#but caloric intake is bad
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rabbitindisguise · 1 month ago
oh man it's rough when people are doing PSAs on the issues of eating disorders and I'm like. damn and I'm eating such few calories because I'm poor and live in california
EDIT: it gets worse! $142 aka one half of max benefits decrease in my snap benefits next month! Jesus Christ
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thugguzzler · 21 days ago
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Oh Man. Dan Conner's life just went to shit after Roseanne left and He kept violating The Order. Bitches be like making Bro Cray Cray as fuck. Happy now Rosie ya Cat Funt?
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korovamlecznybar · 11 months ago
wish i was normal about food
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A "calorie" is a unit of energy. "Calories" in our food refer to how much energy is technically available within. We determine that by burning food in a machine called a calorimeter which measures the energy released as it burns.
Your body is more complicated than that though. Some of the energy in your food is used to do the hard work of digesting that food. This is called the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)
The total amount of energy you end up absorbing from any given food you eat depends on a multitude of factors including what mood you're in while you eat and the individual makeup up of your gut flora.
So when you read a food label and see how many calories it contains, if you were to just set it on fire, remember that it's not telling you the whole story of how your body uses that energy.
It's also not actually telling you the whole story of how many calories that food technically contains, because food labels can be off by as much as twenty percent.
These are some of the reasons why calorie counting can be extremely ineffective for a lot of folks. Determining your actual caloric intake and expenditure throughout the day is not so simple.
Additionally, think about what you're doing to your nervous system by creating a negative association with the energy content of your food. Energy isn't bad. We need it to live.
If you've been taught to feel a negative association with calorically dense foods (energy dense foods) then I sincerely recommend never looking at the label. It isn't accurate and it isn't showing you how much energy your body is even really getting from that food.
But it is probably putting you into a stress state, which impairs your digestion and decreases nutrient absorption (as I've mentioned before.)
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artuurle · 1 month ago
Woe, my Drainfolk headcanons upon yee
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All my art and rambles under the cut because it's a whoooole ramble-y mess since i'm bad at. explaining my thoughts.
features characters in underwear but no nudity i promise
Okay so I tried my best to take a swing at this while also keeping these guys recognizable to the series. sorry if its a mess nmbnvbv.
I headcanon drainfolk the result of generations of normal humans warped from the influence of the drain which, similar to the rift, has properties that augments the creatures that exist near it, though the drain is much slower and a generational effect instead of the immediate- rapturous effect from the rift. Since the original population has been here for a good many of hundred years, they look incredibly different from average ggg humans (which also are unique against irl humans. looking at those inhuman skin tones) while still being directly related to them. Many traits developed were essential to help them survive their new lives in the drain ( claws, arm strength + length, growth cycles) since the place was incredibly hard to live in. Anatomy:
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Drainfolk have very little sexual dimorphism - most of them all share the shorter and stout build and are covered in hair. the main differences are actually the fact AFAB individuals lack retractable claws and they tend to (usually) be taller and fuzzier on average). Drainfolk also display pads on the entire palms of their hands and slitted pupils. Development:
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Drainfolk physically develop into adults at a very different pace than normal humans, while mental development stays the same. Staying incredibly small for most of their childhood with smaller growth spurts before entering a rapid period of growth close to adulthood. The sudden change in size causes a sudden shift to higher caloric intake and the occasional VERY CONFUSED teenager. The need to stay small for prolonged periods of time is because many places in the drain require you to climb in VERY dangerous areas, and the solution was to stay small as long as possible while your parents carried you until you were strong enough to climb around yourself.
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Outliers in the drainfolk population- They tend to be around double the height of their compatriots and trade a lot of the heavier fuzz for a lighter coat and thicker skin. Their claws also grow longer as a form of defense.
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Metamorphs are the term for drainfolk who after reaching adulthood, undergo a secondary growth spurt. This is caused by being thrust into various forms of responsibility and power- similar to how a dominant male orangutan will become larger or the dominant male fish will change size/gender if the large leader female dies. Either sex can become a metamorph, though its slightly more common in Afab individuals because of child rearing. This is also commonly seen in leaders of established groups of varying legality and in the eldest of a gaggle of an orphaned group of drainfolk after reaching adulthood. Any spot where the role of responsibility is shouldered is a role that can cause a drainfolk to become a metamorph.
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Drainfolk even into their adulthood tend to climb up on people they deem close to them as a sign of affection or when they are scared / stressed for comfort. It is very common to see a drainfolk climb onto another the same size to the absolute annoyance or acceptance of the one being afflicted with the behavior. The behavior is very normalized in the drain but may come off as weird to people not aware of it.
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d3vdgvrrl · 10 days ago
can u give me weight loss tips n stuff 🙏
okay here are some totally healthy (an4) weight loss tips!!
don’t push urself too hard!!! this is a big tip bc the less you eat the closer you get to ur gw, and unfortunately at the same time, your most demotivated state. for me, i love the feeling of being empty and hearing my stomach grumble, but it sorta pavlov’s me into hunger at a certain point. basically, be careful how fast you lower your intake. go slowly
don’t count calories at first. just meal plan and portion things smaller
get an app that tracks ur caloric intake, but don’t forbid on it too much. focus more on eating less food in general
don’t weigh urself 24/7 it’s demotivating and innacurate. i like to wait two weeks between each bc it goes down drastically
gum! mint gum makes food taste bad if you eat it after wards
b rush ur teeth and apply lipgloss!! makes me feel rlly pretty and i dont wanna eat to ruin the lip makeup yk
smoke weed (if it doesn’t give u the munchies)
walk!!! walk walk walk walk!!!
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listentoace · 8 months ago
How to stop (Feederism Help)
I've been messaged by lots of people now who are into feederism and are really turned on by imagining how they grow absolutely huge, but they don't truly want to commit to the feederism/piggy lifestyle. In case that applies to you, let me offer you some help.
It is quite difficult to learn to resist such a strong fetish, but there are ways how it can be accomplished. From my own experience, a few days of uncomfortable overindulgence will usually be enough to break the illusion of "comfortably eating, enjoying endless amounts of food, being pampered, and growing huge". But to understand this, you need to really experience the suffering, struggles, pain, and discomfort of having gone too far. So here is what you'll do:
Either measure or estimate your usual caloric intake on a day of indulgence or stuffing.
Take at least triple this amount, depending on how much you want to suffer you can go as far as 5 times.
Consume this amount of calories for at least 3 days, literally forcing it down your own throat
You are free to use any foods and beverages to reach your calorie goal. It is important that you choose items that you can easily eat a lot of. Don't think you should suck down a stick of butter because of the caloric density as your stomach will get upset right after (or probably during) and you'll have to stop far before you're actually at your limit of fullness.
When you know you should stop
Once you're having the "How did I get here?", "What the hell am I doing to myself?", and "I just wanna die..." thoughts, you know that you've passed your breaking point. This is when you've made the experience of the immense suffering feederism can lead to and this memory will help you to resist falling into a cycle where you're growing uncontrollably. Instead, you will be more capable to reach a weight you're comfortable with yourself, stay there and really know for yourself that this is where you want to be.
Yes, I'm for once giving advice that isn't meant to make you as fat as possible but rather as fat as you want to be yourself. What a time to be alive!
Some more info
If you're truly scared by losing control to feederism, you should 100% do this to build aversion. You don't have to worry about weight gain as your body isn't adjusted to this amount of calories and will actually start burning more due to the immense surplus. Your maximum weight gain after 3 days should be no more than 2 pounds. Keep in mind that you will weigh in a lot heavier because your stomach is full and you'll probably retain a lot of water. To make sure, weigh yourself before starting and then 7 days after.
Feederism is strongly tied to habits. We call bad habits "addictions" as well, the neurological patterns are either very similar or literally exactly the same, based on the type of habit and addiction. It's always a cycle of cue, action, and reward which turns into craving, action, reward. The longer you stay in this cycle of uncertainty, occasionally stuffing yourself and indulging, then feeling guilty, the more likely you're about to end up with feederism as a habit/addiction. This is because the feeling of guilt occurs far after the consumption of food and is much weaker than the pleasure you feel while stuffing. Additionally, guilt often occurs when you notice or expect weight gain. It is not directly tied to the act of overeating. It's because of this that you keep doing it again. Overstuffing like described above will lead to an immediate negative feeling which will be quite strong and is then directly related to overeating.
Feel free to consume encouraging content while doing this. The further you can push yourself, the more aversion you'll built, which will help you regulate your feederism tendencies.
Also, after having done this, you might start to think "It wasn't that bad" after a while. This doesn't have to happen but it can be the case. You can repeat this as many times as necessary. This depends fully on how strong the kink and cravings are for you. It is actually better to directly do this instead of sneaking in snacks and comfort food again if you're not looking to gain any more weight. Your metabolism will rise quickly with an immediate surplus, but it'll actually adjust and slow down again with occasional, smaller stuffings and snacks.
If you have further questions, please use the consider using the comments instead of my DMs so others get the info as well! I hope this helps! :)
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thecrownestt · 7 months ago
Read this inadvertently feedisty thing on reddit about how being fat is so taxing that it is calorically draining. Sure, It's obvious... but who doesn't like it being pointed out in a crude, medically accurate manner?
Even the weakest fatties have the strength/strain to move extra weight with every gesture. Deep inside every obese girl are muscles that skinny people simply don't have. I have to lift weights to earn my strength. You get yours from reaching across the table, from stretching your legs out on the couch. From existing. Every motion equals fatigue that triggers a need for more food.
Let's say you're a dreamy farm animal. You like to sit. You don't like to get up. Too bad. Your body fights against the pulling and heaviness all the same. A diaphragm that instinctually operates all the same, but against inches and inches of fat. Your tits are big? Guess what, that's dead weight that your lungs fight to expand against. Every breath taking more out of you than your feeder would ever consider for their own sake. Stabilizer muscles, like the ones that keep your back straight, your posture upright... those too have to hold up against the pull of your belly, the thickness of your waist.
Finally, your heart. Each beat tasked with getting blood to your increasing belly hang. All that surreal, "is that really me" parts of your hips that don't even register due to being so far away from your reach? Your heart and lungs work so very earnestly in keeping them well and healthy.
It's no wonder you get so hungry. Setting feeding goals become moot. Your body is telling you that it needs energy to upkeep your lifestyle. A creeping lifestyle at that. One would think the cycle is horrifying. Living is a burden, and food helps to satisfy those needs.
How are you going to deny me telling you that you're a big, strong girl who needs her energy to stay well and healthy? You work SO hard to be you. Isn't it cute? Your body is practically begging you to keep eating. Hunger is a reminder that you are losing your precious calorie surplus. I mean, we can't let THAT happen.
Which is why it's so important to keep to a steady diet of extra calories. There are surely bigger girls than you out in the world. It can be done. In fact, I think it's time to up your intake. What's another couple hundred calories? A mere snack for the purpose of keeping you from weakness. I want the others to be jealous about your dedication to keeping well.
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clayderogatory · 5 months ago
hello and welcome to "the leon autism experience" where I, Clay, express the autistic traits that i believe are very heavily seen and coded within Leon's character + my own personal headcanons! This is mostly pulled from RE4R and RE2R!!
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One just right off the bat seems to be expressing emotions. To me at least, Leon doesn't really have a whole lot of facial expressions or a lot of change in tone. Sure he has his quips and remarks, but I feel like those are more of a sort of stim or coping mechanism for himself in these situations he is always put in. Like the best example I could give is if he was opening a gift on Christmas and he is mostly just blankly slated but he appreciates the gift. Something like that...or he sees the practicality of it and gives a simple "Thanks" before moving on.
Another big one I noticed is physical contact. I believe Leon tends to keep to himself, and he tends to stray away from people touching him or as such. Not to say that he would never ever want physical contact, cause there are moments where he will pat someone's shoulder or carry them, etc. But if there wasn't much of a reason to, I don't think he would. Especially with biohazard zombies grabbing him all the time, he might have a distaste for it because it could bring back the memory.
This is more of a personal headcanon but with his own personal life i think he would definitely tend to stick to a very strict internal schedule that he doesn't like to be disrupted. If he has a mission or work, he would prefer to know ahead of time unless it is an emergency call in where it may bother him but not to a crazy degree.
Food. He either is very bland with his taste or will eat anything at all. I tend to think he's more on the bland side but enough to sustain himself. Obviously because he's so fit he has to have at least some sort of caloric intake to maintain a diet, but I think he wouldn't stray far from the usual foods he would find appealing.
His tone may definitely come off as a little blunt sometimes, especially with his silly little "Okays" in important situations. His social cues may be a little off and especially with how awkward he is and can be, it doesn't help those specific situations.
Also, I think maintaining friendships would not be easy for him. Not only because of his job and work, but because I believe he's more of the person who would answer if someone else calls/texts him, but he would not go out of his way to do the same for others. And even then, he's very cut and dry with responses because communication in that way isn't easy for him. It may be too difficult to understand the tone or hard to visualize how someone would say a text out loud, so being in person or calling would be easier. He's also a bit of a lone wolf and probably prefers doing tasks or things on his own.
And lastly, I don't think he could communicate his feelings or emotions very well. He doesn't understand it enough to word it so he just stays quiet about it all until it gets bad enough where he unhealthily tries to cope with it (alcohol). On that note, maybe he partly abuses alcohol because it lessens his symptoms a bit, and for once he can feel a sense of 'normalcy' in his mind.
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and that's all! i hope that makes enough sense and if anyone has their own thoughts or ideas i would love to hear it :)
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inspoxjournal · 1 month ago
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One of my personal goals is getting in shape.
So I've decided that mondays are gonna be my weekly weigh-in days. And I'm about to share my weight from this morning. But let me talk a little about December 19th which is when this goal of mine really came forward full force.
So December 19th we are at a big family dinner at my in-laws and my toddler wanted a piggyback ride. I squat and she climbs on and I struggle to lift us both up. She only weights about 15kg. When I say that I struggled I really mean I had to push for dear life to lift us both up. But it was that or admitting to my whole extended family how out of shape I am. I literally had to push from my toes I'm not even exaggerating! Somehow I managed (insert Michael Scott gif here) to lift us both up rather then die from shame.
Anyway back then I weighted about 81kg (178.5lbs) and I ate whatever I wanted which unfortunately was potato chips and processed candy. Water intake was ridiculously low. As a breastfeeding mum I do have a luxury of extra caloric intake but what I was doing was so unhealthy to say the least.
And so I decided I no longer wanna be a slob and just grab whatever comes to hand when I feel low on energy. So I made some changes.
I started drinking more water. Like every time I wanted candy or felt like munching on something I would drink water or eat some fruit if I was really hungry. Which was beneficial in many ways.
I stoped eating candy, chips and my beloved chocolate. This is hudge deal for me since I'm a sugar junkie. When my husband told my mum that I'm not eating sweets anymore she literally said "That's impossible she lives for candy." But I did it, I went so far that I placed a ferrero rocher ball on my kitchen counter so that I see it every time when I'm passing by. And every time I made a mindful decision not to eat it. And it worked I got hooked on that feeling of being in control!
I reduced my bread intake. I just started eating things that have more complex carbs. I love rice and chicken for lunch, tortilla omlet for breakfast, oatmeal etc. I stay away from grilled cheese (another staple in my pre baby diet), any kind of spreads (because I end up eating a lot of bread with them) and store bought bread in general.
Workouts but I'm gonna make a separate post about that topic soon.
And now I can happily say that I can squat with my velcro toddler on my back!
My weight this morning was 77,4kg (170.6lbs) and I'm proud of that. Current goal is just bellow 70 so I'll be happy with 69,9kg (154lbs)😅 I honestly don't even know how will I look by then so that can easily change if I'm happy with my strength and if I can fit my favourite pre pregnancy jeans! I'm pretty tall 175cm (5'9'') so all the extra weight doesn't bother me much but my bad shape, oh man that haunted my dreams..
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preemshots · 7 months ago
oc smash or pass
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tagged by @theloverstemperance tagging ANYONE who wants to do this but hasn't yet. please tag me as the person who tagged you so i can read about your OC :D rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Full Name: NV ("nut v". i never picked a real full name, but it's also not valerie or vincent lmao) Nickname: V Age: 27 in 2077 Height: 5'10" Eyes: Black Kiroshi "The Oracle" with red emissive pupil UI Gender: nonbinary Pronouns: they/she; masc>femme nouns Sexuality: yeah. (bi/pan/queer/poly all of the above)
obvious: NV is outwardly reserved and focused most of the time; brow furrowed, slight resting grump face. but they're also terrible at hiding what they're feeling and it's easy to break this focus. if they like you, they'll react strongly to you--usually with snark, bold suggestions, or by getting flustered.
dependable sucker: prefers to serve others before self, and once making a choice follows through with it (even if they know they'll regret it or have been deceived).
observant: pays attention to every detail of everything they can, will randomly give you the most thoughtful gift or something you mentioned needing/wanting but forgot about.
enduring: can tolerate a lot--physically, mentally, emotionally, even without certainty of reward at the end.
switch: their dynamic depends on the person, but generally are top-leaning. they are just as eager to struggle for dominance as they are to be put in their place.
work hard, play hard mentality: they overwork to justify seeking pleasure and good times, believing strongly in indulgent treats and blowing off steam--and most importantly, treating others.
1TB SDD memory: their sense of humanity is extremely dependent upon their connections with others above all else, whether close/personal, casual/transactional, or human/AI. they will not forget you.
cybernetically enhanced: stronger than average, but they're made of mostly doll parts, so you know. pleasure enhancements are included >:3
thrill seeker: they constantly want to test the limits of their cybernetic body in ridiculous ways--whether with new, dangerous drugs, by jumping off buildings in corpo plaza, or watching hacked BDs. their cybernetics aren't even particularly strong; they deliberately choose cheap/basic models and are more than willing to blow money on repairs/replacement parts.
rat: refuses to buy food unless it's for others. they'll openly steal food off tables as they pass by random people dining on the street to get the very limited caloric intake they need. if that fails, they'll even eat something off the ground if it doesn't look too gross.
deeply unwell: it's not just the creepy look of the kiroshis; years of cybernetic replacements have eroded NV's sense of humanity. while there's no risk of a full blown cyberpsychotic breakdown, a sort of gnawing omnipresent craving for violence lives inside them, something they consistently indulge in on a small scale via work when the opportunity presents itself. though it's not enough to motivate their decisions, they do enjoy the excuse.
the fool: their sense of identity is largely defined by choice and the guilt that follows. nudging them into misguided choices is not particularly difficult.
indifferent reaper: they are acutely aware of the nature of merc work, how often they're required to pass judgement on behalf of others whom they may not agree with, as well as how often they are given the unique opportunity to pass life-or-death judgement themselves. but even when executing something they feel is right, they don't really believe in greater moral justice, only luck and bad luck.
feral: the relic and johnny's influence prevent further decay of their humanity but also exacerbate a tendency to overindulge in all their vices. they WILL get themselves into trouble.
narrow viewpoint: particularly focused on individual survival, they don't often examine the larger picture (of corps, society, long-term manipulation, etc.)
former nomad who loves cars and driving around. they are either the best driver (on the clock) or the scariest (off the clock the thrill seeking mentality kicks in, no thoughts head empty, my insurance will cover this, etc.)
utility netrunner: very skilled but only uses it for doing spooky shit, never direct attacks.
throwing knife user. likes to pounce on their prey and abuse finishers.
also a failed arasaka corpo who loves bullying other corpos but is absolutely embarassed about being a failed corpo. it is not hard to see why they were bad at it.
eager to follow a leader but generally suspicious of organized groups that recruit. indiscriminately hazes every ganger in night city, will beat their asses for fun and then sell their guns back to them
more propaganda under the cut (warning for slight spice 🌶)
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ovobawrites · 1 year ago
𝐵𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽: 𝐸𝓅𝒾𝓈𝑜𝒹𝑒 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒 ♡ 𝐹𝒷𝑜𝓎𝓈 𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓎𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓈
disclaimer: this has already been posted on ao3 and quotev, i'm just reposting this beach episode special as a promo for the fic. after this is all my previous author notes.
this is a fem!reader and also a half chinese!reader insert.
previous ♡ next
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You hung limply over Jade's shoulder as he brought you over to the table. He set you down gently and handed you a plate with a polite smile, before quickly snapping up the food he wanted. Thankfully, Jade was quick enough for you to be able to grab a sandwich you actually wanted to eat. There's no way in the cold, wet hells[1] that you'd eat any large meal before swimming. Stomachaches were already a common occurrence for you due to the curse of menstruation, why go through even more unnecessary pain? 
Sadly, the boys had a completely different philosophy. Ruggie had piled a plate sky-high with varying meats and seafood, all while fiercely guarding a gourmet steak for Leona. Floyd and Jade, with you stuck between them, had also taken a large amount of food. At least they were planning on eating vegetables. Meanwhile, Riddle, Azul, Vil and Rook seemed to have prepared meals with the 'perfect' caloric intake.
And even then, they're eating so much! Though I guess the minimum calories are higher for guys? And they are younger...[2]
Leona slowly stalked over to the table, hair a mess from his nap and snatched his plate from Ruggie, sitting next to the hyena. Idia eventually got up from the pancake he made on the ground, mostly by Ortho's prompting. A plate stacked with healthy foods was handed to him by his brother and he was forced in a seat next to Silver. The Diasomnia first year had a plate with similarly healthy foods, though Idia had a smaller portion in comparison... It didn't help that every so often, Lilia would add a vegetable or cut of meat to Silver's plate. 
Malleus ate silently at the head of the table with a contemplative frown, Lilia smirking and whispering in his ear while Silver just ate in silence. Trey smiled sheepishly in conversation with Cater and Riddle, the three of them seemingly somewhat pleased with their meals. Kalim and Jamil ate next to each other, food already tested for poison and picked out to be a perfect lunch.
"Koi fish~" Floyd started, leaning over your shoulder. "is that seriously all you're gonna eat?"
"Ah- well..." You trailed off. "I'm not exactly a 'growing girl' so to speak."
"Still," Jade chimed in, mirroring Floyd. "that isn't a lot of food. Are you sure you don't need to eat anymore?"
Are they... planning something? It's not my fault you boys all eat like beasts!
Trey silently spooned some pasta onto Riddle's plate. Suddenly, everyone at the table seemed extremely invested in your private conversation. 
You sighed. "Yes, I'm sure."
Who are they? My mom? Please. She'd never be so smothering.
"You're already skin and bones." Leona chimed in, "A herbivore like you definitely needs to eat more. Else you'll end up like Riddle."
"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" The redhead snapped at Leona, face matching the colour of his hair. "Though you definitely should eat more, it doesn't seem like enough food for the day." He looked over at you, now cool as a cucumber. 
"I agree, I don't think a sandwich is enough for a day in the sun." Trey frowned in concern, Cater nodding emphatically next to him.
"Yeah! How are we supposed to post cute beach pics if you're fainting from a lack of food!"
Can the peanut gallery PLEASE stop offering their opinions?
You took a small bite out of your sandwich, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. A posture of steel, not a crumb falling nor a hair out of place. The essence of perfection you were taught to be. Too bad the boys were too busy worrying over your lunch to properly appreciate it. 
"Are you really fine with only eating that much?" Kalim tilted his head in concern. "Shouldn't she eat more, Jamil?"
"Eh?" His vice dormleader looked over, pretending to be unaware of the conversation. "...Yes, she should be eating more."
Lilia nodded his head with a frown and a shrug. "She definitely should, humans are sooo fragile~"
Vil and Rook looked over at what you were eating, looks of disapproval obvious.
"Don't tell me you've bought into diet culture," Vil lectured, "it's been proven to be a scam that hardly works and even then-"
"Diet culture is a scam?!" Azul looked shell shocked. 
"Obviously? Pressuring people into restricting what they eat so much and guilting them for even barely straying from an un-nutritious and unfulfilling diet is a binge-eating disaster waiting to happen!" 
"...You guys are binge-eating?" Ruggie looked over, half a chicken wing in his mouth, curious.
Floyd poked your cheek, then attempted to place more food on your plate. A serving of calamari clashed against a spearing of mushrooms. Twins glared and started to war a silent fight while you polished off your lunch. There was no way you were gonna deal with this in-fighting when you could just find Crewel and go swimming. You put your plate in the sink and cleaned it up. 
Quiet as a mouse, you left the room, boys none the wiser. Grabbing your bag off of the couch, you bid Crewel adieu and went out to the beach. Shimmering waves against the gleaming, blinding white sand enamored you as you placed your bag and towel in the shade.
A warding talisman and the removal of your sundress left you free to explore the shore to your heart's content. Wandering around, you gathered bone-bleached shells and smoothed down shards of colourful sea glass. By the time you reached rocky cliff, you had left a trail of footprints and a floating pile of your treasures following you. You smiled and took in the relaxing atmosphere.
A crash and the loud slam of the door. 
A swarm of boys rushing down the hill towards the sandy beach. 
"(Y/NNNNN)!!!" Floyd called out, arms waving around wildly, giant grin on his face.
Ruggie and Leona waved from where Ruggie was setting up a throne room for the king of naps. Malleus and Lilia curiously observing while being blasted with horrific UV rays. Rook had already helped Vil set up a UV-proof zone and the two were slathering on reef-safe suncream, glancing at-
Did Idia just eat sand and die?
You smiled ruefully, your boys were so stupid. And there goes Idia rolling over! Knocking over Riddle, Trey, Cater and-
Like dominoes, Idia's fall started a chain reaction ending in a dog-pile of half-naked, sweaty, flushed men. Disgusting. 
You glided over gracefully, faked concern appearing on your face like a well-worn mask.
"Are you guys okay?" You asked, leaning over, hands on your knees. 
For whatever reason, the boys just went even more red. You think Riddle let out a muffled shriek. The momentary confusion was replaced by disappointment.
They were looking at your cleavage. The pigs.
Yeah. There's no way you were going to go near them. You acted confused, tilting your head before walking past in a decisive moment towards Vil and Rook. 
How do I bleach a memory from my brain?!
No matter. You sat in the UV-safe zone with Rook and Vil. The hunter offered you a bottle of water. 
"Ah- no, thank you." With a snap of your fingers, your bag appeared next to you. "I brought my own."
A sip of water and then you gathered up the things you collected from beach-combing. 
"Was that what you were doing while we had that..." Vil paused. "discussion?"
You beamed. "Yep!" That reminds you... "I founded a shell that was like you!" You told Vil with a blinding smile, rummaging through the piles for it.
You pulled out a large conch shell, spiky with streaks of purple. A shy look in your eyes and you offered it to him.
"If I remember correctly... conches follow the golden ratio, right? And well... you're the most perfect person I know, so..."
Vil sniffed and took the shell from your hands like a merciful god. "I suppose it's... nice."
"Vil, mon cher Roi du Poison, I can always take it from your hands if you do not want it!" Rook stated with a wink and a grin. "I always delight in a gift from our Reine des Cygnes[3]!"
Rook reached his hand out only to have it slapped away, Vil tucking the conch protectively into his arms.
"No, it's mine. She gave it to me, so hands off!"
You fretted over the slight fight, feeling the sparks flying between the two. Vil with a stone cold expression and Rook with his ever-present smile. 
"Oh- uhm, I also brought something for you, Rook!"
It wasn't a lie, you did find a piece of glass that reminded you of your classmate, but...
"You did?!" Rook took your hands in his, stars in his eyes. "I shall cherish this for every year that goes by, ma chouette!"
...You just knew Rook was gonna get weird about it. Too late to save yourself now. 
"Ah- here." You tugged your hands out of Rook's grasp and handed him an arrow-shaped shard of indigo sea glass. It sparkled against the sun, uncannily reminiscent of the shine in Rook's eyes.
"Thank you so much ma chère!" He quickly took it, handling it with the reverence of a man with an idol of his god.
"It was no problem at all..." You flushed slightly at the praise.
"No, you took the time to search for these and then give them to us." Vil gazed at you with ardent warmth. "Thank you for taking the time to find these."
You suddenly wished for a fan, hands covering your face while it rapidly heated up. You couldn't handle this! Both Vil and Rook in their purple swimwear, decorative open shirts framing their bodies with such elegance... it was too much! 
A chuckle. Vil covered his laugh up with a hand over his mouth. Rook simply stayed smiling with a knowing look in his eyes. The Pomefiore Housewarden leaned in closer to you, hands brushing, as he opened his mouth to whisper something but-
"Ey, (Y/N), come here!" Leona beckoned you over and with a frown and a curious glance, you followed. 
Vil looked awfully put out, but Rook seemed to be even more pleased by this outcome, taking out a pair of sun-proofed binoculars from who knows where. 
You walked over to the two Savanaclaw members, Leona now lazing on a towel-bed while Ruggie set up portable fans to cool the lion down. 
"Heard you were giving out gifts." Leona said with a twitch of his ears. "Where's mine?"
You fumbled for a second in slight shock, but with a quick recovery, gave him one half of an oyster shell, coated in mother of pearl. 
He raised an eyebrow. "Where's the other half?"
"It's for Ruggie!" You smiled. "Who else?"
The hyena, with a bashful turn of his head, took the other half from your hands. "Wait- I can probably make a lot of money with this... Thank you!"
"Isn't it rude to sell a gift?"
"I gave it to him since I knew he probably would sell it!" You snapped back in reply. 
"I don't get either of you." And with a huff, Leona lied down and took another nap. 
"...Is he already asleep?" You asked Ruggie, head leaning against your hand as you watched him finish up the nap-fort. 
The hyena glanced at Leona. "Probably, yeah."
"He's really good at this..." You sighed. "Now if only he'd apply this effort to his studies..."
A bark of laughter. 
"Like he'd ever! Leona isn't Leona if he spends all his time studying!"
A fond grin and a burst of yellow roses in your heart. "Yeah... you're right."
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After a while of chatting with Ruggie and a quick re-application of suncream, you went over to the waves. Floyd and Jade waved at you from where they were (most likely) torturing poor Riddle, who was fuming once again. Trey and Cater tried their best to calm him but it was a lost cause. Meanwhile, Idia was carefully watching Ortho's movements in the water, taking notes on a floating tablet. Kalim was splashing around while Jamil stayed on guard by the shore, resolutely ignoring Azul trying to talk to him. 
"Koi fish! You gonna swim?" Floyd asked with a bright grin, cheeks flushing.
"Why else would I be by the waves?" You teased. 
Riddle went bright red at your entrance, eyes darting to your chest and then to your face before he quickly whipped his head away from you. If he wasn't so endearing you'd have punted him into the sun already. 
"Oh, (Y/N)!" Kalim waved you over. "Wanna play a game with us?"
"Sure!" You beamed. "What is it?"
Jade held a hand to his chest, a smirk on his face. "We're playing 'save the princess'. Would you like to play the part? The heroes have to rescue you from us, if they get to that tree with you, they win."
At some point I am going to murder these men. Is he seriously asking me to play the damsel in distress?
You looked at both Floyd and Jade, the two, in their true forms, were practically vibrating with excitement. You guessed they would be your captors... and even then you doubt that they'd let you go. 
A sigh. "I guess..."
Floyd smiled wide and grabbed you by the waist in a second. Clawed hands almost fondling your sides. 
"I've got Koi fishie~ let's swim away, Jade!" He laughed in childish glee as he quickly darted off.
"Wait, we're starting now?" Kalim called out. "Oh, then, Jamil! Help me catch those dastardly villains!"
A tilt to his head and a proud smile on his face, Kalim fell into his role as the knight-prince, your supposed saviour.
"If sea snake's joining then I want Azul!" Floyd pouted as Jade simply smiled. "Azul! Join us!"
Their Housewarden sighed, getting up from his place in the sand along with Jamil as they entered the water. For whatever reason, Azul stayed in his two-legged form, yet he still could quickly swim over. 
"If we are to win," Jade said, "we should make sure to split up. Toss (Y/N) over to the person who is unswarmed by these heroes."
"But I want to spend time with (Y/N)!" Floyd frowned, hands twitching around your waist while you let him carry you, limp. 
And I wanted to play a fun game of tag, but I guess we don't always get what we want!
"I agree with Jade." Azul pushed his glasses up. "We should make sure to keep (Y/N) away from these heroes."
Your captors had migrated over to the deeper waters in the ocean, powerful tails (and legs) allowing them to tread the water with ease. You shifted in Floyd's grasp, turning chest-to-chest, to peer over at your supposed heroes. The merman chirped with glee and held you even tighter to him in a pseudo-hug while he continued to discuss tactics with his dormmates. 
Surprisingly, Riddle, Cater and Trey were participating in this game as well. By the looks of things, it seems they had managed to recruit Ortho too. The 'knights' were similarly congregating, thinking up a game plan. While their numbers trumped your captors, you're sure that they are the ones with the advantage. 
Seriously, why are the teams like this. There's no way Kalim's team is winning against this sea-beasts.
In a flash, Azul, Jade and Floyd swam off in different directions. Floyd's powerful tail pushed the both of you through the water at a near-alarming speed, making you laugh in an adrenaline-fueled manner. You looked over Floyd's shoulder to see most of the hero team swimming towards you both at a much slower rate. Floyd soon stopped and started to float in the water, guarding you in his arms like a precious treasure.
"You'll never take Koi fishie from me!" He growled out, baring his teeth with a laugh.
"Are you sure about that?" Riddle smirked. "You're surrounded."
In a flash, Riddle, Trey, Cater and Kalim had encircled Floyd, slowly drawing closer with no escape. It's too bad that your 'captors' had planned for this. Floyd smiled even wider, lifting you up by the hips, and called out to Jade. With strong arms, he tossed you over to his brother, who caught you gently with steel cable-like arms. As you flew through the air, you couldn't help but laugh at the 'heroes' shocked faces. 
"It seems you're stuck with me now." Jade smiled, quickly swimming off with Jamil and Ortho giving chase. 
The merman was holding you in a bridal-style carry, whipping his tail through the water, dodging Ortho and Jamil's tries to grab and save you.
You waved lazily at them. "Oh no. I've been caught. Dear heroes, please save me." You spoke, completely deadpan. 
You could hear Jade's chest vibrate from a chuckle as he continued to race through the water. A glance towards his back showed Azul setting up for a catch while Floyd taunted poor Riddle. Trey and Cater were quickly swimming over to help Jamil and Ortho, who were quickly catching up.
So they're handicapping themselves for this. Probably 'cause it wouldn't be as fun.
"Don't worry (Y/N), I'll save you!" Ortho called out, his motors whirring as he started to speed up, nearly brushing your hand as Jade quickly dodged.
"It's not polite to lie, Ortho." Jade called out as you braced yourself for another toss. "There's simply no way for you to win."
In a quick, smooth motion, you flew through the air once more to be caught by Azul. You laughed and ruffled his hair in joy, undeniably pleased from all this throwing. For whatever reason, being tossed through the air filled you with pinks and yellows of a childish happiness, making you giggle, adrenaline-drunk, with glee.
"Please don't mess up my hair." Azul sighed, resigned. He shifted you around in his arms for a better ease of movement as Riddle drew in near with a dangerous glare.
The position he landed on was you, held by the waist in one arm as you were slung over his shoulder. He then took off, not as fast as Jade or Floyd, but still faster than your supposed future saviours. Soon enough, he let them catch up, then threw you through the air to Floyd. 
And so the cycle continued, you happily being thrown in the air while the hero team eventually slowed down, exhausted. Not ones' to lose, they congregated into a circle on the shore to discuss plans, while you stayed fixed in Floyd's arms. Jade and Azul soon joining you as you all watched the hero team plan. 
"I wonder how they'll approach us this time." Jade simpered with an everpresent smile.
Azul scoffed. "This is such a stupid game. How on earth are they going to win?"
Unfortunately for them, Azul just jinxed the 'villain' team. Malleus, Lilia and Silver, returning from a beach combing exploration, went over to the hero team. Kalim waved his hands around and suddenly, it seemed that the Diasomnia boys joined the hero team. Their discussion continued with even more fervor, a dark shadow appearing over their group as they started to scheme.
"Wow. You really just screwed yourself over, Azul." You deadpanned, unbothered by any of this. 
Floyd hugged you closer to him in glee. "Now it's gonna be super fun! Too bad none of them will steal you from me..."
A dark chuckle. "No. They won't win against us, right Azul?"
His glasses flashed. "I think it's time to think of a different plan."
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You laughed as Floyd darted through the waves, waving at Malleus, Silver and Lilia who were closing in on you. Sadly for them, Floyd picked up even more speed. Beads of water flew through the air as the waves splashed into the Diasomnia group. Meanwhile, Jade tried to shake off a persistent group of Heartslabyul boys, Azul facing the same problem with Kalim and Jamil. 
"Return (Y/N) to us, mortal, and your punishment will be lessened." Malleus glared, picking up speed.
"There's no way for you to win, Floyd, so just give up." Lilia added with a chuckle. 
Silver stayed silent, a dark look on his face as he swam even faster, nearly managing to grab you off of Floyd. Floyd laughed in amusement and quickly changed directions. Jade and Azul started swimming towards the center of the ocean alongside you and Floyd. Though you were, of course, a limp spectator in this competition. Still, it was fun to move so quickly through the water, you giggled as Floyd started to go even faster.
The three of them met in the middle, the others not far behind. Azul scowled as Jade grabbed you from Floyd, manhandling you into his arms.
"Ready?" Azul asked, "They're closing in."
True to his statement, the group of 'heroes' were quickly getting closer. Riddle looked triumphant, while Trey and Cater's eyes shone with determination to 'save' you.
I guess it's time for my plan to come into action, too. 
There was no way you were playing damsel in distress. No matter how fun it was to go fast and be thrown around, this objectification was too much to bear. Thank god for Idia, who had seen your rapid signing and silently gathered Ruggie and Rook to the shore. You smiled to yourself. This rescue plan was going to work.
"Hand (Y/N) over, criminals! We're here to save her, there's no escape!" Malleus boomed with a smirk. 
"Isn't there?" Jade smiled in reply, "It seems you weren't paying enough attention."
In that quick amount of time, Azul and Floyd had tied up their legs in the seaweed from the ocean floor. They struggled, shocked. 
And now it was your time to shine. 
"Yeah. There's no need for you heroes!" You smiled, a steely look in your eyes. "I can save myself just fine, thanks."
In one quick motion, you grabbed Jade's arms, throwing him over your shoulder by using his body weight. The eel barreled into Floyd and Azul, knocking them out. Whip-quick, you swam off, darting through the waves with a laugh as you approached the shore. 
A look over your shoulder, the boys were catching up. Floyd, Jade and Azul were closest, but the others were pulling on them to slow them down. It soon turned into an all-out war as they fought to get near to you, either to 'save' or 'capture' you. Too bad.
With a smile and a wave, you ran onto the shore. Idia and Ruggie grinned and guarded you as you approached the win-point. You hit the tree with your hand and beamed. 
"I win!" You said in a sing-song tone. 
The boys were stunned.
Trey laughed first. "Yeah, you did! Well done."
The others joined in, heaping you with praise as your heart fluttered in joy. Butterflies in your stomach as you all started to chat about your plan and your win. Ruggie ruffled your hair while Idia gave you a smile in support. 
It was a fun day.
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[1] Chinese hell is cold, dark and damp. Basically the opposite to traditional perception of Christian hell. And there are multiple hells! Lovely ^^ [2] Generally, Chinese eating tendencies is that the best and most food goes to children, then the elderly, then the adults. Portion sizes also tend to be quite small for adults/teens, at least compared to US portion sizes. MC is exaggerating when calling the boys younger tho... it's the innate mom instinct lmao [3] Queen of Swans... get it.... cuz MC's so graceful but can also be very fierce? Also cuz swans = romance and Rook is definitely noticing the reverse harem shenangians
Just a fun fact, kids/babies get so happy from being thrown because it helps strengthen their bodies against gravity. It also strengthens a kid's sense of balance and motion. I wonder why MC likes it now uwu
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and here is the third part of the beach ep. if you'd like to read the rest of the fic, you can read it on ao3 here, and on quotev here.
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pita-cu-jem · 1 year ago
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My best drawing ig
"The right way"
Kind of old tho AND I F**KING WROTE WHEY INSTEAD OF WAY IN IT'S NAME(on Twitter) 💀💀💀 Bad English problems
He eats the planet for his daily caloric intake 😭😭
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year ago
You need to consume unsaturated fats or you'll feel slow, fatigued, and never want to do anything.
You have to learn the healthy fats and eat the healthy fats if you're committed to being vegetarian or vegan. Or you will be tired forever, and not the type of tired where you can push through it, but the type of tired where you feel like you have to stay in bed all day and your heart feels like it's being sucked through a straw.
Fatty acids are what lipids in our bodies are made mostly up of. Fatty acids are responsible for energy storage, brain development, blood clotting, and controlling inflammation. They are necessary for your body to be able to absorb vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, and K. They are necessary for your body to produce sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Not having enough of these fats can cause muscle pain, night blindness, infertility, easy bruising, dry hair, hair loss, loose teeth, depression and anxiety, and dermatitis (presenting as dry and scaly rashes).
You need unsaturated fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are good fats. Saturated fats and trans fats are bad, these are what raise your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Diets high in saturated fats might also lead to chronic pain.
35% of your caloric intake should be fats. This can be added to the list on why the diet industry is so cruel. Manufacturers and organizations paired with the pornography and cosmetic industry pushing dieting and beauty norms on women and girls for decades impressed the seriously dangerous and false idea that consuming fats was bad. Denying healthy fats means denying healthy brain development, energy and motivation, better ability to heal from injuries, and preventing depression and anxiety.
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Balsamic and olive oil together (and you can add some minced garlic if you like) tastes fantastic with warm bread and can be made in 12 minutes.
Cooking with the oils above instead of butter can also introduce fatty acids in your diet (might not be enough though, you need 1-2 tablespoons a day).
Sometimes if I'm in a hurry I just eat a plain avocado a day.
You can sprinkle chia seeds on yogurt. Add flax seed to smoothies.
Just eat 1/4th of pumpkin seeds too (which are also super high in magnesium). That's basically a handful a day, make it part of your morning routine.
Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are also high in good fats.
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colibrie · 9 months ago
Reflections, part I
Art (and some writing!) courtesy of @trilobitepunch
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Found sumthin…”
Donnie jumped, biting down on the urge to hiss as the sound of Raphie’s voice, soft as it tried to be, raked a knife sharply across his nerves. His insides writhed with the need to scream, or bite, or tuck himself into a dark corner and rock until the world disappeared. But he couldn’t do that. The master’s had always disapproved when he did. They had scolded him to “center himself”, to “release the feelings to the Force”. And he had tried too. So, so many times, he had tried to do as they said to control his body and mind. It had never worked. Only his family had… But the masters were gone, and so were most of his family. There was only one left. Only Raph. Raphael and Donatello against a cold world that did not care about them, and so Donnie had to find that stupid center and pull. Himself. Together.
He bit down hard on his lip, the pain helpfully grounding as he squashed those writhing, icky needs down and locked them away, smoothing his face into practiced neutrality before turning to look at his big brother. Raphael stood a few feet away, nervously shifting from foot to foot. His head was wrapped in makeshift bandages torn from the relatively cleaner portion of his inner robe, partially covering a patch of rust red crusted over the left side of his face. Small flakes broke away as his beak pulled back into a tentative smile, fluttering down to join the detritus of the alleyway as his hands triumphantly presenting their prize for Donatello’s inspection.
It was, in short, not much. Two slightly smushed ration bars in torn wrappers and a hunk of visibly stale bread. Not the most filling spread, or the most nourishing. But neither of them could afford to turn down the calories.
“Well done, Raphie,” Donnie nodded, something in his heart loosening when Rahael beamed at him. “You should take your portion first.”
“Nuh-uh! You go first Donnie!” Raph denied, puffing out his cheeks when Donnie shook his head.
“No Raphie, you require a greater level of caloric intake.”
“Raph doesn’t know about calor-a-whatitz, but you said I was your big brother, yeah? That means it’s my responsibility to take care’a you.”
“I am not that hungry,” Donnie protested, his tummy twisting uncomfortably as he stared at the food in Raph’s palms.
“That’s wha you said earlier, but I also know you haven’t eaten in a while. You gotta eat if yah wanna get big an strong Dee.”
“Just try. Please?”
“…Sigh. Very well.”
The way Raph’s face lit up with pride and relief gave him the strength to reach out and take one of the ration bars. He broke off half, then grudgingly took a little bit more when the chasm between Raph’s eyes grew. The texture, like pavement gravel, dried sand, and fake fruit, made him want to puke, but he forced his reflexes back enough to swallow. Neither of them could afford to waste food.
“Come on, lets sit fer a few minutes, yeah?” Raph said, one hand landing on the back of Donatello’s shell to steer him closer to the ally wall.
“We shouldn’t stay in one place,” Donnie protested, even as his traitorous legs trembled beneath him, “the lower levels of Coruscant are dangerous.”
“An we’ll run faster if we take breaks when we can, right?”
“That is…unusually logical of you Raphala.”
Donatello’s heart sank at the hopeful look that Raph shot him as they curled up together behind a dumpster.
“Yes. You’ve always been a more, in your words, gut based turtle…I…take that to mean your memories have not returned?”
“Not beyond what you’ve told me,” Raph shrugged, looking down as he gnawed the bread. “I’m Raphael, your big brother. We’re Jedi, or we were? Somethin happened in the temple, an we had to run away. Then the tunnel collapsed when the bad guys caught up to us. Did I forget anything?”
“No, that is the gist of events,” Don confirmed, forcing himself to eat another tiny piece of the ration bar. “I will admit, I was hoping to see more come back independently.”
Hope was perhaps an incorrect term for the unidentifiable mess of emotions that churned inside him, but Donnie didn’t have the energy or inclination to try to pull those impossible threads apart. Not without…
“Well, maybe you could tell me more?”
More… a dangerous concept.
“What specifically would you like to know?”
“I dunno. What the temple was like? Did we have any other family there?”
“The temple?”
His face pinched slightly. He couldn't really fault his brother for wanting to know what he couldn't recall, knowing full well he'd want to extract every detail he could regain if he were in the same position. Then again, maybe he wouldn’t if it meant… It was a horrifying thought he quickly backed away from, ducking his head and drawing in a breath as he prepared his response, reluctantly letting his thoughts dip back into simpler, more pleasant times.
Vaulted halls supported by towering pillars and dappled with sunlight. The lush humidity within the Room of a Thousand Fountains, the blissful hush of the Archives. The soft, colorful walls of the creche, covered in drawings made by little hands. Food smudged on tiny fingers, colorful patterns swirling over a tiny shell…
“DeeDee! DeeDee I dwew this fo you!”
“It bwoke DeeDee, can you fix it?”
“I luve you DeeDee!”   
"The temple.... was the only home we knew. It was huge, and somehow both busy and quiet. People were always coming and going, especially after the war started. Jedi come from all over the galaxy, so we lived in the creche with others, and we had lessons in all matter of subjects. As for family…”
“Dee! Pst, Dee! Bet I can block more than you!”
“It’s gonna okay DonDon, don’t listen to them. Do you want to squeeze my hand?”
“That’s never gonna happen to us, Donatello. It’s going to be you and me, always. I promise.”
"...the Order was more or less family, but the Jedi didn’t encourage bonds and connections between its members," he finished, pretending to nibble at his ration bar to hide as he swallowed hard around the knot in his throat.
It was hard to keep that mask on with the pain of everything lost still so fresh. When that messy cyclone of emotions twisted and knotted even tighter inside of him. As his thoughts circled continuously around those last moments in the sewer tunnel, and those lost beneath the cave in. Master Yoshi, Michelangelo, Leo...
 He didn't even try to swallow another bite of his rations as something hot and sour and wrong flooded his throat, coating his tongue and teeth in bitterness. His stomach roiled, every little ache seemingly magnified as the emotions in his chest screamed their names over and over and over and-
“Well, at least we still got each other, right?”
Raphaels words pulled him from the maelstrom, gave him the strength to look up as one big arm wrapped around his shoulders. He stared as Raph smiled, the same smile overflowing with the warmth and reassurance only his eldest brother could provide. An eldest brother free from the enormity of all they had lost.
“…Yes,” He replied, bowing his head as he carefully tucked those names, and the memories they brought with them, away within his own memory.
“It’s for the best,” his mind whispered. “He doesn’t need to feel this. He doesn’t need to miss them. I can bear it for the both of us.”
“Come on then, lil bro,” Raph’s arm gently guided him back to his feet, taking the remains of his ration bar to tuck away for later. “Let’s try to look for a good place to sleep.”
"What have we here?"
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theglowsociety · 27 days ago
3 Reasons Why Strength Training Won’t Automatically Make You Bulky
While exercise can do wonders for your mind, body, immune system, mood, and longevity, we’d be remiss to ignore that many people turn to exercise as a way to achieve a certain physique too. And while we’re on the subject, one of the top myths we want to bust — that lifting heavy weights will make you “bulky.”
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For starters, it’s important to point out that adding muscle mass isn’t a bad thing. All bodies are beautiful, and a body that shows signs of strength and hard work should very much be celebrated. That said, everyone has different goals, and it’s SO important to feel comfortable in your own skin.
So why do so many people believe lifting heavy weights makes us bulky? While yes, bodybuilders lift weights, lifting weights doesn’t make you a bodybuilder. We all have friends who can eat pints of ice cream seemingly every day and still be extremely fit and never gain a pound. Does that mean we need to inhale pints of Ben & Jerry’s to achieve the same physique? Of course not (if only!).
This myth has been perpetuated for a number of reasons, particularly among women (that’s another story to unpack on another day), but here’s the deal: weight training is for everyone, regardless of body type and goals. It’s a powerful tool to help you get fit, lean, and healthy — the “bulk” that some people are concerned about is much more about what you eat rather than how you exercise.
Let’s get into what weight training will actually do (including improve your skin — yes, we’re serious!).
Bulky Muscles Don’t Happen Overnight
Let’s clear this up first, in case you weren’t totally convinced — myth-busting time!
“Bulking up” is actually a pretty significant task requiring a substantial commitment and rigorous program — people work hard to gain that extra muscle mass. The program typically comprises a heavy weight lifting routine (several days per week, with targeted recovery) and a specific “bulking diet” (we’ll touch on that momentarily) — so simply adding a handful of strength workouts to your schedule doesn’t equate to an instant-bulk.
You Would Need to Ramp up Your Calories A LOT
If you actually wanted to bulk up, you would work with a coach who’d have you start pairing a heavy weight lifting routine (like we said: a specific, targeted program) with a radical diet shift, ramping up your caloric intake and protein. This is often referred to as a bulking diet (the opposite of “cutting”), and the goal is to feed your body with extra building blocks to create more cells (hence, more mass). Every person’s body is different, but if you keep your caloric intake roughly the same while you’re adding in some resistance training, chances are you will actually lose some inches.
Hormones Play a Role Too
Perhaps the clincher of all clinchers, this one’s for you ladies: hormones account for the most important factor when it comes to building muscle and “bulking.” Specifically, testosterone.
Male bodies have higher levels of testosterone, which essentially “codes” their bodies to create more muscle mass. Because of the hormonal differences between biologically male and female bodies and hormone levels, women’s bodies respond very differently to the same routine. Women who want to body-build and bulk have to make extreme changes in their exercise and diet program in order to achieve those kinds of effects
What Strength Training Will Do
Strength training won't make you bulky
Now that we’ve cleared that up, here’s what strength training actually does — and why you’ll want to add some new workouts to your own regime.
You’ll Burn Calories
For starters, it’s a killer calorie burner. If physique changes are on your list of goals, look no further.
You’ll Shape & Tone
Your body will change, but more so in terms of composition — think: burning fat while toning muscle. Lean strength without adding inches. Again, this comes down to what your physical goals are, what makes you feel comfortable, and what program you’re on.
You’ll Strengthen Bones
One of the best reasons to add strength training to your workouts is its impact on your bone density (specifically for women who inherently struggle with this in later years). So while you’re building strength and healthier muscles, you’ll also be building strong bones. It also helps that many strength training programs are low-impact, meaning you’ll be extra kind to your joints and prevent bone and cartilage injuries.
You’ll Age Well and Live Longer
If you’re investing in anti-aging creams (hello, retinol) and eating a Blue Zone diet in hopes of aging well and living a long life, you should be strength training, too. Studies have shown that adding in some weight work can add years to your life.
You’ll Improve Heart Health
Another miraculous benefit of adding in some strength training? You’ll protect your heart. Studies have also shown that strength training and weightlifting are cardioprotective, meaning you can reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke!
You May Sleep Better
Struggling to get some sleep? Hit the deck! It’s time for push-ups. A 2017 medical review found that “resistance exercise may be an effective intervention to improve sleep quality,” and that’s not the only study that showed improved Zzzs after a little bit of muscle training.
You’ll Support Your Cognitive Function
While you’re building strong, lean muscles (not bulk!), you’ll also be building a healthier brain! Improved cognitive function and mental health is yet another benefit of lifting heavy weights (and may even help with dementia and neurodegeneration).
Your Skin Will Be Glowing
We know we just talked about retinol a second ago, but seriously — if you’re looking for a glow, look no further. When you exercise and work your muscles, they create a special protein (called IL-15, or interleukin-15, if you’re down to get nerdy with us); that activate the mitochondria of your skin cells — this keeps your skin looking youthful. According to researchers at McMaster University, at a microscopic level, the result can be skin cells that look 25 years younger (!!).
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