#but as both a display structure and as protection for the internal organs i can see the utility
stay-with-wonder · 1 month
Manta Rays
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Manta rays are magnificent creatures that roam the ocean with elegance. These gentle giants belong to the family Mobulidae and are closely related to sharks. In this blog post, I will explore the fascinating world of manta rays, including their characteristics, behavior, and conservation status.
Manta rays are known for their distinctive appearance and impressive size. Here are some characteristics of these magnificent animals:
Size and Shape:
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Manta rays possess two large, triangular pectoral fins on either side of their body, which they use to “fly”  through the water. These fins are one of their more distinctive features.
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Manta rays are filter feeders, using a specialized structure called cephalic lobes to direct water into their mouths while they swim. They primarily feed on plankton, small fish, and crustaceans.
Behavior and Habitat:
Manta rays are predominantly found in tropical and subtropical waters across the globe. Here are some notable aspects of their behavior and habitat.
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Manta rays are known to undertake long-distance migrations, traveling between different feeding and breeding grounds. These migrations can cover hundreds or even thousands of miles.
Social Behavior:
Manta rays are generally solitary creatures, but they occasionally form groups when feeding or during mating season. These groups can grow to dozens.
Species and Distribution:
There are two recognized species of manta rays: the reef Manta Ray(Manta alfredi) and the giant manta ray(Manta birostris). The reef manta ray is found in warmer coastal waters like coral reefs and lagoons, while the Giant Manta Ray inhabits both coastal and open oceans.
Manta rays have a relatively long lifespan compared to other fish species. They can live up to 40 years old and more, depending on various factors such as environmental conditions and predation risks.
Manta rays exhibit intriguing behaviors that add to their allure. They are known for their acrobatic leaps out of the water, which is called breaching. This act is believed to serve various purposes like communication, courtship displays, and parasite removal.
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Cultural Significance:
The manta ray holds cultural significance in several regions they are found in. They are celebrated in local folklore, art, and traditional ceremonies. (Manta rays have rich mythological significance in various cultures. In Hawaiian mythology, the manta ray is known as "Hōlua" and is considered a guardian spirit. It is believed to possess great wisdom and is seen as a protector of the ocean and its creatures. In some African cultures, manta rays are associated with ancestral spirits and are believed to be messengers between the human and spirit worlds. They are revered as wise and powerful beings, embodying the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.)
Conservation Status and Importance:
Manta rays face numerous threats including overfishing, bycatch, habitat degradation, and pollution. These factors have led to a decline in the manta ray population worldwide. Recognizing their ecological significance, efforts are being made to protect and conserve these magnificent creatures. Some key conservation initiatives include:
International Protection:
Manta rays are protected by international organizations and conventions, such as CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) and the CMS. (Convention of Migratory Species.)
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs):
Establishing MPAs and protected marine reserves serve as breeding grounds, and essential feeding areas and help safeguard their habitat. (Not just manta rays but for other marine species too)
Manta rays are truly remarkable creatures that continue to fascinate researchers, scientists, and me:) By appreciating their beauty, studying their behavior and actively working to preserve their species, we can ensure a brighter future for these gentle giants. And with that, this blogger bids you goodbye,Stay With Wonder!
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isosaudiarabia · 7 months
Why is ISO 27701 certification in Saudi Arabia Important?
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Why is ISO 27701 certification important in Saudi Arabia?
ISO 27701 certification is important in Saudi Arabia and around the world since it focuses on personal privacy information management systems (PIMS). As an extension of ISO/IEC 27001, which resolves information on safety and security monitoring, ISO 27701 normally focuses on the management of individual privacy details, aligning with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy-related legislations. This 1,000-word lecture will explain why ISO 27701 certification is required in Saudi Arabia.
1. Legal uniformity:
Saudi Arabia, like many other countries, has strict information-security requirements that enterprises must follow. Organizations have a structured approach to managing personal privacy information, guaranteeing compliance with the GDPR and other ideal information security legislation. Certification demonstrates a commitment to legal consistency, aiding organizations, and legal outcomes related to personal privacy crimes.
2. International Recommendation And Market Access To:
ISO 27701 is a globally recognized standard. They are gaining certification, which signals to clients, friends, and stakeholders that a corporation adheres to the world-renowned superb ways of false information administration. This can be especially beneficial for firms operating on a global scale or looking to expand their market reach, as ISO 27701 certification can aid access civil liberties into regions with stringent data protection regulations.
3. Improved Online Track Record and Rely on:
Information privacy is a critical concern for both individuals and businesses. ISO 27701 Credentials enhance a company's paper by demonstrating its commitment to protecting individual privacy information. Clients and stakeholders are more likely to rely on solutions that have received ISO 27701 certification, as it displays a positive approach to protecting sensitive information and honoring constitutional personal privacy adaptabilities.
4. Risk Surveillance and Decrease
ISO 27701 emphasizes the identification and monitoring of privacy threats. Services in Saudi Arabia can successfully analyze, reduce, and care for hazards associated with the processing of specific information by applying the required controls and demands. This effective threat management strategy boosts critical business strength while decreasing the likelihood of data breaches and their associated consequences.
5. Competitive advantages:
ISO 27701 certification can be an important difference in a cost-effective service environment. Clients are more aware of the importance of personal privacy, and many are interested in joining firms dedicated to protecting specific information. ISO 27701 certification provides a competitive edge by establishing a firm in addition to competitors and attracting privacy-conscious customers.
6. Structured Treatment and Effectiveness:
ISO 27701 specifies a systematic framework for designing and maintaining an Individual Personal Privacy Information Management System. Companies in Saudi Arabia can improve their therapies associated with personal privacy information by adhering to the demand's requirements, hence increasing the effectiveness of information management. This encourages internal procedures and contributes to a better client experience.
7. Disclosing Accountability
The concept of commitment is one of the GDPR's key elements. ISO 27701 demands that enterprises follow their privacy uniformity efforts.
This document verifies accountability and demonstrates that the company takes its personal privacy duties seriously. In the event of an audit or governing question, I have ISO 27701 certification products structured and techniques for demonstrating conformity.
8. Customers' Trust and Loyalty:
Customers who value privacy are more likely to rely on and remain loyal to organizations that protect their information. ISO 27701 certification sends a clear message to consumers in Saudi Arabia and the past that a company values their personal privacy and has taken steps to ensure the secure and responsible management of their information. This trust fund can help to increase client loyalty and make brand assumptions more affordable.
9. Efficient Task for Data Breach:
In the unfortunate case of an information breach, ISO 27701 certification provides businesses with a specific incident response strategy. The criteria's instructions help in successfully handling and minimizing the impact of an offense, reducing harm to persons and the company's record. This aggressive approach to event activity is required in an age of evolving cyber threats.
10. The Regular Renovation Society:
ISO 27701 encourages a culture of continuous improvement in managing personal privacy information. Organizations want certifications that demonstrate a commitment to constantly analyzing and improving their therapies in order to adapt to changing specific privacy risks and regulatory requirements. This commitment to ongoing improvement aligns with the most trustworthy information tracking systems, ensuring firms tackle evolving individual privacy challenges.
To summarise, ISO 27701 certification is vital in Saudi Arabia for a variety of reasons, including distinguishing from licensed competitors, gaining market recognition, and increasing client loyalty. By addressing the standard, businesses and organizations protect personal privacy risks, differentiate themselves from the competition, and contribute to a global society of accountable, secure, and protected information management. As privacy concerns grow, ISO 27701 certification becomes a wise financial investment for Saudi firms seeking to succeed in a data-centric solution landscape.
What prompted Saudi Arabia to choose Factocert as its ISO 27001 certification provider?
Our staff that protects ISO 27001 certification in Saudi Arabia consistently produces astonishingly silent results. Each gadget head generates a quick touch, allowing the financial organization to do the task without them. This works well, as the therapies have no effect on the affiliation's structure.
We provide specialist ISO services, including ISO 27001 Experts in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, the George Area, and Saudi Arabia, among other large Saudi Arabian agencies, with an emphasis on ISO requirements that prioritize environmental sustainability. The current ISO standards include audit enrollment, electrical education, ISO demands, and ISO 22000, 17025, and 45001 standards. The product in question complies with all ISO regulations, including ISO 14001 and ISO 27001.
Using ISO's treasured possessions will surely improve the Saudi economic landscape. We are providing you with an estimate of the certification fee.
For More Information, Visit ISO 27001 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
Related Links:
ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 22301 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 37001 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 27701 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 26000 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 20000-1 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 50001 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia
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tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
Since you can squeeze Lancer in Ch. 2 and play a song does that mean if I punched Spade in the stomach it’s feasible he’ll play the Hamster Dance so long as he eats the mixtape beforehand or do darkner genetics not work like that
unfortunately lancer only plays the specific song of the mixtape he ate. i think if you punched spade in the stomach you’d get your arm bitten off
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k-rising · 4 years
Jaehyun's birth chart analysis
DISCLAIMER: This is just a part of the analysis of the idol’s natal chart, which wants to show a deeper perspective on the idols life. This analysis is carried out thanks to the data that appears in the birth chart. These are my interpretations of the signs and how they work based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and all interpretation and experiences within is valid. The point of this post is to entertain. [This idol has confirmed his birth time].
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Pisces Rising
jaehyun goes with the flow
an a r t i s t
lover of peace
he can be quiet and shy one day and the next one he’s VERY talkative and passionate
soft personality
sees the world the way he wants to see it
making decisions isn’t his strong point tbh
avoids cold, hard facts and harsh realities
doesn’t like organization or structure
heads in the clouds 24/7
has an irresistible charm that comes in a quiet way
both his appearance and mannerisms are usually quite intriguing to people
Aquarius Sun (12th house)
again… OPEN MINDED  
values personal freedom !!
any attempt to box him in will fail, tho
VERY fixed in his opinions
jaehyun is curious
doesn’t like when people are prejudice and bias
very clever
values frankness
he’ll try to encourage his friends to be open and forthright
will treat people equally
being an aquarius makes him quirky and "different”
he also likes having friends who are like that!
tends to avoid the spotlight
even though he’s a public figure, he’ll try to hide his true self
shines when he serves others in some way
Square between Sun and Moon
jaehyun has an internal struggle between his needs and his wants :(
is VERY indecisive
questions himself often
he’s always aware of the opposing point of view
Opposition between Sun and Lilith
there’s a self-destructive side to him that should be managed by confronting his fears
Taurus Moon (2nd house)
familiarity is important in this position !!
building a solid and comfortable home helps him to feel safe
as I said before, tends to avoid messy or unpredictable situations, crises, and emotional displays
focusses on creating a reliable and secure life around him
his affections are strong and deep
he’s sentimental and warm
tends to protect himself and his own interests
jaehyun will rarely make a move without first determining that the other person feels the same way about him
it takes A LOT to really get to him
he isn’t the most adaptable person when his routine is interrupted
his needs are strong but quite simple at the same time
jaehyun is loyal and capable
might hold onto people quite tightly
often looking for admiration
can be quite dependent on others for positive feedback
tends to hold back and wait before expressing himself
Square between Moon and Venus
his romantic desires and his emotional needs tend to create tension
he may not know what he wants
uncomfortable with emotions
Trine between Moon and Neptune
good at working with groups
perceived as mysterious and glamorous
very imaginative
may have a victim complex
Aquarius Mercury (12th house)
has a quiet way of stirring others up
very quick to contradict others
offers a different perspective
enjoys intellectual debates
likes practical jokes
raising eyebrows is an habit for this placement too, tho ;)
very fair and objective
jaehyun may have difficulty expressing himself
he doesn’t talk much
speaks when he’s in the mood to do it
he might be an excellent confidante
keeps secrets very well
prefers not to focus on facts
learn best when ideas are presented visually, emotionally or imaginatively
learning to communicate clearly is a challenge for jaehyun
this could help him to end his feelings of guilt, of being misunderstood, and to attracting unpleasant situations
Conjunction between Mercury and Venus
looks on the bright side of life
likes beauty, art, travelling
good at talking
he's also good at charming others
Trine between Mercury and Mars
likes debates
has good judgment
very determined
has lots of energy when it comes to work
Conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter
has big ideas
is tolerant
has a strong sense of justice
he also has good judgement
enjoys literature and learning
will be successful socially
Sextile between Mercury and Saturn
is precise or strives to be mentally organized
has the patience to work towards a goal slowly but surely
Conjunction between Mercury and Uranus
spontaneous in his friendships
knows how to turn situations around positively
Aquarius Venus (12th house)
he wants people to see him as unique, rebellious and a little provocative ;)
jaehyun is attractive when he’s acting a little aloof, tho
attracted to unusual or unconventional relationships
can appear quite standoffish at times
is threatened by restrictions of any kind
emotional people may be put off by his detached manner in love
he wants people to love him for his intellect !!
jaehyn values lovers who’re also good friends
pleasing jaehyun involves letting him know how interesting he is
he’s very proud of his unique ideas and visions
his partner has to dream along with him
even though he likes being in a relationship, jaehyun also needs his own space
he may have secret love affairs :0
it’s difficult for him to defining his boundaries tbh
but he can get hurt in love rather easily
can also feel used
attracted to people from all walks of life
finds attractive a person who has an unusual background or quirky personality
being openly affectionate and trusting others doesn't seem safe to him at all
jaehyun may feel his love won't be appreciated or it won’t be reciprocated
maybe he has fallen in love with many people who are quite unavailable to him
love and sacrifice is SO important for him
he values self-sacrifice and a giving attitude in a partner
jaehyun can be quite mysterious to people, because he keeps his romantic needs hidden
he isn't punishing himself, it's just that he doesn't feel worthy to be in a public relationship
Trine between Venus and Mars
jaehyun is a PASSIONATE lover
has a strong temperament
is driven by connection and enjoying each other's company
Conjunction between Venus and Jupiter
has good relations with his social circle
jaehyun may fall in love easily
he has a successful professional life :’)
people usually trust him
Conjunction between Venus and Uranus
again, scared of losing his liberty
marriage may not be for him
jaehyun has that little something that attracts others, tho
even though he’s romantic, he’s also a little detached or unpredictable
jaehyun can see through insincerity in others
in relationships, tolerance is the most important thing to him
his sexual preferences can be quite unconventional too
long-distance relationships might attract him
Libra Mars (7th house)
reflects about things before he acts
defends himself and others
has the need to balance everything !!
jaehyun always play innocent when he’s challenged
he doesn't want to be mean or unfair
he’s great at solving conflicts
he might like being dominant not only at work, but also in his relationships
there’s also a tendency to take other people’s actions too personally
having a partner makes him feel sure of who he is
jaehyun wants things to be reciprocate
Trine between Mars and Jupiter
jaehyun is jovial, frank and sincere
he may have many children or projects and ventures :)
he doesn’t think about failing, even though success isn’t as important to him as enjoyment and happiness
Opposition between Mars and Saturn
jaehyun is often attracted to doing something if there are problems attached
likes to overcome obstacles
Trine between Mars and Uranus
impulsive but bold
very open to new methods and different ways of doing things
Trine between Mars and Neptune
his feelings are dominated by wisdom and intuition
likes odd people
can often use a gentle approach to pursuing his desires
Sextile between Mars and Pluto
has a great capacity for work
will stick out with his plans to the end
committed and determined
possibly impatient when his members do things only halfway or half-heartedly
generally confident about his own talents
persistent when pursuing a goal
Aquarius Jupiter (11th house)
attracts good fortune when he is tolerant, fair, impartial and cooperative
wants to show unique perspective or skills
Conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus
he quickly sizes up a situation and knows what's going on at a glance
Aries Saturn (1st house)
he must learn to develop self-confidence
jaehyun can be self-conscious in new situations, especially when young
first reactions to new ideas or plans are somewhat negative
doesn’t speak too much
he doesn’t waste energy unnecessarily
Aquarius Uranus (11th house)
may get over excited at the start of a task that interests him
his friends can be extravagant, original and intellectual
Sextile between Uranus and Pluto
brings transformation and change into other people's lives
enters others lives unexpectedly and makes an impact
has a creative mind
Capricorn Neptune (11th house)
wants to belong to a group of like-minded people or to connect with a higher purpose
Sagittarius Pluto (9th house)
sexuality and love are idealized
Leo Lilith
VERY provocative, captivating and sexually appealing
jaehyun can get impatient when his needs aren’t satisfied
he may have felt bad for wanting attention or for seeking to be better than others
Virgo North Node (7th house)
his challenge in life is to be proactive and live an orderly and practical life
developing and following healthy and practical routines
needs to develop organization, promptness and pay attention to details
𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
likes a partner who has a wry sense of humor
someone who seems organized and analytical
his s/o may bring him an element of groundedness that migh seem attractive for jaehyun
𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐂
jaehyun wants a career that allows him to express his individuality and independence
capable of making a mark on his job
always ready to absorb new knowledge
enjoys exploring new ideas
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐈𝐂
he might like talking to himself a lot
enjoys stimulating conversations with people who are close to him
jaehyun also seeks for mental activities to busy himself with
𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐮𝐦 (𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡)
aquarius are known for being social, but with his 12th house stellium it makes him an introvert person
likes isolation
he can also have a pretty short fuse for dealing with people, tho
very sociable, but will isolate himself later
very chill on the exterior, but irritated on the inside
when he gets annoyed you will notice it
might have issues with embracing his emotions
doesn't like talking about how he really feels
tends to rationalize everything !!!
sooooo talented
loves music and arts so much
it takes a long time to fall in love, because he sees everyone in a friendly way
ones he finds the perfect lover, jaehyun will commit
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holden-norgorov · 4 years
Why Katniss Everdeen is definitely an INTJ.
Due to the lack of general consensus regarding The Hunger Games main character’s personality type, I’ve decided to provide an analysis aimed at demonstrating that Katniss Everdeen is indeed an INTJ, and at narrowing down why she often gets mistyped by a huge bunch of the Internet – which is, mostly, because people who are not so familiar with the theory tend to type characters formulating their thesis on dichotomies rather than cognitive functions, and without knowledge regarding how cognitive functions work and interact with each other.
Disclaimer: I’ll preface this entire post by clarifying that I’m talking about the literary character, not the cinematic one. Katniss, as portrayed in the movies, seems to be inevitably too expressive than how she is described in the books. Overall, Jennifer Lawrence’s performance it’s still a great adaptation of the character, that’s unquestioned; but acting itself is a discipline entirely focused on conveying emotional resonance through body language, and, as opposed to what happens with literature, emotions have to be seen on screen rather than just read on paper. This means that the actress herself, in order to give the audience a glimpse about what’s happening inside the character she is portraying, sometimes has to show it through expressive reactions and behaviors – a scheme that, repeated periodically, ends up making it look like Katniss might rely on Fe as a response mechanism to the external world (which is not the case). So, keep in mind that I’m talking about the character as described in the original, literary work.
In this post, I’m going to thoroughly focus on the main response that the MBTI community provided to the character, and confute the almost-taken-for-granted idea that she is a Sensor, which always gets thrown in without any argumentative and explanatory back-up to support it. Just because Katniss is skilled at archery, it doesn’t mean that she uses sensory lens to interpret the whole world. Aside from INTJ, Katniss gets often typed as an ISTP or an ISTJ, and despite understanding where both these typing choices come from, they are both flawed perception on her for different reasons.
Why Katniss is not an ISTP:
ISTPs lead with Ti (Introverted Thinking) and consequently have Fe (Extraverted Feeling) as their bottom function. This means that their first extraverted function is a Perceiving one (Se) and that they extravert their feeling side rather than their thinking side in social circumstances. IxTPs, despite being extremely logical, tend to keep their rational side hidden to others and, in relating to them, are more able to grasp the collective harmony of the group and exude a certain ability to conform to it. Ti/Fe users are less comfortable with displaying Ti’s internal, complex logical framework when dealing with people, but mingle with them exploiting their own – usually untrained, but still accessible – Fe persona. ISTPs in particular, having Se and Fe as their extraverted functions, can be quite good in going with the flow and at the same time understanding the collective needs and adjusting to them. In the inside, ISTPs may feel lonely in the middle of a crowd – mainly because of their internal “library” of logical, organized facts rarely shared externally – but on the outside, they appear to be quite well-adjusted, in tune with the environment and striving to be accepted by or to please others, other than, to a lesser extent, being expressive of how they feel with their attitudes (faces, gestures, etc). Dominant Ti users, leading with an internalized judging function, are also prone to indulge in overthinking and self-questioning dynamics every time new external data seem to contradict one of their internally-processed conclusions. They always look for logical inconsistencies between what they grasp from the outside and what they have previously deemed as logically accurate in the inside. Ti is naturally prone to engage in constant re-evaluations of logical facts, often generating self-doubt, and to increasingly complicate the reasoning upon them: it’s a theoretical way of thinking.
ISTPs have Se (Extraverted Sensing) as their Auxiliary function. This makes them externally chaotic despite their inner organized system. Extraverted Sensing, as the first extraverted function in a person, makes Se users thrive in the unpredictable. Se users gain energy in highly-stimulated scenarios where they can react freely and spontaneously to their environment: they shine when they get to be (physically) responsive and reactive to the world, and avoid being pro-active and trying to actively shape their path with previous decision-making procedures, because to them that feels debilitating. A perfect example of an ISTP female character is Fa Mulan, from the Disney Classic “Mulan” (1997): she is constantly overthinking and questioning herself because she experiences her world trying to grasp out of it what makes sense according to her internal logical system (Ti); she is at her best whenever improvisation and reactive skills are required in the physical realm (Se) and consistent with her Ti’s conclusions; she has deep problems within herself because she is unable to please her family (low Fe), and because of this she spends her entire life up to the movie events without knowing who she actually is (Fi as the demon function). ISTPs’ Ti/Se combination can provide them with a natural and exceptional expertise in practical matters without requiring the average amount of effort, as seen when Mulan is able to succeed when other soldiers can’t despite her lack of previous training. They are theoretical thinkers and spontaneous doers at the same time, which makes them ultimately practical.
Katniss, on the other hand, is neither theoretical in her way of thinking nor particularly spontaneous in her way of doing things. It’s stated countless times in the books that she is completely oblivious and/or careless of the collective social harmony that encompasses her. She always stands out as being cold, standoffish, uncompromising and individualistic in her way of socializing. She has a tendency to keep her emotional side hidden, to engage in unexpressive attitudes – the so-called “resting bitch face” – and relate to others through blunt rationality as a protective wall, which is the exact opposite of how a Ti/Fe user behaves (especially with strangers). Katniss extraverts her thinking side with others, which makes her a Te/Fi user. She fails again and again to realize how social codes actually work and is particularly inept when it comes to decrypt social behaviors, to the point that she spends years of her life without realizing Madge Undersee considered her as a friend all along. It’s extremely clear that she filters her interactions via a Te-based way of interpreting reality. The main difference between Ti and Te stands in the location of the logical framework: Ti users develop it internally, Te users externally. Te users, having this “library” of logical facts outside themselves, project its organization on the external environment and are able to modify it without incurring in overthinking and self-questioning dynamics. Whereas Ti is prone to over-complicate reasoning to look for internalized inconsistencies, Te is prone to over-simplify it to look for a quick external conclusion – hence why, outwardly, Te users appear more confident and decisive than Ti users. Te makes up for a pragmatical way of thinking, and Katniss is as pragmatical as they come.
“Besides, if he wants kids, Gale won’t have any trouble finding a wife. He’s good-looking, he’s strong enough to handle the work in the mines, and he can hunt. You can tell by the way the girls whisper about him when he walks by in school that they want him. It makes me jealous but not for the reason people would think. Good hunting partners are hard to find.”
In fact, she is so pragmatical that in Catching Fire she coldly rationalizes a way to kill everyone in order to ensure Peeta’s survival and she shows no difficulty in conceptualizing human murders as anything more than common animal killings. She shows a natural ability to detach herself from the physical world and conceptualize people, things and actions in symbolic structures, dehumanizing them (Ni). Katniss is also not an extraverted perceiver. She is controlled, collected and measured in how she acts. Everything she does is deliberate, is purposeful. Her resourcefulness comes from her open-minded mental disposition and her quick intuitive ability to select possibilities, other than from her rebellious tendencies; it doesn’t come from being spontaneous or gaining energy in the here and now. In fact, Katniss is a meticulous and constant mental planner on a daily basis, as I will explain later on. She uses Se as a fairly developed inferior function, which she had to learn how to properly hone for survival purposes. But on a cognitive perspective, it’s quite clear it’s not something she naturally uses to perceive reality.
It’s so obvious that people tend to type Katniss as an ISTP purely using dichotomies – she’s Introverted, she is a Thinker, and she is skilled at archery so she has to be a perceiving Sensor, right? Labeling her as an ISTP steams from an extremely superficial reading and interpretation of the character. Katniss is not a Perceiver, nor is she a Ti/Fe user in any way.
Why Katniss is not an ISTJ:
Unlike ISTPs, ISTJs express judgments in the external world through a Te/Fi approach, which suits Katniss more accurately – so, it’s actually much easier to understand why Katniss might be mistyped for an ISTJ. The difference between ISTJs and INTJs lies in how they perceive information. ISTJs are Si users, and Si as a dominant function acts as a collector of sensory data in their concrete, practical essence. Si users have excellent memory regarding details of the physical world. Those details are internalized in the ISTJs’ world-building process according to their factual qualities, not their symbolic ones. This is why they develop an attachment to the past: because for them, experience is not something to analyze and conceptualize, but to preserve and estimate in the concrete, physical effects it had on them. Si users place the value of something in its empirical form; Ni users place it in its idealistic one. Ni users, instead, conceptualize any experience they absorb. They tend to quickly forget the concrete aspect of it and save the conceptual pattern behind it. Ni as a dominant function acts as a collector of intuitive patterns in their abstract form. Those patterns, once fully accessible and narrowed down, are gathered inside the INTJ who, from that moment on, has immediate access to it every time it is recognized in new sensory elements, even ones that superficially can seem completely unrelated (this is why Ni users are said to experience sudden “aha!” moments out of nowhere: because they witnessed the recurrence of a symbolic pattern they previously stored and are now able to access it without being conscious of the process). Si users are uncomfortable with abstract thinking and devalue the intuitive ramifications steaming from the source material (low Ne); Ni users are uncomfortable with practical details and devalue the raw source material that provided intuitive patterns (low Se).
For an ISTJ, every experience is an irreplaceable cornerstone that should be preserved and valued (eyes to the past); for an INTJ, every experience is a possible source of new patterns to be exploited from that moment on (eyes to the future). As a consequence, ISTJs develop a strong trust in established methods, rules and hierarchies, because they perceive them in their concrete efficiency and recognize their merits in letting them live their experiences; INTJs, instead, develop a complementary strong distrust in them, because they perceive them in what they conceptually represent and place value in the patterns underneath, i.e. what let them analyze their experiences.
That said, Katniss Everdeen is an INTJ mostly mistyped as an ISTx because she had to grow up in an environment and live through childhood circumstances that forced her to temporarily suffocate her Ni in order to develop her Se earlier than usual. But she is not a Sensor, and her Ni lens are still predominant in the narrative.
One of the biggest differences between ISTJs and INTJs is the relationship they have with authority and power. Si users see their own value as people in the role they play in the community they belong to; they tend to be the keepers of the established order because it’s what gives them their sense of identity and belonging. And it’s not only about the “overarching” order of things, but also the one that is ever-present even in the smallest of things. They value conformism and respect to those rules, because they made their experiences possible – and those experiences are what their worldview is based upon. Ni users, instead, don’t place their value in a community system, and see themselves as above or independent to its rules. How many times did you happen to read “INTJs are considered the most independent of all the types”? This is why. It’s about mental independence, which is also the source of subversive behaviors and rebellious attitudes, that are very common in Ni users and extremely atypical in Si ones. And Katniss is an extremely independent person under every aspect. Due to this sense of identity projected in their social role, Si user are also exceptionally prone to master social codes and conventions, while Katniss proves to be extremely deficient in this regard, showing a deep inability to grasp the basic norms of human collective interactions despite having been forced to engage in them every day at school and at work for presumably years. Her intuitive nature is particularly obvious in this case, because it shows how she is naturally able to detach herself from the sensory realm and its details, engaging in it exclusively through Te’s pragmatical lens – every interaction becomes a practical exchange, almost an economic proposition with cause-and-effect regulations. But at the same time, she constantly associates people’s actions with symbols (Ni).
“To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed. And more than once, I have turned in the school hallway and caught his eyes trained on me, only to quickly flit away. I feel like I owe him something, and I hate owing people.”
In order to properly grasp the difference, let’s draw a comparison with another famous ISTJ female character, who also happens to be an archer as well: Susan Pevensie, from The Chronicles of Narnia. Susan shares with Katniss her exterior stubborn, resolute attitude through which she conveys her rationalism, and her pragmatical approach in dealing with unfamiliar situations (Te); she is also emotionally introverted and very much in tone with her own personal values (Fi). Other than that, Susan is also extremely well-mannered and receptive of conventional rules, almost narrow-minded in her persistence in following “by-the-book” etiquette and always incredibly skeptical in evaluating idealistic possibilities when facing the variation of her reality. Her core worldview revolves around the sensory experiences she internalizes, and her own identity gets defined by the rules and the codes she strives to follow by herself, and that she constantly reminds others to follow as well. After the Pevensies are brought away from their mother because of the war, Susan decides to self-impose on herself the social role of “new mother” of her siblings in order to find her new purpose and maintain a pro-active control on her life. Katniss has to do a similar thing after her father’s death, but out of survival purposes because of her mother’s fall into depression. Katniss commits to the process in an INTJ fashion, using her Ni to visualize the conceptual goal (her family’s survival) and rationalizing the most efficient and optimized way to reach it through Te; Susan, on the other hand, commits to it out of no life-or-death obligation, but simply because she feels the need to in order to perceive her identity as validated (Si). She is repetitively dismissive of unconventional situations and finds comfort in a constant tendency to refuge in tried-and-true methods. Both as a Queen in Narnia (before aging back to be a teenager again) and as a growing adult in our world, Susan ends up revolving her life around the sensory experiences she collects; in Narnia she learns to grow accustomed to local rituals and becomes widely known for engaging in traditional lifestyles, whereas in our world she gains new concrete experiences that lead her to “forget” (or more likely, deem as less important) her childhood ones in Narnia. The more her social importance increases here, the more Narnia becomes an idealized fantasy in her mind, i.e. something to be devaluated (low Ne).
Another example of a female Te/Si user is Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, who is an ESTJ. Hermione’s entire knowledge system is completely dependent on a methodical text-book approach of assimilation of notions, which she rarely question or devaluate in any way; outside of what is learnt by the tried-and-true methods, she is discovered to be quite skeptical of the unfamiliar and less comfortable with (but not incapable of) exploring unknown imaginative possibilities (tertiary Ne). She is also extremely reluctant to break the rules, especially in early evolutionary stages, when her third function has yet to develop.
On the contrary, the first thing we learn about Katniss is that she inherited by her father the unconventional way of thinking and the reluctance to be subordinated by the system. She recalls how since she was a child, she had a tendency to engage in subversive language which could have been taken as rebellious if she had been heard by Peacekeepers. Her mother soon took corrective methods and Katniss learnt to keep her observations to herself. But despite that, her subversive nature still remains the core of who she is and will become during the saga. One of Katniss’s most recurrent traits is, indeed, subverting either governmental rules or societal expectations. She does that all the time, and in every way possible. She starts by hunting illegally in prohibited territory and selling the wild game to marketers, showing an independent nature which gains the admiration of her peers; then she volunteers as a tribute to replace her sister (something unprecedented in her district); she rebels against the lack of attention from the Gamemakers in her training evaluation session, intimidating them by showing her skills through insubordination, and gaining the highest score; she rebels against Seneca Crane’s last-minute-rearrangement of the Game’s rules by suggesting she and Peeta ingest the berries at the same time and commit suicide, already foreseeing the successful outcome of her strategy (Ni/Te); she shows insubordinate behavior in front of President Snow himself; she hangs Seneca Crane in front of the Gamemakers; she appears completely unable to obey basic orders that she deems as pointless and dismisses any kind of authority to the point that President Coin targets her rebellious temperament as her most-defining trait and the one she should conquer to be accepted in the Mockingjay mission; in District 13, she never follows social protocol nor she attends half of the events she should partake in. So, not only doesn’t she place her identity value in her community, but she also despises the idea of becoming part of a community at all, because there’s nothing she craves the most than independence, and relying on others is perceived by her as a weakness. This is quite the norm for INTJs.  
Katniss’s archery talent per se is also completely unrelated to how she perceives the world and to her cognitive preferences, because it was something she was forced to develop; but the way she engages in it is very telling. Many INTJs have interests in pursuing solitary physical activities, and their dominant Ni pushes them to apply their perfectionistic tendencies in everything they try to accomplish. This is why Katniss grows to master that practice, becoming an excellent archer (Gale describes her as “the best one he knows”). INTJs can be so obsessed with achieving excellence that they could be reluctant to show their interests, hobbies or activities at all before being sure to hone them completely. Katniss was basically forced to engage in hunting sessions to provide for her family, and this helped her in developing her inferior Se and learning to adjust to the environment around her. Nevertheless, her hunting style is still methodical, calculating and based on strategy tactics and mind games she plays to foresee her prey’s reactions and behaviors and win over them. She is never shown to gain energy and engage in it with the chaotic flexibility that high Se-users would show (as, for instance, Mulan constantly does in the Chinese Army): she is still precise, deliberate and focused in reaching an established goal, i.e. anticipating her opponents. It’s almost like she is playing chess with her preys. She conceptualizes her sensory activities and her body becomes a tool for her mind to use. Being a solitary activity in a solitary environment, Katniss is soon able to thrive because it gives her the opportunity to detach from the real world outside the woods and retreat safely in her mind, where she can perceive herself in control.
Another main trait associable with Ni/Te users is their strategic thinking. Ni’s ability to extract conceptual patterns from sensory elements and Te’s pragmatical approach in decompressing them give INTJs natural access to a pro-active way of interpreting reality and a strong desire to control it in a structured, foreseeable manner. INTJs naturally develop an automatic mental disposition to strategize every action they make in order to them to fit their vision and help them in reaching their desired goals. And it’s not just about the Big Strategies, or the Mastermind Plans: it’s a mental framework and it applies on a day to day basis, sometimes in the most insignificant things, often subconsciously and in extremely basic forms. We get to experience Katniss’s interaction with the outside world during the books, and she constantly strategizes. The first thing she thinks about after volunteering to save her sister (a very Fi-driven act for “the only person she is sure she loves”) is that crying as a response mechanism must be avoided because it would be caught by the Square’s cameras, and that she must not indulge in it even after the Reaping ceremony ends, because there will also be cameras in the train station after the tributes get to give their farewells. This by itself, as spontaneous as she makes it look like, is still a calculating way of thinking. She is used to foresee and evaluate strategically the long-term effects of her actions and choices. When she gets to see her family before leaving, she is distant and controlling: she doesn’t waste time in emotional matters, but straight-forwardly communicates a planning schedule of things to do in order for them to be able to survive without her.
She promises to her sister Prim that she will try to win – which now becomes her Goal – and strictly after that she already shows to be comfortable with the idea of dehumanizing other people to reach that goal. She is so calculating and detached from the sensory rules that she actually believes Peeta Mellark’s spontaneous emotional reaction to be a strategy for the Games, which indirectly underlines that it’s something she would do just for strategy purposes – just like we discover former victor Johanna Mason (ENTJ) did. When the night before the Games Peeta (ENFP) shares with her his open, individualistic unwillingness to be a slave to the Capitol (Ne/Fi), Katniss’s skeptical attitude and strategic focus on what she needs to do to accomplish her Goal makes her keep her inner perspective (Ni/Fi) hidden from him and use Te to provide pragmatical feed-back.
“Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to… to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games,” says Peeta. “But you’re not,” I say. “None of us are. That’s how the Games work.” “Okay, but within that framework, there’s still you, there’s still me,” he insists. “Don’t you see?” “A little. Only... no offense, but who cares, Peeta?” I say. “I do. I mean, what else am I allowed to care about at this point?” he asks angrily. He’s locked those blue eyes on mine now, demanding an answer. I take a step back. “Care about what Haymitch said. About staying alive.” Peeta smiles at me, sad and mocking. “Okay. Thanks for the tip, sweetheart.” It’s like a slap in the face. His use of Haymitch’s patronizing endearment. “Look, if you want to spend the last hours of your life planning some noble death in the arena, that’s your choice. I want to spend mine in District Twelve.” “Wouldn’t surprise me if you do,” says Peeta. “Give my mother my best when you make it back, will you?” “Count on it,” I say. Then I turn and leave the roof.
Inside the Arena, she avoids human interactions as far as possible, trying to maintain an independence of mind that allows her to function properly. This solitude allows her to focus on her primary Goal so much that she actually forgets she is supposed to be playing a love story with Peeta – something she thinks makes her appear weak. Once she is tracked down by the Favorites, she quickly comes up with a plan able to keep her safe and endanger them at the same time: she climbs a tree, knowing she has much more expertise of any of them in doing so and already picturing them trying to throw their weapons at her once she is out of their reach, hoping to be able to collect one – showing a futuristic and utilitarian approach to the situation.
When dealing with people, she is very selective, trusts her guts and is almost never wrong (Ni). She makes an alliance with Rue here, and shows sympathy for Mags, Beetee and Wiress in the next book, highly distrusting every other tribute. She comes up with another plan involving setting up several fires to distract the Favorites and destroying their supplies by exploiting the underground mines near the Cornucopia. When Seneca Crane announces that there can be two victors from the same district, Katniss decides to incorporate Peeta’s survival in her ultimate Goal, and from that moment she is determined to find him, protect him and carry out their romance as efficiently as she can.
The most emblematic moment where Katniss’s INTJness truly stands out in the first book is at the end, when the rules are changed back and just one victor is allowed. Peeta gets acceptive of the inevitable consequences that it entails, but Katniss can’t find satisfaction in it because she feels like she has been played. She managed to adapt to the Games’ logic and reach both her Goals – keeping her promise to Prim and allowing Peeta to survive with her. And suddenly she has to sacrifice one of them, even though she conquered both? This tyrannical twist aimed at controlling her is what definitely triggers her into attacking the whole system, finding a way to make the Capitol conform to what she wants and not the other way around. If there’s something INTJs hate, that it’s being manipulated and stripped of control. With the trick of the berries, she knows she is subverting the rules and that consequences will arise, but she first and foremost is confident that she will get what she wants out of it. And she does.
Katniss’s dominant Ni (Introverted Intuition) is also evident, through the whole saga, in the constant symbolical associations she makes between objects/people and images/concepts. In her mind, Prim is her “little duck”, Peeta is “the boy with the bread”, the soup in the Arena becomes a linguistic code to decrypt from Haymitch, Rue herself becomes a shadow of her sister, the Mockingjay pin becomes a self-projecting symbol, Snow’s white rose becomes a hidden form of communication between them. She sees items as conceptual containers.
In the second book, she gets visited by President Snow and she studies him, analyzing his behavior and persona and carefully weighting his words.
Perhaps it is the newness of the house or the shock of seeing him or the mutual understanding that he could have me killed in a second that makes me feel like the intruder. As if this is his home and I’m the uninvited party. So I don’t welcome him or offer him a chair. I don’t say anything. In fact, I treat him as if he’s a real snake, the venomous kind. I stand motionless, my eyes locked on him, considering plans of retreat. “I think we’ll make this whole situation a lot simpler by agreeing not to lie to each other,” he says. “What do you think?” I think my tongue has frozen and speech will be impossible, so I surprise myself by answering back in a steady voice, “Yes, I think that would save time.”
During the Victory Tour, despite Snow’s warning against her rebellious tendencies, Katniss shows once again her inability to stick to established procedures and etiquettes by coming up with an individualistic speech about Rue (Fi) that leads to an uprising and public execution. Back in her district, she keeps breaking the rules and attending the woods despite knowing that the President keeps his eyes on her movements.
As soon as the Quarter Quell is announced and the tributes are selected, Katniss decides that this time her long-term Goal will solely be Peeta’s survival, and from now on she takes her ultimate sacrifice for granted in her mental schemes, as a necessary step. Because of her Ni, Katniss develops a curiosity for Beetee (INTP) and Wiress’s intellectual approach to their training session and learns about force fields. Katniss’s archery training here is extremely probative of the mindset she enters into when hunting. She refuges inside her own head and lets her intuition overtake her body and dictate her movements in a harmonious and efficient continuum. She doesn’t lose herself in the environment (high Se), but in her own mind (high Ni), alienating herself from her physical surroundings to the point that she fails to realize she is being observed by everyone and doesn’t catch them applauding her until she sees them after her session is completed.
This time, in the Arena, she ends up being much more assertive – mainly because she has already made peace with the fact that she is not going to get out alive. This certainty is what ultimately suffocates her humanity and lets her approach the competition in a much more cold-blooded way – if she has come to have no problem dying to save Peeta, she surely has no problem killing everyone else as well to do it. She openly discusses with him about betrayal strategies and spends the majority of the time conjecturing ways to kill her temporary allies. She is so intensely focused (in a Ni tunnel-vision fashion) on her own scheme that she fails to notice than a much greater plan, arranged by the rebels, is being implemented by some of the other tributes which involves keeping her alive. Once she realizes that something is wrong with the way they are behaving, she comes up with another plan: she exploits the operative system of the Arena combined with her newly-acquired ability to recognize holes in force fields to throw an electrified arrow into the weak spot of the Arena’s one and provoke the explosion of the entire structure. Katniss shows to be attracted not only to the pragmatical efficiency of the gesture (Te), but to its symbolical connotations as well (Ni), which seem to convey an open declaration of war to Snow himself.
In the third book, she goes back to crave her independence from others, estranging herself from the social activities held in District 13 and developing an intuitive and instinctual distrust in President Coin as an authority figure. She decides to accept her propaganda role as the Mockingjay, symbol of the Revolution, just because it’s the only way to ensure the progression of the rebellious strikes and therefore to aim at Snow’s ultimate defeat – in a not-so-different way from INTJs’ tendency to engage in leadership roles once they conclude it to be the only possible solution to ensure the highest efficiency of a system. In exchange of embracing the role, Katniss provides a list of demands to be accepted – including the claim of President Snow’s execution. This becomes her new Goal.
Having witnessed at first-hand Katniss’s insubordinate nature and fearing for it to become a serious problem, President Coin decides to include a brainwashed Peeta in the Mockingjay mission. Katniss realizes quite instantly that Coin could profit from her death and that she wants to use Peeta as a weapon to control her and potentially get rid of her. Her distrust of Coin increases rapidly, but she keeps being focused on her primary Goal – to the point that, after Boggs’s death and her taking charge of the team, she pretends to know about the existence of a secondary, back-up plan established by Coin and only shared with Boggs and herself aimed at infiltrating the Capitol and killing the President.
Nevertheless, one of the most impactful moments in all the saga happens when the reader gets to experience Katniss’s Ultimate Plan. After District 13 gives order to detonate two groups of bombs from hovercrafts bearing the Capitol seal resulting in a massive genocide of children and rebel medics – including Prim –, Katniss is able to foresee (Ni) Coin’s real intentions of generating an internal conflict in the enemy lines and therefore manages to rationalize the danger she represents for Panem’s future liberty. She realizes that, in order for the people to be ultimately free and for Prim’s death not to be in vain, she needs to find a way to get rid of both Snow and Coin at the same time, because Coin’s thirst for power steams from similar roots of Snow’s, and must be sedated as quickly as possible. So, she meticulously and carefully crafts a strategy to gain Coin’s ultimate trust and then betray it publicly.
Was it like this then? Seventy-five years or so ago? Did a group of people sit around and cast their votes on initiating the Hunger Games? Was there dissent? Did someone make a case for mercy that was beaten down by the calls for the deaths of the districts’ children? The scent of Snow’s rose curls up into my nose, down into my throat, squeezing it tight with despair. All those people I loved, dead, and we are discussing the next Hunger Games in an attempt to avoid wasting life. Nothing has changed. Nothing will ever change now. I weigh my options carefully, think everything through. Keeping my eyes on the rose, I say, “I vote yes . . . for Prim.” “Haymitch, it’s up to you,” says Coin. A furious Peeta hammers Haymitch with the atrocity he could become party to, but I can feel Haymitch watching me. This is the moment, then. When we find out exactly just how alike we are, and how much he truly understands me. “I’m with the Mockingjay,” he says. “Excellent. That carries the vote,” says Coin. “Now we really must take our places for the execution.” As she passes me, I hold up the glass with the rose. “Can you see that Snow’s wearing this? Just over his heart?” Coin smiles. “Of course. And I’ll make sure he knows about the Games.” “Thank you,” I say.
She manipulates her by pretending to agree at the establishment of new Hunger Games in Prim’s memoir while keeping her eyes fixed on Snow’s rose and mentally recalling their conversation in the previous book. Haymitch – who is probably an INTJ as well (with Se-grip problems), since Katniss spends the entire saga stating how alike they are – instantly understands Katniss’s plan and votes in her favor. By doing this, Katniss ultimately gains Coin’s trust, who has no reason now not to arm her and let her execute Snow in a public ceremony. Katniss manipulates Coin even more by making her think that giving him the white rose is an attempt to symbolize revenge, while it actually is a way for Katniss to re-awake in Snow the memory of their previous exchange. Katniss’s attachment to symbology here is extremely evident. When she finally gets to be in front of Snow, she states that he has nowhere to go, no allies left. There is no way for Snow to still be a threat ever again, regardless of her actually executing him in this instance. But on the other hand, now she is given the unique, unrepeatable possibility of erasing Coin’s threat as well. And she grabs it.
I feel the bow purring in my hand. Reach back and grasp the arrow. Position it, aim at the rose, but watch his face. He coughs and a bloody dribble runs down his chin. His tongue flicks over his puffy lips. I search his eyes for the slightest sign of anything, fear, remorse, anger. But there’s only the same look of amusement that ended our last conversation. It’s as if he’s speaking the words again. “Oh, my dear Miss Everdeen. I thought we had agreed not to lie to each other.” He’s right. We did. The point of my arrow shifts upward. I release the string. And President Coin collapses over the side of the balcony and plunges to the ground. Dead.
This execution is almost a by-the-book case of INTJ’s combination of strategic planning and the ability to foresee dangerous future outcomes and prevent them from happening. Katniss’s plan was supposed to end with her suicide, but soon after Coin’s death, Peeta is able to grasp her intentions and stop her in time. Katniss, having already calculated that she was going to be executed as well for Coin’s murder, loses her cool because the final step of her strategy has been prevented, and searches for Gale in the crowd hoping to be mercifully killed by him. But she isn’t. Eventually, she gets quarantined and the newly-established Paylor’s government decides to spare her.
Overall, I think it’s safe to say that the tendency to mistype Katniss as a Sensor steams from an approximative, superficial lecture of her character and the way she operates. People tend to place the “S” label upon her purely because she is an expert in a physical activity and think that is enough for her to be a Sensor – as if there are no Intuitives more than capable of mastering “sensory categories”, which is basically the same as implying that Sensors can not be able to develop a comfortable relationship with conceptual subjects. Typing characters basing personal assumptions on dichotomies and therefore discrediting cognitive functions is an extremely biased and inefficient procedure which leads to great misunderstandings. All it takes is to dive a little bit into the core nature of the character to get a proper picture of how said character perceives the world and engages with it. And with that in mind, Katniss Everdeen can be nothing else but an INTJ.
“To hear Delly describe it, I had next to no friends because I intimidated people by being so exceptional. Not true. I had next to no friends because I wasn’t friendly.”
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nolancox81-blog · 4 years
Short review about Omniblend: A Contract Food Manufacturing
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The blades will want to be able to produce a vortex, pulling every thing from the blender down to them to become boiled into a thousand pieces. Additionally, it is great to have blades that get close to the bottom of the pitcher, so and so food pieces don't get stuck inside that mystery zone in between the blades and also the bottom of the pitcher.Has that a plunger - Now, I understand a number of these premium superior blenders available claim they don't want plungers in any respect. Of course, when that were authentic, it would seem amazing. But from that which I have noticed, no blender can promise that it does not need some josteling. Possessing a plunger that could jostel the foodstuff inside the toaster whilst the grinder is operating is a huge - With and the cabinets overhead can be a real nuisance! I really can't consider how many times I'd have knocked within my blender if it did not fit underneath my cabinets. And knocking over a blender while it is running will not be fun indeed.Has a good warrantee - In case you will find something you wish to last for long haul, you should really make sure it has a wonderful warrantee. For the purposes, let's state it should have no less than the usual 7-year warrantee.Right! That's really the matter? After all, even if money was no object, it'd not be any issue locating a bean that satisfied all those requirements.But discovering one who is going to do that without breaking up the financial institution is not the same story entirely. That's where the Omniblend arrives right into playwith. By fulfilling all previously, and costing at just $279 67146, this is genuinely the ideal blender for your money. Over the last year, the momentum of food-waste decrease is now a major concern within a global, national and business degree. At the USA , the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and also Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found the U.S. food-waste Challenge"to direct an essential change in how we consider and handle meals and meals waste within this nation." Business leaders like the Food marketing and advertising Institute (FMI), the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), and the National Restaurant Association (NRA) joined forces at the food-waste Reduction Alliance (FWRA) to discharge their first questionnaire, offering sound industry waste and recycling data across the production and retail/wholesale businesses. This info may induce companies to not only consider its commitment to food waste loss, but also the way it assigns charge towards the waste.According into the FWRA, '' the U.S. food manufacturing industry made over44.3 billion pounds of food waste at 2011. Waste generation creates lower profits during the distribution chain, resource inefficiencies and noticeable environmental influences. With food manufacturers recycling or donating 94.6% of their throw away, the has definitely seen more applications for food-waste. The greater issue today is locally identifying/reducing special solution throw away and linking it back to the ultimate price of their product.Product costs are generally calculated with materials, labor expenses and overhead. Food manufacturers use the bills of materials (BOM) to learn the cost of supplies like raw elements and packaging materials. Along with labor costs, overhead broadly speaking includes insurance facility/equipment costs, utility outlays, depreciation and salaries. Among BOM being used by all services and products At the food manufacturing industry, the cost of waste is spread. By way of example, there isn't any delineation between your garbage created also the waste associated with the bread and also by way of a niche bread. The throw away each product's total cost does not influence the cost of the item. Government and marketplace targets in 2014 will remain steadily to pressure meals manufacturers, retailers/wholesalers as well as also the restaurant/foodservice business to think about environmental and social expenses of foods items dues. Internally, the constant momentum will probably be driven with the identification of this supply of waste. Throw away tracking systems offer companies the chance to monitor specific product waste amount. By pinpointing the purchase price of a garbage flow, this info can be related by a manufacturer back to the cost of a specific product line. Ultimately, the pricing structure will then be much more accurate index of cost tag because influenced from the cost-per product.In overview, food-waste calculated onto a high level with operations makes an inefficient pricing strategy. The expense of food waste must be correlated into the product causing it.More and more plants are choosing a computer system enclosure to get a single rationale or some other, let's take a examine them and also to see if the funding would be well worth the possible saving.With most generation companies using some sort of transit system to monitor production and to run computer software programs that dominate the machines onto the manufacturing lineand they need to protect their investment from the technology, like a standard information collection position is thought to exercise at $2000 for all the PC system and a PC enclosure, in spite of this the yield on investment is documented to become as short as 4 months.Once the system cables are set up and also the Display enclosure is installed and fitted, the workstation and also the display will be fitted into the shell together with the keyboard at an telescopic drawer - why you ask?The fundamental reply is that the computer systems require protecting from your dust, grime and fluid from facilities, those of these components can decay the motherboard either the monitor, the the keyboard.The difficulty takes place when the manufacturing facility has a wash down area, as an ordinary Computer case has to be beefed up, changing light steel with stainless steel unit, normally connected with food organizations because of this manufacturing industry has to make sure their products are free of germs, that is the motivation they washdown at the least once each day. 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Many manufacturers utilise a vacuum system to transport the sterile compounds, that means hardly any wax has been lost from the transfer from drier to shipping package.Chemicals used to colour paper, food, and also materials could be created in a manufacturing plant that specialises in dyeing. The maker may synthesise the substance predicated on customer requirements to make sure the correct colouring is created. Chemical suppliers UK dyeing techniques needs to meet with the standards needed to provide bespoke substances to industries all over the world.Manufacturers will take customer orders for processing and exhibit how they can meet compound production needs. Utilising laboratory processes, they report that the ending effect and then will continue to work about processing the specs. The manufacturer will proceed ahead to providing the sequence each your customer's specs, in small or substantial batches once the customer agrees. Companies who want sample batches of this product can depend on professionals to assist make just sufficient product for a demo run. Experienced manufacturers can simply move from producing sample sizes into a operation that'll produce the product. They should additionally possess storage selections for organizations which need to store extra item or need temporary storage till and including certain transport date.Outsourcing your manufacturing needs to businesses in the UK is a major enterprise. But clients will want to have a look at the products and services offered by each company to ensure plant can satisfy up with the provider's special wants. Chemical suppliers UK plants may offer international customers with a variety of manufacturing services, while still meeting the needs of community clients.What is more stunning is how our foodstuff manufacturers benefitting and ignoring that the damage caused by American overall health from mislabeling omega-3 on their services and products when they have additional omega-6 instead. And the trusting, unsuspecting American that has never the opportunity to look into this confusing research jumps onto the omega-3 ministry buying products off the shelf expecting that they purchased some thing good. From omega-3 eggs to omega-3 bread, also the addition of Omega 3 in their solution is plant based, the offender. Little did the consumer know that they just added chronic inflammation. "research shows that omega-3s found only in fish and a few plants really are"excellent" essential fatty acids, also help prevent heart disease. However, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) claims consumers're now being hoodwinked when it comes to omega 3 eggs. All these egg manufacturers, egged on by their trade association, is overtly putting omega 3 claims in print in front of their labels,'' realizing that is clearly a buzzword that will bring in persons," claims Michael Jacobson of their CSPI.On Thursday the company named on the FDA to enforce its own regulations and also stop the egg industry out of using exactly what it calls for misleading labels and advertising. "It's similar to using filtered smokes to avoid most cancers. It ain't gont occur. These eggs have been filled with cholesterol, and this boosts heart disease," Jacobson claims.The egg industry is not the sole culprit of economic fraud. It is uncontrolled throughout the foodstuff business and we are falling to it. And the FDA and the USDA, the opinion dogs for wellness that is American manufacturers makes it possible for this to continue. Michael Jacobson requires it fraud - my emotions operate to gross havoc, unethical, and one most destructive mislabeling of foods into wellbeing. And meats.
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biostudyblog · 5 years
Animal/Bio-Diversity Facts!
I combined these two topics because there’s a lot of overlap, and I decided that taking notes on both really helped me understand what the other is trying to say. This will be a long post, strap yourself in.
Organisms are organized and classified via a system known as Taxonomy. This system was developed by a scientist named Carl Linnaeus. To identify individual organisms, binomial nomenclature is used. What this means is each organism is called by their genus and species name. For example, Homo sapien, Pyrrhura molinae, (Green cheek conure), and Betta splendens. 
There were originally 6 taxa or levels of organization developed by Linnaeus; kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The 20th century saw many changes to Linnaeus’ original system of organization. The 3 original kingdoms were expanded to 5; Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia, a 6th, Archaebacteria was added to represent extremophiles that were so intense they had to be separated from bacteria to give their coolness more merit.
Today's scientists added a 7th level, domain. We use a 3-domain system based on DNA analysis. These domains are eukarya, bacteria, and archaea. Monera stopped being used as the prokaryotes were split between bacteria and archaea. Archaea are in fact, not bacteria, and so were given their own domain. 
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Here are some characteristics shared among members of the same domain:
All members of this domain are unicellular prokaryotes. This means that they lack internal membranes, like a nucleus, mitochondria, or chloroplasts)
Some are anaerobic (metabolize without oxygen) some are aerobic (metabolize with oxygen) 
In the environment, some are decomposers, meaning they decompose and recycle dead organic material.
Some are pathogens, such as some strains of E.coli.
Speaking of E.coli, they also play a vital role in genetic engineering. E.coli is used to manufacture human insulin
Some reproduce using conjugation. This is a primitive process, where individuals exchange genetic material
They have a thick and rigid cell wall
Some, like blue-green algae, are autotrophic (make their own food) others are heterotropic (depend on complex organic substances for food)
Have no introns (noncoding segments of DNA)
Also unicellular prokaryotes
Include extremophiles, which are organisms that live in extreme environments. Some examples are Methanogens (obtain energy by producing methane from hydrogen) Halophiles (thrive in extremely salty environments, such as the Dead Sea) and Thermophiles (thrive in extremely high temperatures, like Yellowstone's hot springs)
Have introns present in some of their genes
Have a nucleus and internal, membrane-bound organelles
Include: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia
Moving into kingdoms, there are 4. These are the 4 mentioned above, fungi, Protista, Plantae, and Animalia. Here are some traits for each:
Most are unicellular, however, some are primitive multicellular organisms.
Include both heterotrophs (like amoeba, and paramecium) and autotrophs (like euglenas)
Move using different structures, such as pseudopods in amoeba, cilia in paramecium, and flagella in euglenas.
Include organisms not cool enough to sit with the fungi or Plantae kingdoms, like seaweed and slime mould.
Some, like algae and paramecium, carry out conjugation
Some can cause serious diseases like amoebic dysentery and malaria
All are heterotrophic
Include unicellular and multicellular organisms
Able to digest extracellularly by secreting hydrolytic enzymes, and absorbing the nutrients via diffusion.
Are essential to the environment, as they are decomposers. They are saprobes, which mean they eat decaying organic matter.
They have cell walls, however, unlike plants whose cell walls are made of cellulose, their cell walls are made of chitin. 
Lichens are fungi and algae living in a mutualistic, symbiotic relationship. Lichens are strong enough to withstand harsh, unforgiving environments, thus are often the pioneer organisms (the first to colonize a new environment).
They reproduce asexually by budding, like yeast, spore formation, like bread mould, or fragmentation (aka 1 parent breaks itself into several, living pieces), however, some can reproduce sexually.
All are multicellular, nonmotile, and autotrophic.
Their cell walls, as mentioned above, are made of cellulose.
Plants can create their own food by photosynthesis, which uses chlorophyll a and b.
Their carbohydrates are stored as starch
They reproduce sexually by alternating between the gametophyte and sporophyte generations.
Some (tracheophytes) have vascular tissue while others (bryophytes) do not.
All are heterotrophic, multicellular, and motile
Most reproduce sexually with a dominant diploid (2n) stage
In most, a sperm with a flagellum fertilizes a large, nonmotile egg.
Animals are classified, traditionally based on anatomical features (homologous structures) and embryonic development.
There are 35 phyla. Since I want to eat something today, I’ll go over the 9 the Barron’s SAT book describes, which are Porifera, cnidarians, Platyhelminthes, nematodes, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms, and chordates.
Each animal phylum represents the evolution of a new, successful body plan. Some of these trends include specialisation of tissues, germ layers, body symmetry, the development of a head end, and body cavity formation. 
Specialized cells, tissues, and organs
The cell is the basic unit of all life, for example, fat cells. Tissue is the next block up and is a collection of tissues performing a function, such as adipose tissue. An organ is a group of tissues working together to perform a similar function. For example, the brain.
Organisms making up the phylum Porifera, like sponges are made of a loose confederation of cells. Since those cells are not specialized, they are not considered tissue. These cells can react to stimuli, however, lack muscle or nerve tissue.
Organisms making up the phylum cnidaria possess tissue, however the most primitive and simple form of tissue. However, no organs. Flatworms do have organs, however, lack an organ system. Annelids, however, possess a full organ system.
Germ Layers
Germ layers make up the tissues and organs of the body. They form early in embryonic development. There are 3 kinds, however, not all organisms have all 3.
Ectoderm- outermost layer, makes up skin and nervous system
Mesoderm- middle layer, becomes blood, muscles, and bones
Endoderm- innermost layer, makes up the viscera (guts)
Porifera and cnidarians only have 2 layers. They lack mesoderm and instead have mesoglea or middle glue which holds the 2 layers together. Organisms that have 3 true germ layers are called triploblastic.
Body Symmetry
Most primitive animals exhibit radial symmetry. More complex animals exhibit bilateral symmetry. This is displayed in the drawings below. Echinoderms are a key exception to this rule. They develop with bilateral symmetry, however, as an adult, they exhibit radial symmetry. In bilateral symmetry, the body mirrors itself along the left and right on the longitudinal axis. 
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This also means that Patrick Star is not drawn biologically accurate. Shame.
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Body Cavity Formation
The coelom is a fluid-filled body cavity, completely surrounded by mesoderm tissue. It is found only in more evolutionarily advanced organisms. Organisms like flatworms, who lack a coelom are known as acoelomates. Organisms, like nematodes or roundworms, who have a fluid-filled tube between the endoderm and mesoderm, functioning as a hydrostatic skeleton, are known as pseudocoelomates. Coelomates are organisms with a true coelom. Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Chordata are all phyla that have this structure.
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Development of a Head (Cephilization)
Organisms that developed bilateral symmetry also have an anterior and posterior end. (The head and rear end). The sensory apparatus and brain, or ganglia in less developed organisms are organized on the anterior end, while digestion, excretion, and reproduction all keep their organs on the posterior end. Cephilization began with flatworms. 
Here is a cladogram to help visualize when different traits developed.
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Traits of 9 different phyla:
No symmetry at all
No nerve or muscle tissue, sessile (nonmotile)
Filter nutrients from water drawn into a central cavity
Like many other primitive organisms, they only have 2 cell layers, ectoderm and endoderm, with the noncellular mesoglea holding them together
They have specialized cells, however, there is no organization to the cells, therefore they do not have tissue or organs.
Evolved from colonial organisms: fun fact, you can push a sponge through a cheesecloth, which will separate into individual cells, all and become a sponge. This is related to how a sponge reproduces
They reproduce asexually via fragmentation, meaning each piece that is separated has the necessary cells to become an individual organism. This means that technically,
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Spongebob is reproducing here. Good on him.
They also reproduce sexually. They are hermaphrodites, meaning that they have characteristics of both males and females.
Include organisms like hydra and jellyfish
Radial symmetry
Body plan is a polyp (vase-shaped, like hydra) which is mostly sessile or medusa (upside-down bowl-shaped, like jellyfish) which is mostly motile.
Life cycle- although there are exceptions, some go through a planula larva (free-swimming) stage, then proceed to their reproductive stage, that being asexual (polyps, ) or sexual (medusas)
Only have ectoderm and endoderm cell layers
Have a gastrovascular cavity where extracellular digestion occurs. They only have one opening to this cavity, so waste and food both go through the mouth.
Have lysosomes where intracellular digestion occurs.
No transport system, since each cell is in contact with the outside environment.
All have stinging cells (cnidocytes) for protection, with nematocysts, which are stingers.
Include organisms like flatworms like tapeworms
These are the most simple organisms with bilateral symmetry, an anterior end, and 3 distinct cell layers (ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm... yay bones muscle and blood!)
The digestive cavity has only 1 opening for egestion and ingestion, like cnidaria, so food can’t be continuously processed.
Their body is solid and has no room for a true digestive and respiratory system to circulate food or oxygen. The solution to this problem was to develop an extremely flat and thin body that allowed most of their body cells to have contact with the outside and thus exchange nutrients and waste via diffusion.
Include roundworms like pinworms
Unsegmented worms with bilateral symmetry, but very little sensory apparatus. 
A large majority of them are parasitic. Trichinosis is caused by the worm Trichinella, which is often found in uncooked pork. 
C. elegans is often used as an animal model when studying genes and embryonic development.
Digestive tract is two way, meaning they have a mouth and an anus
Include earthworms and leeches
Segmented worms with bilateral symmetry, and very little sensory apparatus. 
Two-way digestive tract, and a tube within a tube, consisting of a crop, gizzard, and intestine. 
They have a nephridium, which is a tubule responsible for the excretion of nitrogen waste, urea. 
They have a closed circulatory system and a heart with 5 pairs of aortic arches
Diffuse oxygen and carbon dioxide through their moist skin
Include squids, octopi, slugs, clams and snails.
Have soft bodies, protected by hard calcium shells
They have open circulatory systems. This means they don’t have capillaries, however, have blood-filled spaces called hemocoels, or sinuses.
Have bilateral symmetry and 3 distinct body zones: The head-foot, with sensory and motor organs, Visceral mass, with organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction, and the mantle, a specialized tissue that surrounds the visceral mass and produces the shell.
They have something known as a radula, which is moveable and has teeth, that behaves like a tongue.
Many have gills and nephridia
Include insecta (like grasshoppers), crustacea (like shrimp and crabs), and arachnida (like spiders and scorpions
Have jointed appendages
Segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen
Contain more sensory apparatuses than annelids which means they can move much more freely
Have an exoskeleton made of a polysaccharide known as chitin.
They also have an open circulatory system, with a tubular hard and hemocoels
For excretion, they have structures known as Malpighian tubules, which remove the nitrogenous waste; uric acid.
They have air ducts known as trachea which bring air from the environment into hemocoels.
Include sea stars and sea urchins.
Most are sessile, or slow-moving (so stop judging Patrick. It’s just how he was born)
They are an exception to the bilateral symmetry rule. As embryos, they have bilateral symmetry, however, as they develop, they develop radial symmetry. This evolved for their sedentary lifestyle. 
They have a water vascular system, which creates hydrostatic support for their tube feet which allow for locomotion
They reproduce sexually via external fertilization
They also have the ability to reproduce asexually via fragmentation, and regeneration. As long as the new sea star has part of the central canal, it will become a new organism.
They have an endoskeleton with calcium plates. Endoskeletons grow with the body, as opposed to exoskeletons that have to be shed
Include vertebrae (like us!)
Chordates have a notochord which is a rod that extends the length of the body and is a flexible axis.
They have a dorsal, hollow nerve cord
The tail is responsible for movement and balance. We, humans, have a coccyx, which is a vestige of what was once our tail. Hence the name, tailbone. 
Birds and mammals are homeotherms, meaning they are able to maintain consistent body temperature. The other chordates, like fish, reptiles, and amphibians are cold-blooded. 
Let’s get specific, with mammals (because mammals are a superior class of animals. I would know, I am one.) 
Mammals are named after their mammary glands. These glands let mothers provide milk to their babies.
They all have hair or fur 
They are endotherms, meaning they generate their hair from within
Most are placental mammals, also known as eutherians. The embryo develops internally in a uterus connected to the mother via a placenta. Since the embryo is unable to perform essential functions such as digestion and excretion by itself, until late into the pregnancy, the placenta diffuses nutrients in and waste out for the baby.
Marsupials are an interesting class of animals. Their babies are born extremely early in development (after about 36 days), however, the mother has a pouch, where the baby will nurse until around 9 months.
Most mammals give birth to live young. There are exceptions to this rule, as our favourite egg-laying mammal of action’s theme explained to us. (Dooby dooby dooa dooby dooby dooaa AGENT P!)
 Platypi and spiny anteaters derive their nutrients from a shelled egg.
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Getting even more specific, let’s talk about primates. These are the least superior mammals. I should know. I am one. 
Primates were descendants of insectivores. They have dexterous hands, and opposable thumbs, which allow their hands to perform fine motor tasks. Instead of claws, they have nails 
Their hands contain many nerve endings, making them very sensitive (which is why papercuts are so agonizingly painful.) Their eyes are forward-facing and close together. This allows face to face communication. Close eyes allow for overlapping fields of vision, increasing depth perception and hand-eye coordination.) 
Primates engage in the most intensive parenting out of any mammal. They tend to have single births and build strong bonds with their young.
The book organized 3 different organisms based on their taxonomy. I put that down and added rats because rats are cool. Don’t @ me. 
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Cladograms are an extremely useful tool to show how organisms evolved different traits over time. There is a more complicated one above, however, the book included an extremely simplified one also that helped me understand how these graphs are made, so I will include that here as well. 
First, like any graph, a table is made detailing the data that will be graphed. In this case, this data will be the specific organisms (cats, lizards, salmons, and earthworms) and the existence of specific traits (backbone, legs, and hair.) 
Then a line is drawn, showing each trait as it developed, following by the organism with that trait. 
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What this graph shows is that cats and lizards are more related than lizards and earthworms, etc. Tldr; a cladogram/phylogenetic tree draws distinctions between shared traits (traits different organisms have in common) and derived traits (traits that the ancestor did not have) displayed in such a way so as to show the evolutionary history of a group of organisms. 
So what qualifies an animal? Animals are multicellular eukaryotes. They are all heterotrophs, meaning they acquire nutrients via ingestion. (Unlike plants, which manage to get nutrients through photosynthesis, such as the Calvin Cycle which produces a plants sugar.) All animals can move in some form.
Movement is a broad term. Beating cilia, and waving tentacles both count as movement. The movement that often comes to peoples minds, however, is locomotion, which is the movement from place to place. Some animals are sessile, which means they lack the capability to move from place to place. Hydra can still wave their tentacles (in the air like they just don’t care). Sponges are an interesting case, as many legitimately, cannot move. 
Above, I mentioned terms like endoskeletons, exoskeletons, and hydrostatic skeletons. Hydrostatic skeletons are closed body compartments filled with fluid, that provide support. Exoskeletons are external, nongrowing skeletons, made of chitin (which also makes up the cell walls of fungi). Endoskeletons are internal skeletons made of bone and cartilage that grow with the organism. They are connected to each other at joints via ligaments, and to skeletal muscles (voluntary muscles) via the tendons. 
All life has the ability to maintain homeostasis. Life survives within a narrow temperature range, from around 0 degrees Celsius to around 50 degrees celsius. In the ocean, this was not a massive problem, as it is the most stable environment temperature-wise, as water is able to absorb a lot of heat. However, the land is a lot more crazy. Different organisms found different ways to adapt and survive. 
For example, a jackrabbit's ears are a major tell about what climate they live in. Jackrabbits that survive in the cold have small ears to minimize heat loss. Jackrabbits living in the heat have large ears that allow heat to dissipate, filled with small capillaries making the ears appear pink. 
Huddling, basking, panting and sweating, swarming, and shivering are all examples of adaptations different organisms use to survive in extreme temperature. Depending on whether an organism is an ectotherm or endotherm, their temperature regulation will be different. An ectotherm is heated from the outside. For example, crocodiles bask in the warm sun to heat their bodies up. Endotherms or homeotherms generate their heat from the inside by using large quantities of energy. For example, a litter of cold puppies will huddle together and with their mother, as their warmth, and their mothers warmth help heat them up.
Excretion refers to the removal of metabolic waste, such as excess water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogenous waste. There are 3 different kinds produced by different organisms
Ammonia is soluble in water and extremely toxic. Anybody who takes proper care of a fish tank is aware that cleaning the ammonia from their tank is essential in keeping their fish healthy.
Excreted mainly by marine life, like hydra and fish.
Not as toxic as ammonia
Excreted by earthworms and humans (urine contains urea and water) 
In mammals, the liver is responsible for turning ammonia into urea.
Uric Acid
A paste-like substance that isn’t soluble, and not very toxic
Excreted by insects, many reptiles, and birds, and allow for the preservation of water.
Different organisms have different structures that allow for excretion. 
Hydra excretes ammonia with no aid from any excess structure.
Platyhelminthes have flame cells that help them excrete ammonia
Earthworms have nephridia (metanephridia) to excrete Urea
Insects have Malpighian tubules to excrete uric acid
Humans have nephrons to excrete urea.
Following up, let's look at 3 different organisms and the characteristics that make them unique! 
Hydra (from Cnidaria)
Hyrda digest their food in the gastrovascular cavity. They, unfortunately only have one hole, where food goes in and waste comes out. The gastrodermis (gastrovascular cavity lining, or gastrocoel) secrete digestive enzymes to help extracellular digestion progress. Lysosomes, which are found in animal cells are responsible for intracellular digestion. 
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Hydra reproduces asexually by budding. A bud is a genetically identical, but tiny little hydra that grows within or on the parent.
Earthworms (From Annelida) 
The digestive system of earthworms is much more complex than that of the hydra. Luckily, they have a mouth and an anus. The mouth ingests decaying organic matter along with the soil. The food travels down the oesophagus into the crop. The crop stores the food until it is ready to be digested. The food then moves into the gizzard, with thick muscular walls that digest the food mechanically, with the aid of the ingested sand and soil. The food moves into the intestines, where chemical digestion occurs. The intestine has a large fold, called the typhlosole, which increases the surface area.
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Worms don’t have a traditional respiratory system. Instead, gas is exchanged by diffusion, through moist skin. This type of respiratory system is called an external respiratory system. Their hearts have 5 aortic arches that pump blood. Worms have capillaries, giving them a closed circulatory system. Their blood contains haemoglobin, making it red. Earthworms have nephridia, excreting urea, and are hermaphrodites. A worms brain is made of two dorsal, solid, fused ganglia, with a solid, ventral, nerve cord.
Grasshoppers (From Arthropoda)
Grasshoppers also have a digestive tract consisting of a crop and gizzard. They also have mouthparts specialized for tasting, biting, and crushing food, and their gizzard has chitin plates that aid in mechanical digestion. Their digestive tract contains Malpighian tubules that remove nitrogenous waste in the form of uric acid. (No, I did not draw a grasshopper. I know when I am defeated.) 
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Grasshoppers have a similar nervous system to worms, however, they have an open circulatory system. They lack capillaries, and blood moves through hemocoels instead. Arthropod blood has no haemoglobin. They have an internal respiratory surface because gas exchange occurs on the inside. They have a system of tracheal tubes that lead to the hemocoels. Oxygen is carried by hemocyanin, with copper as the core atom. This is why molluscs and insects have blue blood.
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
Strong as Stone --Part Fifty-Nine.
This is it, folks. The last official chapter. After this, there’s only three epilogues, and then that’ll be it for Strong as Stone.
I can’t wrap my head around it.
Update Rating: T for mentions of death and mild violence.
Pairings: Okoye x M’Baku.
Taglist: @the-last-hair-bender, @skysynclair19
Every event in life comes to an end, my dears, as does every phase, every story, and often the river itself.
But do not fear. Where rivers end, often entire oceans begin.
 “How are you feeling about going?”
Okoye sighed as she worked on packing a bag of basic supplies; they weren’t expecting the mission to Siberia to be a lengthy one, but it paid to be prepared. “As good as I can be,” she said as she added an extra medical pack to her bag. “Physically, I’m ready.”
“And emotionally? Mentally?” M’Baku asked as he gently laid Khari on his back on their bed.
She pursed her lips as she searched for an answer; there was the obvious elephant in the room –dying, not making it back to him and Khari, thoughts of that nature—but she didn’t want to touch on it. It was almost as if talking about it would make it manifest during the mission, and that was a risk she wasn’t willing to take.
“Mentally, I’m ready to get back to work,” she decided before leaning over to gently tickle their son’s belly. “As much as I love you,” she cooed, beaming down at Khari, “I do like having a routine.”
“And emotionally?” M’Baku asked again as he studied her carefully from his spot next to Khari.
Okoye let out a quiet sigh, then stepped over to where he sat and into his arms. “My heart is always with you. And our son. No matter where I go.”
“Sounds very painful,” M’Baku commented casually. “Leaving vital organs in various places while you go on missions.”
Okoye snorted and dropped her forehead to his shoulder. “Really?”
“You were the one who said—”
“You know what I meant!” They both chuckled together, then Okoye gently cupped her lover’s face with both hands. “I’m coming back to you. Both of you.”
M’Baku tilted his head up to kiss her cheek, then her lips. “We’ll be waiting for you when you come back home.”
 “It looks pretty busted,” Djabi commented as she studied a holographic display of the Siberia outpost they were currently headed to. “Like they haven’t done anything to fix it up.”
“We did knock out a lot of their financial resources in the South Korea raid,” Jhanvi noted as she sat back in her seat. “Maybe they just… can’t.”
Okoye grimaced and pressed a fist against her lips as she stared down at the display of the base.
Something about the set-up didn’t seem right. Even if the Siberia outpost was all they had left to use –which Okoye seriously doubted, considering the reach and depth of HYDRA’s resources; even if they had managed to hack away at the organization’s remaining assets, she knew it was unlikely that they had taken out every single person affiliated with the group.
“Thoughts, General?” T’Challa asked, already geared up in his Black Panther suit.
“It could be a trap,” Okoye suggested. “The base was completely abandoned when Zemo led you there the first time. Now, however, they’ve had a month to get adjusted to the space and adapt to it –possibly even lay it out with traps. They’ll definitely have the advantage.”
“We’ve got the better team, though,” Jhanvi pointed out. “HYDRA doesn’t have any active labs or enhanced agents anymore. All things considered, it shouldn’t be too much of a fight.”
“Perhaps,” Okoye said tentatively as she turned back to the display. But, then again, perhaps not.
 The process of entering the dilapidated base had been nothing short of arduous. The platforms leading down –along with the main door—were still destroyed from the fight that had taken place between Mr. Stark, Captain Rogers, and Sargent Barnes well over two years ago. Agent Maximoff had needed to lift them down in groups –which didn’t bode well for how they’d be getting back out, should things take a disastrous turn.
The inside of the base wasn’t much better. According to T’Challa, the place had been largely broken down the first time he’d come here. Now, after a borderline death match between three men with more weapons and strength than strictly necessary, a couple of harsh Siberian winters, and time, the base seemed like it was barely standing.
“We’re sure this place isn’t going to come down on our heads while we’re in here,” Agent Barton muttered as they crept down the entry hallway of the base. “Right?”
“What, don’t like the sound of an instantaneous burial?” Natasha fired back.
“Not really, no.”
“I think I can hold up a few falling beams or a caving-in ceiling,” Wanda said with a smirk.
“Yeah, but what about an entire mountain?” Clint fired back.
“Don’t worry,” Adesina murmured. “If we die, I’ll be sure to put in a good word for you at the gates of hell.”
“What about me makes you think I won’t be going to heaven?” Clint asked, indignant.
“Can we focus, please?” Okoye hissed as she crept alongside T’Challa. The base was completely silent, save for the noises they were making, which didn’t bode well with her. “We’re sure they came here?”
“Are you saying I made a fucking mistake?” Jhanvi snapped under her breath.
“I’m picking up life signs on my kimoyo beads,” Djabi said.
“And I can sense their psychic presence,” Wanda added. “They’re here. It’s just a matter of finding them.”
Okoye adjusted her grip around the shaft of her spear as the group moved forward. “Our biggest problem is that most of the lights are broken. We won’t be able to find them –much less fight them—if we can’t see them.”
“I can handle that,” Adesina said as they approached the main chamber where the other Winter Soldier sleeper cells had been stored.
There was a bit of shuffling as the taller woman stepped towards the front of the group –then, even in the dim light, Okoye could see her swing her hand towards the cavernous room.
The shadows retreated back, practically lifting off the walls and leaving fire-like light in their wake.
The remaining HYDRA agents –along with several individuals dressed in drab-looking gray scrubs—were standing around the perimeter of the room, holding various weapons.
“Oh. Shit,” Jhanvi said as she took in the sight. “Uh, okay. You can put the shadows back now.”
“Get down!” T’Challa shouted as several of the HYDRA agents began opening fire on them.
Okoye gritted her teeth as she dove behind a large pile of concrete and rebar, along with Djabi, several other of the Dora Milaje, Jhanvi, and Sam. “What did I say about this being a trap!”
“Fine, I owe you five pounds!” Jhanvi shouted. “Whatever! Maximoff! Make a fucking shield already!”
“Working on it!” Wanda snapped, before lifting her hands and making a shield of glowing red energy to protect them from the onslaught of bullets.
“Alright, they have guns,” Djabi said, standing up as their enemies stopped firing. “Who are those other people?”
“Presumably,” Okoye said, stepping out from behind their cover as one of the people in scrubs –a woman with string brown hair and a furious expression—advanced on them. “Their other guns.”
T’Challa managed to cut the woman off before she could reach them, aiming blows at her that she blocked easily. “She doesn’t seem like an average fighter,” he grunted when she caught his wrist.
“They made new Soldiers,” Bucky breathed, an expression of horror spreading over his features.
“I thought that process took a lot of time,” Jhanvi said as she slowly backed away from one of the other Soldiers –a tall man whose arms were covered with bruises and what looked like burns.
“Something tells me they cut a lot of corners this time around,” Steve growled as he readied himself to take on the third Soldier, who wore a haunted, slightly crazed expression.
Before any of them could do anything, however, the Soldier that had taken on T’Challa aimed a kick at his gut, accidentally setting off the kinetic energy discharge function of his suit.
An explosion swept through the room –and the ceiling started collapsing in on the room immediately after.
“Split off into groups!” Steve shouted. “The side tunnels all lead back to the main entrance. We’ll regroup there!”
Okoye sprinted after T’Challa, pairing off with him, Sam, and a handful of other Dora Milaje as the room finished collapsing and sealed them off from the main room—
But not the first Soldier, who had pursued them down the hall –and had picked up a rusted pipe to use as a weapon in the midst of the chaos—and several of the HYDRA agents.
“Ready to fight, General?” T’Challa asked as the first Soldier lunged at them with a feral shriek.
“Bast willing,” Okoye grunted as she blocked a swing from one of the HYDRA agents with the shaft of her spear.
 The explosion in the main chamber of the base had set off a chain reaction. It seemed that, once the place started collapsing, there wasn’t enough remaining stable internal structure to keep the rest of the place from going down as well.
The mission quickly gained a new objective: in addition to dispatching the remaining HYDRA agents –and new Winter Soldiers—they had to make it out alive, too.
Okoye dodged another falling chunk of ceiling –then quickly ducked to avoid a kick from the Winter Soldier. There’s too many things to focus on at once. “We need to eliminate some extra variables if we want to make it out of here!”
“Working on it!” Sam shouted as he fired at one of the HYDRA agents as best he could, given the steady collapse of the stronghold they were in.
“Get behind me,” T’Challa said, suit glowing from taking several hits from the collapsing building. He waited until they and the other Dora Milaje soldiers that had paired off with them were out of the way, then let out a burst of kinetic energy at the surviving agents and the first Winter Soldier.
The agents and Soldier were sent flying back –and were subsequently crushed under the downpour of rubble.
“That’s that sorted,” T’Challa said as he darted out of the way of another boulder-sized chunk of ceiling. “Let’s get back to the entrance!”
 Fortunately, most of the remaining team was waiting for them at the entrance and working on figuring out how to exit quickly.
Unfortunately, Adesina, Jhanvi, Djabi, Clint, and the rest of the Dora Milaje were still missing –and the base was nearing the final stages of collapse.
“We can’t just leave them!” Wanda insisted as she stopped a massive chunk of rock from crushing them and set it aside.
Before anyone had time to argue, the –presumably—final Winter Soldier sprinted out of the nearest tunnel like a bat out of hell, looking terrified half to death.
And then Adesina floated out after him, eyes glowing red and wisps of shadows swirling around her.
That would do it, Okoye thought as the remaining members of their group poured out behind Adesina.
The last Winter Soldier quickly took a swing at Bucky—
And the ground started shaking violently under their feet, signaling that the entire mountain the base had been built into was liable to come down any minute.
We don’t have time for this, Okoye thought as she watched the Soldier and Sargent Barnes exchange blows. She readied her spear, watched the rhythm of the fight, then darted in and rammed her spearhead through the Soldier’s middle before quickly ripping it back out.
The final Soldier collapsed to the ground like a ragdoll.
“We need to go now!” Steve exclaimed as he protected Natasha from a falling chunk of rebar.
“I’ve got it!” Wanda held out her hands and started lifting the whole group as quickly as she could. She gritted her teeth and groaned, hands shaking with exertion as they all sailed higher and higher—
And then they were over the lip of the launch bay and in the final hallway that led out of the base.
“Move!” Sam shouted as he slung a nearly unconscious Wanda over his shoulder and started booking it towards the door.
They all ran at top speed towards the ships, doing their best not to trip or stumble as the mountain quaked under their feet.
“Get the ships in the air!” Okoye commanded as she took the pilot’s seat. “Quickly!”
The ships had barely gotten into the air when the mountain finally buckled inwards, spitting up a plume of dust and snow as it crumpled like a house of cards.
Okoye steered the ship away from the destruction –but didn’t fail to notice that Bucky was standing beside her seat, watching the mountain collapse in on itself through the windscreen. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Bucky murmured. “Just… never thought I’d see the day.”
 She was almost dead on her feet by the time they reached Birnin Zana.
Okoye rubbed at her neck and shoulders as she trudged off the ship. All she wanted right now was a hot shower, something to eat, and a bed to collapse face first into.
And then she saw M’Baku waiting for her on the landing platform with Khari in his arms, and all thoughts of exhaustion fled from her mind.
She strode over to them as quickly as she could manage and practically collapsed against M’Baku’s chest when she finally reached him.
M’Baku adjusted how he was holding Khari –who was steadfastly asleep—so he could wrap an arm around her. “Are you okay?”
Okoye lifted a hand to gently rub her son’s head of wispy curls, then smiled and pressed her forehead against her partner’s chest. “I’m where I want to be.”
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bcdisabilitycaucus · 3 years
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“Power concedes nothing without a demand” 
- 2021 is our election to demand disability rights
Whereas issues of race, gender, gender identity & expression, and sexual orientation are widely accepted by virtually everyone concerned with human rights today, disability discrimination and oppression are still mostly ignored, even though disability rights are protected by the Charter, Human Rights Codes, and by the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and its optional protocol.
Ignoring a Whole Social Movement
The notions of disability rights are largely unknown among progressives and conservatives and yet are a living, breathing part of contemporary Canadian society. These rights notions are founded on the very simple concept that it is the structural and attitudinal barriers of society, not medical impairments, that prevent people with disabilities from achieving their rights. In other words, disability is largely a social construct determined by the cost-cutting constraints of an increasingly neoliberal capitalism. An entire social movement is out there fighting discrimination daily, but is ignored by both progressives, conservatives and the mainstream media.
This is no small problem. In virtually every area of social life, people with disabilities face systemic discrimination from employment to transportation to income levels to education and even in expressing their sexuality and their right to have relationships.. It should give pause that at least with respect to services, the Americans, with a militant, grassroots disability-rights movement and a strong Americans with Disabilities Act in place, have arguably removed more barriers more systematically than here in Canada. This is, in part, a result of direct-action tactics undertaken by the American disability-rights activists like ADAPT, that has engaged in confrontational in-your-face demonstrations to get their message heard.
Universities, colleges and public schools are another area where barriers, both physical and attitudinal, are systemic across Canada. It is not surprising that the unemployment rate for people with disabilities remains enormous, even with a robust economy over the last several years.
A Disability Rights Agenda
What, then, is to be done? Clearly the broad Left and Right need to pay more attention to disability rights. Disability is arguably the least well-theorized of the "new social movements," yet astonishingly, most activists on the Right or Left, whether they are feminists, Greens or anti-poverty activists, or those in business, politics, or civil society they have and display little or no interest in the topic. Publications on the Left and Right rarely write about it. While even the most sectarian of Left or Right organizations have been forced to at least reconsider their approach to race, gender and sexual identity, few have anything to say about disability politics and disability rights. On a practical level, meetings, be they about globalization or feminism, the climate crisis or gay rights, politics, business or social change are often held at notoriously inaccessible locations, without captioning or sign language with embarrassed apologies issued after the fact. Material in alternative formats for those with visual impairments is often only available late or not at all.
There is so much work to be done, theoretical and practical, that only the most tentative of projects can be outlined here. However, one crucial item that merits consideration is providing disabled people with an adequate standard of living and social protection. In order to function as full and equal citizens, people with disabilities need an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families sufficient for housing, food, clothing, clean water, and affordable access to services, devices, and assistance for their disability related needs. Yet, as the debate is currently framed, the voices of disabled people are excluded and restrained.
Our article 28 right to an adequate standard of living and social protection was removed from the provincial government’s “Accessibility Through Legislation” consultations by the government and its government funded service providers and advisers (such as the large disability charities and business groups) There is no reason why progressives and conservatives (other than fear and disinterests) cannot form a cohesive alliance with disability-rights advocates to campaign for the full implementation of our rights under the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities beginning with our article 28 rights.
Thus, social actors of all stripes need to support disability-rights activists in their day-to-day struggles, systematically incorporate disability rights analysis in all things disability related, and continually strive to ensure that disabled people are fully included in all areas of society.
Discrimination in favor of nondisabled people; prejudice against or disregard of the needs of disabled people.
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How should we approach unintentional ableism? Erin Ball. October 12, 2019 Saturday, Kingston Whig-Standard. (Image: Erin Ball performing at the St. John's International Circus Fest) https://www.thewhig.com/opinion/columnists/unintentional-ableism
Ableism In The Workplace: When Trying Harder Doesn’t Work https://www.forbes.com/sites/drnancydoyle/2019/11/24/ableism-in-the-workplace-when-trying-harder-doesnt-work/?fbclid=IwAR1x1NVh7pRXfXjEeUH3UCbrzc9HA0FySZybLU_lMjgKC-2rEHZOrus-3Jk#6997a8bd15ae
I face ableism in the workplace: What I wish my company did differently https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/i-face-ableism-in-the-workplace-and-heres-what-i-wish-my-company-did-differently?fbclid=IwAR0UpIE5ncuosV8RfiwDxTHA2FvG65DloAjUEswuA1pl_2VOPIBrXNWNIpM
Published by The BC Disability Caucus
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Want to know more about the BC Disability Caucus? Listen to a recent podcast/ interview by Scott Neigh https://goo.gl/obq2mg
The BC Disability Caucus
Advancing the interests of BC's disabled
2020 is our year to demand disability rights "Power concedes nothing without a demand" - Frederick Douglass
#DisabilityRights #CRPD #CndPoli #BCPoli #nspoli #ontpoli #abpoli #nlpoli 
#skpoli #mbpoli #nbpoli #NWTpoli #qcpoli #nspolitics #peipoli #YKpoli
#humanrights #justice #law #inclusion #diversity #disabled #politicsandlaw 
#rights #vanpoli #discrimination #politics #democracy #equality
#prejudice #pwd #multicultural #exclusions #bc #ableism #elderly
#seniors #wealthtax #housingcrisis #neoliberalism #legalobligations 
#accessibility #raisetherates #disability #wealthinequity #incomeinequity 
#bcpoverty #Article28 #elxn44 #elxn2021 
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architectnews · 3 years
Ordrupgaard Museum, Copenhagen Denmark
Ordrupgaard Museum Copenhagen Underground Building, Danish Art Collection, Denmark Architecture Photos
Ordrupgaard Museum near Copenhagen
13 Aug 2021
Architects: Snøhetta, Norway
Location: Ordrupgaard near Jægersborg Dyrehave, north of Copenhagen, Denmark
Photos by Laura Stamer
Ordrupgaard Museum near Copenhagen
Ordrupgaard Museum
Situated near Jægersborg Dyrehave, north of Copenhagen, Ordrupgaard houses Northern Europe’s most comprehensive collection of French and Danish art from the 19th and early 20th century. Originally built as a three-winged country mansion in the neo-classical style during World War I, the museum was expanded by a modern 1,150 sqm glass and black lava concrete extension in 2005, designed by Zaha Hadid.
Snøhetta’s design, most of which is underground, but also partly excavated from the landscape, creates a holistic and continuous path throughout the entire museum and its surrounding park and gardens, linking Hadid’s extension for special exhibitions with the museum’s original building and permanent collection. In total, Snøhetta’s design comprises landscape interventions as well as five brand new, subterranean exhibition spaces, two of which create a continuation of Hadid’s exhibition space, and three specially dedicated to one of the museum’s main attractions: its extensive and permanent collection of French impressionistic paintings.
Through its innovative yet subdued design, the new extension and its exhibition spaces allow for a circular movement through Ordrupgaard, creating a continuous movement through the museum’s rich collection and lush gardens. The design further lives up to the highest international standards when it comes to exhibition design and art conservation and display, providing a comfortable and intuitive museum journey that is accessible and tangible for all.
A Play of Lights The largest of the three main exhibition spaces designed by Snøhetta can be partly seen from the outside as a monolithic, steel-coated sculpturesque structure that seems somewhat excavated from a larger volume below ground. Just like a hidden treasure that reveals itself as it appears during excavation, the structure glistens in the landscape. Cut in a wide range of different facets and polished in different directions, the structure creates a play of light throughout the days and shifting seasons.
Conceptually dubbed “Himmelhaven” (“Heaven’s Garden”) the extension exterior is very much a “clin d’œil” to the impressionistic art period, characterized by its constant efforts to capture light and its changing qualities, and immortalized on canvases by world-renowned artists such as Manet, Monet, Degas, and Renoir. The structure is further characterized by a diagonal cut in the landscape that intuitively leads visitors to the main entry by Hadid’s 2005 extension. The cut forms a bridge of natural stone linking entry and garden.
The illusion of Himmelhaven being excavated from the landscape is further emphasized by the structure’s surrounding mini-atrium which is half sunken into the ground. With its integrated lighting and seating areas it becomes a space where visitors can sit down and linger, enjoying the views of the lush century-old park surrounding the museum. Referred to by the architects as a “third parterre”, Snøhetta’s extension marks a continuation of the landscape and is placed at the intersection of Ordrupgaard’s English style park with its deciduous trees, many of them fruit bearing, and an adjacent smaller French-inspired rose garden.
During the construction phase, Snøhetta’s landscape team worked meticulously to safeguard the protected park, ensuring a surgical-like cut between the surrounding park and new extension. Snøhetta has also altered the landscape surrounding Hadid’s extension with great care, planting the hillside with meadow flowers, and excavating the building somewhat, as well as integrating the building with the two Hadid-inspired subterranean exhibition spaces.
A Jewelry Box Whereas the two exhibition spaces expanding the 2005 building mark a continuation of the dark concrete materiality palette characteristic for Hadid’s design, the additional exhibition spaces dedicated to the museum’s impressionistic art are made up of two smaller and one larger space in a much lighter color and material palette.
The spaces are designed in close collaboration with the museum and are all furnished with oak floors, walls, and ceilings, providing a light, organic and warm atmosphere. Gypsum boards are mounted on the walls allowing for the museum to effortlessly curate art pieces and change the color palette of each exhibition room when needed. The exhibition ceilings are covered with oak veneer cassettes with carefully integrated light installations, providing a seamless and harmonious design that places the art pieces at the center of attention.
Contrasting with the reflective steel exterior that is partially visible from the outside, the inside of the exhibition spaces creates a sense of softness and comfort, echoing almost the design of a classic vintage jewelry box, with its hard, metallic exterior and soft, velvety lining on the inside.
Throughout the museum journey, Snøhetta has also accommodated for natural daylight to penetrate the building, both as visitors leave the exhibition spaces linked to the 2005 extension, but also as one exits the permanent impressionistic exhibition and enters the original museum and its winter garden. These slots of daylight create a clear transition from one building to the other, leaving room for visitors to appreciate the individual design of each part of the museum as they move through the building.
Through its subdued yet powerful design, the Ordrupgaard extension by Snøhetta respectfully blends in with its existing surrounding, whether vegetal or built, historic or contemporary, all while adding its own interpretation of time and space and bringing all elements together in a circular and enhanced museum experience for future generations to enjoy.
Design: Snøhetta
Photography: Laura Stamer
Ordrupgaard Museum, Copenhagen images / information received 130821 from Snøhetta
Ordrupgaard Copenhagen Museum Building design by Zaha Hadid Architects
Location: Ordrupgaard, Region Hovedstaden, Denmark, northern Europe
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ocgear · 3 years
Devlog #6 Writing, Music, and Art
Hey y’all! I wanted to give an update since I’m pretty sure everyone thinks I’m dead ^^;
For quick updates on the project: OCG is being produced in two parts now. Part 1 will contain the many mysteries that the world of OCG has to offer and part 2 will be a sort of answer arc. The first draft of OCG part 1 is written and I’ve been hard at work revising and editing the prologue and chapter 1 of the script. For part 1, there is roughly 6-7 chapters of planned content. I’m hoping that at the end of the day, Part 1 will resonate with you, the reader.
Covid has been extremely hard on my ability to complete the project. I won’t get too personal on a devblog, but my health and finances were impacted. I apologize for the delays and this account’s inactivity. I feel like I'm letting down the people who want to read OverClock Gear and I just want to let everyone know that I'm still committed to working on the project and that despite the inactivity, I'm still working hard to improve every aspect as much as possible.
I'd like to share some of the things I learned along the way so that maybe future devs can learn something from my struggles.
As a warning, I want to say that none of the following are hard rules of writing. These are just things that I've observed as a writer and as a consumer.
Probably the most challenging part of a Visual Novel is writing a script that works with the format. The rules for VN writing are different from traditional novels and screenplays as many elements will be shown on screen but usually not enough to get a full sense what's going on. This is more of an opinion, but I feel that the descriptions should supplement the action and we should pick and choose when to show with sprites instead of describing. This is especially true when considering dialogue and internal monologue will make up a majority of the script akin to a movie.
It's not to say you should ignore everything you know about writing, however. There's still things about structure and character arcs that are useful.
Speaking of characters, balancing your cast is also a challenge. Every character is fighting for enough screen time to develop enough for the reader to care. As I'm writing OCG, I am trimming down and trying to give each cast member enough time to breathe while keeping in mind the characters' backstories and motivations. There's also the delicate balance between backstory and current events to keep in mind. I think it's especially hard to figure out how to reveal backstory without dumping a history lesson on the player.
There's also the issue with paragraph length for display purposes. VNs have a unique format that breaks down text into easily digestible chunks. However, overutilizing the space can sometimes make the reading experience worse.
There are a lot of things to consider visually too when writing your script. I've had to think about the actual space that they occupy so that chain of events make sense. Since there will be visual elements to the story, I need to try to figure out how those elements fit in too as I'm writing. For instance, how characters will appear, do gestures, and different CGs that need to appear are crucial to the format and needs to be considered.
From a general storytelling perspective, I've been toying with the idea of including gameplay. However, I realized that in trying to do so, I'd have to create a bunch of excuses to play the minigame which would be:
1. Unsatisfying without enough stages to challenge the player
2. Disrupt the story to challenge the player
I think that if I wanted to have gameplay, I should plot out the game in a way such that the story fits the gameplay and not the other way around. Since I'm working on a primarily story driven experience, I won't be including any minigames that would take the player out of the experience. However, I have ideas for games that could take place in the world of OverClock Gear. Those are sitting in the vault until I release OCG part 1.
There's also something interesting I learned about twists and keeping people engaged in stories. Maybe this is something of a beginner's trap, but when people say a character isn't interesting it's usually because a character doesn't have anything meaningful to say or do, or they're simply floating through the story without influencing it. Giving a character powers and an award winning backstory isn't really enough to make someone interesting in a story. Giving a character flaws also doesn't make them automatically interesting. It's how you tie all these traits into story and their impact on other characters that make it interesting.
In today's day and age, readers have become more critical and perceiving than ever before, so it may seem like you'd need to hide more information to make your twists have impact. But I think it's better to show some of your hand. Twists also need room to breathe. They need to be logical but unexpected. A reader needs to convince themselves that it was possible through several minor clues leading up to the event. But balancing what to show and what to hide is a challenge in itself. Through showing off my script edits, I came to the conclusion that setting up expectations is a lot more satisfying than trying to make everything a mystery. Readers seem to get frustrated when the mystery leads nowhere in a story for an extended period of time. However, that's not to say every mystery should be revealed in a quick fashion. I think it's a balancing act, one in which we have to reveal what we can to keep the reader engaged while hiding the bigger stuff behind the curtains. In a way it's like slight of hand: We try to misdirect the audience with "true" events in the story and then blow them away with something they never saw coming.
An example of a bad twist from a scrapped project that I did several years ago: The main character meets a super secret organization who protects her from a military government. One of the people who protects her is a commander in that organization and seems to know a thing or two about the MC. However he is shot and killed before anything could be revealed.
There are elements that we can anticipate from the scenario: The MC is caught up in some crazy conspiracy with rogues and the military. However, the characters don't come off as interesting because they aren't given room to breathe. The organization became a device to set up the premise of the story. The commander doesn't impact the story and basically anybody else could've stepped in to save the MC. The MC isn't given time to bond with the commander and as such the twist at the end doesn't come across as earned.
These are just some thing that I've been thinking about as I've been consuming media and writing. There are too many games and fictional works that I've ruined for myself by being too critical. But through this, I'm hoping that the final script for OverClock Gear will be something I can be proud of.
I'm studying animation production to try to incorporate some of that knowledge into my VN. I want to be able to create a more immersive experience and make my VN more visually appealing. Some works that I really like are Muv Luv and Phoenix Wright. They're both unique in their presentation and utilize different parts of visual media that make them stand out.
The Muv Luv team are masters at using dynamic camera movement to craft visual spectacles. Despite the sprites being mostly non-moving, the way they are tweened and the few pose changes they have are combined with the camera in a way that almost makes them feel alive. Even in the first cutscene of Muv Luv Alternative, the parallax effects and strong camera angles help to sell that cinematic feel that isn't really found in any other VN's I've read.
Phoenix Wright's sprites are a joy to look at. The animations are done with such strong key poses that I sometimes forget the game's animations were meant to be limited. In the modern day, there are many tools that are used to create smooth looking animations with complex actions like 3D models or Live2D. I'm honestly not a huge fan of Live2D animations as it often looks as if a puppeteer is handling the rig. 3D also presents the issue of having to create specialized rigs that can handle weird scenarios like foreshortening. For example in Dragon Ball Fighter Z, there's a lot of model distortion in cinematics that is pretty complicated for someone with no 3D expertise. Facial expressions are also a huge part of making visual novel character appealing which can be difficult to do well on a 3D model. Not to mention, to emulate a 2D style, the frames need to be displayed at 24fps which means chopping frames in-between the interpolated keys. It can be a lot of work to create something that closely resembles "Anime". There is also a charm in a more traditional approach to animation that I think more visual novels should employ. Though I recognize that for complicated sprites, a traditionally drawn 2d animation isn't practical at all, I want to use the idea of strong key poses to create more lively sprites as well as play with depth to further immersion.
There are some more ideas that I have for creating a better visual experience, but I don't want to go into too much of a tangent ^^;
I went back to learn more about music theory and I came across some great videos that emulate the Japanese video game/Pop style. If you're curious, you can check out Gavin Leper's channel on YouTube. That being said, something I realized about music in Visual Novels and Film in particular is that sometimes the music should accompany the dialogue or actions in the work instead of overpowering it. There are moments when elevator music is important and when it's important to use a swelling emotional piece. Not everything in life "goes hard" and I think that also applies to music in stories as well. Music in games is also designed to loop in contrast to film where individual pieces can be created for specific scenes. This adds an entirely new thing to think about since it needs to be repeatable without getting annoying. I don't really have a clean answer to this, but to observe songs from games you like and see how they transition from the end to the part that loops.
This was a long post and there's so much more I want to talk about but I'm trying to stay productive and get the script done. For anyone else struggling with finishing their VN, "Finish the Script" by Scott King is an excellent book. Wishing everyone the best!
- OCGDev
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newjobtrends · 3 years
Sql Meeting Questions You Ought To Take Into Consideration Asking Prospects
The understanding of SQL is a need to for any kind of tester and this article will certainly aid you in preparing the meeting. Sights limit accessibility to the data due to the fact that the sight can display selective columns from the table. The series of rows and columns in relational databases is trivial. It is also referred to as BASIC JOIN which returns all rows from BOTH tables when it has at the very least one matching column. MAKING USE OF clause comes in usage while working with SQL SIGN UP WITH. It is used to check equality based upon columns when tables are joined. sql developer interview questions can be made use of as opposed to the ON condition in JOIN. These declarations are utilized to establish opportunities such as GRANT as well as REVOKE data source gain access to consent to the particular individual. With the help of SQL, all of this information can be inquired to discover valuable insights in a brief span of time. Compose an SQL query to create a brand-new table with information and structure copied from an additional table. Create an SQL question to bring duplicate documents from an EmployeeDetails (leaving the primary trick-- EmpId). Create an SQL query to bring usual documents in between two tables. To get unique worker ids from both the tables, we can utilize Union provision which can combine the results of both SQL inquiries and return special rows. Consider the listed below 2 tables for reference while trying to create inquiries for the inquiries asked below. To put it simply, all the documents which exist in this column need to be special. We can decide which user has access to which tables in the database. Different database administration systems have various queries to see all the tables. • CARTESIAN SIGN UP WITH − Returns the Cartesian product of the collections of documents from the two or more signed up with tables. Joins are made use of to incorporate rows from two or more tables, based on a associated column in between them. We will certainly begin by giving the key words, CREATE TABLE, after that we will certainly provide the name of the table. After that in dental braces, we will list out all the columns in addition to their datatypes. Give description if False.While putting new rows in a table you must detail values in the default order of the columns. The DML declarations are made use of to add brand-new rows to a table, upgrade or change information in existing rows, or eliminate existing rows from a table. The cross join generates the cross product or Cartesian item of 2 tables. The natural join is based upon all the columns having same name and data types in both the tables. A query outcome displays all rows including the duplicate rows. To eliminate https://bit.ly/3tmWIsh in the outcome, the DISTINCTIVE keyword is utilized in the SELECT clause. Use of subqueries in UPDATE declarations enable you to upgrade rows in a table based upon worths from one more table. The INSERT declaration can be used to include rows to a table by copying from an additional table. In this instance, a subquery is made use of in the area of the WORTHS clause. If your data source consists of any crucial information, it is always far better to maintain it protect from SQL shot attacks. Whenever we provide the constraint of distinct key to a column, this would certainly imply that the column can not have any kind of duplicate worths present in it.
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It is the primary language to interact with data sources. With the help of SQL, we can remove information from a database, change this data as well as additionally update it whenever there is a requirement. This query language is evergreen as well as is widely made use of throughout markets. For instance, if a firm has documents of all the information of their staff members in the database. The collection of sql inverview concerns will certainly consist of inquiries connected to efficiency. Create a SQL inquiry to produce a new table with data and framework duplicated from one more table. The UNION operator integrates the results of 2 or more Select declarations by removing replicate rows. The columns and also the data types have to coincide in the SELECT statements. We begin by providing the keyword phrases MODIFY TABLE, then we will certainly give in the name of the table. A table can be joined to itself making use of self sign up with, when you wish to create a result set that signs up with documents in a table with various other documents in the same table. DECREASE − it deletes an entire table, a view of a table or other object in the database. DEVELOP − it develops a new table, a view of a table, or other object in data source. As soon as that you are familiar with T-SQL, you will require to learn about Indexes, inquiry strategies as well as performance as a whole. I recommend inspecting the ApexSQL tools for efficiency. There are rather wonderful third-party tools that might serve for adjusting queries. Your interviewer might start off by asking you fairly simple SQL meeting inquiries, aiding to ease you right into the discussion and also test your understanding of the fundamentals. Whilst it is necessary to address the question clearly as well as briefly, you can still demonstrate your more comprehensive expertise. Write an SQL inquiry to fetch intersecting records of two tables. Create an SQL question to bring replicate documents having matching information in some fields of a table. We can combine several SQL declarations into a stored procedure and also perform them whenever and also anywhere required. Denormalization is contrary to normalization. In this, we primarily include redundant data to accelerate complicated queries involving multiple tables to sign up with. Below, we try to optimize the read efficiency of a data source by adding repetitive data or by organizing the information. We can utilize the SELECT INTO statement to replicate data from one table to one more. Either we can duplicate all the information or some particular columns. anchor begin by providing the key phrases INSERT INTO then we give the name of the table into which we would certainly want to insert the worths. We will follow it up with the checklist of the columns, for which we would need to add the values. Then we will give in the WORTHS keyword and finally, we will certainly offer the listing of values. SQL shot is a hacking technique which is commonly made use of by black-hat cyberpunks to take information from your tables or data sources. On the other hand, the external sign up with is the one that works for returning the value of rows and also tables that usually include the documents that must be same in all the tables. Below is a basic query to find out the staff member that has the third-highest salary. The ORDER BY provision is needed when we make use of RANK, THICK RANKING, or ROW NUMBER features. On the other hand, the PARTITION BY stipulation is optional. Explain just how to erase replicate rows utilizing a single statement however with no table creation. A kept procedure is a ready SQL code that can be conserved and also reused. In other words, we can think about a kept procedure to be a feature including several SQL statements to access the data source system. In all databases producing primary key worth immediately is called auto-increment principle. In Oracle, we are executing the auto-increment principle by utilizing row-level triggers, sequences. i.e here we producing series in SQL and use this sequence in PL/SQL row-level trigger. In all data sources, we can't go down all columns in the table. It is only an variety of some vital SQL statements that are saved in the database as well as are accountable for carrying out a details job. An Internal sign up with is the one that is useful for the function of returning the rows given at the very least 2 tables are satisfied critically. It is quite a basic feature that is used to contrast the value in the data source. Utilizing this driver you can get rid of the unnecessary data from the table. A schema is a collection of data source items that may consist of table, sight, triggers, any type of stored treatment as well as indexes. A schema is always associated with the username who is additionally referred to as the schema owner. A schema can only come from one data source but a single data source can have many schemas. Concatenation allows us to add one string or literal throughout of another string or actual. SQL permits us to integrate strings but the syntax may vary according to which database system you are making use of. In the table above Emp_id is the main essential nevertheless Government_id is the special secret. https://geekinterview.net might want the Government_id to be special for every employee. Given that the data comes from the federal government, you might not want it to be the main trick. Right here we have actually noted leading SQL interview questions as well as responses that are often asked by the job interviewer. Hope in this write-up, you will locate solution to many regularly asked SQL meeting inquiries.
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lightoftruth · 4 years
An engineering feat that far surpasses landing a man on the moon is taking place all around us.
Developmental biology is one of the most awesome biological disciplines to display the glory of God and the immeasurable value of human life.
Award-Winning Creation Magazine
Packed with relevant articles, stunning photos, and illustrations that reveal the latest creation science news while equipping you for the culture war in society today.
The sheer scale of this developmental process and its output is a witness to God’s wisdom and power.
Think about this. You might be 5’10” today, but you were once a mere 100 microns in diameter, smaller than the dot above an i. Such astronomical growth is comparable to a marble growing to the width of a football field—a 10,000-fold increase! Consider further, your body is composed of tens of trillions of cells (about 10,000 times earth’s population), all originating from that tiny cell created at conception. Your more than 200 cell types came from that cell containing all the information necessary to direct the development and organization of the tens of trillions of cells into integrated systems so you could design skyscrapers, compose symphonies, perform athletic feats of gymnastics and flying fighter jets, speak multiple languages, and do mathematics that would put man on the moon. The sheer scale of this developmental process and its output is a witness to God’s wisdom and power.
My personal relationship with Christ the Creator has been profoundly impacted through my study of developmental biology. As I consider the complex genetic regulatory networks that control the migration of cells to their correct positions and precisely timed cell maturation and specialization, and when I consider that these immature tissues carry out functions for embryonic life at each stage, it evokes worship and fills my heart with praise to God. His infinite attention to detail in making my body assures me he is superintending each detail of my daily life. What a comfort! My devotional experience from in-depth study of development can be summarized in the antiphonal structure of Psalm 139:13–16: God’s work . . . our praise . . . God’s work . . . our trust in his care.
In Scripture, the heart is a central theme: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart”; “unite my heart to fear Your name”; “keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life”; “with the heart one believes and is justified” (Deuteronomy 6:5; Psalm 86:11; Proverbs 4:23; Romans 10:10). Given this, let us examine some wonders of the heart’s developmental biology.
The First Organ
Despite what one might think, neither the brain, the skeleton, nor skin is first to develop in the embryo. Rather, it is the heart. The very first organ our Creator caused to form in each individual is a heart. It brings immediately to my mind the Scripture about the first (most preeminent) commandment and its corollary, according to Jesus Christ, to love God supremely with all our hearts and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:29–31).
From a functional perspective of embryonic development, it makes sense that the heart would form first. The growing number of cells must be kept alive, including those that give rise to future neurons, osteocytes, and cells of the epidermis. The heart is needed to pump life-giving blood that delivers oxygen and nutrients and removes waste products from the embryonic cells. Thus, the circulatory system—heart, blood, and blood vessels—is the first organ system.
Making an Embryonic Heart
Not only the first organ to develop, the heart also shows a unique developmental process not seen with the other major organs. In the early embryo (in humans, less than three weeks old), the heart begins to develop bilaterally, from two separate regions (called a heart field) located on either side of the embryonic midline. Simultaneously and independently, the heart field cells self-assemble into two separate tubes. These bilateral tubes must move in the correct three-dimensional direction and find the embryonic midline. The tubes have the ability to detect local migratory cues, pointing the way to the midline where they then fuse with the corresponding tube from the other side. It is now a common heart tube and eventually will become the left ventricle, the largest and “power” chamber of the heart. Uniting two tubes from separate regions of the embryo is an astounding feat of genetically regulated cell communication and migration—all to form just one of the four chambers of the heart!
Meanwhile, the second heart field also consists of cardiac precursor cells present as separate cell populations on either side of the embryonic midline. They follow cues toward either the anterior (future head) or posterior (future tail) end of the previously formed heart tube to form ultimately other structures of the heart over the coming weeks, including left and right atria, right ventricle, coronary blood vessels, and segments of the great blood vessels of the heart.
Photo © Life Issues Institute
Miracle Moments
The Placenta
Because the baby is a separate person who can’t share his mother’s blood, he receives nutrients through a temporary organ called the placenta. After the fertilized egg divides several times, the embryo will implant in the wall of the uterus, and the outer cell layer builds the placenta, whereas the other cells form the baby. Interestingly, both the baby’s cells and the mother’s cells build the placenta, so this life-sustaining organ functions by intricate coordination.
Though both the mother’s and baby’s blood flow through the placenta, they do not mix. Otherwise, the mother’s immune system would fight the foreign blood with antibodies. Instead, the complex arrangement of arteries and veins in the placenta allows the mother’s blood to exchange oxygen and nutrients with the baby.
While the baby’s organs develop, the placenta functions as the lungs, kidneys, digestive system, liver, and immune system.
After delivery, the placenta disconnects, severing vessels in the wall of the uterus. In God’s wise design, the muscles of the uterus tighten around torn blood vessels to control bleeding until the vessels can heal. This limits maternal blood loss.
How One Heart Tube Becomes Four Chambers
A baby’s rudimentary heart will start beating about three weeks after conception, around the time the mother begins to suspect she is pregnant. This early embryonic heart is a pulsating tube, not at all resembling the complex adult heart with its four chambers, valves, and attendant blood vessels. Around the third and fourth weeks of development, the heart tube undertakes a complicated maneuver called heart looping. At first, the straight tube lies along the embryo’s anterior-posterior (head-to-tail) axis. To understand the necessity of heart looping, picture the sequence of regional fates along the tube from anterior to posterior: outflow tract, future ventricles, and future atria (inflow). It’s kind of an upside-down heart, relative to the adult organ, with the posterior tube regions fated to become atria and the relatively anterior tube regions fated to become ventricles. Through highly coordinated interactions between mediating molecules and the internal “skeleton” of the heart tube cells and the extracellular matrix (external support of cells), the posterior atrial end of the heart tube curves into a tight U-shape, migrating toward the anterior ventricular end of the heart tube. Upon completion of this complex movement, the future atria are now closely apposed to the developing outflow tracts (future aorta and pulmonary arteries) with the future ventricles relatively posterior. Now in the correct relative positions, these structures will fuse and form the “right-side up” adult heart.
Doesn’t this seem overly complicated? Why not just start out with four populations of cells, increase the number of cells, and then hollow them out to form the chambers of the heart? (Something similar is known in spinal cord development, for example.) Why all this two-separate-heart-fields-migration-heart-looping rigmarole to make the heart? It seems like increasing the number of steps would increase the probability of something going awry. The fact is, scientists don’t know the reason for the complex process. Perhaps a wise and loving Creator wanted to reveal his attributes in every age, increasing the difficulty of believing that a functional, life-giving heart could result from an undirected evolutionary process of natural selection acting on random mutations over long periods of time.
Photo © Life Issues Institute
Miracle Moments
Skin and Hair
At week 4, the baby begins some important transitions inside the womb, including gaining skin layers and hair. After all the skin layers develop, around week 15, the baby grows a hairline on its head. By birth, all hair follicles will be in place and perfectly spaced.
Until the final weeks of the pregnancy, the baby lacks body fat, so his skin appears transparent. Around 14 weeks, to help keep him warm, the baby’s body is covered in soft hair called lanugo. After the baby accumulates fat, the lanugo sheds around 30 weeks.
At 19 weeks, the baby’s fragile skin is coated in vernix, a white layer made of shed skin cells and oil, to protect him from the amniotic fluid. Closer to birth, this protective coating may decrease somewhat but continues to protect the baby’s skin until he reaches full term.
When the baby is ready to face the world, he is wrapped in warm layers of fat and hair.
The First Blood
The principle that life is in the blood has been known from ancient times, from Scriptures written by Moses under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Leviticus 17:11). Blood is life-giving and protective (immune system), and scientists nowadays have the technological tools to discover the fullness of this biological principle. In developmental biology, the origination of blood is one of the more fascinating stories. Blood cell development requires a process that is dependent on mechanical forces, specifically pressure and friction. During development, most processes are governed by cell communication, that is, molecules (e.g., proteins) interacting with each other and with the genome to cause a chain of events. However, a few processes, such as proper formation of the musculoskeletal systems, are driven by mechanotransduction (conversion of mechanical force into a molecular signal).
Here, the mechanical event of fluid flow activates a key developmental gene that leads to blood formation in the following way. The first blood stem cells are generated from the walls of the aorta, the largest blood vessel and outflow tract of the heart. The cells lining the aorta’s walls are called endothelial cells. As the embryonic heart pumps, the fluid flowing through the aorta (not yet blood but interstitial fluid, or “cell-bathing” fluid) applies shear forces (friction) to the endothelial cells. This friction force causes activation of the gene Runx1 exclusively in the endothelial cells of the ventral (belly) side of the aorta. Once activated, the Runx1 transcription factor converts these endothelial cells into blood stem cells that will migrate eventually to the liver and bone marrow. The absence of this critical factor prevents the production of all blood stem cells. So, the next time you feel the press of friction forces in your life, remember blood cell development, and pray for patience and grace because God may be working something life-giving in you (see Romans 5:3–5).
Developmental Biology and the Origin of Life
Natural selection acting on random mutations over long periods of time would not sustain the embryo at each sequential step in the developmental process.
When God created Adam from the dust of the ground and Eve from Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:7, 21–22), he preloaded into our first parents’ genes the information for the process of developing new human beings. The examples from just this one organ system show that development is a sequentially dependent process. Each step of development is dependent upon the previous step. Disrupting any step in the process destroys the whole process so that the embryo will not reach reproductive adulthood. Therefore, it has zero “fitness” (relative number of offspring produced or differential reproduction), contributing no genes to the gene pool of the population. This sequential dependence of development shows that evolution fails as an explanatory mechanism for the origins of the vertebrate circulatory system, since natural selection acting on random mutations over long periods of time would not sustain the embryo at each sequential step in the developmental process. Instead, human beings—with their complex, integrated organ systems—were special creations of God.
The Ultimate Issue
God created mankind in his image. Therefore science—mankind—cannot measure the value of a human life. It is infinitely valuable to God. We know this because God paid an infinitely high price to redeem sinful humans. The price? The life of the eternal Son of God, Jesus Christ. God’s Word says, “Now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13). We see, then, human life is priceless because it can only be redeemed by the priceless blood of Christ.
Why is human life so valuable, causing God to spare not his Son but to give him up for us all while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8, 8:32)? Because we were created in God’s image. Only mankind, of all God’s creation, was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, to honor and to preserve human life is to honor God’s image; and to destroy human life is an egregious attack on the very image of God. This is why I take the position of opposing human embryo-destructive research, because it is illogical to destroy human life in order to save human life.
An important aspect of exploring the wonder of developmental biology is to foster this central truth of the sacredness of human life. In studying the scientific literature, students ask probing questions, such as, “Why don’t we know that?” I answer, “Because we don’t experiment on humans. Human beings have been created in the image of God, so we don’t do experiments that destroy human life.” Because of the strict limits placed on the research of human subjects, there are many things about human biology we do not know; and in order to revere the image of God in mankind, we must be content to allow that knowledge to remain cloaked in mystery.
However, experiments in developmental biology (e.g., adult cell culture studies and animal models) are very important for physicians and researchers. To diagnose certain syndromes, physicians must have excellent knowledge of the normal origin of tissues and organs so that a cluster of health problems may be uncovered by correctly linking them to their developmental root. Some cancer researchers are beginning to think about cancer as a “disease of development” because embryonic processes of cell proliferation and migration are dysregulated in adult tissues. Developmental genes being studied with great interest are those that promote normal migratory behavior in embryonic cells. Some of these genes, which are supposed to be “off” after development of the adult structure is completed, appear to be abnormally turned back “on” during the process of metastasis (i.e., when cancer cells leave the primary tumor to form a tumor elsewhere).
The development of a human or animal from a single cell is exceedingly complicated. Consider again the formation of the “double” embryonic heart, the complex process of heart-looping, and the special way in which blood cells are made. Each process involves dozens of factors that must be present in the right time and at the right place, and active neither for too long nor too short a period. These events cry out, “Glory to God in the highest!” It is amazing that God thought of everything when he created. If he cares about every minute detail of weaving your physical body together, he also cares about every detail of your life—you, who are made in his image.
Photo © Life Issues Institute
Miracle Moments
From Liquid to Breath
For months the placenta “breathes” for the baby. But at birth, a number of changes must occur in the lungs and circulatory system to allow the baby, who spent his life underwater, to breathe on his own.
For months the lungs held fluid. Now the blood and lymph system remove the fluid and replace it with oxygen.
During development, blood bypassed the lungs, taking a shortcut through the heart where it must flow in order to be pumped to the rest of the body. At birth, the increase in oxygen causes the blood vessel that bypassed the lungs to close and sends blood flowing to the lungs. Also, the opening between right and left atria that was part of the bypass normally closes after birth.
Responding to the abrupt change in temperature and environment, the central nervous system prompts the lungs to take the first breath. All of this happens within seconds after birth.
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art-in-the-age · 4 years
Part 2: Witnessing Conflict
Young people are increasingly getting their news through the lens of social media, which makes it that much more essential to understand the way different platforms refract information. For as long as people have used social media, the content posted has reflected current events more generally, something that is becoming especially acute as time passes. Tumblr users bore witness to several conflicts that unfolded across the world in the year 2014, something Rosemary Pennington chronicled in her article in the International Communication Gazette, “Witnessing the 2014 Gaza War in Tumblr”, through which she explores how several Muslim Tumblr users interacted with and witnessed the violence occurring towards Palestinians during the 2014 Gaza War. She writes in her introduction, “Traditionally, it has been witnessing that can make us feel close to those suffering through the violence we see in media as well as others we imagine are in the audience witnessing the event with us,” (Pennington). Tumblr as a platform provides both a means to witness the violence, as well as a community of fellow witnesses, inspiring feelings of closeness that would heighten emotions. In the case of the Gaza War, the bloggers take note of the fact that the mainstream media centers the experiences of Israelis and largely neglects Palestinian suffering in the construction of their narrative (Pennington). Through the usage of Tumblr, Palestinians can share photos and narratives that reflect their experiences, which can then be disseminated by bloggers elsewhere in the world, such as those who were the subject of Pennington’s research. The platform provides the space to construct an Oppositional Gaze, in the words of bell hooks. hooks writes of the oppositional gaze, “By courageously looking, we defiantly declared: ‘Not only will I stare, I want my look to change reality.’ Even in the worse circumstances of domination, the ability to manipulate one’s gaze in the face of structures of domination that would contain it, opens up the possibility of agency,” (hooks 116). Palestinians are able to control their gaze in a way that stares back at those who are oppressing them, counteracting the narrative that they are the sole aggressors and thus giving them agency. Tumblr elevated the narratives of Palestinians to the point where they could be held in conversation with and in contradiction to those pushed by wealthy media conglomerates. Communities centered around sending aid can also be formed on the platform which is only possible through the shared experience of witnessing. Pennington posits with her research that Tumblr was a crucial piece in raising global awareness of the situation in Gaza, a lasting impact of the platform.
Six years later, the world is no less familiar with incredible amounts of violence and suffering, especially as we live through the COVID-19 pandemic. Relegated to our houses, many Americans turned to TikTok for entertainment but found within it a well of resources for activists as the nation erupted in protests this summer in response to the killing of George Floyd and other Black Americans. TikTok, like Tumblr, allowed the average citizen to both bear witness to violence and share their narrative of the situation without it being refracted through the lens of a mainstream media source. TikTok, however, is still plagued by the same issues endemic to the platform; All content distribution is of course driven by the algorithm, which incentivizes outrageous or highly emotional content, raising the stakes to a point that may desensitize viewers after a certain amount of information. The algorithm can also end up prioritizing only a few voices, typically those who already have a platform. This in turn creates its own hierarchy which, although independent from traditional news networks, is still exclusionary. A lot of the information viewed is not controlled, as the primary interface on the app is the For You Page; if the average user is not putting in effort to control the type of information and content they are viewing, it’s not likely that they will put in effort to ensure that it is accurate or unbiased. 
TikTok and Tumblr users alike are fond of their image-based communities and continue to source them on the same platform that they source their news, the unintended consequence of which being the fascist aestheticization of politics as theorized by Benjamin in his 1935 essay, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”. He writes, “All efforts to render politics aesthetic culminate in one thing: war,” and later continues, “Mankind, which in Homer’s time was an object of contemplation for the Olympian gods, now is one for itself. Its self-alienation has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order. This is the situation of politics which Fascism is rendering aesthetic,” (Benjamin 19-20) In the context of 2020 civil unrest, on TikTok, the juxtaposition of violent oppression with daily vlogs from teens in thrifted clothes dancing around big cities has led to both being subsumed into a dominant identity that holds “activism” as a core component. To truly be a member of the alt-TikTok community, one should be a self-identified leftist and activist. Both are noble ideas, and pushing for more accessible leftist literature is not a bad thing, but the issue arises when those looking for membership in the community are not willing or unable to do the work. The process of unlearning carceral understandings of justice and the subtle ways in which racism is intertwined in our everyday lives is a conscious, long, and oftentimes difficult process, that teens are undertaking with the ultimate goal being membership in a community of which the spokespeople are predominantly white and wealthy. The shortcut has become adding “BLM” and “ACAB” to a user’s bio, signaling to other users that they are socially aware. Memes that consisted of a cartoon character, such as Hello Kitty, saying “ACAB” were added to profiles, repositioning the acronym with long traditions in anti-racist and leftist activism as an aestheticized trend. The acronym is not entirely devoid of meaning, because leftist circles extend far beyond the teenage communities on TikTok, but to this new generation, adding ACAB to a bio means less a radical resistance to the carceral state and more a display of performative activism. This practice has led to the acronym being reappropriated into the pejorative term “Emily ACAB”, which typically refers to a wealthy, white teenage girl attempting to be performatively woke without renouncing any of her privileges. Emily ACAB is the rebellious teen daughter of the Karen who uses a movement meant to protect the lives of systematically marginalized groups as a way to separate herself from her family that “just does not understand” but ultimately won’t take too strong of a stance if it means sacrificing something of importance to her. The aestheticization of politics neutralizes the message, something that Benjamin knew all too well, and that TikTok teenagers, many of whom are well-meaning, now find themselves falling victim to. 
Despite being only separated by six years, teens in 2020 find themselves living and comprehending current events in a dramatically different world. No generation comes of age without a tremendous amount of hardship, personal and interpersonal, but Gen-Z is the first to have that hardship published on the internet. Social media has revolutionized organizing in many ways for the better, but as with all developments, it is one that requires active participation and checking of power. TikTok and Tumblr have made positive contributions to activism, but the nature of social media’s democratization of information requires we all pay attention to ensure neither platform does more harm than good.
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