#buildings are fun when you understand what you’re doing ahaha
wundersou · 4 months
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i forgot to post this artwork! everywhere!
but this was for a server-wide secret santa exchange last year! i’m so happy with it too <3
hope you enjoy!
0 notes
nenilein · 1 year
Puyo Puyo Drama CD #8-2: Ecolo and the Puppy (ENG Translation)
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[DISCLAIMER: This translation was made by me! Feel free to repost parts of it or the entire text wherever you want as long as you credit the translator correctly!]
Translator’s Note:
This is a good time to mention that the Drama CD stories are not in chronological order and for most of them, it is hard to tell when exactly they take place. You will see why this is important to keep in mind for this track in particular.
Ringo: Ecolo and the Puppy
Ecolo: *humming a melody~*
Ecolo: Alright, where should I hang out to play today? Taking a stroll through spacetime sounds fun, but I could also just do what I always do pay Ringo a visit! That’d be nice~ *more humming*
???: *whimper*
Ecolo: *humming, continued* … Huh?
???:  *sad whine*
Ecolo:  Oh, wow… What’s the small thing squirming around under that bridge…?
[Puyo Battle SFX]
Ringo: Solved it! Got it!
Maguro:  Check this out! Here it comes!
Ringo: Permutation!
Maguro: Butterfly Dance!
Ecolo: Hey there~~!!
Ringo&Maguro: HUH!?
[Sound of a ton of Nuisance Puyo crashing down]
Ringo:  Ow, ow, ow, ow, OUCH!
Maguro: Oh no…!★
Ecolo: Hey, you guys, lookie what I got~!!
Ringo: Ecolo, c’mon! You can’t just barge through the clubroom window in the middle of our Puyo battle!!
Maguro:  Looks like all the Nuisance Puyo we were building up came crashing down all at once, huh…★
Risukuma: You will have to declare the battle a draw, it seems.
Ecolo: Oh, who cares about that! Anyway, look at this thing~!
Puppy:  *miserable whine*
Ringo:  I-Is that… a puppy? Awww!
Maguro: Wow, the lil’ guy sure is cute★
Risukuma: I have never seen a breed like this before. It might be some manner of mix.
Ringo:  Hey, Ecolo, where’d you even get that doggy from?
Ecolo:  Oh, it didn’t look like it had anything better to do, so I gave it a ride here!
Ringo: *terrified* W-W-What’s THAT supposed to mean!? Don’t tell me you just went and grabbed a dog from someone’s house…!?
Ecolo: You got it all wrong! It was sitting under some bridge, shivering something fierce!
Ringo: Huh…?
Maguro: So what you’re saying is that it’s probably a stray, I guess…
Ecolo: A “stray”?
Puppy: *whine, yipping!*
Ecolo: AH! HEY! Don’t just try to run off on me…!!
Ringo: Hey, Ecolo, listen. Stray dogs are often dogs that were abandoned by their owners. 
Ecolo: Huh?
Ringo: That’s probably why it is on edge. It might be suffering from anxiety.
Maguro: Yeah, you might wanna be a little bit more gentle with it…★
Ecolo: It’s anxious…? That’s so rude! I wasn’t even trying to do anything bad to it!!
Puppy: *yipping*
Ringo: Ecolo! Stop it!!
Maguro: It’s still a baby, it doesn’t understand what you’re doing, or anything, for that matter.
Ecolo: What’s there not to understand, huh!?
Puppy: *whimper*
Risukuma: Mhmm… I would say that it appears to be hungry. How about we attempted to feed it for now?
Ringo: You’re right. Maybe it will be less anxious on a full stomach.
Ecolo:  Food, huh? Food… Oh, hey, Ringo! Hand over your apple!
Ringo: As if! Dogs don’t even eat apples!
Ecolo: Whaaaat? Picky, aren’t we…
Risukuma: We happen to have some cans of tuna and other foods here in the clubroom. Should we use one of those?
Ecolo: Will it really eat that stuff!? *SFX of can being peeled open* Heeeey, lil’ guy, you want some of this~?
Puppy: *curious puppy noises* *eating puppy noises*
Ecolo: Ahah! Wow, it ate it!
Maguro: And it’s eating really fast too. It must’ve been starving, poor thing.
Ecolo:  Whoa… Eating for your life, huh? ….Wooow…. Huuuuh…? Hmm…. Ahaha! You wanna have some more food?
Puppy:  *agreeing puppy noise*
Ecolo: Ahaha! Your voice is so funny~!
Ringo: Oh, wow, this might…
Maguro:  Um, Ringo…?
Ringo:  AAAALRIGHT, ECOLO! The others and I will be off now~! 
Ecolo:  Huh!?
Ringo: So take good care of the little guy, okay~?
Ecolo:  T-T-TAKING CARE…??? ME???
Ringo: I mean, it doesn’t have an owner, right? It’s completely helpless on its own! It needs someone to look after it for a bit.
Maguro: Hm… Okay, I’ll be going home too★
Risukuma: And I, too, shall abscond for the day.
Ecolo: What? WHAT!?
Ringo: Alright, Ecolo! See ya~~!
[Footsteps of everyone leaving]
Ecolo: What… WHAAAAAAT!?!?!?
Puppy: *whine*
Ecolo: Tch… I just wanted to show Ringo the funny, shivering furball I found! Why am I stuck doing this now!?
Puppy: *whine*
Ecolo: Urgh, let’s just ditch this thing here…
Puppy: *sad whine*
Ecolo:  Don’t you give me that look! I’ve got better things to do, y’know! More fun things, and… Huh? Eww, something stinks…  And why’s the floor all wet now? HUH!? Don’t tell me you peed yourself!? STOP IT!!
Puppy: *miserable whine*
Ecolo:  Huh!? Why are you shivering again now? Are you cold? Are you hungry?
Puppy: *whine*
Ecolo: Uhh… What’s your problem…!!!
[The next day, birds are singing]
Ringo:  Morning, Maguro~!
Maguro:  Morning, Ringo!★
Ringo: You sure are up early today~
Maguro:  Could say the same ‘bout you!★
Ringo: Eheheh! Guess you also wanted to and check out the situation in the clubroom, huh?
Maguro:  Yep★
Ringo: I sure was surprised to see Ecolo, of all people, pick up a stray dog. I wonder how he’s been handling taking care of it so far~
Maguro: I sure hope he didn’t just dropkick it outta the clubroom window…
Ringo: Oh, you don’t gotta worry about that. I know he doesn’t seem like it, but Ecolo’s actually pretty…
[They open the clubroom door]
Ringo: Hey, Ecolo! Good morning!
Maguro: I hope the puppy is okay★
Ringo: Wait… They’re not here!
Maguro: Where did they go!?
Ringo:  Ahhh, uhhh, ehhh… um… Huh!
Maguro: What, what’s happening?★
Ringo: You see that black puddle over there in the corner!? I… I think that’s Ecolo!
Maguro:  WAAAAH!? T-Then…
Puppy:  Woof! Woof, woof!
Maguro:  T-That dog just came leaping out of the puddle!!!
Ecolo:  *snor*
Ringo:  I think Ecolo’s asleep…
Ecolo:  Uhhh… Nooo… don’t pee yourself… go to sleeeep…. uhh…
Ringo:  Ahaha! He’s still taking care of the puppy in his dreams!
Maguro:  Looks like he used tissue paper to clean up the messes. There’s still some dog footprints all over here…Guess last night was dedicated to battling the little one’s bowels★
Puppy:  Woof, woof, woof!
Ringo:  Look at that doggy running circles around Ecolo!
Maguro:  Guess I really didn’t need to worry, huh…★
Ecolo:  Uhh… c’mon here where it's warm… stop shivering… uh…
Ringo: Yeah. Anyway, let’s let him rest for now…
[They close the door again.]
Puppy:  WAFF! Woof, woof, woof! Woof!
Ecolo:  Look, it’s a Puyo! Fetch!!
Puppy:  Yip, yip!!
[dog running]
Ecolo:  Hey, I said “fetch”! Not “catch and run off”!!
Puppy:  Yip, yip! Woof? Woof-woof!
Ecolo:  OH, C’MON!!!
Ringo: Ahh, it’s so peaceful these days~
Maguro:  Can’t disagree there…★
Risukuma:  Before we knew it, watching those two play by the riverbench has become part of our daily routine.
Ringo:  That dog has really grown fond of Ecolo, too…
Ecolo: Alright, now, sit! …I said ‘sit’!
Puppy:  Woof, woof!
Ecolo:  Oh, c’mon!
Ringo:  Ahahaha! Hey, Ecolo! You got trouble with obedience training?
Ecolo: And how! I mean, they got the easy tricks down by now, but…
Ringo:  Oh, like what? Please demonstrate!
Ecolo: Sure, okay! Let’s go… Hey, Puppy! Do a 5-chain!
Ringo&Maguro&RIsukuma: What?
[Puyo Battle SFX]
Puppy:  Woof! Wo-woof! Wowowooof! Wowowowoooof! Wohoooof!
Ecolo:  Goood! Great job~!
Puppy:  *happy puppy noises*
Risukuma:  Uuuuuuuuuuhm…….
Maguro: That’s… not the skill-level you usually go for when training your dog…★
Ecolo: I was thinking about teaching them how to talk next!
Ringo: *laughing* Ecolo, dogs can’t talk!
Ecolo:  Huh!? Are you serious?
Puppy:  Yiiiip?
Ecolo: Whaaaat? I thought for sure they’d learn how to talk when they grow up! I was so looking forward to that too! Hey, hey, are you sure you can’t talk? Hey, try saying my name! Say ‘Ecolo’! ‘E-co-lo’!
Puppy:  *confused whine*
Ecolo:  We really won’t be able to talk? Nooo….!
Ringo: Uhm… A-Anyway, Ecolo! Do you have a name for the lil’ guy already?
Ecolo:  A name…? Can’t I just keep calling them ‘puppy’?
Maguro:  Then how are you gonna tell them apart from other puppies? You should really give them a name that’s all their own★
Ecolo:  Uh? Uhm… Uhm… You pick one, Ringo!
Ringo: Okay! ‘Good-boy-Ecolo-found-ington’!
Maguro: Hey, Ecolo, maaaaybe relying on Ringo for names is kinda a bad idea...★
Ringo: You wanna say that again to my face, Mags?
Risukuma: You should probably give them a name that is easier to say and memorize.
Ecolo:  Alright, then I’m gonna shorten it to “Ecomaru”~!
[Translator’s note: “-maru” is a common name ending for old-fashioned boy’s names in Japan. Ringo’s original suggestion here contained it. Dogs tend to be given old-fashioned names in Japan.]
Puppy: Woof! Woof-woof!
Ecolo:  Ahahaha! That settles it! You’re Ecomaru now~!
[Rain SFX]
Ringo: It’s raining~♪ It’s raining~♪ It’s R-A-I-N-ing~! Just a raining afternoon in the physics-clubroom~It’s raining~♪
Risukuma: It is rather chilly outside today, wouldn’t you agree?
Maguro: I wonder if Ecomaru will be okay?
Risukuma: They have a reliable chaperone with them. I am sure they will be fine.
Ringo: You’re right! …Eheheheheh!
Maguro:  You sure seem to be in a good mood today, Ringo.
Ringo: I mean, look at how much progress Ecolo’s made! He’s being so kind and gentle with Ecomaru.
Maguro: Yeah, you’re right★
Ringo:  I mean, don’t get me wrong, I feel sorry for that puppy for having been abandoned, but I am really glad Ecolo met them. He hasn’t been up to his usual weird pranks at all anymore lately. Just watching the two of them together makes me really happy!
Maguro: That’s true. I do hope things stay this way★
[Rain SFX get louder]
Risukuma: Hm? I believe the rain has gotten a little stronger. I shall close the window for no-… Ooof!!
[Something shoots by]
Maguro:  R-Risukuma! Are you okay!?
Ringo: Sounded like something shot at him! Wait… is that… an arrow with a letter on it!?
Risukuma:  Y-Yes. There is no need to be alarmed. This is a letter from an acquaintance of mine. Let me see what it says… “I will be arriving shortly…?” Oh my, it sure has been a while.
Ringo:  A-An acquaintance? Ris, who is that acquaintance, exactly?
Risukuma:  Well, you see… Oh, it appears they have already arrived.
Ringo&Maguro: Huh?
[Sci-Fi SFX]
Ecolo:  It’s sure pouring down today. Let’s wait it out under this bridge for a while~!
Puppy: Woof!
Ecolo:  So, hey, Ecomaru?
Puppy: Yi~p? 
Ecolo:  Ringo said that you were abandoned, right?
Puppy: Yip?
Ecolo: So everybody forgot about you, and then you were all on your own?
Puppy:  *whine*
Ecolo: Then I guess you’re the same as I was a while ago…
Puppy:  Yipyipyipyip!!
Ecolo:  Ahaha! Hey, don’t jump around, I’m being serious here! I’m ticklish… Ahaha… Anyway, it used to be the same for me. I was always on my own. And I thought I was fine that way.
Puppy:  *questioning whine*
Ecolo:  But you know, I’ve been having so much fun lately! Every day, there’s others around me. There’s people who go out of their way to remember I exist for me. And that’s why…
Puppy:  Woof!
Ecolo:  There’s so many fun things I wanna teach you, Ecomaru!
Puppy:  Woof, woof!
Ecolo:  Because you’re special, okay?
Puppy:  Woof! Woooo~
Ecolo: Ahahahaha!
Puppy:  Woof-woof, woof!
Ecolo:  Huh?
Puppy:  Woof-woof-woof! *excited yipping*
Ecolo:  Huh, E-Ecomaru! What’s wrong!? You can’t just run out into the rain!
Ecolo: Wait… What is that!?
[Sci-Fi SFX, like an UFO is landing]
???: Would you happen to be called “Ecolo”?
Ecolo:  Who… are you? You look a lot like Ecomaru…
???:  We are from an extraterrestrial species that happens to resemble this planet's “dogs”. I am this child’s parent. We unfortunately got separated when they went astray during a sightseeing trip to earth. I have been looking for them ever since.
Puppy:  *excited yipping and whining*
Alien:  Ahaha… I see how it is. Did you miss home? My poor child.
Ecolo:  Huh? …Ecomaru?
Alien: Ecolo, I must thank you for taking such good care of my child. You have my gratitude.
Ecolo:  HOLD UP! So you’re just gonna… take them away!?
Alien:  Uhm… Yes?
Ecolo:  But, Ecomaru! I told you, didn’t I!? There’s still so many fun things I want to teach you…!
Puppy:  *sad whine*
Ecolo: *screaming*  Come here! Let’s go back together! I still want to play! I still want to play with you!!
Puppy:  *whining*
Ecolo:  *weakly* No… Please, no…
[Ecolo lowers his voice here.]
Ecolo:  Alright… If you don’t want to play with me, I’ll have to make you play with me…!
Alien: …Ecolo!?
[Puyo SFX]
Ecolo: *sounding pissed* Let’s go… good. Pretty nice…!
Puppy: *yipping*
[Ringo comes running]
Ringo:  ECOLO, NO! NO, NO, STOP IT! 
[Ringo fires her spell and blocks Ecolo’s. It sounds like she’s taking the blow for the aliens too.]
Ecolo:  What… Ringo?
Ringo:  Ouch, ouch, that hurt…
Ecolo:  Ringo! Don’t get in my way!
Ringo:  Ecolo…
Ecolo:  RINGO!
Ringo: I’m so sorry. We were the ones who told Ecomaru’s parents that you were out here.
Ecolo:  What…?
Ringo: …Ecolo… Look…
Ecolo:  Oh. I… get it…
Ringo:  I’m so sorry…
Ecolo:  They… have a home… a place they belong…
Ringo:  *crying* I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry…!
Ecolo: …It’s okay. I’m used to this anyway. Bye bye, Ecomaru. It’s fine. Just go and forget about me.
Ringo:  *trembling voice* Ecolo…
Puppy: *whining* …Yip! Yip, yip, YIP!
Ecolo:  What is it?
Puppy:  Yip! E…Eco… Ecolo…!
Ecolo:  Huh…?
Alien:  Oh my… Ecolo. This was the first time my child has spoken a word. Their first word was your name!
Puppy:  Ecolo! Ecolo!
Ecolo:  Ecomaru…
Alien:  I am sure they are trying to tell you that they will never forget you…
Puppy:  Ecolo! Five-chaaaain!
Ecolo: …Ahaha. Ahaha, hahahaha! Yeah… Thank you, Ecomaru!
[UFO leaves SFX]
Maguro: Ringo! I-Is everything alright!?
Risukuma: What happened to Ecomaru?
Ringo: Oh… Maguro. Ris. Ecomaru already left, I’m afraid.
Risukuma:  I see…
Maguro: S-So… How’s Ecolo taking it…?
Ringo:  I… think he’ll be okay. Yeah. He’ll be just fine…
[Another day]
Ecolo: Heyo, Ringo! I’m swinging by for a visit~!
Ringo: GYAAH! ..Urgh! Ecolo! Could you NOT just come barging into the clubroom while I’m in the middle of an experiment!?
Maguro: Yeah, somebody could lose an eye!★
Ecolo: What are you guys up to today?
Ringo: Oh, I’m using the legendary art of alchemy to try and make a philosopher’s stone!
Ecolo: Wow! A classic!
Ringo: Hey, Maguro! Could you mix the yuzu-jam and salted sesame seeds over there into that glass of soy-sauce pickled nori, please?
Maguro: Pretty plebeian ingredient-selection, but okay★
[Door opens]
Risukuma:  Why, hello everyone. It is nice to see we are all in one place today.
Ringo: Oh, hey, Ris!
Maguro: What’s that you got in your hand there? Wait! Isn’t that the same thing as back when…
Risukuma: This arrow-mail arrived at my place yesterday in the dead of night. 
Ecolo: What’s up with this thing?
Risukuma: It is a message from Ecomaru’s parents. They wanted to inform us of how Ecomaru has been doing as of late.
Ecolo:  Huh!?
Ringo:  C-c’mon, Ris, read it out loud! Quick, quick!
Risukuma:  Very well. Ahem… Let me begin.
Ecolo: I wonder if Ecomaru is doing well~?
Risukuma:  Woof, woof, woof. Yip, yippity, yip. Snif, snif, bark.
Maguro:  Hey, um… Ris?★
Ringo&Ecolo: We won’t get a thing if you read it in their language!!
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A3! Nomadic Bartender | Tsukioka Tsumugi | Mini Chat Translation
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Practice Conversation 1 
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The Western fantasy world for the winter troupe’s play feels novel and exciting. 
I have to consider many things for my role study, like reference stories and people I can learn from. 
Although Hunter is a huntsman, he doesn’t have a hunting scene. Still, I plan to try using a bow and arrow. 
Hunter also has a wife and children. 
I want to express his different sides, from how he always thinks about his family to how he desperately gives his best in his job. 
Practice conversation 2
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Hunter has a wife and children, but since I don’t have children or siblings, I wanted to know how it feels to be with little children for a long time. 
My first thought about who I should ask about it was Tsuzuru-kun. That’s why I asked him some questions about it.
But I also wanted to know the feelings of the children’s father… so I asked Tsuzuru’s father about them in a phone call. 
He told me a lot of interesting things about how it is taking care of children and how it feels to see them grow. 
He also told me how Tsuzuru-kun was when he was a child… it was fun to hear. Fufu, Tsuzuru-kun was beside me, so he got flustered with that. 
I feel that listening to Tsuzuru-kun and his father made me understand Hunter better. Now, I appreciate it even more. 
Practice conversation 3
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I’m back.
Today, I went to tutor a second-year high school student… huh, is something wrong? 
…Kumon-kun and Taichi-kun? Maybe they want to ask me about an assignment. I will talk to them later. 
Fufu, Hunter may have this kind of conversation with his wife when he comes from work. 
Ah, I’m sorry… I didn’t notice I thought of you as my wife, Director. 
I just thought Hunter would also talk about his job and ask about his children. 
That might be a relaxing time for him. That’s something I can relate to as well. 
My heart calms down when I talk with Director like this… somehow. 
I want to deepen my understanding of Hunter before the performance and go to the stage being one with him. 
Tsumugi and Itaru Chat
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Itaru: This work is definitely the one if you want a story with a huntsman… but this light novel is also a masterpiece… 
Tsumugi: Fufu, you’re very excited about this, Itaru-kun. 
Itaru: Well, of course. How can I not be excited when the winter troupe’s next play is set in a Western fantasy world with knights, huntsmen, and magicians?
Itaru: It’s my pleasure to recommend material to use as a reference for the world and character building. I can even take paid vacations for three days if needed. 
Tsumugi: Ahaha, I appreciate the feeling. 
Itaru: Oh, right. This game has an incredible bow user. Here is the art collection book… Look, it’s this character. 
Tsumugi: You’re right. He looks so brave and impressive. He’s ready to use his bow in the illustration. So it’s like that… 
Itaru: It’s pretty nice to see Tsumugi as a huntsman~. Do you have an idea of what your costume will look like? 
Tsumugi: Yuki-chan said he almost finished the designs of all our costumes. 
Tsumugi: Ah, this anime also has an archer? 
Itaru: Oh, you have a great eye, Tsumugi. This work has such an impressive scene with a huntsman in action. 
Itaru: The story is fascinating too. I totally recommend watching it. 
Tsumugi: Is that so? Now I’m curious about it. I will watch it. 
Itaru: Talking about it made me want to watch it again… I should seriously apply for vacation so we can have a viewing party…
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mephinomaly · 7 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: 10 days after the AIIE experiment.
Location: In the ES building, RhythmLink office
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Rei: This is a grave set of circumstances.
Adonis: That gives me a sense of déjà vu.
Rei: Umu. I said those same words prior to our participation in the AIIE experiment.
Though this time, the situation is clearly much worse than before.
Kaoru: My head hurts. In more ways than one.
Koga: Ugh~...Durin’ it we had t’take sleepin’ medication, ‘n we kept wakin’ up ‘n goin’ back to sleep. My head’s a real mess.
I don’t feel like this real—
Kaoru: Ahaha, need me to pinch your cheeks for you?
Koga: Piss off, don’t touch me! I’ve already got a headache!
Adonis: I have one too, Oogami. During the one week of that experiment, I slept away half of each day—
Maybe because of that, I have this unusual feeling, like the boundary between reality and dream has become blurred.
Rei: If only this was a dream.
Let us summarise. For a week, we were isolated from the outside world in order to take part in the AIIE experiment. And during said week, mysterious phenomena have occurred.
We resided in the facilities, played cards and various games in our waking hours, all whilst being unable to participate in idol activities—
Yet. On the outside, us, UNDEAD, had a breakthrough and gained wild popularity.
Kaoru: What does that all mean? I know I said this before, but I feel like we're being conned.
Koga: Ain’t it just that fake versions of the real us have been made? That’s what I’m thinkin’ at least.
So whilst we’ve been away, those fake copies of us have been doin’ whatever the hell they like.
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Rei: Umu. That is my understanding of the situation. Despite your head being all messed up, your intuition is still as sharp as ever, Koga ♪
Koga: Ya think so? Hehehe. It’s called wild intuition! I’m a noble wolf after all ♪
Kaoru: It’s cute when you don’t realise you’re being made fun of, Koga-kun.
Adonis: I understand but–
…who are these fakes?
Rei: That, is not yet clear. They have taken up the name HELLSING, and are performing radical, immoral activities which were the original concept for UNDEAD.
More specifically, they have not participated in any light-hearted variety shows and completely refrained from appearing on TV. Their focus is on stage performances only.
Kaoru: It’s kinda nostalgic, right?
Adonis: At Yumenosaki, that sort of thing was popular.
Rei: Umu. They have completely copied our songs, and are performing them with a strong rock theme. More radical than us, more immoral than us—
One could say that they are embodying the ideals that the world believed UNDEAD to have.
HELLSING is an orthodox, evolved version of UNDEAD that, in reality, could never happen.
Koga: Tch, even though they’re fake, they’re more real than us. We shoulda kept UNDEAD the same from the beginning instead’a changin’ things up.
Adonis: It’s already too late for that. It only worked when ES was first established.
Rei: It’s rather tedious to rehash the same argument. What we should discuss is what to do with those fakes that have suddenly appeared.
Koga: Huhh? It’s normal t’complain ya know? Those HELLSING guys are usin’ our songs without our permission, right?
Adonis: I see. If we sued for copyright infringement, we would most likely win.
Kaoru: We’ve spoken about this before, right? Like with the drawing AIs—
…Wait. I just thought of something that’s kinda impossible but.
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Rei: I believe I am thinking the same as you. Speak your mind, Kaoru-kun.
Kaoru: You know. We took part in that weird experiment recently, right?
That AIIE experiment took place because they wanted to create AI idols.
And we had data from our brain taken—
Adonis: Wait, I think I understand what you’re saying.
But, is that even possible…?
Kaoru: If it was impossible, how did it take place~? ES is funding it because they know that their dreams could become reality, right?
Koga: Oi, wait a sec, what are you tryna say…?
I don’t believe it—
Rei: It doesn’t seem possible, no.
This is all guesswork at this point in time.
But there is a high probability that this HELLSING, these fake copies of ourselves, are a result of the AIIE experiment.
[ ☆ ]
BIOHAZARD/Chapter 12
Chapter 2
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twilightmalachite · 7 months
2×2 - Grown-Up Situation 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata, Anzu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Hey! Don’t grin while you listen to other people’s misfortunes, Yuuta-kun!"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Meeting Room
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Another hour later, at the ES Building conference room…
Yuuta: S’cuse me~☆
Hello there, Anzu-san! It’s 2wink, known for being energetic and cheerful at all times!
Hinata: … …
Yuuta: Heheh, it’s been a while since we’ve had a work meeting like this with Anzu-san, huh?
With Chocolat Fes, it was a joint effort alongside other units—
I was even a little worried that Anzu-san would forget about us! Kidding~♪
Hinata: Why are you so excited, Yuuta-kun…?
Yuuta: More like, where is your excitement, Aniki?
Fu fu fu, it’s been a while since I’ve felt so cheery, though~. ‘Cuz this time, it’s not me who's in trouble, it’s Aniki!
I was getting tired of everyone always criticizing me, saying only I was the bad kid. This time, it’s my turn to be in the easy position of teasing an angry kid from the side.
Doing that is sooo much fun!
Hinata: Please don’t tease me, help me instead~… I still don’t know how I should be acting in front of Anzu-san.
Yuuta: I told you, she said she likes you, so tell her “I like you too, mwah!”—
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Yuuta: —W-whoaah?
Um, Anzu-san? Why are you kowtowing…
It’s true that I want to make all of Yumenosaki’s seniors who pretend to be good guys with a kind face get on their knees and apologize, but…
On the other hand, it kinda pisses me off when those who’ve hurt me so much try to get me to apologize by playing the victim.
That’s not it? Though you’re concerned about that too, this is a different issue?
Hmmmm. So you’re also facing some trouble, huh, Anzu-san. …Aniki, why are you hiding behind me?
Hinata: I-I seriously feel so awkward! You understand, right Yuuta-kun…?
Yuuta: Not bad. Ahaha, it really is the opposite of usual now.
Anyways. What do you mean by facing some trouble, Anzu-san?
Those from ES are more-or-less all kind to you, always pampering you excessively, I doubt you’re getting bullied or anything, are you?
Even if that were the case, I don’t see the point of talking to us about it. Typically, you’d rely on someone better at solving problems, like Sakuma-senpai or Tenshouin-senpai, right?
Hinata: W-whatever it is, it’s fine, but can we let Anzu-san sit and talk like a normal person instead of kowtow like that forever? I can’t stand it!
Yuuta: Then how about I sit in a chair, and you sit on Anzu-san?
Hinata: L-Look, Anzu-san, this is awkward, so stand up… Nobody wants you to do anything like kowtow, okay?
Huh, you won’t raise your head until I forgive you? B-But I can’t forgive or not forgive you until I know what’s going on~!
Seriously, what’s going on, Anzu-san?
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Explaining the situation…
Yuuta: Reallyyy? Hmmm, I see!
So basically, it looks like you might be kicked out of the P-Association?
Hinata: Hey! Don’t grin while you listen to other people’s misfortunes, Yuuta-kun!
Yuuta: But it has nothing to do with me…
Or, is that not the case?
It’s kind of strange, because it looks like we 2wink are at the center of the conversation.
The P-Association is known for its lack of functionality despite claiming to keep order throughout ES…
Hinata: I’m sorry. My younger brother has been oozing an increasing amount of poison lately…
Yuuta: —Anyways, so there’s a sort of factional quarrel going on in the P-Association, currently.
At SS, the largest festival in the idol industry, the P-Association showed its incompetence by getting hijacked by that Gatekeeper person.
All those responsibilities were piled onto Anzu-san while she was kidnapped and gone during the SS prelims.
Hinata: Oh, right. Taking advantage of the fact the person in question is not present to force them to take full responsibility.
Yuuta: ‘Course. Sagami-sensei and Kunugi-sensei, also members of P-Association, have been defending Anzu-san, but because of that the association has divided—
Hinata: There’s a fight between the faction that wants to disparage Anzu-san and the faction that wants to defend her.
Yuuta: What on earth are these grown-ass adults doing?
Hinata: They do say humans form cliques once there’s three people… And since ES is growing so rapidly, I bet there’s a huge demand for shares, and lots of competition for positions.
Yuuta: I hate it, disgusting. I hate talking about these things.
Hinata: But it’s also something we can’t ignore… I think it’s a completely false accusation to say that Anzu-san’s responsible for everything.
I know that Anzu-san’s neither incompetent nor a bad person, well, from what I know.
Although it’s not like that doesn’t mean that she hasn’t hurt anyone—
Yuuta: ‘Cuz pure goodness can still hurt others, can’t it? I know, I know, it’s because they don’t mean any harm that makes it so bad.
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hyenahunt · 1 year
Saga: Rivals - 1
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring
Characters: Hokuto, Chiaki, Tori
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & Peace (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Hokuto: His very existence is evil! My source of stress! Ahh, the peaceful daily life I’d devoted my entire life to building is falling apart!
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Location: Empty Classroom
Time: Months later, during winter. A couple of days after Daikagura, on the day Hidaka Seiya makes a visit to Yumenosaki Academy as an interim lecturer.
Hokuto: I just don’t understand!
What the hell is wrong with him!? Somebody, anybody, tell me! Can you see any motive behind my father’s actions besides harassing me!?
Chiaki: Now, now. Don’t blow a fuse, Hidaka. It isn’t like you.
Well, working with you as Rain-bows, I already know that you’re not the unfeeling guy you look like.
But you’re jumping to conclusions too soon! I know just the thing: let’s take deep breaths! Oxygen is our life’s energy…☆
Tori: Yoohoo~♪
Pfft, guess what I heard, Hidaka-senpai! Your Super Idol dad came to school!
You must’ve caused a scene, huh~? I could hear your screams all the way from my classroom ♪
Hokuto: Himemiya… That’s right, it’s really killing me. What should I do? What am I supposed to do?
Tori: W-Whoa, don’t come clinging to me… I was gonna tease you about it, but you’re really sucking the fun out of this. Sheesh, get a hold of yourself, okay?
It’s not like your dad… Seiya-san, was it? It’s not like he came with some evil plan.
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Hokuto: His very existence is evil! My source of stress! Ahh, the peaceful daily life I’d devoted my entire life to building is falling apart!
Tori: Ahaha. From my perspective, I don’t think any of you in Trickstar were ever having “peaceful daily lives” in the first place.
What’s another bit of trouble on top of all the others you already have?
Chiaki: Yeah, I think the same, but it does bother me a little… What did Hidaka Seiya come to this academy for, really?
Tori: To teach, obviously? He didn’t teach us first years, so I don’t know much about it… What was his lecture about?
Hokuto: No, he didn't lecture us… He only came for a greeting today.
After introducing himself and harassing me, he made us fill out some kind of questionnaire.
Tori: Questionnaire?
Hokuto: Yeah, he said he wanted to know how we think and what we’re worth to start with.
There were columns asking about our work history and skills like in a normal resume, but most of it were enigmatic questions resembling a personality quiz.
He said we’ll be having a practical test next. So far he feels more like an examiner than a teacher.
Chiaki: Hmm…? Maybe Hidaka Seiya is about to start some job, and came here to acquire the human resources he needs for it…?
In that case, it makes sense that he’d do tests that gauge our abilities.
Tori: So to scout young idols? But if that’s all he wants, isn’t that method strangely roundabout?
What’s the good of coming here yourself, when you can learn an idol’s talent to an extent just with a little research?
Chiaki: Yeah, but you need to come in direct contact with people to understand the real value of their talent. Numbers on paper rarely hold much weight… that’s what I believe.
But I agree, it’s hard to think someone of Hidaka Seiya’s prestige would act based on such a humble reason.
If he’s looking for work partners, all he needs to do is wish and everyone around him would flock together, lifting themselves up for him — Like they’re making offerings to their king.
But the fact is, he came to Yumenosaki Academy in the middle of his impossibly packed schedule. For what sake?
Hokuto: It’s because I can’t figure it out that I’m so confused and anxious…
Sorry, Morisawa-senpai, Himemiya. I know it’s Rain-bows’s first meeting of the new year, but I don’t think I can be very useful in this mental state.
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Chiaki: Heheh, don’t be; we understand the situation.
Rest easy, when somebody’s down, the rest of us need only to hold them up. This goes for both Ryuseitai and Rain-bows.
First, let’s find the solution to this Hidaka Seiya problem together. We can’t do much until our leader, Sagami-sensei, comes anyway. It’ll be a good way to kill time.
Tori: …Is Sagami-sensei late again? Doesn’t he lack a little too much motivation?
Hokuto: No, he seems enthusiastic… compared to how he used to be. The reason he’s late today seems to be because there’s an emergency faculty meeting.
You guys know that he’s my homeroom teacher, right? That’s how I heard about it this morning.
…From the timing, I bet they’re discussing how to chase away my father.
Chiaki: No, no, I don’t think they’ll chase him away. Hidaka Seiya is a Super Idol and Yumenosaki graduate. He’s the pride of our school.
They might welcome him, but they’d never dare to get rid of him.
Tori: Oh, he’s an alumnus? Then Hidaka-senpai, did you enroll in Yumenosaki to mimic your dad?
Hokuto: I wasn’t mimicking him… But it’s true that my parent’s recommendation played a part, and that I applied thinking to trace the path they took.
Chiaki: Hmm. Well, I’m sure Sagami-sensei will tell us what he can about the faculty meeting—
But it’s probably just a discussion about the various things that come with welcoming in a new semester.
Plus, Yumenosaki is at an advantage thanks to your unit’s victory in SS, so there are more things they can do now…
The faculty and the management must be brimming with new ambitions to talk about!
Hokuto: Hmph. Good. I’ve always wanted the academy to do their job properly, with how passive they’ve been up till now.
Tori: Mmn~ But that’s what’s allowed Prez—the whole Student Council to be able to do as we please…
I kinda have complex feelings about the executives getting more involved, honestly…
Just the thought of them butting into our affairs from their high horses after all this time gets on my nerves… Prez and Vice-Prez are gonna be graduating too, which means a change of leadership.
I’m not convinced about Isara-senpai being the new president yet. Will he really protect the Student Council’s authority?
Hokuto: Isara will be fine. At the very least, he’ll never work in a direction that’ll make us miserable.
Chiaki: I agree. Isara has a broad perspective and the ability to see the big picture, allowing him to make the right moves when he needs to; I’m sure he’ll be a great leader for the Student Council.
When it seems like he’s having a hard time, you guys just have to support him.
The future is bright. These recent days have especially made me believe it without a shred of doubt!
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aeoki · 2 years
High and Low: The Centre of the Earth - Chapter 2
Location: Australian Land (Night) Characters: Tomoya, Hinata, Touri, Mitsuru & Sora
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
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Touri: Hey! Stop talking about stupid stuff like that and be more serious!
Hinata: Serious? What do you mean specifically?
Touri: Like, you know, what’s gonna happen from now on!
Tomoya: We already talked a lot about it after we left the northern town, right?
And we came to a conclusion: We probably won’t be able to reach our destination using the remaining time we have.
Mitsuru: Yeah. Australia’s a whole lot bigger than we expected, y’know?
Hinata: Yeah~ It looks like NEGI-san isn’t used to driving and we don’t have another driver, so we can’t be on the move the whole day.
Sora: Yes. If we combine our driving time and the rate of how fast we’re travelling, it’ll definitely be impossible for us to reach “ES II” with our remaining days.
Unless we have magic, that is.
Hinata: Yeah. We were all pretty devastated after realising that so we’ve given up now.
“High and Low” is a physically impossible project. To be specific, our original goal of crossing Australia from top to bottom is definitely impossible.
Tomoya: It seems that way. It was the same for the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival”, though. Victory isn’t really important here.
Meaning, we don’t necessarily have to reach our goal.
Victory must depend on how successful the TV show is and whether or not the viewers will find it entertaining.
There were a lot of successful categories like that in the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival”.
Hinata: It basically felt like we were doing variety the whole time. Well, I wonder if it looked more fun than a normal sports festival.
Touri: It sure was hell for the participants, though… I ended up with muscle pain for days after that.
But I understand what you guys are trying to say. Crossing Australia from top to bottom is an impossible goal.
So we’ll make up for that by making an entertaining TV show, right? We’ll turn it into something that everyone will wanna watch – a show where they’ll have heaps to include in the final cut.
Sora: Yes! That’s why Sora wants to have fun talking and playing games~♪
If people see Sora and everyone here having fun, then the people watching at home will also be happy, right?
HeHe~♪ Look, Anzu’s nodding her head and agreeing~
Tomoya: Ahaha. You must be pretty tired, Anzu-senpai…
We slept whenever we could while we were shaken left and right on the bus, but you must’ve had it tough since you had to film the entire time.
Hinata: It’s not your job to be a cameraman, too. Are you okay? Are you filming stuff properly? It’s not gonna turn out super blurry when you look at it later, right?
Touri: She’s fine. Anzu did most of the stuff that a staff member would do last year, after all.
Not only that, she even helped build stage sets and made outfits –  She’s done everything.
It’s because she’s done practically everything that she has the ability to do basically everything now. No, that aspect is our “producer’s” best weapon.
Hinata: Ahaha. She must have built up quite a lot of skills after surviving the hell that Yumenosaki was last year.
But I guess I sympathise with you on that aspect. It’s tough when you can’t rely on anyone else, huh, Anzu-san.
Hm? You’re okay now because you have Kurone-san, you say? Hmm~... NEGI-san doesn’t rely on anyone, but I wonder if the little brother is like that too.
To be honest, I feel like he’s not really helping. I mean, NEGI-san’s the one who’s driving the whole time, so we haven’t seen that “personality” in a while.
They’re passed out in the bus as we speak right now, anyway.
Touri: They’re just tired because all they’ve been doing is driving. If anything, it won’t do us any good if they woke up and spent their energy doing unnecessary things.
Tomoya: Without them, we’d just be stuck in one place, after all. I wouldn’t want to die in the middle of nowhere.
Touri: Yeah…  I miss civilisation… I complained about how awful the bed was in the hotel we left from, but I’m even starting to miss that now.
Having a bed prepared without having to utter a word, setting the perfect temperature of the room by the press of a button – I used to get anything I wanted by ordering and paying the money for it.
But things are different now. I was freaking out just by the weather changing a little and I’ve gotta do everything myself now. I can’t get what I want.
That’s already so stressful for me.
Sora: Sora’s been feeling really sluggish the whole time too~... Sora’s eyes hurt after looking at nature with his own eyes instead of from a game.
Mitsuru: If anything, I’m just getting more and more excited! There aren’t any confusing things in Australia, it’s simple and great! 
Tomoya: Well, Mitsuru’s a wild animal, after all.
The great outdoors is probably best for you rather than the crowded city.
Mitsuru: Yeah! I love stuff like this! I actually find it weird that you guys keep getting depressed about it!
Tomoya: I really envy you all the time, you know?
Mitsuru: Heheh ☆ Feel free to envy me as much as you like~!
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ygreczed-3 · 3 years
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The Walking Dead/Detroit Become Human AU
(so basically I was tempted to make a post to apologize about the mess my blog has become lately - feels like I’m posting AUs, artworks, sketches and comic updates in such a chaotic way… I’m really sorry about it ahaha 😅 Hopefully it will get better soon)
So this post is me drawing for hours and forgetting to eat on my break day (I finally did !!! Don’t worry ahaha) because I became obsessed with an idea again. Also I like to make concept arts and storyboards as if I was working on a professional project for a TV show/animation. I find it fascinating ! This time I don’t really have any plot or finished story, I just wanted to draw these scenes badly so… I just did.
I’d like to draw your attention to Connor’s curly hair and Hank’s design (strongly inspired by Kristoff from Frozen). I just LOVE these details.
⚠️Remember this is NOT a new series. Just me having fun with characters and a universe I like (aka The Walking Dead) ! 
Anyway, more ideas below 👀
Hank open his eye again. The walker was shot in the head. Hank pushes the walker away, it falls dead on the concrete.
Looking up, he sees Connor with a gun.
Hank : Jesus… Thank you.  I thought I was…
Connor : I wouldn’t have wasted a bullet for you if it wasn’t for your kid back there. Your car, does it work? Hank : … Yeah… I just… I was looking for some gas when… well… Can I drive you somewhere? Connor : Not really, I’m looking for someone.
Hank and Cole are walking in a gas station with jerricans and pour what’s left of gas from the pump.
Cole : Dad, that mister from earlier, do you think he’s gonna be okay ? Hank : I think, pumpkin. He was the one helping us. Cole : Being alone sounds dangerous… He should have come with us. Hank : …
It’s nighttime, Cole is sleeping in the backseats with a blanket, Hank is sleeping in the driver seat. He wakes up brutally as he hears something tapping softly against the car window : the young man from earlier. He rolls the window down.
Hank : You ? Connor : I’ve looked around the whole city. Now it’s too dark… I need a safe place to have some sleep, I was thinking you could let me in. You owe me after all. Hank : … Yeah sure. Get in.
Connor gets in the car. He takes his bag off and keeps it by his side, out of Hank’s reach. He takes his coat off but keeps a gun near him. Hank stares at him with narrowed eyes.
Hank : … You’re safe here, really. You can trust me. Connor : Sorry, but I only trust myself.
It’s dark outside, Hank can’t really sleep with the stranger next to him. His guts dictate him to stay alert. He watches carefully as Connor turns his head to him, half-opening his eyes.
Connor: Can’t sleep ? Hank : … Well you were right… I don’t know you. What about you ? Did you sleep a little ? Connor : … No. I’m too… cautious. My brain won’t let me sleep with a stranger next to me. Hank : … My name’s Hank. You ? Connor : What the hell are you doing ? Hank : We agreed we couldn’t sleep next to strangers. I’m introducing myself. Connor : It won’t make it any better… *after a silence* I’m Connor. Hank : Nice to meet you. Connor: … Where were you before ? You… you act like a newborn in this hell… Hank : … I had a neighbor with one of those bunkers… with tons of food, water, enough to live for months. We… We were hiding there with her until… until a few weeks. Connor : What happened ? Hank : She thought she had heard a chopper. Thought someone was out there to rescue us… she opened the hatch and she was… attacked by those things… Connor: … the kid… he’s yours? Hank : Yeah… Cole. Connor: … Where’s her mom ? Hank : He’s never known her. Connor: Sorry.  Hank : Don’t be.
Hank : I think… I’m starting to relax… we should try to sleep huh ?
Connor is already sleeping.
Connor takes his backpack as Hank and Cole take a breakfast with some fire.
Hank : You sure you don’t want to eat anything ? Connor : No thanks, I have my own stock. You should save your food for your kid. Hank : … Hey, if you ever need to find us… after you’ve found what  you’re looking for, I have a police radio. Frequency 58,7 kHz. Connor: I won’t need it but- thanks. Good luck.
Connor leaves.
Cole : What should we do now? Hank : … We need to find more food… and weapons. I’ll go downtown today. You… You’ll stay here alright? Cole : No I… I want to stay with you… Hank : I know you’re scared Cole… But it’s too dangerous. You’ll be safe hidden in the car. Cole : You’ll be quick? Hank : Back before sunset, pinky swear.
Hank finds an axe on a bar counter.
Hank : What the-
He runs outside and hides against a wall as walkers pass nearby, heading to the source of the ringing.
He looks up and sees Connor climbing on a ladder but a Walker is trying to grab his leg.
Hank comes and kills the monster. Connor : You..! Follow me !
On the rooftop, they see the church. It’s an automatic bell, the walkers are massively getting around the building. There is something painted on the wall that says “Find Jericho” with black paint and scribbled under it “Find 9s”
Connor : Nines… Hank : What is Jericho ? Connor : … A safe place for survivors. It’s hidden… to keep the thieves and killers away. Hank : … The church. Connor : What ? Hank : Jericho, it has to do with the bible. The message is written on a church’s wall. It’s not a coincidence, there might be… a hint in there. Connor : … But we can’t get inside with those creeps around… Hank : … Maybe they leave when the church stops ringing the bells. Connor : Or maybe we should try to lead them away with… Hank : With what ? Connor : … Your car.
Connor : So, let me get it straight. You drive around the town honking. It will attract the creeps away from the church. I get inside the church and look for any kind of hint. When the bells start ringing I get out before the creeps come back. And what do we do with Cole ?
Hank : He’s going with you. I don’t want to have him in the car with hundreds of undeads trying to get me. Connor : … I don’t- Hank : Don’t worry. He’s a smart kid. He will do as you say. Right Cole? Cole : …Hmm. Connor: … Fine. Let’s do it.
Connor and Cole sneak into the church. Connor kills two of the Walkers still inside the church as Cole follows him cautiously. 
Cole : … Look. *he points out a book on the altar* Connor : … It’s a bible… The chapter about the Battle of Jericho… it can’t be a coincidence. *They look up and see something written with old blood on the wall behind the altar. It says “Rahab the harlot defied the King of Jericho. Here lies the key to the fortress.”* Cole : What’s a harlot? Connor : … You should… ask your father. Now… I have to read… and think. Cole : … We only have one hour left before the bells ring again… Connor : I know.
Connor : … I don’t get it ! There must be something I’m missing ! Cole : … Connor, I found a map ! Connor : Not now Cole, I’m trying to focus… Cole : Connor, look ! Connor : Cole please I really need-…
Cole shows him the map… there is a “9s” written on it.
Connor : Nines ! Cole : Does it help ? Connor : … I don’t know-…
The bells ring suddenly.
Connor : Crap… we have to get out of here. Give me your hand, buddy.
Hank is waiting for them : he has lit a fire and when Cole sees him, he lets go of Connor’s hand and runs to hug his dad.
Hank : I gotcha, pumpkin. *looking up at Connor* Did you find something ? Connor : I think…  Hank : You think ? Connor : I have this map my brother left for me inside the church… there was some kind of riddle on the wall, and it must have something to do with this but… there is nothing noted on it. Hank : What’s the riddle ? Connor : “Rahab the harlot defied the King of Jericho, here lies the key to the fortress.” Rahab was a prostitute, she helped Joshua by hiding spies he sent inside the city… and Joshua spared her when he took the fortress. But I… I don’t see the connection. Hank : … Let me see the map.
Connor gives it. Cole sits next to his father, near the fire, and soon falls asleep. After some time thinking and overthinking it, Hank finally points to a town on the map. A city called Defiance.
Hank : Look. Connor : Defiance… Of course. The key lies in Rahab’s defiance… Defiance is a town… Fuck- You’re a genius…! Hank : Man, I was feeling like a Detective again… felt nice for a moment. Connor: You were a Detective? Hank : A police Lieutenant, to be specific. But yeah. Detective works too. Connor : … I don’t think the treasure hunt is done yet. You’re gonna need your supercop sense again ! Hank : … It’s good to see you all excited. Feels like meeting the real Connor under the survivor’s shell. Connor: It’s nice… that Cole and you don’t have that shell yet… humanity is a rare thing to find down there. Hank : … So, who is “Nines” ? Connor : My little brother. We lived together, in the same group of survivors. Our camp was attacked… we got separated. Hank : Looks like he’s smart. He solved the riddle all by himself. It took the two of us to understand the hint. Connor : He’s always been a nerd. Hank : Pffft… Well we should try to get some sleep. We should be able to reach Stoneton, then we’ll have to find more gas.
Hank gets up and carries Cole to the car seats.
Connor: … Hank…? Hank : Yup ? Connor : Can I… Can I come with you two ? I could go to Defiance by myself but… if you’re heading there too, maybe we could… Hank : What the heck ? Of course you’re coming with us. With our two half-brains we’re gonna need each other’s help to find Jericho and your brother, don’t you think ? Connor *chuckles* : Right.
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marigold-doms · 4 years
Heyy, is it okay if I request how dom ateez would react when they're trying to tease or giving hints to their s/o that they're in the mood for some *ehem* sexy time but their s/o is super oblivious by it 🤭🤭 and btw I love love loveeeee your work so much 💖💖🌹
Admin Mika🌻: Imma be hella honest with you and say that half of these are gonna be right up ateez’s ally. Half of them want innocent, angel-like significant others just so they can mess up their minds... I enjoyed this a lil too much—Anywho, I hope you enjoy gorgeous! Thank you for your support and all the love that you give my works💕🥺~
|| Ateez Reacts || to their oblivious s/o
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As i have said before.
Seonghwa daddy LIVES to corrupt you.
This isn’t just in the sexual aspect but in the mental one as well.
He takes even the most non sexual things and practically puts you in a high rise sexual situation.
Take baking/cooking
It’s all fun and sweets until Seonghwa tastes flavors off of your fingers.
He DOES NOT miss an opportunity to lick you.
Eye contact. Is. Intense.
He knows what he’s doing and he’s doing it so that when you do get the hints and confront him... he’ll act shocked.
“Naughty girl! Why on earth would you think that Daddy would want to do that to you?”
Fast forward>>> He lines himself up to your core and thrusts into you, kissing your face and embracing you.
“Since my baby wants to do grown up things... I can’t deny her that, can I??” Knowing full and well that he schemed to make you so heated.
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Corruption dom pt 2
HE just loves to put you in compromising positions....(i hear that word and hear Hongjoong’s famous 5 words: “I’m good at all positions...”)
Hongjoong is the type to keep pretending that he’s not saying/doing anything naughty to you until the atmosphere has escalted to into EXTREMELY DIRTY territory that he just waits for you to completely crumble in his fingertips.
“What did you say baby?” His fingers roughly fuck your leaking cunt as the other hand cups your blushing face. “You stomach feels weird? Aw baby, how could that be?? Is something wrong?”
You’ll orgasm and shake in his arms and he’ll smile down at you. “Why are you so out of breath baby? What can I do to help?”
Man whore.
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Yunho is not at all the type to pressure you into wanting to have sexy time with him.
He is most def a man that will take it slow and make you want it way before he even makes the first move.
Ugh what a gentleman—
You sit on his lap. Then you’re just playing with fire at this point.
He’ll play along with your innocence.
Starting off with his hand under your shirt over your tummy. “I’m cold.” He reasons.
Slowly moving up under your bra where he’s grasping your boobie in his biG hanDS.
He tests the waters here and pinches your nipple.
Already blushing, you press your shy face into his chest.
He melts.
“Baby, do you know how adorable you are?”
You shake your head, grasping onto his shirt tightly as you try to hide yourself.
“So adorable that I wanna make you scream for me...”
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You have to know this about Yeosang.
His mind wanders in two differnet zones.
Savage and sexual.
When he’s not being an impartial and level headed dom. He’s unfair and completely mind fucking you.
He’ll end up making you think that you’re seeing or feeling things that aren’t there. It’s genuinely crazy.
Like is he a human at all?
“Sanggie, do you like it?” You flounce around in the cute skirt that you bought online. Your ass flashing your, now horny, bf.
“No??” You frown.
Yeosang leans back. “Yeah. No. I don’t like it.”
Your arms falter to your sides. “Okay.. I’ll change.”
“No. Take it off.”
You pause. He wanted you to take if off... in front of him???
“You heard me princess.”
You slowly take off the skirt, revealing your underwear to him. His expression is dark and unreadable.
“I’m not sure if you’re doing it on purpose but I don’t like you in anything you wear,” He words are confusing and you aren’t sure if your feelings should be hurt as he literally cups your face and tenderly kisses you. “I rather you wear nothing... then ask me if I like it.”
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Corruption is his middle name.
What do you guys expect?
Not only does San want to hear that you’re needy for him. He’ll make it come out to be that you’re the one who initiated it.
“You’re so wet darling.... Who told you to be this wet?” He slips his entire length inside of you with a loud hiss. “Aw, sweetheart now look at what you made me do to your poor body.”
I see a lot of virgin!rp here. He loves to take away and ruin your cluelessness. It gives him power.
Your innocence turns san on so much the he’s completely fine with tainting you—with his cum all over your face.
“Fuck!” Strings of white liquid shoot out of San’s angry tip and over you neck and cheeks. “Look at this my sweet angel...” He turns your chin towards the mirror across the room. “That’s my cum all over your body... this body is mine.”
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Starts off as a game.
Literally a game of Jenga.
In the middle of the game mingi realizes that you’ve been playing with the ones that have those sexual dares on them.
The last two rounds Mingi doesn’t tell you what the words say but he realizes that these dares could cause a problem...
One even says “Give your s/o a hickey on their most sensitive spot”
Mingi can’t pass up an opportunity to mark you.
Especially since his possesive ass can’t stand to see you getting too friendly with another man.
As all of these scenarios build up in mingi’s head, the atmosphere inevitably becomes heavy and the only person who isn’t aware of it is you.
He’s mind wanders to such dark places and the cloud of innocence surrounding your fuels this man more and he’s shaking his leg to control his thoughts.
He’s sighing out loud and you literally break him when the tower falls.
He shoves the pieces aside and lays you onto the table that you were playing on, the wooden pieces littered all over the floor and table.
“I’m sorry baby but you’re gonna have to bare with daddy while he takes you a little roughy...”
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Another innocence destroyer.
Imagine him being a mix of hongjoong and san okay.
A little less intense than hongjoong. And slightly less manipulative than san... now add a bratty tease into the mix and there you go.
One dom with a huge schoolgirl kink
Like, I’m serious.
Wooyoung is the type to want his girlfriend to be someone of a younger age/mindset than him when it comes to mature things.
It literally drives him crazy when he can see how much you aren’t processing his advances.
It encourages him to see how far he can go until you notice,
Which probably leads to your body bent over a table and his hand pushing your cute panties to the side to shove himself into you
He’ll conversate like this.
“And what did we learn today, (y/n)?” He casually speaks against the side of your face. Hips steady and going at a mildly painful pace.
Your slurs and whimpers cause Wooyoung’s stomach to flutter with butterflies.
“You learned that I just can’t resist ruining your innocent body.”
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Jongho is a wild card for me.
So I’m gonna put this out there okay?
He’s gonna just take you like you are.
Clueless? That’s fine. He’ll give you multiple hints and force you to understand what’s happening to you/
Innocent? Too bad, you won’t be after he’s done with you.
Naive? Ahaha. You’ll be so naive that once he’s done with you, your eyes are rolling back and you’ve gotten into a new head space from it.
That’s what corruption looks like on jongho’s end.
By force or by his will power against your weak defenses.
Please know that it’s all within a consensual aspect of a dom/sub relationship.
🌻: Sorry for any errors, I was excited.
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cayofdreams · 4 years
Vengeance = Repentance
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Summary: Reader had bullied Todoroki throughout all his time in high school. Years later, after a reconnection during an after-work drinking session, she goes back to his place, naively unaware of the payback he has planned for her…
Words: 4.1k
Rating: Explicit, Smut (in part 2)
Warnings: bullying by reader in beginning, murderous thoughts by Todoroki, Dark!Todoroki, drugging
(no smut in the first part, just immense build-up)
Notes: I could not for the life of me think of an interesting Todo fic to write. Until...THIS baby popped into my mind. It was actually really challenging and fun to write what goes on in the mind of Dark!Todoroki. I hope I did it justice.
He hated you.
Sometimes the only reason he had for living was simply to see the day that you’d be six feet under a cold batch of dirt. You’d be all alone down there with no one to control. No one to manipulate. No one to blackmail or threaten.
You’d have no lackey to run around and get you sweet bread from the convenience store. No lookout to make sure any teachers came to catch the abominable acts you committed in the bathroom stall or behind the gymnasium. No rich father to make sure that whatever horrible deeds you committed that were reported were swept gracefully under a rug.
And most importantly, you wouldn’t have him. The target of all your psychological and physical abuse. The one person who constantly fulfilled your insatiably engorged sadistic ego.
“Heyyy~ Shou, can you come here for a sec?” You had called out to your bi-colored haired classmate from the threshold of the class’ door. The twitch in his shoulders in reaction to your voice made you chuckle. Todoroki slowly slid his chair back, making a scratching noise against the tiled floor, and got up. He walked up towards you with his eyes trailing the floor.
“Ohh! So obedient today, aren’t we? Hehe- It was only a matter of time I suppose.” You smiled your disgustingly innocent smile at him. “I need you to check something for me. It’s important, okay?”
He stayed silent as he watched you move the hand that was behind your back out forward. You had a carton of milk in your hand, and it seemed to have already been open. He saw you put the carton to your nose and sniff harshly from where the opening was before shoving the carton into his chest. A bit of milk spilled out and dripped onto his uniform.
“This milk. It smells kinda funky. I want you to check it for me.”
“…If it smells funny then it’s probably-“
“Did I ask for your cheap opinion? Just do the favor, alright?” You frustratingly squeezed the carton in your hand which made even more milk spurt out and land on your hand as well as Todoroki’s uniform again. “Ugh! Shit! Look what you made me do! From being so obstinate.”
“Sorry…” He took the carton from your hand. It was practically half full now so he wondered why you even still cared so much. But he didn’t ask. He put the carton to his nose and sniffed to try and find a rotten smell to it. “I don’t smell anything.”
“Are you stupid? Not like that, idiot. You’ll never know if its bad if you check like that.” You quickly took the milk from him and raised it in the air. “You have to check like this~” You began to slowly pour the rest of the carton’s contents onto his head, completely soaking his silky hair and ruining his uniform even more. The milk drenched into his shirt and he could feel its cool wetness trickle his skin. “Ahaha! Weeell?? Is it bad or not, Shouutoo??”
There was a loud commotion of hoots and hollers from the other classmates as they watched your tormenting of Todoroki.
“Uwaah!! Milk boy got dunked on again!!”
“Gross! He’s gonna smell so bad later…”
“Dude! Go wash up! You’re gonna make the whole class smell like milk!”
“Krrgh..” Todoroki choked up in frustration, his hands balled into a fist. The fact he couldn’t just punch you right now could drive him to a point of enraged insanity.
The fact he had to let you get away with this over and over again just because of your father’s notorious connections with various government and business groups. He sometimes thought about just killing you anyway and dealing with the consequences. Prison would be more manageable than continuing to live in this same physical plane as you.
He thought about how he’d do it, too. If he would try to do it inconspicuously with poison, or conspicuously with his hands wrapped around your slender little throat. The former lead to more chances of him getting away with it. He could have the pleasure of your death along with his freedom. But the latter…the latter was just too enticing to pass up. Being able to hear your gargled whimpers attempting to beg for your life. Your legs that would try to kick and pry him off your weak body. Your face losing its color as your body is abruptly deprived of oxygen. And finally, his personal favorite, your bloodshot eyes that would be pleading for him to give you mercy before finally greying out.
Yes…the latter would have to do. Time in prison would be a beautiful cost to pay to see you perish under his fingers. The world would thank him later, for getting rid of their waste. Your death would serve as your repentance
But he was weak. Scared. He couldn’t find the conviction he needed to actually go through with it. It made him feel even worse. Maybe you were never wrong, and he was truly as spineless as you treated him.
But he’d get stronger. He had to. He needed to. He craved to.
-------------------------9 YEARS LATER-------------------------
“Good job on closing the deal, Todo!”
Todoroki had felt a harsh pat on his back before a heavy arm was slung over his shoulder by his spikey red haired coworker as he was grabbing his blazer off the chair.
“It was nothing, Kirishima.” He replied coolly but not without a small twinge of a smile.
“Ha! ‘It was nothing’ he says!” The energetic man turned his head around to face everyone else in the office. “Hey! Everyone! Pay attention to this guy right here! You might become the most successful businessman this country has to offer!”
The office chuckled and gave soft cheers for Todoroki, some of them poking fun at Kirishima’s exuberant display of comradery.
“Todo! Kiri! You guys are coming out for drinks, right!” Another one of Todoroki’s energetic co-workers, this time with bright yellow hair, briskly jogged up towards them. “I already invited the ladies!”
“Totally, dude! Where are we supposed to be going?”
“Heights Alliance! That bar has the best drinks and food a guy could ask for. Not to mention cute girls!
Todoroki softly brushed off the arm of Kirishima before putting his jacket on. “I think I’ll pass.”
“Aw! Come on dude!” This time, the yellow-haired co-worker placing his arm around Todoroki’s shoulder. “You alllways bail on us! Come with us this time! Drinks on Kiri!”
“Hey, Kaminari! Don’t decide that for yourself!” Kirishima retorted. “But yeah, man. You should come out. We miss you sometimes, dude.”
Todoroki hesitated as he contemplated his fellow workers’ requests. Honestly, he had never gone out to just...have fun. He would clog his mind with work which was probably why he was successful anyways. He didn’t even know why he was so disciplined when it came to his career. Not knowing what his goals even were. Focusing primarily on work, but for what? To just deny any moments of pleasure or belonging?
Maybe it was time for a change.
“Wooo!!! Todo is officially on board!”
The loudness of the cheers of his coworkers rang stingingly through his eardrums but he couldn’t suppress the smile that stemmed on his face.
As he had the feeling tonight would be an unforgettable night.
Todoroki sighed as he sipped the last of his drink and placed it softly on the counter in front of him. He sat alone as he thought about what he was even doing there. The entire evening basically constituting to watching his co-workers ramble on about various subjects that he could not get the meaning behind. After a while of heavy drinking, that he did not participate in, everyone either went bar-hopping or went home passed out in a taxi. He truly did not understand the purpose of such gatherings and he started to wonder how he’d even fit into society.  
As he thought to himself, the sudden words from the bartender disrupted his thoughts.
“Oh hey, Y/N. Long time, no see.”
The abrupt sound of your name made him widen his eyes and his body unconsciously jolt in the barstool. Was it really the same Y/N? No, it couldn’t be. Surely there were a bountiful amount of people with names that were similar to yours. But he had to check for himself, so he looked up from his empty glass and-
“Haha…Shinsou. Looking as gorgeously sleepy as ever. How are you?”
The sounds of your conversation with the bartender drowned out with the rest of the bustled atmosphere as he glared upon you. Without a doubt, it was you. He could never forget that figure. That figure that towered over him menacingly even though he was taller than you. That figure that just watched from a distance as you sent your delinquent underlings to pummel him into the cold cement. That figure who would bow respectfully to teachers when they dismissed any reports of your lechery. And now that same figure was only a few feet away from him, sitting gracefully at the bar counter as you talked to the unknowing bartender.
His glare locked long enough onto your figure for you to finally meet his eyes. And before he could look away, you had called out to him.
“Eh..? To…Todoroki?” You had softly called out to him. Using his name in a way that he had never heard from you before. Using a voice that harshly contradicted the patronizing tone you barked commands at him with. “It’s really you, isn’t it?”. You were smiling at him. Smiling at him as if he were a longtime friend that you missed connections with due to one of you going abroad.
You had hopped out of the barstool and approached your old classmate, taking a new seat beside him. He looked over at the wall of drinks displayed in front him, avoiding your gazing. “Wow…you’re all grown up now, huh?” You looked over to the bartender raising your hand at him. “Shinsou~ A refill on whatever he had, okay? Make it two actually.” The bartender simply nodded at you before mixing up various alcohol and flavors behind the counter.
“I..I don’t want to drink.” Todoroki shivered at his own statement as he was reminded of the times you’d scream at him for not doing something you’d ask.
“What? Don’t be ridiculous. It’s on me, okay? Don’t worry about it.” You had inched your head more over the counter trying to get a better look at him. “Your hair…I always thought it was dyed. But I guess its real, huh.” You reached your hand out to run your fingertips through his silky bi-colored bangs. He twitched at your touch.
What exactly were you doing? Acting so innocent with him like this. Were you just going to pretend like the three-year long trauma you subjected him to was a fable? An illusion? Or perhaps you had minimized the damage you’d done in your mind in order to preserve your own sanity as you took over a new life.
“...Y/N. What are you doing?”
You quirked your eyebrows in confusion at his question. “What do you mean? I just…I just think your hair is really pretty is all.”
Were you faking it? Was this another one of your atrocious jokes? Perhaps within the next minute you’d start cackling at him, asking him how he could be stupid enough to believe he deserved such niceties from the likes of you.
Todoroki looked down and squeezed the empty glass on the counter. “Don’t you…don’t you remember? What you did to me?”
“Todoroki…” You lowered your eyebrows in sorrow. “I-I’m sorry for what I did to you back then. I was indeed…a cruel person. I know you probably won’t accept that…but I still want to tell you. You at least deserve my apology. As cheap as it is.”
He looked over to you, surprised at your apologetic tone. He gazed into your e/c eyes. The very e/c eyes that captured the hearts of everyone around you, yet seethed supremacy and calamity toward him. He had learned to distrust anyone with eyes that resembled yours. The eyes that were now looking at him with…
Remorse. Your eyes were burdening in remorse. As soon as Todoroki saw the guilt that dwelled in your eyes he knew that this wasn’t a joke. That you weren’t pretending to feel these things. The look in your eyes unquestionably conveyed the apology you had stated earlier.
And it was that same look that would ascend an unusual beast that lurked within the visceral regions of his body. An unfamiliar thirst that stayed submerged within him, never needing to be satisfied until now. It gurgled within the depths of his gut, practically wanting to vomit out of his esophagus.
A beast that went by the name of revenge. And it would be so easy to pursue it right now with the plague of repentance beating in your heart.
Todoroki placed one of his hands on yours and squeezed tightly. Your skin was so soft, so smooth. He could never take the time to feel how delicate your skin was when the only touch of yours he knew before was the stinging slaps you’d deliver on his face. But tonight, he’d be able to feel something more, and the touch of his hands on yours only made the beast inside of him grow more and more unruly.
“I forgive you, Y/N.” He tried to state it in the softest way possible, making sure the feigning of the line wouldn’t be discovered. However, he knew you believed him by the twinkle in your eye, signifying an immense weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
“Todoroki…” A warm tear dropped from your cheek to his hand. “Thank you, Todoroki… thank you.” More tears would soon follow and drop onto his hand. He would’ve let go of you if he wasn’t so encapsulated by the feeling of your salty waters dropping onto his skin. As your tears cooled and dried up into his hand, he couldn’t have felt more enthused.
It was only then that Todoroki could take in the beauty that was your face. You looked so elegant like that, with pools of emotions trailing down your cheeks. Maybe if he’d seen this site of you in high school he’d had instantly fell in love. But such feelings didn’t reside in him anymore. They’d been evicted by the lurking beast of revenge, and that beast was craving more of this site from you.
“Two Vieux Carre cocktails” The bartender had placed the drinks on the counter in front of each of you before grabbing something under the counter. “…and a tissue”. He handed the soft fabric to you which made you giggle a bit.
“Thank you, Shinsou.”
He simply hummed a reply at you and returned to making drinks for other patrons that had walked in.
While you wiped away the allure that was your tears, Todoroki sat there, thinking of prolific strategies of how to get you under his grip. Should he just ask you to come home with him? Wouldn’t that be too straight forward? He didn’t know much about social interactions, but he knew asking a woman at a bar to come home with him had its underlying implications. And its not that he was undesired by women; he knew of the colleagues in his office that held romantic feelings for him. He just never followed through with any of them, never feeling anything close to the desires that were brought for him.
He also couldn’t help but feel subconscious about asking you to come home with him. You were the person that so incredibly ridiculed him for three years. You were still the same person who made him believe that no sane person would ever look twice at him. That he was too weak and monotonous to ever make someone feel happy.
Or were you? It seemed that whatever life change you went through caused you to redevelop your entire personality. Maybe you’d be like most the women he encountered in his life and become attracted to him? After-all, he also wasn’t the same person as he was in high school. He’d become stronger mentally and physically as well as much more confident about himself.
“Y/N, would you like to…finish drinking at my home?”
You stopped drying your tears at the suddenness of the question. “Huh?...You actually want me in your home?”
“Only if you want to.” Todoroki squeezed your hand again attempting to signal the desire to have you with him in private.
Blood rose to your nose and you looked away in embarrassment. “…Okay.”
Todoroki couldn’t stop the widening of his eyes at your acceptance. A part of him truly believed you’d call him disgusting before jumping up and delivering one of your characteristic slaps to his face. The heavens knew just how badly that needed to happen. If you’d rejected him, the beast of revenge may have gone right back to where it resided, deep in the subconscious of his mind.
But no, you’d accepted him. And with that, you’d accept your punishment. If you were truly ready to take on a new life, you would need to repent for your old one.
Todoroki couldn’t stop the erratic beating of his heart as the two of you walked over the threshold into his house. He was closer and closer to fulfilling the dream of having you within his grips. But he couldn’t be too impatient as this would be the part where he would need to tread carefully. As the two of you took off your shoes, he would continue to watch your every move, like a jaguar stalking its prey.
“Woww!” Your eyes wandered around Todoroki’s living room, amazed at how expansive and beautifully designed it was. “Your house is so luxurious! And polished!” You looked back at Todoroki. “It suits you.”
Todoroki was a bit taken aback by your statement. As far as he knew, you had a rich father who catered to everything your callous heart desired. He was partly the reason behind his suffering seeing as that your father made sure any unpleasantry brought against you was hushed behind a closed door. “You aren’t used to this?” He stepped over to the mini-bar area and reached up to grab a specific bottle of wine.
“Huh?” You followed behind him and leaned against the bar counter, grazing your finger over the refined marble surface.  
“This…kind of house. You aren’t used to it?” He grabbed a corkscrew from the drawer and began to pry off the wine bottle’s cork. “Your father was a rich businessman was he not?”
You scoffed as you rested your elbow on the marble. “My father was in the yakuza. Rich in some aspects, but no businessman.” Your eyes fell from Todoroki to the counter. “And we never got to live in a place anywhere this grand. Especially after he was taken down by the cops…”
“I see.” It made perfect sense honestly. Your yakuza connections would explain the lackeys, the apathy of the teachers towards your lechery, the strange approval of your actions by the entire class. It must’ve been hard behind the scenes having to be the daughter of a yakuza member, but nonetheless it wouldn’t your crimes against his humanity. Todoroki poured two glasses of wine and placed one on the counter next to you.
“Should we…sit on the couch?” You looked towards to main part of the living room, eyes landing on Todoroki’s expensive sectional. “I-I mean…if you want to…”
Todoroki noticed the flustering of your face and couldn’t help but think that if the two of you had met under different pretexts he would surely have made you his wife. But marriage is not what this affair is about. This affair is about satisfying the demon that grew expansively inside of him.
He grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers between yours as he picked up both glasses with his other hand. “I’d love to, Y/N”.
He walked the two of you over to the couch, waiting until you sat down to hand you your glass and sit closely beside you. He carefully watched as you took sips from the glass, mesmerized by the shape of lips and how you’d glossed them for your night out. They looked so soft and delicate and perfectly matched the dimensions of your face.
But your naivety obviously outmatched your beauty Todoroki thought. How could you so easily drink from the hands of someone who would so obviously want to get revenge on you? Did your newfound personality make you oblivious to the dangers of life? Maybe after wanting to permanently discard the remains of the yakuza from your brain, you decided to look at people in a new light. Maybe you wanted to just see the good in everyone and learn that most people aren’t out to destroy you. It is indeed a true thought; most people don’t want to destroy you.
But most people also don’t subject those around them to abhorrent acts of malice. And for that, your naivety would prove to be one of the worst decisions you’d made in your small existence.
“Your wine…it tastes very good.” You had swirled what left of it you had before drinking it all within a couple more gulps.
Probably the best compliment you could have said in your life. Todoroki had taken the time to make sure every speckle of power was completely dissolved into the wine. He couldn’t taste it himself or get a taste tester of course, so he would have just had to wait until your ultimate encountering to test it. And it worked.
“It was a gift from a friend abroad.” A lie. But a believable lie. “I’m glad you like it.”
You quizzingly looked at his still full glass of wine in his hand. “Why didn’t you drink any?”
“Oh...I- well I guess I am already a bit tipsy from the bar so further consumption would be ill-advised.” He smoothy stated before placing the glass on the coffee table in front of the couch.
You giggled at the statement as Todoroki internally cackled at your gullibility.
“You know, Todoroki…” Your eyes strayed to your lap. “I know this must mean nothing coming from me but…I liked you a lot in high school.” You twirled your index finger in circles on your skirt. “And I know I was mean to you but…I believe that our encounter must have been fate because, well…I still like you.”
Todoroki smiled, a cover-up for the guttural laughter that wanted to burst out of him. He let go of your hand and traced his fingers across your cheek before holding the side of your face delicately in his hand. “That…means more than you’d ever know, Y/N.”
He leaned over to give you a peck on the cheek before pressing his lips against yours. Your lips were just as soft as they looked and the gloss you wore provided a sweet vanilla taste. You sunk your hand into the red side of his hair before slipping your tongue in between his lips. Your tongue felt hot in his mouth and Todoroki grabbed your head to pull you deeper into the kiss. He tasted every part of your mouth that he could with his tongue. Your teeth, your gums, the inside of your cheeks. He made sure to leave his mark everywhere in your mouth, foreboding to the marks that would soon be left on your body.
As his kiss got deeper, yours became shallower and lazier. Eventually you pressed your hand against his chest to softly get him to back up.
“I’m sorry, Shouto…” You pressed your hand to your forehead. “It seems…I have a headache…and I’m kinda sleepy.” Your eyelids drooped heavily as sleep seemed to overcome you. “I…should go home.”
Shouto grabbed your head and leaned you down on the couch, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Ssshh…its okay Y/N. You can just sleep here for tonight. I’ll drive you back in the morning.”
“Okay…thankyou, Shouto.” You quickly drifted off to sleep at the finish of your sentence.
When Todoroki felt the heaves of your chest raise higher and lower at deeper levels, he picked you up into his arms, carrying you gently to make sure you wouldn’t wake up. Though that was a rare chance seeing as how he put a little extra power in the wine to make sure it would subdue you. He carried you down the corridor to the door that would lead to your demise. Before he walked down the stairs, he whispered into your non-listening ear.
“This encounter is indeed special, Y/N. But it will be more special to you than it will for me…because tonight will mark my vengeance. And tonight will also mark…your repentance.”
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twstarchives · 4 years
Make the Most Out of Life
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Card: Dorm Uniform - SSR Characters: Ace, Cater, Riddle, Deuce, Rook, Heartslabyul students
Chapter 1
Ace: Cater-senpai, put the card you picked back into the deck and I’ll shuffle it well.
Now that they’re all mixed up, I’ll guess which one your card is. Hm~...
The card you picked… is a five of diamonds!
Cater: Ehh~! Wow! How did you know~?!
Ace: Hehe, I used mind-reading magic on you. …Just kidding.
This is a magic trick using the “key card” principle.
It’s one of the most basic card tricks to be able to guess which card your spectator picked.
Anyone can do it if they learn the trick. Well, I also think you kinda need to be good with your hands to do it.
Cater: You said that was really basic, right? So can you do any other tricks, Ace-chan?
Ace: Hm, aside from cards, I can do a few kinds of table magic using cups and coins and things.
Cater: Really? Show me how to do an easy one! Maybe something that could impress the ladies at parties~☆
Ace: Sure! ...Well, that’s what I want to say. But I can’t just show you one for free.
Cater: There’s the catch~ Ace-chan, you’re actually pretty underhanded.
Ace: Well, yeah. You gotta make the most out of life.
How about you take over hedgehog care duty for me one time?
Then I’ll teach you two card tricks and one cup trick, as detailed as I can ♪
Riddle: You two. You look awfully excited for some reason. Have you finished your homework yet?
It’ll be off with your head if you’re just messing around instead of doing your work.
Ace: Oh, Dorm Leader! Perfect timing.
Could you pick one of these cards?
Riddle: Hah? What is this all of a sudden?
Ace: C’mon, just go with it. Give us five minutes of your time.
A little recreation is important for students to bond more. Right?
Riddle: Honestly… I suppose. …Alright. I’ve picked a card.
Cater: Riddle-kun, let me see which one you picked. ...King of hearts, huh?
Riddle: And what was the purpose of doing this?
Ace: Now I’m going to guess which card you picked.
Riddle: Oh, I see. You’re practicing clairvoyance magic.
Cater: Mm~ This is a little bit different.
It’s a magic trick. Ace-chan’s really good at them.
Riddle: A magic trick? Hmm… I’ve never seen one before.
Ace: Put your card back on top of the deck. Then I’ll shuffle it really well.
…Hey, Dorm Leader. Don’t look away; watch my hands carefully.
Now that the whole deck is shuffled, I’ll let you hold onto it.
Riddle: Okay…
Ace: I’m going to snap my fingers and focus on the cards. And then…
The one you picked will appear inside my jacket’s inner pocket!
Make sure to tightly hold onto the cards with both your hands so they don’t escape.
Riddle: …I don’t believe these cards have magic cast on them. How would they escape my hold?
Ace: C’mon, just go with it. …Ready? One, two, three!
Riddle: …Nothing happened.
Ace: Heheh! You’d think!
But inside my inner pocket… Look! One of the cards got away from you!
Riddle: !
Ace: This card is… the king of hearts! This is the one you picked, right?
Riddle: Yes. That’s correct.
Cater: Amazing! That’s way more advanced than the trick you showed me earlier.
Riddle: And… he didn’t use magic to take that card from my hands?
Ace: Nope! It’s just a trick.
Riddle: How does this work? And how did you know which card I chose? At what point did it get inside your pocket?
Cater: Ahaha! Riddle-kun, now you’re so invested in it~
Ace: I reacted the same way when my big brother first showed me this trick.
Riddle: Oh? I didn’t know you had a brother.
Ace: I never talked about him with you? He’s a Night Raven College grad.
And he was in Heartslabyul!
There’s not a lot to do for fun when you’re living in a dorm.
So he just played around with playing cards to kill time, and ended up building his magic repertoire.
Cater: So your brother taught you magic tricks?
Ace: Sorta… He didn’t just nicely teach me how to do them or anything.
It was more like, I watched him do them over and over again and learned by copying him.
Cater: I get it. So you’re the “skill stealer” type.
You’re super good at remembering things, huh, Ace-chan? And you’re a quick thinker.
Ace: I guess ♪ For most things, I can copy them after watching them a few times.
Unlike a certain clumsy goody-two-shoes, I’m pretty advanced.
Riddle: Since you’re so proud of your memorization skills, why don’t you show us?
By memorizing the rules of the Queen of Hearts and the timeline of magic history.
Ace: Gegh… That’s a whole different story! I suck at memorizing facts!
Riddle: Next week, the freshmen have a magic history quiz, don’t they? Deuce told me about it.
If you get any red marks, you won’t be having a seat at our Unbirthday Party next weekend.
Ace: Man… I thought I could distract you with a magic trick, but we’re back to talking about school…
Cater: Distractions don’t work against Riddle-kun, Ace-chan.
Riddle: Ace, what is your answer?
Ace: Yes, Dorm Leader!
Chapter 2
Ace: Hm hm hmm~♪ Hm hm hmm~♪
Deuce: You look like you’re in a good mood, Ace. You’re humming to yourself.
Ace: Well, you know~ Today’s the Unbirthday Party.
They’re serving way fancier food than they normally do, and our demon dorm leader isn’t going to nag us if we don’t do our homework...
It puts me in a humming mood.
Heartslabyul Student A: Haha, you’re right. But we also have to focus on getting ready for it.
Ace: The freshmen are in charge of setting up for the croquet match and painting the roses, right?
Deuce: Yeah. First we should feed the flamingos and hedgehogs and clean their pens.
Ace: Okay, I’ll go take care of the hedgehogs.
Deuce: Then I’ll take the flamingos. When we’re done, let’s meet up in the rose maze.
Ace: Alright, time to hurry up and take care of the hedgehogs.
C’mere, food!
Here, your water!
Cleanup next...
‘Kay, I’m done.
Heartslabyul Student A: Ohh, there, there, widdle hedgehogs. Make sure you woll as hawd as you can for the croquet game today, okay~?
Hedgehogs: Chee chee!
Ace: Egh, that’s weirding me out. Quit baby-talking to the hedgehogs.
Heartslabyul Student A: Oh! S-Sorry, force of habit... This is how I talk to my cat at home.
Ace: Hedgehogs don’t understand human language. Isn’t it pointless to talk to them?
I mean, you can’t communicate with animals unless you use their specific animal language anyway.
Heartslabyul Student B: But the dorm leader talks to them with human language all the time.
Heartslabyul Student A: Yeah. Well, he doesn’t use baby-talk like me, but still.
Heartslabyul Student B: Even if animals don’t understand your words, you can still get across how much you care for them.
Heartslabyul Student A: Yeah! The dorm leader even said, “It’s important to have good communication with your hedgehog and flamingo in croquet.”
“You should regularly take care of them to build up mutual trust.”
Heartslabyul Student B: I often see the dorm leader taking care of the hedgehogs even when he’s not on duty.
Ace: Our demon dorm leader really does that? Hmm.
That’s great he’s got a little kindness in him, but why doesn’t he ever show it to us students?
Heartslabyul Students: A-Ahaha...
Ace: Anyway, are you guys almost done cleaning? Next we gotta go paint the roses.
Heartslabyul Student A: Oh. I’m going to throw out the trash from cleaning those pens, so you can go on ahead.
Heartslabyul Student B: I’ll help you take it out. Ace, could you lock up the hedgehog cages?
Ace: Okay~♪
Ace: (Alright. Now we have to hurry and paint the roses...)
(The dorm leader won’t see the back of the trees. So maybe I can just focus more on the places he can see.)
Riddle: Everyone!!
Deuce & Ace: Yes! Dorm Leader!
Riddle: Have you seen the hedgehogs anywhere near here?
Deuce: I haven’t... Did something happen?
Riddle: Every single one of them has disappeared from their cage.
Ace: Huh?!
Riddle: Whoever was in charge of taking care of them must’ve forgotten to lock it... Find the perpetrator! It’ll be off with their head!!
Ace: (No way, seriously?! The last person to lock the cages... was me...)
D-Dorm Leader! Shouldn’t our first priority be to find the hedgehogs?
Riddle: O-Oh... That’s true.
Hedgehogs are extremely cautious. It’ll be very difficult to track them down if they dug holes to hide in.
...What will I do if we never find them...?
Deuce: D-Don’t worry. We can find them... No, we will find them!
Ace: It hasn’t been that long since they disappeared, right?
Deuce: I’ll look around the croquet field!
Ace: I’ll try the other side of the dorm.
Riddle: I’m counting on you.
Ace: Crap... Is this my fault? No, I made sure to lock the cages... Didn’t I?
I don’t know! I wasn’t paying attention when I did it; I can’t remember...
If the dorm leader tries to figure out who the perpetrator was, he’ll find out I was in charge of locking the cages. And then...
Ace: ...*shivers*
I-I have to find all the hedgehogs before Dorm Leader Riddle does!
Chapter 3
Ace: I-I have to find all the hedgehogs before Dorm Leader Riddle does!
...Or so I thought, but... where would the hedgehogs even be hiding?
I’ll search online using my phone... uhh, what does it say?
Hedgehogs are related to moles... They dig tunnel-like holes to nest in... Gegh!
So that’s what the dorm leader meant when he said they could dig holes to hide in!
They have timid temperaments... So maybe they ran somewhere without a lot of people. I’ll go try the woods.
Ace: HEY!! ...Wait, would I put them even more on guard if I yell?
I remember at my friend’s house, their dog would come running at them the second it heard the sound of its food dish...
Well, I did bring some food. I’ll try making noise with the dish.
(Clatter clatter...) (Rustling!)
Ace: Ah!
Hedgehog: Chee chee!
Ace: That worked! I can’t believe the hedgehogs came out. I’m an absolute genius.
Now I have to catch it... Ah!
Hedgehog: Chee! Chee chee!!
Ace: Hey! Don’t run away!
Agh... It ran back into its hole in the ground! It’s so tiny, like a rabbit hole. I can’t even fit my arm in there...
Maybe if I gently poke it with a tree branch...
Hedgehog: Hiss~! Hiss!!
Ace: Oh no, it’s angry now. And it went further in!
C’mon, guys... Please? I’ll lose my head if I don’t get you to come back. And besides...
Riddle: ...What will I do if we never find them...?
Ace: Dorm Leader Riddle is really worried about you. He really loves you guys, you know?
So please, come back...
(They don’t understand human language. There’s no point in telling them this...)
Rook: You appear to be in trouble, Monsieur!
Ace: AGHH?!
Y-You scared me! Don’t start yelling out of nowhere! Anyway, who are you?!
What’s someone from another dorm doing at Heartslabyul?!
Rook: Hahaha, apologies for frightening you.
I’ve actually been behind you ever since you set foot into the woods. Perhaps I hid myself too well?
I’m the vice dorm leader of Pomefiore, Rook Hunt.
I had a reason for coming to Heartslabyul, but I’ve finished what I needed to.
I just thought I’d take the chance to watch the wildlife while I’m here, so I was in the middle of a stroll.
Ace: O-Oh, I see.
Rook: But then I encountered you—bent down on the ground, plagued by a grim resolve just screaming “Le miserable!”
Ace: So you saw everything... That’s embarrassing.
Well, I guess I don’t need to explain anything. I’m really busy right now, so could you go somewhere else?
Rook: Are you sure? I was hoping I could assist you with capturing those animals...
Ace: What?! Do you have any ideas?
Rook: Why don’t you try coercing them with animal language? Hedgehogs should be able to understand mole-speak.
Ace: You think I can speak an obscure language like mole-speak?!
You don’t even learn that unless you major in Animal Languages in university, let alone in high school!
Rook: I know a fair amount of mole-speak. I’ll teach you, so try to coerce them.
Ace: If you can speak it, please just do it yourself...
Rook: Non, non, Monsieur Heart. They’re very sensitive creatures.
Suppose I did get across to them—I’m still a stranger to them. They wouldn’t come out of their burrows for me.
Ace: (The party starts at 3PM. And it’s already a little after 2... Ahh, man...)
...Okay. I’ll do it!
I’ll try to learn mole-speak in one go.
Rook: Excellent spirit! Now, listen closely to how I pronounce them, and watch the way my mouth moves...
Chee chee! Jee jee chee! (Don’t be scared. I won’t do anything to you.)
Ace: (...He didn’t move his lips at all. That sound came from his teeth and tongue, like he was making a tsk! sound.)
——Alright, I memorized it. “Chee chee! Jee jee chee!” (Don’t be scared. I won’t do anything to you.)
How was that? Did I say it?
Rook: Marvelous! That pronunciation was truly wonderful. You really are capable of learning in one go.
Ace: I might forget it right after, so hurry and tell me what to say next!
Rook: Oui, the next phrase is...
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Ace: Jee jeejee! Chee cheechee chee! (Come out. Everyone’s worried.)
Hedgehogs: ...Chee... cheechee.
Ace: I-It worked! The hedgehogs are coming out of the hole!
Rook: Oh, fantastic!
They could feel your passion in the words you spoke, Monsieur Heart!
Ace: One, two, three... Good, they’re all here.
Hah... Now I won’t be losing my head...
Um, Rook-senpai... right? Thanks a lot for your help!
Rook: Of course. Roi des Roses truly does have a fine servant.
Riddle: It’s already been two hours since the hedgehogs escaped... and we haven’t found a single one.
Ace: Dorm Leader~! Dorm Leader Riddle~!
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Riddle: Ah...!
Ace: The hedgehogs were there! I found them all!
Riddle: Thank goodness...! You guys aren’t hurt anywhere, are you?!
Ace: They’re all safe. Ow, ow, hey! Don’t climb on my head!
Riddle: Hehe, they seem to like you very much.
I’m so glad you found them... Thank you, Ace. 
Ace: ...Hah. I wish he’d smile more like he’s doing now instead of always being nagging and angry.
Riddle: Hm? Did you say something?
Ace: Oh, just that... something like this is no problem if I’m doing it for you!
‘Cause I ace everything!
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sun-drak · 3 years
Hi can I have a (male)tokyo revengers matchup please 💕
She/her, straight
I'm 5'6 and look like this
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Personality: I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. Mostly I am kind and polite, but a I get very sassy moments (I can also be very sarcastic). Im also kind of reserved when I first meet someone and it can take me awhile to show my fun, goofy, happy side to them
Aquarius, infj
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I also like to go exploring like in the forest or even abandoned places I also love cooking and baking (more so baking tbh)
sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
Yes, of course you can have one! Thanks for requesting, hope you like it :))
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I match you up with…
Hanma Shuji!
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Hanma is an exhilarating person to be around.
When you’re with him, you’re sure to get into some silly banter in which you both say sarcastic remarks to each other. He likes the sassiness you have at times.
Around the time you first started seeing each other, y’all were out walking at night time when you suddenly tripped over nothing.
“What the hell? Did you just trip over air?”
It caught him off guard and he was in a bit of disbelief at first, but later he just grew to accept that clumsy part about you.
At times when you’re baking, Hanma would be the type to walk up behind you and give you a back hug. As you both stay in that position, he would ask you what you’re baking or what you’re currently doing.
When flour gets in your nose and you let a high-pitched sneeze, he finds it so endearing. He absolutely loves it and finds it cute, although you could never get him to admit it out loud.
When the both of you go on dates, it’s usually to new places that hardly have any people. Since Hanma often rides on his motorcycle, he often drives past a lot of areas around the city, which he keeps in mind for future dates. He especially keeps an eye out for abandoned buildings so the both of you can go one day. He knows you like them, so he sends you a message to see if you’re down to go explore them.
Hanma would also be the one to tell you to prioritize yourself instead of others. He’s quite honest about it, but does it because he truly worries for you and doesn’t want you to overwork yourself.
“If someone keeps bothering you about something, tell me and i’ll beat the shit out of them,”
He doesn’t even bother hiding the threats since he genuinely cares over your wellbeing instead of others.
(there’s a quote i’ve read, - “a hero would sacrifice you to save the world, but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you,” and this would apply for him quite well, hahah ;))
A song that reminds me of this relationship…
A/N: ahaha, so actually i also had 2 other songs in mind that remind me of this type of relationship, 505 by the Arctic Monkeys and Chasing Pavements by Adele. The reason i was thinking of these two is because of the uncertainty of being in a relationship with Hanma. It would be a very exhilarating relationship as i had stated, but it’s kind of like the type that you never know if it’s suddenly gonna stop one day, y’know? It’s just the vibes Hanma gives off >.< hopefully you understand what i mean, but i still think he would be a good match for you :) hopefully you enjoyed!
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briswriting · 4 years
forever and always
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『 in which you fall in love with a prince but find out you’ve been bethored to another 』
pairing: prince!todoroki x fem!reader  genre: royal au, arranged marriage, angst, fluff wc: 2,858
a/n: this is a fic dedicated to @writeiolite because it’s now officially her birthday so happy birthday io babie!! i wrote a royal au for you because we’re always freaking out about this trope together and what better boy for a royal au than our princely babe shouto! this was longer than i was expecting, my longest fic i think ahaha, but i hope you still like it! i thought i was v big brained with this plot hehe ily and appreciate you lots io babie mwah!! hope your birthday is full of lots of fun and love ♡
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Princess Y/N L/N of the L/N Kingdom is to be betrothed to the crown prince, the next heir to the throne, of the Todoroki Kingdom in order to strengthen the bond and alliance between the two kingdoms. With this marriage arrangement, Princess Y/N is to be taken in and cared for by the King and Queen of the Todoroki Kingdom as one of their own in order for the princess to understand and learn the ways of their royal customs before she can be fit to become Queen alongside her betrothed. If this contract shall be broken by any means, the friendly bond and alliance between the L/N Kingdom and the Todoroki Kingdom will cease to exist.
With these words written on a single piece of parchment, along with the four distinct signatures signed away at the bottom, you were betrothed to the crown prince of the Todoroki Kingdom, Todoroki Natsuo, the next heir to throne the after the death of his eldest brother, Todoroki Toya.
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The years you explored the castle grounds with all three of the Todoroki siblings since moving to their palace at the young age of five had made you grown used to living within the palace walls of the Todoroki Castle. You were used to the sounds of the songbirds outside your window every morning, the soft whispers of the servants echoing through the halls while doing their chores, and the clattering of expensive chinaware behind the closed door of the palace kitchen.
Your life within these castle walls was almost like clockwork, a daily routine that never seemed to change. Wake up, eat, study, eat, attend important meetings, eat, sleep, repeat.
Being the same age as the youngest prince, Todoroki Shouto, you had grown up alongside him; you did everything with the prince by your side. The two of you attended royal lessons together, your seats at the large dining table placed next to each other. Together, the two of you explored every corridor and found secret passageways stowed away within the walls of the old castle.
Being with him, your daily routine didn’t seem all that dreadful. No royal titles when the two of you were together, no Prince Shouto or Princess Y/N, the two of you were just Shouto and Y/N, your Shouto and his Y/N.
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“I’m to be what?” Eyes blown wide as you stood in the middle of the throne room, the two giant thrones in front of you occupied by the King and Queen, who requested a private audience with you after your meal with Shouto.
“Betrothed to Natsuo. That’s why you have been living within our kingdom rather than your own. When you were five years old, we lost our eldest son Toya and your parents decided to help out by giving the heir to the throne your hand in marriage to form a stronger alliance between our kingdoms.” Queen Rei’s soft spoken voice echoed throughout the room, informing you of the contract that they had signed along with your parents. A deal that sold your life away to someone you didn’t want.
You had no bad blood with the crown prince; you found him to be an excellent friend, an older brother to you as you lived all these years with his family. What you weren’t expecting was to be thrown into a life of marriage with him, a marriage built not from love but because of a piece of parchment that gave away your hand in marriage, when you were too young to understand why you were being sent away, for the purpose of building a stronger alliance between two kingdoms, a life where you couldn’t be with the one you loved.
“That’s- that’s ridiculous! You can’t force me to marry someone I don’t love!”
“Princess Y/N, you will do as we say. Being royalty comes with a price, and if marrying someone to benefit your kingdom is something you have to do, you will do it with no questions asked. Or have you not learned anything from your studies all these years? So do you understand?” King Enji’s voice boomed around the room, a vast difference from his Queen’s voice, who now sat silently beside him in her throne, one that would be yours one day.
You couldn’t say no to the arrangement; it was out of your hands, already agreed on and signed all those years ago. You also knew that without your marriage to the heir of the throne, there would be no alliance, and both of your kingdoms would suffer immensely. So despite not wanting to be married off, you understood the consequences that would happen if you did not go through with the arrangement. “Yes I understand.”
“Good. You may leave now; we have some other important matters to discuss.”
Silently closing the throne room doors behind you, you quickly dashed the one person you could confide in, Todoroki Shouto.
Knowing every nook and cranny of the palace, you ran down the halls, almost blindly, with tears in your eyes as you made your way towards his room, towards him, your safe haven from the world. The place where you exchanged laughter and tears in the dead of night with the one person you cared for the most. The one you shared all your secrets with, your first tender kiss with, your first romantic touches with, and your first everything with. Todoroki Shouto was, is, your first love, forever and always.
Crashing through his bedroom doors, you frantically looked around the room for the boy with the heterochromatic eyes that you fell in love with.
“So they told you I’m assuming.”
Whipping your head towards the owner of the voice, you come face to face with the man you are supposed to marry, Todoroki Natsuo.
“Natsuo! Wh-Where’s Shouto?”
“Not sure, but he’s not in here, princess.”
“Did you know?” Your question was kept simple in case the white haired man before you didn’t know about the arrangement between the two of you set up by both your parents.
“Know about what? About the arranged marriage between us? Yes, I’ve known for about a few years now.”
“And you didn’t say anything,” you breathed out, still trying to catch your breath from the run through the halls, your mind still whirring with the words spoken by the King and Queen to you moments before.
“I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed to, and you know it. If I could, I would have told you the day I found out all those years ago.”
“B-but I can’t marry you!” You exclaimed, keeping the reason why you didn’t want to be married to him a secret.
“Because you’re in love with Shouto, right? Come on; you can’t deny it. The two of you aren’t very subtle, trying to hide the romantic relationship the two of you’ve built these past few years. I see how the two of you look at each other when you think no one is looking, like little kids trying to sneak cookies from the cookie jar. You do love him, right?”
“Of course, I love him, you idiot! Why do you think I ran to his room after finding out the news? It wasn’t just a mere coincidence, Natsuo. Why are you in here, anyway?”
“I wanted to talk to Shouto about something that’s been on my mind. I don’t know where he’s at. I was waiting for him to come back, but it’s been a while, he’s probably holed up somewhere reading a book or something.”
With the thought of Shouto, your heart skipped a beat, your mind stopping for a split second, before the question that’s been on your mind comes flying out. “D-does he know about the arrangement?”
“Are you really going to ask that? If he knew about the arrangement, do you think he would have continued letting himself get close to you? Continued to let himself fall in love with someone he knew he wouldn’t be able to have in the end because of our parents?”
And with his words, you grew silent, knowing that what he spoke was the truth. If Shouto did know about the arrangement, he wouldn’t have let you fall in love with him, wouldn’t have let himself fall in love with you. The gentle touches and caresses, the soft looks in each other’s direction when no one was looking, the secret meetups at night so no soul, but the two of yours would find out about the love you two shared. That all wouldn’t have happened if he knew, and your heart clenches at the thought of never knowing what it felt like to be loved by Todoroki Shouto.
As you sat on his bed, tears streaming down your face, contemplating what your life would be like from this moment on, Natsuo silently slipped out of the door, bumping straight into the person the two of you were just talking about.
“Oh! Shouto, I was looking for you. I need to speak to you about an important matter.”
“Do we have to do it now, Natsuo? I’ve got plans soon, and I need to get ready for them. By the way, have you seen Y/N around, was she in there?”
“It’s urgent, Shouto; we need to speak now. It’s about Y/N.”
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“You’re going to do what?”
“Abdicate the throne, you’ll be the next heir and become king.”
“Natsuo that’s ridiculous! You can’t do that! We’ve been living our whole lives knowing that you’d become the next king, not me!”
“Shouto listen to me, it’s for the best.”
“For the best my ass, you’re being ridiculous! Why are you doing this? What’s the reasoning behind you wanting to abdicate your rights to the throne all of a sudden?”
“It’s because of you and Y/N! I- I’m to be married to her in the coming year Shouto, but I can’t do it knowing that the two of you are in love with each other. I can’t do that to you two,” Natsuo whispers out, hands clenching at the thought of a contract made years ago ruining the love you had for each other.
“You’re to be married? To Y/N? Says who?” Shouto exclaimed, thoughts running through his mind at the idea of someone sweeping you off your feet and away from him.
“A contract between our parents and hers. It was made when Toya died, that’s why she is living here with us. I didn’t think twice about the arranged marriage, knowing it is our duty as royalty to do what’s best for our kingdom, but ever since I’ve learned about the arrangement, I also learned that the two of you are in love with each other.”
“Does Y/N know about this arrangement?” The thought of his lover keeping such a big secret from him made his blood boil, how could she let him fall in love with her when she knew they wouldn’t be able to end up together in the end, did she even love him back or were her whispers of love all lies?  
“Don’t be mad at her, Shouto. She found out today and ran straight to your room to tell you about it. You should have seen the look on her face when she barged into your room; it was too painful to see.”
With that statement, Shouto let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, his brother’s words confirming that you were equally as heartbroken about the arrangement and he was and that the love you had for him was genuine.
But a question still lingered in the youngest prince’s mind. “How is your abdication going to help solve this problem?”
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For the second time that day, the halls of the Todoroki castle had someone sprinting recklessly down it with tears in their eyes towards the same destination, his bedroom. The room where behind the closed doors, they exchanged sweet touches and loving words in secret, the room where his beloved Y/N was probably heartbroken and waiting for his return to their safe place.
Approaching the door and opening it softly, he quietly slipped into the room. His eyes frantically looking around the room for you before stopping on your sleeping form curled up and under the covers of his large bed.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed near your sleeping form, the creak and shift of the mattress caused you to stir awake. Your red and puffy eyes, an indication that you cried yourself to sleep while waiting for him, meet his heterochromatic ones that were glossed over with tears.
“Shouto! Have you been crying?” You asked frantically, quickly sitting up to cup his face in your hands, wiping away the few stray tears that happened to run down his cheeks.
“Maybe a little bit, but not as much as you have my love,” he whispers, cupping your face in his hands to gently rub away the dried tears stained on your face.
“Did- did you hear the news?” Your heart hurt at the thought that he was here to tell you that the romantic relationship between the two of you could no longer continue, that you now belonged to his brother.  
“I did. I ran into Natsuo on my way here, and he informed me about the arranged marriage.”
“It’s terrible, Shouto! I can’t go on with it; I don’t want to!” Your hands moving from his face to grip the edge of his sweater before burying your face into the crook of his neck. His own hands move to wrap around your waist, gently toying with the edge of the shirt, his shirt, you had thrown on while waiting for him, wanting to get out of the stuffy and confined dress you previously had worn for the day.
“So you don’t want to get married to me?” He ask his question so calmly; it took you a while to process the words that came out of his mouth before your head shot up to look him in the eyes.
“What? Shouto, what are you talking about? I’m to be married to Natsuo, not you.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion; you hadn’t misheard the information, right? No, that’s impossible. You talked to Natsuo about it too, you were supposed to be married to the crown prince, and that’s definitely Natsuo, not Shouto.
“Natsuo is abdicating his rights to the throne, he’s requesting an audience with the court and everything right now.”
“He’s claiming abdication right now? Is that why he was looking for you? How does giving up his rights to the throne help us?”
And with that question, the conversation Shouto had with Natsuo moments before came flooding back as he informed you on his older brother’s plan.
“How is your abdication going to help solve this problem?”
“I read the contract for the first time today, before they told Y/N the news. It states that Y/N must marry the heir to the throne, but it never specifies a name, never says who she must marry. So if I abdicate, you become the crown prince Shouto, you become the next heir to the throne, which means that you will get to marry Y/N. I know it’s not how you want to be engaged to her, but it works out this way.”
“So you’d give up your rights to be King for me to be happy? Why?”
“Because you’re my brother Shouto and I care deeply for Y/N too, I don’t want either of us to be forced into a marriage just for our kingdoms to remain allies; it wouldn’t be a happy life for either of us. Anyways, dad has a favoritism towards you; it’s no secret, he’ll gladly accept my abdication for you to become the next King rather than myself.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Why don’t you go tell Y/N the news, hmm? I’m sure she’d be glad to hear that she’ll be able to marry you instead. I requested an audience with our parents and the court, by tomorrow you’ll be the crown prince of the Todoroki Kingdom Shouto, do me, proud baby bro.”
“I will. Thank you, Natsuo.”
The silence between the two of you was eerie as your brain wrapped around Natsuo’s idea of giving up his claim to the throne for you and his little brother to be happy, Shouto waiting for you to say something as he watched your face comprehend the words he told you.
“If we’re to be married, then why were you crying, Shouto?”
“They were happy tears, my love, because now I can finally do this.” And with that, he reaches into his pockets to pull out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a diamond ring. “So, Princess Y/N L/N of the L/N Kingdom, will you do me the honors of marrying me and becoming not only my Queen, but my beloved wife for the rest of our lives?”
“Forever and always, Shouto, forever and always.”
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bnha taglist: @shinsousama @samwritesss @atsumubabie @zoppzoop @the-black-birb @dumbassbrigade @bokuto-simp @allywritesimagines @nekoglasses @asweetpotato1 @seijoh​ @casasstrash​ @shoutokageyamafan​ @miyuswriting​ @bnhabookclub​  lmk if you would like to be added!
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
hi! do you have any favourite fantasy/mythology esque sakuatsu fics?
Haikyuu SakuAtsu fanfic recs: Fantasy Edition!!!!
To the anon who requested this, you are an ABSOLUTE GOD. I don’t know if you know, but fantasy AND mythology are some of my FAVORITE genres of ALL TIME. STILL, I saw the esque and I ran with it (cause there isn’t a lot of like pure fantasy or mythological journey fics ie. my poor excuse OOPS LOL and I wasn’t too sure what would be okay on this list AHAHA), so if it’s not the right kind of fics you were looking for, I’M SO SORRY :((((((( May this rec list be up to your expectations!!!!!! (And if it isn’t, feel free to re-request :’))))),,,, ALSO, ignore me switching between Sakusa and Omi LOL.)
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for each fic before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
if you make me feel in love / if you make me open up by volchitsae (E) 6.4k // this is a reincarnation AU, and it has a major folklore/japanese-ish mythology (gods) element to it. This honestly MIGHT be my favorite from this list cause it’s just done SO well and I LOVE the reunion after the TRAGEDY :’)))) I’m trying to be vague cause I REALLY don’t want to spoil this fic at ALL, so PLEASE read it heh.
my love, take your time by bastigod (T) 9k // this is another reincarnation AU, but this time it’s with greek-ish mythology :’D However, the fantasy part of it is kinda on the back burner (ahaha oops LOL). It becomes more apparent near the end of the fic, but the build up to it is worth reading, which is why it’s here LOL. I love how they added Sakusa’s own memories concerning certain things, and how he collected pieces of them in the museum! The writing is so good, but also, I’m a sucker for Omi making lists relating to Atsumu hehe.
your flame will not survive in this cold tundra by awkwardedgeworth (T) 26.5k // this is an AtLA AU, but even if you don’t know the show, you’ll still enjoy it! I absolutely love this fic and the plot is really AMAZING and asihfkjahsdkfjak their DEVELOPMENT. Especially with the separation of POV’s in both chapters (and what we get to see which we didn’t previously) UGH,,,, it was so GOOD. (Their other AtLA AU fics are really good too, so don’t be shy, go read them as well LOL.)
one life, one encounter by bastigod (G) 5.7k // this is a japanese-ish mythology AU, with our first appearance of foxsumu. We do stan Kita-san and Sakusa being friends with one another in this house :D This fic was really cute and Sakusa is so baby in this (but in a GOOD WAY), and when he talks to Atsumu at first,,, HE SOUNDED SO LONELY LIKE I’LL BE YOUR FRIEND :((((((
give me a moment so devoted by volchitsae (T) 4.5k // immortals! YES! I really really like this one and I think that their relationship in it was SO cute. I am really into the idea of Atsumu being insufferable throughout Omi’s lifetime and them having INSIDE JOKES AHHHHH. It’s really light and fluffy so if you just want some love in your life, this is the read :)
show you my best disguise by volchitsae (T) 5.1k // this one has NICE Sakusa in it (which I think should be more common fight me) and their relationship with one another is actually good from the beginning :D I love how naturally it progressed and how we get to see the habits slowly build as they spend time with one another. Very good fic, but not lots of magic until the end LOL. (There’s also a lot of poetry LOL.)
both our hands speak for us and complicate it by volchitsae (M) 8.6k // MAGIC/superpowers :D FIRST, the puns are such a nice touch to this fic and SECOND we do love the yachi/yama agenda being pushed here. I really like the conditions Sakusa’s powers have, and how that added to the plot (and the ending for that matter, may there be a universe where they can touch LOL). Honestly, the magic is also kinda back burner for this one and it focuses more on relationship dev. but it’s still a fun read so I added it LOL.
Rain and Its Incendiary Properties by firtree (M) 24.5k // so we get some Sakusa turning into vampire backstory in this one, and the revelation of more mythical beings LOL. Bless Komori and tbh Suna for being some MVP’s in this fic, we do love the familial bonds :)))) But also, the knowledge at the end does give some second hand embarrassment so brace yourself LOL.
two slow dancers by orphan_account (T) 1.2k // AHHHHHH BLOND SAKUSA! Also, yes another vampire fic. What? Sue me. This is just a load of fluff and sap from Atsumu, and warning: there ARE twilight references in this one ahahahaha. (If you thought that with this many vampire fics on the list, you would be safe from twilight, you obviously thought wrong.)
crimson colored lotus by sieges (M) 16.5k // this was a demon slayer AU LOL. TBH I haven’t watched DS, but you honestly don’t really need to in order to read this LOL. It’s explained really well and the writing is AMAZING! It’s not a linear fic, but you can read it in order if you so choose. I know it’s a stretch for this list, but it’s just that good, okay? LOL.
how can I not be moved (by you) by Ann1215 (T) 26.4k // this has warlock Atsumu (with an actual REASON for his blond-ness that isn’t Osamu) and halfling Sakusa, who is eventually a sap LOL. I really love fics with familiars and animals so this fic was one that I really liked hehe. The ending? Embarrassing but we do love the love LOL. Also the second part with Atsumu’s POV, FLUFF like, yes please give me all the love :DDDDD
enchanted to meet ya by zantetsvkens (T) 4.8k // FAST BURN but it makes sense. I agree with the a/n at the end for the confession, so there’s that LOL. I liked this one because the tactful provoking was SO good and funny for that matter HAH. But Sakusa WOULD be more concerned with the window costs than Atsumu’s wellbeing (it had to have been said).
when morning comes we'll be safe by bestcarrot (T) 2.7k // another demon slayer AU even though I’ve never read or watched ds? Yes. Again, sue me. I know it’s teeeeeeechnically a stretch BUT fox demon Atsumu...... (Also it’s written so well I felt like I needed to add it okay? :’)))))) AND yes, I WAS holding onto the no character death (YOU SHOULD TOO), the close ending was scary.
a boy is a thing with fangs by unthank (T) 3.5k // foxsumu! ngl I’ll just be straight up honest with you all, I added this for the response Sakusa has to Atsumu when they’re watching SunaOsa play shogi in the next fic LOL. I thought it was so funny and perfect for that moment please. Just,,,, forgive me once AHAHAH.
Falling For You (Literally) by Anubis_2701 (T) 6.5k // clumsy Atsumu makes me feel some type of way LOL. This is another NICE, soft Sakusa fic (like i said we need more: me pretending like I don’t see the tag for it LOL) and it’s just really cute. There’s some medical tings that occur (cause Omi is literally a magical medic LOL), but it’s just very FLUFF hehe.
The curse of a blessing by basinnit (E) 7.8k // CHECKING WARNINGS AND TAGS!!!!!!! I felt like I knew what was going to happen, but DENIAL IS NICE OKAY. Honestly, it seems short with it’s 7.8k word count, but with the number of mental breaks you’re gonna need,,,, it’ll seem long. Also, yes Atsumu punching people (one person in particular) because I would’ve too and I love that person >:((((( It looks scary and confusing with the tags, but I’d read it anyway LOL. (If you’re wondering, the magic is that Suna and Sakusa are warlocks LOL.)
The Fox Prince by cinnamonlove (T) 13.1k // okay there are some INSULTS thrown (and lots of cursing LOL) and so TW: LOTTA CURSE WORDS. Aside from that, we see once again MVP Komori making an appearance, but also vulnerable SakuAtsu near the end :0 It’s definitely an interesting fic, so that’s why it’s here LOL. (Also it’s like fake foxsumu but not really,,,, you’ll understand.)
the echoing halls by ohwickedsoul (T) 11.7k // GAH THIS ONE WAS SO GOOD. To read it though, some background knowledge (or google LOL) is needed cause the mythology references are very strong in this one. But I love when Sakusa was so desperate (honor’d light AUAHFKJDHFKJS) and Atsumu was aboutta (basically) punch him LOL. V GOOD V CUTE IN LOVE? I AM.
Did I just take this ask as an excuse to read a crap ton of fantasy/mythology AUs instead of doing any of my other work? Yes, yes I did. Also, I know it’s kinda short (LOL NOT ME SAYING THIS but I did NOT (surprising IK) put some of the fics I liked D:), but I tried to REALLY narrow it down a bit hehe. I hope I didn’t miss too many good ones, and I’m sorry for not really staying on ‘topic’ LOL. I realized while re-reading these that a lot of them are just Atsumu like meeting Sakusa by chance and being like dang, he’s hot. Gotta bother him forever ig? Thank you for the ask, it was really fun and I hope you liked the fics hehe :)
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Scarred Spirits - zuko x fem!reader (pt.6)
SUMMARY: Y/n has been tailing Azula since Omashu and struggles to carry out her mission while protecting what matters most (AHAHAH THIS WAS THE WORST SUMMARY EVER IM SORRY)
WORD COUNT: 4k (uh wow this is my longest piece ever and i- AHAHA)
WARNINGS: panic attacks, fighting, swearing, angst? Tbh if you’ve made it this far in the series nothing new I think (lmk if I forgot anything)
KEY: *** = flashback && italic = internal dialogue
PREVIOUS PARTS: part 1  /   part 2   /  part 3  /  part 4  /  part 5
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The cool breeze swept through the palanquin as Azula sat assuredly, ruling everything she passed. “Okay girls, Father has sent word that the machinery and our wonderful new pets will meet up with us soon to chase down the Avatar until he’s too exhausted to even think anymore! Then, we’ll be off to capture Zuzu and Uncle! Victory will be ours.”
“That sounds extremely boring.” Grumbling as if Mai had so much more better things to do with her time.
“Hmm, I have to disagree Mai. What would be more fun than making them feel like there’s no escape but having to fight which they would inevitably fail at trying to win because they’re tired beyond repair!! It will be such a sweet victory.” Letting out a small laugh that sounded nothing but maniacal to you, Mai didn’t say another word as Ty Lee giddily nodded in approval.
Now, that is a tragic sight to see despite how understandably so.
Azula, Ty Lee and Mai have been planning how to hunt down the additional target from the moment they all stepped out of Omashu. Yet, based on that recent encounter, it was more so Azula rather than anyone else. Luckily enough, you were able to stay out of sight the entire time, and nothing requiring you to intervene has occurred. It was only a matter of time before that lucky streak broke.
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After much contemplation and sleepless nights since the third anniversary, along with recent events, Zuko finally came to a conclusion. Approaching his uncle with great certainty, he finally let out what has been on his mind.
“Uncle, I thought a lot about what you said.”
“You did? Good, good.”
“It’s helped me realise something.” Letting out a deep breath, getting to the point came quite easily to him, especially since Iroh’s back was still faced towards him.
“We no longer have anything to gain by travelling together. I need to find my own way.”
Not wanting to stay for any of Iroh’s possible rebuttals, he silently reached for his belongings that he had pre-packed for the occasion and turned to make his solo journey into the forest. As he began to walk further into the woods on his own, Iroh knew he wouldn’t turn back for him, so he did the first thing he could think of to aid his nephew if he couldn’t physically be there for him.
“Wait!” Rushing over Iroh grabbed the Ostrich Horse and gave him to Zuko- for someone who has barely been exposed to the real world, he knew his nephew couldn’t do entirely on his own. Even if the animal couldn’t properly speak with him.
Accepting his uncles’ gesture, he climbed on top ready to get on with his own mission of sorts. On his own, Zuko would finally have the chance to do something he never had time to consider until now; find you.
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Looking out onto the horizon, the giant, ugly piece of machinery continued to charge its way towards a hopeless group of young teenagers. “Despite how much I hate that girl, I will admit, her determination is unparalleled.”
“You can say that again.”
It had been approximately three days since Azula received her new toy, and she spent every single minute catching up with the Avatar. To your relief, she seems to have finally caught sight of him, and hopefully, this would also mean that you might finally be able to stop tailing her. In the past three days, you haven’t managed to catch a single minute of sleep or a break, and while this was something you have experienced before, you were sure that your ride was more than ready to collapse at any second.
In all honesty, when a Fire Nation hawk landed near your campsite four days earlier, the last thing you expected was word that you would be receiving assistance for your mission. Not once before had this occurred since you’ve been entirely left to your own devices. You supposed it was because the stakes were too high this round.
I am pleased to hear that my daughter is able to catch sight of the Avatar and his assistants in crime against my great nation. While I am sure you are clearly focused on your task with ensuring Azula succeeds in bringing my disgraceful relatives back to the palace, you must extend your attention towards the new targets as well. Regarding my son and brother, I was disappointed when I heard word that they got away since I made it perfectly clear that you must finish the job. On this occasion, I will take the benefit of the doubt since it would be too suspicious if you completed the mission on Azula’s first attempt.
I have dispatched 3 mongoose lizards for Azula and her company. A fourth will be on its way for your use, as it is paramount that you do not let her fail whatsoever.
I have taken the precious and personal time out of my day to write and send this letter so that word does not reach my daughter of your mission. Let this also be a reminder of the possible bounty on your head if you choose to fail. I am sure the pitiful state of your body is enough of a reminder of what I can do to you.
Regardless of your past services to me, remember this is the ultimate test of your loyalty to your nation and me.
Your Fire Lord, Ozai.
Despite informing you that help that was on its way, you spent the rest of the night in a state of turmoil. Talk about having a way with words.
How in Spirits name did that stupid bird find me?! It flew away quickly too so I guess I don’t need to send anything back but… What am I really doing here?
Ozai seems to have some way of finding me so clearly, I can’t run away. Yet, I’m not going to allow him to take anyone back to the Capital…
Frozen in your thoughts, your focus stayed fixated on the fire you ignited earlier in the night.
Fuck I wish I could talk to her. She’d know the right thing to say, and everything would be okay again.
Roughly tugging at your braided hair, you held your legs to your chest desperately trying to clear your head. Stop, don’t think about her too.
Oblivious to any concept of time, when the first rays of yellow and orange peak over the horizon, your mind instantly enters a state of calm. Almost as if it were able to strengthen you from your core. Although while the problem remained, with a stronger mindset, you forced yourself to accept that you were just going to have to work it out further down the line. At this rate with Azula’s split focus, you weren’t even sure if you would have to take care of the Avatar or Zuko first.
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Funnily enough, it seemed that fate decided you would have to deal with both at the same time since Zuko has caught sight of Azula and friends and now you were tailing both him and his sister. How convenient.
I wonder where Iroh is? Didn’t he get away with Zuko when they ran off the ship?
After keeping out of sight through every moment Azula came even remotely close to Aang, you decided to follow her when she separated from Mai and Ty Lee. But before you entered the area to keep an eye on everything from afar, you noticed Zuko on his Ostrich Horse as if he was waiting for the right moment to interfere.
“Be careful Zuko.”
Whipping around at a speed that could give him whiplash, his face instantly turned into nothing short of a scowl when he recognised your voice.
“You again?! Whoever you are, you need to get away from me. Leave. Me. Alone!”
Attempting and failing to take a step closer to him as he steers his horse a few steps back. “I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m just trying to protect you, that’s all I want to do. If I could have it my way, you’d be far away from this place; away from Azula. You can’t trust her. This isn’t right, and you should be somewhere that could give you a fresh start, like Ba Sing Se.”
“As if you would know anything about Azula or why I’m here! I need to regain my honour, and I’m doing the right thing! Stop trying to meddle with my life when your role in it is completely insignificant!”
An indignant sigh passes through your lips. “Fine. Just be careful. Please.”
Scowling at you once more Zuko tugs the reigns on his ostrich horse to take him further into the abandoned village. You try not to let his anger get to you, but at this point, you’re unsure if you’re more upset or annoyed with his attitude. Sighing under your mask, you do a quick check that all of your weapons are strapped in place since it seems that this interaction isn’t about to end peacefully.
“Let’s do this.”
Hopping off your new lizard friend, you stealthy broke through one of the broken windows of a nearby building, ensuring that you were staying out of sight.
Ah, it seems he wasn’t wasting any time.
“Back off Azula. He’s mine.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
As the three of them got into their fighting stances, you almost wanted to jump in right then and there to help Aang. The sight of his painfully dark under circles was too much of an indicator that this fight wasn’t going to be an easy one.
Making the first move, Azula strikes her blue fire towards Zuko. Luckily enough for him, he was able to deflect it with his own. Observing the fight take place before you, it eventually gravitates further away, leaving you to only listen to what is occurring from your hidden spot.
I wonder how long until I’ll have to step in. With both Zuko and Azula on the offence, it’s clear that one of them is going to get hurt. Something tells me it’s not going to be Azula either. If only he fought smarter rather than harder.
What. A. Pity.
Soon enough, your suspicions were confirmed when you heard Zuko let out an angered scream, followed by a loud crash. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t let out a small snicker at that.
As Aang comes back into view, you scan around for an exit knowing that if you stay where you are, you’ll get caught. Yet when you make your move to run, half of the roof is swiped off clean, causing him to plummet towards the ground. Abandoning any thought, you sprint back to where he’s about to land, quickly catching him.
Stunned that there was another person in a building, Aang frantically looked around, trying to identify who it was that caught him. Eventually, he noticed your eyes peering through some of the broken wooden ceiling around him, your black mask confirming that it was you. “Woah! What…? Oh spirits, it’s you!”
Eye’s widening at how fast he managed to work out that it was you, you desperately tried to dig yourself into the wreckage as you felt Azulas fire coming closer. “Shhh! She’s coming.”
“What? How do you know-?”
As Azula saunters into the building, her infamous smirk adorning her face. Wordlessly lighting up the room's perimeter in flames, Aang begins to struggle against the piece of wood on top of him, consequently crushing you further from under him.
Letting out a small grunt, you scold him under your breath, “stay calm.”
Your inner peace y/n.
Just as Azula raised her right hand to strike, you closed your eyes, imagining a moment you felt at peace. A moment that made you forget all of the chaos your created in the world.
Cold, smooth fingertips tenderly reached out towards you, instinctively making your lungs tightly squeeze together as she brushed the hair out of your eyes. The delicate giggle emitting from her pink stained lips was enough for you to lose all sense of constraint as you take a small step towards her. Hesitantly as you stare that the ground, you take her hand in yours, stroking the back of it with your thumb. The action is so small yet feels so loud in your chest because this is as close as its ever gotten.
Just when you’re about to pull it away completely, terrified that you’ve gone too far, her other hand reaches up, lifting your chin ever so softly as she makes you look at her.
“It’s funny y/n, because even though I’ve lived here my whole life, I’ve never seen snow look quite as beautiful as it does in your hair.”
When you reopen them, the heat of your fire runs its way through your veins and your fingertips. The fallen remains all around you burst away, freeing yourself and Aang from its constrains. Seeing your golden fire of pure energy light up the room, Azula is stunned into place, instantly recognising it from the day she visited your cell all those years ago. Glowing golden, eyes peering into the deepest parts of her, it's unnerving how the unusual feeling sinks into her bones. Yet, her moments of distraction leave her as Katara reaches the entryway whipping her arm with water.
Complete rage fills Azula’s body. Not only had she been wholly blindsided by your presence, but she also lost focus. And Azula never loses focus.
Whirling around, she strikes at Katara, sending her running out into the open. Needing to make up for her prior incompetence, Azula runs after her.
“Woah! How did you do that?! That was so cool.”
“There’s no time; you need to go out there and help your friends. Never underestimate that princess.”
Aang’s amazement towards how you freed both of you from the crushing weight of the ceiling faltered as he noticed your choice of words.
“Come with me. Please. I need you.”
Sensing the certainty of his decision, you brushed off some ash from your clothing, wordlessly making your way out of the building.
I’m going to regret this.
With Aang following closely behind, you both join Sokka and Katara, and they face Azula, ready to corner her. Yet she wasn’t giving up just yet. Sending her fire with precision, she takes turns in having a shot at each of you. Luckily enough, you were all able to hold your own.
Backing away slowly, you can tell she thinks that she’s almost about to get a proper hold of the entire situation. But to your greatest joy, she falls flat on her face.
“I thought you guys could use a little help.”
This must be Aangs new earth bending teacher.
“Thanks.” Did Katara just smile?!
Not wasting the opportunity that came with their small distraction, she makes a run for an ally as an escape. Although, once again, she is faced with another hurdle being Iroh, ultimately allowing all seven of you to finally corner her.
In true fashion, she doesn’t allow it to bother her one bit, “well, look at this. Enemies and traitors all working together.”
Taking in everyone one by one, she pauses when her eyes lock with yours. “Even you. Pathetic scum, it seems you still haven’t learnt your lesson. I always told father we should have disposed of you from the moment we caught you.” With that comment, you see Zuko glance towards you in your peripheral vision. This is nowhere near the time right now coal brain.
“I’m done.” Raising her arms in surrender, you almost want to laugh. Do these people seriously believe Azula right now?
“I know when I’m beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honour.” Standing before everyone, you instinctively fixate yourself on her, searching for a microexpression to indicate what she’s really about to do.  Her smug smile clearly shows that she’ll most likely attack. But who?
By the time she decides on her target, it’s too late. Sending a direct stream of fire towards Iroh, Zuko lets out a horrified scream, instinctively setting off everyone to attack with their element, or weapon in Sokkas case. You on the other hand, rushed to Iroh’s side knowing that the others were more than capable on their own.
As he lays passed out on the ground, panic slowly swarms in your chest. Fuck, another person is dying because of me! I literally saw her focus on him!
Placing your hands on his chest, you let out a deep breath trying to remember a trick you learned on a mission a while back when you got a deep cut to your side. Focusing on him and his faint heartbeat, despite being a bit shaky, you were able to use your fire, providing him with enough energy to bring his breathing to a steady rate. But the moment was short-lived when you heard an explosion go off, giving Zuko the opportunity to get to his uncle's side, and in turn, shove you away from him.
“Get off him! You’re always in the way! Arghhhh!”
Haistly scrambling to your feet, you stand beside Sokka, understanding that it’s best you try not to help him right now. Katara, on the other hand, didn’t seem to share those feelings with you.
“Zuko, I can help.”
“LEAVE!” as he strikes towards you and everyone else, you stumbled backwards. Memories of a similar flame being struck towards you by his father felt like something inside you snapped. While not directly hitting you, the heat radiating down upon you caused your head to spin, and vision to blur.
It seemed that despite training with fire for the past three years, the action coming from him sent you down a spiral incomparable to anything else.
i-I can’t... I’m…
The earth bender girl immediately sensing what was happening to you didn’t hesitate, “Sokka! Grab her! Quickly, we need to go to Appa.”
“What?! Why me!”
“Shut up!! Her heart rate is literally through the roof right now. We need to help her! Can’t you see her shaking right in front of you?!”
Finally taking a good look at your trembling form, Sokka was too stunned to move.
Aang immediately agreeing with Toph, nudges him before setting off in the direction of Appa. “Sokka, NOW!”
Snapping out of his panicked, frozen state, he rushes towards you, scooping you up into his arms.
“Oh Spirits, I am so so sorry if I’m invading your personal space right now. Please, I’m so sorry. It’ll only be until we reach Appa, okay? I’m so…”
Fisting the cloth of his shirt, you shake your head. “It’s o-okay.” Pushing your face into his chest, you try to regulate your breathing in time with his heartbeat. Something was so unexplainably comfortable about having someone hold you that all of the memories of Ozai burning you, began to make its way back into the depths of your mind. So comforting, that at some point between the village and Appa, you passed out.
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When you awoke again, you were high up in the clouds with the sun high in the air. How long was I out?
Deciding to sit upright, the first thing you see is the Water Tribe siblings and the earth kingdom girl facing you.
At first, you thought Toph was about to speak up, yet it seemed that Katara’s suspicions of you beat her to the punch. “Don’t think of moving too fast or trying anything! You're cornered now.”
Your eyebrows raised at that. “Alright, then. How would you like me?”
Upon, hearing your voice Aang physically perked up, completely beaming that you were awake. Without a second thought, he trusted that Appa would be able to fly for a bit on his own, making his way to all of you.
“I’m so glad that you’re okay! I was really worried about you.” Taking his place next to Katara, you were shocked at the stark contrast between his attitude towards you, and hers. It’s like he genuinely cares. Well… I guess that makes sense considering he’s an Air Nomad. Oh spirits, does this mean he’s going to pay even more attention to me than when we first met?!
“Uh… thanks. I appreciate it, but you really didn’t have to.”
“No, of course I did! Plus, I’m grateful that you helped me out with Azula! It’s the least we could do. Right guys?” Still having his glowing smile, he turns to his friends, and it seemed that the only one who truly looked indifferent with the entire matter was the earth kingdom girl who just nodded.
“Thanks, Toph!” Finally, a name.
Once again, Katara was displeased, “yeah whatever. If she’s going to stay with us, she’s going to have to tell us who she is. Don’t think we didn’t hear what Azula said back there about you. You need to explain what she meant by that. How does she know you, and what do you have to do with the Fire Lord?!”
At those questions, you weren’t too happy either, “I don’t want to stay with you! I just need to leave and find Azula again.”
For the first time since you woke up, Sokka decided to say something. “Why would you ever want to do that?! Why do you keep wanting to go back to her when you keep getting separated?! If you ask me it’s clearly a sign that you should stay away because she’s completely insane! She even knows you followed her and everything, so she’s going to have her guard up.”
“You don’t understand. If I don’t get back to Azula, people are going to get hurt. I’ve literally saved your lives on two occasions just by tailing her. Now, think about all of the people she can harm when no one’s watching. I’m also a threat to all of your destinies by being here.”
Uncomfortable with the tension that’s been building at an alarming rate, Aang moves so that he’s sitting in between you and the other three. “Okay, I understand, but could you please explain why you’re a threat by being here? You need to stay safe too, your life matters just as much as everyone else’s and even though you’ve proven yourself more than capable of protecting yourself, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll be safe if you go to her and I can't let you go knowing your life is at risk.”
“Aang, there are always risks. Spirits, all four of you are at risk, but you know that it's for the greater good to end this war.”
He shakes his head. “It’s not the same. We have each other; we look after each other. You don’t have that. Please. You don’t have to tell us everything now. I understand since we’ve only met once before, but I promise no matter what it will all be okay and you can be apart of our team. Our family.”
On that note, you hesitated. A family?
No. The spirits have made it clear enough that a family is not in my cards.
“That sounds great, but I don’t think it’ll work out.”
Sokka lets out a frustrated groan, “What? Of course, it will! I know I’m not your biggest fan, but it's clear you’re just as against the Fire Nation as the rest of us!”
Looking around at all of their faces, you can tell that even though Sokka and mainly Katara, still clearly have their reservations about you, they understand where Aang is coming from. Heck, if it meant that they had another person on their side and against Azula and the Fire Nation, that was already a win. You almost felt guilty when you saw their horrified faces as you revealed the truth.
“It won’t work because I’m the Fire Lords personal assassin.”
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 taglist: @slythergirlimagines​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @whiskeywinter89​​​ @kaylove12​​ @simplyfandomish​​ @khaleesi-of-assassins​ @callums-keith​ @ilovespideyyy​ @calciumcow​ @blackhood5sos​ @nnon-it-up​ @lozzybowe​ @scarletemeterio​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @simpinforsukka​ @chewymoustachio​ @tiffy119​ @sokkassuki​ @spearbatty​
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a/n: hehe hiya friends!! Thanks for reading hehe I hope you enjoyed!! Lelel lmk your thoughts or any predictions for what you think is guna happen next hehe
alsoooo did anyone spot my lil inserts for our second lead? AHAHAHAHAHA
don’t fear either!! Zuko will learn eventually hehehe
but anyway i would love to hear from all of you if you have any feedback as well :))
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whyiask · 3 years
There are so many people I’ve met on this site, so many friends I’ve made. I joined tumblr only a few months ago, but my life has already drastically improved. I smile more and laugh more and I feel happier all the time, knowing that you all are just a click away. I’ve often heard people refer to tumblr as a hellsite, but I don’t fully agree with that. True, some things on here are crazy, but more than that, I’ve found people like me. I’ve found people who understand me, who think like me and feel like I do. Ya know, before I joined tumblr, I had never met another bisexual person(crazy, right?). Y’all have made life more enjoyable and happier and brighter, and for that, I’ll never be able to thank you enough.
I have soooo many people I have to thank, so I’ll try to keep the list of people as short as possible: all my closest friends and all the people who have been amazing and I have loved seeing since I joined tumblr earlier this year <33
@one-neat-nerd you were the first blog to ever follow me, and I don’t remember if you were the first blog I followed, but you definitely were in the first 10. You were a wonderful introduction to tumblr, and I love everything you post/reblog. We’ve never really talked, but I still want you to know that I appreciate you.
@warblerjeff you’ve changed your url more than 3 times since I first followed you, and it always takes me a second to recognize you aha! But when I do, I’m immediately have a rush of happy memories- all your Glee posts and all of the Glee content I get from you. We’ve never really talked, but seeing you on my dash is always so amazing.
@jesussavedevenme aha hi! We’ve never really talked, but you were one of the first few blogs I followed when I first joined tumblr, and I know I tagged you in a lot of stuff at first (because i didn’t have any other friends lmao), so sorry about that! 😅 You’re really cool and I hope you have an amazing 2021.
@strawberry-seraph we haven’t talked in a while, sorry about that! Talking with you is always super fun, you’re a fun person and I hope your having a great day! You were one of the first TLC blogs I followed and you were definitely the first actual friend I had on tumblr. Thanks for being so nice to me <33
@cerenoya Ceren... where to begin. We haven’t talked a whole lot, but you are such an amazing friend and super kind when we do! You were my first tumblr idol for so long, because I aspired to be like you/run a blog as cool as yours!! Have a great 2021, you deserve it.
@cindersnightmare I felt very distant from you when I first followed you. You were just so COOL and your artwork was so GOOD, I didn’t know how to approach or even begin to express my love for your work. When you followed me back, I tell you, I was s h o o k. We’ve never talked, but I consider you a friend, is that okay? You’re amazing, keep being amazing <33
@books-and-starss oh gosh- I don’t even know where to begin with you! I love you so much, first of all!! So, so much. I love talking with you, you’re really sweet and ahhhh your writing is SO GOOD!!!! You are a great beta reader and so eager to help me- it just warms my heart that you would offer up your time to help me. Everything you reblog is so positive and encouraging and awesome, it’s so nice to see that kind of stuff on my dash. All the aesthetic pictures you reblog are super cool and pleasing to look at. I absolutely ADORE seeing you on my dash every day. <33333
@dylxn-lee aha hello there!! I first met you because you were one of Abi’s friends, but now I’m in your fanclub and ilysm. You’re really cool and nice and deserve to have a wonderful year <333
@theaberrantone ahaha for so long I pronounced your name wrong in my head- I just want you to know... I see you. I see you every day, liking every single one of my posts. I see you in my notifs many times a day and I just- wow. It means so much to me, I am honestly so touched that someone as cool as you takes the time to scroll through my mess of a blog and like the things I slap into it. You’re amazing and someday I aspire to be as cool as you <333333
@mochiowo-20 hi there :333 ilysm, and we haven’t talked for a few weeks, and I haven’t gone through your blog in a while, but I STILL LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You are amazing and ily. Your so sweet and cool and ahhhh you deserve to have the most wonderful 2021 ever. (i love your blog aesthetic btw) <333
@teawithhoneyharper I know you’re taking a break from tumblr for a while, but if you do see this, then I want you to know that I care about you so much. I love you Darcy, and you are amazing. I hope your mental health is getting better and I hope life has been better to you <33 ilysm, take care of yourself, and have a wonderful new year <333
@fablehavenfandom hi there friend!! Your posts are amazing!! I love your writing so much!!! and all your headcanons are beautiful and I 100% think of them as canon now. I hope you’re having a great day, and I hope you have a great year <33
@fairiesandstarlight omG your posts are all so cool! You’ve got a beautiful blog aesthetic and I love everything you post!! I hope you’re having a wonderful new year love <333 wishing you the best
@maya-livingstone hi there!! you’re a very, very new mutual, but I hope we’ll be able to get to know each other and become friends over the course of this new year!! I also just got the Renegades series, and I’ve noticed you like that, so hopefully we’ll be able to talk about that soon!!
@pluckycluckyducky hi plucky!! It’s Joy from the nevermoor server. we haven’t interacted on here very much, but you’re really cool and you should know it. have a wonderful 2021 <33
@fablehavenandfandomsfanatic hi there!! you had to break for a while, but you’re back now and I love all of the things you post! Have a great year <3
@fablehavenfangirl you’re really cool! Everything you post/reblog is great and I enjoy just scrolling through your blog when I’m bored. You’re amazing, keep being amazing <3
@renegadenebulahufflepuff heyyyy! how are you doing? you’re amazing, we haven’t talked much but you’re really cool and I am wishing you only the best for 2021 <333
@bookishfangirl14 hey there!! I love seeing you in my notifs!! we don’t have very many overlapping fandoms at the moment, but you’re still really cool and I love looking at your blog (even if i don’t understand most of the posts). aha, i hope you have a wonderful new year <33
@introvertedtater-tot hii! we don’t talk much, despite having a LOT of overlapping fandoms, and I don’t know why. Let’s fix that this year, shall we? I hope I can get to know you more, you’re amazing and sweet and i hope we can build up a solid friendship in the coming months <33
@devils-on-a-stereo oh my GOD. Okay, honestly? I am still s h o o k that you actually follow me, I mean, c’mon. Your art is literally the coolest thing ever, and I am honored to know you. You deserve way more attention as an artist than you have, and honest to god you are the coolest most  i c o n i c  blog I know. Stay awesome ;)
@its-liiinh-cinder-official heyyy there!! You are literally a top-notch comedian, I aDORE all of your ‘linh cinder’s random posts’. They are hilarious and your stories are hilarious, and you seem like such an amazing and chaotic person. I wish i knew you in real life, you would be so fun to hang out with. i love seeing you on my dash every day, and you’ve got such a v i b e going on. Have a beautiful, wondrous, and magical 2021 darling <333333
@just-another-freaking-dreamer it’s so awesome to see you in my notifs all the time. You’re really cool and you deserve cool things. Have a wonderful new year and I hope we can become better friends and interact more <3
@ragingbisexualcore ahhaahah you are the single most chaotic person I know. If you lived in a book, you would FOR SURE be that one character who is dead set on overthrowing the government and cackling madly as you take over the world. You are amazing and I hope you take your chaotic self and go wild in 2021.
@queenofsassgard hey there!! I hope you know that occasionally I just go scrolling through your archives and liking everything- anyways, you’re amazing and I hope you have a wonderful new year!
@elysian-starbucks-frappe heyo! what’s up? I hope you’re doing great, you deserve to do great. You’re super cool and amazing and ahhhhh you just deserve to have a wonderful 2021. ily and have a great year <33
@as-the-stars-foretold Caelum. You. Are. Fantabulous. You are my mother, you adopted me into this weird, chaotic friend group, and I will be eternally grateful. You love the stars and I love listening to you ramble about them in the server. You’re so passionate and strong and I love that about you. Life wouldn’t be the same without you. You might love stars, but you yourself ARE a star. You are a star, you shine brilliantly, and you are too good for this galaxy. We don’t deserve you. I love you so much, and you deserve every single goddamb good thing in this universe. You’re always there, ever present, and I love you so. much. Please stay your fantabulous self and I wishing on every star I see that you will have the best 2021 ever <333333
@carolinelikesdinner Carol. God, I have so much to say to you. First of all, thank you. Thank you so much for being you. You first introduced me into the big wide world of the Fablehaven fandom, and ilysm. You’re so cool, too cool for me, and I treasure every single conversation I have with you. You’re so funny and an amazing artist. All of your art is SO DAMB SPECTACULAR. You are gorgeous, your art is gorgeous, and your writing is gorgeous too. Take care of yourself love, stay safe, and have the best 2021 you possibly can <3333333333333
@operation-crown-jewels Caraaaaaaaaa ilysmmmm <3333333333333 I love talking with you and I love you so. freaking. much. I can’t even- I can’t even describe how much i love you. You are so special and sweet and supportive and I just can’t- you have NO IDEA how much that means to me, how much all your little comments mean to me. You are amazing, and special, and ahhhhh. You are SO special. So unique. And I’ll never find another friend like you <33333333333
@addies-invisible-life hey emma :3 You are actually the coolest person I know.You are so capable and smart and beautiful. You are kind and supportive and you are open to everyone who talks to you. You love with all your heart, and I love that about you. In everything you do, I can see the love behind it, the work and effort and love that you put into it. Every conversation I have with you lifts me up and energizes me(which is really rare because most conversations tire me). I still, after all this time, still can’t believe that a person as amazing as you even chooses to be friends with me. I love you so much and I will never stop loving you. You deserve the world, but I can’t give you that, so just take my reassurances that I will ALWAYS, NO MATTER WHAT, be here for you. ily and have a wonderful 2021 <3333333333333333333333333333333333333
@arushahisatroll my god. Ru, I love you so much. You are my internet girlfriend and I care about you so much. You are incredible, honestly. Your art is immaculate and you’re always so cheerful and fill me up with energy just THINKING about you. you always eager to commit arson, which is a very good trait, and I love plotting crimes with you. Every time I see your icon, my face lights up and I internally scream, bc “oh my god someone as perfect as ru exists in this world- i didn’t know that was possible.” You are the best, you are the absolute best, my bestie, and ily. Have a spectacular and immeasurably awesome 2021 <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
@starry-tea-party Abina. Abina you are my rock. You are my light, my star, my sunshine, my galaxy. I love you so much, I can’t even begin to describe it. I don’t know if I can do justice to just how much you’ve helped me. Words... words have never been my strong suit. I love writing because I can weave stories together, piece together words I like to form sentences, and use those sentences to form narratives. Writing has always been easier for me than talking.... because in writing, I don’t have to worry what others will think, or how others will perceive me. I select the best words, and I present those words- the words I meticulously chose and nit-picked- to the audience. Life is a stage, and I have never been great at improv. I often find it hard to tell people things, to convey my meaning in the best possible way and to know exactly what words I need in any given situation. Talking is hard for me. But with you... with you, I never have to monitor what I’m saying. I never feel the need to reread and reread my messages before sending to make sure everything is in perfect order. It’s... it’s easy to talk to you. It’s easy to speak and I don’t worry when I’m with you. You make me feel so at ease, and I love you so much. I don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing, because I know that you’ll always support me and be by my side with a kind word and a heart of gold. Because that’s who you are. You are a creator, a dreamer, a lover, a visionary. You’re a friend. You are the hand that pulls people out of the water. The light that shines the pathway. You are the rock- the mountain we stand upon and look out over the beautiful sea. We look down at the seas below us and say, “how have we climbed so high already?” The reason is because you stand so tall, so bright and so magical, that we climb, we climb and we look out at the world below us. Not only are you tall, strong, powerful, but you lift people up right alongside you. There is nothing like the high of seeing the world stretch out beneath your feet, swinging you legs through the open air but knowing you’ll never fall. You represent that high in my mind. You represent and you remind me of the exhilaration of feeling untouchable- uplifted by love and kindness, able to reach heights you’ve never been to before. There is so much that can come when someone extends their hand to you. So much more can be achieved when there are two, holding each other up. You have held me up for so long. Every since we met, you have brought a smile to my face at the thought of you. Every time I think of you, my heart swells and I can’t breathe. Every comment you make or put on something I post has me screaming internally ans smiling uncontrollably. Whenever I see your icon I know my day is about to get one million times better. So thank you, Abi. For being my rock.
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