#oc: baelon targaryen
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maidragoste ยท 1 year ago
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part of the universe of "the queen and her husbands"
reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated, it really motivates me to keep writing ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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In the first months of Aemond's return to King's Landing, he never removes the patch around his children. He is afraid of their reaction to seeing his scar and that he lacks an eye. He is sure that Aemon and Baelon will be afraid if they see him and he could not bear his children to be afraid of him again. He does not want to return to the first days of his return where they cried every time he tried to raise them. So he always has the patch. It doesn't matter how many times you insist on your husband who took it out when you four are alone and you assure you that nothing bad will happen, he doesn't want to risk it.
Until a warm day, Aemond can no longer bear the patch and decides to remove it for a moment just because Aemon is asleep in his lap and plans to put it back before his son wakes up. Aemond is so absorbed in his reading that he does not realize that Aemon is awake until he feels a small hand touching his face. The prince looks at him expectantly, ready to listen to a cry or a scream but that doesn't happen.
And when you enter the chambers and you find one of your children standing in your husband's lap trying to remove the sapphire from his eye you cannot help laughing. You are not surprised after all, your children seem obsessed with playing and playing with the sapphire of your necklace.
Later when Baelon returns from spending the afternoon with his grandmother and Aemond has his patch again. You and your husband are sitting on the floor playing with the twins when Aemon proudly shows his twin his new discovery, raising the Aemond patch and exposing the sapphire. You notice how your husband is tense fearing that maybe Baelon reacted badly and smiled at him waiting to give him a little confidence.
Then Baelon shouts excitedly and now it is both twins who try to remove their dad's sapphire.
You laugh while you get up and rise to Baelon moving away from Aemond.
"I told you that you had nothing to worry about," you say smiling and dodging Baelon's little kicks.
To the consternation of Aemon, your husband also gets out on the floor. He looks at him for a moment before playing with his other toys.
"Do you want me to tell you that this time you were right?" says Aemond, taking Baelon away from you, he would rather suffer from a kick than you end up hurt.
"I'm always right"
"No, you don't."
Before you can complain Aemond kisses you making you forget about any thoughts.
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Taglist: @watercolorskyy @chaotic-fangirl-blog @venus-flytrap3 @sweethoneyblossom1 @fudge13 @alisoncdariel @crystal-faith @tita004 @ichanelvxgue @your-favorite-god
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lumilore ยท 5 months ago
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my targtower oc :p
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artcinemas ยท 1 year ago
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โ€œOf the Dragon Spawn and Golden Lady, which one shall kill the other first?โ€
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goldensunflowe-r ยท 8 months ago
I can't get over this. This scene is more sad than disturbing to be honest. Daemon grow up without a mother's love. He don't remember her, he don't know how it feels to have a mom. He wonders how it's like, mother loving you, all he had was Viserys and he always pushed Daemon away, accusing him of being traitor and wanting the throne but all he needed was his brothers (and his parents) attention and love which he never got. Most saddest part is Daemon's confused face when "Targaryen lady" says - " if only you'd been born first, my favorite son" HE DIDN'T EVEN REMEMBER HIS MOTHER'S FACE ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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valaenatargaryensdragon ยท 2 years ago
In the fic where the reader wonโ€™t give Maegor their son, I can see him being similar to Aemond, in the sense of knowing that his father doesnโ€™t love his mother and doing what he can to protect her.
I envision Maegor insisting to name their son Baelon in honor of his beloved dragon Balerion, hoping his son would one day claim him. He still placed a dragon egg in his cradle but when it did not hatch he grew more hopeful that Balerion was meant for his son.
Maegor was too busy killing people who rebelled against him and fighting wars and attempting to claim Dorne to be much of an important figure in his sonโ€™s life. Baelon was fully raised by his mother and occasionally ๏ฟผhis grandmother Visenya before she passed.
Baelon could see the toll of being married to his father is taking on his mother. When she visits she always returns with low spirits and some bruises. He then noticed the same thing happening with his fatherโ€™s other wives. Baelon wanted nothing but to protect his mother.
He found moving to Dragonstone as the only solution and suggested he resumes his training there to his father who agreed without a second thought busy planning another ambush on Dorne and didnโ€™t care that he was loosing one of his wives, sheโ€™ll be a dragon ride away anyways.
Baelon noticed his motherโ€™s spirits rising on Dragonstone except when Maegor visits but she always reassures him that he had done what he could. Baelon never forgets what his mother has done for him, from the stories of how hard it was giving birth to him due to his size and her young age, then to the infamous story of the mother dragon as people called it when she refused to let his father touch him when he was born and Maegor having to literally sneak in to see him. He never forgets the times she stayed up for days by his side when he falls sick or the worry that etched on her face when he gets injured or how she always cleans his cuts, wipe his tears and encourages him to resume.
He never forgets how she always declines the betrothals his father tries to throw at him. And when he asks why she always respond with โ€œ I want you to love and be loved, duty may be damnedโ€ Baelon never forgets what his mother did for him and he will repay her some day, he swears.
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witchthewriter ยท 3 months ago
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๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ˆ๐Ÿ: ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐‰๐š๐ž๐ก๐š๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐ฌ & ๐€๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐ง๐ž'๐ฌ ๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐๐ซ๐ž๐ง ๐›๐จ๐ง๐๐ž๐ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐š ๐๐ซ๐š๐ ๐จ๐ง?
The King and Queen of Westeros had 13 children altogether. Not all lived, well in the end ... none of them did except Vaegon and Saera. Jaehaerys ended up being the last person in his family to die. But what would have happened if everyone were given a dragon egg at birth or got the chance to bond with one? . หšห–๐“ขึดเป‹โ‚Šหš ๐Ÿชท โ‚Šหšโ‹†.หš ๐–ฃ‚๐ŸŒทโ‹†.หš
I'm only going to do this for those who lived into childhood. I'm also not using dragons from the future. I will create new dragons or use existing ones from this time. Also, I'm not going to mention those who already have a dragon... โ‹†.ยฐ๐Ÿฆ‹เผ˜โ‹†
We all know Jaehaerys had Vermithor, Alyssane with Silverwing, Aemon was bonded with Caraxes, Balerion with Vhagar and Alyssa with Meleys. This will not be changed.
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Second born child, their first girl. Named "the Darling of the Realm," she was curious, fearless, high-spirited and very adventurous. She was often covered in mud and grass-stained. She died young due to a fever. It killed many, many people; both young and old.
Daenerys would have a cradle egg. Placed in there by her Aunt Rhaena. Her parents weren't too happy about it, but Rhaena reminded them that she did it for them both when they were babies.
The little princess named her 'Goldwing,' after ... well the dragons' golden colouring. The first time Dany hopped on her dragon's back was when she was ten. The two didn't go far, but they both loved it.
She's a she-dragon because she's laid a few clutches but only one hatched. One out of ten.
I think that there's a possibility that bonding with a dragon could have made her stronger. And the sickness might have caused other problems, but she wouldn't have died.
๐‘ฏ๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’๐’” ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐‘ฎ๐’๐’๐’…๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ:
โ‹† INFP โ‹† Gryffindor โ‹† Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, Leo Rising
You can tell when Goldwing likes something; she makes these chirping noises and flaps her wings like a lil biridie
As soon as Goldwing hatched, she never left little Dany's side. At night she curled around her head, falling asleep with ease
Through the day the Gold dragon wraps itself around the princesses shoulders. Almost like a necklace when the dragon was younger
As they grew together, Dany preferred to be in the air rather than anywhere else.
It was almost like the pair could read each other's minds
Sneezes on people she doesn't like
art credit: @lowrifaberart on insta
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Sixth born child, third daughter. In my opinion, I think she was given to the Septas to keep the peace. But it took away her ... life. Maegelle had a compassionate heart; she was gentle, caring, quiet and highly intelligent. She had a real gift for healing.
Whenever her parents fought, it was most likely Maegelle who would be the peace-maker. The one to help them see reason.
Maegelle bonded with Balerion.
It was a shock to everyone. Someone so kind-hearted bonded with a giant called 'the Black Dread.' A conquorer's dragon.
But people tend to forget that his first rider was Daenys the Dreamer. She wasn't violent - she could dragon dream and ended up saving House Targaryen.
With this new power, Maegelle realised she wasn't under anyone's foot. She could make her own decisions, and they would be backed up by Balerion...who breathed fire. And so, Maegelle did not want to become a Septa. She didn't want it. Even though she was promised to them by her parents.
But Balerion put a stop to it. Maegelle did not run away, she only brought Balerion to the Red Keep and reminded her parents that she was her own person now.
Balerion isn't what people normally think. He isn't a raging beast. Balerion doesn't thirst for blood. He does as his rider says. And with Maegelle, he has peace.
๐‘ฏ๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’๐’” ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐‘ฉ๐’‚๐’๐’†๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’:
โ‹† ENTJ โ‹† Slytherin โ‹† Ariesย Sun,ย Capricornย Moon,ย Scorpioย Rising
Loves sleeping in the sun
Way too big for the dragon pit, but Maegelle wouldn't force him in there anywhere
Maegelle's confidence grew exceptionally when she bonded with Balerion. She no longer felt meek nor mild.
The princess didn't hide her opinions anymore either. As she had the most legendary dragon; she would never say it out loud, but she felt invincible.
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Seventh born child, fourth son. Named, "Vaegon the Dragonless," he preferred the library and to read above anything else. Some say he's sour, though he never meant to be rude. He performed his duties but no more than he had to. He became an Archmaester and as such he held the ring, rod, and mask of yellow gold.
Vaegon would be given countless chances to bond with a dragon. No interest in it. Eventually, one of the other dragons would lay a clutch of eggs and while studying, there'd be a pull. He went to see the lone dragon of Goldwing, his older sister's dragon.
He never got to see his dragon's egg. But looking at the youngling, Vaegon knew it was gorgeous. The look it gave him was unlike any other.
Vaegon decided on the name Tembyra (high valyrian for 'book'). He was about 17 when he first mounted his dragon. Green Tembrya was about 22 at the time, large enough to go far distances.
The joy Vaegon felt...
He understood.
Vaegon finally understood his Valyrian blood. So, his favourite things were reading, writing, studying, learning and flying.
Tembyra has a unique flame. Almost looks like a rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green. There hasn't been reports of dragons having a continuous colouring that blumes in the same succession as Tembyra.
๐‘ฏ๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’๐’” ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐‘ป๐’†๐’Ž๐’ƒ๐’š๐’“๐’‚:
โ‹† ISFP โ‹† Slytherin โ‹† Cancer Sun,ย Aquarius Moon,ย Pisces Rising
Has a temper, and doesn't like many people.
Favourite being besides Vaegon is Goldwing and Gael.
Likes to swim; well likes water overall. Whenever there's an open body of water, it takes everything in Tem not to nose-dive when Vaegon is on his back.
Likes to listen to Vaegon read
Doesn't like the dragonpit; feels too lonely. Just because someone likes to be alone, doesn't mean they don't get lonely.
His roar is a mix of Caraxes and Syrax's. It's unique and off-putting.
His mate is Gael's Sonessa. They coil their tails around one another when sleeping.
art credit: Volvokun
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Eighth born child, fourth daughter. There was a childish aspect about Daella; her physical appearance aided to that as well as she was only 5'2 as an adult. Timid, sweet, kind, and gentle, with a tender heart. Yet, she was also a delicate and shy, tongue-tied girl, who was easily frightened and quick to cry. Known "to be terrified of dragons," she went and married Lordย Rodrik Arryn, had one daughter: Aemma (Rhaenyra's mother) and died in childbirth.
Daella would have a cradle egg (if she had to go up and bond with a dragon then she would be terrified.) But when she was born, Alyssa put an egg in her crib. The colours: white and blue. When it hatched, Daella was 3 months old.
She named her dragon 'Adema' (high valyrian for fulfilment). A resplendent dragon with light blue scales, white accents and light purple eyes. Adema is a she-dragon as she has laid a few clutches of eggs.
The first time Daella mounted her dragon, she was 12. Adema was a more kinder dragon than the rest. But no less protective of her rider. Possible even moreso since they share energy with one another.
With her dragon, Daella became more courageous. Still kind and gentle, Daella grew into a woman with a large shadow; one she knew would have her back.
She would still marry Rodrik Arryn, but not so early in her life. And maybe she wouldn't have died after giving birth.
๐‘ฏ๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’๐’” ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐‘จ๐’…๐’†๐’Ž๐’‚:
โ‹† ESFJ โ‹† Ravenclaw โ‹† Taurus Sun,ย Libra Moon,ย Aquiarius Rising
Daella takes Aemma up on Adema when she's old enough to walk. The little girl squeaks and giggles as they gently fly around their home.
Adema knows how to be gentle, she's been like that with Aemma ever since she was born. When Daella was pregnant with little Aemma, Adema was overprotective of Daella - even more than she usually is.
What was so special about this three-way bond, was that Aemma would also get a cradle egg (my headcanon) from Adema's clutch.
art credit: @ironlily on Tumblr
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Ninth born child, fifth daughter. Saera was a courageous and clever, girl, in her own way as clever as her brotherย Vaegon. She was just as strong, quick and spirited as her sisterย Alyssa. The Princess was tempestuous, demanding, and disobedient. Her first word was "no." A mischief-maker, when her father found out about her lovers, Saera declared she would be married, but that she could not decide which one of the three would be the best choice. When she suggested marrying all three of them, she compared herself toย Aegon the Conquerorย andย Maegor the Cruel.ย 
Her actions and decisions with men would be wiped clean when she had a dragon. Jaehaerys would definitely think Saera would get her dragon involved if she didn't get her way. And if she was to be sent away, her dragon is coming with her!
Saera would bond with a dragon easily. With her courageous spirit, she'd actually be a good ... candidate. Given a cradle egg that never hatched, she was completely torn to bits.
But a clutch that her Aunt Rhaena had hidden on Dragonstone, had hatched years ago and four adult dragons were living in the caverns of the castle.
When Saera had visited Dragonstone in her early teens, she went to the caverns and found something glorious.
Not letting the chance go by, she stalked straight to the one she wanted. And she mounted the she-dragon that very night.
Valoris (means "to be brave"). She's a stunning dragon with magenta flames, intense pink eyes, black accents; her body is half pink/magenta and black.
Her body type is quite birdlike, which hasn't been seen since the days of Valyria. With two large protruding horns and almost like smaller wings around her neck, she is quite the opponent in a battle.
๐‘ฏ๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’๐’” ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐‘ฝ๐’‚๐’๐’๐’“๐’Š๐’”:
โ‹† ENFJ โ‹† Slytherin โ‹† Aries Sun,ย Sagittarius Moon,ย Taurus Rising
Valoris, is just like her owner. In everyway.
Very fertile... she has laid many clutches but only 50% end up with hatchlings
Saera absolutely SPOILS Valoris; food, cute decor for the saddle, and absolutely NO WAY is she staying in the dragonpit. Special quarters would be made for the beautiful yet intimidating dragon.
Likes to be brushed and washed every day. Not very dragonlike.
Would rather be flying than sleeping. But is easily pissed off and will react. Not like Saera cares...
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Tenth born child, sixth daughter. Viserra was the most beautiful out of the daughters and she knew it. ย Viserra was a wild, high-spirited girl. It was said she wanted to become THE queen, so she tried to seduce Baelon who was 14 years older than her. One night, she slipped past Baelon's guards and climbed naked into his bed, but Baelon sent the drunk girl away when he arrived. After the incident, she was to be sent away to White Harbour to be married to an old man who had four wives; one after the other. And many say the death of his wives were mysterious... So Viserra slipped passed the guards, met up with her friends and had one last night of freedom. At the foot ofย Aegon's High Hill, Viserra'sย horseย collided with the mare of one of her companions. Viserra was thrown from her saddle into a wall, and she died of a broken neck at the age of fifteen.
A cradle egg, placed there by Saera, who adored her new little sister. It wasn't one of her dragon's eggs though. It was Daella's. Her dragon was highly fertile.
Viserra named her dragon: Demalys (high valyrian for throne) aka whenever she mounts her dragon, she's sitting on her throne. The closest she will ever get to a real one.
As he grew, Demalys became more and more colourful; his violet scales shimmered in the sunlight. His fire was a rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink. Beautiful. Deadly but still stunning to behold.
Viserra was 14 when she mounted her dragon. He was twice her height, and ready to fly with his bonded. The two of them were highly adventurous; they sought out places that were never seen before. Found treasures and the like.
๐‘ฏ๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’๐’” ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐‘ซ๐’†๐’Ž๐’‚๐’๐’š๐’”:
โ‹† ENTP โ‹† Slytherin โ‹† Leo Sun,ย Gemini Moon,ย Virgo Rising
Loves to be shown off. Knows he is stunning.
Viserra got a blacksmith to create a pure golden star to be settled just below Demalys' neck.
He does sleep in the dragonpit. Doesn't mind it. But he has to be taken out everyday for many hours.
...Flirts with the other dragons.
Has golden eyes with green rims around the middle.
His roar is very similar to Meleys'.
Doesn't like being told what to do ... will ignore most people and has his favourites
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The thirteenth and last child, shy and sweet; she was a comfort to her mother who had lost practically all of her children. Dubbed, "The Winter Child," she was coddled - ย Gael became Alysanne's constant shadow, and even slept with her in her bed. When Gael was around ninteen, she disappeared from court. It was announced that she had died from a summer fever. After the deaths of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, it was revealed that Gael had been seduced and impregnated by a travelling singer. She gave birth to a stillborn son, and her grief was so overwhelming that she walked into Blackwater Bay and drowned.
Even though she's the youngest, she would still have a dragon. She didn't receive one in the cradle as a baby - there weren't any eggs. But when Daella's Adema had a clutch of living dragons, she wanted her little sister to have one.
Gael received the egg when she was 10, and slept with it every night. Daella had chosen a specific one that reflected Gael's persona - a perfect one. Like pure Winter. That's why Daella gave it to Gael in the first place. Even though it was against what both Jaeherys and Alysanne wanted - their last child to become a dragonrider. Completely dangerous and yet, Gael; frail and timid, decided that she wanted a dragon. The rest of her siblings were dragonriders; it was in her blood.
Gael named her dragon, Sonessa, (high valyrian for snow). Her personality is similar to Gael but has more passion about life. Socialising may not be her thing, but she'll endure it to help Gael. Everything she does is for Gael.
Sonessa somehow feels like this is her hatchling and she has to protect Gael at all costs.
You could say she's a motherly dragon. More like a mother hen.
Sonessa's flame is a very light/pale blue with swirls of white. It makes her seem an enigma. A dragon, who is suppose to be hot, with red flame, a beast quick to anger and to retaliate...is a thing that Sonessa is not. She is white, with almost frost looking flame, yes she is still a beast who will retaliate if needs be. But for the most part - she is a protector, a guardian.
๐‘ฏ๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’๐’” ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐‘บ๐’๐’๐’†๐’”๐’”๐’‚:
โ‹† ISFJ โ‹† Hufflepuff/Gryffindor โ‹† Libra Sun,ย Aries Moon,ย  Cancer Rising
Very good around others. She and Silverwing are good friends.
Loves going on royal processions, but she knows Gael is fragile, and most times a little frail.
Sonessa loves showing Gael different parts of Westeros - the water, high in the air, across deserts and the like.
But Sonessa is like a responsible older sister. Not just to Gael, but to the dragons in the dragonpit. She'll intervene when there's a fight, or curl up beside a sad dragon.
She's had many clutches of eggs with Vaegon's Tembyra
art credit: @paparinka on deviantart
(Daella's dragon is so fertile because her granddaughter, Rhaenyra would usher in a great deal of new dragons. Aemma wouldn't have been so infertile if she hadn't had intercourse so young.)
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murmel-malt ยท 11 months ago
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In addition to Rhaenyra, Daera and Vizzy have two more kids: another girl by the name of Daenys (@selfproclaimedunicorn 's OC who she so graciously let me borrow for this AU) and the long anticipated son, Baelon.
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frightenednymphthigh ยท 8 months ago
ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€AU where Baelonย Targaryen survived
โ€ It's a boy, Aemma. I'm sure of that. I wasn't so sure of anything. My dream was so distinct. Our son was born in the crown of Aegon. I heard thousands of horses stomping and shields cracking under the onslaught of swords. My heir will take the Iron Throne, and the bell rings, dragons roar like one dragon โ€
When watching the first episode, I was discouraged by the scene of Aemma's childbirth, and then I involuntarily thought, what if Baelonย  survived? How would he cope with all the difficulties and sit on the Iron Throne? What would his dragon look like? What kind of relationship would he have with Rhaenyra? In truth, I have a lot of questions.
First option AU: Baelon survives and everything goes on as usual, he grows, gains strength, learns, rides a dragon andโ€ฆ prepares to become the heir to the Iron Throne.
Second option AU: Baelon survives, but our contemporary is in his body. Yes, yes, this is what you thought. Isekai into the body of Baelon Targaryen.
And although Baelon did not live a day, I have a lot of ideas and thoughts about him. As the only and long-awaited son who probably looks like Aemma, he would have received that love and recognition from Viserys that other children were so lacking. I don't know if Alicentย will love him (most likely not, because Baelon is a guarantee that her sons will not ascend the throne), but Baelon himself would most likely be warm to his non-native mother. What if the dragon's hot blood in him will be no less than kindness and love for all members of his family? From father and Alicenta to older sister and her children. His heart is full of love and if he could, he would give it to every resident of the Seven Kingdoms. He would not join the feud between black and green and would rather try to bring peace back to the family. Fanfiction can have peiring at according to your desire
Baelon can be your key to what you want to change in the plot of the series, such as giving Aegon, Aemond and Helaena a caring older brother, prevent the enmity of the greens and blacks before it turns into a bloody massacre and much more
The whole description of this idea turned out to be very chaotic and delusional and maybe I will delete it a little later or leave it in drafts
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ashblooddragons ยท 7 months ago
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Requests are open and here are my rules
Posting schedule for now
Au Series
Standalone Series
Things I'm co writing and with who
Ongoing Series
wild dragons I've come up with
Also I make Moonboards if you want one go to my other account @coffeebooksrain18 and check my pinned post and see my rules.
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sarcasticsweetlara ยท 21 days ago
The sons of King Viserys I Targaryen and Queen Aemma Arryn if they had lived
This is about the six sons Aemma mentioned in the show
1. Maekar, who would have married Laena Velaryon and been the father of Baela and Rhaena, and Aemon. Baela married her cousin Magnus with whose support she became the ruling Lady of Driftmark. Born in 96 AC
2. Jaehaerys, born after Rhaenyra, Jaehaerys would have married a daughter of Vaemond Velaryon: Vaella Velaryon into a lavender marriage, and would engage in a romantic relationship with Laenor. Hand of his brother Maekar and would encourage to trade with the Bank of Braavos. His daughter Maegelle married his nephew Aemon. Jaehaerys was born at the beginning of 98 AC.
3. Daellor, he married a Celtigar maiden, and built a fortress for himself and and another one for his sister Rhaenyra, as well as studying about architecture. Daellor was born in the late 98 AC.
4. Daegor, he built a possession of jewels and helped finance the war of his uncle Daemon in the Stepstones where Daegor was knighted by Daemon, like his brother Daellor, Daegor married a maiden from House Celtigar. Born in 100 AC.
5. Aemon, named after his granduncle Aemon The Pale prince as an attempt of his parents for reconciliation with his cousin Rhaenys The Queen Who Never Was, he spent a lot of time with his granduncle Vaegon and squired for his cousin Jeyne Arryn, and married his cousin Charlotte Arryn. Born in 102 AC
6. Baelon, born in 105 and the youngest one, Baelon worshipped his sister Rhaenyra and he was the one to suggest to Maekar that Rhaenyra ought to be his Mistress of Laws in his High Council, Baelon married his niece Rhaena Targaryen.
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littlemarse ยท 1 year ago
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to my abo beta!Lucerys thread (old)
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maidragoste ยท 14 days ago
It's been a while since I've talked about The Queen and her husbands so I'm here to share a thought. I still haven't decided whether to make it canon or not but I think it's interesting
Baelon (the Queen and Aemond's son) ends up being Syrax's rider. He's over the moon because he finally has what he wanted so much, he has a dragon and he's never as happy as when he's in the air flying.
Aemond is proud and happy for his son. He has people make clothes and saddles for him to ride. And sometimes he joins him flying with Vhagar.
You and Aegon want to be happy for your son because he has what he wanted so much and he looks so happy but you both hate that Baelon's dragon is Syrax. Neither of you want to have a reminder of Rhaenyra so present.
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citree ยท 12 days ago
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The Doomed Prince and his Godswife
Seirazi and Baelon Targaryen from @lhazar โ€˜s fic No Rain Without Thunder โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ (where Aemmaโ€™s labor goes completely different with proper midwife care.)
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havenlyd ยท 4 months ago
Prince Redarm
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"Our blades are sharp, yet all of you choose to cower here within the walls of the Red Keep just because we do not have those damned overgrown lizards."
Named after his aunt Baela Targaryen, Prince Baelon is the second son and the fourth child of King Aegon III and his consort Barba Bolton, and is the elder twin brother of Prince Rhaenor. He was born in 141 AC.
Baelon is brash, crass, vengeful and prone to anger. He can be courteous if he wants to, though he seldom wish for it. He is known for his ferociousness and strengthโ€”oftentimes compared to his cousin, Prince Aemon.
Though unlike his cousin, Baelon is not at all honorable and always use cheap tricks, scare tactics or sleight of hand in combat, noting that he fights "for survival, not for honor". In battle, Baelon wears a flesh-colored armor resembling a flayed man with a shield bearing the sigil of a skeleton weeping blood.
Baelon calls himself Prince Redarm in honor of his maternal ancestor, King Royce 'Redarm' Bolton. Baelon seldom wears sigil and symbol of house Targaryen and instead would often bear the sigil of house Bolton. He always wears his necklace: a ruby carved to resemble a hand. Once, a servant tried to steal it, and Baelon flayed the servant himself.
Baelon loves mead more than wine and courtesans more than mead. He shares the same disdain of dragons as his father and is rumored to be the cause of the illness and death of the Last Dragon. When he turned six-and-ten, King Aegon III gave him a position in the council and his first order was to have Morning removed from her lair in dragonpitโ€”which angered Princess Rhaena and caused a rift within house Targaryen.
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ivyvalyria ยท 1 month ago
Baelon Targaryen lives au
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Baelon Targaryen son of Aemma Ayrrn and Viserys Targaryen survives and is the heir of his father King Viserys I
His mother dies in childbirth and during the c section the knife cuts his face giving him his scar
Him and his full blooded sister Rhaenyra at first had a strained relationship but as the years went by they grew closer and closer, though he was closest with his nephews and nieces
He took no wife and father no children but was ever at the side of his sisters when it was their turn in the childbed
He would come to be known as Baelon the Gentle
Feel free to ask if you want to learn more about my au <33
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reignof-fyre ยท 3 months ago
Future fic
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Viserra Targaryen - Princess of the Seven Kingdoms, The Wild Princess, Queen-Consort of the Seven Kingdoms
In which Viserra Targaryen swallowed her pride and, rather than trying to seduce her brother Baelon, begged him on her knees to save her from a miserable marriage with a man old enough to be her father, and he agreed.
This changes everything.
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