#but edas thinking about how darius already likes alador
dazeddoodles · 6 months
And Eda tells Camila that Darius worked in the red light district and that’s how she met him.
I meant they lied about sleeping with prostitutes not WORKING as prostitutes. But also
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luminoushane · 1 year
More Amity as Lilith's Child AU questions. (I think about this a normal amount) Sorry for bombarding with so many questions.
What last name is Amity using? I presume Clawthorne instead of Blight given her real parentage is meant to be a secret. If so I can imagine the Belos situation being even worse given who she has superficial similarities to.
Given Amity is over at The Owl House more as a kid what's her view on Hooty like? Does Lilith end up befriending him earlier as well?
At St Epiderm does Amity have any friends there? Does she still end up going there after moving into The Owl House (St Epiderm is expensive and money was pretty right after everything went down)and if not does she end up missing those friends?
You said Amity knew she was adopted, how much does she know about her birth family? How does the reunion with the twins go?
How does Amity react to finding out the truth about Lilith cursing Eda and then sharing the curse?
Of course a Lumity based question now. When does Amity begin to start catching feelings in this AU and how does that end up once she moves into The Owl House for season two? (Much blushing I presume)
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Lilith (begrudgingly) tolerates Hooty up until S2. I mean, he DID beat her up multiple times (given it was out of self defense.) So ya know
As for her last name, she is indeed using Clawthorne! Which did piss off Belos quite a bit. He knows about Amity's real parents though, and looms that over Lilith's head whenever he wants something done.
And yes, she eventually does transfer to Hexside:).
Her St. Epiderm life is pretty boring, she has ONE friend. Hexside was much better for her social skills.
Her reunion with the twins happen in Labyrinth runners! She eventually introduces herself as their presumed dead sister and Edric and Emira smile and just go "We know. We we're waiting for you to tell us yourself." Bc, c'mon. They're not stupid enough to not notice how similar she looked to Odalia and Alador. As far as she's concerned, she isn't really sure if she actually wants to KNOW about Alador and Odalia, because she knows Lilith and Darius always talked bad about them.
There was moment, when she was 6, where she met up with Odalia (without Odalia knowing who she was.) And she came back running to Lilith and asking if she would take her back because she doesn't like her real family. Lilith's heart breaks for her.
As for the curse? Well, Lilith and Amity's relationship SEVERELY deteriorated after S1, which only made Amity feel worse bc she already had a fallout with Hunter.
And finally, she catches feelings early on while pretending to be rivals! Luz actually asked her to be her (totally platonic) partner for Grom since she was chosen as Grom Queen, and Amity ends up saving her, which ultimately led to her accepting her feelings. Luz starts to reciprocate soon afterwards, since they started sharing the same space.
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i really really want a young eda spinoff and i know most people are thinking about the fluffy cute stuff, seeing the old hexsquad as kids and all. i want to see that too but i also hope they use that to play up the dramatic irony and the tragedy of it all
because like. we know where these kids end up. eda and lilith being the grudgeby champions of their school? lilith gives her sister a life-crippling curse in five months and neither of them know this. odalia, alador, and darius goofing around and being best friends? at some point, we know they have a falling out and darius ends up absolutely DESPISING them (or at least alador) for the next thirty years. darius looking up to his cool emperor’s coven mentor, THE golden guard, and thinking he’s the best role model in the world? we know what happens to that golden guard. raine being all excited to show everyone how good bard magic is? we know about their slow disillusionment with the coven system over the next decades, leading them to commit treason against the covens that they-and all their friends-have spent their entire childhoods dreaming of joining.
even if every episode ends with a satisfying conclusion and the characters being happy, knowing where they end up 30 years down the line means we know most of their “victories” are temporary. even if we have an episode where eda and raine have a great time at grom together, we know that eda’s refusal to talk about her problems eventually cause that relationship to deteriorate. even if we have an episode where eda helps lilith gain some confidence, we know that lilith’s envy eventually twists into resentment and causes her to curse her sister. even if we see odalador get together and become a surprisingly sweet couple, we know that odalias’ need for control, alador’s apathy, and both their ambitions eventually warps their romance into a stiff business partnership. and that the perfect happy family they might have wanted initially eventually becomes fake and loveless.
i want to learn about some of the kids’ families as well. i want to see if odalia and alador’s parents made them Like That to amity and the twins. the show is all about generational trauma, after all. it would be sad but understandable to see the blight parents be abused by their parents and know that they ended up repeating the cycle. people say odalia and alador might have broken off their friendship with darius because of family-enforced classism to parallel amity and willow, but are we sure odalia and alador were the rich kids in this scenario? darius was the one who had connections to the golden guard, after all, and this analysis by @yardsards lays out how odalia and alador may not have come from old money. if they lost a friend because they weren’t seen as “high society,” then it could explain why odalia is so obsessed with family image and prestige as an adult. and also, i want to see raine’s parents. why did they insist on sending raine to an expensive school they hated? were they part of why raine was so insecure about the bard magic thing or was that just the other kids? also, i want to see more of gwen and dell. we already know how gwen failed the clawthorne sisters as a mother i want to see how dell did it. (i love both of them so much but it takes both parents to make your kids Like That)
and i would love to see them explore the emperor’s regime through the eyes of kids who have never known anything else. the clawthornes were wild witches, but lilith especially dreamed of joining the emperor’s coven. was this the equivalent of being the first person in your family to go to college? belos had only been ruling for two decades by that point, but he’s had followers for hundreds of years. did some of the other kids have family that were in covens? was that how darius got the golden guard to mentor him?
and why WAS the golden guard from the emperor’s coven darius’s mentor, anyway, if he later joined the abominations coven? did darius originally plan to join the emperor’s coven, but changed his mind after the golden guard’s death? did the golden guard even mentor darius while he was in high school? was his death what caused darius to separate from the friend group? did the other kids have mentors to prepare them for coven tryouts as well? if so, then were the clawthorne sisters at a disadvantage, since they had no family connections to a mentor, and that’s why lilith got desperate? we got a glimpse of the coven indoctrination of children in eda’s flashback episode, so was there more of that at hexside? were there kids other than eda who didn’t want to join a coven, but were pressured into it by society after graduation?
there’s also a bunch of potential friendships between characters that barely interact in the main show. like eda and lilith were in the same track as boscha’s parents. were they friends? rivals? grudgeby teammates? similarly, odalia and perry porter were both in the oracle track. maybe they’re just classmates but it would be really funny if they were actually besties. we get a mention of darius and raine being friends/worsties in hexside but we don’t actually know what they were like! did raine annoy darius with catboy shit like they’re doing as an adult? if they were good friends, that puts raine’s attempt on his life as an adult in a tragic light, since they probably assumed their friend had been indoctrinated by the emperor, and even if they didn’t want to kill him, they had to. it would be a huge betrayal to darius too if that were the case. (but if they were worsties it makes that scene funnier bc raine saw the chance to murder this guy whos been annoying them since age 17 and JUMPED on it)
anyway this started out as speculation on how bittersweet a young eda spinoff would be if the audience already knows the ending of their story but it spiralled into every single headcanon i have about the old hexsquad. go figure
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sepublic · 2 years
            I sometimes think back to King’s Tide and how Darius backed down when Hettie threatened Eberwolf, and I think what Raine would’ve done in his situation. Because they are the person who in their debut episode, attempted a one-sided suicide pact to save the isles. Someone who knowingly estranged and hurt Eda, to their own agony, for the sake of Eda’s kids who really needed her and couldn’t risk losing to the rebellion.
         There’s also the fact that Raine was able to make the tough, yet healthy, move to cut Eda out of their life when Eda continued to isolate them with secrets about her condition and push them away. So with all that in mind, Raine continues to support this idea of someone who can and WILL make the tough call, do the unpleasant job, for the greater good. It hurts right now and certainly in the short-term, but Raine does have the larger sight to consider it all in the long-term.
         Compare that to Darius, whose attachment to his relationships is STRONGLY felt, even occasionally detrimental. He backs down for Eberwolf’s life, even though Eber is dead either way, because he cares too much. Darius clings to the memory of his mentor, to the point that he judges Hunter rather unfairly as his successor. While Alador never brings it up on his own, Darius is the one to initiate continued contact with a signed book, telling Kikimora to relay a message, and then checking Al’s Penstagram account in his free time.
         (Makes me wonder if losing Alador and Odalia were really things under Darius’ control either, in addition to the fact that they are their own people capable of making their own decisions. A lack of control in losing people might explain a bit…)
         That isn’t to say that Raine is cold and emotionless, either! They’re very in favor of revealing themselves to Eda in Hollow Mind… Though, you could argue it’s because their original reason for estranging her, keeping her kid safe, was at jeopardy to begin with. Contrast that with Darius, who tries to stick to the mission, but when Hunter is brought up, he immediately loses his cool.
         Anyhow, this is all to loop back and ask; If that was Raine there. And if it was not just Eberwolf, but even Eda being threatened… Would they back down to Hettie’s threat, or keep going? Because I can actually see them keep going. They very much accepted Eda’s own agency and choice in deciding to sacrifice herself to sabotage the ritual, and only stepped in when it was out of Eda’s hands, and because Luz had asked them to; Luz, one of two reasons Raine had done these difficult things for in the first place.
         They’d accepted the murder-suicide pact with Eda, both under the impression it’d save the isles. So with Eda already prepared to die for this… Yeah, I could see Raine just letting it happen, and Eda insisting they do. This is not to judge Darius or Eberwolf; They are their own people with understandable, human flaws. Dana said that Eberwolf trusts Darius a lot, so it’s possible Darius feels more responsible for Eber’s rebellion, and thus the danger they got themselves into. Darius feels very strongly and is very attached to his relationship, he just… clings to people like a pile of goop (I’m sorry).
         Whereas with Raine is fascinating, because they can and have made the tough call to cut themselves away from a loved one, for the greater good. An interesting parallel to Eda pushing them away, really, though arguably more justified and healthy in Raine’s case… But even if it’s healthier, does that make it healthy in general?
         (Man, Raine and Darius both have their shortcomings as rebels, but their own strengths as well. There’s what I mentioned, but on the other hand Darius was a lot more discreet as a rebel, and remained beneath detection until THE last second. They go well together.)
         Again, Raine is hardly cold; Raine gave up Eda and sabotaged their own cause for two kids they never even met and had only heard about once before during the petrification ceremony, having not yet made the familial connection. If that doesn’t betray a bleeding heart, I don’t know what does. Especially since Raine likely related to these kids, guessing correctly that Eda was pushing them away over her curse, and wanted to prevent the tragedy that happened between them and Eda, by reminding Eda to stick with THESE kids this time.
         And she did! Raine couldn’t get Eda to stay by their side those years ago, but they avoided repeating history for Luz and King, who also needed Eda. Man, it’s crazy how much is changed and re-contextualized in Eda’s Requiem with the very next episode afterwards. 
        Anyhow, with Raine being quite the public speaker with their own following, and the aforementioned pattern of making the difficult decision at times to cut others away, even accepting their own death and that of others, all for the greater good… They’re an understated parallel to Philip “I just need to live long enough to see this through” Wittebane, who sacrificed his brother for God’s will. Except, of course. Raine isn’t evil, just forced into actual dilemmas, by Belos himself. Man, so many characters really do reflect different facets of this messed-up puritan, huh?
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So thinking about doing an Owl house, Hazbin hotel AU. So basically the Owl house characters instead of the Hazbin characters.
I already have done a lot of concept art. I have character designs and more.
Tell me if I should write this and/or post some of the concept sketches I’ve already made.
here’s the character list.
Luz as Charlie, both energetic, see the good in people, and would do anything for their friends, I can even imagine Luz singing a bunch of Charlie’s songs
Amity as Vaggie, loyal, headstrong, want to prove themselves to be good girlfriends to their respective partners
Vee would be just there as the receptionist for the Hotel
Hunter as Angle Dust, both bad but sad boys, towards the end give me sibling vibes with the respective protagonists, and they do care but act like they don’t
Belos as Valentino, I hate them both so much, and both are extremely manipulative and sadistic
Eda as Husk*, honestly I can just see these two chatting about the others over apple blood. (*I want Eda as like a mentor/almost mother figure to Hunter)
Hooty will be Nifty, they can both be really unhinged
the Collector as Sir Pensouis, (I cannot spell that right) but both really aren’t too evil
Alastor as Alastor because I couldn’t find anyone who matched him
I might have Adrien be Vox
Darius will be Vellvet, so this will be more evil Darius
Alador will be Carmilla
Emira and Edric will be the role Carmilla’s daughters
Katya will be Cherri Bomb
I also want Double Trouble from She-ra somewhere
Adam will also be Adam, he’s just such a fun character already
Boscha will be Lute
Lilith will be Sera
Skara will be Emily
Manny and Camilia will be fallen angels
Manny is Lucifer
Camilla’s personality will have changed a lot especially depending how season 2 goes
I want to incorporate Willow, Evelyn and Caleb somewhere but that will depend on season 2 of HH
My Ask box is open if people want to know the Lore I have for some of the characters
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lollytea · 2 years
(I loved your ask so much I promise I'll get to it soon so please have this in return)
Darius approves of Willow because she reminds him of himself when he was that age, meanwhile Hunter is so offended on Willow's behalf that Darius thinks that because he's only ever known Darius as a rude adult
Like Darius hears some Willow story and thinks about how he used to be similar as a 15-16yo, and in that embarrassing dad supportive way says something like "That means she's a catch, don't fuck it up kid"
To which Hunter is like "excuse you, WILLOW doesn't skip meetings or sass everything everyone suggests, and she likes my fashion style!"
No but I've been thinking SO HARD about the potential ways that Darius could see his younger self in Willow. Obviously they're both very ✨️❗️💪👑 but I wonder if all that is coming from a similar place.
Like Willow has all this radiant self confidence and bravado, which we know is something that she built for herself rather than something she was born with. What if Darius went through a few similar sequences in his youth that made him into the person that he is today.
What if he was a shy insecure kid at one point? What if there were others who made him feel small? He's known to have been friends with the likes of Odalia, who can't have been the most uplifting presence.
There's also the possibility that Willow's bond with Luz has a link to Darius and the friendship he apparently struck up with the likes of Eda, Raine, Perry and Lilith after the events of TTBK. With both being the driving force of their character development. They've always been very strong powerhouse witches but here are friendships that are a turning point. Luz and Eda & co. are the people who made Willow and Darius truly start to believe in themselves.
And then of course, there's both of their respective bonds with a Golden Guard, which I WILL opt to claim as a parallel. Because, at the point they met their GGs, Darius and Willow were already thriving. They were strong, tough, flashy, they were doing GREAT. But then Some Guy came along and still managed to change everything for the better. And though both of the dynamics were extremely different, (Willow's being romantic and Darius's being a mentor and mentee/possibly on the familial side) they both led these kids in the same general direction. They were doing good but these nerdy blondies helped them become the best possible version of themselves.
That's the version of them I think we're seeing in the Dana art. They're both at similar points in their lives. They have their friends, they have their grimwalker, they've got all this new stuff started and they're excited to see where it all goes. They have everything they could possibly want.
The irony here is that at this point, the worst is behind Willow. But for Darius, the worst is on the horizon.
Also, though the timelines don't perfectly parallel as Willow was only little and Darius was likely in his late teens, they both severed a tie with a Blight kid that stuck with them for years afterwards.
Though Darius's circumstances were probably WAY different than Willow's, (Darius had no problem expressing his resentment to Alador's face, while Willow didn't have the guts to say the same things to Amity) I can't help but wonder if that might have something to do with Dana's parallel. Maybe, like the Willow and Amity situation, the split between himself and Alador impacted how Darius developed.
(Although, Willow and Amity were a duo and when they broke up, it was just between the two of them. But when it came to the other situation, it's implied in Reaching Out that Alador did not just abandon Darius. He abandoned all of his friends. But Darius obviously took it the most personally.)
But as an interesting contrast, the split made Willow, who was already insecure, more vulnerable and shaky than ever. Her character development hadn't really started at this point. Meanwhile Darius had already built himself up to the level of confidence Willow possessed in ASIAS. He had grown a lot at this point. But after the falling out with Alador, he just got colder and far less tolerant for dealing with other people.
And let's not even get INTO how the death of his mentor probably turned his already hard exterior into something impenetrable.
Anyway it's interesting. Willow and Darius are both SO confident but the difference between the confidence is obvious. Willow's is so full of exuberance and warmth and encouragement and it inspires others to feel good about themselves. She's been hurt before and now she wants to make sure nobody ever feels like that again.
Meanwhile Darius's confidence has a completely different vibe. He's distant, he's dismissive, he acts superior to everyone around him. Darius is an absolute fortress. He's been hurt before and now he wants to make sure nobody can ever hurt him again.
But in spite of these differences, they're both so good, y'know? Why are these two involved in the Day of Unity in the first place? Obviously I'm not calling other characters selfish (They're absolutely not.) But their motivations definitely have an effect on why they're involved. Luz has to stop the Day of Unity because she believes its her fault. Everything Raine does has led to this because they want to protect Eda, which is a direct result of Eda and the Emperor being linked.
Willow is just a teenage girl who loves her friends. Darius is just a man who wants to keep everyone alive. They have no direct ties to what is going down but they've planted themselves into prominent roles because they believe it's what's right.
There's definitely other characters involved who do this for a similar reason. I'm just mentioning it in regards to these two cuz Darius and Willow's inherent goodness have always stood out as some of their most defining characteristics.
But God yeah it's so funny to think that Darius could clock the similarities between himself and Willow almost immediately. But no matter what angle he looks at it from, it's something Hunter would never possibly be able to understand. And it's like. Look man you just had to be there.
Like Darius recognizes it in Willow's demeanour. The way she holds herself. How she tips her head up so high so she never looks small. These defensive mannerisms that Darius could spot a mile away.
He does learn her story eventually but even before anyone told him, he saw her. Without hearing a word about how Willow got to the point, he knew she had been hurt before.
"Be kind to that girl, Hunter." He'd say after Willow kissed her boyfriend goodbye and departed. Because he knew her feelings to be just as fragile as Hunter's own.
And Hunter, having no fucking idea where THIS was coming from, is like "bitch YOU be kind to her." Because Darius called Willow a menace to society like five minutes ago.
I like to think about their silly antagonistic little relationship and how Darius seems like he's being so insensitive to Willow's feelings but it's like. He knows exactly how to cleverly quip back-and-forth without ever broaching a topic that would actually hurt her. Willow prides herself on being an annoying little shit so Darius assures her that she is just that. It makes her swell with pride. It makes her giggle delightedly. Darius plays along.
But he's been in her shoes. He knows the kind of comments that would actually make her feel small and he expertly tailors their relationship in a way that she knows she's never in danger of being seriously patronized. Not with Darius. I think he's become a lot more mindful of that kind of thing once he realizes just how shitty he used to make Hunter feel. Like he's still a bitch but a more self aware bitch. And he probably still hurts people's feelings every day of his life (some people's feelings simply do not matter. Its fine.) But never Willow's. Willow's feelings are something he understands very well.
But lmao Hunter gets SO MAD about it. Darius will be like "I hope you intend to hold on to that girl."
"I'm trying."
"Wonderul. I know exactly the kind of girl she is. One of the finest witches this Isles will ever know. Trust me on this, she's just like me when I was young."
And Hunter "That's not the Captain" Lastname is like "Don't even joke about that."
"Who's joking?"
"She is NOTHING like you and you can' just go around SAYING she is. She's sweet and cool and pretty--"
"Are you saying I'm not sweet and cool and pretty?"
"You'll never be as pretty as Willow, Darius. Let's be serious."
"I'll have you know I was the bell of Hexside when I was her age."
"You're trying to convince me you were the Willow Park of your day?"
"Hardly. Willow Park is the Me of her day."
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kraefishh · 10 months
Multiples of 5, + #23 + Bonus question of your choosing.
*cracks knuckles* yeah alright
i'm answering #23 first and the rest will be under the cut just for the sake of knowing how long this post is probably going to get. SO!!
#23. Favorite picture of this character?
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if we want just pictures of Raine alone-- THESE TWO IMAGES IN PARTICULAR THANK YOU VERY MUCH. both are by Dana Terrace. the Link one in particular makes me lose my MIND and if you haven't seen it before i needed you to see it now.
moving on to the other questions~~
#5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Just about every time i listen to tongues & teeth by the crane wives i think about them..... namely this animatic. that is the only one i can think of at the moment.
#10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Probably not best friends??? But I do think we'd get along quite well!! I had a habit of making friends with just about all of my teachers and Raine is very much... mentor esc. I mean they did teach, at one point. Point stands! As someone who is very musically inclined, we would simply bond over that.
They are also the kind of person you can sit in silence with for HOURS and it not be awkward. Sure we would probably have music playing, but their company is not inherently prone to chaos without an external push for it.
#15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Okay well this question was literally just an excuse for me to talk about Raeda, I see. I even went out of my way to include Raine-only pictures!! [dramatic sigh] I guess I'll just have to include my thoughts.
Ahem-- Raeda. It's... That's obvious, if you know me at all. Eda is my favorite Owl House character. And I knew before even starting the show itself that I was going to get attached to Raine. You put in a character who is musically inclined, a nerd, a genuine person and was best friends with your favorite character?? Yeah of course I was going to love them together.
Hell I made a fankid for them. Two fankids, actually. I haven't done that shit in years. I made a playlist for them 3 days after my friend and I finished the show entirely. That was a new record. I went several months with songs in my back pocket about a separate ship before making the playlist.
They make me feel so normal.
#20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
OH HANDS DOWN DARIUS. Those two were obviously the two that sat in the back of the class silently judging everyone. Like I love all of the Hagsquad equally (Eda, Lilith, Raine, Darius, Alador, Odalia(?)) but there's something about those two making fun of each other in all of the... few SPEAKING SCENES they share that really got to me.
Those two single-handedly came up with a plan to take down their corrupt government (With obviously the help of Eber, I can't forget Eber). Even if they happened to misunderstand each others' goals during their times as Coven Heads for most of it, I think they had that mutual understanding of hatred towards their situation.
#25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Like I said in #15, I walked into the show already knowing who they were, at least vaguely. I knew they were Eda's ex and I knew that they meant well. And already knew that they weren't inherently evil.
I love them so very dearly they are genuinely one of the most powerful characters in the entire show and I live by that statement. What a fucking power move they pulled just about every time we saw them.
'Them's The Breaks, Kid' solidified my growing love for them. They're so silly but they could break your fucking bones, and I respect that.
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If The Owl House was a fighting game Pt3: Eda Encounter Quotes
Sorry, not sorry. I just wanna do more encounter quotes.
Quotes under the cut
Eda: "Bring it on!"
vs Luz: "Think you can challenge the master, kiddo?"
vs Eda: "Dang, I look great."
vs King: "I will take this time to remind you that I always win."
vs Willow: "Show me some flower power, kid."
vs Gus: "Come on, Goops. Show me what you got."
vs Amity: "Alright, bossy boots. Keep ya shirt on."
vs Boscha: "I was also a star grudgby player too, ya know."
vs Lilith: "It's always come down to this, huh, Lilly?"
vs Vee: "Don't know if there's any magic for you to eat, kid."
vs Hunter: "Ha! A bad but sad boy."
vs Emira: "Didn't I give you a t-shirt already?"
vs Edric: "Let loose, Blight brother."
vs Alador: "Don't you have some family stuff to take care of?"
vs Odalia: "At least my kids like me."
vs Raine: "How about another duet, rainstorm?"
vs Darius: "You're not the only one who could use a day off."
vs Eberwolf: "Watch the goods, furball."
vs Terra: "You're still around, you old weed?"
vs Adrian: "Jeez. Actors."
vs Wrath: "You really wanna do this again, Wrathy?"
vs Kikimora: "Ha! You're so tiny."
vs Belos: "Don't you dare touch my kids."
vs Collector: "Playtime is over, kid."
Which character do you want me to do next?
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cutesharkstudios · 8 months
Mother's Here CH. 4
(This chapter takes place a few months after Watching and Dreaming) Camilla was sleeping after her last work day of the week. She covered for some sick co-workers who got better shortly afterwards, so her boss gave her a 3 day weekend. She then started to hear weird cracking noises, but she didn't think much of it. Until a bolt of lightning struck the tree right outside her house.
Camilla: DIOS MIO!
She then got up to check up on her kids. She didn't like the idea that they would be scared, so she wanted to check on them. When she got to the stairs, she saw her kids, Luz Vee and Hunter, had all gotten up to check on her.
They embraced each other, glad that the others were safe and sound.
Hunter: Hey, I'd take that over boiling rain any day.
Vee: I second that.
Camilla: Wait, boiling rain?
Luz: Yep, from the boiling ocean. Not sure why it boils, but it does.
Camilla: How did you survive there?
Luz: I'm your daughter. You'd be shocked what a Noceda can do with some hope and a little bit of light magic.
Camilla: Well, you don't have to worry about that here. I'm just glad my babies are safe.
Vee: And we're happy you are safe too.
Hunter: You know, the boiling isles isn't as scary when you've been there for a while. I only remember you going there to fight Belos with us. Maybe you could come by some time.
Camilla: Yeah, it's Thursday night, I already put in my 40 hours, I could totally go there. Tell you what, let's do a day trip tommorrow, just the 4 of us.
Hunter: Cool, I could introduce you to Darius. He'd be interested in your sewing machine, since he sews in his spare time.
Vee: I'll have to be home in time to prepare for my date with Masha, but sure.
They then heard knocking on the door. Camilla opened it to see Amity, absolutely drenched and looking worried beyond beleif.
Amity: I sensed Luz was scared. Is she okay.
Luz: Mi vida! I'm fine, but are you okay, you look like you booked it all the way from the isles.
Amity: Don't worry Luz, I'll be fine.
(The next day)
Amity: Aaaaachoo!
Vee: Bless you.
Amity spent the night at the Noceda household, as Camilla didn't like the idea of Amity going out in the rain again. She wound up catching the cold, and the Noceda family carried her to the isles to get her proper doctors. Luz explained that she got the Boiling Isles mold and she was fine afterwards, so maybe Amity would be fine after a day or two.
They opened the door to Blight manor, seeing Emira on her scroll calling people with worry in her voice. After hanging up, she looked at the door and saw Amity, whom she tackle hugged.
Emira: AMITY! Are you okay? We didn't see you this morning and saw your window was open, so we wondered what happened.
After Alador, Darius, and Edric met up with the group, Amity explained the situation.
Alador: Wow, on one hand, please don't do that again, but good on you for being there for Luz.
Darius: Have fun on your day together Noceda family.
Luz: Are you sure you don't need me to help with Amity?
Alador: We don't want to impose on your plans. Also, this is an opertunity for me to step up as a father for once.
Amity: I am so sorry for the inconvienience!
Camilla: Don't be, we're here to help.
Their first stop was the owl house. Camilla only got to be there a couple of times when she helped her kids out during the fight agains Belos, so she was glad to meet up and properly introduce herself to the Clawthornes. After the Day Of Unity events, Lilith and Gwen moved in with Eda. Raine and Eda had just gotten engaged the previous month.
Gwen: So you're Luz's mom. I'm Eda's mom, Gwen.
Camilla: Glad to meet you. I've heard of some of the crazy stuff that happened on the isles.
Lilith: Then I take it you've heard of my……shenanigans.
Camilla: Normally I'd break your spine for trying to impale my daughter, but given the circumstances you were in plus the genuine remorse you feel, I'll let it slide.
Raine: Your daughter is a delight. Seriously, she got Ms. "Who needs therapy when I have apple blood" to open up and heal.
Eda: Yeah, ever since I met her, I've been less of a drinker, I've been in a better mood, and I got back together with the love of my life.
Camilla: Well Luz does that to people. Say Gwen, what did you think I was like before we officially met?
Gwen: I figured you would be a lot like your daughter, and it appears I was right. Though I did owe Eda and Raine a bit of an apology after I was introduced to her.
Eda: I told Raine about that incident.
Raine: Yeah, that was so akward.
Luz: What did you ask Eda?
Gwen: I, may or may not, have thought before our introduction that you were Raine and Eda's kid.
Eda and Raine silightly blushed at that, as they mentioned wanting kids one day but had to think about it a bit more. Camilla and Luz went wide eyed at that revelation. And then Camilla just started laughing.
Camilla: I don't blame you! You two are so alike!
Lilith: Yeah, Luz is so much like Eda. Here's hoping she gets a better future though.
Eda: Eh, given where I am now, I would go through that again if I had to.
Camilla: So, where do you think is the best spot for a visit? My 3 day weekend only lasts so long.
Eda: I'd recommend the beastkeeping sanctuary.
Raine: I think the bard music building woudl be wonderful.
Lilith: Pop by the museam!
Camilla: Okay, why not?
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
I love discussing the Phoenix angst in hypothetical “young Darius died” Au but ever since it was brought up I just can’t stop thinking of the ripple effects Darius’s sudden disappearance/death would cause in that Hexside generation on top of all the things that were already happening in canon. What was the official explanation of Darius’s death to the public? Especially so close to the GG’s “death”? It feels so unfathomable to imagine a timeline without Darius that it would immense effect on the other characters’ stories. I mean, Lilith just having joined the coven (and cursed her sister), the Alador, Odelia, Darius friendship/feud at an abrupt end, Raine finding out the truth in their future rebel findings, it being one more thing for Eda to mistrust about the covens and the Empire?? So glad that Phoenix gets revenge in this Au, he deserves it along with lots of therapy, but I also cannot stop thinking about the way the death would irreparably change this group of highschoolers.
Oh, for sure! I think Belos would probably just combine the deaths into one combo attack, like if he said "oh, the golden guard was tragically killed in a demon attack" it would change to "the golden guard and his young protegee were tragically killed in a demon attack" you know? Or if there were days between them, it would be like "oh, sadly after the first one died, the other went after the thing that killed them and got killed themself. Shame."
But YEAH, can you imagine? I mean, we don't know how Eberwolf got into the rebellion thing, without Darius would he have gone through with nabbing Raine without planning on recruiting them? Imagine being Lilith and seeing the one person you knew in the coven end up dead. Would Alador remember him fondly, or would he hate him forever? Would Raine be able to sneak Eda into the Day of Unity on their own?
He's a minor character, by all classifications, but the impact he leaves is HUGE.
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neoncherryblossom · 10 months
Luz 2-3, Darius 8-13 👀
Luz! I don't talk much about you but I love you! You were fantastic!
2. Her relationship with Eda and King! I adored how the finale handled them so so much! They do just be 3 weirdos, and they won and it's fantastic!
3. I don't really know, the only thing popping into mind right now is more a trope problem than a Luz one, but her entire section in Hooty's episode sucked. I have despised love tunnels since I was a kid (I think Fairly Oddparents did it but I will never check because I have some self respect) and dear lord, watching Luz internally die the whole time was my exact mood. I just skipped to Hooty's breakdown and the confession because I couldn't be bothered to cringe through that. (I'm more of a Ferris Wheel confession kinda person because those are at least romantic, but hey people seemed to like it so do you and there is no Ferris Wheel at the BI anyway😔.) I'm a little harsh but once again, more a trope thing than a Luz one. I really do like her charcter and it did seem like a really natural progession from ep 1 to the finale. Any real problems are addressed in the show and I think that's perfect.
8. I wouldn't say I despise this, but I really don't like him and Alador together. I don't like it so I (normally) don't read or look at fanart unless I already like the other person's other works, but I don't see what benefit it gives either of them? Just force them into situations together because of Hunter and Amity or for them to genuinely want to try their friendship again, but anything romantic with them is eh to me. Not toxic or character breaking (except when people imply their in show pettiness to it then that's very annoying), just not my cup of tea.
9. Darius would hate me and my fashion choices and since I am not Hunter I would get roasted. No.
10. Darius' guide to friendship is 'you're still as annoying as the day I met you so why the hell can't I imagine living without you' so maybe if I'm in close vicinty and talk a lot, I maybe could. Anyone probably could, you just have to be interesting/some degree of feral (Eber, Eda and Lilith).
11. Maybe.
12. I always have Darius thoughts but one of them is he does not want give his blessing for Hunter to get married until the boy is 26. He will be supportive if Hunter does get married earlier or even then, he just thinks that that's kinda losing him.
(It's not and Hunter does have that talk with him, but it still feels like it y'know?)
13. Hunter and Eber have given the court degree :
(I think it fits with his vibe.)
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dazeddoodles · 5 months
A fan art gave me an idea what reactions would you think the hex hags would have if their kids dyed there hair to look more like them.
For example luz orange or white.
King and the bats mint green.
Amity orange (for lillith)
The twins brown.
And hunter purple.
(Amity orange for Lilith lol. I was thinking "Doesn't she already have naturally brown hair like her dad?")
It's KINDA implied Eda and Lilith weren't happy with having white and red hair respectively. So I think they would be extremely touched with Luz and Amity choosing to have hair like them.
Raine would think it's cute
Alador I think would also be touched because the only one of his kids who had his hair colour dyed it green like Odaila for years. And now his kids with the green hair are choosing to have his hair colour instead.
I'm not sure how Darius would feel about Hunter looking less light the previous Golden Guard. He might be happy he's choosing to be his own person? Maybe a bit melancholy.
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luminoushane · 1 year
I just saw your "Amity raised by Lilith AU" and now I really want to know more.
What's going on with the other Blights, if Lilith had to take Amity where are the twins?
What was Amity's life in the castle like? Did Lilith send her to Hexside and if so is she still friends with Willow?
What's Amity's relationship with Raine and Darius (and by extension Lilith's) like?
How about other people in the EC like Steve? Does Amity know Hunter and share Lilith's animosity with him and view him as a rival (queue "rival jealousy" from Luz) or are they friends?
Does Belos take advantage if Amity's presence in the castle to manipulate Lilith?
How does parenthood change Lilith and her view of Hunter?
Not a question but I also have this image if a tiny (4 or 5 yr old Amity) in a baby carrier thing on Lilith's chest when she goes to arrest Eda, and then Eda turning around to reveal King in a similar baby carrier on her chest. (Queue Spider-Man pointing name and mutual aunt realizations)
Haha, I get asked these a lot too, and I had a few tweets explaining is messily, but let's get this organized in the much better site, shall we?
• Amity was taken shortly after her birth. Prior to her arrival, Alador had already gotten sick of Odalia's mistreatment of him and in extension, the twins. He takes Amity away, pays a few healers to keep it a secret, and (with much hesitation) calls up Darius. He practically begs him to take Amity away from them, and even though Darius CLEARLY still doesn't like Alador, he just has a soft spot for kids. He takes Amity and Odalia is under the impression that Amity had died.
Now, remember, with this in mind, Odalia and the twins DON'T know her existence. If you ask me WHY Lilith ended up with Amity instead of with Darius, I'd tell you that Darius let her watch over her and she came back with adoption papers bc god forbid she has impulse control.
The twins are not aware of Amity's existence (at least until later) and neither is Odalia, but not for long. Alador is still trying to figure out how he can get himself and his two other children out without Odalia realizing. Lilith tries to keep it a secret. Amity's aware she's adopted though lol.
• Amity was practically raised in the castle. She learned to walk there 😭 Imagine a little Amity taking her first steps and the coven guards just cooing over her in the hallway. Like that. When she got older, she was allowed to go back to Darius' house alone (Lilith does not have a house and Darius is kind of like a guardian to her too, so...)
She personally prefers to stay in the castle though.
And no, Amity doesn't go to Hexside.
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She's in St. Epiderm! You have to understand, Odalia's part of the Student Creature Association in Hexside, and Lilith CANNOT risk having her find out about Amity. Raine had her enrolled in their old school so she doesn't accidentally come across Odalia. Willow DOES know about her, but thinks she's some spoiled girl who gets a bit too competitive. (They become friends later on!)
• Raine and Darius are her secondary guardians! Kind of like how Uncles and Aunties work. Darius doesn't hold any bitterness towards her for being Alador's child. If anything, it's making him want to rebel more because Amity and Hunter, who are just two children, are being forced into the castle by circumstances they can't control. He can't wait to take them both back home and give them a better life than what the castle has to offer.
He sees Amity as his little sunshine, though you couldn't pay him to admit that to ANYONE. That's his baby, he raised her too ❤️.
Raine was a bit late addition to the parent trio. Though they didn't hesitate to help out if needed. They usually were the one to watch over a hyperactive 4 year old Amity and an equally active 6 year old Hunter during their time as an apprentice to the Bard Covenhead. Amity also talked to Raine about Luz, who she was "feeling funny about" (she is falling so hard) and Raine was watching in amusement.
And y'know. Lilith is her mom. Lilith doesn't get much free time, but she's dedicated it to taking care of Amity as much as she can. Amity is her heart, she could absolutely not take the idea that she could get hurt. She's trying to give her all the attention and love she wished she had gotten from Gwendolyn.
Do not even suggest such a thing!
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But in all seriousness, she grew up with him! Of course she doesn't hate him!
They see each other as siblings, though none of them have admitted it out loud. Hunter gets a bit sad when he sees Amity with Emira and Edric ("Her real family") and Amity was quick to get that thought off. He was her family too. The two of them are fairly close, both having grown up in the castle. On occasion, Amity sneaks him some snacks and books and stuff he can do on his free time whenever her was on shifts.
They had a MAJOR fallout by the end of season 1 (which I will not disclose yet), so you can imagine how absolutely rage-fueled their duel in Eclipse Lake was in this AU.
• And YES, HE DOES. Belos is a manipulative asshole we all know that. In addition, he does NOT like Amity. He took one look at her, with her brown hair, pointy ears and golden eyes and was reminded of a certain witch 400 years ago. It doesn't help that she likes to hang around with Hunter, either. Belos being haunted by the past because of two gay kids in his castle is so funny to me actually. He constantly holds Amity safety over Lilith's head because he knows how desperate she is to keep her daughter safe.
• And finally. Hunter and Lilith's relationship is much complicated in this AU. She realizes he's just as much of a child as Amity is. She doesn't really have this "animosity" towards him, especially since she takes care of him like Darius does (in secret).
So anyways! Don't be afraid to ask more, I like getting questions! And yes, Lilith does, in fact, bring baby Amity along when she goes on missions to capture Eda. Amity likes her Auntie Eda, goes over to the Owl House and plays with King if she can. Eda doesn't really mind her randomly popping up in her house lol.
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
ok another silly one: the amount of ppl in luz found family (and by extension hunters) means that sometimes theres ppl hanging out that otherwise wouldnt. why is king napping in camilas couch? why is darius showing up to vees parent teacher reunions? why is the collector at the advanced bardic theory class that raine teaches? nobody can tell, lest of all themselves
Also that comment specifically about Darius showing up to one of Vee's parent teacher meetings reminds me of a plot bunny I had abt Darius and Camilla fake dating when her relatives visit. I don't feel qualified enough to write it but it lives in my heart rent free 💖 I'm not even the biggest darimilla stan I just think it's such an interesting crack ship <3
Anyway back to the actual topic I love the idea of the owl house slowly evolving from this solitary fortress that Eda used to hide from the world in S1 to this revolving door of family and friends that pop in and out for quick visits, catching up or needing help with a problem or a scheme or getting up to some whacky antics. It makes you realise how far Eda has come and how so much of it is because of Luz :')
Anyway funny combos to me are:
Hunter and Lilith (straight up I think they could be besties with the right life changing adventure but at the beginning it's SUPER awkward. Lilith's trying to be nice BC she feels bad but she's Lilith so she sucks at it (/affectionate) and Hunter's just confused as to when Lilith got so polite. This feels like a trap to him. Eventually Lilith gets to infodump about how ancient witches did chair upholstery and Hunter starts talking about the intricate lore of the non-canon cosmic frontier spin-off books from the 2000s and they get on like a house on fire! The house is not on fire though. The house is flooded by hooty's tears. They don't know if he's jealous or happy)
Matt and Eda (Steve is visiting Lilith who's staying with Eda for a week or so and now Eda's educating Matt on how to scam a scammer, which would be sweet if she hadn't done this after Matt had already undergone his getting involved in local politics and leadership arc in FTF. Straight up I think if we get a timeskip to the kids as adults at the end of the series I think Matt's gonna be the BI's first democratically elected president)
Alador and Camilla (alador is. Such an incompetent, bumbling dad but he is TRYING. Good lord Camilla knows he's trying. And Amity loves him, she really does. But oh my god Camilla is worried. He got distracted by a cool bug and nearly took his hand off helping Camilla chop vegetables for the owl house potluck. He doesn't know the twins birthday, and Camilla was about to get mad, that's messed up, but apparently he also doesn't know his own birthday??? She's seen his abomatons in her and Luz's fight with kikimora, hell she's seen him study and understand human realm technology! This man is the most genius inventor on the boiling isles. She knows this. She doesn't know how he's still alive)
Willow and Raine (doesn't actually happen at the owl house, Raine was staying the night with Darius and Willow is waiting while Hunter gets ready for their date. There isn't even a profound connection or funny contrast between the two. They really do just get on well. It's nice. Raine finds out that Willow listened to Eda's old breakup mixtapes and asks what was on there. They gossip a bit. It's nice!)
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sepublic · 2 years
         I ponder the implications of Eberwolf being absent from this shot, when by contrast, freaking Odalia is present; We know he and Darius are close and practically brothers according to Dana.
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         To extrapolate, I guess the implication is that Darius didn’t meet Eberwolf until after he graduated from Hexside, and that Eber didn’t go to Hexside. They probably met while they were in the covens… And speaking of Odalia;
         We know Darius was mentored by the previous Golden Guard, Belos’ right-hand man and presumably Head of the Emperor’s Coven like his predecessors, until Lilith took over and broke the tradition (because Belos realized he needed her to complete his destiny). Amity specifically accuses joining the Emperor’s Coven of being Odalia’s dream… And something led to a sort of fallout, since within the span of seven months, these three went from being best friends, to being on the literal opposite ends of the bleachers for the Emperor’s Coven tryouts; Like, THE very end, as if they unanimously agreed to put as much distance between each other as possible.
         And as I said; It was the tryouts for the Emperor’s Coven. Which Odalia dreamed of joining, but never did? The same coven led by the Golden Guard, whom mentored Darius? And Darius and Odalia had a falling-out, too? I think Darius succeeded, given his clearly prodigal skill –he’s considered quite a contender amongst the coven heads- but Odalia failed, as did Alador. And I think Odalia might’ve gotten jealous of Darius, given what we know; Maybe Alador was, too!
         After all, the Emperor’s Coven tryouts already split Eda and Lilith… I wouldn’t put it past Belos’ system to do this as well. Darius enters Belos’ coven alongside Lilith, and eventually garners the attention of the Golden Guard, being personally taught by him. At some point, Darius attends the Bonesborough Brawl to watch his old friend Alador compete, possibly having participated only to be taken out, either by another competitor or Alador himself, before the final duel.
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         But we know that Darius ends up as head of the ABOMINATION Coven… We know he mourned the Golden Guard’s death, so did Belos killing him disillusion Darius, who moved over to the Abomination Coven instead? Did the Golden Guard want to keep Darius away from Belos, and suggested to Darius that his specialization in Abominations was better spent as a Coven Head? Did the Golden Guard plant the idea of how suspicious Belos was in Darius’ mind, and/or his mysterious death sparked Deamonne’s wariness?
         Eberwolf isn’t present at the Bonesborough Brawl that Alador won, nor is Lilith. This does make me wonder if Darius was in the Abomination Coven at the time, and if he never joined the EC at all; Since I speculated Lilith didn’t attend because her one day off hadn’t rolled around yet. Of course, it’s likely that each covenscout has a different annual day off, because if they all shared one, then there’d be an entire solid day of the year in which the entire coven wasn’t working, which of course has problems.
         Going back to Eberwolf, was he also a Covenscout with Darius, and didn’t join because they weren’t friends yet, and/or had different days off? Or did he join the Beastkeeping Coven first? What if Darius convinced Eber to leave the Emperor’s Coven, and/or the Golden Guard did when noticing his not-son had a best friend? We know Eberwolf is willing to follow Darius to the bitter end… They might’ve met as members of the main nine covens, or as Coven Heads. Or maybe they were friends as teenagers, across schools; Which is why Eda doesn’t include Eberwolf in her flashback, because he didn’t hang around Hexside?
         It’s all very curious, and I just wanted to throw this out there. If Darius hadn’t had a falling-out with Alador and Odalia, would he have spoken sense into Alador about founding a weapons company? Not to mention the abusive relationship with his wife, amidst his own neglect of his kids, if it ever got that far? Obviously Alador has his own agency, but it also helps to have a second opinion you can trust, too.
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        We know Alador got a signed copy of Darius’ own book on Abominations, made when he was a Coven Head, or at least settled into the aesthetic we recognize today; Between this and the bantering on Penstagram, have the two silently, somewhat forgiven each other? Still a bit too awkward to openly reconnect, but no longer bearing vitriol and having regained some fondness for a bit of cheeky insult, an inviting nostalgia beneath the veil? Did Darius justify it to himself as trying to reach out to Alador, recognizing the Abomatons as something Belos would want to use?
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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Seeing Eda acting like some kind of responsible adult is wild. Though not completely out of character. She has been taking her role as a mother more seriously as of late… and both of the kids under her wing (pun unintended, but hilarious nonetheless) have gone through a lot, Luz especially. Telling them that they need to find someplace to hide while the adults take care of the dangers is reasonable enough.
You know, one of the  reasons a lot of young protagonists have dead parents or abusive/neglectful parents/guardians is because most parents would try to stop their kids from going on dangerous adventures. This has been brought up in the show in the form of Camila. Luz fearing that if Camila ever found out about the Demon Realm, she wouldn’t let Luz go back there has been a thing ever since season one.
Contrast with Eda, who’s allowed Luz to go along on these dangerous, but exciting adventures… until now. I can see why Luz might not agree with Eda’s decision on this* but at the same time, I fully understand where Eda is coming from. 
(*i can kinda see this leading to a moment where Luz is like ”You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my mom,” or something like that and oof, that’d hurt Eda on a deep level)
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This image right here? Good shit.
Let’s break down this plan. Lilith suggests sending the kids off to the island to find out about King’s family and possibly gather powerful allies. That’s good. She suggests sending Hooty with them as protection. Which is not a great idea. The island is far away from the main body of the Titan, far away from Belos and danger, which is good. Unless there is danger on the island, which would be bad.
Luz suggests they can go there with the crew of the ship she journeyed with to slay the Selkidomus. Which is a god idea, they all liked Luz.
As the kids leave the room, Lilith says that she has already explored that area and that there is nothing there, dismissing the letter as some kind of prank. She does so with one of the best puns in the history of this show. A wild Luz chase. Brilliant, Lulu, brilliant.
…then again, she said that the island with King’s tower shouldn’t have been there either, soooo… and that rock thing he got in the letter is clearly some kind of key, soooooo…
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Aw man… everyone’s sad today, huh?
This is what I was talking about before. Luz and King being children really shouldn’t have to deal with all of this and Eda, who has realized how big this all is, is terrified of them getting hurt. On top of that, she feels a bit guilty for getting Luz involved in this. If only… if only she hadn’t left the portal open that one day, if only she had sent Luz home right away instead of involving her in the Confomratorium break-in, if only, if only. That kinda thinking isn’t going to do much to help in the now, but it is understandable that she feels this way.
Oh, and Lilith? i admire your optimism, but one(1) week to come up with a plan to overthrow a tyrant who controls the entire military and everyone with magical powers is… not a lot. Especially when all you have to work with are two(2) middle-aged witches who can’t use magic (though one has a cool harpy form) and maybe like… Gwendolyn is pretty strong I guess? Dunno about Dell, he seems pretty frail. What other adults might be on their side… There’s Raine, Darius and Eberwolf, but they’re doing their own thing. Alador, maybe (I’m still holding out hope he has some override to turn all the Abomatons against the Emperor). Maybe Gus & Willow’s parents. The Bat Queen, possibly (her leading an army of palismen against Belos might be kinda cool actually).
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Yarr me mateys, Luz is back to being a pirate! Call her Monkey D. Luzzy.
(i’ve been sitting here for like five minutes giggling at my own pun. who gave me the right to be so funny?)
The captain of the ship, Salty, says that his mateys had to leave the ship after they no longer worked for the Golden Guard. Like Eda said back in Separate Tides, the Emperor’s ships are the only ones worth robbing. So i guess even Salty the sea captain doesn’t get to be happy in this episode.
Hooty mentions that large rock formation on the island kinda looks like a finger, which I briefly considered saying before when I saw the drawing, but didn’t. I also thought it looked a little like one of King’s horns, although the shape is different. Upon closer look, it does looks more like a finger.
Looking at one of the few shots we get of the Titan’s whole body I notice that we don’t get to see the Titan’s left arm or hand. So that part of its body might be submerged and this is one of its fingers sticking out of the water. Unless… there was a mention once of there being remains of other massive creatures on the boiling sea, but only partial ones. This could be one of those as well. The finger bone of some other massive, long-dead creature. Another Titan? Or something else?
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And tonight on ”If The Lampman had waited just a few more seconds…” Salty confirms that this is not part of the Titan. He says it’s ”a different bestie.” Which kinda makes it sound like it’s a completely different creature, unrelated to the Titan… though I think it might still be another Titan.
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