#burning hearts forever
worstgirleva · 21 days
my name is eva and i'm a tabletop rpg designer from brasil. as you may know twitter, the place where i mainly share my games and my main source of income, has recently been blocked in my here
i would appreciate if you could reblog this post so that i can better share my games and projects on tumblr
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my most popular game is called burning hearts forever, it's an open setting pbta about those who wield Hearts, weapons and tools that change shape depending on the scenario the players are playing in. you can check it on the following link
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By Eva Terra
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Our Hearts are many things. They are the legendary weapons we vanquish evil with, the giant mechs that fly us to the stars, the hidden powers we’ve found within ourselves, the shining charms let us become magical girls, the roaring engines propelling us across the country side, and so much more. Burning Hearts Forever is a tabletop RPG built on the Apocalypse engine for creating stories in a wide array of different scenarios, each with a different definition of what a Heart is. The game focuses on the interpersonal relations between characters and can support games with either light or heavy tones.
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takethelx3 · 1 month
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I just keep rattling them inside my brain :)
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reineydraws · 4 months
Is the renkaza a crackship?
nope! on ao3, they're the third biggest kny ship and the biggest kyojuro ship, actually--not that popularity automatically means a ship can't be crack? hm.
the definition of crackship is debateable lol but to me they're not cracky 'cuz the things akaza was saying during their mugen train fight and akaza's human backstory provide a lot of give in terms of connection points to kyojuro.
they're a ship for all the people who love enemies/rivals-to-lovers plots, and ships that involve a lot of physical fighting and/or searching for humanity, which are some of my fave things to look for haha. they can also just be deeply convoluted and toxic when romantically involved, which is its own brand of fun! (tho i personally tend to look for stuff that ends more wholesomely. angst with a happy ending my beloved. 💞)
i will say that while they're not a crackship, the au's where akaza just fucks off completely (like my au comic haha) or where kyo goes all-in on being a demon right away can come off cracky, but i think that's less "crackship" and more "crack taken seriously".
i hope this makes sense!
#rei replies#renkaza#akaren#kny#if there are two people fighting and one of them says 'I WANT TO FIGHT YOU FOREVER' i am one HUNDRED percent shipping them#the minute something like that is said they are already making out in my mind#ur so perfect kyojuro! u have to live forever so we can fight all the time kyojuro!#let me turn you into a demon so we can get married and cut off each others' arms forever kyojuro!#akaza was soooooo down bad#on the other side of it there's kyo forcing himself to be a pillar at all times. everyone looks up to him. he is always strong.#'SET YOUR HEART ABLAZE' he exclaims to his tsuguko and the slayers that all look to him for inspiration and guidance.#'my heart must be ablaze' he tells himself after the hundredth reprimand from the father who failed him#clutching onto his burning passionate heart so that his little brother will never see the way he crumbles on the inside.#no one should see him as anything less than the hashira he must be in his father's stead.#no one can see him weak--but for the demon that's already cut him to the quick and yet continues to insist that his strength is perfection.#and deeply empathetic kyojuro can do nothing but hope when he sees how akaza picks over his food and dogs at his heels asking for a fight.#idk there's a lot there. i feel like kyo can be ugly with akaza because he doesn't have to be perfect in front of a demon.#and like i mentioned earlier: akaza is nothing if not completely down bad for the flame hashira.#i digress
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time-speculo · 1 year
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His ass is NOT beating the son allegations!!!
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fluentisonus · 4 months
four years on & I still dream about going home to that house :(
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dragon-business · 1 year
saving Nishiki
Phase one of saving Nishiki is Majima annoying him a bit here and there through 10 years Kiryu was away.
He'll be popping in from time to time, offering a fight or a snarky remark, and generally be a nuisance. Trying to get more info about Kiryu sometimes. And that will not be good for Nishiki's mental wellbeing at certain points, but Majima is good at redirecting people's attention when needed.
This thing will not change the general plot of Kiwami, Nishiki will still keep blaming himself for letting Kiryu down (he never stopped caring for him, never thought it’s Kiryu’s fault that things turned out this way). Nishiki will still feel that he has to keep going down this dark path, and will keep pushing himself on it (he feels that he has nowhere else to turn). 
But! He’s a bit more conflicted now. A tiny bit. After all, Majima, of all people, knows a thing or two about waiting for brothers that left you for good (and for bad). 
It’s not that they’ll be talking about for 10 years nonstop, the subject is touchy, after all. Sharp on both ends. But it’s there to allude to, and to be mutually understood while sharing a cigarette late at night.
So, phase two of saving Nishiki is not letting him get shot in the vault. Like, in that last stretch of the game (and in Yakuza games in general) everyone kept standing in front of bullets for eachother, it was almost ridiculous. So why not let Kiryu stand in front of the bullet to shield Nishiki? Why not, hmmm? So yeah, he does that. And now Kiryu and Nishiki are both in the vault with the bomb, and Kiryu is bleeding and can’t move fast enough, and how could Nishiki think about anything but getting him out of there before the whole thing blows up? 
Staying in that safe to die was a split moment decision of a really depressed and suicidal man in extreme duress. So how about we don’t give him time to think it over at all.
Nishiki gets Kiryu’s left hand over his shoulder, and rushes towards the exit with him, and the wave of the explosion hits them near the vault door. Heat and debris hit Nishiki from the left/back, and so this is where most of his scars are. Now and forever the koi will be swimming up from their whirlwind. One particularly bity piece of shrapnel slashes both through Kiryu’s forearm and Nishiki’s face.
(Oh, the power of the shared scar that will forever bind them to this moment. Oh, Nishiki shielding Kiryu from the hit of the explosion.) (Oh, the metaphor and irony of Nishiki looking more like Kashiwagi now.) 
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Phase three of the plan is Nishiki getting arrested! Not for his actual crimes, oh no. But for some of the stuff relating to the explosion and mayhem that happened that night. Like, whatever works (c) Kamurocho police, probably. Someone had to be arrested there, and he was breaching some safety regulation protocols or whatever. They pin him for whatever sticks, because there are not a lot of people left there that are both alive and can be put in jail.
So yeah. Nishiki is whisked away to a hospital to get his skin grafts, and then is put in that prison’s hospital wing, and then is slowly let out of it, and then he meets Saejima. And the long journey of healing and self acceptance and love starts. For both of them.
– Oh, we have so much written about it all, just you wait :3 Tigerfish has us by our throats, we’re dying in its chokehold. Best most honorable death ever.
– before / navigation / next
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forestgreenlesbian · 1 year
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everything is in bloom!
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thebirdandhersong · 23 days
the miserable angry person I become when I haven't eaten is, in a word, atrocious. it is 9pm I have not had my dinner murder is about to be on the menu if I don't fix this soon
#i spent. SO LONG (5min) trying to iron a shirt that would NOT be ironed#and then SO LONG (60 seconds) futilely trying to shove the ironing board closed (gave up and left)#and now i want to CRY because i CANT STAND INDECISIVE YOUNG MEN#what is going ON in your BRAIN if you would COMMUNICATE i might UNDERSTAND!!!!! WHAT is the struggle WHAT is going on#if you were INTERESTED as so many people have CLAIMED YOU WERE why didn't you SAY anything why didn't you DO anything!!!!!!!!!!#LIFE IS LITERALLY SO SHORT WHAT IS GOING ONNNN I CANNOT SIT HERE WAITING FOR YOU FOREVER I CANNOT !!!!!#they said it might be because you had qualms about long distance. BOY I WOULD'VE GIVEN LONG DISTANCE AN ENTHUSIASTIC SHOT#not to be like. once again i am the one more interested i am the one so ready to open my heart i am the one more invested#but like. dude. we live in an age of technology. if you want to get to know me. TEXT ME I'M LITERALLY IN THE SAME COUNTRY!!!!!!!#also what a day this has been. i agreed to teach sunday school (i am burned out and felt dread the whole time and then after i said yes)#and then socialized with too many people and then spent about 2 hours commuting and then came home and watched a romcom#that was happy that made me sad because it was happy. i too would like to be treated tenderly and pursued intentionally for once. anyways#in the same day one friend got engaged to her best friend and one friend got involved with a horrible boy and the whiplash was Horrendous#also if you cant tell i am indeed on my period and feel like too much and not enough lol i need to be alone for a little while
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onlyancunin · 4 months
One of the runs I currently do is reloaded save of my fav durge V (Violet, but she hates that name), where she ascended Astarion.
I think it unlocked something in me, I spent like 4 h yesterday just straight out murdering people in Baldurs Gate. Elfsong Tavern looks like a borscht, comparable only to the intestined interiors of the Moonrise Towers or decadently decaying decor of the Bhaal Temple.
And of course this knucklehead showed up which reminded me to grab the chef's grab on my way out (also Minthara lmao):
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Screw the plot, this is my plot now. I thought Ascended Astarion was bad but somehow I think I'm even worse.
Baldur's Gate prepare because I'm really having a taste for beetroots.
P.S. Yes AA told V she needs to "look presentable now" and coerced her to put on a dress, fix her makeup and wear her hair down. He likes it better that way and it conceals the "ugly scar on her face". Funny how it never bothered him before.
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worstgirleva · 3 months
Burning Hearts Forever is a open setting game that features a number of premade scenarios like: ✅Magical Girls ✅Racing Drivers ✅Fantasy Heroes ✅Mech Pilots ✅Musicians on a tour ✅Whatever the Persona 4 characters are
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The link also includes a free download with the basic moves and playbooks of the game
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xlmibby · 10 months
xiaolumi late-night brainrot because i feel like writing an entire essay about how much i love the way xiao and lumine look at each other.
the thing is... the both of them aren't the type of person to talk a lot - especially not about their feelings - but even if they stay quiet, their eyes say everything.
the quick stolen glances; because lumine just can't focus on the conversation with the others when xiao is right next to her. the way longing stares; when his eyes burn the expanse of her skin as soon as she talks with someone else again.
it's quite obvious how they feel because of that. but i think, while xiao might feel like lumine watches him a lot since she's not hiding it well - or more like, she's not doing it at all - he's the one who does it more often and longer, nevertheless. it's easy to stop caring about the passing time when the sight in front of him is so breathtaking. the mere glance of her golden hair shining in the warm sunlight, white dress fluttering when the wind grows stronger, her soft skin and flushed cheeks... it all stirs odd emotions deep within him.
he can't quite name them - is it longing? fondness? desire? - yet he can feel them take over his consciousness and make him want to call out her name, reach out to her hand and pull her into his arms so close that their chests brush with every shaky inhale. his fingers are shaking at the thought, itching to brush hair off her face and watch her look up at him.
xiao thinks it should scare him a little. how easy it would be to see right through him in that moment.
all of the thick walls of cold and aloofness he's been building around himself for long years would dissapear the second lumine's eyes - wide and shining with that golden color that's so familiar yet so hypnotizing - meet his. somehow, he can't look away even if he tried.
the longer he stares, the more he notices how open lumine is with him as well. close up she looks.. so innocent. so delicate, breakable. like she's just a young girl who has hopelessly fallen in love with a boy and now she's scared he might find out; but she's not good at hiding her feelings and pretending everything's just perfectly fine when he's around, and her heartbeat for sure doesn't race at all.
when his eyes fall onto her lips - it is just an instinct, one that xiao can't control even if he tried - he watches suck in a breath. she swallow, painfully aware of his burning gaze lingering on there longer than necessary. long enough for her to lose her mind, just a little bit. long enough for her thoughts to stray somewhere to the places he doesn't know about. the look on her face - cheeks flushed, eyes gleaming with a different kind of affection he has never seen before, the quick rise and fall if her chest - tells him that he might have an inkling of what she can be thinking about. it might be something similar to his own thoughts, ones that spread through his veins like the sweetest kind of venom. they're deadly, urging him to act upon his desires although he knows he can't. not if he wants lumine to be safe.
but it's so, so tempting...
it kills him a little.
xiao tries to pretend it's fine but something wraps around his heart when she's around. grips tightly on it as if to make him dig his claws into his chest. bury them there and take out his beating heart. offer it to her.
it belongs to her, anyway. he might deny it but the truth remains all the same.
he's nothing if not hers.
a part of him wonders if lumine can see it now. how badly he craves her, in every way possible. how sickening this yearning inside him is, simmering just beneath the indifferent expression he usually puts on like a ghost of his darkest desires.
even if lumine can't see it though, xiao is sure she can feel his heartbeat against her chest and knows. there's no way to escape this overwhelming love.
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dawnthefluffyduck · 2 months
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Sunday doodles
#you ever just *puts feet on the wall*#or sit upside down off the side of your bed#i saw a post earlier this week I've been trying to find about fearing god#i read it but didn't have time to share my thoughts and i forgot to save it to my drafts so i lost it#anyway they talked about fearing god in service today#the overlap of related events like this scares me all the time#like... i know this stuff just happens and they had this sermon planned for months and it's coincidental#''but what if god is actually real and this is him trying to talk to me? what if he's trying to move me back on track?''#that's something i can't help but think#i'm starting to think I'll never know what is real and whether there's a god and if i really am setting myself up to burn in hell#i have to make a choice whether to leave my friends and hide who I am and go back to the church#or be myself and enjoy my time alive knowing what could be waiting for me when I go#I know that sounds extremely dramatic but it's something I think about a lot#it's one thing for someone to have never gotten to known God#but some say that the one unforgivable sin - the only thing that can keep you out of heaven forever...#...is knowing god and accepting him in your heart but then turning your back on him#I've done those rituals; been baptized and taken communion and said the famous prayer#if that unforgivable sin is true then I guess i've already made my choice; there really is no going back for me haha#damn right that god is scary lol#not tagging the game because I monolouged too much lmao#doodles#sunday doodles#depressing sunday doodle posts have arrived once again#dw im chilling today just lost in thought#was able to put in pto so i get the day to reflect on the very important things 21 year olds think about#things like ''what could've been'' and ''how do i want to draw my next fluffy boy''
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kits-ships · 5 months
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my husband ranks my f/os.png
things i love about this:
he has watched moon knight, yet didn't recognize jake lockley or marc spector
he does NOT know who rex is. he said he just likes that picture of dt hgfsdfhh
wtf did din do to him
i love who he put in 'my wife needs help.' it's everyone i expected him to put there
i thought 🪓❄️ would be in the last category tbh
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observers-journal · 2 years
Some cute unseen pictures of Señor Top Notch Huerta from the La Mole convention.
I love his funny ass in the first picture 😂
As for the second one, mujer, I am happy for you 🥲 I just hope you took the man's consent before that pose 🥲🥲
Source: official Facebook page, Instagram of user.
(Covered faces for privacy, please contact for credit if required.)
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dokkvi · 2 years
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ℑ𝔫 𝔑𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔪
Prints are available on my Etsy shop‼️
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