#but bc their parents can't stand the thought of them being together
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Childhood Bsf Soap! Who hates leaving you even before you start dating. He worries about you 24/7 while he's on a mission even if he knows you can take care of yourself.
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who can't help but feel like you're already family. You're at his parents house every holiday get together and you're friends with all his cousins and siblings. You're his plus one to every wedding. It'd be so easy for you to take his last name.
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who convinces you to move in with him. He says it's cost efficient but really it's because he can't stand being away from you more than he has to. He loves coming home to you just lounging or cooking bc it makes him feel like you're his little wife waiting for him to come home ☹️ he just wants someone to hold him when it's over. It also doesn't hurt that he gets to see you prance around with wet hair in just a t shirt (no bra 😏) and panties bc you hate the feelings of pants on your freshly moisturized legs.
This doesn't help the problem Childhood Bsf Soap! has of talking about you to his team like you've been married to him for years. Calls you his lass, the missus, his lady. "Can't make it to the bar tonight, the missus has been looking forward to this new movie so I'm gonna take my lass to see it." The first time he complained about your new partner his teammates were stunned bc this whole time they thought you were his gf/wife. Soap likes the idea of people assuming you 2 are a couple.
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who has never liked any of your past partners and always made it very well known bc this boy can't hide his emotions. If he has to be around the person you're talking to romantically he's constantly like this 😡 in the corner literally POUTING. He'll even go as far as trying to convince you to break up with them for something. "They didn't even know your favorite childhood cartoon! They obviously don't care about getting to know you on a deeper level maybe you should end it now 😁"
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who already knows your relationship preferences and love languages. When he finally decides he's had enough of the just friends thing he takes full advantage of the years he's spent listening to you rant about love and ramble about your dream partner. All of the sudden he's hitting you with all the aspects you want in a partner and it's not an opportunity any sane person could pass up.
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who traps you in the bedroom the night before a mission. He got the call just after lunch and you haven't left the bed since. Hours later, his head is on your chest and you're lazily stroking his mohawk and watching some cooking show on the tv. He stays buried in you all night even after he goes soft just to be as close to you as possible before he has to leave. He's praying he's allowed to come back to you again this time.
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Umh 2nd ever time doing something like this 😬not as proud of this one bc I don't read much about Soap personally but I figured I started with Gaz so I might as well do another underated one. Soap needs some love too fr 💕 I really don't know what I'm doing y'all 😔😭
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I'm obsessive over my Constantine Jr Au (which still needs a fic name for, I'm open to suggestions) because
this is a cranky danny. he's spent years fighting with no end in sight, with parents who he can't trust and his only companions never truly understanding what he's going through.
he vapes CBD for the pain he's constantly in. he drank alco/hol once to help him sleep, but his parents smelt it on his breath and, just like with their research, took that to believe EVERYTHING they'd ever suspected about danny to be true: that he drinks, he does dru/gs, he's in a gang. the only thing they've never suspected their son of--being a ghost--is the one thing he actually does.
then, right on the cusp of eighteen and freedom, he gets outed. AND transformed into a seven-year-old.
this is not a danny who is willing to play at being a child. and if anyone tries to, they're in for a foul time.
Danny was 17, transformed into a 7 year old and hides in Bludhaven, and is 8 when the police finally figure out that, hey, this weird kid who keeps altering us to crime scenes is usually right on the money about who the killer is, we should investigate that. Officer Grayson is on the case!
And discovers that he absolutely can't STAND this kid.
He thought he liked kids! Everyone thought he liked kids! but this kid...
This isn't called the Constantine Jr AU because Danny is a supernatural detective, or because Danny might be Constantine's kid. Its because Danny is an unrepentant little bas/tard and he makes it everyone's problem.
Danny vapes and blows bubblegum smoke in Grayson's face.
He takes out a flask and Grayson's grabs it, learning its full of orange juice. Danny then takes out a second flask, this one with vod/ka.
He wears a trenchcoat he found in the trash (the same trenchcoat Nightwing wears in DC vs Vampires, if you know you know) but the end and the sleeves are cut off for his hands and legs. the pockets are roughly around his knees.
Grayson is desperate to figure out more about this kid, but he doesn't go to batman because, time-line wise, this is right before red hood starts running around. Jason is dead/alive-in-hiding, Tim is Robin, and Dick is mad about it. (ages-- Bruce: ? Nightwing: 24 Jason: 19 Tim: 15 Danny: 8 Damien: 7-8)
he doesn't really bond with the kid until they're both kidnapped by a gang for hostages, and Danny's big kid emotions get a hold of him (he thought he could escape them bc he's an adult, he's gone through worse, but nope! child brain chemistry). Grayson is worried that he's hurt and in pain, but Danny confesses that he's always in pain. he has nerve damage all over his body, and the only thing he really trusts is CBD. He feels like shit for taking his juul away, but more importantly, because he's been treating Danny like a irritant and just a little kid.
they get rescued and Grayson tries to take him back to his home, but Danny reveals he's homeless, saying something like "I sleep where it suits me, just drop me off whereever."
Absolutely not, Grayson is taking kid back to his place for a bed, food, and a shower, in whatever order the kid wants.
Danny stays semi-perminantly at his apartment, but Nightwing tries not to push it, because this kid practically screams flight risk. unfortunately, the paparazzi have nothing better to do and snap a pick of Grayson and Danny getting dinner together, speculating that Dick's taken after Bruce
Danny doesn't care too much; I think his ghost form is the same, if glitchy, so his parents don't know about the deaging. Grayson is mildly panicking, but its not like he HASN'T been considering adopting the evil troglodyte. Even Bruce, Tim, and Alfred aren't the problem.
No, the problem is the Red Hood, a crime boss who just cut 8 people's heads off, seeing what looks like Nightwing pulling an innocent kid into the neverending fight against crime and Seeing Green.
Edit: Had to censor sh!t because ths wasn't showing up in the tags
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takenbypeter · 8 months
Hey! Jumped on the Wonka train since yesterday and had two thumbs up! Can I request a Wonka x single mom reader where during the course of the movie they’ve built up a bit of a flirtation/relationship and he bonds with her kid (s) bc of course they love the magician with chocolate who makes their mama smile. Specifically I’m looking for like a scene towards the end of the movie or post-canon where he expresses interest in adopting her kid (or kids) and of course marriage so they can all be one real happy family together. Sorry if that description’s a lot
Beginnings of a New Dream
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 1780
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Ahhh this one is so bad 🙈 I tried with this one but honestly I hate it, Idk I think it's cause I can't relate to parent fics so I just suck at them but still I wanna thank you for requesting
“Where is he?” You said to yourself, as you turned around in search of the young child. You’ve left him alone only for one second and now, poof, he’s nowhere in sight. 
Your eyes scanned your surroundings quickly until it spotted a familiar tiny figure standing upright among the white snow and you wasted no time to catch up. 
“There you are,” you breathed out, worried tone evident in your voice, “I told you to stay put,” you reminded, before noticing the stranger who was with him. 
The unknown man was wearing a tattered overcoat, along with a worn out top hat. His outfit was very…unusual, to say the least. And he was quite handsome.
But what concerned you the most, was his outstretched hand which held a small piece of wrapped candy. 
You glanced at your son who was already chewing on what you could assume was a different piece, then back at the stranger who instantly understands how bad this looks. 
“I’m sorry, I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Willy Wonka and I’m a chocolatier hoping to open my own shop very soon.”
“Mommy he can do magic!” Shouted your son.
“Oh he can now, can he?”
Willy Wonka. You’ve heard that name around town a few times, but this is the first you’ve seen of the man. 
He held out a hand to which you firmly shook, “well Willy Wonka, surely you, being a stranger and all, understand why I find it odd you’re giving candy to my son, knowing how dangerous it is for children to talk to, no less take candy from a stranger.”
“Ahem,” he let out an awkward cough as he retracted his hand. “I do apologize. It wasn’t my intention to cause fret. The little guy looked lost so my only intent was to keep him safe and occupied, honest.”
You squinted slightly unsure of the man. He stood arms up and opened in an innocent manner. His eyes were big with his thick eyebrows angled upwards at the middle before curving down. He did seem to be of no harm, and he did keep your son safe. 
You let out a relaxed sigh, “it’s alright, it’s my fault anyway, I should’ve kept an eye on my son. Thank you for keeping him safe.”
Wonka’s shoulders dropped and his facial muscles relaxed at your pardon. 
You reached down holding your child close, “we’ll leave you be. Thanks again.” 
“Wait,” his voice rang out, catching you before you departed. “Would you like to try a piece?” He held out the same small piece of chocolate from earlier in his palm upwards towards you. 
You’re just about ready to decline the offer but again he speaks out, “it would really be helpful to have a mature opinion on this chocolate.”
You nodded caving in because honestly, who were you to deny free chocolate, your mind thought showing you to be just as gullible as a child. Taking the sweet treat, you pop it past your lips.
 Immediately a rich flavor overtakes your mouth and as you bite into it, a milky chocolate filling spreads around. 
It was quite good. 
“Mmm,” you nodded towards the man, “oh you are going to go far with this chocolate Mr.Wonka.”
“Thank you. Your words mean much to me,” he said genuinely, and you let out a chuckle, “you’re welcome Mr.Wonka,” you say, as you turn around, hand in hand with your son.
Willy watches you fade from view with a prominent smile on his lips, because although he knew his business would do well, with the justification of your words he felt he was on the right path. 
And honestly he hoped to meet you on this path again. 
Days passed until you met the self proclaimed chocolatier again. 
You had been traveling, hand clasped with your sons, when you spotted Mr.Wonka’s pop up store in the center of town. Initially wanting to pass the store along with the small crowd surrounding it, your plans are thwarted when your son pulls you towards it.
“It’s Mr.Wonka!” Shouted your son as he pointed towards the herd, “alright, alright we’ll just stop by.” He runs, his little feet taking him as fast as he can while dragging your body along.
“Mr.Wonka! Mr.Wonka!” Shouts your son as he rushes to the front with you following close behind. 
Willy’s eyes widened in recognition, “well hey there, little guy, back so soon?” He asks, prompting your son.
You watch, looking on as the chocolatier chats with your child. They go back and forth creating small talk, before Wonka pulls out one tiny piece of chocolate, He waves his hands around and the crowd watches as he turns one piece into two right in front of their eyes. 
“Woah, do it again!” Clapped your boy in amazement, and truthfully you felt the same way. 
He performs the trick once more and again your son laughs as Wonka gives him one of the pieces before turning to you and handing you the other piece. 
“You are surprisingly well with children.”
He shrugs, at the comment, “it helps when you have such a sweet child…who has such a pleasant mother.”
He tips his hat while all you can do is chuckle trying not to look too moved by the man’s remark. 
“Thank you Mr.Wonka.”
“Please, call me Willy,” he adds and you nod while he returns his attention to other customers.
That Willy Wonka, what a charmer he was.
The week goes by before you run into the young man again, however, this time you were alone. 
“Willy!” You announced, trying not to sound too excited when you saw the chocolatier, who was walking along the street with a young lady. (You soon learned her name to be Noodle.)
You exchange greetings while Noodle makes her exit leaving you be. 
“What are you doing all alone? Where is the little one?” He asks, glancing around. “Oh I had to run some errands today so I had a friend watch him for me.”
Willy shares a soft smile, “he really is a brilliant kid, with a brilliant mother of course.”
“You flatter me Mr.Wonka.”
“Willy,” he reminds.
“Willy,” you repeat, sharing a look together before he blinks readjusting his focus. 
“Oh!” His eyes enlarge as he reaches behind him into his battered briefcase, “I had something made for the little guy, and for, ahem, the mister back home,” he holds out a small jar of candies to which you take grateful. 
“Please, there’s nothing of the sort, just me and the kiddo.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright. It’s been that way for a while, it’s sort of the only way we know.” 
Willy shares a look with you, one unlike the look of pity most give when they hear your story, it was more of admiration? Respect? Either way, you thank him for thinking of you and as you do so, you hear a siren noise nearing before the chief of police arrives. 
He steps out of his vehicle and Willy turns to you, “I think you should go. Now. I’ll talk to you soon,” he says and you nod in understanding leaving the scene as the chief of police nears. 
That’s how your time gets spent whenever you spot the man; your son talks with him, you talk with him, Willy performs a magic trick. You try to buy some candy, Willy refuses and instead gives it to you for free and then you’re on your way. 
“Willy! Willy! Look, my tooth is missing!” Your son yelled running up to Willy. 
“Oh wow, that is outstanding! But you know what I heard?” Willy lowers himself to your son’s level, hushing his voice. 
“I heard this year, the tooth fairy started leaving candy underneath the pillows, for all the good boys and girls.”
Willy looks up in your direction shooting you a quick wink. 
Your son turns to you with a smile from ear to ear present on his face as you nod confirming his curiosities. 
Mirroring his grin you watch on as Willy and your son continue in conversation. You’ve grown to the sight of them both, chatting and laughing. It was a very lovable sight. 
 That’s how it went, your meetings together.
And with each meeting you found yourself drawing closer and closer to the man, staying longer and longer on your visits.
The last time you saw Willy was at his opening for the factory, when everything went south. People rioted and burned his shop down and in the craziness you grabbed your son and ran putting his safety first. 
After that you didn’t hear from Willy. 
That is until today. You weren’t there when all the mess went down. When Willy and his team practically outsmarted the Chocolate Cartel, having them arrested. 
But you made sure to be there for Willy Wonka’s new opening of his shop. 
You stood in the crowd, your hand clutching your sons as the people gathered around trying the various sweets and treats. 
Walking around taking in all the beautiful colors and lights you stop at a wall full of jellybeans and gumdrops. And giving your son permission to collect some, you stand a short distance keeping an eye on him. 
“You made it,” said a voice as a figure emerged beside you. You smiled at Willy who was positioned just as you were towards the colorful wall. 
“Of course I did. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
You watch for a moment as your son collects snacks, putting them into a bag that was provided. You were so occupied with him that you hadn't realized Willy was holding out one of his own creations for you.
“A chocolate flower for the lady.”
“It doesn’t have any yeti sweat does it?” You asked, eyebrow raised. You were lucky enough that you hadn’t managed to eat any of the poisoned chocolate last time.
“No, no yeti sweat.”
Beaming you take it and happily munch on it. 
“So this place…is it everything you’ve dreamed of.”
He glances around taking it all in. The smiles on peoples faces, the way they’re in full enjoyment, but then his gaze returns to yours, “yes it is. But it’s strange.”
You tilt your head silently, allowing him to continue his thought as he turns his attention back to your son then you again. “I think…I think I have a new dream now.”
“Oh yeah? What’s your new dream?”
Willy’s eyes lock onto yours. 
There are no words shared between you two but somehow you seem to understand what he means.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hi! Love your work could you write a gavi × reader where reader is on vacation in Spain and gavi sees her from afar and he can't stop looking at reader like live at first sight and his friends see him watching you and tell him to make a move and he does and his friends tease him bc he finally found someone
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Celebration fic for the 1K followers✨
Vacations with Love at First Sight -P.G6
Summary: At vacations the last thing you both thought was falling in love.
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You were in delight when you got your vacations after studying so hard for five months and two weeks straight, Uni was kicking your calm, patience and sleep hours and now you were done, you were finally getting them back for another two weeks. And it may not be the whole time you'd like but it was what you get and you were going to take the best of it.
You and your friends wanted and decided (After a lot of begging to your parents), that you were going to spend the two vacations week in Ibiza, you have rented the house you were staying in for, you have the food, the restaurants, everything.
And now after three days of being there already, you were loving the idea of coming next summer to Ibiza, the place was so nice and quiet enough to reload your batteries and have a great time with your girls.
What you didn't know was that you had a little admirer looking at you three tables away.
Pablo Gavi, who was also in Ibiza with his friends after a hardworking season with the Barcelona and the National Team, had his eyes on you since the moment you walked through the door with a smile on your face.
"Would you stop looking like a creep?" Adbe, one of Pablo's friends said
"I'm not a creep"
"Please, you have been looking at the girl ever since she came here" Javi joined besides him as Pablo gave him a look "You're not even trying to hide anything" Pablo rolled his eyes as his friends laughed lightly "She's pretty"
"Yes, she is" Aurora nodded agreeing with her boyfriend
"C'mon, Pablito" Fermín smiled at his friend "Go talk to her"
"She's pretty but I don't like her. I can't distract myself with girls, I need to focus for the next season. Besides, she's with her friends, she won't pay attention to me or will just think I'm stupid"
"She won't" Aurora replied "You obviously like her, season is over now, you can relax yourself and have a great time Pablo. Girls won't distract you from anything"
"I won't go"
"Fine. I'll go"
"Aurora, what are you doing?"
"Making friends" And that's how the seven guys watched how Aurora walked over to your table and a few seconds later, you stood up grabbing a chair from the empty table besides you and invited her to sit, which she gladly did
"Oh fuck" Carlos said laughing "Your sister's amazing"
The guys were laughing while Pablo was shaking his head softly looking at you, wondering how easy was for his sister to engage a conversation, he couldn't believe it.
"Aurora's calling me" Javi said standing up
"You're leaving?"
"My girl calls" The guys laughed before Aurora appeared
"The girls are okay with you sitting with them, if you'd like"
"This is your chance, Pablito" Mario said smiling and standing up "It's okay to have someone, you know?"
"Yes, Pablo" Fermín nodded "Stop with those things going on your head, be free and happy"
Pablo sighed watching his friends go around your table, watched how you got two tables together for all of you and slowly let himself stand and walk towards you.
"Hello" He tight smiled and inmediately he was received with your smile and a wave "Where can I sit?"
"There's a seat next to Y/N" Javi said inmediately and it was as if he knew who you were, his eyes went to yours and you smiled moving your chair to the side leaving a seat free for him.
He instantly went to sit next to you with his nerves at the top of his head and actions
"Hello" He heard your voice and instantly fell in love with it, he smiled at you "Y/N Y/L/N" You stuck your hand out and he shook it
"Pablo Gavi" He smiled
"You're Aurora's brother, right?" He nods
"Sorry if she came out a bit too much" You shake your head
"She's lovely"
And that was the start of a conversation with Pablo. Both of you, hitting it off instantly, no one, not even your girl friends, dared to disrupt your conversation with the Sevillano.
"I'm gonna go and bring me another drink" You said standing up "Guys... You want a refill?"
A few "yes" came through the table as you picked their drinks
"I'll help you, girl" You best friend, Pamela said standing up
"Don't you worry, Pamela" Fermín said "Pablo can help her"
Looks were directed to Pablo "Yes, of course!" Pablo said standing up and helping you with the drinks.
You walked over and asked for the refill and as you waited, you and Pablo were in silence for the first time of the evening.
"Y/N" You heard your name being called and you turn to Pablo "What are you doing later?"
"Um- I don't know... Maybe later with the girls go to our room and watch some movie or go to the beach, why?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to go out?" He asked and you smile softly nodding
"Sure, where are we going? Are the guys coming as well?"
"I meant just you and me" Pablo said nodding while pointing to him and you
"Oh! Yes, of course!" Your nods and smile calmed him down "Where are we going?"
"Wherever you want to" You laugh nodding
"What time?"
"Does 5pm sound good?" You nod "Perfect. Make yourself prettier than you already are"
"You think I'm pretty?"
"I don't think you are pretty. You are pretty, I'm just lucky to see it"
"You're a charming one, Pablo" He smiled feeling the blush come to his cheeks "And a very shy one as well"
"Ay, cállate" (Oh, shut up) You laughed carefree as you were being watched by Javi, Aurora, Mario and Fermín
"Told you he was gonna do it" Mario said happily
"I'm happy for him" Fermín said
"So are we" Javi replied for him and for his sister. You came back with the drinks and instead of sitting, you remained up
"Seat's free to sit" One of your friends, Melisa joked as you laughed lightly
"I know it is but we won't sit right now"
"We are going on a walk" Pablo answered smiling softly "I'll bring her back before 9pm"
"You better" Your best friend, Pamela said with a smile "Take care guys"
With a smile, Javi opened his phone and went inside their group chat "Distracted already?🥴 You left your glasses"
And with that text a lot of teasing came through to the poor Sevillano, who couldn't care less about his phone at the moment, he was happy he followed his friends advice.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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I saw your requests were open and I came RUNNING! I’m the one who always requests dad!tan but I have a different one this time (barely) cause I’m thinking of like dad!pietro. Would love some HCs or a short fic, whatever you want honey. Love you and your writing!!
hii!! omg it’s you!! ofc angel, love you and hope you’re well💌
— I feel like he's a boy dad (but maybe has 3 kids? twins - boy and girl age 5 or 6?? (can't help myself) and another little boy, like 2???? idk, not completely sure?? or just one kid?? no idea where I stand on the amount tbh lol)
— (might be stereotypical dad stuff but bc it's pietro it works) loves being able to do sporty things with the oldest boy. throwing balls in the garden, taking him to sports events, watching him at school games, taking him to practice - all that kind of stuff. he might be slightly disappointed if his son isn't into sports stuff, but he won't push it or make him feel bad about it
— the twins love to hold onto him as he speeds around
— he's a fun dad but he's not careless
— he wishes he had more time with his parents and often wishes they were around so they could meet his family. big, large families are a part of his culture (I think??? like an eastern european thing??) so he often feels like he's missing out and not able to continue traditions
— (im letting wanda have her boys and vision bc im not cruel) and bc pietro and wanda are orphans, they make conscious efforts to spend lots of time together - family is very important to them both. so they like to have game nights, sunday dinners, sleepovers for the kids, days out with both their families. they want their kids to be close cousins and do tonnes of fun stuff together
— the kids love his breakfasts bc he always does so much and makes it playful
— getting the kids ready for school is fun bc he's so fast and makes games out of it
— the kids love inviting their friends over so they can show off pietro. he secretly loves how cool they think he is. "your dad is so cool. wish mine was like that" he just loves it (even if it is the thought of a 5yr old with no real ability to think for themselves)
— very good at being a dad. it's like a natural instinct to him. he's like a fun uncle but with the responsibilities of a dad
— very active with the kids. always doing something sporty/ doing something outside
— love the idea of him in pjs in the morning and one kid is just hanging off him while he’s telling another what to do/ helping with homework, and feeding the youngest
— has dad facial hair scruff (🫠)
— when you come home and pietro had the day with the kids, they’d be sleeping on him on the sofa. both kids tucked into his side, little baby on his chest and the tv is playing cartoons. it’ll be your new lock screen
— he teaches the kids sokovian, and uses terms of endearment/ everyday words in his home language so the kids pick up on it. and more importantly use it
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alexxncl · 5 months
masterlist | all lessons | season 2 | lesson 37 | lesson 39
normal and hard spoilers
enraged and pleading being the lesson opener...
is lucifer putting aside his pride for the sake of his brothers?
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my heart can't take this
lucifer never begs. the fact that he's so lost in his rage, his confusion, his grief, this is why satan was born the way he is. lucifer losing control of himself to the point that he puts aside his dignity, his pride, using his power to this extent is something i thought i'd never get to see. and the fact that it's all for his brothers makes it that much more painful
he was fine being bound by chains when it was just him, when everyone else was safe, when he was punished for his actions and endangering and ruining the lives of the ones he loved. as long as his family is safe, he doesn't care what happens to himself. then he saw simeon, luke, mc, mammon, and couldn't reign in his emotions. he couldn't stand the thought of the people he cared about the most suffering because of what he'd done, because of his arrogance and insistence and prideful nature, so much so that his anger at himself, at his father, overrided any sense of pride he had left
he's scared, not for himself, but for his family. he uses his anger to mask his fear, but now the two are blended together so intricately that he can't differentiate the two and is losing himself, hurting the people he wants to protect
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another instance of him putting aside his pride. lucifer had been just as insecure about his position at diavolo's side as mephisto had. diavolo saw him at his worst, at his weakest, and devoted himself to diavolo for the sake of his family. he put aside his pride, took on the mantle of what he perceived to be a trophy for the person that saved his life, his brothers' lives, and his sister's life
but the thoughts lingering in the back of his mind blinded him of the fact that diavolo didn't only take pity on him, but he understood and empathize with him, he cares about lucifer more than their fathers ever cared about either of them
diavolo AND lucifer at full power ??? i'd be surprised if the entire underworld didn't collapse in on itself. and if that happens, another war is gonna break out, but this time, it'll be between the celestial realm and the devildom bc they're destroying celestial realm property
if an all out war did happen, i wonder if simeon, raphael, and maybe even luke would all take the devildom's side. they've seen firsthand the evil the celestial realm is capable of, and they probably wouldnt want to be a part of it
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if lucifer cries i might ACTUALLY lose my mind
the only reason he lost control of himself was because he thought he had nothing left to fight for, nothing left to lose, and he didn't care if he died in the process since he didn't have anything or anyone left to live for. but seeing his brothers brought him back to his senses. he lives for them, because of them, and would do anything to keep them from danger, even if the danger is him himself
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speechless. no words. i just thought i should add this
diavolo KNEELING ???? my god
satan 🥺
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my guesses are as good as theirs, honestly. i don't think michael would do something this terrible to his most beloved brother, even after lucifer's betrayal of the realm and refusal. he sent luke and simeon down to check on lucifer for fuck's sake, and he went down himself disguised as raphael to make sure lucifer was ok. to see is he really was happy
maybe it was their father? but the whole forgiveness thing throws that out of the window for me. and it couldn't have been the demon king himself since he's in a deep sleep, and there's no way diavolo wouldn't at least feel if his father had woken up. maybe it was someone from the house of lords? mephisto's parents or grandparents?
it's tricky to pinpoint who the celestial realm would agree, though...
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THE BROTHERS EVER i love them all sm
i feel like they woke up in age order, minus lucifer obviously. mammon woke up first and watched over all of them, making sure they were okay, and he probaboy came up with the idea to go to lucifer's room when everyone was awake and well. levi woke up second and was trying to distract himself with his games or his manga or something, but couldn't bring himself to leave until he knew all of them were safe
so on and so forth, but i can't figure out if i wanna believe satan or belphie woke up last. technically, satan's the youngest, but belphie's the weakest. satan was also the first to fall victim to cocytus and was stuck in its depths for the longest, but belphie arguably went through the most emotional distress because of what happened to beel. maybe they woke up at the same time?
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incoherent screeching and sobbing noises
i feel like lucifer saying "no matter where you may be, no matter how far away" is only gonna make it harder for them to leave. and it's only gonna hurt the brothers more once they realize they'll (most likely) never see mc again. not in this lifetime, not in this timeline, not unless barbatos wills it
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so it wasn't god that was the celestial realm representative...who was it then?
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lolitakirstein · 7 months
Hey Neighbor
(Previous Chapter)
a/n this one if young megumi heavy sorry
Part 3
Fun for Megumi turned out to be more exhausting than you imagined. The afternoon was spent mostly outdoors. Hide and seek, tossing a Frisbee, and even walking down to the small lake at the end of your street to feed the ducks. Now, sitting under the tree, the sun descending Megumi seems to be slowly losing his energy. Much to your delight. You didn’t know how 2 parents were able to keep up with a child, much less how a single father like Toji could. Which made you curious…where is his mother? Is she still involved? Are she and Toji still together? You don’t remember any mention of another woman either from him, Megumi, or even when your grandmother mentioned him. It was always just Toji and Megumi. As much as you wanted to ask, you knew it wasn’t your business. You don’t really know them. But it didn’t keep you from wondering.
Now, Megs sat up next to you, lazily swishing a cat toy back and forth while Mewsy chased it, your arms casually cradling him against your side.
'`Is your grandmother not coming back?” he softly says. You’re shocked by the question. You didn’t even know he was aware of her not being there.
“No,” you choke out. “No she’s…not coming back.” you didn’t know how to answer it. How do you talk to a child about death…a child that isn’t even your own? It wasn’t your place, so you kept it as ambiguous as possible.
“Oh,” he says, almost sad. “I liked her. She made good food.”
You stroke his dark hair, smiling. “Yes, she did. You know she might have left some recipes behind. I could try to make whatever you liked?”
“Chocolate cake!” he quickly answers.
“I’m sure i can find that for you,” you laugh.
“She let me help her make it one day when I was hiding at her house while dad was gone. She let me lick the spoon but promised not to tell him,” he whispers.
Hiding? Was he serious?
“What do you mean hiding? And where had your dad gone?” you ask, casually.
“His work. He took me over to Miss. Ruth's house and told her I needed to hide out there and not to leave the house til he got back.”
You can't remember ever hearing your grandmother mention Megumi staying at her house. “Who were you hiding from?” He shrugs, “Bad guy. That’s what daddy says.”
You stay silent. Is this factual? Or just the wild imagination of a kid? How could you even approach Toji about it–about something that isn’t even your business. But bad guys? And what did your grandmother think about this?
“I’m hungry can we make dino nuggies,” megumi stands up, shaking you from your thoughts.
You both walk back into the house, using the key Toji provided to unlock the front door. The house is simple, clean, almost like no one lived there, except for the various toys scattered in the living room and a few dishes in the sink.
Once the food is cooked you both sit on the living room floor, the tv showing cartoons, a pile of crispy chicken nuggets on a plate between the two of you. You hated to admit how fun this was. You never thought of yourself as a motherly person, but you were easily becoming attached to Megumi.
Your phone pings with an incoming text
Toji: Has he driven you crazy yet?
You smile before replying
You: Plz, he’s an absolute angel.
Toji: Lol, only bc he’s got a crush.
You blush, unsure how to respond.
Toji: I’ll be home in about an hour.
After finishing dinner and sneaking Megs a cookie from the cabinet, the two of you curl up on the couch underneath a blanket. A movie plays on the tv but his eyes are slowly closing as he curls up against your side. It's a comforting weight, his little body, you can’t help but feel your heart warm, your eyes also struggling to stay open…
You feel a warm hand on your shoulder, gently nudging you.
“Hey I’m home,” a soft voice says.
You finally register where you are, shooting your eyes open. Toji is leaning over the couch, hand still resting on your shoulder and Megumi is not next to you.
“Shit! Where’s—” you start to panic. “Relax, I already took him to his room, I’m sorry I'm so late..I got…busy,” he says hesitantly.
“God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” you apologize, earning a laugh from Toji
“I told you, he’s not an angel. He will tire you out.”
“No, he was great. We had a lot of fun.” You wanted to ask about what Megumi had mentioned earlier–the hiding, the bad guy, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Not right now anyway.
“I appreciate it,” he says. “Here.” He holds out a thick stack of twenties, a currency strap around it reading 300 dollars.
“Toji! No! This is entirely too much I really didn’t mind.” you say, shocked. Not even daring to touch that much money.
“I insist.” He waves it in front of you.
“No I refuse,” You stand up, heading to the door to put on your shoes. You knew babysitting could come with good cash but never THAT much and just for an afternoon, you’d feel too guilty taking that much from him. You attempt to change the subject. “Uhm he ate dinner and fell asleep not long after you texted. I didn’t let him nap or anything…”
You look up and see toji staring at you with a slightly annoyed expression for not accepting the money. “Uhm, I guess i’ll go–”
“Wait,” toji grasps your upper arm before you can open the door. His big strong hand sends heat down your spine. “Go tell him bye, before you leave.”
“Huh?” you ask confused.
“Go tell him that you are leaving and you'll see him later,” he says, softly. Almost pleading.
“Of course I’ll see him again. Let him sleep.”
“No,” toji shakes his head, his grasp still firm on your arm. “If he wakes up and sees you're suddenly gone and didn’t tell him bye he will freak out…just—please.”
Your heart breaks at the thought of Megumi being upset. In his room, you sit on the bed, his small body curled beneath the covers. You lean over and whisper, “Hey little man, I’m going home.”
He shifts under the covers, a small whine, “no stay.”
“I gotta go feed Mewsy,” you say. “She gets really grumpy if she’s not fed.”
Megumi sits up, rubbing the sleep out of his eye before embracing you. You hug him back, now hating that you did indeed have to go. You look at toji, leaning against the doorframe, a soft smile on his lip “I’ll see you later ok?”
He releases you and shakes his head before lying back down. Once you tuck him in, you pass by toji’s looming body by the doorway and walk to the front door. You pause not wanting to leave without asking your questions. Turning back around, Toji is standing behind you. How did you not hear him approaching? You jump back, a little startled at his silent approach.
“I–I should go,” you stammer but don’t move towards the door. Toji removes the stack of money from his pocket and reaches it forward, sliding it into your jacket pocket.
He’s so close you can smell his manly scent, arousal creeping into your veins.
“Thank you.” he whispers.
Before you can do something stupid, you whirl to the door and throw it open. Rushing down the steps without saying goodbye.
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luckybunny555 · 11 months
Secret admirer
You receive a strange gift and find out the identity of your secret admirer.
Amber Freeman x GN!/Fem!Reader(no pronouns but for sapphics)
Warnings: creepy behavior, stalking, cursing, usual Ghostface behavior, a little bit of trust issues, being "attacked" but not harmed, mentions of murder and violence(no big description tho), a little suggestive in the end(as a treat ;) )
a/n: Part 2. No bad ending, again. I mentioned a song at some point and if you don't listen to it while reading ur not getting the whole experience, disappointing. also, this one's a bit scarier than part one(at least in my opinion). I'm sorry if ur not actually a scared little bitch like I am, but I made the readed very scared because yes. I didn't proof-read the end bc I used every single brain cell I have to finish this today. I might read it later but no promises.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Because you were texting Amber, you didn't worry about walking home alone. The sun was setting, but you were reaching the front door already.
I can't believe you fell for that
Mindy had a straight face when
she said that
I thought she just remembered
the movie better than me
I literally made you watch it a
hundread times
how could you not remember
also, lmk when you get home
what did u expect
I also closed my eyes a hundread
times bc I got scared
I'm already unlocking the door
ok good
told u you'd be safe with me
You felt a warm feeling in your chest, stupidly staring at her message. The smile on your face was an evident sign of how whipped you were for her. Stepping into your home, you lock the door again, not taking your eyes off your phone.
I'm throwing a party saturday
My parents will be out, they
got a wedding or smth
ur coming, right?
Your smile grew. "Mom?" you shouted, your voice echoing through the empty house. You finally looked away from your phone, scanning the space around you. The house seemed empty, which was unusual. By that time, your mom should be home. All you could hear was faint music, which your mom probably forgot to turn off before she left the house. You walked towards the kitchen, answering Amber's text.
ofc, I never miss ur parties
You've missed 3 of my parties
ok true, but it wasn't on purpose
I don't have plans this saturday
You find a note on the fridge, "Meeting w/ client @ 5pm". Right. That's where your mom was. You place your phone on the counter, opening the fridge and looking for something to eat. Your phone vibrates again, another notification from Amber
brb, I'm gonna shower
You read the text from afar, still standing in front of the refrigerator. Grabbing a few ingredients, you place them on the counter, turning off your phone screen. More attuned to your surroundings, you recognize the song playing in the background. "We Belong Together" by Ritchie Valens. You didn't remember where you heard it, though. It was just familiar. And nice to listen to while you cook.
Focused on preparing your food, you're startled by the doorbell. You look at the door with your heart already racing. It was a mundane situation, but does anything feel normal when there's a masked killer around?
Slowly, you approach the door. But instead of opening, you look through the window beside it. No one was there. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, but you try to brush it off. "These fucking kids," you mutter to yourself, walking back to the kitchen.
I'm so stupid lol
Some dumb kid just ding-dong
ditched me and I got so scared
Not so long after, you hear the doorbell ring again. You try to convince yourself it's just a stupid prank. A terrible one to play when Ghostface is a threat, but kids are like that, right? This time, you quickly approach the door, determined to catch the person, opening it even though your hands are shaking.
Still, no one is there. But you find something. There's a box on the floor, with a pink bow on top and a note. "Sorry for scaring you :(". You hesitate, but take the box and lock the door again. You put it on the counter, unsure whether or not you should open it. Could it be from that admirer? Or was it from someone else? Before opening it, you decide to get a second opinion.
they left a box at my door
there's a note, "sorry for scaring
should I open it?
I think it's from that stalker, but
You wait a few seconds, but she doesn't read your texts. Maybe you should wait longer, but you're curious. It could be great, it could be horrible. Either way, you wanted to know. Maybe your mind was just being dramatic and this was actually a genuine apology gift. You shake the box, trying to make out what it could be, but it doesn't make a lot of noise. Must be something soft and light.
With your hands slightly trembling, you open it. It takes you a split second to understand it, but once you recognize it, you bring your hand to cover your mouth, your breath catching in your throat. Your favorite stuffed animal, one from your collection, with its head cut off. Beside it, another note. "Why didn't you write me back? >:("
Your head was filled with questions, "did they break into my house?", "how did they get it?", "are they still around?". Your phone rings, snapping you out of your momentary trance. It's Amber's number. She probably read your texts and her protective instinct kicked in. Your right hand was still covering your mouth as you reached for your phone. "Amber?"
"Hello, [name]," you don't recognize the voice. It wasn't Amber's, it was a male voice. And then it hits you: Amber's phone was cloned. By Ghostface. At that realization, you gasp, feeling your heart pounding as if it's trying to escape your chest. "Did you like my gift? And my sweet letters?"
You're too shocked to answer. Frozen in place, your only movements are involuntary. The trembling of your hands, the rise and fall of your chest, the accelerated breathing and heartbeats. An uncontrollable fear takes over you. Your eyes are glued to the torn out toy in front of you.
"Will you forgive me for loving you so much that I'm willing to protect you from everything… and everyone?" They speak again, and you slowly remove your hand from your face, supporting your weight against the counter, feeling weak in the knees.
An ounce of rationality is still left in you, despite the terrifying situation you find yourself in. "Where are you?" You ask with your voice shaking, a satisfying sound for Ghostface.
"Don't worry, I'm not inside... yet," the implied threat makes you shut your eyes instinctively, wishing that everything would disappear. But it isn't the brightest idea, so you open them again and look around, trying to stay alert. "Let's play a game, I'll give you three chances to guess who I am. You have to play by the rules. No calling for help, and don't close your curtains. I need to see if you're playing fair."
The last sentence sends a shiver down your spine. They could see you. Your gaze shifts to the window, terrified to see what you'd find. But hopefully, or not, you only saw the sky turning dark. "No..." Your voice shakes again, and you try to hold back your tears of desperation, "I know better than to play games with you."
"Oh, you don't want to play?" They sound displeased, which fills you with dread. "Let's skip forward then, I'll show you who I am," they say impatiently, "Open the front door."
By that time, the tears were falling to your cheeks. Your pants and gasps were audible through the phone, and it felt like your heartbeats were too. You couldn't move, and you obviously didn't want to let them in, but maybe the choice was merely an illusion. Your cries become more evident through the phone.
"Open the damn door, [name], or I'll get in myself and I won't be as nice as I would be," the caller threatened, and you are completely taken over by fear, filling every fiber of your body.
"Please, don't hurt me," you sob, begging for mercy as you turn around, facing the door a few steps ahead of you. You slowly walk towards it, continuing to plead.
"That's not my plan, sweetheart," Ghostface replies on the phone, "as long as you do what I say."
Your hands never trembled as much as they did once they touched the doorhandle. With a deep, shaky exhale, you open the door, facing the terrifying tall frame, covered in black and hidden behind the Ghostface mask. You let out a whimper as more tears fell to your cheeks. You gasp once your eyes meet the shiny blade in their hand.
In a startling, quick move, you were trapped against the wall, with the knife pressed to your neck, and you drop your phone on the floor. Instinctively, you scream, but the gloved hand covers your mouth before you can make a sound loud enough to be heard. They close the door with their feet, the loud noise making you jump in place. You shut your eyes, not wanting to face them.
The two of you were silent for a moment, the faint music filling the eerie atmosphere along with your sobs and loud breaths, followed by Ghostface's amused chuckle. They slowly removed the hand from your mouth, allowing you to breathe more easily, and you open your eyes, scanning the view in front of you. You didn't make a sound, and you tried your best to steady your breaths as much as you could before you had a heart attack.
"I told you I wouldn't hurt you if you behaved," they break the silence, and amidst the turmoil in your mind, you question their intentions and reasons. What made you different to them? Why hadn't they attacked you immediately, like they did with Tara and Vince?
Well, for one, all their love letters and gifts. Somehow, you had Ghostface in love with you, and you just realized that. Two people in one. And now, you could figure out who they actually were.
"Curious?" They ask, noticing the expression on your face, how you bit your lip, making it seem like the wheels in your mind were turning. "Go on, turn it off," the command, tapping on the voice modifier from the mask with their free hand. Your sobs had momentarily ceased, but your hands were still shaking when you hesitantly reached to press the button. You hear a low chuckle behind the mask, "recognize me now?"
It took you a moment to believe it. To make sense of it. Your eyes widened, and the look on your face was clearly of shock. Subconsciously, your lips part slightly in disbelief. How could it be her? "Amber?" you whisper, your voice faltering with hesitancy. You earn a mischevous giggle from the girl in front of you.
Her free hand reaches up, taking off her mask and throwing it on the floor, once again making you jump at the noise. There's a wicked smile imprinted on her face, staining her image in your mind. Noticing your furrowed brows, her expression changes slightly to one of pity, or remorse.
She pouts, her gaze meeting yours with a sympathetic look, "Aw, baby, I'm sorry I had to scare you," her tone changes to a sickingly sweet, an implied mocking of your position and reaction. "I just find it so cute, y'know?"
You weren't expecting that to be her motive. Deep down, it was starting to make you angry at her. But this feeling was buried by the sensation of the cold blade against your neck. And she still had a lot of explaining to do.
"Remember the first time I made you watch Stab?" She asks you, her voice laced with amusement, and a smile growing on her face. "I mean, it' wasn't even such a scary movie, but you were so terrified," she laughs, and even in that terrible moment, you love the sound.
Imperceptibly, she placed a hand on your hip, keeping you in place and maintaining her control. She looks at you with a sweet, satisfied expression. "It was so adorable. I loved how scared you got," she confessed with such a natural, charismatic demeanor, as if she hadn't planned a whole terrifying scene, just for you.
“You were clinging to me and you wanted me to protect you so bad. And I realized, I wanted that too.” With a wide smile, she chuckles mischievously. Her eyes observe you attentively, taking in every detail, every subtle movement. She loved to see your tear-stained cheeks and glossy eyes. It was terrible, and she knew that, but didn't you look impossibly beautiful in that moment? "That night," she continues, her face getting closer to yours as her eyes find your parted lips, "you begged me to let you stay over and to sleep with me. It was fucking cute, seriously," her eyes meet yours again as she lets out a low chuckle. Even though you hated that moment, how scared you were, you still found the genuity in everything she was saying.
"I could barely sleep, because it felt so good to hold you close, and I really felt like I was protecting you, y’know?" Her tone escalates with passion, emphasizing the sincerity in her words. "From what? Nothing. But it was nice.”
It was infuriating to hear everything. To go through all that terror, just because... she liked it? Why would she go so far to scare you?
“But with time you got over it and you didn’t need me anymore. And I still wanted that. I wanted you to need me to protect you," she continues her monologue, a classic after villain reveals. It was really starting to feel like you were in a stupid slasher movie that she likes so much. "I needed some threat, something dangerous to scare you."
You finally find the courage to cut her off, "That's why you did all of this?" Your tone gave away how irritated you were, although still fearful, "Because you wanted me to feel like... I was in a fucking horror movie?" Your voice becomes slightly bolder, in spite of the risk. You couldn't believe her.
She feigns being offended, then exhales with a quiet chuckle. "Sweetheart, the threats were already there," she responds, her grip tightening in response to her growing intensity. "Like that Vince guy. Gosh, he was a weird fucking creep. And you were scared of him, I know that, but he could actually hurt you. And I would never let that happen," she continues to explain her twisted motives. "It couldn’t be anyone else, because I never wanted you to get hurt. I wouldn’t trust anyone else."
At that mention, you recall his murder. You were with your friends at that bar the night he was killed. You were worried about your safety. He was into Liv, and you could very well be his next target. Amber had noticed the way you held her hand in that moment, tightly with worry, but the threat was real, and she wanted to protect you. Which is exactly what she did. What better way to keep you safe than to eliminate the threat? That's how her mind worked.
The slightest hint of understanding was appearing in your expression. A hint that Amber didn't miss, ever so attentive. "Do you get it now?" she asks genuinely, as if everything she did was right. "It had to be me. Because I would never hurt you. Because other people would," her tone is so sweet and caring, you forget she is the one holding the knife to your neck.
Actually, it doesn't matter. She might be holding it, but it means nothing. The girl in front you could've killed you long ago, yet she was confessing everything she did for you, without drawing a single drop of your blood. She might as well be holding the blade against her heart, because the girl is crazy for you, quite literally. If you got hurt, by any means, it would break her. From the moment she fell for you, protecting you was a necessary act to protect herself.
With that understanding, the clarity of your realization, your anger gradually faded. Her elaborate, sick and twisted web had the purpose of protecting you. She was poisoned with love. Could you blame her for her whole performance? (You totally could)
But you didn't. For the same reason you answered your stalker's letters, and opened the gift box. For the same reason you let Amber convince you to watch Stab a thousand times, despite hating horror movies. Yes, you have terrible taste for lovers. But you love the thrill. With her, you'd have security, protection, a little bit of action and lots of excitement. It was a twisted game, but you knew in the end it was safe to play. Because she was completely, head over heels in love with you.
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
Checked out the last couple chapters of My Hero Academia bc i was curious how it ended
-I actually thought the chapter with Ochaco going to cry and Deku following her to comfort and telling her she's his hero and has been from the beginning and saying she's always put her needs before others but she deserves support too was EXTREMELY sweet. like awwww. such sweet kids. Especially when the whole class ran up to her and Tsuyu tackle hugged her what!!! i'm glad the manga still has that sweetness in it, despite all the other faults, I think it looks like it did carry through the importance of friendship and supporting each other here.
-Ochaco spearheading an effort to give kids counseling about their quirks and any mental health issues they might be having regarding them, expanding the hero role beyond just crime-fighting (with Momo and Tsuyu and Iida), is also actually incredibly sweet and in-character too. It's actually surprising to not see her get shafted, considering how incredibly shafted she was in the parts I watched
i can't believe Ochaco has a dead gf now (joking)
-did...did momo actually get a decent costume where she doesn't have to be walking fanservice in a way she's uncomfortable with at the literal last minute when we can't even fully see it?
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she-she did didn't she. She gets sexualized to hell and back as a teen when it's super unsettling and gets to wear a not stupid looking outfit as an adult when it would be less so. I mean I'm glad I guess but the fact Horikoshi just decided to do that in her last couple panels where it doesn't matter anymore really speaks to having your cake and eating it too huh
-I am shocked Ochaco and Deku don't seem to have gotten together in the end when horikoshi was setting her as a love interest so hard. Though it might be because it really seemed like the last chapter was leaving things open for a sequel (we'll never be free) or maybe Horikoshi didn't want to upset any shippers, wise of him. But it lets me imagine she hooked up with Tsuyu. or maybe both her and momo (i guess iida's there too) who knows.
-I guess Deku lost his quirk again during the battle and then All Might gives him tech the tech girl came up (with Bakugou sponsoring it. i guess that's fine. as his penance) that i guess gives him the advantages of a quirk so it doesn't matter actually. I mean I have been wondering why he and others never just got to use tech to compensate so i guess that's fine, but the sacrifice he apparently made was seemingly meaningless lmao
-I like that MHA was apparently wasted all this time with the villains backstory and how they could be redeemed and how society had failed them then apparently just killed ALL of them at the end? how completely pointless, it's actually extremely funny.
-"Kirishima is popular with the male demographic" yeah i bet he is.
-:/ all the short haired girls have longer hair as adults while everyone else looks largely the same. wow convenient.
-did endeavor die? wait let me check.sigh of course he's alive, but i it appears dabi beat him up so bad he can't stand up on his own (good 4 u dabi) and he's retired i guess that's something. Even dabi is dying slowly horikoshi really could not let a single villain survive lmao
-I do not know why Deku needed to tells that kid that his quirk of creating little flying saucer disks could absolutely be useful as hero if he trains like...obviously it would be? That's a pretty good power? but i guess it's a sweet callback, and I also like that he's a teacher, I think he would be good at that.
-my mind would likely change if I read the nonsense leading up to this. but it wasn't that bad as a final chapter overall, though weirdly low key. definitely comes off as being as ambiguous as possible for the sake of a sequel. at least it wasn't one where we have to follow the child characters who are conveniently carbon copies of their parents. I have closure now.
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sugar-omi · 5 months
no bc the breakup anon is giving me ideas. Like imagine that step 3 moment argument (the one with terri and miranda) was one of the many fights you and cove had (some wayy worse). Then one day you've had enough and dump his ass at the poppy field :(. I can totally imagine being on his knees, crying and barely getting his words out. "Please don't leave too," is what he's giving if ykwim. After all you were his first friend after his parents divorce. Very much a waterfall for the next 3 weeks. Doesn't go to the beach, pretzel stall, aquarium, he's too busy bawling his eyes. Cliff's just standing at the door hearing his poor bby cry his heart out lol. Pretty sure Cove becomes a hermit. Omg don't even get me started abt if you accidentally run into each other. Right after the break up, he'll def try to talk to you, trying to talk things over. "Cove, we're over." "But I lov-" "Yeah no <//3" After awhile he'll just freeze up at the sight of you. lol i would type more but my fingers are tiredddddd
jfc. ""please don't leave me too"" would so be his reaction.
wouldn't be surprised if he said he needed you. because he does! he thinks he does. he believes he needs you.
you've been by his side so faithfully for the last 10 years. partially forced because of your houses being just mere feet from each other, but you still pulled toward each other like magnets.
his heart has been yours since day 1. and he thought he had yours. you fought, but who doesnt? you can't just call it quits after one argument, the argument didn't even make sense! you were right! he shouldn't have been so mad, terri and miranda can handle their issues on their own! you were right, he was too sensitive to the situation. so just come back! he won't overreact next time so just.. jus come back. he needs you. he doesn't know what to do without you...
please don't look at him like that, don't tell him he doesn't need you. don't say that stuff.
you've been there for every moment of his life since he was 8 years old. there's hardly been a moment you weren't together. you're in nearly every single picture with him.
even his graduation photos. you're in them, right beside him, or in the background. or christmas photos, you're right there, smiling that sweet smile as he cries over the sweet gift you got him that year.
you're everywhere. his room has pictures of you, his phone filled with your image, and his lock screen is of you. your scent is on his clothes, there's things of yours left in his room. gifts from you.
even if every piece of evidence of you was stripped away, he can't close his eyes without seeing you.
he knows he sounds crazy, probably looks crazier. maybe it's a trauma bond. call it whatever you want. it doesn't change the fact he needs you, doesn't change the fact that he's still yours.
even when you ignore him in the grocery store. even when you look away from him in the library. even when you quiet down when you make eye contact through the window of the Chinese restaurant..
even when his calls go straight to voicemail. even when your window is tightly locked. even when your sister tells him to leave you alone, a look of sympathy thick on her face...
he's still yours. he's so helplessly yours.
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theboookwitch · 3 days
Love Next Door spoilers below (and ranting that is not friendly to Seunghyo's character so if you don't want to partake, scrolling is free)!
It's actually so annoying how there are so many dramas that people love and adore that I just can't be obsessed with due to being a 34 year old with a fully formed frontal lobe and at least a decade of being treated terribly by men lol
Like I wanted to be obsessed with Love Next Door. I genuinely enjoyed the first like 4 episodes. I need to start out by saying the acting is incredible and I would die for Mo-eum and the reporter and his daughter. I deeply related to Seokryu as a burnt out older daughter with a difficult relationship with her mom and all of her family's expectations. I loved that in the first 4 episodes you could see that yes, while they did bicker, the genuine friendship and care was still there. And I typically love a "he fell first" moment. BUT...here is where my issues come into play.
I cannot fucking stand when it's a friends to lovers story and the man falls first and then goes on to treat the FL like actual dogshit bc she's not living up to the expectations in his head. Like Seokryu does not know that Seunghyo likes her. She continues to treat him like he's her lifelong friend that she deeply cares about. And at every single turn, he is acting like a petulant child. You can say "ohhh but he does all this stuff for her when she's not looking! it's so cuteeeee." I don't care. To her face, he keeps telling her things like that she needs to grow up and leave the past behind. When she brings him the food she makes on the first day of class and he turns it down in such a mean way and then gets all pissed off and jealous when her ex eats her food? I was so annoyed. He had ten fucking years to tell her he liked her and yes...timing was off and things were fucked, but that doesn't mean you can treat someone like that who has no idea why you're behaving like that. She looks so hurt and confused. And he gets mad at her for everything and instead of being an adult and communicating or just idk having the thought of like "oh my crush is my fault I can't take it out on her" he continues to be a dick. Telling her she needs to move on and they can't be close or whatever like he wasn't the one who remodeled her room and moved back to his parents as soon as she came back to Korea. Like he wasn't the one who told her the time capsule letter was a joke.
Idk maybe bc I've had close guy friends before who like ended up treating me like shit bc I allegedly friend zoned them when I genuinely thought we were friends but they got it into their heads that I owed them sex bc we were friends...but I can't handle that shit. If you cannot get your shit together and confess or if you cannot get over your feelings and treat a woman with the same respect you'd treat any friend, then it's hard for me to root for you. Also like...y'all ever notice that when women have unrequited feelings, we don't tend to be assholes to the person we have the feelings for? Bc we don't automatically assume we deserve their love and attention?
Also, even before he finds out about her diagnosis, he knows that she's at least going through a massive break up, work burnout and quitting a job and also moving back home - like if he's allegedly her best friend...why does he treat her like that when she's going through it? If he loves her so much, how is he making this like super rough time in her life completely about him? I get it - he also has trauma and was raised with parents who do not talk and that I'm sure has informed his life. I understand. Truly. BUT!!! While trauma can be a reason for your actions, it is not an excuse to then go ahead and be a dick to people around you.
Also...his reaction to her diagnosis...once again making it about himself and his hurt? That is not the move. I don't care if he is scared and angry and hurt. I don't give a fuck about his feelings. SHE HAD CANCER!!!!!!! AND HER ALLEGED BEST FRIEND WHO LOVES HER CALLED HER PATHETIC!!!!!!! HELLO?????
If that happened to a friend of mine, I would hunt that man down and beat him to a pulp.
Once again, I will say that the acting is amazing. I love Jung Haein and Jung Somin. BUT when thinking of this stuff in reality, I just was getting so mad every episode. There are so many ways to get around or get over feelings without being an absolute asswipe.
Sorry I needed to rant bc I haven't seen one post of anyone thinking anything is wrong with his behavior. Just tons of posts talking about his feelings...weirdly enough, I've seen people call Seokryu selfish. Love how that happens.
Anyways, I'm gonna wait for the fanfic where Seokryu ends up with his ex and they live a beautiful lesbian life making beautiful pottery and beautiful food and beautiful love.
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alxastrx · 11 days
Twst reasons to overblots & design rating !
Reasons to overblots :
1- Malleus
You mean to tell me that an almost immortal being is getting hate bcs he's loosing the closest thing he had to a friend and a father knowing that that'll happen to everyone he knows and can't take it like a mature adult ? When faes are canonically minors under the age of 200 and he's 178 and clearly struggling with his emotions since he was raised in loneliness ? Lmao. Okay. (I have to keep it short or I'll do a full Malleus analysis and no one wants that).
2 - Vil
I CANNOT put into words how much realism he was made with, and I could FEEL it through his overblot. Overblotting because no matter how HARD you try you'll always be second ? Because people will always prefer the other option because you're SO hard on yourself that you legit seems overworldly to others and it makes them feel intimidated ? Vil better than me I would've overblotted SO MUCH more in his shoes. And him being disgusted with his own actions because HE KNOWS THAT THIS ISN'T HOW HE SHOULD ACHIEVE GREATNESS OH I'M SICK. And the aftermath when Rook voted for the other team ? While I understand that it was logical and I don't blame him for that, it legit hurt me, so can you imagine Vil ? He literally almost fainted, and that's a tame reaction if you ask me. Vil overblot was perfect.
3 - Riddle
No need to elaborate I think. His overblot hit too close to home and I IMMEDIATELY loved him. Also while I love Ace he kinda deserved to be punished for the tart tbh. Like just don't steal what's not yours ? Use your brain ? Riddle punishing him was EXTREMELY reasonable, even more so when you know that he LOVES strawberry tarts, and Ace refuting that AND coming after his position when he could have just APOLOGIZED, is def one of the reason I wasn't fan of him for MONTHS. Not surprised that Riddle got very mad at him (I def would have too).
4 - Leona
Now his reason was very similar to Vil, but the reason I liked it less (doesn't mean that I disliked it) is because he knew he would be second from his birth, that nothing he could ever do would change that while Vil has the possibility to become first, and he's yet unable to do it and I find that even more tragic. Leona was literally doomed from the start and yet he still tried his best for years only for the people he would have been a king to if the successor was based on skills alone to be the one hating him ? Kill me. It caused him depression and ruined his life, so much that he gets held back on purpose to not go home ? Killed me even more. He deserved so much and he got so little hiahdqirongbzkzhzo.
5 - Idia
Listen, I understand the pain of loosing a brother, I lost one of mine, but never in my 20 years of life would I have ever thought of building an IA OF HIM ?? He kinda went crazy with this one. I wished we had gotten his parents' reaction to robot Ortho tbh. Him being unable to move on from Ortho was so good, especially when we know that he blames himself for his death, and getting CORRUPTED by og Ortho is perfect. I don't have a lot more to say, sorry.
6 - Azul - starting from here, there's a huge gap between the classements. The 5 firsts were TIGHT together.
He's an achiever who lost the empire he built, I get it. But like, just build it again. Stop crying and rolling on the floor, and get up and act like a man. Of course, I know he's still a minor too, so I understand why he reacts like that, but Idk. I didn't feel as attached to his overblot as the others, which I'm kinda sad about since I REALLY like him, he's just so enjoyable.
7 - Last and least, the bitch himself, Jamil
Could have prevented the overblot if he learnt what communication was and I'll stand by that. Tried to kill Kalim because he couldn't take his anger on their parents, the yk, lmactual reasons why he felt like this in the first place. And he held Yuu captive too. He has no excuses.
Design :
1 - Riddle
PERFECT. LITERALLY UNMATCHED. The cards, the dress, the makeup, the eye color change, everything was PERFECT !
2 - Vil
I didn't know I needed nun Vil before but I do now wtf. He made me think of Mary so much it's insane I was in shock. The spikes were GOOD.
3 - Jamil
Since this on design alone, this is the only time he'll ever be in one of my top 3. The color scheme was on point and the snake design was VERY fitting.
4 - Azul
It was GOOD. And since it gave us Azul in merform it's 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️. The color was fitting once again and he just overall looked good.
5 - Malleus
I'll never say it enough but NEON GREEN IS SUCH A BAD CHOICE FOR DIASOMNIA LORD ! Forest green would fit them all MUCH better, and it's proved once again by his overblot design. The purple is good, but the green is such a thrown off dude... I also didn't particularly like the hair choice but I did like the tail. The rest of the design is just not very special.
6 - Leona (he's fighting with Idia for the last place)
The hair... the hair was not it. (I did like how it kinda matched Cater's (especially when you consider that Cater had called him sweatheart minutes before... my Leokei shipper sense is in action...)). The rest of the design was just meh.
7 - Idia
I'M SORRY BUT THAT WAS JUST HIDEOUS WTF. Idia with short hair is my nightmare dude.
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tojikai · 1 year
ok so in part 2 we got to see more of gojo x reader past “relationship”
i wonder if gojo knows about his mom thoughts about reader (her being a one night stand and nothing more) and why do i have a feeling Naomi wasn’t just lucky to be in the right place and right time…
she’s gojo’s dad assistant AND his mom approved her immediately 🤔🤔 even though Naomi comes from a completely different social circle…
i don’t think Naomi is a saint as gojo think, not saying she’s evil either BUT she might get a little help from the outside (gojo’s mom) to act the way she does. bc how come she goes from acting shy and apologetic when reader found them in the couch, to give reader tips how to be a better parent and allowing yui to call her mom 🤥🤔 make it make sense
like who in the right mind would take a toddler on a trip without both parents permission?? in many countries that could be considered kidnapping even if one parent is with the baby and they dont cross the border! - when i was six i went abroad with my mom and in order for me to travel, my dad had to sign a written permission otherwise i couldn’t exit the country and my parents were married…
gojo pissing me off when he was trying to defend naomi for the mama episode by saying he will propose to her…like that doesn’t change anything reader IS the mother and eventually naomi will be the STEPMOTHER she would still have NO say in how Yui will be educated bc she has/will have NO legal rights. she can give her opinion/suggestions to gojo BUT NEVER to reader.
Gojo has to open his eyes bc if he’s truly happy with Naomi - i don’t really think so - good for him but he has to stop making reader’s feel like shit just bc his gf goes crying to him when reader doesn’t share the same opinion as her. i also noticed as soon as gojo doesn’t share the same opinion about something, naomi becomes sad and gojo tries to either reassure her or slightly changes his own opinion 🤥🤔👁️ my mom would call that manipulation 👁️
Honestly speaking Naomi is the easy route, what were the chances they got together if reader never got pregnant? bet gojo would still be having one night stands and wouldn’t spare naomi a glance.
The reason why gojo x reader didn’t work was because they were two strangers having a kid and didn’t communicate with each other. gojo was the first to give up even tho he promised reader to give it a try. bc how come soon after he got with naomi and she was oh so perfect 🥴 how can you possibly compare the two relationships when one has a kid involved…
so the mysterious man could be sukuna (bc of the tattoos).
it’s been weeks since the last argument, reader was clearly suffering (her mom’s words to gojo)…
that’s why i don’t think in that specific moment (a stranger man opening - shirtless- readers door to gojo) the man could be a possible love interest, maybe more like a friend bc she was still in love with gojo and a few weeks can’t possibly erase her feelings for him and make her move on easily, some people can do it tho (i.e gojo with his new gf 🙄)
also from the last sentence why do i have a feeling gojo has already met this “stranger” before?
the scratches in the stranger’s back scream sex but the bruises on his face? it’s a bit sus
last but not least contrary to popular opinion i still wish for gojo to be endgame, for that to happen he really has to have a gigantic redemption arc for all tje pain he caused to reader, specially when he said he wished they never met and had yui together, thanks good yui is still a toddler and was sleeping otherwise 💔 rip gojo’s relationship with his daughter
cant wait for more
this a great take, nonnie !! i like how you analyzed the few words of yn's mom and deducted abt yn's conditions, bc she really wasn't in a great condition during those weeks. she even had to steer clear of satoru as much as possible, bc seeing him hurts her. although, I can't say which of these is true or not, i can definitely see where you're coming from ~ thank u so much for this, and im happy that you're enjoying the fic <33
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nuri148 · 4 months
Fruits Basket's final thoughts
I finished the anime a few weeks ago, and after my previous posts on the matter I thougt I'd make a final one. Please note that I haven't read the manga, so it's not impossible that some of my objections could boil down to being an anime-only.
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Good for Akito for her heel-face turn I guess, but I'm team Rin here. She's done too much shit to be forgiven.
At least she ends up with Shigure. They deserve each other. Funny how quick the dog went from hot to not in my book.
As much as I can't stand Ayame, I really loved how the first thing he does when he feels the curse breaking is go to Mine and confess her his love. That was wholesome af, and I appreciate that he didn't seem to feel the same level of loss over it than the rest of the zodiac. (funnily enough, he was my husband's fave)
I loved the Yuki/Maki resolution, how he manned up and kissed her right there on the train station square.
However, I was a bit disappointed with the conclusion (or lack thereof) of Momiji's arc. The hinting that he too had romantic feelings for Tohru seemed to come out of nowhere and adds nothing in terms of plot or stakes. Also he kind of fades into the background after his curse breaks. I was really, really hoping (expecting, even) for resolution with his sister.
The backstory of Kyo with Tohru’s mum… pfff Iet’s say I accept it bc of the genre, but it felt farfetched af, her fatidic last words contrived and shoehorned for the sake of drama (There was more than enough grounds for Kyo’s guilt about not helping her without that addition IMO). Plus, it doesn’t make much sense to me that a mum of a lonely girl has a secret putative lonely son and never introduces them? (or even tries to? Whatever happened to the universal parental custom to go “look, a kid like you, go make friends” whenever another brat is in your general vicinity?)
Likewise, the much awaited Kyoru kinda… fell flat to me for some reason. Like the chemical reaction that had been bubbling up for three seasons just died down and they went straight to plain old married couple or something.
Last but not least, the curse thing itself was quite muddy, at least to me. If all needed for it to end was Akito willing so, how/why did Kureno/Momiji/Hiro manage to break it? I’ll probably look into this one, but still… I felt like the build up didn’t quite pay off.
Oh well, my husband’s waifu Rin and my husbando Haru are still together and happy so all is well I gues.
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deareststars · 1 year
Did you get a request? It's General relationship hcs for Cyrus, Drayden, Grimsley, Colress with gn s/o. Thanks!
yes i just received it! i will say that this short of a turn-around is very rare; anyone requesting should expect about a day or two, i just happen to have a LOT of free time rn lol!
also, bc this ended up being much longer than i anticipated, i'm splittng this up into 2 parts. so expect grimsley & colress to come out within the next day or so! thank you so much for requesting :)
characters: cyrus (gen iv), drayden (gen v).
content: gn reader, established relationship, mostly feel-good stuff w/ a little angst in cyrus' hcs. reader is an antagonist in cyrus' hcs, & an elite 4 member in drayden's.
tw: none.
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you grew up with him in sunyshore. i imagine this timeline's cyrus is softer, if only because you were there with him through everything the rejection of his peers, the rejection of his parents—they all hurt less when you were there to pick up the pieces.
he's brilliant with technology. if you ever ask him for anything, even as a playful request, he'll try his best to make it happen.
he doesn't understand emotions, but he knows what they mean. so when you come to him, crying or upset about something that happened, he tries his best to comfort you.
you storm into cyrus' office, still battered from your battle with that annoying "hero" from twinleaf. "i thought i was stronger!" you rant. cyrus silently wheels himself out from behind his desk, and opens his arms. you fall into them, letting all of your frustrations out. you stop when he starts patting your head roughly. you shake his hand off. "what are you doing?" he doesn't blush easily, but he's coming close to it. "mars said that people like to be comforted this way," he says. despite your anger, you laugh. "not like you're trying to comfort a growlithe," you tease. he avoids your gaze as his face grows pink.
cyrus also tries his best to express his love for you in physical actions. he's comfortable with movement, not with words. he always has a hand on you—on your thigh when you're sitting next to each other, against your waist that day at the spear pillar.
when he's taken by giratina to the distortion world, he doesn't expect you to follow him, but you do anyway. he tries his best to convince you to go back with them, since he wants you to experience the world, but you refuse.
"leave me here!" cyrus yells, the first expression of intense emotion you've heard in a long time. "you don't deserve to be left here! there's so much to see!" you shake your head, still holding onto him. the hero and cynthia stare at you, wordless, and you know that you may seem stubborn. but you can't leave him behind. cyrus seems to know this. you feel his breath hitch with an aborted sob, and look up, surprised to see tears filling his eyes. even he is shocked, as he frees a hand to wipe furiously at them. "why?" he asks, his voice choked. "the world i desire is the world that makes you happy," you reply. "we'll be together until the very end." with that, the hero and cynthia reluctantly let the two of you go. you know you'll likely never see the real world again, but as cyrus tightens his grip around your waist, you know that this was worth every moment.
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you meet drayden through the pokemon league. he's not the best with expressing his feelings (as an older man, he's basically a stone wall) so it's hard to tell when he's crushing on someone and when he simply finds them to be a good friend.
and then he shows up to your door, having memorized all of your favorite sweets, hobbies, and books, and gives you a thoughtful gift to express his affection.
when i tell you that this man is a gentleman, i mean he is the epitome of one. picking you up at your house for dates? check. making sure you don't touch a single door? check. elbow held out every time you go into the world? check.
"drayden, is this really necessary?" you ask. he stands in front of you, hand held out with a pokemon league car behind him. he promised to take you out to the most wonderful restaurant opelucid city has to offer, but you didn't think that he was serious. his face remains passive, but he still tilts his head to the side like a confused lillipup. "of course. is it so bad to treat my partner like the royalty they are?"
expect training every single day, both for you and your pokemon. drayden wants you to be the best version of yourself, and while he doesn't subject you to his (alleged) 10,000 push-ups, sit-ups, and squats a day, he still makes sure you eat healthy and push yourself & your pokemon to your limit.
when you lose, drayden is there to help you figure out what went wrong. he's got a lot of advice to give, so no matter what difficulties you go through, he always has something to tell you that makes things seem at least a little better.
he's big on acts of service. there's the obvious door holding and making sure you take care of yourself. but he also does the simplest things, like making you cups of hot tea when league work has you stressed, or cooking you dinner when you come home. this only intensifies when team plasma comes into play.
"i can take care of myself!" you exclaim. drayden stands in front of you, barring the way out from the gym. behind him, you can see the plasma frigate moving overhead, bathing opelucid city in subzero temperatures. he shakes his head. "i know you can. but i cannot take care of myself unless i know that you are safe." "i can't just stand here and watch as people destroy the city i love!" with a final show of strength, you manage to make it past him, and he reluctantly follows you into the city. still, you're sure you're not imagining the way he seems to put haxorous directly in front of you, putting you out of the line of fire.
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protectoratenova07 · 1 year
I've always wondered what Alec's and the rest of the Heartbroken views were of heroes and their lack of effectiveness against their dad.
Cause if you think about it, there about four main issues for taking on Heartbreaker at the start:
1) his power affecting you
2) his power affecting your allies and the people he's surrounded himself with
3) Heartbreaker apparently being sneaky with his location
4) the thralls he has in high places to cause mayhem if he's captured/killed
As the years pass, you also have to account for his kids' powers in case they fight you as well.
And like, for a small group, any one point seems like a difficult hurdle to get through, let alone all of the them together and you can kinda see how he never got taken down
(Even ignoring the fact that Imp managed it because she has a power that nullifies the first two points, Tattletale for the third, probably didn't care too much for the fourth, and I think she talked the rest of the kids into standing by if they noticed her at all (I'm including this bc Cherish managed it and I don't remember all of their powers))
The heroes had Dragon. Like, yeah she's busy as hell, but Dragon alone takes care of the first and third points, she could use the same skills that solved the third point to backtrack and minimize the fourth point, and she's apart of a large team to help with the second point. The kids are the wildcards, but that they could, I dunno, observe for a week and see what info they pick up. I can't imagine the kids kept their powers underwraps and a few even went off to school during during the day so it's not like it's a constant worry. (Or just go in bc their supposed to be heroes and save the victims from the Worst Parent TM)
Also, you know, they could have done it before Heartbreaker had the chance to traumatize multiple kids into gaining powers. They've all been around for a while.
Maybe the kids just never gave it too much thought. I'm sure they've seen some heroes try and fail, but with all the times Dragon comes in to Brockton Bay I could see Alec just getting pissed his power doesn't directly help and go "well where the fuck have you been all this time if you can shit out mechs like this constantly?"
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