
“Is it really so hard to believe?”
You frown. “What? That your friend, currently sitting in the other room with someone else’s tongue shoved down his throat, likes me? M'gonna have to say yes”
Armin scoffs. “You’re too smart to let his dumb act fool you”
Your ears start ringing as a result of your body heating up at an alarming speed, increased blood flow and everything. There’s really no point in arguing with him because you can feel your insides twisting once more. Desperate times call for desperate measures so you grab a clearly used cup from the table behind you and down its content, some amber-colored liquid that pleasantly burns your throat and explodes like fireworks in your chest. It’s Armin’s turn to frown at the fact that, clearly, you are letting Eren’s dumb act fool you. But if you are, it means there’s a chance you’re not as indifferent as you want him to believe. Which, finally, gives Armin something to work with.
“Listen…” he almost whispers, one hand gently grazing your arm, but Connie suddenly bursts into the kitchen, whining (more like slurring) about you missing all the fun as he grabs you both by the wrist and quite literally drags you out of the room. Armin decides to empty his cup in one go instead of risking to spill the drink on his light blue shirt and the way his nose wrinkles in distaste makes you giggle.
Someone has dimmed the lights to the point where you can barely see your feet as you stumble behind your abductor and now the beat blasting from the speakers connected to god knows whose laptop makes it impossible to hear anything else. All furniture has been pushed to the sides of the room, which now looks like a temporary but not least frenzied dancefloor.
“Connie, I don’t—” you attempt to free yourself but he only drags you more energetically towards the mass of bodies clashed together and yet still managing to take up the whole space in what's a definitely not narrow room. Your alarmed gaze meets Armin’s resigned one but you soon lose sight of him as someone else grabs you by the arm and pulls you right in so violently your bodies collide and you almost tumble on the floor.
“Sasha!” you groan in a faint attempt to escape her grabby hands, but she just shakes her head and yells an excited dance with me! right to your ear, making you wince.
Soon, however, your brain is saturated enough with the sweet liquor you’ve downed in the kitchen for your body to move on its own accord. Maybe tomorrow you’ll remember why you never mix when drinking, and possibly curse Ymir for sharing a video of you clumsily jumping around with Sasha and Connie on her instagram stories, but right now, this very moment, feels glorious.
You’re unaware of your surroundings and so deliciously ignited by a newfound boldness, there’s really no time to think or wonder or notice one of the very few people who aren’t dancing, leaning against the door frame and unable to cast his eyes away from your figure, discernible to him even amidst the throng of bodies taking up the makeshift dancefloor. It’s a fun sight, really, you arm in arm with two of his closest friends, Connie suddenly breaking free to gracelessly twirl both you and Sasha at the same time. She ends up colliding with Armin’s back and grabs him by the hand, yelling something right to his ear as she forces him to keep up with her moves, absolutely oblivious to the grumpiness sharpening Niccolo’s features. You’re having a good time, it seems, and it’s amusing how you jump around on those hellish heels when one of the most iconic (according to whoever lacks basic music taste, he believes) pop hits of the early 2000s comes up. The beat is so deafening Eren can’t hear himself think, which is a good thing, especially after the extra ten minutes he’s spent in the garden freezing his ass off following the annoying-to-a-whole-new-degree conversation he’s had with one of his teammates, who had casually offered him a cigarette after bumping into him on his way out with Marco.
So smart. Yeah.
She can keep up. He knows.
Holy shit. And she gets to be beautiful too. Accurate.
It’s fun, getting to look at you as you accidentally bump into Reiner and start apologizing at the top of your lungs, a loud, unbroken string of oh my god, I’m so sorry, are you okay, oh my god, I’m really sorry, that have him and Bert look at each other and erupt in laughter. It’s fun, until it’s not. Porco is laughing too as he gently grabs you by the waist to balance you on your feet and against his chest, a position you seem to appreciate as you welcome his touch and lean on him, your head lazily resting on his shoulder. You’re both out of step and he must point that out in your ear because you giggle and shrug, your hands covering his only to guide his arms further around you.
Eren isn’t really a drinker. He doesn’t like how alcohol tastes, never needs liquid courage, merely indulges in a beer or two at parties or celebrations. But holy fuck, if he isn’t on the verge of downing as many drinks as needed to get absolutely shit faced.
“You okay?” someone shouts so close to his ear he almost feels his brain rattle.
“What?” Eren shouts back, glad to have an excuse to finally look away from the dancefloor. Colt repeats the question with an even higher pitch.
“I’m great!”
His friend rolls his eyes and places a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Don’t take it personally!”
Eren frowns and follows his gaze, only just locating Pieck in the middle of the dancing crowd, smile fondly mirroring Marco’s. He almost throws his head back in laughter but is able to hold back, placing a hand on Colt’s shoulder in turn instead.
“All good!” and his friend smiles at that, giving him a thumbs up as he takes a sip from the cup he’s holding.
But, honestly, all is very fucking far from being good. Because Eren is left staring at you once again as the song changes and a lo-fi house mix starts blaring from Connie’s speakers which are, incomprehensibly, still not detonating. You’re nothing more than a silhouette in a light so dim he can’t quite discern your features anymore and still his jaw clenches as you turn around and wrap your arms around his friend’s neck. Eren exhales through his nose because how could this be happening? How is Porco the one getting to feel the back of your thighs, to take a handful of your ass in his hands? How are you pressing your body flush against him as he leans forward just enough not to leave any more distance between you two, the sight of your lips on his sufficient to make Eren's stomach churn?
“Be right back” he doesn’t even look at Colt to make sure he’s heard the deafening yell that bubbles from his throat as he turns his back to the mess he’s witnessing and makes his way upstairs, away from the pounding beat that’s making his head throb.
Two seconds after Colt is left alone by the door frame, you take a cautious step back, hands sliding down to Porco’s biceps to balance yourself.
“I need a second!”, you shout, to which he frowns, so you repeat yourself leaning a little more into his ear and there’s really no time to check if he’s heard you because two palms flatten against your back and lightly shove you out of the mob and towards the couch pushed to the side of the room. You clumsily land on it, heels be damned, and Mikasa almost trips on you in an attempt to sit down more gracefully. For what you’re able to see in the semi darkness, her cheeks are flushed and some strands of raven hair are sticking to her forehead.
“What’s wrong?” your first instict is to be alarmed as you grab her by the arm and offer your ear for her to shout into. Has Jean been grabby? Is she uncomfortable? Why are her brows so furrowed?
“What are you doing?” she asks, voice oozing disapproval as you blink in confusion.
“I was dancing?” you ask back, to which Mikasa rolls her eyes. The exasperated sigh she breathes out loud, clear, intimidating despite the banging music. She leans over to shout something back in your ear as a response but you only manage to catch a bunch of disconnected words instead of a rational sentence. Tongue, wrong, mouth.
“My tongue is wrong?” you cup her ear with your hand in an attempt to make sure she, as opposed to you, understands what you’re saying. Mikasa is annoyed but still, she indulges in a giggle.
“Your tongue was in the wrong mouth!”
“Why isn’t yours somewhere else right now?” you pull back slightly in hopes she can see your narrowed eyes. Mikasa lightly slaps your arm, a blush creeping up all the way up to her cheeks.
“Don’t deflect!”
Your throat is sore from screaming so you simply roll your eyes and pull out your phone, frantically typing in an empty text box and then proceeding to hold the screen in front of your friend’s face, the sudden light making her eyes squint.
He’s hot and he likes me, when will that ever happen again?
Mikasa snatches the phone from your hand and types back.
It’s already happened. Go find him.
Your gaze flickers from the screen to her, disbelief embedded in your features. Why is everyone convinced something as unthinkable as Eren Yeager being suddenly interested in you is real? Why are you getting shit for making out with a guy when he’s been making out with someone else all night?
You’re so fed up and tired of having to explain yourself and worn out from the tension clenching your limbs. As you take the phone from Mikasa’s hands one last time, you refuse to look at her.
I’m gonna go find a bathroom.
The room is slightly undulating as you get up and it takes a second to make sure you’re steady enough on your feet to walk away. Mikasa calls your name but you dismiss her concern by gesturing vaguely with one hand, not even bothering to turn around.
Throughout the years, movies and shows and books have taught you that bathrooms are upstairs at the end of the hallway, usually on the left, so that’s where you decide you’re headed to.
You stumble on the stairs, a hand is kept on the handrail for good measure as you grumble to yourself that maybe a pit stop in the kitchen to get some water would’ve been a smart move. Heels annoyingly click on the linoleum flooring as you arrive at your predefined destination. You abruptly let yourself in a random room by pushing a barely closed door open and squint your eyes for a second, not expecting the light to be on. Eren looks up from the bed covered with coats and jackets he’s sitting on. The beat of silence stretches for a moment too long: he doesn’t cast his eyes away and you awkwardly stand with one foot in the room, the other still by the door.
“Everything okay?” you hear yourself ask.
“You alright?” he inquires in synch.
He chuckles, you smile. Bathroom be damned: freshening up can wait a few minutes, you decide as you step in.
“No, don’t—” Eren suddenly raises his voice with an urgent pitch that makes you wince as you shut the door behind you, brows furrowed in confusion “close it” he sighs, hand coming in contact with his forehead with a loud smack.
“D’you suffer from claustrophobia?” it’s incredible, really, that you’re able to spell out such a big word at the moment.
“Handle’s broken” he groans.
You give it a hesitant try and sure enough it sinks easily under your grip, the door remaining locked. Great.
“Can you call someone?”
“Phone died. Can you?”
You promptly unlock your phone and select Mikasa’s name to tap on in your most recent calls list. Nothing. You try both Ymir and Christa next but who knows where they left their phones, it’s almost midnight and you doubt anyone’s stopped dancing to check their messages yet.
“Someone will look for us eventually” you shrug and walk over to what you can only guess is Connie’s bed, only to sit on the cream colored carpet on the ground, back pressed against the bed. Your shoulder is close enough to long legs wrapped in dark jeans and you have to resist the urge to lean into one of them as you stretch your own towards the wall, too tipsy too care about how exposed your legs actually are.
“What’re you doing here anyway? Everyone’s dancing” you hope you sound casual enough.
“I fled to avoid killing whoever is in charge of that playlist” his tone is playful, something that, for some reason, fills your chest with relief.
“So you’re a music snob” you glance up at him “who would’ve guessed”
“It’s called having taste”
Your snort comes out as a badly concealed laugh and he shortly turns his head to look at the wall on his right, to hide his own smile. He can tell it’s going to be a short-lived resistance but he isn’t willing to cave in to your warmth so easily. It’s immature, the annoyance churning in the pit of his stomach: he doesn’t own nor he has claimed you but he can’t bear the thought of Porco’s hands on you, the way you had melted into his touch, how your fingers must’ve tangled in his hair—
“Eren, d’you want to fuck me?”
He freezes, breath hitching in his throat. The first thing he registers, is how freakishly good you can make his name sound. The second, is the way your lips must’ve wrapped around the words fuck me. Certainly good enough to make his cock twitch in his briefs.
“What?” his voice comes out uncharacteristically choked and you look up at him through thick lashes, gaze so innocent he has to inhale deeply through his nose.
“S’that what you want? Why you’ve been so nice to me?”
It’s a pin-drop feeling the disappointment that suddenly washes over him like a tidal wave, sharp and powerful in its density. It’s like his stomach is crumpling up like a piece of paper, abdomen so squeezed he feels on the verge of throwing up right then and there.
“Can you elaborate?” he politely asks, as if one of his hands isn’t clenching the sleeve of a random leather jacket from the pile of outerwear scattered on the bed he’s sitting on. You shrug.
“Everyone’s been implying weird stuff ‘bout you liking me and I thought yeah, he’s been unusually nice but he probably just wants to fuck, s’all”
Is that what alcohol does? Turn you into this inhibited, brutally straightforward person?
Your words sting. Not because they’re true but because they could’ve so easily been true and Eren knows that all too well. He’d lie if he said he didn’t enjoy having a reputation, getting stopped by other students willing to compliment him on a particularly good game, having girls casually stop by his table at the campus cafeteria, receiving smiles and salacious proposals and having notes slipped underneath his door when they know he’d be in his dorm.
Eren dates but doesn’t actually do relationships. Being casual about flings means he gets to have more options and keeping things relaxed, temporary even, means he both doesn’t have to give in to actual intimacy and handle someone else’s depth. But that’s the thing: he doesn’t engage with any of that if he’s not absolutely certain the other person is willing to stay on the same, exact page. Not that he’s always been this considerate, by any means, but he’s learned his lesson and now strives not to be too bad of a person.
Has he fantasized about having his head buried between your thighs? Has he wondered how you’d look underneath him, if you’d ever want to be there in the first place? Yes. Does he like the idea of you thinking he’s spent an entire afternoon sketching candy cane forests and gingerbread houses, washing the dishes cause he could guess your tiredness, making hot cocoa to make you stay a little longer, inviting you to the stupid party, all just because he wanted to get in your pants?
No, he hates the idea. Fuck the idea, actually.
“If you believe I can only be nice to someone if I want to fuck ‘em, you’re not so different from what you think I am” he mutters bitterly, words cutting through the air like a knife slicing through softened butter.
Truth is, he’s being unfair and he knows it. Deep down he just didn’t believe you’d be the type of girl to be able to let go, enjoy a party, make out with some random guy and let him touch you in front of everyone. He didn’t think you’d be easy to charm but, hell, he at least hoped he’d be the only one attempting to.
“Well, you’ve only ever been an ass to me” your reply is just as bitter.
Has he? Well, it’s possible.
“You’re not a walk in the park yourself”
“Excuse me?”
He huffs.
“It’s practically impossible to approach you. And you’re judgmental, all the time”
You prop your elbow on the bed to gain some leverage as you turn your body towards him, mouth indignantly open to let out a string of protests.
“Don’t even get me started on the polemic tone” he rolls his eyes and you have to fight the urge to clench your fingers around the duvet.
“Okay, first of all, you just lack basic human courtesy” you intentionally ignore the being judgmental accusation because, much to your annoyance, it’s legit. Each time you’d get a glimpse of him or his friends around campus you’d only be able to think about how insufferable, obnoxious, annoying they were. A single night with them and you’ve already found out how sweet Jean can actually be, how friendly and genuine Connie is, how no one has made you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome even though you’re a stranger to all of them. Each of them went out of their way to make sure no one felt left out and that’s something you never would’ve guessed about some of the most popular people who usually roam around your school shouting loud, inappropriate jokes and randomly start piggyback ride challenges across campus.
“S'that all you got?” his chuckle is, for a change, infuriating. You want to slap his stupid knee. “You didn’t seem to mind my courtesy degree back at mine”
Yes, because you were actually surprisingly nice to be around.
Eren’s eyes are on you in a second while you struggle to come up with an effective comeback.
“Was I, now?” a smirk stretches his lips and you’re horrified to find out you’ve actually voiced your thoughts out loud.
“Let’s not talk” you cross your arms over your chest and lean with your back against the bed once more, face heating up so quickly you’re not sure hiding it it’s of any use.
“Or we could let this pointless hostility go”
“I’m not hostile, just reasonably annoyed”
“So we should just sit in silence?”
You’re certainly obstinate enough to let your non-reply speak volumes and it takes a whole lot of resistance not to snap at his chuckle.
And so minutes pass, the only sound punctuating the quiet being the muffled beat coming from downstairs, bass still managing to rattle your very bones. You could pull out your phone again, check social media to kill time, play a game of sudoku, but you don’t. Instead, you just keep staring at the wall, hyperaware of yet another not-entirely-unpleasant proximity.
It’s so fucking annoying, the effect he has on you. There’s something wicked about him, some sort of mysterious way that pulls you in, closer than what you’d like, words making blood rush to your head only to be turning you into a godforsaken, flustered mess the second after. You feel in this sort of haze whenever he’s with you, but it’s not a dark, smoky one: it’s ignited, blinding, dazzling. Like an obscuration of better judgment and rationality that feels just too threacherous to give in to and yet so appealing.
“I’m sorry” it’s soft, sudden and almost a whisper that causes you to glance up at him once more “I can be annoying but I’m not a bad guy, y’know”
You’re startled by his change of tone and feel the sudden, unwanted urge to get up and sit next to him. Threacherous indeed.
“It’s fine” and it really is, for fuck’s sake “I don’t think you’re a bad guy”
Your mind is slowly starting to gain back its clarity and you realize that you’ve actually, non ironically asked Eren Yeager if he’s only treating you like a human being because he’d like to have sex with you. Christ, someone can’t come open the door and let you out fast enough.
“Just an ass?” he asks and you’re relieved to recognize the playfulness embedded in his tone once again.
“Just an ass” you confirm, forcing yourself not to add a lenient sometimes at the end.
Eren sighs but you can tell you’re past the unsettling tension just experienced. As he slides down to sit on the carpet, awfully close to you once more, you’re left thinking about two distinct things: how freakishly long his legs are compared to yours and the fact that holy shit Eren Yeager has just actually apologized to you.
“Are you not enjoying the party?” the question comes out naturally as you carefully avoid his gaze, one ankle crossed over the other.
“What makes you think that?”
“You sitting in a room on your own right before midnight?”
With the corner of your eye you’re able to catch his shrug.
“As I said, bad playlist. Terrible headache”
“You left her alone”
“Your girlfriend”
A pause.
“Why’re you not looking at me?”
Reluctantly, you do. And there’s nearly not enough alcohol left buzzing through your veins to bear that gaze.
“She’s not my girlfriend” he spells out the words attentively, taking his time. Which makes the moment weird, uncomfortable, borderline intimate. God.
“Okay” you mutter back, uncertain. It’s pathetic, honestly, how thin your voice comes out.
He seems on the verge of saying something but that’s when you hear it: someone’s calling your name from the hallway. Is it Armin? No, his pitch is not that deep.
As he gets closer, you recognize him. It’s Porco. Of course he’s nice enough to come looking for you while your best friends are apparently too goddamn busy to give a shit.
Eren hasn’t cast his eyes away from your face, now so intently turned to anxiously look at the door handle being lowered multiple times to no avail. Porco is knocking, your name becoming a question as he waits for a reply that never comes. Why you keep sitting there in silence is something you can’t quite understand but it just happens. You don’t call back, you don’t frantically ask him to get Connie and the key to let you out. So, eventually, the handle stops moving and Porco’s voice fades once more. And Eren doesn’t ask why you haven’t moved, apparently more uncomfortable than relieved at the idea of the door being pushed open. He doesn’t, because he feels the same. And he’s done trying to give the feeling a name. Who cares?
“What if I do?” he mutters, certainly patient enough to wait for your gaze to meet his.
“What if you do what?” you dare look up from your lap at last, you dare let his challenging eyes bore right back into yours.
“Like you” the casualness with which he bares the very words that cut through the sudden, sweltering heat of the room, is jarring. Eren assesses the incredulous look taking over your features but doesn’t make fun of it. He wants you to take him seriously, just this once at least.
The music downstairs is suddenly turned down and you swear you can hear the echo of your pounding heartbeat, which is odd, because one would think the high-pitched buzzing in your ears would be enough to cover any other sound.
“You don’t know me” and he can’t fucking help it, the smile that rises to his lips. Because it’s not a protest, it’s not repulsion. It’s just doubt. And he can handle doubt.
“I’d like to start” you can barely register that his leg is flush against yours and so warm as he gets a little closer “if you’ll let me” and that right there is probably your favorite version of him: cautious, attentive, charming.
A deafening countdown begins a floor down as he waits, patient. You get closer, pulled in by the familiarity of his scent and sure enough you’re back in the blinding, gleaming haze he carries with him. Eren gets closer too, noses grazing and lips ghosting over each other as one of his warm, solid hands chastely closes around your knee, a gesture so simple and yet still capable of making you shiver. His breath is warm on your lips as he exhales gently, praying you can’t catch the desperation embedded in it.
Loud cheers erupt from a distance that seems infinite.
“Okay” you whisper.
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the-common-cowgirl · 8 months
Greater of Two Evils - Part 4
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Summary: Reader makes a decision and goes home only to be met with a new type of monster.
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Dark! Modern Aemond x Reader
Warnings: DD;DNE, Manipulation, PTSD elements, talks of abortion, pro-life/pro-choice debate, cursing
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: This chapter is HEAVY. I apologize in advance. It’s uncomfortable, however, essential to this fic. Sorry in advance!
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The apartment felt cold when you arose from your disturbed slumber. With an aching body, you had pulled yourself from the bed and searched the rooms for a sign of life; There was none. Aemond must have left, which meant this was your chance to slip out of his apartment and go back to your shared apartment with your brother without an immediate objection from Aemond. Or maybe, you’d just catch a flight or train and get out of Drone completely; go back home to your parents. The enticing idea danced around your mind for quite some time. You stared at the hardwood floors in contemplation.
Would he chase me all the way home?
Would he ruin my family?
Would he ruin my brother?
You found, rather unregretfully, each of your prior fears were becoming less prevalent in the wake of understanding that you were in true danger. Dorne wasn’t safe for you; not with your brother and not with Aemond. At least in the Riverlands, your father and mother could protect you. Save you from your brother’s wrath; and Aemond’s. 
Your eyes lit up with a newfound vigor and you set to work bagging up what little belongings you brought, calling an uber to your location and buying plane tickets for Riverrun. You were out of that apartment before Aemond could return and although it was lost on you, there was a vase of 8 red roses with a card that simply read “Stay” on the counter in the kitchen. You hadn’t noticed it…unfortunately.
Your plane landed late into the night and you were grateful your father was still waiting for you at the airport. His arms were spread wide, his smile genuine as he embraced you in a warm hug. You missed this, you missed genuine kindness from men; however, the last few years living with your brother and the last month or so knowing Aemond had left you a bit scarred, marred with trepidation, making you pull from the hug quicker than you’d like. Your father noticed, you could tell by the sideways smile that had appeared on his face.
“Hey dad,” you offered a tired smile while taking a step back and grasping the straps of your bookbag. 
Your father reached around you and took the bookbag from your trembling hands. “Traveling light, my little trout?” He put a hand on your back and the contact made a phantom wave of chills go through you, making you grimace as you began to walk out of the airport and toward the small parking lot of this two terminal airport. 
“Yeah, just wanted to see you guys while we were on break.” You forgot how cold it could get this far North and wrapped your arms around yourself.
“Weird time to have a break in University.” He commented but didn’t pursue. “How’s your brother, we never hear from him anymore.”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you continued to look at the ground as you walked, “What? I thought he was sending some money each month and-”
“Your mom told him to stop that a few years back, made her feel greedy. No, after he quit sending money, we hadn’t heard from him. I guess he’s real busy down there in Dorne?”
You nodded, trying to understand why your brother would lie about something so small as sending money each month to help your parents pay the bills.
“Don’t mention it to your mom. Makes her upset. I was just wondering-”
You nodded again as you two reached the car. You hopped in the passenger’s side as your father started the vehicle. “So he’s not even talking to you guys anymore?”
Your father shrugged, as he backed out of the parking space. “Nope. Your mother thinks he’s just busy is all.”
Your father had always been a terrible liar and you just caught a hint that he didn’t necessarily believe what your mom did. You wouldn’t push the issue yet.
“How are you guys doing on your bills if I might ask?”
Your father rolled his eyes, “That’s nothing that should concern you.”
“I’m an adult, I can handle it-”
“Hey, I was talking to Mrs. Tully the other day,” he changed the subject, “And she said that there will be an opening for an Early Education Teacher at the start of the next school year if that’s something you’re interested in?”
Your heart dropped, you hadn’t told him your brother forced you to change majors. Your dream of being a teacher for littles crushed. You swallow your self pity and lie to your father, “Thanks dad, I’ll talk to her.”
The drive home is filled with more small talk, mainly your father telling you the gossip of small town life. Who married who, who’s cheating who, and who died. You remind yourself that this is why you took a chance on Sunspear and moved in with your brother but then again, the gnawing feeling of ‘I brought this upon myself’ creeps back up into your throat and you have to remind yourself that you’re a victim and you are not the bad person or persons here.
The victim guilt doesn’t seem to leave you, even when you pull into your childhood driveway. 
Stepping through the threshold of the house, it smells like chocolate oatmeal cookies and home; you feel tension leave your body and finally smile.
Your mom comes around the corner with oven mitts on and you laugh, rushing to embrace her. “Oh my darling,” she says into your hair, “I’ve missed you so much.”
And that’s how the reunion goes, late into the night, catching up at the kitchen table, eating cookies when all three of you should be sleeping. It feels good to be home but you are awaiting the inevitable and it happens an hour in.
“I know you’re not on break,” your mom starts. She could never be fooled, even when you and your brother were kids, lying about who hit who first; it was always you…even when it wasn’t. Okay, maybe it was only you that couldn’t fool her. “Why are you here in the middle of the semester?”
You looked down to your cup of tea, it had gone cold with very little left in the mug. Could you really tell them, did you have a choice?
“Does it have something to do with that gash on your head? Or the wrapping around your wrist?”
You nodded, sighing a shaking breath. “That’s part of it.” Your voice was small, like when you were a kid taking your brother’s punishment.
“What’s the other part?” Her voice was stern and soft, coaxing the truth you could never hide from her, out.
“I-um- I-” How could you tell them? How could you explain to them that you’re pregnant? How would they react? Your body shook with anticipation and anxiety.
Your father put his hand on your back and you felt cold chills again. “It’s okay, it's okay to tell us.”
No it isn’t. You two will not understand. How could you understand? Is it not enough to have lived it but now I have to recount what fucking happened to me? I have to speak out loud the atrocities sinned against me by my own brother and a fucking demon of a human when I myself, havent even come to terms that I’ve been wronged? How can you understand when I don’t even understand?!
And so, the root of your pain fell out of your mouth without your brain deciphering your words, “I’m pregnant.”
Your father sighed deeply, your mother sat back in her chair, you continued staring at the little bit of tea left in the bottom of your mug; hoping the little bit of residue left from the tea bag would tell you something uplifting or helpful like the ancient art of tea leaves reading. Then the irony donned on you and you almost laughed.
Here I am, looking for comfort in my tea instead of my own parents. I had to leave Dorne for tea?
“Well,” your mother spoke up, “who’s the father?”
You nearly laughed again, “Someone you don’t know.”
“Is he willing to help you with-”
“I don’t want to keep it.”
Your mother scoffed, “You don’t have a choice in that now do you?”
Your eyes lifted from the cold cup to your mother’s eyes, warm and inviting; deceitful. “I do, actually.”
“Oh you do?” Maybe in Dorne but not in the Riverlands-”
“Then I’m not staying here, I’m going back to Dorne. I just wanted to let you guys know before I-”
“Before you murdered my grandchild?”
Your father scolds your mother for being so harsh with a hand lifted from the table, her name and shaking his head and there you are again, feeling like you brought this on yourself.
Why did I even come here?
“Does your brother know,” your father asks, breaking you from your trance of self-loathing.
You shook your head; unable to speak. Staring down at the tea again.
“What’s your plan? Drop out of school and move here? You could work at the elementary school as an aide until you finish your degree here?” Your father’s voice is kinder than your mother’s but not any less incessant.
“I don’t- I think I’m done. I can’t afford it.”
Your mother shifts into the table, closer to you and suddenly you feel put off by this proximity. “Well, that’s fine. You can get a job here, we will help pay for medical expenses and the baby’s care. If-” she starts, grabbing one of your hands with both of hers, they’re warm. “If you don’t want this baby after you give birth- that’s fine. I’ll accept full legal guardianship, no questions asked. But please, don’t rob us of a grandchild. Don’t be this person. You always loved kids, that’s why you went into early education.” She pauses, looking across the table to your father with tears in her eyes. “But give yourself the chance to look at your baby and make that decision.”
You chuckle, a tear falling from your eyes. “Yeah mom, but what if the eyes looking back at me are his?”
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