#but I heard thier relationship is interesting
ramp-it-up · 1 year
Dolly was is that bitch.
Like, who was Jolene that she couldn’t compete with her?
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tarotphlow · 2 years
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Astro observations 6
🃏Libra Mercuries are easy to pinpoint in conversation because they usually reply with phrases like: that’s fair, that makes sense, understandable,
🃏 Jupiter in cancer is weird, cause like it’s exalted and everything, but the most exalted thing about them is an obsession with religion/ spirituality.
🃏 I feel like Saturn in Gemini get annoyed really easily with their father not understanding things if that makes sense.
🃏 if your Neptune is in retrograde you may be less likely to have an addictive personality
🃏 I’m once again, here to talk about Pluto in the 12H. 12H is such an interesting house it just somehow seems to embody everything else in the other houses somewhat. Anyways though, I’m beginning to realize this placement is a master at manifesting things, understanding the manifestation process is… well a process, but once they fully understand it’s intricacies it becomes sooooo incredibly easy for them, they may have manifested stuff without realizing it!
🃏 Jupiter in the 7H natives can manifest the properties of the placement in a couple of ways, Lots and Lots and LOTS of relationships (this placement can be an indicator of a playa highkey highkey 🤭) or being with people on the ✨bigger ✨end orrrr marrying into wealth! Yet again, it could also be a mix of the three.
🃏 Having Mercury at 6° in a natal chart can indicate a speech issue like stuttering or so.
🃏 Sun sextile Pluto can mean that your an old soul, or you’ve lived a different life before!!
🃏lastly, if the audience has noticed I’ve been studying degrees recently in my free time, I’ve been looking at a specific degree recently that has caught my attention, and that’s the 2°. The zodiac sign Taurus rules that degree and it’s such a powerful degree to have in your chart, if you have it, consider yourself blessed and lucky!🍀☺️. The 2° can show that you have near perfect or have perfected whatever placement the degree is in in your lifetime, I’ll give an example. A good friend of mine has neptune in 2°. Seeing as this degree is a sign of perfection this kid has like super omega awesome intuition, there’s a story of them talking with one of their friends about a boyfriend, the 2° native had noticed something was fishy about said boyfriend and tried to talk thier friend out of the relationship. The 2° native told their friend about how the relationship was going to go down why it was gonna go down and what time it was going to happen. Every single thing that kid said was gonna happened, happened. Down to the MINUTE. It’s insane right? It’s always so fascinating to see things like this play out in astrological terms!!! I’ve heard that placements that aren’t planets like AC, DC, IC tend to achieve great things in their lifetime so that’s also an added reason as to why this degree is so cool! I myslef have my Cap ascendant at 2° and my cancer descendant at 2° so ig something big or great is supposed to happen to me??
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end of observations! I hope y’all enjoyed this one! I apologize about my inactivity recently, I’ve been like, going through it lol, life is kinda hitting hard rn so I’ve kinda gone into hermit mode a bit (guess what placement makes me like that lololol) but I’m still very happy that people appreciate these observations 🖤🖤🖤 likes and reposts are appreciated!!
Also… I have some news coming in during the next year! Stay tuned!!!
Oh also also! I now understand how replying to reblogs work now. Kinda embarrassed I didn’t realize it sooner but yea.
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fanficonly · 8 months
Wenclair- Enid's playlist for Wednesday- "Hit Play on Her"
@sayum2510 Looking through my drafts I found one I conjured up from your ask months ago, not sure where I was going with it so it's kind of just little wenclair moments based on your wenclair songs you mentioned.
In case you're still interested I've decided to tweak and post the lil one shot so ... Hope you enjoy 😋
Enid had tried.
Tried so desperately to hide the feelings she had for Wednesday.
She really had.
But she knew it wasn't long before the Seer caught onto the way Enid would trip over her tongue whenever Wednesday dressed up. Or the way she reaches for her and only her in any dier situation. Or the way she rambles juuuust a little bit more often when talking to the Ravenette than with others.
It had happened again just now. Wednesday had left for a family event, one that Enid had declined the invitation for after learning there was a lot of death, spirits and séances involved. As much as it pained Enid not to blindly follow Wednesday into another tragedy filled night she had to say no because she knew all of the Addams' would be there. And she was sure as hell she couldn't hide her feelings from such an intelligent family. As much as Wednesday was dense when it came to social cues, relationships and love...her family were far more well versed in such feelings.
With Wednesday, she could play it off as her being quirky because, of course Wednesday wasn't great at picking up hints. But observation in general Wednesday was an expert in. So all it would take is a little interest and she would eventually come to the conclusion that Enid is hopelessly in love with her. Whereas with Wednesday's Mother and Father and Brother and honestly anyone with Addams blood, they could sniff out her attraction to Wednesday better than she could sniff out a squirrel that was 5 metres away.
Only moments ago Enid was hit with the harsh reality of how desperately attracted to Wednesday she was when she heard the harmonious voice.
"I'm leaving Enid" she states bluntly and Enid looks up from her laptop, her jaw dropping as she stared at her best friend in pure shock. Mouth agape, practically drooling as her eyes trailed up Wednesday body which fit nicely into a lacy black cropped dress, fishnets and a pair of overly large combat boots. As she trailed her eyes to Wednesday eyes she took a moment to admire her usual gothic make up and hypnotic stare. Enid's kryptonite.
"What are you looking at? Did the dry cleaners miss a blood spot" she inspected her outfit, spinning in stiff circles, as if teasing Enid with more to gawked at.
"No no" Enid jumped up from her bed blinking her eyes out of thier hypnotic state and stumbling over her feet to stand parallel to Wednesday. "Just wow Wednesday you look- just- your beau- the ummm I like-" she rose her hand to her mouth and cleared her throat "the dress it's cute" she let out a quick breath, and a growl lightly erupted from her throat at her own awkwardness.
"Cute? That was not really my intention, I was going more for sacrificial altar offering " Wednesday deadpanned. But Enid just giggled and ran her eyes up and down Wednesdays body checking her out in plain view once again.
"Are you sure you do not wish to accompany me?" Wednesday noticed Enid's prying eyes and tilted her head quizzically. Clearly misjudging Enid's staring as wishing for a 2nd invitation rather than the shameless pining that it was.
"N-no It's fine I'll come to the next one" Enid babbled out, smiling nervously and recieving a slight nod from Wednesday as she turned to leave.
"Your loss" Wednesday had smirked over her shoulder at Enid before leaving the room and of course the blonde almost melted at the sight. "Urghhh" she let out a frustrated grunt of annoyance, trying to force the feelings away and failing miserably. So Enid did what she did best and resorted to laying face down on her bed, headphones on and blasting enough music to numb her brain.
And when of course this didn't work Enid scrolled through her Spotify and hovered her thumb over her favourite playlist. The one she had made the day after meeting Wednesday, the one she continuously added songs to that reminded her of the dark goddess of a girl that she so desperately yearned for, the one she added songs to everyday since.
She let out another low growl before hitting play on her Wednesday playlist simply titled "Her".
🎶But I can't help myself when you get close to me🎶 Enid's mind drifted. God Wednesday made her feel so painfully in love
🎶Baby my tongue goes numb goes like bleh bleh blee🎶 that's exactly how she sounded everytime She looked at the pale goddess and tried to form a sentence. She sighed and let the music take control of her, swaying to the melody and feeling every word that was sung
🎶Looking at you got me feeling nauseous🎶
... She smiled
🎶OOO it feels so good I HAD TO CHANGE THE OCTIVE🎶
Enid belted out the tune, images of Wednesday plaguing her thoughts as she did. Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter was extremely fitting for the way she had just felt about Wednesday looking at her and she let the songs play. It was merely a way to comfort herself knowing that she was not the only person who had these kind of feelings.
And you know, yelling out her feelings was very therapeutic, it's not like she can just tell Wednesday she's in love with her, Imagine!
After a while Enid tried to keep herself busy in order to stop her mind from wandering to impure thoughts of her best friend in that dress (or rather out of it). She had found herself cleaning their dorm room, finishing her homework, writing on her blog,going for a walk, and even hanging out with her friends until midnight, anticipating seeing Wednesday upon her return.
But she wasn't there.
Enid sighed and fell back on her bed, pursing her lips and tapping her fingers, anxiously waiting. Eventually nothing could stop her, the ache of wanting Wednesday too strong to ignore and of course she then picked up her headphones and hit shuffle on "Her".
Mommy issues by cloudy June immediately starts playing and Enid is almost annoyed by how accurate her playlist was getting.
The blonde stands this time, jittery with anticipation as the lyrics purred in her ears 🎶You're good at masquerading the second that you came in, face straight but legs are shaking🎶 Enid sighed knowing full well these words were more directed towards Enid herself when it came to Wednesday. Of course, she had to put on a smile every time Wednesday made her feel flustered, acting like her body wasn't screaming at her while she had to remain straight-faced, or at least her usual friendly smile rather than obviously swooning over the girl.
That didn't stop Enid from getting into the song, blurring her thoughts and letting the music sink into her mind like a ship on treacherous waters.
Enid danced around the room aimlessly singing "When I call the shots you call me-" as she spins around she stops dead and
"Mommy" she squeaks out the last word, inadvertently and she turns to see Wednesday entering their shared dorm, slightly dishevelled but still in that tantalising outfit.
"What did you just call me?" Wednesday quirks an eyebrow up and stares at Enid, gripping her clutch purse Infront of her and awaiting a response
"Ahhh umm no the umm" Enid throws her headphones off and dashes her phone on the bed awkwardly along with the headphones. Like a guilty child getting caught stealing candy from the kitchen cupboards
She blushes profusely and stutters out "It was the s-song" in a poor explanation
Wednesday's brain practically buzzes with questions and ways on how to respond before landing on "Interesting choice of song Enid" and walking over to her side of the room as if nothing had happened. She hears an audible sigh from Enid and side eyes her. This wasn't the first time she had been suspicious of Enid but she had just endured a formidable amount of affection from her family, her battery was drained, so she decided against pressuring Enid into teaching her.
Enid however felt like she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole! God what must Wednesday be thinking right now.
Later on in the week the moment had been fading from each of their memories and the days returned to normal
Enid smirked at Wednesday.
"Come on Wednesday what did we talk about?" Enid scolds Wednesday but the juxtaposition of the smile it was paired with told the girl that she wasn't really in that much trouble.
The Addams girl huff's in annoyance, her facial expression barely changes as walks away from the situation and tracks swiftly back to her room.
Enid blindly follows after her, all the while skipping happily and relishing in that little power she had over Wednesday. One she knew didn't last long when it came to other Activities the two would part-take in.
"This preposterous idea that I would have even a miniscule interest in this activity must really mean you have finally succumb to the illusion that I will change Enid" Wednesday scolds back.
"And yet here you are" Enid's smirk has a giddy twinge to it as she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively saying "Aren't you?"
She skips away, throwing her headphones on and pressing play on her favourite playlist titled "Her", scrolling through Spotify and finding yet another song to add to it.
At this point her Wednesday's playlist was becoming an unhealthy addiction but hey what can you do. Wednesday made her feel things that she just couldn't say out loud so surely singing them was the next best thing.
It was 4 am and Enid could hear it the consistent rumble of howls that plagued the night air. Everyone was out, all of the wolves screaming at the moon with pure heart and Enid was again alone in bed.
She hadn't turned since the hyde attack. Her therapist told her it was a mental block due to the traumatic events that transpired but she wasn't sure.
A large HOWL could be heard this time much closer. Which caused Enid to curiously lift her head off of her pillow and squint her eyes out of the room window.
It was Wednesday? Enid crept up to the window and admired her from afar. With each distant howl she watched the seer howl back and subtly smile to herself as she did. What the hell?
The werewolf climbed out the window quietly and spoke
"Wednesday what are you doing?" While remaining a fair distance away from her crush.
Wednesday barely flinched at the sudden presence of her best friend and spoke unfiltered
"Confusing the other wolves of course, It's one of my favourite games I've played it ever since I was a kid" Wednesday seemed rather dazed as she thought back to the memory and then snapped back to reality to see Enid's eyes in pure shock and awe
Wednesday cleared her throat "My apologies I am not sure why I shared that information with you".
"It's okay to share Wednesday I told you you could tell me anything" Enid walked slowly towards Wednesday "Pretty cool game" she observes standing by Wednesday's side, not daring to make eye contact just yet.
She slowly turned to look at Wednesday hoping this vulnerable openness wouldn't end so soon but as Wednesday looked at her, Enid saw something in her face change.
"Yes, well I did not mean to cause you any discomfort" Wednesday seems almost guilty as she averts her gaze away from the wolf's eyes.
"Why would that cause me-" Enid began but then it clicked "Oh ..." She looked away shamefully "Because I can't turn into a wolf" she sighed lightly
"Yes" Wednesday said, oblivious at first to Enid's sadness. She stayed silent her eyes scanning the glorious view from their balcony before her eyes landed on Enid and she finally noticed how upset she was.
Wednesday seemed to internally panic, unaware of the proper protocol in these situations. Usually she would not care but something about the way Enid's pleading eyes bore into her soul caused a spark to go off, jumpstarting her insides.
"Just because you cannot transform does not mean you cannot howl" Wednesday's lip twitched.
"Wednesday no it just makes me feel-" she began to protest but Wednesday simply raised her hand to halt her words
"Okay but you like games don't you Enid?" She asked earning a slight submissive nod from the werewolf girl "Then let's play my game" Wednesday smirked.
"Wednesday" Enid groaned out, tilting her head to sigh at the sky
"Enid" Wednesday simply retorted before continuing as if Enid had not rejected her proposition.
"It's very simple really, whenever you hear a howl you reciprocate and then revel in the satisfaction of knowing there is a wolf out there confused by the sound, chasing its tail looking for a strange sounding wolf" Wednesday eyes beamed with wicked delight as she explained the rules.
"That's pretty Evil Addams, you don't even get to see them all confused what's the point" Enid couldn't help but giggle a little bit, what an odd 'Game'.
"No but I know they are and that is enough, it is part of the enjoyment using my imagination" Wednesday shrugged slightly.
Just as she said this another distant howl could be heard in the distance and Wednesday looked at Enid expectantly.
After no response Wednesday gripped the edges of the concrete wall in front of her and let out a monstrous howl, causing Enid's eyes to light up in pure adoration.
"How did I do?" Wednesday flicked her eyebrows up. It wasn't like her to request validation from someone but the Seer thought it would be a great honour to hear the opinion of the most vicious creature she had ever laid eyes on. Enid, of course, in her wolf form, jaw dripping with the blood of Wednesday's enemy, teeth bared with a look of pure bloodlust in her eyes... Wednesday had never felt so strongly towards her roommate than in that moment. So, who better to assess her howling abilities than the best there was in her eyes.
"You would make a good little wolf" Enid spoke, mesmerised by the sight in front of her. As she caught herself saying it she became nervous at Wednesday's reaction.
Her wolf became giddy when the response she was given was "Well you are a good little wolf" and Enid beamed with pure delight. That's the nicest thing Wednesday had ever said to her and was she being delusional in believing that it seemed even a little ... flirty?
Even as Wednesday said this, she was outwardly shocked by even her own words, her lips that seemed to be betraying what her mind would have told her to say instead
Enid was speechless, her legs almost caving in from beneath her as her mouth went dry all of a sudden at the sound of Wednesday's voice
Luckily another Howl rang out and Wednesday looked at Enid changing the subject rather quickly
"Your turn" She told her, nonchalantly.
Enid, still buzzing from the look in Wednesday's eyes as she called her a good little wolf, smirked playfully "Fine" she shook her head disapprovingly before letting out an almighty HOWLLLLLLL, without question.
She looked back at Wednesday expectantly who was lightly entranced by the sight. She cleared her throat
"Not terrible." She said as if she was grading an English paper "poor technique though" Wednesday looked away from her feeling rather deviant.
"Excuse me? Who is the wolf here!" Enid moved closer to Wednesday letting her know that she was very offended
"To the perception of a stranger in sure it would be hard to tell" Wednesday didn't look at her. She had to deflect after her little wolf mishap a moment ago
"What was wrong with it?" Enid asked voice a little cracked. Again something sparked in Wednesday... Did she feel guilty for making her feel bad? Of course she did it's Enid! She was just trying to be playful and cheer Enid up but it was so unnatural to her.
Do something!
"Here" Wednesday suddenly gripped the wolf's hips twisting her body lightly and Enid in utter shock from Wednesday's touch, let it happen. What was going on?
She gulped, as her heart rate quickened and Wednesday hands moved swiftly to each of Enid's hands and roughly placed each one on the balcony's edge, breaking the touch barrier between them haphazardly.
"What are you-" Enid finally managed to hoarsely conjure up words but she was immediately stopped as Wednesday slid her hand up to the Blondie's chin tilting her head away and slightly to the sky, keeping her fingers lingering for a few seconds too long. Enid's breath hitched in her throat and Wednesday noticed this furrowing her brow for a moment then brushing it off.
Wednesday stepped back and admired her handiwork then spoke assertively
"Now" she reached forward only to stop Enid from moving out of the position she was just expertly put into "Try again" she all but demanded.
Enid took a harsh breath in and out, extremely grateful that the cold night air prevented the flush of her cheeks from being so obvious and then she howled once again.
This time an earth shattering howl erupted from Enid's throat, causing even Wednesday to smile slightly at her triumph and again feel that uneasy spark of feeling that rose from within the depths of her darkened soul.
Enid panted for breath afterwards, the cold air evident, from the breath that could be seen clearly like fog rolling into a graveyard at midnight. It honestly, once again, captivated Wednesday and for the first time in forever ... She was speechless ... She was feeling.
Enid noticed and smiled proudly.
After a while of comfortable silence and occasional howling at the sky while stealing glances at each other, both girls retreated to the comfort and warmth of their beds.
Wednesday lay still, staring at the ceiling, contemplating everything that had just occured and Enid smiled widely into her pillow as she attempted to sleep.
But she just couldn't. She felt like they had a moment. The same feeling she felt gripping onto Wednesday for dear life after the school was attacked. The relief from finding out Wednesday was alive and the pain of having to let her go once again. Eventually, Enid resorted to "Her" after more than an hour of tossing and turning endlessly.
🎶She don't wanna be anybody else she's a women in total control of herself🎶 Enid smiled again humming in happiness as the line 🎶I swear I saw her howling at the sky, she ain't out to get you but she's better on your side🎶 rang through her ears and she happily let the image of Wednesday howling continuously burn into her brain.
Her blissful descent into slumber was interupted by Wednesday's voice
"You are aware that your headphones are not plugged aren't you?" She stood right beside Enid's bed startling the girl.
"Shit!" Enid whispered fumbling for her phone to turn it off. She will never get used to how silent Wednesday's footsteps were, it's as if the girl just glides everywhere.
"Interesting choice of song Enid" Wednesday smirked before retreating back to her bed to continue her own descent into a peaceful sleep.
As she laid there she watched as Enid avoided eye contact and flopped her head back onto her pillow, looking somewhat embarrassed.
And for the third time that night Wednesday's heart sparked and Enid's Beat rapidly.
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The thing about S1 Jamie that I think is interesting is I think on rewatch there is some insight as to why Jamie went so hard on the bullying of Sam. (Not gonna be defending Jamie's treatment of Sam just looking into maybe why). Because out of all of the things Jamie did is season one. The one that seems hardest to understand or really forgive is his treatment of Sam. The first time around, you couldn't understand it. Sam is legitimately the kindest man in existence. (I know as a stroyteller it was the easiest way to really get us to dislike Jamie and really make us more understanding of Roy's treatment of Jamie which to be frank is not great and understand Ted's fruatrations with him) and Sam just keeps trying with Jamie.
But know I think it far to say thay S1 Jamie was jealous of Sam and his easy going, happy, postive nature. I dont think he was aware of it though.
Season 1 Jamie is so interesting because on paper, he had everything he thought he wanted. But I dint think he was overally happy. But yeah it seemed to be all his way
1. He played for the team he grew up supporting and dreamed of playing for. I imagine his first time stepping on that fiels in that uniform would have been monumental. Sure, maybe he wasn't a starter, but he got some minutes and the unspken agreement that in a few years, he would be a star.
2. I imagine he was initially disappointed to be loaned out, but then he learns he is being loaned to Richmond. Yeah they suck, but he gets to play a full 90 minutes, is basically going to be the best player, kick most of thier goals and he gets to be team mates with Roy Kent (he dreamed of playing against him one day, with him is a dream come true, I really think pre show Jamie would have been so excited to play with Roy Kent and was so disappointed in how it turned out). Plus, it has the added advantage of getting him away from his dad. And once his done his loan, he can come back to Manchester. This is his chance to get away from it for a while and be the star
3. He meets and gets to date Keely Jones who his always had a crush on. Dhe is literally a dream girl for him
So he should be happy right. His got everything he wanted, but it's not going the way he expected because.....
1. Roy Kent hates him (in my mind Roy was standoffish from the start, heres come this whizkid who was everything he used to be and slowly losing. I think Jamie came in at 100% and immediatley put Roy on the back foot). Jamie tries with Roy but the more it doesnt work the more Jamie goes OK, if I cant make him like me I will show him I am better than him. Hence the beginning of that relationship.
2. Yeah his away from his dad and his killing it at Richmond, scoring their goals, winning them matches but it only seems to be winning over half the team (he can't see yet his attitude is what is stopping the other guys from liking him). And the team still isn't doing great even with him. Plus he may be away from his Dad but his relationship with his mum feels like it in a werid place which sucks cause she is his favourite person ever.
3. And Keeley seems to be where its going right but sometimes it feels like his a bit of a project for her. And I think he has heard people (like Roy) question why she is with him.
And let's face it, he is still likely hearing from his dad when he doesn't perform up to his standards.
And then heres Sam. Who (at this point in time) isn't playing well, isn't scoring goals, not massively contributing to thier wins and yet he seems so genuinely happy all the time and everyone loves him, Roy Kent seems to like him and is friendly with him, complimenting him (which he has never done to Jamie). Sam is so open and kind he has probably talked about his dad in the locker room, and his relationship with his family seems perfect and that must gnaw at Jamie because all he ever wanted is to make his dad proud and his pretty sure he will never achieve it because the man is a d***k who is impossoble to please, yet Jamie never stops trying and things are werid with his mum which he hates. But all he hears when its brought up from Sam is how great his family is.
Then along comes the new gaffer who Jamie can't even understand why he is coaching, but he also seems to love Sam and wants him to be the decoy so Sam can kick the goal. Even though Jamie knows if he kicks it, it will go in.
Now we all know the reason Sam is liked is because he is an amazing, kind hearted, dedicated person, but I think S1 Jamie is so jealous and does not even know it.
Because S1 Jamie is still living with the notion that being the best in the most important thing ( thank you James Tartt Sr) so to Jamie he is out here busting his ass at training to be the best, scoring all the goals yet Sam seems to be the one who is living what he thought his dream time at Richmond was going to be. And I know I mention it but I think it is a big thing for Jamie, the harder he tries the more Roy seems to despise him, and take enjoyment in his embarrassment.
And S1 Jamie in all maturity handles his jealously by trying to make Sam feel as bad as he is feeling. Which Jamie, baby. That's kindergarten mentality. And poor Sam actually thinks Jamie is a great player and would love to learn from him in the beginning and isnt having a great time either.
But yeah. I dont think Jamie ever disliked Sam. I think he was insanly jealous of him all the time and didn't know how to handle that or even admit it himself.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Apologies for my rambles.
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maidragoste · 1 year
Okay but that last ANON 😭😭
3 things!!
first is that would Aegon see the parallels between baelon and the reader and him and alicent’s relationship?
Like to be honest Alicent’s apprehensiveness to Aegon is a MIRROR to the reader and baelon
I feel like because of this Aegon would be the defendant parent to Baelon, he would always defend baelon because he knows what it feels like to have no one defend him
Second is I think the reader is hard on Baelon because he is set to inherit the Iron Throne and he is the first born (even though he’s a twin). And instead of following the adults like Jace had done while being prepared for the crown Baelon has his own direction to go head first (like a true targaryen) and it doesn’t help that i think Alicent consents and plays favorite with Baelon
(he is aemond’s (alicent’s fave), first born that is male, and is legitimate)
Third is If Baelon does mount Caraxes I don’t think the reader or any of them can separate the two, Caraxes has been separated from his riders due to violent deaths and if he gets mounted again the separation anxiety would go absolutely insane. And due to the war I don’t think anyone can afford to go against the dragon, especially one who was practically bred to be ridden by a warrior and war. Plus the fact that it’s BAELON’S mount, reader maybe but i don’t see how aemond or aegon could ever do that.
I also wonder if the reader would be scared to bits since it’s no secret that whenever Daemon was banished he would actually go. away.
I mean they must’ve heard stories about how Viserys even though he was the one to banish daemon he was also the one to BEG daemon to come back. And i think despite the reader’s fears her worst would be that, her baby and first born being alone and refusing to come home to her. It’s one thing to be sent to the North but if Baelon runs away with no one to be a bridge between him and the reader to see his well being it would be war of resentment i think mostly between aemond and reader. The mention of the north already made aemond defensive but imagine actually having your child run away and be what you were afraid of: alone.
That would quake thier marriage.
PS i am so sorry this is long but i can’t wait for a fic of this!! I know you’re gonna kill it like you always do!!!
First I love that you see Baelon and the Queen's relationship as a mirror of Alicent and Aegon's because I see it too. Honestly whenever I write them or think about Baelon and Reader I always end up thinking about Alcient and Aegon. I anticipate that Reader also has his "you are no son of mine" moment
In fact, the fragment of Reader thinking about Baelon and comparing him to Daemon is taken from a one shot where Reader and Alicent talk about motherhood. Reader opens up to Alicent because she sees herself reflected in her, she trusts her to admit that she loves her child but she doesn't like him because she knows Alicent felt the same way about Aegon.
As for Aegon, he definitely sees the parallels. He always tries to be the intermediary between Reader and Baelon, he tries that the punishments are not so severe.
Aegon always reminds Baelon that he is loved but when he crosses the line he does not hesitate to rebuke him and support you.
Second, I'm interested in talking about the Iron Throne because it's something I didn't get a chance to clarify before. The heir is Daeron because he is the first son of Aegon and Reader, it's something they arranged with the council to avoid problems with people who only supported Aegon's claim. In the line of succession their children will always go first before those of Aemond and Reader. If things weren't like this then Aemon would be the heir because he is the older twin.
I think the Throne issue is also important in Reader and Baelon's relationship. If Baelon no longer listens to authority as a child, who assures Reader that he will respect Daeron as king? Baelon always seems to do what he wants so what if he one day decides to rebel against his brother?
You're right that Alicent coddling Baelon doesn't help much. Besides that she will always remind him that he is more important than Aelor.
Third, totally agree with you I don't think Caraxes would get away from his rider so the reader will have to learn to live with that.
Good about exile and tension in marriage. It is something that is going to happen.
In order for Cregan Stark to kneel and accept Aegon as king, Reader promises to marry her first daughter to Cregan's firstson. The alliance of the North is something very important, and I also feel that with the passing of time a true friendship arises between the Guardian of the North and The Queen… Then Baelon ruins it. He secretly marries his sister, Alyssa, and Reader is furious. Here happens the moment of "you are no son of mine".
Now Daella, Reader's other daughter, is just a little girl and she has to marry Rickon Stark instantly because the northerners don't want to wait until she come of age for fear that another princess will escape them again.
Anyway Reader is so furious that she wants Baelon and Alyssa to be exiled but Aegon and Aemond refuse. She also wants to remove them from the line of succession.
Did you see that King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne were apart for a while without seeing each other? Well, the same thing happens here. Reader goes to the North with Daella and her younger children while Aegon and Aemond stay in King's Landing with the older ones… It's definitely quite a drama.
Thank you very much for writing me anon, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts. I really hope you write to me again because I would love to read more from you 🥰🥰
I hope you're well 💖💖
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mmmfanfiction · 16 days
okay, so I just wanted to blab about something I noticed about my favorite final girls, and that’s their questionable personality’s.
now, I’m going to be talking about Sally from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Stretch from TCM 2, Nancy from Nightmare on Elm street, and Kirsty from Hellraiser. Spoilers for all the og movies, TCM 2, and Hellbound:Hellraiser 2
Now you may be wondering ‘Erin, what do you mean by the personality problem?’ Well my dear friend, I mean that a lot of them are lacking in the personality department, Sally being the worst case and Stretch being the best. This isn’t to say they all have bad personality’s, just to say there could be room for improvement. I’d also like to say these are some of my FAVORITE movies. I have watched tcm at least 4 times (tbh probably more then 4) and Nightmare on Elm was one of my favorite movies for a good while.
now I understand that the creators might not be focusing on personality when everyone’s getting murdered, but I still think it’s worth talking about. Now, let’s start with Sally. This is based purely off the first movie, as I don’t have access to the others and have also heard everything after the second sucks, this also goes for most of the movies so please keep that in mind. I cannot name one thing she likes to do, I have more of a grasp on Pam’s (the astrology girl) personality than I do Sally’s! The best thing I have personality wise for Sally is her relationship with her brother and the fact she mentally breaks a lot, (eg how she panicked in the house and when she was with Drayton, and maybe when she was getting irritable with Franklin, but that might’ve been from him insisting that she was mad ticking her off) she doesn’t have any hobbies or interests, even going onto the wiki I couldn’t find anything. Again, I can pick out more personality from her friend Pam or her brother Franklin I think this could be easily fixed with more screen time for Sally, or when she’s alone with Franklin have her bring up possible interests or points of view on life, or even in the beginning scenes she could bring up things she likes, or her friends could poke at her for liking something or something she did before.
The next character I want to talk about is Nancy, because I believe she has this the second worse. But it has been a minute since I’ve seen the movie, so I might be incorrect. I could not tell you jack about Nancy’s hobby’s or interests, we don’t see much around her room to my memory. though she does have a personality, when it comes to being determined (which you could say about all the girls) and also smart. I don’t have much to say about this one, as thier isn’t anything I can pick apart, she’s just what you’d expect a final girl to be. (This part is prone to being edited)
Next I’d like to talk about Kirsty, my favorite final girl as of writing. She’s like a more badass version of Nancy. (Which is funny, because they even look similar!) now Kirsty is probably the most determined and almost hard headed? She’s fierce in a way and she won’t give up. Again, I can’t name a hobby, not from the first two movies, but theirs more there then the previous two. We can see she’s curious when she opened the lament that Frank was so panicked about. We also know she has a close relationship with her father, though she isn’t dependent on him. She’s also shown to be smart and or quick witted when she makes the deal with the Cenobites in the first movies from a small detail Frank mentioned, and when she realized Elliot was Pinhead in the second movie, and provided the photo to them to get away, as well as when she put on Julia’s skin to trick the Doctor, as well as a few other details. (some of these could also fit under observant, eg noticing that Elliot is Pinhead) Kirsty is also shown to be caring, when she makes sure Tiffany wouldn’t die in the labyrinth.
I probably don’t have a lot to say about Stretch, since I was only paying half attention to tcm 2, though I really do want to note that we get to know her right off the bat, she likes music, since why work in a radio shack if you hate music? And she’s polite but still holds her ground, like when she was urging for the two boys in the beginning to hang up in the nicest way possible. She’s also shown to be driven and not one to easily give up, as well as someone who wants to help. She didn’t have to go to Lefty to give him evidence and get word about the case out, but she did so because she wanted to help, and I could say something about how she spoke when she told Chop Top to fuck off, and read the situation well enough to process he could be a danger, and decided to go along with what he was saying, till he really had to leave (and till Bubba absolutely wrecked his plate-) also, Stretch is, dare I say, freaky? (She was not looking at Bubba’s chainsaw)
I love all these final girls non the less, I just think it’s interesting how some of them are lacking in personality, yet the movies are still amazing. I’ll also take any opportunity to analyze some of my favorite girls. I hope this was mentally stimulated and educational in some way, thank you for reading.❤️
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perzephonluna · 3 months
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(These may feel like soulmates which CAN BE but be mindful to other aspects & our free will) the attraction on both ends is a 100/100 most likely! But please ask don’t assume someone likes you or confirm on your end.
(my fav cus you can see lots of giggles and it’s difficult not to look at one another! Everyone can see the attraction because the smiling and laughter is nonstop it’s adorable I seen this of course in my observations like awwe they like each other you can tell these people like each other strongly when they are around each other almost seems like a telepathic connection it’s cute & funny. You can see the shyness, the way they can open up easily to one another or how they wanna be giving each other things & compliments it’s so common in crushes in my opinion but I personally really notice this in so many crush stories it’s just the perfect one in my eyes like you can never be sad around eachother you guys can make eachothers days by being together this one can lead to marriage or long term ) song that comes to mind “until I found you by Stephen Sanchez)
The adorable emotional understanding without even speaking or when speaking like omg someone actually understands my wounds & my heart space & what I secretly really want in my emotional sense. You guys may have the same fears which can become a mirrored connection so be mindful not to hurt each other cus it’s very easy to please each other/ or you can deeply hurt each other. I’ve observed the almost like a twinflame dynamic here like someone knows your weaknesses & strengths without knowing you. They see your good and bad it can be scary how similar you guys may be & the high level of synchronized .. This is also considered a past life experience or relationship with this person. Which explains why they feel this soulmate feeling like “I’ve known you” “I can feel what you feel” this can even be telepathic. Don’t hurt one another talk things out don’t hide things at the same time and don’t run away at the same time because that’s so common in the connection. The songs that come to mind ( In love by Kid Cudi or Mirrors by Justin Timberlake)
I believe this one has to be a little more careful because if they are both on the same page it’s beautiful. The sun pushes moon to be comfortable with thier emotions . This can even be the soulmate that changes you from “the bad boy or girl to good boy or girl” this can be the “I want to be better for you because I love you.” They show you your own STRENGTH. I’ve seen this one , one of my friends liked a sun conjunct moon! One usually is interested like right away like love at first sign type of thing. But I’ve seen this one go good & I’ve also seen this one become unrequited love. “SPARKS OF WOW !” On both ends If BOTH FEEL IT. This one can go very beautiful but it can also just become unrequited love or interest because one strongly feels the connection while the other may not feel anything at all. Which is tricky. Songs that come to mind on this aspect (Sometimes by Ariana Grande) or (Lose by lil Wayne & KSI)
This one is very interesting I think it’s a great aspect to have with someone the moon sign person feels heard , seen , understood by the rising individual. This connection is felt strongly intensely. This can feel like “love at first sight” according to many astrologers and in my eyes I was able to see a few connections with this aspect this bond can be one great story. But ngl this one can also end up being “Best friends not lovers type of vibe” but either ways it’s one positive conjunction to have with your crush or lover. Because the level of understanding & caring for eachother. . (Song that comes to mind 8 letters by why don’t we)
This one’s cute this one feels like an ultimate soulmate. I found the ideal person for me type of feeling like you found the one. They have everything you desire or look for in a partner. This one reminds this one definitely has a big highlight on marriage. Like wow!!!!! This is it I’m settling down! This one is my second favorite because this has so much potential for it to be a big crush on both ends to becoming the married couple of romance & abundance. Song that comes to mind (Forever by Kiss)
This one is one that I’d like to say chill guys chill we get it relax. Mars is passionate fire the intensity. The rising is 1st house which rules over Mars / pluto . Mars is the same thing ruled by Aries & Scorpio. It’s the “Dayam who is this” type of vibe and alluring attraction to one another. It’s a deep passionate feeling. The “my crush is smexy as heck!!!” This is one is intense it can become obsessive on both ends. I do want to advise on this one to look at the Venus & moon signs. Because this is definitely an indicator of INFATUATION. I’ve seen how positive aspects are good and an intense passionate amazing relationship or just infatuation and if your looking for long term commitment be careful if that’s the only aspect holding you two together. Song that comes to mind ( only you by Theophilus London?)
I’ve recently started this observation. I’ve noticed how cute this one is, this might be my 3rd fav maybe… just cus I’ve just started looking into it. So sun is ruled by Leo & then rising 1st house is ruled by mars / Aries & Scorpio. Um yesss I can see this beautiful conjunction say your a Scorpio Sun conjunction with your lover or crushes rising sign Scorpio. WOWZERS you will feel good!! You guys will bring each other happiness this is a soulmate stamp. This brings luck & happiness into one another’s life. This might need a little more like Venus & moon aspects. But honestly this one feels like they were made for each other. Sun helps rising heal hidden aspects or turmoils. But just be balanced here because this can become a big struggle for the rising person . This one can be like looking at each other like super stars which can have potential for marriage or long term. Ps yes this is also an indication of a past life marriage or relationship . Song that comes to mind (I was made for loving you by kiss)
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absolutebl · 2 years
Not sure if you'll have an opinion on this, but I'm curious. I keep noticing a lot of casting connections between Japanese BL and another Japanese media genre I watch, and in particular one franchise. And I can't tell if it's A Thing or not. Maybe I'm just seeing it because I happen to watch both of these genres (maybe if I was into some other genre I'd see the same kind of overlap?), or for a mundane reason (e.g. maybe shows from both genres recruit actors of a certain sort/level of success?). It seems like more than a coincidence. But if it's not a coincidence, why would this happen?
The genre I'm talking about is tokusatsu shows. My family and I got into kaiju movies, then into Ultraman shows, and through that into other tokusatsu stuff. Around the same time, I got into Kdramas and eventually branched out to stuff from other parts of Asia and into BL. The franchise that most of the tokusatsu overlap happens with is Kamen Rider.
My sample size is small as I'm a recent convert to BLs, which is a weakness for this tentative argument, but I really think this might be noteworthy...maybe? Here's what I've got so far (noting years because the time range is interesting):
Senpai, This Can't Be Love! is full of Kamen Rider alums. I knew both leads (from Saber, 2020, and Ex-Aid, 2016) and their boss (from Ryuki, 2002), then heard from others on here that two other minor characters were on KR shows I haven't seen yet. This is the most extreme example by far and may be skewing my perception.
I knew Takeda Kouhei of Old Fashion Cupcake from Kamen Rider Kiva (2008), where his character is the polar opposite of Nozue (overconfident, flamboyant, girl-crazy). But then I found out he was a regular on Kamen Rider Build (2017) as well.
Less clear-cut and in the opposite direction, Nishijima Hidetoshi was in What Did You Eat Yesterday? (just heard about this quasi-BL from one of your posts) before being the lead in Kamen Rider Black Sun this year. He was also just in Shin Ultraman, the only overlap between Ultraman and the BL world I've noted so far.
At this point anyone reading this is probably picturing me like that meme of a wild-eyed Charlie Day in front of his conspiracy-theory wall collage. But I keep wondering. Is there someone in a studio role responsible for BL who's a huge Kamen Rider fan? A veteran casting director from Toei making a leap to a studio that produces BLs? Or maybe I just have a case of apophenia (unfounded pattern-finding).
Wondering if you might have some insight.
My guess is that it's actually agency stables in play. Talent agencies and casting directors get in each others pockets a lot. So often you'll see cross over actors, sets of actors, like the casting director fielded the agency's team.
Usually this is because the casting director notified the agency of the roles available and the agency also looked into all the sides, extras, etc and basically blanketed the couch with possibilities from thier stable.
So for example, Takara & Amagi are both played by Jpop idols, but while they're form different groups, they share the same talent agency.
To My Star stars Son Woo Hyun & Kim Kang Min are from the same agency and were also both in The Golden Spoon and Tale of the Nine-Tailed.
If you watch Kdramas as well as KBL you'll start to see this a lot with the sides and extras. I think Japan operates similarly. Something like Absolute BL fielded a ton of familiar faces and I think quite a few of them were from the same agency.
If casting has a good working relationship going with an agency, they can just ring them up from set to send someone over real quick if there has been a drop out or a sudden need for an extra. It's a kind of laziness but also the result of long relationships and industry networking. Also actors will travel in packs and get pulled in just because they're hanging around set while their friend is shooting, and they're often friendly because they share an agency.
I wouldn't be surprised if a number of the better KBL lead pairs turn out to be from the same talent agency and to have at least socially known each other before filming. I've never cared enough to look into it, but I would take an educated guess at 50% or so.
It's all about networking in ET.
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pubhailey · 2 years
(Medical) Helicopter Parenting
Hey parents! I know we've all heard of helicopter parenting before: maybe you are one or maybe you had one. A helicopter parent believes that by staying hyper-vigilant over their child, they can keep them well-behaved and safe.
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More often than not, helicopter parenting stems from a parent's own anxieties, rather than any real need to surveil their child. According to Parents.com, helicopter parenting can actually contribute to the onset of childhood anxiety, entitlement, and underdeveloped life skills.
But today I want to talk about another kind of parenting, something I'm going to call Medical Helicopter Parenting.
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Medical helicopter parents are parents of intersex children who chose to have their child's genitals surgically modified shortly after birth. Rather than risk the uncertainties of raising a child with genitals that aren't quite male or quite female, medical helicopter parents make the drastic decision to surgically reinforce their child's sex.
While medical helicopter parents may believe they are making this decision in the best interest of their child, the reality is that their child has lost their ability to grow into their identity on their own terms. Furthermore, when that child grows up and learns that this medical decision was made without their consent, the odds that your parent-child relationship will be permanently damaged is incredibly high.
Follow this link to read about parent-child relationships in the wake of infant intersex surgeries:
The best thing that a parent of an intersex child can do is address thier own anxieties in the face of uncertainty and difference.
Lurie Children's Sex Development Clinic is a great resource for both children and parents to learn about intersex conditions and gender. They can help facilitate the development of a healthy relationship between intersex child and parent by including the child in the decision-making process and encouraging parental support.
Get comfortable with difference and find the support you need here:
If you have helicopter tendencies, just remember:
Don't medicalize... get therapized!
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Midnight Rose | NJM X F!reader
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Pairing : Crowned Prince!Na Jaemin x Commen person!reader
Summary: He wanted a queen to rule beside him. But he fell in love with her who wasn't in the position to rule. Will he marry against his heart Or will he marry her against the rules?
Jaemin was called by his father who was in his room. Jaemin knew what it would be about. He closed the door of his father's room and later sat on the chair near his father's bed. Na Minhyuk, Jaemin's father was sipping on his tea as he looked at him. "Jaemin you know why you're called here, we've invited the princess of the neighbouring kingdom who is also allies with us." "Dad I've told you already that I'm not marrying anyone. I'm fine as a lone king."
"DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME Na JAEMIN. I know you've been seeing that café owner from One whole year. I've been quiet thinking you're just playing around but this is unacceptable." Jaemin widened his eyes as he looked at his father, not believing he knew about his secret. Presentlt, Jaemin now sat in his room as he felt stressed. Soon he remembered his comfort person, who he really needs at the time.
Jaemin sat at the table in the café. Jaemin sipped on his coffee of eight shots of expresso, as Y/n looked at him worried about him. "Baby, why don't you tell me what happened" Jaemin inhaled sharply as he set his cup down and looked at the love of his life. "My father, 'your great king' is planning to marry me off with the princess of the Neighbouring kingdom. And, Apparently he also knows about us and he fucking thought I want playing around with you."
Y/n smiled at him completely ignoring the second part of his sentence as she said, "Well you should definitely follow your father's order." "Are you crazy? THAT WOULD FUCKING BREAK US APART." "Do you even hear yourself right now Jaemin. We were never meant to be together." "Well let me prove you that we are destined together, If you won't fight for us at least I will. I will fucking make it work Kim Y/n."
Jaemin stormed out of the café as Y/n finally let her tears fall, as she let out choked sobs. She loved him though she was forbid from doing so, she went against everything for love and now that love is against her. She just accepted the fact and was trying to move on as even her marriage was set with the rich hier Jeno.
Jaemin sat across Seok-kyung, the princess of Ayame, as his had no signs of emotion. Thier parents were talking to each other about when to keep the wedding, and about the arrangements while the spoken latters just sat there with no sparks for each other. "Well Jaemin, Seok-kyung will be staying here for a month so you can get along and get to know each other more." Jaemin finally forced on a smile as he replied by giving his father a firm nod.
Jaemin sat in his room, thinking about how to stop his marriage, when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. Jaemin let out an annoyed 'come in' as soon as the door opened he saw Seok-kyung standing there. Before she could walk in and greet him, Jaemin cut her off, "Your room is the other side, you can ask someone they'll show it to you." "Well I actually came here to speak to you."
Seok-kyung replied as she sat on the edge of his bed, Before she could Jaemin again cut her off as he Balantly spoke, "Look not meaning to hurt you but I'm nowhere interested in this marriage as you are. And never expect me to fall for you because I belong to someone else and no one can steal me from her." He Prepared himself for a harsh slap across his as he closed his eyes.
He soon shot his eyes open at sound of her laugh, "I was going to way more rude but thank you, you said that because, even I'm nowhere interested in this marriage. Actually I'm already in a relationship with Han Seo jun." Jaemin looked at her shocked as he felt somewhat happy knowing he doesn't have to fake his feelings.
"Well then the reason I came here for is already done, I'm gonna go on my way. Bye Prince Jaemin." Before Jaemin could process and reply she was already out of his sight.
It had been 2 weeks since Princess Seok-kyung moved to the palace. Well must be said that Jaemin and Seok-kyung did grew close, as friends. They soon felt like best friends as they were going through the same things. They now sat at their normal coffee place as they spoke about random things. Until Jaemin popped up a question.
"What are you and Seojun gonna do? How are you gonna get away from this marriage." "Simple actually, once I turn Twenty years old which will be next month, I will be eligible to give a royal title and that's exactly what I'm gonna do" Jaemin's eyes widened as he swiftly turns his head at Seok-kyung wanting her to repeat what she just said. Seok-kyung let out a nervous chuckle until she realised he didn't actually know the possibility of it.
"Did u not attend the Royal hierarchy class?" "Wait. There's a class like that?" Seok-kyung is extremely shocked at what she just heard, not wanting to believe that his father would stoop so low to break a beautiful couple but she couldn't do anything but that when the evidence was right in front of her. "If you are in love with a person who is not matching your Royal status, you can ask a noble to give them a title and if you yourself are a noble you can declare them a forever title with your blood mixed with theirs."
Jaemin saw red as he marched up to the Royal hall of the Kingdom as he dragged Y/n by her wrist. On the throne sat his father who was shocked to see a non-noble being brought into his holy enchanted palace but Jaemin didn't care. While the other sub-nobles sat there shocked but happy that what was supposed to happen is finally happening as they watch Jaemin take out his sword glides it downwards and looks at his lover with soft eyes. "Bow down my princess." Trusting him Y/n bows down in front of the sword till the sword is inches away from her face. "I, Na Jaemin, the crowned prince, the future king of Onheirvenia, will officially give a title to Kim Y/n, as the Princess of this Kingdom and as the crowned princess and thus rule alongside me." His father rose up in his throne as he was about to make his way towards his son, Jaemin interrupts him as he starts again, his next line taking his father by shock, "According to the rules of the Royal noble people, a crowned prince always has the ability to take over the throne whenever he wants to. And thus, I hereby say that my coronation which will take place alongside with my future queen will taken place by next week. And now for the last task." Jaemin motions for the guards and as they bring in the most infamous prisoner in the kingdom, the person who killed the mother of the said boy standing there. "This is Kim Taewon, Y/n's father, who was said to kill my mother, isn't actually the murderer instead this man was framed by my father right here who is the real killer. My father killed my mother because he was furious to know his wife was in past was in love with his dreaded enemy. That's why he killed my mother and framed the innocent man who had two children on his own. You people can decide what justice can be given to the innocent man and what punishment does this disgusting man deserves." Jaemin frees Kim Taewon as he holds his lover's hand and she tried to control her overflowing tears. Jaemin stood in front of Taewon as he bows.
"And that was the story of how your mother turned from being my midnight rose to being my beautiful Jasmine." Jaemin finished as his Daughter and his son looked at him admiration. Until their moment was cut off by their mother as she walked in and looked at her husband finally saying the actual story to their kids before saying, "I don't think I can ever be more grateful to anyone than you." Jaemin just lets out a chuckle as he rushes the kids to have dinner and pecking the lips of the love of his life before walking out of the door.
Felt like I could have done better at this. 🥲
-Jeong Aera
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
first off thank you for doing the back butler request with the modern s/o but i had an idea. so the same things but with Levi, Erwin, hange, and Eren. I fell like this would be interesting because of thier while gen z hunker yada had it would be like a breath of fresh air for them. Anyways i hope you have a wonderful day/night ❤️
I love Attack on Titan❣️❣️ For obvious reasons Eren will be aged up in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, threatening, blackmailing, mentions of kidnapping, killing
Modern reader who got transported into their world
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⚔️🔬🎖👊We are just going to assume that Eren was 18 or older when joining the scouts. The first ones to meet you were Levi, Hanji and Erwin during one of their missions outside the walls. Everything looked normal at first. That was at least until they heard loud footsteps, signaling that a Titan was coming. But there was something else that they could hear. They needed a few moments until realizing what it was. The desperate and terrified screams and cries of a human! That’s when they saw it! It was truly something to watch. A Titan running behind you, someone with peculiar taste of clothes and definitely not part of the scouts. Imagine your relief when you saw them and ran directly into their direction, yelling for someone to help you. You weren’t ready to die in this ‘hell of Anime’ that early on. You still hadn’t met all the ‘characters’. What on earth were you talking about?
⚔️🔬🎖👊Levi was the first one to react, using his gear to quickly get to the neck of the Titan and cutting it’s weak spot. You were safe! Shortly after all the other member of the scouts came and shortly after you were surrounded by people. Everywhere whispering and confused mumbling was heard. A human outside the walls! That was a sensation! Guess who was instantly all over you? That’s right, Hanji! No one was more excited than them! Started to instantly bombard you with questions whilst circling around you excitedly and observing your strange clothes. From where were you? What was your name? For what were those clothings? Tell them everything! But you couldn’t. Because suddenly you collapsed, making Hanji freak out. You weren’t dead, but god knows how long you had been running. You were exhausted beyond belief. Before collapsing you mumbled something from ‘not knowing if you should laugh or cry over suddenly being transported in one of your favorite Anime’. It was mutually agreed that you would be taken. Erwin was sure that you could give them very useful informations. Under no means necessary you could be killed. Hanji was all for it, displaying great enthusiasm whilst Levi was annoyed. You had mumbled nothing, but shit so far and he already had one crazy fellow Hanji with him. He could gladly renounce on another one. But he also understood the worth your knowledge would have.
⚔️🔬🎖👊When you woke up you were in a small cell, Levi and Erwin waiting for you and leaning against the wall and waiting for you to wake up whilst Hanji was leaning against the bars of the cell and waiting impatiently for you to finally gain consciousness. As soon as you they continued just where they had stopped and started rambling excitedly questions until Levi harshly lectured them to stop that and that they would creep you out. You on the other hand looked like a lost lamb, looking stunned, yet flustered around. Erwin, being the most composed began to ask you calmly questions. Who were you? What was your name? What had you been doing outside the walls? And what was that strange object that they had found in your pocket? When he said this Hanji pulled said object, your phone, out and continued speaking like a waterfall. Levi snapped at them, warning them to better not let it fall again like the first time they had it in their hands. But Hanji ignored him and told you that it had started shining when they had pressed a button and it seemed like a special code was needed in order for something more to happen. What was that thing? Some kind of weapon?
⚔️🔬🎖👊Honestly, you didn’t even know what to say, too flustered to stand in front of those three. Would they even believe you if you would tell them the truth? You hesitated until Levi just told you harshly to just spit it out. Do you even know through how much paperwork and discussions they had to go to keep you with the scouts. He also saved your stupid ass so you better repay him for his kindness. So you stuttered more or less everything out. And at first it was silent. From the expressions on their faces you could tell that they didn’t believe you. Levi was the first one who cursed at you to stop beating bullshit. Did you think you could just tell them such unbelievably dumb lies?! You brat should better start telling the truth before he would make you! That made you a bit livid. Okay, then let’s see how he would react to this. That’s when you spit every dirty secret you knew about his past out. Everything! Levi was stunned. You knew things no one else knew about him. Now you had their attention. You asked kindly if you could have your phone back to prove to them that you really were from another dimension. And Hanji gave it instantly to you, making Levi curse once again. What if that thing was a weapon? You used your fingerprint and showed them the tons of photos you had saved about them. That seemed to convince them.
⚔️🔬🎖👊Everything was quickly arranged. You were given a job in the scouts and always worked with Erwin, Hanji and Levi. And you were taught, despite knowing already more than all of them together. Erwin taught you everything you didn’t know about the history of the walls or the society, Hanji taught you everything about the Titans and weapons, even though they preferred it if you were the one telling them things they didn’t know about you and your world, and Levi taught you the basics about using your gear and fighting. Not like you were ever going to fight. You were way too valuable for that. Everything you had with you like your phone or clothes were somewhere hidden where only you four had access too. Whenever someone started question you tricky questions they instantly stepped in and lied for you. It was a mutual agreement that your secret had to stay between you four.
⚔️🔬🎖👊For Hanji it was definitely the easiest to form an obsession with you. They were naturally a very obsessive person, but now that you were in the picture? They went crazy! You became even more interesting than Titans for them. Hanji wanted to know EVERYTHING about you. From your choice of rather weird clothes to what your hobbies in your world were and why. Whatever you told them, they hung on your lips like the answer of life was somewhere in your words. They gained a lot of inspiration from you and the Thunderbolt was built thanks to your stories.The fact that you always listened to their excited rambling and never seemed to mind their sometimes peculiar behavior was a big plus for them. And at some point Hanji became so obsessed that they started collecting things from you. You were special, unique, one in a kind even in your world. Hanji collected everything you had ever even touched. Clothes, spoons, weapons, hair...There was no limit for them. You became the center of their attention and with time Hanji became visibly more affectionate with you. They always grabbed your hand when dragging you away to show you something and didn’t let go when reaching that place, always hugged you when seeing you and even going as far as giving you a ‘friendly’ kiss on the cheek. And they ALWAYS stared at you.
⚔️🔬🎖👊The next one to become obsessed with you was surprisingly Levi and different from Hanji he didn’t show it that openly. At first he was just annoyed with you and your quirky character. Hanji was already enough to take in, but here were you, who always messed up with everything and couldn’t even move properly with a gear. You would be killed in no time. He spent lot of time with you, being harsh and trying to train you. But he was also very awkward around you. You knew his whole past and he didn’t like that. But you also possessed a certain innocence that no one else had. And due to knowing his past you never thought badly of him. You pitied him, something completely new to him. Don’t pity him, he isn’t some weak pathetic person! He tried to push you away, but you always came back. This confused Levi. Why were you so persistent? At some point he gave up, probably because Hanji had lashed out on him due to all the bruises you had thanks to him and threatened to do something if he wouldn’t stop. So he accepted it when you always spent time with him or told him about you and your world. And slowly he started to appreciate it. Your kindness and innocence in this world was like a breath of fresh air for him. It was also calming for him that there was a world somewhere else where mankind didn’t have to suffer like this one. He himself didn’t know when it happened, but at some point you had become too precious to him. He didn’t want to let go. Never. He became with time more gentle with you. Only you were allowed to see his softer side.
⚔️🔬🎖👊Erwin was the last from the three to become obsessed, simply because he tried to keep a more professional relationship with you. He wanted to be originally a superior figure for you who you could trust and talk to when needed. So when exactly became his borders of feelings blurry? He was overprotective, at first because you were too valuable to be lost, but with time because you sneaked your way into his heart. It was a similar story like with Levi. You knew that behind all this calm and calculating composure a hurting and unsure man was hidden and wanted to find this side. You had answers to questions he had died to know, telling him things no one besides you knew about this world. When you told him that his father had been indeed killed by the regime he felt relieved. Doubts he had have for years were suddenly confirmed. All because of you. That was the beginning for him. At first he hadn’t wanted to ask you that much, seeing how Hanji came daily with hundreds of new questions up. But the closer the both of you got, the more comfortable he felt and started asking you the one or other question too. It was a growing liking at first, but with time and time it became more and more twisted. Erwin watched that with worries, knowing that he should stop this. But he couldn’t. He just couldn’t. And so he witnessed sinking deeper and deeper into the darkest corners of his mind and heart until there was no turning back anymore.
⚔️🔬🎖👊They all were smart and quickly took notice of each other’s feelings for you. With Hanji it was painfully obvious. The amount of affection they displayed with you and their nonstop raving talking about you was a clear sign. Levi wasn’t that obvious, but if you looked closer it was obvious. The way he was only gentle with you and even smiled a bit. That and the fact that he instantly became aggressive to everyone who dared to try to talk with you. Levi demanded a lot of personal time with you. Erwin was the hardest to discover because he tried to hold his composure when with you. But the silent and warning glares he send everyone signaled it. That and his slightly possessive look he always had when looking at you. Now let’s just say that no one found this situation very pleasant. Hanji took it a bit lighter than the others, but was still grumpy about this. Levi was livid about this, not willing to share with anyone. Erwin was also very angry, but he knew that those two were very important for the scouts so he couldn’t risk anything. But there was one thing that had all three of them in common. They were driven by the desire to keep you safe. That made them come to a shaky agreement. They would all protect you with their life and would try to not kill each other. At first it was hard for all of them, especially Levi. But there was an event that was like a slap for all three of them in the face. It was because of you. You had noticed that there was some tension between the three of them. And when all four of you were together once again you asked them for granting you a wish. They agreed, but hadn’t expected your next words. That made them decide to pull their shit together.
⚔️🔬🎖👊“You three achieved already so much and are going to come do far. But only because you always work together, function as a flawless team. So I wish that you stop acting like this to each other. Alone you won’t reach anything. If this is about me than I���ll leave. I don’t want to be responsible for mankind’s failure because I split you three.”
⚔️🔬🎖👊And how came Eren in this picture? Very simple. You were more or less very well known among the scouts despite never being seen that often. Why was that? Because you were always with Hanji, Levi and Erwin and not much about you was known. The only thing that was known was that you had one day just appeared on a mission outside the walls. That made Eren clairaudient. You were from outside the walls? Why were so less known about you then? You could carry great knowledge with you! Others told him that the three always kept everything about you a big secret. But something that was known about you was that you were very important to all three of them. There were reports that other soldiers had seen Levi smiling when with you! Basically everything except your name was a secret. That made Eren curious about you.
⚔️🔬🎖👊He tried his hardest to find out about you or get the chance to talk with you. But that was very hard since you weren’t that often seen and if you were always with either Hanji, Levi or Erwin. And none of them let others speak with you. Even the soldiers who had been on the mission when finding you didn’t know much. Only those strange words you had mumbled out back then. That confused Eren. What was an ‘Anime’? It only strengthened his desire to meet you. But sadly he couldn’t keep this a secret very long. Not from them. It was kind of his own fault as well. During one of his meetings with Levi where he had been especially snarky and cruel to him, Eren had lost it and had yelled at Levi that he should probably try smiling like he supposedly always did around you and that it was unfair that you were kept as a secret. Your knowledge and informations could help them all!! So why keep everything to themselves?! Big! Mistake! Levi’s annoyed facial expression switched to something which could only be described as ‘beyond terrifying’. Even Eren paled a bit upon seeing it. Let’s just say when Eren came back he had experienced firsthand a taste of real hell. But Levi’s reaction had also given him more reasons to try to talk with you.
⚔️🔬🎖👊But now Erwin, Hanji and Levi were aware of his growing curiosity for you. And they couldn’t risk anyone finding out. So they tried to keep Eren busy, warning him to not get involved on this and Levi made sure to give Eren a hard time, making him work that hard that by the end of the day he would be too exhausted to even think. But all their efforts were useless. How did Eren find out? He didn’t quite understand it as well. It was honestly like a miracle. One night he was just taking a walk. All he did was turning once around...and saw you sneaking carefully around. He had only seen you once or twice before, but instantly recognized you. And the same moment he knew where you were was the moment he stormed to you, grabbed you by your shoulders and started shaking you whilst speaking hastily why you and your informations that could be used to solve the mystery behind Titans a secret. You tried to escape, but Eren didn’t plan on doing so. He had waited too long for this. And the more you refused to tell him the more impatient he got. Until it got to the point where his grip on your shoulders tightened painfully and he yelled at you that if you wouldn’t tell him he would force you. He scared you with his attitude and due to this you stuttered your secret out.
⚔️🔬🎖👊At first he didn’t believe you and screamed at you if you thought that this all was a joke. You shook your head and cried and begged him to stop. He was hurting and scaring you by now. Just as Eren was about to yell something back he was suddenly attacked by something. No, someone. An enraged Levi who threw him at the ground and started strangling him. Levi saw red now, the thought of this brat here even daring to touch you making him want to kill him. If it wouldn’t have been for Hanji and Erwin who pulled him back and giving Eren the chance to breathe again, Levi would have killed him. That didn’t mean that these two weren’t angry. They had heard your desperate cries and his furious yelling and seeing you crying there made all three even more pissed. But they also knew that you had told him a secret. It was time for a small talk with this boy here. Your small attempt to get some free time without those three always surrounding you had ended in a catastrophe.
⚔️🔬🎖👊Eren finally got what he had wanted. An explanation to why you were kept as a secret and the truth about you. And suddenly Eren understood why no one of them had ever told the truth. With this world already messed up enough a dimension traveler would only bring more chaos. Not to mention what the regime would do when finding out that you knew every secret and even the future. And he felt guilty for not believing you. But now a new problem had appeared. He knew about you and wanted to help, wanted to be involved. And no one was willing to let him anywhere near you. Not even Hanji. He was a hothead and had already hurt you once. Very soon an heavy argument started between the four of them and if it wouldn’t have been for you then there would have been for sure a physical fight between Eren and Levi. You weren’t all that happy that one of your favorite characters had hurt you, but you also knew that Eren would be able to help. What happened had happened and you couldn’t do anything against it. He had the right to spend time with you. It was only fair.
⚔️🔬🎖👊Eren tried his hardest to gain your trust back after that. He felt incredibly guilty for not believing you and hurting you. He wanted to be friends with you. At least at first. But it didn’t take long for him to go Yandere for you. It happened very fast. You were an angel from another world! Eren loved it when you told him about your world, a world where no one had to fear to be eaten by Titans. Of course your world wasn’t completely flawless, but compared to his it was paradise. You told him about the sea, mountains, deserts, jungles, about everything. And Eren found himself falling deeper and deeper for you. It got to the point where he didn’t want to leave you anymore and felt the desire to just shower you in kisses and love, wanting to show you that he was your loyal soldier. You were sometimes still a bit careful around him and every time he noticed it he was hurt. He would never hurt you! He would rather break every bone in his body! Couldn’t you see that he would do anything for you?!
⚔️🔬🎖👊And of course Levi, Erwin and Hanji noticed the lovesick look, probably worse than Hanji’s, the boy always gave you. And that was something they weren’t okay with. It was already worse enough that the three of them shared feelings for you. But Eren?! That was a big no! Problem here was that as soon as they tried to separate you from him Eren became unbelievably aggressive. Levi suggested killing him, but that would have been really stupid. Eren was an important soldier, not to mention that you had told them that Eren was to be valued. And your words meant everything. You knew what would happen. Eren himself probably needed a bit longer to realize that all four of them felt the same strong desire and love for you. He was at first just too busy with worshipping your entire being. But the more aggressive Erwin, Levi and Hanji became with their attempts to minimize the interactions between you and him the more he opened his eyes until everything made sense to him. The reason why Hanji always rambled so much about you with a slight blush on their cheeks, the reason why Levi only smiled around you and had been so aggressive when he had hurt you, the reason why Erwin always had this displeased look on his face when you were talking shortly to other soldiers. It was because they loved you! And Eren was everything, but happy with that. He could protect and love you better!
⚔️🔬🎖👊The already bad tension between them reached it’s freezing point. They of course never tried to show their dislike too much when with you. But when they were alone? Whilst Hanji and Erwin relied more on heavy glarings and subtle warnings, Levi was to no one’s surprise the most aggressive one. It happened often that other cadets saw Eren and Levi getting into heavy arguments where others always needed to interrupt or else those two would just claw at each other’s face.
⚔️🔬🎖👊Now to what would happen if each of them would discover separately a way to travel with you back. Hanji would be all up for it. They are obsessed with your world, not nearly as much as with you, but still. So they would use that chance as soon as they have it. I can see Hanji as someone who would have probably even taken Levi and Erwin with them if it wouldn’t have been for Levi’s possessiveness and harshness and Erwin’s manipulative side. Hanji wants you happy and knows that this wouldn’t make you happy. So the best choice is going alone with you. Let’s just say that Hanji would never fully stop being amazed by your world even years later. There’s just so much to discover! Hanji strikes for a relationship filled with love and without worries. Levi would be also all up for it. And due to his possessiveness he wouldn’t even think about taking someone else with him. Now he can finally have you all for himself. He just wants to start a new and happy life with you where he doesn’t have to constantly worry about you being devoured by a Titan. Erwin would be a bit more hesitant at first due to being very dutiful, but in the end he would come to the conclusion that this will be the only way to keep you safe. Wants to marry you in your world and have a peaceful life with you. Eren wouldn’t even think twice. But he would definitely take Mikasa and Armin with him. He doesn’t want to go without them. And I guess the first few years Eren would just travel with you, Mikasa and Armin around the world. He wants to see the sea, mountains, waterfalls, just everything you told him about. And after that he would settle down with you somewhere where the both of you can live together happily and have a few children in the future.
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My Brothers, The Lovers ❤ (Repost: Classic fanfic)
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My Brothers, The Lovers *Revised version*
By Annabelle Naughty Princess Rose
Summary:I wouldn't trade my Brothers for anything in the world. SAM/DEAN/OFC. Wincest!
Rated: MA (18+)
Author notes: Hey guys! Well, I have  another classic fic of mine to share. This was a little idea I had while I wrote this story, an OFC sister of Sam and Dean Winchester, and thier growing forbidden bond. So, this is a Wincest story.
This story was recently published on my Fanfiction.net, as well as on live journal, Wattpad, and WordPress page. There may be some little changes I made because the story had bad typos. (Don't judge me.)
Please note: That this story contains Wincest. If you are uncomfortable with this nature, please DO NOT read!
Lastly, I don't own any characters. The story plot was my idea. ;)
(Reader's POV:)
I love my brothers. They are caring. They are protective. When you're feeling down, they turn your frown upside down. If it was over a guy, they would stop at nothing to nail his ass to a wall. Any person, whether boy or girl is lucky to have them.
I wouldn't trade my brothers for anything in the world. They are a godsend. Sam and Dean: my knights in shinning amour.
We been through a lot together. Since our father died, it has been hell on earth...literally!
But no matter, we had stuck it through till the end and now we could live our lives...
A lot has happened since we saved the world from certain doom. We had one hard challenge: to learn how to live normal lives. I mean, I know it sounds stupid to do one simple thing, but come on, In our eyes, we are hunters. We were born as hunters. I don't think the three of us couldn't shake the fact that life was over. It was the only thing we knew.
But still, we somehow mange to cope with it. We settled in Kansas with the help of our father's will. We brought a house pretty much like the one you see on those commercials with the white picket fence.
It was close to the University Sam was planning to attend to resume his studies as a attorney and close to Lisa, Dean's one last stand and his possible legitimate lovechild Ben. I, myself was planning to go to a local Community College. At first, I didn't really wanted to go to school, but Sam insisted that it was serve me well later in life.
Yeah, life was perfect... at least for the half of that year. The urge of the life of freedom were still brewing inside us. We miss the life with no worries, of bills, school, kids...
So we sold the house hop into the impala and left.
About three months after, I noticed that our bond was changing. I noticed Dean would at times, would make quick glances out from the corner of my eye. I really didn't pay to much attention to it at first because I thought it was something that brothers normally do.
But now I found at night when I take turns laying next to him or Sam, at times I could have swore I felt his eyes staring down at me while I sleep.
Sam on the other hand had a very different approach. There would be times whenever me and him are alone, he wouldn't normally act like your typical big brother. He would act as though like a boyfriend. When me and him are alone, He would be a lot closer than usual. At times when I'm in the shower, I could have swore that I heard him breathing on the other side of the curtain not to mention to very tall figure I see just standing mere inches.
I guess I'm just imagination things. That's it's all in my head. Or maybe, I have a bad case of thinking dirty. Can I help it? I am not going to lie. My brothers are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous! They could get the princess of Cambridge a heat attack! I found that comment to be quite interesting! I begin to think the times when the three of us would be out, like geoceries shopping, bars,at the park. I have women rolling their eyes, whispering words about me, thinking that I was a whore for my brothers...
Nothing could prepare me for what happened two weeks later...
I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I was sitting on the sidewalk in front of a sleazy hotel. I was writing in my journal at the same time sneaking glances at Dean as he was wiping down the impala. The way he smiles as he glazes down at his baby makes me happy but a tad jealous...but he assure me that I was his main baby.
I could hear the faint sound of water coming from the bathroom. Sam,was inside, washing his god build form in the shower.
Turning my head, I couldn't help but grin as I saw a narrow view of his ass. Even after all these years, Sam still had a nasty habit about leaving the shower curtain open.
"Hey," Dean replies getting my attention. I turn my head towards him trying to look innocent."What are you smirking at?" He asks.
At his question, I raised my eyebrows giving him a side smile.
"Nothing. just a thought I was thinking." I looked up at him and I could tell he wasn't buying it. That's the thing I love about Dean, he has the sense to know whether something was troubling me or Sam...and he would stop at nothing to find out.
"About? I curious," He replies in a singing tone making me laugh.
"It's personal. My thoughts only," I winked. Finally he give up the debate and returns to his duty wiping down his impala.
Later that night, we decided to pay a visit at local bar. That day was the worst night of my life.
To be from what seemed, the only sibling with two very handsome attractive brothers was a bitch!
From the second we walk in, there were woman, whether their were in a relationship,married, or even betrayal their same-sex partner, had cornered us.
One was a blonde, who I can tell had the personality of stupid trying to seduce Dean with her luscious but totally fake breasts. While a brunette who was staring Sam down and was the bartender of the bar didn't give a damn if she had other people waiting to be served. It disgust me how women could be so depraved for a man.
I wanted to get out of there. The room felt as through it was trying to suffocate me. It hurt my heart to see I was the only one left out. To keep myself from bursting into tears, I did just that but my attempt to leave was cut short by a hand on by wrists.
Turning my head, I came face to face to a man who was pure hillbilly. He had messy hair,oily jumper and I remember that when I was at the bar, I would turn my head and he would smile at me.
"Where do you think you're going, darling?" The man asked. I can tell that he was drunk and had the slightest clue as what he was doing.
"Going home," I replied. "And I appreciated if you remove your hand from my wrist." I tried to Jerk him away but it was a useless attempt.
"I don't think so darling, You're looking very pretty there's no need for an angel face like you to scurry away..."He tried to pull me along, but I stood my ground. Then he does the unthinkable, He roughly pulls me against him loosing his balance completely falling on one of the now broken tables.
Everyone turned their heads Including Sam and Dean who immediately lest from their social gathering to my aid.
"Hey Asshole!"Dean replies as he and Sam walked over to the scene. "What are you doing with my sister?!" He began to throw insults at the poor man, while ignoring Sam's attempt to help me up, I stood up on my feet.
"I'm fine," I replied. "The fat ass broke my fall."
"Fat ass?" The man shouted. "Who are you calling a fat ass you bitch!"
"Hey!" Dean shouted. reaching down to jerk the man up by his collar. "Don't fucking talk to my sister like that!"
"What happened?" Sam asked, taking my hand and I jerked it away.
"Oh! Like you care! he was trying to rape me!" I shouted. "Forget it! I'm getting the fuck out of here!" The last thing I remember was Dean calling that fat bastard "a Son of a Bitch" before throwing punches and Sam trying to calm him down.
At the Hotel, I stood fully nude in the shoulder letting the warm water abuse my body. I was just so relieved that I got out of there.
So what I acted like a ass. So what if I act like a jealous girlfriend. I'm not going to be held responsive. I could hear the door to the hotel room opening following the distant voices between the two.
Dean was shouted some sentence that were inseparable and Sam was speaking in a mild tone. I covered my ears, to try to block out the conversation, along with the pounding of the door, but it a useless. Finally, I finished my shower, wrapped myself in a towel, and took a deep breath. I made my way out of the bathroom with my head down before glazing at the faces of my older brothers.
Sam, who now has a sad look on his face. His green eyes sparking with concern. Whilst Dean has a pissed off expression, trying his best to remain calm. There were no words that were unable to fall out of mouth. I just walked passed them and climb into to very large king side bed we shared with saying a unexpectedly surprising, I suddenly began to cry my ear out.
Almost immediately, Sam and Dean's expressions changed. If they were confused, I could say the same thing. The reason why I was crying, I couldn't understand. I was always the second tough one when it comes from intense situations, I guess with everything that we had been through together finally had took a toll on me. I see with my watery eyes Sam turned towards Dean and he nodded his head. without hesitation, they began to walk towards me.
Dean lay on my left, Sam lay on my right. They huddled up against me trying to console me. Sam was wiping away from my tears, while Dean began to rub small circles down my back.
This warm fuzzy feeling began to grow inside me. I gaze into Sam's eyes and I can see the easiness and calm in his face. Then I did the unthinkable. I reached my hand and caress his cheek and I leaned in a kiss him passionately on the lips.
There was no feeling I can't describe other than, I felt as through I explode into a million pieces. What was more shocking is that Sam didn't pull away. He gave in and began to response with my advances. Dean was anxious to show his passion. I could feel his lips on my neck, his hands trailed down to my breast giving them a firm squeeze.
I moaned in response breaking my lips with Sam replacing them with his. I tried to show my love for the both of them. Wanting to give them all of me...
Everything happen in a flash. the removing of clothes. The hot soft lips on my heated skin. The feeling of being completely filled. Like flipping a page in a book. Like riding the biggest wave and suddenly ,you're caught in the tide.I felt so much pleasure.
It felt like Heaven. It was heaven...
That was last night...
And here we are...
Today is a new day. I stare at the ceiling with a smile on my face as I felt warm naked bodies sleeping silently against me...
Nude Dean on my left...
Nude Sam on my right.
Right now, I can't say that God is pleased. Not with the events that had happened. Now, When I said I love my brothers...I love them more than just a sibling nature. I love them, I'm madly in love with them! When I think of their eyes and their smiling faces, it makes my body want to explode in fireworks.I don't care what people would say. I don't care if our father would turn over in his grave, I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world! it always will be the three of us forever...
Sam and Dean,
My brothers, the lovers.
The End.
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epic-sorcerer · 4 years
Merlin would have been so much more gay if the writers stayed true to Celtic paganism(the historicaly accurate “old religion”)
Trigger warnings:
Main triggers: talk of sex, homophobia, religion, Catholics, colonization, anti Celtic, murder
Mention triggers: rape and sexual assault, creepy men, gore, insest, toxic masculinity
I will mark the sections with quick triggers with 2 red lines. Below the second one is when the trigger is gone.
I am posting this on December 21st, as today is the Winter Solstice, a Celtic Pagan holiday. It will be posted at 3:33 PM, as 3 is a sacred number among the celts. Because of the special occasion, I will be speaking on a subject that was important to many of them—homosexuality.
Some stuff first for introductions. Yes, yes, I know this may be boring but it helps with context. This religion didn’t have a name other than Celtic pagan or Celtic religion bc it seams everyone there believed it. This was until the Roman Empire concurred what is now the UK. Since Rome had adopted Christianity—more specifically, Roman Catholocism—they only allowed that religion to be practiced.
Once England was concurred in 43 A.D, the pagans were killed and their religion was surpressed. Not much is known about the pagans for this reason. However, we do know somethings from what the Romans have written down. Although, it is biased, as they believed the celts to be barbaric and also didn’t wright much about women.
——gore ——
First, we know they preformed human sacrifice on kings when the kingdom suffered along with some other groups.This could be from bad ruling to really bad weather. These kings died horribly, as they seamed to be stabbed multiple times, had thier nipples cut off, and left to die in a bog.
They had thier nipples cut off because the subjects would suck on the kings’ nipples to demonstrate submission, so cutting them off would fully dethrone the king.
Now, background over. Here’s where it gets good.
Nipple sucking between too lovers or ‘special friends’ was seen as a preclemation of love, physical intimacy, and sexual expression. This, like other types of sex, was seen as something beutiful and sacred. Often, male soldiers would have these ‘special friend’ relationships with many fellow soldiers in groups. The Romans even observed that Celtic men seamed to prefer other males for love/sexual interest over women.
Nipple sucking was mostly described was between two men. Although, we must recognize that women may have been left out of written history. I would also like to point out, this may prove that aromantic people existed in that time, as these ‘special friends’ had sex and were not mentioned to be romantically involved.
The celts were known for their sex positivity and even eroticism because they loved it so much.This is one of the reasons why the pagans and the Chatholics clashed so badly.
Before the Romans really took over, Saint Patrick—yes, the Saint Patrick—started to try to convert the celts into Roman catholosim. He was appalled at the wide acceptance of polyamory(women were aloud to marry however many people they wanted) and homosexual relationships/marriages. Not to mention the celts could have sex with any one at any time as long as it is consensual.
——(Tw creepy men)——
That means no waiting til marriage, unless a Celtic chose to do so. Although we should take into consideration a statement made by Diodorus Siculus, an antient Greek historian, that “the young men will offer themselves to strangers and are insulted if the offer is refused.” In his series Bibliotheca historica. This could mean that either creepy men were comman place, or that homosexuality was so comman and done with everyone, it was wierd to be rejected.
Getting back to the Roman Catholics, the book Sextus Empiricus is published in the early 3th century and states,
“...amongst the Persians it is the habit to indulge in intercourse with males, but amongst the Romans it is forbidden by law to do so...”
It also goes on to say,
“...amongst us sodomy is regarded as shameful or rather illegal, but by the Germanic they say, it is not looked on as shameful but as a customary thing.”
For clarification, Germany is apart of Celtic society. So what we can infer is a very serious culture shock in terms of Rome and other places. During Emporor Serverus Alexander’s reign, openly homosexuals were deported.
In early 4th century, Emporor Constaine—the first Christian Roman Emperor—destroyed an Egyptian temple populated exclusively by femme, gay, pagan, priests. The Emproror then went on to eradicate all of them. However in 337 A.D., 3 emperors ruled, including Constantius II and Constans I, who where both in mlm relationships.
An odd thing these emporors went on to do was criminalize male bottoming during mlw sex 342 A.D.. 8 years later, Emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I, and Arcadius ferther punished this act by killing these men by Public burning at the stake.
———(Tw toxic masculinity)———
I believe this was because masculinity was very important and a man acting in a more feminine role was seen as emasculating and humiliating. For the average man, he had to fight and defend his masculinity. Not doing so was seen as a personal failure.
The last ever known peice of European literature containing a positive representation of homosexuality for 1,000 years was a large epic poem by Nonnus of Panopolis. It was titled Dionysiaca and the first part was published in 390 A.D., the last in 405 A.D..
So yeah, The catholics were very selective in terms of sex. One can only imagine how badly the celts and Catholics clashed. Back to 435 A. D., Saint Patrick began to preach Catholism and around that time wrote in his Confessio. He recounted that he found a boat to get out of Ireland and refused to suck on the nipples of those aboard.
“And on the same day that I arrived, the ship was setting out from the place, and I said that I had the wherewithal to sail with them; and the steersman was displeased and replied in anger, sharply: ‘By no means attempt to go with us.’ Hearing this I left them to go to the hut where I was staying, and on the way I began to pray, and before the prayer was finished I heard one of them shouting loudly after me: ‘Come quickly because the men are calling you.’ And immediately I went back to them and they started to say to me: ‘Come, because we are admitting you out of good faith; make friendship with us in any way you wish.’ (And so, on that day, I refused to suck the breasts of these men from fear of God, but nevertheless I had hopes that they would come to faith in Jesus Christ, because they were barbarians.) And for this I continued with them, and forthwith we put to sea.”
—(Tw very mild rape/sex assault mention—
So, as you can see, Celtic and Catholic ways clashed horribly. Something seen as good and sacred to the indigenous tribes was seen as barbaric and sinful to Saint Patrick. Also, don’t worry, the celts did not press the issue ferther, or else this would be a very different story.
This only snowballed into a much bigger issue much later in medival English sexuality. They were VERY picky on what sex was aloud. Missionary was the only aloud position and it has to be the least pleasurable as possible. Making out and masturbation wasn’t aloud either, as that was also seen as a sin. Here’s a low Rez chart to help figure out when sex was okay.
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While we are discussing such a queer topic, I would like to bring up the topic of Anam Cara, or Soul Friends in Antient Celtic culture. A Soul Friend was a word used to describe a Philosophy in which one is not completely whole without thier “other half.” This person can be in a platonic, romantic, or familiar kind of love. Really, all it boils down to is that 2 poeple were made to be together since the beginning of time and will be at thier strongest when they become companions.
There is a Celtic legend that seams to depict a mlm Anam Cara relationship. It tells the story of Cuchulainn and Ferdiad, two male worriors who have known and loved each other a long time. But they must kill each other in a duel. Both are vary reluctant, as at least one of them will have to die.
————(Tw insest)———
Before I go on, it is important to mention there is a lot of debate on wether or not this is homosexual. Mainly because they were foster brothers, but since insest wasn’t as much of a taboo, I do not think this would be as much of a set back as it is today.
They had tried to kill each other each day for 3 days, but they ended up hugging each other and kissing 3 times. On the fourth day, however, Cuchulainn killed Ferdiad. The man then holds Ferdiad in his arms and sings peoms for a long time. Here are some:
“We were heart-companions once,
We were comrades in the woods,
We were men that shared a bed
When we slept the heavy sleep
After hard and weary fights.
Into many lands, so strange,
And side by side we sallied forth
And we ranged the woodlands through,When with Scathach we learned arms!”
Heart companions seams to be similar or the same as soul freind, because of how it’s used. Although sleeping in the same bed isn’t inherently sexual, Cuchulainn then goes on to complement Ferdiad’s physical features.
“Dear to me thy noble blush,
Dear thy comely, perfect form;
Dear thine eye, blue-grey and clear,
Dear thy wisdom and thy speech”
Although this is deeply sweet I would also like to caution that Chuhulainn may have simply been commenting on his healthiness, but blush is an odd word considering he is now dead.
Two male lovers, one dead in the other’s arms. Soul friends, maybe. Reminds me of a certain show..I don’t know I just can’t put my finger on it...
I would also like to point out that because Celtics did not pressure others to have sex, and that a soul friend can be any type of love, I do think that an asexual or someone on that spectrum could live without judgment.Unfortunately, I could not find much about intersex, androgynous, or trans people. Perhaps if I find anything in the future and will make a new post.
In conclusion, if Merlin were more historicaly accurate, he definitely would have been queer. Especially because he is said to be magic itself, it would make sense for him to be the personification of Celtic values. That may include homosexuality, because as previously stated, Celtic men really liked other men.
I’m excited to see what will come of this post, seeing as not a lot of people in the fandom seem to know this. More fanfiction? More fanart? It would probably inspire a lot of creators. So, if you do make something because of this post, please notify me in the notes, an ask, an @ or something. Basically anything but a PM. I would be happy to see/read the creation.
Sexuality and love in Celtic society:
Same Sex Celts
Druid Thoughts: of Sex and Druids
Anam Cara, what’s a soul mate?
Sexuality in Ancient Ireland
The Celts, Women, and Sex
LGBT history
Sexuality and love in Medival Society:
Getting down and medival: the sex lives of the Middle Ages
Sex in the Middle Ages
Here’s What Sex Was Like In Medieval Times. It’ll Make You Feel Glad You Weren’t Born Back Then!
General Celtic Society:
Who Were the Celts
Celtic Religion and Belieifs
Saint Patrick
17 Things You Probably Didnt know about Saint Patrick
Confession of Saint Patrick
Cuchulainn and Ferdiad
Cuchulainn and Ferdiad, Gay Lovers?
The Combat of Ferdiad and Cuchulain
Insest in Antient Celtic Society
Ancient Irish elite practiced incest, new genetic data from Neolithic tomb shows
Homosexuality in the Roman Empire
Timeline of LGBT history
Timeline of LGBT history in the United Kingdom
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ahufflepuffranting · 4 years
The Mistakes of the Half-Blood Prince Movie
Disclaimer: These are my opinions not facts. I haven’t watched this movie in many moons so some scenes may be spotty/inaccurate. Also a lot of them are going to be derived from the book so if you haven’t read them, read the series, rewatch or watch the movies and then come back. Also major spoilers for this movie. You have been warned.
So…the HBP. I remember watching this movie in middle school/early high school. Now after a few years. I have a lot of thoughts on this movie and I felt that this would be a good first post. Enjoy!
1) Snape as the DADA Teacher. For those who read the books you know Snape has been eyeing the DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) teaching spot for years. We learn this in the first book and it’s mentioned in the first movie as well. But he is overlooked year after year after year. Now he finally has it. AND THERE’S NOT EVEN A MENTION IN THE MOVIE. In fact we barely see  him at all during the movie. Snape as the DADA is such a fascinating topic of the book and would’ve been amazing to see in the movie. Plus we would’ve gotten the iconic sassy Harry line “There’s no need to call me, SIr Professor”. 
2) Draco Malfoy. Now before I begin, let’s just say Tom Felton’s hair and wardrobe were at its peak during this film. Anyway, as readers and watchers all know, Draco is a death eater now and has been tasked with killing Dumbledore. In the book, we see these events through Harry’s perspective only which makes sense; it’s not Draco Malfoy and the Year He Tried to Kill Dumbledore. But a movie is an opportunity to expand and explore different characters and I wished they had done that for Draco a bit more. I would’ve loved to see the scene where is initiated and given the task by Voldemort. There were a few scenes but I wished to see the internal struggle that Draco was going through. Up until this point, we have always seen Draco as the opposite of Harry, the dark side and the enemy. But now with the Wizarding World at War, we begin to see a different side to Draco as he has a battle of doing what’s right and do what he is supposed to do. 
3) Remus and Tonks. This is another topic that is rarely touched on during this film. Remus and Tonks is such an interesting dynamic and its another topic that I wished was expanded upon. In the book towards the end, Harry finds out that Tonks was in love with Remus when he thought it was Sirius she was mourning over. After the Battle at the Astronomy Tower (more on that later) there is this wonderful, heart-tugging and romantic scene where Tonks is trying to convince Remus that they can be together. Remus tries to rebuff her.  
““You see!“ said a strained voice. Tonks was glaring at Lupin. "She still wants to marry him, even though he’s been bitten! She doesn’t care!”
“It’s different,” said Lupin, barely moving his lips and looking suddenly tense. “Bill will not be a full werewolf. The cases are completely-”
“But I don’t care either, I don’t care!” said Tonks, seizing the front of Lupin’s robes and shaking them. “I’ve told you a million times….”” 
And the meaning of Tonk’s Patronus and her mouse-colored hair, and the reason she had come running to find Dumbledore when she had heard a rumor someone had been attacked by Greyback, all suddenly became clear to Harry; it had not been Sirius that Tonks had fallen in love with after all.
“And I’ve told you a million times,” said Lupin, refusing to meet her eyes, staring at the floor, “that I am too old for you, too poor….too dangerous….” (Half-Blood Prince, pg. 623-624)
This highlights another aspect of Remus that is not easily shown in this movie, his ability to let others in. So afraid of being loved, Remus tries to shut out Tonks, thinking he is a monster, unworthy to be loved. But Tonks refuses to give up and tries to show him that she loves him for who he is, werewolf and all. This scene is iconic and to remove it from the movie is a crime. Also in the movie, they were already a couple…..??? #REMUS DESERVED BETTER #REMUS NEEDS A HUG
4) Ginny. I have many thoughts on Ginny. Bonnie Wright is an amazing actress so this is in no way bashing her.  Ginny in the book is sassy, assertive and loveable. She stands up for herself and others and doesn’t get pushed around by anyone. 
Movie Ginny on the other hand is kind of one dimensional and there was so much potential for her to grow. In the book, her relationship with Harry is an actual relationship. They spend time to together. It’s cute and it’s everything. The breakup scene is so sad but beautiful in its own way because it’s so like Harry to break up with her because he loves her so much. And that kiss scene in the book!!!! Oh my gosh do not even gte my wheels GOING! Like all Hinny shippers must have been like “FINALLY!!”
But in the movie, they just kiss in the ROR (Room of Requirement) and she just disappears and nothing happens after that. So they just never dated????? Like what????? A kiss doesn’t equate to a relationship, like ever. I realize now that Rowling was trying to create a normal atmosphere you’d get in any high school/teen universe because despite being in a middle a war, they’re still growing up and being teenagers with all thier angst. Harry pining for Ginny is a HUGE part of the HBP and its a huge part of that trying to be normal vibe (whatever that means in a middle of a war and you’re the Chosen One).
5) Battle at the Astronomy Tower. In the book, after Dumbeldore’s death, a battle erupts between the Death Eaters, who infiltrated the school with Draco’s help-and the students and the Order. I remember not appreciating when I first read this but now looking back, I wish I had. This event is considered a major battle and is the climax of this book. Everything has led up to this moment. AND THEY JUST TAKE IT OUT AND REPLACE IT WITH SOME MEDIOCRE ESCAPE SCENE. Bellatrix just blows out the windows of the Great Hall and sets Hagrid’s hut on fire but he’s NOT EVEN THERE! In the book, when she flamed up his hut, Hagrid was there and was PISSED because Fang was inside. DOn’t worry for all the dog lovers, Fang survives. It just seems so wrong to take it out. The scene that takes its place is bland in comparison and they should have just followed the book instead.
6) Fleur For those who didn’t read the book Fleur is engaged to Bill Weasley and the family…for the lack of a better word absolutely despises her. Behind her back they mock her and give her the oh-so-wonderful nickname Phlegm. Even though I don’t particularly care that it didn’t make it into the movie, there is one scene that I wished they kept that ties into my previous point. During the battle at the Astronomy Tower, Bill is mauled by Greyback and is scared for life. The scratches he sustained meant he would suffer but never fully transform. Molly despairs and assumes that Fleur would no longer want to marry him because of his marred face. But Fleur angrily berates her saying that Bill’s scars are proof of his bravery and she “was good-looking enough for both of them” (HBP, pg. 623). This scene is such a heartwarming scene after such a tragic event and I would’ve been more than happy if they included it.
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flameontheotherside · 3 years
Why I still call Erik my TF in spite of despising the TF fad
Twin flame, twin soul, soul mate, etc. It's basically the same shit. I realized that the fad is a joke for another reason. It doesn't promote authentic unconditional love. People read all these stupid "Twin Flame Signs" and use those to place conditions on people for whether or not they will love another. Most people wouldn't just love someone regardless if they meet the "criteria". That's not unconditional love.
I've changed the way I thought about all of it because even if my tf was just a demon with a heard of gold (joke) I'd still love him. Even if he were alive, I'd still love him. It's unconditional love! I lack other ways to call Erik something besides my TF. Maybe spirit spouse is okay but my relationship is kind of private in that I don't go out of my way to detail all the intimate things. I don't want people getting ideas.
The TF thing is just toxic bullshit.
I cant associate myself with the toxic people who have thier heads up thier ass but for the sake of sharing my story and my journey with my TF, unfortunately this is how it has to be. I don't do TF readings anymore or market my tarot work for that. I don't want to be part of the problem but part of the solution.
When people tell me how I should view my journey or stick thier dirty nose in my business with gaslighting, I don't listen. They behave out of ignorance and maybe fear. It's likely they haven't read my blog to gain clarity. They just want to be dickheads without two braincells to rub together.
Whether I like it or not, --Sometimes I hate it.
Erik is my Twin Flame. That's it. I've dealt with this for over 5 years. We've done so much work, I've learned so many things, I've had so many miracles happen that it would be a crime to deny it all. It would be a great failure. I have the advantage in that he's in spirit to know for certain because of all the things we've worked on in the past 5 years. Most people don't get that. Me and a handful of others with a TF in spirit know this.
I didn't believe in TFs. To me it was a joke so to have Erik tell me we're TFs was a shock. The initial shock was difficult and then I thought he could be a demon or fucking with me. In the beginning it was easy to convince myself I was just crazy. As time went on it wasn't so. Now these days I don't worry if I'm crazy but I wish I was just because some days it's hard to have a dead TF. Who wants that?
A psychic told me that he would die.
For a few days in a row back in early 2009, I was having dreams about being with some guy hovering over the earth. My whole life I felt an urge to find a guy who didn't live in my state but was in the country. I wasn't looking strictly for love. I had a sense that time was running out and I needed to find him; to protect him. The psychic knew right away what I was saying without really saying it.
It tore me apart. I cried in my closet for a long time begging for it to not be true. I had to force myself to believe the psychic was wrong. Then when I felt Erik was really dead, I slipped into a very dark place and had to again make myself believe he was still alive. I HAD TO believe he was still alive even though I felt his spirit with me and the dreams where he'd show up began. My attempted suicide happened and I really needed to believe he was alive for the sake of my own life.
Today is the anniversary of his death.
I'm not okay. All I can think of over and over is what the psychic had said to me. I remember his voice. He was a world renowned psychic and the son of one who interested me. I didn't know if I believed in psychics but I grew up an intuitive in denial. They way he said what he said cut and burned.
Was supposed to go out with my bf today but I can't leave my bed. I can't stop beating myself up. I miss Matt too. Erik told me in a dream that one of my closest friends died. It was confirmed by looking at his FB page with RIP written all over it. I followed Matt to Texas where Erik's also from. We went coincidentally on his bday. Now Matt's dead. These past two months has had me so fucked up.
😘💕 -Hadassah Monique
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rubik-ashala · 4 years
Let Alucard have nice things!
This doubles as both a headcanon description and a rant so here goes:
I just got done watching the 3rd season of Castlevania and I am not happy. I have two things two say about it. This contains spoilers for the series so you have been warned.
First complaint and observation:
Did anybody get the feeling that the show was supposed to end after the second season but didn't? That everything was wrapped up nicely, Dracula was dead, the big world destruction war was halted, we were shown what the trio would be doing after everything etc. Like it was meant to end there but then a conversation like this happened:
Castlevania team: And that’s a wrap everybody! The good guys took down Dracula in an epic fight, the world was saved, Job Done! Time to move on to new things.
Shareholders, producers, etc: Uhh, actually we already signed you up for a 3rd season. So you might want to get on that.
Castlevania Team: What! But we weren't prepared for a third season! The whole plot is wrapped up! What are we supposed to do?
Shareholders, producers, etc: Don’t know but you better get to figuring it out.
Castlevania: I guess we will just game of thrones it terribly then and hope we make it through.
Because that is what it felt like happened. There seemed to be no overarching plot, just four separate ones and only two of them is even remotely together. They take two side characters Issac and Hector and give them there own plotlines. Issac gets the Denarius treatment for no real reason other than to seemingly follow in Dracula’s footsteps and Hector gets dragged to Camilla’s realm because, she needs a forge master to grow an army so she can take over what has been fractured. They split up the trio, suddenly giving Serphia and Trevor a romantic relationship with little to nothing building up to it and throw them in a quest to keep Dracula from coming back after some crazy monks due some occult doctor who style shenanigans to open a portal to other worlds. And while that is going on, Alucard aka Adrian Tepes gets left alone guarding his fathers now broken castle and the Belmont’s treasure trove for months after everything has happened.
Which flows into my Second point:
Alucard got done dirty in the third season!
We watch as Alucard deals with the mental repercussions of what he did, alone. We watch as he deals with the loneliness of being out in the middle of nowhere alone for months with none to talk too. And we see the toll it is taking on him albeit comedically. 
Then the siblings come in. 
They come to him for help and education on fighting vampires back in their homeland, something that Alucard is more than happy to help with. One, because he has company again and Two, passing on the knowledge to the new generation seemed fitting.
During the time they stay he grows fond of them and they him. You see them training and horsing around, eating meals together and other wholesome shenanigans.
You get to see a conversation where the sibling talk about how they notice how lonely he has been and how they believe he stays out here to punish himself and maybe they should do something for him before they move on. And it’s all like “aww that is so sweet!”
Then you see Alucard trying to sleep and failing miserably in his bed. Even so far as wondering if he should get a coffin to sleep in. Then you see the siblings show up in the door way and begin walking towards him in the bed saying , in a very sultry voice, how alone he must have been, how he should deserve a reward, ectera. Followed by them getting all hot and steamy with him.
 The scene makes a point to show how much Alucard is enjoying this attention, and how happy it is making him. Your watching it and it’s like “Maybe it's gonna be one of those fond memories he will be able to look back on after their gone.” or “Maybe they will become some Badass monster hunting thruple and Alucard wont be alone anymore.”
Nope! Not today in my Grim Dark Gothic Fantasy World!
They instead, after giving Alucard the night of his life, put these metal cuffs on him that shoot out a bunch of ropes that tie him in classic Jesus on a cross position and then proceed to try and kill him. 
Because the were under the belief he was lying and holding things back from them, and in particular about the castle not being able to move. And they were tired of being lied to.
Luckily for Alucard they didn't realize his sword could move on its own and they weren’t alive for much longer because of it but...Really?
Why? Why do this to him?
He lost his mother to a witch hunt, he had to kill his own father and now this? All in little over a year? What the Hell man!?
Let the Dhampire have nice things! He deserves better than this!
So, I made a headcannon to soothe me angry brain.
I took a fantasy race of mine that was inspired by the Crusnics of Trinity Blood and added them in to Castlevania. In Particular one specific one.
Name: Floki 
Age: Around Adrian’s age give or take a few months.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Mismatched blue/green
Height: About the same as Adrien’s perhaps a little taller.
Personality: Mischevious, HArdworking, Loves deeply, Fiercly but wisely protective, loves to work with his hands, loves to learn more about the world and how it works. Deeply fond of Adrian even though he hasn’t seen him in a few years. Also, a smidge psychotic, but just a smidge.
Floki is part of a race of beings referred to as “The Old Ones”. They are a race similar in habit to the Vampire but they feed off vampires, night creatures and other supernatural beings over humans. They are immensely powerful, even at young ages and have been rumored to be the source of some of the gods of Ancient Mythology. 
Floki’s father (Yet named)  was Dracula’s mentor and where he got much of his scientific knowledge from in his early years. They became friends during his teaching and even after parting ways, would still occasionally see each other every few half centuries or so to trade information and chat.
During this time, Floki’s father was desperately trying to have children of his own and failing. At one point believing that he was sterile and unable to father children. Something Dracula knew as well and so hid Lisa’s pregnancy from him for fear of making his sadness worse.
However, a few months later, It was revealed that his current love was with child and Floki was born accompanied by much drunken Norse revelry.
When the two men met again a few years later, Floki was brought with his father to show to Dracula that he finally had a child. A moment where Dracula also revealed his son and Where Floki met Adrian.
Floki showed Adrian what it was like to play and horse around. They would play pretend out in the woods, get dirty, skin thier knees, the works. And where one was, you would find the other close by.
The visits between the two powerful men became more frequent due to the boys wish to see each other, not that the parents minded all that much.
Over time Floki’s affection for Adrian would change and deepen. His longing to stay by his friends side would get stronger and one fateful afternoon when Adrian got hurt, FLoki would realize how he had fallen in love with him.
Adrian would never know this however, due to Floki’s unstable powers at the time, his sub par control of his hunger and the fear of hurting him.
As they got older, and partly to the above, their visits to see each other would lessen and by the time they were full grown, had stopped entirely. 
That is until Floki Heard of Lisa’s death at the hands of the church.
Even with his incredible power to teleport far distances it took him several months to reach Wallachia. He didn’t seek out Adrian immediately though, too curious to see the truth of what happened.
Each of “The Old Ones” Has a unique skill that is developed and evolved over time, according to personality, interest, skill and homeland. Due to Floki’s curiosity, his love for history and his desire to see how it all works together, he developed what he liked to call, memory recall.
His skill allowed him to see memories of the past through people, objects or locations where something that evoked strong emotional or magical reactions in the area happened. And if there was no such thing, if the event was more recent, if he had access to people that were there and stood on the location, he could see and feel the event as if he lived it.
Lisa’s death held him up in an inn for several days trying to chase the feeling of flames on  his skin. Dracula’s anger and grief laid him up for even longer as he cried himself sick. 
Gregit was better though, seeing the man who did the deed getting called out by a demon and then eaten gave him a bit of satisfaction.
Briela was fascinating though. He had to meet whomever managed to capture the ever moving castle.
By the Time Floki would arrive at the now defunk castle and underground hold, the siblings bodies are already outside on pikes.
This doesn't scare him away of course, and to find out why they were there he uses his memory recall. Where he sees through there eyes what they did to Adrian, albeit a little fuzzy. But is able to hear what the twins were thinking in that moment and see, just for a short time, Adrian tied to the bed afraid and hurt.
This causes him to snap his fingers and cause the corpses to burst into flames.
An action that draws Adrian’s attention causing a little bit of a fight before they recognize each other.
Over the next while Adrian allows Floki to stay and fix the castle as well as the Belmont estate and work towards getting the transportation engine online again. Eventually. 
Overtime, all of Floki’s feelings come back with a vengeance and he gives as much attention and TLC to Adrian as he allows. Eventually getting Adrian to allow him close enough to see though his memory what the siblings had done to him
A scene that will either start a few revelations with both Adrian and FLoki or lead to a very steamy situation. Possibly both.
But it all ends in Adrian getting all the Love and TLC that man deserves after the hell he was put through.
I just hope they aren’t trying to set him up to become an antagonist later... 
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