#but first i must sleep
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emperorofthedark · 1 year ago
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"I brought you here, or don't you remember?"
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darkeraurora · 1 year ago
Admissions - Chapter 8
SFW Word Count: 3350
A slight trigger warning for unstable/abusive parents. Nothing graphic but for those of us who had or have verbally abusive parents you might choose to skip over the parts in bold italics.
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For the past two days Ghost had been holed up in his room following his little moment on the rooftop and couldn't be cajoled into leaving.
Gaz tried.
Price tried.
Soap tried.   Twice.   And very narrowly avoided having a short-tempered lieutenant rip his head off the second time.
The others around base seemed to take their cue from Soap's experience and avoided the area around Ghost's door.
"Really not a good idea!" a familiar Scottish accent hollered from down the corridor, earning a cocked eyebrow from the masked lieutenant. He focused his hearing... must be about 10 meters or so down the hall from the sound of it. Footsteps were rapidly approaching; light ones at first followed by heavier ones running to catch up.
Soap's evidently, judging by the continuous shouted warnings. Fucking hell. Ghost felt his irritation rising at the notion of yet another intrusion into his space. Whoever was about to interrupt his alone time had better be on fire or something. That was about the only circumstance in which he could see himself being understanding.
Someone opened his door without knocking and caused the lieutenant to squint as light flooded his darkened room. But once he focused on the small figure in his room, clad in a dark hoodie and leggings, all annoyance faded into nervousness.
His heart began to race in his chest at her approach. Ohhh shit. Simon was not ready to face her yet after his rooftop fantasy... and here she was in his fucking room. Ghost tensed, braced for an intense ass-chewing as her little steps quickly brought her closer to him.
Without making eye contact or saying a single word, Sereza marched over to where the skull sat on his bed, plopped down next to him, kicked off her shoes, and leaned back against the wall just as he was.
Simon's eyebrows furrowed in a mix of amused bewilderment.
"...come in." he quipped.
Sereza didn't say a word or look his way. Her hand wriggled inside her pocket for a moment before a bottle of water was practically shoved in his face. Two days in this drab, sunless den of his without coming out even to eat was enough, and she had come to pry him out of his brooding spot no matter the cost. Gently, of course. If her theories about the lieutenant and what went on in that masked head were correct, then this called for a delicate approach.
"Hm," the skull grumbled, taking the water from her lest she shove it through his eye socket next. 
Only once she produced her own bottle and cracked it open did he reluctantly do the same. Thanks Love. Ghost bit the inside of his cheek in exasperation at his inability to say such a simple little phrase aloud. But the ever-present voice of his father screaming at him and mocking him wouldn't let Simon utter a sound. Something about him being pitiful and a sorry excuse for a kid or whatever it was.
Ghost tramped it back down, refusing to let the memories of his father ruin a moment with Sereza.
The next few minutes ticked by, and Ghost found his mood gradually improving. He stole another sideways glance over at the black hoodie at his side. "You're in my room," he grumbled half-heartedly. A small attempt to start a conversation.
"Smartass," she retorted without turning her face.
Simon chuckled at her response. Even cracked a small half-smile. She could be such fun to bicker with. "Why are you in my room?"
"A few reasons: First of all, you've been alone in this gloomy hidey-hole -"
"- of yours for two days now. And secondly, because I wanted to." Scolding words but her tone told him there was no irritation behind them, only concern. The last one actually made him crack a tiny smile. She was here with him - in his room, on his bed - because she wanted to be where he was. Just as Price had said.
The two sat in comfortable (if somewhat awkward on his part) silence a while longer. Both lost in the thoughts and worlds that existed only in their heads.
"Were you mad at me?" Sereza finally asked in a quiet voice.
"What?" Ghost nearly croaked, surprised at her question.
"Well, you kinda took off all of a sudden, in a hurry, and..." her head turned in his direction a bit, though not enough to reveal her face, "And then you shut yourself in your room for two days. So... I started to think maybe I said or did something that made you mad."
That was unexpected, to say the least. If anyone was going to be mad, she should be mad at him. And probably would be if she ever found out about his fantasy... or had seen what it did to the front of his pants.
Simon felt guilty. He'd been in his... hidey-hole... over his mortification and shame over a fucking daydream (even if it was really hot) but in doing so he'd accidentally hurt the woman he loved by making her think he was angry with her. He silently cursed the way his mind worked for the umpteenth time before gathering his courage.
He brushed his knuckles delicately along the back of Sereza's hand. "No Sereza, I wasn't ever mad at you," his low baritone soothed, "My mind is... complicated... sometimes. I'm sorry I made you think I was angry with you."
"Why did you scurry off so quickly?"
Scurry?? Ghost had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the implication that he, of all people, scurried.
"I don't, uh, I don't always have a good explanation for what I do." Simon hoped that was enough of an answer. It was about as close to honest as he could get without telling her the entire truth. Something he was very much not ready to do. His hand kept rubbing hers as he tried to convey through his touch how much he regretted making her feel that way.
Finally Sereza acknowledged his attempt at an apology by returning the gesture. Simon's breath caught in his throat for a moment as her fingertips began lazily tracing the lines of his tattooed forearm. He found her touch both electrifying and relaxing. "Why have you been hiding in here all of this time?"
"Still don't have a good explanation... just had a lot on my mind," his gravelly voice mumbled as he kept his eyes focused on her fingers. Her hand looked so little compared to his large one. The touch of her fingers light and comforting against his skin. A sensation both precious and unfamiliar.
Ghost wished the rest of the night could be just like this moment.
Sereza seemed to accept that would be all he was willing to share for now and her attention turned to rummaging in her hoodie once more, producing a pencil and sketchbook. "Bloody hell Little one, how much shit do you have in there?"
 "Only the most important shit," she replied with a snarky tone, tossing her hood back and running a hand through her caramel waves. 
She flipped through the filled pages of her book. The drawings caught Simon's attention like they always did. A moose with giant antlers, bears, the river not far away, and faces of people from around the base - most of whom he didn't recognize - with random doodles and scribbles scattered throughout. All of them in astounding detail. The night's quiet filled his room again while he contentedly watched her pencil glide over the page in practiced strokes to create the outline of a face. Tiny scratching noises of graphite on paper were the only sound between them. The lieutenant was actually having a peaceful evening for once. Certainly a rare but not unwelcome change.
“You sketch a lot," he whispered, dark eyes fixed on her page.
“Can’t sleep a lot. What about you?”
“Barely fucking sleep,” Ghost grumbled.
There it is. An admission to what she had suspected. Sereza knew better than most others what dark thoughts could creep into a person's mind at night. They could torment you to the brink of insanity and drive you into the darkest holes the human mind could create. The kind that are only open to those who have experienced the worst that life can inflict on someone.
Her battles had made her able to recognize the signs of someone who was suffering through their own. Someone whose nightmares visited them both day and night without mercy.
Like the masked lieutenant beside her.
What exactly those nightmares were, she was unsure of. But it was clear they were ruthless in their assault. “It sucks that our minds can be so much more active at night, doesn’t it? Mine won’t shut the hell up most of the time," Sereza replied with clear annoyance and a subtle, calculating side-eye that Ghost didn't catch.
Simon hummed in both understanding and agreement before his expression took on a far-off look. A look recognizable to those who also fought against their own mind daily.
Sereza observed him discreetly. Wherever his mind was taking him was not going to be a good place. Sighing loudly, she repositioned herself, causing the mattress to move and allowing her knee to accidentally-on-purpose brush against Ghost's leg in a subtle attempt to get him grounded without drawing any attention.
The skull blinked as he snapped back to their reality. With a knowing grin, she resumed tracing his tattoo in order to keep him in the moment.
Hoping to keep his mind from wandering off again, Sereza started talking aloud. “When I can’t sleep I like going on a walk. I like how quiet it is at night and seeing the stars and aurora overhead. The sky is really pretty this far north where there aren't any city lights to ruin it..."
The Brit listened as she went on about the things she did on her sleepless nights and what she loved about life in the Arctic. Her voice was indescribably soothing. Simon had never been one for chit-chat but all of this, for some reason, felt like incredibly important information. Plus it was relaxing to listen as she chattered away. Hell, he could - and wanted to - listen to her all night long. And the next night and the one after that. All of the rest of his nights and days he could spend exactly like this.
"... but if it’s one of those nights where I don't sleep at all then I might sketch. Or read. What do you usually do?” Sereza asked as her little monologue wound down.
"Hm. Gym. Clean my guns..." he trailed off. That was what he used to do to try and keep his worst memories locked away at night, but it wasn't what he wanted to do anymore. He wanted, craved - desperately - more of this. The peaceful quiet, the tranquility, and connection that his evening had turned into the moment Sereza walked through his door. At no other time was Ghost able to experience any of these in his life. 
Only with her.
Simon took a deep breath to calm his nerves at what he was about to say next.
Gathering every ounce of his courage and bravery as he entwined his fingers with her slender ones -
"I... think about you."
"Me?!" Sereza almost squeaked, dropping her pencil. Wide eyes glued to him.
"Yeah," the skull admitted almost sheepishly, nerves making his accent thicker. Fucking hell... no going back now.
Hazel eyes tried to discern what was going on in that masked head. He was clearly on the cusp of saying something important, but he was also very obviously hesitant. "...I keep you awake?" She gave him her best fake-sad tone.
Simon nodded in response. "Yeah. You do. Quite a lot." He paused and held her hand tighter. He was right before about how little her hand was within his. "I sit for hours and think about you. Nonstop. Day and night. I think about you all the bloody time." His throat stung with the emotions he was forcing himself to admit to her. "At first I didn't understand what was going on and was fucking scared as hell by how intense my... feelings... for you were, but... before I knew it..." Ghost paused before finishing hurriedly, "You're on my mind all of the damn time. All I care about, all that I want."
"Ghost... are-are you-"
Once again, his father's voice filled his mind with hateful words. His eyes stung and his throat locked up.
Horrible memories of yelling, screaming, violence, his mother pleading with his father to stop... all came crashing down and threatened to bury him.
He had to stop himself.
This was not the life he wanted to subject Sereza to. His past... the anxieties and trauma and nightmares... none of it should be something she should have to deal with. He would ruin her life. God he was fucked up and falling in love with someone was horrendously fucking selfish of him.
"But I can't. You have a future ahead of you... and I will ruin it." His gravelly voice heavy with the crushing weight of emotion. "You are so, so beautiful to me. So perfect. And deserve everything good in life. I will ruin you..."
The skull stood and turned his back to her, unable to stand the hurt it caused him to face her any longer.
The Brit cut her off, shaking his head, "Forget I said anything," he mumbled, refusing to turn around and roughly pulling the sleeve of his hoodie back down over his arm. 
"What if I said that I don't care that you're complicated?" Sereza asked, sliding her hand into his once more as she moved to stand in front of him.
He silently contemplated her words. Her proximity was making it increasingly difficult to keep his hands to himself. 
"I've killed people..." came a barely audible whisper.
"Who would have killed you. Or worse,” Sereza replied firmly.
"I've done horrible things."
"To survive,” she corrected. “I'm not afraid of who you've had to become in order to complete a mission and make it out alive."
"I'm... I'm not a good man... I will hurt you. And I don’t want to hurt you.”
Those dark eyes held more pain within them than she had seen in ages and it was breaking her heart. What has happened to you? How long have you suffered alone like this?  "I know exactly what soldiers like you are capable of, but I'm still here, aren't I? You won’t hurt me or scare me away, Ghost. I'm here now, I have been here, and I will still be here in the future... because I love you too."
Simon’s entire body tensed and he drew in a shaky breath at the sound of those words. You... you don't want me Love...
"Sereza..." Ghost shook his head. He'd wanted so fucking much to hear her say those words to him one day... but it only caused him more internal misery.
He believed, with his entire soul, that he was beyond loving. His father had made sure he was well aware of it when Simon was little and then there was his captivity in Mexico, the scars of which were carved into him. A permanent testament to his unworthiness.
He had to prove to her that he was not what she wanted.
Reaching up with a shaking hand, Ghost grabbed the top of his balaclava and pulled.
He could physically feel her gaze cutting into him as she took in his appearance. The numerous scars, the mop of sandy blond hair his father always said was hideous and messy, his nose had a bump in it and was a bit crooked from being broken multiple times. A face that so resembled his father's. How could the Brit not be convinced she was as repulsed by what she saw as he was? Surely she found fault in everything there was about him just like everyone else in his life always had. He took up too much space, was too sensitive, not man enough, loved his mother too much...  
His father had quite a lengthy list of everything wrong or bad about him and Simon had learned it well. 
Dark eyes locked onto the floor between them, unable to look at her disgusted expression. Cheeks and nose reddened as he fought to maintain control over his emotions.
Small hands reached up and tenderly cradled his scarred cheeks. "I love you... Simon Riley," Sereza murmured, tiptoeing to lightly kiss one of his scars near his chin.
The gesture and hearing her call him by his name made him crumble a bit on the inside and a single tear slid down his cheek where she wiped it away with her thumb.
Ghost risked a small glance at her. None of the revulsion or pity he feared seeing was anywhere on her face. Instead there was love. Acceptance. Comfort. Safety. All being offered to him freely and unconditionally. And Simon nearly shattered at the sight of it.
She leaned forward again and left another small peck on a scar at his jaw. Barely pulling away from him after and glancing up into the dark pools of his unblinking eyes before pulling his head down for a final kiss to the scar near his lower lip, causing him to release a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
Simon tilted his face further down and lightly brushed his lips across hers briefly. "...I love you," he whispered, his mouth hovering just above hers.
Sereza grinned as she tiptoed again to reach him and kissed his lips. Quick, but not lacking in loving affection whatsoever.
Dipping his head closer, he wrapped his arm around her back and threaded his fingers into the soft waves of her hair. "I love you Sereza." Their lips came together as Simon, at last, allowed himself to take his fill of her lush lips and embrace the woman he loved. Sereza's lips were every bit as soft as he'd imagined they were. And so sweet.
She hummed in delight, pressing closer to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. One hand sliding into his hair. 
“Stay tonight?” Simon asked after their long kiss finally wound down. “Not to- Just to sleep,” he quickly clarified.
A bright smile beamed up at him. “I’d like that.” Sereza left little kisses just under his jawline - about as high as she could reach if the Brit wasn't bending down for her.
Unable to resist, Simon pulled her up to him for a proper kiss. He then guided her to the bed where once under the covers he pulled her close against his chest, his cheek resting against her forehead. Little strands of her hair tickled his chin. Sereza squirmed beside him a bit as she got comfortable before she reacquired his tattooed arm.
“That feels nice,” Ghost softly admitted while he watched her fingers glide across his skin.
“Mhm. It’s gentle and your skin is soft. It’s... calming…” A yawn cut him off. His eyes heavy with sleep and the sensation of her fingertips only relaxed him further.
“Good. I’m glad,” Sereza quietly replied as she continued her tracing and snuggling closer to his large frame. “I love you Simon,” she whispered.
Ghost shut his eyes at the feeling her words stirred inside him. He lightly kissed her forehead. “I love you too.”
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astersugar · 1 year ago
today i want to write fanfic and draw and work on tumble blog and finish my laundry... and i have to go to work............ i should maybe put some things back
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aria0fgold · 2 years ago
Getting dragged into Mahoyaku 3-4 days ago and being pulled by 2 characters that are supposedly mortal enemies while I procrastinate the main story of it is an experience, and quite frankly a good way of deflecting the horrors.
I don't mind not so detailed spoilers but like WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE STORY GETS DARKER??!?!???!? I'm seeing red flags, death flags, FULL ON AGONY FLAGS, and like gurl, I got here 4 days ago, I'm vibing, losing my mind with one of the insane pairs of the game wdym the story gets worse, I'm at chapter 10 of main story 1.
MS1 has 21 chapters, MS2 is ongoing and it's also speeding through a landslide of angst WHY
I'm going through the tags of mahoyaku and sprinkled in between the funny memes and pretty drawings and translated stories are the horrors leaking out and like GURL I DONT THINK ILL BE PREPARED?!?!???!?
Pls im part of 2 other games with agonizingly painful stories (2nd is a maybe cuz its still early on but the SIGNS are there), i have ptsd from honkai impact 3rd's angst filled story and im keeping close watch of honkai star rail cuz i aint about to see someone die a 2nd time and the death flags are rising for a different character in it and MAHOYAKU IS SPEEDING THROUGH AN ANGST FILLED STORY TOO AM I CURSED WHY AM I PLAYING GAMES WITH THE MOST HEARTWRENCHINGLY PAINFUL ANGST
Me, a person too sensitive and way too weak for angst and yet here I am... obssessing over a game with angst. OH BOOOOIIII I'm preparing my heart, im preparing my heart, im going to procrastinate the main story the same way im doing with hi3 i aint ready yet for the angst train yall.
LIKE! i get attached easily! And right now I'm attached with everyone in mahoyaku! (esp cain and owen, mostly cain and owen) I. Am. Not. Ready. to see them hurt! Pls theres like character stories and event stories including cain and owens past and i saw bits and pieces of it and its like, mmm, painful. im reading that when im better prepared.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
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you open my Super Important Documents and its just pictures of charles xavier
#xmen#mcu#xmen movies#xmen first class#charles xavier#professor x#snap sketches#todays schedule has been ruined by my ever occurring need to practice drawing movie charles its horrendous#i started this sheet last night but then i kept adding to it and i keep wanting to add to it but i MUST stop myself#in an ideal world i get paid to draw charles xavier and erik lehnsherr but no i live in this baka society#sleepless charles WAS inspired by me starting this at 1AM and forcing myself to sleep at 4AM#and then here i am picking i up still later .... i need professional help i fear but i aint got time for that#NEVERTHELESS I THINK IT GOT IT NOW. I THINK IM OK. i think i know how i wanna go bout drawing him now ...#chat can i confess that like. .5% of the reason i barely draw FC charles i because of his hair#for some reason some demonic entity prevents me from drawing it easily i am in STRUGGLE CITY#the only thing that gets me is that whenever i draw him i can only think of the likes of a disney prince but man thems the strokes ig#i also drew a quick dark phoenix charles but i figured id just keep this first class oriented#anything else i want to say ? uh. hm. its funny i never do any of these sheets for erik#genuinely On My Life made One (1) sheet and was like 'no yeah i got it. i got it down'#literally not my fault his head is So Shaped and defined but anyways. this aint about him.#i mean it could be. i still wanna do a doodle page concentrated on drawing how his powers show#more specifically how do i wanna draw the glow cause i cant decide on it ... also i wanna draw the 'levels' ...#but thats for another time. for right now i should probably eat i havent eaten all day#bye bye !!!!!! here's to hoping i draw something thats not a doodle sheet one of these days
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ghibli-kitty · 4 months ago
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these are fun
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emilys-locket · 7 months ago
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Block out the guilt of what you've done. Escape is in reach.
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keferon · 7 months ago
*clasps your shoulders gently and looks you straight in the eye*
Keferon. Please read Ninth by Kyn on AO3. I think you would love it very much. It has a large chapter count, but don't be intimidated, it's very easy to get into. It is currently unfinished, but is being updated regularly.
You are the seventh person that recommended this fic to me so ahahahaha yeah
I’m doing great Help I hate some parts of it but I love the other parts I’m spinning in the blender
…..I made the moodboard….
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#chapter 37#of 120 or something#I must be like 90k words in haha#large word count is not an intimidation. It’s an invitation haha#I love the fics that I can’t read in just one hour:)#I gotta say I don’t enjoy the concept of making robots into organic life#it’s just my preference#seeing them as humans or animals or whatever feels so fucking wrong#the concept itself drives me off#like. Strongly#But at the same time. This fic isn’t about them being ‘haha cute organics’#it’s ‘oh god. I was turned into something I’m not’#instead of teeheee they’re fluffy#it’s please free me from this fucking nightmare. please let me be myself again.#idk how to explain. I resonate I guess#it often feels very disturbing but the characters are also disturbed#So now I’m kind of stuck reading this fic because I just can’t stop lol#just politely skipping the parts that make me too uncomfortable#also#the body horror is….damn. Impressive. I didn’t expect to read about grotesque fleshy creature turning itself inside out#it’s not even aesthetic or symbolic#it literally looks like a fucking nightmare. Which is impressive also.#the flesh is g r o s s#the beginning got me struggling and skipping#but the intermission is currently ruining my sleep schedule#oh fuck….I usually send my posts to the authors of the fics I read…..but I feel like I might offend the author of Ninth if do this……..#there’s a tiny chance they’re following me….if it’s true then I wanna tell I’m sorry pls don’t take this seriously#your fic got me waay out of my comfort zone#huge points for writing Ratchet. Drift in this fic is…the grossest fucking thing I could probably imagine but Ratchet doesn’t even hesitate#he helps him and he cares for him. Which is…..imma be real my first instinct would be to set Drift on fire to end his misery
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fkapple · 7 months ago
Shane and Emily on sleep schedules? Can’t decide if they’d be the stereotypical opposites or more similar than they think haha
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In the future Emily would have him take off his hoodie before bed as it’s a potential safety hazard the way he gets tangled in it
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s0fter-sin · 2 months ago
what up i’ve been obsessed with would you fall in love with me again like every other person on the planet and i can’t stop thinking about penelope’s final verse
she’s so angry; angry that odysseus would dare to suggest that her love for him has faltered or his actions were enough to destroy it. she’s been waiting, working her fingers raw unweaving her shroud every night, not sleeping as the suitors camp inside her home; every day a threat to her and her son, to her kingdom if an unworthy man - and they are all unworthy - should take the throne. she knew they wouldn’t wait forever, that at some point her deception would be realised; her dedication to her husband means she is at constant risk and the first thing odysseus does when he sees her - if this even is him - is question her love for him?
the very first thing he says (other than her name) is, “i am not the man you fell in love with.” penelope asks him if it’s really him standing there or if she’s “dreaming once more”. once more. she’s felt the cruelty of hope before; has looked at her doorway and seen odysseus the same as when he left (which is probably partly why she’s so shocked by how he actually looks) and felt unfathomable pain when her hopes were dashed over and over again. she asks if he is really her odysseus and he says no
yes, in his mind, odysseus can’t see how he can deserve her love after everything he’s done - the atrocities he’s committed, to himself he isn’t the same man, “i see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it’s no longer you” - but all penelope hears is her husband, the man she loves and waited for, doubts the strength of her love
penelope asks what kind of things he’s done and it must be shocking to hear; his actions so different from the man who left her behind even if he did them in name of returning to her. but when she asks him to move the bed, it’s as much a challenge as it is a test. she’s asking him to prove that he is the monster he claims to be; that if he’s changed so much and become so heartless, he should have no qualms about ripping the symbol of their love from its roots. and it’s also her only way of actually determining if this man who claims to be her husband yet doesn’t take her in his arms, is actually him
“just a moment of labour would bring me some peace” - if he does what she asks, then she will know either he’s changed so much that he’s no longer her odysseus or he’s another fake and was never hers to begin with; that her husband didn’t just stand in front of her and claim she can’t love him as he is. but she’s done. she was already willing to die when she stood behind the twelve axes she challenged the suitors to shoot through. she’s so tired. she just wants it all to be over
“only my husband knew that, so i guess that makes him you” - i guess. even after telling her something only odysseus and her knew, penelope’s still not convinced that it’s truly him. how many men came to her door claiming to be her long lost husband, banking on time and distance to dull memory of his face and voice, on her longing and desperation for odysseus to blind her into believing them?
but if this is her husband? if the man she’s loved through decades of absence has finally returned to her?
“i will fall in love with you over and over again” - an exhausted promise, the core of who penelope is and how she feels; assuaging his doubts and his own clear pain
“no matter how long it’s been, you’re mine. don’t tell me you’re not the same person, you’re always my husband” - penelope is screaming at him; how dare odysseus say this to her? dismiss her love and her suffering? he saw the men outside, he’s smart enough to know what they were here for and instead of apologising for being gone for so long, instead of begging for forgiveness for inadvertently putting her and their son at risk, instead of embracing her and putting an end to her torment, odysseus doubts her
“and i’ve been waiting, waiting” - the tone shift of penelope screaming at him to lamenting how long she’s been waiting is heartbreaking; it’s quieter as she gets lost in the pain of her grief, her anger failing as she recalls the memories of her long years of solitude. odysseus tries to call her back with his gentle “penelope” - such a contrast to his own exhausted anger at being asked to destroy their marital bed now that he understands why she asked that of him - but she can’t hear him; she’s too trapped in the memories. he tries again, still gentle but more insistent, and this time she does hear him and her anger comes rushing back along with her grief. her “waiting, waiting,” becomes almost accusatory; she’s been alone for so long and it’s bc of him, bc he wasn’t there, bc he left her waiting
that abrupt “oh” at the end of the verse isn’t just a vocalisation; in that moment, she’s realising that she has realised that he truly is odysseus. she knew it was him before she even processed it. she wouldn’t be this angry if he were anyone else; love and grief and anger coalescing in one single divine moment where penelope finally believes her odysseus has returned to her
“for you” - she’s been waiting and waiting, years turning to dust, her sleepless nights and days spent living in fear and preemptive grief- and it was all for him. odysseus is actually here. which means her waiting is over
“how long has it been?”
“20 years”
“i- i love you”
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rockingtheorange · 9 months ago
Do you ever think about how important and significant Alex's action to give his key to Henry was?
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Alex had brought the key with him everywhere throughout his life since he got it.
Then, the first moment he's quietly alone with Henry, Alex gets to explain what it means to him: it's the key to his family's house in Austin.
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But it means much more to him: it's from the times when his family was still all together (book), it's his childhood, his time growing up in Texas, it's his mixed blood, and the quiet life he left behind to follow his mother in something bigger than him.
That key is his comfort and reminder of what he was and the memories he will treasure forever.
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Alex doesn't tell all of this to Henry, but Mr. HRH Prince Dickhead knows there's more about it underneath, just like how he had always known Alex wasn't just a peasant boy.
Alex brings his keychain everywhere and Henry is always there to admire it.
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The key to Henry means something completely different: it's the reminder of his unusual life, the fact that he can't have such normal things as possessing a simple key, it represents all the things he can only admire from afar but he'll never be able to posses.
And then Alex breaks the wall that Henry thought would suffocate him forever, that seemed impossible to destroy.
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Alex starts to remove the key when he's in the most intimate moments with Henry. He decides to leave the thoughts and worries related to his family for another time. He decides to be fully Henry's, even during just brief rendezvous.
And Henry takes everything he can, as far as he can. Till the moment, he's sure will come, when the magic breaks and the key will return to be something to admire and desire from afar, but never possess.
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But Alex isn't just a peasant boy.
He hands over his childhood, his memories and his whole being to Henry, with just a simple gesture. Alex says "Henry, I'm yours." by giving him the object of his desires, by breaking the illusion that Henry can't be a normal boy, simply owning the key of someone's heart.
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And Henry is reluctant to accept it, cause he knows (just like he had always known that Alex wasn't just a peasant boy) that the key means so much to him. But Henry accepts, cause he wants to believe that the wall between them can break, Alex made him believe it. And he grips and holds onto that hope like his life depends on it, cause it does.
Alex is the only key to his freedom.
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sweattyspaghetti · 7 months ago
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CW(?) slight horror imagery in the third pic
This is me trying to practice drawing the trio in the most flip floppy art style way to prepare myself for when I draw.. a specific au… mwehehehe.
Waiter! Waiter! More wtvr tf light & L got going on in that last one!!
Edit: I made more down below
Human shinigamis added to the roster. The OG design or the human design of Ryuk is banger but idk if I’ll keep it the same as it, cuz it doesn’t fully fit the Ryuk we know so who knows, may change his design.
Bottom centre of L & Light r inspired from a ff scene I may or may not make fanart for… also yassssss Misa & Rem yaasssss one sided yuri maybe who knows.. just play Chappell roan already
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saintlesbian · 1 month ago
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did another sketchy pic, this time for my friend @darkmoon-dolt of her Jewel
+ alts
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wardingshout · 1 year ago
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Family for day 6 of SpeSilverWeek! Edition uuh found biological and crime I guess...
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
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welcome back to my accidental newfound journey to redraw every frame from this movie i GUESS
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zehl0w · 2 months ago
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Happy birthday my baby boy my present to you is my first ever fully finished comic
#genzen#zengen#genya x zenitsu#genya shinazugawa#zenitsu agatsuma#muichirou tokitou#himejima gyomei#muichiro tokito#himejima gyoumei#demon slayer#kimetsu no yaiba#I've been agonizing over the idea of their first ever sleepover ouygeudgdggjdhgjj#it's so funny bc the only reason I started drawing this comic is literally just bc I wanted to draw zen with a nightbrace 💀#I must project my adolescent orthodontic pain and struggle onto zenitsu agatsuma or else my life will end#I imagine this is like. they're not quite yet all the way friends but they're getting there hehe#little do yall know what this will blossom into.......#the last page is supposed to be like. zen listening to genyas heartbeat slowing down while he falls asleep hehehe#speaking of the last page#I completely forgot to draw the nightbrace on those last two panels LMFAOOOOO OOPS#this comic has spawned genuinely just. some of my favorite Genya drawings I've ever made#especially the one of him yawning it's so. ouywghdhj. my gneys.#there was gonna be an extra page after the this is nice panel where zen is all relaxed and sleeping#and then just. gets woken back up by the most HORRIFIC beastly sounding snore possible from Genya#but i couldn't figure out how to draw it so i just left it on a sweet note hehehe#never in my life did I think I would draw as many statues of Buddha as I have. thanks Genya.#speaking of it always very much surprises zen to find out that Genya is like fully and wholly religious he does not seem like the type atAL
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