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a-is-for-arson · 2 months ago
Bill Cipher's Chappellsona
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flashlight-sticker · 2 months ago
Day 4 - Free day
“I’ll be there in five”
Francis pressed ‘send’ as he walked down the street, his cape waving in the air slightly, the sun setting quickly, Matthew and Alfred following him suit.
He could hear Alfred say something about the monsters that are suddenly allowed out of “the other world” on the night of the 31st and he couldn’t tell who was screaming afterwards, Matthew who was scared, or Alfred, whom Matthew slapped because he scared him.
Francis turned sharply, hand on his hip, looking at the two sternly.
“Boys!” The kids stopped and looked right back at Francis, waiting for the next instructions. “If you misbehave - we’re not gonna go trick or treating.”
“Nooo!” Alfred whined looking at Francis pleadingly.
“But, dad! You promised!”
He did. The whole thing wasn’t something he was familiar with, not even slightly, but the kids were really looking forward to it and wouldn’t stop pestering him about “What costume will you wear?” (Werewolf. Yes, Alfred, with the tail and tears, too) or “What sweets do you think we’re gonna get? How many?” (Many. Because you’ve been good, right?) or “You’re not gonna ask for any?! What’s the point then?!” (Well…uh…) or even “Do you think Alistair can come?” (I’ll ask him).
Alfred and Matthew had very different approaches to persuading him to participate. While Alfred just bluntly stated what he wanted, or kept pleading and doing those puppy-eyes that he knew Francis couldn’t refuse, Matthew proved just how similar the two were by implying things. Like that one lunch when, after being picked up from school, he sadly picked at his food and when Francis asked what the deal was, he received an “all the kids in my class are going trick or treating” in return. Or when he hinted that “all the kids’ parents in his class” are gonna be dressed up, while roaming the streets (Francis doubted that even half of them participated in the affair). Or when he dreamily said that it would be much more fun if Alistair tagged along and that “it would be much more interesting for you too if he came, right, Papa ?”
Francis sighted half-heartedly, a smile on his face already.
“Yeah, I did promise.” He reached his hands out for the boys to grab onto “Let’s go.”
The closer they got to Alistair’s house, the more giddy Alfred and Matthew got, the excitement for the future sweets only increasing with every passing second. And, honestly, Francis was quite glad that they were approaching the building himself. Mainly because Alfred has talked his ear off already. Also, because he was curious to see what costume Alistair put on, but that’s not as important.
Francis pushed the handle of Alistair’s front door easily, the surprisingly dark hallway opening to him, a cold light flickering in the living-room directly across the corridor. He frowned.
“Alistair?” He called out into the darkness. Silence.
Francis groaned, pushing his shoes off, Alfred and Matthew standing behind him, either patient or scared.
“C’mon, get out, this isn’t funny.” He waved his hands vaguely, as if the other could see him. Still no reply and the apartment felt too cold and empty. “Alistair?”
Francis entered the living room and immediately felt how he was jumped on, hands grabbing his waist and a “BOO!” being shouted out rather loudly.
“AAA!” Francis shrieked and heard a pair of voices match his own, after which he felt the Scotsman’s chin on his shoulder, laughing. “ALISTAIR!”
The said man let go of him, shaking his head slightly, a mask covering his face, turning the light on in the corridor. Francis hit his shoulder.
“Ouch?” He took off the furry mask, but the smile didn’t leave his face and he raised his hands. “It’s not my fault that you get scared so easily!”
Now that he was standing right in front of him and didn’t try to scare the shit out of him, Francis could look at the other’s outfit properly.
And, just as expected, its end goal wasn’t to impress someone with its beauty.
Alistair was dressed pretty casually, although his trousers were tighter than usual. Black jeans, a dark (disgusting) green shirt, a pair of knee-length, worn boots at the door that, Francis assumed, will go with the rest of the clothing, but — God — the mask. It was too realistic for his liking, looking too much like an actual wolf’s head, the grey fur appearing too natural, the glass eyes staring into Francis’ soul. A wulver. Of course Alistair dressed up as a wulver.
However, he didn’t have much time, as Alistair almost immediately turned to the kids.
“Hi!” He kneeled down and the two boys run up to him quickly, giggling and shouting out their greetings. Francis watched them high-five each other. Alistair ruffled Alfred’s hair and Mathew’s right after. “And what are you two dressed as?”
“I’m a zombie!” Alfred shouted out, as energetic as always.
“Vampire.” After which Matthew showed off his fangs.
“Wow!” Alistair closed his eyes, mimicking shock “I sure hope you won’t eat me!”
Francis leaned onto the wall with his shoulder, observing the chatter, the laughter and the excited faces of the kids.
“Dad! Dad!” Alfred yelled out from afar, waving his hand in the air. Once he was positive that he got Francis’ attention, he pointed at the next house and, receiving a nod, dragged Matthew to it.
He heard Alistair chuckle from behind and threw him a glance.
“Your kids are lovely”
Francis smiled widely, showing his teeth. “I know.
He looked towards the place from which the chanting of ‘Trick or Treat?!’ could be heard.
“They’re the best.”
“Nice fangs, by the way.”
Francis felt his face flush at the mention, remembering the piece of plastic that he stuck upon Matthew insisting on it.
“Well, the look would be incomplete otherwise, no?”
“Hm, I think you look great regardless” Francis felt Alistair’s hand on his hip, much gentler this time, which only deepened the flush on his face. He faced Alistair fully and smirked.
“That’s a lot coming from you, mon coeur.” He traced the outline of Alistair’s jacket lightly, looking in his green eyes. Francis dropped his eyes to the stitches quickly, a playful smile remaining “You clearly put a lot of work into the costume.”
“Didn’t you just say that I look good even without it?”
They locked eyes and Francis whispered :
“I’m dying to see you without it, Alistair.”
It was somewhat past eleven and Francis was absolutely exhausted; unlike Matthew and Alfred, who have probably gotten a sugar overdose and were now running around the house while he plumped into an armchair.
Typically he’d ask for the kids to put away their jackets, arrange their shoes properly, brush their teeth before bed… absolutely not the case today.
Francis leaned further into the cushion, eyes closing, his muscles finally relaxing and — CRASH!
He heard glass hit the floor, yelling, and rapid footsteps towards the kitchen.
He let out a sigh. It seemed that his headache won’t loosen up any time soon.
“Boys, boys!” He could almost see Alistair waving his hands in a cross, diffusing the argument. “It doesn’t matter who did it.”
With that much he agreed. Whatever it is they broke, probably wasn’t too valuable and he wasn’t in the mood for a lecture.
The rest of the dialogue was in much quieter tones, so he could only guess what was happening. Whatever it was, it resulted into the two boys running past him towards their bedroom, Alfred shouting at him something about a “bedtime story”.
The noise of the vacuum cleaner, some cursing in Gaelic and some sound in between a groan and a moan and Alistair came into the room, wrapping his hands around Francis’ chest, eyes closing, chin dropping on his shoulder. Francis leaned into the hug, observing the Scot through half-lidded eyes.
“What was that about?” he whispered.
“Mmm…” Alistair leaned his head to the side “They were running around and broke some cup.”
There was a few seconds of silence, in which the two of them simply enjoyed the privacy they got.
“You promised them a story before bed?”
Alistair hummed again, untangling himself from Francis.
“I should probably go,” he scratched Francis’ head behind the wolf ears and continued with barely suppressed glee “kitten.”
Francis snorted, immediately waving Alistair away.
“Oh, shut it!”
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2leggedshark · 23 days ago
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH I WAS HOPING YOUD LIEK IT!!!!!! I literally thought of it and had to immediately draw it :D
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paintdlady · 1 year ago
Every time I see a gif of little Percy Jackson flossing, I can’t help but think: “this kid is going to make a misery goddess choke on her own poison.”
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year ago
Red Flags (An [Unfinished] Errorink Oneshot)
Summary: Error asks Ink on a date to an unspecified AU. Ink accepts, despite his friends trying to discourage him from doing so. The date seems to be going relatively well until some concerning things start happening during their conversation. If only red weren't such a beautiful, attractive color.
Warnings: Human Centipede. That's it, that's the warning. And Error's text might be difficult for some people to read.
The date was going better than Ink had thought it would. Or, rather, it was going better than what Dream and the others were so paranoid over. Honestly, they could be so protective sometimes. Ink knew they meant well, but it could be a bit overwhelming at times. He's just grateful they didn't need to be convinced to not follow him to the restaurant.
That is, of course, assuming they just never told him about that. And were currently stationed somewhere he couldn't see, observing everything from a distance. It would be so embarrassing if they barged in and interrupted the date with their worries over Error being a "red flag".
Granted, if that did happen, the one saving grace Ink would have is that the restaurant was entirely empty except for him, Error, and the AU's Grillby. It was some kind of precaution, Dream said, to ensure that there were minimal casualties if something went wrong. Ink preferred to think of it as them being considerate of Error's dislike of social spaces. He had to admit, he was surprised the glitch suggested a dinner date instead of something like stargazing in Outertale. Not that he minded, of course! He was simply shocked Error was willing to step out of his comfort zone so soon.
"YoU'vE eAtEn FiSh BeFoRe, RiGhT?" Error asked, jarring Ink from his thoughts. "AsIdE fRoM sUsHi, I mEaN."
"R-Right!" Ink stammered, blushing at his hesitation. "There's so much that can be done with it! Uh… what's your favorite kind?"
"DoN't KnOw. I'vE nEvEr ReAlLy EaTeN aNyThInG oThEr ThAn ChOcOlAtE." He shrugged. "YoU wAtCh CaRtOoNs, DoN't YoU? AnY fAvOrItEs?"
"I wouldn't say I have favorites, really… I think they all have their unique charms. But some personal picks would be anything by Studio Ghibli- you know, like 'Spirited Away' and 'My Neighbor Totoro'? The Powerpuff Girls was pretty good too, I think. My favorite was always Blossom. Do you… watch anything other than Undernovela?"
"YeAh, I'vE wAtChEd SoMe MoViEs. ThE hOrRoR fRaNcHiSe IsN't ToO bAd, SuRpRiSiNgLy. AnOmAlIeS cAn MaKe GoOd CoNtEnT."
"… You know how I feel about you referring to the AUs as that."
"RiGhT, rIgHt. My BaD."
"So… any horror films in particular that you like? The Conjuring's popular, isn't it?"
"YeAh. BuT I'm InTo OlDeR fIlMs… SoMe PeOpLe SaY iT's A bAd MoViE, bUt I tHiNk It'S gReAt!"
"And what movie are we talking about?"
"HuMaN CeNtIpEdE."
Ink nearly spat out his drink, setting the glass down immediately. Error seemed a bit surprised by his reaction, his eyes going a bit wide and his smile wavering. Ink managed to swallow the liquid without choking on it, but still let out a few coughs after the fact. After a moment or so, he was finally able to get himself in check, and gave an awkward smile.
"'Human Centipede'…? As in, that 'Human Centipede'?" He asked.
"Is ThErE aNoThEr SeRiEs CaLlEd ThAt?" Error asked in return. "AnD I kNoW wHaT yOu'Re ThInKiNg, AnD tHe AnSwEr'S nO. I dOn'T lIkE iT fOr ThE gOrE oR bOdY hOrRoR, I lIkE iT fOr ThE pLoT!"
"Uh… I've never… watched the movie…" Ink admitted nervously. "I've only heard things about it… but! Uh, first time for everything…? What's it about?"
"DePeNdS oN wHiCh OnE yOu'Re TaLkInG aBoUt." There was more than the one!? "BuT sInCe YoU'vE nEvEr WaTcHeD iT, I'lL gO wItH tHe FiRsT oNe. ThE sEcOnD iS mY pErSoNaL fAvOrItE, bUt ThE tHiRd OnE mIgHt Be A bIt… InTeNsE fOr A nEw WaTcHeR."
By The Creators. What the hell happens in the third movie?
"AnYwAy, ThE sImPlE vErSiOn Is A GeRmAn DoCtOr KiDnApS tHrEe PeOpLe AnD sEwS tHeM tOgEthEr To TrY aNd CrEaTe OnE sYsTeM, sO hE cOnNeCtS tHeM aSs-To-MoUtH-"
Why did he agree to come on this date in the first place!? Sure, Error was fairly attractive and all, but he's… well… Error! Why would he have ever expected him to have normal interests when one of his hobbies was collecting people's souls!? He had stopped listening to whatever it was Error was saying, only catching an occasional word or two. He reached to his side and grabbed his phone, hoping to send his friends a quick text and ask them for some advice. Hopefully, Error would be so entranced by the sound of his own voice that he wouldn't notice Ink's distraction.
Just as he was about to hit the button to send his text message, sharp fingers appeared over his phone screen. The device was torn out of his hands and tossed in the air, skewered by blue threads. Ink watched, mouth agape as the pieces of circuitry and the case fell onto the table. His eyes reluctantly shifted to the person sitting across from him, locking with narrowed red sockets.
Red could be such a beautiful color.
"Is ThErE a ReAsOn YoU'rE oN yOuR pHoNe?" Error questioned, evidently displeased. "I wAs ExPeCtInG yOu To LiStEn To Me."
"I was… uh… um…" Ink stammered, struggling to think of an excuse. He couldn't just tell Error he was going to ask his friends to get him out of their date! He'd lose his mind! "I was… looking up the other movies! You said there's a third one, right?"
"… YeS. BuT yOu CaN't WaTcH tHeM oUt Of OrDeR! EaCh OnE sTaRtS wItH tHe EnDiNg Of ThE lAsT oNe, YoU'd SpOiL yOuRsElF!"
"Right… um, so the first movie… how does it end? Does it have a happy ending?"
"I wAs JuSt GeTtInG tO tHaT bEfOrE I hAd To SaVe YoU fRoM yOuR oWn CuRiOsItY. I hOpE yOu'Re PaYiNg AtTeNtIoN, InK. I'm QuIzZiNg YoU oN tHiS."
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wovetales · 9 days ago
even   if   what   glinda   did   with   boq   wasn't   really   the   nicest   thing   ,   we   also   need   to   remember   that   she   was   clearly   giving   off signs   that   she   was   not   interested in him   ,   but   he   wouldn't take   no   for   an   answer.   even   when   he   heard   glinda   was   engaged   to   fiyero years later   ,   he   still   was   deluded   enough   to   think   he   could   rush   to   her &   admit   feelings   thinking   it   would change   something.   glinda   did   a   mean   girl   thing   by   pushing   him   to ask out   nessa to the dance   ,   but   at   the   same   time   ,   the   guy   would   not   have   left   her   alone   otherwise. both can be in the wrong at the same time.
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dayshift-confessions · 1 month ago
Describing queer/race/neurodivergent/etc headcanons as “wokeifying” the character is a major red flag wtf
Yeah, I see that. I try to keep my opinions out of the blog so I just stayed silent, but I definitely was not in agreement and had nothing good to say about it.
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lucyflawless · 8 months ago
no weed tonight for 420 guys. have to make do with beer. light one up for me 🙏
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marsixm · 1 year ago
had someone threaten to call the cops on me for something i didnt do and proved i didnt do. gotta love retail
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deathfavor · 2 years ago
@acandlelitdeath​ said: He's having tea in his garden again, seemingly talking to no one. There's a shift in the air, and a pull at the front of Kalluto's kimono from his hiding place by an invisible force. Just a gentle tug, guiding him closer to the gazebo he currently sat under. 'I know you are there child, come join me.' The shadows say.
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   Instinctively, the assassin’s muscles tense at a sudden pull to the fabric of his kimono, eyes darting to see. But there is no one to grab, nothing to stop, nothing at all he can do. ( He might be able to do many things even trained men couldn’t do, but he can’t very well grasp the wind or shadows.  )  His feet dig into the ground, a protest to the gentle tug that wants to pry him from his spot around the tree like oysters being cut off the rocks. 
   It only pauses when he hears the shadows speak, sharp gaze turning downwards to the shadows. So it WAS as he suspected. His gaze lifts to look towards Embrace who seemed to be...talking to himself, and then back down to the shadows. (Which begged the question if Embrace could SEE through them or not. He hadn’t thought much about that till now.  )
   Finally the youngest spider relents to shuffle away from the ancient tree trunk and slowly walk towards the gazebo. He almost contemplated asking when he should stop - but Embrace had said join. So after a brief delay on the steps, Kalluto crosses to sit in a vacant seat in the gazebo where it seems nothing is prepared. It feels assumptive and intrusive to sit elsewhere.
   “  ...I didn’t- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean- I just...saw you.  “  Kalluto struggles through a blended explanation and apology. He hadn’t been close enough to overhear, nor had he made an effort. But he had observed, curiosity distantly intriguing him.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 month ago
I was rambling on the issue of museums and human remains and how certain populations are more likely to have their bodies put on display to be gawked at and then went "well I guess the Pompeii casts were of Europeans. there are bones in there right?" and Googled it to make sure, at which point I confirmed that yes there are bones in there, but more interestingly DNA testing revealed that a cast of an adult holding a child everyone assumed was a mother and child were, in fact, a man and a kid entirely unrelated to him. Honestly that's more moving to me. Maybe they were connected in a way other than blood, but maybe a stranger saw a child when the world was ending and thought the one thing he could do was hold them.
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unsung-idiot · 3 months ago
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some quick drawings of little Soos I made a while ago
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leo-artista · 3 months ago
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Incorrect quotes ft. Stan twins
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slyandthefamilybook · 3 months ago
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tumblr glitched out somehow but idc because this is way better than the original poll
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katsigian · 11 months ago
Changing my belief system from "this is the hill I'll die on" to "this is the hill I'll kill you on" has done absolute wonders for me 10/10 do recommend
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