#but he likes the pain of it all
leoandbeholdclark · 6 days
🚬 MDNI 🚬
Hux loves the high he gets off of Kylo and Y/N practically being obsessed with him.
Hux will never admit it, but it's wired into the way he operates. He thrives off of the weird obsession Kylo and you have for him.
The General isn't stupid. Driven by power and overzealous in his actions, yes. But not stupid.
He knows Kylo has stolen items from his chambers before. Nothing too valuable in his opinion.
An old set of sheets he was going to throw away, pens, crumpled drafts of paperwork, a ratty pair of underwear (freak), and a glove were among his list of "missing items."
But he knew who kept them all and what he was using it for.
Nesting...The gall.
But as long as Kylo didn't overstep, like asking him to aid in building his nest, he couldn't care less.
It's only when he begins sleeping with you that it becomes all too noticeable.
Alphas nest too, although a bit more rarely, as they are expected to share that task with someone.
And it looks like you found your someone.
Only, you don't try to build your own with their things...You just add to Kylo's. Taking old HoloNet news, disposed of cigarettes, one of his gel combs (which he was pissed about) and a chipped coffee mug Hux had in the trash...
Why him? He thought. Why not the both of them since you weren't just fucking one commanding officer? It was ridiculous.
And yet...It did wonders for Armitage's ego.
Two omegas fucking an alpha and yet 2/3 only wanted to decorate their nest in his belongings?
That...Did things for a wolf.
So much so that Armitage decided to treat his two, little bitches in heat.
What was that? Hux couldn't make out your words over Kylo's incessant whining.
Giving his tail a rough tug to gain his attention. And to stop the man from soiling Hux's new sheets as he humped against you furiously. His messy pre release already coating your lower half. Fucked out thing couldn't even put it in before he lost all of what little sense he had...
Sometimes Hux felt bad...Sometimes.
"Cease your noise Ren and let the alpha get an edge in."
His cold tone only making Kylo whimper, as he buries his face into your shoulder. Whining away a little more quietly, while his hips continue to buck into your own.
"I-I asked why the s-sudden call to-oh my f-fuckin'- to...T-To your chambers...?"
"Do I need a reason? Perhaps I just wanted to see you struggle to take Ren again."
His callous tone is almost enough to brush you off, but you see a certain glint in his eye. You know it's more than this. But you don't know if you should should keep questioning...
Not if the way Kylo was practically trying to merge your bodies together had any say in the matter...
You came a little later to the session. Finishing up some work, before sneaking into the General's bedroom.
Only to find Kylo stretched out over Hux's knot, and Hux demeaning him for it.
Poor thing didn't even get to release before he pushed Ren onto you. Who was fully gone into his sub space, leaving you to help guide him.
Hux enjoyed the struggle. He knew how overwhelming Kylo could be for you. He liked to watch you fight against them both. One in pursuit of pleasure and the other aiming for his own high. While you rarely got the pleasure to come at all.
And yet...You kept coming back.
And putting Hux on the same pedestal Ren did.
Weren't the two of you just gluttons for pain?
He snickered as he leaned back and lit another cigarette. The smoke filling up what little room was left in chambers.
You coughed as Kylo winced. The lights buzzing ever so slightly.
Even when fucked out, Kylo knew Hux's rules. "If you break one damned thing in my chambers, I'll have you sharing your heats with a fucking beta officer on the lower deck-" And with a pleased smirk, Armitage reared his gloved hand and smacked the fat of the force user's ass.
The lights continued to buzz as Kylo picked up the pace. Whining from the sting and lightly catching your own entrance from time to time.
It was maddening. Kylo's body on top of you. Trying to get his kwn release and failing. Hux's eyes locked in on each and every move. Stopping the two of you just before either reached their climax. Hot and sticky inside the room, as Hux watched the two of you fall apart.
But...The important part was that he thought you two deserved it.
Yeah...He thought the two of you deserved it 🖤
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allthewhumpygoodness · 10 months
Big fan of when a character's grief/trauma/guilt manifests as physical symptoms. Big fan of characters keeping things so tight inside them that it makes them sick. Big fan of when the line blurs between a character's mental trauma and physical illness until it's hard to tell which is which anymore.
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parisoonic · 3 months
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Demo has had many careers - tattoo artist isn't one of them.
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technically-human · 2 months
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Hey, don't cry. Ghost yuri, okay?
(Now that you know the girls, they need to meet the boys!)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Ghouls night out
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#Scopophobia#Don't be mean Lan Wangji - the dead girl aesthetic is a curated one. Support women's rights to look dead!#I have been waiting for this scene for ages...the ghost girl entourage is such a good look for WWX.#And by gods does the audio drama actually do something interesting with one of them.#Namely that we actually get to see WWX talk with them and learn about who they were and what they left behind.#I love necromancer characters but it's way too common for them to be like “Go! Ghost no.145!” like they're a pokemon#and not...you know...someone who had a whole life that they left behind.#I love me a necromancer who has an awareness to whose soul/body they are using. It adds a lot of flavour!#MDZS is a little hit or miss with this. I think the fans do a lot of the work with making Mo Xuanyu a bigger character.#Yi City has this in spades. Even though we don't individually get character backstories#We get many painful reminders about how these 'corpses' were people.#We also get a few lines about how WWX used whatever corpses he could get his hands on (including grandparents - Woof!)#MDZS often (but not always) likes to remind us that every sacrifice and every ghost was a person.#It is so close to nailing the landing regarding the deconstruction of the necromancer character.#Anyhow. You may have noticed the uptick in quality in the last two comics. Rule of three means next one is going to be a treat B*)#See you all very soon!
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lefthandarm-man · 5 months
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Steve Rogers // Captain America
and his habit of putting his hands on his belt
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cj-the-random-artist · 4 months
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I kept debating how to end this short little mini comic. In the original script, they were gonna hold hands (scandalous, I know lmfao), but I didn't think it hit quite right in comic format when I tried to make it longer. Hence why it ends... like that.
Anyways I wrote like a ton of comic scripts for COTL comics that just didn't hit right / I couldn't commit to making and then when driving home from work last week in the pitch darkness I thought about how nice it is to see like actual stars. And I feel like with the cult grounds being kind of among a lot of trees and all that it might take a short hike to get a really, really, really good view of the night sky and stuff. Thus. This.
It's arguably not my best work (I'm out of practice drawing good night skies and all that) but I'm happy with it. Enjoy this thing I made
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violent138 · 2 months
On a very stupid note, can you imagine how embarrassing it is for Bruce Wayne, the most paranoid and secretive man on earth, that whenever there's drama in his family it inevitably reaches a significant portion of the superhero community?
And he can't even go after any one person, because Alfred would tell Dick (who tells Wally and Donna, especially if it was really stupid), Steph would tell Kara (who would tell Clark, who would tell Diana, who already knew via Donna), and Tim would tell Kon, Damian would tell Jon and Connor, Duke tells Jason about it, and because Wally told Barry Hal now knows (and other Lanterns), J'onn knew because Bruce was fuming and Clark was trying to figure out how to bring it up, Cass told Dinah and Barbara so now the entirety of the Arrowfam and Birds of Prey know too and so on.
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whimsyvixen · 2 months
He's so pretty, I want his Egyptian dick down my throat
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(I already know, I suck at coloring but it's the effort that counts 😭)
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hellomayu · 1 year
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ruin me all you want, i don't mind if it's you.
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Something I adore about this saga is how the songs all end with such powerful and forceful singing. It almost feels like Odysseus is trying to drown out the screams he hears by being louder with his own pain and convictions
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berrydoodleoo · 10 months
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The winner of my Thanksgiving poll: my headcanons for the twins! I've been working on their designs for a while now lol.
I started playing FFXIV in 2019, so in my head, the twins are about 20 years old now and most of the way through their growth spurt. So here are my ideas for how they look, alongside their EW selves.
I have Lots Of Thoughts about the twins and why I picked these designs, but I don't have time to ramble now. I have more stuff with them though so I'll save my comments for then!
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lazylittledragon · 9 months
How was Astarion during Kits birth? I feel like he’d panic tbh
i think he would be his regular flippant self to hide that he was SHITTING BRICKS
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egophiliac · 1 year
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swipes everything else off of the table to yell about diasomnia flower bookmarks
(I gave Silver one too :D)
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#white rabbit festival#me: oh boy i wonder what excitement will happen in this new part#characters: now it is time to buy souvenirs :)#me: oh god#jk jk even when the filler is kind of painful i do enjoy the little character moments#like everyone screaming as loud as they can into silver's watch#deuce busting out his suzy izzard impression#SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!#and of course silver assigning flowers to the other dias and getting all sappy over lilia. god. delicious.#you don't understand this ten second long scene is everything to me#though we all know the real highlight#the knowledge that 1) deuce used to have an extremely silly edgy badass nickname#2) he almost certainly gave it to himself#3) he harassed epel's extended family to the point that they told horror stories about him and he was briefly epel's personal idol#epel: i heard he once killed three men with but a look#deuce: what no i never...i mean...ha ha sounds weird nothing a model student like me would know about#also deuce: if you fuckers don't apologize to my mom right now i'll fucking kill all of you (sees dilla) uhhh i mean#deuce: i challenge you to a children's game#black bunnies leader: (strapping on his duel disk) i accept#meanwhile silver is running full speed at a group of children screaming to them about donuts#we aren't going to talk about what ortho did with that fantasy-gregg's sausage roll#so glad that we've reached the 'what the heck is even happening' portion of the event#anyway i completely screwed up the resolution of these so here's hoping they don't look terrible!#whoops!
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itspileofgoodthings · 3 months
one of the things that continues to strike me on reread is how much the character of Darcy, and Austen through him, finds Mr. Bennet dead. And how much Elizabeth, in growing and changing and discarding her past blindness, has to move past her way of seeing her father and thus of seeing reality, because the two are connected! Darcy’s letter exposes her father’s flaws to Elizabeth in a way she’d never been able to see before. Most especially the way his laziness and neglect of his own gifts have hurt his family and that ultimately he doesn’t. care. Not enough to change. It literally says that she comes home from Hunsford and tries to laugh at her sisters’ and mother’s folly (the way she used to; the way her father has taught her to by example for her whole life) and she can’t anymore! It sticks in her throat. She is grieved by the failures that she sees in him, all the more so because she IS his favorite and she loves him! And the thing about Mr. Bennet is he never changes. The Lydia/wickham situation exposes to him sharply his own conduct and the consequences and he feels it! Because he is neither stupid nor unfeeling. But he, like everyone, has free will. And he chooses not to change when the opportunity presents itself. He even jokes about how quickly his feeling bad will pass and how soon everything will go back to normal, to his laziness and his selfishness. He is set in his ways and he serves as a contrast to Elizabeth’s personal journey because he embodies a version of a person she could have become and was in danger of becoming if her only goal at all times was to laugh at and judge people from the sidelines.
#pride and prejudice#I’ve always loved his character because he IS funny and he is iconic!!! and his love for Lizzy is touching!#he’s not faking it.#but he is so flawed. a man of taste a man of ability a man of judgment.#a man who could and SHOULD have set a different tone for his children and chose not to!#and they SUFFER FOR IT#their house is a divided one. and every child feels the pain of living in a house where the parents neither respect each other#nor are on the same team#there is a crack running through their house for this reason and it’s how Lydia (and Kitty) came to be so neglected!#who is going to discipline them or guide them? certainly not Mr. Bennet!#he’s so important to teach too. because the boys LOVE HIM. of course!#and are always very struck by his failures and laziness once I point it out#and yeah Darcy one of the only people who can expose him. because Darcy is putting in the work a man should be doing#Darcy’s house IS in order. his love is active and protective. he is fulfilling his role!#Mr. Bennet’s gifts are so extraordinary—the wit. the insight into human nature. honestly the capacity for wisdom#but he likes his library. he likes enjoying himself more than he likes doing his duty#as either a father or a husband#he does fail Mrs. Bennet! I have compassion for her there#anyway I love to think about this: something no version I have ever seen has ever fully explored#but man is it on the page#yeah yeah sorry for all the words. teacher off duty etc.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Good morning, Sleepyhead.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#'WWX was asleep for 4 days' is an incorrect factoid.#The average WWX sleeps for 8 hours. The PD-MDZS WWX who was asleep for 40 comics and 4 months is an outlier.#We are back to present day! I have missed drawing them!#Ah...the contrast between how the flashback ended (cold and distrustful) to how wwx wakes up (warm and watched over)...#The gap between the past and present is very important. Not just in this story but in our lives too.#The past can still hurt and it doesn't just go away with time as some say. It is the power of realizing that things have changed.#We can't get the good back. The bad memories have concluded. Those live somewhere else now.#It is hard to realize that you have to live for today and tomorrow. The past is so loud.#For WWX it is realizing that despite the mistrust in the past - He really does have faith that LWJ will be there for him.#It is the reflection of knowing that you changed and will keep changing and that change is good and kind sometimes.#But more importantly...and this I really do mean with all my heart:#It will all end up okay in the end. Even after the worst day. The most painful losses. You will get through it.#What feels like a breaking point is truthfully just another step you have to take. You'll get through it even though it feels like the end.#There are wonderful things you have yet to see. Friends you have yet to meet.#Even if it hurts so badly...one day it just aches. Someday you'll go a few weeks not remembering that it ever hurt.#Oh and because my izutsumi comic revealed many people were in need of hearing this:#You are loved. Right now. You are so loved right now. We just forget to tell each other that.#Go tell the people you love that they matter to you. I'm assigning you homework!!! You are graded on completion.
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