#but every fucking job is tech based
k-hippie · 1 month
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Hello everyone :)
Here we are, after 2 weeks of intensive hard work :D we finally made most of our Sims 4 creations compliant with the pesky direct x11 update ...
As we thought, it has nothing to do with square or non square pictures ( maxis make non square pictures since the Sims 2 ) as we read around the web. So, do not waste your time with this point.
The difference between before the directX11 and after the directX11 is that now, strictly x2 multiple .dds are required.
Mainly, the minimum sizes of images in the Sims are 128 and/or 256 ( except thumbnails and some tiny specular which are smaller ) ...
Based on this, before the directX11, we could make images based on multiple of 128 and/or 256 such as 768x768 - 1536x1536 and so on, which was convenient to render a better image without growing too high in size/weight. It was a kinda suitable tolerance which is accepted by almost all games !
But now, every image which is not a perfect x2 multiple brings the famous question mark on it.
Curiously, this statement does not apply to ... Walls ! 256 base multiple is still working ( 256x768 - 256x1024 - 256x1280 ) Illogical as fuck but well ... here we are ;)
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The Worlds we didn't update are due for a complete redux, so you'll have to wait a bit for those :
Brindleton Bay
Del Sol Valley
And of course, the one we never released until now : San Myshuno
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We still didn't update the fences of the k-606. It will take some time. Be patient ;)
As we're currently updating our website, we re-organized the whole k-303 stuff which was a real deal :D But everything related to the k-303 is now direct x11 updated :) ( such as Willow Creek trolleys )
We corrected a few files too. Easier since we had to check so many files :D And we added some new stuff ( such as Outdoor Retreat small replacements )
This update changes everything for the ones who made the x11 update. It changes almost nothing for those who didn't make the x11 update. It just updates our files ;)
Everything is not yet over and finished. We just made the essentials.
Our walls are working fine ( except the thumbnails ... As we didn't make those thumbnails, we search the issue )
Many of our creations are ok. But not everything indeed. We didn't yet check everything. That's a job at work :) So, you know, if you notice something, send us a message. A detailed one of course ...
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SweetCupitan : @cupisims
Mika : @kunisprings
THANKS !!! and Bravissimo :)
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And now ... the links ! :D
k-hippie main website : https://tech-hippie.com
All the k-mods : https://tech-hippie.com/k-mods/
k-303 Multifix stuff : https://tech-hippie.com/k-303/
our Sims 4 faktory : https://tech-hippie.com/sims4-faktory/
Have fun and stay tuned for some coming other updates !
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naamahdarling · 3 months
Maybe it isn't that I actually hate medical professionals? They just suck and are weird sometimes, and a lot of them shouldn't be practicing, but I don't hate them as a group, like, personally.
What I hate is their ability to make my life harder in ways that are often completely opaque to me, and a lot of the crap things they do are not really possible to challenge. And I hate the fact that holding them responsible fort dogshit behavior in any way that will actually benefit me is almost always impossible.
And I also hate the fact that they have to do stupid things sometimes because that's how the system is set up, and those things sometimes mean patients actually get harmed. They aren't fond of that part either! They don't want the system to be the way it is! But they don't have a choice, so sometimes people like me get forced by bureaucracy into doing things that are re-traumatizing. And I can't imagine that feels good for them at all, knowing that their patients are sometimes only "consenting" because that bureaucracy will not let them be helped in any other way. Which isn't consent at all. I imagine that must be pretty traumatizing for them, too, sometimes.
If it were easier to actually access medical care without tremendous delays in this country right now I would have much less trouble finding providers who are good at what they do and are not horrible people, and who have clinic staff who can do their fucking job.
Oh and I also don't appreciate how evasive and unwilling to commit they are out of fear of being held to an answer that turns out to be inaccurate, but I can't make an informed decision about my own care unless they give me at least some information about probabilities and trajectories and typicalities. Genuinely, how the fuck am I supposed to navigate that shit. I get that some patients are really fucking difficult, but I should be able to get a special stamp on my file or something that says I understand that sometimes medicine isn't an exact science and the best answers that my doctors can give may not always prove to be accurate in the long term. I know they don't like being in that situation either.
A lot of medical professionals are fucking assholes, and unfortunately the ones who are not are still hamstrung by a system set up to actively prevent people from getting care.
I miss my old doctor. He gave no shits about anything that wasn't the patient. He prescribed scheduled meds based on what the patient needed and not based on fear of consequences potentially being imposed on him by the punitive patient-hostile drugs-are-bad moral panic machine developed to force suffering people into buying more dangerous drugs off the street in order to prevent far fewer people from maybe getting high off of drugs that at least weren't laced with lethal substances. (The purpose of a system is what it does.) Did he get sanctioned and become locally unhireable? Unfortunately yes he did. Does he now provide concierge care to rich people? Yes he does. He found a way to make it work, God bless him.
Everything about the medical system in this country is fucked. Hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacies, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, phlebotomists, clinic administrative staff, insurance companies, medical schools and schooling, licensing boards, drug advertising to both providers and patients, pharmaceutical reps, researchers, research, publishing, medical trials, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers and distributors, medical equipment, charting software, billing and billing codes, diagnostic criteria, charity and low income services, accessible transportation, home care, the lack of independent individual patient advocates, dietitians and nutritionists, access to physical and occupational therapy and physical and occupational therapists, the massive bigotry of every kind rampant in every corner of the medical field, social work, senior care and assisted living, deprioritization of informed consent and harm reduction, disability applications, inaccessibility of medical records, especially psychiatric notes which are specifically allowed to be withheld from patients, lack of continuity of care for disadvantaged people, care that is equitably accessible to disabled people, telemedicine, patient portals, phone systems, clinic hours, every single aspect of inpatient and outpatient psychiatry, facility security, all sorts of things going on with therapists who are nevertheless probably the least malicious group of people in this entire charade, aaaaaand patients themselves.
Also hospital toilets that are too tall and make it literally physically impossible for me to poop while I'm there waiting for somebody to come out of surgery. I just needed to take a crap, guys. You didn't need to make the toilets so tall that my feet didn't even touch the floor. It is very clean but there is no shitting for short people at St Francis.
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How to design a tech regulation
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TONIGHT (June 20) I'm live onstage in LOS ANGELES for a recording of the GO FACT YOURSELF podcast. TOMORROW (June 21) I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On SATURDAY (June 22) I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel (13hPT) and a keynote (18hPT) at the LOCUS AWARDS.
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It's not your imagination: tech really is underregulated. There are plenty of avoidable harms that tech visits upon the world, and while some of these harms are mere negligence, others are self-serving, creating shareholder value and widespread public destruction.
Making good tech policy is hard, but not because "tech moves too fast for regulation to keep up with," nor because "lawmakers are clueless about tech." There are plenty of fast-moving areas that lawmakers manage to stay abreast of (think of the rapid, global adoption of masking and social distancing rules in mid-2020). Likewise we generally manage to make good policy in areas that require highly specific technical knowledge (that's why it's noteworthy and awful when, say, people sicken from badly treated tapwater, even though water safety, toxicology and microbiology are highly technical areas outside the background of most elected officials).
That doesn't mean that technical rigor is irrelevant to making good policy. Well-run "expert agencies" include skilled practitioners on their payrolls – think here of large technical staff at the FTC, or the UK Competition and Markets Authority's best-in-the-world Digital Markets Unit:
The job of government experts isn't just to research the correct answers. Even more important is experts' role in evaluating conflicting claims from interested parties. When administrative agencies make new rules, they have to collect public comments and counter-comments. The best agencies also hold hearings, and the very best go on "listening tours" where they invite the broad public to weigh in (the FTC has done an awful lot of these during Lina Khan's tenure, to its benefit, and it shows):
But when an industry dwindles to a handful of companies, the resulting cartel finds it easy to converge on a single talking point and to maintain strict message discipline. This means that the evidentiary record is starved for disconfirming evidence that would give the agencies contrasting perspectives and context for making good policy.
Tech industry shills have a favorite tactic: whenever there's any proposal that would erode the industry's profits, self-serving experts shout that the rule is technically impossible and deride the proposer as "clueless."
This tactic works so well because the proposers sometimes are clueless. Take Europe's on-again/off-again "chat control" proposal to mandate spyware on every digital device that will screen everything you upload for child sex abuse material (CSAM, better known as "child pornography"). This proposal is profoundly dangerous, as it will weaken end-to-end encryption, the key to all secure and private digital communication:
It's also an impossible-to-administer mess that incorrectly assumes that killing working encryption in the two mobile app stores run by the mobile duopoly will actually prevent bad actors from accessing private tools:
When technologists correctly point out the lack of rigor and catastrophic spillover effects from this kind of crackpot proposal, lawmakers stick their fingers in their ears and shout "NERD HARDER!"
But this is only half the story. The other half is what happens when tech industry shills want to kill good policy proposals, which is the exact same thing that advocates say about bad ones. When lawmakers demand that tech companies respect our privacy rights – for example, by splitting social media or search off from commercial surveillance, the same people shout that this, too, is technologically impossible.
That's a lie, though. Facebook started out as the anti-surveillance alternative to Myspace. We know it's possible to operate Facebook without surveillance, because Facebook used to operate without surveillance:
Likewise, Brin and Page's original Pagerank paper, which described Google's architecture, insisted that search was incompatible with surveillance advertising, and Google established itself as a non-spying search tool:
Even weirder is what happens when there's a proposal to limit a tech company's power to invoke the government's powers to shut down competitors. Take Ethan Zuckerman's lawsuit to strip Facebook of the legal power to sue people who automate their browsers to uncheck the millions of boxes that Facebook requires you to click by hand in order to unfollow everyone:
Facebook's apologists have lost their minds over this, insisting that no one can possibly understand the potential harms of taking away Facebook's legal right to decide how your browser works. They take the position that only Facebook can understand when it's safe and proportional to use Facebook in ways the company didn't explicitly design for, and that they should be able to ask the government to fine or even imprison people who fail to defer to Facebook's decisions about how its users configure their computers.
This is an incredibly convenient position, since it arrogates to Facebook the right to order the rest of us to use our computers in the ways that are most beneficial to its shareholders. But Facebook's apologists insist that they are not motivated by parochial concerns over the value of their stock portfolios; rather, they have objective, technical concerns, that no one except them is qualified to understand or comment on.
There's a great name for this: "scalesplaining." As in "well, actually the platforms are doing an amazing job, but you can't possibly understand that because you don't work for them." It's weird enough when scalesplaining is used to condemn sensible regulation of the platforms; it's even weirder when it's weaponized to defend a system of regulatory protection for the platforms against would-be competitors.
Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there are no libertarians in government-protected monopolies. Somehow, scalesplaining can be used to condemn governments as incapable of making any tech regulations and to insist that regulations that protect tech monopolies are just perfect and shouldn't ever be weakened. Truly, it's impossible to get someone to understand something when the value of their employee stock options depends on them not understanding it.
None of this is to say that every tech regulation is a good one. Governments often propose bad tech regulations (like chat control), or ones that are technologically impossible (like Article 17 of the EU's 2019 Digital Single Markets Directive, which requires tech companies to detect and block copyright infringements in their users' uploads).
But the fact that scalesplainers use the same argument to criticize both good and bad regulations makes the waters very muddy indeed. Policymakers are rightfully suspicious when they hear "that's not technically possible" because they hear that both for technically impossible proposals and for proposals that scalesplainers just don't like.
After decades of regulations aimed at making platforms behave better, we're finally moving into a new era, where we just make the platforms less important. That is, rather than simply ordering Facebook to block harassment and other bad conduct by its users, laws like the EU's Digital Markets Act will order Facebook and other VLOPs (Very Large Online Platforms, my favorite EU-ism ever) to operate gateways so that users can move to rival services and still communicate with the people who stay behind.
Think of this like number portability, but for digital platforms. Just as you can switch phone companies and keep your number and hear from all the people you spoke to on your old plan, the DMA will make it possible for you to change online services but still exchange messages and data with all the people you're already in touch with.
I love this idea, because it finally grapples with the question we should have been asking all along: why do people stay on platforms where they face harassment and bullying? The answer is simple: because the people – customers, family members, communities – we connect with on the platform are so important to us that we'll tolerate almost anything to avoid losing contact with them:
Platforms deliberately rig the game so that we take each other hostage, locking each other into their badly moderated cesspits by using the love we have for one another as a weapon against us. Interoperability – making platforms connect to each other – shatters those locks and frees the hostages:
But there's another reason to love interoperability (making moderation less important) over rules that require platforms to stamp out bad behavior (making moderation better). Interop rules are much easier to administer than content moderation rules, and when it comes to regulation, administratability is everything.
The DMA isn't the EU's only new rule. They've also passed the Digital Services Act, which is a decidedly mixed bag. Among its provisions are a suite of rules requiring companies to monitor their users for harmful behavior and to intervene to block it. Whether or not you think platforms should do this, there's a much more important question: how can we enforce this rule?
Enforcing a rule requiring platforms to prevent harassment is very "fact intensive." First, we have to agree on a definition of "harassment." Then we have to figure out whether something one user did to another satisfies that definition. Finally, we have to determine whether the platform took reasonable steps to detect and prevent the harassment.
Each step of this is a huge lift, especially that last one, since to a first approximation, everyone who understands a given VLOP's server infrastructure is a partisan, scalesplaining engineer on the VLOP's payroll. By the time we find out whether the company broke the rule, years will have gone by, and millions more users will be in line to get justice for themselves.
So allowing users to leave is a much more practical step than making it so that they've got no reason to want to leave. Figuring out whether a platform will continue to forward your messages to and from the people you left there is a much simpler technical matter than agreeing on what harassment is, whether something is harassment by that definition, and whether the company was negligent in permitting harassment.
But as much as I like the DMA's interop rule, I think it is badly incomplete. Given that the tech industry is so concentrated, it's going to be very hard for us to define standard interop interfaces that don't end up advantaging the tech companies. Standards bodies are extremely easy for big industry players to capture:
If tech giants refuse to offer access to their gateways to certain rivals because they seem "suspicious," it will be hard to tell whether the companies are just engaged in self-serving smears against a credible rival, or legitimately trying to protect their users from a predator trying to plug into their infrastructure. These fact-intensive questions are the enemy of speedy, responsive, effective policy administration.
But there's more than one way to attain interoperability. Interop doesn't have to come from mandates, interfaces designed and overseen by government agencies. There's a whole other form of interop that's far nimbler than mandates: adversarial interoperability:
"Adversarial interoperability" is a catch-all term for all the guerrilla warfare tactics deployed in service to unilaterally changing a technology: reverse engineering, bots, scraping and so on. These tactics have a long and honorable history, but they have been slowly choked out of existence with a thicket of IP rights, like the IP rights that allow Facebook to shut down browser automation tools, which Ethan Zuckerman is suing to nullify:
Adversarial interop is very flexible. No matter what technological moves a company makes to interfere with interop, there's always a countermove the guerrilla fighter can make – tweak the scraper, decompile the new binary, change the bot's behavior. That's why tech companies use IP rights and courts, not firewall rules, to block adversarial interoperators.
At the same time, adversarial interop is unreliable. The solution that works today can break tomorrow if the company changes its back-end, and it will stay broken until the adversarial interoperator can respond.
But when companies are faced with the prospect of extended asymmetrical war against adversarial interop in the technological trenches, they often surrender. If companies can't sue adversarial interoperators out of existence, they often sue for peace instead. That's because high-tech guerrilla warfare presents unquantifiable risks and resource demands, and, as the scalesplainers never tire of telling us, this can create real operational problems for tech giants.
In other words, if Facebook can't shut down Ethan Zuckerman's browser automation tool in the courts, and if they're sincerely worried that a browser automation tool will uncheck its user interface buttons so quickly that it crashes the server, all it has to do is offer an official "unsubscribe all" button and no one will use Zuckerman's browser automation tool.
We don't have to choose between adversarial interop and interop mandates. The two are better together than they are apart. If companies building and operating DMA-compliant, mandatory gateways know that a failure to make them useful to rivals seeking to help users escape their authority is getting mired in endless hand-to-hand combat with trench-fighting adversarial interoperators, they'll have good reason to cooperate.
And if lawmakers charged with administering the DMA notice that companies are engaging in adversarial interop rather than using the official, reliable gateway they're overseeing, that's a good indicator that the official gateways aren't suitable.
It would be very on-brand for the EU to create the DMA and tell tech companies how they must operate, and for the USA to simply withdraw the state's protection from the Big Tech companies and let smaller companies try their luck at hacking new features into the big companies' servers without the government getting involved.
Indeed, we're seeing some of that today. Oregon just passed the first ever Right to Repair law banning "parts pairing" – basically a way of using IP law to make it illegal to reverse-engineer a device so you can fix it.
Taken together, the two approaches – mandates and reverse engineering – are stronger than either on their own. Mandates are sturdy and reliable, but slow-moving. Adversarial interop is flexible and nimble, but unreliable. Put 'em together and you get a two-part epoxy, strong and flexible.
Governments can regulate well, with well-funded expert agencies and smart, adminstratable remedies. It's for that reason that the administrative state is under such sustained attack from the GOP and right-wing Dems. The illegitimate Supreme Court is on the verge of gutting expert agencies' power:
It's never been more important to craft regulations that go beyond mere good intentions and take account of adminsitratability. The easier we can make our rules to enforce, the less our beleaguered agencies will need to do to protect us from corporate predators.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Noah Wulf (modified) https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thunderbirds_at_Attention_Next_to_Thunderbird_1_-_Aviation_Nation_2019.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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britcision · 1 year
I’m pretty sure the people bitching about not giving money to tumblr are the same ones who complain when AO3 or wikipedia ask for donations, so I’m just gonna clarify something
Running a website is not free
Even if they made no changes and did only maintenance, they still need to pay for server costs, expert programmers for when something goes wrong, storage (although frankly storage is cheap as chips these days which is nice)
They need to keep up with the capabilities of new tech like improvements to web browsers, never mind their own apps keeping pace with old and new tech developments
Backwards compatibility (being able to run the updated app on old tech) is a massive problem for apps on a regular basis, because there are people out here using an iPod and refusing to update software
There’s a reason every few years apps like Animal Crossing will issue an update that breaks backwards compatibility and you can only play if your phone is running more recent software
This shit costs money even before you look into the costs of human moderation, which I’m not exactly convinced is a big part of their current budget but fucking should be if we want an actual fix for their issues with unscreened ads and reporting bigots
Ignoring that it’s apparently illegal for companies not to actively chase profits, running Tumblr is expensive
And advertisers know we fucking hate them here
They’re still running ads, which we know because they’re all over the damn place, but half the ads are for Tumblr and its store
Other ad companies know we are not a good market, so they’re not willing to put the money in
Tumblr runs at a $30 million deficit, every year, because hosting a site is expensive
They are trying to take money making ideas from other social medias because they’re not a charity; they need to make enough money to keep the site going
If you want tumblr to keep existing, never mind fixing its many issues that require human people to be paid to do jobs like moderation, they will need money
Crabs cost $3
One crab day a year can fix the deficit and hammer home for Tumblr that:
A) we do want to be here and want the site to keep going
And B) they do not need to do the normal social media money making strategies we all hate
They need a way to make money if you want the hellsite to exist, because we live in a capitalist hellscape and cannot all be AO3
If they think they can make enough to keep running without pulling all the tricks we hate, they have no reason to pull said tricks
But they need money
And a way to make money
And if we can show them we can do that, there is a significantly higher chance they will listen to us, the user base they need money from, than if we don’t
Tumblr isn’t perfect, or anywhere close. They need someone to actually screen the paid ads they put through, they need to take the transphobia, antisemitism, and bigotry seriously
These Are Jobs That Will Cost Money
People Need To Be Fucking Paid For Their Work
Tumblr Is Not Run By Volunteers For Free And Nor Should It Be
Paying People Is Good Actually
So if you wanna get all high and mighty over $3/year, by all means, go spend that hard earned cash elsewhere
Good luck finding a perfect and morally pure business to give it to though
Being a whiny negative asshole isn’t more appealing just because you’ve put yourself on a moral soapbox, it just means the asshole is a little higher up
For all the whining about “all the new updates are terrible this site is unusable”…. It’s one fuck of a lot more usable than it was in 2017, 2018, 2020
And yeah, it’s going back down and most of the newer ones have been fucking annoying and I would also like them to stop
But it got up somehow and that means it could do that again
Hope is more fun than edgy nihilism
August 1st is a good and exciting day to summon a crab army
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therobotmonster · 3 months
So... Shapeways is going bankrupt.
This is particularly irksome for me, as that's a good 1/3rd of my monthly income, so I'm crossing my fingers while I start setting up a new store on cults. I have literally thousands of items so getting them all up is going to take ages.
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But why did this happen?
Well I'll fucking tell you what I think happened.
It was a company run on arrogance and cowardice.
Shapeways made its mark as the cafepress of 3d printing. The weight of this was their marketplace that let people sell prints directly to customers without having to do the printing themselves. At its peak, I made more from Shapeways than from my day job.
The problem was that Shapeways put zero effort into the marketplace. They'd send some of us to a con to promote the idea of 3d printing game minis a couple of times, sure, but when it came to actual site maintenance and design every suggestion and request by sellers was roundly ignored. We asked for better search and categorization options. We asked to be able to name variants in our stores. We asked for better communication from the print techs. We asked for accurate subcategories that actually reflected how customers looked for items. None of it was done.
As such, the site was baffling to customers and difficult to understand. This was made worse by Shapeways' continual renaming of their materials. So after a couple of years Shapeways announces that they're not going to do anything for the marketplace because it's underperforming, and are going to focus on B2B, and in doing so they buried the marketplace in a tiny little link on the front page.
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Overnight sales plummeted. We complained again, nothing was done. We asked for a different URL that went straight to the marketplace (something that would literally cost them $80 to do) that we could direct customers to, we were ignored.
The marketplace is underperforming, so we won't put in the effort needed to make the marketplace perform. Makes perfect sense.
Prices go up. Shipping goes up substantially, and then it was a thousand little cuts. The auto-checks were altered to make it impossible to verify anything manually with any accuracy, so it became harder to design for the limitations of their printers.
The site slowed down substantially so every click had a several second pause, making shopping and maintaining frustrating and unpleasant. Shipping costs to many areas of the world became insanely high, effectively cutting off entire markets.
Want to not be Shapeways? Then remember this:
Your users know more about your site experience and their own needs than you do.
If you have a sales site, and the people selling through it say "this isn't working, we need this" then maybe you should listen to them and not just say 'you're wrong' to their faces.
Oh, and also, if goddamn Rolls-Royce comes in filing false DMCA claims over the use of the word "Phantom" in any context on your site, you don't take every item through a multiple day review for every edit and say "LOL, we can't do anything"
You take them to court for abusing the system on behalf of your user base, you fucking bootlicking cowards.
They've sent me a check every month for half a decade and they don't even send a "We're closing shop" email.
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Look upon my prints, ye mighty, and despair.
If you want to help me though the meantime, here's my paypal.me and my gofundme.
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pencileraser1 · 5 months
dead poets society theater au headcanons
so for context, i'm a stagehand, i've worked for events as well as in community theater, so this is mostly based off of that. doing my part to add dps to the dps tag, and this was what i could come up with
ok they're all involved in a small community theater production of the tempest over the summer
neil is an actor, he's playing ariel, this is one of the first roles he's landed. he'd done theater in school as puck, which didn't go so well, but it's been a while since then. he's graduated college recently after studying medicine and is finally somehow at a point where his father has less control over him. despite this, he's somewhat unsure what he wants to do now, if he wants to continue with medicine cause it's what he knows, or try to make it in theater.
todd is the assistant stage manager, he was really unsure about taking the job, but the stage manager, cameron, who he was pretty good friends with, and who he'd worked on a crew with before, specifically wanted him. despite this, he's worried that he's too anxious and not assertive enough to do it
cameron is the stage manager, and a bit of a hardass, which means the crew loves him and a decent chunk of the actors hate him. he's good at his job, he's very organized and really good at getting shit done and people together, but he'll also chew you out if you fuck up
meeks and pitts are lights and sound respectively, they've worked on a ton of shows together before and are pretty close. every show they work together, they bring a bag of snacks with them for the crew to eat during performances
charlie is the prop master, and a stagehand. he has a knack for finding weirdly useful shit in random places, and is brilliant at constructing props. despite this cameron is constantly having to bug him to get his stuff finished on time. he and cameron have a sort of love/hate relationship, they clash really bad at times but they both understand that the show would not be as good if either of them weren't there
keating is the director! he works really well with newer actors, i'd imagine he's pretty similar to peter weir in a lot of ways. he can take a little too long to reach deadlines, as getting the show perfect is a lot more important to him, which annoys cameron a bit
knox is also an actor, he's playing ferdinand and is convinced that he and chris, who plays miranda, are destined to be together or something. chris doesn't see him like that though
chris is miranda, she was originally interested in the tech/design aspect of theater, but a while back they needed more actors, and she ended up volunteering. she started as crew when ginny first started acting, because ginny was nervous to do it alone
ginny is iris, she has more free time this show since her role is smaller, but is always at rehearsal whenever chris is there, so she ends up sitting around and watching a lot. she quickly becomes friends with neil, who is similarly always around todd
anytime he's not busy, neil is hanging around todd. he's started doing parts of todds job for him, getting batteries, taping doors, sweeping the stage, doing other miscellaneous errands. he spends so much time with todd that he somehow ends up as crew in the program in addition to ariel. he starts getting to the theater early when the crew shows up just to spend more time with todd. cameron has started treating him as an extra stagehand
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buryustogether · 1 year
-> i really fucked it up <-
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jackie welles x reader (v)
wc: 6.6k
summary: jackie told you not to take this job. now you’re fucked in more ways than one.
warnings/tags: kidnapping, some mild torture, violence, blood, weapon use, swearing, established relationship, angst, couple fighting, smut, fingering, edging, orgasm denial, possesive jackie, almost a dash of yandere if you SqUiNt
author’s note: started working on this, had to go to the hospital. bon appetit. (spanish to english translations at the bottom.)
based on ‘i really fucked it up’ by girli
Jackie had told you that this was not a job you could do alone. He’d warned you from the very start, when you’d stepped into Vik’s clinic while he was getting his chrome repaired and presented the plan to him with nothing less than a flourish and confetti. Yet even with your tactics laid out, with every detail plotted and every possibility planned, he still said no.
You had told him he was starting to sound like his mother. “You worry too much,” you had said and taken a seat beside the chair as Viktor had tinkered with a cybernetic in your man’s forearm. “It’s going to be low-profile anyway. Arriving tonight in a tiny port just north of Pacifica, in neutral ground. No gangs to claim it. No one to hear about it but you and me.”
“And where did you hear about it?” Viktor had asked.
“Nowhere,” you’d replied. They had both given you identical looks of skepticism that made your skin crawl. “A fixer I met a few weeks back. He’s a choom. Hooked me up with a few good takes recently.”
Jackie had released a heavy exhale from deep within his belly. You hadn’t been able to stop yourself from admiring the way his abs flexed beneath the fabric of his tank top as he breathed. “Still doesn’t sound like a good idea,” he told you as his hand was released and he flexed his fingers. He shook his palm out. “Just let it go, carino.”
You wished you had listened to him.
It must have been hours since the Maelstrom had caught you while loading crates of Kiroshi tech into your ride, eyes wide and lips parted in shock like a lizard in the Badlands stuck frozen in a pair of approaching headlights. It must have been hours since they had knocked you to the ground with a couple well-placed pistol whips that made your head spun, since they zip tied your wrists and ankles behind your back, manhandled you into the trunk of a Thornton, and brought down the butt of a shotgun against the surface of your temple.
There were no windows in your little makeshift cell, so you had no idea what time it could have been.
But it had to have been hours.
When you woke to a reality-splitting, teeth-gnashing, tech-glitching headache, you had discovered your captors had handcuffed you to a bathtub faucet over yourself so that you were forced to recline back in the tub to avoid your wrists snapping. The wall to make the bathroom private had long ago been torn down, giving you a generous view of the rest of the abandoned apartment the gang was using as a hideout. It was just as you had expected from cybercosis-pushing freaks like them; ratty couches and scattered drug bowls, pieces and bits of bloody tech littered across tables and countertops, a spotty television playing somewhere along the far wall. A number of them milled about, coming and going, kicking up feet or pacing with automatics clutched in hand. Your mind was far too much of a fuzzy static to even think of counting them.
If you were being completely honest, you had no idea why the Maelstrom had not killed you on the spot when they showed up to nab the Kiroshi tech and you’d already been there. You had seen them shoot to kill for worse. Hell, you’d once witnessed a junkie get his guts blown out over spitting too close to a Maelstrom’s shoe.
You didn’t know why you were here, why they hadn’t popped your head off with a simple squeeze of the trigger. You did know, however, that you needed to get out of here - before they suddenly got any ideas and started picking you apart for your chrome.
Pulling gently against the handcuffs around the faucet already digging bruises into your wrists, you sat up as much as you were able and sniffed. The air reeked of sitting water and mold. If you had to guess, you were probably still in Pacifica. The fact struck you as odd. Maelstrom’s turf bordered Watson to the north, not all the way down here in the high-as-hell land of the delusional wash up actors. Something was up.
You blinked against the black eye that was surely forming on your face and licked your cracked lips. Sweat beaded on your upper lip, and you wiped it off on your upper arm. No reason to give them any sign that you were actually incredibly nervous.
“Hey, toothpick,” you called to a Maelstrom reclined back in a couch within your vision. He was skinny as all get out, and the five red cybernetic eyes drilled into his face made him look like some kind of fucked up bobble head. “Can I get a little something to drink? No offense, but your service here sucks. I’ve been waiting for ages.”
The goon rolled his wrist to flip you off before settling back against the ratty cushions again.
“I’d really like to speak to your manager,” you went on, craning up in the filthy tub. You couldn’t imagine what you must have smelled like. “This is getting to be unacceptable.”
“Shut your fucking mouth, you little bitch.”
“Make me, big boy.”
In less than a few moments’ time, the goon had gotten to his feet, crossed into the dilapidated bathroom, and brought down a chrome-d out fist against the planes of your face. Pain like fire and ice raced through your systems, throwing your head back and pulling a startled yelp from the back of your throat. Tendrils of fury and shock ebbed through your veins, but they couldn’t do much against the rocking, uncoordinated sensations now holding the reins to your world.
“You better learn to get that tongue under control before you lose it,” the goon said somewhere above you, and you felt him shove your face against the side of the grime-ridden tub. “The Voodoos don’t take too kindly to backtalkers.”
Attempting to keep the bile in your throat down, you blinked a few times against the haze clouding your vision. You felt a bit of hot, thick blood slowly trickling from your nostril. Was your nose broken? “The Voodoo Boys?” you asked through the thundering in your ears. “I didn’t even think you and them brushed dicks, with your hunting ground being up north.”
The goon’s boots crushed broken glass beneath his weight as he leaned back against the sink that looked ready to collapse with just a wrong look in its direction. “We don’t,” he said, then spat on the ground before pulling a cigarette from behind his ear. “Black magic fools have got a pretty price out for your head, baby. Turns out they don’t take too well to having their gun market shot up.”
You sniffed at the blood leaking from your nose.
Oh - yeah, you had done that. A few weeks back, you’d picked up a gig that required the need for a human trafficker to be taken out before he could make his business boom. Turns out, he’d been hiding in Voodoo territory. One thing had led to another, as they had the tendency to do, and the entire ordeal had ended with a dead trafficker, a bullet graze to your arm, and a small firearms market in Pacifica in hysterics trying to escape your gunfire.
Much as you despised this city sometimes, you had sworn an oath to yourself when you first began to pull dangerous stunts like this all those years ago. No matter what happened, you wouldn’t let an innocent person get caught in the crossfire.
It had been easy at first. Deal with business in back alleys where no one was around, and no one but those who deserved it got hurt. But things slowly got complicated. Jobs required public spaces and less room for error. Civilians got curious and peeked behind the curtain. Accidents happened.
There had been an instance that still stuck in your mind to this day, a young man who had been so absorbed in the music blaring from his headphones he hadn’t even heard you screaming at him to move as your target raised a pistol. It hadn’t been a pretty sight. You could still recall the smell of iron as you tied a tourniquet around the kid’s shoulder and called emergency services on your vision screen. He had cried. Begged you not to let him die. Apologized for getting in the way, anything and everything that came into his disoriented mind.
You never knew if he made it or not. The ambulance had whisked him away too quickly, and the shadows you’d been hiding in were too dark for the officers to spot you.
That day you shot up the Voodoo Boys’ gun market, no bystanders had been injured. You made sure of it.
But it seemed they still had not liked the bullet holes stuck in the walls.
“So what?” you finally said as the Maelstrom goon exhaled a cloud of smoke. “You going to trade with them or something?”
“Precisely,” he replied, then inhaled again and blew the smoke in your direction. The cloud of white made your eyes water, but you refused to let him see how the pain made you squirm. “Deal’s going down when the sun’s up, so I’d make my peace with whatever god, if I were you.” He grinned a sickly-looking smile, showing off the metal caps on his teeth that made him look like a mechanical demon of some kind. “I hear they like to play with their food before they eat.”
He left you in the tub, hands cuffed above your head and blood spilling from your nose, down your cheek, into the fabric of your collar. Everything in you ached, especially the place somewhere deep in your middle where you’d been kicked a number of times back at the docks. You wouldn’t doubt it if a rib had been cracked.
Christ, you were so fucking naive. Of course your new fixer had sent you right into a set up. Now that you thought about it, you had once seen a Maelstrom tattoo poke from his sleeve when he lifted his arm. He was going to profit from this circumstance, Kiroshi tech or ransom.
Turning your face so that the goons wouldn’t see the red lights that flooded over your optical units, you brought up your vision screen and attempted to call Jackie. Before the first ring even had a chance to begin, a message erupted across the screen.
Releasing a slow, pained breath, you shut your eyes and rested your throbbing head against the edge of the tub. They had told you not to do this, much less alone. Jackie had told you to drop it, because he’d been in this business longer than you, and he knew when lost causes were lost. Fuck, you should have listened to him. Why did you have to be like this? So gung-ho, so eager to impress even when you had no one to prove yourself to?
Deep down, you knew why. It was because you were a street rat. A kid who had been pawned for a few grams of drugs, a mutt that had been raised by the bouncers and madams and right hands of gang leaders your entire life. It was because the world had decided early on, before you could even speak up for yourself, that you were going to be a no one.
Then, in what had seemed like your first stroke of luck, you had met another no one.
Jackie had been running with the Valentinos when you first met him; he’s been nothing more than an errand boy then, some scrappy kid with a limp in his leg and his teeth bared when someone even glanced at him. You had been caught rifling through the side bag of some big shot Valentino’s motorbike and dragged by the hair to the guy who’d been left in charge while Daddy Val was out of town. Your punishment was to be death. Your executioner?
Jackie Welles.
A final test, they’d said as they handed him the gun and told him to take you out back, to see if he was really Valentino material.
You remembered the look in his eyes as you stared up at him, his barrel pressed to your forehead and tears streaming down your cheeks as you begged for mercy. He’d looked so hesitant, so tentative to tighten his finger around the trigger and finish the job. You saw yourself reflected in his gaze; just some kid trying to make it by in the city, doing things that would stain your hands so irrevocably you wouldn’t recognize them when you looked down.
Jackie had not painted himself with your blood that day. Instead, he’d hauled you to your feet and raced with you away from that back alley, away from the Valentinos, away from the fate the universe had set for you both.
You had been inseparable ever since. First there came the friendship, the inside jokes shared over food copped from his mother’s kitchen and singing along to the radio while you helped him in his garage. Then came the something more, slowly at first, then unstoppable. The lingering touches while patching up after street fights, that first kiss shared on the roof, the feeling of his body on top of yours and your legs locked around his hips and the moans and cries and gasps swallowed up by the other.
You suddenly felt like a stupid little kid, frightened and wanting to run to him. You were V, for god’s sake, one of the most infamous mercenaries in Night City, but goddamnit, you wanted your boyfriend to hold you close and tell you that you were safe.
Fuck, you were pathetic.
You were sure if the Maelstrom had blocked your communication devices, they must have also found a way to disrupt the tracker in your head that only Jackie and Viktor had access to. You had no way of calling them, letting them know you needed them, crying out for help.
Your man wasn’t coming to save you.
No one was coming to save you.
Just like you insisted on doing this job alone, you would die alone.
It couldn’t have been earlier than five in the morning or so when the Maelstrom goon you’d spoken to before shoved your head against the tub to wake you.
“Wakey wakey, sunshine,” he said in that glitchy, fucked up voice of his. “Time for your field trip.”
You suppressed a groan as he unlocked your wrists from the tub faucet and you slumped down, your arms screaming in relief. You’d lost feeling in them maybe a few hours ago, after they’d been numb and tingly for too long before that to really know. But it was all too short-lived. The goon hauled you out of the tub and through the wrecked apartment toward the front door. There, another freak waited with a bandana wrapped in his hand.
“Get that shit away from me,” you said and squirmed when he began to pull it around your head. The first goon connected his fist with your neck, which had you reeling long enough for the blindfold to be tied snug over your eyes, and another to be tied over your mouth. Your teeth bit into the dirty fabric and a flood of disgusting tastes shot onto your tongue. You tried your best not to gag and puke then and there.
A hand grabbed the back of your head and brought you close to another face. Even through the flavorful rag in your mouth, you could still smell the rotten meat on his breath.
“Listen up and listen close, doll face,” he said against your ear. We’re goin’ to walk outside and you’re goin’ to sit tight and silent while we work this deal. No yellin’, no runnin’, no bullshit. You copy?”
You swallowed thick, then nodded.
“Good. Let’s move.”
Behind the blindfold you saw the faint flash of daylight as the front door opened and you were marched outside. The warm, salty air of Pacifica hit you like an obligated embrace. The smell made your nostrils twitch. Fuck, you missed the smell of the apartment you shared with Jackie, of the noodle bar outside the complex and the leather of his bike.
The Maelstrom goons were soon joined by a number of others, as told by their mumbled greetings and the footfalls that surrounded you. You walked for what seemed an eternity, tripping over concrete jutting up and overturned crates lying in your path only to be yanked up by your collar when you stumbled. You wouldn’t be surprised if they were actually walking you into the obstacles in your way.
After what could have been either ten minutes or fifty, you were yanked to a halt. If you listened close, you could hear the sound of the waves and a nearby highway. You were by the beach.
Your attention was pulled to somewhere in front of you when heavy, almost ground-shaking footfalls approached. You felt the grip on your collar tighten slightly.
“This is her?” asked a man in that heavy Jamaican accent the Voodoo Boys spoke in.
“Yeah, this is the one,” replied a Maelstrom somewhere to your right. “Scanned for facial recognition and everything. It’s her.”
Footsteps came closer. You were forced to take a step back when the goon holding you cowered slightly.
The Voodoo man said, much closer now, “You give her here.”
“Not until we see the eddies. Pop ‘em into my account, and then we’ll hand the chick over.”
There came a long, stifling few moments of quiet as you assumed the eddies were transferred between accounts. It was agonizing. You didn’t exactly like the Maelstrom, but you knew that compared to the Voodoo Boys, they’d been treating you like royalty. You felt yourself sweating, your palms growing sticky, and tried to come up with any kind of plan. There were way too many of them to make a run for it - plus, you were cuffed and blinded. It would be like shooting an eyeless street rat.
Your heart nearly exploded from your chest when a large, beefy hand wrapped around your upper arm. “Money is yours now,” said the Voodoo man as he gripped you right. “And girl is ours.”
The Maelstrom had just let go of your collar when, from somewhere to your left, there came a familiar holler. “You all are gon’na wish you’d never fuckin’ gotten out of bed today, hijos de perra.”
You jerked in your captor’s grip.
You heard the sounds of guns being raised and safeties being flipped off, but the gunfire reached them first before they’d even thought to pull their triggers. Blood spattered across your face and you ducked for cover beside what you felt to be a van, bringing your aching, screaming arms up over your head. Your nerves were all alight with panic, never sure whether the bullets spraying the tarmac nearby were from your captors or your savior. All about you, Maelstroms and Voodoos shouted and yelled, scrambling for some kind of order or direction. A grenade exploded close enough that you felt the heat through your clothes, and it drove you to your stomach and underneath the van. The smell of gasoline and concrete enveloped you, but you preferred it to the reek of blood and lead.
You didn’t bother removing your blindfold, because you knew that even if you did, you’d still be squeezing your eyes shut. Suddenly you were back to that moment all those years ago, on your knees over a dying young man trying to staunch the bleeding assure him everything would be fine.
And in this moment, you didn’t care that it might have made you weak or pathetic or small, but you were afraid. You wanted someone to tell you it would be alright, that you were going to be fine.
After what seemed an entire lifetime, the firefight fell to a now-deafening silence. You listened to distant footsteps against the ground, praying with everything you had in you that you would recognize them, that they belonged to the man you loved. A moment later, a string of Spanish curses rang out across the bloodied battleground.
“Hijos de puta! Eso es lo que obtienes cuando jodes con mi chica. Ardeos en el infierno, todos vosotros!”
“Welles,” said another man. “We even now?”
“Yeah, yeah, hombre, scram out’ta here. We’re even.”
Still beneath the van, you listened to the sound of cad doors slamming shut and tires screeching as vehicles peeled away from the scene. They were wise to book it so soon after the fight; NCPD would be swarming the place in a while, especially being so close to the highway. Had you been your real, sensible self, you would have crawled out, grabbed Jackie, and high tailed it. But you were too enveloped in the smell of gasoline and the feeling of blood that was not your own slowly drying on one side of your face.
“V?” called Jackie from somewhere nearby. His boots crunched against shattered glass. When he spoke again, his voice was more strained than it had been before. Fear danced on his tongue. “V!”
You finally forced yourself to reach up and tug the gag from your mouth. “Here,” you called in a shaky voice. “I’m here.”
Not even a moment later, hands were guiding you out from under the van and onto your own wobbly feet. The blindfold was gingerly pull over your head, and you winced as brightness like the second coming of Christ took over your world. Jackie gripped your shoulders so hard they ached, staring down at you with an intensity you knew would melt your soul if you met his eyes. So instead, you kept your gaze stuck on the chains around his neck, ashamed and frightened and so incredibly exhausted.
A long, long moment later, he exhaled a heavy sigh that sounded like it carried the weight of an entire world on it. “Come on, chica,” he said, placed a hand on the small of your back, and began to lead you toward his car where it had been parked on the empty side of the lot where the deal was supposed to take place. “Let’s get you out’ta here.”
The ride back to Little China was one of the worst you’d ever had; hell, you preferred being unconscious in the trunk of the Maelstroms’ van than this. At least then you hadn’t had to face the silent, seething wrath of your boyfriend.
Jackie said nothing as he drove, only kept one hand on the wheel of the car and the other on the stick shift between the two of you. His expression had darkened into one of fury, but it was the quiet kind, where his lowered brow and his slightly lifted jowl spoke for him. His shoulders had locked into a tense square and the grip he had on the front wheel had paled his knuckles.
You wished he would do something. You wished he would yell at you, scream and swear, tell you that you were an idiot for going after that shipment when he’d specifically told you not to. You wished he’d pull the car over and make you walk home. Fuck, a tiny part of you wished he would hit you.
But you knew he wouldn’t. Jackie Welles would never hurt a soul in his life that didn’t deserve it - not ever. In all the years you’d known him, he had never once raised a hand toward you, made you even think he would in his rare moments of anger and fury. Sometimes he yelled, sure. You’d once even seen him hurl a glass against the far wall. But he had always apologized for raising his voice. He’d apologized, and cleaned up the glass, and lie his head in your lap as you told him it was alright.
No, you knew he would never hurt you, even if his mind was gone and all that was left was a walking piece of muscle and chrome.
So you both sat in the poisoned silence, uttering not a word.
He took you to Vik’s place first. There, he stood with crossed arms and a stance that would have sent fucking Arasaka himself running while your ripper popped your nose back into place, repaired your chrome, overrode the bug the Maelstrom had installed in your head.
Then he took you home.
Jackie told you to undress once you arrived at your apartment with a single command that punctured a fresh hole in your lungs. “Strip,” he said, dropped his gun belt in your shared weapons vault, then disappeared into the bathroom.
You were not one to disobey in this state.
He helped you bathe, even took a rag and gently wiped away the blood that had spattered across your face, trickled down your nose and across your lips and chin. He extended your arms under the water to inspect bruises. He washed and cleaned scrapes. When you were finished, he brought you a fresh pair of night clothes, then helped you limp up and into bed.
You sat on the edge of the mattress, watching as he muttered quietly to himself in his mother tongue and stripped off his tank top. The muscles in his back flexed beneath his bronze, sun-kissed skin, but the sight didn’t invoke the same feeling it would have yesterday. Instead, all you felt was shame, and anger, and most of all, helpless.
When he kicked off his boots, still mumbling under his breath, you finally punctured the thick tension hanging over you.
“Will you please talk to me, Jack?” you said, gripping the comforter beneath yourself. “Please, say anything.”
“Oh, mujer,” he barked from across the room as he shook his head and faced away from you. “You don’t want me to talk to you right now. I ain’t got any words you’ll like.”
You refrained from rolling your eyes at him. “Hit me with ‘em,” you snapped in his direction. “I’m not some fucking kid, Jack. I can handle you telling me what a fuck-up I am, or that I need a babysitter or some shit.”
“You wan’na play this game with me, V?” Jackie stood from where he had been bending over to grab his boots and throw them in the corner, drawing himself to his full height that threatened to challenge the doorway behind him. “Fine. I was gon’na tell you that you ain’t got your fuckin’ head screwed on right, but it seems like maybe you know that already.”
“What made you just now notice?” you snipped, your voice dripping with an acid you hardly ever took up with him.
“I don’t know, maybe it was when you go and get yourself nabbed by the fuckin’ Maelstrom and I got’ta call in favors I’ve been savin’ to get your ass, because Dios forbid you get yourself into a situation that requires one goddamn gun to fix.”
You sniffed defensively and looked away, attempting to push down the lump that was forming in your throat. You hated when you fought with him. You hated it when you suddenly felt more alone than you ever had because the one person you would move heaven and hell for was looking at you with a disdain that tore into your heart. “Good to know you lost a few precious fuckin’ favors to come and get me.”
“Yeah. You’re welcome, by the way.”
You couldn’t take it any more, couldn’t take the way his eyes flashed and his teeth bared the way they did when he was angry enough to become part animal like this. Pressing a hand over your mouth to keep him from seeing your bottom lip quiver, you lay down in the bed and rolled over so that your back faced him. Your chest constricted and your throat squeezed as you tried to silence the cry that was crawling up your throat. You only half-succeeded. A small squeak escaped your mouth and a shudder racked your body.
You shut your eyes tight to the rest of the world, instead focusing inwards. The injuries on your face throbbed as you continued to pull a painful expression against your cries. Your rib wailed in agony. But most of all, your heart ached more terribly than you really ever recalled it doing.
Why hadn’t you listened to Jackie? Why hadn’t you put your damn ego aside for once in your fucking life and listened to someone else’s advice? You’d done it again; you had fucked around and found out the price of doing so came from your own pockets. Now you were dirt broke and still too proud to beg.
You pulled in a shuddering gasp and clutched at the pillow beneath your head. “I’m sorry,” you said, just loud enough so that he would hear you. “You were right. I shouldn’t have fucking gone. I didn’t mean for it to go like this.”
For a long moment, the apartment was empty. You began to think that Jackie had left and you’d been too washed up in your own world to even notice. But then the floor creaked in that spot it did near the center of the apartment, and a moment later the bed dipped behind you.
“Aye. Come here, chica. Let me look at that pretty face.” Jackie wrapped his arms around you and, with a flex of the muscles in his biceps, hauled you up and over so that you were lying cradled against his bare front. Gone was his vicious, animalistic expression he’d worn just a few minutes ago, now replaced with that gentle look reserved for late nights and early mornings. He exhaled tiredly and used the callused pad of his thumb to wipe away the tear that had been trailing down your nose.
For a moment or two, neither of you said a thing. This kind of silence was different than the one that held the car captive. This was soft and peaceful, not at all laden with the kind of anger and hurt as before.
“I’m sorry for yelling, amor,” he said, his voice a soft husk. “I just…” He sighed again and shut his eyes before touching his forehead to yours. His nose nestled against your own. “I got freaked. Real scared. Like, out’ta my mind kind’a shit. I didn’t know where you were. Hell, had to scour that damn port to find one of those cyber freaks and make him tell me where you were.” There came another short pause. “We got dangerous lives, V. Things happen in this kind of work. But if somethin’ ever happened to you… I ain’t so sure I would be here in this world after you left it.”
A new, fresh wave of tears muddled your vision as you gently nudged his nose with yours. “I’m right here, Jack.” Despite the aching in your chest, you forced a tiny smile onto your lips. “You’re still stuck with me.”
Jackie let out a small, breathy chuckle that fanned across your face. “Guess I am, querida.”
Using what strength you had left in your bruised and battered body, you craned your neck up and gently, ever so softly, pressed your lips to his. His brow relaxed as you kissed him, his mouth at once moving against your own. You’d had years to practice this, get it right; and it was so, so right.
Jackie’s tongue gingerly swiped over yours, silently asking permission to be let in. You granted it through the smile trying to flood across your features. He always asked and asked and asked, even if he knew the answer would always be yes. It made your heart flutter and your belly flip. You opened your mouth to him and he shifted you closer so that his tongue could lay claim once more to your own, your swelling lips, your very senses.
The Maelstrom and the Voodoo Boys had been fucking idiots to think they could keep you, could own you.
You already belonged to Jackie fucking Welles; and he made sure everyone knew what was his.
As the kiss turned hungrier, more desperate to connect the two of you together again, your core began to ignite to life. When one of his hands settled on the upper plane of your thigh, you released a soft sigh and felt yourself begin to ache with need.
And you told him so.
“Jackie,” you breathed into his mouth, your arms wrapped around his bare shoulders. His ink played like magic beneath your fingers. “I need you. Please. Make me fucking forget they even touched me.”
In response, he captured your lips again, this time more feverish and starving-like. One large, labor-scarred hand kept you up and pressed against him while the other began to glide up over your sleep shorts and toward the waistband. You felt your cunt clench with the promise of what was rapidly approaching.
“Oh, my chica,” he whispered. “I’m gon’na make you forget your own damn name.”
His hand found its way inside your shorts through the waistband, long and thick fingers finding their home at the warm apex of your thighs. You released a small moan when his digits slowly inserted themselves between your legs, expertly sliding over your folds and back up again.
“Already wet for me, chica bonita?” he purred against the shell of your ear. His pointer finger slid between your slick folds, edging along the spot where knew your clit was begging for attention, before he swept it back down toward your entrance. “I barely even started to touch you.”
Words had left your vocabulary entirely, vanished into the dawn as the tip of his finger finally found your clit and began to rub slow, gentle circles around it. A shockwave of pleasure rolled through you like thunder, drawing a whimper from the back of your throat. You pressed your face deeper into your special spot on his shoulder, open-mouthed and already following his hand with your hips.
Jackie shushed you as he continued to draw circles around the bundle of nerves, planting kisses to your forehead and the surface of your temple. His fingers left your clit to travel down your center toward your entrance, where you could feel your arousal already leaking onto your thighs. He gathered some of it with his index finger, then teasingly began to dance around your needy pussy.
You moaned unabashedly, gripping his bicep as your hips bucked. “Fuck, Jackie,” you whined against his pec. “Don’t fucking tease me. Not today.”
“Heh. Sometimes I can’t help myself, especially with this pretty pussy that’s all mine.” Without much warning other than that, he slipped his finger into your cunt until he was sunken in to his top knuckle. A broken, gasping cry was wailed into his skin. He chuckled to himself and continued to kiss your head before slowly pulling his finger out and pushing it back in.
Christ above, you’d never get tired of this feeling. You swore you felt each and every callus, every tiny little line that made up his fingerprint, made him who he was. His finger stroked your walls so perfectly it was hard to believe your cunt wasn’t made for him specifically. Maybe it was. Maybe you were built for him, and him for you, because god almighty, was this a fucking match made in heaven.
Jackie slowly added a second finger to your hole, his palm brushing against your clit every time his hand brushed against your naval. “My poor pretty baby,” he cooed in a low, husky voice that made you clench around his fingers. “Can’t leave her alone for five minutes, can I?”
You’d die happy if you never left his sight again. Why on earth would you want to, when he was fucking you so good with just his fingers? Every nerve ending within you was alight with a heavy, shocking pleasure that felt like you were being electrocuted. You’d happily let him do just that; stick live wires to your skin, just as long as he was fucking you at the same time.
Your hips were bucking up into his hand now, your back arching in his lap and your nails leaving angry red indents in his shoulder. “Ah! God, Jackie, holy shit. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
Slowly, you were beginning to feel that wonderful, familiar coil tightening inside of you. It was a wound-up spring only he could wind like this, in the way you would have gone mad without after knowing it for the first time. Your bucks became more frantic, your arousal sliding down your thighs and soaking your sleep shorts.
“Jackie! Jackie, oh fuck, I’m -“
His fingers slipped out of you completely. You actually let out a half-scream of frustration and alarm, your eyes flying open from their dazed state. He peered down at you with lust-blown pupils and an expression you could not place in the heat of the moment. Was he mad? So overtaken by the hard on pressing against your shoulder blades he himself was becoming lost to the world?
You got your answer when he leaned down close to your face, his lips just barely brushing yours when he spoke. “You know I love you too fuckin’ much to lose you, bebe,” he drawled. When your hips thrusted upward, searching for his hand, he grabbed your hip in a bruising grip. “Promise me you’ll never pull a stunt like that again, and I’ll let you cum.”
Oh, he was an animal. A sick one at that. But - weren’t you, as well?
“I promise,” you practically cried against him, your knuckles pale from how hard they gripped his shoulder. “I promise, Jackie, I promise.”
“Promise what?”
“I promise I’ll listen to you,” you babbled as tears of frustration formed in the corners of your eyes. “I promise I’ll never leave you again. I’m yours, Jackie. I belong to you.”
Your mouth opened in a silent scream, but no sound came out when he plunged his fingers back into your cunt and set a brutal, bruising pace. You went limp in his arms and he held you upright with one hand as he thrusted his digits in and out of your sopping pussy. That coil in your stomach wound, weeping joyfully to have been stretched more, and you came with a garbled cry of his name. He slowly withdrew his fingers and you felt your release slowly dripping from your abused entrance.
Jackie made sure you were looking at him when he brought your slick to his mouth and sucked it off his fingers.
If you thought you were tired before he had finger fucked you raw, you knew that space between sleep and consciousness now. Your eyelids threatened to shut for good as you tilted your head against your man’s shoulder and exhaled a shaky breath.
“I’ll be holding you to those promises,” Jackie said, then placed a sweet, gentle kiss at the space between your brows. “Rest, dulzura. I’ve got you.” He nestled his chin onto the top of your head and held you just a bit tighter. “Ain’t no one takin’ you from me again.”
carino - sweetheart
hijos de perra - sons of bitches
Hijos de puta! Eso es lo que obtienes cuando jodes con mi chica. Ardeos en el infierno, todos vosotros! - Motherfuckers! That’s what you get when you fuck with my girl. Burn in hell, all of you!
hombre - man
mujer - woman
Dios - God
chica - girl
amor - love
querida - dear
chica bonita - pretty girl
bebe - baby
dulzura - sweetness
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lokisremainingsanity · 9 months
This was inspired by this post by @sunshine-and-moonshine
content: John "Soap" Mactavish x reader, reader is his superior, crushes and feelings, fluff and some horniness, he lick the kitty hehe
The men at the 141 base got glimpses of a new womanly figure around, but never a full picture. They had questions as to who this new mysterious person on their base was, but they never got answers, until Price finally formally introduced you.
You stood with perfect posture and a serious expression with a hint of a smirk as you observed all the men.
"This is your new superior, who was our former arms weaponry trader and military tech researcher, Major Y/N Quest."
"Good morning, boys, it's a treat to be working with you."
You operated the base smoothly, and your reputation demanded respect. You had a few young rebels that were always needed to put straight, whether it be mowing the front base lawn with scissors, with every grass blade cut at a specific angle and height, or using buckets to empty the pool while it was raining. But beyond that, you also noticed someone who was always on top of each task you gave him. Ghost also noticed Soap's infatuation with you, and teased him about it the next time they were together.
"You got a crush, Johnny?" he interrupted his staring session at you.
"You fancy Major over there don'tcha?"
"Oi, you feeling funny now, you boggin gowk? I ain't got no crush" he defensively crossed his arms.
"I'm simply stating a fact."
"Shut yer trap, Ghost."
Truth is, he was the first person to be at your service whenever you needed one, just because he liked you. A knock at your office door made your head turn up from your paperwork.
"Come in"
Soap came strolling in with some files in his hands.
"uh Major.. I got the intel ye' wanted printed out, I can send a digital copy as well if that-"
"The autospy records? You already got a hold of them?
"Goodness, Soap how'd you do it?" You got up and walked towards him, and he let you take a look at them."
Soap stood silently, enjoying your satisfaction.
"That's a job well done, thank you darling." As he bashfully looks down, you absentmindedly ruffled his hair as well.
"Ah thank you, ts nothin'" He felt like a schoolgirl having a crush on his teacher.
When he left your office, he went straight to the mess hall and started rambling to Ghost about his interaction with you. At this point, there was no denying the crush he had on you.
"She did that alright. I felt like a schoolgirl Ghost, oh my gosh. She called me darling. I'm her darling ya hear?!"
Ghost stared at the Scottish man who was no longer the Scottish man he knew.
"You know what that means, Ghost?!"
".. What?"
"I fucking won. I shall die a happy man."
Ghost didn't understand what he was saying but that didn't matter to Soap anyway.
A few months of Soap's undying affection for you passed and at this point, EVERYONE on base knew he was your favorite. The touches, eye contact, and smiles between you were strictly for him. On one mission where you all were at a safe house, you decided to sleep on the couch in the living room rather than share a room with the men. You woke up from your slumber when you heard lazy footsteps and a looming shadow over you. You slowly blinked your eyes and saw Soap with sad tired eyes looking down at you.
"Johnny? Darling what are you doing here?" you squinted your eyes at him in confusion.
"I got cold :( "
"... that woke you up?"
*sighh* "C'mere then darling, can't have you freezing up tonight can we?"
You rolled over onto your back and he plopped his body right on top of yours, with his face snuggled into the warmth of breasts.
"sanks youu mmm" he was out like a baby.
The rest of the guys woke up to an interesting sight that shouldn't have surprised them anyway. There you lay with your hands holding Soap's head while he snored on the cushion of your chest. His hands wrapped firmly around your waist as if you were a Teddy.
"You gonna wake up him?" Gaz spoke up first.
"Not a chance." Ghost replied. The two glanced towards Price next.
"Now don't look at me. Get him up somehow, Captain's order." And he walked out.
nOW things were getting interesting. You didn't know when the lines of professionalism blurred as Soap kept bringing it intel or files you needed, but somehow it's gone from pets of affection to Soap kneeled in between your legs-
"Ah fuckkk that's it, good pup you are. Holy shiiiit Johnny do that again AHH" His tongue was lapping at your wet cunt without any pattern or rhythm. You let him grind against your boot to relieve himself a little, but he was still going feral. Tight wet circles were made by his tongue on your clit and your legs started to shake.
"ohhh ohh my god I'm close, yessss ugh just like that honey- OHH"
One of your hands left the armchair and went to grab at his mohawk as you grinded against his tongue through your orgasm.
You slumped on your chair and your face faced upwards to the ceiling as you caught your breath. He stopped licking but his face was still next to your cunt and he was panting like a dog. You opened your eyes and looked down at him, he literally looked like he had his tail wagging and was waiting for your praise like you would for a dog after doing a trick.
"Did.. did I do good?" He asked when you said nothing for a little too long for him.
"Oh you idiot." You laughed and rubbed your hands over his head once more.
"Darling you did wonderful, you never cease to fail me."
He laid his chin on your lap and smiled up at you as you kept petting him.
"Anything for you m'lady"
Now one thing you did not consider before continuing this little secret ya'll had going on behind your office doors was the possibility of literally training Soap to get turned on. Petting him in public was not out of the ordinary to anyone else. But what slowly happened is that you've now conditioned him into getting hard whenever you pet his head. You have literally classically conditioned Johnny to have a reaction every time you stimulated him by touching his head.
Holy shit
That's your reaction when you realize what you've done. Now you stand in front of a flustered and hard Johnny that can't seem to explain what's going on.
"m'sorryyy, im really sorry I don't know wh-"
"Shhh calm down Darling." you stood chest to chest with him to help him hide his erection. To anyone else, you looked like you were chatting about a secretive mission. You looked around and saw an escape for both of you.
"Just follow me, m'kay? You're alright."
You two manage to get to the bathroom at the end of a hall where no soul is present. You quickly pushed him in and you followed right behind. The sigh you let out from relief stressed him out even more.
"Please don't be mad at me, I didn't mean to, swear it! I-"
"I'm not mad at you Johnny." You looked at him sternly to shut him up. "If anything, it would be my fault..." your eyes softened as you looked at the poor man.
"Let's get you relieved, yeah?" Your voice lowered with your hand that left his shoulders to unbuckle his pants. He said nothing and watched as you pulled down his garments to free his leaking hard cock. "Please ma'am, I'm going insane now" He whined when you stared a little too long.
"Sorry, sorry"
Your hands gripped his cock and you pumped him from tip to base, and when you got back up your thumbs swirled at his leaking opening. "Ah shite-"
His hips started thrusting up into your hands unapologetically, and you let him. You rotated your hands and tightened them around his length to pleasure him more.
"Fuckkkk 'm close... Oh gosh Bonnie that's pe'fect... ughhh"
He groaned and tilted his head to the crook of your neck and you could hear his panting against your ear get more strained and whiney.
"Ah fuck 'm comingg, im coming im, ohhh yess"
His cock twitched as ropes of cum shot out and painted your uniform. You let him take his time and he held you waist and stayed in the crook of your neck while you slowly caressed his head.
"Feeling okay there, darling?"
You chuckled at his childish response and you tried to gently coax him away to clean up.
"don' wanna move yet."
"We can't stay here all day Johnny"
"but Bonnieee"
"Johnnyyy" you equally whined.
"Tell you what, I'll reward you later at my office if you help me get cleaned up right now. That sound like a fair deal?"
"Yes ma'am." and he jumped at the tissues.
Classical conditioning and now more positive reinforcement? You're sure you fucked up but you could now care less
hehehehehe (¬‿¬ )
we can make out in the dark if you reblog luv youu 🥰
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ezdotjpg · 7 months
I have a silly little question about your silly little comic!! I love your versions of the Links so much. Loft is such a mood FOR REAL!!
How did you come up with the original concept? If this is somewhat spoilery- then don’t answer it. But i’m more so wondering what let you to go
“i want to make a comic about the silly links accidentally breaking and fucking everything up. also trauma lots of trauma”
Did you come to the understanding of, looking at other peoples AU’s? Or was it something in the games itself? I’m just curious on what your thought process was when brainstorming originally yk?
Also, small bonus question/comment thingy
when making backgrounds- like Zelda and Wilds house or Lofts home with Zelda and Groose- did you base the backgrounds on your own ideas of what the characters would live in? Like if they’d have clutter or silly little notes in the background. I love how your backgrounds are just- chefs kiss- so simple but shows us a glimpse into the characters mental state (as all good rooms do *stares at my messy one*)
that is all, i very much so enjoy your comic. it’s gotten me through the bad Wednesdays of highschool. Keep going!!! i am excited to see it’s conclusion.
waugh thank you so much!!!!!
And I guess the answer to that first question is all of them above? Bonus Links is, of course, an extremely derivative work. LU was my first introduction to the links-meet-au format, so I’d be remiss not to give credit where credit is due! Probably many ideas I’ve absorbed from fics I’ve read, and headcanons I vibe with that come from the wider fandom. The idea for Bonus Link’s actual plot though originally started from my fascination with Skyward Sword’s lore. I know not everyone’s a huge fan of how much that game retconned, Demise’s “curse” in particular, but there’s a lot of ideas in that game that I find REALLY interesting, especially in ways that the game doesn’t really acknowledge at all. How would Skyward Sword Link feel, if he found out he truly didn’t finish the job? That the cycle continues on and on beyond him? That was the jumping off point.
Because it’s a cycle, I get a lot of ideas from like, which Links have experienced similar events, and how their experiences compare and contrast. What becomes history, and what actually happened? And I also use a lot of my own experiences playing the games as inspiration! I’d played as many as I had access to when I started the au in 2021, but I’ve made it my mission to play every single game a Link is featured in before they get introduced in the comic lol. Still got a few more to go, but I’m almost there!
As for the second question, absolutely! If I’m showing someone’s home in the comic, I try really hard to add details that tell you something about them. At the very least, I want them to look lived in lol
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like, Slate still having the champion’s weapons on display in his house. Zelda’s mostly taken over the first floor as her workshop, even adding a Sheikah tech furnace somehow. She’s filled her room with pictures she’s taken on the walls. She’s got a sand seal plush from Riju, a Sheikah jacket from Impa. Her workspace is a little cluttered!
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On the other hand, Slate’s room upstairs looks a little less personal. He’s got some pictures on the wall, and some plants growing from around hyrule (that Zelda has kind of commandeered for research lol) but otherwise he’s left it how Bolson and co furnished it. If anything, it’s mostly just for storage. He doesn’t actually spend much time sleeping here, but Zelda still doesn’t want to take it from him.
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Loft, Groose and Zelda’s room is very cozy ( I should have added more blankets. Imagine like 4 times the amount of pillows and blankets) and tidy, but there’s still a little mess— shoes left out, basket of poorly folded clothes, etc. Cute knickknacks, mostly made by loft and groose! It’s not in this sc but groose’s comb is somewhere I think lol
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Idk if iced shared this detail before, but Loft put a lot of effort into designing and carving (probably with some assistance) these columns for the house! Even though carving’s hard for him these days. It was his biggest contribution.
anyway, those are some of my thoughts!! I’m so happy to hear you’ve been enjoying the comic! Thanks for reading!!
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and being office workers
requested by @turquoisefluff-1767: "Could you please write about how the SVT members would behave as colleagues working in a corporate office set-up? The recent office-themed FML concept photographs and a strong urge to escape my own monotonous office routine has made me rather curious about this concept. Thank you!"
notes: i tried my best! i've never actually worked in an office before lmao so this is based solely on books ive read and the meagre research i tried to do about it ^-^
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assistant manager, but probably ends up working overtime bc he's taking on his duties along with the manager's duties too bc the other guy is so lazy. was the supervisor for dino for almost 2 years bc the manager forgot to actually hire him. has approved approximately 60% of the successful projects within his department. is secretly plotting to get the manager fired so he can take his position and get the higher pay
company favourite. has been asked to be the face of the company a total of three times since he's joined. comes in half an hour late every single day, is the loudest to complain when wonwoo's coffee is too bitter. organises the halloween event. and the valentines event. rigged the secret santa so everyone picked the person they wanted the least, was exposed not even a week after the event
either is glued to his desk or nowhere near it. the lovely colleague, everyone approaches him with concerns bc he always looks so willing to listen. nods along rlly seriously as someone talks to him, but afterwards the only advice he gives is "just kill it/them". however, is always the one that people go to when they can't figure out how to work excel. somehow knows all those spreadsheet hacks that everyone forgets after going through high school
resident biscuit supplier in the break room. he's just doing a corporate job for fun tbh, bc he's actually fucking loaded and was bored and needed something to do in his spare time. emails cat pictures to everyone while at work. is somehow always the one that jeonghan picks to stay behind w him to decorate the office before an event the next day. secretly the department ace even tho he has no idea what he did that was so brilliant
always has beef with the photocopier. can be found slapping and kicking the thing at least 3 times a week and if not, then he's probably squinting at the login screen wondering why the blasted machine has locked him out again. gets drunk at every single company dinner, has to be dragged out before he can start loudly exposing everyone on how much they hate their manager
everyone complains when he's in charge of making the coffee for the day bc it's always way too bitter and so strong. even so, practically half the department has a crush on him bc he's the handsome, quiet guy who is just so everyone's type. has to be wheedled and convinced into coming to any company dinners and gatherings bc he'd much rather ruin his eyes by continuing to stare at a screen when he gets home n play his computer games
everyone goes to him for tech problems rather than actually ringing up anyone in their IT department. had everyone terrified of him for a good 5 months when they first join bc all they've heard about him are the horror stories of him beating someone up with a computer keyboard. associate manager in seungcheol's department, has approved the other 40% of successful projects even though it's not even his job
only ever arrives the exact second he's supposed to come to work. leaves as soon as the work day is over. comes in with a flurry of silk scarves and fancy coats like a designer whirlwind, peering at everyone judgingly over his glasses. gets asked why a fancy person like him is working in such a monotonous job every month. always just laughs in response and sips his black coffee
probably works in marketing. idk why, he just gives that kind of vibe. is being promoted like every year bc he's just so vigorous and passionate about his job. as soon as the weather no longer looks in danger of being freezing, he's ditching his blazer and Only wears his dress shirt that makes his biceps look good without even trying. walks in and is immediate taking his coat off, flexing his arms and smirking at the squeals as he goes to his desk
seems to be the only one who genuinely adores his job. or maybe that's just him loving his colleagues. acts the most surprised when junhui's cookies are gone within the day he brings them in, tries to discreetly wipe away the crumbs around his mouth as he's helping the guy narrow down the list of suspects. invites everyone to the nearby bar every friday, ends up convincing another person to pay
has the biggest smile on his face every single day. tells everyone to cheer up in the break room whenever they've had a bad day, but is always complaining about how much he hates his job whenever he can. still with the big smile on his face. knows all the gossip, even amongst all the interns
also knows all the gossip, for some reason. never spills anything unless he's been bribed with the expensive cookies that junhui sometimes buys. is always standing there awkwardly in the back of the break room whenever a breakup or something dramatic is happening. the only one who tries to help hoshi every time he has trouble with the photocopier. walks away like nothing happened when he manages to make it worse and has the machine spilling ink everywhere
was an intern for way too long before he was actually hired to work at the company. as a result, knows the ins and outs of the photocopiers way too well. still never helps hoshi when he gets stuck tho, bc it's just so funny to watch him swear and kick the machine. the funniest at company dinners, is always doing his impressions and showing off his made-up characters in his skits which leaves everyone in stitches
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currently taking requests
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box-architecture · 3 months
Ok sooo… for the Blob au do the like canon events still happen? Like does Dream go to prison? If so is Dream blob forced to go with him? Does Quackity get a blob?…
Yes! Canon events happen up to prison. This is sort of a little fun extra stuff tied to the communication knife au, so canon for blob au diverges where ckau does (aka when Sam and Dream have sex in prison, then continue to have a poly relationship with Punz post-prison.) This AU was largely because my friend (@corvesfelinesart) drew a lot of cute images of Sam as a blob, and I really wanted to write cute stuff about Blob Sam and awesamdrunz. It's not overly complex, just Fun Fluff, yknow?
Blob Dream doesn't accompany his admin to prison. Most of the time, the blobs Dream creates are meant to be running around checking for bugs or damage to the server. The ones Dream gives Imprints to, like Sap's blob or Techno's blob, tend to focus more their Imprints instincts rather than going around the server and doing their job, hence Blob Tech leaving Dreams side immeadietly to go find Technos dogs. They're still capable of damage control! They're just. Selective about which areas they prefer to be in.
Blob Dream, while Dream himself is in prison, continues to do his job around the server and often spies on other players to make sure they're healthy and safe. He doesn’t register any of the pain or suffering that Dream experiences while in prison, but it does experience a slight change in behavior, becoming more prone to hoarding and nervous around people.
Dream has to consciously make an effort to imprint a players soul onto a blob, and he has never had any intention of making an imprint of Quackity. Imprinted blobs are fun, but they're aren't very useful tools. He couldn't use it a Blob Quackity to his advantage when it only mimics a players base instincts, and it'd more likely than not be hostile to Blob Dream.
List of blobs Dream has made: Sapblob, Gogyblob, Tommyblob, Tubboblob, Fundyblob, Ranblob, Punzblob, Technoblob, Samblob, possibly more if I remember later.
Dream showed Tommy his ability to make blobs during exile as a sort of way to cheer him up during one of their good moments. Tommy was absolutely delighted, but then he got a little hesitant as he asked if Dream could make one of Tubbo. Dream didn't say anything. Tommy's blob eventually fucked off into the wilderness and made its own little nest in the ground. Dream made a Tubboblob to keep him company, and ignores them otherwise.
Ranblob, made alongside Punzblob while they were all planning Staged Finale, occasionally comes to visit them, but post-Ranboos death, Tubboblob has become hostile every time it shows up. Ranblob is usually found accompanying Ranboo at a distance otherwise.
Fundyblob was made during Dream and Fundys brief partnership, just a thing to make Fundy smile. Currently it's sleeping in a drawer in Fundys house. It plays with Yogurt sometimes, but doesn't really like leaving the house.
Sapblob and Gogyblob were made around the beginning of the server, also for pure fun. It was interesting watching the Dream Team's blobs play together, like watching a cat doing zoomies. Dreamblob hasn't approached either of them in ages, but if he did, Sapblob would maw on his head (supposedly in anger, but really he just missed him) and Gogyblob would likely attempt to sit on top of him to prevent it from leaving.
Technoblob was 100 percent just thinking Techno was Very Cool and wanting to make a little guy of him. He was very indignant when said blob bonked him with its head several times and then hopped away. What does that even mean!?
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notaplaceofhonour · 3 months
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absolutely unhinged “Stabbed in the Back” libel shit. what parallel universe do you live in where you think Jews have been “silent” about ICE or human rights violations on the US border? bitch please
the idea that Jews as a people “turned their backs” on queer, BIPoC, & disabled people would be laughably stupid if it weren’t so incredibly insidious, not least of all because it erases the Jewish people, an indigenous tribe, of indigeneity (which is wildly anti-indigenous AND antisemitic) & some of us are queer, disabled, or otherwise BIPoC—but this is also textbook scapegoating, casting Jews in the role of Judas to justify cursing our name; all this asshole is missing is the mention of “30 pieces of silver”
congrats, we live in a global world: the US & US-based companies buy tech from companies in other countries, & vice versa; it isn’t uncommon for police depts & govt agencies to speak to those in other countries about strategies for how to do their jobs more effectively. Israel isn’t unique here, and blaming Israel for American police brutality because an Israeli group gave lectures on how to handle & de-escalate terror attacks & hostage crises to American police is unhinged—as is trying to act like a prison buying software from an AI & user experience company that happens to be in Israel has fuck all to do with either the Israeli government or Israeli Jews broadly (much less Jews elsewhere). it’s red yarn on a cork board shit.
and I don’t know what post this person hallucinated where I or anyone else supposedly talked about planning to “sell out” anyone, but that kind of accusation is par for the course for the rest of this person’s screed
also: good for you, you’re willing to be deported if Trump is president; who tf are you to make that decision for every other Hispanic person in America? who are you to force that on the millions of queer & disabled people in America? the fact this person is willing to put everyone else at risk because they’re personally willing to pay for it is self-centered & self-righteous as fuck
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agendabymooner · 10 months
odds || pg10 fic
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“I’m never giving up against all odds.”
pierre gasly x ofc (88rising!singer!ofc)
Summary: Her songs told a story about how her courtship with Pierre Gasly went and ended in a happy note. OR their timing wasn't always right— that was what she thought as she continued to think that their situationship’s downfall would happen sooner or later. 
Content warning: Based on Niki’s EP, wanna take this downtown. No specific date is used for the release of her music. Use of explicit language, situationship scenarios, miscommunication, OFC being set up, Pierre being a dry texter, only uses a partner’s name (nothing too personal- just a passing comment), a bit angst but has a happy ending (?), indented texts are lyrics
Note: I’m not sure if my taglist would like to read this but I’m adding them into the list just in case :)) enjoy xx
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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This has got to be a joke. The universe fuckin’ hates my guts.  Remindin’ me ‘U’ and ‘I’ don’t spell ‘us.’
To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Heeeey!!! My brain is soooo fried today and Brian decided to fuck up my computer. Now I’m just here doing nothing but hope that my dear tech works in the next hour. Sent at 10:21 PM
To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): How r u??? I hope you’re not training too hard and you’re hydrating :) Sent at 10:25 PM
From Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Good morning, Ens. Have 2 train sadly ttyl ;) Sent at 8:31 AM
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Well wasn’t that fucking sad, Ensley huffed out quietly to herself as she wished to throw her phone against the wall. They’ve been in what… two dates?
Well, two in-person dates and three unofficial FaceTime dates with shitty takeouts in front of them. Not that she counted; she could have sworn she did not like him that much. 
She wasn’t sure who she was lying to more, though. But just as she continued to deny that she hadn’t looked at her phone every thirty seconds, she was feeling more pathetic. 
What was it about men and why did she continue to give them all a chance? All they do was fuck it up and Ensley was going insane at the thought that the cycle of being with the shittiest men ever wasn’t broken. 
“All I know is suddenly without you, the bed feels too big… That’s good. Good job Henny.”
“Trying to find where your head is but I’m losing myself in the process— no wait, tryna,” she muttered to herself before scratching out the first word of her chorus. 
She thought that songwriting was a way to distract herself from the Pierre fiasco. Everyone said so, as well. They thought that if she kept her head straight she’d be able to think of inspiration and clearly they were right. 
Her friends, Brian and Joji, were laughing at the fact that the said inspiration was the same person they tried to distract her from. 
Pierre Gasly. The man who continued to travel as the Formula One season went on while Ensley remained in Los Angeles. Pierre was the man that the Indonesian woman had been thinking about day after day, his charming personality filling that empty space in her head after he asked if she’d be more than willing to take their relationship to the next level. 
He did warn her about his busy schedule, which Ensley was grateful for. What he hadn’t told her, though, was that he’d eventually drive her insane because of the lack of texts he’d send as time went on— all thanks to his schedule. 
The first month of their situationship was great. He managed to call her and asked if she had supper or whatever meal it was she had to eat in her time zone. He’d often eat his food just as she’d munch on whatever she had that day— sharing conversations while they took a break from whatever the fuck they were doing. 
Hell, Ensley also managed to take the international railways to Rome to meet with him. They were getting along so well that she cuddled with him in his bed twice. 
But in the second month? Fuck, she wasn’t sure anymore. Perhaps it was because it’s the last month of the racing season and everybody’s scrambling to make their way up to the World Driver’s Championship rankings— that included the Frenchman. 
She could understand how busy it is for Pierre and she did what she could to not hover around him. But she was missing him terribly— him and his sex jokes and his never ending storytelling. What could she do? Nothing. She didn’t have any form of label but a situationship with him. 
“You come see me only when I ask first. When you kiss me— do you wish it were her?” 
“—That’s bullshit,” Brian exclaimed as he stood by the oven of Ensley’s open kitchen. Ensley glared at him, and her friend (Brian’s girlfriend) Vanntey smacked him lightly as a warning. Brian gave his girlfriend a questioning look and stated, “Boy Baguette didn’t even kiss her yet! Henny, don’t put that in if this song is about Pierre. That’s just full on delusional.”
“Who says it’s about him?” Vanntey asked with a scoff before telling Ensley, “Henny— your song, not Brian’s. Do whatever the hell you want.”
“At least someone’s sensible enough,” Ensley murmured before turning back to her notepad. Her Twitter notification, one that she intentionally left opened, made a noise as she glanced down at the “related tweet” notification. The post and the responses that came with it were… baffling to say the least.
We share different postal codes Maybe that’s why I never got the memo; She’s the real deal, and I was just a pretty demo.
ensleygaslysoz: y’all— pierre’s ex was at the paddock today 😭😭
misskikagasly: ok but they were cute as hell b4 tho 🫠 no h8 to ensley but kika was the shit and i think they should get back together
Ensley’s shoulders slumped at the comments. God’s timing was always wrong, and she’s never hated anything more than the fact that she was actually besotted and in love with Pierre Gasly.
And chances are that he was just waffling about taking their relationship to another level. Men lied to Ensley endlessly, and if she didn’t know any better— she would’ve fallen harder than she did with him. 
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And yet my world remains the whole of you to this day. Doesn’t matter what my location says. I’m always tryna get to you.
From Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Are you going to be in London sometime soon? I will be back in Milan and I’d like to stay in with you :) Text me when you get this Sent at 12:31 AM
To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Can’t. Sorry— Still in the process of producing an EP :) looking forward to chatting soon Sent at 12:32 AM
From Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Likewise. Sent at 2:01 AM
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When I'm there, you're not You're here, I'm caught up with my job And your clingy ex comes back a lot Then she leaves and you shoot your shot  But there's someone new I've got
The 88rising studio was where she stayed most of the time now. With the record label releasing an album with their artists, Ensley’s time was taken up by her work as she continued to produce four songs with them. 
That and her own EP took up her entire schedule, thus furthering her communication line with the Alpine driver. 
So much for a good situationship. 
“You wrote this song, Hen,” Isaac — one of the songwriters — told her with a shrug, “he lives in Milan, right? Instead of, I mean, Manhattan’s nice, why don’t you put, Milan is nice?” 
“They have good sunsets in NY,” she murmured quietly. “Look— let’s not talk about him. He’s got his business— this is mine.”
“Your EP so far shows that you’re writing about him,” Isaac replied. “By the way, you’ve got one more to write if you want to have four tracks.” 
“Eventually,” Ensley responded with a wave, her shoulders sagging before her sight moved from the screen of her laptop to the door that swung open. 
Brian walked in with a shit-eating grin, he was followed by Jackson Wang who carried, Ensley could’ve sworn, the biggest bouquet that could’ve ever existed. And just as Jackson walked towards her with a huge smile, her eyes scanned the set and the white card that contrasted with it. 
Dahlias and daisies. She never even mentioned it to anyone before.
Then she remembered a conversation she had about flower markets. She loved Los Angeles, but she couldn’t help but swoon over those Pinterest boards full of flower markets in Italy. 
She tried to romanticize her life in the UK before, but when she flew out to Milan once to see the beauty of it? Nothing could compare to Italy. She remembered telling Pierre that— how she’d kill to have the prettiest flowers in her flat that came straight from the market. 
“What kind of flowers do you like, then?” Pierre asked, amused at the sight of her swooning as she continued to squeal at the photo. 
“If I were to get my photos taken like this? Ugh,” Ensley grinned from ear to ear, “daisies? There’s just something about daisies that makes me think of I dunno… summer? I love the sun— I’m sure you can understand that. You live in Milan.”
“I do.”
“And what else? Huh… Dahlia!” Ensley exclaimed. “It’s just a nice name, no?” 
“I agree,” Pierre said thoughtfully before repeating the word, “dahlia, dahlia, dahlia… It’s a pretty name, indeed.” 
À la plus jolie fille, was intricately written on the envelope as her stomach fluttered at the name. He always called her that for whatever reason, and she eventually learned why. 
“Pretty girl,” Ensley translated the writing as she thanked Jackson, holding the bouquet before placing it down on the table. Her hand eventually grabbed onto the card and pulled out the letter. She didn’t care about her friends as they watched her expectantly. 
Her eyes remained on the letter. 
“My Collette,
This is not bought to make up for my absence, but to remind you that you are as cherished as the bright flowers in this bouquet. I hope you’re taking care of yourself, ma jolie fille.
While I cannot speak to you, I’ll continue to think about you.
Your Linguini.”
“Your— your Linguini?!” Jackson gasped from behind her, making her turn around as she watched Brian wheeze in laughter. 
The glare that she gave the two left Jackson to shut his mouth and Brian to continue his teasing. Regardless of what the singer just watched, Jackson shook himself out of his thoughts and asked, “Are you gonna text him?” 
But she already did. Long before Jackson could even comment. 
Her eyes scanned on the text message she sent Pierre, knowing full well that he wouldn’t text back a minute or so later.
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To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): They’re the prettiest. Thank you, Remy ❤️ Sent at 3:21 PM.
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'Cause I know you've got somebody My friends say I could have anybody now that I'm somebody But I don't care if I'm nobody to you, oh
She sighed, not knowing if it was out of contention or sadness. All she was getting from him so far was mixed messages, with him having his ex in the paddock and sending the flowers.
He seemed to be happy to be around his ex, and she was still nobody to him but some person he wasn’t really in a relationship with. 
Maybe she should try to shift her attention away from him. Maybe she wouldn’t think a lot about him that way. 
And that was what she did. She stayed in London for a week or so after her other single with 88rising, La La Lost You, was released. She hung out with Will Lenney and his mates. 
She found herself sitting between Harry Lewis (or Wroetoshaw for those he didn’t know well) and Becky James. Harry was newly single and everyone tried to set him up with anyone with a pair of boobs; Ensley was sadly the newest target of their interest. 
But between the two of them, Ensley and Harry’s “not so friendly” interactions were nothing but banters. They wouldn’t hesitate to tell each other that they’d kiss each other on the mouth but they wouldn’t dare let their jokes go as far as touching each other with a ten-foot pole.
Regardless, everyone tried to root for them and getting too drunk meant trouble. Everyone saw what they wanted to see, immediately pulling their phones out to make a post or more about the two as Ensley and Harry cuddled up in the booth. 
“Why do you let the bloody idiot win, Ens?” Harry whined against the ear of the singer, ranting about Pierre as the Guernsey man continued, “I saw the tweets you know? You’re as much of a somebody as he is— don’t let the bloody cunt ruin your life.” 
“Too late, Harold,” Ensley slurred, sipping on her third sangria of the night. She and Harry didn’t even notice Becky nor their other friend Callum recording their interaction in the background, for the two of them were busy bitching to each other. “He’s ruined me- as in ruined me the moment I went to the bloody Grand Prix in Singapore. In a good way though!” 
“Ruin you in a good way,” Harry scoffed, his hand rubbing her back for comfort as he continued, “You’re writing about him. Your fuckin’ EP is all about him— it’s only reserved for those bastards who broke your heart obviously he’s one of them!” 
“No, they’re really not,” Ensley snorted, “my songs are not all about heartbreak nor friends with benefits I fall in love with.”
“Then name one song about loving then.” 
I know it's pathetic but I couldn't care less I'd wait until the stars uncross and say yes I'll always try to get you
Harry’s drunken state continued to be a factor in his calling out as he raised a brow, “See? You’re a bad fucking liar, Ensley. You love him and you’re yearning— I can see it on your bloody face. So now you’re writing about how much he’s letting you down.”
She pouted in annoyance and slumped against his chest. Pierre didn’t even know how much she yearned for him. At the wrong time, while you’re at it. But she didn’t care. 
It’s been nearly a week since they last spoke, and their messages consist of nothing but dry responses and simple check-ins. Was it to ensure that the hope for a successful relationship remains intact or to actually make sure that they still had each other to talk to and that they hadn’t gone and talked to other people? Ensley wasn’t sure. 
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To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): What are we? Like… really?
From Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Whatever you would like us to be. And hello too?
To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Hi. And really? We kept on saying that we’d be making plans but they never happened. It’s like I dunno. We’re avoiding each other because we’re always busy. 
To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): I know I have to make the effort to come by sometimes, but then… How would you even the odds? I really don’t make an excuse when it comes to heading to London just to take the railways and see you.
To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): I’m not even mad. I’m just saying that my time and heart are yours should they be available. Break my heart as much as you’d like but try to even out these odds— without girls trying to waste your time and mine.
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The next day she had woken up with an infuriating headache. Thanks to the sangrias she had and Sambuca shots she was handed, she wasn’t able to get in touch with Pierre as early as she could.
She could, however, strangle Will and the rest of their group for posting those cutesy pictures of herself and Harry while the pair were chatting shit about whatever. Everyone now thought that they were seeing each other. 
“WroetoSoleil? Harry, I'm begging you to bag her already!!!” Said one tweet. 
“This is a sign that the friends-to-lovers trope is real.” 
“Pierre, where you at? Ensley’s being won over by W2S now!” 
“I still have some faith in Pierre and Ensley, tbh.” 
And to be honest, Ensley was still faithful to the two of them too. It’s only a matter of time before she begins to shift to someone else if neither of them makes a move. 
Well… she already made hers. It was his game to play now.
She tried to get on with her day after getting too drunk with her friend’s mates. Her flat in London was surprisingly less than dusty despite being untouched for a while. She supposed that’s what happened when she allowed Will and the other lots to occupy her place whilst she lived in LA. 
Then her attention diverted to her notes, writing down lyrics as she sipped on her homemade tea. 
She hadn’t even realized that she had Pierre muted — out of annoyance — until her phone began to go off. She peered down only to see an unknown number FaceTiming her. 
But it said Monaco at the bottom of the number. She could assume that…
“W- oi! Hello!” 
Never in my damn favour I don’t want you for later Never was much of a waiter.
She was right. It was Lando and a certain Monegasque. This number was Charles Leclerc’s and she was subjected to some bullshit that they were up to. 
“I’m ending the call—“
“Wait- no! Henny, don’t! We have to talk,” Charles started. They weren’t even close yet he called her Henny. Whatever he was trying to say, he was desperate to get it out before she could end her call. 
She sat her phone on the coffee table and crossed her arms, watching the two men scramble as they both sat down.
“We heard about what happened with you and Pierre,” Lando started. “Like how you two haven’t spoken properly and all that…?”
Ensley stared back at them, making the two sigh. They wouldn’t be able to get something out of her and so Charles went on, “He saw that picture and video of you and that guy… What's his name— Harry? Yeah, he saw it and he’s basically just… pouting and all that.”
“Long story short, there’s a lot of miscommunication going on between the two of you,” Lando cut off the Monegasque. “I know you’d never date Harry and we all know that Pierre’s not seeing his ex. The two of you right now are misunderstanding each other— just talk, please. Both of you are sulking and we’re all sick of you two being lovesick and shit.”
“It’s not that easy, you bastard,” Ensley swore, flipping off Lando as she grumbled, “Every time I’m available, he isn’t. Whenever I’m not, he’s coming around asking me to travel to Italy as if I have the money to travel with. I’m not as well off as you guys— and clearly, he isn’t making the same effort as me!” 
“How? He’s sent you a lot of flowers,” Charles pointed out. Ensley smothered her face in the cushion and screamed before she turned back to look at her screen with a grim smile.
“You’ve obviously no concept of making an effort without using a material, and it shows,” Ensley snarked.
“It’s just… he’s never asked me if he can stay over in my flat in London before,” she sighed, “it’s always me who has to adjust. I do appreciate it but at the same time… what about me? What if I can’t make it there and he’s still available? Will it stay like that? Just me hoping for some miracle that he’d come by? It’s just… I don’t know. It’s just tiring having to work hard only to end up with nada.” 
Lando and Charles shared a worried look. Clearly, they didn’t understand her side of the story until now. It wasn’t as if she was painted as a bad person— they genuinely didn’t know how she and Pierre spoke and how the duo treated each other. 
“I’m just so ready to say, ‘Yes, be my boyfriend like I’m begging’ but he’s not there all the time for me to answer it!” Ensley exclaimed in frustration, crossing her arms in annoyance as she slumped against the couch. 
“French boy—“
“I’m Monegasque—“
“Monaco boy, tell your best friend that he’s a piece of shit for making me feel like this—“ Ensley said. “God I just want to see him but at the same time I don’t—!”
“Because I know he wouldn’t even these odds no matter how much he wants to,” Ensley chuckled humourlessly. “I don’t even know if he wants to.”
But I’d wait on you to drink you in
Lando almost glanced in front of them, only nodding along at Ensley’s rants. Meanwhile, Charles stared at Pierre with a raised brow. 
The Frenchman sighed silently. 
He really didn’t want to mess this chance up, but it was too bad some things didn’t like to go in his favour.
Even the odds, indeed.
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From Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Hello mon amour, are you still in London? Sent at 8:21 AM.
To Pesky Pierre: Yes… why? Sent at 8:22 AM.
From Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Are you off to somewhere else today? Sent at 8:22 AM.
To Pesky Pierre (Respectful): I— why are you being so cryptic? But no, I’m just staying in. 8:23 AM.
From Pesky Pierre (Respectful): Okay. See you in half an hour :)
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When I'm there you should, I don't know, like, call up your boss Probably take the day off Maybe we could change the odds!
Ensley Zara Soleil was never the one for surprises. She loathed them so bad. 
But if surprises came in the form of an Alpine driver often then she was willing to welcome it with open arms. Pierre Gasly stood in front of her flat with a bouquet of dahlias and daisies in hand, his smile brightening her day immediately as Ensley smiled like a fool. 
She’s never felt this great over a man for a long time.
“I’m here to even the odds,” Pierre told her with a grin before it fell into a serious expression as he said, “I’m really sorry if I haven’t tried to do it before. I was the one who pursued you first and I should’ve tried harder—“
“Pardon?” Pierre gave Ensley a puzzled look. 
And rather than telling to shush once more, Ensley gave him a wide grin and took the bouquet from his hand. The confused look remained on Pierre’s face for a brief moment as she inhaled the scent of the flowers. 
“You’re here now, P,” Ensley told him. “I was wondering what you meant by your text but I’ve been expecting you… for a good while.”
Pierre’s confusion was replaced by a wide smile, pushing his shoulders back as he said, “So… where can I start?” 
Ensley smiled and stepped aside, allowing him to enter her flat as she said, “Come in and have a cuppa. We’ve got a lot of things to catch-up on.” 
Don't care how long it takes,  My heart is yours to break I'm never giving up against all odds
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico
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earthstellar · 1 year
it is time to be old on the internet: TFP Ratchet's hatred of 2010 era human tech is hilarious
every time Ratchet complains about shitty human technology in TFP, it's so funny to me, that shit is so good
because, I mean, I grew up with the first computer in my house being a fucking Tandy 1000, which to be fair wasn't exactly the hottest model even then, but still LMAO
the first modem I ever messed with as a kid was the wood box phone receiver type, the acoustic coupler ones, which was my dad's, and he only had it because his job at a local university meant he could borrow one from their tech lab (so we didn't technically own it)
if I remember correctly, the one we had ran at 300 baud, which was fucking amazing for such a set up at the time. slightly later AOL dial up looked like lightning speed compared to that shit.
my first chat rooms were BBS/Usenet (whenever I could connect) and IRC chats. now everyone has Discord and I still don't understand how that shit works lmao but that's more of a me problem and less of an age problem, I think
we got dial up (in the "modern" sense of it being AOL dial up service with the infamous hell noises) in my household in 1994, back when it was pretty much a brand new thing (at least for AOL), and I remember the Eternal September Usenet rush, lmao
imagine if TFP took place in the 80s/90s, oh my god
(I'm assuming TFP takes place in roughly 2010 because that's when the show premiered, and Miko has some kind of Razr-inspired flip phone, so if we assume it's supposed to be based on the first model of Razr, then at the earliest that places the show in 2004)
Ratchet would have gone completely insane with old school internet capable consumer level human tech
Ratchet: "How do I look at photos on this monitor?"
80s Raf: "what"
Ratchet: "what"
oh god now I want an 80s/90s TFP AU so fucking bad. imagine 80s Raf. it's so good
oh god, IMAGINE 90s RAF. just getting traumatised by terrifying shitty mid-90s FMV horror games. this poor boy. but imagine his hype when the PS1 would come out in the USA in 1995. the hype would be so fucking real. lmao
also for those of you who are Younger and Blessed With Good Internet From An Early Age, if you want a good idea of old school internet shit, go ahead and watch WarGames (1983) and look up 2600 Magazine and Mondo 2000 if you don't already know about those.
(personally I consider WarGames and Hackers (1995) to be the two best simultaneously dumbest and best movie depictions of computer bullshit in their respective eras, although Hackers was more of a thing that informed cyber culture after it released rather than reflecting actual hacker culture as it was at that exact time but anyway, please watch them if you have not seen them already, you will love this shit lmao)
I assume almost all of you already know about this stuff, but just in case, I want to mention it. those two movies are really good. lol
anyway, Ratchet dealing with early internet. early shitty human tech. or at least the 90s shit. imagine Ratchet having to listen to the fucking dial up screeching. the kids having to look through geocities webrings to see if any images of the bots had been leaked on any conspiracy websites. just 10/10 lmaooo
"I hate talking to machines" Ratchet, buddy, you have NO IDEA how bad it could have been!!!
anyway I'm old, I guess that's the point of this post LOL
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fitzrove · 8 months
Not touching the original post HAHSHFHGJG but omg y'all need to learn to be normal about gen z this is embarrassing
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i'm begging people online to talk to actual 20ish year olds and not make assumptions based on your tiktok user niece that you see once a year at family gatherings and crap.
We are not children. we are adults in college and grad school and shit (median age in my MA is about 23) and most of us in fact know how to use laptops, word processors, folders and basic software........... Almost every entry level office job (which we are holding down and applying to to be able to afford grad school!!!!!!!) requires microsoft office skills (excel etc) so it's laughable to make claims like this with zero non-anecdotal evidence
This keeps happening in posts about gen z doing this and that and I'm fucking tired!!!! I stg being born in 1994 doesnt make you smarter or more tech literate than younger generations it just makes you (at least some ppl) smug and annoying apparently!!!!!!!!
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Silent Touches| Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem! Reader
Summary: He’d never shown any interest. Yet somehow, she ended up in his lap, held so close it seemed as though he needed her. 
Content: Ghost is bad in bed (but he’s learning), cannot effectively communicate, and has a tonne of intimacy issues. He’s also a pining idiot. Use of bindings and blindfolds. They’re both eagerly into it. Creampies happen. No use of Y/N, use of She/Her pronouns.  
Word Count: 1474.
Note: This is not at all my usual content, it’s usually much darker and not Ghost centred, so beware checking out my blog!
She never expected it to happen, these quiet soft moments between them. She was just the computer guy. The tech wizard brought into the 141 to deal with all of the hard-drives they recovered, to write viruses for them to implant, to make sure their equipment was as safe as she could make it. She was kept to the side, never really interacting with those who went out into the field unless she was helping them out with something.
It was lonely. Which might be why she didn't say no when Lieutanant Ghost approached her that one night. She saw him more than she saw the others. He was either always working, or resting at base between jobs. There didn't seem to be a home for him to go back to - and if there was, he sorely neglected it.
It had been late, not that she'd ever notice. Her little work room, right beside the bases' servers, had no windows. And she was so absorbed into her work that the little clock in the corner of her screen stopped existing to her. Ghost's presence pulled her out of the stupor. Who knows how long he'd been hovering behind her before he leaned over, placing another laptop onto her desk and making her jump.
"Recovered it from a terrorist nest in East London. Laswell says its priority."
She nodded, rubbing her tired eyes and finally checking the clock. 2:34AM. And her coffee had gone stone cold.
"I'll be right back; need to fill this up. You want anything?"
He never said yes, but it was polite to ask. Whenever something was priority Ghost would hover around, waiting for the job to be done. Even if it took hours. He must be as tired as her, his gear had been removed but his eyes were red and agitated. His weapons mostly returned to the locker, but a handgun and knife were always present.
Ghost stayed silent the entire time she worked, save for pointing out what was and wasn't useful. The damn hard drive was jamb-packed with information, most of it seemingly useless and misleading. Things could have still been hidden among the nonsense.
It was around 7AM when she had to stop. She was far from done, but with how exhausted she was, she was liable to miss things. She put her searching software to use, looking for keywords Ghost provided (including the currently known code-words this group was using), hoping it would dig up things she hadn't gotten to yet.
She didn't get to bed for another half hour. Not when Ghost had grasped her wrist, his grip gentle and unsure. He refused to look at her when he tugged her close, his other hand brushing her thigh before he held that too. Still gentle.
He looked up once. The question he refused to speak written all over his eyes as he squeezed his hands. He'd have let go if she said no. But she was lonely. And he was offering.
It couldn't be called fucking. Definitely wasn't making love. He tried to be gentle, but she could tell he didn't know what to do. Ghost could have bent her over her desk, could have picked her up and pinned her to the wall with ease. Instead he'd turned her around, shimmied her pants down to her knees, and had her sit with her back against his chest as he slowly humped up into her cunt. He kept his forehead pressed to her shoulder. He didn't make a peep. Just let out shaky breaths every so often as he ground himself deep.
It was slightly painful, definitely uncomfortable, with no preparation and the tip of his cock constantly pressing against her cervix. But she couldn't bring herself to push his hands away, couldn't deny him this little moment of relief.
It ended like it began. With no words uttered, just the shuffling of clothes and brief nods before they parted ways. She didn't see him stare after her as she left the room, underwear uncomfortably wet with his seed dripping into the fabric. Turns out staying on birth control was a good idea, after all.
It didn't stop at the one time. But it wasn't often, either. Neither of them acknowledged it happening, seemingly not even when they were doing it. And it was always in that manner, her back to his front, his masked face against her neck, his hips grinding rather than thrusting as his arms kept her close against his strong frame. But at least he changed it up with where they did it. He even took her standing one time. He always came inside.
It took her a while to notice the small changes. How he'd sit closer to her when waiting for results. How he'd shower before coming to her little room. How a bottle of water would be left beside her head when she'd fall asleep at her desk.
She definitely noticed when he started with the foreplay. His gloves coming off so he could circle her clit with the pads of his fingers before he slid himself inside. Telling her to keep her eyes shut as he lifted the lower half of his mask to lave kisses up her neck. He even bit her once. Must have had a really hard day.
It was much easier to enjoy it when he treated her like that. He was still insistent on humping her cervix, but at least she was wetter than a river while he did it.
She didn't want to say anything, lest she scared him off. He was learning - slowly - but he was getting more and more confident in returning the pleasure to her.
She'd grown so reliant on these moments, the affection and intimacy so deep even if it would seem cold to anyone else. Ghost didn't do this. He barked orders, accepted a bump of a fist or a back-pat at most. But she'd never seen him hug someone close like he did her, even if she wasn't allowed to touch him during their trysts. Sure, his cock wasn't filling anyone else up, but it was as confusing as it was complimentary.
Even when he met her in her bunk and had her ride him, he'd ensured that she couldn't touch him. He'd tied her hands behind her back, and even blindfolded her. It was hard to stay upright, but she kept her back straight for as long as she could as she bounced on his hips.
He was always so slow when he was in charge of the pace. To take the reigns and go as hard and fast as she could was relieving, and Ghost seemed to enjoy it, too. She'd felt the way has thighs had clenched beneath her's.
She couldn't keep it up forever, though. Eventually, Ghost took over. She had been so so close to cumming on his cock (for the first time since they'd began doing this, too) and the thought of feeling it wane away due to the Lieutenant's slow pace made her whine against his chest. His naked chest. He'd taken his clothes off this time, his mask, too. But only after the blindfold had gone on. His skin felt so hot against her cheek.
He wasn't slow, though. Not this time. Maybe he expected her to be as gentle as he had been when he'd settled her onto his hips. Maybe he'd thought that the gentleness was for her benefit and not for his. Whatever the reason, it didn't seem to matter anymore. He was rough, his hands firm on her hips, bringing her up before slamming her down and making her scream out. Something ended up shoved into her mouth, to keep her quiet and not have them caught. She wasn't technically military, more of a private contractor, so it's not like he'd be punished for this. But Ghost probably values privacy above anything else.
She came hard, muscles twitching, both her and Ghost's thighs drenched in her juices, her pitiful whines muffled by the fabric stuffed between her lips. It wiped her out for the night, making sleep satisfying when it came to her. Ghost didn't stay.
She couldn't say if things would progress further than that. If he'd ever untie her, let her see his face - if he'd ever even speak when he took her.
"Ghost will come pick up what you find when you're done," Price had said, shoving another little black box across the meeting room table towards you. Another raid. Another little thing to poke around in.
She remembered the times that would have meant nothing, for Ghost to pick something up. The hunger in his eyes, blatant and direct when she looked up at the masked man told her he wouldn't be waiting to come see her.
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