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Pastry Shop Stop
Matt Murdock x reader
Words: 609
Part 2 of suspicious activities of a blind man, it’s just a lil blurb nothing too fancy but figured I’d add a little more to the story. Maybe there will be a 3rd part who knows 👀
Here’s part 1 for those of you who haven’t read it: Part 1
After that initial interaction at the bar it didn’t take long for you to see Matt again.
Actually it only took two days before he actually was in the shop that you worked at.
It was silly but you felt a bit of excitement when you saw him standing at the end of your line, it was like that feeling you felt when a special guest that you really liked appeared on your favorite television show.
Although you tried your best to calm yourself you did feel a bit anxious as he made his way to your counter.
Pulling yourself together you said the normal greeting. “Welcome to our little shop, what can we get for you today?”
You heard him let out a single chuckle, “well I’m not too sure I can’t exactly see the menu.”
“Ah, right.” Trying to move past your own blunder you began to list out some of the delicacies. From danishes, to eclairs, you listed each item.
“That’s an overwhelming amount of options,” he said after you’d finished.
“I know.”
“What’s your favorite?”
The questions surprised you a bit, a good surprise. You hesitated giving it a good thought before ultimately coming up with an answer, “I like the cinnamon buns. They’re warm and delicious and they’re pretty filling.”
“I’ll take three cinnamon buns, one for each member of my team.”
“Alright, that’ll be twenty ninety-five, and I’ll put those in right now.”
After giving him his change and putting the order in, you turned to him again. He was now the only customer in the store.
After a moment of staring at the man while you both waited for your coworker to finish his pastries, you tried to fill the silence that no doubt only you felt was awkward, “is it bad that I’m still not completely sold on the whole blind thing?”
His lips tugged, revealing his teeth as he laughed, almost like he was glad you wanted to banter with him. “What am I going to have to do to prove it to you?”
You looked up contemplating what it would take before blurting out the first thing you could think of, “I don’t know, fight me.” And for a moment you feel you went a bit too forward as he grew quiet before he laughed again.
“You’re funny.”
“Thanks I try.”
You shared a look before your eyes widened, “Wait, does not believing you make me ableist?”
Matt tilted his head, “I think it actually does.”
“Oh no, does that make me a Karen? I don't want to be a Karen.”
“I happen to know a pretty great Karen.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it, Matt Murdock.”
Matt’s lips never dropped from their curve. He liked the way his name sounded coming from your lips, but that didn’t stop his eyebrow from lifting.
Sensing what he was about to question you pulled out the card that you had in your pocket. “This card fell from your friend’s pocket, I did some research and found you guys online.”
Matt couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride that you were curious enough to search him up.
He opened his mouth to say something else but your attention was grabbed by the motion behind you.
“And here are your cinnamon buns. Let me know how they taste.”
“Will do.” Reaching up with one hand he takes them and smiles offering you a wave.
“Bye, Matt Murdock.” You shout behind him before the front door shuts.
Eyes fixed on him, you watch as he crosses the road.
Still there was something strange about him and you didn’t know what.
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Can you please write something with Ben Poindexter x reader where they like match each other’s freak so to speak. She’s kinda like Maya Lopez in the way that she kills for people and someone hires her to kill Dex but she starts to like him the more that she like learns his routine and investigates him. I don’t know I just really like the idea of someone understanding Dex even though he kinda crazy fr.
No Longer Alone
Benjamin Poindexter x reader
Words: 1261
A/N: Love this idea! So good! I initially wanted to make it different from my other Dex fics but of course I just somehow ended up with writing about Dex and him being good, I’m sorry if you wanted something crazy but I had a blast writing this one
Warning: mention and like layout of Dex and that suicide scene that he was about to to do in season 3 back in the day, also gun mention (Idk if that needs a warning but just in case)
Is what you did honest work? While most would say no, especially considering you were essentially a hitman, you would argue yes. And the only reason you considered it honest work was because you always, always made sure to do thorough research before fully accepting a job.
Your rule for a target was always the same: half payment up front, then after weeks of surveillance if you deemed the target culpable, you did what had to be done and then collected the rest of the money.
Surveillance was the most time consuming of the task, taking weeks to ultimately make the decision. You never wanted to take the life of anyone who had even a scrap of goodness to them out.
And just like with any other target the same conditions applied to Benjamin Poindexter.
Benjamin Poindexter. A.K.A. “Dex,” was currently an FBI agent. He was a former Brooklyn Suicide Preventer, and a former U.S. Army man.
None of his past surprised you, you’ve had enough kills to know that it wasn’t what people showed others that made them a good person, it was what they didn’t that got you the call.
In your first week of surveillance there were some intriguing things you noticed about the man. Firstly, you noticed how rigid his schedule was. Each day he stopped by the same locations. Some places were of course dealing with his occupation and necessary shopping, but other places seemed to be random. You did some more investigating to answer the main question here, why? And you easily found out the answer wasn’t something, but rather someone. Julie Barnes.
Julie Barnes was an ex-coworker of Benjamin Poindexter from the suicide hotline center, and he seemed to have taken an infatuation towards her. Well you wouldn’t call it an infatuation. You didn’t know what it was, was it love? Curiosity? Or just pure obsession. Whatever it was intrigued you, because all he did at each and every place was watch her. He never did anything strange, just watched.
While it was kind of ironic; you, stalking a stalker. You found it kind of endearing the way he looked at her. The look wasn’t fear-inducing, it wasn’t sinister, but sweet, with a joy-stricken smile appearing on his face every now and again, like he sincerely and genuinely cared for her. Frankly, it was cute.
The other thing you noticed after keeping surveillance of him was his mentality, or rather his meltdowns. He seemed to have them not too often but frequent enough to the point that he knew precisely what to do when it did occur. You watched him a few times trying his best to collect his sanity, relying on cassette tapes and headphones that he pulled out from the closet. Each time you took note of how hard he worked to keep it all together. He was trying. And that was better than anything you could’ve said for any of your past targets.
A week went by and something happened, you observed as Dex’s schedule almost instantly fell apart. He was suspended from his job, he had a falling out with Julie.
You could tell it had an intense effect on him.
That night, when you followed him home he appeared to have a multitude of emotion coursing through him. Upset, sadness, emptiness, you had a bad feeling in your gut watching it all unfold before you.
Monitoring him through his window, you viewed as he roamed about his apartment slowly. He sat down and pulled a gun out laying it in front of him on the table. Eyes never leaving the scene, you watched as he looked to be actively battling his internal thoughts, contemplating deeply as he kept his head down, eyes fixated on the weapon.
You could’ve walked away there, you could’ve turned a blind eye, let the job be done. But something in you knew that he could pull through this. Dex wasn’t a bad guy. He needed help.
Feet moving faster than your brain, they carried you out of your car and up the flight of steps trying their hardest to get you to him before he could do anything further. Running up you stopped at his door and frantically knocked.
You didn’t know what was happening behind that door, you just hoped nothing drastic had happened yet.
“Benjamin Poindexter! I need you to open this door right now!”
You stopped for a moment and heard quiet on his end, and your mind started running a course of thoughts. But then you heard it, some shuffling that sounded like it was getting closer, so you kept talking.
“You don’t know me, but I know you. I know you’re struggling Benjamin but you can pull through this…you’ve done it before, and you can and will do it again.”
Your head was close to the door waiting to hear any sound that might indicate he was still there. “You need help and I can get you help.”
Then you heard it, a slow click coming from the doorknob.
After waiting another second, the door then opened a crack revealing said man on the other side. You took note of his state, his eyes were filled with a watery appearance but he seemed to be stable at the moment. “How do you know my name?”
You let out an intense breath that you were holding in at the sight of him still alive. “Can we talk inside?”
Dex stared you down considering his decisions.
Against his better judgment, he opened the door completely, allowing you to enter. Once inside, you took note of how clean and organized his place looked before turning around to him, “Hi. I was hired to investigate and kill you.”
Dex’s concentrated stare never faltered or swayed as he listened.
“I can’t tell you who ordered it as that would be a violation of my legal contract but I can tell you that I’m not going to do it.”
He didn’t say anything, you weren’t sure if he was just taking it all in, plotting his next words, or controlling his emotions.
“I’m not going to do it because I see an ounce of goodness in you. You are a man who is under heavy pressure, but even when your thoughts take over, you do your best to try to bring it back together. And Benjamin, that is all it takes. Trying.”
“Dex.” He corrected, which prompted you to repeat it back, “…Dex.”
Dex’s face softened, his expression no longer tense as his guard lowered. He believed you. He had no reason not to. The hit out on him was believable but you seeing goodness in him, he wanted to believe that too.
“I…struggle when I’m alone…in my head sometimes I hear thoughts that hold me over the edge.”
“Well you don’t have to be alone anymore.”
Reaching into your pocket you pulled out your card with a number on it. Dex’s eyes drop to it as you hold it out between your fingers.
“If you ever feel alone, here’s my number.”
Dex was hesitant, staring at the card until finally, he reached out and took it.
“You don’t have to be alone, Dex…call me.”
And with that last piece you shared you gave him a final look before walking out his front door.
Dex’s eyes remained on the card that had your name printed on it.
Did Dex think that he deserved to be killed that night? Yes.
Was Dex happy that you saved his life? Only time would tell.
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Hey Guys, I just wanted to say thank you for the likes and the comments! You all are always so sweet and every time I receive a nice comment I take a screenshot and add it to the folder so I can look back at it and feel warm in my heart all over again 🥰
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Safe Surroundings
Benjamin Poindexter x reader
Words: 378
A/N: I haven’t watched the new ep yet I have to watch it tomorrow!
Ah the New York Subway Station. What you once considered a safe place for you was now known as dangerous.
While you typically tend to avoid the use of the subway nowadays, there happened to be event that came up that the subway just seemed like the easier option. And while you told Dex you’d be fine traveling alone, you were slightly relieved when he disagreed and came along with you.
You used to be fine on subways, you’d ride them with no problem. But ever since things have been getting worse and worse you now felt unsafe using it.
Even now, as you waited for your subway cart, standing with your back against the wall, you could feel your nerves kick in as you kept an alert eye out. You just never knew what anyone was thinking or even possible of anymore. But luckily the cart arrived soon.
What you failed to remember though was how crowded the subways were at this exact time. Once the doors opened and people came out, you entered and gazed at your options for you to perch yourself. Not spotting any really in your haste scan, your eyes drifted to the pole that already had a few people glued onto it. You already felt uncomfortable at how close each person looked closely attached to that pole but you felt you had no other option.
Right as you were about to head that way, you felt Dex take your hand and guide you into the opposite direction.
Following his lead he steered you to the one empty seat on the opposite side of the cart. No words were said as he moved out of the way for you to place yourself. Once you were sat, he took his place standing across from you, facing your direction as he held onto the pole parallel to the floor.
A grateful smile curved onto your lips you glanced up at him while he was actively looking around closely assessing any situation.
You were appreciative for Dex, everything just felt safer with him. And you loved that. Reaching out you grabbed onto his empty hand and gave it a thankful squeeze, prompting him to look back down. His expression softened before giving his own squeeze back.
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Not The Man I Loved
Benjamin Poindexter x reader
Words: 611
A/N: timelined after the first 2 episodes of DD born again
You couldn’t believe it.
You didn’t want to believe it.
You and Dex had been together for a while before he suddenly vanished into thin air. And while you never got over the mystery that was his disappearance, you had to move on with your life. But now you see his name plastered all over the news and that he’s killed a number of people.
Seeing his face and the trial, it all just made you want to puke. That wasn’t the Dex you knew, the Dex that cared so deeply about you. The one who would do anything for you.
The door opened and a security guard motioned for you to enter the small, dimly lit room. Inside, Dex was sat behind the glass that separated from you.
Your eyes meet and it seems to have unlocked something in him if only for a moment before he recollects himself. However, all those feelings you had locked away, everything you had gotten closure on was suddenly reopened as you saw those hazel eyes staring back into yours.
Taking the seat in front of you, you grab the landline from the wall while he does the same.
“Hi.” His sentence was short, but not unwelcoming.
“You look…really good.”
Flattery was going to get him nowhere. “Dex what are you doing here?” The man across from you sighed at your expected question.
“You disappeared. I thought you were dead. Gone. And now I see your running through the streets killing people like some maniac? How long have you been planning this whole escapade? Did I ever even know the real you?”
“Yes of course,” Dex sighs again shifting in his chair, genuinely showing human emotion again for the first time. “It was all real.”
You stare at him through the glass waiting for an explanation of why this all happened the way that it did.
“I…I got into an accident. It was bad. I had to let myself heal and it took months.”
“—So you’re out there killing people!? Whatever it was we could’ve worked through it together. Like we always did…You always were afraid that I’d leave you and guess what? You left me Dex!…you left me.” Dex kept his mouth shut but his eyes softened at your last phrase because it was true. Through everything he’s done you always stood by his side but to him there were things you didn’t need to know.
Dex opened his mouth then shut it. After a tiny moment of consideration he opened it again, “it was your chance to find someone better than me.”
You shook your head at his excuse. “You don’t get to make that call for me. I make that call for me. And I didn’t want anybody else I wanted you.”
Dex’s eyes went downcast, as he tried his hardest to push down any feelings that he worked so hard to get rid of. He knew he was on the verge of all of them flooding back to him but he couldn’t let that happen. Not for him but for you.
“…This is who I am now.”
“Well I don’t like the man you are now.”
You stared at him with such an intense amount of anger but all Dex could see behind them was the pain and hurt that he had caused.
“You don’t leave me this time Dex. I leave you.”
With that you slammed the phone shut and stood up, leaving Dex to watch as you leave the visiting room. His expression was point blank, but in the far back of his mind he was screaming, begging for a life with you in it again.
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can you pls do todd tolansky x reader but the readers mutation is that they can float so they have to wear like really heavy shoes (im very sorry idk if ur requests are open lmao also im sorry this is a weird ass request and also i did just steal the power things from Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children)
Mutation Mystery
Todd Tolansky x reader
Words: 700
A/N: I wasn’t sure if I was going to write this because it was sent when I wasn’t taking requests at all, and I’m still not taking any Toad requests atm but the idea finally came to me
Toad had many curiosities in life. Granted some were more ridiculous than others. Why was the sky blue? Can fish drown? What was that new X-men’s power?
That last one he wondered more than he realized. While you had been a recent addition to the X-Men he had yet to figure out your mutation.
You didn’t seem to really fight or at least not yet being that you were fresh to the team. But he noticed you’d hang out with them a lot. So you had to be a mutant right? But what was it?
Fortunately, the opportunity to ask presented itself when he found you sitting on the bleachers all alone one sunny afternoon.
Toad, considering the situation lucky, peered around making sure none of the other X-Men members were around before he jumped up beside you. He was so quick that he caused you to jump a bit at the figure that suddenly appeared beside you.
“So, what are your powers?”
It took you a moment to process what the stranger had asked, “huh?”
“Your mutation? I seen you hang with those X-wannabe’s, so you’ve got to have a power.”
You raised a brow at the boy who was clearly a mutant. He was strange but this should be an interesting conversation.
Holding your lunch in your hands you questioned, “who are you?”
Straightening up, the boy stood tall and raised his hand towards you, “Todd Tolansky, pleased to make your acquaintance.”
You glanced at his outreached hand showing no motion of taking it in yours, “oh you’re the slime-ball they told me to watch out for.”
Toad’s hand unconsciously pulled to his chest as he externally cringed at the brand he had already been given.
“Don’t listen to those losers, they're…well losers.”
“Uh-huh,” you agreed, sarcasm clear in your tone before turning back to the field. When he didn’t seem to move from his spot, you decided to entertain the conversation, “what do you think my mutation is?”
Toad growing even more curious, took a step back and held his hands out as if it was a camera scanning you. You turned to him a bit to give him the opportunity to spot any oddities you could’ve possibly had.
“You look pretty normal to me, but if I had to say…” his eyes scanned from your legs to your arms then stopped on your face.
There was no doubt about it that you were pretty, Toad would even say stunning the more he looked at you, but there was something about your eyes that drew him in.
As he continued to stare into your pupils his hands lowered as his expression shifted. “Your eyes. I’m gonna guess they have some sort of magnetic pull to them to make anyone fall in love with you.”
Your eyes widened, taken aback by his statement, while an unintentional smile started to take over your face at how silly that all sounded to you. “Why was that your guess?”
“Because I think it’s working on me.”
It was stupid. So stupid but that line did work in making your heart jump a bit. He was so straightforward, so blunt that it all just caught you off guard. Trying to ease the weird tension that you felt you laughed, a little bit too hard for your liking, before saying, “you’re funny, I like you.”
And that phrase was all it took for Toad himself to be flabbergasted. His chest was getting warm as a wide toothy grin spread along his face. “You like me—“ His words barely got out before a, “Hey!” Caught the attention from you both.
Turning around you spotted Kitty waving you over and Toad could feel the moment seeping away from him.
“Oh she’s calling me, I’ll see you,” you packed your lunch really quick before standing up, “oh and about my power here’s a hint,” you lifted up one leg, showing him your thick bright yellow shoes, “it's all in the shoes.”
He watched as you waved with a smile before taking off to join the others.
Toad had no idea what your mutation was, but suddenly that was the furthest thing that was on his mind.
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Question: is Benjamin Poindexter blonde or a brunette? Cuz I see it says brown online but I always thought he was like a dirty blonde 🤔 but Idk if it just depends on lighting
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Any fics of dex protecting the reader could be cool. Or just fluff. Either or. Dex is such a great character he’s capable of so much humanity like being kind to his north stars while also being a homicidal maniac to his enemies it’s great lol
I meant to post my last story under this ask but forgot 😅 Session In Progress
I got some more stories for Dex brewing plus a new project including him and a few others so stay tuned!
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Session In Progress
Benjamin Poindexter x female!reader
Words: 477
A/N: got this idea from a prompt: “The things I feel for her, is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before in my life.” I forgot where I got it from tho
Dex was going to therapy again. He hadn’t had any major breakdown or anything of the sort, but you noticed he had been having some trouble recently.
While he initially didn’t really spring for the whole idea; sharing deep feelings that he worked so hard to desperately hide was never fun for Dex. But you, while not pushing him, suggested it might be beneficial for him and that was all it took for him to decide to try it. And unlike his past therapists the one he wanted to try was online. Just so he was in the comfortability of his own home.
While he’d only had a few sessions so far, it did seem to be doing him good.
Normally, when he had his sessions you’d go out, or take a walk. The walls inside the apartment were so thin and you really just wanted to give Dex the privacy that he needed to fully express himself. But this time you had a packed schedule and some errands to take care of inside and while you still offered to go out, Dex insisted you stayed and finished your work. So you did.
And while you hadn’t meant to eavesdrop you did happen to overhear a bit of his conversation when you passed by.
“The things I feel for her, is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before in my life. I love her so much and I’m afraid that I’ll do something to push her away.”
You sucked in some air, forcing yourself to step away from the door that you were so tempted to stand by.
His words that were obviously about you filled you up with an overwhelming and endearing affection for the man as you were moved by his vulnerability and worry about you. It was sad that he would think that but you knew he dealt with his own personal battles that you could never truly understand.
Minding your business you continued with your errands. When his session was over the door opened and out stepped Dex sharing a flat smile as you made eye contact.
“How was it today?” You asked, moving towards where he stood.
He sucked in some air and let it escape through his nose before nodding, “it was good.”
A soft smile pried on the corners of your lips as you reached out and tugged his arms around your waist, pulling him against you. “Good.”
You grinned peering up at him with your arms now resting on his upper arms. You pucker your lips and Dex happily met you for a moment, “I’m proud of you.” You grinned wide before pushing your lips together again and he again met you for another quick kiss. “And I love you.”
He smiles not knowing where this all was coming from but not being upset at it. “I love you more.”
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Together Through It All
Congressman!Bucky barnes x reader
Words: 491
Neither Bucky nor you were much crowd people. But since Bucky became congressman he had some events to attend per his job and his reputation. And you of course would be by his side to support him through it all.
Don’t get it wrong, you enjoyed some aspects of these events; dressing up in fancy clothes, trying delicious foods, it was all very nice. But there were other parts that were not so nice.
You didn’t enjoy how long these events lasted, or how sometimes a wave of discomfort fell over you as you realized how many eyes were perceiving you. It was just an unnerving feeling.
And while you believed you did a pretty good job at masking your unease you should’ve known Bucky could see right through you.
Bucky could tell from a mile away how uncomfortable you were getting as the night progressed. How your lips tightened and your smiles seemed more and more forced with each nod as you tried your best to be a bystander in the group you tried to be a part of.
Bucky knew he had to swoop in and that he did. Your attention turned to your over half as he came into view for the first time in a while that night.
“Mind if I steal you for a bit?” He asked, his hand outreached towards you.
You turned to the group, excusing yourself as you took hold of his hand and allowed yourself to be led through the crowd. With your head down, avoiding any unwanted eye contact, you blindly followed him until you two reached a secluded balcony.
Once outside you spoke first, “how you holding up?” You knew Bucky had just as hard a time as you at these things.
“Me? I came out here for you.”
You grinned weakly, “was I that noticeable?”
“I could see it a mile away.”
“I thought I looked fine.”
“Maybe to an untrained eye.”
You sighed finding peace in the quieter atmosphere as you leaned over the balcony just happy to be out of there. “Alright, alright, well thank you my knight in shining metal armor.”
He joined you, his arms over the balcony, as he shot you a look. Prompting you to ask, “that was good right?”
“Could’ve been better.”
“Absolutely not, it was perfect.”
Bucky grinned, his eyes overlooking the outside layer of the event.
“You know, you don’t have to come with me to these things if it makes you uncomfortable.” He said it matter of fact-like but you knew he was sincere.
But so were you. “Bucky I’m here to support you,” you reach over to rest your hand on top of his. “ If you're here, I’m here. We do it together.”
Bucky wasn’t always the most willing when it came to working together but he liked that in this case working together meant working with you.
And that was an effort he was willing to make.
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You Were Missed
Loki Laufeyson x reader
Loki’s cheeks puffed up with air as he waited impatiently.
He had left to attend Asgard a month ago leaving you behind to continue your life on Midgard.
The situation had sort of caught you both off guard, Thor calling Loki back just as you two were deepening your relationship, but you understood. You had your stuff here on earth and he had his stuff to take care of on Asgard. And while Loki knew you understood he couldn’t help but stand at your door, wondering exactly how you’ve spent this past month.
Have you missed him? Have you finally reached that goal at work that you’ve been so close to reaching? A month is a long time, were you possibly talking to other people? He wasn’t.
Before he dug himself even further into that rabbit hole, he brought himself to knock on your door.
“Coming!” He heard some running and then a pause as you no doubt looked out to see who it was. Then he heard a click before the door was pulled open revealing you on the other side.
All his doubts and worries left instantly as he saw your cheeks lift into an infectious smile.
“Loki, you’re back.” It was a statement with just a hint of excitement that he could pick up on.
“What are you doing back so soon I thought you had to stay on Asgard for another month?”
He shrugged nonchalantly hiding his enormous joy to see you, “yeah well I figured as much that you probably missed me by now and it was time I made my reappearance.” You raised a brow questioningly at his sentence. “Well, yay! I’ve missed you.” There was that smile again.
“You missed me?”
“Yeah, did you miss me?”
Loki’s face expressed seriousness, as he stood there practically caught in his own trap. That being true feelings. It took him a moment to figure out his next move as he let out a loud, “Ha! Don't think too highly of yourself Midgardian. Just because I crave your company every now and then, doesn't mean that you're missed every second of the day."
“You crave my company?”
He grows silent, suddenly looking a bit awkward standing in your doorway.
You laughed at his strange choice of words breaking the awkward tension. His words while a bit defensive hid some truth behind them which meant much more to you than he knew.
“Ahem, yes well like I said sometimes that’s the case. But never mind that, I’m here. Do you have time to spare?”
You stood for a second admiring the man who now wore a puppy dog look on his face. Instead of pressing further, you nodded your head before stepping aside. “Come in,” he grinned smugly as if he wasn’t practically begging you to invite him in with his eyes.
“Ah my lovely Loki,” you mumbled under your breath, shutting the front door behind him.
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I finally watched the new Daredevil episodes today and every time I see Dex I’m like hoping they give him a redemption arch. And I KNOW I KNOW he’s just not a good guy even in the comics and stuff but I miss the Dex that was trying to be good u know. But ughhhhh when he killed Foggy I was like whyyyyy why? Anyways I want it to be known that the Dex I wrote for is for the one where he’s trying to be good.
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Benjamin Poindexter x reader
Words: 995
A/N: meet cute with Dex!!!
Dex hadn’t planned on starting a conversation with you that day. Sure he’d imagined it so many times, you’d welcome him in with that sparkling smile that made his heart do jumping jacks and he’d have some clever joke that you’d laugh at and boom! Chemistry. That was the dream, but for now he was content just watching from his designated little corner at the fast food restaurant that you worked at.
Your coworker seemed to leave you alone as he observed you were now handling both the front register and the drive thru, which he noticed happened quite often. Dex frowned as he could visibly see your coworker through the glass window of their office, laughing into their own personal phone. His hand gripped his coffee cup as he watched. He hated when you were left up front by yourself. Whenever you were, you got noticeably stressed, your words were shortened, your smile was forced, customers grew impatient, it was just difficult for Dex to watch.
His thoughts were brought back to you as he heard you say your goodbyes to the current customer you were dealing with before they walked out with a smile.
Dex observed as you dashed around, clearly rushing in finishing up two drinks, you spun and stepped forward and when you did, your head collided with the overhead shelf. Hard.
At the sight of your clear pain, his shoulders raised while his breath hitched in the back of his throat as he physically winced at the loud sound that could be heard during the hit.
“Ow,” you winced before hissing at the pain that was inflicted.
Usually he’d just watch, too distressed about his own words that could easily push you away, but instead his worry for you moved him, as he walked up to the now empty counter.
“Are you alright?”
You, now with eyes squeezed shut, stood there rubbing your forehead. “Oh yeah, I’m fine,” you assured. And after a second passed, you collected yourself before removing your hand and putting back on that customer smile, “thanks.” He watched as you then turned, continuing an order before handing it out the window and took the next order.
He stood at the counter, his feet unwilling to leave you alone. You finished handing the next customer their drink before shutting the window and noticing him again.
“I’m sorry, anything else I can get for you today?”
His eyes lifted, spotting a bump beginning to form in the spot where your head made contact with the wood.
“...yeah. Do you just have a little plastic bag, maybe a ziploc bag?”
“We have something of the sort.” He observed as you turned around, then went around the corner and bent your knees reaching before pulling something out and returning. “Here you are.”
“Thank you.”
Taking the clear bag, Dex went to the fountain machine and filled the small bag with ice before zipping it shut and returning to the counter again.
With the store being slow at the moment, you noticed him right away. You stepped closer to him, the counter now against your body, “yes?”
Without a word he hesitantly lifted the bag, you watched the bag as it came in contact with your forehead.
In any normal instance you’d flinch away from the action, finding it odd this stranger was entering your personal bubble. But in this instance the coldness from the bag felt too good against your head. Closing your eyes, you relished the cooling sensation.
Dex stood, taking in your sight as he stood so close yet not close enough.
He noticed the way you stood there so peaceful for the first time. He noticed the subtlety in the makeup you had decided to wear that day. He noticed how your breathing slowed in pace no doubt finding comfort in his action.
He took note of it all.
If it were up to him, he’d choose to stand there all day, just taking every part of you in.
But the sound of the register printing a new order ruined his moment, as it brought you back to earth, your eyes darting to the machine. You stepped away from the counter but Dex leaned forward continuing to put pressure against your head.
“I have a pick up order to bag.”
“You have to take care of yourself first,” he shook his head, discouraging you from moving, “you matter before anything else.”
You don’t know if it was the fact you were irritated for the constant abuse at your job or the fact that you were embarrassed at yourself for being stupid enough to run into an inanimate object, but you stayed, letting your shoulders fall in relation as a breath escapes your lips and you closed your eyes once more allowing yourself to take a moment, just for a second.
“I’m such a klutz,” you say with a single laugh leaving your throat.
“That’s an endearing quality.”
“It’s a stupid quality.”
“I’ve had my own share of klutzy moments sometimes.”
You looked back at the stranger who was trying to help you both physically and mentally. Your forehead crinkled at the sudden realization that this stranger was doing his all to help you, “I’m sorry, what was your name?”
His arm that held the ice lowered as he stood tall, his back straightening.
“Benjamin Poindexter but people call me Dex.”
You smiled at him once again making his stomach do somersaults. “Nice to meet you Dex.” This time he was the one to do the grinning, “oh and I’m Y/n.” You stated pointing to your name tag.
This wasn’t the initial meeting that Dex had planned and while that fact would normally bother him, this was far more progressive than he could’ve done on his own. So he was happy. Happy the shelf got in your way, and happy he finally got the courage to talk to you. He only hoped you felt the same way.
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The Suspicious Activities Of A Blind Man
Matt Murdock x reader
Words: 837
A/N: This fic is kinda a meet cute, sort of. I kind of hate this story but I saw this gif and wanted to post something for Matt today. I might make a part 2 to make this a bit better but for now it is what it is
You always believed you had a good read on people. The way they held themselves, the way their expressions displayed. You weren’t perfect at it but you thought you were good enough.
So imagine your surprise when you see the blind man, the one you see pass by your store every single day to get to his business or office or whatever it is that he’s always looking so good for, turn one day into an alley and instantly pick up his pace, throwing his cane and sprinting.
After seeing that, your mind went into haywire, excuses for the man came up but none of them could explain what you saw.
To be honest you didn’t know what to do with this new information. I mean there was no one you could really talk to about this and you hadn’t even talked to the guy once, just seen him in passing.
You thought that was it, you were just going to have to sit with this weird information for the rest of your life. But sometimes life is funny that way because the next time you were at a bar guess who was there too. Mr. Blind Man.
You had just stopped by for a quick drink after a shift when you had noticed him with what looked like one of his coworkers.
Watching from afar you waited for the perfect moment. And suddenly there it was. His coworker made a hand gesture towards the bathroom, and then he left.
You didn’t know what gave you the strength to go up to him, maybe the curiosity of knowing the truth, but whatever it was, you did.
As nonchalantly as you could, you slid into the empty seat beside him with a drink in your hand. Taking a moment to casually nod your head, you then lean towards him a little, “I know your secret.”
Matt, who seems a tiny bit surprised that you’re beside him tilts his head in your direction. “I’m sorry, are you talking to me?”
The man was much more striking up close than you had initially thought, but you wouldn’t let that factor distract you from your objective.
“Yes, you.”
His face contorts, an amused smile threatening to take place on it. “Having a drink?”
“No, not that!” You lean a bit closer lowering your voice, “You’re not really blind, are you?”
Your words practically make him spit out his drink in comical relief because that is not where he thought you were going.
“Me? I’m not blind? I’m sorry. Do I even know you?”
You press your lips together and your eyebrows pull down, a line forming between them, “no. Well I know you. Not in like a weird way but you pass by the shop I work at.”
“The one on 9th avenue?”
At his early reply you narrow your eyes again, “...yes”
Sensing the suspicion in your voice he explains unprompted, “I can smell the pastries on your clothes. I’ve been meaning to check it out but haven’t gone around to it yet.”
You lean back still eyeing the man, this was all a little too strange for you. And he still hadn’t answered the question, was he blind or not?
“That’s not the point, the point is the other day I saw you. You sprinted down the alley and didn’t even need your cane.”
His mouth opened and you waited for him to say something, anything that excused his skeptical behavior. But instead all he said was, “must’ve been the wrong guy.” And he turned back to his drink.
“Wrong guy. Wrong guy? Are you kidding me? I’d never mistake a face that good-looking.” The sentence left your mouth before you could even think about it, as you were too focused on the blind portion of it all. Of Course though, he caught it.
“Good looking?” There it was that entertained smile again that was trying its hardest to divert you.
“Look man, I don’t know if you’re crazy or maybe I’m crazy but between you and me,” you leaned forward, “what’s your secret?”
Smirk never leaving Matt’s face he leaned closer, the distance between your faces shrinking. “Do you want to know my secret?”
You instinctively nod, even though you’re still uncertain whether he was actually blind or not.
He tilts his head to the side as if making sure no one was around to hear his next words.
And in a hushed voice he admitted, “There is no secret. I’m a regular ole’ blind person.” He leaned back his mouth agape while you sat there in disbelief.
Before you could even come up with something, anything to say, his friend came back. “Matt, everything alright?”
Matt, leaning back into his original position, turns to him, “everything’s great, I’m ready to head out.”
With a single nod he gets up and reaches for his cane before turning back to you, “I’ll see you around.” And that was it.
He left you sitting there wondering, who really was he?
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pls write more dex! i love the way you wrote him in your last fic, wonderful job. i hope you are having a nice day
Awww so sweet 🥰 I’m willing to take any fic ideas or even prompts for him if u have any 😉
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Bucky Barnes x reader
Words: 682
A/N: Just a lil pure fluff for Bucky. I’m in my Bucky era again
You stared at your phone. Something was wrong.
See you soon <3
You read the text again focusing on the heart at the end. This wasn’t him, right? It must’ve been somebody impersonating him.
You sat at the counter of your kitchen in thought with your phone laying screen up while your hands were interlaced pushed against your lips.
You were starting to get worried. Should you call somebody, should you call Sam? No they were together, if someone got to him then someone got to Sam too. Your mind was racing in thought. The only thing that broke its focus was the sound of the front door unlocking.
Your eyes darted to the sound as you grabbed a nearby knife. But the hammering in your heart stopped once you saw Bucky entering your apartment.
You let out a sigh putting the knife down as he threw his duffel bag to the floor before looking at you for the first time.
“Woah, is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine. I just thought something went wrong on the mission for a moment, that's all.”
He frowned, taking his shoes off and stepping closer. “I said I’d see you soon, why would anything be wrong?”
He planted a kiss on your cheek, passing by you to grab a plum from the fruit bowl.
“I don’t know, I guess your message just threw me off.”
He let out a hmm, sort of in agreement. But that was it.
“Well the ending was the part that really threw me off.”
He nodded again as if that was that.
You were going to have to yank the bull harder to get the answer from him.
“So yeah, what was up with that? That’s not like you?”
You pick up your phone, “Bucky, come on…” he looked at you as if having no idea what you’re talking about, you had to fill in the answer for him to continue the conversation, “the heart at the end! You’ve never done that before.”
“Oh I just thought it was a nice thing,” he shrugged it off as if it was no big deal.
“It is a nice thing, a really sweet nice thing but it’s just it’s so random, you know?”
Bucky sighed, “yeah I figured, you know I don’t tell you enough how much I care for you, so I figured I’d start doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Telling you I love you.”
Now that. That took you aback.
“Huh? You don’t tell me how much you love me?”
“Yeah…it took me so long to say it and some guys were talking on the mission and it just made me realize that I don’t say it as much as I should.” He finally turned to you fully, “I’m sorry, I’ll say it more often from now on.”
You wave your hands in the air trying to shut down this whole claim of his, “stop just stop. You say it all the time. It might not be verbal but you say it in the little things; when you make dinner, when I fall asleep and you carry me to the bed, when you buy me something because it reminds you of me—that’s all you telling me you love me Buck. Come on now don’t be silly,” you continue, clearly upset that he would even accuse himself like this, “and you do tell me you love me, so whatever those guys said they can buzz off. If anything it’s not you who doesn’t say it enough it’s me who doesn’t say it enough, so Bucky,” you go to where he’s now seated on a stool and you put two hands to his cheek squishing them in the process, “I love you.”
Bucky’s stoic expression breaks in your hands, knowing you’re passionate about his feelings and that you just want him to know how good he is, “I love you too.”
You grin and kiss him chastely. “Now aside from that, the heart was a cute touch. I'm definitely screenshotting this.”
Bucky rolled his eyes while a smile continued to decorate his lips.
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