#but being woken up by an alarm at 7am and having to then try and get up and do stuff is uhh... I feel like I'm dying
thethingything · 1 year
y'know I feel like I deserve some kind of award for putting up with so many triggers (both for our PTSD and for our OCD and psychosis) while sleep deprived, essentially jetlagged (from flipping our sleep schedule in one day), experiencing a migraine so bad we can't stop shaking, experiencing sensory overload for 8+ hours a day from loud noises that are also making the migraine worse, and getting constant flashbacks for multiple days in a row
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mindfulstudyquest · 6 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲: easy tips to form healthy habits ( based on this alessya farrugia video )
lately i've been having trouble being productive and finding a healthy balance between study, passions, exercise and free time. i've been searching for a long time online for advices and ideas that could help me find my serenity, and my searches led me to this. i hope you appreciate it.
pro tip do not try to improve everything all at once, you're gonna fail. just try to incorporate something small in your routine to start forming healthy habits. it might take months, but one year from now it will all be worthy.
𝟭. don't hit snooze ( ⏰ )
the "snooze" button is definitely my worst enemy, i simply don't want to get up and start a new day that will be tiring and hard, but when i realized the reasons why putting off the alarm is so harmful for me i seriously started to stop doing it. you will actually wake up even more tired and sleep-deprived after the second or third alarm goes off, since falling back to sleep after having already woken up causes your brain to begin a new "sleep cycle" that takes 75 minutes to complete, abruptly interrupting these cycles brings unpleasant side effects such as tiredness, irritability and headaches.
bonus start waking up at the same time every day, this will not only help consolidate your routine but is scientifically proven that it significantly reduces levels of anxiety and depression.
𝟮. don't check your phone (📱)
i've always spent at least an hour scrolling through social media right after waking up every day, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's not exactly the healthiest thing in the world. do not go on your phone for at least 30min/1h after waking up. i know it seems hard ( i have a severe phone addiction so i understand ) but i guarantee you that your days will be so much more stress free and productive. why? going on your phone as soon as you wake up gives you an instant hit of dopamine ( for more info, check this post ) that is gonna literally ruin your day, because your brain is gonna pretend more and more dopamine for the rest of the day in order to function properly.
𝟯. have a glass of water ( 🫗 )
you didn't drink for 8 hours or more so it's time to rehydrate your body. i hate drinking water as soon as i wake up so you can try adding some lemon juice to give it more taste, you can also try some herbal tea if it's winter and you don't feel like drinking cold water first thing in the morning, but avoid caffeine ( and theine ) for at least one hour after waking up. exactly like the hit of dopamine that your phone gives you, caffeine and similar stimulants will have the same effect on your body.
𝟰. have a cold shower ( 🚿 )
ok, i'm not one of those gurus who tells you to get up at 5 in the morning, take an ice bath and run 12 km before 7am, but switching to cold water for the last two minutes of your morning shower will have some benefits invaluable for you and your body. first of all it helps to wake you up, because it stimulates the nerve endings and makes the brain more active, it also helps to tone the skin and make the hair shinier. it's a difficult thing, but doing something like this in the morning will help your brain cope better with the workload during the day. it also reduces stress and anxiety, since the cold can activate the production of endorphins ( known as "happy hormones" ).
𝟱. physical and mental care ( 💕 )
take five or ten minutes to just look after yourself, do skincare - it doesn't have to be a deep session, just a little moisturizer and lip balm -, meditate, journal, cut out a few minutes from your morning routine where you leave out for a while all the negative thoughts, stress and anxiety, your body is your temple and you must treat it with reverence, your mind is your home, your safe place, and deserves your attention.
𝟲. get direct sunlight ( ☀️ )
apply some sunscreen and go get some sunlight, the benefits are so many that i couldn't list them all: i quote, production of vitamin D ( very important especially if you are a woman ), improved mood and, in general, physical and mental health, sleep regulation, improved skin. i know it's not always possible, especially in winter when there is very little sun, but for example if you have the chance to walk to school or work on a beautiful sunny spring day, take it!
𝟳. make the bed ( 🛏️ )
why should i make my bed if i'm going to have to sleep in it in the evening anyway? well, this is the mistake that i very often make and i admit that i am guilty of it. however, not making the bed is exactly the reason that pushes me to go back there immediately and sleep again. making your bed in the morning as an act of discipline will not only improve your self-esteem and make you less want to go back to sleep, but it will make your room seem cleaner and generally improve your environment, making you feel more productive and satisfied. completing that little task in the morning, even if it's small and simple, will give you motivation and will push you through the day.
𝟴. high-proteine breakfast ( 🥞 )
make sure you eat a balanced, protein-rich breakfast that will keep you feeling full until your next meal. it is useless to limit calories especially in the morning when we need an extra boost, this will only make us feel more tired and irritable and will significantly decrease our productivity.
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dopororo · 1 year
•Alarm clock•
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pairing: Haechan x afab!reader
prologue:Just you and your boyfriend having a normal morning for the first time after his exhausting career as a kpop idol
genre: fluff !!
wordcount: about 1,1k
warnings: none !!
Your boyfriends sleep schedule is horribly messed up because of his former life, and it’s been really exhausting for both of you, so now you are pretty relieved that you won’t be woken up by him everyday at random times barely getting any sleep, at the same time, you’re also happy that your boyfriend won’t be so stressed anymore.
I mean, it’s not like he has to wake up at 12pm, he has to wake up at 7am, but it’s definitely an upgrade for both of you. Even though Haechan should be used to waking up early or at random, spontaneous times, he’s still scared to miss his first official day at work , so he put the timer two hours early at 5am.
Right when the bed started getting softer and the air started blowing some hairstrands off your face through the tilted window of your apartment, you hear Haechans obnoxiously loud default IPhone alarm clock. Not only is it nonetheless terribly early, he also hasn’t even changed his horrible alarm.
You listen to the terribly loud alarm for more than 5 minutes, hoping he would wake up from it, but no. While you were now wide awake because of his alarm clock he is still sound asleep, not even moving. Enough. You slip out underneath your soft, light pink blanket and lean over to turn off the horrible sound.
As you’re about to pull back, you feel your boyfriends arms around you pulling you onto him.
“Gotcha” he says with sleepy eyes and messy dark brown hair.
You whine.
“I wanted to cuddle with you so I made a little plan~” he states, showering you in kisses on your whole face while you’re trying to pull away. It was a quite good plan with poor execution in your opinion, because now you were mad.
“Haebae you should get ready for work, you want to look presentable on your first day don’t you” you say to trying to get away from him using one of the many nicknames you gave him as bait, but your plan backfires as he now gently grabs your legs and positions you ontop of him, holding you down by your things, rubbing comforting circles on your thighs with his thumb. He admires your body and your bare face with that messy hair that he adores so much, he always jokes about how you look like a little chicken that felt out of its Nest, but today he admired you in silence, knowing he did a mistake by leaving his alarm on for so long.
And he’s right, you’re even more pissed now that you’ve lost to him once again, being trapped in his grip.
He breaks the silence, ,,I don’t want to wake up yet~ It’s so early” taking off one of his hands from your thigh to wipe his tired eyes.”Oh so you lied about the plan? You actually slept through you filthy liar” you say ironically in an annoyed tone. You decide that this is your chance and you try to quickly roll off to the side while his one hand is occupied,you say “you got things to d-“ but just then you feel his
large hand on your waist, guiding you back ontop of him before you could even finish your sentence.
“Said things can wait.”
He states and playfully raises his one eyebrow, his eyes now completely awake (atleast you thought so) focusing just on you . He quickly wraps his arms around you, you being completely trapped and embraced , pulling your upper body down onto his til the point where you can feel his rhythmic heartbeat against your chest.
“You’re not going anywhere princess” he says into your neck. You feel every single breath on your skin.
Finally realizing that you’re trapped and won’t get out anytime soon, you relax your body and just give up, just letting one hand fall down next to you, the other one grabbing Haechans hand which was laying on your back and holding it, pinning it to the bed, you don’t want him to feel guilty the whole day on his first day ag work do you.
“Just like that” he whispers into your ear, giving you a quick peck onto your neck, his words and actions sending shivers down your spine.
You’re just weak for him and can’t do anything about it.
“I can’t stand up with such a beautiful girl in my bed, it’s impossible” he whispers just enough for you to hear. You lay there in silence, enjoying eachothers presence. But obviously that silence didn’t last long as you again hear his alarm, apparently he set up another one in case the plan doesn’t work the first time.
Now even more pissed off you try to quickly pull back “HAECHAN I SW-“ but you’re getting held back by his other free hand as if he already knew that would happen. “Calm down” he lets out a small chuckle and completely turns off his phone.
“But how will you look at the time now” You asked, kind of confused about his choices even though you’re glad that you won’t hear that horrible sound anymore, but you’re still concerned for your boyfriend, coming in late would leave a bad impression.
“Time doesn’t matter, I’ll pause the whole world for you”
You can’t help but smile at his comment , even though a few of his comments might be quite cringeworthy sometimes, you know how much he appreciates you.
You are torn out of your lovey dovey thoughts because you hear somebody quietly snoring into your ear, not even a minute after turning off his phone so the alarms won’t bug you.
“Hey sleeping beauty, you still have to go to work though” you chuckle, talking louder than usual to make sure he wakes up.You lift your head and slowly lean forward, eyes captivated on a half sleeping Haechan. You pause an inch apart from his lips, looking down at the plump, pinkish, soft lips of his, you whisper “I hope every morning will be just like this one, I will never forget this moment” Haechan flashes a small smile, he leans forward to meet your lips even if they were only an inch apart , he needed them as a source of energy as fast as possible.
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stevebabey · 2 years
ruby my angel congratulations on the milestone! very well deserved ilysm 🥺🫶
can i pls request ❤️‍🔥 a stevie blurb with prompt 11. a kiss that says ''we're late for work, but let's be later'' from list 5 pls? thank you so much!! @stvharrngton
kyrie!!! thank u my love!! ugh beloved i'm so glad ur here this was such a sweet prompt and i'm more than delighted to write it for u <3 i hope u enjoy it sweets :)) @stvharrngton
You’re undecided on whether mornings in Steve’s bed are a slice of heaven or a special form of torture.
On one hand, it’s bliss being between the sheets and in his arms. On the other, it has to end at some point. Especially on days you have early shifts, the both of you.
During this time of year, when the days get a bit longer, you wake to the sun more often than not. The bedroom gets drenched in gold, filtering through from a gap in the curtains, soft lines of light that paint you both rich and warm. Steve does it on purpose, some built-in fear about pitch black rooms. You never really mind anyways.
The alarm clock switches on the radio at 7am precisely. The top hits of 1987 melt out of the speakers and wooze over the airwaves, a soundtrack to your boyfriend’s mumbly-grumbly wakeup. He’s on his front, head turned towards you and the moment he’s awake, his brows scrunch together.
You’re feeling lucky to have woken before him, if only to watch his drousy yawns. He lets out a tired groan, snuffles into the pillow closer, and murmurs wordlessly. Your cheek crinkles the pillow as you grin easily, watching him.
Then you laugh a bit when you see him falling back to sleep easily, rocked by the sound of Heaven is a Place on Earth on the radio. You curl your hand over his shoulder, giving it a gentle jostle. Steve stirs, letting out another tired groan.
“How is it...” The beginnings of a sentence trips out his mouth, his eyes still closed. Your fingers start skirting about on his skin, tracing the dozens of freckles on his shoulder. It must be ticklish, shown in Steve’s wrinkled nose and the way he shivers, trying to dust your touch off him. “S’morning?” He asks, voice all gravelly.
“Mmhm,” You affirm, sweeping the hair back from his forehead. Steve finally peeks an eye open, one glimmer of his brown irises. You lend a dainty kiss to his shoulder and wiggle up from under the covers. Steve stares as you climb out of the bed, giving another dramatic huff that has the sheet fluttering around him. 
He stretches like a cat in the sun, some deep sound from his throat that has you whipping around — really wondering for a moment if he was going to start the day that way. With an amused smile at his lazy stretches, arms above his head, you begin to putter around to gather everything you need for the shower.
You get two steps into the bathroom before you call out to him. “You coming?”
There’s a shuffle behind you, a couple loud noises, and one muttered swear. You laugh quietly to yourself, knowing he's launched himself out of bed at your proposition.
“Yes! Yep, definitely, I’ll meet you in there!”
It‘s the opposite of a productive shower. Steve tries to wash his hair, yet insists you do it better, and melts under your magic fingers. He soaps up your back, along your shoulders and then makes the mistake of pressing a kiss to the skin — and quickly regrets it with a bleh, spitting out the soap. You laugh, nearly slip on the excess soap he’s managed to use, and the pair of you spend more time goofing off than cleaning.
Time is short by the time you’re out and into your clothes for work. The alarm clock blinks, radio wallowing love ballads now. You click it off and meet Steve down in the kitchen, feet moving with haste.
Steve looks handsome, as he always does. His hair’s still a bit wet, a few droplets on the collar of his shirt and he smiles when you enter, like you’re brought the sun in with you. He’s already fixed a pot of coffee, the smell percolating in the morning air, and he tastes like it when you press up on your toes and kiss him.
You’re late by now, you’re sure of it. Steve’s hands wrap around your waist and he pulls you closer, humming ever-so-contently against your lips. He kisses like he’s got all the time in the world, his mouth sweet and hot, his love feeling nearly tangible around you. You decide that being more than a little late is entirely worth it if he keeps kissing you like this.
join the celebration!
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whovianshifts · 19 days
shifting experience in a lucid dream!
(or at least i think that's what happened)
last night, i had the most insane shifting experience. i genuinely have no idea what is was - a lucid dream, maybe - but all i know is that i felt like i was right on the verge of shifting.
last night, as usual, i put on my gateway tapes - still on Focus 3 - and it was alright. i didn't really feel deep in the void or anything, and my mind wandered at times (which i think came down to the fact that i was almost putting it off a little). i usually put an alarm around 2-3 hours before i usually wake up as well so that i can attempt to shift in the mornings - mainly so that i can still practice it everyday but also to make sure that when im doing the tapes, i can purely focus on them and not worry about shifting.
so yesterday, i did the gateway tapes meditation pretty late (2-3am ish) and then put an alarm for 7am. the entire night from here got so crazy that i couldnt tell you a timeline but i am *pretty* sure that my near shifting experience happened after the alarm and between the hours of 730-930.
now, i woke up at 7am, stayed awake for like 2 minutes just shuffling around my room but my whole issue with this technique at the moment is that im sleeping wayy too late, so my shifting alarm is usually around the same time as sunrise, which is SUPER distracting as it just naturally makes me feel 10x more awake.
so basically, i got back into bed, put on some generic theta waves on spotify, attempted to shift for half an hour by going through some techniques from the gateway tapes and then just counted to 100 and repeated affirmations.
whilst im trying not to get overwhelmed by tiktok this time round in my journey, i saw this person saying that "your subconscious has no eyes," - something that genuinely cured my contempt of 'I am' affirmations. its kinda simple, your subconscious creates what it is being told, so i found it easier to accept the logic behind affirmations and the fact that it didnt just feel like a groundless practice allowed me to feel good about them for the first time in like 4 years (no exaggeration). i ended up having my usual mild symptoms of just purple/blue colours, white light seeping etc and then fell asleep, with the intention of shifting in my sleep repeating as i fell asleep.
as i mentioned, it was light outside, so i found it really difficult to sleep but, somehow, in the dredges of sleep that i did get, i kept jumping in and out of a string of *really* detailed and vivid dreams.
NOW THIS IS THE COOL PART (i logically cannot fathom how all this happened in 1-2 hours; the subconscious mind is insane)
in one of the dreams, i felt as though i was consciously awake. like i was in real life. i was lying on my bed in this dream, deciding to shift. i had a few short attempts but they werent 'working' so i told myself ill try one last time and 'it will work'. i was doing all the same things i do in real life, counting, affirming etc but this time, suddenly, i felt my body just ascending upwards and breaking through some kind of metaphysical boundary. i felt my surroundings change so fast, but it freaked me out so i snapped out of it so fast and i was back in bed again. i woke up, but somehow still in the dream, (though again, it felt so real) and then tried again but it didnt work. had i just pushed through that little bit, i just know i would've shifted and woken up somewhere else!! i wouldnt call this a lucid dream, as retrospectively, i didnt feel like i was fully in control, but it did feel like i was making decisions based on some sort of personal will.
the craziest thing was, i remember so vividly trying to fall asleep FOR AGES after my 7am alarm. again, with daylight already breaking through my blinds, i found getting back to bed SO difficult. i dont even remember falling asleep, let alone into such a deep sleep for all this to happen.
the only thing i remember is that i kept repeating 'i am in tigris snow's guest room, i am in tiggy's guest bedroom' (where i'm shifting to) over and over until i did go to sleep and just by doing that, i got so far!!
as someone who honestly doesnt like being out of control when shifting, ive always been an awake method girlie. i think this just comes with the fact that ive never fully trusted in the power of my subconscious and feel better doing it myself. but after this?? i hardly even used a method and i got so close to shifting and i still cant fathom what happened fully, just that it did and i was there.
overall, i rate this semi lucid experience a 1000/10 as it taught me the significance of so many basic shifting concepts i usually overlook, such as affirmations and 'sleep' methods, and just overall taught me to trust in my subconscious more.
so naturally, my future resolutions:
-trust in the power of affirmations
-try out more sleep methods
-learn more about lucid dreaming and whether what i experienced was one! if not, im sure im capable of getting into that state anyway so trying it out would be so cool too.
anyway, happy shifting friends
tish :)
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Glimmer 18/? Billy Butcher fic!
NOTES! - The seeds of doubt that always spur change start to grow in Addison. This chapter was written before Season 3. Please reblog or comment if you like ♥
Tag List: @2dead2function @secretdreamlandmentality
Billy Butcher Master list
The alarm on Addison's phone went off at 7am. As sunlight filled the little room, she rolled over groggily to turn and snuggle into Billy, but was a little surprised when she realized he wasn't there. She stilled to listen. The water was running in the bathroom, so he must've woken even earlier. Addison stretched sleepily and let her mind wander to the image of Billy in the shower.
He came in the bedroom a few minutes later, a white towel wrapped around his waist, his hair damp and disheveled, looking better than even her imagination could conjure. Addison's mouth went dry at the sight and she made a soft, approving sound that made him chuckle.
"Mornin', sunshine. What do ya have planned today?"
"Meetings starting early," she answered, curling up again on her side to watch him. "And therapy…" she sighed. "Then...surveillance with you?"
He walked over to his closet, picking out one of the many loud shirts and pulling it on, leaving the front unbuttoned. "Suppose so, since it seems I have no choice in the matter."
"Perfect," she smiled and he smirked at her. "Mind if I take a turn in the shower?"
Billy grunted a reply from across the room as he was sorting through the middle drawer of his dresser.
Addison tossed the blankets aside and stood from the bed without bothering to grab any of her clothes. She smiled to herself as she felt his warm gaze follow her all the way to the bathroom.
It was later than she had planned when she was finally able to meet Billy in the van he was using for surveillance. She stopped to grab dinner on the way, a random assortment of cartons of Chinese food from her favorite nearby place.
MM had helped him plant a bug early, but audio only and by the time Addison arrived, Billy was alone.
"How's it going?" she asked after making sure no one was around to see her go into the van and locking the door behind her.
"A whole fuck lot of nothin'," he grumbled.
"I brought food," she held up the two bags in her hands, hoping that might at least improve his mood a little.
He grunted and she supposed that would have to do for now, but then he pulled up a chair close to him for her and she smiled - at the back of his head but still - and started laying out the food on the little table they had. They shared the cartons between them, taking turns eating from each of them as they wanted and Addison was grateful MM wasn't there; he might have a coronary.
Their target lived alone and they listened to him shuffle around his apartment and watch tv, but nothing much more happened for hours.
"He's at the top of me list but I can't get nothin' concrete on him yet. He had a dodgy phone call two nights ago but it was damn short he didn't say enough. There's got to be something else soon."
Addison pulled the files and the notes Billy had made over to read while they listened and had to agree with his conclusion. Any other likely candidate had good alibis and marks in their favor of innocence, and this guy had none. She looked at his picture trying to place him but it wasn't anyone she knew.
"What else did they tell you about the leak?" Addison asked, looking up at Billy from the files on the table.
"Seems like they had hints of it for a couple weeks, abnormalities in the logs, but nothing solid and nothing indicating what servers were even being accessed. The attempt on your life pointed them in the right direction. A number of files were compromised, but you're the only one that's been hit." Billy lifted his hand to rub at his jaw, deep in thought. "I think it were a diversion...hackin' different files, to hide who they were after until they got the chance to get to you. Time'll tell I 'spose."
Addison nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. Why her though? She couldn't help thinking about all the enemies her father had likely made while he was alive, but she didn't say it out loud. Not yet. It was more likely someone was knocking off supes, especially ones in important positions, but she didn't really want to talk to Billy about that yet either.
After awhile the folding chair got uncomfortable and Addison stood to stretch. Suddenly, the sound of a phone ringing came through their audio and Billy and Addison both froze.
"Yeah," their target answered in a tight voice and they exchanged looks. Not a friendly call, then.
"They locked it all up; I'm trying my best but it's going to take time." His tone was strained, he didn't sound particularly confident or strong and it was immediately clear to Addison why Billy didn't think he was the one at the top.
Billy motioned for Addison to come closer, and she sat next to him again, rapt.
"I -"
The audio cut out and there was static as some kind of interference messed with their tech.
"C'mon," Billy growled at their receiver, pounding his hand on the table, but the sound was still garbled.
"Fuck," Billy scowled. "Can you listen, Addi? Can you hear anything?" he barked, turning toward her.
Addison blinked, startled. The apartment building was huge and she had no idea in which part of it this guy even lived. There were probably thousands of people.
"I -" she started, but Billy was looking at her so fiercely, and he reached to turn the receiver off.
"I can try," she whispered.
She closed her eyes but she could feel Billy staring at her. All different sounds flooded her brain all at once as she opened her senses to the building and she winced, flinching at the sudden sharp pain in her head.
"Addi?" Billy said with concern and reached out to touch her arm but she shook him off, pushing his voice from her mind.
She focused in on the building again, sifting through each noise, looking for their target, searching for his voice, but she'd only heard two sentences of him speaking.
The combination of thousands of different sounds in the building all at once was intense and the strain in her mind increased. She held on as long as she could, but then her concentration broke, and she gasped as it felt like a firework went off inside her brain.
Addison dropped her head in her hand as her forehead throbbed, and cursed herself. Billy's hand slid over her shoulder, his strong fingers coming to rest on the base of her neck.
"I shouldna asked you to do that, love. You okay?" His voice was heavy with concern.
Addison took a breath and forced herself to sit up and shake it off, feeling bad for making him worry, and angry with herself for not being able to help. "Yeah." She swallowed. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just too many people, and I don't know enough about what I'm looking for. If I knew him -"
"It's fine. We got enough, we don't need it. I'm sure it's him now. We'll plant better tech tomorrow when he goes out."
Addison sighed to herself. More danger, for MM and Frenchie, and Billy... If only she had any real power they could literally sit in this van without having to plant anything at all, without having to take any risk. Why couldn't it be a tiny house in the middle of nowhere? Why couldn't she do something useful?
Addison's head throbbed again and she must've made some sound because Billy's fingers started rubbing her neck. It felt incredible and some of the worst of the sharp pain started to soften.
"Thank you," she murmured, without looking up.
"Let's call it a night, sunshine. It's late; the twat's probably goin' to bed anyway."
Addison nodded her head, glancing at her watch. It was already after midnight and suddenly she felt exhausted. They moved the van and Billy drove them back to his apartment. She dozed off in his car on the way there but woke as soon as he parked. To her dismay, her head was pounding again as she shucked off her clothes to climb into bed but Billy slid in next to her, pulling her into his arms and against his warm chest. He rubbed her back, long sweeps up and down and slow circles while she tried to calm her mind and somehow she was able to fall into a deep sleep.
Please reblog or comment if you like!!! ♥ Love you all!
Chapter 19
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hellenicsun · 2 years
So this October I started my degree doing Ancient History & Archaeology, and all was fine and dandy UNTIL THIS MORNING. And here I’ll tell you why for a second I considered going home:
• 7am I wake up being blasted in the face by a fire alarm that sounds like a screeching bird with a megaphone, and whilst you might think 7am is a normal time to wake up, as a uni student it is not. The past two days we’ve been woken up by uni staff so we were all excited to have a lie in! Not anymore though, because we had to rush out of our beds and try and figure out where to go. It also started raining, which was so fun! 🥲
• I get back to the flat, go back to sleep and wake up to my flatmate slamming the kitchen door as if he’s trying to fight it, then went to check my IPad to see what work needs to be done, and voila! I see my assignment which was supposed to be due 12pm on Sunday has actually been changed to 12pm Friday. I also have a full day tomorrow and library work and a seminar after lectures, so I’ve only had today to do my assignment (and I’ll maybe pull an all nighter to get through it since I’m not done!).
• I though, “oh it’s only 500 words it’ll be fine!” But ohhhh no no no. Silly me. I had to find two city plans (one of Athens in 400BC and one of my home city), but wait, it can’t be off the internet, it had to be scanned from a book or article. And so I searched high and low for my Athens plan, and after about three hours I finally got one I could use. But then it came to my home city and turns out there’s no books or articles with a city plan of it in! Lovely. So I’ve picked some random map of the city centre and I’m hoping for the best.
• Then, 5 mins ago, I decided I can finish things at some point tomorrow night since I’m not even writing anything that makes sense, but I just realised I’ve got to wash my dishes before I can even think of relaxing. And to make matters worse, one of my flatmates has all her friends round in the kitchen (which is fine — except I look like a sleep deprived rat lmao).
I swear I’m just stressed and I actually love uni, but dear gods I need to catch a break!
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ventitititi · 2 years
Cuddle fucking with the brothers
Smut written by a minor
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Your both in your bed, lucifer having crawled in and woken you up a bit after pulling another all-nighter. Your face was pressed into the junction between his neck and shoulder, one leg over his hip and the other one tangled with his.
He ran soothing circles over your back with one hand, the other holding you close in your little blanket cocoon. He's whispering sweet nothings into your ear, periodically nibbling at it.
Your too far gone to really notice though, still groggy and drowning in the pleasure of his slow, rythmic thrusts into your core, not really chasing an urgent release but simply indulging in each other before another (no doubt stressful) day.
You press a kiss into his collarbone, slurring a little "i love you," prompting a chuckle in lucifers chest, him pressing a kiss into the crown of your head with a soft "i love you too, darling."
You were originally spooning, the result of you sneaking into his room for cuddles at 3am, prompting a mostly-asleep mammon to open his arms and blanket in invitation.
You'd shortly drifted off after that, comforted by his presence and warmth, melting into his front.
Its now somewhere near 7am, and he's mumbling praises, one arm over your waist and the other pressed against your chest, keeping you firmly against him as he rocked his hips against your own.
The pace is languid, the arm over your waist sneaking down to rub figure eights over your clit with gentle precision, your own head falling against his chest with a whimper.
"I've got you baby, just relax f'me, kay?"
Your nodding, opening your legs a little wider for him, distantly wondering if lucifer would be angry about you two being late to breakfast,
The train of thought is quickly broken when mammon starts speckling your neck and jaw with kisses.
"I love ya, i hope you know that."
You had fallen asleep on top of levi, face smushed into his chest, legs on either side of his own, his arms keeping you still as he slumbered too.
The bath tub was simply too narrow for much else in terms of cuddles, and frankly though he looked a little scrawny compared to his brothers, he is still a demon and military general.
You weren't squishing him anytime soon.
Now it's some unknown hour, his old alarm clock broken in a sleep-induced annoyance a few days ago and his room lacking windows (on purpose but still)
His tails wrapped around your ankle, your forehead pressed against his chest, and your both a softly moaning mess.
He'd woken with a painful boner, so now here you are, both rocking your hips in a gentle but fast pace, your clit occasionally catching on his pelvis.
He's gripping your hair, tugging gently and moaning a mix of pleas, praises and gasps of "don't squeeze me too tight."  When you clench a little too hard.
Safe to say, your both losing your sanity slowly as you catch that orgasm together, your wells being painted white as you continuously say "i love you, i love you so much." In a huffy, out -of breath way.
And he's shortly smoothing a hand down your back, noting your sated and full, already drifting. He presses a kiss to your forehead with a simple, "i love you too, normie."
You were too tired to retort at his choice of nickname.
You'd fallen asleep on his lap while he was reading, face resting in the junction of his neck and shoulder, hair tickling his nose as he read over your head.
He hadn't minded, really, until he'd come across a smut scene, boner now pressing into you as he tried to keep himself from waking you for the sole purpose of fucking your brains out, much as he would've loved to.
Instead, he'd carried you back to his bed, settling you in his arms and trying to ignore the boner he was certain was pressing into your ass.
The movement had roused you, though, half asleep and pressing back into him. Satan growled lowly in his chest at the action, "careful love, you might tempt me too much."
You looked at him over your shoulder with a soft smile, "thats the point, babes."
He could only smirk at you, one hand lifting your leg over his hip before shifting your panties to the side, muttering a, "don't mind if i do, then."
Since he was too lazy for any prep and didn't want to hurt you, he simply slid his dick through your folds, rocking slowly but firmly, catching the head of his cock on your clit with every pass.
Your moaning softly, head against his chest, and he nearly cums when he catches on your entrance and you whimper, clenching down as if desperate to feel him.
He might indulge you, but first he busies himself with pressing kisses all over, hand running circles over your lower stomach and mumbling praises into your skin, mentally trying to etch the words into your skin.
"Thats it, your doing so well for me."
You usually slept a little apart, to allow for better rest, but tonight you'd gone to bed and asmo had insisted you hold him.
You had no problems with that arrangement, and he'd shifted a little down so he could sleep with his head on your chest.
You'd been woken up to his hands wandering, kisses melting into your collarbones and his boner being pressed into your thigh.
"Please, pretty, for me?"
And how could you deny him when he made such a pretty pout, rolling onto your side and slipping a leg over his hip in your groggy haze.
He smiled, kissing you with the intent of showing how grateful he is as he slipped off your bottoms, running himself through your folds before actually pressing into you with a sated sigh.
He made short work of beginning to pleasure you both, fingers tweaking your nipples as he whispered random things to you in hopes of waking you up gently.
Your moans and whimpers of his name assured him he's doing just fine, your fingers clutching at his back.
Time be damned, he wasn't gonna rush this morning, not with you.
"Love you, asmo'" you slurred, and he practically purred in response.
You'd been smushed against him, face to his (comfy) chest and legs tangled with his.
Now, one hand held your ass, keeping you pressed firmly to him and the other played with your hair, dick firmly inside you as he merely grinded a little against you, the pair of you too tired to do much else yet.
You were pretty quiet still, a little breathy and letting out some whimpers, but the early morning meant you didn't have the energy to really go at it like rabbits.
Being held like this was nice though, and he grumbled a simple, "I'm glad, bunny."
You smiled, kissing at his chest as he began to thrust in earnest now, drawing those sweet moans from your lips.
He might be a demon but damn, this felt heavenly. He'd probably do this again, using the hand on your ass to grind you against him.
Every deep plunge in he paused, rolling his hips for good measure, before pulling back and repeating.
Yeah, this was a nice way to start his day.
He'd been sleeping on top of you, face smushed in your tits and mumbling something about you being a good pillow.
You'd drifted off shortly after with fingers tangled in his hair, only to awake to his own wandering.
A hand was sneaking down your shorts once he noticed you'd awoken, slipping into your core with ease before he got on to the main act.
"Fuck, your already dripping."
Now, your face is pressed into his chest, as he hadn't bothered to really move, just slipped into you with little prep and begun to thrust.
You sucked a couple hickeys into his skin, mind fogged by the pleasure of him hitting all your sweet spots no problem.
He chuckled at your state, "aww look at you, already going stupid. Don't worry doll, I'll take care of you."
Fuck if lucifer tried to lecture him for being late to breakfast (again), this time he wasn't napping, he was doing something much better.
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𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚
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When he's woken up in the morning at 7am to your alarm clock. He opens his eyes and looked over at you. You were fast asleep, your lashes resting and your cheeks. You were nude under the thin white blanket due to getting hot last night. Chris sat up and reached over to turn off the alarm. When it was off he settled himself back on his side. He looked at you as you slept peacefully. You were an angel when you slept, Chris thought to himself. He probably his right hand to your cheek, he stroked your warm, soft cheek before he leaned in. He placed a kiss on your nose first before moving to your lips. His soft lips meet yours for a second before he pulled away. Even though you were fast asleep, a small smile grew on your face before it fell.
When you both are outside under the stars, around the bonfire. You're sitting on his lap as you're trying to steal his warmth. Chris arms are wrapped around your waist holding you close. It was just you two out there (other than the famous boy dodger). You turned around to Chris. You asked him if he was okay with you sitting on his lap or was he in any pain. Chris shook his head no. He smiled up at you making you smile back at him. You took that opportunity to give him a kiss on the lips. You thought it was going to be a simple kiss but Chris turn it into a deep kiss after he slip his tongue into your mouth and brought his hands to your cheeks. It was very passionate and Chris took your breath away of course.
You were playing with his friends kiddos and Chris was watching from across the room. He had a small smile on his face as he watched you. He hasn't talked to you about it yet but he wanted kids with you because he knew you were the one for him. As he watched he felt his own butterflies form at how you smiled at them. When you were all done playing with them you got up and walked back over to them. Before you can get a word out Chris was pulling you away a room further into the house were no one was. He told you he was ready for kids. You were happy because just like him, you were as well. When you told him Chris smile grew. He was happy and excited. He kissed you with passion making you chuckle and pull him closer to you
you stood in front of Chris, your hands intertwined with. You were standing in your laced wedding dress ready to marry your partner in crime. A soft smile sat on your face as you looked at him. Chris had the same smile on his face but tears in his eyes. He was never the guy to hide his tears and you loved that about him. As you said your vows your eyes never left his, and his never left yours. When it was time, Chris placed his hands on your cheek, he leaned in Kissing you with his soft lips. As everyone clapped around you, you can feel the smile on his lips as he kissed you. You were his and he was finally yours.
The soft sound of cooing filled the room as your new born was being feed. You just went through hours of labor which resulted in you being extremely tired. You couldn't have done it without Chris. He was there holding your hand through everything and you were grateful for him. Speaking of Chris, he had just returned with some real food for you. He entered the room quietly and walked over to you. He whispered to you he got some food as he sat the bag down on the table beside you. You thanked him before looking down at the baby who was now asleep. Chris commented on how adorable they were. You smiled and agreed before looking up at him. Chris took his eyes off of the 2 hour old and looked at you. "I'm very proud of you." He said before kissing you. You smiled as he pulled away from you. "I couldn't have done it without you.
Hm I want to do another one like this... Idk what though but I'll see
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Void of Extinction by GleefullyCaptainSwan Chapter 1/9
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1
Or on FF
Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly @xsajx @deckerstarblanche
Chapter 1: There is Nothing to Fear
Storybrooke Maine, 2052. The world is slowly dying from a plague, only known as J2, that is spreading across the realms, a disease that has no cure. A faction known as “The Rebellion” have moved underground to search for a cure while avoiding detection from “The Hive”, a dangerous group run by an unidentified man of darkness searching for power. The only thing standing in the way of either group taking power is Mayor Regina Mills, who spends her time protecting the residents of Storybrooke from criminals who might bring the plague to her small town. The most dangerous occupants, those deemed most likely to bring the plague to town, are given a new opportunity, a chance for a new life, without being a danger to society, courtesy of the Gold Collective.
The pain was tortuously blinding as he tried to open his eyes. It was a feeling of waking from an all-night bender he couldn’t even remember attending. Peering through slits, his room came into view, blue neon lit behind the monitor on his wall. “Status Report.” He spoke, a gritty tone leaving his throat.
“Good morning James, it’s 7:53 am, pollution level 63%, you have no appointments today.” The pleasant robotic voice carried throughout the room. Something felt wrong, like a small itch at the back of his brain, a light tick that was calling out to him, telling him to pay attention.
He stood from his bed, the silk sheets falling to the ground behind him as he wandered through the apartment. “Open blinds.” He spoke and the metal slats hummed as they opened fully, revealing the land in front of him, dark smoke clouds on the horizon behind the mountains. Storybrooke, the only home he had ever known. He sighed; he was going to be late. He was halfway to the bathroom before he stopped in his tracks.
What the bloody hell was he about to be late for?
“What time do I have to be at work?” he said loudly.
“You are expected at 8:30am. Shall I prepare transport?”
He groaned, “Sure, but where is my destination?”
“Granny’s Diner, Main Street, Storybrooke.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, a headache taking form at the back of his neck. “Granny’s.” He mumbled. Short memories, like a picture show, formed in his head, an older woman barking orders at him as he cooked burgers in the back of the small diner. He was a cook. He wasn’t sure why that felt odd to him, like something was out of place. He didn’t have time to contemplate the decisions he made in his life. He was going to be late for work.
The quick shower didn’t erase the feelings, images he didn’t recognize were imprinted in his subconscious every time he closed his eyes. A woman with hair, a light pale yellow, eyes green as grass staring at him. He couldn’t place the image, some celebrity perhaps he had seen in a movie. He shut off the water, running the towel through his hair as he tried to rub the sleep from his brain.
He dressed and left his apartment, sliding the locks shut with a slam, cranking the large metal door handle to the right to ensure it was locked. He glanced down the darkened hallway at the few people meandering about, the lot of which always appeared to be lurking, watching for unsuspecting individuals who left their belongings unprotected.
“You’re late.” The woman growled as soon as he entered the back of the diner.
“I’m sorry, Granny. In my defense, I forgot I had…” He thought about his sentence. What did he forget exactly? That he had a job, that he was a cook, why he had even woken up at the time he did, dreaming about a woman he had never met, “to work this early.” He finished.
“I’ve had to tell you the same thing since you started working here, it would do you some good to have your AIM set a damn alarm before you go to bed.”
Killian had alerted his AIM or Artificial Intelligence Monitorto set a 7am alarm, yet it failed to alert him to his shift for the last few weeks. He would need to have it repaired if this continued.
“Yes Ma’am, apologizes.”
“Just get to work, we got people waiting.”
James pushed through his shift, flipping burgers, cracking eggs, and sending out plates of food he had no memory of knowing how to cook. He wondered to himself how he ended up with this life, when had he decided that this was the best job he could find? Each time he tried to imagine another career, something that he might actually enjoy doing, the migraine would hit him out of nowhere, crippling him until the inhibitor was injected into his arm and his breathing returned to normal.
Whatever plagued him, this medical condition that brought him to his knees had always been with him from what he could remember. He assumed that it had begun when he was a child, it was second nature for him to know to inject himself once the pain hit. Yet he couldn’t remember when it began.
He climbed the stairs to his apartment at the end of the day, entering his room and locking it down behind him. “Set alarm for 7am.” He said once he sat his keys on the counter.
“Alarm set. 7am.”
He went about the mundane task of preparing his dinner, watching the Holo TV, news that the plague had spread to the outer banks was on every station. Mayor Mills calmed the crowd during her press conference and on each holo announcement that played every 15 mins.
“People of Storybrooke, I give you my assurance that the plague will not breach our walls. We have taken every measure possible to protect our citizens. We continue to fight back the resistance uprising, and our law enforcement continues to arrest any faction that supports it. There is nothing to fear.”
Mayor Regina Mills stood in the center of the screen, flanked by her officers on either side. She was fierce, strong, and protected the town of Storybrooke with honor.
“Turn off Holo TV.” He announced, setting his dishes in the machine for cleaning.
He crawled into bed, pulling the covers over his hips. “What time is the alarm set for?” He asked, ensuring that everything was still working.
“Alarm is set for 7am, James. Sleep well.”
Emma woke to the sound of crying. She jumped up from her spot and reached for her son, pulling him against her chest. “Hush now Henry, mommy’s got you.” Pressing her child to her breast she felt the tug against her nipple as her son quieted. She smiled down at the infant in her arms, her heart aching as she watched him so still against her, as if nothing in the world mattered but his own nourishment.
Emma wished her view of the world were as innocent. But she knew better.
She looked around the dark shack she had been hiding in for the last few weeks. She could hear the water on the other end of the door, just on the outskirts of the town line. It would be dangerous if anyone were to find her. She had given up everything to get away from Neal Cassidy. Her safety, comfort, even her future was all gone the instant she escaped the tower that had been her home for the last five years.
Emma knew it was dangerous being outside the protective walls of Storybrooke, those who had been exiled lived on the outskirts, many would not escape the plague once they lost the protections provided behind the walls. Emma knew it all too well, five years ago when the plague first appeared, she had taken ill, she was expected to die quickly, painfully. But after a month, the symptoms subsided, and Emma survived.
Doctors could not explain why she survived, only that she had been very lucky.
And then she met Neal. She thought she had finally found someone to share her life with. She was taken in by his father, Gold, a man obsessed with finding the cure to the plague.
His company, The Gold Collective had invested in experimenting on anyone who had come down with the plague, valiantly searching for a cure, the perfect gene sample that would save humanity, but his efforts had been fruitless as most of his subjects died before he had completed his experiments.
Emma found him to be odd, even a bit intimidating at times. His obsession with the plague caused her to keep her own situation quiet. She had a feeling if he had known that she had somehow lived through the plague that his interest in her might become more than just the father of the man she lived with.
Gold took care of her, as Neal’s girlfriend, he ensured that she had everything she could ever want. And Neal provided her money, food, and a roof over her head. Something she didn’t have before she had met him, back when she was homeless, trying to find her place in Storybrooke. Neal took her in and loved her.
But all of that changed a little over a year ago. Emma wasn’t snooping, she hadn’t meant to be in the office after hours, but Neal had not returned home that evening, and Emma had been worried. So, she left the penthouse suite of Gold Laboratories and headed to Neal’s office. Before she even reached his wing, she heard arguing.
The conversation between Gold and his son was chilling. She knew she needed help. She didn’t want to cause alarm or alert either of the men to the knowledge she had overheard them, had realized who the Gold Collective really was, so instead she waited out her time. A week passed before she found her mark, a police detective whom she had followed for days. He lived a quiet life, devoted to his job, going between his apartment downtown and his job at the station, never deviating from his day. He always arrived at work at 10:02am for a 10:30 shift. He had lunch with his partner at 12:45, he picked up Chinese food at 9:00pm before returning to his apartment. She had watched him assisting his elderly neighbor up the stairs and she knew this was the man she needed to trust.
Officer Killian Jones didn’t know what to make of her when she showed up at his door at midnight one night. Begging to talk to him, asking for discretion as she tried to determine if he trusted her. When he learned of the knowledge she had, he panicked. He sent her home that evening, telling her to wait a week before she reached out to him again.
It took a month, Emma would arrive at his apartment, they would talk about their plans, share intel on what they had each learned, and suddenly, knowing he was the one person she could trust, feeling like for the first time in her life, someone understood and truly cared about her, she fell for the man.
He tried to deny her, not wanting to take advantage of her trust. But they were in love. There was no denying it. The affair was something that neither one of them had the power to stop. Emma would spend her evenings with Killian, staring at the stars talking about what the future held for them once they were able to figure out a way to stop everything that was happening around them.
But she always returned to Neal, she had no choice but to keep up the ruse in order to protect the secret she had. Too many powerful people were involved for her to alert anyone else. Killian didn’t even trust his partner David enough to share the information.
Suddenly Neal became protective of her, asking her where she was going anytime she left the apartment, so Emma had to distance herself from Killian. It had been a month since they had been in contact when Emma received devastating news. She and Neal were having a baby. It broke her heart. When she finally told Killian, he urged her to escape before the child was born. Once Neal had a child, he would never let her leave.
Emma knew he was right, unfortunately by the time she planned her escape, the child was born a prematurely. She was trapped. Killian became concerned for her safety now that a child was involved, and Emma was forced to share her secret with her childhood friend, Will Scarlett. He sprang into action, becoming the go between for Emma and Killian to set their plan in motion for Emma and Henry to escape.
That night, she met Will on the roof, and they made their daring escape, 65 flights of stairs down the back of the building. They waited for hours at the drop off point, but Killian never showed. Emma was devastated, she felt trapped. Will went in search of him, he wasn’t at his apartment, the station, or any of his usual locations. Killian was gone without a trace.
She knew that something bad had happened to him. He would never abandon her. She trusted him. The only solution she could come up with was that Gold or Neal had found out about their plan.
Killian was in danger, unless something bad had already happened to him. She was desperate to find him. Without Killian Jones, the entire town was in danger.
“Are you decent?” Will’s voice rang out from the other side of the door. She pulled her shirt over her breast, setting her sleeping son beside her.
She stood up and looked through the crack in the door. Will was standing nervously on the edge of the water. She clicked the locks, lifting the wooden latch until the door slid open. Will stepped quickly into the shack.
“You ok?”
“Did you find anything?” She asked anxiously.
Emma stared at him with pleading eyes. “What do you mean maybe?”
“Look, don’t freak out, ok?”
“You’re scaring me.” She responded nervously.
“I drove by the station again, nothing. David is there but Killian wasn’t around. I didn’t want to go in, because I figure they might start asking questions, but there was this girl sitting outside and I asked who I could talk to about a case of Killian’s, and I used me ole charm and she told me that he never came back to work a few days ago, and that they opened a missing persons case on him.”
“Oh God, Will.”
“I said don’t freak out.”
“This is terrible. They killed him, didn’t they?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, I haven’t told you everything yet.” He pleaded as she paced the room. “Anyway, I went by his apartment, and it was empty. The neighbor says they haven’t seen him for days.” She started to speak, and he pressed his hand to her mouth. “Emmie, I need you to be quiet, I know that’s hard for you.”
She groaned against his finger and mumbled. “Fine.”
“I got hungry as I usually do about this time and got a craving for a big greasy burger.”
“Seriously, you wanted me to be quiet so you could talk about food? I’m losing my patience, Scarlet.”
“The burger was excellent by the way, but that’s not the point.” He paused. “I went back to my car, and there was a man out back tossing out some trash.”
“Would you get to the damn point!” She yelled.
“It was Killian.”
“The guy out back. Spitting image of him.”
“Did you talk to him, ask him what the hell is going on?”
“I talked to him, but he acted like he’d never seen me in his life. Swears his name is James Rogers. Emmie, it was the damnedest thing I’ve ever seen. But I tried, I even called him Killian Jones and he stared straight through me…” He dropped his head. “And then he thought about it, I could see the wheels turning in his head, and then he started wincing, and that’s when I saw it.”
“Saw what?” Emma asked impatiently, dreading the fact that she could already feel it in her gut, she knew what he was going to tell her, every sensor in her brain was going off that she already knew the truth.
“An inhibitor. The man injected himself with one of Gold’s inhibitors.”
Emma felt the tears forming, she knew it was the truth. It made sense, he would never have abandoned her or Henry. The only explanation was that Gold or Neal had found out what she was planning to do and got to Killian first. “They erased him.” She said sadly, feeling every last bit of hope she had draining from her being.
“Emmie, he’s one of the void. There’s no way back from that.”
“Don’t say that, we don’t know that. It’s all experimental, it’s not even legal. Gold’s been doing it for years on test subjects. Killian can fight it; I know he can. He’s too strong.”
“Emmie, he had no idea, absolutely no idea of who I was.”
“It doesn’t matter, Will. We must keep trying. Maybe the inhibitor just suppresses his memories. We have to get him not to use it.”
“For all we know, not using it could cause his brain to explode. It’s dangerous.”
“I won’t give up on him Will. I can’t lose him.”
He pulled her into his arms, rubbing her back in slow circles as she cried. “It’s gonna be ok, we’ll figure it out.”
“What are we going to do, Will? Without Killian, I’ll never get into the station to upload the information.”
“We’ll find a way. That’s what we do right?”
She smiled weakly. She wouldn’t give up on him, he risked so much to try and protect her and another man’s child. He had given her hope when she had none. She would never stop trying to get him back. Even if it killed her, she would save Killian Jones and take down the Gold empire.
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
What Would You Do If I Gave You My Number
Pairing: Lin x Reader
Request: “Hello I was wondering if you still are doing requests and if so can I ask for a imagine of Lin-Manuel Miranda where the reader meets him in New York City while they are visiting a friend and they are a huge fan and they get together” - @galaxy-nerd
Word Count: 1.7k
“Lucia, it’s too early. Why are we awake?” I groaned, as I heard my best friend’s alarm go off. “Because this is the best coffee shop in New York. But they sell out too fast so they’re only open from 4am to 7am. It’s only 5:30am right now, I could have woken you up early” Lucia told me.
Lucia was my best friend, we had met when we were eight years old and had been close ever since. She lived in New York City and I was visiting her for a week and she was determined to show me all the best spots in the city.
“Ugh fine, but when we get back, I am taking a nap” I said, as I rolled out of bed. “That’s fine, you just have to taste this coffee. It’s like liquid gold” she explained. It was still dark, but I could imagine the look of joy on her face.
I put on some leggings and a hoodie and grabbed my phone. I finished getting ready and then waited for Lucia in the living room. “Are you ready for this cultural experience?” Lucia asked, as she walked in the room.
“I’m ready for caffeine because I can barely keep my eyes open“ I complained as we started to walk there. “You’ll survive” she said, laughing.
We didn’t really talk the whole way there, it was too early for full sentences. We walked up to the coffee shop and Lucia opened the door for me. I could feel the warm smell of coffee flood my senses.
We walked inside and the atmosphere felt so inviting. No wonder everyone came to this coffee shop, it felt like the perfect quite spot. I looked over the menu for a second and then we both ordered. I looked around at all the decorations while we waited for our drinks.
They had fairy lights behind the register and a bunch of bookshelves. Every table had these leather couches instead of boring, uncomfortable chairs that every other coffee shop had. There were paintings with inspirational sayings all around the shop.
Then the barista handed us our drinks. “Thank you so much” I said, smiling. We walked over towards the table and found a table with a couch on each side.
“Finally, sweet caffeine” I mumbled under my breath, as we sat. I took a sip of my drink and it was magical. I was shocked, I pulled away and stared at my cup. “I told you it’s that good” Lucia said, in a I-told-you-so kind of tone.
“Yeah, but I didn’t believe until right now” I told her. I took another sip and then I happened to glance across the shop. I saw a very recognizable face and I choked on my drink.
“I know it’s good, but you’re still shocked at how good it is after already tasting it?” She asked, mocking me. “No Lucia not the drink. Look who it is” I whispered to her.
Across the coffee shop, I spotted Lin-Manuel Miranda. He was sitting and typing away on his laptop. To say I was a fan of Hamilton, was a bit of an understatement. I had memorized all the lyrics and listened to the album probably one hundred times.
Lucia subtly looked over her shoulder and saw Lin. She wasn’t a Hamilton fan, but she knew exactly who he was. I mean he was a Broadway legend.
“It’s that the Hamilton guy that you have a crush on?” She whispered back. I instantly blushed and shushed her. “Shhh, he could hear you” I whispered. “So I’ll take that as a yes, that you do you like him” she said, smirking. “Of course I do, he’s gorgeous, but you have to be quiet” I said, trying to get her to stop.
It would be the most embarrassing moment of my life if I met Lin-Manuel Miranda because he overheard my best friend talking about how much I loved him. He was my biggest idol and I couldn’t risk making a fool of myself in front of him.
Lucia was still smirking and I could see mischief behind her eyes. “Whatever you’re thinking, no absolutely not” I warned her. “Oh don’t worry, I’m not thinking anything” she said, pretending to be innocent.
She set her coffee cup down and then stood up. I was expecting the worst, but praying for the best. She started to walk over towards him and I felt my heart drop.
If you want a Hamilton reference to reflect how I felt in this moment, I felt like Eliza in Helpless when Angelica walks over to Alexander.
I was terrified. What would she say? How would he react? What if he thought I was some crazy obsessed fan?
He looked up at her when she got over to his table. She started to talk to him, but she was too far away for me to hear her. Then she pointed over at me and I felt my face blush bright red and it felt like the room was 200 degrees warmer. He looked where she was pointing.
He smiled and waved at me as we made eye contact, and my face only got redder. I put my head in my hands, in shame, praying this was just a dream. I pulled my head out of my hands and they were both walking over towards me. I just hoped that she hadn’t brought up my crush.
I couldn’t believe that this was happening.
They got to the table and Lucia said “Lin, meet Y/N”. I felt so nervous, I was suddenly forgetting how to act like a normal human being.
“It’s nice to meet you, your friend told me you’re a Hamilton fan” Lin said, holding out his hand to shake mine. I gladly shook his hand and smiled at him. Lucia sat back down, across from me. Then, Lin sat down next to me and I started to panic.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I’m sorry, I’m just a little shocked. I didn’t exactly expect to meet a Broadway legend this morning” I said, and I instantly regretted. Why did I call him that? He was going to think I was creepy, obsessed fan.
“No, you don’t have to be sorry. You’re doing great. So have you seen the show?” He asked, making polite conversation because I was blanking and couldn’t come up with anything to say.
“No, I haven’t. You’ve got yourself an international phenomenon of a show. Tickets were sold out in like two minutes. I wasn’t nearly fast enough” I explained.
Now that we were having a conversation, it felt more natural and I was less nervous. “How about you come see the show tonight?” He asked me. I was completely taken aback. He had to be kidding, right? That was the most exclusive show in the world, and we had only met three minutes ago. “You’re kidding” I said, completely in shock
“Not at all, come see the show” he said, clearly he was being serious. “You don’t even know me, we just met” I said, confused. “Well you’re a fan and you’ve supported me, so this is me repaying you for that” Lin said, placing his hand on my forearm as he talked.
“Well alright, I’m not going to turn down a chance to see the musical of the decade” I said, smiling. “I’ll be right back” Lucia said, smirking as she left to go to bathroom.
Even though she hadn’t been talking, she was my safety net. If I ran out of things to say, she was there to change the subject and avoid awkwardness. But, with her gone, it would just be awkwardly silent if I couldn’t think of anything to say.
“So I guess I’ll be seeing you again tonight” Lin said, smiling. “I’m looking forward to it, thank you again. It was really kind of you to invite me” I said, thanking him sincerely.
“It’s not problem, really. So your friend, Lucia, was telling about you” Lin said, smirking. “That can’t be good” I said, with an unsure tone. “No no, don’t worry. It was all good things. She mentioned that you really liked Hamilton and she said you were visiting New York. She told me that you were really nice, so far she’s been right” he explained.
I felt my cheeks heat up. At least, he didn’t know about my crush. “She also mentioned something about a little tiny crush, do you know anything about that?” He asked, smirking.
My heart dropped and I felt my heart start to race. I couldn’t believe that she had told him, that was going to make everything so awkward.
“She told you that?” I asked, exasperated. I put my head in my hands, I couldn’t even look at him. Now I knew why he gave me tickets, he clearly thought I was crazy and felt bad for me.
“Yeah she may have brought it up” he said, chuckling to himself. Clearly, he was enjoying how distressed I was. “My life is over” I muttered to myself. He moved my hands away from my face. Then he continued to hold my hands as he looked me in the eyes.
I could tell that my face was bright red. I felt like I was going to just explode at any moment. “Can I ask you something?” He said, staring into my eyes.
“Uhhh...sure” I said, nervously. “Don’t be nervous” he said, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. “Okay, what is it?” I asked him.
“What would you do if I gave you my number?” He asked and my heart stopped. This was officially a dream and there was no way that this was real life.
I didn’t know what to say, nothing I could think of sounded like the right thing to say.
I leaned in and slowly kissed his lips. It was a short, sweet peck. I don’t know what made me do it. Maybe I just couldn’t think of anything else to do. Maybe it was the years of feelings for this guy that I idolized.
I felt Lin kiss me back softly and then I pulled away. I had the biggest smile on my face. “So I’ll take it that you would be okay giving me your number” he said, smiling. “Of course” I said, holding his hand.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @laurens-interlude @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr @irlydontknoanymore @bechloe47 @nyxie75 @rileygene11 @daveeds-whore @trost-town @notebookgirl30 @teenag1jealousy
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for all my imagines!
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sanababes · 4 years
Pairings: fem!reader x Park Chaeyoung / Rosé
Warnings: nothing but fluff ☁️
Y/n had just woken up from the annoying alarm of her clock ringing throughout her room. Sitting up grumbly, the girl walked lazily towards the bathroom and got ready for school.
After a few minutes it was already 7am, pretty early for you though. Y/n grabbed her bag then went out of her room and strutted to the kitchen.
"Morning sweetie!" your mom greeted happily while putting foods on the dining table.
"Hey mom" you greeted her back then started munching on some toast.
Y/n ate breakfast with her mom peacefully while chatting about random things. Atfer she finished, you kissed your mom goodbye and rode your motorcycle to school.
You arrived after 10 mins and saw your bestie Rosé waiting at the entrance. You parked your vehicle then rushed yourself towards the blonde girl.
"Ughh finallyyy" Rosé whined.
Y/n chuckles lightly then pats the head of the latter.
"Sorry if kept you waiting Chae"
"Hmm apology accepted Y/n/n" your bestfriend said then clinged to your arm as you both walk towards the classroom.
You greeted friends that said hello to you and Rosie, the blonde did the same as people around you admired the girl beside you. I mean Y/n can't even deny her ethereal beauty and realized that she had feelings for Rosie for a long time.
"Y/n?" She called as you snapped out of your trance.
"Huh? Oh my bad, just thinking about the long test tomorrow hehe..." you utter an excuse.
"Uh okay then, you still have to tutor me later~" she reminds you playfully and pulled you inside the classroom.
Y/n and Rosie sat beside each other and waited for their homeroom teacher to come. You stared at the latter while thinking about how lucky you are to have her from the start. She just met you randomly at the park near your residence when you're still kids then you both clicked together and started to become close, that easy.
Rosie glanced at you that made you look away.
"Oh? Kang Y/n is staring at me lovingly, I'm grateful for that" she remarks dramatically while clutching her chest as you blushed at the nickname that she gave.
"No I'm not" you tried to hide your blush.
"I just caught you clearly Y/n/n don't try to lie about it" the latter chuckles then kissed your cheek.
Before you had the chance to respond, your teacher arrived making the students sit down and greeted the him politely.
"Goodmorning class today we'll discuss about blah blah blah..." Mr. Kim introduces the lesson as you glanced at Rosie and held her hand under the table.
She looks at you questionably but you just shrugged acted innocent. The latter chuckles and just let you be while lowkey liking your simple affection.( 😏 ehe)
Y/n slowly focused on the lesson and the day goes by normally.
The school bell ringed loudly as the clock strucks 4 and the last subject was finally finished. You sighed heavily then putted your things on your bag.
"Fuck, I just wanna go home Chaeyoung-ah..." you whined silently.
"Don't worry, we're going now" she chuckles at your sluggish movement and dragged you out the classroom.
Y/n felt stares around the two of them and she's sure that it's all towards Rosie. It ruined her mood a little bit and felt down because she thought about the people who likes her bestie that's more better and suitable than herself. You started to mutter incoherent thoughts on your mind and didn't noticed that you've arrived in front of your motorcycle already.
Rosie saw you frowning while looking dazed, she decided to cup your face and ask you what's wrong.
"Y/n, is there something wrong?" she asked worriedly.
You looked at her and shook your head slowly.
"It's nothing, let's go... I still have to tutor you"
Y/n grabbed her helmet and gave it to the latter. Rosie glanced at the protective gear warrily then looked back to you.
"How about you?" She asks.
"Don't worry about me, just put it on" you insisted while smiling lightly.
The blonde finally agreed and putted it on. Y/n got on the vehicle as she started the engine making it roar loudly, aaand maybe a few students looking at their direction too.
Rosie finally sat behind you and hugged your waist tightly.
"Yah! If we got into an accident, I'm going to kill you" the latter threatened playfully.
You just laughed and drove away. Of course since your beloved bestfriend is just behind you, you made sure to be slow and carefully than usual. (I mean, you wouldn't want your future wife to be harmed so-)
After a few minutes, you finally arrived in front of your house.
Y/n glanced at Rosie and saw her struggling with the helmet. She chuckles at her cuteness then helped the latter.
"Argh, why is this so hard to remove!" Rosie says frustratingly.
You just smiled and kiss her forehead.
"Atleast you're cute Chae"
The latter blushed furiously but pushes you playfully towards the door of your house.
You opened the door and saw your mother chilling in the living room.
"Sup' mom" you greeted her calmly.
"Hi mommy!" Rosie greeted excitingly and ran towards the older... exactly opposite to what you did.
Your mom hugged the latter and gave a kiss on her cheek.
"I missed you darling, I'm glad you came over today"
Rosie smiles brightly and chatted with your mom for a bit so you decided to go to your room already, not wanting to ruin their moment.
Y/n throws her bag down then flopped on the bed lazily.
"I think I really love her..." you mutter lowly and closed your eyes tiredly.
On the other hand, Rosie opened your door and saw lying on your stomach. She laughed quietly then laid on top of you which made you groan.
"Hey! You still have to tutor me Y/n, don't sleep on me please. I know you're a sleepy head" she whines while shaking your shoulder.
"Fine fine, now get off me so we can start"
With just a few seconds, you're now teaching Rosie some formula which will be used tomorrow in the long test.
"So you need to find the x of the triangle and know the specific sides or vertex which will be..." you explained it carefully while glancing at the blonde occasionally.
You smiled when you saw her frowning upon the example that was given.
"You're so cute Chae" you suddenly blurted out of nowhere.
Rosie looked at you confusingly.
"Eh? I already know that Y/n/n" she answers confidently.
You just chuckled half-heartedly, suddenly thinking about confessing to the gorgeous girl in front of you.
"Chaeyoung-ah..." you hold her hands nervously.
Rosie hums while anticipating what will you saying.
"I-I, uhm I like you, n-no I mean I love y-you more than j-just a friend"
You looked down then closed your eyes, waiting for the rejection that you imagined. The latter smiles at your cuteness then lifts your chin up.
"I love you too Y/n"
You looked up again, still couldn't register what she said.
"Y-you love me too?" Y/n asks.
The blonde nods repeatedly as she started to lean closer to you.
You kissed her passionately as you couldn't contain your excitement. Rosie smiles between the kiss whilst standing up to sit on your lap. You wrapped your arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around your neck.
The latter pulls away then rests her forehead into yours, both of you still catching your breaths.
"Can you be my girlfriend, Park Chaeyoung?" Y/n asks happily, her heart beating faster than before.
"I can be your future wife as well, Kang Y/n" Rosie replies then leans in again for another kiss.
~the end~
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《 I'm sorry for being inactive for the last few months, I'll try to update more from now on :> 》
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queerebrum · 4 years
Your Problem Now
y’know this was supposed to be 1k words. That is my goal for ficlets. And yet, here we are!! Enjoy your 1.7k of Sterrish (Stiles x Derek x Parrish) relationship reflection and sickfic fluff, @wolfflock​ & the rest of you that encouraged this.
Jordan had just finished putting on his belt when his phone rang on the nightstand. He glanced first at the alarm clock for the time and then back to the phone. Whoever was calling him, it wasn’t Derek, who was usually awake but not yet willing to socialize at this time of day, and it certainly wasn’t Stiles, who was unbearable if woken before 8am.
He reached for the phone and stared at the caller ID with a raised eyebrow. Answering it with a hard swallow he said, “Good morning, Sheriff.”
Calls from the Sheriff were always awkward. Calls from the Sheriff before 7am were downright terrifying. “Jordan, you’re off today,” Noah said, leaving no room for argument.
Jordan blinked a few times. “Okay. Did I do something wrong?” he asked, carefully reviewing memories of the last few days of his shift.
“No. Stiles is sick and I’ve decided that if you’re going to date my eighteen year old son the least you can do is be the one to deal with him when he’s sick.” There was a brief pause. “Or, y’know, the two to deal with him. I’ll let you call Derek. I’m surprised he’s not already at my door, supernatural senses and all.”
Jordan nodded, still frozen in the middle of his bedroom with the phone pressed to his ear. He decided against pointing out to Noah that he too was technically supernatural, and that Derek’s senses weren’t that enhanced. Instead of arguing anything – arguing with either Stilinski was an exhausting and often pointless process – he just said, “I’ll be over as soon as I can.”
“I’m taking one of your sick days for this.” Noah said, his tone lighter.
Jordan laughed at that. “Sure thing, Sheriff.”
‘Stiles is sick I guess? Sheriff says it’s our job to take care of him. See you there?’
Derek yawned and reread the text from Jordan. He grabbed for his half-full cup of coffee and took another long pull, letting the warm, bitter taste settle against his tongue as he mulled over the words.
He had many questions about the content of the text, but the number of question marks seemed to indicate that Jordan too was unsure of exactly what was going on. Derek briefly ran through what he’d planned to get done today.
Which really was nothing he couldn’t put off, because he spent his days as an independently-wealthy 20-something reading books and staring at a blank laptop screen trying to write literally anything that someone might want to read. Sometimes he sat through werewolf council conference calls, which was his duty as the pack Second. Those weren’t really all that more exciting than staring at a blank computer screen, though.
‘Should I bring anything?’ He sent back.
Jordan’s response was: ‘I’m already at Target. What do you know about human illness anyway? :P’ Derek glared at the phone, but Jordan was right. He sat back in his chair, finishing the cup of coffee and climbing to his feet to grab another one from the pot.
Being a werewolf, he knew the coffee was probably just a placebo effect at this point. Both Stiles and Jordan were well aware that waiting until after Derek had his second cup of coffee to interact was the suggested course of action most mornings. It was probably a good thing they didn’t all live together. (Yet.)
Jordan was an early riser, Stiles needed to sleep in, and Derek was a bear (or...a wolf) until he’d had two cups of liquid happiness. It made Derek wonder what their future would look like. Finishing his second cup, he headed to his bedroom with a smile on his face.
It didn’t really matter what his future looked like, as long as he had Jordan and Stiles.
Jordan expected Derek to have beaten him to the Stilinski house, with his overprotective werewolf instincts, but he was surprised to find the driveway empty aside from the old blue Jeep. He pulled up behind it and got out, carrying the bag of odds and ends he’d picked up from Target on the way.
The Sheriff hadn’t said what kind of sick Stiles was, so Jordan had no choice but to pick up a variety of things: cough drops, dayquil, pepto bismol, a box of tissues, several cans of chicken noodle soup and three of the big gatorade bottles. Once, Jordan had purchased a movie, and the look of abject horror on Stiles’s face when he realized Jordan had spent actual money on something like that had dissuaded him from making such mistakes again.
(“Where are we supposed to get movies then?” “The internet, Jord.”)
He carried his bag of supplies - double bagged with the weight of the gatorade and cans of soup - up to the front door and tried the handle. He was surprised to find it unlocked but well, he had told Noah he’d be there as soon as he could. That, and, even sick, he knew better than to underestimate Stiles. He may be human, but that didn’t make him helpless.
“Stiles?” Jordan called, realizing as he entered that he actually had no idea how Noah knew Stiles was sick. It was only just now coming up on 8am, which meant that given normal circumstances, Stiles would still be asleep.
The loud sound of a nose being blown upstairs gave Jordan his answer. Whatever kind of sick Stiles was had probably woken him up. “Ub here.” Stiles called, miserably.
Jordan tried not to laugh as he kicked off his shoes and headed up the stairs, pushing open Stiles’s bedroom door. “A little birdy told me you weren’t feeling well.” He said, dropping onto the corner of the bed. “And...forced me into using a sick day?”
Stiles looked awful. He was even paler than usual, moles looking especially dark against the sickly pallor of his skin. His nose was red and irritated, and he kept sniffling every few minutes. He coughed a few times before he spoke too, small, coughs that seemed to more relieve a tickle than actually dislodge something from his lungs. “My dad called you?”
Jordan took off his jacket and tossed it somewhere in the direction of Stiles’s computer chair before sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Your dad decided that you needed company, I guess.” Jordan couldn’t help the smile that came to his lips as Stiles, seemingly magnetized, fell forward to rest his head on Jordan’s shoulder. Jordan wrapped his arms around Stiles’s body, stroking one hand along his back. “Did he call Derek?” Stiles asked, somewhat muffled between the stuffy nose and his face pressed into Jordan’s shirt.
“No, he told me I could do that. Even made a joke about Derek already knowing you were sick because of werewolf instincts.” Jordan traced the knobs of Stiles’s spine, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. “He’ll be over soon. I think I texted him during his first cup of coffee.” That reminded him. “Did you wake up sick?”
Stiles nodded, halfheartedly, still not lifting his head. “I started coughing in the middle of the night. Woke dad ub.”
Stiles leaned away after he finished speaking, as if saying the word ‘cough’ had manifested the very action itself, tucking his face into the corner of his elbow and letting out a string of bark-like noises that Jordan was now sure didn’t seem productive in the slightest. Sometime in the middle of it, there were footsteps on the stairs, and Jordan glanced back over his shoulder to smile at Derek, whose face was pinched in concern.
“Oh hey–” “–Der, nice of you–” “–to join us.” Stiles managed between coughs, eventually flopping back onto the bed with one of his arms thrown over his eyes. “Fuck.”
Derek had similarly divested himself of his jacket, and he squeezed Jordan on the shoulder briefly as he made his way over to the other side of the bed. Jordan glanced up and smiled, Derek leaning in for a brief, comfortable kiss.
Sometimes, it still mystified Jordan that he was here. He watched Derek sit down on the opposite side of Stiles’s bed, lean over and rest his ear against Stiles’s chest. Jordan felt his smile widen, watching the careful way Derek rested his other arm along Stiles’s, twining their fingers together as he listened.
After a minute, he sat up. “Just wheezy. I think you’ll live.”
Jordan had to bite back a laugh at the malice in the glance Stiles gave Derek when he lifted his arm. “Okay you two.” Jordan nudged Derek’s shoulder with his own. “Be nice, he’s sick.”
“You’re no fun,” Derek teased, but his smile was bright.
Even Stiles’s face had shifted into a smile, and Jordan felt one of his hands – warmer than Stiles usually ran – slid into his own. “I’m glad you’re here.” Stiles said, his eyes heavy-lidded. “I’m gonna go back to sleep though, It’s still so fucking early.”
Jordan lifted Stiles’s hand to his own lips to press a kiss into it. “I brought medicine. You should take something and then you can nap.” He stood up, wandering to where he’d dropped the bag. He rifled through it to find the dayquil and the cough suppressant, tossing one of the Gatorade’s over his shoulder with the full confidence that his werewolf boyfriend would catch it.
He turned around to see Derek crack the gatorade and pass it off to Stiles, who drank from it while Jordan fought with the packaging on the medicine.
And fought.
And fought.
The damn blister packs were supposed to be childproof not hellhound proof.
Derek was snickering into Stiles’s shoulder, Stiles petting Derek’s hair and biting his lip to hold in his own chuckling. Jordan finally tossed the pack at Derek. “Here, you open it then.”
Derek, ever the show off, flicked out a claw and sliced into the packaging – and directly into the liquid capsule, watching orange-red liquid slide down his finger, sending Jordan into a laughing fit and Stiles into yet another coughing fit.
Several minutes later, Derek’s hands were clean, Stiles had been adequately medicated, and they were all snuggled down into Stiles’s bed for what Jordan suspected would be the first of several naps today. Stiles was on his side, his back pressed along the length of Derek’s chest. Jordan faced Stiles, one if his arms tucked over both of his boyfriends, and his forehead pressed against the sleepy humans.
“Love you.” Stiles murmured quietly. Derek whispered it against the back of Stiles’s neck and reached over to squeeze Jordan’s side. Jordan grinned, more thankful than he could have predicted for the day off.
“Love you both.”
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
Part 2 of Heather, it’s soooo good 👀
This sucks ass, like it’s embarrassing but if I make a Part 3 it’ll be better I-💀
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It’s been 5 years since you left New Jersey.
Saying you missed it was a lie. Saying you missed the people was an understatement.
Five years, and you still wonder how Grayson reacted to your letter.
When you first moved you got a cute loft apartment in downtown LA, which is still your current apartment.
It took you about a month to get used to the LA life, but you quickly got used to the postsmate and Uber eats life.
The only thing that you know about them is that they live in LA too, and only because you over heard people talking about it at Starbucks.
Apparently he and Ethan are famous now. Which if good for them you thought.
You on the other hand, finished high school online, and just graduated from UCLA with a literature major and photography degree , and you just got an email saying you had an interview at Vogue Magazine tomorrow.
You instantly got up from your bed as a few happy tears trailed down your face, even if it’s just an interview you felt highly accomplished because they only do 10 interviews a year, so this was your only chance.
You walked over to your closet, to pick an outfit for tomorrow. You spent a good 20 minutes trying to pick out the perfect outfit since it was a fashion magazine after all.
You decided on some plaid dress pants, a black shirt that would expose a bit, but not a lot of your chest, and would be tucked in, a matching jacket that was the same pattern as the pants and you would pick accessories and a hairstyle tomorrow.
(This is her outfit because I love putting pictures of clothes when I speak about them since people on Wattpad love it so much. You better love this fit cuz it screams “men suck ass and woman are powerful)
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Not having any contact with any close people from Jersey or any friends in general, you celebrated and shared your joy by yourself (lowkey how I’m going to be because I hate my family and I’m antisocial in rl💀)
You nearly placed your outfit on a chair that you had at the corner of your room, and picked out an oversized tee, and a pair of clean underwear and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
You did all your businesses, and went on your computer searching up interview tip, before falling asleep.
The next morning you woke up around 6AM since your interview was at 7:45.
You took a quick shower getting dressed into the outfit you picked yesterday and styled your hair as usual, making you just straighten it.
Time was quickly passing by and it was already 7AM, so you decided to just buy breakfast and not be late.
You arrived at the Vogue building at 7:35 and quickly walked in to be greeted by the desk lady.
“Hi, My names Y/N Y/L/N, I have an interview with Mr.Styles today,” you sweetly told her and she just smiled at you. (YES ITS FUCKING HARRY STYLES)
“7:45 correct?” She asked and you nodded your head.
“I’m going to send you right up, take the elevator to the 10th floor, and it should be the last door in your left,” she said, you thanked her and walked away.
When the elevator’s doors opened up to the correct floor you couldn’t help but feel intimidated and anxious.
This was your first interview for a company this big, and you didn’t want to blow it.
With nerves shaking up your entire body, you knocked on his door and walked in when you heard a faint ‘come in’.
“You must be Y/N,” said the guy who must be Mr.Styles.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr.Styles,” you replied as he shook your head and gestured you to take a seat.
“Please call me Harry, The mr makes me feel old,” he said which made you chuckle and nod your head.
“Now tell me why I should hire you Y/N,” he asked.
“Well, I believe I meet the certain requirements to be a writer for Vogue, not only for my major in English literature, but because I have passion for writing and it’s my behest fashion, and I have a love for fashion too,” you said trying to sound as confident as you should, but not stuck up either.
“Good. I see that you’re also a photographer,” he spoke as he read a paper, which you assumed was your application.
“Yeah, photography is another passion of mine,” you smiled.
“Well, I believe you have what we’re looking for, you lack experience but I believe that over time you’ll get the hang of the job. This is a very serious job Y/N, it has its perks but you have to work hard. And I believe you can do that,” he said while smiling.
“That means your hired, you’ll start tomorrow. Since you’re a photographer aswell, I want you to have a photo shoot and interview the person, is that alright with you?” he asked making you nod your head.
“I’m more than alright thank you so much.” You said happily and proud of yourself.
“Good, I’ll send email you all the informations, and who you’ll be having an interview with, all I know is that he has millions of fan girls so I’ll be carful with that. Now you go have a great rest of your day, because once you start you’ll be too busy” he said diving some stuff.
With a thank you, you left the building and made your way home.
You finally felt like you achieved something and we’re definitely proud of yourself.
When you got home, you filled up your tub, with some bath salt and all that relaxing stuff since Harry said you’ll get a few relaxation days.
Not that it bothered you because you were used to being stressed and working under pressure.
You finished that day off, by watching some Netflix and went to sleep early, making sure to set an alarm up to not miss your first day.
The next morning you were woken up by the alarm, the excitement of this being your first day radiating off your body.
You jumped in the shower, to get refreshed and got our choosing to wear a pair of cream colored Dickies, a white top, a pair of white platform docs and some layered necklaces and sunglasses.
You picked up your phone, opening the email app to see the information your boss sent you, he only sent you the adress and the time you should be there.
You left your house, stopping at Starbucks to get an ice latte and made your way to the place, it was at some studio that you never heard off before, and it was a couple of minutes away from where you lived.
When you arrived you looked around from inside and let Harry know that you were there.
‘Just walk right in, it’s one of our buildings, he’ll be there in a couple of minutes I’ll call you when he’s there. Good luck,’ he replied, you sent a thumbs up emojis (what am I even writing tbh) and got out your car walking in.
The place seemed sketchy from the outside, but it was an entire different story inside.
Walking around you noticed it hadd different back drops, and a back room.
You walked to the bathroom to set your stuff up, and get ready.
After a few minutes your phone started ringing with a call from Harry.
“Hello,” You softly spoke holding the phone with your shoulder as your hands worked with the camera making sure all the frames and setting were right.
“Hey Y/N, he’s there so go open the door for him. This is your first day and I believe in you, so have fun,” he sweetly spoke making you smile.
“Ok, thank you so much, I’ll talk to you soon,” you said your goodbyes, hung up the phone and went to open the door.
“Hi, im Y/N nice to meet-” you said opening the door before realizing who was infront if you.
“Grayson,” you whispered as you saw him in the flesh standing right in front of you with a hurt expression on his face.
Like I said before this sucked straight up ass and like it's disgusting but ehhh
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angsty-aliens · 4 years
Truck Stop Knives And Other Accessories Of Childhood (3/3)
Final chapter of my inner child fic which was supposed to be a short little one shot and has evolved into a verse. 
Alien tech has manifested an inner child for Michael. And that child has a knife. 
Thank you again to the many people who helped beta and brainstorm, especially @jocarthage, @haloud, and @foramomentonly. You can read the whole fic on Ao3
Morning came earlier than Michael wanted. Apparently the downside to sharing a bed with Alex was Alex still operated on military time, and although he certainly tried to let Michael sleep in, by 7am he couldn’t resist tracing a finger across an eyebrow and down his cheek. Michael didn’t mind. There were worse ways to be woken up, then the gentle caress of Alex Manes touching his face.
At some point in the night, Alex ended up curled loosely against the curve of Michael’s back. He fit perfectly and it felt right. Michael could feel the swell of his cock slotted against the back of his boxer briefs, and he couldn’t help but arch back slightly, chasing the feeling. Alex chuckled, and tugged Michael flat on his back so he could peer down at him, propped up on an elbow.
“Hands above the waist?”
Michael leered with an exaggerated eyebrow waggle, “pretty sure your hands were above my waist.”
Alex laughed, “always gotta find the loophole, Guerin.”
They kissed softly, noses bumping together in their eagerness.
After a few minutes of lazy making out, Alex reluctantly separated. “Do we think Mikey is still asleep?”
Michael thunked his head back against the pillow with a sigh, “Mikey is definitely not still asleep. I never slept through the night in a new placement. Even though he should KNOW he’s safe here with me, I guarantee he’s been awake for hours.”
“Should I be worried about my cabin?”
“He’s not gonna burn down your cabin, Alex.”
Alex tried to sooth him, “I know that. I’m not worried about that.”
Michael grudgingly sat up and retrieved his pants from the floor. “Only one way to see…”
It took them a few minutes for Alex to attach his prosthetic and for them to get dressed. Alex tried to exit the bedroom quietly in case Michael was wrong about the boy sleeping, but sure enough, the kid was fully dressed and reassembling the toaster on his coffee table. The couch had been stripped of all bedding, and every quilt was folded neatly and tucked unobtrusively to the side. Alex’s laundry basket was full of neatly folded clothing. The boy obviously emptied the dryer when he woke up, and tried to tidy up on his own. He did a good job. A better job than Alex expected any eleven year old to do. He had practice at this.
Michael tousled the kid’s hair on the way to the kitchen, “do you want oatmeal for breakfast or pizza?”
The kid was focused on his task, and carefully screwed in part of the toaster, “pizza!”
Alex was distracted, “uh, oatmeal.” He looked around again, “thank you Mikey for cleaning up. You didn’t have to do that. I didn’t expect you to do that.”
The screwdriver hit the table as the boy looked up in alarm, “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have touched your stuff.”
“No, no it’s okay. I appreciate that you folded the laundry. You just didn’t NEED to do that. You’re a guest.” Alex tried to think of a way to salvage this exchange because the boy was definitely panicking, thinking he was in trouble. “If you want to help, we can give you chores. We can all share the chores. How does that sound?”
Mikey carefully picked the screwdriver back up again, “... I can do chores.”
Alex nodded solemnly at Mikey, a bargain struck, and he walked into the kitchen to kiss the back of Guerin’s neck, while hugging him from behind. “Why is he being a Stepford Wife?”
Michael continued to slowly move about the kitchen to heat up Alex’s oatmeal, while Alex held him like a limpet. “He promised to be nice to you.”
“Why is he tidier than you are? You leave your clothing everywhere and he’s cleaned everything up like I hired a maid service.”
Michael ran a soothing hand across Alex’s arms, locked tightly across his stomach. “Some houses liked that. Some houses required it. Religious freaks definitely required it. He’s just covering his bases. Don’t make it a big deal.”
Alex kissed his neck again and rubbed his cold nose into Michael’s curls, “I’m glad you leave messes. It drives me crazy sometimes, but I’m glad you’re comfortable enough to leave a mess.”
Michael pulled two cold slices of pizza out of the fridge and laughed, “thanks?”
Alex turned him in his arms so he was hugging him properly. Usually Michael was the clingy one, but the kid rattled him. Alex wanted affection dammit.
The two men stood in the middle of the kitchen, arms tight around each other when the kid waltzed in and grabbed his slice of cold pizza. The boy smirked at Michael, “good slumber party, huh?”
Michael raised a middle finger as the kid laughed.
Mikey smirked, “Just bros being bros! Totally platonic!”
And with his hands full of pizza, the boy disappeared back into the living room to finish working on the toaster.
With a sigh, Michael shrugged, “well he said he’d TRY to be nicer.”
Having an eleven year old alien around the house was both simpler and more complicated than Alex anticipated. The kid didn’t leave any big messes. He was actually obsessively clean. It was like there was no kid there at all. If Alex didn’t watch him sit at the coffee table, silently putting his toaster back together with the crust of cold pizza sticking out of the side of his mouth like a cigar, Alex could almost believe he was alone. Mikey was silent and contained. He hunched up small like he didn’t think he deserved to take up too much space. Apparently being ‘nice’ meant disappearing.
Guerin on the other hand left his boots kicked into a corner of his bedroom. His hat was on top of a lamp. His side of the bed was a rumpled mess. And he was currently humming a country song enthusiastically and off key. Alex had no question where Michael was at all times. He could close his eyes and still know, because Michael was an ever moving force of nature. Even when he tried to sit still, his knee bounced, his head swayed, his hands tapped out tunes on the arm rest. He was full of kinesthetic energy.
The complicated part of having an eleven year old alien in the house was Alex was pretty sure his couch cushions were hiding a myriad of snacks. The kid thought he was subtle, but he kept reaching between the seat cushions and nodding to himself with satisfaction. Michael insisted Alex leave it be. Apparently no conversations were needed about his couch becoming a vending machine.
The boy also didn’t have the habits most kids were taught at a very young age. Alex had to herd him into the bathroom to brush his teeth. And when Michael argued that tooth brushing was only required when his breath got nasty, Alex herded his boyfriend into the bathroom too. They could brush teeth together, like a family. A weird little Lilo and Stitch family.
Mikey had only been at the cabin for two days, but Alex couldn’t imagine a time when he didn’t exist. Isobel brought a bag of clothing and necessities from Walmart and he shrunk smaller and smaller every time she pulled out a new item, arms curled around his stomach. Like he was being buried under the invisible weight of the clothing. A new toothbrush made his shoulder hunch up to his ears, Star Wars themed pajamas had him hugging his knees to his chest, the new shoes made him tuck his chin into his arms and shrink. Michael had hugged his sister and ushered her out of the cabin before the kid could diminish any further.
Isobel meant well. “They’re Star Wars pajamas! The same design as Luke Skywalker’s flight suit! Because you always talked about wanting to see the stars.”
She meant so well.
Later Michael whispered that the kid was feeling the debt. He wasn’t used to people being nice to him without an ulterior motive. There was a currency to kindness and the boy wasn’t sure when the bill would come or what they’d ask of him. It reminded Alex of being seventeen in his father’s shed, handing Michael his brother’s guitar and watching his guard go up.
“Sometimes people can be nice for no reason.”
“Not in my experience.”
Things were clicking into place. An equation finally making sense. And all he could do was hug Michael a little tighter and hope he could give Mikey a better experience for as long as they had him.
The boy presented him with his toaster. Alex was positive the toaster was never really broken. The side was a bit dinged up from when it got knocked off the counter a few months ago. And the knob was stuck on 4, but Alex liked 4. It meant his toast was dark brown which was fine. It was perfectly adequate. He could live with 4. But now the knob turned freely, giving him every option of crispiness for his toast. And the ding had been buffed out. The kid made the toaster work like new. When Alex told him that, Mikey stood up straighter. The boy tried not to smile at the praise. In a fit of bravery, Alex reached out to toustle his hair like he watched Michael do, and the boy closed his eyes for a second and actually grinned. He could only bear Alex’s attention for a second before running off into the backyard. Like he wasn’t sure what to do with praise. It didn’t fit him comfortably, and he had to run away. Alex knew that feeling. Jesse Manes didn’t believe in praise either. Alex remembered the discomfort the first time a PE teacher congratulated him on his endurance. It felt like the comments had to be mocking. He was being made fun of. It took a long time to realize the coach was being genuine.
Michael sat next to him on the couch and kissed his cheek. “What are we doing, Alex?”
“I have no idea. I didn’t really write this into my planner. I guess we’re winging it.”
“Are we moving too fast? We went from not dating, to dating, to playing house with an eleven year old. I don’t want to ruin this.”
Alex covered Michael’s hand with his own, “We’ve been on and off for a decade. It’s not like we’re strangers. I think keeping things PG for a while between us is a good idea, but we can watch Mikey and it won’t ruin anything.”
The kid was running in circles in the backyard. If there was a game, Alex couldn’t figure it out. It just looked like circles for the sake of circles. Making himself dizzy enough to fall down.
Michael’s phone started to buzz. Who would call instead of text? The name “Liz Ortecho” flashed and he reluctantly swiped to answer.
Liz’s voice came out in a rush, “Don’t be mad.” “Elizabeth Ortecho, no good news ever came after the statement -  don't be mad.”
Liz continued, “Okay I know we were going to wait to mess with the disk until we could be at the lab together, but I…”
Michael scrubbed a hand over his face, “Oh god Liz, what did you do?”
“It’s not bad! Hey, put me on speakerphone so I don’t have to repeat this to Alex later.”
Michael placed the phone between them and pushed a button.
“You’re on speaker,” Alex was puzzled but supportive, “Liz are you okay?”
“Yeah, everything is fine. I was pressing different glyphs on the disk and I think I may have accidentally accessed a user manual. Kind of. It sort of was like a psychic connection, either I accessed a user manual, or it caused me to have a psychotic break.”
“Liz.” Alex looked at Michael in alarm.
Her voice took on a higher pitch, “It’s fine! I took notes!”
Michael rolled his eyes, “THAT is not the part we’re worried about!”
Liz ignored them, “Okay so this is what I wrote down: the disk IS a therapy tool. Its intended purpose is to encourage the patient to reconnect with a difficult point in their life and by interacting with the construct the patient develops a healthier understanding of their past.”
Michael interrupted her, “Liz I hope this thing didn’t give you brain cancer.”
“Shut up.”
“Or worse, you could have accidentally triggered your own mini Ortecho.”
Irritation colored her voice, “Michael, let me finish. The connection wasn’t in English. It was all concepts, so I’m not sure I’m translating it right. Mikey is real. He’s a real kid and he’ll age like a real kid. You’ve gotta make peace with yourself, forgive yourself, and when you’re ready you both hold onto the disk and you meld back together. It doesn’t hurt him. He’s part of you. And if you never touch the disk again, Mikey stays. He’ll grow up like any normal child. We should probably run tests on both of you though, just to see. Kyle can give you both a physical.”
Michael shook his head, “The kid is NOT going to like Valenti.”
Liz insisted, “Kyle’s great with kids. It’ll be fine.”
“Your funeral.”
Alex elbowed Michael, “Okay so why didn’t the disk meld them back together when they both touched it a few days ago?”
Liz said, “It won’t work until Michael deals with his childhood trauma.”
Michael laughed, “Sure, I can just deal with my trauma. I’ll go see a therapist and talk about my abandonment issues that began when my family crash landed in Roswell in 1947. Easy.”
Alex put a comforting hand on his shoulder, “You could talk to a therapist and leave out the alien details. You were abandoned. Your siblings were adopted and you weren’t. You survived a string of abusive foster homes. These are all human problems.”
Michael shrugged, dislodging the hand, “Therapists are expensive. You can’t just go talk to one. It’s cheaper to drink beer.”
Liz’s voice piped up through the cell phone, “Super healthy coping mechanism, Michael.”
Michael deflected, “So ANYWAY, if we don’t touch the disk, Mikey stays? And if we do touch the disk after I sell an alien kidney to talk to a shrink, then Mikey gets sucked back into me?”
He could almost hear the grimace in her voice, “Gross way to put it, but yes.”
“Okay thanks Ortecho. Don’t push anymore buttons on the disk. Max would cry if your brain melted.” Michael hung up the phone, turned to Alex and interlaced their fingers, “I can always take him back to the airstream. We can get out of your hair. I don’t know how long he’ll be here. You don’t just get over a shitty childhood in a day and go eat ice cream.”
Alex squeezed his hand, “I want you to stay here. I want you both to stay here. We can always clean out the extra bedroom. Right now it’s full of boxes from when I packed up Jim’s stuff. I can ask Kyle to go through it and keep what he wants. It’d be easy to turn that back into a bedroom.”
“Not your creepy murder basement?”
“Definitely not the creepy murder basement.” Alex considered,  “Although actually I could probably store the boxes in there!”
Alex nodded and continued, “If the kid is here for longer than a week, we can make long term plans. I can forge paperwork. Say you’re the father and you didn’t know about him. His mother moved out of Roswell and dropped him off out of the blue.”
“I would have been sixteen or seventeen when I slept with the mother. A teenage father, how scandalous… but sort of on brand for me.”
“Maybe she was a tourist? Not anyone any of the locals would remember.”
Michael laughed, “Okay so Mikey is the result of a hook up between teenage me, and an adult out of town tourist. Yeah, this is definitely sounding like something I’d do.”
Alex was starting to become more comfortable with this plan. He loved having a plan. “So we’d need a name. Michael is a super common name and maybe she liked you enough to give him your first name, but he’d need a new last name.”
“Truman. My mom’s name was Nora Truman. I don’t care what name his fake mom has, and I don’t really want people thinking I slept with someone named Nora Truman, but he could be Michael Truman. I could have been Michael Truman if my mom got me out of the pods.”
Alex watched the boy fall down and get back up to run even tighter circles. “Maybe we can let Mikey pick out his fake mom’s name. Let him have some sort of agency, and feel involved in these choices. Are you okay with me helping you?”
“Like am I okay with you co-parenting my weird alien inner child?” Michael raised an eyebrow, “This week is so weird. Yes. Please, please help me. I barely kept myself alive for twenty one years on my own. I don’t trust myself to watch TWO of me.”
Alex tugged him closer, “you did a great job on your own. And you’d do a great job now. You just shouldn’t have HAD to have done it alone as a kid, and I don’t want you to be alone now. I want to help. I don’t think we should enroll him in school anytime soon. We should try and figure out more. But I like having some sort of idea of where we’re going here.”
“You and me, and my feral little monster who has a knife”
“Wait, he has a knife?” Alex sat up.
“Oh yeah. I didn’t mention that? It’s a pocketknife. I gave it back to him because I knew he wouldn’t stab you, and you could disarm him if he tried.” Michael appeased, “Which he won’t. I promise he won’t stab you.”  
“He’s not a little monster.” Michael seemed distracted so Alex tugged on a curl to get his attention and repeated, “He’s not a little monster. And YOU’RE not a little monster. He’s a kid and we’re gonna make sure he eats a vegetable every once in awhile, and goes to sleep at a decent hour. We can do this.”
“I mean we’re already doing a better job than any of my foster homes.”
“That bar is pretty low.”
“And yet it exists.”
They eased back on the couch and watched Mikey play.
Michael leaned against the backdoor watching his shrinky dink alien run. The kid was playing some sort of weird running game with rules only he knew, and that Michael definitely didn’t remember. One foot managed to get hooked behind the other and the kid landed hard on his ass. Michael winced in sympathy. “Is your butt okay?”
The kid retorted, “is your BRAIN okay?
Michael shrugged, “If your butt hurts we can get Max to heal it. We don’t let him use his powers much anymore since I turned him into a cyborg with an alien pacemaker, but he could heal your butt. You’d just end up with a shiny silver handprint… on your butt. And Max could spy on your feelings, and you’d get to wallow in his poetic angst and guilt.”
The kid narrowed his eyes, “I can’t even tell if you’re kidding. Is that real? Max can heal? But with a handprint and psychic link?”
Mikey huffed in irritation, “Pretty sure you’re making stuff up, but whatever. What can Isobel do? Fly but she poops alien glitter as a side effect?”
“You should DEFINITELY tell Isobel your theories.” Michael laughed, “But no, she can get into people's brains and influence them.”
Mikey side eyed him, “does she do that to us?”
“No. She promised. Sometimes she can get inside my head but she promises she won’t try to influence us. I don’t even know if she can. She’s only tried the brain thing when she needed to tell me something she couldn’t say out loud.” Michael grimaced, “I didn’t like it. She doesn’t do it often. Apparently our brain is tough and she usually has to puke if she tries anything. SHE says it’s because we’re guarded and paranoid. I think it’s because we’re awesome.”
Michael offered up a hand to high five and the kid pushed past him to the kitchen instead. Ouch.
The kid was getting a glass of water and rummaging around the fridge which made Michael grin. It took awhile to get Mikey to stop asking permission for every single thing. But Michael remembered all the homes that had strict rules about the kitchen. The religious zealots had a lock on the fridge to discourage their charges from greed. Apparently a kid being hungry was the mortal sin of gluttony.
With his head still in the fridge the kid absentminded asked, “Max is a cyborg?”
“He ended up with a heart issue. Long story. I made him a pacemaker and he’s fine now.” Michael wrinkled his nose, “Mostly.”
Mikey kicked the door shut with his hands full of food. “That’s good. Isobel would miss him if something happened to him.”
Michael pulled down a plate to help the boy make a sandwich, “Yeah, Isobel would miss him.”  
The two of them stood side by side making sandwiches. It was good. Eating when hungry. Michael had gotten so used to caregivers forgetting to feed him, that he trained himself to ignore hunger. Unless it was really bad, it didn’t bother him so much anymore. Grabbing a granola bar for breakfast and then working straight through until seven or eight pm wasn’t unusual. It just seemed like a waste of energy to worry about what was for lunch when for so many years there was no lunch. Michael grew up loving school. Not only was it a place he excelled, but he also got breakfast and lunch every day there. He never understood the jokes about how gross cafeteria food was. For him, it was the closest thing to a home cooked meal he was ever gonna get. A sloppy joe served by Mrs. Riley every wednesday at New Roswell High, was his version of a dinner cooked by mom. Summers and Winter break were hard. No school meant no little plastic trays with cartons of chocolate milk and plastic silverware. School was a good place. Michael had liked school.
He cut the sandwiches in half like he’d watched Alex do. It seemed nicer that way. The kid carefully took his plate with two hands. No danger of dropping it. And Michael grabbed plates for himself and Alex, and took them to the table. Lunch. Yet another new thing Michael was trying.
They’d have to figure out what to do the longer Mikey stayed. Michael and Alex both took the day off of work, but the kid would need to go somewhere during the day starting soon. Maybe Max or Isobel. Max was still doing night shifts at the Pony and Isobel was taking a sabbatical from her event planning business. If they went public with the story that Mikey was Michael’s son, he could hang out in the junkyard with him. Michael could fix cars and there were a thousand things the kid could play with. Most foster homes didn’t let Michael fiddle with things. But he loved taking stuff apart and putting it back together. A junkyard was a perfect playground for an engineering genius.
Mikey and Alex were having an animated conversation about the merits of Ninja Turtles. Apparently Alex thought Leonardo was the best because he was the leader and was the most focused. Mikey insisted it was Michelangelo because of… pizza. And honestly, Michael had to agree. Pizza always wins. He grinned at his boys and took another huge bite of his sandwich. Maybe this would work after all.
Sleeping in Alex’s bed was never going to get old. There was a Michael shaped divot on the right side of the mattress. Even when he got up, he could see the impression of his body. Alex insisted this meant the mattress was shitty and he needed a new one, but Michael liked the evidence he was there.
He curled up closer to Alex and let his hand rest on his hip, technically breaking the hands above the waist rule but so long as his hand didn’t move, it seemed safe enough. His thumb fit perfectly in the hollow of Alex’s hip. He had rubbed a gentle circle when the part of his brain connected to Mikey pinged a distress call again. With a sigh he climbed out of bed, and hoped he didn’t wake Alex as he left.
The kid was sitting up on the couch wrapped in a quilt. Mikey picked at a loose thread on the knee of his Star Wars pajamas. Michael sat next to him and let him lean his weight against his side.
“Bad dream?”
The kid shrugged and pulled his knees up to his chest.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Mikey shook his head. A few minutes later he blurted, “I heard you and Alex.”
“Heard us what?”
Mikey rocked a little in place, “Talking about how the disk works. How you gotta talk about your emotions so we meld together like a transformer, Mega-Michael, or you’re stuck with me.”
Michael protested, “I don’t have to talk about my emotions.”
“Sometimes you gotta share your fart with the world. You keep it all squeezed up in your butt and it gives you a stomach ache. You just gotta let it out to feel better.”
“My emotions aren’t farts.” Michael crossed his arms defensively.
“But your face is a fart,”
“We have the same face!”
The kid smirked, “Nah, I look awesome. You look constipated.”
Mikey became quiet and serious. He pressed his body against Michael’s side, trying to become a Mega-Michael without alien technology. “You gotta be okay with the bad stuff that happened to us. You’ve gotta… not blame me.”
“I don’t blame you.”
“You blame yourself. I blame me. Bad things happened everywhere we went. We were the only constant factor in the experiment, therefore we’re the variable at fault. It’s just science.”
Michael wrapped both arms around the kid, “I don’t blame you.”
The boy huffed, “You’re stuck with me for awhile. If we don’t touch the disk, you could be stuck with me forever.”
Michael rested his chin on the kid’s head, “That wouldn’t totally suck.”
Mikey closed his eyes, “Alex might not be a fan of this plan.”
“Alex likes this plan.” The Michaels looked up as Alex spoke with a smile. At some point he wandered into the hallway unnoticed. His shoulder was against the wall and he leaned heavily on his crutch. He had been eavesdropping.
The kid tried to push himself out of Michael’s hug, but Michael just squeezed him tighter.
Mikey insisted, “You won’t like me. I’m a mess.”
Alex sat on the other side of him and wrapped an arm around his boys, “I like messes.”
“No you don’t. You’re clean. You make your bed perfectly every morning and you always do your dishes. You’d get tired of me. I’m loud.”
“The cabin was too quiet anyway.”
“I’m… I’m mean. I’ll say mean things.”
Alex ran a hand through the boy’s curls, “It’s okay. You can say mean things and we’ll still like you. You can still stay here. We’re choosing you. We want you to stay.”
Mikey tried to push at the arms embracing him. He kicked at Michael as his eyes welled up, “I’m gonna break all the stuff you like!”
Michael winced as a bony heel caught his thigh, “Yeah but we can fix it. Anything you break we can fix together.”
It was like someone cut the strings of a dancing marionette. The kid lost all fight and fat tear drops streamed down his face to his horror. “You’re gonna change your mind.”
Michael looked at Alex, a silent conversation happening above the boy’s head. Michael wiped a glob of snot off the kid’s face with the hem of his shirt. “We’re picking you. On purpose. We want you to stay. Do you want to stay?”
Mikey took a great shuddering breath and nodded.
Alex thumbed away a tear, “Then as long as you want us, we want to keep you.”
It wasn’t a conventional family. It wasn’t something Michael ever thought he’d have. But Michael, Alex, and Mikey could pick each other. That was a thing they could do. And they’d be okay.
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I just read your last fic, and I have a request! Maybe a continuation of that, and Mateo calls Shawn? Shawn comes over to take care of him? I don’t know, I just love Mateo and Shawn! Don’t feel pressured to do this at all! I love your work by the way!
Aw thank you!! 
This is the second part to THIS fic in which Mateo is sick alone. Here is Shawn to the rescue! I set my alarm super early so I could write this in secret lol so enjoy! 
The sun hadn’t even come up yet, but Shawn was already barrelling down the highway. He checked to make sure that his supplies weren’t falling and spilling all over the place in the back seat. Looking back, he found that the bottles of ginger ale and Pepto bismol were still upright and good to go. It was more than likely that Mateo had this stuff at home, but Shawn wanted to come prepared. By the sound of his boyfriend’s voice over the phone, Shawn figured it was best if all Mateo had to do was open the door. This wasn’t how Shawn imagined his Saturday morning going, but when you receive a phone call at 7am that starts off with the sound of retching, it becomes pretty clear that sleeping is the least of your concerns.
Thankfully, Shawn didn’t have to break the door down because Mateo was there to let him in. Of course, between the time Shawn knocked on the door and the time it took Mateo to stumble out of the bathroom, a cure for the stomach flu probably could have been invented.
The door swung open to reveal a dishevelled Mateo who was leaning against the doorframe. His hair was sticking up in every direction, his white shirt was clinging to his chest from sweat, and his eyes looked sunken. The first thing he did upon seeing Shawn was lose his balance as he tried to take the grocery bags from his hands.
“Whoa, easy there,” Shawn said as he awkwardly caught his boyfriend, his arms still full of supplies. As Mateo stumbled forward, he took advantage of the situation to just rest his head on Shawn’s shoulder. Already, this sudden clinginess set off alarms in Shawn’s head. Those alarms continued to sound as the heat from Mateo’s body rolled off him.
Shawn set the bags down on the floor so he could properly get a look at his boyfriend. He brought his arms up slowly to hold Mateo’s face in his hands. Being so close, Shawn could see that the boy’s eyes were bloodshot and rimmed with dark circles. He could indeed feel the fever as if the heat were pooling in his palms.
Shawn kissed Mateo’s nose before letting his hands fall back to his side. He looked around the apartment and found a pillow and a blanket in front of the bathroom door. The bathroom door was open, and the sour smell of vomit was floating through the house. Shawn turned back to his boyfriend who had promptly curled up on the couch with his arms wrapped around his torso.
He knelt by the couch, right at Mateo’s head, and ran his fingers through the boy’s damp hair. “Your belly’s not feeling so good this morning, huh?”
Mateo curled up tighter. He shook his head weakly while pouting, looking like a kicked puppy.
“When did all this start?”
“Around 4 in the morning,” Mateo mumbled. “I’m sorry I called you so early.”
Shawn’s legs were starting to hurt as he crouched by Mateo, so he crossed his legs and sat down on the ground. “I don’t mind. How long ago did you throw up?”
“I don’t know, twenty minutes maybe.” Mateo frowned. It hurt his head to think so much. The only reason he knew this was because a rhythm was forming. It was as if his stomach had a certain time it took to recharge between bouts. Judging by his current nausea, he’d say his time was quickly running out.
He squeezed his eyes shut and felt that particular ache in his gut that meant his rest was over. But he was so tired, and the bathroom was so far away. “Shawn?” he said after swallowing thickly.
“Yeah, hon?”
“There’s a bucket under the sink…”
Shawn quickly stood up and didn’t bother to wait for the rest of the sentence. He could see by the pallor of Mateo’s face that time was of the essence.
Mateo lifted himself up onto his elbows and covered his mouth with his hand. He started to wonder if running to the bathroom would be a better idea, but then Shawn reappeared with the bucket.
“I’m here, I’m here,” Shawn said hurriedly as he saw Mateo’s throat working hard to swallow the flood of saliva in his mouth. Once again, he knelt on the floor, and held the bucket under Mateo’s chin. With his other hand, he rubbed circles on his boyfriend’s back.
Mateo let his hand fall away. He breathed heavily over the bucket, waiting for the inevitable. A string of spit fell from his lips which he spat away. A wet belch burbled up his throat, with a gag as its tail. He gagged once emptily, but the second heave proved fruitful. A thin stream of pale vomit landed in the bucket with a sickening splash as his stomach lurched. His shoulder rolled forward, but Shawn was there to keep him steady.
Shawn looked away to grimace, but he kept patting his boyfriend’s back. “You’re doing good. That’s it, babe.”
Mateo didn’t feel like he was doing good. He felt like he was doing very terrible actually. He heaved again, this time bringing up a smaller wave of sick. After three hours of intermittent vomiting, his stomach was finally starting to feel empty. And Mateo hated it. It hurt like hell as a dry retch seized his chest.
When his stomach began to settle, Mateo groaned and clutched his chest. “God, that hurts.”
“I thought you might be at this stage,” Shawn said, as he brought the bucket of sick to the bathroom. Mateo listened while Shawn dumped the contents of the basin into the toilet. He heard the shower running for a few seconds, then the toilet flush. Thirty seconds later, Shawn emerged with a spotless bucket ready for the next round. “I brought some soup in case you wanted to try eating something.”
Mateo simply moaned and buried his face in the couch cushions. “You’re trying to kill me.”
Shawn chuckled as he returned to the living room with a blanket in his hands. “No, just trying to make it hurt less.” He put the bucket on the floor by Mateo’s head, and stood over him with the blanket spread open. “Are you comfy here?”
Mateo nodded, and a second later he was engulfed by the blanket. He shivered and was going to ask for another cover, but he knew what Shawn would say.
“Try to get some sleep,” Shawn whispered as he tucked the blanket behind Mateo’s back.
The world slowed down for the first time since Mateo had woken up. The room stopped spinning, and everything felt much safer. When he closed his eyes, the softest kiss landed on his head. Still with his eyes closed, he smiled weakly. “I love you,” he mumbled as he drifted deeper into sleep.
Shawn stopped moving all of a sudden. The biggest grin spread across his face and warmth flooded his body. He put his hand over his mouth in an unnecessary attempt to hide his joy. “I love you too,” he said softly.
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