#but for fics where he's still a teen I think he should still have some growing to do on the combat side of things
mustainegf · 11 hours
hey, i just want to come on here because i know this person is on here and i want to spread this awareness. You might know this editor called, “papahetinmybed”. They are sexualizing metallica members, or should i say, band members(of any band). They are also rude and VERY insensitive. heres some things that they have done :
(this comes from someone else, not my words)
papahetinmybed sexualizes james and lars non stop, she is in college, means shes old enough to know better. one time on her story she was talking about how she would have dated james in high school, which is just weird considering she is already in COLLEGE. she has pics of james as a kid as her pfp while she sexualizes him non stop, one time on her story she had this pic of him when he was young probably around 9-13 and the next thing in her story was “him explaining his cock length to me” . she tells people his dick size and shit on her story, its really fucking weird. meanwhile she ignores dms for WEEKS if not MONTHS, but is SO ACTIVE on her insta story and answers almost everything there. someone told me she sent them a bunch of james fics, which were ALLL smut, none of them fluff, nothing, back to the sexualizing part. she genuinely gatekeeps clips so hard as well and uses every excuse possible. She comments stuff like “oil up” or “no lube, no protection, all day all night..” etc on metallicas official instagram posts and she was PROUD when they deleted her comment. shes straight up disrespectful to their faces
when i was still mutuals w her on tiktok before i blocked her, she would almost NEVER like my stuff even tho i knew she saw it, and on the edit i made for myself for MY BIRTHDAY, she just liked it and then sent me it asking for a clip. didnt even say happy birthday , nothing. she constantly calls james and lars her baby daddies as well and just is GENUINELY delusional about them. she was called out before and said she wouldnt stop, so, i just blocked her on insta and tiktok and i just dont want anything to do with her.
there was also one time some 12 yo, like GENUINE 12 yo uploaded like a video “me when papahetinmybed edits” and she was like actingl ike she was in despair of how good they are or something, i dont know how to exain. but papahetinmybed/liv just like encouraged that ? i even told her in dms, that person was 12 and she just brushed it off. like you should be concerned that a 12 yo is thinking about this stuff ?
like that 12yo had one of those plan a plan b slideshows where the first slide was a boy and a girl and it was like plan a: girl’s age 12, boy’s age 13
second slide was plan b: girl’s age 12 and then a picture of CURRENT JAMES and age 60,
she just responded with “gotta start young” to people saying this is weird for a 12 year old. i told liv about that video etc and like i said, she just encouraged it, like you’re grown, go to college, you have a job and you’re encouraging 12 year olds’ borderline hypersexuality?
If you could help spread this on your page, it would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
been hearing a lot about this stuff, and while i wasn't going to respond to this at first, i figured maybe I should
personally, i hate cancel culture, people on the internet need to grow much thicker skin, and i also think a few of the things you listed weren't exactly a huge deal, but i totally get why people are taking it the way they are
I used to edit on tiktok on an account, the whole account is still up and i post on there sometimes when im bored, but anyways,
i was mutuals on there with her and from all the interactions that i had, i didn't notice anything out of the ordinary during the very few times we dm'd
However, ive seen their instagram story and its lowkey obsessive LMAOOO i mean i totally get being a delusional teen over rockstars but she's on another level sometimes
she's actually posted screenshots from my fics on her instagram a few times, i dmed her about it, saying hi, and reminding her that i was her mutual on tiktok. (before i started hearing about all the shit going around)
shes never responded to the dms so i can confirm that as true, not exactly a reason to throw a fit over, but it gives credibility to the claims being made
i do agree that this person could be a bit toxic, but thats not my place to speculate, I think it would be in everyones best interest to just move on from it
anyways, i love you guys so much and i appreciate your support as always!!! <3
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hyperfixatinator · 15 days
DPxDC Headcanon: the title "King of the Infinite Realms" is misleading
Sure, there are indeed an infinite amount of worlds and dimensions across the multiverse. However, the name "Infinite Realms" is actually referring to the space in between said realms. The malleable borders that act as cushions to prevent all these realities from constantly colliding with each other. If you compare the worlds themselves to bones, then the Infinite Realms would be the cartilage preventing friction whenever they move.
So if Danny ever became the king of the Infinite Realms, he wouldn't actually have authority over whatever goes on within said realms. After all, each world has their own set(s) of afterlives and deities already taking care of that. No, Danny would only be in charge of that squishy, ectoplasmic stretch of space that portals need to punch holes through in order to cross over.
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schrijverr · 6 months
It Just Hits Different When It’s Batman
5 times a League member heard Batman use slang + 1 time they knew where the fuck he got it from.
This fic is based off this post by @wednesday-if-it-was-tuesday bc it was just too good! Hope you don't mind :D
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
1. Flash
Barry is pretty sure he has to get his hearing checked as he speeds through a city, trying to find a series of bombs, courtesy of a new alliance of villains. He and Batman are on bomb duty, thus sharing a private com line as to not distract the others or be distracted as they coordinate.
However, Barry is very much distracted by his own partner in this whole mess, because unless he’s gotten a few too many hits to the head in recent years, he’s pretty sure Batman just reported: “The bombs look like yassified thermos flasks.”
“What?” Barry chokes, nearly tripping over his own feet as he does.
Batman doesn’t seem to notice, instead explaining the bomb, not his wording: “The casing looks to be made from plastic, likely to escape Superman’s notice. Start checking water pipes, I found this one near a toilet. I’ll report again once I figure out how to disarm it.”
Okay, questing his sanity later, finding bombs, now.
So he zooms off again, having to agree with the fact that the bomb does look like a yassified thermos flask. He wonders if he can use that in his report or if Batman will scold him for language. He has worked with the man for long enough that he knows Batman isn’t above hypocrisy.
Then he wonders again if he even heard it right. In the heat of battle, the brain sometimes does weird things, especially when someone thinks at the speed of light. Or faster.
He’ll put it out of his mind for now, maybe tell Hal about it just so he’ll have someone to share the bizarre experience with.
Clark probably has a thesaurus, he should probably also find a synonym for yassified. Does a thesaurus have slang too?
2. Green Lantern
It’s true that Barry had told him about Spooky saying yassified in that one battle, but Hal hadn’t truly believed that Bats was capable of something like that. I mean, look at him. The guy might be a weirdo who dresses up as a Bat, but he’s not a weirdo who says shit like yassified.
However, at the moment it is starting to look more and more likely. Fuck, Barry is gonna give him so much crap for not believing him.
The moment in question is Batman working with him on the stealth mission. It’s one for the Green Lantern Corps, so Batman is doing him a favor. Though Hal is starting to wish that he hadn’t done him that favor, because Batman has just said: “It looks like Luthor is being thristy for Superman again. For someone who hates the guy, he sure wants his attention a lot. That’s Kryptonian honing device.”
Hal doesn’t react, still thinking about the fact that he’s just heard Luthor, thirsty and Superman in one sentence. In Batman’s voice no less.
“What?” he says.
“A Kryptonian honing device,” Batman repeats, sounding as if he thinks Hal is stupid, not uncommon. “So he can hone in on Superman, find him. Something we need to do something about.”
Hal decides to take the smart way out and lets the whole thing drop in favor of focusing on the mission. He’s not just telling Barry, but Ollie about this as well.
3. Cyborg
Being in the Justice League isn’t much different than being on the Teen Titans. Like right now, being in a building that could explode at any moment unless he hacks into the system and stops that from happening.
Ah, good old life-threatening pressure.
Batman is fighting some of the goons in the background. They’re on their own here, with the others fighting through an army outside to get to them. But it’s mostly up to them. Batman yells: “Cyborg, status.”
“I’m getting through, but something is bugging me about this whole thing,” Victor calls back. “I think there is someone I’m missing that will allow me to crack this.”
There are a few grunts in the background as Batman fights on, while Victor starts to scan through everyone who worked for the organization, trying to find the missing link.
He is interrupted by Batman, who says: “I took a tour here once. There was an intern, Kyle Paulson, he was kind of sus. Look him up.”
For a second, Victor is thrown by the sus in that sentence, but he quickly focuses back on what’s important. Indeed finding Kyle to be the missing link that gets him to disarm the bomb. While Batman is taking out the last of the bad guys.
In fact, the whole thing slips his mind until he’s writing his mission report, going through the footage to get accurate information in there. Then he pauses again, before dismissing it. Those who trained under Batman are always prepared, maybe it’s not slang but shorthand to be useful in the moment. Or he’s trying to include him, sweet, though unnecessary.
Victor puts it out of his mind.
4. Green Arrow
Ollie doesn’t believe Barry or Hal for a second. Like, really? Batman using slang that the sidekicks are using?
Sure, Nightwing sometimes uses some here and there, but Red Robin is always very professional and Robin is closer to a Shakespearean actor than a TikTok teen. There isn’t anyone else he could have gotten it from and it doesn’t make sense with his whole ‘I am the Night’-persona.
Victor suggested it was to make the newbies more comfortable when he overheard them talking, but that’s even more ridiculous in Ollie’s opinion.
So, he’s not at all in the slightest prepared for Batman’s reaction when he shows him the new arrows he developed. Because Batman’s reaction is: “Hm, serves cunt.”
“Excuse me, what?” Ollie says, his eyes nearly bulging out of his skull.
Batman just stares at him, then in a confused sort of voice goes: “You know, it slays? It’s, you know, good? Positive.”
“Huh, what? No, I- I know what that means. How the fuck do you know?” Ollie splutters.
“I’m Batman,” is all he says. Then he walks away and leaves Ollie to stand there, still frozen in time, because what the hell was that? Batman can’t just do that, can he? That’s illegal. How does he even know that?
What Ollie doesn’t know, is that this was a calculated move. Bruce had overheard the three talking as well and decided to have a little fun. All the times before, it just slipped out in the heat of battle, but this one was purposeful.
Bruce knows Ollie would know what it meant, because billionaires Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen have done TikTok trends in the past and try to keep up to date, despite their age. Not that Ollie knows it’s him under there.
And last gala, he left Bruce for the wolves – Vicky Vale – so now Bruce is dealing psychological damage to him as petty revenge.
5. Superman (and Practically the Entire League)
They’re in a meeting with most of the Justice League members that are present on earth at the moment. It’s not often they hold such meetings, since they are a little overwhelming and tend to drag on more than be productive.
However, Clark thinks it’s important to ensure there are avenues through which ever member can state their piece and be heard. So, here they are again.
Booster Gold is complaining about always being on the sidelines and never in the heat of the action, even though he’s a great hero. He’s claiming that there is a bias against younger heroes, despite the fact that the ‘old guard’ will have to give it up eventually.
Apparently, Batman has had enough, because he gets up and snaps: “We don’t have bias based on age, we have one based off skill. Maybe if you stopped abandoning your post and being someone reliable, you might get put out in the field more often. Now stop being salty about it.”
It’s silent.
Clark is scrambling his brain, to figure out the meaning. As a journalist he tries to stay up to date on current language use, however, the only person he’s heard use that word is Jon. The boy never explained, but Clark guessed what it means. Doesn’t explain why Batman knows it.
Then the silence gets broken by a snort, everyone’s head whipping towards the source. It’s Nightwing, a newer addition and one affiliated with Batman himself. The only one there brave enough to laugh at Batman, mirthfully asking: “Did you actually say salty?”
There is no change on Batman’s face, but as a longtime friend, Clark knows he isn’t emotionless. Indeed, when he listens close, he can hear the blood rush to his face, blush hidden by the cowl.
“That was not the point of the sentence, Nightwing,” Batman counters, the name a little bit pointed on is tongue.
“Okay, okay,” Nightwing grins easily, showing his hands in surrender, an act which is made null by him adding: “Just pointing out that this is an official meeting. You’re on the record and you know I’m reporting this to the others.”
Red Robin and Robin, Clark fills in mentally, the other two known associates. Everyone already guessed that Nightwing must be close to them as well, since the younger two are closer to being Batman’s children. Now that is confirmed.
“Thank you for reminding me,” Batman says tersely, before quickly pivoting to the next point on the agenda. No one calls him out for it.
However, just because no one calls him out on it, doesn’t mean they drop it. In the weeks after the incident, whispers make their way through the halls of the Watchtower as people speculate why or how Batman came to use the word salty and how out of character it is.
Clark can hear the gossip all over the Watchtower and he’s sure Batman is aware of it too, because some brave souls have asked about. Especially when some of the others talked about the incident not being the first one.
Batman hasn’t replied yet to any of the questions or rumors. Clark thinks he likes the mystery and chaos, likes that they don’t know why the hell he sometimes lets slang slip. Even Nightwing has been seemingly silenced, never commenting with a sort of professional ease at evasion.
Nightwing is the only clue they have, along with Robin and Red Robin, but none of them seem like the culprit.
It just doesn’t make sense and Clark can’t help but have his reporter brain itch.
+1. The Batfamily
There is going to be an attack somewhere in a major city in America tonight. They cannot figure out where, so there is a nation wide stake out at all the important places. Nearly the entire Justice League has been pulled out for it and even then they don’t have enough.
Batman insists on having a skeleton crew remain on the Watchtower in case the threat turns out to be a distraction. And when it is protested, he pulls out an army of associates none of them have ever heard about to fill out the last gaps in their observational net.
The sudden introduction of about six new Gotham vigilantes, which have apparently been operating inside the city as well as outside of it, would have been the main shock if it weren’t for how they are on coms.
Red Robin and Nightwing are known as professionals like Batman, while Robin isn’t a known entity in missions, though those who have met him, know him to be serious. However, with the introduction of the others all of that professionalism melts away.
It starts about 45 minuted into their mission when Spoiler’s voice suddenly crackles over the coms: “I fucking hate stake outs, they’re so boring.”
“I know right, my ass is starting to hurt,” Red Robin – to everyone’s surprise – replies.
“No chatter on the coms,” Batman dutifully reproaches like he always does, but he sounds less stern this time. It’s as if he knows they won’t listen, but says it because it’s his role to do so.
Red Hood ignores Batman completely, idly commenting: “I don’t know, stake outs always hit different for me.”
“That’s just because you’re boring AF,” Spoiler says, an eyeroll practically audible.
“Oi, take that back,” Red Hood says, offended. “I didn’t die to have you slander my name like that!”
This is horrifying news for most of the other people stuck on the coms, however, there is a cacophony of annoyed groans as well. Why anyone would be so blasé about someone mentioning their death, they don’t know.
Until, Robin says: “Cease mentioning your death as excuse. It’s unbecoming to be so reliant on one measly event. You’re not the only one who has died, don’t be – what was it? – ah, yes, don’t be basic, Hood.”
“Yeah, Hood, don’t be salty just because you’re becoming a boring old man,” Red Robin pipes up, sounding smug. That solves the salty mystery.
“Shut up, Replacement,” Red Hood huffs. “I can talk about my death as much as I want to and you can’t stop me.”
“Hood, please, stop talking about your death, you’re going to make B sad,” Nightwing suddenly interjects, stopping the conversation before it can get out of hand.
Those with super hearing will hear Barry mutter in a shocked manner: “Is he talking about Batman?” But he is overshadowed by most of the newly introduced (and already) known Bat-associates booing loudly.
“Don’t be a fucking suck up, Dick” Spoiler hollers, only those in the know picking up on the fact it’s his name. It’s the only time Batman won’t correct them, because not everyone will know it’s a name unless it’s pointed out.
“Periodt,” the quiet voice of Black Bat supports Spoiler.
“Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about, BB,” Spoiler cheers when she hears the other girl.
“That was the correct usage?” Black Bat asks.
“It was, well done,” Oracle’s kind voice comes over the coms, from where she is in her lair helping with coordination.
After that it all quiets down again for about half an hour, then Bluebird breaks the quiet again, complaining: “I can’t believe I had to stay behind in Gotham of all places.”
“You live there. Willingly,” Signal answers. “And I had to stay behind too, you know.”
“They’re sleeping on us, Signal, be upset with me,” Bluebird exclaims, indignantly.
“Okay, but tea though,” Spoiler says, most of the Justice League listening in are starting to learn she likes stirring the pot a little.
“Don’t be a simp, Spoils,” Red Robin says.
“Oh, look who’s talking about being a simp,” Red Hood snorts loudly. “I observed you, loser boy, you’re the simp.”
“It’s not as much of the serve you think it is to admit to stalking me,” Red Robin deadpans.
“RR, not to be that bitch, but you’re the OG stalker, maybe- maybe don’t do that,” Nightwing says cautiously, which is apparently funny enough that multiple people start laughing.
Meanwhile Red Robin complains: “Stop laughing at me, when I did it was totally different, I didn’t plan on killing any of you.” Which is mildly disturbing
“Oi, I never planned to actually kill you-kill you either,” Red Hood protests, even more disturbing. The Justice League is starting to wonder why Batman works with the man.
“Stop with the chatter,” Batman interjects again, before it can go further. “It’s not just us on the com lines now. At least try to be professional.”
And much to the horror of the League, who could never imagine doing such a thing, Batman gets booed. Again. This time directly.
Then to add to the horror, Batman doesn’t explode in anger, like everyone would have imagined, instead he just sighs. Defeated. Batman is like a cockroach, he doesn’t get defeated. However, these kids are managing.
Batman remains defeated too, because the Gotham vigilantes continue to idly chat all throughout the next hour. They are definitely bat associated, because they never reveal any information that could be tied to their civilian identity. Instead discussing other missions, general news, funny things they saw on patrol and personal grievances with the others on the line.
If this is what Batman deals with on the day to day, some are starting to see why he would prefer the heroes of the Justice League to keep their mouths shut on missions unless it’s important.
Most try to tune it out and focus on their own stake out, though the voices keep them awake. But they notice when Spoiler’s voice suddenly becomes serious as she reports: “Sus individuals moving towards the Mayor’s office.”
“Received, getting visual on your location,” Oracle’s voice replies, also snapped back into professionalism.
Spoiler reports their appearances and currently location, until Oracle has them, running a check on them, before confirming they have a criminal record and might be thugs for hire. Spoiler says: “I am going to move in.”
Batman says: “Do not engage, Spoiler, they could be a decoy. Try and get more information first.”
“Alright, alright,” Spoiler huffs. Then adds petulantly: “I’m not gonna do it, I was just thinking about it.”
Which sounds pretty reasonable for most listening in, who aren’t of the right age group to know the meme. Batman, however, does know, because he’s been subjected to it multiple times. So, he yells: “Spoiler, no!” startling some members.
A second later, there are sounds of a fight and Spoiler gleefully saying: “I did it.”
Batman lets out a frustrated growl, but Spoiler pays it no mind and she can’t truly get chewed out, because more and more start to report suspicious individuals moving in on the targets they’re watching.
Within minutes of it starting, Nightwing reports: “They’re decoys with targets. Not the main attack, but will do damage if they succeed.”
“Everyone make sure to take out the decoys,” Batman says. “Those without decoys, keep your eyes peeled, you might be at the real target.”
“Done with my targets, moving to help the others now,” Nightwing reports seriously, before he adds: “And can I just say that I’m the GOAT. Dibs on cookies for finishing first.”
“Okay, shade much,” Bluebird says.
“Don’t be arrogant, it’s unbecoming,” Robin retorts as well.
“Yeah, stop flexing,” Spoiler adds. “I’ve wrapped up too, by the way. You’re not special.”
“Let me have this,” Nightwing complains. “You already took all my shit, let me be cool. You all used to think I was cool.”
“Yeah, used to,” Red Hood scoffs. “Then we all realized you’re a looser.”
“Ha, get wrecked,” Red Robin snorts.
“Baby bird, wasn’t I your favorite?” Nightwing asks hurt, though over the top enough to show he is faking it.
“No, sadly, that was Hood,” Red Robin replies, sounding a little like he’s grimacing.
“No cap?” Red Hood asks, surprised.
“No cap,” Red Robin confirms.
“Now I feel kind of bad for you,” Red Hood says, before some bullets are fired. “Wrapped up here, moving to help.”
Red Robin seems glad to not have to reply and none of the other Gothamites do either. With what the League has heard so far, they’re also kind of happy the topic is being dropped, unsure what to think.
Batman’s associates are among the first ones cleaning up, however, soon others are joining them and the true battles grounds – yes, there are multiple targets, these people are organized (Batman will likely obsess until he has tracked down their organization afterwards) – are discovered and heroes move in to fight them.
Throughout the battle, everyone catches snippets of this strange, newly introduced group. A group, who works well together, like an oiled machine, yet obviously made up of highly competent parts that can act on their own as well.
Like Black Bat calling out: “Red Hood, yeet,” before those fighting alongside them see Red Hood boost her into the air, so she can come flying at the terrorists.
But they also make comments about the people they’re fighting and the others that are fighting alongside them.
Signal calling out: “Bluebird is pulling some sick ass moves. Another one for her on the slay-board, Oracle.”
Or Spoiler commenting: “Okay, not to be like that or whatever, but these terrorists are kind of looking snatched.”
To which Batman sighs: “Spoiler, please, no chatter,” in a vain attempt to get them under control.
“What?” Spoiler says. “I can appreciate when they’ve at least tried to pull a fit instead of that usual para-military, ninja type BS.”
“Go off,” Black Bat pipes up again and Spoiler cheers while Batman drops it. Defeated again.
They also check in on each other, with Red Robin hissing in pain, which is immediately followed by Nightwing going: “RR, you good, fam?”
“Gucci,” Red Robin replies. “Just low-key got stabbed.”
“There’s nothing low-key about getting stabbed!” Nightwing exclaims, getting called a hypocrite by many people, while Batman is already calling for Oracle to get a visual and for a medic to head Red Robin’s way.
By the time the battle is over, the Justice League understands how different the team is that Batman usually works with. If they were surrounded by heroes who talked like that continuously, they would have probably picked up some things here and there too.
Still, it fucking weird when Batman checks over his horde, before declaring: “You were all lit out there,” causing multiple of the kids around him to groan loudly, with Bluebird calling Batman a boomer.
Clark, however, sees a small uptick in Batman’s mouth. And in that moment, he knows Batman is doing it on purpose, that he’s enjoying it. That he’s fucking with them. He doesn’t know what to do with that, nor does he think that anyone will believe it. So, he decides to share the amusement and drop it.
They’re never going to figure out Batman.
This work is going to get dated so so so fast lmao, but it’s fun rn (if ur commenting in the future, welcome to outdated slang vibes from someone who wasn’t that up to date with current slang when writing it, bc im secretly a grandpa).
Hopefully I didn’t overdo it to an unrealistic degree, but if I did, such is the story that was being told oops
Also this whole fic is just an excuse for me to write batfam banter bc I love it lmao
I didn’t include Batwing, Batwoman and Flamebird here, sorry, but writing the batfam is always so hard bc there are so many characters T-T
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When Oliver Queen was dead, he ended up in the Infinite Realms, where he inadvertently became the mentor to teen ghost hero Phantom. After Ollie came back to life, he made a point of reaching out to Phantom, just in case the kid needed anything.
DCxDP Week prompt: found family
Author's Notes: I've tried to make this accessible as possible to those of you who aren't familiar with the Arrowfam, but here are links to character primers on Oliver Queen, Connor Hawke and Mia Dearden if you want them. If you are familiar with GA comics, then just know that this is set loosely during the 2001 run. And finally, the idea of a hero in the Infinite Realms helping mentor Danny was largely inspired by Blueseabird2's fic Grave Promises. (It's excellent! If you haven't read it, go do that!)
"Do you remember it?" Ollie asks, looking at Superman out of the corner of his eye.  They're standing in front of Oliver's grave.  Always made the right enemies. It's a hell of an epitaph; Ollie wonders who came up with it.  Roy or Dinah, probably.
"Remember..." Superman says.
"Being dead."  
Supes gives him that same look everyone seems to be giving Ollie these days, like he's not quite sure if Ollie is all there in the head.  
"Never mind."  Oliver waves a hand.  "Just thinking."
He does remember it, is the thing.  He remembers the endless Infinite Realms, as green as any of Hal's constructs.  He remembers the ghosts-- the ones who had originally been alive like him, and the ones that had never lived at all.  Humans and aliens and otherdimensional beings, all together in one place.  He remembers being in the same costume he'd died in, only color-flipped to red.  (That was just wrong.  Red was Roy's color, not Ollie's.)
And he remembers Phantom.
He'd met Phantom pretty early on.  Time in the Infinite Realms was tricky; it didn't move like time did on Earth.  Sometimes it went slower, sometimes faster, sometimes it even seemed to go backwards.   So he didn't remember exactly how long he'd been in the Realms before coming across Phantom, but it didn't feel like long.
Phantom had been chasing down some magical artifact when he'd come across Oliver-- or rather, Red Arrow-- who had picked a fight with an asshole ghost way more powerful than him.
Some things never changed.  But hey, ghost arrows were pretty nifty.
Phantom had helped him out, and in return Ollie had offered to help Phantom with tracking down the artifact he was looking for.  As they talked, it quickly became obvious that Phantom was doing the whole teen hero thing-- and not just in the Realms, but on Earth.  He clammed up when Ollie asked too many questions, but it was pretty clear that he didn't have a mentor or anything.
"Do you have the Teen Titans in your world?" Oliver asked, having learned by that point that the Infinite Realms connected every dimension out there.
"Yeah," Phantom had said, looking wary.
"You should talk to them," Oliver said.  "It helps to have someone out there on your side, who knows what you're dealing with."  The Titans had been good for Roy.  Not just friends, although they were that, too, but an extra support system.  
But Phantom shook his head.  "I can't."  And then he'd gone on to describe the Anti-Ecto Acts and the GIW.  
Ollie had never exactly been a fan of the government-- too much corruption, too many rich assholes using the system to protect themselves-- but this still managed to surprise him.  And while he was pretty sure his own world's Teen Titans wouldn't stand for this kind of thing-- or even the JLA, no matter how badly they sometimes overreached-- he had no way of knowing whether Phantom's Teen Titans were the same ones he knew.  
"Tell you what," Ollie said.  "Next time you get a chance, track me down and I'll show you a few things.  I don't know how much help I'll be with superpowers, but--" 
"Really?" Phantom had asked, then surprised Ollie by hugging him.
That was the start of it.  They'd tracked down the artifact, Phantom had left the Realms to go back and do his hero thing on Earth, and Oliver was left to second-guess himself until the next time Phantom came around.  
Oliver wasn't exactly a perfect mentor.  He'd done his best for Roy, but there were so many things he would do differently if he had the chance.  But he was better than nothing, which was what Phantom had been working with before.
Phantom didn't need to learn archery; he had superpowers.  But Ollie managed to teach him a thing or two about picking your shot and waiting for the right moment.  About trusting your instincts and dodging bullets (or ectoblasts).  
Phantom was cagey about anything that wasn't hero work, but Oliver managed to glean a few details.  He had a couple of living friends who helped him out, he was frequently chased down by ghost hunters, and most of the town he was based in didn't think particularly highly of him.  And that was on top of his whole rogue's gallery of villainous ghosts, not to mention the GIW.
"You can't make people like you," Ollie advised him.  "Even if you do all the right things.  You just have to trust yourself and ignore the public opinion."  God knew plenty of people had hated the Green Arrow over the years.  
It had been rewarding, in a way Ollie had almost forgotten, watching Phantom grow as a hero.  Watching him grow more confident and more skilled-- and Ollie wasn't giving himself credit for all of that, but he'd helped bring those qualities out.
And then, Oliver came back to life.
"Where to next?" Roy asks, as they drive out of Central City. Ollie appreciates that Roy is willing to follow his lead on this, even though it's clear Roy thinks he's being ridiculous.  Sure, Wally would probably have let Ollie have that old ring of Barry's if he'd asked, just like the JLA would probably have let him have the diamond-tipped arrow.  But those things weren't theirs to keep or give in the first place.
"Amity Park, Illinois."
Roy gives him a skeptical look over the top of his sunglasses. "The hell is in Amity Park?"  He's bracing himself to hear about some other memorabilia Ollie left behind upon his death, something else that wasn't disposed of the way Ollie had requested.  Something else that other people-- even Roy-- think insignificant.
That would be easier to explain than this.
"Maybe nothing," Oliver says. "But I need to be sure."
Finding Amity Park in the first place is a task and a half.  It's not on the map Roy keeps in his glovebox, and they have to ask directions at multiple gas stations across Illinois before they arrive.  
It's immediately clear that they're in the right place.  Amity Park is a small city-- barely even a city, really.  But the property damage evident on the streets and the buildings is on par with the aftermath of an alien invasion.
Roy slides off his shades.  "What on earth..."  He glances at Oliver.  "Ollie, what is this?"
A green streak shoots across the sky, followed by a white one.  
"Follow them!"  Ollie points at the ghosts.  
By the time they arrive, it's a stand-off.  The other ghost has disappeared, but Phantom is hovering twenty feet off the ground, dodging blasts from a couple in brightly colored hazmat suits.  
The Fentons.  Ollie had heard a few stories about them while he was in the Infinite Realms, though Phantom had been reluctant to talk about them.
"Ollie," Roy says.  In his voice, Ollie can hear all the suppressed rage he himself is feeling, watching a child-- a superpowered child, but a child nonetheless-- getting shot at.
"Not yet."  Ollie wants to help, but he doesn't want to make things worse by jumping in without thinking.  Their help isn't needed in the end; Phantom manages to disappear from sight while the ghost hunters are distracted.
Oliver tells the whole story to Roy over dinner at the local fast food joint.
"Jesus Christ," Roy says.  
"So you see why I want to talk to Phantom," Ollie says.  
"Aren't you already training two kids already?  You gonna add all of this on top?"  
"Connor doesn't need training.  He could probably teach me a thing or two.  And no one is training Mia in anything."  Okay, that last part isn't quite true; Oliver knows for a fact that Connor has been giving Mia lessons in archery and hand-to-hand.  But as long as she's not trying to put on a costume and fight crime, he'll pretend he doesn't know.  Hell, it makes him feel better, knowing that she has a trick or two up her sleeve.
"Phantom can't be much older than she is," Roy says, a hint of judgment in his tone.
"Phantom is already dead," he says.  Roy flinches a little.  "And he doesn't have a Hal Jordan to bring him back."
They go back to their burgers.  It's not until Oliver is crumpling up his wrapper that he speaks again.  
"Look," Ollie says.  "This is a lot bigger than Phantom.  And based on what I know of him, he's not going to want to leave Amity Park.  But I want to let him know that someone's got his back."
Roy claps him on the shoulder.  "More than just one person."
Tracking down Phantom for a conversation is harder than it sounds.  Oliver doesn't know how much time he even spends out here, rather than in the Infinite Realms.  Not to mention the handy ghost power of invisibility.  
He suits up and stakes out a rooftop downtown, with Roy doing the same on the other side of town.  He's just getting ready to pack it in for the night and try it again tomorrow when a familiar form materializes next to him.
"Arrow?" Phantom asks.
Oliver smiles.  "Hey, kid."  
"What-- how-- you're alive?" Phantom sputters a little.
"Am now," Ollie says.  "A friend of mine brought me back."  He gives a quick overview-- Green Lantern, godlike power, decided what the world was missing was one Oliver Queen.  
"I'm going to do what I can about the Anti-Ecto Acts and the GIW," Oliver says.  "But if you ever need anything, give me a call.  Or just track me down in Star."  He hands a slip of paper with his phone number and email on it to Phantom.  
"Danny," Phantom says.
"My name.  It's Danny."
"Oliver."  Ollie holds out his hand and Danny shakes it.  "Good to meet you, Danny."
For a while, he only hears from Danny through irregular emails and the very occasional phone call.  Ollie leans on his Justice League acquaintances to help repeal the Anti-Ecto Acts and get rid of the GIW.  It's slow going-- much slower than Ollie would like.  Too many JL members are advising caution, wanting to find out more about ghosts and how dangerous they might be before they take a stand.  Luckily, neither Superman and Wonder Woman were happy about Oliver's news, and hold a lot of sway with the American public.  And rather conveniently, a number of reporters have suddenly begun looking into the Anti-Ecto Acts, stirring up public sentiment against them even more than before.
Things are looking good.  And then, Danny shows up at the front door of Oliver's brownstone.  
Oliver is making himself a sandwich when he hears the knock at the door.  Mia (who had finally gotten Ollie to agree to let her be Speedy a few weeks back) is with the Teen Titans for the weekend, and Connor is working at the youth center for most of the day, so there's no one else here to answer the door.  Ollie wipes his hands on a kitchen towel, and opens the door.
Ollie doesn't know it's Danny at first.  The Danny he met was a ghost, complete with jumpsuit and white hair and superpowers.  The kid that shows up at Ollie's front door is a living, breathing kid.  He's got pale skin and dark hair and he can't be any older than sixteen.  He's a little on the thin side, though given his age, he could just be going through a growth spurt, and the backpack slung over his shoulder is decorated with a NASA patch.  
"Ollie?" the kid asks. 
"That's me," Ollie says.  "What can I do for you?"
"It's Danny.  Phantom," he clarifies in a low voice.  "From Amity Park."
He can see it, now that he knows to look.  The face and build are the same, just color-swapped.
“I need your help,” Danny continues.
The kid looks like he’s about to fall over from exhaustion or stress or both. 
Ollie opens the door a little wider.  "Come on in.  I was just making myself some lunch.  You can tell me what's going on."
Danny follows him into the kitchen and takes a seat at the counter.   Ollie finishes the sandwiches and slides one over to Danny.  
Danny doesn't pick it up at first, busy fidgeting with the sleeves of his hoodie.  “I don’t know where to start."
"Well, I gotta say," Oliver says.  "You're looking pretty alive for a dead guy.  I mean, same could be said for myself, but I told you how that happened."
Danny grimaces.  "About that.  It's kind of complicated."
Oliver leans against the opposite counter.  "Hit me with it."  
He already knows it's bad.  He was worried about Phantom in the first place; that's why he gave Danny a way to contact him if necessary.  Whatever made Danny travel halfway across the country to see him?  It can't be good.
"My parents are the Fentons," Danny starts.
Immediately Oliver knows the story is going to be worse than he anticipated. "The ghost hunters.  The ones who built the portal."  Ollie had heard all about that portal during his sojourn in the Infinite Realms-- some from Phantom, some from other ghosts.
"Yeah.  Well, the portal didn't exactly work at first.  My friends wanted to see it, and..."  Danny shrugs.  "It worked better than anyone gave them credit for, it's just that they accidentally put the switch on the inside."  
He can see where this story is going.  "And you accidentally turned it on."  
"Yeah.  It killed me, but all the ectoplasm coming through the portal brought me back to life.  So I'm only half-dead."  Danny finishes up his sandwich but Oliver, who is familiar with the eating habits of superhero teenagers, hands him another one.
"I'm guessing your folks don't know."  
"My sister does.  My parents don't."  Danny fidgets with the sleeves of his hoodie.  "That's not important."
It seems a little bit important.  
“It don’t know if there’s anything you can do,” Danny adds. “I just… I didn’t know where else to go.”
“You can stay here as long as you need to," Ollie says.  There's an extra bedroom that Stanley used as an office, back when this place belonged to him.  He'll need to get the junk cleaned out, but it should work for Danny.  "But it might help if I had a few more details.  Is someone gonna come looking for you-- or for Phantom?"
"I don't think so," Danny says.  "Well, the GIW might, but they're not super active outside of Amity Park."
"We'll handle them if they show up."  Oliver would love the chance to put a few arrows in them, and he's sure Connor and Mia would feel the same.  
There's obviously more to this story than Danny is currently telling him, but Ollie isn't gonna press.  Not yet.  Long and difficult experience has taught him how badly that usually goes when dealing with teenagers.  
Danny finishes up his lunch, and Ollie shows him around, eventually leaving him to hang out in the living room and watch TV.  Ollie himself starts packing up the junk in the spare room.  Danny might have to sleep on the couch for a day or two, until they get a bed for him to use, but it's an alright couch.  Ollie has certainly slept in less comfortable places.
He doesn't realize how much time has passed until he hears Connor call him from downstairs.
His tone of voice is carefully measured, but it's enough to remind Oliver that Danny is downstairs-- and that he didn't let Connor know about their new guest.
He dashes down the stairs and, sure enough, Connor and Danny are watching each other warily from other sides of the living room.  Danny in particular looks like he wants to bolt.  
"This is Danny," Oliver says.  "He's gonna be staying with us for a while.  And Danny, this is my son, Connor.  He's the other Green Arrow."  
"Nice to meet you," Connor says to Danny.  Then, "Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Ollie follows Connor downstairs to the training room in their basement.  He has no idea how far Danny's enhanced senses extend outside the Infinite Realms-- or even if they work at all when he's not a ghost-- but Ollie suspects this conversation might not be as private as Connor is hoping.
"Are you sure about this?"  Connor asks.  
"He doesn't have anywhere else," Ollie says.  "What do you want me to do?"
Connor runs his hand over his face.  "I don't know.  But have you even talked to Mia about this?  When did you even meet this kid?"
"It was a sudden development," Ollie says.  "So no, I didn't.  But I don't think Mia's gonna tell me to send him packing."  He knows that's not what Connor is worried about; for all her bravado, Mia is still insecure about many things.  "As for how I met him... that's a bit of a story."
"Okay," Connor finally says.  "As long as you're sure."
Ollie clasps his shoulder.  "I appreciate it."  
They don't explain anything further to Connor that night, which is probably unfair to him.  But Ollie doesn't really want to make Danny explain more than once, and Mia won't be back until the next day.
Danny sleeps on the couch, and in the morning, he helps Ollie and Connor clean out the spare room.  Mia shows up a little after noon, having gotten a ride back from one of her powered friends, and finds the three of them eating pizza in the living room.
"You better have saved me some," she says, as she tosses her overnight bag on the floor.
"Didn't your friends feed you?" Ollie asks, but he passes her the box of pepperoni.  
Mia takes a slice and perches on the back of the couch, right next to Danny.  "Hi!  I'm Mia."  She gives Danny a look that is probably intended to be flirtatious.  
Danny looks a little like a deer in the headlights.  "Uh, hi?"
Connor raises an eyebrow at Oliver, and yeah, maybe having a teenage boy staying in the same house as Mia is a bad idea.  Then again, he's closer to her age than the guys she usually hits on.  
"This is Danny," Oliver says.  "Danny, Mia is my other kid.  She's also Speedy."  
They give Connor and Mia the cliff's notes version on ghosts and the Infinite Realms.  Danny knows a lot more than Ollie does about all of it, but he's much worse at explaining.  He either gets lost on tangents about inconsequential details, or he assumes they have more baseline knowledge than they do.
"I'm sorry," Mia says.  "Can we go back to the part where ghosts exist?"
"We've fought actual demons," Connor says.  "How are ghosts harder to believe?"
"Ollie was never a demon," Mia says with a shrug.  Then she narrows her eyes at Oliver.  "Were you?"
Ollie laughs.  "Definitely not."  
The next week or so is pretty quiet, by their standards.  The Green Arrows and Speedy go out and handle low-level crime in the city every night, though Phantom stays in at Ollie's suggestion; if the GIW is looking for him, it's better if he lies low.  It's a little worrying how easily he agrees.  It had never been that easy to convince him to do anything when they were training in the Infinite Realms.
Mia, who is better with technology than Ollie is, helps Danny send a message to his friends, letting them know he's safe.  
"It's better if I don't give them too many details," Danny says.  "Anyone who's looking for me will be watching them.  All of our devices are encrypted, thanks to Tucker, but I don't want to take any chances."
Danny comes with them to help out at the youth center, even while Ollie tells him that he's welcome to stay home and play video games or whatever.  Danny hasn't said anything about it, and so Ollie hasn't either, but Danny doesn't seem to want to be left alone for long.
Oliver wonders if that's because he's worried about himself or about them.
"So, where do your folks think you are?" Ollie asks at one point. 
Danny shrugs.  "Does it really matter?"
"Well, I'd like to know if I'm likely to be charged with kidnapping."  Connor and Mia both shoot him judgmental looks, but it's not like either of them were under any illusions about Ollie's ability to be delicate.  "I mean, I can handle it if I am, but I'd like to be prepared."
"I don't think you have to worry about that," Danny says, and that's the subject closed for the moment.
Mia corners Ollie one afternoon at the youth center, while Danny is playing basketball with some of the kids.  Danny is losing, badly.  Turns out he's incredibly clumsy when he's not using his powers.  The kids don't seem to mind, though, and Danny is a pretty good sport about it.
"We're keeping him, right?" Mia asks.
Oliver gives Mia a level look.  He hasn't noticed anything beyond some flirting on Mia's side, but that doesn't mean much.  
"Not like that," Mia says, rolling her eyes.  "I mean, he's cute, but he's kind of dense."
"Funny, I'm pretty sure the same has been said about me," Ollie jokes.
"Whatever he's not telling us... it's got to be pretty bad, right?" Mia says.  "But he seems happy here.  And we won't let anything happen to him."
There's a lot Oliver could say here: Danny has parents, he has friends, he has a home he obviously misses.  By almost every measure, he's far more powerful than Ollie or his kids, and whatever has him scared is quite possibly out of their league.  But the truth is, he feels the way Mia does.  
"It's up to him," Oliver finally says.  "But he's welcome to stay as long as he wants to."
Green Arrow and Speedy are crouched on a rooftop, taking aim at a couple of drug dealers, when Connor's voice crackles across the comms.
"I've got eyes on some guys in white suits," he says.  "At Fifty-first and Green."  
That's halfway across town, though nowhere near the brownstone.  If something goes down in the next few minutes, Connor is going to be on his own.  
"Don't engage," Ollie says.  "We're on our way."
They break up the drug deal and make their way toward Connor, who has been updating them on the GIW's movements the whole while.  
"I think they're looking for something," Connor says.  "They keep stopping and checking some kind of device-- I think it's a tracker of some kind."
"They're looking for Danny," Mia says.  
"How did they even know he's here?" Ollie wonders, but neither Mia nor Connor have any idea.  He makes a split-second decision.  "Mia, head back home and keep an eye on Danny.  Tell him Connor and I are handling it."
Mia is obviously put out by being sent away from the action, but she complies.  Oliver catches up with Connor, perching next to him on the edge of a roof.  Down on the street, a couple of men dressed all in white exit a white van and wave around a couple of handheld electronic devices.  They don't look up, which seems like a mistake from people who ostensibly deal with ghosts.  Convenient for the Green Arrows, though.
Trailing the GIW agents is a piece of cake.  Their all-white getup makes them clearly visible from a distance, and they seem to rely on their equipment rather than their eyes or ears.  
Their apparent incompetence makes Oliver get a little cocky, and that's where things go wrong.  He lands on the building closest to the agents, sure that they won't look up and see him-- and he's right.
Unfortunately, their device starts beeping just at that moment, and the two men are suddenly on high alert.  Ollie gets the bad feeling that something about him is what set it off.  They pull out their guns and look around wildly, until one of the geniuses gets the bright idea to look up.  That's when they start shooting wildly at Oliver and Connor.  
Their aim isn't great, and whatever kind of energy weapons they're using are only powerful enough to do some superficial damage to the building facade, but Ollie isn't eager to find out how it would feel to get hit by one of those.  Fortunately, he and Connor are both much better shots than these guys.
They shoot the weapons out of the agents' hands first, then Ollie puts an arrow through one guy's hand while Connor puts one through the other guy's foot.  
For a minute, it seems like it's going to be that easy.  Then, three more white vans come peeling down the street and a dozen more agents pour out.  Now, it's Oliver and Connor who are pinned down, ducking behind the roof's edge to avoid getting hit by those energy weapons.  
Ollie puts an arrow through another guy's shoulder, and is just a smidge too slow getting back out of the way.  The energy blast is going to hit him right in the shoulder.  He braces to take the hit--
A green shield appears in front of him.  The energy blast hits it and dissipates.
For a moment, Ollie thinks it's the work of a Lantern.  And then he sees Phantom, a bright white and glowing target hovering above the street.  
The GIW agents have completely disregarded Ollie and Connor, and are frantically shooting at Phantom.  Phantom is dodging the blasts easily; there's no sign of the clumsiness that he's beset with when he's a normal human.  One of the agents gets an arrow through his shoulder, and Ollie spots Mia perched on a roof across the street.  
In hindsight, he really should have expected this.  Neither of those kids are the type to sit at home when they could be helping instead.  Even so, he doesn't like it.
With Danny distracting the agents, it's much easier for Ollie, Connor and Mia to hit them.  They may be outnumbered, but the GIW agents are terrible shots.  At some point, the agents seem to realize this, too, and flee back into their vans, limping and bleeding, and drive away.  
"Follow them?" Connor asks.  
"No," Ollie says.  "I don't think they're going to try anything else tonight."  
The four of them make their way back to the brownstone.  
"I told you to stay here with Danny," Ollie tells Mia, once they're inside and putting away their gear.  
"Did you really think I was going to listen?" Mia asks. 
Ollie runs his hands over his face.  "A man can dream."
"Besides," Mia adds, "from where I was standing it seemed like we bailed you two out.  Right, Danny?"
With a flash of light, Danny transforms back to his human form.  "I'm sorry," he says.  "I don't know how they knew I was here."
"I'm not sure they did," Connor says.  "They were looking pretty hard for something before they went after the two of us."
"But they were looking for me specifically," Danny says.  
Ollie gives Danny a closer look.  He's clearly nervous.  More than just nervous, he looks like he's on the verge of taking off and running.
"What makes you so sure they're here for you?" Oliver asks.  It's not that he doesn't trust Danny's instincts, but he doesn't feel like he's got the whole picture.  
Danny leans against the workbench, almost knocking a set of half-finished arrows to the floor.  "They've been trying to catch Phantom since the beginning," he says.  "I kind of made their lives difficult."
"Good," Connor says, crossing his arms.  
"Plus, a lot of Amity Parkers kind of... don't like Phantom?  So the GIW heard about what a menace I was, and that didn't help.  But then you got Superman and Wonder Woman and all of them to talk about how bad the GIW and Anti-Ecto Acts are, and that helped, and-- I had it handled. "
"So what happened?" Mia asks.  
"My parents found out.  And I kind of freaked out?  And I flew off, and the GIW caught up to me."  Danny looks around, takes in their stricken expressions, and hurries to add, "Not for long!  But then I headed back home and my parents were telling everyone I was dead.  I didn't know what to do, so I came here."  
Oliver's head hurts just thinking about this mess.  He walks across the room and wraps an arm around Danny.  "We'll get this figured out," he promises, though he's not entirely sure how.  "First things first.  What do you want to do about your parents?"  
Mia scowls at him-- she's clearly already formed her opinion on Danny's parents.  Ollie can't say he disagrees, but he's made his own share of mistakes in the parenting department.  He hopes that the Fentons might be able to come around, if only because Danny clearly loves them.
"The GIW..." Danny begins. 
"I've got a few ideas about them."  Ollie is a little torn between hunting them down himself, pointing Supes or someone in their direction, or letting it leak to the public that these government lackeys chased a kid halfway across the country.  "Do you want to go back to your parents?"
"I don't know," he says. "I miss them, but... I don't know if they'll believe I'm really me. They think all ghosts are evil. But even if they believed me..."  He trails off.  
"You can stay here," Mia insists.  "Right, Ollie?"
"Of course he can."  He didn't actually need Mia's prompting for that.  "You're welcome to stick around as long as you want, but you should at least stay until we get the GIW shut down."  
Danny looks around the room at the three of them.  Whatever he sees must reassure him because after a long minute, he nods.  "Okay.  At least until then."
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divine-donna · 1 year
an experiment
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the title is not related to this in any form. i just wanted to write something quickly for miguel. let’s just say i’m experimenting with some things. if anyone’s interested in like a fic, i’d be happy to write one.
anyways back on my spider-man stuff.
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for the last seven years on your earth, you’ve been the one and only spider-man. well not exactly spider-man or spider-woman. you were known by the moniker of spiderling. you didn’t really have a name when you started so the press gave one for you.
was it sort of juvenile? yes. but in all fairness, you were still a kid when you first became spiderling. late teens sure, but you were still a kid. and still hurting.
you were a master of the mystic arts first. something happened though. magic became almost inaccessible after a fight with a multiversal entity. the universe was at stake and you performed some risky magic to save it. at a cost.
you still had a little magic left, enough to perform a binding spell or leave magic circle traps. and it helps that slowly but surely, you’re regaining the magic you lost. especially since many of the villains you face, even as spiderling, have a penchant for magic and magical artifacts.
what you were not expecting was for your day to be interrupted with the sudden news that someone had broken into an office building. without being seen.
upon arriving to the scene, you were very surprised to find a villain that was...not yours.
they were confused, but wreaking havoc with civilians in the crossfire was not the way to go.
in the midst of your battle, your body literally slammed into someone that came out of nowhere. and he was most certainly not from your universe.
“watch it pal!”
“you watch it!”
“you literally came from nowhere!”
before he can argue back, you gave chase to the new villain. you had more pressing matters compared to that of a man that came from nowhere.
and it seemed that he was following after you.
neither of you could catch the villain, who was constantly glitching out. clearly something was going on, something greater and beyond your own universe.
the mysterious spider-man was keen on catching them, so you studied their pathways and predicted where they would go. you laid a simple magic circle trap and waited for the villain to step through.
everything was easy after that. a magical barrier, the sprinkle of magic that disappeared into the air, and a villain knocked out. safe from harming others. and even themself.
“that was...a lot easier than i thought.”
“it’s better to think about tactics.”
when you finally laid eyes upon the mysterious spider-man, you jaw almost dropped. almost. you had appearances to keep up.
he was pretty tall. and muscular. the suit certainly didn’t leave much room for the imagination.
you couldn’t be thinking those things! who even gawks at a random spider-man that literally appeared out of thin air.
you don’t say anything to him and simply leave, letting him deal with whatever the villain was. it was clear that must’ve been why he appeared out of nowhere. something in your gut told you.
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two weeks later, you got a visit from the mysterious spider-man.
he was just in your apartment! how did he get in? better not to ask questions.
you had just come back from your local bakery, goods in hand, and with plenty of freebies being the neighborhood spider person.
“(y/n), right?”
it was too late. you had already taken your mask off. and you simply blinked at him. “get out-”
he tosses you something and you catch it. a bracelet? “put it on. you’ve been recruited.”
“recruited? recruited for what? and why should i put this on?”
“come see for yourself first.”
if you were going to step through a portal, you might as well bring your baked snacks along for the ride.
where you arrived was...well, to say you were in awe with the place would be the understatement of the century.
spider people upon spider people. you had theorized ideas of meeting other people from different multiverses. but you didn’t think it could actually be achievable until now.
a lot of people stopped your guide to ask who the newbie was. from the conversations you picked out his name. miguel.
eventually his mask faded(?) away to reveal a...very stunning man. perhaps one of the most stunning men you’ve ever seen? even if he did look tired. but hey, who didn’t have a thing for men that looked like they worked overtime constantly?
“wait so...why do you want me to join this...spider society?” you ask before taking a bite into your baked good. you didn’t have lunch today.
“essentially? to keep the multiverse from collapsing. we have...run into a few of your own villains. the ones that use magic.” he says. “there are more like them. and for the most part, we have a lack of...magic expertise.”
“oh. so you want me to join to be that expertise?”
“precisely. besides, you already have experience with the multiverse.”
“and how do you even know that?”
his stoicism breaks with the slight curve of his lip, almost like a smirk. you could feel your heart begin to beat a little faster. “lyla.”
“on it.” the hologram pulled up...everything on you.
in fact, you wanted to faint seeing everything. even some embarrassing moments. “that umm...that wasn’t actually me.” you respond to his raised eyebrows at the scene.
“that’s not it. this one is.” lyla pulls up a video. “you defeated a multiversal creature. in fact, we presume there are more of them. they may be some kind of organization.”
“our job is to preserve the multiverse. and considering you have the most experience with this unknown entity, we need you.”
“perhaps need is a stretch. i thought you’d want me, y’know.” you joked. “because no one really wants me.”
“that’s not funny.”
“it’s funny to me.” you finish your food. “is the multiverse really at stake?”
“possibly. the point is that we keep it at a place where it isn’t.” he crosses his arms across his chest. “so, will you join us?”
you ponder for a bit before answering. “i have nothing better to do. sure.”
“good, good.” he almost smiles. he feels the muscles twitch but maintains his composure. “you have crumbs on your face.” he points to the correlating spot on his face to yours.
“oh.” you feel your cheeks grow warm with embarrassment as you brush them off.
“you still have some.”
you kept missing the spot, frustrating miguel just a little bit.
“here let me.”
his hand brushes against your skin and is gentle as he brushes the remaining crumbs off. normally you weren’t such a messy eater but you also usually didn’t eat in a universe you didn’t belong in.
his touch is gentle in comparison to his appearance. everything about him screams danger and pain. but it was, in fact, the opposite of that.
“next time eat in the cafeteria.” he says.
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jube-art · 4 days
Would you...make more...JJ art? 🥺👉👈
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sure! lmao :) a fic snippet under the cut!
Cassie breathes out, the fire inside of her makes it cloud up in the cold mountain air. She grounds herself, trying to think back on all that her Aunty Diana taught her, about containing her anger, about keeping things manageable and not lashing out at the people around her.
It’s not Cassies fault that anger runs in her family.
Deemed just a bit too ‘rough’ for the regular teen titans, she’s been given an address to go to for a team meet-up that would “fit her deposition” better.
(That the teen titans wouldn’t have a name attached too.)
It’s an old Justice League base, up here in upstate New York just outside of the Catskills and she’s just a little early. Not terribly early she doesn’t think, just about fifteen minutes from the official meeting time.
She knocks on the disguised door, the official teen titans stationary in her hands tell her exactly how to knock and where.
Sure enough, the rock wall opens up, creaking with disuse, yawning a gaping doorway into darkness.
“This is a bad idea.” She tells herself, the words make more of that cloudy air puff around her, but she moves forward into the dark anyway.
The first thing she sees is Nightwing.
Robin is here too, helping him with something just out of sight.
Involuntarily she relaxes a bit. Nobody doesn’t know who Nightwing is, he was the one who handed her the little piece of paper in the first place, telling her to come here. “Hello?”
“Oh!” Nightwing turns, shoving what he was working on down underneath the table. Robin keeps working. “Wondergirl! You’re a little early! Hello!”
Oh god. Did Cassie mess up? Should she have arrived on time? Damn it, mom, she should have left when she wanted to-!
“Welcome!” Nightwing instantly is all charming smiles and a brilliantly handsome face. He moves forward, leaving Robin to continue what he was doing. “I’m glad you decided to take a chance on this little project we wanted to start up.”
Cassie really didn’t have much of a choice did she? It was either this last ditch sort of reject project that she had no information on or it was ‘don’t be a hero’
“We’re just waiting on the other three to be ready.” Nightwing is still talking, still with that relaxed tone and smile. “They should be getting here soon. Do you want some water? We have cookies too-“
Robin jerks back. “Don’t bite me you little shit!”
Nightwing’s smile freezes on his face, awkward. “Ignore him. He’s getting one of the participants on board for this little subgroup.”
Cassie regrets everything. She’s gonna be working with somebody who bites? Who bites like a fucking child? Who is feral?!
Cassie’s all for fighting, all for war, but she’s also all for strategy, it’s in her blood. It’s apart of her power. She can’t deal with anything that’s little more than a feral beast-
Robin yanks around, bringing with him-
The boy is Cassie’s age. Black hair, a black mask over his eyes that can be nothing but one of Batman’s sort. He’s got a thick heavy and large cape on, black, going down to his ankles, pushing away from Robin with a sneer.
He’s sort of cute.
Pale face filled with freckles, thin and gaunt, a little taller than most boys Cassie’s age.
Is this- is this the new Robin?!
Cassie’s expectations of the group go way up.
“Hello?” Another voice comes from behind Cassie, causing her to turn and-
Oh my gods!
That’s! That’s Lex Luthor’s son! Dressed sharp in a form fitting leather jacket with skinny jeans and his signature thick sunglasses.
He’s got powers?!
“Ah! Superboy, so glad to see you-“
“I would rather not be called that.” The boy cuts off Nightwing, a sour expression on his face. “I would rather not be associated with that parent.”
Cassie’s mind is getting blown right now. What. What is going on?! Who is on this team?!
“Of course. I understand completely.” Nightwing’s still speaking for the bats. It looks like the older, still in the traditional uniform Robin is maneuvering the new guy to be front and center. “We’ll make a note of that going forward. Is there anything specific that you’d like to be called for now?”
The boy- superman’s son?!- just sort of looks sad now. Now that it’s been brought to attention, Cassie can’t see anybody but a younger version of Superman looking up from a punk’s face. “If I get one, I’ll let you know.”
The older Robin taps out some kind of pattern on Nightwing’s shoulder, and Nightwing taps one backwards onto Robin’s arm. They understand each other perfectly, as the older, traditional Robin goes ahead and leaves, headed to a side room with the label above it ‘Zeta’.
The new, strange, Robin (because who else is this?) sticks himself into Nightwing’s side.
The Superman … child (how?!) cocks his head at the behavior, the new Robin and him get into a weird stand off, eyes wide and unblinking. Creepy.
“Now we only have one more to wait on.” Nightwing tells the group at large. “Then after introductions we’ll discuss sort of what we have in mind for this group moving forward, and training both physically and mentally to help with both working as a team and working on handling what it takes to be a-
The concussive boom from outside makes Cassie’s ears pop. She winces at the sound, so does the kid of Superman
The bat’s both flinch, full body, jerking away physically from the noise.
The little new Robin way, way worse than Nightwing. Clinging onto Nightwing physically, off the ground and like a koala.
“That’s gonna be Impulse.” Nightwing sighs. “I thought Flash told me that they had stopped breaking the sound barrier-“
He sort of mumbles off, and the group waits a few beats in strange silence. When nothing happens for a bit, Nightwing actually reaches over to the command console and presses a button. “You have to go normal human speed, little dude.”
The group at large waits another second-
Like a flash, sure enough there’s two little wisps of a human being, one with red hair, one with blond. The two of them are wearing the same outfit, white and red, and are vibrating so hard that they are hard to get the details of.
Cassie can only see the chain that connects their wrists, tugging towards one or the other with every twitch.
It hits Cassie then, just how wild this is.
In the room right now is some powerful players, more powerful than Cassie was originally expecting when the teen titans had told her that with her … anger issues she might not be a good fit for the Titans name. Cassie expected to be thrown to the side, mad as hell, not put on a team that consisted of only power players. Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, you couldn’t get bigger names.
And here they all sit, in some run down old base cave in New York, waiting to be told that they’re going to finally be a team.
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milkzoro · 8 months
should i save her? i wnna be saaaaved
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🎬✧ portgas d ace x fem!reader
was it a coincidence? or were you soulmates? interesting how the two of you always manage to end up together… fireman!ace saves your panties from a house fire. unfortunately there’s no smut in this, crazy i know. mostly fluff and ace being a cutieeeee. i love him lots & don’t think he would fuck you for the first time being intoxicated… that being said, fic contains// drinking, a lil smooch, cuddles, ace being a lil tease, all that…
☁️ 𐙚 . ˙ 𖧧 ₊ ˚ 🐇
“shit shit shit!” you panicked, trying to put out the burning fire with a measly cup water you had on hand, unfortunately, that only seemed to cause it to burn brighter. the water evaporated almost immediately, and with every passing second, it got worse. the clothes that were messily piled up on your dresser were now fully inflamed, and the wood took on enough heat to finally catch fire.
“oh my fucking god? where’s my goddamn phone!” there was no reason to try and put out the fire yourself, you’d only end up getting hurt. ‘cursed candle’ you scoffed while scurrying around your smokey room looking for your phone. even if it was your favorite scent, you knew you should have thrown out that stupid candle your ex got for you.
after flipping through the blankets on your bed, you found it, immediately you dialed the fire department. “hello? hello! yes! please there’s a fire at my house my address is. . .” you’d hope they’d make it there soon, the smoke stared to suffocate you to the point where you didn’t know if you could make it out, chemicals filled your lungs and it was getting harder to breathe. . .
. . .
you felt strong arms carrying you, woodsy musk and smoke filled your senses. the man placed you down in the back of the fire truck with plenty of water before rushing back into your fire-filled house to see if there were any more casualties to look out for. luckily enough, you lived alone.
shortly after, he came back to you. he tore off his headset and revealed his soft, freckled face. you were taken aback, he might as well be your knight in shining armor for saving you, he had stains of soot covering his cheeks but still looked so pretty. . .
“i couldn’t save them all but. . . i managed to get a few.”
he held up a couple pairs of your cute lacy panties, blood rushed to your face once you noticed what they were. you were quick to snatch them away—your face fell hot with embarrassment. it really didn’t help that the man was attractive, you couldn’t even look at him. “oh! it’s fine, thank you…” the tension was thick and awkward, the man starred at you trying to comfort you on your losses.
“we managed to put out the fire, miss. your room is pretty much fine, but the dresser didn’t quite make it. . . i saved what i could.” he sighed—holding up some more of your lounge wear. he seemed sad he couldn’t save everything but you were grateful nonetheless that he did everything he could.
“do you have somewhere you can stay while we get everything cleaned up?” he peered at you, cute freckled face and dark eyes held your gaze.
“uhmm yea, i do. thank you.”
“the pleasures all mine, get some rest and please, no more candles.” he let out a hefty laugh before giving you back your delicates. yea, definitely no more candles.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
it’s a couple days later and you’re back in the comforts of your now, fire-free home. living alone was super easy, you got to do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted. if you didn’t wanna do something, that’s perfectly fine. movies and snacks all day, and that’s usually how it always went but today you had something planned.
about a week ago you had made an appointment to get your ears pierced, you favorite tattoo shop was having a flash sale on all lobe piercings so you thought it would be best to schedule ahead.
the studio was surprisingly quiet for a weekend, a few teens who were there for the flash sale and one other person, but he was faced down and getting a tattoo stenciled on across his very sculpted back.
“oh hey! i know you.” his head perked up once he heard the chime of the studio door, he watched as you stepped inside.
‘please god, tell me it isn’t him. fuck, it’s totally him.’ he smiled warmly at you, kind eyes curling up and he showed all his teeth—how could you not forget such a cute face.
“no you don’t.” you were quick to answer, but he retaliated.
“um yeah… yes i do! i saved you from that fire! don’t you remember? all your panties? sorry i couldn’t save ‘em all.” his lips quirked up slightly as he still felt bad, but his non-filtered reenactment of the events earned some confused reactions from the staff and other customers that happened to be in earshot.
“did you have to bring that up again? i told you not to worry about it, ‘m just happy i have my house back.”
“can’t i make it up to you? and i never got your name. . . ‘panties’~” he snicked at his nickname for you, seeing you get flustered made it all worth while for him. he enjoyed seeing your petrified face as he egged you on.
“shut up, and shouldn’t you be staying still? lay your ass back down.” you gestured to the table he was perked up on, the artist seemed annoyed at his movements.
“ahh, you’re right sweetheart. but, your name? then i’ll promise to let you be. . . ‘panti—’”
“y/n! it’s y/n. happy?”
“very.” he smirked your way and laid back in position effortlessly once he got his answer. the artist sighed and got back to work.
you rolled your eyes trying to suppress the smile that was creeping on your lips, he was crazy. with being a fireman you thought it was unprofessional to bring up such topics in public, but you had to admit—you kinda liked it.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
you thought you might have missed it, his long raven locks swaying as he made his way towards you, even in your drunken state, you knew it had to be him. why does he keep showing up at the most random places? this time though, he was fully determined to make his way to you and just talk. the distance was small but he stumbled all the way over. soon, you were greeted with the pretty fireman.
“wow you’re really drunk right now, aren’t you?” you couldn’t stop the giggles as you held the edge of his shoulder to keep him upright and standing, he swayed lightly with the music in the background as he sang incorrect lyrics softly to you.
you couldn’t help but smile, he was silly like this, maybe it was the drinks in your own system catching up with you but he looked really good right now.
“no mmm not. . . you’re jus really blurry-”
he let out a few of his own laughs, touching and talking with you for sometime, he really liked you.
“y/n.” he held you tight, catching himself on you before he could fall.
you were surprised he remembered your name, i’d been about a week since your last encounter at the tattoo shop. that day, he had introduced himself as ace. portgas ace in fact, lead role in the fire department in his city. he made sure to make that a know fact in hopes to impress you.
“can you take me home? think i’m too ddrunk.”
you blatantly agreed, he looked a mess. and besides, you did owe him, technically. your arm snaked around his making your elbows meet, but he shook you off. he mumbled something you couldn’t quite make out. but instead, his big hands stumbled to find your own, interlocking your fingers and he squeezed them tightly as to say he’s ready to follow you.
his simple actions had an effect on you, holding hands always seemed to be more intimate rather than something simple, like a kiss. his warmth made your tummy do flips, and his big muscles—his strong hands and arms were so close, you felt so small next to him.
you tried to take your hands from his but he whined. he missed your touch.
“wait, let me call order an uber. i’ll be fast i promise.” you found the closest car to come pick the both of you up, you just needed his address. you tried to hand him your phone, “can you type in your address? here take this.”
he groaned again. “mmmuhggg y/nnn—can’t we just go back to yours?? can’t type.” as the words slurred from his lips, they curled into a smirk. little shit, you knew he was playing it up a bit. fuck it—it’s late and it’s cold, you were ready to leave. now, you just have a friend coming with you.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
as you stepped into the coldness of night, you and ace stumbled through the streets to meet with the driver—his natural warmth kept you from shivering as he held you so close. little touches and sweet laughs were shared as you climbed into the backseat, ace stumbled along behind you, tripping on the doorstep as he made his way to sit next to you. the driver glanced back, seeing giddy intoxicated couples wasn’t out of the norm for him, the driver found the two of you endearing.
the car soon became a temporary haven for you, ace’s laugher sounded heavenly as it meshed with the purring of the car engine.
his rough hands found themselves attached to your hips, slowing rubbing up and down. with every passing second, you couldn’t help but grow attached to him. you’ve never met some like him. he was just so different from any other guy you’ve met, from his endless teasing to his charisma—how you always managed to end up together was a mystery.
he snuggled up next to you getting real close—he muttered in your ear, “wanted to tell you you looked pretty tonight,, mm watched you for awhile but was a little nervous.”
a blush crept onto your cheeks hearing his sweet nothings, ‘he was nervous?’
you felt his warmth radiating as he leaned in closer to you. his breath tainted with the smell of alcohol as his lips were millimeters from yours, but the car suddenly came to a stop. the driver interrupted just as they were about to touch. your stomach sank, you were ready to know what they felt like.
the driver turned around, oblivious to the romantic tension, and broke the silence, “here’s your stop folks, thank you and have a safe night.”
you both exchanged a look, a mixture of frustration and amusement, before gathering your things and stumbling out of the car. he soon drove off, leaving you standing on the sidewalk with a shared understanding. you hurried to get your keys and unlock the door.
as the door creaked open, you ushered him inside, the atmosphere filled with unspoken anticipation. once the door closed behind you, the playful glint in his eyes returned, and with a teasing smile, he quipped, “ahhh alone at last~ now, where were we?”
how cliche.. but that seemed to be very on brand for him—cute.
without waiting for an answer, he closed the gap and pulled you into his firm chest. this time, there were no interruptions—just the warmth of a long-awaited first kiss from your knight in shining armor.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
he’d be such a cute bf stawp
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zombiigrll · 1 month
SURPRISE. ⋆。°✩ carl grimes x reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 2.1K ꩜ .ᐟ WARNINGS ⭑ fluff, use of y/n, petnames (like once), playful arguing, swearing, just cute stuff!! dorky teens!! in love!! >_< !! .ᐟ SUMMARY .ᐟ ⭑ carl had been in and out of alexandria a lot recently, ever since the weather became warmer. but after he came back this time, he had a surprise for you. ꩜ .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ i made this as an apology for my last fic 🫡hope u like hehehe
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you'd been very bored for the past couple of days. carl had been in and out on runs by himself, refusing to take you with. he'd never been so secretive about anything before, which made you think there was definitely a reason as to why he wouldn't let you come.
"please, carl. just tell me why i can't come!" you whined, tugging at his flannel.
"you'll find out soon enough." he laughed, grabbing your face and pulling you in for a kiss, the brim of his sheriffs hat slightly hitting your forehead. you broke from the hug and playfully hit him in the shoulder. "come on! you know how impatient i am. you're killing me!"
"you just have to wait a little longer, okay?" he smiled warmly at you. "i'll be back soon, love you."
"love you too, be safe." you waved to him as he exited the gates.
this has been how the past couple have days had gone. he'd leave in the morning, come back at night. ...
you woke up and saw him getting ready, and you assumed it was for him to go on another short run.
he noticed your eyes fluttering open and stepped over to you, kissing you on the forehead. "good morning."
"'morning." you sleepily responded, rubbing your eyes. "are you going on another run?"
"yes, but you're coming with me today." he smiled, sitting down next to you on the bed.
"oh, what? really?" your tone turned more enthusiastic at the news. "when are we leaving?"
"whenever you're ready, love." he looked down at you and began playing with your hair.
"alright.. let me get ready." you sat up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up and walking over to your guys' wardrobe.
"where are we going?" you asked as the two of you began walking towards the car.
"it's a surprise." he threw a bag in the back of the car before getting into the drivers seat.
"please, carl. i'm done with surprises. tell me." you loaded up into the car, putting your seatbelt on with a huff.
"nope, you have to wait." he started up the car and began driving.
"you suck." you playfully rolled your eyes.
"that's okay." he laughed. "all i'm gonna tell you is that you're gonna be happy once we get there."
carl swerves slightly but aggressively, avoiding something that laid in the road. "jesus, if we do get there." you laughed, quickly throwing your hand onto the grab handle above your door. "oh my god, you suck at driving."
"oh, i'm not that bad. you can't say anything, you don't even know how to drive!" he says, nudging you in the shoulder.
"okay, okay. i still know how a car should be driven."
"fine, you drive then." he smiles at you, slamming on the breaks.
"...no, thank you."
carl comes to a stop and takes his seatbelt off. "here we are."
you follow his actions and remove your seatbelt, opening the car door. "..and where exactly is 'here?'"
"just come on." he grabs his bag from the back of the car and puts it on.
carl walks over to you, interlocking your fingers with his before walking forwards.
"why won't you tell me?" you pout, rocking your guys' interlocked hands back and fourth.
"i'm testing your patience." he rests his head on top of yours as you two continue prancing through the grass.
the two of you walk in a peaceful silence through the flower filled field, before he comes to a stop and points forward.
"there." he points towards a cleared out section of the field. in that field, there was a pink and white plaid blanket sprawled across the ground at the foot of the lake with a cd player and some comics on top of it. you stared in awe with your mouth agape, speechless.
"uhm, earth to y/n?" carl laughs, waving a hand back and fourth in front of your face. "do you like it?.. if you don't, we can go back-"
"shut up!" you shook his hand happily, a wide smile plastering along your face. you ran over to the blanket, admiring at the whole setup.
carl follows behind you, setting his backpack next to the blanket. "isn't it beautiful? i found it a while back on a run, it made me think of you."
you beamed, sitting down on the blanket.
carl leans down and pulls some snacks out of his backpack, setting them down in-between the two of you. "i found these in the cupboards, too. theres some chips, fruit, sandwich stuff.."
you lean forward and pull carl into a tight hug. "thank you so much."
"of course. it's the least i could do for you." he returns the hug, running his hands through your hair. "was it worth the wait?"
"yeah.. yeah, it was." you chuckled, breaking from the hug to give him a quick kiss.
the two of you had been there for a while now, eating food and just talking about whatever came to mind. but something that kept catching your eye was the lake that was right next to the blanket.
"do you want to go in the lake?" carl asks, snapping you out of your daze.
"i asked if you wanted to go into the lake. you keep staring at it." he repeats with a light chuckle.
"oh, uh.. i didn't bring anything." you shrugged.
"well, i brought some extra clothes, so you can probably just go in your tank top and shorts then change after." he smiled, pointing to his backpack. "it's not too deep, so you'll only get your clothes wet if you fall in."
you smiled widely, quickly standing up and shaking your sandals off before stepping into the water.
"oh, god, its freezing." you shiver, flapping your hands at the sudden temperature change. carl laughs, but remains sitting on top of the blanket.
"you're not gonna come into the water with me?" you tilted your head at him, a disappointed look spreading across your face.
"well, i wasn't, but if you want me to.." he stands up and walks over, kicking his shoes off by the lake. you smile warmly at him and hold your hand out for him to take.
he accepts your hand as he steps into the water, his body jolting up from the cold. "jesus, you weren't lying." a breathy laugh escapes his mouth.
the two of you hold hands as you begin walking further into the lake.
you pause and look up at carl. "..did you check the lake for walkers?"
"don't worry, over here is too shallow for us not to notice if any walkers are in it." he glances down at you with a reassuring smirk as you two continue walking around in the lake. as the two of you walk, you slip on some rocks in the water, falling down in the water and straight on your bottom. "ah, shit!" you whined, throwing your arms up and out of the water. "gross, gross, gross!"
carl laughs, covering his face with one of his hands and using the other to help you up.
"it's not funny, you ass!" you playfully shove him, which causes him to topple over as well. you grab his hat before it can fall into the lake, staring at him with shock. "...my bad."
he continues laughing, sitting in the water and covering his face. "oh, god... hah.."
you join him in his laughing fit, placing his hat back on his head. at this action, he grabs your forearm and pulls you down with him. "hey!" you fall right on top of him, making him lean back further into the water. "you- ugh!" you laugh, wiping away the water that splashed on your face.
he puts one of his hands to keep his hat up and the other to help him sit up. he smiles down at you, and that's when you noticed his smile. his genuine smile. genuine happiness spread across his face, something you hadn't seen in forever. a lot of your guys relationship has been an emotional rollercoaster. the two of you had met back in atlanta when glenn found you all by yourself during one of his scavenges and taken you in. you and carl had watched each other change. you watched him reunite with his father, go through grieving shane, then killing his mother... so much. it was hard to get that boy to smile. and right now? the two of you felt like nothing else mattered. he was happy, you were happy. everything was just... happy.
he sits himself up more properly and adjusts his hand over to the side of your face, rubbing his thumb along your cheek. "are you okay?" he chuckles, remarking your sudden silence.
you nod. "yeah. yes, i am." a wide smile appeared on your face as you put your hand over his, leaning in to kiss him. he happily returns the kiss. you can feel his smile through the kiss as he runs his hands through your hair. the two of you break from the kiss. he moves his hand up to push your stray hairs out of your face and behind your ear. "you're so beautiful."
you never knew how to react to his compliments. they were always random and abrupt. you'd usually shrug them off due to not being too good with your words, at least around him. whenever there was an opportunity for you to say something, you'd let out the lamest compliment in return. "you're so... heh.." you chuckled, beaming at him as you took in every single feature he had. but no matter what, you couldn't say anything. you were too overwhelmed by all of his perfect features to compliment him properly. although, carl didn't mind this. if anything, he found it cute.
"alright, come on." he interlocks your hands together, carefully standing up with you. he looks up at the setting sun. "we should head back soon."
"awh, already?" you frowned.
"we can come back again soon, i promise." the two of you started walking hand-in-hand back to shore, your clothes drenched in the probably- definitely- polluted water. when you guys got back onto the land, you crouched down and reached into his backpack to pull out the spare clothes he had brought you. as you stood back up, you noticed carl staring.
"hey, look away." you joked, smirking at him and signaling for him to turn around, to which he complied instantly. you quickly changed your clothes into a much more comfy t-shirt and shorts. "alright, i'm done." you gave him permission to look back as you zipped his backpack up again. he walks over to you to give you a hug, but as he lays his hand on your shoulder, he notices how cold you still are. "jeez, y/n, you're shivering." he takes off his flannel quickly. "here."
"i... are you sure?" you grab the flannel, staring up at him happily.
" 'course." he grinned as you began putting the flannel over your icy frame.
the two of you work together to quickly get the picnic together before the sun sets, and then you load everything back into the car. this spot was slightly far away from alexandria, probably around 20 minutes or so, and you were exhausted. you had so much fun and got so much energy out, you were excited to head back to sleep with carls arms around your waist and his head on top of yours.
you put your seatbelt on and immediately began feeling sleepy, and it was apparent in your body language. "getting sleepy?" he questioned, noticing your body quickly relaxing as soon as he started the car.
"mhm.." you mumbled, laying your head back on the headrest.
"go to sleep then. i'll wake you up when we get home."
"are you sure?" you rubbed your eyes.
he nods, moving his hand to comfortingly rub your thigh. "just get some rest, okay?"
"okay.." you gave him a quick peck on his cheek before resting your head down on the center console, quickly drifting off into sleep. you could feel carls hand atop of your head, playing with your hair to help you sleep.
and there you were, falling asleep in the car just like a little kid after a long day of normalcy, something rare in a world like this. and all of this was because of your boyfriend, your number one supporter, carl grimes.
you loved this boy more than life itself. hell, he was your life.
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phoenixyfriend · 11 months
Hey have a fun AU I came up with the other day after reading a bunch of fics with related tropes
It's a raised Sith AU. Anakin was found by Sidious well before he was found by Qui-Gon. He was raised by the Sith, is a classically horrible monster stalking about TCW to be Vader (mask and all, just as an intimidation factor instead of life support) while Ventress and Grievous and Dooku do their own things in a different section of the war. He's got a Really Fucking Weird dynamic with Obi-Wan, mostly attempting to kill him etc.
At some point, Palpatine allows Anakin and Padme to meet. The romance that blooms is one that Sheev decides is useful to him, so he lets it happen.*
Padme gets pregnant. Sidious arranges for her death. Anakin loses his entire shit and tries to kill Sidious. Obi-Wan is off trying to save Padme, unaware of Anakin getting his remaining limbs cut off by his this-universe Master. (This is important, because Anakin does remember Obi-Wan trying to save Padme.)
So we have Anakin, who was raised Sith, and just lost the only things that have mattered to him since his mom died when he was a kid, and Palpatine has pushed him further into the Dark than he ever has. Anakin… knows more about the Sith Secrets in this universe.
Anakin finds a Sithly Time Machine. Maybe on Malachor. There's an owl? Whatever.
Anakin, someone who's been Vader for the vast majority of his life, wakes up at age nine. Maybe even younger, like six. His mother is already dead at Sidious's hands. He's already roommates with Maul. He's already being trained as a baby Sith.
Anakin, being a 20 year old war veteran, is much better at escaping than Sidious has planned for. He reprograms a medical droid to take out his slave chip, steals a ship, etc. All the stuff that Maul wasn't very good at, and Anakin was too young for, so Sidious didn't have the preventative measures in place for yet.
Anakin heads for the one place and person he thinks he can trust: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
(Obi-Wan is still a padawan. But this Baby Sith just declared him Adoptive Teen Dad, so.)
@lizasweetling (all indented bits from here will be hers):
Because Sith. Bad for mental health of the user and generally bad for their environs But also baby. And if hes dragging Maul around no doubt the dude is constantly himself confused why he is here Like yeah, Sidious sucked, and this 6-9yo is way powerful and knowledgeable on the dark side (?????) But why are we going to the Jedi? And not even trying to kill them apparently?????
Anakin is very much being affected by Baby Brain and Baby Endocrine System. He cries a lot more than he should.
Jedi Council trying to decide if this is more "Adult Sith got shrunk" or "child got evil man's memories." Vader wants to know why it even MATTERS. (He didn't actually plan on telling them, but he has very little self control right now.)
The first Good Act he does is tell them where to find Ventress and Ky. (In the original timeline, he viewed Ventress as like. Cool older cousin.)
Vader's right, that distinction does not matter Aaaw, she deserves that, that's nice Maybe she will be like 20% less homocidally traumatized
Anakin is furious when Maul and Obi-Wan pick him up under one arm like a package. He is a GROWN MAN he is an ADULT he was a SITH LORD and about to be a FATHER, he is TOO OLD FOR THIS.
They point out that he is Baby.
😂 sorry lord of evil, you're too baby, have a nap and maybe your feel better. Assuming the crisis on Naboo is still happening, and as such the vote of no confidence is right now, it might be a great time to report Sidious as a Sith lord. Post-escape from Sidious, both he and Maul definitely will need a nap. It's that kinda place.
Oh, it's probably at least a year before. Anakin keeps trying to sneak off to kill the man himself, but the Jedi are more ready for his Sneaking than Mustafar was, so he keeps getting caught before he can reach the Senate.
At one point he tries to just CHARGE the place and you get Mace and Obi-Wan sprinting after him. The News captures videos of this very small child getting chased by an older Padawan and a Master and they are mostly yelling for him to PUT DOWN THE SABER.
(Sidious might see him but what's he going to do? Might cause too many problems for Sidious to be aware of Anakin's presence with the Jedi, though. Best not.)
It's probably more expensive on average to hire an assassin on a child, just in general But on a jedi youngling??? If he can even find someone to do that, it will be so very, ridiculously expensive And likely 70%+ upfront payments
Ahsoka definitely seeks him out. Toddler baby child. She adores him for reasons unclear to anyone and everyone.
!!! Baby has baby!! Vader's probably a little thrown by this. Been a while subjectively since someone just loved him. And not even for like, a reason. Baby Vader coerced into sitting obediently for nap by tired kiddo: [The council liked that]
The number of times that vader could only be convinced to nap by Obi-Wan grabbing him, caging him in his own lap, and forced to Sit Quietly until he just fell asleep like that...
He has things to do, he's not tired 😡😡😡💢 (He's 9. Distances are between 150 and 195% longer when measured with steps, he's hungry (subjectively) all the time, and has only middling coordination He so is too tired)
Anakin doesn't know Qui-Gon at all but he keeps getting stuffed into the man's top because he's just. Small enough to fit.
Like the bomb boobs gif, but it's a small child.
the indignity
You just. You can't let him get too self-important.
Vader is Disgusted every time the pediatric healers try to talk down to him like they do to other 6yos.
The difference between this and other "Vader goes back in time to the Jedi" AUs (like Force of Many Sights) is that this Vader has never been a Jedi, and doesn't know anything about them except how they fight when he's trying to kill their friends.
Also Maul's there.
Because even he has a hard time taking himself seriously when hes so easy to manhandle Rest of the time; I am fear, I am death personified As luggage child: I am so small. The tiniest. I crave violence He's probably very annoyed they keep taking away his saber And hey! Obi gets practice not losing his! Woooo!
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Something something Anakin clinging to Maul's back (piggy back ride) and chewing on his head or something stupid like that. Perfect height for head biting.
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You know, the classic anime head bite
Maul probably has been nominally talked into this because this 9yo is a powerful darksider But he is also the world's most annoying tiny kid Maul would've thought his phenotype would make him immune to this ridiculousness He was wrong At least the teeth are a bit less pointy than his other little brothers'? Appreciating the little things
tfw your unwanted little brother drags you to what you think is a cult but actually they're way less culty than your last two places so you just stick around to keep an eye on the little shit
Anyway. ObiMaul for this one.
They're peers They're tired They just want to sit down and not have to chase this weird little murder child They have a lot in common 😊
They are all just a little bit stupid, I love them.
Qui-Gon is a Cool Mom (throws condoms at them and books it).
Yeah, that's about as much involvement as would be appreciated They probably did a lot of sparring before the tension broke Which did not relieve said tension, generally made it worse (Competence, athleticism, sweat-) Vader is confused, but probably doesn't mind He's probably glad they're distracting each other from stopping assassinating a certain someone (Which- that is 9yo hubris. He would need help to do that)
I still can't decide where on 6yo-9yo he falls but somewhere in there
Babies means easier hiding in shirt, teenie Ahsoka, and longer for him to convince the Jedi council to do a Sith hunt before the Naboo situation
Also longer for Maul and Obi-Wan to faff about being all Tension
* Vaguely inspired by the backstory of Rulebreaker/Wildheart, which is great but significantly more of a romance fic than this.
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lazycats-stuff · 7 months
I had read a fic of yours where Batson was Australian, I don't know if you have other requests like this but if you accept, make one with Batson being Brazilian and he likes football, carnival and who likes to listen and dance to music by the great diva Anitta
Okay, that's cool. I never really knew a lot about Brazil, but I love learning more about it. Bruce is really mister worldwide lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is Brazilian.
Warnings: none
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According to Jason, Bruce has become mister Worldwide. Why, I might hear you asking? He, as a playboy, sleeps with a lot of women. One of those women was a Brazilian model and the two had a son together. Bruce took a DNA first because he didn't want to take any type of chances.
It wouldn't be a first time that a woman tried to claim that a kid was his, but wasn't. Turns out, DNA came back telling him that (Y/N) was his son. Thankfully, the woman was very understanding and Bruce sent her money every month and he would visit when he could.
Unfortunately, (Y/N)'s mom passed away when he was a teen and he came to live in the USA with his father and half brothers. It was a little bit weird at first, a new city, a father who is a vigilante, his brothers too, a butler who is their handler so to speak...
Either way, it was weird, but he was happy to be here with his family. That was something that he thought that Americans were lacking sometimes. That feeling of tight nit love and family. His family, including grandmas, grandpas, aunts and much more lived within a walking distance from him.
Okay, that may sound like Americans don't share that same sentiment about family, but (Y/N) didn't really see it. It may that in Brazil that is just amplified by 10 or it could be something else of course. However, his family is tight knit and very loving.
(Y/N) didn't think that he would have that here in America, but hey, he can't really complain can he.
However, there is a single thing he will fight until the day he dies. His fellow Brazilian men and women, his brothers and sisters would agree. Soccer is not football. Football is football, you play with your feet. That's why is so popular.
And that's why Europeans and Latinos went nuts for it. Honestly, (Y/N) watches every game with Brazil's national team, even if Bruce had to pay more for the program. He has the money. He can't let his son suffer, can he?
Also, American Football should be named American Soccer, because the ball is never on the ground. (Y/N) will die by that statement and he will fight everyone he needs to fight with to prove it.
Until his last breath and last drop of blood.
One thing he loves more than anything, alongside the football of course, is the famous Rio de Janeiro carnival. He made Bruce and the rest of the family go every single year with him. Thankfully, he still has his Brazilian passport with him.
And the family has a translator for when they go, because not a lot of people speak English, only in bigger cities and popular tourist sites. It's fun to see (Y/N) speak his native language with so much passion and everyone has decided to learn it to talk to (Y/N).
(Y/N) was proud and nothing but supportive, even though at times they were butchering the language, but it's always the thought that matters. And Portuguese is an easier language to pick up. (Y/N) even had some rewards for them.
Every time they could hold a some what correct conversation when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, they would get a dish from the Brazilian cuisine. It's the famous Feijoada and it's just (Y/N)'s favorite. Everyone loved when (Y/N) made it and it was with his grandma's recipe.
That's what motivated them to learn, because even Damian swore by that dish and he loved it the most. Bruce and the rest loved it, it was different then the rest of the American cuisine. Of course, (Y/N) introduced them to another dishes, but everyone loved the Feijoada.
(Y/N) knew it.
One thing he loves is listening to Anitta. He loves her music and they would often find him dancing while he was cleaning, dusting, vacuuming and other times. It made him happy and Bruce found (Y/N) humming the melody and the lyrics every day.
Everyone soon knew the lyrics to the songs and the melody. And besides, they are all learning Portuguese and it was fun to learn it that way. Dick found her songs great and listened to it during his workouts and Dick loved it.
And one thing that Bruce was proud of was the fact that (Y/N) didn't decided to assimilate. He still has his values and he wasn't afraid to say that he is Brazilian. If he has an interview he is often found correcting people and he is not afraid to say it.
Due to the fact that he is not afraid to say he is from Brazil, people of Brazil have claimed him and whenever he comes, they just shower him with love. He is extremely popular and Bruce knows he shouldn't worry about it, but still.
Bruce worries about his children all of the time, especially when they are in another country, especially on vacation. (Y/N) often told him not to worry and did Bruce listen?
One thing more thing that made Bruce love Brazil more than anything in this world is the fact that they take their hygiene more than some Americans do. (Y/N) said to everyone that during the summer he would take 3 showers per day sometimes.
Damian found that interesting. Brazil is a humid and hot country, considering that it's a tropical country and the heat is often unforgiving.
(Y/N) said that the shower made him slow down and think about relaxing. He often clears his head and feels less stress afterwards. He has explained the shower routine, but still, the family they don't really understand it, but hey, as long (Y/N) is happy.
And one thing that Brazilians love doing that Bruce found nice was the way that they are affectionate. Kisses, hugs and touching. Of course, with consent. (Y/N) understood that not really liked it, but his family loved it.
Damian would often get picked randomly and hugged from behind. Damian would often grumble about it, but he loved it. Bruce loved the hugs and the rest loved the hugs too.
Bruce was just happy that one of them was normal emotionally. (Y/N) was trained in martial arts to protect himself, like everyone, but decided to not be a vigilante. He just couldn't be and Bruce respected it.
(Y/N) was their safety net and nobody would have it any other way.
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petite-phthora · 5 months
Please don't shake the cat
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 13]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
RedHood = Jason
Danny = Danny
Private chat
RedHood: *picture*
RedHood: this yours???
Seeing the picture of Ellie clamped onto Red Hood’s arm Danny lets out a sigh while rubbing his forehead. He takes a few seconds to look at the picture while deciding on how to reply.
Private chat
Danny: you don’t happen to be in Mexico right now by any chance, do you?
RedHood: No.
RedHood: I was out patrolling when I was suddenly bitten by her.
RedHood: Thought it might have been a criminal or stray cat or something like that at first.
RedHood: I was not expecting a feral teenager, but I can’t say this is the first time it’s happened.
Danny: damn, she was supposed to be in Mexico 😕😥
Danny: I guess this is what she was trying to tell me with that cryptic message she sent me huh
Danny: and the stray cat analogy isn’t too far off to be perfectly honest 🤔
RedHood: So you know her?
RedHood: Can you help me get her off? I’ve tried prying but she’s got some sick ass jaw strength.
RedHood: Which would have been pretty cool any other time, but it’s currently not really working in my favor.
Danny: I’m so sorry about her 😓 😓
Danny: we’ve been trying to teach her to ask for consent first
Danny: but it’s still a work in progress 😅
Danny: of course I'll help you get her off!! 😊🙃
RedHood: Great! You’re at your apartment, right?
RedHood: I’ll be there in two shakes.
Danny: please don’t shake the cat 😰
Danny: she’ll get grumpy and might latch on even tighter
Danny: I’ll come to you instead 🙃
Danny: you said you were patrolling, so crime alley, right? 🤔🤔
RedHood: Well, yes, but I doubt you’ll be able to get up where I am right now.
RedHood: Let me at least come down to the ground first and I’ll tell you how to get here.
RedHood: Danny?
Jason looks down at his unread messages with a slight frown. He puts his phone away and looks back at the teenager on his arm.
He gives his arm a small shake, causing her to growl at him which immediately makes him stop.
Right… No shaking the cat.
Jason lets out a weary sigh before looking down over the edge of the building to the ground below. He’s trying to think of the best way to get down with only one functional arm when a voice breaks him out of his reverie.
“Hey, Hood. I’m here!”
He turns around, slightly alarmed that there’s a second person who managed to sneak up on him tonight.
Damn, he’s getting rusty
Though from anyone whom he had been expecting to see, he had not been expecting to see the guy he messaged a minute ago standing behind him on the roof.
“How did you get here so quickly? And for that matter, how did you even get up here?” Jason asks confused.
“Oh, I flew” is Danny’s casual response, which gives Jason more questions than have been answered. But before he can decide whether he should bother asking for clarification Danny already moves on to the next topic.
“Anyway, let’s see what we can do about this,” he says, approaching Jason’s arm and the girl that’s hanging off of it.
“Good luck,” Jason says, holding out his arm a little better and watching bemused as Danny and the teen have a stare-down.
“Ellie, what did we say about biting others?”
The teen, Ellie, narrows her eyes and growls at him. Danny just crosses his arms and gives her an unimpressed stare.
“Nah-ah, you have to let him go. We ask before we bite someone. It’s called consent. Don’t make me get Jazz to give you another lecture”
It’s clear to Jason that Danny’s attempt at talking to her isn’t working when the teen proceeds to glance at Jason calculatingly before giving Danny a challenging look and biting down harder.
Apparently, it’s clear to Danny as well, as the next thing he does is let out a put-upon sigh before declaring “Well, I gave you a chance. Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way”
Danny then grabs a hold of her and tries pulling her off of him.
What is his life? Jason thinks as he’s standing there while Danny tries to physically pull the teenage girl, who decided his arm looked like a nice snack, off of him.
Though luckily for him, it seems to work as not a few seconds later Danny has pulled her off of his arm and is now holding the teenage girl with a bloody mouth up by her armpits.
Danny sets her down with a sigh but before he can speak up, the teen crosses her arms and levels Jason with a sharp look that makes him straighten up.
“Thou winneth this round, Red-Helmed Knight of the Night. Though thou should be prepareth, as the upcoming trials will be even more toilsome” Ellie declares while pointing at him, uncaring of the blood on her face.
“And I,” She points a finger back at herself for emphasis, ”Sir Ellie of the Infinite Realms, will—” she gets cut off when a fly enters her mouth.
Danny moves to help her but she holds up a hand to stop him, using her other hand to thump on her chest a few times.
She spits the dislodged fly out onto the floor and glares at it.
“Curse you! Foiling my monologuing once again!” she yells after the fly as it flies off.
Jason turns to Danny.
“So is she your sister?” he asks curiously. And totally not trying to fish for more information about Danny and his family.
Instead of Danny answering the question though, Ellie cuts him off.
“I’m his love child with the mayor of our town.”
Danny gives her a disgusted look.
She looks back at Danny with a shit-eating grin on her face.
Yeah, definitely siblings.
“I love my dads!” she says proudly, her eyes still on Danny.
Danny gives her a deadpan look in response before it changes to a more mischievous one.
“Oh, I’m sure Vlad would love to hear all about how you reclaimed him as a father figure—”
“Oh Ancients, no. Don’t even joke about that” She fake gags at him before turning back to Jason.
“Can I change my answer? I’m his bodyguard” She says, pointing her thumb at Danny.
That makes both Danny and Jason raise an eyebrow at her, though Jason’s can’t be seen through the helmet. They speak up at the same time.
“A bodyguard, huh?”
“No, you’re not, that’s Frighty”
Danny’s statement makes Jason pause and turn to look at him.
He’s got a bodyguard?
Ellie shakes her head happily.
“Nope! I took over the position. My knightly title isn’t just for show, y’know? I earned it fair and square!”
“When did this even happen? And why was I not told?” Danny asks, bewilderment covering his face.
Jason stays silent as he tries to make sense of the conversation.
“About…” Ellie takes a moment to think about it “3 months ago? I think it was when you were dealing with some time chores. And I thought it’d be a nice surprise, so… Surprise!” she exclaims, doing some jazz hands at the end of the sentence.
“What did you even do?”
“I snuck up on him and threw a Fenton Wii remote at his head which knocked him out cold. It counted as a win so I earned the position by right of conquest and gained my knighthood” She says with a shrug.
“Huh… think that would’ve worked for Pariah Dark as well? Would’ve made things so much easier…”
Ellie gives another careless shrug as Danny lets out a small reminiscent sigh. Meanwhile, Jason stands awkwardly to the side.
“Well, either way, I’m proud of you. Do you have a video?”
“Tucker filmed it for me, yeah”
They high-five with grins on their faces. At this point, Jason lets out a small cough which has the Fenton siblings turn around startled and proceed to then give him identical sheepish smiles.
They really look like they could be twins…
“Ah, sorry Red Hood. And again, I’m sorry for Ellie.” Danny says, rubbing the back of his neck with a small blush on his face.
“I’ll take her back home. And uhh… see you next time?”
Jason gives him a smile from under his helmet.
“Sure, if you’re still up for that next date?” Jason trails off with some hope.
His words make Danny’s blush darken.
“Ah uh, yeah! Yeah, of course! The next date! Uhmm, I’ll text you! Or you can text me. That’s fine too!”
Next to him, Ellie rolls her eyes and makes some fake gagging motions. She then grabs Danny by his arm and starts dragging him away.
“Come on, Loverboy. You can and your paramour can flirt later. When I’m not there… and after he’s passed my trials” she says, muttering the latter part low enough that Jason can’t hear. But, judging by the way Danny’s head snaps back to her and how his brows furrow, he did hear.
Just as Jason goes to reply, giving them a thank you and a goodbye of his own, perhaps even an offering to help them get down from the roof, he picks up on movement behind him.
Quickly turning around has him regretting not leaving the rooftop earlier, as he watches the Bats (and birds) land.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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epicbuddieficrecs · 2 months
Weekly Recap | April 22nd-May 5th 2024
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I'm back!!! You get two weeks worth of fic since I went on vacation last week! :)
up down jump around by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (7x06: There Goes The Groom, Karaoke | 1,6K | Teen): Buck appears out of nowhere, crashing into the seat next to him and landing half on top of him. “We should go,” he says. Eddie frowns. “Go where? I thought you wanted to party?” Buck rolls his eyes, exaggerated in a way that tells him Buck is not on his first beer. “No, I mean, we should go next,” he says, and makes a sweeping gesture in the direction of the karaoke setup.
hold your breath and feel the tension by chromatophorica/ @chromatophorica (9-1-1/Lone Star Crossover, Getting Together | 17K | Teen): Following the arson attack at TK and Carlos' apartment, some of the 126 decide to visit LA for a while to unwind, hanging out with the 118 crew. Buck absolutely is not having feelings about the friendship between Marjan and Eddie. No matter what TK might think he knows.
Eddie's Housewife by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Getting Together | 2K | General): Eddie buys Buck an apron and dish gloves. Accidentally makes Buck his housewife. Realizes he's in love with Buck. All in that order.
know all the ways to appreciate your design (I'm a damn good lover) by extasiswings/ @extasiswings (Bachelor Party, Buck/Tommy, PWP | 3K | Explicit): He’s a beautiful man, don’t you think? Have you ever wondered what it would be like? Even a little bit? You have, haven’t you? Or: the one where Tommy is here for a good time, not a long time; Buck really likes it when he runs his mouth; and Eddie...well, Eddie doesn't have a clue
just another deathbed confession by actualalligator/ @actualalligator (Near Death Experience | 2K | Teen): Buck ends up buried when the floor gives out underneath him on a call. He calls 9-1-1 and demands to speak to Maddie.
Both Bermuda and Golden (Lost but Doing Just Fine) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (PWP, Threesome, BuckTommyEddie | 39K | Explicit): In which everyone has two hands and two holes and is keeping their options fluid. (Or: a collection of threesome fics.)
5. You Knew We'd End Up Here (Daddy Kink): Eddie was raised to say 'thank you' when someone gifts him nice things like ringside seats and helicopter rides. Buck likes honorifics and being good. And Tommy likes when men who look like Buck and Eddie do as he tells them. (Or: three scenes in the evolution of Buck, Eddie, and Tommy's relationship, all united by one particular word.) 6. But Mr. Pilot I Don't Have Any Money: Buck might not have the money to spare, but he's sure he can find a way to pay Tommy for a helicopter lesson... In completely unrelated news, Eddie has a key to Buck's apartment and a habit of dropping by.
yeehaw [revisited] by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (BuckTommy, PWP | 2K | Explicit): “Do you have a trampstamp?” Buck asks, looking at where the sunlight hits his skin perfectly, highlighting the faint, small, black text - too small for Buck to see exactly what it says from here. Tommy merely huffs a laugh into the crook of his neck, eyes still likely closed as he places a deep, languid, lazy kiss to the base of Buck’s jawline. “Mhm,” he hums. “I was wondering when you’d notice that,” he adds with another exhale of amusement.
🔥 If You Said I Do I Would Too by giselleslash/ @gigi-gigi (Fake Marriage | 5K | General): Eddie starts telling people Buck’s his husband to get out of annoying flirting situations on calls. Buck starts to like it a little too much.
this could be the year for the real thing by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Coda, 7x06: There Goes The Groom | 1,7K | Teen): His face is still a smear of soot, and Chris giggles. “Buck. Your face.” Buck frowns in confusion and Eddie steps over to him, hand already reaching to wipe the soot off his face, just like he has a hundred times at work. Except Tommy’s already there, licking his thumb and rubbing firmly at Buck’s chin, a gesture so familiar to Eddie that watching it happen separate from him feels like getting punched in the throat. or, eddie thinks about his best friend at a hospital wedding
tell me all the things that i wanna hear by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (7x06: There Goes The Groom | 1,3K | Teen): Or: Eddie realizes something at the bachelor party, but he doesn't remember until later.
take a chance (lay all your love on me) by bptlmevyemtc (Not Actually Unrequited Love | 35K | General): “You’re in love with me?” Buck asks, like a laggy computer system that just finished booting up. “Er. Yes?” Eddie says. “I thought we established that.” Buck nods, once, glacially slow, and Eddie sees when the synapses of his brain snap into place. “... But I’m straight?” the one where it takes eddie a while to get over buck, and it takes buck even longer to figure out he doesn't want him to
🔥 the ravi fic by archerincombat (Ravi POV, S4 | 15K | Teen): “Hey,” Ravi says. “Scale of 1 to 10, how bad would it be if I assumed Eddie Diaz’s girlfriend was his wife in front of him?” Lee groans. “Did you do it in front of Buckley?” “Yeah?”  “A hundred,” she replies, turning the other direction before Ravi can demand to know why. At three in the morning, it hits him. He bolts upright in his cot. Oh my god, he thinks. Buck and Eddie are divorced, and everyone forgot to tell me.
tried and true blue by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (There Was Only One Bed | 4K | Teen): or, sharing a bed with your best friend is fine, usually, except for when your best friend is the particular combination of tipsy and stoned at his sister’s wedding that transforms him into 200 pounds of cuddlebug
🔥 does he love you better than i can? by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Post-7x05: You Don't Know Me, BuckTommy, Tommy POV | 10K | Teen): Nothing has ever happened between us, Evan had insisted. You have absolutely nothing to worry about, Eddie had told him unequivocally. There’s no reason he shouldn’t take them both at their word, Tommy thinks, decisively. or, buck and eddie insist that there's nothing going on between them. tommy wants to believe them. he really, really does.
put my heart inside your palms by markofalover/ @markofalover (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Buck’s speaking again, telling him, “Go dry your hair, baby.” And like, he’s stuck in his daydream. Completely crazy about it. So it’s not exactly his fault that he doesn’t register what Buck said until he’s in the bathroom again. He straightens his shoulders out and looks at his reflection like maybe he’s actually lost it, but, no, those were real words coming from Buck, who is also real, so— ...or, how an accidental pet name, a thoughtful dinner, and a shared shirt makes them get their shit together.
written all over your face by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (BuckTommy | 2,5K | Teen): A completely smitten Buck decides he wants to keep Tommy all to himself for just a while longer. When an accidental goodbye kiss exposes their new relationship, the 118 wants to be respectful – but when has that ever worked? or: buck and tommy try to keep their relationship a secret and fail adorably
with a smile and some hope by iriswests/ @fcntasmas (Established Buddie | 6K | Mature): or; five times buck wakes up before eddie, and one time eddie wakes up before buck
🔥 as easy as defusing a bomb by iriswests/ @fcntasmas (Sexuality Crisis, S5 | 7K | Mature): or; buck moves in with eddie while taylor finds a new place, and prompts what feels like puberty 2.0 for eddie diaz.
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night by I_still_dont_understand_13 / @sherlockcrossing (Prompt collection | 31/? | 20K | Teen): 100 kiss prompts.
Chapter 30. 70. what if i told you none of it was accidental: An accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment passes before you crash your lips back against each other's Chapter 31. 72. Accidentally bumping noses 
waiting for this moment to be free by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (Getting Together | <1K | General): Eddie opens his eyes to the dim flickering light of the TV, turned down low but not quite muted on one of those Ninja Warrior things that Buck loves. He's tilted sideways, cheek pillowed against the outside of Buck's arm, and he's apparently been drooling a little, which would be more embarrassing if it were the first or even the twentieth time it's happened. Or: Eddie, and Buck, and another couch.
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (Established Buddie, Amnesia | 1,7K | Teen): Eddie is pretty sure the only person he's ever been genuinely attracted to, is Shannon. So, he is very confused when he wakes up in a hospital bed with temporary amnesia and the inability to look away from the pretty, hot guy in a firefighter uniform. And then, procedes to have the second gay panic of his life... because of the same person.
This Old Love Has Me Bound by allyasavedtheday/ @littlespoonevan (Post-7x04: Buck Bothered and Bewildered, BuckTommy, Pre-Buddie | 9K | Teen): In an attempt to better understand his newfound bisexuality, Buck tries to figure out if he ever missed any signs with guys before. The universe keeps interrupting every time he's about to think about Eddie.
all I want (your eyes on mine) by bigfootsmom/ @bigfootsmom (PWP, BuckTommyEddie | 10K | Explicit): Buck is lying there, Eddie instantly recognizes the head of honey blond curls resting on the arm of the couch. But the head of short brown curls between Buck’s shaking thighs takes a second longer to place. But then they look up, blue eyes going comically wide as they lock onto Eddie. Tommy Kinard is on Buck’s couch. He’s on Buck’s couch between Buck’s thighs with his lips wrapped around Buck’s cock. ~ The one where Eddie yearns, Buck pines, and Tommy just wants to have a good time.
of want and need by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP | 2K | Explicit): Buck and Eddie fuck for the first time. That's it, that's the fic. (sequel to slowly getting sober from the taste of your skin)
🔥 change the prophecy by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Alternate Timeline, Curse/Magic | 7/11 | 17K | Mature): Buck has never felt secure in any of his relationships; he’s been searching for someone to see him the way he feels he’s meant to be seen, but after things start going downhill with Tommy, he thinks that person might just not exist. Eddie cannot figure out what’s wrong with him when it becomes clear things with Marisol aren’t going to work out. But what if they’re both forgetting something?
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 10/18 | 53K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 Steal My Sunshine by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Altered Memories | 4/9 | 15K | Mature): Memories hazy and unreliable, Eddie Diaz wakes up every morning in a house at the end of a cul de sac, goes to his office job at a petroleum engineering company, and comes home to his wife and son. But something is missing, and the more Eddie begins to put the pieces together, the stranger the predicament he finds himself in. 
some things fall when they're meant to fall by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (Post S7E5 | 2/4 | 11K | Teen): or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie has a realization and breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order.
🔥 stuck now so long, we just got the start wrong by Daffi_990_ao3/ @daffi-990 (Canon Divergent, Different First Meeting | 3/10 | 24K | Not Rated): Probational Firefighters Evan “Buck” Buckley and Eddie Diaz meet on a call which ends with them at odds with each other. As the months roll by, they keep running into each other on the job, much to Eddie’s dismay and Buck’s delight. Can they put aside their first opinions and misunderstandings and allow the seeds of friendship, and possibly something more, to take root?
🔥 Cowboy With a One Track Mind by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergence, Not A Firefighter Buck | 3/4 | 16K | Mature): Spin-off Sequel to Evan Buckley & the Coma-Verse of Madness - Chapter 7 (Land): Grieving and tortured, Evan Buckley has been living alone in Montana in a remote cabin for nearly a decade. After an incident that leaves him missing six months of his life, and suddenly in connection with a group of strangers from Los Angeles, Evan must decide whether to remain in his self-imposed exile, or take a chance at life again.
🔥 for all the haunts and homes of men by euadnes/ @kananjarus (Canon Divergent, Post-Apocalyptic, Station Eleven Crossover | WIP | 14/? | 126K | Mature | Warning: Violence): The year by the old calendar is 2025. Home is gone. Home is a failed rescue mission and an echo of a memory. Home is a lost boy living in a wooden house by the sea. But first, there was a promise. Christopher, when it's safe, I'll take you back to your father. Buck had all but given up on keeping it after the world had died and everyone in it. But just as some oaths refuse to be forgotten, so the same can be said about the endurance of love.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 126/? | 393K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
🔥 Leave The Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by Mad_Lori/ @madlori // fic by @hmslusitania (Post-S5, Missing Presumed Dead, Amnesia | 4.5-5h | Mature): An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
[podfic] Chimney's Guide to Dating a Buckley by Howard Han by Matriaya (Getting Buddie Together | 3-3.5h | Not Rated): And how stupid is it that reading 10 chapters of a guide to dating a Buckley by his coworker is how Eddie finally got his shit together and asked Buck out for a date? But, Eddie’s happy and so is Buck, so Chim might have had a point.
[podfic] Karen's Guide to Dating and Marrying a Firefighter with a Kid by Matriaya for KatieWrites (Getting Buddie Together, Karen POV sorta? | 1-1.5h | Not Rated): OR Buck's in love with his best friend and doesn't know how to figure out if Eddie shares his feelings.
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specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Hannibal lector x teen!reader - I would notice
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Is it possible to have a continuation of 'i would notice'? Bc that fic was scrumptious and I need to see reader happy and healthy with Hannibal 😭 - Anon💜
Part two:
You resumed your therapy on a non official basis, your parents weren’t billed for the sessions like usual, Hannibal would make the time to either go to your school, your home or occasionally to some cafe.
Hannibal had come to the agreement with you that he would meet you twice a week, and if you felt the thoughts getting the better of you then you would call him no matter the time of day.
He also insisted on checking your arms for any injuries and relied on you to tell him the truth about if you had inflicted any wounds elsewhere.
You were laid upside down on your couch while Hannibal read over the letter that you had given him.
“You refuse to go to your progression meeting? Think about college or university?” He asked.
“I don’t see the point, plus the letter insists on bringing my parent or parents with me and yeah considering they’re in a whole different country that might be a bit hard.”
He hummed a little bit, setting the letter down and he looked at you.
“Do sit up, all that blood rushing directly to your brain won’t do you any good.”
You sighed, swinging yourself back around so you were sitting up.
“Are you interested in perusing a higher education?”
“I haven’t really thought about it I guess…”
“You hadn’t thought about making it past your teenage years?”
You shook your head and he nodded in understanding.
“Well, we have some time, why don’t you take a moment to think about this. What do you want to do in your life?”
You went quiet as you thought about his question.
“I guess I want to help people somehow.”
“A doctor? A therapist?”
You shook your head.
“No. There jobs my parents want me to have, I don’t want them.”
“Well, perhaps you should consider going to this meeting, see what your options are based on your grades at the moment.”
“No thanks, I’ll pass.”
Hannibal sighed heavily.
“Will you attend this meeting if I were to ask nicely?” He asked.
“Why not?”
“I’ll be the only student there without a parent or guardian, that’s gonna make me the laughing stock of my whole grade.”
“Just consider it, I would like you to go there tomorrow, trust me.”
Hannibal checked his watch and stood up.
“I have an appointment soon, so I must be going but do consider staying for the meeting for me, see what options there are available for your future.”
You got up to see him out, but never gave him a response.
You were supposed to still be on summer break, but you found yourself wondering the school halls as you debated actually going to this meeting.
It was supposed to be the last one before senior year, anybody who hadn’t gone to any of the meetings were going to start getting pulled aside in following year.
The meeting would help clear up some doubts you were having on your future and you knew that, but you didn’t want to go alone, so you closed your locker.
You began making your way towards the exit, and last minute changed your course to step into the classroom where other students and parents were.
“Well, look who finally came. I was hoping you would.” Your teacher smiled.
You gave a small smile back, walking over.
“Hey Daniels, I was wondering if maybe I could just get a few leaflets and go.”
He nodded, picking up a few leaflets and some other things.
“Take it I can’t encourage you to stay?” He asked.
“Nah, plus it looks like you’ve got a pretty full room anyways.”
He chuckled a little.
“All last minute, just like you. But you’ve still got time to decide so don’t panic about it.”
“I won’t, thanks.”
You stuffed them into your bag and swung it over your shoulder, turning to head to the door and you nearly collided with someone walking through.
“I hope I’m not late, there was a great deal of traffic on the way here.”
You took a few steps back.
“Doctor lector?”
He smiled as he saw you, taking his scarf off.
“You came, although I assume I caught you just as you were leaving?”
You nodded.
“Well, since we’re both here why don’t we take a seat?”
You sat at the back of the classroom with him, setting all the leaflets you had gotten on the table.
“Have you thought about how far you want to travel?” Hannibal asked.
“I don’t really want to go too far, I want to stay somewhere semi familiar.”
“Alright, in that case we’ll take these ones away.”
He took a few of the leaflets away, and picked up one of the others, talking you though it and comparing all of the colleges and universities for you.
“Well, you are interested in animals, perhaps something in that industry?”
You gasped, lightly hitting the table a few times in excitement.
“Zookeeper!! Or.. or.. or ranch owner!” You whisper yelled.
Hannibal chuckled a little, smiling softly at you, and he set a couple of leaflets down in the table for you.
“Well, you still have your senior year ahead of you, but perhaps we can think of visiting a few of these universities, see what they have to offer for you.”
“Aren’t you like real busy or something?”
“I do have spare time, if need be I can make the time.”
You nodded a little bit, looking through one of the leaflets, showing him one of the pictures.
“This one has monkeys, and it’s near a zoo I could do work experience.”
“Well then, I think we should arrange a visit to this university and see all they have to offer, don’t you?”
You quickly nodded your head.
“How do we do that?”
“I’ll handle all of that no need to worry at all.”
You smiled a little at him, and you pulled another bit of paper from your bag, handing it over to him.
“What’s this?”
“Well, we get to decorate our parking spots, this is what I wanna do with mine.”
“This will take you all day.”
You beamed at Hannibal and he handed the paper back to you, gesturing to the front of the room so you could pay attention.
When the meeting was over, Hannibal dropped you off back home.
“Shall I meet you here tomorrow?” Hannibal asked.
“Nah, it’s okay. I’ll see you next week doctor Lector, and I uh.. thank you for coming to the meeting.”
He smiled at you, making his way back to his car.
You wanted to get an early start on decorating your parking space, and you placed a sheet down that you could sit while you did it.
It was still early in the day, there weren’t many students there, but all of them were doing the same thing as you, getting an early start.
You were sitting with headphones on while you worked, but you did notice a shadow over you, so you tilted your head up.
“Doctor lector!”
You smiled, pushing your headphones down and you moved over so he could sit next to you.
“I happened to find myself with the day free, so I thought I would come check on your progress.”
“I’ve got to wait for the top to dry, so I’m working on the background for now.”
Hannibal nodded his head, and he looked at the paints that you were using.
“You’ve changed your idea a little bit.”
“Yeah, I thought a forest scene would be a lot nicer you know?”
He hummed a little bit, handing you a green paint, taking the one you already had next to you.
“Try this one, it would capture the essence of the pine trees, make them look more alive.”
“I didn’t think of that.”
You changed the shade of green you were using, and Hannibal took a paintbrush to help you, following the outline that you had made.
“Do you paint or something doctor lector?”
“I believe everybody should divulge into the arts in some way another, it can help clear one’s mind, find them peace.”
You nodded your head.
“You seemed to be rather adepts at painting.”
“My parents made me take art classes as a kid, I guess I just really enjoyed it because I kept painting. I lost interest a while back, but I thought maybe I should pick it up again.”
“Why was that?”
Hannibal looked at you slightly confused and you smiled a little at him.
“Yeah, you taught me it was important to keep my interests, especially if I want to clear my mind. Painting really helps.”
“And visiting the pet store?”
“They have really cute puppies?” You grinned a little.
Hannibal chuckled, and he smiled at you, turning his attention back to the painting.
“I am glad to see that you’re becoming much happier, have you considered getting a pet? For company that is, that way you are not alone.”
“I was thinking about it, but I don’t know, I don’t wanna buy one you know?”
“Have you thought about adopting one? I have a friend who has done the same, I could ask him to come with us if you’d like?”
“Yeah! Oh my god I want to find a really adorable dog!”
Hannibal chuckled again.
“Well, considered it settled then. I shall get into contact with Will, I’ll arrange a date and a time, we will go to a few rescues until you find a perfect dog.”
You and Hannibal carried on working on your parking spot, he showed you how to blend the colours to look more natural, and he did the more intricate details for you.
When you were finished you put your hand into the paint tin, and you pulled it out, grinning at him.
“What are you planning?” He mused.
You stamped your hand on the bottom of your parking space, and wrote you name underneath, then wiped your hand on your jeans.
“(Y/N), don’t do that come now, you’ll never get that out.”
Hannibal handed you a cloth, and you used that instead, just grinning at him.
He stood up, and looked at your forest themed parking spot, trees, birds, blue skies, sunlight through the trees, a stag in the middle of them all, and an owl sitting on the branch.
“Why an owl?” You asked.
“Well, because they protest wisdom, a thing I believe you have a lot off.”
“Haha very funny.”
“It’s true, you’re a smart person (Y/N), with a lot of wonderful ideas for this world, and I for one look forward to seeing you grow into a wonderful adult.”
You smiled at him.
Hannibal gestured to paint.
“May I?”
You nodded and he brushed some paint on to his hand, and he printed his hand print next to yours, signing his name underneath.
He cleaned his hand on a cloth, and he stood next to you.
“Now this is truly a work of art.” He said.
“Can we go look at dogs now?”
“Well, everywhere is closed to the public, however Will has agreed for you to come to his home and meet his dogs, would you be alright with that?”
You quickly nodded your head and rushed to pack everything away.
“Careful now, we don’t want to ruin your hard work, you spent all day on that.”
“Right! Right! Carefully.”
Hannibal helped you out everything into your car.
“Go home and change, I’ll be there shortly to come get you.”
You beamed brightly from ear to ear and he smiled at you, opening your car door so you could get in.
You drove back home to wash the pain off and change into some fresh clothes, and you were practically bouncing with happiness as you waited for Hannibal to come back.
The moment you saw his car you were running down the driveway, and he chuckled, getting out of his car to open the passenger door for you.
“Does Will have a lot of dogs? Can we get them treats?”
You carried on rambling questions for him, and he just smiled, finally seeing you with a spark of life, a spark of happiness
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 months
Hi! I hope you're doing well. I just shared a gifset of de-aged Derek and present Derek pinning Stiles to the wall and was curious if there are any fics where de-aged Derek maybe sticks around longer than canon, and he and Stiles start dating because it looks like he'll be stuck like that. Then, of course, he gets aged up again at some point ... anything? Thanks!
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Out of the Mouths of Pups by cardel
(1/1 I 1,358 I General)
Everyone smells anxious and that should set off alarms in him but it doesn’t. The human begins walking towards him, slowly, until he’s standing in front of him. Derek looks up at him curiously, not feeling threatened, Derek stays calm.
That is until one of the werewolves takes a step closer to Derek, the human’s heartbeat picks up. This triggers Derek’s instinct to protect, and propel him to stand in front of the human. He flashes his alpha eyes at the approaching werewolf.
You feel like mine too... 🩵☄️🧡 by Eerien_Ent29
(1/1 I 2,681 I General)
Stiles' anger and frustration boiled over as he spoke with Erica on the phone. "What do you mean he's gone? I entrusted him to you guys so you could take care of him! What happened? What did you tell him?" His voice crackled with a mixture of concern and anger.
Of Boundaries and Bedroom Walls by AClosedFicIsNeverRead
(7/7 I 19,015 I Explicit)
Noah eyed the teenage werewolf with barely concealed apprehension, taking in the unhealthy measure of swagger and self-confidence oozing off the kid. He was entirely too good looking and built for 16 years old and it was clear that he damned well knew it.
Derek smiled back at the Sheriff, self-assured and showing off just a few too many teeth to look strictly human.
“Alright. Let me see if I’ve got this straight,” Noah began, rubbing his forehead as he prayed for strength. “You want me to allow a teenaged boy to sleep directly across the hall from my teenaged daughter with zero parental supervision while I’m pulling overnight shifts?”
“Daaaad!” Stiles groaned. “It’s still Derek!”
- OR -
The one where de-aged Derek moves in with the Stilinskis and becomes fixated on the delicious, hyperactive human girl. Sure, she says they won't be more than friends. That doesn't mean he can't try to change her mind, right?
anything that's dead shall be regrown by blueinkedbones
(26/? I 54,176 I Teen)
“Derek,” the guy with the hands says. He's still got his hands out, kind of reaching, kind of catching, kind of dropping to his sides. His voice is calm, but his eyes are too bright to sell it, and his heartbeat is out of control. “Are you—Do you know who we are?”
Derek swallows, thinks. If this is a treaty thing, another pack thing, why would they care about him? He's not even the alpha-in-training, he's nothing. Mom doesn't even bother explaining most werewolf politics to him. He knows most of it from Laura, Peter, from passing packs who used to think it was cute to tell the youngest beta their complicated histories and have it repeated back to them around still-awkward fangs. Now that's Cora, and not recently, either—She says she's too big to play kid games.
“No,” Derek decides. “Should I?”
A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing by alexenglish
(8/8 I 81,325 I Explicit)
The pack of Beacon Hills' past transgressions are about to converge on them, and Derek stumbles out of the forest with no recent memories and straight into a pack he doesn't know, with an alpha and an anchor he can't possibly remember.
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fic-over-cannon · 1 month
In the Shade of the Sun
jason todd x gn!reader
summary: a twin that can’t shake the feeling of being second best and a jason todd that’s all too familiar with always being compared to someone else
tags: angst
rating teen | wc: 2.1k
a/n: a response to a lovely ask partially inspired by this snack fic i wrote a while ago
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Comparison has followed you since the minute you were born a twin. Earlier in fact, when the first few ultrasounds revealed a pair of heartbeats where there should have been only one. You’ve always been them-and-you, inseparable from the sibling that came into the world with you. You love them — how could you not love them? — but there are times when you also hate them a little bit too, for there never being a Them and a You. They don’t mean to shine so bright, to suck up all the air in the room leaving you to feel like a cheap knockoff bargain version of them. The twin that’s there too sounds about right, a nickname that whispers through your ears when rooms full of people seem to gravitate towards them.
Jason Todd has always been the second Wayne child, ever since he entered Bruce’s life. He was the second Robin shortly after, a title he can’t seem to shake no matter how long it’s been or how many different identities he’s tried on since. The unwanted son, three times over, the unwanted sidekick, unable to follow orders and constantly letting their emotions get the best of them. There’s a time when the idea of always coming second, of never being someone’s first choice, chokes the air out of his lungs. There’s a time when he chooses to make the first wound, to not care about being cared for. After all, with brothers like the Golden Boy and the Drake Heir, how can a screwup from Crime Alley compete? No, much better kill hope in its flowerbed and learn to expect nothing.
The moment Jason Todd lays eyes on you, he swears he can feel the stirrings of hope, buried deep underground but not yet dead. He reminds himself that it’s childish to wish someone would pick him for once, that bone deep longing to be someone’s priority nothing more than a trick of the mind and the effect of his drink.
The moment you lay eyes on Jason Todd, it feels like everyone in the room can see just how deeply interested you are in him. A gala, a college house party, the local dive bar — none of it matters anymore, fades into the backdrop of one of the most gorgeous and aloof men you’ve ever laid eyes. He’s the centre of so many hard gazes and lingering looks, people crowding along the periphery of his notice. There’s a room full of people and every one of them has taken notice of him, yet the only thing he seems to have noticed is the perspiration on his beer. He’s got a drink in his hand, dark glass of the long-necked bottle catching the light as he turns it between his fingers. What would it be like, you wonder, to have all of that single minded focus on you?
Your twin nudges you, makes some sort of mumbled remark about the handsome stranger that you don’t quite catch over the force of your fascination. They go off, pulling you along in the wake of their personality, ready to make friends and charm strangers. Your eyes never leave the stranger’s broad back, itching to see more and almost certain that no one will notice you trailing along with your brighter twin. By chance he glances up, eyes locking with yours. Staring back, you decide you may as well learn what his eye colour is if he’s already going to think you rude.
It goes quickly after that, a definitive clink as he sets down his beer, a few long strides before he’s standing in front of you asking to buy you a drink, you staring helplessly at your twin who only makes wide eyed shooing motions at you. The whole time he’s only got eyes for you. You agree, still shocked that this man would choose to make conversation with you out of everyone else present, but more than grateful to take this chance before he inevitably realizes that there’s really a better, shinier version of you holding court by the bar. Conversation starts in drips and drabs, soda sipped between off beat answers and interrupted questions. Jason tries though, and that more than anything has you slipping him your number with the promise of seeing him again.
Jason tucks that piece of paper away into the inside breast pocket of his leather jacket and smiles. Makes him feel good to know that just like Dick he can make someone blush and trip over their tongue, but also that people still have the same capacity to do that to him too. He’s had beautiful dates before, but none that had made him so giddy at the mere prospect of getting to know them more and to be known by them. It sobers his mood a bit, to know that the closer you get the less you’ll like what you see, but for now he’ll enjoy this and you.
The next time you see Jason, you’re determined to act like your twin would. After all, they’ve always been successful at getting people to like them and you both look similar enough that the same things should work for you too. It goes terribly. Their mannerisms fit like an ill-sized coat on you. Wrong and uncomfortable, a discordant note in every one of your sentences, you end up excusing yourself to the bathroom almost in tears. It takes staring at your reflection in the bathroom mirror to check how red your eyes have gotten to make you catalogue all of your differences. The way your noses slope ever so slightly differently, the subtle difference in the shade of your irises, the crest of your brow bone curving where theirs flattens. You rejoin him fully yourself, thinking that at least he’ll only be rejecting you for yourself and not for all the ways you’ve not been able to measure up to your twin. Instead the air between you eases into something comfortable and affectionate.
Jason listens to you the way no one has ever listened to you before. He turns his whole body to you, head cocked on a slight angle to catch each word that you breathe out. An old head injury as a child, he explains, one that makes it harder to filter out ambient noise that he’s learned to overcome if he tilts his head just so. He is listening, he promises, it might not look like it always but he’s listening to you. He asks you to repeat yourself if he doesn’t catch something, makes a point of making sure you get heard in your own words. Ordinarily, this is where your twin would step in to paraphrase you at a louder volume. But he wants to hear you. If someone cuts you off in a social setting, he’ll bring the conversation back to you. Every thought you’ve had and every point you want to make gets heard. Jason cares about what you have to say because it is you — and no one else — saying it.
Jason is well aware that not all of your interests are aligned. He’s not seen all the movies you have, or heard about most of your niche topics of interest, but he’s come to care about them because you care about them. He listens to you because the joy on your face at noticing he cared about what you cared about has taken root in his own chest. Jason notices the way you hesitate and your face falls when someone interrupts you or summarily dismisses your opinions. He works to get your voice heard because in any scenario he will always choose you over anyone else. He remembers what it was like to work his way back into the family fold and to feel like the weight of his words went unrecognized and unheeded.
For both of you, the thought of introducing each other to your respective families is like the sword of Damocles hanging over your heads. Jason has a home full of brothers, each of them more capable than him in so many areas (and none of them having the same stupidity to get themselves trickery to being killed). He’s more nervous about introducing you to Dick (who he is mature enough to admit is a handsome idiot if only in his own mind), Tim (who is downright terrifying when it comes to strategy and tech, with a trust fund to match), and Damian (the kid’s got a few years yet before he’s competing for your heart but Jason swears he’s a much more talented Robin than he ever was) than he is about trusting you with the Red Hood. On your part, you think about introducing Jason to your twin and get paralyzed by how the inevitable comparison will leave you looking so inadequate. You’ve learned to live in the shadow they cast, their achievements standing tall beside them, but this is one thing you can’t bear to come second place in. Jason’s chosen you, but how long will that last when presented with someone that doesn’t have your flaws?
Your unknowingly shared fears lead the both of you to become snippy, testing the waters to see how far you can push before they stop choosing you. Things come to ahead when Jason asks you why you treat him like a secret, like something to hide away when all he wants to do is show the world — and your family — just how lucky he is. Why you won’t share him with your self-professed other half, if that means you aren’t as serious about this love of yours as he is. He doesn’t tell you what it costs him to say that out loud. How each word is like a frost come early, turning everything in its wake brittle and fragile.
There’s tears and snot and possibly too many used tissues to be sanitary before all your insecurities can be let out. Hung out for scrutiny under Jason’s piercing stare.
“It’s not that I don’t love them, or that I hate having a twin. It’s just that it never feels like there’s a real me if I’m not compared to them. And even then, it’s not like I can outshine them. I feel like I’m constantly running behind them, trying to catch up with them with my hand outstretched to reach them, but I never will. Always the one a half-step behind, too slow too small too not enough of everything that gives them that spark. And I didn’t want you to see everything I’m not and realize that there’s a better version of me out there.” (This of course, is not put so eloquently or said particularly coherently but rather through a choked throat and a runny nose that would out even the worst allergies to shame. He holds you through it all.)
“You know I’m just as scared of you meetin’ my family too? Every one of my parents found somethin’ to love more than me. A better brother, a better soldier, a better memory of me. And now I’ve got who knows how many adopted siblings and I’m still the black sheep of that family and I’ve gotta introduce you to all those perfect people and hope somehow you’ll still wanna choose me? I accepted a long time ago I wasn’t gonna be anyone’s priority until you came and waltzed your way into my life. You’re the only one that’s ever chosen me and kept on choosin’ me and everyday I wake up terrified it’ll be the day you stop.”
That conversation is the first of many, each one feeling like 10 rounds with Gotham’s worst villains. But after there’s always a sense of healing, acrid wounds finally draining of all their poison. Insecurities run deep in both of you, the constant fact you wake up to each other a surprise. The constant litany of what ifs eventually begins to run a little quieter. Comparisons you make in your own head become a little less harsh. You don’t always believe Jason when he says he loves you best, but that’s alright for now. You know now that one day you could believe it, every day a step closer to when you can hear it and not feel that twinge of doubt. Jason flinched in the beginning when you said you’d keep choosing him until tomorrow became yesterday. He flinches a little less now, even managed to press a kiss to your forehead every time you say it.
Eventually you do introduce each other to your families. When Jason mouths I love you best over the head of your twin, it plays to rest lurking doubts you thought had been banished months ago. When you link your arm with his and tell him, I don’t see what’s so great about all your brothers anyway, he barks out an incredulous laugh and squeezes you closer.
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
I can't tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story. Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He's young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him. Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing. Warning: Buggy's in his early 20s. He's an asshole. He just is because I wanted to write him loud, demanding, everything. There's 3 new characters thrown in because why not? Future Wife gets a name as well! A/N: I have no idea when Buggy became a Captain, so he's a fresh faced captain in this. No clue how long this fic will be. I just started on the 4th chapter but I'm excited to write it out! I had fun with the original fic and decided to write the prequel to how they met. Enjoy! Title comes from "Wake Me Up" by Avicii. TAGLIST (if you want to be added just let me know!): @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates (I didn't add others from the previous story because I didn't want to assume you'd want to be added, so please let me know if you want to be tagged<3)
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 1
He burst into the shop like waves crashing against the rocks: loud and violent. The door slammed open, catching the two teen girls by surprise while your boss looked at him disapprovingly. The young man glared at her as he stomped up to the desk, removing his jacket with a flourish before throwing it down onto the counter.
“I need this repaired now!” He demanded as he dropped three buttons down on top of the fabric. “These damn things fell off!”
The older woman glared at him and crossed her arms. She wasn't bothered by some demanding young pirate like him. She was used to it having her shop in a town that was frequented by pirates of all experiences and ages. The upside was that the pirates paid well for her shop’s services, but the downside was the up and coming pirates with egos the size of the sea.
“And?” The shopkeeper retorted. “You come in here demanding help like that? Why should we help?”
He didn't expect the pushback and it showed on his face. “B-Because my coat is ruined and needs to be fixed!” He pointed to the three buttons that had fallen off, loose threads still attached to them. “I need these to be put back on!”
“Hm, one of my girls could do it, but I don't know if I want your business.”
“Excuse me?!” The pirate exclaimed. “Do you know who you're talking to?!”
“No, not at all.”
Before the pirate could explode into a tirade you stepped into the shop from the backroom, frowning as you came to see what the noise was about. There was your boss, not taking any shit from the young pirate who looked like he had steam coming out of his ears. The other two apprentices were working at a table nearby, watching the exchange take place. 
“What's going on?” You asked as you walked over to your boss. You saw the coat and reached out to touch the fabric. “Oh, this is lovely. What's wrong with it?”
“The buttons fell off.” The pirate told you, jaw clenched as he glared at your boss. The older woman didn't back down, arms crossed as she stared right back at him.
“Oh, I can fix that.” You said as you collected the buttons and picked up the coat. You smiled at the pirate; he swallowed heavily and looked uncomfortable with you taking his things away like that. “Can you give me about an hour?”
Your boss turned her attention to you with her eyes narrowed. “You don't have to, I was about to kick him out.”
“I don't mind.” You said with a smile. “We shouldn't turn business away.”
Your boss grumbled and looked at the pirate. “Tell me your name and then come back in an hour, do you understand?”
He didn't hear her at first, too busy staring at you as you walked away with the buttons in one hand and his coat draped over your arm. Why did you offer to help after he just made a scene? The boss was glaring at him and waved her hand in front of his face.
“Young man? Your name?” She insisted. He finally looked at her, a scowl on his face once more.
“Captain Buggy the Clown.”
She said nothing as she wrote his name down on a claim ticket. She tore the ticket and gave one half to him. “One hour and you better have berry to pay.”
He snatched it out of her hand, glaring at her as he turned to storm out of the shop. Your boss just shook her head. She loved having you around but at the same time you caused as much trouble as the ruffian pirates who came by. Hopefully he would just be a one time customer.
When he returned an hour later, you were at the counter. His coat was hanging up behind you, the buttons reattached and shining like new coins. The rest looked brand new as well. He frowned as you looked up from your book. You smiled brightly when you saw him and he avoided your gaze, turning his attention back to his fixed coat.
“You're back!” You beamed as you turned to get the coat for him. “I fixed the three that fell off and made sure the rest were properly sewn on as well, so you shouldn't have any problems with them.” 
Buggy took the coat from you, inspecting the buttons by tugging on them. They were secured, even better than before, and they all looked like they had been polished by how shiny they were. He looked at you suspiciously as he put his coat back on. You walked around the counter to him and he took a step back. Without a word you smoothed out the shoulders of the coat, ensuring they laid flat before you reached down to lift the hem of the coat up, pointing to the inside.
“The lining was starting to come undone so I mended that for you as well.” You pointed out before dropping it and straightening back up. Buggy’s face started to redden as he continued to scowl.
“I'm not paying you for extra work!” He snapped. You smiled at him and shook your head.
“It's a courtesy.” You told him as you went to grab his bill. “You're paying just for the three buttons I sewed back on, everything else I chose to do.”
He took the bill from you, scowl now a frown. “Why?”
“Hm? Why what?”
“Why did you do all that extra mending?” He asked, suspicion in his voice as he reached into his pocket for payment. “What do you want from me?”
“Oh!” You chuckled and shook your head. “Nothing, but pirates pass through here all the time and I don't want you to have to come back for more services, you know. I figured if I got your coat into a newer condition you wouldn't have to come back.”
Honestly, you were providing the ultimate customer service to him, but Buggy thought it was almost insulting you didn't want him to come back. Sure, once he got back on his ship he wouldn't come back this way, but at the same time…
He glared at you and grabbed your hand, slamming the payment onto your palm. His cheeks were red like his nose at that moment, and before you could check to see if he paid the right amount he hurried from the shop, door slamming behind him. You shrugged and went behind the counter, counting out the berry. He paid over what the cost of services were and you sighed. He didn't even wait for his change.
“He was scary.” Livia whined over dinner that night as you stood at the stove, stirring the soup while Edith set the table. “Is that pirate going to come back?”
“No, I don't think he will.” You assured her as you flashed her a smile. “I made sure his coat was like new, so don't worry.”
“Why were you even nice to him?” Edith asked with a frown. “He was a jerk to Miss Pins.”
“I was taught to be nice to everyone because you don't know everyone's story, you know?” You told the younger girls. They were newer apprentices for Miss Pins while you were nearing the end of your 10 year apprenticeship. The two were only 14 and 15, whereas you were about to turn 24 with your birthday a few months away. “He could be really nice and just having a bad day.”
“Or he's just mean “ Livia said, making a face. “And did you see his nose? D’you think that was real or fake?”
“I bet it was fake.” Edith said as she sat down. “It seems like a lot of pirates have themes and stuff. I heard there was one who had a crew called the Black Cats and I think his ship has cats on it.” She looked over at you. “So that clown pirate is probably wearing it just for show.”
You just shrugged as you checked the flavor of the soup before adding in some ginger to it. “I wouldn’t know, but dinner is ready. Livia, can you go get Miss Pins? And Edith, can you slice some bread for us?”
Livia pushed away from the table and bounced out of the kitchen to go find their caretaker. Edith looked at you as she started cutting some slices of bread.
“He was really mean, you know.” She said as she put the pieces on a plate. “I don’t think you should have been so nice to him. What if he comes back?”
“I’ll still be nice to him because there’s no reason not to be.” You told her as you went to the table to grab the bowls one by one, filling them with soup. “And he wasn’t a threat, just loud.”
“I didn’t like how loud he was.” Edith sighed. 
“If he comes back, just call for me and I’ll help him.” You assured her. “Honestly.”
The younger girl didn’t look convinced but didn’t say anything. Livia returned a few minutes later with Miss Pins and everyone sat down. Dinner was always a peaceful affair, discussing how the day went and what to expect for the next day. Mostly it was assigning the younger girls chores and tasks while you helped Miss Pins with the running of the shop. You had some errands to run in the morning before the shop opened, grabbing groceries and just stretching your legs. 
When everyone finished, you took care of cleaning the kitchen while the two girls went to their shared room. Your boss looked at you from her place at the table.
“If that pirate shows up again, you turn him away.” She told you. “I didn’t like him one bit.”
“He’s not the first one to act like that.” You replied as you wiped down the counter. “And he won’t be the last.”
“I didn’t care for him.” 
You grinned at your boss. “You don’t like anyone who comes in the door if they aren’t kissing your feet and saying how wonderful you are.”
“Well, they should be saying how wonderful I am since I’m the only one on this damn island willing to help those pesky pirates.” She retorted as she glared at you. “I’m serious, if he comes in you turn him away.”
“Okay, okay. If he comes in I’ll tell him we’re closed.” You smiled. “I don’t think he’d believe me but I’ll make sure to tell him.”
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