#peahen mom
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the-silver-peahen-residence 3 months ago
||Final words from the owner of the Silver rose Estate mansion of 2024||
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((You know what time it is right? Yeah, it's the final day of 2024. Honestly, this year has been....stressful than last year. Given the crazy events and life we all have gone though, seems we got through another year. Though, before this year ends I got some words to say to some people here so please listen up.))
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((I know this year has been a lot for everyone here and so many all over the world but like I said before; I'm hoping for a better year. So, I wanted to as I did last year, throw some thanks you to some wonderful people that's been close to me. So here is my Thank you shout out. Also sorry if I don't get everyone; I try but I do always love the rest of you too as my close tumblr family.))
~~~Thank you shout out to these lovely people here~~~
For Demon mun, first of all I wanted to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a wonderful amazing friend. From the first year we met in 2012 to now, it's been a journey hasn't it? Lol
You always know how to turn my bad days into good ones. Always making things a good laugh. You bring such a happy wonderful feeling with everyone that your company fills me with so much happiness and joy. I honestly will say this; even if we are far we are close. I always see you as my tumblr sister. Thank you for being here by my side. Thank you for always bring my bad days to good ones. And thank you for the wonderful stories we made. To being threads, short drabbles, and crazy adventures, I'm hoping for more in the future with our crazy kids and many more threads and drabbles too. So here's to you. <3
Next is for moth mun. I know we been busy from time to time but always know your in my heart. Your a wonderful close friend to me too and I love our close chats and friendship we have grown together. You always give it your all even with the dark days but you always have a smile that tells me your okay. Even during your bad days, you are always the coolest person I've ever known. Please stay the sweetest, kindest, and loving person you are.
Now to you my dear friend. I know we haven't spoken much but I always think of you. Knowing and hoping your days get better or go well for you. Even through the hard times they are rough, you still pull through. Your always a gentle and protecting friend that I cherish. Knowing you are there for your friends and care for them so much. like the adorable stories you write with the mun from clown-demon.
It makes me honored to have you as my Senpai. :) I am hoping that this year is a lot more better for you. I hope this new year brings nothing but happiness and joy to you.
For the sweet mun here, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you so so much for letting us meet. At first I was shy to talk to you given that you really were an amazing writer and rper. I always wanted to talk to you more so we can become friends though I always try to respect your wishes. True, we only spoke a few times but I already see you as someone I care for. I even enjoy the thread we are doing even seeing so many wonderful stories you written with so many wonderful people. I hope in the future we can write more and become friends.
To the sweetie of this blog; I have to add you on here too. Again, I will say sorry sorry sorry for not talking with you so much. Seems like gets me and I feel bad that we don't. I'm hoping in 2025 we can chat more and again for Tumblr to stop eating my questions! DX...*Sighs* Though, even through that, please know I still always care about you. I love your personality your happy smile and your muses too. Seems it's grown so much with more stories coming into bloom. I hope we can write more again and make more stories just like that. Thank you for being my friend and thank you for always being here with me.
Again, seems like tends to keep everyone busy from time to time. Though, I still see you as a close friend here on tumblr. You'll always be an amazing friend who is always a joy to talk to. I still enjoy your small chats and threads we write together. I still adore your OC since he always seems to just become more like a blooming star. Nothing is gonna stop him I know that. Lol Even so, please keep writing and still be amazing. You wonderful mun you. And the same for your OC angel too. Thank you for the wonderful memories; here's hoping for more in 2025.
@historias-multorum I wanna say thank you for being part of my tumblr family. I still love and enjoy seeing you on my dashboard and it's nice to read the threads you do. Even with more stories this year. I know in 2025 you will just keep growing and growing which is amazing. I still cherish or talks together and threads we are still doing. Hech, I'm curious to new ones in the future but I'm excited for that. I hope your new year is amazing just like you are because I know it's going to be great. Thank you for the stories you shared here on tumblr and here's to more in 2025. Love you a lot <3
To this sweet mun, I wanna say thank you so much for being my friend. I know you are always busy from time to time but please know I love our interactions with our characters Kaito and Hanoka. So far, it's been the best so far to me and I know more is to come. You always are so busy but given you still check on your friends here is still sweet. You really are a wonderful person and I know I enjoy every moment of your company. To the funny moments, to the amazing stories we written together..it just means more will come and who knows? Maybe with other characters too. So I can't wait. Thank you for being a friend, thank you for being a rp partner and thank you for sharing this amazing change to write with you. I hope for more in 2025.
To the other followers that follow me: I said before please know even if I wanted to tag every single one of you it would be way too long and Tumblr is just..tumblr. But understand I do care about each and every one of you. Your always part of my tumblr family and it makes me happy to know I've meet so many sweet new people and familiar faces too. I hope your 2025 is better than this year. I love you all and thank you for being here with me.
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((I know this year has been crazy to everyone and I know it will get better. I just hope everyone has a good new year. Once more, thank you guys for being part of my family. Thank you for always turning my frown upside down. Even through the dark times; your always there in my heart.))
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((So from me, my muses and everyone else.....Thank you for following me and thank you for being part of my tumblr family. May 2025 be the better year for us all. Love you all.))
With love,
饾挳饾捑饾搧饾搵饾憭饾搰 饾挿饾搳饾搲饾搲饾憭饾搰饾捇饾搧饾搸 饾搨饾搳饾搩/饾挮饾憭饾挾饾捊饾憭饾搩 饾搨饾憸饾搨
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@the-seduction-anon @demon-blood-youths @the-archetype-of-civilization @kitxkatrp @within-the-resort @ask-the-monster-nest @dark-hybrid-ninja @multimuse-citadel @historias-multorum @realmofsoulsandshells @the-bloody-wolfy @rico-hyuuga @downcastmoth @sageofjustice @robert-wolf-dimensional-wanderer @wolfmaster1992 @charmed-redemption @verratensduo @watchfxrthefangs
@the-maelstrom-tavern @princessofbalance and many others. I wanna say I love you all so much. You been here with me through so many things. I really am grateful for you being here for me and being by my side. So yeah, thank you. I love you all. <3
2023 is coming to an end so this is my annual I love my online friends so fucking much you wouldn't believe me if I told you post.
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the-silver-peahen-residence 2 months ago
||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer part 24: The return of the Cursey Bites||
Hi!!! Time for another crazy funny chapter for the Misadventures of the phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerers! An idea that started with demon mun but we add chapters to it to see the crazy adventures of our muses. So I hope you enjoy.
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 14-20||
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
((Your reading chapter 24 right now))
||Drabble Summary||
After the crazy training session involving both Ink and Jinx, it's time for a break. So, Gojo allowed both fractions to visit from time to time However, Kisho finds out that two friends of Taz's were cooks so maybe he can ask them for advice on his latest invention: Cursey bites. Can he bring the bites back to the light or will they still be targeted to shinigami? Read to find out.
~A lot of crazy things happen
~lots of yelling and cursing
~funny parts will be seen in this
~sickness will be seen in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Van Ink the dragon, The DBT, Taz Hellion, Kinie, Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Jinx violet and the cursed vixens are my OC's that belongs to me. While Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
After the crazy demon training thanks to Jinx and Ink, both of them were alright given the situation and everyone resting up. Gojo along with principle Yaga lets the DBT and Cursed Vixens stay for a while before heading back home to NYC later on this month. Though, the sorcerers learned a lot over the time which was cool.
Yuji was happy seeing his little panther again who was happily spending a lot of time with him at most. Everyone else was sharing stories, telling them what has been happening, even telling them of Taz's progress. The DBT were so proud of their Taz even knowing she's really gotten a lot more stronger.
Right now, both were just hanging out before Kisho finds out that two cooks; Jaron Jackal and Melinda brooks were visiting so..maybe..just maybe.
Right now in the home economics room, Miko and others were silent seeing the view in front of them. Seeing Daichi there bowing his head to the two cooks who sweatdrops.
"Please!! Please show me your wisdom of cooking! Their has to be a way to make this work!"
"Kisho...I know you are trying this but....it's not that simple to do such a thing.." Melinda said looking at him even if he's been asking on how to infused cursed energy into food for humans. However, it's hard to explain even Jaron was thinking about it himself.
"Kisho..I don't think even the cooks can explain it better-"
"YOU DON'T KNOW THAT MEGUMI! I know their is a way to do this. I know this can work! I just have to see how it works. That way, everyone can consume the food just like Yuji and Taz!" he sighed even with the two who was there blinking. He's still upset about this too?
"I do know! Remember what happened when you tried eating those cookies you made!? You got sick right away after two of them!" he said.
"I WAS FINE AFTER! DX!" Kisho argues.
"YOU WERE SICK FOR THREE DAYS! DX!!" Megumi argues back as everyone else looks to this. Even Jaron and Melinda sweatdrops to hear this.
"Wait, wait, wait, you consumed cursed infused food? Why though? I remember Taz said only out of the group she and Yuji can eat them.."
"They can. Though, when Kisho did, he got sick right away or got-"
"Cursed poisoning.." Melinda mutters to see Miko nod. "Well, that's not uncommon. Although, it's sotra true that humans can't really eat cursed infused food. You'll only end up as Miko said, get heavily poisoned from the cursed energy. Your body can't take that unless theirs a reason." she said but Ink and them were confused.
"Wait, so you have to have something to have your body get used to it?" Ink asked.
"Well, in a way. I read it in the books...true Taz and Yuji are the only ones that can handle the poison effect because of Sukuna and Kinie. Sukuna is immune to all poison and illness so Yuji can't get poisoned by it. Kinie Ger is also highly immune to them which explains she's able to eat cursed energy with no bad side effects on Taz. Their bodies are able to handle it." Ophelia explains to Kisho who was still upset.
"But their has to be a way to do it! I won't give up on my work! It has to work somehow!" Kisho wanted this to work so that way it can help everyone but remembering what happened the last time, Megumi banned him from making those dangerous cookies or snacks again. Well, unless Sukuna and Kinie demands for them.
"Kisho, dude, I don't think it will since like Ophelia said and Megumi; we just don't have the same strong immunity like Taz and Yuji do. I mean..wouldn't we just end up getting really really ill?" Rust said his thoughts on this with Breezy who was also curious.
As everyone was thinking about it, Jaron and Melinda was thinking themselves. However, Melinda sighed to close her eyes with arms crossed. Jaron noticed.
"Something on your mind, Melinda?"
"Hmmmm...maybe. Question, Kisho?" she sees him and Megumi stop arguing to look at her. "How much did you put into the food or these bites you made?" she had to think about it.
"Uhhhh..just a healthy amount. I mean, it was fine when I fed them to the shinigami. Eito liked them and the others too." he remembers hearing Eito chirp remembering the tasty treat.
"I see but how much? Like enough to cover the food? Just a few bits? One? How much?" she had to know getting a guess as Kisho was thinking.
"As I said, just a healthy amount.." Kisho sweatdrops.
"Hmm...well, even if you gave a amount for the cookies, I think you also gave enough where the shingami can get some boost from it. However, if your going to make something for humans or others to consume..I'm afraid it's not that easy." Melinda looks seeing the others confused.
"Care to explain?" Yuria asked seeing Melinda think.
"Well, theirs one way for another to be safely able to consume cursed energy which is having the ability of cursed spirit manipulation. They can eat a orb of a curse they beaten to gain their power...but also be immune to it." she said seeing everyone shocked.
"Hold up really!?" Kisho was shocked but Melinda sighed.
"Yes BUT! It's very risky. If the difference in grade is two levels or more, the curse manipulator can absorb a cursed spirit with practically no conditions attached. Also, the user can also extract the curse techniques of semi-grade 1 and above cursed spirits they absorb, providing them with an immense arsenal of potential different moves. It's something like a blessing but also a curse." Melinda looks to the side thinking about it while the others were shocked.
How did she know about that!?
"I knew about it..but it's thanks to my dad.." she said simply but the sorcerers were confused.
"Your....dad? He knows about the curses and other things?" Megumi asked.
"Yeah...though, he knows a lot...In his way." she said with arms crossed. "But lets focus here. True, that is one way to do it but..only one person had that technique but others tried to figure out ways to consume it safely." Melinda sighed with her eyes half way open.
"So...even if you could, you have to find the right amount for humans like you guys to consume it carefully. Even if your 'healthy amount' was safe, it just only made you sick. You also have to train your body to take in cursed energy in the gut and to absorb it. That takes a while to do." she also adds in.
"Woah so even if they did that, they'll end up getting sick still.." Jinx asked.
"..Yes.." Melinda said. "I recently knew about it Jaron did too. But we didn't know much about this till seeing the curses back home in NYC." she said. "That and...seeing that some people have...eaten some cursed foods...but resulted in them being sick." she mutters.
"In a way...theirs no way for this to work.." Nobara said.
"Well, in human ways yes....but their is a way....just a slow way." Melinda said that made everyone look at her. She sighed but looks to Jaron. "Wanna show them?"
"Sure... "He goes to get something but comes back with a hot plate of food. Some rib eye steak slices but they were cooked. However, some could smell how delicious it was.
'Okay, that does look good...' Kinie mutters seeing the cooked food.
'Hmmm...true..' Sukuna said after seeing Melinda looks to everyone.
"Would anyone wanna try one?" she asked.
"Uhhhh...can I?" Miko asked.
"OF course." Melinda smiled seeing Miko coming over but goes to pick up the fork and gets a piece. She looks at it before trying it as she chews. The others blinks watching this before Miko's eyes widen but smiled blushing.
"This is delicious.." she said getting another piece.
"I'm glad you like it." she said.
"Okay? So what is the reason for this though? She's just eating steak..." Megumi said.
"True she is......" Melinda said.
"But it's infused with cursed energy." Jaron said that Megumi and the other sorcerers were shocked looking at them.
"WHAT!?!?" they shouted but Miko kept chewing but felt Kisho hold her shoulders. "???"
"Miko don't swallow it. Please sit it out!" he said worried.
"Hmm?" she blinks not sure what was going on but she gulps to swallow it. "What do you mean???" she said seeing Kisho's eyes widen in horror.
"SHE SWALLOWED IT!!" the rest said even if the fractions sweatdrops to them panicking.
"NOOOOO MIKO!!!! YOU WERE POISONED!!" Kisho said crying as he held her that she blinks confused.
"Uhhh..guys..." Jaron tried to calm them down.
"HAVE YOU TWO LOST YOUR MINDS!! WHY WOULD YOU WANNA POISON MIKO FOR!?" Megumi said in shock but Jaron and Melinda sweatdrops that Jaron sighed.
"True, she has eaten something with cursed energy but she's not poisoned." he tries to explain.
"How are you sure!?" Yuria said worried with Melinda calming everyone down.
"As he said she's fine...see?" she points to Miko who was looking worried. Though, she didn't seem sick or anything. Kisho blinks then he looks seeing Miko was indeed...alright?
She wasn't looking sick or ill, she wasn't foaming at the mouth, or looked dazed. She was fine!?
"But...but you said the steak had cursed energy though.." Kisho said but Melinda looks to him.
"No it does..." she said seeing a jackal pup show up barking happily as he was smelling the steak. The others saw some cursed energy in it alright but then looks to MIko. She was fine.
"Okay I"m confused now..how?!" Navarro said.
"As we said, you just have to eat small bits and bits of cursed energy in order to train your body and stomach to consume it. Or, was cursed before in order to have your body already absorbed the energy. Like our friend Yuuka. When she was cursed before, her body absorbed cursed energy. Like Miko here, seems like she was as well right?" Melinda saw her nod.
"....S...so what your saying is...we can make food with cursed energy to help others!?" Kisho said with a squee of excitement.
"Yes..their is a possible chance that you can do just that. However, you have to train your stomach to do just that. It will take a while before you can eat something with that without getting sick." Melinda said.
"YES! So my idea can work! just think of all the wonderful things we can make to help boost stats, make someone stronger, it will be genius!" Kisho laughed with everyone else sighing.
"Though...I hope it still works even so-wait..." then he thought of something. "I was poisoned before! How come it didn't help me that one time when I made the chicken!?"
"....Maybe it's because you put too much at once? Even if you ate it before, you have to train your stomach to absorb it before you can eat food with cursed energy..." Melinda explains seeing everyone else curious.
"That is crazy but something...right Ink?....Ink?" Navarro looks seeing Ink happily eating the steak. "INK, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"
"Huh? Oh nothing, just having some steak! :3"
"YOUR STOMACH ISN'T STRONG ENOUGH TO....wait, your not getting sick either?" he said seeing Ink blink but looks at herself but shook her head.
"Nope! I'm good!" she grins happily with Navarro facepalming with the others not saying much. That or not knowing Ink was cursed by Sukuna in the past so...yeah that explains it.
"Okay nevermind...."
"Anyway, even with this, that works so even with some time you can-" That's when Kisho happily hugs both Jaron and Melinda who looks down.
"Uhhh your welcome?" Melinda said with eyes closed laughing a bit with Jaron not minding it before they were let go.
"Thanks to this! I can make Cursed Bites a reality!" he cheered but even takes a piece of steak to eat it. "I bet I'm immune even if I added a bit more I will train my stomach!!" he laughed to eat it.
"Wait, I don't think you-"
~~~~~~~~Moments later in the nurse office~~~~~~~~
Everyone winces hearing Kisho throwing up in the trash can but Melinda sweatdrops to sigh.
".....I should have warned you adding too much too soon can result in self poisoning too. -_-" she said seeing everyone worried. Miko was rubbing his back seeing him hurling in the trash can seeing the same cursed purple goo as he was pale.
"It's..ugh....still a break through. I will be victoriu-" He tenses to lower his head throwing up again seeing the fractions wince from the sound. However, they remained quiet to sigh.
"Oh god it tastes even worse! T_T" Kisho cries not knowing Sukuna and Kinie were laughing at this even with Yuji and Taz sweatdrop.
".......I think we can show you how to do it so..IF he decided to go through with this..he'll know how much but..maybe you should keep him from adding energy to food when training his stomach?" Jaron said.
"Trust me we will.." Megumi sighed as the group sees Kisho sick. Well, seems like theirs hope for the treats now! However, it's going to be a slow progress. For now, it's a step ahead. Miko rubs his back but she still was alright after eating the cursed infused steak piece.
But she knew Kisho could do it. But for now, he needed to rest for a bit.
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the-silver-peahen-residence 2 months ago
||Mansion Bulletin Board News: Important||
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((Tw: D**th))
((Hey.....I.....I have some news to say for the moment but...if you are triggered by this please..please don't read but I need to get this off my chest.))
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((Earlier this morning, around 9 something in the morning, I had lost my dad today. At first he was fine and alright yesterday but.....now he's not here. My mom and I did call 911 to try and save him but.....we already lost him by the time I called. Died right in his room when my mom tried to wake him up thinking he was asleep but....I knew something was wrong after. So yeah.......I'm so sorry for not being on but it's been very painful for me, my mom, by brothers, and my family. And I hope you guys understand if my replies are slow or dead, I Just........need time. I'm asking you dears to bare with me for the following days. Right now, it's just...upsetting for me and I'm doing everything to distract myself from this.))
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((..I'm asking you dears to be with me and..I'm hoping you guys can help distract me. I just..need time to bare with all this...I was not expecting to lose him just like that. So...that's all I'm asking for. I hope you guys can help me with this and help distract me..I really need that right now..........))
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((This has been a update from me......thanks for reading. Also daddy, I will miss you so much..I am happy your not suffering anymore...but I hope your happy and resting. You don't have to suffer from the sickness anymore.....I'll always have you in my heart and soul...may your soul rest in peace daddy...I love you.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
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the-silver-peahen-residence 2 months ago
||Summoning Chaos 7: Demonic blade meets the demons of Oda||
Hi guys, Peahen mom here. I was re reading a part from this hidden series involving Ink's great sword Wyvern once more. The last one was pretty funny so....maybe we can add another one shall we?
If you wanna know how this started; chapters are under this:
The first incident in NYC
The second Incident In Japan
Spectator notes version part three/Port Mafia incident report
Spectator notes version part four/Tokyo Jujutsu High report
The fifth incident in the Soul Society
The Sixth incident in Neo Gotham
((Your reading part seven that takes place at Jujutsu High school and the base belonging to Demons of Oda))
||Drabble summary||
More chaos has still followed Wyvern no matter where he goes. Even after the last incident from Neo Gotham now it seems we have another situation. But it's with Yuji and his friends trying to defend someone after a...accident incident. That's within Nagoya City, Japan ( Headquarters ). Now what could this be? Well...you'll have to read and see for yourself.
~~Guests in Drabble~~
The DBT, Van Ink the dragon and her great sword Wyvern belongs to the amazing and super cool friend of mine. The same is said for the other group.
Kisho Hashimoto (Daichi) Belongs to and is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer and Rioto Kirin (Syougo Shimizu) along with the demons of Oda is from the other side blog @demonic-x-sorcerers And Kinie Ger belongs to and is from the main blog @demon-blood-youths
While Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Sukuna Ryomen, Maki Zenin and Yuta Okkotsu are from the anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen but they are my muses I rp with here. Miko yotsuya , yuria niguredou and Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please. Also as I warned: This is going to be crazy and very funny so just a heads up. :3 Thanks for understand and enjoy.))
Another peaceful day here around Nagoya City, Japan. Where everyone was resting up and taking in the cool air. It was like nothing was wrong. Well.....
If you don't include the heavy damage, some curse spirits laying dead on the ground. Buildings were on fire and stuff. It was a nightmare but in the process of being cleaned up. Right now, within a area was a serious court trial going on.
The one on trial for this meeting? Van Ink the Dragon once more.
The others here were Van ink's fraction the DBT and Yuji's class being Daichi, Yuji itadori himself along with Sukuna ryomen, Megumi fushiguro who eye was twitching, Taz Hellion along with Kinie Ger was here, and Nobara kugisaki who sweatdrop.
Miko Yotsuya was nervous seeing the room being huge but rather pretty. Hana Yurikawa was beside her and Yuria niguredou too. Even Maki zenin and Yuta okkotsu was there! Gojo was humming happily waiting trial since he would be Ink's personal defense lawyer.
'You know he might end up getting her exiled you know..' Yuji heard Sukuna but he covers his mouth on his cheek to sigh. He hopes not. He was sure that they would understand. It was a accident....
Daichi was nervous as they waited.
"Soooooo....how bad did she damage things this time?" Rust asked worried.
"..Bad....really bad.." Fosh said worried.
"Daichi, what even happened?" Nobara said worried since she knew it had to be serious given they were putting on a trial.
"Ehhhh..I don't know. We were just summoned here to this. Rioto told me after sending me something from text to come here as soon as possible. I don't know what happened." Daichi said with Eito on his head who was confused too.
"Yeah, given we were in the middle of class.."Taz said worried about what this is.
"Well, it had to be something if you were summoned here or told thanks to Rioto. I mean what did you-"
In a moment, the room got silent when seeing double doors with some vice generals walking in then the demon generals walked in. Then the main generals walked in as they were heading to a spot to sit down in to look ahead seeing...a young woman?
That's when one more walks in but Daichi saw Rioto with his fellow brothers and generals. Even he was confused to what was going on.
"All rise. For our great leader, the demon king, Omida Oda has arrived." Torahito Aishirou said in a serious tone seeing one more walk in as he was looking ahead. Everyone was quiet seeing this young man walking in as Oda was not saying a single word. Though most vice and demon generals bows their heads in respect seeing him walk in to take his seat in the middle between either side of his generals and the vice generals who was standing behind their general.
".......You may all be seated.." he said with a hand up as everyone was sitting down but being quiet. Oda looks to everyone before he sees Torahito look ahead then sigh.
"Soooo what is today's meeting about this time?" a excited yet curious Shukaku asked with the other generals being quiet.
"Well, if you didn't know due to reasons; we are holding this meeting in response to massive damage by one weapon and it's owner today. A lot of things torn down, bodies of cursed spirits lingering around, and..other things destroyed in the process.....Miss Vanity Ink Van guard and her....greatsword I believe has caused this.." he then looks to Ink who blinks.
"How do you plea Miss Vanguard?"
"Uhhhh......I don't know? Not guilty? :3" she smiled but her team and yuji's friends facepalms. However, the generals was shocked.
"Woah woah woah her!? SHE caused some destruction. HAHAHAHA!! How is that possible? She's just one demon from the smell coming off her. Though, I wonder if she's from that DBT group that other girl was speaking about." Itachi said getting some water to drink. "What was her name Taz right?" he said.
"You mean my sis?" Yuji said to Itachi who shrugs but at least he remembers.
"But still...I highly don't believe all this....." He said seeing the other generals quiet.
"...That is true, Torahito, how is she-"
"If you don't believe me..check the pictures Gojo came with and made copies. And you tell me if she didn't do that or not...." he said as some was showing some pics. On them, most was shocked. It was a total mess. Even some areas where their headquarters were heavily damaged!
Oda's purple eyes blink to see this massive destruction. "........."
"Believe me now?" Torahito said.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?!?" Vice general Zosuke shouted in horror seeing the massive damage in the city. What the hell?!
"Woahhhhhh..." vice general Chikyu mutters seeing this and it takes a lot of power to cause this much damage.
"......" Even vice general Genta was speechless seeing this. All by one girl!? How!! She seems to be just as dangerous as their great Oda!
"Oh wow...that's a mess.." Shukaku said with a whistle even hearing the remaining vice generals in horrified shock.
"So that explains why some of our followers were knocked out from today's event.." Makou Otoroshi sweatdrops seeing the massive damage.
"What the hell!?" Iku Takiyasha glared looking at this then at Ink who rubs the back of her head giggling.
Itachi's eyes widen to hear this to spit his water out, coughing. "HOW THE HELL DID SHE EVEN DO THAT AND BY HERSELF!?" Hayato Itachi shouts as he felt Tsuru patting his back worried.
"........" Syuuta Sasana was speechless from seeing this yet he didn't mutter a word.
"Oh gosh..." a shocked Moudo Namazu mutters with eyes wide at the destruction.
"The hell...." a now shocked Rioto Kirin said looking at the pictures then looks to Daichi who along with the others were shocked. What the hell happened?!?
The DBT was speechless seeing this with Fosh looking like he was going to pass out. Yuji with his classmates were shocked as well seeing so much damage.
"Geez Ink..." Yuji was worried seeing this.
"So....care to explain what made you go all about causing this much damage and why? Were you planning some sneak attack on the demons of Oda?" Torahito asked Ink who blinks to think about it before she rubs the back of her head.
"Ohh no no. It's not like I was trying to attack you guys or anything. I was just going after the curse spirits lingering around here. I heard from my friend Yuji that they were on another mission and asked me to come help out for a bit. I figure I could do that but wow their was so many! I didn't know they even could explode like that!" Ink said even if the vice generals sweatdrop with Oda having one eye brow raised.
"Okay? Then how can you be able to cause that much damage. It's unlike anyone when we know who is most dangerous to do that. But YOU! You were able to do this so explain yourself.." itachi said that Ink blinks to wonder.
"Easy! It was only because I sorta..uhh...called my greatsword Wyvern to help me fight. But he was being a bit of a meanie pants and well..hehehe...sorta went a bit over board when he tried to take out the curse spirits." she said with hands up sweatdropping.
"........" Iku, Itachi, Moudo, Rioto, Torashito, Shukaku, Makou, Syuuta had no words but their reactions was: "EH!?!?"
"Wait, wait wait, your sword? Your sword? You make it sound like it has a mind of it's own.." Itachi said with Ink blinking twice with her team and Yuji's friends sigh. "Your serious...."
"Yeah! I am serious! He does have a mind of his own!" Ink said.
"......" Of course Shukaku heard this to look at them. The others were quiet even Taz sighed.
"Is their something we should know?" he asked but the others look at one another then Yuji stood up to present himself with Gojo humming.
"It's true. Ink's sword has a mind of it's own....to say he's..alive?"
"Alive?! ALIVE!? HOW THE HELL CAN A SWORD LIKE THAT BE ALIVE! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE IT SOUND LIKE WERE STUPID!" Zosuke shouted but Torashito glares at him for yelling out of tone as he tense to quickly be quiet.
"But we are right though! As we said, this has happened before. Back at our school area when we were on a mission." Taz said seeing them look at her as she sees Gojo nodding.
"Your joking right?" Iku said to her to see Gojo shaking his head to prove Taz was right.
"Oh no it's true though. We had something close to that before in the past like my student said. I will say it was crazy yet funny at the same time." Gojo smiled even if the others remember even Sukuna who still has a strong grudge against that damn sword!
"It even proved us wrong when making Sukuna look all silly being thrown around." he laughed.
'THAT DAMN SWORD IS WORTHLESS TO ME! I STILL AM GOING TO FUCKING GET BACK AT IT FOR HUMILIATING ME!' Yuji wince hearing Sukuna mad but he didn't blame him for that.
"Uh huh...that explains a lot. But...still, hearing about a live sword doing all that is..crazy.." Chikyu mutters with Genta doing the same. "Though, that might also explain something involving the three groups that was sending complaints about some disturbance.."
"Special groups?" the others asked nervous. Yuta heard but he sweatdrops.
'Oh boy..'
"So that's why we were getting information from them demanding what was happening.." Itachi hissed even when the demon generals now glare at Ink who blinks waving. It's like she thinks nothing was wrong.
Even Oda was silent hearing this.
"Now now gentlemen. I know it may sound like a lot but understand. We know what Miss Ink's sword is like. It's really strong and very powerful. I mean, she is the sole heir of the Vanity household of course...back in her home town..."
"Vanity house???"
"Who cares if she is! She caused massive damage all because of her actions! And now your trying to tell us some sword is alive caused that!?" Iku said now annoyed.
"Pretty much! XD" Gojo said with the others shaking their heads.
"Please understand...we know what we seen with her sword. Given this has happened in other places we been to." Sai said while seeing the other DBT agree with him. "He has a mind of his own..even when he tends to be very reckless-"
"You mean her! I never heard of a sword having a soul of it's own causing this! You are trying to cover for her!"
"But..but we are speaking the truth!" Daichi said worried seeing the generals not really believing it.
"But their right though! I can't always control Wyvern all the time. I mean, he listens to me sometimes but not all the time. That or him being a grumpy butt. But I will be honest to show that it's true! He has a mind of his own!" she said.
".....And you have proof of this?"
Everyone was quiet hearing Oda speak in a calm tone being curious of this 'great sword' she speaks of.
"Yeah, it's true! If you don't believe me I can bring him here to prove it!"
"Oh no no no no!" Navarro was nervous. "Ink, I don't think that's a good idea right now!"
"Oh come on Navarro I gotta prove my innocence here!" she said happily holding her hand up.
"Wyvern!!!" She calls out to him in a great voice making everyone quiet seeing this. Oda remains quiet watching but Ink keeps holding her hand up waiting..but nothing. She sweatdrops but the others sweatdrops too.
'Damn it Ink..' Sai thought seeing the generals and vice generals confused. Even Oda was silent.
"Uhhhh..hold on...Wyvern!"
Still nothing.
Again, nothing.
"Ohhhhh this is bad....isn't it?" Yuji said seeing the DBT look at him but ahead.
"We might have to duck in a moment.." Hellmare said.
"Uhhh d..duck? But why?" Miko asked.
"*Sighs annoyed* You'll see...." Navarro said.
"Tch....what is this? Is she kidding right now! What game is this!?" Iku was getting annoyed.
"Hmmmmm...didn't expect her to do that..maybe it's something new!" Shukaku laughed with a smile.
"*Sighs* This is pointless.....I think she's just stalling her sentence..I think we heard enough." Torahito had his arms behind his back but was not amused by this. "I think we have a verdict." He looks to Ink while seeing the generals look at her.
"Wait! I can get him here! He's just being stubborn!" Ink said.
"Uh huh...."
"Right....gentlemen and people of this meeting trial. Van ink, after countless destruction, the move of endangering many, along with damaging property...we the generals under the great Oda..here by sentence you to-"
Before Iku could place a sentence, something came crashing right through the headquarters for Demons of Oda. Everyone blinks feeling the area shake violent with others in the area screaming in panic from it!
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Itachi said standing up with the other Generals. He saw Tsuru being held behind him for protecting seeing the area being destroyed.
"I..I don't know! Were we attacked!?" Moudo said in a panic seeing everyone standing up but when they did something came crashing through tearing down the walls. That's when the generals saw some sort of sword. A greatsword!
"Uhhhhhh...." Iku, Itachi, Moudo, Rioto, Torashito, Shukaku, Makou, Syuuta. However, that's when the sword was now spinning as it was moving quickly with everyone shouting ducking from the blade tearing, slicing, and destorying everything!
"EVERYONE DOWN!!" Yuji shouted as everyone ducks, pulling Taz down with him. She yelps feeling Yuji holding her head down with his classmates and the DBT even ducking. Daichi covers Miko's head who yelps as things were being destroyed. The generals were trying to figure out what was going on. Itachi was keeping Tsuru safe as he made her duck protecting her with the generals shouting to what was going on!
"Someone stop that thing!"
"What is it doing!?"
"Stupid sword is wrecking everything!"
"WYVERN STOP THAT! YOU NEED TO-" She sees something get torn down as the sword kept going quickly to try doing something in the panic. "DARN IT WYVERN STOP IT!!! DX!!"
"INK TELL HIM TO STOP!!" Yuji said.
"I'M TRYING! HE STILL MUST BE GRUMPY FROM BEFORE!!" she said trying to catch him while he was seeming to have a fit.
"THEN TRY HARDER!" Both the DBT and Jujutsu sorcerers said at the same time.
The generals was shocked as everyone did try to catch or stop the sword. Oda, just remains seated seeing this but didn't say a word.
However, that's when Wyvern was now heading over towards the demon king!
"LORD ODA!!" The generals and vice generals shouted about to stop the sword. However, before it got close to him, the greatsword suddenly stops!
Ink blinks wondering what happened but sees Oda look to the blade before it slowly flips to stab the table in front of Oda in half! The generals gasped in shock even the vice generals were horrified seeing this. The DBT and Yuji's group sweatdrops. Now what!?
"Huh; that's new.." Gojo said.
"Gojo this is serious!" Navarro said.
"Oh right sorrie.." he laughed.
"...........I take it this is him? The greatsword Wyvern miss Van Ink?" Oda asked seeing Ink blinks to look at him.
"Yeah? I'm so sorry for him! He can be a bit stubborn!" she said even if Oda looks to her but his purple eyes looks to the greatsword. He can tell this was indeed powerful. Maybe just as powerful and dangerous as a cursed weapon. "And I take it you have a soul in there don't you?"
"..I..Is sir Oda speaking to the sword?" Rioto said in shock wondering if the others didn't know. However, something else did happen.
'Yes; I do. Figure someone else would notice that...'
Wyvern spoke! Everyone saw some power flowing through Ink's sword but Oda saw a great eye looking right at him as the blade glows.
".....IT CAN TALK!?!?" all the members said in shock.
"Told ya!" Ink said.
"So it's true to what this girl said. You are a greatsword with a spirit within it. A very powerful spirit from a powerful bloodline. Then from the reports you were speaking of..."
'Yes; I only was trying to get to my master! Damn buildings were in the way even if she left me behind AGAIN!'
"Hey! I Had to! You know it's hard not to given I summoned you to help with the cursed spirits!" Ink argues back from where she stood.
'And your still bad at that!' Wyvern argues back.
"I'm not!" Ink argues.
'YOU ARE!' Wyvern shouted back at her.
"I see....." Oda mutters so the whole story is true then. Given the situation of this weapon destroying properties and....the killing of the cursed spirits."
'And that too. I only appear if she calls me even from the moments she keeps forgetting to keep me with her so I'm not destroying everything. So.....her summoning me to kill those worthless things was on her..'
Oda said nothing else but he slowly stood up but even reaches to take Wyvern by the handle to pull it up. He looks to it even seeing his followers silent as he heads down from his now destroyed seat to van Ink.
She blinks when seeing him holding the sword given he was not trying to get out of his hand. "Woah! It's like Wyvern likes you too!" Ink laughed with a smile.
"....I'll admit your sword is....destructive yet powerful at the same time. I see why the reports are how they are." he said but goes to hold the sword out as Ink takes it.
"HEY DON'T ADDRESS HIM LIKE HE'S YOUR BUDDY YOU TROUBLING GIRL! YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS SHOULD BE EXILED FOR THE DAMAGE YOU CAUSED!" Zosuke shouted angry at Ink but Oda looks at him with a cold expression to hush him up. He tense seeing this that Zosuke quickly goes quiet bowing his head in sorry.
"..........You idiot.." Iku mutters seeing Zosuke now scared.
"S..sorry great Oda I was just-"
Everyone was quiet now.
"I will ask how you intend to pay for the damages miss Van ink. Given your sword caused a lot here. I'm sure you have some way to..pay for this?" he asked seeing Ink blinks while holding her greatsword.
"Ehhhh I can call my dad! I'm sure he can help with this! Oh yeah, Fosh too! Right fosh!? "she smiled seeing Fosh's pale expression from the damage seen.
"....Y..Yeah......" he said knowing they were going to be so broke after this. AGAIN! Seeing this, everyone gets up seeing the mess that Wyvern made.
"......If you do, then I guess we might have to leave you with a warning. Though..I advise being more careful with your weapon miss Van ink." Oda said.
"Uhhhh sure I can do that!" Ink smiled happily.
".......Then that works. If you do send something to pay us, my second in command Torahito will give you the info to do that. Is that alright with you?" he said seeing Torahito walk over still in shock.
"Yeah that works with me!" Ink smiled but Oda sighed to give a light nod.
"Then we have a agreement....." he said seeing it was going to take some time to fix all this but it was going to be fine..hopefully.
Later that day, the groups were leaving the area with Ink happily smiling.
"...You know at least we were not banished...but I will admit. The generals were pretty cute.." Hana giggled with Miko and Yuria sweatdropping.
"Seriously Hana?" Yuria said.
"What?? It's the truth!" she said. "They look so cool! It makes one wonder about them.." she smiled. Even Taz blinks hearing this while she was walking with her friends.
"Geez, that was scary...but Ink you really did some damage here though!" Daichi said.
"Yeah sorry about that! At times I can't control Wyvern at most! I'm sure he's sorry for it though! Right?" She saw the greatsword not talking. "Hey! You are sorry right!? "she said now shaking her sword.
"HEY DON'T IGNORE ME! YOU CAUSE THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!" she argued even with everyone else sighing and Hellmare chuckling seeing Fosh who was crying writing some payment off for this. Well, at least it wasn't worse.
Daichi sighed but he sees a text from Rioto telling him they were so sorry for the mess. The school will also help with the payment of damage.
"Well, at least it was not worse.." Yuji said nervous.
"Yeah but Ink please keep your sword with you next time.." Nobara said.
"Ehhh I'll try!" she smiled even if everyone else was walking back to the school. Even with the area in a mess right now thanks to that sword! Oh boy....it's something everyday huh?
But another mess and problem avoided thanks to the greatsword. This should be a memory they won't forget.
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the-silver-peahen-residence 2 months ago
||Demons always stick together||
Hi there. I'm going to try writing some random drabbles but I will say I'm doing more okay so I hope you are okay with another one. This is for my friend but the idea involves one of her Au鈥檚 for it. So, Lets get on with it.
~~Drabble short summary~~
It's been a few days since the recent attempts of kidnappings of the kids of the fractions. So they decided to come together for a meeting to try figuring a plan out. And to maybe push the event of training them. However, the kids were nervous about this but worried about one of their friends. How was Abi taking all this? Well, read to find out.
~Swearing might be present in this drabble
~Slight trauma memory will be present in this
~Angry demon parents will be present
~~Guests in this Drabble~~
The fractions like the DBT and others belongs to my friend @demon-blood-youths
While some of the fractions belong to me as well. This also goes for the devils since some belong to us both as well that might be mentioned in this.
~Young adults and Demon royals AU also belongs to Demon mun so everyone is young adults in this one and some are older teenagers. But you will see in the drabble.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please. Thanks for understand and enjoy.))
It's been a few days since the last attempt of kidnappers trying to take two of the kids again. However, they were taken care of but in a more different way. Right now, the parents were having a meeting about this but they were worried about their children.
"So that's what is going on right now. After all this, I think they are getting worse. Even that asshole Bradley is getting worse too. For now, they decided to talk about it. Even the grand devils didn't like what was going on.
'So what are you all going to do? How are our grand kids? Are they..' Ink sighed looking at her father along with seeing the other devils there. They were all worried about their grandchildren right now even after the scary events. However, they were trying to keep a worried yet angry Lyilu and Yen-Lo-Wang who was furious at this fools for harming and scaring the grand children.
"They are okay. Most of them were scared but they are alright. However, Jaron and Melinda are worried about Abigail and Benjamin after being taken last week." she said with eyes closed but Ink didn't like when others would try harming the kids and that included her own six little drakes.
"Right now, we are trying to figure out what we can do to work this out. However, we need to try to help them. We have to train them in using their powers to keep those jerks from trying to harm them." Maggie said even worried of her son. T-bone rubs her back worried of their son and yet he was angry deep because of it.
'We understand. Though, we can offer help if needed be. They are our little grand children to be sure they are safe.' Goa was silent but she was also furious with these fools after what happened to Rosa. She knew she was still upset about that and she was angry for who dares harm her little grand baby.
"Everyone, lets calm down. I know this is upsetting for everyone but we have to be there for our grandchildren and our heirs to insure they are safe. Like Ink said, we might have to train the children to help them so this won't happen again or to use it to hide." Fosh said worried about his and Mouse's little girl, Izzy.
'But for now, we should try to keep them safe and keep them calm. They are already scared thinking bad people are after them but they might think they are a danger and we can't have that.' Uriprayt mutters softly to the group seeing the parents quiet worried.
'Understand this, we are all worried about our grand children. Still angry about what happened and what they did right after. They should have never tried to harm the little ones but right now...we shouldn't have to have anything happen to them. That's why it's best to train them soon or when they are ready. It's best because we don't want anything happening to them...' Leonard said but he sighed to think about this with the other devils.
"Yeah, I think that might be best for now..." Vivi said while looking concerned for their daughter with Sai holding her hand to assure it was going to be okay.
'But right now, you should check on your children to be sure they are alright. I know you didn't want anything to traumatize them but even that happens in this life even with peace..' Vanity said to the groups seeing everyone quiet thinking about it. 'We will check on our grandchildren later on to insure they are safe...but you need to be with them for now...' he said.
"He's right......though, we will train them when they are more calm. Right now, they were still worried about this but knowing this they are worried.." Ink said to the others who was silent wondering.
"Though, where are the little ones?" Duke asked worried about his Nieces and nephews.
"Their in the main room......we didn't want to leave them alone but right now, they are resting up after." Ink said but she sighed, wondering of her kids. For now, they were nervous but maybe training is best.
~~~~~Meanwhile with the kids~~~~~
Everyone was getting some snacks from the guards of the six claw's grandfather. However, the kids were trying to stay calm or some trying to keep a calm conversation. However, one that was not wanting to talk was Abigail while was holding her baby brother.
After what happened, she was worried about what happened. She was also scared thinking if she did something bad. "......" Looking down at her little brother who was worried about her she only sees Ben reaching up.
"I'll be okay little brother..don't worry.." she said softly but she was not alright. She was taking it harder but she was a little one. Can you blame her?
The other kids noticed and was worried.
"Abi's been down after last week. I hope she's alright..." Mack said seeing the other kids look at him then to Abi. She still was upset right now but was looking and keeping her brother safe.
"...I can tell. I never seen her so down before...it's not healthy or maybe she's still worried about her power showing?" Airi was looking worried to her.
"It could be, Airi. I would be freaking out too if that happened to me too. Having to be face to face with scary people like that...but they were hurting her and Ben though.." Shiori said.
"Even so, those assholes are jerks even so!" Yuto said.
"True! Bastards think they know any better!" Brandon said. Even if the two were rivals, they were still willing to help their friends.
"We can understand that but again language you two." Rosa warns.
"Sorry.." Both Brandon and Yuto grumbles with arms crossed.
"Maybe right now we should try to help calm her down...she is our friend and it's not right for her to feel so scared." Atsuki mutters but he had his arms crossed to see the other kids thinking but they were nervous about what happened with them. These bad guys were really not helping even so.
During this, the other kids looked to one another but one named Kat looks to her but sighed. She goes to Abi.
"Hmm? Kat? Where are you going?" Ellie asked worried.
"Checking up on Abigail." Looking at Ellie, she turns to go to Abi to check on her. She gets to her friend, seeing the other sitting down with her baby brother who was worried about his big sister.
"...Abigail? You okay?" Kat looks to her but she didn't respond to her. "Abi?" she goes to reach for her hand to touch it.
"!?" Right away Abi felt her eyes wide to quickly stand holding her baby brother but Kat held her hand up. "Easy Abi it's me, Kat!" she said worried but that's when she sees it was to slowly calm down.
"It's okay. I was just checking up on you. How are you holding up?" she asked and yet, Abi didn't say too much hugging her baby brother. He was whining worried about her but it tells Kat she was not okay.
"...Seems like your not okay. D..did you wanna talk somewhere so you can calm down?" Kat wanted to help her friend but Abi only sighed to look at Ben. He keeps hugging her but she looks to the side.
"I see....Hold on." She carefully looks to Benjamin.
"Hey little man. Is it okay if I talk with Abi in private for a bit?" She asked as Ben blinks to look at her. "Don't worry, we won't be gone long....is it okay?"
Ben looks to Kat before he pouts to nod. Kat being careful takes Ben from Abi's arms but she goes to let someone else hold him. She explains she wanted to talk to Abigail alone so Rosa agreed to watch him.
"Thanks Rosa."
"Of course.." she said holding Ben. With this, Kat goes back to Abi but takes her hand so they can go and talk somewhere. They wouldn't be too far but goes to another playroom to talk. When getting there, they went to sit down while Abi sits on a giant dragon bean bag chair with Kat by her.
"Okay, we can talk. It's alright good to talk about this with someone, Abi. I just wanna be sure my best friend is okay."
"........I know...It's just......." she looks down at her lap but Abigail was worried.
"You still thinking about what happened last week?" she asked seeing Abi tense. Even remembering it was not fun. She didn't like that memory but it still scared her.
"Hey, don't worry Abi we all will be okay. Those bad guys won't keep getting away with this. Our moms and dads will be sure of that." she said.
"...I..I know it's just...it's still scary. That's never happened to us before but..these bad people are trying to hurt us or worse....I..I don't understand why they are trying to harm and kidnap us. We didn't even do anything...."
"...Yeah, I don't know why either. Mommy told me some people are not always going to be nice and are mean. Even some that did that are not safe to be around...I guess it's because we are demons....." she mutters.
"....M..Maybe but...still..it was scary. Even when that bad guy was hurting Ben and I.. I don't even know what happened..due to being so angry." she said.
"Didn't you say it was because of your powers? You do have your mom and dad's powers don't you?" she asked but Abi nods her head.
"Y...Yeah, I have both of them. Grandpa told me it was something that was passed on to me just like my other grandpa told me. I'm just..worried. I didn't know how but it was when I got so mad I....it just happened." she said looking down.
"I'm just scared, Kat. What if that happens again and...and I lose control of it? I am happy to be my parents daughter but..I don't want to be a danger to them." she said hugging her legs to her chest yet, Kat was worried to sigh.
"Believe me, it's not easy and it's scary true. But you shouldn't let it worry you. I know that won't happen." she said reaching to touch Abi's shoulder. She blinks to look at her but was quiet.
"I..It won't?"
"No. I remember our parents are going to train us to help us get used to our gifts. To learn about it. My parents are going to be helping me. So I know your own will do the same for you too. Right now, our parents are worried about us and I know your own is worried about you. I mean...you did see something scary and it was something you were not expecting to see." she said that Abigail looks down.
"Trust me, I know it's going to take a while to get used to getting rid of that view...but..that's why our parents want to help us." she said but Abi looks ahead again but Kat looks worried to hold her bestie to her side.
"I know this is scary right now..it's really scary for all of us. That's why our parents want to help us. Besides, we all went through being kidnapped..e..even me."
Abi blinks hearing that but looks to her in shock. "Wait..you were..." she sees Kat nod but looks ahead.
"I was kidnapped one night when my parents were sleeping in our home. Mom and dad didn't know but the guy made a lot of noise to alert my parents. They were angry seeing this but I saw that when both were worried I was taken. I went to a scary place I didn't know of and tried to get away but the bad guys kept trying to keep me. But my parents found me.." she said.
"But..i don't understand. How is this dealing with your gift?" she asked worried. Kat looks to her then ahead to sigh.
"Well, it was when that bad guy hurt me by trying to hurt me. My parents were furious but I lost it when seeing the guy hurting my parents. Then I snapped. I saw black flames surrounding me but I lost myself. My anger got to me that I well..changed." she said.
"Changed? So that means.."
To show it, Kat stood up to look at Abi before she shows some black hellish flames around her body but shows kitten ears and a tail made of her mother's flame. But their was cursed energy around her as well just like her father. This shocked Abi.
"Yeah; because I saw my parents get hurt...I became this. That's when I started hurting the bad guys in my rage burning them and all. However, I lost control of myself that both my parents had to do everything to calm me down. I got burns on my skin in result in that but passed out. Next thing I knew I was laying in bed by my crying mom who was worried. I was knocked out for three days. So when I woke up, she was happy and worried. Everyone else knew but daddy was happy that I was okay." She sighed but lets go of her power becoming normal again and sits by Abi again.
"You remember right?" she asked seeing Abi slowly nod.
"Y...Yeah, I was worried about my best friend I thought you were.."
"Yeah..I get that from everyone else but I was okay. I was tired yeah but after that, my parents wanted to help train me and will do so. I think your parents are worried about you Abigail. They don't want anything to happen to you and Ben. I know Ben will be trained in time but don't worry too much. Things will be alright... "she said and yet Abi looks quiet to rest her head on her friend's shoulder.
"..........So yeah, I was worried about my bestie too but don't worry....things are going to be okay Abi......." she said. "We will be alright." she said and yet Abi sighed to understand.
"I..I understand...."
"Yeah, but for now don't over think about it. Things will be okay. We are all going to watch out for one another.....nothing will break us demons apart." Kat smiled but she keeps her friend close hoping things will be alright. For now, it was okay in a way. The two kept sitting in silence for a bit before Abi breaks the silence.
"Hmm?" She looks to her friend but sees her hold her hand.
"Thank you..."
"Your welcome. We can stay here for a while till your ready to head back okay?" she said seeing Abi nod her head. So the two friends were there for the time but the other kids were hearing this worried. They will be sure to tell their parents later including Abi and Ben's parents. Right now in the future, the parents will train the kids but right now, they had to be sure they were alright first.
Being a parent comes first when it comes to caring for your little ones.
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the-silver-peahen-residence 4 months ago
BOLD YOUR MUSE鈥橲 PREFERENCES: food edition! ( repost, don鈥檛 reblog! )
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Cake or Ice cream?
Sweet or Spicy?
Potato Chips or French Fries?
Seasoned or Bland?
Cookies or Brownies?
Salad or Pizza?
Turkey or Chicken?
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?
Sour or Bitter?
Homecooked or Takeout?
Hot or Cold?
Beef or Pork?
Chocolate or White Chocolate?
Fruit or Vegetables?
Soft or Hard Shell Tacos?
Tea or Coffee?
Stuffing or Mashed Potatoes?
Cake or Pie?
Fresh Ingredients or From The Can?
Tagging: @demon-blood-youths (Whoever you wish to pick from your main or the other blogs) @within-the-resort @multimuse-citadel @the-archetype-of-civilization @wolfmaster1992 @watchfxrthefangs and others that wishes to try this
Tagged by @ask-the-monster-nest (Thank you for the tag)
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the-silver-peahen-residence 3 months ago
||The Snow ball wars: New challengers||
*Waving* Good morning, Peahen mom here. It's that time once again with another drabble to include to the snowball wars!. Time for part 3. Lets see what it goes hmm? If you wanna read the previous ones, their at the bottom:
Snow ball war: First year
Snow ball war: Rematch
((You are reading part 3 right now))
||Drabble Summary||
Winter has come again with another layer of snow covering NYC. So this would mean the snow ball wars has begun. Once more the fractions have come together for another battle royal to claim the title of snow ball champion. However, it seems new contestants have joined this year. Who are these new faces? Read to find out.
No warning but crazy silly fun. This is a snow ball fight after all
~~((Guests in the Drabble/Looooong list))~~
The Fractions in NYC (Some belong to@demon-blood-youths Kinie Ger also belongs to her as well and @lovelyxhorrors and some of the fractions involved belong to me)
Daichi and Eito belongs to @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Sukuna Ryomen, yuji itadori, nobara kugisaki, megumi fushiguro come from the anime jujutsu kaisen but their also muses I rp with.
My Canon Muses ( Midoriya, Bakguo, Rin, Ren, Atsushi and Denji )(Belongs in their anime/manga but also me due to rping as them as my muses))
Chuuya Nakahara, Gin Akutagawa, Jun'ichir艒 Tanizaki, and Ryunosuke Akutagawa is From and belongs to the animated serious BSD (Bongo Stray dogs).
Davion belongs and is from the hit series: DOTA: Dragon's blood but he's also my muse due to me rping as him. Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Their will be grammar mistakes on here but just a heads up. This was written for fun. With that said, I hope you like it.))
It's that time once again as snow comes down during another holiday. Yep; the Snow ball wars has returned once more. The familiar chaos and insane moments have appeared seeing familiar forts with snow balls flying everywhere. However, this year The cursed Vixens still remain champion of this war. Maybe this year someone till claim that title.
Though, it appears we might have some new Challengers this year.
"HA! TAKE THAT YOU DAMN EXTRA!" Bakugo Katsuki, part of the six claws shouted seeing another demon strikes down by one of his exploding snow balls. Ren, Rin, Izuku, Denji, and Atsushi blinks to see this wearing winter wear but sighed.
"Bakugo, we told you not to over do it with your exploding snow balls. I get this is a snow ball war but still-"
"Oh shut up I know what I'm doing! This is WAR Rat tail! Besides, we need to fight to defend Ink and whatnot!" he shouted that Rin's eye twitched hearing that.
"I get that..but didn't I tell you before...." he said now getting in Bakugo's face. "DON'T CALL ME A RAT TAIL, YOU EXPLODING ASSHOLE!"
"Guys....focus were still in battle right now." Ren sighed deflecting some snow balls that was aimed at him before the witch got hit with a giant snow ball thanks to Atsushi who was given a now by Ren and nods back. "Besides, this is going to be a challenging one given new faces." he said seeing more craziness out there.
"Huh, So this is a snow ball war huh?! This is really cool!!! I wasn't expecting to be invited to one!" Matt Knack, leader of the Lovely Horrors were wearing winter wear hiding in their snow fort throwing snow balls and trying to tag out whoever they can get. He heard that the fractions here in NYC had this a few times this year but Ink invited Matt and his fraction to join in on the fun. Even Ethan was here with his team and Willow as well. He saw Ethan slicing some snow balls away before sending a great gust knocking down one fort to get one fraction out.
"This is going to be so much fun!" he laughed.
"Matt, I know you are excited but shouldn't we focus on the war? We might end up getting knocked out if your like this." Ryunosuke chuckled but threw another snow ball hitting a fraction leader as the team screams being buried in snow.
"Right right sorrie Ryu." he pouts seeing his team showering snow balls everywhere!
"I think I am enjoying this. Even with the cold and wet snow, it could be pretty nice." Shrika snickered seeing Willie droping more snow on another fort knocking a team out.
"True, though...shouldn't we worry about the cursed Vixens?" Chuya said throwing a snow ball while standing by Sid who was using the multiple arms throwing ranges of snow balls over and over.
"It seems they are still at a advantage. We just need to think of a way to get to them." She said ducking a snow ball and throwing it knocking one out.
"And how do we do that without being bombed by snow!?" Jason said but Gin threw one seeing it hit.
"We'll figure something out!" Matt laughed throwing out even seeing Yumeno helping and Pete as well.
"INK WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING ASKING MATT TO JOIN US!? YOU SERIOUSLY MADE THIS AN ALL OUT WAR!" Ink blinks hearing Kali shut from her fort with her team being gunned down.
"What?! I wanted everyone to have fun this year! So I think everyone should join. Even some of our allies too!" she smiled ducking from a snow ball as her fraction; the DBT was throwing snow balls and Navarro firing snow bombs hitting some targets.
"Besides, we are trying to see if we can take down the champs remember?! Second, wasn't it YOUR idea to add new comers once in a while?" she pouts that Kali's eye twitched annoyed.
"I know I said that but I wasn't expecting you to do this you idiot!" she shouted only to duck from more snow balls.
"But hey, the idea worked!" Ink laughed happy even with Shdwkyz throwing some snow balls but saw Terry breaking some snow balls one tried to throw at him before seeing Maxie or Cat for short, throwing some to knock one down.
She did look up seeing her cousin Davion in the sky, air bombing who he can. Even with him being a dragon, the cold was also in his favor since he can stay warm no problem. He smirked taking aim before throwing another one taking down another snow fort showing that one showing a white flag.
"Their goes another one." he chuckled now flying around trying to take down more. Rust saw but he grins. He knew Davion would have fun in this snow ball wars. He was taking out more and more targets than expected.
"Isn't this cool! It's really nice that Ink and her friends invited us to this war event! I wasn't expecting something like this." KIsho or Daichi Phoenix was wearing his normal wear having some winter outfits out with Eito chirping seeing the wave of snow balls, snow, magic, fire balls, etc. Flying everywhere.
Though Yuji, Nobara, Megumi, Hana, Yuria, and Miko was shocked seeing such chaos.
"And here I thought or work was crazy. This is nuts!" Yuji said. "Though, at least my panther is having fun. I heard she and her fraction are still the champions." Yuji itadori was excited even seeing his girlfriend in a snow fort in the middle of the battle field laughing evil like taking out forts left and right.
"Yuji? Maybe you should focus because if we don't we'll end up being covered in snow." Nobara said pulling at his cheek as he winced.
"OW! But I am! You can't blame me for wanting to have fun here!" he said only for Nobara to pull harder.
"Don't throw your sass at me you idiot! DX"
"GUYS! We are in a war right now! We need to focus here!" Kisho said even seeing that Taz was joining them this year. True, her team was doing something but given the situation they were also visiting for the holidays before heading back home later.
"Maybe we can try some plan before Jinx comes up with another plan to take everyone out? She did that last time when I was here." Taz pokes her mitts together even Kinie remembers.
'Yeah, she was a monster even through that.' she hissed.
"Oh come on Kinie, it was fun though-"
'WE ALL GOT BOMBED WITH SNOW, PUP!! HOW WAS THAT FUN!? I SAY WE STRIKE WHEN WE CAN AND STOP HER BEFORE SHE TRIES IT THIS YEAR!' Kinie shouts making Taz wince hearing her mad. Yeah she still remembers that.
'Wait...how bad was she last year!?' Sukuna didn't know this but Megumi sighed.
"From what we were told from Ink...she leveled the area twice winning the two last wars...but she's determined to win this one." he said.
"Yeah, isn't she amazing!?" Yuji said happily.
'Brat focus!! You can be all lovey dovey AFTER WE DESTROY HER!'
'We'll have to beat her this year! True we are alright right now after taking out more of the weaklings we just need to get to that monster's fort and take it down!' Sukuna said.
"Hey be nice Sukuna!" Yuji said.
'Oh shut up brat! I get she's your girlfriend but this is WAR! and if you saw what she's done so far, you would agree with me!!!'
"Can't you be nice and just not think about her being a monster!?" Yuji said now arguing with Sukuna. The others sweatdrop seeing this.
"O..Oh dear.." Miko mutters even if Hana was giggling finding it a little funny. Yuria shook her head but she's used to this by now.
"This is perfect! Even with everyone and the new guests! This war is really crazy right girls!?" Jinx standing was holding some snow even thanks to the snow that was made. Melinda was throwing more out using her physic powers destorying another fort seeing it was Fin's.
"We got another one out!"
"GOD DAMN IT!" Fin shouted seeing his fort destroyed.
"FIN NO!!" Winter saw this but she looks seeing this. "You'll pay for that Jinx!" she said holding some snow above her head before Jinx smiled.
"Sorry, it is war! Oh yeah, look up!"
"Huh?" She did to see a huge snow ball to make her pale. "Oh darn it-" The snow ball was dropped hitting Winter and seeing it crashing into Rex's fort. His fraction was out.
"REX!!" Kali saw this even the DBT. Yeah, Jinx was going all out this year! She saw Rex and them pop their heads out showing a white flag. They were indeed out.
"Stand down! You'll never beat the cursed Vixens! NEVER!!" Jinx laughed evil like enjoying this snow ball wars. Even her team was still keeping up the snow balls raining down or some trying to stop them. More fractions stood their ground but got taken down. Even with the war going on for a few hours they were still going at it.
So far, more and more forts got knocked down even seeing Joshua and Ashley's get knocked down. The two fractions were covered in snow again.
"D..d...darn it!" Ashley squeaked even seeing Joshua dizzy from the pile of snow. Seems they were out this year.
"Come on, come on, come on!" Yuuka was trying to have Maxine bomb the vixen's snow fort but the back wall was still being worn down.
"Any luck Maxine!?" she said.
"No! I am close to breaking it down then we can try a sneak attack!" he said seeing the others trying to bring it down. They just had to knock it down before-
"Hey! what are you guys doing!?" The snakes blinks seeing Echo aiming a snow rocket launcher at them seeing them tense. "Uhhhhh..."
"Heh, nice try though." Echo said before firing the snow bomb as it hits Yuuka's snow fort. The whole thing explodes taking them out.
"Yuu!!" Oblivion saw this seeing another fort taken down. Even Ink saw that.
"Wow they really are going all out this year. That was new!" Ink said.
"Kali watch out!"
She blinks to look only to see another snow ball crash hitting her teams fort. They were out. Her fraction's heads pop out covered in snow but Kali's eye twitched.
"......Well, that was something right Kali-"
"DAMN IT ALL NOT AGAIN!" she shouted even with little Alex laughing thinking this was cool. He loved snow ball wars.
~~~~A few hours later~~~~~
More of the fractions were taken out even some of the guests. The sorcerers were out due to a failed plan that they tried. Jinx had them buried in snow.
Eithan and Willow's fractions got knocked out even with the leaders dizzy and covered with their team in snow.
Guam and Matt's fractions were out even with Matt saying how fun it was. Even with Chuya swearing his head off. They should have won but...their was always next year.
So the only ones remaining was the DBT once again, the six claws, Davion, Terry, and Maxine. Right now, it's them against the Vixens who was ready.
"Okay we just need to find a way to attack them without trying to do anything else. So, maybe we can figure something out and-" That's when a snow ball hits Davion out of the sky with Maxine and Terry wince.
"Ohhhhh that was a hit." both said.
"Davion!!" Rust saw but saw the vixens were still above with Jinx laughing. However, this got Jinx smiling. "Come on guys! You can't beat us! We will win this!" she snickered seeing her fraction ready.
The DBT with the six claws were seeing this. It was going to do something or they will win this year.
"We will take you down Jinx! You won't win this!" Terry said but Jinx smiled.
"Then try to stop us! We will win this year once more!!" she laughed evil like but Yuji heard.
"Still...best..girlfriend ever!" he said dizzy.
'Brat shut up!' Sukuna said angry even if they lost.
"Uhhh anyway..." Ink said. "We will be sure to take you down demon sis!" she smirked even with Jinx giggling.
"Then show me sis! Let me see what you got!" she teased happy.
"Bring it on!" Ink said.
'...I think we were ignored..' everyone thought with a sweatdrop. Though the six claws were still seeing this but Ren noticed something.
"What's wrong Ren?" Atsushi asked.
"Where's Bakugo?" he asked seeing that everyone looks left and right.
"That is true. Where did Bakugo go?" Izuku asked confused. However, they got their answer when a explosion was heard. This made Ink and Jinx blinks.
Jinx looks down seeing some explosions but heard her team shouting. "Guys!"
"Jinx, Bakugo is inside the fort! He's inside the for-" she heard Mouse shouting but saw him throwing snow balls at her seeing her knocked out.
"Mouse!" Melinda saw trying to throw snow balls at him but he saw that he only throws more that it knocks Melinda out. The others tried to stop him but he was laughing evil like blowing up the fort more and more that The DBT and the remaining Six claws sweatdrops seeing the destruction he was throwing.
"HOW THE HECK DID YOU GET IN MY FORT!" Jinx shouted now going to fight him as the team was hearing the explosions and both the two shouting.
"..Should..we do something?" Ophelia said.
"I don't know if we can." Shdwkyz said but the team wince hearing more explosions and Bakugo's laughing. Yeah, seems he was going all out on this.
"Knowing him, he might end up doing something.." Rin said.
"And what would that be-"
Suddenly the fort exploded as snow goes up in the air thanks to a explosion. The DBT's eyes widen in shock along with the six claws. Even Terry and Maxie was shocked.
In the giant snow pile, Bakugo was standing but he was laughing. The Vixens were knocked out dizzy even with Jinx as well. "WE DID IT! WE WON THE SNOW BALL WARS! IN YOUR FACE!" he said even if Jinx was too dizzy to answer.
The others sweatdrops seeing this.
"Bakugo, didn't you go a bit over board-"
"SHUT UP DEKU! I DID IT FOR INK!" he shouted even if she blinks.
"Nevermind. -_-" Ren sighed with arms crossed seeing the war has ended claiming the DBT as this years new snow ball wars champion.
~~~~~~~~~Later that evening~~~~~~~
"I can't believe it! We lost our title!" Jinx pouts even if everyone was enjoying some hot food and some hot cocoa.
"Well, this means the DBT wins the title since Bakugo did it for Ink of course." Mouse said even if Bakugo was happy though, Ink blinks as she looks.
"I didn't know he was going to do that. But..it's something I think." she said.
"Even so, I did it for our Ink so take that all of you!" he said pointing to everyone though they remain quiet to sigh. That's Bakugo for you. Kali shakes her head even if she was looking annoyed. Though, Rex pats her back while knowing she did her best. The same for everyone else.
"You know, we did want to thank you guys for inviting us this year. It was fun!" Hana smiled seeing the sorcerers nod agreeing.
"No problem! Your always welcome to come back again for another if you want!" she said.
"You bet!" Kisho smiled seeing the others agree. Even with Megumi not admitting it. It was fun; really fun.
"That goes for everyone else. Your all welcome to come back again but if not, were always here!" Ink said smiling seeing everyone cheering. Jinx smiled even if her fraction lost the title she was happy with the results.
"Though, good job on the win guys. I hope next year is even more crazy!" Jinx giggled.
"Yeah. Here's to another war!" Ink cheered seeing everyone hold up their hot chocolates with a smile. As the snow comes down, seems another fun winter has been successful.
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the-silver-peahen-residence 8 months ago
||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 19: A small curse terror||
Hi dears. I just got another idea for this so have another chapter. It was funny in my head so I hope you like it. Please enjoy part 19.
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapter 1-9||
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
((Your reading chapter 19))
||Drabble Summary||
It's been some time after Kisho brought back the little Possom like Raccoon curse spirit to the school. However, it seems things have gotten a bit bad after he did. What chaos has this little curse brought? read to find out.
~A little curse brat
~lots of yelling and cursing
~destruction might be present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya, yuria niguredou nd Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
"So Taz, how have you been so far? We heard your still growing stronger by the day. We all still do miss you but we hope your well." Taz Hellion was speaking to her leader from the DBT: Van Ink the dragon. She's been doing the daily check up today seeing her in her dorm room.
"Hi Ink and I miss you too. I've been alright and still getting stronger by the day. Though, we are just having another day off though due to some things." she laughed a bit while sitting on her bed to look at the screen.
"Ah, I see. Well, knowing how training has been I believe that. Though, has anything new happened with you and the others?" she asked as Taz thinks about it.
"Hmmmm, not really. Though, some things have happened." Taz explains before she looks seeing a baby quoll near by rolling on it's back. The same one that Taz summoned when she became a toddler. However, their was another curse that was curled up in her lap happily.
"Uhhhhh wait, what is that?" Ink noticed to see the Possum racoon curse. However, she blinks to pet his head to smile.
"Oh this is Charlie. He's a curse that Kisho and Megumi found when on a mission. He tends to be a grumpy pants but he's not too bad." she said while petting him. The baby quoll nuzzles against her hand too as she was petting both of them.
"Wait..Kisho and Megumi found him? Though, he don't seem like a grumpy pants.."
"Trust me, he is. He tends to be a trouble maker." Taz said with a sweatdrop. But maybe she can explain.
"So yeah! I figured if we bring him back we can teach him now to be nice!" Kisho was speaking to the others even the Principle Yaga who was seeing both Megumi and Yuji scratched up all over while Megumi was doing his best not to be angry.
"Uh huh........and your telling me this how? I thought the curse was with them during the time-"
"Lets just say we found it during the time we were shopping for Taz and Yuji. But Kisho figure it was a good idea to go and bring it back." he explains to see Yaga sigh.
"Please Mister Yaga. I'm sure he can be nice..." Kisho said only to see the curse hiss and hops on his face scratching his face again. Kisho screams in pain trying to stop it.
"........" Nanami, Yaga, and Gojo blinks to hear this but they were unsure on how this curse will be good. With a sigh, he looks to him.
"Fine. I guess you can prove it. You boys will just try to make our 'guest' welcome. Just....keep it out of trouble." he said.
"R..right.." Megumi said seeing Kisho rolling on the ground trying to get the curse off his now scratched up face.
"Oh wow. So that curse named Charlie was like that?" Ink asked.
"Yeah but he don't mean to. Though, he seems to be friendly with the girls instead of the guys." Taz said still petting his head seeing the baby quoll now sleeping in her lap too.
"Charlie was either very scared when being found or maybe he was just unsure on what to do."she said but Taz keeps holding both curses to her.
As soon as Kisho and Megumi was given the order to keep a eye on the curse. He already caused some chaos. From the first day, he's been always biting and clawing at the boys who would take turns to it but it was after Taz and Yuji were back to normal. At first, Taz was shocked hearing this even Yuji was too when hearing this. But more when seeing the little curse.
"Why are you two so scratched up?" Nobara said but Kisho sighed.
"You don't want to know-Ow!"
"Sorry!" Miko said trying to put some medicine on the scratches of his face while holding a bottle, a cotton ball with tweezers.
"Well, even though you guys look like a mess..." Nobara sighed. "Though, has the little guy gotten used to his new home?" she asked.
"..Eh...in a way.." Kisho said remembering it shredding his clothes, trying to bit Eito. Their was times it sneaks off causing problems like attacking Megumi while he sleeps or jumpscaring. To Yuji being bitten and him scratching at his face. All Sukuna would do is laugh.
"Well you guys have got to try being more nice to it or...him?" she said.
"Well, it's more like a monster if that's the right word!" Megumi said annoyed with this curse hearing it hiss at him but he saw it glare at him before seeing Megumi holding him.
"Besides, we wouldn't have to worry about him if he stops biting me and the guys." he said poking his nose seeing veins showing till it chomps down on his hand. "OW! YOU FUCKING LITTLE-"
He sees him jump from his hands right into Taz's arms as she blinks to hold it. He hisses angry at Megumi, Kisho, and Yuji but nuzzles happily against Taz.
"Uhhhhhh....he seems to like you...." Miko said to Taz.
"HA!?!? THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Kisho said.
'Wow, I can't believe you brats are so scared of a little thing. You call yourselves sorcerers?!' Kinie said laughing at the boys even if they look to her trying to not say anything.
"You don't get it Kinie that THING hates us!" Yuji said.
'Yeah, no kidding!' she said bursting out laughing.
"I..I don't know how he likes me. I just met him.....but he does look cute." she said seeing him now trying to be cute before it looks to Nobara wagging it's tail.
"Huh, she's got a point. He looks more like a little kid than most." she even reaches to scratch it's head hearing a happy trill from it's throat. It even wraps the tail around her wrist hoping for more.
"You...that fucking little-"
"Easy Megumi, easy." Kisho said nervous seeing him wanting to destroy that little beast.
"How can I!? Why did you think bringing him back was a good idea!?" he said grabbing Kisho by the shirt who yelps.
"I thought he would be added as a new member like Wilson!" he said in a panic.
"SERIOUSLY!?" He said only to see the cruse being petted by Nobara, Taz, and Yuria. Miko was just done with fixing Kisho up before seeing the curse hop and lands in her arms. She squeaked seeing him nuzzling her cheek.
"H..hello there little guy.." she said being carefully while even Eito, Wilson, and Anaconda was curious he only keeps being happy with the females but he seems to be alright with them too.
'Oh this little jerk!' Kisho thought only for him to still be admired by the girls. He even walks over to glare at it. "How come your so nice with them and not us!? Why be a little brat!" he said only for the curse to hiss and chomp down on his hand again.
Kisho twitched only to yelp out in pain from the bite as he rolls on the ground from the pain. Megumi and Yuji sweatdrops even seeing Eito looking at him with a deadpan expression.
"Now now, I'm sure he didn't mean it.." Yuria said.
"Oh he did! I'll get you for that!" Kisho said with tears in his eyes even if the curse hisses at him but goes to nuzzling Taz happily calm again.
"I..I think we should give him a...a name right?" Miko asked seeing the girls agree.
"Hmmmm..true. So...what should we name him?" Nobara asked.
"....How about Ross?" Yuria said seeing the curse shaking his head.
"Mark?" Nobara said seeing him shake his head.
"..St...steve?" Miko said seeing him shake his head. Taz thinks a little but she blinks to look.
"How about Charlie? Is that okay?" she asked to see him blink but nod as he goes to hop in Taz's arms to lick her cheek. She blinks holding him.
"So Charlie hmm? Alright then, we'll call you Charlie!" she said as the girls were happy. However, the boys were shocked seeing this. That sneaky little punk got the girls to love him! However, when doing so, he shows a snickering grin from the girls to the guys who was seething right now.
"Ohhhh now I get it. Wow, he must cause a lot of trouble around don't he?" Ink asked.
"Hmmm, In a way but he's not bad. He's just a little curse. It's just like Wilson when he was taken out due to be cursed. So I think Charlie will be fine. The other shikigami get along with him. I don't know why he don't get along with big brother and the others though." she mutters wondering about it.
"Well, I'm sure in the future they will get along. I do want them to be happy even with this little guy. Mr. Yaga already made a cute plush for him too so it means he's part of the family now!" she smiled looking at the two sleeping shikigami.
"Speaking of them, where are the guys?" Ink asked.
"Ehhhh they said something about doing some cleaning work around school. I'm sure they will be done before lunch later." she said. This made Ink blink wondering what happened but she gets the feeling it involved Charlie.
Meanwhile with them, they had to clean the classroom due to Charlie's rage so they were cleaning it up before Megumi was brushing something away.
"You know, maybe it was a bad idea to bring him here.." Kisho said only to get bonked on the head hard by Megumi leaving a swollen lump. "OW!"
"He's right. Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. I'm sure he will be nice....if we try." Yuji said. Moments later, Yuji and Kisho were running out of the classroom with bunnies chasing them.
"COME ON MEGUMI!! WE WERE JUST SAYING!" Yuji said scared as he ran.
"GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE!!" He shouted chasing them as Kisho and Yuji runs off screaming for their lives. However, they will be sure to finish up the cleaning and maybe think of a way to get better with knowing Charlie. Maybe.
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the-silver-peahen-residence 7 months ago
||From Cage to Leash (Weekend Break)- Sunday Morning||
Hi dears. Peahen mom is here and I'm going to add a chapter to this is OVA of Cage to Leash. This is a drabble OVA series that @demon-blood-youths started.
It's a prequel to An Officer's Corruption, a story that I started but we both add more chapters as the series goes along. If you wanna see where we are or wanna catch up, the chapters are down below.
||OVA chapters so far||
OVA Part one
OVA part two
OVA part Three: Friday Morning (part 1)
OVA part Four: Friday Evening (Part 2)
OVA part five: Saturday Morning
OVA Part six: Saturday Afternoon to night
((Your reading Part Seven: Sunday morning))
||Drabble summary||
After that night, Kisho was punished and yet he was now sleeping peacefully. It seems it was now Sunday morning or the final day of the weekend. Now comes the curious idea of what will happen today? Does Yuji have any plans for the two since Megumi is also off today? Read to find out.
~Mature Themed is present in this
~Dark theme is present in this chapter
~Death will be present later on in drabble
~light nsfw is present in this chapter
||Guests in this drabble||
Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Sukuna Ryomen belong to and is from from JJK. Their also belong to me due to rping them as muses.
While the OC named Kisho Hashimoto from @chunibyo-x-sorcerer. This is a side blog and Kinie Ger that belongs to @demon-blood-youths
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please. Also as I warned: This drabble series is a crime!au. Meaning it's heavily mature with violence, blood, death, etc. It also does contain heavy sexual themed content. If your under 18, please don't read. Thanks for understand and enjoy.))
The sun rises slowly in the horizon during this Sunday morning with everyone being asleep or up going off to their jobs or morning jogs. Yuji was one of the people that was doing a morning jog today as he was doing some laps around the area before heading back.
He was still wondering of what he could do today since Megumi is off today and KIsho were still asleep in bed or his bed. Both his little bird and puppy were so cute when they sleep so he would let them sleep before he would head back.
He did however get told by his older brother Sukuna that everything was fine now. The punks that tried to take him out were finally gone and no one would miss them. That and someone sends letters to the Q's families telling them their disappearances were a accident.
For now, he got his big brother on the phone using a ear piece to talk to him as he was doing his jog.
"So what did you want to ask me Aniki? I figure you wouldn't be up this early. Did something happen?"
'No, just checking up on you after yesterday. I have to be sure your alright even so.' Sukuna sighed while standing in his bedroom but he was looking out during this morning. Drinking some coffee while seeing someone walk in setting down some files.
"Hmmm, I see but again, I'm alright Aniki. Thanks for checking up on me though. Your a wonderful big brother." Yuji smiled even if Sukuna sighed on the other line.
'Thanks brat. Though, I know school starts for you again tomorrow but just be sure you have a good one but enjoy your Sunday. I get the feeling you will even so." Sukuna mutters but as he saw his secretary about to leave he stops her as she blinks to look at him. He moves one hand to pet her head as she blinks confused yet the pets were nice.
'However, after yesterday it seems I might attract more enemies but I'll be fine. However, you keep on you guard. I don't need you being sent to jail for bullshit alright. I figure things will tone down in a while so just keep that to mind..' he said as the other woman was now nuzzling up into his chest but showing glowing yellow eyes with the orange marks seen on both sides of her cheek, on her arms and legs. She has white lines on her back and around her neck even with her relaxing to Sukuna's touches.
"Ohhhh I get it but don't worry I'll behave. I know school opens up again tomorrow but I will be sure to enjoy my Sunday with Kisho and Gumi. But won't you be busy with meetings today since it's Sunday? Don't most be going to those types of things?"
'You could say that but I'll see what happens since it tends to change. I'll figure something out. I only called to be sure your fine and not being dumb..' he said but saw the other female flushed now while feeling the boss enjoying this moment before touching her cheek. She looked up at him not saying anything but a thumb runs across her bottom lip as she shivered.
'Anyway, I'll let you go. Just be sure you take it easy and no dumb stuff understand?' he said to Yuji who laughed on the other line.
"Yeah yeah, I'll behave. See you later Aniki!" Hearing this, Sukuna hung up the phone but sets it down while now focusing on the secretary in front of him. He now cups her face admiring her features even when he smirked.
"I told you would look cute in this." he said seeing the gown top with the black med skirt with black stockings and black high heel shoes.. She didn't speak, looking up at him. She's not used to wearing work fancy clothing.
"...T...thanks. I never wore anything like this before for you. I mean, even after taking this job-" That's when he pulls her close to kiss her on the lips. Her eyes widen from the hot feeling of his lips gripping his business suit but he only held her close to break it.
"Now don't worry about that. I told you before this is a private job. Others know it's a business and I still will be sure you get paid a lot for this position. You don't have to worry I'm a good man." he held her cheek again but Kinie said nothing as she was shaking now.
"Though, since this is a slow day..I could take this time to admire you in this...so how about it? Want to have a little fun today?" he asked now picking her up in his arms hearing a gasp as she was sat down on his desk. He held her waist looking at her but Kinie was blushing worse to grip the table.
"B..but your meetings....won't they be..." as she speaks, he leans in closer that he speaks against her lips.
"The meetings can wait till this afternoon...because I want to admire you, princess~" he whispered before kissing her again.
~~~~~~~~With Yuji~~~~~~~~~~
After ending the call with his big brother, Yuji sighed with a smile on his face. Seems his big brother was doing well this Sunday morning so that was nice. For now, Yuji would go and finish up his morning jog and head back to his precious two back home.
~~~~~With Megumi and Kisho~~~~~~
Kisho was still asleep while being held in Megumi's arms. The two were still sleeping in Yuji's bed though they were resting up after last night's events. Right now, the sun did come up a bit more that got Megumi to slowly open his eyes blinking twice. He saw morning has come then looks seeing a sleeping Kisho nuzzled up into his chest.
He knew last night was crazy but after the movies and such, it was not so bad. Being quiet, he gently pets Kisho's head seeing the other nuzzle up against his hand in his sleep. Geez, he's even cuter in his sleep. He knew Yuji was gone for his morning jog and would be back in a few hours but seeing Kisho like this was........cute.
He sighed not wanting to wake him but he carefully moves him to lay on the bed so he can get up and wash up for today. As he did try to move, something stops him.
".....M..Megumi..d...don't leave....stay here for another five minutes."
He blinks turning his head to see a sleepy Kisho just waking up. Seems he felt a bit cold due to the body heat he got from Megumi in a way. He sighed to look at him but pets his head.
"You want another five minutes hmm? I guess I can give you that." he said moving back into bed to lay down as Kisho moves close to him and rests against him. This made Megumi hold and pet Kisho's head as the two stay in bed for another five minutes.
They were quiet for a while till Kisho asked,
"Hey...I..Is my shikigami alright?"
"Eito. Is he alright?" Megumi blinks but remembers. His shikigami Eito that Nue had or was guarding after they first caught him. Megumi looks to him but keeps his hand on his head.
"Don't worry, he's fine and safe. Nue is keeping watch on him with another friend of ours that's helping out. She tends to be sure he's calm after what happened. But....trust me, he's safe and not harmed." he said simply.
"..S..so he's safe? He's not harmed?" he asked seeing Megumi nod. Oh thank god. He was safe! But he's with a friend he knew?
"Hold on, this friend...is she-"
"Trust me. She has her way around things. Even if she tends to be dangerous herself. She's working with Sukuna too but in another location away from here. Has a roommate with another named Maki and some other woman named Yuria. So yeah, they take turns helping with keeping a eye on Eito but rest assured he's safe." he said.
"...........I..Is their a way to see if he's alright..." he asked. He wanted to be sure before doing anything. Megumi thinks a little but he nods, reaching to get his phone and looks through the pictures. When he finds one, he shows it to Kisho. In the picture that was taken yesterday is Eito sleeping. He was wrapped up in a warm soft blanket with food mixed with cursed energy, water and a place to sleep. Someone was by him or keeping a eye on him while being sure he was protected.
"E..Eito..." Kisho sees the picture but deep down he was so happy he was safe. He thought something happened to him after Megumi's shikigami Nue took him away but turns out he was safe and well. Feeling calm again, Megumi sets the phone down before checking the time seeing five minutes were up.
"Now come on, lets get out of bed and get cleaned up for this morning...I can make something for us to eat." he said sitting up as Kisho slowly nods sitting up too. The two go ahead to get washed up this morning while wondering if Yuji would be heading back.
In a little while, Megumi was washing Kisho up in the bathroom as he made sure his hair was nice and clean since he's already washed his body from head to toe. Kisho's eyes were closed relaxing from the gentle scrubbing and washing on his body with Megumi making sure he's clean outside and in.
"You okay Kisho?" Megumi asked seeing him relaxing from the washing. All the other did was nod.
"I..I'm good. It feels nice though.." he said gently to him as Megumi understood before lowering his hands to rinse the suds off his hands. "Good to hear. Here, lay your head back. I need to wash the suds out of your hair." he sees him obey and keeps his eyes closed.
Megumi picks up the shower hose and begins rinsing the suds out of his damn wet hair. The soap washes out as he was being sure it was fully out while Kisho just remains still sitting in front of him naked. Though, seeing how precious Kisho was right now is effecting him a little even in this morning.
'Easy Megumi......just finish washing him up then get him out.' he thought before now rinsing off the soap from his body and being sure it's gone. He moves close to Kisho now helping with washing the suds off his body even with his hand slowly caressing his chest making Kisho twitch a little.
"You okay?" he asked.
"I..I'm fine. I guess my nipples are still a bit sensitive from....last night." he said trying not to blush. Hearing this, Megumi knew it was true. He figured that out after teasing them a bit that night. Now he was curious to tease them again.
"Still? Are they sore or just.."
"N..No, as I said; sensitive that's all." he laughed looking ahead but Megumi said nothing behind him after he sets the shower head down or back in place. "Uhhh Megumi? You okay?" he asked but got no response.
"Uhh...M..Megumi-?!" right away, Kisho tenses feeling two hands on his chest but was rubbing against the nipples making Kisho shake.
"H..Hey w..wait..I said their still...." He twitched closing his eyes feeling one nipple pinched and the other rubbed by Megumi's fingers. What was he doing? This early in the morning?! He panted feeling the touches and pinches that Megumi held him against his chest.
"Sorry sorry..I'm just being sure. Maybe massaging them might help with any soreness to them. I mean, they were played with a lot last night." he said now rubbing them as Kisho whimpers resting against Megumi's chest.
"P..Please w..wait..d..don't r..rub t..them..n..not now.." he begs but leans back feeling his hands massaging his chest and the nipples. Right away, he felt them get hard just by a few touches. Seems the little bird was right.
"Just relax. I'm trying to be sure your all clean." He said even when seeing Kisho shaking against him that he whimpers when his body reacted to the touches. Biting his lip, he lowers down now kissing his neck hearing a moan from Kisho this time.
"Still such a cute bird. Your nipples are so hard right now and they are even twitching. They were so cute to tease when being licked. I wonder if you would have had another dry orgasm if i nibbled on them." he teased but Kisho was shaking trying to stay calm but his nipples felt good all of a sudden.
"Nuaahhh...ahhhh..m..my ni..nipples...my nipples..st...still....."
"I know, I know. They must be. I did lick one and pinched the other. I bet even sucking on them would make you feel good won't it?" he said even seeing them get hard as Kisho was moaning again for him.
"Mmmmm.....You don't know how you effected me and Yuji so much but it's fine. That only means you'll be treasured very well. From here on out your both of ours now. I bet even the thought is making you happy..and even more happy down there." he slowly lowers his other hand down his stomach and goes behind pressing two fingers against his entrance feeling a twitch.
Kisho gasped from the slight touch but tries to move only to feel Megumi holding him while kissing his neck and shoulder.
"Ahhh...ahhhh....M..Megumi..p..please.....it's still...the nuggghh morning..please have some..mffm!?" that's when he got kissed by him as the two were making out in the bathroom. Kisho couldn't move but he only slowly returns the kiss back.
He even breaks the kiss to look at him. "Even now, your excited while seeing how cute you are..." he said against his lips wanting to eat him up again but Kisho was panting while looking at him.
"Shhhh.......it's not just that...remember?" he said but Kisho blushed red to look at him.
"S...sorry fushiguro s..sama.." he whispered in a soft tone, already turning him on but this made Megumi kiss him back while hearing a whimper from the bird.
Both Megumi and KIsho were kissing one another slowly while he keeps holding Kisho against his body to savor this feeling with him. However, he knew he couldn't stay in here that long knowing Yuji could be back soon. For a moment, Kisho feels Megumi break the kiss again panting softly as they look at each other.
"Lets get out and get dressed for today. I Know Yuji is waiting for us....little bird." he said seeing Kisho flushed again slowly nodding his head.
Finishing up, both head out after they washed up and was now drying themselves getting ready when Yuji would come back.
Around 8:20, Yuji did come back but he saw both his puppy and birdy awake eating breakfast. Another plate was waiting that shows it's for Yuji.
"Morning you two!" he said happily seeing Megumi look up and KIsho too.
"Good morning Yuji. I take it you enjoyed your run this morning." Megumi saw him walk over but sees him nod, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead. He did the same for Kisho who blushed then looks down to eat.
"I did. I hope I wasn't gone too long since you both were still sleeping. I figured I let you both have a nice time sleeping in since today is Sunday." he sits down smiling but saw the other two blink but looks down to continue eating.
"Though, did you both get all ready after you woke up?" Yuji asked.
"In a way. We stayed in bed for another 5 minutes before getting up and washing ourselves. Though, it was not too bad." he said even if he didn't tell Yuji what they did during that time.
"I see, I see. Well, I'm glad to see you both are good but now we have time to ourselves today! I already got some fun ideas we can try while we are enjoying this Sunday. Though, I'm trying to figure out which to do first." he said laughing.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Megumi said seeing how happy Yuji is. Even Kisho was looking at him.
"He's got a point. Maybe you'll think of something l..later this morning." he said.
"Hmm? I know and I will! You two will enjoy it I'm sure!" he said.
"Yeah, knowing you that's a promise." Megumi said as the three were eating breakfast. Though, from what the two didn't know Yuji did have some ideas for their play times and even more during the other weekends from here on out. He was excited that a smile still shows on his face. Looking at the two eating their breakfast but a lot more dirty ideas were lingering in the other's mind.
So many ideas indeed. He wasn't sure which one he should start with. After breakfast was done, Yuji smiled as he got up taking their plates when finished and goes to clean them.
"So I guess we are going to be spending time together. I am off from what I do so that explains much." Megumi said.
"Are you?"
"Yeah. But I'm sure we can figure something out on what we can do." he said to Kisho even if he was curious now.
"Now now you two don't worry about that. I already have some ideas on what we can do." the two looks to Yuji as he was still cleaning up.
"Do you?"
"W..what is it?"
"Now now, I won't say since it's a surprise. You'll just have to wait and see. " he finished up the dishes drying his hands but the two didn't see the hungry excitement in Yuji's eyes. However the two saw him turn around with eyes closed happy with that sunshine smile of his.
"So shall we just relax today? Lets do some things or watch some Tv." he said as the two didn't mind getting up to follow him but they had no idea what sort of fun game he had in store yet.
This was going to be one crazy sunday for them both.
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||饾惞饾捑饾搩饾挾饾搧 饾搶饾憸饾搰饾捁饾搱 饾捇饾憸饾搰 饾煠饾煝饾煠饾煡 饾捇饾搰饾憸饾搨 饾搲饾捊饾憭 饾挳饾捑饾搧饾搵饾憭饾搰 饾搰饾憸饾搱饾憭 饾惛饾搱饾搲饾挾饾搲饾憭 饾憖饾挾饾搩饾搱饾捑饾憸饾搩||
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((HI dears, I also wanted to say some final things as this year ends before 2024. This year has been one crazy year honestly even from being out there in the real world to being on here. So, I have a few words to say. If you wanna read, go right ahead.))
((This year has been....ehhhh, heard to say. Crazy, emotional, tiring, hard working, almost everything to say the least. Or maybe that's how I feel due to the hard long hours of work and stress due to family things and all that. But I hope next year is a bit more better for me and others too. Yeah, 2023 has had a lot of headaches and things though people keep going. Even from working, other people that are always there for your some you have to keep out of your life for your own health. But yeah, 2023...what a year.))
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((Though, I will say this. I'm really hoping and praying 2024 is better than this year. I will say I'm happy to have meet so many amazing sweet people here on tumblr. You all are my family that's been with me every day in spirit and heart. Some of you I follow but I am still so nervous to speak to you. I'm sorry for that. T-T I Hope I can still try to get better on that....))
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((But I do wish to thank a few of you for that. So here is a small list:
@demon-blood-youths Demon mun, I honestly am so so sooooo happy I have met you here on tumblr. You always make my day so much better even I had a bad day. Seeing that your happy always makes me happy. Even with our crazy muses too. We had so many crazy adventures writing threads involving them but I'm excited for more in the new year. Same with ships too. Lol But I will say thank you so much for being my friend. I really am happy to have you as part of my tumblr family and my cool friend. <3
@within-the-resort I know this years been a long one for you but I am always happy to have you as my friend here on tumblr. True, I was nervous at first to speak to you since I didn't want to be a bother but you are always so sweet and I always enjoy talking to you and knowing more about you. Even with our muses knowing one another, it's always so fun. So from me to you, thank you for being part of my life. Your amazing.
@the-archetype-of-civilization I'm always happy to have you as my closest friend. Your amazing and so sweet even if you are busy. But it's fine, we all are at times when real life gets in the way. I'm more happy to know your doing alright and staying safe out there during this time. I really hope your staying healthy, smiling, and being the cool dude that you are. I still miss hearing from you but it's still cool. Thanks for being a friend dear.
@ask-the-monster-nest My dear, their is so much I wanna say but it might not fit all in here so I'll make it simple. I wanna say thank you. Thank you so much for being my friend, thank you for always having my back, thank you for your kindness and always looking out for me. I"m so so sorry that I end up not sending you things (I blame my job T-T) but I'm always try my best to be here for you even when your sad or down. You mean a lot to me and your part of my tumblr family. Seeing you happy makes me happy, but seeing you down worries me but life is never always fair sadly. I always will cherish the memories we made with each other and even more in the new year. I will say thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me. You are amazing and I love you for that.
@kitxkatrp My dear, I wanna say thank you as well because your so sweet and kind and loving and just amazing. I hope this new year goes better for you. I Hope you know I always will have a place in my heart for you even when your so sweet. I love the chats and talk we do from time to time but it makes me happy seeing your doing alright even through this year. I hope that we talk more and do more threads together too. I really care and I'm happy that you are my friend. Love you lots. :3
@watchfxrthefangs I want to say I'm so sorry for not sending you things in the past. I'm still sorta nervous to talk to you. That or I think Tumblr has been eating my asks. ^^; but even so, I still think your amazing and so sweet. Everyone is so happy to see you here on tumblr. I hope we can do some threads in 2024 when I'm not such a scared little thing but I still wish to talk more with you. Hope your 2024 is the best.
@dark-hybrid-ninja I also wanna thank you for being there for me too. You always are so sweet and have patience with me even when I'm tired from work. I am going to try to do better with answering things but it's even so. Your still a wonderful friend to me and I always will cherish the moments you been here. Even with our muses being happy and living peacefully. So thank you for that my dear. Thank you so much.
@the-seduction-anon I still love our nice moments with one another even with our mises. Thank you for the memories and I can't wait to make more of them with you and your precious OC. Thank you for sending me things but I am sorry for not responding to some from message. I blame work for working me till I'm tired but I'm hoping to work on that. Anyway, thank you dear for being here with me and thank you for being my friend.
@sageofjustice You are sweet and amazing for being a friend to me. Even if we don't talk as much, your still important to me. Even with your precious OC Angel. I will want to thank you for giving me suggestions for trying out new characters and I still love them. So thank you dear and I hope you're 2024 is amazing for you.
@the-bloody-wolfy you know you were going to be added here. I wanna say thanks for being here for me too. You are always so sweet and caring. Even with your adorable OC's. I cherish all the threads and things we did. Even small talks were nice. I hope in 2024 I can hear more from you and hope your doing okay. Thank you for being part of my tumblr family. <3
@charmed-redemption I know we don't talk as much but I don't stop thinking about you and hoping your well dear. I will say this: I still cherished our threads together and talks when we have time or so. I just wish anons didn't ruin that but I still cherish them. I still love your OC Ryu he's still precious. I don't know but I do miss rping with you but maybe..just maybe one day..I might want to try again with you but....only time will tell. Till then I still will think about you.
@historias-multorum I wanna say thank you for being part of my tumblr family. I always enjoy seeing you on my dashboard and it's nice to read the threads you do. So many stories even through 2023. But it makes me happy to see your alright even when tumblr has become well...bleh. I know in 2024 you'll still keep making more and more in the future. I will say thank you for being here for me and sending things. I hope to do better in sending things back even when you do with memes that helps so thank you for that. I hope to do better in that in the new year. So thank you for the wonderful memories and I can't wait for more.
@realmofsoulsandshells You are also part of this too my friend. It was because of you I was told of Tumblr so you deserve the praise too. You were always my friend in the past and still is, even if we chat a lot on discord or on here. I hope to do better in sending things to you or checking on you. I know you been through things in 2023 but I hope 2024 is better for you. :3 I still love your OC's and characters you bring to life with your imagination but I hope to see more of that too. Thank you for being there for me. You are amazing. :3
@wolfmaster1992 I get the feeling 2023 has been a heck of a year for you. But I still hope you are doing well and 2024 is better for you. I still enjoy speaking and talking with you but I hope things are better for you. Always know I'm here for you my friend no matter what. Your still sweet and I still love your OCs that you bring to life. Thank you for everything and thanks for being here with me.
@verratensduo Thanks for being here for me too. You really know how to bring a smile to my face. With our small talks and other funny moments, I hope we can do more in the future in 2024 and forever. You mean a lot to me too and I'm happy to have met you. I hope for more silly fun and amazing moments together with you. Stay cool my dear!
@kaito-akimoto Oh right I almost forgot one! I will say I hope you are doing well this year dear and I'm hoping 2024 is good for you. I know you been busy during this year but life always makes everyone busy. I hope your doing okay. I still cherish our threads together and I'm hoping for more in 2024 or when you come back on Tumblr. I will say thank you for being another of my close friends and part of my tumblr family. I Hope 2024 is a great year for you. <3
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((Now for some final words: To new followers, I'm still a bit nervous with sending or asking you to try some threads but I'm working on breaking out of that. I'm sorry for not sending anything yet but I will. I hope you all will enjoy your stay in the Silver rose estate mansion. I can be a bit silly and weird but I guess that's how I am. *laughs* Anyway, this is a long post so I'm going to end it here. I wanna say before 2023 ends, I wanted to get this out to some but all of my followers and close friends that's been with me on this crazy journey.))
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((So from me, my muses and everyone else.....Thank you for following me and thank you for being part of my tumblr family. May 2024 be the better year. Love you all.))
With love,
饾挳饾捑饾搧饾搵饾憭饾搰 饾挿饾搳饾搲饾搲饾憭饾搰饾捇饾搧饾搸 饾搨饾搳饾搩/饾挮饾憭饾挾饾捊饾憭饾搩 饾搨饾憸饾搨
饾暫饾枩饾枔饾枈饾枟 饾枂饾枔饾枆 饾枊饾枖饾枤饾枔饾枆饾枈饾枟 饾枖饾枊 饾枡饾枍饾枈 饾暰饾枎饾枒饾枦饾枈饾枟 饾枟饾枖饾枠饾枈 饾暟饾枠饾枡饾枂饾枡饾枈 饾暩饾枂饾枔饾枠饾枎饾枖饾枔
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the-silver-peahen-residence 9 months ago
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((Okay to the anon that sent a message to me saying: "Death to all your OC's and others. Their just all Mary sues and Grey stus. Though, your cannon is cool." I mean I can only say.....))
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((I mean what the heck? If you don't like OC's then why did you even sent this? Second, if you hate OC's then you also must not like Cannon since their also OC's made by others too. *Sighs* If you don't like OC's then block me. Also, OC's are so cool. You don't know what your missing you know but....nevermind. Please don't send things like this again or better...just don't speak to me at all.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
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||An Officer's corruption part two||
Hi dears, I think I got another idea but it was something of a sudden idea. I hope you dears like it. :3 If you wanna read the first one, here is the link.
||Drabble summary||
Rust has figured something was up with the prisoner but now it seems he's gotten a lot more curious in the officer. Now, he's effected him differently. How did he do that? Read to find out.
~Heavy NSFW smut is present in this drabble
~Dom and Sub activity is present in this
~Possessive behavior will be present
~Breeding kink is present in this
~Biting with blood is present in this drabble
||Guests in Drabble||
Rust Knight belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Davion belongs and is from the hit series: DOTA: Dragon's blood but he's also my muse due to me rping as him.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Why? Why did this have to happen to him!? HIM of all people. Rust was trying to focus right now due to him being all nervous now after. However, he was distracted due to that night.
'D..damn that dragon. Damn him! What did he d..do to me? I can't stop thinking about that night..or that kiss...I can't......ughhhh I can't focus!' Rust was angry and annoyed right now and yet, ever since he couldn't think clearly.
Ever since that night, Rust has trouble sleeping but it was even worse. He started feeling hot and bothered. Even having wet dreams of him being taken by that monster. He would be asleep at the time tossing and turning even when he was flushed red.
'Haaaaa...st..stop...stop ple..please...please let me go...let m..mmmmm..' he would be talking in his sleep dreaming of him. Though, it's disturbing that it gets hotter and hotter. Until he snaps awake right when he would feel him bite his skin, kiss him, touch him. However, as soon as he sees him about to undo his clothes thinking of what monster cock hides in his prisoner pants he would wake up.
"!!!!" He would be drenched in sweat panting heavily with red blood eyes seen. his heart beating crazy gripping the sheets and his shirt. However, he would feel so wet tightening around nothing till he tries to calm down by pleasuring himself every night.
Every night after his wet dreams, his body aches for him.
His thoughts are full of images of his dreams.
Even feeling empty to wonder what it would feel like.
Rust was doing this over and over every night cumming at the thought of what that criminal could do to him. It was scary yet arousing at the same time. He was strong, built, pretty rough, and he could break him even if he begs him to stop. As he came this night, he whimpers feeling his cum stain the sheets falling back panting.
Right now, he was lost in thought in the main hall of the DBT police head quarters with his friends eating breakfast right now. Though, Ink was already gone with her own job checking and meeting with the six men at her own section. So Navarro was there to help before making sure things were alright.
At this point, Jaron noticed his behavior.
'I will have to be more careful around him tonight and from now on. I can't lose to him like this. I can't!'
"Rust? Hey, you alright?" Jaron asked snapping the knight out of it.
"Huh?! Wha-"
"You were zoning out. You alright?" He asked worried and yet Rust was quiet to sigh, covering his face.
"Yeah..yeah, I'm good Jaron no worries. I just..didn't get enough sleep last night." he didn't want to say why and yet, Jaron sighed to look at his friend.
"I see. Well, maybe something can help you sleep at night. It does with me when I'm on patrol late at night with officer brooks. Though, we work in the other side section so it's nothing of a big deal." he said but Rust knew. She was Jaron's partner so they work together a lot.
"Hmmm, well I just wanna be sure your good man. I know this is a lot even with a new prisoner to take in. However, you shouldn't worry. I'm sure things will work out. I mean, seems Sai is doing well with his own prisoner too. I heard he went through a lot.." Jaron explains but Rust blinks remembering.
Shdwkyz was busy due to the criminal but he said he was fine and would come back when he had the time. For now, it seems some were gone or already out. In a way, it was fine.
"Even so......"
"Look, just do your best today and tonight. It's fine." he said patting his back that Jaron sees Rust nod to him.
"Right, thanks Jaron. Good luck today on your patrol with Melinda."
"Thanks." he laughed before he drinks some of his orange juice and got up ready to head out getting the keys to his police car. Rust sees him leave before the others were getting ready to head out. For now, Rust was the last before he grips his fork.
'I have to beat him. I can't lose to him....' he thought even if he squirms in his chair, he still felt pretty heated thanks to last night's wet dream. He just hope he has enough strength to make it past this night.
With that said, he got up ready to go on patrol.
~~~~~~Later that afternoon~~~~~~~
"So you been distracted due to that prisoner huh?" Rust sighed hearing his other partner Breezy explain and yet, she was having her arms crossed after they booked a criminal today. He was looking ahead but she was worried.
"In a way..this guy is.. I don't know. Off. Even if he is a dragon demon he is pretty dangerous. I mean, he was a lot more.....flirty and it felt odd that he took a liking to me or whatever the hell it is. It's like he's-"
"Trying to claim what is his. Seems you became his own little..uhhhh special treasure Rust." she said even if he was shocked himself.
"It's true. I mean.....it's a possible choice..." she said but Rust said nothing worried but rubs his arm. Was that even possible. Breezy noticed this but sighed, patting his back.
"Believe me it's true though. Dragon demons are pretty open to what they want. But I hope you will be alright....just stay strong Rust. I know you can. Though, lets not worry about it. I just hope you be careful that's all I ask of you." she said to him but Rust sighed, closing his eyes.
"I'll try Breezy and yet.....didn't you say you have something to tell me besides that?" he asked seeing her think.
"Hmm? Oh, I'm going to be working with Vivi a bit more now due to the crime rise. So this means it's our last patrol for a while but we will be together again my knight." she said to him but Rust didn't know that. Though, theirs been word about some being switched around.
"Yes. I didn't like the idea but Mr. Henderson think that works. Besides, we will cover more of the area in our stations like that. But it won't be forever..I assure you okay?" she smiled to him even kissing his cheek. Rust blinks from that but held his cheek seeing her smile. In a while, patrol was over that Breezy had to head back as she waves good bye to Rust. He waves bye to her as well but as she was disappearing, he was nervous. That means tonight he would be at the prison again with....
Taking a deep breath, he prepares and hopes he can make it through the following nights. Rust did his best to stay calm as he did just working and focus on doing what he did. Making sure Davion had food to eat with something to drink. Making sure she sleeps or at least exercises at night or during the day. He was also given day watches too which was even worse.
Even through all that, Davion didn't like the idea of his knight ignoring him. Even when he got close encounters with him. Brushing his fingers against him and up his spine to hear that sexy shiver. Even almost teasing him showing he already effected him and yet he remains focused on his work.
It really was irritating that his knight was ignoring him. Just like today and later on tonight. As Rust sets his plate of food down, he turns to get the cup of water and walks back to him. As he sets it down....
"Why are you ignoring me, officer? Did I do something wrong?"
Rust heard him speak, knowing his eyes were looking at him now and yet Rust couldn't speak. Davion glares but he only looks to him. "I asked you something officer. Why are you ignoring me? Afraid I'll eat you?"
"....No, No I'm fine and nothing is wrong." Rust said simply to turn away from him. "I just been having trouble resting up because of this job. Though, it's nothing too serious for me. Even when it comes to watching over a threat like you." he said and yet Davion looks to the food then at the other.
"Is that so? If nothing is wrong then you clearly are not doing a good job at it. Something is bugging you my knight. You don't have to hide it from me." he said in his cell and yet, Rust looks away still.
"Again, it's nothing. Now, please eat and try to rest up after your exercises today." he said. "I'm going back to-"
That's when a growl was heard making Rust tense but he didn't turn his head to face him. Was he mad about that?
"Turn around and tell me that......If nothing is wrong, say it to my face." he said but Rust didn't say anything.
"Well?" he said but Rust sighed that he closed his hand into a fist.
"I told you nothing is wrong! So will you stop asking me already!? Just eat your damn food before you do something else!" he barked back at the dragon about to leave but that's when something grabs the back of his uniform and pulls him against the cell bars.
"Ah!" he tries to move but felt a arm around his waist and a hand holding his wrist. "Let go damn it!"
"You really are stubborn aren't you?" Rust heard the deep tone of his voice against his ear that Davion felt his struggling but he didn't let go. "Even so, you say that but you seem to be hiding something..you don't have to hide from me..I won't hurt you if your worried...or..maybe it's something else." he said.
"Theirs nothing wrong you ass h..hole. Now let me go!" he said struggling but Davion keeps holding him close even if it's against the metal bars. As he struggles that's when Rust felt Davion hold his head back.
"Don't. Lie. To. me. I can tell your hiding something..you smell like you are hiding something. Something that's itching deep inside of you, aching...I wonder if my officer has started losing his touch...or is it something else? What could you want?" he whispered that he sees Rust's ear flush red and him feeling the dragon's heated breath against his skin.
'N..No no no! I have to get away from him!' he screams but his body felt weak suddenly as Davion chuckled to quickly turn him around to look at him. He can see Rust's face was flushed red even if he was shaking. His body was reacting on it's own.
"Oh, what a cute expression.....you do want something..you crave for something......don't you?" he whispered pulling him close to lower his hand to squeeze his hip. Rust shook trying to move away from him and yet he was trying to snap out of it.
"But tell me...what could my knight want? What do you crave for right now?" he got more close almost ready to kiss Rust on the lips again as he slips his hand down to squeeze his ass. Feeling that made Rust snap out of it that he quickly shoves him back and rushes out of the cell area slamming the door. Davion sighed but growls annoyed.
'Keep trying to ignore it officer. I can tell what you want..You'll be back....I know it.' he thought but Rust was panting again sliding to the ground on the office but he shook where he sat but he didn't know he felt soaked down there feeling hot.
'N..No, please n..no. I can't submit. I can't...he was so close; way too close. I.....' he was trying to calm down but he looks down feeling hard now but the bangs of his hair was covering one eye with the other showing it being crimson red. The damn wet dreams, they made him like this. Even that damn kiss too.
He felt the need to feel better, to get rid of this feeling and ache. It was almost throbbing all over that he was gripping his uniform. He was looking down but as Rust tries to move, he tenses feeling something wet.
He felt some wetness staining his pants that his eyes widen. Did..did he cum just from that?!? Looking silent, he only calms down again.
"C..calm down...hhhaa please c..calm down..." he said to himself but he knew it was not going to work. For now, he'll have to take care of it soon. For now, Davion was growling knowing he was right and yet he looks to where the officer stood seeing a wet spot there. He must have came from being touched. Even now, the Dragon might have had a idea..but he'll wait later tonight. However, he claws the wall showing talon nails. He will claim what he desires tonight.
And it was later that night, Rust did leave to calm down after taking care of it before hand. He was alright but he was nervous now. He didn't know what that dragon will do but he will have to be sure he stays calm tonight. Seeing the building he only grips his bag while heading inside.
He goes in to see that everything was quiet. Was the prisoner asleep? If he was, maybe he will have a calm night. Rust closes the door and walks inside setting the bag down on the desk but he looks to the door knowing he was there. Should he check on him or wait? He felt so nervous going in after what happened today but he should be able to see him this time. Gulping softly, Rust walks over to grip the door handle and open the door. He looks inside seeing the dragon right there. He seems to be laying down so maybe he's asleep?
"........" He carefully walks inside to head to the cell to look making sure. Davion was facing the wall as he rests so maybe he was indeed safe.
'This is unlike him. He normally would be awake. What if this is a trap?....No, I still have to ensure he's alright...r..right?' he thought seeing him. He knew it was risky but he takes the keys on his belt to slowly insert his key to unlock it. Rust opens the door with the hearing of a creak to look inside. The dragon didn't move as he slowly walks over to him. He can see Davion not move a inch but the soft breathing is hear.
"....I guess he was tired after today....oh thank god. Maybe I'll get a break this time....."
'He really is asleep....but....I shouldn't be in here. I checked and he's fine. I should leave before I wake him up.' he thought, turning to head out of the cell. As Rust gets to the cell door.
"Or maybe you just made it worse by leaving me like this."
"!?" His body froze hearing a voice but he quickly turns to get grabbed by a pair of hands and pinned against the wall on the cell bed. Rust struggles but he felt a strong body pressed up against him to look seeing it was Davion.
"Y..You!? I thought you were-"
"Asleep? No, you really should do better keeping a eye on your prisoner. Or tell the difference if he's asleep.." he said but Rust struggles only for him to wince feeling Davion keeping him right where he was.
"Let me go d..damn it! Let go!"
"Oh no, I think not. I'm not letting you go..not this time officer knight." he deeply growls that Rust was shaking in his hold. This shouldn't be happening right now but he saw even from the dim light that this guy was way bigger up close.
"You left a teaser for me after you ran out today. That's not fair. You seem out of it now...after you came near my cell floor."
'Wait, how did he.....'
"I..I don't know what your talking about.." Rust said but Davion looks to him but he tilts his head.
"Yes you do, when I had you trapped against my cell door, you twitched. I felt something hot and warm running down your leg. it told me you were wet as you came....you must have been thinking about me...slutty knight." he teased even if Rust glares his face was still red.
"S..shut up, I haven't..Nugh!" that's when he felt Davion grinding against him but he was shaking feeling something hot and heavy down there. "W..what are you doing!?"
"As I said..you teased me today..so you need to either fix what you started..or I'll lose it and end up breaking out. Your the one that got me all bothered now being so fucking cute. Though, I bet even now your hot and wanting something..you..need..pleasure don't you?" he moves one hand down to touch him.
A weak shiver like whimper leaves the knight's lips that Davion sees him turn his head. He can't be losing like this! Not like this under this criminal. All Davion did was chuckle to look at him. "Oh? Am I right?"
"N..No.....f..fuck you.." he hissed but Davion growls to lower down now pinning him on the bed his wrists were in the dragon's hand as he looks down at his prize.
"Oh believe me, I will. I'll enjoy breaking my new treasure this night.....even if your wanting of me...you'll love it." he said that Rust shook under him with his eyes now red glaring at him. However, his body ached for it.
"So then......" Davion reaches to look at him with glowing amber dragon eyes. "Lets play~"
The night passes on with no worry, but weak moans and groans were heard in the cell. Davion was laying on his back, pushing fingers into a really wet hole as he groans feeling Rust trying to move only to get more excited.
"Ahhhhh...ahhhhh..st..stop..p..please stop your d..damn mmmm f..fingers..." he begs drooling from them pushing in and opening him up. However, Davion ignores him still pushing them in deeper.
"Why though? You seem to like it. Your dripping all over and leaving a mess. So why not be quiet and savor this? "he teased.
"B..because your a criminal. I shouldn't b..be mmmmmm doing this now let me goo-oohaaaa!!!! he felt his fingers quickening now that Rust cries out drooling.
"Stop stop stop!!"
"Heh, so wet and your getting tight too...already hungry for me aren't you?" he chuckled as Rust was panting and lowering his head. He opens his eyes showing them blue hazel again but claws the bed trying to get away.
'This isn't happening. My body won't move..it's just...letting him touch me like this. My hole..it feels weird..s..so weird.....' It was pretty big but he was shaking already feeling pre-cum from the tip. Rust was whimpering even when trying to move, Davion wouldn't let him. He even gets a smack to his ass getting a yelp from the officer.
"Stay still..it'll feel more good if I find something better. Now behave and let me enjoy my feast." he warns.
"You crazy dragon. The hell are you oooooo t..talking about?" he moans shaking now as he felt a lot more loose but Davion keeps going.
"I'm trying to find something that will make you feel even better..I just need a good angle." he said.
"W..wait..what are you talking about? What do you mean a good angle-AHHHH!!" As soon as he speaks, Davion rubs against something making Rust jolt and cum a little on the bed. He shook with eyes wide drooling more.
'W..what the hell?!? What was that! What did h..he touch!?' he thought feeling his body throbbing worse but Davion grins to noticed.
"Found it..." he chuckled now rubbing and pressing his fingers into that spot. Right away, Rust moans out throwing his head back gripping the sheets on this cell prison bed.
"Ahhhhhh!! N..not there! Not there! Feels so weird when you t..touch me t..there!" he moans bucking back against his fingers making Davion lick his lips.
"Oh? But your bucking your hips against my fingers...you must love when I rub here. Lets keep teasing it.." he said now thrusting his fingers into it as he screams clawing the wall. His bangs were covering his eyes as he moans out lustfully in the cell. It felt weird but so fucking good. Rust might lose his mind if this criminal keeps this up. Though, his body was weakening while taking in the fingers more and more.
'Ohhh fuck it...my body..my body is reacting on it's own the more he rubs r..right there. It f..feels weird but...damn it, this f..feels good. it feels so good!!' he thought looking out of it as Davion kept thrusting his fingers as he sees pre-cum dripping from Rust's cock but this got Davion's own hard wanting to breed him. But he held back only to quicken his fingers.
"AHHH!!! W..WAIT NO NO NO!!!! PLEASE G..GONNA CUM S..SOMETHING IS CUMMING!!" he moans looking at the ceiling that Davion chuckled.
"It's fine..go ahead and cum for me......I wanna see you cum." he growls going faster and harder as Rust was trying to stop his hips but he was drooling from his chin loving it.
'I can't..I can't stop my body..it burns, it aches..I..I can't stop this feeling..this pleasure. I'm gonna cum..I'm going to cum....Cumming cumming cumming!!!!!'
"I'M GONNA CUM!!!" He moans only to violently cum right on the bed twitching as he clams down on Davion's fingers seeing him cumming hard on the bed gasping out. Tears of pleasure runs down his cheeks having a strong orgasm that Davion only keeps his fingers in to tease it a little more.
"Haaaa...hhaaaaaa......ananhhhhh..." shaking now, he falls on the bed panting as his hands grip the bed moaning as he falls on the side looking out of it. However, Davion was aroused seeing such a erotic scene. His precious little knight was hot.
"Heh, good boy...you really are something else aren't you.." he teased but begins undoing the zipper of his prisoner uniform. He begins to undress as Rust tries to gather his thoughts but he feels them fall now bare for him. He walks over near Rust but stands near the edge of the bed to grab his arm pulling him up gently.
"Hey, don't pass out yet..were not done.." he said but that's when Rust slowly opens his eyes before they widen to see he was naked. Though, he saw a thick throbbing cock against his ass threatening to go inside of him.
'N..No way, he's huge! That won't..f..fit. I'll be ripped apart from that!' he thought shaking as he looks to Davion with nervous yet suggestive eyes.
"W...wait..y..you won't fit t..that inside...t..too big. Your too b..big.." he whimpers and yet Davion grinds against him hearing the wet slick noises from his hole wanting it.
"You say that but your begging for it. You don't have to run my little knight. I'll make it fit." he said grinding a little more against him till he stops. Rust panted feeling this but he tries to move only for Davion to get on the bed on his knees to trap him against the wall.
"P..Please..please don't....." he said in a daze.
"You will be fine. Your slick enough." Davion said but was holding his hips. "I've waited way too damn long for this..so I'm going to have what I want......." he said but Rust shook.
"But you won't ...f..fit. You won't-" As Rust tries to warn him, Davion stops only to have the tip poke against him before snapping his hips in a big thrust inside of him. Rust screams throwing his head back but his eyes changed to blood red tightening around his thick girth inside of him. Davion growls feeling how hot and tight he was as Rust shook against the wall.
'F..fuck s..so big. He's so big inside...I..I can't breath....but he's so hot......' he thought shaking but Davion only panted to move his hands up from his hips and pin his hands to the wall.
"Fuck, so tight.....heh, what a perfect fit for me. Now your mine....." he said to pull his hips back slowly hearing how it slips out and Rust shivering before he thrusts forward. A weak moan leaves him as Davion goes at a slow pace thrusting into him deep with the smack of their skin.
"Ah! Ha! Gahh! ahhhhh.....nuggghhhhh...."
"Mmmmmmm....." Davion loved this heated feeling, even if this officer was a tease, he will enjoy this for as long as he could. "Such a good knight...a very good good knight.....your taking me in so nicely and all the way. I bet it feels good don't it? "he panted while Rust's upper face was hidden moaning out loudly as he feels the dragon take him.
"Ohhhh..oohhh..ohhh f..f..fuck..f...fuc...nuggnmmmmm...."
'It don't f..feel good. It can't feel good. I know I used toys and stuff back home but t..this is different from them. It feels way different. W..what's happening to my mind? My body? What has he d..done to me?!' Rust thought as he couldn't stop the moans that slip out even if Davion was thrusting deeper into him that Rust's fingers shake.
"Mmmmm..so what do you say now, my officer? Finally give to me?" he teased but Rust was shaking looking up but Davion knew he was out of it. Lost to the heat of desire.
"Hahhhh ahhhhh nmmmmm mmmm!!!" he feels him thrusting a little faster with his fingers touching his chest and teasing the nipples. He even pulls them making Rust gasp out shaking.
"Answer me. Do you give? Do you feel good?"
"Ahhhh...ahhhhhh.." 'I have to lie..I can't feel g..good...ohhh god I can't f..feel..I.....I....' he wanted to lie to say he hated this but thanks to the wet dreams, the teasing, self pleasuring..he was losing it.
That's when he quickly snaps his hips forward, making Rust scream out gripping his arm to claw at it with his talon nails. Davion chuckled but he started ramming into his spots again, Rust couldn't stop moaning.
'N..Not again, not there again! He's hitting my spots again..he's going to e..eat me!!' he screams even if he was shaking, Davion kept going only to grip his his hips slamming into him but he was shaking while crying out.
"Not there! Oh god not there!!!!" he begs but Davion kept going ignore his pleas.
"Say it! Say it feels good or I'll be sure you get punished!" he growls quickening his hips as Rust was moaning ripping the sheets but his body only bucks back into him while twitching.
'Lie..d....damn it, Lie! Say a lie! Please..d..don't say how good it feels. Don't say you want more. Don't s..say it. Don't say it!!!!' he screams at his mind wanting to fight but Rust was screaming, moaning and whimpering that he feels Davion quickening faster.
"Ahhhhhhhhh f..fuck!!!!!"
"Say it, say it or I'll stop!" he said to Rust but after thinking about it Davion was jackhammering into him as Rust shook. "!?"
"N..No NO NO NO SLOW DOWN! PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!!" he begs but Davion keeps going that Rust was only feeling more hungry.
"Never. I'm not going to slow down in fact if you won't tell me..I'll make your body tell me! Besides, your clamping around me so good grrrrr you want me to cum inside and fill you up with my heat...admit it. You wanted me. You hunger for me...you. want. me." he said but Rust was shaking aching for it as he felt the girth throbbing inside.
"But if you won't tell me..I'll fill you till you do...I'm already close. I'm going to fill you up.." he warns.
'I..Is he close? He's going to cum inside of me!? I..I have to make him stop..I won't s...snap to him but..it feels to damn good...it's too good..I'm going to break..I'm going to break!!!!' he screams looking up with his tongue seen a little.
'Your mine as I said...so accept that and just take my heat you dirty officer!' Davion roars in his thoughts before snapping his hips faster and faster with Rust gasping out till he screams tightening around him.
'H..he's gonna cum! He's gonna cum inside! I have to stop him before he-!?'
"Grrrrrr..I'm going to cum....you better swallow it up.."he said.
"W..wait don't!" As Rust tries to speak, Davion roars out snapping his hips forward to pin Rust there. He panted heavily cumming hard inside of Rust as the knight twitch shaking as something hot fills him up. His eyes rolling in the back of his head as this criminal came hard inside of him.
'S..shit..shit shit shit h..he came. Why is it so hot? His c..cum is hot..' he moans twitching against the wall as Rust came too not able to say a word as Davion was panting drooling from how good it felt to finally cum after so long. He didn't let Rust go but he only saw how dazed he was. Even if his eyes were red he only panted still aroused.
That's when he moves Rust from the wall and lays him down and held him down by his wrists. Rust gasped to feel trapped but his eyes looks up to the hungry dragon that they were wide. His appearance changed. He had red and black dragon scales on him, his teeth were sharp, a tail seen behind that wraps around Rust's waist. However, he breaths smoke growling hungry at the shaking knight under him.
His heart was beating like crazy seeing this but he was aroused seeing this. Davion growls to lick his lips, bucking his hips slowly making Rust feel it as he whimpers shaking.
"You really are a tasty treat. My prey shaking under me. I want to eat you up all night long and fuck you till I break you. Over..and over.."he said bucking his hips hearing a moan from him.
"Though, lucky for us...we have a lot of time to play. So I Hope you feel me well...my officer." he said even if Rust was shaking he was paralyzed in both excitement, fear, and desire.
Even from that night, Davion did take him over and over again. Filling him up with cum. Making him cum hard each time he teased his spots. They went with different positions that he now thrusting up into Rust as he was moaning clawing his scaly back moaning out. His own skin was coated in bite marks, claw marks, even hand prints but he didn't stop.
"Ahhhhhh D..davion m..more!! Please f..fuck me more I want it..I want more!!" he begs even with some blood from his chin after biting the dragon this got Davion excited still fucking him.
"Greedy little knight..I said we have all night." he teased but makes Rust lay down pounding away as Rust screams mixed with his moans.
"I'll not stop till we are both spent but now..thanks to this..your mine. Your all mine. I'll make you feel good no matter what......." he teased but Rust was still clawing his back but his mind was lost to the pleasure.
"Y..Yes just d..don't stop!! Mmmm I'm yours! I'm all yours! Just don't stop taking me! Make me yours!!" he begs as Davion growls now biting his neck and lapping up the blood.
Even if Rust tried he was already moaning out looking out of it. Seems even he was not strong but his body had given to the criminal.
'I..I can't live without this feeling this heat...I lost b..but.....I don't care..I need him to breed me more. I want him to breed me!' he thought before screaming feeling Davion cum again twitching as Davion chuckled now holding him to the side and thrusts again hearing Rust moan again and clawing the ripped pillow.
"Y..Yessss fuck yes please fuck me! Fuck me harder, deeper, faster just give me more please!" he begs him bucking his hips back that Davion chuckled loving this.
'Ohhhh, I'm going to enjoy my little knight..you. are. mine.' Davion thought while claiming him then kisses him deeply hearing a weak purr from Rust. From that prison building, loud moans were heard but no one was near to hear as the dragon calms his prize.
Though, who else will fall under the waves of desire? You'll have to wait and see.
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||The Residence is Awake||
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((...I'm just gonna say hello. Things might be slow but..they will come out when they do. But you can blame the shitty day I've had so.....theirs that......))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
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the-silver-peahen-residence 9 months ago
||The Misadventures of Phoenix and Shadow Chimera Sorcerer Part 17: Equal Punishment for all part 2||
Hi dears. I'm back and I'm going to add another part or chapter to this little mini series. It's time for part 17. So lets see what chaos has happened today?
----- Chapters of Adventure so far --------
||Previous chapters of Chapters 6-13||
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
((Your reading part 17))
||Drabble Summary||
After the first punishment from Megumi, Nobara, Yuji, and Kisho were trying to behave. However, thanks to learning about using the fireworks they now want to use them more in the missions. Right under Megumi's nose but it seems they got caught. What will happen now? read to find out.
~A angry shadow sorcerer
~destruction might be present in this
||Muses in this drabble||
Taz Hellion, Kinie, , Daichi/Eito belongs to my friend and amazing rp partner@chunibyo-x-sorcerer that is a side blog owned by @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki belong to Jujtusu Kaisen but also to me due to rping them as muses. While the same for Miko Yotsuya and Hana Yurikawa from the anime series/manga series Mieruko-chan but also to me due to rping as them as muses.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
It was another nice day at the school, even for many of the students that was relaxing on this summer day. During this time, Gojo Satoru was happily eating a cake he got from the shop today while smiling.
"Ahhhh what a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing...." he said hearing the birds chirping along like nothing was-that was when a few screams were heard in the distance. "And students screaming in peril...wait wha?" Gojo blinks to look left and right wondering where that came from only to see three of his students running tired but scared out of their minds.
"What do we do, what do we do, what do we do!?" Nobara said panicing while crying.
"I don't know! We need a plan to get away before he finds us!" Yuji said.
"I know! I think we can try to hide but we-"
"NO! We need to find out who snitched on us!" Nobara said mad.
"Uhhh you three alright?" The three blinks to look seeing Gojo sensei waving with a smile. "Here to enjoy the day too?"
"GOJO SENSEI YOU HAVE TO SAVE US! MEGUMI'S PISSED!" Kisho said in a panic crying. This made the teacher blink to tilt his head.
"Hmm? Awww Megumi is angry again? Wait..what did you guys do?" he asked.
"We uhhh...sorta used fireworks during our missions but we kept it under wraps. We don't know who told him!!!" Yuji said.
"Ohhhhhhhh...I remember that report. That was pretty fun." he snickered but the three sighed.
"Though..where is Megumi?" Gojo asked but before the three could speak they heard a loud shout.
" T-T"
"You have to help us Gojo sensei please! Were too young to die!" Kisho said.
"Hmmmm..I might be able to help but...maybe if you guys just accept the punishment it won't be as bad. XD"
"....Not helping Sensei.." Yuji and Nobara said before something crashes into the ground. The three tense looking seeing Totality there as he howls out loudly.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT! RUN! RUN AWAY!!" Kisho said running with Nobara and Yuji following as well. Gojo blinks to see them gone but shrugs happily eating his cake he got. A smile with a happy noise leaves him.
"So yummy~"
"D..do you think we should at least help them? I know Megumi is mad but..I never seen him this mad before." Taz Hellion was worried seeing Megumi looking left and right. He already sent out Nue and Totality to find the three so he can give them a more worse punishment but MIko and Yuria was worried.
"I..I don't know if we can..." Yuria said but shows a sweatdrop on the side of her head. "And I don't know if we can even save the three from his wrath this time."
"...Maybe we can try to calm h..him down?" Miko suggested.
"Ummmm..." Both Taz and Yuria looks at her then at Megumi who was still angry. "W..we can try.." So they walk over to a very angry Megumi.
"Ummm big brother Megumi? I know your a..angry but maybe you should c...calm down?" Taz said worried that Megumi heard her voice to look at her. His anger was gone from his face seeing her, Miko, and Yuria that he goes to pet her head. "???"
"Don't worry Taz, I'm not that mad. Just wanna talk to them for a bit. Don't worry. Besides, I wish they were behaved like you, Yuria, and Miko." he said admiting that it leaves the three to blink. Even Kinie knew he was furious on the inside. Just hiding that from the three.
'Well, at least his anger is not towards us. Even I know better than to mess with him.' she said laying in her tree under the shade. It was nice in her domain.
'Not helping Kinie...' Taz thought seeing Megumi calm with her. "Now, you three should run along, I'm going to go find them and just talk okay?" he said.
"Uhh o..okay.." they said seeing Megumi going to find them but when facing away, his angry expression shows as he rushes off. He left Taz with Miko and Yuria who looks to one another then at Megumi leaving.
"..You know if he finds them, they are so dead.." Yuria said.
"Y..Yeah...I know." Taz said praying they will be okay.
~~~~~~In a hidden area in the school grounds~~~~~~
"Okay, I think we can hide here for a while before he finds us. But we still need to find out who snitched on us!" Nobara hissed at the two but they were hiding somewhere while Kisho and Yuji were nervous.
"But we don't know who! Right now it's too dangerous to even go anywhere. Maybe we can wait it out till he calms down?" Kisho said.
"But for how long? You saw how pissed he was!" Yuji cries shaking Kisho who got dizzy. "Were so fucked man, so fucked! T_T"
"Yuji, your making me dizzy! @_@" Kisho yelps trying to calm him down. But Nobara smacks Yuji up side his head to stop him.
"Will you calm down!? Look, all we need to do is keep away from Megumi till he chills out. I'm sure after this he will be cool again. No worries! I'm sure after he does, this will blow over." she said.
"And how are you sure?" They asked even with Yuji crying scared and Kisho having swirls in his eyes dizzy from the shaking.
"I just know because I-"
That's when a very angry growl was heard, something breaks down the classroom door startling the three. Standing there was a very angry Megumi who was looking right at them. The three of their eyes widen now hugging one another shaking in fear.
"There you three are!"
"Uhh oh shit-"
"Ummm Hi Megumi! Fancy meeting you here. We just uhhh-"
"Save it. I want to know why you three were using fireworks again? Didn't we agree that you wouldn't use them on missions again?" he asked, demanding a answer from one of them.
"...W..we know but.....we can explain. They help a lot in the mission even being more careful this time! Please, we just wanted to make it quick and easy with no hassle!" Yuji said waving his arms even if he was terrified right now.
"Is that so?"
"It is! come on guys say something to back me up!" Yuji said as Nobra was crying afraid.
"I......I got no words to say!" she said.
"I'm still dizzy but we are more careful this time! We swear!" Kisho said.
"........" Megumi said nothing towards this but this only leads him to close his eyes. "Is that so?"
"Ummm yes?" the three said sweating bullets right now. But how would Megumi take it? Slowly sighing he didn't open his eyes.
"You know? I think I understand fully." he said.
"Y..You do?" Yuji said lowering his hands.
"Of course! How could i have been so blind! I get you three wanted to use them to speed up the mission. Even if it's risking fires, destroyed properties and items, and risk of someone being hurt. I get it now!"
"...." Nobara didn't like how he said that. Not at all.
"So...." He then opens his eyes showing that disturbing smile on his face while looking at them. "Here is my reaction to it."
Seconds later, the three screams as the inside of the classroom was swarmed with angry rabbits. However, Nobara and Kisho saw Yuji caught as he was crying.
"Don't worry Yuji..it won't hurt. It's just three times more painful than last time." he said happy while showing that creepy smile. Yuji was pale seeing the red eyes of the rabbits surrounding him as he looks.
"......" To them they quickly dash off.
"SORRY YUJI!" Kisho said running.
"YOUR ON YOUR OWN!" she said.
"Oh don't worry, their next so..enjoy your punishment." he said as the rabbits jump him.
"One down...two more to go." Megumi said as he had some of the rabbits chase them. Now Nobara and Kisho were running down the hallway passing a few empty classrooms. Maki was reading something but as she was drinking something she saw both Nobara and Kisho dash by her.
"Hi Maki, if you see Megumi, you didn't see us! bye!" she said quickly not stopping.
"Wait what?" she saw the two gone but that's when she sees the rabbits to blink but they look around before guessing. "If your looking for them..they went that way." she said pointing. The rabbits goes in that direction but Maki sighed.
"Sorry guys..I don't want to be a target to a pissed off Megumi. Nope. Not going to leave from this spot." she said going to reading again. Outside, Nobara and Kisho were panting looking around to run or hide.
"We need a plan here! What do we do!?" Kisho said in a panic.
"Hold on, I'm thinking!" she said looking left and right however, she thinks blink. "I think I got something but you trust me right?"
"Uhhh yeah I do!"
"Good!" As she nods, that's when Totality shows up growling at them. Kisho and Nobara tense to back up but they were nervous.
"E..easy Totality..good boy...." she said laughing nervously. "Alright here is the plan Kisho just follow my lead." she whispered.
He knew Nobara had some good ideas so this one couldn't be bad right? Seconds later, she grabs Kisho and lifts him up.
"WHAT!?! O.O!!"
'Wait, she can't be serious can she?! She can't be!!' Kisho screams in his head as she threw Kisho to Totally's paws and he winces from that. However, he tenses seeing him. "Uhhh g..g..good boy..good boy-Nobara!!"
"SORRY KISHO! I'LL PAY YOU BACK LATER!" she said running off in high speed.
"NOBARA YOU TRAITOR! HOW COULD YOU!? T_T" he shouted before he felt Totally pick him up by his maw and drags him to Megumi. "NO TOTALITY NO!! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE! NOOOOOOO!!"
Nobara knew she made a risky choice but she would be home free while running and hiding now. She panted now in a room alone only to sigh.
"Sorry you two...but Megumi is not getting me this time! I don't want to be punished again even with the icky slime again." she shudders grossed out. "But at least a beauty like me will survive!" she said happy like nothing was wrong. However, she was dead wrong.
"You really think so?" said someone behind her.
"Of course! I know I'm smart because Megumi didn't catch me! X3"
".....You might wanna recheck that statment.."
That's when she tenses to sweat worse slowly turning her head sweating even worse. Standing behind her was a scary Megumi looking down at her.
"....Oh shit.."
"Hello Nobara..." he said as she quickly crawls away from him but saw the slimy frog tongue show up again. "Oh no NOT AGAIN! Megumi please not the frog again!" she cries but she felt the tongue wrap around her ankle to stop him as she was crying shaking in fear.
"Sorry Nobara..it's your punishment..this should teach you and the other idiots to listen.....but it won't hurt for too long." he said.
"B..but I'm a girl! You wouldn't hurt a pretty girl like me right-"
"You used that before you think it would work again?" he said.
"........M..Maybe?" she said laughing scared. Her response was being dragged back into the dark screaming for help. The three were screaming for mercy and help but many sweatdrops not wanting to face Megumi's wrath.
Later that evening, the three were caught but shaking in fear. Yuji was beaten up by the rabbits. Kisho was crying being bruised up by Totality before the rabbits even Nue joined in. And Nobara shaking as she was coated in slime again with worms inside.
Taz, Miko, and Yuria felt bad for them but Kinie and Sukuna was laughing their butts off from the funny show they got. Megumi sighed but he felt better to look at the three tapping his foot.
"Now, what did we learn?"
"N..Not to use f..fireworks in missions.." the three said crying.
"A..and to not keep secrets from you.."
"Good.." he said feeling better.
"You know, this was not too bad right guys? At least you learned your lessons." Gojo laughed as Kisho, Nobara, and Yuji looks at him then at one another. In a moment, the three falls back passed out with swirls in their eyes twitching.
Yeah, they learned alright but what's stopping them from doing it again? NO one will know.
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||The Residence is Asleep||
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((I think I might end up heading to bed early to get some sleep. I'll be back in the morning but sorry dears. It's been a long day for me....which sucks too..))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
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