#but do remember that everyone gets their one so try not to spam a lot
billythesimp · 2 months
Can I send in another request if you already finished my request? Thanks!
Yeah, you can! Im not gonna gatekeep how many requests a person sends. As long as it’s not too outlandish or doesn’t fit my guidelines, you’re more than welcome to send in a request!
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jessiarts · 2 years
[Shut off last version of this post to avoid possible continual spread of misinformation that was corrected by staff. Reposting clean with corrected info]
So I'm sure almost everyone knows about the porn bot problem by now, so here's a post detailing why it's a problem, and what we need to do about it.
First off, yes, always block the porn bots. Don't be mislead into thinking they're ok to keep around because they 'inflate your follower count.'
Firstly, no one cares about, nor can anyone even see, your follower count. Be free from the shackles that are the bullshit other socials told you was important. Don't let your ego be tied to a number. Having a lot of followers won't earn you any clout here.
Secondly, bots only follow blogs to try and legitimize their malware (and other dodgy) links. This post goes into more detail about that.
Now that that's out of the way, you'll need to know how to recognize a porn bot. This round the template seems to be:
A profile photo of a pretty lady or guy, usually in their underwear, with a similar header photo.
A bio with some combination of: [Age] // [Name] // [Location] // [Emoji] // [Top Bullshit% OnlyFans]
URL consisting of a name followed by a number (i.e: firstlast999)
Typically an empty blog, or if there is content, it's all dodgy links. Visible, but empty, Likes Tab, & occasionally a visible Following Tab.
You likely recognize the pattern.
So, what you want to do is, first, report the blog as spam On mobile it'll look like this:
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On mobile you'll need to report spam first, and then go back to the menu again to block.
On desktop it will look like this, and unlike mobile, you'll be able to report spam and block in the same motion:
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If I remember correctly,* be sure to "Report Spam", not "Report sexually explicit material" to feed the bots to the proper channels. Because the blog is empty, they haven't posted anything explicit that would violate TOS. However, staff can recognize a bot, and if you report the blog for spam (the actual problem) they'll take a look, more than likely find that the blog is posting or DMing dodgy links, and dispose of it.
And I think that's it. Here's wishing you all a happy and safe blogging experience!
[UPDATE: It was suggested on another post that the bots track your IP if you click on them to send more your way. However, someone from staff corrected and said this is incorrect. They also corrected the 'guilt by association' myth that bots following you can get your blog flagged by tumblr.
That said, that trail all led to another, easier, way to report/block the bots all from your Follower Tab instead of visiting each blog separately, unfortunately it only works on desktop:
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(For newbies, click on the little person icon at the top right of your screen and scroll to find the Followers tab under the blog/sideblog you need to block a pornbot from.)
*I remember this information from a blog that used to be all about taking down the pornbots. Unfortunately I do not know if that blog is still active, nor can I remember the URL. If anyone knows what blog I'm referring to, and/or if they're still active, please feel free to tag them so others can follow them for more tips!
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merrinla · 1 year
Portrait spamming
Recent discovery. If you click on the portraits of the characters like crazy, they will react to it. And the developers had a lot of fun coding these reactions xD
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Tav / Dark Urge
normal - I'm awake! Mostly. - I'm starting to get a headache. - Must be the tadpole. - Quit knocking around in there! - A thousand needlepricks in my rotten skull.
combat -Ahhhhhhhh! Okay, I feel better. - I have an itch in the worst place. - Is being a mind flayer so bad? - Just waiting to venture forth here. - I'm maiming as fast as I can!
stealth - What's that ticking? - Is it me? Am I ticking? - Bomb in my head about to go off. Great. - Ah, well. I had a good run.
normal - Why do beautiful people taste better? It hardly seems fair on the ugly - they have such wonderful personalities. - Ugh. Strahd wouldn't put up with this shit. - More like Drizzt Don't'Urden - no. No that's not funny. - Villains! Dissemble no more, I admit the deed! Tear up the floor - here, here! It is the beating of his hideous hea- oh, no, that's his brain. Where did I leave that heart?
combat: - I'm trying to focus on murder. - *Humming.* - I shot a svirfneblin in Menzoberranzan just to watch him die. - I should've been a drow. They have such stylish armour.
stealth - Shhh. Just think sneaky thoughts. - Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP. - Be very, very quiet - I'm hunting idiots. - I've got a brand new torture chamber, so come and play with me.
normal - NOTE TO ACTOR/DIRECTOR: Blow a raspberry at the player. - Don't. Poke. The Karlach. - Who am I? - My eye!
combat - Eyes on the prize - we need to win this! - Not every soldier should've made it out of training. - Eyes on victory, tummy on dinner. - I ought to just burn this whole thing down.
stealth - My back can't take much more of this. - Not now, I'm being a sneak! - I'm getting too old for this nonsense. - I'm not built to crouch.
normal - I hope Halaster takes good care of Tara while I'm away. - Sembian wine; Cormyrian boar; Waterdhavian conversation. It's the little things you miss while on the road. - Oh, what a tangled Weave we web! - All the world's my stage and you're just a player in it.
combat - Just go for the Magic Missile and fire away. Never fails. - Don't make me go all Edwin Odesseiron on you. - Get. Out. Of. My. Head. - I really wish I could cast a Hold spell on you.
stealth - You made me hide, don't make me come seek you. - Gods, it's like trying to sleep with a mosquito in the room. - A little privacy please. - Stop it - that tickles.
normal - Could do for a brew. - Where there's a 'Wyll', there's a 'y'. - Ever get the sense that someone's watching? - So two halflings walk under a bar...
combat - Can't hear myself think! - Wear your scars proudly. - As my father once told me: 'Can we get on with it?' - I find moderation is key.
stealth - Bad time for an itch. - Could do for a brew. - So two halflings walk under a bar... - Shush. No, really. Shush.
normal - Must everyone be so exhausting? - Weapons high. Standards higher. - Is perfection too much to ask? - Pride is a virtue.
combat - I will know my queen! - There is no right or wrong, only truth. - What is the point, if not victory? - You are right to fear me.
stealth - Hush already. - There is no wisdom in madness. - Is perfection too much to ask? - There is but one way. Vlaakith.
all modes - I wonder how I'll feel when I remember everything. - Strange. I've had more freedom this past while than my whole life... - Have to keep focused. Can't afford to get attached - to anyone. - If I succeed, maybe I'll be allowed a pet... ugh, stop being silly.
Halsin / his voice is currently bugged :(
normal - What I would not give for a chunk of fresh honeycomb... - Such attention... I never realised I was so popular. - Are you feeling lonely, perhaps? - Unwise, perhaps, to poke a bear this much...
сombat - Battle is afoot - you can poke me once we are safe. - Perhaps try attacking the enemy? - Admirable stamina, yet terrible priorities. - You are insistent, are you not?
stealth - Most consider it unwise to poke a bear. - My, you are eager, are you not? - Please. I am trying to be stealthy. - Calm yourself. There is plenty of me to go around.
normal - Oh, calm down. I'm happy to see you too. - I would poke you back, but I fear that's what you want. - My, such strong wrists. - Well you certainly have the 'omnipresent' part down, don't you? - Please go poke the ranger instead.
combat - You have my attention - now do something with it. - What? What do you want!? - Do you know, I begin to wish they had never brought me back. - Yes, yes, have your fun. It isn't you they're trying to kill.
stealth - Dry those sweaty palms and let us try this again, shall we? - Argh, my knees! Oh. It was a twig. - Would that I could hide from you, too. - Careful, or I will take your toy away from you.
normal - ARGH! My EYE, Boo! They went for my EYE! - Know that if you poke Boo, no higher dimension will keep you safe! - Heehee. Heeheeheehee. - Well, Boo? How do you want to do this?
сombat - Are you perchance a squeaky wheel in need of a kick? - I am armed! Armoured! And entirely sick of your foolishness. - I begin to grow annoyed. It is well for you that Boo does not let me learn the bad words! - Ignore them, Boo. Let them gaze deep into their own abyss, and wonder just what it is they are trying to achieve.
stealth - A little to the left? But not so hard you make me giggle. - Boo...? Are you dancing down there, or...? - Hush! I am surprising Boo for his birthday! He is... uh... eh... how old do hamsters get...? - I am the night. A pity, then, that it is so bright out.
all modes - You had my attention, now you have my fury. - Phlar Lolth ssinssrickla. - Your suffering will be spectacular. - Stop, or die.
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foone · 2 years
Look if there's one thing, just one thing, that I wish everyone understood about archiving, it's this:
We can always decide later that we don't need something we archived.
Like, if we archive a website that's full of THE WORST STUFF, like it turns out it's borderline illegal bot-made spam art, we can delete it. Gone.
We can also chose not to curate. You can make a list of the 100 Best Fanfic and just quietly not link to or mention the 20,000 RPFs of bigoted youtubers eating each other. No problem!
We can also make things not publicly available. This happens surprisingly often: like, sometimes there'll be a YouTube channel of alt-right bigotry that gets taken down by YouTube, but someone gives a copy to the internet archive, and they don't make it publicly available. Because it might be useful for researchers, and eventually historians, it's kept. But putting it online for everyone to see? That's just be propaganda for their bigotry. So it's hidden, for now. You can ask to see it, but you need a reason.
And we can say all these things, we can chose to delete it later, we can not curate it, we can hide it from public view... But we only have these options BECAUSE we archived it.
If we didn't archive it, we have no options. It is gone. I'm focusing on the negative here, but think about the positive side:
What if it turns out something we thought was junk turns out to be amazing new art?
What if something we thought of as pointless and not worth curating turns out to be influential?
What if something turns out to be of vital historical importance, the key that is used to solve a great mystery, the Rosetta stone for an era?
All of those things are great... If we archived it when we could.
Because this is an asymmetric problem:
If we archived it and it turns out it's not useful, we can delete.
If we didn't archive it and it turns out it is useful, OOPS!
You can't unlose something that's been lost. It's gone. This is a one way trip, it's already fallen off the cliff. Your only hope is that you're wrong about it being lost, and there is actually still a copy somewhere. If it's truly lost, your only option is to build a time machine.
And this has happened! There are things lost, so many of them that we know of, and many more we don't know of. There are BOOKS OF THE BIBLE referenced in the canon that simply do not exist anymore. Like, Paul says to go read his letter to the Laodiceans, and what did that letter say? We don't know. It's gone.
The most celebrated playwright in the English tradition has plays that are just gone. You want to perform or watch Love's Labours Won? TOO FUCKING BAD.
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Want to watch Lon Cheyney's London After Midnight, a mystery-horror silent film from 1927? TOO BAD. The MGM vault burnt down in 1965 and the last known copy went up in smoke.
If something still exists, if it still is kept somewhere, there is always an opportunity to decide if it's worthy of being remembered. It can still be recognized for its merits, for its impact, for its importance, or just what it says about the time and culture and people who made it, and what they believed and thought and did. It can still be a useful part of history, even if we decide it's a horrible thing, a bigoted mess, a terrible piece of art. We have the opportunity to do all that.
If it's lost... We are out of options. All we can do is research it from how it affected other things. There's a lot of great books and plays and films and shows that we only know of because other contemporary sources talked about them so much. We're trying to figure out what it was and what it did, from tracing the shadow it cast on the rest of culture.
This is why archivists get anxious whenever people say "this thing is bad and should not be preserved". Because, yeah, maybe they're right. Maybe we'll look back and decide "yeah, that is worthless and we shouldn't waste the hard drive or warehouse space on it".
But if they're wrong, and we listen to them, and don't archive... We don't get a second chance at this. And archivists have been bitten too many times by talk of "we don't need copies, the original studio has the masters!" (it burnt down), or "this isn't worth preserving, it's just some damn silly fad" (the fad turned out to be the first steps of a cultural revolution), or "this media is degenerate/illegal/immoral" (it turns out those saying that were bigots and history doesn't agree with their assessment).
So we archive what we can. We can always decide later if it doesn't need preserving. And being a responsible archivist often means preserving things but not making them publicly available, or being selective in what you archive (I back up a lot of old computer hard drives. Often they have personal photos and emails and banking information! That doesn't get saved).
But it's not really a good idea to be making quality or moral judgements of what you archive. Because maybe you're right, maybe a decade or two later you'll decide this didn't need to be saved. And you'll have the freedom to make that choice. But if you didn't archive it, and decide a decade later you were wrong... It's just gone now. You failed.
Because at the end of the day I'd rather look at an archive and see it includes 10,000 things I think are worthless trash, than look at an archive of on the "best things" and know that there are some things that simply cannot be included. Maybe they were better, but can't be considered as one of the best... Because they're just gone. No one has read them, no one has been able to read them.
We have a long history of losing things. The least we can do going forward is to try and avoid losing more. And leave it up to history to decide if what we saved was worth it.
My dream is for a future where critics can look at stuff made in the present and go "all of this was shit. Useless, badly made, bigoted, horrible. Don't waste your time on it!"
Because that's infinitely better than the future where all they can do is go "we don't know of this was any good... It was probably important? We just don't know. It's gone. And it's never coming back"
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How the kings would react to the shipping of them and MC
He was hanging out with his nobles, just talking gossip like normal people
But Paimon was just staying on his phone through half the conversations
"Paimon! What's so important that you're not interested in seing Sitri's baby pictures?"
Sitri was dying in the corner while Zagan was rubbing his back
Paimon takes his eyes out of his phone and giggles.
"Oh, I was just arguing with some people onlineeee"
Satan puts down the pictures of baby Sitri on the table (which Astaroth swiftly takes for himself. This will make such great blackmail material) and sits next to Paimon curiously.
"What are these dumpass arguing about now? Don't tell me Leraye started sending death threats to Barbatos over the weather again."
"Noooooo, it's better than thaaaaat. People are arguing about who the child of Solomon would dateeeee"
Satan takes Paimon's phone and starts to scroll through the comversations.
"And I'm winning, right? I mean MC has a pact with me, I was the first to meet them, it's obvious that I'm the one they'll choose"
"I know, riiiiiight?"
Satan would become the most active person in the shipping forum, just spamming it with pictures of him and MC
It's a way to assert his dominance over the whole thing.
Gamigin almost started a war between Paradise Lost and Gehenna when he started insulting Satan under his photos of MC
Mod Jjok had to work overtime to stop the harassment everyone in Gehenna was throwing at Gamigin for that
Lucifer had to send a formal apologise on behalf of his son to stop the situation from escalating further.
Recently Eligos asked him to try on different fashion styles
At some point Mammon asks Eligos what this is all about
"The child of Solomon mentioned that they are interested in gothic fashion, so I'm trying to see what clothing would fit you and abide by goth fashion rules."
Mammon chuckles and ruffles Eligos' hair before telling him that he is already to his master's liking
"But there are a lot of people that claim that MC would be more interested in the other kings. We can't have that! Just yesterday Amon was bragging that MC and Beelzebub went on a date!"
"I'm glad they had fun with Beelzebub, but Beelzebub is mine and I am MC's. They can have fun with anyone they please."
Eligos' jaw drops to the floor. He gets flashbacks of all the arguments he had online about this and how he bought bots to mass report any Mammon x Mc slander
Eligos constantly tries to convince Mammon that the shipping wars are a big but Mammon doesn't really care.
At most he sends pictures of him and MC cuddling to Satan to spite him like all good friends do with eachother.
Leviathan is a lurker through the forums
It's where he got most of his information about you before kidnapping you
Probably reports all posts that aren't for the ship with him and you for false information
He would constantly post pictures of you and him doing mundane things with captions like "Living life perfectly", "Greatest day of my life", "Me and my wonderful significant other"
Makes everyone in Hades like his post and floud it with compliments
He'll make an account for you where he roleplays as a version of you that's madly innlove with you
The most likely to start an actual war between Hades and whatever ship is trending that morning
He sometimes doesn't sleep and just scrolls through the forums, refreshing constantly to see if you're having fun with someone else
King of all doxxers
No VPN will protect you from Leviathan's wrath
Beelzebub was tied to his office chair with Bael glaring at him
"Go on, look at the complaint. What does it say?"
"I should take a vacation. I'm already burned out. You know, overworking is very bad for your health."
Bael glares at him with not an ounce of amusement behind his eyes
When Beelzebub skims through the files, something catches his attention
"Threat of war from Hades? I don't remember going to Hades recently, what happened?"
"While you were away having fun with the child of Solomon, Amon posted pictures of you two going at it on a forum. Next thing I know, his majesty Leviathan declared war on Avisos. I had to talk him out of it, but we now have to write a report about what happened and send it to the other kingdoms to tell them that it was resolved without any casualties."
Beelzebub was laughing his ass off while Bael was question his life choices
Beelzebub asks Amon to show him the forum which the younger devil does happily.
He sometimes go through it often, but he uses it as a way to find out where you are.
He's chiller about the whole thing, finding it kind of funny that so many people are so invested in your love life
Gamigin won't shut up about it.
If Lucifer took a shot every time Gamigin complained about the shipping wars, he'll dethrone Beelzebub as the king of Gluttuny
Lucifer is a softer lover, only being intense in more private parts of your relationship
So even getting him to kiss you in public (or outside the bedroom) is very hard.
This makes Gamigin's job as a shipper very hard
Lucifer finds the shipping war situation absurd
Why would anyone do this? What is it accompleshing? Why does he suddently get embargos from Hades or Gehenna after he goes on a date with you?
He'll probably have to sit Gamigin down and tell him to stop calling the other kings rude names just because they hang out with you.
It really depends on your reaction to everything as well
If you like being in the spot light, than he'll try to be more open with his affection, giving Gamigin more oportunities to gush about you online
If you want to keep your relationship more private, than he'll make all cameras fracture when pointing at the two of you
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cybertron-after-dark · 6 months
I was gonna ask a question but i honestly forgot it 😅 so just tell me something you want to rant about
If you do happen to remember what you were gonna ask feel free to do so, do not worry about spamming my inbox bc I live for that shit.
As for the rant
Transformers Rescue Bots had some of the best, kindest, and most respectful representation of neurodivergence I have ever seen in media and I'm tired of pretending it didn't.
While there are obvious complaints to be made about neurodivergent traits (especially autistic traits) usually being portrayed in media by inhuman characters like aliens or robots, this being a case of both, I feel like thats a pretty negligible sin given just how human the show makes the robots feel. (Also it was like 2011 and we were STRUGGLING for any scraps of rep anyway)
But like. The behaviors all these robots exhibit are all shit that I do that was always deemed unacceptable when I was a kid and seeing it portrayed with the level of kindness and gentleness they do in that show has me fuckin crying a little man. I wish I had actually watched it when I was younger and it was first airing because maybe if I did I would've had an easier time explaining what the hell was going on with my brain a LOT sooner.
Blades being anxious, overly sensitive, and WHOLEHEARTEDLY queer (which they had the absolute unparalleled balls to just casually confirm by having him swoon over "hunky vampires" in one episode and NOBODY commented on it. Fucking iconic) and getting so so deeply invested in the shows and movies he loves that he acts out the roles with enough passion to steel his nerves and completely flourish.
Boulder getting really confused at concepts that are basic and intuitive for most people, but still being so fucking intelligent, and never being made to feel stupid for the mix-ups, as well as just being so wholely, unabashedly in love with the planet he's found himself on, even if he doesn't understand all of it (Also apologizing to inanimate objects when he knocks them over 😭)
Chase being obsessed with rules and law because he NEEDS the structure to not fall apart at the seams, even feeling the need to fabricate a minor crime to justify using the emergency line to get a hold of the firehouse when he can't find the other bots. As well as just fully not understanding comedy (BUT TRYING HIS DAMNEDEST), taking things super literally, and having a lot of trouble with tone and expressions (even though you know just how deeply he feels All The Time).
Heatwave being desperate for attention and recognition, but completely allergic to asking for it. And honestly allergic to showing any genuine emotional responses other than aggression. The constant sarcasm and sass and defensiveness that he POORLY maintains because everyone knows that underneath that tough guy front is the loneliest robot on earth that wants to be loved SO bad but would rather jump into unicron's mouth than voice it because if he lets his guard down who knows what will happen to him or the people he cares about.
Just. All of it man. Seeing them exhibiting all these behaviors and quirks that all too often get met with poor reactions from people who don't want to deal with what they don't really get, but here they're met with patience and understanding?? It's got me fucked up. They get to be functional adults that struggle with what they have going on but still push through. They get to have unconditionally loving relationships with people that treat them with respect. And that's the kind of shit that gives me a lot of hope for folks like me because maybe some neurotypical kids that watched it picked up on what's helpful when their friend who acts like one of the bots is going through it. And maybe some neurodivergent kids watched it too and for the first time they just felt SEEN.
Okay rant over, I'm gonna go cry over some plastic robots 👍
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yenqa · 10 months
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in which…
on jay’s live, fans point out a stuffed animal on his bed, one that seems to be the other piece to your notorious missing pair. as imaginary pieces start to connect for fans, the viewers beg for some kind of interaction. and though you and jay have never met before, why not use this situation to your advantage?
warnings : haters ❌, y/n is a roblox player
wc : 1028
green hair
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“Hi, chat!” You wave to the camera, watching as viewers flow in. You prop your legs up, hugging your knees as you try to read the overflowing chat.
strawberrylimesoda : HII Y/NNN
popcornpops : WE MISSED YOUU
Laughing at the sweet comment, answering “Chat, I streamed two days ago, remember?”
Messages flow in as you try to keep up with the fast paced comments. Though you can barely comprehend them quick enough to answer one, your eye catches on one.
Bluebirdfly : IS JAY WITH YOU?
Your smile falters slightly, ignoring the comment with an awkward chuckle, “Anyways, how are you guys?”
“Thank you, Stella! I styled it better today for some reason.” Brushing your hands between your front strands, you fix the hairs that are sticking out. Your eyes catch on the viewer count deciding to actually start the stream. Clapping, you welcome everybody in.
“Welcome to my stream everyone!” A smile grows on your face, ready for the reaction of your chat.
You pause to build suspense, then soon continuing “Today we have a special guest joining us!” Using your desk as a drum, you point to the camera, letting your guest know to say something. Jay’s low tone fill your headphones. “Hi, chat.”
The comments spiral, reading some, “Guys stop—Hyeju’s not my only friend, everyone please welcome Jay!”
You could hear the grin Jay has on his face, saying “Don’t get too excited Y/n.”
Rolling your eyes, you snap back “Wasn’t planning on it.”
Folding in your lips you can hear Jay barely holding his laugh in, letting out a snicker. You both burst into laughter, you hit the chair slightly, laughing at your antics.
Letting your giggles die down, you open the game you’re going to play, reading the recognizable “ROBLOX” loading screen. Spotting a green dot next to Jay’s username you click on his profile automatically joining him.
Switching tabs so the stream can see your joining screen, you watch as the chat laughs at the game choice.
Jay’s voice fills your ears again, a slight rasp to it, “She chose the game, guys. Not me.”
Your jaw drops, retorting, “Nothing wrong with Royale high, it’s the best dress up game on the planet.” Your eyes meet the familiar castle, walking up to the fountain you’re met with Jay’s avatar. Though clearly not decorated at all since he made the account, you can’t help but laugh at his skin.
“Hey wait—you have to go through the intro to get here, have you played this game before, Jay?” You accuse.
His avatar turns away from you, “No comment.” He replies.
Giggling, you read the comment so Jay can respond, “Someone said that you play Royale high on the daily, is that true?” You tilt your head slightly, awaiting his remark back.
“Hey! I do not play Royale High a lot. I joined yesterday so I could get through the intro—It was for the good of the stream!”
You skeptically nod, letting out an “Uh-huh” before showing Jay how to decorate his avatar and how to get special hair colors. It’s much harder to help him when you’re not next to him, but this would work for now.
“Jay if you want the cool hair colors you have to buy the gamepass!” You nag him.
He sighs, “Y/n I am not spending money on this game, no matter how little.”
“I know you want that bright green hair, it would look so awesome on your avatar! Jay please—for the stream. Chat, help me convince him! Spam “Jay buy the gamepass!”
Comments flood in, all chanting the same four words over and over again. Pointing to the chat right next to your webcam you exclaim, “See the chat agrees too!”
Bluebirdfly : JAY BUY THE GAMEPASS 🙏
strawberrylimesoda : WE NEED GREEN HAIR JAY
“That’s because you told them to—whatever I give up, give me a second to buy it.” His audibly exhale is covered by your cheers, clapping your hands together as you excitedly tell chat that it worked.
popcornpops : need a man who cant say no to me like jay cant say no to y/n
You want to smile at the comments, but you’re unsure whether or not to prove those to be false. Instead you let it go, deciding that it wasn’t worth replying. A minute or two passes by, you’re entertaining your viewers when you spot Jay’s bright green hair from the corner of your eye. You squeal, commenting, “Jay it looks so good! Aren’t you glad you decided to buy the gamepass?”
He lets out his nth sigh of the stream, and you take that answer as a “yes”.
Two hours later you say goodbye to your viewers, ending a stream with a relieved sigh, finally leaning back into your chair.
“Tired?” He asks, before you can answer, you let a yawn out, eyes watery.
He laughs, urging you to go get ready for bed. You drowsily get up, basically stomping to the bathroom with your heaved footsteps. You brush your teeth and do your skincare before walking back to your desk, you see Jay’s webcam, waiting for you on his phone.
“Did you get ready for bed before the stream?” You ask, positioning your headphones to a comfortable position. His head shoots up, a soft smile grows when he sees your bare face.
“If I start the stream after like 9:00 I always do, so after I could crash. But today I’m not that tired for some reason.”
You hum, nodding as best as you can. He spots how your head falls every few seconds, and how your eyes drop “Hey—Y/n you can go to sleep, it’s okay.”
He doesn’t get a response from you, but he doesn’t mind. In fact he finds it kind of cute how you are when you’re sleepy. He lets out a soft “Sweet dreams” before finding a comfortable spot on his chair and drifting off to sleep.
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yenqa > if you dont know what royale high is, its just a fairy dress up game thats based off winx
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yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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So I went hiking yesterday and climbed on some old lime factory ruins and saw some graffiti. (Lots of it actually.)
So here's what I think the redacted characters would graffiti (if anything):
David: No. He wouldn't graffiti. Man prolly believes in the sanctity of nature and leaving things either as or better than he found it
Angel: Cock and balls.
Asher: Jigglypuff. He wants everyone to behold the splendor.
Baabe: honestly, despite the fact I hc them as an art nerd, I don't think they would graffiti. Maybe with chalk so that way it's temporary. But idk what they would say.
Milo: either "Milo was here" or "Shut up Asher"
Sweetheart: doesn't matter. It's a mess. Because "Art is abstract, Milo. Besides, it kind of looks like that time Aggro spooked you and you shifted and made a mess in our old apartment"
Sam: he wouldn't. He's on the same wavelength as David.
Darlin: some kind of inside joke so that way everyone in the pack (and clan) knows they were there.
Vincent: a purposefully cheesy inspirational quote in the shittiest lettering you've ever seen.
Lovely: a smiley face because they just want their life to calm down so they can enjoy immortality with their stupid boyfriend.
Porter: he wouldn't, but not because he cares about sanctity or whatever. He just doesn't see the point.
Treasure: nah. They don't see the point either. They also don't have a marker or spray paint or anything with them. Porter just kinda zipped them into the middle of fucking nowhere all of the sudden. Somehow they lost a shoe on the way.
Elliot: yes. Boy is making a whole landscape because it's in his DNA and his inner Bob Ross is screaming at him that there's no mistakes, only happy little accidents
Sunshine: they put a sun and a little river for Brachium since he can't deface property with them :(
Blake: he's bringing a powerwasher to destroy all the graffiti
Bestie: they weren't aware it was an option because Blake is sheltering them from the existence of graffiti to keep them pure.
Aaron: no. He doesn't have the time
Smartass: they're busy too.
Ollie: no. He'd rather be inside playing board games
Baby: no, they're inside watching Ollie explain a board game for three hours
Ivan: yeah. Idk what, but he is
(I'm not doing Ivan's listeners)
Guy: it's just memes. There pepe the frog. There's rainbows and telling people that "they're putting chemicals in the water to turn all the frogs gay"
Honey: they put Guy's phone number so he gets spammed because his graffiti tastes are as good as his humor. Make of that what you will.
Geordi: no. He's too anxious about getting in trouble to even think about it.
Cutie: yes. They're putting passing people's thoughts on the wall.
Camelopardalis: no.
(He has too many listeners and I isn't remember them and they dint have enough personality for me to be able to tell)
Vega: no. It's too human.
Warden: once. They felt bad and tried to get rid of it afterwards. It was just a stick figure with horns.
Hush: yes. He saw it once and wanted to try it. Now he's wanted in twelve states for defacing government property. He just copies what he's seen.
Doc: nope. They never understood the draw.
Damien: nope. He's a rule follower
Lasko: no. He's too anxious
Dear: yes. But it's just dad jokes.
Huxley: once. He felt bad about it but it was certainly an experience. It was a tree and a stick dude.
Gavin: absolutely. It's hilarious. It ranges from just crude jokes to just random circles. No one knows the meeting, but it's becoming like a mini legend in Dahlia. If you find the holy circle (because it's a perfect circle. He has good wrist control) you have to leave an offering. He's making a cult by accident but he still finds it funny
Freelancer: yes, but only because Caelum saw Gavin doing it and thought it looked like fun and he wanted Freelancer's help.
Caelum: he drew a bunch of shaky smiley faces to "brighten peoples day. Because when they see all these smiles, they'll want to smile too, and that will make them feel good. Which makes me feel good. Which helps me make others feel good. Which makes me feel goo-"
Morgan: no.
Seer obscura: no. But they were tempted to give vague warnings to people to try to help them
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simbic · 4 months
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Barracks? Barracks.
This lot ffs
Game crashed three times while i was trying to do this, you wanna talk about rage. I play overwatch regularly (if you play pls add me ok), i know rage
So completed:
Peasant/Yeoman Hovels
Forest (for foraging)
Village Green
Foundling House. I'm tempted to redo this but...im SO DONE
Left to go:
Beach (foraging/saltwater fishing)
Gentry manor, which is like half done already. I lost steam in the middle of it and just...left it to go build everything else. Ill probably start the whole thing over.
Prison, because I've had sims commit adultery in the past and it made me so mad. There was also the violence issue (the teenage boy who kept showing up everywhere and making enemies with every teenage girl he met, including his own sister, and frequently getting his ass kicked), so...yeah.
For outcasts...idk yet. Leaning toward a traveling caravan like @mortia had in hers way back. i intend for two orphans with room for two more because one of the last times i did this, i had an entire family die of plague. the last surviving family member was an infant. highly entertaining at the time. I'll have three soldiers in the barracks. I think that's doable. i just don't want to manage too many of them.
Hedge Tavern (send help)
Legitimately did not understand how everyone else's games are so peaceful and organized, and then i remember some people have religion, and others do storytelling. I don't know if everyone plans out the (highly addictive) stories in their BACCs, but if you do, bless you. I have the attention span of a toddler. ADHD etc
surprised that this held my attention for this long before something else distracts my absentminded ass.
I do have a specific thing planned out that i'm pretty excited about though.
anyway more spam
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hello goodbye!!
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meanbossart · 8 months
DU drow asks time
Lore questions/sweet messages/stuff that made me laugh that's about DU drow specifically that I decided to compile in a single post!
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First of all, "outraged to be used as a medium for old man gay divorce" is a hysterical sentence LOL
As for his thoughts on the Ansur debacle? Negative ones. He hates the emperor, he doesn't care about his third-time-twist real identity, he doesn't particularly care about Wyll either (well - he kind of finds him entertaining, he's kind of really frustrated by him, it's complicated) but he saved his dad on a whim to spite Mizora anyway. BUT HEY, all that trouble would have been worthwhile if he's about to get an ancient dragon fighting alongside him - this old duke sounds a little too confident in this fairy tale, but stranger things have happened, right?
Then the situation unfolds as it does, and if he wasn't eager enough to use that orphic hammer before, he certainly is now. There is very little that the Emperor does past Act 3 that DU drow doesn't find a way to twist into something that confirms his resolve against him. If he could have taken Ansur's side in that fight, he would have - not that he shed any tears over killing him either.
Sick sword though, that helped soothe his nerves a bit and I'm sure spared everyone a little bit of a tantrum at camp later.
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HAHAHAHA I can't confirm nor deny because I see so few large body-type elves as it is (which is fair, elves aren't usually... That massive). I did set age to 50% because it does look a little weird when it's all smooth. Maybe that's the trick?
Though I guess if you find it unsettling, then... No wonder it suits him! however this just looks like an impressively handsome fella to me, to be honest. I insist on fucking him up further whenever I draw him for that reason.
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Thank you so much for following along and for giving the fic a try!!! And no worries, english isn't my native tongue either so I've been there 😎👍
I do actually have a couple of very short comics planned that take place pre-tadpole, but my backlog of WIPs is... Massive. Not to mention the commission work I do (currently not taking any more). I have one that's about his first interaction with Orin and another about a business dinner with Gortash gone-wrong, but I have no clue when I'll be able to work on them. Hopefully soon though!
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You know, I've always hoped that after I died I'd be remembered as the guy who inspired others to make their nipples card-swipe-able.
Joke's aside, thank you LOL I love that my guys' nips have taken up non-insignificant room in your mind, it's always comforting to know that you aren't the only one.
Piercings and the such aren't really his style though. While he finds his scar-work weirdly comforting, he isn't so interested in aesthetic results as much as he just enjoys having pain inflicted upon him in a controlled environment, by people that he loves - He doesn't recall this post-tadpole, but the scars were a result of a kind of... Recurring ritual between himself and Orin that served to replace normal intimacy, pretty much.
Since you touched on it though, I do like to believe that Astarion finds his cut-up body fun, both on the eyes and on the hands LOL.
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I'm starting to think you guys are all in on this. It's like the fifth time someone catches me in the act - god damn it, is it that obvious that I wanna slide down Peter Steele's cold corpse like he's a a ride at the Magical Ice kingdom... Which is to say, yes, both the guy and his music are not-so-lowkey a big inspiration behind a lot of DU drow's characterization!
That's all for now folks, thank you so much for the asks!!! This isn't all of them but I try not to spam people's feeds when I can help it/space them out. I see all of your messages and I guarantee you that if I have an interesting answer for them, you will see a reply eventually!
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oddvanilla · 2 months
Honey, I'm pregnant and it's yours
Also Petey misses you
Im scared even writing this, I know I'm gonna get smth along the lines of 'go the fuck away' but I jus can't help it
I know u know who this is
Also I'm also very scared of you at the moment
Thank you, and I know it seems weird but I can't help it but, I love you [I seem creepy, sorry, also u don't have to accept it]
Bye bye, u probably won't even post this but I've been killing myself thinking about doing this
Thank you
Also Petey really does miss u 🤣
Also just thanks again
[Also sorry I'm not like talking about our break up or anything Id just prefer to do that if I knew u want to too and not like this]
Bye bye for reals now, id put a silly photo but I'm doing this in anon for some reason :)
Bye bye
Also I know you probably didn't expect this to happen
But hey I needed to do something about it
Bye bye now
HOLY CRAP HOW DID I NEVER SEE THIS??? it must've gotten lost in my notifications or something idk...
HAI R**N* !!! I remember your name and every time I try to type my own, yours always comes first. Even when I'm filling up forums or crap...
I'm sorry for scaring you off!!! I still care about you. And for every time I forget to, here I'll just say: I still love you 🫶 even after everything that happened. You're like impossible to hate. I can't help it either🤷���♀️
My sister still checks on you, even you know that. She tells me what happened to you and that kinda crap. I feel bad all the time, and I'm sorry. I would've said this way earlier If I could, but stuff happens,, YK?? It hurts me so bad knowing what I caused. I didn't mean to do this to you, and even back when we were friends I tried holding on because I can't let you ruin yourself. I miss what we had, that's one fact.
I do care if you kill yourself. I DO care if you slit your wrist. I do still care about you in general. All I wish you is love, that's pretty much. I even asked my sister to go and give you asks just so you're not alone anymore. I don't care if she replaces me,, hey at least you got a friend!!!
But I never deleted everything we shared. All the screenshots from our conversations are like a comfort place, even. I still listen to every song you used to spam. I know I hate pencey prep and frank iero, but I still listen to their music because it reminds me of you. I only hated MCR because I wanted you to have your own thing. I want you to focus on yourself and crap. But now I just went back to listening to MCR because it's all I have left of you. You deserve a real apology from me if you just let us talk this out!!!
I can't replace you, and you know that. I call people my husband or wife but I still have you in mind. You're the best person on here I know, and even though I hated it or pretended it, I miss waking up to lots of messages. Now I still wake up to those but from lots of different people. I don't like it that way, I wish you could just come back. I waited for you SO long and I gave up. I want you back and I would do anything for that. But I didn't go talk to you directly because you know I want you to have space. I miss having only ONE person to go to. I didn't ignore you because I had other people to talk to!!! If anything, my parents expected so much from me like school and other crap that I don't have time to reply to anyone either!!!
Now it's been rough and stuff. I almost have nobody to open up to. Everyone I know is either always asleep or always can't talk. But you're always there and that's one thing nobody can beat you at. I don't even text people first anymore because I feel like I'm a bother and when I'm with you it just feels easier because. You're accepting.
I never told anyone about what we had in detail. I never tried to do the same things WE did with anyone else either. Nobody has to know about what letters are missing in p** w*y h*g*er. Nobody has to know why we hated your brother and how he was a bitch. I don't even send people frerard fanfics anymore because I don't want a friendship story like ours just a 2.0 version. I think you're the one for me, if anything. I love you and you didn't mess up, I did.
I don't want you to leave me alone, I want you back. If YOU can do this then we could build everything back. just know that even if you don't want me, it's fine. But I won't try to find anyone better,, I'll just sit back, I guess🙏🙏 tell mamacita im not done with rizzing her up🙄🙄
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erithel · 1 month
Piggybacking off of your response to the previous ask, man can I just say what an utter clusterfuck the whole "gone" situation was follower-wise... i'm gonna make this about me so sorry about that, however i'm the kind of person that can't really articulate their thoughts, can't see through the layers as clearly as others and when people post a thoughtful analysis that reflects my feelings about the fic while the best thing I can come up with is something like "wow, fic good❤️" (which yeah I know is still fine but anyway) it makes me feel so much better because what is trapped in my head is articulated as I wanted to express it... that being said, seeing you explore ptsd and lance's grief like this stirred smth in me, I cried at times, so I was very excited to see people in your asks sharing their thoughts and all... And then they didn't seem to care so much about it (not all of them obvs) and at first it was like "hahah yeah.. we all want them to kiss xd lol" but then seeing you post about how people would essentially flood your asks for klance to KISS ALREADY™ plus with other general stuff... Idk if it was frustrating for me I can't even begin to imagine how it was for you, because this is like.. still a story, just in comic form, so yes it has an arc it need to complete. We could see the episode count from the beginning too if I remember correctly, so being so insistent about it was weird? Either way, it was a story and it was getting somewhere and spamming about when your ship will be canon is kind of annoying. So sorry this happened to you and so happy you pushed through! I binge it on the regular!
I feel like I could do a Ted Talk on the etiquette of commenting at this point, through my own experience, and also reading comments my friends have received on their work.
But essentially what it boils down to is two things:
Creators put a lot of work into their stories, and
They choose to write stories their way
The way that I write fan content (both fics and comics) is because these stories and these subjects are important to me. Some of them are very personal, too. And I know I am not the only creator who chooses to write this way.
Obviously the way I reacted to the "just kiss already" comments may have seemed like an overreaction from the outside (I thank you for being understanding in your ask btw).
But the message those constant comments were sending was a very clear one of:
All the thought/time/work you put into this story does not matter
Everyone who ever told you to "just get over it" was right
Grief can be a very physical and powerful thing.
Losing someone you love leaves you with this excess of love and affection that now has no where to go. You used to have a place to direct it, and when that place is suddenly gone, it takes a while to learn how to function again; to redistribute that love.
It's something that never goes away, it just gets manageable. And it's definitely not something you can "just get over."
I'm not saying I'm the greatest storyteller of all time, but I was tired of reading books and watching movies and shows where the characters never felt the aftermath of a loss. They all just moved onto the next episode or the next chapter like nothing ever happened.
And I do think it's important to tell stories like this in fanfiction. Because many readers are younger. Many readers rely on reading fanfiction because it's free. Many readers need hope and catharsis. And getting to read about their favorite characters go through terrible things but realistically come out on the other side is, to me, very important. Because the stories we read - no matter if they are free or published works - can stick with us for the rest of our lives.
This is why it was such a big deal for me. Because I was trying to tell a story that said "Please take your time to get over things. Please know that it's okay if you don't immediately snap back to the way things were. Please know that it's okay to feel whatever it is you are feeling." And getting comment after comment that said the exact opposite was honestly just crushing.
I would take a "wow, fic good" comment any day. Because it acknowledges what has been done, instead of demands things to speed up to suit someone else's needs.
And, on a slightly more petty note... it was a klance fan comic. It's not like they weren't going to kiss. They just weren't going to do it in the middle of an argument where it wouldn't have stuck!
(I do also think it's funny that there's a perfect comic example of a kiss happening too early, before communication which happened right around the same time as Gone. And for the record, she's gotten way more and way worse comments than I did, so that's something worth mentioning, too.)
The point is that some stories are very personal to the author and very important to certain members of the audience. Of course no single story will be for everyone, but just because it is not going a certain way does not mean it's okay to demand it be changed.
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pony-unicorn · 16 days
Helpful information about Dead Boy Detectives
•Netflix title suggestion website:
It's REALLY easy and quick to use. All you have to do is write "Dead Boy Detectives", "Dead Boy Detectives season 2", "Dead Boy Detectives season 3" and press "send".
•Netflix official feedback website:
•Netflix official chat:
•Calling Netflix:
You can call Netflix on any official account clicking in "help"
•Unhappily Netflix doesn't have an official email*
•Dead Boy Detectives stats website:
It doesn't show the only important data though, Netflix would analyze in other ways too.
•The hashtags:
Dead Boy Detectives had/has a lot of hashtags, but at the moment the the most famous ones are #DeadBoyDetectives and #SaveDeadBoyDetectives . #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives is also being used when commenting specifically about the streams.
Please use at max two hashtags on Twitter. The app decreases the reach of tweets with too many hashtags, you can use as many as you want on Tumblr though. Also, please refrain from creating more hashtags because if it splits then the posts will have more difficulty to trend. Use more of them, everytime you tweet about Dead Boy Detectives, even if you don't think it's important to use, the hashtags have been trending less in the last few days.
•Atracting more fans:
Usually when people see other people speaking angrily about their shows getting canceled, while 100% comprehensible, people tend to ignore. It's easier to attract more fans if you show that the show is cool, even if it's just a marketing strategy.
Netflix receives messages like this all the time and unhappily they ignore it. But people that don't know the show might get interested if they see the trailer, an edit, a synopsis or something similar, remember to use the hashtags ( #DeadBoyDetectives and #SaveDeadBoyDetectives ). It also is a good idea to probably type something else when mentioning DBD on Twitter and Instagram and not just the hashtags, so it won't be read as spam.
By the way, talking about promoting the show, Ali Plumb, a famous interviewer, posted asking about underrated shows recently, it's a opportunity to coment about Dead Boy Detectives, but remember to focus on it and be respectul instead of talking bad about Netflix. The post's link:
•The Petition:
There's a petition for the show currently happening for the show. We already got 11000 signatures, the goal at the moment is 15000 signatures. You can also use multiple accounts to sign but it would be even better if you could share it to other people. Please don't send Netflix or other companies the petition, the creator will send it later when there's enough signatures.
•"Watch party" and top 10:
We are mass streaming and trying to get Dead Boy Detectives on Netflix's top 10. And while not the only important thing, the views are important and really helpful. Currently we're appearing on the "Everyone is watching" category in some countries, but you can see in which place on the ranking Dead Boy Detectives is by looking at the stats website. Kudos go to @/starrygraves, @/intotstars and @/moonkailan on Twitter.
•Rating and reviews:
Rating also helps, you can vote by episode on IMDB and write reviews for the show in both websites. here are the links for voting on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB.
Rotten Tomatoes:
By episode:
•Save Dead Boy Detectives (the account):
It's an tumblr account focused on reviving Dead Boy Detectives, it also has a website (that I'm gonna put below 👇), Instagram and Twitter account, all @/SaveTheDeadBoys. You can find way more information about saving the show such as emails models to send to companies.
•Fucusing on Netflix:
I would recomend foucusing on Netflix for contractual reasons, since it's easier for it to give on on the cancelation than another company buying it. While Netflx doesn't have an official email, people such as the founder and CEOs have. You can also find other* emails on the Save Dead Boy Detectives website. A few of the emails:
→Reed Hastings - Executive Chairman & Founder
→Greg Peters - Co-CEO
→Ted Sarandos - Co-CEO
→Warner Bros
Netflix's mailing addresses are:
"Netflix Inc, 5808, W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028", for the United States and "Netflix Services UK LTD, 30, Berners Street, London, W1T 3LR" for the United Kingdom.
Save Dead Boy Detectives created a plan to send the letters in batches so there can be a constant arrival of letters for weeks. There is also advice for what could help or make worse when sending letters, you can find more here:
Please do not send hate to Netflix, they constantly receive messages like this and will not listen to us. Use the letters to be convincing and show your love to the show.
•Engaging with the articles:
If you engage with the articles more people will write about it. The visualizations and comments is way to demonstrate that people want to see more of it. Here is a list of Dead Boy Detectives articles by @DeadBoysDetect on Twitter:
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alyssajennwrites · 10 months
Fireworks ~ Quackity x Y/n
Quackity x f!reader
TW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff
Note: In 1st person. I’m sorry if your tall but for the sake of the story the reader is short. Also, it doesn’t really mention it but Y/n is around Quackity’s age (just wanted to say that so you didn’t get confused).
Remember: D/n = Discord name, S/n = Ship name, N/n = Nickname
Summary: Y/n meets up with the dspm gang for the first time. But things take a slight turn in the wrong direction when Tommy not only sets off fireworks, but when he also sets off Y/n’s fear of loud noises.
A/N: I know it’s not the Fourth of July but I’ve had this idea for forever so I wanted to write it.
Word Count: 2,015
༺𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂༻
“Happy Fourth of July everyone!” Tommy said through the discord as he and the rest of the gang streamed.
I am currently sitting in my room, waiting for Tommy to finish up. He said he’d be done in five minutes, he said that 30 minutes ago. Not gonna lie, he’s kinda a dick sometimes. He’s my best friend, but he’s just irritating sometimes.
I honestly shouldn’t have let him stream from my setup! I don’t know what I was thinking at the time, but I shouldn’t have let him.
“Tommy,” I whined, walking over to him and placing my head on his shoulder. “You told me you would be done 25 minutes ago.”
I gave him a pouty face while trying to get his attention. He looked over in my direction but didn’t look at me. He looked over at the chat.
“Chat! Stop spamming that! Y/n and I are not a couple!” Tommy said, well more as he yelled.
I looked over to see the chat spamming their ship name for us, S/n. When chat first started spamming it, about a year ago, Tommy had freaked out. But now he just yells for the fun of it.
I laugh and put on a headset, pulling the extra microphone over to me.
“Hey chat!” I say waving at the camera even if I feel like a complete idiot doing so. “Tommy? Why isn’t a game pulled up on the computer? Weren’t you playing on the SMP?”
“Well, Mujer Bonita, we don’t have our set up with us at the moment,” I heard Big Q say through the call.
Big Q has a habit of giving me nicknames but saying them in Spanish. At first, I couldn’t understand a word he’d say, but now I know bits and pieces.
“Oh? And why would that be?” I ask.
“You’ll just have to wait and see missy,” He replies.
“Well chat,” Tommy interrupts. “I better end this before Big Q and N/n get into another fight. You know the drill and I really don’t feel like repeating it but check the follow button and I’ll see you later. Bye!”
He immediately ends the stream, but doesn’t disconnect from the discord call. He turns to me, letting out a long breath.
“What? Why are you acting like you need to do something this minute but you don’t want to?” I ask, tilting my head to the side. “Did you forget that you have a college essay due tomorrow?”
I hear a lot of, “Ooo,” coming from the boys still in the call. I laugh, at Tommy’s face.
“You’re never gonna let me live that down are you?” He asks, the corners of his mouth lifting up slightly.
“Do you really expect me to? You had 3 weeks to complete that essay and you put it off until the night before. I’m surprised you even finished it.”
“Tommy, the lady has a point,” Karl jumps in.
I smirk, triumphantly.
“Quit boosting her ego! You should see the look on her face,” Tommy says, somewhat annoyed.
The whole call bursts out laughing and I’m reminded of how much I want to meet them all in person. I’ve only met Tommy in person and he is currently staying over for the next couple of weeks. I really want to see them.
It’s weird, having people know you better than you know yourself. Especially if those people have never met you in real life. Like, take Karl for example, he knows every one of my favorite songs. Though that’s probably because I play and sing them nonstop when on a call with him.
“Alright, alright! Enough! N/n and I have to go. We’ll talk to you idiots later!” Tommy says.
Multiple byes and see ya’s can be heard from the call before Tommy logs off. That’s when he turns back to face me.
“Let’s go before we miss the party.” With that, he pulls me up and begins dragging me to the front door.
“Tommy where are we going?” I ask for about the third time during our little night drive.
“Y/n! I swear! If you fucking ask again I’m gonna turn around and we’re going home. And trust me when I say you’ll not be happy with that!” Tommy says as he takes a corner way too fucking fast.
I sigh, laying back further in my seat. I pull out my phone, opening Discord to find absolutely no messages from my main SMP friends. I frown, both confused and disappointed. That’s when I decide to get their attention.
See, the boys are very protective of me. Me being one of the only girls along with Niki has its perks. So, I text the main chat for our little group of friends.
Big Q immediately answers this and I’m not surprised.
Woah! What’s wrong? Are you okay?
You good?
Fuck not again…
Tommy looks over when he hears me laugh at the boys’ reaction.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He leans over and looks at my screen. “Hey! Turn that off! No Discord during our trip!” He takes my phone again, placing it on the other side of him where I can’t reach it.
“Tommy… Give me my phone back!” I yell reaching for it.
“No! Get away!” He screams back at me.
“Don’t make me ask again Bitch Boy!”
Tommy playfully gasps, “Okay, now you’re not getting it back!”
I huff, sinking into my seat, defeated. My phone begins vibrating. Over, and over, and over, and over again.
“Damn girl, why do you have Discord notifications on?” Tommy asks, turning on my phone screen. “Holy shit! What did you say to them? I can’t read what they said because of your stupid Face ID, but I can tell that they’re worried.”
“Dude! Eyes on the fucking road!” I say as he drifts into the other lane.
The drive takes another 30 minutes before Tommy turns into a parking lot. I get out of the vehicle, looking around. There is nothing here. I see no party.
“Here you go. Please answer them before they start bugging me,” Tommy says, handing his phone to me and then leaning on the car.
I unlock my phone to see multiple messages from the boys.
N/n? You can’t scream and then not respond to us!
Mujer Bonita? Answer us, please!
Y/n are you okay?
Did she get kidnapped?
No, she didn’t fucking get kidnapped, George!
It goes on like this for a while. So I keep scrolling to find this,
Have you tried calling her?
No, let me try really quickly!
You should have tried that first dipshit!
‘Quackity started a call’
’Fifteen missed calls from Quackity’
I sigh,
“Tommy! You took my phone and now the SMP is worried!” I say, playfully slapping his arm.
“Geez! Sorry, I didn’t want them to spill the surprise!” He said.
But before I could even question him, he dragged me towards the one bend in the road at the end of the parking lot. This bend was conveniently wide enough for me not to be able to see the other side.
“Tommy, I don’t like this,” I say, pulling my arm out of his grasp and backing up. “What is going on?”
“Just trust me N/n.” Right after he said that I could feel my phone vibrate.
I unlock my phone, finding that I had a message from Big Q.
Trust him Mujer!
I look up, confused, but either way, I hesitantly reach out my hand to Tommy. Tommy grabs hold of my hand and pulls me around the bend.
I stop short, gasping at the sight in front of me. There was a huge house like tent with lanterns everywhere. There was a walkway with torches lining the path. The tent was illuminated by what I guessed to candles or lanterns. The one thing that stood out to me the most was the crowd of people all talking outside of the tent.
I freed myself from Tommy’s hold and ran down the path to the crowd. As I make my way closer, I see one of the short males turn to face me. I gasp as I recognize the face, freezing when I recognize all the faces in the crowd.
“What…?” I say quietly. “How are you here?”
Tommy comes up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Happy Fourth of July Y/n.”
After many hugs and some tears. We all settle down. Me sitting next to Alex on the loveseat. Wilbur sitting on a stool with his guitar, strumming the tune to Your New Boyfriend. And everyone else sitting on the couches and chairs that surround the fire.
I look around at our group, there was Alex, Karl, Wilbur, Dream with a face mask on, George, Tubbo, Tommy, Philza, Niki, and Ranboo who also had a mask on.
They did it. They actually made a get together. And it is the best get together I could have asked for.
Out of no where, Tommy jumps up and yells,
“Time for fireworks bitches!!”
He runs outside, everyone else following. But as I stood up I realized, I hate loud noises. Tommy’s yelling is fine but, fireworks? I’ll have a mental breakdown.
“You okay mi amor?” Alex asked, walking back over to me.
“Mhm,” I say quietly, still looking at the wall.
“Hey…” Alex says quietly, using if hand to gently turn my head to face him. “What’s wrong?”
“Don’t laugh,” I saying, smiling sadly.
“I promise.” He sticks his pinky out for me to link with mine.
I laugh lightly, linking our pinkies in a promise.
“Okay, so…” I take a deep breath. “I’m scared of loud noises.”
Alex looks shocked at that. But he doesn’t laugh. He gives me a small smile and pulls me into a hug. But then suddenly he pulls away.
“How do you handle Tommy’s yelling and screaming them?” He looks worried, but I just chuckle.
“Oh, Tommy’s fine. I know that his yelling is all fun and games,” I reply smiling. “When I first met him though, I almost fell out of my chair because I jumped so hard when he yelled out his welcome.”
“Well, why don’t we go outside with the others?” He asks, stretching his hand out for me to grab.
I hold on, momentarily forgetting my fear. That is, until Tommy set off the first firework and I jump back. Alex immediately looks back to see me sitting on the ground, shaking. He quickly sits down next to me and covers my ears with his hands.
A look of worry, and guilt crossing his face. His hands were warm on my ears, and I couldn’t seem to make myself look away from his eyes. There was something about them that was mesmerizing.
We stayed like that until Tommy had run out of fireworks to light. Alex pulled his hands away from my ears as soon as he was certain that there were no more fireworks. He gently brushed his fingers across my skin, wiping away the tears that had broken free.
“I’m sorry, I should have stopped them sooner,” he whispered.
“It’s fine,” I whispered back.
“Hey! What do you two think you are doing on the ground?” Tommy called out from the distance.
Alex and I both laughed, helping each other off of the ground. We spent the rest of the night laughing and having fun. And Alex couldn’t seem to let go of my hand, but I’m not complaining.
“Wait, were you guys texting me from the same room? And were you in a call with Tommy from the same place?”
I never got an answer, I only got a bunch of laughter.
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shonpota · 1 year
Twitter Re acquisition Startegy Things that can be done to get Elon out from Twitter for good
(It is can, and it doesn't meant to be taken seriously anyway)
Please be kind when commenting and reblogging
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Everything here are just options, not step by step:
Twitter blue or not, whenever Elon tweet something just make spam of pollings with questions or rephrased of "Do you want Elon Musk to be in Twitter in any job title? Yes or no." If you are afraid of getting accounts, then make dummy accounts. Remember to always vote "no" 😆 we can do it! Flood Elon's reply tweet sections woth that polling and nothing more, only interact with polling and like other polling with alike question to fight against bootlickers algorithm.
^This question is basically improved version of Elon's polling about whether he should step down from CEO position. Which he used the "no" As to move to other job position. This improved question will leave him no space to slip to other job position or even to just exist in Twitter.
Gather information about former twitter employees, make a group chat with them. Ask them about new and old twitter, the good and the bad. Make articles about it, go publish it everywhere.
Make all public posts settings on other social media about how bad twitter is for business and advertisements, tag local and international news and other influencers and request them to do the same.
Make one day or few days without twitter campaign to make social interest in it goes down, notify any local and international news media about this so they put it on news to make twitter popularity goes down and harms also humiliated Elon's megalomaniac and egomaniac side.
😇 Alternative "Good guy" Route😇 : Work together with HQ building owner (because Elon is renting it) to kick Elon out but keep everything intact.
Warning: ?? Unknown??
👽 🍹 Raid 51 But In HQ 🍹👽: Let's hold a gathering party to goes into Twitter San Fransisco HQ on Market Street! Go get barbecue, ice cream, juices, cold snacks and hold a picnic there and try to hold it in the HQ too (you can ask the building owner to open up the door cuz Elon doesn't pay the office) . The polices and armies will less likely arrest such a peaceful fun raid. Go feed the workers and passerby but not Elon.
If this is done then hold an open public job open requests to everyone in around the world and US to be engineers, website and logo designers, codings, etc. Twitter has branches around the countries
DELETE ELON MUSK ACCOUNT/S. Ban his phone number and e-mail.
If possible: Collect money to set a lawyer against him. Remember that Elon is stupid enough to challenge Wachtell (a big name in lawyer world). Go open public fundraising. Demand a high cost compensation from Elon.
News that hold information about lay offs:
More idea to try! 💡 if possible, you can ask the journalist in the news about name details of who got lay off
CEO: Parag Agrawal
Chief Financial Officer: Ned Segal
Head of Legal Policy: Vijaya Gadde
There are also people who get unemployed in Ghana as told in CNBC, the journalist who interviewed is Elliot Smith.
For news about the lay off, The Verge, Euronews, etc can be used.
HQ Location:
Xspace office
Tesla Factories
Potential Allies for Twitter Take over:
Warning: Don't publish this in Twitter, on DMs is fine. It is better if Elon Musk doesn't know about this so he can't prepare anything. Make sure that each accounts unfollowed and block elon musk Twitter too.
Oh anyway a good read:
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citrusella-flugpucker · 4 months
An idea about ways to change the way the geoglyphs quest works which will Totally Please Everyone™
...What do you mean, you can't please everyone?
So, I said in December that I wanted to make a post about a game mechanic change in Tears of the Kingdom that could make everyone happy with regards to the delivery of the geoglyphs' story points.
I, for instance, liked finding them in whatever order and did not find it negatively affected my experience of the story, but some other people found they didn't like that the "correct" (read: chronological) order wasn't enforced.
I had an idea that could fix that, and it centers on a lot of conditionals, and to start off, I'm going to describe it using one already extant story progress condition a lot of people probably have never encountered. (But plenty of people probably have.)
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You get this text box if you manage to arrive at the pedestal while having not started the regional phenomena main quest. (Even if you got the paraglider. It's linked to starting Regional Phenomena.)
(I spent two hours trying and failing to glitch into the room with a clip from above before finally giving up and trying precarious ascend instead because I didn't wanna steal a shot of this off a YouTuber. Everyone clap
Also, I was going to include other images but brain doesn't want to alt text right now so)
So, anyway, the idea I had is that you see this sort of text box (not that EXACT box, it's only an example), but only in certain scenarios. Imagine, if you will:
Prior to arriving at geoglyph #1, everyone--if they try to interact with another geoglyph--sees a message like, "You don't yet know how to interact with this." or something.
Then you get to #1 where Impa is waiting for you as she does in the actual game (this is where all the other images would have gone if I included them here XP). She gives you the spiel, you go up in the balloon, and some of her text is changed from the actual game in a way that suggests that when you examine again and actually have it work, you realize it involves recall, yada yada (the actual interaction with the tear doesn't change from canon, I just wanted the text to change so there's a story reason you "know" what to do now). Impa shows up after you view it, as she canonically does.
Here's where things are really changed up: While she still brings up going to the Forgotten Temple, she very much telegraphs to the player that if they go there, they will get answers as to the order, so that people will be even clearer than the actual game that they can find the map and order there (though maybe not being that direct about it when presenting this dialog to the player as it would be to say "there will be a map and pictures there"). Then, like in the real game, she suggests Link make his way there as well... BUT then a dialogue option comes up.
Will you meet me at the Forgotten Temple as soon as possible?
[Sure!] [I can manage on my own. 🅱]
And then, just in case you were spamming B, pressing that will trigger a confirmation.
Are you sure? I suspect there is important information about the geoglyphs there.
[Okay, I'll come.] [Maybe later. 🅱]
No matter which one you select, the quest is added regardless just like normal (albeit perhaps with slightly different flavor text depending on whether you agreed to the meeting or not).
If you hit B and reject all attempts to go "immediately" then the game works as it does currently: The quest is granted, all geoglyphs instantly respond to you in whatever order you approach them in, Impa goes to the Forgotten Temple, etc.
If you ever hit A on the top option, the quest is granted and you're not immediately transported there or anything, but until you arrive at the Forgotten Temple, a flag is set and all geoglyphs respond by producing a Not Yet box saying something like "You remember that you promised to meet Impa in the Forgotten Temple."
So you head to the Forgotten Temple. Regardless of whether you agreed to come or came later, just like in canon, Impa's there, you find the map and order on the wall. Some of the in-game interactions happen, but instead of Impa suggesting you take a picture (or perhaps, instead of her only suggesting you take a picture), she says something that allows you to have the order be enforced. Maybe it's writing from a book she read about the geoglyphs or something, since it's established in canon she read about the Dragon's Tears somewhere. Maybe it's connected to you taking a picture with a quest ❗ on it with the Purah Pad (though this would require you to have completed a different quest first to get the camera. oof.). But somehow, this order is imparted to you so that Link himself knows it in game.
If you reject the enforced order, you're still free to take a picture like in canon, but the flag preventing you from investigating geoglyphs is cleared and you can access them in any order just like if you'd rejected going to the temple immediately when Impa asked at tear 1.
If you agree to enforced order, the flag preventing investigating the glyphs at all is unset, and a different flag that says you chose to enforce the order is set instead. Then, if you approach a geoglyph that's not next in chronological order, the game presents a box saying something to the effect of "This doesn't look like the next geoglyph..." Maybe it's not a strict enforcement, and so when you get this box, you also get dialogue options of "Look anyway." or "Leave it alone for now." Just in case you agreed to the enforcement and then went "wait, I don't like this".
Also considered the idea that unlocking the sensor on the Purah Pad would grant you, in addition to shrines and compendium entries, the ability to track geoglyphs (maybe with changes in which geoglyphs it alerts to, dependent on if you're in enforced order or not--i.e. unenforced alerts to all, enforced only alerts to next). But that also felt like it might be too handholdy? IDK.
Anyway, this is my attempt at a best-of-both-worlds between people who want to be guided through parts of the story in a specific order and people who really don't care/don't think the variable order is a detriment and maybe just want to hit things efficiently while they're crossing the map doing other things.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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