#but god i dont care
nie7027 · 2 years
I always rolled my eyes whenever that post about too much fics always being setted up in American cities and not being afraid of use your own country because of how dumb it sounds.
Just imagine it
Fleeing from Makima the Hayakawa family have to go somewhere far, somewhere Makima control won't reach them. Somewhere she will never thought to look after them.
México is perfect.
(In fact most latino countries are)
Because Aki uses most of his money to pay the costs of moving and buying fake IDs and also because they have to lay low they move to your common popular low income Mexican neighbourhood.
Denji enrolls in the local public high school
(Originally i was envisioning Denji in one of those public middle school uniforms, if you are Mexican you know which ones, but these work too)
Despite everything he does okay-ish in school.
He isn't the only teen who can barely read in high school and because he is a foreigner he gets a pass. Aki, armed with a dictionary, helps him with his homework as much as he can so yeah. He's doing ok.
Except when he's picking fights(the other boys are jealous of how much he is getting the girls attention) and/or being rude to teachers.
That's when they decide to call his parents for a much needed meeting.
What they weren't expecting was for a polite good looking young man missing an arm coming in and declaring himself Denjis older brother and guardian.
What they werent expecting much less was for said good looking young man to apologize profusely for Denjis behaviour and swear he will do his best to have a talk with Denji. That they will accept any punishment they deem necessary.
They love him immediately
They love him a little less(not by much really) once they learn what he does for a living.
Because they needed to make a lot of money quick (in case they had to run away again) and without being questioned about their papers, past or appearance Aki has no choice but to open the most prolifilic bussines you can open in Mexico starting from nothing:
He starts a puesto de micheladas.
(of course Aki has the skills to do something else but even if he manages to not doubt the quality of his forged papers he is still a clearly japanese immigrant with a dubious past and a missing arm who barely speaks the language. He has no chance at formal jobs and said missing arm disqualifies him for most manual labor. The easiest route is food and still he has problems by not being familiar with the cuisine and ingredients)
It becomes popular among young people because Power works there attending customers and everyone wants to bang Denjis super hot sister so they buy more and invite her over
Aki of course doesn't let Power drink but she doesn't know because he always prepares super special drinks for her(nothing more than a simple flavored soda) made to look the same ( yes for those who know un simple refresco preparado. He got the idea from watching customers come in with their kids and asking for that) and she keeps boasting about how mighty she is by not getting drunk like the other weak humans with their feeble minds even though she gets special drinks.
All the customers know what Aki does but nobody dares to speak up against the young man with a missing arm and the stare of someone who has seen too much and seems capable of anything... So they accept it as part of her charm.
That and how easily she burns her tongue with anything remotely spicy noy matter how much she denies it (Denji isn't much better but he manages. If he can eat rotten food he can handle a little spicy here and there)
Denji also works there attending customers and breaking fights. An amazing feat considering how tiny he looks even after throwing out 5 rowdy customers.
Between that, Power being unable to keep her caps/hats on while working (there's just so many times you can convince people that her horns were just a drunk mass hallucination) and the rumours of Denji just standing up and dusting his pants after getting shot in the chest after he resisted when someone tried to rob him on his way back home from school people quicky realize the new neighbors are demons/fiends.
But either because the mexican equivalent of Public Safety doesn't exist or they are just incompetent a hunter never comes no matter how many times they call.
At most the police comes when it gets too loud but all Aki has to do is offer free drinks to the officers and they go on their merry way.
So once people realize they aren't there to drag their souls down to hell and are mostly harmless (yeah they seem super strong and could kill them... but so could many other things. Fear of the death? Here? Pfffft) they leave them alone. They couldn't be worse than the santeros from the other street.
Mostly alone.
Aki still gets stinky eyes from the women whenever he goes to the market to buy groceries
That all changes once Angel goes out.
After seeing nothing happens and nobody came after them once their devil nature got too hard to hide they thought people were ok with them being devils.
So Angel, who was absolutely bored out of his mind from being cupped inside the house all the time as the most outstanding of them, argued that if Power could go out so could he. There was no way he could do worse than Power.
So after a lot of begging Aki finally relented.
It was a grave mistake.
Not because people were scared of Angel.
Oh no.
On the contrary.
All the grandma's in the neighbourhood fell in love with him.
They thought he was a straight up actual angel that descended from heaven to bless the earth.
The concept of an angel devil was unthinkable. Who would in their sane mind fear angels?
Angel hates it.
He wants to be back locked inside the house but it's too late. The grandma's come everyday knocking at the door asking for Angels power to relieve their aches or bless their family.
Even the priest at the local church had to intervene and ask them to stop. That this was against god.
It was to not avail.
The old ladies were dead set on their beliefs. Adoring angel and putting him on a pedestal like a golden idol. Venerating him.
Even when time passed and the novelty wore off. When it was obvious Angel couldn't do/wouldn't do half of the shit they believed. Even then they kept loving him.
He was a fine looking polite young man. Very cute.
Actually he was pretty rude.
They still wouldn't stop pinching his cheeks and sending him back home with dish upon dish of food they cooked for him.
Unluckily for Angel Aki gladly accepted th and even encouraged Angel to keep doing whatever he was doing
After all this time he was still struggling to cook with ingredients he wasn't familiar with (why didn't the rice stick the way it should? Why did noodles taste different? WHAT THE FUCK WAS A MARUCHAN WITH CHILE PIQUIN Y LIMON??) and he was starting to worry about running low on money and Denjis and powers health with how much street food they had to ate to compensate Aki's lack of cooking skills.
This way at least Power and Denji got to eat some home cooked meal instead of stuffing their mouths with tacos de a $1 (Aki knew Power and Denji could eat almost anything and those tacos were a lifesaver those first months but yeah... Better to not risk it)
Besides now everybody was starting to treat Aki better whenever he went out (and this time without him having to give free drinks).
Those who had control over the local grandmas had control over the whole neighbourhood.
And Angel hated it.
He hated it even more when the priest came over and declared Angel had to help out at church to compensate for leading poor defenseless old ladies through the path of damnation.
Angel was going to refuse until Aki heard the priest was willing to pay him a wage.
It was the only job that would allow Angel to work without having to stuff himself in an overcoat to hide his wings in the middle of the day at 20°C. He would just look like a super devoted disguised weirdo Aki argued.
Angel didn't care.
It would be pretty devilish of Angel to pretend being an actual angel working in a church Aki tried.
Angel still didn't care.
Well in that case if Angel didn't want to work there then he could busy himself by working shifts at the business with them and watching over Power during serving hours so Denji could dedicate more time to his homework.
Angel immediately accepted the priest offer
His job mas mainly cleaning and organizing papers around.
Truth be told Angel sucked at his job and spent most of it sleeping but the grannies were once again attending church every sunday and that was worth the pay to the priest.
(Still Angel also ended up taking shifts to watch over Power and prep with Aki so Denji and power herself could free some time)
(Even though it wasn't that necessary bc Denjis single teachers kept asking denji about his hot older brother after the first time Aki went and were very lenient with him when he didn't turned in homework once they knew Denji tended to help Aki out)
Now that the community was treating them better and Denji had more time he took up little jobs at the market helping butchers cut down big frozen pieces of meat with his powers or carrying around ladies bags and heavy crates.
He usually got payed with money. But sometimes with a bag of fruit/vegetables to Aki's delight. Or sometimes even with a bag of blood from the butchers which was really helpful in case of a sudden injury or simply to quell Powers complains.
Now with both Angel's meager pay and Denji's extra money Aki was able to ample the business by adding hot wings and hamburgers (the tears he cried when he discovered he could at least do that) and stop feeling guilty about selling alcohol to young people.
The business ran smoothly and the four of them could mostly calm down.
Or that was until Christmas season came and the old ladies and the priest himself wouldn't stop asking Angel if he was going to be part of the pastorela this year.
They of course thought he was perfect to play the part of the angel.
Angel of course doesn't want to
Aki tells Angel that as part of the church staff it's his obligation to take part of this even (it really isn't but they don't know that) and that he could learn something
Angel tells Aki that in that case he should be really happy because they also want Power to play as one of the devils
Once Power hears about the piñata and the sweets she'll get nobody can change her mind.
She of course also ends up dragging Denji into it. He plays as one of the peasants trying to get to Bethlehem while Power is one of the mischievous devils trying to derail them and Angel as the reluctant angel that guides them
They are a little too old to be part of the play. It's ridiculous.
But now that all his family is part of the play Aki can worm his way into the group of moms preparing the meal for that day and he finally gets to learn how to cook local dishes.
The day of the play unhappy with the planned ending Power tries to wrestle the other kids for protagonism to show the mightiness of demons. Denji tries to stop her. Angel just watches from the sidelines.
Its complete chaos. Kids are screaming. The scenario is getting destroyed.
It's like any other pastorela.
Aki doesn't stop taking pictures like a proud dad during the whole ordeal.
Once it's time for the piñata Power goes hog wild and summoning a blood bat breaks it before anybody gets a chance to hit it.
She is pretty dissapointed when all that comes from it it's 'more veggies'.
All in all they enjoy it.
Now that Aki can finally cook he can finally leave the alcohol business (and stop corrupting the kids as he sees it on his mind) and goes a step forward:
He opens a puesto de comida económica
Angel quits his job at the church to help him full time.
Denji and Power help him after school when it's more crowded.
Power now also enrolls into school but although she's s little old she starts at middle school.
Aki and the others don't think she could handle highschool yet. They are correct.
And this marks the first year of the Hawakawas coming to live in Mexico.
Life is good.
Bonuses I came up with while talking about this au with my best friend:
At some point during the first months Aki buys *insert your adultered/cheap alcohol of preference* because he wants to cut up expenses and he hear someone say it does the job/every puesto de bebidas uses it.
Half of Denji class misses school the next day
The Mexican public safety department receives that day a lot of calls about three powerful demons cursing all the teens into the hospital in a certain neighbourhood. It's one of the first complaints about them they get.
Not wanting to deal with that shit they literally ignore it.
In their defense they also think it's another case of parents blaming their kids getting drunk/high on demons.
The fact they are kind right doesnt make it better
(am I talking about the parents? The Mexican public safety? Yes)
The reason why Mexico is the perfect place for the Hayakawa to hide it's because once they escape Makima/Japan public safety starts calling every devil containment dependence around the world asking for them and the Mexican branch very aware there are lots of reports of sightings of devils fitting the description but wanting to ignore it being like "no.... We haven't seen anything like that"
The reason why the Mexican department doesn't tell on them can be summarized by the 3 points:
They literally don't want to deal with this shit
Some of the officers know Aki and like the free micheladas he gives them so they ain't snitching on him (yes Aki manages to befriend the police here faster than he ever did back in public safety. They even invite him to smoke with them when they are drinking at his bussines. Aki can't really refuse.)
eventually the reports get lost among a bunch of other papers they had so at some point they aren't even lying anymore and that way get to evade Makimas control
So in the ends it's something like: Blood fiend? Chainsaw devil? We only know al chino y sus hermanos
they then proceed to hang up on Makima
Aki cries everytime he goes to the market. He doesn't understand why the lady at the marked keeps giving him a rock whenever he asks for something to help him clean the bathroom.
He's pretty sure the words are right. He asked Denji and he says his pronunciation is alright...SO WHY? WHY THE FUCl DOES THE LADY KEEP GIVING HIM A ROCK?
He now has 60 of them.
The boy just nods and smiles and pays for the rocks instead of asking. He stores them under the cupboard.
He's very stressed.
Between school and his amazing adapting skills Denji is the best of them at spanish. Aki has to carry a dictionary and hesitates when enunciating. Power just sputters nonsense and gets way with it. Angel just doesn't talk much.
He actually could be very good at it but he's too lazy to study it. Besides he only has to show the minimum of interest in something before an old lady is giving it to him for free. So as Power he gets away with not really practicing the language.
Denji and Power are the kind of kids to always buy unhealthy snacks (papitas con chile, chicharrones, dorilocos) after school even though they can barely handle spicyness.
Aki is suffering for their health. He doesn't understand why they do that when there's so much new fruit they can eat. Aki is in heaven everytime he buys himself un vaso de fruta picada or un agua de sabor.
Angel on his part is content with all the new desserts he gets to eat: Fresas con crema, plátanos fritos, duraznos en almíbar to name a few
Not to mention how crazy Angel goes after he learns bout all the new ice cream flavors there. And raspados and paletas congeladas.
That's all for now folks.
If I ever think of something more for this au I'll let you know and if you come with something else let me know.
I had so much fun writing this.
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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so in an attempt to actually use positive thinking, anytime i fuck up and my brain reacts as if ive cause a minor apocalyptic event, i compare my fuck up to the 4 minute fuck up committed by the crew of the uss william d porter.
and only today, as i was having to explain what happened to my mom when i was explaining the whole comparison thing, did i realise that most people dont know about it and ive decided that needs to change because its objectively hilarious.
...which is a weird thing to say about an event that occured on a warship in 1943, specifically november 14th.
see the uss william d porter was a fletcher-class destroyer but you dont need to know what that means, just that she had guns that went bang bang and that she was escorting another ship, the uss iowa, to cairo.
while they were on their way there, they performed some gun trials like testing the anti-aircraft guns or the torpedos. and while they were running a torpedo drill, the crew of the porter managed to fire a live torpedo straight at the iowa which you know, in terms of a list of things to do while escorting a ship, shooting a torpedo at them is not on that list.
especially if the president of the united states is on board.
yeah so fdr was on board and the gun trials were actually his idea, and part of the trials was that they were conducted under radio silence.
and that means the crew of the porter couldnt just call the iowa to be like "move out the way, we accidentally shot a torpedo at you."
but they did have signal lamps and you know, the signalman on board was trained to signal this exact kind of message.
...and uh never mind, the signalman did manage to successfully tell the iowa that a torpedo was coming toward them but wasnt as successful when it came to the direction the torpedo was coming from.
not all hope is lost though because the signalman could still use the signal lamp to correct his previous mistake and-, never mind, he announced that the porter was reversing, which she wasnt.
yeah so at catastrophic mistake number 3, they broke radio silence to warn the iowa and she managed to turn out of the way just in time which meant no one got hurt. and even though the inquiry into the incident led to chief torpedoman (fantastic job title btw) lawton dawson being sentences to hard labour, fdr intervened and waved away his sentence, saying it was all an accident.
but yeah, so thats my new measure for "how much did i really fuck up?" and when i compared accidentally picking up a pencil case without a tag on it in wilko, turns out it was a very minor fuck-up. yes, the cashier had to ask another worker to grab a duplicate so they could scan the barcode, but i didnt nearly kill the president during wartime via accidental friendly fire
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linktoo-doodles · 2 months
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We devote ourselves to something we barely understand, something we can never touch. We give it a name, and we give ourselves a name for doing so. All of it creates this connection. And that connection, that becomes the thing we can touch.
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Aggie stream with my FAF friends (Beck, Katie, Soma, and Yammy!!)
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bedforddanes75 · 2 months
im not american but some of you guys are just fucking stupid ong what do you MEAN youre not gna vote because you disagree with like one part of what youre voting for. like okay me when im fucking thick
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gatoburr0 · 2 months
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therealcallmekd · 1 month
Now THAT'S Thinkin' In 3D!
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mazeyphaedra · 6 months
was rewatching fabian’s baron moment on account of it being the most delicious piece of pvp in my recent memory and ally beardsley’s growth as a player just shone through so brightly and with such clarity. after dusting off their shock they immediately asked about the nemesis ward, had enough knowledge about fellow pcs stocked to remember adaine’s ac with such like frustrated confidence and certainty, suggested to siobhan to dimension door out of adaine’s room, like. they came into this making a character with 4 dex. and now the dice deity offered to roll a check to sense if adaine was in danger. making decisions, asking questions, getting invested in the story, trying so hard with the tools they have to save characters from danger; ally beardsley is an incredible d&d player.
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nibbelraz · 18 days
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Transmigrator Baby binghe and Broke single dad author
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ochiody · 3 days
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timedive concepts so far
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fossys · 9 months
system stuff sometimes is like.
yes im an ancient godly power from another realm
and yes im doing our math homework because no one else wants to do it
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ethosiab · 3 months
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theyre always standing so fucking close together
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sydmarch · 1 year
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eternallovers65 · 9 months
The idea of poseidon only helping percy because he saw athena not helping annabeth is so funny because it shows how messy the Greek gods are like wdym you have a millennium old beef with your niece and the only reason you saved your kid it's so you can say you're better parent than her???
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sherlockggrian · 11 months
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life series clethubs has possessed me. based on this iconic photo.
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galaxicnerd · 3 months
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I'm not immune to corny tropes
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