#burn usa
mister-e-nigma00 · 9 months
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Erna O'Hara
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ember-knights · 8 months
I am seeing less people talking even though the situation is more dire than ever. I know we are all tired. It is understandable.
Keep it up though. Put your frustration and pain into work and use it. Turn to your family and friends and support each other through it.
To quote Shreen abu Aklaa: “The cause needs a lot of endurance. Keep your spirits up”
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Art work by : Sally Samir
We are lucky to be alive and well. Use it.
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hussyknee · 7 months
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One. Day. After vetoing the ceasefire at the Security Council.
One. Fucking. Day. After condemning two million people to genocide.
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There is no hell hot enough for you.
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Have you played THE BURNING WHEEL ?
By Luke Crane
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It is a medieval fantasy game with heavy focus on the beliefs of the characters and a unique character creation system that determines their life from birth
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cherryopium · 3 months
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rvspecter · 4 months
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August 12, 2022 - People burn a picture of white nationalist / fascist media personality Tucker Carlson outside of Fox News HQ. [video]
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vyorei · 8 months
Live coverage of the 6th of November 2023 has now begun.
Here is an amalgamation of news from the last few hours.
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As always, lots is happening but nothing useful, and the glowbois of the lettermob are out to play
Link to the article about Gaza's hospitals:
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gammasquad · 2 months
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It’s my Suits fanart and I get to decide to put Mike Ross in Barbie/Ken Roller Skating fit
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Disappointed, but not remotely surprised. 😒
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legolasvegas · 4 months
The pilot of Elementary is so good. I’m sitting here with a Cheshire grin on my face. And I love love that the ended with Elvis Costello’s Watching the Detectives! First of all because I LOVE that song but then I found out it’s also a reference to a straight-to-DVD flop Lucy Liu made called the same thing! I’m so happy to have a new murder mystery series in my life, it’s a good time.
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mister-e-nigma00 · 9 months
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Erna O'Hara
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
Type O Negative - In Praise Of Bacchus
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
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By Eva Terra
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Our Hearts are many things. They are the legendary weapons we vanquish evil with, the giant mechs that fly us to the stars, the hidden powers we’ve found within ourselves, the shining charms let us become magical girls, the roaring engines propelling us across the country side, and so much more. Burning Hearts Forever is a tabletop RPG built on the Apocalypse engine for creating stories in a wide array of different scenarios, each with a different definition of what a Heart is. The game focuses on the interpersonal relations between characters and can support games with either light or heavy tones.
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cherryopium · 4 months
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