wovetales · 5 hours
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Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Adams in WEDNESDAY (2022) ˎˊ˗ —S01E04: Woe What a Night
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wovetales · 6 hours
hmmm   considering   adding   w.ednesday   addams.   i   don't   usually   like   to   write   teens   but   i'm   such   a   sucker   for   jenna's   portrayal.
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wovetales · 6 hours
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❝   if   you're   here   to   look   for   some   ghosts   ,   i'm   afraid   you're   out   of   luck.   ❞   barbara   smiles   at   the   tall   gentleman   who's   caused   quite   a   stir   in   the   town   of   winter   river , a little surprised that she's managed to cross paths with him in her hardware store.   there's   always   been   an   aura   of   darkness   that   has   hovered   over   the   town for as long as she can remember , but   it   hasn't   been   enough   to   convince   many   residents   of   the   presence   of   actual ghosts or whatever else might be out there.   barbara   wants   to   believe   in   the   possibility   ,   but   she   hasn't   really   had   a   chance   to   really   consider   it. her   husband   has long   since   departed   from   this   world , leaving   her   on   her   own   to   tend   to   the   hardware   store   they   opened   together.   if   ghosts   were   a   thing   ,   wouldn't   he   have   tried   to   reach   her   ?   she   pushes   the   thought   out   of   her   mind   ,   focusing   now   on   the   stranger   before   her   ,   confident   that   he's   not   here   looking   to   repair   something   in   his   home.
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❝   i   doubt   many   ghosts   would   want   to   haunt   a   hardware   store.   not   unless   they   were   involved   in   some   freak   DIY   project.   ❞   she   chuckles   ,   leaning   against   the   counter   as   she   takes   in   the   stranger now that he's approached closer.   despite   not   being   from   here   ,   atticus   levy   looked   like   he   could   pass   for   a   winter   river   resident.   she's   not   sure   why   she   gets   that   feeling from him   ,   but   it's   strangely   welcoming   &   it   endears   her   to   him.   ❝   atticus   levy   ,   right   ?   i   know   your   name   ,   only   because   bill   the   barber   next   door   won't   stop   talking   about   you.   ❞   she   grins.   ❝   can't   say   i've   read   any   of   your   work , though.   here   in   this   hardware   store   ,   you're   just   a   regular   outsider   to   me   ,   so   sorry   if   i   don't   fangirl   over   you.   ❞
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˗ˏˋ     ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ      it’s   showtime   ﹕   barbara   maitland   &   featuring   @eueclid   as   atticus   levy.
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wovetales · 8 hours
halloween   season   is   the   time   of   year   my   wallet   hurts   most.   just   bought   a   wallet   ,   the   new   c.orpse   bride   make   up   collection   (   i   needed   new   stuff   anyway   )   &   i   bought   w.ednesday   croc   shoes.   xD
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wovetales · 1 day
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normally   the   library   is   his   solace   away   from   the   ever   judgmental   world   ,   but   the   linguist   quickly   finds   there   is   no   real   place   to   hide   in   the   city   of   gotham , no matter how hard you try to stay in the shadows.   he   came   here   to   teach   at   gotham   city   with   the   hopes   to   continue   his   research   on   atlantis   on   the   side   ,   but   he   ends   up   finding   out   that   his   free   time   is   spent   ensuring   his   safety on a constant basis   ,   looking   over   his   shoulder   constantly   like   a   meercat   poking   its   head   from   a   hole.   it's   not   exactly   a   great   way   to   live   ,   but   he's   already   moved   from   DC   into   his   new   apartment.   it'd   be   a   pain   to   bring   everything   back   &   give   up   on   here ,   &   truth be told , he   isn't   really   the   type   to   just   give   up   on   things   anyway.   bullies   are   nothing   unusual   for   the   linguist   who's   dealt   with   them   pretty much all   his   life   ,   but   what   is   unusual   is   the   woman   who   decides   to   stand   up   for   him   ,   sending   all   those   men   leaving   the   library   in   a   frustrated   huff.   milo   is   honestly   surprised   by   her   bravery   ,   as   the   men   looked   like   the   sort   who   wouldn't   set   foot   in   a   library   for   fun.   clearly   something   shady   was   going   to   be   attempted   ,   but   this   woman   stopped   that   from   happening   &   he's   really   ,   really   impressed   with   how   she   held   herself in that situation.
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❝   wait   .   .   .   you   know   my   research   ?   ❞   milo's   interest   is   suddenly   piqued   at   the   mention   of   her   knowing   of   atlantis   ,   aware   that   his   research   is   open   to   the   public   ,   but   most   people   don't   take   him   seriously or even really give his writings the time of day.   he   beams   at   the   woman   &   immediately   goes   to   shake   her   hand   ,   enthusiastic   as   he   does   so   ,   almost   on   the   verge   of   jumping   for   joy.   this   is   probably   the   most   joy   he's   shared   with   another   person   in   a   while ,   &   in   the   city   of   gotham   of   all   places   !   ❝   thanks   a   lot   for   the   save earlier   ,   but   man   ,   now   you   have   me   so   curious   on   how   you   heard   about   me.   did   you   read   my   work   ?   what   did   you   think   of   it. ?   ❞   slow   down   thatch   ,   comes   a   voice   in   his   head   &   he   makes   a   mental   note   to   slow it down a notch   ,   giving   the   woman   a   chance   to   breathe   before   continuing.   ❝   i'm   milo.   milo   thatch.   uh   ,   i   mean   ,   you   probably   already   knew   that.   ❞   he   laughs   weakly.   ❝   what's   your   name   ?   are   you   the   librarian   here   ?   boy   ,   you   sure   do   run   a   tight   ship.   no   one's   gonna   be   messing   around   here   with   you   in   charge.   ❞
𝙸𝙽𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙼𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙰𝙶𝙴 . . . MILO THATCH no one's ever stood up for me like that before.
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the hard scowl on her face softens at the words of @wovetales. gaze turning away from the retreating backs of the men who had thrown such vicious words around, and got back tenfold, to land on milo. ❝ i could never stand bullies. ❞ and she knows what it's like to be on the other side. to be teased because she's smarter, or nerdier, or a loser - she's all of those things and proud of it. so she's glad for the library, her sanctuary, where it doesn't matter that she's in a chair or that she's a woman. her brain - her intellect and wits - are valued.
❝ don't listen to them, i think your research is fascinating. ❞ she pushes herself further into the room, gaze trailing across the papers that litter the space. bit by bit a smile starts to bloom across her lips. his passion is clear in every word, and perhaps that's what drew her to him in the first place. they might be two kindred souls, marching side by side in their pursuit of knowledge. some of the best research she's read are ones not by those of clear intellect, but whose deep care for the subject seeps from every dot of ink. milo's might be the best of the lot. ❝ i always thought the lost city was like robin hood or the knights of camelot - a myth - but after i read your paper . . . i think you'll find it one day. ❞
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wovetales · 1 day
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&   there   she   is   in   all   her   splendor   ,   finally   granting   the spy   the   attention   he   had   so   anxiously   been   vying   for.   even   in   her   sleepy   state   ,   the cat   manages   to   remain   witty   &   playful   ,   her   gently   caresses   along his arm enough   to   make   loid   shiver   in   response   ,   hoping   there   will   be   more   as   the   morning   progresses.   amazing   how   one   woman   can   do   so   little   &   yet   greatly   affect   him.   as   a   spy   ,   he   knew   how   to   keep   his   emotions   hidden   ━━   to   appear   heartless   no   matter   what   the   situation.   felicia   didn't   seem   to   like   that   aspect   of   himself   &   eventually   her   own   poking   &   prodding   led   to   the   successful   capture   of   his   heart   ,   a   victory   that   is   rewarded   with   the   loyalty   of   forever   being   hers.   well   .   .   .   at   least   for   as   long   as   she   will   desire   him.   ever   the   practical   thinker   ,   the   agent   knows   there   is   the   possibility   that   this   may   not   last   forever.   the   nature   of   their   line   of   work   makes   that   almost   an   inevitability   ,   but   even   so   he'll   so   what   he   can   to   cling   to   this   romance   close   ,   desperate   to   enjoy   every   waking   moment   he   gets   with   her.
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felicia's   sleepy   response   garners   a   soft   chuckle out of him   ,   his   hand   resting   on   the   back   of   her   head   &   slowly   guiding   her   into   a   needy   kiss   ━━   the   first   of   many   of   the   day.   ❝   mmm   .   .   .   i   couldn't   agree   more   ,   ❞   the   agent   hums   against   her   lips   ,   his   hands   now   diving   to   caress   her   body   as   she   did   to   him   moments   before   ,   finding   himself   particularly   fond   of   her   legs   &   the   curvaceous   nature   of   her   hips.   ❝   we   could   turn   this   into   something   more   ,   you   know.   ❞   the   agent's   turn   to   purr   now   ,   eyes   falling   shut   as   the   warmth   begins   to   bring   sleep   back   to   his   body   ,   but   he   fights   it   with   another   kiss   &   a   gentle   sigh.   ❝   a   vacation   of   sorts.   i   have   an   assignment   in   rome   in   a   few   days   .   .   .   you   could   join   me.   stay   in   my   suite   &   explore   the   city.   ❞   another   kiss   ,   his   body   now   moving   to   pin   her   to   the   mattress   ,   the   action   no   doubt   surprising   ,   but   his   touches   remain   gentle   &   soft   ,   desiring   nothing   else   but   to   worship   her.   ❝   we   can   enjoy   the   nightlife   together.   eat   at   the   finest   restaurants   &   then   come   back   to   the   hotel   &   sleep   .   .   .   or   make   love   ,   if   you're   in   the   mood.   ❞   a   kiss   is   gifted   to   her   neck   ,   nipping   the   soft   skin   in   his   desire   to   bite   ,   but   he   refrains.   ❝   look   at   me.   you   have   me   asking   you   to   come   with   me   on   my   mission.   i'm   supposed   to   go   alone   &   yet   i'm   asking   you   &   considering   breaking   the   rules.   felicia   .   .   .   the   effect   you   have   on   me   is   absolutely   astounding.   ❞
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A SWEET CAT - NAP, : BUT A SWEETER REALITY THAT SHE WAKES UP TO. ... a soft purr, siren - like tune murmuring with the loving sensation of his lips pressed against her skin. &. lips curl automatically, satisfied with the feeling, &. GROWING GREEDY FOR MORE. what a thief! ... but it is that, mixed with familiar voice calling her name, &. she shifts slightly, ❝ hmm, ... ❞ acknowledging hum, LETTING THE AGENT KNOW HE SUCCEEDED! position shifted, she turns to her other side, WITH THE GOAL TO FACE HIM. ... long eyelashes flutter, as slowly jade hues become visible to him, &. the sight before her stretch that enchanting smile, ❝ morning. ❞ to that smooth, captivating voice, there was embedded signature felicia - like playfulness.
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HIS WARMTH RADIATES TO HER FAIR SKIN, : &. SHE NUZZLES CLOSER, ... her eyes never leaving his. ( if not only to steal a glance of his lips! ) tenderily, almost gracefully her finger trace his arm, to his neck, to his jawline. ❝ you know, i could really get used to waking up like this. ❞ she muses, &. while her tune may sound teasing, there is truth to it all. @wovetales
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wovetales · 1 day
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there's   only   so   much   a   genius   can   solve   on   their   own   ,   &   with   the   pressure   of   immediate   death   right   on   their   heels   ,   milo   doesn't   really   feel   very   smart   right   now.   upon   seeing   the   puzzle   they   need   to   solve   in   order   to   get   through   the   door   ,   the   linguist   immediately   took   action   in   order   to   get   them   out   of   there   quickly   &   safely.   of   course   ,   he   never   imagined   he'd   actually   have   this   much   trouble   with   the   damn   thing   &   as   much   as   he   loves   his   friend   buzzy   ,   the   humming   really   isn't   something   he   needs   in   his   ear   right   now.   his   hands   begin   to   sweat   as   he   continues   to   struggle   with   finding   a   solution   ,   until   buzzy   breaks   his   promised   silence   with   the   desire   to   help   ,   pointing   out   a   fact   that   milo   hadn't   realized   until   this   very   moment.   a   nonogram   ━━   of   course   !   how   could   he   be   so   stupid ?   clearly   he   was   too   hasty   in   trying   to   be   the   hero   in   this   situation.   maybe   ,   in   this   instance   ,   he   ought   to   give   the   spotlight   to   someone   else.
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❝   yeah   .   .   .   i   think   this   is   more   in   line   with   your   area   of   expertise   anyway , buzz.   ❞   milo   moves   to   give   buzzy   the   space   to   begin   his   attempt   at   the   puzzle   ,   arms   crossed   as   he   waits   to   see   how   he   does.   ❝   a   nonogram   .   .   .   'course   it   was   a   nonogram.   how   did   i   not   see   that   ?   ❞   milo   mumbles   to   himself   ,   disappointed   in   his   own   failure.   ❝   way   go   to   , thatch.   all   that   early   schooling , oxford university graduate   &   for   what   ?   can't   even   figure   out   what   a nonogram   is.   some   genius   you   are.   ❞
from @wovetales: you make it hard to focus. / milo for buzzy!
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"is it my humming? i'll stop." buzzy zips his lip with two fingers, then tosses an invisible key over his shoulder. at once, he starts rocking back and forth on his heels, hands behind his back, not humming. milo is taking a very long time to solve the puzzle — which is fine, of course, if it were a casual thing in a garden somewhere or on someone's back porch with their grandmother — but this is life or death. this is they've been trapped, and the only way to escape is through this locked door, through this strange puzzle on the wall. milo took point, and now buzzy, with a strained expression on his face, braces for the worst.
"okay, can you or can you not solve it?" at last, buzzy breaks free of his silence to poke his head over milo's shoulder. "it's a nonogram. can you solve a nonogram?" he very much adores his friend and trusts him with his life (as anyone would), but there does come a point where the near-death experience outweighs any shred of kindness. "can i help? i won't hum. i swear. just — can i try? do you mind? or do you see that as an offense taking over of your territory and, subsequently, your manhood?"
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wovetales · 1 day
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❝   is   this   your   way   of   greeting   me   ,   victor   ?   be   careful.   it   almost   sounded   like   you   missed   me.   ❞;   the   blonde   grins   as   he   begins   removing   his   rather   lavish   coat as he enters through the doorway   ,   already   making   himself   home   in   victor's   little   apartment.   true   ,   he   had   been   off   traveling   for   quite   some   time with no contact to anyone he knows   ,   but   he   always   managed   to   return in the end   &   strangely enough , he also   always   found   his   way   back to victor's place too.   ❝   i   hope   you   didn't   get   into   too   much   trouble   while   i   was   gone.   ❞   howl   sits   at   the   dining   room   table   ,   one   leg   crossing   the   other.   ❝   there's   only   so   many   lives   a   cat   can   have.   you   have   to   be   on   your   fourth   or   fifth   one   by   now.   ❞
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❛❛ i haven't heard from you in weeks. ❜❜
@wovetales / howl ——— one liners.
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wovetales · 2 days
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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024) dir. Tim Burton
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wovetales · 2 days
i   really   want   lydia   to   find   more   connections   &   maybe   even   toy   with   the   concept   of   her   finding   romance   ,   but   i   also   want   to   explore   her   struggling   through   motherhood.   lydia   is   not   the   sort   of   person   you'd   ever   see   being   a   mother   initially   ,   but   she   does   love   &   care   for   those   in   her   circle   fiercely   ,   sometimes   to   a   fault   of   seeming   overly   protective   due   to   her   abilities.   she   really   can   be   soft   &   doting   to   those   younger   than   her   &   i'd   love   to   venture   into   that   more   ,   not   just   with   astrid   ,   but   others   too.
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wovetales · 2 days
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the   scope   of   raven's   powers   still   remains   a   mystery   to   him   ,   if   only   because   he   hasn't   been   able   to   truly   speak   out   loud   &   query   her   properly.   if   he   had   met   raven   during   his   original   time   period   ,   he   might   have   been   frightened   of   the   prospect   of   such   power   ,   but   with   things   having   changed   now   that   he   lives   in   the   modern   time   ,   he's   become   quite   fascinated   by   it   ,   curious   how   she   can   effortlessly   mend   rotting   flesh   &   aching   wounds   as   if   he   had   never   been   buried   in   the   ground   in   the   first   place.   she   has   bewitched   him   the   moment   he   was   able   to   truly   lay   his   eyes   on   her   ,   &   the   longer   they   spent   together   ,   the   more   he   finds   himself   unable   to   resist   remaining   at   her   side.   he   understands   the   circumstances   of   his   return   to   this   earth   make   his   romantic   yearnings   incredibly   impossible.   after   all   ,   she   is   the   reason   for   his   life   ,   &   that   no   doubt   makes   their   relationship   a   bit   complicated   from   the   start.   still   ,   ever   the   artist   ,   the   creature   continues   to   admire   &   yearn   for   the   saint   anyway   ,   his   now   beating   heart   pumping   &   skipping   a   beat   anytime   she   speaks   ,   her   voice   melodic   &   more   beautiful   than   any   sonata   he   could   ever   write.   perhaps   his   death   was   a   thing   to   be   celebrated despite it's dramatic end.   it   must   be      ,   he   thinks   ,   if   it   led   him   to   her.
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as   expected   ,   raven   meets   his   concern   with   reassurance   &   her   own   worries.   ever   the   empathetic   soul   ,   always   caring   for   others   ━━   another   reason   why   the   creature   can   resist   his   growing   feelings.   upon   her   suggestion   over   a   warm   drink   back   at   home   ,   he   smiles   &   offers   her   a   nod in agreement   ,   greatly   enjoying   the   idea.   he's   always   been   one   to   drink   tea   every   morning   during   the   cold   winter   nights during his original time period   ,   but   he   has   become   quite fond   of   hot   chocolate recently   ,   particularly   the   delicious   cream   that   is   placed   on   top   from   a   loud   can   ,   along   with   little   colorful   sweets   that   create   an   amusing   display.   before   they   begin   their   trek   back   ,   the   creature   makes   a   grunting   noise   as   he   removes   his   coat   ,   placing   it   around   raven's   shoulders   with   gentle   precision.   ❝   .   .   .   here.   ❞   the   sound   comes   out   strained   ━━   a   croak   almost   ,   but   the   word   is   clearer   than   ever   before.   another   smile   is   offered   in   addition   to   his   arm   ,   prepared   to   walk   back   with   her   so   they   can   enjoy   warmer   temperatures   back   home.
﹙ ✷ ﹚the turn of the seasons brings forth melancholy on the empath,    and with it,    a desire to bask on the pleasant ways nature changes.    raven is not one to care about her own wellbeing beyond that of how her heart can help others,    however she’s found herself entranced by the idea of these walks when the world’s pain swallows her: a respite from the duties of a self - appointed saint,    the respite of having her mind uninvaded by other’s emotions,    only feeling the fleeting joy of a bluebird’s flight and the ghostlike embrace of the wind.    
it had been in one of these walks where she felt him,    or rather,    the remnants of him.    
ever a being of souls,    raven could not resist the pull of unfinished death,    a subtle energy lingering about the overgrown cemetery’s vines,    cradling his grave.    within the cacophony of human life she wouldn’t have noticed,    but in the quiet of the woods,    he had been the only thing she could notice.    after a while,    she couldn’t resist the calling,    as if fate had placed her life - keeping hands upon his destiny,    desperate to ease the sorrows that must keep him here,    tied to this earth.    when she met him first,    she couldn’t tell why,    out of all the lives in this soil,    she had been beckoned to choose his,    but she’s determined to try.    
the healing process has been arduous,    but he couldn’t have a better mistress.    the mystic demon’s very essence is that of healing.    rough salvation nonetheless,    she feels his death every time she touches him,    swallowing it to keep him warm and living.    her dedication is still an uphill battle,    and while she helps his development with soft grace,    she’s pushed herself to her own limits to see it happen.    this,    she tries not to let show.   
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the sun creeps through the trees,    a chimera of light,    as it does very little against the incoming cold.    admittedly she’s ill - dressed,    dawning a simple kalamkari - printed dress,    her trusty hoodie left abandoned by her apartment door.    when he reaches over she stops,    shifting her attention from the leaves to his kind features.    ‘ you must not worry about me,    ’ she reassures with a calmness that should be a smile.    her body is numb most days,    by her own volition.    today is no different.     ‘ are you cold    ?    we may return,    if you wish,    ’ is that worry in his heart    ?    the idea of his emotions pumping blood through his veins feels like a victory.    ‘ i can make you a warm drink at home.    ’
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wovetales · 2 days
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it's   been   so   long   since   he's   been   around   other   people   that   he   finds   himself   slightly   overwhelmed   when   the   silver   haired   woman   approaches   with   such   curiosity.   he   barely   has   time   to   register   what   has   happened   before   she   begins   bombarding   him   with   questions   ,   but   he   does   know   that   he   was   dead   at   one   point   ,   though   for   how   long   ,   he   couldn't   say.   her   attire   is   still   something   he   can   somewhat recognize   ,   though   clearly   a   long   time   has   past   enough   for   the   fashions   to   have   changed.   he   tries   to   open   his   mouth   to   speak   to   her   &   attempt   to   answer   her   queries   ,   but   he   finds   speech   to   be   difficult   ,   the   years   of   no   talking   causing   strain   on   his   unused   vocal   chords.   nothing   more   than   a   croak   comes   out   of   his   throat   ,   struggling   to   say   anything   ,   until   after   a   moment   ,   something   finally   gets   out.
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❝   death   .   .   .   quick.   ❞   it's   all   he   can   manage   for   the   time   being   ,   recalling   how   he   was   hit   by   a   shock   of   lightening   out   of   the   blue   &   then   everything   went   completely   dark.   there   is   slight   fear   evident   in   his   gaze   as   he   takes   a   moment   to   truly   look   over   this mysterious woman   ,   wondering   if   she   was   the   cause   for   his   return   ,   or   perhaps   she   is   looking   to   use   him   for   something   ━━   witchcraft   or   something   similar.   truthfully , she   doesn't   look   like   a   witch.   no   .   .   .   she   seems   to   appear   too   kind   to   be   capable   of   such   mischievous   things.   he   clears   his   throat   once   again   in   an   attempt   to   answer   her   next   question   ,   once   again   struggling   to   speak   ,   but   a   few   words   do   manage to break through.   ❝   yes   .   .   .   piano   .   .   .   broken heart.   ❞   he   goes   into   a   coughing   fit   after   that   ,   deciding   it's   best   that   he   stop   talking   for   now.   it'll   be   some   time   before   he   can   properly   speak   ,   if   ever   ,   but   he   hopes   that   was   enough   to   satisfy   the   woman's   curiosity.
Oh, what a way to die. the creature to rapunzel
fingers comb through silver strands, twisting them into braids before shaking it out. a habit, a way to keep itchy fingers busy. perhaps a way to prove to herself that her hair isn't as deadly as they say. that she can control the power bestowed upon her by the moondrop. rapunzel thinks often about death. maybe too much for someone her age, still many decades away from the fate herself. she thinks about the story her goodwife had told her, how her untapped power had made her an orphan. how it makes her a danger to everyone else. head tilts, dark eyes trained on @wovetales. but if that person had already died once before . . . well, surely she would no longer be a danger?
perhaps it was that intrigue that brought her story from her lips. for once, the shame doesn't feel so deep.
rapunzel shuffles along the trunk that had substituted for a bench, so that she's sat right beside him. chin falls into her hands, looking up at him with curiosity in her eye. ❝ what is it like to die? was it painful? did your life flash before your eyes? ❞ was it rude to ask? no one had ever taught her otherwise. she's never spoken to another person, besides her mother gothel. never met someone new. it's thrilling, and she wants to know everything. she tries to bite her tongue, mother gothel gets annoyed when she asks too many questions at once, but it's too hard. ❝ do you remember much of your life before? ❞
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wovetales · 2 days
hey if i start a fan club for your blog would that be weird
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only if you don't mind that i started one for you already. 💚
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wovetales · 2 days
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it's   rare   when   anyone   ever   takes   a   true   interest   in   what   the linguist   has   to   say   ,   but   that's   becoming   less   &   less   of a problem   since   starting   this   expedition.   he   knows   a   big   part   of   this sudden interest it   has   to   do   with   the   fact   that   the   shepherd's   journal   is   the   key   to   this   whole   operation   ,   but   it   is   nice   to   have   everyone   listen   to   him   for   once   &   take   time to hear   what   he   has   to   say   &   even   ask   questions   when   things   don't   make   sense.   sitting   by   the   campfire   ,   milo   was   trying   to   tell   arra   about   what   he   had   recently   just   translated   ,   as   well   as   the   map   he   managed   to   create   based   on   what   he   was   able   to   decipher.   what   seemed   easy   &   understandable   to   him   might   not   be   to   others   around   him   ,   so   when   he   went   on   his   grand   spiel   &   waited   for   her   response   ,   he's   met   with   a   confused   expression   &   he   feels   just   a   touch   guilty.   ❝   um   .   .   .   can   you   explain   it   ,   maybe   ?   ❞   arra   asks   gently   &   without   hesitation   ,   milo   nods   in   excitement   ,   ready   to   go   into   further   detail   over   what   he   just   rambled   on   about.   he   waits   for   arra   to   settle   down   beside   him   so   he   can   explain   with   the   book   in   his   hand   ,   but   after   a   few   minutes   of   explanation   ,   he   starts   to   lose   track   ,   his   eyes   wandering   elsewhere.
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as   embarrassing   as   it   is   to   admit   ,   milo   never   been   this   close   to   a   woman   before.   he's   always   so   focused   on   his   work   &   passions   that   seeking   out   romantic   partnerships   never   ever   did   come   to   mind   &   being   alone   didn't   bother   him   so   much   .   .   .   until   now.   he   had   friends   ,   he   has   people   he   considers   family   &   he   has   arra   ,   who   he   considered   a   friend   ,   but   in   this   moment   .   .   .   something   changes.   their   arms   are   touching   as   they   sit   close   together   ,   arra   peering   over   to   get   a   better   look   at   the   book   ,   her   hair   falling   over   her   face   a   bit.   despite   all   the   work   they   do   &   all   the   hiking   they   endure   ,   she   still somehow   manages   to   smell   amazing   &   she   looks   actually   interested   in   what   he   has   to   say   &   frankly   .   .   .   she's   just   .   .   .   amazing.   &   beautiful   too.   wow   ,   he   didn't   know   women   could   be   so   .   .   .   DING   DING   DING.   the   dinner   bell   rings   loud   enough   for   everyone   to   hear   ,   followed   by   cookie's   hollering   that   supper   was   ready.   the   thought   of   eating   anything   made   by   that   man   makes   milo   want   to   puke   ,   but   it's   a   good   distraction ,   one   he   takes   as   he   shuts   the   book   closed for   now.   ❝   why   don't   we   uh   .   .   .   take   a   break   &   grab   some   grub   ?   ❞   he's   embarrassed   ,   blushing   furiously   once   again   ,   only   this   time   ?   he   doesn't   try   to   hide   it.   ❝   maybe   later   when   everyone   goes   to   bed   ,   i   can   go   into   further   detail.   y'know   ,   only   if   you   want.   i   can   always   wait   to   tell   you   everything   tomorrow.   ❞
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˗ˏˋ     ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉ     milo   thatch   ﹕   tick   tick   boom   prompts.   featuring   @satellitewar  as   arra   tuined.
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wovetales · 2 days
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TRANSATLANTIC 1.05 "The Human Condition"
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wovetales · 2 days
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as   soon   as   gillybean   blossomed   into   the   young   woman   she   now   is   today   ,   she's   always   had   men   fawning   over   her   at   every   waking   moment.   it   was   quite   the   change   from   being   teased   constantly to   being   chased   for   a   chance   at   a   date   at   the   soda   shop   ,   but   it   was   a   welcome   change   that   gillian   accepted   ,   if   only   because   she   enjoyed   the   attention   &   it   made   the   town   less   boring.   still   ,   even   all   those   admirers   wasn't   enough   to   keep   her   planted   in one place forever   &   she   ran   off   with   the   first   handsome   man   that   promised   her   everything   she   could   have   ever   wanted   ,   eager   to   begin   a   life   of   her   own.   it   was   nice   to   have   freedom   &   to   enjoy   life   traveling   around   the   country   ,   but   every   man   she   encountered   always   changed.   a   fiancé   became   a   boyfriend   ,   then   a   fling   ,   then   an   on   &   off   romance   ,   etc.   no   one   ever   lasted   long   because   no   one   ever   kept   her   interested   long   enough   for   gillian   to   care.   she   can   dish   i   love   you's   &   affectionate   remarks   within   the   first   few   days   ,   but   meaning   it   ?   that's   a   different   story   entirely.
that's   what   makes   carol   danvers   all   the   more   fun   &   different   from   what   she's   used   to.   what   started   out   as   a   friendship   with   the   only   other   woman   at   the   dive bar   became   so   much   more   in   a   short   amount   of   time.   gillian's   never   felt   so   alive   with   any   partner   like   she   does   whenever   she   had   a   chance   to   spend   time   with   carol   &   she   often   longs   for   more   days   where   they   can   hang   out   again   ,   but   she's   also   admittedly   a   bit   scared   about   it   too.   she's   never   really   thought   about   being   attracted   to   women   ,   especially   when   men   made   their   attraction   to   her   so   easy   &   well   known.   it's   not   that   she's   against   the   idea   at   all   ,   but   she   wasn't   exactly   expecting   it   either.   carol   is   really   unlike   anyone   she's   ever   met   before   &   flirty   feelings   are   growing   stronger   more   &   more   each   day. gillian   wonders   when   the   magic   of   this   infatuation   will   end   ,   but   there   is   a   part   of   her   that   wonders   if   it   ever   will.   is   that   scary   ?   it   is   a   little   bit.
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thankfully   ,   she's   totally   dragged   out   of   her   thoughts   when   she   feels   a   hand   on   her   shoulder   ,   her   eyes   brightening   the   moment   they   meet   carol's   as   she   turns   in   her   stool   ,   her   red   lips   curved   into   that   damn   gorgeous   smile   that   makes   her   melt.   ❝   i   couldn’t   stop   thinking   about   you.   ❞   ugh.   what   a   sweet   admission.   gillian   would   almost   kiss   her   if   there   weren't   so   many   people   around   to   see   them.   ❝   'course   you   couldn't.   i'm   hard   to   forget.   ❞   gillian   winks   ,   patting   the   stool   right   beside   her so carol will sit.   ❝   you   wanna   go   into   detail   about   what   you   were   thinkin'   about   while   i   order   you   a   drink   ?   don't   leave   anything   out   ━━   gush   to   your   heart's   content   !   remind   me   how   amazing   you   think   i   am   &   maybe   i'll   return   the   favor , carebear.   ❞
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˗ˏˋ     ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉ     gillian   owens   ﹕   romancing   the   stone   prompts.   featuring   @warbyrds  as   carol   danvers.
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wovetales · 2 days
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the   soft   ,   warm   fabric   of   the   pumpkin   king's   famous   pin   stripe   suit   feels   almost   surreal   as   she   gently   flattens   it   on   her   sewing   table   ,   amazed   at   the   grand   opportunity   jack   has   entrusted   to   her.   he's   so   well   known   for   his   usual   dress   &   wear   whenever   halloween   rolls   around   ,   so   to   be   asked   to   upgrade   his   suit   into   something   new   for   the   upcoming   holiday   feels   almost   surreal.   the ragdoll   isn't   sure   if   she's   ready   to   do   such   a   thing   for   him   ,   especially   when   she   isn't   sure   how   the   other   citizens   will   take   to   the   change.   sometimes   change   can   be   a   difficult   thing   for   others   to   accept   ,   but   the   fact   that   jack   even   trusts   her   at   all   is   enough   to   make   her   undead   heart   soar.
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❝   jack   .   .   .   are   you   sure   you   want   me   to   do   this   ?   ❞   sally   asks   the   skeleton   as   he   paces   around   his   study   ,   no   doubt   deep   in   thought   about   how   to   make   this   upcoming   halloween   more   special   than   the   last.   ❝   i   know   you   trust   me   to   make   you   look   nice   for   the   upcoming   holiday   ,   but   i   want   to   make   sure   you   don't   have   any   second   thoughts.   if   you'd   rather   i   just   make   minor   adjustments   ,   i'm   happy   to   do   just   that.   ❞
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˗ˏˋ     ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳˢ      it’s   showtime   ﹕   sally   finkelstein   &   featuring   @hllowseve   as   jack   skellington.
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