#but going over the assesments just now
pinkshadesofshame · 8 days
damn I really like my new therapist a lot 🥹 it's only second ses with her but comparing my time with her to with ashley there's some stuff I didn't notice that made me uncomfortable thats just completely not there with liz
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see-arcane · 5 months
I am almost fine with people saying he has one brain cell, because I have seen dozens of people make the worse claim that he is "an arrogant, smug, proud of his rationality Victorian who laughs at the locals for their superstitions."
It is such a prevalent assesment that it's now considered a core character trait of his. When today's entry indicates nothing of the sort.
(Text Brick Incoming)
Jonathan’s fundamental flaw at this stage does involve looking down on or viewing the locals and their traditions as quaint/idolatrous/ridiculous et al. He uses poor terminology too, owing to the Doylist reason of his author’s knowledge and biases, while the Watsonian reason is easy enough to read as Jonathan 1) Having to rely solely on biased/incomplete knowledge from his homeland’s writings on the place and 2) What I think is him trying to overcompensate as a trained reflex
I’ve always pictured Jonathan and Mina as having not only a lower social and monetary standing, but possibly a hindrance of race. (Case in point, I suspect a certain unique prop Jonathan brandishes later on is something he inherited, not something picked up by happenstance.)
That said—they are poor, they are not the idealized picture of the fair English Citizen…but they are both polite, charming, hardworking, and masters of ~making friends~ as a defense mechanism. And I’d bet money that included relying on what few positive nods their peers allowed.
“You’re so nice! So industrious! Your physiognomy really counters your origins! And you are wise enough to look down on those silly foreigners, aren’t you? Of course you are! You’re one of the good ones.”
Now, regardless of what headcanon is landed on as far as race/ethnicity/other backgrounds go, those last points are key. Because they go towards Being a Good Englishman/woman. Being wiser than to buy into fretting non-English superstitions. Knowing to ogle the people of other lands like curiosities in a zoo. Judging people by their face or the shape of their skull. This is the Norm. This is Good of the Victorian Englishman Abroad.
And we see Jonathan hold to all these stereotypes…to a degree. But we see within these same early entries that his instincts and general good nature chafe against that social training. He’s too much himself to do entirely as a Proper Englishman should.
He went out of his way to study all the limited info he had access to, incomplete or half-informed as it was. He delighted in learning everything he could of the places and people as he traveled, wanting to embrace and be educated on the land. And even when a lifetime of advising against it, of insistence upon derision, tried to take over when the crucifix was offered? He still accepted it. He still wears it even when the old woman departs, whether or not he believes in its importance.
And, vitally, his instincts are very Very awake to the fact that Something is Off. A Proper Englishman (and many an oblivious or stubborn dad in a ghostly horror movie) would shrug this unease off at once. But Jonathan doesn’t. He remains on Dracula’s route only because he has no other choice. All he does is mention quietly that he hopes Mina gets his diary if he happens to die on this journey.
Imagine that. Bracing for and acknowledging the sense that You Might Die on This Little Business Trip and just…having to go along with it. Because what will you tell your boss otherwise? What will you tell your fiancée?
These aren’t the concerns of a well-off stuffy snob of a man. It’s the resignation of someone who understands they live on the lowest rung of the ladder and that they will risk losing what little progress they’ve made if they dare to turn back.
As for sneering at the locals’ superstitions, period, consider: How likely would anyone really be to suddenly believe in monsters after coming out of the background Jonathan has? What could possibly have convinced him of the reality of the situation OTHER THAN SEEING IT IN PERSON? (Note, a key plot point for certain other characters later!)
The point of his being unable to take the supernatural aspect at face value is that, well, Why Would Anyone Immediately Jump to a Supernatural Conclusion in His Place?
What possible context does he have here!? Maybe he should have read Dracula first, ha ha—
Oh wait. He can’t do that. Why?
Because this man has never read Dracula BECAUSE HE IS LIVING AND WRITING THE BOOK DRACULA!!
tl;dr: I am very tired of both the Stuffy Victorian Snobprick and Oblivious Idiotbaby takes on my good friend Jonathan Harker
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mackmp3 · 2 months
cover of jazz standard my funny valentine but darker & scarier & now about killing people, for the arrangement assesment at school. now with horror themes <3 lyrics & notes under the cut
my bloody valentine
sweet sticky valentine
you make me smile, with my heart
you look so chemical
yet you're mine, my work of art
is you skin less than sweet
is your heart a little weak
& when you rip it out to speak,
do you bleed?
my bloody valentine
sweet sticky valentine
you make me smile in my heart
you look so edible
darling so beautiful
til death do we part
my bloody valentine
sweet sticky valentine
you make me smile in my heart
you look so edible
blood-soaked & beautiful
til death do we part
with this song i was hoping to capture a certain. deranged quality. its all within the realm of fiction of course but its fun to be able to scream yknow? i played my funny valentine in my jazz combo & its usually a very slow, very sappy ballad, but i thought the descending line was quite ominous & some of the lyrics had a bit of an edge to them 'your looks are laughable / unphotographable / yet you're my favourite work of art'. and the title reminded me of shoegaze band my bloody valentine, which is also the name of a slasher film (that i havent seen) & thought the opportunity suggested itself well to make the song a lot scarier. & writing lyrics it a lot easier when you have something to go off to begin with - i had a lot of fun choosing words that had the right feel.
the feedback & distortion was the funnest part of this - i put my earplugs in & turned everything all the way up & made very loud noise for twenty minutes, which i then cut & rearranged for the backing - there are some parts that fit together pretty well that i didnt even have to move so that's good! the bell in the background at the end is the end of class bell ringing over my bass track. none of this was recorded properly lol its all just hitting record on garage band and uh. it shows. but i do really like this so yeah :]
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riverlikethelake · 2 years
A Long Way Home Part.5 (1/2)
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Aonung x Omatikayan!Fem!Reader 
Summary –The fight with the demon ship takes everything out of you, the life of your family riding on your shoulders. Ao'nung holds you close, your life going by with him by your side.
Contains: Mentions of death, complex parental relationships, heavy development on platonic/family relationships, fluff, pregnancy, mentions of childbirth, ANGST, not proofread sorry, not what i wanted to write but y'all we gonna shank me so
Pt.1 ... Pt.5 (2/2) *alternate ending*
Word count: 5k
FINAL PART... aside from the alternate ending: Pt.5 (2/2)
You sneak through the ceiling, watching soldiers and crew members walk around, you keep your eye out for Spider. You spot soldiers turning the corner, escorting Spider between them, you signal to Neteyam and Lo’ak. 
You wait till they were under you to drop down, knocking one of them to the ground and pulling off their oxygen mask, Neteyam and Lo’ak follow after you, fighting the recoms and other soldiers. Once Spider realizes what’s happening, he kicks at a soldier and pulls off their mask. 
You hear gunshots and grab Spider and Lo’ak, pulling them to a wall, hiding you from the bullets. Neteyam grabs the gun from Lo’ak and started shooting from around the corner. “Go go go!” he yelled. 
Without thinking, your grab his hand and pull him along as you run and jump over the railing. Adrenaline pumping through your veins, you can hear your heart pounding in your chest as you hear the bullets flying past you. You hit the water and you almost gasp from the shock, still holding onto Neteyam’s hand, you resurface.  
“Come, quickly get on!” You hear Tsireya call from her ilu, you look over to your brother, seeing how he’s struggling in the water, fear bubbling in your throat. 
“Bro, Sis, c’mon!” You hear Lo’ak yell. All you can do is freeze as Neteyam struggles to breathe. “Go! Leav me” he gasps out “I am shot” 
Your ears start to ring as you look down, blood seeping through the water. Without a second thought you grab him and start pulling him towards the ilu, Lo’ak taking over and holding Neteyam on his back. As you move forward in the water, your head is jumbled, thoughts running through your head a mile a minute. 
Slowley you look up, one thought clear as day in your mind. You search his back, just the tiniest bit of relief floods your chest when you see a clear back. As you approach the rock, Jake runs up, assesing the situation. 
“He’s been shot” Spider yells, Jake jumps into action as they all carry him to stable ground. You watch the same bit of relief wash over Jake as he looks at Neteyam’s back, seeing a lack of exit wound. Your reathing is uneasy, but you jump into action to put pressure on Neteyam’s wound, just where his shoulder meets his chest.  
“Call Norm now” Jake orders Lo’ak before turning his attention to his son. “Hey we’re gonna get you all patched up ok?” He tries to steady his voice. Neteyam’s eyes flutter, darting from person to person. You hear Neytiri’s Ikran land and she’s in front of Neteyam, cradling his face in her hands. 
You can’t tear your eyes away from him, it feels like the whole world freezes when you make eye contact with him. You didn’t realize your hands were shaking until Ao’nung placed his over yours, breathing in as you tried to keep the pressure steady. 
“I want to go home” Neteyam’s voice was quiet, desperate. “We’re going home, we’re going home” Jake comforted, his voice cracking. You felt your brothers breathing become faint under you, you watched as his eyes started to flutter close.  
“Dad I-” His words died on the tip of his tongue, the light in his eyes draining. You could still feel his heartbeat, it was weak, but you felt it. “Nononono” You gasped, grabbing your father's hands and shoving them to his chest. “Do- do the thing!” You screamed, tears welling in your eyes as Neytiri started to cry out. 
“DO THE THING” Your throat hurt from the screech that left you, you moved your hands out from under Ao’nung’s and pinched Neteyam’s nose, lifting his chin up and leaning down to breathe into his mouth. You learned this move years ago; you didn’t know if it would actually work but you needed to try. You felt Jake start the compressions on his chest and pulled back, cradling your brother's face in your hands. 
You heard Lo’ak speaking into his throat mic, explaining the situation to Norm. Tears started to spill from your eyes as you leaned in to deliver the rescue breaths. You pulled back and started to heave, tears flowing from your eyes, gasping for air. You stumbled back to get out of the way as Neytiri took your place and Lo’ak started applying the pressure. 
Ao’nung wrapped his arms around you, pulling your head to his chest, taking deep breaths. Slowley you started to regulate your breathing, you looked back at the sinking ship and your blood froze. ‘Tuk and Kiri have been captured’ You remember Tsireya saying. Without another word you stood up and stalked to the edge of the rock, calling for your ilu. 
You ignored the calls for your name and jumped into the water, swimming to the ship. Your brother was in good hands, your sisters were not. 
You snuck onto the ship, hiding in corners before crawling back into the ceiling, not wanting to provoke any more soldiers. Except for the one that shot Neteyam. 
You slipped through the hallways, looking out for soldiers and your sisters. You lost your balance as the ship shook, the sound of an explosion ringing through your ears, the only explanation that came to mind was dad... 
You turned a corner and spotted Kiri and Tuk, relief flooding your chest when you saw they were unharmed. Without thinking, you ran to them, taking out your knife to free them from their binds. “Y/n!” Tuk called out, you watched her eyes move from you to behind you, before you could register the panic in her voice you were being yanked back.  
A tall avatar held you by your wrist, holding you in the air so you could barely stand on your toes. You cried out when he tightened his grip, a hiss escaping his lips. “Another one of his runts huh?” He grunted, he glanced between you and your sisters before placing a hand over your mouth and pulling you away. 
Jake crept through the ship, following Spiders directions until he came across Kiri and Tuk, the weight on his chest leaving as he stepped closer to them. “Dad!” Tuk called out, he smiled and pulled his knife out to cut her restraints. 
“They have Y/n!” Kiri explained as Jake cut her restraints, he looked up to her, freezing as panic took over again. Before he could say anything, Quaritch rounded the corner, holding a knife to your throat. Jake moved Kiri and Tuk behind him, holding his hands up. 
Your breathing sputtered as Quaritch pressed the knife closer to your throat. “Dad! Just go, please-” your voice cracked as Quaritch jostled you, hissing at your outburst. Jake sucked in a breath, watching your face contort in fear and pain. 
“Let her go, she has nothing to do with this.” He states. Quaritch chuckles, he pulls out a restraint from his pocket and tosses it to Jake “Bind yourself to that railing.” He nods to where Kiri and Tuk were kept. 
“Dad don’t do it!” You yelled, you got yourself into this mess, you can’t lose your dad because of it. Quaritch hissed again, driving the tip of his dagger into your neck. You froze, holding in your breaths.  
Jake bent down to pick up the restraints when Spider jumped out from the side. “Don’t hurt her!” He yelled, Quaritch barely spared him a glance. “Please don’t hurt her she’s my sister!” you felt Quaritch scoff. 
“Sister? She's not even the same species.” He sneered. Spider shook his head “She was an orphaned human like me, just please don’t hurt her-” He was cut off when Neytiri grabbed him, pressing a knife to his throat, mirroring Quaritch’s stance. He jolted, sucking in a breath. 
“Let her go, or I cut.” She seethed. You stared at your mother, you could feel the rage radiating off her, she kept her eyes on Quaritch. The man holding you puffed out his chest. “You think I care about him? He's not my son, we’re not even the same species” He states. 
You make eye contact with Spider, he shakes his head before you look to your mother. “Mom don’t hurt him!” You cry. She gaze doesn’t leave the Avatar behind you, her gaze darkens and she slices Spider’s chest. He cries out, you feel Quaritch flinch. 
Neytiri stares at Quaritch, he shakes his head. “a son for a son” Neytiri’s voice drips with venom, sending a shiver down your spine. you reach your hand out “MOM!” as she yells and brings her knife up, ready to attack Spider, you try to scream but before you can, the man is throwing you out several feet ahead of him. 
You stumble, Kiri and Tuk are at your side, pulling you away from the man and behind mom. Neytiri stares at him before letting Spider go, shoving him to the side where you and Kiri pull him towards you. You place a hand on his chest where the cut is before you and Kiri pull him in for a hug. 
“I owe you a life” Quaritch growls to your mother as Jake starts to herd you all away and into the water. You grab Tuk’s hand, but she reaches out for Neytiri. “Mom...” her voice is soft; it breaks your heart. 
“You’re not gonna leave are you Sully?” Quaritch asks, pulling Jakes attention. “I will hunt you down, kill every last one of your family, I will not stop” You stare at the man, the hairs on your neck standing up at his declaration. You don’t have time to blink before Jake is lunging at the man, pushing him far away from your family. 
“C’mon” You hear Kiri call, Neytiri grabs your hand and starts to lead you away when Tuk slips as the water starts to rush in. Your hold on her hand tightens as she gets pulled down into an open hatch, the water rising and pulling her down with it. “TUK!” You yell, her screams filinf you with dread, your adrenaline taking over. 
You feel her start to slip, so you let go of Neytiri to grab her forearm, you lean back but the ship shakes, making you lose balance, sending you both barreling down into the flooding hatch. As you hit the water, you pull Tuk closer and she latches onto you, legs wrapped around your stomach and arms around your neck. You gasp, wrapping your arms around her, keeping you both above the water. 
You feel a pair of arms grasp your shoulders; you look to see Neytiri leading you forward. “Mom!” you cry, stumbling forward, desperate to find and exit. “parultsyìp, come” she states breathlessly. 
You stumble through the ship hallways, holding Tuk close as your mother searches for an exit. The ship starts to turn, you scream as you almost fall but Neytiri keeps a tight grasp on your arm. Your limbs grow heavy, your legs and arms are sore, tears start to threaten your eyes as you can only go deeper into the demon ship. 
Neytiri pulls at a door, but the rising water shuts it every time, “Mom pull harder!” Tuk cries. You set her down, making sure she can hold herself up before you step in to help your mother pull the door. Your arms scream at you as you pull as hard as you can, but can only gasp, a cry escaping you as it slams closed again.  
Neytiri frantically looks around as Tuk swims into your arms again, you follow her as she swims in the only direction she can, It's only a few feet before you meet a dead end, the water filling up the hallway you were previously in. 
You purse your lips, holding Tuk’s head to your chest as Neytiri wraps her arms around you. “Mom what are we gonna do?” Tuk wails. Neytiri just rests her hand on Tuk’s head and looks around, whispering quiet comforts to her. 
“Sa’nu...” you whsiper, tears welling in your eyes. Neytiri whips her head to you, it was a phrase you had long since retired. “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry Sa’nu” your voice cracks. You don’t know what exactly you’re apologizing for, for failing to pull Tuk up, for being disobedient, for everything. 
She places a hand on your head and places her forehead on yours “maite, ma yuey maite...” she murmured, a sob escaping your lips. “I am sorry for being so hard on you, I am sorry for my harsh words” She places a kiss on your cheek “you are my daughter Y/n, my beautiful strong daughter.” 
A few tears escape your eyes, she leans down and kisses Tuk’s forehead, running her hand across the young girl's head. The water level was rising rapidly, you tried to stay calm, but fear coursed through your veins. 
Is this how you die? You hadn’t apologized to dad yet, Neteyam could be alive, and you had no idea what’s happening with Kiri Spider and Lo’ak.... You held your breath to resist the tears, determined to keep calm for your little sister and mother.  
You take Tuk’s hand and place it on your chest, taking deep breaths. Without question she follows, syncing her breathing with yours. You stare at eachother, breathing together for several moments. You’re about to speak when you see a faint light beaming through the darkened hallway. 
Slowley it grows brighter until a swarm of glowing squids flooded the hallway, it’s light illuminating your mother and sister face. A smile spread across your face as Tuk called out for her sister, spotting her rounding the corner. You dunked underwater as Neytiri stretched her arms and pulled Kiri close. 
You hugged her, a swarm of emotions flooding your chest. She removed the Txampaysye from her back and handed it to your mother “Here mom, this will help you breathe underwater” she whispered, turning to you and Tuk “Now deep breathes you two” and with that you held Tuk and Kiri’s hand as you guided your through the ship, the glowing squids illuminating your way.  
Slowly you made your way through the ship and up, resurfacing with a deep gasp for air. You relish in the cool air nipping at your face until Kiri tugs as you, pulling you towards the Tulkun that was heading your direction. 
Exhausted, you collapsed on the fin your family clung to, your father's hand gripping tight on your shoulder as you held Tuk under your arm. He moved his hand to cup your cheek, gazing deep into your eyes, he repeated the same phrase he said to Lo’ak. “I see you” he croaked, sore from the brawl he had with Quaritch “My beautiful daughter”. 
The sun is bright, creeping into your Marui, the light making your eyes flutter open. You groan and roll on your side, desperate for a few more minutes of rest. You hear a chuckle and the arms around you tighten, bringing you closer to them. “Restless this morning my muntxate?” His voice is gruff and mellow. 
You hum, wrapping your arms around his neck and cuddling closer “Ao’nung my yawntu, my feet are especially sore this morning” you groaned. You smile into his neck before pushing him away and turning onto your stomach, arms holding you up. 
A wave of nausea passes over you, you seldom throw up during these episodes but Ao’nung still grabs a bowl and places in under your hanging head. He reaches over, rubbing your back and whispering swwt mothings into your ear. After a moment you groan and fall into his touch, he moved you to lay on your back and slides his arms under you and lift you up. 
“It is ok my Y/n” He struts out of the Marui and across the walkways “Tsireya and Mother will have a remedy for you” He assures, walking his old Marui. You hiss as your eyes burn, trying to open them and adjust to the morning light.  
You weakly pushed at his chest “Please I do not need to be coddles, I am a child, I am with child” you reasoned, he chuckled and tightened his hold on you. 
He arrives at his destination quickly, greeting his mother before setting you down in one of the hammocks.  “Sa’nok, her pain and nausea has increased this morning” he calmly explains, smiling at your frowning face. 
“It is because your son will not let me sleep in or adjust to a more comfortable position in the night” You exclaim, sitting up as the Tsahik makes her way to you. Ao’nung rolls his eyes and pinches your cheek lightly, Ronal frowns and swats his hand away. Tsireya makes quick work of the herbs she had splayed out in front of her, already prepared for your morning visit. 
“Maitan I have raised you better than this, you pushed her too far yesterday now she is in pain” Ronal scolds her son, placing a hand on your forehead and handing you a ground up herb on a leaf. Ao’nung huffs, sitting down and holding your hand in his. “Mother you quite literally fought the demon ship 6 months pregnant, apologies of I'm not familiar with... this” he defended, motioning to your state at his last word. 
Ronal glared at him “I had already gone through two other pregnancies and was not recovering from säspxin!” She berated. Tsireya and you locked eyes, giggling at the scene. 
Ao’nung’s words brought you back to that day, how scared you were, how you watched your brother get shot, how it was the day you felt like you were officially accepted into the Sully family. Everything seemed to change after that. 
You remember how Ao’nung held you as you watched Norm and Max practically perform surgery on Neteyam, how tightly he squeezed your hand when they cauterized the wound. How you stayed by his side, worried sick for days as he recovered.  
You and Ao’nung continued to see each other, now with your parents proudly supporting you. Ronal wasn’t thrilled but she saw your spirit during the battle, she listened closely to the stories Neytiri and Ao’nung recited about your bravery. She didn’t approve, but she no longer objected. 
It was a while until she warmed up to you, she now treated and spoke of you as if you were her own child. It took you many months of sticking by Ao’nung’s side and insisting on learning from the Tsahik to earn her blessing for him to officially court you, slowly she started inviting you to family dinners and occasions more often, keeping you close by her side in deep conversation. You still remember the proud smile she wore when you and Ao’nung announced you were mated before Eywa. 
“Y/n do not worry, your discomfort will subside once you enter the coming stages” Tsireya hums, putting you at ease. Ronal places her hand on your stomach, closing her eyes and humming, she moves her hand along in familiar patterns before pulling away. 
“Your baby is strong” She states, a small smile gracing her lips. You look to Ao’nung, grinning sheepishly. 
You and Ao’nung waited a few years after mating to have children, wanting to enjoy being together before starting a family. It wasn’t long after you mated that you and Ao’nung decided to leave the reef and explore Pandora. It was hard to leave your family, but you kept in contact with your communication devices. You called often, Tuk always begging to hear your voice.
The day you left, Ronal and Neytiri gifted you both a songcord of your presence in the family in clan, it told stories of your lives and how they wove together, leading into your place and establishment in the clan and family. It was a reminder of how the Metkayina are your home while you traveled. It was unfinished, meant to record your travels together until you came back. 
You and Ao’nung sang the song almost every night, adding beads and bits of the places you visited as you went. You traveled for three and a half years before coming back home just in time for you and Neteyam’s 22nd birthday.  
You told them of your travels, the people you met and the places you saw. It was unorthodox to say the least, many clans were hesitant to teach you their ways while you were there, knowing your stay was temporary. But by the time for you to continue on your way, many members would gift you with tools and beads to add to your songcord. 
Living on the go with Ao’nung freed something you had craved to feel your entire life, it was a type of freedom, adventure, that you wanted to experience with only him. He was new to the change but kept the promise he made to you all those years ago. As long as you were by his side, he was content with wherever he was. Your home was not a place, but wherever you were with him. 
You slept in his arms every night, you danced with him whenever you sang, you loved him every moment. There wasn’t a moment you decided you were done with your travels, you just tied up the songcord one night once you and Ao’nung were done singing the part Neytiri and Ronal made. There weren’t any words, you both felt it in your hearts, Eywa wanted your home to finally find itself back to the reef. 
Neytiri ran her hand across your stomach, humming as Tuk played with your hair. Neteyam sat in front of you, carefully placing his hand on your stomach that had grown over the months. You look up to him, smiling as he seemed entranced by the life growing in your stomach. 
In the months following the fight with the demon ship you and Neteyam had been practically attached at the hip, his supposed ‘twin telepathy’ kicking into full gear. He’d miraculously show up every time you and Ao’nung were having a moment, wether you were in a Marui of on the mountain, he’d show up ready to pull Ao’nung by the ears and tease you about it for days. 
You always seemed to know when his bandages and ointment needed to be changed, or what he was craving. Mother would ask what you all wanted for dinner, you’d answer “____ for Neteyam” just as he aswered the same thing, a grin spreading across both your faces as Lo’ak would look at you both in horror. It honestly started to freak your family out, especially when it would randomly resurface every now and then years later. 
Like a few months ago when you woke up feeling nauseous. You blamed it on the sickness you had yet to recover from, but when Neteyam stopped by, he insisted that you visit the Tsahik, ready to drag you by your leg if it he had to. And low and behold, on top of your sickness, you were pregnant. 
“Sister” Neteyam’s words snapped you out of your thoughts “are you feeling ok?” He questions, eyebrows furrowing, his hand coming up to feel your forehead, this caught Neytiri’s attention. 
“Y/n are you unwell again?” she asks, a frown forming on her face. You shook your head “No no I am fine, I promise” You assured, knowing they would make a fuss if you did not pacify their concerns. They study you for a moment before assuming their previous positions. 
You smile, nothing has changed, they are just as smothering when you are perfectly healthy as they are when you’re sick or pregnant.  
You lay back into Ao’nung’s embrace as he rubs your stomach while holding a conversation with your brother, Lo’ak, about the hunting duties for the coming weeks. Usually you’d listen in, noting specific things you knew they’d most likely forget, but today you tune them out as you watch your father carve a toy knife. 
You giggle as you watch him struggle with the handle of the wood, a frown etching deep into his face. You hadn’t realized how quiet you had been until the room went silent at your ‘sudden outburst’. Jake looks to you, a smile quickly replacing his frown before he spoke. “Any names picked out yet?” 
You smile fondly, hand going to your stomach. “I like the name Ayän for a boy” you drawl, looking back to Ao’nung as he rolls his eyes. “You are so sure of yourself” he states, poking at your cheek. 
You grin “I haven’t even finished what I was saying, what are you talking about?” you tease, hand coming to your chest to act offended. 
“Jakesully your daughter insists that we are having a boy” Ao’nung explains, exasperated “And she refuses to let my mother confirm her suspicions” he wraps his arms around you, hand under your stomach. 
You throw a hand in the air, waving at his face. “I do not need the Tsahik to confirm what I already know.” You state, you can feel his sigh as he rolls his eyes again. You place your hand over his and look back to him. “And what do you think our baby is?”  
You watch as he bites his lips and looks to Lo’ak, his head falls back with a groan of defeat before he answers. “I think it is a boy...” he says in a murmur, you smile and look to your father with a look of satisfaction. “But that does not mean I agree with your stubborn ego” Ao’nung adds. 
Lo’ak laughs, reaching over and fist bumping you. You freeze, feeling your baby kick at your stomach ever so lightly. You look to Jake, reaching out for him. Without hesitation, he leaves his spot to take your hand and be at your side. You take his hand and rest it on your stomach, he smiles but after a moment he snaps his head to your stomach. 
Every time you were able to feel the baby kick, Jake was either not around or didn’t feel it in time. Practically everyone had felt the baby, Neteyam and Kiri having felt the most kicks aside from you and Ao’nung. Even Tonowari had felt the kicks many times, always engulfing your entire stomach in his hands and giving you a kiss on your forehead. 
You smile at him as he leans in close, placing his ear against your stomach. Lo’ak grins, scrambling forward. “Are they kicking?!” he asked excited. Aside from Jake, Lo’ak had felt the least amount of kicks. He reached forward to feel the baby, but Jake smacks his hand away, “Hey this is my moment” he hisses. Lo’ak frowns, protesting Jake’s gatekeeping. 
Jake pushes him back by his forehead and turns back to your stomach. “Hey buddy, it’s me, Grandpa Jake” he whispers. You hold back a laugh at Jake’s words and Lo’ak’s pouts. You grunt as your baby kicks again, Jakes eye widening and looking to you with pure joy. 
You purse your lips as the baby kicks especially hard, you grab Ao’nung’s arm. “This is all your fault Yawntu” you hiss “This baby has your persistence!”  
“I believe it is your stubbornness our child has inherited” He chuckles, massaging your hand. Jake chuckles, placing a hand on Ao’nung’s shoulder.  
“Y/n never caused trouble but she was hard to keep track of, scurrying around and slipping away any chance she got” Jake tells, you roll your eyes. Lo’ak laughs “And she has not changed! Remember when she was angry at Kiri for giving away her favorite spot to sneak off to, so she left, and we finally found her in the storage hammock under out Marui after two days?!” Lo’ak cackles, throwing his head back. 
Ao’nung laughs under you, Jake grins, ruffling your hair “My beautiful daughter, giving me a heart attack must be your life purpose” he teases, placing a kiss on your forehead “But I would not change it for anything” he whispers, you roll your eyes but return his gesture, a smile creeping onto your lips. 
You were right, you gave birth to a son only minutes after eclipse ended. Kiri, Tsireya, and Ronal all guided the birth, checking your state and watching over your son as he took his first breaths. You lay on the shore, submerged up to your chest in the water. The clan surrounded you, joined as one as you lay on Ao’nung’s chest and Tsireya hands you your baby. 
Neytiri and Neteyam, who you had been holding onto, let go of your hands to let you hold your son. You gasped as you looked down at him, tears pricking your eyes, a smile spreading across your face. Only what can be described as pure joy envlopes your heart. You admired your son, memorizing every part of him, how he has turquoise skin and deep blue stripes rippling across his body, his hands twitching as he whines. Wrapping his arms around you, Ao’nung rested his head on your shoulder and traced his sons stripes with his fingers.  
“Ayän” you whsiper, Ao’nung kisses your neck before pulling back and addressing the clan. “Ayän!” He bellows, and the clan follows, chanting your sons name. You look back to Ao’nung, love filling your chest.  
Tuk adores your son, taking great pride in her nephew, fighting with Neytiri and Lo’ak over who gets to babysit him. The young girl found herself spending most of her time in your Marui, wether your son was there or not, she just wanted to be around you.  
Neteyam, Spider, or Kiri would come to fetch her but end up spending dinner with you. You’d gossip and tell stories just like you did when you were children. Ao’nung was not used to having such a busy Marui, your family coming in and out freely, but he saw how much you loved it and never complained.  
When you had your daughter Nayakäm, things only got busier, both your families fawning and doting over your daughter. While your son had ‘traded out’ you and your husband’s traits, your daughter had much more of a mix. Her skin was a dark turquoise, or a lighter blue, a mix. Her stripes were sharp like yours, but swirled the farther you went down her body. Ayän had a full paddle tail, Nayakäm had a paddle tail, but it wasn’t as thick as her brothers. 
Your son shared your 4 fingers, but your daughter only had an extra finger on her left hand, something only noticed by Spider weeks after her birth. It melted your heart every time you’d come home to see Ao’nung fiddling with your children’s hands, a smile spread across hs face. 
“I want our next one to look exactly like you” He once said as you dozed off to sleep. You thought for a moment before your eyes shot open. “Next one??” 
Ao'nung holds your hand, placing a flower between your fingers as you stare at him. It was a site you cherished, a site you saw everyday. he places a kiss on your lips, smiling as you giggle. All you can do is smile as he holds you in his arms, you take a deep breath, basking in his presence. You think about the life ahead of you, with him, with your family.
When your children are of age you may travel again, maybe that will wait because you choose to have more children. You hold his hand tight as he hums. It still amazes you how you swooned for this man, the same one who you fist fought in the first month of knowing him, the one you argues with relentlessly, the one who guided you with a trail of flowers through his journey of falling in love with you.
You pray that when you are with Eywa, you will be with him. No phrases of affection could describe the love you hold for him and your family.
But for now you will love and you will see.
Sorry but I couldn't do a taglist this time, I rushed both chapters and i'm just out of energy. My grandpa died so this was the most i could put forth. I hope you guys enjoyed it :)
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babyboyagere · 5 months
5 times Daryl should have known you were little and the time he found out.
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Chapter 6 - I gotcha
tags: Cg! Daryl Dixon, Litte! Male Reader, Classification AU/littles are known
You and Daryl had been dating for a few weeks, and it was marvelous. Alexandria had made you feel safe enough to admit your feelings to one another (you admitted and Daryl awkwardly agreed) and you were happily enjoying getting to know Daryl as a boyfriend.
You were worried, however, that he could tell you were a little. The more you got to know this side of him, the safer you felt around him. You fell asleep back to back with him every night, told him stories from your life before, and he told you about his. You had nearly slipped around him several times, but did your best to keep yourself in check.
That is, until you dropped a glass on the floor and broke it. The crash, the exhaustion, the cut you got trying to clean it up were all too much, and you curled into a ball sobbing, your headspace hitting you at once like a high-diver hitting the water. Daryl immediately rushed to your side, assesing the damage.
"Hey, 'sokay, I'm here. I gotcha,' He tried to get you to look at him, but you just grabbed his neck and hid your face in his shoulder, still crying. He sighed and lifted you up, setting you gently on the counter. You grabbed tighter, not wanting to be put down.
"I know, I know," He whispered soothingly, "I gotta clean up the glass real quick.''
After sweeping up the shards and dumping them in the trash, he picked you up again and carried you to the couch. He set you gently in his lap, rocking you back and forth, his caregiver instincts immediately taking over.
"Can ya tell me wha's wrong?" He asked softly. You could only cry, curling your face into his chest. Everything was too much, you were too small, too overwhelmed, too exhausted to even form sentences. Daryl just rocked you, content to hold you as long as you needed. After a long time, you were able to speak in small, hiccupy breaths
"I- m'sorry- small- s'toomuch-" you turned your face back into his chest.
Daryl immediately had a moment of realization. OH. That was why you bit your cuticules till they bled, that was why you wanted the surpressants, that was why you were always exhausted. Daryl held you tightly to his body, hoping somehow to undo years of damage the apocalypse did to you. Some littles never recover from longterm suppresion, and end up physically and mentally disabled.
"Can you tell me how old you are baby boy?" You held up two fingers. "Thats very tiny!" he said, in a voice you've never heard him use.
He rummaged around in his pocket for something, then popped a plain blue paci into your mouth. You immediately suckled on it, your hiccups and cries quieting down.
"There we go, little one," he continued to rock you back and forth, relishing the soft moment with you. You began to squirm, your back hurting from being in an awkward position for so long, so he adjusted, moving so you were laying flat on his chest.
"Feel better, cutie?" He asked, running his hands through your hair and scratching gently at your scalp. You nodded sleepily, barely containing a yawn. Now that you were safe, all you could do was drift to sleep.
"I gotcha, sweetheart. You're safe now."
an: hope yall enjoyed!! Reblogs are really appreciated and a great way to show me that you liked this fic:)
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 4 months
I'd love to know more about the Bucky x autistic reader fic <3
This is such a pet project of mine to the point that I'm definitely overthinking it now and I just need to get it finished and posted.
I started it to help me work through my feelings while I waited for my assesment, and it's been so long I've had my diagnosis! It's very much based on my own experiences of being autistic and never feeling that I'm reaching the goals that everyone around me has set on my behalf. (But this has a soft fluffy ending).
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It's called Let The Rain Fall and it follows Bucky learning about a talented agent who is still on desk duty, never really been in the field and doesn't go on missions. Determined to help her reach what he deems is her full capacity he befriends her and encourages her out from behind her desk.
She is our autistic reader, she much prefers being in charge of mission reports from the comfort of her office but, when disaster strikes, she steps in and is forced to reveal the full extent of her talents.
As Bucky gets to know her he starts to understand her more and more and they get closer and closer.
Little snippet under the cut, all SFW!
Bucky wasn’t sure he’d ever had such a nice time waiting in the jet. He was often resigned to babysitting the Avengers’ jet, car, boat, whenever there was actual teaching to be done. He didn’t mind so much, it gave him the space to read his books, listen to some music or catch up on all the history he’d either missed or inadvertently been a part of. 
But today you were there too, and your presence brought him a sense of calm that had truly surprised him. 
“Make yourself at home.” He insisted, gesturing to the spare seat. 
“Thanks.” You sat carefully.
“I mean it, make yourself comfortable, we’ll be here for a while. You want a drink?” Cautiously you tucked your legs up, crossing them on the seat. Your boots were clean, immaculate even, worn only through the compound and into the hanger this morning, but you were careful to keep them as far off the seat as you could anyway. 
Bucky poured coffee from a large flask tucked into the side of his seat and topped it off with a generous helping of milk. 
“That’s just how I like it.”
He smiled, wide and pleased, “I asked around, wanted to make sure you enjoy your first mission.” 
“Not really a mission if I don’t do anything,” you blew steam from the top of your enamel cup and took a sip, cupping your hands around the warm metal. 
“Well, it’s all I’m doing and I’m an ‘Avenger’.” Bucky laughed, reaching his arm out to clink your mugs together. “Cheers to the easiest job on the roster.” 
You fell into an easy silence, Bucky read his book for a while until you couldn’t hold it in anymore and told him you’d read it a few weeks before. Before you knew it two hours had melted away and you were curled up comfortably in Steve’s seat, giving Bucky a run down of your favourite books so far that year. He watched you, the wide grin softening into an indulgent smile while you blossomed before his eyes. 
He knew some of the other agents had been whispering about you, while you boarded the jet, that you were odd, childish, over the top and impossible to be around. But he enjoyed the exuberant way you described each plot, the glimmer of excitement in your eyes when he agreed with you and the blunt dry way you told deadpan jokes before breaking into peals of laughter. 
Silently he prayed that you’d come with him again, just to spend time with him even if you didn’t want to be in the field.  
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hjeojeo · 5 months
The "im gonna go back to bed and sleep another 3-4 hours but first" thoughts.
I was trying to look for my anon asks tags cause it seems I've used a bunch of different ones over the years but i think i found the most consistenly used one (#anonasks)
And omg interesting observing how 2014~2017 ppl were very ready to ask about art tips and stuff
But definitely starting from 2020~2022 ppl don't ask anymore
But this also coinciding with the overall "gotta be a professional artist" vibe and overall art community changing where ppl expect a certain quality of art or something- it all makes me think about how hostile the current online art community is for both beginner artists and artists struggling with figuring out their art/self.
Im thinking on how to help encourage other artists more.
Im gonna try to think more on tutorials and stuff bc it's something ppl have asked from me for many years but i just never had the confidence to. But the real detailed reason is bc i never wanted the heavy responsibility of teaching, but i think i see now how important it is to dedicate to teaching and sharing what you've learned.
At the time i thought there's plentiful resources, i dont need to add my bumbling mess. But it seems that just bc there's plentiful resources doesn't mean it's assesible.
So i guess i can try to brainstorm how to collect helpful resources and share that and also put more effort into..thinking of how i can describe and explain my personal art approaches and thoughts/processes.
I think art should always give a person a feeling of "i want to do that! I CAN do that!" Instead of whatever the current vibe is, it makes me think it gives ppl the energy of "my art isn't good enough" and that is genuinely terrible. Art shouldn't be expectations and standards and whathaveyou. It should be whatever the fuck centered on joy and expressing yerself
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jon-withnoh · 5 months
Danbea prompts, you say?! "There was only one bed" #3 - Person A waking up to Person B curled up and sleeping on top of them. (Tbh any of the "there was only one bed" prompts.)
Okay so this became a whole thing. Here is part one of two I hope you enjoy! (Beware, this is three thousand words long.)
Danny drew her coat around herself, shivering. It was snowing so heavily she could not see more than a few feet in front of her. Clutching her carpet bag in both hands, Danny began to move in the direction of where she suspected the stationmaster’s house to be. She had only gone a few steps when a figure emerged out of the flurry of snow around her, knocking into her with surprising momentum. 
“Oh dear,” said the figure. “I do apologise. I cannot see further than my own feet in this weather.” 
Danny stopped short. “Mrs Lacy?”
Mrs Lacy, bundled up so heavily as to be almost unrecognisable, did a double-take. “Miss Danvers. Now what on earth are you doing here?”
“Mrs de Winter sent me ahead on the train so I could meet her when she arrived.” 
“She’s driving?”
“Yes, Madam. She has an appointment in London today and will set out afterwards.”
“Hm.” Mrs Lacy’s exhale produced a small cloud of steam. “I doubt she will be able to set out in this weather. I spoke to the conductor just before the delay was announced. They have had reports of heavy snowfall all over the country, even in London.” 
Danny gave a non-comittal shrug. 
“What do you recommend we do now?” Mrs Lacy asked. 
“There is no chance of continuing our journey this afternoon?”
“I’m afraid not,” Mrs Lacy said. “There are snow drifts all along the way. They will have to wait to clear them until it stops snowing. It would be a wasted effort otherwise. I suggest we go to the village and beg for a room somewhere. Come, I shall take you under my wing, seeing as you are without your lady and I am without a maid.” 
Danny opened her mouth and closed it again. She could see blurry figures all around them, moving from the train in the direction of the stationhouse. Clearly, Mrs Lacy was not the only one who trusted the train conductor’s assesment of the situation. Danny found herself torn. What if Rebecca did set out from London and Danny was not there to receive her? Should she not try and make her way to Scotland via some other route?
Mrs Lacy had been watching her. “Miss Danvers, we are in the middle of Lancashire. We are entirely reliant on the train and the train will not depart until tomorrow at the very least. If Rebecca does arrive before us and gives you any trouble, I will personally vouch for your dedicated attempts to continue your journey.” 
Danny blushed. “Thank you, Mrs Lacy.” 
“Good girl,” Mrs Lacy said, interpreting her thanks as aquiescence. “Follow me, I have excellent directional instincts.” 
Mrs Lacy led the way through the stationhouse and into the town beyond. It was small, smaller than Kerrith or even Lanyon. Spotting the pub amongst the row of houses along King’s street was no difficult feat, though Danny kept this thought to herself. Mrs Lacy gave her a triumphant smile and pointed at the pub, picking up her stride. Danny hurried after her. The snow on the pavement had not been cleared. It was beginning to melt inside her boots. 
As soon as Mrs Lacy pushed open the worn entrance door to the pub, Danny realised that they were not the only passengers to think of taking shelter here, nor had they been the first. She watched Mrs Lacy’s smile faulter as she took in the mass of people crowded around the fire place, the bar, and the reception desk. Nonetheless, the two of them joined the queue by the desk and waited their turn. 
The woman behind the desk gave them a cheerful smile. “What can I do for you?”
“Good afternoon,” Mrs Lacy said. “We were on the train that is currently stranded at the station and would like to spend the night. What kind of rooms can you offer us?”
“Offer? You don’t suppose you were the only passengers looking for rooms, do you? I have one room available and that is it. It is small, but neat and tidy as all our rooms are. It should have twin beds. Ethel—” The woman turned and called over her shoulder. “It’s twin beds, isn’t it?” There was a call of assent from somewhere at the back of the room. “There you have it. One room, twin beds, will that suit you and your—”
“Lady’s maid,” Mrs Lacy said. “And I suppose we will have to make do.” 
“Very well then,” said the woman. “Here is your key. You’ll want to take a left at the top of the stairs and go to the very end of the corridor.”
“Thank you,” Mrs Lacy said. “Come along, Miss Danvers, I am sure we will be quite comfortable.” 
Mrs Lacy’s easy familiarity made her blush. She was used to it from Rebecca, but that was different. They had grown up together; she had taken care of Rebecca when Rebecca had still been afraid of the dark. Mrs Lacy barely knew her. Still, she followed Mrs Lacy up the stairs and down a narrow corridor with doors on either side. As the woman had said, their room was at the very end. It was much colder here than it had been downstairs, where the logs were piled high in the fireplace and there was a steady stream of hot soup and tea from the kitchens. Danny stood back as Mrs Lacy set down her suitcase and unlocked the door.
“Hm,” Mrs Lacy said. “Hm.”
“Is anything the matter, Mrs Lacy?”
Mrs Lacy thought on this for a moment. “You see, I distinctly recall that woman downstairs speaking about twin beds, and, for that matter, confirming the existence of twin beds with Ethel, whoever she is. Do step inside this room and tell me what you see.” 
Curious, Danny went to stand next to Mrs Lacy and peered into the room. It was very neat, as the woman had said, with chequered curtains and a small peat fire in the fireplace. What did not match her description at all was the bed against the righthand wall. It too was exceedingly neat with a plain coverlet and clean white sheets, but it was decidedly one bed, intended for two sleepers. Danny’s cheeks burned. 
“She must have been mistaken,” Mrs Lacy said. “I shall go downstairs and see what they can do. Maybe they can swap our room with someone else’s. There must be something they can do.”
Danny bowed her head as Mrs Lacy turned down the corridor once more. She waited until the decided clunk clunk clunk of Mrs Lacy’s boots on the stairs had faded, then stepped eagerly into the room to stand beside the fire. However long it took Mrs Lacy to rectify the situation was as good an opportunity as any to warm up. Danny set down her bag and held out her hands. She sighed as the warmth of the fire began to envelop her frozen fingertips. She closed her eyes, feeling herself come back to life. 
“There is nothing to be done.” 
Danny whirled around. Mrs Lacy had returned, standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. 
“It is this or finding another place to sleep and at this rate, every establishment will be completely packed by the time we get there. If only I had some acquaintance here who I could persuade to take us in, but of course, we are in Lancashire. We shall have to make ourselves as comfortable as we can.”
That was that. Mrs Lacy set down her suitcase on the stand at the foot of the bed and began to sort through her things. Danny remained standing by the fireplace, her hands folded. She tried to conceal her horror at this development. To share a room with a woman of Mrs Lacy’s standing — would Rebecca expect her to act as lady’s maid to someone who was not Rebecca? 
Danny kept her mouth shut and her eyes fixed on the floor as Mrs Lacy made herself at home. She followed silently as Mrs Lacy suggested they go in quest of dinner and ate her soup with as little conversation as she could muster. Fortunately, Mrs Lacy did not seem to require any long speeches from her. She seemed happy enough to converse without much back and forth, though more than once Danny found herself the recipient of an amused smile. Danny kept her eyes on her soup, unwilling to interrogate why the gentle curve of Mrs Lacy’s mouth flustered her so much. Finally, Mrs Lacy set down her cup of after-dinner tea and stifled a yawn behind her hand. 
“We had better turn in,” she said. “If they do get the train up and running over night we do not want to miss it.” 
Danny made to rise from her chair, but froze midway. She had carefully avoided thinking about the issue of turning in all afternoon. To share a room with Mrs Lacy was bad enough — there would be no way of avoiding each other in such close quarters — but to share a bed? Danny had not shared a bed with anyone since childhood, and never with a stranger. Maybe she could sleep in the chair next to the bed. Surely Mrs Lacy would be relieved at the suggestion. 
“Are you coming?” Mrs Lacy was halfway across the room already, calling over her shoulder. Danny hurried after her. 
Someone had come to turn down the bed and draw the curtains while they had been at dinner. The fire had been stoked and the lamp on the bedside table turned on. It would have been quite comfortable if Danny had not been so full of dread at what was to come. 
“Well,” Mrs Lacy said, “we had better not dawdle. I will brush my teeth and then we shall see about our sleeping arrangement.” She went over to her suitcase and took out a small bag.
Once Mrs Lacy had gone to find the bathroom down the hall, Danny forced herself to move from her spot by the door. She had left her carpet bag on the chair by the bed. She opened it gingerly, knowing already that she would find nothing but a few essentials. Everything else was neatly folded away in her suitcase and that had been sent up to Scotland along with Rebecca’s luggage. 
By the time Mrs Lacy returned, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, still wearing the dress she had traveled in. 
“You haven’t changed?”
“I have nothing to change into… Madam,” she added quickly. “My suitcase was sent ahead this morning along with Mrs de Winter’s things.” 
“That is unfortunate. You’ll have to borrow something of mine then.”
“I couldn’t possibly,” Danny said decisively.
“Are you sure?”
Danny nodded. 
Mrs Lacy shrugged and turned to her suitcase. Danny averted her eyes as Mrs Lacy took out a nightgown and sat on the edge of the bed to take off her shoes. Remembering that she had brought a toothbrush, Danny stood up from the bed and excused herself to go to the bathroom. Shivering in the draughty room, Danny brushed her teeth. There was no warm water. Her shivers intensified as she washed her face. When she straightened up, her cheeks were bright red. 
Back in the little room, Mrs Lacy had finished changing. She had chosen the left side of the bed and was sitting up with her dressing gown draped around her shoulders. Danny noticed the coverlet, folded carelessly and left on the floor next to Mrs Lacy’s suitcase. 
“I hope you don’t mind my taking this side,” Mrs Lacy said. “I prefer to sleep further away from the door.”
“No, I…” Danny cleared her throat. “I don’t mind at all.” Avoiding Mrs Lacy’s gaze, she went over to the right side of the bed and sat in the chair next to it, folding her hands. 
“You cannot be serious.”
“Miss Danvers, don’t tell me you mean to sit up all night in that chair?”
Danny opened her mouth, helplessly, but could not think of anything to say. 
“No, that simply will not do,” Mrs Lacy said fiercely. “You will wreck your back and resent me all the way to Scotland. I will not have that.” 
“I wouldn’t resent you.” Danny kept her eyes downcast. “But you must allow that I am doing what is right. You shouldn’t be forced to…”
“Forced? Forced? Miss Danvers, you do not think you are forcing me into anything, do you?”
“No,” Danny conceded, “but the circumstances…”
“My dear girl, if I had truly been outraged by the circumstances, I would have fought much harder to rectify the situation. My pockets might not be as deep as my brothers, but they are most certainly deep enough to find a suitable place to sleep, even in an overcrowded country inn. No, while this is inconvenient, I did not think it worth the effort to turn this whole place on its head merely so I would not have to share a room with my esteemed sister in law’s maid. Now come to bed. You will thank me tomorrow.” 
Unable to form another word of protest, Danny rose from her chair and sat on the edge of the bed. She unhooked her boots and put them closer to the fire to dry. With trembling fingers, she pulled her hair out of its twist and began to comb it with her fingers. There was movement on the other side of the bed. A moment later, Mrs Lacy wordlessly held out her hairbrush. 
“Thank you.” 
Danny wrapped her fingers around the handle of the brush. The dark wood was worn smooth, resting well in her hand. Danny brushed her hair in silence. She could feel Mrs Lacy watching her, it gave her the sensation that her skin was burning all over with a small, but strangely pleasant fire.
Hastily, Danny braided her hair and handed back the brush. 
“Thank you,” she said again. 
“If you wanted to take off your corset for the night,” Mrs Lacy said matter-of-factly, “you would be more than welcome. I won’t look.” 
Would the mortification never end? Moving as quickly as possible, Danny rid herself of the aforementioned undergarment, hastily buttoning up her dress again once it was done. Feeling rather exposed, despite the layers of fabric still covering her, Danny returned to the bed and sat on top of the covers, her back against the wooden headboard. Mrs Lacy raised an eyebrow. 
“Please,” Danny said. “You must allow me at least this. I couldn’t— with someone of your standing, it would be… please, Mrs Lacy, I will be fine.”
“Very well,” Mrs Lacy said patiently. “If you change your mind…”
“Good night, Mrs Lacy.”
“Good night, Miss Danvers.” 
The room sank into silence at once. Mrs Lacy turned onto her side and, with a small huff of exhaustion, was asleep within minutes. Danny sat up in bed, staring now at her hands, now at the fire and more often than not, she was ashamed to admit, at Mrs Lacy. She had often noticed that Mr de Winter’s sister was very handsome. Though his senior by almost a decade, her face had lost none of the youthful mischievousness that smiled down at the visitors of Manderley from pictures painted in Mrs Lacy’s youth. Her eyes were invariably kind, whether she was looking at her brother, Rebecca, or even one of the servants. In sleep, there was something else in her expression, a vulnerability Danny had never seen before. It was difficult to look away. It took an hour for Danny to convince herself that Mrs Lacy would not suddenly wake up and find Danny staring at her. Danny thought she might never look her fill. 
Before going to bed, she had wondered what it would feel like to be trapped in a room like this with Rebecca. Would Rebecca have allowed her to sleep on the bed? Would Rebecca have wanted her to? Danny could not say. Rebecca would not have looked at her the way Mrs Lacy had, though once she was asleep, Danny was certain the situation would have been the same. She would have looked and looked at Rebecca, her face as impenetrable in sleep as it was in waking. She would have warmed Rebecca’s hands during the night, leaning forward in her chair. She would have sat and burned and waited for an invitation that would not come. 
Mrs Lacy rolled over and sighed in her sleep, the covers drawn up almost to her nose. Danny’s back was aching. Moving carefully, so as not to wake Mrs Lacy, she lay down on top of the covers, first on her back and then, relenting, facing the centre of the bed. 
“Good night, Mrs Lacy,” she whispered and, pressing her eyes tight shut, drifted off to sleep. 
Danny awoke shivering. She was curled up on top of the covers, arms wrapped around her chest to trap a warmth that was not there. Her muscles felt sore from the cold. How long had she been shaking in her sleep. Danny did not notice the hand on her shoulder until it gave a gentle squeeze. She gasped in shock and turned around to find Mrs Lacy sitting up in bed with her arm outstretched. 
“Miss Danvers,” Mrs Lacy said groggily. “You’ll catch your death.” 
“Let me j-just—” Her teeth were chattering so intensely she had to break off and start again. “I will rekindle the fire.” 
“There’s nothing here to rekindle it with.”
“That f-feels like an oversight.” 
Mrs Lacy held up the bedcovers. “I would prefer if you did not freeze to death under my supervision. Rebecca would never forgive me.” 
Danny shook her head, weakly. 
“Miss Danvers, what does it matter who I am or why we are here? You can barely speak for shivering. Don’t be a fool and we will never discuss this night again.”
Danny’s eyes darted from Mrs Lacy to the empty grate and back again. It could not have been past three in the morning. It would be hours before she could go down and ask for their fire to be lit. Mrs Lacy tugged at the bedcovers, her face expectant. 
It did not feel like defeat, slipping under the covers next to Mrs Lacy. Danny was much too cold to feel anything but relief. Even under the covers, her muscles would not stop twitching. 
“There now,” Mrs Lacy said gently. She pulled up the covers to cover Danny’s shoulders, then took her dressing gown from the foot of the bed and piled it on top of Danny as well, rubbing her arm through the layers of fabric. “There now,” she said again. “That’s much better, isn’t it?”
Danny could not reply. She was beginning to feel warmer under the covers, too comfortable and exhausted to speak. Mrs Lacy seemed to understand. She lay back down, facing Danny and closed her eyes. Danny expected her to withdraw her hand now, but it stayed where it was, gently brushing along her arm. 
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Hello, first I would like to greatly apologize for any spam of likes I have sent your way because my brain decided to obsess randomly with Dp x Dc crossovers for the past few days. I'm not even into Dc comics, and I only watch Danny Phantom when I randomly it exists and the fandom pulls me back into its clutches until I'm able to finally escape only to be pulled back in a few months later. I write this to you at 1:30 am with a bag of shittily made popcorn with my cat accompanying me because my mind has decided to fall in love with Danny being taken care of by the Bat family and it's mostly you're fault. I hope you're happy. I want to kiss you so bad you have no idea. I've come up with so many scenarios and have the balls to share them with you cause I really like the way you write and since I'm not a writer I have no idea what I'm doing but here I go:
Danny and Dani are basically travelling the world, Danny would call it running from the cops but that doesn't have as nice a ring to it. (Situation can be up to you, bad reaction from parents, was framed, anything for Danny and Dani on the run with Danny having protective older brother vibes)
They end up in Gotham for a few nights to rest easily and its snowing cause I said so and theyre starving at this point. Danny's like "We need to hide and need shelter" and Dani's like "Dude look over there at that creepy mansion :D" And they have no idea that its not only very much inhabited, but a bunch of rich people live there (And the Bat family but who cares about that part)
Danny is obviously on the fence cause 1. He doesn't have a good history with rich people so why their houses and 2. They dont know whats in there what if a bunch of weirdos are staying there but they decide they're cold and need a place to rest so they fly in and luckily land in the kitchen.
The lights are off and they're to focused on finding food to notice two figures standing in the middle of the kitchen just watching them.
Dani pulls out a box of the shittiest cereal you can think that shouldn't be counted as cereal all happy "Danny, they have my favorite cereal!" And poor Danny's horrified, "Have you even ever had cereal before?"
They start rambling and then someone turns on the light its Alfred he was in the middle of boiling midnight tea for him and Tim.
And there's just 2 GLOWING awkward teens FLOATING, one's holding Bruce's 'cereal' clearly not assesing the situation and the other has a horrified expression on their face, and looks like on the verge of passing out.
Tim is way to sleep deprived thinking they're hallucinations and sits down, also on the verge of passing out, while Alfred just keeps boiling his tea.
Danny is sweating trying to figure out how hes gonna get them out if this situation and Danis just, munching on dry crappy cereal.
Albert like the God he is just fucking opens the fridge, looks Dani in the eye and asks "Would you like some milk with that, my lady?" And thats all I got out of me FOR THAT SCENARIO.
The other is I fucking forgot I took 30 mins to write all this I forgot what else I had Im so sleep deprived OH FUCK I REMEMBER IT WAS ABOUT DRUGS
Ok so tw for drugs (weed):
Ok so Danny's a teen he's stupid right, knowing him in the show he'd be the kid to decline drugs but then take a hit when his crush says "i KnEw YoU wEreNt coOl" yknow? Delicious social pressure.
Well he's like pretty much adopted by the Wayne's at this point so he's just chilling on the couch about to light a joint and Jason being the noble man he is snatches it out of Danny's hand like "Nono, bad small child dont do drugs" half joking and smokes it instead.
Danny's now panicking, silently following Jason to make sure he's alright and not dead or reacting badly to it.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be fine?" And the high kicks in.
The thing is is that it was ghost weed. And Jason for once feels completely calm, he doesn't feel a single bit of the pit its silent.
He's crying and Danny's like "Omg are you ok???" Thinking he poisoned his family/lover/whatever the fuck they are.
And Jason's just "This is some real good shit" silently sobbing, not even thinking about where Danny got it or why its doing this he's just happy.
And you can turn this into extreme angst by making him codependent or a comedy by him making high jokes
Ok thats it again I'm so sorry I just really had to tell someone this
Homie you, me, behind the Bat Burger; We shall marry at dawn. Man, it makes me so happy that you enjoy the stuff I write that much I’m really proud that I could bring you that much joy! Be sure to give your kitty some pets for me :).
Oh also, “not a writer”?! You spin a web of lies. This is incredible!! Sure it’s rambly, but that’s because you’re writing in a way that’s unsure of yourself. (It’s also very much so how I write so I feel you homie.) I still feel like my writing is equivalent to a middle schooler's but I do my best to shake that off. I don’t write fics because I’m bad at dialogue, I’m workin on it though! You simply just have to try and believe in yourself. You’ll reread it later and go, “Damn, did I just write that?!” And feel proud of what you accomplished. You absolutely have unique and brilliant ideas so take a shot at writing some stuff! I’m sure you’ll do great! :D
Also bro your: "what was I talking about? oH YEAH DRUGS!" was so unexpected. it made me laugh so hard so thank you for that :)
Danny and Dani are fucking floored that this stoic-ass old British man just rolled with seeing the two. Dani's eyes light up as she accepts the milk from the British guy. Snatching the fancy glass milk container, she haphazardly pours the milk into her bowl causing bits of cereal to ricochet the milk out of the bowl and flying absolutely everywhere.
Tim just stands still and stares at the two very much so Not Human entities that are currently in his house. The tired vigilante rummages around in his pocket for his phone and takes a quick photo of the scene in front of him.
Tim double takes glancing between the kitchen and his phone. At first he assumed they were hallucinations because no figures were present in the photograph… the floating bowl of cereal and spoon says otherwise.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Happy birthday, Kaveh!
I wrote a silly for Kaveh's bday so, happy birthday to my fave sensitive boi~💖💖💖
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Kaveh x Alhaitham (romantic)
Lee: Alhaitham
Ler: Kaveh
Warnings: Tickles!
There they were, Alhaitham sprawled out in the middle of their shared bed, and Kaveh straddling his waist. Assesing his body up and down...
"Will you start already? Or are you just gonna stare me up and down all day?"
"Don't rush me!..." Kaveh's cheeks slowly started to flare up, although he tried to keep his cool.
I mean he did ask for this. For his birthday, Kaveh had asked Alhaitham if he could tickle him, and to his surprise the scribe agreed. But now that he actually had to act upon it, he suddenly felt so... shy? Embarrassed? And stupid Alhaitham looking up at him expectantly sure wasn't helping.
The younger male let out an exasperated sigh as he reached out to grab at Kaveh's hands. Gently guiding them down to his sides. "There, now you can start".
The blonde had to blink for a moment at what just happened before returning back to his senses. "R-right! ...I know what I'm doing!... Pfft!" Kaveh scoffed, earning an eye roll from the other. He tried to seem confident in his abilities, but even when in the role of the tickler he was still a nervous wreck. "Erm... is this okay?" he asked as his nimble fingers started to explore Alhaitham's torso. Tracing over his abs and the dent of his navel. He noticed Alhaitham's body start to jerk slightly with each delicate touch, but his face remained the same.
"Is that the best you got?" he spoke arrogantly, making Kaveh fume up in anger.
"Hmph, fine! How this then?!" Kaveh dug his digits a bit more harshly against Alhaitham's ribs, causing the scribe to gasp in surprise. "Hah! How's that for your liking?~".
"Heheh... I can handle wohorse" the scribe spoke through soft, breathless giggles. His lips now starting to form a wobbly and yet cocky smile. He knew exactly how to push Kaveh.
"Oh now you're just asking for it! Don't say I didn't warn you...~" the blonde grinned down at him as his hands shot up to Alhaitham's armpits, his short nails scribbling against the soft flesh.
"GYAH!" Alhaitham instantly threw his head back. Eyes closed and nose scrunched up. As that hysterical laughter started bursting out of him. "W-WAHAIT! KAVEHEHEH!".
"What's wrong? Can't handle a few tickles?~" Kaveh cooed near the scribe's ear, enjoying the soft, pink color that spread across his cheeks.
"Alright fine, I'll go easier on you~" Kaveh chuckled as he stopped the tickling. Now opting to cuddle his junior, going back to the light traces all over his belly. "Better now?~" the blonde asked as he peppered soft kisses along Alhaitham's neck.
"Hmhmhm.... yeah..." the scribe let out a happy sigh, relaxing into the touch. "Happy birthday, Kaveh...".
"Best birthday present ever! We should do this again sometime~" Kaveh said with a giggle, snuggling further into Alhaitham.
"Don't push it".
Idk what I did for the ending, I still feel a bit crappy. But I hope this is okay 💖
Now back to my break lol
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ezraxmp · 6 months
cont. from an sns thread with the same name with @mpxinvidia
Ezra picked up their tote of the floor and went to the front to pay for the books they had picked. Ten pretty hefty ones, sure to keep the literature student entertained for the next couple of weeks.
As they stepped out of the store, ballparking the amount of books scattered around their home, their phone pinged.
Say less, be there in twenty
Remembering the mess that was the poet's entire appartment - books and notebooks scattered everywhere to start - Ezra's eyes widened. They thought the other would come around maybe tomorrow. Or a week from now. The Egyptian demigod quickly assesed the situation mentally, and came to the conclusion they could make their home presentable for guests if they hurried.
Cool, see ya then!
The young student made a quick stop at the grocery store for some snacks and cat food, then rushed home. Instead of just kicking their shoes off and leaving them where they landed, they put the pair of sneakers away on the shoe rack. And picked up one of the many stray books laying around. Eleven.
They made their way to the kitchen, opened a cabinet - twelve, thirteen, fourteen - and put some of the groceries away. Then they turned to the fridge - fifteen?! - to put away the drinks.
Risha greeted her owner with a soft meow, to which Ezra responded with a soft pat on her head. "Yea, yea, food's coming," they chuckled. First filling up the food bowl, then cleaning the cat's litter box.
Since company was coming over soon, the enby demigod left their bedroom for what it was and focused on the living room. Tidying it up generally. Picking up books, both read and unread, and putting them where they should go. The ones they had started - three, making eighteen - they left on the coffee table. The rest went back on the many shelves - twenty, making thirty-eight. Craming those books into the tiniest of empty spaces on their shelves, Ezra realized they probably needed more of them. They looked around trying to figure out where to create more space. But their apartment wasn't infinite...
That was gonna be a problem for future Ezra.
After making the living space presentable enough for a friend to come over, they turned on a kettle for tea and some music before starting the big count.
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
For post canons I suppose I can share one of my favorite post-fontaine story mems.
My assesment for becoming a Harbinger. It was a few years after fontaines canon. I think Traveler was in snezhnaya at the time, though I can't say if it was during its arc or after.
Harbinger assesments were part of the Fatuis annual gathering to test the harbingers, adjust rankings within, ect. Which meant Lynette and I got to fight as many Harbingers as we could get through. I remember details about each fight we faced, but One of them was my favorite.
My fight with Tartaglia. Now my Fontaine Arc was rather divergent, Tartaglia was handled differently, and we had gotten into a rather abusive relationship during his months there. Tartaglia of course denied it for years, and I have no memory of him ever coming to his senses about it, even after Aether stopped speaking with him.
Needless to say I used our required fight to get some much craved revenge. While even years later of no contact, he was still so angry, and thought he could finally "shut me up". Though I suppose I did decimate his reputation by being open about it ;p Even got him banned from returning to Fontaine by the Fatui. (the Fatui informed the court that should Tartaglia be seen he is to be sent back to Snezhnaya immediately, your boyfriend being the head of meropide certainly helped in ensuring fontaine complied with the request.)
Tartaglia was so blinded with rage during our battle that he gave up all his advantages inorder to go straight to his strongest form, foul legacy. And doing so was his downfall, as he lost all his movement and speed advantage over me, allowing me to get good range and just absolutely decimate him. It's surprisingly easy to overwhelm foul legacy with attacks too fast for the heavy form to retaliate against.
I did the other Harbingers a favor by putting him out of commision for a few days according to Father. He would apparently beg every other harbinger to fight until they taped his mouth shut every year.
I still think its funny that I was so ready to finally give him a taste of his own medicine that I completely forgot that Lynette was supposed to be fighting with me (as she counted as part of my ability, like dottores clones, or sandrones primary puppet).
Though Pierro should be grateful I forgot about that, or else he'd have more harbingers to replace. I could keep myself from killing him, but nobody stops Lynette when she wants to kill. Pierro just seemed very confused when Father and I mentioned that to him.
The other fights were all realy fun- Lynette being allowed to go all out is truly a terrifying sight. With the speed she has you'd think her vision were electro. Ever seen a woman of her stature cut through over a foot of solid metal before you could blink? She nearly distracted me in that fight when she did that- I know I was technically stronger than her, but I didnt take "you're allowed to kill eachother" as an invitation. (Sorry that she almost killed you btw Sandrone.)
And yet despite Lynettes terrifying speed- You would never think it. But Pulcinella? Even faster. That fight was over before we could really even get started. No Old Man should be allowed to be That Fast I swear. So of course, being defeated by Harbinger no.5, We were placed in seat 6. Ofc I held the title officially, and Lynette was just my primary assistant, but we were treated as a duo of harbingers by everyone anyway, even though I was the only one who got the big Harbinger jacket >:)
I don't think I'll ever remember future assesments, as my initiation is obviously the most important one. But I wouldn't mind getting more memories of fighting Tartaglia during them. Because the one in this timeline certainly deserved it.
While I'm here of course. Thank You, Pierro. For making sure I was comfortable. I get the feeling the other harbingers hated Tartaglia enough they wanted an excuse to remove him, and just didnt want to deal with the headache of removing him themselves- He was more trouble than he was worth after Fontaine if my hunch is right (truly a downside of delusions, hm?) And even if your kindness was only because of that, it is still very much appreciated.
~Lyney 🕯♟
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drawnbinary · 1 year
It's me again! I hope that you don't mind me chatting you up, just say so if you do, I'll understand! 😅
Do you think that Hassel can be originally from Johto? Since Blackthorn City is a home of probably the most well-known active dragon clan in the series so far (since Draconids, the people Zinnia's from, are mostly gone)? I've seen theories that the little cape Hassel has on his jacket is a call back to the capes "dragon tamer" trainer class has (and I'm mostly agreeing with this). And when I thought about it, I had this idea: What if Hassel's first pokemon wasn't the baxcalibur that's his ace now, but the dragonite he uses in the school champion tournament? Since the dragon clan from Blackthorn mostly uses the dratini line. What if he got that dragonite as a dratini when he was a kid and raised it his whole life, and now kinda retired it after a lifetime of battling? Baxcalibur is his main now during champion assesment, but he brings out dragonite for some friendly competition every once in a while, like the school championship. And, of course, that would mean that Hassel, Lance and Claire are distantly related.
Oh and I think that Hassel is totally besties with Rika. Gay/lesbian solidarity who go to brunches together. I think that it would be a fun contrast between his husband being such a grandiose artistic mind and his bestie being a very grounded and sober-thinking person.
Oh my god, could you imagine if the DLC will allow us to have some kind of a gym leader/elite four doubles tournament like they did in SWSH? If I'll get to see Hassel and Brassius fight together in doubles as partners I think that I will explode.
I'm also super excited to see them both in the anime and maybe, down the line, in masters. And I hope that they will somehow will return/be referenced in the DLCs- the first one is a school trip, so maybe Hassel will go as a chaperone.
And I totally get you about fanfics and such- I'd love to write something for them one day, when I will have a specific concept in mind. I'm thoroughly disappointed that I can't find any character studies for them, my favorite genre 😔 do you have any headcanons you'd like to share? 👀
You're definitely not alone on pretty much all of those >:D
Again, under a cut because I'm long-winded lol
I've got Hassel from Johto, Galar, or a region we haven't been to yet. Regardless of which region, I figure all the dragon clans are connected in some way so he's cousins with Lance and Clair in some sort of way. The childhood dratini -> semi-retired dragonite is definitely one I've seen and discussed before. I think the fic where Hassel rescues/nurtures a sick baby one isn't on AO3 but it's cemented for me that he's had it since he was young <3
The cape is a nice visual to connect him to other dragon tamers and it being short and part of his jacket also separates him from the dramatic looks of Lance and Clair
I think Rika teases Hassel for being old and out of touch but it's just friendly banter. I hope she was the one who told him about "fleek" over a cup of coffee with pastries.
I pray so hard for them teaming up for double battles (my drawing of them in a silly double battle pose) and/or for them to be at the festival at all (I drew them in the outfits from the trailer). I'm hoping for crumbs at most but I definitely want so much more of these two. They're so interesting.
I am so impatient to see Hassel in the anime. Besides that I love him, I also need to see him moving in 2D so I can figure out how to draw him better/more easily because he gives me so much trouble 😅. I want to know what kind of voice they give him too. Brassius' voice surprised me but it worked really well and wasn't distracting
If they end up in Masters, then I will be downloading Masters. God I want to see them put in funky alternate outfits. And whatever else happens in that game.
I'm super self-conscious about writing (and as you can imagine from my drawings, I'm all about that soft, tender shit) so most things I write pretty much live on Discord
I'm a little head-empty right now so the only headcanon that immediately comes to mind is that Brassius being ill and them spending a lot of quiet time together while Hassel helps care for him gave them both time to figure out their feelings and they don't do anything about it until after Brassius is better.
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discyours · 8 months
Life update if anyone cares, living with my bf is going amazingly well relationship wise but general-life-wise I'm struggling a lot. I didn't have any friends in my home town and I didn't expect to make any when I moved here (I honestly have just never had the energy to maintain more than one relationship at a time) but living hours away from my family has been really hard.
Moreso than that is that moving has meant being dropped by my mental healthcare provider and the waiting list in this new city is still "unknown" over half a year after being signed up with them. I've had weekly support at minimum for over ten years and now it's nothing. It's been years since I seriously considered suicide but I've run back into periods of suicidality because I don't know how to cope anymore. I asked my GP about medication as a last ditch effort (I've only ever had terrible experiences with psych meds but I need something) and finally got an email back today saying I can only get medication through a treatment provider, ie suck it up until the mystery waiting list is over.
I've virtually stopped going outside without my partner due to anxiety. I'm remembering that my disability assesment report said I never went anywhere without my mom and that struggling to go out alone isn't exactly a new development, but I guess I forgot how dependent I was on my home environment. If nothing else I walked the dog with my mom every day.
I've gone from being in denial about my autism to realizing I am not only autistic but a lot more affected by it than I thought was possible for people with "aspergers" (yes I was diagnosed when that label was still used, yes I still managed to be in denial about it up until recently regardless). I knew I was on disability and I knew I wasn't able to finish school, albeit because of a variety of other diagnoses I blamed it on. But now I know it's definitely not OCD that causes me to freeze up on the couch all day often unable to even go to the bathroom until my partner comes home. I absolutely used to be severely depressed but I don't think that's an issue anymore. I don't lack enjoyment for life. I am really enjoying living with my partner and there are parts of every single day that I profoundly enjoy. I am just severely struggling to function and don't know how to deal with it or even wrap my head around it. Because I didn't realize how bad it was before. Even when I went months without going outside except for middle of the night walks because I was too anxious to be seen by people, even when I only ever ate because of my mother prompting me to. I never considered that my issues could be due to a developmental disability. It's not like nobody told me about the diagnosis. I was there for it. My mom used to blow up at me and hit me for not making eye contact, I had an ex who would tell me I was "fucking autistic" and forbid me from speaking around his friends because I was so obviously socially not-normal. And yet I didn't really connect the dots on being actually autistic, and actually affected by it, until I moved out and got hit in the face with my inability to function independently. And now I'm here.
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starrypawz · 9 months
so yeah Gender Stuff (tm) update
Basically I was meant to have a second assessment appt on the 28th and basically I'd talked it through with the therapist I've had sessions with from the GIC and the plan was like
Go to appointment, get discharged, have everything sort of formally signed off so that if I decided in the future I actually want to come back it's like a bit easier to do so. And then attend the therapy appointment I had today as like a wrap up.
But the assessment appointment I had actually got moved to the end of February so like shit?
and yeah kind of also didn't realise until recently the email like 'this is your new appointment' needed me to reply to it and I think my response got caught in like the post Christmas backlog as I was asking about if I do need the assesment and shifting my therapy appointment
So I ended up having a session today and we went over like what my plan was and I actually still had a therapy session available so I've asked to have that moved to after the assessment
So yeah that's how that stands right now. Like I am trying to get myself discharged I am just stuck going at the speed of red tape right now.
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eden-regained · 9 months
Dark Ages: Fae - "With the tides of season" part 1 - "Summer - Radiance"
(My seasonal campaigns, no longer half baked prototypes aw yiss!. They're now suited for players of ages 10+ so no grimdark and graphic death)
Brünhild, Queen of New Arcadia and head of the Summer Court, has maintained peace within the realm of the fae for hundreds of years by positing that humans should finally be left alone; now that they've grown as a species the fae should no longer interfere with their lives (which had indeed included the popular assesment that mankind deserves to slave away at the hands of their magical overlords). This idea was popular with the Spring and (partially) Autumn Courts, the Winter Court at this point really gave no damn and decided to go into slumber. And thus, the centuries pass and Brünhild is revered as one of Summer's best queens, it's all great... weren't it for her oldest son.
Prince Heinrich isn't exactly pleased with his mother's ideals, infact, he's absolutely livid at the fact that his beloved court has gotten so soft, Summer had been the most conservative regarding humanity so far, but now THIS? Heinrich is not about to let that fly and he decides to rally his closest confidants to imprison this weakling of a queen and take over the throne, his mother can eternally rot in a cold, miserable prison cell for all he cares, but she needs to learn from her mistakes.
This is were the players come in. See, Heinrich has a few siblings who all are loyal to their mother, and they can sense something is deeply wrong with their big brother, they just can't pinpoint exactly what irks them so much yet. They do know, however, that Heinrich's always been of the secretive kind, moving in circles of friends equally as scheming and offputting. Maybe they should do a little snooping around to find clues as to what the prince is planning, lest something truly terrible will happen to their mother...
Player options are: Firstborn, Changeling, Sprite and Chimera (but any other splats are fine tbh). Ideal group size is 2-5 people. Funny characters are not just allowed, but appreciated!
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