#but I remember at the beginning I was like ‘ehhh no one is going to read this so I can say whatever I waaaaaant’
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
I still remember the first time I saw one of your posts. It was a "horny rant" post, all tags. It caught my attention because it was a "." with nothing but tags. Many, many tags. As I was reading it, my mouth opened on its own and ngl I drooled a little! You wrote so honestly and in such detail! I was genuinely turned on!
When I was finished reading it, I read it again and again! I then sent you an anon asking if you were real! You answered that of course you were real. I then spent the next 2 hours scrolling through your blog and falling deeper in love with this amazing, beautiful, sexy and most importantly honest Princess!
#lsndkdndkdnkdnaknzksnsknskdksn#🫣🫣🤭🫣🫣🫣🤭🫣🤭🤭🤭🫣#hehe#this made me blush so much omg#thank you lovely!#honestly I’m so shocked so many of you read my long tag posts 😂😂😂#I don’t even remember when I started talking in the tags?#but I remember at the beginning I was like ‘ehhh no one is going to read this so I can say whatever I waaaaaant’#and then more and more people sent me asks about it or talked about my tags#and I was like#OH#you guys read them??????????????#kdnsmndkdnsksnd#and then I think I stopped using them for a lil bit cause I got shy#but now I’m back to not caring#yeeeehaw motherfuckers#lmao#someday I’ll write my fantasies into actual stories#but for now#enjoy my tags 😇#thanks for the ask 🥰🥰🥰#ask#anon
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The Prince pt.2
(Alastor x prince of hell! Reader)
Warnings: couple fight, kinda depression but nothing major, ehhh I think thats it.
Also Alastor might be a bit OOC but like who cares let me be delusional🫡
It has been two months now since you and your dad visited your sisters hotel and you met Alastor.
Since then life has been amazing. You and Alastor continued to meet up in coffee shops and bars.
Of course you didn't tell your father since he would freak out.
However is has happened don more than one occasion that you spent the night in Alastors room at the hotel telling your father that you were just visiting Charlie.
Nothing happened of course since Alastor was asexual, and it took quite some time to get him comfortable with physical touch in general.
After he got used to it though it turned out he loved it. Only with you, but he loved it.
One of your favorite activities together is, in fact, cuddling.
Which you were doing right now as well you sitting in his lap in one of his arm chairs both of you reading books.
Alastor stopped reading for a second, and looked at you.
Since the meeting at the hotel a lot has happened. A lot that surprised even him. He has no idea he could get into e relationship let alone with someone as amazing as you.
Around the beginning of the second month into your relationship you got into a fight.
You wanted him to drop the act and open up to you because if he doesn't this relationship will never work.
And obviously he didn't want to. He has spent years building up his very carefully crafted facade. And who knew if you would still love him.
After that argument you didn't see each other for a week. Which was hell for alastor. Yes, he lived there but being away from you showed him what it was like for other people.
The pain in his heart was something he has never felt before, perhaps when his mother died but that was so long ago he could barely remember.
He woke up with that blinding pain in his chest and he thought is was just a temporary thing, so he went along his day.
Only to notice that the pain did not lessen or go away. It was there constantly and got worst whenever someone mentioned you.
After 3 days spent like this he could take it no more he went to you fathers house and requested to see you.
He knew that Lucifer didn't know you guys were together but he didn't care at this point he needed to see you and frankly he refused to do it over a little buzzing box.
Your father was of course as confused as one can be. What the fuck was the radio demon doing here wanting to talk to you.
They were about to get into another fight when you turned up.
Alastor froze when he saw you.
You were, even nicely speaking, a mess. Your hair was not as well kept the sleepless nights could be seen in your eyes, and you were wearing your pjs, which was one of Alastors shirts, from the few he owned.
Alastors didn't even spare another glance at your father he pushed him out of the way took your hand and led you to your room where you guys talked things out.
He didn't open up fully, but he stopped grinning. Which was already a huge step for him.
He promised, though, to open up to you more and more he just needed time.
And you were ok with that.
After he finished his sentence you leaped into his arm and kissed him which he eagerly returned. Missing the feeling of your lips on his.
He was staring at you. For a long time now and you were getting worried.
"Are you ok?" You asked while cupping his cheek.
He took the hand that was on his cheek and kissed your palm that put that hand on his chest where his heart would be if he had one.
"Oh, I'm quite alright dear, just thinking." He answered than leaned in for a kiss.
Your lips met and this kiss was not quite like the others.
Alastor but all the feelings he couldn't say into that one kiss stealing your breath. You felt the things he was to closed off to share and you understood why it would take him time.
After you parted you gave him another quick kiss which made him chuckle.
Oh, yeah when Alastor visited you, Lucifer found out about you two, and since than...well lets just say Alastor enjoys tempting him with it to no end.
No cuz in all seriousness my hazbin fics have gotten so much love and I just wanna thank you guys so much😭🧡🧡
I hope you enjoyed your reading Ladies, gentleman and other, good afternoon good evening and good night.🦖🧡
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Inevitable (male sneezing, contagion) | Part 4/4
Here's the conclusion to Evan's story! I'm glad to see so many people enjoying my gross fantasies!
Part one Part two Part three
Word count: 2,700
CW: mess, contagion
* * *
Evan walks to and from work every day. He doesn’t live far and everyone in this city walks most places. It’s that or take a bus, or the subway — neither of which are options for him in his current state even if he wants nothing more than to just sit down. He simply can’t endure any more potential opportunities for nose-related disasters.
No, what Evan needs is to walk home as quickly as he can while trying to mitigate — to the best of his ability — the effects from the disaster that is his nose.
He’s doing a great job, if he does say so himself. Yes, he’s sneezing. Yes, he’s a snotty mess. But, he’s also equipped with an entire box of tissues that he stole from the store’s break room — considering his paychecks versus the amount of money the corporation takes in, Evan feels they owe him a box of tissues at the very least — and has captured each drip and sneeze deftly into the little white squares.
The sneezes are hard, fast, and relentless. As he walks, to distract himself, he begins a kind of game. If he were to title the game, Evan imagines it being something akin to “How many seconds can Evan go without a sneeze before he makes it home?”
So far, his record is twenty-eight seconds. He recognizes the absurdity of this. He doubts anyone else in any universe has ever sneezed this much in just half a day. He almost feels a sense of pride at the knowledge that he must be setting some kind of record, but then he also recognizes how absurd that is, so he brushes it away.
“HEH eh’TshUUHHH!”
Another sneeze perfectly captured into a tissue.
He smiles — literally smiles — at the accomplishment. This is what his life has become. He can not wait to finally get his degree so he can feel proud of something that holds a little more weight than “managed not to sneeze on everyone in sight.”
He mentally resets the timer in his head. As odd as the game is, it certainly does help pass the time. He only has a few more minutes until he reaches the sanctuary of his nice, warm bed.
Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three….
Evan wonders if he can make it a whole minute. He doubts it. He already feels another budding tickle. But he’s going to try.
No, no, no! He WILL make it a minute without a sneeze. He doesn’t care how arbitrary of a goal it is. It’s still a goal — something he has alarmingly few of these days — and he’s going to meet it.
Forty-three, forty-four, forty-five….
“Heehh Ehhh Eh HHhhH!”
Forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two….
“Excuse me sir, I hate to bother you, but could you tell me where —”
And just like that, the pretty stranger’s pale skin is covered in a plethora of droplets, glistening in the sunlight.
“Uhb, I’b sor— heh— sorry,” Evan says, rubbing his nose with a tissue.
The stranger gives a tight smile before brushing off her face in a futile attempt to clear away the droplets. He’s sure all she does is smear them around. They’re undoubtedly laden with viruses, anyway, so he knows she’s doomed. Just like all the other people who have been unfortunate to come into contact with him today. Just like he, himself, was three days ago in that elevator.
“It’s um… It’s fine,” the stranger says.
“Uhb, you were aski’g about directiods? I bay be able to hehhh —”
The woman is walking so briskly, she’s practically running from Evan. “That’s okay! I remember where it is now. Thanks!” she calls out before somehow walking away even more quickly.
It’s a good thing she does because Evan snaps forward, hands on his thighs, and lets out what must be the most violent sneeze he’s had in his entire life.
It sounds more like a scream than a sneeze, though the resulting heavy spray, thick smell, and the strand of snot dangling precariously from his left nostril are all clear indicators that it was, indeed, a sneeze — a massive one.
It’s like his body is desperately fighting with all it has in it to get this cold out of him. He’d be more than happy to let it, if it weren’t such a violent — and contagious — action. His head is throbbing and his throat is wrecked.
He goes to wipe off the strand from his nose with a tissue, but he’s too late and he watches in resignation as the drop hits the concrete.
At this point, people are giving him a wide berth. He tries not to pay attention to anyone’s expression, but he still can’t miss the scowls and noses scrunched up in disgust. It’s not like he can even blame them.
He hangs his head, clutches his tissue box tightly against himself, and tries to make himself take up the least amount of space possible. He needs to get home without causing any more scenes.
* * *
How could he forget his keys?
Evan’s been an adult for over a decade now, and he’s never done something as senseless as locking himself outside his apartment. He supposes having a cold from the deepest depths of Hell could be to blame for his forgetfulness.
He’s currently slumped against his apartment door, tissue box in his lap. There’s probably a better choice he can make besides this one, but he’s already here and moving his body any more sounds like the worst idea in the entire world. He feebly zips up jacket to ward off the chill, and even that small action wipes out the remaining energy he had.
His phone buzzes and he quickly unlocks it to read the message.
Marcus: 😂 Usually it's me forgetting the keys. i’m on a date w mia but we’re almost finished eating. she’s gotta go to work soon anyway. hang tight. be there in abt 20
Evan breathes out a sigh of relief, then begins typing.
Evan: THANK you. Could you also possibly pick up some cold meds on your way? If you have the money? I’ll pay you back Friday.
A minute or two goes by while Evan waits for the response. He closes his eyes and leans more heavily against the door. He opens his eyes halfway when he hears footsteps. The person is someone he doesn’t recognize — so probably just someone visiting someone on the floor. The stranger gives Evan a quick look before quickening their pace as they walk down the hall.
The phone’s buzz jerks Evan out of the doze he’d slipped into. He groggily takes his phone and glances down at it.
Marcus: stuff’s like ten dollars, man. i mean, if you really need it tho, i can charge it to my credit card.
Evan sighs. He gets it. Money’s incredibly tight for both of them. Between the two of them, they can just barely manage to make rent each month.
Evan: Nvm. I’ll just tough it out.
After hitting “send” on the message, Evan allows his eyes to close, resting his head against the door frame.
* * *
The way the man says his name, Evan suspects it’s not the first time he’s said it.
Evan groans before beginning the exhausting process of opening his eyes.
“Ahh, so you are alive. I was beginning to wonder,” Marcus says with a smirk.
Evan groans again.
“Are you drunk or something?” Marcus asks, his eyebrows shooting up.
Evan tries to glare. “Ndo,” he says indignantly, though he likely diminishes the effect with his subsequent thick snort. “Imb just sigck. A’d cold a’d tired. Just wadda lie dowd,” he says, weakly, before he starts coughing — the sounds heavy and wet.
Marcus scans Evan up and down, likely taking in Evan’s slumped posture, his lap covered in an innumerable amount of used tissues, and however his face looks — something Evan doesn’t even want to think about.
Marcus sighs. “Leave it to you to nearly die from the common cold. Let’s get you inside, then.”
* * *
As much as Evan had wanted to crawl into bed, upon entering the apartment it was as if he’d lost all control of his legs. They’d immediately taken him to the couch where he’d instantly curled up on his side.
He lies on his back, now, clasping a tissue to his nose as he blows and blows. He’s read that you’re not actually supposed to blow your nose — that the pressure causes the germs to blow back into the sinus cavity, which can lead to sinus infections. But he has no doubt that without blowing, he’d literally choke to death on his own snot.
The sneezes are hard, sharp, and wet. He feels the moisture sliding down his chin despite the fact he’d had a tissue over his nose. He sighs, then wipes off the mess.
“Okay, Nurse Marcus is here with your first dose of medicine,” Marcus says as he comes toward Evan. He takes a seat on the coffee table across from Evan. Evan notices the small cup of liquid in his hand.
Evan’s brows knit. “But I thought you wered’t goi’ig to buy the medicide.” Evan has given up on being able to pronounce m’s and n’s any time soon.
“In the three years we’ve been roommates, you’ve never asked me to buy you anything, so I figured it must be bad. So yeah, I went ahead and bought it. But, damn, I still wasn’t expecting this,” Marcus says, gesturing to Evan with his free hand. “I didn’t know it was possible for someone’s nose to be that red. I thought that was, like, a cartoon thing. But, no, here you are totally Rodolphing it. It’s almost impressive.”
“Yeah, I kdow, I mbust loogk like shit. Cad I please have the bedicide dow? I bead, thagck you for buyi’g it of course, a’d all that, but really, I thidk I deed it, like dow,” Evan says before proceeding to cough horrendously.
Marcus grimaces, but hands the liquid over to Evan. Evan manages to swallow the substance before he sneezes into the air three times in a row.
“You kdow, it’s probably a good thi’g you bought this because dow we’ll have sombe for when you combe dowd with this,” Evan says.
Marcus snorts in amusement. “Don’t worry about that. I haven’t been sick in years. Just one of the many benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise,” he says, looking so smug Evan wishes he could throw something at his face.
Instead, Evan glares. “You are so addoyigck for that.”
Marcus leans in closer from his spot on the table. “I’m sorry. I’m so what? It’s hard to understand you because you’re so full of snot.”
Evan glares again, then snorts thickly. “Addoyi’g. You are HH EDTChUUUuuuhhh!”
If Evan hadn’t turned on his side to face Marcus, Marcus may have had a chance. But Evan did turn on his side, so Marcus’s face receives quite the generous amount of spray.
“Sorry,” Evan mumbles. At this rate, he’s apologizing almost as much as he’s sneezing.
Marcus blinks, then wipes off his face with his arm. “It’s fine. Don’t worry. My immune system can handle it.”
Evan doesn’t think anyone’s immune system is equipped for this thing, but he sure hopes Marcus’s is. This feeling only increases as the evening goes on.
Sometimes Evan forgets how nice Marcus can be. They’ve lived together for a few years now, and Evan definitely considers him a friend, but they’re both busy and despite being roommates, their paths don’t always often cross. But Marcus does nice little things for him throughout the rest of the day — covering up his poor pathetic body with blankets, bringing him more medicine, and even cooking ramen for him (since it turns out they didn’t actually have any Campbells). He also makes sure Evan has a hefty supply of toilet paper roll — after he ran out of tissues — and a wastebasket conveniently placed next to him.
Most importantly, he doesn’t complain when Evan launches sneeze after sneeze into the air. Marcus assured him any damage has already been done, and when Evan thinks back to the droplets coating his face from that full on sneeze he’d directed at him — well, Evan figures he’s probably right.
Evan spends the rest of the day nestled in blankets on the couch, dozing in and out of sleep, while Marcus plays movies on the TV and keeps him company.
After the morning he had, he considers the evening to be perfect. Or, relatively perfect, at least. He’s sicker than he’s ever been, but he’s warm and comfortable. Or, mostly comfortable — his congestion, sneezing, and the painfully raw skin around the edges of his nostrils beg for his almost constant attention. But most importantly, he’s no longer drenching people in his germs.
And Evan couldn’t really ask for more.
* * *
Marcus does come down with the cold, of course. Trevor, too. And seemingly everyone Evan knows.
When Evan returns to work five days later — still sniffling and coughing, but mostly functioning — he gives a feeble attempt at defending himself. He mentions it could have been Courtney who got almost their entire team sick. She did, after all, go home sick the same day as Evan. But that argument quickly unravels when someone points out Courtney had a stomach bug. And everyone who’s called off has been hacking up their lungs and sneezing non-stop.
So, Evan reluctantly admits that perhaps there’s a slight possibility he may be responsible for starting a minor cold outbreak in the store.
To make an already embarrassing situation worse, his boss shows him an online survey that makes him blush. In the survey, a customer mentions how the store lets “unhygienic” employees interact with customers and relays how she “came down with the worst cold of her life” after a rude manager “purposefully sneezed all over her just because he didn’t want to do his job.”
After he leaves the store feeling stressed — having only three people to work the registers and the sales floor does not make for a good shift — he heads to school for his evening class.
* * *
As he stands in the elevator, his eyes widen when he sees who steps inside.
It’s him.
The instructor who’s single-handedly responsible for the most humiliating day of Evan’s life.
The man gives Evan a quick, friendly smile before clear recognition settles over his face. Evan tries not to glare as he uses a tissue to quickly wipe at his nose.
It’s awkward for a few seconds until the man speaks. “Listen, um…. Gosh, I don’t even know what to say,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just…. Did I get you sick? Be honest.”
Evan blows his nose — perhaps more dramatically than necessary — and this time does glare at the man. “Yeah. You got me sick,” he states, simply. “I’m just now getting over it.”
The man winces. “I am so sorry.”
There is so much genuine sympathy and regret etched into the man’s expression that Evan finds himself softening. “It’s fine. You couldn’t help it,” he finally says.
The elevator dings and the two get off on the same floor, but they both stay stopped outside the doors. “Listen,” the instructor begins. “Was it, like, the most sick you’ve ever been? I’ve never had anything like that in my life.”
Evan gives a wry laugh. “Hands-down the sneeziest and snottiest I’ve ever been.”
“Right?” the man says, emphatically. “Again, I am so sorry. I can’t apologize enough.”
Evan offers a small smile. “It’s okay, really. I don’t think anyone stands a chance at not getting that cold. It really wants to spread. I was doomed the moment I got on that elevator,” he says giving an exaggerated, forlorn look.
The instructor smiles. “For sure. Thank you for being so understanding.”
The two exchange more pleasantries before they walk off to their respective classes.
The guy’s nice and Evan doesn’t have it in him to resent him any longer.
After all, Evan knows now from personal experience that with a cold like that — sneezing all over everyone you come across is simply inevitable.
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Crepinlore and the 30-50 random games 90% of fandom has never heard about
This post, like everything else about this blog, is very self-indulgent. I discovered many things during its making, and I simply can't not share. So, let's begin with something you likely have literally never heard about, and go to more popular things from there:

Krosmaster arena online was a video game it seems nobody played, and honestly, I am mentioning it here because I fear that if I don't document it, it will disappear, and it will turn out that it was simply a vision I had, as if in a David Lynch movie. Evaporating, like tears in rain.
I don't think anyone ripped/tried to rip/found a way to rip the models from it — and considering the fact they're pretty... mobile ad-core, not much may have been lost.
Anyway, here's Keke beating the shit out of some guy.
Wakfu Les Gardiens
Joris appears in the quest "The Tree of Life" of this game, which, as far as I'm aware, was updated in time with Wakfu episodes.
Even back then, Ankama knew that 1. Joris is very sus and 2. you cannot let him get close to you during a battle, or it's OVER.
It's all very cute.

There is something interesting I wanna say about this sprite, actually:
An alternate version of it exists, made as a concept for the Dofus MMO. I am assuming it was Juien Druant elaborating on the ways Joris might look in the game. The first two designs are: baby Joris (probably not used because he looks too young to be a 200 year old man...) and Welsh & Shedar 60yo Joris. They were combined to make the iconic Dofus MMO-era 200yo Joris design.
I'm quite sure that this sprite references the Les Gardiens one very heavily.
One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend
The first game in this list that actually has implications for real lore, and yet its plot is literally "it was all a dream that Oropo was having while inside the Eliacube"
For this reason, the events of this game are not entirely reliable — but are probably based in some way on the memories Oropo has.
The main contribution this game has to Crepinlore is a third Crepin, who might be an ancient ancestor of the brothers, whom Oropo met and remembered, some sort of cousin, or he might be based entirely on fiction, and inspired by Kerubim (though ehhh I severely doubt Oropo would care so much about him that he'd hallucinate a guy like him within Eliacube's fake world).
I really want to headcanon that the events of the game are based on something he really experienced, waaay before forming the brotherhood. But that's just my brain disaeses.
Here we can see the store itself.
I saved the best for the last — Krosmaga.
A video of the casts of Dofus and Wakfu beating the shit out of each other
There are characters besides Atcham, Joris, and Kerubim in this game — Julith, Jahash, Lou... But I choose to concentrate on my favorite three ones. Or I will die fr.

If this Ecaflip gives the impression of constantly having a bad hair day, it's precisely because he doesn't have any! Brother of Kerubim Crépin, Atcham is fiercely jealous of the man he considers his worst enemy. And how could he not be, when not only does he occupy the prestigious position of Ecaflip's favorite son, but also displays his dense, silky fur without any modesty or sensitivity?
Here are his three forms:
I'm.,. unwell about the white one. I have to draw Atcham in a Bontarian getup one of these days.
They're really giving a fight to this Joris costume recolor from a Christmas event in one of the MMOs... (Now I want to see Kerubim in red too!)

On topic of Joris,

Adopted son of Kerubim Crépin, Joris is a curious and mischievous little boy. His favorite pastime is listening to the childhood adventures of his beloved "Papycha". And when he's too busy serving customers in his antique store, he's off playing with his best friend Lilotte! An avid boufbowl player and fan of Khan Karkass, Joris also hopes to become a star of the horned ball. While his destiny may already be mapped out on the stadium pitch, his origins are much less clear… But the good thing about not knowing where you come from is that you can imagine anything! For the little boy, there's no doubt: his parents were great boufbowl players, and it doesn't matter if it's true or not!
Here are his alternative forms:
And now, last but not least: Kerubim.

Judging by his adventures, Kerubim seems to have had more than 9 lives! From small-time opera rat, to Bontarian police officer, to lawyer: the least we can say is that during his youth, the man Joris calls his Papycha never stopped working! So much so that today, the owner of the antique store Aux Trésors de Kerubim takes advantage of his free time to purr quietly in his armchair, or to tell his adopted son about his past adventures. Past? Well, not quite! Because when the terrible witch Julith arrives to retrieve Jahash's Ivory Dofus, and seems intent on attacking Joris, the old tomcat doesn't hesitate to get in her way. With Kerubim, there's no age limit to being a hero!
Once again, it is confirmed that the store's name s literally "Aux Trésors de Kerubim". Sorry, I'm insane about the name of the show being the name of the store.
And his alternative forms:
He's beautiful.
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This is the process‼️
the actual final thing is here 😺
this fucKing bass

All this text is made with the tool that transforms your voice and whatever you're saying into text so don't expect this to have sense in too many ways okay?
Okay so this is part of the process that I end up making cuz there was a bunch of trial and error in this process because whenever I was doing like the front the front the front and the thing I was getting a little bit confused cuz I was having too many ideas at once and it didn't work out as you think it will but at the end I end up like merging some of those ideas into one and end up looking pretty good that this is the stupidest sketch of how it was looking at the beginning in the terms of the title and stuff
Now the bass that instrument took so long to get it right cuz listen I end up studying technical draw in architecture and if I see something that doesn't have the right perspective I'm killing myself
So of course I was going to get into technical details with creating or drawing the bass
And also in the first parts you can kind of see how it was at the beginning like the colors and stuff trial and error yada yada yada
And I end up making some color arrangements cuz I want this to be bright and stuff and I didn't want this to be pale or look a little bit weird I wanted to have the right contrast
And also talking about contrast you can see the pictures in black and white that's because I wanted to get rid of the contrast and I didn't want something to not pop up right using the wrong colors so that's why there's black and white pictures yes
And also as I know that @aziraphalesbookkeeper favorite color is green cuz I asked that in the ask box I end up placing a bunch of green and several places in the complete piece or the complete render
And also yes the thing that Google was wearing it was going to have some pins with like some flags or whatever and that didn't make up to the end because I was tired and I was lazy and I didn't want to do more things in the jacket
In for the boots I end up searching on Pinterest several things regarding I don't know ehhh Punk boots or something like that and at the end of the day I end up just getting in genshin to look at my wriottesley and admire or have a treaty view of some boots that are similar to the things that I wanted to draw
And also talking about the boots yeah there is not that many things on the boots and I end up getting lazy and tired of drawing details on the boots but it wasn't worth it at the end of the day
And also in the part of Hugo's pants I was thinking into creating like this patches that punk pants end up having with some band names or something embroidered into them cuz that looks cool and I think it matches his personality in some sort of way and I kind of did that it doesn't look that much in contrast with they're saying something his pants but they're there and that's what it matters
I tried okay I tried
Also another little detail in the part of the front I was just searching for several inspiration on rock or metal covers for albums and stuff and I didn't find much of inspiration into that but then I look into some posters and stuff like that and that was just a boost of inspiration and that's why the fronts in the thing end up going from whatever you see on that thing that has like pngs of a scrap of papers and something is already in some kind of text of a chat cuz I remember that in the story both of them end up talking on chat and stuff
On my head it was looking right but then I put it into the actual canvas and it was looking like shit to me so that idea was a scratched and he didn't make it up to the end hehe
And I think that settled it and that's it basically for all maybe I will read all this shit later and find out something that I missed but that's it
#rambling rambles of rambling#creative process#???????#don't expect much from disposed in terms of grammar and sense overall#Nick is probably my accent is too thick for this tool that transfers words talking words into writing words#okay it seems that yes my accent is too thick sometimes#hey if you see a word that doesn't have any kind of sense in whatever I was saying?writing?#dont quote me on that#vat7k#varigo
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Graduation Interview (Yoda Yuuki, bis; 01.03.2025)
Graduation Interview
Everyone around me was so wonderful, and it was eight and a half years of being supported by others!

Q: Although you've graduated from Nogizaka46 on the 23rd of February, I don't think that graduation is the end, but rather [it's] a new beginning for [you,] Yoda-san. Is there anything you'd like to try [now]?
A: I'd like to go on a lengthy trip. In terms of trips, I've travelled during the New Year and summer holidays, but those weren't long enough for trips abroad, so if the timing's ever right, I'd like to take a chance somewhat and go on a leisurely trip abroad for two to three weeks.
Q: What country would you like to go to?
A: I think I'd like to go to the U.S., or go back to Australia, which I visited in order to shoot my photobook. Were I to go for two to three weeks, I reckon my English would improve a little bit too (laughs).
Q: Is there any aspect of yourself that you feel hasn't changed since your debut days?
A: Liking good food, that's it! (laughs) Once I start liking something, like sweet potatoes or meat, I'll always like it, without changing [my mind about it].
Q: What's your first memory of your debut?
A: As expected, it's gotta be the omitatekai after all. That day I shouted "I may be tiny, but I've got sex appeal!" LOL. 't was my first time standing on a stage, so I was nervous. That was my first time meeting the fans in person, so while I was very nervous, I remember also being very happy.
Q: When'd you come up with that phrase?
A: I don't know (laughs). I've got no memory of it. I don't get why I said such a thing, and I was surprised [myself]. It's hard to believe that a 0-year-old idol could say that. lol. Were it to happen now, it could go the other way 'round where I wouldn't think of it.
Q: 'T was a phrase that was unique to that time, wasn't it. What kind of conversations have you recently had with Tsutsui Ayame-san, who is a fellow regular model?
A: We went out to eat jingisukan* [= grilled mutton and vegetable dish, named after Genghis Khan] together and then went to karaoke, which was the first time in a while that we got to talk at length. While going "Delicious!", we talked about what we were going to do from there on. Even after my graduation, I want us to go on trips together, and since I really think of you as my younger sister, I hope you'll feel free to rely on me!
Q: Is being regular models for the same magazine one of the reasons why you two became good friends?
A: That's right. And it was also Ayame who first appeared with me in a magazine. After that, we were given a unit song..... Even in bis, we were the only ones in Nogizaka46 allowed to do projects together as a pair, so there were lots of opportunities for us to become closer. Even when it was for work, we also went on trips together, which I'm thankful for.
Q: Have you ever felt Ayame-san's growth up-close?
A: I really think that her style's been getting cuter and cuter! She was cute from the start, but seeing her becoming more polished up-close..... It makes me look forward to what's to come. She's still young, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what the future holds.
Q: Since becoming a member of Nogizaka46, have you noticed anything you like about yourself?
A: Ehhh, what could it be. I'm really happy when fans tell me that they like parts of me that I don't quite like, or things that I have an inferiority complex over, or aspects I hadn't thought of as neither good nor bad. For instance, even though I don't particularly think such things, [people say] I have a wild child vibe (laughs). It's all my upbringing's fault LOL. I was just being normal, yet people told me they liked that kind of thing about me. When fans come and tell me that they like my mindset, I feel happy that they like that about me. It's nice to hear that someone likes your real self, isn't it?
Q: Among the many memories from these eight and a half years, which one remains most dear to you?
A: There are so many..... I can't choose only one. So many things happened. Those eight and a half years were truly enough for me to have a lifetime supply's worth of experiences..... There are just too many memories.
Q: What was the driving force that allowed you to work hard for eight and a half years?
A: Not only the members, but also the staff-san and the fans; everyone around me was truly wonderful, so it truly was eight and a half years of being supported by others. I don't know what would've happened had I not been part of Nogizaka46, but I think - had I not been in this environment, I probably wouldn't have been able to continue this long.
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brother crab's fall 2024 parting thoughts: uhhhhh basically everything
doing these all in one batch because i have been falling behind big time this season orz
long post under the cut
acro trip & kabushiki gaisha magi lumiere: the two magical girl series i picked up this season, both delightful! my only gripe is i wish acro trip had also gotten a season two, but thrilled to have more magilumi coming eventually
sengoku youko: after the wreck that was biscuit hammer THANK FUCKING GOD THIS WAS GOOD, and it was really. really. really good. it's not the, like, shiniest thing you'll ever see in 2024 in terms of animation, and the story isn't exceptionally unique or anything, but it's a great, classic adventure fantasy that has a really nostalgic feel to it
haigakura: ummmmmmmmm the less said the better. let's move on
tasuuketsu: was it good? no. was it compelling? also no. did i watch all 24 episodes? well. man idk the beginning was a mess, and not even the fun sort of mess, and the situation did not really improve. however i do feel like there's some potential in the characters and death game mechanics here, just fully unrealized potential, which is just... frustrating. anyway. do not recommend
touhai: this one's rolling onwards into a second cour but this is the fun sort of mess. it delivers on its gritty-dark premise in all the ways that yakuza fiance (i'll get to that) doesn't. do i even necessarily like its gritty-dark premise? ehhh... but i do respect it for being just. balls to the wall ridiculous
raise wa tanin ga ii: mannnnn this one probably warrants its own post because i could go on and on about what i found lacking here if anyone wants to hear it, but the tl;dr is i just don't feel like they committed to the yandere-ness of the yandere relationship quite enough. but i did love yoshino and i did love kirishima... 's voice (basically picked this up solely for ishida akira lol) so it was fine. whatever. it was fine
rekishi ni nokoru akujo ni naruzo: surprisingly decent villainess series! for a while it seemed like it was going to fall into the boring old trap of actually the villainess is Good and the heroine is Evil. while our aspiring villainess is clearly not Evil in this, she's at least going about her supposed 'villainy' in a somewhat interesting way
kimi wa meido-sama.: i... i don't know. i think overall i did enjoy this, i remember it having a really strong start, the main characters were both really charming and fun, but it sort of fizzled out for me. i don't really have a problem with the flagrant wish fulfillment-y vibe here, it's just i guess i feel like it didn't really strike a steady balance between the romance, the slice-of-life bits of yuki trying to lead a normal life, and the looming hints of her ominous history. it's not that these things can't all coexist, the show was just a little clumsy about balancing them imo
kamonohashi ron no kindan suiri s2: honestly i don't think this has gotten worse, i think it's just gotten to be not my thing. when ron said "this is the last case i'll ever thought" i said out loud "promise? 🥺" so... i probably shouldn't continue if they make another season. but they did just get suwabe in here so. we'll see
blue lock s2: lol. lmao even
goukon ni ittara onna ga inakatta hanashi: an absolute delight! all the characters wound up being really fun to follow but for me fuji and asagi absolutely stole the show. they were just too good
maou 2099: this has one more episode to go, but i can't imagine my thoughts on it changing much. and my thoughts are it was fun! nothing mindblowing in the end, but solidly fun. you can feel the hpmi all over it

natsume s7 & bleach tybw cour whatever & beastars final season pt1: lumping these together since pretty much all i have to say on them is it's more of the same, which is a very good thing. bleach and beastars quality is staying up, and natsume is still the same natsume we know and love which is exactly what i want it to be forever and ever

dandadan & ranma 1/2 & ao no hako: grouping these together because they're clearly the big names of the season (well idk about ao no hako but i certainly hope it's one, because it deserves to be) and there's not much i can say that hasn't already been said. they look great and were/are (ao no hako is continuing into a second cour) a delight to watch. dandadan does a great job of portraying not just kids being kids but weird kids being weird kids, which is a somewhat rare delight. ranma 1/2 and ao no hako are both peak romance. ranma is also such a visual joy to watch
of the three... ough... i feel like i have to give anime of the season to ranma because it was just such a pleasure to watch, but i have such a soft spot in my heart for ao no hako right now. it's just gorgeous, and the characters feel so wonderfully real. the only thing knocking it down a bit is i don't enjoy love triangles in general, but like if there has to be one, ao no hako's is not (currently) that annoying
anyway this is not my anime of the season post so more on that later
i think... that's... everything? maybe? chi and slf s2 are both excellent, but more on those after their second cour. the one thing i will say about slf s2 for now is nothing has topped the wethermon fight for me yet and phew. it's gonna be tough because that fight was peak
tsumasho, mecha-ude, and murai no koi i've already made separate posts on. some other two cour stuff i'll also save comments on for next season
oh wait
kinokoinu: this was cute but not all the memorable i guess, as evidenced by the fact that i. just. nearly forgot it lol
anyway! i'd say overall this was a very solid season with some seriously underwatched sleeper hits like mecha-ude. anime of the season is... going to be fun to think about. much to consider
#crab watches#various things#fall 2024#parting thoughts#sorry this is deeply disorganized this is just. everything lmao#i guess that's what my various things tag is for!#the lesson here is i really need to watch less every season 😭#this was... so many......
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First Outdoor Live for Shuka and me: Saito Shuka 5th Anniversary Shuen 2024: Tenshi to Akuma no Sasayaki 👼😈
Gosh, how do I even begin…?
First, I just want to let everyone know how hot it was XD I’m already someone who sweats a lot and the heat from the Sun returning the same passionate feelings as us Shukajins and Shuka ;D was simply…! HOT!!
For Day 1 (17 August 2024, Saturday), I did not have the leeway of using my analog hand fan or the Aqours electronic fan I had on hand as I was finding my way around Saitama to get to Tobu Zoo where Shuka’s Live was being held.
As you all know, I was running late due to that! And it was also because I made the mistake of still wearing my watch – that made me think I still had time, but Japan is one hour ahead of Singapore! XD Gyaahh!
I feel like the guide Shuka and staff left about exiting from the North Exit and it being a 10 minutes walk to Tobu Zoo is…for people in the know XD and interestingly, the station itself had a paper put up guiding visitors to take the West exit! So well, I followed that instead.
I was already running late, I was attempted to follow guys that wore Converse shoes cos that’s a good way to guess that they are Shuka fans heading to her Live venue but because I was already late, I figured it’s not wise to follow random dudes in hopes they are going to the zoo XD So don’t worry, I didn’t. Instead, I went to the bus and asked the nice bus driver uncle if it goes to Tobu Zoo >v<
When I made it there, 2 lady staff was waiting in a tent and helped me put on the wrist band for the zoo pass and Shuka’s Live pass – thank you! Because I would’ve been stumbling to put it on (I was fumbling with it for Day 2 XD) The nice ladies then told me it’s another 15 mins to Shuka’s Live venue and I was like – “Ah, thank you.” On the outside. But inside my mind, I was like, “Ehhh!? Another 15 mins?! Even though I’m already late. Mouuuu!!” And I jogged and sped walk my way to the venue XD
The “good” thing of being late is that you get to be led to Shuka’s venue by her wonderful singing voice XD
I also like how when I ran past the attraction for a roller coaster ride that had tall stones with Egyptian carvings on it and some other horrific poster near it, I was like, “Yeah nope, turn right because no way Shuka’s Live venue is where something scary is XD” And it is the right way to continue on my way.

[Egytian carvings to the left, let the Shuka poster be your guide]
Speeding things up, because why would you want to know what else I saw on the way there, right? >v<``
When I neared the Live venue, that’s where you’ll see the Live Goods tent too. As I ran pass, I saw the merch I wanted sold out already so I was a bit sad but more importantly!! I could sense Shuka already XD Jogging in and slowing to a walk so as to not disturb anyone, I tried looking for my seat but it was like “BWAAHH!! AAHHH!! WOOO!!!” energy from lots of guys cheering so I was like “Never mind, I’ll stay at the back” XD
I joined in just as Shuka started the Devil Side of the Live!! (Courtesy to the Shukajin who made a set list record so I could fact check where I popped in >w<) So, it was where Shuka was singing “Baby Tell Me”!
But truth be told, I can barely remember how the song went cos I laid eyes on Shuka in her Devil themed outfit and I was just speechless, eyes glued to how amazing she looks and while I was amazed by her shining on stage and performing, I was very much constantly thinking about how good she looks in that outfit XD
You’ve seen the pics, you felt the same way! I bet on it!! XD Aahhhhhhh!!! >w<♡♡♡

[mind blown, attention stolen, Devil Shuka is here]
Followed by a Medley of HYPED songs…!! *O*
Tsuki de hoshi de Taiyou da
Zenshin Zenrei
Ippai Attena
Bokura wa Genius
Excuse me, Shuka-san?? I believe this was where I jumped a bit too much and knocked my knees against the long bench XD And Miyuki here didn’t even realize it until she’s back in the hotel later to see the bruises. I’m telling you, the hype and high and smiles you feel from being on cloud 9 after experiencing a Shuka Live let’s you not feel pain XD But adrenaline aside, I did apply my essential oil blend that soothes pain so I’m guessing that’s why I could still go all out for Day 2! HAHAHA!
*coughs coughs* Back to the Live!
Shuka performs Darake next, and you can bet the energy explodes even more because everyone was looking forward to the 555 songs?? At least I was!!!
ShuShuShu is next and I had my Ai no Yajirushi towel with me so I took it out to twirl for this towel song!! Towel songs are so funnnn~ (I’ve been a fan of towel songs since μ's Mermaid Festa Vol.2, and have been looking forward to any towel songs. SO, I thoroughly enjoyed Shuka’s one too!!)
Mata Ashita was the next song. I vaguely remember me swinging my hands along to it >v<
I don’t remember where the MC part takes place, but I’m going to assume here where she had performed a bunch of songs already. Shuka mentions how she posted about her having a sore throat and that made everyone worry so she apologizes and reassures us that she is alright and in fact, super energetic >w< She’s adorable when showing how energetic she is. >w<
I felt that her sore voice wasn’t obvious in her singing which is really cool. Other than when she performed “Mikata”, that one was when you hear some scratchiness in her singing voice. Ah, and when she talked, that was when her scratchy voice was obvious.
Shuka calls out the dancers called “Gyaruz” to introduce them and that’s when a cute moment happens cos Shuka starts asking her band members if she forgot to introduce them XD Usually the flow would be to introduce her band members first! And so, her band members told her Shuka did forget and she was a little in denial about that like “I forgot?? Ehh? I forgot??” XD Too cute. And then she introduces each of them!
Shukajin then goes: “You forgot something!”
Shuka: “Mm?”
Shukajin: “Vocalist?”
Shuka smiles, “And the vocalist is Saito Shuka.”
And we all clap and cheer for her!! >w</
Somewhere in between the MC part is a conversation where Shuka makes a cute noise with her scratchy voice too and it was extra adorable. I think it might be where she was asking her band member if she forgot to introduce them? I don’t remember exactly, I just know she was adorable XD That voice was hnnggg XD
Oh, and Shuka asks if we got hit by the water she shot. And the reaction was… “Yes!!!” and she apologizes that only some got hit by the water? XD
I… …also remember Shuka saying that we have now seen Angel Shuka, Devil Shuka and now that she is wearing the Live Tee she is Real Shuka! (which is the purple coloured Tenshi to Akuma no Sasayaki t-shirt but cut up and redesigned into a different fashionable way which allows Shuka to show off her midriff when she dances >//w//< paired with her jeans-shorts. Healthy legs in display =//w//=b)

[Real Shuka and her midriff ahhhh >//w//<♡]
You know, now that I’ve reminisced to here, I wonder if Shuka performed One Piece and Kutsuhimo first before the MC part >v<``
Because, when wanting to lead into a song, birthday bgm plays by the band member and the Gyaruz girls help to bring out the birthday cake and we all sang “Happy Birthday” to Shuka!! >w<7 It’s always so fun singing it to her hehe~
Shuka sneaks some to eat and from there is where it became picture-taking time!!
I love how everyone sat down and Shuka was like, “If you sit, we can’t see you!”
Then, some of us stood up again. And Shuka continues to say, “Ah, but it’s okay, we can take a proper picture later.”
That leaves us lost as to whether we should sit or stand XD So some was sitting, some was standing XD

[Day 1 together picture; I can be seen hehe >v<]
The photo gets taken and we go on to have Shuka perform the final song Mikata.
Shuka thanks everyone after, running to the sides of the stage and back to the middle to bow, the Gyaruz and band members join her to join hands and bow to us too…
It’s always such a bittersweet feeling when the Live ends. And as she’s going back stage, she waves to us, smiles, bows, all of that. It doesn’t take long for her to disappear behind but it’s kind of slow motion in my memory…=v=
And once you hear the electronic announcer voice says it’s the end of Shuka’s Live, that’s when we clap real hard again and then start to disperse. :>
I was at the back so I just made sure to drink more water, wipe my sweat, take a photo of stage and the Sun shining through the ferris wheel to us. 😊I then bumbled my way over to the goods tent and checked what else is selling. Although the t-shirt and keychains were sold out already, the hood towel was still available! So I went to buy one >v</ (LITERALY NO REGRETS FOR THIS BUY. More about it in Day 2 gushings :P)
Aaaand, the next part of the tent is where they are selling Shuka CDs and whatnot, I already have all her CDs so I didn’t buy anything from there, so onto the third section of the goods tent, there was where a staff would give out a postcard with Shuka at a spot in Tobu Zoo where the bears are at! Super cute picture UwU Alongside the Stamp Rally card and he stamps Day 1 on it! The tiger is so cuteeeee!!! Look at her!! >w<

[Tobu Zoo kuma Shuka!]
Beside that booth, is a present box where we can put our gifts to Shuka there. So, I took out my gift for her and placed it gently inside ^w^ From what I noticed, I think not many knew if there will be a present box cos I think there was less than 5 presents including mine XD While on Day 2, I believe I spotted a bit more presents in the box XD I hope Shuka loves the present I chose for her!! \>w</ Woof woof!
(Gosh, I’m making you all read so many words. There’s no way y’all are reading all these, right? XD To you who read all the way to here. Thank you. And I hope you’re smiling as much as I am while writing these~ ^w^)

[Sunset. This picture captures the feeling after a Shuka Live… Breath-taking, at a loss for words yet so much feeling/emotion running through your mind…]

~ DAY 2 ~
The Summer heat was high. I am early at Tobu Zoo this time because I don’t want to miss a single second of her Live. I won’t go into details of the fun before the performance but just so you know, it’s so awesome that our Live ticket already includes full access to the zoo and amusement park attractions! ^w^
It’s really hot and I kid you not. I was grateful for any natural wind and not natural wind that blew our way. When it was time to enter the space where the Live will be though, there was no natural wind there and my Aqours electric fan of course decided “I’ve worked hard for you for HOURS now. Time to rest…zzz…” [cue my shocked face XD] But it’s okay!! It’s like minutes to the start of Tenshi to Akuma no Sasayaki Day 2!!! I’ll just keep wiping this sweat and hydrating—
AHHH!! When the music changes to like a storm is brewing and SOMETHING IS COMING…!! And the band members come out!! I love them, by the way. We all love Shuka so we’re here but her band members just feel like family or super good friends already (to Shuka) so the feeling of cheering for them is sincere and excited~ >v<
And then, and then, there was this mash up of Shuka songs too…That one made me feel like if there was a montage playing too of Shuka’s growth, that’d be so cool too. But just hearing the songs mashed together like that… It evoked that feeling already and the scenes of MV to Shuka Live performances played in my mind too anyways—
HYAAAA!! From that, THE wedding-like music starts playing and, I think the backup dancers were already around and I was doing my best to absorb all that was happening. (Oh, also there were a bunch of tall guys so I had to tiptoe to see Shuka XD) But it’s all worth it when I saw Shuka in her Angel form which was this outfit like a wedding dress. Miyuki mind: CHOTTO MATTE EEEHHHHHHH?? KAWAIIIIIIIII!!! HOLD ON. WHAT, HOW, WHY, SHUKA?? >w<

I was smiling widely and fangirling hard inside XD And she starts singing Aishiteshimaeba. I love this song a lot too but because of being caught up in the moment…? I totally forgot Shuka’s Live performances are extra fun with the dance moves she came up for us to dance along with her XD So when this super enthusiastic fan beside me did the moves – I was like OH YEAH, THERE WAS THAT. WAHHH. And tried to mimic and dance along the best I could >v< I kept remembering how Shuka told us she wants us to not be shy and be cute for this song so I focused back on seeing her perform on stage and did my best for the moves where I can remember XD
PaPaPa is the next song. And this is one of her super hyped songs too. Understandable considering how fun it is and one of her early songs too! >v< So, as someone who usually play the blurays at home and cheer with my hands/light sticks, I forgot again that there’s like claps and other things the at-the-venue fans do XD I feel like I’m being too focused on this because of the enthusiastic and loud fan beside me but I’m not opposed to learning the fan moves in the first place! I especially like the Love Live! ones after all :P So well, I was trying to follow along…again… XD
P.S. It feels good to be praised by Shuka when you pull off the moves so it pays off? >w<
PiPiPi next!!! I loooooove this song a lot >v< Maybe it’s because I love old school things but the lyrics having “antenna” in it just makes me smile so much XD And and, it’s such a cute song?? And thus, I didn’t forget the dance moves for this one XD I can’t even explain how adorable Shuka looks throughout this song as she sings and dance it… I’m sorry for my lack of vocabulary for it… But just imagine that…that megawatt smile, glowing not just from the stage lighting but from the Sun and her angelic form?? That’s how it was from my POV… TvT
Here comes the new song from her 555 album! And yes, it’s PuPuPu!!! MEANING SHE JUST CHAINED THE PAPAPA-PIPIPI-PUPUPU SONGS!!! That’s such a cool thing to do, right!? *O* And I love this song from her new mini album!! It’s peppy, it’s fun, it’s cute, it tells a story of friendship when two argues and how they care about the other, and understands the other too, and how they make up and it’s all good again. >v<♡♡♡ I know I had the biggest, silly smile as I watched her sing this song, staying on my tippy toes to keep my eyes on her… mmm… Cute and wonderful. (I also clap hard after each song I think XD)
After that much hype, it’s MC time!
I found it cute how Shuka knew we’d want to do it?? So she gets us to congratulate her for her 5th Anniversary. And also to wish her happy birthday XD So she would say “Shuka-chan, congratulations on your debut 5th anniversary” and we’d echo “CONGRATULATIONS!!” and she goes, “Shuka-chan, happy birthday~” and we’d echo, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” >w<
Shuka then mentions about wanting to go bbq together and we’d shout back things like “Let’s do it!” and another one even went, “Right after this??” XD
Shuka likes to know the fans that are around so she starts asking our age group! When she asked “Are there teens?”, the person behind screamed so loudly <v<; Me and the other guys in front visibly flinched from the loudness XD I think Shuka was looking to the other side so perhaps she was not affected by that screech! Then she goes, “Those in the twenties?” and I cheered! I chuckled a bit on the inside that those in their twenties did a very cordial cheer? It was properly loud but not annoying is how I remember it XD And then Shuka goes, “Those in the thirties?” There was quite a bunch too and I remember I accidentally pumped my fist up too XD I was like, Hold on, Miyuki. We still have a few years to that. XD And when she asked for the older age group and there were still replies Shuka was happy about that!! :D

[Shuka serenading us and playing instruments for us at the same time TwT She's so amazing, mouuuu, daisuki! >w<]
Shuka spoke more and then asked us to take a seat for now as she wants to serenade us >v</ I gladly sat down to hydrate myself but I was concerned if I could see Shuka when sitting down @v@ Thankfully? I could see her in between the heads of the tall people in front of me XD But it was slightly tough to make the head of hair become unfocused while I tried to make my eyes focus on Shuka only. It was a strange first minute or two while I watched Shuka play the harmonica and sing Himitsu Dogu. But gosh, I’ve wanted to experience this Live too and it’s wonderful each time!!!
Next, Shuka sings Kokoro from her 555 mini album. My eyes soften as I nod to the music and her singing voice, taking in each lyric into my heart. I really liked how everyone sat quietly and listened. And I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Shuka for even a second.
When the music started for Hanarenaide, I felt something from the tip of my toes to my fingers and the top of my head. I knew this song resonated with me from when I heard it back home, but Shuka singing it to you Live? While you’re sitting there, and she’s sitting up on the stage… It’s like the world just had me and her. I remember I could not help but groove to the song and her words and I simply wanted the words in my mind to reach her – zutto hanaremasen. zutto soba ni… (I’m never letting go. I’ll be by your side always.)
We clapped so hard when she finished singing. >o<♡♡♡
And while I was feeling things, Shuka goes off stage to get changed and the band gets their solo moments!! It’s suuuuper cool! *w*
Miss Devilish Shuka returns in her full devil form and I swear I still feel the same way as Day 1 – Excuse me, Shuka-san?? What are you wearing?? What are you doing to me?? XD That looks so sexy and pretty and devilish indeed!? XD

[The Devil owns my heart and takes good care of it!?]
Shuka is singing Baby Tell Me and it’s such a fun song too to be bouncing to while she have fun singing and running about the stage?? Oh, but she did not just run around the stage. This was where she was going to shoot us with water XD So she also ran all the way to the back and climbed a tower?? A high place XD And she sprayed a whole lot of water – from that far back, the water barely not reached me XD So I was like “Aww” >v< But it wasn’t over yet…!! She ran down and came all the way the sides too to spray us with water with her water hose-gun thing XD So yes – I was hit by the holy or maybe not so holy water since she’s on the Devil Portion of the Live now XD

It's one heck of an experience to see her up close!! It’s like, “Oh right, Shuka is that small. How is she so small but so amazing? Oh gosh, Shuka is right here…!!” kind of thoughts as she ran between the aisles to spray us with water! And then back to the stage!! >w<

After this hype marathon, there was some music box and thunder bgm which brought the mood back to “Oooh what’s next??” >v< And Shuka starts singing Tsuki de hoshi de Taiyo da! So I was jumping and hyping along to it! >w</ And when you’re hyping to it, suddenly it’s a little interval bgm thing again and she’s onto the next song Zenshin Zenrei…!!! *O* Waahhh!!
You’re Zenshin zenrei-ing one moment, and then bam, now it’s Ippai Attena!! XD It’s one hype song after another, I’m telling you!! All I remember now is being unable to stop smiling, to be bouncing on my tip toes to constantly get to see Shuka and cheering happily. (All while appreciating her moves and smile of course ;D) Bokura wa Genius is the final of the Hype Medley. This song was always super energetic for the full version too so definitely a wonderful finale of the medley hehe >w< Ugh, whenever she lowers her voice for a cool moment during the song…! >w< It’s so goooood >w</
Oohh, I like this next part – the BGM gets you pumped and Shuka asks you to do a few rounds of “S-H-U-K-AAAAA SHUKA!” cheers before her next song Darake!!! >w< I want to do that agaaain >w</ Shuka counts the number of times we cheer it with her fingers so we know how many to go too \*w*/

[Inner Miyuki reacting to Shuka counting down >v<]
And now we are onto the 4th song of her 555 mini album. I was trying to take note of where she planted each of her new songs too, and I loved how they were placed!! ^w^
PuPuPu alongside the other fun triple P songs >v<
Kokoro and Hanarenaide as a ‘sit down get serenaded’ segment
Darake as part of the Devilish hyped portion
And last would be Mikata >v<
But first, TOWEL SONG…!! ShuShuShu!! As mentioned in Day 1 report, I find towel songs extra entertaining and fun for us to participate in >w</ This time, I tried twirling the Tenshi to Akuma no Sasayaki towel… and I must say, it’s a bit heavy to spin XD But all in all, there was spinning, jumping and cheering \>w</
Sekai no hate is one of my favourite songs too. It’s so cool, empowering, and the MV is as gorgeous as Shuka! I remember hearing it for the anime and then the MV…Shuka’s brown eyes literally so bright and alluring! And I would think Shuka rocks any colour but she rocks her favourite colour red so, so well…!! u>v<u I digress. Shuka on stage performing Sekai no hate is charming and I was left staring and experiencing her performance. I didn’t even bother doing the cheers the dudes around were doing. It’s that feeling of…like, all you can see is Shuka, all you can hear is Shuka, and…it’s just an amazing feeling.
At the end of this song though, Shuka reached out her hand skywards and stayed in that pose for a long time, so it’s like she froze and the people around started wondering if she really froze XD Then she “unfroze” and head towards the backstage again for outfit change! I bet she was feeling the moment thus the elongated pause in pose. =w=♡
Piano version of Hero ni narikatta plays while we wait for Shuka to return. 😊And this is another one of my favourite songs from her. I especially love the acoustic version and so I was loving the instrumental as I get hydrated, waiting for what Shuka is going to bring next—
My eyes widened, my jaw fell agape morphing into a smile of disbelief and awe.
My processor was going into overdrive as I understood that Shuka was singing “Mou Muri Demo Hashiru”. I literally, unapologetically, and fervently tell whoever I can and Shuka that my favourite song of hers is this. It’s been an unspoken dream of mine to get to experience this song of hers Live. I’ve seen the MV, I’ve looped the song a gazillion times, I’ve watched her perform it in other Live performances via the Blurays, but…Live in person?? I wanted to get to taste this. And I am living it. The world does not even need a rebuilt or to “fall apart” again as I was still living in the space that felt like it was just Shuka and me as my eyes never strayed from her, when she pours her heart out in singing each syllable and verse which she would go lower to the stage’s floor, I’d just do my best to tip toe some more to see her, chasing after every poignant second of this performance. I lipsynced to it as the words were known by heart. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to properly convey my love for this song and how good Shuka’s Live performance of this was.
If you ever have the chance, please go to Shuka’s Live and experience her performance. It reaches your heart…
And while I’m still reeling from having a dream come to fruition unexpectedly… (Shuka is amazing that way, right? (◕‿◕)♡) The next song Shuka performs is Kutsuhimo.
Gosh…It felt like coming full circle. Of course, I came to know Shuka from loving Watanabe You, but when I got into loving Shuka too, I supported her from her debut song too. And Kutsuhimo is like the string that ties us together. A strong bond that’s like…fate and like a pinky promise too. We put in the effort to continuously support one another. :)

[Shuka performance touches my soul and I have ascended (again)]
MC time! Both Shuka and I need that moment to hydrate and breathe again XD (By this point I think I already finished my sports drink and my 2 litres of water is probably down to 500ml or less OuO;)
I think Shuka liked to ask us if it’s hot / if we’re feeling hot, and we would go “It’s hot!!!” XD And while she’s drinking, someone asked if the water was delicious, she smiles/smirks and under her breath, she goes, “It’s not water” XD But doesn’t tell us what it is. Well, considering the hardcore setlist, you’d think it’s a sports drink at least XD
Shuka then asks us if we are enjoying the outdoor live which we of course tell her we’re enjoying it to the max. Then Shuka goes, “Tasukaru?” (“Does it save you?”) and we all laugh with her because this is like a youngin’ slang. Probably the Japanese Gen Z slang? XD Basically a thing to say when what you love is there. (Fun fact: Shuka did not understand this slang is either and learnt about it during Uraraji when the person who wrote in used this slang. And further understood it more the more people used it even during her InstaLive. >v<)
Shuka continues to talk about a bunch of stuff such as how she would think a lot into what song to perform for each Live, and to cherish every second there is with everyone… And that’s how quite the tough and crazy setlist got decided for this first ever outdoor Live too. She smiles sheepishly yet happily at this, and we laugh because we know it’s really a setlist jam-packed with energetic songs and Shuka really kept going song after song. But we love it >v<
Shuka also tells us about how she feels that with each Live performance she gets to do with us, with each challenge she overcomes from the various performances, she finds/hones a new weapon to be able to be stronger again >v< (EXP points gained and levelling up!!)
When she goes “The last song for today”, me and everyone around whines for more XD And we asked for extension XD but of course, it’s the last song for the day. And Shuka leads in with her these heartfelt words…
“For a final song…Right now, what I am feeling up to this point have been enveloped into this song and I hope to deliver it to you. You all are not alone, you have me. No matter how tough or sad things get, or when things seem out of reach, I will definitely be unwaveringly by your side. You can come over to me knowing it will be okay. Every day, every day, let’s keep supporting each other and walk together. So…please listen to this song – Mikata.”
Mikata to me, is another song of hers that is one where she bares her vulnerable side to us like she did in “Yoku warau riyuu”. Some lines that calls out to me are “I’m going to continue singing at the place where I am reflected in your eyes.”, “Even if feeling like a coward or feeling uncool. Put that aside, and take my hand.” and “I’ll tie my shoelaces again and start running once more.”
When Shuka sang the final line of Mikata, I like how there’s such a loud silence and then the band plays the instrumental of Mikata, like it just continues and then Shuka goes, “Thank you so much for coming over to play with me for the 5th Anniversary Live. Now, allow me to introduce the band…”
“I may not be a hero yet…but right now, I know that what I can say with confidence is that I’m your ally (mikata). And will always have your back.” Shuka… >o< To me, you ARE my hero. But I’m also just…so, so happy to have you as my ally. That’s for certain!! >o< ♡ (I also teared up at this part when Shuka talks about her journey of 5 years as a solo artist, how she wants to be our hero and don’t think she is yet… Shuka… OmO♡)
Shuka also asks if we will continue to see more sceneries with her. And I can tell you, my answer is a resounding yes. My new dream is to get to attend her FC event performance because I adore her acoustic singing and I want to get to experience that too.
So… With this feelings of adoration, admiration and endearment, I once again have set forth to reach that dream! >v<
Ah, I just realize I did not mention about how Shuka was in “real Shuka” mode AKA where she is in the Live T-Shirt and shorts and the way it got redesigned is so hawawa too O//w//O
If you asked me whether I like Angel Shuka, Devil Shuka or Real Shuka more… I don’t think I can really give an answer right away XD They are ALL so wonderful hehe~ >w< ♡
After Shuka introduced the backup dancers, Gyaruz, I think there was picture-taking moment… And then they go off backstage…and then Shuka asks for her phone cutely, “I want my phone~ My phone, please~” >v< Kawaii sugiru desho?? (Isn’t she too cute??) >w< And once she got it, she gets to record her usual video where we all cheer loudly and she asks the question which we go “SAIKO JAN!!!” >w<
…haaa… …
This 2 days of Shuka Live was simply awesome. I’ve got no words. XD I mean, I’ve said so much, I feel like there’s more to say but…it’s that…basking in the moment feels. The post-Live euphoria… You can’t wait for the next time you get to see Shuka but at the same time, you’re just…smiling and remembering the 4 hours you just had with her for this 2 days… =v= ♡
For me, the feeling of missing Shuka and Japan while feeling like I’m still there…lasts quite long XD It’s probably why I can still be gushing about Shuka’s Live even though it’s September already :P But I really wanted to get to share it??
Again, thank you for reading all the way here. I love Shuka!! Aaahhhh >w< ♡
Fangirling OuMiyuki signing out (≧◡≦) ♡
See you around! \(^ヮ^)/
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The Beginning of The End (TCW AU)
I told you I'd explain how it deviates
Is this a part one? Maybe. probably not. I don't know either
Henry knew something was wrong from the start. He’d had this gut feeling that somehow, some way, this timeline was different. He shouldn’t have ignored the signs. But he did, and look where that got him.
Stuck out in the middle of the desert, with two more loyalists than he was used to handling, and some random guy who’d found them.
The new loyalists claimed to be part of a Toppat naval division that had been discontinued after the airship was built. One insisted to just be called Captain, while the other had the nickname Player (he insisted it was because he was good at video games, but Henry had other thoughts).
The stranger’s name was Gray, or so he claimed, and apparently he, too, had been on the run as a fugitive for years, along with his small family. He claimed Henry had never heard of his many escapades because the government wiped his name from most records, out of shame of never managing to capture his ‘clumsy ass’, and kept only enough to be incriminating.
This led to his current situation; the stranger opting for an alliance.
“You have a ton of mouths to feed, I know how to keep people alive, I have contacts who can hook us up with weapons and vehicles, honestly, it’d be a bad idea to not accept!” the man insisted, his tone surprisingly friendly for a band of strangers. “Plus, I bet my family would love you! Well, my daughter would, my wife… ehhh, not so much. But then again, she’s not good with strangers in general.”
Henry huffed a sigh, thinking it over.
“I guess, since we have a lot of people, we can afford to expand a little bit more, especially if you really have these resources. And, I promise that I, at least, will try not to bug your family too much. But… what’s the catch?” the leader questioned, crossing his arms.
“The catch? I mean… you have to deal with me, I guess. I’ve been told I can get pretty annoying. But there’s nothing in particular that I really want, so…”
Henry shrugged a bit.
“Then I guess we might as well join up. I’m Henry, these are my… allies, I guess? Thomas, Geoffrey, Captain, Player, and the security guard is Dave.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Gray,” Thomas piped up, stepping forward to shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you, boys. I’ll call one of my buddies to drop a car for us, since I don’t think we’re all gonna fit in my side-by-side,” Gray decided, motioning to what was essentially a glorified dune buggy with a roll cage, the very car he’d rolled up in. He pulled out his phone, calling someone as Henry turned back to the others.
“Well, looks like we’ve got ourselves a new ally. Hopefully this doesn’t go… really, really sideways,” he tried to encourage the others.
“He seems nice enough,” Geoffrey added, “I’ve got a good feeling about him.”
“I hope you’re right. We can’t handle more conflict right now…”
“I mean, he hasn’t tried anything so far, that has to be a good sign, right?” Dave tried. “I mean, I don’t like that he’s a criminal, but, well…” He motioned to the surrounding former Toppats. “Kinda have no choice, here…”
“Alright, guys, my buddy Zach should be around soon to drop off another vehicle for us. I’m pretty sure we’ll all fit? We’ll see when it gets here, sometimes these things are iffy. While we wait, why don’t I get to know you guys better? I wanna know who I’m riding with,” Gray finally addressed the group, slipping his phone into his pocket.
“Alright, well, I’ll go first, I guess,” Henry said, stepping towards Gray a bit. “I’m sort of the former Toppat leader, but they kicked me out because I left someone behind during a prison escape. In my defense, I didn’t think she’d actually remember me. So, yeah, they kinda kicked me out, along with everyone loyal to me, and uh… we stole their prisoner, so now he’s running with us, too.”
“Prisoner? What for?” Gray’s eyes turned to Dave, wanting an answer from him.
“I dunno, they just kinda nabbed me outside of the museum. I guess as a hostage in case someone came after them directly? They could’ve at least fed me a bit more, though…” the former security guard grumbled.
“Huh. You’d think someone would notice you disappeared.”
“Yeah… yeah, I did…” Dave crossed his arms, a bitter look on his face. Thomas pat his shoulder with a concerned look before he spoke up.
“I’m one of Henry’s most loyal men. I also dabble in hat-making and I used to teach younger Toppats how to pickpocket. I’ve also been told I’m easy to talk to,” he said, and in response, Dave shrugged his hand off defensively.
“I’m not going to pickpocket my friends,” he assured both Dave and Gray.
“I’m the ideas guy,” Geoffrey piped up, trying to cut the tension, “And I can be pretty fierce when I need to be. I used to be one of the major planners before they kicked me out. Hopefully we can make it come back to bite them in the ass!”
“Me and Player used to be part of the Naval Division,” Captain added, “Before they upgraded to an airship. We’re better on the water than in the air, but we’ve got some pretty good weapons skills!”
“And I’m just… Dave,” he finished, looking a little unsure of himself.
“C’mon, no one’s just anyone. Really, tell me about yourself,” Gray urged.
“Okay… Well, I used to be an officer down at West Mesa, before I got fired for not checking a package, which led to an escape,” he began, shooting a pointed glare at Henry for a moment before continuing. “After that I worked at the museum as a security guard in the historic weaponry section, but someone stole the Tunisian Diamond and I got fired again… and then, that same night, the Toppats took me prisoner. I spent my life in that cell until Henry freed me.”
“Woah, so when it comes to criminal stuff, you’re pretty innocent, huh? Can you handle a gun, though?” Gray asked, pulling a pistol out of his side-by-side.
“Kinda? I was pretty new when I got fired from the force, but I have some basic training. Am I gonna need one?”
“Maybe, if the government hears about some of you guys coming down. They might think you’re still Toppats, y’know? Gotta keep yourself protected. Here,” he handed the gun to Dave, who seemed to examine it before fitting it in an empty holster on his waist. It was an awkward fit; those were normally built for tasers, not pistols.
“Anyone else need a gun? I have a couple more really small ones, and I’ve got some bigger ones back home. And if you’ve got something specific you want, I could call one of my friends to drop some off. I’ve got friends in very high places,” Gray offered, before the sounds of a helicopter suddenly filled the air. “Speaking of friends in high places, that’ll be Zach!”
He signaled to his friend in the helicopter, and as it approached, Henry could see a vehicle dangling from it. It looked like a large, armored truck, similar to some kind of SWAT or bank truck; the cab was smaller than the back, and the back had two large doors. As it was set down, Gray approached, detaching the harness that held it to the helicopter and attaching it to his side-by-side instead. Shortly after everything was secure, the helicopter flew off with the smaller car, and Gray turned back to the others.
“Alright, looks like Alex didn’t screw me over for once! There should be plenty of room in the back for you guys, and one of you can even ride in front with me! I will warn you, my driving skills are… Well they’re not great, and it’s gonna suck even worse in this sand, but hey, you take what you can get. Now, who wants to ride shotgun?”
#eun writes#the henry stickmin collection#thsc#the henry stickmin au#henry stickmin#thomas chestershire#geoffrey plumb#dave panpa#henry stickmin oc#jay 'player' daniels#captain will atlantic#gray floriman
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GAHHHHHH just finished watching the last G-Rosso & despite watching a lot of times when I was there I am still amazed by it 🥹
They definitely did add in a bit more scene or change from the beginning. Especially the Rita, Himeno & Jeramie their let dance is so cuteeee & I couldn’t stop laughing At Kaguragi & Yanma flirting it gotten too ridiculous hilarious 😂 (Poor Gira)
Of course with the camera up close can see a lot of stuff like there was one part I saw Jeramie ‘s Kumonoslayer the key & lock fell out I was like EHHHH but Masashi (Jeramie) was good at picking it up without being obvious & fixing it with his cape blocking his action 🥰
As usual they got their dance & after show.
THEY DID THE KING-OHGER GAME YEAHHHH I like how Rita like was like ah let just go ahead to showing how instead of explaining hahaha.
They swap their places to be different than usual & Rita had excuse to move their hair aside so they can see with both eye 🥰
As usual they are too good hahaha 😂 anyway result are below & punishment game it wasn’t what I expected but IT WAS COOL CUTE & HILARIOUS.
(Most it what I was trying to remember for memories so yeah 😅)
So yeah they started playing & slowly it gotten faster until Gira mess up.
Gira fell to the ground & lie down defeated as Rita announced he is OUT.
Gira was all ready to do just about anything for punishment game
Then Kaguragi suggested that why all do the punishment game since it last performance.
They were waiting for any suggestions from audience until Kaguragi suggested that they do KING-OHGER GATTAI
It was a mess! Gira, Yanma and Himeno were all set they even say their Shugods name (in a different voice from their usual) while docking with each other hahaha
Rita was like ehhh we are really doing it?!?
Then they sort of restarted hahaha it was messy to say the most.
So they say their Shugods name while sort of docking together
Gira was in middle
Yanma at the back
Himeno on the right bottom
Kaguragi on the left bottom
Rita sort of like did like hook up on Gira on the shoulder (like how it docking) before moving to the right side as the Sword
Lastly was Jeramie who just hook himself in btw Yanma and Gira
Although they couldn’t agree on the right name once formed 🤣😂 one moment it was King Ohger or Legend or Extreme or God hahaha. So they did it again.
I will definitely watch it again this basic on mostly memories right 😅😅😅
Afterward they had some message to give us mostly is that they still got more story to tell & their thanks.
Then they wave off Himeno did say see us next at Shizuoka their first stop for Final live tour.
Gira & Jeramie were like Jeramie da yo! Gira da yo cute ☺️ Kaguragi join in a little later 😂
So yeah end with all of them saying see you again ☺️ (Especially Rita, I feel like they rarely say it to just stay in character but it fine)
#ohsama sentai kingohger#kingohger#g rosso#gira husty#yanma gast#himeno ran#kaguragi dybowski#rita kaniska#jeramie brasieri
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Hey, so here’s my lil’ mini review of Lay/Yixing's 5th album Step (Deluxe version) after listening to the whole thing twice:
Run Back To You: Song was…okay. Very generic and repetitive tho funnily enough by the 2nd chorus, I was kinda vibing with it lol. Not a bad song by any means tbh.
Psychic: A bop! Already heard it since it was released before the album, and it’s been so addicting to listen to (both the English version and Korean version).
Step: The beginning reminds me lowkey of SHINee’s Atlantis. Anyways love a good funky bass guitar, and once that chorus came with the horns omg. This shit is niiice—I didn’t want it to end! Also, I peeped the MJ influence <3.
Fresh: Nice song! Was so short tho imo.
Music Is Your Love: He sounded so goood in this~! And another funky bass guitar <3!
Daisy: Didn’t expect this fast-paced song right after the last one lol. But it’s a fun song tho ^^.
Right Now: This one has a nice chill vibe that I zoned out to.
Before You Let Go: Song was ehhh. The part of him saying “Remember when you got the best s3x of your life?” made me lol tho.
Mornings With You: Was a cute song, love me some Do-do-do’s. But again short!
Staring At The Sun: Ooh this song is angelic especially during that chorus—he sounds so pretty here!!
Human In You: Is this his version of Human nature? Lol, it’s very ‘damn the world sucks but I’m here for you’ which was cute. Felt kinda…empty at first tho but his singing was nice and love the harmony with his voice. By the end of the 1st time I actually wanted to listen to it again right away tho ^^.
I'm Still Learning: Was cute, and also really fit right after Human In You cuz the vibes were the same. That kinda hopeful optimistic vibe—but also I was so surprised the 1st time when the volume went down so soon (y’know when a song’s close to ending). Another short song!
A Legend: Ooh loved how it had 3 languages together in one song (songs like that in general are just so cool to me, like music’s universal bruh). Anyways, was a nice song as well and great way to end this Deluxe version album!
And so my favs from this album in order are: Step, Psychic, Music Is Your Love, Staring At The Sun, Fresh, Right Now, Daisy, Mornings With You, A Legend, Human In You, I’m Still Learning >>> [a wall], Run Back To You, Before You Let Go
TL;DR: So, I love every song besides literally 2 lol. And after like SATS, I can’t lie—it was hard putting the songs in a sorta order cuz they were all great or nice! But yeah, this was a great album like he continues putting out bangers man. Highly rec listening to it if you haven’t yet (and sorry this review is so late lol).
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Sweet Troubles.
(A rewritten version of Kevin protecting the kids for the Saturated AU.)
The kids slowly enter the store as Carmen cheerfully walks out of it, anf then it cuts to the kids walking inside of the store. But they both come to a stop, noticing Kevin happily grinning at them from behind the counter. The screen begins to ominously darken while playing ominous music as well. Kevin grins.
"Oh—hiiiii, kiiiiids!"
Both Skid and Pump stand there with wide eyes, before Skid furrows his brows, and turns around with a snarl of a frown. "..y'know what.. no. No, no.. no, no, no! No—I'm NOT dealing with this today!'
He begins to walk off with Pump following behind. Kevin makes a confused face and paces behind them while grinning.
"Hey—where are you two going? You just—"
They both stop, turning around with irritated expressions.
"WE'RE—" Pump emphasizes this, "going to find somewhere else to get candy! We don't have enough energy to deal with you tonight!"
"Yeah! You cause us enough trouble already!"
"Trouble?" Kevin repeats, "What trouble?"
"Oh, I dunno! Maybe all the other hundred times we came here!"
"..I.. don't think I ever brought you trouble."
"Wh—what do you mean?! Don't you remember anything that happened at all?!"
"Uh.. yeah!" He smiles again, beginning to gesture with his hands. Daisies, animals, and all kinds of cutesy effects appear as he starts to ramble. "I remember the time you came in there with that friend of yours and I told him that we didn't serve any 'flush'. I remember when you gave me that bath bomb.. oh! And that time you lost your doll! It was really fun!"
"Fun?! What do you mean fun?! That candy can you gave us when we gave you that.. bath bomb or something just ended up being filled with an actual bomb!" Skid yells, "My house ended up exploding because of that!"
"Yeah! What makes you think any of this is fun, you idiot?!" Pump screams.
"...ehhh, I dunno." Kevin glances over. Bob is now standing in the window with a confused expression, and Kevin notices him. He enthusiastically points in his direction. "That guy over there seems pretty fun though!"
Bob notices he's been pointed out, and with a slightly startled look, he enters the store. Skid and Pump appear visibly uncomfortable as Kevin stands with a confused expression.
"Heyyy, kids!" Bob grins, "You like candy?"
"..oh, god.." Pump groans.
Curious, Kevin asks, "Uh.. who's this?"
"We—we dunno!" Skid shrugs, "He's just been following us around all night trying to bond with us or something."
"Oh! Well, why don't you go talk to him then?"
"We're NOT going to talk to him because he's weird!"
"That's mean!"
"Your face is mean!"
"That's also mean! :("
Rick is shown entering briefly, watching as they bicker. He smiles to himself. And then drops the box on the floor. "..on second thought, I think I'm gonna go check out that chauffeur job now!"
Rick then exits.
Bob looks around at all the candy in the place, visibly disgusted since he doesn't like it. But he seemingly gets an idea and goes up to one of the machines. "Hold on, kids! Lemme see if I can get you some candy you'd like.. heh.."
He bends down next to the machine. Skid and Pump seemingly both get an idea at the same time, and Skid grabs Kevin by the hand, trying to pull him. "Quick, Pump!" He says to Pump, "While he's distracted by the candy!"
"..what are you doing, kid?" Kevin questions, not budging.
"We're—uhh—going to find some extra candy!" Skid pauses. "I.. I dunno. Just come on!"
Kevin allows himself to be dragged over to the back by Skid, and once Skid does drag both him and Pump to the back, he slams the door shut.
Bob gets up after gathering enough candy, experiencing more noticeable disgust as he lifts it up. He then finally notices the kids are gone though, and tries to speak.
"Hey, where do y'all—"
But he stops, getting a distressed expression on his face.
He throws hands over his mouth, before stumbling out of the store hysterically. He nearly trips several times as he's shown running to a public bathroom, and then practically shoving himself inside the doors once he gets there. He breathes heavily, but becomes more distressed when none of the stalls are available.
Bob, seeing only a trash can in the corner, runs over as he's seconds away from vomiting. As he does so though, Pelo slowly walks in.
"Hey, man—what are you—"
Bob violently vomits into the can, and Pelos face becomes disgusted. "Oh god!"
It cuts to Skid and Pump standing in the back with Kevin, who seems confused at their visible anger. Skid is clenching his fists while snarling, and Pump is quite literally vibrating from rage.
"Gee, kids—" Kevin scratches the back of his head. "I'm not sure if there's any extra candy back here!"
Skid notices a box at that moment, and suddenly grabs it, shoving it in front of Kevin for him to see.
"Look! Extra candy! There!"
"Oh! Great! Now we can—"
The kids grab the box while basically ignoring Kevin.
Skid shouts, "No! Bye!"
They both then rub as fast as they can while carrying the box, and Kevin just watches without protesting.
Rick slowly walks out, smiling. "..do they come here a lot?"
"Oh! Yeah!" Kevin smiles, gesturing with his hands. "They're pretty grumpy, but they mean well!"
He then stops. A silohuette walks out from the darkness.
"..oh!" Kevin speaks. "Hey.. the, uh.. kids are.."
The silohuette walks out, now more lightened up. It appears to be someone completely different. With splotches of mysterious red liquid on him.
"Hey.." He has a crazed grin on his face. It appears to be Costume Bob, holding a knife.
"..Oh! Hi there! Do you.. need something?"
Costume Bob realizes something. And becomes silent.
"Uh—can—can you go check out the shelves? Someone poured strawberry.. jam all over it.. thats.. that's what. Hah.."
"Yeah! Sure!" Kevin goes quiet. "..what's that knife for?"
Costume Bob looks down at his knife, and hides it behind his back. "It was for spreading the jam! Yeah.. just.. go check it out. Don't question it if you hear any yelling either. There's a party going on outside! And.. uh.. people are having fun!"
"..really? I don't hear any music!"
"Yeah—but they're still just.. just go check it out! Okay?"
Kevin seems skeptical at first but then shrugs. "..eh! Alright." He then cheerfully walks off before it cuts again.
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okay need to put my tma thoughts down somewhere because hyperifxation has consumed me.
anyways im... not quite to ep 100 yet? dont remember exactly which ep im on but anyways. i am... so intrigued. i kinda already know all the fear entities because ive seen them about in stuff, cant recall all of them off the top of my head though. umm..... trying really hard to figure out where this goes. i wanted to put down some guesses in this post (don't know if ill actually post it or save to drafts but i digress) but my mind is blank bc it's overrun with the hyperfixation.
curious to see if the worms from the infestation come back again. realllly want to meet some of the other avatars. trying to figure out if the Eye does anything outside of the Institute, if it claims all institute employees (unlikely) or only certain ones (more likely). Trying to figure out what "protections" the archives have that everyone references whenever it goes to shit. I find it kinda funny that Tim and Martin both went to corridor realm but haven't been reclaimed??? I'm sure theyve left the archives since then and havent been 100% safe but maybe they've both been wary about unfamiliar doors. idk. trying to figure out what the Not!Them are associated with. they seem like they could be with Distortion but my first inclination was Stranger. maybe both??? maybe certain... beings are outside the realm of distinct categories. I know that people talk about Martin and Jon being gay together, beginning to wonder if it's ever going to happen on screen, ehhh.... or on tape if you will. i really can't keep track of most of these characters so i can't put together more articulate, well, guesses, i think calling these theories would be a bet of an overstatement. hell ive barely even guessed with most of these, can't really organize my thoughts well enough for guessing these days (but that's a whole other post).
current favorite characters are Michael and Jon bc im predictable. Also their interactions with other characters are top-tier, the others are bit.... boringly polite to each other.
uhhh yeah! TMA cool, excited to see where it goes. will probably immediately re-listen and write out a loose timeline and list of character profiles.
#tma liveblogging#kinda#through ep 97#waa#dont like the fact that im nearly halfway through the show#pulling this out of my drafts now so i can add to it#originally written on feb 4th
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Am I the asshole for putting someone in a time-loop?
This is a bit of a long one. Let me assure you of this: It was for the good of everyone else. I wish it hadn't come to it.
So, I (old as time, NB masc-presenting) am the creator of my world. My sibling (slightly younger than time, robot) is sort of like my... beta tester. Who denies beta worlds by destroying them. It's a whole ordeal, we don't exactly get along all the time. Anyway.
Now, this version of the world was going on just fine. My little people were a little cocky, sure, some more-so than others, however this was the best go with this timeline yet.
But the thing is... we know how things are going to end up in the future. It's horrible. But it might be necessary.
So, to prevent it from going as badly as it could (and to prevent my somewhat trigger-happy sibling from getting any ideas), I enlisted a few people to tether one of my sibling's arms to this certain point in time. Those being: P (oldest mortal there is, NB) and another person, D (ehhh, then-30-ish?, M) who isn't super important to the tale.
I, unfortunately, had to wipe P's memories of his life prior to the loop- they are slowly piecing it together themselves, of course, I am not so cruel to not allow them that- and had the other person imprint them with a new identity.
P was the one who did most of the work. I commend them for that. When the time came to it, they fought one of my sibling's cores, won, and went to my and my sibling's dimension to finish the job.
And this is when things get... messy. See, when a mortal enters our dimension, they sort of... cease to exist in the most literal way possible. But with the tethering, their existence begins anew - a new identity, but themselves none the less.
This was a fine system, but then I found out they were remembering the loop. It had only happened once so far; but I knew I had to explain this soon enough. They hadn't had an audience with me before.
And so I did. I told them it was actually a rather good set-up; although they are stuck doing the same thing over and over, they are spared from the mad future that will befall slash has befallen everyone else.
Their work was vital to the future ending out right (after all the bad stuff happens, of course) but yet, they were still upset! I suppose I understand it might be a difficult subject for a mortal to find comfort in, but I thought if I had explained the situation, they would at least understand where I was coming from. It's all for the greater good; the bigger picture.
(TL;DR - Trapped someone in a time-loop in order to reinforce reality. They started remembering things immediately, and were still upset when I tried to explain the situation.)
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||An Officer's Corruption part Thirty-seven||
Hello there! I'm back with another chapter to the Officer's Corruption series. <3 Thanks to my amazing friend, she got me thinking of a chapter so I hope you like.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Chapters so far|| 1-30|| ((Click here))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun and me)) (Click here))
Part Thirty one
Part Thirty two
Part Thirty Three
Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty five
Part Thirty Six
((Your reading Thirty-Seven))
||Drabble Summary||
After getting more and more information, Oblivion has got some leads that might help in finding the ones that started this. However, she got an alarming text from Luna. What could it be? Also, a new man has come to visit the prison but to deliver some details but he meets with Charlie. Who could this man be? Read to find out.
~Light NSFW is present in this
~Mature and Dark Themes is present in this
~blood warning is present
~drug use is spoken of in this
||Guests in Drabble||
Rave"Oblivion" Daitengu, and anyone else mention belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Luna so-yeon koboyashi, Jinx violet, Yuuka Nakano and others mentioned are my OC's and belong to me. While junichiro tanizaki and others spoken of comes from the anime BSD but also me due to rping as them.
Yuji Itadori is from the anime series Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to rping as him.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. I hope you Enjoy.))
----- T Prison - Lower Cells -----
"There we go. That feels much better don't it?"
Yuji smiled seeing a relaxed Jinx sitting with him in the hot bath tub to help relax her and his muscles. Her hair was wet now but some was covering her chest as he was holding her close to him. She seems like a relaxed kitty cat. Or it could be due to the deep purring she was doing right now.
"Seems even after all that you must have tired yourself out a bit huh?" he said but Jinx only relaxed more against him while looking at the water since it was a bit steamy in the bathroom.
"A..a little b..bit." she said but feels him nuzzling against her cheek.
"I see. Well, even so, your still precious and also my little kitty cat. Next time we will get to play a lot more since you did take a peek of us having fun. You must have been lonely." he said but she only hums to nod relaxing against him.
"I was lonely but..it's fine. I'm not the type to hold a grudge.." she said gently though Yuji smiled still while they sat in the bath tub together. He even looks to gently begin rubbing her back while already helping her get clean before she would have to head back. He knew the other two officers might be worried but they knew she was fine.
"Hey Kali? Do you think Jinx is alright? I Hear she's been still on patrol right now." Kali looks up hearing Ink speak, seeing some prisoners just relaxing right now in their cells.
"Ehhh I'm sure she's fine. Knowing her, she tends to be just as bad as you. So I wouldn't worry about it." she waves a hand with eyes closed that Ink tilts her head to think about it.
"Hey, what's that suppose to mean?" she pouts that Kali sighed.
"Is it the same thing like you and the other inmate your watching over? Are you even going to say who he is-"
"I told you I don't tell you anything of what I do remember?! Why are you always so nosy!?" she said.
"I was just curious!" Ink said laughing happily that Kali's eye twitched a bit.
"Uhhh you okay Kali?"
"I'm..I'm fine just..holding back the urge to bonk you on the head..." she said but Ink looks at her then smiled.
~~~Back with Yuji and Jinx~~~
Yeah, they were fine for now, he wanted to savor this moment for a while before she would be heading back later on. This moment was pretty peaceful for him as they relaxed. Even better seeing her relaxing in his arms together.
'So precious..' he thought only to kiss the top of her head.
~~~ Back at Northern State Pentiartary/Main office -----
"So I take it they heard about it too huh? Which results in them sending you?" Dazai was speaking to another male but he was setting some papers and files down. He looks to Dazai but sighed right after.
"Well, you asked us to look into something so we did. Unless you got something else we need to look into." junichiro tanizaki said while looking to Dazai. He was from the other building across from here but he tends to come here to check up on Dazai and give him information if he asks for it. Knowing him, Dazai can count on him for giving hidden files, documents and other things if it's hard.
"I did, I did. I was just doing something else at the moment and having a visitor. But I take it the info you gave me says things are fine? Any leads?" he asked Tanizaki who shook his head.
"Not yet. I got some trails but most of them are cold. I can keep looking into them for the moment till then. Do you have anything that might help with that?" he had his arms crossed but Dazai thinks only to reach into his pocket to take out some paper. He hands it to him as Junichiro opens it and reads.
"So far, that's what I have but maybe you can take a closer look into it? I'll be sure to send whatever I need to you if requested." he said as the other folds the paper.
"Understood." He said but as he was about to turn, the door opens showing someone. Tanizaki sees a woman walking in wearing the uniform. She had blonde hair in a pony tail. She has beautiful blue eyes and has scars on her body judging from what he sees. However, she looks pretty tough.
"Warden Dazai, I got Miss Seon to a room. She is ready for-" she stops seeing another standing there but another male? He looks only to see her look back.
"Oh thank you Charlie. Also, don't be alarmed he's an ally. Tanizaki this is Charlie. One of my officers for a section in the prison. Charile, this is Junichiro Tanizaki, a officer that does more of the shady dark needed things if it's from looking for something needed." he explains this to see Charile and Tanizaki look at one another.
"Hmmm, it's..nice to meet you Officer I take it?" she said seeing him look back at her and nod.
"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you." he said bowing his head slightly to her that Charlie looks at him.
"Sir, you said he's a hidden hire. You never spoken about another helping out outside." she said hearing Dazai laugh.
"True but don't get me wrong, he's one of my best hired help. Or to say my most dangerous one. He's well known to his job and is able to finish the task no matter what he has to do or who's blood he spills. He gets it." he said simply that Charlie blinks then looks at him. What sort of things does this guy deal with?
"Even so, in time he will be transfered over here to help you and Jason in the future. He's just finishing up some documents for me." he said showing the file folder.
"Even so, I hope you two will get along!" he giggled seeing both Tanizaki and Charlie look at one another. Get along, well, that is for later to see but who knows? Seems like it's a strong possible view.
~~~~~With Oblivion~~~~~
Tae was waiting for Luna to pick up her phone as she dials the number to her. She hopes she would pick up. In a moment, she heard a click on the other line and heard a familiar voice.
"Hello? Tae?"
"Hey Luna, I got your text message, what's going on? You said something urgent.." she said.
"Yes this is urgent. I know you already got the update regarding how Yuu is right? Well...I got more news I have to tell you but it's private. You are alone right?" she asked on the phone.
"I'm alone yeah." she said.
"Well, I'm alone too but here. The reason I'm calling you is to give you another update about her. She..." she sighed on the other line but was in her office with the other officers busy.
"What's wrong Luna? Is their something else wrong with Yuuka?"
"She's....she's gotten a lot worse Tae. Like bad worse." she said.
"What are you talking about Luna? How bad?"
"....Like ill bad." she said. "Ever since the Public Safely Hero Commission sent orders to the doctor they sent, she's been given a double dose of the medicine and shot..she seems like she's...sicker. Even if they say she would be better she don't seem like that." Luna said.
"The double dose? Hold on, they started that right now? I thought it was still being under view?"
"It was before I called to ask about it."
"Okay and Yuu? Is she....."
"I heard she's still taken the medicine and shots but too weak to even fight back right now....those drugs really weakened her Tae. Like baby weak..in a sense."
"What do you mean?" Oblivion asked.
"Well, remember how violent she was when you saw her a while ago or a few days ago? She's not as active anymore Tae. When me and Swan spoke to the head active present, he denied our request to stop the drugs."
"Hold on, he denied the request?! Why!?"
"Because he assumes the drugs was helping her. They say it's their way to insure she won't be a danger to the public."
So now we are trying to get some results of our own to see what the hell is in the medicine and shots Doctor Lee has been given her and of the double shot." she said looking worried.
"We even went to visit her and she....she didn't do much. She was just laying back upright on the bed looking ahead. Her quirk isn't as strong now because the double strength of that medicine and shots are making her weaker and weaker like she's losing her quirk. Hell, purple particles are only seen now unlike what you saw before..it's really gotten a lot more weaker now."
"What!?" When did this start to happen! "Wait wait wait, then how is she now?"
"Still the same. She still gets frequent hallucinations and she's more afraid now. I don't know what he's been doing but something is off with that damn doctor they sent us. It's like their trying to either get her to become quirkless or...I'm worry they are going to do more worse harm."
"......And she didn't even react to you nor Swan?" Oblivion asked.
"No. She just kept looking down even after Swan checked on her. She's not responding to us but the look in her eyes they dulled out. Lost their color Tae. That damn doctor says the medicine is 'working' and she's not as dangerous but it looks like it's only killing her from the inside. I don't know why but it feels like she's just lost in her little world without responding to anyone else. We can't get through to her." Luna said covering her face.
This was not what she was expecting but Tae only grips her phone to try calming down. Anger was rising inside of her but she looks ahead before asking, "Can I see her? Or can you do a video call?"
"Huh? Well, yeah I can but Tae..I really don't think you want to-"
"Luna please..I need to see for myself."
"......" Luna was quiet on the other line but sighed closing her eyes. "I can do that. Just a moment."
Tae heard some shuffling noise in the back but heard that Luna was leaving her office to where Yuuka was. She still was in the main hall before heading down to the right. She gets to the medic ward hallway section and goes into the area. A few were not in this area but she was heading to the other one where Yuu was.
The medic ward for heavy observation 24/7 was there but she was looking at the door where Yuu was. Doctor Lee was off today so Swan was watching her. She knocks on the door. "Swan? You in there?"
Obivion heard the door open in the background.
'Yeah, I'm here. You come to see Yuu again?' she asked as she lets Luna come in.
'Yes but..I got Oblivion on the phone and she wants to do a video call with her to see how she is.'
'....I..Is that wise? What if she-'
'She needs to see her Swan.....' Luna said but Swan only sighed to nod.
'Understood..' she said going to help sit Yuu upright on the bed. Luna moves but she sits down to pull the phone back but puts it on speaker.
'You still there Oblivion?'
"Yeah, still here."
'Alright. I'm going to put you on video call but you might not like what your about to see. Are you still sure?' she asked.
".....Yeah...I'm sure."
"Okay..Hold on."
Oblivion lowers her phone but looks seeing the screen change to a video call showing connecting please wait on her screen. She hopes Yuuka was alright but she was not expecting to see just how bad Yuuka was. Within seconds, the connection went through showing a room. It looks like the medic ward alright but she saw Swan and Luna.
"Oblivion, you there?"
'Yeah, I'm here. Where is Yuuka?" she asked but the two looked at one another but sighed.
"She's here.." Luna lifts up the phone but points it to show Yuu. As soon as Oblivon saw her, her own eyes slowly widen seeing Yuu's condition. Yuuka Nakano was sitting up right in bed but she looks ahead while not moving a inch. Her purple hair was messy but kept up in a pony tail, she was wearing a shirt and sweatpants while looking at her fingers. They seem to be shaking a little. She looked really tired but not thin since they still were giving her food. She just looked ill with bags under her eyes but she was only remaining quiet looking ahead. Oblivion looks shocked but she sees her.
"Yuuka?...Yuuka, can you hear me? You have a visitor today..." Swan said hoping she was respond but she didn't. Luna saw she remains still but her eyes were hidden.
'As you can see, she's been like this since she got the double dose shot and medicine. It's pretty strong and it's effecting her physically and mentally. We got word we think she's seeing things in her mind. Or having bad memories that keeps haunting her. We are trying to do everything in our power to keep her calm Tae but...we are worried of what those assholes are really planning on doing to her.'
"I......she's been like this since the damn double dose was given to her?" she said seeing Swan answer.
"Yes. That's what I got from her recent blood work. She remains like this but still gets the heavy nosebleeds and having trouble sleeping. It's like she's too scared to close her eyes because of seeing things." she said but Oblivion said nothing gripping her phone tight wanting to break it but she was keeping calm trying not to. She looked so tired and sick. What the hell is with the drugs?
Being quiet, Oblivion looks to her. "Yuuka? Hey, can you hear me? It's me, Officer Seon...." she speaks loud enough in hopes she hears her voice. The two looks at Yuu seeing her not respond but Oblivion looks worried now.
"Yuu...please can you hear me? It's me......please let me know you can hear me.." she said a bit louder from the phone but hearing that made Yuu blink her eyes slowly before Luna carefully shows the phone and Oblivion on it. In a moment, Yuu slowly looks to Oblivion but saw her on the screen.
In a minute, Yuuka slowly reaches to touch the screen of the phone but Luna saw Swan hold it near her that Yuuka reaches to hold it in her hands to look at it. She can see her but she seems so far away.
The two were silent but was shocked seeing she spoke! She was silent all that time but she only shook holding the phone.
"...Yes, it's me Nakano."
"......Where......a...re...you....you..d..disappeared...f..from here.." she speaks quietly.
"..I'm.....out at the moment but I was calling to check on you...see how you been." she speaks in a calm down even if she was angry now. Those assholes. What have they done to her!?
Yuuka said nothing laying back but Swan helps her lay on her side as she was looking at the phone with a hold stand to keep it there. She looks at the screen with dulled eyes.
"You....went....out...I...g...get i..it.....I h..hope...you c...come b..back...I'm..s...scared. I'm s..scared of t..the doctor..the ni...ghtmares....t..their getting w..worse...I don't wanna s...sleep.." she mutters in a tired tone.
"Easy now Yuu..You have to get sleep. It's not healthy to stay up like that." Tae said but saw Yuu only grips the sheets trying not to freak out but tries calming down.
"But b..bad things..t..the w...orms..t..their still....c...crawling inside of m..me....r..ready to r..rip out..I'm s..scared Oblivion..I'm s..scared.." she said softly.
"T..the scary w..worms....their eating me f..from..inside o..out...It's s..scary..I'm s..scared..they started getting a...agitated a..after they gi....ve....new m..medicine. It hurts al..all over and f..from injection s..spot..it was....to h..help with d..dangerous quirk....it's d..dissappearing...." she said and shows trying to form some goo but the two with her and Tae saw purple particles but no goo.
Both Luna and Swan was shocked seeing how weak it's gotten. Even Tae was shocked.
'I can't..e..even use my flames r..right now..t..too tired...I'm too tired.....to conjure up some...' she said. 'Then it m..means I'm g..gonna....be quirkless r..right? Is t..that what the p..people wan..wanted?' she mutters.
"No no it's not Yuu. That's not what-"
"It's true..s...see?" she shows her arm seeing the injection spot but it shows some bandage covering it since they gave her another one. Oblivion said nothing but Yuuka lowers her arm to look at the phone.
"I'm..s..sowwie...I'm s..sorry f..for being m..mean t..to you and o..others h..here..I was j..just scared....I'm scared being a..alone......."
"Yuuka, your not alone. I'll be back soon okay? Just hang in there for me. When I come back, I'll help you okay? You don't have to be scared.." Oblivion said but Yuu looks to the phone but she only blinks once slowly to relax.
"You w..won't..l..leave me a..alone?"
"I won't...I'm trying to help you, Yuu but when I have what I need, I'll be there with you..I promise. I'll find the ones that did this to you...and make sure they pay for this..." she said that Yuu only held the phone near but she was quiet. It was rather nice to hear her voice and it was calming to her.
She remains quiet but only looks to the screen that Tae saw tears now running down Yuu's cheeks. She was really upset about this.
'P...lease....c..come b..back okay? I really...wanna..s...see you come b..back...I'll..t...try to be c..calm..' she mutters. Tae was quiet though, she's never seen her that calm before even when meeting her. Was this...how she used to be before the drugs? She wasn't sure but it seems like it.
Oblivion sighed but looks at the phone.
"Don't try, just....just give it your best. I want you to rest more Yuuka okay? You have to try and get some sleep. Rest up....that's all I ask." Tae said but Yuu only looks to her then down.
"I..I'll..t..try..I......." she started to speak only to feel something run down her nose. Yuu blinks to look seeing her blood again that she reaches to touch it. "......"
"Yuuka?" Luna said.
"Oh no, not again." Swan said worried trying to clean her nose but Yuu was moving away from her. "Easy now..I'm not going to hurt you.."
"N..No no..d..don't...don't touch me! Don't touch me!" she said suddenly freaking out as she tries to move away, Luna tries to help keep her still to calm down. "NO! Please let me go! Let me go!"
"Yuu calm down!" Luna said wincing as she was thrashing violently now.
"......" Oblion was shocked hearing this and seeing it was worse. However, she saw but Swan quickly have some golden feathers floats around her. Yuuka tenses seeing the feathers but when they were around, she slowly started feeling sleepy.
"St...stop..l..let me.."
"Rest Yuu your safe...just calm down.." Swan said in a quiet tone trying not to scare her. Luna kept holding her but Oblivion saw the whole thing before Yuu goes limp in her arms.
"What the hell was that!?" Oblivion asked seeing Luna lay her back on the bed.
"That's..something she does if she freaks out or something she's seeing that we aren't. She's been doing that for a while now or maybe side effects from the drugs. Right now, we have to keep her here to insure she won't attack staff which she hasn't. Right now, we are worried. We don't know how bad this can get for her......but we will do everything to insure she is alright." Luna explains but Oblivion said nothing to nod.
"I..I get it..I'll do everything in my power to help her and come back. Just..keep watching her for me till then okay?" Oblivion said.
"We will don't worry. If you find anything let us know but I'll do the same keeping you up to date. Just...find out the jerks that did this to her and make them pay Tae." Luna said.
"I will. Just keep a eye on her....I'm counting on you two." she said seeing them nod before the video call ended. Oblivion slowly lowers the phone down but when she did, she slowly stood up to try and process this. When she did, she punches the wall hard looking down.
She's never seen her like that and it worried her. She was a strong woman but not right now. She was someone that needed help......for now, she lets out a slow breath to try calming down.
Whoever did this to her...they would pay dearly for this.
#IC#silver roses#Drabble/short or long stories#silver butterfly mun#peahen mom#the mansion owner#A Officer's corruption part Thirty seven#older luna#older Oblivion#demon-blood-youths#older yuji#older jinx#The fractions of NYC#the outside fractions of NYC#officer demons au#peahen writer
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Monday, March 3rd, 2025.

Do you like orange juice with or without pulp? I'm not much of an orange juice drinker to begin with. I don't mind pulp, but I think I would prefer it without any.
Do you want to be cremated or buried when you die? Whatever works for the people I've left behind.
What’s something you often end up messing up or breaking? Ehhh.
Has the gender you’re attracted to ever laid in your bed? Yeah.
If you were getting a tattoo, what would it be of? I don't have any cool tattoo inspiration at the moment.
Have you ever named a bug in your house and thought of it as a pet? I don't think I've ever seriously named one, but sometimes I will talk to random house spiders.
Can you eat ketchup, mustard, or mayo right out of the packet/bottle? I would prefer not to.
What’s the theme of the calendar that’s closest to you? Cats! It was a gift from our neighbors across the street. It's a few years old now (2020), but one of the kitty photos goes with the little theme I've got going on above my desk.
Have you ever accidently called a teacher mom or dad? No.
Do you know anyone with a lisp? I don't.
Out of all your school yearbook photos, which year was your best picture? The ones from elementary school were probably the cutest.
Have you ever fired a gun with one hand? No.
Do you wear a belt every day? I never wear a belt these days.
Out of all the people you know, who has the coolest eyes and why? My vision is kind of bad; I never really get close enough to people to see their eyes in any detail.
Have you ever worn something as jewelry that wasn’t meant to be jewelry? Maybe flower crowns and bracelets as a kid. Or soda tabs. Or those twisty ties for bread bags and the like.
How tall is/are your sibling/s, if you have any? Somewhere around 5'10".
What color is the majority of your underwear? I think the most predominant colors would be blue or gray. It's hard to say because they're all multicolored.
Would you want to learn Russian? Naw. I'd rather learn something like Japanese or Swedish, or even Spanish.
Have you ever participated in a shaving cream fight? I don't think we "fought" with it, but a past friend and I sprayed a can all over her basement. The floors were tiled, so the cleanup was relatively easy. Not sure why we did that, but…lol. Anyway.
What’s the greatest thing you’ve ever heard a little kid say? During one of Lacy's recent trips to the vet, there was a kid talking to his mom and he said something like, "Remember when I helped you in the bath when you were a baby?" It was like one of those mysterious reincarnation statements.
What was you most recent ex’s middle name?
How long do you wait to let conditioner settle in your hair? I don't really use conditioner unless it's one of those 2-in-1 bottles, and then I just wash my hair like I normally would.
What’s the stupidest music video you’ve ever seen? Oh, who knows.
Can you play Texas Hold'em? I would need quick rule refresher, but sure.
Have you ever gotten kicked out of a restaurant? No.
Do you know who/what Slenderman is? Yeah.
Do you workout regularly? No.
Have you ever flashed anyone? Yeah.
Do you use bar soap or shower gel in the shower? I just use shampoo for bodywash.
Who do you sit near in 4th period (if your still in school)?
Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Not seriously.
Do you get along with guys or girls more? I don't really interact with any men aside from my dad and Darrel (employee at the animal shelter). Most of the people I interact with regularly are women. I guess it just depends on someone's personality.
Have you ever left a note in someone’s mailbox? Not that I can recall.
Do you put anything weird on your scrambled eggs? (like syrup) I don't put it on my eggs, but I have dipped them in syrup before.
What’s your favorite pokemon? (You know you have one) Abra or Mewtwo.
What two things combined smell terrible to you? Two things that would otherwise smell okay? I can't think of anything like that.
Have you ever been a victim of a prank? Tell me about it. I guess it was a "prank." Back in my Yu-Gi-Oh card tournament days, there was this guy (who I think was in his 30s when we were just teenagers) who took my partner at the time on a car ride to idek know where, and I think he made some sinister remark or whatever, and I was under the impression that he was going to harm my partner in some way and I was pretty distraught about it.
Have you ever bit the inside of your cheek so hard that it bled? Yeah. I've also bitten a little chunk off of my tongue.
Did you dress up for Halloween last year? If so, what were you? No, but I did hand out candy for the first time in years!
What instrument can you seriously not play to save your life? The bagpipes. I wouldn't even know where to start.
Were you sitting, standing, or laying down for your first kiss? I don't know what to count as my very first kiss, but probably sitting or standing.
What’s the coldest weather you’ve ever been in? Around -20F.
Have you ever been to Carnival, Mardi Gras, Fantasy Fest, anything similar? I went to a Renn Faire as a kid. That was pretty fun.
Name a good band that you’ve recently discovered. I haven't discovered any new bands recently.
Is your second toe longer than your first? No.
Have you ever been in a store or bank while it was being robbed? I mean…I've probably been in a store while someone was shoplifting…?
What’s the background of your computer of? It's a nighttime camping scene with a glowing tent and a starry sky.
Do you concentrate better on tests with your hair pulled back? My hair is too short for that to matter, but I don't recall feeling one way or another about it when I was younger.
Do you have any bruises on your legs right now? I don't think so.
Is your sneeze really loud or is it one of those quiet, held in ones? It's on the louder side.
Have you ever jumped off a roof and landed in a pool? No.
Would you wear sandals in public without your toes being painted? I wouldn't expose my feet, period.
What’s one song that reminds you of that little someone when you hear it? That…little someone…? Lmaowtf.
Can you tolerate the sound of knuckles cracking? Yeah. It doesn't bother me.
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