This is where I'll post my fanfics... Literally just Wenclair Now 😋
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

I've been working on this commission for a while now, and I'm glad it's finally finished. A friend of mine loves Jori and Wenclair a LOT, so here's a crossover as he requested.
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needed to draw enid with her new hair and scars immediately

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Wenclair- In Denial
Part 3 -Addams VS Tanaka
"I am not entirely sure how to respond to that" Wednesday answered honestly. She wasn't even sure she should be talking to the girls about this when Enid was not present
"Wednesday we don't wanna get involved with you and Enid but-" Divina began but was promptly cut off by Yoko stepping forward authoritatively
"Correction she doesn't" Yoko pointed to Divina " I do" she then pointed to her self, pairing it with a toothy grin. Yoko was getting tired of it now, Wednesday and Enid were clearly in denial about thier feelings and it was becoming painful to watch. All Yoko could think was that this would be the perfect time for Wednesday to confess her love for Enid and then she would no longer be upset.
"Is there anyway we could speed this conversation along I must return to plotting ways to" Wednesday started then directed the next part at Yoko "make it up to Enid as you would say" she finished.
"Plotting is probably the wrong word but understandable we will leave you too it" Divina shrugged and tugged at Yoko's arm to signal she wanted to leave this conversation with immediate effect. But Yoko having such a meddling personality and secret nose for gossip couldn't bring herself to follow her girlfriend.
"To hell with that!" Yoko opted to say, removing her arm from Divina's grip harshly. Upon seeing the Siren raising her eyebrows and tilting her head in annoyance Yoko let out a sly giggle paired with a mumbled "sorry babe". She picked up Divina's hand and placed an affectionate kiss to the back of it and after recieving a smile and eye roll from from her girlfriend she continued on, turning to face Wednesday, who merely grimaced at the mushy public display of affection. "What are you gonna do Addams tell us your master plan here because I'm willing to bet whatever it is will not be right" Yoko's attitude slipped from her tongue and regardless of the death glare that was being hurled her way from the Seer she remained stone faced.
"You are really starting to piss me off Tanaka" Wednesday wasn't usually one for such trivial language but something about the vampire kept Wednesday on edge. It Induced her ability to swear and become violent. She wasn't exactly sure why but she has chosen to just let it be for now because .. well ... because Tanaka pisses her off.
"Oh come on just spill" Yoko threw her hands up in frustration and all Wednesday could say was "Oh No how incredibly persuasive I don't know how I'll ever not tell you anything" in the most sarcastic tone ever to have plagued her tongue.
Nevertheless she decided to answer, if not just to get Tanaka off her back
"I have found the best method at atoning for my sins would be to vanquish Enid's nemesis in battle in order to earn back her affections and then of course send her 72 long steamed red roses with the heads cut off in an attempt to sweeten the deal" Wednesday reiterated her plan with a sly smirk covering her features.
"Okaaaaaay" Yoko side eyed Divina with concern but the girl just shrugged.Honestly she was happy to stay an innocent observer in this impending tragedy. Switzerland. Divina was Switzerland.
"I will assume that your silence is confirmation that my plans will be successful" Wednesday smirked in triumph
"Jesus Christ you really cannot read social cues Addams" she laughed "That sounds like a terrible idea" that's something a partner would do to make up for something far more aggressive than hurting Enid's feelings. It felt way too much for a couple of friends who had just had a fight. Must be an Addams thing Divina thought to herself.
" I doubt you could come up with anything better" Wednesday defended and Divina face palmed at the imminent competition the girls were about to embark on
"Wanna Bet?" Yoko smirked placing a hand on her hip, challenging the Addams girl.
"Always" Wednesday smirked back
"Whyyyy" Divina cried out, the word slowly morphing into nothing but a sigh of annoyance.
"What's your problem?" Wednesday turned her attention towards the siren awaiting an answer
"You guys always do this!" Divina flung her arms up in frustration, her mind flashing back to the numerous duels and fights and bets and competitions that Wednesday and Yoko had gotten far to into. It always ended with someone hurt, criminal damage or jail time and honestly Divina wasn't sure how much more she could take
"Always do what?" Yoko played dumb, earning yet another disapproving scowl from her
"Compete!" Divina yelled out this time earning a wince from both girls who had incredibly sensitive eardrums. God it was insane. Divina and Enid were always on the side lines laughing and waiting for the inevitable travesty to occur but they also always had to pick up the dubris left after the battle.
"Come on babe you love my competitive spirit" Yoko gave her a little "eh eh" nudging her twice with her elbow but the siren was not amused. Well... She was little amused as evident by the smile that tugged at her lips. But then she remembered the reason she was here and the creepy goth that was about to cause some kind of harm on the love of her life.
"Not when it involves her" Divina motioned to Wednesday the irritation slipping from her lips easily fueled by the numerous monstrosities that they had all been privy too during Wednesday's stay at Nevermore.
Wednesday simply blinked at the blatant lack of respect and Divina reeled it in for a second after realising how rude that came off. She's meant to be deescalating the high tensions in the air but instead she was in a near fight with her girlfriend and almost making an enemy of Nevermore's resident revenge connoisseur.
"Wednesday we love you but when you and Yoko get into a competition me and Enid always end up picking up the pieces someone always gets hurt" She explained, hoping the gothic girl would relate to the idea of keeping Enid from harm
Wednesday fought with her feelings, slaying the devious demons in her head that continuously attempted to force her into caring about Enid. Caring for her wasn't exactly the issue. It was more that Wednesday was going against everything she stood for. Her values, her morals (or lack there of), her entire personality was shifting and it made no logical sense. It wasn't right. The universe shouldn't be doing this to her no matter how much she believed she deserved it.
But instead of admitting this, or even acknowledging this she deflected as usual "I'm still failing to see the issue" she deadpanned after her mind had settled
"Wednesday!"Divina snapped. God there was no way Wednesday was this clueless and now the in denial girl had inadvertently seeped her sap of clueless pining into Divinas relationship by causing Yoko to get involved. God she loved the girl but why did she always have to get involved, look what it's doing to her.
"Refrain from speaking to me in this manner" Wednesday lightly threatened. And as satisfied as she was with her own response she had to admit the retort she got from the siren had somewhat startled her.
"Enid speaks to you in that manner" she puts air quotes around the word and Wednesday couldn't help but flit her eyes frantically across the crowd planning her escape. She refused to be caught like this, never in her life as an Addams had she been so uncomfortably trapped.
"That is different" was all Wednesday said. She didn't like this conversation. Wednesday may have been hopeless in social cues but she knew a trap when she saw one. Divina was trying to pry, trying to see inside Wednesday head as if trying to get her to admit her own feelings. Think again siren.
" Why is it different?" Divina urged.
"Because Enid is..."Wednesday accidentally let the sentence fall out of her mouth followed by nothing but breath and then a slightly lowered toned "...different" Wednesday finished.
"Why is Enid different?" Divina continued relentlessly barely letting Wednesday finish her sentence before blurting out the question. Well too late now. Here she is getting involved just like she had specifically told her vampire girlfriend NOT to do
"She just is" Wednesday spoke casually
"Why" Divina pushed.
"I don't know" she replied
"Why?" She continued to advance.
"I don't have to answer you" the seer deflected
"Yes you do" with each word she stepped closer to the shorter girl.
"No I don't" Wednesday stepped forward mirroring there siren.
"Tell me why?" Divina leaned forward
"Back off" Wednesday did the same.
"Why is Enid different?!... WHY do you feel differently towards her?! What do you feel Wednesday?" Divina snapped.
"I DONT FEEL ANYTHING" Wednesday yelled. Like actually yelled and suddenly both girls were becoming painfully aware of how close they were.
"BULLSHIT" Yoko finally interjected as the 2 girls had gotten too close for her liking. Yoko could feel Wednesday about to break and that usually meant someone would be caught in the crossfire. Considering her Girlfriend was toe to toe with Wednesday and within stabbing distance she felt a crushing urge to slow down this argument. Suddenly getting involved was unavoidable and it wasn't as much fun as Yoko thought it would be.
"I don't know what I did in a past life to deserve this kind of torment" Wednesday deflected again, taking a breath and removing herself from the interrogators by turning away. What was Divina trying to do? And why was Wednesday taking the bait. She knew better but everything was muddled, everything was wrong, everything was feeling ... Well it was just feeling and feeling feelings is a weakness Wednesday was predetermined not to acquire anything that remotely resembles them. Why? Because ...because ...
Enid. She was taking the bait because it was Enid and she couldn't control her emotions when it came to Enid and Wednesday would continue to deny any of this but it was becoming impossible to ignore her feelings on the topic of Enid. She had barely accepted the fact that she was feeling anything in the first place.
"The lady asked you a question Addams" Yoko harshly dragged Wednesday out of her spiralling and again in true Wednesday Addams fashion surged into defense mode, turning back to them both with an icy cold stare.
"The lady has done nothing to earn an answer from me Tanaka" Wednesday spat, her cold dead stare drilling into Yoko's undead soul
"You're impossible" Yoko stepped forward, taking the place of interrogator from Divina and running with it.
"And you're insufferable" Wednesday mirrored her actions, now
"Guys! The task at hand please!" Divina raised a hand to each girls chest hovering, attempting to make peace. Ironic as she had kind of spurred this on but now her girlfriend's life seemed to be at stake...literally Wednesday had revealed a stake from somewhere on her person and was gripping it so tightly the splinters were causing blood to sleep from her hands and Yoko fangs had retracted from the smell.
"Ummm is everything okay here guys" Enid appeared, watching what looked like 2 of her best friends ready to rip each others head off while her other best friend was trying to keep them from killing eachother. Like literally they were about to kill eachother.
All 3 girls simultaneously turned thier heads slowly towards Enid each meeting her eyes,each sporting a guilty look and each unable to form words in order to explain the situation.
"Well?" Enid spoke again terrified at the sight Infront of her.
#wenclair#enid sinclair#wednesday addams#wenclair fanfic#wednesday#wednesday x enid#wenclair in denial
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Wenclair x Reader-
What Are You?- Part 11
Wednesday and Enid
Wens are you okay?" Enid rushes to her girlfriends side panicked and full of confusion, almost falling over the chair as she did. She knelt at her side, spotting the goth as she rose up from her horizontal positioning.
"Yes Cara Mia I'm fine" Wednesday pressed her palm into her head and closed her eyes to let the electrified feeling subside. It seemed to take longer this time and the usual cold burn she felt after a vision was replaced with a hot sting burning her brain mercilessly.
"Oh god oh god Y/N" Enid's voice immediately snapped Wednesday out of her dazed state and her eyes went wide as she contorted her body to assess the danger.
"That was the strangest feeling I have ever felt" Wednesday remained staring at Y/N, wide-eyed and unable to drag her attention back to the frantic wolf.
"Babe! What's wrong with her?!" Enid tried getting her attention again while reaching for Y/N's comatose body and moving to reposition herself.
"What was that?" Wednesday feels uncomfortable in her own skin as if her mind, body and soul had been invaded by a foreign substance, she could literally feel it in her veins like a blood transfusion from a fresh batch of freezer bags.
"Wednesday!" Enid yells snapping her out of it. Wednesday could barely process the feeling let alone what she had seen in her vision and she was internally screaming in a pit of brimstone instead of focusing on real life which was currently not ideal for Enid 'panics over killing an ant' Sinclair.
"I apologise dear I-I don't know what happened" Wednesday pipes up unable to calm her nerves and stuttering for the first time since she was a mere 4 years old.
Enid just makes a noise and grabs at Y/N's shoulders
Y/N!!!" Enid yells again stroking at thier face in an attempt to wake them up "Y/N can you hear me?" Wednesday watches as Enid's face begins to tear and the more sadistic of the two grabs what can only be described as makeshift defibrillators. Regardless of the seriousness of the situation Wednesday got a slight satisfaction from the chance to use one of her favourite items.
Then she notices you waking up groggily as if from nothing more than a 12 hour nap, deflating slightly as she didn't get to have her fun. Enid however lets out a huge breath of delight as she looks into the squinted eyes.
"I told you not do it yet!" The yelling shocked the ravenette slightly but she understood.
The thing with Wednesday and Enid is that because of who and what they are, the day they fell for eachother meant thier minds were forever linked. Could be Enid's wolf, could be Wednesdays magic, noone really understands it but being at Nevermore noone feels the need too. They are simply telepathically linked meaning the kind of secret conversations and hushed whispers most might have to adhere to doesn't apply to them when they can happily just read each others minds.
It also meant that when Wednesday had made the decision to elicit a vision from Y/N Enid was in the process of telling her "not yet" and "It isn't the right time" in her head.
Unsurprising, Wednesday had ignored her and instead grew too impatient and frustrated with knowing nothing about Y/N and decided to go rogue.
Clearly not her brightest idea but how was she to know that this would happen. In fact she didn't even know what had happened and the theories in her head were ... Overwhelming to say the least.
"I don't know what happened Cara Mia this doesn't make sense, she should not have felt anything" she stared at Y/N a low flash of worry sprinting across her face.
"Y/N?" Enid says again, this time seeing Y/N stir.
Urrrgh" Enid hears the noise and let's out another breath, looking to Wednesday for guidance, who still seems unresponsive to say the least.
And then...
Y/N suddenly sits up shakily and both Enid and Wednesday jolt back in an attempt to avoid an unnecessary collision of foreheads.
"Y/N we're so sorry are you okay?" Enid asks concern corroding her once beautiful smile.
"Fuck" you let out a breath and honestly don't know what to do. Your whole body is buzzing, like literally vibrating and you can feel your eyes still pulsating with a golden tint.
"What happened?" Wednesday asks you before you can even fully regain your composure.
No words leave your mouth. You want to speak. You want to say something. Anything. But you just can't. It's all too much. It's... It's tomorrow's problem honestly you need to leave this room.
But before you can make a break for it your eyes trail down to the machinery Wednesday is holding and you choke out
"Are those for me?" You ask a twinge of fear evident in your cracked voice.
You breathe out again this time feeling less like someone had hit you with a truck and chuckle when Enid nervously laughs and says "Yeeeaaah no we don't need those now haha" she ushers for Wednesday to put them away keeping eye contact with you and waving Wednesdays toys away.
You stay silent as Wednesday practically huffs and glides towards her desk to put away yet another torture device.
"Well I'm terribly sorry you don't get to electrocute me I know you would have loved it" you can't help the smirk that forms on your lips and you take a whole lot of pride when you see Wednesday smirk while looking down, attempting to hide the fact that you had amused her. For a moment you almost forget the near death experience but of course this cannot last.
"This is NO time for jokes!" Enid yells, inspecting you for injury as she did, you squirmed away trying to avoid skin on skin contact given your current emotional state.
"I'm sorry it's kind of a coping mechanism" you shrug, trying to play off what had happened and maybe distract the girls with a laugh or two.
"Enid has the same one so I'm not sure why she is scolding you" Wednesday looks at the offended girl and can't hide the twitch of a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth when Enid huffs at her. God they were so cute!
Wait focus! This is not the time to be admiring them both after they lured you into a false sense of security and caused what you can only describe as an immeasurable amount of electroshock therapy across your entire being.
"Anyway ... Do you wish to enlighten us on the details of what you just did" Wednesday politely asks but you can't get past the audacity.
"Excuse me don't you mean what you just did?" you fight back immediately. She was the one who tried to elicit a vision from you and now you're the one being questioned, wow this girl was really gonna be the death of you (maybe literally).
The impending questions already causing dread to fill your soul. Your mind races once again, the wolf is looking at you, the seer is looking at you god can everyone just stop looking at you!
You need to get out.
"I have to go" the words fall from your mouth unwillingly and it's as if your legs have a mind of there own as you stand up... WAY too fast becoming dizzy.
"What no you can't go what if you're hurt" Enid says following your movements by reflex, mirroring you with perfect precision and practically catching you as you stumble back towards the ground.
Wow shes strong. The feeling of Enid's toned arms gripping your body in protection causes all your thoughts to leave your mind replaced only by the stunning blue eyes staring back at you. You're like this for a moment, getting lost in the feeling of being held and then your brain resumed function and you realise Enid is getting weaker from your touch as claws form where your hands use to be.
"Y/N did you see what I saw?" Wednesday seems far less concerned with your well-being and much more wary of her vision. Understandable but there is no answer you could give her right now that would satisfy the Seers need for information so it's no surprise when you lowly say
"I -" again your voice betraying you as you remove yourself from Enid's grasp and stop sucking the life out of her.
"Y/N" she says it sternly and you feel like you're being scolded for your actions, something about the way she presents herself makes you want to shrink away. Not because you're frightened but because you feel guilty, like you don't want to lie to the girls but you cannot tell them the truth. You're at an impass.
This is ridiculous! They are the ones that did this! And now they're asking you - no no you have to remind yourself to stay calm in this moment and you remove the expressions from your face and the feelings in your heart.
"Y/N what's happening" Enid steps forward cautiously scanning your face for danger and you instinctively step back an icy expression covering your face as you attempt to numb your brain, muffle your thoughts and feel nothing.
"I am going to leave now" you say in the most unemotional tone you can find, ignoring everything that just happened and numbing the vibrations that still emulated from your body. You rush towards the door and open it only pausing when a claw slams against the hard wood, startling you momentarily.
"No you can't" Enid keeps her hand steady as you stare at her claw blankly. Your brain immediately starts up again at the sight, wondering what those hands would feel like wrapped around you again but this time more lovingly as you had seen in the vision. Hope flooded your mind for a second and you wanted nothing more but to reach out and take her hand in yours, explain everything and squeeze it comforting and settling the claws away. But reality hits you in all but 2 seconds, you can feel those gorgeous blue eyes once again piercing the skin on the side of your incredibly flushed face and you remove the smile that threatens to form. Then you simply take a small breath and turn to Wednesday, she's your only way out here, there is no way Enid will give in willingly otherwise and let you go
"I saw it." You speak harshly this time "I saw..." you couldn't even say it, how do you explain it "I saw everything" you prove your telling the truth by maintaining eye contact with the wide-eyed seer who seem genuinely disturbed by your confession "Now let me leave" you challenge Wednesday. It was a low blow but you needed to startle Wednesday somehow and get out of here. It's just too much. Everything is too much and you can't figure out what to process first.
"Cucciola, come here" Wednesday directs her words towards her still panicked girlfriend, never breaking eye contact with you, as she rose her arm out for Enid to gravitate towards.
"What babe she-" Enid begins to argue but is ruthlessly cut off by yet another stern tone.
"Enid don't argue come here" She speaks and now the blonde pays attention and you wonder in what other situations has Enid heard this tone and immediately listened to her.
To see any kind of fear in either of the girls was exactly the kind of confrontation you had promised yourself to avoid coming to your fresh start but you had to force the tears back, force the emotion back and force yourself to run.
The blonde must have sensed that it was time to give up just by her lover's reaction and retracted her claws, a shine still to her eyes as tears began to form once again.
"Are you okay?" she whispers to you like she's sharing a dark secret and again you fight the relentless urge to comfort her as she shows nothing but pure care and concern for you
"I promise I'm fine we will talk tomorrow" as your eyes continued to glow, you take a step out of the door only turning back to say
"Thank you for your help" directed at Wednesday who just nodded as a teary Enid collided into her arms
Your eyes flash at the sight a surge of force in you being pushed down by everything else in you just to stay away from the 2. The strength it took to leave when all you wanted, all you needed, all you craved was to join the embrace, seeking out the comfort that vision made you feel and desperately trying to fight off the discomfort of the visions after affects.
You weakly shuffle down the corridor and into your own room, traipsing up the stairs before collapsing onto your twin XL bed and almost instantly passing out from pure exhaustion.
"Y/N" the blonde yells a giddy smile streaming across her features "Come here" she squeals chasing after you. The smile hurts your jaw as you laugh running from her, a spring in your step and fresh air invading your lungs.
"You'll have to catch me first" you challenge, her giggles flooding your ears as you look back still running forward.
""Shouldn't be too hard with my expertise" Wednesday pipes up, appearing Infront of you and you almost collide with her but twist your body clumsily falling to the ground and rolling across the tree roots.
Enid tackles you with a great big hug and kisses your cheek sending a flood of emotions appearing as red flushes further onto your already rosy cheeks.
"Told you" Wednesday kneels beside you both as you play fight, reaching out to both of you, peeling your attention away from winning and onto her encapsulating gaze. The soft touch of her chilly fingertips cause you both to sigh happily, the feeling unlike anything you had ever felt before. And then they both lean in and you suddenly become very aware of the implications they inch closer and closer and closer...
*Gaaaaaasp* your eyes dart open as you inhale a large breath and start flitting your eyes around the dimly lit room desperately searching for solace.
"Oh god" you mutter to yourself "just a dream" you hold your head, sitting up and trying to calm yourself. You can feel your eyes glowing, your body half in a state of shock and the other half completely relaxed at the beautiful dream you just had the pleasure of experiencing.
Fuck. That felt so real... Like you could actually feel their touch and hear their voices it was a vision of your future rather than a dream.
You stare blankly at your alarm clock 5:32am. What an inhuman time to be awake you think to yourself before last night's events plague your memory and you curse out loud once again.
Right today will be different....
Once you speak to the 2 girls who may or may not want nothing to do with you now.
Okay piggybacking on that vision was painful and unforseen, ironic but no less irritating. Now how do you explain yourself. You might just have to tell them. But if you tell them what you are everything changes and-and you're not allowed too, the repercussions could be ... Deadly for you and them. Although they do seem like a pair that could keep a secret it still doesn't seem worth the risk.
Let's be real the problem here is what you saw and what Wednesday saw and what you know Wednesday saw you see and what she definitely told Enid she saw and you saw and... God your head hurts. Ironically it's like a saw was currently hacking away at your brain. So even with a clear head and a somewhat reasonable amount of sleep (more than you usually get anyway) there was still no clear headed way you were going to be able to deal with this, so instead you do the worst thing imaginable.
You decide to wing it.
#wenclair#enid sinclair#wednesday addams#wenclair x reader#wenclair fanfic#wednesday#wenclair x reader what are you
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— Pre-Wenclair. Enid is sitting alone as Wednesday, wearing a single earbud, approaches. Yoko watches from hiding. —
Enid: Hiya roomie. Need something?
Wednesday: *not nervous*
Yoko: *over earbud* C’mon Addams. Just like we practiced.
Wednesday: Is. Is your name ‘Mary Shelley?’
Enid: ?
Wednesday: … because I wish to fornicate with you atop your mother’s grave.
Enid: Wh-What?
Wednesday: Wink.
Yoko: You’re not supposed to say it!
Wednesday: Ah. *winks poorly*
Enid: 😧
Yoko: Fuck! Quick, do the guns!
Wednesday: *brings out pistols*
Enid: *recoils*
Yoko: FINGER GUNS! Not real gu— fucking dammit! Abort! ABORT! Escape plan 13!
Wednesday: I must go. *ominously* I shall be counting the seconds until next we meet. Wink. *storms away*
Enid: Uh. Bye?
— Later in Yoko’s dorm. —
Enid: And when she ran off, I thought she tripped, but she just like, turned around to do that weird twitchy blink again!
Yoko: *head in her hands* Jesus. Christ.
Enid: She’s so flipping adorable! So do you think she likes me? Yoko? Are you okay?? Why are you crying?!
Yoko: 😭
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wednesday: i want you to stay
enid: always, my love!
wednesday: ‘til i’m in the grave—
enid: oh. uh, of course?
wednesday: ‘til i rot away, dead and buried—
enid: wAIT A MINUTE—
wednesday: ‘til i’m in the casket you carry.
enid, shaking her excitedly by the collar: WENS!!! are you quoting billie eilish to me?!? 🥰
wednesday, deadpan but blushing: she accurately articulates the morbid nature of my love for you, querida.
enid, right before kissing the mess out of her: you’re such a freak, MARRY ME.
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Wenclair x Reader -
What are you?- Part 10
Okay so yeah I have been gone... For like ... A long time... Sorry! I cannot give just one reason life has just been a lot to put it lightly. I am getting back into my writing and forgot how much I love it and fanfiction and just Wenclair in general. So I hope this chapter is good enough to move this story along and that some, if any, of you are still interested in it then I will be continuing so for now this is part 10 and more will be happening soon.
Enjoy reading 😋
"You were spying on me?!" You practically yell. Wednesday makes no attempt to explain herself but Enid fumbles over her words stepping towards you prompting you to step back instinctively
"I'm sorry. We're sorry. It was an accident!" She shouts back in defense, not aggressively but more panicked and worried as she dreaded your reaction.
"I- WHAT- This is too weird I-" you clutch the shirt in your hands, letting the fabric crease between your tensed knuckles as you start towards the door again.
"Y/N I have a proposition" Wednesday speaks abruptly, as if snapping out of thought, and the brazen tone she uses stops you from going any further. What could she possibly say that would help the situation right now? No wonder they are suspicious of you, making that phone call didn't make it any better and they had literally creeped on you from a closet! How the hell are you suppose to just let this go?
"A proposition? You spied on me while I was- you know that's not cool guys how did you even get there how did I not notice you?" Your voice trails off as you remember the last hour of time you spent in your room unaware of the prying eyes.
"We are incredibly skilled in being conspicuous" Wednesday says this with a hint of pride seeping out from the cracks of her blunt tone.
"Clearly" you sigh shaking your head a little in disbelief. I mean you didn't want to admit that it didn't completely freak you out because this is something that any normal person should have this reaction too... So you just continue with this course of action.
"We weren't trying to be conspicuous though, we didn't plan it!" Enid looks at Wednesday in matched disbelief. Honestly the thrill the Addams girl gets from stalking someone is a tad worrying but to brag about it like it was some master plan ...God she couldn't believe her girlfriend sometimes.
"Anyway as I was saying, I suggest we all move on from this" she puts it out there and for a split second you almost don't see the gravity of the situation and think the way she talks about it really minimises how you should feel.
Even Enid matches your expression giving Wednesday a puzzled look. How could you just forget about this? What could she possibly say that could stop the pure anger that was subtly building within you now?
Your thoughts are interrupted by the monotones of Wednesday
"We have apologised for spying on you" she says "You have apologised for hurting Enid" again you look away in shame, did she have to keep bringing that up like damn.
Wednesday continued as you drag your mind back the conversation at hand "I suggest we call it even and in return you will forgive us and I will halt all plans to end your life unexpectedly because of your crimes against my girlfriend" Wednesday makes a good point. Maybe this way you could start fresh almost. Yes it was wrong of them but at the same time it was wrong of you to nearly kill Enid on your first day. Seems like a good trade off
"Wow. That... That actually makes sense" you blink in surprise not expecting such a godsend and you smile lightly, recounting everything in your head. Weirdly enough, if you could all just forget about both incidents then maybe you could start building a foundation for friendship or at the very least have no qualms with eachother and not spend the rest of your days looking over your shoulders. You think you can do it.
Wednesday side eyes Enid, and smirks slightly at the puppy dog eyes she was giving her, clearly the wolf enjoys a little bit of violence in her honour. You could tell Enid was trying to contain herself from jumping her girlfriend's bones at the thought of her gerring all protective.
"Of course it makes sense I am a completely competent person with a proven track record for peacemaking" Wednesday let her face rise in another light smirk and Enid giggles. Did she just make .. a joke? Or is she serious?
You look at her quizzically
"Ok perhaps not the peacekeeping but that is what my Enid is for" you slightly giggle to yourself when Wednesday pets the werewolfs head affectionately causing her to raise her shoulders in glee, letting her eyes flutter shut at the touch of her mate.
The way she says "My Enid" and delicately trails her eyes lovingly towards her makes your heart melt and you nod
"Okay fine ..." You hold one hand out while the other still grips your shirt intensely " Truce." Quickly shaking hands with Enid, settling your emotions through meditation and earning a nod from Wednesday indicating she would decline your physical contact, you return to a less nervous state.
"Now... Can Wednesday still ... You know" Enid points to the surgical instruments and you sigh. Honestly at this point you have no choice you cant just leave so instead you say
"Yes thank you" and stand there awaiting instructions again.
"Lay on the bed" Enid motions for you to move, her tone was not demanding more a soft suggestion and you do as you're told.
You smile and lay face down, accepting the pillow Wednesday silently hands you and beginning to get more comfortable.
"How is your pain tolerance?" Wednesday asks as you hear the clatter of tools behind you. The sound urges you to twist your head around, curious as to what she was doing.
"Ummm fairly used to it" you say turning away again.
"Good" Wednesday says and you swear you can just tell she has some kind of sinister smirk covering her features.
"No not good why? Do you get into a lot of fights?" Enid asks casually pulling up a chair to the end of the bed to keep you company as Wednesday prepares her tools.
"Yeah you could say that" you let out a nervous laugh propping your head up with your hands placed under your chin for stability. It really baffles you how easy it was to get back to ... Well yeah normal is the right word you guess.
Enid smiles comforting you and says "Brace yourself" looking behind you apologetically.
"Huh?" You furrow your brow in confusion until "Fuck!" The word leaves your lips harshly as you grip the edge of the mattress in an attempt to ignore the pain you just felt as Wednesday jabs what feels like a burning rod into your scarred body.
words. And as you trail your eyes towards Enid your heart breaks for a second time at her pained expression. She must have felt terrible for bringing it up. You can't stand to see her like this.
"It's okay" you practically vomit out the words harshly trying to stop the tears that threatened Enid's eyes from falling "I- well I grew up with other children around me but no they weren't my siblings". Your mind drifts off thinking about the programme. Other children just like you nothing but numbers in rooms, day after day experiments, fighting and abuse being the core memories of your childhood. .
"So like a group home?" Enid asks and you twitch a little as Wednesday continues her handy work
"God you ask a lot of questions" you opt to deflect that one because how do you describe the home were raised in.
The tragic tales of Godmother forcing you all to enhance and control your abilities by using eachother as test dummies and the horrid realisation that this is your life forever. Forever until nevermore that is. Thank god for Nevermore. .
"How else are we suppose to get to know you" Enid smiles. She really did just want to get to know you? There was something so wholesome about her demeanor but again that little voice in your head remained skeptical so you ask "Why do you want to get to know me?" You move to prop you chin up with your hands further, elbows resting on the pillow to see more of the werewolf girl.
"So we can be friends silly" Enid pats your head similar to how Wednesday had petted her earlier and pairs it with a little "Oop" noise which was by far the cutest sound ever to leave the lips of a human.
"You guys want to be my friend?" You ask and almost smack yourself silly for how desperate and weak you sounded.
"Enid does,I prefer the term ally" Wednesday speaks from behind you once again and you crane your neck to give her a half smile in response. She barely changes her face instead running anesthetic around your wound after shooting you a quick look.
"Sure but I am a very private person" you warn hoping this might urge them to lighten up on the police style questioning you were being subjected to.
"So was Wednesday when we first met, now I know all her dirty little secrets" Enid smiles widely again and giggles menacingly.
"Yeah but she's your girlfriend that's different" you raise your eyebrows and smirk.
"I prefer the term soulmate" Wednesday chimes in preparing the hot iron for the third hole on your back.
"Soooo why did you come to Nevermore?" She continues with her "Getting to know you" plan and you bury your face in the pillow as Wednesday cauterizes your third wound. You also note that that's not what she wants to ask you. She wants to ask what you are? What you did? What happened earlier? But here she is luring you into a false sense of security. Either that or she actually planned to stick to the deal of forgiving and forgetting the events. When you don't say anything Enid looks at Wednesday. .
It's still hard to focus with the light grazes of cold fingertips trailing down your back. As Enid stops questioning you your mind races as you become more aware of the Seers hands touching your body.
Luckily you have something else to focus your attention on and instead you're watching Enid again stare at Wednesday. It's as if they are reading each others minds or something but you calm down a little trying to pay attention to the beautiful blonde Infront of you instead of the stunning darker haired girl touching your back.
Stop it. Settle your emotions. Breathing exercises. You close your eyes. God these girls really bought out all these confusing feelings and it was not good for your... Gift .
Suddenly Wednesday presses into your cut and you immediately screech out a noise you have never heard yourself emit before,burying your face into the pillow as Enid reaches for you in concern
"My apologies" she murmurs as you bite into the pillow then your breath hitches in your throat as you feel her fingers glide up your back slowly ... This doesn't feel like she's stitching you up and you panic, what is she doing, that feels .... That's ...
""What are you-" you begin to ask but without warning she presses her full palm onto the uncut part of your upper back once again. .
The rush of feelings electrify your body, every muscle, every bone in your body seizes up and your head whips back as you feel yourself uncontrollable roll off of the bed. A swirl of golden dust surrounds the two of you ... It's happening again but this time it hurts like really hurts ... What is happening?! .
And then you see it.
Flashes. Images, drilling into your head with a migraine inducing force.
A vision of sorts rushes through your brain, partially distorted and yet painfully clear.
It's you
It's Wednesday, Enid and You. All 3 of you cuddled on a bed together. You look happy ... You look like ... You're in... Then suddenly nothing.
Y/N!!!" The loud whisper rings in your ears "Y/N can you hear me?" The voice is drowned out, but your vision starts to return, the blurry figures of what you know to be Wednesday and Enid looming over you
"I told you not do it yet!" You hear Enid's voice, muffling but it's. almost like static is penetrating your ears.
"I don't know what happened Cara Mia this doesn't make sense, she should not have felt anything" the sultry tone of Wednesday voice is clearer as your ears regain their ability to hear coherently
"Y/N?" The voice buzzes again
"Urrrgh" you groan, your vision finally focussing and feeling returning your limbs, as you notice you are now situated on the cold wooden floor of their dorm room.
Continuing to squint and widen your eyes in an attempt to sort the feelings and thoughts that accompanied the impending realisation of what had just happened
And then...
You sit up suddenly connecting the dots, the head rush it was accompanied by, threatening to bring up yesterday's dinner. Wednesday is a Seer! And you stupidly let your guard down and piggybacked on a vision she obviously induced when she pressed onto your back.
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I don't have any new artworks for Valentines day, so please enjoy this one from last year.
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Wenclair x Reader -
What Are You?- Chapter 9
Getting back into posting semi-regularly only like a week after the last update... I call that progress... Enjoy 😋
"Excuse me?" Your tone is very offensive and you can't quite process what is happening.
"Wednesday what did we talk about?" Enid placed her hands on her hips, waiting for her oblivious girlfriend to grasp the social implications of the sentence she just so casually used.
"My apologies let me start at the beginning" she looks to Enid for approval and Enid nods turning back to you. "We know you weren't wandering the halls cause you wish to appease your appetite" she states accusingly
'Play dumb,play dumb, play dumb' your mind screams at you
"Uhhh what exactly are you accusing me of?" You reply, extremely confused because why was it such a crime to be out in the halls at 10:30pm? And what makes her an expert on what you were doing? And what the hell has that got to do with you literally having the demand to strip hurled your way by the petite woman?
"No accusations, we are merely suspicious of you" Wednesday narrowed her eyes as panic flooded throughout your body. Crap! This is not what you needed right now. These 2 were relentless. How are you suppose to limit your weirdly growing feelings towards the 2 if in just 24 hours they have made it their mission to be around you invading your space like a rag-tag alien duo on a mission for information.
"Why? You barely know me?" Was all that you could think to say. Like don't get you wrong, you're flattered they are even the slightest bit interested in you, even if it is just because they are weary of you but still it didn't make sense. Surely you were just another outcast to them, why did they care ...noone else ever has.
Well sure the whole draining Enid part obviously peaked thier interest but you didn't think it would go this far. In fact you expected to be attacked by Wednesday and then for both girls to avoid you the rest of the year. Which, as much as it would be soul crushing, was better than hurting the only 2 people you had even remotely connected with in years.
Both girls remained silent and you became fidgety with the lack of noise or explanation. They were looking at eachother now not saying a word and merely making faces. Well... Enid was making faces, Wednesday on the other hand remained straight-faced and unmoving.
"So are you gonna tell us who or what attacked you?" Enid suddenly spoke completely changing the subject.
"Nothing attacked me I told you it was an accident just me being clumsy" You're not sure why you feel the need to even explain. You could just deflect since you barely know these girls but something about them caused you to have an internal conflict when lying to them.
"How dense do you think we are?" Wednesday deadpanned, not buying a single word of what you were saying.
Try Harder.
Convince them.
Wednesday moves towards her bed lightly frustrated with your uncooperative nature and pulls out what can only be described as a surgeons dream suitcase full of torturous looking tools.
"What are you doing?" you take a step back eyes fixated on the array of sharp instruments, holding your hands up in defense. You understood she was violent but was she really going to cut yo with a thousand knives?! A psychopath really shouldn't be this attractive to you ... It's troubling to say the least.
"Relax I told Wednesday she wasn't allowed to torture information out of you" Enid smiled way to widely for someone who just implied that they had discussed causing you grievous bodily harm but the wink it was paired with was even more disconcerting.
"It would make things a lot easier my dear" Wednesday hummed from behind Enid, lightly irritated by the power that her girlfriend had over her.
"Babe we discussed this" Enid's smile never wavered and instead she spoke through gritted teeth, trying to convince you that you were in no danger. Honestly, the smile that pulled at your own lips was of a betraying nature considering they were literally talking about the fact they had pre-discussed torturing you. But they were just so ... Funny and cute and- stop it! You free yourself from the cage you were about to trap yourself in.
"Yes dear" Wednesday folded. It seemed rather unnatural for a woman of her standing but you chose not to pry, instead changing the subject
"Ok lovely to know you won't be inflicting any harm on me but what's with the umm- the surgical equipment then?" you point to the devices and relax slightly, still keeping your guard raised.
"I do usually use these to inflict harm but they can heal all the same." Wednesday speaks arranging the tools neatly across her table
well that's terrifying.
You flit your eyes between Wednesday and the sharp instruments, unable to hide the discomfort you feel and then ultimately look towards Enid with a pleading look.
"I Promise it's safe. Wednesday has extensive medical training" Enid walks closer to you, hands raise to show you that she was not trying to hurt you.
"Umm well I just-" How do you get out of this! There's no way they are going to let you leave but if you stay that means more questions and more questions means more suspicions raised.
"Look" Enid raised her shirt exposing her torso ever so slightly and it's as if by instinct you look away. What was she doing, this kind of exposure made you physically ache with desire. Once she reaches you however she takes a breath and says "Mine healed". This sparks your interest and you slowly trail your eyes to her torso
You're eyes widen at the sight of 4 large scars painted across her hip.
"Oh my god what happened?" you can't hide your concern, it looked painful almost like the person or thing that inflicted them was attempting to kill rather than injure.
"I'll tell you my story if you tell me yours" she speaks more seriously this time and you can't help but let out a breathy "huh" as Enid lowers her shirt, a small innocent smile playing on her lips, teasing you.
"Well played" you mumble, rolling your eyes.
Before you can say anything else or Enid has a chance to respond you hear Wednesday's voice
"Enid come here darlin I need your claws" she didn't turn away from the desk until Enid skipped over to her effortlessly retracting her colourful claws.
Wednesday craned her neck slightly up and whispered something in Enid's ear and you watch as her eyes flick to you quickly then back to Wednesday. She kisses the pale girls cheek and you hear Wednesday say "Take this" and the 2 move in sync, the image of what they are doing hidden by there bodies "Here" Wednesday says again.
This is your chance , while they are distracted, just creep towards the door slowly and quietly and ...
No that would never work they could just corner you tomorrow. But you could just avoid them, give you time to think of an explanation? You did need to be stitched up but you had also already called your wicked godmother, regardless of whether she had answered or not. But could you even trust Wednesday near you with a literal murder weapon? Thoughts swirl in your head violently as you try to make a decision.
Quick you're running out of time!
Fuck it. You decide to do exactly what you had originally planned after much deliberation in your own head.
You take a step back. No indication that either of the girls had noticed. Thank God they were so focused on the equipment instead of you. So you continue to walk backwards, finally reaching for the door after moving agonisingly slowly towards it and never taking your eyes off of thier backs.
Your hand lightly twist the door a very very quiet click is heard and you wince at the noise, your eyes jumping to Enid and Wednesday who still seemed oblivious.
Right as you go to swing the door open and make a break for it, the door knob slips from between your grasp and a loud BANG! From the door closing shudders throughout the room
"What the-" was that magic? Who the fuck slammed the door shut? You eye the door up and down then physically jump at the sight of a disembodied hand at the foot of the door wagging its finger at you "Holy fu-" you hold your hands down in defense much like you had when the mouse had scuttled it's way towards you and then turn your head towards the eyes in the room.
Wednesday and Enid made no attempt to move from where they were stood and instead both stared at you, arms crossed in disapproval of your failed escape attempt.
"Thank You Thing" Wednesday says politely still looking at you eyebrows raised. Right now you're not sure whether to die from embarrassment being bested by a hand or to drop to your knees and plead not guilty.
Plan failed.
"Uhhhh, I was just-" you're kind of glad you were interrupted because even you weren't sure what half arsed explanation your brain would muster up for you anyway.
"Trying to escape we know" Wednesday deadpans and the way her eyes drill into your soul is either really unsettling or incredibly captivating... You haven't decided which yet.
"She's not a prisoner Wednesday" Enid's disapproval moved towards Wednesday then back to you reassuringly "Youre not a prisoner Y/N" she sighs out making her way towards you, Wednesday following suit as if magnetically connected to the blonde
"Kind of feels like I am" you let out a nervous laugh while side-eyeing ... What did Wednesday call it ... Thing?
"Leave if you must Y/N I am only trying to help" Wednesday spoke
"In return for what though?" you weren't used to getting things without anything expected in return. Someone helps you, you owe them a favour it's as simple as that. And although you hadn't known them all that long you're brain was bombarded with various dangerous scenarios you may end up in trying to make up for everything.
"An explanation of who and what you are" Wednesday says and stares at you expectantly. Well you knew she was straightforward but damn tell me what you want straight up why don't you.
"Wednesday!" Enid shot her girlfriend a look. Clearly subtlety was not Wednesday's strong suit
"Heh she's straightforward I'll give you that" you find yourself smirking at Enid as if admiring her choice of mate.
"Not a lot of anything else she does is straight don't worry" Enid pipes up taking the opportunity to lighten the mood and you let out a surprised laugh at the witty response.
Her girlfriend however simply rolls her eyes at the joke, but fails to suppress the small smile that flashes across her features for a millisecond. Then her face twists into one of annoyance
"You want honesty?" Wednesday took a step forward offensively, wide eyes threatening you And although you were slightly terrified you pursed your lips rubbing your chin and taking a more loose step forward yourself
"Yes I do" you found yourself challenging the girl, tilting your head.
"You don't know who you're messing with" Wednesday warned and you watched as Enid tugged harshly at Wednesdays sleeve, silently trying to end the impending conflict
"I like to think I could take you" you fold your arms. You weren't one to back down from a fight ... As long as that fight wasn't with ... Certain people in your life.
"Enid she's a comedian" Wednesday eerily tilted her head to the side, mirroring your actions and eventhough it shook you to your very core you told yourself to suck it up and sarcastically said
"Why thank you" performing a courtesy and smiling.
"Listen-" she starts but you can't risk her coming up with an airtight argument against you
"No you listen I appreciate what you're trying to do but this is bigger than-" and yet you were still interrupted obviously failing at asserting any kind of dominance. But really what hand did you have to play here
"Stop talking." She demanded, finally some kind of emotion peaking out from beneath her icy exterior.
"What I-" again she didn't let you finish.
"You want honesty?" She asked rhetorically again "You. Hurt. Enid" each word felt like a thousand cuts and all you could do was submit and look away in shame, prompting Wednesday to continue "And yet I am still here offering you aid in your time of need because it is what Enid wants and quite frankly I would like to help you aswell and I am not sure why so let me help you or don't..." She begins to move towards you with a fiery and threatening posture "but just understand this you do not want me as an enemy I will make sure that every moment in your life becomes nothing more than a waking nightmare and- " the passion, the fire, the energy she exerted was mesmerising and you're sure it's the most she's spoken in one breath since you met her.
"Okayyyyyy" Enid placed herself between the two of you. With each word Wednesday got closer and closer to you and honestly the relief you felt seeing the back of the blonde's head before Wednesday reached you was incredible
"You're right" you sigh in defeat "I'm sorry and I know that's not enough but I would like to make it up to you... The both of you" Everything Wednesday said was right and although you couldn't share much with them, all they had done so far is try to help so you could accept the help and start making amends. In fact you were going to accept the help and start making amends immediately.
She nods at you then motions for you to sit on the bed.
"I've just always been taught to be defensive I know you're only trying to help" you continue trying to settle the Seer even more so before she took a needle to your skin
"I believe you... now... I ask you once again to take your top off" Wednesday repeats and this time you can't help but reply
"More like an order but okay" unbuttoning your shirt nonetheless only pausing when Enid chimes in
"I know it's hot isn't it" she smirks and you laugh a little and weirdly enough find yourself nodding in agreement
"Enid" Wednesday's voice says it all and with no more words spoken the blonde submits.
"Sorry babe" she mumbles trying to dull her excitement.
What is going on?! You're really unsure of everything now. How quickly you switch between hating eachother and helping eachother. It's like Enid was the peacekeeper, the balance ... And to be honest the flirt and Wednesday was... Ohhhh now you understand why they work so well together.
So you do exactly as instructed and continue to take your shirt off, unbuttoning it slowly and rather timidly at that.
"Sorry it's a little awkward" you nervously laugh letting the shirt fall off your shoulders
"It's perfectly fine we have already seen-" Enid's words tangle into a grunt as Wednesday harshly elbows her in an attempt to stop her from talking.
"What?" You halt your actions, your chest half exposed and now suspicion filling your gut while continuing to remove the item of clothing but slower this time with more distrust.
"I meeean- it's nothing we haven't seen before you know, we're all women here" Enid laughs it off but you're still skeptical.
You had every right to be as at this very moment, Thing had been inspecting the box you came in with and as he popped open the lid the mouse you had so triumphantly caught earlier scurried out hurriedly and ran down the table leg.
""Ah nooo I just caught you you little- " and again your words fall short when you watch the mouse run towards Wednesday, scuttle up her leg and practically dive into her pocket
Your mouth slowly falls open in mortifying realisation.
"You ..." You say the word accusingly pointing a finger at both girls and slowly rising from the bed, as you consider pulling the shirt back up over your shoulders
"Y/N its not what you think" Enid screeched out defensively
"It's probably close to what she is currently thinking" Wednesday rebutted, not helping the situation AT ALL.
"You guys were..." With each passing moments your mind fills in the blanks. They never left! They were there the whole time! While you were undressing and calling your- oh god...
"No no it's not it's not what you think" Enid is stumbling over her words now but nothing could stop you from the information encasing your head with fears and doubts galore.
"She's a smart girl I'm sure she'll connect the dots" Wednesday smirks as if enjoying the thrill of being caught in a lie.
"Wednesday!" Enid yells face palming and shaking her head
#wenclair#wenclair fanfic#wenclair x reader#wednesday addams#enid sinclair#wednesday#wednesday x enid#wenclair what are you
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gfs 🖤💗
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Wednesday: I refuse to look up at anyone tonight
Enid: say less queen💕
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I miss Wednesdays.
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Wenclair- Enid's playlist for Wednesday- "Hit Play on Her"
@sayum2510 Looking through my drafts I found one I conjured up from your ask months ago, not sure where I was going with it so it's kind of just little wenclair moments based on your wenclair songs you mentioned.
In case you're still interested I've decided to tweak and post the lil one shot so ... Hope you enjoy 😋
Enid had tried.
Tried so desperately to hide the feelings she had for Wednesday.
She really had.
But she knew it wasn't long before the Seer caught onto the way Enid would trip over her tongue whenever Wednesday dressed up. Or the way she reaches for her and only her in any dier situation. Or the way she rambles juuuust a little bit more often when talking to the Ravenette than with others.
It had happened again just now. Wednesday had left for a family event, one that Enid had declined the invitation for after learning there was a lot of death, spirits and séances involved. As much as it pained Enid not to blindly follow Wednesday into another tragedy filled night she had to say no because she knew all of the Addams' would be there. And she was sure as hell she couldn't hide her feelings from such an intelligent family. As much as Wednesday was dense when it came to social cues, relationships and love...her family were far more well versed in such feelings.
With Wednesday, she could play it off as her being quirky because, of course Wednesday wasn't great at picking up hints. But observation in general Wednesday was an expert in. So all it would take is a little interest and she would eventually come to the conclusion that Enid is hopelessly in love with her. Whereas with Wednesday's Mother and Father and Brother and honestly anyone with Addams blood, they could sniff out her attraction to Wednesday better than she could sniff out a squirrel that was 5 metres away.
Only moments ago Enid was hit with the harsh reality of how desperately attracted to Wednesday she was when she heard the harmonious voice.
"I'm leaving Enid" she states bluntly and Enid looks up from her laptop, her jaw dropping as she stared at her best friend in pure shock. Mouth agape, practically drooling as her eyes trailed up Wednesday body which fit nicely into a lacy black cropped dress, fishnets and a pair of overly large combat boots. As she trailed her eyes to Wednesday eyes she took a moment to admire her usual gothic make up and hypnotic stare. Enid's kryptonite.
"What are you looking at? Did the dry cleaners miss a blood spot" she inspected her outfit, spinning in stiff circles, as if teasing Enid with more to gawked at.
"No no" Enid jumped up from her bed blinking her eyes out of thier hypnotic state and stumbling over her feet to stand parallel to Wednesday. "Just wow Wednesday you look- just- your beau- the ummm I like-" she rose her hand to her mouth and cleared her throat "the dress it's cute" she let out a quick breath, and a growl lightly erupted from her throat at her own awkwardness.
"Cute? That was not really my intention, I was going more for sacrificial altar offering " Wednesday deadpanned. But Enid just giggled and ran her eyes up and down Wednesdays body checking her out in plain view once again.
"Are you sure you do not wish to accompany me?" Wednesday noticed Enid's prying eyes and tilted her head quizzically. Clearly misjudging Enid's staring as wishing for a 2nd invitation rather than the shameless pining that it was.
"N-no It's fine I'll come to the next one" Enid babbled out, smiling nervously and recieving a slight nod from Wednesday as she turned to leave.
"Your loss" Wednesday had smirked over her shoulder at Enid before leaving the room and of course the blonde almost melted at the sight. "Urghhh" she let out a frustrated grunt of annoyance, trying to force the feelings away and failing miserably. So Enid did what she did best and resorted to laying face down on her bed, headphones on and blasting enough music to numb her brain.
And when of course this didn't work Enid scrolled through her Spotify and hovered her thumb over her favourite playlist. The one she had made the day after meeting Wednesday, the one she continuously added songs to that reminded her of the dark goddess of a girl that she so desperately yearned for, the one she added songs to everyday since.
She let out another low growl before hitting play on her Wednesday playlist simply titled "Her".
🎶But I can't help myself when you get close to me🎶 Enid's mind drifted. God Wednesday made her feel so painfully in love
🎶Baby my tongue goes numb goes like bleh bleh blee🎶 that's exactly how she sounded everytime She looked at the pale goddess and tried to form a sentence. She sighed and let the music take control of her, swaying to the melody and feeling every word that was sung
🎶Looking at you got me feeling nauseous🎶
... She smiled
🎶OOO it feels so good I HAD TO CHANGE THE OCTIVE🎶
Enid belted out the tune, images of Wednesday plaguing her thoughts as she did. Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter was extremely fitting for the way she had just felt about Wednesday looking at her and she let the songs play. It was merely a way to comfort herself knowing that she was not the only person who had these kind of feelings.
And you know, yelling out her feelings was very therapeutic, it's not like she can just tell Wednesday she's in love with her, Imagine!
After a while Enid tried to keep herself busy in order to stop her mind from wandering to impure thoughts of her best friend in that dress (or rather out of it). She had found herself cleaning their dorm room, finishing her homework, writing on her blog,going for a walk, and even hanging out with her friends until midnight, anticipating seeing Wednesday upon her return.
But she wasn't there.
Enid sighed and fell back on her bed, pursing her lips and tapping her fingers, anxiously waiting. Eventually nothing could stop her, the ache of wanting Wednesday too strong to ignore and of course she then picked up her headphones and hit shuffle on "Her".
Mommy issues by cloudy June immediately starts playing and Enid is almost annoyed by how accurate her playlist was getting.
The blonde stands this time, jittery with anticipation as the lyrics purred in her ears 🎶You're good at masquerading the second that you came in, face straight but legs are shaking🎶 Enid sighed knowing full well these words were more directed towards Enid herself when it came to Wednesday. Of course, she had to put on a smile every time Wednesday made her feel flustered, acting like her body wasn't screaming at her while she had to remain straight-faced, or at least her usual friendly smile rather than obviously swooning over the girl.
That didn't stop Enid from getting into the song, blurring her thoughts and letting the music sink into her mind like a ship on treacherous waters.
Enid danced around the room aimlessly singing "When I call the shots you call me-" as she spins around she stops dead and
"Mommy" she squeaks out the last word, inadvertently and she turns to see Wednesday entering their shared dorm, slightly dishevelled but still in that tantalising outfit.
"What did you just call me?" Wednesday quirks an eyebrow up and stares at Enid, gripping her clutch purse Infront of her and awaiting a response
"Ahhh umm no the umm" Enid throws her headphones off and dashes her phone on the bed awkwardly along with the headphones. Like a guilty child getting caught stealing candy from the kitchen cupboards
She blushes profusely and stutters out "It was the s-song" in a poor explanation
Wednesday's brain practically buzzes with questions and ways on how to respond before landing on "Interesting choice of song Enid" and walking over to her side of the room as if nothing had happened. She hears an audible sigh from Enid and side eyes her. This wasn't the first time she had been suspicious of Enid but she had just endured a formidable amount of affection from her family, her battery was drained, so she decided against pressuring Enid into teaching her.
Enid however felt like she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole! God what must Wednesday be thinking right now.
Later on in the week the moment had been fading from each of their memories and the days returned to normal
Enid smirked at Wednesday.
"Come on Wednesday what did we talk about?" Enid scolds Wednesday but the juxtaposition of the smile it was paired with told the girl that she wasn't really in that much trouble.
The Addams girl huff's in annoyance, her facial expression barely changes as walks away from the situation and tracks swiftly back to her room.
Enid blindly follows after her, all the while skipping happily and relishing in that little power she had over Wednesday. One she knew didn't last long when it came to other Activities the two would part-take in.
"This preposterous idea that I would have even a miniscule interest in this activity must really mean you have finally succumb to the illusion that I will change Enid" Wednesday scolds back.
"And yet here you are" Enid's smirk has a giddy twinge to it as she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively saying "Aren't you?"
She skips away, throwing her headphones on and pressing play on her favourite playlist titled "Her", scrolling through Spotify and finding yet another song to add to it.
At this point her Wednesday's playlist was becoming an unhealthy addiction but hey what can you do. Wednesday made her feel things that she just couldn't say out loud so surely singing them was the next best thing.
It was 4 am and Enid could hear it the consistent rumble of howls that plagued the night air. Everyone was out, all of the wolves screaming at the moon with pure heart and Enid was again alone in bed.
She hadn't turned since the hyde attack. Her therapist told her it was a mental block due to the traumatic events that transpired but she wasn't sure.
A large HOWL could be heard this time much closer. Which caused Enid to curiously lift her head off of her pillow and squint her eyes out of the room window.
It was Wednesday? Enid crept up to the window and admired her from afar. With each distant howl she watched the seer howl back and subtly smile to herself as she did. What the hell?
The werewolf climbed out the window quietly and spoke
"Wednesday what are you doing?" While remaining a fair distance away from her crush.
Wednesday barely flinched at the sudden presence of her best friend and spoke unfiltered
"Confusing the other wolves of course, It's one of my favourite games I've played it ever since I was a kid" Wednesday seemed rather dazed as she thought back to the memory and then snapped back to reality to see Enid's eyes in pure shock and awe
Wednesday cleared her throat "My apologies I am not sure why I shared that information with you".
"It's okay to share Wednesday I told you you could tell me anything" Enid walked slowly towards Wednesday "Pretty cool game" she observes standing by Wednesday's side, not daring to make eye contact just yet.
She slowly turned to look at Wednesday hoping this vulnerable openness wouldn't end so soon but as Wednesday looked at her, Enid saw something in her face change.
"Yes, well I did not mean to cause you any discomfort" Wednesday seems almost guilty as she averts her gaze away from the wolf's eyes.
"Why would that cause me-" Enid began but then it clicked "Oh ..." She looked away shamefully "Because I can't turn into a wolf" she sighed lightly
"Yes" Wednesday said, oblivious at first to Enid's sadness. She stayed silent her eyes scanning the glorious view from their balcony before her eyes landed on Enid and she finally noticed how upset she was.
Wednesday seemed to internally panic, unaware of the proper protocol in these situations. Usually she would not care but something about the way Enid's pleading eyes bore into her soul caused a spark to go off, jumpstarting her insides.
"Just because you cannot transform does not mean you cannot howl" Wednesday's lip twitched.
"Wednesday no it just makes me feel-" she began to protest but Wednesday simply raised her hand to halt her words
"Okay but you like games don't you Enid?" She asked earning a slight submissive nod from the werewolf girl "Then let's play my game" Wednesday smirked.
"Wednesday" Enid groaned out, tilting her head to sigh at the sky
"Enid" Wednesday simply retorted before continuing as if Enid had not rejected her proposition.
"It's very simple really, whenever you hear a howl you reciprocate and then revel in the satisfaction of knowing there is a wolf out there confused by the sound, chasing its tail looking for a strange sounding wolf" Wednesday eyes beamed with wicked delight as she explained the rules.
"That's pretty Evil Addams, you don't even get to see them all confused what's the point" Enid couldn't help but giggle a little bit, what an odd 'Game'.
"No but I know they are and that is enough, it is part of the enjoyment using my imagination" Wednesday shrugged slightly.
Just as she said this another distant howl could be heard in the distance and Wednesday looked at Enid expectantly.
After no response Wednesday gripped the edges of the concrete wall in front of her and let out a monstrous howl, causing Enid's eyes to light up in pure adoration.
"How did I do?" Wednesday flicked her eyebrows up. It wasn't like her to request validation from someone but the Seer thought it would be a great honour to hear the opinion of the most vicious creature she had ever laid eyes on. Enid, of course, in her wolf form, jaw dripping with the blood of Wednesday's enemy, teeth bared with a look of pure bloodlust in her eyes... Wednesday had never felt so strongly towards her roommate than in that moment. So, who better to assess her howling abilities than the best there was in her eyes.
"You would make a good little wolf" Enid spoke, mesmerised by the sight in front of her. As she caught herself saying it she became nervous at Wednesday's reaction.
Her wolf became giddy when the response she was given was "Well you are a good little wolf" and Enid beamed with pure delight. That's the nicest thing Wednesday had ever said to her and was she being delusional in believing that it seemed even a little ... flirty?
Even as Wednesday said this, she was outwardly shocked by even her own words, her lips that seemed to be betraying what her mind would have told her to say instead
Enid was speechless, her legs almost caving in from beneath her as her mouth went dry all of a sudden at the sound of Wednesday's voice
Luckily another Howl rang out and Wednesday looked at Enid changing the subject rather quickly
"Your turn" She told her, nonchalantly.
Enid, still buzzing from the look in Wednesday's eyes as she called her a good little wolf, smirked playfully "Fine" she shook her head disapprovingly before letting out an almighty HOWLLLLLLL, without question.
She looked back at Wednesday expectantly who was lightly entranced by the sight. She cleared her throat
"Not terrible." She said as if she was grading an English paper "poor technique though" Wednesday looked away from her feeling rather deviant.
"Excuse me? Who is the wolf here!" Enid moved closer to Wednesday letting her know that she was very offended
"To the perception of a stranger in sure it would be hard to tell" Wednesday didn't look at her. She had to deflect after her little wolf mishap a moment ago
"What was wrong with it?" Enid asked voice a little cracked. Again something sparked in Wednesday... Did she feel guilty for making her feel bad? Of course she did it's Enid! She was just trying to be playful and cheer Enid up but it was so unnatural to her.
Do something!
"Here" Wednesday suddenly gripped the wolf's hips twisting her body lightly and Enid in utter shock from Wednesday's touch, let it happen. What was going on?
She gulped, as her heart rate quickened and Wednesday hands moved swiftly to each of Enid's hands and roughly placed each one on the balcony's edge, breaking the touch barrier between them haphazardly.
"What are you-" Enid finally managed to hoarsely conjure up words but she was immediately stopped as Wednesday slid her hand up to the Blondie's chin tilting her head away and slightly to the sky, keeping her fingers lingering for a few seconds too long. Enid's breath hitched in her throat and Wednesday noticed this furrowing her brow for a moment then brushing it off.
Wednesday stepped back and admired her handiwork then spoke assertively
"Now" she reached forward only to stop Enid from moving out of the position she was just expertly put into "Try again" she all but demanded.
Enid took a harsh breath in and out, extremely grateful that the cold night air prevented the flush of her cheeks from being so obvious and then she howled once again.
This time an earth shattering howl erupted from Enid's throat, causing even Wednesday to smile slightly at her triumph and again feel that uneasy spark of feeling that rose from within the depths of her darkened soul.
Enid panted for breath afterwards, the cold air evident, from the breath that could be seen clearly like fog rolling into a graveyard at midnight. It honestly, once again, captivated Wednesday and for the first time in forever ... She was speechless ... She was feeling.
Enid noticed and smiled proudly.
After a while of comfortable silence and occasional howling at the sky while stealing glances at each other, both girls retreated to the comfort and warmth of their beds.
Wednesday lay still, staring at the ceiling, contemplating everything that had just occured and Enid smiled widely into her pillow as she attempted to sleep.
But she just couldn't. She felt like they had a moment. The same feeling she felt gripping onto Wednesday for dear life after the school was attacked. The relief from finding out Wednesday was alive and the pain of having to let her go once again. Eventually, Enid resorted to "Her" after more than an hour of tossing and turning endlessly.
🎶She don't wanna be anybody else she's a women in total control of herself🎶 Enid smiled again humming in happiness as the line 🎶I swear I saw her howling at the sky, she ain't out to get you but she's better on your side🎶 rang through her ears and she happily let the image of Wednesday howling continuously burn into her brain.
Her blissful descent into slumber was interupted by Wednesday's voice
"You are aware that your headphones are not plugged aren't you?" She stood right beside Enid's bed startling the girl.
"Shit!" Enid whispered fumbling for her phone to turn it off. She will never get used to how silent Wednesday's footsteps were, it's as if the girl just glides everywhere.
"Interesting choice of song Enid" Wednesday smirked before retreating back to her bed to continue her own descent into a peaceful sleep.
As she laid there she watched as Enid avoided eye contact and flopped her head back onto her pillow, looking somewhat embarrassed.
And for the third time that night Wednesday's heart sparked and Enid's Beat rapidly.
#wenclair#enid sinclair#wenclair fanfic#wednesday addams#wednesday#wednesday x enid#wenclair one shot
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Wednesday and Enid having a picnic date night in the graveyard
Enid looking behind her: oh would you look at that, Suzy Silverson died when she was my age.
Wednesday smirking: you’re not scared are you?
Enid: of course not silly. I live with you, don’t I?
Wednesday: That is factual. Doesn’t this make you feel alive?
Enid: so would a nicely lit restaurant, but here we are *drinks wine*
Wednesday: oh Cara Mia!
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Wenclair x Reader
What Are You?- Chapter 8
Daaaamn not me posting ... Since when?! This doesn't happen often... Honestly thank you if you're still here reading this fic and I am sorry for how long it's taking but enjoy anyway 😋
You enter your room with a large grunt erupting from your throat as you practically throw your suitcase into the room. You sigh, as it tips over and decide to ignore it and focus on the numb ache in your arms from carrying it up an abnormal amount of stairs. It's moments like these where you actually wish you were a normal outcast, preferably one with super strength, vampire, werewolf, honestly the task would be much way easier.
Now what? You take a moment to scan the room, pursing your lips in contemplation. It is a cute room but you will definitely have to do a little bit of redecorating to give it more of a homey vibe. I mean the school had done a nice job, given you a bed, a nightstand, a closet and even added a full body mirror and swivel desk chair perched under the study desk. But it still screamed wooden storeroom with a bed and that just wouldn't do, you were minimal not a criminal, you deserve a bit of style at the very least.
At last you finally decide to deal with the slow bleeding puncture holes in your back. Switching on the small but fair radio to play some quiet music for background noise, you get to work.
The full body mirror, compliments of the School, comes in handy as you slide your jacket off and turn away from it, twisting your neck behind you to inspect the damage caused to your uniform. This, of course being more irritating than the new scars that would cover the old, that you were used too.
"Fuuuuck" you complain, cursing at the sky, aggravated with the amount of effort this would take. Its way too prominent to make up some "I fell" shit to Wednesday and Enid but right now you couldn't focus on that, instead you needed to make sure the blood was scarring and needed to clean up
As you unbutton the shirt and slightly let it drape down your arm, off-shoulder, you roll your eyes and drop it to examine the bleed. As your shirt hits the ground, you hear it...
What the fuck was that?
A noise, like a breath? a squeak? You didn't know but it was enough for you to whip your head around your room suspiciously. The closet. It definitely came from there.
Don't look in there.
Don't look in there.
Don't look in there.
You chant to yourself relentlessly. This is how people in Horror movies die you know, they investigate and they walk right into the waiting arms (or knife) of the killer and are completely shocked to find out they're about to die. 'Ridiculous' you think to yourself again. But what's even more ridiculous is the steady expression on your face, regardless, as you step slowly towards the doors, noticing it's ajar your eyes fixated on it getting closer
and closer
And closer
"SQUAEK!" A noise erupts from the mouse that comes scuttling out of the door, running towards you
"Fuck!" Your arms jerk up in defense, knuckles tightening as you jump back quickly ready to attack "Jesus" you shake it off realising that the only danger here is your own stupidity for being scared of a creature the size of a ... well it's a fucking mouse for Christ sake. "Fuck" Now you're gonna have to catch the bloody thing "Okay Damn" Now accepting that this is what you will be doing for the next 10 minutes. The words come out one by one. First it scares you, then the relief you feel finding out it's just a mouse, then the pure annoyance that it is a mouse, then an acceptance of okay now you have to deal with getting the mouse out. Nice little rollercoaster ride your emotions send you on there in no more than 1.3 seconds. Greeeeat.
You then laugh at yourself for being so frightened, feeling lighter as you now embark on the hilarious task of chasing a mouse around your room aimlessly.
Another perk to staying in an attic of a 100 hundred year old building in the middle of a forest full of wildlife.
"You keep live mice in your blazer?" Enid whispers, eyes staring accusingly towards her odd girlfriend
"You don't?" She smirks, a light shrug tugging at her shoulders.
"No if course I don't!" Enid tried to sound baffled but struggles to in her attempts to be quiet. In fact if it wasn't for the noise of Y/N bashing around the room and the light hum of the radio she's sure she could be heard once again.
"Ohh because you are a wolf you would be tempted to eat it I understand Mi amore" Wednesday's still peering through the crack as she speaks and Enid has to hold back a giggle at her soulmate's preposterous deduction.
" Wednesday that's not why I-" she starts but is rudely interrupted by a
"Shhh!" Wednesday smirks watching through a crack in the door and motions for Enid to come closer and have a look.
"Wednesday she doesn't have a shirt on I refuse to look it's creepy" Enid awkwardly crosses her arms in protest, shuffling in the small space they were both crammed into
"That is not what is amusing" Wednesday practically rolls her eyes "In fact I hadn't noticed the missing clothing item until you pointed it out" she looks somewhat accusingly at Enid but of course it's all playful. Then she lightly grips Enid's chin and guides it to the gap to witness what she was currently gazing at.
Among the crashes, bangs and thuds of you flailing around your room is a trail that clearly outlined your chaotic rampage. And finally the mouse is between your hands and you lightly stroke it's forehead in victory
It was amusing at first watching you fling your chair out of the way Jump across the bed yelling come here you little bast-" and falling over your suitcase. But this. This was even more fascinating. The way you coddled the creature, ignoring the carnage of the room and absolutely delighted with yourself, covered in pride for accomplishing your mission.
" Oh course she caught it she's a wolf" Enid whispers shrugging.
" I don't buy it." Wednesday states in a suspicion filled whisper. "If she is a wolf why isn't she healing and why can't she hear us right now and look how she treats the creature" Wednesday lists off her suspicions not taking her eyes of of Y/N for a second.
"I don't know Wens, can we not talk about this right now" She gestures harshly between the two and the space they are still cramped up in.
"Enid I have seen you catch a squirrel in 2.4 seconds, grasping it between your razor sharp fangs" she pauses to say "incredibly attractive, exquisite technic" then continues " but she can't catch a mouse and she treats it like a stuffed toy." Enid bites her lip, now questioning the idea herself and trying to come up with a valid argument but ultimately decides "It is a bit strange"
"Exactly and we are going to figure out why" her voice drips with unfiltered curiousity and her girlfriend takes a moment to admire this before shaking out of her trance.
"Babe we need to leave" Enid whines through her whisper
"Well what do you suggest?" She asks Enid bluntly "Batholemew was suppose to lead her out of the room not my fault he failed at his task" Wednesday criticises. "Bartholomew? What-" Enid begins but halts at the soft touch of Wednesday fore finger on her lips while the other pointed towards Y/N. "Waiting until she's asleep is a terrible plan" "Well we can't out ourselves now we just watched her chase a mm mouse around her room" "Well we can't just wait for her to fall asleep" "That is exactly what we do mi amore we must not frightened her away" The plan is decided
You triumphantly smile with glee as you stroke the mouse's fur. Yes, you had destroyed what little possessions you had and made a mess of your room but you won! You caught the little bastard creature that had infiltrated your territory and now you had to figure out what the hell you were meant to do now.
Pets aren't allowed on campus so you can't keep him so the next best thing... Find a teacher or groundskeeper or someone to humanely dispose of him. If you couldn't find anyone I'm sure the mouse wouldn't mind being set free in nevermore woods to roam free. First you empty a box then place the mouse inside. Right now you had a more pressing issue.
You struggle to reach behind you, with nothing more than a pack of tissues to block the holes in your back. Becoming frustrated you finally root around in your upturned suitcase and take out your flip phone, pressing one before then pressing the phone to your ear.
It rings irritatingly too long before a small beeeeep rings in your ears "Hey! Real nice of you to "punish me" but could you send one of your minions over to help me out, your stitching is becoming increasingly more shit, you need to fix this and I can't fucking reach, you psychotic piece of... Beeeeep the voicemail ends and you place the phone on speaker before throwing it on your desk.
"To send this message please press 1 to re-record please press 2" the robotic voice chants, giving you a moment to think about what you were doing. You bring your finger down and hover over the 1 button for a second, rolling your eyes then switching to the no.2 button and then re-recording the voicemail.
"Can you pick up your phone mother, if you're going to be spying on me maybe you might have noticed the very obvious lack of control in your stitching it sucks and you fucking..." Urgh you press 2 again to re-record the message for a third time, thinking more logically about how you might speak to the evil bitch when you are in need of her help.
"To save your message please press 1 to re record please press 2"
you sigh and hit re record
"Hi Krhmm Auntie just calling to ask if could you please send over a medic minion, the stitching has come loose on my back and I can't reach, can you call back when you get the chance, thanks" you send off the message a little angry at yourself for having to fold to her fuckery.
" Urrrgh" you moan again
After a while of waiting and recieving no response you plan to confront her she did the damage she can fix it, and besides you needed to get rid of that mouse anyway.
Two birds one stone so you set off out of your room in search of just that.
As wander down the corridor your eyes flick to your watch to see it's late ... Like really late. When did it become 10:32. Your now happy that you didn't place the mouse in the pocket of your blazer like you originally planned and instead grip the shoe box in your hands and continue on
You barely make it to the stairs before you hear "Miss L/N"
"Oh hi" you greet the random teacher who was now walking towards you
"As much as it is lovely to meet you I will save pleasantries for your morning induction" your smile fades a little noticing her 'you're in trouble' teacher tone.
"It's passed lights out students without a pass are not allowed out of their dorm rooms at this time" she looks at you rather warmly despite her tone of voice before giving you an out "Are you lost?" She seems to be giving you the benefit of the doubt
You open your mouth to speak but the voice that follows is not your own
"We can show her the way" a bubbly voice can be heard from behind you.
And there they are.
Wednesday Addams sporting her usual cold stare, stiff as a board with a fidgeting Enid Sinclair smiling nervously next to her.
You turn and smile somewhat relieved as they both look at you but for a split second your eyes flit behind them. Where did they come from? Behind them was a long corridor with nothing but your room to the left and a window at the end, depicting a beautiful view of the nevermore property.
Wednesday seems to notice this and deliberately cuts in "I'm sure you wouldn't mind Miss Thornhill you know how well I do with lost puppies" she smirks and tilts her head towards the obviously clueless blonde next to her who just continues to smile hopefully.
Unbeknownst to you the girls had crept out of your door and witnessed this altercation and deciding to come to your rescue
You look accusingly at them how did they get there
"Hmmm" she eyes them both suspiciously, taking a little extra time on the darker haired girl.
"Fine I will leave you in the capable hands of ..." The teacher starts but stops her speech as if deliberating in her own head then starts again "I will leave you with Miss Addams and Sinclair" she states before walking down the corridor, turning back a few times to see all 3 of you still and watching silently, then rounds the corner.
You let out the breath you had been holding in and turn back towards the 2 girls.
"we just came to check on you" Enid blurts out during the uncomfortable silence, trying to divert the conversation and you feel slightly flattered that she would even care.
"Thanks but I have to get out of here I need to ..." You're eyes flit to the box and you decide against explaining the hole mouse ordeal to them both and quickly make up a lie "I'm hungry was hoping to find a midnight snack"
"Understandable I always keep extra snacks for my girls here, noone seems to remember you need to eat to stay alive" Enid smiles as she hands you a granola bar.
You bite your lip to hold back a laugh, of course she keeps food on her at all times purely to make sure others are fed, what a caring little wolf.
"Uhhh wow thanks umm but I still have..." As you attempt to try and leave the situation Wednesday eyes Enid who nods in response. Again, doing that creepy thing where they seem to know exactly what the other person was thinking.
Enid grabs your hand before you are able to finish your sentence and a "woah" escapes you lips as she drags you in their room and if you weren't so weak and tired from today's events maybe the spark of emotions that shot through your body would have elicited some kind of supernatural response but luckily for you this time that was not the case.
Enid ahead of you seems to move in slow motion as she kind of violently drags you along behind her, the curls if her hair bouncing and the sparkle of her eyes reflecting off of the ceiling lights. You strip the thoughts from your head a turn back to see Wednesday following behind you, walking at a fast pace somewhat determined and ready, which again puts you on edge.
The room door swing open and the wolf pulls you inside and finally let's go, leaving you a little dishevelled and disorientated before you focus your eyes back on the two, a picture of perfect in front of you thier eyes filled with more suspicion.
"Take off your top" Wednesday demands and you choke on the unspoken words in your throat.
"Excuse me?" You ask, not sure whether this is a nightmare or a really messed up fever dream plucked from your obsession of pretty girls in your subconscious
#wenclair#enid sinclair#wednesday addams#wenclair fanfic#wenclair x reader#wenclair what are you#wednesday x enid#wednesday
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Divina: Look what the cat dragged in. Enid and her scary little girlfriend.
Enid: Wednesday’s not my girlfriend.
Wednesday: I’m not her girlfriend.
Bianca: You kiss each other on the mouth.
Enid: Yeah because we’re best friends. Best friend kiss each other.
Bianca: If Divina tried to kiss me I’d hurl.
Divina: Rude. But fair.
Yoko: Hey Enid can you move to the left a bit. The closet you’re stuck in is blocking my sun.
Enid: You’re a vampire! Vampires hate the sun!
Yoko: That’s a harmful stereotype.
Enid, angry: You know what? I don’t have to deal with this *grabs Wednesdays hand* come on baby.
Wednesday: Coming, Cara Mia.
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