#mbti type
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aidoneusmelindia · 1 month ago
Andrew Minyard mbti type - a study
So. I did the mbti quiz for him and I do not agree with the result. Now I also don't agree with any other type I came across, but here's my best shot at figuring it out. INTP - the result I got. This focuses too much on knowledge and exploring ideas. I'm sure Andrew is smart but it's not a focus of his personality. I don't think I agree on the Intuitive aspect. He's imaginative and open-minded sure, but I don't think he's focused on hidden meanings and distant possibilities. I'm also not sure about the Prospecting (easygoing, adaptable, flexible and spontaneous), but I could live with it. ISTJ - If we switch out the Intuitive and Prospecting, we get this type. He is practical, fact-minded and reliable. The focus with this type is way too focused on structure and tradition, though. The last person to give a fuck about tradition is Andrew Minyard. This type is also very anti-impulsiveness, which doesn't fit him. The type feels too timid, dare I say goody two-shoes. ESTP - I suddenly started doubting him being an introvert. He's alone a lot, sure, and he doesn't really care about hanging out with people but it's about what you receive energy from. Maybe he does get energized being around people. Also the Prospecting might make more sense than Judging. It's about people perceive you after all, and I think he comes across as more spontaneous and chaotic than he comes across as organised and in control. But, the ESTP type doesn't seem to fit. He's not energetic, he's not a vibrant individual, and not sociable. He's like an ESTP in some ways, perhaps he is an ESTP but has his personality altered by the mental illness. ISTP - I went back to the Introverted type, but this type doesn't fit at all, not one bit. He's not a maker or builder and he does not like to get his hands dirty, absolutely not. INTJ - going back to the original type, but switching out the Prospecting for Judging. I think people see him more as chaotic/spontaneous than organised/controlled but we know he is very calculating and he is very much in control. The 'deep-seated thirst for knowledge' just doesn't scream Andrew 'allergic to libraries' Minyard to me. This type, like the INTP, focuses too much on wanting knowledge. He also doesn't feel curious or socially clueless, which are two traits of this type. ISFP - I've seen not one, not two but three people say Andrew is ISFP. Classifying him as a Feeling person just doesn't sit right with me. At the end of the day, no matter how much he does feel, he will push those feelings away in favor of making decision with his head. ISFP's are artists, and Andrew isn't one. He's not fair or infectiously encouraging. He's not charming, sensitive to others, kind and encouraging, (imaginative and passionate are debatable) and he's not easily stressed. I can see how some traits of an ISFP fit him, but I don't think it's it. I am sure that whatever type he is, he is Assertive. He is self-assured, resistant to stress, and doesn't worry too much. The even-tempered is debatable, because he's always down (read: depressed), but that's probably just the mental illness. I'd also argue he is for sure a Thinking person, but the other letters are up for debate. Logically he seems like an introvert who views the world with logic, makes decisions with his heart and who is perceived by others as flexible, making him an ISTP but it just doesn't fit.
I am by no means an expert, but I am very interested in these personality types. Please let me know your thoughts! I'm very curious to know, all thoughts are welcome.
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fortifice · 10 months ago
i have worked out a solo carrd for gep and i encourage people to have a look. anyone who would like to be added as a main / shipping main please hit me up and I'll add you to it.
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moonlyxe · 2 months ago
.ೃ࿐₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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the comprehensive infp survival guide, heidi priebe
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disneymbti · 2 years ago
Betsy Kelso for the MBTI thing
Hi there sweetie, I really hope you like this a lot!
Betsy Kelso's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ISTJ [The Logistician]
Introverted ISTJ types process the world internally. They tend to feel drained after social events and need time alone to recharge.
Highly pragmatic, they tend to focus more on the details, rather than the bigger picture. They make decisions based on what they see and know right now.
Logisticians prioritize logical thinking and are more concerned with facts than emotion. They believe the truth is more important than people’s feelings.
They are very structured and organized, preferring to plan ahead and follow rules and processes. They are disciplined and have a strong work ethic.
Big Three: Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon and Cancer Rising
Capricorn Sun: Capricorn is ruled by authoritative Saturn, which is why they tend to work hard toward advancing themselves in earthly matters.
Virgo Moon: Virgo Moons use their calm nature to gain deep clarity on matters, filtering questions through their kind, but reasonable, lens.
Cancer Rising: Cancer ascendants tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves and take care of those they love.
Enneagram Type: 5w6 [The Troubleshooter]
Basic Fear: Five wing sixes fear being useless or incapable. They seek to improve the world around them in order to feel worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be competent and useful. They usually show this by picking up new skills and pieces of knowledge that can be of benefit.
Troubleshooters may withdraw from others to cope with stressful situations, which can tend to make them feel lonely.
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ikkan · 2 years ago
took the MBTI quiz, I got INFP
when i first took it, back in my teens, i got ISFJ....i think both fit me? maybe INFP a little more? now that i’m an adult
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itsallaboutthatpsych · 7 days ago
What’s your MBTI type? I’ve not got enough to name all so have banded them together. If you’d like to specify your type that would be excellent - I’m genuinely interested.8’ going to be posting more polls about Psychology, personality, pseudoscience etc.
If you don’t know select the I don’t know option.
If you are not sure and / or stuck between a few types select that option.
If you could comment with type or telling your type that would be amazing thank you.
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away-ward · 10 months ago
K.O. I was randomly trying to understand will's personality after my ask earlier (this is a completely separate ask) and guess what? Tom Holland was assumed to be ENFP! And omg? Zendaya's INFJ! And ngl, the more i look at their interaction yeah, they did sound like WillEmmy post wedding ceremony 🫠🥺 idk, something about them just screams WillEmmy, but not the extreme kind.
anyway i really recommend you checking these three videos about Tom & Zendaya, i thought it was so full of insights. And when i read the comments in the Tom + Zendaya video, a commenter posted about how tom mentioned before how zendaya's stability was what calmed him down and it brought me back to WillEmmy's school pool scene 😭 where emmy thought only she needed him, but from his hold felt like maybe, will needed her as his rock, as much as she did. And this brought me back to all the moments where emmy calmed him down and i'm so emotional K.O.!!! Theyre just sooo 🥹🥹🥰 and that scene in fire nght too? Omg! Links (delete space between the . and be):
https://youtu. be/7XKTdMJ-_ew?si=Le5vYzM3L3Z7flij
https://youtu. be/tGZQhiYbdfM?si=edHWoixSnA4s6QeM
https://youtu. be/LE5r7ypHWDM?si=soy3wdZoJD_4YmQv
funny enough, jennifer lawrence & ashley bestdressed were also typed as ENFP, and this guy had such a good explanation of their types of ENFP, and i feel like i can also see their personality in Will, take a look:
https://youtu. be/eGzXrVmtk4I?si=zMrktmAUB00M0NZx
https://youtu. be/cMpDR08qFLU?si=TzTUilwD30pX98vm
anyway, some other things that you might find interesting and wanna watch too? Idk, if you dont, no need. I just wanted to post an ask about my findings for willemmy, but i got sidetracked and end up watching some others too.
https://youtu. be/c29WAAeWVX0?si=dLp4OdIg94fDN-Nw
https://youtu. be/Gty6PSsXwwA?si=SctO5TW5vTr_4Qcg
2. Winter?
https://youtu. be/eGzXrVmtk4I?si=FEPBVKcxUKi5elhk
Hey, please check out these videos Anon found if you get the chance!
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byzbi · 1 year ago
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child of the moon
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vampireg1rl · 4 months ago
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i have two types
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mistype360 · 11 months ago
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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oiblackestsheep · 7 months ago
MBTI Types & Texting Styles
Perceiving Functions
xNxP | High Ne: uses run-on sentences and parentheses (to maximize info-dumping and clarification via extraneous details, respectively)
xNxJ | High Ni: Short and simple sentences. It’s not intentionally “dry”, it’s just effective word choice.
xSxP | High Se: lowercase letters/free form sentences and p much any slang they wanna use bc its just texting and not deep enough for proper spelling and grammar
xSxJ | High Si: Breaking up responses to multiple topics into separate paragraphs.
It’s easier to keep track of what you’re talking about this way.
Judging Functions
xxFJ | High Fe: traditional/safe emojis and slang for effective communication ie. lol, brb, ☺️, 😅 periods in the middle are okay. Periods at the end are intimidating so it’s best to avoid those
xxFP | High Fi: Using creative combinations of emojis ( 🙏😩 | 👁️👄👁️ | 🥺👉👈) for the ultimate range of personal expression
xxTJ | High Te: Capital letters, and advanced punctuation; they exist for a reason. Big fan of the Oxford Comma.
xxTP | High Ti: Correct spelling and grammar is mostly a byproduct of autocorrect unless its absolutely necessary. it doesnt have to be perfext just understandable
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anessthetic · 2 years ago
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MBTI!!! very large space for designs :D
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moonlyxe · 2 months ago
.ೃ࿐₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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this is so true :[ to my fellow infps out there, i suggest you to give this book a try. it helped sm when it came to learning about my personality type in depth. i genuinely felt like a weirdo for thinking the way that i do but EHEM NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE?? 😭
the comprehensive infp survival guide, heidi priebe
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cherriiramen · 2 months ago
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I know I’ve been gone for a while, and I’m terribly sorry for such a long break but I can’t seem to find any free time for myself this year 😭
I’ve been prioritising studying and my mental health more and just being silly in general, I completely forgot about posting all to begin with :3
So whilst more art is in the process, have some MBTI doodles and my personal tiny analysation of them I did in the holidays according to my friend group’s types
I still plan to do the rest so watch out for that!
and a bonus! <33
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mutiger-seemann · 11 months ago
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what do u think about mk character's mbti types?
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aphrodeiities · 8 months ago
ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪᴘʟᴏᴍᴀᴛꜱ
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↳ the group archetype
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♇ diplomats are known for being intuitive [N] and known for their feelings [F]; whenever you see someone who is a diplomat you'll always see an N-F pair together.
for example ⬎
I N F J | I N F P | E N F J | E N F P
diplomats and their nicknames ⬎
INFJ ⟶ advocates, counsellor, the messiah, the sage & mentor.
INFP ⟶ mediators, idealist, storyteller, scribe & quester.
ENFJ ⟶ protagonists, puppet master, guru, psychologist & developer.
ENFP ⟶ campaigners, motivator, hero, optimist & paladin.
♇ diplomats are people who like to look within, understand others and themselves. due to their understanding and empathetic nature, it makes them popular and influential.
♇ they're the type of people to yearn, crave bonds and connections. their nature is to be empaths, kind, generous and co-operative.
♇ most of their intentions come from good-will, and they like to make sure everyone around them is aware of that, so they become very encouraging people, invested in the lives of other people.
♇ due to them having great understanding and belief in people, they have much hope and faith in the future. true believers of peace in the world, sometimes it could be unrealistic.
♇ as they're unrealistic, they become hyper-sensitive people, can even be guilt-trippers when someone doesnt have the same belief in them. diplomats can be indecisive people, self-righteous and single-minded.
♇ diplomats can sometimes find themselves to be day-dreamers. they could have a fixed way of seeing the world, which likely makes their heart broken easily. as they're people who are very much about the principle, they meet a lot of people they butt heads with.
♇ diplomats are the type to day-dream about achieving a goal but do nothing to achieve it. they have big dreams but the type to have their ideas squished because it's not realistic. they're people who have a lot of maturing to do, especially when it comes to understanding how the world works.
♇ as diplomats are usually the dreamers, they are the type of people to believe in destiny. they wear their heart on their sleeves and are likely the people to give their emotions to the wrong people in their life, specifically inconsiderate people.
♇ with them being creative people and like to connect with others. they like to feel like they belong to places, could get really clingy since they have a fear of abandonment.
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